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933 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: municipality

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carve.nl…approach’ - tags: - japanese visitors - Last week, members of the Japan Park Facilities Association visited two... - tags: - playscape duivendrecht - ‘many children play at the same time’ - client: municipality of oudekerk aan de amstelhopje municipality, municipality hague, client municipality, municipality amsterdam, municipality oudekerkrealization, urban, carve, steel, timber49
delta10.nl…leadership for a number of crucial Common Ground and open source initiatives, including Signalen, Atlas, NLX and Haven, making Delta10 the preferred partner for municipalities for open source software and Common Ground infrastructure.source municipality, municipality application, signalen municipality, municipality resident, hand municipalitycommon, ground, infrastructure, resident, spatial24
godenhaag.nlNews Published: 8 June 2023Modified: 8 June 2023 This summer you can swim in 4 of The Hague’s swimming pools. The municipality has made a new summer programme…victim municipality, municipality euro, august municipality, municipality grassy, municipality soonexpat, february, tax, january, august22
vodwageningen.nlreally cannot contribute. It is not often that a single undocumented parent has a Dutch child. As a result, many municipalities do not yet have this arrangement. It is already known in Wageningen. You apply for social assistance benefit by…limit municipality, municipality limit, department municipality, municipality parent, result municipalityresidence, undocumented, permit, police, valid19
voltmaastricht.nl…a dynamic city. New Maastricht residents only stay if they bond with the region. Volt therefore wants the municipality to offer affordable and accessible Dutch language education to our newcomers, in cooperation with various…security municipality, municipality social, dutch municipality, municipality master, conversation municipalitycouncil, housing, gather, political, resident17
mrdh.nlThese municipalities are working together Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague: A key region The Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague includes 21 municipalities. Nearly 2.4 million people live here, there are 1.3 million jobs and 13…hague municipality, municipality nearly, partnership municipality, municipality metropolitan, mind municipalityregion, metropolitan, hague, partnership, traffic17
veldhoven.nlDo you stay overnight in a hotel, bed & breakfast or campsite in a municipality where you do not live? Then you pay tourist tax. This tax is included in the price of the overnight stay. The entrepreneur who provides overnight…website municipality, municipality veldhoven, day municipality, campsite municipality, municipality touristtax, waste, entrepeneur, resident, visitor15
metropoolregioeindhoven.nlThe City region Eindhoven traditionally has been a region of innovative hardworking and future-oriented people. Today, developments follow each other rapidly and tomorrow’s future is different from today’s. Therefore 21 municipalities…today municipality, municipality metropolitan, cooperation municipality, addition municipality, municipality agreementregion, metropolitan, cooperation, innovative, traditionally14
welcomeapp.nlWelcome app helps municipalities to make information and local integration activities digitally accessible to newcomers. It is a platform where local connections are facilitated between people, organizations and the municipality itself…organization municipality, municipality information, collaboration municipality, municipality dordrecht, new municipalitynewcomer, integration, description, vacancy, overview13
stemvoormoed.nl…can participate and contribute to the best of their ability. The trick is therefore to reverse this trend. The municipality can make a good start with this by offering fair compensation to every non-working citizen who is committed to…role municipality, municipality extremely, wish municipality, municipality rule, city municipalitycitizen, housing, resident, transparent, neighborhood13
multisensors.nlMunicipality of Amsterdam 19 January 2023 Every day, as many as 400,000 people in Amsterdam take their bikes to get to their destinations. The popularity of bicycles continues to grow and, as a result, so does the congestion on bike…case municipality, municipality amsterdam, challenge municipality, congress municipality, municipality eindhovenbicycle, path, mobility, bike, traffic13
monumentengemeenten.nl…have the opportunity to express their opinions. Only afterwards is a definitive decision is made. Provinces and municipalities can declare certain objects protected that are important for local history on the basis of local ordinances.dutch municipality, municipality large, different municipality, municipality time, experience municipalitysummary, heritage, building, historical, cultural12
sblc.nlWe help with the transition to a sustainable energy system and provide insight into the possibilities for municipalities, VVEs and housing corporations.possibility municipality, municipality vves, transition municipality, municipality zutphen, strategist municipalitytransition, association, housing, corporation, possibility12
demannenvanschuim.nlCommissioned by the Municipality of The Hague, we explored how the city entrances in The Hague could be improved with the help of smart technological applications. After mapping the dynamic use of each city entrance (including CS, HS…department municipality, municipality workshop, model municipality, municipality ambition, venlo municipalityhague, estate, spatial, unmanned, urban11
roerdalen.nlThe Municipality of Roerdalen is situated in Midden-Limburg and is made up of the villages of Herkenbosch, Melick, Montfort, Posterholt, Sint Odiliënberg and Vlodrop. The outer region comprises the hamlets of Borg, Etsberg, Holst, Lerop…waterschei municipality, municipality number, counter municipality, municipality roerdalenvillage, hall, castle, outer, town11
welcometonijmegen.nl1-1-2020, cuts are made in and the municipality of Nijmegen will no longer provide financial support for naturalization.assistance municipality, municipality naturalization, cut municipality, municipality nijmegenintegration, civic, insurance, lgbt, symptom10
pietervandenbosch.nlThe Rotterdam area is one of 9 experimental grounds for the monitoring and promotion of Electric Vehicle use. In a project called “Rotterdam Tests Electric Vehicles”, the Rotterdam municipality, power company Eneco and network…rotterdam municipality, municipality manager, municipality power, municipality background, goal municipalityelectric, vehicle, think, government, charge10
doemeemetparta.nlThe municipality of Lelystad and several of her partners work together to create a social agenda . The social agenda is a plan that states how the municipality and her partners will work together to ensure Lelystad is a city where…agenda municipality, municipality lelystad, plan municipality, municipality partner, municipality sliedrechtcitizen, participation, initiative, transition, advantage10
milieuzones.nlOn this page you can find out about low-emission zones in the Netherlands and how they affect foreign vehicles here. There are low-emission zones in some Dutch city centres. Municipalities create these zones to improve air quality in…centre municipality, municipality zone, dutch municipality, municipality low, operation municipalityemission, vehicle, rule, foreign, passenger9
brunssum.nlYou can apply to exchange your foreign driving licence in the municipality where you are registered. Upon approval, the RDW (National Vehicle and Driving Licence Registration Authority) will send you a letter within 10 working days…website municipality, municipality brunssum, licence municipality, municipality approval, possible municipalityregistration, licence, birth, region, foreign9
discoverveere.nlthe banks of Veerse Meer (Lake Veere). Thanks to its location, it is the perfect starting point for exploring the municipality of Veere. Savour the tasty dishes prepared for you by the kitchen team while enjoying spectacular views on Lake…veere municipality, place municipality, municipality veere, point municipality, way municipalitydiscover, peace, village, lover, freedom9
routebureaulimburg.nlAll municipalities in northern and central Limburg have developed a scenic network of horse-riding and horse-driving routes. There are a various of different routes, so you can find something for everyone. Morebiker municipality, municipality northern, america municipality, municipality horst, horst municipalityaan, horse, ride, report, central9
tynaarlo.nl…Netherlands) to make an appointment. You can find more information about a residence permit on the IND website . Your registration will be final once the IND confirms to the municipality that you are residing in the Netherlands lawfully.new municipality, municipality arrival, ind municipality, municipality netherlands, month municipalityabroad, waste, newcomer, appointment, certificate8
vng-international.nl“ At VNG Interational we often conceptualize municipalities as the first layer of government as it is closest and most accesible to citizens “european municipality, municipality region, interational municipality, municipality layer, people municipalitygovernment, democratic, citizen, hague, decision8
energieknip.nlThe energy bill keeps getting higher. The municipality of Emmen wants to help you save on this. You can earn energy savings boxes for your home. In these boxes you will find LED lamps, draft strips and radiator foil. All you have to do is…high municipality, municipality emmen, code municipality, measure municipality, municipality dataanswer, questionnaire, saving, village, january8
vwc-buuv.nl…social impact this year on the one hand and to help organizations on the other. VWC-BUUV can help you with advice for corporate volunteering. Naturally, we also mediate for municipalities, educational institutions and other organizations.municipality bloemendaal, haarlem municipality, municipality bloemdaal, center municipality, naturally municipalityvolunteer, neighborhood, refugee, neighbour, frequently8
waarderingskamer.nlYou can object to your WOZ-value. You must do this within 6 weeks after the date stated on your tax assessment. You submit the objection to your municipality. Before you object, you can first ask your municipality whether your WOZ-value…appraisal municipality, municipality appraisal, objection municipality, municipality wozassessment, property, explanation, tax, report7
cybersecurityweek.nlNational Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Municipality of The Haguepolicy municipality, municipality hague, partners municipality, hsd municipalityhague, october, secure, organise, oct7
daseindhoven.nlDAS is the link between the municipality and the TU/e to represent the interests of its students. We want to start projects that improve Eindhoven as a city for students. Our goal is to establish an active student community where student…local municipality, municipality different, actively municipality, municipality student, link municipalityhousing, study, association, properly, furthermore7
royalroots.nl…motion. Together we can enrich Breda's cultural and tourist offer. In this way we contribute to the sustainable development of the city. Royal Roots is an initiative of the Municipality of Breda, Breda Marketing and Stedelijk Museum Breda.initiative municipality, municipality bredainitiative, position, discover, visit, directly7
hengelo.nlWith a population of 81,000, Hengelo stands at 41 on the list of the largest municipalities in the Netherlands. Approximately 5,000 Hengelo-based companies provide more than 46,000 jobs. Thanks to its central location, Hengelo is an…way municipality, municipality hengelo, address municipality, municipality case, case municipalitypassport, abroad, appointment, counter, population7
ewrenkum.nlThe municipality of Renkum wants to help residents save energy or help with financial problems due to high energy costs. The Energy Shop is an initiative of the Rechtswinkel and the municipality of Renkum.municipality renkum, renkum municipality, municipality resident, rechtswinkel municipality, support municipalityresident, saving, optimal, situation, tot6
vroondaalhofstedepark.nlAll residents of Vroondaal have received an invitation from the municipality for a residents' meeting. The municipality wants to talk to residents about the establishment of an umbrella residents' organization and about 'problems' and…place municipality, municipality traffic, invitation municipality, municipality resident, meeting municipalityresident, oct, association, committee, october6
whsports.nl…the National Sports Agreement. That is why the Minister of Sports (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport), the municipalities (Association Sports and Municipalities) and the sports associations (NOC*NSF) have joined forces. Together with…sportbox municipality, municipality lansingerland, initiative municipality, municipality arnhem, like municipalitytable, smartgoals, net, slat, tile6
integri.nlClients need candidates who can eventually be employed. Integri selects suitable candidates based on the desired competencies and in cooperation with municipalities. Candidates who are found to be suitable are tested on their personality…cooperation municipality, municipality expertise, municipality candidatesecondment, assignment, diversity, employee, vacancy6
cityswitch.nlWith sustainable distribution centres, CitySwitch contributes to emission-free city logistics. CitySwitch is building a national network, mainly located at 100,000+ municipalities or smaller cities with a large catchment area. CitySwitch…mainly municipality, municipality smalllogistics, landowner, mile, electric, distribution6
care4leren.nlLanguage practice & Dutch coaching in the working environment for municipalities and businessesenvironment municipality, municipality businessworkplace, teacher, society, mean, expat6
bsgr.nlBelastingsamenwerking Gouwe-Rijnland (BSGR) levies and collects taxes on behalf of the District Water Board of Rijnland and the municipalities of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, Gouda, Katwijk, Leiden, Leiderdorp, Oegstgeest, Velsen, Voorschoten…rijnland municipality, municipality bodegraven, property municipality, municipality wet, taxis municipalitytax, bill, property, taxis, rate6
svnl-info.nlUse of a traffic controller at an event Municipality subscription Approving an event Appointing event traffic controllers Merger of municipalities Provincial roadsevent municipality, municipality subscription, merger municipality, municipality provincialtraffic, educator, appointment, payment, police6
unexus.nlThe Unexus omnichannel environment was delivered to the municipality of Venlo to our complete satisfaction. As the implementation project manager, I am highly satisfied with the product and supplier.municipality venlo, environment municipality, manager municipalityconnect, telephony, integrate, paper, csr6
skinrotterdam.nl"Rotterdam is a city that is rich in diversity and individual strength. Informal care and support is therefore not organized from the municipality, but from the city itself. SKIN is one of the organizations that plays an important and…support municipality, municipality city, councilor municipality, municipality rotterdamskin, church, window, report, annual6
energiebespaardienst.nlHas your energy bill also gone up significantly lately? The Energiebespaardienst helps you lower your energy bill. If you have received a letter and flyer from your municipality or housing association, you can now get free help from the…flyer municipality, municipality housing, amsterdam municipality, municipality initiativevisit, frequently, association, housing, appointment6
inergy.nlThe planning & control cycle ensures that as a municipality you get a grip on your policy documents. With the LIAS P&C modules , you can make sure that setting goals, analyzing results and creating reports, for example for the annual…cycle municipality, municipality grip, reference municipality, municipality nijmegen, advisor municipalitymanage, colleague, certificate, innovative6
gkracht.nlA new radical innovative methodology to future-proof cities and their quays. That’s the G-Kracht promise. The Municipality of Amsterdam is the first municipality in the Netherlands to use G-Kracht, among other things, to replace or repair…promise municipality, municipality amsterdam, amsterdam municipality, municipality netherlands, task municipalityquay, innovative, replacement, inconvenience, neighbourhood6
ronaldvandermeijs.nlThis sound art installation refers in several ways to the area around DordtYart, where water, ships, the nature reserve Biesbosch and religion play leading roles. The city is the location where the Merwede divides into the North and the…munich municipality, municipality munich, haarlem municipality, municipality mondriaan, client municipalityinstallation, der, sculpture, steel, pipe5
dewitte-advocaat.nlMark de Witte specializes as personal injury lawyer and is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (LSA). He also specializes in the cases that concern the social benefits and UWV and that are lead against the…lead municipality, municipality uwv, uwv municipalityattorney, injury, lawyer, benefit, association5
ateliernou.nl…will be built in an area of ​​400 by 800 meters. The high density, more than 200 homes per hectare, faces the municipality with new challenges. One of these is accessibility: this substantial increase in housing is accompanied by an…hectare municipality, municipality new, transport municipality, municipality amsterdam, accessible municipalityedge, landscape, urbanism, urban, neighborhood5
onderdewolfskap.nlYou are most welcome at ‘Onder De Wolfskap’ – bed and breakfast, our guest house on the edge of the village of Haaren, municipality of Oisterwijk in Central Brabant. Our farm is the most ideal place to spend the night. You’ll experience…haaren municipality, municipality oisterwijksurrounding, pricing, edge, guest, central5
voedselparkamsterdam.nlThe Lutkemeerpolder in Amsterdam Nieuw-West was originally an agricultural area. Fertile soil, a traditional pattern of plots, and an expansive view. Yet the municipality of Amsterdam is keen to have project developers build distribution…undeveloped municipality, municipality plan, structure municipality, municipality current, view municipalitydonation, find, fact, joint, distribution5
dereactie.nlWe collect all found items during and after DE REACTIE. Everything that is not collected on the day itself is handed over to the municipality. All items will be placed on the “ Lost or Found ” website approximately 2 business days after…day municipality, municipality itemfee, resale, purchaser, timetable, bicycle5
npbmedia.nlActive nation-wide in outdoor advertising since 1937. Serving 4,000+ entrepreneurs and organizations, collaborating with 170 municipalities.advertising, nation, entrepreneur, connection, secure5
metropoolregioamsterdam.nlThe Metropolitan Region (MRA), known in Dutch as Metropoolregio Amsterdam (MRA), is comprised of 30 municipalities, two provinces (North Holland and Flevoland) and the Transport Authority Amsterdam. Around 2.5 million people – more than…mra municipality, municipality province, action municipality, municipality impact, authority municipalityregion, metropolitan, authority, million, population5
nationaalcoordinatorgroningen.nlThe National Coordinator for Groningen is a collaboration of ten Groningen municipalities in the earthquake zone, the Province of Groningen and the Central Government.groningen municipality, municipality earthquakecoordinator, earthquake, province, central, government5
startmetdelen.nlto effortlessly make reservations through a user-friendly mobile app or online platform. They are accessible at numerous locations throughout the municipality, always ready for use. Experience the flexibility and convenience of shared cars.location municipality, municipality readyflexibility, convenience, vehicle, responsibility, multiple5
vandijkadvocaten.nlVANDIJK lawyers is a law firm in Rotterdam and advises companies, municipalities, and private individuals in several legal areas.company municipality, municipality privatelaw, lawyer, labour, firm, administrative5
mics.nl…presents the development of this special building that is being realized on the location of the former Manometer Factory. On December 13, the municipality of Schiedam and SDK Vastgoed signed the agreement for the land allocation. MICS...institution municipality, municipality monthly, december municipality, municipality schiedam, schiedam municipalityecosystem, institution, mechatronic, cooperation, educational5
asmstudentfestival.nlHAN University of Applied Sciences, Artez, Van Hall Larenstein and Rijn IJssel are joining forces with the Municipality of Arnhem and ASM Festival, to organize the biggest student festival in Arnhem. And you can attend for free! An…collaboration municipality, municipality arnhem, force municipalityhall, apply, collaboration, nog, exclusive5
utrechtsombudsloket.nlThe Utrecht Ombuds D esk is available to all residents. If you have filed a complaint at the municipality, but you are dissatisfied with the response. Or you don’t know how to handle a complaint for instance. We will listen to you and…complaint municipality, municipality dissatisfied, municipality city, impact municipalitydesk, complaint, resident, frequently, independent5
smithfaddegon.nlThis website describes the life and work of artist Fiore Smith Faddegon. The Foundation Smith Faddegon aims to manage and display her body of work. The municipality of Lopik participates in the foundation. So be our guest and enjoy the…work municipality, municipality lopikguest, biography, exhibit, secondary5
decirculaireweg.nlSeven pilot projects are running within the partner programme, which is testing Infra as a service in practice. During the pilots, authorities (provinces and municipalities) are testing the business model in concrete projects together…province municipality, municipality business, city municipality, municipality utrecht, municipality amersfoortroad, circular, infrastructure, circularity, province5
bouwplaatsirm.nlOver the coming decades, the national government, provinces, regional water authorities, and municipalities in the Netherlands will be working together to create healthy, navigable, safe, and attractive Meuse-Rhine basins. From Wednesday…authority municipality, municipality netherlandsprogramme, river, integrate, basin, draft5
togetherpsychologie.nlChildren en juveniles under 18 years old that are a registered citizen of The Netherlands may have our services reimbursed from the municipality. Find out more about reimbursed care at ‘vergoede zorg‘ (in Dutch) or contact us.system municipality, municipality care, ourlist municipality, municipality hague, netherlands municipalityassessment, adult, psychology, recommendation, cognitive5
shhk.nlThe foundation’s main goal is to remember the aircrafts and crew members who have crashed in the municipality Hollands Kroon during World War II, by placing remembrance posts.member municipality, municipality hollands, merge municipality, municipality anna, mayor municipalityunveil, remembrance, saturday, mosquito, october5
regainbv.nl…can be made with local associations and foundations. This is achieved by a high degree of involvement and by mapping out per municipality what the possible problems are and how they can best be solved, so truly customization of services.mainly municipality, municipality region, involvement municipality, municipality possible, container municipalitytextile, recyclable, clothes, shoe, collect5
devalkzalk.nlWelcome at the website of windmill 'De Valk'. 'De Valk' is a flour mill in Zalk, a characteristic small village nearby Zwolle and Kampen. 'De Valk' is one of the two windmills in the municipality of Kampen, the other is located in Kampen…windmill municipality, municipality kampenwindmill, flour, village, characteristic, nearby5
visitschagen.nlThe distances in the municipality of Schagen are small. A day at the beach is easily combined with a visit to the city of Schagen. Cycling enthusiasts can indulge themselves with the many cycling routes in the area, but hikers will not…pleasant municipality, municipality town, line municipality, municipality schagen, distance municipalitytown, dune, visit, forest, cycling5
nflux.nl&flux guides and supports municipalities, companies and organisations in realising the climate, energy and raw materials transition.guide municipality, municipality company, support municipalitytransition, climate, raw, motion, proposition5
regionaalarchiefnijmegen.nlRegionaal Archief Nijmegen (RAN) is part of the municipality of Nijmegen and holds the historical records of the city of Nijmegen and eight neighboring municipalities. We also collect records that relate to the Nijmegen area created by…run municipality, municipality nijmegen, nijmegen municipality, municipality record, regional municipalityarchive, government, historical, authority, archivist5
sociuswonen.nlan extreme situation, Socius will start an investigation. We will talk to both parties. If necessary, Socius will partner with organizations such as the police, the municipality and care assistance. Together we will work towards a solution.local municipality, municipality additional, police municipality, municipality care, assessment municipalityaccommodation, resident, connect, maintenance5
energieakkoordmaastricht.nlThe Maastrichts Energie Akkoord (Maastricht Energy Agreement, MEA) lists specific, sustainable activities and agreements between the Municipality of Maastricht and local companies. All agreements were made with the intent to reduce energy…agreement municipality, municipality maastricht, mea municipality, initiative municipality, office municipalitymeasure, save, climate, neutral, agreement5
streetplug.nlThe municipality of Purmerend has granted our private client permission to install the underground charging facility in a public car park. The car park is close to an apartment complex and is exclusively used by the owner of the charging…premise municipality, municipality rotterdam, streetplug municipality, municipality logo, place municipalitycharge, underground, electric, alternative, innovative4
venloverwelkomt.nlWhether you are a student, a business, a resident or a visitor, welcome to the most comprehensive source of information about our fascinating municipality!dining, visitor, visit, attraction, recreation4
chineesnieuwjaar-denhaag.nl…The Hague City Hall. We will therefore have to celebrate the year of the tiger in a different way. However, the Municipality of The Hague, the Foundation of Chinese Cultural Events in the Netherlands (CCEN) and the VNC have prepared a Newtradition municipality, municipality hague, collaboration municipality, behalf municipality, way municipalityhague, celebration, hall, february, cultural4
dirkmjk.nl3 January 2023 - A number of Dutch municipalities target specific neighbourhoods for surveillance, which may include house searches. An analysis shows that targeted municipalities tend to be among the poorest neighbourhoods in the…dutch municipality, municipality specific, analysis municipality, municipality poor, neighbourhood municipalityneighbourhood, chart, january, tradition, ownership4
hvharenkarspel.nlMuseum Historisch Harenkarspel is situated in the Van Blanckendaell zoo in Tuitjenhorn. This village has formerly been part of the municipality of Harenkarspel. In Harenkarspel people mainly practiced agricultural work. Hence, there are a…village municipality, municipality harenkarspel, history municipality, harenkarspel municipality, municipality schagenexhibition, past, visit, freedom, toy4
star-park.nlPlacement of traffic controllers for the maintenance of asphalt in the municipality of Nunspeetcontractor municipality, municipality noord, asphalt municipality, municipality nunspeettraffic, parking, measure, steward, mobility4
woutersteenbeek.nlIf you travel within a city from A to B, how different is the geometric distance (as the crow flies) and the length of the shortest path following the road network? For the 4 largest municipalities of the Netherlands (Amsterdam…large municipality, municipality netherlandsdistance, crime, length, path, pattern4
live-cartooning.nlOn November 5, 2018, live cartoonist Gertjan Kleijne was at a working session of the Municipalitydutch municipality, municipality central, gather municipality, municipality youththursday, october, wednesday, comic, friday4
nldigitalgovernment.nlThe Information Security Service of Dutch Municipalities (IBD) employs a new management tool to scan for vulnerabilities and digital threats to the IT infrastructure of municipalities.dutch municipality, municipality ibdgovernment, caribbean, digitalisation, topic, cryptography4
filopopers.nlRequest for scientific research / monitoring of total effect / consequences Windpark Spui. To the municipality, province and empire. A dozen reasons.request municipality, municipality hoeksche, authority municipality, municipality province, spui municipalityturbine, noise, province, farm, distance4
resilientthehague.nl…effects of climate change, the new digital economy and social resilience, do not stop at the boundaries of our municipality, we work together in our region and beyond. Resilient The Hague wants The Hague to cope with the challenges that…boundaries municipality, municipality region, training municipality, municipality hague, position municipalityresilient, hague, resilience, initiative, region4
21maart2018.nlSTIP is a political party in the municipality of Delft. STIP is committed to a sustainable, vibrant and cultural Delft.party municipality, municipality delftvibrant, commit, political, cultural, join4
bnbpurmerland.nlBed & Breakfast Purmerland is located in the municipality of Landsmeer close to Amsterdam and Purmerend.purmerland municipality, municipality landsmeerrural, shadow, interior, bicycle, livingroom4
nipkaart.nlUnfortunately, there are still few municipalities that make data available, so the map is not complete. Are you missing a location on the map? Then you can add it yourself via this page .unfortunately municipality, municipality dataparking, insightful, navigate, favorite, add4
peperhuisegmond.nlHeemskerk, Zee van Tijd , for information and events in the municipality of Heemskerk.calendar municipality, municipality bergen, event municipality, municipality castricum, municipality heemskerkstay, dune, wonderful, beautifully, near4
greenmatter.nlThe raw materials policy must be 50% circular by 2030 and even 100% circular by 2050. In order to make this happen, more and more municipalities are taking matters into their own hands. We gladly support municipalities in this by taking…amsterdam municipality, municipality forerunner, order municipality, municipality matter, gladly municipalityartificial, grass, waste, circularity, raw4
custon.nlSolution: What residents within your municipality borders need is an always on voice of the residents button to share their experience. This can also be done by sending a customer experience survey triggered by an event like ordering a…proud municipality, municipality almere, expansion municipality, municipality market, technology municipalitysatisfaction, loyalty, profitability, retention, report4
ownv.nl…en Wandelpark ‘t Olde Kerkhof, at the corner of Walseweg and Wiekensweg has, in close consultation with the municipality of Oude IJsselstreek, been chosen while this was the route the Canadians took when liberating the village of…ii municipality, municipality oude, life municipality, consultation municipalityliberation, background, victim, hide, peace4
respons.nl…to our expertise in the event sector, we’re also experienced in the adjacent fields of tourism and city marketing. Clients range from municipalities, city- or destination marketing organisations, event organizers to private companies.client municipality, municipality destination, promotional municipality, municipality organisation, organisation municipalitytourism, specialize, destination, region, report4
theearlybirds.nl..and would you like to make steps forward towards sustainable heating in your municipality, city, village, neighbourhood or building?leader municipality, municipality consultant, heating municipality, municipality city, municipality zoeterwoudecolony, fossil, neighbourhood, housing, neighborhood4
uwkm.nl…range from retail trade, commerce to communication, team building and personal effectiveness. Customers are municipalities, universities and colleges, but big names like Heineken, ABN Amro and BelCompany as well. UWKM developed a…customer municipality, municipality university, emmen municipality, municipality region, promotion municipalityemployee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer4
european-international.nlThe Hart voor West-Friesland foundation has been given the honor of holding the first European International in July 2022 (20 – 24 July 2022) in the municipality of Opmeer. For this event 18 European countries were invited. After the…july municipality, municipality opmeer, frisian municipality, municipality special, support municipalityparticipant, dog, voor, final, july4
allefriezen.nl…certificates, belonging to that information. “AlleFriezen” depends on the (financial) support of the Frisian municipalities. Eventually the information from Registry Offices will be supplemented with (further) information from the…frisian municipality, municipality eventuallyfrisian, till, archive, deceased, historical4
onearchitecture.nl…in South Boston. Presently we are also working on coastal resilience strategies in the Island End River basin for the municipalities of Chelsea and Everett, MA, and a vision plan for Peddocks Island – an historic island in Boston Harbor.basin municipality, municipality chelsea, essay municipality, municipality gouda, week municipalityarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient4
798artzone.nl…department of Shi Jingshan District; Chairman of China Film Museum ; Associate Counsel of State-owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality (SOCASAO) from May. 2015.beijing municipality, municipality socasaopainting, department, province, central, cultural4
scalebooster.nl…networks in Zoetermeer, so that your start-up company has all the opportunities to grow. The scale booster team would like to get in touch with you, because the municipality of Zoetermeer values very much a thriving business community.initiative municipality, municipality zoetermeer, touch municipalityscale, dolor, ipsum, tellus, sit4
talentverhelderd.nlMunicipalities demand different competencies in key positions in support serviceshr municipality, municipality valkenburg, hrm municipality, municipality landgraafassessment, personnel, competence, participant, leadership4
sdgsdenhaag.nlThe Hague SDGs team was formed by the municipality and The Hague & Partners to raise awareness about SDGs and the many SDG-related initiatives in The Hague.scene municipality, municipality workshop, team municipality, municipality hagueinitiative, hague, resident, proud, involve4
e15rotterdam.nlEuropan NL and the Rotterdam Architecture Institute (AIR) have set up a partnership for Europan 15 and together with the municipality of Rotterdam as launching partner, they investigate this ‘good growth’.europan municipality, municipality rotterdameuropan, productive, competition, architecture, growth4
golivehealth.nlThe added values of the GoLiveHealth program for senior citizens organisations, municipalities and health insurance companies, are these.organisation municipality, municipality health, neighborhood municipality, municipality location, municipality interestedvitality, connect, cooperation, vital, citizen4
zorgverzekeringslijn.nl…four months behind or more on you premium payment, you will receive a last warning from your health insurer. Make a payment arrangement with your health insurer in time or go to your municipality for assistance to solve your debt problem.time municipality, municipality assistance, counselling municipality, municipality financialinsurance, healthcare, insurer, ukraine, scheme4
exbunker.nlThe bunker has been added by the municipality to the monument list, because of it’s rare construction and its recognisability.bunker municipality, municipality monumentexhibition, remarkable, thick, skin, western4
winkelcentrumregister.nl…thousand systematically developed Dutch shopping centres. You can make selections on no less than fifteen variables, from owner to parking regime, from opening year to number of retail outlets, from municipality to last year of renovation.outlet municipality, municipality yearrenovation, parking, transaction, estate, function4
scriptiewerkplaats-dhzw.nl…universities of Leiden, Delft, and Rotterdam with the people from the community in The Hague Southwest and the municipality of The Hague. Collaboration based on a win-win situation is paramount. The thesis workshop aims to be a knowledgestakeholder municipality, municipality hague, southwest municipality, university municipality, program municipalitythesis, hague, southwest, resident, stakeholder4
ishr.nlMANAGE MY ISHR STAY covers all housing aspects in relation to your stay. This includes municipality registration and possible other local regulations.document municipality, municipality registration, reminder municipality, stay municipality, requirement municipalitystay, housing, rent, landlord, property4
go2people.nlThe Municipality of Amsterdam required a new system to accommodate the introduction of a new regulation about municipal leasehold. To ensure that the 150,000+ homeowners affected by leasehold were well-informed, we developed the…development municipality, municipality amsterdam, situation municipality, municipality efficiently, closely municipalityvisually, tree, expectations, objective, closely3
zagara.nl"The municipality of Zoetermeer was looking for an Art commission in shoppingmall Vijverhoek an artist who has an affinity with stony materials. The choice fell on Zagara, because of his earlier work showed that he is able to edit brick…tree municipality, municipality hagueardour, soil, tree, commission, highlight3
vtvin2action.nlThe 'Serious Game' VTV In2Action offers a dynamic and playful meeting, in which various partners from different sectors from a local setting interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal: a health policy plan for the…partner municipality, municipality creation, fictional municipality, municipality struinen, sector municipalityeen, cooperation, foresight, study, abbreviation3
basebyte.nl…but very little about how the people experienced the war and how they resisted the occupier. By publishing the stories of the resistance people from Weert and Stramproy, we know more about the role of the resistance in this municipality.war, outdated, maybe, domain, department3
dewereldbazar.nl…the World Bazar into Winschoten, you create a solid reinforcing economic impact on the shopping centre. Oldambt Municipality provides a home to many artists and a variety of cultural activities. By organizing arrangements, a strong…project municipality, municipality oldambt, oldambt municipality, municipality home, groningen municipalitynorth, cooperation, rental, fee, registration3
nlrelocation.nlThe last thing you want as an employer is to have a staff member starting off in a new job or a new role while they’re still at their wits’ end trying to figure out how to get their Dutch ID card issued or registration with their new…de municipality, municipality applicablestaff, relocation, permit, utility, cable3
modcity.nlAs a municipality, your role in the urban planning process can vary from merely facilitating developments to active participation. In both cases the task is complex, since each development must comply to local and national policies.modcity municipality, discussion municipality, municipality landurban, modelling, estate, decision, calculation3
nijmegen.nlPlease note that using a third party solution may pose privacy risks and that automatic translations may contain errors. The municipality of Nijmegen is not responsible for the quality of automatic translations.netherlands municipality, municipality nijmegen, error municipalityresident, abroad, registration, citizen, election3
bedrijvenparkhw.nlQ(uality)team that helps you during the designing process to make a smooth process for the application of the final permit possible (at the municipality of Binnenmaas).permission municipality, municipality binnenmaas, municipality binnemaas, possible municipalitysurface, facade, permission, direction, maintenance3
shiftout.nlIf you're moving within the same municipality, you only need to report a change of address. In most cases, you can easily register and deregister online through your municipality's website, saving you valuable time. At Shift Out, we're…new municipality, municipality important, old municipality, municipality timely, online municipalityshift, furniture, reliable, belonging, rental3
fjildlab.nl…euros for the next five years. In addition to the government’s contribution, the province of Fryslân, the municipalities of Tytsjerksteradiel, Noardeast-Fryslân, Achtkarspelen and Dantumadiel, education and the business community…addition municipality, municipality noardeast, fryslân municipality, municipality tytsjerksteradiel, project municipalitynortheast, regional, landscape, region, laboratory3
nlgis.nlThe project's aim is twofold: to allow non-GIS experts to easily plot data on historical maps and to disseminate information on the maps and the underlying data from the Historical Database of Dutch Municipalities (HDNG). We do so in the…century municipality, municipality netherlands, data municipality, municipality historically, accurate municipalityboundaries, accurate, historical, description, guide3
workxp-foundation.nl…national and international level. They are 17 goals with 136 sub-goals that affect the existing core tasks of municipalities such as: Sustainable Production and Consumption, Employment and Participative Governance, Waste Management…eindhoven municipality, municipality deputy, task municipality, municipality sustainablepotential, kigali, awareness, innovative, society3
theworldcafe.nlTogether with Novella, the Municipality of Rotterdam organized a networking event “Anders Kijken!”. It was an evening that started with a spectacular keynote speech ensuring that our guests enthousiastically started their respective…municipality opsterland, novella municipality, municipality rotterdam, sme municipalitycafe, conference, dialogue, session, impactful3
krajicek.nl…playgrounds, close to home, where they can do sports, play, discover and make new friends. Together with local municipalities we create Krajicek Playgrounds and regularly organise activities with the help of the community sport coaches…collaboration municipality, municipality krajicek, local municipality, dutch municipality, municipality reachplayground, regularly, healthy, youth, urban3
goedverhuurderschapboxtel.nlBased on the reports received, the municipality of Boxtel can conduct further investigations and, where necessary, enforce misconduct.report municipality, municipality boxtelreport, landlord, municipal, rule, rental3
toeristeninformatievenlo.nlA municipality of about 100,000 inhabitants, which includes the towns of Arcen, Lomm, Velden, Venlo, Blerick, Tegelen and Belfeld. A tourist municipality that has everything you need for recreation and accommodation. We would be pleased…municipality venlo, tourist municipality, municipality recreationbicycle, tourist, german, programme, sight3
huurteamleeuwarden.nlAre you renting a house or room in the municipality of Leeuwarden in the private market (i.e. not through a housing corporation)? And do you have questions, for example about the amount of your rent? Then Huurteam Leeuwarden can help you…room municipality, municipality leeuwarden, team municipality, municipality police, elan municipalityrental, rent, maintenance, landlord, housing3
huisinfrankrijk.nl…on a heat pump (2018) . The rainwater is drained via zinc gutters. The sewage system is connected to a septic tank until the municipality installs sewers. WIFI via ADSL or fibreglass. Dish antenna ASTRA-1 and 3 for satellite reception.montcélèbre municipality, municipality cesseras, tank municipality, municipality sewer, independent municipalitybathroom, bedroom, terrace, swimming, heating3
vrijwilligerstilburg.nlFour volunteer organizations from our municipality shine with national recognition. They won one of the National Volunteer Awards. Congratulations to Serve the City, Social Kids Tilburg, Broodje Aap & Linke Soep and the Verbeeten…effort municipality, municipality tilburg, proud municipality, organization municipality, municipality nationalvolunteer, vacancy, frequently, youth, voluntary3
sidcon.nl…cardboard; residual waste; and recyclable plastics. The lifting mechanism can be adapted to suit the refuse truck being used. The underground compactor can be dropped into existing concrete wells, so can be introduced in any municipality.road municipality, municipality installationcompactor, underground, waste, organic, base3
fietshangar.nlSince the beginning of Fietshangar, the Municipality of Rotterdam has been a major consumer of Fietshangar. The Municipality rents places to individuals to park their bikes there. There are now more than 1,000 and the demand from the…fietshangar municipality, municipality pilot, request municipality, municipality need, municipality rotterdambicycle, parking, urban, mobility, bike3
sterrenwachthalley.nlThe new society had no money and no building site, but they had a very ambitious plan: the construction of an observatory. Acquiring a building site turned out to be the least of their problems. Municipality Heesch had in a rural area a…problem municipality, municipality heesch, matter municipality, municipality bernhezeobservatory, astronomical, society, telescope, sky3
leiden-nagasaki.nlNext sunday May 20th , Leiden Municipality and Leiden Friends of Nagasaki Foundation will be present at the annual Japan market on Rapenburg in Leiden. Please visit us!leiden municipality, municipality nagasaki, municipality leidenuncategorized, youth, contest, peace, winner3
faunasupport.nlFauna Support supplies and installs wildlife escape ramps of a high-quality and durable material wherever municipalities and other water managers want to ensure animal-friendly sheet piling. Together with the water manager, we can check…material municipality, municipality water, dutch municipality, municipality servicewildlife, animal, pile, sheet, duty3
implacement.nlImplacement Projects evolved from an experienced reintegration company in Amsterdam into a well developed trainings- and education organization. We work for several municipalities, the UWV and private organizations. In 2002 we had our…organization municipality, municipality uwv, collaboration municipality, municipality amsterdam, way municipalityparticipation, declaration, target, holder, labor3
dhk-taxandlegal.nlFrom our office in the Rotterdam World Trade Center , we serve both Dutch and foreign (EU and non-EU) customers. This concerns, for example, international companies , housing associations , municipalities , hospitals and care…association municipality, municipality hospitaltax, taxis, trade, estate, duty3
morosoph.nl“To clearly place the ‘what’ with the municipality as the client and the ‘how’ with the executing body, we had to come clean and look at our own share with a very honest view to make the processes transparent. Sandra was eminently able to…clearly municipality, municipality client, gerritsen municipality, municipality amsterdam, office municipalityinvisible, honest, employee, meaningful, participatory3
sensaciones.nlIdentifying key ingredients for success as well as exploring future rolls for the municipality to stimulate entrepreneurship.roll municipality, municipality entrepreneurship, policy municipality, municipality hague, theatre municipalityparticipant, youngster, hague, institution, objective3
openbomenkaart.nlInformation comes from Wikipedia , images from Wikimedia Commons , maps from OpenStreetMap . More and more municipalities are publishing their tree files as open data .openstreetmap municipality, municipality treespecies, determination, tree, cemetery, urban3
tourismlabrotterdam.nlAt the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Rotterdam we collaborate closely with city partners such as the municipality, businesses and sectors including healthcare, education, sports and culture. Would you like to join us? Find out who is…inhabitants municipality, municipality rotterdam, partner municipality, municipality businesslab, tourism, urban, positively, percent3
onafhankelijkepartijdiemen.nlThe task that the Independent Party Diemen sets itself is simple: to make and keep Diemen as livable as possible. That is an obligation, because every year a substantial amount of money goes from the citizen to the municipality of Diemen…implementer municipality, municipality diemen, party municipality, municipality room, room municipalityindependent, determination, council, motion, housing3
dojothehague.nlDo you have a low income? Apply for the Ooievaarspas (reduction card) from the municipality of The Hague. The Ooievaarspas gives you and your family a discount on all kinds of fun activities like sports, excursions, memberships and courses.card municipality, municipality hague, reimbursement municipality, holiday municipalityhague, lesson, holiday, schedule, sunday3
huurteamsnijmegen.nlHuurteams Nijmegen helps tenants of housing in the municipality of Nijmegen with all kinds of conflicts with their landlords. This could be about the amount of rent, the service charge settlement, maintenance problems or splitting an…housing municipality, municipality nijmegen, funding municipality, active municipality, municipality advicehousing, rent, decent, settlement, matter3
geopromotion.nlYves de Boer, the interim-mayor of the municipality of Haaren (Noord-Brabant) and a former speaker at the Geo Promotion conference. From 2016 onwards he is part of our committee of recommendations. Furthermore, he is chairman of the KNAG…housing municipality, municipality groningen, mayor municipality, municipality haarenpromotion, conference, spatial, recommendation, committee3
maastrichtinternationalcentre.nlThe DigiD is linked to the BSN (issued upon registration at the municipality). Only Dutch nationals are able to apply for a DigiD when not resident in the Netherlands.registration municipality, municipality dutchcross, appointment, tax, study, resident3
meet4research.nlOur clients are based primarily in the Netherlands, and also in the UK, Germany and elsewhere in Europe. They are, among others, concession providers, public transport operators, Provinces & Municipalities responsible for mobility and…province municipality, municipality responsible, municipality almere, municipality bredatrain, outcome, perception, survey, province3
leisurelink.nlLeisure Link provides clear and concise advice in the field of the leisure economy. Leisure Link is very action-oriented and communicative towards partners in the leisure market. (Jules Goris - Municipality of Den Bosch)martens municipality, municipality hague, card municipality, goris municipality, municipality denambition, acquisition, destination, tourist, visitor3
digitallifecentre.nlThis is being worked on in a broad consortium including the Municipality of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam-Amstelland Safety Region and the National Police. Citizen participation and public values – such as transparency, data control and people…consortium municipality, municipality amsterdam, education municipality, municipality diemenhealthcare, apply, trust, infrastructure, physical3
zonnepanelenplanet.nlvisual pollution. Solar panels for electricity and solar collectors for hot water. Applying for a permit is usually not necessary, but you must report the installation to your municipality at the building and housing supervision department.local municipality, municipality province, installation municipality, municipality buildpanel, yield, heat, pump, installation3
marevankoningsveld.nl…and has as well curated and organized projects for organisations like Centrum Beeldende Kunst Groningen, the Municipality of Groningen, the Province of Groningen, Valletta European Capital of Culture 2018, Nieuwe Vide and Kunsthuis SYB.project municipality, municipality province, groningen municipality, municipality groningencultural, province, adviser, critic, combination3
urbanspaceagency.nlArrival Place has had several has had some setbacks during construction and therefore development took a little longer. The Municipality has been asked to cooperate in the form of a postponement of the collection of the land rent and the…long municipality, municipality form, unfortunately municipality, municipality urbanurban, arrival, playground, rise, neighborhood3
buitengewoonbodegravenreeuwijk.nlRight in the middle of Holland’s Green Heart lies the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, which offers a wide range of recreation options. For a day out, a weekend getaway, or a relaxed vacation, you can choose from the Landal Reeuwijkse…heart municipality, municipality bodegraven, reeuwijk municipality, municipality peace, village municipalityovernight, bicycle, walk, outing, boat3
kinderopvangmorgen.nlMorgen is a non-profit social organisation. Non-profit with a local heart. Morgen develops tailor-made solutions together with schools, municipalities and other organisations in the development network.school municipality, municipality organisation, municipality morgenchildcare, pedagogical, hague, tomorrow, profit3
wilfredkalf.nl…with other designers or artists, Wilfred creates work upon commission from private customers, institutions and municipalities. The commission could revolve around your own tree, a tree from your neighbourhood or a tree that has fallen…institution municipality, municipality commissioncurl, resilience, tide, death, taste3
likapal.nlProject Amstelveen town centre commissioned by the municipality of Amstelveen (5,300 m²)centre municipality, municipality amstelveen, oosterwolde municipality, municipality oostellingwerfprotection, building, viaduct, province, durable2
bondprecairewoonvormen.nlLiving vision demo Action report | Visionless housing vision from the municipality of Rotterdam adds fuel to the firevision municipality, municipality rotterdamquestionnaire, union, housing, report, eviction2
psy-fi.nlHowever, despite despite having having the the landowner’s permission, permission, the the municipality municipality has has now now decided decided not not to to grant grant us us formal formal permission permission to to host host the…permission municipality, municipality formal, outlet municipality, municipality stance, court municipalityfi, volunteer, pre, preference, advertisement2
speechacademy.nlLast Tuesday I held my presentation. It went well. There were about 80 people present; residents, municipality officials, councilors, and journalists. The only thing I had to do was remain calm. It worked. At the end of the evening…resident municipality, municipality officialpresentation, speech, refresh, preparation, breath2
policy2practice.nlLocal governments operate in a context in which they are often no longer able to deal with the major challenges they face on their own. This requires more and more cooperation and coordination with other governments and social…stakeholder municipality, municipality water, year municipality, municipality province, increasingly municipalityadvocacy, government, interest, political, stakeholder2
marina-numansdorp.nlThere is also a governmental tourist tax for people staying in the harbour who are not resident in the municipality of Hoeksche Waard of €1,20 per person staying on the boat, per night. So if you happen to be staying in a hotel or mooring…resident municipality, municipality hoekscherate, harbour, facility, surrounding, shipyard2
inruurlo.nlThe available municipal services for any individual municipality will depend on location, history, geography, statutes and tradition.individual municipality, municipality location, ideal municipality, municipality nonprofitupcoming, architecture, interesting, council, sidebar2
komp-u-ter-hulp.nlThe accountability of civic integration gets back in the hands of the municipality.repair, qui, culpa, officia, fuga2
devopsinternational.nlWeCare – A Decentralized Identity (DID) powered digital platform for users, hospitals, and municipalities facilitating care for newborn & elderly.hospital municipality, municipality caresociety, craftsmanship, decentralized, potential, investor2
langsboerenerven.nlMotorhome site behind the crop farm on the Lekdijk in the core Willige Langerak [municipality of Lopik] in the Green Heart of the Netherlands - part of Campererf Lopikerwaard - from the A2 via exit 9 (N210 towards Nieuwegein / IJsselstein…leash municipality, municipality peel, langerak municipality, municipality lopikreservation, quiet, farm, motorhome, walk2
sustainable-solutions.nlDutch and international partners that complement each other, like including private parties, public institution (Municipalities of Amsterdam, Lüleburgaz and Bengalore) in the field of sustainable mobility in large cities. It has a focus on…institution municipality, municipality amsterdam, client municipality, municipality tehran, partner municipalitybicycle, urban, february, cycling, mobility2
saveplastics.nlWe are all part of the sustainable improvements in the world, and fortunately we see more and more green initiatives emerging around us. While we have been active for more than 35 years, we now see that we are no longer alone. More…save, conscious, circular, waste, inspiration2
aratis.nlWindpark Zeewolde B.V. has been built being the largest Dutch onshore wind farm and the largest community project in Europe until mid-2022. It has been built in the outskirts of the municipality of Zeewolde, east of Almere. In this area…outskirts municipality, municipality zeewoldeprocurement, phase, collaboration, integral, contractor2
caransa.nlThe municipality of Amsterdam selected RED Company and Caransa Groep to develop the Havenstraat, located in Oud-Zuid, into VrijHaven. A unique neighborhood with middle-income rental and owner-occupied homes, space for makers, and…consultant municipality, municipality amsterdamresidential, housing, property, corner, rental2
rockpayroll.nlWhat are the differences between the two types of registrations at the municipality, the RNI and BSN?registration municipality, municipality rniemployee, skilled, highly, permit, outside2
publiekeinnovatie.nlCPI-advies advises municipalities and organisations in the area of youth policy, education, employment & income, safety and care. Read morenearly municipality, municipality netherlands, advies municipality, municipality organisationcollaboration, implementation, maintenance, youth, nearly2
scanaardwarmte.nlAs a part of the preparation and execution of each research line in the seismic campaign, field research is carried out in both rural as well as urban areas. This seismic acquisition requires the initiation of communication in and via the…practice municipality, municipality communication, multitude municipality, municipality stakeholderwat, geothermal, subsurface, seismic, potential2
stolpersteinegroningen.nlThe Stolpersteine Groningen Foundation was established at the end of 2021 to coordinate the applications within the municipality of Groningen and to help the applicants with the application and placement of the stones.application municipality, municipality groningenrequest, etc, victim, camp, fighter2
expatdesknijmegen.nlRecently you might have received an email of the Belasting Service Rivierenland (BSR) that requests you to pay a certain amount in 2 terms. This is for the municipality tax. The BSR is a tax for the water regulation, pollution tax, etc…bsr municipality, municipality taxis, term municipality, municipality taxhousing, rent, useful, layout, stay2
koorduniya.nl*Rian is a musician and one of the hosts who leads weekly music evenings at the three asylum seekers’ centers of the municipality of Utrecht.center municipality, municipality utrechtchoir, song, afghan, emotion, woman2
waalwijk.nlYou must report the birth of a child to the municipality in which the child was born within three working days.child municipality, municipality childbirth, emigration, licence, driver, parent2
lumihama.nlDesign for Public Space as a tool to impact social behavior, favoring local pride through the use of cultural elements and art, blending with the municipality identity itself.art municipality, municipality identity, minority municipality, municipality zaanstadinvent, connect, identity, guide, translation2
immingaberends.nl…of the former Dutch Antilles (Sint Eustatius (Statia), Bonaire and Saba) chose to be treated as Dutch ‘special municipalities’, i.e. closer linked to the Netherlands. All six are part of the 13 Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) ofspecial municipality, municipality close, municipality relationshipenvironmental, economic, aid, government, territory2
molenhuijs.nlThe Molenhuijs Waarland has a novelty this year. Like a number of other museums in the Municipality of Schagen, we now have a multifunctional information column! Multifunctional? Yeah!museum municipality, municipality schagenentrance, donation, multifunctional, visit, voluntary2
waalstrand.nlThe Betuwe consists of nine municipalities: Buren, Culemborg, Geldermalsen, Lingewaal, Lingewaard, Neder-Betuwe, Neerijnen, Overbetuwe and Tiel and the parts of the municipalities of Arnhem and Nijmegen located between the Rhine and the…betuwe municipality, municipality buren, part municipality, municipality arnhemriver, rental, surrounding, luxury, facility2
wereldschool-amstelveen.nlOn the website of the Municipality of Amstelveen you will find all information about the municipality.website municipality, municipality amstelveenholiday, study, regular, newcomer, break2
boauva.nlHere, at the foot of Mount Yerga, in the heart of Rioja Baja, in the municipality of Aldeanueva de Ebro, are the vineyards that make our dream in Rioja possible. Mikado is the fruit of a joint effort with the Ruíz family, who have…baja municipality, municipality aldeanuevawine, variety, geography, ribeira, generation2
architectures.nlOn October 19, the Municipality of Amsterdam granted the environmental permit for the replacement of a glass front of a national monument on the Herengracht in Amsterdam. The existing single-glazed facade will be replaced by a slender…october municipality, municipality amsterdam, april municipalityarchitecture, teach, study, permission, graduation2
spaworldhotel.nlThermaal Resort Spa Hotel is being developed in Bad Nieuweschans, located in the youngest water municipality of the Netherlands: Oldambt..water municipality, municipality netherlandsthermal, swimming, bath, german, subtropical2
collectivefutures.nlSystemic analysis and practical plan to help the Municipality of Amsterdam reduce light pollution in the city. The project considers ecological factors, social neighborhood dynamics, energy efficiency and more.pollution municipality, municipality amsterdam, plan municipalitycollective, career, societal, perspective, meaningful2
medtugrotterdam.nlLocation Europaweg 875. 3199 LD Maasvlakte Municipality of Rotterdam Netherlandsmaasvlakte municipality, municipality rotterdamship, cargo, logistics, procurement, storage2
landgoed-steenenburg.nlUsually, municipal building lots are sold through De Kavelwinkel run by the municipality. However, for this project we have decided to collaborate with a realtor for a better positioning in the market. For this purpose, we have approached…kavelwinkel municipality, municipality project, estate municipality, municipality castleestate, round, walk, october, realtor2
torenbreda.nlFor about 500 years, the municipality of Breda has employed a city carillonneur. The current carillonneur Paul Maassen, is the 4 th generation in his family to become city carillonneur of Breda. Every Tuesday and Friday morning he plays…large municipality, municipality netherlands, year municipality, municipality bredatower, heritage, bell, th2
huurteamtilburg.nlWelcome to Huurteam Tilburg, the advice center for all residents of the municipality of Tilburg regarding all of your questions about renting.resident municipality, municipality tilburgrental, scammer, reduction, maintenance, reason2
fietsbaas.nlSince 2017 we buy, sell, maintain and repair, bicycles and accessories for all kind of (electric) biycles. Whether you are a private person looking for a city bike, a wholesale trader for electric bikes, municipality for shared bicycle…bike municipality, municipality bicyclebicycle, mobility, repair, worldwide, bike2
boomkwekerijdomenelst.nlTree nursery Domen-Elst is a family business located in Wernhout, in the municipality of Zundert. Zundert is one of the most important tree nursery centers in Europe.municipality zundert, wernhout municipalitytree, nursery, assortment, french, german2
attadetolk.nlAlso, Atta started a youth talentcenter, focusing on the development of skills that help young people to become more self-confident, more positive and maybe even an performing artist. It lead to Atta being an adviser for different…different municipality, municipality life, municipality amsterdamambition, cultural, presentation, bridge, neighborhood2
teumige-tied.nlWe are Jan and Ria Muller and have been together since September. 2020 the happy owners of two holiday homes in Drenthe, Klijndijk, municipality of Borger-Odoorn. We live in a beautiful, wooded area on the edge of the village and that is…drenthe municipality, municipality borger, klijndijk municipalityapartment, availability, facility, impression, accessibility2
betalen-cjib.nlAdditionally, you can contact the debt counselling department of your municipality, the credit bank or other organisation. See this page for more information about debt assistance.department municipality, municipality credit, stamp municipality, municipality investigationpayment, seizure, debt, threshold, request2
krn.nlMunicipalities Automotive Packaging companies Production companies Waste collection facilities Waste collection companies Sorting companies Horticulture sectorraw, waste, circular, proof, resource2
buildingpermit.nlYour building plan will be translated into a 3D architectural construction drawing. The municipality and contractor will use these drawings as the basis of further planning.local municipality, municipality professional, draw municipality, municipality contractorpermit, quotation, drawing, structural, contractor2
landvandepeel.nlLand van de Peel is formed by six Brabant municipalities. Together one region full of sights, but also each with its own character and unique offer.region municipality, municipality land, brabant municipality, municipality regioncastle, cycling, hike, region, tourist2
montr.nlThe Association of Netherlands Municipalities reported recently about a breakthrough project with the Montr Inspection applicationnetherlands municipality, municipality recently, dutch municipality, municipality hethague, inspection, potential, saving, operational2
louwersadvocaten.nlThe Hof van Twente municipality case study has demonstrated how essential cybersecurity is in ICT procurement. Read why here.twente municipality, municipality caseintellectual, property, commerce, digitization, protection2
circularinnovationcollective.nlOur two-year program is designed for entrepreneurs, private organizations, municipalities, and financiers in the textile sector.organization municipality, municipality financier, city municipality, municipality governmentcircular, textile, collective, cic, chain2
plan3d.nlWe recently delivered a small gift to the Municipality of Lierde, which had become the 100th Municipality in Flanders as a customer of Plan3D.municipality customer, gift municipality, municipality lierde, lierde municipality, municipality flanderssurvey, aerial, advanced, partners, license2
cultureledoelgroepenmodel.nlThe Cultural Segmentation Model© is an important tool for large cities such as Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague – but also for other cities and smaller municipalities in the Netherlands. Mapping and understanding the audiences we…organiser municipality, municipality government, small municipality, municipality netherlandscultural, segmentation, audience, target, potential2
informaat.nlSuch as PostNL, ING, the municipality of Amsterdam and ANWB. Always focused on partnership.ing municipality, municipality amsterdamtrue, tax, proposition, architecture, authentic2
riskid.nl“Within the municipality of Delft we enjoy working with RISKID. The added value is of course the dialogue you have with each other, which is perfectly facilitated within RISKID. It is not unimportant, however, that RISKID as a digital…advisor municipality, municipality delftrisk, collaborative, period, compliance, internal2
mirrestallen.nlI lead a team at the Applied University of Amsterdam to study how the well-being of people in poverty is impacted by an unconditional cash transfer of €150 per month. This study involves a randomised controlled trial and is conducted in 3…underway municipality, municipality netherlands, trial municipalitystudy, brain, poverty, ed, intervention2
chaletlaax.nlThe municipality of Laax stretches from the village itself, to Plaun and the Vorab, in the skiing area. It consists of the village of Laax and the hamlets of Salums, Cons, Laax Murschetg, and Laax Dorf. The ski-lifts are in Laax…village, mountain, bedroom, bathroom, walk2
family-inn.nlMunicipality of Loon op Zand (Loon op Zand - Kaatsheuvel - De Moer) elected walking municipality "Wandelgemeente" 2021!walk municipality, municipality wandelgemeenteinn, rental, holiday, arrival, departure2
futureconsult.nla vision for the future is the basis of structural success for any organisation or municipality.alderman municipality, municipality goudaspecialisation, advisory, profit, vacancy, early2
chestnut.nl…of today and those of the future, such as digitization, legislation and regulations, sustainability and rising energy costs. Together, the companies form a very solid organization that locally connects the municipality and its residents.assignment municipality, municipality government, locally municipality, municipality residentchestnut, advisor, acquisition, council, description2
eh-infra.nlWe started in 2020 as a subcontractor to Volker Wessels telecom with the installation of fiber optics in the municipalities of The Hague, we do this for Primevest-T-mobile in the Loosduinen district and for KPN Network NL in the Bezuiden…optic municipality, municipality hague, telecom municipality, municipality rotterdamoptic, fiber, hague, contractor, installation2
davidgall.nlThe Association of Netherlands Municipalities approached David Gall information design to visualise the results of the coalition agreements analysis on just one A3.netherlands municipality, municipality davidgall, cooperation, coalition, agreement, mobility2
visual-notes.nl"Prior to our meeting with the students and tutors of UCM and the Municipality managers, we met Wytze (for the first time) in a cafe on the terrace in Maastricht and we felt an instant connection. The afternoon work session with each…servant municipality, municipality maastricht, ucm municipality, municipality managervisual, note, graphic, sketch, brain2
tourismlabamsterdam.nlAt the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Amsterdam we work closely with organisations within the city life such as the municipality, businesses as well as sectors such as health, education, sport and culture. Will you join us? Find out who…life municipality, municipality businesslab, tourism, urban, educational, sail2
stichtinglalibela.nlUnder the flag of Stichting Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Boxmeer (SOB), 13 Private Initiatives (or rather foundations) work together in the municipality of Boxmeer. This platform enables the foundations to meet 2 to 3 times a year to…foundation municipality, municipality boxmeer, year municipalityoctober, ababa, law, degree, ethiopian2
oisterwijk34.nlThe municipality of Oisterwijk consists of the cores of Oisterwijk, Moergestel, Haaren and Heukelom and has more than 32,000 inhabitants. Besides in Oisterwijk you can also endlessly enjoy the beautiful nature in Moergestel, Haaren and…village, availability, recreation, parking, property2
notonly.nl...Jewish Alkmaar residents were deported by train. Most of these were subsequently murdered by the Nazis in extermination camps. To keep this in permanent memory, the municipality of Alkmaar decided to erect a monument for these Jewish…memory municipality, municipality alkmaar, client municipalityprogress, furniture, visualizer, technician, pleasure2
geborgenverleden.nl…hundred people, where everyone knows each other, his death has hit hard. Father George Howsam is employed by the municipality as a gardener and road worker, while mother Annie is a housewife. Besides Harold, they have a daughter, Gladys…september municipality, municipality súdwest, howsam municipality, municipality gardenersquadron, flight, force, gunner2
vaninfo.nlWe have regular contacts with members of the Dutch House of Representatives and the Senate and, in particular, with the party representatives specialised in games of chance. VAN also holds regular consultations with individual…individual municipality, municipality association, netherlands municipality, municipality gamechance, reliable, prevention, authority, attractive2
jkmconsultancy.nl…it all ended in tears; Vitesse almost went bankrupt and could just be saved by outside parties and the local municipality. We do not say the story will repeat itself as circumstances are different this time. What we do say is that the…local municipality, municipality story, municipality burdenplayer, far, rule, medal, america2
noctua.nlAs an innovative research software, Noctua supports the fight against fraud and crime, such as tax evasion, terrorism or money laundering (AML). This makes Noctua indispensable for financial institutions, insurers, municipalities…insurer municipality, municipality financial, municipality schiedamflag, government, researcher, healthcare, function2
eindhovendivingcup.nlThe tournament is the result of a broad voluntary and informal collaboration between the Eindhoven Diving Cup, the Municipality of Eindhoven, PSV Schoonspringen, KNZB, the business community, schools and associations, social initiatives…cup municipality, municipality eindhoven, goal municipalitydive, tournament, october, visit, january2
gogocleaning.nl…Maasdriel, Neder-Betuwe, Neerijnen, Nijmegen, Tiel, West Maas and Waal, Wijchen and Zaltbommel. We also work in Arnhem. If you live in another municipality, please contact us and we will of course be happy to look into the possibilities.arnhem municipality, municipality courseparticular, steam, surrounding, reliable, directly2
rhcl.nlThe HCL preserves a lot of building plans and contruction files of (former) municipalities in the south of Limburg.file municipality, municipality southfile, request, treasury, monastery, task2
stichtingreachholland.nlWelcome to Stichting REACH Holland, a care center in Delft which provides services to children with autism spectrum disorder under the municipalities of: The Hague, Delft, Midden-Delfland, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Pijnacker-Nootdorp…disorder municipality, municipality hague, hague municipalityreach, parent, target, audience, fact2
buroreng.nlhier’ is a meeting with the neighbourhood and gives the floor to inhabitants of the neighbourhood. A collaboration with Tussenland, David Vroom, Sijas de Groot, Chris Zwart, Groningen municipality and Buro Reng. Pictures expo – David Vroom.hogeland municipality, municipality new, groningen municipality, municipality buroidentity, conversation, visual, study, graphic2
visitbladel.nlEvery week there are several markets in the municipality with a wide range of local products.market municipality, municipality widevisit, cycling, region, bike, hike2
ecobeach.nl'It seems to me that the beach has become wider' - Theo Kraan, Municipality of Bergenkraan municipality, municipality bergendryer, passive, dune, innovative, potential2
sustainablemedia.nl"Climate-ready" is an initiative of 14 municipalities to help residents and businesses adapt to the changing climate. For this campaign, we made 4 social videos that are also used for meetings.city municipality, municipality bocholt, initiative municipality, municipality residentdyke, climate, audience, worker, potential2
markberkers.nlThe municipality of Amsterdam, Vervoerregio Amsterdam and GVB are increasingly seeing things go terribly wrong on the...campaign municipality, municipality residentpublication, direction, fall, secondary, campaign2
vanboheemen.nlOn Founder you can read who is currently seen as the earliest ancestor of the family. Presumably he is born around 1430 near the border between the present municipalities of The Hague and Westland.current municipality, municipality westland, present municipality, municipality haguetree, distribution, founder, biography, publication2
empatiaprogram.nl6. When registering with a Dutch municipality, Ukrainian displaced persons receive a BSN (burgerservicenummer), a tax identification code. This is a unique personal number for any form of contract with public institutions in the…dutch municipality, municipality ukrainianukrainian, mental, psychologist, ukrainians, psychological2
lensadvocaten.nlThe implementation of these laws is done by authorities such as the UWV, the SVB, the Care Office, the municipality etc.office municipality, municipality etc, statement municipality, municipality wmolawyer, law, purpose, immigration, jurisdiction2
kmnkindenco-nsa.nlKind & Co organizes activities for children in various municipalities. This may be after school activities in cooperation with schools (NSA), but there are also extracurricular activities (BSA), especially for children who are in…child municipality, municipality school, page municipality, municipality possibly, school municipalityregistration, payment, fee, cooperation, especially2
thedreamgarden.nlIn addition, a large part of our work consists of maintenance. As well as your dream garden, as well as the common green. Think of municipalities, sports clubs, homeowner associations, recreational areas and holiday parks. Regular and…green municipality, municipality sportmaintenance, exclusive, philosophy, boy, creativity2
hofbogen.nl…play, or just sit back and relax. Hofbogen BV will complete this stage of the project in partnership with the municipality of Rotterdam. In 2016, the municipality of Rotterdam will develop an environmental and sustainable design for thepartnership municipality, municipality rotterdam, rotterdam municipality, bv municipalityviaduct, roof, street, architecture, railway2
bronsenpartners.nlBrons and partners has designed a new cemetery for the municipality of Ouddorp, including local nature and landscape features.commission municipality, municipality bergen, cemetery municipality, municipality ouddorplandscape, partners, river, reinforcement, coast2
nextcity.nlBiodiversity experts Anne Blokker and Geert Timmermans of the Amsterdam Municipality compiled a brochure with 20 ideas how to integrate biodiversity in urban planning and development. The insightful publication was originally published in…amsterdam municipality, municipality brochureuncategorized, conference, august, tree, biodiversity2
onderderadarfestival.nlWe collect all found items during and after Onder De Radar Festival. Everything that is not collected on the day itself is handed over to the municipality. All items will be placed on the “ Lost or Found ” website approximately 2 business…day municipality, municipality itemairbase, august, friday, fee, shelter2
visitheezeleende.nlA visit to the municipality of Heeze-Leende guarantees a unique experience with a varied offering of nature, culture, and culinary delights. We call them masterpieces. The municipality boasts several national monuments, such as the castle…visit municipality, municipality heeze, masterpiece municipality, municipality national, furthermore municipalityvisit, discover, village, residence, kid2
droomendaad.nlThank you for your interest in Droom en Daad. If your inquiry involves a request for funding, we would like to refer you to Rotterdamse Fondsen , art and culture grants of the municipality of Rotterdam and voordekunst .grant municipality, municipality rotterdam, collaboration municipalitycultural, dance, contribution, sculpture, diversity2
hernste.nlTo fill this gap, a new intervention “Mosaic” was developed and implemented in six municipalities in the Netherlands. The intervention was developed in close collaboration with the target group -Syrian refugees- and relevant regional…dutch municipality, municipality little, mosaic municipality, municipality netherlandsphd, geography, defence, academic, february2
simbl.nlIn collaboration with the Verrev foundation and commissioned by the municipality of Hengelo, 12 street art artists have painted plated containers. The theme was; Hengelo in the past, the present and future. Various stylish expressions…foundation municipality, municipality hengelostreet, eagle, owl, woman, alia2
vipvoorelkaar.nlBeing the link between and bringing together volunteers, private individuals seeking assistance and organizations within the municipality of Gilze and Rijen, that is what VIPvoorelkaar does!organization municipality, municipality gilzevolunteer, request, repair, cafe, exercise2
madeinzundert.nlMade in Zundert is a partnership between 6 young dynamic tree nurseries, from the municipality of Zundert, located in the far south of the Netherlands.nursery municipality, municipality zunderttree, hedge, nursery, assortment, rootstock2
flie.nlThe Fieldlab has been made possible in part by the European ERDF subsidy and financial support from the government, the province of South Holland and the Municipality of Rotterdam.government municipality, municipality sustainable, holland municipality, municipality rotterdamelectrification, industrial, funding, collaboration, study2
karunafoundation.nl…in Nepal in Koshi Province (formerly called Province 1). DPRP Phase 1 is implemented in the first half (58 municipalities) of Province 1 in 2019-2024, while the modified program called DPRP 2.0 will be implemented in the remaining 59…half municipality, municipality province, dprp municipality, municipality perioddisability, evidence, output, report, phase2
archimediair.nlNicole van Gelder established Archimediar in 2000, after a career with the Municipality of Amsterdam where she gained extensive experience at the highest levels of management. Starting as a spokesperson for the Mayor and Aldermen, she…career municipality, municipality amsterdam, network municipality, municipality companydispute, government, resolution, consultation, creativity2
wibaut.nlThere is a desperate shortage of suitable housing. Municipalities in the Netherlands are aware of this, but are unable to do anything about it in the short term. In fact, finding a home is only getting harder. We can help with solutions.housing municipality, municipality netherlands, consultation municipality, municipality localhousing, suitable, fact, condition, happiness2
drybench.nl'The municipality of Utrecht is proud owner of the first ever DryBench (situated next to the Dom tower). Both our citizens and our many tourists appreciate this clever Dutch Design bench that is always clean and dry. For us as a…dry municipality, municipality additional, manager municipality, municipality utrechtfold, street, het, uit, eastern2
moving-to-amsterdam.nl…embassy or consulate. The second action you should undertake is arranging a BSN (burgerservicenummer) at the municipality (‘gemeente’ in Dutch). This is the first step in the Dutch ‘administration machine’; you will need this number…burgerservicenummer municipality, municipality gemeenteinsurance, guide, transition, expat, administration2
doorwerthinfo.nl…and Renkum. In 1815, the old rights were restored by the Rijk of Verenigde Nederlanden and reshaped to be a single municipality. This municipality existed until 1923, after which it was merged once more with Oosterbeek and Renkum.single municipality, municipality oosterbeek, municipality renkumcastle, village, walk, estate, region2
lestbest.nlIn collaboration with municipalities and employers, specific courses have been developed for foreign workers and highly qualified migrants. What learning needs does your staff have?collaboration municipality, municipality employerhighly, intensive, skilled, exam, lesson2
coffeeshopstaking.nlPortugal will have a “sophisticated unit” for the production of cannabis oil in the municipality of Nelas, in the central region, as well as a project involving an investment of €5 million.oil municipality, municipality nelamarijuana, jenkins, oil, weed, february2
lvdu.nlWe have been providing in-company training for several years to Cargill, the Amsterdam Municipality, RoyalHaskoningDHV, SNS Bank, and Van Oord.amsterdam municipality, municipality royalhaskoningdhvrelationship, possibility, effectively, role, effectiveness2
sgoc.nlThe Groningse Ondernemers Challenge is an initiative, based on the wish of the municipality of Groningen, to involve both citizens and entrepreneurs in the social domain more often. This year, the Groningse Ondernemers Challenge will be…wish municipality, municipality groningenentrepreneur, initiative, het, hoe, criterion2
apreinders.nl…for a.o. public order, disaster relief and security in general. Ap is also a board member of the Association of Dutch Cities and Municipalities and vice chairman of the association’s Committee on European and International Affairs.mayor municipality, municipality stichtse, city municipality, municipality viceeconomic, association, affairs, metropolitan, leadership2
oml.nlWe ensure that the region remains attractive for existing companies and that it draws in new businesses. We also make sure that companies in our region find the right location for their activities. The five Midden-Limburg municipalities…limburg municipality, municipality echtoml, region, string, economic, bij2
kasonderhoudholland.nlto respond very quickly to any form in greenhouse horticulture. We offer services for companies, individuals and municipalities. We provide the very best services in our sector and don't settle for less than the best and your satisfaction…individual municipality, municipality good, sign municipality, municipality portgreenhouse, maintenance, glazing, cabinet, repair2
raddelft.nlThe initiators of RADD are TU Delft, Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH - Rotterdam The Hague Metropolitan Area), the Municipality of Delft, and the Province of Zuid-Holland.area municipality, municipality delftvehicle, het, traffic, autonomous, government1
nagelmb.nlAs a governmental institution, you are responsible for creating suitable housing for various target groups within your municipality or region.group municipality, municipality regionmodular, housing, residential, sustainability, building1
portofmoerdijk.nlPort of Moerdijk, the Municipality of Moerdijk, DSV and Vrolijk Groep symbolically drove the first piles into the ground at Logistiek Park Moerdijk on March 18, 2024.moerdijk municipality, municipality moerdijkport, logistics, industrial, authority, chemistry1
ortho-diemen.nl• Make an appointment by phoning the information number of the Municipality of Amsterdam: 14020number municipality, municipality amsterdamtreatment, orthodontic, tooth, adult, aesthetic1
hirschgebouw.nlAt the moment, the municipality has started the renovation of the Leidseplein with the aim of creating a beautiful square where it is pleasant to stay and that does justice to the beautiful buildings located on the Leidseplein. Part of…moment municipality, municipality renovationaccessibility, property, facility, rental, weather1
ncim-groep.nlBinnen deze branches ondersteunt NCIM haar klanten met softwareontwikkeling (Java, Microsoft, Oracle), system management, projectmanagement en consultancy. Government / Energy industry / Financial branch / Municipalitiessession, oracle, participant, phd, career1
hofstedeadvies.nlEspecially in old buildings it is common that building files and the Municipality records do not contain any building plans. Uncertainty with regards to surface area measurements may result in debate between parties during the process of…file municipality, municipality recordproperty, asbestos, measurement, assessment, structural1
nuclic.nlNUCLIC is proud sponsor of the Stichting Eline ‑ de Cirkel is Rond (Eline Foundation) "To support the education of children in the Chongqing Municipality, Peoples Republic of China"chongqing municipality, municipality peoplenuclear, presentation, publication, interest, innovative1
visionyourvoice.nlAre you a resident of Beverwijk, Ijmuiden or Wijk aan Zee or the towns in the municipality of Velsen over 18 years old? Then send us your photo taken in this area which will answer the question: How do you see the future in your town…town municipality, municipality velsenamidst, pollution, town, region, resident1
dennisdegraaff.nlWithin the Environment Act, the Environmental Vision is the strategic vision for the long term for the entire physical environment. Mandatory cost for each municipality. The document deals with the relationship between space, water, the…cost municipality, municipality document, bank municipality, municipality alkmaarbackground, visual, identity, package, graphic1
wolkentheater.nlAll performances of WOLKENTHEATER are free of charge. The foundation is not supported by structural grants. It does receive donations from several individuals, municipalities and foundations.individual municipality, municipality foundationwij, refugee, asylum, puppet, valentine1
gecusters.nlFor my graduation project, I worked towards a solution th inform people about spatial changes in their surroundings. I did this for Gemeente Arnhem. Gemeente Arnhem is a big municipality that wants to inform its citizens as early as…big municipality, municipality citizendocumentation, animation, surrounding, spare, bike1
zeeuwsezot.nlWissenkerke is the main town in the municipality of North Beveland, also known as the "Endless Island". The island of Walcheren, Schouwen Duiveland and South Beveland are all within 20 minutes by car. The town has a supermarket 50 meters…town municipality, municipality northcozy, island, village, lovely, holiday1
nationaleparkenamerika.nlPressville is a high quality WordPress theme specifically crafted for small to medium municipalities. It is packed with lots of advanced features such as events, directory listings, galleries, documents and people directory.medium municipality, municipality lottourism, library, listing, footer, town1
stoneflow.nlAs a responsible company we focus on long term relationships with employees, customers, investors, municipalities and parties involved. We have extensive experience in the field of operation, (re)development and realization within the…investor municipality, municipality partyinvestment, estate, sustainability, relationship, employee1
diss-online.nlWith the help of our members we help the university and municipality to support international studentsuniversity municipality, municipality internationaldis, mental, housing, practical, registration1
holigram.nl…to be part of the Controlled cannabis supply chain experiment We're one of ten growers who will soon be allowed to supply coffee shops within the eleven Dutch municipalities participating in the Dutch government's cannabis experiment.dutch municipality, municipality dutchpublication, cultivation, flavor, chain, fusion1
chemischafvalnederland.nl…as Chemical Waste Netherlands. The must be VHIB certified. In some cases, you can go to a pharmacy, chemo cart, KCA depot or recycling center, but certainly not all municipalities allow you to hand in your chemical industrial waste there.certainly municipality, municipality chemicalwaste, chemical, disposal, hazardous, battery1
cyclinginwageningen.nlThis website is supported by Mobycon, the Municipality of Wageningen and Wageningen UR.mobycon municipality, municipality wageningencycling, bicycle, traffic, facility, rule1
ringomollinger.nlA selection of clients Ringo worked with: Municipality of The Hague, Saudi Aramco, Desperados, Converse and Audi.ringo municipality, municipality haguemural, artwork, hague, library, banknote1
orthodontieamsterdamoost.nl• Make an appointment by phoning the information number of the Municipality of Amsterdam: 14020number municipality, municipality amsterdamtreatment, orthodontic, tooth, adult, visitor1
selectum.nlSelectum helped me a lot. In fact they did everything, from the formal part to the ‘living’ part: visa, information about the cost of the life here, municipality, insurances etcetera.life municipality, municipality insurancesecondment, inspector, ago, supplier, civil1
utrechtchallengealliantie.nlIn cooperation with: NUOVO schools, Health Hub Utrecht coalition Mental resilience youth (Lokalis, Garage2020, KOOS Utrecht and municipality of Vijfheerenlanden), Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and…utrecht municipality, municipality vijfheerenlandenpartnership, region, healthy, regional, innovative1
vakantie-sauerland.nlThe holiday homes are located on a hill in the municipality of Willingen-Usseln. From Arnhem it is about a 3 hour drive.hill municipality, municipality willingenapartment, holiday, rental, vacation, break1
paint-studies.nl…involve teachers and healthcare professionals, parents, mental healthcare professionals, and employees of municipalities, district teams and youth and family centres. Many members of the consortium are also active in the Academic…employee municipality, municipality districtpaint, plos, parent, trial, scientific1
h4ilimburg.nlMunicipality data shows that there are around 17 thousand of work immigrants in Limburg area. We know how hard it is to communicate, understand and ask for advice not speaking Dutch.patient, healthcare, emergency, appointment, insurance1
delocht.nlAt the municipality, they knew that we were working intensively on the museum. The industrial estate was expanded, and the Janssen farm (Verdellenplaats) had to…exhibition, volunteer, memory, farmer, admission1
nieta.nlIn the new regulation for landscape from the province of Gelderland the municipalities get to play a key role. Gelderlandschap wants to share knowledge and experience, providing model projects to serve as inspiration.gelderland municipality, municipality keyarchitecture, landscape, het, lab, collaboration1
pfronten.nlWelcome to "Haus Grietje", a beautiful holiday home in Pfronten (Allgäu), in Southern Germany. Pfronten is a municipality that consists of a collection of 13 villages. Haus Grietje is one of the largest holiday apartments in Pfronten. It…pfronten municipality, municipality collectiongermany, splendid, vacation, holiday, apartment1
defenceforchildren.nlDefence for Children collaborates with children and young people, governments (ministries at national level and municipalities locally), law enforcement agencies and the judiciary, private sector actors, knowledge institutions and…level municipality, municipality locallydefence, internationally, wat, justice, benefit1
schiedamcentrum.nlStichting Centrummanagement Schiedam applies for an annual subsidy from the municipality of Schiedam. Depending on the policy and accountability of the previous year, the city determines what it considers appropriate. An essential…subsidy municipality, municipality schiedamentrepreneur, dit, wij, zijn, promotion1
paulineseebregts.nl* I wrote a future story in the context of sustainability for a municipality. It stimulated the imagination!sustainability municipality, municipality imaginationinspire, democracy, connection, confidence, collaboration1
streekvanverrassingen.nlFrom beaches, sea and dunes to colourful flower fields, a historic city and picturesque villages. Zuid-Holland is home to the Region of Surprises, which covers the municipalities of Leiden, Katwijk, Wassenaar, Voorschoten and Oegstgeest.surprise municipality, municipality leidenregion, surprise, king, destination, tourist1
verloskundigenpraktijk-astrea-venlo-blerick.nlWe are active in Venlo, Blerick, Velden, Lomm, and Arcen (in either the municipality or city respectively).arcen municipality, municipality citypregnancy, appointment, ultrasound, birth, period1
airea.nl…their development strategies, c ommercial developers with expertise on how to develop at an airport and local municipalities in incorporating the development of the airport as part of their regional economical growth policies. In certainlocal municipality, municipality developmenttraffic, estate, profit, employment, additional1
umefa.nlIn 2012 the license agreement was signed with the Municipality of Maassluis, which has since formed the basis for the cooperation with SOW Maassluis. 20,000 chairs, 25,000 tables and many thousands of other camping furniture related items…agreement municipality, municipality maassluisfurniture, warranty, guarantee, manufacturer, purchase1
theateradvies.nlthat further includes: Zonneveld Ingenieurs, DGMR, abbotWassenaar and Vos Ontwerpstudio, was able to convince the municipality with their design vision and approach. 'We have a lot of confidence in this team and are looking forward to…able municipality, municipality designtheatre, church, festive, competition, feasibility1
rewin.nlAn attractive region in the southwest of the Netherlands. 16 municipalities, over 700,000 inhabitants, and around 60,000 businesses. A perfect region to live and work in. REWIN supports your business if you want to settle or relocate in…netherlands municipality, municipality inhabitantsregion, regional, economy, economically, settlement1
hetfeld.nlAt the moment in the workshop of Andreas, arises a sculpture that he was commissioned by the Kunstenlab Deventer and the province of Overijssel. The permanent outdoor artwork will be placed at the municipality Bathmen in February 2015 and…artwork municipality, municipality bathmensculpture, installation, drawing, exhibition, biography1
eglizen.nlHoofdplaat is a small village located behind the dike along the Westerschelde, and is part of the municipality of Sluis. The well-maintained village has a cozy, social atmosphere.westerschelde municipality, municipality sluischurch, surrounding, package, find, stay1
solarvisuals.nl…much higher per amount of surface than it is for standard projects. An installed solar façade in a small project will typically cost 1000€/m2. Please also be aware that a permit for façade installation may be required by your municipality.net, building, panel, facade, visual1
halloruimte.nlA smart design set up according to the zoning rules is eligible for a fast tracked building permit. This way the municipality replies within a few weeks.way municipality, municipality weekremodel, wish, quotation, economical, contractor1
iconicstudio.nlApplication and UX design with the aim that local residents can easily report nuisance to the municipality.iconic, visual, graphic, identity, ux1
eurostaeteeindhoven.nlWatch the films on the right in which Architect Bert Dirrix explains and the Municipality of Eindhoven explains the zoning process.dirrix municipality, municipality eindhovendemolition, resident, residential, roof, ground1
mozanim.nl. and language institute TaalTaal will move to Scheveningen in December 2008. The new address is Hoge Prins Willemstraat 226D, 2548 HX, Den Haag. (For insiders: above the Post Office, nearby the municipality, library and French High…nearby municipality, municipality libraryteacher, spanish, portuguese, italian, turkish1
koenvantoen.nlInterested in your family history? I can help you with historical research! I do research for individuals, municipalities and companies.individual municipality, municipality companyhistorical, lecture, seaside, war, walk1
taalophetwerk.nlMake sure that you now select the right language institute! TaalophetWerk® organizes acclimatization courses for many municipalities in the Randstad. In a different and specific way. We believe that work and language can go hand in hand…course municipality, municipality randstadtailor, society, aan, actually, exactly1
bezoekhollandskroon.nl…and space located in the North Holland Peninsula. Good accommodation, restaurants, unique museums, cultural heritage, water sports and pleasure craft marinas ... Hollands Kroon has it all. Welcome to the municipality of Hollands Kroon.kroon municipality, municipality hollandsaccommodation, surrounding, outing, heritage, cycling1
takethehague.nlThe Film Office The Hague gladly provides you, as a professional film maker, access to the various locations. The Film Commissioner acts as an intermediary between producers and the city and municipality of The Hague and will facilitate…city municipality, municipality haguehague, commissioner, producer, permit, government1
venrayremembers.nl…to the history of the war. What happened here in World War II should never be forgotten. Venray Remembers uses unique images and personal stories to show the special war history of the municipality of Venray and the surrounding area.history municipality, municipality venraywar, battle, cycling, past, remember1
burgerstekstenredactie.nl…the European Union’s Climate-KIC innovation initiative, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the municipality of Delft and development aid organisation Cordaid.environment municipality, municipality delftwriter, editor, literature, climate, interest1
kindencoludens.nlWe’re building an inclusive society, but not alone. Together with elementary schools, municipalities and other partners committed to social work, we do our best every day to attend to the social challenges surrounding young children.school municipality, municipality partnerchildcare, society, teacher, force, central1
sarahmeiherman.nlThe exhibition is supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture and Kaunas City Municipality.portrait, solace, prize, photographer, exhibition1
wiedanstisvrij.nl…has been converted into policy with the recently published Night Culture Implementation strategy 2023-2026. The municipality of Amsterdam is committed to this cause because night culture is part of the city and the night is an outlet and…strategy municipality, municipality amsterdam, month municipalityexhibition, archive, programme, vrij, nightlife1
vvvzundert.nlThe municipality of Zundert consists of the villages: Achtmaal, Rijsbergen, Wernhout, Zundert and Klein Zundert.explore, flower, eat, visit, traffic1
clthbuurt.nlThe CLT H-Buurt association consists of a diverse community with over 140 members. We originated from a grassroots organization that has been active in the H-Buurt for more than fifteen years and is supported by different expert…organisation municipality, municipality amsterdamneighbourhood, join, resident, affordable, housing1
btrpr.nlHouten four-tracks was the expansion of the railway line at the municipality of Houten from two to four tracks. This concerned the first railway project for Bjorn, and he supervised this process as a Project Controller from budget to…line municipality, municipality houtenrailway, commerce, south, north, responsible1
dekfordt.nlOur parking solutions are qualitative and cost-efficient solutions for parking facilities from municipalities, hospitals, campuses and other inner city locations and developments.facility municipality, municipality hospitalparking, investment, estate, solid, facility1
brabantsedag.nlHeeze-Leende Municipality and Brabantsedag Foundation sign a four-year agreementleende municipality, municipality brabantsedagtheatre, sunday, saturday, august, kid1
behoudlutkemeer.nl…that will be build on these “greenfields” are mostly big polluters that contribute to the emission of green house gasses. The Municipality says they want to be circular, they cant force the company’s that are gonna stay there to do so.gas municipality, municipality circularground, climate, fertile, industrial, agricultural1
casamw.nlJAVEA is a municipality in the Spanish province of Alicante in the Valencia region.javea municipality, municipality spanishknob, title, mediterranean, village, walk1
wegraceoss.nl…continue to organize this event, it was decided Classic Roadracing Oss to be accommodated in the Stichting Wegrace Oss, in order to be able to take a better position towards the municipality and the entrepreneurial association Paalgraven.position municipality, municipality entrepreneurialrider, pink, relation, february, traditional1
aalsmeervoorelkaar.nlAalsmeervoorelkaar is the platform for volunteer work and neighborly assistance in the municipality of Aalsmeer. You will also find a lot of information here about volunteer work and everything that comes with it.assistance municipality, municipality aalsmeervolunteer, learning, flexible, directly, vacancy1
junot.nlDe Haan is a place and a municipality located in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the villages of De Haan proper, Wenduine, Klemskerke, Vlissegem and Harendijk.place municipality, municipality belgian, flanders municipality, municipality villageroad, simulation, recipe, north, ireland1
wijweigerendehuurverhoging.nlThe landlord might continue to send regular payment reminders whose tone can become increasingly threatening. These letters have no legal basis. 1st reminder, 2nd reminder, demand, last warning, pass on data to the municipality, pass on…data municipality, municipality datarent, increase, july, landlord, wij1
bnbdenieuwenhof.nl…blueberry country. From the beautiful location you can walk, cycle or go on horseback into nature to enjoy the forest, water and heathland. But you will also not be short of museums and theme parks in the Municipality of Horst aan de Maas.park municipality, municipality horstholiday, surrounding, stay, availability, greeting1
grobos.nlGrobos discusses housing at different levels: from municipality to provincial. We want to voice the voice of student tentants at all possible levels. We also provide a (discussion) platform for residents' committees where information is…level municipality, municipality provincialresident, housing, priority, head, vacancy1
moralsatwork.nlThe municipality of Amsterdam asked us to make a dilemma game about undesirable behavior for employees of the Public Space Enforcement Service. After consultation about this with the Integrity Office of the municipality, we provided…integrity, moral, behavior, reflect, dialogue1
hoef-kwartier.nlThe Municipality of Amersfoort is working with a large number of parties on the design to fulfill ambitious objectives with regard to sustainability, mobility and the design of public space.wise, transition, lab, volunteer, youngster1
gerlagh.nl"Heeft klimaatbeleid voor gemeenten nog zin?", presentation for municipality civil servants, Eindhoven, 24 Oct 2014presentation municipality, municipality civileconomic, climate, environmental, resource, presentation1
fruitsofpassion.nlCurrently working as medical doctor at the Municipality Health Service of Brabant Zuid Oost in fighting...doctor municipality, municipality healthsuffer, assignment, doctor, disaster, aid1
enference.nlA lot of specialized knowledge is available in all sorts of resources inside and outside the heritage domain. In heritage institutions, in planning departments of municipalities, in the land register, in the Royal Library, the National…department municipality, municipality land, institution municipality, municipality financierreference, middle, keyword, species, findability1
leylabozkurt.nlan independent lawyer in procurement law since 2022. I support, advise and litigate for contracting authorities (municipalities, water authorities, and a wide range of institutions governed by public law), tenderers (national and…authority municipality, municipality waterprocurement, authority, contracting, lawyer, law1
rentfriendly.nlIn the Carnisse district in Rotterdam-South, the municipality of Rotterdam will take firm action against bad landlords who charge way too much rent for small and rotten houses. The new Good Landlord Act makes this possible.south municipality, municipality rotterdamrent, landlord, unfair, housing, rental1
dutchmediaweek.nlThe festival is being organised by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, in close collaboration with the municipality of Hilversum and Hilversum Marketing.collaboration municipality, municipality hilversumsunday, october, friday, flag, monday1
blikopdepolder.nlThe apartments of Blikopdepolder are located just outside the village of Kamerik in the municipality of Woerden. Kamerik is centrally located between Utrecht (A12) and Amsterdam (A2), making it easily accessible by car. Within half an…kamerik municipality, municipality woerdenapartment, op, accommodation, surrounding, farm1
kerstmarktgemeentegrot.nlIn the category “municipalities of up to 100,000 inhabitants,” Valkenburg was crowned 'European City of Christmas 2018'. With this award, Valkenburg firmly established itself on the European map of Christmas cities. The award is the crown…category municipality, municipality inhabitantschristmas, cave, municipal, underground, wonderful1
flatlandercup.nlThe Flatlander Cup has been partly realized thanks to a grant provided by the Municipality of Arnhemgrant municipality, municipality arnhemyouth, competition, final, impression, mountain1
masterhousing.nl24/7 hosting service to answer all questions about living in sittard-geleen. But also guidance through the city and in co-operation with the municipality: Buddy System | Stadslabs Sittard Geleen | A buddy helps you find your way around…operation municipality, municipality buddyexpat, apartment, property, rental, rent1
fractiesam.nlTogether with JongRES and the municipality of Tilburg, we are taking action to make student houses more sustainable. This action is called REScue013! How does itjongres municipality, municipality tilburgcouncil, calendar, initiative, aiesec, abroad1
studiospes.nlWe can share with great enthusiasm that the Municipality of Utrecht (Gemeente Utrecht) was the first party to express itself positively about our new plans and support us in the form of a subsidy.enthusiasm municipality, municipality utrechtspatial, interactive, desire, lane, installation1
vastgoedinzaanstad.nlOn this website you'll find all buildings and sites that the municipality of Zaanstad has for sale.site municipality, municipality zaanstadindustrial, port, stone, landscape, property1
zeelandfilmcommission.nlIf you want to shoot in Zeeland, – a province with 13 municipalities spread out over a number of islands, peninsulas and a strip bordering Belgium – you’ll have to comply with (local) rules and regulations.province municipality, municipality numbercommission, facility, click, alternative, interior1
bedenbreakfastvanagt.nlIn the 40s of the twentieth century, the municipality plans to build on the area. After World War II there was a plan to the Municipal Theatre, the current Theater aan de Parade, to build here. In 1954 the city council of the city, partly…century municipality, municipality area, urge municipality, municipality vughtrequest, reservation, suitable, surrounding, town1
kampeerterreinbuitenduin.nlchild-friendly family campsite, located in the wooded area of ​​Schoorl in the municipality of Bergen. The center and the entrance to the Schoorlse Duinen and the forest are about 500 meters away. The Schoorl beach and the sea are only 5…area municipality, municipality bergencampsite, vacancy, package, reservation, walk1
kikipetratou.nlThe cultural event was founded under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, the Municipality of Patras, the University of Patras, the Athens School of Fine Arts and the Association of Hellenic…sport municipality, municipality patrasexhibition, opposite, attraction, installation, greece1
robmoonen.nlWorks in collections of Zentrum für Kunst & Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Achmea, UVT Tilburg, Museum van Bommel van Dam Venlo, Municipality of Amsterdam, Municipality of Tilburg, Municipality of Cape Town, Cold War Museum Wanroij and…venlo municipality, municipality amsterdam, amsterdam municipality, municipality tilburg, tilburg municipalityscenography, costume, visual, operation, overview1
jbommele.nl…working on a number of studies that will improve tobacco control efforts in the Netherlands. I help Dutch municipalities in developing local tobacco control policies and use my data analytics skills to calculate the annual key…dutch municipality, municipality localsmoking, municipal, pregnancy, hardcore, publication1
de-eerste-kamer.nlDe Eerste Kamer represents the interests of the 4000+ tenants of DUWO The Hague. We do this by cooperating with fellow tenant organizations, educational institutions, DUWO and the Municipality of The Hague, and by advising DUWO on its…duwo municipality, municipality hagueeerste, association, resident, cooperation, report1
enschede700.nlThe municipality of Enschede is releasing 1 million euros to celebrate the city's 700th anniversary in 2025rule, request, neighborhood, town, poem1
cjgrips.nlIn cooperation with the municipality of Vught and a number of Vught institutions, the foundation wants to undertake four different activities:cooperation municipality, municipality vughtdonation, biography, contributor, painter, fund1
personalisedimplants.nl…by Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN), Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat en het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO), with further support from the Province of Groningen and the Municipality of Groningen.groningen municipality, municipality groningenimplant, personalised, patient, ecosystem, manufacture1
aankoopmakelaar-utrecht.nl…architectural aspects, land registry, zoning plans, environmental factors, and the homeowners’ association. And, if applicable, matters related to the municipality or province. Once everything is clear, you can consider making an offer.matter municipality, municipality provincebuyer, appointment, property, straightforward, listing1
mediainnovatiecampus.nlBuilding permits have been applied for at the municipality of Leeuwarden. In the course of 2022 we expect to see the first results of renovation and construction.permit municipality, municipality leeuwardenrenovation, interested, apply, collaboration, property1
roha-surfing.nl…Festival, organized organized under under the the auspices auspices of of Izmir Izmir Metropolitan Metropolitan Municipality, Municipality, in in cooperation cooperation with with IMEAK IMEAK Chamber Chamber of of Shipping Shipping Izmir…metropolitan municipality, municipality cooperationkitesurfing, loan, wave, february, skimboard1
statenbijbelmuseum.nlThere were Dutch refugees in various foreign municipalities. In one of them (Emden, Germany) Protestant Bibles were printed for the Netherlands. These Bibles were printed in a very small size, so that they could be easily transported and…foreign municipality, municipality emdenbible, translator, restoration, visit, catholic1
phptandartsen.nlThe municipality is currently performing work around Prins Hendrikplein. Please allow for more travel time and check your route in advance.dental, dentist, hague, patient, appointment1
planecologie.nlPOLICY AND NATURE. Sjef Jansen Plan Ecology knows a lot of Natura 2000. The agency can help promoters preventing blunders. Sometimes it will make an assessment and a plan-EIS is necessary. Also, Plan ecology can help the makers of the…province municipality, municipality naturaecology, landscape, environmental, urban, assessment1
profinancials.nlWhile the Dutch tax residency position of an individual is reviewed based on facts and circumstances, the tax forms are issued by the Dutch tax authorities automatically based on municipality registration and records. This however does…automatically municipality, municipality registrationtax, income, expat, advisor, preliminary1
visiepoint.nl…Campina, DAF & Mitsubishi, Heineken, KLM, Philips, various Banks and insurance companies) as well as non-profit (municipality, Dutch Vehicle Authority, Water companies, Electricity organisations, Dutch Tax Office, Hospitals and various…profit municipality, municipality dutchemployee, founder, career, relationship, profit1
campingdekloostertuin.nlMini camping camping De De Kloostertuin Kloostertuin is is located located in in the the Achterhoek, Achterhoek, in in the the municipality municipality Bronckhorst.achterhoek municipality, municipality bronckhorstride, goat, walk, quiet, bicycle1
agencyatnight.nl…websites. We also specialize in designing and producing online annual reports, newsletters, catalogs, and magazines. Our clientele spans cultural institutions, semi-governmental organizations, municipalities, and commercial enterprises.organization municipality, municipality commercialvisit, creativity, normal, department, positive1
aangenend.nlIf you cannot find what you are looking for here or would like to be contacted personally then you can reach us by telephone on +31 (0)77-3550600. You are also welcome to visit us at our company address: Rijksweg Noord 1A, 5951 AE…belfeld municipality, municipality venlostock, damage, spare, repair, maintenance1
childcareeindhoven.nlAtalenta is a contemporary and progressive childcare and education organisation. With 29 primary schools, including a school for special primary education, and 25 childcare locations, you will find us in the municipalities of Bergeijk…location municipality, municipality bergeijkchildcare, calculation, parent, rate, rich1
urgentvertalen.nlGuaranteed acceptance of the translation by all Dutch authorities (including municipalities, courts, INS and educational institutions)authority municipality, municipality courttranslation, urgent, legalization, rate, translator1
betonbos.nlto play an intermediary role between the landowner and the residents. In addition, the party asks the college to facilitate the search for a new, alternative location for the Betonbos residents, to give them a new place in the municipality.animal, tree, alternative, resident, forest1
zenvanriel.nl…including: - Financial Sector (ABN Amro, Rabobank, Handelsbanken) - Government (Ministry of Defense, municipalities) - Healthcare (Leiden University Medical Center) - Education (Eramus University) - Retail (Heineken) -…defense municipality, municipality healthcaregithub, azure, timeline, devops, certification1
pensioenfondsaverydennison.nlYou don't need to inform us if you move within the Netherlands. The municipality you are moving to will notify us automatically.netherlands municipality, municipality automaticallyfund, scheme, retirement, death, marriage1
top-teambuilding.nlTop Teambuilding works for people, wherever work is done, people are involved! Top Teambuilding works for industrial organisations, ICT, pharmaceutical industry, governments and municipalities, cultural institutions, marketing companies…government municipality, municipality culturalinquiry, participant, duration, employee, powerful1
projectfast.nlProvince of Zeeland, Municipality of Vlissingen, HZ University of Applied Sciences, TU Delft, and local companies, such as Kloosterboer, Vlaeynatie and Zeeland Boten.zeeland municipality, municipality vlissingenautonomous, sail, boat, electric, yard1
de-equal.nl…most from a charging station at every parking space. And the chance of this is greatest if we leave it to the municipalities to set that standard. In short, apply the private energy market to public charging station facilities and make…great municipality, municipality standardtaxis, equal, profit, tax, income1
toolsheerlen.nlHeerlen is part of the region of the municipality of Parkstad Limburg, where major economic development is underway, especially internationally. Parkstad Limburg has approximately 255,000 inhabitants and has a catchment area with more…region municipality, municipality parkstadbuilding, industrial, later, groundwork, premise1
alertfonds.nl…that now surrounds the polder. The banner referred to the petition started by Behoud Lutkemeer, in which they call on the municipality of Amsterdam to permanently change the destination of the Lutkemeerpolder to 'agricultural'. Read Morelutkemeer municipality, municipality amsterdamfund, youth, request, subsidy, solidarity1
architecturetours.nlOur clients include architecture offices, municipalities, developers, students & private groupsoffice municipality, municipality developerarchitecture, architectural, study, excursion, guide1
oudendalgroep.nl”It is very pleasant for a municipality to do business with an investor like Oudendal. He adds quality and lives up to our agreements while we provide optimal facilitation. The best of both worlds.”pleasant municipality, municipality businessestate, building, past, mainly, creativity1
peercode-regulatory.nl‘peer’ (Dutch for ‘pear’) refers literally to the pear orchards in the Geldermalsen region (Dutch municipality in Gelderland, Holland),dutch municipality, municipality gelderlandregulatory, device, regulation, medtech, guidance1
horecagroningen.nlLocated across from the Pathé cinema, the site where a fire station of the municipality of Groningen used to be, our business is now located.station municipality, municipality groningenvacancy, hospitality, taste, subscription, dining1
expattaxi.nlWe do not only provide transportation service from and to the airports, we are also familiar with various IND offices, municipalities and banks. We can accompany and aid the expat to receive the right documentation to facilitate their…office municipality, municipality bankexpat, arrival, accommodation, driver, reliable1
patertechniek.nlOur company is located in Nieuw-Roden (municipality Noordenveld), in the North of the Netherlands.roden municipality, municipality noordenveldhydraulic, transmission, enterprise, mechanical, especially1
amstelveenvoorelkaar.nlAmstelveenvoorelkaar is the platform for volunteer work and neighborly assistance in the municipality of Amstelveen. You will also find a lot of information here about volunteer work and everything that comes with it.assistance municipality, municipality amstelveenvolunteer, refugee, frequently, difference, base1
airbnboverlast.nlDo you have problems with Airbnb? You do not stand helplessly by watching unwanted holiday hire of apartments by your neighbours or other apartment owners. True, the municipalities have rules on holiday hire, but that does not mean that…true municipality, municipality rulelegislation, background, nuisance, apartment, holiday1
bremenadvies.nlAdvising the Municipality of Sittard-Geleen in the WMO-process ( Social support act)report, structural, maintenance, supervision, installation1
bonnemaconsulting.nlproject leader within the consulting industry, for a large international corporate. After many projects with the government as a client, it was time to work for the government. From 2012 I continued my career at the municipality of Heerlen.career municipality, municipality heerlenconsulting, implementation, analysis, adoption, operational1
jaapdankert.nlmodern urbanism in rural environment. apartments sharing a joint workspace. part of a municipality building permit presentation.workspace municipality, municipality buildoctober, presentation, architectural, situation, property1
playingforsuccesseindhoven.nlThe realization of the Playing for Success Eindhoven learning center has been made possible thanks to a subsidy from the government and the municipality of Eindhoven. To guarantee the continuity of the learning center, we make use of…government municipality, municipality eindhovenparent, overview, confidence, trajectory, cooperation1
brouwerij-tmeuleneind.nlof different beers. For example: Halderbergs Wheat, Halderbergs Double, Halderbergs Triple, Halderbergs Stout, Halderbergs IPA, Halderbergs WIPA and Halderbergs Quad ('Halderbergs' stands for the municipality where the brewery is situated).halderbergs municipality, municipality brewerybarrel, collector, brew, brewery, origin1
taxi-haarlemmermeer.nlWe are your transport expert in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. Choose affordable quality and convenience and let Taxi Haarlemmermeer take you to your destination.expert municipality, municipality haarlemmermeerrate, ride, destination, driver, competitive1
dcdevaart.nlThe warehouse will be developed at business park “De Vaart” in Almere, The Netherlands. Almere is part of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, consisting of 32 municipalities. The area is considered the most robust economic area in The…area municipality, municipality areafacade, warehouse, fact, accessibility, logistics1
tsteefanannep.nlA small village in the municipality of Smallingerland, centrally situated in the Northern triangle of the towns Leeuwarden, Groningen, Assen. Rottevalle is steeped in history. Plenty of history books about the village are available in the…village municipality, municipality smallingerlandholiday, authentic, cycling, walk, enclosed1
deschatkamers.nl…and expertise, the museums want to let more people discover their collection. Thanks to subsidy from the municipality of Westerveld and Leader Zuidwest-Drenthe, the museums were given extra opportunities for co-developing new…subsidy municipality, municipality westerveldsmile, treasure, impressive, prehistory, miss1
renovaeurope.nl…gained a lot of experience with alternative construction methods. We would like to share this knowledge with municipalities, housing corporations, designers and all other construction partners. Together we can create new projects with…knowledge municipality, municipality housingworkforce, contractor, career, alternative, efficient1
jannewolterbeek.nl…the organization to promote local plogging activities in various towns along the beautiful Cote d’Azur and even beyond. Agirrr’s plogging events have transformed the landscapes in various municipalities like Nice, Cagnes, Cannes, and Lyon.landscape municipality, municipality likevisual, earth, everyday, capital, identity1
drivingschoolutrecht.nlUtrecht is a city and municipality in the Netherlands and the capital of the province of Utrecht. With 358,974 inhabitants, Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands in terms of population. The city has a lot to offer young…city municipality, municipality netherlandslesson, exam, driver, theory, license1
hoovos.nlThis means that the municipality is a client who offers us a lot of variety in terms of work and we are proud of that!fire, prevention, package, emergency, evacuation1
co2in.co.nlCO2IN is a tool that enables individuals, companies and municipalities to engage in the fight against climate change. Through a mobile application, users can purchase and send tokens that prevent the emission of greenhouse gases into the…company municipality, municipality fightclimate, merchant, russian, fossil, registration1
wecallforyou.nlMaike van Grootel had a wonderful challenge as Project Manager of the Amsterdam Sun Coalition in 2016: realizing 1 million solar panels on the roofs in Amsterdam. What started as an idea within the Municipality of Amsterdam and Amsterdam…idea municipality, municipality amsterdamcampaign, appointment, cold, conversation, successful1
omg2024.nlRecently a definitive agreement was made with the municipality of Meijerijstad with regards of the location of our base camp.agreement municipality, municipality meijerijstadcommemoration, vehicle, frequently, registration, regulation1
woutercoomans.nl…in a documentary style. We now produce videos for clients such as Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, the municipality of The Hague, and the Erasmus School of Law. In addition to these relatively large clients, I also enjoy working…erfgoed municipality, municipality haguevisual, documentary, photographer, authentic, portrait1
ssd-utrecht.nlThe Utrecht Beurskwartier area is part of one of the major transformation projects in the Netherlands. The Municipality of Utrecht formulated an ambitious redevelopment plan for Utrecht Beurskwartier together with Jaarbeurs and other…netherlands municipality, municipality utrechtclimate, programme, priority, transformation, situation1
steffennijhuis.nlResearch by design on innovation districts Knowledge Region by the Sea 2070 with students and professionals from the Municipalities The Hague, Delft, Zoetermeer, Leiden and Province of South Hollandprofessional municipality, municipality haguelandscape, urban, lecture, architecture, urbanism1
boomverzorging-verwijdering.nlWhether your need a permit from your municipality or not, you are always required to adhere to the Nature Protection Law. Generally speaking, you are not allowed to hinder or disturb any wildlife such as bats, squirels and birds or…permit municipality, municipality naturetree, removal, fell, prune, careful1
paviljoenhanzezicht.nlIn consultation and with a permit from the municipality of Kampen, it is possible to organize your event on our beach.permit municipality, municipality kampenterrace, pavilion, german, sunny, directly1
levendpaardenmuseum.nlThe medal was awarded by alderman Hester van Buren on behalf of the Municipality of Amsterdam.behalf municipality, municipality amsterdamhorse, ride, monumental, historic, audience1
outsideescape.nlArt thieves threaten to steal the statues and other works of art in Rotterdam. The municipality has equipped the statues with a chip that all urgently need to be updated.rotterdam municipality, municipality statueoutside, riddle, explore, mystery, average1
gitaarlesinsoest.nlGuitar lessons in Soest came about in 2014 after the municipality of Soest stopped the subsidy for the music school. The teachers then joined as independent under the new name JS Bachschool . And with success, the music school flourishes…soest municipality, municipality soestlesson, guitar, movie, sheet, registration1
maastrichtbereikbaar.nlThe Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar programme office is a joint venture between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), the Province of Limburg, and all sixteen South Limburg municipalities.destination, walk, cycle, parking, accessibility1
terugblik-hollandfestival.nl…private individuals, funds and businesses, in addition to the subsidies from the government and the Amsterdam municipality. I think we made something wonderful, building on previous generations. We have a coalition that supports us and…amsterdam municipality, municipality wonderfulprogramme, conversation, piece, associate, introduction1
werkeninkomentilburg.nlAnyone who is registered in the municipality of Tilburg and is 18 years or older can use…income, debt, benefit, trajectory, lesson1
verloskundigenpraktijkdepoort.nlOur working area is Amsterdam and the surrounding municipalities. (for example Diemen, Duivendrecht, Amstelveen, etc.) The Amsterdam region includes Amsterdam Southeast / North / East / South and West.amsterdam municipality, municipality examplepregnant, pregnancy, midwife, midwifery, period1
rotterdamtopsport.nlWe are part of Topsport Metropool, the organisation responsible for supporting TeamNL’s top-level sports programmes on behalf of NOC*NSF and the municipalities of Rotterdam, The Hague, and Dordrecht, bringing together the best athletes…behalf municipality, municipality rotterdamathlete, facility, resident, programme, accommodation1
stvva.nl"We had two very special meetings in the municipality of Rotterdam. This was reported by former Rijswijk councilor Marloes Borsboom-Turabaz, who, according to her, had had a nice and valuable conversation with Mayor Aboutaleb."meeting municipality, municipality rotterdamlaunch, cultural, donation, ceremony, evening1
cew.nlThe WaterCampus’ managing partners are Wetsus, the CEW and the Water Alliance. Additional partners are Leeuwarden Municipality, the Province of Friesland, the Centre for Innovative Craftsmenship Water (CIV Water) and the Water Application…leeuwarden municipality, municipality provinceinternship, staff, educational, topic, wetsus1
evconsult.nl…towards a zero-emission world and are constantly analysing, servicing and shaping the market. We work with municipalities, provinces, ministries and NGOs, but also with businesses, the real estate sector, fleet owners, the automotive…market municipality, municipality provincemobility, charge, infrastructure, electric, transition1
homeempowerment.nlCurrently the only municipality subsidizing Stichting Home Empowerment is Amsterdam Nieuw-West. All work outside of this area is volunteer work. SHE has been supported by Het Maagdenhuis, het Oranje Fonds, het Kansarmenfonds, Haella…currently municipality, municipality stichtingdomestic, violence, situation, surrounding, victim1
kbs2019utrecht.nlThe 45th KBS Symposium will be hosted by the Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction , the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport , and the Municipality of Utrecht .sport municipality, municipality utrechtsociety, programme, participant, epidemiology, annual1
loveland.nlAmsterdam festivals are under a lot of pressure from the municipality. Amsterdam’s new events policy could potentially cause your favourite festival to disappear.... Read morepressure municipality, municipality amsterdamlineup, unforgettable, endless, events, force1
temah.nlTEMAH was leader of the work group for spatial adaptation. In collaboration with waterboards, municipalities and the government this program has been setup. The program foresees that climate change will lead to more flooding and seeks…waterboard municipality, municipality governmentjuly, infrastructure, spatial, road, government1
idlegal.nlOn behalf of the Municipality of Rotterdam the contract for the staging of the Rotterdam Stopover as part of the 2006 Volvo Ocean Race was negotiated with Volvo Event Management UK Ltd ("Volvo").behalf municipality, municipality rotterdamlaw, firm, specialty, distribution, renowned1
detaalvraag.nlDe Taalvraag has a partnership with the municipality of Rotterdam and 32 other language providerspartnership municipality, municipality rotterdamteacher, op, exam, rate, loan1
schouwenduiveland-hub.nlAs entrepreneurs of Schouwen-Duiveland, we are committed to our dream: “the most hospitable island in the Netherlands in 2025.” We do this together with our municipality, hospitality partners in education Pieter Zeeman Lyceum, Scalda and…netherlands municipality, municipality hospitalityemployee, hospitality, entrepreneur, membership, island1
arjonagelhout.nlWith a group of four students, we developed an AR design app in collaboration with the Municipality of Eindhoven. We tested it on rented iPad Pros with very energetic children aged 8-16 in a nerve-racking workshop at a youth center…collaboration municipality, municipality eindhovenengine, writing, january, ministry, defence1
bluebrother.nlAmong out client are also a government institutions, like Municipality of Heerhugowaard with its City of the Sun project, and Ministry of finance with it's interactive presentation...like municipality, municipality heerhugowaardinteractive, builder, presence, brother, visual1
justjulie.nlAt the beginning of 2021, the Bouwdynamiek team of the municipality of Amsterdam felt the need to present elaborated policy rules in a more concrete and convenient way. During the creation of a PowerPoint presentation, we discovered that…team municipality, municipality amsterdamurban, sketch, drawing, visual, sharp1
3pointbox.nl…3PointBox. Placing it on private land is done without planning permission. Placing it on the public road? If so, contact your local municipality for more information. To be sure, check if this also applies in your country or municipality.local municipality, municipality informationeasily, movable, versatile, countless, limited1
open-regels.nlA number of governments are working to publish the rules they now use internally to develop and manage systems. Several municipalities are already publishing their rules or are planning to do so.system municipality, municipality rulerule, overview, publication, algorithm, central1
fischeradvocaten.nlDo you need advice about a letter from the government (for example the municipality, UWV or the tax authorities)? Please include the date of that letter or decision.example municipality, municipality uwvlawyer, aid, firm, poverty, exclusion1
roeleveldvis.nl…they gained from working in the family business, a couple of them started their own fish shop. When the municipality gazetted the Dr. Lelykade for residential premises, Roeleveld had to relocate. It was a perfect opportunity to…shop municipality, municipality dr.fish, smokehouse, wholesale, harbour, straight1
elasmobranch.nl…national policy, management and conservation. The main focus of the society is on elasmobranch species swimming in Dutch waters (including the Dutch overseas countries and municipalities), and those caught by the Dutch fishing fleet.country municipality, municipality dutchsociety, shark, fish, species, ray1
mpgotest.nl…In Amsterdam and in the Netherlands. Since ARTTRA staff is academically trained, we enjoy an extraordinary degree of trust and cooperation from museums, municipalities and private individuals, which is crucial to the nature of our work.museum municipality, municipality privatearchitecture, interior, jewish, historical, secret1
yamza.nlWhether you’re an individual or an organization focusing on CSR, a municipality, an impact investor, or a university, let’s explore how we can work together to make a meaningful difference. I offer a unique blend of experience in…csr municipality, municipality impactoffering, entrepreneurship, think, leader, economic1
derondehaveman.nlWhether you are self-employed with a business site you want to green, municipal official who needs help in thinking about the conservation and development of biodiversity in your municipality, employee of a nature conservation…biodiversity municipality, municipality employeelandscape, vegetation, analysis, ecological, description1
erfgoed-fundaasje.nlHeritage Foundation has an agreement with the Municipality of Waadhoeke regarding the future security of agricultural business and family archives. Those archives have been opened for investigation. See also: About us .agreement municipality, municipality waadhoekeheritage, genealogy, frisian, archive, exhibit1
living-in-holland.nlhousehold. Generally, the rule is to get registered within the fifth day of your arrival at the town hall of your municipality. But, if you don’t have a fixed address when you arrive, you must register once your accommodation contract is…hall municipality, municipality addressexpat, residence, hall, town, guide1
beveco.nlMore than ten years ago, the municipality of Utrecht was looking for a way to connect the Leidsche Rijn district, which was then new, to the center of Utrecht. Because living, shopping and working in the city center are closely connected…ago municipality, municipality utrechtintegration, automation, certificate, optimal, functional1
woonopstand.nlThe current housing policy of the Dutch government and many municipalities is failing.housing, association, vacancy, rent, sign1
oosterhoutvoorelkaar.nlWelcome to the platform for volunteer work of the municipality of Oosterhout. Would you like to help someone or do you need help yourself? We collect supply and demand both online and physically in our volunteer shop.work municipality, municipality oosterhoutvolunteer, request, vacancy, driver, directly1
schiphol-taxi.nlThe taxi drives throughout North Holland, up to the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. It is also possible to order a Schiphol taxi for a fixed rate. Let us take you to and from Amsterdam Schiphol or one of the smaller airports. This is also…holland municipality, municipality haarlemmermeerdriver, official, flight, luggage, ride1
movingserviceamsterdam.nlIt is often not necessary to apply for a permit, but this depends on your municipality and street. In case of doubt, we advise you to contact us by phone, so that we can often assess whether this will be necessary for you.permit municipality, municipality streetinsure, affordable, removal, relocation, rate1
ccdx.nlBorghGo is excited to announce our winning design for 'Hart van Vrouwenakker' in collaboration with VORM, the municipality of Nieuwkoop, and partners. This nature-inclusive neighbourhood will feature a balanced mix of 82 residential…vorm municipality, municipality nieuwkoopmultidisciplinary, housing, peripheral, urban, programming1
mooijekindvleut.nlA new home, a new address. Once you’ve moved, make sure you inform your local municipality within 5 days about your new whereabouts. If you miss this 5-day term, you risk a fine. More about registering your new address in the Netherlands.local municipality, municipality dayexpat, purchase, valuation, guide, sell1
brenkberg.nlSchinveld is part of the municipality of Beekdaelen. There is plenty to do in the surroundings of Forest Park De Brenkberg. Whether you come for peace and quiet or you prefer to be active, there are plenty of possibilities to spend your…schinveld municipality, municipality beekdaelenfacility, accommodation, surrounding, forest, pleasant1
onstue.nlThe onboarding and orientation process for students should be more intensive, emphasizing a greater focus on integrating into both the community and the municipality. It is important to recruit students who value such a community.community municipality, municipality importantcouncil, representative, candidate, population, staff1
jiphaaglanden.nl…renting a student accommodation, most companies annualy require a 'proof of registration' from an educational institution. And after moving in, your new address needs to be registered by visiting City Hall or a local municipality office.local municipality, municipality officeinsurance, appointment, taxis, housing, income1
susures.nlThe Hoher Bühel area in the municipality of Lech (Vorarlberg, Austria) seen from Oberlech. The geoconservation potential of this and other areas in Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein has been assessed by Seijmonsbergen, De Jong, de Graaff and…area municipality, municipality lechsurface, subsurface, resource, publication, ice1
tch.nlEvery nook and cranny of every municipality in the Haaglanden region is known to us.cranny municipality, municipality haaglandentransfer, hague, rate, pricing, excursion1
walstudio.nl…was demolished, but a part in the Bandesteeg was preserved. In the 20th century, the convent was bought by the municipality and renovated, after which it served as a music stage for classical music and jazz for many years and was givenconvent municipality, municipality musicrate, dinner, presentation, surcharge, staff1
vikingoutdoor.nlOwners of the land that the event uses, sponsors of the event and the municipality where the event takes place, are excluded from liability on the same footing as the Foundation.event municipality, municipality eventsteam, participant, train, pick, staff1
torenmuziekmoordrecht.nlThe organizers of Mediterranean Moordrecht have won the municipality of Zuidplas culture prize 2022 for their efforts to bathe Moordrecht in a Mediterranean atmosphere with a wide range of activities and decorations. Part of this prize…moordrecht municipality, municipality zuidplas, charity municipality, municipality pleasantlymidori, saturday, august, tower, mediterranean1
impegno.nlTo be eligible for care you will need written permission from your municipal offices. Our in-take staff are happy to explain the application procedure in your municipality.difficulty, treatment, consultation, carer, housing1
chaletsmakkum.nlOn the Frisian IJsselmeer coast you will find our luxurious and cosy chalet park in lively and beautiful Makkum (part of the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslan). The Frisian IJsselmeer coast stretches between the harbour towns of Harlingen…makkum municipality, municipality súdwestholiday, accommodation, recreation, additional, frequently1
roeleveld.nlThat is the slogan with Autobedrijf Roeleveld since 1931 has become a household name in Maarssen and the surrounding area. It is not without reason that we are presenting the national Auto Award in 2019, where we won the Gold Award for…award municipality, municipality stichtserental, maintenance, motorcycle, repair, stock1
deverborgentijd.nlA journey made through the municipality of Ooststellingwerf where the earth of each area was approached in a specific way. The chosen locations were demarcated with cordon tape. This territory has been minutely examined. All the exciting…journey municipality, municipality ooststellingwerfhide, earth, soil, bottle, exhibition1
behrouz.nlcommunication through which you can submit problems or express your concerns. You can see the live turnout in his municipality, per polling station, district, or city center. And all at the same time if you want. You can send unforeseen…turnout municipality, municipality pollingfrontend, aws, description, architecture, typescript1
revalento.nlThe Hart van Brabant region was the first region in the Netherlands to use the game “Wegwijs in... (find you way in…)" in its integration process. The region consists of the municipalities Goirle, Hilvarenbeek, Tilburg, Oisterwijk…region municipality, municipality goirlereference, integration, region1
ste.nlHuis naar Werk is an initiative from the Eindhoven Municipality, SBB, UWV, trade unions and employers' organizations to offer targeted help for everyone - employer and employee - who is looking for work or personnel. The reason for this…eindhoven municipality, municipality sbbinstitute, reference, grant, vacancy, teacher1
woodstock69.nlAfter a long period of insisting at the city municipality’s office the three gentlemen got a spot assigned on the beach of Bloemendaal. And with two containers, a beer tap and a leaky football, Foundation Woodstock – Foundation for…city municipality, municipality officereservation, sand, parking, likely, arrival1
huizemesch.nlMesch is a picturesque, idyllic church village on the edge of the municipality of Eijsden-Margraten, bordering on the Belgian Voerstreek. Liege, Aachen and Maastricht are just a stone’s throw away. Do you want to cycle, walk or shop then…edge municipality, municipality eijsdenreception, hospitable, guestbook, guest, base1
kamerverhuur-benw.nlWe are active since 1995 as business accommodation near Centre Nijmegen, Nijmegen municipality in good cooperation.nijmegen municipality, municipality goodrental, cooperation, accommodation, near, rent1
team-energy.nlTeam Energy was invited by the municipality to discuss the sustainability of events in Eindhoven. This successful cooperation has led to the creation of a review (Dutch) on the carbon emissions of events, written by Daan van der Werf.energy municipality, municipality sustainabilitydiscussion, vacancy, sustainability, curious, storage1
communications-unlimited.nlCommunications-Unlimited was established by Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska in 2004. During our existence we have built up a network of many partners and friends consisting of media companies, embassies, schools and universities, municipalities…university municipality, municipality noncentral, eastern, unlimited, journalism, diplomacy1
gridmaster.nlThe consortium includes TenneT, Gasunie, Stedin, Province of South-Holland, Port of Rotterdam Authority, Municipality of Rotterdam, SmartPort, Siemens Nederland, TU Delft, Quintel Intelligence and TNO. Gridmaster aims to develop a new…authority municipality, municipality rotterdamport, investment, infrastructure, proof, visual1
mobilitylab.nlShared scooters now also in Wassenaar: 'Proud that they are available in my native village'In Wassenaar it has been possible for everyone to use a shared scooter since Wednesday. The municipality and Felyx, a supplier of electric scooter…wednesday municipality, municipality felyxmobility, lab, collaboration, investor, electric1
theboxcompany.nlOur team building activities are very suitable for governments at all levels. We have had very good experiences with municipalities, provinces and national government agencies.experience municipality, municipality provincechristmas, enthusiastic, request, highly, venue1
diversion.nl…a reach of around 700-800 classrooms full of students, their teachers, a network of grassroots organisations, municipalities, corporations and governments, around 150 active peer educators and coaches, 750 families our volunteers supportorganisation municipality, municipality corporationsocietal, educator, role, classroom, literacy1
gonnybeljaars.nlCommissioned by the municipality, I made a bronze bust King Willem Alexander which was unveiled at the same day.bronze, plaster, clay, portrait, bone1
klusbedrijfplantinga.nlWe work for several municipalities, housing associations, businesses and individuals.bathroom, sanitary, facility, window, renovation1
dagindebranding.nlThe presentation of the Willem Pijper Award is central during Festival Dag in de Branding from May 31 to June 2. Composers Cecilia Arditto and Trevor Grahl will receive the composition award from the Municipality of The Hague on June 1 in…award municipality, municipality haguecomposer, residence, composition, hague, presentation1
discgolf013.nlThe Disc golf course in the Stadsbos013 in Tilburg was realized in June 2021 by Disc Golf Nederland in consultation with the municipality of Tilburg, Stadsbos013 and the local disc golf association Discgolf013. Its the first official…consultation municipality, municipality tilburgassociation, hole, quickly, official, consultation1
archimon.nllook at the various churches in towns, municipalities and villages throughout The Netherlands. This whole section is arranged by province. Although emphasis is on church architecture in some cases other related subjects are covered too…town municipality, municipality villagechurch, architecture, subject, province, permission1
ogsmleaders.nl…large to small companies or even sole proprietorships; OGSM is for everyone. We see it in practice: from tech companies and financial institutions, international organizations, healthcare institutions to municipalities. Everyone can do it.leader, true, objective, powerful, truth1
schermenpool.nlThe joint fire service is a collaboration between about 60 companies in the greater Rotterdam port and industrial complex and the municipality of Rotterdam. The organisation provides incident management capacity and has taken the legal…complex municipality, municipality rotterdamport, exercise, joint, fire, spill1
oneness-rising.nlLocation 1 Could be a piece of land in collaboration with a Municipality, possibly with an existing Historic building or Farm to facilitate the start-up and for the Connection to the Environment.collaboration municipality, municipality possiblyoneness, sing, rise, guest, alternative1
seelab.nlIn the past years See Lab developed 7 extra artist workspaces on the second floor. The realisation of the extra artist workspaces was made possible with the generous financial support of the Municipality of The Hague and Stroom The Hague.support municipality, municipality hagueexhibition, lab, earthly, memory, residency1
agorabv.nlLimburg Economic Development (LED) is the network organization of the municipalities in the Maastricht Region that work closely with the business community and educational and research institutions within the framework of the Brainport…organization municipality, municipality maastrichtprocessing, engraving, ablation, cell, technique1
easylogic.nlEasyLogic’s daughter company programs, prints, personalises and handles fulfillment of plastic cards and RFID labels for schools, universities, sportsclubs, government and local municipalities.reader, antenna, metal, inventory, government1
starshr.nlWe will not only helping you finding a home but also regulate all practical matters, from registering at the municipality, opening a bank account, or to guidance by new insurances but also getting around with the local facilities.matter municipality, municipality bankexpat, relocation, package, rent, property1
echocentrum-venlo.nlWe are active in Venlo, Blerick, Velden, Lomm, and Arcen (in either the municipality or city respectively).arcen municipality, municipality cityappointment, pregnancy, birth, pregnant, midwifery1
clientenraadavres.nlIf you are curious about the composition of the client council, which municipalities are affiliated with us or which themes are dealt with by us, please read here >>council municipality, municipality themeanswer, council, hopefully, income, curious1
integrato.nluseful insights. These insights are gained from starting and running multiple companies, and our experiences in the police force, medical care, municipalities, regional governments, foundations, associations and (international) federations.care municipality, municipality regionalexercise, growth, pressure, employee, theory1
rutgerrauws.nl…of Eindhoven. We try to inform and enthuse citizens about future architecture and urban planning in the Eindhoven area. As a board member and secretary I am responsible for communication with the municipality and real-estate developers.communication municipality, municipality realdegree, teach, graphic, embed, contribution1
nidi.nlExplaining differences in union dissolution between municipalities: the role of compositional, contextual and cross-level effectsdissolution municipality, municipality rolepopulation, retirement, migration, infrastructure, demographic1
gruba.nlThroughout the Netherlands and Belgium, we take care of the disposal of used car tires at car dealers, garages, tire service companies, caravan and motorhome companies and municipalities.tire, knob, processing, disposal, environmentally1
catoverloskundigen.nlWithin 3 working days after delivery the partner needs to register the birth of the baby in the municipality where the baby was born. If you’re not married, you and your partner need to visit the municipality in pregnancy (before 20-22…baby municipality, municipality baby, partner municipality, municipality pregnancymidwifery, pregnant, midwife, pregnancy, ultrasound1
debollen.nlSomewhere between major cities Eindhoven, Tilburg and 's-Hertogenbosch, in the municipality of Oirschot, you'll find Buitengoed De Bollen: a unique place in the Brabant landscape in the centuries-old hamlet of Straten. At this historic…hertogenbosch municipality, municipality oirschotsurrounding, meadow, round, guest, stay1
cinecenter.nlThe municipality of Amsterdam maintains a strict bicycle parking policy on and around the Leidseplein. In this area it is not allowed to park your bicycle outside a rack or parking space or your bike can be removed.bicycle, movie, independent, near, documentary1
tank.nlForget about invisible grey, sweaty offices, boring civil servants, bad air and a lack of view; for the municipality of Amsterdam we made the City Hall's bar, work- and meeting-areas are as welcoming as the city of Amsterdam itself.view municipality, municipality amsterdaminterior, capital, cod, hospitality, ocean1
sportinnovator.nl…that innovations are successfully brought to market and actually applied in practical settings. The Sportinnovator ecosystem consists of Sportinnovator centres, sports institutions, businesses, knowledge institutions and municipalities.lab, institution, exercise, innovative, sustainability1
netwerkduurzamedorpen.nl…and a national foundation “Doen”. The aim for the next years is a contribution of all the provinces and municipalities. The Network has one principle: Every action counts. It doesn't matter what you are doing as a village community,province municipality, municipality networkvillage, movie, initiative, voluntary, provincial1
huistuinenkeukenklus.nlHuis, Tuin en Keuken klussen in Hoofddorp, Municipality of Haarlemmermeer and offers an all-round service for renovations and maintenance.hoofddorp municipality, municipality haarlemmermeerrenovation, demolition, round, maintenance, rate1
castrocommunicatie.nlWe are demonstrably successful in presenting municipalities and regions to the outside world. Everyone knows I Amsterdam and The Hague is now known as the international city of peace and justice. Residents, companies and visitors are put…successful municipality, municipality regionaffairs, relation, hague, wat, january1
taxiservice-delft.nlWith us you can go for your business transport. Delf is a municipality where many business meetings are organized. Read more click heredelf municipality, municipality businesstransportation, rate, frequently, surrounding, road1
mfra.nlAs project leader Doortrappen I guide the municipalities in South Holland with the implementation of the Doortrappen program. Doortrappen is a national program with the aim of keeping senior cyclists mobile for longer and making them more…doortrappen municipality, municipality southroad, traffic, leader, south, ingredient1
leerpark.nlLeerpark Dordrecht is located in the geographical heart of the municipality of Dordrecht. Over the past decade it has become an area where innovation and sustainability are paramount. At Leerpark you not only find educational…heart municipality, municipality dordrechtinstitution, resident, educational, inspirational, quickly1
warekennis.nl…succeeded in arriving at a limited number of larger organizations through mergers of local libraries. Library organizations are providing public library services in multiple municipalities. The 156 organizations are currently operatingmultiple municipality, municipality organizationlibrary, lend, principle, law, negotiation1
vmugnl.nlconnecting role between technology and management. In the past years I have been working as a lead architect at a municipality, where I designed and realized the cloud strategy for them. Within this strategy implemented an EUC…architect municipality, municipality cloudvmware, vmug, tanzu, vsphere, automation1
real-estate-focus.nlWe also offer land for real estate development with or without licenses. For most land plots offered we already had communication with the relevant municipality for a preliminary plan for a purpose of the land.relevant municipality, municipality preliminaryestate, property, spatial, rent, realization1
kijck.nlWe prepare your house for sale. Which means that we check the information about your house with your municipality and the Land Registry.house municipality, municipality landvaluation, estate, fee, regardless, rate1
mtsa.nlMTSA Technopower received the Lifeport pearl award on Thursday 16 June from the mayor of the municipality of Arnhem Ahmed Marcouchmayor municipality, municipality arnhemhydrogen, supply, installation, archive, manufacture1
price-ce.nlPRICE is the Flevoland-based platform for innovation and the circular economy. We empower entrepreneurs, businesses, students, teachers, and municipalities to collaborate and participate. We accelerate and scale-up circular ideas and…teacher municipality, municipality circularcircular, trouble, biodiversity, innovative, depth1
verenigdvogeldorp.nlWhy? Because we want to keep Vogeldorp, our community, habitable and enjoyable. Therefore we will have to stand together in raising certain complaints, concerns, wishes and questions with the landlords, the municipality and between…inhabitants, resident, summary, survey, united1
partnersforresilience.nlThis case study highlights Eco-DRR interventions in Haiti focused on ecosystem restoration and protection in 3 municipalities: Chardonnieres, Les Anglais, and Tiburon in the South district of Haiti. The key risks being addressed within…protection municipality, municipality chardonnieresresilience, partners, risk, dialogue, disaster1
couwenberghbv.nlIllegally dumped asbestos waste, storm or fire damaged asbestos corrugated sheets are just a few examples of socalled asbestos emergencies. Couwenbergh works for a variety of municipalities, insurance companies and others for the removal…variety municipality, municipality insuranceasbestos, demolition, removal, decommissioning, soil1
lapanacee.nlOur traditional farmhouse with outbuildings is located in a small hamlet called Rignac, belonging to the municipality of Cuzance. The historic region offers exceptional landscapes, caves, castles, beautiful architecture and culinary…rignac municipality, municipality cuzancetable, luxury, cooking, tranquility, facility1
radareurope.nlRadar excels in inclusiveness. This has proven to be one of our key proficiencies. Radar connects communities with municipalities, links civil society initiatives to public service providers and ensures involvement of national authorities…community municipality, municipality civilsociety, proud, awareness, advisor, academic1
clickf1.nlCreative Power Utrecht (CVU) | Is financed by the municipality of Utrecht and the Fund for Cultural Participation. Click F1 is an active party within the CVU.cvu municipality, municipality utrechtclick, institution, society, target, adult1
dennisdam.nlNext to my committer work I also implemented several portal websites for customers like ICTU, ROC Eindhoven, the Municipalities of Weert and Schijndel, the ANWB and Randstad. For the last two projects my role was mostly consulting /…eindhoven municipality, municipality weertmainly, framework, programmer, configuration, apache1
margotberkman.nl…Tree on the occasion of the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander. Her clients include the NS, Prorail, RWS and municipalities such as Amsterdam, Delft, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Vianen, the Cobra Museum, Centraal Museum, Museum Lambert van…rws municipality, municipality amsterdamartwork, biography, seaweed, breathe, ocean1
thinktank-maastricht.nlThere is plenty of public parking in the neighbourhood. This requires a parking pass, which is issued by the municipality on application for about €43. The slip road onto the A2 motorway is only about 300 metres away.pass municipality, municipality applicationthink, apartment, ceiling, bathroom, distance1
coe-dsc.nlOur participant Linksight collaborates with DSW, the municipality of Delft and elderly care organisation Pieter van Foreest and uses Multi-party Computation to generate insights without sharing the data itself, which helps to monitor and…dsw municipality, municipality delftdiscover, excellence, participant, initiative, association1
parkeerdatamonitor.nlThe addition of facilities (garages, sites, carpool places) can only be carried out by the source holders themselves (municipalities or private operators). The Administrator will contact you after input to verify the input and to ensure…holder municipality, municipality privateparking, facility, dynamic, static, restriction1
vrouwenbelangen.nl20 January 2015 – Cities for CEDAW is a campaign to get municipalities to adopt CEDAW as a city ordinance during Beijing Plus 20, a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women.campaign municipality, municipality cedawwoman, peace, nation, commission, conference1
haagsearchitect.nlConcept application is approved. The neighbors who built a rooftop extension all have a loggia of 1 meter deep in the front facade. The municipality asked us to design a loggia for this project as well. The owner of this building thinks…facade municipality, municipality loggiarenovation, hague, bathroom, permit, environmental1
eventcamping.nlAs an organization or municipality, if you would like more information about organizingorganization municipality, municipality informationcampsite, temporary, july, package, rent1
reinildis.nl…to numerous expatriates in the Netherlands. She also visited so-called expat centres set up by companies and municipalities and spoke to the heads of expat societies and international clubs. The many observations and experiences of all…company municipality, municipality headmanner, french, german, ambassador, expatriate1
belastingwinkelamsterdam.nlWe can help you with all of your tax questions from income tax, to healthcare benefits, to municipality taxes.benefit municipality, municipality taxisbenefit, taxis, income, volunteer, appointment1
perruque.nlYou will find Perruque in the village Koudum, close to De Fryske Marren (a municipality of Friesland) and several of the eleven cities of Friesland. At the helm are your enthusiastic host partners Rogier and Iris; “We write hospitality…marren municipality, municipality frieslandstay, overnight, comfortable, police, unforgettable1
blue21.nlChief Resilience Officer – Municipality of Rotterdam & Affiliated Lead Cities at Global Centre on Adaptationofficer municipality, municipality rotterdamurban, climate, wave, october, present1
havanaguila.nlIn 2003 Hava Naguila was awarded with the ‘Cultural Prize’ from the municipality of Hulst, which was a very nice way to get recognition for our work. We also founded and still organize the annual Music- and Folklore festival in our…prize municipality, municipality hulstformation, south, region, dance, demonstration1
yellowstone.nl…accommodation, we’re here to help. On request we can help expats with practical matters like opening a bank account or registering with the municipality and healthcare institutions. As a relation of Yellowstone you can always call on us.account municipality, municipality healthcarecontractor, send, employee, employment, independent1
kokstaal.nlDe Kok Staalbouw is a steel construction company that was established in Heerle, a small town in the Noord-Brabant municipality of Roosendaal, in January 1927. Since then, the company has undergone tremendous development and has become a…brabant municipality, municipality roosendaalsteel, certification, circular, preservation, assembly1
visitholland.nl…of the former Zuiderzee, the province was established on January 1, 1986; the twelfth province of the country, with Lelystad as its capital. The province has approximately 394,758 inhabitants (2011) and consists of 6 municipalities.north, province, south, capital, tourist1
hoolterdaansers.nlWe are registered in the Cultural Education Guide for primary education of the municipality of Rijssen-Holten. We give dance workshops to primary school pupils. We work together with the Oudheidkamer Holten, which is an institute for the…education municipality, municipality rijssendance, dancer, enthusiastic, clothing, accordion1
loketgezondleven.nlThe website contains both general programmes, like the Recognition System for health promotion interventions, and specific programmes for different settings, like Healthy School or Healthy Municipality. Furthermore the portal provides…healthy municipality, municipality furthermorehealthy, programme, promotion, topic, nutrition1
stichtingsexpower.nlSekswork is a sounding board group set up by sex workers in collaboration with the municipality of Tilburg. We are an enthusiastic group of (former) sex workers from Zeeland, Brabant and Limburg who stand for a better position for all sex…collaboration municipality, municipality tilburgworker, sexual, difference, sexuality, measurement1
nikano.nlWelcome to boat rental Nikano in Nieuwkoop, we rent whisper boats, canoes, kayaks and supeboards. Nikano has two branches, one is located in Noorden (municipality of Nieuwkoop), this one is on Nieuwkoopse Plassen and the other is located…noorden municipality, municipality nieuwkoopcanoe, boat, package, boarding, reservation1
sunsetmarch.nlSunset March is an initiative of the veterans of the municipality Overbetuwe. ( Veteranen Overbetuwe ).veteran municipality, municipality overbetuwesunset, veteran, freedom, reservation, cross1
basepackaging.nlUsing Vlarema rubbish bags is not only good for the environment, but it can also help reduce waste costs. In fact, municipalities and cities can use these bags for waste collection, contributing to more efficient waste disposal.fact municipality, municipality citybag, packaging, base, waste, compostable1
driverstheorytest.nlBefore the theory exam you are required to keep in hand a certificate of fitness (VvG) for proof of Physical and psychological fitness to drive a vehicle. You can claim VvG from your municipality centre.vvg municipality, municipality centretheory, exam, driver, sign, bike1
praktijkkina.nlThe mental health care either gets fully reimbursed by the municipality (please ask your general practitioner or the ‘ Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin ’ for a referral). Or it gets partially refunded by your health insurance (see here how…fully municipality, municipality generalkid, mental, rate, refund, registration1
bikebaze.nlBicycle theft in Rotterdam is a persistent problem. The police and the municipality are doing their best, but real change requires more. That's where BIKEBAZE® comes in. We believe in the power of community. Together with you, we want to…police municipality, municipality goodbike, theft, bicycle, goodbye, cycling1
het-dijkje.nlIn 2020 we got the opportunity to make our dream come true, when we could buy this fantastic place from the municipality of Utrecht.place municipality, municipality utrechthet, parking, rent, fantastic, surrounding1
nthk.nlOn November 21, 2023, our organization opened two rooms with games, toys, and a library for children to play while their parents are processing the family’s ID cards. This idea was developed in coordination with the Ministry of Interior…kurdistan, erbil, cause, interior, ministry1
fabcitynature.nlAn empty plain, a view of a tranquil dune lake, the harbor, beach sea and industry. Always wind, sand and sun. That is the area around the Seaport Marina in IJmuiden. At this location, the municipality of Velsen will develop in the next…location municipality, municipality velsencampsite, coastal, playground, innovative, experimental1
eurospoor.nlYou imagine yourself back in time, in the summer of 1968. You have arrived in the town of Münsterbusch, municipality of Stolberg near Aachen in Germany. At low speed, a BR50 steam locomotive crawls uphill, close between the houses, to…münsterbusch municipality, municipality stolbergrailway, layout, train, october, visitor1
rastermaster.nlProfessional users can be found at: riding schools, racecourses, solar panel parks, contractors , rental companies, horticultural businesses, military cemeteries, the government (the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management…management municipality, municipality provincemower, grass, innovative, generation, efficient1
vanderweesconsulting.nlThanks to my good insight into problems and solutions, I can support municipalities in shaping their local e-Mobility policy.solution municipality, municipality localgovernment, consulting, branch, renewable, electric1
thehaguehighlights.nlThe Hague Highlights is organised by LUSTR + Spinner & Langkous and is made possible by the Municipality of The Hague among others.possible municipality, municipality haguehague1
hetoudebosscheveld.nlWhether you come for peace and quiet or are looking for adventure, the municipality of Halderberge is more than worth a visit. There are many possibilities to go out by bike or on foot through the polder and forests. There is an extensive…adventure municipality, municipality halderbergehet, cycling, electricity, facility, sanitary1
side-hustles.nl…in the North Sea with those countries and the United Kingdom. In the Caribbean, it consists of three special municipalities: the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. The country’s official language is Dutch, with West Frisian asspecial municipality, municipality islandhustle, money, simply, additional, profitable1
hemwood.nl…the development of projects in virtually all sectors (healthcare & housing, offices, hotels, industry and infrastructure) and they frequently work together with the municipality, the port and other public and semi-public authorities.frequently municipality, municipality portcivil, property, lawyer, notary, law1
joostkampen.nlAfter the far-reaching restructuring of the organization of the municipality of the Dutch capital Amsterdam old habits and patterns of behavior returned notwithstanding replacement of 70% of the managers en 40% of the staff.organization municipality, municipality dutchorganizational, neglect, emotional, workplace, abuse1
okidokidelft.nlThe company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) under Chamber of Commerce number 78489520 . Okidoki is located in the west of the municipality of Delft.west municipality, municipality delftmaintenance, broadcast, repair, installation, telephone1
gildemeestersbollenstreek.nlStichting Gildemeesters Bollenstreek started in 2018 the ‘ GIANT TULIP BULBS ‘ art bulbs. The man-sized artworks in the shape of a tulip bulb can be adopted by companies, municipalities, clubs, organizations or foundations and will be…company municipality, municipality clubbulb, tulip, tourist, round, flower1
kasteelhoevedeerp.nlis characterized by a number of very challenging PAR 3 holes. Estate Eyckenduyn is located in the town of Helden, municipality of Peel en Maas. This is a C-status golf course, which can be played all year round. The natural environment…helden municipality, municipality peelavailability, adult, frequently, accommodation, rate1
mikbecka.nlHe built a number of community houses, the 'Bosjes van Zanen' luxury apartments, the banking building of Staalbankiers in The Hague and the Bank of the Dutch Municipality - he also designed the full interior of this bank.dutch municipality, municipality interiormasterly, architecture, iconic, building, luxury1
vanwisse.nl…on the street is also an option if there are no spaces for sale in the garage (there are hardly ever spaces for sale; board member Martin of the VvE can let you know what you need to send to the municipality for a permit to be awarded).vve municipality, municipality permitbedroom, walkway, balcony, heliport, kitchen1
veldacademie.nl…TU Delft, Erasmus University, and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Veldacademie is part of the Municipality of Rotterdam. It is part of the Strategy and Policy Team of the Social Development Cluster or Cluster…veldacademie municipality, municipality rotterdaminternship, find, neighbourhood, resilience, urban1
bureau8080.nl…management on (European) law and regulations, European tenders, the market and a deep understanding of the possibilities. We work together with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and the municipalities of Amsterdam and Arnhem.environment municipality, municipality amsterdaminstitution, cultural, waste, sustainability, thirty1
aquatiberis.nl…in BOTLEK ROTTERDAM and is active in the Inland Shipping (freight shipping) sector. The company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under Chamber of Commerce number 78532256 and is located in Botlek in the municipality of Rotterdam.botlek municipality, municipality rotterdamstorage, farm, tanker, vessel, logistics1
duwo.nlThanks to our extensive experience in developing projects for both new buildings and renovations, we are able to design and deliver such projects more quickly and efficiently. We do this in collaboration with the municipality, educational…collaboration municipality, municipality educationalatmosphere, housing, building, hague, vibrant1
waterford.nlbuilding we purchase. In our opinion it’s a must to have a good cooperation with all involved parties such as the Municipality, current users and finally the new user fort his buildings. In addition to this fact, we also have several…party municipality, municipality currentwaterford, republic, impression, oasis, tower1
digitaltrustsolutions.nlMinistry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the municipality of The Haguerelation municipality, municipality haguetrust, compliance, layer, gap, asset1
ozarchitect.nlThe Podium Area, near Amsterdam Lelylaan Station and close to Rembrandt Park, is part of the Ringzone West and one of the densification areas in Amsterdam, where many new homes and facilities are being built. The municipality has the…facility municipality, municipality ambitionoz, architecture, urbanism, housing, pursuit1
hoftrammm.nlAfter approval from The Hague municipality and the city’s public transport company (HTM), crowd funding for this project started in October 2013. Despite the enthusiasm of many parties, banks did not stand in line to financially back this…hague municipality, municipality cityhague, dinner, departure, exclusive, hire1
ecarshare.nlOur approach consists of a bottom-up implementation of e-carsharing by participating organizations which share their own e-fleet. In our project provinces, municipalities, and employers are working together to make their mobility…province municipality, municipality employerwat, leaf, reservation, mobility, implementation1
liannedaan.nlable to give input through an application belonging to the tool. In this way, it is assumed that both citizen and municipality are invited to (ex)change their perspectives and participate in sensing the city accordingly. Working together…citizen municipality, municipality perspective, accordingly municipality, municipality eindhovenstakeholder, creation, collaboration, final, perspective1
180degree.nlWe are keen to share our learning as widely as possible and are always open to exploring ways of working collaboratively with other organizations, municipalities, and the private sector.organization municipality, municipality privatedegree, newcomer, staff, placement, desire1
inmijnhumm.nlwell as for those aged 18+. The invoice will then be sent to you (or your parents) and you will pay it yourself. You have no obligations and do not have to comply with any regulations of your municipality (18-) or your health insurer (18+).regulation municipality, municipality healthhealthcare, psychologist, payment, compensation, reimbursement1
spret.nlSPRET is an innovative practical training centre for the development and training of companies and individual entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. We have our own practical training site in Hegelsom (municipality of Horst aan de…hegelsom municipality, municipality horstfarmer, teacher, exam, accessibility, employee1
ontwerpproject.nlThe stopped match between NAC Breda and Willem II will be played without an audience. This has been decided by the professional football league board of the KNVB. The municipality and the police of Breda do not want an audience for the…knvb municipality, municipality policetrain, speed, asylum, seeker, court1
opdebrabantsewal.nlHalsteren is a village with 15,000 inhabitants that belongs to the municipality of Bergen op Zoom. The central large market of Bergen op Zoom, with its many historic buildings, can be reached by bike within 15 minutes. Halsteren is…inhabitants municipality, municipality bergenop, guest, parking, booking, bathroom1
hedgeworld.nlWe cultivate for gardeners, contractors, road builders, municipalities, garden and landscape architects and garden centers.builder municipality, municipality gardenhedge, variety, nursery, manual, directly1
iwss.nlRegional implementation service ( Dutch : RUD, Regionale uitvoeringsdienst) are decentralized (regional) indirectly appointed authorities in the Netherlands. RUD are commissioned by municipalities and provinces, for enviromenal law :…rud municipality, municipality provinceregional, waterway, reference, responsible, authority1
leideninternationalcentre.nlThe University of Leiden is conducting a study on the safety of Leiden. In collaboration with the municipality of Leiden and the police, safety will be investigated through its residents. Learn how you can participate!collaboration municipality, municipality leidenregion, appointment, study, registration, calendar1
specialneeds.nlWe deliver to both private individuals and intermediaries, even when the municipality provides the reimbursement with a PGB.intermediary municipality, municipality reimbursementwheelchair, disability, tricycle, tomcat, aid1
deepbluesecurity.nlWe assist clients in a variety of industries including the: finance, energy, technology, transportation, fabrication, pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry as well as municipalities and government.industry municipality, municipality governmentresponse, forensic, detection, penetration, flexible1
europadecentraal.nlKnowledge on the correct application of European law and policy is increasingly important. A substantial part of European legislation finds its way to the desks of streetlevel government officials. However, it is often difficult for…employee municipality, municipality provincelegislation, law, authority, regional, query1
hetborduurburo.nlThe crest of the municipality of Albrandswaard, embroidered for the mayor’s chair (type A2020 Extra Verta). “After requesting various quotes, we finally went with Het Borduurburo. Because of their pleasant and clear communication and…crest municipality, municipality albrandswaardembroidery, het, fabric, craftsmanship, technique1
lojko.nlMunicipality of Eindhoven, Ural State Academy for Architecture and Art and the Technical University of Eindhovenindustrial, internship, resume, present, roof1
mosaqua.nlThe municipality of Gulpen-Wittem unfortunately wants to close Mosaqua. Please sign the petition, we really need your support. Please share the link with all your friends, family and colleagues. Thanks for your help!attraction, lesson, swimming, reservation, frequently1
globalheritage.nlOur annual Student Hub will be a collaboration with the municipality of Leiden. The city of Leiden was one of the six projects that was awarded an Erfgoeddeal…collaboration municipality, municipality leidenheritage, collaboration, researcher, scholar, visit1
idcity.nl…City Shuttle project. Free transport in the city center of Leiden. This project has been implemented in various municipalities due to exceptional success. Or the IVW presentation for the Dutch government, from 5 leading advertising…project municipality, municipality exceptionalidentity, advertising, government, alive, mentality1
hiemstra.nlThe idea was to develop an agricultural business park, where both Hiemstra and other producers could both grow and efficiently transport their products to market. After consulting the municipality about the zoning process, space for…market municipality, municipality zonesynergy, greenhouse, lettuce, logistics, tourism1
nigon.nlNigon. is based in Heerenveen, this town was established in 1551 by three lords as a location for the purpose of digging peat which was used for fuel, hence the name (heer is lord, veen is peat). It is now one of the larger municipalities…large municipality, municipality provincemobility, infrastructure, procurement, purchase, innovative1
wencopkwekerijen.nlWe mainly supply professional customers such as gardeners, municipalities and fellow growers.gardener municipality, municipality fellownursery, assortment, solitary, tree, breadcrumb1
zeelenberg-zom.nlZeelenberg Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij develops projects on its own accord and in cooperation with partners. Furthermore we offer advice to other developers or take care of parts of their development activities. We advise municipalities and…activity municipality, municipality governmentcoast, architecture, government, worldwide, housing1
finlandvakantieland.nl…wilderness reserves (protected primeval forest areas with little population), 173 swamp reserves, 53 protected forests and 92 protected forest areas. An example is the Tsarmitunturi Wilderness area in the municipality of Inari in Lapland.area municipality, municipality inariholiday, finnish, lake, weather, season1
housingutilities.nlOnce you've received your rental contract, you should register with the city municipality. Find out how to do it in this section!city municipality, municipality sectionutility, housing, overwhelming, guide, insurance1
arsis.nlbest light distribution. If a standard solution is not available, we develop a special solution. Our clients are municipalities with special requirements and wishes: Amsterdam, Den Haag, Leiden and may other big and small municipalities…client municipality, municipality special, small municipality, municipality apartlighting, street, luminaire, optic, wish1
betasupport.nlCounselling in official matters and arranging meetings in: - Immigration office - City municipality (gemeente) - Tax office (belastingdienst) - Hospital or clinic - Employment agency (uitzendbureau) - Bank - School - And in other places…city municipality, municipality gemeenteassistance, accommodation, translation, official, matter1
gloweindhoven.nlDuring the Night of the Night, from Saturday, October 27th to Sunday, October 28th, the Municipality...october, partners, practical, february, lab1
kijkenleeshuis.nlThe museum is located in rural surroundings in the little village of Bussloo (municipality of Voorst) at nr. 4 Bonenkampsweg.bussloo municipality, municipality voorstsoap, football, direction, washing, variety1
partnersfontysict.nlOn Thursday 18 April, the Fontys InnovationLab in Eindhoven was buzzing with energy during the Fontys ICT Career Day. Some 60 companies, including Jumbo, ASML, GAC, Axians, Simac, Blueriq, Municipality of Eindhoven, Copaco, Info Support…blueriq municipality, municipality eindhovenpartners, career, overview, practical, inspire1
detijdtrap.nlThe Markthal is located near the Hoogstraat . This is the spot where the city of Rotterdam came into existence around 1270, on a dam that was constructed in the river Rotte . In the construction pit of the Markthal , archaeologists of the…archaeologist municipality, municipality rotterdamexhibition, remain, medieval, near, excavation1
fysiotherapie-voor-kinderen.nlWelcome to the site of Physiotherapy for Children, a pediatric physiotherapy practice of Karin de Bruijn, who has been working in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel and its surroundings since 1990.bruijn municipality, municipality gemertphysiotherapy, physiotherapist, pediatric, target, audience1
klein-geltink.nlFrom installing a dormer to splitting a house, I am familiar with the Municipality and will successfully guide you through the entire process.familiar municipality, municipality successfullycontractor, permit, apartment, bathroom, glass1
theicestore.nl…Style. We work with retailers, brands, retail real estate owners, and communities such as shopping streets and municipalities. We have our own support programs for organisation development, human capital development and e-commerce…street municipality, municipality supportice, interactive, mirror, innovative, excellence1
peercode.nl‘peer’ (Dutch for ‘pear’) refers literally to the pear orchards in the Geldermalsen region (Dutch municipality in Gelderland, Holland),dutch municipality, municipality gelderlanddevice, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy1
silicanova.nl…we know exactly what to look out for and are an expert in the pitch of artificial grass pitches. We work for municipalities, organisations, and contractors. Our strength lies in our creativity, solution-oriented thinking, and short…pitch municipality, municipality organisationmaintenance, silica, revitalization, artificial, soccer1
bakfiets-en-meer.nlAt WorkCycles we’d long been considering the possibilities for a big transport bike for businesses and municipalities. The Vrachtfiets guys needed a partner with bike expertise and a way to promote and sell their bike. Add a super…business municipality, municipality vrachtfietsbike, brake, normally, carrier, rear1
stellingconsulting.nlSITA Nederland is a market leader in waste management in the Netherlands, with a turnover € 443 million in 2003. It serves 80,000 companies, and 100 municipalities with a total of 1.8 million inhabitants. SITA Nederland has lowered its…company municipality, municipality totalconsulting, waste, chain, supply, batch1
bermad.nlProven range of robust hydraulic control solutions especially created for the optimal water management of water supply, treated wastewater and recycled water systems in municipalities and other infrastructures.system municipality, municipality infrastructurevalve, protection, fire, pressure, surge1
ishau.nlPublish a report every year on how internationals students experience living in Utrecht and how the municipality, university and other organisations can improve this. Help us by filling in our survey here.utrecht municipality, municipality universityhousing, assistance, report, landlord, survey1
hetoudewandelpark.nlIn 1927, NV Philips Grondmaatschappij (landcompany) bought more than 150 ha. forest and heath land of the municipality of Valkenswaard. Approx. 100 ha was used for the construction of a golf course. The remaining land mostly received the…land municipality, municipality valkenswaardhet, reservation, walk, extensive, selection1
dakakker.nl‘Dakennie’ the educationprogram for primary schools in Rotterdam on the rooftopfarm and is financially supported by Watersensitive Rotterdam , the municipality of Rotterdam and the Waterboard Hoogheemraadschap Schieland en de…rotterdam municipality, municipality rotterdamroof, vegetable, flower, edible, beekeeper1
englishdrivingschool.nlAfter you finish your practical exam you have to file for the driver’s license at the municipality in your city or ‘Stadsdeel’. It takes 5 days to process your request and the costs are 38,40. You can also file for a speed up, this costs…license municipality, municipality citylesson, theory, fear, exam, license1
bee4bim.nlWith our extensive knowledge and experience, we help Contractors, Government Agencies, Municipalities, Provinces, Water boards, Utility companies, and Private Companies to create 3D-BIM models of their buildings and installations. BIM…agency municipality, municipality provincereliable, geographic, efficient, integration, modelling1
mijneigenaankoopmakelaar.nlAfter having worked as a real estate agent for about 10 years, she broadened her real estate knowledge by working at a mortgage intermediary, project developer and at the municipality of The Hague as a construction plan tester.. Monique…developer municipality, municipality haguepurchase, reference, introductory, visit, obligation1
vakantiehuiskalkeifel.nlAhrdorf is located in the municipality Blankenheim. The area is called the “Kalkeifel” (Limestone Eifel). The Kalkeifel is immediately adjacent to the Ahr Eifel, the Vulkan Eifel, Rur Eifel and the North Eifel. With a car ride of 30-40…ahrdorf municipality, municipality blankenheimholiday, german, cozy, river, village1
dreessenadvocaten.nlthe Legal Aid Council will check personal details and the citizen service number with the municipality you are registered with (including your partner’s details, if applicable);number municipality, municipality partneraid, lawyer, fee, court, council1
deopenkaart.nlWe are a design studio specialized in architecture, urban planning, and communications. We work on spatial design challenges through co-creation with residents, municipalities, and other stakeholders.resident municipality, municipality stakeholdercreation, spatial, resident, urban, stakeholder1
weldam.nlWeldam, surrounded by woods, lies in the South West of the Twente Region in the municipality Hof van Twente. It is one of the largest estates in the Eastern part of the Netherlands. Weldam Castle, with its formal garden the avenues…region municipality, municipality hofintroduction, chapel, publication, wood, property1
thegreeninnovationhub.nlThe Green Innovation Hub is an open innovation ecosystem that enables collaboration between public and private partners within the municipality of Almere and the province of Flevoland. Furthermore, the Green Innovation Hub facilitates and…partner municipality, municipality almereprogramme, mobility, contest, digitally, inclusion1
loodgieterfpdeboer.nl"At the municipality of Amsterdam it is nice to know that we can rely on Plumber Frank for years. It's a cliche, but it's usually true."plumber, installation, distribution, measure, heating1
jecorealestate.nlRotterdam is a major Dutch port city and dominating part within the municipality of Rotterdam. Rotterdam is part of the Randstad and is located in South Holland.city municipality, municipality rotterdamestate, property, rental, purchase, apartment1
tandartsutrecht.nl…the regular operating hours. Located at Wilhelminapark, the practice is easily accessible by both public transportation and car. Parking in the streets around the practice is available at the standard parking rates set by the municipality.dental, emergency, dentist, appointment, patient1
eliasconsulting.nl…for phosphate recovery and use of energy from waste water. It is our ambition to make miles with water boards, municipalities and other public and private organisations to create a sustainable society. We can conduct a scan, make policy…board municipality, municipality publicconsulting, chain, sustainability, environmental, supply1
itkuorke.nlGytsjerk is one of 7 villages in the Trynwâlden region, located in the north of the Frisian municipality Tytsjerksteradiel. Leeuwarden is only 10 km away, Dokkum 15 km. In the immediate area is ideal for a beautiful bike ride or a walk…frisian municipality, municipality tytsjerksteradielaccomodation, surrounding, reservation, village, region1
dutchcitydevelopment.nl…the public area. Water features, quays, bridges and new avenues form the new public space that - after construction -will be handed over to the municipality of Diemen in 2022. The construction of the first homes started in September 2015.construction municipality, municipality diemenlogistics, square, urban, wish, central1
wittehuys.nlFree parking spaces are very scarce in Scheveningen. Our hotel has a limited number of parking permits from the municipality of The Hague. If available, you can obtain a parking permit of €24 per night, and with this you can park in the…permit municipality, municipality hagueguest, scenery, itinerary, permit, hague1
rijschoolsimplicity.nlAfter passing the tests, you can apply for a Dutch driving license at your local municipality’s office.local municipality, municipality officelesson, practical, license, theory, automatic1
mulierinstituut.nlThe Mulier Institute has an annual budget of 4 million euros. Half of this budget is funded by an institutional grant from the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The other financial means stem from contract research for third…party municipality, municipality ministryinstitute, physical, woman, highlight, study1
lostmonument.nlWe want to commemorate the widest possible group. This means not only Allied, but also German aircrews who died. In addition, not only in the North Sea but also what crashed in the English Channel and washed up here in the municipality of…channel municipality, municipality egmondago, lost, rear, gunner, north1
muntersconsulting.nlAffiliated with the International Branch of the Dutch Association of Municipalities.consulting, cooperation, effective, advisory, economic1
rotterdamsedakendagen.nlWith text and images by MVRDV, published and formatted by Rotterdam Rooftop Days and commissioned by the municipality of Rotterdam.day municipality, municipality rotterdamrethink, sunday, saturday, pass, friday1
parcmaasresidencethorn.nlOne of the pearls of Central Limburg is the white town of Thorn, located in the municipality of Maasgouw.thorn municipality, municipality maasgouwholiday, luxury, facility, accommodation, enjoyment1
amsterdamenergie.nl…in 30 regions, where each had to come up with a regional strategy to switch to sustainable energy sources by 2030, and subsequently by 2040. Each municipality had to put in a ‘bid’ with detailed plans, no later than at the end of 2021.subsequently municipality, municipality bidoperative, roof, turbine, panel, government1
hetccv.nlFor instance: entrepeneurs, housing associations, health care institutions, departments, municipalities and the police. Assignments vary from organising know-how transfer and promoting cooperation to custom-made advice and process support.department municipality, municipality policehet, crime, prevention, independent, aim1
zuidas.nlThis is the platform of Amsterdam Zuidas. Here you will find everything about the development of the Zuidas area and the construction of Zuidasdok. The municipality of Amsterdam is working on a beautiful city district. Zuidasdok is…zuidasdok municipality, municipality amsterdamdisruption, traffic, accessibility, passenger, south1
raadvanstate.nlNot included are acts under civil law (for example the purchase of land by a municipality or maintenance contracts entered into by a government ministry).land municipality, municipality maintenancecouncil, division, administrative, advisory, court1
windnwheels.nlWe started Wind ’n Wheels because we simple love landsailing. When the financial crisis hit, the municipality of Amsterdam wrote out a competition. Whoever had the best, most original idea with most added value to the city was allowed to…crisis municipality, municipality amsterdamwheel, bit, kid, outing, terrain1
zomerhuisjewijkaanzee.nlWijk aan Zee is a small coastal village in the municipality of Amsterdam in North Holland. In Wijk aan Zee you can choose a hotel, beach house or a summer cottage. A summer cottage is often in people’s backyards and offers an interesting…village municipality, municipality amsterdamaan, coast, rent, season, backyard1
locksmithinamsterdam.nlSurrounding Regions : In addition to serving the neighborhoods and districts within Amsterdam, we also extend our locksmith services to the surrounding regions, including towns and municipalities in the greater Amsterdam area. Whether…town municipality, municipality greatlocksmith, lock, emergency, property, installation1
provit.nlSome of our (hundred) clients are Nationale Nederlanden, the Municipality of Utrecht, Croon Electrotechniek, Movares Nederland, Goudse Verzekeringsmaatschappij, HaskoningDHV Nederland, Wooncorporatie Vivare, RDH Architecten and a…nederlanden municipality, municipality utrechtaffordable, flexible, scale, window, structure1
snippe.nlFor every project, we take a fresh look at the qualities of the site and identify the aspects that will make prospective home owners happy in the project town or village. And we carefully weigh the interests of the municipality and any…interest municipality, municipality partnerapartment, urban, metropolitan, stylish, inn1
food4smiles.nl…between Amsterdam Nieuw-West, VU University Amsterdam (Department of Health Sciences), Fred Foundation and the Municipality of Amsterdam (the Amsterdam Healthy Weight Program, the Amsterdam Health and Opportunity Program), and Sarphati…foundation municipality, municipality amsterdamhealthy, parent, father, broad, growth1
lappennest.nlThe dog beach is located in Noordwijk: From exit 1 in a southerly direction to the border of the municipality of Katwijk a special dog beach has been set up.border municipality, municipality katwijkdog, quiet, rental, forest, dune1
zeilvlootmonnickendam.nlOur sailing fleet’s historical vessels have their home port in Monnickendam’s picturesque inner harbour, in the Waterland municipality.sail, ship, skipper, fleet, historic1
kvba.nl…solutions and cutting-edge products, as well as guaranteeing operational excellence. Evreka enables cross-border waste management companies, local authorities, and municipalities to be more sustainable, smarter, greener, and digital.authority municipality, municipality sustainablewaste, paper, raw, recycle, processing1
drivingschoolholland.nlTo exchange your foreign driving licence for a Dutch driving licence, you will need to apply at the municipality where you are registered. They will forward your exchange application to the RDW.licence municipality, municipality exchangelesson, exam, theory, license, driver1
talentenschiedistrict.nlThe SchieDistrict is an area on the border of Schiedam and Rotterdam where the municipality of Schiedam works together with companies on innovation and development.rotterdam municipality, municipality schiedamcareer, innovative, path, employee, precision1
van-lienden.nlVan Lienden is started in 1992. Our clientele is very varied, from multinationals to private persons. We have a lot of experience in the field of Immigrationlegislation and we have direct lines to Dutch government services (IND, tax…authority municipality, municipality wayrelocation, facility, expat, sense, broad1
ponecdewinter.nlWe have many years of experience in urban planning, together with municipalities, corporations and developers. Initial concept, master plan, spatial quality (appearance) plan, spatial groundwork, changes to the programmatic plan, and all…planning municipality, municipality corporationspatial, collective, architecture, advisor, urban1
ministerievanverbeelding.nlNo concrete plans yet, but you need a vision that the municipality can build upon? We follow closely what happens in society and are well aware of trends and developments in library construction and furnishing, both in the Netherlands and…vision municipality, municipality closelylibrary, manifesto, cultural, institution, programming1
aannemer020.nlThen first do the “Environmental permit for concept application” on the website of the municipality of Amsterdam. This way you can be sure that you have everything in order and our contractor company from Amsterdam can quickly start the…website municipality, municipality amsterdamrenovation, contractor, demolition, bathroom, kitchen1
witsenscheepsbouw.nlThe policy in the Netherlands in the field of aquatic soil archeology is the same as that for archeology on land. Municipalities play an important role by taking into account archeology in the sediment in zoning plans.land municipality, municipality importantshipbuilding, century, ship, maritime, optimal1
zeelandschehof.nl…Millingen aan de Rijn and part of the Gelderse Poort nature reserve. Millingen aan de Rijn has been part of the municipality of Berg en Dal since 2016. An ideal starting point for various cycling and walking routes. A cycling trip to…rijn municipality, municipality berghiker, sustainability, electricity, pleasant, regulation1
trudy-b.nlShe also creates work for public spaces and in commission like this garden bench, which is made in commission of the municipality of Zoetermeer.commission municipality, municipality zoetermeercontemporary, painting, ceramic, exhibition, screen1
groupdecisionroom.nlWith the increasing popularity of artificial turf, more and more schools, clubs, and municipalities are removing their natural grass fields. This helps them reduce their budget and allows more players to practice or participate in…club municipality, municipality naturalproperty, effective, leader, variety, money1
pharos.nlPharos offers tailored advice and support on local approaches to health disparities to 164 targeted municipalities.prevention, literacy, programme, limited, western1
collectiefeigendom.nlAfter several years we managed to buy the building from the municipality as a collective in 2006. For that reason, the OT301 is owned by the association EHBK (First Aid for the Arts) to this day. That time in 2006, the whole process, was…build municipality, municipality collectiveownership, collective, housing, activism, society1
wjongeneel.nlBesides being a fun visualization of concentration, this picture means a bit more to me. For years I have been working at the Wildlife shelter in Delft and the moment has come where the lack of financial support from surrounding…support municipality, municipality criticaldynamical, linear, theory, manifold, function1
juttersflora.nlfind something valuable, they have to hand it in to the wreckmaster. The wreckmaster then tries to find the rightful owner. If he is unable to locate the owner, it will be sold at public auction, with the proceeds going to the municipality.practical, exhibition, exciting, beachcomber, playground1
iwielen.nlBerkel-Enschot is a village in the Netherlands, in the municipality of Tilburg. Formerly, it consisted of two villages, named Berkel and Enschot. Until 1997, Berkel-Enschot was a separate municipality.netherlands municipality, municipality tilburgpanel, mess, measurement, liss, institute1
hetinspectiehuis.nlWe work for private property owners, real estate agents, housing corporations, financial service providers, owners associations, municipalities and (semi-)public institutions, as well as for insurance companies, project developers…association municipality, municipality institutioninspection, pricing, structural, maintenance, property1
m2video.nlWe are a young and creative team that has been working in the Western European market not so long ago, but has already managed to create a video for brands such as ING, as well as for the Utrecht municipality. We can provide videos like…utrecht municipality, municipality videoeffective, consulting, western, promotional, consumer1
jaikwilria.nl…1994, I am working as a sworn wedding officer in the province of South Holland. Besides the marriages in “my” municipality, I also do marriages and wedding ceremonies throughout Europe. You also can find me in Italy on a regular basis…marriage municipality, municipality marriagewedding, marriage, officer, registration, couple1
sanderflight.nl…then I have specialized in surveillance, privacy and cameras. I am self employed and work on a project-by-project basis. My clients are predominantly local municipalities, the national government, police and other law enforcement agencies.local municipality, municipality nationalflight, police, law, enforcement, government1
topmeeting.nlI have vast experience as a speaker and have presented to a variety of target groups. I have given presentations to businesses, municipalities, and various levels of government. I also present to entrepreneurs, business associations and…business municipality, municipality levelspeech, technique, motivational, mental, swiss1
bcld.nlBlockchainlab Drenthe – as a representative of the municipality of Emmen in the BLING project – presented the EnergieKnip use case during the 4th TOKEN Policy Observatory meeting, which was part of the FIWARE Summit 2022. The Summit took…representative municipality, municipality emmensummit, minor, scam, coalition, presentation1
keurmerkprettigwonen.nl…institutions (Maastricht University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and the Jan van Eyck Academy), the municipality of Maastricht, the fire department of South- Limburg, housing corporations (Maasvallei, Servatius, Woonpunt), theacademy municipality, municipality maastrichtpillar, property, accommodation, landlord, housing1
relocationpartner.nl…fit in and feel at home. How do you conclude contracts for energy, internet and TV, a Dutch telephone number. Register with the municipality or apply for a parking permit. A lot of questions where your Relocation Partner can help you with.number municipality, municipality parkingrelocation, landlord, apartment, property, rental1
rojaalplant.nlDue to the municipality’s building plans, the nursery closed on January 1, 2014, and Rojaal Plant has since continued independently.rental, shelf, danish, reliable, rent1
budgetmonitoring.nlThis site of the Center for Budget Monitoring and Citizen participation has been renewed. It will show what the Centre has to offer. All partners, municipalities, residents, trainers and institutions, contribute to the content that is…partner municipality, municipality residentgovernment, participation, civil, money, publication1
epsilon-research.nlEpsilon Research carries out quantitative and qualitative research and policy advice in the field of labour and social security. Epsilon Research offers policy comparisons, (quantitative) policy evaluations, data analysis and advice for…ministry municipality, municipality insurancelabour, analysis, practical, qualitative, ministry1
fortekinderopvang.nlSelf-development is a necessity in a world that never stands still. We believe this can be achieved if we work together. That’s why we work with municipalities, institutions and schools, to learn from each other and share our knowledge…world municipality, municipality institutionparent, toddler, childcare, staff, interest1
molenskralingseplas.nlAt the end of 2016 De Ster and De Lelie were handed over by the municipality of Rotterdam to Stadsherstel Historisch Rotterdam NV. The day-to-day business of the mills is in hand of the volunteers of Stichting Molens aan de Kralingse…lelie municipality, municipality rotterdamspice, tobacco, windmill, visitor, craft1
adoptiegraven-margraten.nl“The American Cemetery is situated along the State Highway Maastricht-Vaals in the Eijsden-Margraten Municipality in the Netherlands. It is one of the biggest cemeteries in the world the only one in The Netherlands. No less than 8,301…margraten municipality, municipality netherlandsamerican, cemetery, donation, commemoration, descendants1
intersolve.nlWe support large retailers in all industries, premium brands, fintech startups, municipalities and other government institutions, parties in the healthcare sector, entertainment, lotteries and distributors. Below you can see a selection…startup municipality, municipality governmentpayment, loyalty, career, electronic, transaction1
mvo-strelitzia.nlThe nursery is located in De lier (municipality of Westland) near The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam.lier municipality, municipality westlandflower, russian, french, german, geen1
hoogenraadplant.nl…have already found it (We do not deliver to sanctioned areas)! It’s the Dutch nursery Hoogenraad in Ederveen, in the Netherlands. Ederveen is a village in the Dutch province of Gelderland, located in the municipality of Ede, a green areagelderland municipality, municipality edenursery, ago, shrub, conifers, stock1
taxusadviesgroep.nlWe advise on the optimization of Taxes. Our lawyers represent clients in cases against the IRS, Municipalities and other authorities. We support acquisitions as well as communication with governmental authorities and financial parties.irs municipality, municipality authoritystructure, fiscal, proceedings, entrepreneur, effectiveness1
visitreuseldemierden.nl"Reusel-De Mierden, a municipality with an environment that radiates tranquility and space, where small is the magic word for greatness. A place for everyone who loves to enjoy, history, coziness, culture, and relaxation! Where people…mierden municipality, municipality environmentvisit, overnight, accommodation, calendar, holiday1
studentmobility.nlWe'll inform you of everything that's relevant for you to know as an incoming international student in the Netherlands, including public transportation, registering at the municipality, opening a Dutch bank account, getting a bike, etc.transportation municipality, municipality dutchmobility, arrival, assistance, transportation, partnership1
mizze.nlAre you looking for a technical consultant to support your next IT project? We have experience in SME+ and Enterprise organizations in various industries such as universities, municipalities, retail and more.university municipality, municipality retailefficiency, exam, identity, intune, broad1
salonbootdejonckvrouw.nlThe most unique saloon boat in Amsterdam. This former management vessel of the municipality of Amsterdam was used for private cruises with Presidents, Heads of State, Mayors and Royal families.vessel municipality, municipality amsterdamboat, canal, captain, rental, morning1
gaysaunamaastricht.nlThe hamlet of Kelmond is situated in the hills belonging to the municipality of Beek. Beek is first mentioned in a document dated 947 as Becha. Several historic buildings adorn the territory of Beek and one of them is Kelmonderhof. The…hill municipality, municipality beekfacility, rate, lady, couple, minded1
voedselbankhouten.nlWe are here for all residents of the municipality of Houten who do not have enough to buy food. We support these households with food packages for as long as needed.resident municipality, municipality houtenpackage, volunteer, refugee, clothing, shelf1
cemada.nlAs an extension of my graduation assignment, I am currently conducting research in collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam into the collection and use of data in public places in the city of Amsterdam.collaboration municipality, municipality amsterdamarchitecture, collaboration, stakeholder, boundaries, interest1
instore-media.nlBundle store based on zip codes and with the push of a button, specific local content and commercials can be heard in predefined regions, provinces, municipalities and even separate local stores.province municipality, municipality separatechannel, insert, promotion, atmosphere, identity1
zorgzaam010.nlWelcome to the platform for volunteer work of the municipality of Rotterdam. On Zorgzaam010 you can easily and safely find something that suits you: from volunteer (work) to doing good in your own way. Everything with which you make…work municipality, municipality rotterdamvolunteer, flexible, request, walk, frequently1
casanadia.nlAlkmaar is located near t he municipality of Bergen that has 25 kilometers of beaches, forest, dunes and polders with particular flora and fauna. In Bergen there are plenty of possibilities for swimming, cycling and hiking.near municipality, municipality bergendune, forest, near, stay, bedroom1
bethshoshanna.nlWe appreciated all your support, which helped us to find a new home: the 19th century shul of ‘Raalte’. And thanks to our activism and media-attention, the municipality will notsynagogue, entrepreneur, jewish, background, hall1
boerhoutconsultancy.nlIn close cooperation with Scholten Awater, Arjen has brought the latest Toshiba Mobile Zero Clients to the attention of corporate accounts including banks, insurances, municipalities and the Dutch police.insurance municipality, municipality dutchtarget, identity, relationship, improvement, audience1
ravellinederland.nlAfter many years of research, we have built up a reliable genealogy that goes back to 1515. Because of privacy reasons, we do not use information on our website after 1900 but, if one of your ancestors has the name Ravelli and origins…origin municipality, municipality druognotree, chapel, church, archive, ancestor1
maartenvandevenphotography.nlAt the end of the last century, the North Holland and South Holland municipalities of Lansingerland, Zoetermeer, Ridderkerk and Velzen covered garbage dumps, waste heaps or rubble dumps in their outer areas with landscape parks. These…holland municipality, municipality lansingerlandlandscape, cityscape, garbage, century, extent1
hgroefsema.nl…business process systems. eGovernment serves as an illustrative example of reuse. In this case study, all local municipalities need to implement the same general legal process while adapting it to the local business practices and IT…local municipality, municipality generalconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability1
logistiekbereikbaar.nlTogether with many partners, Limburg municipalities and companies are working on smart and sustainable logistics.limburg municipality, municipality companylogistics, freight, secondary, mile, viable1
dordtspatriciershuis.nlIn 1609 the municipality of Dordrecht decides to excavate the Wolwevershaven. This creates a better flow whereby the Nieuwe Haven is no longer inaccessible. On both sides of the Wolwevershaven quays are constructed along which originally…century, premise, monumental, historic, harbour1
du-talksdam.nlDid you have to start civic integration on January 1, 2022 or later? Your PIP will tell you whether you need to do the MAP. You do the MAP at your municipality. It is about working and looking for work in the Netherlands and consists of 2…map municipality, municipality worktalk, integration, lesson, german, spanish1
caibeekbergen.nl“We are very proud that we can organize the Horse Spectacle again and extremely grateful for the trust of the Province of Gelderland, the municipality of Apeldoorn and our sponsors. Together we do our utmost to make this edition a success…gelderland municipality, municipality apeldoornjuly, dressage, horse, pair, entrance1
jacobijnerkerkhof.nl…or the Hoeksterend car park at 500 meters from the house. With these parking garages you can also take out a monthly or annual subscription. You can request a parking permit from the municipality of Leeuwarden under certain conditions.permit municipality, municipality leeuwardenfully, temporary, historic, middle, cozy1
reloconsult.nlFabienne was of tremendous support when we settled in the Netherlands last summer. She has helped on every front, from finding and renting a nice house suitable to our needs, setting up our admin such as opening bank accounts, registering…account municipality, municipality temporaryrelocation, estate, responsibility, hague, expat1
cleagow.nlis used for cleaning up festival grounds and in winter it is used to suck leaves for various municipalities.freedom, memory, friendship, ultimate, precious1
homeflex.nlWe realise temporary, modular accommodation for flex workers. In these apartments, every resident has their own bedroom, own sanitary facilities and a spacious living room. These projects are realised thanks to a close partnership with…staff, estate, accommodation, frequently, fault1
janshuisartsen.nl…in addition, general practitioners often charge additional fees. And should it ever happen that you need care outside opening hours, you will usually only be helped at a GP clinic if you are registered with a GP in the same municipality.accessibility, patient, near, quickly, appointment1
buurtpeilingmaastricht.nlThe municipality conducts a buurtpeiling (neighbourhood poll) throughout Maastricht every 4 years. We use the results to take targeted action or tackle issues in the neighbourhoods, or to discover whether our previous initiatives have…neighbourhood, resident, neighborhood, survey, tackle1
securityservicesnederland.nl…we have the right people for every situation. We also have a lot of experience with large-scale security projects that involve multiple parties. To this end, we work closely with the municipality, police and other government agencies.closely municipality, municipality policedog, situation, government, atmosphere, cooperation1
stedingroep.nl…facilitate this. If we all roll up our sleeves and really get to work on it, we will succeed. Politicians, municipalities, market parties, customers and us. Because only then will access to energy in our world continue to be as…politician municipality, municipality marketgrid, relation, investor, shareholder, responsible1
eindhoven247.nlEindhoven247 is a hospitable organisation that, on behalf of the Municipality of Eindhoven, provides social services that contribute to a strong positioning and hospitable experience of the city.behalf municipality, municipality eindhoventourist, host, permit, subsidy, events1
beeholder.nlThe municipality of Heerlen allows employees to automatically receive a periodic vitality budget through this applica...august, successfully, reference, resident, employee1
itconnectancy.nlIn the health sector: several hospitals, financial institutions, in the education sector: several universities, ICT-companies, Managed Service Providers, government institutions like several municipalities, companies in the food and tech…like municipality, municipality companycapital, employee, operation, usually, cooperation1
toprkassa.nlWe have helped many organisations, shops, golf courses, municipalities and corporations with their digital POS, loyalty systems, transport solutions, CRM solutions and access systems. We think outside the box and arrange ready-made…course municipality, municipality corporationpayment, unprecedented, loyalty, competitive, unrivalled1
startfest.nlStartFest. An initiative by Werk in Zicht, the collaboration of municipalities, UWV, and social development companies in the labor market region of Groningen and North Drenthe. This project is made possible in part by the National Program…collaboration municipality, municipality uwvnorth, vibrant, educator, possibility, employment1
theweathermakers.nlThe municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch wants to redevelop the polder into a river nature park as part of the Green Delta Program.weather, earth, cycle, engine, stakeholder1
duurzaamutrecht2030.nlStudents and volunteers ask Utrecht residents with a small purse how they want to live sustainably. In teams, students, the municipality, companies and social organizations come up with combinations of affordable and sustainable products…student municipality, municipality companygrocery, organic, poverty, vegetable, mobility1
dobberendbos.nlThe Municipality of Rotterdam has designated the harbor as test site for innovation and sustainable initiatives that will enhance the liveability and vivacity in the city.forest, artwork, tree, sustainability, background1
francocorelli.nl…of Italy; this liberation brought about Corelli's first public concert! You'll look in on Corelli's work in the municipality, follow his first serious efforts to sing, including his first recording session, all of which occurred before hework municipality, municipality effortbirthday, proudly, prince, lesson, career1
adventist-heerlen.nlWeekly program with contributions from various members of the municipalities of Eindhoven and Heerlen and a reflection by our pastor Tabitha Cedeniomember municipality, municipality eindhovenbible, study, request, prayer, church1
dehoffstal.nlWelcome to the website of Bed and Breakfast de Hoffstal. This former stable from 1928, now renovated into a B&B, is located in one of the oldest avenues in the village of Sassenheim in the municipality of Teylingen. The luxurious rooms…sassenheim municipality, municipality teylingenoutside, pricing, scenery, village, dune1
normalehuur.nlThe municipality wants to make Utrecht a place where everyone can live affordably and safely. That starts with you knowing your rights as a tenant. Furthermore, the municipality can call landlords to account if they break the rules. We…furthermore municipality, municipality landlordrent, landlord, maintenance, reasonable, rental1
mountadvies.nlMount Consultancy has extensive experience in permit procedures in the equestrian sector and Feije’s customer-friendly approach makes her ideal for managing the process with the municipalitymount, equestrian, spatial, horse, countryside1
the404.nlA little Python script that pulls data from York Region's website, and creates a graph of daily new case counts since the start of the pandemic for the selected municipality.release, grade, utility, github, january1
corienvanrijn.nl…teams. Changes were the order of the day. She worked for large Tech Companies such as Getronics, KPN, IBM, Exact, Microstrategy, Sentenial and Nuapay. But also the government, municipalities and foundations are on the list.government municipality, municipality foundationcompetence, technological, commerce, automation, innovative1
eemswerken.nlThe municipality of Nice requested the transportation of sand. Nice is preparing a building area to construct a subway station. All the materials, such as sand and stone, are being removed. MV Eems Solar is taking care of the…hatch, hold, draught, imo, flag1
radarstation.nlIt was known the German occupier built a radarstation with that animal name 'near the town of Diemen'. But when, where and how it looked was unknown. An investigation in 1996 by the Municipality of Diemen and the Dutch Royal Air Force…investigation municipality, municipality diemenunknown, german, archive, usage, near1
kinderpraktijkuithoorn.nlIf you want to be eligible for reimbursement, a referral from the general practitioner or the youth team of the municipality is required in all cases. For new registrations, please fill in the registration form.team municipality, municipality casereimbursement, treatment, behavioural, difficulty, complaint1
trimension.nlWe work, for example, for the national government, safety regions, emergency services, municipalities, water boards, the healthcare sector and a wide range of companies. Within these sectors, we have experience with various levels: from…service municipality, municipality waterresilience, evaluation, session, programme, motivate1
uptrek.nlUpTrek has been successfully implemented at various companies and organizations, including the German Targo Bank, the Municipality of Amsterdam, Amadeus, Rotterdam School of Management, and Rhenus Contract Logistics.bank municipality, municipality amsterdamdiscover, mechanic, employee, interactive, session1
xlab.nlOur KeDo implementations are used by municipalities, welfare organizations and sports clubs, among others, to support their organizational and work processes.implementation municipality, municipality welfarepossibility, reference, consulting, youth, proud1
ictu.nlICTU’s professional field is the digital government. We work in projects, using craftsmanship, with passion for the public interest and not for profit. In doing so we work for all government departments: government, provinces…province municipality, municipality watergovernment, improve, whilst, balance, workable1
deividas.nlIn year 2020, the current Kunsthal burns down by an accident, the whole is building is lost. The municipality of Rotterdam asks for new building to host the art collection. The design for new Kunsthal, called Art Valley, tackles issues…accident municipality, municipality rotterdammonastery, steel, architectural, worldwide, mockup1
doamsterdam.nlDOA takes in stray animals from the municipalities of Amsterdam, Beemster, Diemen, Edam-Volendam, Landsmeer, Purmerend and Waterland. Animals that the owner is (temporarily) unable to care for due to a crisis can also come to us. We are…animal municipality, municipality amsterdamshelter, animal, dog, cat, thousand1
cornelis-amsterdam.nlSchielandplein will be realized by the municipality. The designers of the public space have made a beautiful plan to create a pleasant and lively neighborhood square for residents, employees, visitors and passers-by. The low-traffic…schielandplein municipality, municipality designerapartment, residential, bedroom, facade, approx1
netwerkprogramma.nlIn 2017 I took the initiative for an energy cooperative that works by, for and with residents of the six villages in our municipality. We are building an environment where it becomes common for residents to invest in a sustainable society…village municipality, municipality environmenthumanity, origin, framework, universe, perspective1
geothermie.nlenergy sources, but also consultancies, engineering firms, district heating companies and network operators. We welcome municipalities and other regional government organisations to join us as ‘Kennispartners’ (Knowledge Exchange Partners).operator municipality, municipality regionalgeothermal, heat, association, greenhouse, pipe1
jads.nlJADS is a unique cooperation between the Province of North Brabant, the Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology. More about JADSbrabant municipality, municipality hertogenboschlab, entrepreneurship, study, requirements, admission1
bronvandoen.nlWe are passionate about improving people's socio-economic capacity through creative talent development. When working with municipalities and public institutions, we explore how design can augment existing services and programmes to better…development municipality, municipality publiccooperation, economy, civic, economic, societal1
vbtverhuurmakelaars.nlWhile searching for your dream home, you have probably come across the word "Housing Permit". A housing permit is an official licence that some municipalities require for renting or buying a property. The purpose of a housing permit is…licence municipality, municipality propertyproperty, rental, directly, listing, suitable1
snconsulting.nlOne can only wonder what Uber would have achieved if, from the early days, it viewed municipalities, cities and towns, and not just Uber riders, as its customers.day municipality, municipality cityconsulting, narrative, strategic, stakeholder, advisory1
freulefroukje.nlLocated in the beautiful and cozy Frisian Joure in the municipality De Friese Meren. Only 12 minutes walking distance from the center of Joure. Sneek and Heerenveen at 10 car minutes away, Frisian lakes and forest areas at a short distance.joure municipality, municipality deterrace, kitchen, roof, frisian, rate1
chalkandduster.nlThe Chalk and Duster Tuition Center is located in the place Amstelveen, the municipality of Amstelveen, and the province of North Holland. This is highly accessible via public transport ( nearest bus station ‘Westwijkplein’ is a 2-minute…amstelveen municipality, municipality amstelveenchalk, curiosity, vacation, learner, teacher1
huizenbeheermaastricht.nlAs the biggest caretaker of privately owned real-estate we are actively involved in societal policy making. Huizen Beheer Maastricht has been actively involved as a stakeholder for the municipality of Maastricht and the province of…stakeholder municipality, municipality maastrichtproperty, landlord, fire, estate, optimal1
pieterheynen.nlPieter Heynen Nurseries is located in Helden, in the municipality of Peel and Maas, and in 1984 started growing shrubs and conifers.helden municipality, municipality peelstock, nursery, shrub, assortment, conifers1
dekleinekolonel.nlBed & Breakfast is located inside the National Park, on a 2km long dirt road outside the village of Haarle in the municipality of Hellendoorn. We offer an exceptional location in a truly rural setting. Our guests will experience nature in…haarle municipality, municipality hellendoornsurrounding, accomodation, pricing, season, autumn1
fietssnelwegf35.nlTogether with ProRail, the municipality of Enschede is preparing an important link between Enschede-west (Kennispark via Twekkelerzoom) to the city center and Central Station. The route will have a bridge over the Singel, creating an…prorail municipality, municipality enschedesustainability, bicycle, entire, resident, path1
bijdebolle.nlIf you'd like to learn more about the rich history and historical landmarks of West Betuwe, we recommend taking a look at the Canon of West Betuwe . This Canon was compiled in 2019 by the municipality and offers a collection of 50…canon municipality, municipality collection, formation municipality, municipality westbij, apartment, stay, bike, river1
darynature.nlThe Dary Natury company was founded in the 90s in a small village of Koryciny, hidden among the forests, in the Podlasie municipality of Grodzisk. This is where the owner of the company comes from, Mirosław Angielczyk, who collects herbs…podlasie municipality, municipality grodziskherbal, herb, organic, holiday, plantation1
greenport-shuttle.nlMichael Kors, PVH Logistics, Bleckmann, DSV Solutions, Stryker ESCS and VidaXL Enterprising Venlo, the municipalities of Venlo, Horst and Venray, Trendsportal, the province of Limburg, Arriva and the Greenport Venlo development company.venlo municipality, municipality venloride, logistics, esc, stryker, enterprising1
amstelveen.nlYou can visit the town hall by appointment only. All walk-in hours are closed. The municipality of Amstelveen can be reached digitally and by telephone.hour municipality, municipality amstelveentown, hall, parking, sponsorship, proof1
hansbossmann.nlMade possible by the Municipality of Haarlem, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, J.C. Ruigrokstichting, Rebup, St. squares dots +lines.possible municipality, municipality haarlemvoor, square1
zeewoldevoorelkaar.nlSaturday April 6 was 'The Change Day' again. This is a national initiative of the Present foundation together with Church in Action. In Zeewolde, this day has been organized for several years by the Protestant Municipality of Zeewolde…protestant municipality, municipality zeewoldevolunteer, request, frequently, smile, consultation1
adynenetherlands.nlOur focus involves advising former refugees and immigrants to play constructive roles in aiding newcomers in their municipalities. Through collaboration with volunteering former immigrants and refugees, we facilitate integration, acting…newcomer municipality, municipality collaborationcultural, integration, migration, purpose, understand1
maakdebeweging.nlThe Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar programme office is a joint venture between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), the Province of Limburg, and all sixteen South Limburg municipalities.south, accessibility, bicycle, programme, exercise1
rostuff.nl29 Oct The municipality of Leeuwarden is taking a step in rapid digital innovation 2019-10-29oct municipality, municipality leeuwardenprogramming, file, oct, headquarter, wanna1
ttcampingstadsbroek.nlTT Campsite STADSBROEK offers clean, complete, pleasant and safe camping at a reasonable price! Note: Because the municipality increased the tax sharply during the TT, we are forced to slightly raise our prices. We count on your…price municipality, municipality taxcampsite, rule, reservation, overnight, stay1
jeroenrood.nl…the wild" in the specific neighborhood that was targeted. Throughout the process, our team had intense collaboration between the municipality of Eindhoven, the neighborhood inhabitants of Eckart-Vaartbroek, as well as the project owners.collaboration municipality, municipality eindhovenux, visual, industrial, situation, selection1
wassenaar.nl…possibilities to go out. Furthermore, Wassenaar offers widespread opportunities to explore arts and culture and enjoy the lively shopping center. The municipality is home to quality education, for primary and secondary education alike.center municipality, municipality homeregistration, municipal, parking, separation, secondary1
bource-snikkenburg.nlTaking a personal approach has allowed us to build a broad and loyal client base over the years. It now includes SMEs and listed multinationals to municipalities and national government agenciesmultinational municipality, municipality nationaltaxis, tax, connection, government, sme1
clinic.nl…of dedicated and talented people. The group of partners continues to grow. At present, we get support from the municipality of Amsterdam, our 9 partner offices, the Institute for Information law and a group of generous donors. You too…support municipality, municipality amsterdamlaw, incubator, lawyer, collaboration, practical1
air-portal.nlAIR-Portal is developed by S[&T] in Delft in cooperation with several knowledge institutes and European municipalities. S[&]T has more than 18 years of experience in remote sensing, data processing, data science, and software engineering…european municipality, municipality yearaccurate, forecast, street, region, integrate1
luukrosenquist.nl“What is the best way for a resident to receive assistance from the municipality when they have questions?”assistance municipality, municipality questionphase, effectively, discover, section, assistance1
visitenschede.nlEnschede, or Eanske as the locals say, is a municipality and a city in the eastern Netherlands near the German border. The municipality of Enschede consisted of the city of Enschede until 1935, when the rural municipality of Lonneker…local municipality, municipality city, border municipality, municipality enschede, rural municipalitycultural, sleep, highlight, parking, dining1
indeoudezagerij.nlYou are staying in a Zunderdorp. A small-scale city village in the rural part of the municipality of Amsterdam. Zunderdorp breathes the village character everywhere, with a central church, farms, picturesque bridges and various wooden…rural municipality, municipality amsterdamwooden, village, bike, discover, cycling1
h-vision.nlThe H-vision concept is supported by the CO 2 abatement strategies of the municipality Rotterdam, the Province of South Holland, the national government and the European Commission. Furthermore, the national government has created a new…strategy municipality, municipality rotterdamclimate, hydrogen, carbon, emission, chemical1
helpdeskwater.nl…involved in water policy, water management and water safety-issues in The Netherlands. The Helpdesk Water was created through a collaboration between the Dutch government, provinces, municipalities and the local water board's union.province municipality, municipality localprofessionally, primarily, involve, naar, legislation1
kinderopvangpurmerend.nlEvery week, the toddlers have gym from a qualified teacher. Having exercise is fun and good for motoric development. You can apply for a child care allowance or subsidy for toddler care from the municipality of Purmerend, depending on…care municipality, municipality purmerendtoddler, childcare, region, daycare, favorite1
les-biches.nl…house was completely renovated under architecture, while retaining original details. The house is located in the municipality of Crux-la-Ville, just outside the Morvan, between the towns of Corbigny and Prémery. View the location of the…house municipality, municipality cruxwood, french, bedroom, window, stove1
dichterfanfryslan.nlArjan Hut (Drachten, 1976) grew up in Surhuisterveen and published his first poetry book ‘Nachtswimmers’ in 2004. He was previously poet laureate of Leeuwarden and was appointed Wâld poet of the municipality of Achtkarspelen in 2019 for…poet municipality, municipality achtkarspelenpoet, poem, poetry, alive, travelling1
envisionrealestate.nlAs a former legal expert of the municipality of Leiden, Cherry -Ann is experienced in the governmental law of housing and real-estate. The law in the Netherlands concerning housing and permits is constructed over several layers, from…expert municipality, municipality leidenenvision, estate, investment, property, investor1
poundwise.nlThis value may be set too high by the municipality. If this should happen, then Poundwise can lodge an objection on your behalf free of charge.high municipality, municipality poundwisetax, insurance, mortgage, divorce, bookkeeping1
desektor.nlWe were asked by the municipality to conduct qualitative research to help give perspective in the current Cultural Ecosystem. Together with our supporters we have Continue reading Advice Regarding the Relationship between Real Estate…cat, cultural, estate, subsidy, leader1
icattextielrestauratie.nlWe receive our commissions from museums, municipalities, the Rijksgebouwendienst (Dutch Government Building Department), churches, associations, charities and private individuals. Caring for both historically and culturally important, as…museum municipality, municipality rijksgebouwendiensttapestry, century, carpet, textile, restoration1
bnb-vechtoever.nlIt is situated beside 'de Parel van Zuilem (the former Municipality House Zuilen) with its beautiful garden designed by the architect Springer.zuilem municipality, municipality housedescription, river, arrival, rate, find1
ericwesterveld.nl…boek’ is written especially for children aged between seven and twelve, living in Delfshaven. Delfshaven is a municipality of Rotterdam where 70% of the inhabitants are immigrants, where, on an average, many children have lower grades…delfshaven municipality, municipality rotterdamwriter, versatile, independent, housing, government1
himalaya-resources.nlAs most of our construction work, we start with the need assessment of the area. This time it was Musure Tole of Tripurasundari Rural Municipality, Ward no. 4 and Pabidal of Tripurasundari Rural Municipality, Ward no. 2.rural municipality, municipality wardresource, donation, roof, tree, traditional1
internationalerechtshulp.nlThe Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of four constituent countries: Aruba, Curacao, the Netherlands and Sint Maarten. In addition, there are three special municipalities, namely: Bonaire, Sint Eustasius and Saba (BES islands). The part…special municipality, municipality bonairerequest, authority, assistance, foreign, mutual1
cqv-llc-ambassade.nl©All rights reserved – All rights deserved – All rights invoked – All rights detained – No rights Waived, No Liabillity, No assurance, To Not Resign To The Municipality Subscription Basic Registration Presumptive Persons BRP Ends All…assurance municipality, municipality subscriptionlaw, trust, membership, principle, heir1
swanadvisory.nlWe focus our servicing on (inter)nationally operating corporates, Private Equity firms, family offices, municipalities, public sector and scale-ups.office municipality, municipality publicinsurance, risk, continuity, assist, essence1
wepublic.nlInsights: An industrial company wants to be involved in the housing plans of a (large) municipality next to its site. The municipality is approaching the company on the basis of…large municipality, municipality site, site municipality, municipality companyaffairs, stakeholder, strategic, reputation, decisive1
legrandbiard.nlThis unique, charming Château and its surrounding cottages are located in the French municipality, Céré la Ronde. Lying just south of the Cher River it is situated in the 37th department Indre-et-Loire of France in the Loire Valley…french municipality, municipality céréregion, rate, guestbook, wine, town1
eetmee.nlIn the municipality of Utrecht, there are various asylum shelter locations for refugees from all over the world. To provide residents with a homey moment and to meet Dutch locals, Eet Mee organizes Come & Eat. Here, you can host a dinner…dinner, ukrainians, eet, vacancy, festive1
zonnestraal.nla Hilversum sanatorium. The entire complex is made in a pioneering design from the ‘Nieuwe Bouwen’ period, built between forest and the heathlands. For the municipality of Hilversum, this national monument is nowadays a proud heritage site.heathland municipality, municipality hilversumlater, estate, convention, discover, architecture1
burgmechanisatie.nlIn the past few years our customer poule has grown more diverse. Now we deliver, construct and repair machines for the construction of greenhouses, for gardeners and landscapers, municipalities, road workers and private individuals. In…landscaper municipality, municipality roadgreenhouse, glass, engine, smooth, extendable1
kerkhof-dorpskerk-voorschoten.nlThe follow grave (left), nr. 84 , we visit is of the two police officers who died together with mayor Berkhout. The text read: “In memory of a fatal accident on the 9 th of August 1944, whereby police officers of this municipality…officer municipality, municipality adriaanguest, leave, section, church, path1
computd.nl…leveraging machine learning co-training to refine the process. Insights on travel patterns and seasonal trends emerge, showcasing the intricate dance of tourists across municipalities, supported by expertise from Maastricht University.tourist municipality, municipality expertiseexplore, artificial, intelligence, integration, incubator1
z-cert.nlZ-CERT closely collaborates with other (inter-)national CERTs, such as the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) and the Information Security Service (ISS) for the municipalities, on a daily basis. Z-CERT is a foundation with a…iss municipality, municipality dailycert, healthcare, institution, response, emergency1
portal-eindhoven.nl…Henri van Abbe Foundation, the Eindhoven Museum, the Archaeological Society and the monument department of the Municipality. Although we are mainly into pots and bones, books and photographs, we were surprised with virtual and augmented…department municipality, municipality mainly, initiator municipality, municipality focusrelease, realisation, heritage, initiative, association1
studentenverzekeringen.nl, you need to take out public healthcare insurance in the Netherlands. To take out Dutch public healthcare insurance, you must have a Dutch ID number (Citizen Service Number or BSN). You can apply for an ID number at your local…insurance, healthcare, liability, allowance, deductible1
pilepusherpro.nl. No nuisance whatsoever for local residents! This method is certainly ideal for local authorities. We are a rural municipality, and most of the construction is executed within the various village centres. The pushing method for prefab…rural municipality, municipality constructionpile, pusher, push, vibration, fundamentally1
taxicentrale-krimpenerwaard.nlDo you need transport to or from Krimpenerwaard? Or a taxi from Krimpenerwaard to Schiphol or Rotterdam Airport? We drive from the Municipality of Krimpenerwaard and other surrounding places to all destinations. Contact us directly to…airport municipality, municipality krimpenerwaardride, rate, function, frequently, driver1
koningsdaginemmen.nlThe Royal route has been confirmed! The municipality and the Royal House have determined the route.route municipality, municipality royalking, orange, entire, saturday, celebration1
bbbosrandgroesbeek.nlGroesbeek (municipality of Berg en Dal) has a lot to offer. My contribution exists of giving you a ‘homefeeling’ for a shorter or longer period of time.groesbeek municipality, municipality bergapartment, pricing, reservation, ground, scale1
abouteducation.nlgovernment employees, you need to have at least an understanding about the relationship between local government, municipality and communities. Does local government provide the required services to the communities? And are communities…government municipality, municipality communityjoint, disaster, traditional, cooperation, western1
ejcta.nlof participants from many different countries ride two criteriums, twee challenging omloop and one time trial in Assen and the surrounding municipalities. Participation from (the year you turn) 8 years to 18 years. Participate and register!assen municipality, municipality participationcycling, july, participant, registration, rider1
northseadesign.nlIn the municipalities of Lochem, Bronckhorst, Zutphen and Deventer and surroundings, we personally deliver your order with furniture and sensitive lighting at no extra cost and, if required, take the packaging material back with us.chair, furniture, north, table, scandinavian1
nielsmanders.nlAs part of his bachelor's degree journey, Niels took up a minor in Digital Experience Design at Fontys University of Applied Science . During this semester-long course, he delved into the overall user experience of different digital…bank municipality, municipality haarlemux, usability, analysis, researcher, near0
shellwatch.nlShell says that it supports the Paris climate goals. However, the company annually invests many billions of euros in oil and gas. What is Shell’s true role in the energy transition? ShellWatch contrasts Shell’s actions with its words.climate, oil, january, october, february0
significance.nlSignificance developes Urban freight simulator in project 'Harmony' for the ECmunicipality amsterdamdeze, significance, vacancy, publication, freight0
debibliotheekamstelland.nlOn this page you will find useful information about the library, its services and some 'living in the Netherlands' video's. We are happy to inform you in person in one of our libraries, by phone or mail .behalf municipality, municipality amstelveenlibrary, membership, healthcare, useful, connection0
lifestylemassagenoordwijkerhout.nlLifestyle Massage Noordwijkerhout offers professional massages for relaxation and the treatment of (chronic) pain and physical complaints.municipality noordwijktherapy, relaxation, pain, complaint, chronic0
allabouthousing.nlMaastricht, by many considered the most beautiful city of the country, is the southernmost city of the Netherlands. It’s the capital of the province of Limburg and famous for what the Dutch call the “Burgundian” way of life. Dutch and…municipality taxishousing, rental, apartment, taxis, sight0
storytelling-centre.nlIn addition to being an international training centre and theatre and festival producer, Storytelling Centre is also a knowledge bank. Since our establishment in January 2012, applied storytelling, which started with neighbourhood…theatre, deze, worldwide, growth, society0
xomnia.nlCentralize all your data sources with Xomnia's data engineering and architecture expertisegovernment municipalityexecution, guide, insurance, consulting, infrastructure0
nationalebruggenbank.nl…renovation or replacement – each providing an ideal opportunity to contribute to our climate targets. If you have a bridge to offer, let us know – we can offer it through the site. Or if you’re in need of a bridge, we – the Dutch Bridge…municipality groningenbridge, length, function, steel, width0
droomproducten.nlEcoVitae TWIX -Rechargeable LED Solar camping lamp, waterproof, portable, plastic, emergency Outdoor Solar LED Stage Flame Lamp This LED camping light made of high quality ABS is lightweight, compaulvenhout municipality, municipality bredaemergency, portable, flashlight, powerfull, bulb0
mobilewatermanagement.nlMWM offers plug-and-play and tailor made mobile solutions for operational water management and drinking water sectors. Our image and sound recognition technologies read water parameters and transform these into actionable insights.gauge, utility, measure, integrate, groundwater0
cm3-custommade.nlCollections… About Us… News… Contact… English… Municipality AssenStation bench…municipality amsterdam, municipality assen, municipality emmen, municipality eindhoven, municipality geldropeveryday, architecture, protection, collision, shape0
delft-esteli.nlTwinning Delft-Estelí will provide Esteli with €1500 for corona-related emergency…municipality delftchurch, trade, educational, friendship, town0
estateamsterdam.nlis managed and consultations are held with all stakeholders through, for example, the residents' committee. Amsterdam Real Estate offers more than just temporary housing, Amsterdam Real Estate is a partner in a responsible housing situationlaw municipality, municipality amsterdamestate, property, rental, trust, housing0
migration-background.nlHistorical migration background data for every postcode and city in the Netherlands. Detailed data on residents with Dutch, Western, Non-Western, European, African, Asian, American, Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese backgrounds.province municipality, municipality categorybackground, migration, resident, american, turkish0
wiwitjiook.nlBogor, Indonesia, Villa Duta Residential Development Project, head landscape divisionrotterdam municipality, municipality rotterdamlandscape, indonesia, institute, ecology, residential0
autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl…information systems… All themes… View Uber fined €10 million for…fine municipality, municipality voorschotenreport, breach, complaint, career, dictionary0
lifehousezwolle.nlPrayers form the songs of our heart, the hope of our thoughts and the music of our soul. By praying we can overcome all adversity and find joy. We can overcome difficulties and be delivered. Pray with us. Discover the power in you.church, soul, sermon, oops, later0
rcsg.nlThe Rijswijk Centre for Sustainable Geo-energy (RCSG) is a unique open innovation lab for improving geo-energy technologies to accelerate the energy transition. There is a particular focus on geothermal energy, an increasingly important…alderman municipality, municipality rijswijkdrilling, facility, transition, heat, lab0
waff.nl…to reportage, from portraiture to illustrative work and lately I also have been working with video. I will try to update this online portfolio frequently and it will therefore provide you with an impression of my latest projects.utrecht municipalitycompetition, portrait, campaign, perform, publicity0
bureauzelfstandigenfryslan.nlFor starting entrepreneurs, but also for entrepreneurs who got into financial difficulties.collaborate municipalityentrepreneur, debt, guidance, entrepreneurship, frisian0
traffic-care.nlThe separate detection of cyclists and pedestrians in order to be able to offer a safe crossing at 'wide' crossings and to maintain traffic flow (such as the Turbo-kluif roundabout in Papendrecht).municipality haarlemmermeer, municipality rotterdamtraffic, crossing, detection, capability, applicability0
kasperwerther.nlEducational animation about Dutch professor Franciscus Cornelis Donders for [...]explainer municipality, municipality goereeanimation, bouncy, motion, binary, continuous0
maritimecampus.nlThe Maritime Campus Netherlands (MCN) is a collaboration between a number of research institutes, education institutes (from secondary vocational up to university level), businesses and government bodies.maritime, government, assumption, economically, viable0
hollandtimes.nl…international schools, hotels, house brokers, financial institutes, expat centers, restaurants, libraries, children day care centers, language schools, social clubs, movies houses and specifies shops focused on expats. Further More, moreexpat, guide, hague, money, christmas0
rdadvocaten.nlRukiye assists private individuals and entrepreneurs (from abroad) with immigration law issues.immigration, law, asylum, detention, criminal0
ru.nlCurrent students and staff members can find information about services and facilities they may need while studying or working at Radboud University in the sections for students and employees.registration municipalityprogramme, assessment, facility, study, grant0
the-digital-photographer.nlWelcome to, The Digital Photographer Here you find pictures I make during my trips around the world.photographer, norway, temple, tower, street0
petrahofs.nlMy name is Petra. I am a mom & partner. I connect people in projects. I teach yoga. I live a conscious life. I am a former athlete. Serious & spontaneous at the same time. Where focus goes, energy flows. I enjoy the feeling of excitement…design municipality, municipality opportunityconscious, passionate, teacher, certified, movement0
getec-energyservices.nlGETEC Group with its platforms throughout Europe develops energy solutions for its customers that are both economical and environmentally-friendly. We firmly believe that we can make a real contribution to greater sustainability. Find out…estate, supply, generation, visitor, reference0
yellowbike.nlOur guides are locals who live or study in Amsterdam. 🚲 Yellow Bike is the eldest bike tour provider of Amsterdam 🚲 Our tours are suitable for all ages. 🚲 On a two-hour bike tour you will see a large part of the city!bicycle municipalitybike, yellow, bicycle, rental, guide0
philolab.nlWant to have your own notebook and create a notebook as a present to your clients or employees? Please contact us for possibilities.municipality rotterdamdevelop, specifically, handwritten, note, magic0
unwind.nlUnwind offers consulting, project management, technology and design in the field of new media.municipality amsterdamunwind, highlight, consulting, accessible, interaction0
storedenergy.nl…governments, wind and solar farms and investors. We are independent experts with access to all storage technologies, including: lithium-ion, hydrogen, flowbatteries, saltwater batteries and second life batteries. Our services include:new municipality, municipality dordrechtstorage, battery, feasibility, setup, purchase0
dutchmate.nlAre you sure what you want to do in the Netherlands? You can choose among Work, Study and Business. Depending on your choice DutchMate will guide you throughout each step of your application.study, guide, partners, expense, assistance0
reaseuro.nlYears of experience in onshore explosives and detection - REASeuro, jarenlange ervaring in offshore en onshore explosieven opsporing, CTER en educatie.municipality oisterwijkonshore, explosive, detection, uxo, phase0
19at066.nlCopyright 19AT066 © 2014. All Rights Reserved.italian municipality, municipality awarditalian, currently, al, county, qsl0
riverimpact.nlIn cooperation with Fundaeco, the largest NGO in Guatemala and heavily involved in the protection of the eco-systems in Izabal, RiverImpact will implement fourteen RiverImpact Barriers in seven small rivers that pollute the bay of Puerto…agreement municipality, municipality cleanriver, barrier, ocean, waste, weather0
frankstoopman.nlFrank began his artistic development during his training as a teacher at the Free School: color anduilenspiegel municipality, municipality raalte, horseshoe municipality, municipality zevenhoven, skateboarder municipalitymovement, figure, bronze, viewer, recognition0
zenber.nlZENBER Architecten is a leading and innovative team of interior architects, architects, designers and consultants with a strong creative flair. By designing innovative working and learning environments, we modernise and optimise people’s…municipality rhedenworkplace, publication, waste, head, apply0
canonnoordoostpolder.nl…and developments that deserve a spot in the Canon The Noordoostpolder. Each of these thirty events etc. are called window and each time we look through these windows, we observe a different aspect of the polder. The windows are ordered…window, agriculture, author, publication, building0
egmondonline.nl…holiday on the North Sea coast. Whether you love nature, culture, sports or relaxation, you will find it all in Egmond aan Zee. And of course you also want a nice place to stay during your holiday. That is why Egmond has a wide range ofmunicipality bergen, egmond municipalityaan, dune, parking, village, binnen0
coobas.nlAll of our Church members have come with a calling. To give love and hope, to restore and to listen, to find meaning in the world and to find the meaning of this gift we call life. Our calling is your calling. We are one with each other…coobas municipalitysoul, donation, faith, church, weekly0
casdesign.nlCynthia Schild, a portfolio of her work in video & film, digital & online media and photography.municipality baarn, municipality haarleminteractive, graphic, documentary, council, brain0
parkadvance.nlThe way we travel and the apps that support us, are constantly evolving. Whether it’s for work or leisure, parking is often an integral part of that journey. As such, we want it to be simple and stress free. We need to adapt to changing…parking, hospital, innovative, paperless, marketplace0
flexpaper.nl…uses innovative E-Paper technology for displaying remotely controllable timetables and other relevant content. Flexpaper displays can be controlled from the central back-office system with an intuitive web-based Content Management System.passenger, paper, benefit, efficient, installation0
gamblingholland.nlIn legal Dutch online casinos, it is currently not possible to gamble with cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. The Dutch gambling laws require online casinos to have a specific license issued by Dutch authorities to operate legally. These…limburg municipality, municipality bergengambling, lottery, license, player, authority0
hartvanlimburg.nlThe most beautiful places in Limburg, Netherlands - Inspiration for: ✓ unique experiences in the heart of Limburg ✓ short getaways ✓ quality time ✓ shopping ✓ nature and routes ✓ events and moreinspiration, hike, cycling, getaway, overnight0
wvoorwonen.nl> Information for a home seeker> Information for a housing permit> What do you still need to arrange?> Viewing policy in connection with coronaviruspermit municipality, municipality haguevoor, housing, hague, property, seeker0
dirkzwager.nlDirkzwager Facebook Dirkzwager Twitter Dirkzwager Instagram Dirkzwager LinkedIn Dirkzwager YouTubeexpropriation municipality, municipality preferentiallaw, tax, estate, employment, motivate0
impire.nliMpire Opportunity Center is a socially involved organization. Our goal is to help asylum seekers build their lives in the Netherlands. We do this by guiding you from beginning to end with a course and a job that really fits your needs.integration, career, placement, internship, holder0
cbknh.nl…Kaap Helder are examples of this. Other examples are counseling for commissioned projects such as the Province of North-Holland’s pavilion at the Floriade and the statue of Richard Deacon near Rottepolderplein Zuid. Educational…administrator municipality, municipality provincenorth, province, visual, department, exhibition0
relocationsolutions.nlRelocation Solutions is a Dutch domestic and international relocation management and consulting services company. Every single client and relocating employee is important to us. We are proud of the scope and reach of our organisation and…housing, relocation, assistance, property, rental0
rotterdamcirculair.nlJoin us… en… Want to know more?… Building materials Hotspots Public-private…circular, manufacture, trash, treasure, know0
communisenso.nlcommunication specialists, analysts, online and social media experts will Communisenso (founded by Ingrid Frankenhuyzen) bring you the art of communicating with other words and to convince. With training, consulting and individual coaching.communisenso municipalityprofit, reader, viewer, audience, personality0
culturelezaken.nlCultural Affairs develops cultural programmes, cultural organizations and cultural buildings.municipality brunssumcultural, affairs, theatre, operation, present0
nolintbosch.nlYour wedding cared for down to the last detail with our help. Hotel Restaurant Nol in ‘t Bosch has been an official wedding location in Wagenin...location municipality, municipality wageningenint, wedding, double, reservation, economy0
sinds1416.nl…design, Deventer, Gemeente Deventer, Visuele identiteit, visuele communicatie, campagne, strategie, fotografie, illustratie, ontwerp, grafisch ontwerp, activatie, advertentie, letter, lettertype, product ontwerp, logo ontwerp, typografie -port, campaign, activation, visual, identity0
deburen.nlDe Buren parcel lockers are not only the logistic solution for consumers, but also for organizations! At a parcel locker, packages can be picked up, sent and returned 24/7.municipality provinceparcel, package, consumer, province, estate0
fixpresso.nlAs FixPresso in Gent, we offer you the coffee and espresso machines of your dreams. We also support you with professional maintenance and reparation of your espresso machines. See Aremde Espresso Machines and much more.service municipalitymaintenance, grinder, reparation, official, roaster0
pangea-incubator.nlWe constantly collect the relevant information and professionals in our program, to help you connect with the right people and networks.cooperative, candidate, dolore, magna, sit0
iasset.nlThe management themes (pavements, structures, greenery, sewerage, etc.) have been developed with specialized partners. Although they connect seamlessly, the themes are also modular and can be used individually. iASSET supports the user…municipality hoogeveen, municipality zundert, municipality weesp, municipality huizenvacancy, annual, inspection, maintenance, overview0
atelierartista.nlArtista, located in Ermelo Holland, organizes various courses and tailored workshops in her own studio or on location. Artista also offers supportive and activating guidance, daytime activities, and creative therapy.harderwijk municipalityholiday, mosaic, painting, glass, principal0
sumter.nlWe understand like no other, that designs only work within a strategy. Design always begins with a good strategy.mardin municipalityintention, career, interior, mean, proposal0
kaurlegal.nlLocated in The Hague, Kaur Legal specialises in all-round legal advice in contract law, specifically focusing on international businesses and expats in the Netherlands. Our corporate expertise is tailored to small and medium-sized…kaur, expat, law, employment, specifically0
irsp.nl…of international relations. Each academic year, the IRSP committee approaches partners in order to obtain three researches that students of the IRIO-department can conduct. As an IRSP researcher you will have a informative period in…ministry, researcher, affairs, foreign, introduction0
joephofhuis.nl…Association ( NeFCA ). He is an active member (and former board member) of the International Academy for Intercultural Research ( IAIR ), and holds a position on the editorial board of the International Journal of Intercultural Relations.workshop municipality, municipality delftpublication, diversity, intercultural, position, strategic0
insideoutside.nlbook gives insight into our studio’s journey of discovery and collaboration, with detailed personal accounts by Petra Blaisse, partners Jana Crepon and Aura Luz Melis, and members of Inside Outside team on projects from 1986 to present day.green municipality, municipality antwerpoutside, inside, library, curtain, exhibition0
breda.nlPassport for Breda residents, ID card for Breda residents, Driving licence, Passport, ID card for Dutch nationals living abroad, Refugee passport, Aliens' passport, Exchanging a foreign driving licencebreda municipality, municipality breda, facebook municipality, instagram municipality, linkedin municipalityresident, registration, abroad, passport, waste0
pvdbosch.nlfull satisfaction. In recent years, this cooperation has been more intensive than ever. After strict selection of a European tender for the sale of part of the municipal portfolio, they were selected to be one of the advisors to sell…estate, property, rental, agreement, renowned0
byewaste.nlWith our free pick-up service for pre-loved items, you can effortlessly give back to your community and the planet. Decluttering has never been easier!pre, planet, pick, waste, effortlessly0
ukrant.nlThe students who are making the world a little better, one free tattoo (or haircut) at a timeug municipality, municipality wellacademic, independent, war, background, opinion0
ecb.nlECB is a legal support company. It operates since 20 years her own certification bureau, ECB Certification. Since 1996, ECB provices knowledge and support on (European) legislation in various industries. CE legislation and Datasafety…municipality bredayacht, certification, certificate, certified, maritime0
ind.nlWaiting times regarding the asylum application process are increasing. The IND is taking measures to decide on asylum applications as quickly as possible. Find out what this means for your application.municipality portalresidence, asylum, foreign, permit, citizen0
ferbi.nlExplore Relexicon's diverse range of 100+ AI professionals ready to enhance your personal and professional life. Discover tailored AI solutions in cybersecurity, digital marketing, software development, and more. Meet your AI assistant…psychologist, analyst, teacher, reynolds, bennett0
day.nlWe combine our vision with extensive knowledge in experience value creation, as we seamlessly combine spatial, interior, experience and brand identity design with advice about innovation, brand and marketing strategy.municipality eindhoven, municipality alkmaarspatial, interior, strategic, identity, tangible0
dolphkessler.nl1. At the end of 2009 the book Art Fairs was published by d’Jonge Hond Publishers. The book was a compilation of photographs taken by Kessler at high level international art fairs over a period of three years. He went on to win first…copy municipality, municipality dongeradeel, municipality winschotencopy, exhibition, photobook, publisher, atlantic0
bijlpr.nlCommunication that gets to you. Touches you. Works. Pushes boundaries. Moves. Convinces. Is relevant. Is sincere. Reaches its goal. Gets right to the heart.library municipality, municipality rotterdamsincere, boundaries, central, library, campaign0
rasom.nlRasom means “together” in Ukrainian. In February 2022, RASOM started as a large-scale fundraising initiative for Ukraine, initiated by our founder, Dutch-Ukrainian Anna Roelofs-Ivanchenko, in response to the outbreak of the war in…website municipality, municipality haarlemukraine, ukrainian, donation, exhibition, february0
woonpleinlimburg.nl…Advertise… Register… Login… Houses for sale… Apartments for sale… All…municipality limburgrent, property, recreation, estate, apartment0
migrationinc.nlMigration Inc. (formerly known as Cultuur in Harmonie) is an organization involved in matters of migration, integration, community building and DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusive culture.group municipality, municipality dalfsenmigration, cultural, sensitivity, entrepreneurship, acceleration0
grunoverhuur.nlRenting at Gruno Verhuur has the advantages: no brokerage fees, free viewings and an extensive range of rental properties in Groningen and surroundings. Rent your room, studio or apartment at Gruno Verhuur.application municipality, municipality groningenrental, property, apartment, guide, maintenance0
mikkievanfalier.nlSummary: The development and implementation of an Information Security Awareness program focussed on recurring education on information security risks. The developtment of an Business Impact Analysis and IT-security risk identification…client municipality, municipality organizationtitle, summary, implementation, risk, vulnerability0
delft.nlMailing address: Postbus 78, 2600 ME, Delfthomepage municipality, municipality delft, facebook municipality, instagram municipality, youtube municipalityhousing, abroad, appointment, municipal, matter0
localoffice24.nlOur qualified team will execute the change of the registered office address for you. We will prepare and submit the required forms together with the supporting documents to the Dutch Trade Register in order to change your company’s…dutch municipality, municipality personaloptional, trade, billing, advantage, incoming0
seafoundation.nlAn organization for the renewable utilization, education and research of the SEAmunicipality veererenewable, utilization, profit, planet, principle0
florescat.nlIntegrity and ethics training and consultation: business / organizational ethics and professional ethics, various fields (biological-medical, financial, accountancy and control)ethics, inspiration, organizational, integrity, auditing0
purpur.nlHPE has been working with PurPur for years now. We use PurPur’s services to help us organize all sorts of events – big or small. The most important of these is our annual large-scale conference (HPE Reimagine / Discover More) – an event…haag municipality, municipality clienttruly, highly, interactive, conference, venue0
joubertarchitecture.nlPROJECTS… Tirana municipality building… ParkLife… Lakeviews… Bastide Niel BNB…tirana municipality, municipality buildarchitecture, metropolitan, endless, paper, square0
current-au.nlBIO… ACTIVE HOUSE… Energy Park… 2 Houses for Leiden… IJmuiden Coastal Town…competition municipalitykitchen, housing, village, town, bathroom0
neweconomynow.nl…-NH and the Amsterdam Donut Coalition have again organized an exciting collaboration in 2021. During the renewed programs of GO! -NH, a Donut Challenge will be organized, at which companies can register and participate in one of the…economy, circular, session, discussion, panel0
afsblue.nl…provides brokerage services over the phone, e-mail and Bloomberg for public institutions and asset managers. AFS E-Venues provides a similar service, but all transactions take place on AFS Blue, the public trading venue for public debt.issuer, debt, investor, secondary, government0
islam-wise.nlI took the Basic Islamic Education Course and found it very instructive. The reason I signed up for this course is that I am a teacher myself, so I wanted to learn as a professional how to parent in an Islamic way. I thought the teacher…islamic, teacher, parenting, wise, pedagogy0
nielsvanvelde.nlWith Cannyon free WordPress theme you can easily combine components in a variety ways for different design projects. It's easy!affairs, paper, layout, executive, hunger0
buurtpreventiecaantje.nlWe as residents have one mission together. This mission is to improve the quality of life on the Burgemeester Caan van Necklaan. Together we ensure that both inside and outside our complex is always well maintained and safe.municipality policepolice, resident, watch, neighborhood, initiative0
veldhovenvoorelkaar.nlCould you use an extra hand temporarily or regularly? Is your organization desperately looking for volunteers or suitable help for your client(s)? Submit a request for help and find someone who can help!information municipality, municipality veldhovenvolunteer, request, quickly, easily, reliability0
hoogendoorn-mbi.nlOur family business has its roots in ship panelling, where safety, comfort and ease of use are at a high level. With our professional team, we take care of all our customers’ needs in the maritime, interior construction and offshore…municipality rotterdammaritime, interior, certificate, ocean, hall0
zuidweg-partners.nlZuidweg & Partners has been active since 1994 in the field of debt counseling for (former) entrepreneurs. With Zuidweg Schuldhulp you have an independent and impartial mediator with the aim of achieving the best possible result for all…debt, entrepreneur, partners, entrepreneurship, assistance0
villa-stavoren.nl…the quiet harbor of Waterrijck Stavoren. Both houses have a cozy interior with a magnificent view over the adjacent nature reserve. The ship house is fully equipped, such as a fully equipped kitchen with dishwasher, washing machine, dryer…municipality nijefurdcozy, highlight, characteristic, cycling, walk0
terhernenautic.nlWelcome at Jachtbemiddeling Terherne-Nautic in De Friese Meren. Our offer includes used motorboats in various sizes and price ranges. Almost all boats for sale are ready to sail in our marina in Terherne. Would you like to sell your…terherne municipality, municipality deboat, yacht, carousel, buy, harbour0
steadyfilmproductions.nlSteady Film Productions creates films and motion graphics for companies, organizations and individuals. These films can be informative,culture municipality, municipality westlandinformative, steady, animation, promotional, documentation0
femkebeute.nlsystematic reviews are performed into the effects of these individual components on mental health. Specifically, the focus is on elements of blue space (water) and components of green space. Will, for instance, a beach visit give differentdaylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit0
avx.nlyour livestream or webinar? How do you connect the physical and online participants? How do you create a sense of togetherness? Good online events or hybrid event meeting design and interaction design ensures that your participants - both…successful, participant, physically, enthusiastic, commit0
vvvkatwijk.nl…year after year. And for good reason too. In Katwijk, visitors won’t just find traditions, but also the biggest shopping centre right by the sea. Katwijk combines good old-fashioned hospitality with surprising events. Katwijk is a…seaside, dit, village, dune, stay0
deluisteracademie.nlWelcome to the website of the Listening Academy. The first Listening Academy of the Netherlands (De Luisteracademie) was founded in 2015. The Listening Academy aims to create space for practicing the art and mobilizing the power of…client municipality, municipality amsterdamlisten, democratic, wat, zijn, government0
turboliner.nl…elastic protective layer as end result. Turbo Liner® has been the ultimate solution for years of sustainable protection of products in many different markets and applications. From construction to offshore and from design to automotive.municipality governmentcargo, flatbed, warranty, advantage, technique0
habipro.nlHome… Expertise… Activities… Innovation… Clients…investment, inspiration, grant, study, visit0
ikpas.nl31% of the participants lost weight after the IkPas promotion! An important reason for many participants to drink less alcohol after IkPas.municipality ikpasbackground, package, sign, region, municipal0
jacquelineheerema.nlIn 2006 I co-founded Satellietgroep as an international network that explores how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environments with the aim to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal…municipality hagueheritage, coastal, artistic, residency, residence0
hoeden-mulder.nlSpecialists in debt collection and legal advice. Sturdy, transparent, reliable and decisive, with a feeling for the environment in which we work. We are invaluable in all stages of debtor management and collection. Amicable or judicial…law, debt, estate, payment, vacancy0
bluem.nlYour company has its own iDEAL and direct debit contract with the bank. You receive all (direct debit) payments from customers directly on your own account. Bluem payment services has no money in management.request, proposal, payment, transaction, mandate0
pomace.nl…the production of olive and its by-products outputs biological residues still to be examined from a design perspective. Project Pomace does so through hands-on design research by involving the local designers and producers and by…metropolitan municipality, municipality tr, karaburun municipalityconceptual, documentary, olive, circular, circularity0
apexsecurity.nl"Apex Security has flawlessly helped us migrate three firewalls to a new firewall cluster and trained our people to manage the new environment. Apex Security has shown that it has a lot of experience with complex security projects like…municipality hertogenboschresilience, assessment, calculation, hassle, slide0
valtimo.nlDigital process automation, CodeLight, BPMN, Digitale formulieren, workflow, notifications, decision management, DMN, process Analytics, compliance, cloudautomation, compliance, operation, decision, notification0
chapterzero-netherlands.nl…world to urgently address the topic of climate change in their businesses. Currently the network is active in over 50 countries with 2500 members. At least 230 companies in the FTSE350 have at least one Chapter Zero member on their board.office municipality, municipality amsterdamclimate, chapter, discover, membership, economic0
cpkesseleik.nlUpon arrival, you simply check in digitally at the information kiosk. You enter your personal data and after entering your e-mail address you will receive our information digitally.surrounding, walk, cycling, eat, facility0
purposepath.nlFreelance PR and Communications consultant,specialized in generating more brand awareness and visibility for brands with a sustainable focus.heuvel municipality, municipality haguepurpose, path, awareness, visibility, collaboration0
binsystem.nl. Like no other, we make smart use of standard solutions, partly in combination with full customisation. Thanks to our compact sales organization and fully automated product facilities, we can respond rapidly to your wishes and…smoking, pole, waste, ergonomic, litter0
humancapitalcare.nlThe work environment is the basis that you offer employees and that basis should be good. We help you create the ideal work environment that best fits the organisation, its ambition and its people. Healthy, safe and motivating—that…employee, leadership, career, sick, leave0
qics.nlSince 2000, Qics has been at the forefront of developing software solutions to successfully manage complex projects and portfolios for our clients across the globe. Our intuitive, flexible, and scalable software is developed to serve any…manager municipality, municipality tilburgcareer, resource, acquisition, automation, strategic0
weedcontrol.nlYou are at the right address at Weed Control B.V. We not only develop and produce our own machines, our main objective is to train professionals and transfer knowledge. The people who have to work with the machines make the difference…weed, toxic, flame, steel, electric0
howmayihelpyou.nlBrowse the edited logbooks including new essays by researcher Sophie Krier, designers Gabriel A. Maher & Isabel Mager, artist Klaske Oenema, designer Erez Nevi Pana, producer Jeannette Petrik and museum director Guus Beumer here.municipality almere, municipality amersfoort, municipality amsterdam, municipality barsingerhorn, municipality dinkellandlogbook, illustration, exhibition, ongoing, publication0
webeasy.nlWith Webeasy you can manage your climate controle, room control, shower automation, and security. From any Web browser, tablet or smartphone. It’s possible with Webeasy!utility, reference, documentation, aircraft, painting0
surepay.nlaround the world have increasingly shifted to digital channels. This has led to a sharp rise in fraud cases and Authorised Push Payment fraud – where fraudsters trick individuals and businesses into depositing money into the wrong accounts.payment, fraud, api, file, directly0
3dlegends.nlGeneral Conditions Supplier Conditions Disclaimer Privacy Statement Cookies Link Policymanager municipality, municipality eindhovenimpression, interactive, supplier, animation, vfx0
woninginzicht.nlRegistration time (inschrijfduur) : if you actively want to search for suitable housing. The house is being allocated to the candidate with the longest registration time. So the allocation is done based on registration time. Please note…woonkostentoeslag municipality, municipality tilburgregistration, housing, accommodation, income, corporation0
auga.nlPond pumps wet position Pond pumps dry position Pond pumps dry and wet position Sea water pumps Accessories for pumpspump, accessorie, fish, pressure, fountain0
cuijpersconsultancy.nl“I followed my training at Cuijpers Consultancy. The trainers do not only explain the theory very clearly, but taught me how to apply it during a crisis.mayor municipality, municipality koggenland, alderman municipality, municipality alphencaribbean, evaluation, reference, hurricane, disaster0
weseducatie.nlWES education is a specialized agency that focuses on civic integration, reintegration and providing various training courses.news municipality, municipality vacancy, employee municipalitycivic, integration, reintegration, establishment, specialize0
newwaste.nlWe are a one-stop shop that unburdens customers in the field of underground waste collection by offering innovative ICT solutions. In cooperation with customers and suppliers, we find a total solution for all waste collection challenges.municipality netherlandsmaintenance, waste, electrician, innovative, underground0
jeoff.nlI'm Jeoffrey, an Amsterdam based producer working in design, animation and post-production for studios, agencies, and brands. I'm always open to meeting new talent or having a chat in regard to a new project, don't hesitate to give me a…municipality bredaanimation, producer, regard, sock, reach0
huiselijkgeweld.nlA domestic violence and child abuse protocol helps professionals such as doctors, teachers and staff at young offender institutions to respond effectively to signs of violence. Since 1 July 2013 it is mandatory for professionals who…help municipality, municipality guidelinesdomestic, violence, offender, abuse, government0
studiogagarin.nlWe don’t just design experience centres, pop-ups, interiors or stands. We add the third dimension to your brand. Creating the perfect space for dialogue.municipality bunnikdialogue, dimension, interior, slide, campaign0
wozassistent.nlWe lower the WOZ-value of your home. Homeowners pay too much taxes because of a high WOZ-value. Appeal easily within five minutes. Always free of charge.yearly municipality, municipality homesaving, taxis, easily, curious, homeowners0
lottevanlaatum.nldesignstudio lotte van laatum, lottevanlaatum, vormgeving, ontwerper, dutch design, social design, contextual designprojection municipality, municipality zeistprovince, contextual, table, commission, bubble0
ruwepit.nl…towards the same goal, but if you look further, it does not seem to be the case. An effective team is a team that is connected, that is positive and has confidence in each other's abilities. That is a team capable of top performance.municipality rotterdamdiscover, leadership, effective, influence, confidence0
baselifters.nl…bin lifters for the waste collection industry. Our lifters fit on any rear-loading refuse collection vehicles (RCV's) and can also be used for other industrial applications e.g. for lifting in factory or as part of a production line.choice municipality, municipality wastelifter, waste, electric, fully, emission0
chaphappiness.nl…potential of their employees, using the Cambridge Happiness Profiler (CHAP®). The CHAP® is a scientifically based test, with a personal Happiness Report. This proven effective method has been embraced by many innovative companies and…director municipality, municipality schiedamhappiness, institute, profiler, employee, predictor0
aicexpat.nlGet the AIC card to support our community, have free entrance at AIC events, receive discounts and perks from the partners in our network!municipality amsterdamexpat, regular, exchange, lady, fri0
nrgaccounting.nlNRG Accounting… NRG Services… NRG Mobility – MSP… Municipalities and…municipality governmentaccounting, mobility, government, vacancy, charge0
we-mobile.nlWeMobile Sharing Solution offers the most advanced IoT platform for shared mobility on the market.mobility, bicycle, appointment, cargo, description0
creativehubs.nlLearn and get inspired by technology! The CreativeHubs Tech-Inspiration Table helps you discover what is useful and innovative for your business or education... | Raoul | CreativeHubstree municipality, municipality utrechtsession, table, inspiration, useful, innovative0
qadvocaten.nlQ advocaten works with you and comes up with practical solutions to your problem.problem municipalitylaw, understandable, trust, benefit, complaint0
rminds.nlWeb design and development from Leiden's top digital web design agency, Rocket Minds. Best for E-Commerce, Websites and Platformssystem municipality, municipality zuidhornoptimization, rocket, maintenance, conversion, commerce0
nederlandsdebaas.nlIntegrating into a new society is is never easy. The integration process is also different for everyone. One is good at reading and writing, the other is good at speaking or listening. In addition to language skills, the person…integration, civic, exam, lesson, vocational0
surtronic.nl. Surtronic provides technical tailored solutions for large, complex or special projects to the public transportation market in the form of passenger information displays. Our systems are currently operational in over 10 countries around…vacancy, passenger, colour, advertising, supplier0
allaboutai.nlGlobal “AI for Good” community accelerates conservation efforts with powerful, AI-primed HP Z8 workstationhealthcare, manufacture, genomic, accelerate, suggestion0
kamparchieven.nl© Copyright 2005-2024 kamparchieven |drenthe municipality, municipality archivecamp, prisoner, war, archive, participant0
coa.nlAsylum seekers are provided accommodation in a COA process reception centre. Here they receive an allowance for food and are given access to any necessary medical care via the GZA. The COA also gives them practical information about…asylum, reception, guidance, seeker, shelter0
sipek.nlBorek Sipek. Since 1986 Borek Sipek has designed over 200 works exclusively for The Steltman Collection.apartment municipality, municipality apeldoornbowl, prague, exclusively, glass, piece0
tamishakruijt.nlI got swamped trying to build up a whole new business. Tamisha helped out by being independent and also helping out with promotion and media. The website helped us bring in money to support our students.final, cyberpunk, interaction, interactive, promotion0
deteamcoach.nl“This woman is just amazing, as coach and a human being. Natasja and I have been working together since 2006 to give teams a chance to flourish again. Team coaching is in her DNA. Natasja is sharp and straightforward, and she understands…teurlings municipality, municipality reuselanalysis, actually, exactly, essence, difficult0
worldviewmission.nlWorldview Mission (WM) was founded by Ms. Hélène H. Oord in 2007. In 2008, Worldview Mission was registered as IRS-Taxed Exempt Status Subsidiary of Sidewalk University, New Jersey, USA , as an Association. Worldview Mission through its…seat municipality, municipality capelleworldview, poverty, youth, pandemic, fight0
taxameter.nl…to increase market share, Flowbird has decided to accommodate the sales of both product lines at one distributor. That is why from September 19th 2019 TMC is the exclusive distributor for both Parkeon and Cale parking machines and parts.parking, payment, processing, mobility, maintenance0
last-minute-portugal.nl…Fly-drive Madeira… Furnas… Fuseta… Last Minute Albufeira… Last Minute…ribeira0
oporafoundation.nlSupport of regional initiatives and training of community leaders. Legal support and human rights protection and awareness.consultancy municipality, municipality ngopublication, join, announcement, report, multidisciplinary0
dickvanveen.nl…in public space . Dick has an extensive portfolio with studies and actually build design projects throughout the Netherlands, Europe and North-America. The insights collected through this broad international experience works both ways: itmunicipality maassluisstreet, bicycle, talk, bike, cycling0
sidev.nlProfessional Property Management in Side Turkey. Would you like to let manage your property with a peace of mind?water municipality, municipality chargeproperty, turkey, holiday, package, maintenance0
buitenhek.nlBusiness case elaborated for the permanent deployment of youth care within collaboration with SBO / SO groups and within childcare.childcare, youth, subsidy, analysis, publication0
dassenwerkgroepbrabant.nl…our Animal Ambulance. Our Animal Ambulance provides 24/7 emergency assistance to sick, injured, orphaned or stray badgers. To support the Badger Group and help us run the Animal Ambulance, we sell some fun and unique badger stuff. We…municipality bergenreport, animal, protection, discover, sett0
bjornknutzen.nlIam Bjorn, I’m a designer based in the Amsterdam area in The Netherlands. Outstanding web en promotional design is what I deliver don't sit back lets have a chatgraphic, promotional, subject, outstanding, career0