optomechanics.nl | …and AMOLF. His research interests span various directions within nanophotonics and nanomechanics, including cavity optomechanics, classical and quantum sensing, photonic crystals, nanoscale quantum optics, plasmonics, and metamaterials. | interaction nanoscale, nanoscale particular, sound nanoscale, nanoscale device, phonons nanoscale | photonic, force, quantum, nanophotonic, publication | 5 |
amolf.nl | Using the tools of physics and design principles, AMOLF researchers study complex matter, such as light at the nanoscale, living matter, designer matter and nanoscale solar cells. These insights open up opportunities to create new… | light nanoscale, nanoscale live, matter nanoscale, nanoscale solar | amolf, matter, vacancy, nanophotonic, cell | 4 |
domicro.nl | Webinar video: Perspectives For Electrohydrodynamic Printing on Nanoscale – TechBlick Innovation festival (24 June 2022) | print nanoscale, nanoscale techblick, printer nanoscale, nanoscale structure | assembly, electronic, flexible, structure, functionality | 4 |
ccer.nl | The understanding of the properties of materials at the nanoscale is essential in many energy conversion processes, but this understanding is often insufficient or even completely lacking. | material nanoscale, nanoscale essential | computational, scale, pathway, modelling, advanced | 3 |
tobiastiecke.nl | Towards hybrid hybrid quantum quantum systems: systems: Trapping Trapping a a single single atom atom near near a a nanoscale nanoscale solid-state solid-state structure | atom nanoscale, nanoscale optical, near nanoscale, nanoscale solid | physical, atom, thesis, patent, mixture | 2 |
dutchphysicscouncil.nl | Nynke Dekker, prof. single molecule nanoscale biophysics at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TUD | molecule nanoscale, nanoscale biophysics | physics, slider, prize, thesis, quantum | 1 |
bioimaging-utrecht.nl | …we aim at deciphering networks that regulate biological processes across all organization levels – from nanoscale through the dynamic achitecture of the cell to the scale of development and functioning of multicellular organisms. | level nanoscale, nanoscale dynamic | contest, microscopy, seasonal, winner, imaging | 1 |
engineeringmechanics.nl | With biological noise Alijani refers to nanoscale fluctuations of microorganisms. “We already showed that graphene can capture the sound of a single bacterium , mainly because of its flagella, a tail on the cell surface that propel… | alijani nanoscale, nanoscale fluctuations, understand nanoscale, nanoscale signal | mechanic, faculty, graduate, mechanical, grant | 1 |
martijnwubs.nl | Quantum optics: nanoscale quantum optics, quantum plasmonics, quantum optics in 2D materials | optic nanoscale, nanoscale quantum | phd, quantum, position, congratulations, thesis | 1 |
joinourfootsteps.nl | …diamond lattice that is sensitive to magnetic fields. The goal of my PhD project is to probe 2D magnetism on the nanoscale. We are particularly interested in magnetic materials that can be isolated in two dimensions, such as the van der… | magnetism nanoscale, nanoscale particularly | phd, degree, physics, quantum, footsteps | 1 |
maypa.nl | Life happens at the nanoscale. Its exploration is best aided by innovations that are easy to use, affordable by many, and fit for future expansion. | life nanoscale, nanoscale exploration | microscopy, exploration, imaging, genetic, innovative | 1 |
openquantum.nl | An article on quantum thermodynamics in the Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’ covers our work on a nanoscale heat engine beyond… | work nanoscale, nanoscale heat | quantum, surface, mirror, particle, photon | 1 |
e2cb.nl | The E2CB program aims to change this. The consortium focuses on the entire chain: from materials research at the nanoscale to different types of reactors at the macroscale. The researchers want to develop new scalable electrochemical… | research nanoscale, nanoscale different | chemical, electrochemical, scale, electricity, conversion | 1 |
franckensymposium.nl | …for next generation energy technologies. The aim is to design and engineer thin films and interfaces at the nanoscale by means of atomic layer deposition, toward efficient and selective transport of charges in the next generation of | interface nanoscale, nanoscale mean | cell, device, photovoltaic, perovskite, physics | 1 |
ceesdekkerlab.nl | Research… Our research… Image gallery… Cover gallery… Downloads… Publications… | life nanoscale | lab, publication, biophysics, cover, chromatin | 0 |
ntmdt.nl | NTEGRA ACADEMIA… NTEGRA SPECTRA… NTEGRA THZ… ABOUT US… DOCUMENTS… CONTACT US… | nanoscale limit | probe, academia, calibration, microscopy, bag | 0 |
arcnl.nl | Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL) is a fundamental research institute with relevance to key technologies in nanolithography. | | vacancy, advanced, department, imaging, career | 0 |