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975 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: accessibility

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jacobs-crisioni.nl…work I have been involved in. I have used it myself to calculate travel times ( here and here ), compute accessibility values, generate public transport travel time matrices, develop transport models and simulate transport network…tags accessibility, accessibility network, application accessibility, accessibility map, transport accessibilityjanuary, expansion, publication, modelling, author18
cvworks.nlI'm Bianca Prins, Global Head of Accessibility at ING Bank in The Netherlands. Next to my work with the bank, I'm an active member of the international disability community. My personal business website: CV Works, provides you access to…incluencer accessibility, accessibility expert, work accessibility, accessibility research, head accessibilitypublication, disability, manifesto, head, dedicated18
erikkroes.nlErik Kroes - Consultant specialized in accessibility, inclusive design and design systems.kroes accessibility, accessibility consultant, consultant accessibility, accessibility inclusive, web accessibilityglossary, brain, flexible, note, introduction16
toegankelijkonline.nlAccessible Online is my online space to share useful information on the subject of accessibility. I know it will support and guide you to improve your digital accessibility in products and services.subject accessibility, accessibility digital, digital accessibility, accessibility product, field accessibilityaccessible, possibility, equal, technique, subject10
aristo.nlRead all about the accessibility and parking options of our Aristo meeting center locations here. Consider the environment, come …excellent accessibility, accessibility public, accessibility parkingvacancy, conference, flexible, workspace, reference9
mrdh.nl…recreational amenities, historic towns and varied housing options make this a lovely place to live. Improving accessibility in the metropolitan area means improving the future for the people who live and work here. With this in mind…place accessibility, accessibility metropolitan, economy accessibility, accessibility arrival, good accessibilityregion, metropolitan, hague, municipality, partnership9
fietsenhondenstop.nlAccessibility Consulting (site management, event inclusion, and service dog training consultations)accessibility available, accessibility disability, logistical accessibility, accessibility audits, rebuild accessibilitydog, session, bicycle, schedule, consulting9
eindhovenairport.nlFly to your favourite destinations from Eindhoven Airport! ✓ Parking spaces that meet your needs ✓Over 70 destinations ✓ Great accessibility ✓parking, holiday, destination, arrival, departure8
pcsi.nlA website must fulfill the digital accessibility requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The digital accessibility standard contains agreements and requirements for the way in which websites should be designed…digital accessibility, accessibility requirements, content accessibility, accessibility guidelines, accessibility standardthreat, attack, partnership, purple, api8
vierdaagsefeesten.nlVierdaagsefeesten Frequently asked questions Map Locations Surely sustainable Roze Woensdag 4daagse Visit Nijmegen Shop App Accessibilityambition, frequently, fact, figure, resident8
geze.nlAutomatic door solutions for accessibility or fire protection, window drives for natural ventilation or for smoke and heat extraction in the event of fire, digital networking of doors and windows for building automation - these are just a…solution accessibility, accessibility fire, protection accessibility, accessibility doordoor, building, window, protection, automatic8
drupix.nlFreelance Drupal Developer / Designer / (Acquia Certified) Drupal Site Builder from The Netherlands, with a passion for Drupal, UX and Accessibility.ux accessibility, accessibility helpbuilder, ux, cross, fully, save7
dewaerden.nlAdditionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts its functionality and behavior for…accessibility adjustment, right accessibility, accessibility profile, web accessibility, accessibility solutionprofile, reader, screen, adjustment, accessible7
southpoint.nlSouth Point Offices benefits from its excellent accessibility both by car and public transport. The Hoofddorp railway station is only 50 meters away. The area around the station has a multifunctional character with amenities such as a…area accessibility, excellent accessibility, accessibility car, accessibility mode, accessibility convenientsouth, railway, metropolitan, atmosphere, introduction6
geagrofia.nlMy previous AML approach used existing raster accessibility algorithms within a custom made heuristic for determining near optimal locations of stockists. I followed the same logic in R with only slight differences because gdistance uses…accessibility analysis, raster accessibility, accessibility algorithm, restriction accessibility, accessibility farmeragricultural, analysis, author, spatial, domain6
mbi.nlSustainable paving solutions that contribute to accessibility, safety, tranquillity or a combination of these factors. The wishes surrounding a health institution, sports center or a recreation facility are different, as are the…solution accessibility, accessibility safetypave, icon, facade, tile, brick6
michele.nlMichèle van den Aardweg is a front-end developer with over 15 years experience. She has a strong focus on usability and accessibility.query accessibility, accessibility external, developer accessibility, accessibility advocateusability, external, dark, january, october6
alexkirichek.nl…be integrated into the platform to determine an optimal tidal window for arriving vessels, improving the port's accessibility and thus its performance. Finally, the combination of machine learning and Google Earth datasets will use…port accessibility, accessibility sediment, accessibility performance, accessibility maintenance, accessibility dr.port, mud, fluid, dredging, sediment5
webrocks.nlWebrocks Online. Portfolio of M. van den Berg. Information about webstandards, browsers, xhtml, css, javascript and accessibilityaccessibility importantxhtml, css, additional, musician, background5
db8.nlWe have extensive experience in optimising websites for speed, accessibility, best practices and search engines (SEO).speed accessibility, accessibility goodjoomla, optimisation, yootheme, engine, migration5
hirschgebouw.nl…beautiful buildings located on the Leidseplein. Part of this plan is that the Leidseplein has been car-free since November 2017, with the exception of destination traffic for the Hirsch & Cie garage, see the “Location and accessibility”.location accessibilityproperty, facility, rental, weather, traffic5
renaultgebouw.nl…stations in Amsterdam. The advantages of this location are visible voor tenants and their visitors daily: the accessibility is very good by car and public transport, combined with excellent parking possibilities in the property itself.location accessibility, daily accessibility, accessibility good, station accessibility, accessibility trainlayout, property, road, parking, ground5
wijzijnbreikers.nlBreikers is an employer-driven network that was established by the employers associations VNO-NCW and Oram in order to improve the accessibility of organisations and, as a result, safeguard the business climate in the region. We also…build accessibility, accessibility programme, improve accessibility, emission accessibility, accessibility businessmobility, logistics, independent, employee, government5
webshaping.nlWe are a young and dynamic company based in the Netherlands (Leiden). Our clients are mainly small and medium enterprises where websites must be affordable and professional. We are also specialized in websites for organizations where…organization accessibility, accessibility important, information accessibilityanimation, findability, affordable, accessible, fully5
romkevandermeulen.nlI used to think accessibility meant outdated government guidelines and ugly designs. But when I dove into it, accessibility turned out to be a fascinating topic and a fun, challenging part of design and development.accessibility fascinating, design accessibility, note accessibility, topic accessibility, accessibility subjecttypescript, decorator, docker, property, philosophy5
vertrouwenspersoontelefoon.nlConducting a telephone trust check after supplying list of staff and phone numbers to randomly test accessibility and familiarity VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;daily accessibility, accessibility availability, randomly accessibility, accessibility familiarityexternal, employee, confidant, report, confidential5
pakkend.nlPAKKEND was founded in 2006 in Amsterdam and we’ve been here ever since. To us, accessibility meant cutting out the middlemen—that’s why we can offer virtamsterdam accessibility, accessibility middlemanjacket, tailor, accessible, stock, navy4
castlecraig.nl© 2024 Castle Craig Hospital Ltd. All rights reserved Privacy Policy | Complaints procedure | Accessibility statementprocedure accessibility, accessibility statementaddiction, treatment, castle, craig, wait4
arteq.nl…ensures structured, organized data for meaningful insights. Their advanced storage solutions guarantee data security and accessibility, while their consultancy and implementation services provide tailored data management solutions.security accessibility, accessibility consultancystorage, implementation, click, architecture, framework4
750kicks.nl…on the hard-to-find and sold out shoes. Over the years we noticed that authenticity, safety, quality and accessibility are key factors. It's important to us that our customers will have this experience. Our ultimate goal is to…quality accessibility, accessibility keyadd, authenticity, worldwide, expectation, ultimate4
adamsmithbuilding.nlThe location is easy accessible by car and bike due to the proximity of the highway and the Amsterdam city centre. The accessibility is also strengthen by the Rieker Circle Line which connects the metro station Henk Sneevlietweg…centre accessibility, accessibility riekersurface, building, rise, figure, entrance4
groupdecisionroom.nlOn-Demand and Shared Mobility Providers: On-demand transportation systems challenger freight and shared wheelchair solutions have transformed the way clients accessibility transportation solutions, supplying ease, cost, and versatility…convenience accessibility, client accessibility, accessibility transportation, equipment accessibility, accessibility affordabilityproperty, effective, leader, variety, money4
k7team.nlk7 is a software consultancy experienced in Apple platforms software development with particular focus on accessibility. Our team includes Apple Certified Trainers and FileMaker Certified Developers.focus accessibility, accessibility teamparticular, certified, consulting4
mondriaan-tower.nlThe Mondriaan Tower is a beacon in the Amsterdam skyline. Together with the Rembrandt Tower, Breitner Tower and the future Amstel Tower, they provide allure to the city. An exceptional appearance, great accessibility and the excellent…great accessibility, accessibility excellenttower, sqm, beacon, entrance, outstanding4
comparisonportal.nlUnprecedented Increase in Health Insurance Premium: DSW Raises Alarm Over Accessibilitycomparison, electricity, telephone, cell, petrol4
kampinastaete.nlThe most beautiful place in Brabant to completely unwind. Away from online accessibility and back to ... nothing for a while.adult, accommodation, kid, frequently, surrounding4
portfolioris.nlI am Joris, front-end UI developer from Eindhoven, the Netherlands. I am specialized in responsive Web design and styleguides. I am a performance, progressive enhancement and accessibility advocate. I write clean, readable and scalable…presentation accessibility, accessibility end, enhancement accessibility, accessibility advocatemovie, presentation, slide, framework, appropriate4
coko.nlConefreyKoedam: graphic design, web design, tactile design and advice. Custom creative communication with an eye for inclusivity and accessibility.graphic, tactile, inclusivity, surgery, identity4
hethem.nlDirections Tickets Opening Times Accessibility FAQ Health and Safety Guidelines Behavioural Codetime accessibility, accessibility faqhet, couch, behavioural, thu, listen4
aatg.nl…performer or just starting out, the AATG welcomes all who share a passion for theatre. With a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, and a focus on community and collaboration, the AATG is more than just a theatre group – it's acommitment accessibility, accessibility inclusivitytheatre, sign, hague, theatrical, upcoming4
svflow.nlIn order to make Flow and its activities as enjoyable and safe an environment as possible for everyone, the Accessibility Officer guards and improves the openness of the association. Check out the page for more information.possible accessibility, accessibility officerassociation, upcoming, committee, career, society4
idelft.nliDelft provides software and integration solutions (often based on Drupal ). We apply the latest techniques: our websites feature an optimal performance , reliability and accessibility . Our websites are often made at the request of…website accessibility, reliability accessibility, accessibility websiteintegration, government, alternative, programming, profile4
verdus.nlin other European countries too. To stimulate cooperation between researchers in different countries, NWO is participating in URBAN EUROPE, a research programme that contributes to vitality, liveability and accessibility in European cities.housing accessibility, accessibility economy, liveability accessibility, accessibility european, sustainable accessibilityurban, programme, region, nwo, researcher3
mayadewit.nl…to be informed of these changes in order to incorporate these best practices. I offer consultancy services ranging from reviews of programs to information on best practices on interpreting services and solutions for accessibility issues.description accessibility, accessibility feature, linguistic accessibility, accessibility idla, solution accessibilitysign, interpret, interpreter, conference, phd3
desosa.nlin our first post , the context in which MuseScore operates is based on the usability of the application and the accessibility to the users. The latter was also determined to be functionality that is worthy to be prioritized in trade-offs…architecte accessibility, accessibility usability, application accessibility, accessibility userarchitecture, architectural, variability, analysis, debt3
knmiprojects.nl…limit damage and injuries. With high-quality knowledge and technology plus an extensive observation network, KNMI offers products and services that contribute to the safety, accessibility, sustainability and prosperity of the Netherlands.safety accessibility, accessibility sustainabilityinstitute, meteorological, climate, weather, archive3
tielemansgroentekwekerij.nlOne of the primary advantages of mobile slots is the convenience they offer. Players can enjoy their favorite games while commuting, waiting in line, or relaxing at home. The accessibility of mobile slots has democratized gaming, making…home accessibility, accessibility mobileuncategorized, player, january, gambling, february3
zuidas.nlThis is the platform of Amsterdam Zuidas. Here you will find everything about the development of the Zuidas area and the construction of Zuidasdok. The municipality of Amsterdam is working on a beautiful city district. Zuidasdok is…well accessibility, accessibility zuidasdisruption, traffic, passenger, south, inside3
netsense.nlAnother concept we try to keep in mind is the usability and accessibility of the programs we write. That does not only mean that it should be possible for visually handicapped persons to use the software. It also means a clear separation…usability accessibility, accessibility programprogramming, operate, writer, min, mistake3
e-tol.nl…users will pay toll for each trip, covering a portion of the construction costs. The new connection improves accessibility in the Rotterdam region and boosts the economy. You always have the option to choose an alternative route…connection accessibility, accessibility rotterdampayment, rate, convenience, saving, vehicle3
yourpersonalguide.nlYou can read our colophon, terms and conditions, privacy statement and accessibility effforts. See footer.statement accessibility, accessibility efffortsguide, overview, sight, boat, foot3
valeriejunk.nlImproving accessibility for Power BI reports is important, and Power BI offers a lot of built-in functionality to make reports more accessible. Some of this ...accessibility powervisualization, analytic, actionable, report, target3
naardecampus.nlWhy not try travelling to campus in a different way and see what it’s like? You don’t have to completely change the way that you travel, but every little thing that we do helps to contribute to a cleaner environment and better accessibilityvelp accessibility, accessibility website, campus accessibility, accessibility websites, arnhem accessibilitybike, near, initiative, study, quickly3
nickys-beauty-and-nails.nlWith the development of smartphones and mobile applications, gamers can currently take pleasure in a seamless pc gaming experience on their mobile phones. This accessibility has even more contributed to the growth and appeal of online…constantly accessibility, accessibility date, international accessibility, accessibility bitcoin, phone accessibilitygambling, enterprise, establishment, player, bride3
reprex.nlEnsuring the Visibility and Accessibility of European Creative Content on the World Market: The Need for Copyright Data Improvement in the Light of New Technologiesvisibility accessibility, accessibility europeanobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak3
codeasaservice.nlWe offer platform engineering advice and architectural support for engineering projects & teams to help them understand and improve their software's security, performance and accessibility.web accessibility, accessibility wcagsecure, requirements, lifecycle, suitable, remote3
portofmoerdijk.nlOver the next five to eight years, work will be done to optimize the accessibility of the Moerdijk port and industrial estate. Much attention will be paid to adjustments to the connections to the A17 and other bottlenecks will also be…good accessibility, accessibility good, traffic accessibility, accessibility port, work accessibilityport, logistics, industrial, authority, chemistry3
seofeeds.nlGoogle's John Mueller said the link best practices SEO documentation on its website are still "good guidelines" for both SEO and overall "accessibility & UX reasons." The guidelines are only about 14 months old, so they are recent.overall accessibility, accessibility ux, guidelines accessibilityengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit3
godenhaag.nlKey factors to consider include accessibility to international schools, public transport options, and proximity to the city centre.factor accessibility, accessibility international, well accessibility, accessibility fewexpat, february, tax, january, august3
netwerkuspinclusief.nlFinally the time has come, we can proudly unveil our new website! This website fulfils our need to increase our network’s visibility and be more accessible to visitors. Visitors can adjust accessibility settings to their liking via the…visitor accessibility, accessibility settingambassador, brain, employee, icon, workplace3
supriyono.nlI mainly work with JavaScript and PHP. In my personal projects I use Golang and Elixir. I also consult about accessibility, interaction design and digitalization in small organizations.elixir accessibility, accessibility interactionaccessible, chamber, commerce, currently, digitalization3
huurpelgrimvaderskerk.nlrented exclusively for your own purpose. The beautiful location on the Aelbrechtskolk and Voorhaven between the listed buildings as well as the good accessibility by metro, tram and car offers an excellent setting for your (business) event.good accessibility, accessibility metrorent, pilgrim, church, father, hall3
rai.nlRoute & accessibility Route planner Public transport Parking P+R Taxi / Kiss & Ride Schiphol Airport Accessibility Low-emission zoneroute accessibility, accessibility route, airport accessibility, accessibility lowparking, calendar, logistics, regulation, meaningful3
goudappel.nlSeminar 'Accessibility and Connectivity of the 15-minute city': Bas Govers and Lennert Bonnier share our visionseminar accessibility, accessibility connectivitymobility, society, comfortably, advisor, career3
meerdeur.nlDo you want to improve accessibility to your building with a door? The right door will save you energy and enhance the experience within your building. A door will therefore never again be a barrier for your customers, suppliers or…door, residential, agriculture, manufacture, building2
vaacc.nl…for future-oriented entrepreneurs, Vallei uses a single point of contact for our business, and offers excellent accessibility and the use of dashboards. Moreover, we never feel we need to push Vallei to complete their activities – they dogood accessibility, accessibility commitment, excellent accessibility, accessibility useadministration, tax, keen, transfer, simply2
kgxadministraties.nl…small entrepreneurs (freelancers) and medium-sized companies. Personal attention, involvement and flexible accessibility (also in the weekend and in the evenings) are the factors that make KGX Administraties deviate from his…flexible accessibility, accessibility weekendtax, administrative, entrepreneur, flexible, declaration2
offroadsolutions.nlSince 2009 we have been working in a unconventional way to improve the accessibility of beaches and nature. Over the years, we have developed from a “seller of beach wheelchairs” into a partner in policy-based work on accessibility.way accessibility, accessibility beach, vision accessibility, accessibility productroad, voor, rental, accessible, aid2
marblelabourlaw.nl…on the Standards for Remuneration Act ( Wet Normering Topinkomens ). Clients appreciate Simon for his solution-oriented approach, commitment and accessibility. Simon is also an MfN register mediator specialized in labour mediations.commitment accessibility, accessibility simon, approach accessibility, accessibility involvementlaw, marble, labour, employment, firm2
martinschoenmakers.nlemployees working with inadequate and outdated information, stored in all kinds of private spreadsheets and documents. Accessibility of information is low, aggregation of information is difficult and version management virtually impossible.document accessibility, accessibility information, role accessibility, accessibility portabilityanalysis, functional, documentation, prototyping, manual2
reynotekoppele.nlMy main focus points are accessibility and performance, something that is overlooked in a lot of websites. Currently working as a Wordpress developer but love to tinker in javascript with frameworks like Vue or React in my spare time.point accessibility, accessibility performancethink, sandbox, mainly, framework, react2
studiozoost.nlThe combination of the location, accessibility, the interior that feels so exclusive and a team that understands what you are doing and need makes StudioZoost so unique. You hire the space but get so much more in return.location accessibility, accessibility interior, optimal accessibilitydiscover, direction, successful, join, connect2
070media.nlWe work and think like an SME. And everything we undertake, we do with love for entrepreneurs, communication, design and accessibility.attractiveness accessibility, accessibility usertarget, voor, audience, sme, credibility2
joseewouters.nl…your website greatly: it improves your SEO because search engines know better what to expect on your site. It will also improve your site's accessibility: meaning that people who use assistive technologies, can better use your website.site accessibility, accessibility people, web accessibility, accessibility googlecss, specificity, git, magic, react2
v5n4.nlAny organisation that experiences accessibility problems and is keen to help their employees make a positive difference in their local area. By participating in F5T4 your employees willbe informed about all the different travel to work…way accessibility, accessibility region, organisation accessibility, accessibility problemmobility, employee, uk, registration, traffic2
bss-solutions.nlIncrease your accessibility with our managed hosting solutions for your online platform.optimal accessibilityambition, growth, commerce, optimization, entrepreneur2
museumgouda.nlMuseum Gouda has limited accessibility for the disabled. Disabled persons are advised to use the entrance at Oosthaven 9.limited accessibility, accessibility disableportrait, century, french, piece, altar2
panorama-mesdag.nlContact FAQ Groups Accessibility Hire and receptions House rules Press and imagesgroup accessibility, accessibility hirevisit, hague, easter, frequently, pause2
huisartsenpraktijkwestertoren.nlTo best serve you, we have adjusted our telephone accessibility. From Monday, February 6, [...]telephone accessibility, accessibility mondayappointment, patient, repeat, prescription, vacancy2
ijmuidenboekhouder.nlClarity and accessibility are central to De Ruijter Administratieve Dienstverlening. We ensure that the costs of your administration or personal declaration are clear in advance. This way you will never be faced with surprises. In…clarity accessibility, accessibility centralaccounting, administrative, administration, clarity, central2
tauro.nl"The choice of renting office space at Tauro was made because of its location and good accessibility. We are also very enthusiastic about the building itself and the fact that we have been given the opportunity to furnish and divide up…excellent accessibility, accessibility public, good accessibility, accessibility enthusiasticrent, hague, workspace, near, appointment2
vrbapp.nlAccessibility: Although Mastercard is extensively approved, it’s always a great idea to check if your chosen on-line casino specifically approves Mastercard down payments.uncategorized, gambling, enterprise, money, totally2
burnfatnotfuel.nl– Burn Fat Not Fuel addresses many of the mayor challenges our present society faces: Climate change caused by CO2 emissions, the dependency and depleting of fossil fuels, the accessibility and air quality of urban areas, and health…well accessibility, accessibility company, fuel accessibility, accessibility airfuel, fat, bike, het, hoe2
landgoed-steenenburg.nl© 2024 Landgoed Steenenburg | Accessibility statement | Cookies | Disclaimer | Legal disclosure | Privacy statementsteenenburg accessibility, accessibility statementestate, round, walk, october, realtor2
rezka.nlFlight Pilot: 3D Simulator strikes a great balance between realism and accessibility. While the game offers realistic flight physics and controls, it also provides adjustable difficulty settings and tutorials to accommodate players of all…realism accessibility, accessibility player, accessibility gameflight, aircraft, realistic, player, sky2
knowlesti.nl© Copyright 2018 - | Knowles Training Institute Netherlands | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Accessibility | Cookies | Legal Disclaimer | Trademarks | Corporate Training | Courses | Netherlands | Amsterdam |…conditions accessibility, accessibility cookietalk, hague, institute, leadership, interpersonal2
vvvzundert.nl© 2024 VVV Zundert | Privacystatement | Cookies | Accessibility statement | Colofon | Disclaimercookie accessibility, accessibility statementexplore, flower, eat, visit, traffic2
dieseljack.nl…sale process. process. What What will will the the deal deal group group look look like? like? Will Will you you have have accessibility accessibility to to senior senior staff staff member member when when you you require require them?sector accessibility, accessibility possible, like accessibility, accessibility seniordog, investment, pearl, horse, veteran2
veerlevanengen.nlStrategy is what I know, initiating and coaching implementation of innovation to serve healthcare is what I love. During transitions in the healthcare landscape my goal is to enhance the value, quality and accessibility of care while…quality accessibility, accessibility caretransition, healthcare, holistic, creation, strategic2
knmi.nl…limit damage and injuries. With high-quality knowledge and technology plus an extensive observation network, KNMI offers products and services that contribute to the safety, accessibility, sustainability and prosperity of the Netherlands.habitability accessibility, accessibility high, safety accessibility, accessibility sustainabilityclimate, weather, institute, meteorology, task2
movingcompanydenhaag.nlAfter we have submitted your application form, we will prepare a non-binding offer with a price indication. We will take into account several things such as distance, contents and accessibility. We can often provide you with an exact…content accessibility, accessibility exact, effect accessibility, accessibility newaffordable, hague, reliable, insure, relocation2
wheel-tec.nl"Very happy with my new wheel purchase, Reynolds rims with Chris King hubs. My compliments for the enthusiasm of the staff. The accessibility is very good. The store is very spacious and well organized."staff accessibility, accessibility goodwheel, rim, spoke, speak, consultation2
niblick.nlWe have also worked jointly on applying the accessibility guidelines and supplying assets and specs to front-end development.jointly accessibility, accessibility guidelinesux, overview, gamble, banking, strategist2
healthinnovations.nl…The fund is focused on innovative health solutions that keep healthcare affordable and improve the quality and accessibility of care. Investors include KPN Ventures, Menzis, Monuta, Topfonds Gelderland, Oost NL and several private…quality accessibility, accessibility care, medical accessibility, accessibility serviceinvestment, healthcare, million, investor, patient2
podcastfestival.nlWe’re doing our utmost best to welcome as many people as possible to the festival. All information about accessibility can be found on this page.accessibility festival, information accessibility, accessibility pagelineup, pause, later, silence, listener2
annekesinnema.nlThis is reflected in a specialization in robust and clearly written HTML and CSS, with a strong focus on accessibility and code reusability. (Vanilla) JavaScript is the icing on the cake! 🍰focus accessibility, accessibility code, customer accessibility, accessibility paramountmaintenance, asset, template, empathy, vanilla2
altumconsulting.nlModern Slavery Policy Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Accessibility Altum Grouppolicy accessibility, accessibility altumconsulting, role, candidate, charity, transformation2
houbenmobility.nlIs mobility for your business just a necessary expense or are you interested in looking further? By choosing Sustainable Mobility at Houben Mobility Management, you choose to substantially reduce your transport, and you invest directly in…directly accessibility, accessibility employee, mobility accessibility, accessibility businessmobility, expense, interested, saving, showcase2
sustainable-solutions.nl…aims to include cycling as regular mode of transport in this masterplan to improve the air quality, health, accessibility and reduce CO2 emissions. In cooperation with the Dutch consulate Sustainable Solutions is organizing a…quality accessibility, accessibility overall, health accessibility, accessibility emissionbicycle, urban, february, cycling, mobility2
9292.nlAccessibility Bicycles in public transport Pets in public transport Customized transporttrain, boat, api, customize, headquarter2
reportcompany.nl…the process and, together with partners CF Report and Tangelo Software, provide the design and layout of the annual report. By adding an online platform, the accessibility and communication power of the annual report has improved.design accessibility, accessibility readability, platform accessibility, accessibility communicationreport, annual, uk, integrate, invest2
rstrail.nlMOOC The impact of transport system on accessibility, safety and the environment.system accessibility, accessibility safetycongress, phd, mobility, introduction, traffic2
thomaskrijnen.nlFor TNO, a renowned research institution in the Netherlands, Thomas built an on-line aggregation of several sources of building accessibility guidelines, composed into an interactive design that can be navigated on-line.build accessibility, accessibility guidelinespp, proceedings, conference, scientific, building2
nhlo.nlNHLO, together with partners IHC , MARIN and ECN , receive Renewable Energy (TSE) funding for investigating spring balanced technology to improve offshore accessibility - October 1st, 2015offshore accessibility, accessibility october, accessibility augustmanual, workload, physical, seemingly, motion2
liveandbe.nlI am looking forward to moving in to my new studio, it is ideally located with great accessibilityaccommodation, study, neighbor, ideally, apartment2
ufl-swol.nlGerman students. Jan Koppetsch, an alumnus of Maastricht University (UM) and Managing Partner at LKPU Consulting, was instrumental in facilitating this partnership, which emphasizes LKPU’s commitment to educational accessibility and…educational accessibility, accessibility talentfund, study, dinner, scholarship, programme2
pharos.nlSustainable improvement of the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of care and prevention for people with limited health literacy, non-western migrants and refugees.quality accessibility, accessibility care, effectiveness accessibilityprevention, literacy, programme, limited, western2
michielstam.nlI firmly believe that design should be an empowering force for all. I am eager to bring my expertise in web accessibility (from knowledge of the WCAG-guidelines, screen reader optimization to writing inclusive copy) to a project.web accessibility, accessibility knowledgeguitar, healthcare, screen, prototyping, lesson2
goeiegruttenif.nlGreenPro International plays an important role as a go-to-market partner for both companies and retailers of plant-based products in key European markets. By improving the availability and accessibility of plant-based products for…availability accessibility, accessibility plantfund, innovative, investment, transition, healthy2
metropoolregioeindhoven.nlWe and the 21 municipalities do this by reaching an access agreement on the major infrastructural access by road and rail as well as a good national and international accessibility of Eindhoven Airport. In addition, the municipalities…international accessibility, accessibility eindhoven, strategy accessibility, accessibility transitionregion, municipality, metropolitan, cooperation, innovative2
leideninclusionblog.nlAccessibility is a basic precondition for being able to take part in university life, conduct research, participate in classes and develop our interests and ambitions. With the current corona measures, the accessibility of our online…officer accessibility, accessibility online, measure accessibilitydiversity, inclusion, officer, initiative, awareness2
bezoeklekenlinge.nlCookie preferences | Privacy statement | Accessibility statement | © 2024 Tussen Lek & Lingestatement accessibility, accessibility statementcycling, tussen, river, historic, hike2
verloskundigevoorburg.nlWe prefer that you use the registration form to make an appointment. This increases our telephone accessibility.registration, appointment, pregnancy, midwife, guidance2
amazevr.nlHighly recommended! Great experience, good accessibility and friendly staff. The review mail could be a little shorter in terms of options, a bit of choice stress :P. In general, it is really an experience that you have to experience…good accessibility, accessibility friendlyago, amaze, staff, helpful, kid2
koepelenschede.nlThe accessibility of 'the Koepel' is good and very easy. You'll find the villa next to the road 'N18'. You'll probably drive this road when you visit the country land of Twente. Another possibility is driving the highway. Take exit 26…facility, rate, calendar, road, possibility2
clinicalnlp.nlPlease let us know if you require special assistance or additional accessibility arrangements by contacting us . We are trying to make the workshop as accessible to everyone as possible and we will do our best to meet your needs.wheelchair accessibility, additional accessibility, accessibility arrangementclinical, present, accessible, entrance, wheelchair2
321tuin.nlWe have a proven record of accomplishment and are a reputable company in the United States. We ensure that all projects are done with utmost professionalism using quality materials while offering clients the support and accessibility.root, trust, proudly, successful, thousand2
nvp-groep.nlOur focus within industrial real estate lies in logistics. We evaluate assets based on factors like accessibility and geographical suitability.like accessibility, accessibility geographicalestate, investment, residential, asset, logistics2
delamar.nlTravel information Ticket sales information Food & drinks Frequently asked questions Groups Accessibility Floor plansgroup accessibility, accessibility flooreasily, securely, frequently, visit, package2
stoommachinemuseum.nlEveryone is welcome! We are open to recommendations that improve the accessibility of the museum even more.recommendation accessibility, accessibility museumsteam, engine, nowadays, adult, pump1
diz.nlThe Kroonenberg Group is committed to supplying added value to the quality of shopping, working and living, combining shopping and working with attractive surroundings, good accessibility and high-level services. Kroonenberg Group…good accessibility, accessibility hightable, manufacturer, housing, possibility, overview1
weepingtower.nlThere may be a private event going on during the winter period (November-March), which means we are not open to the public at the end of the day. Please keep this in mind if you want to visit us, or give us a call to check availability…availability accessibility, accessibility centralcheese, authentic, cream, fry, terrace1
wiedanstisvrij.nlExpect a queer reflection on body positivity, accessibility kink, identity and joy.positivity accessibility, accessibility kinkexhibition, archive, programme, vrij, nightlife1
hotelarnhem.nlWith 10 multifunctional (meeting) rooms and excellent accessibility, Hotel Arnhem is the perfect place for a meeting in a green environment.excellent accessibility, accessibility hotelder, guarantee, package, parking, dinner1
globalarchitects.nlWhen we overlook the house at the end of our tour on the back terrace, Leyla says: “The house is completely to our liking, but it also shows who we are. The openness and transparency through the many large windows. The accessibility by…window accessibility, accessibility hardlyrenovation, hague, expat, firm, architectural1
medisigntudelft.nlI graduated from the Integrated Product Design master’s with the Medisign specialisation. My graduation assignment was carried out for the Reinier de Graaf Hospital in Delft. During this period I developed a surgical device to provide…well accessibility, accessibility hipindustrial, healthcare, ergonomic, phd, candidate1
thepartygroup.nlCombining the hospitality and craftsmanship of the past with the accessibility and entertainment of present. Immerse yourself in the world of live music, stylish bartenders, exciting cocktails and delicious dishes.past accessibility, accessibility entertainmentvenue, crowd, terrace, hospitality, exciting1
timmerman-transport.nlWith more than 50 units Timmerman Transport has a remarkable flexibility. Modern means of communication, like Blackbox equipment provided with GPRS, offer an optimal accessibility. The drivers are well educated en have a professional…optimal accessibility, accessibility driverdistribution, cargo, storage, planet, driver1
fizadvocaten.nlOur proactive, forward-looking team approaches each issue with a fresh perspective. We quickly establish a strong understanding of the situation and how best to achieve client objectives. Accessibility is paramount. Each member of our…objective accessibility, accessibility paramountrestructuring, structure, regulatory, firm, mortgage1
translatext.nl…feedback and talks to improve and gain a better understanding of the materials on both sides. She improved our English language, but also the readability and accessibility, of our scientific report and management summary. Thanks!readability accessibility, accessibility scientifictranslation, copy, edit, report, write1
easymortgage.nlOur commitment to accessibility means that we have strategically positioned our offices in key cities across the Netherlands. Whether you're based in vibrant Amsterdam, sophisticated The Hague, or bustling Utrecht, our dedicated teams are…commitment accessibility, accessibility strategicallyrate, mortgage, interest, advisor, appointment1
medicaldroneservice.nlAt the same time that demand for customised healthcare is increasing, the accessibility of hospitals and healthcare locations is steadily decreasing. We are investigating how the deployment of drones can not only bring healthcare closer…healthcare accessibility, accessibility hospitalhealthcare, joint, initiative, mobility, flight1
beingfrankly.nlI'm a developer advocate & consultant. I write and talk about accessibility, because I want to make it more accessible for everyone.consultant accessibility, accessibility accessibleaccessible, dark, advocate, recently, wednesday1
interhouse.nlPerfect assistance resulted in a highly-efficient process with a fantastic end result. Easy accessibility and excellent knowledge of the market.easy accessibility, accessibility excellentproperty, estate, rental, hague, invest1
mentorsupport.nldifference in parenting style between parents of children without impairments? Which contextual factors, such as accessibility of the environment or personal factors, do they perceive as potential facilitators or risk factors of an…factor accessibility, accessibility environmentimpairment, visual, lab, participation, relationship1
sutty.nlSutty keeps informed of accessibility for web sites and works towards it with their communities.sutty accessibility, accessibility webpricing, visible, ecologist, collective, accessible1
sparen-beleggen.nlSaving offers financial security, accessibility and a sense of control over personal finances.security accessibility, accessibility senseinvest, saving, wealth, save, tax1
mylifetechnologies.nlA t MyLife Technologies, we specialize in pioneering porous ceramic microneedles for painless and efficient vaccine delivery through the skin. Our vision is clear: to simplify and enhance healthcare accessibility. With our innovative…healthcare accessibility, accessibility innovativevaccine, ceramic, publication, innovative, porous1
optimauitzendburo.nlTransparency, reliability, quality, flexibility, accessibility, craftsmanship, safety and commitment are characteristic of our organization and working method. High-quality housing and transport are provided in-house.flexibility accessibility, accessibility craftsmanshipvacancy, shipbuilding, employee, internal, personnel1
pef-technologies.nlPresent food preservation technologies provide safer food with longer shelf-life but often fail on bio-accessibility and bio-availability of valuable nutrients. The nanoPEF effectively preserves heat-sensitive products such as milk…bio accessibility, accessibility bioprocessing, innovative, milk, preservation, liquid1
ddog.nl…I founded Pabio, an interior design and furniture subscription startup; and Oswald Labs, an award-winning accessibility technology company. I use open-source code as a way of scratching my own itch; most of my 100+ repositories are…award accessibility, accessibility technologygithub, devops, azure, conduct, schedule1
placelift.nlRural facility decline: A longitudinal accessibility analysis questioning the focus of Dutch depopulation-policylongitudinal accessibility, accessibility analysisspatial, facility, scientific, societal, stakeholder1
smaakexpeditie.nlThe Taste Expedition is always run by two expedition leaders. The dynamics this creates contribute to the active involvement of the participants and the accessibility of the teaching material.participant accessibility, accessibility teachtaste, expedition, sensory, participant, consumer1
kl.nlsector in the future just to keep the system running: the signs are ominous. These problems are jeopardising the accessibility and solidarity of the healthcare system. Kennisland tackles entrenched patterns and involves the whole of…problem accessibility, accessibility solidaritysociety, government, transition, advisor, youth1
stedelijkmuseumschiedam.nlEveryone is welcome at the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. We do everything we can to make the museum accessible to all visitors – we have lifts, an accessible toilet, and a visitor wheelchair. You can read more about accessibility here .exhibition, landscape, holiday, entrance, january1
hotelamersfoorta1.nlLocated in the center of the Netherlands for optimal accessibility from all regions, ideal for guests looking for a central meeting place.optimal accessibility, accessibility regionder, package, facility, guarantee, unforgettable1
dcent.nlAmsterdam's fiber hub with our own BGP network. Redundant 40Gbps networking fuels connectivity, ensuring seamless data flow and client accessibility.storage, decentralized, gpu, sustainability, edge1
fridadekoning.nl“Your openness, accessibility, love and directness go straight in. And when you start singing you hit so many strings…. beautiful melodies, sometimes unintelligible lyrics and your sensitive, flexible, beautiful voice… I am deeply…openness accessibility, accessibility lovesong, systemic, reaction, lyric, participant1
kayjilesen.nlWith a passion for design and technology I design and develop custom made websites of the highest level with the accessibility of a freelancer.level accessibility, accessibility freelancercapital, currently1
yrams.nl…Phishing-Security Malware-Security Domain-Security Website protection Website scanning security Why web accessibility Digital-Brand Phishing-Brand Domain-Brand CyberCrime-Brand Counterfeiting-Intelligence Digital-Intelligence…web accessibility, accessibility digitalfinally, employee, consumer, difference, contribution1
automotiveinnovationaward.nlFifth edition of the AIA dedicated to accessibility, sustainability and safety. Read moreaia accessibility, accessibility sustainabilityfigure, fact, election, ambassador, impression1
iconicstudio.nlCosta is creative and is very personal in his service. Time after time, he makes a good translation from a given description into the design we are looking for. He sticks to his agreements, is flexible and because of his accessibility he…flexible accessibility, accessibility niceiconic, visual, graphic, identity, ux1
newbabylon.nlThe variety of spacious conference areas and breakout options have exceptional accessibility, located adjacent to The Hague Central Station and easily reached by car or bike with ample parking.exceptional accessibility, accessibility adjacenthague, conference, facility, parking, variety1
conversieboer.nlI'll audit your webshop on all necessary requirements to convert and sell efficiently such as user-friendliness, reliability, accessibility and attractiveness.reliability accessibility, accessibility attractivenessconversion, optimization, rate, footer, seed1
reachingeurope.nl…service providers are present in the Venlo Region and are ready to help you with your logistics challenge. And the Venlo Region further facilitates the European accessibility through the availability of large plots and warehouse spaces.european accessibility, accessibility availabilityreach, port, region, consumer, logistics1
beedirect.nlBrand loyalty or just habit? Study reveals that more than half of repeat purchases are due to routine, convenience and accessibilityloyalty, wholesaler, introduction, supplier, risk1
minkemakelaardij.nlAnd as a Rotterdammer born and bred, there’s no one who can tell you more about the practical side of living in Rotterdam than me, for example its neighbourhoods, schools, shops, amenities, public transportation, accessibility …buy, property, housing, peace, purchase1
softtechinteractive.nlGo for green business mobility with our Lock Share System! A bike sharing system is extremely suitable when your company deals with working in shifts, home visits, inner city appointments, limited accessibility with public transport and /…limited accessibility, accessibility publicbike, interactive, lock, asset, boat1
vssr.nl…both from scratch and with Twitter Bootstrap. I can work with vanilla JS, jQuery and have built several ReactJS components. Semantic web, accessibility and modern standards are important to me, I like to keep things simple and RESTful.web accessibility, accessibility modernux, resume, role, thought, functional1
mwika.nlThis connection facilitates the secure exchange of medical information, thereby enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of healthcare in Moshi.efficiency accessibility, accessibility healthcarehospital, cardiac, africa, aid, profit1
trypoul.nlThe Recording facility is situated in the south east of the Netherlands, near Eindhoven. We have our own fenced parking. There is full wheelchair accessibility. Free Wi-Fi, several TV screens, a bar and kitchen and BBQ place. We can…wheelchair accessibility, accessibility freefacility, major, south, east, hire1
rechtsconsultrotterdam.nlWe offer free legal advice time slots, so you can discuss your questions at no cost, promoting accessibility and trust.cost accessibility, accessibility trustconsultation, appointment, base, thursday, tuesday1
falconink.nlKnowledgeable and friendly people. Very tight tattoo. Very satisfied with the treatment and accessibility for questions. Recommendedtreatment accessibility, accessibility questionink, realistic, satisfy, appointment, directly1
fennekadvocaten.nlThe lawyers of Fennek stand for ‘lean and mean’ quality, solution-oriented and accessibility.law, employment, lawyer, litigation, overview1
cyprio.nl…our motto is showing the added value of our activities, so that customers experience value for their money. In addition, Cyprio BV stands for a flexible approach, clear 1:1 communication and an optimal accessibility for our customers.optimal accessibility, accessibility customertreatment, wastewater, industrial, microbiological, biological1
logistiekbereikbaar.nlHow are we going to create a zero-emissions city together? We support efficient, eco-friendly, and safe accessibility and transport:safe accessibility, accessibility transportlogistics, freight, secondary, mile, viable1
vankuik.nlUsing .onTapGesture when you should actually use a button. Although it's nicely concise, a button will show visual feedback, and can easily be adjusted for accessibility.swiftui, break, file, raspberry, ssh1
b3care.nl…sharing, interoperability and collaboration solutions. TeraRecon iNtuition and iNteract+ solutions advance the accessibility, performance, clinical functionality and medical imaging workflow throughout many areas of the healthcare…solution accessibility, accessibility performanceimaging, artificial, cardiac, collaboration, radiology1
byteleaders.nlWe have enjoyed working with an external customer service team from Byteleaders for many years. Thanks to their flexible deployment, we ensure optimal accessibility for our customers.optimal accessibility, accessibility customerimplementation, desk, conversion, retention, pricing1
martijnwieling.nldiffusion. Although the bulk of research involves lexis and phonology, morphosyntax is receiving increasing attention. Finally, new data sources and new (online) analytical software are expanding dialectometry's remit and its accessibility.paper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech1
wins50.nlTo facilitate the accessibility of the datasets the WINS50 Image Library has been set-up. Explore how a tenfold increase in the North Sea wind energy capacity impacts on wind, temperature, and humidity fields!north, farm, grasp, capacity, wake1
gkracht.nland there are often listed buildings in the immediate vicinity. Houseboats often need to be relocated and trees removed. This puts huge pressure on city accessibility and results in high levels of inconvenience throughout the neighbourhood.city accessibility, accessibility highquay, municipality, innovative, replacement, inconvenience1
thetwincherries.nlA study on accessibility to healthcare services in Ghana showed that 30% of the population has to walk long distances to access healthcare services.study accessibility, accessibility healthcareparent, woman, girl, poverty, farming1
citymotel.nlMotel “The City” is located on the edge of the village of Veen and is therefore centrally located in the Land of Heusden and Altena. With the N267 as an important traffic artery a few hundred meters away, we offer our guests optimal…optimal accessibility, accessibility ampledouble, luxurious, shower, sink, electronic1
visionplaza.nlClose to runway and highway, the Schiphol-Rijk business park trumps Amsterdam both in terms of accessibility and price.term accessibility, accessibility priceparking, train, court, hospitality, availability1
rasdelft.nl…in the areas of sustainable and efficient waterway transport, security, digitisation, economic growth, accessibility, and employment. By combining autonomous driving and shipping research, the Researchlab Autonomous Shipping…growth accessibility, accessibility employmentautonomous, het, hun, government, facility1
watchseriesfree.nlfees, Watch Series Free allows you to watch series free of charge, making quality entertainment accessible to all. This dedication to affordability and accessibility sets Watch Series Free apart as a leader in the world of online streaming.affordability accessibility, accessibility watchwatch, movie, favorite, request, costume1
cncdrifter.nlFor more accessibility special with the 3-in 1-out nozzle changed I the horizontal orientation from the original Mendel90 sturdy to a vertical orientation, with a modified and mirrored Prusa Vanilla X-axis for 10mm smooth rods and 50mm…gear, extruder, axis, wil, force1
kojac.nl…for the face of your website, application or program and thereby the whole visible environment for the user. The front-end developer programs, tests and implements the front-end part and ensures user-friendliness and accessibility.frontend, programmer, python, flexible, embed1
rivoircapital.nlThe A24 Blankenburg Connection is a strategic infrastructure project aimed at improving the accessibility of the economic region of Rotterdam. The project is focused on promoting livability and aims to preserve the existing nature and…project accessibility, accessibility economicinfrastructure, capital, investment, economic, climate1
queenstearoom.nlNestled in the bustling center of Haarlem, Queens offers easy accessibility for locals and travelers alike. Just a short stroll from Haarlem train station and a mere 18 minutes from Schiphol airport, our tearoom is a convenient oasis for…easy accessibility, accessibility localafternoon, taste, famous, authentic, britain1
sotex.nl…reliability. Nevertheless, of course, there is always the possibility of a defect or malfunction. It is very important that you can count on adequate service when this happens. SOTEX attaches great importance to service and accessibility.nitrogen, expansion, compress, maintenance, mean1
cimt.nlToday, more than ever, business direction and decision-making are based on data. A responsible and careful management of data quality, accessibility and usage are critical success factors for an organization to be able to act…quality accessibility, accessibility usagesnowflake, voor, innovative, mendix, architecture1
wannessalome.nlWannes Salome (october 1990) has never-ending obsession with sounds and composition. With his naturally distinctive style in songwriting and production he has developed a talent to balance music between originality and accessibility. He…originality accessibility, accessibility activewrite, producer, electronic, oct, unreleased1
sh-fotografie.nlcheat on the camera. Enough beautiful pictures! Nice to see that things are going well. Is she around again next year? Then we want again!! Thanks Silvia. also for your accessibility and reachability. No nonsense: GREAT ! We are very happy.silvia accessibility, accessibility reachabilityportrait, photographer, daughter, ago, spontaneous1
molenkolk.nlWe find accessibility and hospitality essential in our work. Our attractively furnished guest accommodations are therefore easily accessible for people who are less mobile. The living / dining room with kitchen, the bedroom and the…accommodation, region, rate, hospitality, atmosphere1
justnikki.nlI prioritize accessibility and strive to be approachable for any legal concerns you may have.estate, law, matter, attorney, effective1
motormarktbalkbrug.nlMarkets and other events of (sports) associations are more often held in the Diamond Hall. The revamped Motormarkt is thus assured of good accessibility, ample parking and smooth running of the event. The Diamond Hall is located on a…good accessibility, accessibility amplemotorcycle, saturday, moped, practical, exhibitor1
schermenpool.nlThe Port of Rotterdam is the largest seaport of Europe. The port derives its leading position from its excellent accessibility from sea, inter-modal connectivity and the 385,000 people who work in the port and industry. This is a place…excellent accessibility, accessibility seaport, exercise, joint, fire, spill1
tenax-plugs-seeds.nlThis location offers space for a special germination equipment , storage for seeds and materials, tunnels, container fields and better accessibility. In the coming years, Tenax will continue building on a solid reputation, result of an…well accessibility, accessibility cometree, seed, catalogue, impression, stock1
herjen.nlGood understanding of User centered design, Accessibility and Qualitative researchdesign accessibility, accessibility qualitativeinteraction, effective, ux, request, career1
isasecurity.nlPersonal contact, short lines of communication, good service and 24/7 accessibility are the basis for ISA.service accessibility, accessibility basisvacancy, hospitality, enforcement, supervision, certification1
designink.nlThe Dutch Victim Support Fund is the starting point for victims of crime, accidents and disasters in the Netherlands. Designink developed a website with a renewed focus on the user and accessibility. The thematic presentation was made…user accessibility, accessibility thematiccampaign, report, identity, defence, hague1
asoft.nlSpeech Assistant is very ergonomic and includes many well-thought-out accessibility parameters, more so than some other more expensive apps. It is possible to adjust it to the specific needs of many users, for the visual presentation…ergonomic accessibility, accessibility parameter, size accessibility, accessibility actionspeech, phrase, impaired, screen, alternative1
yeastarhostedvoice.nlWith Yeastar Hosted Voice, your employees will cooperate better with each other. They can easily adjust their accessibility settings themselves, chat with each other, and see which colleagues are available.easily accessibility, accessibility settinghost, integration, colleague, accessible, queue1
muntersconsulting.nlLocal Governance: Social Accountability, Decentralisation, Participatory Planning, Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning, Local Economic Development, Public Private Partnerships, Fiscal Decentralisation, and Local Revenue Mobilisation.rural accessibility, accessibility planningconsulting, cooperation, effective, advisory, economic1
lorenzoquint.nl…behaviour on, and offline. He is inspired by visual research and daily life topics. Personal interests include accessibility, neurodiversity and inequality in systems. He’s aware of his own irony. In the sense that nobody doesn’t have…interest accessibility, accessibility neurodiversitywrite, provision, engine, illustration, port1
welcometowander.nlThis approach increases support, efficiency, improves people's well-being, user satisfaction, accessibility and sustainability.satisfaction accessibility, accessibility sustainabilitywander, creation, think, perspective, realisation1
weerstation-denosse.nl…the Thames Valley,a region known for its concentration of technology companies and business parks. Maidenhead’s accessibility,coupled with its proximity to Heathrow Airport,has made it an attractive location for both established…maidenhead accessibility, accessibility proximitygambling, companion, weer, football, uncategorized1
unexus.nlCreate your contact center with Microsoft Teams and Unexus. Manage your accessibility, expand with Teams Calling and integrate Teams into your applications.unexus accessibility, accessibility teamsconnect, telephony, integrate, paper, csr1
universe-logistics.nl…transport services throughout Europe and domestic courier as well as express transport. As a freight forwarder we are an extension of your company and provide personal contact and excellent accessibility this is very important to us.excellent accessibility, accessibility importantlogistics, universe, freight, shipment, transportation1
lab701.nlWhat appeals to me is the accessibility, personal contact, professionalism and expertise.qualitative, quickly, especially, effort, trouble1
betaalvereniging.nlIn this Betaaljournaal, read about the new role of Incassomachtigen and the impact of the Instant Payments Regulation, among other things. Also discover how inclusion is taking shape with the European Accessibility Act.european accessibility, accessibility actpayment, association, task, report, annual1
versen.nlalso many tools, ranging from tools to build and test the software to tools to verify security, performance, and accessibility. An important challenge is how to deliver this ecosystem of environments and tools to development teams in an…performance accessibility, accessibility importantmanifesto, advisory, honorary, annual, conduct1
wistor.nlData in Wistor adhere to principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability. In other words, data is FAIR, we make sure of that. Satisfying FAIR principles means focusing on a computer system’s ability to find…findability accessibility, accessibility interoperabilitydecision, automatically, centric, visible, consistency1
brasserievanbaerle.nlBrasserie van Baerle has also always distinguished itself with a high-quality but surveyable wine list of “Old World” wines, predominantly French. This wine list has received several awards for its quality, accessibility and wine / food…quality accessibility, accessibility winereservation, wine, dinner, dining, sunday1
gavinschipper.nlAs a UX designer at Heart for Health I devise and visualize all functionalities of the electronic health record MedicalPortal. I advise colleagues about the accessibility and usability of new features and test them with the users.colleague accessibility, accessibility usabilityux, researcher, usability, aid, patient1
graansloot.nlGraansloot Kampen b.v. specialises in storage and handling bulk goods. Our company is centrally situated in the Netherlands on large waterway the river IJssel. This, combined with excellent accessibility through a modern network of…excellent accessibility, accessibility modernstorage, cell, capacity, certificate, certification1
neude11.nlChoose great accessibility, a unique atmosphere, and carefree full service. This is how your performance will get its well-deserved stage!great accessibility, accessibility uniquerental, library, historic, accessible, venue1
museummind.nl…and hands-on and interactive media. On request of the museum, Museum Mind offered consultancy on the concept and design of the new exhibition, focussing on issues such as the storyline, the point of view and the general accessibility.exhibition, heritage, narrative, visitor, minded1
ecopedagoog.nlTraining to learn to deal with accessibility differently - break through your dependence and get in touchtraining accessibility, accessibility differentlyforest, tree, unity, fellow, study1
arbeidsrechtamsterdam.nlThe experience was perfect with Janna! She helped me in a labor dispute. Janna asked very clearly about what I wanted to achieve and that result was achieved. Janna gave a lot of attention to the case. The direct accessibility brought me…direct accessibility, accessibility lotemployment, law, employee, lawyer, dismissal1
aquent.nlAn online learning platform that offers free courses taught by industry experts in web design and development, user experience, accessibility, prototyping, content creation, and career skills.experience accessibility, accessibility prototypinghire, guide, relationship, salary, leader1
hodak.nllegal processes, supported by the in-depth knowledge of various sectors and a strong international focus. Transparency, integrity and accessibility are Hodak's core values, through which the firm builds a relationship of trust with clients.integrity accessibility, accessibility hodaklaw, firm, tax, immigration, estate1
nlnet.nlIn addition we run the NGI Zero Review programme, which supports projects within the larger Next Generation Internet initiative to improve their quality and inclusiveness — for instance by hardening security and privacy, improving…privacy accessibility, accessibility openfunding, fund, currently, contribution1
ctdoesburg.nlWith a bold and ambitious roadmap, we are setting a course towards advanced and accessible inland navigation. In this, we talk about more than container transport and focus on an evolution in accessibility, digitalisation, and…evolution accessibility, accessibility digitalisationlogistics, inland, handle, port, eastern1
freshtablefoundation.nlThe Share a Meal program has been facilitating food accessibility for people in need since 2020. We do this independently but also in collaboration with local partners. Read more about the Share a Meal campaign here.food accessibility, accessibility peoplemeal, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, initiative, leader1
nza.nlThe Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) protects the interests of citizens with regard to accessibility, affordability, and quality of healthcare in the Netherlands. With that in mind, the NZa sets rules, conducts oversight over healthcare…regard accessibility, accessibility affordabilityhealthcare, authority, executive, overview, summary1
agencyatnight.nlSpecialists in WordPress and web accessibility, ambitious yet down-to-earth: that's Level Level. With over 35 professionals, we, as a full-service WordPress agency, craft innovative, stable, high-end websites, e-commerce stores, and…web accessibility, accessibility ambitiousvisit, creativity, normal, department, positive1
qffu.nlDuring QFFU diversity, inclusivity and accessibility are central. With our films and side programs we tell stories from different corners of the queer community. We do not only show in cinemas, but also on the streets, in cafes and…inclusivity accessibility, accessibility centralvacancy, rainbow, screen, window, jubilee1
dutchadvocaten.nlOur clients are very satisfied with our expertise, accessibility and personal involvement. We understand your commercial interests and act quickly and effectively.expertise accessibility, accessibility personallawyer, estate, law, founder, agreement1
parkereninijdock.nlThe best place to park in Amsterdam is at the IJDock parking garage! The parking garage is centrally located on the new city island IJDock and has good accessibility. You will find several restaurants, museums and shopping streets within…good accessibility, accessibility restaurantparking, affordable, walk, evening, dinner1
distrirail.nl…is available to our customers and suppliers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year. Not only through online accessibility via our system and Electronic-Data-Interchange (EDI) but also through our staff and management.online accessibility, accessibility systemconnection, port, train, head, privately1
coffeeshopempire.nlOn this site you´ll find our address, opening hours and assortment fast and easy. Coffeeshop Empire is widely known for its relaxed atmosphere, awesome quality and great accessibility within Haarlem. Of course you can also enjoy a relaxed…great accessibility, accessibility haarlemempire, joint, haze, assortment, plenty1
loosboukema.nlThe philosophy of Loos & Boukema advocaten in Amsterdam is short and firm: customer-oriented, no exorbitant rates, speed of work and good accessibility.law, jurisdiction, rate, consultation, lawyer1
marthesselink.nlGet a reminder when you forget the alt attribute to enhance digital accessibility, for everyone.lover, interested, wp, installation, github1
2manydots.nlWordPress driven marketing agency Specialist in the field of security, management, privacy and accessibilityappointment, agreement, advertising, positive, cooperation1
2fn.nlWhether you are looking for real estate consultancy orr co-investing, we offer diverse collaboration options. Tailored to suit various ways of working, our offerings ensures flexibility and accessibility.estate, investment, collaboration, potential, strategic1
torrgas.nl…millions of people. For future generations and the continued habitability of the planet the availability and accessibility of carbon neutral resources is essential. To date, costs and conversion challenges have been the bottleneck…availability accessibility, accessibility carbonchemical, carbon, feedstock, negative, fuel1
agrofruta.nlAgro Fruta is located in Breda (The Netherlands) with a very good logistics accessibility to Rotterdam and Belgium.logistics accessibility, accessibility rotterdamgrower, commit, relationship, closely, logistics1
abonnementenbeheer.nlThe recording, central management, updating and accessibility of these large amounts of data is often the stumbling block. And - believe it or not - good subscription management is really much more difficult than it might seem at first…update accessibility, accessibility largesubscription, vacancy, reader, processing, publish1
htbelastingadviseurs.nlWe know our clients personally and ensure that they have one point of contact so that we can provide them with the best possible advice. We believe in clear communication, accessibility and advice that is customised on the basis of our…communication accessibility, accessibility advicetax, rate, firm, compliance, independent1
donker.nl…our products with very sort delivery times with a good price. We have a workshop with 1200 m² with an office of 200 m², situated near by the high way ring of Rotterdam to obtain a good accessibility for our clients and transport companies.good accessibility, accessibility clientfuel, cooler, plate, exchanger, heat1
hoteloosteinde.nlAt Hotel Oosteinde, we offer comfortable accommodation in the heart of downtown Amsterdam, central to key points in the city at an exceptionally competitive price. On top of that, our own private parking offers an additional layer of…layer accessibility, accessibility flexibilityneighborhood, directly, ultimate, double, central1
voltmaastricht.nlIn consultation with the municipality, Volt wants to look at the possibility of introducing district-related budgets for informal care, so that there is less financial pressure on municipal coordination and the accessibility of informal…coordination accessibility, accessibility informalcouncil, housing, municipality, gather, political1
dutchculture.nlOpen Call: Cultural Cooperation with Morocco 2024, for Dutch-Moroccan projects fostering cultural exchange, accessibility, sustainability, and gender equality. Deadline: 25 May.exchange accessibility, accessibility sustainabilitycultural, cooperation, heritage, ambition, programme1
horaizon.nlNeuraBiome stands at the forefront of this exciting field, leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze and interpret complex data. This non-invasive and efficient method surpasses traditional diagnostic tools…speed accessibility, accessibility comprehensivemicrobiome, personalized, biological, analysis, near1
boekhouders.nlThe benefit of an ‘eenmanszaak’ and ‘VOF’ (Vennootschap onder Firma) is the easy accessibility to start your own business. When you are thinking about starting a ‘BV’ (Besloten Vennootschap) you have to arrange additional things. First…easy accessibility, accessibility businessbookkeeper, tax, difference, administrative, firm1
knausclub.nlConvenience and Accessibility : Local wreckers are conveniently located within Adelaide or its nearby suburbs, making them easily accessible to car owners. Unlike distant scrap yards or online sellers, local wreckers offer the advantage…convenience accessibility, accessibility localpayment, benefit, vehicle, pre, sacrifice1
innoppia.nlFabmetrics has been developed and implemented with accessibility and flexibility in mind. On our gateway the data transfer is optimized and factory data is stored on cloud data warehouses.fabmetrics accessibility, accessibility flexibilityinternship, automation, career, efficiency, optimization1
bitestreams.nlEstablish a reliable data foundation (SSOT) and streamline data flow across systems for accuracy and accessibility.intelligence, efficiency, engagement, pipeline, competitiveness1
giveabike.nl…based in Nairobi with more than 700 young members under 25. They are working hard to help raise awareness and accessibility to cycling among young people in the city – as a social activity but also as a means of transport to and from…awareness accessibility, accessibility cyclingbike, cycling, lesson, kenya, sudan1
brianne.nl…and give a lecture on something in the tech-world, whether it be emerging technologies or the principles of web accessibility. All of the lessons learned during these talks, which our teachers called the Weekly Nerd , were to be logged inweb accessibility, accessibility lessonfrontend, internship, achievement, biodiversity, indonesia1
onderneeminalmere.nl…of room to grow in Almere, it’s close to the A6 and A27 motorways and has great railway connections. Schiphol’s accessibility is very advantageous, and the working population is relatively young. Almere won the title Best Inner-city in…schiphol accessibility, accessibility advantageousentrepreneur, sustainability, logistics, scale, tourism1
laplumemedia.nl…La Plume shows genuine interest in our company and therefore knows how to deliver a (sensitive) message in the right way. The La Plume team are there for us day and night. This flexibility and accessibility make La Plume Media unique.”flexibility accessibility, accessibility lainternal, employment, regional, employee, labor1
nginfra.nl…but especially for the society depending on it. We base our approach on the following five themes; Accessibility of Infrastructure, Value of Infrastructure, SIVOON (collaboration in detection of underground non-detonating…theme accessibility, accessibility infrastructureinfrastructure, collaboration, generation, simultaneously, cross1
sparkleagency.nlThis holistic approach not only enhances accessibility but also fosters stronger relationships, as users can interact effortlessly wherever they prefer. With a unified strategy, we simplify the user experience, ensuring they feel heard…approach accessibility, accessibility strongsparkle, engagement, campaign, landscape, competitive1
bsscongress.nl, transcending geographical boundaries and time constraints. One of the key benefits of online connections is the accessibility they provide. With just a few clicks, individuals can connect with others from around the world, regardless of…connection accessibility, accessibility clickcongress, connection, programme, host, networking1
dopafestival.nlCentrally located in the extension of the Erasmus Bridge, 500 meters from the New Luxor. Excellent accessibility with all modes of transport! The stops of the metro, tram, bus and water taxi are less than 50 meters away from the entrance…excellent accessibility, accessibility modebass, january, amazing, dirty, awesome1
valknijmegen.nlWith 12 multi purpose-built meeting rooms and excellent accessibility our hotel is the perfect location for organising events, for both business and leisure.excellent accessibility, accessibility hotelder, guarantee, package, tourist, facility1
inloopspreekuurnotaris.nloffers you an accessible possibility. There are some “ground rules” to attend the free consulting hour in your neighborhood, but these won’t decrease the accessibility. You can put your question or problem forth directly at a public notary.will accessibility, accessibility questionnotary, clock, straight, appointment, rule1
luukverberne.nlAs the field of study gets more broad and complex, there are more developments to keep up with. Not just technical issues, also accessibility and usability, which makes me an Interaction Designer at the same time.issue accessibility, accessibility usabilitycampaign, interaction, study, apply, italian1
leidenconventionbureau.nlOur conference brochure is an extensive brochure which shows all the possibilities when organising a conference in Leiden. From venues to restaurants, to information about accessibility and sustainability.information accessibility, accessibility sustainabilityconference, convention, venue, destination, independent1
theateradvies.nlaccording to the artist. Contact and acoustics, according to the musicians. Acoustics and technique, according to the technician, while the crew thinks: technology and accessibility. Accessibility and atmosphere say the hospitality officer.technology accessibility, accessibility atmospheretheatre, church, festive, competition, feasibility1
m2advocaten.nlMore than in other sectors, the location is of crucial importance for the retail sector. The appearance, accessibility, flow of passers-by and parking options are determining factors for the success of a…appearance accessibility, accessibility flowtariff, law, estate, rent, increase1
mri-prostate-barentsz.nl…to the dissemination of knowledge in the field. He actively participates in collaborations with other institutions and clinicians, aiming to advance the effectiveness and accessibility of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.effectiveness accessibility, accessibility prostatepaper, prostate, cancer, patient, biography1
dutchwarbirdfoundation.nl…for parts, restoring, and building. Step by step the aircraft is taking form. We will fly her, display her, and ensure accessibility for all. We are recreating a part of Dutch aviation history by adding a new chapter to that history.form accessibility, accessibility dutchwarbird, restoration, accessible, sky, meticulous1
dutchhts.nlApplications for active shims can be found everywhere, where the gap between two assemblies is critical and needs to be readjusted as a result of drifting or changes in tolerance. Particularly when the ambient conditions and the…conditions accessibility, accessibility manualgateway, lab, actuator, official, milestone1
brothers-brothers.nlThe company has its base in The Netherlands and is backed by supply from our partner and production location established in Kenya. Our partnership with the production location started back in 2005. Together we created a global…global accessibility, accessibility uniquebrother, trading, tropical, horticultural, succulent1
benbweids.nl…(!). Castles, villages, former tobacco plantations and the Second world war monument show the long and turbulent history of this area. Due to the tranquility, good facilities and accessibility, it is also a suitable place for businessmen.facility accessibility, accessibility suitablelandscape, sight, guest, river, centrally1
meermobility.nlSupply and demand of mobility is changing rapidly. Increasing sustainability, changing legislation, increasing felxibility of the labor market, technological progress, connectivity and decreasing accessibility are the main reasons for…connectivity accessibility, accessibility mainmobility, rapidly, fleet, supply, sustainability1
zorgenablers.nl“To ensure accessibility, affordability and quality of healthcare, the use of smart, scalable technology is essential. Technology is only one ingredient for successful innovation: it is 10% of the process. After all, implementing new…healthcare, enabler, technological, inspiration, consultation1
bright-ip.nl‘The personal contacts and the accessibility are both really good. I have their mobile phone number and a simple phone call or app message brings me right up to date again.’contact accessibility, accessibility goodbright, ip, intellectual, property, advertising1
cepd.nl…health. “At DOZ Apotek, we are committed to ensuring that everyone can afford better health - through affordable products, accessibility and better advice, we want to create the best possible health for the greatest number of people..product accessibility, accessibility wellpharmacy, lithuania, sweden, poland, union1
pevanha.nlOne of the great benefits of being a customer of PeVanHa is the servitude, accessibility and stability that only a company built on real family values can provide.servitude accessibility, accessibility stabilitytile, carpet, generation, extensive, know1
evianneverhagen.nlChoosing the right patterns to support users in their actions and test it. I’m also gaining experience with accessibility.introduction, mean, behaviour, guidelines, skillset1
bassavenije.nlHis main interest is in the information society and the influence of information technology on social processes and on the development of individual citizens. A point of particular interest is the free and unlimited accessibility of…unlimited accessibility, accessibility scholarlybiography, publication, extensive, society, philosophy1
raddelft.nl…automated transport and in doing so, to support sustainable economic growth, more job opportunities, and better accessibility and efficiency of the entire transportation system in the region. RADD primarily focuses on sustainable means ofwell accessibility, accessibility efficiencyvehicle, het, traffic, autonomous, government1
wakkervandeijzerenrijn.nl…goods this railway line leads to considerable disturbances, by means of which the quality of life, security and accessibility of the aforementioned regions could be seriously disrupted. The disadvantages of a reactivation of the…security accessibility, accessibility aforementionedcooperative, iron, rhine, association, railway1
buisedoedijns.nl…our hand and know exactly what’s what here. But our greatest asset is our commitment. Interest, commitment, and accessibility are inextricably linked to our services. Whether you want advice, wish to discuss progress, or just seek…commitment accessibility, accessibility inextricablyproperty, valuation, estate, fact, feeling1
in-town.nlFinished assignment at People20 , took a sabbatical to refresh skills and dive deeper into Accessibility .css, currently, ux, bootstrap, technologist1
praefator.nlThe first week starts the same as most other servers out there with just a few small exceptions – as a community we prioritise the clearing of major pathways between the plots to ensure there is easy accessibility across the Capitol and…easy accessibility, accessibility capitolreply, player, town, road, government1
sichya.nlOur mission is to improve the accessibility and quality of education for children up to 16mission accessibility, accessibility qualityreport, official, milestone, volunteer, founder1
ateliernou.nl…The high density, more than 200 homes per hectare, faces the municipality with new challenges. One of these is accessibility: this substantial increase in housing is accompanied by an increasing demand for transport. The municipality of…challenge accessibility, accessibility substantialedge, landscape, urbanism, urban, neighborhood1
benb-grotebeek.nlAccessibility: You can park your car at P4 . Long term parking is possible at Parkos at Eindhoven Airport. Easily accessible by bus, check 9292 for current times.double, luxury, bathrobe, towel, estate1
haarlemelectricians.nlWe have a proven record of accomplishments in the United Kingdom. We ensure that all projects are done with utmost professionalism using quality materials. We offer clients support, accessibility and competitive prices.support accessibility, accessibility competitiveelectrician, installation, domestic, emergency, positive1
top-pharma.nlFor top quality of life we connect supply and demand of pharmaceuticals, medicals, cosmetics and other healthcare products on the European market. By doing so we improve the affordability, accessibility and quality of human and veterinary…affordability accessibility, accessibility qualityhealthcare, medicine, veterinary, independent, animal1
hurenindebunkertoren.nlA nice living environment and good accessibility are very important if you’re moving into a new home. Urban living, nature, hustle and bustle, but also tranquility: the BunkerToren has it all. Green living is key. Not only in, but also on…good accessibility, accessibility importantapartment, rental, sky, head, iconic1
carewithinreach.nlWe prioritize high quality care and patient safety, and ensure operational excellence, viability & growth and accessibility to care. We are a social enterprise: 10% of our profit is donated to help those whom have limited or no access to…growth accessibility, accessibility careorthopedic, reach, secondary, upcoming, economy1
ristobar29.nlWillem II straat 29 5038 BA Tilburg 085-9022997 Accessibility The Ristobar is within walking distance of the train and bus station. You can park your bicycle around the corner in the Pieter Vreedeplein bicycle shed. The entrance can be…tilburg accessibility, accessibility ristobarreservation, dinner, organic, electricity, chair1
movemobility.nlMOVE Mobility is improving accessibility, livability, safety and economic vitalitymobility accessibility, accessibility livabilitymobility, delegation, kigali, urban, study1
exonet.nlThe world would grind to a halt without the Internet. Customers choose our managed hosting services because we meet their high standards for accessibility and security.standard accessibility, accessibility securityvacancy, manage, voor, compliance, operation1
mathieudeklerk.nlThe website features a user-friendly interface, responsive design for seamless accessibility and dynamic elements like an online registration form. The color palette and imagery were meticulously chosen to convey trust and professionalism.seamless accessibility, accessibility dynamicvisitor, customize, talk, celebration, dynamic1
kramer-groep.nlproblems. We guarantee quality each step of the process. We are customer-friendly and you can count on excellent accessibility, tight planning, skilled tradesmen, and clear reporting. Good quality does not need to be expensive. Our rates…excellent accessibility, accessibility tightmaintenance, repair, certification, installation, plumbing1
objectvision.nlWe develop the Ruimtescanner and Louisa to model land use change and accessibilitytransition, domain, imagination, building, heating1
superparent.nlbraiding workshop for dads and their daughters, which he set up in co-operation with a local hair salon. The highly successful and unique concept in the Netherlands was picked up by the national news for its accessibility and social aspect.news accessibility, accessibility socialdad, window, daughter, interested, naar1
rikschennink.nlA couple of days ago I posted a tweet about us developers dropping accessibility in favour of Internet Explorer 8 support . A lot of people wanted to know what information I based my statement on. Starting to doubt my own statement, I…developer accessibility, accessibility favourthought, css, recap, reflow, october1
texelvogeleiland.nl…Texel. Examples of our activities include: the planning and realisation of new bird hides on Texel; promoting awareness, such as the importance of restricted-access areas; and to improve the accessibility of information on birds on Texel.area accessibility, accessibility informationbird, charity, island, birdwatching, hide1
gerritsefourage.nlThanks to our central location in the Netherlands we can guarantee a fast service within the Netherlands and an excellent accessibility from outside the Netherlands. Through the link "Route" in above menu bar you can check the best way to…excellent accessibility, accessibility outsidebalance, purpose, description, straw, season1
lennekehoedemaker.nlturn this into a nice addition to the conversation she is leading. Her enthusiasm and her good preparation ensure a substantive and inspiring conversation, seminar or presentation. Her sense of humour plays a major role in her accessibilitypresenter, debate, parliament, audience, humour1
seanblommaert.nlThe 24Kitchen website was completely redesigned and rebuilt with a focus on usability, accessibility, and search. As a freelance developer for Limoengroen, I helped to migrate the thousands of recipes, ingredients, and users to the new…usability accessibility, accessibility searchintegration, solr, apache, api, paragraph1
heussen-law.nl…a new residential area offering an exceptional view of the surrounding landscape as well as excellent regional accessibility. The property site was sold by a conglomeration of another local real estate company, namely Ingelheimer J…regional accessibility, accessibility propertylaw, desk, firm, career1
echtebram.nlI am a member of the Dutch green party GroenLinks . My main interests are accessibility, digitization and inclusivity.interest accessibility, accessibility digitizationelection, scientist, candidate, formal, parliament1
schoutentransportbv.nlThe central location of our warehouse between Antwerp and Rotterdam provides perfect accessibility to these two world ports.perfect accessibility, accessibility worldwarehouse, coil, road, shipment, destination1
cvloodgieter.nlEnjoy flexible appointments from 8 am to 8 pm with CV Loodgieter, providing convenient scheduling to ensure accessibility and peace of mind.schedule accessibility, accessibility peaceplumbing, installation, plumber, appointment, blockage1
mmhs.nlI'm specialised in creating immersive experiences trough motion and realising unique designs. I've developed a passion for semantics and clean code, using both to raise accessibility standars. Increasing screen reader user experiences…code accessibility, accessibility standarsemantic, reader, screen, specialise, trough1
awaywithwords.nlToday’s IT landscape revolves around user-friendliness and accessibility. Modern apps, platforms, websites and programs need a transparent, clear and intuitive interface – in all languages. Consistency is a key concern, but there are less…friendliness accessibility, accessibility moderntranslation, french, rate, audience, transparent1
de-bruyn.nlSince its establishment in 1965, De Bruyn has been an industry leader as an electronic winding company. With worldwide customers in the chemical, metal, food, and shipping industry. We apply a 24/7 policy regarding accessibility. This so…policy accessibility, accessibility continuityelectric, stock, repair, industrial, overhaul1
nielsmanders.nl…believes that digital products should be accessible to everyone, and that everyone can benefit from increased accessibility. In recent times, he has dedicated substantial effort to gain a better understanding of the Web Content…accessible accessibility, accessibility recent, content accessibility, accessibility guidelines, actively accessibilityux, usability, analysis, researcher, near1
voormensen.nl4 The People connects the target groups with products and services that benefit the welfare in terms of positive effects, accessibility and user-friendliness.effect accessibility, accessibility usertarget, society, welfare, vulnerable, limitation1
demannenvanschuim.nlThe green campus-like setting with high-quality office, education and laboratory facilities, in combination with the perfect accessibility next to the NS station and highways, make this location a green oasis in Rijswijk.perfect accessibility, accessibility nshague, estate, municipality, spatial, unmanned1
zorgbureaulimafermino.nlTailored transport within home care provides adapted transport for medical appointments and errands for the elderly and needy to increase accessibility and independence.needy accessibility, accessibility independenceindependence, variety, patient, task, medication1
mercure-hotel-groningen-martiniplaza.nlAt the restaurant and bar you enjoy international cuisine and exciting drinks. Guests of Mercure Hotel Groningen Martiniplaza appreciate the hotel’s high-quality furnishings, easy accessibility to Groningen city center and outstanding…easy accessibility, accessibility groningenconditioning, privilege, stay, guest, shower1
studiotracks.nlStudio Tracks® you’re combining the best of bigger studios (high end studiodesign and top quality gear) with the accessibility, the domestic cosiness and style of a small studio. Situated on an inspiring location at the edge of the…gear accessibility, accessibility domesticportrait, request, postproduction, gear, producer1
xplodemedia.nlWe are happy to be your partner in professional telephone services and can guarantee a 24/7 accessibility for your business. The main focus of our telephone service is on fast and adequate handling of (emergency) telephone traffic, 24…service accessibility, accessibility businesstelephone, vacancy, background, explosive, relation1
cloudavenue.nlWe can also help with the construction of wireless connections where you always have optimal accessibility. Wherever you are in the office and, if you wish, even outside it.optimal accessibility, accessibility officeunified, collaboration, integration, mobility, premise1
addvo.nl…when it comes to preventing or solving problems with staff or contracts. You do not profit from long and expensive disquisitions, but from good accessibility, a clear strategy and practical support. This approach you will find at ADDVO.good accessibility, accessibility clearlaw, employment, straightforward, staff, determination1
the-church.nlbusiness meeting. A special and authentic restaurant with a unique history, a beautiful appearance and excellent accessibility. Inspiration, craftsmanship and hospitality are the foundation at The Church. Visit our versatile venue for…excellent accessibility, accessibility inspirationchurch, eat, divine, facility, lutheran1
digiperium.nlIntroducing the SeniorenPunt Website Revamp, where we're enhancing accessibility and community engagement for seniors. With a user-centric approach, intuitive design elements, and tailored content, our redesigned platform aims to empower…revamp accessibility, accessibility communitywebflow, seamless, visual, captivate, redesign1
virtualbalie.nlBe as reachable as possible, never miss a conversation, and receive comments the way you want! By outsourcing phone traffic to an answering machine, you improve phone accessibility.desk, availability, answer, calendar, reachable1
cvdm.nl…and commercial on-demand media service providers. Our aim is to protect the independence, plurality, and accessibility of audiovisual media in our country. By doing so we also support the freedom of information in our society.plurality accessibility, accessibility audiovisualauthority, audiovisual, summary, demand, broadcast1
itc.nlAnalysing geospatial data is unfortunately quite a complex task for non-specialists, especially during emergencies such as a flood. To support accessibility for everyone, Ageospatial uses natural language and human interaction to make…flood accessibility, accessibility ageospatialitc, earth, observation, resource, faculty1
rudicogroup.nl…Rudico is a highly valued supplier for the delivery of various services and products. Due to always good accessibility via both the online ordering method (WebCenter) and certainly also the employees with whom we maintain intensivegood accessibility, accessibility onlinebase, employee, artwork, flexo, vacancy1
bartrondeel.nlIt is fast, simple, looks nice and very important nowadays, it works flawlessly on all devices. Details such as security and accessibility have also been thought through and photos can even be organised into different categories. Have a…security accessibility, accessibility photowedding, venue, photographer, ceremony, couple1
maastrichtsummerschool.nlWe offer courses in the summer period that are complementary to the traditional educational focus areas of the university. Maastricht Summer School increases the accessibility of knowledge accumulated at Maastricht University to anyone…school accessibility, accessibility knowledgecharge, economic, programme, practical, accommodation1
perkmedia.nlWe have a proven record of accomplishment and are a reputable company in the United States. We ensure that all projects are done with utmost professionalism using quality materials while offering clients the support and accessibility.remodel, tile, painting, kitchen, hardwood1
talk2harry.nlTherapy sessions are available both in-person and online, ensuring accessibility and convenience for everyoneonline accessibility, accessibility conveniencetherapy, disorder, pricing, psychologist, anxiety1
rlid.nl"Our first impression of Robbert Lagerweij was his professionalism, accessibility and his good view of what fits into the space. Robbert's service and support has helped us enormously in making the right interior choices. He used our…professionalism accessibility, accessibility goodinterior, wish, comfortable, american, clay1
irion.nlDespite the enormous amount of information available on the web today, only a fraction of it reaches the target groups at the right place and moment. Irion Technologies wants to contribute to the accessibility of knowledge and information…technology accessibility, accessibility knowledgeclassify, intelligence, vacancy, automatic, classification1
movingcompanyrotterdam.nlThe price of a move depends on a few factors. We look at the distance to your new residential destination, the size of your home and the accessibility for necessities such as a moving lift. If necessary, we will visit your home address or…home accessibility, accessibility necessityinsure, affordable, relocation, quotation, removal1
collectivefutures.nlUser analysis and non-profit funding strategy to support the effectivity and long-term accessibility of a game-based Youth Wellbeing app, developed by an international research consortium.term accessibility, accessibility gamecollective, career, societal, perspective, meaningful1
innovati.nlUltimately, as an organisation you become and remain fast and agile by retaining talent. And certainly during a transition everything revolves around accessibility to that talent.transition accessibility, accessibility talenttransition, optimisation, innovative, certainly, staffing1
hotelvillaruimzicht.nlbusiness meeting. A special and authentic restuarant with a unique history, a beautiful appearance and excellent accessibility. Inspiration, craftmanship and hospitality form the base at Villa Ruimzicht. We encourage collaborations and…excellent accessibility, accessibility inspirationromantic, package, sleep, wedding, table1
vecore.nlMore and more car users are making specific demands around the use, accessibility and sustainability of mobility. They want it to be cheaper, cleaner and smarter. How can you respond to this as a fleet manager, leasing company, car rental…use accessibility, accessibility sustainabilityconfiguration, progressive, far, wish, vehicle1
metropoolregioamsterdam.nlThe MRA spans the ‘daily urban system’ of Amsterdam, which is roughly the area within which the majority of the daily commutes takes place. Within this region, there are mutual dependencies between a wide range of domains – accessibility…domain accessibility, accessibility jobregion, metropolitan, authority, million, population1
ronbeenen.nlI am Director of Business Development Europe at Deque Systems, global leader in digital accessibility. We have one mission, vision and passion: Digital equality.digital accessibility, accessibility missionportrait, leader, equality, inclusion, initiative1
huisartsrivierenbuurt.nlThe Dutch healthcare system was ranked the best in Europe for the seventh consecutive year in 2017, according to the annual index compiled by Sweden’s Health Consumer Powerhouse. The index is based on 48 indicators, including…indicator accessibility, accessibility cost, pharmaceutical accessibility, accessibility healthpatient, overview, appointment, emergency, dial1
caradt.nl‘Could experimental sensory translation of art works improve their accessibility for sensory diverse exhibition audiences?’work accessibility, accessibility sensorycultural, society, interaction, apply, risk1
timum.nlThis kick-off solution for online transactions of service businesses served 5,200 active users so far and coordinated appointments for more than 100,000 people. As check-out plugin it enables servicers to provide 24/7…book accessibility, accessibility onlineappointment, property, yearly, estate, efficiency1
eqteam.nlFor government, accessibility guidelines for digital services are getting more important each day.government accessibility, accessibility guidelinessteering, implementation, base, reliable, commitment1
livehouse.nl…atmosphere that makes achieving these objectives possible: invitation policy and social media, location and accessibility, speakers and entertainment, interactive working methods, audio-visual solutions, décor and branding, and…location accessibility, accessibility speakerstrategic, summary, suggestion, description, default1
artdata.nlThe (international) standards for the exchange and permanent accessibility of data serve as a basis. ARTdata provides a ready-made application for independent management. Or it takes the digital management completely off your hands and…permanent accessibility, accessibility dataoutput, simply, registration, loan, catalogue1
marcoffeeinternational.nl+++ Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Information about the accessibility of Marcoffee International +++ More informationinformation accessibility, accessibility marcoffeefounder, twin, brew, dummy, malfunction1
werkenindezandvoortsehoreca.nlNo two days are the same in the hospitality industry. Thanks to the flexible working hours, you can easily combine your work with your studies or your friends. In addition, the accessibility by public transport of Horeca Zandvoort is very…addition accessibility, accessibility publichospitality, guest, infinite, career, reason1
pofib.nlImproving the accessibility is focused on existing and new mass retail financial servicesalso for un-and under-banked people mostly in developing countries, based on a ‘branchless banking’ concept with an operational and service role for…postal, institution, objective, mass, assistance1
lancelot-telecom.nlOur customers around the globe benefit from our international reach and accessibility .fintech, primarily, career, multiple, ecosystem1
rm-nl.nl"Distribution via RM fits us like a glove. A dedicated contact person, perfect accessibility and quick response. You still feel like a customer. We are very satisfied."perfect accessibility, accessibility quickparcel, benefit, gateway, possibility, internationally1
atrs2019amsterdam.nl…cities with a strong economy, and such cities often are also important tourist destinations. In general terms: accessibility is important for a strong economy, but a healthy transport sector needs a strong economy. Transport and the…term accessibility, accessibility importantconference, speed, economic, america, department1
linkroute.nl…vast network of ports and strategic alliances worldwide, we can transport your cargo to virtually any destination across the globe. From major commercial hubs to remote locations, we provide seamless connectivity and accessibility.logistics, freight, cargo, subscribe, ocean1
winthontlaan1.nlBecause of its excellent accessibility and ample parking space, Winthontlaan 1 is the perfect place for business meetings, team sessions, presentations and workshops. And if that's not enough, other venues are within walking distance…excellent accessibility, accessibility amplefacility, parking, connection, entrance, ground1
abcbusinesscoaches.nlEnhanced Accessibility. Cloud-enabled virtual data rooms provide the flexibility for staff to access documents from any location, at any moment.enhance accessibility, accessibility cloudinvestor, collaboration, secure, efficiency, perspective1
dhg-smartlog.nl…centres in locations with direct access to the modes of road, rail, water and air, your products or those of your customers can be transported in the most efficient way in terms of cost, speed, accessibility, frequency and safety.speed accessibility, accessibility frequencysell, logistics, distribution, port, possibility1
securitytv.nlMobile Internet /and in this context good internet connections/ depends not only on the price and the hardware, but also on the quality of the network. Who puts a high value on mobile accessibility, should therefore pay attention to the…mobile accessibility, accessibility attentiondevice, wireless, introduction, speed, expansion1
msj-advies.nlApplications using Artificial Intelligence can do more and more by combining lots of data with computing power and easy accessibility. This means that technology like AI almost has to be used, even if the added value is not obvious…easy accessibility, accessibility technologystatistics, modelling, dedicated, mathematical, resilience1
johanvanbreukelen.nlOnline slot machines have gained widespread popularity due to their accessibility and entertainment value. Players can access a vast selection of slot games with various themes, features, and payouts. The convenience of playing from home…popularity accessibility, accessibility entertainmentlondon, player, odd, kingston, uncategorized1
strijbisdiesel.nl24/7 storingsservice High accessibility Over 15 years of experience A wide range of parts National and internationalhigh accessibility, accessibility yearengine, durability, maintenance, overhaul, gearbox1
zuyd.nlAs a new student you want information about your study, accessibility, tuition fees and activities. You can find it all on this website.study accessibility, accessibility tuitionstudy, apply, tuition, fee, scale1
fisko.nl…experience that's virtually indistinguishable from native mobile applications. Top it off with the increased focus on accessibility and SEO, and it's easy to see why businesses are investing heavily in cutting-edge web development tactics.focus accessibility, accessibility seopython, tax, redis, flask, queue1
undeniableagency.nl24/7 visibility + accessibility: Your online presence ensures that your business is accessible to customers around the clock . Whether it’s the middle of the night or a holiday, your online presence works tirelessly to attract leads…visibility accessibility, accessibility onlinepresence, pricing, potential, trust, maintenance1
baileo.nl…concerning the community. A unique aspect of a Baileo is the open character, both in construction and general accessibility. Everybody in the community can, at all times, see and hear what is going on in any of the meetings of the…general accessibility, accessibility everybodyjuist, musician, moluccan, excellence, singer1
stichtingkinderenvandewereld.nlWe supply them with help and materials in terms of water purification, lighting and electricity and building accessibility. We take care of the sanitation to make sure all kids can grow up in hygienic circumstances. We also provide…build accessibility, accessibility careshelter, hope, particular, earthquake, rehabilitation1
femkereijermanart.nlNecessary cookies enable core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions.management accessibility, accessibility browserenter, functionality, traffic, accept, statistics1
monkscoffee.nlAs a specialty wholesale coffee roaster driven towards quality, consistency and accessibility, we love working with like-minded people to build excellent coffee relationships. We want the coffee that you serve to be the very best it…consistency accessibility, accessibility likemonk, roaster, cafe, specialty, wholesale1
urtwente.nl…basement next to Waaier has become employee only. Campus Facility Management claims that the removal increases accessibility for students, staff and emergency services. However, many students feel that instead accessibility has worsened,removal accessibility, accessibility student, instead accessibility, accessibility physicallybike, join, staff, parking, movement1
vakantieverblijfwinterberg.nlTerms and Conditions Contact Opening hours Accessibility Availability Pictures Routehour accessibility, accessibility availabilityavailability, description, holiday, vacation, outside1
pelecon.nl. Schiphol Trade Park in Hoofddorp fits Intralox's needs well, especially the central location and therefore good accessibility offer advantages. However, Schiphol Trade Park's high sustainability ambitions also align with Intralox's core…good accessibility, accessibility advantagestructural, distribution, logistics, feasibility, hall1
goudsegidsengilde.nlHow to book? Prices Payment Info about Gouda Pictures of Gouda Accessibility Gouda Tour operators Coachesgouda accessibility, accessibility goudawalk, payment, guide, guild, hall1
vdreijtfert.nl…leading position in the fertilizer trade in Western Europe. By our years of experience and innovation, the easy accessibility of our branches and our efficient logistic processes, we can guarantee you the delivery of your fertilizers at…easy accessibility, accessibility branchfertilizer, road, salt, supplier, package1
toolsheerlen.nlThe buildings are realized of good quality at a beautiful location with good visibility and accessibility. The roofs are suitable for installing solar panels. In the context of durability, the insulation values of walls, roof and floor…visibility accessibility, accessibility roofbuilding, industrial, later, groundwork, premise1
parkeerdatamonitor.nl…responding to this demand from citizens by offer parking information via apps, navigation systems and websites. Making it available of parking information as open data aims to stimulate and facilitate solutions that improve accessibility.parking, facility, dynamic, static, restriction1
wikinoodmaatregelen.nlflow out of the levee. Moreover, this material is more readily available and relatively easy to process, even in bad weather. The grass cover can be left intact in connection with the accessibility of the location for earthmoving equipment.connection accessibility, accessibility locationmeasure, emergency, failure, flood, erosion1
niefra.nlWe also believe accessibility and personal communication to be very important. We have a horizontal organisation structure to keep the lines short, also for our customers. With us, you are more than just a number. You have a fixed contact…protection, burglary, structural, maintenance, colleague1
rvmediadesign.nlThis process involves building your Webflow site from the ground up, using the latest web development technologies and practices. We ensure that your site is optimized for speed, security, and accessibility, and that it meets all of your…security accessibility, accessibility functionalwebflow, identity, asset, graphic, varius1
wap5.nlA list of people on a local, group or global scal with customized accessibility for your employees.scal accessibility, accessibility employeenear, etc, innovative, currently, stability1
mercure-hotel-nijmegen-center.nlThe Mercure Hotel Nijmegen Centre, a centrally located hotel in Nijmegen with excellent accessibility! Here you will enjoy a wonderful relaxing stay in the center of the city of Nijmegen.excellent accessibility, accessibility wonderfulprivilege, direction, sleep, stay, guest1
spyne.nlThrough our comprehensive dashboards and reports, we consolidate essential data, guaranteeing team-wide transparency and accessibility.growth, backbone, firm, stability, transaction1
ozmaritime.nl…SUPPLY… PRODUCTS… Fire Fighting Equipments… Life Saving Equipments… Personal…supply, fight, fire, ship, maritime0
beethovenstraat.nl…have certainly also managed to move with the times. It’s also a great place to go for coffee, lunch or dinner. The street has distinguished itself as a result of its tranquillity, space and top quality service, something you rarely see…holiday, street, jewellery, terrace, hospitality0
intheta.nlHypnotherapy Zandvoort. Hypnosis combined with coaching. Professional guidance for stress reduction, personal development, pain reduction.location accessibilityhypnotherapy, hypnosis, guidance, pain, reduction0
oerol.nlOerol presents generous donation for the construction of children’s playground in Liessubscribe, tune, programme, timetable, visual0
esvta.nlEuropean directives. For instance, risk inventories and analyses, specific user instructions, technical files, practical advice about machine safety, and support when complying with legislation concerning CE certification for your products.risk, file, analysis, translation, instruction0
massageamsterdam1.nl…other, but in Amsterdam, Massage Amsterdam will offer you partners for your erotic massage. Thus you will get the ocean of delight during your massage and experience the huge fun at that moment. This is the simplest way of realizing…erotic, package, relaxation, sensual, girl0
corpuscongresscentre.nlIn the middle of Leiden Bio Science Park you will find CORPUS Congress Centre: the place where everything revolves around health and the human body. This is where you organize events that make your heart beat faster!congress, hall, conference, package, property0
rijksmuseum.nlThe museum of the Netherlands, in Amsterdam. 800 years of Dutch history, with the great Dutch masters as Rembrandt, Vermeer and Van Gogh.visit, uk, founder, exhibition, career0
thegarden-amstelveen.nlThe Garden is perhaps the greenest building in Amstelveen with its unique gardens and Class A energy label. A wide range of different office floor areas makes The Garden an attractive proposition for a mix of companies.proposition, attractive, building, availability, sustainability0
nioz.nlNIOZ, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, is the national oceanographic institute and the Netherlands’ centre of expertise for ocean, sea and coast. We advance fundamental understanding of marine systems, the way they…nioz, ocean, institute, coastal, microbiology0
ijmuiden.nl…along the pier at the horizon. With rough harbours, a huge lock complex and many fishing boats, yachts and ships. It is a unique place to feast your eyes, eat fresh fish and experience, even when it is stormy: IJmuiden is Raw at Sea!accessibility parkingfish, adventure, raw, harbour, lock0
kralendijk.nlEntrance via spacious front garden to front door. Living room with kitchen, three bedrooms with air conditioning and two bathrooms, . Large seafront terrace, direct access to the Caribbean Sea.bedroom, bathroom, caribbean, neighborhood, conditioning0
historischmuseumdenbriel.nl…Publications… On location… Brielle Cultural Centre… Brielle Medical…fishery, visit, war, eighty, background0
vrijwilligerstilburg.nlThe Voluntary Deployment Expertise Center is for everyone who works with volunteers! Find new volunteers, get advice about retaining and engaging volunteers, your volunteer policy & more. Gain knowledge and exchange through our meetings.volunteer, vacancy, frequently, youth, municipality0
bouwplaatsirm.nlmajor rivers in the Netherlands. It is based on collaboration with provinces and water boards in the Rhine and Meuse Delta Programmes. The goal is to redesign the rivers in such a way that as many of the system characteristics as possible…programme, river, integrate, basin, draft0
hydrospex.nl…sixth decade Kratos Analytical is still dedicated to providing service, quality and customer satisfaction, and we believe that this specialist web area will help you find the information you need for your surface analytical applications.analytical, surface, analysis, jordan, spectrometer0
carstorageandgo.nlCarstorage and Go, the most secure parking and storage facility on the edge of The Hague which is very well accessible from the A4-A12-A13. With ‘ 24/7 ′ monitoring, and the best facilities to keep your classic or modern sports car in its…pricing, hague, facility, storage, edge0
gelrica.nlWe are clog experience centre Gelrica, located in the beautiful countryside of the Achterhoek Beltrum. In this village between Groenlo and Borculo is also the largest clog factory in the world.impression, mood, clog, october, poplar0
benjamindudok.nlI'm currently working at Blis Digital, where i create masterfully craft digital products together with my colleagues. I also maintain component libraries and coach other developers in the field of frontend. Besides work i like to spent…develop accessibility, accessibility inclusivityfrontend, scss, typescript, resume, collaboration0
dommelloop.nlWelcome to the website of the Dommelloop! The Dommelloop is an annual race that takes place on the campus of the TU/e, organised by athletes of the student athletics association ESAV Asterix. This year, the race will take place on April…committee, enrollment, athlete, association, athletic0
nayz.nlLongbo… Meibin… Nays… Sale…block, static, footer, condition, seller0
amityschool.nlTransitioning from Primary to Senior School is a significant step in our children’s educational journey. It can be an exciting yet anxious period for young learners. Going to a new building, meeting new people, creating new friendships…admission, exam, programme, early, holiday0
stemvoormoed.nlWe want the traffic problems in the city center to decrease. That is why we want to provide solutions for affordable parking on the outskirts of the city in collaboration with Maastricht Accessible (e.g. P+R Maastricht Noord and…municipality, citizen, housing, resident, transparent0
jaccu.nlJACCU, the Japanese Art & Culture Centre of Utrecht is a foundation to represent and disseminate Japanese art and culture in Utrecht.japanese, mouth, gather, cultural, controversial0
utrechtconventionbureau.nl…events. Talent and expertise collaborate here to develop innovative and sustainable solutions in the fields of life sciences & health, sustainability, and digital & IT. With a wide variety of business venues and options for…region, conference, destination, congress, centrally0
liff.nl11 days filled with premieres, special film events, parties and more: that’s the Leiden International Film Festival. LIFF was founded in 2006 and has grown into one of the most important film festivals in the Netherlands. The 2023 edition…limited, youth, laboratory, competition, visitor0
breda.nlPassport for Breda residents, ID card for Breda residents, Driving licence, Passport, ID card for Dutch nationals living abroad, Refugee passport, Aliens' passport, Exchanging a foreign driving licencemunicipality, resident, registration, abroad, passport0
debetovering.nlFestival De Betovering is the yearly international art festival for young people with spectacular performances and workshops at more than 60 locations in The Hague .accessibility maphague, programme, holiday, autumn, volunteer0
janshuisartsen.nlJans Huisartsen consists of a permanent and close-knit team of general practitioners and practice employees, so that you can discuss personal matters with your trusted doctor. Consultations with us are kept generally to 15 minutes unless…contact accessibilitypatient, near, quickly, appointment, complaint0
summitadvocaten.nl…they joined forces in 2014 in order to establish a contemporary firm with a clear vision: Noorduyn Vermeij Van Straalen Advocaten. On 1 April 2021, the firm’s name was changed into Summit Advocaten . Unique about this firm is that its…summit, lawyer, llm, criminal, law0
museumvalkenburg.nlExperience South Limburg’s art and history. Situated in the heart of Valkenburg aan de Geul, Museum Valkenburg is also at the heart of the region’s history, art, and culture.exhibition, south, visit, geology, archeology0
dcdd.nlThe Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development is a network of dutch individual and institutional participants working in the field of disability and development cooperationdisability, participant, inclusion, coalition, annual0
cloud-365.nlCloud 365 specializes in providing IT and Cloud solutions. Flexibility, security and availability are our main focus.service accessibility, accessibility wayremote, flexibility, availability, telephony, wish0
greenscreenstudio.nlCatering. Light pack. Sound equipment. Camera's (Dslr, HDV). Assistance. Photographer. Livestream. Make-up artist. Models and actors. Sound guys. Audio production studio. Camera operator. Voice recording studio. Edit studio. Long term…screen, rent, photographic, audiovisual, rate0
waarderpolder.nlThe Waarderpolder is the largest business park of Zuid-Kennemerland and the jobs engine of Haarlem. This makes it economically attractive to companies. More information? Let’s connect!location accessibilityattractive, economically, engine, cooperation, entrepreneurship0
coa.nlAsylum seekers are provided accommodation in a COA process reception centre. Here they receive an allowance for food and are given access to any necessary medical care via the GZA. The COA also gives them practical information about…asylum, reception, guidance, seeker, shelter0
hoteleindhoven.nl…overview Banqueting brochure YOIN Meeting packages Café Cinema Parisien Groups & Events Team 040 Seats & Offices - Flex work About 040 Seats & Offices Moes de Pom Possibilities Studio Hybrid Events Wedding Parties Birthdays & drinks Teamgreat accessibilityder, package, guarantee, congress, dinner0
camperhuren.nlOur young campers are fully equipped and ours rental rates are very complete. This way you have a full standard inventory , an awning and a bicycle carrier. All campers have cruise control and are easy to drive. In addition, the German…service accessibilityholiday, destination, rental, adventure, sufficient0
huishuren-cotedazur.nlTerrace with palm trees, tables and chairs, entrance, living room with smart television, books, couch and chair, small desk, kitchen with dining table, equipped with microwave oven, electric 4 burner induction hob with 2 boosters, oven…walk, kitchen, dining, french, ground0
mecc.nl2023 UFI European Conference to be held at MECC Maastricht Maastricht, 3 June 2022 - From 13 to 16 June 2023, MECC Maastricht will welcome the...accessibility parkingconference, hall, boundaries, exhibition, north0
link2construct.nlFeatures Links FAQ Project management Equipment planning Planning a construction project Workforce management softwareeconomy accessibility, accessibility supportworkforce, manual, capacity, satisfaction, instruction0
royal-house.nlThe official website of the Royal House, with information on its members and the monarchy, plus press releases, speeches and photos.king, visit, speech, official, release0
earthlovingtraktaties.nlEarth Loving Traktaties is a GUIDE with curated products for PLASTIC-FREE BIRTHDAYS. We inspire PLASTIC-FREE birthdays achievable by ALL.earth, birthday, guide, achievable, toy0
atlasnatuurlijkkapitaal.nl…help to tackle and mitigate current challenges like urbanization and climate change. The Atlas of Natural Capital (ANK) aids in providing this kind of tools for policy and society, and will help to find appropriate solutions, especiallycapital, forest, sustainably, dune, pillar0
marathonsneek.nl…place on Saturday, June 24, 2023. The Mar-athon Sneek takes you through Frisian villages and the abundant summer greenery. Experience the different elements of the Frisian landscape and be surprised by the water-rich environment. Which…quarter, dune, village, greenery, saturday0
bbstudioplus.nl…in Europe. There is always something to see on the water and you will find out how lively inland shipping is. The beautiful view of the river makes your stay even more enjoyable. From the B&B the city centre is at a stonesthrow distance…stay, facility, period, request, comfortable0
dcdevaart.nlThe warehouse will be developed at business park “De Vaart” in Almere, The Netherlands. Almere is part of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, consisting of 32 municipalities. The area is considered the most robust economic area in The…facade, warehouse, fact, logistics, electric0
nae2023.nlStudy regarding the transition of university master’s programmes to the labor marketnegative, background, font, readable, labor0
villamazarron.nl…climate that will make you feel right at home in one of our beautiful locations. Five Villamazarron villas ar located at the luxury 5-star resort “Mazarron Country Club” in Mazarron. Villamazarron found the best locations for his villas.tranquility, luxury, holiday, region, province0
ibis-tilburg.nl…get the most out of your visit to Tilburg! Are you planning to explore the city center of Tilburg or want to spend a day wandering around in the wonderful world of De Efteling… then ibis Tilburg is the right place for a suitable package!package, click, road, near, overnight0
homeveteindhoven.nlBringing my cat to the vet is as bad as a nightmare for my cat. A lot of stress during the transport and even more at the clinic. For that reason, I tended to delay preventive care such as vaccination or yearly check-up. I was so happy…cat, veterinary, dog, rabbit, ferret0
schwungreclame.nlSchwung is a creative agency for brand communication. We make ambitious clients happy with top-quality online branding. Using a tight strategy, formidable design and great content, we make brands more interesting, stronger and more…creation, campaign, activation, growth, identity0
fjoertoeregmond.nl…by various light, fire and sound objects. The Fjoertoer Egmond is an impressive walking event with various distances (12 km, 16 km and 20 km) that you will enjoy for a long time. You can walk through the woods and along the beach…friday, saturday, walk, surrounding, stay0
ij-events.nlWe are IJ-Events, a unique event location situated on the waterfront for the IJ in Amsterdam North. The ideal place for your company dinner, a congress, seminar, presentation or any other type of business event!excellent accessibility, accessibility publicevents, dinner, congress, presentation, impression0
nwo.nlThe Dutch Research Council (NWO) funds top researchers, steers the course of Dutch science by means of research programmes and by managing the national knowledge infrastructure.nwo, funding, physics, prize, chemistry0
banenmarkt-rvn.nlThis mode configures the website to be compatible with screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack. A screen-reader is software for blind users that is installed on a computer and smartphone, and websites must be compatible…accessibility modereader, epilepsy, animation, visual, impairment0
currentrooftop.nlJobs… Restaurant… Bar… Groups… Location… Contact… Reserveren… Dutch… English…reservation, impression, parking0
bressers.nlBressers Metaal is a real family business and has been a household name in steel for many years. We have a rich business tradition, but we are also ready for the future, making us the most complete steel supplier out there.accessibility informationsteel, vacancy, quickly, beam, sheet0
amsterdamartfair.nl…second edition in the middle of Museumplein (2016), this year Amsterdam Art Fair will open its doors at Huidekoperstraat, next to De Nederlandsche Bank. From May 17, the fifty best Dutch galleries will move into this temporary…programme, parking, corner, round, th0
huidekoperamsterdam.nlHuidekoper is situated in a prime location on the Weteringschans in the city centre. This dynamic area is home to fashionable hotels, restaurants, theatres and shops. The Utrechtsestraat, one of Amsterdam’s most lively shopping and dining…impression, floorplan, historical, fascinating, sustainability0
biosecurityvulnerabilityscan.nl…around eight key areas of biosecurity (so called pillars). For each key area, a questionnaire with explanations, potential risks, and control measures are provided. By using the vulnerability scan web application, you will get an…biosecurity, analysis, vulnerability, overview, risk0
prosecutionservice.nlReaction of the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service (OM) to the report of the Procurator General at the Supreme Court on witness protection:prosecution, court, crime, report, criminal0
kunstmuseum.nlLook at the collection in a different way and find out more about an artist or artwork from one of...accessibility parkingvisitor, masterpiece, visit, trade, frequently0
keystonesports.nlOur names are Nick and Morgan. We both played baseball and softball from an early age in life. In addition, we have an enormous passion and love for this sport and of course the products! There is actually no position that we both haven´t…gear, bag, glove, youth, keystone0
richwertz.nlOur guest rooms feature sumptuous classic furnishings that evoke visions of London’s rich and long-standing tradition of royalty. While our rooms are decked out in classic design, they each have a modern flair, and contain all the modern…rich, london, dining, king, attraction0
strafrechtlab.nlWETS (Mutual Recognition and Enforcement Custodial and Conditional Sanctions Act)law, criminal, specialization, declaration, sanction0
vuurtorentexel.nl…the most dangerous sea arm in the Netherlands. With clear skies, looking across the Wadden Sea World Heritage, you see Vlieland, Wieringen, Den Helder and with some fantasy, looking over the North Sea towards England and the North Pole...lighthouse, masterpiece, directly, direction, north0
4daagse.nlIn the third week of July, we walk the 4Days Marches together, the world’s largest walking achievement event! Over 45,000 participants with more than 70 different nationalities, from as young as 11 to over 90, come to Nijmegen every year…centre accessibility, accessibility late, accessibility accommodationwalk, distance, regulation, civilian, military0
amrathhotelmediaparkhilversum.nlOur hotel has 46 rooms and is located in an authentic villa in the center of Hilversum, near the Media Park and the central station. The 16 apartments are located 400 meters from the hotel. The hotel has a restaurant, hotel bar, sun…amrâth, apartment, near, authentic, central0
upofficebuilding.nlOur high-end facilities guarantee a perfectly organized workday. Whether you need parking space, a shared bicycle, shower facilities or a spacious conference room. Work from your private office or from our coffee lounge or restaurant. Our…facility, perfectly, luxury, accessible, wellbeing0
christiaantigelaar.nlSince 2009 I help companies, organisations and governments to get a solid, accessible and maintainable front-end architecture on all levels. I like to work pixel perfect using latest CSS features and trying to use the best options for the…css, railway, accessible, architecture, government0
zijdelwaardplein.nlWith 48 shops in the partially covered passage, you can find everything for your daily shopping and more with us!monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday0
dpxpower.nl…contact… FG Wilson P50-3 - 50 kVA Open Genset - DPX-16004-O… FG Wilson…breaker, stock, socket, miscellaneous, yard0
melspintxoswinebar.nl…when we came across this building at Zeestraat 44 we knew it right away. A Pintxos Wine Bar and Aparthotel. Hotel rooms with just a little more facilities and yet privacy. We encountered the pintxos in the Basque Country, Bilbao, San…parking accessibilityreservation, pavilion, facility, wine, table0
medicineshortagesdefects.nl…holder. In case a shortage also exists at other wholesalers, the marketing authorisation holder submits a notification at the Medicine shortages and defects notification centre and makes an estimate whether there are sufficient…medicine, notification, shortage, medicinal, report0
royalhonoursanddecorations.nlEach year some 4,500 members of the public receive an honour, or royal decoration, in recognition of special or exceptional services to Dutch society. Most honours are conferred on the occasion of His Majesty the King’s birthday. The rest…honour, decoration, nomination, knight, archive0
justis.nlIf you are not registered in the BRP, you should apply directly to Justis for your certificate.certificate, conduct, authority, complaint, qualification0
ocs-consulting.nlConsultancy organisation with offices in the Netherlands, UK , Switzerland and Belgium providing a full range of Professional Services covering Consulting, on-site and off-site Projects, secondment / resourcing and Managed Support Services.consulting, resource, manage, secondment, uk0
royallightfestival.nl…light art works. Light Art from across the globe was showcased in various locations. As the sun sets, the royal and green city awakens, painting the night with colourful shades, creating a truly majestic spectical for all to enjoy.bike, transportation, accessible, dog, additionally0
verhuisbedrijfdraagkracht.nl"Choose Draagkracht for top-rated moving services in 2024: private, business relocations, and more. Certified excellence. Get a free quote now!" Recognisedrelocation, rental, storage, buy, pack0
drakenmolen.nlThe team consists of veterinarian Wiel Extra and Kim van Ingen Schenau. In addition to curative care (treatment of a sick animal) there is also a range of possibilities for preventive care.regular, preventive, insurance, treatment, friday0
foxhotelscheveningen.nl…beach, hip beach clubs, cozy bars, restaurants, trendy stores, all kinds of (kite)surf schools, the Pier and Cinema Pathé Scheveningen. Prefer to go to The Hague Center? With the streetcar you are within 10 minutes in the lively city…bike, rental, neighbourhood, parking, frequently0
maastrichtbereikbaar.nlUse the map of Maastricht for information on traffic congestion, bicycle parking, and road and rail work.accessibility statementdestination, walk, cycle, parking, campervan0
central-plaza.nlCentral Plaza Rotterdam is located in the centre of Rotterdam, right opposite the Central Station and next to the Doelen, the City theatre and The Manhatten Hotel.central, hyper, connectivity, opposite, theatre0
meergroeninhuis.nlRare exclusive tropical plants conveniently delivered to your home. Including free care community and personal planting help. We hunt for the healthiest and most beautiful plants for you.accessibility modetitle, exclusive, tropical, healthy, conveniently0
drentsmuseum.nlWalk through the Netherlands' largest Doll’s House at the Drents Museum: a historic discovery of our world as it was 250 years ago.exhibition, exhibit, calendar, doll, visit0
jaarbeurs.nlUtrecht, 1 February 2024 –Royal Jaarbeurs operates outside of Europe in countries as diverse as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, the UAE and Rwanda with renowned international events such as VIV, ILDEX and HORTI AGRI NEXT. The company has…route accessibilityvenue, trade, conference, congress, sustainability0
waternet.nlWaternet supplies tap water for Amsterdam and surrounding area. And we collect water authority tax. Our online services are available in English.accessibility statementtax, authority, rate, bill, assessment0
stationvinkeveen.nlVinkeveen Station is a small-scale conference center near Amsterdam and Utrecht. Meetings, incentives, away days and brainstorms in the nature of Vinkeveenexcellent accessibility, accessibility hospitalityguest, conference, scale, near, table0
123iphonehoesjes.nl123iPhonehoesjes – We got you coveredglass, temper, eiusmod, sit, dolor0
hotelvolendam.nl…Live Cooking Buffet Agenda Sinterklaas Building the future Construction update Facilities Hotelfacilities Kids Free WiFi Travel directions Charging station Bicycle storage Laundry and dry cleaner Parking Transport Supplements Bike, E-bikeder, guarantee, package, region, middle0
goedkopepolo.nlShop… Contact Us… Home… kids… Fruit of the Loom Original…ltd, america, street, provision, payment0
live-cartooning.nlDiscover and harness the power of Visual Thinking. Live-Cartooning is enlightning and gives immediate rise to discussion and new insights. Comic House offers a professional team of live cartoonists for events throughout Europe.thursday, october, wednesday, comic, friday0
badhotelscheveningen.nl…150 meters from the hotel. Entertainment facilities such as the AFAS Circustheater, Crazy Pianos, Pathé Scheveningen and the Casino next door. The beautiful but especially cozy center of The Hague is 10 minutes "streetcar distance" away.official, parking, bike, rental, mid0
hogeronderwijstoegankelijk.nlLearning without limits: what facilities, adaptations or (financial) arrangements do you need? | Hoger onderwijs toegankelijkaccessibility statementfacility, block, adaptation, limit, scheme0
perfecthousemakelaars.nl"Jasper is a great real estate agent. He went along with my wishes and also gave good advice."accessibility communicationrent, estate, honest, purchase, rental0
delftsepoort.nlWelcome to Delftse Poort! A landmark building adjacent to the central railway station in the heart of Rotterdam. The property is being redeveloped to create the ideal working environment for today’s professional. The complex offers a wide…workplace, facility, flexible, comfortable, wellbeing0
radex.nlHire office space Delft? The Radex Innovation Centre offers commercial spaces from 5m2. Radex is situated in the higt-tech heart of Delft.excellent accessibility, accessibility motorwaydirection, desk, rental, workspace, innovative0
woudschoten.nlOur hotel and conference centre is set amidst the beautiful natural surroundings of the Woudschoten estate in Zeist. This characterful accommodation with 30 flexible conference rooms and 139 hotel rooms has been the venue of choice for…good accessibility, accessibility nearbyconference, estate, reservation, venue, parking0
alkmaarcityrun.nl…Alkmaar has to offer you. The course runs through atmospheric streets and over cosy hospitality squares. The residents and spectators along the route make it a party every year and enhance the atmosphere by dressing up the streets…run, stay, atmospheric, atmosphere, street0
dutchstudentunion.nlCoronavirus and International Students Energy assistance payment? This is what you can do as a student! Student Helpline Participation Research agency Customised workshops (ToM) Health insurancestudy, rent, union, participation, grant0
livinglibrary.nlThe Living Library is a tested concept from Danish origin. It brings people together, in order to investigate and challenge prejudices. Just like a real library, where books provide an insight to unknown worlds, the Living Library offers…library, reader, methodology, conversation, prejudice0
kikuku.nlCopyright 2020 - KiKuKu- All Rights Reserved All photography is copyrighted, do not use without permission. Copyright Frank Frambachbasket, floral, yellow, orange, cotton0
anetastojanowska.nlSkills performed: Interaction design, Graphic design, Platform development, modern tools, Goal conversion, UX.ux, intuitive, shareholder, complexity, efficient0
wandel4daagsealkmaar.nlThe goal of this event is to socialize and to enjoy yourself in a sportive environment. This in combination with the beautiful routes which encounter the various aspects of the charming environment in and around Alkmaar. The provision for…stay, unforgettable, sportive, provision, combination0
veiligthuiszl.nlSafe Home South Limburg is the advisory and reporting centre for domestic violence and child abuse. We are here to help everyone, young and old, who is affected by domestic violence or child abuse in the South of Limburg, the Netherlands.accessibility statementviolence, abuse, report, domestic, complaint0
abunaicon.nlEach year the Abunai! foundation organizes Abunai!, a three-day convention celebrating Japanese culture. Abunai! is filled with events centering around Japanese pop culture and the more traditional aspects of Japanese culture.convention, competition, volunteer, sign, rule0
oceanbreath.nlWe have a great announcement to make: we once again have a singer! Vincent Wilk, previously from the band Take Down The Sun, has now joined Ocean Breath, right in time for our upcoming album! Bringing influences such as In Flames and…breath, ocean, official, upcoming, guitar0
studio-studer.nlcontact… NowFarmer Co… Holos Agency… WingSurfClub… The Heritage Seed Company…web accessibility, accessibility uimij, heritage, seed, ux, illustration0
nobveenweiden.nlIn order to answer these questions, the Netherlands Research Progamme on Greenhouse gas dynamics in Peatlands and organic soils (NOBV) has been conducting research at various locations since 2019, examining a range of measures and…soil, measure, report, finding, greenhouse0
lindatenbarge.nlIf you are struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other mental health complaints, we can provide you with expert psychological support. We offer a variety of therapy methods, including Cognitive Behavioural…barge, therapy, complaint, registration, supervision0
oisterwijk34.nl…the beautiful nature in Moergestel, Haaren and Heukelom. The varied cycling and walking routes take you through the villages where you can visit many ‘Pearls in the green’. It is definitely worth a visit to these typical Brabant villages.accessibility oisterwijkvillage, availability, recreation, parking, property0
petergoes.nlAt the moment I work as a Front-End Developer at De Correspondent in Amsterdam. I get to play with the latest web technologies, which I think is super exciting!accessibility statementvaluable, nav, typography, bookmark, frontend0
pinkribbondamtotdamwandeltocht.nlStart and finish… Course… Dam tot Dam Park… Accessibility… Register… News…tot, pink, ribbon0
axa-im.nlThis promotional communication does not constitute on the part of AXA Investment Managers a solicitation or investment, legal or tax advice. This material does not contain sufficient information to support an investment decision.investment, income, invest, fund, responsible0
nllabourauthority.nlEach year, the Netherlands Labour Authority includes its experiences in the annual report to show how the Authority monitors and enforces labour laws in daily practice.labour, authority, report, socio, healthy0
beeldengeluid.nlSound & Vision is the institute for media culture; an inspiring, creative and accessible meeting place for private individuals and professionals. We interpret current developments concerning people, media and society from a…institute, venue, hire, visit, practical0
emielvanmiltenburg.nlNatural Language Generation (NLG; e.g. image description, chatbots, data-to-text)publication, thesis, linguistic, topic, cognition0
gymday.nl© 2024 GymDay, Inc. All rights reserved.listing0
wintergardenfestival.nlA Winter festival with all dance areas in warm, pre-heated tents. A glorious location full of decor, street theater, and artesian food trucks. Music designed to transport you into the world of the Winter Garden. Together with our partners…entrance, parking, wheelchair, accessible, visitor0
marijnschrieken.nl…learn from this? The nervous system is the key. In my practice, I help you to process the trauma. I also give training to others in health care and education about how our nervous system works, and how it can help us to improve the…complaint, somatic, theory, polyvagal, measure0
homebijzee.nlAt one of the most idyllic places on the Island Walcheren (Zeeland) you will find this lovely Shepherd’s Hut, hidden in green landscape for optimal privacy, rest and peace, and yet all comfort is present. The Hut is situated very close to…wheelchair accessibilityfarm, pricing, lovely, fire, distance0
biedboek.nl…the range of available real estate, operating rights and commercial rights (e.g. rental, leasehold, ground lease, building rights, etc.) of the Dutch Central Government Real Estate Agency and other European public real estate agencies.government, estate, central, farming, plot0
handelsroute.nlCommissed by Jong Management we will organize a factfinding trip for (young) entrepreneurs… April 13 2024 JMI Taiwan & Thailand Are you involved in sustainable greenhouse construction or offering innovative solutions… March 2 2024 Water…trade, join, government, agricultural, renewable0
air.nlWe offer several table service arrangements including the entrance fee, liquor, separate cloakroom, separate lavatory and speed entrance.table, thursday, eclectic, thu, sunday0
bevolkingsonderzoeknederland.nlIn the Netherlands we have three cancer screening programs: breast screening, cervical screening and bowel cancer screening. Health screening is offered by the government. Participation is free and voluntary. Health screening is carried…cancer, breast, cervical, bowel, invitation0
ffnn.nlForever For Now is a site dedicated to the latest computer technologies and contains projects, articles and reviews on the latest software, hardware and webdesign features.usability accessibility, accessibility statementforever, hero, customizable, creature, adventure0
massage-body2body.nlMassage Body2Body Amsterdam provides outcall massage in the city to anyone who would like to discover the beauty of body to body massage for themselves.erotic, package, pleasure, wonderful, attraction0
komlangs.nl…6 people, ideal for the family. It is walking distance to centre of Delft, TU Delft campus, and Delft International School. Tram 1 near Delft station can bring you directly to the Scheveningen beach. By train both Rotterdam and The Hague…estate, rental, near, property, train0
aalsmeervoorelkaar.nlAalsmeervoorelkaar is the platform for volunteer work and neighborly assistance in the municipality of Aalsmeer. You will also find a lot of information here about volunteer work and everything that comes with it.volunteer, learning, flexible, directly, vacancy0
kunsthal.nlLovers of (fashion) photography, animation, design and art, including around thirty percent first-time visitors, encountered each other at the Kunsthal.accessibility disableexhibition, woman, february, january, october0
leidencentraalkantoren.nl…had, in my view, a kind of ‘momentum’ going. From our former office block in the Bio Science Park, beautifully furnished to be sure but very hi-tech –we landed up here, at Leiden Central Offices, in a building with a real ‘soul’ to it.central, hall, entrance, train, staff0
vvin.nlVViN represents the interests of interpreting and translation agencies in the Netherlands. It strives for continuous improvement of the quality of the services provided by companies in its sector. Agencies benefit from this, but…difficult accessibilitytranslation, interpret, association, translate0
pagepersonnel.nlPage Personnel brings the best staff together with highly recognized companies. Find offers for permanent, temporary, and temp-to-term positions.personnel, supply, chain, logistics, career0
arboineuropa.nl…and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) in the Netherlands. NL-FOP actively contributes to further development of occupational safety and health in the Netherlands and in Europe by importing and exporting knowledge, instruments and best practices.campaign, legislation, workplace, healthy, occupational0
delflandhoeve.nl…polished but beautiful and natural. We started it in 2006 and we would love to welcome you for a meeting, a special party, a unique wedding, a relaxed camping weekend or an active day on our grounds. You can find out more about us, the…wedding, practical, canoe, reservation, middle0
raceroeiregatta.nlHome… Results… Livestream – en… General… About the Raceroei Regatta… News…rower, draw, schedule, rule, weather0
lblardennenclassic.nl…cyclists and cyclists. The different routes are completely outlined and are as much as possible on smaller and quiet roads. This classic tour through the Belgian Ardennes lets you experience what it is like to conquer climbs such as…stay, ardennes, hill, climb, cyclist0
arn.nlIn addition, ARN handles the collection and recycling of car batteries for a large number of car importers. ARN also implements Scooter Recycling Netherlands. We are a non-profit organization funded by the recycling fee.battery, vehicle, fee, importer, regulation0
ig-impex.nlPackaged Produce… Party Trays… Beef Products… Chicken and Turkey Products… Fish…accessibility statementcompare, add, oz, dairy, cereal0
nicktopp.nlKonijn2000 March 10th… ArtEZ Art & Design Arnhem, eindexamencatalogus… BI…invite, campaign, august, merger, multitude0
cwi.nlCWI conducts pioneering research in mathematics and computer science and transfers new knowledge to society and business. We focus on four areas of fundamental research: Algorithms, Data & Intelligent systems, Cryptography & Security, and…cwi, collaboration, scientific, society, computing0
openscience.nlOpen Science NL is the national programme that aims to promote and accelerate the transition to open science in the Netherlands. It does so through dedicated funding, empowering communities and by supporting capacity building and…funding, programme, consultation, advisory, panel0
testinholland.nlThe Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) assists businesses looking to invest in Holland. Discover the benefits and our services.foreign, operation, invest, investment, benefit0
energieknip.nlYou can earn points by completing questions in the EnergieKnip app. Install the EnergieKnip app via the Google Playstore or Apple Store. Then scan the QR code that you received in the mail with the app. Answer the questions in the app and…answer, municipality, questionnaire, saving, village0
erasmussport.nlAs a member of Erasmus Sport you get a discount or a free ticket at several activities in Rotterdam! Click below for an overview of all our partner deals!pass, discount, timetable, calendar, employee0
rivm.nlmore hospitalisations and deaths. This is the outcome of a study conducted by RIVM, Utrecht University, Wageningen University & Research and the Netherlands Municipal Public Health Services and Medical Assistance in Accidents and Disasters.institute, publication, flu, population, programme0
domtoren.nlBook tickets with ease for your staircase tour in advance via our online ticket shop or the Tourist Information Centre at Domplein 9. This is also the starting point for guided tours of the Dom Tower. Please note: it is not allowed to…tower, visit, icon, venue, rental0
madurodam.nlWhat makes the small country of the Netherlands so great? Discover this and more at Madurodam, a small city full of beautiful miniatures, playful activities and the best attractions. Visit us!attraction, practical, highlight, heritage, miniature0
hetspeelgoedmuseum.nlDeventer central station main exit. Cross the footbridge and walk straight ahead onto the Keizerstraat. Go left at the end of the street, onto the Brink and towards the detached weigh house that houses Museum De Waag. Continue, keeping…toy, visit, admission, exhibition, accessible0
vdm18.nlStep into the office of VDM18 and discover a harmonious blend of functionality and inspiration, where elevated spaces and abundant natural light embrace the endless possibilities of productivity and creativity.creativity, der, blend, functionality, endless0
riversideoffices.nlFor those travelling on the A16 motorway and the Van Brienenoord Bridge, they are immediately visible as an eye-catching landmark: the Riverside Offices, four magnificent, ageless, prestigious office buildings on the New Meuse River. They…river, building, meuse, prestigious, visible0
zwartezwaanevents.nlCompany outing, family outing, team building or bachelor party? Black Swan Events offers the best outings in Rotterdam for every budget!address accessibilityouting, boat, events, swan, rental0
winkelcentrumwestwijk.nlShopping center Westwijk in Amstelveen is cosy and partly indoor. As well as doing your daily shopping, you can also find fresh products, household items, fashion and many other speciality stores. Westwijk offers a nice mix of national…household, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday0
rondevannoordholland.nlAll courses pass through characteristic North Holland villages. With the tulip fields in bloom, green polders and lambs hopping in the meadow, this is the spring classic. Taste the atmosphere of the province during the Ronde van…distance, north, sign, cycling, saturday0
energieakkoordmaastricht.nlThe Maastrichts Energie Akkoord (Maastricht Energy Agreement, MEA) lists specific, sustainable activities and agreements between the Municipality of Maastricht and local companies. All agreements were made with the intent to reduce energy…accessibility statementmeasure, save, municipality, climate, neutral0
edgebski.nlEd Gebski’s works are represented in prominent collections internationally, including SMAK - Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium; The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Museum Ludwig Forum, Aachen, Germany, as well as in…accessibility policyed, smoking, add, wish, etching0
esns.nlEurosonic Noorderslag is an annual four-day music showcase festival and conference held in January in Groningen, Netherlands.inclusiveness accessibilityshowcase, january, conference, delegate, annual0
benb-appelsteiger.nl…guesthouse in the heart of the historic center of Dordrecht. The rooms of this fully restored national monument are located directly on the water of the WIjnhaven. Historical details are combined with contemporary luxury with taste.historic, region, historical, luxury, directly0
ruwenberg.nl…a one-on-one coaching conversation while walking. Team building activities are also organized in the gardens of the estate, such as sheep herding, drone flying or archery. You can even get into a boat here and sail to the nearby Maurick…location accessibilityconference, extraordinary, facility, package, estate0
lesmillslive.nl…Amsterdam will take place in the Westergasfabriek! A beautiful location at the centre of Amsterdam, where you can experience the latest fitness workouts presented by the Les Mills Program Directors (the creators of all Les Mills programs).friday, saturday, presenter, bike, clothing0
hoteldedraak.nlWould you like to spend the night in a luxury hotel in Bergen op Zoom? Grand Hotel De Draak offers you everything you need for a memorable stay.op, official, package, luxury, memorable0
levendpaardenmuseum.nlThe mission of the Living Horse Museum is to present the art of horse riding and the world of the horse to the widest possible audience in its historic, monumental environment: De Hollandsche Manege.horse, ride, monumental, historic, audience0
brabantsedag.nlBrabantsedag Heeze, the biggest theatre parade of the year! Every last Sunday in August. As many as 16 buildings groups with more than two thousandaccessibility parkingtheatre, sunday, saturday, august, kid0
solidarityplatform-rietveldsandberg.nl…to The Netherlands to study at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie / Sandberg Instituut. An initiative of the Sandberg Student Circle and non-EU support role in conversation with non-EU students. It relies on your ongoing contributions and edits.solidarity, resource, initiative, collaborative, ongoing0
wearequeer.nlWe Are Queer, the first Queer gym in Amsterdam. No binary divide, freedom to work out the way you feel like <3 No outfit is too outrageous!strength, tall, butt, binary, freedom0
travelcongress.nl…again. Lots of knowledge about new trends and developments within the travel industry has been shared. Would you like to attend the next edition of Travel Congress? As soon as we know the date for edition 2024 we will share it with you.congress, january, impression, outside, inside0
corpusexperience.nlHear the heart beat, feel the oxygen in the lungs and be amazed by the brain. Come to CORPUS and take the ''Journey Through the Human Body''.visit, visitor, calendar, scavenger, hunt0
petervandersteen.nl…in the areas of Interaction Design, Information Architecture and Interface Design. Developing task flows, personas and scenarios based on research of user needs in order to construct wireframes, prototypes and perform usability studies.der, interaction, ux, optimal, documentation0
theateraanhetvrijthof.nlThe premier theater of Limburg. Visit Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht and be surprised and amazed by our special and unique performances!het, aan, theatre, dance, vacancy0
nmkampvught.nl…Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Our permanent exhibition gives a personal dimension to a number of historical events. They are told through individual stories of people who had more than 30 nationalities. Their stories remain.camp, exhibition, concentration, war, germany0
zandvoortcircuitrun.nl…make the first 4 km spectacular and challenging at the same time. After this 4 km, you follow the track towards the beach. For 2 km, you will hear the waves of the North Sea while walking past the hippest beach bars in the Netherlands…run, bend, sharp, attractive, stay0
ici-thehague.nl…supports exhibitions, art projects and exchanges with other artists or artist-run-spaces at home and abroad. Based in the former bread factory, Haagsche Broodfabriek, Quartair is one of the longest running artist-run-spaces in The Hague.hague, initiative, independent, cultural, incubator0
inhoorn.nlHoorn is a hospitable city. We would therefore like to welcome you to Hoorn. Our city offers you a pleasant historic center with many shops, cozy restaurants and an attractive harbor. Whether you are looking for a nice antique shop, a…walk, calendar, bike, cycling, visit0
idockrestaurant.nlLooking for a venue for a private dinner or meeting? I-Dock has a beautiful private dining room overlooking the harbour. You can also join us for large groups For dinners, lunches or drinks! We can host up to 200 people.dinner, terrace, events, walk, shower0
hogeschooltaal.nlWith Hogeschooltaal, your chance of success is 2.5 times higher. Be perfectly prepared for the language test and learn to write attractively at higher education level.special accessibility, accessibility featureexercise, licence, exam, mock, study0
pacetaleninstituut.nl…a hands-on approach, their methods lead to excellent results and very satisfied clients. Apart from a plethora of Dutch language courses, Pace offers exam training sessions and support for people integrating. Integrating people have…pace, tailor, fee, lesson, integration0
hansken.nlHansken news, relevant events from Hansken or Community partners, and all Hansken Newsletters.forensic, rapidly, increasingly, criminal, proof0
eduardvandishoeck.nlEduard van Dishoeck. He has been a specialist in old books, prints and maps this year for 40 years. Over that period our prints have found their way to many clients all over the world.catalogue, interesting, catalog, checkout, period0
ruedufort.nlLe Petit Fort Fleuri is a detached holiday home in central France. It’s an old fort house from 1630 in the Limousin. There is place for 2 to 5 adults or a family with a few children.holiday, rental, france, interior, surrounding0
vanmarco.nlVanMarco is not just any hairdresser. Not for nothing are we voted the best salon of North Holland year after year. Make your appointment online now!hairdresser, hair, appointment, north, keratin0
fiets4daagsehoorn.nl…unique farmhouses are beautiful at this time of year. You can choose between three distances: 30, 50 and 70 km. The start and finish are at ice rink the Westfries in Hoorn. On the last day you will be festively finish at the Roode Steen…stay, frisian, landscape, friday, pleasure0
sv-s.nlSafe Social Urban Design is a method designed to increase the safety, vitality, and liveability of urban areas through urban planning and design.vitality, urban, potential, economic, street0
museummore-kasteelruurlo.nlMuseum MORE | Ruurlo Castle is the setting for the life and work of Carel Willink. Discover the magic of Carel Willink and Kasteel Ruurlo in the Achterhoek. Plan your visit.castle, exhibition, magic, visit, realism0
fysiotherapiemiddenweg.nlThis modern practice is situated at the Middenweg in Amsterdam East Watergraafsmeer and offers regular physiotherapy for lasting recovery and prevention. Besides that Fysiotherapie Middenweg is specialized in neck-, shoulder- and arm…direct accessibility, accessibility physiotherapyshoulder, physiotherapy, appointment, complaint, neck0
societegenerale.nlSociete Generale is active in the Netherlands since 1977, through our Branch in Amsterdam, SG Equipment Finance (Amersfoort), and our car fleet managementfleet, branch, banking, applicable, investment0
bayrli.nlTry It Kit Overnight Bundle Full Time Deluxe Bundle Part Time Deluxe Bundle Full Time Everyday Bundle Part Time Everyday Bundle View All Kitsaccessibility statementdiaper, bundle, cloth, reusable, everyday0
clear-air.nl…the satellite instrument on board of the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite (launched 2017) and expert in retrieval algorithm development for trace gases and aerosols and interpretation of satellite data for air quality and…climate, satellite, atmospheric, biodiversity, pollution0
mobilityportal.nlThe power of the Mobility Portal is its white-label environment that can be adapted to your website or app. The users remain on your website or app, from which you can give them multimodal travel advice. We integrate the Mobility Portal…mobility, visitor, parking, government, road0
jeffreykuik.nl"Jeffrey is an outstanding User Experience Designer with a keen eye for visual aesthetics and a deep understanding of user interactions. He is a master of crafting user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces based on user needs and…ux, visual, graphic, interaction, player0
europeanschoolthehague.nlLocated in the international heart of the Netherlands, the European School The Hague is an Accredited European School. We offer complete Early Years, Primary and Secondary education leading to the European Baccalaureate.hague, secondary, admission, multilingual, multicultural0
hoteldelftcentre.nlMake the most of an overnight stay in Delft. The 92-room Hotel Delft Centre is right on the boundary between the historic city centre and the Delftse Hout recreation area. And all rooms have their own style of music: from reggae to…package, sit, amet, dolor, ipsum0
modelit.nlMost of our application development is done in Matlab. Over the years we have developed several toolboxes that allow using Matlab as a fully fledged programming language while preserving the typical advantages of Matlab. Examples of such…report accessibility, accessibility indicator, publication accessibilitymatlab, traffic, embed, layout, algorithm0
abcwestland.nlabc westland offers real service with passion and complete dedication. Any problems? abc westland knows none. With a personal and entrepreneurial vision, we provide solutions and take care of your challenges.industrial, entrepreneur, connection, agriculture, continuity0
amstelzijderestaurants.nlLooking for a great place to eat next to the Amstel? Go to Amstelzijde Restaurants. A beautiful riverside part of Amstelveen with six restaurants, each with its own identity and cuisine. Do you prefer Dutch, Indonesian, French, South…port, calendar, joy, street, discover0
startupconsulting.nlWe’re your one-stop shop for hacking your startup’s growth with practical, agile solutions, securing your startup’s success. Our solutions are designed to tackle any challenge you’re facing with your startup:growth, operation, explore, guidance, practical0
marievandriessche.nlTalks… About… Contact… work…usability accessibility, accessibility consultanttalk, interaction, usability0
excellentlife.nl…As a result, we remove barriers and increase the autonomy of the user. As a result, we have between 50 and 70% active users. We reinforce this with concrete, real-time data that makes behavior transparent, without having to intervene.employee, affordable, absenteeism, benefit, pricing0
iss.nlThe International Institute of Social Studies is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science: MA, PhD and research.phd, programme, institute, funding, scholarship0
dokterhermsen.nlHuisartsenzorg Delft is located at Medisch Centrum Delft (Medical Centre Delft) where our team of general practitioners, doctor’s assistants and nurse practitioner will be happy to be at your service.emergency, prescription, gdpr, appointment, assistance0
venloverwelkomt.nlWelcome! This is the page for visitors to Venlo, a green and vibrant, historic city on the Maas. A city where everything is possible. A city with many hidden assets that surprise and delight visitors. A city of hard-workers with an…accessibility transportdining, visitor, visit, attraction, recreation0
defysioonline.nlOnline digital physiotherapy by our experts. Available everywhere in English and Dutchdigital accessibilityphysiotherapy, physiotherapist, pain, digitally, exercise0
geldpraatje.nlTalking is a relief. And it opens doors. Because often more help is available than you’d expect. You may have a chat about money with family and friends. Or have a money chat with a Geldpraatje partner in your neighborhood. Because anyone…accessibility statementmoney, worry, neighborhood, visit, conversation0
jonaspaarlberg.nlUser experience and interaction designer based in Amsterdam. Crafting simple, usable and aesthetic user experiences since 2008.prototyping accessibility, accessibility cssaesthetic, interaction, usable, decade, past0
thebigdatacompany.nlTransform brick-and-mortar with The Big Data Company's Geospatial AI solutions. Streamline operations, optimize site selection, and forecast revenues accurately.geospatial, mortar, brick, revenue, forecast0
lexces.nlThe government is currently working on the Compensation for Substance-related Occupational Diseases (Tegemoetkoming Stoffengreletateerde Beroepsziekten, TSB) regulation. Lexces advises the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment on the…occupational, disease, regulation, substance, prevention0
melsaparthotel.nl…beautiful 1 more time and when we came across this building at Zeestraat 44 we knew it right away. A Pintxos Wine Bar and Aparthotel. Hotel rooms with just a little more facilities and yet privacy. We encountered the pintxos in theparking accessibilityapartment, nearby, kitchen, bathroom, january0
nwophysics.nlNWO Physics is a large conference that provides a topical overview of physics in the Netherlands. Traditionally, young researchers are given the chance to present themselves and their work alongside renowned names from the Dutch and…nwo, physics, programme, exhibitor, imagery0
nemosciencemuseum.nlNEMO is the largest science museum in the Netherlands, for all ages. Discover how fascinating and exciting science and technology can be.visit, exhibition, fascinating, exciting, facility0
vitasel-shop.nlKeuco Wall support washbasin 450mm length Keuco Plan Care (chrome plated) Extra discount.shower, handle, accessorie, door0
biosecurityselfscan.nlWelcome to the biosecurity self-scan toolkit of the Biosecurity Office . The toolkit is in the form of a questionnaire covering the eight pillars of biosecurity that is designed to give you an indication of the current level of…biosecurity, pillar, awareness, questionnaire, indication0
dewitte-advocaat.nlMark de Witte specializes as personal injury lawyer and is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (LSA). He also specializes in the cases that concern the social benefits and UWV and that are lead against the…attorney, injury, lawyer, benefit, municipality0
edsas.nlBeing easily accessible to your customers is vital to your business nowadays. Technical problems with telephony or internet can be the reason you lose customers and lose out on sales. EDSAS telecom and ICT ensures that your equipment is…telephone accessibility, accessibility greattelephony, workplace, telephone, vital, stable0
cpb.nlGeopolitical trade restrictions significantly impact the Dutch economy, with notable differences across industries CPB projections: purchasing power restored, public finances need a course correction Tozo supports Self-Employed Persons…trade, economic, analysis, publication, calendar0
oecdguidelines.nlThe OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises set out the principles and standards for responsible business conduct expected by the governments of the Netherlands and 45 other countries from multinational enterprises to observe. The…guidelines, oecd, responsible, conduct, notification0
omloopvanzandvoort.nlOn Sunday 24 March 2024 the 10th edition of the cycling classic Omloop van Zandvoort will take place in Zandvoort. The start is in the pit lane of the famous Circuit Zandvoort. You can't miss this start of the new cycling season. Choose…surrounding, legendary, cycle, famous, cycling0
mt-studio.nlWelcome to Maryam Toosi Studio - We are a young group of creative, young, and ambitious architects. Our portfolio includes cultural complexes, private residences, apartments, and more!ambitious, apartment, cultural, residence, emotionally0
kamermuziekfestival.nlThe time has finally come, ticket sales for the evening concerts for the International Chamber Music Festival in Utrecht will…venue accessibility, accessibility oudchamber, venue, beneficiary, evening, awesome0
maakdebeweging.nl…office helps people travel smarter. This ties in with our mission to promote better access to and in the region, more efficient use of cars, and sustainable mobility. It aims to foster a healthy living and working climate in South Limburg.accessibility statementsouth, bicycle, programme, exercise, cheap0
ewarehousing.nl…In our experience, satisfied consumers tend to return and share positive experiences with those around them. Thanks to our expertise and experience, we act as a reliable extension of your company that manages all your logistical concerns.accessibility customerpartnership, uw, pricing, logistical, satisfaction0
jls-taxi.nlWe offer various types of taxi transport, including; private, business & airport transportation. You can also count on us for your wedding transport. Day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. JLS Taxi is always…transportation, hague, regular, healthcare, frequently0
maastrichtuniversity.nl…Six good reasons to study in Maastricht Read more… PhD… Maastricht…programme, phd, facility, study, staff0
streekvanverrassingen.nl…for once? Turn the corner and discover a fantastic cycle path, delightful new shops or an outdoor café in an idyllic location. How come you’ve never been here before? What a surprise! A warm welcome awaits you in the Region of Surprises!accessibility parkingregion, surprise, king, destination, tourist0
umcutrecht.nlWelcome to the website of UMC Utrecht. We focus our efforts in healthcare, research, education and their innovation on six strategic themesdisclaimer accessibility, accessibility privacyappointment, strategic, wait, healthcare, practical0
getbigmarketing.nlGet Big is a personal and professional marketing agency, specialised in Search Engine Marketing and Webdevelopement. How may we assist you?engine, optimization, satisfaction, maintenance, potential0
almeredental.nlWelcome to Almere Dental. Almere's new dental practice, where we tailor treatments to your needs. Our friendly and experienced team is there to help you, without white coats. For a pleasant visit to the dentist.contact accessibilitydental, treatment, appointment, visit, dentist0
blijbol.nlBlijbol has been founded in 1999. Since then I created a lot of freeware games and software programmes for both computers and graphing calculators, that can all be downloaded from this site. I also offer free Game Maker extensions , which…graph, programme, guestbook, oct, intermediate0
hotelroermond.nlEverything you need for a comfortable and affordable stay in the historic city of Roermond can be found at Hotel Roermond. Our medium-sized hotel with 50 rooms and 8 suites has a 4-star rating, but we offer a 3-star price.perfect accessibilitypackage, guest, conference, bicycle, stay0
synergie-ir.nlSynergie International Recruitment is part of Synergie Nederland . Synergie Nederland is a leading staffing agency distinguished by a strong focus on cooperation. With an extensive network of local branches and expert professionals, we…vacancy, employee, directly, worker, certification0
stadshotelheerlen.nlIts central location on the Pancratiusplein in Heerlen makes Stadshotel Heerlen the perfect destination for corporate guests.guest, central, fi, wi, extensive0
dutchrapporteur.nlThe National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking is concerned about the number of victims of human trafficking in The Netherlands. ...trafficking, sexual, violence, offender, publication0
active24.nlCreating your website with WordPress can be fun even for beginners. The system is intuitive, simple and in plain English, so creating your website is a joy. We will advise you how to install WordPress and what to look for in the settings.accessibility performancedomain, variation, unlimited, publish, registration0
rechtshulpnoord.nlGeneral civil law , including contract law, tort, property law, insolvency law, insurance lawlaw, consultation, firm, accessible, affordable0
houseofrepresentatives.nlWelcome to the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. The Dutch Parliament is called the States General. It consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. On this website we provide you with information about…representative, parliament, democracy, chairman, rule0
designmuseumdedel.nlFollow us online for updates and on instagram @designmuseumdedel for daily content.exhibition, visit, visitor, upcoming, past0
wkhoogerheide2023.nlWe are proud to announce BetCity as the official partner of the 2023 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. The Dutch provider of sports betting, among other…championship, cross, february, overnight, measurement0
rozefilmdagen.nlDuring Roze Filmdagen, Hivos presents the Free to be Me Award. This year, the award goes to the Filipino film ASOG, a unique road movie about friendship, transphobia, and climate change.footer, paper, movie, filipino, outreach0
svnl-info.nlSVNL Check can be used to verify the validity of a traffic controllers appointment. This application can be used to verify both professional and event traffic controllers appointments. We recommend using the application in Google Chrome…traffic, educator, appointment, payment, police0
mineralengrou.nlThe museum is situated along the road in between the villages Grou and Warten, about 8 km south of Leeuwarden. Signposts show the routemineral, weaver, etc, colour, magnificent0
stokvistapes.nl…of uneven substrates and different shapes. Because self-adhesive tapes can fulfill multiple functions at the same time, for example mounting and sealing, products can be designed thinner and lighter, and produced more efficiently…adhesive, renewable, cut, electronic, paper0
art2c.nl9Art2c recycled teak – djati 99-1-211wishlist, thumb, driftwood, uncategorized, dining0
schoenenkwartier.nl"Have you ever wanted to learn to draw like a real artist? Then we have good news for you! In the Shoe Quarter we met the amazing artist Ron Beumer and he loves to recreate shoes.shoe, lab, exhibition, direction, leather0
digitalnorthsea.nl…profitable and in balance with nature. Information about the use and condition of the North Sea, now and in the future. While the need for information increases, there is a lack of options to digitally collect, process, enrich and…north, transformation, coherent, lack, function0
rijkswaterstaat.nland safely. And we provide residents with ample green space, sufficient clean water and drinking water, creating an environment where everyone can thrive. Rijkswaterstaat is part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.collaboration, attractive, accessible, secure, swimming0
bysami.nl…Clear Strappy Sandals… Clear Block Heeled Sandals… Desire Sachi Court Shoes…wishlist, sandal, shoe, block, court0
verloskundigenlelystad.nlAs a practice assistant, I have enjoyed supporting midwives during consultation hours for 20 years now. I am also a co-supervisor at the Centering Pregnancy groups. Every pregnant woman and her pregnancy are unique. I experience it as…midwife, pregnancy, birth, ultrasound, consultation0
vsmm.nlThe Falconry Museum gives an impression of falconry in the period from 1650 till today, this includes also the period in which royals and aristocrats entertained their guests with the "feather play".cigar, visit, period, prosperity, exhibition0
stephear.nlRoute planning, live audio information for arrival times and next stops on route, and locating & opening doorsdevice, door, find, guide, emergency0
clo.nlThe CLO is a partnership of CBS , PBL , RIVM and WURlandscape, biodiversity, topic, climate, nitrogen0
antongroep.nlWe are a construction company out of North Holland located in a small town called Obdam. We stand for hard work, fun, innovation and team spirit. The Anton Group currently consists of about 200 colleagues, all specialists (in the making)…ambition, july, february, structure, logistics0
mainstage.nlMAINSTAGE is approximately a 10-minute walk from Central Station ‘s-Hertogenbosch. You must take the Paleiskwartier / Brabanthallen station exit and follow the "Brabanthallen" sign. After approximately 9 minutes you will see the main…hall, parking, conference, visit, explosion0
mulberry.nlMulberry International B.V. (“Mulberry”) is privately owned modern company that as a licensed gatekeeper renders trusted fiduciary services in The Netherlands.mulberry, gatekeeper, commitment, fiduciary, specialism0
teumige-tied.nlThe area around the apartment is an ideal place for walkers, cyclists and those seeking peace and quiet. The swimming pool and playground on the grounds of the Capfun holiday park are within walking distance. There are beautiful walks or…apartment, availability, facility, impression, german0
teknowlogy.nlPage not found | TEKNOWLOGYprogramme, impression, practical, invitation, directly0
hawo.nlHawo offers excellent development opportunities for technically skilled professionals. For example, we hold open days for pupils as young as primary-school age to bring us into contact with potential high-flyers.producer, career, csr, assembly, supplier0
animalfreeinnovationtpi.nlthe development and application of research methods that do not involve animal testing. This is being conducted through the partner programme Transition Programme for Innovation without the use of animals. Read more about the TPI programme.animal, programme, transition, government, obsolete0
nationaalparknieuwland.nlNieuw Land National Park is the newest national park in the Netherlands and the largest man-made nature reserve in the world with 29,000 hectares of nature! Literally located on the floor of the former Zuiderzee, Nieuw Land National Park…routes accessibility, accessibility newsletterbird, visit, watch, walk, lake0
100jaarwylerberg.nl100 years House Wylerberg | House Wylerberg on the moraine in Beek-Ubbergen near Nijmegennear, exhibition, visitor, origin, conservation0
significance.nlSignificance developes Urban freight simulator in project 'Harmony' for the ECdeze, significance, vacancy, publication, freight0
baxterbuilding.nl…we smell, taste, touch, and the energy we breathe into our spaces. It’s the people, the service, the cleanliness, the welcome. It’s being proud of where you work, and being quick to suggest your office as a meeting place for your clients.accessibility clientbaxter, hire, proud, everyday, wonderfully0
silviasfeestwinkel.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leosit, amet, dolor, lorem, ipsum0
groningenairport.nl…Travel documents… Sustainable airport… Solar park at Groningen Airport…destination, flight, parking, luggage, arrival0
zandvoortlightwalk.nlZandvoort will be the setting for a unique walking event on Saturday 17 February 2024. Hike a beautiful route through Zandvoort and marvel at the breathtaking light artwork you will encounter. We transform Zandvoort into a paradise of…walk, impressive, registration, evening, saturday0
pepijnpeeters.nlThe personal portfolio site of Pepijn Peeters, Creative Technology student at UTwentewidespread accessibilitygraphical, trade, widespread, tight, render0
visitleiden.nlFacebook Visit Leiden Twitter Visit Leiden YouTube Visit Leiden Instagram Visit Leiden TikTok Visit Leiden Pinterest Visit Leidendiscovery, walk, visit, cycling, courtyard0
pakistanfestival.nlAttend Pakistan Festival 2024 The Hague on Aug 10 for cultural experiences, music, dance, and authentic food. A day of unity and celebration for all.hague, cultural, celebration, authentic, dance0
unglobalcompact.nlFrom combating climate change to promoting gender equality and eradicating poverty, impact investing channels capital where it’s needed most. On the 26th of March 2024, our Executive Director Merei Wagenaar moderated a panel session on…accelerator, climate, woman, ambition, equality0
nwobiophysics.nl…from microscopy and cell biology to biomedical engineering. NWO Biophysics forms the very heart of Dutch research groups in these fields of expertise, creating a place to explore, push boundaries and celebrate interdisciplinary science…nwo, biophysics, programme, submission, committee0
huisartsenvita.nlThe GP practice is easily accessible by telephone or via e-consultation for questions. If necessary, we will see you during the consultation hour, the assistant will first ask you a number of questions to determine the urgency.accessibility practiceemergency, consultation, holiday, telephone, appointment0
muziekgebouweindhoven.nlWe have received your application. We will contact you when tickets become available.classical, kid, frequently, recording, vacancy0
circuitzandvoort.nlCircuit Zandvoort is known as a true 'Old School' circuit, with fast and challenging curves formed by the natural dunes. With a track length of 4.3 kilometers, Circuit Zandvoort is one of the shorter circuits on the F1 calendar. Hardly…formula, discover, calendar, frequently, entrance0
advisorycommitteeinternationallaw.nlThe Advisory Committee on Public International Law (CAVV) is an independent body which advises the government, the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Netherlands on international law issues.law, advisory, committee, government, report0
fokkerterminal.nl…mechanics on real airplanes. What makes the Fokker Terminal a unique conference location are the 18 different breakout rooms that are all located around the hangar. The Fokker Terminal makes it possible to organize a conference in an…venue, conference, hague, trade, dinner0
rondevandestellingvanamsterdam.nl…around Amsterdam. The routes take you through the wide and green water landscape in and around Amsterdam. Over the dikes and along forts and fortified towns. The longest distance, 170 km, goes all the way around the Stelling van…ride, distance, landscape, sunday, dike0
kikahilversumcityrun.nlthe region will appear at the start. The 5 and 10 km routes run through atmospheric streets and crowded hospitality squares. The course takes participants along the Media Park, through Gooi neighbourhoods and along the cosy squares of the…run, square, crowd, neighbourhood, atmospheric0
theaterinsblau.nlWith her program Theater Ins Blau tries to connect people that are interested in new experiences.hire, multiple, visit, discount, cultural0
saahm.nlSaahm is the place to be to meet each other in a wooded environment on the water. Enjoy in our forest cafe ✔Activities Utrecht ✔Free parking ✔Lunchhorse, reservation, healthy, cafe, forest0
compensationsns.nl…payouts were submitted between 15 May 2023 and 25 June 2023. From 26 June 2023, you can no longer submit an application via the procedures on this website. The deadline for submitting an application for compensation through the…compensation, ministry, background, frequently, consignment0
hernste.nlIn Germany, it was discussed whether universities did more harm than good and should be abolished. In France, in the course of the French Revolution, this was not just discussed but also done. Together with the awakening industrialisation…phd, geography, defence, academic, february0
deltametropool.nl…As an association our members are of crucial value. Through membership, the association can continue its independent work and excel with special publications such as’ Spot On ‘,’Verstedelijkingsopgave van Nederland – naar een…accessibility mobilitysummary, association, metropolitan, urban, independent0
facilicomfoundation-samenvoorelkaar.nlAll volunteering and do good activities are facilitated by NLvoorelkaar , the largest platform for volunteering and assistance.colleague, volunteer, profile, holder, outside0
gpgrootegmondpieregmond.nlGP Groot Egmond-Pier-Egmond is the beach race of the year! Dashing over the beach towards the Pier, getting everything out of yourself to overcome the obstacles in Wijk aan Zee and Castricum aan Zee. GP Groot Egmond-Pier-Egmond will take…january, bike, stay, cycling, aan0
purmerendsmuseum.nlIn the Museum Shop and Purmerend Tourist Information Office, adjacent to the museum, visitors can find all kinds of information about the city and region, such as maps, flyers and cycling and hiking routes, as well as various local and…tourist, region, adjacent, january, sunday0
hotelmansion.nlLocated within 5 minutes walk from the central station, Hotel Mansion Amsterdam offers accommodation with elegant décor, air conditioning and modern room amenities. All rooms are en-suite and many rooms benefit from luxury coffee. Start…mansion, parking, facility, official, traveler0
cellobiennale.nlFive of the world’s ‘grooviest’ cello virtuosos were all on stage at the same time during the Cello Biennale 2022, performing Matthias Bartolomeys piece Preikestolen. Emile Visser - cello Annie Tångb…competition, orchestra, programme, musician, discount0
insittardgeleen.nlYou can always count on Sittard-Geleen's signature hospitality upon any visit to the charming historic city centre with its imposing historic buildings.accessibility parkingrecreation, living, historic, directly, worth0
feedfoodtransfer.nl…on the concentration of the contaminant in products like milk, eggs or (organ)meat, this exposure could result in adverse health effects in humans. When feed is contaminated, it is important to know how much of the contaminant can end uptransfer, documentation, contaminant, animal, pcb0
rfu-jachtspecialist.nlRFU Services… DoeHetZelf-hal… Over RFU… RFU Team… 'by RFU'… Frisian Cruiser…frisian, rate, boat, rental, waterway0
astron.nlScientists led by Chalmers astronomer Franz Kirsten have studied a famous source of repeating fast radio bursts – a still unexplained cosmic phenomenon. Comparing with earlier measurements, the scientists draw a conclusion with…accessibility statementastronomy, institute, telescope, editorial, discovery0
landgoedpijnenburg.nlThe Pijnenburg Estate is situated on the border of the province of Utrecht with the province of Noord-Holland, at the very foothills of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, a ridge of sand left by glaciers during the last Ice Age.estate, holiday, overview, transportation, glacier0
hotelaalders.nlHotel Aalders is located on a serene street in the heart of the Museum Quarter, right around the corner from the Van Gogh Museum, Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum, and the Vondelpark. The city center is just a short stroll away from our hotel!contact accessibilityofficial, quarter, cultural, charming, ideally0
zaansetijd.nl…a charming and informative insight into the history of the Dutch and especially Zaan Clock industry by presenting a large collection of beautiful Dutch timepieces and tools. Our museum is a ‘must’ for anyone interested in the history of…visitor, package, visit, timepiece, benefit0
nhdouane.nlThis site is primarily intended for developers of software for the exchange of messages with Dutch Customs or Dutch Single Window related processes.accessibility statementsummary, frontpage, exchange, facility, subscriber0
carolijnslottje.nlStudio Carolijn Slottje designs products that aim to draw attention to the beautiful and innovative ways in which nature manifests itselfaccessibility contentinnovative, clay, background, circular, footer0
jannewolterbeek.nl. While he mostly flies solo, he’s ever enthusiastic to join forces with experts across a breadth of disciplines, both near and distant. In this light, he refers to Studio Waldbach in plural, echoing the harmonious symphony of…visual, earth, everyday, capital, identity0
sintservaas.nlStay informed of the latest news? We have listed all news items for you. From exhibitions and concerts to activities and celebrations.basilica, treasury, holy, exhibition, parish0
dhlexpress.nlYour package quickly at your destination? So arranged. If you ship with DHL Express, we deliver your speed and service for a competitive price. At home or abroad, from door to door, with worldwide track & trace.worldwide, shipment, package, complementary, consumer0
vera-2r.nl…extremists. The VERA-2R contains 34 relevant risk-supporting and risk-mitigating indicators that are empirically related to violent extremism. Using specific guidelines and clearly defined indicators and definitions, all risk indicatorsrisk, violent, assessment, specifically, terrorism0
space-expo.nlAt Space Expo, you will discover the world of space travel in all its facets. From designing and building space missions on earth to launching them into space. Touch a real meteorite, launch a hydrogen rocket and take a look inside André…planet, expedition, earth, visit, discover0
zuzzenzostadskanaal.nlStore… Contact… My Account… Shop… Contact…directory0
acm.nlThe Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets ( ACM ) ensures fair competition between businesses, and protects consumer interests.publication, consumer, competition, caribbean, sustainability0
hofstay195.nlHofstay 195 Holiday cottages, bed and breakfast in the middle of the Netherlands Welcome to our farm We warmly welcome you to our farm for a stay in the Hofstayholiday, farm, surrounding, middle, accommodation0
wildhoeve.nlDe Wildhoeve offers activities for the whole family, also on the campsite itself. There is an extensive recreation program for the children during every official school holiday. Throughout the year, the children can take a look at nature…forest, camp, adventure, campsite, rent0
interact.nlInter Act has been active in industrial automation and system integration since 1989. Since 2000, we has focused on web- and and cloud-based technologies.industrial, automation, integration, vacancy, profile0
ptmpackaging.nlPTM Packaging is a skilled and experienced supplier of luxury packaging intended for the food and non-food sectors. Our expertise is in small and medium-sized enterprises: from chocolate and luxury confectionery manufacturers to companies…good accessibilitypackaging, ptm, luxury, rectangular, catalog0
campingschaartven.nlin Overloon. Our campsite, for all campers with a motorhome, caravan, or tent, is the perfect base for unforgettable hiking and cycling tours. Here, you won’t find playground equipment, an animation team, or a soccer field; you’ll find…rate, regulation, campsite, edge, tranquility0
ithh.nlExpert guidance to maximize your financial potential. Expert guidance to maximize your financial potential. Expert guidance topotential, juist, transition, positive, organizational0
bvcnl.nlThe BVCNL Market report offers exclusive access to sales data of gift cards in the Netherlands. These insights can help inform your business strategy. The report includes a range of data such as; product types, load value and points of…share accessibility, accessibility industryreport, election, interest, stakeholder, government0
cabillaud.nlLast night again enjoyed immensely the new menu, the wines, the service and the whole ambiance of Cabillaud. We ... have been coming there for years and every night is a culinary delight, thanks to Cabillaud's top team! read morewine, delicious, dish, personally0
fincabonanit.nlAre you looking for a holiday apartment in Javea or the Costa Blanca? We rent apartments at a competitive price. Visit our website now and book our…apartment, holiday, competitive, mediterranean, spanish0
amsteleiland.nlLiving on Amstel Eiland means being able to enjoy specific privileges. Quietness and fresh air are the most normal experiences in the world here. Just like ultimate privacy and security. After all, Amstel Eiland is a private island that…location accessibilityapartment, island, luxury, freedom, possibility0
beeldenaanzee.nl…If not now, when?… read more about our museum… Subscribe to our newsletter…sculpture, visit, practical, volunteer, rental0
foodbrokers.nlin Zaltbommel, the Netherlands, which means we have to abide by the Dutch rules when it comes to shipping goods. The foods produced in the Netherlands will meet the same safety and quality standards, European foods we import and transport…supermarket, minded, request, easily, warehouse0
hoteljulien.nlwas very friendly and helpful and the hotel (although we did not see the rooms itself) looked very nice, breakfast was good. Would definitely stay here again and recommend it. Location, between central station and city center, is excellent.stay, booking, bathroom, double, central0
missionbelt.nlBuy a Belt - Feed a Family. Check out the no holes belt that is revolutionizing this age old accessory, and catching the interest of Shark Tank investors. Nowgrain, steel, shark, hole, leather0
cebrian.nlThe European Mentoring & Coaching Council EMCC and the Dutch Order for Professional Coaches NOBCO. For measuring the effectiveness of coaching, I use the Coachingmonitor developed by the NOBCO. At the moment I am achieving my EIA-level…entrepeneur, leader, effectively, situation, function0
conventionbureau.nlFind your location! | Convention Bureau Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen | Convention Bureau Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegenconvention, region, inspiration, environmental, forest0
tandartsutrecht.nlDentist in Utrecht Maliekwartier Tandartsen: modern dental practice with extended opening hours on the Maliebaan in Utrecht. Short waiting times and direct placement for new patients. Open evenings and available for emergency…dental, emergency, dentist, appointment, patient0
arcam.nlBarcam Architects Cafe #10 Queer Spacesdiscover, architecture, exhibition, urban, explore0
delfthelptelkaar.nlIn our help center you will find answers to all your questions about volunteering, helping or making an impact. From safety to matching, we are here for you.volunteer, outside, request, guidance, court0
majabox.nlRent storage at Majabox, the solution to all your storage needs. Clean - Dry - Safe. Branches in Aalsmeer and Kudelstaart.storage, availability, branch, archive, rental0
heckman.nlYou can also send uw digital questions,after registration above at our Patiëntenportaaluw, registration, patient, appointment, pandemic0
nevcare.nlNevcare is a hair care brand inspired by people around us who always asked us what exactly we use for our hair. We have always used our own hair products, so we are dedicated to put together our favorite ingredients and then make our own…accessibility statementhair, treatment, beard, discover, ingredient0
veravisueel.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.sit, amet, consectetur, elit, lorem0
vughtvoorelkaar.nlRegister as a provider or requester without obligation. Place a call yourself or look around at the questions that are open or view the providers.volunteer, reliable, aid, manual, request0
concertgebouw.nlThe acoustics of The Concertgebouw are world famous. With 700 concerts a year you can enjoy great classical concerts in Amsterdam. Book online!famous, hall, frequently, acoustic, classical0
affr.nl…architecture film festival in the world. Festivals also took place again in 2001 and 2003. In 2007 AFFR made a fresh start after a few years of silence. In 2009 the event expanded significantly in terms of visitor numbers and programming.location accessibility, accessibility festivalarchitecture, farm, visitor, contest, king0
altenagala.nl(C) 2024 Altenagala. All rights reservedclose accessibility, accessibility optionwishlist, add, compare, bridal, comparison0
prevalis.nl“At Gatwick Airport we have been using PRM (person with reduced mobility) passenger hoists for many years and have highly trained staff to operate hoists. The Prevalis PRM Transfer Lift completely changed our way of using a hoist on a PRM…transfer, passenger, aircraft, mobility, wheelchair0
s-bb.nl…trade and industry. We carry out tasks on the instructions of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, such as accrediting and coaching work placement companies, for work practice placements and apprenticeships, for example.accessibility requirementsplacement, vocational, labour, accredited, accreditation0
sailcenter107.nl…Netherlands; the beach near Kijkduin and the Zandmotor. Our beautiful accommodations offer everything you need. The club is a fun mix of wind and kite surfers, catamaran sailors, suppers and kayakers of all ages. Please come and visit us!sail, association, membership, fee, committee0
hydac-cylinderoverhaul.nlHycom supplies the total hydraulic package from cylinders, piping, hydraulic power units and manifolds to complete system installation for dredging vessels.hydraulic, overhaul, cylinder, dredging0
ismile-tandartspraktijk.nliSmile is a specialist pediatric dentist in Amsterdam-West. In our practice we strive for a pleasant experience for your child. We do this by taking ample time for your baby and explaining the treatment step by step in clear and…telephone accessibility, accessibility lutmastraatdentist, appointment, dental, treatment, tooth0
dekleinevalkenier.nlIntroduction… More than just a room… Environment… History in a blink… Prices…introduction, find, instead0
ishthehague.nlThe Hague, Thursday 29 February 2024 - In a very special visit, The International School of The Hague (ISH) Primary Principal - Rubin Borges - and members of the leadership team, were delighted to welcome Mayor of The Hague - Jan van…ish, secondary, hague, evaluation, wellbeing0
forum.nlExhibitions, cinema, library, museum, food & drinks, rooftop with panoramic view, tourist shop and events. The Forum is the place to be in de city centre of Groningen.library, exhibition, tomorrow, tourist, possibility0
verloskundigenijsselmuiden.nlCurious about the four midwives you will meet during your pregnancy at PuurBegin Kampen? Click on 'Meet our small team of midwives' for more information. We are happy to share our unique approach and approach. For a personal introduction…telephone accessibility, accessibility liemidwife, pregnancy, birth, midwifery, childbirth0
heycoach.nl…throw you off balance. You feel a need to talk to someone about that. About your work in general, about working together, stress you experience, setting boundaries. But also on more general topics such as energy, sleep or relationships.reference, topic, balance, relationship, sleep0
binck-zorg.nlBinck-Zorg is a growing practice in the heart of the Binckhorst. An area in development, just like the practice. With new developments such as online contact, making appointments and access to your file.appointment, consultation, licence, driver, patient0
hotelsassenheim.nlVan der Valk Hotel Sassenheim - Leiden is located between Amsterdam and The Hague and next the A44. Discover our luxury hotel rooms and restaurants.perfect accessibilityder, package, guarantee, hague0
nlvoorelkaar.nlWe are happy to help your volunteer center, company, social organization and charity to make doing good better. From platforms for more voluntary commitment to inspiring campaigns and creating a do good movement.volunteer, nearby, flexible, animal, difference0
walibi.nlAll throughout the year, we organise awesome events at Walibi! Play games in the park during Walibi Play in the May holiday, encounter scary monsters during Halloween Fright Nights and Halloween Spooky Days in autumn and marvel at…ride, calendar, visit, attraction, season0
nlflag.nlThis portal provides information about flying the Dutch flag on merchant vessels and commercial yachts. It gives an overview of the registration process in the Netherlands and related regulations. Also, it offers information on doing…flag, tax, registration, ownership, certification0
km21.nlCarla Klein paints spaces and areas without people. In often large oil paintings she explores and bends our perception of reality.exhibition, frontpage, visit, painting, perception0
verloskundigenpuurbegin.nlWelcome to midwifery practice PuurBegin Kampen. We are a small practice where a personal approach comes first. At our practice you will see a maximum of 5 midwives and we ensure that you have always met everyone before you give birth. We…telephone accessibility, accessibility liemidwife, pregnancy, birth, ultrasound, consultation0
hotelvanwalsum.nlOur distinctive hotel combines its homely Dutch atmosphere with all the modern facilities. We have a lift, restaurant, a pleasant lounge, as well as a peaceful garden at the back, complete with terrace - and naturally all rooms are…facility, homely, distinctive, guest, atmosphere0
kapsalonjq.nlHome… About Us… Shop… FAQs… Appointments… Contact Us… Shop Now… Book Now… Hair…add, hair, wishlist, accessorie, jq0
strijp-s.nlA new function for the industrial heritage of Eindhoven with living, shopping and working. A creative hot-spot that continues to develop.lab, housing, hair, treatment, hospitality0
taxibredanu.nlDo you, as a company, need a reliable taxi service with a high quality standard ? Then you are at the right address. We already provide taxi services for various companies in breda and its surroundings.reliable, surrounding, rate, affordable, carefree0
campingveerhof.nlCamping Veerhof guarantees a varied holiday in West-Friesland, the North-Holland Region situated between the Northsea Beaches and the Ijsselmeer inner lake.location accessibilityinn, varied, lake, north, northsea0
handymanamsterdam.nlJust like a taxi, Order a professional online. Book directly one of our professionalsplumber, electrician, painter, gardener, repair0
kampwesterbork.nlAt Westerbork Memorial we share the stories of the more than one hundred thousand Jews, Sinti and Roma that were deported from Westerbork to concentration- and extermination camps in the east.camp, visit, exhibition, photographer, prize0
overoefenen.nl…adults and people with insufficient language proficiency: Klik & Tik. Het internet op (2009) (Go online), Klik & Tik. Samen op ‘t web (2016) (Together online) and Klik & Tik. De basis (2022) (The basis). The programs are very popular.quality accessibilitypopular, license, formal, op, insufficient0
zuidlimburgbereikbaar.nlTogether with many partners, the Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar programme office promotes better access to and in the region, more efficient use of cars, and sustainable mobility. It aims to foster a healthy living and working climate in South…disruption accessibility, accessibility statementlogistics, mobility, measure, employee, save0
hotellarosa.nlLooking for a personal and small-scale Boutique hotel? Hotel La Rosa’s convenient location is near the centre of the town and is only a five-minute walk from the train station, the beach, the dunes and all of Zandvoort’s bustling shopping…walk, railway, base, reservation, spacious0
newlines.nl…services will give you a competitive edge and uniquely improve business processes. All our solutions and services are engineered with the same principles – to be secure, available and flexible. For more information, contact us today!benefit, telephony, computing, storage, efficiency0
djam.nlDJAM is a school for Jazz in Amsterdam offering theory and ensemble lessons for beginners and advanced musicians. The ages of students range from 16 to 66.lesson, theory, advanced, musician, teacher0
vakantiehuisjemakkum.nlRent a chalet / mobil home in Makkum, The Netherlands for an unforgettable holiday near the beach. Kitesurfing, Windsurfing, Playgrounds.holiday, near, playground, kitesurfing, windsurfing0
logisticscourtschiphol.nlLogistics Court Schiphol is located at Schiphol Logistics Park, on the south side of Schiphol Airport. The park is part of the DGVS zone (Document-Free Goods Tracking System), it is located near the cargo area of Schiphol and the Port of…location accessibilitylogistics, court, sq, south, reach0
uvasociaal.nlJoin UvASociaal Student party by filling in the membership form to help promote students' opinions!membership, candidate, chair, opinion, rife0
ncru.nlResearch & Innovation are key for generating knowledge and improvements in the field of health and nutrition. The Nutrition Clinical Research Unit (NCRU), located at the Utrecht Science Park, is where we investigate how nutrition works in…nutrition, clinical, nutrient, participant, paramount0
nationalacademy.nlThe National Academy for Finance and Economics is the training institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands. It is an integral part of the Directorate General of the Budget of the Ministry. The National Academy trains civil…economic, programme, practical, parliamentary, servant0
deftigeaap.nlthe rain. Later I found out that this was no exception at all! At De Deftige Aap, hospitality is key, along with good beer and delicious food. As a catering establishment that opened its doors a few months before the first corona attacks…brewery, dinner, reservation, distillery, establishment0
nuffic.nlEach year in November Nuffic presents the Week of the International Student. During this week, participating educational institutions all over the country organise activities to connect Dutch and international students.accessibility statementinternationalisation, competence, programme, report, orange0
portier-nijmegen.nlWe like to pamper our guests. We care about everything: an informal service that will make you feel at home. Great acoustics. Extensive advice on wine and food. Comfortable seats you don't want to get up from. Exciting and creative dishes.route accessibilityreservation, dinner, wine, registration, inform0
louwmanmuseum.nlIn the Louwman Museum you will discover the high points of 150 years of technology, innovation, beauty and speed. Meet all the masterpieces from the history of progress in the Louwman Museum in The Hague. The museum of the automobile.automobile, overview, speed, parking, motion0
amolf.nlUsing the tools of physics and design principles, AMOLF researchers study complex matter, such as light at the nanoscale, living matter, designer matter and nanoscale solar cells. These insights open up opportunities to create new…accessibility statementamolf, matter, vacancy, nanophotonic, cell0
tudelftcampus.nl…spirit proven by the various startup communities spanning over 200 companies. TU Delft Campus is the international breeding ground for radical innovations, shaping the future of Robotics, Quantum, Health & Tech and Energy Transition.accessibility parkingentrepreneurial, spirit, settle, worldwide, density0
amrathhotelhaarlem.nlThe 4-star Amrâth Grand Hotel Frans Hals hotel is ideally located right in the city centre of Haarlem. Our hotel has 82 comfortable rooms, a charming lounge and an intimate hotel bar. Due to its unique location the hotel is already…amrâth, luxurious, stay, near, official0
differ.nlAt DIFFER, we are carrying out groundbreaking fundamental research on energy. Our research focuses on two major energy themes: research into fusion energy as a clean, safe and sustainable energy source and research into the conversion and…differ, facility, fuel, fusion, fundamental0
huysvanroosevelt.nlat the first floor or in our cozy restaurant at the second floor. You can also enjoy the sun on our terrace. Really magical is the beautiful view of ‘het dorpsplein’ at the terrace on the second floor. Enjoy your coffee and cake, a…everybody, tourist, root, facility, reservation0
ijsbeelden.nlThe best ice sculpting artists in the world come to Zwolle where they work in a large ice hall (De IJsselhallen) with 275,000 kilos of ice and 275,000 kilos of snow. With that they build a magical and spectacular world of snow and ice…address accessibilitysculpture, ice, statue, february, hall0
gartine.nlIn the middle of the busy city centre (close to Spui) of Amsterdam you can enjoy a quiet and delicious breakfast, lunch or high tea at Gartine. We have place for a maximum of twenty-four people.kitchen, cookbook, organic, direction, impression0
advisorycouncilinternationalaffairs.nlThe Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) is an independent body which advises the Dutch government and parliament on foreign policy. The AIV produces advisory reports about international affairs both on its own initiative and…advisory, affairs, council, report, government0
forensicinstitute.nlThe Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) is one of the world’s leading forensic laboratories. From its state-of-the-art, purpose-built premises in The Hague, the NFI provides products and services to a wide range of national and…forensic, institute, purpose, hague, laboratory0
logistiekbrabant.nlThe property concerns a brand new distribution centre. The total distribution centre comprises approx. 43,000 sq m. warehouse, office and mezzanine and can bedivided in 4 separate units. The mezzanine could also be equipped as office. The…estate, investment, specification, description, sq0
armenos.nlHome… Accessibility… Developing websites… About… Contact… Forgot your…end accessibility, accessibility webdesignusername0
jheronimusbosch-artcenter.nlThe Jheronimus Bosch Art Center is located in the centre of 's-Hertogenbosch and does not have its own parking and long term parking in the Hinthamerstraat is very difficult. Within walking distance of the Art Center you will find parking…conference, monday, admission, visit, sunday0
leideninternationalcentre.nlFacebook Leiden International Centre LinkedIn Leiden International Centre Twitter Leiden International Centre YouTube Leiden International Centreregion, appointment, study, registration, calendar0
stevenskerk.nlVisiting the Stevenskerk is quite an experience. The church is the 750-year old icon of Nijmegen. Over centuries, the Stevenskerk and Nijmegen have become intertwined. Not only does the church tell the story of the city, but it has also…icon, het, church, visitor, chandelier0
letoileamsterdam.nlAs a resident of Résidence L’Étoile, you will have exclusive access to a wide range of extra facilities. These include a fitness area on the first floor, fully equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, as well as a wellness centre…apartment, facility, exclusive, host, terrace0
southdock.nlNDSM South Dock accommodates over two hundred apartments. From two-room apartments of around 62 m2 to five-room apartments of around 129 m2. The large windows allow natural light to flood in and the outside areas - a terrace or balcony -…apartment, south, income, rent, mortgage0
bertkuenenservice.nlWith our years of knowledge and experience in the field of hot dip galvanizing, we have 2005 BKS B.V. We build new plants, renovate or expand your existing onesgalvanize, maintenance, installation, kettle, renovation0
freddysleiden.nlRight below the Heineken headquarters, directly opposite Leiden Central, you’ll find FREDDY*S. An eclectic mix of old-fashioned coziness, where there’s always time for culinary delights and special beers. A selection of these is brewed in…microbrewery, dinner, central, selection, tme0
government.nlThe Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic and Ireland call for a European policy package on sustainable carbon in the chemical industrygovernment, housing, sudan, holiday, election0
groetuitschoorlrun.nlThis year's Dutch 10 km road championship will take place during the 44rd edition of the Groet uit Schoorl Run on Sunday 11 February 2024. The Athletics Union has officially assigned the Dutch championship to the Groet uit Schoorl Run…run, uit, february, sunday, seaside0
deolifantkeizersgracht.nl…character, large open floors, the large city garden, a rooftop terrace and the available office space of 3,931 sq m LFA in the city center of Amsterdam makes this building an unique office that contributes to the identity of its users.sq, parking, availability, character, spacious0
kvk.nlEntrepreneurship starts at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK. We inform and support all entrepreneurs. Find out about starting a business, financing, innovation, and much more.chamber, commerce, entrepreneur, trouble, sustainability0
vetitus.nlWelkom bij Vetitus Producties. Wij organiseren thematische BDSM speelfeesten, workshops, shows, groepsgesprekken en nog veel meer. Vetitus is edgy, kunstzinnig, inspirerend en ronduit smerig.artery, negative, background, font, readable0
emissionsauthority.nlThe Dutch Emission Authority (Nederlandse Emissieautoriteit – NEa) is the independent national authority which implements and monitors the market tools available that contribute to a climate-neutral society.authority, emission, neutral, society, climate0
mpliften.nlIoL (Internet of Lifts) in MP's very own lift connectivity ecosystem, which, by using the latest technology, has made possible a new generation of services and features that connect lifts in order to improve the user experience.building, passenger, walkway, escalator, maintenance0
demmyonink.nl…Amsterdam. I use behavioural science to design products that help people meet their goals and improve their lives. Recently, I’ve helped people choose the right car, make better financial decisions, and properly dispose of their garbage.simplicity accessibilitybehavioural, properly, recently, decision, garbage0
irugs.nlShop our endless selection of designer rugs at great prices. Discount Rugs. Lowest prices online.discount, persian, solid, endless, selection0
deherenkliniek.nlAt de Herenkliniek, we offer vasectomy procedures with devotion, because we understand the sensitivity of this decision. With the most pain-free technique as possible and a focus on comfort and aftercare, we strive to make the process as…convenience accessibilityappointment, aftercare, schedule, sperm, patient0
fixpresso.nlAs FixPresso in Gent, we offer you the coffee and espresso machines of your dreams. We also support you with professional maintenance and reparation of your espresso machines. See Aremde Espresso Machines and much more.maintenance, grinder, reparation, official, roaster0
rechtspraak.nlAbout the judicial system in the Netherlands and the role of the Council for the Judiciary.judiciary, judicial, council, role, cooperation0
rondevandewestfrieseomringdijk.nlvan de Westfriese Omringdijk on Sunday 2 July 2023. Enjoy the historic VOC towns, unique farmhouses and vast polders full of cows. During a ride of 50, 80 or 135 km, discover a part or the entire Omringdijk with culinary and cultural stops.good accessibilityride, farmhouse, cow, july, entire0
caspersterrenburg.nlAboutAbout… The Last One May 13, 2021… Pandemics: The True Face of User…accessibility watergenius, goodness, graphic, piece, bit0
fietsverhuurdousberg.nlFietsverhuur Dousberg is located at the Wilhelmus, or square of Dormio Resort Maastricht . You will find us next to the reception and see some of our bicycles already outside.bicycle, rate, reservation, bike, square0
maaspoort.nl…we do. Pure enjoyment at the highest level! Not only in the theatres, but also around them when entering, in the restaurants and in the foyers. A complete afternoon or evening out; relaxation and conviviality in the magical environment oftheatre, package, hall, visitor, parking0
atlasleefomgeving.nlThe Environmental Health Atlas presents information in the Dutch language. Is your preferred language set different in your browser? The browser will automatically ask you to translate the website.environmental, explore, climate, pleasant, neighborhood0
ahris.nland in 2013 as Director for Risk Management Compliance and IT. I spent more than a decade on the Management Team and Board of Oikocredit with responsibilities ranging from Accounting, Treasury, Finance, Tax, Risk Management and IT and alsoresponsible, investment, investor, committee, present0
chefsattheparc.nlOpening Dinner Talents of Europe Lunch Best of Europe Dinner Kitchen Party Grand Finale Dinnerbroekhuizen accessibility, accessibility faqdinner, kitchen, culinary, estate, delight0
dutchoffshorewindatlas.nlOn this website you can find all the available information on the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) project. The DOWA project is executed by the project partners ‘ECN part of TNO’ , Whiffle and KNMI and supported with Topsector Energy…library, publication, archive, report, vulnerability0
youthatheart.nlThe Netherlands is increasingly putting youth at the heart of its development policies. On the Youth at Heart website you find the Youth at Heart Principles, a toolkit Meaningful Youth Participation and you can meet the Youth Advisory…youth, participation, meaningful, advisory, committee0
dabo-design.nlAlso nice as a key ring, but handy on your saddle, bridle, halter, dog collar, leash, etc.dog, horse, bridle, screen, slovakia0
groningermuseum.nlFriends of the Groninger Museum. Members receive such benefits as free admission to the Groninger Museum, special lectures (usually in Dutch), exhibition previews and excursions. The Friends also financially support the Groninger Museum…exhibition, painting, visit, rental, overview0
ariebleijenberg.nl…of interest. My work focusses on structural developments in mobility, urbanization, infrastructure, energy, climate change and economy. I am intrigued by the power relations that shape our societies, unseen to a large extend, and how we…accessibility inequalitymobility, economy, urbanization, infrastructure, climate0
tugofwarholten.nlThese magic words start every tug of war match. Tug of war is team spirit, tactics, technics, power, endurance and will-power. The combination of physical and mental effort make tug of war magical!location accessibilitytug, war, programme, championship, participant0
zeewoldevoorelkaar.nl…organized for several years by the Protestant Municipality of Zeewolde (PGZ) in collaboration with Welzijn Zeewolde. It was another successful day, where a group of 40! volunteers got to work to be able to do something for someone else.volunteer, request, frequently, smile, consultation0
ovet.nlOVET dry bulk terminal is specialized in storing, transhipping and processing dry bulk goods. With over 100 employees, we are here to offer you the highest quality and flexibility in services, since 1957. We can achieve a total unloading…port accessibilityvacancy, employee, flexibility, movie, breakbulk0
basecamp-ijmuiden.nlBasecamp Ijmuiden is a sustainable resort near the beach of Ijmuiden (Amsterdam Beach). Enjoy your holiday in a tiny house or organize inspiring meetings and events!location accessibilityholiday, dog, inspire, near, scenery0
futurenetworkservices.nlThe Future Network Services consortium consists of 60 companies, knowledge institutes and governments and focuses on developing the latest generation of mobile networks: 6G. The Netherlands has world-class expertise in network innovation…position, ecosystem, phd, government, institute0
oosterhoutvoorelkaar.nlCould you use an extra hand temporarily or regularly? Is your organization desperately looking for volunteers or suitable help for your client(s)? Submit a request for help and find someone who can help!volunteer, request, vacancy, driver, directly0
resilientrotterdam.nl…resilience in the future, we will factor in the opportunities and risks of new developments. Resilience is the new robust. Therefore, Rotterdam will do all that is within its power over the next few years to enhance the city’s resilience…statement accessibility, accessibility statementresilient, initiative, objective, resilience, proof0
museumdevierquartieren.nlA visit to Oirschot and our museum will give you a lasting memory of the beautiful and welcoming province of Brabant.visit, exhibition, attic, mother, rental0
motelmozaique.nlMotel Mozaïque is a Rotterdam-based cultural foundation organising concerts year-round and a festival in April, with genre bending live music, performances and tours around the city.round, cultural, timetable, residency, programme0
sitly.nlWe do not perform background checks or screen new members because we are not a job or babysitting agency. Rather, think of Sitly as a neighbourhood hub where parents and independent childcare providers – including babysitters and…babysitter, sitter, childcare, parent, near0
utrecht.nlInformation about visiting Utrecht, living in Utrecht, studying in Utrecht, investing in Utrecht and filming in Utrechtregistration, appointment, waste, region, hall0
welcome-to-nl.nlMaastricht Region is a unique region in the most southern part of the Netherlands. A crossborder region with an international mindset where people truly understand what quality of life means.region, continually, immigration, relocation, career0
inzutphen.nlFor a few hours, a day or a few days in Zutphen, you will find all the practical information you need on this website. Do you want to explore Zutphen on your own, or will you be guided by one of our city guides? Are you looking for a…boat, electric, walk, visit, church0
theroofs.nlwith fantastic views over the sea, the city… as far as the eye can see. And you’re right in the heart of it all! Literally on top of the public transport system, with city life on the street zoomed out to the max, but just a lift ride away.roof, hague, apartment, street, ride0
paleishetloo.nlVisit Paleis Het Loo in Apeldoorn. Come and see the stables, gardens, palace and multiple exhibitions.het, palace, exhibition, multiple, stable0
citychapters.nl…this autumn. These apartments are on Reguliersdwarsstraat, divided over two stunning historical buildings in the vibrant city centre. Rents vary from €1,650 to €3,350 per month. Every property has its own story and special history.rental, chapter, apartment, turn, interested0
korzo.nlProgramme India Dance Festival announced and ticket sales launched! And we are off! The full programme for India Dance Festival is now online. Eleven days of high-profile performances full of Indian...sale accessibility, accessibility frequentlytheatre, programme, surprise, adventurous, wonderful0
vsa-nijmegen.nlFrom the very first activity I joined I felt very welcome. There is a friendly and inclusive atmosphere at every event. I have made a lot of friends through the VSA, simply because all VSA members are great people! The activities are also…accessibility inquirycommittee, animal, association, recipe, minded0
visitheezeleende.nlA visit to the municipality of Heeze-Leende guarantees a unique experience with a varied offering of nature, culture, and culinary delights. We call them masterpieces. The municipality boasts several national monuments, such as the castle…accessibility parkingvisit, discover, village, residence, kid0
ictopen.nlThe Dutch Research Council (NWO) funds top researchers, steers the course of Dutch science by means of research programmes and by managing the national knowledge infrastructure.programme, exhibitor, registration, overview, interactive0
designflooring.nlDiscover stylish and highly practical floor solutions in wood & stone effect luxury vinyl tiles. Flooring for home and commercial use.accessibility statementwood, luxury, stone, tile0
act-hypnotherapie.nl…Henk Hoenderdos to become a psychosocial therapist and hypnotherapist. In addition, I immersed myself extensively in ACT therapy and followed training courses, developed and given by ACT founder Steven Hayes. In ACT, one learns, among…reimbursement accessibility, accessibility contactsession, hypnotherapy, therapy, therapist, reimbursement0
kaapskil.nl…this cultural history, to preserve it and to increase appreciation for it. At Museum Kaap Skil, local finds from the sea tell a global story. Are you enthusiastic about Museum Kaap Skil and would you like to contribute to this goal…direction accessibilitywreck, find, road, adventure, discover0
amrathaparthotelschiphol.nlAmrâth Apart-Hotel Schiphol is situated in Badhoevedorp, nearby Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam: making our Apart-Hotel easily accessible using public and private transport. Furthermore we can arrange a paid taxi service to the airport for…amrâth, stay, apartment, facility, comfortable0
michaelpage.nlMichael Page is a highly recognised recruitment agency, specialised in finding professionals for permanent and interim positions. Search for a new job today!staff, banking, manufacture, healthcare, resource0
zukerman.nl…and therefor the Endodontic microsurgery is almost completely painless. Fortunately, due to developments in the field of Endodontics, also the post treatment pain and swellings belong to the past. Most patients recover fast and well…treatment, canal, root, tooth, infection0
gmdh.nl…Market, alternative music fest Sniester, soul & classical highlights at Summertime, American roots hootenanny Wild Rooster, Oktoberfest, a tequila-drenched Dia de Muertos, and, when winter starts, the Rock A Rail street snowboard…calendar, cafe, vacancy, american, soul0
mite3.nlAre you looking for knowledge and capacity in the field of Cybersecurity? Perhaps a part-time interim position as Information Security Officer or Cybersecurity Specialist? Or maybe an on-call penetration tester based on a strip card? Or…accessibility modeintegral, assessment, investigation, highly, default0
braic.nl…treatment and prevention of psychological complaints in Dutch military personnel and veterans based on scientific research. Furthermore, the BRAIC promotes professional and suitable care by combining research, knowledge and…brain, military, personnel, treatment, veteran0
rijkewaddenzee.nlPRW (the Programme towards a Rich Wadden Sea) is working to ensure resilient ecology and a sustainable economy in the Wadden Sea region. By focusing on the region and working alongside the various parties concerned, PRW’s mission is to…accessibility mobilityprogramme, rich, report, region, resilient0
sickhouse.nlSICKHOUSE PLAYFUL ART SPACE unwraps games as means to engage in diverse social topics, with light, serious, absurd and challenging programs. Sickhouse is encouraging multi voices and multi disciplinary encounters.visit, playful, ultimate, encounter, mean0
abnamro.nlAt ABN AMRO you manage your banking affairs as you please. Personal, by telephone, with the app or online.insurance, banking, mortgage, loan, saving0
hotelnottinghill.nlHotel Notting Hill is a 4 star boutique design hotel in Amsterdam, in which you will feel right at home. This stylish luxury hotel is the key address for cosmopolitan and international travellers.hill, official, traveller, luxury, cosmopolitan0
rotterdamthehagueairport.nlService and information Check-in Shopping and restaurants Guidance and assistanceaccessibility transport, rule accessibilityhague, flight, departure, arrival, assistance0
woil.nlFashion online store is very important in this time if you are trying to sell clothes. With the new fashion trends and all the available shopping options you can order your clothes online and make money without even leaving your house…woman, dress, glass, handbag, sportswear0
nscr.nlNSCR conducts fundamental scientific research into crime and law enforcement. Our research is substantively innovative, methodologically state-of-the-art and contributes to the solution of major societal issues in the field of security…digital accessibility, accessibility statementnscr, crime, enforcement, law, scientific0
egmondwandelmarathon.nlStart the year in January with the Egmond Wandel Marathon. This way you can be sure that you start actively and enjoy the beautiful nature.january, distance, actively, stay, saturday0
rednose.nlFor years Rednose has been one of the largest software suppliers of the central government in the field of document creation. We know everything about digital developments for the government and its specific domains.accessibility statementdoclab, government, supplier, flexible, output0
crossphase.nlOur 80 content specialists help you create, manage and strategically use content. We bring your stories to life! Our content agency has done this for over 150 organisations since 2007. Soon for you as well?digital accessibilitymigration, study, impactful, identity, strike0
getinteractive.nlThe CVO Group is a school group consisting of six schools with a central organization in service of these schools. Get Interactive has created a new website for several of these schools, including the website of CVO Group itself. Marion…european accessibility, accessibility act, digital accessibility, accessibility netherlinteractive, engage, ambition, career, collaboration0
red-elephant-thai-food.nl…best authentic ingredients, because that is the only way to do justice to the full wealth of Thai cuisine. Spicy or mild, with fish, meat, or the most delicious vegetables and herbs: Red Elephant brings the real orient to West Amsterdam!elephant, east, parking, lake, reservation0
nytor.nl…molecular diagnostic assays. Our company employs an enthusiastic and motivated team of highly skilled professionals with more than 30 years of expert experience and state-of-the-art knowledge of molecular diagnostic assay development.assay, molecular, diagnostic, collaboration, nanotech0
infiniterisks.nl…we analyze your risks and set up a safety plan to help you minimize these risks. Our security and investigative services are not merely services we provide. It is a passion we look forward to sharing with you. Our services unburden you…web accessibilityinvestigation, risk, protection, executive, infinite0
nyenrode.nlNyenrode Business University strongly believes in internationalization and its added value to education and research. It is an integral part in future-proofing our students and strongly contributing to our mission 'shaping responsible…accreditation, faculty, scholar, academic, fund0
storyworld.nlThis year marks the 50th anniversary of Dutch comic book hero Franka's first adventure. To celebrate, from March 2 through June 30, 2024, the Spotlight Room at Museum Storyworld will be dedicated to this iconic red head.entrance accessibilityentrance, direction, parking, visit, lesson0
nldigitalgovernment.nlNL Digital Government is a vital resource for professionals in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom and internationally, focusing on the digital transformation in government. It offers insights into policy, strategic plans, legislation, and…accessibility statementgovernment, caribbean, digitalisation, topic, cryptography0
longjoy.nlLongJoy Photography | #LongJoyPhotography | #Fotostudio | #Fotograaf | #Utrecht | You Name It, We Click Itnegative, background, font, readable0
hackersanddesigners.nlThe content of the following publications can be also found online! Find all the articles in the Publishing tab or on the pages of the respective book:publication, camp, repeat, everyday, solidarity0
groningen.nlWhile keeping up with rent, tuition fees, and socialising with friends, students in Groningen may wish to help supplement their monthly budget by putting in some work hours during the week.practical, housing, matter, career, regional0
naarnederland.nl…of Dutch Society, Speaking proficiency and Reading proficiency. Naar Nederland enables you to practise for the exam independently. You can order the lesson materials or download them free of charge from this site. The package is…exam, civic, integration, naar, examination0
sterknoordnederland.nlGroningen, Fryslân and Drenthe. Three provinces in the Netherlands that form the Northern Netherlands region. And what a great European region it is! We have the space, innovative entrepreneurs and top-notch knowledge centres. Together…statement accessibilitynorthern, position, publication, region, hydrogen0
parochiesintjoris.nl…the former parishes have aged and shrunk so much that in 2012 the choice was made to make a new start with a much smaller number of locations. For all those who want to be Catholic today and fully participate in the community in Christ…parish accessibilityparish, church, catholic, southern, january0
puurverloskunde.nlThis consultation hour is not intended for physical problems or other particulars. In these cases, you may always call us and if needed we will make an appointment during regular consultation hours, when we have a little more time for…pregnancy, ultrasound, consultation, coil, midwifery0
symbiofarma.nllicensed pharmaceutical wholesaler in Netherlands operating across Europe who supplies both branded and generic pharmaceuticals. We are always on the look out to provide our customers quality products at the most competitive prices. We…reliable accessibilitypharmaceutical, wholesaler, supply, clinical, license0
basbroek.nlCheating the System for Fun and Profit (or how to use macOS Assistive Technologies to test in the Simulator)voiceover accessibility, accessibility inspector, accessibility voiceover, getting accessibility, accessibility githawkswift, assistive, weekly, oct, speak0
ferbi.nlExplore Relexicon's diverse range of 100+ AI professionals ready to enhance your personal and professional life. Discover tailored AI solutions in cybersecurity, digital marketing, software development, and more. Meet your AI assistant…accessibility designerpsychologist, analyst, teacher, reynolds, bennett0
gildeleiden.nl…interest concentrated specifically on Leiden and we want to provide our guests with an interesting and enjoyable walking tour. We recount the ‘tales of the city’ and its history enthusiastically and can do so in English or German.walk, thursday, coordinator, monday, sunday0
socialbrothers.nlDigital Agency Utrecht Social Brothers. Brand Design, Website Development and Effective Campaigns. Discover more at Social Brothers.digital accessibility, accessibility web, web accessibilityfounder, marketer, brother, benefit, campaign0
spret.nlIn addition providing trainings, SPRET offers various services in the domain of exams. Based on knowledge and expertise with regard to vocational education SPRET has developed products that help to set up and maintain exams and knowledge…farmer, teacher, exam, employee, registration0
escaperoomzandvoort.nlEscape Room Zandvoort has three escape rooms in all. One room is suitable for 2 – 4 people and two rooms are suitable for 2 – 6 people. You always play with your own team. No strangers join in. Would you like to book all three rooms at…reservation, player, boat, russia, package0
digid.nlAdd more methods and manage more affairs with your DigiD.authorisation, affairs, recovery, activation, securely0
villamondriaan.nlPiet Mondriaan, nowadays a worldwide renowned and admired artist, spent his youth (1880 to 1892) in his parental home on Zonnebrink 4 in Winterswijk. His father had acquired a position as the Director of the School of Christian National…visit, exhibition, tuesday, sunday, timeline0
vipvoorelkaar.nlRegister without obligation as a care provider or help seeker. Place a call yourself or look around at the help requests that are open or view the help providers.volunteer, request, repair, cafe, exercise0
defabrique.nlDuring a custom site visit, we will show you all of the possibilities afforded by our historic venue. Or if you’d prefer to explore our many characteristic spaces on your own, please be referred to our venue overview!venue, visitor, conference, facility, perfectly0
voorlinden.nlEnjoy art, nature and architecture at museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar, the Netherlands. Open daily. Get your tickets online or at the museum deskvisit, architecture, exhibition, vacancy, desk0
debestepingpongervanhaarlem.nlJoin with your company or team of friends and compete to become "The Best Ping Pong Company" or "Friends Team" of Haarlem. Discover the possibilities to participate.location accessibilityplayer, tournament, registration, january, fee0
wktafeltennis.nl…to play against Bettine with some awards to be handed out by the event bingo partner – the best UK bingo website . Hans den Oudendammer from Rotterdam Topsport accepted the challenge, but did not manage to get back more than two balls. Atable, championship, east, congress, million0
vwc-buuv.nlSocial entrepreneurship has a positive impact on your company and business operations. So there is every reason to increase your social impact this year on the one hand and to help organizations on the other. VWC-BUUV can help you with…volunteer, municipality, neighborhood, refugee, neighbour0
tno.nlCreating impactful innovations for the sustainable wellbeing and prosperity of society.circular, society, protection, transition, flexible0
nwochains.nlNWO CHAINS is the annual Dutch chemistry conference. It is the conference where chemists, from PhD students and postdocs to professors and R&D scientists, in science and industry come together.nwo, chain, programme, session, committee0
stichtingsarya.nlStichting Sarya is a culture-sensitive institution for mental health care (GGZ) that offers basic and specialized mental health care treatments to adults with psychological and / or psychiatric problems.treatment, practical, wait, reimbursement, registration0
zaze.nl“I never envisioned needing as much guidance as Avada Interior Designer has given me, but I’m glad I got in touch!”interior, exclusive, furniture, extend, sidebar0
eur.nlErasmus University Rotterdam is a highly ranked, international research university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.study, programme, executive, calendar, dynamic0
erasmusmc.nl…separate worlds of radiology and pathology together, in the form of combined AI algorithms. For the project, Starmans received an AiNed Fellowship Grant of 2 million euros from The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).patient, facility, scientific, direction, institute0
tudelft.nlTop education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programs. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share…contact accessibilityfaculty, programme, employee, grant, cooperation0
vermeerdelft.nl…Recycle', a unique project that highlights Vermeer's legacy in a contemporary way. Previously used banners in the city have been used in new fashion creations wich can be seen until May 22 in an exhibition at the Vermeer Centre Delft.visit, till, reachable, creation, flower0
dinoloket.nl…DINOloket of TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands. These data originate from both TNO's DINO repository and BRO (Subsurface Key Register). Read more about this here (Dutch only). For more information about the Mining Act visit NLOG .subsurface, explanation, request, file, footer0
escaperoom-aalten.nlYou can play the escape-room with at least 2 people and max. 6 people. The bigger the group the more difficult it becomes to discuss the puzzles. The size of the escape-room has room for max. 6 people.puzzle, guestbook, war, decision, wrong0
atrium-amsterdam.nl…the oldest buildings on the South Axis. It’s more than just office space. It’s the architectonical translation of optimal productivity. The Atrium is located in the heart of the Amsterdam South Axis, also known as the Zuidas. This is a…optimal accessibilitysouth, min, axis, cross, sustainability0
ind.nlWaiting times regarding the asylum application process are increasing. The IND is taking measures to decide on asylum applications as quickly as possible. Find out what this means for your application.residence, asylum, foreign, permit, citizen0
studio-inclusie.nlThe process of creating a more inclusive cultural sector is already well underway. A lot of cultural institutions have launched projects or created programmes that appeal to new target audiences, often in collaboration with those…inspiration, cultural, inclusion, institution, inclusivity0
werkeninkomentilburg.nlWould you like to know more about applying for benefits? Help with low income or debt? Or do you want to go back to work? We have listed everything for you on this website. Use the search function to find an answer to your question or use…income, debt, benefit, trajectory, lesson0
nanocentre.nlNanocentre aims to support you to ensure safe innovation of products or processes that utilize nanomaterials. Nanocentre is the site where companies can get answers to their questions about safety of nanomaterials, where guidance is given…negative, potential, legislation, safely, naar0
amstelveenvoorelkaar.nlAmstelveenvoorelkaar is the platform for volunteer work and neighborly assistance in the municipality of Amstelveen. You will also find a lot of information here about volunteer work and everything that comes with it.volunteer, refugee, frequently, difference, base0
ecliptic.nlMade the same bubbletanks test-game with ES6 & objects instead of handling it all in one file.phaser, inspiration, css, github, nodejs0
museumwijchen.nl…Activities… Permanent collection… Castle Wijchen – a short history… Castle…exhibition, castle, cooperation, admission, rule0
hh21.nl…is located just around the corner from Amsterdam-CS and the trendy Haarlemmerstraat with its many lunchrooms. Clifford Chance (lawyers), Saatchi & Saatchi (advertising) and Hofman Duhardin (architects) are just a view among the…accessibility parkingground, parking, magnificent, chance, authentic0
atriummeetingcentre.nl…event. The business meeting centre offers extensive meeting space for presentations, network events, trainings and meetings. The 17 exceptional meeting rooms and high end auditorium vary in size to facilitate groups of 2 to 122…good accessibilityconference, min, participant, daylight, overnight0
muiderslot.nlListen… Tickets… Opening hours & entrance fees… Contact & route… Audio tour…castle, shield, visit, discover, listen0
30vanzandvoort.nlThe 11th edition of the 30 van Zandvoort will take place on Saturday 25 Mach 2023. The 30 van Zandvoort is part of a sporty weekend in Zandvoort, with the Omloop van Zandvoort and the Zandvoort Circuit Run on Sunday 26 March 2023.walk, wonderful, sporty, saturday, run0
heksenwaag.nlThe museum where the history of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century witch hunts is brought to life. When were you accused of witchcraft and what would happen to you if you were? What is a witches’ Sabbath? Why is De Heksenwaag in…witch, weigh, hunt, famous, seventeenth0
hotelcc.nlBuilt in a picturesque historical and monumental Amsterdam canal house, Hotel CC features modern rooms with air conditioning. Many rooms and hotel areas still feature its historical characters such as wooden beams or old window. All rooms…facility, traveler, double, attraction, desk0
allspaceamsterdam.nl…and flexible way? Allspace Amsterdam offers you everything you need, from office space to storage space. Looking for consultation at an easily accessible location in Amsterdam? Then our meeting room is exactly what you’re looking for.storage, easily, flexible, parking, accessible0
kaapnoord.nlWill Business Center Kaap Noord be your company’s new home? Business Center Kaap Noord rents office units, full-service offices with shared facilities and independent offices with their own facilities, as well as functional units and…neighbourhood, functional, independent, availability, peaceful0
inclusiontool.nlThis website has been funded with a grant from the European Commission. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for the content thereof.inclusion, mobility, vocational, adult, commission0
krollermuller.nlfind masterpieces by modern masters such as Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Pablo Picasso and Piet Mondriaan. In the sculpture garden, one of the largest in Europe, you can enjoy both sculptures and nature. Distributed throughout the garden…kröller, sculpture, overview, visit, calendar0
claynote.nl…Film… Antegods Codeglue… Deep Monobanda… Aqua Dragons WorldAlive…bartiméus accessibilityadaptive, library, lake, absence, dragon0
debasiszwolle.nlHostel & Bar De Basis is from April 2023 situated in a characteristic building on Luttekestraat in Zwolle’s city center. This monumental building has served as both a bank and police station in the past, but now offers voluntary overnight…walk, central, canal, characteristic, accommodation0
madeinasia.nl…a new world together and embark on an adventurous culinary journey through Asia. Get inspired by the atmospheric environment and get work done! Experience traditional Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese main dishes or be surprised by the rich…asia, asian, dish, possibility, vacancy0
wur.nlWageningen University & Research is a university and research centre in the Netherlands that focusses specifically on the theme 'healthy food and living environment'accessibility statementspecifically, healthy, vacancy, programme, breadcrumb0
appartement-op-schiermonnikoog.nlHome… Welcome… Description… Booking… Images and videos… Accessibility…apartment, description, booking, availability, reservation0
diemenvoorelkaar.nlRegister for free and without obligation as a care provider or help seeker. Place a call yourself or look around at the help requests that are open or view the help providers.volunteer, voor, reliable, request, demand0
gsl1.nldeveloped at Green Square Business Campus in Aalsmeer. The development is situated close to Schiphol Airport and it meets all the modern specs of logistics real estate with sufficient parking on site. The construction has recently finished.warehouse, square, logistics, parking, approximately0
dutchncca.nlThe Dutch National Cybersecurity Certification Authority is the formal NCCA of the Netherlands. Find out how we can assist you in cybersecurity certification of ICT-products, services and processes.certification, authority, formal, common, scheme0
cbs.nlThe mission of Statistics Netherlands is to publish reliable and consistent statistical information, that responds to society's demands in this respect.statistics, statistical, society, labour, population0
denieuwevorst.nlDe Nieuwe Vorst is an intimate theatre located in the center of Tilburg. We focus on contemporary theatre and modern dance. The theatre is set in an old villa, has 2 auditoriums, a café, a basement, several rooms available for hire, and a…arrow, dance, pink, direction, parking0
vastgoedinzaanstad.nlProperty and land in Zaanstad At a stone's throw from Amsterdam, at a junction of motorways and ports, between polder landscape and industrial lega...industrial, port, stone, landscape, property0
ecio.nlECIO, expert centre on inclusive education, supports universities, colleges and VET institutes in order to help make education accessible to students with disabilities and special needs, and to contribute to the well-being of students who…wellbeing, cooperation, publication, impairment, sensory0
praktijkruimtehurendenhaag.nlYou can arrange a fixed evening or day per week with us. It is also possible to record several evenings or days per week. However, we only work with fixed half-days per month; it is not possible to book individual days or half days.evening, rent, frequently, rental, atmosphere0
saxodamtotdamfietsclassic.nlOnly once a year, during the Saxo Dam tot Dam FietsClassic, it is possible to cycle through the IJ-tunnel. At this classic cycling event you can choose for 40, 60, 90, 110 and 160 km. You can join the event on your race bike…tot, cycling, bike, registration, sunday0
sneek.nlSneek, where the heart of the water sports enthusiast beats faster. But it is also the place to be for gourmets . Enjoy the local drinks and the restaurants that often cook with Frisian regional products. A vibrant city with a variety of…accessibility sneekpleasant, interest, cycling, walk, rich0
prinsenhof-delft.nlMuseum Prinsenhof Delft collaborates with multiple tour operators. Is your organization interested in setting up tours in our museum? Please contact our museum via email or phone.parking, disability, admission, pass, exhibition0
lambertuskerk-rotterdam.nlFor the English-language marriage preparation, we as a parish in Rotterdam work together with the English-language church "Church of Our Savior" in The Hague. Follow the link below about the church wedding.mass, church, sunday, marriage, parish0
narcosedental.nl…also in good hands with us for complete dental renovations, the extraction of all teeth and molars (total extraction), or the placement of a new set of teeth. Everything takes place while you're asleep. You won't feel or notice a thing.contact accessibilitydental, dentist, anesthesia, treatment, visit0
amare.nlWith Vertical Video, we show new work every two months in Amare’s public spaces. In April and May you can be taken into the mysterious world of Faux by artist Maria Perez.vacancy, hague, sustainability, cultural, hall0
nwonac.nlPrior to the NWO NAC 2024 conference a strategic evening will take place for group leaders. The evening programme includes talks and table discussions, during a 3-course dinner. The entire evening is organised by NWO and the Round Table…programme, nwo, registration, evening, strategic0
plesmanduin.nlPlesmanduin has a perfect location: between nature and the city. Hubertusduin, Westbroekpark and the Oostduinen dune area are nearby. Scheveningen beach is less than 3 km away. You can reach the centre of The Hague within 10 minutes by…convinient accessibilityhague, rental, apartment, bicycle, parking0
zorgzaam010.nlWelcome to the platform for volunteer work of the municipality of Rotterdam. On Zorgzaam010 you can easily and safely find something that suits you: from volunteer (work) to doing good in your own way. Everything with which you make…volunteer, flexible, request, walk, frequently0
bistrodeluif.nlTheater-goer or not, at Bistro de Luif in Venlo you are welcome every day for a delicious dinner or fine lunch.delicious, dinner, terrace, vacancy, evening0
sparkhealth.nl…in bigdata and AI with healthcare decision makers. Our special focus is Leadership Roles in Change management where healthcare is an increasingly data-driven, value based, physician and patient-centric, dynamic innovations network.efficiency accessibility, accessibility healthcarehealthcare, ecosystem, patient, decision, physician0
racecamping.nlThe campsite is best reached via exit Knittelfeld-West. From there, follow the signs for camping orange. Upon entering the campsite, the RaceCamp can be recognized by the blue and orange RacingTours branding. Report to the RacingTours…campsite, facility, sanitary, electricity, austrian0
lichtstadverloskundigen.nl…languages… English… Dutch… Polish… Turkish… Arabic… or registrate online…telephone accessibilitybirth, miscarriage, turkish, arabic, midwife0
cybersecuritycouncil.nlThe Cyber Security Council (CSR) is a national, independent advisory body of the Dutch government and the business community (through the government) composed of high-ranking representatives from public and private sector organisations…council, csr, advisory, government, representative0
framerframed.nlOpen and accessible to all free of charge, Framer Framed is a platform for contemporary art, visual culture, and critical theory & practice in Amsterdam.framer, charge, exhibition, visual, accessible0
philipsstadion.nl, and a team-building activity in the PSV dressing room. Everything is possible! Would you also like to combine your meeting with lunch or dinner? Then you’ll experience the unique atmosphere of the stadium with a view of the field where…presentation, session, anniversary, conference, reception0
slotcoordination.nl…at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS), Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTM) and Eindhoven Airport (EIN). For more information about our activities please visit Our organisation , General Aviation , Slot Allocation and Slot Monitoring .digital accessibilitycoordination, allocation, capacity, aviation, calendar0
nwo-i.nlNWO-I's full name is Foundation for Dutch Scientific Research Institutes. It is an independent foundation incorporated under private law (not a governmental organization). Because of its national interest, it is supervised by NWO (the…accessibility statementnwo, institute, scientific, nikhef, independent0
amerpodia.nl…organisation, meaning you only need one contact person to host a wide variety of events across all locations. Each venue has its own unique identity, is located along the canal and easy to reach. In addition to all of this, by choosing…venue, historical, unforgettable, programme, canal0
balansbal.nlGerman… French… Home… Why… How does it work?… Recognition… Applications /…german, french, recognition0
theenglishtheatre.nlYour shot of international Theatre in The Hague and beyond. STET The English Theatre -accessibility visittheatre, stet, hague, secondary, teacher0
hays.nlHays recruitment agency is specialised in recruitment (temp, contracting and perm), recruitment process outsourcing, career advice and management tips.salary, perm, temp, career, guide0
boutiquehotel-dedoelen.nlBoutique Hotel De Doelen is located in the center of Groningen, on the opposite of the hotel is the Martini Tower located. The hotel was founded in 1798, this is already more than 200 years ago! Which makes Boutique Hotel De Doelen the…contact accessibilitypackage, dinner, pastry, celebration, wedding0
ec-e.nlUkrainian… Repository - Home… Legal…repository, ukrainian, notice, tree, username0
onderzoeksraad.nlShipping Aviation Rail and road traffic Industry Defence Digital safety Health Construction and fire Crisis managementaviation, report, investigation, inform, occurrence0
academyforinternationalrelations.nlWelcome to the Academy for International Relations website. The Academy provides learning activities and organises lectures for central government staff with an international role. Expand your knowledge or upgrade your skills!relation, government, role, central, staff0
maltshotel.nlYou find our B&B Hotel Malts in the vibrant city centre of Haarlem. Our informal Bed and Breakfast Hotel is located in a beautiful renovated monumental building with lots of original details and situated in the charming Zijlstraat, one of…malt, german, availability, bicycle, reservation0
aboutnetherlandscustoms.nl…stop unsafe and other undesirable goods at our part of the European Union's external border. We also contribute to a strong economy by combating unfair competition. For residents, businesses and in the national and international interest.administration, ambition, task, conference, subscribe0
michielbouw.nlAs a mainly (frontend) JavaScript-specialised developer, I am passionate about directly solving technical challenges involving the end user. Having worked with a variety of technologies, primarily using JavaScript, in a wide range of…frontend, variety, directly, mainly, primarily0
cobra-museum.nl…culture, based on international solidarity and creativity, is more important than ever. The Cobra Museum therefore actively presents the collection and history of the Cobra movement along with contemporary artists, modern art movements andmovement, exhibition, actively, solidarity, creativity0
cinecenter.nlAt Cinecenter, an intimate movie theatre in the center of Amsterdam (near Leidseplein, we screen a wide range of independent movies and documentaries.bicycle, movie, independent, near, documentary0
stallingflevoland.nlto reach from Lelystad, Dronten, Harderwijk and Zeewolde. Karin Perdaems and Marc Knipscheer guarantee an excellent service. In addition to Stalling Flevoland, Karin and Marc have an arable farm, where they sell polder garlic and polder…storage, farm, arable, establishment, consumer0
mobilitylab.nlMobility Lab accelerates the development of startups that are ready to set up their first real-life pilot. We introduce you to our extensive network of launching customers and provide you with tailor-made financial, legal, and PR support…mobility, lab, collaboration, investor, electric0
manforti.nlWe have created a configurator that will allow you to model your shirt in a simple and intuitive way, choosing between collars, cuffs, buttons and stitching colors , allowing you to see your next shirt in real time .measurement, tailor, sheet, fabric, collar0
zipspace.nl.zip is an artist-run project space based in Rotterdam Noord. Shaped as an interdisciplinary testing lab, .zip explores the roles of facilitation and fabrication within our digital society.lab, resident, interdisciplinary, role, society0
iwink.nl…marketing. iWink Digital Agency is the extension of your communications and marketing department. With custom-made websites and extensive online services, we work with you to translate your communication objectives into visible results.accessibility wcag, digital accessibility, accessibility statementaccessible, secure, report, colleague, stakeholder0
pinkribbonsoesterwandelweekend.nl…plains, impressive forests and sights such as Soestdijk Palace and Villa De Paltz. Everyone can participate at the Pink Ribbon Soester Wandelweekend, because you can choose your own distance! There is a daily choise of 6, 10, 20 or 30 km.ribbon, pink, distance, stay, heather0
wtcschiphol.nl…allure. A place where people really like to work and where you can receive your business relations literally at a high level. With good connections to all major cities in the Netherlands and several flights a day to the European capitals.facility, prime, sustainability, tailor, healthy0
steffenscommunicatie.nlsteffenscommunicatie. nl | En nog een WordPress sitetradition, recreation, license, permit, resource0
eddyvinck.nlI build engaging, fast and high quality websites your users will love. I specialize in JavaScript. I'm a web developer near Eindhoven, The Netherlands.near, frontend, engage, framework, react0
work-supply.nlGain valuable insights from Work Supply with just a few simple clicks! Register using your name and email address, select the newsletters and alerts that catch your interest, and then hit the “Submit” button. Once you receive a…worker, supply, certificate, conduct, subscribe0
steendrukmuseum.nlThe collection of the Dutch Museum of Lithography includes book illustrations, cartography, advertising panels and lithography of famous artists such as Kees van Dongen, Alphonse Mucha, Adolphe Willette and Jan Sluyters, but also playing…route accessibility, accessibility parking, accessibility museumlithography, visit, exhibition, stone, technique0
yakim.nlHi, I am Yakim. I help organisations create intuitive, robust, inclusive, and empowering interfaces.accessibility statementempower, robust, intuitive0
cafetheaterfestival.nlRomy Stark WINt PUBLIEKSPRIJS CAFÉ THEATER FESTIVAL 2024 IN Rotterdam (NL & ENG)ctf, cafe, practical, volunteer, inclusion0
bilboard.nl…Symposium "Oog voor de toekomst"… 1 May… 2 May… 3 May… 13 May… More events…language accessibilityrule, attendance, honorary, common, declaration0
dornex.nlFire prevention is our specialty. We develop and provide fire protection products to make sure buildings are as fireproof as possible.fire, prevention, plate, glazing, hinge0
keizerskroonhoorn.nlAll guests who bring their four-legged friend are also more than welcome with us, we offer many extras for this. You have also come to the right place for bicycle rental or e-choppers rental.accessibility parkingofficial, bicycle, rental, facility, dinner0
nieuwleventexel.nlNieuw Leven is a luxury group accommodation on Texel. The accommodation consists of five modern 12-person family homes that are fully equipped. These 12-person accommodations can be rented separately, but also as large group accommodation…accessibility routeaccommodation, guest, stay, overnight, outing0
nijntjemuseum.nlBook your tickets online, there are no tickets for sale at the box office. - miffy museummiffy, frequently, inside, childcare, visit0
lab-1.nlThe cosiest retro cinema, with event rooms. 5 rooms for Film, music, club, congress and eventsrental, stone, movie, civil, war0
debontekoe.nlDe Bonte Koe, a close-knit family business, has been a Valhalla for handmade chocolate in the Netherlands since 1992. Our mission: to make the tastiest honest, handmade chocolate in the Netherlands. And with a positive impact on people…chocolate, flavor, assortment, handmade, regular0
startmaastricht.nl…among students in and around Maastricht. We are based in Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands, and most of our members are students studying in Maastricht. We are part of START Global Network and one of the chapters of the network.accessibility statemententrepreneurship, networking, ecosystem, entrepreneurial, career0
healthcouncil.nlThe Health Council of the Netherlands advises that people with haemophilia and other coagulation disorders should no longer have ...council, report, advisory, programme, cancer0
natuurinzeeland.nlExpansive woods, distant polder views and the tallest dunes in the nation. Nature in Zeeland. Meet the seals, porpoises, roe deer and flocks of birds. Nature in Zeeland. Or visit the largest mudflats and salt marshes in Europe: the sunken…landscape, holiday, varied, visit, kid0
byroel.nlBrowsy2020… Flex-IT Sustainability2022… Amsterdam Bike City2020… Try My…interaction, bike, try, volunteer, ux0
3l.nlDaniel Pink states that Purpose, Autonomy and Mastery are what motivates people. At Q42 we believe that to be true. And we’ve been acting upon that for some time. Let...hacking accessibilitypurpose, magic, gather, proof, hacking0
veldhovenvoorelkaar.nlCould you use an extra hand temporarily or regularly? Is your organization desperately looking for volunteers or suitable help for your client(s)? Submit a request for help and find someone who can help!volunteer, request, quickly, easily, reliability0
siba.nlSiba Autobanden has been specialising in the collection of used tyres for more than 55 years and now provides a unique service, tailored to each client. We collect used tyres using sustainable methods and then sort them. Our expert…tyre, vacancy, certification, permit, rack0
walstudio.nlatmospheric walking dinner or perhaps a high tea, baby shower or one-of-a-kind PR lunch. Whether you work with your own preferred caterer or let us take care of everything, this extraordinary venue will make your event an immediate success.rate, dinner, presentation, surcharge, staff0
amaggieurope.nlThe quality and feed safety of our products is very important. Amaggi Europe’s Quality Team ensures the quality of our products.know, trading, agricultural0
putmanbv.nlWe design mechanical engineering installations for large buildings and complexes, including air, heating, cooling and solar energy. Our building management systems interface with all the installations we install.installation, sustainability, heating, sanitation, technique0
vicompany.nlVI Company is a FinTech consultancy and development agency all rolled into one. We build and maintain business- critical websites and applications for the Financial and Capital markets.european accessibility, accessibility actexplore, career, fintech, trading, capital0
amstelnest.nlAmstel Nest will offer you a great access to Amsterdam – with a feeling of urban retreat and a taste of Holland.adress accessibilityriver, near, guest, availability, reservation0
zeehaven.nlZeehaven IJmuiden N.V. owns and operates IJmuiden’s ports, sites and fish auction. Since 1989 we have been a private enterprise with activities covering an area of 187.5 ha, including harbour basins.port, fish, supply, expect, sustainability0
belastingdienst.nlCustoms Administration of the Netherlands. For individuals: travelling to and from the Netherlands, receiving goods etc. For businesses: import, export, etc.authorisation, administration, abroad, matter, etc0
waldbach.nlPage Not Found — Waldbachchamber, commerce, functional, advertisement, negative0
webwurff.nlWebWurff… Home… Wat bieden wij… Voor wie… Contact… Links… Top of…speed accessibilityspeed, wat, voor0
mijnvraagovercorona.nlAnswers to frequently asked questions concerning the corona virus, gathered in one platformvaccination, symptom, answer, frequently, vulnerable0
groningenconventions.nlFlonk Hotel Groningen Centre is located in the heart of the city center and features 77 comfortably furnished hotel rooms. In addition, the hotel has 5 meeting rooms and 8 fully-equipped apartments within walking distance of the hotel.favorite, convention, venue, bright, vibrant0
ahoy.nlKarin Segers will be joining the Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Centre team in the position of Director of Conventions, starting the 1st of May. She will b...practical, organise, singer, saturday, rule0
a60.nl…and producers since 2009. It is a unique location in the center of Didam with a warm, characteristic atmosphere. The studio offers a wide range of services including recording, mixing, mastering, songwriting, live recording and courses.recording, producer, rehearsal, choir, atmosphere0
atopia.nlThe ESRF needed a new look for their plone-website. They selected Atopia because of the combined plone-knowledge and strong graphic design. Atopia created a installable plone theme product for ESRF.limit, profile, advanced, radiation0
germknol.nl…let me become a fire fighter or policeman, I made up my mind and wanted to dive in the world of the World Wide Web. Hardcoding and scripting are my favourite things to do and I can build 'almost' everything what my mind can think orgerm, advanced, stuff, fighter, fire0
almerecentrum.nlA modern ‘brown cafe’ - that’s Soof in Almere. Find Soof right in Almere City Centre on the Grote Markt. It’s the place to be for convivial drinks, lunch or dinner, but you won’t go wrong with speciality beers and cocktails either.contact accessibility, accessibility privacyclothes, speciality, theatre, architecture, visit0
collioure.nl…Catalan way of life is heartwarming. Even in December the Catalan colors and the dancing on the square are worth a sunny photo moment for every visitor. Collioure is located in Languedoc-Roussillon, the sunniest part of France (315 'sun…vineyard, village, french, terrace, sunny0
ekwtrading.nlAre you looking for a used truck or trailer? Personal contact, flexibility and excellent product knowledge: we guide you from A to Z in this process.good accessibilitymanufacture, vehicle, spanish, french, german0
miljoenenlijn.nlThe package consists of: Steam train ride to Schin op Geul, train ride to Kerkrade or Vetschau, an extensive lunch and an educational walk around the railway yard in Simpelveld. With the Miljoenenlijn Arrangement you will discover…package, steam, railroad, train, contributor0
mindmingle.nlWhat makes a career in development so exciting is that it is the perfect fit for the curious mind, as there is always more to learn! At Mind Mingle we embrace this with free events and workshops diving into a broad range of topics. Here…focus accessibility, accessibility uxmingle, teacher, css, career, base0
induct.nl…and humidity are just right. Normally that is only a period in spring and fall. With an out-of-the-box system, Induct realized a climate for growing these flowers in layers under perfect conditions. As a result, the flowers bloomclimate, infrastructure, critical, industrial, installation0
automuseumschagen.nlMany of these cars can be seen in our automobile museum. We have a collection of diverse brands of cars, mopeds, motorcycles and related decoration material. Everyone recognises something different here.accessibility museummoped, motorcycle, automobile, visit, brake0
ictoria.nlWe provide high-quality all-round media solutions for web design, graphic design, online marketing and content management with our team of highly motivated employees whose physical or mental challenges will not limit them to do the best…graphic, edit, programme, basket, willing0
amsterdamcitywalk.nlThe 9th edition of the Amsterdam City Walk takes place on Saturday 14 October 2023. With one of our six walking routes of 10, 14, 17, 20, 26 or 33 km you will experience Amsterdam at its best!walk, registration, charity, saturday, october0
projectwolk.nl…of rest and space for the soul. In the narrow corridors of this individual journey you discover a poetic world of music and images. On the way WOLK poses questions to which you thought you knew the answer and you get what we miss the…theatrical, installation, responsibility, soul, middle0
indonesia.nlThe online service portal of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in The Hague, the Netherlandsindonesia, embassy, republic, hague, monday0
gsl4.nlA high-quality warehouse with a total surface of approximately 16,500 sq.m recently completed at Green Square Business Campus in Aalsmeer. A mixed-use warehouse with a new style and unique design with a focus on green and innovation.warehouse, square, logistics, highly, lighting0
hotelmariakapel.nlDuring this year’s program at Hotel Maria Kapel, Slow Motion, a year of delay, we decided to move from an annual to a biennial Open Call structure, partly because of the new four-year national funding structure that will be applied from…conduct, grass, calendar, resident, past0
huisartsenpraktijknoordhof.nlShould you make an appointment with the GP or order repeat prescriptions through the Internet? It is possible with our patient portal .patient, prescription, appointment, repeat, wait0
kaeve.nlKaeve is a unique experience at the top level where style and class in the field of cars, motorcycles, airplanes, jewelry, outdoor kitchens and of course fine lunches and drinks come together.treasure, reach, destination, supreme, appointment0
woutvanslagmaat.nl…frequently thinking outside the box, being persistent characterizes me at the moments I’m convinced of an idea that would lead to a unique or refreshing result. I’m very dedicated to my work and love to put much energy and effort into it.home accessibility, accessibility policyspatial, technique, promotion, background, window0
aldubo.nlWedged in between farmland and pine forests, the Aldubo cottages are beautifully located, offering a panoramic view over the hamlet of De Westen in the southwest of Texel. Come and spend your holiday in our spacious and comfortable…holiday, spacious, availability, directly, bedroom0