| Yes, acupuncture can improve your fertility as much for men as it does for women The ChinaMedic Approach with abdominal acupuncture significantly increases the chance of pregnancy both through natural conception as IUI or IVF. In both… | chinamedic acupuncture, acupuncture clinic, abdominal acupuncture, acupuncture patient, acupuncture amsterdam | pain, treatment, complaint, abdominal, appointment | 92 | | An acupuncture treatment at AKI Acupuncture & Balance in The Hague takes 45-60 minutes. The goal of acupuncture is to restore the Qi (energy) balance and thus also make any pain disappear. | aki acupuncture, acupuncture balance, life acupuncture, acupuncture aki, acupuncture hague | hague, balance, pain, treatment, effective | 51 | | Discover your options for an acupuncture massage in Amsterdam, Chinese relaxation massage, Tuina, FoFan Qi treatment, Cosmetic Acupuncture & facial acupuncture. | acupuncture amsterdam, option acupuncture, acupuncture massage, cosmetic acupuncture, acupuncture facial | cosmetic, treatment, relaxation, facial, therapy | 41 | | …(KP) , Mycology Research Laboratories (MRL) , Kan Herbals , Maciocia , Seven Forests and Springwind . Acupuncture needles from brands such as Seirin , Marco Polo , Hwa , DongBang , Shenzhou , Orca Advanced and Tian Xie are… | seirin acupuncture, acupuncture needle, moxom acupuncture, springwind acupuncture | formula, needle, western, kan, herbal | 38 | | There is now a great deal of research being done worldwide into the effects of acupuncture. For many complaints, acupuncture has already been able to demonstrate its impact. Moreover, the number of areas for which acupuncture is… | acupuncture hague, cosmetic acupuncture, symptom acupuncture, acupuncture practice, practice acupuncture | complaint, hague, cosmetic, treatment, appointment | 31 | | Acupuncture is a treatment method that draws on the body’s self-healing ability. By placing very thin needles on acupuncture points, the body is put to work to release the blockages that are causing the symptoms. The needles are so thin… | home acupuncture, acupuncture woman, woman acupuncture, acupuncture gynaecology, needle acupuncture | woman, nutrition, hague, appointment, medicine | 31 | | Glow acupuncture uses Traditional Chinese Medicine and dr Tan's Balance method to treat a wide range of health concerns including pain, insomnia, anxiety, menstrual and digestive problems. | glow acupuncture, acupuncture amsterdam, acupuncture traditional, controversy acupuncture, acupuncture meridian | pain, concern, digestive, anxiety, traditional | 30 | | Mirjam van Huis (1969) starts her education with a Psychology (cognitive science) and Philosophy study at the University of Amsterdam. She attended Shenzhou University of Acupuncture and the Academy for Massage and Movement. Both Academic… | advice acupuncture, acupuncture massage, therapy acupuncture, acupuncture amsterdam, relief acupuncture | smooth, treatment, relief, square, dietary | 26 | | Now you can get from me: the famous "The Ultimate Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Program" of Virginia Doran (USA). Cosmetic Acupuncture for safe treatment of wrinkles, acne and cellulite; For a more beautiful skin and to reduce the aging… | cosmetic acupuncture, acupuncture safe, field acupuncture, acupuncture conventional, classical acupuncture | treatment, therapy, facial, rejuvenation, pain | 24 | | “As a regular user of alternative medicine, I found myself drawn to acupuncture as another option that might further alleviate my issues with digestion and painful periods. From my very first acupuncture treatment with Aleksandra I… | aleksandra acupuncture, acupuncture holistic, community acupuncture, health acupuncture, convince acupuncture | holistic, philosophy, prevention, medicine, diet | 24 | | Shen Qi Medical Centre Acupuncture Rotterdam, medical expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine. | centre acupuncture, acupuncture rotterdam, help acupuncture, acupuncture health, clinic acupuncture | medicine, traditional, pain, needle, widely | 23 | | Treatments in our Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Clinic include many forms of Acupuncture (including electro and ear acupuncture), herbal remedies as well as Tuina Massages. | clinic acupuncture, acupuncture tcm, experience acupuncture, acupuncture chinese, form acupuncture | treatment, herb, medicine, herbal, therapist | 23 | | To solve these problems, the acupuncture-points on the meridians are stimulated with the use of small needles. When I put a needle in an acupuncture-point, the Qi of this point and its meridian will be moved and influenced. | acupuncture practice, practice acupuncture, acupuncture thorough, problem acupuncture, acupuncture point | meridian, protection, declaration, disease, western | 22 | | Hopeful Star TCM is located in the center of Haarlem for more than 15 years. In our practice we use a variety of techniques from traditional Chinese medicine, such as Acupuncture, Herbs, Cupping and Moxa. We combine these treatments for… | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture herb, case acupuncture, acupuncture point, researcher acupuncture | hopeful, herb, medicine, shoulder, pain | 22 | | In 2003 I studied Chinese massage. In 2005 I followed a course in ear acupuncture and in 2006 an HBO course in Western Medicine. In 2009, I finished my shiatsu-massage study. I am also a certified cosmetic acupuncturist and followed the… | pain acupuncture, acupuncture well, massage acupuncture, acupuncture nutrition, ear acupuncture | treatment, complaint, medicine, certified, teacher | 22 | | Acupuncture Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Tuina, Amstelveen. Acupunctuur Praktijk voor Chinese Acupunctuur, Amstelveen. | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture tuina, ear acupuncture | brown, medicine, herbal, mental, patient | 22 | | Authentic acupuncture and herbal medicine . Practitioners with over 30 years clinical experiences. Top quality of herbal medicine from Sunten. Education center of Dutch Acupuncture Academy. Close cooperation with Dutch insurance… | klinic acupuncture, acupuncture herbal, authentic acupuncture, dutch acupuncture, acupuncture academy | medicine, herbal, therapy, authentic, clinical | 21 | | Acupuncture in IVF and IUI cycle: Acupuncture used as a support in IVF and IUI treatment can double pregnancy rate. It is performed before, during and post transfer treatment. Men and women can benefit from it. Pre-birth acupuncture… | fertility acupuncture, acupuncture chinese, attention acupuncture, acupuncture painless, cost acupuncture | nutrition, pregnancy, fertility, therapy, dietetic | 20 | | Acupuncture practice Drs. Phuong DO | Meerhoven Eindhoven (NVA member) Tradional Acupuncturist | Scalp acupuncturist I see acupuncture as a valuable alternative therapy, in addition to or in collaboration with regular Western medicine… | acupuncturist acupuncture, acupuncture valuable, traditional acupuncture, acupuncture method, scalp acupuncture | scalp, traditional, nva, zhu, principle | 20 | | Welcome to Acupuncture Suzi! If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your health and well-being, you’ve come to the right place. We offer high-quality acupuncture treatments aimed | japanese acupuncture, acupuncture massage, zi acupuncture, acupuncture natural, quality acupuncture | herbal, medicine, practical, complaint, herb | 20 | | I had very little energy for months. However, the main reason that I decided to have acupuncture applied was that for almost half a year I had suffered from severe anxiety and regular panic attacks, as a result of sexual abuse in my… | vitality acupuncture, acupuncture tui, acupuncture complaint, conditions acupuncture, acupuncture effective | treatment, pain, medicine, resistance, complaint | 19 | | Wise and Well is a treatment center in Haarlem where, in addition to acupuncture, various complementary and alternative medicine are used. | acupuncture mindfulness, addition acupuncture, acupuncture complementary | balance, wise, appointment, treatment, pain | 19 | | The technique consists of massaging points or the path of Acupuncture meridians in the body. Through traditional Chinese medicine, Acupressure unlocks Acupuncture channels and points, allowing Qi ("energy") to circulate freely throughout… | auto acupuncture, acupuncture specific, specific acupuncture, acupuncture tool, kind acupuncture | pain, treatment, acupressure, tension, emotional | 19 | | Acupuncture, energy? What I do with acupuncture: I examine whether and how your natural energy balance is disturbed. Off balance in energy causes minor discomforts or complaints, and plays an important role in how you feel when having a… | easy acupuncture, acupuncture painful, energy acupuncture, acupuncture natural, acupuncture naturally | pregnancy, woman, menstruation, healthy, breast | 17 | | Urban Acupuncture Jaime Lerner Urbanism Nature Based Solutions Design by Listening Case studies / projects Urban Myths Contact information | urban acupuncture, acupuncture jaime, acupuncture plan, acupuncture sick | urban, urbanism, base, sustainability, study | 17 | | Are you experiencing pain? IN SYNERGY combats the underlying causes. You will find our Acupuncture & Kinetic Chiropractic Practice in Groningen. | chiropractic acupuncture, acupuncture clinic, cause acupuncture, acupuncture kinetic, synergy acupuncture | chiropractic, kinetic, synergy, pain, treatment | 17 | | About Nagomi Nagomi is the Japanese word for relaxation and feeling comfortable. In Japanese acupuncture the goal is to treat the client in a comfortable way. It is my goal to promote this concept in.. | japanese acupuncture, acupuncture yoga, acupuncture goal, husband acupuncture, acupuncture japan | japanese, comfortable, treatment, qualification, london | 16 | | There is a myriad of theories and therapies designed to restore the balance, allowing a smooth and natural energy flow. TCM, particularly in the form of acupuncture, is one of them. A very old practice with proved effectiveness. | form acupuncture, acupuncture old, meridian acupuncture, acupuncture point, auricular acupuncture | balance, treatment, min, therapy, medicine | 15 | | Acupuncture with a focus on mental and physical health. The extent to which the focus is on the mind or body differs per individual and per request for help. | skeptical acupuncture, acupuncture neck, process acupuncture, acupuncture dorine, acupuncture nutshell | specialism, physical, pain, extent, mental | 15 | | Gerrie Sporken Ac.M, Practice of Traditional Acupuncture & Well-being, Amsterdam. Five Elements Acupuncture. | traditional acupuncture, acupuncture amsterdam, history acupuncture, acupuncture world, acupuncture old | traditional, complaint, symptom, treatment, diagnosis | 15 | | To solve these problems, the acupuncture-points on the meridians are stimulated with the use of small needles. When I put a needle in an acupuncture-point, the Qi of this point and its meridian will be moved and influenced. | pregnancy acupuncture, practice acupuncture, acupuncture thorough, problem acupuncture, acupuncture point | meridian, complaint, treatment, pregnancy, consultation | 15 | | Acupuncture is the most well-known treatment method of the TCM for Yin & Yang balance restoration. Moxa, cupping and herbs are also sometimes used during treatment. Less well known is Chinese nutritional teachings. This teaching gives you… | medication acupuncture, acupuncture answer, expertise acupuncture, acupuncture great, yosay acupuncture | treatment, complaint, medicine, common, insurance | 14 | | If you’re recovering from or struggling with a health problem your body’s natural self-healing mechanisms haven’t been able to do their job. Sometimes just a little help is needed. Most people seek out Acupuncture and Chinese herbal… | english acupuncture, acupuncture chinese, acupuncture needle, ear acupuncture, electro acupuncture | medicine, description, philosophy, indication, biography | 14 | | Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world, originated over 3,000 years ago in China. According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture points are located on meridians through which Qi vital energy runs. The… | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture moxatherapy, theory acupuncture, acupuncture point, energy acupuncture | medicine, traditional, etc, herbal, herb | 14 | | Dr. Sukrisno adapts her technique of acupuncture treatment to the individual, depending on the pain threshold (sensitivity) and the symptoms. In case of stress she applies more Japanese acupuncture technique because it causes little pain… | practice acupuncture, acupuncture near, different acupuncture, acupuncture technique, medicine acupuncture | treatment, doctor, medicine, technique, herb | 13 | | In Energetic Medicine, Britta Jansen combines the knowledge of Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Prognos computer analysis, Traditional medicine, Homeopathy, Orthomolecular medicine, Bio-resonation therapy, Laboratory services, Dietary… | electro acupuncture, acupuncture modern, chinese acupuncture, acupuncture western, traditional acupuncture | sugar, fat, cell, medicine, treatment | 13 | | During the intake session, your condition will be discussed in detail and examined by the attending doctor to create a personal treatment plan. The treatment plan may consist of different treatments, such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal… | treatment acupuncture, acupuncture chinese, association acupuncture, acupuncture dr., combination acupuncture | treatment, hague, appointment, session, combination | 12 | | The tools and techniques that I use in a treatment include Acupuncture using fine needles to release and create more harmonious flow, deep heat treatment to boost energy (moxa) and different massage techniques such as cupping and gua sha… | mtneedle acupuncture, acupuncture personalised, treatment acupuncture, acupuncture fine | exercise, personalised, appointment, alison, pregnancy | 11 | | I studied Traditional Chinese and Japanese style Acupuncture for a total of 5 years and have been practising for more than 12 years. I hold Reiki Master certificates from 3 different lineages starting with Western style more than 20 years… | heart acupuncture, acupuncture reiki, style acupuncture, acupuncture total, year acupuncture | laugh, maybe, emotion, pricing, appointment | 11 | | My name is Brenda Ooms. I am a licensed veterinarian and veterinary acupuncturist (member of SNVA). During my extensive experience as veterinarian, I noticed that many pets could also benefit from acupuncture and food supplements and… | pet acupuncture, acupuncture food, acupuncture treatment, treatment acupuncture, acupuncture consultation | cat, dog, treatment, skin, chronic | 10 | | Welcome to Lapis Studio: acupuncture and therapeutic massage located in Rotterdam Kralingen. | studio acupuncture, acupuncture therapeutic, kathmandu acupuncture, acupuncture clinical, paediatric acupuncture | patient, therapy, treatment, disorder, medicine | 10 | | therapies for the prevention and treatment of disease. However, the two primary therapeutic modalities in TCM are acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Acupuncture adjusts the flow of qi in the body, leading it to areas where it is… | cosmetic acupuncture, year acupuncture, acupuncture chinese, tcm acupuncture, medicine acupuncture | medicine, therapy, traditional, herbal, therapist | 10 | | Welcome to Acupuncture 1, the “1” or “one” is from「Tao Te Ching」chapter 42: The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to Two. Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to all things. Again in another saying “all things are one” 万物归一… | | herbal, indication, consultation, compensation, therapy | 10 | | The origin of acupuncture goes back a long way. The method was developed about 2000 years ago and has been the central pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ever since. In TCM, the human being is regarded as a whole through which… | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture enschede, short acupuncture, acupuncture treatment, treatment acupuncture | treatment, medicine, traditional, pain, holistic | 9 | | Medicine. People who know me well appreciate me for my down-to-earth mentality, you will notice this in the way i explain and apply acupuncture. | acupuncture child, acupuncture eindhoven | cycle, fertility, woman, pregnancy, specialty | 9 | | …factors. Based on the overall picture we diagnose and decide which combination of treatments fits exactly you. Where necessary we supplement acupuncture or shiatsu with moxa,cuppen, Do-In exercises and dietary advice and a EMB-test. | hague acupuncture, acupuncture shiatsu, center acupuncture, chinese acupuncture, acupuncture japanese | treatment, practical, technique, complementary, woman | 9 | | At InHarmonie acupuncture I can help you with all your complaints, such as migrain and pain. We can also help you with multiple issues like stress, menopause problems and so much more. For more information you can contact me, free of… | inharmonie acupuncture, acupuncture complaint | complaint, multiple, pain, charge, treatment | 8 | | Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world, originated over 3,000 years ago in China. According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture points are located on meridians through which Qi vital energy runs. The… | acupuncture indication, medicine acupuncture, acupuncture moxatherapy, theory acupuncture, acupuncture point | medicine, measure, wishlist, etc, indication | 8 | | …from Tianjin University in China. As a licensed Acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine Doctor, Dr. Wang uses acupuncture, herbs and Qi Gong in the tradition of Chinese medicine, supported by an understanding of western medicine… | centrum acupuncture, acupuncture clinic, naturopathy acupuncture, acupuncture herbal, wang acupuncture | cancer, pressure, overweight, liver, treatment | 8 | | Qigong Sensory Massage and Acupuncture Treatment for Children with Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. | massage acupuncture, acupuncture treatment | sensory, autism, treatment, disorder, processing | 8 | | Do you feel in need of inner space within both; silence and movement? Would you like to get more connected to your unique flow? Then our winter journey could be lovely for you! A Yin Yoga, breathwork and Acupuncture Winter Special to… | breathwork acupuncture, acupuncture winter, yoga acupuncture, acupuncture journey, acupuncture nidra | autumn, season, sequence, inn, donation | 8 | | Best and high-quality Chinese massage at De Eland Wellness House provide you with well-trained massage therapists to relieve you of headache, muscle pain and stress. Acupuncture treatment combined with qigong and meditation activates the… | stress acupuncture, acupuncture treatment, massage acupuncture | treatment, muscle, pain, appointment, physical | 7 | | TuiNa is a very important component of Chinese medicine alongside acupuncture and herbal prescription. However, TuiNa can be a complete healing system in itself. Not only it works on muscle groups, joints, sites of pain and poor… | alongside acupuncture, acupuncture herbal, point acupuncture, acupuncture basic, japanese acupuncture | treatment, reflexology, medicine, balance, foot | 7 | | Hacuserk is a certified commercial practice for traditional Chinese Medicine (TCG). Quality and (after)care are of paramount importance in this practice. TCG is recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WAO (World… | medical acupuncture, acupuncture hildegard, care acupuncture, acupuncture support, combination acupuncture | appointment, medicine, examination, consultation, vaccination | 7 | | I work together with physiotherapists, dietitians, psychologists, manual therapists and other disciplines in order to get the best treatment outcomes. You will receive individualized acupuncture treatment at Shenmen Health Amsterdam. Not… | practice acupuncture, acupuncture treatment, complaint acupuncture, individualized acupuncture, amsterdam acupuncture | lymphatic, treatment, manual, edema, therapy | 7 | | For years, I have worked as a massage therapist. The positive experience of treating and helping each unique body has led me to specialize in acupuncture as well. Massage, acupressure, and acupuncture share many similarities. During… | body acupuncture, acupuncture massage, acupressure acupuncture, acupuncture similarity, similarity acupuncture | acupressure, symptom, rate, treatment, immediately | 6 | | Three Treasures stands for the 3 approaches I use: physiotherapy, training and acupuncture. My goal is to strengthen and regulate your body and energy. | training acupuncture, acupuncture goal, medicine acupuncture, acupuncture particular | treasure, physiotherapy, fee, appointment, exercise | 6 | | …of stagnation in the meridians. The focus of the treatment is therefore to bring balance back into the meridians. The meridians form the connection of the various acupuncture points in the body through which Qi (pronounced Chi) flows. | connection acupuncture, acupuncture point, pain acupuncture, acupuncture needle, meridian acupuncture | organ, balance, treatment, appointment, complaint | 6 | | We are proud to offer several styles of Yoga lessons : Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Pilates. Our team of qualified therapists also offer Acupuncture , Ayurveda , Nutrition , Neuromuscular Activation , Personal… | therapist acupuncture, acupuncture ayurveda | teacher, favorite, true, schedule, flexible | 6 | | Naturopathy refers to anything that brings the body into a position to heal itself. Like for instance Homeopathy, Phytotherapy and Acupuncture. | phytotherapy acupuncture, acupuncture natural | animal, horse, emphasis, instance, homeopathy | 5 | | Ruchi's Holistic Therapy combines the wisdom of Spiritual Acupuncture ( registered with Zhong ) | spiritual acupuncture, acupuncture zhong, acupuncture massage | therapy, holistic, homeopathy, face, treatment | 5 | | Traditional Eastern medicine covers a broad range of disciplines, such as acupuncture, tui na, moxa and cupping therapy, as well as the famous shiatsu (finger pressure therapy) that originated in this tradition. It has been proven that… | word acupuncture, acupuncture latin, discipline acupuncture, acupuncture tui | therapy, therapist, medicine, eastern, traditional | 5 | | Group practice with a holistic point of view. Regular and Natural Health Care. Acupuncture, Massage therapy, Holistic Psychology, Reiki, Healing. Practice Rokin 91 Amsterdam | care acupuncture, acupuncture massage, treatment acupuncture | square, therapist, near, holistic, therapy | 5 | | Wim-Harold Wesenhagen has finished his TCM diploma at the Shenzhou Open University of TCM (Amsterdam) were he studied Western Medicine and Foundation of Chinese Medicine which he has succesfully finished. He is specialised in Chinese… | chinese acupuncture, acupuncture succesfully, trip acupuncture, acupuncture jiangsu, effectiveness acupuncture | medicine, traditional, rate, study, pain | 5 | | In the clinic, we apply the principles of integrative medicine. In practical terms, this means we integrate your holistic Acupuncture treatment within your Western medical treatment. This is why we advise you to visit you general… | holistic acupuncture, acupuncture treatment, complaint acupuncture | treatment, holistic, fee, medicine, integrative | 5 | | Y&D Group for Awareness & Health, for Acupuncture, Chinese Medicinal Herbs, Shiatsu pressure point massage, Meditation classes | health acupuncture, acupuncture chinese | meditation, awareness, additional, discount, herb | 5 | | For years now, acupuncture has been known to help smokers overcome their addiction. Acupuncture of the ear is especially well known for this treatment. Treating nicotine cravings and other withdrawal syndromes can also be significantly… | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture toga, year acupuncture, acupuncture smoker, addiction acupuncture | treatment, syndrome, weight, smoking, disorder | 5 | | Of course there is also the possibility, apart from the harmonizations with TimeWaver Pro in the infomationfield, to be treated in the clinic with either Acupuncture, or TimeWaver Frequency or TimeWaver Frequency McMakin for more fysical… | clinic acupuncture, acupuncture timewaver, acupuncture tw | frequency, harmonization, treatment, remote | 4 | | In short, dry needling aims to relieve musculoskeletal pain and tension by focusing on specific muscle tissues, while acupuncture aims to restore energy balance in the body according to traditional Chinese medicine principles. Both… | needling acupuncture, acupuncture approach, tissue acupuncture, acupuncture energy | muscle, blood, pain, tension, therapy | 4 | | This is the English page with an explanation of Practice DOM in Utrecht. We have Mesology, Osteopathye, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, ACCESS, Hypnobirthing.... | osteopathye acupuncture, acupuncture ayurveda | therapy, explanation, osteopathy, birth, hypnotherapy | 4 | | Acupuncture therapy is widely accepted because of the fact that it has no serious side effects. | question acupuncture, acupuncture treatment, acupuncture effect, service acupuncture, acupuncture therapy | therapy, nec, tincidunt, maecenas, odio | 4 | | AWB NL is part of Acupuncturists Without Borders' European Refugee Support Project. We organize mobile clinics throughout the Netherlands and provide community-style acupuncture for newcomers to our country. Treatments help manage stress… | style acupuncture, acupuncture newcomer | newcomer, treatment, resilience, refugee, pain | 4 | | We are a small boutique wellness center that provides massage, acupuncture, foot reflexology and cupping treatments, aimed to relief you from your pain and discomfort. Our therapist has over 10 years of experience and has helped countless… | massage acupuncture, acupuncture foot, combination acupuncture, acupuncture massage, acupuncture perfect | session, pain, treatment, foot, reflexology | 3 | | Personal Qi acupuncture works with a personal treatment plan attuned to your sex, year of birth and birth date. It’s based on Classic Chinese traditions: knowledge of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, balancing the universal imprints… | qi acupuncture, acupuncture personal | genetic, nutri, therapy, session, divine | 3 | | We offer physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, manual therapy, pediatric physiotherapy, kinesiotaping, medical training therapy, rehabilitation treatment, sport-medical advice, reintegration training, COPD, acupuncture, dry needling and… | copd acupuncture, acupuncture dry | appointment, physiotherapy, frequently, treatment, manual | 3 | | Study Centre PaKua aims to bring to the attention of the TCM community one of the most authentic styles of acupuncture: Acupuncture according to the philosophy of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. In doing so we wish to preserve this… | style acupuncture, acupuncture philosophy, form acupuncture, acupuncture wide, history acupuncture | study, branch, classical, registration, introduction | 3 | | A graduate of the Acupuncture program from Shenzhou University, she then later combining the gentle approach of Japanese acupuncture through Toyohari training. | graduate acupuncture, acupuncture program, japanese acupuncture, acupuncture toyohari | lymphatic, equilibrium, tissue, relaxation, therapist | 2 | | "Bye Bye Allergies" re-initializes erroneous body coding’s through acupuncture meridians. At the end of the "BBA" energetic treatment, you can live again as if you had never been allergic or intolerant: you can be in contact with or… | osteopathy acupuncture, acupuncture kinesiology, code acupuncture, acupuncture meridian | allergy, formation, treatment, intolerance, energetic | 2 | | Working with acupuncture, cupping, moxa, pranayama and yoga to support your journey into better health, allowing for more energy, and better vitality. | acupuncture client | nourish, offering, schedule, appointment, needle | 2 | | Wether you have a condition you would like to treat or just for your own relaxation and beauty, we have it all! We offer various Ayurvedic treatments, Acupuncture, Frequency- and Access bars healing and Japanese facial treatments which… | ayurveda acupuncture, treatment acupuncture, acupuncture access | treatment, pleasure, oasis, facial, session | 2 | | If you and I have never met before, I may decide to do just dry cupping at our first visit to see how you respond to that treatment. I may also offer you acupuncture, which I am licensed to practice in the state of Georgia. Please… | cupping acupuncture, acupuncture needle, treatment acupuncture, acupuncture state | section, technique, prophet, disease, pain | 2 | | It is possible to let the computer show in 5 seconds where the horse can recover and still improve on health and fitness. This is done through a system from NES Health that uses sound waves and a combination of osteopathy, acupuncture and… | osteopathy acupuncture, acupuncture bio | horse, treatment, blockage, clientele, healthy | 2 | | We have a health practice and support people with different complaints. We are specialized in (chronic) pain issues and neurotic pain conditions. We use the treatment methods acupuncture and shiatsu therapy. These give us the ability to… | method acupuncture, acupuncture shiatsu | pain, finally, treatment, vital, complaint | 2 | | Acupuncture as practiced in Acupuncture Waalre is part of Traditional Chinese medicine, which has its origins more than 4000 years ago. It was put in writing 2000 years ago and up to the present day these writings are still valuable and… | acupuncture waalre, practice acupuncture | specialization, indication, publication, balance, strength | 2 | | I suffered from significant hair loss and enormous skin problems, I didn't look good. I found it through my medical acupuncture doctorat the Microbiome Center. My intestinal flora was examined and a personal probiotic was developed from… | medical acupuncture, acupuncture microbiome | microbiome, complaint, chronic, doctor, analysis | 1 | | Welcome to Acupuncture Clinic. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! | | therapy | 1 | | 1 cm handpiece: suitable for small surfaces, such as fingers, toes, facial parts and is also often used for acupuncture and instead of dry needling. | part acupuncture, acupuncture instead | therapy, animal, treatment, physiotherapist, accessorie | 1 | | …Beijing Tong Ren Tang store in the Netherlands. We sell official Beijing Tong Ren Tang products. We also provide acupuncture and physiotherapy services. We are also able to advice and prepare custom made herbal and granule recipes… | product acupuncture, acupuncture physiotherapy | pricing, herb, granule, physiotherapy, official | 1 | | Simply put, a meridian is an ‘energy highway’ in the human body. Meridians can be mapped throughout the body; they flow within the body and not on the surface, meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has many acupuncture… | meridian acupuncture, acupuncture point | session, pressure, balance, ocean, technique | 1 | | Shiatsu means ‘finger pressure’ in Japanese and has often been referred to as acupuncture without the needles; in practice a practitioner uses touch, comfortable pressure and manipulative techniques to adjust the body’s energy flow. It is… | japanese acupuncture, acupuncture needle | session, therapy, balance, treatment, fatigue | 1 | | at the European University for traditional Chinese Medicine, where i learned about Chinese medical philosophy and acupuncture. I developed a great interest in Tibetan buddhism and Tibetan medicine. And spend some time living in Dharamsala , | philosophy acupuncture, acupuncture great | homeopathy, medicine, consultation, interest, tibetan | 1 | | …are trained in all breeds and can trim nails, ears and face. Some of the other services available are teeth cleaning, parasite control and nutritional counseling. The staff is also experienced in administering vaccinations and acupuncture. | | property, effective, leader, variety, money | 1 | | Since 2017 Mare has regularly been on working visits to the Ukraine, together with 12N Urban Matters. The coupling of strategies for cultural development and urban development leads to new insights. By using the method of urban… | urban acupuncture, acupuncture great | copy, cultural, producer, society, institution | 1 | | EFT is like acupuncture without the needles but with words. Every trauma, physical or emotional, is considered energy stored in the body where it was prevented from being released at the time of the incident or where it was allowed to… | like acupuncture, acupuncture needle | river, emotional, complaint, freedom, session | 1 | | Lessons followed - ballet (jazz, classical, modern) dance class, piano, guitar, drawing, horseback riding, skiing, acupuncture, aikido, judo, tennis, roller skating, inline skating, tai chi | skiing acupuncture, acupuncture aikido | certificate, introduction, nutrition, programming, psychology | 1 | | Simply put, Pranic Healing is like acupuncture but then without the needles . This is the simplest way of describing a complete and effective energy healing system, which in fact also teaches you how to live life to the fullest, develop… | like acupuncture, acupuncture needle | meditation, session, treatment, exercise, peace | 1 | | Too much treatment in too short an interval can be overstimulating. Avoid acupuncture, physical therapy, massage or other types of physical treatment for a day or so after each treatment. | interval acupuncture, acupuncture physical | treatment, osteopath, osteopathy, patient, tissue | 1 | | Complete acupuncture website design with fresh new photography. New iconset for client sympton indication area’s. Pages designed with various layouts. | complete acupuncture, acupuncture website | stack, commerce, movie, enthusiast, interested | 1 | | The essence of our company is thus to allow psychologists, physical therapists, acupuncture professionals and various other healthcare providers to focus on those aspects of their work they truly like, such as actually helping their… | therapist acupuncture, acupuncture professional | acquisition, healthcare, psychologist, therapist, steady | 1 | | Shiatsu, like acupuncture, is based on the meridian system and traditional Eastern medicine . Ki (life energy) flows along these meridians throughout our body. It regulates and harmonizes different body functions. If this flow of Ki is… | like acupuncture, acupuncture meridian | session, treatment, traditional, meridian, rate | 1 | | Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. | way acupuncture, acupuncture acupressure | therapy, therapist, holistic, soul, session | 1 | | Energetic therapy is ancient; it has already been used in ancient healing systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, where working with energy pathways (meridians), acupuncture, energy centers (chakras) and natural… | meridian acupuncture, acupuncture energy | inn, freedom, session, wealth, relationship | 1 | | …focus on the outside. In the East, one looks more to the inside of things. Chinese people are known because of acupuncture. The yellow emperor had many doctors, who could stay with him as long they self not got ill. As long as they… | people acupuncture, acupuncture yellow | inside, ball, guangzhou, leave, east | 1 | | Traditional Chinese sciences, including acupuncture, are all based on an underlying theory, which has been handed down indirectly and in fragments. In my hopefully soon to be published book , I try to reconstruct and explain this… | science acupuncture, acupuncture theory | theory, introduction, quantum, western, eastern | 1 | | …and a basket. Lessons were given in hand- and stick-forms, and contestants were further instructed in the ways of Qi Gong, medicine and acupuncture. During ceremonies, calligraphy classes and meditation the contenders wore black robes. | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture ceremony | competition, dance, zhang, internal, meditation | 1 | | The ‘painbox’ is used mainly by practitioners to treat pain and acupuncture points | | animal, magnetic, frequency, cushion, intensity | 1 | | ... but also with big pleasure we make non commercial projects like this scientific congers page of foundation for Movement Science or acupuncture page... | science acupuncture, acupuncture page | interactive, builder, presence, brother, visual | 1 | | …as podiatry, physiotherapy and osteopathy, or whether you focus your practice on alternative medicine such as acupuncture, homeopathy and haptotherapy, or even if you offer care treatments such as massages, cupping and permanent… | medicine acupuncture, acupuncture homeopathy | evening, rent, frequently, rental, atmosphere | 1 | | Balance your soul offers Meditation, Mindfulness and Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques (such as acupuncture). | | soul, balance, meditation, medicine, traditional | 1 | | A relaxing treatment, which is done fully clothed. I work on acupuncture points and reflexology zones on the feet and the head using a colour therapy pen. This brings a feeling of relaxation which can support the letting go and recovery… | fully acupuncture, acupuncture point | feeling, session, highly, therapy, puncture | 1 | | …Jin Shin Jyutsu was rediscovered by a Japanese sage, Jiro Murai. He has dedicated his entire life to reviving the Jin Shin Jyutsu art, which can be considered the “Grandmother of Acupuncture” and is the origin of contemporary Reiki . | grandmother acupuncture, acupuncture origin | licence, physical, balance, der, mental | 1 | | …was my path, I knew the normal route would not be able to help me with this. Haptonomy, Bach Flower Remedies, Acupuncture, developing my intuition, Access Consciousness and Yoga brought me to this point. And I am really grateful for… | remedy acupuncture, acupuncture intuition | spiritual, discovery, bottle, authentic, true | 1 | | © 2020 - 2023 TopVinyl | | roll, electronic, soul, soft, stone | 0 | | Come and discover your oasis. It has never been easier to take a break from stress and the harmful factors that surround you every day! | ana acupuncture, acupuncture right | august, mon, sit, oasis, break | 0 | | Copyright © 2010-2019 Dominique P. Schön | All rights reserved | The Netherlands | | spiritual, medicine, traditional, therapy, popular | 0 | | Prof Mattias Desmet claims to have seen with his own eyes open-heart surgery in Belgian university hospitals, performed under hypnosis without any anaesthesia. For once we have to agree with Alex Jones: “Unbelievable!” | veterinary acupuncture, acupuncture soviet | stuff, hypnosis, surgery, chess, mummy | 0 | | Den Hoek is a holistic practice, where Western and Traditional (veterinair) medicine come together and the well-being of you and your animal is our priority. We have over 26 years of experience in holistic treatments. | | horse, dog, cat, treatment, registration | 0 | | I-Lotus Traditional Chinese Medical Center voor acupunctuur, kruidengeneeskunde en oosterse manuele therapie. | federation acupuncture, acupuncture moxibustion | traditional, society, federation, medicine, association | 0 | | Lorem ipsum sitame consteur adipscing eiusmo labore magna aliqua veniam quisnostr ercation | | skin, lorem, sitame, ipsum, therapy | 0 | | Welcome to Innerbalance-Enschede. International Centre for Holistic health, inner peace and wellbeing! We love to support our clients in holistic health and… | | medicine, colon, spiritual, traditional, holistic | 0 | | "At Make Me Happy we believe that true happiness comes from taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally. | | treatment, investment, happiness, demand, mentally | 0 | | At Viva Obstetricians, situated in the Hague, you will find professional and expert obstetric care. Viva is a small obstetric practice where you will receive tailor-made care. | | obstetric, pregnancy, ultrasound, consultation, birth | 0 | | Our beauty and complementary therapies will restore balance and harmony and rejuvenate your senses in a calm and relaxing atmosphere. | | treatment, skin, rejuvenation, face, scar | 0 | | In the relaxed atmosphere of our massage studio you will learn basic massage strokes which you can practice directly on your own partner. | | sense, therapist, certificate, appointment, foot | 0 | | With Chinaturel by your side, you have full access to high-quality TCM products which were built on over 2000 years of knowledge and experience. Over 1,000 TCM practitioners have already put their trust into Chinaturel as their key… | luo acupuncture, acupuncture practice, ede acupuncture | herbal, herb, patent, appliance, withdrawal | 0 | | Approach… Treatment… Ceremonies… About… Contact… Acupuncture… close up plant… | | path, spirit, treatment, alchemy, rate | 0 | | ifuseme – Acupuncture – Integral Fusion Medicine | ifuseme acupuncture, acupuncture integral, cosmetic acupuncture, amstelveen acupuncture | therapy, fusion, integral, medicine, appointment | 0 | | introduction lasts appr. 1,5-2 hours. You receive extensive information on the work of Stanislav Grof, the underlying psychology and the types of experiences you can have during Holotropic Breathwork®. Of course there is room for questions. | | session, introduction, consciousness, indication, contributor | 0 | | About… Common Complaints… Acupuncture… Electro Acupuncture… Cupping… Cosmetic… | electro acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture | common, complaint, cosmetic, visit, patient | 0 | | Very surprised at the speed with which the 600-T air purifier reacts to dust released during grinding and polishing. The air will be clean again in no time. Because of this positive experience I bought a second 600-T, it had a small… | owner acupuncture, acupuncture moordrecht | purifier, purification, healthy, institution, conditioning | 0 | | English… Modern Acupuncture Clinic… Welcome… About FSN… About Moxibustion… | modern acupuncture, acupuncture clinic, acupuncture oncology | indication, oncology, medicine, traditional | 0 | | …studio projects (Ukr)… Circular design… Space-S, social co-creation… | urban acupuncture, acupuncture ukr | circular, creation, housing, urban, participation | 0 | | At our place, you can work out in a safe and pleasant environment, with and without supervision. Our sports area is equipped with modern and advanced fitness equipment. | acupuncture bioresonance | therapy, physiotherapy, rate, treatment, pelvic | 0 | | My name is Shing Lin Wang. I am a practitioner in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). | chinese acupuncture, acupuncture clinic | treatment, medicine, fee, disease, herbal | 0 | | At BLOOM many inspiring activities take place with great people. Whether it is a 1-on-1 session or a training course with several people. Everyone feels at home with us and walks out of the door inspired. | | on-1, session, door, inspire, nutrition | 0 | | In 1981, the practice "Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy Koninginneweg" was founded at Koninginneweg 157. After 14 years, we had to move to larger premises. The practice could continue further down the street, at number 265, next to the… | | knob, physiotherapy, appointment, therapy, manual | 0 | | Lorem ipsum sitame consteur adipscing eiusmo labore magna aliqua veniam quisnostr ercation | | skin, lorem, sitame, ipsum, therapy | 0 | | prevention and healing that can be found in the Huangdi Neijing, The Emperor's Inner Canon (BC 202) ( click here for more info ), an ancient Chinese medical book, while making use of the newest methods and developments to come out of China. | | medicine, exercise, internal, maintenance, traditional | 0 | | Tam Healing… Contact… Back To… | | functional, advertisement | 0 | | Because The NatuurApotheek is a recognized pharmacy, our compounds also meet the requirements of the Medicines-act for pharmaceutical products . Read more... | acupuncture essential | medicine, herbal, herb, western, orthomolecular | 0 | | Nikki Rowe is the owner of JUNO Health & Wellness. With more than 15 years of experience as a physiotherapist in both primary and secondary healthcare settings. In 2020 Nikki was inspired to set up the first female health and wellness… | | woman, physiotherapy, osteopathy, therapy, pregnancy | 0 | | The Academic Institute for Physical Therapy PLUS, also called ‘AI’) is a well-known institute that was founded in 1974 as one of the first physical therapy practices in the Netherlands and is located in a former bathhouse at the eastside… | | physical, therapy, therapist, institute, paramedic | 0 | | Het Paramedischcentrum: Office for pain control, Praktijk voor Fysiotherapie and Institute for physical therapy. | | therapy, physical, institute, pain, het | 0 |