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61 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: deaf

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talking-hands.nlTalking Hands supports deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda. The foundation focuses on creating opportunities for and integrating deaf and hard of hearing people in Ugandan society, for example by making education accessible. By…hand deaf, deaf hard, opportunity deaf, life deaf, hope deaftalk, hear, hope, fundraising, parent21
drdeaf.nlAs experts in the music industry, we at Dr. Deaf understand how valuable it is to keep making good use of your hearing, which is why we want to protect you from hearing damage.dr. deaf, deaf valuable, deaf official, deaf pubearplugs, hear, priority, add, harmful17
doofgewoon.nl"Meeting deaf adults gave our parents a positive attitude towards deaf children."child deaf, deaf people, attitude deaf, deaf child, school deafparent, adult, sign, multiple, unhappy16
ushersyndroom.nlUsher syndrome, if you slowly become deaf and blind. The Stichting Ushersyndroom [Dutch Usher Syndrome Foundation] raises funds to make Usher Syndrome treatable. Will you help?slowly deaf, deaf blind, syndrome deafsyndrome, fund, slowly, ambassador, campaign8
tanzatoto.nl…break the isolation of both the children and their families by making them visible and giving them a voice. Tanzatoto stands up for the realization of rights for deaf children at a basic level: in the family, the neighbourhood, at school.opportunity deaf, deaf child, conditions deaf, right deafdonation, staff, chamber, commerce, government8
deafwear.nlDEAFwear. Cool designs for deaf people. Order them on t-shirts, mugs and a lot more. A fun present for yourself or someone else!design deaf, deaf people, organization deaf, deaf child, alex deafpresent, piece, charity, africa, implant7
mayadewit.nlA sign language interpreter is the communication link between sign language users and persons who do not know sign language. Through professional interpreting services a deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing person can access employment…interpreter deaf, deaf hear, week deaf, deaf people, federation deafsign, interpret, interpreter, conference, phd6
malawivillage.nl…will soon be able to learn a trade that actually offers a future. The foundation also supports three schools for deaf children and projects for Mua Mission Hospital. All this is done in close collaboration with the local community.school deaf, deaf childhospital, girl, secondary, village, kindergarten5
theimpossiblemachine.nlPoster for Deaf Wish, 2016. Printed in 5 colors with golden ink. all posters are signed and numbered.poster deaf, deaf wishscreen, piece, paper, approx, impossible5
nabaemily.nlDuring the International Week of the Deaf (IWD), several professionals visit middle schools to tell the children about what it is like to be deaf.week deaf, deaf campaign, deaf iwd, rule deaf, deaf peoplevisual, publication, campaign, graphic, internship5
futurists.nlIn 2024 a creation of a new large scale interdisciplinary opera โ€œZUAMโ€ will happen. This immersive music theatre performance for 4 singers, Deaf dancer, electronics and visuals will take a form of a 2 hour long ritual, appealing…singer deaf, deaf dancer, project deaf, deaf peopleimmersive, ritual, dance, theatre, pre4
pieternelbottema.nlSIL GSLT focuses on supporting sign language projects and deaf communities. In fact, SIL GSLT consists of a team of skilled people, each with their own specialization. My job is to match the right people with the (ongoing) sign language…project deaf, deaf community, desire deaf, deaf peoplesign, regional, position, profile, romania3
thenewscholar.nlMouth Actions in Colombian Sign Language A Study of Non-Manual Markers in Sports Communication Among Deaf Participantscommunication deaf, deaf participantscholar, journal, submission, study, cultural2
yantravel.nl…perfection by Margarita so that for each of us special trips were included in the program. For example, we visited a deaf school and a hospital. We ate regularly with families at home so we got to know the real Armenian life as you would…example deaf, deaf schoolarmenia, armenian, georgia, hospitality, mountain2
kristaovervliet.nlStroh, A.L., Overvliet, K.E., Zierul, B., Rösler, F., & Röder, B. (2024). Motor adaptation in deaf and hearing native signers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, in press.adaptation deaf, deaf native, journal deaf, deaf studies, studies deafpublication, paper, journal, adaptation, native2
paulvandervelde.nl…the expedition inevitably led to political incidents in the independent states which it tried to penetrate. The colonial government remained deaf to Veth’s call for a military intervention to clear the way for the expedition members.government deaf, deaf vethcolonial, biography, society, indonesia, liberal1
ph2lb.nlAfter a few months I updated a few things in the receiver and wanted to add spare parts to my stock. I started looking at markplaats again and found a other "deaf" FRG-7700 with memory module. Turned out I couldn't resist try to repair it.markplaat deaf, deaf frg-7700lab, hamradio, qsl, electronic, etc1
abc-world.nlABC-books are as different as nations and languages are: for children in kindergartens, for the first class pupils, for the grown-ups, for the blind, for the deaf... Diversity and uniqueness in the world of the ABC-books are really…blind deaf, deaf diversitycatalogue, nation, achievement, library, latvia1
7zintuigen.nl…with a (severe) intellectual disability, with autism, with a language development disorder, gifted people, people with dementia and acquired brain injury, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, students in special and regular education.people deaf, deaf hardsensory, processing, lecture, classroom, sensation1
irisschreven.nlDuring her childhood she did a lot of crafting and drawing. She grew up in a wooded rural area in the Netherlands and thus playfully discovered the colours and shapes of nature. She actually has had a remarkable youth; her deaf father was…youth deaf, deaf fatherpainting, metal, continuously, surface, role1
oosterhuis.nldefault state, in case the actor is deaf, dumb and blind, this will be seen as an exception to the robotic state of each individual component. The tools that are used for robotic design are the nowadays available computing hardware and…actor deaf, deaf dumbarchitecture, interactive, faculty, swarm, uncategorized1
cochin-approach.nlwith the same thinking that caused the problem”. I have read this cry countless times in change proposals and annual plans for business-as-usual. Only deliver ho-but! Don’t they want to or maybe people in organisations are East Indian deaf?behaviour, entrepreneurship, society, german, actually1
bergtoppers.nlhundred cows all moving up across our path and clonking their individual bells in a cacophony – those animals must be deaf and certainly the noise is a feature of most days and some nights. A curious compound of netting with 3 foot high…animal deaf, deaf certainlyhike, pyrenees, walk, refuge, french1
iffh.nlA small suburban family gets struck by tragedy. Since both parents do not know how to cope with the loss of their eldest son, it is ultimately up to their 11-year-old deaf daughter Magdalena and her fairy-tale book, to start the healing…old deaf, deaf daughterseason, hague, selection, official, submission1
oshoboeken-besproken.nlHearing is mechanical. You have ears, you can hear. If you are going deaf then a mechanical aid can help you to hear. Your ears are nothing but a certain mechanism to receive sounds. Hearing is very simple: animals hear, anybody who has…ear deaf, deaf mechanicalmeditation, path, enlightenment, soul, freedom1
caradt.nl‘Investigating the potential of sensory augmentation to bridge the sensory gap between deaf and hearing.’gap deaf, deaf hearcultural, society, interaction, apply, risk1
nicolevankilsdonk.nlNicole is now writing on sequel of Ventoux: Casa di David and will direct several episodes of the historical series The Story of the Netherlands for Dutch tv. In 2023 her tv film Okbythanks will be released, main parts are played by 2…part deaf, deaf girlprize, father, episode, totally, journalism1
universalpictures.nlThe inclusion of subtitles for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) is determined on a title-by-title and season-by-season basis, with careful consideration given to the commercial viability of bringing a TV series to the home entertainment…subtitle deaf, deaf harduniversal, release, uk, premiere, ray1
jeffluppes.nlI'm an awful birder. While I've always been interested in birds I'm almost completely deaf to identifying them by their calls. I never started memorizing them and my ability to recognize …completely deaf, deaf callacademic, spark, scientist, common, bird1
egelopvangdenhaag.nlMothers take sole responsibility for the upbringing of the young. Generally there are 3-6 babies in a nest, born blind, deaf and with no spines. The first white spines are enveloped in a film over the skin and erupt within the first 24hrs…blind deaf, deaf spinehedgehog, hibernation, mother, temperature, leave1
jenaplein.nlListen, first off I hate the betting house. My husband drags me there several times a week and all I do is hear the ringing of those Slot slot gacor apparel. By the time we leave, Towards the gym half deaf and heal sense of my lip reading…half deaf, deaf sensehair, thread, actually, fiber, glass1
rooiejoris.nlDEAF workshop [together with Mika Satomi and Milli Tharakan]. Combine 3d textiles with 3d printing. Read more…replica, chocolate, tree, bronze, snapshot1
aannemersbedrijf-gld.nlAt Aannemersbedrijf GLD we are committed to inclusivity. We offer customized quotes and support for blind or deaf customers. Our team is ready to help you and answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us for a seamless and…blind deaf, deaf customerroof, panel, flat, repair, leakage1
mobydiversnieuwegein.nlListen, to begin with I hate the betting house. My husband drags me there several times a week and all I do is hear the ringing of those Slot gadgets. By the time we leave, Really feel half deaf and recover sense of my lip reading…half deaf, deaf sensemoney, gambling, player, february, july1
the-secret-bar.nlThere is one thing that I cannot share with any other in Studio D but Gert. That is the moment I told my father that I had a new job at Studio Dumbar with founding father Gert Dumbar. As people of the Dutch Indies intend to be a bit deaf…bit deaf, deaf fatherjanuary, later, graphic, hague, wine1
bs-foundation.nlFor the European Union to keep paying deaf and dumb in this matter also seems to suit them very well. If any world power cares to ignore the truth about Recep Tayyib Erdogan of Turkey, leader of the Islamic fundamentalist movement and if…union deaf, deaf dumbkurdish, turkish, turkey, kurdistan, american1
jabulanikids.nl…children from all over Zimbabwe. The children are between three to eighteen years old and physically handicapped or deaf. The Centre is home to more than 100 children. In addition, every day around 200 day scholars attend the KGVI School.handicap deaf, deaf centrevolunteer, housing, secondary, physically, rehabilitation1
nielsschiller.nlThe converted text is presented in the video glasses where the person wearing the glasses can read what the interlocutor has said. For sudden-deaf or bad-of-hearing people this system improves the intelligibility of speech significantly…sudden deaf, deaf badpublication, journal, chapter, paper, proceed1
swpi.nlKUBCA is an Indonesian non-profit organization, founded in 1999. Their goal is to educate handicapped people, in particular those that are deaf and have hearing impediments, to lead full and independent lives. In KUBCA SAMAKTA, training…particular deaf, deaf hearindonesia, bhakti, island, welfare, aid1
veyboard.nlUniversity of Applied Sciences Utrecht officially adopts ”Getting started with Veyboard” for its courses in interpretation for the deafergonomic, layout, optimal, hammer, outer1
reiniersmit.nlTwo deaf teenagers fall in love and run away from their disapproving parents, only to discover one of the young lovers carries a dark secret.hide, role, al, cast, television1
dcfyouth.nlDCFY 2024… AANMELDEN… Youtube…wat, youth, fellowship0
frankbezemer.nlInspired by the medieval polychromatic wooden sculptures of mother and child, Frank Bezemer explores contemporary relationships between mother and child. ( Anneke with staf # 97, also known as maatstaf II, and Taeke with staf #14 )diversity, staff, mother, perception, connection0
knaaq.nlTerakaft + Hanni El Khatib + The Holy Drug Couple + Föllakzoid + Om + Wooden Shjips Le Guess Who? (Utrecht) | Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies Tac (Eindhoven) | True Widow + Kurt Vile and the Violators Effenaar (Eindhoven) | Iris Pennings…song deaffire, sun, mountain, moon, goat0
songbook.nlThe Rolling Stones is één van de meest invloedrijke bands van de afgelopen 50 jaar. Sinds het optreden op PinkPop 2014 zijn ze helemaal terug met hun krachtige Rock ’n Roll klanken. The best off The Rolling Stones is een songbook met alle…roll, stone, song, lovely, fire0
marinasulima.nlMineral Dinner… Wait for the Fury of the Seeds… Tomatoes in Brine and Time… A…cargo, mineral, dinner, fury, wait0
druxat.nln to the painters… The quiet beach… A free body… The bus is late… Tour dogs…driver deaf, hey deaflyric, painter, poet, quiet, dog0
lovely-treasure.nlOur cattery breeds Siberian traditional and color point cats (Neva Masquerade). Siberians are combined in themselves a kind, tender character and good health with stately calmness and instant reaction of a wild beast. There is less…deaf catlitter, cat, lovely, treasure, siberian0
svcommotie.nlCommotie is the study association for all Communication students in Groningen. Joining Commotie assures you to get the most out of your student life because we organize a wide range of educational and social activities.committee, christmas, dinner, congress, career0
waacco.nlWAACCO – We are all chief creative officers – We Are All Chief Creative Officersprofile, submarine, officer, chief, pretty0
aalderink.nlToday we went to a private cinema. We had a room that can hold 5 people. Huge reclinable chairs. We watched Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning. The room has 2 chairs in the first row and 3 chairs in the back row. There are no other rows…deaf movie, coda deafmovie, january, february, docker, config0
muzieklijstjes.nlJavelin… Boygenius… The record… Lana Del Rey… Did you know that there's a…song deafstone, song, soul, roll, head0
kunstinstituutmelly.nl…art house with a mission to present and discuss the work created today by visual artists and cultural makers, from here and afar. It organizes exhibitions, commissions art, publishes, and develops educational and collaborative initiatives.tour deaf, deaf hardmelly, exhibition, visit, connect, join0
krenk.nl…Bimhuis Amsterdam… Planet Orange en Woodcraft… Let s Gro… So whats next…dog deaf, deaf peopledouble, bass, patrol, release, spy0
disquiet.nlDutch melodic thrash outfit combining Bay Area oriented thrash metal mixed with melodic European elements.deaf crylie, melodic, metal, thrash, fear0
nielsstraatsma.nlHi, my name is Niels. I am a creative writer for brands and agencies. Right now I'm a Creative Director at Superheroes Amsterdam. I have created campaigns, branded content, product innovations, services and digital experiences. More >concert deaf, deaf girladvertising, campaign, lenovo, lane, memory0
rockoptgras.nl…Whitesnake… Stone Deaf… Nirvana… The Mavericks… The Rumble Rousers… STRAY…stone deafcover, stone, rod, lineup, timeline0
studio-inclusie.nlThe process of creating a more inclusive cultural sector is already well underway. A lot of cultural institutions have launched projects or created programmes that appeal to new target audiences, often in collaboration with those…queer deaf, deaf communityinspiration, cultural, inclusion, institution, inclusivity0
deaf.nlDo you want to be part of the Extended Senses Lab during DEAF? Apply Now!news deaf, offer deaf, deaf experience, evening deaf, deaf discountprogramme, evening, progress, participant, timetable0
jorgenatalin.nlJorge Natalin is the outfit for Arno Tijnagel. I am a musician from Amsterdam. I have recorded and performed with various artists. Currently I mostly operate solo.day deafsong, guitar, instrumental, atmosphere, musician0