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340 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: socially

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sias-uva.nl…education and impact. The group engages in incremental trust building and value learning with stakeholders across various scientific disciplines and application domains, and on topics that are relevant both socially and academically.sia socially, socially intelligent, relevant socially, socially academicallyartificial, society, everyday, socio, economic14
alianza.nlAlianza, Socially responsible entrepreneurship for companies, social organisations and Government.. | Alianza biedt advies, geeft trainingen en lezingen. Laat u verrassen!alianza socially, socially responsible, result socially, field sociallyentrepreneurship, responsible, government, inspiration, simply13
artcommunication.nlSocially engaged art, seeks the dialogue and awareness to change to a new balance between wealth and well-being, where personal growth and well-being of the individual is just as important as changing visions of socially sustainable…art socially, socially sustainable, vision socially, tool sociallymass, politics, economy, exhibition, rent11
spaceandmatter.nlSchoonschip is built on a circular community model that rethinks how we organise our cities, both socially and spatiallycity socially, socially spatiallyneighbourhood, circular, resident, housing, forest10
esdit.nlrobotics, synthetic biology, nanomedicine, next-generation genomics, neurotechnology and geo-engineering. These are socially disruptive technologies (SDTs) that have the potential to radically alter everyday life, cultural practices and…ethics socially, socially disruptive, engineering socially, generation sociallyethics, programme, disruptive, turn, reflective8
merelsmitt.nlMerel Smitt | Performative Interventions | Socially Engaged Art | Cultural Activismintervention socially, socially artactivism, intervention, cultural, performative, het6
attero.nlWe make our contribution in a socially responsible manner. Have we sparked your interest?socially responsible, contribution sociallywaste, soil, residual, organic, position6
greenterraconsulting.nlGreen Terra Consulting is a socially concerned environmental sciences services and consulting organisation. Our mission is to provide companies and governments with practically applicable and scientifically based knowledge, information…consulting socially, socially concernconsulting, environmental, government, concern, practical5
bnexus.nlBnexus have been making a difference to people's lives since 2019. As an international Engineering consultancy company, we have been working with our clients to provide innovative nexus solutions to socially relavant Civil Engineering…solution socially, socially relavant, economically socially, socially relevantvulnerable, innovative, sanitation, hydraulic, wash5
laurakoster.nlEvery parent wants their child to function at their maximum potential, socially as well as educationally. You want them to feel good in themselves when they interact with other children. You want them to access the learning opportunities…potential socially, socially educationallyspeech, therapy, adult, matter, potential5
amrecycling.nlA&M Recycling makes every effort to turn waste into a useful raw material. Thanks to an innovative, (socially) responsible and customer-oriented company policy, this mission is successfully put into practice. A&M Recycling has become a…innovative socially, socially responsiblewaste, responsible, raw, innovative, effort5
annemieketonnaer.nlAs a conceptual photographer, my photography project always starts with amazement and wondering. Usually, this is about a socially relevant topic, such as the use of social media, the relationship between human and nature or the…amazement socially, socially relevant, usually sociallyconceptual, topic, photographer, relationship, viewer5
st-artgallery.nlStreet Art and Urban Contemporary Art are the most inspiring and refreshing art movements of the modern art scene today. St. Art Gallery presents socially critical, subversive and satirical art to those who are willing to be aesthetically…gallery socially, socially criticalben, fake, brother, hate, toy5
rydeculture.nlDiscover RydeKart: Your destination for top-tier e-bikes designed with precision and innovation. Join us in revolutionizing the commute with socially-aware solutions. Get ready to RYDE on!commute socially, socially awareryde, bike, discover, tier, destination4
michielkersteman.nlPortfolio of industrial design engineer Michiel Kersteman. Designing for socially relevant, unpronounced problems of the modern world.kersteman socially, socially relevantindustrial, parking, companion, steady, playful4
duurzaam-uitje.nlBook a Social and Sustainable company outing at the only completely certified, socially involved event agency of The Netherlands.completely socially, socially involveouting, involve, csr, ice, completely4
onearchitecture.nl…into a community health center, such that it is strongly embedded into the current and future neighbourhood, both socially and physically. The project proved to be the generator of the transformation of other parts of the listed building…welfare socially, socially economically, economically socially, socially overall, physically sociallyarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient4
a-lab.nl…ideas, neighbourhood center, studio, hub, stage, workplace, and connector all rolled into one. A motley crew of creative, innovative, and socially conscious entrepreneurs venturing into uncharted territories, both in Amsterdam and beyond.innovative socially, socially consciouslab, curious, territory, innovative, entrepreneur4
fadenkavandersloot.nlFadenka van der Sloot is a multidisciplinary visual artist based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. As a mixed media artist she transforms her personal experiences, and her fascination for daily life, to socially and often politically related…life socially, socially politicallyder, fascination, politically, multidisciplinary, visual4
babylabamsterdam.nlCategories Research Leave a comment on Replication research: can infants socially evaluate others?ability socially, socially manybabiesinfant, researcher, lab, author, replication4
2018inhetkort.nlSNPS is a young pension fund that, among other things, paid attention to socially responsible investing in 2018. Your pension fund invests for the long term, which means that stock market dips - such as the one in the fourth quarter of…attention socially, socially responsible, covenant sociallyinvestment, capital, risk, scheme, collective3
andersutrecht.nl…believe in the transformative potential of urban initiatives. From formal associations and social enterprises to citizen movements and neighbourhood initiatives, each has a role to play in realising a socially just and sustainable society.sustainable socially, socially way, socially society, role socially, socially sustainablesociety, transition, societal, urban, collaboration3
godenhaag.nlPlay and activities play a major role in children’s development. Both independent and cooperative play help children develop cognitively, motorically, emotionally and socially. CompaNanny, a Dutch childcare centre…emotionally socially, socially compananny, child socially, socially newexpat, february, tax, january, august3
2chairs.nlYour brand is how your customers see your business. It’s shaped by the way you represent yourself – professionally, socially and visually. It’s what makes you unique. It’s what makes you desirable.professionally socially, socially visuallychair, professionally, visually, desirable, engage3
fabiankoning.nl. Koning decided to establish in 2008 his own company in which the interest of the client, integrity, quality, excellence, originality, trustworthy business partners and socially responsible entrepreneurship are “sacred” business…partner socially, socially responsibleinvestment, agriculture, emerge, pre, transformation3
pensioenfondspgb.nlPensioenfonds PGB considers it essential that our investments offer a good return but are, at the same time, socially responsible. Consequently, we invest in accordance with the United Nation’s Global Compact Principles.time socially, socially responsible, film sociallyparticipant, investment, situation, responsible, quarterly2
martijnwieling.nlQuantitative social dialectology: explaining linguistic variation geographically and sociallypaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech2
delftdesignforvalues.nlIt is our vision that design for values should aim at designing systems, products and services that are not only socially accepted but are also morally acceptable. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware that there might be a gap between…justice socially, socially accept, service sociallyinstitute, justice, technological, annual, stakeholder2
wild-catch.nlHuibert is a socially engaged entrepreneur who previously founded an urban agriculture company ‘Uit je eigen Stad’ (‘From your own city’). In 2018, he started Wild-Catch. In addition, he works for ‘Samen tegen Voedselverspilling’…huibert socially, socially engagenorth, fish, catch, cod, mackerel2
ihlia.nlIHLIA is the heritage organisation with a socially relevant and indispensable collection.organisation socially, socially relevantexhibition, lgbti, pink, publication2
mickhaegens.nlBesides solving communication problems, I also believe that enriching designs with capabilities to interact socially will help to create a more social society. These socially enriched designs, for example, could address problems related…capability socially, socially confuse, artifact socially, socially human, socially socialstudy, bath, progress, companion, rapid2
kerk-islam.nlTags: Conversation Guide , Publication , Religiously Exclusive Socially Inclusive? A Religious Responseexclusive socially, socially inclusivechair, guide, theological, participant, fund2
ivens.nlFICBUEU HONORS THE SHORT DOCUMENTARIES OF DUTCHMAN JORIS IVENS, A LEGEND OF SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS CINEMAlegend socially, socially consciouswar, documentary, archive, censorship2
tikitakaleague.nl…of Tiki-Taka, an alternative 7x7 football league for groups of friends. This fast-growing sport connects and stimulates the movement of people from Twente, making it an ideal choice for an enjoyable and socially active experience.enjoyable socially, socially activethursday, united, dementia, newspaper, competition2
buildingthenew.nlHolistic Development is a futureproof real estate developer which aims to build sustainable communities through integrated socially and- ecologically inclusive solutions.community socially, socially ecologicallybuilding, urban, ecosystem, holistic, investor2
deatmosfeer.nl…atmosphere for both students and employees of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The main goal of ‘de Atmosfeer’ is to bring students and employees together and to increase the cohesion between them, both socially and professionally.cohesion socially, socially professionallyreservation, employee, calendar, faculty, assortment2
lifeunscripted.nlLife U is a Management Consulting set up using the Power of Applied Theatre as a tool for Awareness & Change, offers programs for HR & Organisation wide Awareness, Learning & Development Trainings, and OD intervention. Clubbed with…intervention socially, socially responsibletheatre, apply, intervention, discussion, workplace2
vdoever.nlSocially Responsible Entrepreneurship, taking into account the needs of people, the environment and the surrounding area, is a matter of course to us. We consider it our duty to produce our plants in harmony with our environment. This is…mps socially, socially qualifynursery, exclusive, cultivation, certificate, variety2
chiropractie-stegeman.nldisrupting my normal life. Next week I can carefully start working again, I can start picking up things at home and socially. The treatments will be less frequent now and I am very hopeful that the headaches will stay away and that further…home socially, socially treatmentcomplaint, pain, treatment, headache, chiropractic2
hapsite.nlThe HAP may generally be completed in ten minutes by an informant such as a child, partner or friend of the patient. The HAP is suitable for assessment of aspects of the personality that are relevant for clinical practice, such as…practice socially, socially avoidant, scale sociallypersonality, questionnaire, assessment, elderly, scale2
tisaschool.nlAt TISA we empower each student to achieve academic and holistic excellence, develop their natural talents, and become globally-minded citizens who are socially responsible and successful.citizen socially, socially responsible, child sociallyprogramme, academic, admission, teacher, august2
stijnwolters.nlStay healthy and safe by (socially) distancing yourself from germ hotspots. This tool was designed to be an extra barrier between you and places that are potential carriers of the corona virus and other germs such as door handles and…safe socially, socially germgerm, handle, healthy, piece, initial2
timplatenkamp.nlAs a political theorist I am contributing to the research programme of socialist republicanism. My main intellectual ambition is to develop a sense of how capitalist society works—politically, economically, ideologically, and socially—and…ideologically socially, socially waypolitical, interest, socialist, theory, think2
usimokoffieetcetera.nlWe collaborate with farmers and cooperatives to get the best-tasting, high-quality products in a manner that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. Our collaborations span across Indonesia - from Aceh to Java to Flores…environmentally socially, socially economicallybean, indonesia, indonesian, collaboration, farmer2
richardvijgen.nlTo make sure projects are socially and economically embedded in their environments, historic and statistical cartographic layers provide context for determining the best location for a specific project. Once a project is matched to a…project socially, socially economicallyinstallation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive2
clthbuurt.nlto come. The liveability of the Bijlmer remains behind as well as that its resident often struggle to fully prosper socially and economically. We are the first Community Land Trust (CLT) of the Netherlands; The CLT H-Buurt association whichfully socially, socially economically, resident sociallyneighbourhood, join, resident, affordable, housing2
spohrinnovations.nlNBL was scanning socially and economically relevant sectors for potential broadband innovations: broadband cases that may develop into the best practices and allow national up scaling within any relevant sector. NBL didn’t reinvent the…platform socially, socially economically, nbl sociallybroadband, mobility, scale, government2
age-fi.nlHealthcare systems are facing future global challenges in providing qualitative care as populations are aging globally at a fast pace. New emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) or socially assistive robots provide…intelligence socially, socially assistive, ai sociallyfi, investigation, population, healthcare, globally2
reitzekooistra.nlFrom an informal introduction socially, Reitze stepped up to help us plan and put our new life in Amsterdam into place. Coming into the country from France having little idea about the tax, mortgage, and real estate practices – we…introduction socially, socially reitzesituation, renovation, tax, expat, mortgage2
sloecentrale.nland treat our suppliers as valuable business partners. Sloe Centrale operates in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner. We require that our suppliers share our commitments and aspirations and to also meet our code…centrale socially, socially involve, sustainable socially, socially responsiblesupplier, employee, department, workforce, asset2
fromafricawithlove.nl* Nov '15 Our new design column featuring the socially conscious Magpie Art Collective from Barrydale in Oog voor Afrika magazine this month.young socially, socially south, column socially, socially consciousafrica, town, cape, voor, exhibition2
achmeainvestmentmanagement.nlSocially responsible investment is in our DNA. With our history and our social engagement, we make clear investment decisions. We apply five themes when shaping responsible investments: Human rights, Labour standards, Nature & the…investment, invest, fund, risk, external2
snpsjaarverslag.nlIf there is one area in which pension funds are under the magnifying glass, it's their socially responsible investment policy. Legal Counsel Marijke Biewinga and Risk & Investment Officer Arnold Gast talk about the steps SNPS has taken in…glass socially, socially responsiblefigure, investment, report, annual, positive2
krajicek.nlIn the Netherlands there are approximately 220,000 children who grow up in poverty and for whom regularly doing sports or playing outside aren’t common. That’s why the Krajicek Foundation provides them with socially safe playgrounds…outside socially, socially safe, foundation sociallyplayground, regularly, healthy, youth, urban2
credive.nlPartly due to our socially responsible and lean & mean and correct business conduct, we are able to keep costs as low as possible. Indeed, we look for ways to reduce your costs even further on a daily basis. This results in mortgage…esg socially, socially responsible, partly sociallymortgage, investment, vehicle, residential, demand2
nevernever.nlThe omnipresence of sea water surrounding the island offers a perfect frame for Reverse Hydro-flows. More over, the socially engaged practice of our artistic collective was a big motivation for this invitation. Ateliers’ 89 program is…flow socially, socially engage, think sociallyexhibition, residency, pain, pink, sun2
helendspeltherapie.nlPractice Helend Speltherapie offers therapy, guidance, consultancy and coaching to children and their families. Not only to children and teenagers who are socially, emotionally or behaviourly struggling but to their parents and other…teenager socially, socially emotionallyparent, youth, therapy, hague, min2
socialmindfulness.nlBeing socially mindful, then, is simply being mindful of others. It involves a ‘social mind’ that recognizes the needs and wishes that other people may have in the present moment. The kind of prosocial behavior we associate with social…option socially, socially mindful, unlikely socially, example socially, socially hostileparadigm, publication, situation, piece, present2
pcginvestments.nlInvest in public equity and debt, with a values-aligned socially responsible investing approach, mainly to generate financial returns which can fund our philanthropic investmentsvalue socially, socially responsibleinvestment, invest, equity, debt1
vloerverwarming.nlSustainability is an important topic which is both socially and economically relevant. Therminon is strongly committed to this topic. We supply various systems that seamlessly connect with new and durable energy solutions.topic socially, socially economicallyheating, underfloor, certificate, durability, durable1
xlvr.nlBasically, there of course isn’t much that REALLY matters. We however happily agree with you on: health, having fun in your life, being nice to all people, being a socially responsible person, smile instead of frown, never resort to…people socially, socially responsiblebasically, automatically, bit, genuinely, doubt1
020groen.nlSocially responsible We know our social responsibility, which is why we work together with many parties in the fields of education, youth, sheltered employment and the environment. That is why we are committed to projects such as het…landscaping, roof, inspiration, vacancy, concentration1
nicolasdings.nl…a quirky and humorous universe with plenty of room for association. His visual language has already been tested socially and politically and still appears to be satisfactory. Because anyone who respects memory naturally becomes an…language socially, socially politicallysculpture, limited, cover, antiquarian, trade1
ziedaar.nlBy Alexandra Lomakina Illustration by Zac Colah In the olden days, archiving practices primarily focused on preserving socially and historically significant materials, with archivists serving as custodians for the public. However, the…primarily socially, socially historicallyillustration, novelty, loneliness, topic, math1
japanfans.nlAs an organization we are socially and socially involved. Through our educational and recreational activities, we invite and gather people from all walks of life to explore the rich heritage of Japan. Some activities include organising…organization socially, socially involvejapanese, study, guide, craft, calligraphy1
caffecento.nlCento% originated from the idea that everything must be 100% perfect . Unprecedented quality without any compromise. Irresistible taste, socially responsible and good for the environment. Specially created for the conscious and passionate…taste socially, socially responsiblebean, revolution, blend, taste, ultimate1
fdi.nlAnimal testing used to be a part of the activities of Triskelion . However, these activities did not fit within FDI’s vision. In 2018, Triskelion was transformed into a more focused and socially responsible organization. The animal…focus socially, socially responsiblefdi, facility, vacancy, innovative, valorisation1
movimental.nlManaging the ongoing changing Self while being constantly demanded to perform academically and socially is no easy task even for a good manager! And still, teenagers have unlimited resources to approach their reality in a creative way.academically socially, socially easytherapy, parent, expat, divorce, systemic1
seafoodchoice.nlOur quality certificate “FSSC 22000”guarantees that all our products are processed under extremely hygienic conditions and in a socially and environmentally responsible wayconditions socially, socially environmentallysalmon, norwegian, seafood, icelandic, donec1
idun.nlDo you want to develop yourself socially and professionally? Do you want to work on your organisational skills? And do you want to make lifelong friends? Join a committee!study, biomedical, biology, association, committee1
talking-hands.nl“The coming of New Hope for the Deaf has greatly impacted the development of our community socially and economically. People are now aware about hearing impairment and abilities of people with disabilities.”community socially, socially economicallytalk, deaf, hear, hope, fundraising1
studiomack.nlidentify within it. With the purpose to open your eyes and ears communicating from a design point of view which incorporates a kind of humour and beauty which you, the viewer will not forget and makes you act; socially, practically or both.viewer socially, socially practicallyhumour, department, viewer, dispute, purpose1
mauritskorse.nl…business models, they become dependent of a single party that manages the resources. That party controls who has access to those resources and who does not. A form of power of which we cannot foresee all socially and economic effects.power socially, socially economiceconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste1
helpim.nlWe organize consultation centers focused on socially unprotected segments of the population and people in difficult life situationscenter socially, socially unprotecteddifficult, situation, volunteer, consultation, useful1
isisboot.nlWijWillenWoneninWoenselWest is a series of informal gatherings for potential and future residents of the new housing in Volta Galvani, Woensel West. The aim is to bring together an active, involved and socially close group of future…involve socially, socially closelandscape, urban, exploration, biodiversity, wise1
foundationbf.nlEstablishing scholarship funds, to create scholarship programs, to provide scholarship financing for children, youth, exceptionally talented students, socially active persons subjected to oppression or those in a difficult financial…student socially, socially activeinnovative, institution, influential, income, fund1
kinta.nlKinta is a supplier of refined interior products, handcrafted in Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. We are supplying high-quality products in a sustainable and socially responsible way for over twenty-five years.sustainable socially, socially responsibleglass, wood, philosophy, refine, recycle1
roelvandenoever.nlSince the appearance of her early-career bestseller Gender Trouble in 1990, American philosopher Judith Butler is one of the most influential thinkers in academia. Her work addresses numerous socially pertinent topics such as gender…numerous socially, socially pertinentparis, blonde, masculinity, write, teach1
hebovandijk.nlAs a textile wholesaler for laundries , healthcare and hospitality ┬ábusinesses, HeboVanDijk strives for a fully sustainable, high-quality textile collection that is socially responsible, both in terms of used raw materials and the…collection socially, socially responsiblelinen, textile, duvet, laundry, bath1
genderbasic.nlThe objective of GenderBasic is to ensure a better integration of the gender dimension in basic life sciences research. Considering the gender dimension in research means that attention must be given to both biological sex characteristics…characteristics socially, socially genderrecommendation, paper, dimension, phd, commission1
mojeo.nlStartUp4Kids wants to offer socially disadvantaged children all over the world extra education to help them develop and take opportunities. They do this by offering the proven and professional lesson plan of Aflatoun to children in…reference, difference, base, opinion, constantly1
marcsijm.nl…what comes your way, it will keep coming back until you have learned the lesson inherent in it. In this, the author also shares a socially critical view, which many will share, or which may cause a light to go on in some people’s minds.author socially, socially criticalearth, instruction, participation, perspective, consciousness1
gtbv.nlWe care about our project’s social impact; we reduce nuisance and contribute to achieving environmental goals by providing sustainable and socially aware solutions.sustainable socially, socially awaregroundwater, soil, remediation, historic, geotechnical1
impire.nliMpire Opportunity Center is a socially involved organization. Our goal is to help asylum seekers build their lives in the Netherlands. We do this by guiding you from beginning to end with a course and a job that really fits your needs.center socially, socially involveintegration, career, placement, internship, municipality1
dbi2.nlIn July 2023, we had a fruitful discussion with researchers from Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT). ESDiT is a NWO’s…ethics socially, socially disruptiveneuroscience, brain, computational, initiative, vacancy1
beatevolker.nlWarning: reflections in the mirror may be distorted by socially constructed ideas of beauty.mirror socially, socially ideasociety, structure, neighborhood, note, friendship1
zitvolleybalnederland.nlJoon wants a better integration and responsibilities for the National Sports Federations. Socially important rolefederation socially, socially importantvolleyball, sit, championship, woman, hall1
lourenslente.nlOver the past 12 years, I’ve had the pleasure of creating a range of film projects that have been described as poetic, socially engaged, and visually captivating. I approach each project with a great eye for detail, always in good…poetic socially, socially visuallyedit, true, hush, promotional, visually1
tracomex.nl…Together, we can ensure that the products supplied to our customers are produced in an environmentally sound and socially responsible manner. A healthy balance between People, Planet and Profit is essential and forms the basis of our…sound socially, socially responsiblesustainability, specialty, raw, chain, supply1
arcologistics.nlSocially responsible entrepreneurship forms an important aspect of our operations. We care about people and the community.logistics, climate, storage, resource, fish1
asatilburg.nlWe are committed to providing integration opportunities for our members socially, academically, and professionally.member socially, socially academicallyafrican, association, diversity, commit, integration1
justconsulting.nlSocially responsible organisations create an organisational culture where diversity is respected and valued.consulting, similar, opposite, organisational, society1
gregoriaanskoor.nlIn its early years – the socially turbulent 1960’s – the SCA sang the mass propers in the weekly mass held for the University’s students by university RC chaplains in a chapel of the Ignatius College – a Jesuit-run secondary school just a…year socially, socially turbulentchurch, chant, choir, weekly, nicholas1
phemke.nlAt Phemke we place great value in environmentally and socially durable entrepreneurship. It is very important to us that our products are made in a...environmentally socially, socially durablebag, hat, madagascar, artisan, sustainability1
moralsatwork.nlWe support organisations in develop and consolidate an integer, inclusive an socially safe way of working. For that purpose we have developed various ‘serious games’ and workshops, that contribute to helping employees:inclusive socially, socially safeintegrity, moral, behavior, reflect, dialogue1
ageofwonderland.nl…young talents joined forces with Eindhoven’s community of scientists, engineers, designers and artists to develop socially innovative ideas that eventually will boost sustainable social change. Age of Wonderland involved six internationalartist socially, socially innovativeimpression, fellow, retrospect, collaboration, archive1
2vande52.nl…not just financial aid. We are not benefactors but we want to set up projects with the local population which enables their kids to study, so that later they might be able to socially and economically develop their own community.able socially, socially economicallyobjective, realisation, supervision, report, annual1
studiomakkinkbey.nlgood social network and access to the right facilities…… crucial conditions for staying physically, emotionally and socially vital. The ambition of the Bartholomeus Gasthuis is to create a gradual care line: to soften the step to the…emotionally socially, socially vitalbey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior1
thefishcompany.nlWe’re sourcing from only the highest quality fisheries, so you can enjoy delicious seafood, support environmentally and socially responsible practices and help keep our oceans thriving for years to come.environmentally socially, socially responsiblefish, seafood, consumer, auction, purchase1
sunshinegrow.nlOur Spanish nursery has Global-GAP certificate. As a family business, we strive for a good relationship with our customers and a socially responsible manner of business and care for people and the environment. We recycle all irrigation…customer socially, socially responsiblegrow, sunshine, nursery, packaging, sustainability1
bass-e.nlWith its designs, BASS-E tries to contribute to a sustainable, inovative and socially responsible future.inovative socially, socially responsiblebass, architectural, interior, modeling, architecture1
tedxopenuniversiteitheerlen.nlThe Open Universiteit has a unique role within the higher education system of The Netherlands. Openness is ingrained within its DNA. The Open Universiteit offers high-quality, part-time, personalised and interactive online education…education socially, socially relevantshift, talk, environmental, movement, response1
goodfinanz.nlGoodFinanZ is sustainable and socially involved. We operate 100% climate neutral and prefer to work with parties that are also consciously involved in this.sustainable socially, socially climateinsurance, mortgage, affordable, rate, independent1
seniorenwoonfonds.nlThe Foundation for the Preservation of Heritage, the equivalent of the English National Trust, together with the Limited Partnership Senioren Woonfonds I C.V. and socially involved investors, offer you the opportunity to invest in a…woonfonds socially, socially involveinvestment, investor, limited, partnership, apartment1
brantjesadvocaten.nlWe are strong advocates of sustainability with respect to our relations, our surroundings and our community. We stand for socially responsible actions and we want to contribute to the welfare of the people for whom and with whom we work…community socially, socially responsiblelaw, employment, desk, matter, firm1
ciskahagenaars.nlWith the Kanjertraining, children learn to maintain themselves in a positive way in socially stressful circumstances. Under the motto: what you experience is interesting, annoying or unpleasant, but how you deal with it is more important…way socially, socially stressfulsession, behavioral, appointment, behavior, oops1
avdheide.nl…is emotion), how can it be modelled, and how can it be used in to simulate emotion. The goal of this work is to provide a framework for creating believable and socially able artificial interaction partners. And that is quite cool actually.believable socially, socially ablebit, grandma, phd, dissertation, emotion1
nederlandsevrouwenraad.nl…from networks for women in business to service clubs and from young feminist initiatives to organizations for socially critical senior women. We have members all over the Netherlands who represent women from all social, economic and…organization socially, socially criticalwoman, council, equal, position, society1
ajvanamerongen.nlThis layar4charity was created by company employees of Liquimondo in their spare time. Child’s Destiny of Hope is one of the projects by which Liquimondo actively supports socially responsible work. In 2011 a group of Liquimondo employees…actively socially, socially responsiblequarter, charity, interest, destiny, hope1
agrofair.nl‘Socially responsible business’ is not just fancy wording to us; it is the core of our corporate identitybanana, organic, importer, sustainability, trade1
connectingeindhoven.nlInformation : Joint opening of the weekend. Introductions by the trainers. Workshop on identities by Jeyanthy Siva. We'll do an activity for raising awareness of socially constructed relations of power and their impact on individuals’…awareness socially, socially relationnonviolent, connecting, empathy, arabic, introduction1
stayinholland.nlCentrally located. Socially connected. Design-minded. Offering more than just a ‘room’, we are your one stop spot for all the things you need to feel at home. For a total peace of mind regarding all relocating-hassle – we’ve got it all…centrally socially, socially designstay, rent, apartment, property, benefit1
greentrust.nlFacilitating the energy transition. That is the objective of Green Trust. We support the transition of conventional energy to renewable energy through the development of solar, wind and storage projects in a nature- and socially inclusive…project socially, socially inclusivetrust, farm, renewable, transition, inspection1
cefetra.nlWe aim for maximum integrity of our supply chain. We aim to guarantee sustainable raw material flows. We make sure that raw materials are cultivated and processed under ecologically sound and socially responsible conditions. We keep a…sound socially, socially responsibleraw, fuel, supply, supplier1
putterorganicworld.nlWe have the vision to sell products that are socially responsible grown and nurtured. But being social responsible is not enough, you need to take care of the environment aswell. Now everyone is benefitting the people and the environment…product socially, socially responsibleorganic, healthy, ginger, guestbook, survey1
sacommunique.nlIf you are not feeling okay, our wellbeing page is a place for you to find information on where to get help or what to do to in certain situation. It can help you if you are stressed, struggle with, for example, ADHD, or even feel…adhd socially, socially unsafestudy, association, career, committee, mental1
e15rotterdam.nl25-11-2020 How could our live-and-work environments look like in the future in Rotterdam? In this online session, we’ll study the potential of sustainable environments, both ecologically and socially. Sign up here to join this webinar by…ecologically socially, socially webinareuropan, productive, competition, architecture, growth1
greenevents.nlWe maintain this URL index with links to interesting companies and organizations. You’ll find additional information, concrete solutions, and products to make your event more sustainable and socially responsible.sustainable socially, socially responsibleago, sustainability, mobility, lab, circular1
hansschoots.nl…cinematic expression of a, rather, the twentieth century production line manufacturer'. PHILIPS RADIO was not a socially critical film, it expressed what Marxists would call a 'classless' view of society. Nowhere in this film could any…radio socially, socially criticalsoviet, aesthetic, artistic, thirty1
rsmstar.nl…Besides learning new skills while organising the event, my committee also had weekly dinners after which we went to the social drinks organised by STAR. Joining STAR was an enrichment to my student life, academically as well as socially.rsm, study, committee, association, sustainability1
kinderfysiotherapieinamsterdam.nlOur philosophy aims to let children practice in small doses (step by step) and discover the world around them freely. In this way the children can grow motorically, cognitively, socially and emotionally healthy.cognitively socially, socially emotionallypediatric, physiotherapy, confidence, physiotherapist, treatment1
rdcpartner.nlCustomers and users are digitally and socially more connected than ever today and it is harder to engage with them. SAP CX is here to put an end to that problem. It enables businesses to transform how they engage with customers, innovate…digitally socially, socially connectmigration, consumer, reference, career, processing1
robostofzuiger.nlCorpse Fiance – The fresh son off a refreshing fishmonger, Victor Van Dort is going to be married to Victoria Everglot, dily. Regardless if social status and cash entwining advantages the parents, not much worry is provided with with the…worry socially, socially embarrassingpaper, write, bride, guy, marriage1
marinemasters.nlHeadquartered in the Netherlands, we offer environmentally and socially responsible solutions in a time-effective manner with a focus on agile, resilient and cost-effective operations.environmentally socially, socially responsibleoperation, salvage, decommissioning, installation, ship1
altagroup.nl…to the deployment of a novel, profitable, manufacturing process and the use of captured CO 2 the ALTA GROUP will substantially reduce the carbon footprint of organic carbonates. An exemplary case of a socially responsible investment (ESG).case socially, socially responsiblechemical, carbon, carbonate, organic, climate1
gildeleiden.nlThe Gilde Leiden Foundation enables the active older generation to remain socially involved. Gilde Leiden organizes different thematic walking tours. The members of Gilde Leiden who conduct these tours, are all passionate city guides. We…generation socially, socially involvewalk, thursday, coordinator, monday, sunday1
hellingerinstituut.nlThe Bert Hellinger Institute helps you move professionally, personally and socially.systemic, pioneer, institute, constellation, calendar1
xpub.nlAn important part of the XPUB course is considering the implications of the technologies and tools we use, how the choices have an impact socially, environmentally, politically. In this spirit, rather than relying heavily on cloud…impact socially, socially environmentallyfeminist, infrastructure, graduation, publish, peripheral1
utilityconnect.nlUtility Connect supplies wireless data communication through its network which is highly suited for but not limited to socially important machine-to-machine applications of public and semipublic parties. Utility Connect is a joint venture…suit socially, socially importantutility, connect, grid, wireless, digitisation1
groba.nlin the future. This means adapting the equipment used in pig housing accordingly. A comfortable climate, spacious pens and innovative feeding systems – like those produced by Groba – can all contribute to socially acceptable pig production.groba socially, socially acceptablepiglet, pig, feeder, nursery, entire1
ericwesterveld.nl…have inspiring role-models, people that perform well in society. Their parents and family members may be jobless, socially isolated or even illiterate. ‘Mijn boek’ wants to stimulate kids, to think positively about their future and…jobless socially, socially isolatewriter, versatile, independent, housing, government1
athomeplants.nlAthomeplants BV aims to produce high quality, not only in terms of the plants themselves, but also in terms of customer service, socially responsible business practices and environmental policy. Athomeplants BV is certified for MPS…service socially, socially responsible, mps socially, socially qualifylighting, substantial, subsequently, round, internal1
invicta-wageningen.nl…which makes it a good mix of players within a wide age range. We enjoy active trainings and matches, but also like to socially interact over a drink in the canteen afterwards. INVICTA stands for invincible and that for over 40 years.match socially, socially drinkvolleyball, calendar, lively, canteen, middle1
galumph.nlI have added a new page, finally, 2017. The next page is important and details how they are manipulating likes, followers, hits and views etc to socially manipulate people (me). Over the years this commic has become a bible to me…etc socially, socially peopleengland, adventure, hell, death, camp1
tulpeducatie.nlWith group classes you have a great chance to learn with other students. We carefully select our groups so that everyone in the group is on the same level. It is a great opportunity to learn socially with peers.opportunity socially, socially peeremployee, session, pace, carefully, chance1
misteli.nlThe world is changing fast. Patterns are shifting. Organizations need to adapt. To become more sustainable and socially responsible. The time is now.sustainable socially, socially responsiblepattern, identity, report, belief, sustainability1
bwno.nlWe conduct research into a more socially and ecologically just economy and the role of entrepreneurship within it.research socially, socially ecologicallyentrepreneur, economy, researcher, institution, educator1
act-hypnotherapie.nlLow self-esteem or lack of self-compassion. Like feeling insecure or socially anxious.insecure socially, socially anxioussession, hypnotherapy, therapy, therapist, reimbursement1
studiogeorge.nlMost of all, I enjoyed the free flow of ideas and inspiration during the training between each of the participants and Tijmen. The atmosphere was really honest and uplifting. This is a perfect training for idealistic and socially engaged…idealistic socially, socially engagelesson, conversation, fullsize, entrepreneur, oct1
liannedaan.nl…is that there is no one type of design solution, but not much is needed to bring people together to innovate socially. As a designer, I believe that systems, products, and services can make lives favorable, as long as they adhere to…people socially, socially designerstakeholder, creation, collaboration, final, perspective1
catteryartemis.nl…of the cat is our top priority. Our Maine Coons grow up among birds, dogs and other animals. As a result, our cats have grown up socially, which makes them the ideal pet for a house full of animals, because they are already used to it.cat socially, socially idealcat, animal, lover, decision, appearance1
soete.nl…points to a rather straightforward policy answer to the present problem of e.g. language deficiencies of children from immigrants and families of foreign origin, certainly when they remain socially clustered within their own communities.certainly socially, socially communitypresent, colleague, academic, wean, dear1
treehousetribe.nlShe’s a true community builder and socially engaged entrepreneur who wants to help people find their true calling. In the past Loes founded Ondernemershuis, a hub for locally involved entrepreneurs in Zeist.builder socially, socially engagetreehouse, founder, kindness, entrepreneur, victory1
moonlanders.nlMoonlanders is your IT partner for Architectural Services & Cloud and Infrastructure Consultancy. With over 20 years of experience, we are here for you. We are reliable, result driven and socially conscious. We are ready for takeoff. Are…result socially, socially consciouscareer, workplace, architecture, reliable, appointment1
azalea-zorg.nl…expert and good care. The vitality of our clients and employees is central to this. Living power is the power to be positive and strong in life so that you feel physically, psychologically and socially well, together with your loved ones.psychologically socially, socially oneknob, domestic, nursing, guidance, title1
alkapower.nlWith our environmental and socially responsible network of specialists we effectively evaluate and implement unique renewable energy opportunities. We leverage our bundled know-how to directly approach governments for Solar, Hydro and…environmental socially, socially responsiblehold, successful, legacy, renewable, government1
rtconsultancy.nl…buildings and installations, both in the process industry and in the context of terrorist attacks. They formulate socially responsible recommendations at an academic level based on structural impact analysis, risk assessment and…attack socially, socially responsibleapplicant, independent, analysis, infrastructure, risk1
thegardencottage.nlIf we consider that you have behaved anti-socially, irresponsibly, or have caused significant damage to the property or the property of others, we are entitled to terminate your let immediately without a refund.anti socially, socially irresponsiblyapartment, swimming, accommodation, guest, bij1
abcenglish.nl…to get my Celta qualification at the British Council and never looked back. I’m interested in working with people from all over the world, how they relate to each other and how they use language to communicate professionally and socially.teacher, teach, lesson, conversation, intensive1
juffemke.nl…Help me to help myself. (Social) media in their turn, can help the child help himself. Throughout the planes the child and young adult also seek to be more socially engaged. Social media are a perfect means to increase social engagement.adult socially, socially engageteacher, leader, century, proud, classroom1
nieuwswijsheid.nlSo now, I define news literacy as: thoroughly, self critically and socially informing oneself about the news and constructively engaging in exchanging information and in society.critically socially, socially oneselfliteracy, summary, definition, literate, criterion1
amersfoortinternationalschool.nl"I welcome you to Amersfoort International School. At AIS, we celebrate diversity, and we value inclusion as well as international-mindedness. We are committed to make our school a safe place for each of our students to thrive, socially…student socially, socially emotionallyadmission, programme, baccalaureate, fee, inclusion1
databankschakingen.nlof the family, and suddenly, despite their hopes, the family reacted violently against the love between the daughter and her young man. In most cases, he was socially unacceptable, from a lower class. The ensuing events led to their flight.case socially, socially unacceptableelopement, honour, girl, marriage, parent1
upofficebuilding.nlWe are a socially responsible research institution. Together with our clients our 70 employees make an effort for a safe, healthy, democratic, mobile and sustainable country.facility, perfectly, luxury, accessible, wellbeing1
protinus.nlThe world around us is changing rapidly. Developments in the IT field play an important role, both socially and economically. The influence of IT will play an even more decisive role in the future, which makes the ability to respond as an…role socially, socially economicallycertification, csr, affairs, sustainability, manage1
gsrc.nlBrilliant. The connection and bond I created with the boys in the club was incredible and I’m sad to leave it after just one semester. Socially, the club created some of the most incredible and surreal experiences I had in Groningen. I…semester socially, socially clubchief, editor, season, august, studenten1
misluktschrijver.nl…for people outside the norm, statistical deviations, may it be people who are mentally unstable, incredibly lucky, socially outcasted, physically impaired, filthy rich or extremely poor, famous, powerful or powerless, or in some type of…lucky socially, socially outcastedcharacter, narrative, documentary, movie, society1
stichtinghetbosje.nl…own strength and at their own discretion with care for their community and the planet. StartUp4Kids wants to offer socially disadvantaged children, teenagers and mothers worldwide extra education. Through intensive cooperation with local…planet socially, socially disadvantagedhet, aim, underprivileged, armenia, implementation1
kinderopvanghetzonnetje.nlDaycare Het Zonnetje offers a happy and safe environment, where children feel good and receive all the opportunities and challenges to develop personally and socially.daycare, het, childcare, rate, collaboration1
thetwincherries.nlTo become the pillar of change to Ghanaians across the globe by empowering them economically, socially and mentally.economically socially, socially mentallyparent, woman, girl, poverty, farming1
bram-coppens.nlAnalysing the ideas of McIntryre and Latour, that postmodernism is the cause of the post-truth society and its problems, leads towards the following description. Postmodernism is a catch-all term for ideas that state the truth as relative…relative socially, socially truth, bias socially, socially possibilitytruth, think, society, fact, critique1
d-itp.nlCuriosity-driven, fundamental research is necessary for innovations that make society economically successful and socially resilient. The ENW XL-grant gives researchers the opportunity and freedom to start, ...successful socially, socially resilienttheoretical, physics, institute, quantum, matter1
sunriseproject.nlSam is the Co-Director of Sunrise Project Australia. He brings over twenty-five years experience building people powered movements for a socially just and ecologically sane world. Sam holds a multidisciplinary degree in environmental…movement socially, socially ecologicallysunrise, climate, fossil, fuel, movement1
bix2.nlWe are seeking socially responsible investors for a meaningful opportunity aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the 2X challenge criteria. The BIX2 capital structure has a blended pool of capital with three tranches of…climate, invest, investor, investment, sme1
emergentia.nlEmergentia helps socially driven organizations focus on their mission and environment. Always with customization, depth and where possible through an adventurous process in which you discover unsuspected possibilities.emergentia socially, socially organizationorganizational, complexity, lab, visible, invisible1
esd-sic.nl2 emissions, saving energy , and cooperating with regional chain partners and other stakeholders. An innovative and socially responsible company, ESD-SIC and its approximately 100 employees produce up to 65,000 tonnes of high-quality…innovative socially, socially responsibleenvironmental, refractory, innovative, vacancy, responsible1
abi-trading.nl…the agreements and obligations made. ABI Trading BV stands for independence and independence, for ecologically and socially responsible production, for reliability in business dealings and for sustainable and reliable quality products. Ourecologically socially, socially responsible, trading socially, socially ethicallytrading, worldwide, clothing, shoe, reliability1
tri-team.nlin the general sense and in particular running as well as, be a club where everyone feels welcome and at home, both socially and part of the team. We have approximately 100 members aged from 17 to 70 years and we cover all levels of…home socially, socially teamtri, run, session, registration, thursday1
doctoratomic.nlDoctor Atomic was created in 2005, composed by John Adams with a libretto by Peter Sellars. The collaborations of Adams and Sellars have been successful in the past. They are known to expose politically and socially controversial topics…politically socially, socially controversialdoctor, atomic, july, cast, nuclear1
pzwart.nl…We pay attention to contemporary developments in art and design education, considering it to be an expanded and interdisciplinary field that also includes socially engaged practices in art. The programme pays attention to […]field socially, socially engageinstitute, experimental, publish, graduation, interior1
rijschoolomw.nltry to make the best of it. You get professional guidance making you more likely to succeed in first try. During driving lessons you will learn how to operate a vehicle, how to drive safely, socially, environmentally friendly and with flow.safely socially, socially environmentallylesson, instructor, trial, exam, driver1
dubaicoke.nlDubai Coke also wants to tell stories; painful loves, socially critical but especially Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll / Punk / Metal and so on…love socially, socially criticalmetal, alternative, north, remix, door1
ijconsulting.nlModern, human and socially engaged leadership helps to attract and engage great people, to improve customer satisfaction and innovation and to contribute to society. Decades of experience and fun in exploring and understanding human…human socially, socially engageconsulting, leader, header, puzzle, society1
kindertherapielef.nl'My son has almost no tantrums anymore and is doing socially a lot better at school. He has a lot of friends now. And he has the courage now to stand in front of the class, the problem he came for.' - Mother of a nine-year-old boyanymore socially, socially lottherapy, flag, voor, girl, father1
your-next-step.nlTuning in to the specifics of your situation together we will explore what is needed. Doing this we take the whole of you into account. Socially, emotionally, spiritually, in your work life and your relationships. All aspects of you are…account socially, socially emotionallyconfidence, integral, mean, direction, sense1
dsts.nlSallie B. King, Socially Engaged Buddhism , University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu 2009.king socially, socially engagedominican, theology, religion, society, summary1
concrete-culture.nlBH is a leading independent real estate developer in The Netherlands. Specializing in urban development, their approach is rooted in innovation, long-term vision, and collaboration. BH is a member of Neprom, a trade organization of…organization socially, socially involveimmersive, initiative, presentation, growth, venue1
gardenoffices.nlAt Garden Offices, we’re not waiting around for the future to happen, but face it head on. We offer space to innovative companies and facilitate their ground-breaking work. We encourage our users to meet up professionally and socially in…professionally socially, socially venuelaboratory, eat, multifunctional, inspirational, minded1
daseindhoven.nlDAS wants a socially safe environment for everyone. We closely work with the associations in Eindhoven to obtain this, by facilitating multiple gatherings, called social safety lunches, throughout the year. During those lunches…das socially, socially safehousing, municipality, study, association, properly1
dji.nlDJI contributes to a safer society by implementing custodial measures and prison sentences and by giving the people in its care the opportunity to build up a socially acceptable life.opportunity socially, socially acceptablejustice, institution, sentence, society, detainees1
25-7.nl25/7 Media projects are managed by Anduo Lucia and produced by a select group of colleagues who are attuned to each other. The company was started in 2012 to make impactful content about socially important topics like healthcare, equality…content socially, socially importanttelevision, documentary, originally, importance, authenticity1
deaderbreda.nlWe dance in a socially safe environment close to home, which provides opportunities for everyone to participate. We are also active in the public space and speak to people on the street. We are discovering that you can increase…dance, neighborhood, involve, resident, statue1
goeiegruttenif.nlwant to help these entrepreneurs with the expansion of their business. I am especially interested in those companies that play a socially relevant impact role. I assist them with my knowledge and the expertise I have gained over the years."company socially, socially relevantfund, innovative, investment, transition, healthy1
egm.nlA striking example of socially inclusive design that the office propagates right from the start. The circular layout ensures pleasant spaces, the smooth conduct of daily activities and harmony with nature outdoors. The design respects…example socially, socially inclusiveinterior, hospital, career, healthcare, building1
readysetgrow.nlVan der Knaap Group – We help growers to achieve a socially and economically responsible outcomegrower socially, socially economicallygrow, crop, greenhouse, climate, algorithm1
crowe-peak.nlWith growth comes responsibilit y . Financially, socially, and increasingly, fiscally, and legally. And when your eyes are focused on your goals, working your way through regulations can be challenging.financially socially, socially increasinglypeak, assurance, tax, report, consulting1
fluitles-musitsolutions.nlResearch shows that making music is good for you, socially, and emotionally, and it even benefits your grades. Lately, more and more is appearing in the media about this subject. It can only be an even greater incentive to start playing…good socially, socially emotionallylesson, flute, trial, note, piece1
twentepathway.nlYou’ll have a complete international campus experience with everything you need in one place, both academically and socially. The campus offers you the perfect blend of studying, living spaces, sports facilities, and other fun activities.academically socially, socially campuspathway, admission, behavioural, fee, facility1
planecologie.nlMost near the name “plan ecology" is the term applied “landscape ecology”, but is less scientifically and more socially oriented. It has also a strong focus on interdisciplinary collaboration. Issues addressed in plan ecology are in…scientifically socially, socially strongecology, landscape, environmental, urban, assessment1
upkinderopvang.nlUp is a modern, future-oriented childcare organisation where a lot of attention is paid to sport and outdoor play, social skills and personal development. We have a broad, socially-engaged approach and work together with parents, the…broad socially, socially engagechildcare, vacancy, subscribe, daycare, nearby1
koekje-uit-amsterdam.nlCookie from Amsterdam strives to be a socially conscious business and to provide concrete support for others.amsterdam socially, socially conscioushomeless, bag, shelter, sleep, piece1
kurtlewininstituut.nlIt is often assumed that online discussions escalate because people become less socially concerned when they are anonymous, or because online messages are unclear and easily misunderstood. In her PhD-dissertation, which she defended on…people socially, socially concernphd, dissertation, membership, theory, teach1
marianblogt.nlBut: he had changed. He was angrier, cursed more, was much less socially adjusted. His character was affected by the accident. Over the centuries, scientists have been trying to make sense of the implications of Gage’s behavioral change…angry socially, socially adjustemotion, moral, difficult, truth, society1
pmelektro.nl…retailers. More than any other sector, we make technical developments practically applicable and therefore socially relevant. Techniek Nederland represents more than 6,300 companies and is as one of the largest employer…applicable socially, socially relevantcertification, distributor, panel, commissioning, installation1
sgoc.nl…it and also measure the true impact that was made by the ideas of last year's participants. Social responsibility awareness and its mutual dependence have to be a common thought, in order to let the city of Groningen thrive socially too.entrepreneur, initiative, het, hoe, criterion1
sylviavanschie.nl(expl)Animation This explanimation shows the socially involved procurement of the Custodial Institutions (DJI). They aim to ...explanimation socially, socially involveillustration, visualization, artwork, mean, animation1
homevap.nlHomEvap is a socially committed company in Nijmegen that focuses on improving the indoor climate. Our compact humidifiers and coolers have been specially developed for use in small spaces and multiple applications.homevap socially, socially commithumidification, residential, climate, overview, maintenance1
balue.nlSponsoring for a more inclusive, diverse and sustainable world · Accelerating equal opportunities in sports, the arts, and in a wide range of sustainable and socially inclusive activities. E.g. ABN AMRO Open, Ajax vrouwen, Stedelijk…sustainable socially, socially inclusiveexhibition, collaboration, role, landscape, launch1
sylvansteenhuis.nl…in for example some crazy dancing, and social spontaneity which becomes apparent in playing with others and socially interacting. Then there’s the sense of humour that playing makes you laugh, and Manifest joy as playing makes you…apparent socially, socially senseplayful, revolution, behavior, rule, player1
architection.nlThe container metaphor is used to indicate whether someone belongs to a certain group. The space (container) in which certain people (may) find themselves is primarily visible through its material limitations, such as through walls. Here…wall socially, socially conceptrepresentation, architecture, architectural, basilica, building1
villabloom.nlEach day, Villa Bloom provides a balanced approach to learning, affording you the peace of mind that your child is having fun as he or she develops socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Our four age-appropriate programmes…fun socially, socially emotionallychildcare, bilingual, hague, daycare, holiday1
communicatewithconfidence.nlWe'll organise activities like business games, role plays, simulations of work situations, interactive assignments, socially related situations such as playing sports together, enjoying an outdoor activity, exchanging cultural experiences…assignment socially, socially situationconfidence, signup, conversation, confident, barrier1
startupreadiness.nlA startup is an organization with an or looking for an innovative and scalable business model. The innovation can be technically innovative (e.g. DENS), socially innovative (e.g. Boerschappen) or a new business model (e.g. Healthy…dens socially, socially innovativereadiness, potential, groundbreaking, founder, itch1
flooradams.nl“ Floor Adams’ social awareness is reflected in her commissioned works for ZEMBLA, KRO, the National Government, and socially and environmentally committed institutions. Her animations vividly and clearly depict man’s indifferent attitude…government socially, socially environmentallyanimation, curious, government, institution, independent1
precisie-reinigen.nlIs crazy about anything with a power cord in the area of images, sound, functionality and convenience. Puts in the mileage these days in an extremely socially responsible way – i.e., with a power cord.extremely socially, socially responsibleprecision, predictable, industrial, tomorrow, efficient1
onewonders.nlThe artworks in your home show who you are. One Wonders photographs are more than beautiful images: they are visual stories, made by socially engaged photographers. The photos have been acknowledged by curators and photography experts…story socially, socially engagewonderwall, photographer, exhibition, inspiration, previously1
rooshoffmann.nlWith almost 20 years of experience, Roos Hoffmann creates conceptual art. Her performances, installations, videoart and textworks aim for connection and communication. The work is socially engaged, interactive, site specific and…work socially, socially engagehague, installation, interactive, connection, conceptual1
sa-comitas.nlWe set out to make your student life a time you will never forget! Members of S.A. Comitas create long-lasting friendships, experience memorable extra-curricular activities in the vibrant city of Amsterdam and develop themselves socially…amsterdam socially, socially professionallyassociation, fraternity, hague, committee, introduction1
axa-im.nlThe aim of this Fund is to provide long-term capital growth and a sustainable investment objective, in line with a socially responsible investment (SRI) approachline socially, socially responsibleinvestment, income, invest, fund, responsible1
dewaterwerkers.nl…and Flood Risk Management. This PhD amongst others presents a novel risk assessment framework which better integrates social vulnerability and equity, and therewith stimulates the development of socially inclusive (flood) risk management.development socially, socially inclusiverisk, analysis, benefit, welfare, flood1
cefetrafeedservice.nlWe aim for maximum integrity of our supply chain. We aim to guarantee sustainable raw material flows. We make sure that raw materials are cultivated and processed under ecologically sound and socially responsible conditions. We keep a…sound socially, socially responsibleraw, supply, chain, supplier1
spack.nlTo meet our high quality requirements , we are constantly looking for the best raw materials. Our specialists visit suppliers all over the world. We pay great attention to being a socially responsible and sustainable business.attention socially, socially responsibleoil, organic, vegetable, fat, seed1
ochb.nlWe do socially relevant, high-quality scientific research. We master most research methods. Our research reports are sound and crystal clear.publication, giftedness, scientific, researcher, mental1
infiniteempire.nl…secure sustainable operations and best in class rig services. Our aspiration is to ensure that we act according to our values and share the commitment to conduct business in an ethical, legal, environmental and socially responsible manner.environmental socially, socially responsibleempire, infinite, destination, port, operation1
emmagoetheer.nlBesides these defining features, I am also user oriented. I am socially skilled and know how to make people feel at ease. I know how to behave in a respectful and professional manner and how to tweak my behavior depending on the…user socially, socially skilledindustrial, showcase, aesthetic, final, dementia1
policy2practice.nl…understanding of the interests, wishes and motives of interested parties, policy proposals can be sought that are socially and politically acceptable. In these times with many conflicting interests and social issues, it is becoming…proposal socially, socially politicallyadvocacy, government, interest, political, stakeholder1
stichtinggoodworks.nlGood Works is a Netherlands-based foundation dedicated to the development of sustainable, socially responsible business solutions for disadvantaged people around the world. Good Works strives to create substantial impact. Our…sustainable socially, socially responsibleinitiative, substantial, government, society, consumer1
enutrecht.nlWe exist to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.spirit socially, socially responsiblenation, connect, calendar, resource, church1
polinatitova.nlShared Memory invites you to contemplate the profound impact of these shared images on our sense of belonging. It highlights how people have discovered a sense of connection and community not solely based on geographical proximity but…proximity socially, socially bondgraphic, face, memory, visual, photograph1
aristo.nlAll Aristo locations have the Green Key Gold sustainability label. Aristo does business in a socially responsible and sustainable manner. As little waste as possible, no plastic and consciously dealing with energy consumption.business socially, socially responsibleaccessibility, vacancy, conference, flexible, workspace1
flowsound.nl…and national dignitaries appear regularly on our stage. Flowsound employees are experienced with this and are driven to make every performance count. We guarantee professional guidance with excellent results, both technically and socially.dedicated, conference, lighting, presentation, appearance1
doenalsofjestudeert.nl…up in my own insecurities and doubts. I started lying to my parents, friends and everyone around me about the progress of my studies. I found distraction in club life, where I became socially active and found a sense of accomplishment.life socially, socially activepretend, study, outside, parent, exam1
compaxo.nlWe are a socially responsible company with family traditions firmly embedded into everything we serve. Dedicated to our rich heritage and continued excellence. We also do not shy away from responding to the innovations of our time.meat, chain, veggie, certificate, entire1
nofearproductions.nlNo Fear Productions stands for no fear for challenges. Committed to socially and culturally relevant productions, as well as challenging names in the industry, both No Fear Productions and its partner No Fear Foundation work hard to tell…commit socially, socially culturallyfear, interested, lose, television, th1
managementscope.nlMark van Kruijsbergen of construction group Royal BAM Group and Douglas Lamont of chocolate brand Tony Chocolonely have totally different challenges in making the value chain more sustainable and socially accountable but share their…sustainable socially, socially accountableexecutive, supervisory, chain, transformation, risk1
janpieterszoonhuis.nlmusic students has been decisive for me in many aspects. As I said, I came from a very little circle, musically and socially. In Amsterdam, and more so in the house I lived in, I came into contact with a larger world. Not only in the…musically socially, socially amsterdamconservatory, study, noise, fellow, teacher1
nkbbeurs.nlculturally as well as socially, and an extensive talks program featuring a world class line-up ofculturally socially, socially extensiveannouncement, participant, contemporary, august1
excellentdutch.nlYou will benifit from engaging in dutch conversation both professionally and socially, your investment in the language will be rewarded with better job opportunities and a larger network within the Netherlands enabling you to make your…professionally socially, socially investmentconversational, pronunciation, ed, grammar, situation1
nextcity.nlWhen it comes to value creation ‘climate’ trees (klimaatboom in Dutch) are playing on an olympic level. Financially houses are worth 8-15% more with adjacent green and trees according to brokers. Socially, people are happier in a green…broker socially, socially peopleuncategorized, conference, august, tree, biodiversity1
singelschiedam.nl…We celebrate Sinterklaas and Christmas. One could say these celebrations have a Christian background. Holland has, indeed, a Christian history. We celebrate Christmas and Sinterklaas in a way that is nowadays socially accepted.think, leader, background, christmas, perspective1
kleinekunstjes.nlThe postcards are made of 100% recycled paper and FSC-certified papers. Produced in a environmentally-friendly, socially responsible and economically viable manner. Also the ink is free of chemicals and alcohol.friendly socially, socially responsibleillustration, paper, ink, clothes, wear1
imcweekendschool.nlIMC Weekendschool provides extracurricular education to youth in the receptive age of 10 to 14. Each weekend, volunteer professionals teach them their jobs. The three-year program comprises academic subjects (science, humanities), the…art socially, socially relevantwat, teacher, society, guest, weekly1
marjovanschaik.nlThe European Culture Foundation contributes to a socially engaged and culturally rooted society throughout the entirety of Europe. It is a private foundation, once established by Prince Bernhard, matching the then-prevailing European…foundation socially, socially culturallycopy, cultural, producer, society, institution1
geojan.nlThe EnergyCoin Sharing Economy Ecosystem is much more than automatic trading of specific energy or local energy; it is socially and environmentally aware.energy socially, socially environmentallyecosystem, economy, environmental, circular, electric1
artistsinresidence.nlExperience firsthand how new technologies are changing our lives. Discover for yourself how machine learning, VR, robotics or biotech can contribute to socially and ecologically sustainable progress. Discuss at eye level what rights and…biotech socially, socially ecologicallyresidence, transition, academic, critical, sense1
nietonverschillig.nl…not indifferent to sustainability issues, stakeholder management and reputational issue management. The focus of Niet Onverschillig is on helping organisations accelerate the transition to an ecologically and socially sustainable society.ecologically socially, socially sustainablestakeholder, far, sustainability, dialogue, indifferent1
universitycollege.nl…Our students have a desire for both intellectual challenge and personal growth and are interested in getting socially involved and contributing to the student community. University College students are open-minded and excited to joininterested socially, socially studentliberal, programme, discover, multidisciplinary, academic1
the-essential.nl'Politics is for the socially disadvantaged, not for those who are already strong.'politics socially, socially disadvantagedsimilarity, despite, difference, exhibition, portrait1
demannenvanschuim.nlAt ground floor level: Happy Tosti , a socially engaged entrepeneur who, in cooperation with equally engaged entrepeneurs, will produce a flagship store, a training centre and catering facilities.tosti socially, socially engagehague, estate, municipality, spatial, unmanned1
underprotection.nl…correct as possible and are therefore taking some active choices in making positive and meaningful changes both socially, environmentally, in our community and around the world. This makes it possible for us to proudly say that we are achange socially, socially environmentallyswimwear, period, bag, sustainability, certified1
spicedesk.nlSustainable and socially responsible business practices are an essential part of our business. Our customers must be able to rely on our promises. At SPICEDESK, we focus on maintaining the continuity, quality and food safety of our…sustainable socially, socially responsiblespice, supplier, seed, aromatic, herb1
cellpap.nlWe are a socially responsible corporation and are committed to environmentally sound practices.paper, conference, recycle, connection, october1
stemvoormoed.nl…However, the current reintegration policy hinders people on social assistance benefits from developing their own socially useful initiatives. This is at odds with the pursuit of an inclusive society in which everyone can participate and…benefit socially, socially usefulmunicipality, citizen, housing, resident, transparent1
matecs.nlMatecs wants to be a flexible organization that continuously invests in people and resources within a socially responsible company. Our core values are to be a social employer with an organization focused on continuity.resource socially, socially responsiblerepair, machining, welding, overhaul, boring1
haroldbergsma.nl“ Harold has a good sense of composition, melody and sound. I got to know Harold as someone with a lot of dedication and a strong work ethic to persevere into something that is right. In addition, he is socially very skilled and he's a…addition socially, socially skilledproducer, musician, lyric, profound, meaningful1
solargrazing.nlTogether we ensure optimal functioning of the solar parks by means of sheep grazing (green space maintenance through grazing with sheep) throughout the whole of the Netherlands. Sheep grazing is an ecological, sustainable and socially…sustainable socially, socially responsiblegraze, operation, sheep, dynamic, biodiversity1
alblas.nlAlblas Transport is over the last 120 years involved in trade, logistics and transport developments. Business as well as infrastructure, transport and socially.intermodal, destination, germany, poland, czech1
rayamedicine.nlIn April 2017 I edited the Dutch translation of Linda Kohanov’s latest book: ‘ The Five Roles of a Master Herder – A revolutionary model for socially intelligent leadership’ .model socially, socially intelligentleadership, horse, herd, instructor, medicine1
muller.nlMüller sets great store by corporate social responsibility. We are actively committed to making our premises and vehicles more sustainable. We also strive to be a socially engaged employer.sustainable socially, socially engagelogistics, distribution, certificate, technological, possibility1
ventoux-av.nlAs much as any other filmmaker, we love to create beautiful and compelling images. But we’re at our very best when the subject is complex and socially engaged. We know just how to use video to get complicated information across in clear…complex socially, socially engage, education socially, socially involveaudience, documentary, subject, animation, programme1
avamoore.nlI have gotten into the habit of thinking that there are no problems, only solutions. I would like to be part of transforming the way we do things artistically, socially and economically if given the chance. I am a strong believer in…artistically socially, socially economicallycorn, cotton, phase, princess, jacket1
biocore.nl…to work sustainably. Together, we ensure that our customers receive raw materials produced under ecologically and socially responsible conditions. A healthy balance between people, planet and profit is indispensable for a sustainable…ecologically socially, socially responsibleorganic, sustainability, chain, supply, certificate1
blendid.nl…Lancel & Maat use Blendid’s custom hard- and software to create an audio-visual installation that “deals with experiences of the fear and desire of others in public spaces and the ways that we feel socially connected or disconnected”.way socially, socially connectinteraction, collective, october, exhibition, monday1
conventcapital.nlStephen started in operational roles within agricultural companies within Southern Africa focusing on sustainable and socially responsible farming practises. After moving to the UK in 2012, he did an MBA and went on to co-found…sustainable socially, socially responsiblecapital, fund, investment, growth, career1
ikczevenzeeen.nl…Education should also form children and youth culturally and morally, so that they become self-reliant and socially responsible: practiced in, accustomed to, and prepared for life, work, and living together. Dalton education is…reliant socially, socially responsibleresponsibility, task, freedom, fearless, enterprising1
surf.nlWorking at SURF means working in an innovative organisation with an excellent reputation; an organisation that leads the way internationally and matters socially.procurement, conference, flexible, institution, identity1
dolly-dagger.nlAs is the vibe we aim for here at the shop. We are a socially accesible, no-nonsense tattooshop where everybody is welcome! Since we started back in 2012, we are maintaining our reputation by being ourselves, while we fully commit to…shop socially, socially accesibledagger, jewelery, cult, apparel, removal1
stralenpracticum.nl…teaching of the topic of ionizing radiation would be of a mainly theoretical nature, while the students’ hands-on experiences could positively influence their motivation and conceptual development concerning this socially relevant topic.development socially, socially relevantlaboratory, ray, radiation, radioactive, session1
storytelling-centre.nl…with (personal) stories as a starting point, but otherwise as diverse as theatre can be. We often offer a stage to people you don’t easily meet in the mainstream theatre world and the stories are socially relevant. Come and have a look!story socially, socially relevanttheatre, deze, worldwide, growth, society1
minimumfashion.nlour cluster for everything we do relating to our responsible development. This includes our corporate social responsibility strategy, our environmental and socially responsible collaborations, as well our capsules that supports circularity.environmental socially, socially responsibleresponsibility, fiber, philosophy, supplier, timeline1
alirangairah.nlI work from a holistic human vision. My approach is not focused on symptoms, but on the whole person: physically, mentally, socially, energetically and spiritually. I do this with involvement, empathy and respect. Respect for the client’s…mentally socially, socially energeticallymin, energetic, strength, hague, guidance1
innovatieglastuinbouw.nl…The SIGN 1 Foundation works with the ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food on ground-breaking system innovations in horticulture. The aim is to contribute to a vital, sustainable and socially valuable greenhouse horticulture in 2030.sustainable socially, socially valuablesign, greenhouse, lab, horticulture, productive1
powwow.nlPowwow is committed to make a difference of our own in how we work and in what our services provide. We will conduct business in a socially responsible and morally upstanding manner. We Support human rights to safeguard the freedoms and…business socially, socially responsibleinvestor, relation, direction, presentation, talk1
novusfumus.nlUnleash your inner dancer with Groove With a powerful blend of natural ingredients that provides exciting, mood-boosting and socially engaging effects.mood socially, socially engagetruffle, magic, seed, pill, grow1
rebelnation.nlMeet REBEL, your new robotic ally in enhancing brand and customer engagement. Beyond being a showstopper at expos, this socially adept life-size 12kg robotic dog guarantees memorable, authentic interactions across various platforms…expo socially, socially adeptedge, surprise, recognition, movie, continually1
stephensnelders.nl…modifies the criminological concept of ‘disorganized crime’. It situates ‘criminal anarchy’ within Dutch society: historically, socially and culturally embedded in both native and migrant communities with their own historical traditions.historically socially, socially culturallycentury, psychedelic, nation, smuggling, disease1
blauwwind.nlRoyal Dutch Shell is an integrated energy company that aims to meet the world’s growing demand for energy in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible. Shell has major ambitions to grow its renewable power…environmentally socially, socially responsiblefarm, renewable, turbine, investment, oyster1
maktilburg.nlMAK Supported by Asset organizes a mentorship system on behalf of Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM). MAK focuses on helping students to get adjusted and acquainted to student life, both study-related and socially.study, asset, economic, committee, mentorship1
werkenbijsron.nlWe work together on socially and scientifically relevant revelations at a high level in an international and innovative environment.sron, bij, career, earth, scientist1
kekcommunicatie.nlWhy? It's increasingly important for brands to play a meaningful role in people's lives and society, both commercially and socially. I'm enthusiastic and driven to help building brands. To connect brand strategy, CSR and sponsoring more…commercially socially, socially enthusiasticnike, strategic, responsibility, positive, curious1
gaaffoundation.nlChildren who drop out of education, are unable to participate socially and therefore become increasingly detached from society.unable socially, socially increasinglyautism, parent, potential, effective, treatment1
loerakkerledline.nlHigh-quality materials – aluminium, glass and wood – make the luminaires circular. The production is also sustainable; locally and socially involved.surround, lighting, luminaire, ergonomic, ceiling1
tedxroermond.nl…together. TEDxRoermond is oriented towards developing a community of like-minded, highly informed and engaged innovators, designers, thinkers, technologists and environmentally and socially concerned individuals in the heart of Limburg.environmentally socially, socially concernworth, innovator, spirit, thinker, talk1
dinggoo.nl…themes have been identified within the Gallant Robotics project. The first theme relates to gallantry as a form of socially coded behavior in which certain forms were desired and others were not. In our contemporary interactions mediated…form socially, socially behavior, technology socially, socially desirablerobotic, poetry, synth, interaction, seduction1
philipniewold.nlAs a child I was fascinated by games. I loved an activity with most rules clearly laid out and which encouraged my creativity, my competitive spirit, was fun socially and challenged me intellectually. When I found role-playing-games my…fun socially, socially intellectuallyphilosophy, adventure, competitive, sense, genuine1
volkers.nlCompanies in the food sector are more often asked to guarantee that their products are made in a socially and…packaging, flexo, mockup, proof, impression1
migrante.nlis also an accomplished musician and songwriter. Among her songs are “ Tell Me What Did I Do Wrong ” and “ Geboren Om Te Strijden ” (Born to Struggle). Local hiphop personalities often praise Marikit for her sharp, socially critical lyrics.sharp socially, socially criticalfilipino, philippine, marcos, detention, campaign1
musicmattersatrug.nl…that is especially pervasive in electronic dance music scenes (EDM), accounts vary as to how music exerts such socially binding force. In club cultures, partygoers often use the term “vibe” to describe how they understand music to workmusic socially, socially forcematter, uncategorized, memory, electronic, dance1
elektromotor-online.nl…Reliable product in power transmission equipment offers also customized solutions always according to a socially responsible company values. Modularity and flexibility lead Varvel products by an unique kit form, common to all…solution socially, socially responsibleelectric, transmission, frequency, ventilation, trading1
sevenages.nlAging is one of the most important trends in the world, and a powerful force not just socially but economically. At SevenAges, we see the rise of the Silver Economy not as a threat or a problem, but as an opportunity to transform our…force socially, socially economicallyinvestor, economy, reservation, capital, investment1
barbette.nlThe Femme Fatale archetype has her footprints all over culture, throughout history. From ancient mythology to todays videogames. And the Film Noir version of the Femme Fatale is a specialized, socially relevant and easily identifiable…specialize socially, socially relevantpast, feminine, sleep, crazy, fatal1
trespassersw.nl…that again and again hurl the spectator into the center of the action. These compositions offer a closer look at socially alienated monsters, and some characters that are gradually going insane, but they are also stunningly attractive…look socially, socially alienatesong, lyric, biography, discography, catalogue1
volgjebloemofplant.nlSound working conditions play an important role for many traders and consumers. With the MPS-Socially Qualified (SQ) certificate, you demonstrate that your company meets the national and international requirements in the field of health…mps socially, socially qualifyflower, grower, certificate, florist, ornamental1
powerfield.nl…solutions. We develop, build and manage solar parks, charging stations and storage systems. We are constantly working on innovation within the renewable energy sector. We do this efficiently, sustainably, locally and socially responsible.locally socially, socially responsiblegeneration, capacity, innovative, commissioning, supply1
mankracht-coaching.nlCreating a world where typical men domains are socially accepted, wanted and desired. These domains provide connection, support and challenge for you and your fellow brothers to become the best version of yourselves in order to live a…domain socially, socially domainpillar, purpose, powerful, guy, path1
bridgeskarr.nlAs a research consultant, Linda in involved in facilitating and carrying out explorations, elaborations, evaluations, and other types of research that are embedded in substantive projects. She also works to reinforce non-profit and other…profit socially, socially organizationbridge, volunteer, association, scholar, dissertation1
innersense.nlInner Sense, founded in 1992, is a consultancy firm that is focused on sustainable and socially conscious leadership. Inner Sense organizes special programs for business leaders related to personal development, vitality (work-life…sustainable socially, socially consciousinn, sense, leadership, earth, colour1
fitavontuurlijkesportreizen.nlIce-skating on the Yellow River was a socially bonding experience, as part of an unforgettable adventure in Chinariver socially, socially experienceice, adventure, adventurous, promotion, sportive1
studio-sens.nlStudio SenS brings creativity and journalism together to present to you the best events.thrilling socially, socially concernupcoming, collaboration, combine, thrilling, concern0
paulineseebregts.nlMy name is Pauline Seebregts. As a professional storyteller I like to create and tell inspiring stories. I search until I find words and images that fit the occasion and that touch head and hearts. Whether it is a story performance, a…inspire, democracy, connection, confidence, collaboration0
saskiadegroot.nlThe tulips fields, the street organ museum in Haarlem, Koningsdag in Bergen, windy rides on Texel island, more flowers in Westfriesland and the lighthouse of Marken brought us back to Amsterdam. Like always I take the group on a city…academically socially, student socially, socially emotionallywalk, bike, draw, friday, wonderful0
wildeganzen.nl…initiatives. We support community-based organisations in the Global South and their Dutch fundraising partners in joint efforts to achieve a better future because we believe that communities should have control over their own development.wilde, initiative, inequality, resource, poverty0
facilitor.nl“Our brands include Connexxion, Hermes, and Witte Kruis, and our facility management organisation supports all these brands,” says Pruis.workplace socially, socially officefacility, workplace, institution, government, housing0
ziggy-mobility.nlThe spark for Ziggy came in 2019 with Nicole, physiotherapist, and Yrsa, her daughter:mobility, wheelchair, daughter, career, stroll0
milstein.nlMilstein is a young and professional company. Founded by people with years of experience. We are working hard to expand our portfolio. We think we can contribute to the affordable and available medicines.decisive sociallymedicine, pharmaceutical, opinion, reason, interested0
certa.nlCERTA focuses on project development, construction law, spatial planning, administrative law, public housing law and tenancy law. We advise on and guide individual construction projects, regional developments, PPP projects, lease…foodspotter socially, socially involvelaw, lawyer, bankruptcy, receiver, insolvency0
josettedijkhuizen.nlFor me the success of an enterprise is determined by the qualities of the man, woman, or team who starts or runs a business. In my projects therefore the personal development of the (corporate) entrepreneur is the focus point, off course…pleasant socially, socially concernentrepreneur, entrepreneurship, successful, woman, female0
designbysissi.nlGet your professional fashion collection designed with tech pack and size specification. Plan a FREE intake now!philosophy, specification, pack, sustainability, responsible0
shellpensioen.nlView Pension 1-2-3! This Pension 1-2-3 tells you what our pension scheme gives you and what it doesn’t give you. Important to know!funding, sustainability, payment, annual, investment0
crossphase.nlOur 80 content specialists help you create, manage and strategically use content. We bring your stories to life! Our content agency has done this for over 150 organisations since 2007. Soon for you as well?politically socially, socially sensitivemigration, study, impactful, identity, strike0
terugblik-hollandfestival.nlThe Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto and the Franco-Austrian theatre maker Gisèle Vienne played an important role in this year’s programme. As associate artists, they were closely involved with the realisation of the Holland Festival in…strong socially, socially engageprogramme, conversation, piece, associate, introduction0
wins-holland.nlCorporate social responsibility is of course our top priority. As a member of BSCI and as an FSC®-certified company, combined with our extensive knowledge of European product legislation, Wins-Holland is a very reliable trading partner…win, craft, accessible, responsible, reliable0
labanfoods.nlLaBan Foods is an innovative producer of butter specialties. We also take pride in the fact that we are the market leader in the herb butter segment. This site contains all manner of information about both our company and capabilities.socially commitbutter, packaging, rectangular, round, portion0
theumbrella.nlAgents of Change 2018… Agents of Change 2017… Agents of Change 2016… Dutch…network socially, socially engageumbrella, engage, independent0
ventisit.nlExcessive heat and perspiration patches can be bothersome when sitting, moving or taking part in a sport. This is no longer a problem with a Ventisit seat cushion. Ventisit is not called the world’s best ventilating cushion for nothing…hand socially, socially responsiblecushion, recumbent, recreation, optimal, ventilation0
blue21.nl…critical resources. However, the concentration of people and industries in large cities also make cities a unique solution space for technological innovations. A promising solution for cities to use waste as a resource is using wastewatersocially inclusiveurban, climate, wave, october, present0
companyofgifts.nl…Christmas gift Christmas gift Christmas hamper company Christmas packages wholesaler Buying Christmas packages New Year's gifts Original concept Christmas gift Easter gift Creative Christmas package Unique Christmas hampers Nurse gift…christmas, package, employee, sustainability, nurse0
werkenbijabnamro.nl…advice… Show all vacancies… Read more… More stories… Show vacancies… When…socially engagevacancy, banking, engage, crime, risk0
haijwende.nlDe Haij & van der Wende is a specialised commercial law firm located in Capelle aan den IJssel, in the vicinity of Rotterdam. We offer legal services primarily to companies and (non-profit) organisations.law, employment, firm, estate, attorney0
advocaten-hemony.nlHemony Lawyers Amsterdam was established in 1988. We specialise in social justice cases. Do you want to make an appointment? Contact us now and experience our know-how.amsterdam socially, socially engagelawyer, engage, know, appointment, justice0
manden.nlWith passion for more than 100 years we create natural handmade baskets, furniture and decoration of top quality with the highest care for the environment exporting to markets all over the world.design socially, socially faircraftsmanship, der, head, factory, square0
brandonno.nlGood coffee: yes, of course, but not at all costs. Growing coffee can and must be improved, so Brandonno is committed to a sustainable living environment. Our coffee has the Rainforest Alliance quality mark and we are proud of that. Add…packaging, aunt, italian, rainforest, responsible0
topsectorenergie.nlAn affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy system, that is what we are committed to. The missions for energy transition and sustainability determine the priorities of what we do.hydrogen, capital, transition, urban, responsible0
dataim.nlData In Motion offers cutting-edge research services to elevate your customer and employee experience. Utilize our online survey platform, advanced analytics, and expert insights to transform data into actionable business value. Partner…employee, motion, survey, advanced, analysis0
dehoop.nl…new apartments for Landal Strand Resort Ouddorp Duin. These gasless and well-insulated apartments meet the standard of Nearly Energy Neutral Buildings. This project marks an important step forward in sustainable living on the Dutch coast.sustainable socially, socially responsiblehoop, aggregate, distribution, sponsorship, economy0
bambooder.nlDiscover Bambooder: Innovators in bamboo fiber technology, transforming the future with sustainable bamboo composites. Engineering the bio-based future.sustainable socially, socially responsiblebamboo, fiber, composite, innovator, discover0
e-learn.nl…(KU Leuven), blended learning (TU Delft), and online and distance learning (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, The Open Universiteit (OUNL), UNINETTUNO). It will also focus on the student readiness for online learning (DCU-NIDL, Dublin).exchange, teach, leave, lifelong, continuous0
dibcoop.nlServices… Projects… Team…ecological, environmental, belief, poverty, climate0
mapase.nlMapase is a small, strong-minded and independent real estate developer. It initiates and develops real estate projects and knowingly taking risks. Part of the projects developed are retained in the Mapase’s real estate portfolio as an…socially engageestate, discover, police, independent, adviser0
cb-communications.nlOur main focus is to improve the business to customer experience by developing transformative designs that positively impact people’s lives. We combine creativity with business strategy to develop a brand vision based on ideas, knowledge…transformative, innovative, creativity, positively, competence0
iuall.nlThis WP concerns research into measurement of behavior coordination and active support of behavior coordination in social and entertainment (human-human & human-computer) interaction.project socially, socially intelligentinteraction, ambient, universal, interactive, playground0
draaijerturboservice.nl…go-to shop for turbos: we keep turbochargers turning. That’s what brings our work all around the world. We provide our services ourselves from our branches in the Netherlands and Spain, or through our global network of dedicated partners.socially concernrepair, stock, responsibility, recondition, highly0
no-shit2day.nlCopyright © 2022 No-Shit2Day .wordpress socially, socially awkwardtomorrow, shape, female0
apg.nlWe are a pension provider that looks not only at financial returns, but also at doing our bit for society. Read more about this in our publications.income, investment, background, sustainability, opinion0
propertyprofessional.nlSell your investment properties discreetly and at the highest bid. We buy up investment properties in Amsterdam without a reservation of financingproperty, investment, estate, reservation, investor0
newtone.nlSearching for a full service consultant located in the Netherlands’ most vibrant business regions? Newtone is your business partner. Get in touch!socially engageadvisory, entrepreneur, advisor, region, investor0
pensioenfondsrobeco.nlThe pension fund increases the pension entitlements in the basic scheme by 3.8% as of February 1.scheme, january, fund, supplementary, funding0
batenburg.nlBased on the idea 'Smarter focus. Brighter tomorrow' as a technology company we realize smart solutions for our customers. We automate business processes and streamline them with smart components. In this way we help our customers to…socially involveautomation, storage, tomorrow, transition, division0
clevercactus.nlCreating concepts, branding, websites, webapps, platforms & digital products... a short list of things we are really passionate about! We are curious, creative and clever. We are Clever Cactus.socially responsibleclever, perfectly, collaboration, awesome, target0
wivapromotions.nl…aviator style… TUMBLER GLASS… toilet bag buoy… Games… BOTTLE BAG NEOPRENE…socially responsiblebag, sign, promotion, glass, magic0
cew.nlThe Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW) is the Netherlands leading knowledge and innovation centre for applied research and product development in the field of water technology. The CEW brings together expertise from education…internship, staff, educational, topic, wetsus0
vdholland.nl…in combination with the latest techniques, we are one of the most sustainable nurseries in the country. The company is characterized by its informal atmosphere. Short decision lines, a considerable size in combination with the…socially concernpepper, cultivation, generation, proof, planet0
albatrosholland.nlCopyright © 2022 - Albatros Holland - All rights reserved | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policycertification, stock, earning, disassembly, transportation0
doesburg-comp.nlWelcome to Doesburg Components. Doesburg Components supplies customers from the truck, engine and agricultural sector with high-end cast-iron components. As a Tier 1 supplier we take care of the entire process from developing to…tier, cast, iron, engine0
bungalownetgroup.nlThere are various departments active within the group, enabling the company to provide a broad support for its labels and parks. The BungalowNet Group has also a very wide and high-quality range of partners and channels. As a result, a…rental, department, holiday, exclusive, spain0
hbk.nlThe specialists at HBK expat consultants provide expert advice on tax and social security matters relating to cross-border employment.socially engagetax, expat, advisor, salary, vacancy0
resaco.nlHome - English - Resacosocially involvebone, smoke, accessorie, butt, sweet0
svvconsulting.nlThe mission of Saskia van Valkenhoef Consulting is to contribute to a better and more equal world. I do this by offering support and advice to organizations and projects that matter, both in the Netherlands and internationally. Although…socially involveconsulting, difference, equal, youth, convince0
gieterij-doesburg.nl…and coreless castings and also to cast them in several high-quality materials. The flexibility of Gieterij Doesburg’s organization and production process makes it possible for products to be supplied in both small and large series.iron, engine, cast, agricultural0