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233 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: questionnaire

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bondprecairewoonvormen.nlDo you live temporarily, insecurely or too expensive? Do you have a question or problem and do you want to support the Bond Precaire Woonvorm (BPW) in the fight for stable and affordable housing? Then fill in the questionnaire. This form…housing questionnaire, questionnaire formunion, housing, report, eviction, vulnerable16
sirv.nlWe develop surveys for market research , employee- and customer questionnaires and scientific research . Because our questionnaires are easy to use , we guarantee more respondents, fewer drop-outs and higher overall data quality. We can…customer questionnaire, questionnaire scientific, research questionnaire, questionnaire easysurvey, scientific, table, etc, yacht9
medicalbuild.nlBy introducing pre-visit questionnaires the patients can better prepare for their visit. At the hospital side there are even more benefits: the physician can prepare for this patient, saves registration time and can focus on the patient…visit questionnaire, questionnaire patient, bonus questionnaire, questionnaire discrete, build questionnairepatient, visit, physician, outpatient, epic9
threewells.nlFill in the questionnaire and we will send you a free proposal by e-mail with a brief explanation.recovery, package, ingredient, frequency, balance9
energieknip.nl…boxes you will find LED lamps, draft strips and radiator foil. All you have to do is fill in a number of short questionnaires, with which you earn points. You can redeem these points at a hardware store near you and have a maximum value…short questionnaire, questionnaire point, basic questionnaire, worth questionnaire, questionnaire energyanswer, municipality, saving, village, january8
materialsinmotion.nlDo you have animation artwork in your collection? Then we would like to know about it! Questionnaire If you have animation artwork in your collection, please let us know and fill in this short questionnaire It will take you no more than…collection questionnaire, questionnaire item, questionnaire animation, short questionnaire, questionnaire minuteanimation, archive, artwork, motion, preservation7
eyequestion.nlWith EyeQuestion you can effortlessly manage large consumer panels and create complex questionnaires. Our questionnaire and report libraries can be deployed in one-click to multiple locations in different languages.powerful questionnaire, questionnaire image, complex questionnaire, questionnaire reportconsumer, sensory, pricing, analysis, powerful7
easly.nlDo you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens…allergen questionnaire, questionnaire subsequentstd, blood, fungal, infection, vegetarian5
icecreamstudy.nlC infection. For example, the tool will consist of videos and a personalized advice based on your answers to the questionnaire. In addition, you will have the option to develop a personalized plan to reduce the chance of hepatitis C…answer questionnaire, questionnaire addition, online questionnaire, questionnaire interval, month questionnairestudy, icecream, infection, intervention, additional5
posas.nlThe quality of an outcome measurement instrument can be assessed by evaluating its measurement properties. For (patient-reported) questionnaires, the most important measurement property is the content validity.posas questionnaire, patient questionnaire, questionnaire importantscar, patient, scale, assessment, measurement5
healthcaremonitor.nlvan Zijl FVWJ, Lohuis PJFM, Datema FR. The Rhinoplasty Health Care Monitor: Using Validated Questionnaires and a Web-Based Outcome Dashboard to Evaluate Personal Surgical Performance. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2021 Pubmed linkenglish questionnaire, utrecht questionnaire, questionnaire sumscore, validate questionnaire, questionnaire webrhinoplasty, outcome, patient, surgery, nasal5
gmed.nlIn this proof of principle analysis, logistic regression models to predict type 2 diabetes prevalence and incidence, using questionnaire-only variables reflecting health state and lifestyle, were trained on the White population of the UK…problem questionnaire, questionnaire prediction, incidence questionnaire, questionnaire variable, utility questionnairelecture, tumblr, endocrine, population, risk5
inno4care.nlA large number of tested questionnaires are available within our Cyclus360 program. You save time and money, developing a good questionnaire is no longer necessary.smart questionnaire, number questionnaire, questionnaire available, good questionnaire, questionnaire longsatisfaction, employee, practical, customization, library5
hapsite.nlself-report of older patients was not possible or not reliable, e.g. because of Alzheimer Disease. The informant questionnaire is especially developed to address this need. Therefore, it covers the premorbid personality traits. It is of…personality questionnaire, questionnaire hap, informant questionnaire, questionnaire especially, dutch questionnairepersonality, assessment, elderly, scale, patient5
kerntalentenanalist.nlintake interviewonline questionnaire appointment 3 hoursoral feedback core talentscompact report with your strong, half and minor core talents. 5 pagesonline questionnaire, questionnaire question, questionnaire short, interviewonline questionnaire, questionnaire appointmentanalysis, profile, report, combination, conversation4
expat-service.nlThrough the questionnaire, we automatically recognize which forms need to be submitted. So you do not have to make a final selection above!tax, income, expat, rule, provisional3
sharponderzoek.nlSecure online questionnaires are sent by e-mail. In these questionnaires you will be asked whether you have (re) injuries, how often you have trained and how often you have performed the Nordic Hamstring Exercise Program. You will be…online questionnaire, questionnaire mail, mail questionnaire, questionnaire injury, program questionnaireinjury, exercise, study, jump, participant3
stichtinggalileo.nlAfter completing the coretalents questionnaire, an in-depth interview is optional. In this interview your personal life course and life events that have played a role in your forming, growth and development are mapped out. Your course of…work questionnaire, questionnaire special, special questionnaire, questionnaire favourite, people questionnairepositive, personality, strength, study, depth3
zelfevaluatieonline.nlIn addition to the questionnaire based on the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, a number of sector-specific questionnaires have now been developed: for the Healthcare sector, the Education sector and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom…addition questionnaire, questionnaire dutch, specific questionnaire, questionnaire healthcare, compact questionnairesurvey, evaluation, report, participant, supervisory3
emesekroon.nl…with a primary focus on cannabis use disorder. In my projects I try to integrate a variety of measures – from questionnaires to fMRI data – and analytical methods to explore the individual differences that contribute to these complex…measure questionnaire, questionnaire fmri, attunement questionnaire, questionnaire task, task questionnairedisorder, mental, substance, task, collaboration3
biosecurityvulnerabilityscan.nl…The application is structured around eight key areas of biosecurity (so called pillars). For each key area, a questionnaire with explanations, potential risks, and control measures are provided. By using the vulnerability scan web…area questionnaire, questionnaire explanation, organization questionnaire, questionnaire insight, biosecurity questionnairebiosecurity, analysis, vulnerability, overview, risk3
merelsmitt.nlVeilig naar Buiten – A Questionnaire - Safely Out is a bureaucratic, manipulating questionnaire where participants are being forced to deal [..] Read full post..buiten questionnaire, questionnaire safely, bureaucratic questionnaire, questionnaire participantactivism, intervention, cultural, socially, performative3
biocapture.nlIn the first treatment year: questionnaires are sent every 3 months. After the first year: questionnaires are sent once a year:year questionnaire, questionnaire month, questionnaire year, satistfaction questionnaire, questionnaire medicationbiologic, patient, treatment, medication, publication3
carefacts.nlCarefacts offers GemsTracker ; a professional platform for data collection with sophisticated tooling for (unlimited) distribution of questionnaires, tracks, users and respondents.distribution questionnaire, questionnaire track, information questionnaire, questionnaire measurement, structure questionnairemeasurement, healthcare, pricing, registration, flexible3
mentorsupport.nl…be studied. These associations will be studied with the use of existing longitudinal datasets and additional questionnaires among youth with VI, their parents, and professionals working within schools and rehabilitation centers…additional questionnaire, questionnaire youth, digital questionnaire, questionnaire multipleimpairment, visual, lab, participation, relationship2
webtoolscl.nl…also be performed separately from a certification process. For example as a baseline measurement or to get acquainted with the aspects of the SCL in a low-threshold way. Two questionnaires are available: the SAQ Compact and SAQ Extended.way questionnaire, questionnaire available, compact questionnaire, questionnaire enemphasis, safely, behaviour, assessment, awareness2
martijnimhoff.nlActivities: Concept development, Scenario sketching, Questionnaires, Prototyping, Game designsketch questionnaire, questionnaire prototypingduration, valuable, innovative, stack, curve2
neslihancandesign.nl…product. I like to do this in a variety of ways: from finding values and hidden needs through interviews and questionnaires to holding co-creation sessions with the users and actually letting them think along. Alternatively, a PACT…interview questionnaire, questionnaire cointeraction, analysis, creation, session, visualization2
circusandersom.nlHow do the people of Amsterdam respond to the official questions of whether they’re illegal, whether they know illegal immigrants, or if they’re prepared to divulge this information? Around Christmas 2003, 200,608 households in Amsterdam…visitor, medicine, factory, intuitive, situation2
dreams-study.nl…environmental ‘game changer’ in the lives of all Dutch children and adolescents. For this project, we collect questionnaire data at several time points and organize group discussions with children and youth, including experts by…project questionnaire, questionnaire datastudy, researcher, mental, treatment, psychiatry2
mirjambroekhoff.nl…each . The question was: are they willing to do this? And what arguments will justify such an expense? I knew that standard research, with questionnaires of focus-groups based on self-report, would not provide us with realistic answers.”research questionnaire, questionnaire focus, normally questionnaire, questionnaire peoplemortgage, consumer, fmri, highly, campaign2
welcometonijmegen.nlIn the intake phase (the first sessions) questions are asked and possibly tests and questionnaires are taken to see if you meet the DSM-5 criteria for a certain disorder. If this is the case, you will receive a diagnosis of one or more…test questionnaire, questionnaire dsm-5integration, civic, insurance, lgbt, symptom2
rgoc.nl…factors, a psychomotor defensiveness training with kickboxing exercises has been developed. The effects of the intervention are being studied using questionnaires and fMRI in both a pilot, a randomized clinical trial and a follow-up study.intervention questionnaire, questionnaire fmristudy, disorder, mental, collaboration, psychiatry2
t3-4-hypotrial.nl…e. normal) TSH on a stable dose of generic LT4, as recent dose adjustments could otherwise impact the tiredness questionnaire scores at the start of the trial. Patients on generic LT4 will enter Stage 2 (randomized controlled trial) when…tiredness questionnaire, questionnaire score, thypro questionnairetrial, criterion, patient, study, voor2
traduco.nlThe Quick Scan provides you a quick review of the extent to which Asset Management has been implemented at the various management levels in your organisation. To that end, Traduco has a questionnaire which you can fill in either digitally…traduco questionnaire, questionnaire digitally, copy questionnaire, questionnaire multiple, questionnaire clearasset, risk, perspective, effective, cycle2
eenvoetgesprek.nl3. The first meeting takes 90 minutes. It includes a discussion of the details of the completed questionnaire, an analytical examination of the feet and a relaxing massage.form questionnaire, questionnaire attentive, attentive questionnaire, questionnaire time, detail questionnairereflexology, foot, principle, visit, immunity2
ihlia.nlQuestionnaire for research on perceptions and perspectives surrounding HIV cure and HIV cure researchexhibition, lgbti, pink, publication2
loac.nlSQAS is a tool to evaluate managementsystems, with respect to quality, safety, security and environment of the suppliers of logistical services in an uniform manner by means of a standardized questionnaire. this avoids the chemical…standardized questionnaire, questionnaire chemical, questionnaire impcasassessment, responsible, report, mean, draw2
sleepwellness.nlUsing the Sleep Questionnaire, we perform a baseline measurement and effect measurement for more insight into the sleep quality of your employees and the effect of the sleep training Sleep & Vitality!.sleep questionnaire, questionnaire group, questionnaire baselinesleep, vitality, employee, therapy, session2
doccs.nlAsk your healthcare question in the doccs app, and our GPs will reply to you as soon as possible. By answering short symptom questionnaires and chatting with our team, you will get the most out of your GP appointments.symptom questionnaire, questionnaire teampatient, appointment, doctor, healthcare, medication2
verhuisdieren.nlthe animal cannot be with children. You can always see on which points you don't match by clicking on 'Waarom match ik niet' (Why don't I match?) in the animals profile. It will show you on which points of the questionnaire you don't match.animal, dog, cat, interest, chance2
biocoherencetest.nl…and guide them to a sustainable recovery . With the MyHealth Platform we offer you a digital client file for all your customer data, questionnaires, results, communication and intervision. Good system diagnostics are the basis of all this.datum questionnaire, questionnaire resultanalysis, diagnostic, intervention, mineral, intestinal2
psattent.nlWe use intelligent questionnaires to track down employees in the preliminary phase of a burnout.intelligent questionnaire, questionnaire employeeconfidentiality, employee, leave, transition, absenteeism2
artax.nlEnsure your questionnaire or infrastructure doesn't leak data, both to the outside world and internally. Use encryption to strengthen confidentiality of your databases so not even the IT department has access.survey, intelligence, author, capacity, automation2
somniaconsultancy.nl…answer a number of questions prior to the visit. The answers or results are compiled, depending on the type of questionnaire. The results are presented to you in a clearly ordered manner. You can also view the originally completed…data questionnaire, questionnaire client, link questionnaire, questionnaire mail, type questionnairehealthcare, prior, clearly, guidance, efficient2
nivel.nlSuccessful translation and validation of the Multimorbidity Treatment Burden Questionnaire (NL-MTBQ)burden questionnaire, questionnaire nlpatient, publication, panel, pandemic, chronic2
bs-vuurvlinder.nlQuestionnaires per pupil in Viseon of CITO, to be completed by both the student and the teacher, for group 5/8.teacher, educational, cognitive, emotional, initiative2
countingsheep-amsterdam.nlQuestionnaire to provide a detailed evaluation of your child’s sleep habits, daily routine and the challenges you are facing.phone questionnaire, questionnaire responsesleep, package, count, sheep, parent2
ampsdelft.nlSettings of various characteristics which influence organizational risks, are defined by means of an online questionnaire. These characteristics touch topics on:online questionnaire, questionnaire characteristics, questionnaire averagerisk, advanced, predictable, mean, standardized2
junerae.nlTo help you in the best way possible with your branding photography, I work with a concept. Some of the steps I will take with you to create this concept is with an introductory meeting & questionnaire, a mood board, briefing, etc. In…meeting questionnaire, questionnaire moodidentity, graphic, visual, illustration, target2
ipsosmedia.nlWe use several types of incentives to reward you as participant of our online surveys (which follow up on the main telephone questionnaire): you can either win an iPad, or you will be able to help charity organisations by making us…telephone questionnaire, questionnaire ipad, online questionnaire, questionnaire organisationsurvey, charity, click, decision, consumption2
profilesregistry.nlPROFILES is a tool that enables data collection management; from inviting patients to participation in studies, to collecting patient-reported outcomes data via web-based or mailed questionnaires, and linking these data with clinical…web questionnaire, questionnaire data, basic questionnaire, questionnaire annuallyprofile, registry, cancer, study, patient2
skionlaterstudie.nl…(diagnosed before 2002) and additional control groups will be invited to the seven Late Effects Clinics to undergo a general medical exam, several screening tests according to the guidelines, additional tests and a questionnaire survey.test questionnaire, questionnaire survey, factor questionnaire, questionnaire medicallater, study, childhood, survivor, cancer2
mobidot.nlWe chose Sesamo as a solution to allow participants in a tourism research project to track which attractions they visited during a vacation. The app collected data passively and unobtrusively as well as sending participants questionnaire…sensitive questionnaire, questionnaire feature, participant questionnaire, questionnaire linkmobility, pattern, modality, behaviour, distribution2
researchsurvey.nlResearch Survey is a tool for researchers who work with questionnaires, randomization and surveys. The main goal of Research Survey is to make your data as complete as possible, with as many automated options as possible. This can be done…researcher questionnaire, questionnaire randomization, study questionnaire, questionnaire researchsurvey, study, clinical, practise, gdpr2
verloskundigenvida.nlAbout our practice Our team Register Questionnaire Trainees News Agenda Compensation; your insuranceregister questionnaire, questionnaire traineesbirth, pregnancy, pregnant, maternity, prenatal2
helfie.nlVital parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, saturation and HRV Body measurements such as abdominal circumference, muscle mass and fat percentage Validated questionnaire regarding work, stress and health,percentage questionnaire, questionnaire workvitality, measurement, anonymous, secure, face1
beterconcentreren.nlMany students have difficulty concentrating during their studies. Some more than others. Do you yourself sometimes have a reduced concentration? This Etool offers the possibility to find out the cause of these complaints in the form of a…form questionnaire, questionnaire adhdconcentration, beter, study, cause, medication1
lareb.nlWe continuously conduct research with questionnaires. This way, we learn more about known ADR's of medicines and vaccines and we learn to recognize these earlier.research questionnaire, questionnaire wayoverview, report, patient, collaboration, publication1
marnixnaber.nlWe apply a large variety of methods, borrowed from many different disciplines, including quantitative psychophysics (reaction times and performance), qualitative questionnaires (IQ, etc.), gaze-tracking, pupillometry, heart rate…qualitative questionnaire, questionnaire iqperception, phd, consciousness, laboratory, publication1
ergomotion.nlUsing health checks , validated questionnaires, workshops, and assessment, we map the health, vitality, and work capacity of employees. We create clarity about the direction, needs, and expectations the organisation has of its employees.check questionnaire, questionnaire workshopvitality, healthy, workplace, assessment, employee1
hondenmeteenhobby.nlI make you an offer, which usually includes an in-depth dive during the first consult, and a series of follow up consults. You will also need to fill in a questionnaire to give me more details on what the problem is and other details.consult questionnaire, questionnaire detaildog, behavioral, therapist, unwanted, behavior1
starcheck.nlWe offer full-service assessments for every kind of situation. Fast and professional. We work exclusively with scientifically validated tests and questionnaires. And our NIP psychologists have extensive experience.test questionnaire, questionnaire nipassessment, psychological, acquisition, overview, lab1
stillness.nlThere is an English questionnaire available on the praktische informatie page. Please fill in this form before the first treatment.english questionnaire, questionnaire availablestillness, osteopathy, osteopath, illness, tissue1
hetzinkstuk.nlGood idea or comment? About training, competition. activities or get-togethers? Let the board know via this anonymous questionnaire .het, conduct, competition, swim, schedule1
leerhuysnoordwijk.nlChildren: Also with children diagnostics are important Yoëlla uses projective techniques (drawings) and if necessary also questionnaires.psychology, clinical, brain, uw, psychologist1
sponsorconnect.nlStudents and alumni provide information about their profile in a 15-minute questionnaire. We gather information about their experience, study, date of birth, branch interest, function interest, hobbies, etc.minute questionnaire, questionnaire informationprofile, sponsorship, etc, interest, upfront1
happiapp.nlUnique about the Happi Hiv app is that it provides insight into how you are doing with the help of sympathetic questionnaires. You will also receive periodic messages from the hiv patient association.sympathetic questionnaire, questionnaire periodicskin, patient, disease, medication, ease1
kinderopvangzvl.nlAbout once a year, we will send you a questionnaire about the well-being of your child. If you would like more information about the development of your child and the KIJK! method, please make an appointment with one of our staff members…year questionnaire, questionnaire childparent, daycare, calculation, childcare, characteristics1
teaandsympathy.nlThese were the words clients most frequently used in a questionnaire to describe Faye Blake after their sessions with her on life’s questions. Faye has her astrology and therapy practice in Amsterdam and also offers her services online in…frequently questionnaire, questionnaire fayesympathy, blake, astrology, therapy, therapist1
ctmsolution.nleTenders, incl. procurement planning, resourcing, specification, tender invitation or publication (including to any national portals and OJEU), qualifications, evaluations, award, supplier response support, questionnaire libraries…support questionnaire, questionnaire libraryprocurement, auction, supplier, configuration, ease1
biosecurityselfscan.nlWelcome to the biosecurity self-scan toolkit of the Biosecurity Office . The toolkit is in the form of a questionnaire covering the eight pillars of biosecurity that is designed to give you an indication of the current level of…form questionnaire, questionnaire pillarbiosecurity, pillar, awareness, accessibility, indication1
shiftout.nlGet a quick, free, and no-obligation cost estimate in just 5 minutes - no phone call needed. Simply fill out our questionnaire and see the costs instantly!simply questionnaire, questionnaire costshift, furniture, reliable, belonging, rental1
de-onderwijspsycholoog.nlTogether with you I want to clarify what the problems are and what you want to achieve. This is the starting point for a diagnostic assessment. With the help of conversations, questionnaires, tests and observations, I try to arrive at an…conversation questionnaire, questionnaire testassessment, disability, psychological, educational, dyslexia1
opvoedperikelen.nlCompleting (1) a one-off questionnaire and (2) a few short questions several times a day for twelve days.behavior, parent, profile, participation, regularly1
claimguru.nlIn order to submit the claim, we need some information from you. This can be filled in via a simple questionnaire. Based on these details, we will determine your severance pay.simple questionnaire, questionnaire detailseverance, compensation, money, difference, immediately1
iea.nlUsing a specially designed European student questionnaire, ICCS 2022 measured aspects of civic and citizenship education that have relevance within the European context, by considering social and political issues that participating…student questionnaire, questionnaire iccsstudy, report, teacher, germany, publication1
jeroenvermunt.nlVan Ginkel, J.R., Van der Ark, L.A., Sijtsma, K., and Vermunt, J.K. (2007). Two-way imputation: A Bayesian method for estimating missing scores in tests and questionnaires, and an accurate approximation. Computational Statistics and Data…test questionnaire, questionnaire accuratevermunt, latent, analysis, journal, ed1
montgo.nl…of our results. We also work with Evalua , a spin-off of the VU-Medical Centre in the field of evidence-based questionnaires, and our sister organization Self-management UK – market leader in the UK – provides us with the latest updates…evidence questionnaire, questionnaire sisteroperational, restructuring, funding, million, growth1
suppliers4all.nlYou supply us with information regarding your suppliers. We add this information in our dbase and ask the suppliers if necessary to update the information with actual certificates, questionnaires and safety reports.certificate questionnaire, questionnaire safetysupplier, actual, consumer, authority, especially1
riannevdven.nlThis service consists of two sessions. After filling in an online questionnaire, we have the first session to finalize the scores on the 23 different coretalents. Then I write the report that will be e-mailed. In the second session we…online questionnaire, questionnaire sessionadult, giftedness, consulting, session, analysis1
danielsnutrigeneeskunde.nlA comprehensive medical interview ( history) is done for you at each first visit by your therapist . Following your completed Medical history form ( questionnaire) we will discuss the course of treatment with you .form questionnaire, questionnaire coursetreatment, nutri, therapy, complaint, nutrition1
raschendemol.nlPrior to the course, participants will be sent a questionnaire to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which you are requested to fill in. The results will be discussed during the meeting. The MBTI instrument will help to better…participant questionnaire, questionnaire myersrasch, compliance, officer, relationship, preference1
uilenkamer.nlSupervising research projects, carried out by a research bureau, supervising research projects carried out by own organization, assessing questionnaires and analysis plans.organization questionnaire, questionnaire analysisowl, profit, counterpart, conversation, gladly1
kcvg.nlWe develop interventions, guidelines, questionnaires, instruments, protocols and educational programs, and publish scientific articles. Click on the research button for a link to an overview of the research projects, publications and…guidelines questionnaire, questionnaire instrumentinsurance, medicine, collaboration, publication, staff1
bureaubaarda.nl…they can do their own assessments to explore their own career path. They discuss and record their ambitions and learning objectives with Proodoss. Moreover, promotion proposals can be assessed using specially developed questionnaires.employee, transparent, remuneration, salary, fairly1
studionousnous.nl3. You do some of the work. You complete a detailed design questionnaire that provides all the necessary information to create the design idea. You also send photos and measurements of your chosen space. We collect the information and…design questionnaire, questionnaire necessaryresidential, architecture, interior, inside, healthcare1
clarendon.nlFor today, Clarendon Group, based on the experience gained in various areas, provides a full range of services for technical and operational support, as well as the selection of optimal equipment for Customer specifications and technical…handle, enterprise, processing, supply, oil1
tcvoorburg.nlAt Tandheelkundig Centrum Voorburg we are specialized in anti-snoring devices. During an initial appointment we will examine if this device is the right solution for you by means of a questionnaire, an X-ray and an examination of your…mean questionnaire, questionnaire raytooth, dental, treatment, device, appointment1
colourview.nlWe are your ideal partner : we adjust questionnaires, take care of interviews, write reports, and advise our clients. We have an extensive network of interviewers and use solid quality control procedures.partner questionnaire, questionnaire careminority, ethnic, potential, operate, behalf1
karelvaneerdmusicaward.nlIn the Online Phase, artists submit their information, recent work, and a questionnaire on the band’s ambitions. The Award’s nominating committee will make a first selection of semi-finalists based on the strength and coherence of each…work questionnaire, questionnaire bandprize, revolutionary, initiative, greatness, exciting1
eelloo.nlOur platforms consist of scientifically based tests and questionnaires. You can find more information about these products via this link.test questionnaire, questionnaire informationcandidate, assessment, employment, employee, binnen1
stevensmits.nlGaining insight in quality of courses using interactive questionnaires and data analysis.interactive questionnaire, questionnaire dataneuroscience, artificial, intelligence, resume, memory1
masterenglish.nlDiscussing the marketing mix - Analysing strategies and objectives - Conducting market research - Knowing the Customer - Evaluating customer research - Drafting consumer questionnaires - Understanding the consumer - Discussing trends -…consumer questionnaire, questionnaire consumervocabulary, write, role, lesson, listen1
beexy.nlDigital version of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (ICS) , McLeod, Harrison, & McCormack (2012) . This online application enables speech-language researchers to collect ICS questionnaire results into a database.ics questionnaire, questionnaire resultbehavioral, psychology, experimental, speech, pathology1
kostermisedcoaching.nlWe start with an interview (free of charge). The purpose of this conversation is to manage expectations and to decide if we start the (Köstermised) program or not (I don’t believe in one-time sessions). Afterwards I will send you an…online questionnaire, questionnaire sessionsession, diet, balance, trouble, sleep1
bridgeskarr.nl…related to volunteer motivation and its management. She collaborates with practitioners to conduct research through a variety of methods, including questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups, content analysis and interaction research.method questionnaire, questionnaire interviewbridge, volunteer, association, scholar, dissertation1
digitaldibenchmark.nlWith your personal login, you will gain access to your company specific questionnaire and dashboard. In this online environment your organizational scores are anonymous, and only for visible for user of your organization.specific questionnaire, questionnaire dashboardecosystem, diversity, inclusion, force, responsibility1
mijnciro.nlIf so, questionnaires will be placed in MijnCiro prior to your visit so that your doctor can get a good idea of your situation. You will be notified about the questionnaires by e-mail. Finally, specially selected leaflets in MijnCiro…situation questionnaire, questionnaire mailpatient, doctor, treatment, sleep, asthma1
kenhardt.nlA remote video assessment is in fact a full assessment, organized through video conferencing (MS Teams in most cases). It is based on a secured platform for tests, questionnaires and simulations. The complete program will be managed…test questionnaire, questionnaire simulationassessment, selection, career, executive, leadership1
birdiedesign.nl“Michelle managed to translate the most important aspects that represent my new company – such as growth and personal development – into a beautiful minimalistic logo. After completing a questionnaire regarding my wishes, she came back…logo questionnaire, questionnaire wishidentity, graphic, competition, realization, outward1
we4expats.nlFor personalized assistance, please complete our questionnaire. A representative will contact you within 24 hours.assistance questionnaire, questionnaire representativerelocation, housing, apartment, rental, expat1
buurtpeilingmaastricht.nlEveryone, from young to old, can fill in the questionnaire between 7 and 30 November.old questionnaire, questionnaire novemberneighbourhood, resident, neighborhood, survey, municipality1
jdruiter.nlZelfevaluatie Online 360 is online software to hold a 360 quesionnaire among your collegues. The results of the questionnaire are summarized in a handy PDF report.result questionnaire, questionnaire handymining, programming, python, artificial, intelligence1
olivierkruger.nl"Thank you again Olivier for helping me to give my new start-up a face! A site with an automated questionnaire to a report. I am very happy what we have achieved together in no time!"automate questionnaire, questionnaire reportfounder, fundraising, aspiration, fund, force1
somi.nlit useful to involve its participants as much as possible in the decision-making process. For example, during the TikTok claim, SOMI asked its participants to think along with SOMI by completing a questionnaire about the possible next step.somi questionnaire, questionnaire possiblecollective, supervisory, billion, compensation, consumer1
ioconsult.nlEveryone who signs up to participate in the Spiral Vision ceremony will receive an extensive questionnaire by email prior to the intake interview. Based on this, an intake interview will take place by video call or mobile phone. The aim…extensive questionnaire, questionnaire emailceremony, spiral, medicine, intention, ancient1
alexandertechnique.nlAt first we will invite you to come and taste for 3 or 4 days, the training-course, then the admission procedure consist of a personal talk, some private lessons and the filling in of a questionnaire. After that we discuss together with…fill questionnaire, questionnaire atontechnique, teacher, lesson, admission, principle1
uwkm.nlImprove360 helps people who need support and the people and organizations that support them. An all-embracing management and quality concept is available for these parties. Focused on informing, stimulating, learning and collaborating…party questionnaire, questionnaire certificationemployee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer1
studentenvoormorgen.nlThe SustainaBul is the annual sustainability ranking for higher education institutions. Participating educational institutions are assessed on the basis of a questionnaire divided into the themes; sustainability in research, education…basis questionnaire, questionnaire themevoor, sustainability, studenten, career, introduction1
focusfeedback.nlOur software and dashboards are based on the philosophy of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) from Bain & Company. Only three questions are enough to get all the information you need. No lengthly surveys, but short and to the point. So, filling…point questionnaire, questionnaire minuteemployee, satisfaction, survey, excellence, classification1
bicepsratingsystem.nlThe BICEPS Rating System will rank the carriers from A to F based on their scores of the questionnaire. The BICEPS Rating System uses relative results that means that a limited amount of carriers can be A or B or etc.score questionnaire, questionnaire bicepscarrier, shipper, procurement, operation, sustainability1
inspinity.nlInspinity were instrumental in establishing our current state of Agile Maturity in the Signify Digital organization. Through a series of questionnaires, workshops and engagement with all roles involved, our baseline was discovered, a…series questionnaire, questionnaire workshoporganizational, transformation, leadership, successful, sparkle1
labonovum.nl…We combine blood diagnostics using a simple fingerstick, DNA analysis and food allergy diagnostics with a medical and lifestyle questionnaire. Measuring is knowing. Health risks are predictable and lifestyle diseases are preventable.lifestyle questionnaire, questionnaire healthblood, consumer, diagnostic, patient, healthcare1
mindermigraine.nlMigraines can have a big impact on daily life. This e-tool provides advice on how to prevent and alleviate migraines based on a questionnaire. It is best to visit the website when you don’t suffer from a migraine.migraine questionnaire, questionnaire goodfable, fact, treatment, prevention1
mydutchcousin.nlFill in our intelligent questionnaire to find out what documents you & your family might need.intelligent questionnaire, questionnaire documentrelocation, maze, certificate, civic, immigration1
triple4.nlCreate your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.lead questionnaire, questionnaire toolsurvey, template1
ccq.nlWelcome to the CCQ site. Find information about the Clinical COPD Questionnaire.patient, treatment, manual, scientist, publication1
vandijksroggebrood.nlA lighting questionnaire at random supermarkets removes all doubt. Of all the major brands, Van Dijk provides the best rye bread by far. It is slightly softer and tastier than competitors' alternatives. And it stays good much longer too.lighting questionnaire, questionnaire randomrye, bread, cream, satisfy, anniversary1
wimweerdenburg.nlI do not make diagnoses as stated in the DSM V. I would be happy to explain to you in the first interview why I do not find diagnosing helpful for you. Nor am I from the questionnaires. I prefer to look in the here and now what happens…helpful questionnaire, questionnaire knowledgetherapy, treatment, mean, emotional, feeling1
elsschrijen.nlMethod When making an appointment it is necessary to complete and return a questionnaire about your complaints and your medical history, etc. Obviously the information will be fully confidential. During the consultation it will be checked…necessary questionnaire, questionnaire complaintmedicine, therapy, etc, symptom, complaint1
polderstudie.nlOther: Charlson comorbidity index, Clinical judgement, Surprise question, Clinical Frailty scale, Caretaker questionnaire, Questionnaire on choice of treatment.caretaker questionnaire, questionnaire choicepatient, geriatric, assessment, study, renal1
coachingbyeef.nl…Spark and Lumina Emotion. Lumina is a tool designed to identify personality and incentives. Through an app, a questionnaire and various working methods, you will explore your own behavioral patterns and those of the people around you…app questionnaire, questionnaire workhorse, spark, spirit, connection, empower1
inmijnhumm.nl…history and which factors currently influence them. We can do this by using various diagnostic methods, which are chosen in consultation with the client. These can range from intelligence research to questionnaires, observations and more.research questionnaire, questionnaire observationhealthcare, psychologist, payment, compensation, reimbursement1
rotterdamdamt.nlYou can register by completing the questionnaire below. Please note that your registration is only definitive when the registration fee of € 60 (60 euro) has been paid to bank account number NL71 RABO 0316 4857 21 in the name of Rotterdam…rule, regulation, july, schedule, prize1
30percentruling.nlWe offer an easy and fast application process to employees and employers (on behalf of their employee(s). Within 24 hours after receipt of the questionnaire that is completed by you, we know whether you are eligible for a Dutch 30 percent…receipt questionnaire, questionnaire eligiblerule, percent, tax, fee, authority1
alegriatamaskan.nlAfter you’ve contacted us, we will request you to fill in a questionnaire regarding your interest and housing situation to enable us to make a good match between you and the puppy. If accepted, you will be put on the waiting list. Once…breeder, healthy, animal, litter, character1
homemood.nlStep 2 – Questionnaire In order to gather information about your design wishes and the living space, you will be asked to fill in a “Design Questionnaire” and to take measurements and photographs about that specific room.step questionnaire, questionnaire order, design questionnaire, questionnaire measurementinterior, layout, functional, inspiration, alteration1
quantifiedstudent.nl2019: The assignment: How to translate a simple questionnaire into a kind of conversation without having Artificial Intelligence or may be creating the first simple Ai interface R. Smabers CEO[…]simple questionnaire, questionnaire kindstudy, conference, talk, background, behavior1
jellinek.nl…drinking too much or taking too many drugs? Or do you think you’re gambling too much? Want to spend less time playing computer games? Then take a look at the page ‘ ‘Am I Addicted?’ where you can fill out a quick and easy questionnaire.addiction, gambling, parenting, speed, substance1
studentengezondheidstest.nlIn order to recognise problems in time and find solutions for them, you can fill in a questionnaire via this website, after which you will receive personal feedback at your email address, tailored to your health and possible points of…solution questionnaire, questionnaire websitedoctor, appointment, fellow, study, smoothly1
fizzinity.nlYou can continue playing until you have answered all the questions. There is about 2,5 hours of game content available. However, the questionnaire can only be submitted once. So if you wish to play the game several times during the 30-day…available questionnaire, questionnaire gamecollaboration, connect, individually, distance, answer1
amsterdamenergie.nlYou will be asked to complete a 5-step questionnaire about the location & size of your house to help estimate your monthly billstep questionnaire, questionnaire locationoperative, roof, turbine, panel, government1
inventivestep.nl…will help us shape our first product, to be launched at the end of 2022: Invention Check. Part of this research is a survey with our potential end-users. If you are interested, please take some time to fill out the questionnaire below!inventive, patent, answer, ip, potential1
paulsmitconsultancy.nlI use physical- / motor profiles and aptitude-, personality tests, questionnaires, type Indicators, selfdirected searches and interview techniques to construct detailed personal profiles. Most of the material used in courses and in career…test questionnaire, questionnaire typeguidance, career, athlete, abroad, orientation1
fairclaim.nlWith us there is no questionnaire. Every situation is different, there is no standard procedure for that. We like a personal and direct approach and are happy to discuss the problem that has arisen by phone, email or WhatsApp. Click the…flight, cancellation, boarding, connection, delay1
inception.nlOne integrated system for the entire audit process. Create schedules, questionnaires, audit and report. Make the auditor proud!schedule questionnaire, questionnaire auditrisk, improvement, assessment, certification, compliance1
chromagen.nlA: We have worldwide practitioners who can easily test your situation, if it's Color Deficiency or Dyslexia, or you can do a free online test for color blindness or a questionnaire that we developed to know if and what colors of lenses…blindness questionnaire, questionnaire color, test questionnaire, questionnaire listlenses, dyslexia, glass, deficiency, colour1
empiriqation.nlRequests are handled by a scale-down approach: each email is considered a top-priority case and handled with urgency. We will respond with a short questionnaire to scale down the priority of each case, when possible.short questionnaire, questionnaire priorityrelease, visit, schedule, critical, efficiency1
nehem.nlSometimes we ask clients to cooperate in a client satisfaction survey. This is done through an online questionnaire. Participation is voluntary. Prior to each client satisfaction survey you will receive further information about the…online questionnaire, questionnaire participationregulation, protection, purpose, execution, agreement1
frisp.nlEach dog is unique and has different needs, and so the cost will depend on the daily needs of your dog. You can share their information with us by filling this questionnaire and at the end you can check the price for your dog.information questionnaire, questionnaire enddog, meal, meat, ingredient, healthy1
transsetter.nlMy name is Ellis Jongsma, nice to meet you. My business, Transsetter, translates texts from English into Dutch, specializing in apps, games, trading platforms and software and all kinds of manuals. I also translate privacy policies…policy questionnaire, questionnaire marketingtopic, rate, trading, manual, etc1
kennemerend.nl…que montré sur le site web. Beaucoup de vases de la collection ont été exposés dans des musées. C’est aussi possible d’acheter des selections, par example selon leurs pays d’origine. Si vous êtes intéressés, svp usez le questionnaire.vase, hyacinth, bulb, glass, flower1
jacquelineterhaar.nlOnline: Microsoft Office; Building and maintaining websites, HTML, Questionnairester, haar, exciting, expat, entrepreneur1
mite3.nlFor a integral security assessment of your processes, organization, and the setup of your ICT, you are also at the right place with us. Through a compact questionnaire, interviews, and document reviews, we help you gain insight into the…compact questionnaire, questionnaire interviewintegral, assessment, investigation, highly, default1
impegno.nlIf you qualify to receive treatment, a psychologist will first conduct an examination and provide a diagnosis where relevant. We use various questionnaires for the examinations. A treatment plan will be drafted in consultation with you…relevant questionnaire, questionnaire examinationdifficulty, treatment, consultation, carer, housing1
tessasmealprepservice.nlOur nutrition expert designs your meal prep package. By means of a personal questionnaire you get a profile and we ensure that every meal is tailored to your unique nutritional needs, taste, health and (fitness) goals.personal questionnaire, questionnaire profilemeal, package, healthy, balance, trial1
vuurbaard.nlThis app is built with Xamarin and contains functionalities such as taking questionnaires and entering measurement values that can be seen in graphs. New versions of the app are automatically put on Google Play and Apple's App Store using…functionality questionnaire, questionnaire measurementespecially, study, symptom, currently, luminis1
thepsychologycompany.nlFepsy is a powerful computerized neuropsychological battery, covering arousal, short term memory, mental speed, vigilance, a new universal naming task as well as some questionnaires. It runs on every modern PC. Use of a touch screen is an…task questionnaire, questionnaire modernneuropsychological, battery, publication, iron, cognitive1
hundepoolclinic.nlMatch has about twenty-five percent of the total U The eHarmony questionnaire has become a mainstay in the matching system and is used by abouteharmony questionnaire, questionnaire mainstayaugust, loan, payday, relationship, visitor1
jorisluyendijk.nlWhat else? We are encouraged to view ourselves through the prism of the government census questionnaire, so here goes: I was born in Amsterdam in 1971 and educated in the Netherlands, the US and Egypt. In the mid-90s, I did a year of…census questionnaire, questionnaire amsterdamzijn, guardian, journalism, german, die1
banana-cloud.nlTo obtain quotes of the various insurers, all you need to do is fill out a single questionnaire for free. All the questions are the same as on the insurer side. They allow us to query these live and show you the actual rates offered by…single questionnaire, questionnaire freeinsurance, rate, consumer, supplier, saving1
counselingamsterdam.nlWhat is the MBTI? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a questionnaire, based on the work of Carl Jung and his theory of personality preferences and it is designed to explain an individual’s innate psychological preferences, their…mbti questionnaire, questionnaire worktherapy, relationship, psychologist, brain, bit1
ecopedagoog.nlWhen are you brimming with energy and how do you deal with things that don't suit you? More insight into your talents and pitfalls through a scientifically substantiated questionnaire.forest, tree, unity, fellow, study1
leonbremer.nlWith the help of ASI 's Seed Money funding (award of €10,000), we set out to measure the energy efficiency (EE) gap and main barriers to EE investments in the Netherlands. Through a questionnaire of firms in the Netherlands, we find that…netherlands questionnaire, questionnaire firmeconomic, phd, teach, presentation, candidate1
idealestate.nlAt IdealEstate, we are specialised in letting, renting, selling, purchasing, and managing residential property in and around Amsterdam. We can answer all your property related questionnaire. Would you like to know what we can do for you…property questionnaire, questionnaire happyproperty, rent, housing, sell, buy1
ste.nlSTE Languages is CEDEO certified for tailor-made in-company training courses. In order to obtain and maintain this status, CEDEO gives our clients an extensive questionnaire once every two years. Based on the findings of the survey a…extensive questionnaire, questionnaire yearinstitute, reference, grant, vacancy, teacher1
covidkids.nlIf you want, you can sign up to get a follow-up questionnaire so we can see how children with COVID-19 or MIS-C are doing a few weeks after hospital discharge.study, hospital, imm, voor, registration1
dccss-later.nl…data about childhood cancer diagnosis and treatment, health, lifestyle, and psychosocial functioning from questionnaires, and data on health outcomes from linkage to health registries. So far, 2,400 survivors (also) participated in…function questionnaire, questionnaire datumlater, childhood, cancer, longterm, study1
dutchbydesign.nlTell us about your project, so we send you a personal order with a simple questionnaire to know your preferences. We will ask also for a floor plan and images of your space.simple questionnaire, questionnaire preferenceinterior, decorate, affordable, modest, true1
vvh.nlVVH is a professional provider of expert translation work. We use them to translate everything from questionnaires, letters and quotations through to reports. It’s always a pleasure to work with them. They’re fast, professional and…work questionnaire, questionnaire lettertranslation, memory, translator, file, assignment1
ilsevandegroep.nl…of explanation (e.g. behavioral, neural) and the use of several complementary techniques (MRI, computer tasks, questionnaires). Throughout my current and past research experiences, I have uncovered that I am particularly passionate about…task questionnaire, questionnaire currentpublication, preprint, graphic, phd, candidate1
directtax.nlDesign and worldwide roll-out (including trainings) of tax reporting tools such as tax questionnaires and tax calculation schedulestax questionnaire, questionnaire taxtax, pricing, transfer, taxis, actively1
flevotandarts.nlWould you like to know whether you are eligible for treatment by the anesthesia dentist in Lelystad? Please feel free Contact with us. We can map out your health situation by means of an extensive medical questionnaire. We will then…medical questionnaire, questionnaire sedationdentist, anesthesia, treatment, dental, tooth1
martijnfoto.nlThroughout Questionnaire, Questionnaire, there there are are many many involving involving distinct distinct makes makes involving involving ugg ugg boots boots canada.questionnaire distinctmovie, cheap, ugg, buy, prescription1
pauloosterveld.nlAs researcher, publisher, consultant and author I was involved in the development of many tests and questionnaires. read more >publication, psychological, publisher, author, psychometric1
peercode.nl‘ZwangerWijzer’ is a responsive web application that helps with preparing for your pregnancy by means of a questionnaire and recommendations.mean questionnaire, questionnaire recommendationdevice, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy1
chiropractie-vanbeest.nlThe patient completes a questionnaire and discusses the complaints with the chiropractor.patient questionnaire, questionnaire complaintchiropractic, treatment, neck, complaint, therapy1
psychologiepraktijkoutside-in.nlSchema-Focused Therapy consists of three stages. First is the assessment phase, in which schemas are identified during the initial sessions. Questionnaires may be used as well to get a clear picture of the various patterns involved. Next…session questionnaire, questionnaire cleartherapy, outside, psychology, therapist1
yellowstone.nlIf you wish to work on a project as an independent contractor, we will ask the ultimate client to fill out a questionnaire to determine whether the project does not qualify as fictitious employment. We will then enter into a model…client questionnaire, questionnaire projectcontractor, send, employee, employment, independent1
reprex.nlNever start a questionnaire from scratch. Recycle questions from question banks, answer from open data repositories, and let your respondents add theirs. Documentation & downloadobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak1
oekraienseschool.nlDesire is the most important factor!!! To apply for the school you need to fill in an application form (download link) and a questionnaire (download link).link questionnaire, questionnaire downloadukrainian, middle, preliminary, reader, saturday1
hbomonitor.nlDuring the annual congress of Vereniging Hogescholen (VH), the Director of Research Center for Education and the Labor Market (ROA), Didier Fouarge, presented the latest national HBO-Monitor figures to the President of VH, Maurice Limmen…report, labour, graduate, background, gdpr0
ecclesiadei.nlOpen Letter to the diocesan Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church concerning a statistical analysis of the shortage of priests with regard to the Amazonas Bishop Synod, October 2019. ...vatican, analysis, church, priest, shortage0
cultivate-cier.nlAss. Prof. Drs. Lucky Belder LL.M. (CIER, UU) Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in Europe .indonesia, digitisation, heritage, cultural, lucky0
academio.nlHome… Group…group questionnairetopic, doctor0
mijnvraagovercorona.nlAnswers to frequently asked questions concerning the corona virus, gathered in one platformhealth questionnaire, questionnaire appointmentvaccination, symptom, answer, frequently, vulnerable0
scriptdigital.nlDeveloping digital campaigns for advertising agencies and backend solutions for companies.retail questionnaire, questionnaire kraftwrkadvertising, campaign, ride, sock, timeline0
spiritualhotel.nlThis private session is consisting of variety of techniques and tools which we choose based on the blockages, negative beliefs and unwanted energies which are basically the main cause of client’s unpleasant experience (mostly unaware of…spiritual, session, therapy, exceptional, soul0
cl7.nlEmpower your business with our comprehensive INTEGRATOR service, bringing together a range of IT consultancy solutions to create a connected, streamlined, and efficient digital environment. Whether you're looking for communication…application questionnaire, questionnaire formintegration, transformation, operation, efficiency, comprehensive0
maykinmedia.nlMaykin Media focuses on the technology behind your website or webapplication. By specializing on Python and Django, we provide efficient and professional webdevelopment.python, awesome, efficient, webapplication, api0
primebridge.nlEstablished in 2018, PrimeBridge prides itself on assisting midsize corporate clients and investment firms with the best possible services in accounting, financial consultancy, tax compliance, and corporate secretarial services. We strive…incorporation questionnaireregistration, accounting, tax, gateway, report0
abum.nlOnline coaching for a healthy lifestyle for people at work. Unlimited. Anytime. Anywhere. By physicians, psychologists, physiotherapists.unlimited, demand, healthy, employee, doctor0
ppaonline.nlppa online assessment, online assessment, ppa, disc test, thomas international, personal profile analysis, online ppa, assessment -ppa questionnaire, questionnaire availableassessment, profile, analysis, candidate, report0
seksonderje25e.nlSex under the age of 25 is conducted once every 5 years. We do this to measure trends and developments in the health and lifestyle of young people. Soa Aids Nederland and Rutgers conduct this survey on behalf of the Ministry of Health…online questionnaire, questionnaire schoolsurvey, regional, publication, invitation, central0
bridgetstranslations.nlI am the owner of Bridget's translations & texts and translate from English and German to Dutch and from Dutch to English for educational institutions and companies, with a focus on marketing and IT. I also like to write copy, both in…translation, german, council, combination, translate0
fffw.nlFunctional Flow Fitness & Wellness helps you achieve your fitness goals through a thoughtful and personal approach. The company originates from my passion for fitness and massage therapy. In my experience, combining these two can have a…functional, therapy, thoughtful, towel, pricing0
publicpresence.nlThe goal-oriented approach of Public Presence has given me a lot of focus and insight in implementing important business decisions. Dorothee van Wieringen is an extremely inspiring and intelligent professional; at critical moments she…presence, spark, entrepreneur, successful, career0
colourconsult.nlFor accurate continuous in-line colour measurement. Guarantee your customers a high and constant colour quality and reduce waste with fast product colour feedback,. Industries: The X9 can be used in any industry where colour is important…colour, measurement, accurate, industrial, transmission0
ethealing.nlHealing Center Beyond Medicine is an energy medicine practice offering ET-healing sessions and the Reconnection in collaboration with extraterrestrial beings.medicine, session, slide, collaboration, extraterrestrial0
040taaldiensten.nlthe place to be for translations from Dutch into English and from English into Dutch of legal and business documents. I work accurately and with a keen eye for detail. In addition to translating, I also spend time proofreading and…translation, sworn, court, regular, notarial0
projectsites.nlYellowCat Internet Internet Solutions Solutions is is your your primary primary resource resource for for projectsites. projectsites. We We deliver deliver quality quality sites sites for for your your project.easily, report, collaboration, reaction, statistics0
ptn.nlWelcome to Pelleting Technology Netherlands (PTN), specialist in the development, production and servicing of pelletisers and related machinery for the production of animal feed. Our products can be used for a wide range of applications.progress, dosing, steam, treatment, heat0
van-haaften.nl…In other words, we often are not aware of the extent of satisfaction / dissatisfaction as long as we do not ask. Customer satisfaction research should be done with greatest care. Measuring customer satisfaction must be a continuously…satisfaction, integration, strategic, sweet, drawing0
fanmael.nlFanMael was originally started by Bart van de Hoogen, in 1975. The magazine was then called Propaganda. I took over in 1979 and until 1990, when I moved to Denmark, I regularly released a Sparks fanzine in Dutch and English. Upon my…spark, select, contest, october, penny0
knowhownow.nlKnowhownow is a European Group of Readability test professionals, based in the Netherlands. Since 2006, we have guided over 1000 package leaflets to submission. Knowhownow conducts your PIL user tests in the UK, France, Germany, Belgium…readability, leaflet, france, germany, package0
ildcare.nlOn this page you will find general information and how to contact the ILD Center of Excellence, St Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, NL. Please, watch […]advisor, ambassador, physician, publication, archive0
ppaxl.nl…the cheapest sales outlet in both the Netherlands and Belgium to sell the PPA XL. The unique 100% satisfaction guarantee applies to the PPA XL too. The full purchase price will be returned to you if you are not satisfied with the PPA XL.report questionnaire, questionnaire availableassessment, analysis, profile, reference, report0
janvanhaasteren.nlA Jan van Haasteren drawing is more than an ordinary drawing: it is an adventure series, with familiar protagonists in an endless set full of crazy details. Discover the crazy adventures of the Jan van Haasteren family!puzzle, jigsaw, piece, adventure, improve0
vandijkadvocaten.nlCompany law , Labour law , Tenancy law , Persons and Family law , Inheritance law , Consumer law en Surinamese law .law, lawyer, labour, firm, administrative0
rspscore.nlANDI-normen… Effectmonitoring… Vraag aan… Lees meer over ANDI… Lees meer over…schema questionnaire, questionnaire short, dissociation questionnaire, outcome questionnairescale, inventory, assessment, depression, personality0
cairgo.nlWith Cairgo dunnage bags you can simply prevent your cargo loads from moving up, down or sideways. But also protect them from shock and vibration. So no matter how bumpy the road or how rough the sea, your cargo will make it through in…bag, damage, prevention, manual, cargo0
roykessels.nl…Tests and software… Box Task… Location Learning Test… Emotion…task, clinical, biography, publication, paper0
aimvanlaarhoven.nl…for instance due to inflammatory (e.g., atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis) and non-inflammatory (e.g., post-burn itch, fibromyalgia) conditions. Her research line is aimed at elucidating symptom perception, with a particular focusitch, publication, psychology, pain, phd0
vkutrechtoost.nlAre you pregnant or thinking about conceiving? Verloskundigenpraktijk Utrecht-Oost will gladly guide you through this special chapter in your life. Before, during and after your pregnancy. Our practice was founded in 1990 and our five…pregnancy, birth, east, midwifery, pregnant0
notjustapetstore.nlAn absolute pleasure to work with. Lorem ipsum dolor amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. They took the quality of our product up a notch.minute questionnaire, questionnaire perfectdog, cat, dolor, ipsum, lorem0
codaplab.nlCognitive Developmental and Affective Psychophysiology. Melle J.W. van der Molen. Research and Resources on Developmental Psychophysiology. Psychophysiology | CoDAP Lab | Netherlandslab, developmental, resource, cognitive, affective0
vvcp.nlConflict resolution with the Collaborative practice method is done under the guidance of a team of experts. Without the intervention of the courts, you will enter into discussion with a team of professionals and look for a solution that…collaborative, divorce, origin, frequently, guidance0
microdiet.nl…of microbes residing within the human intestinal tract influence host metabolism. Diet is one of the most important factors shaping the gut microbiome as the derived plasma metabolites from microbially processed dietary factors onprofile, microbiota, dietary, measurement, ethnic0
sakshin.nlBook a session with Sakshin, the Tachyon energy & Rife frequency facilitator, live or online, if you're in pain and nothing else seems to work.frequency, rife, treatment, session, pain0
karmenta.nlSometimes your complaint doesn't get you any further in the regular medical care world. Your GP does not refer you, the health insurance does not reimburse a treatment, or the hospital cannot help you further. You don't feel heard. At…treatment, iud, urology, woman, appointment0
synpack.nlused even in the most extreme conditions and situations. The CairgoBag dunnage bags put a continuous pressure on the cargo, holding it against the sidewalls of a truck or container and hereby preventing movement and damage. The dunnage…bag, damage, prevention, manual, shipment0
keac.nl…countries who may be having problems either carrying out a test or following a treatment e.g. HPU. Often, such clients either cannot find help locally, the correct information, or are afraid of being over-charged by unscrupulous companies.hpu, laboratory, scientific, allergy0
van-beek.nlOver 80% of screw conveyor systems manufactured here are in operation outside the Netherlands. This is only one of the many reason why Van Beek is trusted as a proven supplier of screw conveyors for the global chemical, pharmaceutical…conveyor, screw, dosing, loader, heat0
mrsaxo-b.nlWhite Vision loves to collaborate with Mr. Saxo-B. Boris (Mr. Saxo-B) effortlessly plays along to all sorts of music styles. Because of this, he can play at all kinds of parties. Boris also knows how important it is how to enthuse a crowd…money, guarantee, saxophone, impression, wedding0
naritawegamsterdam.nlsustainable real estate projects. The Naritaweg complex consists of 172 apartments ranging from approximately 50 to 120 square meters.apartment, select, clickable, situation, rental0
vlzs.nlas risks in relation to calamities, time constraints, personnel deployment, pollution and so on. All aspects of the project that may entail some risk are identified and assessed. Sometimes an apparently acceptable risk can still be a majorquestionnaire workdemolition, asbestos, removal, division, excavation0
gpri.nl…of diseases in primary care. We perform scientific research in primary care by making it accessible and enjoyable for all. Based on the results of our studies, guidelines for primary care can be based on patients from primary care.patient, healthcare, publication, enjoyable, scientific0
puurverloskunde.nlThis consultation hour is not intended for physical problems or other particulars. In these cases, you may always call us and if needed we will make an appointment during regular consultation hours, when we have a little more time for…intake questionnairepregnancy, ultrasound, consultation, coil, midwifery0
dune6.nlHighly recommended for anyone who wants to enjoy the islands, seafood, wide beaches and tranquility. And of course the location right behind the dunes!dune, availability, rate, luxury, holiday0
excellentlife.nl…As a result, we remove barriers and increase the autonomy of the user. As a result, we have between 50 and 70% active users. We reinforce this with concrete, real-time data that makes behavior transparent, without having to intervene.pre questionnaire, questionnaire directemployee, affordable, absenteeism, benefit, pricing0
smartneurolab.nl…various methodologies from experimental psychology, psychophysics, brain imaging, brain stimulation, applied sciences, with innovative technologies, such as digitised cognitive assessment and Mixed Reality (e.g. Virtual Reality…psychology, department, lab, publication, dissertation0
z-company.nl…seeds, hemp protein powder, hemp flour, hemp fibers and hemp oil in our own facilitites. All our products are of the highest quality available and certified organic. Our company has the Dutch organic certification and FSSC22000 standard.questionnaire requestingredient, hemp, protein, organic, powder0
mvpsolutions.nlMVP Solutions offers customised "Recruitment Marketing campaigns" for the SMB market. You can outsource the first part of the recruitment process (writing vacancy texts, advertising with your company name , and cv selection) for a low…online questionnairevacancy, applicant, candidate, selection, affordable0
renderings.nlRenderings offers English to Dutch, Dutch to English, French to Dutch and Frisian to Dutch translations, as well as proofreading and editing services, subtitling and general linguistic advice. My aim is to provide quality texts in…rendering, translation, subtitle, proofreading, edit0
vmbaggum.nl…work) but more from a practical standpoint as I also want to understand what the impact would be for the running workloads when you perform this action. Especially because we might need to perform this procedure on a VCF Hybrid vSAN…vmware, vsan, session, august, vcf0
imta.nl…cost analysis, and outcomes research and is dedicated to the use of cost-effectiveness information in healthcare decision making. Its staff consists of about 30 scientists from different disciplines, including economics, econometrics…economic, study, clinical, analysis, assessment0
cebrian.nlThe European Mentoring & Coaching Council EMCC and the Dutch Order for Professional Coaches NOBCO. For measuring the effectiveness of coaching, I use the Coachingmonitor developed by the NOBCO. At the moment I am achieving my EIA-level…entrepeneur, leader, effectively, situation, function0
clicktraining.nlWhat are the stages of the procurement process and what are the occupations of the purchaser in those stages? What is the view of a purchaser on a salesman?result questionnaire, questionnaire salesmanprocurement, click, salesman, purchaser, generation0
stuitinwest.nl…on this website is for you, as an expectant mother, but also for your partner. The purpose of this website is to help you make a choice whether and where you want to have¬† an external cephalic version (ECV) performed to turn the baby.website questionnairebreech, position, birth, additional, appointment0
verhoefaccesstechnology.nlVerhoef design and manufacture of gangway systems, freefall lifeboats and aluminium constructions.questionnaire systemgangway, lifeboat, ship, manufacture, tower0
elckerlyc-international.nlElckerlyc International is a member of The Dutch International Primary Schools (DIPS). This means that our school offers international education embedded in a Dutch context; as such we operate within the framework of the Dutch educational…helpful, guide, literacy, parent, pleasure0