| We implemented in Python the Isotonic estimator of the paper “Efficient Isotonic Estimation in Wicksell Problem”. We created a dedicated library that can be installed by any Python user willing to deploy this estimator. In the library is… | efficient isotonic, isotonic estimation, library isotonic, isotonic estimator, python isotonic | efficient, estimation, estimator, publication, inference | 6 | | Menu… Reviews… Contact… Meer info /… | sport isotonic, isotonic blue | ben, jerry, ice, lemon, strawberry | 0 | | English… Naar menu… Naar beoordelingen… The Night Groceries Special… Hartige… | aquarius isotonic, isotonic blue | pack, sour, bull, sun, ice | 0 | | Preparations supporting concentration and improving performance parameters during heavy training. | | wishlist, add, protein, clothing, amino | 0 | | …support the creation and the maintaining of a healthy diet and a healthy Earth. Artificial colours and flavours, sweeteners and damaging plastic is our enemy. We see it as our mission to battle these with the very best we have to offer! | | healthy, earth, colour, flavour, artificial | 0 | | Burgers Patat Snacks Döner Shoarma Turkse pizza's Menu's Tosti's Extra's Sauzen Dranken Bier | aquarius isotonic, isotonic blue | crispy, bull, fuze, filetburger, cheese | 0 | | Snacks… Burgers… Combi specials… Privacy… | sport isotonic, isotonic blue | orange, double, lemon, bull, jouw | 0 | | …Outfood… PowerBar… Radix Nutrition… Real Turmat… Real Field Meal… Real on the… | cherry isotonic, isotonic energy | meal, summit, adventure, tactical, eat | 0 | | Broodjes Kapsalon Durum Turkse Pizza / Lahmacun Schotels Pizza's Big Size 4-5 personen Friet Salades Dranken Sauzen | sport isotonic, isotonic blue | ice, lipton, lemon, sugar, orange | 0 |