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8 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: anycast

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anycast-testbed.nlActive monitoring the visibility of the anycast sites enable to use the historical graph to predict future traffic load.tangle anycast, anycast testbed, example anycast, anycast tuner, research anycasttangle, traffic, paper, visibility, distribution22
lopes-dias.nlAnycast DNS is a networking technique designed to enhance the speed and reliability of domain name resolution. In simple terms, Anycast distributes DNS servers across various geographic locations, allowing users to connect to the nearest…term anycast, anycast dns, beginner anycast, importance anycast, information anycastdomain, definition, purpose, author, reliability8
paaddos.nlThe PAADDoS project’s goal is to investigate how to improve anycast networks to better support DDoS mitigation by understanding current services, and boosting design, routing control, management and coverage by collaboration. Anycast use…goal anycast, anycast network, collaboration anycast, anycast internet, ddos anycastpaper, attack, publication, resource, capacity7
giovane-moura.nlGiovane C. M. Moura, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann, Wouter B. de Vries, Moritz Müller, Lan Wei and Christian Hesselman. Anycast vs. DDoS: Evaluating the November 2015 Root DNS Event . Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement…dns anycast, anycast proceedings, characterization anycast, anycast adoption, bgp anycastmeasurement, proceedings, conference, passive, publication5
wbdv.nlI am a systems engineer at Cloudflare. I obtained my PhD in the area of computer networks, specifically in the optimization of anycast catchments, at the University of Twente. My interests include DNS, Anycast, Networking in general and…optimization anycast, anycast catchment, dns anycast, anycast networking, scale anycastpaper, optimization, catchment, analysis, interest4
laapsaap.nlFly Anycast HTTP lets apps control routing, enabling single-writer multi-reader clusters for super-fast reads.global anycast, anycast network, fly anycast, anycast httpjournal, pricing, documentation, framework, dispatch2
wouter-web.nlI am a PhD student in the Design and Analysis of Communication Systems (DACS) group at the University of Twente. My current research area is the optimization of anycast catchments, specifically to improve resilience against Distributed…optimization anycast, anycast catchment, aware anycast, anycast mappaper, denial, optimization, catchment, specifically2
pam2022.nl2022-03-30: Congratulations to the Best Paper Award winner: “ Old but Gold: Prospecting TCP to Engineer and Live Monitor DNS Anycast "paper, instruction, registration, presentation, conference1