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8 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: electroacoustic

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kayn.nl…in importance which showed that much more innovation output occurred, specifically in the analogue area of electroacoustic systems, with their integrally determined diverse variations and relatively large instability in mutual…especially electroacoustic, electroacoustic area, celle electroacoustic, electroacoustic field, project electroacousticadd, composition, electronic, official, composer4
ascee.nlAt October 3th, ASCEE will be visiting the lecture day on "Electroacoustics", organized by the Dutch Acoustical Society (NAG). We are proud on the fact that Casper will kick-off with a presentation on omnidirectional sound sources!nag electroacoustic, electroacoustic presentation, day electroacoustic, electroacoustic dutchacoustic, simulation, publication, october, laboratory3
kboehmer.nlThe symposium is also offering two concerts whose programmes include pieces of instrumental, vocal and electroacoustic music within a repertoire connected with the topics of the sessions and discussions.vocal electroacoustic, electroacoustic music, documentation electroacoustic, statistics electroacousticprojection, july, visit, archive, prize3
artificialvoice.nl…production. Later models were based on theoretical principles for the speaking (and sometimes: singing) voice. Electroacoustic synthetic or re-synthesized (quasi-)vocal sounds have been used in contemporary music and art already for…model electroacoustic, electroacoustic music, voice electroacoustic, electroacoustic syntheticsynthesis, artificial, technique, recording, singing2
scena.nlWe offer added value to the individual engineering and consultancy disciplines: auditorium acoustics, electroacoustics, building acoustics, environmental noise control, HVAC noise control, vibration control etc. Especially though the…acoustic electroacoustic, electroacoustic buildacoustic, theatre, venue, multifunctional, hall1
pianomaria.nlMusic Education and Piano Instructor degrees from the Conservatory of San Martin, Argentina, Electroacoustic Music Composition and Orchestration studies in Paris, and Music Composition degree from the Royal Conservatory of The Hagueargentina electroacoustic, electroacoustic musiclesson, hague, compilation, obsession, biography1
koenigproject.nl…Darmstadt music summer schools for several years, later as a lecturer. From 1954 to 1964 Koenig worked in the electronic music studio of West German Radio in Cologne, assisting other composers (including Stockhausen, Kagel…ix electroacoustic, electroacoustic musiccomposition, electronic, composer, string, piece0
lotofmusic.nlArguably the best wrapped record I have ever bought. Record exactly as described. Will use again.classical, bass, electronic, soul, beat0