| Associations are the cartilage of society, the easy-to-miss-but-oh-so-important entities that connect people to a common goal and to each other. In a digital age they can come across as outdated, but in fact they are as relevant as ever… | quality association, association policy, far association, association business, aspect association | diplomacy, democracy, internal, actor, resolution | 49 | | Committees consist of members who actively want to contribute to the NSHV. They do this by organizing activities throughout the year. As a token of appreciation for active participation in our association, we organize an activity once a… | sister association, association room, student association, association nijmegen, association member | committee, honour, vacancy, council, advisory | 44 | | The Dutch Games Association (DGA) is the trade association representing the games industry in the Netherlands. Our mission is to help the Dutch games industry achieve its full potential. | games association, association trade, trade association, association game, association dga | division, trade, potential, resource, slack | 32 | | We are S.A. Xenia, a student association, especially for hotel- & facility students of Breda University of Applied Sciences. Every Wednesday you can find us at our home bar Borrel Bar Breda. Please visit our website for more information… | student association, association xenia, association especially, people association, association board | wednesday, facility, especially, apply, fraternity | 27 | | The DAA is not an arbitration institute, but an association for all practioners, inhouse lawyers, academics and students, arbitrators and staff members of arbitration institutes with a focus on arbitration in the Netherlands. The DAA… | arbitration association, association interest, association dutch, association daa, institute association | arbitration, interest, membership, maritime, committee | 27 | | Next to that there are more than twenty different sport association where students can become a member. There is a big hockey association, but also a badminton, tennis, soccer, swim and korfball association. Furthermore, there is a dance… | student association, study association, sport association, different association, association tilburg | committee, study, council, introduction, wat | 27 | | Welcome to CODON Study Association of Biotechnology, Biobased sciences & Bioinformatics Become a member Activities CODON organises many activities for its members, like dinners, movienights and much more. Click the link below to see… | study association, association biotechnology, sister association, association codon, symposium association | biotechnology, study, committee, vacancy, upcoming | 26 | | Study association Complex is an association for all students who study Psychology in Tilburg. | study association, association complex, association psychology, brother association, sister association | study, psychology, committee, discount, summary | 25 | | Capital Value annually conducts research into the developments of the housing and residential investment market in the Netherlands. This research involves interviews with a large number of residential investors, housing associations and… | housing association, association bank, association major, association property, association opportunity | residential, housing, investment, investor, valuation | 25 | | Dionysus is a student association with a passion for wine. We host wine tastings, we drink, and most important we party. Our main event of the year is the annual wine trip to one of Europe's finest wine regions. Are you curious? Join us… | wine association, association dionysus, student association, association passion, soul association | wine, dionysus, taste, tasting, annual | 23 | | Student Sports in Eindhoven, all united. That's what ESSF is for. ESSF represents both students and associations in Eindhoven's student sports on the local and national level. | student association, association eindhoven, events association, association ssa, sport association | introduction, upcoming, participant, measure, committee | 22 | | De Veetelers is the study association for Animal Sciences students of Wageningen University and Research. The study association was founded in 1962. Although, the study association might seem old, this is considered the strength of the… | association animal, study association, association responsible, association form, association wageningen | study, commissioner, committee, affairs, animal | 22 | | Welcome to CODA! We are the Association for CvA Students. This association was brought to life primarily with the purpose of facilitating social and musical connection between students of different departments and study years of the CvA… | coda association, association cva, student association, association life, study association | connection, membership, study, department, extent | 21 | | Groningen Student Volleyball Association Kroton. Come join the oldest and most exciting student volleyball association in Groningen. The volleyball association that bleeds red and green. | volleyball association, association groningen, association kroton, association red, article association | lady, volleyball, tournament, exciting, committee | 20 | | Our foundation aims to support and facilitate the growth of blockchain student associations in the Netherlands. We believe that blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries and we want to provide a platform for… | blockchain association, association netherlands, student association, association event, different association | membership, whale, recap, partnership, valuable | 20 | | Welcome to the website of the Association of Former International Civil Servants – Netherlands (AFICS NL). This association was created in 2006 and currently counts more than 200 members. AFICS-NL is a member of the Federation of… | nl association, association international, website association, association currently, federation association | servant, civil, currently, secretariat, federation | 20 | | The HCHWA-D Association is there for everyone that has to deal with the disease. Patients, gencarriers, possible gencarriers, caretakers, familymembers or involved in a different way? You are not alone. | hchwa association, association disease, association board, association effort | disease, patient, caretaker, august, stroke | 20 | | The DAA is the trade association for all companies who produce, trade and process aluminium in the Netherlands. | trade association, association company, association metal, association member, aluminium association | membership, trade, possibility, sustainability, overview | 20 | | Honours College Social Association – The Honours College Social Association is the study association for the Honours College in Groningen. | social association, association honour, association study, study association, sister association | committee, honour, study, discount, upcoming | 19 | | Hooning Association Managers - an Amsterdam-based company providing full-and partial-management services to associations & non-profits. | hooning association, association managers, service association, association non, business association | profit, partial, passionate, integrity, operation | 19 | | The Dutch Association of Depositaries is a member of the European Trust and Depositary Forum, the European trade association for depositaries. | dutch association, association depositary, trade association | depositary, trade, fund, interest, particular | 19 | | The Kwahuman association of the netherlands is working towards the 30th anniversary. | kwahuman association, association netherlands, association year | anniversary, easter, author, edit, publish | 19 | | Our study association was founded on the 31st of May, 1990, by a group of students of the study association of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Design at Wageningen University. We were named after the famous concept of 'Genius Loci'… | study association, association genius, association landscape, information association, association look | genius, study, landscape, committee, spatial | 19 | | Eloquentia Maastricht is the debate and eloquence student association of Maastricht University. Founded in 2021 by our current Co-Presidents, Eloquentia Debate & Eloquence Club is a student-run association concerned with developing… | student association, association articulation, partners association, association maastricht, run association | debate, think, argumentation, critical, articulation | 18 | | Welcome to our active student FLOORBALL and UNIHOCKEY sports association in Wageningen! On this website, you can find all information about the sport and activities that we host. Feel free to contact us. Be a student. Be a sticker. Stick… | student association, association wuv, sport association, association wageningen, association website | introduction, competition, emergency, rule, tournament | 18 | | Dutch Startup Association is the largest, independent representative for startups, scaleups and innovation in The Netherlands. | startup association, association large, start association, association force, association eu | scale, membership, signup, globally, force | 18 | | The members of the Dutch Payments Association provide payment services and deliver payment products to end users. The Dutch Payments Association fullfills collective and non-competitive tasks around these services and products. | payment association, association dutch, association collective, association payment, association cooperation | payment, task, report, annual, collective | 18 | | With the goal to connect students today and develop them for the future, the HonEURs Association is the exclusive community platform for current and past Honours Students at EUR. Through both social and academic events we take the… | honeurs association, association erasmus, association exclusive, association right | programme, honour, partnership, supervisory, impression | 17 | | The Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy (KNVWS) supports and promotes amateur astronomy and meteorology in The Netherlands. | netherlands association, association meteorology, dozen association, association observatory, local association | astronomy, meteorology, observatory, op, het | 17 | | Metis is the Study Association for BSc Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) students at Utrecht University. | study association, association home, association bsc, association metis, association student | study, ppe, committee, politics, economic | 17 | | Cross associations are private associations with a long tradition dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Cross associations traditionally had a series of goals: providing information in the field of public health… | cross association, association nieuw, vossemeer association, association aid, association place | cross, aid, lend, loan, walker | 17 | | Welcome to the website of alumni association ITEM! ITEM is an abbreviation of Engineers Technology and Society (Ingenieurs Techniek en Maatschappij), referring to the alumni of the programme as it was called at the time the association… | alumni association, association item, time association, alumnus association, association tu | programme, study, abbreviation, society, psychology | 17 | | ‘Professor Francken’ is the study association for Engineering Physics, connected to the University of Groningen. It is named after Groningen’s first professor of Applied Physics and is for students and staff of the applied physics… | study association, association engineering, brother association, association membership, membership association | physics, study, career, apply, council | 17 | | Study Association Flow – Communication & Information Sciences | Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence | Data Science & Society | study association, association flow, association history, openness association, association page | upcoming, committee, career, society, cognitive | 17 | | Join the International Faculty Association ACE of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. | faculty association, association ace, association student, brother association, sister association | faculty, committee, career, embrace, study | 17 | | Study Association Asimov is the official study association that represents the Master degree program Robotics at Delft University of Technology (Technische Universiteit Delft) . Our mission is to help students on their path to becoming… | study association, association robotic, association asimov, association master | robotic, study, degree, official, vehicle | 16 | | Welcome to Study Association Aureus. We are the study association of the School of Business and Economics of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. The mission of Aureus is to support students in their need of development during their… | study association, association aureus, association amsterdam, association school | career, committee, study, discount, summary | 16 | | Human And Social Development Association is run by educators and researchers in the human services in the Netherlands. The platform provides opportunities to individuals to further their personal development of skills and knowledge in a… | development association, association educator | cognitive, educator, emotional, researcher, programme | 16 | | CognAC is the study association of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) program at the Radboud University Nijmegen. CognAC has been founded in 1990 by students with the goal to improve the contacts between students and its teachers. In short… | nsvki association, study association, association artificial, association student, association bachelor | study, artificial, intelligence, cognitive, cover | 16 | | Guidor is an interest group for professional guides in the Netherlands, with more than one hundred and sixty affiliated qualified guides. Guidor is a member of the global umbrella organisations World Federation of Tourist Guides… | guide association, association guide, association wftga, professional association, association interest | guide, guidor, suggestion, committee, interest | 16 | | The International Plasma and Fractionation Association (IPFA) is an association representing organisations engaged in fractionation of plasma into plasma-derived medicines as well as in the collection or testing of plasma for… | ipfa association, association profit, fractionation association, association ipfa, association organisation | profit, supply, medicine, membership, objective | 15 | | We are the international study association of Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. We are an open and welcoming community for people from all over the world. | study association, association international, association van | committee, study, timeline, sign, connection | 15 | | Mercurius is the study association of Communication Science at the UvA. We represent the intrests of students and organize a broad range of activities for our members. Explore our association through our website, you will find English… | uva association, association communication, study association, association mercurius, member association | study, thesis, textbook, introduction, discount | 15 | | With over 660 active members coming from all parts of the world, 3 sororities, 3 fraternities, tons of yearclubs and committees, we are the third biggest and only international student association in Amsterdam. Everyone studying at The… | student association, association student, association comitas, association hotelschool, association amsterdam | fraternity, hague, committee, introduction, cross | 15 | | Sefa is the study association of the faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam. With over 7000 members, of which 400 are active we organise over 125 events per year. | study association, association sefa, association faculty, association economic | study, economic, career, vacancy, committee | 15 | | The Dutch Association of Insurers is the interest group of non-life and life insurers in the Netherlands. Companies that focus on bank savings for old age and premium pension institutions (PPI) are also members. The members of the… | dutch association, association insurer, member association, association percent, director association | insurer, insurance, climate, regulation, income | 15 | | The Netherlands Atlantic Association provides a platform for discussion and information on transatlantic relations and international security issues. | atlantic association, association platform, association subcommittee | atlantic, committee, perspective, transatlantic, january | 15 | | Market Garden Veterans Association Nijmegen The Netherlands - Honor and remember the men and the events of Operation Market Garden in September 1944, lest we forget! | veteran association, association nijmegen, association right | operation, veteran, bridge, war, british | 15 | | via , short for 'Vereniging Informatiewetenschappen Amsterdam' (Dutch), is the study association for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Information Science at the University of Amsterdam. | study association, association computer, science association, association netherlands | study, committee, intelligence, berlin, artificial | 15 | | A study association is a unique concept and can hardly be found in other countries. An association can be seen as an extension to your study program and has three main purposes: connection to the study program, gaining practical insight… | study association, association psychology, sister association, association unique, country association | committee, study, structure, psychology, representation | 14 | | STAR is the study association of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). With more than 6,500 members, around 300 active members and over 50 committees, STAR is Europe's largest student ruled study association and above… | study association, association rotterdam, association active, association netherlands, association europe | rsm, study, committee, sustainability, career | 14 | | Sports Council MUSST (Maastricht University Student Sports Council) is the representative and coordinating body for the student sports associations (SSA's). SSA's can contact Sports Council MUSST for help and advice about a wide range of… | sport association, association member, association guidebook, different association, association sport | council, membership, guidebook, conduct, request | 14 | | Nijmegen Students Blockchain Association (NSBA) will become the first Students Blockchain Association in the Netherlands. The association will be part of the latter established overarching association of all the student blockchain… | blockchain association, association non, association netherlands, association valuable, association nsba | membership, endless, valuable, increase, milestone | 14 | | Welcome to the website of the study association Ipso Facto! Since its establishment in 2000, Ipso Facto brings people together with the same enthusiasm for their studies. Being a member of this wonderful study association means meeting… | study association, association wageningen, association ipso, association international, association fellow | study, outside, programme, committee, confidential | 14 | | The University College Twente Alumni Association was founded in 2019 with the aim of encouraging and enabling collaboration and contact amongst alumni of the University College Twente (UCT), as well as between alumni and potential… | alumni association, association aim | aim, collaboration, potential, template | 14 | | DDMA is the Dutch association for data-driven marketing, sales and service. We are a network of over 360 advertisers, non-profits, publishers, agencies, and tech suppliers that use data in an innovative and responsible way to interact… | marketing association, association ddma, dutch association, association data | consumer, membership, million, advertiser, innovative | 14 | | Hey everyone, I am Stefan, 27 years old, and I am currently in the second year of the masters Sustainable Business & Innovation. I have been a member of Walhalla since 2019. I am the current treasurer of our beautiful association, and… | tennis association, association wageningen, sister association, beautiful association, association year | commissioner, affairs, treasurer, secretary, committee | 14 | | GHD Ubbo Emmius is the study association for students of history at the University of Groningen. Ubbo Emmius offers both study related assistance and organises extracurricular activities (both leisure and study related). | study association, association history, association magazine, association document, alumni association | committee, study, career, minor, lecture | 14 | | Dorans is the e-sports association for students studying at the RU or HAN. Dorans was founded on January 14th, 2015 by four enthusiastic students. Currently Dorans only offers coaching in League of Legends, but we are keeping updates on… | sport association, association nijmegen, thing association, association student | schedule, committee, honorary, confidential, calendar | 14 | | Welcome to the Ultimate Players website of the Dutch Frisbee Association ( NFB ). Find the latest news, results, standings of leagues and tournaments as well as rules and regulations of Ultimate events in the Netherlands. | frisbee association, association nfb, sport association, association country | ultimate, player, rule, tournament, standing | 13 | | Scopus is the study association of Industrial Engineering & Management at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Scopus organizes all sorts of activities related to the social and academic parts of the student life. With these… | study association, association home, association industrial, activity association, association joy | committee, study, industrial, external, upcoming | 13 | | DSKV IJzersterk connects strength athletes looking for excellence. Knowledge is shared and made available through coaching from experienced members within the association. We strive to make competitive participation as accessible as… | member association, association competitive | strength, battle, programming, healthy, gear | 13 | | In order to achieve the Paris climate agreement target, the Netherlands’ energy supply must be almost completely sustainable by 2050. But how do you execute the energy transition to meet the target as a local council, housing association… | housing association, association home, owner association, association manager, homeowners association | transition, municipality, housing, corporation, possibility | 13 | | AEGEE-Enschede is the open student association of Enschede and that means no hazing! Like other associations, AEGEE has year clubs, fraternities and societies where you make friends for life. You can also develop yourself by doing… | student association, association aegee, association enschede, like association, aegee association | aegee, committee, study, frontpage, fraternity | 13 | | The Royal Dutch Pharmacy Students’ Association (in Dutch: Koninklijke Nederlandse Pharmaceutische Studenten Vereniging) represents the professional and social interests of more than 3900 pharmacy students and (bio-)pharmaceutical sciences… | association document, professional association, student association, association dutch | committee, congress, disease, fund, department | 13 | | NRG is the association of students studying the two year master Energy Science at Utrecht University. The focus lies on the analysis and modelling of energy systems, from the European scale all the way to individual power plants. The… | study association, association nrg, nrg association, association student, board association | study, internship, vacancy, modelling, programme | 13 | | Study Association Off-Screen is the study association of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Yearly, Off-Screen organises multiple events to enrich your experience as a media student in Amsterdam. | study association, association screen, association media, association amsterdam | screen, study, multiple, yearly, committee | 13 | | Visual identity Core Classics Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest. In association with Enchilada. Photo: Guido Pijper | orkest association, association enchilada | visual, identity, illustration, spatial, activation | 13 | | Indian Students' Association (ISA) Eindhoven is committed to promoting and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of India. Our mission is to provide a platform for individuals to immerse themselves in various aspects of Indian culture… | student association, association eindhoven, association isa, association group | indian, heritage, indians, rich, commit | 13 | | The Tenants Association Prinsenhof (HVP) represents the tenants and residents of the homes in the Prinsenhof complex in The Hague. | tenant association, association prinsenhof, article association, right association | report, hague, advisory, nuisance, police | 13 | | The Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) aims to stimulate and coordinate the academic study and application of psychological approaches to health and illness within Belgium and The Netherlands. The Association’s… | arph association, association researcher, related association, netherlands association, association mission | psychology, researcher, conference, membership, showcase | 13 | | As a renowned expert agency, many contractors, businesses, real estate agents, consumers, owners associations and lessors have come to trust us. Since 2002, we offer transparent insights in structural aspects, maintenance needs and other… | owner association, housing association, association housing, association lessor, association municipality | inspection, pricing, structural, maintenance, property | 13 | | S.A. Atlantis is the study association of the bachelor’s programme Technology and Liberal Arts and Sciences (ATLAS) offered by University College Twente . Atlantis is the youngest study association of the University of Twente, as it was… | study association, association atlas, association song, association bachelor, association university | study, advisory, honour, committee, honorary | 13 | | Welcome to the website of Study association GEWIS, the study association of the department of Mathematics & Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology. | study association, association gewis, association department | study, career, subscribe, committee, fraternity | 13 | | EPS Cycle is a pan European take back system, which describes how used EPS can effectively be taken back for use in the production of new EPS materials. As such it is a mark of commitment to the circular economy for both the companies and… | national association, association eps, industry association, association furthermore | cycle, recycle, directory, requirements, denmark | 12 | | …increasing the visibility of the AUCSA Board life, especially for encouraging students to run for election. Embracing transparency as a Board will hopefully increase student engagement in the Association, events, and in elected positions. | student association, priority association, association thrive, board association, association person | committee, commission, external, pillar, assembly | 12 | | Homepage German Longhair Club (Netherlands). The association for the Langhaar; for responsible and regulated breeding. | netherlands association, association langhaar, breed association, association german | german, dog, regulation, dysplasia, litter | 12 | | AEclipse is a recognized study association by the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam. We are the study association for pre-master students in Economics and Business, and master students of International Economics, Policy Economics… | study association, association master, association erasmus, association pre, association aeclipse | study, economic, interested, lecture, career | 12 | | Nicolas Appert is the study association of the bachelor Food Technology and the Masters Food Technology, Food Safety and Food Quality Management. Here on our website, you can find everything you need to know about our study association… | study association, association food, association bachelor, association member, association nicolas | study, career, collaboration, committee, inspiration | 12 | | Bloom is an official study association for Computational Social Science students at University of Amsterdam | study association, association bloom, association computational, association student | study, computational, official, upcoming, committee | 12 | | Hydrangea Breeders Association (HBA), a joint- venture between Agriom, Kötterheinrich and Heuger develops new hydrangea varieties for the customers profit and consumers satisfaction. At the joint companies' premises the result from the… | breeder association, association hba, association disclaimer | hydrangea, flower, variety, cut, breeder | 12 | | H.V. Ockham is the honours association for students of the Honours Programme of the University of Twente. We are involved in anything and everything that has to do with the Honours Programme and all that is related to it. For more… | honour association, association ockham, committee association, association song, association student | honour, upcoming, chocolate, committee, honorary | 12 | | Dutch Earthquake Engineering Association - DEEA - European Regional SeminarInduced Seismicity due to HumanActivities - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Aardbevingstechniek - Aardbeving | engineering association, association deea | earthquake, regional, voor, upcoming, statute | 12 | | Versot is the official study association of sociology at Tilburg University . During the academic year we host various formal and relaxing activities, such as CV workshops and study groups, but we also organise pub quizzes, an annual prom… | study association, association sociology, association versot | study, sociology, official, committee, academic | 12 | | Sirius is a study association for the bachelor studies Management, Society & Technology, Public Governance across Borders and Gezondheidswetenschappen and the master studies Public Administration, European Studies, and Health Sciences at… | alumni association, association pallas, alumnus association, association epione, study association | study, committee, society, administration, suggestion | 12 | | Welcome to the website of SV Babel, the study association for Linguistics in Utrecht! Here you will find all the information you may need about the linguistics study programme, Babel activities, the latest news, and much more! | study association, association babel, association linguistic, friend association, association small | study, linguistic, discount, calendar, pass | 12 | | Welcome to the website of the Vegan Student Association Netherlands. We are the umbrella association for Vegan Student Associations in the Netherlands. Our member associations are active in different student cities throughout the country… | student association, association netherlands, umbrella association, association vegan, member association | umbrella, statute, advisory, council, profit | 12 | | The Dutch Data Center Association unites leading data centers in the Netherlands in a common mission: the strengthening of economic growth and the profiling of the data center sector to government, media and society. | center association, association dda, trade association, association data | participant, report, partners, release, sustainability | 12 | | LDFA is a Private Membership Association that allows its Members to purchase Silver that is stored for them in our own or a contracted warehouse, and provides a Website Interface that allows them to see the amount of silver they own and… | financial association, association money, membership association, association member | liberty, silver, money, frequently, fee | 12 | | Ibn Firnas is known for the fact that it brings together people from various backgrounds. It is said that international students often don't join student associations as most of them are Dutch-speaking and have a different target… | student association, association delft, association ibn, association dutch | muslim, upcoming, prayer, vacancy, quran | 12 | | Here you will find all information about the Media and Culture study at Utrecht University and all information about study association AKT. You will also find information here about all our activities and committees, the best internships… | study association, association akt, association study | study, committee, confidential, rule, sign | 12 | | Welcome to the website of United Shuttles Smashing Right (USSR), the student badminton association of the TU Delft. On this website you can find information about the possibilities at our club and already taste the atmosphere. | student association, badminton association, association tu | united, membership, competition, tournament, committee | 12 | | Study association “Hello World” is the study association for all students of the HBO-ICT program of the HZ University of Applied Sciences. As a study association we organize fun activities for students. For example, we visit IT-related… | study association, association hello, association hz, association student, association fun | study, secret, happiness, joy, spirit | 12 | | Being founded the 21st of October in 2009, Tartaros is a young student survivalrun association. At Tartaros we strive towards giving every interested student access to this amazing sport at all different levels, from recreational till… | survivalrun association, association tartaros | schedule, committee, advisor, confidential, technique | 12 | | The NLUUG is the association of (professional) Open Systems and Open Standards users in the Netherlands. Since the late seventies, the NLUUG has brought together the community of systems administrators, programmers, researchers and IP… | association nluug, nluug association, association professional | membership, administrator, seventy, ip, programmer | 11 | | Large companies and investors need to get the huge loss of biodiversity on their radar and implement measures to help nature recover. Such is the aim of PwC and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), which are… | dutch association, association investor, report association, pwc association, independent association | investor, responsible, publication, engagement, nickel | 11 | | We are Blueshell Esports, the gaming and esports student association at the University of Twente. We house a bustling gaming community, organize regular online and offline events and present opportunities for competitive play. | gaming association, association twente, student association, association university, association year | membership, competitive, region, regular, relatively | 11 | | Hello! We are a Dutch, Christian Student Association that combines fun and faith. The core of NSE consists of eating together, learning about faith together and having fun together. Each Tuesday we have a meeting with our association… | student association, association fun, meeting association, association week, birthday association | evening, faith, tuesday, meal, study | 11 | | Foodprint Erasmusveld Utility Associations , Silver Sugar Spoon and part of INDUSTRIOUS|artefacts are on show at the Van Abbemuseum during SELF UNSELF . Following this year's Design Academy Graduation Show theme; 'Self Unself', the Van… | resident association, association local, utility association, association silver, association clean | bey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior | 11 | | The distributors and importers of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) have joined forces in the Trade Association of NPS Distributors (Dutch: Branchevereniging Van NPS Distributeurs – BVND). The BVND wants to actively contribute to the… | trade association, association nps, article association, meeting association, association statute | substance, trade, distributor, objective, alternative | 11 | | We are an Investment student association founded in 1986 dedicated to connecting all students from the University of Twente and Saxion who share a common passion regarding the world of finance. By giving lectures, meeting up and even… | partners association, association contact, student association, association duitenberg, association student | committee, partners, events, awareness, economy | 11 | | Also this academic year, a new board is ready for all ESV students. Here the 35th board is briefly introduced. This year's chairman is Stan Huberts . He is the face of the association and leads the GMMs. In addition, she ensures that all… | study association, association student, face association, association gmm, collaborate association | economic, committee, career, vacancy, february | 11 | | The DIANA Users Association (DOV or DIANA Ontwikkelings Vereniging) was founded in ... | user association, association dov | evening, lecture, presentation, report, annual | 11 | | Al meer dan 10 jaar de enige echte, toonaangevende Nederlandse Liverpool fanclub. Association of Liverpool Supporters in the Netherlands. Official LFC Supporters Club NederlandWho are we: Alsin... | alsin association, association liverpool, fanclub association | official, al, shield, het, wat | 11 | | The MENA Student Association strives to provide a non-sectarian environment where students have the chance to interact with each other and the outer community. We aim to represent Middle Eastern culture by promoting an inclusive vision of… | student association, association non, association partner, association leiden | mena, talk, sweet, middle, east | 11 | | IFP is part of the Financial Study Association Groningen, with 1500 members one of the most active and professional student associations in the Netherlands. | study association, association groningen, student association, association netherlands | study, fsg, advisory, interested, financially | 11 | | …for strategy related topics. Examples of the latter are making sure career events are adopted in a certain curriculum or a revision of the board grant system. In the organogram you can check under which cluster your association falls. | study association, association tilburg, interest association, association foundation | connect, sustainability, interest, umbrella, study | 11 | | Home - Beauty Trade Professionals | Supplier association for the professional beauty industry | supplier association, association professional | trade, supplier, committee, initiative, die | 11 | | The Fv-FMG is the faculty association of the faculty social and behavioral sciences of the University of Amsterdam. | faculty association, association social, association faculty | vacancy, faculty, behavioral, behavioural, proudly | 11 | | SHOUT Wageningen is looking for volunteers to support LGBTIQ+ refugees. SHOUT Wageningen is an interest and social association with 200 members. We are committed to LGBTIQ+ people in Wageningen and the surrounding area. We are looking for… | association night, social association, association wageningen, night association, association member | shout, refugee, committee, donation, lgbt | 11 | | Just like last year, the Events Committee of the Vroondaal Hofstedepark Residents' Association is organizing a long table dinner. You decide together what goes on the table. Kitchen princes and princesses are invited to show their skills… | folder association, resident association, association westmade, association long, association municipal | resident, oct, committee, october, street | 11 | | For over 50 years, Marketing Association EUR has been organizing inspiring and innovative events for all marketing- and data-minded students of the EUR. | marketing association, association eur, study association, association field | committee, minded, innovative, inspire, career | 11 | | The Study Association for Environmental Sciences We’re the study association for the WUR-studies Bsc Environmental Sciences, Msc Environmental Sciences, Msc Climate Studies, and Msc Urban Environmental Management. We’re run by and for… | study association, association environmental, association wur | study, environmental, climate, amazing, urban | 11 | | Vivienne is the figurehead of the VViN – the industry association that safeguards the interests of interpreting and translating agencies in the Netherlands. The association strives for an even better service for interpreting and… | netherlands association, association interpret, association translation, industry association, association interest | translation, interpret, translate, membership | 11 | | Events are one of the most important things for study associations, especially for an international study association. As IManage we create all kind of opportunities for students and members. We set up study related events and also… | study association, association saxion, association value, association especially, association imanage | study, committee, administrator, interest, entertain | 11 | | The RSA is the Robotics Student Association located in Delft. We want to enable students to do robotics projects, by connecting them to companies, events and projects. | student association, association delft | robotic, committee, enthusiast, competition, quickly | 11 | | The Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) is an independent study association established in 1991. The aim of the association is to promote academic research and education in the Netherlands with regard to the development… | studies association, association nisa, study association, association aim, aim association | intelligence, conference, publication, study, academic | 11 | | ID is the study association of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the TU Delft. We connect students with each other, the faculty and companies. | study association, association faculty, policy association, association finally, compass association | committee, faculty, industrial, study, vacancy | 11 | | Are you an association looking for transport? MR tours has the solution for all your wishes in the field of passenger transport. | | rental, romantic, paris, excursion, transfer | 10 | | …In addition, your NLP Practitioner certificate is recognised by the Dutch Association for NLP (NVNLP) and the worldwide association (ABNLP). Furthermore, there are numerous professional associations that recognise our training courses. | professional association, association example, dutch association, association nlp, association youth | block, technique, emotion, participant, subconscious | 10 | | ALFA is a study association that specialises in hosting guest lectures and organising events. It is governed by sudents from the University of Amsterdam, and is open to all that study in the Netherlands. All of our activities concern… | finance association, association uva, study association, association guest | law, lecture, guest, study, min | 10 | | VNCI: WE ARE THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY as this industry is your target group, THIS STATEMENT is key FOR YOUR MARKETING 100% YOUR TARGET audienceThe VNCI is The Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry. “Virtually every chemical… | royal association, association dutch | chemical, vnci, ink, target, partnership | 10 | | Read more about Avalanche Boarders, a student sport association located in Eindhoven, and their committees and events. | sport association, association eindhoven, association skateboard | committee, snow, street, swimming, declaration | 10 | | Kliché is the study association by and for students of the CreaTe, CIS, MKDA, and L&S programs at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. | study association, association student | study, committee, upcoming, vacancy, cultural | 10 | | …with a local company that has been in business for years and is not only a registered member of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, but whose contact information is verified on a reputable site such as Angies List or… | groomer association, association kind, control association, association bpca, national association | property, effective, leader, variety, money | 10 | | Commotie is the study association for all Communication students in Groningen. Joining Commotie assures you to get the most out of your student life because we organize a wide range of educational and social activities. | study association, association commotie, association communication | committee, christmas, dinner, congress, career | 10 | | …can respond to current problems. In the spring and autumn we update our members with a newsletter about all kinds of current affairs. Through our social media we share tips and tricks about our association, DUWO and renting a student room. | tenant association, association de, trick association, association duwo | eerste, resident, cooperation, report, overview | 10 | | Chronos is the first debate association in Eindhoven, founded in 2016. We are an open-minded and inclusive community of people who are curious about what is going on around the world. | debate association, association eindhoven, association chronos | debate, weekly, tournament, dinner, monday | 10 | | …you use a pacifier. Time for a party where you can let loose your inner baby. We celebrate that #CLUBIEMES - ACI Students' Association was born five years ago. Make sure to save date because this baby shower will be a night to remember! | student association, association year | aci, bash, birthday, graduation, crib | 10 | | Di-Et-Tri is the study association for students of the bachelor’s Voeding en Gezondheid and the master’s Nutrition and Health. Di-Et-Tri has over twenty committees that together organize about sixty (study-related) activities for our… | study association, association di, association student, career association, association magazine | tri, committee, study, programme, confidential | 10 | | Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences. | study association, association bachelor, related association, association alumnus, fight association | study, psychology, interaction, career, committee | 10 | | The DHC is founded in January 2017 as a fusion between the National Honours Community and the Dutch Honours Alliance. The DHC serves the interests and represents the students who participate in a Dutch Honours programme. Associations and… | student association, association foundation, programme association, honour association, member association | honour, interaction, programme, interest, politics | 10 | | USA Nijmegen is the study association for students of American Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen. | studies association, association nijmegen, study association, association student, aim association | committee, american, official, study, bookstore | 10 | | …of AEGEE-Eindhoven during the TU/e Intro week. This way I will be able to show my passion about our association to the new students. If you're looking for making connections with some awesome people then AEGEE-Eindhoven is… | student association, association eindhoven, nationality association, association numerous, european association | aegee, exchange, committee, merch, dinner | 10 | | In addition to being an association, we are also an open brown café that is run completely voluntarily by our members. With two types of lager and various specialty beers on tap and in the fridge, there is always a drink that suits you… | disco association, association koornbeurs, addition association, association open, center association | regulation, committee, society, monumental, evening | 10 | | …(the Dutch ‘gezelligheid’)? In a big city such as Amsterdam you can become a member of one of the 25 student associations. Join a fun group and make friends for life. Get invaluable experience by collaborating in an association’s… | student association, association magazine, quiz association, association right, association fun | dimension, dear, traditional, committee, character | 10 | | The Dutch Waste Management Association is a member of important European associations. Our members take an active part in the work of these organisations. | management association, association dwma, association member, european association | waste, interest, government, department, discussion | 10 | | Recognised school association of the Erasmus School of Economics: bridging the gap between theory and practice for over 6000 members for all students at Erasmus University Rotterdam. | school association, association erasmus, alumni association, faculty association, association rotterdam | economic, gap, theory, summary, committee | 10 | | IESA Shift – The Industrial Ecology Student Association of Leiden University & Delft University of Technology | student association, association leiden, study association, association industrial, association bridge | shift, industrial, ecology, career, study | 10 | | The studies Biology, Biomedical Engineering and Life, Science & Technology are all part of one study association, which is the “Groninger LevenswetenschappenVereniging” (Groninger Life Science Association) Idun, in short GLV Idun. Our… | study association, association biology, association glv, idun association, association social | study, biomedical, biology, committee, minor | 10 | | Footloose is the student dance association in Eindhoven. We offer dance courses in Hiphop, Feminine, Kizomba, Modern Jazz, Classical Ballet, Improvisation, Ballroom and Salsa. | sister association, dance association, association student, association eindhoven | dance, collaboration, classical, feminine, improvisation | 10 | | In accordance with Article 36 of the Model Regulations: “Each of the owners is authorised, either in person or through a written proxy, whether or not a member of the association, to attend the meeting, to address it and to exercise their… | board association, association owner, management association, association finance, document association | regulation, apartment, internal, common, division | 10 | | The professional community, public interest groups, research institutions and governments come together in the association. For our members we are a strong network organization and inspiring knowledge institute. As an association our… | deltametropolis association, association independent, overview association, association publication, association sanctuary | summary, metropolitan, urban, independent, publication | 10 | | We are the fourth board of the Financial Study Association Groningen (FSG), established from the merger between Risk and Pro Memorie. FSG is the study association for the financially interested student at the Faculty of Economics and… | study association, association groningen, association financially | fsg, study, vacancy, committee, career | 10 | | The Entrepreneurs Association Bio Science Park represents the interests of companies and institutions at the Leiden Bio Science Park. | entrepreneur association, association bio, business association, association structural, association multinational | institution, entrepreneur, interest, calendar, benefit | 10 | | The Dutch Caribbean Association Rotterdam is a registered association at the Erasmus University that aims to provide a safe space and community for everyone interested in joining while keeping a focus on the Dutch Caribbean culture. | caribbean association, association rotterdam, rotterdam association, association erasmus | caribbean, warmth, painting, guest, january | 10 | | Communiqué is the study association for Communication Science students at the University of Twente in Enschede, where members can further develop themselves besides their study. | study association, association communication, association communiqué | study, career, committee, mental, orange | 10 | | Nalacs is the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, an association for everyone in the Netherlands who is interested in Latin America and Caribbean. Its mission is to promote insight and debate on issues… | netherlands association, association latin, studies association, association netherlands | caribbean, thesis, american, america, debate | 10 | | VSA Tilburg was established in February 2021, and is thereby the newest student association of Tilburg! VSA Tilburg is a non-profit association for vegan-minded students, who study in Tilburg or live in Tilburg and study elsewhere. | student association, association tilburg, profit association, association vegan, update association | join, upcoming, recipe, minded, veganism | 10 | | Composite connects various sectors. From material to technology. CompositesNL represents eight sectors within the association: | dutchcomposites association, association compositesnl, association information | composite, sustainability, maritime, promotion, visual | 10 | | Welcome to our website | Pacam | Purchase Association Construction and Agricultural Machinery | pacam association, association construction, purchase association | agricultural, machinery, purchase, attachment, agriculture | 10 | | The Dutch breed association for the Kooikerhondje. Find plenty of information about the breed, a list of breeders and fun events. | breed association, association kooikerhondje | breeder, report, membership, plenty, honorary | 10 | | Gerardus van der Leeuw is the study association of the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society of the University of Groningen. It was founded in 2003 and is named after the first theologian to introduce religious studies to our… | study association, association faculty | der, faculty, study, society, religion | 10 | | Are you enthusiastic about running, throwing of jumping? Join Tartlétos, the student athletics association of Wageningen! Whether you have doing athletics since you were little […] Read More | athletic association, association wageningen | run, competition, championship, athletic, friday | 10 | | After sifu Jie Kon Sieuw passed away in 2001 his Dutch students continued his teachings at his Amsterdam school. A new association was founded and on advise of the Pak Mei family in Tai Kei Leng Yuen Long Hong Kong (大旗嶺元朗香港) the new name… | student association, association pak, association jie, new association, association advise | generation, altar, poem, lineage, miscellaneous | 9 | | We are Erasmus Pride, the LGBTQIA+ student association of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. With over 200 members we are home to a lot of students and staff from the Erasmus University and Hogeschool Rotterdam, as well as to allies and… | student association, association erasmus, activity association, association money | pride, committee, yearbook, undesirable, report | 9 | | Please note that the Tietze syndrome and Costochondritis Association provides this information for the benefit of the Tietze and costochondritis community. The Tietze syndrome and Costochondritis Association is not a medical provider or… | costochondritis association, association information, association medical | liability, benefit, donation, volunteer, syndrome | 9 | | We’re thrilled to announce that the Chinese Student Association is officially spreading its wings to Delft! 🚀 Are you passionate about bringing people together and a sharp thinker regarding strategies and creativity? ✨Then, we want YOU to… | student association, association erasmus, association officially, memory association, association new | study, council, mandarin, teacher, immersion | 9 | | The Netherlands Sport Journalists Association (NSP) is a non-profit organisation that actively represents the interests of sport journalists in the Netherlands. We offer services to enable media to carry outh their work. The NSP… | journalist association, association nsp | accreditation, het, major, facility, mijn | 9 | | Netherlands American Studies Association – All about American Studies in the Netherlands | studies association, association american, association annual, nordic association, association theme | american, paper, phd, upcoming, conference | 9 | | Dutch Plastic and Rubber Association is the sector association for Dutch Businesses active in the rubber and plastics sector. Most of the affiliated partners are active in the Netherlands, but there are also partners who has important… | rubber association, association sector, sector association, association dutch, association right | abroad, sealing, manufacture, gasket, related | 9 | | With 8400+ members, 100+ partner companies and 21+ high-quality career-related events, the Financial Study association Amsterdam (FSA) is the largest financial study association of the Benelux. The FSA aims to connect ambitious students… | study association, association future, association amsterdam, association benelux | study, labor, career, vacancy, inquiry | 9 | | A Clinical Engineer (CE) is driven to optimize healthcare with the help of technology, such as new technological developments and methods to improve processes. The Dutch association of Clinical Engineers (BMTZ) was established to bundle… | dutch association, association clinical, professional association | clinical, voor, healthcare, technological, hospital | 9 | | We are the oldest queer student association in the Netherlands! With over 17 0 members from all walks of life, we're a fun and vibrant place where LGBTQ+ students in Groningen can truly be themselves. Drop by during one of our many d… | student association, association groningen, association netherlands, activity association, association massive | lgbt, committee, aclo, mania, schedule | 9 | | On our site, you will find pictures of activities and the committees that organize them, all kinds of useful links and documents to help you study, lots of information about the association, and a lot more! Your fellow students also write… | article association, sibling association, information association, association lot | committee, archive, career, external, ceremony | 9 | | The FSG Conference is the largest annual event of FSG, the Financial Study Association of Groningen. This year it will be held on Tuesday the 5th of March. | study association, association groningen | conference, fsg, study, interesting, dinner | 9 | | The Dutch association has over 400 members working in private practice, industry, academia and judiciary. It organizes the annual IP Symposium in Zeist and various member meetings on currant topics as well as young member events. Each… | international association, association protection, aippi association, association internationale, dutch association | intellectual, property, protection, study, annual | 9 | | CS Ubuntu is the study association for Conflict Studies and Human Rights. It was created by and for students of Utrecht University. As an open study association, we take an interdisciplinary approach and welcome all those interested in… | study association, association conflict, association interdisciplinary, ubuntu association, association benefit | committee, study, lecture, monthly, upcoming | 9 | | The professional association Dutch beekeepers represents the interests of its members, beekeepers who professionally conduct a professional beekeeper beekeeping or are self-employed . | professional association, association dutch | beekeeper, beekeeping, interest, professionally, objective | 9 | | Welcome to the website of MESA, the study association of Media Studies at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. | study association, association media | study, upcoming, sustainability, committee, minor | 9 | | 5 years of Atmos This month Atmos celebrates its 5th birthday! In those five years a lot of members have contributed to the association via... | | committee, career, sustainability, monthly, study | 9 | | SIB Amsterdam is the Dutch United Nations Student Association in Amsterdam, providing social, intellectual & self-development events for students interested in international relations. | student association, association amsterdam, association drink, idea association, association hazing | united, intellectual, nation, interested, relation | 9 | | The University College Alumni Association (UCAA) is the representative body of all University College Utrecht (UCU) alumni. The UCAA was established in December 2001 during the graduation ceremony of the Class of ’01. It intends to… | alumni association, association ucaa | donation, chapter, vacancy, representative, interested | 9 | | Arteva is the student association of Minerva Art Academy ( Academie Minerva ). We organise a lot of activities, like parties, cultural activities, and much more. Sounds good to you? Come join us! | student association, association minerva | committee, join, cultural, wanna, profile | 9 | | Eri-PAN is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious association dedicated to serve professional, social and economic well-being of Eritrean community in the Netherlands. Eri-PAN aspires to provide a platform for the Eritrean… | professional association, association netherlands, religious association, association professional | eritrean, membership, conduct, bridge, mentorship | 9 | | Welcome to the website of Asterix, the study association of Celtic Languages and Culture in Utrecht. We're a small, close-knit association with about 20 active members, and a total member count of 50. | study association, association asterix, association celtic, close association, association active | study, celtic, committee, regulation, statute | 9 | | Dutch Sweets Export Association is the professional partner for Dutch companies that are direct or indirect involved in the confectionery industry, and are seeking to expand into existing and emerging markets worldwide. DSEA represents… | export association, association professional | sweet, cooperation, door, membership, innovative | 9 | | S.A. Subliem is the study association for bachelor’s and master’s students Science, Business & Innovation. Read more about the programme here . | study association, association sbi, purpose association, association interest, association bachelor | study, committee, minor, venture, programme | 9 | | …region. In order to fulfill our mission, and to spread our excitement about investing as broadly as we can, our association focuses on three core activities; the investment competition, company or academy lectures and leisure activities. | investment association, association eindhoven, information association, association question, broadly association | investment, competition, invest, educational, connect | 8 | | A study association provides a community for students of a certain study programme, and so this is also what KNUS does! Joining KNUS is a wonderful way to get to know new people. We are a cozy, creative and supportive community where we… | study association, association knus, association quick, association community, like association | committee, study, inclusion, collab, resource | 8 | | Welcome to the website of the Vegan Student Association Nijmegen! Whether you are vegan or looking for ways to make your diet more animal friendly: our aim is to bring together students of both the HAN and Radboud University, as well as… | student association, association nijmegen, open association, association inclusivity, value association | committee, animal, recipe, minded, lab | 8 | | Kenya Diaspora Association Netherlands – Connecting Kenyans in the Netherlands: Bridging Cultures, Building Bonds | diaspora association, association netherlands | membership, kenyan, resource, diaspora, kenya | 8 | | April 05, 2024 The four CIO associations' joint letter to the European Commission regarding the impact of Broadcom's acquisition of VMware on our members, has generated a lot of interest. full story | cio association, association joint | benefit, membership, vmware, acquisition, supplier | 8 | | The Employers' Association for Banks (WVB) acts as an employer's party when entering into the Collective Labor Agreement Banks (CLA Banks) and promotes the social interests of its members. | employer association, association bank, association wvb | employment, scheme, salary, allowance, holiday | 8 | | We are an independent association ("vereniging") of UP Alumni residing, working, or studying in the Netherlands. | alumni association, association netherlands, independent association, association vereniging | report, annual, philippine, chapter, independent | 8 | | The Knights also organize the yearly Fantasy Court Festival, which expresses the Fantasy and LARP culture. During this festival there will be LARP associations present, as well as stands with LARP clothing, tabletop roleplay and other… | roleplay association, association eindhoven, game association, place association, association room | boardgame, evening, knight, tabletop, campaign | 8 | | As a member of STUFF, there are several ways to get actively involved in the association. You can join committees, the Qualia and the STUFF band. The committees are responsible for organizing activities, the Qualia writes the magazine… | study association, association faculty, stuff association, association philosophy, characteristic association | stuff, faculty, study, philosophy, committee | 8 | | NVM is the largest association of real estate agents and appraisers in the Netherlands. Almost 75 percent of Dutch houses are sold by our NVM real estate agents. | large association, association real, professional association, association europe, appraiser association | estate, appraiser, property, percent, conduct | 8 | | The abbreviation JSVU stands for Legal Student Association in Utrecht . The JSVU is the official, independent department association of the Law Department of Utrecht University. The JSVU was founded on February 2, 1968, which means that… | student association, association law, departmental association, association utrecht, department association | society, law, department, official, independent | 8 | | In addition to lectures, excursions and drinks, the study association SERVICE also organizes a study trip abroad every year, the SERVICE Global Study Trip. This is a good way to get acquainted with the working methods, corporate culture… | study association, association service, association right | study, estate, calendar, visit, mentality | 8 | | Babylon is the study association of International Business Communication (IBC) and ‘Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen’ (CIW) at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Babylon connects both the social and professional world of… | study association, association international, association communication | study, membership, career, committee, graduate | 8 | | Squadra Veloce is Eindhoven’s student cycling association! We are an active association where student cyclists of every level are welcome, from recreational cyclists to racers! | cycling association, association eindhoven, association active, active association, association student | cycling, ride, thursday, inventory, calendar | 8 | | Welcome to the site of the Molecular Study Association Alchimica. We are the study association for Molecular life Scientists studying at the Wageningen University and Research Centre. Through Alchimica, we regularly organize events, like… | sister association, article association, association hr, study association, association alchimica | committee, confidential, commissioner, seed, membership | 8 | | . Martin, I. Vedder(Eds.), Communicative proficiency and linguistic development: Intersections between SLA and language testing research (pp. 81-99). (EUROSLA monographs series; No. 1). [S.l.]: European Second Language Association… | language association, association book, alumni association, association auv, association detail | complexity, linguistic, task, write, teach | 8 | | The European Law Students’ Association or ELSA is an international, independent, non-political, and non-profit making association run by and for students and recent graduates. Founded in 1981, ELSA aspires to provide its members with a… | student association, association tilburg, association elsa, profit association, association student | membership, law, flagship, exchange, independent | 8 | | Exhibition , Hortus Botanicus , Japanmuseum SieboldHuis , Leiden Friends of Nagasaki Foundation , Leiden Museum of Ethnology , Leiden Nagasaki Friendschip Association | | uncategorized, youth, contest, peace, winner | 8 | | "Adjiedj Bakas takes you on a fast track to what the future has in store for us. During the 30th anniversary of the Association of Payroll Administrators (VNSa), he gave us a preview of the future of our field. We experienced Adjiedj's… | toor association, association insurer, anniversary association, association payroll, secretary association | lecture, inspire, positive, audience, presentation | 8 | | Study association for students Structural Engineering and Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology | study association, association koers, association student | study, graduation, structural, committee, membership | 8 | | In today’s ever-evolving service yard, the principle Immediate Unity Profit of Immediate Oneness Revenue has actually arised as a foundation for associations finding maintainable development and also effectiveness. In closure, recognizing… | component association, association function, foundation association, association maintainable, innovation association | actually, hair, immediate, thread, glass | 8 | | Radbudo is the Nijmegen martial arts association for students of Radboud University and HAN. We organize advanced training for various martial arts, following the courses of Radboud Sport & Culture (RSC). Currently you can join us for… | arts association, association radbudo, art association, association student | kickboxing, trial, membership, technique, background | 8 | | Biological Safety Officers Platform A Dutch Association The Association BVF Platform was founded in the Netherlands in 1999 and has now about 2 ... | dutch association, association bvf, objective association, association council, end association | biological, officer, membership, council, ministry | 8 | | Suus is the study association for master HPS and SEC students at Utrecht University | study association, association suus, association master | study, committee, official, icon, excursion | 8 | | …Working conditions act and working hours act Copyright Balance sheet Representative bodies Tax Professional associations Decree on Social Assistance to the Self-Employed (Bbz) VAT Private limited company Collective labour agreements… | professional association, association decree, model association, association meeting | heritage, visual, architecture, dance, theatre | 8 | | The association builds upon a strong Alumni network and has close ties with multiple entrepreneurs, student teams and corporations. | study association, association confluente, sister association | honor, study, committee, council, upcoming | 8 | | MASE is the study association for students of the masters: Nanoscience, Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (BCN), Mechanical Engineering, and Science Education and Communication (SEC), at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the… | masters association, association science, future association, association uncertain, study association | committee, representative, mechanical, advisor, confidential | 8 | | POLIS IS A STUDY ASSOCIATION FOR MASTER STUDENTS SPECIALISING IN URBANISM AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AT THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (A+BE), TU DELFT. | study association, association master | brussels, urban, renewal, walk, interest | 8 | | APECS Netherlands is the Dutch national committee of the Association of Polar Early Career scientists (APECS): an international and interdisciplinary organization for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, early… | dutch association, association polar, committee association | career, early, join, scientist, resource | 8 | | The Europe China Association has been established in 2019 from the Netherlands, as an non-profit organisation, it has purpose of facilitating E-Commerce development and Trades between the European Union and the China. | china association, association netherlands, netherlands association, association strategically, acien association | trade, wholesaler, commerce, distributor, cross | 8 | | Welcome to the Vegan Student Association of Amsterdam ! Whether you’re already vegan or just curious, we’re here to connect students, spread awareness, and support plant-based living. Want to be part of our community? Click the button and… | student association, association amsterdam | discount, membership, awareness, curious, calendar | 8 | | As LGBTQIA+ student association we regulary host parties, drinks and other fun activities, also LGBTQIA+ related! All our events can be found on our Facebook | student association, association host | host, related, committee, membership, union | 8 | | Art lovers as well as artists can become members of the Pulchri Studio Association. For artists it means an opportunity to showcase their work and for art lovers it means among other things access to the exhibitions and activities and to… | artist association, association gallery, studio association, association artist, member association | summary, visitor, photograph, sculpture, painting | 8 | | Assistance Office SWAN assists professional associations with their administrative work and organizes special events, seminars, workshops, and conferences. | professional association, association administrative, swan association, association management | swan, conference, administrative, assistance, introduction | 8 | | IASJ, International Association of Schools of Jazz. The worldwide organization for jazz, jazz education and jazz research | international association, association school | conference, worldwide, collaboration, partners, ed | 8 | | We are a student association for Ballroom dances. WuBDA offers classes, workshops, free dancing hours, technique classes and a lot of other fun activities organised by our committees! More information about our dancing classes can be… | sister association, student association, association ballroom, interested association, association look | dance, trial, calendar, committee, interest | 8 | | Helisea is the other name of the Hedaru Life Savers Association out of Tanzania, Hedaru. | saver association, association tanzania, association late | branch, parental, volunteer, boy, mother | 8 | | About STAH STAH is the fast-growing student gymnastics association of Amsterdam. Our trainings are fun and friendly, and whether you are a complete beginner or have been doing it for years, everyone is welcome. There is also the… | gymnastics association, association amsterdam, association town, nice association, association gymnastics | gymnastics, studenten, competition, monthly, interested | 8 | | VSA Maastricht is a student association that creates opportunities for vegan(-minded) students to meet and create supportive communities. We want to bring veganism to the attention of students and to help with vegan food and lifestyle… | student association, association maastricht, association opportunity | curious, supportive, veganism, activism, frequently | 8 | | Connection Vézelay - Cluny: If you want to go from Vézelay to Le Puy-en-Velay via Cluny you can use a guide in French of the route Vézelay – Asisi (in Italy). On the site of the Association CHEMINS d’ASSISE you can become a member of the… | edition association, association belge, dutch association, association saint, regional association | guide, french, paris, pilgrim, spanish | 8 | | We are Vegan Student Association Eindhoven. Whether you’re a life long vegan, or just veg-curious, everyone is welcome to our community. With events ranging from potlucks and cooking workshops, to clean-ups and bouldering sessions, there… | student association, association eindhoven | committee, recipe, curious, veganism, cooking | 8 | | The association looks after the communal interests of their members and consists of ordinary members, exceptional members and contributors and has the task to maintain ship brokerage on a high professional level. Transactions in… | member association, association special, nbms association, association charter, association sworn | ship, vessel, inland, yacht, certification | 7 | | And be a part of the fastest growing student squash association of the Netherlands | squash association, association netherlands | tournament, committee, contribution, schedule, rule | 7 | | Welcome to the Website of Study Association GAOS. GAOS is the Study Association for Earth Science students on the University of Amsterdam. | study association, association gaos, association earth, alumnus association, association lulofs | abroad, study, earth, committee, past | 7 | | Students' Association Senti Questo is an international student's association at Hotelschool The Hague. | student association, association senti, association hotelschool | head, profile, archive, sunset, hague | 7 | | Through our network we align members with peers and partners, with Banking Authorities, associated Foreign Banks Associations and with the wider financial community ... | bank association, association wide | foreign, netherland, join, role, partnership | 7 | | Semper Florens is the study association for students of Plant Sciences, Plant Biotechnology and Resilient Farming & Food Systems at Wageningen University and Research. The association can best be described as 'always flowering', therefore… | study association, association student, association bsc, research association, association well | committee, semper, study, career, biotechnology | 7 | | …this together with you, the food forest enthusiast. There are many ways you can participate on this platform. Create a free account soon, check out all the food forests, do one of our courses or read more and join the association as well. | year association, association food | forest, notice, fri, october, soil | 7 | | Founded in 2018 and officially established in 2021, Family of Academic Minds is an inclusive student association that commits to creating a welcoming community for all students. Diversity and inclusion are our main ideals, on the basis of… | student association, association community | committee, vacancy, upcoming, academic, advisory | 7 | | Tilburg Students Blockchain Association's mission is to provide a platform for students interested in the world of blockchain to come together, learn, and grow. Sign up now! | blockchain association, association mission, association non, association netherlands, association valuable | interested, membership, valuable, passionate, common | 7 | | “As President of the European Delirium Association, I warmly invite you to join us at our upcoming annual meeting in The Hague. This conference promises cutting-edge insights, invaluable networking, and the latest in delirium research… | delirium association, association team, association excited, association warmly | conference, hague, friday, wednesday, annual | 7 | | Our firm focuses on entrepreneurs and private individuals. We specialise in real estate, neighbours' rights and obligations, the law governing Owners' Associations, rent law, construction law and debt collection law. | owner association, association rent, association disagreement | law, estate, neighbour, obligation, rent | 7 | | Not many words have been spoken that encapsulate the United States so well as these four – and the same can be said of American Studies. This is exactly why E Pluribus Unum, the original Latin phrase, is the name our study association… | study association, association american, association epu, gma association, association general | committee, study, american, membership, advisory | 7 | | Welcome to the website of the history study association at Utrecht University, called the 'Utrechtse Historische Studentenkring,' abbreviated to UHSK. The UHSK is one of the largest study associations in Utrecht and the largest study… | study association, association utrecht, association history, activity association, association warm | committee, career, study, membership, evaluation | 7 | | I am glad that Liberty Dollar Financial Association (ldfa) has come along. I have been looking for some place where I can hold silver in an account or hold the real silver in my hand from the same source. I find this in LDFA. An extra… | membership association, association new, financial association, association ldfa, association sound | liberty, money, silver, inflation, wealth | 7 | | Last month, Vanessa Bateman presented her research on elk conservation and animal photography at the Western History Association conference in Los Angeles, California. The Bellwether Histories themed panel "Warnings Ignored: Animal Crises… | history association, association conference, art association, association canada | animal, presentation, century, conference, chapter | 7 | | Snellius Dispuut – Study association of Geoscience and Remote Sensing at TU Delft | study association, association geoscience, association student | thesis, vacancy, internship, study, sense | 7 | | Synthesis – the study association for all Research Masters of the Faculty of Arts | study association, association research | synthesis, faculty, study, academic, committee | 7 | | The study association for students of the Utrecht University School of Economics | study association, association student | career, economic, study, committee, london | 7 | | A student’s life is very busy. In addition to the compulsory study, we also focus very much on extracurricular activities at this entrepreneurial university. Increased pressure due to the introduction of the loan system, along with the… | member association, subsequently association, association responsibility, range association, association student | programme, study, ambitious, faction, candidate | 7 | | …we offer programs and seminars for all levels to perfect your lifts. Profectus is a smaller student sport association of about 40 members creating a cozy and open atmosphere to meet new people in- and outside the gym. So, if you… | sport association, association nijmegen, nijmegen association, association good, association large | strength, weightlifting, competitor, weight, athlete | 7 | | La Tuniña is a female student association with a passion for traditional Spanish Tuna music based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Tuna tradition dates back to medieval age Spain when students needed to travel long distances to go to… | student association, association passion, vibrant association | spanish, female, tuna, spain, rhythm | 7 | | Find inspiring brands such as Samsoe Samsoe , Naked & Famous Denim , Nudie Jeans , Denham and Red Wing Shoes , and more streetwear minded labels like Autry USA , New Amsterdam Surf Association , Vans , Norse Projects and Drole de Monsieur . | surf association, association logo, association vans | tee, arrival, clothing, jacket, naked | 7 | | Welcome to the website of Studentproof, Eindhoven’s most swinging student association. ESMG Studentproof Jazz creates a platform for jazzy, funky, groovy and swinging music enthusiasts. Studentproof consists of a full big band directed by… | student association, association esmg, jazz association, association eindhoven, association jazz | booking, vacancy, enthusiast, session, fnf | 7 | | Each brand possesses a unique set of associations, a distinctive fingerprint imprinted on the subconscious of consumers. Our Emotion Impact Model (EIM) maps out this unique fingerprint , testing its depth and strength within your target… | association time, stage association, association mind, connection association, association behavior | employee, discover, connection, subconscious, reaction | 7 | | 3rd International Workshop on Security Testing (SECTEST), in association with the 5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), IEEE, 2012, p. 864-871 | sect association, association international | conference, note, lecture, proceedings, implementation | 7 | | VIDO (Vereniging Voedingsmiddelen in Diervoeder Overleg - Foodstuffs in Animal Feeds Consultative Committee) is the Dutch sector association for companies that process by-products from the food industry to produce high-quality animal… | sector association, association company | animal, foodstuff, consultative, committee, objective | 7 | | We are the study association of Industrial Design at the University of Twente. Check out what we do, how to become a member or how to partner up with us! | study association, association industrial, association daedalus | study, industrial, puzzle, department, upcoming | 7 | | Study Association for Astronomy Students in Leiden - Sub-Association of De Leidsche Flesch | study association, association astronomy, sub association, association de | committee, historical, observe, guild, lecture | 7 | | The Netherlands SEPAWA Section was founded in Amersfoort in 1997, on the initiative of the first president Raymond Vredevoort. A few years later, the association has been reshaped into SEPAWA Benelux. Since its inception, SEPAWA Benelux… | later association, association sepawa, sepawa association, association germany, craft association | introduction, detergent, calendar, cosmetic, perfume | 7 | | EUROSOLAR NL – The Dutch section of the European Association for Renewable Energies | european association, association renewable | climate, section, renewable, ocean, temperature | 7 | | ACCSS (pronounced “access,” and the abbreviation for ACademic Cyber Security Society) is the association for scientists from all Dutch universities (Scientific Research) in the Netherlands working in the vast field of cybersecurity. | society association, association scientist, accss association | scientist, academic, society, membership, paper | 7 | | homes are rented by students of different ages and academic disciplines. Students from the 5 major Leiden student associations are represented on campus. The residents often play sports together, or organise (digital) gaming evenings… | student association, association campus | atmosphere, housing, building, hague, vibrant | 7 | | Alumni association of the Engineering programme at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam | alumnus association, association engineering | boat, gearbox, break, programme, apply | 7 | | Towards the end of the introduction period, join the Kweekweek (introduction week) and get to know Amsterdam, the association, and student life through the pub crawl, city game, and more. WE DON'T DO HAZING (ontgroening) ! But you can… | student association, association gay, activity association, association netherlands, amsterdam association | calendar, period, introduction, committee, sign | 7 | | …and family law, contract law and tenancy law. Based on this registration, he is obliged to obtain ten training points every calendar year in each registered main legal area in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association. | dutch association, association health, association procedural, association education, association disciplinary | law, employee, lawyer, reason, publication | 7 | | and organise initiatives that enhance the well-being of our children, the school environment, and encourage a caring school community We are a non-profit association founded in 1979 by volunteer parents of children at European School Bergen | parent association, profit association, association volunteer, association member, association project | parent, curricular, committee, fund, chess | 7 | | …memberships, such as of the Dutch Platform for Business Mediation (PMB), the Dutch Workplace Mediation Association (VAN) and the Dutch Association for Mediation Lawyers (NVvMA), they are also registered as mediators with the… | mediation association, association van, dutch association, association mediation | lawyer, dispute, firm, employment, law | 7 | | This blog is part of a series about the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In this piece, Dorothea Hilhorst (Professor of Humanitarian Studies at ISS, outgoing IHSA President) and Sk… | studies association, association conference, association ihsa | bliss, humanitarian, october, war, conference | 7 | | © 2018 - 2024 Stichting Jiangsu Business Association The Netherlands website door My Brain | business association, association netherlands | jiangsu, jointly, founder, accordance, enterprise | 7 | | From our office in the Rotterdam World Trade Center , we serve both Dutch and foreign (EU and non-EU) customers. This concerns, for example, international companies , housing associations , municipalities , hospitals and care… | housing association, association municipality, foundation association, association entrepreneur | tax, taxis, trade, estate, duty | 7 | | The Dutch Cricketers’ Association (DCA) was established in 2020 to represent the collective views and interests of Dutch cricketers (members) and to play its role in ensuring the growth of cricket within The Netherlands. | cricketers association, association dca | pillar, player, stakeholder, growth, nation | 7 | | The World Education Research Association (WERA) invites proposals to establish International Research Networks (IRNs). | research association, association wera, association pleased, association eera, association aera | phd, educational, proposal, vacancy, position | 6 | | Lopera, Esteban, et al. "Lack of association between genetic variants at ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection and human quantitative phenotypes." medRxiv (2020). | phenotype association, lack association, association genetic | genetic, phenotype, symptom, infection, cov-2 | 6 | | With professional Owners Association management, a complex remains in good condition. This is not only a legal obligation, it also ensures that the value of the property is preserved for the future and good management provides optimal… | owner association, association management | estate, property, asset, appointment, building | 6 | | We are MSEA Peritan – the Maastricht Student Esports Association. With our love and passion for games and esports, we strive to make a social network so that people can share theirs. Our goal is to give the opportunity to everyone to… | esports association, association social, association love | mystery, sign, confidential, advisor, upcoming | 6 | | De Koperen Ploeg is a cooperative boat and mates association based in the Westelijk Havengebied in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Mooring and unmooring seagoing vessels in the port of Amsterdam is our main service. | mate association, association westelijk, boatman association, association de | port, barge, launch, ship, boat | 6 | | FAECTOR is the official school association of Erasmus School of Economics for students enrolled in the Econometrics and Operations Research programme. Our mission is to enrich the student experience of all econometricians, in the broadest… | school association, association erasmus, study association, association netherlands, prestigious association | committee, econometrics, economic, programme, career | 6 | | Split is an association of gymnastics and general fun. There is both men’s and women’s gymnastics. Gymnastics is being performed on all kinds of levels: From who grew up in a gymnastics hall, to people who just started. | gymnastics association, association wageningen, split association, association gymnastics, sister association | competition, committee, gymnastics, drilling, soil | 6 | | We organise workshops for other associations and companies who want to try pole dancing! Find more information about the workshops we give on the page below! | welcome association, association big, sister association, association noordpole, time association | competition, pole, dance, schedule, upcoming | 6 | | AVAG is the association of the Dutch greenhouse construction and technology. The Netherlands is a globally respected supplier of integrated growing systems, components and associated services. The AVAG affiliated companies sucessfully… | avag association, association dutch, industry association, association greenhouse | greenhouse, greentech, supplier, grow, climate | 6 | | affiliated members, information brochures, information gatherings and a telephone helpline. The service provided by VNO-NCW primarily targets its affiliated sector organisations, direct member companies and regional employers' associations. | collaborative association, association western, member association, association company, employer association | interest, variety, common, abroad, executive | 6 | | Cedo Nulli is the study association of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam | study association, association faculty, song association | committee, career, study, click, profile | 6 | | IRO, the Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry, promotes the interests of its member companies and organizations established in the Netherlands. Its activities include providing support in the field of… | iro association, association dutch | supplier, exhibition, transition, overview, upstream | 6 | | According to the old Greeks the world consisted of four elements: earth, water, air and fire. In the Bachelor, Soil, Water and Atmosphere, we have already three of the elements. Thinking of a study association name was not that hard, as… | study association, welcome association, association pyrus, student association, association student | study, archive, committee, soil, programme | 6 | | …activities. Apart from your own team, you will have a lot of interaction with people from other teams through association committees, activities and after practice drinks. The atmosphere within the Warriors is very welcoming and… | lacrosse association, team association, association committee | lady, committee, women, practical, interested | 6 | | The Platform for Information Security (PvIB) is the Association for information security in the Netherlands. The PvIB is the Dutch centre of expertise where information, knowledge and experience about information security are collated… | summary association, association pvib, pvib association, association information, discipline association | summary, target, interested, related, officer | 6 | | The SPR-Simulation program is a standalone application to simulate kinetic interaction curves. The program draws the curves after the input of the kinetic rate constants, the analyte concentration and the association and dissociation times. | binding association, association dissociation, concentration association | kinetic, surface, ligand, goto, interaction | 6 | | The study association wants to inspire the students of Academy Creative Technology Deventer and show the students what the workfield of the academy is by taking the students to companies and organizations. | study association, association saxion, association ada, association general, association student | study, target, treasurer, secretary, associate | 6 | | The Royal Dutch Shooting Association is the sports association for shooting sports. On the KNSA website you can find everything about shooting in the Netherlands: competition rules, legislation, courses, associations etc. | target association, association active, place association, association amsterdam, shoot association | target, membership, interested, instructor, lesson | 6 | | …Secretary General and Vice Chairwomen of Beijing Chamber of International Commerce. The previous leadership positions Ms. Lin Bin held include Secretary General of Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. | friendship association, association netherlands, people association, association friendship | painting, department, province, central, cultural | 6 | | …P. M., Long, D. L., Panter, A. T., Rindskopf , D. & Sher, K. J. (eds.), APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Volume 3, Data analysis and research publication . 267-290. Washington: American Psychological Association. ( pdf ) | statistical association, association pdf, order association, association model, vermunt association | vermunt, latent, analysis, journal, ed | 6 | | The Regional Science Association Nederland (RSA-NL) is a Dutch-speaking organisation involved in the studies of, and policies for urban and regional … » | science association, association nederland | regional, urban, economic, lecture, transaction | 6 | | DAS believes the value of student life quality has a significant impact on the university's reputation. We believe that once the TU/e is known for its lively campus, active student life, and numerous associations or student teams, its… | guide association, association social, closely association, association eindhoven, lunch association | housing, municipality, study, properly, furthermore | 6 | | Our research not only targets Dutch and English as a language but also other languages in the world. An important project is the Global Wordnet Association and the building of the Global Wordnet Grid: this project aims at representing… | centre association, wordnet association, association build | mining, linguistic, computational, lab, reference | 6 | | Client: Typhone | Concept, visual design, scenario, dialogue & art direction | in association with Advance Interactive | direction association, association ijsfontein, animation association, association advance | visual, direction, shape, overall, character | 6 | | The Netherlands Kazakh Business Association (NKBA) is the networking organisation for companies, organisations and individuals in The Netherlands doing business with or interested in doing business with Kazakhstan. | business association, association nkba, service association, association network | kazakhstan, networking, exchange, gather, operation | 6 | | Four corridors, or 4C, is a component of Regional Plan Association’s Fourth Regional Plan and a special initiative launched by RPA to explore the future of four specific corridors in the New York metropolitan region. In 2017, One… | plan association, association concept, association fourth, association design, association rpa | architecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient | 6 | | Ragnar is the student swimming and water polo association of Rotterdam! All students are welcome to join us. Our communication is all in English and we aim to give practices that are fun and challenging for swimmers and water polo players… | polo association, association rotterdam, level association, association student | committee, swimming, subscribe, relation, rule | 6 | | Clio is the Study Association of International Relations & International Organization at the University of Groningen | study association, association international, association groningen, association dutch | committee, career, academic, conference, editorial | 6 | | Tupelo Translations has been serving the legal and notarial profession, international companies, judicial authorities and private persons since 2015. From trade register extracts to articles of association, from summonses to rulings, from… | article association, association summons | translation, certified, notary, certificate, authority | 6 | | Nitocra is the study association for the students of the Bachelor and Master International Land and Water Management (ILW) at Wageningen University and Research. Currently we have around 450 members with different cultural and… | study association, association nitocra, association student | committee, study, internship, excursion, song | 6 | | Sierra Leone Association Utrecht(SLA UTRECHT) is the umbrella organization of Sierra Leoneans living in Utrecht and environ. We as Sierra Leoneans and friends have come together to strengthen unity, solidarity and the promotion of our… | leone association, association utrecht, association utreht | society, umbrella, unity, solidarity, common | 6 | | The idea to start SGV Maastricht originated in 2004, back then the occasional lessons were organized in cooperation with the former Backerbosch course in Cadier en Keer. Early 2006 we started to further professionalize the Association… | golf association, association maastricht, information association, association registration, early association | official, membership, statue, lesson, registration | 6 | | The "Power Up! - Energize the Future" symposium on the University of Twente will shine light on the vast amount of technical challenges that the world is faced with by the current energy transition. This symposium is a collaboration of… | study association, association mechanical, contact association, association email | lecture, committee, mechanical, transition, interesting | 6 | | War Department is a Dutch Military Living History association dedicated to portray the lives of soldiers and military personnel in a credible and historical authentic way. We do this with an utmost respect for the fallen, the veterans… | history association, association live, association life | department, war, military, soldier, personnel | 6 | | …and schools, as well as gifted adults. They do so both inside and outside the educational environment. This website provides information about the ECHA Specialists who have joined the association, their expertise and where they work. | national association, association specialist, specialist association, association expertise, opportunity association | committee, membership, adult, educational, parent | 6 | | With very little turnaround time, you can organize a topical pub quiz or custom theme quiz for your pub night, company party, community association… or just playing at home. | work association, association possibility, party association, association home, community association | recreation, consumer, simply, possibility, slide | 6 | | Welcome on the website from KUNST, the student gymnastics association from Nijmegen ! Our club exists of 150 enthusiastic members, both men and woman. We do gymnastics in different levels, total beginners and gymnasts with a lot of… | gymnastics association, association nijmegen, image association, association facebook | gymnastics, competition, commission, favourite, external | 6 | | The basic idea from which the Head Gardeners’ Guild association was founded came from the garden philosopher Rob Leopold (†2005) of the foundation Perennial Perspectives. The 1990s saw the start of an exchange of knowledge among the head… | guild association, association professional, association garden | head, gardener, guild, upcoming, craftsmanship | 6 | | …of (young) Christian leaders and speakers. Hans speaks at conferences and events, for (church) leaders, student associations, men's, women's and youth groups. Practical and pure, from the Bible and focused on everyday life. Hans also… | student association, association man, event association, association group | church, relationship, bible, everyday, congregation | 6 | | This is the Indian Students Association Delft main website. Here to keep the Indian Student Community of TU Delft informed and inspired. | student association, association delft | indian, cultural, click, inform, connect | 6 | | Antor - Association of National Tourist Boards in Netherlands. Members of ANTOR Nederland are tourist offices that share the goal to stimulate outbound tourism from The Netherlands. | antor association, association national, nederland association, political association | tourist, tourism, belgium, austria, brussels | 6 | | VFAS member (Vereniging Familierecht Advocaten Scheidingsmediators - Association of Family Law Specialists and Divorce Mediators) | specialization association, association vfas, vfas association, association family, scheidingsmediators association | law, divorce, firm, lawyer, separation | 6 | | Study Association Clio’s International Research by Students Programme (IRSP) is an extra-curricular programme for students who wish to gain practical experience for their future in the work field of international relations. Each academic… | study association, association clio | ministry, researcher, affairs, foreign, introduction | 6 | | The principal association for precision cutting in the Netherlands. The companies affiliated with Dutch Precision Technology guarantee expertise, quality, flexibility and effective cooperation – at prices that are in line with the market. | principal association, association precision | precision, secretariat, publication, membership, cut | 5 | | EBF is the faculty association of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University of Groningen. EBF is de faculteitsvereniging van de faculteit van Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (FEB) van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. | faculty association, association faculty | career, diversity, faculty, study, economic | 5 | | BoKS is the official tenant organisation for all tenants of housing associations SSH and Jebber | association document, housing association, association ssh | ssh, advocacy, objective, vacancy, property | 5 | | Providing a student swimming and water polo competition between the student cities, represented by the student swimming and water polo associations. | polo association, association membersde | swimming, rule, competition, hun, binnen | 5 | | that brings all Nigerian Associations in the Kingdom of the Netherlands together. | nigerian association, association kingdom | united, registration, kingdom, nigerian, umbrella | 5 | | AFCEA is a non-profit international association founded in 1946. Today, AFCEA serves as a bridge between government requirements and industry capabilities, representing the top government, industry and military professionals in the fields… | professional association, association military, international association, association today, purpose association | chapter, government, military, membership, intelligence | 5 | | Kinjin is a cultural association based in Eindhoven for students interested in Japanese culture. | cultural association, association eindhoven, culture association, association student | japanese, interested, cultural, regulation | 5 | | Our worldwide network is build in nearly two decades. Clubs and associations, we are ready to listen to your demands | clubs association, club association, association ready, association main | demand, dear, player, nearly, worldwide | 5 | | At the symposium of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in the Netherlands (NVvW) in 2018, Henk Hietbrink gave a workshop about a drawing instrument to find reflection points. | symposium association, association teacher | turkish, reflection, mathematics, al, teacher | 5 | | …to show your entire neighborhood that you refuse the rent increase this year! We encourage residents, neighbors, associations, or (action) groups to organize a flyer campaign locally and to go door-to-door against the rent increase! Do you | bpw association, association right, tenant association, association action, association progress | rent, increase, july, landlord, wij | 5 | | Nishat Mills Limited is a member company of the following Industry Associations and Trade Bodies | industry association, association trade, mill association, association aptma, manufacturer association | limited, certification, commerce, chamber, textile | 5 | | The four main European organisations of judges are the Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ), the European Association of Judges (EAJ, a regional branch of the International Association of Judges – IAJ), Rechters voor… | judge association, association european, european association, association judge, international association | judge, rule, law, court, council | 5 | | Our association was born out of our love for the Västgötaspets, the Swedish Vallhund. | | membership, swedish, breeder, administration, calendar | 5 | | Kraket is the official study association for Econometrics at VU. We're your go-to for connecting with brilliant Econometricians at VU. | study association, association econometrics | study, career, exam, annual, econometrics | 5 | | Slidebox is specialized in strategic content and shows for corporates and medical associations. | speaker association, association cloud | strategic, presentation, visual, identity, impactful | 5 | | The SOG is an advocacy association for students at the University of Groningen. The association consists of a Board , its members, and a Faction in the University Council. The SOG represents the interests of all students on a university… | advocacy association, association student, groningen association, association board | faction, chair, vote, leave, advocacy | 5 | | Trade association Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) connects, represents and strengthens the maritime manufacturing industry of the Netherlands. The interests of members are best served from a powerful, strategic sector. That is why… | trade association, association netherlands | maritime, trade, interest, powerful, hague | 5 | | EstEnter Translations B.V. is a member of the Dutch Association of Translation Agencies (ATA). We translate your texts into Eastern European languages. | dutch association, association translation | translation, eastern, accurate, translator, rate | 5 | | Hippeia is a very sociable association. Aside from riding horses, we also have dinner, go to bars and do all sorts of activities together. These activities vary from going laser gaming to going on camp for a whole weekend. You can become… | association activity, thé association, association student, close association, association friend | horse, committee, ride, lesson, competition | 5 | | Let us introduce ourselves! We are WSAC Ibex, the climbing association of Wageningen. We are an active outdoor sports association with lots of interesting people and many different activities. No time? Fine! Once you are a member… | outdoor association, association student, climb association, association wageningen, sport association | climb, committee, notice, period, introduction | 5 | | ESRV Concorde is the sport association for all students in and around Eindhoven with an interest in horses. Our association has been active for around 20 years in the student life of Eindhoven. By means of activities, lessons and… | horse association, association eindhoven, sport association, association student, association active | horse, ride, competition, committee, dressage | 5 | | The Dutch Association of Little People is known under the name of BVKM. This association is established on April 6th. 1974 and is intended for little people with a length below the 1,55 metres (5,1 feet). Children under the age of 18 are… | dutch association, association little, bvkm association, association april, contributor association | committee, region, parent, length, foot | 5 | | …photographs and prints that make up a century of female art in the Gooi region were strictly arranged according to their chief colour. The tonal gradation generated interesting connections and associations between the various artworks. | connection association, association artwork, artist association, association amsterdam | exhibition, spatial, graphic, temporary, installation | 5 | | On Thursday March 29th Mieloo & Alexander held a lunch lecture in association with Dispuut Transportkunde Pandora. The guest speaker was no other than Joseph Owusu, one of the founders of Mieloo & Alexander. Mieloo & Alexander is… | study association, association transportkunde, master association, lecture association, association dispuut | uncategorized, lecture, excursion, germany, introduction | 5 | | ‘Fair housing allocation’ is a challenge for housing associations. From all sides, pressure is exerted on corporations by different parties. And the interests they represent can conflict significantly. So it is an important but complex… | housing association, association side | law, lawyer, bankruptcy, receiver, insolvency | 5 | | Tel: +31 (0)24-3652079 (the telephone number is shared with other study associations) | article association, association regulation | orientation, committee, sign, study, biologist | 5 | | The board of SciCom NL consists of active members who try to move the association forward and bring its members together. We're looking forward to meeting you. | nl association, association science, association board, member association, association forward | career, conference, excursion, connection, committee | 5 | | The Dutch Steamroller Association was founded in April 1969. The intention was, and still is, to preserve as much as possible roadrollers, portables and traction engines as a form of Industrial Heritage. The Association promotes also to… | steamroller association, association april, heritage association, association engine | steam, inspection, engine, regulation, announcement | 5 | | 2013 Association for Researchers in Psychology & Health (ARPH) PhD thesis award for the best PhD thesis on psychology and health in 2012. | conference association, association researcher, award association, member association, international association | itch, publication, psychology, pain, phd | 5 | | Analytical Solutions conference, with contributions from a large number of trade associations in the sector. | section association, trade association, association sector | lab, trade, visit, exhibit, floorplan | 5 | | Welcome to the home base of Ultimaas, Maastricht's Ultimate Frisbee association. We are an international crew of students, exchange students, young-professionals, and not-so-young-professionals that train together 2-3 times per week. We… | frisbee association, association international | ultimate, tournament, exchange, base, woman | 5 | | …by advising you on good locks, hinges and other security measures. The safety of your home, business or Owners Association is our first priority! We offer key plans for homes and businesses and access control systems for business… | owner association, association professional, specialist association, association area, association priority | burglary, lock, door, prevention, premise | 5 | | KicksFit is Football & Fitness in 1 | Developed by the Dutch Football Association | Sign up for a FREE trial & experience the ideal football workout. | football association, association free, association information | football, membership, discount, tournament, schedule | 5 | | I maintain the website of study association Cover and from time to time add features, such as a policy-based authorization system, face recognition in the photo books, and mailing list management. It also hosts the single sign-on and… | study association, association cover, website association, association member, association activity | cover, processing, study, administration, committee | 5 | | ESAE, the European Society of Association Executives, and MECC Maastricht, a premier exhibition and conference centre in Maastricht, the Netherlands,... | dutch association, association internist, society association, association executives, global association | conference, hall, boundaries, exhibition, north | 5 | | The NVM (The Dutch Association for Brokers) says there are signs that house prices in the Netherlands are beginning to creep up again. Calcasa reports that the number… | homeowner association, association vve, association josé, number association, association club | expat, february, tax, january, august | 5 | | …has provided exciting and safe racing, but above all a lot of fun to 200 Ducatisti from all over Europe. In 2016 five riders took over the organisation, they founded the Red Drivers Association which organizes the Ducati Challenge today. | driver association, association ducati | driver, rider, season, registration, motorcycle | 5 | | …events and meetings with and for our members, together with i.e. retail- and consumer organizations, sport associations, research institutes, universities, Dutch government , Dutch Olympic Committee and many other actors in the field. | dutch association, association sporting, industry association, sport association, association research | stakeholder, institute, supplier, objective, government | 5 | | © 2011 USPI-Global A formal Association of process industry companies with the mission: To develop, maintain and promote the use of international standards and best practices for product and plant life cycle information | formal association, association process | facility, conference, maintenance, capital, overview | 5 | | The BIApages are a roundup of the most common methods and techniques to investigate B iomolecular I nteraction A nalysis. Central are the methods which determine when and how biomolecules interact. You can think of the association and… | biomolecules association, association dissociation | technique, interferometry, kinetic, itc, scale | 5 | | This week is all about you! Are you in doubt about joining our association? This week you are more than welcome at all our different activities during the week! | student association, association utrecht, party association, association great, sub association | uit, lecture, caution, august, belief | 5 | | …position of all women in the Netherlands. The council was founded in 1898 and since then we have collectively been working towards a society in which women and men are equal. Who are we? We are an association with institutional members. We | equal association, association institutional | woman, council, equal, position, society | 5 | | …various specialization courses in family law and mediation. As a divorce mediator, Agnes is a member of the Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS) and registered with the Dutch Mediators' Federation (MfN). She… | dutch association, association family, bar association, association nova, member association | law, divorce, lawyer, collaborative, agreement | 5 | | During the early days of CB Radio in Britain, groups such as the Citizen’s Band Association (CBA) played a crucial role, especially in the early 1980s, in advocating the legalization of CB Radio. | article association, band association, association cba | federation, recovery, telecommunication, institute, despite | 5 | | The association supports and develops entrepreneurship and craftsmanship. This in cooperation with the six cultivation groups, research-organisations, consultancies and education. The department consists of the following cultivation groups: | perennial association, association lto, member association, association space, association different | cultivation, crop, perennial, tree, woodland | 5 | | …Business male vs female Management Marketing Neknominations psychology review sanctions Social Start-up Startup Student life Study Association team tilburg Tilburg University traineeships Treasurer Unilever University Elections work life | study association, association asset, association team | asset, chairman, exchange, treasurer, affairs | 5 | | US Beat It is the students squash association in Utrecht! Do you both like sportivity and sociability join us now | squash association, association utrecht, right association, association website | beat, registration, january, period, calendar | 5 | | The study association for the study Logistics Engineering hosted at the HZ University of Applied Sciences. | study association, association logi, association study | study, upcoming, apply, logistics, guest | 5 | | The Study Association of Political Science students at the University of Amsterdam | study association, association political | coordinator, talk, political, trust, teacher | 5 | | to Guide great books travel further around the world We are committed to partnering with publishers, authors, illustrators, editors, businesses and industrial associations in book publishing industry. We conduct market research and… | industrial association, association book | publisher, publish, author, analysis, industrial | 5 | | Study Association InterSECtion is the study association of the study master Science Education and Communication (SEC) of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Since 2008, InterSECtion is organizing activities for the SEC… | study association, association science, association intersection, association study | intersection, study, upcoming, possibility, certainly | 5 | | We are Scala. Scala is the umbrella of Eindhoven's Student Culture Associations. We are situated in the Luna Building on the TU/e campus. In Luna we practice Music, Dance, Theater, Board Games and many other cultural activities. | culture association, association luna, website association, association event, umbrella association | table, kitchen, committee, knight, companion | 5 | | Hydrogen connects today to tomorrow. NLHydrogen is the industry association that connects, strengthens, and represents the hydrogen sector. Together we | industry association, association strengthen | hydrogen, tomorrow, strengthen, infrastructure, fact | 5 | | We have contribution with demonstrating Dutch classes for quite a while. A lot of understudies had gotten together with the dutch classes and passes the course and now they are working in some well-supposed associations. As you arrived in… | well association, association accomplice, headway association, association news, course association | intensive, igroup, netherland, capability, lesson | 5 | | Many real estate owners, ranging from private investors to housing associations, can benefit from ABC Capital’s knowledge and experience during acquisition and disposition processes. | housing association, association abc | capital, healthcare, housing, acquisition, investor | 5 | | ZonderZorg supports mental health organisations and professional associations as well as organisations operating in adjacent fields. We deliver administrative and organisational modules , ranging from member administration and managing a… | conference association, professional association, association organisation, small association, association lot | administration, congress, membership, vacancy, volunteer | 5 | | …including feature film, drama series, documentary, animation, interactive productions and games. The aim of the professional association is to promote the common interests of its members and to strengthen the production climate. | professional association, association common, copyright association, association member, association market | producer, audiovisual, interest, documentary, animation | 5 | | Sociologisch EpiCentrum (SEC) is the study association for all Sociology students at the UvA. Keep yourself up-to-date with our latest products and newsletters. | study association, association sociology | committee, study, membership, academic, trust | 5 | | Shared Vision has transferred all its activities to its long-term partner, the Blind People’s Association (India), based in Ahmedabad, India. The mission of Shared Vision was to provide preventive health care services and education to the… | people association, association india | poor, village, remote, preventive, western | 5 | | The Netherlands China Returnee Association (NCRA) is an independent organization leveraging on a network of Dutch citizens with an in-depth understanding of China. | returnee association, association ncra | independent, citizen, understand, depth, exchange | 5 | | This is the homepage of the study association of the master Energy, Flow & Process Technology at the TU Delft. Feel free to contact us! | study association, association master, association mechanical | study, mechanical | 5 | | Welcome to the website of MSZV Lagakari! Lagakari is the only student sailing association in Maastricht. We are proud to be one of the most international communities in the city. Founded in 1987, we offer students in Maastricht to go… | sail association, association city, association maastricht, cosy association, association accie | sail, competition, committee, clothing, period | 4 | | In 2006, four housing associations united to establish a limited company – Hofbogen BV – to buy the run-down viaduct as a joint venture. The company not only purchased the building, but also took on the rental contracts with the remaining… | housing association, association limited, association owner, association change, association new | viaduct, roof, street, architecture, railway | 4 | | We are the study association for all chemical engineering studies at Delft University of Technology. These include the BSc. programme Molecular Science & Technology and the MSc. programme Chemical Engineering. Technologisch Gezelschap is… | study association, association chemical | lecture, career, membership, chemical, minor | 4 | | Seeing, thinking, feeling: exploring free associations with (non)restorative pictures. In J. Ham, A. Haans, D. Gennip, van, Y. A. W. Kort, de & C. J. H. Midden (Eds.), Presented at Environment 2.0: The 9th Biennial Conference on… | nature association, association natural, european association, association social, international association | daylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit | 4 | | …of Health, Welfare and Sport), the municipalities (Association Sports and Municipalities) and the sports associations (NOC*NSF) have joined forces. Together with the provinces, numerous social organizations and companies they have… | municipality association, association sport, sport association, association force, association club | table, smartgoals, net, slat, tile | 4 | | IAG Cargo digitalises its dangerous goods acceptance checks with the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Dangerous Goods AutoCheck (DG AutoCheck) | airforwarders association, association seko, transport association, association iata | cargo, logistics, release, partnership, chain | 4 | | The administration of an Owners’ Association is a unique task. M4finance has plenty of experience in supporting Owners’ Associations. | homeowner association, owner association, association unique | administration, bookkeeping, taxis, consultation, figure | 4 | | ISV Deen is an Islamic student association established to represent the interests of Muslim students. In response to the absence of a visible institution in the northern region of the Netherlands that could address the concerns of Muslim… | student association, association deen, association interest | prayer, registration, wait, vacancy, islamic | 4 | | "Once Upon a Luna Festival" will be held on April 6th 2024 in the Luna building in Eindhoven. Amazing acts made by cultural student associations await! This year with a fairytale touch. | student association, association year | fairytale, cultural, amazing, movie, channel | 4 | | Welcome to the site of study association FIRST Maastricht. FIRST Maastricht is there for all the tax students and can help them during and after their study. We aim to bring the student in contact with companies where the student might… | study association, association tax, association maastricht, association study | tax, firm, monthly, committee, assistance | 4 | | …standings. Our own tournament, the Pitch Open, will be held on Saturday May 26th, and is also open for non-members. You can bring your roomates, people from your association, classmates, etc.. The tournament will be closed with a party. | golf association, association country, country association, association student, people association | lesson, membership, tournament, etc, standing | 4 | | ASGV Shanky is the student golf association in Amsterdam. Like to play, practice, and have fun? Join us to sharpen your game and enjoy your student time! | golf association, association amsterdam | lesson, tuesday, pricing, weekly, monday | 4 | | …boarding stables, sports stables, breeding stables, large stables and small stables. The FNRS is the trade association for equestrian entrepreneurs. We represent more than 430 equestrian companies. All equestrian companies can join… | trade association, association equestrian, association entrepreneur, sport association, association horseback | equestrian, federation, welfare, entrepreneur, stable | 4 | | Flowers and Bulbs Association is a major Dutch flower bulb exporter. Beside the large collection of Gladiolus we also export Lilium, Tulip, Iris, Amaryllis, Freesia and Hyacinth. | bulb association, association major | lilium, freesia, tulip, flower, bulb | 4 | | …as LGBT+. Outsite organises all kinds of activities, ranging from drinks every Thursday night and quarterly LGBT+ parties to trips to other cities where we go out together. Outsite is a part of DWH, the LGBT+ association of Delft. | dwh association, association delft, chance association, association close, familiar association | committee, introduction, join, thursday, weekly | 4 | | …and assuring the quality of dental care in the Benelux. Furthermore, Indent informs its members of regulations and legislation, as well as subsidy arrangements, and the association maintains contact with the government in this respect. | indent association, association dental, object association, association general, topic association | dental, trade, regard, voor, foreign | 4 | | ESAV wishes you all a merry Christmas and the best for 2023. Last year was important to us, as we got hold of a building for our association! This now serves as a place for people to work on their cars, but also to hang out. We want to… | automobile association, association car, build association, association place | enthusiast, officially, exhaust, competition, christmas | 4 | | Plugged Festival is the biggest student festival of the TU/e, organized by a group of students from CHEOPS, study association of the built environment. The festival takes place every year at the TU/e campus. The combination of talented… | study association, association environment, association build | volunteer, lineup, pre, lover, study | 4 | | Welcome to the homepage of the Dutch Securitisation Association (DSA). The DSA was established in October 2012 with the aim of promoting the interest of both issuers of and investors in Dutch securitisation transactions. Its ultimate… | securitisation association, association dsa | mortgage, loan, consumer, framework, transaction | 4 | | General Impression of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association | historical association, association annual | historian, annual, overview, early, gdpr | 4 | | De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin- en landschapsarchitectuur (NVTL) is the only Dutch professional association for garden and landscape architects and designers. Our many national and international members represent the very best of the… | professional association, association garden | landscape, membership, architectural, title, profession | 4 | | …She graduated from the Vu (currently ACTA). She has worked in various practices and now works in her independent practice in Alphen aan de Rijn, a nursing home and is a board member of the NVvP (Dutch Association for Periodontology). | dutch association, association periodontology, association oral, association dental | appointment, hygienist, dental, oral, treatment | 4 | | THE ASSOCIATION (FOUNDED IN 1905) PURSUES THE PROMOTION OF THE INTEREST IN AND THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE TRANSPORT LAW REGARDLESS OF THE MODE OF TRANSPORT (SEA, INLAND WATERS, ROAD, AIR, RAIL, PIPELINE), AND ALL RELATED AREAS OF… | law association, association dutch | membership, law, publication, maritime, interest | 4 | | student well-being. We recognise the importance of both the interest of an individual student athletes and student sports associations, thus we represent not only 24 Student Sport Associations but 13 000 individual members of Sports Center. | sport association, association student, association individual | federation, subsidy, insurance, declaration, role | 4 | | Has your energy bill also gone up significantly lately? The Energiebespaardienst helps you lower your energy bill. If you have received a letter and flyer from your municipality or housing association, you can now get free help from the… | housing association, association free | municipality, visit, frequently, housing, appointment | 4 | | Together with our participant SBR Nexus, data of industry association members is shared with industry associations to create valuable insights about the whole sector. | industry association, association member, association valuable | discover, excellence, participant, initiative, scalable | 4 | | Next to large and open events, we offer Islamic and academic workshops and courses for learning new skills or topics. Our recurring Arabic course in which you learn how to read the Qur’an being one of our well-known courses. Since we are… | student association, association amsterdam, movement association, association objective, association social | muslim, islamic, institution, study, pillar | 4 | | Mark de Witte specializes as personal injury lawyer and is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (LSA). He also specializes in the cases that concern the social benefits and UWV and that are lead against the… | member association, association personal | attorney, injury, lawyer, benefit, municipality | 4 | | Mohamed ag Hamid asked me whether it would be possible to build a Vocational Training Centre in Timbuktu. Mohamed is the President of the "Association Taflist", an association that is committed to the training of disadvantaged young… | president association, association taflist, taflist association, association training, drama association | money, girl, vocational, boy, technique | 4 | | Our firm has a particular connection with German-speaking countries and we are active in several high-profile international lawyer networks (such as AIJA, Legal Mondo and American Counsel Association) based on long-standing personal… | counsel association, association long, association foundation | law, complaint, lawyer, jurisdiction, fund | 4 | | Welkom to the ESAC, the student climbing and alpinism association of Eindhoven. On our website you will find more information on what the ESAC has to offer. If you have any questions, please contact the board. | list association, association financial, alpinism association, association eindhoven, member association | climb, overview, walk, instructor, thursday | 4 | | The Turkish Business Association Netherlands (TBANL) is a non-profit organization established to support the Turkish community in the Netherlands. We’re here to help Turkish professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners succeed in… | business association, association netherlands | turkish, october, ball, networking, speed | 4 | | Advanced statistical models are needed to increase the power to discover (new) associations between genetic and phenotypic variation. | association analysis, new association, association genetic | genomic, discovery, genome, assembly, genetic | 4 | | …to digital content, including e-books. EBLIDA, the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, holds this view , as does IFLA , the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. In the… | rector association, association dutch, documentation association, association view, library association | library, lend, principle, law, negotiation | 4 | | It is an association created by and for Spanish scientists living and working in the Netherlands, which seeks to consolidate a common space in which to share ideas, support each other during our stay in the country and encourage… | | competition, scientist, spanish, write, present | 4 | | We are Extra Muros – the Liberal Arts and Sciences Study Association at University College Tilburg. We are at the heart of the LAS community and organise all kinds of social, cultural, and academic activities. Connect with your peers and… | study association, association university | newspaper, assembly, calendar, monthly, february | 4 | | The VCSVU (Association of Chemistry Students at the Vrije Universiteit) was founded on October 1, 1964. The association is there to make the study of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the VU as pleasant as possible. The VCSVU organizes many… | vcsvu association, association chemistry, october association, association study | committee, study, aan, educational, excursion | 4 | | A labour law problem? LWYRS advocaten arbeidsrecht The Hague solves it. Employment conflicts, dismissal, dysfunction, director under the articles of association, reorganizations, social plans, disability, employment contracts, collective… | article association, association reorganization | labour, law, relationship, dismissal, collective | 4 | | (JAXA), the German Space Agency (DLR), the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), as well as a number of… | ssc association, association space, law association, association abila, association ila | law, stack, dunk, der, hole | 4 | | In January 2011, as a result of the strong growth of the Dutch covered bond market, Dutch issuers decided to establish the Dutch Association of Covered Bond issuers (DACB). | dutch association, association cover | issuer, cover, section, asset, mortgage | 4 | | Welcome to the official website of the Non-Resident Nepalese Association (NRNA) NCC Netherlands. As a focal point for the Nepali Diaspora in the Netherlands, our primary goal is to unite and strengthen the community. We are dedicated to… | nepalese association, association nrna | nepali, diaspora, focal, membership, connect | 4 | | Welcome to Bruut! The online multi brand store for the most exclusive brands of our time! Brands such as: Arte Antwerp, New Balance, Comfort Club, Carhartt Wip, New Amsterdam Surf Association & more | | clothing, anniversary, jogger, pants, hat | 4 | | We have published an article on trends in frailty and its association with mortality among older adults in the American Journal of Epidemiology, a leading journal in the field. In this study, we investigated trends in frailty and its… | frailty association, association mortality, amsterdam association, association frailty | mortality, study, trajectory, department, emergency | 4 | | If you are an experienced fencer and currently a member of the KNAS or another fencing association, you can come and get acquainted with the association. Are you bringing valid proof of membership? | fencing association, association valid, temporary association, association membership | fencing, weapon, membership, introduction, archive | 4 | | The website of Study Association Proto was released in the summer of 2016. For as far as you're interested, it is mostly custom-built on the Laravel framework. It is the successor of the WordPress website we've been rocking since the… | study association, association proto, committee association, association committee, developer association | sysadmin, committee, responsible, request, framework | 4 | | From knowing what is going on in the outside world to making it relevant for the organization to realizing effective action, Thonon Folz provides effective assistance to the NKC, Europe's largest motorhome association, in matters such as… | motorhome association, association matter, dutch association, association biomass | strategic, viewpoint, solid, harmony, environmental | 4 | | CognAC is the study association for Artificial Intelligence students at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Our association is completely run by students and we organise fun activities, as well as activities and services focused on study… | study association, association artificial, nijmegen association, association completely, association cognac | committee, vacancy, study, confidant, internship | 4 | | The company is China bearing industry association, director of Chinese Association of machine tool grinder branch units, high-tech enterprises in Henan Province, science and technology enterprises in Henan Province, Henan province science… | industry association, association director, chinese association, association machine, promotion association | bear, ball, steel, sunrise, double | 4 | | This website is run by the ISB Parent Association with the sole purpose of sharing information which may be helpful to the ISB community. All content posted is based on best intention and knowledge. Inclusion within the website does not… | parent association, association website, association sole | parent, useful, involve, helpful, settle | 4 | | 515(B): First meeting of manufacturers called by Dick Compton of McGhan because he “desired that an association be formed of the manufacturers of breast implants.” Al Cohen requested a study be jointly funded by manufacturers on the issue… | medical association, association journal, res association, association phagocytes, manufacturer association | dow, corning, cite, exhibit, implant | 4 | | Nevi is the leading association for procurement and supply chain management. ✓Large community ✓Development programmes ✓In-company training ✓Events. | nevi association, association procurement | procurement, programme, educational, chain, supply | 4 | | You can find information about the cooperative association and its activities in conjunction with the goods train line between Antwerpen (B) and Duisburg (D), which is also referred to as the 'Iron Rhine’. A broad range of social… | cooperative association, association activity, association dutch, association opinion, association reactivation | cooperative, iron, rhine, railway, central | 4 | | Wageningen Student Farm (WSF) is an association that offers students the opportunity to bring their knowledge about sustainable farming into practice. | wsf association, association student | farm, farming, session, subscription, fee | 4 | | IMPACT is a fast growing association that consists of two sports; kickboxing and boxing. During kickboxing you will use your fist, shins, feet and knees to attack whereas with boxing you will use your fists. Both sports are a great… | kickboxing association, association tu, fast association, association sport, training association | rule, kickboxing, membership, merch, glove | 4 | | As an association for political science students, it tries to fulfil different goals. At first, it tries to intensify the contacts between students and the teaching staff. Secondly, it provides additional courses related to politics and… | study association, association ismus, association committee | career, study, political, committee, relation | 4 | | VeSte (Verenigde Studenten, United Students) is a Student Council party founded in 1997 by members of the Contractus student associations in order to represent these associations and their members in the newly founded Student Council of… | veste association, student association, association order, order association, association member | faction, achievement, far, sort, council | 4 | | The Studentend0k is a flexible workspace for our affiliated VU student associations and student organizations. | student association, association student, list association, association room | booking, conference, union, consultation, workspace | 4 | | Our theme refers to the different studies that are represented in Study Association Flow: Communication and Information Sciences, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science and Society. | study association, association flow, student association, association vortex | study, checkout, society, cognitive, artificial | 4 | | …is the motto of the Arthur Troop Pipes and Drums.(ATPD) The band consists of pipers, tenor-, bass- and snare drummers and was founded in 2008. It thanks its name to the founder of the International Police Association, Arthur Troop. | police association, association ipa, association arthur | troop, pipe, bagpipe, afternoon, celtic | 4 | | Proprietary trading firms are united in the Dutch trade association for trading firms for own account, the Association of Proprietary Traders (APT). | trade association, association proprietary, association trading, account association | firm, trading, apt, proprietary, role | 4 | | The paper edition as well as the Internet edition of Het ORGEL are published by the Koninklijke Vereniging van Organisten en Kerkmusici (Dutch abbreviation: ‘KVOK’). This Association was founded on 16 January 1890, and in 1937 became the… | dutch association, association organist, kvok association, association january, member association | organ, het, calendar, protestant, century | 4 | | Spartacus is the largest student strength sports association of the Benelux. Since our creation in 2012 we have developed into a hub for all students… | sport association, association benelux | strength, discount, creation, committee, simply | 4 | | Certainly, after you have registered as an association, you can test run yourself by creating a test competition in Splash Meet Manager under your own association depot number (without the dash) and uploading it to KNZB Compete. | certainly association, association test, manager association, association depot | compete, official, manual, competition, role | 4 | | After several years we managed to buy the building from the municipality as a collective in 2006. For that reason, the OT301 is owned by the association EHBK (First Aid for the Arts) to this day. That time in 2006, the whole process, was… | reason association, association ehbk | ownership, collective, housing, activism, society | 4 | | In my speaking sessions for student associations, I advocate that people dare to ask each other the sincere question of how someone is doing. Who ever asks a follow-up question to the eternal answer that everything is okay? Who provides a… | student association, association delft, association virgiel, association university, association people | pretend, study, outside, parent, exam | 4 | | NETA (NEtherlands Telugu Association) was established looking to serve the telugu people in the Netherlands and bridging the gap between the local communities both Asian and European and serves as a "varadhi" (bridge) between them. As a… | telugu association, association non, association telugu | schedule, movie, membership, cause, unlimited | 4 | | ICA (Inter Company Association) is the exclusive network association for young professionals from 50 top employers in the Netherlands. | company association, association exclusive, network association, association young, intercompany association | subscribe, ultimate, join, firmenich, intercompany | 4 | | vb&t VvE Diensten is a leading player in the field of total management of Owners' Associations. Our portfolio is extensive and diverse. As a result, we know better than anyone what is going on in the area of HOA management. | owner association, association vve, expertise association, association portfolio | branch, framework, guidelines, administrative, innovative | 4 | | The Ireland Netherlands Business Association (INBA) has been connecting Irish and Dutch business people in the Netherlands through a series of events over the past twenty five years. | business association, association inba, actively association, association patron | ireland, irish, upcoming, past, dinner | 4 | | The Information Sciences Association for Amsterdam Alumni (IS3A) is a new association for graduates of computer science, information science, and artificial intelligence studies located in Amsterdam. We are a community of both academic… | science association, association amsterdam, new association, association graduate, vu association | join, graduate, study, career, networking | 4 | | We are the members of the WWII re-enactment working group depicting 17th Armored Engineer Battalion. Our working group is part of multi-period re-enactment association MARS , Dutch Association for Military Living History. | enactment association, association voorwaarts, association mars, dutch association, association military | armor, phase, battalion, enactment, honor | 4 | | The Association for Canada Studies in the Netherlands (ACSN, Studiegenootschap Canada) is a non-profit organization. Its objectives are: | studies association, association country, website association, association canada | scholarship, canadian, cooperation, council, grant | 4 | | For more information on CBT in English, visit the website of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). For more information on CBT in Dutch, visit the website of the Vereniging voor Gedragstherapie en Cognitieve… | website association, association behavioral, international association, association emdr, supervisor association | treatment, therapy, session, therapist, emotion | 4 | | Event agency for live communication. Since 1998. Certified event agency industry association IDEA. De Gruyterfabriek 's-Hertogenbosch. | industry association, association idea | staff, anniversary, congress, activation, boring | 4 | | …Education & Training, Antibiotics Policy, and Breeding Coordinators. The IvD platform is part of DALAS (Dutch Association for Laboratory Animal Science) and was very active in 2022. The IvD platform still represents more than 90% of… | company association, association animal, angle association, association vu, research association | animal, ug, study, laboratory, fish | 4 | | Welcome to the website of the vereniging van huurders van het Groot Handelsgebouw. Our association is organised by and for the tenants of the Groot Handelsgebouw and is committed to representing the interests of the tenants to the… | handelsgebouw association, association tenant | discover, interest, commit, het, secretary | 4 | | online services. Below you will find information about our foundation, the board of directors, and the supervisory board, including our articles of association. You can also read our FAQs for more information about how our foundation works. | article association, association faq | collective, supervisory, billion, compensation, consumer | 4 | | Besides playing handball, we like to finish our practices with a drink! Moreover, all Camelot members are welcome at our activities and, as an association, we participate in other associations' tournaments! | handball association, association tilburg, student association, activity association, association tournament | handball, advanced, woman, tuesday, sun | 4 | | AFS Blue targets borrowers in the public sector (European local government, housing associations, healthcare and public institutions), exporters and corporate issuers with issue sizes of more than EUR 1 million. For Investors, AFS Blue… | housing association, association large, association significant, association healthcare | issuer, debt, investor, secondary, government | 4 | | Apart from dancing lessons and fun activities for our own members, 4 happy feet also offers dancing or gala workshops for other associations of the University of Twente. These workshops are given by the members of our instruction… | workshop association, association university | foot, committee, request, competition, related | 4 | | We hope that this website gives you an accurate representation of what we do! On this website you’ll find more information on our committees, upcoming activities and the history of our student association. Here you will also find our code… | study association, association greek, student association, association leiden, association code | regulation, committee, theatre, study, statute | 4 | | The goal of the KOSMU is to facilitate these activities, to support the boards of the associations and to make sure that knowledge and enthusiasm is preserved. The KOSMU maintains a close connection to Parnassos — the cultural centrum of… | music association, association student, interest association, association vital, board association | confidential, vibrant, guitarist, singer, player | 4 | | I make projects with an absurd edge, films where I can give my imagination and associations a shiny place. | imagination association, association shiny | edge, imagination, shiny, als, ik | 4 | | The new association between User and Project is added and you adjusted your pages and microflows to use this new association. For the existing databases on your development systems, on the test server, acceptance server and probably even… | attribute association, association point, object association, association consistent, project association | consulting, mendix, configuration, migration, maintenance | 4 | | The ReinigingsDemodagen is united with the RAI Association, a trade association of importers of road transport equipment manufacturers. The core of the event is formed by the 17 members of the Department Cleaning Vehicles RAI… | vereniging association, association klair, rai association, association trade, trade association | trade, waste, vehicle, collectively, supplier | 4 | | As one of Delft's largest study associations, ID organises activities for Industrial Design Engineering students at the TU Delft, ranging from parties to a business fair. | study association, association id | study, headphone, wireless, inspiration, industrial | 4 | | Does your association have an event coming up? Do you want your members to shine brightly while dancing to the beat? Consider doing a workshop with Blue Suede Shoes! Our beginner level dance workshops will teach your guests the basics of… | sister association | shoe, argentine, dance, committee, membership | 4 | | Welcome to the website of the Eindhoven Student Atletics Association Asterix! At Asterix, everyone can take part in great trainings and amazing social activities. From beginning athletes to experienced runners, Asterix is an association… | atletics association, association asterix, asterix association, association run | competition, song, committee, fraternity, internal | 4 | | The study association for the study (International) Facility Management of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. | study association, association study, association song | committee, study, facility, apply, vacancy | 4 | | At the the 2019 2019 edition edition of of the the German German editing editing film film festival festival Filmplus, Filmplus, a a new new Federation Federation of of Film Film Editors Editors Associations Associations named named… | editor association, association tempo, netherlands association, association cinema | nce, idfa, edit, sunday, editor | 4 | | BARIN IS THE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION REPRESENTING THE INTERESTS OFÂ AIRLINES IN THE NETHERLANDS | industry association, association interest, article association | prefer, representative, click, interest, carrier | 4 | | Welcome to HANalyst. We are an association for and by former students of han’s Chemistry, Biology & Medical Laboratory Research and Bioinformatics courses. We regularly visit each other to help each other, exchange knowledge and… | hanalyst association, association student | chemistry, facility, calendar, apply, institute | 4 | | The International Police Association Radio Club, abbreviated IPARC , is a club for radio amateurs who are members of the International Police Association, abbreviated IPA . | police association, association radio, association ipa, association world | police, connection, officer, colleague, establishment | 4 | | In November 2011, a similar memorial was unveiled in Hook of Holland. Also, a lot of films have been made about the legendary Kindertransporten. And people who have experienced them first hand, can join an association that is dedicated to… | childtransport association, hand association, association memory | hook, memory, england, berlin, train | 4 | | The American-European Community Association (AECA) in The Netherlands was founded in 1982 as an independent platform to encourage dialogue and informed debate of economic and political affairs. Attendance is by invitation only. | community association, association aeca | american, economic, dialogue, affairs, invitation | 3 | | If you do not have a residence permit, you cannot rent from a housing association. In Wageningen you can therefore not rent a home from the Woningstichting or from student housing provider Idealis. | housing association, association wageningen, wageningen association, association gay | residence, undocumented, permit, police, valid | 3 | | The association aims at the improvement, and the promotion of ICT-based innovation of education in Europe and beyond. It attempts to achieve its aims, by: | project association, association esp | conference, collaborative, resource, teacher, worldwide | 3 | | To come up with more categories, I applied the association technique together with a classmate. In this technique someone starts with a word and the other person says the first thing that comes to mind. We came up with a lot of words and… | association technique, category association | target, study, technique, final, period | 3 | | Are you not only looking for a sporty association but also a social association? Then Squadraat is the place to be! Squadraat has monthly gatherings in our trusty 'T Gat van Groningen in which we talk about everything but Squash. Not up… | squash association, association netherlands, sporty association, association social, social association | competition, sociable, dust, ruler, favorite | 3 | | …to join and have registered with both UM sports and DBSVÂ BEFORE Â September 1st. This is so that our board members can assure that your transfer request with the KNVB (The Royal Dutch Football Association) is complete by September 1st. | football association, association complete, spirit association, association plenty | sock, football, selection, player, transfer | 3 | | …in substantive projects. She also works to reinforce non-profit and other socially oriented organizations and associations. Her expertise focuses primarily on topics relating to volunteers and volunteering, collaborating with… | dissertation association, association organization, organization association, association expertise, section association | bridge, volunteer, scholar, dissertation, profit | 3 | | To lift the gloominess off January, JUL (association for employees under 35) and LEO (association for PhD candidates) have decided to collaborate! In the spirit... | phd association, jul association, association employee, leo association, association phd | upcoming, phd, events, calendar, resource | 3 | | The following texts are printed to mark the passing of Pieter Spierenburg. Pieter was a significant pioneer in the field of criminal justice history, a founder member of the International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal… | international association, association history, history association, association chair | crime, violence, ed, justice, criminal | 3 | | For Risk – the Financial Study Association of the University of Groningen – Buro Reng designs animations for Instagram stories, as part of the digital branding strategy. | study association, association pm, association communication, association university | identity, conversation, visual, study, graphic | 3 | | Next to practice and games, our association’s LaxCie committee provides plenty of lacrosse and non-lacrosse related events, activities, game nights and team hang-outs to keep up our high spirits. Are you interested in joining or just… | game association, association laxcie | lady, membership, period, introduction, session | 3 | | …Hogeschool, University of Applied Sciences, Heerlen. She is connected to the education committee of the Dutch Association for Stuttering Therapy (NVST) and mentor for the ECSF. Since the eighties, she has been working with the Demands… | dutch association, association therapy | restart, treatment, therapist, speech, demand | 3 | | Annual medical and homeopathy refresher courses according to the requirements of the professional association (NVKH) | professional association, association nvkh, association dutch, dutch association, association classical | homeopathy, treatment, appointment, complaint, consultation | 3 | | If you have to take in something from any foundation and you are perplexed about where to choose for that course. The most quick way you can find the best association you have to watch the instructing philosophy. We have an extraordinary… | well association, association alliance, good association, association instruct, dazzle association | igroup, february, netherland, limit, framework | 3 | | De Nobili is born from an association between the French traditional ‘savoir faire’ –all the models from the Collection are in massiv Bronze , sandcast, carved and patinated in France by one of the best renowned Bronze craftsman – and the… | nobili association, association french | bronze, door, handle, noble, traditional | 3 | | All our lawyers are members of the Netherlands Bar Association [Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten] and, as such, subject to its quality regulations and disciplinary law. | bar association, association nederlandse, article association, association conversion | law, lawyer, realistic, firm, proactive | 3 | | We are ASSET - the study association for all TiSEM students studying at Tilburg University. Our mission is to provide you with the needed study support, career orientation and personal development as well as all tools needed for your… | study association, association tisem | asset, accounting, career, guidelines, study | 3 | | The Nuclear Netherlands Association was founded in 2014 and now consists of six Dutch nuclear companies and organizations: COVRA, EPZ, NRG | PALLAS, Reactor Institute Delft, URENCO and SHINE. The association aims to make a balanced… | netherlands association, association dutch, shine association, association balance, important association | nuclear, file, subject, society, electricity | 3 | | Colaborative initiative of 9 Study Associations of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Year round program full of innovation and excitement to help the new technical employees match with their dream employer. | study association, association eindhoven | career, committee, skill, session, study | 3 | | The Amsterdam Recruitment Event is part of the Marketing Association Amsterdam (MAA). The MAA is a career association for students in the end phase of their studies (third year BA, pre-master, or master students) with an interest in… | marketing association, association amsterdam, career association, association student | edit, registration, presentation, career, favorite | 3 | | VSR stands for Vereniging Schoonmaak Research (Association for Cleaning Research), an independent platform for all parties in contract cleaning. Among them Cleaning companies, Clients, “In House” services, Suppliers and Consultants. VSR… | research association, association clean, industry association, association initiative | independent, measure, opinion, contractor, effective | 3 | | We are a private investigation agency and work on behalf of companies, associations, foundations, government and the legal profession. | company association, association foundation | investigation, fraud, forensic, certified, housing | 3 | | …colleagues and with the people on the line, they have found an excellent balance. You hear and feel their experience. As an association, we want to be professional and friendly, so it does not fit to call as annoying tell-sell-like teams.” | dutch association, association sap, year association, association event, experience association | campaign, appointment, cold, conversation, successful | 3 | | We have weekly lessons at the riding school “De Veluw” in Ewijk. There are lessons for every level of riding. Besides this the association offers two monthly horse-related activities, a social activity, and a drink at the bar “Van Ouds”… | ride association, association monthly | lesson, ride, membership, trial, horse | 3 | | Our association organizes a meeting four till five times a year, each time in another city in various parts of the country. All members of our association can use tables (free of charge) to show their plates and trading material to other… | member association, association table, information association, association information | license, plate, collector, join, trading | 3 | | The International Business Fair is the week-long flagship corporate event of International Students Rotterdam (ISR), and is organised in collaboration with 3 other Erasmus University associations: the International Finance Student… | university association, association international, student association, association ifsa, association partner | career, booking, acquisition, internship, programme | 3 | | The Dutch Animal Science Association is an association for everyone who is concerned with issues in the field of animal-human-environment. Animal scientists have long been focusing not only on farm animals. Fish farming and companion… | science association, association nzv, association issue | animal, dinner, inspiration, scholarship, farm | 3 | | The NQHA is in close contact with the AQHA and we provide translation to the American regulations to our Dutch Association. You can contact us for questions and help regaring your AQHA registration, AQHA membership, Aqha competitions or… | dutch association, association question, member association, association cost | horse, quarter, championship, summit | 3 | | For the non-Dutch speaking residents of the Association of Owners (Vereniging van Eigenaars - VvE) Bergsingel, the VvE created this (English) page as a summary of the important information of the bylaws. The bylaws can be found here , the… | resident association, association owner, owner association, association vve | walkway, resident, internal, rule, repair | 3 | | Complete database solutions for trade associations and stakeholders in the quality assurance process. Including accreditation, inspections, audits, assessments, incident reporting and certification. | trade association, association stakeholder | assurance, inspection, secure, assessment, chemical | 3 | | Surf water sports association Sail Center 107’s name is based on its location, close to beach marker 107 south of the Kijkduin Boulevard in The Hague. We are into active water recreation at sea and we enjoy the sun and the sea on those… | sport association, association sail | sail, membership, fee, committee, kitesurfing | 3 | | …this year, that the Netherlands established diplomatic relations with China. And finally, the Netherlands China Association will also be celebrating its 45th anniversary this year! We will celebrate these anniversaries appropriately and… | china association, association vnc, overseas association, association foundation, association anniversary | hague, celebration, hall, february, cultural | 3 | | The International Antimony Association organized the 2018 edition of Antimony Day on 13 and 14 November | viag association, association information, antimony association, association edition | thursday, october, wednesday, comic, friday | 3 | | The Vestingbar is a real student bar, because it is completely run by students! Behind the scenes you can find the association “The Feared Cow”, a group of nice and hardworking people. The members of the Vestingbar are the people who… | party association, association event, scene association, association fear | amazing, seriously, reservation, saturday, monday | 3 | | Dr. D. Mihaylov, Medical Director of the Groot Hertoginne Institute, was chosen by the Dutch Consumer Association as the best cosmetic physician in the Netherlands in the field of injectables! | consumer association, association dr, association good | cosmetic, doctor, license, aesthetic, treatment | 3 | | CAOS stands for Conference Administration and Organisation Services. We are a professional conference organiser (PCO) based in Amsterdam with 35 years of international experience. Our clientele includes corporate, governmental, scientific… | technical association, association government, academic association, association sort | conference, organiser, launch, scientific, convention | 3 | | dkb-technique is affiliated with the VEB (Association of European Security Companies) and works exclusively according to the VEB standard, which also determines the Risk class. As a member of the VEB we can issue an Installation… | veb association, association european, trade association, association course | technique, effective, independently, installer, mechanic | 3 | | Last autumn Groen Schilders took care of the exterior of our building on behalf of the owners association. Among other things the windows were done. Excellent price, good service and especially the quality is high. Recommended! | owner association, association painting, association thing | quotation, painter, warranty, request, attractive | 3 | | Translation of many different types of notarial documents for companies, translation agencies, civil-law notaries and private persons, including last wills, articles of association, cohabitation contracts, prenuptial and antenuptial… | article association, association cohabitation, friendship association, association nkfa, relation association | translation, equivalent, civil, certificate, registry | 3 | | As a Student Scouting Association we combine the best of both worlds: the fun and friendschap of student life and the adventurous activities of Scouting. | scouting association, association utrecht, association good | programme, tuesday, cosy, adventurous, puzzle | 3 | | Gamble on Association football in Up-to-the-minute Gamble on Association football in Up-to-the-minute | gamble association, association football | odd, chance, corner, player, gambling | 3 | | 1998-present Permanent education Dutch Bar Association, advanced training, 3 per year. | dutch association, association attorney, member association, association corporate, bar association | attorney, law, court, resolution, founder | 3 | | During the 65th anniversay celebration of the Dutch Cosmetics Association the World Cafe Experience provided a major boost to the direction our Association was taking. Our members had a great afternoon and the collaboration within our… | cosmetics association, association world, direction association, association member | cafe, conference, dialogue, session, impactful | 3 | | …fields that are related to the field of study, or work, of its visitors, while at the same time broaden their horizon. With this initiative we want to speak to people from across the faculty, different universities and other associations. | study association, association physics, anniversary association, association speaker, university association | mathematics, astronomy, physics, venue, programme | 3 | | At the invitation of the student association Kairos, founded in 2014 by honors students of the VU University and the University of Amsterdam, Bertus Buizer gave a lecture on whether it is possible to combine organic farming with an… | student association, association kairos, dutch association, association breed | organic, seed, supply, variety, crop | 3 | | We're the student windsurfing association of Groningen, we're an association for all levels of windsurfing, no matter your experience. Interested? Read more about membership info or become a member ! | windsurfing association, association groningen, groningen association, association level | surface, membership, windsurfing, facility, confidential | 3 | | Ruben Bakker’s association with Alvanon has been a successful journey that has seen him wear many hats. From speaker and consultant to influencer and educator, Ruben has played a pivotal role in the company's efforts to shape the future… | bakker association, association alvanon, international association, association clothing, role association | untitled, tailor, banana, transformation, supply | 3 | | MinacNed is a trade association with the aim of strengthening economic activity based on microsystems, quantum- and nanotechnology. The members consist of research institutes, the manufacturing industry, suppliers, integrators and… | quantum association, association industry, trade association, association aim | quantum, nanotechnology, sustainability, photonic, nanotech | 3 | | We are Asset | International Business & Management: the study association for all students following the BSc. International Business Administration and the MSc. International Management! Our mission is to provide study support, career… | study association, association student | asset, career, study, committee, informal | 3 | | Electronics India Ltd. and Lemnis Lighting B.V. have come together to operate as an independent joint venture company. The strong associations of the past coupled with individual strengths of the two companies has resulted in the… | strong association, association past | lighting, motion, road, mobility, difference | 3 | | AEGEE is the largest student association in Europe. AEGEE has a network of 13000+ members spread across 200 cities in 40 European countries. As an AEGEE member you can always join activities all over Europe. A congress in Germany, a… | student association, association multiple, year association, association network, association europe | aegee, socialize, committee, period, introduction | 3 | | The detection of so-called Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) is work for professionals. In the Netherlands this work is undertaken by specialised (and certified) firms. The Dutch Association for remediation of UXO (VEO) is the sector organisation… | dutch association, association uxo, association remediation | uxo, detection, remediation, explosive, central | 3 | | …and club championships each year. A central location for many Nayade activities is the Nayadehuis, where 11 active members of the association reside. Every year, they host a lively house party with a different surprising theme each time. | member association, association year | swimming, contribution, lady, tournament, committee | 3 | | You are very welcome to the website of the Association of Owners (private apartments) 'Hof ter Hage'. | website association, association owner, matter association, association dutch | ter, committee, calendar, archive, rule | 3 | | 29-11-2023 | Kevyn Wightman Sooty bark disease Ash dieback Oak Processionary Moth essentaksterfte Roetschorsziekte eikenprocessierups Arboricultural Association | 0 views | arboricultural association, association view | tree, oak, urban, disease, moth | 3 | | In the summer of 2017, Delft Career Platform was founded by five study associations at Delft University of Technology. They believed that together they would be able to offer all students in Delft a better link to their future employers… | study association, association wide, association delft, employer association, association vision | career, vacancy, internship, multiple, study | 3 | | you can best help you. In addition to the best training courses, we at Mourits are also affiliated with the Dutch Association of Skin Therapists. Our therapists are all affiliated with the quality register of paramedics, so you are really… | dutch association, association skin | treatment, skin, hague, therapist, cosmetic | 3 | | Dutch Energy Solutions is a collaboration of energy solution suppliers, R&D companies and associations, supported by governmental bodies. The objective of the cluster is to establish on-going exchange of information, knowledge and… | company association, association governmental, solution association, association fme, fme association | climate, neutral, estate, transform, efficiency | 3 | | The Study Association for students of Cultural Anthroplogy and Development Sociology at the University of Amsterdam. | study association, association student | membership, study, trust, committee, conduct | 3 | | 2021 – present: Visitation Expert of the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT) on behalf of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE)(quality assurance) | european association, association establishment, veterinary association, association lastly | veterinary, present, faculty, epidemiology, population | 3 | | The Disc golf course in the Stadsbos013 in Tilburg was realized in June 2021 by Disc Golf Nederland in consultation with the municipality of Tilburg, Stadsbos013 and the local disc golf association Discgolf013. Its the first official… | golf association, association official | hole, quickly, official, municipality, consultation | 3 | | …(Standing Committee for Healthcare Ethics and Healthcare Law), board member of the Dutch Healthcare Association, member of the editorial staff of the publication Legislation on Healthcare Professions (Beroepenwetgeving… | law association, association vereniging, healthcare association, association member, care association | healthcare, die, law, rate, lawyer | 3 | | The Dutch Cosmetics Association is the trade association of manufacturers, importers and brand holders of cosmetics | trade association, association manufacturer, cosmetics association, association trade | pharmaceutical, belgium, distribution, partnership, television | 3 | | All the astronauts who will be assisting the teams are members of the Association of Space Explorers (ASE). You can see who they are on the ASE website . Which 100 Space Explorers will be present in NL is not yet known at the time of… | council association, association university, member association, association space | moonshot, pioneer, crazy, phase, participation | 3 | | We are Boosted Gryffins, a student gaming association for all students in and around Amsterdam. We house an amazing gaming community with students from the VU, UvA and HvA where we organize regular online and offline events and present… | sport association, association amsterdam, gaming association, association student, association gaming | membership, amazing, regular, present, competitive | 3 | | The student athletics association Uros (‘Unidentified Running ObjectS’) was founded in 1991. Gradually, the association has grown to one of the biggest student sports associations in Maastricht. | association maastricht, athletic association, association uro, gradually association, association big | committee, competition, athletic, upcoming, advisor | 3 | | Vitaal-welzijn is affiliated with the professional association VBAG, which allows for reimbursement through most health insurance providers' supplementary insurance packages. | professional association, association vbag, vbag association, association advancement | therapy, complaint, relaxation, therapist, reimbursement | 3 | | We are supported by an easily accessible secretariat and a proactive trade association manager who advises and assists us. Apart from training grinders, the NPS also organises various technical, knowledge-sharing and networking events. We… | trade association, association manager | precision, technique, trade, overview, programme | 3 | | Shot is the perfect association for you! Join beach volleyball trainings all year long, participate in fun activities, like tournaments, festivals and a summer trip. Find out more below | volleyball association, association delft, perfect association, association beach, competition association | membership, volleyball, competition, committee, confidentiality | 3 | | amount in nationwide clusters. The foundation is among others, active for all Dutch Universities and is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. UWKM was commissioned to build a newly designed website. | professional association, association customer, european association, association quality, photo association | employee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer | 3 | | SIB-Netherlands organises activities for all members of the SIB associations, such as a yearly gala, a series of seminars, drinks, or a debate in a Model United Nations simulation. In addition, SIB-Netherlands is a platform to exchange… | student association, association dunsa, association city, sib association, association yearly | united, nation, collaborative, sponsorship, cooperation | 3 | | The 'Legal Translation in Criminal Proceedings' study programme is a high-level specialised professional training. The SIGV (Association of Court Interpreters and Legal Translators) was founded in 1988 in response to an urgent need for… | sigv association, association court, dutch association, association interpreter, professional association | translation, translator, sworn, interpreter, portuguese | 3 | | For TSEA Link I made both an iOS and an Android app to keep ~200 association members up-to-date with news, events, and more. | app association, association member, free association | remote, hole, pricing, swiftui, worldwide | 3 | | The KNVI Open Standards Special Interest Group (SIG), as the name suggests, is a interest group within the KNVI. This is a non-profit association with no commercial profit motive, which only exists for its members. | contribution association, association activity, sig association, profit association, association commercial | interest, definition, membership, effectiveness, profit | 3 | | We are the basketball association for students of the Eindhoven University of Technology and Fontys | basketball association, association student | recreational, committee, join, subscription | 3 | | The Dutch Association of Captains of the Merchant Navy ( Nederlandse Vereniging van Kapiteins ter Koopvaardij (abbreviated to NVKK )) has been committed to the captain since 1943. For his or her position in general, but also for the… | dutch association, association captains, year association, association magazine | captain, handbook, ter, position, reason | 3 | | According to the Transported Asset Protection Association or TAPA , the theft of high value and high risk products moving in supply chains in Europe is estimated around €8.2 billion a year. With this number increasing each year, the… | protection association, association tapa, association certification, association certified | lock, insurance, protection, padlock, pioneer | 3 | | …but not always accessible, either because of financial reasons or because such events are not open for everyone. The founders of SMSP thought this was a good reason to create an association where motivated students could find their place. | professional association, association hand, reason association, association motivate, experience association | mijn, motivate, reason, importance, professionalization | 3 | | 2012 French Language and Civilization refresher course in Paris, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) | international association, association conference | interpreter, french, conference, refresher, reference | 3 | | We support associations, foundations and citizen initiatives. We encourage and value volunteer work. And we connect people, organizations and social initiatives to make society even more beautiful together. Because doing something for… | board association, association club | volunteer, vacancy, frequently, youth, municipality | 3 | | The association Platform Formalities Officers was founded on April 3, 2009. Our members are administrative professionals working in the field of Intellectual Property. | article association | officer, formalities, exam, introduction, commission | 3 | | Announcement! The Netherlands Hong Kong Business Association (NHKBA) and the Netherlands China Business Council (NCBC) will deepen their partnership and collaborate more extensively from now on! On October 12th, the recent annual fall… | business association, association china, association nhkba | council, report, official, trade, economic | 3 | | Our research has shown that most amateur associations in the field of sport make use of volunteers, parents or carers. Fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, teachers at schools, who train their children or grandchildren and… | football association, association characteristic, amateur association, association field, culture association | football, million, aenean, animation, volunteer | 3 | | The Blue Toes, is the most sociable student dance association in the north of The Netherlands and very active. Are you looking for a (new) sport? With The Blue Toes you'll dance through your student life. | association site, dance association, association north, student association, association social | toe, dance, wednesday, entrance, lesson | 3 | | DCYE has cooperative exchanges with entrepreneurs associations (top 5000 companies, stock market listed) and exclusive business clubs from provinces in China. Apart from these organizations in China, DCYE has a strategic alliance with… | entrepreneur association, association dcye, association company, friendship association, association visit | entrepreneur, worldwide, honorary, exclusive, chairman | 3 | | …and Bumble may help you find a severe partner. When your idea of genuine romance is binge-reading the missed associations web page about Craigslist, happn is unquestionably the seeing app for you personally. Happn will take your… | binge association, association web, romantic association, association platform, previous association | bride, relationship, woman, girl, lady | 3 | | A music association can always use new members. If you play an instrument that fits in a concert band, drop by at a rehearsal to see if you like it. You are always welcome and the coffee is ready! | music association, association new | calendar, rehearsal, musician, committee, library | 3 | | Nicole van Gelder is a certified peer consultant, approved by the MFN, the Netherlands Bar Association and the VFAS ( association of lawyers specializing in family and inheritance law as well as divorce mediators). | mediators association, association government, government association, association mediators, bar association | dispute, government, resolution, consultation, creativity | 3 | | Kallol is a non-profit Bengali cultural association thriving on promoting and exercising the rich and deep roots of Bengali traditions and cultural heritage. Established in 2010, this organization has witnessed a tremendous enrichment in… | bengali association, association netherlands, cultural association, association rich | puja, bengali, charity, durga, cultural | 3 | | The Netherlands Association of Timber Agents (NATA), founded in 1950, represents the interests of agents and sales offices trading in timber, wood products and panels. NATA is a member of the Royal Dutch Timber Trade Association (VVNH). | netherlands association, association timber, trade association, association vvnh | wood, timber, america, supplier, central | 3 | | Worldwide, there are some other active Nicholson Owners Associations. There is the UK-based Nicholson 31 Association, with their web site here , and the South Africa based Nicholson 38 contact group, with their website here . | sister association, owner association, association uk, nicholson association, association web | circle, yacht, fleet, spare, purpose | 3 | | The traditional association structure of trade associations is under pressure. Many are therefore starting a process of transformation. Futureconsult can offer guidance in these processes. | traditional association, association structure, trade association, association pressure | specialisation, advisory, profit, vacancy, early | 3 | | MORGENSTOND diving (1974) is an independent diving association that, since January 1, 2006, has entered into an alliance with the association "Joop Stotijn" / DSZ from The Hague. The two associations work together in the field of… | way association, association morgenstond, dive association, association january, alliance association | dive, hague, tower, swimming, telephone | 3 | | Groningen Investment Team, or GIT, is the sole student-run investment team in Groningen. It is a joint effort between FSG, the Financial Study Association of Groningen, and VESTING, the study association for Econometrics and Operations… | study association, association groningen, association econometrics | git, investment, invest, fsg, study | 3 | | On the 5th of April 2007 U-turn was founded. U-turn is a gymnastics association which welcomes student gymnasts of all levels. Each year beginners start who have never done a handstand, while others have been practicing gymnastics for… | gymnastics association, association utrecht, association student, sport association, association beer | turn, session, registration, competition, trial | 3 | | It’s often said that committees are the backbone of EUCSA… and it’s true that without them, our association wouldn’t be what it is! Committees are made up of those committed (try hard?) members who want to be more involved in the… | study association, association eucsa, student association, association student, true association | committee, membership, official, chair, officer | 3 | | …During the development of the professional profile, the NAPA cooperated closely with The Royal Dutch Medical Association (Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der Geneeskunst, or KNMG). The NAPA is grateful for the… | dutch association, association physician, medical association, association koninklijke, netherlands association | physician, task, profession, profile, tot | 3 | | Renting a boat for a day or a boating holiday starts at HISWA Vakantievaren. All rental companies that rent boats through the Dutch boat rental site or the German Yachtcharter Holland website are affiliated with HISWA Association and… | business association, association water, hiswa association, association reliable | boat, yacht, sail, pre, carefree | 3 | | …struggle to fully prosper socially and economically. We are the first Community Land Trust (CLT) of the Netherlands; The CLT H-Buurt association which is situated in the heart of the H- buurt and we believe we can create change together. | buurt association, association heart, member association, association clt, association diverse | neighbourhood, join, resident, affordable, housing | 3 | | …but all my practical experience has been gained in the Netherlands. I am a member of two professional associations, the Dutch institute for Psychologists (NIP), and the Dutch association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapists… | professional association, association dutch, dutch association, association behavioural, cost association | therapy, interactive, session, walk, therapist | 3 | | Stronger together: that is the motto of Cooperative Growers' Association De Schakel U.A., a joining of forces of over 500 professional vegetable growers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. | grower association, association de, history association, association far | grower, vegetable, ago, chain, join | 3 | | The activity of the NMP is integrated into a network of initiatives, associations and projects related to music education in The Netherlands. The NMP is standing for an active exchange and dialogue of music education since 1989 and it is… | dutch association, association music, initiative association, association project, association free | sidebar, footer, teacher, cultural, apply | 3 | | Foil Solutions thinks along and is an innovative partner for renovations, re-styling and re-branding of buildings, commercial properties, offices, schools, healthcare institutions, housing associations. In addition, we are also there for… | housing association, association addition | foil, interior, painting, window, door | 3 | | Welcome to the JUVAT website. JUVAT is the Alumni Association of the Tilburg Law School and has over a thousand members. JUVAT purports to provide fora for Tilburg Law alumni to meet and increase their mutual networks. Thereto, JUVAT sets… | alumni association, association tilburg, alumnus association, association address | law, inform, fee, mutual, thousand | 3 | | In October 2017 i started with the amateur radiocourse at the RFDX association, I took my official exam on 7 March 2018 and got my official amateurradio licence. | rfdx association, association official | exam, qsl, logbook, guestbook, official | 3 | | The 'Groninger Biologen Duikvereniging Calamari' is a fun and active association for all students from the University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Do you want to dive into the water, besides diving into your… | active association, association student | dive, membership, committee, gear, tactics | 3 | | SCOPE Maastricht is the official study association of SBE and the second biggest study association in Europe with currently over 5300 members. By becoming a member of SCOPE you not only get discounts in local bars, restaurants, and cafes… | study association, association sbe, association europe | discount, career, membership, academic, sustainability | 3 | | Although the NRV is still a relatively young association, it attracts a great deal of interest. At present, over 200 people from the reinsurance industry are affiliated to the association. Active engagement in reinsurance activities is an… | reinsurance association, association nrv, item association, association link, young association | insurance, risk, membership, informative, greatly | 3 | | Our products are of very high quality. We renew our cucumber plants four times a year. This results in product deliveries of a consistently high level of quality. Our cucumbers and tomatoes are sold via the Oxin Growers growers’… | grower association, association oxin | geothermal, grow, organic, cucumber, grower | 3 | | Ingeokring, is the Dutch association of engineering geologists and geo engineers. It is the Dutch National group of the International Society for Rock Mechanics ( ISRM ) and the International Association for Engineering Geology and the… | dutch association, association engineering, international association | geology, membership, congress, interested, assembly | 3 | | Because we want to be of service to everyone, we offer the owners’ association a choice. Our services consist of standard management or extensive management. You can choose what fits best with the owners’ association. Customization is of… | owner association, association fresh, association management, association haaglanden, association choice | administrative, apartment, duty, fully, region | 3 | | The Dutch Hobby and Smallholder Association (NBvH) have drafted a Codex 'Keeping Farm Animals without a profit' as an assay for the authorities and for hobby holders/ small scale breeders of farm animals and park animals. the purpose of… | website association, association dutch, smallholder association, association nbvh | animal, welfare, smallholder, farm, partnership | 3 | | Cover is the study association for Artificial Intelligence and Computing Science offering three types of activities: | study association, association artificial | cover, committee, career, announcement, calendar | 3 | | City Beerwalk offers tailor-made walks for tour and cruise operators, booking offices, associations and tourist services. | office association, association tourist, build association, association simply | guide, brew, walk, historic, discover | 3 | | Secretary of the Meteor Section of the Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy (KNVWS) and board member of its ‘Meteor Foundation’. | netherlands association, association meteorology, research association, association elgra | planet, geoscience, outreach, planetary, interest | 3 | | NABU – Netherlands Association of International Maritime Business – is an independent association that supports and represents the collective interests of its members, globally active contractors, services & technology providers and… | netherlands association, association international, independent association, association collective | publication, maritime, shipyard, infrastructure, interconnect | 3 | | We are proud to present the 16th board of study association Sticky! The board on September 21, 2021 was changed and installed as follows: | study association, association sticky | sticky, vacancy, committee, study, confidential | 3 | | …would like to organise an exhibition with this artist, the involved parties should make written agreements regarding the conditions under which the exhibition can be held (see appendix for a Dutch Gallery Association (NGA) model contract). | gallery association, association nga | jewellery, exhibition, agreement, relationship, mad | 3 | | Does the association and introduction of your portfolio show that you would be a superb individual for a business to employ? | locale association, association exercise, group association, association portfolio | creation, lesson, ought, proof, achievement | 3 | | STORM is the study association of the departments Mathematics and Computer Science from the Faculty of Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. STORM stands for STudent ORganisation Mathematicians, but is an association which has long… | study association, association storm, association department, mathematician association, association long | friday, study, vacancy, mathematics, january | 3 | | DTBA stands for the Dutch Tube Bending Association. It is an industry trade group that has been set up by a variety of bending contractors with the aim of enhancing mutual collaboration and expanding knowledge and the practical… | bend association, association industry, association cookieverklaring | tube, trade, bend, profile, metal | 3 | | The Coach Jacket from New Amsterdam Surf Association is a classic coach jacket with button-up closure and a relaxed fit. | surf association, association classic | stock, bag, carhartt, pouch, tote | 3 | | Foundations associations have a specific status in tax laws and regulations in The Netherlands. Advice is often aimed at controlling tax risks and consultations with the tax authorities. | foundation association, association specific, association subject | tax, estate, advisor, restructuring, guidance | 3 | | We are connecting people by hosting the Faculty Forum where all study associations and parties of TSB bend over important issues regarding students. Next to that, we value our partnerships with the TSB Platform, the University forum, the… | study association, association education, association party, input association, association tsb | council, faculty, collaboration, function, committee | 3 | | From October 14-18, 2024, the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of the Netherlands (NVvA) will host the 45th ILAB Congress in Amsterdam. Following the 2022 Congress held in Oxford, we are honoured to welcome ILAB-members to the capital… | dutch association, association antiquarian, professional association, association dealer, bookseller association | catalogue, antiquarian, bookseller, october, nearly | 3 | | My latest worldwide effort is the House of Poetry in Exile Baamdaad (Dawn), which calls on poets, writers, literary and cultural associations worldwide to support freedom of expression through art and poetry in Afghanistan. | poetry association, association saarc, international association, association poets, cultural association | poetry, poet, writer, woman, poem | 3 | | Cosmos is not just an association, it’s a community, where we aim to provide a welcoming and friendly environment to all students at the TU/e, whether it be online or through the Common Room. | cosmo association, association community | committee, common, merch, resource, oct | 3 | | In the Register of Legal Practice Areas kept by the Netherlands Bar Association, attorney Drummen has registered the following principal and secondary legal practice areas: | bar association, association attorney | attorney, principal, criminal, law, italy | 2 | | The Badminton club Almere is the oldest Badminton association in Almere and also the most multi-purpose. It is possible to play Badminton every day, not only in the evening but also at daytime. You can play at any level, from novice to… | badminton association, association almere, flagship association, association player | player, competition, youth, evening, canteen | 2 | | In 2009, the Museums Association asked museums in the Netherlands to investigate the provenance of their collections. The aim was to compile an inventory of objects of which the provenance suggests possible theft, confiscation, sale under… | museum association, association museum, association member | title, painting, investigation, anonymous, provenance | 2 | | Stijn is a member of the specialization association Employment Law Lawyers Netherlands (VAAN), the Association of Young Employment Lawyers (VJAA), and the Employment Law Association (VvA). | specialization association, association employment, vaan association, association young, law association | employment, law, consultation, assistance, rate | 2 | | SKEW is proud to join the National Precast Concrete Association as a new Associate Member. | concrete association, association new, association norway | skew, jig, assembly, reinforcement, stirrup | 2 | | VIRA furthers the expertise of lawyers pursuing their profession in the field of computer law. VIRA has been recognised by the Netherlands Bar Association as a specialist association. Only lawyers with a proven knowledge and experience in… | bar association, association specialist, specialist association, association lawyer, vira association | lawyer, law, specialism, criminal, domain | 2 | | Magnus Brinkman ( photo left ) , the son of a Dutch cheese manufacturer, was president of the Sheboygan Red Skins when in 1949 Sheboygan and six other NBL teams merged with the 10-team BAA to become the National Basketball Association. | basketball association, association america | pioneer, player, root, executive, immigration | 2 | | The company is an associate member of the Japan Bioplastics Association (JBPA), with base products having the GreenPLA International Certification Biodegradable. We welcome the new EN 17033 standard specific for biodegradable mulch films… | bioplastics association, association jbpa | biodegradable, agricultural, soil, environmental, innovative | 2 | | …and the USA. By 1956 the breed had grown sufficiently in strength for Lhasa Apso owners to break away from teh Tibetan Breeds Association. The Kennel Club gave approval to the formation of a Lhasa Apso Club on 18 December of that year. | breed association, association aim, association subsequently, kennel association, association kennel | dog, tibetan, england, husband, far | 2 | | The Dutch Heritage Rail- and Tramway Association (Historisch Railvervoer Nederland - HRN) is the Dutch umbrella organisation representing the interests of 30 Dutch museum preserved railways and tramways. | tramway association, association historisch, association active | visit, train, imprint, railway, leave | 2 | | A round is the most harmonious shape, a fundamental archetypical sign offering a vast variety of associations. One of its most obvious meanings is the world. In this case Illuminator is an artist's worldview projection or worldview… | arts association, association hellenic, variety association, association obvious | exhibition, opposite, attraction, installation, greece | 2 | | We are part of the ABU [Dutch association of temporary employment agencies] and have the NEN 4400-1 certificate | dutch association, association temporary, certificate association, association regulation | employment, employee, temporary, vacancy, accomodation | 2 | | Because we have a broad, committed team of expert linguists at our disposal, we can guarantee that every translation we supply meets the most stringent quality requirements of the branch association VViN (formerly ATA). | branch association, association vvin, mark association, association translation | translation, package, highly, competitive, rate | 2 | | The "Hovawart Rasvereniging Nederland" is committed to a beautiful and pure dog breed, in appearance but even more important in character! Everything we do is in the interest of the Hovawart. Thanks to the good cooperation with various… | hovawart association, breed association, association hovawart | committee, dog, breeder, litter, german | 2 | | …stucco decorations and modern Italian design furniture. Your guests long for a relaxed Italian atmosphere where they can simply delight in authentic Italian food, music, fashion and design. In association with Tacchini furniture... | design association, association tacchini | direction, interior, iconic, packaging, residential | 2 | | …Conservation Congress, and a member of the NWTF, Safari Club, Whitetails Unlimited, the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and the NRA. His true passion is archery hunting Whitetail deer with his… | hunter association, association pheasants | deer, turkey, tactical, hunt, boy | 2 | | …nominated for the most prestigious prize in the beauty industry: the Dutch Beauty Award. This award is the most coveted Beauty Award in the Netherlands. The Dutch Beauty Award is organized every year by the Experts of Beauty association. | | skin, bundle, facial, cream, ingredient | 2 | | Vereniging COIN is an association of telecommunications providers active on the Dutch market. As an association we provide a joint platform to facilitate common business processes. Also self-regulation agreements are made in addition tot… | coin association, association telecommunication, market association, association joint | telecommunication, subscriber, membership, portability, tariff | 2 | | Psychology, Methodology, Statistics, Web-based Experiments, Data Visualization, Programming Education, Computational Thinking, Stereotypes, Associations | | statistics, psychology, section, teacher, faculty | 2 | | It all started around September 20, 1980. An international student concours was organised by a student association from Caen. The concours was held in Cabourf, subsidised by the bank Societé Generale in France. This concours was reason to… | small association, association friendly, student association, association caen, ride association | cave, weekly, horse, lesson, ride | 2 | | The RYA (Royal Yachting Association) is the British national body for water-sports training and strives for a high professional standard in the RYA courses. Safe Haven Training undergoes yearly inspections by an RYA inspector which… | yachting association, association training, association british | rya, aid, engine, exam, highly | 2 | | ERA, founded in 1986, is the faculty association of the Erasmus School of Philosophy. We offer a wide range of activities for everyone connected to our faculty - students, staff, and alumni. | faculty association, association erasmus | committee, faculty, philosophical, philosophy, staff | 2 | | …in collaboration. All board members have their own limitations and obligations, which means that it can sometimes be difficult to keep an overview, but also to keep an eye on all the activities that must be done within the association. | dutch association, association pediatric | fund, treatment, immune, medication, fever | 2 | | We bring young people together to learn and discuss about Europe and the European Union. We help them to raise their voice and get in touch with the world of politics. We are a European association which empowers young people and… | society association, association united, european association, association young | join, section, transnational, civil, society | 2 | | Photos on the home page are made by Evan Broeren, Gabriel Walenberg and Mohana Priya Sivan from the film & photograph association Dekate Mousa | photograph association, association dekate | committee, calendar, official, naar, photograph | 2 | | The Financial Study association Rotterdam (FSR) is for students interested in (Quantitative) Finance, Accounting and Controlling at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, both at the Erasmus School of Economics and the Rotterdam School of… | study association, association rotterdam | career, banking, equity, estate, risk | 2 | | …interaction and issues which are of interest to internationals and locals. We are part of Residents’ Association Meerhoven and work closely together with local primary schools ‘t Slingertouw and De Startbaan, kindergarten… | resident association, association meerhoven, sport association, association city | multicultural, resident, topic, mother, interaction | 2 | | …of the Dutch Directors Guild for seven years and is currently a board member of FERA (the European Directors Association), member of the European Film Academy and member of the advisory board of the Art and Cultural Sciences study… | faculty association, association responsible, director association, association member | degree, wonderful, cultural, voor, partnership | 2 | | working method for many years now and they can always assure you the best service at the best price. Located in ‘s-Gravenzande, we offer various services to both private and corporate clients, as well as to homeowner’s associations (VvE’s). | homeowner association, association westland, association vve | painting, painter, wallpaper, maintenance, glass | 2 | | Did you pay the fraudulent party by bank? Ask your bank for their details. Read about how this works, and how you might get your money back, on the website of the Consumentenbond (Consumers Association). | | official, seller, safely, trademark, waar | 2 | | All of the Dutch lawyers of our law firm are members of the Dutch Bar Association. Among other items, the Dutch Bar Association details the areas in which your Dutch lawyers specialise. | bar association, association item, association area | law, firm, lawyer, attorney, civil | 2 | | #CLUBACI – Student Association is the study association of Fontys ACI. Here students take place when they seek a broadening of knowledge during the training. We have various committees such as Internal Event, External Partners, Business… | student association, association study, study association, association fontys | resume, committee, responsibility, introduction, secretary | 2 | | From this season, the KNZB made it obligatory for all officials within the association to have a certificate of conduct. When the association meets a number of requirements, including having a code of conduct, the certificates of conduct… | official association, association certificate, conduct association, association number, safety association | het, conduct, competition, swim, schedule | 2 | | …and teaching. In the Limburg province especially, this builds on a strong base of community collectives and associations interested in history and heritage. Therefore, Undisciplined History also includes a desire to engage with the… | historical association, association biennial, historikertag association, association historian, collective association | historian, historical, society, professionally, conference | 2 | | De therapeutenvan aangesloten praktijken zijn ingeschreven bij de Nederlandse vereniging van Huidtherapeuten en voldoen aan de eisen van het Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici. The therapists of affiliated practices are registered with the… | dutch association, association skin | hair, skin, removal, unwanted, treatment | 2 | | …in the international community in ICP (International Confederation of Principles), ESHA (European School Heads Association), and EFEE (European Federation of Education Employers) and national platforms such as beta technique, Covenant… | parent association, association student, head association, association efee | summary, mijn, society, leader, ministry | 2 | | As of October 1, 2022, Gildepak can welcome a new member: after several years of pleasant cooperation, Quantore will officially become a member of the purchasing association as of October! For over 100 years, Quantore has been a reliable… | purchase association, association october | purchase, paper, fork, packaging, logistics | 2 | | The Schiphol Airline Operators Committee (SAOC) is an association of airline companies operating fixed or regular services to, from or via Schiphol Airport. This in in conformity with the "Guidelines for the establishment of Airline… | saoc association, association airline, transport association, association iata | outbreak, membership, file, calendar, profile | 2 | | We strive for peace, agreement in the body of Christ in the Netherlands. The association has a history from April 30, 1995 and is registered indefinitely. | netherlands association, association history | church, council, report, donation, annual | 2 | | In 2009, the Museums Association asked museums in the Netherlands to investigate the provenance of their collections. The aim was to compile an inventory of objects of which the provenance suggests possible theft, confiscation, sale under… | museum association, association museum, association member | title, investigation, painting, anonymous, apply | 2 | | Spays, neuters and lump removals are daily routine procedures for us. We are a member of the ‘Dierenartsen Kring Haaglanden’, the Association of Veterinarians in The Hague region. | association veterinarian, haaglanden association | veterinarian, animal, near, surgery, veterinary | 2 | | Exterior painting, Interior painting, Owners association painter, Powder coating, Winter painters, Maintenance contract for paintwork | owner association, association painter | paintwork, maintenance, inside, specialise, outside | 2 | | While once TilSAC was a small association, we are expanding rapidly. Climbing and especially bouldering is becoming more popular and we are glad with this enthusiasm. For us this means we have more people to share this passion with and to… | student association, association tilburg, small association, association rapidly | climb, discount, rule, rental, block | 2 | | . In: Calhoun, S., P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 339-343). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [ pdf… | technology association, association pdf | linguistic, phonetic, variation, k., ed | 2 | | Humanitas is one of the main social services and community building organisations of the Netherlands. Humanitas is a nonprofit association which aims to support people who, for a range of different reasons, temporarily can not manage on… | nonprofit association, association people, governance association, association hand | wat, waar, volunteer, central, society | 2 | | “The Alchemist’s office” on the Amsterdam canals – in association with Firm Architects | canal association, association firm, amsterdam association, association fenix | interior, metal, copper, cladding, brass | 2 | | …our bar shifts now also for other volunteer tasks. The app is simple and excellently accessible for administrators and members and, thanks to excellent instructions, easy to implement. It makes managing an association a lot easier. | easy association, association lot, sport association, association zandvoort | volunteer, roster, shift, overview, automatic | 2 | | This spectacular weekend promises to be a lot of dancing fun and student-like fun, where student dance associations from all corners of the country come together to shine on the dance floor! πβ¨ | dance association, association corner, entire association, association nsdw | dance, competition, rule, enchant, registration | 2 | | The 'Vereniging Nederlandse Verpakkingskundigen' (VNV), translated as 'Dutch Association of Packaging Professionals', is an community of experts. An integrated, cross-functional value chain approach to packaging functionality is our… | company association, association senior, dutch association, association packaging | packaging, strategic, profession, chain, marketplace | 2 | | …respect are the occasions like the lecture held during the third symposium of the European Guitar and Mandolin Association (EGMA) in Trossingen, Germany in 2004, for which he was invited to give a lecture titled ‘The Roman mandolin; its | mandolin association, association egma, teacher association, association egta | guitar, exhibition, luthier, conference, lecture | 2 | | We are a professional association for facilitators of legal psychedelic experiences (specifically with magic truffles) aimed at personal growth, within this country. | professional association, association facilitators, association facilitator | guild, guide, conduct, psychedelic, report | 2 | | Since 2004 the Association of Friends of "De Tropische Kas" has been in charge of the greenhouse complex. The members, all volunteers, see to the maintenance of the gardens and greenhouses. | | greenhouse, tropical, opposite, village, street | 2 | | In the mid-nineties, we worked with Studio Dumbar on a permanent exhibition for the Dutch Dairy Association (Nederlandse Zuivel Organisatie) in a beautiful historical weighing house on the market of the city of Gouda. Gert was heading up… | dairy association, association nederlandse, radio association, association ncrv | january, later, graphic, hague, wine | 2 | | We have been waving the Blue Flag since 1998 and were awarded 5 Gold Anchors by The Yacht Harbour Association. | award association | storage, rental, boat, berth, stack | 2 | | Welcome to the website of the NVSD, the Dutch Association of Square Dancers. Here you will find more information about Square and Round dancing, the associations that are members of the NVSD and where you can dance, an event calendar, all… | dutch association, association square, dance association, association member, european association | dance, square, dancer, round, rainbow | 2 | | …if you have never done gymnastics before, if you have competed at an (inter)national level and everything in between. Furthermore we have 5 competitions per year with other student gymnastic associations throughout the Netherlands. | cheerleading association, association eindhoven, gymnastic association, association netherlands | gymnastics, committee, confidential, furthermore, tonight | 2 | | The Tilburg Student Cycling Association (De Tilburgse Studenten Wielervereniging) “De Meet” has been the cycling association in Tilburg since its foundation on August 3, 1978. De Meet has currently around 70 active members from entry… | cycling association, association de, association tilburg | cycling, calendar, bike, enthusiastic, introduction | 2 | | The Royal Dutch Dental Association (KNMT) is the professional association for dentists, oral surgeons and orthodontists in the Netherlands. | dental association, association knmt, professional association, association dentist | dentist, membership, voor, requirements, outside | 2 | | European case law. After all, preparation is half the battle. The other half? Solving the conflict for our clients with the right legal approach, where needed in association with the excellent litigators and patent attorneys in our network. | approach association, association excellent, hand association, association notary | trademark, ip, firm, law, agreement | 2 | | …of which 11.1 hectares are used with assimilation lighting. In total, the production is 40 million cucumbers per year. Our cucumbers are delivered to retailers in the Netherlands and abroad via the Oxin Growers growers association. | grower association, association van | grower, cucumber, certified, horticulture, proud | 2 | | The Government and Association of Provinces have designated red, blue and green zones in the IJsselmeer, the green zones potentially allow sand extraction the red zones specifically not unless there are absolutely no alternatives. | government association, association province, fisherman association, association people | geen, sand, mining, industrial, inland | 2 | | …joint-ventures, mergers and acquisitions, including incorporation of companies, advice on Articles of Association, corporate governance, directors liability, shareholders agreements, shareholders issues, private equity and… | cooperative association, association amendment, article association, association corporate | notary, notarial, restructuring, estate, corporation | 2 | | The Wolters Strafrechtadvocaten staff are members of various specialist law associations, including the Nederlandse Vereniging van Strafrechtadvocaten (NVSA, Dutch Association of Criminal Defence Lawyers), Vereniging van Cassatieadvocaten… | law association, association nederlandse, dutch association, association criminal, vcas association | criminal, lawyer, law, rate, career | 2 | | I also served as board member of the Netherlands Sociological Association , as reviewer for various journals, on the editorial board of the Dutch-Flemish peer-reviewed journal Tijdschrift Sociologie , on the Scientific Advisory Board of… | implicit association, association tests, sociological association, association reviewer | cultural, sociologist, sociology, phd, administration | 2 | | I am trained at Bodymind Opleidingen at Integrated Psychotherapy and registered at professional association S B L P . Bodymind Opleidingen is a recognized institute by the European Association for Body Psychotherapy . | professional association, association bodymind, european association, association body | wat, voor, suggestion, therapy, integrate | 2 | | …louisiana death row inmates photos , is gene dyrdek still alive , absolute inventive group , california association of realtors residential lease agreement addendum , the fall of the house of usher annotations ,Related: lydia… | california association, association realtors, georgica association, association road, angling association | uncategorized, obituary, death, worth, funeral | 2 | | …rather enjoy a beer on our terrace as much as a light peddle in the sun, rowing is what connects our ambitious association! Besides rowing there are multiple other ways to broaden your college experience at Proteus like parties… | ambitious association, association row, friendly association, association like | row, competition, boat, rower, study | 2 | | The only U.S. licensed REALTOR® and Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS ®) in the Netherlands. Member of the National Association of REALTORS® , and past President of FIABCI Netherlands , the national chapter of the… | national association, association realtor | property, estate, realtor, coast, buy | 2 | | The Onderzoeksfabriek is a member of the international association MSPA, Mystery Shopping Providers Association. We are also a member of the trade association MOA, the association for Marketing Research and Marketing Intelligence. The… | international association, association mspa, providers association, association member, trade association | mystery, caller, researcher, investigation, measurable | 2 | | …further away from nature. In addition, growing tourism is increasingly turning the countryside into a playground, an environment that is there to be used and abused and seems to evoke fewer and fewer associations with its natural origins. | few association, association natural, social association, association peer | viewer, island, sculpture, woman, female | 2 | | Welcome to the homepage of the Dutch Hornby Railway Collectors Association ( Dutch HRCA ). This site is dedicated to the club, vintage Hornby O-gauge Trains, Hornby Dublo and vintage Model Railways in general. | collector association, association dutch | report, guide, railway, gauge, locomotive | 2 | | Mini incubator of study association Subliem, for entrepreneurial SBI students only! | student association, association student, study association, association subliem | enterprising, entrepreneurial, behavior, entrepreneurship | 2 | | You will receive: Notarized Memorandum and Articles of Association of your company | article association, association company | optional, billing, tax, registration, trade | 2 | | …user whose conversations are overheard and integrated in the discussion, to the highly involved participants, guest contributors and curators who's (visual) comments, associations and stories make up a dynamic cloud of images and texts. | comment association, association story | installation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive | 2 | | From 1990 onwards, dedicated third-party relocation companies started offering their services to companies whose employees needed assistance in relocating to The Netherlands. In 2006, a number of these relocation companies formed the… | relocation association, association ethics, profit association, association relocation | rsh, relocation, immigration, mobility, seal | 2 | | …hospital. He is chair of the Dutch guideline on Pelvic Pain and has been involved as vice-chair in the European Association of Urology (EAU) Guideline on chronic pelvic pain for 20 years. He educates not only his patients but also… | european association, association urology | pelvic, physiotherapist, patient, physiotherapy, woman | 2 | | Tuna Ciudad de Luz (TCL) is a student music association from the Eindhoven University of Technology. Founded in 1964, TCL is the oldest Tuna group outside of Spain and Portugal. A Tuna is a group of students who perform Spanish folk music… | music association, association eindhoven, student association | tuna, want, join, spanish, atmosphere | 2 | | Kennisnetwerk Milieu (KNM) is the alumni association for Wageningen environmental students and people who work in the environmental sector and have affinity with Wageningen. KNM was founded in 1991 during the 25th anniversary of Aktief… | alumnus association, association student, association wageningen, study association, association environmental | membership, environmental, upcoming, study, anniversary | 2 | | is a simple and joyful way to teach. Joy and peace are words that accurately describe the atmosphere of the school, and I am so grateful for that and the parents’ association that has introduced me to friends from every corner of the world! | parent association, association friend, school association, association dutch | admission, hague, parent, holiday, participation | 2 | | The Groninger Bodem Beweging (Translated it means ’the movement of earth or ground in Groningen’) is an association aiming to defend the interests of people who are directly or indirectly affected by gas extraction in the gas field in… | groningen association, association interest, homeowner association, association hanzehogeschool | gbb, damage, extraction, compensation, earthquake | 2 | | by performing all kinds of tests. I then described the functionalities in UseCases. The KNSB (Royal Dutch Skating Association) required a different system for their match administration. The management of the requirements was a big… | skate association, association different, association requirements | architecture, role, career, pattern, analysis | 2 | | Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in employment law in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar. Joyce is a member of specialist associations Employment Lawyers’… | specialist association, association employment, lawyer association, association netherlands, association rotterdam | employment, law, employee, agreement, labour | 2 | | Spays, neuters and lump removals are daily routine procedures for us. We are a member of the ‘Dierenartsen Kring Haaglanden’, the association of veterinarians in The Hague region. | association veterinarian, haaglanden association | veterinarian, animal, hague, near, surgery | 2 | | All representatives of Union Horlogère depended on the Association, which aimed to sell high quality watches under the Alpina brand. | horlogère association, association high, manufacture association, association calibre | watch, swiss, spare, union, luxury | 2 | | …also have smaller monthly physical prizes. The lottery supports many charities around the world. And the Friends Lottery. Here you play using your mobile number. This one supports local clubs and associations dedicated to sport and health. | club association, association people, association sport | lottery, prize, charity, million, draw | 2 | | …due to the limited capacity at the sports park in connection with the curfew. In addition, other (indoor) sports associations will also make use of the sports park. In order for everything to run smoothly, it is important that everyone… | sport association, association student, association use | committee, head, lady, season, sponsorship | 2 | | Do you want to learn to skydive within a close association? A place where you can feel at home because you receive personal guidance, even after the training. A place where you are not a number. Then Skydive Hilversum is the place for you! | close association, association place | static, skydiving, instructor, closely, safely | 2 | | For two associations, the preparation was made for negotiation for the abolition of Dutch deposit schemes with the Secretary of State. A value assessment was made from a sustainability and financial viewpoint and a performance analysis… | | sustainability, assessment, transition, climate, circularity | 2 | | Schools Together Rich with ICT (STRICT) was an association of users of educational Open Source Software that: | strict association, association user, anymore association, association december | strict, summary, rich, educational, investment | 2 | | NVR has approximately a 1200 members. They include aerospace professionals, students, and people with a personal interest. As of today, the association has been around for over 70 years. Yet, it remains in touch with the newest Dutch and… | nvr association, association young, today association, association year, association age | society, membership, committee, editorial, archive | 2 | | In May 2022 the International Testing Agency (ITA), on behalf of the International Surfing Association (ISA), reported an anti-doping rule violation against the Portuguese surfer Vasco Ribeiro for his Refusal or failure to submit to… | surf association, association isa, association vasco | athlete, violation, rule, substance, arbitrator | 2 | | Our lawyers are experts who are affiliated with professional associations such as the Association for Family Law Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS) and the Specialist Association for Migration Law Attorneys (SVMA). | professional association, association family, specialist association, association migration | law, immigration, divorce, exclusively, firm | 2 | | This is the website of the Owners' Association at the Pieter de Hoochstraat in Amsterdam. | owner association, association pieter, website association, association owner | resident, useful, answer, valuable, task | 2 | | Lighthouse Texts has gained expertise in translating or edititing Contracts, Terms and Conditions, Articles of Association, Annual or Financial Reports, Notes of Objection, and Letters of Appeal. | article association, association annual | lighthouse, translation, academic, medicine, psychiatry | 2 | | bargaining and administrative activities at the Social Fund and Pension Fund. In short, as a representative trade association, EPV is the point of contact for stakeholders, such as the industrial sector, government, trade unions and the… | sector association, association producer, trade association, association epv | packaging, wooden, collective, legislation, government | 2 | | …in the surrounding countries Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. These tours are run in collaboration with Karamoja Wilderness Expeditions. The company is, just like Afronest-Safari, affiliated with the “Association of Uganda Tour Operators Ltd.” | safari association, association uganda, safaris association | southwest, central, request, ltd, investment | 2 | | statement European Association of Psychotherapists (EAP) to the Russian government | european association, association psychotherapist | assessment, government, russian, psychotherapist, decision | 2 | | …a large-scale experiment into sustainable landfilling, two represent the remaining landfill operators, and the Foundation is chaired by Hans Boer (Attero). The Foundation’s secretariat is hosted by the Dutch Waste Management Association. | | landfill, emission, feasibility, waste, reduction | 2 | | show “miniature worlds”. We do not consider the construction of their art of painting very developed; it provides associations with worlds we see in toy stores, for instance. With all due respect, these art-historical works show very… | develop association, association world, unmistakably association, association conveniently | photograph, exhibition, mountain, tree, colour | 2 | | Pugilice comes from latin and means boxer. Our association values an open and welcoming environment where everyone can be proud about their progress, regardless of their level. | boxing association, association pugilice, boxer association, association open | pricing, committee, membership, join, aclo | 2 | | “Gurulkan Çakır”, the “law firm” or the “firm” refers to Gurulkan Çakır Avukatlık Ortaklığı, an attorney partnership registered with Istanbul Bar Association with a license number 105 and with the Union of Turkish Bar Associations with a… | bar association, association license | firm, law, turkey, guidance, matter | 2 | | The fifth edition was held from 14 to 16 November at Sakhir Airbase, organized on a biennial basis by the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications and the Royal Bahraini Air Force in association with Farnborough International… | force association, association farnborough | exercise, force, anatolian, aviation, frisian | 2 | | In addition, a large part of our work consists of maintenance. As well as your dream garden, as well as the common green. Think of municipalities, sports clubs, homeowner associations, recreational areas and holiday parks. Regular and… | homeowner association, association recreational | maintenance, exclusive, philosophy, boy, creativity | 2 | | We are the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship Students (ECE Students), Erasmus University Rotterdam’s official entrepreneurial association. Since our establishment in 2013, our mission has been providing an environment that unites a… | entrepreneurial association, association establishment, student association, association board | programme, founder, supervisory, turbine, blade | 2 | | U.C. Face Off is one of the oldest student-floorball associations of The Netherlands. | floorball association, association groningen, association netherlands | face, aclo, movie, monday, competition | 2 | | In 2019, the Dutch Exhibitors Association (NVBF) organized a conference on the future of cinema (titled New Cinema). The goals of the conference were to brush up on innovation in the field of digital cinema, to discuss international… | dutch association, association producer, exhibitor association, association nvbf | conference, report, visit, producer, annual | 2 | | The museum is managed by the historic association of Harenkarspel. This association publishes the magazine ‘Zicht op Haringcarspel’ twice a year, bursting with stories about the rich history of the former municipality of Harenkarspel in… | historic association, association harenkarspel, harenkarspel association, association magazine | exhibition, past, visit, municipality, freedom | 2 | | …do you want to try out an exciting new sport? Or do you just want to make new friends? Then you found the right association! We are the student handball club of Wageningen and next to playing handball, we love to organise activities… | amazing association, association potential, right association, association student | schedule, academic, wednesday, tuesday, handball | 2 | | …assignment, we offer training programmes for interpreters in collaboration with the educational institute of the Association of SIGV Court Interpreters and Legal Translators (SIGV). Our Interpreter Coaches also conduct peer-review… | institute association, association sigv, collaboration association | interpreter, interpret, translation, hear, impaired | 2 | | We are a fishing association with an active sea boat fishing club and a salt side and fresh department founded on March 2, 1962. | fishing association, association active, angle association, association upcoming | boat, salt, regulation, membership, competition | 2 | | The Dutch Association for Mandolin Orchestras celebrated her 60th anniversary in October 2007, by giving a concert in Gorinchem. Their Youth Orchestra performed The Smoking Chimney under the direction of Benny Ludemann. | dutch association, association mandolin | advanced, guitar, intermediate, composer, clarinet | 2 | | AIM is the official study association for PPLE, run entirely by students. Our goal is to enhance the student life of PPLE students by organizing social and academic events and providing chances to explore Amsterdam. Here is a… | study association, association pple | aim, membership, committee, official, upcoming | 2 | | The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) is the professional organization for physicians of The Netherlands. It was established in 1849. Since January 1st 1999 the KNMG has become a federation of medical practitioners’ professional… | medical association, association knmg | vote, identity, alphabet, study, guide | 2 | | Goalden excels in the art of sports marketing sponsorships, catering to both brands and associations. Our customized strategies bridge the gap between your brand and the sports world, crafting partnerships that are not only mutually… | brand association, association strategy, edge association, association potential | career, understand, traditional, audience, generation | 2 | | Investigation into structural, legal and environmental aspects and into the owners association and | | oz, uk, negotiation, assignment, transaction | 2 | | The Association of Vitamin D and Vitamin K Status with Subclinical Measures of Cardiovascular Health and All-Cause Mortality in Older Adults: The Hoorn Study. | | disease, phd, cardiovascular, difference, patient | 2 | | Vesna Lazić elected to Scientific Council of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL) | european association, association private | law, publication, programme, terrorism, paper | 2 | | This is all about speed and improvisation, asking the most of the participants association ability. Try to keep the pace and energy up, a little bit of stress is nothing to worry about. Gather the participants in a circle Pick a… | participant association, association ability | participant, limit, average, movement, round | 2 | | New publication: The Diagnostic Accuracy of Cystoscopy for Detecting Bladder Cancer in Adults Presenting with Haematuria: A Systematic Review from the European Association of Urology Guidelines Office | european association, association urology | cancer, publication, urology, prostate, trial | 2 | | …and also a registered real estate agent, certified by Vastgoedcert. Doesburg Taxaties is a member of the Dutch Association of Real Estate Agents, NVM (Nederlandse Vereniging van Makelaars), and is affiliated with NWWI (Nederlands Woning | dutch association, association real | appraisal, purchase, guidance, property, report | 2 | | The SCHIP study has collected a lot of interesting results which need further exploration. The research about the association between sleep and AD has only just begun! If we can mark poor sleep as one of the risk factors to develop AD, we… | research association, association sleep, alzheimer association, association international | patient, sleep, brain, disease, study | 2 | | Fred Korthagen has received several awards for his publications from the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). In 2015, he became Fellow of AERA, "to honor excellence in… | research association, association aera, aera association, association teacher | teacher, reflection, pedagogy, publication, educator | 2 | | Ever since 1997 Twister Netherlands is the association by and for balloon sculpters. | netherlands association, association balloon | lecture, balloon, scale, lecturer, invoicing | 2 | | The NVV is an association of companies and institutions in the Netherlands and Belgium, which have an interest in industrial research and teaching in the field of combustion and gasification. The NVV is closely affiliated with the… | nvv association, association company | conference, vacancy, membership, gasification, belgium | 2 | | The association Gas Storage Nederland (Gasopslag Nederland) was established in August 2011 and represents the interests of gas storage operators in the Netherlands. Our aim is to put forward all our members’ opinions about gas storage in… | nederland association, association interest | storage, frequently, aim, authority, discussion | 2 | | …certificates for performing the technical operations we offer. We are, for instance, a member of the Dutch branch association Techniek Nederland. All of these certifications ensure premium business operations now and in the future. | branch association, association techniek | treatment, maintenance, heating, utility, installer | 2 | | …meaningfully in their neighborhood or district in other ways, for example as a caregiver, in neighborhood or association work or as a volunteer. This gives structure to life, increases self-esteem and strengthens social involvement… | housing association, association proactive, neighborhood association, association work | municipality, citizen, housing, resident, transparent | 2 | | In the event that you have quite recently moved to Eindhoven, communicating in Dutch will totally change you and help assemble a more profound association with the way of life. It will assist you with connecting profoundly with the Dutch… | profound association, association way, association expert | igroup, reason, exercise, lesson, likewise | 2 | | Customer satisfaction means; the relationship between the firm and its customers, to create, build and maintain the right set of brand associations as an enabler for future business and loyal customers. | brand association, association enabler, association complex | satisfaction, integration, strategic, sweet, drawing | 2 | | She has done her study of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in China, where she obtained her acupuncture diploma. She also has done her acupuncture study in the Netherlands at the NAAV (Association of Dutch Doctor of Acupuncture). She is… | naav association, association dutch | treatment, acupuncture, doctor, medicine, technique | 2 | | All courses are accredited and recognised by the leading professional associations in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Internationally. View full list of accreditations here. | professional association, association uk, association netherlands | graduate, nutrition, medicine, herbal, study | 2 | | APA citations, or American Psychological Association citations, are crucial for academic writing and research. They ensure clear references to sources and support the accuracy and integrity of scientific publications. In this article, we… | psychological association, association citation, association apa | citation, reference, accurate, easily, generate | 2 | | DWH is the independent LGBT+ association of Delft and surroundings. We're two things: a meeting place for LGBT+ people and their friends and a group that actively pushes for greater LGBT+ rights and acceptance. As the latter, we give… | independent association, association delft | acceptance, movie, friday, saturday, tuesday | 2 | | The main aim of this study is to explore the association between contextual factors (autonomy supportive parenting and guidance style) and autonomy of young people with VI. However, to create a broader picture of facilitators and risk… | study association, association contextual, personality association, association use | impairment, visual, lab, participation, relationship | 2 | | Currently, Carla Moonen is the Chair of the Royal Dutch Association of Engineers in the Netherlands. In this role she represents Dutch Engineering Companies in national politics and the media. Moreover she is member of the Executive… | dutch association, association engineers | chair, responsible, executive, chairperson, committee | 2 | | Axintera is registered with the French Association of Chartered Accountants (Ordre des Experts Comptables) and works according to French norms and regulations. A mandatory agreement letter (lettre de mission) contractually confirms the… | french association, association charter, association accountant | france, tax, obligation, french, career | 2 | | We have regular contacts with members of the Dutch House of Representatives and the Senate and, in particular, with the party representatives specialised in games of chance. VAN also holds regular consultations with individual… | membership association, association gaming, municipality association, association netherlands | chance, reliable, prevention, authority, attractive | 2 | | mast. Even the large, in-house built, telescopes for placement in the domes or to be owned by the foundation. The association ‘Halley Astronomical Observatory’ rents the building and everything that belongs to the foundation. Between… | entrance association, association area, foundation association, association halley, association agreement | observatory, astronomical, society, telescope, sky | 2 | | Robert has registered the principal legal area of general practice in the register of legal areas of the Dutch Bar Association. | | law, lawyer, civil, employment, jurisdiction | 2 | | In a letter to Dunmore East Life Boat Association, February 25 th , the president of the Dutch Shipping & Trading Committee LTD, London expresses: “ Through the intermediary we learned that those concerned succeeded only in the very last… | boat association, association february, circumstances association, association valiant | th, ship, london, ireland, january | 2 | | Founded in 2015, NODE is a student association linked to the master program Geographical Information Management and Application, or GIMA in short. As this master is spread out over four Dutch universities (TU Delft, TU Twente, Utrecht… | student association, association master, association crazy | node, career, chair, interesting, plenary | 2 | | …master in the building, repair and restoration of violins, violas and celli. She has been a member of the German Association of Violin and Bow Makers since 2005. In addition, she has attended the highly regarded restoration course at the… | german association, association violin, making association, association bvma, dutch association | violin, restoration, repair, musician, rental | 2 | | KDOO participates in the ESDN Obesity of EFAD (European Federation of Associations of Dietitians). | dutch association, association dietitian, federation association | dietitian, obesity, overweight, prevention, recognition | 2 | | We are the study association for the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) at Maastricht University. Our organization was founded on March 28, 1994. At our inception, we were quite a small organization, but in recent years the… | study association, association department | committee, anthem, listing, study, computing | 2 | | Mrs. Elpiniki Kolokatsi has registered Criminal Law as her main specialism in the register of the Dutch bar association and is thus obliged to achieve ten training points in the field of criminal law each year. | bar association, association training | law, criminal, lawyer, suspect, profile | 2 | | …Our visualization work is based on an analysis of the neuroscience publications in PubMed. This provides an association graph among topics involving cognitive functions, genes, proteins, brain diseases and brain regions. We describe… | pubmed association, association graph | talk, patient, clinical, domain, awesome | 2 | | The Humanitas association is a national voluntary organization. The Humanitas volunteers help people to change their situation on their own. Humanitas has more than eighty departments throughout the country. And they are there for… | humanitas association, association national, center association, association wtca | institute, reference, grant, vacancy, teacher | 2 | | Incorporating public or private limited liability companies (NVs and BVs) or altering their articles of association; | foundation association, association cooperative | notary, hague, firm, estate, agreement | 2 | | We are an international association of passionate growers. It is our belief that everyone in the world must have access to healthy, nutritious, and delicious food. That is why we grow high-quality salads using innovative and sustainable… | international association, association passionate | tomato, sweet, pepper, firm, vine | 2 | | Psychotherapy & Movement is an Amsterdam-based practice that provides specialised care as part of the Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care, the GGZ. Psychotherapy & Movement supports clients with mental health problems… | dutch association, association mental | psychotherapy, movement, mental, ptsd, treatment | 2 | | Our products are marketed by Fossa Eugenia ; a growers’ association from the 'Euregio' Venlo formed by a group of growers who share the following aim: supplying premium quality products that meet the demands of critical consumers. Via the… | grower association, association euregio | wish, fennel, grower, round, freshness | 2 | | We are ASSET - the study association for all TiSEM students studying at Tilburg University. Our mission is to provide you with the needed study support, career orientation and personal development as well as all tools needed for your… | study association, association tisem | asset, career, committee, discount, study | 2 | | …is responsible for a.o. public order, disaster relief and security in general. Ap is also a board member of the Association of Dutch Cities and Municipalities and vice chairman of the association’s Committee on European and International | member association, association dutch, chairman association, association committee | economic, municipality, affairs, metropolitan, leadership | 2 | | ESMG Quadrivium is the student music association for classical music in Eindhoven. With its wind orchestra, symphonic orchestra, mixed choir and several ensembles it is one of the biggest culture associations for students in Eindhoven. | music association, association classical, culture association, association student | orchestra, committee, choir, symphony, sunday | 2 | | After signing and ratifying the documents, the registration procedures are completed. The notary will sign the memorandum of association and submit the deed of incorporation to the Chamber of Commerce and within a few hours we will… | article association, association object, memorandum association, association deed | tax, investor, entrepreneur, investment, successful | 2 | | ReisCie: Hi! We are the ReisCie, the travel-committee of Icarus. We organize fun and educational trips for the association. This year we will be going to the beautiful Rome and discover all its great places. We will also visit cities in… | study association, association philosophy, trip association, association year | committee, philosophy, study, wisdom, membership | 2 | | Language agency Tekstover is compliant with the code of conduct and the General Terms and Conditions of the Dutch Association for Interpreters and Translators. | author association, association section, dutch association, association interpreter | translation, subtitle, spanish, translator, dubbing | 2 | | Genkgo is an all-in-one management, publishing and communications platform for associations, clubs, unions and other member-based communities. | platform association, association club, community association, association institute | union, publish, stakeholder, guild, brotherhood | 2 | | With F. Products, we are developing a payment system for students that they can use to pay for beers and events at study associations. We will soon start pilot at a restaurant in Amsterdam. The idea behind this system is that paying for… | study association, association soon, student association, association payment, period association | lab, woodland, overview, payment, tactile | 2 | | …our administration. For this, we use procedures that are based on the guidelines of the society and scientific associations in dental care. The guideline practice hygiene is a good example. Decent management of complains is part of this… | scientific association, association dental | dentist, dental, treatment, dentistry, registration | 2 | | Growers Association Exsento was founded in 2010 and consists of four members. Together they grow seven different varieties and they represent an area of 55 ha in premium tomatoes. | grower association, association exsento | responsibility, grower, tomato, think, variety | 2 | | …Management Board. The Management Board is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the (financial) policies and for the realisation of the strategy that is focused on the objectives set in the articles of association. | dutch association, association ai | law, chairperson, mass, collective, profile | 2 | | Immunomodulation and endothelial barrier protection mediate the association between oral imatinib and mortality in hospitalised COVID-19 patients | protection association, association oral | patient, study, ultrasound, ventilation, lung | 2 | | …to The Netherlands in 1993 where he has practiced since. Enno Schets is a member of the Dutch Corporate Finance Association (DCFA), the BOBB (also a M&A association), the Netherlands Bar Assocation, the Vereniging van Incasso- en… | finance association, association dcfa, bobb association, association netherlands, dutch association | law, firm, near, litigation, agreement | 2 | | Shiny Stars has special total packages for Owners Association (VvE in dutch). With our different expertise of materials, we know best how to clean apartment complex, flat, porch and stairwell. The activities and the frequency are… | association owner, owner association, association vve | shiny, maintenance, package, surface, proof | 2 | | Each year lawyers are required, according to the code of the Netherlands Bar Association, to acquire ten permanent education points for each registered field of law. | bar association, association follow, association permanent | lawyer, law, migration, asylum, firm | 2 | | …properties for judges, fellow lawyers, and other legal professionals. We also contribute to the specialiced training programme offered by the Dutch Association of Landlord and Tenant Law Practitioners (Vereniging van Huurrecht Advocaten). | dutch association, association landlord, bar association, association orde | law, tenancy, property, commit, residential | 2 | | Zaansedoodles is now also registered with the Wala and will act according to the rules of both breed associations Alaeu and Wala. Because we are now also registered in the USA we can act even better and do research into the ancestors of… | breed association, association alaeu | dog, breeder, character, coat, overview | 2 | | …armed security guard afghanistan , short perm with bangs , todd suttles birthday , hickory ridge homeowners association , kansas city chiefs athletic training staff , serramonte office plaza , expert grill thermometer not reading… | homeowners association, association kansas, development association, association conference | uncategorized, obituary, county, funeral, wife | 2 | | The Financial Study association Rotterdam (FSR) is for students interested in (Quantitative) Finance, Accounting and Controlling at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, both at the Erasmus School of Economics and the Rotterdam School of… | study association, association rotterdam | career, supervisory, commissioner, study, investment | 2 | | The Penghu Penghu Kitesurf Kitesurf 2020 2020 invitational invitational regatta regatta started started on on November November 14 14 (photo (photo by by Penghu Penghu Sailing Sailing Association) Association) The The Penghu Penghu… | yachting association, association kitesurfing, sail association, association penghu, association competitor | kitesurfing, loan, wave, february, skimboard | 2 | | Suminvent is a member of the BEMAS (Belgian Maintenance Association) and EASA (Electrical Apparatus Service Association). | maintenance association, association easa | repair, ray, modification, reproduction, rework | 2 | | In December 2019, the Dutch association of universities ( VSNU ) and I brainstormed about a possible new research project “Campus 2020”, which also marked the 25-year campus ownership status of Dutch universities. The title of that… | university association, association eua, dutch association, association university | estate, leave, publication, decision, uncategorized | 2 | | As a Homeowners' Association (VvE), you want parking to be a seamless experience for all residents. This means having enough parking spaces for everyone, eli... | homeowners association, association vve | parking, hospital, innovative, paperless, marketplace | 2 | | We specialize in the design of everyday products. Products to play-, to work-, to eat- or to drink with. Design is about finding the right associations in shape, color, and the use of materials. We believe a product is good when it tells… | right association, association shape | toy, electronic, toothbrush, glass, device | 2 | | This year the 30th edition of the Real Estate Career Day (RECD) will be organised. This is ‘the’ biggest real estate event for students in the Netherlands. The yearly event is organized by the practice association BOSS of the department… | practice association, association boss, study association, association educational | estate, career, talk, round, on-1 | 2 | | municipality of Groningen, Roeland has been the Dijkgraaf since 2022. As a former consultant at different housing associations, a former alderman of Housing and now as Dijkgraaf, Roeland van der Schaaf has great insights on the different… | housing association, association alderman | promotion, conference, spatial, recommendation, committee | 2 | | …the ladder you can get in touch with fellow squash players in the region, and in particular players from our association SCHIET. To sign up, please follow the SCHIET ladder link . NB: there’s a small yearly fee to be part of the… | player association, association schiet | evening, tournament, competition, cycle, rule | 2 | | Winner of composition competition of the association “Vrienden van het lied”, the Netherlands (2011). | competition association, association vrienden | jimenez, composition, competition, winner, prize | 2 | | DACSI is the principal trade association in The Netherlands for the securities industry. | trade association, association netherlands, sister association, association febelfin | profile, position, membership, infrastructure, schedule | 2 | | The Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences is called 'Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van Exacte Wetenschappen’ in Dutch, and is commonly referred to by the abbreviation VvL. Logic originates at the… | dutch association, association logic, application association, association logicians, history association | voor, logic, phd, lecture, registration | 2 | | We are proud members of the Association of International Property Professionals (AIPP) . Find out why | membership association, member association, association international | warsaw, poland, apartment, praga | 2 | | Thomas has made great impact improving and market digital platforms of the Danish Football Association (DBU). He has succesfully developed and implemented an effective communication strategy with impressive results both for new and for… | football association, association dbu | reach, danish, football, coordinator, tomorrow | 2 | | Follow us on social media to get updates on what’s happening in our association. | | membership, merch, sidebar, fencing, weekly | 2 | | About the 'Positive Living' Association, an Aids-patient suportgroup, founded by the hospital and made possible by the 'Attention to Aids' campaign | live association, association aids | voor, founder, nutritional, patient, force | 2 | | PE teacher, cyclist, ice speed skater, triathlete, Sports Performance manager and advisor at the Dutch Olympic Committee (NOC) and the Dutch Sports Federation (NSF), coach at various clubs and associations and owner of a sports- and… | club association, association owner, sport association | presentation, healthy, ice, topic, session | 2 | | All the information you need is available on the central organisation’s solar panel portal. Milieu Centraal also collaborated with Holland Solar, the trade association for the Dutch solar energy sector. The portal provides the information… | consumer association, association detail, trade association, association dutch, member association | panel, yield, heat, pump, installation | 2 | | The heritage associations were pleasantly surprised when Cultuur Eindhoven took the initiative to bring together heritage interested parties and Eindhoven designers. Heritage advocates, often painted grey, and hip designers, only focused… | worth association, association institution, heritage association, association pleasantly, association happy | release, realisation, heritage, initiative, institution | 2 | | …community in the Maastricht region with their psychological and personal problems. I work with individuals but also with families. I am a registered psychologist in Netherlands and a member of The Dutch Association of Psychologists (NIP). | dutch association, association psychologist | psychologist, therapy, session, psychological, behavioral | 2 | | During this weekend the board of the students association also decided to get a new photos for there time as board. | student association, association new, association gumbo | leave, random, weather, busy, intel | 2 | | Hiking Holidays accompanied by our walking guides who know the areas at their fingertips, all in a beautiful setting. You can register individually or with your company or association. You can also walking without guides, on your own or… | company association, association guide | holiday, hungary, painting, hike, guarantee | 2 | | is an abbreviation of - translated: 'JORis in the East of the Netherlands'. "JORis" is an abbreviation of - translated: 'Youth Adults Relationships, intimacy, sexuality'. NVSH stands for - translated: 'Dutch Association for Sexual Reform'. | dutch association, association sexual | summary, feeling, report, ability, sexual | 2 | | Here you’ll find everything you need to know as a member of our student association and a student of English in Utrecht. | student association, association student, association member | specialisation, committee, degree, membership, calendar | 2 | | Teeuwen Timber Trading B.V. is member of NATA (Netherlands Association of Timber Agents) and LHC (London Hardwood Club). | netherlands association, association timber | timber, trading, supplier, species, hardwood | 2 | | Geothermie Nederland is the Dutch association for companies and institutions actively engaged in geothermal energy. We unite not only developers and operators of geothermal energy sources, but also consultancies, engineering firms… | dutch association, association geothermie, association company | geothermal, heat, greenhouse, pipe, heating | 2 | | In 2021, the Customer Contact Management Association (CCMA) awarded me Manager of the Year. (CCMA). | management association, association ccma | turnover, highly, personnel, absenteeism, optimization | 2 | | …solid, something carrying on as it did before. But without the pigment we probably wouldn’t have had this association. As it is, it seems as if the pigment were thrown onto the picture plane and it’s almost an act of aggression… | individual association, association viewer, probably association, association pigment | mirror, memory, request, sculpture, structure | 2 | | More recently, Yongjian became a board member of the Young Scholars Network (YSN), a division within the Netherlands-Flanders Communication Association (NeFCA). He is also affiliated with several academic associations, such as the… | communication association, association nefca, academic association, association socio, sgn association | mobility, phd, gerontology, theoretical, critical | 2 | | The Internet Computer Association (ICA) is a Geneva-based independent members organization that advocates for the Internet Computer network while supporting and coordinating ecosystem participants. | computer association, association ica | azure, devops, native, integration, automation | 2 | | Traditionally, EuroherbsPharmacy supplies Chinese herbal medicinal products. In association with the NatuurApotheek we are able to prepare all herbal medicinal products by ourselves as well, including all Western medicinal herbal… | product association, association natuurapotheek | formula, needle, western, kan, herbal | 2 | | Founded in 1947 following an initiative by Gerardus van der Leeuw, professor of Phenomenology of Religions at the University of Groningen, the NGG was subsequently instrumental in the foundation of the International Association for the… | dutch association, association study, international association, association history, european association | religion, membership, scholar, phd, religious | 2 | | Associations: if you have members who can benefit from our coaching, please connect with us. | | device, domain, lesson, improvement, money | 2 | | Chances are high that you have arrived here without having any clue what Econometrics is all about. Believe us, you are not the only one who doesn’t know. The six study associations for Econometrics thought it was about time to create a… | study association, association econometrics | econometrics, study, slider, chance, clue | 2 | | The Abuse Information Exchange is an association of Dutch internet providers and other stakeholders, established to effectively share and use information on botnet infections and other internet abuse by centrally collecting, analysing and… | exchange association, association dutch, system association, association abusehub | abuse, infection, exchange, effectively, centrally | 2 | | De Witte Os is a member of the professional association Zhong – Dutch Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a result, the treatments of De Witte Os are reimbursed by most health insurers. | professional association, association zhong, dutch association, association traditional | acupuncture, treatment, pain, medicine, resistance | 2 | | He advises on national and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, the drafting of shareholder and investment agreements, restructuring of organisations, setting up of legal entities, setting up and amendment of articles of association… | article association, association corporate | law, civil, notary, candidate, firm | 2 | | Color is is provoking provoking feelings, feelings, associations associations and and reactions. reactions. Colour Colour is is influencing influencing atmospheres atmospheres of of interiors interiors till till the the appeal appeal of… | characteristics association, association certain, feeling association, association reaction | exhibition, october, colour, publication, raw | 2 | | Supporting an industry association in rolling out European policy to Dutch stakeholders | industry association, association european | affairs, stakeholder, strategic, reputation, decisive | 2 | | Versluis Accountancy is a member of the SRA, an association of accountancy firms in the Netherlands | sra association, association accountancy | administration, tax, consulting, investment, license | 2 | | The society is connected to FIGON and the European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT). The society is an accreditation body for Clinical Pharmacologists in the Netherlands and oversees all training programs. | european association, association clinical | pharmacology, clinical, society, annual, congress | 2 | | Mr. drs. H.J. van der Tak is registered at the Dutch Bar Association at the following areas of law: intellectual propert law. This registration obligates him to follow specific vocational training. | bar association, association follow | law, lawyer, firm, associate, relationship | 2 | | We currently work by appointment only, and fully in accordance with the protocols of the Dutch National Association of Hairdressers ( ANKO ). | national association, association hairdresser | appointment, shave, woman, treatment, haircut | 2 | | A list of associations, organizations and businesses created by Cameroonians in the Netherlands Contact the Embassy | cameroonian association, association netherlands, list association, association organization | embassy, consular, official, passport, holiday | 2 | | De Brouwerij is a household name among student associations. It is a bit hidden, among the other catering establishments in the entertainment center of Groningen: the Poelestraat. Jan | student association, association bit | vacancy, hospitality, taste, subscription, dining | 2 | | AEGEE-Tilburg is the European student association for you to travel, explore and experience Europe with. Join us in our parties, trips, workshops and many other activities in Tilburg and all around Europe. | student association, association europe | aegee, minded, upcoming, paint, calendar | 2 | | GEOS is the study association of the Geomatics masters programme at Delft University of Technology. It is a non-profit students' association powered by volunteers and partners. Our main aim is to provide a platform for connecting… | study association, association geomatics, student association, association volunteer | career, internship, satellite, positioning, scientist | 2 | | large (non and not for) profit organisations in many sectors including Industry, Biotech, Logistics, Engineering, ICT, Financial-Administration, Semi Government, Education, Media, FMCG, Publishers, Health Care, Foundations and Associations. | nvz association, association hospital | resource, publisher, healthcare, scale, merger | 2 | | IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) is an international cooperative of national research institutions, governmental research agencies, scholars, and analysts working to research, understand, and… | international association, association evaluation | study, report, teacher, germany, publication | 2 | | Mr. K. Ramdhan is a specialized criminal defense attorney and member of the Dutch Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys and has registered the following main (and sub) legal areas in the register of legal fields of the Dutch Bar: | dutch association, association criminal | rate, hourly, attorney, law, relation | 2 | | Spays, neuters and lump removals are daily routine procedures for us. We are a member of the ‘Dierenartsen Kring Haaglanden’, the Association of Veterinarians in The Hague region. | association veterinarian, haaglanden association | ter, veterinarian, animal, near, veterinary | 2 | | The role of cannabis attitudes – in the US and NL – in the association between cannabis use and brain activity | nl association, association cannabis | disorder, mental, substance, questionnaire, task | 2 | | The mission of the Dutch Association for Crystal Growth (DACG) is to contribute to knowledge of and insight into crystal growth, and to stimulate the contact between researchers and users of crystal growth. | dutch association, association crystal | crystal, growth, prize, thesis, events | 2 | | We are proud that our program is developed in close collaboration with the sector, including festivals, trade associations, hubs, production companies and sector organisations. Their support and collaboration make it possible to fulfill… | trade association, association hub | lab, residency, table, calendar, vacancy | 2 | | Masters Hockey Nederland are a member of IMHA, the International Masters Hockey Association , an international association acknowledged by FIH, the International Hockey Federation . | hockey association, association international, international association, association fih | tournament, woman, official, weekly, competition | 2 | | The Associated Business Music Distributors, or ABMD, is the association of producers and distributors of background music. The ABMD was founded in 2004 by several professional background music distributors. It represents the major… | abmd association, association producer, association code | distributor, associate, background, supplier, agreement | 2 | | Koo, B., Shin, B. & Krijnen, T.F. (2017). Employing outlier and novelty detection for checking the integrity of BIM to IFC entity associations . Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction… | entity association, association proceedings, international association, association shell | pp, proceedings, conference, scientific, building | 2 | | PRISMA-RT is an association between of sixteen radiotherapeutic institutions that have decided to cooperate in the field of patient safety. The start-up for this cooperation was made by Mrs. Petra Reijnders and Mr. Huub Backes (Maastro… | rt association, association sixteen, hospital association, association april | publication, institute, secretary, calendar, interesting | 2 | | …Entrepeneurial law, with subfields of: agency- and distribution contracts, professional indemnity, liability of corporate officers, mergers and acquisitions, corporate entities, associations and foundationsMain legal focus #2: Contract law | bar association, association nederlandse, entity association, association foundationsmain | law, government, analysis, der, merger | 2 | | Meet Commissioner of Extraordinary Activities and Commissioner of Land Yachting of the 66th Board of the Study Association of Mechanical Engineering Simon Stevin Pieter Pander | study association, association mechanical | mechanical, department, exam, python, refinement | 2 | | …at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture (Amsterdam University of the Arts) and Groningen University. He is consultant for Contarina SPA public green space and parks department and member of the Dutch Association of landscape architects. | dutch association, association landscape, association garden | landscape, italy, italian, urban, architecture | 2 | | Click here for information about the applicable regulations of the Dutch Bar Association. | | hague, dispute, agreement, court | 2 | | VVE NL manages c. 245 VVEs, parking associations and apartment cooperatives in and around Amsterdam. The company is involved in both new build and existing construction and arranges administrative, financial, technical and managerial… | housing association, association commercial, parking association, association apartment, association broker | chestnut, advisor, acquisition, council, description | 2 | | . That does not mean that we are not passionate about winning! We play competition in the official leagues of national volleyball association Nevobo , on several different (amateur) levels, so there’s room for beginners and advanced… | volleyball association, association nevobo, vereniging association, association member | volleyball, season, competition, usually, trial | 2 | | After his retirement he remained an active member of the neuropsychological community. He founded the Neuropsychology Section of the Dutch Association of Psychologists (Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen, NIP), the largest professional… | dutch association, association psychologist, professional association | neuropsychology, neuropsychological, clinical, prize, psychologist | 2 | | …19917668825 and member of the Netherlands Institute of Psychotherapists (NIP), bound to the NIP professional quality criteria. She is also member of the Dutch EMDR association and the Dutch association for healthcare psychotherapists. | emdr association, association dutch, dutch association, association healthcare, association emdr | appointment, compensation, methodology, psychotherapist, therapy | 2 | | Promeras is a member of EPAR (Erasmus PhD Association Rotterdam) and PNN (PhD Network Netherlands). With regular meetings with the PhD representatives of other universities, we discuss and address matters on both the institutional and… | phd association, association rotterdam | phd, candidate, department, mental, committee | 2 | | With several labs from the ENCODE scale-up group ( Jason Lieb , Greg Crawford and Vishy Iyer ) working on genome-wide associations on heritable chromatin signatures (cQTL) measured using FAIRE-chip. The reconstruction of the Human… | wide association, association heritable | phd, biology, genomic, entrepreneur, genetic | 2 | | involved in the purchasing profession. We combine insights from business, the public sector, education and science and share this knowledge in our powerful association of 6,500 procurement professionals who inspire and stimulate each other. | powerful association, association procurement, bas association, association aim | secret, purchase, wine, supply, founder | 2 | | As chairman of student association SSRE you have responsibility for everything that happens at the association, which has over four hundred members. My focus was to lead and motivate my board and the rest of the association. A year in the… | fusenet association, student association, association ssre, responsibility association, association member | certificate, ambitious, council, cum, degree | 2 | | The Association of Netherlands Municipalities approached David Gall information design to visualise the results of the coalition agreements analysis on just one A3. | | gall, cooperation, coalition, agreement, mobility | 2 | | When I joined this association eighteen months ago, I did not expect that a year later, I would be so enthusiastic that I would be on the board. This association has the perfect mix between social connection and debating. Oh, and let's… | curious association, association open, board association, association perfect | debate, society, committee, interested, curious | 2 | | With the Stichting Festivalmakkers, we connect association life with the festival industry in a meaningful way. Associations can be used in exchange for a contribution to the club fund. We provide a new way of organizing in which you as… | festivalmakkers association, association life, way association, association exchange | innovative, chance, request, involvement, meaningful | 2 | | Our lawyers provide legal assistance throughout the Netherlands. Our lawyers are members of the Dutch Bar Association and the quality association: the Dutch Association of Criminal Lawyers. | bar association, association quality, quality association, association dutch, dutch association | criminal, law, lawyer, attorney, court | 2 | | Member of the Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Informatietechnologie en recht, NVvIR) | dutch association, association privacy, netherlands association, association information | protection, publication, law, possibility, concise | 2 | | FSV Fysiek started on 09-09-2009 as a study association of the physical therapy program at the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen. Fysiek consists of the Executive Board, 13 committees and 1490 members. | study association, association hanzehogeschool, association physical | study, committee, orientation, profile, confidential | 2 | | This can be used for reference by our hotel association in Chitwan. Hope to see you soon.” | hotel association, association chitwan | guest, presentation, satisfy, successful, revenue | 2 | | A study association is a vital part of education, and I like to chip in. I'm a part of the website commission, responsible for all the sites run by the association, including sites created for the faculty. I'm also in the 'Klushok', which… | study association, association etv, association vital, site association, association site | overlay, resume, present, electrical, study | 2 | | Pearl(2018) discusses a study among retired men that revealed an association between regular walking and reduced dead rates. Is there a causal relation between the two? According to Pearl, the experimenters did not prescribe who would be… | wide association, association meta, man association, association regular | causal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical | 2 | | At AEGEE-Leiden you also get the chance to build an international contacts , because we have a network of about 150 sister associations in Europe. From Las Palmas in Spain to Moscow in Russia, AEGEE can be found in about 40 countries… | travel association, association drink, sister association, association europe, association thematic | aegee, spain, albania, evening, street | 2 | | Having the right attitude or tone of voice in your daily communication be it offline or online should always inspire positive associations. Therefore be honest and inspire your future customer to become an ambassador for your brand. Your… | market association, association people, positive association, association honest | proof, campaign, reason, attitude, massive | 2 | | Official tenants’ association by the residents of the windmills of World Heritage Kinderdijk | tenant association, association resident | resident, interest, occupant, united, windmill | 2 | | Aureus is the study association for SBE students at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This includes Business Administration, International Business Administration and Economics and Business Economics. Sophistès has a partnership with… | study association, association lucky, association sbe | administration, economic, econometrics, political, summary | 2 | | we should construct a hierarchy of human association (house, street, district, city) | pattern association, association opinion, human association, association house | architecture, urban, structure, belief, pp | 2 | | "Kunnen we het Maken?" is the podcast about building engineering by Study Association KOers. In episode 8 of season 2, committee members Jelle and Laura talk about the development of the Beer Crate Bridge. | study association, association koer, association koers | crate, bridge, committee, attempt, volunteer | 2 | | …Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology. Internationally the Lab is a proactive partner in the scholarly associations Society for the History of Technology SHOT , the International Committee for the History of Technology ICOHTEC… | european association, association study, scholarly association, association society | lab, publication, sustainability, conference, joint | 2 | | Jantsje M Mol , Catherine Molho (2024). Information about changes in platform economy taxation diminishes optimism regarding future use . Journal of the Economic Science Association . | | economic, preparedness, risk, flood, economy | 2 | | Geert regularly speaks and writes on ethics and compliance. He has been the President of the Dutch Compliance Officers Association, where he founded the expert group on Financial Economic Crime. He is a member of the expert group on… | officer association, association expert, behavior association, association member | compliance, ethics, officer, intelligence, certified | 2 | | The conference will be organized in close cooperation with University of Twente's TechMed Centre , as part of the MedTech Twente Week 2023 . The event is initiated by the Working group Citizen Science for Health of the European Citizen… | science association, association ecsa, association mijn | citizen, conference, collaboration, ethics, submission | 2 | | JUNO meets both the quality requirements as set by the professional association of physiotherapists in the Netherlands ( KNGF ) as the Dutch Association for Traditional Chinese Medicine ( Zhong ). | professional association, association physiotherapist, dutch association, association traditional | woman, acupuncture, physiotherapy, osteopathy, therapy | 2 | | Questions about the association or the complex? Send us a message on Facebook, an email or use the contact form below. | resident association, association de, question association, association complex | committee, neighbourhood, upcoming, rental, welfare | 2 | | 2019-01-04 2018 Lubrication Hydraulic Equipment Branch of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association | | hydraulic, oil, pressure, screen, inline | 2 | | At Zephyr, we organize weekly training evenings and association evenings, where our members gather to play with each other. These evenings are held on the TU/e campus. During the training evenings, we help our members form teams for them… | evening association, association evening, look association | strike, counter, rocket, committee, calendar | 2 | | …residents in solidarity networks and offers (legal) backup, both substantively and morally, for those who want to stand up for their rights. Since 2010, the Bond Precaire Woonvormen has been active as a volunteer association. Get involved! | housing association, association summary, volunteer association, association involve | questionnaire, union, housing, report, eviction | 2 | | Way2Trade publishes a newsletter in Dutch " Veterinary Information Point (VIP) small sectors " with regard to animal feed , pet food, day-old chicks and hatching eggs and horses. Members who participate in the export arrangement of their… | trade association, association newsletter, industry association, association individual | veterinary, trade, internationally, interest, nationally | 2 | | …spaces with humanised approach’ - tags: - japanese visitors - Last week, members of the Japan Park Facilities Association visited two... - tags: - playscape duivendrecht - ‘many children play at the same time’ - client: municipality of | facility association, association tag, year association, association netherlands | realization, urban, municipality, carve, steel | 2 | | We are admitted to the Dutch Bar (Nederlandse orde van Advocaten) and the International Bar Association and the Dutch association of Financial Law. | bar association, association dutch, dutch association, association financial | law, swan, fund, firm, derivative | 2 | | Our doctors are affiliated with the NVCG (Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine). Our medical director Bart Biermans is a cosmetic doctor KNMG. | dutch association, association cosmetic | correction, treatment, eyelid, cosmetic, wrinkle | 2 | | …where I was a partner and co-founder of both offices. For many years I was also a committee member of the Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS) where I set up the specialist course in inheritance law for… | member association, association family, bar association, association expert | law, inheritance, divorce, fee, estate | 2 | | Besides my studies and work experiences, I worked on successful side projects and I have been a board member of the Student Association Dionysus. | student association, association dionysus | producer, internship, phase, graduation, personally | 2 | | We are the student association for floorball and unihockey in Delft. Since 2007 we have grown into a lively and active association with about 60 members. We have three competition teams (1 ladies and 2 mens) playing at different levels… | floorball association, association delft, student association, association floorball, active association | committee, confidential, academic, ice, foot | 2 | | One of the most important goals of the association is to give the digital sector a clear voice in the media, government, politics and other target groups, in areas such as privacy, security, image and education. | branch association, association digital, goal association | domain, certificate, vmware, colocation, facility | 2 | | Welcome to the webpage of “De Groene Soos” our association for historical military vehicles owners and enthusiasts. | soos association, association historical | guest, vehicle, military, webpage, furthermore | 2 | | also provide co-financing. For the time being, work is done on the basis of a pre-financing by Wageningen University, Agrarisch Collectief Waadrâne, association Noardlike Fryske Wâlden and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. | wâlden association, association actively, waadrâne association, association noardlike | northeast, regional, landscape, region, laboratory | 2 | | SPONS is the student swimming association of Amsterdam, focusing on water, fun and sportsmanship. At SPONS you can both train and have fun. After practice we enjoy some drinks at our local pub. You can also join competitions, including… | swimming association, association amsterdam, long association | swimming, trial, swim, competition, christmas | 2 | | Looking for some extra curricular activities next to the law study to improve your cv or grant legal experience. Or become member of a professional furturnity specialised in specific law area. See these Dutch legal futurnities and… | lawyer association, association dutch, bar association, association wage | launch, duration, storage, device, ip | 2 | | The Dutch Association for Jiu Jitsu and Judo Teachers (NVJJL) is an association that represents the interests of affiliated Jiu Jitsu and Judo teachers. Through workshops, our members stay abreast of the latest developments….. | dutch association, association jiu, nvjjl association, association interest | subscribe, fee, registration, lesson, rule | 2 | | In association with our English partners we are able to deliver every consignment within 24 hours of collection / with a maximum of 48 hours to deliver within the whole United Kingdom and vice-versa. | | united, kingdom, consignment, fleet, logistical | 2 | | Ever since I was a law student I have had a passion for writing and publishing various kinds of publications. I wrote articles for magazines and law journals and became editor of various publications of a pan-European law students… | student association, association elsa | vrij, king, ink, billion, publication | 2 | | The Hiv Vereniging is committed to unconditional equal rights for people in the Netherlands with HIV, in every situation, at any time. People with HIV are the focus of everything the association does. We provide information, facilitate… | focus association, association information | treatment, medication, insurance, ukraine, transmission | 2 | | The Cooperative Purchasing Association Electricity Betuweroute U.A (CIEBR) has been established on Juli 1, 2010 by KNV Rail freigt transport, Keyrail and some other Rail freight transporters. With CIEBR, the rail freight transporters, who… | purchase association, association electricity | traction, electricity, purpose, participant, calculation | 2 | | Cervus targets the business market. Our clients are large and small firms, wealthy individuals, non-profit organisations such as healthcare institutions, housing associations, schools and (semi) governmental institutions. | housing association, association school, dutch association, association tax | tax, lawyer, firm, compliance, advisory | 2 | | …market parties jointly make agreements about the exchange of energy data, have now taken place. MFF is therefore an association of which any party from the energy sector can become a member. With the aim of talking and making decisions. | mff association, association party, consumer association, association price | agreement, jointly, exchange, join, worth | 2 | | Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics [2022 Barcelona, Spain] | portuguese association, association natural, european association, association environmental | economic, phd, teach, presentation, candidate | 2 | | professional with a track record of over 25 years in developing (inter)national conferences and events. I have a passion for human development and our dynamic industry with a special interest in international (scientific) association events | scientific association, association event, scientist association, association venue | conference, publication, dynamic, combination, bidding | 2 | | You have come to the right p lace. I am a university-educated translator and an active member of the professional association SENSE ( the Society of English-language professionals in the Netherlands ) and the Netherlands Association of… | professional association, association sense, netherlands association, association interpreter | translation, enterprise, biography, translator, french | 2 | | field of City Marketing, the platform (conference & award) was taken over by the National City Marketing Network (association of city marketing in Holland) in 2018. The National Event Conference, established in 2014, remains in the… | trade association, association event, network association, association city | tourism, specialize, destination, region, municipality | 2 | | – Member of the Advisory Board of the Association for Accountability and Internet | board association, association accountability, committee association, association edp | law, chairman, council, editorial, function | 2 | | Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food Programme. | international association, association food | confectionery, meat, sweet, fish, egg | 2 | | Allegra is the student pole dance association in Wageningen. Allegra members can practice pole dancing by following classes, the member hour, workshops and independent training. Allegra organizes workshops (also for non-members), drinks… | dance association, association wageningen | allegra, pole, dance, committee, declaration | 2 | | The following statement is included in both the articles of association and the policy plan with regard to the remuneration policy of the Asian Foundation. | article association, association policy | asian, mongolia, annual, report, mongolian | 2 | | I am affiliated with the NOBCO (Nederlandse Orde van Beroepscoaches) the association for professional coaches. Joining the NOBCO is only possible with a completed accredited professional study for coaching. | beroepscoaches association, association professional | session, orange, introduction, ambition, desire | 2 | | 2004 - Acupuncture Degree Dutch Medical Doctors-Acupunturists Association (NAAV) | acupunturists association, association naav, dutch association, association acupuncture | acupuncture, scalp, traditional, nva, zhu | 2 | | We are an association that provides hockey to students by organizing teams for competitions, practices, and events for all of them. | sport association, association maastricht | internal, competition, schedule, external, tournament | 2 | | Welcome! My name is Caroline van Diest. I am a therapist offering therapy to adults with a range of needs. I am accredited with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapie (BABCP) , EMDR Association UK and Ireland… | british association, association behavioural, emdr association, association uk, dutch association | therapy, therapist, cognitive, behaviour, voor | 2 | | In October 2003 the then Minister Laurens Jan Brinkhorst in The Hague introduced Mobility Platform — an initiative from the ICT industry association and The Netherlands ICT — where providers and users of mobile and wireless communications… | industry association, association netherlands, association result | broadband, mobility, scale, government | 2 | | Member of "Bestuurs Advies Commissie" (BAC) Vereniging Nederlandse Chemische Industrie (VNCI) (Advisory Committee on Sustainability Issues to the Board of the Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry) (2011-present) | board association, association dutch | der, uncertainty, assessment, lecture, environmental | 2 | | The HHP Student Association is in the process of setting up the HHP Alumni Association!.. | student association, association process | hhp, lecture, phd, philosophy, resource | 2 | | …to stop the reckless spending by clubs and to stop rich benefactors from injecting large amounts of cash as this distorts the transfer market. Supported by the European Club Association, the following main new rules will be set in motion: | club association, association main, association club | player, far, rule, medal, america | 2 | | SAM believes that extracurricular activities such as sports, study and student associations, honours programs and an active student life contribute significantly to personal development. SAM ensures that Tilburg University values these… | student association, association program, study association, association complex, association flow | council, calendar, initiative, aiesec, abroad | 2 | | in nature. Scouting Estate Zeewolde is the home base for scouts from all over the country, but families, schools, associations and events are also very welcome at Scouting Estate Zeewolde. Whether for an event, a weekend camping, a day of… | school association, association event | estate, adventure, parking, directly, middle | 2 | | The professional rules for attorneys can be found on the website of the Netherlands Bar Association. TEC-law has taken out professional liability insurance. | bar association, association linkedin, association tec | law, transaction, fee, tax, lawyer | 2 | | The ROA and the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences jointly released a Factsheet with the results of the HBO Monitor 2023. | roa association, association university | phd, scientific, capital, staff, advisory | 1 | | The circular kitchen, specially designed for housing associations and institutional investors. A kitchen made of circular materials that contributes to a livable world. | housing association, association institutional | kitchen, circular, sustainability, paper, report | 1 | | …in the GGZ, private and charitable sectors in and around Amsterdam. In addition, they are continuously trained and retrained, which is also an obligation to keep their registrations and memberships with various professional associations. | | therapy, psychologist, appointment, rate, relationship | 1 | | Since 2013 the EM symposium is the podium of the ceremony to celebrate the Biezeno award for the annual best PhD thesis in the field of engineering mechanics in The Netherlands, which is awarded by the Dutch association for engineers and… | dutch association, association engineer | mechanic, faculty, graduate, mechanical, grant | 1 | | Central heating systems maintenance for businesses, owner-occupiers' associations and private persons | occupier association, association private | central, heating, maintenance, installation, rate | 1 | | A reflection video for the Europe Middle East North Africa Conference of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). | international association, association facilitators | shift, transformation, upcoming, curious, lab | 1 | | © 2022 Doula Nagomi. Recognized member of the Dutch Professional Association for Doulas. | professional association, association doula | birth, pregnancy, relaxation, treatment, headache | 1 | | Recently cathechetic seminars were supported, organized by the Pastors Association of the Evangelic Church of Bohemian Brothers, (ECBB in the Czech Republic), where seminars were guided by the Dutch theologian prof. dr. E. Jonker. In… | pastors association, association evangelic | church, eastern, parish, theological, czech | 1 | | We are real estate agents, rental agents and property managers, and member of NVM (Dutch Associaton of Real Estate Brokers and Experts), MVA (Amsterdam Brokers' Association) and VGM NL (Dutch Real Estate Management Association). Our… | brokers association, association vgm, management association, association property | estate, property, listing, rental, investment | 1 | | Leiden continues to claim a top 5 position for Leiden on ICCA's (International Congress and Convention Association) ranking of national conference destinations for 2022. | convention association, association ranking | conference, convention, venue, destination, independent | 1 | | a transfer pricing advisory firm registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (81576838) andlocated at Westhoven 7, 6042 NV, Roermond (The Netherlands). Tipi Consultancy B.V. is a member firm of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisors (NOB). | dutch association, association tax | interest, rate, calculation, pricing, loan | 1 | | The Primoris Holding CVBA regroups all offices and labs of the Primoris laboratories and the Belgian certification company CKCert . The non-profit association Ciboris is a partner of the group, providing support and training. | profit association, association ciboris | bulgaria, belgium, analysis, lab, certification | 1 | | …more than 200 halls. Its collection consists of paintings of 17th century Dutch Masters such as Rembrandt, Vermeer and Frans Hals. The Rijksmuseum is owned by the State and is being administered by the National Public Building Association. | | castle, curiosity, historic, dike, craft | 1 | | You can hire us for large and small renovation projects in both existing houses and newly constructed homes and other buildings. Our customers include both private individuals and businesses, and we also do work for home owners… | owner association, association expat | plaster, paint, leader, smooth, moulding | 1 | | Meanwhile, I have significantly optimised my expertise for organisations. With clients like the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Police Netherlands and housing association Portaal, Elementary work has gained a strong professional… | housing association, association portaal | elementary, leadership, connection, click, internal | 1 | | The FreshCarrot growers are members of Fossa Eugenia, a growers’ association whose aim is to supply premium quality produce that meets the demands of critical consumers via the shortest possible chain. A winning formula for customers and… | grower association, association aim | packaging, grower, certification, freshness, joint | 1 | | Our company history starts in Boskoop, located in the Green Heart of Holland. We were established on August 8th 1928 as a co-operative forwarding agency by members of the Holland plant exporters association with an aim to facilitate the… | exporter association, association aim | freight, operative, exporter, shipment, aim | 1 | | In January 2011 the South Australian F-Class Association wrote about BfX and created a bullet comparator ( "I ... didn't get a headache or even raise a sweat" ) . In Februari 2011 they published an interview. Helas non of it can be found… | class association, association bfx | function, drag, ballistic, rifle, sight | 1 | | We are member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB) . A large proportion of our team are (prospective) NOB members; an important assurance of quality for you as client. It gives us access to a tax knowledge network and relevant… | dutch association, association tax | tax, lawyer, law, publication, vacancy | 1 | | We adhere to strict Food Handling guidelines and are professionally trained by IPPA ∴ International Placenta and Postpartum Association ∴ so you can be sure that you are receiving the best services in the Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague… | postpartum association, association sure | remedy, encapsulation, balm, pricing, package | 1 | | EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF MACHINE TOOL MARCHANTS (EAMTM) the number 1 in the world trade of second-hand machines. | european association, association machine | trade, metalworking, stock, huge, recently | 1 | | The Netherlands / Belgium Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers is a regional association of professionals promoting Chemical Engineering and related disciplines, and facilitating exchanges and interaction between all… | regional association, association professional | introduction, chemical, institute, american, belgium | 1 | | Qualified discount rates available to members of special programs or associations (i.e. AAA, senior, government, loyalty, employee discounts); | program association, association aaa | rate, destination, london, united, kingdom | 1 | | …is co-author of the book ‘Social Plan in Practice’, a handbook for responsible reorganization. Ralph Jan is a member of the Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN), the Corporate Litigation Association and the Health Law Association. | lawyer association, association vaan, litigation association, association health | complaint, employment, lawyer, law, officer | 1 | | I have completed my CIVAS coaching course, accredited by Dutch healthcare services, and am part of LVSC (Dutch Association for Supervision and Coaching) and the BPW (social professional network in Holland). Previously I was employed for… | dutch association, association supervision | healthy, discover, enterprise, think, note | 1 | | prof. Dr. Martin Seligman , founder of positive psychology and former president of the American Psychology Association | | happiness, institute, profiler, employee, predictor | 1 | | Frans van Steijn Academic Consultancy (FvS AC) was started by Frans van Steijn after his retirement in September 2014. Since 1996 he worked at the Association of the Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) as policy advisor in research… | september association, association university | academic, assurance, institute, evaluation, assessment | 1 | | The Dutch Council of State cooperates with the other Councils of State in Europe through an association called ACA Europe. It consists of the Councils of State and the supreme administrative jurisdictions of all member states of the… | europe association, association aca | council, division, administrative, advisory, court | 1 | | In order to log in to the website of a scientific association, for example, you must also be a member of the association in question. If you receive this message, you are not or not correctly included in the membership list of that… | scientific association, association example, member association, association question, list association | passport, charge, accessible, authentication, completely | 1 | | We are Asset | Economics - the study association for all students following the BSc Economics, BSc Economics and Business Economics, and MSc Economics. Our mission is to provide you with the needed study support, career orientation and… | study association, association student | asset, economic, career, guidelines, study | 1 | | National Professional Association for the Promotion of Quality Driving School (LBKR) | professional association, association promotion | graduate, lesson, rate, license, driver | 1 | | She has taught masterclasses and lectures at the Royal Music Association in London, the National University for the Arts of Argentina, the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Brno, the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in… | music association, association london | flute, historical, researcher, teach, player | 1 | | From his first publication on fish consumption and CHD in the Zutphen Study Daan was interested in the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the etiology of CVD. He reproduced the inverse association of fish consumption with fatal CHD in various… | inverse association, association fish | study, cardiovascular, diet, disease, publication | 1 | | Therefore, all types of organizations choose our trademark agents to guide you through the process. From governments to companies, foundations and associations. | | trademark, registration, internationally, attorney, infringement | 1 | | injuries, cartilage disorders and osteoarthritis of the knee. I am a knee consultant dor the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB). I am chair and Professor Value-Based Health Care at Fontys University of Applied Sciences as well as… | football association, association knvb | knee, injury, reconstruction, instability, prosthesis | 1 | | Next week, the Amsterdam Dance Event returns for its 2023 edition. Like last year, ADE will feature the Legal Summit of the International Association of Entertainment Lawyers. Of course, Höcker’s Media and Entertainment lawyers will be… | international association, association entertainment | law, employment, ip, dispute, interest | 1 | | The board has decided to amend the articles of association so that from now on not only young people but all those in need can be supported. For the coming years, the board will support the construction of an Alzheimer’s home in Goa… | article association, association young | cambodia, fund, report, wilde, christmas | 1 | | …Makroon carries the NPA quality mark and is a general practice accredited by the Dutch General Practitioners Association (NHG). This quality mark shows that the practice meets the nationally established standards and is constantly… | practitioner association, association nhg | blood, mental, geriatric, device, healthcare | 1 | | The Internet Touch , MaCHazine (magazine of the study association for students of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Delft University of Technology), November 2016. | study association, association student | proc, ieee, networking, pp, conference | 1 | | …want it to be intuitive to such an extent that I will not be able to remember how, when and where I shot something subsequently. Colors and shapes form the foundation of surrealistic associations, filling my archive with timeless memories. | surrealistic association, association archive | publication, contest, aerial, perspective, die | 1 | | After a positive viewing, your buyer’s agent will discuss with you whether further research is needed regarding any architectural considerations, land registry, zoning plan, the environment, owners’ association and municipal or provincial… | owner association, association municipal | buyer, property, appointment, fee, chance | 1 | | I presented our OnePlanet Research Center approach to gather insights and needs from citizens to inform our research agenda at the European Citizen Science Association conference. | science association, association conference | ago, paper, institute, behaviour, eat | 1 | | …seek support from the Tanzanian government and the boards of the National Hospital (Muhimbili), the three Zonal referral hospitals (KCMC, Bugando, Mbeya), and the recently established Tanzanian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. | tanzanian association, association oral | hospital, oral, maxillofacial, patient | 1 | | In the 2014-2015 school year, I joined the activities committee of the study association SVAAA/. This study association hold itself | study association, association study | aviation, october, cat, july, helicopter | 1 | | Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe. It was born on the 16th of October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange. | student association, association europe | esn, exchange, surrounding, authentic, eastern | 1 | | Do you want to keep an eye on your company, association or home with a camera system? Installing a surveillance camera has a preventive effect. | company association, association home | emergency, response, accessorie, base, reliable | 1 | | Modint represents the interests of the Dutch textile and clothing industry. As the trade association for manufacturers, importers, agents, and wholesalers operating in the fields of (corporate) clothing, interior design, carpets and… | trade association, association manufacturer | membership, buy, sustainability, legislation, textile | 1 | | Wil van Daalen was given the designation 'Member of Merit' by The Dutch Karate Association for his long contribution and track record as a volunteer for the karate sport in the Netherlands. | karate association, association long | portrait, table, designation, merit, volunteer | 1 | | HOMEOWNER, ASSOCIATION OR COMPANY: seeks bicycle storage for residents, visitors, customers or employees... | homeowner association, association company | bicycle, parking, urban, mobility, bike | 1 | | GORPA can rely on fire experts certified by the International Association of Arson Investigators (Fire Investigation Technician, IAAI-FIT). The IAAI certificate is well-known in the market worldwide. | international association, association arson | investigation, fire, cause, truth, find | 1 | | The New York Racing Association has a You Tube channel that features videos of all of the Belmont Stakes contenders working out in the mornings. There are replays, interviews and handicapping advice available on the America’s Best Racing… | racing association, association tube | horse, stake, belmont, winner, win | 1 | | On behalf of the NVvL, the Dutch Association for Aviation, we invite you to participate in the 20th IFASD Conference. This event will be held from 17-20 June 2024 in The Hague, the Netherlands. The venue for the conference is the New… | dutch association, association aviation | dynamic, structural, conference, hague, author | 1 | | Our law firm consists of experienced lawyers who each have their own specialty. We are members of various specialised law associations, so the quality of our lawyers is guaranteed. Our goal is to legally assist and support our clients in… | law association, association quality | law, lawyer, employment, criminal, immigration | 1 | | Ger van der Velden is the Principal, since 1975 and he continues to be the Principal today. Ger is a Fellow member of The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) and The International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) where he… | teacher association, association idta | dance, schedule, january, lesson, registration | 1 | | Extensions : This is important, this is where the link between a UTI and a file-extension is made. In our case it should of course be json . This is a bit puzzling to me as I could imagine that the association between a UTI and… | puzzle association, association uti, xcode association, association application | uti, file, cocoa, table, balance | 1 | | “I’ve taken now three tours with this association (all the guides are volunteers and the tours are really free, if you want you can leave a tip or a high five, your choice!). You can easily feel the passion these guys have for Utrecht and… | tour association, association guide | guide, direction, tower, visitor, volunteer | 1 | | useful insights. These insights are gained from starting and running multiple companies, and our experiences in the police force, medical care, municipalities, regional governments, foundations, associations and (international) federations. | foundation association, association international | exercise, growth, pressure, employee, theory | 1 | | …The Hague will kick off again from 12 noon . There are student activities organized by Hague student and sports associations and higher education institutions. And there is plenty of music! Student DJs play all day long , so wear your… | sport association, association high | hague, study, housing, liberation, contest | 1 | | Activities and Societies: Vice-President Student Association of Applied Physics, President of conference committee on renewable energy sources, international traineeships at Shell and Unilever. | student association, association apply | economy, background, scalable, circular, venture | 1 | | …throughout the moving process. Additionally, look for any affiliations with reputable organizations such as the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA), which can provide further reassurance of their professionalism and reliability. | storage association, association amsa | guide, chapter, mattress, door, oil | 1 | | Rob Boskamp “Another Day” is my new single (out on Urban Sound of Amsterdam) and has been made in association with female singer Kaylee. Licensed to several countries already and making waves in dj-sets around the globe. | amsterdam association, association female | official, isle, regular, probably, biography | 1 | | Cooperating with volleyball club Sovicos gives you a nice score! And you support the club with its sporting and social activities. Become a sponsor of our active and involved association and reach out to the local community. | involve association, association local | volleyball, campaign, referee, january, poverty | 1 | | Website manager is Suzuki Flute teacher trainer Anke van der Bijl, chairperson of the ESA (European Suzuki Association) and ISA (International Suzuki Association) flute committees. | suzuki association, association isa, association flute | teacher, flute, structure, stack, interested | 1 | | Not a member yet? Sign up and become a member of the largest association for Dutch cabin crew! New member can choose from a €50 gift certificate or 3 months of free membership. Already a member of the VNC? For every cabin crew you sign up… | large association, association dutch | length, cabin, salary, rate, accessible | 1 | | For instance: entrepeneurs, housing associations, health care institutions, departments, municipalities and the police. Assignments vary from organising know-how transfer and promoting cooperation to custom-made advice and process support. | housing association, association health | het, crime, prevention, independent, aim | 1 | | As a tenant, you often have to comply with a number of rules to be eligible for a social rental. For example, you are often required to register with a housing association and you may not earn above the set income limit. Much fewer rules… | housing association, association income | rental, property, expat, difficult, guidelines | 1 | | The Association of Shell Pensioners and Former Employees (VOEKS) will soon hold information sessions to discuss the future of pensions at Shell with former members. | | scheme, january, july, session, employee | 1 | | In the graves section at the end of this path we find the grave, section B nr. 74 , among others, of Harmen Douma , (1880-1944) head of the first Leiden School Association. Strictly speaking this is a war grave, however all remains have… | school association, association strictly | guest, leave, section, church, path | 1 | | Furthermore, I am registered with the Dutch Association for Lactation Consultants (NVL). read more | dutch association, association lactation | lactation, breastfeeding, evening, consultation, rate | 1 | | We assist international associations and PCOs by the continuous increasing complex world of AV and IT solutions for their conference or meeting. Basic AV setups with an eye for quality and budget, implementing new technology with a user… | international association, association pco | conference, truly, root, independent, ltd | 1 | | Each year the National Geography and Planning Symposium takes place in a different city. This year, study association Ibn Battuta will host the NGPS in the beautiful city of Groningen. The symposium will take place on the 16th of February | study association, association ibn | geography, study, february, framework, theoretical | 1 | | In the Netherlands, we do not have such selection processes. Although; my neighbour boy was admitted to a student association this year and I can’t say this admittance was due to a reasonable and well-considered selection process… Here… | student association, association year | emotion, moral, difficult, truth, society | 1 | | …confirm not only the high quality but also its excellent price-performance ratio. Pixeljet have been named best-quality ink cartridges by PC World (Computeridee) and named best price by the Dutch Consumers Association (Consumentenbond). | consumer association, association consumentenbond | ink, fully, affordable, reduction, warranty | 1 | | In a broad and significant movement, major research organisations in The Netherlands, will integrate and stimulate the development of a ew approach to recognising and rewarding academics. The VSNU (Association of Universities in the… | vsnu association, association university | transition, scientist, paper, scientific, conclusion | 1 | | Table tennis association (TTV) Amstelveen already has 3 championships to celebrate a few matches before the end of the spring league which is quite unusual as 10 points can be earned per match. Team 8 playing in the 5th class is already… | tennis association, association ttv | competition, table, player, tournament, youth | 1 | | Monastery hotel de Soete Moeder is a member of the Dutch trade association for hotel and catering industry (Koninklijke Horeca Nederland). Therefore, the general terms and conditions (UVH) for the hotel industry apply in our hotel. | trade association, association hotel | monastery, furnish, quirky, mixture, tranquility | 1 | | Trained police dogs 4 times a week as a member of the KNPV (Royal Dutch Police Dog Association). | | dog, police, purpose, republic | 1 | | . WON-PARAFAC summarizes the GDSC1000 cell line compendium in 130 factors. We interpret the factors based on their association with recurrent molecular alterations, pathway enrichment, cancer type, and drug-response. Crucially, the cell… | factor association, association recurrent | cancer, landscape, patient, genomic, sequence | 1 | | developing good relations with Government Departments, other Public Bodies, Certification Bodies, Trade Associations at home and abroad. | trade association, association home | detection, environmental, council, analysis, representative | 1 | | Unfortunately, due to standard Thunderbird mbox files not having a file extension, association is not really possible. | extension association, association possible | file, copy, cut, corruption, freely | 1 | | Our services are purchased by domestic and foreign clients, including designers, advertising agencies, brokers, associations, SMEs and more. | broker association, association sme | functionality, maintenance, domestic, foreign, sme | 1 | | This commercial nursery lies close to the Flora Holland Naaldwijk auction and supplies fresh chrysanthemums several times a day through the Fleur Market growers association. | | chrysanthemum, nursery, horticulture, round, aviator | 1 | | The enriched customer data is hosted by ISO-certified cloud providers like Sentia and Microsoft Azure Cloud. Doornvogel is a member of the Dutch Dialogue Marketing Association (DDMA) and has earned the highest security certification (Gold). | marketing association, association ddma | dialogue, analysis, channel, campaign, juist | 1 | | M2 Advocaten specializes in real estate law, with a focus on tenancy law, purchase, Owners' Associations and project development. In addition, we have built up a lot of expertise with real estate related administrative law. | owner association, association project | tariff, law, estate, rent, increase | 1 | | Kampeervereniging de Leek (Camping association De Leek) is a small and quiet campsite between Broek in Waterland and Monnickendam, just north of Amsterdam, with a number of fixed-mobile home sites for members only. From April to October… | camping association, association de | road, campsite, village, leave, central | 1 | | …was organized by the Architecture Department of University of Lampung (UNILA) in co-operation with Indonesian Association of Architects (IAI) , Indonesian Society of Landscape Architects (IALI), Indonesian Association of Planners –… | indonesian association, association architect, association planners | idn, liveable, indonesia, diaspora, indonesian | 1 | | …Ships UK, Carrina is authorized to wear the Red Ensign defaced with the badge of the NHS. In the thirties she also carried the pennants of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, the Royal London Yacht Club and the Royal Naval Sailing Association. | | yacht, sail, thirty, degree, feel | 1 | | We are associated with The Dutch Limousine Association. That way our high quality service is always guaranteed and we have complete disposal over an exclusive rolling-stock. Our vehicles are richly equipped with free WiFi connection… | limousine association, association way | rate, luxurious, interested, booking, guestbook | 1 | | Our second target group are Financial Markets staff for whom we have developed efficient courses to prepare for the world-wide accepted exams of the Financial Markets Association (ACI). And, as the only provider in the Netherlands, we are… | market association, association aci | banking, aci, introduction, certificate, exam | 1 | | Welcome to the website of Evoskepsis, an association of critical scientists and practitioners who are skeptical over the empirical foundation of the 'innovation motor' of the theory of evolution. | evoskepsis association, association critical | religion, variation, theory, evolution, publication | 1 | | To enhance your personal brand, network strategically by attending events and joining professional associations. 😊 | | hire, career, relocation, role, requirement | 1 | | Best Associations Website of the 24th Annual Webby Awards, for ‘Connecting the world to the stories that matter’. | best association, association website | resume, sketchbook, background, ux, assignment | 1 | | Back About TUA Profile Organisation Institutional Plan 2018-2023 Professors Lecturers / Other staff Student association PFSAR Book Society 'De KreNT' Become a TUA supporter Donate | student association, association pfsar | theology, resilience, graduate, study, reform | 1 | | Tenants, entrepreneurs, visitors but also residents, foundations, associations and artists from the province of Groningen and the municipality Oldambt in particular, are welcome with advice or questions. See the contact page on this site. | foundation association, association artist | north, cooperation, rental, fee, municipality | 1 | | AACSB International (AACSB), a global nonprofit association, connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. | nonprofit association, association educator | facility, perfectly, luxury, accessible, wellbeing | 1 | | In my opinion, the most effective way to explain service design and every association with it, is to make it concrete and relatable. For example by the famous restaurant example of Nielsen Norman Group , or Fjord’s a tale of two coffee… | design association, association concrete | publication, centric, employee, deliverables, decision | 1 | | Since our start in 1994 we have been offering our guests good quality and personal attention. We have been affiliated with a number of trade associations for many years. These organizations select and assess the accommodations on quality… | trade association, association year | accommodation, region, rate, hospitality, atmosphere | 1 | | André van der Velde is graduated as Tax Lawyer at the University of Amsterdam and member of the Dutch Tax Mediators’ Association ( Vereniging voor Fiscale Mediation VFM ) | mediators association, association vereniging | tax, der, positive, manner, dispute | 1 | | On behalf of the trade association KVGO, Dick Naafs came to congratulate me personally on my 25 years of membership. | trade association, association kvgo | packaging, flexo, mockup, proof, impression | 1 | | Meet the RTI World Meeting 2024 Ambassadors! They are our dedicated representatives and are here to kindle excitement in their association and assist with any inquiries. Feel free to reach out to them for a warm welcome and seamless… | excitement association, association inquiry | belgian, german, near, buy, sunday | 1 | | We train, coach and advise managers and staff of companies, associations, chambers of commerce and trade promotion and destination marketing organisations to achieve sustainable export success | company association, association chamber | trade, globally, intelligence, promotion, sme | 1 | | Also you can read what our Association stands for and what our members are doing. | association member | roll, guestbook, visitor, maybe, executive | 1 | | The video below "Play Therapy Works" introduces and promotes the value of play, play therapy, credentialed play therapists, and membership in the Association for Play Therapy (US). Play therapy sessions in the Netherlands are basically… | membership association, association play | parent, youth, therapy, hague, min | 1 | | …tower is a staircase leading to a service platform that lies half way up the structure. It is there for the bird association to maintain the nest boxes and for visitors (lovebirds) who just want to stay inside, looking for shelter or… | bird association, association nest | installation, der, sculpture, steel, pipe | 1 | | By melting, blending and pressing waste from the North sea, we produced bottle caps. Using Coca-Cola wrappers as our main ingredient. This marble cap is a collaboration with Jut Product. An initiative by Studio Eric Klarenbeek and Maartje… | dros association, association jesse | waste, navy, bottle, north, flask | 1 | | My name is Keith Chapman, CGCS. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree at Texas A & M University, a member of the GCSAA (Golf Course Superintendents Association of America) of which I am Certified (CGCS) and a member of the NGA (Netherlands… | superintendent association, association america, greenkeepers association, association lot | maintenance, broad, athletic, specialize, superintendent | 1 | | Of course, as we are a student association as well, we also make room for social activities, such as our weekly after-rehearsal-get-togethers, frequent gatherings courtesy of our event commission, and the legendary rehearsal weekends! | student association, association room | studenten, conductor, rehearsal, enthusiastic, february | 1 | | Our Jump can also be hired outside regular opening hours. You have the entire park to yourself especially for large groups, schools, associations. | | jump, lesson, trick, calendar, dunk | 1 | | ESMG Modern is Eindhoven’s student association for popular music. It is a platform for all types of musicians to meet, listen to, and play music together. | student association, association popular | facility, upcoming, popular, musician, rehearsal | 1 | | I know Lise as an active Board member of Nedworc, an association of over 400 experts in International Development for the last two years. She is appreciated by her critical and at the same time positive attitude. She is open to ideas of… | nedworc association, association expert | youth, participant, publication, position, programme | 1 | | All attorneys at Wildeboer AVS are members of the prominent Dutch Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (LSA) and as such are recognized by the Dutch Bar Association as specialists in their field. They are also members of the European… | dutch association, association personal, bar association, association specialist, european association | attorney, injury, liability, law, insurance | 1 | | are thoroughly maintained annually. Partly because of this, the courts remain easily playable, even now in the 13th year. Communicative, advisory and professional, our association is excellently assisted by Silicanova. Thank you for that! ” | professional association, association excellently | maintenance, silica, revitalization, artificial, soccer | 1 | | The journey is not yet over. The foundation of the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) in 1994 is the start of a new era. The development of Donor Care Management helped to improve the quality of care. This website collects and shares… | donor association, association wmda | cell, marrow, thesis, related, paediatric | 1 | | ASconnect is a collaboration between the four Student Associations of the faculty of Applied Sciences. Click on their logos to visit their websites and learn more about them! | student association, association faculty | apply, committee, career, connect, yearly | 1 | | SPR is the sports association of the University of Groningen and Hanze University Groningen for staff and retirees. In collaboration with ACLO Studentensport Groningen we offer more than 90 different kinds of sports. Members can… | sport association, association university | membership, schedule, till, reservation, lesson | 1 | | We support companies, governmental bodies, industry associations, hospitals, insurance firms, law firms and unions, both national and international, in the field of occupational hygiene and industrial health. | industry association, association hospital | occupational, assessment, publication, industrial, substance | 1 | | Events by the Taiwan Overtone Singing Association and IUooUI The year began with our new performance group, IUooUI → | singing association, association iuooui | singing, overtone, january, artistic, resonance | 1 | | I became the chairman of BAN NL, the national association of Business Angel Networks in the Netherland. | national association, association business | typical, capital, fund, entrepreneur, investment | 1 | | than other contractors. But we are also a reliable contracting company, member of Bouwend Nederland (the national association of Dutch building and infrastructure companies). Offering more than 10 years experience and over 1000 completed… | national association, association dutch | reference, ambassador, renovation, carpentry, painting | 1 | | …has concentrated its management services on the demands and requirements in the publishing industry. Associations also find their way to Abonnementenland. It is our ambition to be able to offer our clients today what they will… | industry association, association way | subscription, vacancy, reader, processing, publish | 1 | | In recent years, both associations had a good number of registered dogs. And do you remember… Despite the restrictions surrounding Covid-19, there were also a good number of registered dogs. We can look back on fantastic show weekends… | year association, association good | belgian, specialty, championship, rule, saturday | 1 | | During the yearly congress of AIJA – International Association of Young Lawyers – I help speakers and moderators. They practice and fine tune their presentations and speeches that they deliver during their workshops and working sessions… | international association, association young | speak, presentation, engage, lawyer, entrepreneur | 1 | | The Vereniging van Oncologie Verpleegkundigen in Utrecht (NL) (Association of Oncology Nursing Staff in Utrecht, NL) has acknowledged SWPI request for assistance and placed an inquiry in their newsletter. This has resulted in serious… | nl association, association oncology | indonesia, bhakti, island, welfare, aid | 1 | | In the Natural Habitat Adventures series, excess and gluttony are striking themes. The place of trading is De Witte society in The Hague. The residence of this private association, founded in 1782, provides the artist with a suitable… | private association, association artist | adventure, portrait, hague, animal, society | 1 | | Yoga Therapy is the proses of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of yoga. (The International Association of Yoga Therapists). | international association, association yoga | therapy, complaint, friday, tuesday, evening | 1 | | However, arbitration does not always derive from an agreement between parties. An arbitration clause may also be included in binding articles of association or in regulations. In that case, the an arbitration clause is regarded as an… | article association, association regulation, association sport | arbitration, law, dispute, agreement, rule | 1 | | An association cannot exist without its board. See who keeps the association running here! | | elephant, purple, tribal, february, evident | 1 | | Extensive network with governments and non-goverment associations in Europe and China | goverment association, association europe | consulting, firm, cross, lawyer, compliance | 1 | | Become a Friend? As Friend you support a young, active association of students, receive invitations to all our concerts, get discounts on our concerts and receive our club magazine “de Titus”. You will already be a Friend starting from 10… | active association, association student | conductor, calendar, rehearsal, committee, chairman | 1 | | in many long-term relationships with individual and institutional customers. Some individuals have ordered three vessels from the yard but the longest association is with KNRM (The Royal Dutch Lifeboat Association). | | patrol, craft, shipyard, vessel, rescue | 1 | | "There are many courses about childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc., but not enough about the postpartum period. It's so nice to learn all these good associations from week 5 onwards and to know why we do certain things." | good association, association week | period, birth, copy, parent, confidence | 1 | | Since 2021 we have been working with non-profit association ParentsHouses to offer temporary housing to divorced parents. | profit association, association parentshouses | apartment, rental, comfortable, property, investment | 1 | | …1986 we create 100% independent solutions based on this IT knowledge. We also dispose of very extensive experience in the solutions we made so far for government, industry, associations, foundations and servicing organizations as well. | industry association, association foundation | omnis, tailor, reference, government, far | 1 | | Advocaat is a protected title in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Bar Association oversees the legal profession. Employment law Amsterdam has been registered with the Netherlands Bar Association and under the name Kouvarnta Law Firm since… | bar association, association legal, association kouvarnta | employment, law, employee, lawyer, dismissal | 1 | | …target audiences, increase the awareness of your product or services, and strengthen positive and healthy associations. This can be modular and per athlete, depending on your personal needs, or in combination with our entire team of | healthy association, association modular | athlete, connection, curious, partnership, ambition | 1 | | In addition to the direct impact or some closer tensions of formal and abstract associations, the performative presence of living snails on the corpses contain a chemical reaction between the bronze glaze and the snail's soft body. These… | abstract association, association performative | mothership, slime, untitled, snail, etch | 1 | | CoC 54273390 | AGB code (administrative code assigned to healthcare professionals in the Netherlands) 13072174 | ISO 9001 certified | Member of NVvO (Netherlands association of orthodontists) | netherlands association, association orthodontist | treatment, orthodontic, tooth, adult, aesthetic | 1 | | …embeddings in the translation of idiomatic expressions?. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FLP) , pages 100-110, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Hybrid). Association for Computational Linguistics. | hybrid association, association computational | conference, reviewer, computational, proceedings, k. | 1 | | Carnival is a part of our culture where Creativity plays a important role during and in preparation for this yearly folk festival. for more than 10 years now I create eye catcher for several carnival associations. Curious about the… | carnival association, association curious | graphic, painting, decorative, uncategorized, portrait | 1 | | We are very pleased with our association with your company. The service is prompt, and we have saved money. Thank you! | pleased association, association company | chemical, cannabinoid, supply, psychedelic, synthetic | 1 | | …We provide these trainings in partnership with the University of Amsterdam Academy for Banking and Insurance (UVA ABV), the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and the Dutch Institute for Banking and Securities (NIBE). | global association, association risk | risk, leadership, regulatory, insurance, banking | 1 | | STUdance was founded by a small group of enthusiastic young women in 1993, but it has since grown to become the largest student dance association in Utrecht, with almost 300 members! One of the goals is to offer affordable, high-quality… | dance association, association utrecht | dance, uit, fee, schedule, internal | 1 | | Taxative’s advisers are affiliated with the Netherlands Association of Administration and Tax Experts and is a member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers. | netherlands association, association administration, dutch association, association tax | tax, accounting, administration, report, effective | 1 | | SpaceNed is an association which aims to build bridges between major players in the Dutch space sector. On 18 April, cosine hosted their General Members Meeting at our headquarters in Sassenheim, the Netherlands. Before the… | spacened association, association bridge | cosine, measurement, factory, career, optical | 1 | | The filter is already being used by various companies, institutions, and organizations. Sustainable frying, using the FIB filter, is already being used in healthcare institutions, fast food chains, small and large catering companies, and… | | basket, fry, insert, save | 1 | | Some background information is in order; in 2021, Noesis, and our sister association Tussen De Torens (in Nijmegen), were founded. To promote student chess in the Netherlands, it was decided … Read more | sister association, association tussen | chess, championship, calendar, tournament, committee | 1 | | Most information on this site is based on the recommendations and guidelines published by the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. Below every page you’ll find a link to the reference article of the information. Most of the… | european association, association cardiovascular | valve, leave, pulmonary, physics, advanced | 1 | | ESN Wageningen is one of the largest international student associations in Wageningen. Part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) which is located all across Europe, we strive to help all students, whether you are Dutch or international… | student association, association wageningen | esn, committee, membership, merch, lifetime | 1 | | is entitled Oceanic. Or do we see the chimneys of an ocean steamer? The design is simple, yet it renders numerous associations. The lamp is designed by Michele de Lucchi, a prominent member of the Italian design collective Memphis… | numerous association, association lamp | exhibition, painting, visit, rental, overview | 1 | | We work together with professors, study associations, professional economists, civil society inititiaves and other interested individuals to foster change in economics education. | study association, association professional | economic, rethink, academic, conversation, theory | 1 | | Kelsteren places The Oltun Festival of Music celebrations Marking areas Markelo Area areas Nederlandse Unie other Vessum places March 2021 Secondary Operator Election events Bushwackers Association structures National Circuit structures… | bushwackers association, association structure | structure, transportation, celebration, random, position | 1 | | Of course, we are members of the NVM Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers and the Amsterdam Real Estate Broker Association, guaranteeing our service quality. | dutch association, association real, broker association, association service | expat, insurance, mortgage, taxis, housing | 1 | | On Friday 17 November 2023 the VSR (The Dutch-Flemish Association for the Socio-Legal Study of Law) and VWR (The Netherlands Association for Philosophy of Law) will organise a study day entitled ‘Multi-disciplinary approaches to the rule… | flemish association, association socio, netherlands association, association philosophy | law, lecture, appointment, ethics, conference | 1 | | Bachelor Students of International Studies (BASIS) is the study association for BA International Studies. BASIS was set up over the summer of 2012 by a group of prospective BA International Studies students, and has been steadily… | study association, association ba, member association, association basis | committee, east, asia, america, join | 1 | | Our lawyers are independent professionals, all registered at the Dutch Lawyer Association (Advocatenorde). Our lawyers work under personal title. They share the facilities of the office and make use of the tradename AdvocatenvanOranje… | lawyer association, association advocatenorde | law, firm, lawyer, trade, labour | 1 | | You can register individually and you do not have to be a member of the association. You will be divided by age and level, taking into account that you will join a group with your friends. The clinics are for both boys and girls from 6… | member association, association age | camp, spirit, player, calendar, educational | 1 | | Damjan Rudež is a Croatian professional basketball player for the Minnesota Timberwolves of the National Basketball Association. He also represents the Croatian national basketball team internationally. | basketball association, association croatian | movement, athlete, athletic, player, injury | 1 | | We know Myanmar, its (international) market and work together with local partners like WMEA (Women Myanmar Entrepreneur Association) | | woman, potential, entrepreneur, assignment, ambition | 1 | | The VNHI, Union of Dutch Trade agents and importers, is the association for the self-employed commercial agent, importer and broker in The Netherlands. The approximately 300 associated members sell or act as intermediaries in the selling… | importer association, association self | advertisement, importer, furniture, profile, payment | 1 | | Would you like to sell your coffee online? Do you represent a producer organisation, cooperative, association or farmer company? | cooperative association, association farmer | seller, buyer, producer, independent, profile | 1 | | We are a proud member of ESMA and we support industry associations Fespa and SGIA . We are linked with the Persona Academy and Yiist – Change Agents . | industry association, association fespa | independent, ink, industrial, textile, glass | 1 | | Certified data protection officer (European Center on Privacy and Cybersecurity of Maastricht University). Also certified through the IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals) as a CIPP/E, CIPM and CIPT. | international association, association privacy | law, protection, consulting, compliance, implementation | 1 | | Membership of these associations is only possible with the right qualifications, requirements and proficiency. In 2023 I will receive a visitation from the LVVP for quality assurance and control. The practice also received the KIWA… | membership association, association possible | treatment, therapy, psychotherapy, mental, session | 1 | | I am a member of the NVA professional association. For this I am obliged to follow further training every year for both Western and Eastern medicine. There is also an obligation for intervision with fellow practitioners. I do my utmost to… | professional association, association training, association information | treatment, acupuncture, complaint, medicine, common | 1 | | Acoustics in Practice International e-Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) Vol. 2 • No. 2 • December 2014 | acoustic association, association eaa | measurement, noise, quiet, acoustic, pavement | 1 | | He loved it so much. Honorary member of the music association, greatly appreciated for all his efforts. An appropriate farewell was self-evident: trumpeter Melissa Venema made an impressive musical tribute. Under 'Il Silenzio' it… | music association, association greatly | biography, orchestra, funeral, africa, london | 1 | | Playground Association Philipsdorp in collaboration with the NSGK has been renovated so that children with disabilities can play without problems in our wonderful playground. | playground association, association philipsdorp | playground, disable, season, easter, disability | 1 | | Looking to elevate your private event with some thrilling beer pong action? Whether it’s a milestone birthday bash, a raucous bachelor party, or a spirited gathering for your student association, we’ve got you covered! Simply fill out the… | student association, association simply | join, atmosphere, engage, tournament, connection | 1 | | When a job requires industrial rigging / climbing, ActionPact works closely with partner IAS who provides Industrial climbers, certified according to the international IRATA (Industrial rope access trade association) norm. | trade association, association norm | precision, fight, bodywork, television, choreography | 1 | | CoC 60672781 | AGB code (administrative code assigned to healthcare professionals in the Netherlands) 13071970 | ISO 9001 certified | Member of NVvO (Netherlands association of orthodontists) | netherlands association, association orthodontist | treatment, orthodontic, tooth, adult, visitor | 1 | | Holland Limousine Services is the Dutch representative of International Limousine Association who offers privately chauffeured limousine, sedan, van and related services worldwide. | limousine association, association privately | worldwide, fleet, transfer, conference, underneath | 1 | | I am a certified psychotherapy supervisor and trainer for the Dutch Association for Person-Centered psychotherapists and for the Dutch Association for Psychotherapy. For many years, I also teach psychotherapy, and trauma assessment… | dutch association, association person, association psychotherapy | psychotherapist, license, chronic, early, specialize | 1 | | I am a Doctor in Psychology (PsyD) and an Art Therapist (MA AT, AThR), member of the Federatie Vaktherapeutische Professions (FVP, NVBT), Netherlands, Art Therapy Association Singapore (ATAS) and Australia and New Zealand Art Therapy… | therapy association, association singapore, association anzata | therapy, psychology, couple, hague, south | 1 | | Back Agri & Food Construction & Real Estate Sustainability & Energy ICT & Technology Industry Education Government Shipping Industry Transport & Logistics Social Housing Associations Banks, Insurers and Business Services Healthcare | housing association, association bank | law, lawyer, estate, debt, administrative | 1 | | Controversial Reputation: The Black Caste is often viewed with suspicion and fear by other castes due to its association with covert and sometimes illicit activities. | caste association, association covert | assassin, shadow, circle, realm, intricate | 1 | | Breikers is an employer-driven network that was established by the employers associations VNO-NCW and Oram in order to improve the accessibility of organisations and, as a result, safeguard the business climate in the region. We also… | employer association, association vno | mobility, logistics, accessibility, independent, employee | 1 | | The Retail Petrol & Car Wash exhibition is being organised by trade magazine TankPro and CarwashPro in collaboration with various trade associations. | | exhibition, fuel, wash, trade, programme | 1 | | Medium Magazine is the publication run by Communication Science students at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). As part of the Mercurius Study Association, we strive to foster a growing environment for fellow students to learn from each… | study association, association environment | write, opinion, politics, journalistic, privilege | 1 | | ‘Die Volksgrenadiere’ is the German workgroup of the Dutch re-enactment association ETOR 40-45. Our workgroup displays the common German soldier who, as conscript during the Second World War, had to serve in the Wehrmacht. Specifically… | enactment association, association etor | workgroup, overview, rate, reference, war | 1 | | Westbrug is an official member of the Association of Companies in the Metalworking Sector [Metaalunie]. | member association, association company | specialise, semiconductor, primarily, mechatronic, premise | 1 | | …to align your company with content that’s strategically important to your positioning in the marketing, media and advertising industry. Create a positive association with your company and progressive marketing through thought leadership. | positive association, association company | conference, advertising, rate, exhibition, pass | 1 | | …still a significant lack of female representation in the world of classical music. To address this issue, many countries have established initiatives to support female musicians in their careers, including associations and music festivals. | career association, association music | guitar, organ, choir, violin, sheet | 1 | | …visual material. In my drawings, collages and installations, these random visual elements come together, evoking associations. Therefore, my work teeters on the edge of chaos and connection, randomness and meaningfulness. I often draw… | element association, association work | paper, ink, oil, flower, drawing | 1 | | Logo and website design for Hounds of Honor, a World of Warcraft guild. A guild is an in-game association of player characters. Guilds are formed to make grouping and raiding easier and more rewarding, as well as to form a social… | game association, association player | fundraiser, island, honor, publish, furniture | 1 | | Albert Einstein: "Science is the century-old endeavor to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thorough-going an association as possible." | thorough association, association possible | laboratory, profile, think, endeavor, thorough | 1 | | President, Nihon Kobudō Shinkōkai (Classical Martial Arts Promotion Association) | | tradition, generation, japanese, publication, hague | 1 | | …stall at school, Poffertjes stall at school, Poffertjes stall at school wedding, poffertjeskraam neighborhood association, poffertjeskraam Lunteren, poffertjeskraam for rent, poffertjeskraam camping, poffertjeskraam Uden… | neighborhood association, association poffertjeskraam | stall, rent, portion, sausage, german | 1 | | Music can both relax and activate the body. Music bridges the gap to emotions and thoughts by evoking associations and memories. It can offer guidance and support through the (recognizable) structure, melody and rhythm. | thought association, association memory | glory, cancer, memory, oncological, song | 1 | | in Navarre being one of the founding partners of the global Terra Corporate Finance Alliance . This non-exclusive association was founded in 2002 and offers the international resources of hundreds of investment bankers and M&A advisers… | exclusive association, association international | advisory, recovery, raise, valuation, fund | 1 | | When I was looking for a name for my new podcast and website, the first thing I thought about, where typical Dutch dishes. The first association I had with Holland was the Frikandel. My wife said, that I might upset the Dutch, if I kind… | dish association, association holland | career, humour, german, appointment, interest | 1 | | From 2011-2015, Nanke was board member of the international networking group of Logeion, association of communication professionals in the Netherlands. | logeion association, association communication | offering, objective, strategic, extensive, journalism | 1 | | Ms. Verhagen also serves as external confidential advisor for inappropriate behaviour and workplace integrity with various companies and educational institutions. She is certified as confidential advisor with the Dutch association of… | dutch association, association confidential | labour, advisor, primarily, dispute, career | 1 | | As a member of the trade association NRK PVT, NP Plastics is a participant in Rethink, the branch initiative launched in 2017, underlining our commitment to realizing more sustainable and efficient production processes. | trade association, association nrk | molding, injection, customized, rethink, secondary | 1 | | This project has received funding from the PPP allowance (Health Holland), the Association of Dutch Health Foundations (SGF) and our private partners Pfizer B.V., Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V., Acerta Pharma B.V., Fresenius and… | holland association, association dutch | target, wp, patient, publication, researcher | 1 | | My apartment is not a museum. Apart from whether I even should wish it or not, the fact that it is a part of a specific building complex makes this impossible. I belong to the association the senior community DE GRONDSLSAG (THE… | impossible association, association senior | japanese, overview, decorator, wedding, encounter | 1 | | Ritmeester Interfreight is ISO 9001 certified, a member of the trade associations Transport & Logistiek Nederland (TLN) and Nederlandse Vereniging van Scheepsleveranciers (NVVS). Ritmeester’s employees are key to all operations. To… | trade association, association transport | seaport, provision, vehicle, fleet, vacancy | 1 | | …to every essential step to take in the new environment: insurance, water, energy, WIFI, painting and the owner’s association. It emerged all this work is also part of their package. It is a privilege and a great pleasure to cooperate with | owner association, association work | paris, apartment, remuneration, purchase, french | 1 | | SpaceNed is a trade association that aims to build bridges between the major players in the Dutch space sector. The goal is to create and continue the conversation and partnership between international commercial businesses, national and… | trade association, association bridge | secretariat, importance, congress, planetary, conversation | 1 | | In the early ’80s I built my own computer, based on a kit provided by the Eindhovense Computer Association, a local computer club. Eventually I expanded the kit with a printer interface, a 32 KByte RAM card, a floppy controller and two 5… | computer association, association local | restoration, twin, utility, disk, assembler | 1 | | Dec 2021 Story-telling performance, Mobility and European crises, on everydayness, Annual Danish European Community Studies Association Conference, Copenhagen DK | studies association, association conference | sharma, painting, exhibition, artistic, silence | 1 | | On July 13, we launched our book ‘Influencing for the better: Influencers als gezondsheidsambassadeurs’ [Influencers as health ambassadors]. The book was written for SWOCC, the association for scientific research in commercial… | swocc association, association scientific | associate, creativity, study, launch, publication | 1 | | Our affiliation with various certifying bodies guarantees that your move will be a success: Erkende Verhuizers in the Netherlands, EMG European Moving Group in Europe and the AIM Association International Movers for the rest of the world. | aim association, association international | quotation, worldwide, america, obligation, relocation | 1 | | In September 2015 I received the Emerging Scholars Award from the Organized Section on Political Organizations and Parties of the American Political Science Association. I was selected as a member of Young Academy Leiden in 2019. | science association, association member | political, representation, publication, opposition, parliament | 1 | | For our Cut the Ties campaign, we demand that the university cuts all ties with fossil fuel industries. We have blocked the bus of study association Newton going to Shell Pernis, we have flyered at lunch lectures, we have taken over the… | study association, association newton | bike, join, staff, parking, movement | 1 | | The carabiner that is being used in mountain climbing has been our agency’s logo for many years. To us, this symbol represents faith and association. Both the candidate and the employer need to trust that Hansink & De Looper is the right… | faith association, association candidate | selection, secondment, secretary, psychology, degree | 1 | | Opening of the Fair at the Main Pavilion with Mike Mitchell, director of the National Book Association. | | programme, pass, exhibitor, presentation, arch | 1 | | Susanne reviewed the returns on all products and services provided by the Consumentenbond (Consumers’ Association). As a result, decisions were substantiated, processes optimised and the accountability of membership fees improved. | consumer association, association result | optimisation, reference, profile, honest, understandable | 1 | | Inform clients about alternative APs to limit the need for active and passive scanning on the client when it wants to roam. After a certain amount of denied association responses the client will be allowed. | certain association, association response | wireless, cisco, traffic, multicast, mobility | 1 | | The goal of the Dutch Association for Theoretical Computer Science, NVTI (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica), is to advance theoretical computer science in the Netherlands. It was founded on March 17, 1995, as a forum… | dutch association, association theoretical, stoc association, association common | statute, misc, theoretical, cwi, umbrella | 1 | | At the end of World War I, a group of Dutch brokers, traders and producers founded the Netherlands Oils, Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association (NOFOTA). Their main goal was to facilitate their trade by developing clear standard contracts… | trade association, association nofota | progress, trade, electronic, biography, far | 1 | | the total assessment and is organised by Adrian van Well. The course is given under responsibility of the British Association of Shooting and Conservation (BASC). After studying for the Deer management Qualification 1 , you can enrol in… | british association, association shoot | deer, assessment, qualification, uk, hunt | 1 | | …structural equations modeling, experimental design, system analysis, and qualitative methods, in topics ranging from preferences on COVID-19 prevention measures, association football, schools choices, and residential choices. | measure association, association football | publication, department, behavioral, methodology, statistics | 1 | | In 1996, the Association of Flower Auctions in the Netherlands (VBN), together with wholesalers, launched the collective brand Normpack. The importance of this was the standardization of dimensions and the assurance of the quality of the… | | tray, producer, assurance, overview, recycle | 1 | | Offering special stay arrangements in Slovakia for specific audiences, such as castles associations, music lovers, wine connoisseurs, etc. | castle association, association music | slovak, guide, translator, slovakia, matter | 1 | | For personal reasons, Rob Meijer has been forced to stop his activities within the association. ... | | girl, woman, committee, membership, duty | 1 | | Markets and other events of (sports) associations are more often held in the Diamond Hall. The revamped Motormarkt is thus assured of good accessibility, ample parking and smooth running of the event. The Diamond Hall is located on a… | sport association, association diamond | motorcycle, saturday, moped, practical, exhibitor | 1 | | The recurring theme of illusion or reality evokes associations with the film The Matrix and the allegory of Plato’s cave, but reminds me especially of that popular English children’s song: Row, row,row your boat gently down the stream… | reality association, association film | earth, instruction, participation, perspective, consciousness | 1 | | Our main supervisory body is the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales, which is one of the most prestigious professional associations in the UK. We are also members of The Chartered Institute of Tax Advisors and The… | professional association, association uk | uk, tax, advisor, overseas, netherland | 1 | | Our company strictly adheres to the regulations outlined in the Personal Data Protection Act. We ensure that all procedures and protocols are followed in accordance with the guidelines set by the Dutch Association of the Judiciary… | dutch association, association judiciary | debt, debtor, law, directly, bailiff | 1 | | Since I also wanted to be able to appraise gemstones I completed the international course of Gemmology next to my training as a goldsmith. I can now call myself FGA, i.e. Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain. Since… | gemmological association, association great | appraisal, theft, independent, insurance, compensation | 1 | | Annelies also has a knack for organizing events and uses those skills for different associations. She’s open for collaborations and always eager to learn more. | different association, association open | miniature, ceramic, basket, visual, bowl | 1 | | Competition ‘Reinventing Dharavi’, strategy slum, Mumbai(with Felixx, IHS Institute for Housing & Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University, Nasvi-National Association of Street Vendors of India, UN-Habitat en Studio OXL) (2014) | national association, association street | edge, landscape, urbanism, urban, neighborhood | 1 | | …will take center stage in Maastricht. This exciting event is a collaboration between the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP) and the Association for Political Science (VPW), and we are thrilled to announce that Maastricht… | science association, association nkwp, nkwp association, association political | political, thesis, paper, february, proposal | 1 | | We are the student badminton association of Maastricht! We are an international student association with all different kinds of badminton experience. Besides our shared love for the sport, we also make some time for fun. After training on… | badminton association, association maastricht, student association, association different | schedule, competition, tournament, commission, interested | 1 | | …We want to radically impact the lives of patients with neurodegenerative diseases and together we can put our vision into practice. To connect with the ALS patient community, we are happy to direct you to our partnering ALS associations. | | phase, disease, patient, als, pipeline | 1 | | On September 24–28, 2018, the 33rd Conference of the European Association of Aviation Psychology was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. See this website for more information. | european association, association aviation | cognitive, task, division, ability, road | 1 | | All Terrain is a student sports association which mainly focuses on survival running. We also do mountain biking, (obstacle)running, climbing, mountaineering, canoeing, and orienteering. We train up to three times a week, general survival… | sport association, association mainly | terrain, run, committee, upcoming, calendar | 1 | | We have been best friends for over 30 years. We got to know each other through a network association of our parents (the Round Table). We became friends and have been together ever since. Michiel has Duchenne muscle disease. | network association, association parent | road, rental, wheelchair, adventure, campervan | 1 | | Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates / Brochures / Contracts / Correspondence / CVs and Applications / Degree Certificates & Diplomas / General Terms & Conditions / Instruments of Incorporation & Articles of Association / Manuals /… | article association, association manual | translation, double, translator, competitive, rate | 1 | | The homeowners’ association VvE Van Vollenhovenlaan Hoog is an active homeowners’ association with a regularly rotating board. The board is assisted by homeowners with specific expertises. | homeowners association, association vve, association regularly | residence, maintenance, administrator, commonly, homeowners | 1 | | As of January 1, the consultations will no longer be reimbursed from the supplementary package. This is due to the switch to the trade association Stichting ACoZo, where a conscious decision has been made to opt for quality and views that… | trade association, association stichting | energetic, therapy, appointment, complementary, consultation | 1 | | We advise: organisations (companies, associations, investors, Private Equity etc.) on: | company association, association investor | revolution, evolution, profitable, objective, deliverables | 1 | | (1) Osteopathy Maastricht is an association of the registered osteopaths in Maastricht. | maastricht association, association osteopath | osteopath, osteopathy, reimbursement, possibility, directly | 1 | | RAMBAM is an automated shift scheduling system, designed for situations where an association has to manage voluntary and mandatory shifts of its members. RAMBAM allows members to change or trade shifts and helps administrators with… | situation association, association voluntary | python, technique, voluntary, schedule, plugin | 1 | | Sietar Nederland (Sietar NL) is an interdisciplinary association by and for professionals in the field of intercultural communication, diversity and inclusion. The association connects professionals in the field of research, education and… | interdisciplinary association, association professional, inclusion association | intercultural, society, membership, colleague, diversity | 1 | | The ECO cv exists today still as an Association of 15 collecting and waste processing companies with the slogan "joint waste care" | today association, association waste | waste, debris, sort, profit, planet | 1 | | During my nearly 20 years working in multiple countries, I’ve been involved in a number of associations of in-house counsel and have found the GCN to be an exceptionally valuable network. The GCN brings together senior lawyers with… | number association, association house | counsel, conference, attorney, partners, think | 1 | | Nieuws in de klas (News in the classroom) was founded in 1976 by the then Dutch Newspaper Publishers’ Association NDP (currently the Dutch Trade Organization for News Media Companies, NDP Nieuwsmedia ). | publisher association, association ndp | literacy, teacher, newspaper, round, trade | 1 | | …in their own homes: neat, thorough and only with the best materials. Private homeowners, realtors, schools, housing associations and nursing homes in Amstelveen and surroundings rely on our expertise and service. Now and the next 50 years. | housing association, association nursing | bathroom, central, heating, prevention, sewer | 1 | | Finally, it is good to know that we have a Contractors’ All-Risks Insurance Policy, which provides you with extra confidence if you hire us to do a job. Bouwbedrijf Middelkoop is also a member of Bouwend Nederland, the Netherlands… | netherlands association, association build | maintenance, renovation, shed, kitchen, roof | 1 | | The TOTO Dutch Open Darts is the largest and most enjoyable darts tournament in the world, to which everyone, from amateur to professional, can compete. It is an event of the Dutch Darts Association and guarantees three days of fun, party… | darts association, association day | tournament, final, youth, sunday, adult | 1 | | AEGEE-Maastricht is the European student association for you to travel, explore and experience Europe with. Join us in our parties, trips, workshops and many other activities in Maastricht and all around Europe. | student association, association europe | aegee, frequently, upcoming, playground | 1 | | Our association is known for hosting our characteristic weekly LAN parties all year long! Our weekly LANs are held at the fantastic Theatrehall in the sport & culture building "X", where our members can play all kinds of games and chat… | | calendar, competitive, weekly, player, events | 1 | | The Board of Directors of Ecommerce Europe is pleased to announce Mr. Luca Cassetti as the new Secretary General of the European digital commerce association. Mr. Cassetti has been Director of EU Public Affairs for Ecommerce Europe and… | commerce association, association mr. | commerce, ecommerce, int, appearance, america | 1 | | The European Portable Battery Association (EPBA) put together this website to raise awareness to this topic. | battery association, association epba | battery, risk, emergency, parent, resource | 1 | | …of my practices is the rosary, a form of prayer that goes back to the Middle Ages. It’s a folk tradition, which means there’s a simple core, a lot of variants, and a ton of symbolic interpretation and personal association on top of it all. | | ride, rosary, road, tree, bike | 1 | | This article shows how the 6 core competencies of a facilitator are visualized using the Lego Serious Play method. The 6 competencies are part of the IAF – International Association of Facilitators assessment process. At the Lego Serious… | international association, association facilitators | facilitation, creativity, session, round, closure | 1 | | We are Asset | Econometrics, the study association for students in Tilburg studying Bsc Econometrics & Operations Research, Msc Quantitative Finance & Actuarial Science, Msc Econometrics & Mathematical Economics, and Msc Business… | study association, association student | asset, econometrics, career, committee, informal | 1 | | zondagontwerpers is working according to the General Terms and Conditions of the Association of Dutch Designers (BNO), filled with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce. Copyright ©2022 zondagontwerpers. All rights reserved. | conditions association, association dutch | fullsize, freedom, identity, graphic, visible | 1 | | Certified Career Coach & Team Coach. Member of EMCC, ICF and Noloc (Dutch professional association for career professionals and job coaches) | professional association, association career | consulting, career, leadership, preparation, relocation | 1 | | In understandable words we give lectures and training to schools, universities, varied associations and companies about the possibilities and limitations of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Read more about it here . | varied association, association company | node, lecture, limitation, possibility, plugin | 1 | | Bachelor party, company outing, day trip with friends, club or association, anniversary? A picture in Volendam costume fits any programme. It also offers a tangible and lasting memory of your fun day out. | club association, association anniversary | costume, memory, reservation, famous, wheelchair | 1 | | The International Air Transport Association (IATA) defines a shipment as perishable if its contents will deteriorate over a given period of time if exposed to harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures or humidity… | transport association, association iata | cargo, cover, strap, utility, supplier | 1 | | Original and unique outings for companies, families, schools, friends and associations | | outing, boat, events, swan, rental | 1 | | The corona pandemic has sharpened the relationships in our society. The question of whether or not to vaccinate leads to heated discussions between families, groups of friends, associations, in the workplace and in relationships. In this… | friend association, association workplace | monday, title, broadcaster, million, island | 1 | | When hiring an electrician in Amsterdam, it’s important to ensure that they are experienced and qualified to handle the job you require. Look for someone who is registered with the Dutch Association of Electricians or other relevant… | dutch association, association electrician | electrician, installation, electricity, electrical, rate | 1 | | …Utrecht region. At Anders Utrecht, we believe in the transformative potential of urban initiatives. From formal associations and social enterprises to citizen movements and neighbourhood initiatives, each has a role to play in realising a | formal association, association social | society, socially, transition, societal, urban | 1 | | Every year there is another exhibition on the ground floor and in the flour attic of Flourmill De Hoop. These exhibitions are arranged in co-operation with other institutes and associations in the area and show a remarkable aspect of… | institute association, association area | hoop, exhibition, flour, traffic, direction | 1 | | Haagen & Partners is affiliated with various organizations such as the Association of rental brokers, the VGM and the NVM. | organization association, association rental | partners, property, rental, expat, listing | 1 | | If you are interested in gaming or esports, then the University of Twente is the place for you! Here at the UT, we have access to facilities to perform top-notch research, work together with Blueshell, the largest esports student… | student association, association netherlands | competition, ut, slide, copy, internship | 1 | | By intertwining multiple forms of media I try to create a fluctuation between different realities. The works are shifting for example between 2D and 3D, physical and digital, associations of comfort and repulsion. Different media are used… | digital association, association comfort | citric, flesh, melt, playground, artistic | 1 | | Joep is one of the founders and chairs of the Division of Intercultural Communication and Diversity of the Netherlands Flanders Communication Association ( NeFCA ). He is an active member (and former board member) of the International… | communication association, association nefca | publication, diversity, intercultural, position, strategic | 1 | | …veterinary clinics that is involved in almost all the elements of the poultry industry. Our activities take place in individual poultry farms, as well as in integrated farms, hatcheries, breeders’ associations and experimental farms. | breeder association, association experimental | veterinary, animal, veterinarian, appointment, species | 1 | | An association of 6 plant breeding companies that initiates projects in the domains of e-bioscience, bioinformatics and IT-infrastructure in which the plant breeding industry and associated knowledge institutes collaborate. | | sequence, genome, laboratory, genomic, rna | 1 | | For many years he is involved with the European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA) as a member of the board. Since 1984 he is the editor-in-chief of the Piano Bulletin, a journal published every four months by EPTA Netherlands. He is also… | teacher association, association epta | biography, competition, organ, journal, highly | 1 | | WICCON is organised by the women in cybersecurity community association based in The Netherlands. | community association, association netherlands | woman, achievement, conference, conduct, volunteer | 1 | | It's possible to register as a member of our association after the first trial lesson! | member association, association trial | rule, lesson, trial, contemporary, traditional | 1 | | …track the continuous business crusade while the work of the business hatcheries is to help in feeding the business. These experts additionally give mentorship close by assets and they let you make associations with different organizations. | asset association, association different | possibility, funding, capital, regard, think | 1 | | The Amateur Hockey Association (AHA) : Established in 1886, the AHA was the first recognized ice hockey league in Canada. It implemented important changes such as reducing the number of players on ice from nine to seven. | hockey association, association aha | ice, comprehensive, guide, century, milestone | 1 | | Strengthening the connection between the Senate parliamentary party and our local political council members that are closely involved in the daily implementation. And also commit to the D66 association as a whole! | | political, senate, perspective, especially, intercultural | 1 | | NPEC facilitates state-of-the-art measurement of plant phenotypes to support research on genotype-phenotype associations. Establishing these associations is critical for the development of novel climate-proof crops and cropping systems… | phenotype association, association critical | phenotype, throughput, facility, crop, academic | 1 | | Also this year the beach race for the youth is on the program of GP Groot Egmond-Pier-Egmond. In this official race for children from 11 to 15 years, a maximum of 150 children can participate who have a KNWU license or train with an… | | january, accessibility, bike, stay, cycling | 1 | | At the start of our association in 2019, we immediately opted for accommodation in Microlab. I find the community very valuable. You have all the expertise in-house! We have therefore worked together with several members of Microlab in… | start association, association immediately | appointment, desk, resource, pricing, inspire | 1 | | You can also check out the Dutch Consumers’ Association Consumentenbond website to get an independent look at energy providers in the Netherlands and how they compare on prices and sustainability. | consumer association, association consumentenbond | operative, roof, turbine, panel, government | 1 | | “New London Architecture launched a competition this autumn, in association with The Building Centre, Time Out, Royal Institute of British Architects London and Elle Decoration, to find London’s best and most innovative home extensions.” | autumn association, association build | london, pavilion, south, structure, architecture | 1 | | Trademark disclaimer: All product names used are trademarks of their respective owners, and in no way constitutes an association or affiliation with Oenkenstein Audio or Reason Studios. | way association, association affiliation | road, player, string, acoustic, rack | 1 | | President of the International Association of Zoo Educators and “Born Member” of the Captive Breeding Specialist Group of IUCN | international association, association zoo | singer, guestbook, disable, fully | 1 | | RVC Libanon '50 is the most 'gezellig' volleyball club in the city of Rotterdam. RVC Libanon '50 has over 200 members, but no youth teams. With 13 teams in the competitive leagues of the Dutch Volleybal Association, the NeVoBo, and 11… | volleybal association, association nevobo | recreational, volleyball, competitive, tournament, lover | 1 | | Finally, I am also affiliated to the Association for Career Professionals (NOLOC). This professional body applies quality criteria and refresher requirements. | finally association, association career | situation, balance, career, flourish, authentic | 1 | | The Netherlands Online Gambling Association is urging the country's Ministry of Justice and Security to reconsider its decision to ban online gambling advertising. read more | gambling association, association country | gambling, wager, charitable, lottery, directory | 1 | | Our clients can count on the same high-quality service worldwide through the Morison Global association. | | subsidy, strategic, assurance, absenteeism, tax | 1 | | I am a member of the Shiatsu Association of the Netherlands (SVN) , and licensed by the national umbrella organisation for complementary healthcare ( RBCZ ), and registered at the complaints and arbitration body for complementary… | shiatsu association, association netherlands | wat, treatment, therapy, france, alternative | 1 | | Illustration about homeowner associations and their sometimes complicated or frustrating meetings; corona and quarantine don't make things any easier. My idea w... | homeowner association, association complicated | illustration, cyclist, neighborhood, painting, physical | 1 | | After a positive viewing, the buyer’s agent will discuss with you whether further research is needed. For instance, concerning architectural aspects, land registry, zoning plans, environmental factors, and the homeowners’ association… | homeowners association, association applicable | buyer, appointment, property, straightforward, listing | 1 | | Nuts are of great importance to a healthy diet. Moreover, there is an increasing interest in growing walnuts and hazelnuts locally, supported by the Dutch Association for Nuts. Focus is on both fresh nuts as well as on nuts processed into… | dutch association, association nut | walnut, diet, hazelnut, council, advisory | 1 | | Documentary about a young Dutch man returning to his country of birth, Iraq. The film was broadcasted by the VPRO and awarded with both the Breaking Ground pitch Award and the Crowdfunding Prize of the NVJ (Dutch Association of Journalism). | dutch association, association journalism | movie, campaign, producer, independent, currently | 1 | | To conclude, Whirlwind Rate is actually an effective technique for obtaining quick effectiveness in a vibrant as well as considerably busy globe. Through using the energy of energy, concentration, as well as important activity… | activity association, association people | actually, hair, chain, uncategorized, silver | 1 | | …is held during the Easter weekend. Each year one of the countries associated with the FICC organizes the event. Any camper between the ages of 14 and 30 that is connected to the FICC, either individually or via an association, is invited. | | youth, stay, pack, practical, adventure | 1 | | In order to discern the traditional Siamese from the modern Siamese with its specific, ultra slim body type, the Dutch Cat breeder association "Neocat" has decided to name these cats as " Thai" . The Thai is seen as a separate breed and… | breeder association, association neocat | traditional, cat, breeder, description, generally | 1 | | like termination of the lease, insufficient maintenance of the house, conflicts about the amount of rent or service charges, returning of deposits etc. Our firm chiefly represents tenants and owners associations (VVE) rather than landlords. | owner association, association vve | law, aid, fee, labour, payment | 1 | | With four million members, ANWB is the largest association in the Netherlands. And from today they also have a real clubhouse. We we’re asked to develop all the in-store communication. | large association, association netherlands | assignment, quickly, insurance, priority, creativity | 1 | | I am an experienced, professional, reliable and warm coach and therapist. I have all the necessary accreditations and am affiliated with the professional associations NFG, RBCZ and NOBCO. In addition to the study Applied Psychology and… | professional association, association nfg | session, min, therapy, mother, abroad | 1 | | Co-Founder, Ondo Chapter’s Secretary, Association of Orphanages & Home Operators in Nigeria | secretary association, association orphanage | orphanage, charity, donation, street, healthcare | 1 | | With the participants from businesses, real estate management, planning actors, local and federal politics, nature conservation associations, and science, the EU BooGI-BOP project wants to advance the mainstreaming of… | conservation association, association science | uncategorized, conference, august, tree, biodiversity | 1 | | Partner of ENVAQUA , the Dutch Association of Water and Environmental Technology Suppliers | dutch association, association water | environmental, archive, economy, circular, brokerage | 1 | | External triggers of reward seeking Reward-associated stimuli in the environment can influence our behaviour via learnt associations independent of our current motivation. To gain a better understanding of such external stimulus control… | behaviour association, association independent | habit, lab, intervention, gap, oral | 1 | | Programming using Android Studio was easier to start at than initially thought. After a presentation and demo from one of the students from my study association I was ready to start programming. | study association, association ready | programming, corsair, storage, stuff, unfortunately | 1 | | …and robust prototype, we had to make changes to the sinks appearance. It initial shape often got undesired associations (it looked like a urinal). New design were created based on hand sketches and worked out in Solidworks. “Tactio… | undesired association, association like | interaction, vehicle, road, remote, heavy | 1 | | …served as Vize-Präsident of the Helmuth Plessner Gesellschaft (2005-2011) and as President of the International Association of Aesthetics (2007-2010). To date, 35 (inter)national PhD students have obtained their PhDs under his… | international association, association aesthetic | chapter, lecture, publication, academic, cultural | 1 | | …system with which companies and organizations can manage their website and online applications and KLEKSI is developing a collection management system especially for museums, heritage institutions and cultural-historical associations. | | frequently, keyword, friendliness, graphic, optimization | 1 | | …Schema Therapy (ISST) and in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. She is certified Supervisor and Trainer of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) and of the Dutch Cognitive Behavior Association. She is also EMDR Europe Practitioner . | behavior association, association emdr | therapy, patient, forensic, addiction, uk | 1 | | If necessary he will also assist in the creation of legal entities (of enterprises) e.g.: partnerships, limited partnerships, private limited liability companies, public limited liability companies, associations, foundations… | company association, association foundation | administration, enterprise, tax, annual, fiscal | 1 | | Editor for the quarterly journal of the Dutch association for investment professionals ( VBA ). | dutch association, association investment | investment, journal, position, accounting, executive | 1 | | He is a member of the Photographers Association of Malawi (PHOTAMA). From 2007 to 2010 he was vice-secretary. | photographer association, association malawi | photograph, photographer, advertising, lighting, village | 1 | | Our GP practice is member of the Dutch Association of General Practitioners (NHG) | dutch association, association general | emergency, registration, vaccination, observation, consultation | 1 | | AEGEE is one of Europe’s biggest interdisciplinary student organisations , striving for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe. The Netherlands houses some of the most active locals in the AEGEE network. All these local associations… | local association, association unique | aegee, overview, democratic, interested, interdisciplinary | 1 | | Welcome on the personal page of Harry Pruisscher, member of the Association of Register Controllers ( Vereniging van Register Controllers – VRC ) as graduate from the post-master programs to Registry Controller (RC) at Rijksuniversiteit… | member association, association register | profile, graduate, registry, registration | 1 | | Mouth-nose mask We follow the advice of our professional associations LHV and NHG to wear the mouth-nose mask in general practice for … | professional association, association lhv | employee, tariff, holiday, vaccination, july | 1 | | Speech of Onur Atakan, representative of the Progressive Lawyers Association of Turkey at international lawyers conference in Lille, France at 23-24 september 2016 about the EU-Turkey refugee deal. | lawyer association, association turkey | prime, refugee, multicultural, turkish, watch | 1 | | Holland Aqua is a founding member of the Dutch Aquaculture Experts association, a network of high level Dutch aquaculture companies and research institutes that join forces in international aquaculture projects. | experts association, association network | aquaculture, farm, fish, feasibility, thirty | 1 | | Asv LEBO is a indoor football association for everyone who lives within the Amsterdam Nieuw-West district and the surrounding districts. | football association, association amsterdam | think, audiovisual, optimal, target, appointment | 1 | | We as an association keep a close eye on things, and if there are important changes we will let you know as soon as possible. | | rule, join, guest, bird, external | 1 | | HiView, in collaboration with its partner FutureWater, conducted a two-day workshop at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, which works in association with UNESCO. The workshop was part of the master’s degree program, with seven… | education association, association unesco | crop, sense, remote, analysis, glacier | 1 | | The XIX International Conference of The Association for Cultural Economics International ( ACEI ) will take place in Valladolid, Spain, June 21-24, 2016. | conference association, association cultural | economic, cultural, conversation, economy, faculty | 1 | | Accelerated biological aging may be to blame for rising cancer rates in young people, new research from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri suggests. The new research, recently presented at the American… | american association, association cancer | flag, chiropractic, disease, doctor, pain | 1 | | From 2013-2021, Leo Voorpijl was member of the non executive board of the Aachen-Heerlen site Avantis and in 2020 - 2021 officer of an association of apartment owners in Valkenburg. Since 2019 he does volunteer work for the local… | officer association, association apartment | estate, investment, decision, serbia, industrial | 1 | | Judith paints with great flair, humour and virtuosity to create powerful yet gently humane works that reverberate with deeper associations. | | painting, composition, subject, warp, birth | 1 | | ELSTA, the "Electricity and Steam Association", owns a gas-fired, combined cycle cogeneration facility located in the Dutch province of Zeeland near to the city of Terneuzen. | steam association, association gas | facility, electricity, publication, reliable, supply | 1 | | The International Actuarial Association, based in Ottawa, Canada, has asked Dutch-USAnimations for producing animated videos. The contacts were smooth and easy. They met with the agreed budget and time frame so the animated videos could… | actuarial association, association ottawa | animation, quickly, inform, highlight, visualisation | 1 | | The lawyer is insured for professional liability in accordance with the Netherlands Bar Association regulations on professional liability. Liability is limited to the amount paid out by the professional liability insurance in a particular… | bar association, association regulation | aid, lawyer, fee, court, council | 1 | | …that’s NICE (Netherlands Institute for Co-operative Entrepreneurship). NICE offers education and boardroom consultancy for directors, commissioners and members of the board of cooperatives, interest groups, water boards and associations. | | reference, supervisory, tailor, evaluation, assessment | 1 | | The therapists of Huidtherapeut NL are affiliated with the Dutch Association of Skin Therapists and meet the requirements of the Paramedics Quality Register . | dutch association, association skin | skin, therapy, insurer, treatment, reimbursement | 1 | | -THEA award, category 4D Simulator Limited Budget. Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) 2014 California, USA. | entertainment association, association tea | animation, visual, commission, progress, miniature | 1 | | …the Toyger. The name Toyger already says a lot about the appearance of the breed -> Toy and Tiger = Toyger. In 1983, the Toyger became a recognized breed by The International Cat Association (TICA). Our cats are bred to the TICA standard. | cat association, association tica | cat, consent, gdpr, checkbox, plugin | 1 | | Doctor Karim is registered in the following associations, which means that he adheres to the guidelines and codes of conduct of these authorities. | karim association, association guidelines | surgery, breast, correction, doctor, reconstruction | 1 | | Landbouwbelang says it is pleased with the application that the heritage association Bond Heemschut recently submitted to the Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed. | heritage association, association bond | housing, sexual, pick, drop, regulation | 1 | | Music , especially early music in authentic performances (Early Music, FoMRHI Quarterly, the Galpin Society Journal and the Dutch Bouwbrief of the Dutch association het Bouwerskontakt; | dutch association, association het | character, early, woodworking, metalworking, file | 1 | | that continuously provide refreshing insights in the expertise of the structural engineer. The membership of many associations, the guiding and supervision of graduating students and his position within the professional advisory committee… | membership association, association guide | drawing, hague, internship, firm, structural | 1 | | I am a member and a board member of the Family Law and Inheritance Law Lawyers’ and Divorce Mediators’ Association. In addition I am a member of Rotary Rotterdam North, Young Management Rotterdam, and Business Club V, a network club… | mediators association, association addition | affairs, law, divorce, lawyer, court | 1 | | As an RTT therapist I am a member of the professional association Dutch Society for Professional Hypnotherapists ( NBVH , member number 2022029). Complaints and disciplinary law, as described in the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and… | professional association, association dutch | session, transformation, lab, relationship, powerful | 1 | | Jillian Scott, Esq. is the managing partner of Markowitz & Mellencamp, P.C., established in 1983. Jillian has been accredited by the American Bar Association. As a leading lawyer in the firm, Jillian uses her experience and personal… | bar association, association lawyer | wat, firm, lawyer, attorney, litigation | 1 | | The organization for this event is a combined effort by the Dutch Association of Teachers in Mathematics (NVvW) and its Working Group for the History of Mathematics Education, the Freudenthal Institute, the Descartes Centre and the… | dutch association, association teacher | conference, mathematics, announcement, committee, fifth | 1 | | The World Party, Party of DjKaan was founded in the Netherlands for the rich in Our world, and also for the middle class in the world, not to mention the association was founded for the poor in Our world, and for the people who have… | world association, association poor | objective, teacher, inventory, exam, secondary | 1 | | We are privileged to work in a building named ‘t Makelaers Comptoir (the brokers’ office) on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam. Built 1633 it was owned by the Brokers’ Guild until 2002 when Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser (the… | keyser association, association preservation | leadership, programme, executive, ability, motivation | 1 | | We can also arrange custom day trips for staff associations, companies, organizations, schools and seniors for you. We have also been able to gain more than 25 years of experience in this at a local bus company. | staff association, association company | progress, organize, trade, electrical, behalf | 1 | | …new National Sitting Volleyball competition in the year 1956 - 1957. On May 5, 1956, Sitting Volleyball was introduced with a demonstration in Amsterdam. Subsequently practiced nationally as a new sport by many associations. Read the story | sport association, association story | volleyball, sit, championship, woman, hall | 1 | | Zagt & Van Elk Consultancy is an active member of the Duch Cosmetics Association (NCV) and also a special member of the Royal Belgian Society of Cosmetic Chemists (KBVCS). Our consultants are active in the Dutch Association of Cosmetic… | cosmetics association, association ncv, dutch association, association cosmetic | cosmetic, file, notification, law, trade | 1 | | Guidance from an officially qualified nutritionist, affiliated to the Dutch professional association (BGN), and coverage through supplementary health insurance | professional association, association bgn | healthy, guidance, weight, responsibly, recipe | 1 | | Camping De Oosthoek is affiliated with the Frisian lakes camping association. These are all unique; they have their own character. They are all very different, what they have in common is small- scale, location on the water and… | camping association, association unique | campsite, frisian, lake, cosy, german | 1 | | With around 170 members, Amsterdam ’78 is one of the largest table tennis clubs in Amsterdam, as well as one of the larger ones within the National Table Tennis Association (NTTB). Our accommodation is located close to the centre of… | tennis association, association nttb | table, conduct, competition, membership, rent | 1 | | Subvention is the leading independent subsidy advice agency for investment and innovation projects in the Netherlands. We specialise across a range of disciplines, including Real Estate ,¬† Industry ,¬†Housing Associations, Agriculture… | industry association, association agriculture | estate, subsidy, subscribe, outstanding, independent | 1 | | …is centrally located in Hoek of Holland, on De Tasmanweg 180 (side entrance of De Rijckevorsel primary school). Opposite LCC De Hoekstee, surrounded by The Nieuwe Waterweg, Nieuwlandsepark and People’s Garden Association De Noort Bonnen. | garden association, association de | parent, childcare, practical, kindergarten, pedagogical | 1 | | You can buy drinks with tokens, these are available at the event and during the pre-sale at your study association. | | ascension, epic, beat, synth, study | 1 | | …others, a studio in Mussolini's Italy, the German Advisory Board for the use of steel, the German Lifeboat Association, the Mannesmann, Bayer and Henkel companies, the Warehouse Association in the port of Hamburg, several German… | lifeboat association, association mannesmann, warehouse association, association port | soviet, aesthetic, artistic, thirty | 1 | | The ISMC is a unique joint venture of the Sleep Societies of the Netherlands (NSWO and SVNL), the Belgian Association for Sleep research and Sleep medicine (BASS) and the British Sleep Society (BSS). It all started in 2008 in the… | belgian association, association sleep | sleep, medicine, society, programme, venue | 1 | | Our GP practice is member of the Dutch Association of General Practitioners (NHG) | dutch association, association general | patient, emergency, telephone, appointment, evening | 1 | | …corporate personality, such as public and private limited companies, cooperative societies and mutual insurance associations. However, directors and supervisory directors of other legal entities, such as foundations and associations, are… | insurance association, association director, foundation association, association liability | liability, supervisory, liable, officer, risk | 1 | | …of Canada (2004-2005) and Switzerland (2006-2008) and course conductor for coach courses of the Dutch Hockey Association since 1996. All knowledge on this website is therefore based on the Dutch vision on Talent Development. The… | hockey association, association knowledge | factory, exercise, session, valid, select | 1 | | Ohanaeze Ndigbo NL is the first umbrella Organization for all Igbo Associations and groups in the Netherlands - the responsibility of which has been transferred to Igbo General Assembly (IGA), NL. However, it has remained at the forefront… | igbo association, association group | traditional, resilient, cultural, dance, recipe | 1 | | …of organizations and individuals active in the field of the electronic arts. This network took the shape of an association, founded in 1990 in The Netherlands, called the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts. The Board and membership… | shape association, association netherlands, isea association, association foundation | installation, reformation, idfa, society, screen | 1 | | To get to know the other side of the city, we moved into the neighborhoods, approached everyone we met and got to know neighborhood initiatives and associations. We came across beautiful people, places and a sense of positivity that we… | initiative association, association beautiful | dimension, chair, cat, brush, fully | 1 | | The Common Room can be booked by any association that wants to host an event. Events can make use of our facilities, such as a projector, dining tables and a kitchen. To make sure we can facilitate everything we only accept reservation… | room association, association event | calendar, reservation, common, kitchen, table | 1 | | …have created a stable team with financial professionals and experienced asset managers. We focus on high-net-worth individuals, families, foundations, endowments and associations. Our clients are based in The Netherlands as well as abroad. | endowment association, association client | investment, asset, wealth, advisor, advisory | 1 | | The NTM is published four times a year. The journal contains more scholarly articles, chronicles and opinions on current human rights issues. The NTM also regularly publishes news of the NJCM Association, such as reports of seminars and… | njcm association, association report | journal, sustainability, publication, scholarly, paper | 1 | | …This insurance must have been taken out with an insurer who is a member of the Verbond van Verzekeraars (Dutch Association of Insurers). The purpose of the Foundation is to award someone a payment, depending on the evaluation of the… | dutch association, association insurer | background, restoration, regulation, report, annual | 1 | | There is competition for the Open Amsterdam Championship in five different categories, namely ‘Companies’,’Sports associations’, ‘Schools’, ‘Friend teams’ or ‘Athletics Union competition teams’. But there is also a Kidsrun of 1 km through… | category association, association school | run, registration, participant, fee, money | 1 | | In the learning programme “Travel the World” I’ve incorporated my creative approach using a travel metaphor. The structure of the programme refers to associations with the four winds: East, South, West, and North, offering complementary… | programme association, association wind | clever, think, programme, innovative, metaphor | 1 | | Keuringshuis is in possession of the "Expert Approved" certificate provided by VastgoedPro (a Dutch professional association for experts in Real Estate). This way you are assured of expert and high quality inspections. Our technical… | professional association, association expert | inspection, report, property, walkthrough, maintenance | 1 | | Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence | longitudinal association, association social | publication, preprint, graphic, phd, candidate | 1 | | We build relationships with local associations that are caring for people in need and create opportunities for volunteers to serve. | local association, association people | volunteer, neighbor, friendship, serve, conduct | 1 | | While scent itself may appear intangible, its impact resonates profoundly within our bodies and minds. Our olfactory system translates these aromatic experiences, rendering them tangible and vivid through our personal and shared… | | conceptual, scent, tear, archive, fragrance | 1 | | Established in France in 2000, Ecotrophelia expanded to a European scale in 2008, Ecotrophelia Europe is organized by the European Technology Platform "Food for Life", ANIA (National Association of Food Industries) and CCI Vaucluse… | national association, association food | competition, institution, educational, file, innovative | 1 | | Promotional posters for Integrand Eindhoven, to be distributed all across the city; at schools, universities and student associations. | | ux, visual, industrial, situation, selection | 1 | | …continue to organize this event, it was decided Classic Roadracing Oss to be accommodated in the Stichting Wegrace Oss, in order to be able to take a better position towards the municipality and the entrepreneurial association Paalgraven. | entrepreneurial association, association paalgraven | rider, pink, relation, february, traditional | 1 | | As an acupuncturist working in the Netherlands, I am a registered member of Dutch Acupuncture Association since 1990. Besides clinical work, I am also a senior lecturer of several European acupuncture schools: | acupuncture association, association clinical, van association, association tcmned | acupuncture, medicine, traditional, etc, herbal | 1 | | This is a paper I wrote for an early career workshop at the European International Studies Association annual conference in 2018. This paper talks about the embodied experience of doing fieldwork. It reflects on what insights we might… | studies association, association annual | liberty, teach, domestic, dissertation, labour | 1 | | The HSM is a foundation that was originally founded as an association in 1990 by Security Managers of a number of Amsterdam hotels. The main goal of that time is still topical; the prevention of common crime in the affiliated hotels by… | originally association, association security, training association, association close, member association | perpetrator, prevention, police, unwanted, consent | 1 | | Such activities are meant for individuals but also for companies, restaurants, importers, associations, and groups in general. | importer association, association group | wine, taste, impression, profession, lecture | 1 | | two years. The excellence of Don Julián's Coffee has been acknowledged by Anacafé (the Guatemalan National Coffee Association) and various other coffee organizations. We now offer this outstanding coffee directly from the farm to you… | coffee association, association coffee | react, farm, environmental, create, commitment | 1 | | "InsingerGilissen a Quintet Private Bank is a private bank and depository bank that provides financial services, such as banking and investing. The bank's clients are private individuals, associations, institutions, foundations, small and… | individual association, association institution | identity, azure, task, smoothly, architecture | 1 | | …urban environments. SW-UP is a cooperation between several European partners, coordinated by ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy. Conducting a survey amongst the adult population in the participating cities is one of the… | european association, association local | institute, physical, woman, highlight, study | 1 | | We also offer you a 1-year membership of KNVTS , the Royal Dutch Association of Marine Engineers. | dutch association, association marine | shipbuilding, yacht, maritime, career, vacancy | 1 | | Since 2004, Legal Confidential Certified Translations develops and provides the "Pitfalls in legal English" language course at the Bar Association of the Netherlands. This refresher course is custom-made for Dutch lawyers who use legal… | bar association, association netherlands | confidential, translation, certified, translator, confidentiality | 1 | | Active Owners association, Service costs €1200,- a year, caretaker and security at the complex. | owner association, association service | apartment, property, bedroom, estate, turkish | 1 | | American license, I have been BIG-certified as a Health Psychologist (Gezondheidszorg psycholoog) in the Netherlands and have received my EuroPsy certification, which is provided through the European Federation of Psychologists Association. | | griffin, psychologist, clinical, therapy, practical | 1 | | We receive our commissions from museums, municipalities, the Rijksgebouwendienst (Dutch Government Building Department), churches, associations, charities and private individuals. Caring for both historically and culturally important, as… | church association, association charity | tapestry, century, carpet, textile, restoration | 1 | | Member of the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) and Trainee of the EMWA Professional Development Programme. | writer association, association emwa | medicine, writer, write, disease, concise | 1 | | At the Eindhoven student athletics association I have been part of several committees in which I help to organize annual track meetings or cross country races. Besides, I have been active in designing promotional material such as flyers… | athletic association, association committee, board association, association decision | stakeholder, creation, collaboration, final, perspective | 1 | | . Karin de Bruijn works in the practice, a BIG registered pediatric physiotherapist, included in the Central Quality Registry (KRF NL) of the Royal Society for Physiotherapy (KNGF) and the Dutch Association of Pediatric Physiotherapy… | dutch association, association pediatric | physiotherapy, physiotherapist, pediatric, target, audience | 1 | | CAR 2024: Canadian Association of Radiologists' Annual Scientific Meeting , Montreal, Canada | canadian association, association radiologist | imaging, annual, radiology, society, ultrasound | 1 | | On August 8, 1965, ‘De Zaansche Molen’ association celebrated its 40th anniversary. On this day, a meal was served for the first time in what would later become Restaurant D’Swarte Walvis. Mrs. Bosman, one of the founders of the famous… | molen association, association anniversary | warehouse, table, whale, region, famous | 1 | | The Atlantic Association has had certificates made for various projects by Certificaat op Maat. Renée Bergman really provides input in regards to the implementation and design. She works quickly and meticulously, and the result is… | atlantic association, association certificate | appreciation, op, certificate, background, handmade | 1 | | …needed less pain relief and fewer caesarean sections if women received continuous support during childbirth. A new occupation was born and shaped in the first association ‘DONA’ in America. Since then, the doula has gained worldwide fame. | occupation association, association dona | birth, pregnant, past, woman, difficult | 1 | | Our employees are member of the Association of Educationalists in The Netherlands; The Dutch Association of Psychologists and/ or the Dutch Youth Quality Register foundation (SKJ). | member association, association educationalist, dutch association, association psychologist | assessment, adult, psychology, municipality, recommendation | 1 | | The partnership PJSE applies the terms and conditions of trade association ICT~Office (in Dutch), so that everybody knows where they stand. | trade association, association ict | tailor, realisation, flexibility, administration, separate | 1 | | The corporate documents of a company, such as the articles of association, register of shareholders, accounting & bookkeeping documents, etc. must be kept at the registered address of a company. Keeping the corporate documents at the… | article association, association register | optional, trade, billing, advantage, incoming | 1 | | will carry BRSCC & Alfa Romeo Championship Association decals on both sides of the car. Also coloured class | championship association, association decal | specification, twin, valve, rear, spark | 1 | | The ISBG was founded in 2022 to implement the TSB scheme. It was set up on the initiative of the parties involved with the Institute for Asbestos Victims (IAS): employers’ organisations, trade unions and the Dutch Association of Insurers… | dutch association, association insurer | disease, occupational, compensation, scheme, victim | 1 | | De Kredietbank West-Brabant is a member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Volkskrediet - NVVK (Dutch Association for Lending to Private Individuals) and is affiliated with Sociale Banken Nederland (SBN). | dutch association, association lend | loan, debt, money, settlement, affairs | 1 | | countries. Education is a very important sector for them because islamism is a long-term project and education an effective weapon. Also organisations fighting racism and other social or political associations are seen and used as partners. | political association, association partner | reply, diversity, archaeological, mosaic, leave | 1 | | …a city still known in this far distant future among scholars of ancient political institutions for its association with “the treaty too far”. My discussion of these discoveries will be confined though to the focus on the relics… | institution association, association treaty | present, colleague, academic, wean, dear | 1 | | …visual inspection of your SPR array. Interrogate hundreds of proteins at once. Create arrays with 48 up to 96 spots. Perform affinity ranking and epitope binning on the same sensor. Use small sample volume for unlimited association time. | unlimited association, association time | affinity, publication, cov-2, introduction, array | 1 | | You are looking for a magician ? Michel van Zeist brings quality into your home. Magician Michel can be used for various occasions. He provides magical entertainment throughout the Netherlands and sometimes abroad. Many companies, private… | person association, association institution | magician, magic, magical, table, sharp | 1 | | The thesis workshop aims to be a valuable partner as an educational program for the municipality of The Hague, housing associations, community organizations, and especially for the residents of The Hague Southwest. The focus is on… | housing association, association community | thesis, hague, southwest, municipality, resident | 1 | | A linked open data based system for flexible delineation of geographic areas - Ali Khalili, Peter van den Besselaar, Klaas Andries de Graaf - European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 29-08-2017, 2017 | science association, association ersa | semantic, github, documentation, architecture, conference | 1 | | Our lawyers are members of the professional legal association, Vereniging voor Familie- en Erfrecht Advocaten en Scheidingsmediators (vFAS). This offers you the assurance that we have the required knowledge and proper qualifications to be… | legal association, association vereniging | law, estate, silk, divorce, settlement | 1 | | Hamlet works for both project developers and housing associations. We guarantee a trouble-free timber construction project. It doesn't matter whether it concerns wooden luxury apartments, wooden ground-floor homes or a wooden CLT… | housing association, association trouble | wood, wooden, timber, housing, circular | 1 | | An image made for a crossmedia collaboration between Museum van de Geest (Museum of the Mind, based in Haarlem) and the Dutch Association of mental Health Care (GGZ) about taking care of the soul, during the pandemic. | dutch association, association mental | cover, illustration, mountain, paper, adult | 1 | | Dr. Elly is a BIG-registered doctor and certified member of the NVCG (Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine). She is a KNMG cosmetic doctor. | dutch association, association cosmetic | treatment, privilege, confidence, cosmetic, skin | 1 | | ADYNE Netherlands engaged in a Constructive Dialog on the Social Inclusion Campaign in partnership with the International Debate Education Association. | | cultural, integration, migration, purpose, understand | 1 | | As part of my activism at the sailing association of the University of Twente, I helped build them a new website. The website replaced a Drupal 6 website that had been running for 12 years at that point. The corona crisis gave us the… | sail association, association university | sail, observation, weather, kubernetes, archive | 1 | | The funeral procession goes from the Vrolikstraat to Zorgvlied (cemetery). The coffin is carried by Hans’ friends of the Young Men’s Christian Association. At the head of the procession, the Amsterdam East Music Corps plays music. Hans… | christian association, association head | square, father, mother, stone, parent | 1 | | The LCC is an industry association for trusted Dutch companies with proven expertise in the cannabis industry. When you contact the LCC with your questions and needs, we will help you find the right partners to move your project forward… | industry association, association trust | coalition, cultivation, collaboration, lab, upcoming | 1 | | Our lawyers are registered in the Amsterdam Bar Association’s Register of Legal Practice Areas. | bar association, association register | law, dispute, property, insolvency, vacancy | 1 | | The images reveal a theatrical background - the photograph as a stage set: the picture becomes an illusion, a mere association with reality. | mere association, association reality | landscape, biblical, theatre, portrait, career | 1 | | Jack's style is a mix of House HipHop Jazz Indie Lo-Fi Techno Krautrock Trap and Electronica makes his taste too strong for one simple generic association, and right now his expression is more thriving than ever. | generic association, association right | mixtape, hague, release, taste, separator | 1 | | Looking back at the 25th EASAR conference (European Association of Substance Abuse Research) | european association, association substance | addiction, institute, workplace, scientist, conference | 1 | | Special number 1 of the Netherlands Hydrological Association, on Isotopes in Hydrology (in Dutch: 'Isotopen in de hydrologie') has been made available as a free PDF file . It is a result of a NHV conference on the same topic. The… | hydrological association, association isotope | climate, hydrology, groundwater, publication, flood | 1 | | …Learning Loop to assess the partnership process as she believes that the wellbeing of the collaboration itself effects the results of joint programmes. She is an accredited partnership broker trained by the Partnership Brokers Association. | | partnership, learning, collaboration, furthermore, ministry | 1 | | The inline skating routes on this page were skated by me (carrying a GPS), often joined by other members of ( Skateology , the inline skating association of Leiden, The Netherlands. | skate association, association leiden | inline, presentation, properly, currently, overview | 1 | | 🏆 International Association for Impact Assessment's winner of Annual Award for best paper of 2020 (Environmental assessment as an institution of liberal democracy; In: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 38(2) 109-112 by Sibout… | international association, association impact | environmental, assessment, conversation, publication, collaborative | 1 | | The original call sign of the station was WAPA, which refers to the Asociación de Productores de Azúcar, or Puerto Rico Sugar Grower’s Association. It’s current call sign WBQN and name “Borinquen Radio” refers to the native name for the… | grower association, association current | qsl, corner, wonderful, island, frequency | 1 | | I am very proud to be nominated for the third time by the ISSA (International songwriters association | | vote, till, proud, stay, biography | 1 | | Your brain learns through association. Therefore, many people believe it would be best to learn on the spot; at places where you will use the things you study. Besides, wouldn’t it be fun to go places instead of only being in the… | brain association, association people | dutchman, smile, classroom, session, lesson | 1 | | …Belief. We added the ideo of Leisure in order to motivate people to become members while having fun with our Leisure activities... We also advise to give some support to a Non-Profit Association giving help to people of Donbass ! | profit association, association help | hanseatic, tradition, belief, northern, cooperative | 1 | | We import, export and have daily contacts with the international markets in order to follow developments in harvests, qualities, prices and EU regulations. All sales take place according to the conditions of the Dutch Dried Fruit… | fruit association, association site | trading, importer, edible, california, chile | 1 | | General conditions: We act as a forwarding agent and handle the general conditions of the Fenex (Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics) Deposited at the Registry of the District Courts at Amsterdam, Anhem, Breda en… | netherlands association, association forward | destination, africa, america, port, north | 1 | | As our name implies, we are experts in legal translations. We shall be happy to provide you with correct translations of all your legal documents, including articles of association, powers of attorney, contracts etc. We can guarantee that… | article association, association power | russian, translation, translator, interpreter, etc | 1 | | Cover photo in Aviisi 2015 - 4, the magazine of the Dutch-Finnish Association, and article and photos of my residency in Lapland in Autumn (Ruska). | finnish association, association article | painting, photograph, exhibition, publication, panel | 1 | | The Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry (VNCI) promotes the collective interests of the chemical industry in the Netherlands by means of consultations, information meetings and recommendations. The VNCI acts on behalf of the… | royal association, association dutch | vnci, chemical, capital, central, climate | 1 | | Anandadhara is an association of like minded people to form a family to interact, share our views and taste the feelings of neighbourhood(para) amongst family members living in Amsterdam, far away from motherland,India. | anandadhara association, association like | puja, bengali, movie, durga, cultural | 1 | | Advice and development of training materials and programs for mountaineering associations as well as provision of private guiding and training by professional mountain guides. | mountaineer association, association provision | mountain, guide, consulting, extreme, terrain | 1 | | We are an innovative and ambitious rental real estate agency in Maastricht. We're specialize in the rental, but also in the sale of your home! Our office is a member of Vastgoedpro, the association for real estate professionals. | vastgoedpro association, association real | housing, rental, property, op, estate | 1 | | At MH Wines, we specialise in simplifying the complex world of international wine trade. Whether you’re a winery aiming to expand into new markets, an importer seeking exceptional global wines, or a wine trade association in need of… | trade association, association need | wine, mh, distribution, trade, winery | 1 | | At school level parent councils, parent associations and participation councils are also active. | parent association, association participation | identity, engagement, parent, mid, registration | 1 | | The Future is Water is an initiative of the Royal Dutch Watersport Association and sports marketing agency TIG Sports. | watersport association, association sport | ambassador, sustainability, oct, request, ocean | 1 | | During the KEI-week you get to know all the different aspects of Groningen. The KEI-week provides general information about renting a room student grants. You can also get in touch with sports organizations, student societies and other… | sort association, association lot | leader, participant, introduction, functional, limitation | 1 | | …air-to-ground capability for the Air Force. The squadron develops procedures and training principles for pilots and technicians for all German Eurofighter associations in order to establish the air-to-ground capability of the fighter jet. | eurofighter association, association order | helicopter, aviation, squadron, exercise, aircraft | 1 | | The film was made possible by Pfizer in collaboration with the patient association Stichting Amyloidosis Nederland . They will distribute the film worldwide to (potential) patients and their families as well as to doctors. Production and… | patient association, association stichting | treatment, amyloid, organ, clinical, patient | 1 | | 2015: Delegated Director of the Flemish version of War Horse (Stadsschouwburg Antwerp). For National Theatre London, Theater Alliantie in association with Music Hall. | alliantie association, association music | theatre, winner, london, nomination, television | 1 | | Uses the (Monte Carlo permutation based) Knox test for space-time clustering to quantify the spatio-temporal association between events. | temporal association, association event | distance, crime, length, path, pattern | 1 | | Location: On-Site: Zagreb Architects Association, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, 10000, Zagreb, C... | architect association, association trg | observatory, powerful, file, flat, conference | 1 | | Her passion for fashion, spontaneity, creativity, endless energy and her association with people distinguishes Saskia. | energy association, association people | der, transmission, campaign, header, king | 1 | | Together with the International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health , which is organised by the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (Basi) e.V. (Federal Association for Safety and Health at Work)… | federal association, association safety | trade, exhibitor, congress, report, profile | 1 | | Member of the Dutch Association of Psychologists, Psychosocial Therapists and Agogen NVPA , registration number: 105220. | dutch association, association psychologist | therapy, psychology, behavioral, patient, psychologist | 1 | | …business and keeps up to date by attending trade shows and behind the scenes tours (EAS, ISE, Leisure business days, Pleasure World Events). Robert van den Boom Bouwadvies is proud partner of TEA. The Themed Entertainment Association. | | coordinator, contractor, somebody, dungeon, background | 1 | | We are an accredited NVM (Dutch Real Estate Association) agency. That guarantees a professional sale, or purchase of your home. | estate association, association agency | property, estate, rent, listing, valuation | 1 | | ChinaMedic is affiliated with the NVA (Dutch Association of Acupuncture) and treatment is reimbursed by most insurers in the supplementary. It is advisable to contact your insurer what this exactly means for you. For a full price list of… | dutch association, association acupuncture | acupuncture, pain, treatment, complaint, abdominal | 1 | | With my work I aim to move from genome-wide association studies loci to novel therapeutic targets and (surrogate) biomarkers for cardiovascular diseases through extensive in silico , and in vitro modelling. | wide association, association study | der, stuff, talk, genetic, endeavor | 1 | | The elitist alliances of the seventeenth century ultimately evolved into a huge egalitarian consultation culture. The Netherlands defines itself in hundreds of thousands of institutions and societies. From bridge clubs to art funds, from… | resident association, association reception | portrait, identity, miscellaneous, century, society | 1 | | …who saw Indonesia primarily in terms of profit. Veth’s paternalistic vision of Indonesia intimations of both the association and ethical policy, introduced at the end of the nineteenth century, can be discerned. Veth, and in the long run… | intimations association, association ethical | colonial, biography, society, indonesia, liberal | 1 | | January 2020 I'm appointed as WPTA (World Piano Teacher's Association) President of The Netherlands and Vice-President of IMEA (International Music Educators Association). In April 2020 also as board member of Dutch Composers Now and… | teacher association, association president, educator association, association april | choir, television, orchestra, soprano, composition | 1 | | Additionally, I am the initiator of the OudDio’s Association , annually bringing together European F&B managers and event professionals for knowledge-sharing, masterclasses and networking opportunities. | ouddio association, association annually | hospitality, sense, collaboration, conference, commit | 1 | | On 7 June 2002, I contributed a number of photos to the photo exhibition "A Century of Rope", organised to celebrate the centenary of the Dutch Climbing and Mountaineering Association, the NKBV. This took place at the Dutch Sports Museum… | mountaineer association, association nkbv | exhibition, generally, thousand, frequently, slide | 1 | | …industries. Mels holds a Master's degree in business economics from Maastricht University and a postgraduate degree in Business Valuation from the Rotterdam School of Management. He is board member of the Dutch Private Equity Association. | | investment, capital, responsible, degree, german | 1 | | PACT is a leading public affairs and communication agency for businesses, industry associations, and government. We distinguish ourselves with fresh ideas, innovative concepts, and a consistently critical perspective. Lobbying and… | industry association, association government | affairs, appointment, debate, innovative, strategic | 1 | | …for analysis of platelet function in patients with a suspected platelet function disorder. In addition, you will investigate genotype-phenotype associations to elucidate molecular mechanisms responsible for platelet function disorders. | phenotype association, association molecular | patient, treatment, disorder, symphony, bleed | 1 | | Westland Partners has a strong international business practice based on its Westland and Rotterdam roots. We are a member of the international partnership Association of European Attorneys - International Lawyers Network which gives us… | partnership association, association european, president association | partners, desk, lawyer, acquisition, merger | 1 | | In 2005 our business was relocated to Alblasserdam to a state-of-the-art logistic centre, with refrigerated and deep-freeze facilities, from which orders can be delivered according to HACCP standards. Schulz Rijnvaart B.V. is a member of… | dutch association, association ship | assortment, supplier, ship, reliable, table | 1 | | Fair play is important to us, which is why the matches are led by official referees from the Dutch Futsal Association. We will be very strict when it comes to fair play and respect. | futsal association, association strict | tournament, subscribe, schedule, committee, sleep | 1 | | 2019 – European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Distinguished Research Contribution Award “for exceptional scientific contributions to the science of Work and Organizational Psychology over the course of his career”. | psychological association, association apa, dutch association, association organizational, association nip | psychology, scientific, present, occupational, organizational | 1 | | Berith Salom (literally 'the covenant of Salomon') is a family association founded in 1861 during the celebration of 50 years of marriage of our ancestors, Salomon Jacob Spanjaard and Sara David van Gelder, in Borne, The Netherlands. | family association, association celebration | textile, holiday, factory, periodic, jewish | 1 | | During the menstrual cycle, endogenous female hormones fluctuations occur. The association between conditions such as migraine and menstrual cycle are well known. Although it is known that cardiac symptoms can be cyclic, the prevalence of… | fluctuations association, association conditions | study, woman, cardiac, cycle, symptom | 1 | | . This would have turned the bed into a place of memory. The contrast with my text, which to me has an erotic connotation, placed above the bed as it was, opened a lot of associations to me. It enables me to eleborate on this way of… | lot association, association way | diary, january, february, painting, exhibition | 1 | | As individual visitor you do not have to book in advance during the season. In case you are travelling as a group or want to visit or with an association it is advisable to call or email us. | group association, association advisable | sanitary, facility, bicycle, dryer, washing | 1 | | I served the board of the Dutch Association for Media and Communications Law (2007-2017) and Film Investors Netherlands (FINE), an intermediary between producers and potential investors (2004-2008). Now I’m in the board of De Vorstin, a… | dutch association, association media | representative, television, law, lawyer, investor | 1 | | h. Markku Mehtatalo, researcher and chairman of the Finnish Association for Environmental Health recently published a multi-year study, with a research group of 200 local residents. Here earlier assumptions of effects of LFg at a distance… | finnish association, association environmental | turbine, noise, province, farm, distance | 1 | | …Most Dutch health insurances reimburse the costs of acupuncture. I am a member of Professional Acupuncture Association Zhong. You can claim treatment money back from the insurance. You can visit Zhong to find out if your insurance… | acupuncture association, association zhong | acupuncture, nutrition, pregnancy, fertility, therapy | 1 | | We are happy to help you on your way, please feel free to contact us for a discussion about the possibilities for your company, government agency, foundation or association. On the References page, you will find an overview of cases we… | foundation association, association reference | campsite, reservation, invoicing, minded, broad | 1 | | As an independent associate at HelmsBriscoe, the world's leading meeting procurement organization, Marcia supports company planners, event managers, agencies and associations by taking on the laborious and complex task of matching… | agency association, association laborious | venue, consultation, booking, attendees, destination | 1 | | Viergever: “The installation evokes associations of an archaeologist’s camp or a gold miners hut. It paints the picture of the design process which became a search for the most beautiful glass fragments. While detecting, digging, sifting… | installation association, association archaeologist | interior, window, installation, hague, table | 1 | | We are a member of Koninklijke CBM (Royal CBM), trade association for interior building and furniture building industry. | trade association, association interior | furniture, inside, hague, surrounding, factory | 1 | | Specialist magazine 'Gaaf!' of VMCE (Association for People with Constitutional Eczema), circulation +/- 2000 | vmce association, association people | faculty, resume, editor, researcher, mathematics | 1 | | Hundreds joined the national protest MOVE demo on Dam Square in Amsterdam last 18 June to draw attention to human rights violations within Europe’s borders and the difficulties faced by asylum seekers who enter Eorope. Migrante… | netherlands association, association filipino | filipino, philippine, marcos, detention, campaign | 1 | | We partner with universities, growers´ associations, embassies and commercial institutions. | grower association, association embassy | grower, producer, trade, exporter, united | 1 | | I have a job at the dutch consumers association "Consumentenbond". This consumers association has a nice website where the contributions of my collegues and me are published. 9mu and other activities on the Internet are my own… | consumer association, association consumentenbond, association nice, association hyperlink | contribution, expression, independent, consumer, usefull | 1 | | …our team only works by appointment. Even if we are not available, you can rest assured that a veterinarian is on call 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. This is because we are affiliated with the Haaglanden District Veterinarians' Association. | | veterinary, ray, laboratory, dentistry, vaccination | 1 | | Of course, international students should also have a pleasant time at TU/e. To promote this, involvement within associations is a good option. This gives them more contact with Dutch students and creates a better integration. Short lines… | involvement association, association good | council, representative, candidate, population, staff | 1 | | …sky environment. The eastern part of Terschelling is designated as official Dark Sky Park by the International Dark-Sky Association , with dark sky conditions comparable to the night sky desert conditions in for example the USA and Chile. | sky association, association dark | dark, sky, events, checkout, february | 1 | | The “Westlandse” association for bulb growers Floralia, founded in 1890 is the oldest selling organisation in the field of bulbs and is specialised in the amaryllis. We sell approximately 50 percent of the in the Netherlands cultivated… | westlandse association, association bulb | assortment, consumer, stock, potting, bulb | 1 | | Pauline de Snoo for 12 1/2 years was editor of "Concertina World" magazine of the "International Concertina Association", 2007 until July 2019. | concertina association, association july | anglo, tuition, composition, lesson, teacher | 1 | | Registered with the Dutch Occupational Therapy and Educational Psychology Association: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ergotherapie and Nederlandse Vereniging voor Orthopedagogiek. | psychology association, association nederlandse | therapy, occupational, sensory, psychology, processing | 1 | | Hospitality Businesses such as bars, restaurants, discotheques, recreational businesses, snack bars, cafeterias, (night)clubs, hotels, associations and leased sports club canteens. | hotel association, association sport | license, immediately, hairdresser, advantage, vacancy | 1 | | BongHoven ~ Bengalis in Eindhoven. Bengali is a rich Indian language, recognized as the sweetest language by UNESCO. It is mainly spoken by the people from the eastern state of India - West Bengal and Bangladesh. Bonghoven is a Bengali… | bengali association, association south | bengal, coverage, south, indian, bengali | 1 | | The International Dark Sky Association named Lauwersmeer National Park an official Dark Sky Park in October 2016. Here, nature’s darkness is preserved and visitors can experience the darkness in peace and enjoy the beautiful starry sky… | sky association, association lauwersmeer | sky, dark, bird, zo, hoe | 1 | | AB Techniek Garagedeuren in Zoetermeer is your Novoferm garage door specialist in the region of The Hague and Rotterdam. We deliver and install garage doors for individuals and companies, but also owners associations and housing… | owner association, association housing, housing association, association sectional | door, repair, region, request, hague | 1 | | 1. SIGN is an initiative of The Dutch Horticultural Growers Association (Glastuinbouw Nederland) | grower association, association glastuinbouw | sign, greenhouse, lab, horticulture, productive | 1 | | From our knowledge and experience we make designs from city to small scale interior design. We work for healthcare institutions, private individuals, housing associations, project developers, government agencies, property owners and small… | housing association, association project | housing, healthcare, jacket, healthy, earth | 1 | | Vital Acne Instituut is a member of ANBOS. ANBOS is the leading industry association and representative body for qualified acne therapists and beauty therapists in the Netherlands. One of the requirements for membership is a recognised… | industry association, association representative | treatment, vital, skin, healthy, bright | 1 | | …services. For example, property auctions at the Amsterdam property auction (Eerste Amsterdamse Onroerend Goed Veiling) or providing assistance during an auction purchase. We also manage various Owners’ Associations and rented properties. | owner association, association property | ben, estate, assistance, property, interest | 1 | | …after merging the dataset, new business values are found by combining raw data via logical analytics models or associations. In this phase the analists and the designers also work together to create the most clear, efficient and engaging | model association, association phase | analysis, career, mendix, decision | 1 | | I am a member of the Dutch association SBLP en SRBAG. Some health insurance companies insure my sessions. For more information, click here , or call me, also for any other information. | dutch association, association sblp | somatic, physical, emotional, psychotherapy, bodywork | 1 | | I am registered with the Dutch Association of Psychologists ( NIP ), a member of the Dutch Mentoring and Coaching Council ( NOBCO ) and a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science ( ACBS ). | dutch association, association psychologist, member association, association contextual | psychologist, session, face, taxis, pricing | 1 | | Jan C. Duvekot is lawyer since 1990 and holds doctorate degrees in Dutch and International Law. Duvekot is a member of the Amsterdam Bar and the International Law Association. He has extensive international experience and practised many… | law association, association extensive | law, lawyer, doctorate, degree, government | 1 | | The GPA was founded in 2017. Already in its first year, the association proved that a transition approach, involving all chain-partners, works: consumption of meat and dairy is declining, while that of pulses, nuts, meat analogues and… | year association, association transition | protein, wat, transition, consumption, producer | 1 | | Montessori education according to international standards of AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) | ami association, association montessori | treehouse, session, bilingual, heterogeneous, additional | 1 | | Housing associations face major challenges. Think of the energy transition and climate-neutral homes. Our tools and knowledge sessions help you form sustainable policies. | housing association, association major | government, housing, corporation, sustainability, benefit | 1 | | 1 September is National Cap Classique Day in South Africa. This initiative was started in 2019 by the Cap Classique Producers Association... | | wine, winemaker, creation, pink, popularity | 1 | | We are proud to have the following qualifications, among others: COSMOS Organic, COSMOS Natural The COSMOS Standard is managed by an international and independent non-profit association - the Brussels-based COSMOS Standard AISBL. | profit association, association brussels | oil, skin, hair, ingredient | 1 | | We use advanced data mining and machine learning techniques to turn data into valueable knowledge. Among techniques that we use are classification trees, neural networks, rule induction (association rule mining), dependency modelling… | induction association, association rule | mining, storage, scalable, implementation, processing | 1 | | CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) is set to confer an honorary lifetime membership upon award-winning singer-songwriter, actress, businesswoman and philanthropist Dolly Parton for her | library association, association ala | plague, membership, honorary, lifetime, release | 1 | | …He is a teacher and examiner at the Benelux Education for Trade Mark and Design Attorneys, member of several IP associations, blogger (Class46) and publicist. Ongoing since 2012 the World Trademark Review acknowledges him as a leading… | ip association, association blogger | attorney, agreement, trademark, property, trade | 1 | | Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe. It was born on the 16th of October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange. ESN works for the… | student association, association europe | esn, section, exchange, abroad, mobility | 1 | | Judo club Tsukuri is affiliated with the Judo Bond Nederland (the Dutch Judo Association) and its teachers are fully qualified. Its judokas are trained from white belt up to 5th dan. Each judoka can practice the sport to his or her level… | judo association, association teacher | lesson, teacher, plenty, sportsman, mutual | 1 | | with J. van de Craats, the Riemann hypothesis, Mathematical Association of America, 2016. (Winner of the 2018 MAA Beckenbach prize) | mathematical association, association america | topology, fall, polynomial, geometry, quantum | 1 | | …lakes." Being a father of two Robert knows how to entertain the kids navigating the boat together. And having a boardmember of the Dutch windmill association as captain you'll learn a thing or two about the historic mills along the route. | windmill association, association captain | boat, historic, toy, exclusive, pace | 1 | | Are you a student who wants to play table tennis in The Netherlands? There are eight table tennis associations for students that are members of the Dutch Table Tennis Federation (NTTB). It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner who wants to… | tennis association, association student, association keen | table, player, advanced, federation, session | 1 | | WZK Tri Team was originally registered as a triathlon club and that is why ‘Tri’ appears in our name. However, for many years now we have focussed on running. Our mission is to be an association that promotes endurance sport in the… | mission association, association endurance | tri, run, session, registration, thursday | 1 | | We represent both companies established in the Netherlands and internationally. SMEs, start-ups, (NGO) organisations, industry associations and governments are welcome at Holland Partners. | industry association, association government | partners, grant, subsidy, transformation, society | 1 | | My clients are Manufacturers, Translation Agencies, Small Business Owners, Associations, Artists, who want to share their passion, their dream, their knowledge, or showcase their products and services efficiently. | owner association, association artist | translation, graphic, french, author, kunnen | 1 | | Wim-Harold Wesenhagen is a member of NVTCG Zhong . The Zhong is member of the ETCMA (European Traditional Medicine Association). TCM is included in the health care for most countries, such as The Netherlands. HACUSERK is recognized by… | medicine association, association tcm | medicine, traditional, acupuncture, rate, study | 1 | | In our museum are a lot of visits to groups, such as cultural circles, choirs, associations, church councils, families (sometimes consisting of even three generations), historical groups/ associations, interested in the influence of the… | choir association, association church, historical association, association interested | bible, translator, restoration, visit, catholic | 1 | | …active as a spiritual teacher. The Dutch translation project started by the ‘Stichting Vrienden van het Boeddhisme’ (Friends of Buddhism Association) led to a series of Dutch language books, covering a sustantial part of the Sutta-Pitaka. | buddhism association, association series | buddhism, het, buddhist, profit, vacancy | 1 | | When I started my studies in 2006, I became a member of the student Scouting group the Delftsche Zwervers , a small (~25 members) student association in Delft. | student association, association delft | jenkins, ignite, trick, youth, road | 1 | | Italian roman catholic priest. He has the gift of healing. He dedicated his life to pedagogy, educational missions. In 1854, he founded the St. Francis de Sales Association, dedicated to education of children in need. | sale association, association education | church, ritual, song, spiritual, inspiration | 1 | | …act for various events and festivals in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada and the USA. We also regularly act for “Sunflower”, an association which for over 60 years, provides for special meetings between the sick, disabled and volunteers. | sunflower association, association year | dance, costume, sick, famous, wooden | 1 | | …up spaces where active remembering and listening result in refined ways of engaging. Everyday ordinary things turn into objects of wonder and shifts of perspectives encourage new associations and correlations, animating the life around us. | new association, association correlation | ordinary, listen, curious, actively, surrounding | 1 | | Do you organise conferences related to an industry association or scientific association? The Utrecht Convention Bureau can advise you on bid procedures, financial subsidies, venue choices, and program composition, among other things. | industry association, association scientific, scientific association, association utrecht | region, conference, accessibility, destination, congress | 1 | | bbuilding and maintenace of a Homepage for the NVB (Dutch Librarions Association) | | interest, secondary, library, teacher, physics | 1 | | The Volksuniversiteiten offer a wide variety of courses given by expert teachers. There are nearly 60 Volksuniversiteiten, 35 of which are member of Cultuurconnectie (previously BNVU, Dutch Association of Volksuniversiteiten). All members… | dutch association, association volksuniversiteiten | institute, leave, programme, variety, background | 1 | | Our educational institution is laid out and governed by the International Montessori Association guidelines; guidelines that we have put into place precisely as Maria Montessori intended. We also combine these guidelines with a flexible… | montessori association, association guidelines | visit, path, continuous, bilingual, career | 1 | | Expat Apartment Service is connected to the VVA of Amsterdam (association of Rental Brokers in Amsterdam ). To be a member of this organization we are required to be certified and to maintain our level at the highest standard. This… | amsterdam association, association rental | expat, apartment, property, assistance, investment | 1 | | of filmmaking; This unique creative process of analysis and synthesis of image, sound, concept, rythm, storyline, associations and ideas, which results in films that tell their own story. Stories that shouldn’t be told with just words, just | storyline association, association idea | documentary, commission, magic, independent, island | 1 | | Our history dates back to 1899. It was in that year that the forerunner of our company was founded: Centraal Bureau. This company supported cooperative purchasing associations in the agricultural sector with the purchase of fertilizers. | purchase association, association agricultural | trading, grain, cereal, renowned, player | 1 | | We chose to work with a houseplant as an object. Not every houseplant, however, fitted with the personality of our protagonist. I tested which plant was most fit to use by putting showing them to some people side by side and asking them… | people association, association tropical | intercultural, assignment, personality, critical, topic | 1 | | Amygdala is the alumni association for psychology graduates of the University of Twente. We strive to (re-)connect alumni with each other, as well as with current students at the UT. | alumnus association, association psychology | ut, psychology, fellow, membership, graduate | 1 | | Masterclass Energy Crisis, presentation for student association at Tilburg University, 26 Feb 2016 | student association, association tilburg, association amsterdam | economic, climate, environmental, resource, presentation | 1 | | On Saturday November 3rd 2012, the Dutch Judo Association presented Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee, with their prestigious Anton Geesink Award, which consists of a small bust of the famous Judo champion… | judo association, association jacques | sculptor, bronze, medal, sculpture, relief | 1 | | * Students may receive a discount upon the regular membership fee. WUR students with sportsrights can claim 25% refund subsidy from Thymos on their annual subscription fee. Download here your ‘ application form subsidy contribution… | | annual, payment, debit, fee, contribution | 1 | | Copyright ONS 2014 Commisioned by Industrial Design Department Technical University Eindhoven. In cooperation with study association Industrial Design LUCID. | study association, association industrial | stock, actuator, capacitor, integrate, resistor | 1 | | The use of trademarked names herein does not suggest sponsorship or association of HDD Broker with the trademark owner's product or service. | sponsorship association, association hdd | resource, sell, llc, society, subscribe | 1 | | Red Contras is an independent cooperative, owned by its associates. It specializes in making projects and ventures successful by mediating and giving access to a broad network of private investors, knowledge institutions, research… | trade association, association company | adoption, mass, government, innovative, entrepreneur | 1 | | Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe. It was born on the 16th of October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange. ESN works for the… | student association, association europe | esn, hague, mobility, legally, exchange | 1 | | Brand managers need to know how consumers perceive their brands. Do consumers actually have the ‘right’ associations with brands as intended by the companies? And are these associations consistent, or are they vastly different across… | right association, association brand, company association, association consistent | brain, decision, consumer, paper, cognitive | 1 | | During the treatment, you will be assisted by a trained, registered and experienced specialist who is also a member of the trade association Provoet and Procert and also has a contractual relationship with the Podiatrists listed below. | trade association, association provoet | treatment, external, importance, increasingly, common | 1 | | Our customers include accountancy and law firms, IT & media companies, art studios, medical centres, school & colleges, bars & restaurants, hotels, fitness centres, retail companies, industrial & construction companies, residents’… | resident association, association property | window, regular, crime, builder, property | 1 | | …Broekman to design a monumental tapestry for a building on the Singel in Amsterdam that offers housing to various financial institutions such as Fortis Bank, the Securities Transactions Foundation and the Banking Employers’ Association. | | enterprise, exhibition, publication, catalog, paper | 1 | | …of information on combustion research and its practical applications, in the Netherlands, which takes place annually. It is an initiative of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlamonderzoek NVV (Netherlands Association for Flame Research). | netherlands association, association flame | october, registration, submission, venue, accomodation | 1 | | Chinese ink painting workshop for the Sinology Student Association of Leiden University. | student association, association leiden | calligraphy, painting, ceremony, ink, hague | 1 | | placed in an oval shape, like an amulet, and is protected by the rib construction that at the same time reminds of the setting of a gemstone. The image also evokes the association of a reflecting sea, surrounded by a ship-like construction. | image association, association sea | marble, exhibition, oak, shape, wood | 1 | | We are MfN – registered and affiliated to the professional associations NMv , VAN , mFAM and KIES. | professional association, association nmv | divorce, employment, rate, workplace, clarity | 1 | | The Jan Knippenberg Memorial is organized by the ‘Friends of the JKM’ in cooperation with several Athletic Clubs and volunteers along the course. The race is governed by the Athletics Association Texel and is officially registered with… | athletic association, association texel, association knau | run, qualify, saturday, easter, north | 1 | | Deep Drill is working according standards of key industry associations such as the API, IADC, Fearnley Proctor and Metaalunie. | industry association, association api | drill, rental, pressure, geothermal, oil | 1 | | VCT’s clients are not only large companies and organizations such as Evides, Wartsila, Voith, Premier Oil, trade associations and NL Agency, but also family owned businesses like Dobla, Ned-Deck Marine and Wassenburg, which are the… | trade association, association nl | connect, career, deck, soul, southern | 1 | | Except for my work and passion for technology, I also have other interests. One of my hobbies is a playing various types of percussion instruments such as drums, xylophone, vibraphone and kettledrums at a musical association in the town… | musical association, association town | deployment, talk, thesis, publication, phd | 1 | | Dirah Academy International is a member of the Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA) , the International Institute for Predictive Astrology (IIPA) and the Planetary Gemologists Association (PGA). | gemologists association, association pga | astrology, vedic, chart, astrological, correspondence | 1 | | Looking for a temporary or long-term rental? Through our extensive network and partnerships with other reputable rental agents, brokers and housing associations from the area; we are able to offer you the most complete overview of the… | housing association, association area | relocation, property, buy, expat, landlord | 1 | | Panel Inzicht conforms to the highest quality standards in market research. We are associated with the national (MOA) and international sector association (ESOMAR) of market research. We are also affiliated with the Research Certification… | sector association, association esomar | panel, audience, survey, manner, succesfull | 1 | | The Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics (DuJAL) is the official journal of the Dutch Association of Applied Linguistics (Anéla). It publishes research on (second) language use, learning, teaching and policy and particularly values both… | dutch association, association apply | journal, apply, linguistic, xml, editorial | 1 | | Worldview Mission (WM) was founded by Ms. Hélène H. Oord in 2007. In 2008, Worldview Mission was registered as IRS-Taxed Exempt Status Subsidiary of Sidewalk University, New Jersey, USA , as an Association. Worldview Mission through its… | usa association, association worldview | worldview, poverty, youth, pandemic, fight | 1 | | …pure alcohol, the studio is cleaned daily and every customer get’s serviced with a brand new file. i you would like to know more about the importance of hygiene within the nail saloon, please visit the website of our branch association. | | nail, clientele, spanish, polish, everybody | 1 | | order to beat her enemies through different endless worlds! How far are you willing to go? Share your high score and challenge your friends in this amazing puzzle adventure! Xintana is back! Developed in association with Double Ring Studios | xintana association, association double | radical, graphic, exciting, veteran, independent | 1 | | …article Integrating Integrating genetic genetic and and gene gene expression expression evidence evidence into into genome-wide genome-wide association association analysis analysis of of gene gene sets sets by by Xiong Xiong et et all. | wide association, association analysis | presentation, logic, sandbox, simulation, leave | 1 | | …a week, 24 hours a day for repair requests and damage reports. For all VvE services you have come to the right place. Our mission: to unburden you in the management of the association so that you as the owner have optimal living pleasure. | management association, association owner | cooperation, committee, maintenance, fund, insurance | 1 | | LiveHouse is a member of IDEA . As a member of this association, LiveHouse is able to use the IDEA quality mark. IDEA is a mark that guarantees creativity, professionalism, continuity and safety. | member association, association livehouse | strategic, summary, suggestion, description, default | 1 | | The Baby Innovation Award show is the largest annual event for the baby-product market, offering not only extraordinary awards but also incorporating a lot of media coverage. This competition is organized by the trade magazine BabyWereld… | babywereld association, association negenmaandenbeurs | winner, nomination, consumer, innovative, nominee | 1 | | …Tabo Goudswaard, I was invited to develop a strategy in the project “Krot of Kans (Shack or Chance)” together with sociologists, housing associations, sustainability researchers, photographers, writers and other artists. The aim was […] | housing association, association sustainability | paperless, paper, television, intervention, institute | 1 | | If your complaint has not yet been resolved, you can submit your complaint to the KNMT , the professional association to which this practice is affiliated. An independent complaints officer will mediate between you and us free of charge… | professional association, association practice | dental, hague, appointment, dentist, urgent | 1 | | …following, garnering award nominations from Radio Music Canada as well as from the Canadian Country Music Association for their singles “Follow Me Down” and “Maybe Baby” – both written by Sargeant. Senja toured extensively with the | music association, association single | town, song, favorite, lyric, orchestra | 1 | | Naturally, we also perform all customary notarial services, such as amendments to articles of association, share transfers, share issues, depositary receipt issues, share pledges, (cross-border) conversions, mergers and corporate split-ups. | article association, association share | partners, law, inheritance, estate, interest | 1 | | Antonie is a conscientious advisor and coach who has brought the VGCt (Dutch Association of CBT) to a higher level of performance, both strategic and operational. | dutch association, association cbt | strategic, participant, structure, stroke, programme | 1 | | ESN Tilburg is a non-profit student association that organizes activities for all internationally-minded students. | student association, association activity | esn, committee, housing, introduction, pack | 1 | | In Leiden, many different studies (from language sciences to mathematics and MBO to PhD) are gathered in a small city. Leiden has an extensive history in student life, like many active student, study and sports associations. | | career, programme, connect, bridge, gap | 1 | | The exhibition has been realized in collaboration with members of the historical cycling association 'De Oude Fiets'. | cycling association, association de | visit, exhibition, attic, mother, rental | 1 | | Hart Academy is our in-house education institute. Hart Academy is recognized by the Dutch Bar Association. Hart Academy organizes courses and workshops for attorneys, lawyers, compliance officers and financial professionals. Our courses… | bar association, association hart | lorem, ipsum, complaint, gdpr, law | 1 | | Terra Bella coordinates the maintenance of the public space on behalf of the residents of the green, sustainable neighbourhood Lanxmeer in Culemborg. Terra Bella is a foundation that is part of the residents association, BEL . Since… | resident association, association bel | participation, government, resident, involvement, neighbourhood | 1 | | I’ve been a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association since 2015, and am an ex officio member of the council of the Regional Science Assocation International as co-editor of the RSAI newsletters . I represent the Dutch Regional Science… | studies association, association ex | economic, spatial, economist, blood, connectivity | 1 | | Ebi Smolarek (Former footballer and president of Association of Polish Professional Footballers) | president association, association polish | mortgage, insurance, independent, pricing, estate | 1 | | These conditions for the international shipstore trade set out the rights and duties of both ship suppliers and ship owners, formulated by the INTERNATIONAL SHIP SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (ISSA) and deposited at THE HAGUE, Netherlands. With… | supplier association, association issa | purchaser, shall, vendor, ship, spare | 1 | | IFMSA-NL is a non-profit students' association. By means of our projects and activities, we strive to work towards a better world every day. While doing so, our volunteers, all of them future professional in or with interest in health… | student association, association mean | chapter, equal, sexual, exchange, million | 1 | | The Royal Ten is the nicest running event in The Hague and is organized every year by The Hague Road Runners , a road athletics association that specializes in training for, participating in and organizing running competitions. | athletic association, association run | kid, sunday, directly, distance, competition | 1 | | From legal documents for business, such as contracts and general terms and conditions, to notarial deeds such as articles of association, Wills, deeds of assignment and transfer deeds: our sworn translators have mastered the art of legal… | article association, association wills | translation, translator, round, certified, specialism | 1 | | …of the Global Data Lab (Radboud University), Chair of the Nominating Committee of the Social Science History Association (2020-2021), board member of the Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN), and editorial board member of the… | history association, association board | economic, publication, phd, teach, summary | 1 | | We work for several municipalities, housing associations, businesses and individuals. | housing association, association business | bathroom, sanitary, facility, window, renovation | 1 | | …Geranne served as a board member of the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven and as a board member of the Dutch Association of Hospitals. Prior to that, she was a member of the Board of Directors at 's Heeren Loo, a care provider for… | dutch association, association hospital | healthcare, authority, executive, overview, summary | 1 | | Bulk Association Creation in Rails — During development of an application I stumbled across a situation where it produced N+1 queries and I set out on an adventure improve it. | bulk association, association creation | vim, typescript, json, angular, writing | 1 | | 1998-2006: Website committee and management, regional coordinator, coaching volunteers and support groups, peer support, editor at the magazine of the Association of Parents of Premature Children (VOC) | magazine association, association parent | ter, haar, exciting, expat, entrepreneur | 1 | | The Dutch have also shown a growing interest in colonial built heritage during the 1980s and 1990s. There was an agreement between the Dutch Association for Architects ( Bond van Nederlandse Architecten, BNA) and its Indonesian… | dutch association, association architect | heritage, indonesia, colonial, indonesian, architecture | 1 | | We grow the Mediax variety, a high-yield quality tomato for loose harvest. Our sales are effected in collaboration with the growers’ association Oxin Growers. We like to keep a close relationship with our customers. | grower association, association oxin | horticulture, sustainability, supply, chain, certification | 1 | | Verify if the international mover you are checking is part of any moving association . Some of them requires their members to meet certain quality standards . Moving companies also need a specific permit to be able to move you. 2 steps to… | moving association, association member | money, united, obligation, exactly, australia | 1 | | …with Jordi has always been accessible throughout the entire process. After every interview he would send me a message asking me if everything went well and whether he could help me with anything. All in all, it was a nice association! | | acquisition, vacancy, collaboration, specialise, connection | 1 | | The past two years, Summer Sounds marked the end of the academic year with a festival on the O&O plein on the campus of the University of Twente. This year, we're going bigger and better than ever before! Organized together with over 15… | student association, association amazing | amazing, past, academic, ut | 1 | | On May 23, the Dutch central bank (in its role as the bank supervisor) started a consultation round with respect to the content of supervisory rules for e-money issuers. This round closed at the end of May. Our association's response… | end association, association response | money, electronic, payment, directive, issuer | 1 | | Nail clipping is an exciting time. Especially your baby can be very mobile and a mistake is in a small corner. That is why there is now the electric Baby Tailor file. A relaxed way of filing your child's nails without a negative… | negative association, association child | tailor, nail, file, electric, sit | 1 | | Karina Klaassen / HAPPIBUZZ is a proud member of the Association of Transformational Leaders Europe. | member association, association transformational | confidence, coherence, promotion, esteem, powerful | 1 | | …our eight university students and provided them with advice for the coming academic year. He also talked to the schools and the Blind Association to discuss how the guidance of blind students in the local schools can be better facilitated. | blind association, association guidance | october, ababa, law, degree, ethiopian | 1 | | Bibiane Schoofs (born 13 May 1988; also known as Bibi) is a Dutch professional tennis player. Bibiane started playing tennis with her dad at the age of 4 on the courts of Veenendaal. By the age of 6 years she became a player of the Dutch… | tennis association, association knltb | player, double, championship, dad, court | 1 | | We are Student Pole and Aerial Association Blue. We offer Polefitness, Aerial silks and Aerial hoop. You can find more information about these disciplines below. | aerial association, association blue | aerial, silk, pole, exercise, checkout | 1 | | Welcome to the website of the VSAE Actuarial Congress. Every spring a committee is formed which, coordinated by the VSAE (Association of Actuarial and Econometrics Students), takes on the task of organizing the next congress. This is done… | vsae association, association actuarial | presentation, session, congress, actuarial, programme | 1 | | …in the section information for patients . In this sections you can also find summaries of studies performed at Neuroinfections Amsterdam, and links to useful websites , for instance the Dutch Meningitis Patients Association. | | patient, study, scientific, infection, neurological | 1 | | You are on the website of DASHE, the Dutch Association for Shorter Higher Education. As you can see, this website is under construction. Till the 1st of January 2010 we had an informative website in Dutch about the Short Cycle Higher… | dutch association, association short | actual, archive, subscribe, survey, discussion | 1 | | …base and is geared to practical situations, in and outside school. The ECHA-specialists in Gifted Education in the Netherlands are united in the ECHA Association. ECHA also organises biennial conferences on the topic of Gifted Education. | echa association, association echa | think, cooperation, equity, teacher, motivation | 1 | | I am also a member of Restauratoren Nederland , ICON (The Institute of Conservation) and IADA (International Association of Book and Paper Conservators) and Stichting Handboekbinden . | international association, association book, professional association, association local | restoration, paper, bookbinding, conservation, collectible | 1 | | We are a proud member of EUROMIC association as well as an honoured holder of various acclaimed industry-wide awards (such as SITE Crystal, M & IT). | euromic association, association holder | destination, request, programme, proposal, logistics | 1 | | The SMART Centre Foundation was founded on 13-02-2018 by Notary J. Schuite in Apeldoorn. The articles of association are available on request from Henk Holtslag. | article association, association available | pump, africa, rope, household, farmer | 1 | | Vulnerability of people, that's what my paintings are about. Vulnerability with its emotional associations: fear, uncertainty and the feeling of insecurity. Simultaneously the paintings address the need to be able to live with this… | emotional association, association fear | painting, paper, exhibition, fear, strength | 1 | | The identity and strategic position of the corporate brand needs to be actively managed. There are serious challenges to face – staying relevant, creating value propositions, managing negative associations etcetera. | negative association, association etcetera | identity, strategic, competitive, appeal, reputation | 1 | | and Underground Construction of the Royal Dutch Institute of Engineers. With 20,000 members KIVI is the largest engineering association in the Netherlands. | engineering association, association netherlands | schedule, registration, underground, department, institute | 1 | | The Nature Park Maas-Schwalm-Nette is an association of seven Dutch communities and the German Nature park Schwalm-Nette. Its office is located in the town of Roermond in the Netherlands right at the Dutch-German border. Find out more… | nette association, association seven | bike, hike, german, numerous, recreation | 1 | | I'm one of the 10 members of the 'Amsterdam Pianoteachers Collective' APK and a member of the European Piano Teachers Association EPTA . | teacher association, association epta | lesson, harpsichord, teacher, ear, classical | 1 | | C-MASTERS International Training Centre is recognised by the Royal Yachting Association for delivering the complete program of their outstanding RYA sailing, motor cruising, powerboat, personal watercraft and navigation courses. Over the… | yachting association, association complete | rya, sail, practical, skipper | 1 | | Unique about the Happi Hiv app is that it provides insight into how you are doing with the help of sympathetic questionnaires. You will also receive periodic messages from the hiv patient association. | | skin, patient, disease, medication, ease | 1 | | Our wish to become parents had been unfulfilled for a long time. However, after many detours, we ended up at MCBalans through the patient association for acupuncture. Dr. Lin did not only consider our medical history, but also took our… | patient association, association acupuncture | acupuncture, treatment, hague, appointment, session | 1 | | Crane Inspection Services is rate as an “FULL MEMBER” by the Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) International. | trade association, association irata | inspection, crane, rope, introduction | 1 | | Coastal Carriers in association with their partners Acta Marine BV and LKL Oceantrade BV have gained expert knowledge since the start of the company in 2000. | carrier association, association partner | coastal, carrier, barge, supplier, oil | 1 | | …and -western bank of the Eemskanaal. This pursuit race is organized since 1975 by the Groningen Student Rowing Association 'Aegir'. The Hel van het Noorden owes its name to the distance and the harsh November weather conditions in which | row association, association aegir | het, hell, coordinator, traffic, disruption | 1 | | I did a feasibility study on diversity on behalf of BNNVARA for the six big broadcasting associations. The feasibility research assessed if a studio in Rotterdam would bring a cultural shift in the content of the programs and their… | broadcast association, association feasibility | entrepreneur, woman, diversity, programme, founder | 1 | | For some years he was a member of the board of the European Recorder Teachers Association NL, manager of some early music ensembles and secretary of the SONBU (Open Dutch Recorder Days Utrecht). He was professor for recorder at the Fontys… | teacher association, association nl | calendar, century, orchestra, early, chamber | 1 | | WellWishes is a small, but flexible and well supported non-profit organization. The foundation of this association originates from the technical know-how provided by years of experience in the field of civic engineering as taught by… | foundation association, association technical | africa, drill, drilling, apply, profit | 1 | | In 24th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2019), Rostock, Germany. Eurographics Association. | | graphic, paper, transaction, visual, ieee | 1 | | 2. The purchase of an apartment right, registered as such at the land registry and managed by the board of an Owners’ Association (VvE). An apartment right consists of part of a whole apartment complex. You will often come across this… | owner association, association vve | mortgage, property, expat, investment, notary | 1 | | As of April 2011, Filmeditors has evolved into the Netherlands Association of Cinema Editors ( NCE ). | netherlands association, association cinema | summary, editor | 1 | | Representation of opinion and domain-related words in their relationship (i.e. “part of”, “kind of”, “association”). | | automatic, opinion, recognition, domain, showcase | 1 | | The Booming Brazil study tour is organized by student association ConcepT of the study Civil Engineering and Management at the University of Twente. | student association, association concept | study, brazil, leave, committee, october | 1 | | Sonja is a member of Geneco , the professional association of composers in The Netherlands, and of Compose4You , a platform where compositions can be ordered from Dutch top composers. | professional association, association composer | composition, composer, sheet, contemporary, violin | 1 | | With the guidance of experts in the International Reciprocal Trade Association, Ruffin Trading Company, LLC tested moving non-productive building materials at every level of distribution including export. This testing lasted well over ten… | trade association, association ruffin | valuation, engine, currency, producer, basket | 1 | | We realized that good benchmark results can only be achieved with a broad target group. This is why DACT , Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers has agreed to adopt this survey and transform the Barometer into the DACT Treasury… | dutch association, association corporate | treasury, consulting, force, annual, treasurer | 1 | | My name is Rob van der Meer and since 2005 I am a fully qualified piano technician and a certified piano tuner (CPT) accredited through the Dutch association of pianotechnicians (VvPN). Besides tuning, I can offer additional services on… | dutch association, association pianotechnicians | technician, qualify, resident, hague, summary | 1 | | The General Terms and Conditions of the Dutch Association of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV) apply to all | dutch association, association interpreter | translation, translator, publication, rate, specialisation | 1 | | BTS is awarded ISO 9001 certification and is also certified according to the international standard for translation services ISO 17100 and is a member of the Association of Translation Agencies. | member association, association translation | translation, etc, german, spanish, french | 1 | | written opinion about the possible development of the Couperusbuurt. You will also find the Municipal and Housing association vision. Such as the definitive designation of demolition zones and new building locations. This file is written… | housing association, association vision | resident, committee, neighborhood, mold, acceptable | 1 | | In 2001 the Association of Investment analysts (VBA; Vereniging van Beleggingsanalisten) joined the Foundation's Board and in 2002 the Order of the Accountants-Administrator's consultants NOvAA (Nederlandse Orde van… | royal association, association small | accounting, entity, report, external, draft | 1 | | Founded in 2021, The New Mode Collective is the study association of the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. It strives to create a joyful student community within the school. TNMC works independently of AMFI and is made for students by… | study association, association amsterdam | collective, merch, study, independently, festivity | 1 | | VERSEN is the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering. Its mission is to bring together researchers, educators and practitioners in the field of software engineering in The Netherlands, who share the common goals of advancing… | national association, association software | manifesto, advisory, honorary, annual, conduct | 1 | | BC Drop Shot is the oldest badminton club in the Netherlands, founded on October 1, 1947. Our long history has resulted in three national championships and a few Dutch champions. We are now a large, broad association for recreation, youth… | broad association, association recreation | drop, hague, membership, youth, tournament | 1 | | …hand & wrist, knee, shoulder and elbow. The course accredition has been granted by the Netherlands Orthopaedic Association (NOV). Approval has been granted by ISAKOS, ESSKA, SECEC, Dutch Society of Hand Surgeons, the Dutch Knee Society, | orthopaedic association, association nov | arthroplasty, knee, shoulder, registration, july | 1 | | …intensively with a network of trainers, coaches, advisors and bureaus and is also a member of the branch organization of the Dutch Association of Personnel Management (NVP), and of the Platform Association for Self-employed Persons (PZO). | dutch association, association personnel, platform association, association self | government, branch, personnel, competence, employee | 1 | | We are members of the specialist associations in our field and also act as lecturers. We have offices in both Haarlem and Amsterdam. | specialist association, association field | injury, law, employment, lawyer, employee | 1 | | “This cattery has NOT been inspected by and is not endorsed by The International Cat Association, Inc.” | | breeder, cat, litter, female, girl | 1 | | …and regulations, (money laundering and terrorist financing) risks and the importance of combating terrorism and money laundering (by way of publications and presentations and cooperating with professional organizations and associations); | | supervision, bailiff, notary, compliance, supervisory | 1 | | Tiez's team was absolutely prompt and agile when it comes to their deliverables. We required assistance for the digitalization of our bookings, orders, and modules, where their quick implementation and excellent support were handy… | handy association, association service | interactive, ux, yr, exp, api | 1 | | USCA is a chapter of the APS, the RPSC and the KNBF (Royal Dutch Association of Philatelic Societies). USCA members often are members of philatelic societies in the United States or Canada. Such as the United States Stamps Society (USSS)… | dutch association, association philatelic | stamp, postal, philatelic, collector, booklet | 1 | | KIVI (The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers) is the largest engineering association of the Netherlands. Engineers are fully committed to improving the quality of life in our society with their indispensable knowledge and… | engineering association, association netherlands | cell, device, photovoltaic, perovskite, physics | 1 | | Wholesale Brazilian Curiosa sells exclusively to resellers. You can register with us with a valid Chamber of Commerce registration or membership of a trade association. With us, a minimum purchase of €150,- | trade association, association minimum | stone, wholesale, mineral, precious, crystal | 1 | | The Publisher House of the architectural periodical METSZET have arranged his spring International Convention of Architecture 8th March 2019 for the sixteenth time. The Association of Hungarian Architects (AHA) was associate organizer of… | time association, association hungarian | architecture, teach, study, permission, graduation | 1 | | Streefkerk Advocaten has been known as a highly expert and pleasant discussion partner in the region of The Hague since 1964. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a property investor, a husband or wife, an employee, a director under the… | article association, association contractor | law, profile, insurance, liability, property | 1 | | …of the 14th century one which was nearby the “Mary Chapel in the Spoonstreet (dutch: Lepelstraat) so called “Association of the praying Marymen”. It was the year that the gathering of people in the St. Johns was forbidden by the… | lepelstraat association, association marymen | statue, cathedral, sweet, mother, chapel | 1 | | We are pleased to recommend the services of Quetta Trading Corporation. We have been their trading partner for the last 7 years. All of our experience during our association with Quetta Trading Corporation has been very positive, and to… | experience association, association quetta | auction, trading, vehicle, upcoming, united | 1 | | Sitomatic is a NEN-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 certified company, as well as a member of AS-International and PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) associations. | | manufacture, valve, partners, automation, actuator | 1 | | As a study association we help you through your studies and focus on your future career, but we also organize fun events so you can get to know your fellow students better! Reflecting both these elements, a membership at Labyrint offers a… | study association, association study | committee, membership, frequently, assembly, study | 1 | | Value Creation is member of the Dutch Corporate Finance Association (DCFA) and of the Dutch Institute Register Valuators (NIRV). | finance association, association dcfa | creation, acquisition, merger, description, dedicated | 1 | | Both Bram's Bachelor thesis ‘Beethoven: from manuscript to modern edition' and his Master thesis 'A living cadenza' were nominated for the EPTA Frans Schreuderprijs and were published in the Piano Bulletin of the European Piano Teachers… | teacher association, association master | op, minor, major, flat, portrait | 1 | | Also with this method the superpower is in the children themselves. Their ability to make associations and use their imagination is the key to success. So wandering with your mind can be useful! | ability association, association imagination | session, behavioral, appointment, behavior, oops | 1 | | In addition, the sheep herds of breeders who have acquired this health status are registered with the Breeder Association for Ouessant Sheep (Fokkervereniging Ouessant Schapen), a recognized EU herdbook. These Ouessant sheep have been… | breeder association, association ouessant | bloodline, sheep, breeder, brown, herd | 1 | | Maartje Kunen is a member of the Professional Association of Dutch Designers: BNO and the Association Européenne des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques: AEIMS | professional association, association dutch, bno association, association européenne | animation, illustration, patient, publisher, scientific | 1 | | …municipalities. We also collect records that relate to the Nijmegen area created by individuals and local institutions, such as churches, schools, companies and associations. We act as memory of Nijmegen and the neighboring municipalities. | company association, association memory | municipality, archive, government, historical, authority | 1 | | …founders, investors, shareholders and directors with advice and support on various corporate law issues, including decision-making, setting up joint ventures and implementation in (shareholders’) agreements and articles of association. | | law, employment, civil, lawyer, firm | 1 | | Transient Hyperinsulinism can also occur in association with perinatal stress, which leads to Hyperinsulinism by uncertain mechanism(s). | hyperinsulinism association, association perinatal | insulin, evidence, blood, justice, peptide | 1 | | In 2018 his solo double album 'ROOTS!' was released and well reviewed, even in the U.S. by the International Clarinet Association. | | clarinet, orchestra, seven, double, sonata | 1 | | The firm is affiliated to the Dutch Association of Commercial Real Estate Agents (NVM). Buise Doedijns therefore meets all the quality and training requirements. We are also affiliated to the Dutch Housing Evaluation Institute (NWWI). The… | dutch association, association commercial | property, valuation, estate, fact, feeling | 1 | | Affiliated with the International Branch of the Dutch Association of Municipalities. | dutch association, association municipality | consulting, cooperation, effective, advisory, economic | 1 | | For groups, associations, etc., it is possible to arrange a tour and / or an information meeting. Host groups can use our facilities to plan their own retreat program in harmony with the ashram program. | group association, association etc | bhakti, celebration, introduction, teaching, practical | 1 | | We make sure that students voices are heard. We talk with politicians, administrators at the educational institutes and housing associations. | | rent, join, confidential, housing, interest | 1 | | Bhutanese Community in The Netherlands (BCN) is an association of all the former Bhutanese Citizens who came to the Netherlands as refugees and are now living in the Netherlands. It is a non political, non profit, non religious and purely… | bcn association, association bhutanese, purely association, association voluntary | effort, committee, upcoming, citizen, integration | 1 | | Love God , is elaborated in many indications that God has given on how we can live with Him. Examples include: maintaining the feasts, confessing faith, receiving grace and forgiveness, a personal association with Him through prayer. The… | personal association, association prayer | lesson, vegetable, feast, faith, jesus | 1 | | Our clients include international organizations (International Monetary Fund, UNESCO, International Energy Agency), knowledge institutes (International Food Policy Research Institute, World Steel Association), statistical offices… | steel association, association statistical | visual, visualization, affairs, profile, rich | 1 | | We are the Groninger table tennis club for students. At our association it does not matter whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced player. We provide practice and fun for all levels . | student association, association absolute | competition, announcement, session, table, player | 1 | | We’re a student association fostering innovation in the south Limburg area, NL, and part of START Network. We educate and connect entrepreneurs of tomorrow, making Maastricht a startup hub. Join our journey to impact the European Startup… | student association, association innovation | entrepreneurship, networking, ecosystem, entrepreneurial, career | 1 | | In addition to the activities organized by ‘t Slot itself, there are also many clubs, associations and organizations that use our community center to carry out their activities. There are various rooms available or for rent with all kinds… | club association, association organization | topical, feel, sun, literally, parking | 1 | | Everyone is welcome in our association, whether you've done gymnastics for years or never before, our certified coaches can help in all levels. | welcome association, association gymnastics | membership, competition, gymnastics, multiple, relation | 1 | | We see ourselves as an all-rounder in the field of direct mail, fulfillment, print services, data, packaging, and logistics. Meanwhile, our company has a large customer base with a number of regular clients from the public sector… | business association, association growth | fulfillment, packaging, insert, storage, inventory | 1 | | As a member of the Board of Governors of the European Fly Fishing Association (EFFA), Rudy will, together with Sepp Fuchs, Bas de Bruin, Günter Feuerstein and others, examine people that want to do the exams for the EFFA Fly Casting… | fishing association, association effa | fishing, photographer, cast, illustration, report | 1 | | strongest ties with the Dutch East Indies, as it was then called. This is also reflected in the shops, companies, associations, and many residents who have lived there for short or longer periods of time. As a result, since 1959 The Hague… | company association, association resident | visitor, exhibitor, asian, hague, asia | 1 | | V+B Group is a member of the Nivre (Netherlands Institute of Register Experts). We are also affiliated with the VRT ( V erenigd Register van Taxateurs ), the IVR (International Association of the Rhine Vessels’ Register), and the VEKRB… | international association, association rhine, vekrb association, association experts | survey, damage, maritime, appraisal, assistance | 1 | | Next to the PBF Volleybal leagues and tournaments, we also have PBF teams playing in leagues and tournaments organized by other associations. | | introduction, tournament, season, rule, evening | 1 | | To leverage and accelerate the opportunities provided by battery technology and the energy transition, the industry, knowledge institutes and trade associations are jointly committed to developing a strong battery ecosystem. | trade association, association jointly | battery, competence, pack, partnership, ship | 1 | | Complete pool equipment solutions for swimming pools, swimming schools, swimming associations and holiday parks. | swimming association, association holiday | swimming, innovative, supplier, holiday, toy | 1 | | KIT was founded by three well known organisations: SBCM Foundation, research institute TNO and Cedris , the association of supported employment organisations. These parties consider the ongoing development of new technologies, in the area… | cedris association, association employment | foreign, inclusion, regional, wat, partners | 1 | | We play in the Dutch competition, organize friendly matches against local and other inclusive teams. We are proud members of the International Gay Rugby Association whose LGBT+ rugby tournaments the Union Cup and the Bingham Cup take us… | rugby association, association rugby | lowlander, woman, player, tournament, prejudice | 1 | | Molenaar, D., & Schnipke, D. (forthcoming). Item response time modeling. In: J. Weiner & S. Sireci (Eds.), Guidelines for technical based assessment. International Testing Commission and Association of Test Publishers | commission association, association test | response, psychometric, psychology, journal, ed | 1 | | KWinTaal is a member of NGTV (Netherlands Association of Interpreters and Translators) and is registered with BTV (Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators). | netherlands association, association interpreter | translation, sworn, assignment, domain, french | 1 | | In founding psychoanalysis, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and discovered transference, establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud's redefinition of sexuality to include its… | free association, association transference | psychopathology, report, clinical, observational, measure | 1 | | HaViK consists of the ‘Foundation Art Indeed’, and the tenants association artists HVK. HaViK is the result of a co-operation between these two artist initiatives who share the same principles… | tenant association, association artist | edge, port, mean, logistics, urban | 1 | | Welcome to the WIB the user's association of instrumentation and process control. The WIB provides knowledge sharing, assessments and evaluations of process instrumentation & control for its industrial user member companies. | user association, association instrumentation | industrial, operation, automation, workgroup, autonomous | 1 | | Then become a (free) member of the Association of Chiropractic Patient Interests AND sign the petition: | member association, association chiropractic | treatment, chiropractic, dog, exercise, manual | 1 | | I am registered with NIP (Dutch Psychologists Association) and with NFG (Dutch Healthcare Federation). Follow the link below to find a list of Dutch Insurances I work with. I recommend you to enquire with your Healthcare Company about the… | psychologist association, association nfg | therapy, hague, session, therapist, add | 1 | | π Yesterday morning, our Parents Association surprised our DP2 students with a surprise gift - a survival kit ahead of their IB exams! π Ms. van Schaik and Dr. Sherlock joined in the fun, treating everyone to a delicious snack π©… | parent association, association student | useful, admission, impactful, respectful, minded | 1 | | DSD Waldur is a study association for master students of the Department of Electrical Engineering van de Eindhoven University of Technology , who specialize themselves in: | study association, association master | committee, recommendation, beneficiary, evaluation, study | 1 | | The Association of Netherlands Municipalities reported recently about a breakthrough project with the Montr Inspection application | | hague, inspection, potential, saving, operational | 1 | | Member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association and the Canadian SFFA | writer association, association canadian | narrative, write, lecture, collaboration, improv | 1 | | Transform data into actionable insights using visual analytics, building dashboards, data modelling, anomaly detection, clustering, association rule learning, regression and lots more. Share your work with anyone and make an impact on… | cluster association, association rule | report, consulting, devops, certification, logistics | 1 | | …of sustainable energy, improvement of indoor comfort and the optimisation of the lifetime of buildings. In association with several education- and research institutions, the ICDuBo gives insights into several angles of… | building association, association research | innovative, institution, sustainability, government, exhibition | 1 | | Picard Restoration Studio is a member of the Association of Restorers in the Netherlands | member association, association restorer | restoration, sculpture, painting, antique, drawing | 1 | | Sit De Unie at the collective bargaining table at your employer or trade association? Then you can help decide on the terms and conditions of employment for you and your colleagues. | trade association, association term | income, membership, collective, agreement, labor | 1 | | The MAA is a career association for third-year bachelor’s and (pre-) master’s students interested in Marketing, Communication, Management, and Consultancy. | career association, association year | career, committee, click, vacancy, partnership | 1 | | GENERAL CONDITIONS OF FENEX (Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics) | netherlands association, association forward | logistics, logistic, transportation, formalities, mid | 1 | | …BioNederland. In an international context Ronald was one of the co-founders of the Organic Processing and Trade Association (OPTA). He is also accredited to give the Organic Leadership Course (OLC) of IFOAM and he recently established… | trade association, association opta | organic, movement, connection, transition, builder | 1 | | 5. Prevalence of apathy and associations with physical and cognitive impairment and mortality in older CKD patients: prospective cohort study. - in process | apathy association, association physical | patient, geriatric, assessment, study, renal | 1 | | To promote collaboration with national and international Huntington researchers and communicate with relevant professional and patient associations. | | disease, grant, proposal, researcher, scientific | 1 | | Each member of the Association is an independent accountancy firm offering their own scope of services and are responsible only for the services which they specifically provide. Local laws also differ and not all members may be permitted… | member association, association independent | clarkson, firm, independent, completely, commitment | 1 | | Lawyers are always free to form voluntary associations of their own, apart from any licensing or mandatory membership that may be required by the laws of their jurisdiction. | voluntary association, association apart | law, lawyer, relationship, immigration, firm | 1 | | MysteryLAN started in 2013 as an initiative of the IT committee of study association MSV Incognito, which was established on March 28th, 1994. | study association, association msv | rule, competition, southern, awesome, attendees | 1 | | First: when heavy weather is predicted and storms are coming, our weatherbroadcast speaks of Code Orange (the next phase is Code Red). With that association in mind we speak of Code Orange in our political system. More and more people… | red association, association mind | orange, democracy, political, democratic, movement | 1 | | For billiard rooms and associations, our d&k assortment of billiard timers and scoring systems are accepted as the most reliable billiard electronics for over 30 years. For billiard and webshops we are offering a wide variety of books… | room association, association assortment | billiard, supply, cloth, catalogue, exclusive | 1 | | made by the referee and makes the sport more fun, safer, and more positive! For that reason, the Dutch Basketball Association (NBB) has developed the “spelregelbewijs” (rules-of-the-game certificate). By means of a digital environment… | basketball association, association nbb | referee, player, committee, volunteer, vacancy | 1 | | …Hague, which looks for the right au pair that fits your family situation with great care. Super Nanny Au Pair Services is a member of the Bonapa ; Branch Organization Dutch Au Pair Agencies and the Iapa ; International Au Pair Association. | | pair, host, registration, insurance, cultural | 1 | | We are proud to be a member of WALA, Worldwide Australian Labradoodle Association. | | lovely, breeder, dog, girl, worldwide | 1 | | We are a proud member of IAPTI, the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters. | international association, association professional | passionate, educational, translation, flexible, expectations | 1 | | I am member of NBVH (Dutch Professional Association for Hypnotherapists) . The members of the NBVH are trained at HBO level or higher and must meet strict requirements. | professional association, association hypnotherapist | session, hypnotherapy, therapy, therapist, reimbursement | 1 | | He was a professor of corporate law at Amsterdam Free University and dean of the Netherlands Bar Association. | | investment, entrepreneurial, carve, leader, investor | 1 | | We are member of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of The Netherlands (NVvA) and affiliated with the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) . | bookseller association, association netherlands | architecture, prior, emphasis, specialize, catalogue | 1 | | …and finding the right form for it - as an artist, a teacher, a politically involved citizen and a member of an association - determine her artistic choices. She likes to be inspired generously by nature and by fellow artists in order to | member association, association artistic | painting, spatial, exhibition, acrylic, graphic | 1 | | ‘The Baptist Catechism was written in 1693 by William Collins and Benjamin Keach for teaching the doctrines of the London Baptist Confession of 1689. By 1738, this catechism was adopted by the Philadelphia Association of Baptists in… | philadelphia association, association baptists | topic, commandment, christ, lord, catechism | 1 | | ICAMH: International Club for American Miniature Horses was founded in 2006 in the Netherlands and recognized by the AMHA (American Miniature Horse Association), the American Studbook. As a result, we always adhere to the rules and… | horse association, association american | horse, miniature, american, membership, stable | 1 | | The platform has a 5 member board, articles of association and a pictorial who is who. Active participation is required of members while organising exhibitions. Members attend regular meetings throughout the year, and there is an open… | article association, association pictorial | het, initiative, ago, actively, exchange | 1 | | OK, community – we have now worked on this for months, and the results are simply astounding. In association with Station X the Manjaro Team is very proud to announce our first Laptop, together with a hardware manufacturer especially… | astounding association, association station | release, debian, distribution, package, stable | 1 | | The attorneys of BON LEGAL all have extensive experience and are all over 20 years active in their specialized fields of law. The attorneys have each completed post-graduate specialization education and are members of specialists… | specialist association, association respective | firm, introduction, lawyer, dispute, law | 1 | | We are open again, but work under the conditions and measures taken by the RIVM and the NVAM Association. | | musculoskeletal, medicine, movement, rehabilitation, painless | 1 | | Annette van Kuijk Rehabilitation doctor, medical director of a rehabilitation centre and chairperson of the Association of Rehabilitation Doctors | chairperson association, association rehabilitation | facilitation, administrator, doctor, cooperation, leadership | 1 | | We endorse the principles for sustainable forest management and are therefore FSC® and PEFC™ certified. In addition, we work entirely according to EUTR guidelines and, as a member of the Dutch Association of Timber Agents (NATA), we are a… | dutch association, association timber | wood, oak, timber, scandinavia, forest | 1 | | You can ask all your questions by telephone or email. Questions regarding safety of nanomaterials are answered by TNO (in association with RIVM); questions about innovation opportunities are addressed by the Chamber of Commerce. | tno association, association rivm | negative, potential, legislation, safely, naar | 1 | | …Services as in 2014, one year before completing my Bachelor’s in Communication and Translation at ITV in Utrecht. I am a sworn translator into Dutch and a member of the NGTV (Netherlands Association of Interpreters and Translators). | netherlands association, association interpreter | translation, spanish, linguistic, translator, sworn | 1 | | …the history of the HKK can be found from 1892, in sketches and drawings of memorable persons and events for the association. They are considered the crown jewels of the Hague Art Circle. I am very honored that I was allowed to carry out… | event association, association crown | exhibition, portrait, hague, flower, autumn | 1 | | Game Bakery is a cooperative. In our case, this means an association of game related companies. Every member of the association is a part-owner of the cooperative. | case association, association game, member association, association owner | bakery, sketch, calendar, cooperative, holiday | 1 | | Just imagine is affiliated with the International Association of Councelors and Therapists. | international association, association councelors | hypnotherapy, imagine, hypnosis, fear, finally | 1 | | Paper by Maarten Lindeboom has been published in the Journal of the European Economic Association | | placement, institute, economic, graduate, tuition | 1 | | Do you want to get familiar with fencing and with our association? We organise an introductory course several times a year. This course costs €18 and consists of three training courses. During the introduction … | fencing association, association introductory | fencing, introduction, lesson, contribution, membership | 1 | | We have bred May with love and care, making sure that we follow all the guidelines of Raad van Beheer (National Kennel Association) and BCCN (National Border Collie Breed Club). | kennel association, association bccn | guidelines, extremely, attentive, additional, sheep | 1 | | …to an all-round painting company with a permanent core of professionals and a flexible shell of (professional) specialists. We work not only for private but also business clients such as housing associations, investors and insurers. | housing association, association investor | painting, discount, wood, obligation, exterior | 1 | | WEAT is not neat: on the reliability and validity of the Word Embedding Association Test | word association, association test | recommendation, stuff, ice, bouncy, ball | 1 | | Our lawyers have registered 'criminal law' in the register of jurisdictions of the Dutch Bar Association. This registration obliges our lawyers to achieve ten training points per calendar year in the field of criminal law in accordance… | bar association, association registration | law, criminal, lawyer, court, supreme | 1 | | Last October, Suzanna Tomor presented the paper “‘Becommoning’: a design-framework for the initiation of new commons” at the IASDR – International Association of Societies of Design Research. Read the full paper here. | international association, association society | resource, common, framework, collective, roundtable | 1 | | …Holland and the four water boards to draw up a Regional Energy Strategy. The Port Authority, Greenport West-Holland, energy and network operators and the housing associations are also involved, thereby sharing knowledge and experience. | housing association, association involve | region, metropolitan, hague, municipality, partnership | 1 | | The “Drug Information Association” (DIA) is a international organization that brings together professionals from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries, as well as regulators, academics, and other stakeholders… | information association, association dia | partnership, funding, connectivity, phd, postdoc | 1 | | …she successfully completed the post-graduate study Sports Dietetics. She is registered in the Quality Register for Paramedics , the SCAS register for sports dietitians and is also a member of the Dutch Association of Sports Dietetics . | dutch association, association sport | die, eet, consultation, guidance, nutrition | 1 | | …deliver high standard of service no matter where the representative football teams of the Croatian Football Association or Dinamo Zagreb have to play a football match. I would highly recommend Robbert and his company Connect DMC for… | football association, association dinamo | connect, football, handle, relation, smooth | 1 | | A mansion right in the heart of Paris. The home owners association of this apartment complex has just opted for six underground charging points to preserve the authentic appearance of this area. In front of the mansion, in the courtyard… | owner association, association apartment | charge, underground, electric, alternative, innovative | 1 | | Art Of Strength or any person working under, or in association with, The Art Of Strength, | person association, association art | strength, risk, injury, exercise, nutrition | 1 | | I am a qualified and registered member of the profesional association “Zhong” , a cupuncture treatments in my clinic can therefore be reimbursed by most insurance company in Holland. | profesional association, association zhong | acupuncture, medicine, measure, wishlist, etc | 1 | | Squiby Foods has been our key vendor for more than 2 decades. They have played a commending and vital role being our important business link with Europe. Our association with Squiby Foods is based on mutual trust and co operation in… | europe association, association squiby, long association, association reward | vegetable, dairy, cut, cold, meat | 1 | | Addresses of more than 2 million organizations, governments, institutions, foundations and associations. | | employee, region, postal, cheap, membership | 1 | | I am sponsor of a body building team of the INBA: Team Strong. The INBA is the International Body Building Association, this means no Anaboles or stereoids or anything of that kind, this is just doing hard workouts and sweat at the… | build association, association anaboles | partnership, tariff, viber, wrong, synergy | 1 | | Internationally the Netherlands Landscape Observatory is connected with two networks associated with the European Landscape Convention. CIVILSCAPE is an international association of civil society organizations. These are non-governmental… | international association, association civil | landscape, observatory, convention, cultural, protection | 1 | | …The boxing and kickboxing school exudes a classic boxing ambiance. The school is recognized by the Dutch Boxing Association, meaning that only specialized trainers with the same passion and love for the craft are involved. All trainers… | boxing association, association specialize | schedule, competitive, lesson, athlete, atmosphere | 1 | | In 2020, I obtained the diploma of recognised practicing astrologer accredited by the two national professional associations for astrology: AVN and ASAS. I am registered as an accredited practicing astrologer member of the ASAS. | professional association, association astrology | consultation, astrology, birth, chart, soul | 1 | | advocate for social justice and human rights. She has worked with a number of organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme and the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association, to promote gender equality and women's empowerment. | lawyer association, association gender | ethiopian, singer, memorable, official, hope | 1 | | We are pleased to see that you are interested in becoming a member of the independent and most entertaining student tennis association of Groningen! | tennis association, association groningen | membership, enrollment, session, dazzle, entertain | 1 | | We employ a multifaceted approach to identifying potential candidates, leveraging our extensive network of industry contacts, professional associations, and databases. We also conduct market mapping exercises to uncover hidden talent… | professional association, association database | candidate, comprehensive, accounting, role, head | 1 | | …to the fact that, in addition to the domain of sport and health promotion, more and more clients also have and implement projects in the medical domain. The name ‘in2sports’ raised questions about that and also had confusing associations. | | device, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy | 1 | | …unite around his charismatic personality a group of artists, and was chosen as chairman of the Negev’s Painters Association. His apartment was always a place of conference, and a center of exciting discussions about art, politics and… | painter association, association apartment | der, expressionist, later, refugee, orphan | 1 | | reBirth is responsible for the planning for the expansion of an apartment complex from 39 to 56 studios on behalf of the owners association of the building. The extension involves extending the characteristic Art Deco style of the… | owner association, association build | rebirth, hague, estate, property, agreement | 1 | | Hestia Lawyers should be your first port of call if you require representing, counseling anywhere in the world. We have been rated as a Leading Firm by the Legal Association since 2010. We have won Best Legal Firm Awards for three years… | legal association, association good | lawyer, hearing, court, regulation, law | 1 | | The Fu Rin Ka Zan Dojo has a tremendous history in the Dutch Karate Association (KBN) ever since its founding father - Tom Wessels - started the dojo. The dojo has never lost its identity and is highly regarded as one the few dutch dojos… | karate association, association kbn | balance, reference, improvement, character, essence | 1 | | We collaborate with reliable partners such as The Salvation Army, funeral companies, CliniClowns, homecare organisations, nursing centres, a great many thrift shops, communal socials services, housing associations, administrators, estate… | housing association, association administrator | clearance, region, removal, carefree, nationwide | 1 | | Are you family and would you like to become a member of our association, please register here | | announcement | 1 | | spot at Camping de Berken. Don’t have your own camping equipment? You can hire your own hiker’s cabin, Berken studio or a fully equipped Rental chalet! The Dutch travellers’ association ANWB has given our camping in Drenthe a 4-star rating! | traveller association, association anwb | campsite, rental, facility, quiet, sanitary | 1 | | Dutch Shan dong Chamber of Commerce (DSCC) is a fully independent non-profit association initiated by Shandong-based entrepreneurs in Rotterdam , the N etherlands on the 25 th of June, 2019 . DSCC is composed of both Chinese and Dutch… | profit association, association shandong | shandong, chamber, commerce, province, enterprise | 1 | | Bart works in different countries in Europe and overseas. He is a member of the Dutch Moderators Association and the Dutch Union of Journalists. | moderators association, association dutch | dialogue, citizen, moderation, debate, interaction | 1 | | We are an association of CEMS students from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands. | | rsm, aim, generation, leader, strategic | 1 | | The Global Sourcing Association named Ukraine the Offshoring Destination of the Year at GSA UK AWARDS. | source association, association ukraine | unity, ukraine, destination, neutrality, net | 1 | | The FNRS (Federation of Dutch Equestrian Sports Centers) is the trade association for professional equestrian entrepreneurs. Flybusters has been a proud partner of the FNRS since 2019 and offers its members collective discounts. Curious… | trade association, association professional | horse, mist, automatic, stable, het | 1 | | businesses, when a service engineer is required to fix a technical failure, or when maintenance is needed. Furthermore, we offer several electrotechnical solutions for real estate agents, property managers and associations of owners (VvE’s) | manager association, association owner | maintenance, electrotechnical, appliance, machinery, lighting | 1 | | For more information about GBS see the link to the website of the Patient association Spierziekten Nederland . | patient association, association spierziekten | inflammation, syndrome, nerve, quickly, subsidy | 1 | | Even before the millennium, tournaments were regularly organized, but especially in this time it was taken care of seriously by the Arnhem Domino Association "2x nix". | domino association, association nix | joint, venture, weed, interior, atmosphere | 1 | | Parta helps government organizations, corporations, associations, unions and other groups to make joint decisions. The approach is designed to make full use of the wisdom of the crowd and to give everyone a voice. | corporation association, association union | citizen, participation, initiative, transition, advantage | 1 | | Jan Willem is a member of the Dutch Association for Lawyers and Tax Experts (NVAB). He writes on topics related to tax law and criminal law and is a contributor to the Dutch Journal of Tax Law (NTFR) . | dutch association, association lawyer | law, tax, criminal, lawyer, assistance | 1 | | Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe. ESN has more than 500 sections in 40 countries, constantly developing, expanding, and striving to improve the experience of around 190 000… | student association, association europe | esn, committee, section, discount, constantly | 1 | | POPLIVE is a large-scale research project on live music that takes place from 2017 to 2022 at the Erasmus University and the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, in collaboration with the VNPF (Dutch Association of Music Venues and… | dutch association, association music | popular, venue, publication, conference, offering | 1 | | …Weick, Robert Quinn, Chris Argyris, Thomas Cummings, Alfons Sauquet, Alice Lam, Gary Yukl, Chris Clegg and many others. This book was awarded a prize by a Dutch association for professionals in organizational science and change management. | dutch association, association professional | leadership, organizational, presentation, inspiration, cultural | 1 | | We (Dennis Nguyen and Rhied Al-Othmani) were invited to present our "Public Values should be leading" research at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA) 2022, in Aarhus, Denmark. ECREA is an association... | | literacy, conference, denmark, author, risk | 1 | | The Dutch Sport Horse Traders Association (VSN), founded in 1982, has over 60 selected members. They all are prominent, internationally oriented sport horse traders, specialized in the purchase, sale and training of sport horses at all… | traders association, association vsn | horse, auction, dressage, jump, equestrian | 1 | | Our experience and expertise allow us to arrange all the practical VVE (owners’ association) affairs for you. You can benefit from a properly functioning VVE which will bring only benefits and few worries. | owner association, association affairs | property, estate, hague, buy, sell | 1 | | Private Companies - Public Companies - Foundations - Associations - Partnerships -Cooperatives - Others | foundation association, association partnership | registry, report, editor, certification, legalization | 1 | | I met Gregor Fauma in the German city Ulm during a congress of the German Speakers Association. He is a keynote speaker and coaches people in preparing presentations and creating PowerPoints. I noticed Gregor has a clear vision. He gave… | speakers association, association keynote | presentation, powerful, slide, present, brain | 1 | | Fantasy Court is a fantasy festival that is focused on the unique and somewhat niche culture surrounding fantasy and LARP (Live Action Role Playing). This festival has a vast array of stalls, associations, and activities that all fall… | stall association, association activity, larp association, association surprising | court, visitor, archive, vendor, practical | 1 | | About Duynplant: Are you curious about the whole story about Duynplant, the growers association Decorum or the MPS and the extraction of geothermal heat? ... | grower association, association decorum | cordyline, assortment, round, geothermal, heat | 1 | | …family reunification and family formation. The other questions concern: administrative law issues (decisions, subsidies, zoning plans etc), tax law and the law of legal persons (liabilities and powers of associations, foundations etc). | power association, association foundation | law, consumer, tenancy, section, criminal | 1 | | De Graancirkel is the newest student sports association in Groningen and is attached to the ACLO. The ACLO is also where our training sessions, toss evenings and tournaments (usually) take place. | sport association, association groningen | membership, committee, tournament, evening, click | 1 | | In the occurrence of complaints about the therapist or the therapy, you can best approach the therapist to solve these. If this talk does not lead to a solution you can approach the professional association NIP or the disputes committee… | professional association, association nip | session, therapy, fee, belief, strength | 1 | | In my authority as CEO of VBO Makelaar, a leading association of real estate brokers and valuers, we would like to endorse the services of Value Drivers Business Valuators, and more in particular Drs. C.M. de Vries MBV RV. From 2008 until… | makelaar association, association real | valuation, driver, independent, economic, purchase | 1 | | I currently serve in a directorial and executive capacity in an association with more than 3,000 members, and sit on several boards, as well as provide counseling to individuals. This experience has given me deep insight into the sources… | capacity association, association member | mean, inspiration, compass, integrity, path | 1 | | …a quality filter. TOPS MVHR-filters is a subsidiary of TOPS Air Filters, a supplier and producer for private individuals and companies for over 40 years . Even owners associations, fitters and housing corporations all choose TOPS filters. | owner association, association fitter | discount, easily, profile, clima, wood | 1 | | After a legendary first edition, GoShaka organizes the 2nd edition of Down The Wind, Up The Coast (DTWUTC2). This year we are collaborating with the Dutch Kitesurf Association and RedBull, among others, to organize another unforgettable… | kitesurf association, association redbull | gear, north, subscription, try | 1 | | …a legal background. Next to that, the information is spread out over the websites of governments, industry associations and knowledge institutions. LegalAIR aims to combine this information in one place and to make it easy to find… | industry association, association knowledge | government, ethical, answer, institution, accessible | 1 | | …diminished due to the surge of metrosexuality, the Millennials and the internet. However, they do form "communities”, unite in associations of hobby clubs, have an LGBT platform at work or visit web portals that have something to offer. | community association, association hobby | rainbow, consumer, straight, fact, lgbt | 1 | | …has moved from abstract, geometric shapes, via circular forms into a mostly non-figurative, organic world of forms with curves, arcs and torsions, bringing to mind associations with germination, growth, rising up , dancing and embrace. | mind association, association germination | sculpture, stainless, bronze, steel, metal | 1 | | . If by any means you still feel your complaint isn’t taken care of well enough, you are in your right to contact the SCAG the independent professional association for complementary healthcare complaints. Click here for the SCAG client… | professional association, association complementary | therapy, spirit, complementary, psychic, complaint | 1 | | …(The House of the Tiger: 2022). Jet Bakels was a board member of the 'Cultures' section of the Dutch Museum Association (2012-2019) and was a board member of the Dutch Royal Institute of Language and Culture in Leiden (KITLV… | museum association, association board | publication, animal, fieldwork, indonesia, heritage | 1 | | Student Mobility is an official Appointed Office of the ISIC association and thereby issues the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) to students in the Netherlands. | isic association, association international | mobility, arrival, assistance, transportation, partnership | 1 | | …as efficiently and professionally as possible. Sibbing Schilderwerken is a member of the Dutch painters association and has also been selected as Quality Painter by Dutch coating producer Sikkens . Sibbing Schilderwerken utilises | painter association, association quality | painter, decorator, hague, decorate, painting | 1 | | …that in digital pictures. After editing in Photoshop abstract forms and textures. They look painted. Daily stuff has been transformed info abstract worlds. They challenge the viewer to see and experience their own associations and stories. | viewer association, association story | jou, voor, exhibition, contemporary, artwork | 1 | | …and industrial levels. He was awarded the Franklin Institute’s John Price Wetherell medal and the National Association of Manufacturers’ Modern Pioneer Award. Pearl Harbor year of 1941 marked the end of Hammond’s civilian production | national association, association manufacturer | hammond, organ, clock, tone, electric | 1 | | Xueli was invited to speak at the UNESCO Global Forum against racism and discrimination in Sâo Paulo in Brazil (December 2023). Together with Brazilian Associations for […] | | awareness, discrimination, donation, racism, study | 1 | | EERA is an association of public research centres and universities with the mission to catalyse European energy research for a climate-neutral society by 2050. | eera association, association public | transition, geothermal, fuel, scientific, society | 1 | | …This will be displayed on the Christmas package or the personalised Christmas card. Scan the code with your phone for 10 consecutive days and be surprised by colourful, feel-good messages from management, the staff association, or a […] | | employee, carousel, staff, christmas, anniversary | 1 | | …to the fact that, in addition to the domain of sport and health promotion, more and more clients also have and implement projects in the medical domain. The name ‘in2sports’ raised questions about that and also had confusing associations. | | regulatory, device, regulation, medtech, guidance | 1 | | Most healthcare insurance companies reimburse the costs of acupuncture treatment because Sas Odenthal is a member of Zhong, the Dutch Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. | dutch association, association traditional | acupuncture, treatment, complaint, medicine, certified | 1 | | Kunst op Scheveningen is a lively artists’ association in the are of Scheveningen. Under the name KopS, the association is active in the direct surroundings. The board of the association consists of members and the activities and events… | artist association, association scheveningen, kops association, association active, board association | op, joint, surrounding, connection, lively | 1 | | The VBN (the Dutch Flower Auctions Association) is the umbrella organization for Dutch cooperative floricultural auctions. Joint activities are carried out under the VBN banner on behalf of the Dutch floricultural auctions. | auction association, association umbrella | auction, engine, encode, longevity, edible | 1 | | What makes us unique is that we are members of the NVM (Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers and Real Estate Experts), which of course means we must comply with the rules set by the NVM. All too often, furnished lettings agents are… | dutch association, association real | expat, rental, suitable, fee, region | 1 | | …spiritual in a contemporary way. In doing so, he creates a quirky and humorous universe with plenty of room for association. His visual language has already been tested socially and politically and still appears to be satisfactory… | room association, association visual | sculpture, limited, cover, antiquarian, trade | 1 | | HS-Consulting is providing unique Capital- and organization solutions to the Sports Sector. Together with specialized partners we work for Clubs, Associations, Leagues and Rights Holders with a view to support them with their business… | club association, association league | consulting, reference, specialize, facility, relation | 1 | | Dutch Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NVTCG ZHONG) which is the largest professional organization of Chinese medicine in the Netherlands with more than 900 members. | dutch association, association traditional | medicine, acupuncture, herbal, therapy, authentic | 1 | | Shell member of American business association that opposes the Environmental Protection Agency’s standpoint on climate change | business association, association environmental | climate, oil, january, october, february | 1 | | Welcome to the Delftsche Dodgers! We are an official dodgeball association located in Delft, the Netherlands. Explore the world of dodgeball with us! | dodgeball association, association delft | competition, official, schedule, cloth, inquiry | 1 | | Asset | SBIT is the study association for all students studying Business Economics (BE) or Information Management (IM) at the Tilburg University and all others interested in this field. provides its members with career orientation, study… | study association, association student | asset, career, informal, study, committee | 1 | | Brantjes Advocaten is a leading firm in the field of sports law in the Netherlands. We work with and for athletes, employers in sports, sports associations and sports clubs. Brantjes Advocaten supports companies and organizations in… | sport association, association sport | law, employment, desk, matter, firm | 1 | | We are all affiliated with the Dutch Association of Family & inheritance Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS). Moreover, we provide divorce mediation through new media, complemented with the possibility of collaborative divorce (VvCP)… | dutch association, association family | divorce, law, lawyer, inheritance, firm | 1 | | In America it is common for a brewery to have its own laboratory and QC staff. These labs can always perform at least the most basic measurements, if not way more. Also, many breweries employ specially trained quality control staff. The… | brewer association, association quality | brewery, brewer, brew, reply, raw | 1 | | For companies, installers, individuals, Owners' Associations (HOAs), housing corporations | owner association, association hoa | innotec, replacement, clima | 1 | | Paragliding Holland is one of the first paragliding school certified by the Royal Dutch Association for Aviation (KNVvL) and provides paragliding course for beginners, advanced and experienced pilots since 1989. Paragliding is our… | dutch association, association aviation | mountain, tow, soar, theory, flight | 1 | | With the European Commission still refusing to sign off on UK association to Horizon Europe, 19 UK-based ERC grant winners are leaving the country, taking their prestigious projects with them | uk association, association horizon | july, uk, conference, brussels, alternative | 1 | | SAIL2SHARE also aims to make new young people enthusiastic about sailing and water sports and to allow them to participate in the club life of Jachtclub Scheveningen. (JCS) These new young people will have to form the basis for the JCS… | jcs association, association year | sail, maintenance, socialize, enthusiasm, commercially | 1 | | Sailcharter Boreas is very suitable to sail with groups of people. Groups of friends, family, children,associations or colleagues. | child association, association colleague | adventure, frisian, lake, ship, join | 1 | | and is interested in the best deal possible for the buyer only. The buyer’s agent will research the property, the association of owners, the possible leasehold or freehold, the property documentation, the value, the buyer’s agent will take | property association, association owner | guidance, property, buyer, buy, transfer | 1 | | Are you a company or association? And you want to organize an event on our two golf courses in Morocco: seminars, events, competitions, Pro Ams… | company association, association event | blu, discover, sunny, climate, morocco | 1 | | …Parking . Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers. Reference to any specific service or trade mark is not controlled by Sedo nor does it constitute or imply its association, endorsement or recommendation. | sedo association, association endorsement | recovery, domain, popular, advertiser, relationship | 1 | | Eres Relocation Services is a full member of EuRA (European Relocation Association) and is bound by their ethics and Rules of Conduct. The stated aim of EuRA is to spread knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding employee… | relocation association, association ethics | relocation, mobility, know, france, immigration | 1 | | The OT301 has been squatted (1999) and bought (2006) by a diverse, international community that is united in an association called EHBK. We run this alternative, not-for-profit platform as a collective, in which housing, workspaces and… | community association, association ehbk | publication, dance, residence, autonomy, bit | 1 | | The Dutch Livestock Export Association (BNV-e) represents our livestock exporters and importers. It is thanks to them that the Netherlands’ export market is so strong. | export association, association bnv | livestock, regulation, instruction, exporter, croatia | 1 | | …realisation of top sports accommodations and training centres. Our support increases the chances of success for associations and individual athletes, while strengthening the city's image. We make every effort to strengthen and position… | success association, association individual | athlete, facility, resident, programme, accommodation | 1 | | institutions to enhance their training in nature reserve management, and, more particularly to equip them as Intuitive Guides in the Spirit of the Wild Programme, which is endorsed by the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA); | guide association, association southern | conservation, spirit, programme, south, africa | 1 | | …the overall communication strategy, based on storytelling. The strength of Hans and his team lies in the way in which they have managed to translate this sensitive subject with often negative associations into a positive movement.” | negative association, association positive | quickly, police, subject, count, craft | 1 | | The aim of the Scouting Association is to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society. The method of achieving the aim of the Association is based on the… | scouting association, association physical, aim association, association scout | beaver, volunteer, boy, girl, till | 1 | | In 2015, the Kronos Performing Arts Association launched 50 for the Future: The Kronos Learning Repertoire, an education and legacy project that has commissioned—and distributed for free—the first learning library of contemporary… | arts association, association future, association string | quartet, string, biennale, programme, retrospect | 1 | | In consultation with, among others, the various trade associations in the cultural sector, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets… | trade association, association cultural | scheme, later, venue, refund, cultural | 1 | | APEMH is a Luxembourg association founded in 1967 by parents of children with intellectual disabilities. | luxembourg association, association parent | waste, organic, reduction, indication, saving | 1 | | Last week, Jochem Pfeiffer and Evert Schonewille gave students of TeMa Groningen Study Association a look behind the… | study association, association look | chain, supply, january, sustainability, operation | 1 | | About once every two months, there is a meeting with board members from all member associations. | | oops, maybe, internal, proudly | 1 | | We can arrange transport for every group of travelers, for families, friends, associations, schools, companies, you name it. From an airport transfer, day trip or a multi-day trip. For a few people or buses full. You tell us what you want… | friend association, association school | vacancy, possibility, fleet, luxury, conditioning | 1 | | Karin is happily married, has two kids and lives in Soest. Karin loves reading, sports and skiing and she is an active member of the board of the residents’ association. | | programme, enterprise, role, balance, risk | 1 | | For the purpose of the positioning strategy of Handboogsport Nederland (The Dutch National Archery Association) I’ve shot five archery portraits of different kinds of archers. | archery association, association archery | cycling, championship, portrait, federation, desert | 1 | | …have been verified by visiting the locations and by international audit companies like DNV (Det Norske Veritas), TüV (Technischer Überwachungsverein , English: Technical Inspection Association) and SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance). | inspection association, association sgs | supplier, dedicated, showcase, trust, principle | 1 | | Become a member of the largest student golf association of Eindhoven and experience golf and student life to the fullest. | golf association, association eindhoven | calendar, yacht, tournament, evening, accomodation | 1 | | To support children with cancer, the author Valerie Strategier, donates all of her royalties from the sale of the book to the Dutch Children Foundation Cancer free (Kiki) and the Association “Parents, Children and Cancer” (VOKK). KiKa… | kiki association, association parent, future association | cancer, mijn, een, belly, frog | 1 | | Candenza Food Stuff works in association with real estate specialist Paul Vismans and De architecten Cie, Pi de Bruin. | stuff association, association real | stuff, flexible, entrepreneur, specialize, force | 1 | | are always new things to discover.’ In Up Closer , Wieteke van Zeil shows us details in paintings that we might not normally notice. She discusses their symbolism and shares her own associations with us, stimulating us to look more closely. | symbolism association, association closely | newspaper, fairy, painting, historian, costume | 1 | | The group of teachers and trainers involved, has become a Dutch Montessori platform for cosmic education and they will continue their study in the coming years. Read more in Origins, the bulletin of the International Big History Association | | origin, framework, relation, relationship, present | 1 | | …Parking . Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers. Reference to any specific service or trade mark is not controlled by Sedo nor does it constitute or imply its association, endorsement or recommendation. | sedo association, association endorsement | rental, domain, debt, insurance, investment | 1 | | The harbor does not belong to our campsite, but to a small boating association. The launch site is accessible to everyone. | boat association, association launch | het, campsite, facility, reservation, sight | 1 | | NESTown (short for: New Ethiopia Sustainable Town) is an association founded and domiciled in Bern, Switzerland | town association, association bern | economic, society, woman, interesting, christianity | 1 | | The plan for this large-scale track originated in 1988 when a home track was built for a model railway fan of the association. Distinctive and interesting buildings of the former DR had to be reproduced. The following standards were then… | fan association, association distinctive | railway, layout, train, october, visitor | 1 | | The association hour on monday will continue to exist, however, since there is no official trainer, this will now be more of a free training. | | exam, schedule, requirements, interest, unfortunately | 1 | | …to open data for science become increasingly important. Addressing this challenge, as well as the export control exemptions for sharing technology provided by the EU dual-use regulation, will be among the projects of this Association. | | resource, membership, regulation, compliance, chronicle | 1 | | Vastgoed Belang has been the Dutch association of private landlords of homes, offices, shops and other real estate since 1894. Select a House has been affiliated with Vastgoedbelang for many years. | dutch association, association private | select, property, rental, neighborhood, landlord | 1 | | Our advisers have the knowledge and experience that is required for solving difficult tax matters. Our tax advisers all hold a Universal degree and are all members of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB). | dutch association, association tax | tax, fee, vacancy, efficient, adviser | 1 | | …assaulted based on their sexual orientation. Since then, Tijgertje has grown into a social and versatile association offering a wide range of both individual and team sports. With nearly 40 years of experience, we’re still growing | versatile association, association wide | lesbian, equal, tiger, swim, wrestling | 1 | | Published under the auspices of The National Association of The Van Valkenburg Family . | national association, association van | pedigree, click, descendants, tree, century | 1 | | Since 2005, women's lacrosse and the Dutch Lacrosse Association have been growing rapidly due to enthusiasm and excitement. After the 2019 Men's World Box Lacrosse Championships, a few enthusiastic players reached out to the NL Box… | lacrosse association, association rapidly | championship, woman, player, upcoming, dutchman | 1 | | The Nautical Institute Netherlands Branch, in association with Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Netherlands (ICS), will host an event on the subject of ETS – Emission Trade System on September 19th, 2023. The EU’s legislative bodies… | branch association, association institute | nautical, institute, branch, committee, trade | 1 | | Develop and maintain a culture of trust to co-develop with business partners, investors, lenders, advisors, corporations, government agencies, associations, non-profit organisations etc. | agency association, association non | hospitality, consulting, agreement, century, strategic | 1 | | …consisting of suppliers and users. In 2006, from this working group, the ‘Industrial Fuse Recycling Benelux’ association was set up, with the aim of processing industrial fuses from the Benelux region in an environmentally friendly… | benelux association, association aim, way association, association objective | fuse, beneficiary, industrial, cause, reuse | 1 | | Officially an Dutch Association (closed group) Members with a Military Background. (Military, Ex-Military, Dutch & International Veterans, Dutch & International Reservist’s) | dutch association, association close | chapter, mother, military, respectful, troop | 1 | | The rules of the Greek Tourism Association (EOT) count for cancelling the arrangement. | tourism association, association eot | apartment, village, mountain, accommodation, south | 1 | | The main objective of the Bedrijvenpark Hoeksche Waard parkmanagement association is to help companies to optimise their environment and save cost. This involves for example the image and maintenance of the common areas, security and… | parkmanagement association, association company | municipality, surface, facade, permission, direction | 1 | | …There’s a small button on the back of the Situo 5 IO remote that can be used to put the rolling shutters in association mode. Then briefly press the PROG 1 button (for channel S1) or PROG 2 button (for channel S2) on the transmitter… | shutter association, association mode | template, variable, table, query, incremental | 1 | | VSSM (Vereniging Studiegroep SadoMasochisme) is the oldest and largest BDSM association in Europe. It serves the interests of people who love and choose to be active members of the BDSM community. Its most important goals are to organise… | bdsm association, association europe | saturday, sit, door, eerste, handler | 1 | | On the 15th of June 2023, it is exactly 35 years since the founding of Study Association Clio. | study association, association clio | committee, merch, void, study, found | 1 | | …your friends or family while you are on holiday. I tested it with my friends from the local student snowboarding association (Avalanche Boarders) to learn how Sammlu could bring value to their lives. I found that these people would love… | snowboard association, association avalanche | duration, valuable, innovative, stack, curve | 1 | | He is a member of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Strafrechtadvocaten (Dutch Association of Defence Counsel). | dutch association, association defence | footer, criminal, lawyer, llm, der | 1 | | Give your cat a nice treat every time to take a few strokes along her body, she will start making a positive association with your hand movement and start loving the whole process! | positive association, association hand | cat, dog, eat, toy, groom | 1 | | By collecting more than 40 years of Japanese swords and art and being connected to various associations, knowledge has increased and a collection has developed. | art association, association knowledge | sword, japanese, asian, statue, painting | 1 | | …Wedding Photograph Select has crowned me one of their Top 20 Photographers. And if that’s not enough, the WPJA (World Professional Wedding Photographers Association) has named me one of their Top 10 Photographers. Can I get a whoop-whoop? | photographer association, association photographer | wedding, photographer, exclusive, destination, paris | 1 | | The word BLACK has been loaded with associations throughout history, referring to race, class, the human shadow side, the unknown, and Black Holes . Whether it be about the darkness of night, or the stranger in ourselves, black is an… | black association, association history | inside, contributor, copy, photographer, visual | 1 | | Cannabis and liquor slow down the association between the body and the spirit, and the two substances, in their own particular manner, make a separated condition that disrupts profound development and prosperity. | liquor association, association body | muscle, exercise, amino, acid, girl | 1 | | (source: DSM-5: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental health disorders (5th ed.).Washington, DC). | psychiatric association, association diagnostic | dis, disorder, symptom, identity, mental | 1 | | Choose a way to select the game cards from the Work guide. The pictures evoke associations with the participants, which leads to a conversation. The questions help the supervisor to deepen the conversation. The Additional Questions Guide… | picture association, association participant | lover, conversation, sexuality, additional, topic | 1 | | Have you always wanted to play quadball with your association, friends, or colleagues? We can arrange that! We can organize a complete workshop, tailored to your wishes. We will explain all the game elements through fun games and in the… | quadball association, association friend | committee, relation, handball, player, walk | 1 | | We connect businesses in nano and quantum technology with knowledge institutions, industry associations, governments and each other. Join our international network and get access to leading nanotech fairs and events. Become a partner today! | industry association, association government | partners, events, participant, nanotech, nanotechnology | 1 | | A conference or event (physical, online and hybrid) is one of the most effective tools to create value for your organization, association or institution. We support you in developing a clear strategy for your events, so that they have… | organization association, association institution | objective, inspiration, execution, stakeholder, effective | 1 | | André in the media : published articles in the magazine “Sinus” of the Patients Association Congenital Heart Disorders | patient association, association congenital | reader, inspirational, constellation, origin, complaint | 1 | | Christian is a member of the Association of Chartered Controllers (VRC) and subject to the code of conduct and disciplinary law of the VRC. | member association, association charter | law, role, successfully, appointment, analysis | 1 | | The Coaching Monitor is a product of the Dutch Association of Professional Coaches (NOBCO) and the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (NOBCO/ EMCC-NL) | dutch association, association professional | desk, background, measurement, progress, adjustment | 1 | | The ASPK is an Amsterdam-based, student-lead amateur choir and association that performs yearly operettas in Dutch. As interim board member I updated our statutes, wrote summaries for PR material, and performed a general assisting role. | choir association, association yearly | risk, bayesian, alignment, objective, neural | 1 | | I am associated with the "Dutch-Flemish Association for Gestalt Therapy Gestalt Theory" NVAGT and ëfull member' of the "European Association for Gestalt Therapy" EAGT. In both organisations I am active as a member of the Ethics Committee. | flemish association, association gestalt, european association | therapy, session, couple, click, therapist | 1 | | The RasterMaster® is produced to order and delivery and payment is standard ex-works. The Netherlands Metal Association conditions apply to all orders. There are various versions of the RasterMaster®, of which the Profi WB100 is the most… | metal association, association conditions | mower, grass, innovative, generation, efficient | 1 | | …you can find information about all that Wassenaar has to offer. Wassenaar has many recreation facilities, sports associations and numerous possibilities to go out. Furthermore, Wassenaar offers widespread opportunities to explore arts and… | sport association, association numerous | registration, municipal, parking, separation, secondary | 1 | | Katia started wakesurfing in 2018, first participated in competition in 2019 and is currently ranked 4th in the World by CWSA (Competitive WakeSurf Association). Next to operating the school she is frequently training herself. | wakesurf association, association school | ride, boat, endless, rider, wake | 1 | | The VSI, association system integrators, is the branch organization of installing audiovisual companies. The members meet important requirements in expertise, experience, independence and continuity. In other words: a member of the VSI… | vsi association, association system | audiovisual, guarantee, continuity, council, arbitration | 1 | | …how best to support the global impact of hockey development. This took in the partnership work between the EuroHockey Institute and the FIH Academy to serve all hockey member national associations. Part of the work covered included a look | national association, association work | institute, magic, slovenia, federation, customizer | 1 | | Our working area covers the Amsterdam region and its immediate surroundings. With a good knowledge of the laws and regulations through continuous and compulsory education and membership of the branch association of Estate Agents and… | branch association, association estate | estate, rent, property, valuation, surrounding | 1 | | …inter alia Senior Fellow of the Comenius Netwerk (KNAW) and is member of The International Simulation And Gaming Association (ISAGA) and Simulation And Gaming Association The Netherlands (SAGANET). He organises the Conference on… | gaming association, association isaga, association netherlands | publication, lecturer, apply, physics, fact | 1 | | The reduction of the IVA (VAT) on certain basic foodstuffs, in the fight against inflation, has not prevented prices from rising significantly. This is evident from a study by consumer association FACUA. It requires the Ministry of… | consumer association, association facua | request, advertising, spanish, resident, spain | 1 | | We have been in the transport sector since 1986, in the Netherlands and the Benelux, making Netherlands Limousine Services, a member of the Netherlands Limousine Association, one of the pioneers of limousine service in Amsterdam… | limousine association, association pioneer | driver, fleet, transfer, passenger, destination | 1 | | The festival is organized just like the first occurrences of Muziek op de Dommel by Quadrivium, the student music association in Eindhoven. Spread out over 3 stages, student orchestras and choirs from all over the Netherlands and outside… | music association, association eindhoven | op, classical, volunteer, orchestra, enthusiastic | 1 | | From insightful measurement to experiential design, interactive technology to show-stopping AV. From registration to accommodations – and every detail in between – we partner with Organizers and Associations to create some of the most… | organizer association, association engage | rainbow, exhibit, worldwide, fabrication, exhibition | 1 | | I am one of the founders of the felt group 'Felt at Anna'. It is a group of experienced felters who meet about once a month to learn from and inspire each other. I am also a member of the Dutch felt association De Vilt Kontakt Groep , the… | feel association, association de | naar, feel, visitor, dear, scarf | 1 | | Founded by Don Leone and Red Sniper , both located in the IJmond area, 30 km west of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. First they became member of the NABV , the Dutch Airsoft Association which has a legal status since 2013. Then they started… | airsoft association, association legal | sniper, gear, mighty, assault, force | 1 | | Involved patient associations, scientific associations, study groups. Read more ➜ | patient association, association scientific, scientific association, association study | guidelines, interesting, patient, treatment, donation | 1 | | How2SE was involved in creating the SE Guidelines and has a leading role within the trade association, INCOSE. To date, we have trained more than 2,000 engineers. Get to know us. | trade association, association incose | carefully, crucial, progress, achievable, civil | 1 | | My specialization is in crafting music and sound focused on story, character and association. Creating something new, using elements from extensive research and interest in a very wide range of musical genres, as well as my experience as… | character association, association new | leader, animation, tune, documentary, composer | 1 | | NVPHBV stands for Nederlandse Vereniging voor Patroonherkenning en Beeldverwerking (Dutch Society of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing). We are the Dutch representative to the International Association for Pattern Recognition (… | international association, association pattern | publication, anomaly, fall, detection, processing | 1 | | I am a member of the "Register Belastingadviseurs", which is an association for professional Dutch tax consultants. | belastingadviseurs association, association professional | tax, expat, income, hague, nearby | 1 | | We are affiliated with the NVM (Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers), MVA (Amsterdam Brokers’ Association) and NRVT (Register of Real Estate Appraisers in the Netherlands). Together, we also have nearly 30 years of brokerage… | dutch association, association real, brokers association, association nrvt | estate, valuation, purchase, guidance, consultation | 1 | | Every active holidaymaker can indulge in the diversity of Mother Nature's offerings in Le Marche. For hikers, the Italian Ramblers' Association (CAI) has set out dozens if not hundreds of hiking trails that start a few kilometres from the… | ramblers association, association cai | campsite, holiday, italy, apartment, surrounding | 1 | | …Normering Arbeid (Labour Standards Register). Last-mentioned registration implies that Apex meets the conditions set out in NEN 4400-1 and has been judged by Stichting Normering Arbeid (Labour Standards Association; SNA) amongst others on: | standard association, association sna | employee, euismod, dolore, sit, amet | 1 | | NHIMA : New Horizons International Music Association – An adult international organisation program for entry & re-entry Band, Concert Band, Orchestra, Choir, Jazz, & Ukulele Orchestra musicians. | music association, association adult | window, lesson, connection, cognitive, evidence | 1 | | From 7 – 12 February 2018 the ninth World Urban Forum was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA) was present with a booth on the exhibition floor ... | space association, association ita | underground, inspiration, urban, october, congress | 1 | | (Albert Jan), Dental Implantologist registered by the Dutch Association for Oral Implantology (NVOI). | dutch association, association oral | appointment, dental, treatment, oral, porcelain | 1 | | …did arise and were connected by side-streets. At the end of last century a few entrepreneurs started an association and gave the area the name De 9 Straatjes. The names of these nine alleyways do refer to the old skintanning… | entrepreneur association, association area | street, picturesque, eatery, wonderful, official | 1 | | Or perhaps you have a document that needs to be translated for an official body, such as a diploma, certificate, contract or articles of association. A certified translation can only be produced by a sworn translator, and Timmer… | article association, association translation | translation, rate, combination, certified, speed | 1 | | Parties like governments, trade associations, service providers and knowledge institutes help promote occupational safety and health. | trade association, association service | campaign, legislation, workplace, healthy, occupational | 1 | | Tisa is also a member of the trade association CBW, so you always buy with certainty from us. | trade association, association cbw | etc, parquet, furniture, oil, maintenance | 1 | | Contact us if you you are interested in our services. We also collaborate with student associations, expat asociations and companies. | student association, association expat | intermediate, advanced, expat, affordable, schedule | 1 | | Spotting Group Maastricht, is the official aircraft spotting association at Maastricht Aachen Airport. | spot association, association maastricht | maintenance, movement, base, aviation, timetable | 1 | | …and contribution to the scientific research in plastic surgery brought national and international recognition, with the consequent appointment as Secretary General of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS), since May 2014. | european association, association plastic | round, reconstructive, aesthetic, surgery, breast | 1 | | Getting acquainted based on the theme: which first association does it evoke in each participant? | theme association, association participant | dialogue, conversation, connection, alternative, attitude | 1 | | The practice MV-inbeeld is registered with the NBVH (Dutch Professional Association of Hypnotherapists) and the RBCZ (Register of Professional Practitioners Complementary Care). | professional association, association hypnotherapist | hypnotherapy, psychosocial, imagination, therapy, mental | 1 | | From leading established international companies to ambitious mid-sized companies, fast-growing companies, industry associations and solid investment companies. Our esteemed clients. | industry association, association solid | partners, tomorrow, pride, horticultural, horticulture | 1 | | …thus promoting collapse. In this regard, there are numerous examples of stars, mostly belonging to large stellar associations, whose characteristics show that they formed almost simultaneously: since a simultaneous collapse of independent… | stellar association, association characteristics | formation, collapse, matter, mass, interstellar | 1 | | Schiphol Travel Taxi is an initiative of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the Dutch federation of taxi operators (NST) and Connexxion Taxi Services, and is an associate member of the Dutch Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (ANVR). | dutch association, association travel | hall, departure, regional, passenger, cancellation | 1 | | Sorority NYX is the only international sorority (in Dutch ‘Damesdispuut’) of Breda. We are part of Student Association Xenia, are the baby sister of Sorority Vigeo and Mixed Fraternity Egidius and are the big sister of Fraternity Palto. | student association, association xenia | nyx, fraternity, dinner, facility, tradition | 1 | | From our many partnerships to our professionally accredited contractor association memberships, our standing is assured, our workers are reliable, and our results are proven. Driven by our commitment to matching the right people with the… | contractor association, association membership | staff, driver, candidate, warehouse, metal | 1 | | In addition to the below mentioned membership fees, we also charge contribution to the KNRB (Dutch Rowing Association), subscription costs of our club magazine De Landtong and possible rent of a dressing-room locker. | row association, association subscription | row, fee, membership, river, contribution | 1 | | …location VUmc, and meets all the legal criteria. The study is also supported by the NVvH (Dutch Society of Surgeons), NVvV (Dutch Society of Vascular Surgeons), Federation of Medical Specialists , and the patient association Harteraad . | patient association, association harteraad | trial, patient, hospital, click, study | 1 | | optimal health. Even without complaints, chiropractic is a great way to well-being. Our goal is to make you feel at home in our practice and to be a listening ear for you. We are also affiliated with the following professional associations: | | chiropractic, appointment, hague, rate, region | 1 | | In association with Care group Sint Maarten it is possible to receive home care in our hotel. | | village, lively, guest, famous, landscape | 1 | | With membership you agree to the articles of association and the house rules of OnderOns. | article association, association house | player, competition, recreational, youth, membership | 1 | | Are you in for a great experience? Do you want to develop yourself both professionally and personally? Do you want to manage and lead the daily activities within one of the largest study associations in the Netherlands? Do you want to… | study association, association netherlands | asset, career, chairman, committee, secretary | 1 | | We are Pet-Tech certified in CPR and First Aid, and have been members of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters as well as Pet Sitters Associates. | national association, association professional | sit, horse, dog, walk, sitter | 1 | | The Network is an association that exists thanks to the active participation of volunteers. On a national level we have a board of directors. The VWI network is a sub-group of KLV Wageningen Alumni Network, the largest organisation for… | network association, association thank | woman, volunteer, phd, commit, degree | 1 | | RSIN 859052424 /identification number for legal entities and associations 859052424 | | function, report, annual, responsibility, initiative | 1 | | Domstad Devils is the biggest lacrosse club of the Netherlands and is located in its middle: Utrecht (Manitobadreef 4, 3565CH). Apart from a lacrosse club, the Domstad Devils is an association where many other activities are organised (e… | devil association, association activity, student association, association member | devil, membership, woman, registration, player | 1 | | Heraeus is a German international family business and producer of gold and silver bars. Heraeus is one of the market leaders in precious metals worldwide. Heraeus has a so-called "Good Delivery Status" from the London Bullion Market… | market association, association lbma | silver, leaf, mountain, philharmonic, stock | 1 | | UK Tea & Infusions Association state tea varies depending on their growing conditions and tea making process [1]. Green tea, black tea, and white tea are all made from the same plant but are prepared using different processing methods… | infusion association, association state | brain, gpc, choline, study, cognitive | 1 | | …is built for maximum reliability, using the latest technology, and is in full compliance with the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) recommendations, and many local regulations (i.e. US Coast Guard, UK OPRED… | international association, association lighthouse | obstruction, lighting, intensity, ahead, aid | 1 | | The IFC, or full name The International Friendship Club, was established in 1976, and is an association with about 130 members (boats) who enjoy the camaraderie of a sailing association and so we would not stop your membership should you… | club association, association member, sail association, association membership | friendship, boat, yard, etc, topic | 1 | | NERN is the Netherlands Ecological Research Network. It is not a society, association or club and thus does not have members. It is a network of which all people working in ecology in the Netherlands can be part. Formally, the network is… | society association, association club | ecological, ecology, evolution, upcoming, annual | 1 | | The Dutch championships are organized yearly in a city in The Netherlands. Momentarily hosted by HurraKane Tha SoundZtorm (Dutch Champion 2013) in Rotterdam, in association with Boom Snap Clap and RSCW. Besides the event, DBB aims to be a… | rotterdam association, association boom | battle, official, championship, winner, clap | 1 | | The Student Welfare Fund (Studentenwelzijn Fonds) is part of the Good Insurance for Students (Studenten Goed Verzekerd) health insurance, established by the Dutch National Students Association (ISO) and the National Student Union (LSVb)… | student association, association iso | fund, welfare, insurance, condition, union | 1 | | ‘Toko’ is Indonesian for ‘shop’. At a toko in the Netherlands you will find Asian food products and take-away food. First association with toko is Indonesian but there are also Chinese and Surinamese tokos. Note that if someone tells you… | food association, association toko | vocabulary, october, expression, alphabet, adjective | 1 | | Associations, clubs and classes are always at the right place at The James Hotel. For groups from 8 rooms and more we can offer a special group rate so you can enjoy more favourable conditions. The James would like to take you and your… | | comfortable, official, reservation, hospitality, central | 1 | | …and restaurant). In addition I was responsible for planning a large renovation of the most occupied room. Together with seven other students, my board was responsible for the whole association of 1700 members and the accompanying company. | responsible association, association member | society, translator, identity, responsible, educational | 1 | | As member of UCANN you become an official part of the network and receive all the benefits and voting rights as member of the association. Click below to find out all the benefits. | member association, association benefit | academic, liberal, collaboration, aim, foster | 1 | | Often it is a pure sense of beauty, emotion, or an association that makes a painting catch your attention. A natural connection can occur that you don't let go of, for personal reasons. The painting comes alive for you and you want it… | emotion association, association painting | painting, emotion, connection, exhibition, intangible | 1 | | The CRON foundation is a platform for the promotion and develoment of wind music repertoire. In order to achieve the goals we investigate what's going on at publishers. We investigate the needs of music associations in the Netherlands and… | music association, association netherlands | cron, composer, conductor, archive, annual | 1 | | As PSYCHOLOOG NIP® I’m registered with the Dutch Psychological Institute (NIP) and committed to provide care in accordance with their code of conduct. Furthermore I am registered with the Dutch Healthcare Federation (NFG) and the Dutch… | boxing association, association nbb, therapy association, association iedta | therapy, psychotherapy, practical, dynamic, framework | 1 | | I have vast experience as a speaker and have presented to a variety of target groups. I have given presentations to businesses, municipalities, and various levels of government. I also present to entrepreneurs, business associations and… | business association, association club, foundation association, association sport | speech, technique, motivational, mental, swiss | 1 | | …with the familiar dark hues of red and grey traditionally used by Van Dale publishers . This signals the current association between the pursuit of knowledge and our use of white and silver digital devices as the portals to information… | current association, association pursuit | publisher, lecture, visual, graphic, architecture | 1 | | The Women’s Business Network (WBN) is a study association that offers a platform for ambitious female students and graduates at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Our association is established as a response to the growing demand for… | study association, association platform, rotterdam association, association response | woman, assist, mentorship, study, ambitious | 1 | | Serve the City is a global movement of volunteers showing kindness in practical ways to people in need. We partner with homeless shelters, refugee centers, orphanages, and other associations, offering help and support. | orphanage association, association help | volunteer, calendar, flexible, practical, monthly | 1 | | …I began to see her as nearly translucent. She is ambiguous enough to attract various interpretations and associations depending on the viewer’s mood, interests and background. There is an interesting ambiguity here: where is the… | interpretation association, association viewer | painting, beginning, leave, figure, swan | 1 | | Depressive symptoms and plasma markers of Alzheimer's disease and neurodegeneration: a coordinated meta-analysis of 8 cohort studies The Netherlands Consortium of Dementia Cohorts has performed a meta-analysis with 8 cohort studies to… | study association, association depressive | paper, molecular, epidemiology, epigenetic, department | 1 | | I founded Hey! Makelaars because I want to help others with my technical and commercial knowledge of the housing market in Rotterdam and the surrounding area. Hey! Makelaars and I are members of the VBO trade association and this means… | trade association, association knowledge | estate, sustainability, quickly, promise, priority | 1 | | Welcome to the website of the Dommelloop! The Dommelloop is an annual race that takes place on the campus of the TU/e, organised by athletes of the student athletics association ESAV Asterix. This year, the race will take place on April… | athletic association, association esav | committee, enrollment, accessibility, athlete, athletic | 1 | | Dear reader, we are delighted to welcome you to the website of this year's FMF symposium. If you are new here, this is an annual event organised by the Symcie committee of the FMF, the study association for (Applied) Mathematics, Physics… | study association, association apply | symmetry, harmony, programme, venue, committee | 1 | | Duikvaker is also an excellent opportunity to meet other diving enthusiasts. You can exchange experiences, make new diving friends, and even plan future diving trips. In addition, you can join diving clubs and associations to further… | club association, association network | dive, hall, participant, position, exhibition | 1 | | The latter two courses are also part of the EAGE Short Courses Programme (SCP) and may also be organized via the Office of the EAGE: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. | european association, association geoscientist | seismic, processing, geophysical, topic, advanced | 1 | | …I can say we have a good connection among us colleagues, and sometimes they even feel like family. The staff association organizes multiple events each year. For example Sint Nicholas, a family day and every Friday we are welcome for… | staff association, association multiple | logistics, distribution, italy, intermodal, storage | 1 | | The Rapenburg Race is a student initiative and is supported by all student associations in Leiden. Starting points are to draw attention to spinal cord injury research and to build a bridge between the city of Leiden and all its… | student association, association leiden | participant, sixth, donation, volunteer, spinal | 1 | | …to also assist you in developing a new (brand) name. We also have good contacts in the legal profession to help you further with any conflict situation. Matchmark is member of the BMM (the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law). | benelux association, association trademark | protection, trademark, introduction, domain, optimal | 1 | | On Tuesday 9th of January, Zjevaun Janga has been awarded with the first prize at the Dutch Barista Championship, organized by Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). This May he will be competing at the World Championship in Busan! | coffee association, association sca | regular, bloody, farmer, subscription, wash | 1 | | The Biologische Noordermarkt association strives to be a market producer as much as possible, meaning that a large portion of the vendors are selling products produced from their own farm. | noordermarkt association, association market | organic, vendor, farmer, saturday, shine | 1 | | The symposium is organized by VERSEN, the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering . | national association, association software | contribution, registration, venue, friday, conference | 1 | | Quality and hygiene are important to me. To secure these aspects, I am affiliated with the professional associations LVNT , RBCZ and SCAG . | professional association, association lvnt | foot, therapy, reflexology, benefit, neck | 1 | | – Advising associations of owners to come to an amount for service costs for maintenance | | preservation, inspection, period, steel, paint | 1 | | Erwin Voorneveld, Master Law Degree, member NVM(Dutch Association of Real Estate Agents) | member association, association real | bedroom, inside, block, listing, appraisal | 1 | | The Foundation C.G. Jung Library was founded on May 23rd 2003 by the C.G. Jung Society for the Netherlands IVAP (Interdisciplinary Society for Analytical Psychology) and the NAAP (Dutch Association for Analytical Psychology). | dutch association, association analytical | library, contribution, expansion, analytical, study | 1 | | At SUPpen in Leiden we teach stand up paddle boarding according to the instruction principles of the Water Skills Academy (WSA), complemented by our personal experiences in Leiden. The WSA is an English based SUP association. WSA offers… | sup association, association wsa | wednesday, friday, boarding, instruction, wat | 1 | | Are you going to work for a Dutch employment agency or have you recently been hired? Are you curious about your most important rights and obligations? Then our association has created animations just for you! | obligation association, association animation | worker, inspection, temporary, wage, employment | 1 | | All-in-one accounting software used by dozens of student associations for their daily finance related tasks. | student association, association daily | stack, imprint, scalable, robust, maintenance | 1 | | The content has been updated to reflect the new Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IS 2020.3 Curriculum - Competency Area - IT Infrastructure. | new association, association computing | infrastructure, architecture, quantum, computing, chapter | 1 | | RSBV Erasmus boxing is a boxing association for students. Our practices take place in Rotterdam, at the campus of Erasmus University. But everyone is welcome! We have practice for beginners as well as for advanced boxers. Also, during the… | boxing association, association student | schedule, bag, competition, membership, monday | 1 | | Our coaches are members of the Dutch Association of Professional Coaches (NOBCO) . We work according to the NOBCO code of conduct for professional coaches and the associated complaints regulations. | dutch association, association professional | partners, executive, leader, connection, leadership | 1 | | As a volunteer of the youth center OJC Canix I worked behind the bar and did was responsible for cleaning the spaces. As a board member I was responsible for the entire association and for all the decisions. As president of the booking… | entire association, association decision | industrial, internship, resume, present, roof | 1 | | NVvTO stands for "Nederlandse Vereniging voor ThuisOnderwijs" which translates to: Dutch Home Education Association. You can learn more about what we do here. | | law, hoe, emotional, socio, effort | 1 | | The MREC of the BEBO Foundation is accredited by the Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects ( CCMO ) and is a member of the Dutch Association of MRECs (NVMETC). | dutch association, association mrecs | announcement, submission, ongoing, amendment, schedule | 1 | | As a licensed NVPA therapist, the dutch professional association for specialized psychosocial therapy, my clients can get a refund of the sessions through their health-care insurances. | professional association, association specialize | session, psychotherapy, therapy, insurance, rate | 1 | | I am an internationally trained IBCLC lactation consultant and registered with the NVL (Nederlandse Vereniging van Lactatiekundigen, the Dutch Association of Lactation Consultants). This means that you can rely on my knowledge and… | dutch association, association lactation | lactation, breastfeeding, consultation, situation, fully | 1 | | K2 Europe is one of the very few companies to be licensed by the Ministry of Justice and the Dutch Association for Police Dogs (NBvdD). | dutch association, association police | transportation, canine, ministry, empower | 1 | | Let me introduce myself: my name is Harald Schneider, runner and running trainer at PAC Rotterdam, the oldest athletics association in the Netherlands. In 2021 I started with the running apk - a kind of video analysis with the aim of… | athletic association, association netherlands | run, injury, saturday, morning, trick | 1 | | Federation of Trade Unions (FNV), the National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in the Netherlands (CNV), the Association of Stockholders (VEB), the Association of Securities-Issuing Companies (VEUO) and the Confederation of… | cnv association, association stockholder, veb association, association security | principle, committee, provision, report, annual | 1 | | on stage with suggestions from the audience. During the workshops, you learn by trial and error how to make smart associations, what the ingredients of a good story are, and how to create a tension arc. In this way you will discover… | smart association, association ingredient | scientific, exciting, useful, researcher, angle | 1 | | …a much sought-after speaker at home and abroad. In 2019 I was awarded the oeuvre prize of the Royal Netherlands Association of Information Professionals (Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Informatieprofessionals) - together with his | netherlands association, association information | library, sense, rogue, architecture, society | 1 | | 'Urk Seafood' is an initiative of the Association of Fish Wholesalers Urk. This project came about from the need to increase knowledge and skills among employees in the (Urker) seafood sector and to strengthen the image of the sector. | initiative association, association fish | seafood, fish, billion, dynamic, growth | 1 | | As an eight year old, Joris went to take a look at the local athletics club AV Spiridon. After a number of trial classes, he became a member of the association, not knowing that athletics would dominate his entire life. | member association, association athletic | japanese, olympic, bronze, birth, athletic | 1 | | We are the only agency in the Netherlands that is a Full Member of the Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication ( AMEC ), meaning we formally comply with the Quality Assurance Code. AMEC is the international knowledge… | member association, association measurement | vacancy, analysis, analyst, evaluation, coverage | 1 | | But also, for example, banks, hotels, caterers, sports associations, advertising agencies and fashion brands. ONYX has its headquarters and warehouse in Almere, close to Amsterdam and centrally located in the Netherlands. Although a large… | sport association, association advertising | broadcast, london, conference, leverage, yield | 1 | | Icelollies have a positive association with both children and adults and what could be better than watching your favorite football club together and eating a Football Squeezer from your own club at the same time. | positive association, association child | ice, football, supermarket, positive, cream | 1 | | Statistical omics: Building dedicated statistical models to test associations of omics variables with clinical parameters. | model association, association omics | statistics, teach, omics, variable, clinical | 1 | | …Transithome in Chinsali. This is a small transithome which is being runned by the Chinsali community supported by the “Association of Lay Missionaries” in Chinsali. Also two scholar projects in Isoka and Kabwe are being supported. | community association, association lay | het, orphanage, situation, adoption, structural | 1 | | ML150LR Rechargeable LED Flashlight has received a 5-star rating from the National Tactical Officers Association. It is the flashlight that every professional and every home should have. Buy yours today! | officer association, association flashlight | flashlight, rechargeable, buy, middle, traffic | 1 | | I’ve always been very active in the comic industry; I put together an anthology of comics by female comic artists, I was chairlady of the Dutch Comic artists Association (BNS) and set up a comic series with business information for… | artist association, association bns | comic, comics, diary, numerous, newspaper | 1 | | Since 2000, the Association of Energy Performance Advisors (AvEPA) fought for the continuity and effectiveness of EPA. As a result, the term EPA has survived and continues to be used, even by the market and most government departments. | | government, commission, court, building, law | 1 | | I am a member of the Dutch Association Toonkunstenaarsbond, the NTB and the European Piano Teachers Association EPTA and Het Amsterdams Pianodocenten Kollectief APK . | dutch association, association toonkunstenaarsbond, teacher association, association epta | rate, lesson, biography, south, pleasure | 1 | | …latest housing finance appraisal report model, as determined by the liaison committee for mortgage credit institutions CHF (Contactorgaan Hypothecair Financiers) in collaboration with the professional associations NVM, VBO, LMV and NRVT. | professional association, association nvm | appraisal, fee, report, appraiser, aan | 1 | | From office to retail, sport / fitness center or owners associations, our clients are as diverse as our cleaning services | owner association, association client | factory, reflect, panel, window, environmentally | 1 | | Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Daniel Baumann's new textbook 'Cosmology' has won the PROSE Award of the Association of American Publishers. The book was selected as the best new book in the category ... | award association, association american | theoretical, physics, institute, quantum, matter | 1 | | Pieter Miedema Tax Adviser is the professional organisation of Pieter Miedema and is a member of the Dutch association of tax advisers (NOB) , the association of the 4,900 highest educated tax professionals in the Netherlands. | dutch association, association tax, nob association, association high | tax, adviser, firm, operate, independent | 1 | | The Zwaan prizes, also known as the ’Oscars of Dutch dance’, are awarded by the VSCD (association of theater directors). The winners will be announced during the Gala of the @Nederlandse Dansdagen in Maastricht on 30 September, where we… | vscd association, association theater | dance, song, saturday, silence, ben | 1 | | Our office is affiliated with EESV Law Link, both a national as an international association of lawyers. This network enables us, if necessary, to gain expertise elsewhere or to seek help from a lawyer abroad. | international association, association lawyer | lawyer, law, criminal, debt, employment | 1 | | In 2017 The Prison Project received the Correctional Research Award 2017 of the 'International Correctional and Probation Association' (ICPA). | probation association, association icpa | prison, study, collaboration, housing, longitudinal | 1 | | Also we have a lot of related Article, all also second-hand we work exclusively according to the European legislation law and legislation this in association with the ministry of vrom (waste law legislation VIHB) Our main activity is… | legislation association, association ministry | trading, purchase, donation, mainly, television | 1 | | Richard Clemens, Managing Director of VDMA’s Food Machinery and Packaging Machinery Association | | trade, packaging, exhibitor, tightly, topic | 1 | | …practice (including civil law) and criminal law (including juvenile criminal law). Chris Ingelse is a member of the Netherlands Psychiatric Patient Lawyers Association ( Vereniging Psychiatrisch Patiëntenrecht Advocaten Nederland, vPAN)* . | lawyer association, association vereniging | lawyer, law, competence, complaint, counsel | 1 | | …fashion design and painting. In 1999 she moved to the Netherlands and was accepted as a member of the Artists Association Hoorn & Omstreken. Kamila's art has gone through several phases over the past 23 years (since graduating from the | artist association, association hoorn | painting, exhibition, poland, specialization, title | 1 | | * That you are – as previously indicated – as the owner of the Association of Owners of Résidence Château and thus also own all the general amenities: the swimming pool, the saunas, the sun terrace with the Jacuzzi, the tennis and… | owner association, association owner | apartment, france, terrace, bathroom, residence | 1 | | …and is fully compatible with Microsoft Office, for easy and quick implementation. It offers specialized modules designed for the chemical, fragrances, cosmetics, detergents & gas verticals—in partnership with leading industry associations. | | chemical, cosmetic, effectively, possibility, request | 1 | | With over 35 members from 15 different nationalities, we are one of the most diverse student associations of TU Delft | student association, association tu | join, stakeholder, validation, nationality, complimentary | 1 | | Loading of mechanized and motorized army equipment on open top railroad equipment – Association of American Railroads storage of Military Motor Vehicles. | equipment association, association american | manual, wwii, publication, army, ordnance | 1 | | Most virtual reality is about looking. Remembering is about listening. By building a world based on sound instead of visuals we have created a place that relies on association rather than observation. | place association, association observation | remember, physical, collaboration, street, limited | 1 | | The primary goal of Ofnibus is to organize traveling archive residencies in partnership with audiovisual heritage conservation structures. With the help of equipment from Filmfabriek the association collects and digitises amateur cinema… | filmfabriek association, association amateur | affordable, pump, heritage, clever, specification | 1 | | Nothing to wear, nothing to feel confortable in, nothing to make me shine, that was before I met Bekah ! She came at my place, helped me to sort and organize my closet, made me try new associations and gave me her precious advices. Bekah… | new association, association precious | clothes, confidence, closet, analysis, session | 1 | | What will your student life be like? There’s more to it than hitting the books in the library or studying for your upcoming exams. Do you get excited by the idea of joining a student team? Or an association? Or would you rather be out… | team association, association field | phd, defence, ut, programme, study | 1 | | Tilburg became my home in 2015 and I was blessed that the student handball association Camelot welcomed me with open arms. The years have gone by, team mates became best friends and it is time for us to look into the future. We, a group… | handball association, association camelot | handball, dear, possibility, het, bij | 1 | | …treatment of a number of diseases based on the active substances contained in cannabis such as THC and CBD have already been appreciated by numerous medical associations around the world. The World Health Organization is not an exception. | medical association, association world | genetic, strain, distributor, property, disease | 1 | | SKG was founded in March 2007 by members of the Guateninos association, an association for families who have adopted children from Guatemala. | guateninos association, association family | educational, poor, mainly, fundraising, coordination | 1 | | All comments, feedback, information or materials submitted to MDgo B.V. through or in association with this Web site shall be considered non-confidential and MDgo B.V.'s property. By submitting such comments, information, feedback, or… | mdgo association, association web | farmer, verification, physical, economic, economy | 1 | | …as an international or as a Dutch student. On the 14th of January 2018, we became part of the biggest student association of Europe, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). ESN involves around 40,000 young people offering its services to… | student association, association europe | esn, committee, hall, conduct, thursday | 1 | | With great passion and pleasure, Compofloor carries out floor renovations on the ground floor with minimal inconvenience to the residents. We do this directly for private homeowners and on a project basis for housing associations or… | housing association, association investor | renovation, reference, manual, ground, assembly | 1 | | Even after completing my studies, I remain actively involved in the finance world. As a board member on the Finance Circle of the Nyenrode VCV alumni association, I organize guest lectures and networking events, staying connected to the… | alumni association, association guest | investment, interest, transformation, study, invest | 1 | | Using the Django and Vue frameworks, I create and manage a research tool that helps Bloakes do research about the subconscious preferences or associations that people have. | preference association, association people | resume, physical, calm, variety, potentially | 1 | | Since 2018 I have been a member of the national artists’ association LKG De Ploegh | artist association, association lkg | drawing, colour, shape, painting, graphic | 1 | | The Ministry for the Environment and Housing, the Dutch Banking Association, the Dutch Association of Insurers, the National Mortgage Guarantee and the Eigen Huis Association have made agreements to ensure that homeowners with payment… | banking association, association dutch, dutch association, association insurer, huis association | property, mortgage, housing, guide, expat | 1 | | Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that for many years we are a member of The VLOS(Nationwide Association for Smartshops). This membership requires that we have certain duties in helping our customers in a responsible, safe and… | member association, association smartshops | planet, amaze, know, entrance, sharp | 1 | | …to medical examinations. We are affiliated with ILT (Environment and Transport Inspectorate) , NVvLG (Dutch Association for Aviation Medicine) and the KNVvL (Royal Dutch Aviation Association). For more information about our services, | dutch association, association aviation, aviation association, association information | cabin, paratrooper, appointment, aviation, medicine | 1 | | Most branch affiliated brokers mainly sell homes and occasionally rent out. As an official real estate agency, we are specialized in rental and management of living space. We are affiliated with the trade association VBO broker. | trade association, association vbo | rental, rent, property, appointment, housing | 1 | | We are part of the Max Planck Society , an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. | governmental association, association german | institute, mpi, planck, psycholinguistic, department | 1 | | All of our dating site is made for those searching for a lasting union. We assist similar American singles select both, generating associations predicated on | | august, loan, payday, relationship, visitor | 1 | | His papers won awards from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Ammodo KNAW award), the German Sociological Association, IPUMS, the Dutch Sociological Association, and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. | sociological association, association ipums, association royal | sociology, introduction, textbook, publication, department | 1 | | In short, our project is a continuous shift from the smallest details in the landscape to questioning the principles of our culture. Although we work within the poetic confines of art, we strive to connect our thoughts, associations and… | thought association, association question | salt, landscape, inhabitants, visitor, lecture | 1 | | In addition, I advocate for working menopausal women with the Pro-Homeostase working group and am a member of the Education & Science Committee of my professional association. | | acupuncture, woman, nutrition, hague, appointment | 1 | | Parterre Publishing House is affiliated with The Free Publishers and sells her books through this channel but her books are also for sale in the ordinary (internet) bookshops. In addition Parterre is affiliated with the Association of… | parterre association, association independent | publish, publisher, fact, mother, patient | 1 | | Hans Nadorp is registered in the registers below and affiliated with the associations below | | cape, estate, africa, south, inspire | 1 | | 023 It all happens because first-time buyers got a larger share of home purchases in the first half of this year, despite the rise in mortgage interest. At the same time, they spent less money per purchase. The data comes from research by… | dutch association, association estate | expat, guide, foreign, matter, housing | 1 | | President of the international music conference of WASBE (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) | world association, association symphonic | contest, composition, piece, funeral, composer | 1 | | I am a member of the Dutch Association for Alternative Medicine (VBAG) and registered with the Complementary Healthcare Professionals Organization (RBCZ and TCZ). I am registered as a oriental medicine therapist specialized in Shiatsu. I… | dutch association, association alternative | hypnotherapy, flexible, therapy, nutrition, dietitian | 1 | | My name is Erica Tegelaar. I am a lawyer and sworn translator English-Dutch and Dutch-English. I am listed in the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators (Rbtv) under Wbtv number 17654 and am a member of the Dutch Association of… | dutch association, association interpreter | translation, translator, lawyer, revision, proofreading | 1 | | Gültekin, E., van Mierlo B. C. Energy Cultures, Communities and Consumption: Exploring the social, political and cultural dynamics of energy system change Association of American Geographers (AAG) Boston, US April 5-9, 2017. | change association, association american | grid, austrian, stakeholder, demand, institute | 1 | | The IVM develops informational materials for patients on behalf of patients’ associations, healthcare professionals, professional organisations, interest groups, health insurers and public bodies. We work together with experienced… | patient association, association healthcare | medicine, medication, rational, institute, healthcare | 1 | | The European Tourism Futures Institute (ETFI) is a leading institute with a unique position in Europe. We paint visions of the future of leisure and tourism which make industry associations, government authorities, businesses and… | industry association, association government | tourism, academic, resilient, study, government | 1 | | In addition, we develop products for private labels. As a market leader in ergonomic sleep comfort , our customers include sleep specialty stores, medical clinics, buying associations, large retailers and sleep product manufacturers. | buy association, association large | sleep, ergonomic, pillow, united, mass | 1 | | …their career goals, establish career plans and develop skills. As a link between Program Management, Study Associations, employers and other parties, the Career Services Officer assists students in making the connection between their | study association, association employer | economic, administration, formal, strategic, chain | 1 | | Strengthen muscles? Lose weight? Maintain focus? Achieve your personal goals with the meal that gives you exactly what you need! Compiled by Naomi Brinkmans sports dietician at, among others, the KNVB (Royal Dutch Football Association)… | football association, association info | meal, vegetable, bean, add, healthy | 1 | | The Dutch Association of Insurers (VvV) is founding member and key partner of the Dutch “Week van het geld”. This initiative is led by the “Platform Wijzer in geldzaken” (Money Wise platform), in which partners pool their strengths to… | dutch association, association insurer | risk, fix, lesson, insurance, money | 1 | | Furthermore, we are a member of Techniek Nederland. Techniek Nederland is the entrepreneurs association of technical service providers, installation companies and technical retailers. More than any other sector, we make technical… | entrepreneur association, association technical | certification, distributor, panel, commissioning, installation | 1 | | Notice : On 23-11-2023 Jan handed over the copyright of his books and eLearning to the Dutch Sterilization Association (SVN). For further information please contact SVN. | sterilization association, association svn | supply, sterile, sterilization, steam, department | 1 | | Cannabis oil is actually a strange name, because 'weed-' evokes an association with mind-altering substances, but that actually gives a wrong picture of what cannabis oil is. It's not meant to get high. | strange association, association mind | oil, hemp, raw, soluble, edible | 1 | | The Dutch School of Landscape Architecture (DSL) is a collaboration between the educational and research institutes for garden and landscape architecture in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Association of Landscape Architecture (NVTL). | netherlands association, association landscape | landscape, architecture, competition, calendar, october | 1 | | Shiatsu in the Netherlands consists of a patchwork of schools, professional associations and interest groups. A group of active shiatsu therapists has taken the initiative to put shiatsu on the map from a shared perspective. | professional association, association interest | street, croatia, therapy, complementary, mount | 1 | | We are also able to introduce members from other matchmakers around the world as we are a member of ATOMOS Japanese International Matchmakers’ Association and Ryoen Net and have many partner matchmaking companies in Singapore and Japan. | matchmakers association, association ryoen | japanese, talk, interested, min, introduction | 1 | | For ITKIB, Turkish Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Association, we materialised the fashion textile trends in the shape of a dynamic forum. Spring-Summer 2017 trend and colour directions synthesized in a flyer and showcased in a colourful… | exporter association, association fashion | textile, fabric, exhibition, publication | 1 | | In November 2023 she was a motivational speaker at the conference of the Association of Dental Care for Special Care Groups. With the theme: when things don't come easy. | conference association, association dental | sun, biography, lecture, motivational, lock | 1 | | Vertigo is an ultimate frisbee association for everyone in Eindhoven. We are an international group of students, young-professionals and not so young professionals. We train and play frisbee together twice a week to get better, learn from… | frisbee association, association eindhoven | ultimate, tournament, woman, competition, adult | 1 | | …employees always do their work with a smile. Are you a property manager or investor? Do you work for a housing association or apartment owners’ association? Do you own one or more (office) buildings, hospitality establishments or other… | housing association, association apartment, owner association, association office | maintenance, renovation, logistics, premise, professionally | 1 | | of the entire industry. In order to do so, we are active members of various industry associations and are an acknowledged training institute. | industry association, association training | measurement, logistics, treatment, maritime, certification | 1 | | …not cause any nuisance to the environment in terms of lighting, both flora and fauna. This way you are better protected in advance against possible adjustments to the standards by the Dutch Padel Association, the KNLTB, or new legislation. | padel association, association knltb | fixture, lighting, court, installation, malfunction | 1 | | Drupal is well done in many ways. The framework is architecturally sound, the community vast, alive and rather inclusive, commercial and community interests are well seperated (Acquia versus Drupal Association). Drupal is also very… | drupal association, association drupal | title, analysis, maintenance, specialize, description | 1 | | Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest ghostwriter interdisciplinary student association in Europe. It was born on the 16th of October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange. ESN works for… | student association, association europe | esn, committee, arrival, exchange, legally | 1 | | Tripe Black jacket is finished today. Triple Black jacket was a request from a daughter of one of my dear rowing friends. The jacket is special made for her because she is a student in Wageningen. She joined the Wageningse student… | student association, association year | clothes, pattern, fabric, sewing, dress | 1 | | …School Affiliated to Fudan University), CHEER played a key strategic role in establishing the World Leading Schools Association (WLSA), an international network of students, educators and leaders from secondary schools and universities. | school association, association wlsa | cheer, abroad, excellence, educational, leadership | 1 | | START Maastricht is a student association that was founded in 2023 by a group of motivated students at Maastricht University. They are... | student association, association group | entrepreneurship, innovative, excellence, die, entrepreneur | 1 | | I am editor brief communications of the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology , I serve in the editorial boards of Journal of Data and Information Science and Quantitative Science Studies , and I am an elected… | journal association, association information | paper, july, journal, analysis, systematic | 1 | | Universities and Architecture Schools involved in this publication: Architectural Association London. London Metropolitan University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xiamen University, Tung Hai University Taichung, TU Berlin. | architectural association, association london | title, architecture, landscape, theory, release | 1 | | …all the parts of my mind come into play, that I arrive at an original idea. By giving my brain a chance to make associations, draw connections, take me by surprise. And often even that idea doesn’t turn out to be very good. I need time to | chance association, association connection | january, playground, august, october, kid | 1 | | BB38 cortical atlas of human - chimpanzee homologous regions , as used in "Evolutionary expansion of connectivity between multimodal association areas in the human brain compared with chimpanzees", Ardesch et al., 2019, PNAS | multimodal association, association area | lab, brain, connectivity, functional, paper | 1 | | On October 11th, 2020 IDBH was guest speaker at the Midwife Scientific Symposium Jawa Barat, 2020, organized by the Association of Midwives in Western Java (Ikatan Bidan Indonesia Jabar). Main[…] | barat association, association midwife | indonesia, positive, detection, palliative, subsequently | 1 | | Though being a Bengali association, Hoichoi does not strictly focus on Bengali community. We encourage participation of anyone interested in getting assimilated with us. We try to create lifelong memories and evergreen friendship via our… | bengali association, association hoichoi | puja, durga, bengali, coverage, fundraising | 1 | | I am a certified mindfulness MBSR trainer and recognized in the highest category by the VMBN (the professional association for mindfulness trainers). I have a lot of experience with the MBSR Mindfulnesstraining for groups and individuals… | professional association, association mindfulness | conscious, complaint, relaxation, suitable, symptom | 1 | | …of course, deep understanding of people. I used to live in the US for 10 years. I am a certified European EMCC executive coach. I work according to the Dutch NOBCO Association Code of Conduct. I am associated with IRC Global Partners . | nobco association, association code | career, growth, understand, proof, guide | 1 | | Chamber of Commerce Roermond, registration ID: 12053603, Netherlands in association with Static ICT Solutions! | netherlands association, association static | cheap, domain, whois, engine, north | 1 | | STABLE advises investors, property owners and owners’ associations on the development and management of (retail) property. Concrete measures are proposed based on distinctive positioning and feasible commercial proposition. STABLE has… | owner association, association development | stable, successful, innovative, property, player | 1 | | Welcome to the Turing Society! This association focuses itself on ambitious students with an interest in IP & IT law, privacy, big data and technological innovations. Proceed | society association, association ambitious | society, profile, technological, ambitious, ip | 1 | | tasks and requirements to your business’ specific needs. Hence, every project is a team effort and utilizes our consultants expert knowledge of the credit card association data security regulations and how best to approach each requirement. | card association, association data | compliance, qualify, payment, merchant, commerce | 1 | | The AmaReina was christened on July, 22 – 2014 by Godmother Brenda Kyllo, Vice President of Travel for the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA). This ceremony was held in the city of Vilshofen. | automobile association, association caa | passenger, river, vessel, ship, commission | 1 | | politics: from local politics, to residents' associations, to specific policy areas | resident association, association specific | prize, analysis, politics, imaging, election | 1 | | Invicta is a small and active volleyball club in Wageningen. We play competition in different classes and have a lively recreationists team. Invicta in a middle-sized volleyball association with many former students, which makes it a good… | volleyball association, association student | volleyball, calendar, lively, canteen, socially | 1 | | The tournament is the result of a broad voluntary and informal collaboration between the Eindhoven Diving Cup, the Municipality of Eindhoven, PSV Schoonspringen, KNZB, the business community, schools and associations, social initiatives… | school association, association social | dive, tournament, october, visit, january | 1 | | Our recent green project at EMA Amsterdam. The irrigation of this green wall is equipped with the irrigation remote management system of Mastop Totaaltechniek In association with: – Wallflore – GinkelGroep | totaaltechniek association, association wallflore | irrigation, electrical, roof, cultivation, ornamental | 1 | | Thanks to the Association of Freelance Translators, you can find here my general terms and conditions . | thank association, association freelance | translation, translator, editor, subsidy, copy | 1 | | Fontys, Windesheim, and Saxion, the three universities with metal printers, have joined forces in the initiative IAMM (Industrial Additive Manufacturing in Metals). Together with universities, industry associations, knowledge centers, and… | industry association, association knowledge | facility, metal, manufacture, publication, additive | 1 | | While there is no exact age for children to begin orthodontic treatment, the Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends a visit to the orthodontist around age seven. | canadian association, association orthodontist | orthodontic, treatment, traditional, smile, early | 1 | | The Hr. Ms. Sittard was given to the Sea Cadet Corps Harlingen by the Dutch Royal Navy in 1997. Since then, the ship has served as a sailing training ship for the corps. This maritime youth association is part of the national Sea Cadet… | youth association, association national | ship, curious, surprise, harbour, sail | 1 | | for developmental disorders of the brain. The scientific team will work together with societal partners, clinical associations and companies as the BRAINMODEL consortium and will implement new stem cell-based methods to improve diagnostics… | clinical association, association company | disorder, patient, treatment, disease, brain | 1 | | P. Koopman, and M. Lubbers, “Strongly-Typed Multi-View Stack-Based Computations,” in Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, in PPDP ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for… | usa association, association computing | programming, task, oriented, till, thesis | 1 | | They attempt to create relevant social metaphorical and also psychological associations between natural language & communication and | psychological association, association natural | crazy, harsh, absolutely, surface, hire | 1 | | …and a party as main ingredients of the festival. In collaboration with multiple partners like the Dutch surfing association HSA, the Dutch topsport centre STC, De Pier, Gemeente Den Haag and O’Neill there will be an international surf… | surf association, association hsa | hague, competition, multiple, pack, contest | 1 | | Unless otherwise agreed, all services are subject to the terms and conditions of the Dutch Association of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV). | dutch association, association interpreter | glass, translation, rate, profile, german | 1 | | …the digital transformation offers higher education in the Netherlands. The Acceleration Plan was a cooperation between the Universities of the Netherlands, The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences and SURF. | netherlands association, association university | educational, base, acceleration, resource, evidence | 1 | | 𝛘² (chi-square) & Cramér's V calculator . Perform the chi-square test easily, including a measure of association strength and all steps explained (including things like expected frequency calculations in easy terms (Dutch only). | dutch association, association aesthetic, measure association, association strength | conditional, linguistic, conference, linguist, argumentation | 1 | | …Molitor Immobilien GmbH, and emag GmbH, a joint enterprise of Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft mbH (Mainz Development Association) as well as EPPLE Holding GmbH, based out of Heidelberg. The purchaser of the site is “Wohnen Deutschland VII”, a | development association, association epple | law, desk, firm, career | 1 | | You are not only intellectually more able, but you also learn in different ways, you experience the world around you differently, you make unique associations in thought processes and you are an original and creative thinker. | unique association, association think | differently, parent, sensitive, giftedness, thinker | 1 | | The Dutch Academic Center for Insurance medicine is a collaborative initiative of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG ) and the Dutch Association of Insurance Medical Officers (GAV) . | dutch association, association insurance | insurance, medicine, academic, scientific, recently | 1 | | The Ocean Energy Europe Conference is the largest gathering of ocean energy professionals organised by Ocean Energy Europe, the industry association representing ocean energy in Europe. The energy transition towards a carbon-neutral… | industry association, association ocean | ocean, wave, symphony, tidal, transition | 1 | | In 2017 Brett Sutcliffe went to New Zealand to participate in the World Masters Games. During his stay he came in contact with the Wellington Archery Association and the 600 shoot with Ribbons and Perfect Bars. | archery association, association shoot | ribbon, competition, arrow, bow, regulation | 1 | | Kwadraat research & advice endorses the Code of Conduct for Research and Statistics and the international ESOMAR / ICC code of conduct for market and opinion research. Kwadraat research & advice is affiliated with MOA: the sector… | sector association, association market | useful, cras, execution, interpretation, round | 1 | | …knowledge, returning clients and a vast national and international network. Nelisse Makelaarsgroep is a member of the Dutch Association of Real Estate Brokers and Immovable Property Experts (NVM), which stands for expertise and quality. | dutch association, association real | rent, hague, property, valuation, estate | 1 | | …and kept safe. For the football club, this means that the club is sanctioned and is governed by a national association. For the football athlete, this means that they are well-protected in their rights as a player and as employees… | national association, association football | football, athlete, discount, prestigious, footballer | 1 | | …for the promotion of Imports from Developing Countries), HIVOS, ITC (International Trade Centre, Geneva), European Union, GTZ, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, government organizations, trade promotion organizations and ICT associations. | | palestine, cultural, trade, handbook, sme | 1 | | …whereby the highest possible percentage of re-use can be realized and preferably a link can be made with local associations and foundations. This is achieved by a high degree of involvement and by mapping out per municipality what the… | local association, association foundation | textile, recyclable, clothes, shoe, municipality | 1 | | On this website you can find information about the treatment approaches that I use. You can also find general information about these treatment approaches. There are links to the websites of Dutch professional therapist associations that… | therapist association, association additional | systemic, therapy, psychotherapy, relation, guestbook | 1 | | Every year, TIME conducts international market research for Dutch companies in interesting, upcoming foreign markets. TIME is an initiative from study association Asset | Marketing in cooperation Asset | Strategy & Logistics and with… | study association, association asset | analysis, recap, destination, study, foreign | 1 | | that continuously provide refreshing insights in the expertise of the structural engineer. The membership of many associations, the guiding and supervision of graduating students and his position within the professional advisory committee… | membership association, association supervision | internship, structural, architecture, employee, military | 1 | | Visit the SD Association's website and download SD Formatter 4.0 for either Windows or Mac. | sd association, association website | file, command, owncloud, guide, raspberry | 1 | | This website is an initiative of the NIV and published by the Amsterdam University Medical Centers in collaboration with the Hiv Association, the ShivA Foundation, the MARA Foundation and with a subsidy from the SKMS. | hiv association, association shiva | positive, conversation, gorgeous, talk, treatment | 1 | | What is Betastuf? The Bèta Student Federation (Bètastuf) is the overarching organization for student representation at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen. Our overarching goal […] | study association | faculty, initiative, programme, fse, representation | 0 | | On request we co-create Dilemma game scenarios tailored to the leadership challenges of your organization. After the co-creation of the first Dilemma game scenario customers can develop new game scenarios without intensive guidance from… | dutch association, association mayor | leadership, matter, decision, ethical, judgement | 0 | | ‘We often use Second Soul for our English-language technical maritime reports, either to check the English or for a complete translation. Second Soul always gets the job done quickly, for a very reasonable price and with an excellent… | | soul, translation, edit, translator, academic | 0 | | …a place that offers a Liberal Arts and Sciences program of high quality with nearly 200 courses, which allows students to continue top Master programs all over the world. Second, we are a College , indicating a small and tight-knit… | student association | ucr, academic, liberal, parent, incoming | 0 | | Bestuurlijk Actief Utrecht is a collaboration between Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and Utrecht University for the benefit of student organizations. On our website you will find all information that is relevant for managing your… | | grant, assessment, framework, scheme, substance | 0 | | …colleagues, but also friends. T hree different impressions came together with the goal of taking re-enactment to a higher level, while also remembering, respecting and honouring the dead and injured of WW2, of all nations affected. | | colleague, enactment, dead, nation, cooperation | 0 | | Create your unique phone case with your name and number of choice, and carry your favorite team with you anywhere you go! | rocket association, association edition | football, rocket, plane, united, conference | 0 | | the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. AUC is based on the American liberal arts and sciences model, with the students living and studying together on campus. The programme is entirely English-taught, small-scale and | student association, alumni association, association aucaa | academic, programme, admission, liberal, major | 0 | | The time to complete the clearance depends on the size of the property. Nearly all house clearances will be completed in one day, if we feel it make take more than one day, we will advise you of this before work commences. | housing association | clearance, property, flat, appointment, waste | 0 | | …of in-depth knowledge of China and a broad experience in journalism and intercultural management. She teaches at universities in both the Netherlands and China, on China in the 21st century, on intercultural communication and storytelling. | | circle, strategic, intercultural, presentation, rise | 0 | | Are you responsible for a project related to Heavy Industry? Then you know how important safety is. At Vicoma our engineers work on intelligent and reliable solutions every day. We do this in the shipbuilding, steel and processing… | study association, association lugus | building, chemical, heavy, refinery | 0 | | On Thursday, February 29, the DUFAS Asset Management College Tour took place at Utrecht University. It was a successful edition, featuring in-depth interviews with CEOs Karin van Baardwijk from Robeco and Martijn Rozemuller from VanEck… | | asset, career, highlight, lively, discussion | 0 | | Cocktail organizes buddy-contact between an LGBTI newcomer and a Cocktail volunteer. By organizing meetings and activities Cocktail wants to create a social network where people can be themselves and feel accepted. | member association, association area | asylum, lgbti, seeker, volunteer, calendar | 0 | | Mark Faulkner is an experienced Gonstead Chiropractor. We serve the areas of Etten-Leur, Breda , Tilburg, Roosendaal, Berger op Zoom, St. Willebrord, Zevenbergen, | | chiropractic, insurance, rate, op, appointment | 0 | | Our vision is to provide outdoor & sports people with innovative quality products, to improve their outdoor activity experiences: | local association, association project | innovative, lock, break, gear, kid | 0 | | The Top10 Crowdfunding Europe Donations Websites. Compare all the Donation Crowdfunding Platforms out there. Free Crowdfunding Scan! | foundation association | target, audience, functionality, donation, fee | 0 | | Angiogenesis Analytics – PCaVision: Ultrasound-based computer aided diagnosis for prostate cancer | urological association, association annual | cancer, prostate, ultrasound, diagnosis, patient | 0 | | Bource-Snikkenburg specialises in national and international payroll taxes. We combine the knowledge, expertise and connections offered by large consultancies with personal, user-friendly services. | dutch association, association tax | taxis, tax, connection, municipality, government | 0 | | …of one of the great masters and teacher of the Systema, Vladimir Vasiliev. This will all happen in one of the largest cultural cities in the world, Amsterdam with its canals and world-famous museums and historical sights. The seminar | | payment, fight, registration, heal, participant | 0 | | The Netherlands America Institute Limburg (NAIL) is an independent organization that promotes relations between citizens of the Netherlands, the United States of America and other NATO nations. It is focused on the province of Limburg and… | article association, association bylaws | nail, america, institute, cemetery, netherland | 0 | | Techne Press, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is an independent, internationally operating publishing house for the academic and professional community. We publish books on architecture, urban planning and design, infrastructure… | organization association | academic, independent, internationally, publication, distribution | 0 | | …field of Digital Literacies, Speaker at national and international conferences, and Educational consultant. I work with teachers in teacher development teams on implementing and researching digital literacies into the language curriculum. | literacy association, association ila | literacy, teacher, teach, educational, secondary | 0 | | To survive and develop, in each social context people create, process, store and disseminate data, information and knowledge with available ICT, which include persons, information channels and information media, and should be done in an… | president association, association relation | library, committee, editorial, scientist, till | 0 | | …that lead to striking results. Those who work with Korthals’s coatings, will all be assured of a successful finish. To this end, Korthals Groep clusters all activities of Korthals Lakken, Soen’s Meubelbeitsen and Korthals… | dutch association, association owner | stain, resistant, heat, paint, wood | 0 | | …Media… Sponsors… Contact… Become member →… become a member… Trainings →… | association song | calendar, external, competition, committee, song | 0 | | The Association… History… Board… Former boards… The Orchestra… The Choir… | | click, choir, committee, chamber, join | 0 | | This website on the history of tennis has its origin in a visit I paid to Seacourt Tennis Club in Hayling Island, England, with a group of lawn tennis players from the Oranje Tennis Club in The Hague in the summer of 1986. At Seacourt I… | | court, hyacinth, death, literary, rule | 0 | | The Maastricht Gaels are a thriving community of ardent Gaelic games enthusiasts with a vibrant social scene. | sport association, association thing | tournament, football, membership, gaelic, committee | 0 | | The University of Humanistic Studies is a small denominational university in Utrecht inspired by humanist traditions. Our research and education focus on contemporary issues concerning meanings of life and worldviews, and on building a… | | introduction, citizenship, doctorate, programme, society | 0 | | The pension fund increases the pension entitlements in the basic scheme by 3.8% as of February 1. | employee association, association sleeper | scheme, january, fund, supplementary, funding | 0 | | Time to replace your IT equipment? ITdonations will take all your old IT equipment off your hands and donate the residual value to your chosen charity! 100% secure data erasure. | dutch association, association hospital | charity, residual, erasure, secure, report | 0 | | …cover a wide range of interests, with consideration for the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our members. On top of all that, we celebrate ancient traditions of Iran as well, such as Yalda, Nowruz and many more! | alborz association, student association, association alborz | persian, description, iranian, firm, rebuild | 0 | | Home - Blenheim - We take care of our clients. | homeowner association, association hoa | law, acquisition, litigation, lawyer, german | 0 | | …succesfully implemented our designs resulting in an improved brand positioning and significant sales increase. This year Brabantia won a Dutch Design Award (DDA) in the category Best Client for their excellent commissioning of designers. | news association, association dutch | campaign, report, identity, defence, hague | 0 | | The EFR Master Career Week (MCW) is EFR's newest recruitment event. This November, we will take ambitous master students inside the most renowned companies. | faculty association, association rotterdam | career, faculty, economic, inside, renowned | 0 | | It is a complicated task for any building or for any neighborhood. What should you choose when there are so many options available and everything seems to affect everything else and when you also have to deal with many different… | housing association, association anna | colony, fossil, neighbourhood, housing, municipality | 0 | | Our engineers will happily take on any architectural or structural challenge. One-stop shop! | housing association | housing, architectural, structural, overview, happily | 0 | | Coatings… Glassparency… Mobile Valeting… Marine Coating… Leather Care… | detailing association, association ida | luxury, leather, italy, paint, protection | 0 | | Home… Cookies… Otology Neurotology… Laryngoscope… Head and Neck… JAMA… | journal association, association research | head, neck, journal, surgery, clinical | 0 | | In every country where United Way is active, we establish priorities based on local needs and issues. | refugee association | united, refugee, stability, mental, woman | 0 | | The VSPA is proud to announce a new type of event, in collaboration with the Department of Psychology – the first-ever MASTER THESIS EXTRAVAGANZA! This event is designed to support the Master’s students… | association vspa | psychology, committee, calendar, ice, sexual | 0 | | …then I have specialized in surveillance, privacy and cameras. I am self employed and work on a project-by-project basis. My clients are predominantly local municipalities, the national government, police and other law enforcement agencies. | crime association | flight, police, law, enforcement, government | 0 | | BouT is excited to share our latest edition – RuMoer84 : Additive Manufacturing. To access the digital version of the … | study association, association tu | lecture, study, manufacture, additive, prague | 0 | | We are proud to present the nominees for the ACLO sports awards! This year’s awards will again highlight the sporting achievements of the 2022-2023 academic... | sport association | aclo, employee, schedule, run, overview | 0 | | De vijf ambities voor 2025-Diversiteit-en-unclusie MR DATA BIG DATA SOLUTION Goal of 2030 to end extreme poverty via Essential terms of the agreement by FRANCHING IN BULGARIA EU-Franchisor | franchise association, association bulfa | poverty, bulgaria, risk, ltd, licence | 0 | | Environmental toxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals have largely evaded the traditional Western medical establishment | metzelf association, association medical, site association, association metzelf | reliable, medicine, psychiatric, join, therapeutic | 0 | | The key facts of ambulance care sector can be found in Facts & figures. Most of the subjects listed below are explained in greater detail elsewhere in the ambulance care sector overview. | | fact, figure, aim, sick, century | 0 | | Experienced audit professionals and determined financial advisers. At Qconcepts we are dedicated to you. | housing association | dedicated, advisor, adviser, sme, healthcare | 0 | | BIC-code = in ons geval verwijst het naar de Business Identifier Code voor banken en andere financiële instellingen (ISO 9362). | | ltd, identifier, belgium, limited, corporation | 0 | | Account… Checkout… Order Received… Order Failed… Terms & Conditions… Contact… | european association, association digital, association for | checkout | 0 | | Education… Events… Companies… Company profiles… Contact person… Association… | association profile | profile, mechanical, study | 0 | | Cosmetic Clinic Dokter Frodo in Amsterdam for wrinkle injections, Botox, Liquid Facelift, eye bags and other cosmetic treatments with injectables. | dutch association, association cosmetic | cosmetic, treatment, wrinkle, bag, skin | 0 | | The SOS button is a compact and portable SOS button with GPS tracker. Sending a (help) call, positioning by means of GPS as well as 2-way voice connection can be easily activated with just one push of the alarm button. The location of you… | | elderly, fencing, detection, wander, reliable | 0 | | Dimensie is happy to present the 22nd Board to you. We are really excited to make your academic year amazing and full of fun events! | study association, association psychology, rubix association, association room, sister association | educational, study, vienna, psychology, prospective | 0 | | the Jupiter Cup will be held for the 30th time in 2023 on April 8 and 9 . It really is a tournament with regulars for whom the atmosphere on and around the fields is paramount and who enjoy going through the matches together in the evening. | participate association | tournament, evening, programme, registration, winner | 0 | | Video is indispensable to tell a story. Video is essential to retain visitors online and is an indispensable part of content marketing. No organisation or company can do without video if they want to communicate with their audience. | dutch association, association clinical | target, fascinating, visual, indispensable, understandable | 0 | | Swim and Polo Club Zegenwerp from Sint Michielsgestel in the Netherlands, will organize a international long bath swimming meet on Saturday 06 July and Sunday 07 July 2024. The swimming pool is called ‘Pieter van den Hoogenband… | organize association | registration, participant, july, sunday, swim | 0 | | The Gorcums Museum is located in the centre of the historic fortified city. Gorinchem is easily accessible by car and by train. There is always enough parking (free on Sundays) within walking distance in the Kazerneplein car park, or on… | historical association, association oud | exhibition, sunday, naar, het, hoe | 0 | | …an engaging tool for ESC volunteers and young people involved in Erasmus+ youth mobilities (international youth exchanges). When it is ready, we will start test driving this in ESC trainings and some colleagues in Europe already… | profit association, association youth | youth, exchange, mobility, adventure, intellectual | 0 | | Life in Harmony is Jeff Hamburg's practice for hypnotherapy, situated in Amsterdam. | | harmony, hypnotherapy, hypnotherapist, past, manner | 0 | | © 2024 - The VBCN is the premier platform for corporate art collections in the Netherlands. | | paper, membership, shift, mean, calendar | 0 | | This is not your average Cadet race! This is one that asks for all your sailing knowledge and skills! We hope to welcome you at this coming three day Easter event starting the 8 th of April. | | easter, united, registration, calendar, youth | 0 | | Integrative Child Therapy is a form of play therapy. This relatively short-termed form of child therapy is specifically designed for children aged 4-12. The therapy focuses on the inner world of your child and the relationships he or she… | professional association, association nibig | therapy, parenting, parent, psychotherapy, adult | 0 | | …dreamhouse. It’s great to sell such a house when it’s time to move on. Or rent it to someone who takes equally good care of it as you do. We believe that good advice leads to great results. Asking good questions leads to great answers. | owner association, association vve | guy, sell, purchase, rent, valuation | 0 | | Hans Spierings on The new dynamics of financial globalization | McKinsey & Company | | insurance, optimization, risk, february, reflect | 0 | | The new rates and opening hours for 2024 have been adjusted and visible in the online agenda. Hope to see you soon! | professional association | consultation, chiropractic, rate, complaint, initial | 0 | | ROERICH… | cultural association | nicholas, cultural, lecture, exhibition, presentation | 0 | | A vocationial training program for youth with a disability to become PLASTIC RECYCLE OPERATOR | partner association, association saikorian | village, recycle, youth, disability, economic | 0 | | Register for free and without obligation as a care provider or help seeker. Place a call yourself or look around at the help requests that are open or view the help providers. | | volunteer, voor, reliable, request, demand | 0 | | Home… Association… Battle of Committees… Boards… XXXIst Board of SA Helix… | study association, association helix | committee, council, evaluation, panel, study | 0 | | 6-week courses for students of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Public Speaking, Leadership, Productivity & Time Management, Marketing, Mindfulness, Effective Remote Work & Studying, and more... | | speak, productivity, skill, century, study | 0 | | I kindly invite you to have a look at my portfolio and competences to see whether there is a match with your needs. | member association, association dutch | slider, masonry, overlay, sidebar, width | 0 | | 'Everyone feels at home at ARC'. That is our wish and we are committed to being a very pleasant rugby club for young and old, and for recreation, Social Rugby and top sport. | new association, association structure | lady, season, welfare, player, lowlander | 0 | | Today’s company’s, entrepreneurs and directors are faced with such a complexity of risks, that standard solutions are simply not the best way to deal with them. Blue Risk makes complex risks comprehensible so our clients can move more… | | risk, insurance, specialty, liability, biotech | 0 | | Read more about pregnancy, childbirth, maternity period and breastfeeding. The latest news about our office and developments in the sector. | | pregnancy, birth, consultation, pregnant, evening | 0 | | The firm goes back to 1912. Years of experience in providing legal services make Maaldrink Vermeulen a sound and reliable partner. We regard legal services as a craft. We give high priority to quality and coach our junior attorneys to… | owner association, association law | law, attorney, firm, skilled, competitive | 0 | | …regions. Some species even spend all or part of their lives in freshwater. They all share the same biology, being slow-growing, late to mature and producing a small number of young. Most sharks and some rays are live-bearing and produce | | society, shark, fish, species, ray | 0 | | Improving the stability, health and wellness of those we serve through advocacy, acculturation, community development and cultural preservation. | service association, association assistance, nonprofit association | donation, cause, october, cultural, know | 0 | | around the world have increasingly shifted to digital channels. This has led to a sharp rise in fraud cases and Authorised Push Payment fraud – where fraudsters trick individuals and businesses into depositing money into the wrong accounts. | housing association | payment, fraud, api, file, directly | 0 | | …the conference is broadly oriented with regard to the various professional disciplines related to the conference topics. Based on the experience from previous Land Use and Water Quality conferences, it is just the diversity in… | international association, association hydrogeologists, vewin association, association dutch | conference, denmark, agriculture, committee, institute | 0 | | …more clear than ever. Join hundreds of others to learn and unlearn, and recognising intersections, contribute to each others’ struggles. Let’s build towards a new and better world based on freedom and solidarity within and across borders. | right association, association bremen | solidarity, programme, break, struggle, discussion | 0 | | The Dutch Network of Women Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren - LNVH) began life informally in the nineties, and became a foundation on the 9th of August 2001. The LNVH is a network of over 1600 female professors and… | union association | woman, career, academic, guide, publication | 0 | | About… China Files & the Shell Papers… Online visibility for CMD… Alumni Diner… | study association, association cmd | mile, paper, file, visibility, internship | 0 | | Comprehensive legal services for entrepreneurs and enterprises. Nationally and internationally, but in the Rotterdam way. Accessible, flexible and fast. | | comprehensive, enterprise, internationally, flexible, nationally | 0 | | PAINTINGS CONSERVATION SERIES We would like to draw your attention to the first 4 of 6 publications in the ‘Paintings Conservation Series’ about the conservation of paintings on canvas… | | inventory, painting, july, report, annual | 0 | | By organizing excursions, study-trips and lunch lectures, we give the students the opportunity to discover these interesting fields of Electrical Engineering and learning new things on the way. Additionally, we help students to get into… | master association, association connect, association odin | connect, internship, lecture, committee, declaration | 0 | | Home - Meijers provides its commercial and private clients with advice relating to risk management and employee benefits such as income protection and pension. | homeowners association, association vve | insurance, risk, benefit, employee, income | 0 | | expertly and intelligibly. We are there for you and we represent your interests. We familiarise ourselves with your business and we keep you actively informed of developments that are relevant to you. But we also act as your sparring… | | law, partners, branch, desk, supervisory | 0 | | Wageningen Werewolves is the student quidditch assocation in Wageningen. We are always looking for new people to add to our team, everyone is welcome! | sport association, association wageningen | calendar, inclusivity, send, wrong | 0 | | Our pension lawyers know all about your pension, are familiar with the current pensions market and would gladly provide you with advice on the legal aspects of complex issues, like the organisation of your governance, a buy-out or pension… | employee association, association pensioner | law, understandable, dispute, fund, agreement | 0 | | …your own truth. Body-oriented therapy can support you in restoring the connection with yourself, allowing you to relearn to trust what you feel. In this way, your body can once again become a safe home base from which you can explore life. | professional association, association sblp | therapy, root, rise, primal, rebirth | 0 | | I am Amir Pliev, an Artificial Intelligence Master graduate from Utrecht University looking for a new challenge. | previous association, association experience, student association, association aug | artificial, intelligence, graduate, resume, task | 0 | | BOARD… TRANSPORT… TRIPS… FACILITIES… EQUIPMENT… INSTRUCTION WEEKEND… | sport association, association enschede | facility, instruction, committee, windsurfing, kitesurfing | 0 | | Annemarie Bult specialises in business texts and legal documents. She is a sworn translator registered at the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators . | dutch association, association court | translation, interpreter, translator, interpret, multilingual | 0 | | Nieuw Geneco stimulates the development and the future of composing, improves the economic and sociocultural climate for composers and is a source of knowledge and inspiration for composers, music professionals and the public. | professional association, association composer | composer, membership, legacy, importance, composition | 0 | | Support Smiles of Hope in Cambodia by supporting their digital development projects and helping young people find jobs. Read more on the website. | | smile, hope, cambodia, advanced, donation | 0 | | Stichting MAF International is part of a wider group of organisations that make up MAF. MAF was founded in 1945. Over the decades it has expanded and it now serves in over 20 developing countries around the world. Stichting MAF… | article association | plane, isolate, serve, statutory, hope | 0 | | …Events… Activities… Photo's… Introduction… Introduction Bachelors… | | introduction, committee, career, partnership, honorary | 0 | | This is a link to a website maintained or controlled by others. Gilead is not responsible for and does not endorse the contents of or use of any of the products or services that may be offered at these websites. | | clinical, invasive, literature, guidelines, congress | 0 | | In Energetic Medicine, Britta Jansen combines the knowledge of Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Prognos computer analysis, Traditional medicine, Homeopathy, Orthomolecular medicine, Bio-resonation therapy, Laboratory services, Dietary… | professional association | sugar, fat, cell, medicine, treatment | 0 | | Team… Functions… Over… Partners… Testimonials… Gallery… Frequently Asked… | national association, association louisiana | function, frequently, description, op, everybody | 0 | | But how to find a responsible breeder? The NLOESA can help! | sheepdog association, association bobtailclub | breeder, specialty, introduction, regulation, statute | 0 | | “Our brands include Connexxion, Hermes, and Witte Kruis, and our facility management organisation supports all these brands,” says Pruis. | housing association | facility, workplace, institution, government, housing | 0 | | With close to 400 member companies in 90 countries FCI offers a unique network for cooperation in cross-border factoring. Member transactions represent more than 40% of the world’s international correspondent factoring volume. | fci association | regional, statistics, receivable, rf, certificate | 0 | | Onlangs een workshop gevolgd in Git, Ansible & Powershell programming. Git is een Versioning... | lean association, association lita | july, author, git, powershell, ansible | 0 | | © Copyright 2012 - | Made by WebOwl | All Rights Reserved | Algemene voorwaarden | | wat | 0 | | The fair will bring a breath of fresh air this year, where we no longer have program booklets, but will do this Online this edition! This saves a lot of paper, and the map of the Autotron will be easy to view on the website! | stand association, association registers | impression, parking, exhibitor, registration, participant | 0 | | The late Grandmaster Chen founded Kung Fu School Golden Dragon in The Netherlands back in the year 1970. He was trained in Indonesia and studied several styles of Kung Fu. | | dragon, potential, defense, authentic, lesson | 0 | | With our Office, warehouse and highly trained staff in the port of Rotterdam, we deliver Consumable stores specially based for the Marine industry. | dutch association, association shipsuppliers, marine association, association impa, service association | impossible, purchase, specially, warehouse, staff | 0 | | Exhibition Training for Standteams Exhibition Kick-off Training Exhibition Strategy, Stand Concept and Visitor Marketing Workshop Organising Collective Trade Fair Participation Course Contacting Strategy Plus Exhibition Training | branding association, association sector | exhibition, trade, collective, participation, package | 0 | | Copyright © 2024 Maaike Jaspers | Theme by: Theme Horse | Proudly Powered by: WordPress | | memory, portrait, ink, automatic, draw | 0 | | 99Travels is opgericht in 2013. Wij zijn erkend door de International Air Transport Association (IATA). Wij zijn een jong en dynamisch bedrijf. 99Travels beschikt over een breed assortiment en onze reisaanbod wordt dan ook steeds… | | holiday, asia, swiss, northern, egypt | 0 | | …in both English and Dutch. They are given by both Medical Doctors, Veterinarians and Thechnicians. The Thermography Center is located in Epe, The Netherlands. It is approximately one hour from Amsterdam Airport. Let us know if you need any | european association, association thermology | imaging, infrared, veterinary, doctor, veterinarian | 0 | | …and I currently work as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Consultant at The HEINEKEN Company for the Dutch Retail market. Besides that, I help small and medium-sized enterprises with developing their business strategy and… | study association, association marug, association run | strategist, logistics, economic, buy, grade | 0 | | WICCA is a dynamic community of women in cybersecurity based in The Netherlands. Our mission is to inspire and empower women in the field while spreading cybersecurity knowledge to all. With over 1000 members, we collaborate with… | community association | woman, circle, worth, embrace, inclusion | 0 | | Events… Board… Committees… Declaration Form… Register… Well-Being… Webshop… | study association, association industrial | study, industrial, committee, declaration, internship | 0 | | all kinds of companies and suppliers who do their bit. We have agreed together that as employers we want to take good care of the employees who work on our island and how we contribute to a bright, happy and healthy future for hospitality… | partner association, association hospitality, information association | employee, hospitality, entrepreneur, membership, island | 0 | | TA-denhaag focuses on development of individuals and groups by means of Transactional Analysis (TA ). TA is a model which provides insight into the individual personality, interpersonal relationships and communication. | dutch association, association transactional, european association, analysis association, association itaa | transactional, analysis, calendar, interpersonal, relationship | 0 | | …Darmstadt music summer schools for several years, later as a lecturer. From 1954 to 1964 Koenig worked in the electronic music studio of West German Radio in Cologne, assisting other composers (including Stockhausen, Kagel… | taz association, association studio | composition, electronic, composer, string, piece | 0 | | …is not only a cosy meeting in the field of ecumenical sharing - it is a painful process of wrestling, of confromtation. When it comes to preaching the Gospel and to confessing Christ today, we can only do it in an intercontextual way. | article association | theology, institute, overview, study, registration | 0 | | Hi everybody!! We are Leanne, Niek, Roisin, Dana, and Nine! We are this year’s Almanak Committee! For those that don’t know, at the end of the year the Almanak gets handed out with a recap of everything that has happened in… | student association, association groningen | committee, aegee, introduction, hitchhike, structure | 0 | | …built a Guinness World Record winning game controller, a competition winning monitoring platform and an home IoT solution. He works as an engineer at Ricardo Rail as an EMC and IT expert, specialized in system interfaces, conducted… | resident association, association balpol | equivalent, present, minor, industrial, electrical | 0 | | …create an interactive and informative day for students and businesses. The masterclasses and workshops offer the opportunity to introduce students to the companies. Multiple companies and students experience an unforgettable day together! | study association, association tema | tema, conference, committee, study, career | 0 | | …Insect Impact and Sprout. Since this is all about learning and can be hard sometimes, Enactus functions as a guide that organizes weekly workshops and seminars for the development of our members and their impact-driven enterprise… | | enactus, committee, partnership, career, join | 0 | | Association… Trainings… Exams… Exam Requirements… | | exam, requirements, flexible, shape | 0 | | More than Events is an organizational office that is occupied with events, conferences and study trips in mainly the health care sector. | association management | events, conference, study, inspiration, enthusiasm | 0 | | …goal of the legislation was "to accelerate development in Papua to increase the welfare of the people in Papua, especially indigenous Papuans." In this website we only use the name Papua or Papua Indonesia, meaning all five provinces… | | species, guinea, indonesia, island, butterfly | 0 | | Students aged 11 till 19 are welcome in our Secondary School. Every year around 600 young people from all over the world attend UWC Maastricht Secondary School to work together towards peace and a sustainable future. | parent association | uwc, programme, classroom, residence, secondary | 0 | | UTmost… Home… Combo… Commissies… Media… Contact… contact… Word lid / Join our… | | utmost, collaboration, translate | 0 | | The Louis Kalff Institute is the heritage centre for industrial design, located in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. We focus on the conservation and management of endangered industrial design heritage. These materials are (digitally) made… | | industrial, institute, later, heritage, bey | 0 | | A series of 40 bronze sculptures "You’re not alone" in commission of the foundation Leendert Vriel, Enschede, Netherlands. This foundation provides health care to people with terminal deceases. The first sculpture was unveiled on April 2… | art association, association limit | exhibition, ceramic, newspaper, sculpture, publication | 0 | | You can plan your lessons flexibly. Also in the evenings and on weekends! Do not wait any longer and request a trial lesson directly online. This way you can see how we teach and whether you like the method. When purchasing a comfortpackage | | lesson, exam, motorcycle, license, practical | 0 | | Workshops… Wat is hofdansen?… Commissies… Contact… Webshop… commissies… Lees… | | dance, committee, schedule, court, membership | 0 | | …in 1997 I have dealt with a wide variety of subjects, but my focus is on music history, music publishing and music press. I'm pressed by music and impressed by music. This feeling was the inspiration for the company name in English:… | publisher association, association vmn | career, society, publication, feel, fascination | 0 | | The best way to learn more about our club is to join a few trainings! Afterwards, you can decide if you want to become a member of the EUR-Roadrunners. Whether you are running for fun, competition, fitness, or just want to get to know… | | committee, tradition, run, dinner, benefit | 0 | | Porta Employment Agency is a professional and dynamic employment agency with activities in the metal industry since 2007, but also made his mark in other branches. | trade association, association nbbu | porta, vacancy, employee, employment, personnel | 0 | | …GMM Minutes… Committees… Committee Experiences… Activities Committee… | study association, association chemistry | committee, ice, study, dinner, tournament | 0 | | …market and position ourselves as a reliable supplier in the field of oils, lubricants and greases that guarantees quality and inviting dealer prices. The modern laboratory provides not only extensive quality control of our lubricants… | asean association, association european | select, catalogue, oil, lubricant, territory | 0 | | After a brief interruption, the FMF is proud to announce that we have partnered with WO4YOU to once again provide our members with textbooks for your courses at a 15% discount. We offer textbooks for the bachelor programmes in (applied)… | | calendar, study, exam, join, career | 0 | | The ICS PhD program is designed for graduates in sociology or related disciplines who would like to acquire a PhD degree and pursue a scientific career. We hire graduates in social, behavioral, and economic sciences and in some cases… | | phd, theory, methodology, vacancy, sociology | 0 | | CopyShop The Hague focuses on the business market in the Beatrixkwartier and in the The Hague region. We realize that offices have their own printing facilities and often have a paperless policy. However, there may be a need for… | association foundation | hague, paper, copy, thesis, presentation | 0 | | Home… The Association… Become a member… Statutes and HR… The board… Previous… | | statute, schedule, committee, hall, introduction | 0 | | …Policy… Donations… Committees… Committee Application… Committee Cup… | association document | committee, foreign, archive, career, membership | 0 | | There is not enough money for research on this group. This is why the CAA Foundation was established, to remove this unnecessary ticking time bomb from many lives. | patient association | disease, bomb, background, purpose, composition | 0 | | Verifying your age can be time consuming and inconvenient. With VerifyMyAge your customers can re-authenticate themselves using their VerifyMyAge account across all websites and services using VerifyMyAge. | trade association, association uk | verification, seamless, adult, assurance, seller | 0 | | …is important that the measured results are 100% reliable. Diatesse stands for attention, certainty and technically advanced products to make living with diabetes reliable, clear and as comfortable as possible. Diatesse provides certainty… | diabetes association, association netherlands | certainty, blood, additional, ketone, device | 0 | | as few things as possible with you and put your essentials away in your bag or jacket pocket; Before and after the treatment I wash my hands and forearms with disinfectant soap; Contact points such as the door handles, doorbell and… | | treatment, therapist, reflexology, parent, insurance | 0 | | © 2024 RS Aero Klasse Organisatie BE-NL. Created for free using WordPress and Kubio | class association, association belgian | join, sailor, belgian | 0 | | Combining forces. With the goal of supplying the whole world and also anticipating customers' changing demands. In 1996, that was the motivation for 28 freesia growers to combine forces. Together the growers decided to sell their freesias… | | freesia, grower, origin, assortment, motivation | 0 | | On Saturday the 1st of May, a small but determined demonstration made its way through the centre of The Hague. Around 30 people participated in the unannounced anarchist 1st of May demonstration with the slogan “we don’t want to be… | free association | solidarity, demonstration, july, principle, fund | 0 | | Domselaer Art Management offers various services in the field of classical music: artist management, fund raising, marketing. Founder: Marco van de Klundert | | raise, classical, founder, fund, violin | 0 | | OOIDESIGN brings concepts to life | Amsterdam | dutch association, association film | skin, conference, malt, institute, animation | 0 | | Lacoste songs… Part of FOSST… Documents… Board… History of our board… | | committee, competition, tournament, song, calendar | 0 | | NIDI is the national demographic research institute. NIDI conducts leading, high-level scientific research in the broad field of population studies thereby also contributing to solving societal challenges. The research is organized around… | population association, association america | population, retirement, migration, infrastructure, demographic | 0 | | Ship’s equipment, ship’s spare parts, Marine Spare parts, Marine Technical Services, Reconditioned equipment spare parts | service association | ship, spare, repair, supply, logistics | 0 | | Scotch Cask Strenght-, Scotch Single Cask -, Scotch Single Malt Limited Editions -, Scotch Lost-, Scotch Demolished Distilleries & Collectables, sometimes the Last of a Kind and never Interchangeable can take between one and three Hours… | | malt, distillery, isle, port, distiller | 0 | | It's a commitment... we work responsibly, taking into account all aspects of viticulture, from vineyard to wine, as sustainably and organically as possible, with the belief that this is the only way to make healthy beautiful wine, and not… | professional association | unlimited, wine, organic, france, vineyard | 0 | | Register as a provider or requester without obligation. Place a call yourself or look around at the questions that are open or view the providers. | | volunteer, reliable, aid, manual, request | 0 | | Our Purpose… OGE in Europe… Overview Sustainability… Economy… Equal treatment… | partnership association | overview, hydrogen, apprenticeship, publication, capacity | 0 | | Ready to round of this academic year’s courses? 📚 Been bugging your head over statistics for a while? 📊 Worry no more! Join SPIL’s block 4 Study Groups in Leiden or The Hague and we’ll help you crunch numbers without error 💡 (and with… | study association, association political | committee, calendar, career, study, commissioner | 0 | | What exactly is mechanical support for the heart? It is called Support Heart, LVAD, and sometimes even artificial heart (although the latter name is factually incorrect). Click on the photo for more information. | patient association, association phlt | archive, congress, implantation, failure, slider | 0 | | We are a professional organisation representing about 100 foreign journalists who cover the Netherlands for foreign media. | press association, association netherlands | foreign, yearbook, statute, winner, associate | 0 | | The use of the term Outsider Art permits a broader framework describing the work of physically or mentally challenged artists, homeless artists as well as Street Art . | art association, association child | appreciation, intensity, margin, colour, figurative | 0 | | After the success of last year, the second edition of Frontrunners Festival is coming this year! We will be back at Lijm & Cultuur in Delft on May 30th. Get your tickets now! | | career, frontrunner, advisor, study, registration | 0 | | …About Us… GMA Documents… Privacy policy… Refund policy… Shipping policy… | | asian, committee, position, trustee, partners | 0 | | We are happy to help your volunteer center, company, social organization and charity to make doing good better. From platforms for more voluntary commitment to inspiring campaigns and creating a do good movement. | foundation association, association client | volunteer, nearby, flexible, animal, difference | 0 | | …players. Do you want to develop yourself quickly from a beginner to a pro? We organize weekly training for the low level and monthly training for the mid and high level. However, the main goal of USBF is to get together once a week for a | | schedule, studenten, rule, internal, monday | 0 | | …Security and my main interest is in the latter part. Things I like to do are going to the gym, hanging out with my friends and writing code that "does stuff". Most of the time I'm writing web applications, either for a client or just for… | umbrella association, association olympus | career, degree, treasurer, computing, stuff | 0 | | After a period of nagging pain in my lower back, I searched Google to find out what I could do about this and who could help. That’s how I ended up at Chirowell. After the treatments, and with the advice from Dr. Asha Prasad, I started… | | treatment, pain, chiropractic, symptom, complaint | 0 | | Renteh position itself as technology integrator and investor. Our competitive advantage is local knowledge and expertise, global cutting edge technologies and financing. From sustainable business idea to fully permitted project and… | | efficiency, industrial, principle, carbon, waste | 0 | | Date: June 21 2024 Venue: IAS Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Organizer: RPA-PMH community Tag: 2024 Acta Amsterdam Community Connecting IAS Institute for Advanced Studies Interdisciplinarity Live event Meeting Microbiome Friday Peers… | | microbiome, friday, infrastructure, modulation, internship | 0 | | The Senate's main duties are in the legislative field, but it also plays a role in scrutinising the actions of the Government. Formally the Senate can only reject or accept legislation. In practice, however, it has rather more… | | senate, bill, representative, eerste, government | 0 | | Bella Vivere's puppies are bred according to the Kynological Regulations of the Dutch Kennel Club. | | breeder, al, regulation, chase, village | 0 | | Evolucio Hubs: Get-together in London | | reunion, october, career, cafe, volunteer | 0 | | This news item is of an important update regarding our Annual Summer Event that was originally… | business association, association nhkba | upcoming, staff, aim, objective, federation | 0 | | About 2 years ago I was sitting at home, debating what you may be debating now- should I apply to the Lugus board? And now, looking back after having completed a board year at Lugus, I... | | period, committee, competition, career, introduction | 0 | | time now. The last edition of the booklet Coverage Indications for safes & safe doors dates back to June 2001. Many products that have received a SAFE indication after this date are questionable because the manufacturer has done this… | system association, association essa | rate, anchor, grade, door, indication | 0 | | Aalsmeervoorelkaar is the platform for volunteer work and neighborly assistance in the municipality of Aalsmeer. You will also find a lot of information here about volunteer work and everything that comes with it. | | volunteer, learning, flexible, directly, vacancy | 0 | | Flanor is a literary student society in Groningen. The English website is under construction. Information pages are still being translated, but the news page is functioning and so is the blog page. Stay tuned for the whole English website! | student association, association flanor | literary, lecture, interested, commissioner, secretary | 0 | | Interested in the field of finance, accounting or consulting? Kickstart your career now! Easily find a job, internship or traineeship at one of the 100 employers on the Financial Career Platform. This platform is especially focused on… | study association, association rotterdam | cycle, profile, career, study, telephone | 0 | | Typography… News… Home… Blue / Orange… Lightgreen / Orange… Lilac / Blue… Grey… | | orange, grey, balance, typography, lilac | 0 | | Technologies: Azure Service Bus, Azure Web Jobs, Azure Web Apps, MVC5, EF6, Azure SQL | | azure, architecture, task, analysis, integration | 0 | | Place an order now and receive the documents within 2 days (free domestic delivery) | article association | certificate, copy, payment, trade, registry | 0 | | December 02, 2023… No comments:… May 16, 2023… April 16, 2023… March 06, 2023… | tagsport association, association ahead | february, king, leader, monday, independence | 0 | | Our student-centered initiatives are open to all, allowing members to improve their personal and professional skills. | asah association, association student | heritage, african, upcoming, summit, benefit | 0 | | We are committed to “unity in diversity” recognizing all members of African heritage and everyone interested in the African culture. | student association, association tilburg | african, diversity, commit, integration, unity | 0 | | STUDY QUESTIONS View More COMMITTEES View More ACTIVITIES View More Interested in studying in Groningen? Our team is here to | student association, association groningen | committee, hellenic, greek, study, interested | 0 | | The online registration of attendants is an important part of organising an event. Whether you are organising museum visits, training and workshop attendants or strawberry picking on a local farm. By using Tixxy you can organise the… | | registration, config, description, attendant, rate | 0 | | I started urban exploration in 2005 and my main goal is to capture the beauty of abandoned places. | form association, association urban | urban, exploration, target, rule, hazard | 0 | | Tropical butterflyhouse. Small zoo with jungle animals like butterflies, crocodiles, parrots, insects and reptiles. Contact us for more information in English! | garden association, association dier | animal, butterfly, tropical, crocodile, reptile | 0 | | An IB school looks at the development of the whole child and at what kind of people the world needs. Therefore, the IB aims to educate caring and knowledgeable young people who want to and can contribute to a better and more peaceful… | | toddler, hague, frequently, vacancy, parent | 0 | | …cherish their health and continuously work towards a healthy lifestyle. Through our unique style of Chiropractic care , UMOYA is contributing towards a healthier community — one person and one well-functioning nervous system at a time. | chiropractors association, association nca, pediatric association, association icpa | chiropractic, healthy, functional, integration, consultation | 0 | | Last year a new concept was introduced to stimulate committees to start innovative and sustainable initiatives: Gezelschap Leeghwater’s very own Dragons’ Den! Committees can file a request for financial compensation for innovating their… | study association, association mechanical, master association | career, dragon, committee, overview, study | 0 | | Metal is everywhere. Our specialists repair the surface at any location! We go everywhere in the Netherlands and beyond. Because where metal preservation is needed, NESTcoat is. | homeowner association, association property | maintenance, repair, metal, quotation, request | 0 | | Next to playing handball we also have a lot of activities such as our monthly drinks at the Klooster, drinks after practice, (beach) tournaments , parties , dinners, fun games and much more! | handball association, association dshv | handball, committee, practical, tournament, competition | 0 | | China Vacuum Stuffer,Vacuum Filler,Sausage Making Machines,Meat Processing Machines,Precision Casting Parts,Supplier & Manufacturer & Factory,offer Hot Dog Making Machines for customers. | meat association, association helper | vacuum, sausage, meat, processing, industrial | 0 | | MVO is committed to oils and fats in a sustainable world, is partner in achieving a balance between People, Planet and Profit and represents 95% of companies in the Netherlands that are active in the production, processing and trade of… | | oil, fat, profit, planet, animal | 0 | | …have been involved in the realization of 1000+ MW of wind power, both onshore and offshore, both small and large, from T&I to EPCI and Turnkey in Europe, Africa and the Americas, both on contractor’s side as well as on employer’s side. | windenergy association, association nwea | contractor, renewable, collar, position, africa | 0 | | MARUG can also be of service for your organisation. Want to know more? | marketing association, association university | candidate, internship, intelligence, relation, membership | 0 | | Because of Neessen’s craftsmanship, knowledge and historical involvement in the market, they grow the best varieties of strawberry and asparagus plants. We strive for optimum customer satisfaction. | | variety, hydrangea, strawberry, asparagus, grading | 0 | | Over DAIR… Statuten… Seminar 2024… Seminarcommissie 2024… Archief… Seminar… | dutch association, association institutional | institutional, slide | 0 | | All About Expats is the specialist for Highly Skilled Migrants. A one-stop-shop for employers, intermediairs and Highly Skilled Migrants | | skilled, highly, immigration, expat, sponsorship | 0 | | The specialist in dermatology, plastic surgery, gynaecology and urology. Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon, Gynaecologist and Urologist in Maastricht. | | surgery, urologist, dermatologist, surgeon, urology | 0 | | Register without obligation as a care provider or help seeker. Place a call yourself or look around at the help requests that are open or view the help providers. | | volunteer, request, repair, cafe, exercise | 0 | | An international North Sea strategy will be required to mitigate key barriers when developing cross-border systems integration. One North Sea has identified two well-known and significant barriers for the North Sea energy transition… | hypos association, cell association, association scottish | hydrogen, demonstration, storage, electrification, north | 0 | | Bart de Goeij is an all-round change manager with multilingual written and verbal communication skills. He is passionate about leading change that benefits all stakeholders. The finest compliment he ever received was that he has a perfect… | | sweden, dutchman, january, proficiency, leadership | 0 | | We provide expert legal advice for any dispute, claim or problem within the shortest possible time frame. | | dispute, maritime, tariff, fee, effective | 0 | | Wondering what you can do with a sustainable energy and technology degree? How are companies tackling the energy transition? And how can you get in touch with these companies? Join our career event on the 13th of September to find out! | | career, thesis, internship, ahead, august | 0 | | …Thirza Coach… Stefan Coach… Jade Nationals Season 7 Diamond 1e Plaats Tijdens | weightlifting association, association junior | season, movement, weightlifting, opex, gymnastics | 0 | | For example, research into patient experiences, writing and publishing a children's book, developing educational materials and a teaching package about skin. This requires listening, to the target group, experts and patient representatives. | president association, association ichthyosis | patient, skin, tiger, condition, scientific | 0 | | …horse without rider. The horse has its tombstone in the garden of Kasteel Amerongen. In the second world war, when horses were requisitioned by the German occupier, Elisabeth managed to hide two riding horses in the basement of the castle. | artist association | horse, role, leave, th, rider | 0 | | Parcival competes in races such as the Tilburg Ten Miles, the Kruikenloop and Dutch National Student Championships (NSK’s)! | association document | schedule, conduct, confidential, exclusive, friendship | 0 | | …As President of the Dutch Áffiliate, the ‘Vereening voor Vrouwenkiesrecht´ (the Society for Women’s Voting Rights), she consulted her members and proposed to organize a Congress on peace in the Netherlands, a neutral country in… | | woman, peace, nation, commission, conference | 0 | | in jail and private practice settings. Chelsie attended an Intensive International Training through the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) in the Netherlands in 2018 and has participated in and led NVC workshops internationally… | | nonviolent, connecting, empathy, arabic, introduction | 0 | | 2003 - Elderly people recount their pasts on line; this site links their stories together by using shared keywords. A hierarchical navigation is not necessary; the site generates links to matching stories. Stories are added continuously… | housing association, association ymere | interactive, naples, east, past, interaction | 0 | | About… About StOP… The Board… Previous Boards… Activities… Overview… | association faculty, member association | faculty, overview, congress, report, booklet | 0 | | Welcome to the platform for volunteer work of the municipality of Rotterdam. On Zorgzaam010 you can easily and safely find something that suits you: from volunteer (work) to doing good in your own way. Everything with which you make… | | volunteer, flexible, request, walk, frequently | 0 | | Van Mansvelt, J.D. & B. Pedroli (2005): Landscape, identity and integrity. Towards sound knowledge, awareness and involvement. In: Proceedings Third Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention… | dynamic association, association present | landscape, agriculture, council, agricultural, guest | 0 | | …April 24, 2024. During this week all kinds of fun activities will be organised for and by students in Nijmegen, so save the date! This year we support Kamers met Aandacht and Club Kakatua. Click below to read more about our charities! | commissioner association | charity, commissioner, programme, secretary, treasurer | 0 | | Amplitia comes from the Latin amplio and literally means to magnify, multiply, improve. And this is how we approach happiness at work. For the individual, for the team and for the organisation as a whole. For us, employee happiness is… | | happiness, literally, satisfaction, employee, highly | 0 | | Versteeg Wigman Sprey helps our clients with their daily concerns. We take stress off your hands. We don't run away when things go badly. | association owner | lawyer, law, struggle, concern, liability | 0 | | Van As Advocaten is an independent, full-service law firm. Since its start in 1976, the sole proprietorship established by Pieter van As, LL.M., grew into a prestigious medium-sized law firm. Van As Advocaten operates throughout the… | sector association | law, staff, rate, independent, firm | 0 | | Had an excellent relocation where Lagerberg took a lot of worries off my hands. Nice and capable people from Lagerberg. The whole process ran smoothly. I would use them again for a move. | trade association, association erkende | relocation, storage, fleet, removal, assignment | 0 | | Arnoud Boot is professor of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets at the University of Amsterdam and fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He is research fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research… | position association | paper, biography, journal, publication, economic | 0 | | …Firm of the Year" in the Large category. This highly prestigious award is given annually to companies that guide merger & acquisition processes. Qualification for the title takes place on the basis of the number of successfully guided… | | merger, takeover, acquisition, restructuring, valuation | 0 | | Contact… september 29… | farmer association, association philippine | pastry, philippine, cocoa, female, farmer | 0 | | …in a casual style. Capturing character, emotions and spontaneous moments is the trademark of PICS. This can include (corporate) events, photo reports, wedding photography, funeral photography, (professional) portraits and family photos. | | wedding, funeral, pic, portrait, photographer | 0 | | English - Coaching, regressietherapie, reïncarnatietherapie, massage, guasha en healing in Amsterdam | earth association, association regression | therapy, regression, uit, retrieval, soul | 0 | | CFA Society Netherlands offers the MiFID II stay compliant program , aimed at keeping professional competence up-to-date | | society, investment, publication, membership, stay | 0 | | Bernoulli… Honorary members… Brothers and sisters… My Profile… Pictures… Study… | | committee, study, chemistry, abroad, recommendation | 0 | | The Sparkling Orange team consists of Pauline Siemers and Lienke van Santvoort. Together we have more than 20 years of experience in the world of PR, communication, events and sports marketing. There was a direct click and sparkling… | | orange, sparkle, woman, successful, athlete | 0 | | …Westbroek in The Hague and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Actively keeping track of developments in my areas of expertise, I aim to provide legal advice of the highest quality. At the same time, application of the law is not an end in… | dutch association, association information | law, attorney, commerce, relationship, cooperation | 0 | | Companies change constantly, just like the VAT rules. The difficulty is often to translate the VAT rules into the business processes of your company in a clear and simple way. | dutch association, association tax | know, want, rule, tax, task | 0 | | …to make good use of the lower corporate income tax rate in the innovation tax box. I produce the requisite functional analysis of the business process and assist in the discussions with the Tax Administration to get an advance tax ruling. | dutch association, association tax | tax, innovative, internationally, law, llm | 0 | | …people, partnerships and limited liability companies alike. We do this in either the Dutch or English languages. We are here to help, you will be fully in control of your Dutch tax situation and not leave any tax advantages… | dutch association, association tax | tax, administration, rule, expat, situation | 0 | | VNG International are experts in strengthening democratic local government in developing countries and countries in transition. Local governments play a key role in the provision of basic services including water, waste management, health… | | government, municipality, democratic, citizen, hague | 0 | | Kuiters idea and organisationis a professional event and conference organiser for international conferences, corporate events and festive gatherings. Kuiters delivers surprising concepts with an original interpretation and oversee the… | association conference | conference, anniversary, festive, customize, innovative | 0 | | Home… Events… Gallery… About… Contacts… About Us… Know More… Know more… Donate… | cultural association, association ohm, association non | cultural, bengali, know, profit, socio | 0 | | My primary focus is on web services. Building, maintaining and hosting content management systems a la Joomla! and Wordpress. | | know, want, joomla, particular, sufficient | 0 | | Social entrepreneurship has a positive impact on your company and business operations. So there is every reason to increase your social impact this year on the one hand and to help organizations on the other. VWC-BUUV can help you with… | | volunteer, municipality, neighborhood, refugee, neighbour | 0 | | I gained experience as a dietician working at the dietetics departments at the BovenIJ and OLVG hospitals. In 2014 I started as an independent dietician in Surinam. Additionally, I am a visiting teacher at the Medical Science Institute in… | dutch association, association dietitian, surinamese association, celiac association, association ncv | dietician, profile, nutrition, dietetic, hospital | 0 | | …want to see in the minutes. Your wishes determine form and content. Do you need a brief summarising report or are arguments also important? Are the different perspectives of the attendees essential for their adherents? That is why we… | | report, rate, wish, perspective, attendees | 0 | | Documents… All… Back to top… | faculty association, association rotterdam | faculty, economic, gap, theory | 0 | | Join us… Communication… Pictures… Contact us… Game… | shoot association, association superschot | introduction | 0 | | Artist based in Amsterdam. Sculpture and printmaking, monotype and cyanotype. Illustration specialized in health care. | aoi association, association illustrator | illustration, printmaking, sculpture | 0 | | About us… Our objective… Our history… Members and Executive… Retirement… | article association | report, annual, objective, executive, retirement | 0 | | PandID - Your appendages and instrumentation supplier - PandID - Your appendages and instrumentation supplier | company association | instrumentation, supplier, machinery, piping, valve | 0 | | Magical Eggs & Orbs. It's quite a delicate endeavor, as not every egg successfully progresses beyond the initial 24 hours. To create the optimal conditions for hatching, we rely on your assistance! Warm us with your love, your hopes and… | | egg, magic, miniature, dragon, magical | 0 | | After every AID period, we organise free introduction trainings to come try out squash! These introduction trainings are free and you don't need sports rights! | student association, association wageningen | ballistic, introduction, committee, rule, confidential | 0 | | Econometrics and Mathematical Economics Secretary of the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research (NWO-Ecozoek) | president association, association canadian | economic, paper, treasurer, econometrics, visit | 0 | | Santos Investigation Agency, your partner for corporate investigations. Check out our services and contact us without obligation. We are happy to help. | | investigation, fraud, evidence, investigator, sick | 0 | | Klocus is founded to unite students from all over the university to play klonkieball while also improving their skills. We host a monthly training where you can learn all the skills that are necessary to win klonkieball. Besides that you… | klonkieball association, association utwente, association university, association document | rule, tournament, join, upcoming, busy | 0 | | Translation bureau Urgent Vertalen is a specialized translation bureau for sworn translations. If you need a translation for purposes abroad, your sworn translation must be legalized. Legalization taken care of by translation bureau… | article association, association translation | translation, urgent, legalization, rate, translator | 0 | | …in the Netherlands that prioritizes movement at the core of every training session. Through the synthesis of his expertise, skills, and esteemed status, Errol Esajas continues to leave an indelible mark on the athletic community and the… | | injury, achievement, prevention, movement, athlete | 0 | | ASaP is the reputable provider of analytical solutions; We can provide you with a full-service package, including engineering, manufacturing, software development , offshore service , gas analyzers , system integration , and cutting-edge… | fhi association, association federation | analyzer, analytical, probe, measurement, maintenance | 0 | | Transitioning from Primary to Senior School is a significant step in our children’s educational journey. It can be an exciting yet anxious period for young learners. Going to a new building, meeting new people, creating new friendships… | | admission, exam, programme, early, holiday | 0 | | …the process of searching and finding a house and made it extremely easy for us. Sander used to not only advise on buying house but also physically visit the shortlisted houses and help us make very informed and financially sound choices. | trade association, association adfiz | mortgage, insurance, purchase, assistance, advisory | 0 | | Oxin Growers likes short communication lines, values personal attention and offers custom-made solutions. This makes Oxin Growers the ideal partner for large and small growers and nurseries, for bulk produce and growers of speciality… | sustainable association | grower, pepper, tomato, pear, cucumber | 0 | | …holiday on the North Sea coast. Whether you love nature, culture, sports or relaxation, you will find it all in Egmond aan Zee. And of course you also want a nice place to stay during your holiday. That is why Egmond has a wide range of | overview association, association clubs | aan, dune, parking, village, binnen | 0 | | I am procedural artist specialized in procedural art and tool creation, mainly using Houdini. I make use of my art, programming and design knowledge gained as an Indie game development student in the creation of procedures. | student association, association committee | procedural, programming, creation, interest, apply | 0 | | What do we know about the new pension system and what information is important for you to know? | vgan association, association pensioner | funding, actual, retirement, scheme, august | 0 | | …Oceanis 37 Limited Edition… Bavaria 37 Cruiser… Bavaria 32 Cruiser… | | ship, recently, yacht, visit, shore | 0 | | T-Licht now has delivery options that can be changed in your personal profile settings . You can choose to have T-Licht sent to you digitally, to pick it up in the Japie room, or to have it delivered to your provided address. | alumni association, association document | lecture, career, exam, educational, committee | 0 | | This private session is consisting of variety of techniques and tools which we choose based on the blockages, negative beliefs and unwanted energies which are basically the main cause of client’s unpleasant experience (mostly unaware of… | international association, association holistic | spiritual, session, therapy, exceptional, soul | 0 | | Functional Flow Fitness & Wellness helps you achieve your fitness goals through a thoughtful and personal approach. The company originates from my passion for fitness and massage therapy. In my experience, combining these two can have a… | | functional, therapy, thoughtful, towel, pricing | 0 | | The goal of Ada is to maintain contacts between alumni from the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the TU/e. To accomplish this goal we organise one or more activities per year to keep in touch with your old study friends… | history association | origin, study, mathematics, additionally, department | 0 | | eduroam Visitor Access enables visitors of educational and research institutes to access the trusted eduroam network in a secure and user-friendly manner. | géant association | visitor, promotion, wi, fi, wireless | 0 | | …the conference is broadly oriented with regard to the various professional disciplines related to the conference topics. Based on the experience from previous Land Use and Water Quality conferences, it is just the diversity in… | international association, association hydrogeologists, vewin association, association dutch | conference, committee, denmark, programme, agriculture | 0 | | Amaryllis nursery N.L. van Geest B.V. specializes in the breeding of Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) and production of Amaryllis bulbs. The company is leading worldwide with its exclusive range and high quality standard. For more than 50 years, N… | association foundation | flower, nursery, exclusive, bulb, double | 0 | | As research assistent I worked for the Neuropsychology department and assisted in conducting multiple types of experiments (mainly eye-tracking). Participants in these experiments were mainly students, but also included doctors from the… | row association, association row | hospital, neuropsychology, interest, administration, responsible | 0 | | …at FSWeekend! With over 50 exhibitors and almost 5000 visitors every year, FSWeekend is the ultimate destination to discover industry innovations, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and embark on an aviation adventure like no other! | clubs association, association virtual | flight, simulation, aviation, sky, adventure | 0 | | EAPS is a non-profit, professional organization promoting population studies. As a unique international and interdisciplinary forum, EAPS has a special focus on Europe. | european association, association population | population, membership, study, demography, fertility | 0 | | Amateur rocketry : Designing, building and launching of amateur rockets. This class of rockets is the ultimate challenge for non-professional rocketeers. The challenge is to design and build the whole rocket, including motor and… | amateur association, association rocket, national association, association non | launch, rocket, campaign, sky, presence | 0 | | Portfolio… | music association | dribbble, strategist, illustration, creation, swiss | 0 | | Palga makes an impact through insight. By collecting, protecting, and providing pathology data, Palga plays a significant role in ensuring quality within healthcare. | article association | pathology, pathologist, healthcare, researcher, significant | 0 | | Use our state of the art techniques to register relevant information - fast and easy. | complex association, association easy | registration, football, prevention, injury, technique | 0 | | ReulingSchutte was founded in 2011 as the first firm in the Netherlands exclusively dedicated to business mediation. ReulingSchutte offers high quality, progress, and tailor-made solutions. The mediators affiliated with us have years of… | | confidential, arbitration, guidance, employment, investigation | 0 | | clients and antique book dealers. RNA is known for its high level of skill and passion for historical objects. Our expertises include bookbindings, art on paper, historic interiors and furniture of leather and parchment, and historical… | international association, association book | conservation, rna, paper, consultation, bespoke | 0 | | All rights reserved | Copyright 2011 - 2023 hardpapier - Rob de Jong | Member Association of Dutch Designers | | comics, american, sketch, warning, sign | 0 | | SIGNATURE Agri Investments is driven by our commitment to fight food insecurity, create climate resilience, and transform communities and economies through sustainable and innovative agriculture investments. | membership association | investment, signature, agriculture, climate, commitment | 0 | | DSCDA - Dutch Stock Car Drivers Association | | stock, driver, honour, roll, yellow | 0 | | We are the reliable partner for all types of (green) electricity in and around the company and in and around your home! | owner association | electric, reliable, electricity, electrician, installer | 0 | | Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post. | argh association, association riggers | secondary, related, archive | 0 | | In my general psychology-psychotherapy practice, I treat the most common psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems. | | psychotherapy, therapy, treatment, pain, chronic | 0 | | …10… Former Boards… Committees… Committee interest form… Advisory Council… | study association, association nanobiology | committee, council, internship, faculty, confidant | 0 | | …to creating objects with metal. It provided endless possibilities in balancing art, design, craft and continuity within a theme, based on personal growth and self-reflection in mind and spirit, making each work a intimate personal story. | | sculpture, metal, sphere, exhibition, continuity | 0 | | My name is Margriet van der Zee, I started Science Lines in 2021 to help you with your medical and scientific writing needs. I am a European Registered Toxicologist with over 20 years of experience in regulatory human health risk… | | scientific, writer, regulatory, grant, assessment | 0 | | Adriaan Reinink – interior architect, project manager and designer in music, theatre, opera & festivals | foundation association, association interior, association fundraising | interior, theatre, fundraising, dress, costume | 0 | | When it comes to renting furniture , you don’t need to look any further. As the first to rent out furniture in the Netherlands, we’ve gathered over a decade of experience. With two locations, not just in Groningen, but also in Amsterdam… | temporary association, association housing | furniture, package, household, table, dining | 0 | | We design, fabricate and deliver equipment. Not just any equipment. Bespoke, heavy and complex equipment for leading contractors in the global offshore energy industry. | | bespoke, contractor, heavy, phase, supplier | 0 | | …and give advise to housing corporations, asset and property managers, real estate funds and property developers when dealing with real estate development, realization, and real estate management. We also serve private individuals. | conflict association, association homeowners | estate, lawyer, property, housing, law | 0 | | …with the role of Manager and CEO. This combined experience has been exceptionally effective in giving her, a greater understanding of the support needed for both the position and the needs of CEO’s, as well and their Board of… | | partners, role, dynamic, position, exceptionally | 0 | | Interactive dashboards for teachers to track and predict the progress of their students | | fullstack, oct, entrepreneur, write, teacher | 0 | | A weekend that takes place twice a year, where HAI participants meet to organize and freely design a whole weekend together. By us – for us, with a lot of fun and creativity. The prerequisite for participation is attending a “Connecting… | | calendar, consent, wat, dinner, luck | 0 | | as the 1st Line Stroke Network Rotterdam . It is a network of specialized stroke care providers that work in your area. If necessary, the health care can be provided at your home. We provide the care you need to function in your daily live. | | stroke, frontpage, specialize, partnership, patient | 0 | | Hunting Combination… RIT… History… Hunting Pictures… | hunt association, association hunter | hunt, combination, ground, official, near | 0 | | Who are we?… Privacystatement… Board… Ex-Boards… Training… Summer training… | skate association, association netherlands | registration, confidentiality, officer, speed, cycling | 0 | | We train on Wednesday and Friday evening. Our trainings are given by experienced trainers, aimed at improving your volleyball game. Netzo offers different levels of training groups, depending on your skill level. Have you played for many… | | volleyball, tournament, competition, openness, skill | 0 | | © 2022 Balans Professional Organizing - Sierbloem 11 - 3068 AP Rotterdam - phone: +31-(0)10-4151049 - e-mail - disclaimer | | organize, residential, settlement, estate, introduction | 0 | | At our Dutch language and cultural courses in Eindhoven, you will meet like-minded individuals. Like you they are also from foreign countries and they will join you in the challenge of learning Dutch and about Dutch culture. | | conversation, practical, confidence, upcoming, lesson | 0 | | …started this padel school to make people happy with the game we love so much since 2018. NDLESS Padel is currently offering padel lessons at TV Meerhoven in Eindhoven. We hope to meet you soon on the court to play together. See you soon! | | lesson, endless, court, currently, registration | 0 | | One size fits all rarely leads to results. We provide customization, because each issue has a unique political-administrative context and force field. | | affairs, political, government, profit, civil | 0 | | Dear members, in March 2024 it is finally time for the annual ski trip again, and of course the preparations are well on their way. We have selected an amazing location for this year’s trip: LA PLAGNE! This beautiful ski-area, located in… | faculty association, association science, sister association, association gyrinus | internship, faculty, monday, october, rule | 0 | | Provides information on Kiribati Supports the Kiribati school for children with special needs For contacts between the Dutch and the I-Kiribati, friendship and mutual understanding | | friendship, understand, mutual, select | 0 | | We aim to combine the traditional highlights, such as a strong clinical program, the best scientific abstracts, keynotes and, of course, the Terpstra and Gerritzen Awards, into a nice and attractive whole. | dutch association, association study | study, membership, obesity, epidemiology, complication | 0 | | You get multiple discounts when you join humanity! From a tasty snack or drink at our favorite places downtown to a discount on your study books! | study association, association study, association enschede | humanity, study, committee, discount, educational | 0 | | …Nieuws & Weer… Events… Food and drink… Erop uit… Health… Jewellery… | sport association | career, estate, rent, swimming, jewellery | 0 | | Could you use an extra hand temporarily or regularly? Is your organization desperately looking for volunteers or suitable help for your client(s)? Submit a request for help and find someone who can help! | association foundation, nov association | volunteer, request, quickly, easily, reliability | 0 | | The human cloud connects automated services with human knowledge exchange. With our solutions for self-service portals , customer tracking systems and digital workplaces , we are creating space for human work. | housing association | embrace, housing, healthcare, government, library | 0 | | …blood donors and recipients, which we bring together in a clinic (medical partner) that allows the choice of blood donor. So, there is no blood bank with mRNA-free blood yet , not even with us. And, although we have already asked… | donation association, association right | blood, donation, edit, united, america | 0 | | Lineairtechniek ® made by Almotion is a brand name for the only Dutch manufacturer of Linear motion units. We offer a range of three product lines, OPEN series, SEMI-CLOSED series and MODULAR series. Our series are constructed from an… | | linear, file, motion, guide, producer | 0 | | …electrci shipping, rhenus, rhenus maritime services, rms, rhein maas, rheinmaas, rhein maas see, eurolog, low airdraft, low-airdraft vessel, aluminium products, transport, rhine, river, humber, goole, tharsis, high quality transport"> | royal association, association dutch | river, emission, vessel, maritime, environmental | 0 | | The Conscious Health School Amsterdam provides courses in the field of Energetic work, Healing, Awareness and Health. | leeuw association, association paul | conscious, awareness, energetic, calendar, registration | 0 | | …The word “green” has many different definitions. For the purpose of this website it is about nature and the environment, but also the economic vision is taken into account. In some cases economics are conflicting with the environment, | vuilraaptroep association, association litter | environmentally, money, republic, vanuit, litter | 0 | | Henri Goovaerts made this painting at the age of 15. In his biographical research, A. de Jong mentions an eve... | suringar association, association maastricht | catalogue, oil, ink, technique, dimension | 0 | | Study regarding the transition of university master’s programmes to the labor market | | negative, background, font, readable, accessibility | 0 | | Powderguides, the travel agency dedicated to the achievement of your perfect moment in the mountains, without forgetting the two fundamental pillars of security and respect for nature. | association powderguides, copyright association | mountain, guide, terrain, powder, guest | 0 | | Archief… Recommendation systems met association rules… Unsupervised Machine… | system association, association rule | artificial, intelligence, january, rule, recommendation | 0 | | By choosing to make a gift to the Amsterdam University fund you are supporting research, heritage conservation, student services or scholarships at the University of Amsterdam. | | fund, heritage, academic, facility, cultural | 0 | | Coolsculpting - the world's best non-invasive fat reduction technology. Coolsculpting Provider, 483 Herengracht, Amsterdam, 1017 | | fat, street, freeze, london, reduction | 0 | | 2005-2024 Kick-In Committee & iDB Committee , all rights reserved. Powered by Symfony and the Student Union . Your use of the Kick-In website & iDB is governed by our privacy policy . | | committee, practical, programme, exchange, parent | 0 | | AccountAble Chartered Accountants is a small-sized firm which is principally engaged in audits of medium-sized companies and (non-profit) organizations. | dutch association, association charter | accountable, tax, accounting, annual, efficient | 0 | | A native speaker of German based in the Netherlands, I have more than ten years' experience working for both private sector clients and public authorities such as the German government and the European Institutions. I work from German… | international association, association conference | conference, interpreter, interpretation, german, visit | 0 | | This is the overview website of MAF Group B.V., located in Vlaardingen, The Netherlands. Please select one of our company websites: | lithos association | mineral, overview, estate, alloy, sunrise | 0 | | All volunteering and do good activities are facilitated by NLvoorelkaar , the largest platform for volunteering and assistance. | | colleague, volunteer, profile, holder, outside | 0 | | …Are you more of a gamer and like playing Mario Kart or are you interested in E-sports? The you should visit Het Duivelsei! Whatever games you like, Het Duivelsei is the perfect place for all game fanatics around Leiden to come together. | | calendar, membership, secondary, terminology, committee | 0 | | research, consisting of both desk and field research, is conducted in the country of the company’s choice. For both students and companies SEC offers the perfect opportunity to explore new worlds! Interested in becoming the new board for… | study association, association rotterdam | consulting, firm, rsm, analysis, tailor | 0 | | The International Institute of Social Studies is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science: MA, PhD and research. | | phd, programme, institute, funding, scholarship | 0 | | For many years it has not been possible to accurately measure from a vessel wave height, wave directional spread, multi peak wave periods and predict short term windows of opportunity all at the same time. With Next Ocean's X-band radar… | | ocean, wave, motion, risk, operation | 0 | | 8.3 Renter must close and keep the Unit closed. The risk associated with the storage of the goods in the Unit is always and exclusively carried by Renter. Rentor is not liable for any (direct or indirect) damage to goods nor will Rentor… | storage association, association netherlands | storage, add, renter, rule, rental | 0 | | Developing Countries b.v., 10 Years experience in enterprise development consultancies and interim management in developing countries. Market research, pilot export sales, searching investors, project implementation in the South, for… | farmer association, association ufa | develop, enterprise, income, generation, south | 0 | | "The A la Kart Open" is a grand prix karting arrangement on the rental racing karts of Kartbaan Oldenzaal. Anyone… | karting association, association speed | introduction, speed, committee, calendar, uncategorized | 0 | | …Establishment, Legal issues and Business Immigration. This brochure describes the advantages and possibilities of the Dutch BV as the most popular entity to be used as a financing, holding or royalty company in international structures. | association membership | intercompany, formation, accounting, tax, foreign | 0 | | …together for years now. We handle business administrations, annual reports, payroll administrations, (corporate) income tax returns, fiscal matters and any other issue which may concern entrepreneurs and private individuals from a… | | administration, pricing, reference, conference, colleague | 0 | | …For members… Archives… Photos… My profile… My details… My photo… Change… | related association | committee, earth, career, honorary, related | 0 | | Geen zorgen als je nog geen regel code kan. Op TekkieWorden ontdek je welk beroep bij je past – en waar je de juiste skills leert. | | growth, analyst, factory, limited | 0 | | Interactive Future, 2017-2018, a collection about various predictions about the future. Made during my high school art classes. | | archive, interactive, scientific, curious, artistic | 0 | | (c) 2022 NDC | Ambachtsweg 27, 2641 KS PIJNACKER | T 015 2512020 | KvK 41146141 | netherlands association, association dive | dive, labour, contractor | 0 | | The Texas Railroad Commission revealed that the state set records for both oil and gas production in 2023. | trade association, association support | oil, mon, report, south, norway | 0 | | News… Events… Projects… Partners… About us… Board… Committees… Advisory Board… | | committee, advisory, discover, upcoming, rocket | 0 | | As an entrepreneur you naturally want to do business, but you also have to deal with many different things. Jans Company Law Firm takes the legal matters out of your hands so that they are properly arranged. In this way you can focus on… | netherlands association, association lawyer | law, firm, entrepreneur, employment, bankruptcy | 0 | | …To seize these opportunities effectively and efficiently, you are invited to the first edition of the Dutch Fusion Day. We will get acquainted with each other, be inspired by examples from abroad, set scientific priorities and explore… | | fusion, programme, registration, practical, presentation | 0 | | With Cannyon free WordPress theme you can easily combine components in a variety ways for different design projects. It's easy! | | affairs, paper, layout, executive, hunger | 0 | | At lifestyle Chiropractic in Noordwijk, everyone is welcome. Chiropractic care is for everyone. Chiropractic is safe, effective and natural and has helped millions of people get a better quality of life. | | chiropractic, technique, treatment, appointment, pricing | 0 | | …as Theory of Change, Business Model Canvas, strategic fundraising, and community based participatory research. As interim manager, Flowz supports change and development, always with attention for personal preference, without losing sight | international association, association facilitators, bar association, association rule | resource, effective, constantly, partnership, mobilisation | 0 | | Sanger IBCT is a consultancy and engineering company, always looking for the right solutions. We consult in both civil and architectural engineering. We’re creative, innovative and experienced in contemporary contracting… | housing association | innovative, constructive, contractor, prefabricated, housing | 0 | | The Dutch Game Awards 2024 will take place on October 3rd at Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid in Hilversum, and will feature an evening filled with networking opportunities. This 2024 edition has a total of 9 regular awards + 4… | | winner, nominee, october, rule, networking | 0 | | Natshoot members participate in Natshoot hunting and sports shooting related activities as their time allows them, and where it is most convenient for them to partake in said activities. | | join, hunt, firearm, dedicated, licensing | 0 | | Welcome to Hodak law firm. The firm provides high quality legal advice to the local business owners, international companies, the non-profit organizations and the individuals. Hodak specializes in handling complex case with a clear and… | | law, firm, tax, immigration, estate | 0 | | I’m committed to making digital products, services and experiences a little more enjoyable | | survey, commit, enjoyable, selection, efficient | 0 | | Specialists in debt collection and legal advice. Sturdy, transparent, reliable and decisive, with a feeling for the environment in which we work. We are invaluable in all stages of debtor management and collection. Amicable or judicial… | housing association, owner association | law, debt, estate, payment, vacancy | 0 | | BOISEN - For the Love of Place provide cities and regions with state-of-the-art advice on place marketing, place management and place branding. | | region, operation, stakeholder, evaluation, advisor | 0 | | An insurance premium is to be paid to the insurance company every month. The average premium is about 110 euro per month for basic health care. Needless to say, the insurance premium will increase or decrease based on your preferences and… | member association, association doctor | insurance, expat, healthcare, hospital, excess | 0 | | 614X2 Stone Island Marina - Heavy Cotton Jersey Garment Dyed 'Old' Effect Hooded Sweatshirt | | island, cotton, stone, garment, dye | 0 | | Every Monday during the lunch break. Warm drinks and snacks provided! Read more about it in the link below. | | membership, die, proceed, weekly, corner | 0 | | …project. Lucee 5 is not about dazzling new features but about improving the core language and providing a complete architectural overhaul of the engine which brings Lucee and CFML as a language to a whole new level of awesome! Read More | lucee association, association switzerland | rapid, installation, secure, administrator, default | 0 | | For questions, please feel free to contact us directly or via our contact form. Click here! | sister association | committee, dance, calendar, clothing, statute | 0 | | Are you looking for a coaching training programme where you learn the basics of coaching and counselling, or for a specialisation programme? At the ACC you can become the coach / counsellor that suits you best. | professional association | programme, classroom, recognition, accreditation, payment | 0 | | We provide regular live and virtual classes, but also often have drinks and do other fun activities together. Sign up and join the community to be part of our dance scene in Delft! We would love to have you be part of our growing community. | sister association | dance, committee, past, dynamic, upcoming | 0 | | Contribute to Hydrofiel via SponsorKliks. Go to our page and contribute to Hydrofiel FOR FREE! | member association | swimming, competition, birthday, membership, crawl | 0 | | The Republic of Chad is a country in North-Central Africa with an estimated population of 14 million. With a diverse culture and a developing economy, Chad is an interesting country for tourists and investors alike. | | chad, tourism, population, tourist, tradition | 0 | | …matters related to amongst others VAT, wage tax, dividend taxation and tax compliance. Our multinational group of companies requires a fast, effective and dynamic approach of our tax affairs and we find that all these requirements are met | | tax, income, rate, taxis, rule | 0 | | …let me become a fire fighter or policeman, I made up my mind and wanted to dive in the world of the World Wide Web. Hardcoding and scripting are my favourite things to do and I can build 'almost' everything what my mind can think or | | germ, advanced, stuff, fighter, fire | 0 | | “They made sure our message became an experience and while doing that, they paid attention to every detail.” | event association, association idea | handle, central, dredging, guy, proud | 0 | | Before you can use this functionality, please login first. If you don't have an account, register first at Dutch Birding. | | bird, functionality | 0 | | We’re lawyers, legal counsels and compliance specialists. Able to navigate you and your organisation in this complex and fascinating new world of data and tech; A world where humans are key. | | compliance, lawyer, counsel, fascinating, sweet | 0 | | …Film… Antegods Codeglue… Deep Monobanda… Aqua Dragons WorldAlive… | | adaptive, library, lake, absence, dragon | 0 | | Over the past 10 years I have specialized in energetic work, coaching and personal development. My field of work has deepened with systemic work aimed at providing insight into the energy and different dynamics within families and… | | bliss, thabo, systemic, session, therapy | 0 | | with any special needs (medical, behavioural, educational)? Do you want to make links with other families in the same situation? Then this site may be for you, whether you are new to the Netherlands or have been here for sometime already... | autism association, association overseas | educational, expatriate, behavioural, situation, expat | 0 | | Museum Prinsenhof Delft collaborates with multiple tour operators. Is your organization interested in setting up tours in our museum? Please contact our museum via email or phone. | rembrandt association, association member | parking, disability, admission, pass, exhibition | 0 | | Carstorage and Go, the most secure parking and storage facility on the edge of The Hague which is very well accessible from the A4-A12-A13. With ‘ 24/7 ′ monitoring, and the best facilities to keep your classic or modern sports car in its… | | pricing, hague, facility, storage, edge | 0 | | English and Italian speaking Psychologist for Expats in Amsterdam, Den Haag and Almere | psychological association, association membership | therapy, psychologist, psychology, function, cognitive | 0 | | …to awaken possibilities by empowering people to manifest their greatest ideals. These possibilities lay within all of us, and with the right approach, they can be awakened and used for the changes we wish to see in the world we live in. | | possibility, awaken, leadership, leader, session | 0 | | Personal Assistant - Allround OrganisersAllround Organisers | For Expats – For companies | dutch association, association professional | maintenance, organiser, administration, expat, laundry | 0 | | …the two national beer pong champions of 2018! During the national competition of beer pong, hosted by TMC on the 4th of March, 2018, two prominente representatives have shown the rest of the Netherlands how beerpong should be played. 'Vo! | root association | competition, forever, calendar, root, ear | 0 | | At the historical location CHV Noordkade in Veghel (located between Eindhoven and Den Bosch) we offer different activities; from an exciting escaperoom-experience in a 35-meter-high grain silo, to the spectacular Axe Throwing ! Combine… | association trip | dish, dinner, throw, birthday, amazing | 0 | | If you are looking for a Dutch tax advisor who is specialized in international tax law, ARTORIUS can help you. | association partner, professional association | tax, estate, accounting, visitor, appointment | 0 | | On this website we present the output of VR for Diversity: the VR experiences, the student projects, the academic papers and all the workshops, tutorials, presentations and news items that have been produced in the duration of the project. | ardin association, association interactive | diversity, academic, presentation, output, interested | 0 | | …and this is where we can really make a difference. Public funds require proper accountability. The same applies to grants. With our services, we help non-profit organizations stay in full financial control. In this way we do what we are… | | grant, internal, profit, advisory, risk | 0 | | …House rules… Photos… Coaching… JOIN… Shop… My account… Odin Shop… Basket… | association document | strength, section, rule, join, basket | 0 | | …in these areas. I have become 2 to 3 times as strong, sleep better and have already started body recomposition. I recommend Horizon Lifestyle to anyone who wants to live a healthier life in a fun, responsible and sustainable way! | | strength, schedule, healthy, nutrition, simply | 0 | | Once a month on Saturday we organise a one day workshop in Delft. For dates, have a look at the Dutch page . | ch'uan association, association netherlands | saturday, introduction, wednesday, thursday, correction | 0 | | PORTFOLIO… ABOUT… | | eastman, photographer, armour, responsible, artwork | 0 | | …tailored to the individual situation, to guide you towards profound and lasting change. By becoming aware of how you feel and how you would like to feel, you can find balance and enjoy the things that are important to you with energy. | professional association | session, balance, integrative, manner, aware | 0 | | Members please join our main Slack channel now and start interacting with our other members of the Bitcoin Embassy Amsterdam! Access to the slack channel is reserved for Full, Pro and Corporate Bitcoin Embassy members. Which Slack… | amsterdam association, association right | embassy, survey, networking, collaborative, central | 0 | | In 2022 the SKML section parasitology had developed the first an external quality assessment scheme for detection by DNA amplification methods of the protozoan parasite Acanthamoeba spp., which can cause serious eye infections (keratitis)… | professional association | scheme, publication, section, overview, executive | 0 | | Home… Current board… Former boards… Committees… Statutes & IR… GA Minutes… | study association, association linguistic | study, committee, statute, declaration, equity | 0 | | ANDI-normen… Effectmonitoring… Vraag aan… Lees meer over ANDI… Lees meer over… | visual association, association test | scale, inventory, assessment, depression, questionnaire | 0 | | …doors). With the right equipment and our expertise we can significantly improve your security. Locksmith Den Haag will protect you and your property from any risk or threat: burglary, break-in, damage, vandalism, theft and so on. | studio association, association etc | lock, locksmith, hague, cylinder, burglary | 0 | | DM is the perfect place to have fun while learning and experimenting with photography and film. Every week we plan a new and different activity which allows you to broaden your skills and test your creative boundaries. We also don’t shy… | article association | reservation, exhibition, annual, committee, boundaries | 0 | | TAFKAH's repertoire is - by far - the most extensive and diverse and grows every week! | | official, singer, wedding, exceptional, distinctive | 0 | | Browse the edited logbooks including new essays by researcher Sophie Krier, designers Gabriel A. Maher & Isabel Mager, artist Klaske Oenema, designer Erez Nevi Pana, producer Jeannette Petrik and museum director Guus Beumer here. | attese association | logbook, illustration, exhibition, ongoing, publication | 0 | | Please find below an overview of all inspiration images that you can download for free. | grower association, association disclaimer | collaboration, library, player, overview, inspiration | 0 | | …in the right place at the right time. Make clear agreements, hear stories, act elegantly. The Nea Wedding Planner School teaches you to practice the profession of Professional Wedding Planner, so that you can give bridal couples the best | | wedding, vocational, qualification, couple, bridal | 0 | | Thank you for your message. You will receive a response from us as soon as possible. | article association | knob, title, analysis, response, later | 0 | | This weekend I went on the sailing trip organized by the sports and games committee. Together with 41 fellow Stormers, we travelled to Sneek... | student association, association sustainability | committee, song, career, vacancy, sustainability | 0 | | Oegstgeest etc. She conducted research on Brain activity and Addiction and treated clients with EMDR and Neurofeedback. This was very successful. Recently and in the past Yoella was a lecturer at the University of Leiden in Psychopathology. | | psychology, clinical, brain, uw, psychologist | 0 | | I make information visual. Visual communication and information design through illustrations, infographics, and presentations. | member association, association dutch | visual, illustration, presentation, accessible, animation | 0 | | Thor is one of the few student sports clubs having their own club house, besides using the sports center facilities. Most of Thor’s social rugby culture takes place at our iconic boat: “De Voorwaarts”. Since 1995 this is the perfect… | | boat, join, membership, lady, competition | 0 | | The PPN strives to uphold quality in the Pilates industry and contributes to the responsible practice and teaching of Pilates in the Netherlands. PPN and its network embrace all accredited schools, approaches and styles. | | conference, teacher, membership, directory, annual | 0 | | I continued studying T'ai Chi at the cultural student center CREA, where Nellie Klabbers was teaching in the tradition of late Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo. After her death in 2006 I took over and a few years later I also started teaching (up… | ch’uan association, association nederland | lesson, movement, teacher, selection, posture | 0 | | The Rotterdam-Japan Club has as an objective the cultivation of friendly relations between senior Japanese and Dutch businessmen mainly in the Rotterdam area by being open to the mutual cultures, and for exchange of information. | article association | objective, japanese, mainly, exchange, cultivation | 0 | | DHRA – The Finals 2019 is canceled | | rod, registration, rule, overview, enterprise | 0 | | …and are looking forward to seeyou in Den Bosch on 23rd September 2023. The signups are open as of today and will be closed on 9th September. Be quick because the spots are limited. Stay tuned on this website and on our Instagram @hetzok. | | signup, august, dear, southern, limited | 0 | | …Fund for students from Ukraine… Raised €6,255 31% Reached Support the… | | graduation, emergency, ukraine, fund, nutrition | 0 | | Classical homeopathy is a mild, effective and natural healing method for physical, emotional and mental complaints, both acute and chronic. | homeopathic association, association complaint | homeopathy, animal, homeopathic, therapy, refund | 0 | | Club… About ESTTV Taveres… The Board… Become a member… Become a contributor… | | contributor, archive, introduction, competition, table | 0 | | Join one of our open days and discover whether the profession of Shiatsu therapist suits you. In one of our three studios you will meet teachers, students and Iokai Shiatsu therapists. With great enthusiasm they will tell you what it is… | | programme, therapist, study, introduction, guide | 0 | | The KITLV is a research institute about the past and present in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. KITLV aims to be a world-class research institute for the study of Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, with a focus on Indonesia and the… | member association | researcher, caribbean, climate, vacancy, institute | 0 | | SKU: legal document (sworn translation with stamp) Categories: Certified translations , Legal translations Tags: decision , certified , contract , did , legal , authorisation , procedural documents , court , judicial | article association, association sworn | translation, sworn, certificate, certified, marriage | 0 | | About… BREEAM… Wealth Management… Contact… Cookie disclaimer… Terms and… | housing association, association rochdale | asset, leaflet, wealth, request, urban | 0 | | Symposion offers student-led seminars. The students organising these seminars have a passion to teach the philosophies that resonated with them and enjoy embarking on a common pursuit of knowledge. The seminars allow you to explore new… | study association, association philosophy | committee, philosophy, study, athens, educational | 0 | | This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You can read more in our Privacy policy . | study association, association data, science association, association pattern | pattern, committee, calendar, vacancy, career | 0 | | ImpactCity supports startups & scale-ups in The Hague with a strong range of services and a large international network. Do business with impact, together with thousands of creative entrepreneurs. | | ecosystem, hague, capital, report, entrepreneur | 0 | | …Bookmakers… Engeland. Premier League… Chelsea 2-0 Bournemouth… Manchester | | town, united, woman, division, championship | 0 | | Instructor training with GM Kim at Kum Sarang Dojang (final training of Event 2023) | kumdo association, association kvk | introduction, invitation, registration, resource, connect | 0 | | © Copyright 2022 | fishcake | KvK 68944330 | +31619309152 | | fry, ecommerce, sick, society, handmade | 0 | | We are here for your music. If you write, compose or publish music. And if you use music for business success. BumaStemra ensures that music creators get the remuneration they deserve. Because music is invaluable, to all of us. | | connect, license, money, diversity, inclusion | 0 | | The CSF (Christian Student Faction) is the oldest party within the Wageningen Student Council. Since inception in 1972, our commitment has always been to positively influence the university’s policymaking process. In doing so, we combine… | | council, accomplishment, membership, library, interested | 0 | | transfer pricing, withholding tax and various miscellaneous taxes). Furthermore, she worked on transfer pricing and country by country reporting obligations in various countries and was involved in the quarterly tax closing process (tax… | dutch association, association tax | tax, october, economy, pricing, transfer | 0 | | Today Bakayoko celebrates his birthday. Now he is 21 years old. The Supportersclub of PSV congratulates ... | supporters association, association netherlands | birthday, chapter, join, overview, player | 0 | | …where international knowledge workers and their family members and international students and employers in the Arnhem-Nijmegen region are warmly welcomed and are made aware of living, working and learning in the region. Make an appointment | | appointment, practical, healthcare, expat, entrepreneur | 0 | | …world of communication, identity, information and money. Their function connected us to other people. At the same time we kept these symbols of communication hidden, close to our bodies, creating a form of intimacy. By transforming the… | artist association, association gallery | exhibition, presence, contemporary, publication, absence | 0 | | Copyright © 2022 Rose Leighton . Powered by WordPress . Theme: Esteem by ThemeGrill . | | august, october, july, january, february | 0 | | We would like to meet you and invite you to participate to a FT or HFT competition in the Netherlands. | | target, competition, lane | 0 | | JBMS is lid van Saganet, Simulation and Gaming Association Netherlands | gaming association, association netherlands | simulation, chain, supply, operation, op | 0 | | Participants: Coaches, staff and volunteers of sport clubs and sports organisations, who are interested and motivated to organise their sports club more inclusive and are willing to undertake activities in that direction. | sport association, association uisp, football association, association ireland | physical, minority, intervention, inclusion, initiative | 0 | | Web Applications, Integrations API, WordPress. I'm an IT professional with 7 years experience working for Dutch companies. | previous association | api, integration, enthusiasm, consultation, fully | 0 | | Scroll down to content… About… The event… Location… Committee… Photos… | study association, association fsa, association vsae | orientation, committee, study, october | 0 | | …Contribution… Sponsors… Contact… Find out more… Read more… New website | hockey association, association thor | standing, registration, regulation, try, contribution | 0 | | HMV Actis organizes different activities every year with as goal to reduce the distance between the members and the future business life. The board of HMV Actis can not organize all the activities by themselves and because of that, we can… | study association, association school | committee, study, vacancy, editorial, abroad | 0 | | We will design your website from scratch. With the PLUS package you will receive the following from us: a hosting, weekly back-ups and technical support and proper maintenance. We will ensure that your hosting and e-mailing services are… | | package, functionality, maintenance, variety, possibility | 0 | | …the Gypsy Kids consisted of Jimmy Rosenberg, Johnny Rosenberg, and Rinus Steinbach. They performed at the Django Reinhardt Festival in France and toured the U.S. To avoid a lawsuit by the Gipsy Kings, the Gypsy Kids changed their name to | memorandum association | registration, october, guitar, click, july | 0 | | …We operate in the city center of Haarlem and its immediate surroundings. Our listings are diverse; from energy-efficient homes, move-in ready houses, as well as properties for renovation. Curious how we can help you on your adventure? | | listing, sell, appraisal, valuation, housing | 0 | | On this part of the website you can read everything about modern archery and what it involves, or dive into the history of the bow. You can also learn everything about how to learn archery yourself. | archery association, association website | silver, interest, wonderful, joint, athlete | 0 | | This is the master activity DLF Whatsapp group! In this group the board and Master's committee will send updates for master activities. If you don't want to miss anything related to master students join the group! You can join the group… | study association, association physics, sister association | committee, guild, song, parent, table | 0 | | …Straps… Underwear… Bags… Contact… Gramicci Our finest outdoor brand Discover… | | glass, hat, mijn, tee, exclusive | 0 | | From the first day, I have enjoyed working in this industry when I was working with Vekoma and Spibox in the early years and today with Gerstlauer, Metallbau Emmeln and Lagotronics Project. Occasionally I also do projects by advising and… | international association, association amusement | ride, manufacturer, tradeshow, trade, visit | 0 | | …safely on our sites, this includes training, work instructions and information about hazards and incidents. If you work for a company active at our locations you can register for full access to the information available on this portal. | international association, association oil | requirements, prior, archive, hazard, safely | 0 | | During a Reiki in-person session, the therapist does not need to physically touch the body. The healing session can be performed with the hands just above the body and it is just as effective as a hands-on treatment or a Reiki distance… | international association, association reiki | treatment, therapy, session, license, distance | 0 | | Stsbouw, lindeboom 183, 6585 BL Mook, Netherlands | | | 0 | | Brettstapel is a solid timber construction system fabricated from softwood timber posts connected with hardwood timber dowels. This relatively simple method of construction does not use glues or nails and can be used to make beautiful… | | timber, wood, bridge, forest, lecture | 0 | | The Dutch Student League is the premier competition for gaming students who want to take on students from other universities and colleges. | | tournament, competition, thesis, final, secure | 0 | | In Hostel ROOM we have 18 different theme rooms, each styled according to a Rotterdam or Dutch theme. We have private rooms and shared rooms, for groups and individuals, female or mixed. Whatever suits you and your budget! | | central, female, bike, cheap, traveler | 0 | | The showcase of Dennis Collaris: an academic, programmer and graphic designer driven by the interaction between user and software. | student association | explore, showcase, academic, graphic, programmer | 0 | | Oil & Gas on & offshore, Geothermal Energy and positioning Wind Farms on the North Sea | association government | oil, geothermal, drilling, supply, classify | 0 | | I’m a freelance Graphic Designer / Art Director with over 20 years of experience and specialised in creating visual communication concepts and branded identities. After 10 years working fulltime as graphic designer in an interior design… | member association, association dutch | graphic, identity, visual, direction, interior | 0 | | Currently working in IT, I'm constantly developing myself in the programming world. | music association | angular, angularjs, constantly, programming, currently | 0 | | We mainly breed black alpacas from the best English and Australian bloodlines and our herd of black alpacas is the largest in the Netherlands. When it comes to live cover you are at the right address. We have a number of top stud males… | alpaca association, association benelux | bloodline, animal, herd, interested, exclusive | 0 | | Hi there! On March 27, 2024, the second hydraulic dinner of the academic year will take place. This edition will | | hydraulic, evaluation, upcoming, dinner, committee | 0 | | “ Mice Media have been a key partner for our recent congresses, firstly as an audio visual production partner for our 2017 and 2019 congress, and more recently as our exhibition and sponsorship sales consultants for our 2021 online… | association management | exhibition, supplier, architecture, vendor, selection | 0 | | Ronit has over 10 years experience in real estate development via Sky Real Estate B.V. in The Netherlands. The company focuses on transformation and development projects in different Dutch cities. She has extensive knowledge in the… | homeowners association | founder, village, estate, connect, rental | 0 | | The history of Bijdendijk goes back to 1843 when the Bijdendijk family started trading green coffee and tea. Since 1970 Bijdendijk is no longer owned by the Bijdendijk family but Bijdendijk became a well know name in the coffee industry… | | origin, sustainability, vacancy, supplier, click | 0 | | …has become more flexible and many people are forced to live temporarily, insecurely, or too expensively. Social rental housing is sold, demolished and liberalized on a large scale. Social renting is marginalized, while the private… | interest association, association etten, tenant association, association motion, association vd | housing, vacancy, rent, sign, coalition | 0 | | The NVGTK promotes the interests of companies involved in making money transfers, better known as money transfers. It does this for both its members and the industry as a whole. The NVGTK strives to give the industry an honest and… | | membership, fraud, prevention, click, transfer | 0 | | Limburg Social Services is dedicated to empowering communities in Limburg. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin | | vacancy, law, labour, accomodation, fee | 0 | | For both Dry goods or Liquid transport we offer you our reliable Logistic services. Since 1978 we have developed and selected a global presence of offices and agencies in order to provide our customer a worldwide solutions for all Freight… | owner association, association flexitank | freight, liquid, operation, logistics, modality | 0 | | Eir is the Care & Cure committee at the TU/e. Our goal is to prepare students for a life as an employee. We keep close contact with the industry. | master association, association eir | eir, employee, committee, th, graduation | 0 | | The notarial firm of Mr M.J. Meijer c.s., notarissen carries on a general practice comprising the following three client-oriented sectors: Corporate Law, Real Estate and Private & Family Law. | | law, estate, notary, notarial, firm | 0 | | Bengalen Cattery One in a Million in Zeeland. Bengaal kittens in de kleuren Black tabby, zilver, seal lynx, seal mink, seal sepia, charcoal. Dekkaters beperkt beschikbaar | fancier association, association member | million, bengal, charcoal, animal, disease | 0 | | …Moel MakriniTEC Tiel… LukasGrozurek1. FC Vienna… KamilVacekFK Pardubice… | | soccer, career, player, trust, darren | 0 | | Furthermore, we regularly organize trips or dinners & drinks with each other to keep the community active and fun! So if this sounds like something for you, come and join us at one of our trainings or other activities! | | schedule, furthermore, dinner, regularly | 0 | | …of interviews and court observations in three (Muslim, Catholic and Greek-Orthodox) personal status courts. My work has also appeared in edited volumes and international journals, including Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview | dutch association, association family | law, syria, religion, islamic, middle | 0 | | Book a sightseeing flight with the historic DC-3 Dakota with DDA Classic Airlines now. | | flight, sightseeing, historic, maintenance, journal | 0 | | Translation Agency Vertaalbureau Claudia Degenhardt is located in Middelburg and operates at home and abroad with an extensive network of freelance translators. | association interpreter | translator, assignment, quotation, german, french | 0 | | With pleasure we serve offshore companies and help them to reach its maximum power and consulting and products as: | business association, association lead | boat, consulting, vessel, tanker, tug | 0 | | Website about Market-Garden reunions in Nijmegen with photos and translated newspaper articles from 1989 till 2009. | | veteran, commemoration, reunion, war, bridge | 0 | | Clinical Rules is a decision support module, which focuses on medication safety and medication optimalisation based on an in-depth risk profile of the patient. | patient association | clinical, rule, pharmacist, patient, healthcare | 0 | | Over duelschieten… Veiligheidsregels… | | draw | 0 | | From the 11 th till the 15 th of March the VII th board will organise a charity week. The week will be filled with activities to collect money for a charity chosen by you! You guys chose the charity ‘ Doctors without Borders ‘ 🧑⚕️! They… | sister association | amino, charity, tuesday, thursday, wednesday | 0 | | Home… Expertise… Activities… Innovation… Clients… | housing association | investment, inspiration, grant, study, visit | 0 | | The goal of RCL Branch 005 is to play an active role in ceremonies at Canadian and allied military cemeteries and at ceremonies where fallen soldiers from the Second World War are commemorated. | article association | branch, canadian, legion, membership, remembrance | 0 | | …to leave your head – Maria helps you figure them out on the violin! Diligently working on technique, training your ear and learning more about music theory, improvising, writing your own music – there are so many ways to help you… | | lesson, violin, webpage, rate, rent | 0 | | Performances… Young… Movies… Workshops… Expo… The Rite of Spring… TICKETS… | | dance, movie, zealand, far, ash | 0 | | We believe in the power of nature; in the optimal combination of solar, wind and hydrogen. We develop installations that generate solar energy and hydrogen combined with wind energy and battery storage. The market is amazed by the… | | hydrogen, cooperation, installation, generation, acceleration | 0 | | This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled. Dismiss | | dive, gear, committee, rental, holiday | 0 | | Helping students develop leadership skills, network to build strong connections and grow into the leaders of tomorrow. | | society, abroad, surinamese, study, leader | 0 | | Judith performs with different projects. Carmina Latina is her latest and the corresponding album has just been released. It contains 9 jazz songs in the Latin language. Totally unique and something Judith wanted to do for a long time:… | | asia, singer, spain, song, south | 0 | | Athora Netherlands receives Leesman+ certificate and is among 7% of the best offices in the world | article association | career, investor, release, annual, figure | 0 | | Eleqtron focuses on pluggable, electrical products and charging solutions for electric vehicles. These prefab products are mainly used in non-residential construction and in homes. | owner association, association hoogkade | installation, charge, cable, lighting, presence | 0 | | …aqha shows in one of the nicest facilities in Europe, Peelbergen Equisterian center. The main arena of 120 x 40 meters will be available. As well as the two smaller indoor arenas of 75 x 35 meters. We look forward to welcoming everyone. | | summit, horse, quarter, schedule, facility | 0 | | I-Lotus Traditional Chinese Medical Center voor acupunctuur, kruidengeneeskunde en oosterse manuele therapie. | medicine association, association etcma | traditional, acupuncture, society, federation, medicine | 0 | | More Color textile printing prints all types of textiles. Naturally, we print T-shirts, but we also print work wear, sweaters, bags or jackets. We will also happily embroider caps, towels ore other apparel for you. | royal association, association print | embroidery, screen, technique, jacket, bag | 0 | | HaptoMotion practice for Mensendieck therapy and Haptotherapy in Amsterdam Zuid and De Pijp. Back complaints, osteoarthritis, neck and shoulder complaints. | member association, association haptotherapists | haptotherapy, therapy, breathe, relationship, systemic | 0 | | Home… Activities and photo’s… Activities… Photos… Comittees… AcCie… Eureka… | study association, association humanity | humanity, honour, committee, programme, study | 0 | | Nijssen Guitars and Nijssen Custom Guitars logo and guitar designs are all registered trademarks. All rights reserved. View more | | guitar, raw, electronic, warranty, favorite | 0 | | Book Taxi Amsterdam proudly offer complete Amsterdam taxi service in and around the city, including transfer from Amsterdam to Schiphol Airport. We offer various ways to order a taxi, for business clients as well as private customers. | | transfer, driver, easily, secure, destination | 0 | | Loci is the innovative solution for pitched roofs that seamlessly combines roofing and energy generation. Transform roofs into powerful energy centers with solar panels with a sleek, modern look, perfect for new construction and… | home association | roof, panel, benefit, integrate, interest | 0 | | …students at the Radboud University or at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. We practice the highly versatile sport of athletics, ranging from the marathon to track and field events such as the 100m sprint or long jumping. The level | | athletic, committee, fee, contribution, report | 0 | | students who vote, the more support we will have towards the Executive Board. This way, we can represent you (the students) better and get our points through more easily. It's basically the same as national elections. Medezeggenschap – ORAS | | council, faction, candidate, central, executive | 0 | | © - Gondelvaart Koedijk | © Photos: Henk Wilbrink | Hosting & Design: Communitell Webservices | parade association, association koedijk | august, impression, past, german | 0 | | Home… House… Building contract… Purchase deed… Deed of conveyance… Mortgage… | association foundation | estate, purchase, mortgage, division, property | 0 | | Page not found - GroningenLife | student association, sport association, study association, cultural association, association guide | study, housing, introduction, honour, educational | 0 | | Home… Media… Ramadaan lessen… E-books… Facilities… Contact… | | mattis, luctus, elit, sit, amet | 0 | | …all schools of analysis are welcome to participate. Its activities include the organisation of international conferences and workshop, the promotion of the study and application of labour economics, the formation of international… | european association, association labour | labour, economic, conference, membership, candidate | 0 | | LOGIN… Dutch Bird Alerts… RANKING… Ranking… SMOELENBOEK… Wat is Dutch Bird… | | teal, wing, bird, wat, bill | 0 | | Hesham El-Sayed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Go Plus" company, which specializes in logistics, technology and traffic systems, and supplier of the electronic poster of the Ministry of Interior, said that the company has… | | electronic, traffic, insurance, manpower, ministry | 0 | | Cooling systems keep your data centre or computer room in a good condition and APAC Services ensures those cooling systems continue to work as they should, always. That’s how we keep your head cool. | business association | apac, maintenance, heat, installation, sustainability | 0 | | The veterans family members are just as important to us. We maintain contacts with different veteran authorities like the Institute of Veterans (Vi), BNMO and we meet frequently with other military motorcycle groups. | | veteran, military, motorcycle, preference, independent | 0 | | Enrolling at DUC Educational Centre is an important decision. Consider the advantages of a distance learning centre and how we can effectively help you to achieve your personal and professional goals. A distance learning centre is the… | healthcare association, association federation, european association, association distance | educational, study, distance, faculty, cultural | 0 | | …will achieve its aim, i.e. prompt the reader to action. That is the kind of translation you’re after – and it’s precisely the kind of translation NoviTekst will supply. In other words, it will be a text appropriate to your line of work. | netherlands association, association interpreter | translation, edit, proofreading, translator, appropriate | 0 | | An overview of some of the exciting events we have organised in the future. Sign-up to join us ! | | membership, vacancy, study, sustainability, upcoming | 0 | | …lived as an expat in United States of America for over 5 years. She started of in Manhattan, New York and moved to Chicago, Illinois for 5 years after that. Working with expats she puts her own experience as an expat to work in her… | professional association, association insurance | consultation, therapy, insurance, payment, appointment | 0 | | The NVOMD is the Dutch Society for Orthomanual Veterinary Medicine. The mission of the NVOMD is to promote orthomanual veterinary medicine in the broadest sense and to represent the interests of its members. The NVOMD was established in… | | veterinary, medicine, society, interest, sense | 0 | | creative, experienced film makers aim to make high quality productions that stand out, while still aimed at a broad audience. Our goal, driven by our passion to tell stories, is making film that matter. Our productions are for public and… | | documentary, italian, cross, italy, rebate | 0 | | Fugax is all about creating lasting memories and unique experiences. Our diverse range of clubs and dedicated committees offer something for everyone. Join us in making lasting memories and friendships that will stay with you for life! 🌈 | fugax association, association bookworm | newspaper, sign, friendship, february, january | 0 | | …help our customers on many topics in the area of data, analytics and intelligence. Today we cover everything from the foundations of business intelligence to advanced analytics creating actionable insights from any data you have available. | | advanced, inspiration, visualization, advisory, intelligence | 0 | | The time has come: the plans for a common room on the Spinoza campus are becoming a reality. Input from residents is of course indispensable in this. We therefore ask you to fill out this poll. It consists of 6 short questions about the… | tenant association, association duwo | resident, committee, common, gather, eerste | 0 | | Every year we organise five Surfweekends a year, more than 8 wakeboard sessions, an international trip, and tons of activities to not get bored in the winter!! | | join, committee, windsurfing, kitesurfing, upcoming | 0 | | The draft league format is one of the formats used to play competitive Pokemon. The format focuses on the ability to counter team your opponent the best way possible. | battle association, association vgc, association league, association single, association rapid | draft, double, tier, battle, competitive | 0 | | Post-integral philosophy which is the subject of this website, differentiates further between lateral and vertical development; complexity and ontological development and greatly expands the number of developmental lines that are… | word association, association test | transformation, developmental, sequence, collective, subtle | 0 | | Amsterdam photographer Adrienne Norman - Portrait and documentary photographer in Amsterdam | | portrait, photographer, documentary, government, editorial | 0 | | Welcome to my site. The music you wil find on this site is linked to YouTube. This site is made for promoting the artist and has no commercial meanings. Share this site and h ave fun listening to good music. | association pc | brother, earth, king, electric, sun | 0 | | Articles of association Fortenova Group STAK | article association, association fortenova | depositary, receipt, regulation, transfer, holder | 0 | | “Over the past 12 years Hans Bergfeld has given me excellent support in various copy- & musicright issues I have come across as a composer. By his care, tenacity and major network is the distribution of copyright of my music much more… | | clientele, composer, publisher, neutral, independent | 0 | | We are happy to breed Australian (Working) kelpies, where we extensively and carefully map the characteristics and health of both parents. | breed association, association australian | mid, dog, female, pregnant, walk | 0 | | …organized for several years by the Protestant Municipality of Zeewolde (PGZ) in collaboration with Welzijn Zeewolde. It was another successful day, where a group of 40! volunteers got to work to be able to do something for someone else. | | volunteer, request, frequently, smile, consultation | 0 | | All our treatments are delivered by specialized TCM therapists. The Chinese Medical Center has good contacts with various TCM hospitals in China. This allows us to invite experienced TCM specialists to the Netherlands to come and work at… | | acupuncture, treatment, herb, medicine, herbal | 0 | | We are INFO. We use design, data, and technology to give you tangible advice and create digital products that help your company thrive. | trade association, association dutch | explore, tangible, quickly, actionable, innovative | 0 | | Meet Giuseppe Cipriani: Beyco’s New Business Development Lead on a Mission for Coffee and Cocoa Farmers | farmer association, association uganda | farmer, cocoa, cooperative, indonesia, chain | 0 | | …Print Shop The Gridded Section Passage of Entanglement Play Gameboard Corridor The Chamber of Transformation The Unfolding Arch of Forging Fantasy Order The Cosmographic Chambers The Exchange Room The Written Keystones Studiolo of Plans… | ii association, association colleague | palace, exhibition, masonry, lecture, graphic | 0 | | PAATHSHALA IS YOUR DESTINATION TO MEET THE EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENT FOR YOUR CHILDREN. The primary goal of PaathShala is to provide a enjoyable learning experience for your children. If the base is strong enough, then you can make a… | | academic, rule, olympiad, uncategorized, guidelines | 0 | | CGN supports the dance and music sport in Europe. CGN is recognised as a professional platform for participants who want to develop in the area of technical skill and creativity. This is achieved through the CGN international dance and… | | united, competition, guard, headline, championship | 0 | | Month’s Residency at Jingdezhen International Studio . I participated in ceramic activities, exhibitions, workshops, and ceramic design. During my stay I was able to explore the possibilities in ceramic production in Jingdezhen and… | dutch association, association ceramic | ceramic, exhibition, porcelain, fully, uk | 0 | | …more patients who had an NDE, especially a deep experience, died within 30 days of CPR (p < 0,0001). The process of transformation after NDE took several years, and differed from those of patients who survived cardiac arrest without NDE. | | death, near, denture, file, cardiac | 0 | | Uni-Life gives your students a platform to connect with other students, events, clubs, jobs and more. | | overview, retention, wellbeing, profile, interest | 0 | | Amstelveenvoorelkaar is the platform for volunteer work and neighborly assistance in the municipality of Amstelveen. You will also find a lot of information here about volunteer work and everything that comes with it. | | volunteer, refugee, frequently, difference, base | 0 | | We are proud to present Ingrid Tappin, CEO and Founder of Diversity Leaders in Tech, as the keynote speaker for the insightful event “Tech Talent & Diversity in Tech”, presented by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and KPMG Meijburg & CO on… | article association | swedish, chamber, commerce, diversity, membership | 0 | | ChinaDairy © 2022 • Published with Ghost | dairy association, association china | dairy, ago, conference, broadcast, min | 0 | | career advice I career coaching I fresh university graduate I job market orientation I labour market orientation I career counseling I career orientation | | career, labour, parent, institute, study | 0 | | As a professional translation company, we have worked with Elizabeth for many years. We know we can rely on her to provide us with a high-quality, accurate translation, and continue to use her services regularly. | netherlands association, association interpreter | translation, charge, native, accurate, lawyer | 0 | | …small matters. We know the game like no other. Langerak Advocaten acts as a “tailor-made lawyer” in all matters – sharp, to the point, competitive and swift. We feel at home in court and do not shy away from a tough fight in the courtroom. | firm association, association iure | law, estate, firm, employment, debt | 0 | | “It is my passion to manifest a world in which all lives are atuned to each other so that everyone, with no exceptions, can live the life that matches who they are. The life they are born for. Their best life possible. | professional association, association cat | soul, conscious, multidimensional, aware, perspective | 0 | | a smart solution to improve the indoor environmental quality in offices. For this start-up I worked on the following design activities; Design research, Market analysis, User research, Interaction design and Hardware system design. At this… | | industrial, identity, aesthetic, interaction, layout | 0 | | decades her junior. A fierce back and forth battle which lasted essentially the entire length of the course, STORMY WEATHER finished a mere 18 minutes behind DORADE after leading her older sister around The Rock - so our congratulations… | stephens association, association nl | stephens, waar, yacht, later, rolex | 0 | | Flowers and plants make you feel good; in the garden, on the balcony or just in the vase. We at BIOBOL believe that plants or flowers of organic origin give an even better feeling. Our specialty is growing organic flower bulbs, from which… | | organic, bulb, flower, grower, cultivation | 0 | | We support various projects around the world For more information about applying for support for a project, you cab download an application form . For information about the projects we previously supported, see "What we do" and then… | entrepreneurial association, association wervershoof | report, annual, campaign, archive, christmas | 0 | | Practice de Vesting in Heusden is a practice for Psychotherapy, Mindfulness en Psychiatry. You will find us at Burchtplein 2. | national association, association independent | psychotherapy, psychiatry, therapy, psychologist, psychotherapist | 0 | | Caminada & Van Leeuwen is active as a bailiff's office and debt collection agency in the Netherlands. Our approach is clear and effective. | housing association | bailiff, debt, recovery, vacancy, manner | 0 | | New items… Accessoires… Jacket… Knit… Pant… Shirt… Short… Sweat… T-shirt… Top… | | jacket, knit, pant, sweat, carhartt | 0 | | Leadership, Management Change, Projects, Competences, Direct, Connecting, Result-oriented, Coaching, Quality conscious, Negotiator | | negotiator, leadership, conscious, competence, connect | 0 | | Lakeside Collection believes in the power of art and conveys inspiration to its visitors. The collection exhibits many different art forms ranging from video art, sculptures, paintings, filmography, photography to print. | netherlands association, association corporate | introduction, artwork, connection, geographic, grow | 0 | | Could you use an extra hand temporarily or regularly? Is your organization desperately looking for volunteers or suitable help for your client(s)? Submit a request for help and find someone who can help! | | volunteer, request, vacancy, driver, directly | 0 | | The Bobbing Forest in the Rijnhaven is a concept of Jeroen Everaert, founder of Mothership, based on the artwork ‘In Search of Habitus’ by artist Jorge Bakker. This installation consists of a water-filled tank and floating bobs with trees… | everaert association, association jurgen | forest, artwork, tree, sustainability, background | 0 | | Aqua has kicked of her new year with one of our biggest traditions: the News Year's Dinner! An exciting event where we look back on the previous year, but also look to the future, as the ZeilCie has presented their new calendar full of… | sister association, association nestor, association evening | evening, sail, dinner, shore, committee | 0 | | CAN endorses the importance of developing unambiguous legislation and quality standards for CBD products. CAN wants to ensure that the consumer can buy CBD-Products with correct labels that state what is actually in the product and that… | cannabinoid association, association netherlands | cannabinoid, regulation, base, objective, statute | 0 | | Our main aim is to unify all people with Tanzania back-ground to be able to share our common values. We also believe that together as one we are more likely to achieve positive results for our rights in the Netherlands as well as in… | tanzania association, association netherlands | slide, title, caption, diaspora, registration | 0 | | …Rebrands, graphic design, digital design, identity design. All led by creative. All equally strong. By applying creative, critical thinking to these different channels, we change people’s perceptions and create the brands of the future. | | crook, rebrand, critical, creativity, equally | 0 | | The financing of Südzucker Group is based on sustainable cash flows, strong relationships with the shareholder groups behind the company, access to international capital markets and reliable banking relationships. Südzucker clearly aims… | article association | profile, structure, report, purpose, subsidiary | 0 | | …my passion is to link brands and their customers, through creating and telling a story that connects both the brand and the people that (should) love the brand. I believe that it’s not just the products you sell, it’s the story you tell. | | psychology, selection, consumer, rsm, present | 0 | | Uni-T, Divini-T, and Infini-T are DanceNation's three demo teams in the styles of hip hop, entertainment and modern. To be part of these teams, you must audition at the beginning of the new school year or during the semi-annual auditions. | dance association, association tilburg | dance, showcase, juist, membership, chance | 0 | | My name is Herk Zieleman and I am an experienced project manager. I have decades of experience in project management in general and ICT projects in particular. | | responsible, implementation, january, traffic, operational | 0 | | PRODUCTION… PRESENTATION… PRESERVATION… PROJECTS… | | presentation, preservation | 0 | | Home Australian Labradoodle Brabant Our girls Our boys Pup info Expected litters Puppy gallery For breeders Host family Our toy poodles Contact | | girl, boy, litter, host, breeder | 0 | | We would like to invite you all to the first TSBV Sauron event of the… Read More » TSBV Sauron goes Yonex Dutch Open! | | tournament, february, session, rule, august | 0 | | Truly special moments are rare. What makes your occasion exceptional? Our client’s stories are usually deeply personal and very unique. We like to hear your story before we start work. So the tangible memento suits you to a T. We view our… | | watch, crown, pearl, pendant, brooch | 0 | | The ESG Urgency: Insights into the Intersection of Sustainability and Financial Success | study association, association groningen, association event | fsg, invest, journal, study, talk | 0 | | Comprehensive and professional fair and exhibition event organisation. The Polish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands offers the following services: | article association | networking, copy, polish, conference, exhibition | 0 | | …and pathophysiological aspects of adrenal diseases. It serves an audience of adult and pediatric endocrinologists, clinical fellows, internists and clinical chemists who are involved in the management of patients with adrenal disease. | | adrenal, presentation, patient, break, accreditation | 0 | | We are very excited that to announce that applications for the 31st board of Etcetera have opened! If you are interested, please fill in our form! There are many reasons to apply, as a board year provides you with invaluable experience… | study association, association etcetera | yearbook, study, committee, etc, upcoming | 0 | | Cases… Contact… VEERSEKREEK… MAGJEWEL… SIBLU VILLAGES… VEERSEKREEK video… | | dynamic, dive, proud, refinery | 0 | | Hereunder you can read the Activity Report 2022 from our network INPLP (International Network of Privacy Law Professionals) of which our firm is a founding member since 2015 | tennis association, association unlawfully | law, arbitration, procurement, lawyer, bottle | 0 | | …order to contribute to an inclusive philosophy of art? How do philosophers of art take on, re-work, and transform notions from inside and outside the canon of Western aesthetics? Which notions do they make redundant, which notions do… | dutch association, association aesthetic | aesthetic, investigation, uncategorized, editor, philosophy | 0 | | Click here to navigate to the FMMH guest members: - RUG Centre for Religion, Health and Wellbeing - VIAA Lectoraat zorg en zingeving - VGVZ Werkveldraad Psychiatrie | christian association, association psychiatrist | mental, religion, mean, federation, healthcare | 0 | | Vacuüm Specials B.V. is specialised in the engineering, construction, manufacturing of components and subsystems and the realisation of complex projects on turnkey bases regarding vacuum technology and cryogenic applications. Vacuüm… | vacuüm association, association nevac | vacuum, chamber, leak, pipeline, pump | 0 | | Over ons… | | billiard, wat, tree, olive, grate | 0 | | :: Silicone Adhesives :: Silicone Film Adhesive :: Silicone Primers :: Silicone Foam :: Silicone Resin :: Silicone Gels :: Silicone Coatings :: Silicone Sealants :: Silicone Greases :: Fluids and Greases | | silicone, healthcare, polymer, dispense, adhesive | 0 | | Home… Board & Committees… Become a member… Alumni… Creatrip… Merch… Socials… | study association, association international | committee, merch, study | 0 | | NEXEL| Innovative Business Solutions, is way beyond an average business consultancy! It is well equipped with three key pillars within the international business; - Cutting-Edge Technology - Business Strategy - Setting up a Legal… | bar association | innovative, edge, pillar, comprehensive, strategic | 0 | | SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED WORKS ↓↓↓ SELECTED… | football association | football, graphic, interplay, interconnect, eternal | 0 | | It has now been about five months since my last update and six months ago that I ... | article association, association smsms | fight, treatment, boy, worker, cheerful | 0 | | …start reacting towards the other parent or the child in a detrimental way. Without coaching, you could unintentionally make the gap between you and your child even bigger. Therefore, get in contact me asap to de-escalate your situation. | dutch association, association professional | parental, parent, council, reimbursement, father | 0 | | …while having fun with fellow students! We offer classes to all students in Tilburg that are a member at the Tilburg University Sports Center. Our classes are super accessible, which means that everyone with any level of fitness can join! | crosstraining association, association tilburg | impression, schedule, overlay, fellow, accessible | 0 | | CALENDAR… PHOTOS… VACANCIES… SIGN UP… home gallery 1… home gallery 2… home… | alumni association, association volante, association hts | calendar, vacancy, basket | 0 | | Apple Tree is an independent adviser in the field of expiring capital, severance payments and pensions. Via this website, Apple Tree can make you the best offer for your pension benefit. | association befrank | tree, benefit, variable, retirement, obligation | 0 | | Tips: Tourist guide 2024 , City walks Tholen , Dutch regional products , Culinary road trip across Tholen , Tourist Information Points , Hiking network , Cycling network | auction association, association sint | recreation, tourist, walk, cycling, living | 0 | | ISEEMORE provides you with an overview where at a glance you can see all of the operational and financial performance aspects for your organisation using performance indicators (KPIs) with gauge function. | trade association | report, overview, package, operational, weekly | 0 | | Parki stimuleringsprijs 2024: Stichting Parki announced their ‘Parki Stimuleringsprijs’ (€2500) for young Parkinson scientists. Apply before April 30th via this link . | | scientist, congress, annual, disease, committee | 0 | | You think you are smart? Prove it and defend the honor of your study assocation! 9 December: Tri-master Go Tournament | study association, association tournament | tournament, october, study, tri, wat | 0 | | Buying a house in The Netherlands: from property transfer tax to mortgage interest deduction | foundation association, association july | tax, employee, income, entrepreneur, fiscal | 0 | | Mr. and mrs. Traag are retired. Their current property is getting too big and they would like to move to senior accommodation. Their bank informed them they will not be applicable for a mortgage. Luckily they got talking to Vixx. Vixx is… | owner association, association management | mortgage, affairs, estate, insurance, career | 0 | | In our help center you will find answers to all your questions about volunteering, helping or making an impact. From safety to matching, we are here for you. | | volunteer, outside, request, guidance, court | 0 | | BOL Pianos & Grand Pianos is a family business with more than 40 years of practical experience as a manufacturer, importer and retailer of pianos and grand pianos. The company guarantees an excellent reputation and a trusted choice where… | | wing, accessorie, stock, manufacturer, exclusive | 0 | | My hobbies are bridge, hockey and a wide range of other sports. I am passing my days in the offices of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. I work in Information Services as a Project Manager in a team maintaining SAAS and Commercial of the shelf… | hockey association, association knhb, association waha, bridge association, association nbb | bridge, interesting, shelf, specifically, role | 0 | | Student Event: information fair where 90 exhibits were present to show upcoming students could explore all their leisure posibilities in and around Utrecht. I was the main organiser of this event. Around 3500 students visited the Student… | study association, association eskwdraat | present, volunteer, responsible, task, study | 0 | | Thank you for your interest in Let's Dance! This is the first step to become a member. Just follow the steps by clicking 'Next'. | | dance, membership, successfully, interest | 0 | | Composer & Music Producer based in Amsterdam, NL. Custom music & sound for company's, brands, advertising and media such as podcasts. | album association, association bmg | producer, composer, advertising, click, imaging | 0 | | BMA~Techne executes development projects aimed at recycling and reuse of textile waste. It offers technology and business support, and executes interim management assignments. BMA~Techne was founded in 2000 by Ger Brinks. | research association, association de | textile, assignment, resume, industrial, reuse | 0 | | The Hague, Thursday 29 February 2024 - In a very special visit, The International School of The Hague (ISH) Primary Principal - Rubin Borges - and members of the leadership team, were delighted to welcome Mayor of The Hague - Jan van… | parent association, association ppa | ish, secondary, hague, evaluation, wellbeing | 0 | | Lijst Bèta strives to ensure that all students of the Delft University of Technology can and will get the most of their education when studying here! As a Central Student Council party, it is our responsibility to represent all students… | | inspectorate, report, faction, response, inspire | 0 | | At Passing Shot we have 3 club moments per week, where our members can play tennis. We also offer training five days a week. | tennis association, association rotterdam | pass, committee, accommodation, membership, reason | 0 | | Writersday is a innovative band with Dutch frontman Sjoerd Hoogma. A creative fusion of Analog Art Rock , Artistic Videoclips, Fashion and Photography. | record association, association isolde | innovative, artistic, fusion, visit, listen | 0 | | MFilms is thé training agency for corporate filming, presenting, vlogging, photography and podcasting with the smartphone. View our film productions and training courses. | | report, animation, portrait, instruction, outing | 0 | | storage systems for households, cooperatives and companies. To this end, existing renewable energy systems (solar and wind) are taken into account and complemented. Here, in addition to affordable, efficient and reliable electricity… | | river, innovative, storage, barrier, tidal | 0 | | The KIMO support professionals in the further improvement of oral healthcare and the professionalisation of this care. Our guidelines satisfy the requirements of Evidence-Based Guideline Development. This means that the study was… | | oral, het, healthcare, guideline, summary | 0 | | Developed and hosted by Devoted Designs | © 2017 - 2021 - SV Verum / Devoted Designs | Cookies | Privacy | study association, association forensic | study, forensic, treasure, hide, committee | 0 | | The British School in The Netherlands is an international school for children aged 3-18 and is a warm community of nearly 90 nationalities. We offer a British and international curriculum. | family association | british, curricular, admission, parent, instruction | 0 | | Welcome to the Klik voor Kamers website. You only need to register here once to respond to both student accommodation and parking spaces in Breda and Tilburg. | housing association | voor, anymore, oops, answer, parking | 0 | | Chiropractic Oosterwold is a home practice, conceived within the philosophy of Oosterwold. That is why, in addition to the practice, work is being done on setting up a picking garden where visitors to the practice are welcome. The idea is… | professional association | consultation, chiropractic, rate, complaint, initial | 0 | | In his book World Peace: And how we can achieve it , Professor Alex Bellamy states that he thinks of peace as the absence and prevention of war and the management of conflict through peaceful means, implying some form of legitimate civic… | | peace, cherish, clothes, yemen, cry | 0 | | Cricket Club in Eindhoven Non-profit Organization affiliated to KNCB Club Based out of High Tech Campus Eindhoven home to huge population of Dutch & ex-pat community. Young dynamic Cricket Club with multiple Senior & Development Teams… | cricket association, association official | slide, registration, official, youth, schedule | 0 | | On the 21th of March, ASML is organizing a Student Excursion Day. Transport will be arranged from Delft so thi... | student association, association rudolf | evaluation, career, quarterly, internship, guidelines | 0 | | Match+ is the specialist in the development and organisation of exhibitions, conferences, trade promotional activities and export development. Match+ also offers support for the preparation of individual exhibition participation. Matching… | | exhibition, conference, trade, promotional, pavilion | 0 | | Em. Prof. dr. ir. Arthur O. Eger (1950) holds a PhD in Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. | dutch association, association science | industrial, publication, department, writer, affiliation | 0 | | …and respectful environment that encourages questions, ideas, and collaboration. We value all perspectives and backgrounds, regardless of one’s level of expertise in blockchain. So, whether you are a seasoned enthusiast or a curious… | | revolutionary, official, passionate, thrive, respectful | 0 | | …from Tianjin University in China. As a licensed Acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine Doctor, Dr. Wang uses acupuncture, herbs and Qi Gong in the tradition of Chinese medicine, supported by an understanding of western medicine… | | acupuncture, cancer, pressure, overweight, liver | 0 | | We are glad to announce that Global IFA is organising a Travelling Lectureship Programme (TLP) in 2024 at various locations in all five IFA regions. To find more details about the programme and locations, please open the invitation: | | fiscal, programme, region, congress, tax | 0 | | Osteopathy has enjoyed a great deal of attention in recent years. This is partly due to its unique approach to the investigation of complaints and their treatment. Osteopathy is often viewed as an innovative cure for long-term and… | professional association | osteopathy, publication, appointment, innovative, investigation | 0 | | © CPpro Audio. All rights | national association, association music | reference, installation, het, license, measurement | 0 | | …Bilt. For other cities in the province of Utrecht, the travel expenses are 30 euro's, all other locations in the Netherlands are 70 euro's. Groups can contain to 15 persons, after that an extra cost of 17 euro's per person is taken into… | | laughter, tot, voor, min, session | 0 | | This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies. Learn more | article association | donation, organizational, structure, orphanage, twin | 0 |