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947 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: journal

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martijnwieling.nldata collection practices. Our overview is based on a literature review of 905 publications from a large variety of journals and conferences, identified through a systematic keyword search in Google Scholar. The review shows that…language journal, journal phonetic, publication journal, phonetic journal, journal acousticalpaper, linguistic, presentation, speech, variation62
jeroenvermunt.nlVidotto, D., Vermunt, J.K., and Van Deun, K. (2018). Bayesian multilevel latent class models for the multiple imputation of nested categorical data. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics , 43, 511-539 . ( pdf )international journal, journal research, covariates journal, journal educational, american journalvermunt, latent, analysis, ed, statistical53
ardiroelofsscience.nl…R. P. C. (2022). The diagnostic value of language screening in primary progressive aphasia: Validation and application of the Sydney Language Battery. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 65 , 200-2014. Article (PDF 590K)american journal, journal psychology, british journal, european journal, journal cognitivecognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain52
financialjournal.nlTRIAL: € 19,95 euro, Special One-Off Offer, for 52 weeks The Financial Journal Global.financial journal, journal global, journal follower, journal europeukraine, stock, break, russia, billion50
gravito.nlThe Gravitomagnetic Vector Potential and the Gravitomagnetic Field of a Rotating Sphere Journal Articlejournal article, constant journal, leptons journal, hypothesis journal, gravitomagnetism journalmagnetic, charge, frequency, dipole, mass32
sauercrowd.nl…we provide raw, fermented plant based food full of gut friendly lactobacili to support your gut. Our ferments are organic and handmade with the greatest care and love for fermentation. Want to know more? Check out our Gut-Mind journal!mind journal, journal sauercrowd, journal article, journal ferment, journal michelleorganic, fermentation, crowd, raw, recipe31
mytruelife.nlHello my fellow journaler, welcome to another ASMR video. In this ASMR bullet journal video we are going to setup our September journals for…life journal, journal community, personal journal, journal video, academia journalsetup, true, dark, october, academia31
dujal.nlThe Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics (DuJAL) is the official journal of the Dutch Association of Applied Linguistics (Anéla). It publishes research on (second) language use, learning, teaching and policy and particularly values both…dutch journal, journal apply, journal history, journal policy, official journalapply, linguistic, xml, editorial, structure23
henkvanhoutum.nlVan der Velde, M. and H. van Houtum, (2003), Communicating Borders, Journal of Borderlands Studies , Vol. 18, no 1, 1-12 Article in pdfjournal article, barbarian journal, journal borderland, international journal, journal geographyregional, uk, progress, pp, phd22
linguujournal.nlLingUU is the official, peer reviewed, student journal of Linguistics at Utrecht University (UU). In this journal, both undergraduate and graduate students can publish their papers.linguu journal, journal linguistic, student journal, uu journal, journal undergraduatelinguistic, copy, author, paper, editorial19
utrechtstudentjournal.nlThe Utrecht Student Journal is the popular scientific journal made for and by (bio)medical students of Utrecht University.student journal, journal young, journal popular, scientific journal, journal studentscientist, editorial, road, scientific, popular18
316europe.nlCD New Church communion Gift biblecovers Gift writing journal home walldecor Gift jewelry necklacewirebound journal, write journal, journal home, luxleather journal, journal zipperbible, stock, church, bag, faith18
techjournal.nlTech Journal – I am a software engineer specialized in developing software systems for network automation, software defined networking (SDN) and orchestration. I help companies achieve their goals by programming, designing and deploying…tech journal, journal softwaretrading, orchestration, automation, networking, decision17
openjournals.nlWe are thrilled to introduce Sustainability Letters, a pioneering open-access, short, letters-type journal dedicated exclusively to advancing the discourse on sustainability within the management sciences. Our journal provides a dynamic…type journal, journal exclusively, number journal, journal clear, access journalsustainability, publication, scholarly, paper, fully17
annadenise.nlProcess Video: Illustrated Journal Pages from 31st of March + 1st of April, 2023illustrate journal, journal tour, journal page, journal day, journal octoberillustration, sketchbook, zine, subscribe, painting17
astridessed.nl33. The English translation is in Walid Khalidi, “Plan Dalet: Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine,” Journal of Palestine Studies 38, no. 1 (Autumn 1988), pp. 4–20.european journal, journal international, palestine journal, journal palestinepalestine, village, palestinians, cleansing, palestinian17
tseg.nlTSEG - The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History is the Dutch-Flemish journal of social and economic history. It is an open access, peer-reviewed, scientific journal which was granted A status/ INT 1 by the European Science…country journal, journal social, flemish journal, scientific journal, journal intxml, economic, ed, submission, editorial17
journalapp.nlJournal is a privacy first, open source digital log book. It is designed to be accessible anywhere you go. Allowing you to organize your thoughts, feelings and opinions in one place. Your Journal entries are stored with AES 256 encryption…journal privacy, place journal, journal entry, logbook journal, journal willaccessible, feeling, opinion, thought, encryption16
ajss.nlThe Amsterdam Journal of Social Sciences invites you to join our scientific community. We are a student-led, peer-reviewed, academic journal, supported by the University of Amsterdam. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach to…academic journal, journal amsterdam, amsterdam journal, journal social, journal universityago, academic, editorial, holiday, officer16
josettegevers.nl, innovation, and adaptation. The publications that resulted from these projects have been published in high-quality journals, including Journal of Organizational Behavior, Applied Psychology: An Internation Review, Group and Organization…quality journal, journal organizational, management journal, journal managerial, european journalorganizational, publication, psychology, creativity, intervention15
theadventurebook.nlOur travel journals have a spot for every independent country in the world for you to fill, plus a bunch of cool stuff you can do, collect, or experience while traveling, so no worries if you don’t plan on trotting the entire globe.travel journal, journal world, journal spotadventure, entire, independent, stuff, bunch15
ruudgerards.nlJun: Journal articles published on the effects of work-from-home during the COVID-19 pandemic on employee burn-out ( link to this article ) and our thoughts and perspectives as editors on telework during and since the pandemic ( link to…edit journal, journal issue, language journal, journal tijdschrift, jun journalpaper, labour, employee, outcome, engagement14
gerlagh.nlGerlagh R. and M.A. Keyzer (2004) "Path dependence in a Ramsey model with resource amenities and limited regeneration", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28: 1159-1184. (pdf-file, 382k)entitlement journal, journal public, referee journal, journal oct, journal febeconomic, climate, environmental, resource, presentation14
tmgonline.nlTMG Journal for Media History wants to promote research in media history and publish the results of that research. It offers a platform for original research and for contributions that reflect theory formation and methods within media…tmg journal, journal mediathumbnail, editorial, archive, submission, integrity14
dylanmolenaar.nlMolenaar, D., & Visser, I. (Ed.) (2017). Cognitive and psychometric modelling of responses and response times [special issue]. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology , 70 (2), 185-186. Editorial (pdf) | Full special…peer journal, journal article, statistics journal, journal like, british journalresponse, psychometric, psychology, ed, psychological13
qrjvandijk.nlMain page of my photography website. The images on this website are sorted in the categories Photo Journals (Travel Photography), Creative, People and Various. Restricted is an area whith images for which you'll need a user name and…photo journal, journal travel, journal before, journal showcaseshowcase, random, selection, favourite, restrict13
havanasyndrome.nl…these antimateriel weapons, it is a short jump to antipersonnel weapons,” says Louis Slesin, editor of the trade journal Microwave News. That’s because the human body is essentially an electrochemical system, and devices that disrupt…law journal, journal april, journal september, journal august, street journalweapon, syndrome, microwave, attack, symptom13
shilin.nlShilin: Leiden University Journal of Young Sinology – Leiden University Foundation for Young Sinologyuniversity journal, journal young, pursuit journal, journal bridgeconference, thesis, editor, subscription, archive13
bayesian.nlModeling the interaction between discrete and continuous causal factors in Bayesian Networks (International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 30 (2015) 209-235)copd journal, journal biomedical, analysis journal, international journal, journal approximatebayesian, medicine, pp, probabilistic, intelligence12
geefkledingeentweedekans.nlJournal 3 Blog employs advanced typography styles for page elements, including custom drop-cap support as well as optional newspaper-like fluid columns (where supported). You can break the page in up ..like journal, journal live, good journal, journal away, journal blogwish, block, visible, grid, accordion12
inter-section.nlInter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on contributions from archaeological researchers at Leiden University. The journal offers an accessible platform for the publication of individual research by undergraduate…access journal, journal contribution, university journal, journal accessiblesection, archaeological, researcher, submission, critical12
tinemolendijk.nlKalkman, J. & Molendijk, T. 2021. The Role of Strategic Ambiguity in Moral Injury: A Case Study of Dutch Border Guards Facing Moral Challenges. Journal of Management Inquiry , 30(2): 221–234. LINKreferee journal, journal article, book journal, british journal, journal psychiatrymoral, injury, military, publication, soldier12
radbouduniversitypress.nlRadboud University Press is a unique department at Radboud University. We are a Diamond Open Access publisher of high-quality academic peer-reviewed books and journals across a wide range of disciplines. The ‘Diamond’ label means that we…book journal, journal wide, late journal, all journalpublication, academic, publisher, author, dissertation11
uitgeverijparis.nlMulti- and interdisciplinary journal on the nexus between human trafficking, enslavement and conflict-related sexual violencejournal online, interdisciplinary journal, journal nexusparis, law, publisher, labour, release11
avivadegroot.nlWelcome to Aviva de Groot’s irregular journal. I work as a legal researcher on intersections of humans, justice, and technology. My interests especially concern the governance of decisional powers, the justice of knowledge practices that…irregular journal, journal legal, activity journal, journal entryirregular, interest, researcher, especially, decision11
sapora.nlMany people who start an art journal do not consider themselves artists, or even creative. An art journal is an easy way to help you connect with your creativity.art journal, journal artist, journal easy, journal privatehandmade, jewelry, artwork, portrait, creativity11
fernandokuipers.nlS. Yang, S. Trajanovski, and F.A. Kuipers, Shortest Paths in Networks with Correlated Links Weights , Proc. of the IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Inter-Dependent Networks (WIDN), Hong Kong, April 27, 2015 ( fast-tracked to Computational Social…ieee journal, journal select, world journal, journal network, system journalproc, ieee, networking, pp, conference11
fuchsiabreeders.nlElectronic Journal on breeding of Fuchsias, published twice a year. Overview of Mario de Cooker Fuchsia introductions with Fuchsia pictures from Ohé en Laak.electronic journal, journal breed, tfbi journal, birth journalbreeder, introduction, initiative, electronic, overview10
bmgn-lchr.nlBMGN – Low Countries Historical Review is the leading academic journal for the history of the Netherlands, Belgium and their global presence. The journal publishes research about broad and important issues in the history of the Low…academic journal, journal history, presence journal, journal research, scholar journalxml, historical, academic, editorial, submission10
blikonline.nlWelcome to the BLIK website. BLIK is student-led academic journal for audiovisual culture at the Utrecht University. Our team is full of passionate and talented writers and editors, who are interested in everything audiovisual. On this…blik journal, journal audiovisual, journal audio, academic journalaudiovisual, visual, subscribe, past, wishlist10
esaj.nlThe EUC Student Academic Journal (ESAJ) is an academic journal led by students of Erasmus University College in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The journal features to the public papers written by students of the Liberal Arts & Sciences…academic journal, journal esaj, journal student, netherlands journal, journal publicacademic, euc, cargo, liberal, paper10
femkebeute.nlThe list below contains publications in scientific journals , reports , conference proceedings , book chapters , media attention , and my dissertation .english journal, journal publication, scientific journal, journal report, international journaldaylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit9
wildway.nlAbout Journal Wild Way events Corporate Events Influencer Events Contact Upcoming Eventsevent journal, journal contactadventure, upcoming, abroad, stunning, connection9
marecentre.nlMARE hosts a publication series as well as a specialised maritime journal called Maritime Studies (MAST) .journal mast, maritime journal, journal maritimeconference, maritime, publication, coastal, editorial9
superlisa.nlNew year, new journal, new me! The summer mood inspired me to make my first theme very cheerful and what better way to represent summer than strawberries?new journal, journal big, bullet journal, journal instead, journal newwatercolour, birthday, strawberry, crystal, prayer9
njlp.nlThe Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy (NJLP) is an international peer reviewed journal, devoted to the study of legal philosophy and jurisprudence and to the foundations of legal sciences in the broad sense of the term (sociology of…netherlands journal, journal legal, peer journal, journal studyphilosophy, law, sovereignty, notification, slavery9
inekevedder.nlKuiken, F. & Vedder, I. (2022). The assessment of functional adequacy in language performance: Introduction. TASK. Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning . Special Issue ‘The assessment of functional adequacy in language…task journal, journal task, international journal, journal bilingual, nternational journalcomplexity, linguistic, task, write, teach9
janbaars.nlThe American Journal of Bioethics Lantz Fleming Miller, City University New Yorkcanadian journal, journal age, american journal, journal bioethics, australasian journalcritical, theory, gerontology, philosophy, rich9
esjp.nlThe Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy (ESJP) is a double-blind peer-reviewed student journal that publishes the best philosophical papers written by students from the Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam and from…academic journal, journal rotterdam, student journal, journal philosophy, journal goodphilosophy, academic, faculty, publication, teacher8
elsevanwulfftenpalthe.nlFrame a biannual journal of literary studies, run by (former) students of Utrecht University , which publishes articles by international theorists along with important lectures, interviews, and critical reviews.journal cover, biannual journal, journal literarytechnique, graphic, cover, august, artwork8
healmary.nlOur journal will be a platform where we want to collect your personal stories about cannabis. With these articlesheal, add, drop, soft, subscription8
jackykrielaart.nlI sell my handmade Art Junk Journals and instant downloadable digitals on Etsy. My Etsy shop is "Treasure Art Journal"junk journal, journal instantcontemporary, painting, scar, portrait, handmade8
jhellings.nl…for GDMA 2018, LICS 2019, ICDE 2020, ICALP 2020, PODS 2021, CIKM 2021, CSL 2023, and ICDT 2024. I reviewed for the journals Information Processing Letters, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, The VLDB Journal, Theoretical Computer…book journal, journal paper, sadoghi journal, journal system, icdt journalquery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally7
etnofoor.nlETNOFOOR is an anthropological journal that explores current trends in anthropology and scrutinizes its margins. ETNOFOOR is published twice a year and each issue focuses on a specific theme, which is announced through a regular Call for…anthropological journal, journal currentpaper, editorial, author, guidelines, january7
aup.nlAcross the humanities and social sciences, Amsterdam University Press (AUP) publish academic monographs, edited collections, handbooks, reference works, textbooks, journals and conference proceedings. Through their diverse publication…resource journal, journal author, journal information, journal collection, textbook journaloverview, resource, humanity, academic, conference7
vincentbruijn.nlI see so many tips on social media, even implicit, about what you should or should not do in your Bullet Journal, and I must say, I disagree with a lot of them. Even though a lot of Bullet Journalists advocate that anything goes, there’s…bullet journal, journal handwriting, journal readable, journal lotprogramming, docker, noise, visual, handwriting7
hlcs.nlHistorical Life Course Studies is the electronic journal of the European Historical Population Samples Network (EHPS-Net) and is published by the International Institute of Social History (IISH). The journal is the primary publishing…electronic journal, journal european, iish journal, journal primary, database journalhistorical, study, editorial, net, institute7
studio-stillae.nlIllustrations for grant applications, peer reviewed journals, new biotechnologies, experimental setups, et cetera..peer journal, journal new, result journalillustration, scientific, setup, biotechnology, grant7
biancavandenbos.nlIn 2022 I started designen journals and notebooks, under the name 'Happy Journals'. They are sold on Amazon, in different countries all over the world, but mostly in the US, Canada, UK and Australia. I've started it to create pretty…work journal, journal creator, designen journal, journal notebook, happy journalsymptom, resume, graphic, amazing, ultimate6
verspagen.nl…my model of catching up and falling behind (see picture below), which was also published in 1991 in the Elsevier Journal Structural Change and Economic Dynamics . if you do not have access to that journal, you can download the paper…journal publication, elsevier journal, journal structural, access journal, journal papereconomic, publication, perspective, structural, absence6
paper24.nlPaper24 bullet journals are notebooks with ultra thick 160gsm pages. You can write, draw, and even paint in them! No bleeding or ghosting.bullet journal, journal notebookpaper, thick, bleed, wholesale, compare6
dannyruijters.nlDanny is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.international journal, journal numerical, journal computer, british journal, journal radiologygraphic, radiology, surgery, conference, ieee6
fritsdelange.nlProphets of the Round Table: The Protestant Church in the Netherlands and the Public Domain. A reworked version of this draft paper has been published in: International Journal of Public Theology 5 (2011) 393–409theological journal, journal vol, international journal, journal public, biography journalethics, theology, theological, compassionate, compassion6
thenewscholar.nlThe New Scholar is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University. Their mission is to enable pioneering academic collaborations within and among our disciplines, ranging from Philosophy to…peer journal, journal faculty, online journal, journal fully, student journalscholar, submission, study, cultural, humanity6
rivista-incontri.nlSince 1985, Incontri. Rivista europea di Studi Italiani has been an international forum for academic publications related to Italian history and culture. As an interdisciplinary journal, Incontri publishes both academic research in…interdisciplinary journal, journal incontri, incontri journal, journal werkgroepitalian, submission, editorial, literature, footer6
netwerknde.nl…dentures, the patient was clinically dead. Since publication of this account in a prestigious mainstream medical journal, speculations have abounded. In this article I describe the investigation I undertook to put these speculations to…issue journal, journal near, convention journal, journal issue, article journaldeath, near, denture, file, cardiac6
spatialeconomics.nlGood news for Michael König! His paper on “Endogenous Technology Spillovers in Dynamic R&D Networks” (co-authored by Chih-Sheng Hsieh and Xiaodong Liu) has been accepted for publication in the RAND Journal of Economics. The abstract is…pricing journal, journal environmental, rand journal, journal economicspatial, economic, environmental, publication, programme6
laapsaap.nlBlog Phoenix Files Laravel Bytes Ruby Dispatch Django Beats JavaScript Journal Documentation Community Status Pricing Sign In Get Startedjavascript journal, journal documentationpricing, documentation, framework, dispatch, postgres6
servicedesignnotebook.nlTravel journal of Dennis Hambeukers' journeys in service design and design thinking.travel journal, journal journey, journal dennisthink, creation, leadership, conference, visual5
waltervansuijlekom.nl…Nijmegen. My research focuses on noncommutative geometry and its applications to particle physics. Editor for Journal of Functional Analysis; Indagationes Mathematicae; Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry; and Journal of…editor journal, journal functional, geometry journal, journal noncommutativegeometry, physics, particle, chair, functional5
steffennijhuis.nlArticles on Designing Heritage Landscapes in Landscape Architecture journal (风景园林)chinese journal, journal landscapelandscape, urban, lecture, architecture, urbanism5
frailty-project.nlWe have published an article on trends in frailty and its association with mortality among older adults in the American Journal of Epidemiology, a leading journal in the field. In this study, we investigated trends in frailty and its…amsterdam journal, journal immigrant, american journal, journal epidemiology, epidemiology journalmortality, study, trajectory, department, emergency5
maris.nlSince 2003 MARIS is active as electronic publisher for two highly respected peer-reviewed online journals and associated discussion fora. Together with a partner and a large network of legal experts from around the globe we publish:online journal, journal associatelaw, structure, geographical, ocean, publisher5
sstp.nlUniversity of Groningen Press offers a publication platform for journals, books and other publications of faculties and researchers working at or with the University of Groningen. Our preferred model for publications is open access, so…academic journal, journal voice, article journal, journal creative, platform journalsubmission, speech, author, announcement, researcher5
teampauldevroomsputnik.nlIn the Journal we collect news about our office, ideas that have not yet been given a place in a project, reports of excursions and project visits, updates on construction, and so on. Here we give an overview of what keeps us busy.force, magical, competition, housing, moscow5
era-analytics.nlAmstalden van Hove, E.R. et al., An alternative paper based tissue washing method for Mass Spectrometry Imaging: Localized Washing and Fragile Tissue Analysis, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry , 22 (10),1885-90 (2011)imaging journal, journal chromatography, analysis journal, journal american, forest journalmass, spectrometry, imaging, al, advanced5
frankkessler.nl, which was published, together with other contributions from the project, in the University of Salamanca’s Fonseca. Journal of Communication . The issue was edited by Francisco Javier Frutos Esteban, Carmen López San Segundo, Daniel…issue journal, journal material, canadian journal, journal cinémas, leeuw journalconference, magic, million, lecture, august5
knottenwol.nlAccessoires About Berlin Brigitte Beloved Knits Classici Dekens & Plaids Doeken & Co Filati Home Filati Journal Filati Kids Filati Men Gomitolo Haken Magazine Hand-dyed Magazine Infanti Landlust Sommerseide Flyer Linea Pura Lookbook…filati journal, journal filatiwool, cotton, vegano, durable, bamboo5
algebraicgeometry.nlThis is the home page of the journal Algebraic Geometry . This journal is an open access journal owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica . The purpose of the journal is to publish first-class research papers in algebraic geometry…page journal, journal algebraic, geometry journal, journal open, access journalalgebraic, geometry, paper, editor, submission5
vonnevanpolanen.nlvan Polanen, V., Rens, G., & Davare, M. (2020). The role of the anterior intraparietal sulcus and the lateral occipital cortex in fingertip force scaling and weight perception during object lifting. Journal of Neurophysiology 124, 557–573.illusion journal, journal neurophysiology, planning journal, lift journal, pst journalperception, movement, force, weight, scale5
intimacies-of-remote-warfare.nl…in expert round tables, co-create knowledge, and formulate policy recommendations. It shares its findings through academic journals and books, op-eds, podcasts, documentaries, public events, a summer school, and (social) media outlets.academic journal, journal bookwarfare, remote, gould, civilian, publication5
efratzehavi.nlDe Dichtkunstkrant, a journal for art, poetry and current affairs 2012 – 2016 The Poetry-Art Journal is a free newspaper for art, poetry and current affairs. It was published once a year, over the course of five years, in adichtkunstkrant journal, journal art, art journal, journal freeanonymous, mother, visual, installation, portrait4
carlapersoon.nlAngels among us art card art journal art journaling art mail black blast from the past boekbinden boekjes bookbinding Book of Days Canvas celtic collective club collage creatief in je element creative art journey digital drawing doodles…art journal, journal community, journal art, travel journal, journal watercolorblast, past, inktober, greeting, exploration4
koensebregts.nlClinical Linguistics & Phonetics; Glossa; Isogloss; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Journal of Germanic Linguistics, Journal of the IPA; Journal of Phonetics; Language and Speech; Language Dynamics and Change; Linguistics in…article journal, journal phonetic, dutch journal, isogloss journal, journal acousticallinguistic, phonetic, variation, k., ed4
gamerland.nlCreate any imaginable grid layout combinations with rows columns and modules via the all new and powerful Journal Page Builder.builder journal, journal virtually, powerful journal, journal pagedescription, bag, lay, electronic, dress4
brain-tonic.nlif you are looking for an alternative way to elevate growth hormone levels, you may be interested in the clinical evidence of an isolated nutrient called Alpha GPC. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports…study journal, journal international, research journal, british journal, journal nutritionbrain, gpc, choline, study, cognitive4
digipast.nl30 Romantic Journal Prompts For Boyfriend: Keep Your Love Story Alive creative writing for boyfriendromantic journal, journal promptswrite, dissertation, thesis, writer, paper4
aero-philatelisten-de-vliegende-hollander.nlEach year we have three general auctions during the annual general meeting and the autumn weekend with auctions as published in our journal. There is an auction at every regional meeting. Participation in the auctions is reserved for our…auction journal, journal auctionsociety, auction, cover, regional, consignment4
talanta.nlTALANTA is an Amsterdam-based, peer-reviewed journal for the study of Antiquity (ISSN: 0165-2486). Founded in 1969, it is published by the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, an independent body of Dutch scholars in the fields of…peer journal, journal study, access journal, journal articlehistorical, archaeological, society, proceedings, study4
megapatch.nlJournal comes with its own simple yet powerful blog. With the new advanced typography styles your post page design will be unmatched.people journal, journal good, like journal, journal live, good journalwish, add, electronic, intel, flower4
noraconsulting.nlProposal Writing Dissertation Consulting Literature Review Writing PhD Data Collection Service Data Analysis Editing Services Journal Manuscript Writing Service Specific Servicesservice journal, journal manuscriptconsulting, write, academic, thesis, phd4
mirrestallen.nlMy research has been published in leading journals such as The Journal of Neuroscience, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, Psychological Science, and more. I have presented my work at numerous academic…research journal, journal neuroscience, dynamic journal, fame journal, journal economicstudy, brain, poverty, ed, intervention4
richardvijgen.nl…aesthetic and narrative dimensions of information technology. He has published articles on data visualisation and data culture in The Yale Architectural Journal, Volume Magazine and the Parsons Journal for Information Mapping among others.architectural journal, journal volume, parson journal, journal informationinstallation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive4
neuro.nlin The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2024world journal, journal clinicalneuroscience, department, disorder, molecular, disease4
moduli.nlThis is the home page of the journal Moduli . This journal is an open access journal owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and published in cooperation with the London Mathematical Society and Cambridge University Press.page journal, journal moduli, moduli journal, journal open, access journalpaper, editor, submission, mathematica, editorial4
didi.nlFavorieten Travel capri Journal print in dark shadow with Floral medley print € 89 ,99capri journal, journal printfloral, dress, loose, dark, granite4
gemmaneeleman.nlSince the age of 12 I started to draw. Therefore I have different kind of drawing styles including digital drawings, bullet journals and classic drawings.bullet journal, journal handlettering, journal classicanimation, painting, drawing, draw, stuff4
thinkingslow.nlTwo new publications from my group: Energy-stable discretization of the one-dimensional two-fluid model, the final article in the PhD thesis of Jurriaan Buist, published now in International Journal of Multiphase...international journal, journal multiphase, got journal, journal computational, article journalpublication, closure, simulation, uncertainty, turbine4
etfi.nl…(AI) caused a new wave of potential technological facilitation for HRM. The brand-new special issue of the Journal of Tourism Futures presents papers that cover a broad range of talent management related challenges and issues for…member journal, journal tourism, issue journaltourism, academic, resilient, study, government4
jorisgillet.nl- Do Negative Random Shocks Affect Trust and Trustworthiness? (2018) with Hernán Bejarano & Ismael Rodriguez Lara, Southern Economic Journal ( pdf )lara journal, journal economic, economic journal, journal pdf, international journaleconomic, leadership, decision, experimental, rodriguez4
eioannou.nlIn Journal on Data Semantics, Springer, March 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 37-56.entity, conference, proceedings, semantic, mining4
dirkgerritsen.nlMy articles have been published in, among others, the Journal of International Money and Finance (in press), Investment Analysts Journal, and Annals of Tourism Research (forthcoming).academic journal, journal practitioner, article journal, journal international, analyst journalinvestment, position, accounting, executive, africa4
magicwitchin.nlMany of our blank books and journals are handmade works of art with acid-free handmade paper that will last a lifetime and beyond. These blank books will inspire you - include your poetry, sketches, pressed flowers and mementoes and make…leather journal, journal wholesaler, journal backpack, book journal, journal gorgeousmagic, witch, camp, kawaii, magical4
bertbroens.nl"Join me on my wild adventures as a nature photographer! Explore my stunning snapshots of birds, plants, mushrooms, and mammals through my travel journals. Let's discover the beauty of our natural world together."travel journal, journal beautylake, sweden, island, photographer, denmark4
malariastichting.nlA scientific peer-reviewed Open Access malaria journal published by the Dutch Malaria Foundation.malariaworld journal, malaria journal, journal dutchmosquito, net, disease, fight, fake4
asser.nlCall for papers – 3rd Annual International Sports Law Conference of the International Sports Law Journallaw journal, journal conferencelaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper4
seofeeds.nlThe post Google Warns Of “New Reality” As Search Engine Stumbles appeared first on Search Engine Journal .man journal, journal ai, street journal, journal pbs, journal etcengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit4
marijntenthij.nlD. Valdez, M. ten Thij, K. Bathina, L.A. Rutter, J. Bollen [2020]. Social-media insights into US mental health amid the COVID-19 global pandemic: a Longitudinal analysis of publicly available Twitter data , Journal of Medical Internet…data journal, journal medicalconference, reviewer, computational, proceedings, k.3
ramsresearch.nl…Moreover, we offer students an easily accessible opportunity to place their first article in RAMS. Besides publishing the RAMS scientific journal, we organize symposia, a series of masterclasses each year and the RAMS Research Rounds.rams journal, journal student, scientific journal, journal symposiumeditorial, committee, reviewer, fourth, fifth3
stefaniekleimeier.nlIn our paper " Determinants of Individuals' Objective and Subjective Financial Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic " in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Arvid Hoffmann (University of Adelaide), Marie-Hélène Broihanne, Daria Plotkia…academic journal, journal financial, development journal, stability journal, journal bankingpaper, publication, pandemic, objective, subjective3
eerp.nl…science and major initiatives. They were periodicals of a general scientific nature, not specialized or scholarly journals. Last mentioned journals were founded as well, but their high level of specialization made them inaccessible for…scholarly journal, journal high, scientific journal, journal free, onwards journalperiodical, intellectual, enlightenment, early, ambition3
pantarheioncology.nlHealth benefits of combined oral contraceptives – a narrative review: The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Careeuropean journal, journal contraceptiononcology, cancer, breast, treatment, pipeline3
arnoudboot.nlFinancial Intermediation Services and Competition Analyses: Review and Paths Forward for Improvement (with A.N. Berger), Journal of Financial Intermediation , 57, 101072, January 2024.berger journal, journal financial, analyst journal, journal august, new journalpaper, biography, publication, economic, society3
bekersbedrukken4u.nlI am a web developer for many years i haven't seen anything clear clean coded like journal it makes my live so much easier thanks for the great work you have done.like journal, journal live, good journal, journal awayelectronic, flower, appliance, caption, bag3
semkbotswana.nlThe 2023 annual reports of SEMK Botswana have not yet been written, something has not yet been written in the journal for some time. The reason is that a Botswanan student is staying with us for a period of three months, between her high…document journal, journal news, botswana journal, journal timecourt, government, applicant, appeal, report3
pieterspierenburg.nlAssociation for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice, and a longstanding member of the Editorial Board of this journal. What follows consists of two personal reflections on Pieter and his work (written by James Sharpe and Manon van…board journal, journal personal, america journal, journal social, amsterdam journalcrime, violence, ed, justice, criminal3
papua-insects.nlThe board of the PIF is very pleased to announce the birth of the group “Friends of the Papua Insects Foundation”. This is a special group for those willing to support the work of the Papua Insects Foundation and in particular, the…particular journal, journal suara, sugapa journal, journal insect, barat journalspecies, guinea, indonesia, island, butterfly3
tesshoman.nl- Tess Homan , Rob Mudde, Detlef Lohse, and Devaraj van der Meer, High-speed X-ray imaging of a ball impacting on loose sand , Journal of Fluid Mechanics 777 , 690-706 (2015)sand journal, journal fluid, surface journalcell, sand, granular, fluid, ball3
toyscentral.nlProject MC2 Light Up Diary with Invisible Ink by Horizon Group USA, Keep Your Secret Diary, Journal Safe Under Lock & Key, Write using Invisible Ink, Decorate with Stickers & Morediary journal, journal safetoy, doll, vehicle, accessorie, figure3
jvds.nl…A conceptual Basis for Uncertainty Management in Model Based Decision Support " ( Walker et al., 2003 ) in the journal Integrated Assessment. The paper presents a typology for uncertainty in the form of a matrix that distinguishes…peer journal, journal article, al journal, journal integrateder, uncertainty, assessment, lecture, environmental3
remcovanbladel.nlEditorial project by e-flux journal for the 56th Venice Biennial consisted of texts published at the biennial and on the online platform. Departing from the journal‘s usual essayistic format, the Supercommunity issue includes poetry…flux journal, journal supercommunity, journal veniceidentity, exhibition, biennale, graphic, grant3
neesjanvaneck.nl…is frequently used in bibliometric studies. More than 1500 publications have appeared in international scientific journals in which the software is employed. In addition to my work on bibliometric visualization, I also focus on the study…outcome journal, journal observatory, project journal, power journal, scientific journalpaper, july, analysis, systematic, depth3
amstellanden.nlEvery month the payroll administration can be a lot of work. We like to make it easy for you. We take care of the monthly payroll administration, the digital payslips, annual statements, journal entries and payment statements and the…statement journal, journal entryfiscal, administration, declaration, tax, entrepreneur3
profess.nlMedidact, a journal for medical professionals in lung diseases. May 2019. “ECTR maakt geneesmiddelenonderzoek complexer”. ECTR makes clinical research with medicinal products more complex.medidact journal, journal medicalclinical, trial, regulatory, device, uncategorized3
tjibbedonker.nlDonker T , Wallinga J, Grundmann H. Dispersal of antibiotic-resistant high-risk clones by hospital networks: changing the patient direction can make all the difference . Journal of Hospital Infection. 2014 Jan;86(1):34–41.perspective journal, journal hospital, difference journal, international journal, journal medicalhospital, disease, infectious, patient, selection3
jvdham.nlJeroen is member of the editorial board of the ACM journal Digital Threats: Research and Practice , is an active member of the FIRST community, and was the co-editor of the Code of Ethics for Incident and Security Teams , and serves on…acm journal, journal digital, october journal, journal cyberethics, vulnerability, cite, associate, position3
melunaresearch.nlIn addition to rigorous scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals, MELUNA is contributing to the existing body of knowledge on biophotonics through the publication of essential interdisciplinary textbooks. These publications provide a…application journal, journal photochemistry, response journal, peer journal, journal melunaphoton, emission, collaboration, measurement, medicine3
aglaia.nlAglaia Bouma is the author of two Dutch novels and several short stories published in literary journals and anthologies. Some of those stories have been translated into English and can be found below.literary journal, journal anthology, journal schoonwasp, larva, woman, author, anthology3
anela.nlAnéla is the Dutch Society for Applied Linguistics. We organize activities concerning Linguistics in the Netherlands and Belgium. Furthermore we publish a magazine twice a year: the Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics.dutch journal, journal applyregistration, membership, conference, dissertation, thesis3
desmids.nlJanuary - Selection of important desmid papers in international journals that appeared in 2002dutch journal, journal desmidiologischefebruary, january, october, july, august3
sandrabartelsartist.nl…Stroke of a Genius 14 and became a finalist. At that same time her work is also published in Pastel Winter Journal ’23. She also participated the prestigious competition 16th Arc Salon of the Art Renewal Center, and became a…winter journal, journal prestigiouspublication, exhibition, commission, animal, draw3
margavanamersfoort.nlArticle entitled, “Toxicological Studies, quality control, and efficacy of the Silastic mammary prosthesis” is published in the journal Medical Instrumentation. Authors are Gordon Robertson and Silas Braley of Dow Corning. The article…prosthesis journal, journal medical, surgery journal, journal moderndow, corning, cite, exhibit, implant3
simpeleloonstrook.nlAll documents in one central place within our online employer portal. This includes payslips, annual statements, payroll tax declarations, SEPA payment files, payroll journal entries and cumulative annual overviews.payroll journal, journal entrytax, employee, administration, salary, indication3
maartjekunen.nlThe clients include the Dutch Journal of Medicine, the Dutch College of General Practitioners, Quest Magazine, many Universities and Hospitals, the Academic Centre of Dentistry, Veterinary Institutions, different Educational Publishers…dutch journal, journal medicineanimation, illustration, patient, publisher, scientific3
surishoppingexpress.nlJournal is a fluid responsive OpenCart theme built with the best design and development practices in mind. It introduces many innovative features and offers more than 1000 customizable admin options including 16 multi-purpose built-in…buy journalwish, add, fluid, opencart, customizable3
manetvanmontfrans.nlSince 2002 she has been a board member of the Marcel Proust Society, coeditor of the bi-annual bilingual journal Marcel Proust aujourd’hui and of the Marcel Proust Bulletin. In addition, she was president and is now member of the board of…issue journal, bilingual journal, journal marcelliterature, translation, interest, writer, war3
vuoriclothing.nl…Bottoms Shorts Pants Joggers Boardshorts Shop All Accessories Headwear Socks & Boxers Training Running Water Yoga Travel Our Story TRVL Journal Impact Our Materials Our Supply Chain Journal ACTV Club V1 Community Program Events Our Storestrvl journal, journal impact, chain journal, journal actvclothing, athletic, apparel, woman, perspective3
behling.nlThis website contains my personal portfolio and journal. I am a photography enthousiast in it's widest spectrum. Even though the digital age has penetrated every aspect of my life I still feel a great attraction to analogue film. I…journal about, portfolio journal, journal photographyanalogue, attraction, lack, simplicity, father3
alexkirichek.nlS hakeel A., Zander F., Gebert J., Chassagne C. and Kirichek A. (2022). Influence of anaerobic degradation of organic matter on the rheological properties of cohesive mud from different European ports, Journal of Marine Science and…sense journal, journal soil, port journal, journal marine, degradability journalport, mud, fluid, dredging, sediment3
warekennis.nl…subscription content. Also, the deal enables publishing 100% of the Dutch papers in open access in Wiley’s hybrid journals, the number of which will increase to around 1,400 titles. But here’s the catch: in Wiley’s hybrid journals only…access journal, journal publisher, subscription journal, journal open, journal roughlylibrary, lend, principle, law, negotiation3
koenigproject.nl…reflections on electronic music in the tradition of the Cologne School. (However, G.M. Koenig is of no 'school'.) It is to be hoped that some of his writings will appear in English in the future. ( Computer Music Journal , Winter 1996)music journal, journal wintercomposition, electronic, composer, string, piece3
fleurbouwer.nlMy fabulous postdoc supervisor Prof. Heleen Slagter invited me to co-author a commentary about individual differences in the Journal of Cognition. Out now!difference journal, journal cognitioncognitive, february, july, neuroscience, august3
oapus.nlA coordinated effort on behalf of the editors of four major journals in linguistics with different publishers has led to a universal free access publishing of their journals at extremely low costs for the authors. A group of leading…access journal, journal apply, major journal, journal linguistic, publish journalpublish, amendment, join, apply, textbook3
rechtensamenleving.nlRecht der Werkelijkheid is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal related to the VSR, published by Boom Juridische Uitgevers. Established in 1980, the journal serves as an interdisciplinary platform for reflecting on law from the…rdw journal, peer journal, journal vsr, uitgevers journal, journal interdisciplinaryconference, yearly, justice, lecture, law3
bossemeilinknotariaat.nlWessel has been working in the notarial profession since 1984 and was appointed as civil-law notary in Amsterdam in 1999. Wessel is a corporate law specialist and has published many scientific articles on this subject in professional…professional journal, journal postgraduatelaw, civil, notary, candidate, firm3
irehadi.nl…of my research project the negotiation of the right to food. The article is titled “The Limit of Narratives: Ethnicity and Indigenous Rights in Papua, Indonesia” published in the journal International Journal on Minority and Group Rights .pacific journal, journal anthropology, indonesia journal, journal international, international journalrisk, indigenous, political, indonesia, economy3
paulvandervelde.nl…few learned people in the Netherlands with a genuine interest in the Indies. Van Hoëvell was the founder of the Journal of the Netherlands Indies (Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië) and president of the Batavian Society for Arts and…founder journal, journal netherlands, brainchild journal, geographical journal, journal signcolonial, biography, society, indonesia, liberal3
knhg.nlpublishes the leading and innovative scientific journal BMGN – Low Countries Historical Reviewscientific journal, journal bmgn, late journal, journal volumehistorian, annual, overview, early, gdpr3
sander-hermsen.nlOur paper on the effect of feedback from a ‘smart’ fork on eating rate and body weight has been published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.international journal, journal behavioral, access journal, journal jmir, rate journalago, paper, institute, behaviour, eat3
coolsculpting.nlBernstein, E. F. (2016). Long-Term Efficacy Follow-Up on Two Cryolipolysis Case Studies: 6 and 9 Years Post-Treatment. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 15(4), 561-564.treatment journal, journal cosmetic, study journalcryolipolysis, fat, reduction, treatment3
fernandmartintoys.nlJanuary 01 – 1914 Le petit Journal a newspaper from exactly 108 years ago 1 januari 2022petit journal, journal newspapertoy, auction, fernand, antique, patent3
ruthvanholst.nlAssociate Editor Board member at the journal “ Journal of Behavioral Addictions ”member journal, journal behavioral, journal europeaninterest, grant, disorder, gambling, addiction3
vrmware.nlAfter waiting for some time, the appliance does not appear to come online and appears to be in a loop during startup. The screenshot below shows that the Journal Service does not want to start.insight journal, journal service, screenshot journaloperation, vmware, vcenter, file, host3
indianmedicine.nlUniversity of Groningen Press offers a publication platform for journals, books and other publications of faculties and researchers working at or with the University of Groningen. Our preferred model for publications is open access, so…platform journal, journal bookmedicine, indian, author, announcement, commentary3
christolelie.nlChristo Lelie is one of the leading music journalists in The Netherlands, with a strong specialization on the (early) piano and the organ. He is music critic of the daily newspaper Trouw, and he has written articles for many professional…music journal, journal cd, bulletin journal, journal month, editor journalbiography, competition, organ, highly, belgium3
pentura-nummer-schilderen.nlI am a web developer for many years i haven't seen anything clear clean coded like journal it makes my live so much easier thanks for the great work you have done.like journal, journal live, good journal, journal awaypaint, wish, flower, landscape, add3
haagseletters.nlI decided to plot all the visited locations on Google Maps and link these locations to the journal and photography.design journal, journal scotland, travel journal, location journal, journal photographyvote, identity, alphabet, study, guide3
hoogslag.nlThe Journal of Illustration 6-1 and 6-2edited by Sheena Calvert and me, with editorial introductions by Sheena and yours truly. Together present fifteen papers written as a result of the conference Decriminalising Ornament: The Pleasures…journal illustrationillustration, pattern, conference, visual, write3
strategyguide.nlMy research has been published in highly ranked academic journals including Organization Science , Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science , Research Policy , and Journal of Management . My dissertation was awarded Finalist in best…academic journal, journal organization, management journal, journal strategy, policy journalassociate, ucl, teach, strategic, resume2
staterafinancesolutions.nlWorking closely with the finance department(s) for the monthly journals and financial reports.journal entry, monthly journal, journal financialreport, improvement, analysis, operational, decision2
tijdschriftkunstlicht.nlIn your hands, is one of Lucille Lefrang’s nosetalgic memories, collected and produced as part of her article for the Kunstlicht journal titled, A Year of Fear of Losing You . We invite you to hold the card to your nose, breathe deeply…kunstlicht journal, journal year, academic journal, journal visualpaper, incline, structure, launch, labour2
onderde.nljob (6173) , june (4692) , july (4308) , january (3909) , journey (3617) , joint (1367) , joy (1339) , journal (1014) , japanese (986) , jacket (877) , jewelry (841) , justice (591) , juice (575) 116 more keywords »joy journal, journal japanesekeyword, catalogue, visitor, background, device2
sepsis-en-daarna.nl…for more expertise on sepsis sequelae. She also offers recommendations to improve recovery and outcome.” ICU Management & Practice is the official management journal of the International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine .management journal, journal internationalsepsis, patient, congress, early, session2
hielkemaco.nlWe also bring to court novel cases in order to explore the bounds of property law and as well as to improve our clients’ legal position. We analyse and comment on draft legislation in opinion pieces appearing in legal journals and through…book journal, journal etc, legal journal, journal tenancylaw, tenancy, property, commit, residential2
joachimarts.nlas he works with companies such as ASML, Railway operators, Philips, and others. His research has been published in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Transportation Science, European…research journal, journal operation, european journal, journal operationalsupply, operation, chain, logistics, luxembourg2
masterhumphreysclock.nlThe fourth issue of F.R. David, or The Book of Intentions, is one of the sites of Master Humphrey's Clock. Within the camouflage of this pirated journal the curators of Master Humphrey's Clock chose to encapsulate their intentions --…art journal, journal fillip, pirate journal, journal curatorclock, exhibition, venue, intention, urban2
debsscraploft.nlThis package includes 60 enamel dots that are part of the Happy Hearts Collection from Simple Stories. There are 5 colors of dots, 12 of each color in 3 sizes. These dots can be added to scrapbook pages, cards, tags, journalsapart journal, journal tag, sheet journal, journal bitcraft, ribbon, memory, american, paper2
joophartog.nl…journals and over a hundred contributions to books and journals in Dutch. With Jules Theeuwes, he founded the journal Labour Economics and for almost 15 years wrote columns for Dutch newspapers. He was a member of several government…international journal, journal contribution, book journal, journal dutch, theeuwes journalposition, economic, selection, labour, prof2
marcsteen.nlI have published widely, in academic , professional , and popular media. Journals regularly invite me to peer review articles, e.g., Ethics and Information Technology , Science and Engineering Ethics , Techne , International Journal of…medium journal, journal regularly, international journal, journal design, sustainability journalethics, scientist, responsible, publication, society2
amsterdamhermetica.nlI experienced a scholarly milieu that saw me not only as a student, but also as a young scholar, enticing me to participate in conferences and submit articles for journals and anthologies. Furthermore, the relatively small number of…article journal, journal anthologyhhp, lecture, phd, philosophy, resource2
willemdekoster.nlI also served as board member of the Netherlands Sociological Association , as reviewer for various journals, on the editorial board of the Dutch-Flemish peer-reviewed journal Tijdschrift Sociologie , on the Scientific Advisory Board of…reviewer journal, journal editorial, peer journal, journal tijdschriftcultural, sociologist, sociology, phd, administration2
cafe-analog.nlIn April, our Cafe Analog project is to create an interactive element in your journal spread! Something to pull, push, flip, open... you name it!element journal, journal pushstamp, add, christmas, cafe, girl2
dl4ld.nl…Aiko Pras, Cees de Laat, "A Responsible Internet to Increase Trust in the Digital World", invited paper for the Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), special issue on "Future of Network and Service Operations and…elsevier journal, journal mathematics, paper journal, journal networkpresentation, paper, conference, logistics, infrastructure2
c-volution.nlMy extensive blog uses my journals from that 4-year training, as well as current posts to provide insights into the nature of the work. One entry in particular – The List – offers a comprehensive summary of the development process. It…blog journal, journal yearrandom, tile, guide, transactional, analysis2
joshuamoerman.nlJournal Paper LMCS Residuality and Learning for Nondeterministic Nominal Automata — Joshua Moerman and Matteo Sammartino [ More ]paper, phd, july, thesis, teach2
lawandmethod.nlThe journal Law and Method , based in the Netherlands, focuses on methodological issues of law and legal scholarship, in both research and education. Topics discussed in the journal include: legal interpretation, legal argumentation…paper journal, journal free, topic journal, journal legallaw, court, progress, notification, methodological2
ladyprosperity.nldirections , God , health , journal , journey , joy , levels , life , plan , purpose , road , truth , vision , way , writehealth journal, journal journeyprosperity, lady, reply, faith, joy2
ceseps.nlObinna, U., Joore, P. Wauben, L., Reinders A. Preferred attributes of home energy management products for smart grids – results of a design study and related user survey,Journal of Design Research (JDR), Vol. 16 (2018), Issue 2.iet journal, journal volume, survey journal, journal designgrid, austrian, stakeholder, demand, institute2
millogic.nlClient accountants quickly produce their annual reports with Mill7. Internal accountants create invoices based on fixed fees, time and disbursements. Quick tools for revaluation, interest calculation, consolidation, portfolio, and…intercompany journal, journal powerfultrust, accounting, fund, integration, internal2
frankvantubergen.nlVan Tubergen’s research has been published in journals such as American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, and Demography. He is the author of “Introduction to Sociology” (Routledge, 2020).research journal, journal american, american journal, journal sociologysociology, introduction, textbook, publication, department2
paulbouman.nl…page . I have served as a reviewer to high impact journals, such as Transportation Science , Transportation Research: Part B , Computers and Operations Research , Omega and the European Journal on Operational Research , among others.impact journal, journal transportation, european journal, journal operationaloperation, teach, institute, optimization, phd2
benheijdra.nl…De Economist in January 2005. Founded in 1852, De Economist is one of the oldest surviving professional economics journal in the world. My publications include articles in the American Economic Review , Economic Journal , Journal of…economic journal, journal world, journal public, dynamic journal, journal pensionmacroeconomic, economic, ben, textbook, advanced2
simonevansaarloos.nlSimon(e) van Saarloos is a writer, artist and curator based between Berkeley, California and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They are the author of six books and have contributed to over more than thirty edited volumes, books, and journals.culture journal, journal deauthor, writer, thirty, california, manifesto2
jandegooijer.nl​I served as Associate Editor, Editor, and Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Forecastinginternational journal, journal forecastingchapter, forecasting, publication, nonlinear, analysis2
studentcouncil.nl…as a hub and a platform to identify interdisciplinary connections and accelerate collaborations amongst students, alumni, and third parties. PUB’s channels include radio, Tv, PUBcast, website, Type Lab, Journal, and publishing sessions.lab journal, journal publishcouncil, union, initiative, asian, east2
epdos.nl…open access so that everyone can immediately read a publication of researchers (as corresponding author) from Dutch research organisations. From January 1, 2020, Dutch authored research can be published open access in Elsevier journals.partnership, publish, ambition, movement, author2
mayastepien.nlGoogle | Monocle | Bloomberg | Wired | The Wall Street Journal | Lagom Design | Monotype | Fairway Market | Laurence King Publishing | Once Upon A Farm | Pfeffer & Froststreet journal, journal lagomgraphic, frost, publish, king, street2
eindhovenhistorylab.nlTechnology and Culture is the quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology SHOT. In 2020-2025 Ruth Oldenziel succeeds Suzanne Moon (University of Oklahoma) as editor-in-chief of this pre-eminent history of technology journal…scholarly journal, technology journal, journal issuelab, publication, sustainability, conference, joint2
sarahmeiherman.nl…art collections, whilst her images have been published by the likes of iD, Vogue Italia, Foam Magazine, Paper Journal and Dear Dave. In 2024, Herman’s second photo book – Julian & Jonathan – will be published by the London-based GOSTpaper journal, journal au, journal dearportrait, solace, prize, photographer, exhibition2
loshy.nlNew Children’s Book and Journal, Creative Space Book (Ages 0 – 5 year olds) | Category: Agriculture | T cup Publishingbook journal, journal creativepublish, path, successful, ordinary, extraordinary2
pdavis.nl…extended world-wide cruises for training (and flag waving). Both the log of HMS Glasgow, and William Loney's Medical Journal record meeting Rear-Admiral Frederick Beauchamp Paget Seymour's Flying Squadron at Bombay on 26 April 1872medical journal, journal rear, description journal, journal vesselnavy, war, newspaper, ship, naval2
klumpermanlab.nlIn a new publication in the Journal of Cell Biology, Jan van der Beek et al. use Correlative Light-Electron Microscopy (CLEM) to study key proteins of the endo-lysosomal system. Rab5,publication journal, journal celllab, publication, biology, cell, department2
jantsje.nlJantsje M Mol , Catherine Molho (2024). Information about changes in platform economy taxation diminishes optimism regarding future use . Journal of the Economic Science Association .march journal, journal economic, use journaleconomic, preparedness, risk, flood, economy2
boekman.nlJournal Dutch journal Boekman highlights trends in arts, culture & cultural policydutch journal, journal boekmanpublication, cultural, catalogue, debate, transfer2
solarmagazine.nlThe trade journals Solar Magazine en Storage Magazine are distributed to entrepreneurs, policy makers, politicians, intermediaries, industry representatives, researchers and education professionals. But it’s also at construction…trade journal, journal extensive, journal solarstorage, representative, copy, circulation, trade2
nilg.nlTo this end, the NILG organises annual conferences and PhD forums. It has also established its own book series and two journals: the double-blind peer-reviewed European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance (EJCL), that publishes…series journal, journal double, european journal, journal comparative, dutch journallaw, conference, annual, phd, institute2
ephor.nlIn British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (BJCP) the following article has been published: ‘Do emergency visits due to adverse drug reactions look different in older people? Results from the ADRED study’. Authors aimed to characterise…british journal, journal clinicalgeriatric, medal, guidelines, calendar, archive2
stijnvanewijk.nlThe Journal of Industrial Ecology published our study on the potential for reducing conference travel emissions . We studied the effect of a shift to land transport, a carbon tax, exclusion of long‐distance flyers, multi‐site…paper journal, journal natureeconomy, circular, sustainability, waste, industrial2
ullavs.nlThe goal of this solo project: make a travel journal card using React, with data in a seperate .js file. Design delivered by Scrimba.travel journal, journal cardcss, react, frontend, api, hover2
youmanfischer.nl…including a university hospital. She combines an energetic style with commitment and attention to detail. Sanne also authors publications and is a member of the editorial board of conflict resolution journal Tijdschrift Conflicthantering.resolution journal, journal tijdschriftlawyer, dispute, firm, employment, law2
minnaardgroup.nl294. Marinus, N, Eisink, NNHM, Reintjens, NRM, Dijkstra, RS, Havenith, RWA, Minnaard, AJ & Witte, MD 2023, ‘A Predictive Model for the Pd-Catalyzed Site-Selective Oxidation of Diols’, Chemistry – A European Journal, vol. 29, no. 44…european journal, journal vol, macrophage journal, journal clinicalsynthesis, organic, catalysis, phd, upcoming2
heleenriper.nl…Brief Intervention Trials: Alcohol” (ORBITAL) core outcome set: International consensus on outcomes to measure in efficacy and effectiveness trials of alcohol brief interventions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs , 82 (5), 638-646.intervention journal, journal studiespublication, mental, presentation, conference, psychiatry2
roweno.nlAdjustable Emissions Caps and the Price of Pollution . Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 2023pollution journal, journal environmentaleconomic, k., environmental, emission, climate2
amyloidosis.nl1993 – Alan Cohen becomes editor-in-chief of a new medical journal called AMYLOID, The International Journal of Protein Folding Disordersmedical journal, journal amyloid, international journal, journal proteinamyloid, patient, historical, description, hereditary2
boukjecnossen.nl…as a necessity to work with limited resources. Over the years, my research has been published in journals such as Organization Studies, Human Relations, Creativity and Innovation Management , and the Journal of Organizational Ethnography .research journal, journal organization, management journal, journal organizationalentrepreneurship, prof, academic, publication, researcher2
onearchitecture.nlLA+ RISK Journal is released, featuring an interview with Matthijs Bouw (One Architecture) on the topic of Risk and Resilience. LA+ RISK invited contributors to consider the relationship between design and the evolving landscape of risk…risk journal, journal interviewarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient2
rhinoplasty.nl…was one of the editors in chief of Facial Plastic Surgery Monographs and member of the editorial board of Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery (AMA Journal). He contributed too many international textbooks and peer reviewed medical journals.ama journal, journal internationalrhinoplasty, surgery, patient, publication, nose2
esthervaneijk.nl, Catholic and Greek-Orthodox) personal status courts. My work has also appeared in edited volumes and international journals, including Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in the…international journal, journal sharia, electronic journal, journal islamiclaw, syria, religion, islamic, middle2
fact-facts.nlThe first English article on FACT was published in 2007, and can be downloaded; click here : van Veldhuizen JR, FACT: A Dutch Version of ACT’ (2007), Community Mental Health Journal vol. 43(4) 421-433.health journal, journal volfact, flexible, treatment, mental, manual2
slofoundation.nlThe SLO has coordinated large number of national and international studies of which the results are published in leading medical journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Gut and…medical journal, journal new, england journal, journal medicine, gut journalliver, scientific, gastrointestinal, stimulate, transplantation2
maxwesterman.nlde Janeiro where he reports on the rapid changes in Brazilian society for Dutch public television and is working on a new book. Max’s most recent article in English was this opinion piece about the Dutch monarchy in The Wall Street Journal.street journal, journal cnnunited, television, period, major, society2
wimbouwman.nlWe published a summary of the PhD-thesis of Bei Tian in Dutch in the Dutch journal of physics:dutch journal, journal physicsneutron, angle, structure, polymer, matter2
loveoz.nlMartine has kept a journal of our travels, so we include these journals as seperate pages attached for all to read. Please see the menu to the left.martine journal, journal travel, travel journal, journal seperateoz, road, australia, bit, train2
mp.nlAcoustics in Practice International e-Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) Vol. 2 • No. 2 • December 2014international journal, journal europeanmeasurement, noise, quiet, acoustic, pavement2
karenvintges.nl…that fits in with existing policy questions, ignoring systemic and structural power inequalities. I argue that the journal Krisis , in keeping with its original principles, should hang on to critical philosophical reflection, which today…inequality journal, journal krisispolitical, philosophy, nwo, teach, identity2
rechtshistorie.nl…to events and news concerning legal history on my legal history blog , with regular postings and links to online journals, other blogs – for example those of law libraries – and a congress calendar . I send short messages and notices on…online journal, journal blog, scholarly journal, journal prolaw, gateway, archive, library, medieval2
peterneijens.nland advisory boards at national and international level. He has published extensively in national and international journals and books, and supervised a great many of PhD candidates. He was a visiting professor at universities abroad…international journal, journal public, journal bookhonorary, fellow, honor, publication, advertising2
beneficialmicrobes.nlOne of the leading experts on Beneficial Microbes with over 25 years of experience. More than 200 publications . Initiator of the Beneficial Microbes Conferences and Editor-in-chief of the journal ‘Beneficial Microbes’.chief journal, journal beneficialbeneficial, microbe, probiotic, postdoc, conference2
freshresearch.nlType: Media publication Host: House of Common Affairs Journal Interviewees: Henk Hartzema, Aikaterina Myserli Journal editor: Paula Minelgaite Design: Minelgaite studio Publisher: House of Common […]affairs journal, journal interviewee, myserli journal, journal editorlandscape, pattern, architecture, biennale, urbanism2
bram-coppens.nlLambalgen, M. v., Kruistum, C. v., & Parigger, E. (2008). Discourse Processing in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Journal of Logic, Language and Information , 467.adhd journal, journal logic, ritalin journal, journal medicaltruth, think, society, fact, critique2
jurbib.nlMiscellaneous databases , e-books , e-journals , Kluwer Navigator , legal literature , Navigatorbook journal, journal kluwerlaw, library, resource, encyclopedia, miscellaneous2
mariannevanbochove.nlI have published in academic journals including Global Networks , Population, Space & Place , Current Sociology , Administration & Society , and British Journal of Criminology (see 'Publicaties' for a full list).academic journal, journal global, british journal, journal criminologyphd, sociology, urban, society, citizen2
essence.nlPsilocybin (high dose) truffles, a Mindfold, a personal Integration Journal and a Notebooksafety journal, journal psychopharmacology, integration journal, journal notebookessence, psilocybin, psychedelic, truffle, integration2
rolandpierik.nl(2022) “ Is Symbolic Religious Establishment Permitted Within the European Convention? A Legal, Political, and Pragmatic Perspective. ” Oxford Journal of Law and Religion , 11(1), pp. 122–144.oxford journal, journal law, defence journal, journal applylaw, convention, vaccination, philosophy, publication2
okbn.nlArt libraries and art librarianship in The Netherlands . Special issue of Art Libraries Journal 12 (1987) no 1.library, membership, collaboration, paper, conference2
oncoproteomics.nlOur review on kinase activity analysis has received enough downloads to rank within the top 10% of papers published in the journal of Mass Spectronomy ...journal article, paper journal, journal masslaboratory, proteomics, cancer, collaboration, resource2
compositio.nlThis is the home page of the journal Compositio Mathematica . This journal is owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica . It is the purpose of the foundation to publish first-class mathematical research papers. By tradition, the…page journal, journal compositio, mathematica journal, journal foundation, tradition journalmathematica, paper, prize, submission, editor2
frankdebakker.nl…I amacademic director of the Master in Management for Sustainability . From 2017 till 2023 I was one of the co-editors of Business & Society , one of the leading journals dealing specifically with the intersection of business and society.management journal, journal visual, society journal, journal specificallyteach, society, publication, paper, sustainability2
innovatingknowledge.nl…a conference dealing with the use of network analysis in manuscript studies in October 2020. The results of this conference are currently being prepared for publication as a special issue of the Journal of the Historical Network Research .issue journal, journal historical, publication journal, journal articleconference, output, dynamic, gloss, publication2
casperdevries.nltheory, which can be applied to the theory of lobbying. He has published widely in leading internationally refereed journals, like the international economic review, the journal of econometrics, the journal of economic theory, the American…referee journal, journal like, review journal, journal econometrics, econometrics journaleconomic, teach, american, council, monetary2
digitalpreservation.nl“Open is not forever”, with this title Mikael Laakso, Lisa Matthias and Najko Jahn report about their investigation in disappearing open access journals from the public domain. Open access journals differ from their paid ...access journal, journal public, journal paypreservation, seed, august, february, publication2
stefaupers.nlStef published - often together with his colleagues – in journals like New Media & Society ; European Journal of Communication ; Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion; Cultural Sociology; Information, Communication and Society…colleague journal, journal like, european journal, journal communication, communication journalreligion, cultural, publication, modernity, religious2
profilesregistry.nlScope, rationale and design of PROFILES were published in the European Journal of Cancer, May 2011: The Patient Reported Outcomes Following Initial treatment and Long term Evaluation of Survivorship registry: Scope, rationale and design…scientific journal, journal conference, european journal, journal cancerprofile, registry, cancer, study, patient2
kleos-bulletin.nlKLEOS is a peer-reviewed, open access academic online journal, launched in 2014, which publishes current research and review articles by graduate and PhD students, as well as starting independent researchers, from the fields of…online journal, journal current, history journal, journal year, research journalancient, archaeology, academic, editorial, council2
hendrikkerstens.nlarticle – wall street journal – 'shadows of our former selves' by william meyersstreet journal, journal shadow, british journal, journal photographyportrait, cover, london, contemporary, paris2
matthijsrooduijn.nlMy research has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as the American Political Science Review , the Journal of Politics , Comparative Political Studies , the British Journal of Political Science , the European Journal of Political…forthcoming journal, journal american, review journal, journal politics, british journalpolitical, statistics, socio, far, psychology2
winket.nlOur project analyses are published in the journal ‘ Bouwmarkt ‘ (BIM Media) and other journals.analysis journal, journal bouwmarkteconomic, publication, housing, overview, renovation2
poplive.nlVan der Hoeven, A., Everts, R., Mulder, M., Berkers, P., Hitters, E. & Rutten, P. (2021). Valuing value in urban live music ecologies: negotiating the impact of live music in the Netherlands . Journal of Cultural Economy .netherlands journal, journal culturalpopular, venue, publication, conference, offering2
rensenieuwenhuis.nl…and family policy outcomes. In addition, he was involved in developing statistical tools. He published in journals such as Journal of Marriage and Family, European Sociological Review, Acta Sociologica, and Review of Income and…tool journal, journal marriageordinary, curve, collaboration, teach, sociology2
psychonomie.nlReport results at conferences and in international journals, leading to a PhD dissertation;international journal, journal phdcognitive, position, brain, interaction, leave2
hildebras.nlothers, Continuity and Change , The History of the Family , Demography , Population Studies , Demographic Research, Journal of Biosocial Science and Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. From 2011 to 2016 she led the NWO-funded…research journal, journal biosocialeconomic, publication, phd, teach, summary1
scotlandsfinest.nlIn a few weeks time (probably June) there will be a new blog from the wonderful Marta Pereira . She'll provide a 'report' (journal) on her 'expedition' along the Mary, Queen of Scots Way.report journal, journal expeditionscotland, walk, isle, weather, island1
invisiblegiants.nlJournaling is one way of staying focused on a particular aspect of your life. Pick a moment of the day, a calm place at home or at work or outside, sit down with a nice journal and pen or pencil and look back at your day. Remind yourself…nice journal, journal pen, ritual journal, journal difficultinvisible, treatment, worry, anger, situation1
encontech.nlTechnical journals and media have featured our pulsed compression and IE technologies in numerous publications, and TV programs. Stay updated with relevant publications, products, and services showcasing our advancements in energy…technical journal, journal mediumheat, engine, conversion, mechanical, temperature1
thijswillems.nlSpringerNature is an international academic publishing company, publishing (online) journals, books and databases for the scholarly community around the globe.online journal, journal bookresponsible, resume, leader, integration, workforce1
slingerjansen.nl…at LUT University, Finland. Furthermore, he is an associate editor for the Empirical Software Engineering journal. Besides his academic endeavors he actively supports new enterprises and sits on the boards of advisors of several…engineering journal, journal academicphd, publication, ecosystem, lecture, awesome1
paperfuelpractice.nlHow great would it be to have a cute cartoongirl on paper in no time! To put your mood in a journal or give a little portrait as a present!mood journal, journal littledraw, animal, cute, paper, explanation1
dbar.nlGeneral editing support, feedback from a non-expert point of view, applying the journal's specific style guide: DBAR gets your paper ready for publication .view journal, journal specificwriter, editor, edit, scientific, write1
referentiegrootboekschema.nlFurther information in English can be found in an article in the Journal of Official Statistics . This article contains a detailed explanation the RCSFI and role of the RCSFI in data collection by national statistical institutes.article journal, journal officialreference, classification, report, tax, legally1
physics4all.nlJanuary 2022: Publication of the paper " A Unified View on Geometric Phases and Exceptional Points in Adiabatic Quantum Mechanics ", by PhD student Eric J. Pap together with his supervisors (Holger Waalkens and me), in the mathematics…mathematics journal, journal sigmaphysics, publication, physical, successfully, thesis1
jazzgirlmusic.nlCopyright © 2024 Jazz Girl Music . All Rights Reserved. Music Journal by Catch Themesmusic journal, journal catchgirl, livingroom, song, biography, past1
pcs-research.nlX. Guo , A. D. Pimentel , Todor Stefanov (2023). Automated Exploration and Implementation of Distributed CNN Inference at the Edge . IEEE Internet of Things Journal .phd, publication, researcher, postdoctoral, edge1
seoarticles.nlBlogging is a relatively new phenomenon. It basically involves the creation of an online journal...blogging, engine, traffic, technique, optimization1
farialifestyle.nlFeel-good treasures : We also offer a variety of items such as journals , notebooks , and keychains , each designed to bring joy and inspiration. These items are perfect for those who cherish thoughtful and functional treasures in their…item journal, journal notebookcrystal, woman, piece, feel, empower1
lauresmits.nl[3] Ahmed, K. A., Sharif, N., & Ahmad, N. (2017). Factors influencing students’ career choices: empirical evidence from business students. Journal of Southeast Asian Research, 2017(2017), 1-15.student journal, journal southeastcareer, graphic, perspective, understand, educational1
marcohaan.nlMar 31: New publication: “ Energy price ceilings with partial cover: A Dutch master? ” in European Council of Auditors Journal (with Maarten-Pieter Schinkel).auditors journal, journal maartenjoint, publication, paper, industrial, forthcoming1
thewebdesign.nlHas some expertise in making cost-effective, customized printed items for creative experts. Shop notebooks, journals, banners, boards, stickers, and more.notebook journal, journal banneroptional, domain, registration, findable, telephone1
wwestera.nlWestera, W. (2021). Comparing Bayesian Statistics and Frequentist Statistics in Serious Games Research. International Journal of Serious Games, 8(1), 27-44.international journal, journal gamespublication, turn, scientific, bayesian, statistics1
tinbergen.nlPaper by Maarten Lindeboom has been published in the Journal of the European Economic Associationlindeboom journal, journal europeanplacement, institute, economic, graduate, tuition1
saba-randonner.nlAs an example, a research released in the journal Optometry and Vision Scientific research located that individuals that put on blue light filtering system glasses experienced minimized signs of eye stress and boosted aesthetic…research journal, journal optometry, study journal, journal chronobiologyhair, uncategorized, thread, actually, fiber1
geopromotion.nl…study which aims for a new Dutch condition in Delta Urbanism. One of the RDD designs is Rotterdam Sponge Water City 2100. Since 2020, Nanco has been a member of the editorial team for IWA’s Journal of Water and Climate Change.iwa journal, journal waterpromotion, conference, spatial, recommendation, committee1
ivir.nlInternational Journal of Law and Information Technology, vol. 31, iss. : 4, pp: 302-330, 2024international journal, journal lawlaw, publication, lecture, conference, regulation1
rogerlaeven.nl# Our paper on dual risk apportionment is forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Theory . In this paper, we introduce the concept of squeezing.forthcoming journal, journal business, journal american, journal economic, journal econometricsrisk, paper, forthcoming, economic, mathematics1
masereeuw.nlAdapting an interactive (Java Swing) program used by order managers to track the production of SGML- and PDF-processing of scientific journals.xml, conversion, file, xslt, dictionary1
sanderverhaegh.nl…of philosophy of science, psychology, and analytic philosophy. His work has been published, among others, in the Journal of the History of Philosophy , Philosophy of Science , Erkenntnis , Philosophers' Imprint , Isis , Australasian…work journal, journal history, australasian journal, journal philosophyphilosophy, department, cum, fellow, publication1
albertkb.nlMember of the Editoral Board of Libri (International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies)international journal, journal librarylibrary, committee, editorial, scientist, till1
cogsci.nlWhen a manuscript is submitted to an academic journal, it generally undergoes peer review . That is, the manuscript is read by other researchers who rate the quality of the manuscript, suggest improvements, etc. Based on these peer…academic journal, journal generally, editor journal, journal papercognitive, frontpage, sack, illusion, optical1
richardkorver.nlColumnist “Ongetwijfeld” (Journal for Debt Restructuring; 2011 – 2017 / Journal for Protective Administration 2017 - )ongetwijfeld journal, journal debt, restructuring journal, journal protectivelaw, employee, lawyer, reason, publication1
nicowilterdink.nlFor many years, Wilterdink was an editor of the leading Dutch sociological journal Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift (1976-2004) and its successor, Sociologie . In July 2008, he moved to the advisory editorial board of the latter…sociological journal, journal amsterdams, board journal, journal turnsociology, wealth, publication, cultural, editor1
tvandijk.nlJournal Reviewer : IEEE Transactions on Computers (2014), Formal Methods in System Design (2018), Software Tools for Technology Transfer (2018, 2019), MDPI Algorithms (2018), VLSI Integration (2018), JSAT (2019), JAR (2019).decision, tangle, algorithm, binary, topic1
latourbewaking.nlFor instance, a research released in the journal Optometry and Vision Scientific research located that individuals that used blue light filtering system glasses experienced minimized signs of eye pressure and boosted aesthetic convenience…research journal, journal optometry, study journal, journal chronobiologyhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal1
ndkc.nlWith help.. from our supporters we have collected 110,000 academic, reference and vocational books, journals and encyclopaedias and bookshelves.book journal, journal encyclopaedialibrary, academic, oil, region, commerce1
mab-online.nlMAB is the only Dutch-language academic Open Access journal on new developments in accountancy, business economics and related areas. MAB was founded in 1924 and publishes articles on auditing, external reporting, accounting information…book journal, journal information, access journal, journal newpaper, editorial, highly, partners, subscription1
fluxlandscape.nlThe project Edible Wadden Coast by Flux, about the approach to coastal landscapes in relation to food production, has been published in the African magazine AJLA (African Journal for Landscape Architecture).african journal, journal landscapelandscape, architecture, forest, collaboration, river1
fiberfestival.nl…Vessels. Pyur (Sophie Schnell) will present her second release, “Lucid Anarchy”; a personal and emotional sonic journal filled with pulsating electronic soundscape that is both minimalist in form and rich in emotional depth. The secondsonic journal, journal electronicfiber, programme, audiovisual, electronic, experimental1
manickam.nl* Editorial board member, Positions: Asia Critique , June 2017 – Present * Previous positions: * Associate editor, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (JMBRAS) under editor Paul Kratoska, Sept. 2018 -Mar. 2022 *…editor journal, journal malaysianacademic, publication, teach, etc, managerial1
premiertaaltraining.nlAcademics who need to improve their academic writing to publish their research in academic journalsacademic, write, proposal, paper, grant1
onnovdhart.nlHe has been on the Editorial Board of a number of scientific journals, and he has published several books in the area of trauma and dissociation, loss, and bereavement, and over 100 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals (several…scientific journal, journal book, journal websiteder, phd, traumatic, treatment, memory1
articatrial.nlThe primary results of the ARTICA trial have been published in European Heart Journal:trial, frontpage, elevation, coronary, syndrome1
jewellerydepartment.nl…Bioart and Biotechnology , Bloomsbury, 2023; “Ars Demones*2022*Manifesto,” in Footprint. Delft Architecture Theory Journal; “Demonological re-enchantments – or how to contaminate through intimate stories of commons without consensus,” in…theory journal, journal demonological, arts journal, journal speculative, capacious journaljewellery, department, conversation, tuesday, lecture1
dvsurgical.nl…of PROED (Institute for Professional Education in Dentistry). Member of the Editorial Board of The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry and of the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics.international journal, journal periodontics, american journal, journal orthodonticdental, surgical, scissor, periodontal, surgery1
eacr2023.nl…is a vibrant, international group of 23 researchers (plus 9 PhD students) publishing in the leading marketing journals, receiving prominent grants and awards, serving on the editorial boards, and showing strong presence in…marketing journal, journal prominentconference, venue, chair, submission, registration1
cypherpunk.nlJournal of Network and Systems Management, Springer, 2020, Volume 28, p. 882-922conference, note, lecture, proceedings, association1
caromein.nlIn 2022 she founded the Open Access Journal for Digital Legal History together with Dirk Heirbaut and Florenz Volkaert.access journal, journal digitalpolitical, comparison, nwo, period, secondary1
casa-lab.nlTwo MSc. graduates, Gerry Roskam and Bas van de Velde from the UvA-VU MSc Chemistry Track Analytical Sciences have published in LCGC Europe a review on Chiral SFC, its development and applications, which also made it to the cover of the…analytical, advanced, analysis, environmental, statistics1
amyloid.nl…showed for the first time that the treatment was safe and showed an approximately 50% reduction in the amount of amyloid in the heart 12 months after treatment. The results of this study were published in New England Journal of Medicine .england journal, journal medicinetreatment, amyloid, organ, clinical, patient1
bevallenkananders.nlThe birth of your baby should be one of the most memorable, life-changing and joyful experiences of your life. You will want to spend time thinking through the details of your hopes and desires for this special event. Starting with a…event journal, journal thought, birth journal, journal prioritykan, childbirth, birth, preparation, teacher1
crypto-ta.nl“ I truly love the trading journals. This was missing and it clearly rocks. It not only gives a nice insight, but I am also learning a lot from seeing these trades in practice. Big up team! “trading journal, journal clearlytrading, watch, subscribe, payment, membership1
posas.nlThe results from a qualitative study have been published in the Journal Quality of Life Research in 2022. In this manuscript, the results from a series of focus groups were analysed, and used to formulate items for the POSAS 3.0 patient…study journal, journal qualityscar, patient, scale, assessment, measurement1
pietervanprooijen.nlOriginal article: THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2016 Vol. 69, No. 9, 1752 – 1776,quarterly journal, journal experimentalinspiration, dialogue, bias, memory, understand1
apagenerator.nlA popular APA generator is our own APA Generator. It offers users a user-friendly interface to generate APA citations for various sources, including books, journals, websites, and more. The tool strictly follows the latest APA guidelines…book journal, journal websitecitation, reference, accurate, easily, generate1
reuneker.nlcourses, courses on Linguistics, Pragmatics, Corpus Linguistics and Statistics. I am the editorial secretary of the journal Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing ( Amsterdam University Press ), I am a board member of Algemene Vereniging voor…secretary journal, journal tijdschriftconditional, linguistic, conference, linguist, argumentation1
goossenkarssenberg.nlMy article 'Learning Geometry by Designing Persian Mosaics' is published in issue nr. 100 (March 2014) of the Canadian journal 'For the Learning of Mathematics'.canadian journal, journal learnpattern, geometric, mosaic, lecture, islamic1
oceansx.nlXploration ISAMO has achieved another significant milestone, advancing climatescience with a remarkable publication this week in the authoritative PNAS journal for high-impact and original research.pnas journal, journal highcoastline, lab, footer, campaign, maritime1
stoks.nlSyntactic Aspartame - Recreational Operator Overloading (published in C/C++ Users Journal, Feb. 2006)electron, microscope, writing, fluorescence, ter1
leatherandshoes.nlPanadès I Blas, Xavier, Roland Baddeley & John Fennell. 2021. Testing the Utility of Gaussian Mixture Models in Parataxonomic Classification of Fossil Eggs. – Palarch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 17(3) (2021).palarch journal, journal vertebrateuncategorized, ancient, leather, egyptian, october1
savia.nl…(e.g. professional futurists, decision-makers) and the general public. I write, among others, articles for scientific and professional journals, practical guidance documents, books, reports and blog posts (see also my publication list).professional journal, journal practicaluncertainty, decision, foresight, advisory, risk1
jeroenarendsen.nlPretend you are (1) a law maker, (2) a philosopher, (3) an AI engineer and (4) a book reviewer. Please provide your opinion on the book Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Hariri in the form and style of a book review for your peers in a peer…interaction, publication, sign, gesture, interest1
landscapearchitecturetudelft.nl…the role of drawing in creating awareness, understanding, documentation and representation and informing the process, the focus and the intention of the spatial design. SPOOL is an open access journal in the field of architecture…access journal, journal fieldlandscape, architecture, talk, identity, contemporary1
wallofwolfstreet.nlBy Younes Saramifar, Ola Plonska & Jochem Kootstra – in Journal for Cultural Research.kootstra journal, journal culturalcyborg, cultural, resume, researcher, file1
fliplegal.nlAt the request of various professional journals, I regularly write articles about my areas of expertise. Furthermore, I give lectures.professional journal, journal regularlytrade, insurance, rate, liability, logistics1
totheletter.nlFinding it tough to write in English? Itís hard to get ahead in the world of global business or when trying to publish your research articles in high ranking journals. Itís even harder when you have to communicate in a language other than…high journal, journal hardtranslation, edit, native, sense, tough1
needser.nlYour text could be a letter to family overseas, a research paper for a journal, a book, the English version of your business website, or any other academic, business, sales, or marketing material.paper journal, journal booknative, edit, writer, translation, editor1
kouncil.nlThe KOUNCIL study has been completed. The results have been published in scientific journals and can also be found on this website under 'Current events'. The Nephronophthisis Registry that was created as part of the KOUNCIL project will…scientific journal, journal websitepatient, study, kidney, scientific, leader1
wallthatjazz.nlFor example, there were a few piles of Art Posters which have become so typical for the festival . Also program journals (who = who) and the characteristic large black-and-white festival posters with star announcements for the city of The…program journal, journal characteristicnorth, catalogue, mijn, limited, basement1
cgjung-bibliotheek.nlThe goal is the preservation and expansion of a collection of books, journals, videos, DVDs, photos and so forth on and about analytical psychology, the psychology of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961).book journal, journal videolibrary, contribution, expansion, analytical, study1
alexbrandsen.nlPaijmans, H., & Brandsen, A. (2010). Searching in archaeological texts: Problems and solutions using an artificial intelligence approach. PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology, 7(2), 1-6.palarch journal, journal vertebratepublication, mining, archaeology, archaeologist, archaeological1
fortheloveoftaste.nlLenny Eeuwes' food journal nourishing plant-based and raw-food recipes. Vegan and wheat -free.food journal, journal plantraw, recipe, taste, wheat, sugar1
chielvanderveen.nlrial board member of ' de Wereld van het Jonge Kind' , ' Pedagogiek ' and International Journal of Educational Research Open .international journal, journal educationalder, grant, teacher, publication, presentation1
wjongeneel.nl|5|: Lie Theory and Control Systems Defined on Spheres , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (1973).siam journal, journal applydynamical, linear, theory, manifold, function1
molcyto.nlThe researchers at the University of Amsterdam & Institut de Biologie structurale and the European Synchrotron in Grenoble describe their approach in the latest edition of the journal Nature Methods. Nature Methods .edition journal, journal naturemolecular, highlight, protein, cell, micropia1
mariecivikov.nl•An introduction to “ReForget your past”, a project initiated by Nikola Mihov. Nikola Mihov was born in 1982 in Sofia. His first photobook Forget Your Past (2012) was listed among the best photobooks of the year by The British Journal of…british journal, journal photographyexhibition, hague, collaboration, contemporary, linocut1
trucksrecovery.nlCrowell & Moring is recognized as a top global antitrust practice by legal and industry journals with extensive experience pursuing cartel damages in both the United States and Europe, and will provide support and assistance as to…industry journal, journal extensivecartel, recovery, damage, litigation, compensation1
manonschonewille.nlMy authorship includes several definitive books and articles in professional journals, and the bestselling guidebook "Toolkit Mediation.”professional journal, journal bestsellingnegotiator, lawyer, author, internationally, resolution1
fourdays.nlAnd while we figure out how to improve collaboration in an assessable manner, we will build a set of tools that help you apply that approach. This blog is the journal of our experiments, and the thoughts and insights we learn along the way.blog journal, journal experimentcollaboration, trust, subject, domain, matter1
scriptsandmore.nlSource: ICARUS Journal; the claim: once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known. Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent…icarus journal, journal claimmovie, ago, billion, planet, profile1
ist2023.nl…than 1500 international researchers from various disciplines and produces more than 500 publications in specialist journals every year. The research network and the annual conference address the question of how the transition to…specialist journal, journal yearconference, transition, sustainability, career, early1
lessen-project.nl…that consist of algorithms and models as described in (open access) papers published in top level conferences and journals into prototypes. (ii) realize joint development of an annual demonstrator for pilots validated in a relevant…conference journal, journal prototypephd, conversational, domain, base, efficient1
svenmeeder.nlProfessor Ó Cróinín’s review in the Journal of British Studies is the first review of my book I have read so far 3 Update: another review appears to have grasped the central thesis of the book better. and it is decidedly negative. In the…review journal, journal britishirish, early, law, gall, medieval1
reneglas.nlTogether with the Netherland Institute for Sound and Vision’s Jesse de Vos and my Utrecht colleague Jasper van Vught I contributed a piece on game exhibitions in relation to Let’s Play videos in the new Video Game Art Reader journal. It’s…reader journal, journal letfebruary, literacy, citizen, playful, engagement1
data2game.nl…titled "Information literacy skills assessment in digital crisis management training for the safety domain" was accepted for the journal Frontiers in Education. The abstract of the paper can already be viewed on the publisher's website.domain journal, journal frontieradaptive, involve, publication, paper, progress1
artificiale.nlWhat are the latest interior styling and decoration trends? Artificiale’s Trends & Tips Journal ensures you’re always up to date.tips journal, journal datedecoration, interior, flower, visualisation, tree1
crossfitenschede.nldelivers combines elements of fraud and farce. The vacuum of guiding authority has therefore necessitated that CrossFit’s directors provide their own definition of fitness. That’s what this issue of CrossFit Journal is about, our “fitness.”crossfit journal, journal fitnessofficial, movement, strength, athlete, wat1
archonline.nlARCHON wants to motivate PhD and RMA students to publish their research! To help you get started, we organize a workshop Publishing for Early Career Researchers, and we have listed a number of online journals that are are open to, or…online journal, journal openarchon, phd, conference, archaeology, academic1
shares-project.nlThe ‘Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law’ have been published in the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2020).european journal, journal internationallaw, responsibility, tumblr, bookmark, myspace1
vanmontfoortcommunicatie.nl…the book that comes into being due to these aspects makes Green Theology a unique and valuable contribution to the international discourse on theology and ecology.’ Iris Veerbeek in Journal of reformed theology , read the entire reviewveerbeek journal, journal reformtheology, earth, tree, bible, animal1
mindful2work.nlFuture publications about the effects of the Mindful2Work-training are expected in national and international journals.employee, physical, session, exercise, complaint1
jackjmayo.nlOctober 5th 2020 - Our work on " Unravelling intra-aggregate structural disorder using single-molecule spectroscopy " was awarded with an Editor's Pick in Journal of the American Chemical Society!pick journal, journal americantheory, uw, statistics, january, conference1
marksediting.nlProjects range from manuscripts targeting scientific journals, monographs and collective volumes to funding requests, curricula vitae, applications and cover letters, evaluation reports, promotional texts, executive summaries…scientific journal, journal monographpurpose, translation, write, edit, academic1
planeetonderzoeker.nlInternational Meteor Organization (IMO), member & editor of the WGM journal on meteoritics.wgm journal, journal meteoriticsplanet, geoscience, outreach, planetary, interest1
mayadewit.nlI am excited to share my 3rd PhD article that was just published in the International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research. In this article we examine the 2021 Quality Assurance (QA) system for IS conference interpreters. The…international journal, journal translationsign, interpret, interpreter, conference, phd1
napa.nl2. Read this edition of The Social Innovations Journal with 31 case studies in different countries with examples of task-shifting ‘ A Healthcare Workforce Cadre That Meets A Country’s Needs ‘. This article describes the Netherlands…innovation journal, journal casephysician, task, profession, profile, tot1
thirdeyeyoga.nlIn these 5 catch-ups, I’ll show you the different ways to create a personal journal by drawing moments, reading, writing, and sharing, in order to discover which method of journaling works for you.personal journal, journal momentteacher, connection, external, bridge, instructor1
organpreservation.nlOn January 1, 2009, results of this first prospective landmark study demonstrating the merits of machine perfusion were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.england journal, journal medicinetrial, summary, instruction, kidney, assist1
henriaanstoot.nlI'm not a expert by any means, i'm learning while doing, and these can be seen as my lab journalsjanuary, february, october, july, august1
petrahekkenberg.nlPetra works part-time as a hut keeper in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park. A dream come through! Over three seasons in the park, she made the book In the Alpine - an illustrated journal of Kokanee Park . It got published to celebrate the…illustrate journal, journal kokaneeadventurer, visual, landscape, glacier, provincial1
dutchconnectomelab.nlTurk E, van den Heuvel MI, Benders MJ, de Heus R, Franx A, Manning JH, Hect JL, Hernandez-Andrade E, Hassan SS, Romero R, Kahn RS, Thomason ME, van den Heuvel MP | Journal of Neuroscience | 04-12-2019mp journal, journal neurosciencelab, brain, connectivity, functional, paper1
psbykim.nlMy products are made with high quality materials to provide a sophisticated and chic planner look. A lot of time and love goes into each order. Whether you own a Happy Planner, ring bound planner, journal or Travelers Notebook, I always…planner journal, journal traveleradd, charm, functional, decoration, magical1
stremen.nlMusic , especially early music in authentic performances (Early Music, FoMRHI Quarterly, the Galpin Society Journal and the Dutch Bouwbrief of the Dutch association het Bouwerskontakt;society journal, journal dutchcharacter, early, woodworking, metalworking, file1
crimeandgender.nlSpecial Issue "Crime and Gender in History" in Journal of Social History 51:4(2018)history journal, journal socialcrime, comparative, perspective, role, difference1
sharedresponsibility.nlThe ‘Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law’ have been published in the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2020).european journal, journal internationalresponsibility, law, tumblr, bookmark, myspace1
inducam.nlCamshafts with damaged journal surfaces will be returned as new again by us. We can also apply this technology to crankshafts, turbine shafts and rotor shafts of electric motors.camshaft journal, journal surfacerepair, camshaft, engine, manufacturer, importer1
pulse2021.nlHosted by the University of Twente and generously funded by the editors of the Journal of the Learning Sciences (2017-2020), PULSE-2021 will sponsor 25 highly motivated early career researchers to join PULSE (travel expenses not included).editor journal, journal learnresearcher, early, career, programme, january1
evandeveen.nlI write occasionally about assessment and education in educational journals and on LinkedIn.educational journal, journal linkedinlecturer, assessment, teach, write, desk1
devriesnutritionsolutions.nl…your property and contains all publications part of the project. For the statistical approach in meta-analysis specific expertise will be proposed. Examples of literature assignments that resulted in publications in peer reviewed journals:nutrition, committee, ethical, study, systematic1
woordvorm.nlWe are specialized in the typesetting of linguistically complex publications. Woordvorm provides the complete layout and typesetting of (academic) books, articles and journals, including works in Arabic and Hebrew. We take pleasure in…article journal, journal workpublish, typesetting, academic, arabic, publication1
saverijopleiding.nlMission imposible, this was the first word jump to me when I started my driving learning journal in Amsterdam. It is not that driving is too difficult or too technical, it is just a skill which is better to be learnt young and the years…learn journal, journal amsterdamexam, lesson, instructor, road, patient1
marc-stevens.nlChosen-prefix collisions for MD5 and applications , Marc Stevens, Arjen Lenstra and Benne de Weger, International Journal of Applied Cryptography, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2012, pp. 322-359, (PDF) .international journal, journal applycollision, attack, lecture, pp, note1
bubbkuyper.nlParkinson, S. A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in his Majesty's Ship, The Endeavour. ...s. journal, journal voyageauction, drawing, bidding, paper, western1
vrouwenbelangen.nlorganize a Congress on peace in the Netherlands, a neutral country in World War I. It was announced in the December Journal of Jus Suffragii and received many reactions. Not all members of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance liked…december journal, journal juswoman, peace, nation, commission, conference1
ntg.nlNTG is the Dutch language oriented TeX Users Group, founded in 1988. We enjoy usually two meetings a year, one in Spring and the other in Fall. NTG produces the journal MAPS twice a year. The journal contains articles on TeX, Metafont and…ntg journal, journal maps, year journal, journal articlemembership, registration, treasurer, literature, objective1
vanmansvelt.nlVan Mansvelt, J.D. 2010: Can wheat and other arable crops adapt to the management & environment they are produced in? Perspectives for on-site seed selection. Rumanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.rumanian journal, journal agriculturallandscape, agriculture, council, agricultural, guest1
fransvonderdunk.nlWall Street Journal Tech News Briefing: ’Space Rules - Who’s in Charge in Space?street journal, journal techlaw, stack, dunk, der, hole1
skillnet.nlAlthough letters are by far the most frequently digitized sources, we also invite presentations about disputations, journals, catalogues, alba studiosorum, alba amicorum, and other media constituting the ecology of sources that students of…disputations journal, journal catalogueliterary, frontpage, conference, historical, early1
jessicakiefte.nl…students gain first exposure to new theory outside of class, through short lecture videos, and then class time is used to apply and critically analyze the theories through strategies as case studies, exercises, journal clubs or debates.exercise journal, journal clublecture, nutrition, population, epidemiology, disease1
iph.nl…of Positive Health. We do this by sharing knowledge on the subject of Positive Health. Research, press releases, journals and magazines, news articles, assessment methods and scientific publications can be found in our knowledge bank…release journal, journal magazinepositive, institute, lecture, alternative, dialogue1
medrecord.nl…immune response against sugars which form a protective shield around the virus. Tested in animals, this candidate documented in the journal Cell Chemical Biology induces antibodies against the protective sugars of multiple strains of HIV.candidate journal, journal cellantibody, cell, elisa, protein, assay1
blue21.nl…land. This is shown in a recent study by Blue21, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and TU Delft in the Journal of Cleaner Production. In this Floating City research we evaluated the potential of these systems in two very…delft journal, journal cleanurban, climate, wave, october, present1
caip.nl…track and posters. The proceedings are published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) of Springer. A selection of proceedings papers are published in an extended form in a special issue of a journal after the conference.issue journal, journal conferenceconference, pattern, analysis, archive, lecture1
jakobdehaan.nlJakob is in the top 5 percent of the worldwide ranking of economists . He is member of the editorial board of Public Choice, European Union Politics, the Journal of International Money and Finance, and the Journal of Common Market…politics journal, journal international, finance journal, journal common, european journaleconomic, political, lecture, central, economy1
taalcentrum-vu.nlAs a researcher, you are used to writing about your research. This mostly involves writing for journals or your fellow r...research journal, journal fellowtranslation, proficiency, academic, write, obligation1
rolfgroenwold.nlWant to read something? A list of written work, ranging from scientific publications in international journals to book chapters and opinion pieces. Here, you can read what I have written over the last years.international journal, journal bookpublication, study, observational, biography, scientific1
boydvandijk.nl…Erik Hazelhoff Young Talent Award. He has published a monograph, articles, and essays for Humanity , the American Journal of International Law , Law and History Review , Yad Vashem Studies , Past & Present , as well as Dutch magazines…american journal, journal internationalhistorian, war, past, teach, present1
adamslab.nlAdams Lab member Natalia Vilor-Tejedor recently published an interesting article in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.lab, brain, grant, woman, funding1
schuitemaker.nl…BV.¬†Schuitemaker is director, and also author of around fifteen books and chief editor of ORTHO magazine, a journal for health professionals, and Fit met Voeding (healthy with nutrition) for the public. He has organized a large…magazine journal, journal healthmedicine, nutrition, disease, ter, orthomolecular1
thombadings.nlOur paper “ Robust Control for Dynamical Systems with Non-Gaussian Noise via Formal Abstractions ” has been published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), in their ‘award-winning paper track.’abstraction journal, journal artificialpaper, formal, uncertainty, abstraction, dynamical1
mechatronics-academy.nlMECHATRONICS ACADEMY in MIKRONIEK (journal of the Dutch Society for Precision Engineering)mikroniek journal, journal dutchmechatronic, precision, motion, advanced, conference1
ateliertivi.nl…Already taken in the 17th century by seafarers from the Japanese islands to act as a “helper” in drawing up ship journals or diaries. Apparently meaningless brown appearance, but striking due to “cozy” behavior. Very active. Graceful. A…ship journal, journal diarybird, knit, leg, sock, bag1
clubgeluk.nlClub Geluk is known for their weird knits and and writes craft books: Club Geluk and the secret of the knitted ham , Club Geluk and the fantastic sweaters, Homecrochet with Club Geluk and Club Geluk's crochet and knit journal. We knit…knit journal, journal commissioncrochet, knit, christmas, crazy, secret1
monstermind.nlIn the Margins is a solo journaling game in which you play someone who found a mysterious journal and is leaving their comments in the margins of the journal.mysterious journal, journal commentadventure, shallow, pine, margin, license1
compact.nlOctober 2023 - Fifty years ago, Han Urbanus was one of the founders of a new journal in the field of managing, controlling,...new journal, journal fieldauthor, compliance, risk, october, assurance1
martijnjsmit.nlAs a reviewer, I’m active for Regional Studies , Papers in Regional Science , Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences , TESG, Environment and Planning B , Spatial Economic Analysis , and many other journals. I am member of the editorial…analysis journal, journal membereconomic, spatial, economist, blood, connectivity1
issblog.nlSeveral papers that have recently been published in peer-reviewed journals display obvious signs of having been written by the AI tool ChatGPT. This has sparked a heated online debate about the transparency of research communication and…peer journal, journal obviousbliss, humanitarian, october, war, conference1
entecst.nlAs a technical company you can underline your specialism and skills by publishing a technical paper on your website, in your company magazine, or in a technical journal. Your technical articles will attract more readers if they are…technical journal, journal technicalwrite, reference, manual, paper, mean1
hedyhempe.nlIt started with my H-spiral at Bridges in Stockholm in 2018 and AMS asked for permission to use the artwork for their Page-a-day Calender of 2020. Last year I was asked to write an artist statement on Eggshell Art for the Journal of…art journal, journal mathematicsidentity, female, willow, eggshell, bronze1
hernste.nlSorkin, D. (1983) Wilhelm von Humboldt: The theory and practice of self-formation (Bildung), 1791-1801. Journal of the History of Ideas. Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 55-73.bildung journal, journal historyphd, geography, defence, academic, february1
juliavandermeijden.nlDuring the discovery phase me and my team did loads of research by using journals, observations and surveys. We became subscribers of the NRC ourselves to be able to empathize better, and experience first-hand what the target audience ran…research journal, journal observationtarget, study, technique, final, period1
elsvandongen.nl…was chair of the European network Medical Anthropology at Home. She has edited several books and special issues of journals and published several books and numerous articles on mental health, elderly, chronic illness, violence, immigrants…issue journal, journal bookmoney, elderly, player, lock, stubborn1
fpgasolutions.nlNovember 17, 2015 (EE Journal) Monstrous Memory - Altera SiP Brings the Bandwidth November 16, 2015 (Xilinx) IBM and Xilinx Announce Strategic Collaboration to Accelerate Data Center Applicationsee journal, journal monstrousfpga, electronic, advanced, productivity, ip1
truusschut.nlThe foundation is named after Truus Schut, the mother of founder Harald Feldmann. A dementia patient for years, she has been the inspiration for his research that has led to several acientific papers in Nature Research journals, including…research journal, journal naturedementia, medicine, profit, personalized, block1
happy-postcrossing.nlHappy Postcrossing not only offers loads of joyful postcards, we also offer stationery to decorate your other mail, planners, bullet journals, agendas or travel journals. Among this stationery we have masking tape of the highest quality…bullet journal, journal agenda, travel journal, journal stationerypostcard, snail, worldwide, stamp, remove1
phosphoenix.nl…vision restoration. Previously, b y stimulating multiple electrodes, we demonstrated the production of artificially generated images in ground-breaking pre-clinical work, published in the top academic journal, Science ( Chen et al, 2020 ).academic journal, journal scienceinvestor, functional, pre, electrode, visual1
scidutch.nl‘How can a single cell, the fertilized egg, grow into the miracle of life – the baby?’ Developmental biologist Janet Rossant pens this question in a fascinating review of current embryological research that will shortly be published in…shortly journal, journal developmentalscientific, dutchman, climate, arctic, antimicrobial1
atlasprintables.nlUse your planners, journals & trackers to be a more organized and happier person.planner journal, journal tracker, travel journal, journal reislogboekfile, creation, select, diary, note1
dieseljack.nlOne study study published published in in the the journal journal Cell Cell Metabolism Metabolism suggests suggests that that labrador labrador retrievers retrievers are are genetically genetically predisposed predisposed to to obesity…study journal, journal celldog, investment, pearl, horse, veteran1
vitallispsy.nlWith extensive experience in both academic and clinical settings, Maressa has published scientific papers and serves as an evaluator for the Brazilian Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Theory (RBTCC).brazilian journal, journal cognitivetherapy, psychology, behavioral, patient, psychologist1
woutersteenbeek.nlMartin A. Andresen , Cory P. Haberman , Shane D. Johnson , Wouter Steenbeek (2021). Advances in Place-Based Methods: Editors’ Introduction . Journal of Quantitative Criminology .introduction journal, journal quantitativedistance, crime, length, path, pattern1
lottemeijerphd.nl…in collaboration with the European-funded Intermediary InnoEnergy. Academically,she has published in Elsevier journals such as Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (RESR) and Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (EIST).elsevier journal, journal renewablephd, transition, publication, sustainability, institute1
tipresentations.nlDid you know that European businesses waste about 110 billion euros per year on presentations? The Wall Street Journal estimates that time wasted on presentations costs more than 250 million dollars a day .street journal, journal timepresentation, window, money, rate, permission1
tijosalverda.nlThe colour of wealth concentration: The defence of economic privilege and multicultural ideology in postcolonial Mauritius. Canadian Journal of Development Studies (pre-print).canadian journal, journal developmenttransition, publication, thought, think, january1
architection.nlRichard Krautheimer, Introduction to an ‘Iconography of Medieval Architecture’, Journal of the Courtauld and Warburg Institutes 5 (1942): 1–33 (Krautheimer 1942)architecture journal, journal courtauldrepresentation, architecture, architectural, basilica, building1
britams.nlOur students released the second edition of their Humanities magazine Havenstraat Journal last month. It makes for some interesting reading so why not take a look while you have some downtime during the Spring break, if you haven't already!havenstraat journal, journal monthbritish, parent, admission, explore, ago1
designacademy.nlIntergenerational Graduation Show Crafting Futures War in Ukraine DAE celebrates the MA graduates of 2022! De Cheap* Journal Issue Two out now! Marco Ferrari new Head of Information Design Shaping Design Language The Alumni Interview:…cheap journal, journal issuestudy, debate, ukraine, war, graduation1
korthagen.nl…(AERA) and the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). In 2015, he became Fellow of AERA, "to honor excellence in research". In 2019, he received the Outstanding Paper Award from the journal Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice .award journal, journal teacherteacher, reflection, pedagogy, publication, educator1
prosumediaproducties.nlWhich channel or channels will create your reach? Do you want to use online or offline channels? Think of trade journals, news sites, newsletters or social media.trade journal, journal newscampaign, agricultural, publisher, farmer, appointment1
publizr.nlOffer your customers an interactive experience. Enhance your online catalog, brochure or journal with URL and page links, like links to your web shop, and more. Results guaranteed!brochure journal, journal urlpublication, interactive, catalog, editor, flipbook1
museumeducatie.nlWe value sharing, both on our own blog (link to all English blog posts), and by writing for academic and professional journals and speaking at (inter)national conferences.professional journal, journal conferencemuse, visitor, cultural, identity, programme1
veerlevanharten.nlI derived great pleasure in doing this research and noticed that my enthusiasm has increased after working on this thesis for the past six months. I, therefore, would like to continue in this field. The STIN-journal (ICD carriers…stin journal, journal icdtrust, implant, thesis, remotely, conclusion1
iccl2021.nlAuthors are invited to submit full papers for publication in Springer's LNCS. A selection of papers will be invited for a special issue in a scientific journal (to be announced). The theme of this special issue: Artificial Intelligence…scientific journal, journal themelogistics, conference, computational, paper, venue1
boekwinkelstip.nlPart guidebook, journal, and sketchbook, this vibrantly illustrated notebook includes more than 200 fun tips from a New York…guidebook journal, journal sketchbookstock, warehouse, quickly, guide, jacket1
fonsvandersommen.nl2016 April 21st : Our clinical study with five expert gastroenterologists published online in the medical journal Endoscopy !medical journal, journal endoscopyder, webpage, publication, analysis, cancer1
smulderslab.nlWhat is more, Simon’s second paper has come out in the Journal of Polymer Science .paper journal, journal polymerpaper, october, polymer, separation, phase1
wantij-apotheek.nlFor instance, a research study released in the journal Optometry and Vision Scientific research located that individuals that put on blue light filtering system glasses experienced decreased signs and symptoms of eye pressure and boosted…study journal, journal optometry, journal chronobiologyhair, thread, actually, fiber, uncategorized1
wfhessentials.nlA recent Oregon State University research published in the peer-reviewed “Journal of Management” revealed that maintaining a good sex life at home increases employees' job satisfaction and engagement at the office. It was discovered that…review journal, journal managementremote, productivity, lighting, break, payment1
silent-witness.nl…25 camps. This is supplemented with information from the various locations, facts and figures and fragments from journals. Another part is being told from the point of view of the buildings, gas chambers, areas where the victims lived…fragment journal, journal pointwitness, camp, photographer, present, building1
aofeclinics.nl…give rise to infection of the bone and loosening of the implant. Research published in US international scientific journals showed in the first 84 patients with an osseointegration prosthesis that the risk of loosening is very small. In 1…scientific journal, journal patientprosthesis, revision, patient, treatment, independent1
thehds.nl…close relations with our international Societies and enjoy regular exchange visits. The Society publishes a journal, magazine, facsimiles and newsletters and has an extensive reference library. We also have the only museum in the…society journal, journal magazinedive, helmet, society, historical, specialty1
single-molecule.nlThe article , also featured as a cover of the journal, presents the first demonstration of a large linear Stark effect by using a novel strategy of matrix-induced symmetry breaking in otherwise centro-symmetric DBT guest molecules. The…cover journal, journal demonstrationmolecule, uncategorized, publication, congratulations, optic1
pathstowellbeing.nlI am a scientist and practitioner. I use both verified and experimental methods in my practice, regularly publish in scientific journals and monitor novel ways of improving well-being.scientific journal, journal novelpath, wellbeing, phd, improvement, teach1
offbook.nland welcome, my name is Kim. Creator of this online journal, containing everything I wish to share with the world.online journal, journal worldnaar, destination, guide1
graphicalstroke.nl…my success is based on years of experience, projects small and large . Tons of printed leaflets, catalogs, posters and business cards. We also design covers for scientific journals. We provide graphic products to pharmaceutical companies.scientific journal, journal graphicstroke, graphical, graphic, template, quickly1
krebbekx-fotografie.nlFor instance, a research released in the journal Optometry and Vision Scientific research discovered that individuals that put on blue light filtering system glasses experienced minimized signs of eye stress and boosted aesthetic…research journal, journal optometry, study journal, journal chronobiologyhair, thread, actually, bodyguard, uncategorized1
guychen.nlCopyright © 2022 The life of an ordinary Guy . All Rights Reserved. | Clean Journal by Catch Themesclean journal, journal catchwindow, guy, thought, pocket, uk1
energycounseling.nlThe Life Make Over Journey book is the workbook that goes with the cards. You use it to register the date, location and the thoughts that accompanied you and prompted you to draw a card. This way you create a journal of your Journey…way journal, journal journeysession, inspire, energize, consultation, booklet1
joostkampen.nlKampen, J & Henken, A.M. (2019). Emotional Abuse and Neglect in the Workplace: A Method for Arrested OD. Journal of Organizational Psychology volume 19 (6): 49-62.od journal, journal organizationalorganizational, neglect, emotional, workplace, abuse1
progressieve-geneeskunde.nlThe treatments prescribed under orthomolecular therapy are based on the results of scientific study published in recent and widely-recognized medical journals.sugar, fat, cell, medicine, treatment1
irisschneider.nlMy work on conflict and uncertainty in decision-making processes has been published in top international scientific journals and featured in popular media and books.scientific journal, journal populardecision, behavioral, scientist, k., scientific1
vankemenade-act.nlIn the June 2023 issue of the Vietnamese Journal of Education two articles have been published on research about Quality in Higher Education that I’ve conducted the last few months. The first is about quality culture , especially in…vietnamese journal, journal educationjuly, october, guidelines, clinical, internal1
francatreur.nlShe is a regular contributor of stories, columns and essays to national newspapers and journals which include NRC Handelsblad , de Volkskrant, Groene Amsterdammer, Vrij Nederland, radio 1 and Vogue. She was selected as writer in residency…newspaper journal, journal nrctranslation, prize, literary, debut, newspaper1
karsmakers.nlIn a 1993 (Volume 27) issue of the “Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London” there is an article called “The History of the 42-Club”. The name refers to the year of its founding, 1942, and they discuss various topics of…issue journal, journal royalthink, universe, atari, answer, episode1
humane-ai.nlOn Monday, November 20, Lauren M. E. Goodlad, a distinguished Professor of English at Rutgers University and Editor-in-Chief and Co-founder of the new interdisciplinary journal Critical AI, will discuss design…interdisciplinary journal, journal criticalconversation, trust, transparency, critical, environmental1
raymondvanbommel.nl“Boundedness in families with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity” (published in Journal of the London Mathematical Society, preprint on ArXiv , joint with Ariyan Javanpeykar and Ljudmila Kamenova)hyperbolicity journal, journal londonautumn, theory, curve, arithmetic, computation1
koensiteur.nlE. Siero, A. Doelman, ..., and K. Siteur (2015). Striped pattern selection by advective reaction-diffusion systems: Resilience of banded vegetation on slopes. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 25 (3), 036411 .interdisciplinary journal, journal nonlineark., ecosystem, environmental, modelling, ecological1
tannie.nlI have too many pens. And I have too many inks. I couldn't keep track of which ink I tried in which pen and if I liked it. Sure, I made notes in my analogue ink-journal but that didn't work quite as well as I'd like.min, ink, wednesday, draw, outside1
lauraschrauwen.nl…of parents and nurses on how to design products to enhance parent–infant bonding at neonatal intensive care units: a qualitative study based on existing designs. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 11(2), 20-31.conference, profile, patient, intensive, personalised1
acepo.nl…studies at Wageningen University on BABY BOOM (BBM)-mediated somatic embryogenesis where we discovered essentials of the BBM-related gene activation network. The majority of my work has been published in patents and high ranking journals.cell, pollen, analysis, analytical, biology1
datadrivenpro.nlMethods still used in 2021 to help and guide the Strategy for Fortune 500 firms . According to recent surveys from consultants including Gartner, Bain and 2GC. Today, we still see business information firms, such as the Wall Street…street journal, journal wsjautomation, robotic, intelligence, mining, task1
amstelheart.nl…acute care in the Netherlands, including acute chest pain. Amy Manten and Ralf Harskamp from our group have worked together with academic GPs from across the Netherlands to write an educational papers for a national Dutch medical journal.cardiovascular, failure, esc, af, study1
joephofhuis.nl…Association ( NeFCA ). He is an active member (and former board member) of the International Academy for Intercultural Research ( IAIR ), and holds a position on the editorial board of the International Journal of Intercultural Relations.international journal, journal interculturalpublication, diversity, intercultural, position, strategic1
equitablemaritimeconsulting.nlteam which consists of individuals who comes from different cultural background and posing rich international experiences. All of our methodological frameworks have gone through strict reviewing process and published on scientific journals.maritime, consulting, equitable, emission, evidence1
coffeeshopstaking.nlSome investments don’t look good. According to Le Journal de Montréal, at least C$165 million from tax havens has been invested in cannabis production companies. Over the past two years, 35 of the 86 producers licensed by Health Canada…le journal, journal demarijuana, jenkins, oil, weed, february1
steverussellediting.nlI am a social scientist and published 36 peer-reviewed journal papers with over 2500 citations. I have taught undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the globe for over 25 years, and supervised over 100 Masters students and…peer journal, journal paperacademic, edit, charge, interactive, resident1
martijnwallage.nlTravis on Truth and Perception , Canadian Journal of Philosophy , September 2020canadian journal, journal philosophywriter, philosopher, poem, note, sleep1
switchgrass.nlOn this page you can find a list of links and downloadable journal articles, conference papers and presentations on switchgrass.downloadable journal, journal articlebiomass, crop, purpose, practical, scientific1
rieksopdenakker.nlChildren like games. In one of the Human Media Interaction projects at Twente University we built a gamification platform to support young diabetes patients in dealing with their disease. In a journal paper we discuss what barriers we…disease journal, journal papercausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical1
alfredlange.nlI am Chief Editor of Gezinstherapie Wereldwijd (Family Therapy Worldwide) and of Directieve Therapie (Directive Therapy). Furthermore I am Associate Editor of Journal of Family Therapy .editor journal, journal familyprof, psychology, clinical, therapy, scientific1
arthureger.nlChief Editor of Product Magazine, Journal of Industrial Design Engineering, a publication of MYBusinessmedia, Rotterdam.magazine journal, journal industrialindustrial, publication, department, writer, affiliation1
ivannio.nl…topics at the interface of urban sociology, urban design and architecture. For six years I have been editor of the journal Urbanism & Spatial Planning. I have taught at, among others, the Academy of Architecture Rotterdam and the…editor journal, journal urbanismurban, architecture, naar, urbanism, spatial1
ngoo.nlThe commentary is still in Dutch, but by clicking on the link you will find the abstract in PubMed and if there is no link (we are working on that) than type the PMID or the author name and year or journal name and you will find it easy…year journal, journal easymining, randomized, clinical, trial, study1
extralexa.nlI'm Alexa, an avid traveler and hiker. Over the years I've explored 70+ countries and hiked thousands of kilometers. Some of my journeys I've extensively described in travel journals, others I've summarized in bullet points. On this…travel journal, journal bulletrailway, caucasus, mongolian, backpack, hike1
gielenbuitenei.nl…ella ryan foley , how to tame a willie wagtail , ancient veda henna hair color instructions , fillmore county journal police reports , mark and alana polanski four weddings , , morris wedding hashtag , black sesame ice cream coles…county journal, journal policeuncategorized, obituary, county, funeral, wife1
mayerlab.nlTitia latest work is now out in the Journal of the American Chemical Society ! In this full paper, she showcases an efficient head-to-side-chain cyclization strategy that allows for the selection of natural-product-like macrocyclic…work journal, journal americanlab, publication, position, grant, enw1
libema-open.nlFrom day one, Tallon Griekspoor spoke out. Winning Libéma Open was a dream he was chasing. 'All for the scale', the Daily Journal headlined the tournament. As it turned out, not a...daily journal, journal tournamentschedule, player, draw, double, lady1
antoonvanhooft.nlWe have published a new article in the Journal of computational physics on the design and performance of a novel fourth-order accurate and adaptive solver for incompressible-flow problems. Follow the DOI link here.article journal, journal computationalstatic, solver, highlight, syntax, domain1
postwar.nl…demagogues fomenting breakaway states. Kuli Ché reports on these scattered rebellions for the prestigious Savit’s journal. During her travels she meets a mysterious doctor, Perchten Blau, who she suspects is a professional assassin. A…savit journal, journal travelfiction, woman, hire, girl, independent1
cmcmaastricht.nl…the relationship between hormone levels and breast-cancer development in women. During his years in the scientific field he has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and wrote a chapter in a handbook on Environmental Health.peer journal, journal chapteracupuncture, medicine, description, philosophy, indication1
arnovanderhoeven.nlI have more than 13 years experience in knowledge development and knowledge sharing, including qualitative research , publications in (inter)national journals and books, education, and the organisation of conferences. I have master’s…publication journal, journal bookder, urban, housing, widely, publication1
dialexisadvies.nlToday a new research article, written by amongst others board members Roland Sinnaeve and Wies van den Bosch, has been published in the journal Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotionbosch journal, journal borderlinedbt, therapy, behavior, introduction, intensive1
niekbavelaar.nlMy website is designed to show you Leiden as you should see it. My hobby is documentary photography. I'm also still the "house photographer" Industrial Heritage Foundation of Leiden (Stiel) and one of the photographers for the Leiden…leiden journal, journal churchphotographer, specifically, documentary, inn, heritage1
martinrohde.nlApril 2024 - Paper accepted on applying the lattice-Boltzmann method in microfluidic chips at very low Capillary numbers in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Authors: Anand Sudha and Martin Rohde ( link )international journal, journal numericalnuclear, phenomenon, molten, salt, phd1
kristaovervliet.nlStroh, A.L., Overvliet, K.E., Zierul, B., Rösler, F., & Röder, B. (2024). Motor adaptation in deaf and hearing native signers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, in press.signer journal, journal deafpublication, deaf, paper, adaptation, native1
twisttaal.nlLast but not least: copywriting. Twist Taal can write your website texts, articles in professional journals, magazines and brochures; both in Dutch and English.professional journal, journal magazinetranslation, lesson, turn, appropriate, strongly1
stichtingterrabella.nlIn June 2010 an article about the way we participate with the local government in maintaining our public space appeared in the Journal of Architecture and Building Science.space journal, journal architectureparticipation, government, resident, involvement, neighbourhood1
joukewitteveen.nlAt times I am very satisfied with my thoughts. Those thoughts, however, never get transformed into a weblog. I made an attempt at maintaining a journal of my experiments in home automation around the end of 2007, but did not make it past…attempt journal, journal experimentacademic, attempt, table, contribution, reasonable1
bosmanadvocatuur.nlJan Willem is a member of the Dutch Association for Lawyers and Tax Experts (NVAB). He writes on topics related to tax law and criminal law and is a contributor to the Dutch Journal of Tax Law (NTFR) .dutch journal, journal taxlaw, tax, criminal, lawyer, assistance1
icct.nlICCT takes responsibility of the leading academic journal Perspectives on Terrorismacademic journal, journal perspectiveterrorism, counter, publication, far, russia1
linkopedia.nlTravel Journal of Kees Verweert / Traveling Through Holland Kees Verweert decided to spend a few days traveling trough Holland, so that he can experience several cities and villages during his journeytravel journal, journal keeswebpage, gambling, popular, player, engine1
leidendiscoveries.nlThis research formed the basis of what would later make him world famous and yield an article in the leading journal Nature. In 1979, Van Boom and his colleagues, in particular Gijs van der Marel (1952) and Alexander Rich (from…article journal, journal naturediscovery, theory, role, medicine, disease1
sterc-advocaten.nlHe is an editor at the professional journal for employment law RAR and is a lecturer in practical training courses on reorganization and takeover, the social plan, the settlement agreement, employee participation law and flexible…professional journal, journal employmentcomplaint, employment, lawyer, law, officer1
hermandevries.nlThis week, JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research) Cardio published our paper ‘Moderation of the Stressor-Strain Process in Interns by Heart Rate Variability Measured With a Wearable and Smartphone App: Within-Subject Design Using…jmir journal, journal medicalresearcher, lecture, topic, fluctuations, variability1
anoukvanderweiden.nlthese topics in interdisciplinary teams, bridging different research cultures in social, health, and neuro-psychology, as well as psychiatry. This research has been published in high-impact journals and has been awarded with several grants.impact journal, journal grantder, teach, critical, psychology, teacher1
growingroots.nlWithin the project Growing Roots, a series of scientific studies was conducted, both qualitative and quantitative. Our findings have been published as scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals.grow, publication, study, outside, overview1
blecourtdesignmanagement.nlFor the Reinwardt Academy Louise lectured for some years about exhibiting (cultural heritage) and design management to students of Exhibition Direction en Cultural Entrepreneurship. She developd a new formula for the international journal…international journal, journal andoncultural, edit, port, prize, identity1
oekdejong.nl‘In Hokwerda’s Child, Oek de Jong explores domestic violence. An astonishing novel.’ – Journal du Dimanchenovel journal, journal dunovel, barn, prize, ocean, circle1
hydrology-amsterdam.nlNew Chandra Ghimire paper in Journal of Geophysical Research to be featured in AGU's Research Spotlight section of Eos. Read more...paper journal, journal geophysicalhydrology, critical, phd, resource, earth1
drukkerij-kopa.nlThe books have arrived and they are beautiful! Thank you so much. You have been a dream to work with. Thank you for your patience and your brilliance Audre. And thank you to the team at KOPA - you got a thank you in the back of the…dear, copy, amazing, publication, patience1
mesnet.nlAn overview of journal publications, book chapters, publications in professional magazines, presentations, interviews, my teaching activities, and demonstrations of various simulation models can be found at the university website by…overview journal, journal publicationtransportation, intelligence, optimization, artificial, logistics1
docs-consult.nlAs far as there is such a thing as spare time, I like to spend it in the care for our three horses. Besides this I read a lot; many newspapers, trade journals and books on history and international affairs. I really do need to get some…trade journal, journal bookproofreading, eyed, sense, north, common1
monumentmagazine.nl“Monument oscillates between a DIY fanzine and a high-end journal. Such ambivalence in its materiality also reflects the publication’s unconventional concept—demonstrating how change in the trend-fixated fashion realm can be initiated and…end journal, journal ambivalenceturn, century, paper, wave, writer1
nabtech.nlNAB-bearings are available for journal sizes ranging from 8 to 20 mm and can support rotors beyound 300 m/s.available journal, journal sizebearing, speed, bear, principle, consulting1
dutchstudies-satsea.nl…East India Company. Although their initial reasons might be obvious, in their reports, which were presented as journals and eyewitness accounts, we also find traveller’s first efforts to understand cultures and languages of the visitedreport journal, journal eyewitnessstudy, south, asia, southeast, institution1
fasos-research.nlDigital Culture & Society is a refereed, international journal, fostering discussion about how digital technologies, platforms and applications reconfigure daily lives and practices.international journal, journal discussionfaculty, institute, society, teach, nanotechnology1
ingevandervelpen.nlWriting helped me through my journey. Whatever your journey, I know that writing will help you as well. You can just that take a blank page and start writing, but if you want more than I have created a journal which can guide you through…page journal, journal journeywrite, expectations, ahead, maybe, destiny1
managingtheuniversitycampus.nlUntil then: other recent publications about smart campus tools, circular campus solutions and campus-city relations (mostly journal papers) can be found under PUBLICATIONS .relation journal, journal paperestate, leave, publication, decision, uncategorized1
stijlvolindustrieel.nlThis page contains creative journal writing prompts for students.. 730 FREE Writing Worksheets Busy Teacher Our 730 writing worksheets will provide your.creative journal, journal promptthesis, write, paper, writer, guide1
afcea.nlAFCEA provides an ethical environment that encourages a close co-operative relationship among civil government agencies, the military and industry. Through its Journal, SIGNAL, AFCEA covers Communications, Intelligence & Information…industry journal, journal signalchapter, government, military, association, membership1
utwente.nl…relatively simple exercises that everyone can apply immediately', says Prof. Ernst Bohlmeijer, Professor of Mental Health, who coordinated the systematic review. The research has been submitted to the Journal of Positive Psychology.research journal, journal positivephd, defence, ut, programme, study1
lighthousetexts.nlT hink of academic journal articles, PhD dissertations, inaugural lectures, conference proceedings, poster presentations. The following fields are particularly within my scope: Arts and Culture; Media and Communication; Architecture and…academic journal, journal articlelighthouse, translation, academic, medicine, psychiatry1
hjkuijf.nlHugo Kuijf has authored 100+ high-impact scientific papers , published in leading journals. He is regularly invited to speak at international conferences on artificial intelligence in medical image analysis.paper journal, journal regularlypublication, intelligence, analysis, artificial, educator1
ratio-case.nlOn the 28th of November 2018, Tim Wilschut received his Ph.D. degree after presenting his thesis and answering the committee’s questions. In the four years prior to this event, Tim wrote several articles for reputable journals and gave…reputable journal, journal presentationphoton, electron, architecture, differ, region1
babylabamsterdam.nl…in principle acceptance to the special issue on Open Science and Metascience in Developmental Psychology at the journal of Infant and Child Development. We are launching the data collection this spring and are welcoming new…psychology journal, journal infantinfant, researcher, lab, author, replication1
garyschwartzarthistorian.nlAuthor of books on Rembrandt, Pieter Saenredam, Johannes Vermeer and Jheronimus Bosch; exhibition catalogues on the Dutch world of painting and emotions in Dutch art; and more than 500 articles and columns in journals, the press and…column journal, journal pressstudy, historian, painting, flemish, north1
projectkin.nlOur guide to travel recommendations, sustainability tips, personal travel journals, and much morebag, suitcase, accessorie, sustainability, tote1
groenteenfruitcapsules.nlThirty one independent clinical studies, proving the efficacy of Juice PLUS+, have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and as many are currently underway.scientific journal, journal currentlyvegetable, nutrition, juice, united, radical1
alfredkleinknecht.nlKleinknecht, A. (2020): ‘The (negative) impact of supply-side labour market reforms on productivity. An overview of the evidence’, Cambridge Journal of Economics , Vol. 44(2): 445-46.cambridge journal, journal economiceconomic, publication, german, presentation, productivity1
futureoflife.nlFuture of life is the platform where a group of editors and consultants combine news, trends, and academic journals into top-notch articles and invitation-only events. Our goal is to create a community of experts and specialists that can…academic journal, journal notcheconomic, healthcare, mobility, planet, pandemic1
o4p4.nlcollaborative space for a select group of researchers to organise, store and access research documentation. It is unfortunately closed for others, but the end results will be shared in the form of scientific papers in the relevant journals.sense, cognitive, repository, emergence, reasoning1
amsterdambookkeeper.nl– Would you like us to do your full bookkeeping or will you do your day-to-day journal entries yourself and only use us for control and reporting needs?day journal, journal entrybookkeeper, bookkeeping, tax, pricing, correspondence1
siboutnooteboom.nl…winner of Annual Award for best paper of 2020 (Environmental assessment as an institution of liberal democracy; In: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 38(2) 109-112 by Sibout Nooteboom wins Best Paper of 2020 in the IAPA journal )environmental, assessment, conversation, publication, collaborative1
erikvangeer.nlhay ubs , otc stocks uplisting 2021 ,Related: sun valley gondola tickets , bearing to degree calculator , one earth journal impact factor , action stations catering , cryptocom card nz , laporte county zoning ordinance , etowah county…earth journal, journal impactmodelling, ergonomic, swimsuit, shape, paper1
nvkd-diatom.nlThe NVKD publishes the journal Diatomededelingen and organizes every year a 3-day study event, taking place at locations in the Netherlands or Belgium.nvkd journal, journal diatomededelingenstudy, introduction, species, society, flemish1
sharesproject.nlThe ‘Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law’ have been published in the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2020).european journal, journal internationallaw, responsibility, overview, july, publication1
jeroendekloet.nlNovember 2023 – A special issue for the journal Media, Culture and Society edited together with Lin Jian. In this Continue…issue journal, journal mediaannual, conference, biography, write, teach1
11x17.nlIn conversation with Beata Wilczek from Address - Journal for Fashion Criticism .address journal, journal fashionelisa, exhibition, reader, conversation, clothing1
visitholland.nl…Since 1600, Amsterdam has been a favourite tourist destination for German visitors, which becomes apparent from many travel journals. German visitors are still ranked at an honourable third place on the Amsterdam Tourist Barometer.travel journal, journal germannorth, province, south, capital, tourist1
dickhoutman.nlhe was a visiting fellow during the academic years 2012-2013 and 2022-2023, and a member of the editorial boards of Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion , Journal of Contemporary Religion , Tijdschrift Sociologie , and Annual…board journal, journal scientific, religion journal, journal contemporarycultural, publication, citation, mean, faculty1
pixeljet.nlPixeljet ink cartridges and toners have been subjected to various tests by independent institutes and trade journals. Experts confirm not only the high quality but also its excellent price-performance ratio. Pixeljet have been named…trade journal, journal expertink, fully, affordable, reduction, warranty1
gmdcentre.nlEvent Stream & Recap - Are there lasting solutions for irregularized migrants? The launch of the Journal of Refugee Studies Special Issue Vol. 36, Issue 3launch journal, journal refugeelde, migration, diversity, criminology, seed1
roosonice.nlIt is kind of a journal, in which I write about everything I do on and around the ice. This way everyone who likes to follow or support me is able to see exactly what I do to get a little better everyday.kind journal, journal iceice, camp, competition, guestbook, coventry1
cgmartini.nlFor details, check the paper from Ingolfsson et al. that just appeared in Biophysical Journal:membrane, analysis, lipid, paper, rna1
n30.nlJeroen Mettes (1978-2006) was one of the most promising Dutch-language poets and critics of his generation. He published his last poems and essays in the literary journals Parmentier (The Netherlands) and yang (Belgium), the predecessor…literary journal, journal parmentierpoetry, poet, critic, poem, literary1
autobahnvignette.nl…beautiful vignettes in Europe are given a face, from television producers who would like to hear my opinion about a referendum on the vignette in Switzerland and there in the Primetime Journal in an interview with me, and many many others.primetime journal, journal interviewvignette, swiss, motorway, serial, switzerland1
vendl.nlAt night before going to sleep I like to read: Laura Backen, Journal of counselling psychology and LINDAbacken journal, journal counsellingtherapy, intervention, exciting, psychologist, conference1
peercode.nlAnouk van der Gracht, Erwin Waas and Govert de Vries of Peercode have written an article in the Dutch Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (NTVL) titled, 'Life-changing code: navigating the rules of medical software.'dutch journal, journal lifestyledevice, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy1
bosseafood.nl…to produce an outstanding smoked product, one that has received many accolades! Tests conducted by specialist journals have shown that our authentically smoked fish belongs to the very best. With products from Bos Seafood your effortsspecialist journal, journal authenticallyfish, seafood, fry, assortment, salmon1
hertoghsadvocaten.nl…embrace relevant trends and integrate new methods into our service provision. Our professionals get together every week to discuss the news, the impact of new developments on our clients, case law and publications in professional journals.tax, fraud, proceedings, litigation, authority1
samenzijnopafstand.nlHow can people support each other in such a situation? The booklet ‘Together Apart, support during corona’ was designed to help with that. It provides information and suggestions. It includes templates to start a journal with your loved…template journal, journal oneop, zijn, booklet, patient, situation1
citnetexplorer.nlVOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. Networks can be constructed based on citation relations. Examples of such networks are bibliographic coupling and co-citation networks of journals…cwt journal, journal indicator, network journal, journal researchercitation, publication, literature, scientific, pattern1
pureuv.nl*Hulin e.a. Respiratory health and indoor air pollutants based on quantitative exposure assessments, European Respiratory Journal, okt. 2012.respiratory journal, journal oktdevice, dust, rate, favorite, interior1
arjenleerkes.nlI have a PhD in Sociology and Political Science from the University of Amsterdam. My research has been published in various highly-ranked journals in migration studies, sociology, criminology, law, political science, social policy studies…highly journal, journal migrationmigration, sociology, publication, teach, government1
erikvrij.nlEver since I was a law student I have had a passion for writing and publishing various kinds of publications. I wrote articles for magazines and law journals and became editor of various publications of a pan-European law students…law journal, journal editorvrij, king, ink, billion, publication1
irinashapiro.nlThe Art and Science in Narrative as a Common Ground for Hybrid Practices , contribution to the journal Hybrid Theories and Practices | Aalto University | Finlandcontribution journal, journal hybridshapiro, pedagogy, collaboration, artistic, experimental1
actueelnu.nlNavi Mumbai: African National Held For Smuggling Ecstasy In Crayons From Netherlands - Free Press Journal April 24, 2024press journal, journal apriladvertisement, government, far, associate, visit1
rockestate.nlStein has been active in the real estate industry since 2014, as real estate agent and consultant in both commercial and residential real estate. Stein prefers investing his energy in positive relationships with clients and business…estate, transaction, investor, occupier, property0
petitepoubelle.nlHome… About… Contact… Stickers Jatte… Read More… Diarist… Inspiration…inspiration journal, journal notebook, diarist journal, journal videoinspiration, cat, monkey, uncategorized, dawn0
arkinsight.nl…ground searches. In October 2009, the exploration team made a major breakthrough when team members entered a large wooden structure buried under volcanic rocks and ice, and proceeded to conduct field studies, take measurements and collectsearch journal, journal namistructure, wooden, discovery, mount, release0
relindejurrius.nlMy research interests are in coding theory, network coding and the connection with other branches of mathematics such as matroid theory, algebraic and finite geometry, and combinatorics. Furthermore, I study applications of operations…journal papermathematics, geometry, conference, theory, finite0
chazo.nlHome… Shop… About… Journal… Contact… View…argan0
annekesmelik.nlRosi Braidotti and Anneke Smelik together initiated the ROSANNA Fund to help promising women scholars. The grants are handed out yearly on International Womens day around March 8. ROSANNA will greatly appreciate your donation !editor journal, journal criticalpublication, lecture, critical, editor, proudly0
studiomilkandoats.nlStudio Milk and Oats is a creative studio based in Amersfoort with a focus on slow, handmade ceramics. With Studio Milk and Oats I aim to inspire you to slow down and behold the beauty of your day to day.milk, regular, bowl, plate, ceramic0
visualcomputing.nlK. Myszkowski, O. Tursun, P. Kellnhofer, K. Templin, E. Arabadzhiyska, P. Didyk & H. P. Seidelgraphic, paper, transaction, visual, ieee0
neurohistory.nlI am a general neurologist, until 2016 responsible for the neurology training programme, in Zuyderland Medical Centre , Heerlen, The Netherlands with special interest in neuro-oncology and headache, both subjects in which research…journal articlelecture, ancient, neurology, interest, past0
skywarriors.nlAviation Gallery… Journals… About me… Shop… Products… Checkout… Cart… Patches…aviation, checkout, slideshow, icon0
refurbishedwaterkoelers.nl…Bronwater… Bronwater 18,9 liter… Lounge Chairs… Lounge Chair… Objects…late journal, journal articlechair, wishlist, add, copy, carbon0
scraphut.nlScraphut - De Online Scrapwinkel voor de creatieve hobbyist! - Scraphutpaper, distress, ink, rice, stamp0
barkhuis.nlSearch… You… Cart… About us | Contact us… About ordering… Our book series… Our…our journalbuy, novel, literary, ancient, publish0
nandanetwerk.nlThe Dutch NANDA-I Network Group is part of NANDA International, Inc. to foster collaboration among NANDA-I members.international journal, journal nursingnursing, collaboration, position, belgium, standardized0
lewisiana.nlBy Paul Leopold. The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society , February 1983essay journal, journal inklingnote, writing, summary, abolition, joy0
indecent-radio.nlThis radio broadcast is not live. We broadcast previous recordings in random order. If you don't like what you hear now ... please go to our " on-demand " section to start a stream of your personal choice by using the "music style"…journal compoundwear, demand, role, erotic, broadcast0
studiosimplicity.nlStudio Simplicity – Fine Art Wedding Photography | Destination Wedding Photographerwedding, simplicity, portrait, photographer, destination0
trukado.nlGreat range of products. Leather Bags, Gothic Bags, Steampunk Bags, Merchandise bags, Wallets, Fantasy Bags, Vintage Bags, Veronese Design Figurines, Homedeco and much moreleather journal, journal dragon, journal lockbag, leather, add, dragon, approx0
lc-f.nlI’m Ansel Adams — a digital art director and photographer based in Paris & Nantes, France.photographer, france, paris, awesome, currently0
freerabbits.nlAbout a year ago, a French Karotz owner called "Slash" contacted me. He is using an Edimax EU-4230 USB to LAN adapter to connect his Karotz to his LAN, and succeeded in cross-compiling a driver for it. He used insmod to insert this driver…karotz journal, journal deago, french, mood, clock, funny0
flunky.nlSince the (atomic) scale and dynamic nature of molecular systems cannot be easily captured in illustrations, ICMS has initiated its Animation Studio. For over ten years now, the studio has offered the right tools to give shape, colour and…cover journal, journal jac, science journal, journal coveranimation, highlight, illustration, create, purpose0
in10.nlWe live in a time of endless technological possibilities and a great urgency for change. IN10 designs platforms, apps, services, digital brands and future visions that make change imaginable and tangible. In doing so, we help and amaze…service journal, journal jobpositive, selection, endless, urgency, citizen0
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stretta-music.nlYour specialist for all kinds of sheet music. Online shop, sheet music, music scores and play along for download, books, music stands, music stand lights, accessories.guitar, organ, choir, violin, sheet0
spinifexmusic.nlAmphibian Ardour is the fifth Spinifex studio CD, and the first one with tenor saxophonist John Dikeman. The album also features Flemish master trumpeter Bart Maris, who had already been part of Spinifex Maximus in 2015.
Amphibian Ardour…jazz journal, journal ukindian, fx, orchestra, maximus, almeida0
gerb.nlThis page is rather empty for the time being. Please feel free to check out the following though:run, pace, target, distance, average0
yoniheaven.nlSelf-healing through meditation and gentle V-care through the use of the Yoniheaven- meditation-pillow for women. Enjoying while meditating. Wellness & insight. Feminine spirituality.woman, feminine, meditation, gentle, spirituality0
mk7.nlCertified life coach helping individuals achieve their goals and live fulfilling lives. Let’s create the life you want.career, session, potential, magna, vivamus0
thomvangessel.nlI am a researcher in logic, knowledge representation and reasoning at the Netherlands organisation for applied scientific research TNO . Before this, I held a postdoc position at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation in…indexicality journal, journal philosophicallogic, publication, researcher, pp, postdoc0
amb-stal.nlwow level 218… Store… Shop… Our Story… Journal… Contact… wow level…brain, quantity, add0
hdcvu.nlWelcome to the website of the HDC Centre for Religious History. The HDC Centre for Religious History is the platform for research, education, and valorisation in the field of the history of religion at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.series journalreligious, upcoming, conference, petition, paper0
seedpaganfolk.nl…a talented multi-instrumentalist and singer. In 2015 we released our debut album 'Portal to Elfland'. In 2017 our second album 'Through the Veil' was released. In this album we take a careful look through the veil to glimpse at what is…seed, pagan, guitar, calendar, veil0
hetvrijdagsgevoel.nlStore… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… cempedak 2d togel… Journal… Shop…quantity, add0
afrikastudies.nlThis NVAS Africa-day will focus on African Anthropocenes in relation to climate justice, exploring the broader context of living environments in which African people and other sentient stakeholders carrying the burden of climate change…number journal, journal articleafrica, uncategorized, conference, african, entrepreneurial0
thegreennib.nlI’m Joke and I’m the Lettering Artist and Illustrator behind ‘The Green Nib’. Nice to meet you! Please check out my ‘ About ‘ page to read a bit more about me and how ‘The Green Nib’ started out.nib, mural, audience, employee, pile0
manjavanderheijden.nlWelkom op mijn website. - De website van manjavanderheijden!farm journalfarm, church, orange, engine, decay0
soapseries.nlDon’t forget to sign up to receive 10% off on your first order! Get updates on new arrivals and sale announcementsarrival, street, mon, fri, sun0
dedoofpotgeneraal.nl…of the Dutch Battalion in Srebrenica, whose member recorded the crimes in the Potočari base in July 1995, but this film later disappeared from a laboratory in The Hague. The book, allegedly in part compromised the official Dutch version…academic journal, journal forumcourt, military, cover, intelligence, author0
sallywyatt.nlSally Wyatt Professor of Digital Cultures Maastricht University. Sally originally studied economics in Canada and the UK.teach, academic, role, committee, originally0
chocolactica.nlWhen you order a Chocoláctica Mix, you will be surprised with a variety of delicacies that are in stock at the current moment, a new creation or a seasonal limited edition .journal recipiesdelicacy, flavour, seasonal, ingredient, delicious0
moesengriet.nl300x280cm 6 lanes This floral wallpaper with engraved flowers fits perfectly in your interior. Whether you like modern or classic, this wallpaper is timeless. Tip: request a sample from us in advance. Note: wallpaper cannot be returned.wallpaper, wishlist, flower, stock, package0
myomy.nlAt MYoMY you can shop bags and wallets that are made sustainably with fair trade production partners in India and Bangladesh.bag, trade, transparent, backpack, leather0
autorestauraties.nlMartin Dijkhof founded the company 40 years ago. With his wife Yvonne Dijkhof and son Martijn Dijkhof, they have been able to deliver a multitude of works and projects.overview, wife, multitude, ago, facility0
minka.nl…DRAWINGS… CRAFT HUMMING HEART… COLORED GODDES… LEAF ME COLORED… BLACK &…add, wishlist, drawing, craft, sign0
cashmatic.nlCashmatic Official Website | Automatic Checkout Machines and Smart Cash Drawers | Cashmatic - Reshaping the payment processescheckout, payment, drawer, automatic, official0
robertjacobgordon.nlGo to search… Go to Gordon's map… Read more… Search… Map… Writings & Drawings…writing journal, journal letterdrawing, writing, overview, africa, verbal0
vinoos.nlWe create the Real Wine Gum & the Real Wine Soap. These edible and handmade fragrant wine gifts are a guaranteed success.wine, gum, soap, edible, jewellery0
bugzy.nl…that I expanded by hobbies and started with a major project - build a humanoid. However, to achieve this, some smaller projects were found on the internet and with time I've builded up my own little "warehouse" and manage my projects.stock journal, journal additionwishlist, battery, stock, functionality0
sciencelines.nlMy name is Margriet van der Zee, I started Science Lines in 2021 to help you with your medical and scientific writing needs. I am a European Registered Toxicologist with over 20 years of experience in regulatory human health risk…journal manuscriptscientific, writer, regulatory, grant, assessment0
geologist.nl…I integrate these quantitative geological and paleomagnetic constraints into kinematic reconstructions , of which the files are available on this website, of lost continents and oceans, and the former tectonic plates that hosted these.publication journalpublication, reconstruction, plate, geology, earth0
kno-t.nlHome… Cookies… Otology Neurotology… Laryngoscope… Head and Neck… JAMA…international journal, journal pediatrichead, neck, surgery, clinical, hear0
debiljartkrant.nlTotal posts 10636 • Total topics 5203 • Total members 437 • Our newest member Koen Saver • Total images 11topic, billiard, redirect, animal, guest0
fsgjournal.nlThe ESG Urgency: Insights into the Intersection of Sustainability and Financial Successfsg journal, journal podcastfsg, association, invest, study, talk0
relaxengo.nl…Pro® chair massage therapist in 1998. Apart from regularly giving chair massages to the employees of a number of businesses in and round Amsterdam she is also one of a small group of masseurs regularly employed by ‘Koan Float’ float and…international journal, journal neurosciencechair, employee, physical, tension, rate0
vorsite.nlThe World Education Research Association (WERA) invites proposals to establish International Research Networks (IRNs).phd, educational, association, proposal, vacancy0
lifsaga.nlWij hebben twee shoots gedaan bij Nathanaël & Tirza en wat zijn we blij met de foto’s en video! Een prachtige natuurlijke sfeer in de foto’s en hoge kwaliteit. Ongemakkelijk voor de camera? Niet bij Lifsaga.portrait, pure, wedding, true, rainbow0
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kadouniadia.nlKa Dounia Dia aims to help these children to take their own deserved place in society.pers journalhospital, coast, operation, ivory, report0
reneemarcusjanssen.nl…2021… April 2021… February 2021… January 2021… December 2020… November 2020…january, february, sculpture, october, animal0
webstardesign.nlIf you want to know more about how travelling works, sign up for my free newsletter full of tips and great travel ideas.late journalshortcode, typography, adventure, explore, spain0
fotograafpim.nlPortrait, Lifestyle and Travel photographer. Based in Groningen, The Netherlands. Contact for collaborations and inquiriesphotographer, portrait, collaboration, inquiry, america0
swiftbvs.nlA company aimed at developing, applying, propagating and exploiting knowledge regarding bioveterinary relevant organisms including man.bioveterinary journal, journal mirnaveterinary, swift, bovine, canine, organism0
ventoux3.nlThe international free and independent club for #Tacx indoor trainer cycling. Subscribe to our newsletter and join us on #Strava. Not a part of the Tacx companyride, gear, cycling, independent, resource0
wellingoei.nlAt Smart Data Analysis and Statistics, we believe in the power of personal connections. We're not just a business; we're a partner in your journey. Our approach is tailored to your unique needs and aspirations, ensuring a more intimate…analysis, statistics, excellence, statistical, trial0
descrapheap.nl…Hero Arts… Archival Ink… Mini Distress Ink… Stamp Cleaners…holtz, distress, th, ink, paint0
thecardcompany.nlContact… Inloggen person… 1973 Love Letterpress… 1973 Ltd.… 1973 XMAS… 1973Egg…taurus journalxmas, terrible, catch, publish, paper0
faxion.nlAlthough my business is mainly in Dutch, there are a few spots available for international clients. Interested? Read more about how my unlimited private business coaching might work for you. Does my coaching seem interesting? To find out…unlimited, interesting, soft, mainly, interested0
euroturbine.nlFor used components we offer high quality inspection, repair and coating services to extend the life of gas turbine partsjournal bearingturbine, casing, repair, pump, etc0
octulos.nlOctulos is my journey into an creative world that has no boundries. My creativity is translated into different kinds of art. I use Octulos as the figurehead of my creativity.leave, creativity, expression, graphic, artwork0
ericbergshoeff.nlMy research is driven by the search for a unified theory of quantum gravity that combines gravity with quantum mechanics. The aim is to understand the workings of gravity at small distance scales when quantum mechanics cannot be ignored…peer journaltheory, quantum, mechanic, unified, publication0
spicefirst.nl* Workshops * Recipe Development * Editing & Writing * Workshops * Recipe Development * Editing & Writing * Workshops * Recipe Development * Workshops * Recipe Development * Editing & Writing * Workshops * Recipe Development * Editing…spice, dinner, recipe, ayurvedic, gathering0
spellenbunker.nlContact…game journalllc, publish, ltd, factory, auction0
creatiefmetplezier.nl…Craftlab… Creative Expressions… Cricut… Cricut Iron-On… Color-Changing…cricut, cardstock, distress, ink, craft0
suzannejak.nlJournal articles… MASEM book… Special issue NJOP… Multilevel SEM…journal articledescription, multilevel, publication0
crystalhorizons.nlMy son entered the room, sanitized his hands, rinsed his mouth with chlorhexidine, and jumped on the bed to kiss his mother. It was a safe new world.crystal, mother, france, mouth, society0
flaneurette.nlPersonal homepage of Alexandra, Flaneurette.home journal, journal artbiography, grammar, bookstore, json, captcha0
onlinebas.nlWelcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! …0
pfld.nlApp development agency London Mobile app entwicklung agentur Berlin Vývoj mobilních aplikací UX design agency Londonux, study, progressive, career, guide0
renatedorrestein.nlFurthermore, Dorrestein is able to show us more clearly than anyone else that “evil” usually lives close to home, even under apparently ordinary and familiar circumstances. The balance of power within the family and the ways in which…novel, writer, stone, write, fiction0
emmas-world.nldays… Insert Book Set… Photo Paper… Project Life/ Project NL… Core Kit…journal cube, journal card, emphemera journal, life journal, journal papercraft, paper, american, graphic, tangerine0
isabellehattink.nlGallery… About… Journal… Isabelle Hattink… Contact… Info… Weddings… Workshops…wedding, photographer, intimate, portrait, fearless0
vanmierlotuinen.nlThis insane book hit our mailbox today! ‘The Gardens of Eden’. Celebrating garden concepts & architecture for a greener planet. We are very proud to be included in this international garden book with our swimming pond garden. And of…design journal, journal dutchwinner, woodland, contemporary, architecture, luxurious0
scrap4you.nlStamperia Sir Vagabond in Fantasy World 8x8 Inch Paper Pack Backgrounds Selectiongraphic, vagabond, scrap, romantic, holtz0
taartdecoratie.nlAll our delectable pastries are backed fresh in our Kitchen very morning, and are made with all-natural, all organic ingredients.pastry, bread, ice, cream, strawberry0
familiehummel.nlDeutsch (de)… Francais (fr)… HOME… SAVEGAMES… MODS…dedicated, farming, ago, mod, credentials0
tallshipthalassa.nlBarquentine Thalassa is an imposing and seaworthy tall ship. This three master is one of the most beautiful and fastest sea sailers of the Dutch fleet. Rigged according to old traditions, Thalassa is fitted with all modern safety…thalassa journalsail, ship, adventurous, programme, accomodation0
jorrigvogels.nl…processes in dual task settings using pupillometry. More recently, I finished the NWO Veni project 'Try to see it my way' at the University of Groningen, in which I explored to what degree speakers take the perspective of their listeners…new journal, journal articlelinguistic, publication, oct, reference, psycholinguistic0
praktijk61.nl2 practice nurses (1 for support with chronic physical complaints and 1 for mental health care);prescription, file, appointment, emergency, complaint0
simonemichielsen.nlCOMMISIONED… About… Contact… Jill… Jentel for MOB Journal… Lieva… Emma… Crysto…editorial, roll, georgia, ongoing, skin0
gmed.nlIn this proof of principle analysis, logistic regression models to predict type 2 diabetes prevalence and incidence, using questionnaire-only variables reflecting health state and lifestyle, were trained on the White population of the UK…weekly journallecture, tumblr, endocrine, population, risk0
natashaflowersimport.nlFor three days this international trade fair is the place to be for exporters, wholesalers and their customers, both locally and foreign, can find a complete display of the flowers, plants, product concepts and trend presentations.flower, florist, trade, reason, seven0
exclusive-massage.nlVestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat…vestibulum, fusce, treatment, nec, dignissim0
focustrainingjournal.nlMeenemen training… Meenemen wedstrijd… Meenemen Weissensee… Buikspieren…0
hannaorenhuppert.nlHanna Oren Huppert (1946, Saratov, Russia), is an autodidact sculpture artist, working mostly with clay and bronze, and also with cement, granite. She grew up in Israel and now lives in the Netherlands. Her sculptures have been shown in…debora journal, journal tikkunexhibition, germany, sculpture, ny, jewish0
kathika.nl…Explore by the Craftsmanship… Hand carved… Hand hammered… Hand painted…luxury journaldining, christmas, craftsmanship, brass, copper0
vindustries.nlCrossmedia publication CBRE 2013… Logo Design 2011… The Xpat Journal, magazine…cover, illustration, publication, interest, report0
comics-kloosterman.nl…2022… Alpha Flight… Alpha Flight Vol.1… A-Next… West Coast Avengers…comics, spider, justice, america, captain0
vakantiespruit.nlAliquam erat volutpat. Ut quis ligula a magna blandit finibus. Suspendisse maximus lacus non nunc lacinia lobortis.popular, nutritional, fat, recipe, rice0
hobbyvision.nlHobbyVision- (web)winkel voor scrappen, kaarten en meer!art journalcraft, mask, scrap, paint, foil0
roseleighton.nlCopyright © 2022 Rose Leighton . Powered by WordPress . Theme: Esteem by ThemeGrill .august, october, july, january, february0
designstudionu.nlDesign Studio Nu creates strong concepts for interior design, brand strategy and our interior collection.interior, residence, subtle, clever, handle0
maggiesway.nlDIT WIL IK OOK!… LIFE COACH… MY JOURNAL… Masterclass… DIVERSE SETS… GO TO…my journaldit, ik, wil, naar, happiness0
stridecharge.nlThe StrideCharge Bundle comes with a Charge Case and a Handlebar Mount. The Charge Case is a wireless charging phone case that will protect your phone and wirelessly charge it anytime, anywhere. The Mount attaches securely and easily to…charge, mount, handlebar, wireless, bundle0
merkfans.nlMerkfans – Als jouw merk er voor de fans isheader, footer, wishlist, icon, checkout0
bk-wood.nlBrettstapel is a solid timber construction system fabricated from softwood timber posts connected with hardwood timber dowels. This relatively simple method of construction does not use glues or nails and can be used to make beautiful…academic journal, journal publicationtimber, wood, bridge, forest, lecture0
easi-lab.nl…such social functions and effects of emotions in a wide array of settings, such as personal relationships, groups, conflict, negotiation, leadership, social hierarchy, customer service, sports, social media, and arts. Much of our work is…journal articleemotion, lab, introduction, negotiation, hierarchy0
musictime.nl…Tara 9859… Yoyoh Supriatin,… Anton Group - Anton Paser… Label: Musica…miss, lie, indonesia, al, jaya0
tvdezeweek.nlVrijdag…classical, sheffield, tot, island, sky0
knutselparade.nlHearty Crafts Easy 3D Toppers Vintage Flowers and Papers HC13870 Hearty Crafts Easy 3D Toppersjournal juni, art journal, journal januarisheet, cut, craft, paper, die0
applejake.nlAs a parent, teacher, or caregiver, you can support your child’s emotional growth by creating a safe and supportive environment using our Applejake® Ressources. Help children understand and experience various emotions, develop…mindfulness journalemotion, emotional, interactive, intelligence, empower0
onnodirker.nl…Tages… Research project Außenbahn… Journal Tbilisi III… Journal Sarajevo…installation, exhibition, tussen, memory, builder0
meubelcare.nlStore… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop… Our…quantity, add0
kenniscentrumhuisdoorn.nlLibrary… Documentation… Clippings Journal… Air War 14-18… Photo Collection…clipping journallibrary, documentation, war, presentation, archive0
van-der-geer.nlConference "Moduli Spaces and Modular Forms" on Schiermonnikoog, 14-19 April, 2024modular, conference, publication, variety, table0
arco.nlWe are Arco, we make tables. Tables for working (at home), eating, playing games. Tables to sit together at. Tables for dining.table, chair, dining, wood, conference0
sivarkasman.nlImmerse yourself in Sivar Kasman's worlds of imagination through illustrations, animations, music and more.illustration, animation, graphic, imagination, editorial0
carolinehamer.nlHandcrafted with by Pascal Caroline Hamer - van den Broek | Colours for the Worldacrylic, colourful, selection, yellow, purple0
cvdinwomen.nl…specifically focusing on the inclusion of women with heart disease in research studies, studying vascular tissues by sex, and translating this knowledge into new biomarkers that aid in early diagnosis of heart disease for female patients.disease, phd, cardiovascular, difference, patient0
koroots.nlKoroots: by roots awaken mission community cultural heritage indigenous wisdom projection of biodiversity awareness natural heritageroot, african, native, heritage, cultural0
wnmi.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.my journaltopic, euismod, sit, amet, diam0
elisabethsway.nl"Welcome to my vibrant webshop, where creativity knows no bounds! Explore an enchanting world brimming with cards, art prints, calendars, and stationery crafted by talented illustrators worldwide. Immerse yourself in captivating designs…bullet journalbirthday, postcard, flower, greeting, calendar0
ateliersage.nlShop… Atelier… Journal… Contact… My Account… Lost password?… 0 My Wishlist…sage, wishlist, textile, checkout, interior0
persianstudies.nlOn this site you will find information on my projects and publications. I have worked at Leiden University from 1997 to 2021. In September 2021, I moved to Utrecht University , to the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies where I…journal articlepersian, iranian, publication, conference, teach0
extraintra.nlThe editorial board invites students, teachers and workshop specialists from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie to team up for two semesters and create an intercurricular educational platform. The Quality Agreements 2019-2024 budget offers the…editorial, proposal, topic, initiative, teacher0
barbragriesen-fotografie.nlStore… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop… Our…quantity, add0
currentbody.nlLED Laser Hair Removal Device Dermalux Flex MD Radio Frequency Device Hair Regrowth Device Anti-Blemish Infrared Sauna Blanket Skincare Sets & Kitsskin, hair, removal, device, facial0
allesovertrimmen.nlSome blogs focus more on fashion advice, featuring how-to articles for the lay reader. Articles discuss clothing fit, the matching and complementing of colors, and other information on clothes wearing and care along with prescriptive…reader, lay, minimal, archive, popular0
evafollendergrossfeld.nlIn a world that often feels overstimulating, Eva’s art aims to guide individuals back to a sense of wholeness, to reclaim a feeling of ‘whole’ amidst societal pressures.homeware, ceramic, discover, arbitrary, femininity0
thedutchladydesigns.nlBy purchasing this product, you are purchasing unlimited access to all my clipart, digital papers and postcard designs. All current and future clipart sets, paper sets, postcard sets & craft sheet sets that I create will be available to…junk journal, journal pagepostcard, lady, animal, junk, paper0
yssa.nlWelcome to Yssa, the complete online store for a Christian lifestyle.bible, christmas, worship, biblical, spanish0
isaca.nlISACA NL Chapter is the Dutch non profit corporation that serves the interests of information governance, control, security and audit professionals. The organization is part of ISACA Global . ISACA Global’s constituency -more than 140,000…isaca, chapter, table, square, round0
moniqueschleicher.nlMost Popular FREE Online Casino Games in 2024 - Play 17,000+ games 15,000+ Slots 180+ Blackjack 210+ Roulette 170+ Video Poker plus more! laguna slot betpopular, quantity, add0
t-studio.nlHoe werkt het?… Industries… Groente, fruit & vis… Contact… Shop… Misting-Pro…maia journalmist, het, hoe, ceramic, rustic0
tvdata.nlVrijdag…classical, sheffield, tot, island, sky0
akkiebosje.nlakkie breathes life into your essence through strategic story branding. giving identity and voice to a different tomorrow.graphic, poet, identity, chronicle, upward0
caspersterrenburg.nlAboutAbout… The Last One May 13, 2021… Pandemics: The True Face of User…thought journalgenius, goodness, graphic, piece, bit0
anneardon.nlSometimes I write threads on Twitter, sometimes I need more space. You can find my longer posts below.bullet journal, journal annethread0
equinestudies.nl…inside-out”™. Everything we do is a great exploration, not proclaiming one truth but letting the horse tell its story. Equinestudies strives to give equine professionals and horse owners a deeper understanding of the horse by…horse, function, inside, anatomy, healthy0
jriss.nlSkip to main navigation menu… Skip to site footer… Current… Archives… About…login journal, journal rotterdamislamic, footer, archive, submission, editorial0
mr-adam.nlMr. Adam is the one-stop-shop for all your skin and body care. Our beauty salon for men in Amsterdam is centrally located in Amsterdam Oud Zuid we are the specialist of all skin and body types. Whether you have an issue that needs taking…schedule, facial, treatment, skin, eyebrow0
reinbijlsma.nlHere you’ll find an overview of the different media I’m creating, like crazy trippy video’s, wild VR and AI art experiences, traditional oilpaintings, drawings, including a couple of unique NFT’s, which are available at my Open Sea Art…photo journal, journal catchjanuary, traditional, fish, jelly, island0
welcomehome.nlsmoothly while they're away. We also provide a warm welcome and a helping hand to expats relocating to Amsterdam, or people who simply want to enjoy their second home in the Netherlands without the hassle. Thanks to our home management…concierge, relocation, estate, setup, property0
dutchdakota.nlBook a sightseeing flight with the historic DC-3 Dakota with DDA Classic Airlines now.journal magazineflight, sightseeing, historic, maintenance, ambassador0
laughinghearts.nlI studied Traditional Chinese and Japanese style Acupuncture for a total of 5 years and have been practising for more than 12 years. I hold Reiki Master certificates from 3 different lineages starting with Western style more than 20 years…laugh, acupuncture, maybe, emotion, pricing0
studioaico.nlBeverage and food photography by Aico Lind. Aico loves drinks and is a creative photographer recognisable for his colourful and bold shooting style.colourful, beverage, photographer, bold, advertising0
snagr.nlSnagR is a defect and inspection management system to collect onsite data, connect project teams and processes and provide analysis for the decision makers.site journalinspection, decision, analysis, progress, report0
ebfgroningen.nlEBF is the faculty association of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University of Groningen. EBF is de faculteitsvereniging van de faculteit van Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (FEB) van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.career, diversity, faculty, study, economic0
cedla.nlCentre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA), hosted by the University of Amsterdam. Discover the master's degree in Latin American Studies! In the advanced Master's in Latin American Studies you will study social…american, minor, documentation, phd, broad0
esdvfootloose.nlFootloose is the student dance association in Eindhoven. We offer dance courses in Hiphop, Feminine, Kizomba, Modern Jazz, Classical Ballet, Improvisation, Ballroom and Salsa.jukebox journaldance, association, collaboration, classical, feminine0
atelieraha.nlAtelier Aha is a brand design / illustration studio based in Den Bosch, The Netheralnds, that specializes in brand design, illustration and wall art...illustration, limited, regular, colour, expression0
ladage-beheer.nlIt looks like the page you were looking for cannot be found. It probably never existed or you used broken link.probably, break, lose0
lynnberger.nlLynn Berger is a staff writer at De Correspondent, an online journalism platform based in Amsterdam, where she writes about culture and care.thought, author, topic, publisher, weekly0
multisportweek.nlbola jatu sdy 2023… Store… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop…quantity, add0
photoshop-expert.nlWe offer a complete, tailor-made photo editorial service. We manage a database with journalistic photos and are the number one agency for portrait photography.retouching, session, grid, july, sit0
hgroefsema.nl…to adhere to laws and regulations, with this increased flexibility there is a demand for automated compliance checking of business processes. Model checking is a technique which exhaustively and automatically verifies system models…international journal, journal softwareconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability0
iswjournal.nlBecoming One in the Water: The Collective Experiences of a Gold Medal Youth Water Polo Teamisw journal, journal literatureyouth, urban, literature, interdisciplinary, introduction0
conceptional.nlConceptional helps food service brands and organisations to begin their sustainability journey in a holistic and pragmatic way. Your tailor-made Sustainable Food Route, with realistic and concrete short- and long-term goals, draws a clear…juicy journalgrowth, merger, acquisition, guest, resource0
olindas.nl...in a whole-foods, plant-forward way of eating because we think it should be easy to find delicious and nutritious food that both benefits our health and satisfies our cravings - so that you can feel good about what you're eating…service journalthink, meal, nutritious, delicious, nutritional0
artconnector.nlOur private Art Clubs are all about creating connections and sharing knowledge of today’s art market.february, guidance, advise, explore, carolyn0
paperpads.nlTonic Studios Tim Holtz Retractable Craft Knife Spare Blades Wide Point (5pcs) (3358E)romantic journalchristmas, graphic, memory, craft, foil0
thieuriemen.nlPlateau I… Maas… 4 Seasons… Waal… Archive… Bath… Plateau II… About… Interview…january, august, february, october, bath0
ncgeo.nlThe NCG (Netherlands Geodetic Commission) co-ordinates and initiates fundamental and strategic research in geodesy and geo-information in the…commission, infrastructure, subsidence, spatial0
crossfitzitterd.nlPersonal training… Planning… Contact… Terms and conditions… Privacy…crossfit journal0
ulu-jewelry.nlLooking for your own piece of handmade jewelry or do you have your own design? Get in touch with me through contact form.jewelry, handmade, silver, piece, bracelet0
drinkmorning.nlAt Morning, exceptional coffee meets a modern lifestyle. Our brand promises a unique blend of luxury, innovation, and a passion for the finer things. Join us in experiencing a world where every cup of coffee is more than just a beverage…morning journalmorning, warranty, brew, ease, uk0
studiowinnie.nlOver Winnie… Journal… Contact… Meer over Winnie… Techleap for scaleups… Calvin…techleap, launch, yellow, imaging, aurea0
henryhandsome.nl…designBrand design… Digital designDigital strategy - Website & App design…clever, handsome, career, inspiration, memorable0
nielsschiller.nlBesides fundamental research, I am also involved in some applied research, such as SpeechView. SpeechView consists of a pair of video glasses connected to a microphone that records the speech output of an interlocutor and transmits it…journal articlepublication, chapter, paper, proceed, presentation0
alohaweb.nlfsp hyper k 500 500w… fiat 500 grey… angka musang 2d togel… macmiror complex…quantity, add, acidic0
hetknutseltje.nl…Christmas pets… Classic men’s collection… Colourful feathers… Daily…christmas, flower, craft, monochrome, cardstock0
lush-living.nlJust purchased 3 cushions from Lush-living 'Scala'. The cushions match my sofa well and are of good quality (even more beautiful in real life than in the photo). Fast delivery. All in all, very satisfied.journal entrieslush, table, regular, sofa, gloss0
digitallifecentre.nl…health and wellbeing domain via data-driven systems and digital technologies. Our research topics embrace the challenges in the design and evaluation of human-computer interaction and user-experience research of innovative…healthcare, apply, trust, infrastructure, physical0
letspeep.nlLet’s Peep is working behind the scenes on some updates and changes. This is why we’ve decided to make our website unavailable for a short amount of time. Please check back with us soon.my journalpleasure, connect, guide, intuition, bucket0
nge.nl…order to contribute to an inclusive philosophy of art? How do philosophers of art take on, re-work, and transform notions from inside and outside the canon of Western aesthetics? Which notions do they make redundant, which notions do…aesthetic, investigation, uncategorized, editor, philosophy0
yankiaslan.nlY. Aslan , J. Puskely, J. H. J. Janssen, M. Geurts, A. Roederer and A. Yarovoy, “ Thermal-aware synthesis of 5G base station antenna arrays: an overview and a sparsity-based approach ,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 58868-58882, Oct. 2018. (…journal paperantenna, array, proc, beam, wave0
bibisennema.nlSign in… Forgot password… forgot…sock, underwear, title, hide, jacket0
fidugius.nl…search functionality, show relationships and interdependencies, easily add or update content and actively involve users to improve the content. All relevant information on financial and ESG accounting and reporting in one online place!journal entriesreport, accounting, manual, guidelines, employee0
pom-amsterdam.nlMarrakesh… SICILY… Spring Summer '24… The Making Of SS24… The Founders…travel journalcolourful, sicily, colour, bold, sustainability0
mariusrietdijk.nl…individual investors, you will also learn optimal acquisition strategiespel. With the help of our Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) protocol you realize your business model by shaping current performances into desired ones as well.hypnosis, cultural, behavior, analysis, executive0
anwigema.nlShip buildinhg specialists compared resistance and speed of the Trieadrieame to existing motor yachts , and also to a well-known 50' sailing boat. In both the sailing and motorised models, the slim hulls have little water resistance. They…hull, yacht, sail, resistance, stability0
mistercocktail.nl…about this new expression from Clase Azul? From which agave(s) is it made and can you tell a bit about the area and the distillery? At Clase Azul Mexico, we are committed to enhancing our culture, our exquisite flavors and traditional […]my journalliquid, spirit, distillery, craft, alcoholic0
kvvak.nlBecome a member of the Royal Asian Art Society in the Netherlands and become a friend of its splendid collection of Asian Art.asian, society, ceramic, chair, asia0
conceptwrapping.nlYour concept in gift wrapping | ConceptWrappingbullet journal, journal dreamflower, bold, enjoy, girl, pink0
royvonk.nlMy heart skips a beat when it comes to leverage my problem-solving skills to tackle complex design challenges and optimize product performance. Let's team up to create impactful digital experiences together!direction, ux, minimal, impactful, craft0
rekawi.nl…is here… Wil animals 2… Oriental… Christmas Whishes… Daily Transport… Vintage…art journalchristmas, craft, flower, joy, animal0
tiesrijcken.nlDecisions on measures to improve a flood risk system are in part supported by general ideas about how the system works and should work. After the...european journal, journal geographyflood, risk, publication, barrier, rhine0
batbikes.nlus placeholder landscape… Best Beaches to Relax: The Ultimate Guide… 15 Best andgrid, girl, impreza, layout, reason0
thesummerhouse.nl…on the outside with a harmonious love for Bali’s culture inside. Featuring generous living & dining spaces, 4 bedrooms and a home office for relaxation, work from home and entertainment. The famed beach clubs and surf waves of…neighbourhood, guestbook, availability, parking, bedroom0
smartbikeshop.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.dolor, bike, sit, amet, quis0
biochemie.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.my journalsit, consectetuer, diam, dolor, ipsum0
docusvandermade.nlCurator of Academic and Public Programs | (2018-21) Kunstinstituut Melly - Formerly Known as Witte de With Centre for Contemporary Art | Public Program & Studium Witte de With (higher education platform incl. Alumni Present and Parallel…exhibition, contemporary, der, editor, historian0
juandegraaf.nl…(Camera of David Award Jewish Filmfestival Warsaw 2013) and Mind My Mind (Shortlist Best Animated Short Film Oscars 2020, Audience Awards at ANIMA Brussels 2019, Go Short Nijmegen 2019, Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film 2019, and more).character, television, broadcaster, audience, jewish0
marinasulima.nlMineral Dinner… Wait for the Fury of the Seeds… Tomatoes in Brine and Time… A…aftermath journalcargo, mineral, dinner, fury, wait0
abcjournal.nlExperience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.abc journal, journal websitearchitectural, fusion, imagination, comprehensive, homeowners0
placeforpets.nlABOUT US… FAQ & HELP… JOURNAL… Login… Lotsfashion Lotsfashion… SHOP NEW ITEMS…add, dress, sit, amet, consectetur0
technepress.nlTechne Press, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is an independent, internationally operating publishing house for the academic and professional community. We publish books on architecture, urban planning and design, infrastructure…journal footprintacademic, independent, internationally, publication, distribution0
jasonmiller.nlImproving transparency with regard to the meetings of commissioners by making use of the open data provided by the European Union.study, union, hire, currently, neighborhood0
erikshobbykraam.nl…Essentials… Dotty Designs… Dot and Do… Precious Marieke… Stitch and Do…bird, romantic, sparkle, izink, painting0
outoffocus.nlDiscover Out of Focus with Aleksandra, your go-to for professional photography services in Amsterdam. Explore a blend of creativity and expertise.photographer, blend, creativity0
top-hobby.nlTop-Hobby, Wholesaler in Hobby Products: paper, 3D sheets, decoupage, cardboard, paint, jewellery, glues, bags and much more creative productsart journalpaint, paper, bead, cardboard, stamp0
heikewahner.nlWebsite of Heike Wähner. Heike creates order and deduces. She makes installations in which she transforms emotions into abstract work. Heike Wähner - Utrecht - 1000KWportrait, emotion, installation, hill, unfold0
devorm.nlWe develop interior products by today's' standards. This means we produce sustainable, use the full lifecycle of products, and eventually give them a new life. Use us as a tool, customise your own.monthly journalinterior, bespoke, eventually, lifecycle, sustainability0
zaptronic.nlWe publish and design contemporary photo books and zines, offer photographic prints with diverse themes like landscapes, still lives portraits and more.photographic, contemporary, portrait, zine, landscape0
julianarts.nl…profile and undertake a Bioinformatics internship at the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS). Impressed by the research environment, I decided to continue my academic journey and remained in the Zhou group to pursue a…candidate, biology, bioinformatics, molecular, interest0
joedag.nlJournal… Contact…graphic, interested0
conceptrenovations.nlConcept Renovations is an apartment renovation company like no other. We pride ourselves on delivering the best experience when transforming apartments into homes that love being lived in.journal entryrenovation, apartment, luxury, study, consulting0
erikjanvl.nlP: WG 2005 in Kratsch, D. (ed.) Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 31st International Workshop, WG 2005, Metz, France, June 23-25, 2005, Revised Selected Papers , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3787, Springer-Verlag…journal paper, siam journal, journal discretegraph, algorithm, pp, complexity, planar0
jeroengotz.nlJournal… About… Contact… Portfolio… Street Photography… Urban City… Landscape…street, urban, landscape0
selectionsauvage.nl, of hand-selected high-quality wines from independent wine producers with focus on sustainability. Our tasting room and wine cellar sits in the heart of Oud-West, Amsterdam. Visit our website to explore our portfolio of natural wines…wine, selection, producer, sustainability, independent0
bybrown.nl…in Amsterdam Waterproof Breathable AllWeather Sustainable. Technical rainwear. waterproof. cyclewear. Produced in Europe. Regenkleding. Regenjas. Weer. Ecofashion regenponcho waterdicht recycledtextile technicaltextiles fietsregenkledingouterwear, woman, wave, breathable, weer0
heyhoney.nl…on Cookies below), and you use our Site or Services, additional third parties may also be serving as controllers in connection with the collection of your Personal Data. Their details and contact information are as set forth on this link.honey, notice, applicable, law, subject0
johnhagedoorn.nlat the School of Business and Management Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, United Kingdomacademic journaleconomic, interest, paper, academic, sociology0
lunaenovae.nlTake your pick from our collection of handmade ceramic pieces made from natural materials.sign, personalized, wholesale, tableware, pick0
hansholbein.nlLim Se Ryung is known as a chaebol as the heiress of one of South Korea's largest producers of consumer foods and food additives, Daesang Group, and she's currently Vice President on the company's ... im not a robotchord, lose, south, additive, currently0
carterhaugh.nlIn the few moments I still have between teaching and sleeping, I'm desperately researching my doctoral thesis, trying to prepare myself for classes, and getting the hang of handling my new Canon EOS 400d.write, especially, priority, thesis, teach0
qualis.nlYour high-end home deserves a unique sales strategy. Our knowledge and marketing strategies target the relevant active and passive clients searching for a home within the Netherlands and abroad. Qualis is your real estate agent and…journal articlesell, listing, purchase, exclusive, appointment0
swissworks.nlWebshop… Over mij… swissworks… Sign in… Wishlist 0… Cart 0… Add to wishlist…wishlist, add, slide, amanita, magic0
verstralen-systems-engineering.nl…opto-mechanics, finite element analysis and tolerance analysis. Through Verstralen Systems Engineering I offer my advice and engineering skills directly to companies and individuals. So if there is any engineering problem you want my…analysis, tolerance, precision, optimisation, topology0
miekelotte.nlMiekelotte is een hobbywinkel in Bellingwolde en gespecialiseerd op het gebied van stempelen. Wij hebben een van de grootste collecties met Magnolia stempels, maar hebben daarnaast nog vele andere merken in onze webwinkel. Ook hebben we…album journal, journal dyariesstamp, craft, paper, embossing, distress0
wateenplaatje.nl…Angie has also already send us a sneak peek and the wedding was yesterday! She was great to work with and gave us a lot of direction which we needed! It’s so important to make sure your photographer is top notch and that is exactly what…package, wedding, pricing, editorial, photographer0
atari-invasion.nlearly era in the history of Atari, the 70s. We will cover a lot of the early consoles, such as the Touch Me , (home) Pongs and others. There will be icons like the VCS aka 2600 and of course the early home-computers known as the Atari 400…invasion, atari, february, january, atom0
amberhouweling.nl…I craft tropical and surreal landscapes from my far-off journeys, lush with greenery, transporting you to otherworldly realms. My pieces blend fantasy with flowers and female faces, encompassing digital art, mixed media, photos, andpainting, artwork, vibrant, stylish, urban0
sarahbons.nl…our hearts. AUNT PETUNIA: Not now, Bopkins. For when the Masons arrive. UNCLE VERNON: Which should be any minute! Ahem... Now let’s go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia when the Masons arrive you will be...? AUNT…irure, sit, amet, labore, quis0
coup.nl— > Book design for Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam: 3 books in 1 cover (awarded best book designs).sensory, typographic, publicity, cover, unconventional0
dutchdandies.nlSCHOENEN… MAATWERK… DISCOVER THE COLLECTION… Read more… ✓ Delivery within 2-3…fabric, luxury, sharp, dress, wedding0
thecolouredhouse.nl…Animals… Cats @ the Movies… Pet Collection… Fantasy Collection… Dragon…mountain, american, animal, aquatic, native0
wilmarschaufeli.nlWilmar Schaufeli (1953) is professor emeritus of work and organizational psychology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and distinguished research professor at Leuven University (Belgium).netherlands journal, journal psychology, european journal, journal work, international journalpsychology, scientific, present, occupational, organizational0
juulvanderlaan.nlJuul van der Laan is an independent film director and researcher. Her work includes Multiverse Ghana (2015), Sophie (2022) ...der, independent, researcher, watch, cuticle0
research-lab.nlThis is a demo website featuring dummy content. If you're interested in creating your own laboratory site, please click here for more information.lab, laboratory, ipsum, sit, amet0
blockchainstuff.nllogo futsal polos… Store… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop…quantity, add0
atelierkater.nlJournal… About &…handmade, jewelry0
jalc.nl…L.I. Kooistra, M.K. Dütting, P. van Rijn, C. Cavallo: Could the local population of the Lower Rhine delta supply the Roman army?: Part 2: Modelling the carrying capacity using archaeological, palaeo-ecological and geomorphological dataaccess journal, journal possiblearchaeology, author, guidelines, editorial, subscription0
thijstenraa.nlEconometrics and Mathematical Economics Secretary of the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research (NWO-Ecozoek)international journal, journal managementeconomic, paper, association, treasurer, econometrics0
ingmarniezen.nl…Comfort Food… Coconut pineapple cake Coconut pineapple cake This moist…kitchen, packaging, advert, butter, cookbook0
lair-lab.nlJens Kober, Associate Professor, Cognitive Robotics (CoR) department, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)journal paperassociate, robotic, paper, department, cognitive0
indemeterkast.nlI'm Dude , a Computer amd IT enthousiast, loving to brew a beer at home I love computers and IT, reading books, listening to music, watching movies. I also brew my own beers.essay journal, journal moment, journal entrydude, brew, recipe, bundle, favorite0
nvgct.nlThe aim of the Netherlands Society of Gene & Cell Therapy is to promote both fundamental and translational research on gene & cell therapies. By bringing together all stakeholders (i.e. researchers, patients, physicians, government and…therapy, annual, cell, achievement, outstanding0
cwts.nl…Our Our research, research, bibliometric bibliometric and and scientometric scientometric tools, tools, and and evaluation evaluation expertise expertise provide provide a a solid solid basis basis for for supporting supporting research…cwt journal, journal indicatorcwt, announcement, inclusion, ecosystem, evaluation0
emle.nlContact… Home… About… Breathtaking experience… The lion king… Loving the cold…gray, breathtaking, king, weather, cold0
ieketrinks.nl…Spullen (Museum for Broken Things)Art in thrift stores… How to put it – Kathrincycle, kathrin, poor, subject, collaboration0
liefcare.nlShop all… All products… Cleanser… Serum… Facial Oil… Featured… The Routine…skin, oil, facial, cleanser, mijn0
mywanderingmind.nl…Do what you love Eckhart Tolle foodporn gluten free health letting go Lifestyle love Meditation Minimalism natural New Zealand recipe Rick Hanson spinach patties Study Travel Travel on a budget vanlife vegan vegetarian vitamins Wanderlustvanlife journal, journal augusthealthy, add, august, zealand, study0
animalhumanstudies.nl…and others in the Netherlands who focus on the relationship between humans and other animals. The Center for AnimalHuman Studies is intended as a platform to exchange and provide knowledge on Animal humans studies. Sign up for free.academic journalacademic, animal, staff, similar, join0
rachelcastillo.nlRachel can light up a meeting or your day with her open, honest, and ever-positive personality and she brings a huge amount of in-depth knowledge on human rights in fashion supply chains to the table. She is the perfect sparring partner…responsible, supply, chain, responsibility, practical0
star-shl-innovatie.nlWith great diagnostic pleasure, Star-shl also carried out various innovation projects in the COVID-roiled months of 2021. As always, our aim is to improve patient care and to provide the best possible support for care providers.diagnostic, patient, lab, study, doctor0
mullie-dallinga.nlbenoa water sports… Store… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… national…quantity, add0
elsennel.nlProducts… About… Projects… My Bag… Weekly Journal 2022… Add to basket… Sold…weekly journal, school journalbasket, weekly, wholesale, bag, calendar0
mkc-net.nlEnvironmental and Economic aspects of using LNG as a fuel for shipping in The Netherlandsisp journallibrary, maritime, definition, study, final0
studioboulevart.nlHome… Portfolio… Over…art journalvedic0
seamarco.nl…people who are passionate about marine life, biological and environmental research, data collection, animal husbandry and solving technical and practical problems. Students and volunteers are full and valued members of the team.conservation, apply, animal, institute, volunteer0
angelinedekker.nl…Journal… About… Bio - Contact… Projects / Beads to beam… Projects / Place…bead, structure, essence, construct0
michelegiebing.nlMore about me… Artists Kiki Nadieh… Personal projects Observations over…observation, australia, decade, therapy, commission0
pe0fko.nlFor installing software and drivers on a Window-7 (64b) system you will need x509 (code signing) certificates. For the Ham radio SDR community I did create a small CA that can be used to get user code signing (name is the call)…certificate, firmware, tune, receiver, fuse0
southerntunes.nlSouthern Tunes is an independent record and management label that offers professional services to performing arts. With our experience gained both on and off the stage, we have built a network of professionals in the international music…southern, tune, delight, independent, perform0
springloop.nl…secure livelihood, adequate health care, access to clean water and air, and adequate shelter in clean cities or rural areas. We chose to register a co-operative because we ourselves are social entrepreneurs, seeking to anchor our own…cooperative, sustainability, publication, resource, associate0
sophievanderzee.nlNew job: Assistant Professor Behavioural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdamnature journal, journal palgraveoctober, der, honesty, january, publication0
mygrations.nlHere you will find stories of travels around the world, beyond the ordinary. Migrating means being on the move, moving from place to place. We are always on the move, en route to remote islands, over snow-capped tundra and deep into green…planet, destination, recommendation, ride, adventure0
maartenderickx.nlTorsion points on elliptic curves and gonalities of modular curves, Masters Thesis (Sep 2012)curve, torsion, modular, slide, publication0
tsugi.nlAmsterdam based traditional wood workshop - specialised in wood joinery. Fascinated by Japanese wooden joints and the precicion in working with them all Tsugi's work exist entirely of multiple pieces of solid wood joint together. These…joint, wooden, solid, traditional, japanese0
rclr.nlThe Research Centre for Longevity Risk (RCLR) is an independent institute that researches developments in survival rates and life expectancies of the population in the Netherlands and other countries and how these are influenced by…risk, expectancy, longevity, pandemic, rate0
tobiastiecke.nlMaster Thesis Thesis at at the the University University of of Amsterdam Amsterdam (2002)journal walravenphysical, atom, thesis, patent, mixture0
sumibu.nlSmib's worldwide infamous logo is now back in stores and online through our webstore. This drop consists of quality custom-fit 100% cotton apparel, including black and white t-shirts, as well...tee, official, sock, skeleton, pant0
anastrofe.nlanastrofe ultimate design | design your personal best identitytable, rochester, antique, ultimate, mattress0
industrieplein.nlStore… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop… Our…indonesia, wooden, quantity, add0
squibyfoods.nlSquiby Foods has been our key vendor for more than 2 decades. They have played a commending and vital role being our important business link with Europe. Our association with Squiby Foods is based on mutual trust and co operation in…squiby journal, journal updatevegetable, dairy, cut, cold, meat0
ingridkoedood.nlWelcome to my world! My name is Ingrid Koedood, born and raised in the Netherlands. I am fascinated about people: their culture, their way of living, their fears, dreams, experiences. Photography gives me the opportunity to meet these…visit, photographer, fear, powerful, desire0
thedancepart.nl“This God-given power is experienced only by those who will wait upon the Lord. Left to themselves, old and young alike will find human might so frail and inadequate, “but those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength.” Those who…journal entrylord, shall, joy, dance, wing0
plannerstraat.nlCopyright © 2022 Plannerstraat . Powered by WordPress and Bam .bullet journalinsert, oops0
scrapazza.nl© 2015 - 2024 scrapazza | sitemap | rssart journal, journal die, journal essential, planner journal, journal pocketdistress, ink, paint, stamp, drop0
frankblogt.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.gear, bike, bag, sit, amet0
voetstappennaareennieuwleven.nl…port cities were closed off for the Kindertransporten, the children travelled through the Netherlands, in most cases through Hook of Holland. They arrived at the train station there, from which they walked with their carry-on luggagehook, memory, england, berlin, train0
wkap.nlTo make finding, buying, and reading our products easier, we recently made some changes to our websites. All Springer, Palgrave, and Apress books are now available on SpringerLink . Your account on all three websites is now on the…journal authorpublisher, author, advertiser, editorial, society0
angeladesigns.nl2022 Exhibition and installation in assignment for "Grensloos Kunst Verkennen" in de Wijk and IJhorstart journal, journal collaborationexhibition, educator, uit, graduate, assignment0
marosca.nlRecent research shows the tremendous health benefits that mushrooms hold. Compounds found in mushrooms have been shown to support our immune system, each mushroom having their own 'superpower'. Our high quality concentrated mushroom…mushroom, potion, chocolate, dinner, underground0
pvda-arnhem.nlStore… Shop… Our Story… Journal…draw, quantity, add0
lazzoni.nlAt Lazzoni, we work with dreamers, visionaries, and design enthusiasts with vast craftsmanship knowledge to create the most refined articles. We believe the most fulfilling environments are products of great design, improving people's…sofa, furniture, interior, table, dining0
lmpv.nlThe Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials (LMPV) program is an Energy Research Focus group established by the Dutch Research Council NWO (FOM) in 2012. LMPV is a research center within the NWO-Institute AMOLF , a national…impact journal, journal impactphd, thesis, photovoltaic, collaborator, diversity0
dewijnliefhebber.nlWijnkelder in je huis? Deze 5 punten zijn cruciaal!… Port…port, blogging, hair, popular, pants0
brandsatretail.nlWe are a Creative Agency located in Nijkerk, The Netherlands. Specialised in permanent POS materials.counter, interactive, sign, balance, specialise0
lunagang.nl© Lunagang 2004 - 2024gielinor journal, journal leesskill, armour, magic, fishing, gnome0
rietveldacademie.nlThe Gerrit Rietveld Academie is a small-scale, independent and internationally oriented university of applied sciences for Fine Arts and Design in Amsterdam (NL) where artistic expertise converges from a wide range of angles.rietveld journalgraduation, architectural, ceramic, graphic, jewellery0
dehobbytante.nl…& Tubes… Rosa Gallery… Stazon… Studio Light (inkt)… Versafine… BetterPressart journal, journal travelpaper, pack, craft, doobadoo, guy0
djacob.nlWelcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!photo journal, journal catchjanuary, archive, catch0
makinghomestories.nlSignup to be the first to hear about exclusive deals, special offers and upcoming collectionsheader, footer, icon, exclusive, upcoming0
flowbee.nlHello! My name is Maaike. My life revolves around drawing and illustrating. That's why I started Flowbee. This website is my online portfolio and webshop. I also make logo’s ,packaging designs and more. Contact me if you are interested in…tote, moth, interested, packaging, draw0
havenstraatjournal.nlArticles economics geography history philosophy politics psychology society Issues About Useconomic, psychology, philosophy, politics, society0
bloemenbeauty.nl…2024 year of growth sageNormale prijs€ 50,00Verkoopprijs€ 25…constellation journal, phoenix journal, gratitude journalgrowth, moon, midnight, candle, holder0
betweenthedots.nl…diary. Since I started this adventure, I got married, travelled to seven countries, learned to manage my chronic illnesses, discovered a love for writing and photography, started my own business, and in the middle of this I'm still…person journalrecipe, adventure, motherhood, scotland, reason0
roykessels.nl…Tests and software… Box Task… Location Learning Test… Emotion…journal papertask, clinical, biography, publication, paper0
bertienvanmanen.nl…her visual language imbued with empathy and respect for the everyday lives of her subjects. This book presents an extensive overview of Van Manen’s work, alongside diary entries and previously unpublished selections from her archive.british journal, journal photographyparis, france, prize, photograph, photographer0
safefoods.nlRecent food safety incidents and the introduction of genetically modified foods in Europe have resulted in an intense public debate regarding the safety of the European food supply. Consumers have little confidence in the safety of their…risk, analysis, integrate, publication, assessment0
stenen-kristallen.nlA collection inspired by old-world charm, crafted with moisannites and diamonds.wishlist, necklace, philosophy, jewelry, seriously0
bjadres.nl…in the field of mathematics: At the moment, my research centers around the cohomology and representation theory of infinite dimensional Lie algebras of geometrical nature, such as gauge algebras and various types of Lie algebras of vector…pacific journal, journal mathematicsalgebra, lie, mathematics, representation, quantum0
iops.nlWe’re pleased to announce the IOPS Summer Conference, which will be hosted by the Tilburg University this year. The conference will include presentations from our PhD members, opportunities for networking and socializing and a keynote…list journaluncategorized, conference, dissertation, thesis, staff0
mndflmoment.nl2024 Copyright Mndfl Moment . Blossom Chic | Developed By Blossom Themes . Powered by WordPress .holistic, wellbeing0
soulfultherapy.nlYoga Retreat Massage Life Coach Meditation Card Readings Yoga Retreat Massage Life Coach Meditation Card Readings Yoga Retreat Massage Life Coach Meditation Card Readingssoulful, therapy, meditation, soul, whisper0
marleenserne.nlParisian Photoshoot Paris… READ HERE… PARIS… Paris, 19th March 2024… Paris…paris, wedding, know, romantic, genuine0
craftbird.nlCraftbird © | 2023 | Alle bedragen zijn incl. BTWplanner journalpaper, craft, embossing, american, tangerine0
eelkespaak.nl…Donders Institute , Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Member of Radboud Young Academy . Affiliated with the Visual Cognitive Neuroscience and Predictive Brain Labs. Previously at Mark Stokes Lab and New College , University of Oxford, UK.paper journal, journal neurosciencepublication, october, paper, neuroscience, lab0
chromin.nlAt Chromin, we help our customers get ahead by making metal resistant to wear and corrosion. Our work is highly specialized and based on unique diffusion techniques. As a result, you get superb materials that last longer.corrosion, steel, temperature, wear, stainless0
couple-positive.nl22-9-2018 : Gongura (Couple Positive meets Sandhya Sanjana) living-room concert Amsterdamrecord journalcouple, positive, ceremony, accompany, poland0
gridshore.nlA weblog about software engineering, Architecture, Technology an other things we like.elasticsearch, architecture, august, frontend, july0
trompke.nlI have another private Youtube channel besides my art Youtube channel. I have 364 subbies on hat channel and I would like to have a 1000 of course 🙂 On that channel are all kinds of videos, private, (music) clips… Continue Reading →junk journal, journal tutorialchannel, sticky, flower, crochet, monday0
hetvinyltijdschrift.nlStructure and statutes Board of Pharmaceutical Practice Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences FIP Council FIP Education AMR Commission FIP Ethics Advisory Group FIP Regulators Advisory Group FIP Technology Advisory Group Early Career…pharmaceutical, pharmacy, congress, membership, advisory0
eugenevanveldhoven.nl‘Print: Fashion, Interiors, Art’ – a great book on contemporary print design and art.presentation, textile, publication, fabric0
staydisciplined.nl© 2024 Stay Disciplined . Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.stay journalstay, destiny, character, accomplishment, bridge0
ajlimapo.nlJournal of Efflorescence… Alloy of Elements… Arcadia… Paintings… Artist…journal efflorescencescape, alloy, painting, appointment, op0
ictinstitute.nlICT Institute (ICTI BV) is an IT advisory firm with passion for privacy, security, code quality, IT Due Diligence and IT strategy advice. We have a team of experts that work together in small teams. To keep our knowledge up to date, we…institute, independent, gdpr, thesis, consulting0
fitbodyculture.nl…Sportbeha's… Hoodies… Leggings… Originals… Beast Mode… Cropped Hoodie -…planner journal, anxiety journalsnake, sweat, beast, lace, skin0
journeytojupiter.nl03CasesCases… Frank about teaStrategy, Elements, Performance…campaign, tourist, shy0
wnkl.nlWNKL is a surf boutique and platform for independent surf- and streetwear brands, surf hardware, art and mid-century design. Located on a small island in the most northern parts of the Netherlands calstock, bag, carhartt, pouch, tote0
ladak.nlABOUT… CONTACT… LinenQuick View… LADAK blanket HenkPrice€ 189,00… New…blanket, payment, pleasure, cold, swimming0
lozinskiarchitecten.nlDesign shop and gallery located in center of Amsterdam. Created as an outlet to art, design, contemporary and vintage home and office furniture, architectural services and design products.interior, apartment, kitchen, furniture, lab0
opticnerve.nlLearn the visual thinking tools to translate your content into engaging visuals.book journal, journal coveroptic, nerve, visual, graphic, think0
between2c.nlWorking across cultures with competence and confidence. Helping master intercultural competence to work with confidence across cultures.culture journalintercultural, competence, confidence, leader, career0
123scrapping.nlSimple Stories - Simple Vintage Essentials Color Palette Designer Sticker Book (22235)craft, palette, paper, binnen, cardstock0
mudcompany.nlPortfolio…mud, paper, juist, firm, cheese0
robinvdvleuten.nlAs a freelance developer , I help startups and organisations to develop and improve their digital products and services. Because of my creative background and many years of experience, I not only manage to develop exceptionally stable…role, frontend, multiple, alongside, background0
rotorgames.nlOne of our clients includes German video game publisher Headup Games for which Rotor Games acted as External Producer on the award winning PC game Trapped Dead . Rotor Games is currently developing its own game utilising Unity 3 technology.independent, run, final, device, originally0
frankvanvelthoven.nlI sought my father in the world of the black musician, because it contained wisdom, experience, sadness and loneliness. I was not interested in the music of boys. From my youngest years, I was interested in the music of men.song, thought, colour, tongue, meditation0
asmussen.nlCopyright © 2022 Asmussen . All Rights Reserved. Photo Journal by Catch Themesphoto journal, journal catchcatch0
klompsma.nlHello Morbo, how’s the family?… Cause explosive decompression… You risked your…boring, official, uncategorized, mass, cause0
martijnkooij.nlToday the new website of my recipe based grocery list generator for iPhone was launched. The website contains detailed information about the app, and extensive FAQ and youtube videos showcasing the app at work. The recipe based grocery…developer journal, journal extension, journal firefox, journal mathmath, august, mean, grocery, january0
tide-project.nlA Case of Identity: Detection of Suspicious IDN Homograph Domains Using Active DNS Measurementsdomain, tide, amplification, threat, measurement0
eaps.nlEAPS is a non-profit, professional organization promoting population studies. As a unique international and interdisciplinary forum, EAPS has a special focus on Europe.european journal, journal populationpopulation, membership, study, demography, fertility0
livejournal.nlLive Journal… Top 3 Girl Bosses… September 20, 2018September 21, 2018…girl, august, introduction, popular0
chila.nl…traveling and competing, but loves coming back home to skate by the Juneau Ice Fields. His fondest and earliest memory is skating on Mendenhall Lake in late January 2002. Weaving figure-eights at dusk, he listened to his skates echo…championship, title, stat, novice, overview0
headsprung.nlWe are a creative marketing agency which specializes in branding, storytelling and eCommerce.ecommerce, cycle, tangible, outcome, importance0
eale.nl…all schools of analysis are welcome to participate. Its activities include the organisation of international conferences and workshop, the promotion of the study and application of labour economics, the formation of international…acce journal, journal labourlabour, economic, conference, membership, candidate0
sarisma.nl© 2019 - 2022 sarismabridal, belly, craft, note0
estherfoppen.nlAwaken Your Sacred Self is a State of Mind. Being unapologetically yourself. Want to know how? Book a private session of 40minutes to find out!personalized journal, journal complementarysacred, woman, wise, session, spirit0
elinestoffer.nlJournal… Portfolio… Read my story… Weddings… Contact… Details… Familieshoot op…wedding, min, charming, prince, capability0
jellewouterverschuren.nlOver mij… Vendetta Design… Golden Hour… Boudoir… Pre wedding shoot… Scroll…photo journal, journal catchpre, wedding, photoshoot, catch0
printenbind.nl…even though I was technically too late for it, and even better that it was at the price of normal delivery and a day earlier than it was presumed to be delivered. Everything worked out amazing, only a little part of the page was not…loose, paper, newspaper, panel, thesis0
schaakengo.nlChess… Special offers… Chess books… Draughts… General Improvement… New…european journalchess, puzzle, piece, bridge, jigsaw0
britttinbergen.nlThe return of the wolf exposes our drive to ‘shape’ nature. The wolf is welcome for the sake of biodiversity, but is also feared as an opportunistic predator that does not play by our rules. Thus, everyone creates their own version of the…pig, brazil, publication, graduation, recently0
flowsplatform.nlEnergy in the urban water cycle: Actions to reduce the totalexpenditure of fossil fuels with emphasis on heat reclamationfrom urban water The urban water cycle, water supply, transportation, treatment and disposal are services that…janssen journal, journal paper, myolin journal, özer journal, li journalthesis, flood, paper, report, january0
nanotips.nlJust use your own gloves with smartphones. Make them touchscreen compatible with Nanotips! ✓Leaves no trace ✓Works with all gloves and materialsglove, leather, leave, fabric, screen0
erikveldkamp.nl“Embark on a musical odyssey with Erik Veldkamp’s innovative series, “FUNdamental Studies.” This collection of five meticulously crafted books introduces 110 diverse fundamental trumpet studies,…itg journal, journal pagejanuary, exercise, fundamental, trumpet, photographer0
ihydraulics.nliH ydraulic S stands for i ntegrated H ydraulic S olutions and supplies an extensive and very complete program of high quality hydraulic parts and specializes in the design, assembly, installation and maintenance of hydraulic drive systems.hydraulic, integrate, integration, maintenance, installation0
kirstensmeets.nl…Studieprijs” of the Radboud University for my research on the history of the Qur’an (view also “Prizes” on this website). In July 2020 my research on the European far right has been selected as one of 18 research projects funded by thereligious, far, identity, religion, theological0
martijnwubs.nlQuantum optics: nanoscale quantum optics, quantum plasmonics, quantum optics in 2D materialsiop journal, journal optic, award journalphd, quantum, position, congratulations, thesis0
sandbergseries.nlGabrielle Kennedy, CJ Assembly, Jules van den Langenberg, Danae lo, Bin Koh, Thomas Spijkerman, Lara Staaltable, ed, cut, assembly, miss0
hannekejongsma.nlAbout…greenschool journal, journal boxseason, xmas, wallpaper, wardrobe0
hyqs.nlExperiments with ultracold atoms and ions allow us to study quantum phenomena in the laboratory, such as Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum entanglement and quantum phase transitions. Although a lot of work has been done on the systems…new journal, journal physicsion, quantum, atom, phd, al0
heritagestudies.nlSwiss Alpine landscape heritage and its representation in tourism blogs – research assistanceheritage, landscape, cultural, august, hospital0
justhangloose.nl…Home Variant 4… Our Work… Lawrence – Case Study #1… Richmond – Case Study #2…study, brooklyn, typography, abbey, division0
mswordsmith.nlCopyright © 2014-2024 M.S. Wordsmith | Terms & conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policyauthor journal, journal planner, prompts journal, journal exercisewrite, edit, oracle, developmental, academic0
fcngroup.nlThe Federated Collaborative Networks (FCN) is a research group led by Prof. Dr. Hamideh Afsarmanesh at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam. The group is established in 1990, and was formerly…journal publicationpublication, collaborative, teach, coordination, researcher0
iss.nlThe International Institute of Social Studies is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science: MA, PhD and research.brochure journalphd, programme, institute, funding, scholarship0
boekenenpennen.nlLogical Prime notebooks are excellent for fountain pen lovers, note-takers, and journalers. Slim and lightweight, they feature smooth paper that will not…nib, sailor, ink, paper, pentel0
kaya-quintana.nl…I’m a minimalist in pursuit of My True Life: The life I actually want to live. I love sharing my experiences with minimalism, personal growth and slow living with you. Learn from my experiences and create your own True Life. Are you ready?bullet journal, journal spreadminimalism, hague, favorite, true, earring0
thessahilgenkamp.nlOppewal A, Hilgenkamp TI, van Wijck R, Evenhuis HM. Res Dev Disabil. 2013;34(10):3301-16reply, leave, secondary, october, medicine0
nicolealexandra.nl…Display, Packaging, Stores and Stands as well as Creating and Producing brand Photo shoots and Campaigns. Previous Clients include: Ti Sento Milano, Charming by Ti Sento, Blush Jewels, Guess Watches, ByLouLou Jewels and IBB…watch, charming, direction, guess, campaign0
henkhietbrink.nlAt the yearly meeting of the International Summer School at the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Foundation for the History of Science in Islam in Istanbul, Henk Hietbrink presented a workshop about an instrument to find reflection points in all…educational journal, journal mathematicsturkish, reflection, mathematics, al, teacher0
meestermax.nlinteractive, challenging and personal lessons, Meester Max takes care of a tailor made offer. Meester Max helps pupils from primary school, secondary school, but also adults who are in learning or would like to improve their Dutch language.lesson, teacher, flexible, tailor, worth0
numb-or-art.nlState of the art retouching, but it doesn't stop there. Composition, extreme mix ups, duplicity or levitation. Anything you can think of really.retouching, passionate, imaging, specialty, conceptual0
ploegentijdrit.nlStore… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop… Our…quantity, add0
softijsmachinehoreca.nlAliquam erat volutpat. Ut quis ligula a magna blandit finibus. Suspendisse maximus lacus non nunc lacinia lobortis.recipe, favourite, healthy, japanese, corner0
vmarketing.nlNow, it’s time for a break for you. I will be developing your Website, Social Media planning or Content.german, vienna, discover, device, channel0
go-with-your-flow.nlHome… Car Crystals… Crystal Candles… BH Crystals… Crystal Cards… GWYF The…crystal, spiritual, christmas, candle, mij0
hetschrijflokaal.nlThe web shop will be revised completely in the coming months. Over the past year unfortunately there were too many inconsistencies, inconveniences and oversights. We just discontinued our relationship with website designer Vibis and on…travel journalhet, landscape, greenery, miscellaneous, inconvenience0
mairdesign.nl…and your attitude influences your behavior. When your everyday thoughts are positive and full of positive affirmations so will your energy vibration be high enough to attract the beautiful opportunities you desire and they will…manifestation journal, journal digitaladd, affirmation, smile, manifestation, positive0
lauwa.nl…Bozal Basterra. LAUWA is produced in a very natural and traditional way, without addition of commercial yeast or bacteria and by using a minimal amount of sulphites. We believe that making a good wine already starts by taking good care…wine, vineyard, taste, bacteria, vine0
womb-project.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. …new journal, journal travelaenean, morning, road, uncategorized, earth0
thomasdegraaff.nlI am a spatial economist employed at the department of Spatial Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My recent research focuses on spatial interaction patterns (e,g., tourism, trade, migration and commuting), reproducibility (e…economic, economist, analysis, spatial, migration0
jennyslatman.nlWelcome to my site! My name is Jenny Slatman. I am a professor of Medical & Health Humanities in the Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg School of Humanities & Digital Sciences at Tilburg University.humanity, teach, publication, chapter, progress0
deyu.nl…thoughts, and think strategically. Mindset affects our reality, decision-making abilities, and our results. A 5-minute journaling practice with the focus app can help you start your workday with excitement, ease and drive you to the…road, pricing, ability, growth, excitement0
silo.nlWe create immersive offline experiences in an increasingly online world. Discover our work and get in touch to collaborate.spatial, immersive, increasingly, career, showcase0
create4fun.nl© 2008 - 2024 Create4fun | sitemap | rss | webwinkel beginnen - powered by Mijnwebwinkeljournal bookcraft, holtz, distress, cricut, memory0
dedriebaansweg.nl“I am a trainer, coach, medical doctor, cultural antropologist and writer. For more than 16 years I have advised people on how to improve their working relationships and enhance the quality of their lives. I’ve provided professional…affirmation journal, journal app, daily journalchess, appointment, therapy, behavior, typography0
zinintrappen.nlJenny and Kees love to ride their bicycles and have made already many trips over the world. Their dream: Getting old cycling the world!travel journal, journal preparationcycling, africa, adventure, preparation, egypt0
yvetteheeren.nl• All art is hand-made and one-off. In order to let the painting glare I work with various leaf metals, it gives a beautiful contrast with the rough and mat chalk paint.regular, glass, italian, shiny, paper0
janrothuizen.nlJan Rothuizen (1968) is a visual artist. His work has been translated into English, Spanish and Chinese. He made the interactive award-winning documentary “Refugee Republic” about a refugee camp in Iraq.brooklyn journalsoft, refugee, installation, publication, interactive0
webshopmargo.nlWith a handy, half-inch measuring grid, integrated metric rulers and two high-strength magnets, this essential mat makes stencilling, stamping and inking a breeze.art journalink, cadence, distress, shimmer, paint0
securedd.nl…ORACLE (HCM), AGENDA or other solutions we offer different integration possibilities. Learn how we integrate with different solutions and can save time and money while delivering a safe and intuitive integration. Learn moreactivity journalquotation, integration, storage, trust, secure0
ccam-ascor.nlCCAM - Center for Research on Children, Adolescents, and the Media. CCam is part of the Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCoR, at the University ofpublication, chapter, dissertation, measure, background0
marjoleinfeenstra.nlPUUR! Bullet journal… PUUR! Hoe was je dag-boek… Marjolein Feenstra… Make…creativity, template0
analyticalpha.nlAnalytic Alpha aims to Connect Students and Teachers to Intercultural Communicative Competences in Pluri-Literacies by CEFR-based CLIL & Scrum teaching. Besides intercultural skills, secondary school students learn great stuff about the…literacy, cultural, analytic, competence, cefr0
laurastassen.nlover… contact…0
anreda.nl★ Home | ★ Anreda's Hobby | ★ Anreda's Gifts and More | ★ Aanwezig | ★ Workshops | ★ Merkendrop, distress, embossing, ink, craft0
ontwerpenopeenzelfbouwkavel.nlStore… Contact… slot mahjong scatter hitam… Journal… Shop… Our…quantity, add0
iea.nlIn every quarterly newsletter, IEA Updates, we share a summary of how IEA studies have progressed in recent months. This includes an overview of IEA's flagship studies and other studies IEA is a part of. You can also subscribe here to…series journalstudy, report, teacher, germany, publication0
josephiena.nlBuy art supplies online at Josephiena's Design. Curated selection of well-known and unique brands for your passion. Unleash your artistic potential with our carefully curated selection of art supplies onlineart journalsupply, favorite, painting, stamp, craftemotions0
vethotel.nlOur revolutionary platform offers your clinic the only Vet CRM you’ll ever need: a powerful customer relationship manager, capable of streamlining every function of a busy veterinarian practice.revolutionary, patient, appointment, timeline, powerful0
beautravail.nlBeau Travail designs colorful, sculptural and narrative products as companions in our daily life, whereas writings & prints extend his founder Fabien Petiot's desire to share stories and knowledge. The studio is based Utrecht, The…lighting, sculptural, founder, narrative, companion0
quantumdevices.nlThe Quantum Devices team of prof. Caspar van der Wal performs experimental research that focuses on the quantum physics of electron spin ensembles and nuclear spin ensembles in semiconductor devices. Current projects study electron spin…journal articlequantum, device, phd, physics, lab0
ingriddam.nlMy art is not only beautiful, but it also has a deeper meaning and purpose. It tells a story, offers an escape, and promotes a sustainable way of living.painting, landscape, liqueur, fungus, wasteland0
nourished.nlNourished is the original Home of Clean Beauty & Natural Living. We provide YOU with Clean and Natural beauty products that are safe for yourself, the animals and your environment. The Nourished natural beauty collection is suitable for…nourish, cleanser, organic, wash, skin0
zweerman.nlSculptor and Designer Rob Zweerman; Beautiful sculptures in a variety of materials, handmade with passion for form and material...geometric, stone, sculptor, steel, organic0
handboekecommerce.nl, many of the invention and prototype design techniques used for physical goods and technologies do not work well for human and interactive services. This article describes one technique—service blueprinting—that has proven useful for…pacific journal, journal marketing, tional journal, journal operation, international journalecommerce, employee, kitchen, counter, failure0
braic.nl…treatment and prevention of psychological complaints in Dutch military personnel and veterans based on scientific research. Furthermore, the BRAIC promotes professional and suitable care by combining research, knowledge and…image journal, journal affectivebrain, military, personnel, treatment, veteran0
cipaveen.nlThis is the default global natural language description of the content on the site pages.international journal, journal implantdental, implant, referral, patient, default0
fastforword.nlIn fact, Fast ForWord is one of the only reading interventions with neuroscience research that has beenpeer journalcomprehension, neuroscience, grammatical, understand, response0
tortuga-x.nl…Reactor Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Under the flag of TORTUGA-X, I research the effect that torsion, turbulence, and gravity have on the acceleration of mixing in novel types of chemical reactors.journal articletorsion, publication, contribution, conference, chemical0
arthurarts.nlArthur Arts | Agile Software Developer ( Java / Scala) | Agilist | Evangelist | Photographerjournal image, photo journalphotographer, present, writer, jesus, season0
alfa-dev.nljournal… About… checkout… continue shopping… Favorites (0)… view all… shop…shop journalbag, checkout, neck, anthracite, woman0
ceruleum.nlCursussen… Contact… DATA… EIGEN WERK… WORKSHOP MODIGLIANI…art journalurban0
qrih.nlQRiH was designed as a supportive tool for writing research evaluations in the humanities according the Strategic Evaluation Protocol (SEP) 2021-2027 . (PDF). QRiH can also be used for other purposes, too, such as the internal quality…membership journal, journal editorialprofile, evaluation, humanity, audience, relevance0
suzannewallinga.nlwide variety of institutions and has been a visiting lecturer and tutor at several universities and art and design academies. Suzanne serves on the board of Stedelijk Museum Schiedam , Shimmer , VHDG and Taman Indonesia , and advises on…thief journal, journal songexhibition, role, shimmer, indonesia, profile0
mtabosch.nl…available. What you see, is what you get. I see beauty in everything. The photographs are all to been seen on this website. They are all on show. As if you can walk into the depot during an exhibition. You can see them all. But you don't…untitled, unknown, smoke, sky, berlin0
globalheritage.nlThe Centre for Global Heritage and Development uses its interuniversity and interdisciplinary status to go beyond the traditional study of heritage, by focusing on how heritage relates to cultural, social and environmental developments…relevant journalheritage, collaboration, researcher, scholar, visit0
gplussers.nlJoomla template, portfolio, photography, creative portfolio, responsive design, modern layout, customizable, web development, Joomla CMS, website template.template, joomla, customizable, layout, photographer0
heartfire.nlNessi Gomes – Live in Amsterdam :: 29 November 2024 @De Duif Amsterdam (extra Concert)october, chant, prayer, sacred, friday0
theweddingchapter.nlThe Wedding Chapter stands for authentic, beautiful, iconic, sexy and pure wedding make-up and hairstyling. Together we will explore your unique radiance.wedding, chapter, iconic, authentic, pure0
aimvanlaarhoven.nl…for instance due to inflammatory (e.g., atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis) and non-inflammatory (e.g., post-burn itch, fibromyalgia) conditions. Her research line is aimed at elucidating symptom perception, with a particular focusitch, publication, psychology, pain, phd0
a-journal.nlWe make from every order a gift, always nicely wrapped. Nice to receive… but even nicer to give!home journal, journal stationerydiary, calendar, birthday, conversation, christmas0
in2cultures.nl@ Copyright by in2cultures Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPressscientific journalcross, survey, cultural, participant, academic0
cadeaunetwerk.nlWelcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!public journaljoy, typography, spice, cinnamon, cabin0
hansfranken.nl– Law study, specializing in civil law and admini­strative law, University of Leiden,board journal, journal privacylaw, chairman, council, editorial, function0
jokeschut.nlEditorial portrait photographer based in Amsterdam. Portrait photography for companies and magazines. Editorial portrait | business portrait | Advertising photographymagazine journal, journal glossyportrait, photoshoot, editorial, campaign, photographer0
kunstfort.nlCelebration of official exhibition programme opening: “The hand that searched in the void”exhibition, recreation, calendar, visit, rent0
civicarchitects.nl…and public impact. This is true for all types of architectures. That’s why in each project we design and engineer with public values in mind, whether we are working on urban plans, residential buildings, university buildings or museums.riba journal, journal febcivic, architecture, lecture, library, winner0
conamorehilversum.nllyric death bed lyric shut up and dancetitanium lyricdownload anime angels of deathdeath, lyric, quantity, add0
skidekwe.nlI am not against cellphones in pupils’ hands. Most of my pupils live too far away from school and have to cycle up to 15 miles before the are at school. All the way long there are a lot of dangers and I support parents who give their kids…funny, teacher, probably, invitation, write0
alwayssummer.nlHello, I’m Mien, Born and raised in Boracay Island, Philippines, I find myself in a completely different country than my motherland. Moving to the Netherlands in 2019 made it a journey of reconnection as I embrace the contrast between two…regular, jewelry, pearl, artisan, earring0
antaurus.nlReceive by email or mail all essential information about the Antaurus Europe Fund.fund, investment, quarterly, report, monthly0
nuoptv.nlVrijdag…classical, tot, castle, sheffield, report0
studiomemoire.nlAlbums & prints… Portfolio… Pricing & process… Journal… About…pricing0
anti-fraud.nl…not quality – at least at first. Aiming for quantity will help move beyond the obvious to more interesting, radical anti-fraud ideas. So, we don't set out to find one killer anti-fraud idea as a starting point. Instead, anti-fraud ideas…journal articlefraud, lab, corruption, resource, prototyping0
ninepine.nlMinimal aesthetics meets technical sensibilities - Ninepine is a contemporary active lifestyle label based in Stockholm, Sweden.seller, aesthetic, minimal, dress, accessorie0
houseoforange.nlARTISTS… EDUCATION… CONTACT… MIRROR MIRROR… TOMMY JEANS… Vannessa Chan… Metal…hair, copper, orange, mirror, metal0
lappelduvoyageur.nlHome… Portfolio… Journal… About… Get in…solid, mineral, beneath, foot, gently0
tuaca.nlI've highly recommended Tuaca for human patients and animal patients. Tuaca's techniques and results have grown ballistically! Tuaca is a wonderful person to work with.session, spiritual, soul, telephone, intuitive0
mariekehendriksen.nl…Amsterdam, where I am a senior researcher and a member of NL-Lab . Together with Irene van Renswoude, I lead the department Knowledge and Art Practices at the Huygens Institute for Dutch History and Culture . My research interests are thereferee journal, journal articleearly, humanity, anatomical, publication, august0
vlietsingel.nlThe NSX-T Manager appliance shell is configured with a default timeout of 600 seconds . This timeout can be changed from the NSX Manager Command Line Interface. Access the NSX Manager CLI through the console or through SSH. With the…technical journal, journal availablevmware, nsx, virtualization, overview, computing0
arjenholterman.nl…the reflective algorithmic and autonomous minds (2008)… Dual-Processfact, broadcast, swan, fallacy, hogan0
fleurvosdesign.nlFleur Vos Design is a one-woman graphic design studio with a passion for paper and simplicity.graphic, tax, lettering, woman, simplicity0
corpcomm.nl…in a broad sense, encompassing corporations, small and medium businesses, non-governmental organizations and (semi-)public institutions, as well as pressure groups, social movements, and other informal and emerging forms of organizations.topic, publication, teach, diversity, chapter0
gewest13.nlDigital Experience design / UI & UX design / Webdesign / Web development / E-commerceux, commerce, connect, position, identity0
eelcobruinsma.nlwrite, maintenance, patience0