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1847 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: principle

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albertvandersel.nlThe very first nuclear weapons worked solely by that principle. These are "pure fission" weapons.basic principle, principle fission, principle pure, solely principle, knowledge principlenuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device28
principles-of-tm.nlPrinciples of Technical Medicine Introduction General Scientific Basis Clinical Practise TM disciplines Future Perspectivemedicine principle, principle tm, basically principle, principle disciplinemedicine, clinical, perspective, scientific, introduction23
principlesofsustainablebusiness.nlPrinciples of Sustainable Business – Frameworks for corporate action on the SDGsframework, resource, teacher, registration, answer21
effectuation.nlEffectuation makes entrepreneurship learnable and easy to understand, this is what drives our excitement and enthusiasm. Take a moment to consider the implications this has for the future of business. With the five simple Effectuation…effectuation principle, making principle, principle expert, lemonade principle, principle multipleentrepreneur, entrepreneurial, visionary, potential, uncertainty19
rieksopdenakker.nlIn “Can Large Language Models Think?” Chalmers argued that “in principle, a disembodied thinker with no senses could still have conscious thought, even if its consciousness was limited.” An AI system without senses, a “pure thinker” could…equality principle, principle different, transcendental principle, principle deconstruction, precisely principlecausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical13
cryptorebel.nlFor daily technical analysis, focused on The Elliott Wave Principle. Not financial advice.wave principle, principle cryptorebel, principle financialwave, elliott, trading, sheet, cheat13
hernste.nl…idea of the unfolding of the same potentials for all , for society as a whole, and for the world in general. This principle goes back to the Greek ideal of paideia, the development of moral virtues and logical and rhetorical skills which…basic principle, principle humboldt, design principle, principle plan, knowledge principlephd, geography, defence, academic, february11
asser.nl[New publication] The principle of solidarity - International and EU law perspectivesguide principle, principle share, intelligence principle, principle distinction, publication principlelaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper11
emielvanest.nlAkio Toyoda clearly wanted to go back to the origins and to hold up the principles of his great-grandfather. The fact that they changed to The Toyota Way 2020 and that they stopped communicating about the Toyota Way in their annual…main principle, principle toyoda, origin principle, principle great, toyoda principleimprovement, inspiration, continuously, improve, discussion11
burningman.nlBurning Man Netherlands is an affiliate of Burning Man Project . The Burning Man Netherlands Community is a collection of people inspired by the Burning Man event in Nevada USA. We are guided by the Ten Principles of Burning Man and have…usa principle, principle burn, community principle, principle interconnectsheep, gather, participation, summit, leadership11
cqv-llc-ambassade.nl8 They hunt my trust which they keep calling out as my (despicable to them) “belief” only to demonize the Beneficiary and force upon the Heirs their principles of the satanic intellectual uni-verses for the masses.ii principle, belief principle, principle hereditary, heir principle, principle sataniclaw, trust, membership, heir, divine10
arthur.nlData protection, whether personal data or non-personal data, is one of the main principles in this Digital Age. Data control, access, use, sharing, management and other functionalities all need the non-functionals that are data protection…union principle, principle framework, related principle, principle context, principle cybertrust, dynamic, society, intelligence, ecosystem10
hystream.nlHystream offers solutions that are modular, scalable and movable. We apply our "4S-principles" for every project:movable principle, principle projecthydrogen, operation, storage, refuel, scalable10
sleutelfactortoxiciteit.nl…compounds, compound groups and whole mixtures. That likelihood is expressed with the toxic pressure metric. The principles for the calculation tool are introduced here (Section 1). The calculation tool is provided with interpretation…assessment principle, principle calculation, current principle, principle practice, metric principletoxic, calculation, chemical, toxicity, pressure10
mauritskorse.nl…of the Circular Economy. Circularity and Circular Economy thinking is based on various sustainability principles and paradigms. People often refer to Industrial Ecology, the Performance Economy, Cradle to Cradle and several…material principle, principle product, main principle, principle local, distinctive principleeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste10
jvds.nlJ.P. van der Sluijs, Climate Change, Uncertainty and the Precautionary Principle , invited lecture at the Conference: Ethics and Politics of Climate Change - Challenges for Human Rights? Organized by Ethics Institute Utrecht University…precautionary principle, principle current, principle french, principle climate, principle uncertaintyder, uncertainty, assessment, lecture, environmental9
o-chems.nlThe aim of this research programme is to create supramolecular systems and materials that feature the three fundamental principles of life and that are able to autonomously operate out of equilibrium. The programme is organized around…fundamental principle, principle life, team principle, principle investigatorequilibrium, background, publication, chem, fundamental9
futuresacademy.nl…of the system will shift. Our approach towards change , such as strategy, organizational change, or service development, is to find the elementary principle; the leverage point that with minimal effort can generate the largest effect.design principle, principle system, panarchy principle, principle superstructure, elementary principlesession, perspective, century, pattern, weekly8
trimpact.nlTrimpact offers services based on four guiding principles to co-create with stakeholders a restored Earth and a better life. Based on our experiences over several decades, projects need always to consider the local populace and make them…service principle, principle stakeholderalignment, synergy, earth, integrate, motivation8
youthatheart.nlThe Netherlands is increasingly putting youth at the heart of its development policies. On the Youth at Heart website you find the Youth at Heart Principles, a toolkit Meaningful Youth Participation and you can meet the Youth Advisory…heart principle, principle toolkit, principle approximatelyyouth, participation, meaningful, advisory, committee8
internationalwaldorfschool.nlThe choice for this school was made very quickly when moving to The Hague from Germany as we were already familiar with, and appreciated the principles of Waldorf education. 2 years later we know that this was absolutely the best choice…familiar principle, principle waldorf, basic principleadmission, hague, parent, holiday, participation7
cplusc.nlA truly shocking number of web designers are unfamiliar with the basic principles and elements of design. Having never been through any formal design education, many just go with what they think 'looks good', with very mixed results. If…design principle, principle element, basic principle, course principlevisitor, colour, graphic, css, alternative7
3dsymsam.nl3D seismic survey design | Discussions on seismic survey design with symmetric sampling as the guiding principleseismic, discussion, survey, symmetric, archive7
warekennis.nlA somewhat less rosy picture emerged from the deal that VSNU and Elsevier announced in December 2015. Basically, the contours of the ‘agreement in principle’, the details of which are yet to be unveiled, are in the same vein as those of…agreement principle, principle detail, organisation principle, principle negotiation, eblida principlelibrary, lend, law, negotiation, holder7
mccg.nl…from the relevant provisions must be explained. Dutch institutional investors are required to make a statement in their annual report about compliance with the principles and best practice provisions of the Code that pertain to them.code principle, principle good, report principle, principle provision, compliance principlecommittee, provision, report, annual, compliance7
theblendedgroup.nlThe Blended Group – We help you with educational innovation based on First Principles of Learninginnovation principle, principle learneducational, quickly, employee, easily, win7
p2portal.nlThemes provide insight into how the project should be managed. They can be thought of as knowledge areas, or how principles are put in practice. Themes are set up at the beginning of the project and then monitored throughout the project…methodology principle, principle theme, detail principle, principle framework, area principlereport, guidance, pricing, central, extend6
mechatronics-academy.nl…improve positioning performance. In recent years much effort has been devoted to better understand the underlying principles of damping, improve modelling, prediction and manufacturing. This has resulted in spectacular results which…design principle, principle precision, course principle, well principle, principle dampmechatronic, precision, motion, advanced, conference6
peterstreef.nlIn contrast, within Twill, I spearheaded the API first design approach, introducing simplified API guidelines based on the principles of Zalando. We established an API guild to update and maintain the guidelines, manage adherence to them…set principle, principle constraints, design principle, principle resource, restful principleapi, integration, coordination, collaboration, consideration6
acupunctuurdo.nl…alternative therapy, in addition to or in collaboration with regular Western medicine. Besides practicing the traditional acupuncture method (TCM), I am specialized in the scalp acupuncture according to the principle of Dr. Zhu. (ZSA)acupuncture principle, principle dr.acupuncture, scalp, traditional, nva, zhu6
segolilyhandwork.nl…his quick its set front enjoy hoped had there. Who connection imprudence middletons too but increasing celebrated principles joy. Herself too improve gay winding ask expense are compact. New all paid few hard pure she. Expenses as materialpretty principle, principle september, celebrate principle, principle joynay, expense, ye, taste, boy6
proefdierjaarverslagrug.nlThe UG and the UMCG apply the 3R principle to research and teaching involving laboratory animals: replacement and reduction of the number of animals and refinement of the experiments in which they are used. Essentially, this means that we…decree principle, principle act, act principle, principle animal, application principleanimal, ug, study, laboratory, fish6
fokevandelft.nlOur web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team to ensure the core principles of effective websites.core principle, principle effectiveeffective, lab, amazing, template, july6
esn-utrecht.nlErasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of…development principle, principle studentesn, committee, career, volunteer, section5
zeebos.nlStrategy and execution Strategy consultants. Our vision: Executable strategic business plans are based on integral planning taking care of all business ingredients, well structured and managed based on basic business excellence principles.integral, strategic, ingredient, executable, excellence5
alexandertechnique.nlMostly after a demonstration lesson or a few lessons, you will notice the difference. For a longer lasting and more established effect you need a series of 20 to 50 lessons. After this series of lessons you will be able to apply the…outside principle, principle alexander, able principle, technique principle, principle pointtechnique, teacher, lesson, admission, complaint5
ncpn.nlFounded in 1992 as an continuation of the Communist Party of the Netherlands (CPN). We are anti-capitalist and marxist-leninist in principles and we stand with the working class and the oppressed masses.leninist principle, principle class, development principle, principle ncpnmasse, capitalist, political, worker, domestic5
botcasters.nldo with chatbots. Each episode features a different expert who shares the latest knowledge, dilemmas, technological developments, great use cases and the newest and most relevant Conversational AI design experiences and principles with you.episode, conversational, technological, want, join5
issa.nlThe PIQET project launches quality principles for the professional development of educatorsquality principle, principle professional, principle recruitmentinitiative, early, childhood, conference, strategic5
mauricefaber.nl…Then we thought long and hard about the way we would introduce our services, and were hoping to come up with some concrete product form. But this isn’t easy, as the AoH approach involves a lot of knowledge, principles and techniques.tool principle, principle good, knowledge principle, principle technique, hosting principlereply, aware, intellectual, leave, freedom5
medpark.nlMedpark adheres to the principle of constant striving to improve the standards of business ethics and corporate governance practices.medpark principle, principle constantethics, responsibility, career, treatment, initiative5
raadvanstate.nlIn appeal proceedings, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division reviews whether an authority acted in accordance with the law. The question in such proceedings is whether a decision was compatible with the law and with the general…accordance principle, principle democracy, compatible principle, principle good, general principlecouncil, division, administrative, advisory, court5
kiworkx.nlIn this book he has elaborated 8 powerful aikido principles into practical value for companies and organizations. Illustrated with recognizable practical examples , special exercises to experience the principles yourself and many…art principle, principle organizational, powerful principle, principle art, aikido principleeffective, leadership, practical, strength, collaboration5
iclonkennisbasis.nlThe theoretically and empirically underpinned knowledge base from the research program is worked out into 12 teaching-learning principles . These principles can be used to guide both the content and the method of initial and continuing…learn principle, principle contentbase, teach, initial, teacher, ongoing5
courconsult.nlMediation is an alternative way of resolving conflict and the major principles are confidentiality, neutrality and voluntariness. I would like to illustrate this with a short story. A man in the Middle East left seventeen camels to his…major principle, principle confidentialitymiddle, major, confidentiality, east, alternative5
mdlware.nlWe have seen three processes in more detail, each described using simple principles that can guide you on what to do and what not to do. These processes have some characteristics in common that make every process valuable, even for a…project principle, principle ordinary, discipline principle, principle agile, simple principleinstead, unified, requirements, introduction, capable5
radbouduniversitypress.nl…label means that we offer open-access publications free of charge for both authors and readers. Meeting the highest academic standards is our primary goal. Empowering our authors to fully retain their copyrights is our main principle.journal, publication, academic, publisher, author5
ludux.nlLudux offers the next dimension in online talent management solutions. Ludux combines virtual reality technology with psychological and game design principles to create immersive experiences.design principle, principle immersiveemployee, psychology, immersive, psychological, dimension5
stratecution.nlStrategy and execution Strategy consultants. Our vision: Executable strategic business plans are based on integral planning taking care of all business ingredients, well structured and managed based on basic business excellence principles.integral, strategic, ingredient, executable, excellence5
theforestschool.nland nature experts they will go on the biggest little adventures to discover the great outdoors. We believe in the principles of discovery learning, free play, and getting your hands dirty. We believe that the forest offers the perfect…expert principle, principle discovery, outdoor principleforest, camp, afterschool, holiday, classroom5
anoukschaap.nl…management towards excellent and true leadership. She uses scientifically proven strategies, behavioral change methods and most importantly biblical principles. Besides her work as mentor she loves to climb the stage as Public Speaker.biblical principle, principle work, principle leadershipleadership, executive, solid, leader, biblical5
sparkforce.nlWe know that magic happens when values align, ego's disappear and communication is clear. People make or break a project. So we apply the same principle when picking a team. And don't worry, we don't have a full-time staff, massive…project principle, principle teamminded, massive, staff, magic, annual5
pwyp.nlWorking together towards a greater goal, often requires working agreements. A shared vision and strategy will give clarity about what to achieve. Values and principles for how to achieve the results are a guide for working behavior.pwyp principle, value principle, principle strategy, principle resultguide, cooperation, objective, progress, competency5
nonplus.nl…of a traditional bank. They also render a bank susceptible to runs. Faced with a run, any institution that is in principle solvent (its assets are worth at least as much as its liabilities), can turn illiquid (it cannot liquidate its…validator principle, principle pow, institution principle, principle solvent, neutral principleregulation, asset, october, currency, central5
elsalabdefence.nlThe ELSA Lab Defence works through two guiding principles: the Quadruple Helix model and iterative design. The Quadruple Helix model emphasises the importance of connecting stakeholders from different sectors. Through the iterative design…defence principle, principle quadruplelab, defence, military, ethical, societal4
jvdham.nlOperationalizing Cybersecurity Research Ethics Review: From Principles and Guidelines to Practicereview principle, principle guidelinesethics, vulnerability, cite, associate, position4
cultuurarchitect.nl…frameworks through which the qualitative branding within a cultural enterprise is being developed. The POA principle leads to greater involvement of public in the early stages of the creation of cultural products, while UCD is a…method principle, principle innovation, design principle, principle organisational, poa principlecultural, enterprise, fundraising, identity, society4
densestorage.nlThe basic principle of our i-Collector system is a fast,-elevator type of automate storage and retrieval system. The system can handle a wide variety of bins, trays, and other small loads. It is designed to provide (buffer) storage with a…basic principle, principle collectorcollector, storage, retrieval, buffering, healthcare4
gespin2023.nl…the cutting edge of their field. This 8th edition of GeSpIn will be held in Nijmegen, the Netherlands and will focus on the theme of “Broadening Perspectives, Integrating Views: Towards General Principles of Multimodal Signaling Systems”.general principle, principle multimodal, interaction principle, principle developmentgesture, speech, conference, interaction, multimodal4
gripgame.nlNational Migration Law, EU Migration Law, , Politics vs Law, Depth of a “simple” migration case, Collaboration between parties, group think, negotiation strategy (Harvard principles of negotiation).harvard principle, principle negotiationsimulation, add, player, law, assignment4
brittekoolen.nlBritte Koolen her work consists of minimalist, sculptural installations and wall sculptures. Driven by the minimalistic principles.sculptural, minimalistic, sculpture, installation4
peterrombouts.nlThe focus of the GitOps WG is to clearly define a vendor-neutral, principle-led meaning of GitOps. This will establish a foundation for interoperability between tools, conformance, and certification. Lasting programs, documents, and code…neutral principle, principle meanazure, devops, native, integration, automation4
nesaccount.nlnes account takes optimum care of your administration, tax returns, temporary labour, asset management by the principle of 'responsible business'.management principle, principle responsibleresponsible, administration, labour, tax, asset4
eltjopoort.nlFocus on stakeholder value also informs better design decisions. Knowledge of good design principles by itself is not enough at the architectural level: architecture is context , so for high-impact decisions the teams should be able to…emergence principle, principle intentional, design principle, principle architectural, agile principlearchitecture, decision, architectural, stakeholder, debt4
trendforum.nlPolitical principles freedom and responsibility Social principles each subject should be free to choose a fitting level of transparency data ownership: data is owned by its subject go...differently principle, principle human, furniture principle, principle open, political principleeconomic, society, woman, interesting, christianity4
t3micro.nlT3 has revolutionized the world of hair styling with an award-winning collection of pioneering tools. At the core of the brand are four key principles that inform how we create groundbreaking tools: Design, Technology, Usability, and…key principle, principle groundbreakinghair, iron, dryer, flat, convertible4
wjongeneel.nl…we can always find a ball with non-zero volume fully contained in . Hence, is at least locally dense in . So in principle we could try to investigate . For , the sets agree, which degrades asymptotically. However, is this the way to go?theorem principle, principle ramifications, solid principle, principle conservation, dense principledynamical, linear, theory, manifold, function4
mikevandenbrandt.nlSecure your Azure environment with the power of the Principle of Least Privilege and Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM). This blog post delves into the importance of the principle of least privilege (POLP) and how combining it…azure principle, principle privilege, power principle, importance principleworkplace, intune, february, authentication, troubleshoot4
shaktimats.nlThe Shakti Mat is used as a wellness tool for overall health and well-being. Most commonly it is used to support deep sleep, healthy circulation, relief from discomfort, relaxation, and general vitality. These benefits are accessible…accessible principle, principle acupressureacupressure, relaxation, discomfort, benefit, relief4
rnadorp.nlAfter a restructure of the IT department at Ricoh Netherlands I was asked for the role of enterprise architect, which was a first in the history of the company. My main responsibilities were developing and garding architecture principles…architecture principle, set principle, principle risk, principle psaarchitecture, enterprise, responsible, modeling, capability4
dcforum.nl10. “Chiropractic is founded upon different principles than those of medicine. I laid the foundation and built thereon, the science of CHIROPRACTIC.”basic principle, principle chiropractic, different principle, principle medicine, dietary principleflag, chiropractic, disease, doctor, pain4
quatroworld.nlQUATRO is an Amsterdam based community and lifestyle brand and stands for the ends we came from and the 4 principles we live by: Loyalty, Respect, Fearlesness and Humbleness.end principle, principle loyaltypayment, regular, loyalty, tee, subscribe4
ronaldvandermeijs.nl…of wind the strings on the vertical aluminum tube are vibrating and therefore generate sound. The string and wind principle is derived from the ancient Greek Aeolian harp. The land where the olympic games have started. Both the…culture principle, principle japanese, wind principle, principle ancient, tensegrity principleinstallation, der, sculpture, steel, pipe4
greencheck.nl…maybe some politician should complain and make a law to fight it? But that person has economic dependencies. In principle his economic signal is not directly dependent on the pollution, only on what the public thinks about it. Strangelycomfortable principle, principle submissive, contrast principle, principle brain, theory principlefebruary, money, october, august, july4
systemischgezien.nlWhen these principles ares met, life will ‘flow’ and you will experience peace and quiet.systemic principleconstellation, systemic, balance, inn, true4
desosa.nl…focus. In this post we analyze ArduPilot using some of these views. We focus on the different architectural elements of ArduPilot and the connections between them, and the design principles used by the software that allow it to soar.design principle, principle key, principle software, essay principle, principle designarchitecture, architectural, variability, analysis, debt4
sham-massage.nlIn principle, a sports massage is intended for people who exercise regularly. However, sports massage can also be suitable for a non-athlete. It also has a relaxing effect on the entire body. The massage can be very useful for people who…medicine principle, principle meridian, principle techniquemuscle, blood, pain, tension, therapy4
orvilleyssel.nlOrville Yssel is a multidisciplinary media artist from Amsterdam, focusing on audiovisual and graphic work. He explores various techniques and principles.cgi, multidisciplinary, graphic, technique, audiovisual4
integrityfactor.nlIntegrity Factor is an interactive learning experience about what it means to keep up your integrity as a scientist. It makes the five principles Dutch Code of Conduct form Scientific Practice come alive: due care, reliability…scientist principle, principle dutchintegrity, scientific, interactive, movie, reliability4
arch-edition.nlTransformation of archaic principles into present-day architecture. / I think it iskahn principle, principle servant, l'empereur principle, principle change, archaic principlearchitecture, urban, structure, belief, pp4
michielrook.nlThis is part 1 of a multipart series on how CD, DevOps, and other principles were used to overhaul an existing software application powering multiple online job boards, during a project at a large Dutch company.devops principle, principle softwarecontinuous, deployment, devops, talk, road4
iigl.nlThe vision of International Institute for Governance & Leadership (IIGL), is to develop extraordinarily passionate, principled & innovative political leaders & policy makers, Corporate leaders as well as civil society leaders. Also to…passionate principle, principle innovative, oecd principle, principle corporate, leader principleleader, leadership, institute, political, advisory4
8emontessorischool.nlThe 8th Montessori School Zeeburg is a modern school. Inspired by the principles of Maria Montessori, it provides children with quality education within a safe learning environment. Each child ...school principle, principle maria4
schnizer.nlTraining in Body awareness using principles & tools of TRE trauma prevention & Grinberg method.awareness principle, principle toolawareness, prevention, practical, physical, mean4
shinbukan.nlThe Shinbukan Dojo offers classes in the martial arts, e.g. Shinkendo and Jiu Jitsu (Gracie), all of which are based on the core principles that underly all martial arts.core principle, principle underlyjapanese, technique, multiple, calm, awareness4
embeddedtesting.nlThis view describes the high level principle that guide the Test Approach for this Test Framework. It shows how the Context of a project influences the Test Approach for a project. The Test Approach shows the (most important) high level…level principle, principle test, principle approach, separation principle, principle clearlyframework, embed, structure, risk, overview4
c2cvenlo.nlVenlo has embraced the Cradle to Cradle principle as the first region in the world.cradle principle, principle region, venlo principle, principle cradle, innovative principleregion, hall, merely, municipal, release4
analytischetherapiegeene.nlTherapy in English in Arnhem? I can help you! I offer analytical therapy according to Jungian principles and training and coaching using the Shift method!jungian principle, principle trainingtherapy, analytical, unconscious, shift, conscious4
rechtersvoorrechters.nlThe Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey reaffirms its deep concern about the erosion of the Rule of Law in Türkiye, as evidenced by recent cases, that describe a systemic pattern of disregard of fundamental principles of fair…fundamental principle, principle fairjudge, rule, law, court, council3
wilton.nlWilton Family Office respects the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investments (UNPRI) in its investment policy. This indicates the importancenation principle, principle responsibleinvestment, remuneration, complaint, perspective, advisor3
nza.nlThe range of statutory instruments at its disposal offers the NZa many opportunities for setting the general conditions of the different healthcare markets, such as performance descriptions, cost-allocation principles, smart price caps…smart principle, principle effective, consumer principle, principle method, allocation principlehealthcare, authority, executive, overview, summary3
rca-invest.nlOn any and all of these projects RCA Invest will at all times safeguard the principle that any project which is facilitated by us will contribute on maturing the social, environmental or welfare aspects of our society or you.time principle, principle project, owner principle, principle talentinvest, welfare, mean, aim, far3
erwinlensinkvrij.nl…personal encounters with justice and the government,” he explained. Lensink strives for more republican principles in The Netherlands, including an elected head of state. Moreover, he wants the banks to be owned by the people…republican principle, principle netherlands, democratic principle, principle paramountking, orange, law, government, resistance3
khulana.nlDuring the services and gatherings we suggest our community members to use the 'principles of Nagual'member principle, principle nagualceremony, expression, spiritual, celebration, joy3
researchstories.nlLearn data visualization design principles, storytelling techniques, and presentation skills that will help you deliver an impactful research story.design principle, principle storytelling, principle infographicvisual, audience, presentation, visualization, instructor3
allegory.nlLike Apple, Allegory embraces the precision of design principles. Words are considered - Carefully architected, drawing upon the balance, contrast, and harmony that great design commands. This strategic approach ensures every sentence we…design principle, principle wordnarrative, clarity, innovator, campaign, write3
epcpower.nlOur mission is to provide a safe and secure environment to our staff so that we can service our customers to the best of our ability via our Man+Plan© principle, with enthusiasm, openness, and honesty. We provide production companies with…basic principle, ability principle, principle enthusiasm, customer principle, principle supportpresentation, structure, manpower, stable, profile3
leidendiscoveries.nlWith this breakthrough, Zeeman laid the foundations for various analytical methods. He also proved a theoretical idea put forward by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, and revealed a founding principle of present-day quantum mechanics. Together with…suddenly principle, principle lenses, lorentz principle, principle present, block principlediscovery, theory, role, medicine, disease3
thegoodpeople.nlWe at The GoodPeople, enjoy the finer things in life like quality food, quality wines. So, we wanted to provide you with quality clothing. Our products are meant to last. We make clothing based on four principles; Quality, style…clothing principle, principle quality, positivity principle, principle carefullyregular, factory, trousers, freedom, think3
jessevanhooff.nlPrototypes allow users to experience interaction and provide feedback, enabling iterative design and the creation of user-friendly digital products. Hence why i use tools like Protopie, Principle and Invision to create complex but user…protopie principle, principle invisionelderly, loneliness, ux, prototyping, rapid3
coffeeshopstaking.nlOn the same principle as the wine sommelier, the cannabis sommelier learns to recognize the different cannabis species and their particularities, so that he can advise consumers as well as producers or other stakeholders in this industry.precautionary principle, principle well, vape principle, principle vaporizationmarijuana, jenkins, oil, weed, february3
juliacc.nlJulia continuously develops as a professional by following trainings and she has an extensive range of coaching models. She carries out her coaching based on principles such as commitment, abundance, resilience, excellence and service…care principle, principle commitment, service principle, principle life, coaching principleteacher, certification, trust, feel, session3
jslagman.nlA lot has been written about object oriented principles and how they can be applied to write robust and flexible software….object principle, principle robustfebruary, january, october, august, july3
vodwageningen.nlAt Gilde Samenspraak , non-native speakers can improve their Dutch with the help of volunteers. In principle, it is only accessible to people with a residence permit. Undocumented migrants can only go there in exceptional cases. This is…volunteer principle, principle accessibleresidence, undocumented, permit, police, valid3
dtls.nlGO FAIR is a bottom-up, stakeholder-driven and self-governed initiative that aims to implement the FAIR data principles, making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The GO FAIR Initiative will contribute to and…data principle, principle datainitiative, stewardship, omics, conference, metabolomics3
kravens.nlAccording to the theory of natural law, these moral principles are not created by humans or dependent on the laws of any particular society, but rather they are inherent in the nature of the universe and can be discovered through reason…moral principle, principle human, hermetic principle, principle mentalismlaw, theory, earth, universe, cycle3
elitementorshipforum.nlEradicate all limiting beliefs around money, and use these powerful principles and exercises to immediately start creating more abundance in your life.module principle, principle reality, powerful principle, principle exercise, insight principlementorship, phase, transformation, sage, effective3
michieldamen.nlTo initiate a process of consultation, negotiation and eventual adoption of a Universal De claration on Responsibilities for Human Rights and Earth Trus teeship based on these principles.hague principle, principle decemberearth, true, report, climate, egypt3
nieuwemeent.nlDe Nieuwe Meent will be the first sustainable self-built housing cooperative in Amsterdam structured entirely around the principles and practices of commoning . We intend to offer affordable housing to those who could otherwise not find…cooperative principle, principle commoning, entirely principle, principle use, principle practicednm, cooperative, housing, calendar, entirely3
juffemke.nlOne of the main principles is a well-prepared environment. This means a mixed age-group, a trained teacher and materials. Materials nowadays have to include computers, laptops, tablets and preferably smartphones to complete the prepared…sure principle, principle heroine, montessori principle, principle medium, main principleteacher, leader, century, proud, classroom3
dl4ld.nlPresentation by Leon Gommans at 5G workshop on Schiphol, Amsterdam (NL): "Exploring Digital Data Marketplaces; Researching data sharing principles in aviation maintenance context"conference principle, principle practice, share principle, principle aviationpresentation, paper, conference, logistics, infrastructure3
unitedtalent.nlThe Key Principles of United Talent enable people to let go of trusted, yet disfunctional convictions and complaintsoperate principle, key principle, principle unitedunited, alive, fully, op, het3
martijnveldkamp.nl…should fit the overall architecture. Building anything beyond those requirements is pure speculation. My goal is to make the statement of Colin Chapman “Simplify, then add lightness” the guiding principle when architecting for a project.key principle, principle organisation, lightness principle, principle project, peter principledebt, think, handover, architecture, implementation3
rsj.nlThe Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles ensures that the government enforces sanctions and juvenile protection measures in a humane and legally correct manner and in accordance with principles of…accordance principle, principle proper, general principle, principle fairness, permission principlecouncil, protection, juvenile, advisory, justice3
buysdb.nl…generate the the full full spectrum spectrum of of colors. colors. We We can can use use the the same same principle principle in in order order to to change change the the hue hue of of an an image; image; pre pre calculate…color principle, principle order, steering principle, principle car, car principlepresentation, logic, sandbox, simulation, leave3
lter-nl.nl…Infrastructure LifeWatch, LTER-NL will improve and set up ICT facilities to not only store data by using the FAIR principles, but to also integrate these data in a relational database, using spatial and temporal meta-data, and do quality…fair principle, principle datumecological, ecosystem, socio, environmental, scheldt3
agilearts.nlOne of the principles of the Agile Manifesto makes the seemingly paradoxical statement: “the art of maximizing the amount of work not done”. This statement is part of the 10th principle of this Agile Manifesto.statement principle, principle agile, core principle, principle foundationjuly, mock, background, thought, practical3
kikipetratou.nlThe concept of the project is based on the round shape of the exhibited works of art. This formal principle is closely connected with on the one hand the image of aircrafts and air travels (till recently planes have had round port holes)…climate principle, principle volume, value principle, principle ideal, formal principleexhibition, opposite, attraction, installation, greece3
smicon.nlRapidiously plagiarize holistic systems after cross-platform convergence. Uniquely aggregate high-quality ideas without seamless strategic theme areas. Synergistically build principle-centered ideas rather than professional technologies…synergistically principle, principle ideawat, wij, voor, wireless, holistic3
cleonis.nlLeast action visualized . This article has been superseded by the article Energy-Position equation In classical mechanics the work-energy theorem and the principle of least action are mathematically equivalent. The purpose of the article…symmetry principle, principle conservation, conservation principle, principle example, theorem principlephysics, foucault, pendulum, rotation, ballistic3
marcelpeijnenburg.nlA program to define your team strategy in the dynamic outside world. Define a desirable horizon for the coming years, guiding principles of the team, qualities per person and your commitment for tomorrow.year principle, principle team, life principle, principle influencepattern, leadership, dedicated, belief, stakeholder3
neigong.nl…in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qigong and the Chinese Internal Martial Arts. These systems follow the principles of prevention and healing that can be found in the Huangdi Neijing, The Emperor's Inner Canon (BC 202) ( click…system principle, principle prevention, gong principlemedicine, exercise, internal, maintenance, traditional3
digitify.nlAgile in Information Technology: The Principles, Benefits, and Best Practices of Agile Project Managementtechnology principle, principle benefitguide, collaboration, productivity, trick, unlock3
recybem.nlOn the principle of "swapping old for new", RecyBEM has collected over 85 million used tyres in the past ten years. These tyres are then given a new lease of life through re-use, recycling or incineration with energy recovery. More than…retailer principle, principle oldtyre, waste, legislation, raw, processing3
timberlandsschoenennederland.nlThe main discussion is based on features, principles and method of qualitative research in comparative quantitative research focuses. Philosophy of law (2 points) philosophy, a dissertation, so that in the study of law problems, each…feature principle, principle method, ideal principle, principle society, discussion principleparagraph, law, write, thesis, sentence3
leanengineering.nlLEO ( L ean E ngineering O rg) elevates your team’s performance and efficiency using the principles and tools of Lean Engineering . We are catalysts for durable change, empowering your engineering teams to achieve operational excellence…efficiency principle, principle tool, lean principle, principle quick, sigma principlecraft, improvement, package, transformation, leadership3
classicalyoga.nlIntegrating these elements enables the student to perform the asanas (yoga postures) with ease and beauty. The seven vital principles, as cultivated by Dona Holleman and Orit Sen-Gupta, are integrated in the practice.pose principle, principle gravity, vital principle, principle dona, principle bodyclassical, posture, balance, study, concentration3
enes.nl…Thanks to determined and deliberative behavior and working system, has accepted the quality , good service , and product variety , in Holland and Europe conjuncture. Besides, ENES B.V. observes customer satisfaction as the main principle.br principle, principle code, basic principle, principle enesvegetable, satisfaction, healthy, firm, reliable3
talk2harry.nlGestalt therapy is existential and phenomenological at its core. It is influenced by humanistic and holistic principles and considers the importance of the body as well as the mind. It incorporates creative arts, experiential exercises…approach principle, principle daily, holistic principle, principle importancetherapy, disorder, pricing, psychologist, anxiety3
praktijkdewitteos.nlAs a practicioner of Chinese Medicine I work in the Maastricht area. I specialize in Acupuncture and Chinese Bodywork. Based on the principles of Chinese Medicine I help people to live their life to the fullest on a physical, mental…basic principle, bodywork principle, principle chineseacupuncture, treatment, pain, medicine, resistance3
pttpnederland.nlPast last years PTTP have decided to start up a new crypto monetary system with new harmonical principles and its controlled by every individual to succeed the system… There’s no owner or private groups that can control this system… PTTP…harmonical principle, principle individual, understand principle, principle door, knowledge principledifference, currency, seal, magnetic, decentralized3
connectingeindhoven.nl…on the individual, including internalizing oppression and racism. Join me in this workshop to explore how to use self-empathy practice based on Nonviolent Communication principles of healing internalization and advocating for ourselves.idea principle, principle life, life principle, principle value, communication principlenonviolent, connecting, empathy, arabic, introduction3
imagine-microscopy.nlIMAGINE! will transform cell biology by developing and applying advanced microscopy and real-time molecular manipulation techniques to study cells in their natural complexity and diversity. This will allow us to explore the…principle investigator, organisation principle, principle tissueimagine, cell, microscopy, innovative, biology3
hetkloosterbos.nlHolmgren does provide good philosophical principles, like “observe and interact”. But hardly any permaculture designer or practitioner, practices these principles. They may be briefly acknowledged and mentioned – in a PDC or diploma…permaculture principle, principle pathway, philosophical principle, principle like, practitioner principlepermaculture, het, report, climate, planet3
katsujinken.nlPrinciples In a number of dojos in the Netherlands the oldest existing martial art of Japan, Katori Shinto Ryu, is practiced according to the principles taught by Yoshio Sugino (1904-1998), […]ryu principle, principle yoshiojuly, sword, subscribe, august, practical3
jeroenarendsen.nl…at the forefront of the design process. While well-intentioned amateurs may have a basic understanding of design principles, they lack the specialized training and expertise that professional designers possess. It is important to leave…design principle, principle specialize, principle fullyinteraction, publication, sign, gesture, interest3
plain-vanilla.nlArt Direction, Client managing, Design, Design principles, Interaction concept, UXdesign principle, principle storyboard, principle interactionplain, vanilla, direction, interaction, presentation3
tobmanagement.nl…Eban reveals an industry where fraud is rampant, companies falsify data, and executives circumvent almost every principle of safe manufacturing to minimize cost and maximize profit. Meanwhile, patients unwittingly consume adulterated…classic principle, principle approach, dignity principle, principle security, executive principleoperational, background, habit, library, executive3
marqu.nlA patent protects not just a product as such, but also the underlying operating principle. This is why a patent can often be used to achieve the broadest product protection. As such, it is no surprise that strict requirements are imposed…operate principle, principle patent, stage principle, principle freetrademark, registration, protection, trade, intellectual3
kdoes.nlDeliverables : Field and desk research, personas, usage scenarios, design principles, wireframes, html prototype, short prototype video, user tests, and interaction design specifications.design principle, principle wireframe, principle set, principle personaux, interaction, recommendation, role, deliverables3
sharesproject.nlThe ‘Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law’ have been published in the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2020).symposium principle, principle sharelaw, responsibility, overview, july, publication3
osteopathiedana.nlA core principle behind osteopathy is the idea that the body is an integrated and undividable whole, and contains self-healing mechanisms that can be utilized as part of the treatment. No part of the body works, or can be considered, in…core principle, principle osteopathy, osteopathy principlepatient, osteopathy, treatment, complaint, osteopathic3
hubertknulst.nlIt is now time to reconnect with Nature’s network and align our lives, practices, businesses, organisations, institutions and social support systems with Nature’s Principles for a truly sustainable future.nature principle, principle truly, principle naturetruly, ambassador, lab, simply, universe3
annenynke.nlFor optimal use of Asana to increase your productivity, I cover some of the GTD principles in my trainings. GTD or Getting Things Done, was developed by David Allen, who calls it a 'work-life management system'. Asana and GTD are a match…gtd principle, principle trainingholacracy, productive, guest, host, discount3
mnext.nl…MNEXT, in collaboration with other universities of applied sciences and stakeholders, has conducted research on principles to accelerate this transition. The main results have been neatly compiled in a whitepaper: Nature-Inclusive…research principle, principle transitiontransition, researcher, entrepreneur, teacher, major3
evawiltinghbv.nlWe work in small groups using the model of Principled Negotiating developed at Harvard University by Fischer, Ury and Patton. Each subgroup is supported by a trainer and an actor in practising real life negotiation issues. The actor…model principle, principle negotiate, background principle, principle smallparticipant, behaviour, employee, leadership, situation3
ishilversum.nlacademically skilled, resilient and reflective individuals. Students are encouraged to discover a personal vision and a strong set of values through student-driven action that recognises the need to act in a principled way and with empathy.need principle, principle way, principle actionprogramme, admission, owl, assessment, calendar3
esseacademy.nlEasel painting is a fundamental practical discipline, representing one of the most superior, complex, and marvelous spheres of art. The initial steps in painting involve studying academic fundamentals, regularities, and principles. Within…basic principle, principle static, regularity principle, principle essepainting, academic, sense, think, artistic3
istanbulcredit.nlResulting in proven high recovery percentages hence it operates on No-Win No-Fee principle.debt, turkey, invoice, recovery, planet3
ebtilburg.nlMars, Incorporated is one of the world’s leading branded manufactures. All the choices we make are guided by our Five Principles: Quality, Responsibility, Mutuality, Efficiency and Freedom. We refer to our people as Associates instead of…choice principle, principle quality, journey principle, principle selfless, universal principleeconomic, administration, formal, strategic, chain3
teqengineering.nlHistory learns that energy is the prime mover of prosperity. In principle our solution will contribute to 4 main issues beneficial to the local people:like principle, principle quick, prosperity principle, principle solutionprosperity, hardly, simply, fact, chance2
cooperativeknowledge.nlWe follow the Principles for Digital Development, a set of nine guidelines for integrating best practices into technology-enabled development programs for international development and cooperation (read more ...)development principlecooperative, connect, graph, enterprise, dedicated2
netgourmet.nl…actually actually unnecessary unnecessary and and that that by by following following a a few few simple simple principles principles and and a a bit bit of of luck, luck, you you will will have have a a reasonable reasonable chance…simple principle, principle bitsugar, recipe, flour, egg, dough2
jrtc.nlThe Manufacturing Excellence Course is a comprehensive program designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of professionals in the manufacturing industry. This course covers a wide range of topics, including lean manufacturing…manufacture principle, principle processmanufacture, certified, excellence, comprehensive, resource2
biologischenoordermarkt.nlA Demeter company has a biological base, but goes further. Biodynamic operation is based on the principles of anthroposophy. Demeter is about balance, consistency and optimal health of soil, plants and animals, humans and the universe; a…operation principle, principle anthroposophy, principle placeorganic, vendor, farmer, saturday, shine2
abroorda.nlBy making conscious use of contradictions in my work, I realize a tense poetic reality based on fundamental painterly principles, connecting the concept to the impulsive act, the abstraction of the abstraction, the consciously chosen…fundamental principle, principle painting, painterly principle, principle conceptface, painting, moral, fundamental, matter2
rawcolor.nlRaw Color Color developed developed a a graphic graphic identity identity of of Jianze Jianze which which plays plays with with the the principle principle of of empty empty and and full full space. space. Jianze Jianze is is a a Chinese…play principle, principle spaceexhibition, october, colour, publication, raw2
inspinity.nlThis is a major transformation for organizations. A change in organizational principles, structure, processes, culture and leadership. But at the same time, it is a movement that is relatively easy to set in motion in parts of the…control principle, principle pyramid, organizational principle, principle structureorganizational, transformation, leadership, successful, sparkle2
vanmarlemortgages.nl…right now, having made the best possible arrangements for your financial future. All done according to our principle of Ne Quid Nimis – never too much, everything in moderation. At Van Marle Mortgages we feel it’s important to…advice principle, principle ne, future principlemortgage, property, insurance, investment, calculation2
b-storage.nl11.4 All disputes relating to the Lease are in principle within the jurisdiction of the Court in which the Leased is located.lease principle, principle jurisdictionstorage, add, renter, rental, agreement2
happiapp.nlHappi has been developed according to the privacy by design principle, which means that everything we do is based on privacy. Of course Happi complies with all laws and regulations and the app is CE certified.design principle, principle privacy, principle decisionskin, patient, disease, medication, ease2
diffmanagement.nl…of running their businesses to turn things around. Whatever the situation, our advice is always tailored to each client’s unique needs and circumstances. At the heart of our advice is an engagement model based on the following principles:challenge principle, principle impactdifference, description, capability, equity, consumer2
sdebruin.nlA bachelor program in which I learned the basic principles and methods to develop software. The courses I followed range from web development to data modelling, app development, probability and artificial intelligence.basic principle, principle method, website principle, principle paperscientist, resume, automatic, grade, schedule2
morssinkhofplastics.nlWould you like to know more about the production of high grade sustainable raw materials? Let us explain the basic principles of plastic recycling.basic principle, principle plasticraw, waste, scrap, possibility, pioneer2
braaiamsterdam.nlNowadays, a Braai is known as a social meeting where food is prepared on open fire. Friends and invites are more than welcome and most people bring something to eat. But the main principles from ancient times are still the same; gathering…main principle, principle ancientfire, africa, south, dish, backyard2
zofiadusza.nlis an important support for dealing with external pressures, both mental as well as physical. In my practice, core principles are: relaxation, flow of energy and being in touch with the body. Anybody who is struggling with stress, fatigue…inspiration principle, principle change, core principle, principle relaxationpopulation, demand, mean, stay, tree2
droneclash.nlThe basic principle is simple: take down everything that isn't yours. In a big arena of 200 squared meters, teams will battle against each other. They can use as many drones as they like, but each team is only allowed two FPV video…basic principle, principle simplecounter, battle, clash, inspiration, hacking2
outtask.nlFrom our “happy people” principle, we organize high-quality plug-in IT capacity. Secondment, nearshoring, and hybrid teams, for SMEs to Enterprises. Technology is important everywhere.people principle, principle highcapacity, ambitious, satisfaction, importance, fully2
duceducationalcentre.nl…guidance in accordance with the prevailing general conditions and complaint regulations ** . In consultation with our Hungarian partners the study fees are fixed, dependent on the economical standard of the country (Robin Hood-principle).studies principle, principle openeducational, study, distance, faculty, cultural2
bvnd.nlThe BVND likes to consult with the government about an alternative to the substance groups ban; an alternative that does justice to the principles of the government and the legal objectives.contrary principle, principle legality, punishable principle, principle certainly, justice principlesubstance, association, trade, distributor, objective2
ecolution.nlWe've set an ambitious goal; To create the ultimate working pod, excelling in acoustic performance while adhering to the principles of a circular economy.performance principle, principle circular, sustainability principleresource, economy, circular, acoustic, sustainability2
mcganiel.nlMcGaniel's principle is that we never discriminate, for whatever reason, neither in recruitment nor in employment relationships. Human resources policy and more generally employee relationships are based on principles of trust and mutual…mcganiel principle, principle reason, relationship principle, principle trust, dignity principleale, balance, pride, brewery, ginger2
dojothehague.nlYou might think that Budo principles such as working on your better self, promoting harmony and world peace would be very useful and beneficial objectives for the common good of our society, but financially seen this may be a little too…idea principle, principle particular, budo principle, principle wellhague, lesson, holiday, schedule, sunday2
suzannelettink.nlI design digital products, focusing on human (or how I prefer to call it: life) centered design thinking principles. All of this by bridging the gap between different fields, technology and humans. I love asking why and get in the…think principle, principle gap, figma principle, principle sketchinteraction, rehabilitation, physician, insurance, usability2
flashbacktheater.nl…remarkable end results in history opportunity. Trick to the Immediate Optimal Energy technique is actually the principle of emotional priming, wherein people harness the energy of their subconsciousness thoughts to straighten their…actually principle, principle emotional, certainly principle, principle actuallyactually, hair, thread, glass, ter2
manifestchronischgezond.nl…the utmost of our resilience. COVID-19 has demonstrated the challenges we face in healthcare. A number of basic principles are important for the development and design of digital applications that support us in dealing with these…basic principle, principle importantmanifesto, healthy, healthcare, disease, chronic2
bushido-dojo.nlA karateka’s training is never just physical. He also undergoes a mental development by following the principles of bunbu ryodo (sword and brush)development principle, principle bunbutechnique, opponent, weapon, fight, ben2
purepack.nlresponsible origin. We pay attention to the production process: good for people and the environment. And that the packaging is recyclable or compostable to avoid waste. Our packaging complies with the 5 basic principles of Cradle to Cradle:waste principle, principle biodiversity, basic principle, principle cradlepackaging, cardboard, recyclable, carbon, compostable2
elstarit.nlIn this session I will explain this principle and show you that is not that difficult to make use of it. Connect your existing code to a service bus or queue, producing and consuming.session principle, principle difficultresponse, engage, function, february, october2
phikwadraat.nlFor the water to follow the crests and troughs in the surface, it has to flow a bit faster than $c$ near the troughs (low parts) and a bit slower near the crests (high parts). Now there is a very useful principle in fluid mechanics…useful principle, principle fluid, bernoulli principle, principle steady, simple principlewave, figure, equation, pattern, surface2
megabuds.nl…the Apple App Store are very strict when it comes to selling cannabis. It does not matter what the actual legal status in the respective country with regard to cannabis / CBD is. The sale of marijuana in the app is prohibited in principle.thc principle, principle respectiveoil, ingredient, wishlist, hash, payment2
thetreehouse.nlWe strongly believe in one to one coaching. We help our professionals to find the best solution for the challenges they encounter. Regular face to face sessions are part of our company culture, focussing on applying general principles to…general principle, principle specifictreehouse, functional, flexible, analyst, situation2
vandenheuvel-orgelbouw.nl…in order to meet with the special requirements and wishes of organ consultants and customers. One of our main principles is to get to know the special atmosphere and location for each new instrument we construct. We believe that the…restoration principle, principle instrument, main principle, principle specialorgan, maintenance, pipe, singing, restoration2
fraxco.nl…the organization I serve, demonstrating a high level of dedication. Above all, integrity is a core value that holds great significance to me, and I consistently strive to uphold ethical principles in all aspects of my professional conduct.ethical principle, principle aspectdynamic, responsible, strategic, leadership, operation2
reneglas.nl…campaigns, and the rise of citizen science and ecological games, this book shows how play is a key theoretical, methodological, and practical principle for comprehending such new forms of civic engagement in a mediatized culture.design principle, principle play, practical principle, principle newfebruary, literacy, citizen, playful, engagement2
doping.nlRegarding the preliminary and procedural issues raised by the Athlete the Panel is confident that the present proceedings has been conducted with full respect for the principles of legality and the right to be heard. In particular, the…respect principle, principle legalityathlete, violation, rule, substance, arbitrator2
sustainabilitylaw.nl…of this declaration by representatives of 179 states, sustainable development became an international legal principle. Since then, many developments have started, both among companies and citizens, especially local communities…legal principle, principle sustainable, principle developmentlaw, sustainability, environmental, conservation, resource2
surmundo.nlDeveloping performative text and dance’s presence from the genuineness of the subjective performer. The body of the tango and its raw physical principles to produce a personified language to locate the pure human emotion while shaping…physical principle, principle personifytheatre, lab, dance, motion, universe2
vendl.nlProvocative coaching set out from a few basic principles ensuring we can fix problems quickly and efficiently.basic principle, principle problem, psychological principle, principle playtherapy, intervention, exciting, psychologist, conference2
deividas.nl…and customs of the local inhabitants of Himachal Pradesh. A series of components, techniques, systems and principles de nes a new concept of sustainable, modular architecture, flexible, self-sufficient with an accurate proportion…generic principle, principle idea, system principle, principle newmonastery, steel, architectural, worldwide, mockup2
cmsholland.nl…step in advocating the importance of a sustainable business by joing the United Nations Global Compact, a global initiative urging companies to adhere to the Ten Principles concerning human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.respect principle, principle wide, company principle, principle humanrsh, relocation, immigration, mobility, seal2
unlp.nlWith the NLP Practitioner, you have the unique opportunity to indulge yourself with the principles, techniques and methodology of NLP.opportunity principle, principle techniqueblock, technique, emotion, participant, subconscious2
jk-consult.nl…of Postgres, it is ideally suited for these specific implementations. Structured on some of the oldest design principles around Postgres, it doesn’t have to be easy to create the database engine, as long as it “just works” in the end.design principle, principle postgres, core principle, overview principle, principle listpostgres, oracle, postgresql, january, leave2
yvonnelugtenburg.nl…months we re-examine and re-designing a resilient positioning for a landscape that is shifting fast. Using proven principles, we discover your sweetspot. A unique position that you can claim and defend. We design a brand strategy that…prove principle, principle sweetspot, plan principle, principle landscapeleader, position, strategist, landscape, growth2
signature-agri.nlAt SIGNATURE, we ensure sustainability principles are embedded in every aspect of our investments.sustainability principle, principle aspectinvestment, signature, agriculture, climate, commitment2
parkes.nlNow the drawing is on the stone, it needs to be etched onto the surface of the stone to be used for printing. What makes the lithographic process possible is the principle that oil and water do not mix. The etch makes the image more…spiritual principle, principle work, possible principle, principle oillithograph, stone, bronze, painting, oil2
happybiz.nlIn today’s ever-evolving service yard, the principle Immediate Unity Profit of Immediate Oneness Revenue has actually arised as a foundation for associations finding maintainable development and also effectiveness. In closure, recognizing…yard principle, principle immediateactually, hair, immediate, thread, glass2
kimqi.nlTCM nutritional principles assess food through the Five Elements, considering energy contribution, impact on your Qi, and the overall effect on you as an individual. For thousands of years, the Chinese have understood that balanced…nutritional principle, principle food, principle totalface, nutrition, balance, optimal, vitality2
stewardownershiprechtsvorm.nlIn the Netherlands, there are more than 100 companies that are already set up according to these principles. These steward-owned enterprises are thriving and sustainable leaders in their sectors. However, because there is not yet a…company principle, principle stewardsteward, ownership, purpose, profit, enterprise2
welivefree.nl…at providing mortgage financing in the Netherlands. The choice of the contract is at the customer’s discretion. All contracts have been approved by our board and are therefore compliant with the Islamic principles, also known as halal .base principle, principle islamic, islamic principle, principle halalmortgage, islamic, muslims, calculation, compliance2
forensicdiving-researchacademy.nlIntroduction to Underwater Investigation Lab presents the principles and practice of compressed-gas as a life-support system for underwater hyperbaric exposure. This course is designed to develop proficiency in the basic skills required…history principle, principle basic, lab principle, principle practiceforensic, underwater, dive, crime, investigation2
djongerenbedjinkamsten.nlOur roots lie in the Bahá'í Faith, a contemporary world religion that emphasizes the unity of humanity. In this inspirational faith, we find powerful principles of peace, unity, and progress. As an organizing committee, we draw motivation…principle central, powerful principle, principle peace, motivation principle, principle activeresource, youth, gathering, society, faith2
justconsulting.nl…anti-discrimination; honourable, upright, upstanding, decent, honest, righteous, ethical, moral, virtuous, principled, full of integrity, good, right-minded, straight, reasonable, scrupulous, trustworthy, incorruptible, truthful…virtuous principle, principle integrityconsulting, similar, opposite, organisational, society2
mdgo.nl…I would have to show documents to prove I exist: passport, birth certificate etc. At Nimses the procedure is much simpler, but the principle is the same. Everyone has the right to be registered, but no one can have two birth certificates.simple principle, principle right, law principle, principle netherlandsfarmer, verification, physical, economic, economy2
enterprisesummit.nl…A space at International Tech and Creative events where we empower and promote Dutch companies. You can see our current Pavilions by visiting ‘Our Brands’. These Pavilions are prime examples of our Event creation and management principles:secure principle, principle openexhibition, mobility, networking, conference, wave2
ardiroelofsscience.nlLamers, M. & Roelofs, A. Role of Gestalt grouping principles in visual attention: Evidence from the Stroop task. 10th Wintercongres van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie [10th Winter conference of the Dutch Psychonomic Society]…group principle, principle visual, principle attentioncognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain2
vssr.nlAs a seasoned Scrum Master and Agile Coach, I’ve coached teams, management and clients in Agile and Scrum principles. Self-organization, empirical process control, Lean product development, et cetera. I’ve facilitated workshops and…scrum principle, principle self, related principle, principle structure, regularly principleux, resume, role, thought, functional2
dieseljack.nl…topic). topic). To To become become a a web web designer, designer, one one must must know know design design principles, principles, design design interaction, interaction, usability, usability, basic basic coding, coding, and and…design principle, principle design, business principle, principle universaldog, investment, pearl, horse, veteran2
essensworld.nlWhat are our guiding principles and visions? What have we achieved since 2011? And what benefits come with joining the ESSENS Club?essens, stock, perfume, registration, cosmetic2
labinsights.nlCD ComputaBio, a reliable provider of computational biology solutions, is proud to unveil its groundbreaking service, First Principle Calculations. With an unwavering commitment to addressing the pressing needs of the biotech industry…service principle, principle calculationanalysis, laboratory, compliance, potential, property2
restour.nlOne of our main principles is: quality. To guarantee this important aspect we are HACCP & ISO certified.main principle, principle qualityupcoming, profit, healthy, dish, staff2
jenaplein.nlAt its own primary, the principle of hair threads focuses on the concept of visual fallacy. These very small, minuscule threads are actually electrostatically credited stick to the hair stems, mixing along with all-natural hair and also…primary principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, fiber, glass2
collectivewasteland.nlCollective Wasteland is an interdisciplinary collective of researchers, artists, anthropologists, and designers comprised of Katya Borisova, Yannik Güldner, Leon Lapa Pereira, Erik Peters, and Anne Vera Veen. Based on micro-solidarity…microsolidarity principle, principle connection, solidarity principle, principle intersectionwasteland, collective, waste, ecology, planetary2
dikhoffvandongen.nlDigital media has become the principle form of distribution. We advise many traditional players in the entertainment industry about new models and many startups about new partnership. We have strong technical and legal knowledge of IT…medium principle, principle formattorney, law, lawyer, television, producer2
curio.nlAll these projects are linked to the first principle of the EU Pillar of Social Rights by focussing on regional social inclusion.project principle, principle euvocational, pre, adult, qualification, labour2
zweq.nlGet comprehensive insights into our organization. Discover more about our identity, history, delve into our core activities, and gain a deeper understanding of our values and principles. Explore who we are, what we do, and what we truly…value principle, principle trulyagriculture, employee, distributor, comprehensive, truly2
ufl-swol.nlTrust in yourself and always think in terms of solutions. The principle of self-help is the most important lesson that Pavlos Liagkas learned during his studies. He is the first in his family to go to university, which was not a given…solution principle, principle selffund, study, dinner, scholarship, programme2
petrusvanduyne.nlIn addition to my previous blog, and anticipating a new round of editing of the coming Colloquium book. I thought how to provide some more practical advices. Let me by way of thinking-aloud write down a few writing principles. A good…write principle, principle goodmoney, cross, crime, laundering, colloquium2
nielsmanders.nl…from increased accessibility. In recent times, he has dedicated substantial effort to gain a better understanding of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and has actively implemented accessibility principles into his design practices.fundamental principle, principle good, accessibility principle, principle designux, usability, analysis, researcher, near2
jabo-carpets.nlIn 1953 Jan Bosman developed the wall-to-wall woven sisal carpet. On the basis of the famous principle, new products are worked on every day. Discover the natural charm of the Jabo collection, with its genuine character and diversity of…famous principle, principle new, product principle, principle materialcarpet, factory, technique, inspiration, sustainability2
lebkov.nlIt’s hard to define Lebkov. We’re not a plug & play formula, and definitely not a franchise. A special place for sure. Every day we put our heart and soul in it. Guided by six principles, we’re always on the lookout for those nifty…guide principle, soul principle, principle lookoutorganic, healthy, tomorrow, juice, simply2
vlakglasrecycling.nlRecycling glass is one case where the cradle-to-cradle principle can be implemented with relative ease. There are three reasons for this: glass is - with the exception of glass wool - completely reusable, recycling glass does not result…philosophy principle, principle use, cradle principle, principle relativeglass, sheet, waste, raw, demolition2
grundsatzlich-it.nlThe company name originates from the German word “Grundsätzlich” which means something like “in the core” or “in principle”. The principles of Grundsätzlich IT as a company are: to act with integrity, to provide the best value for the…core principle, principle grundsätzlichpublication, presentation, modelling, warehouse, reference2
arbitrationlaw.nl…procedure is also more confidential than a procedure before a public court. Arbitration procedures are not public; therefore, the entire existence of the arbitration procedure will in principle remain unknown to the outside world.procedure principle, principle unknown, principle costarbitration, law, dispute, agreement, rule2
payodhi.nljust the mind, but especially the body gets to ´talk´. We work in an atmosphere of safety and loving attention, not focusing on solving or changing anything, but on caring for and accepting what is. Five natural principles play a core role:principle method, natural principle, principle coreinn, relationship, therapy, inside, feeling2
icbnederland.nl…as develloped by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy. We focus on the application of contextual thinking in therapy and social work. But we also try to find useful applications of the contextual principles in nursing, education, counseling, etc.contextual principle, principle nursing, research principle, principle efficacycontextual, bibliography, therapy, phd, proceedings2
ronvanzon.nlwriting the interaction design , a textual and visual description of the application, covering all business and user targets, concept, functionality, design principles, navigation and interaction.design principle, principle account, principle navigationinteraction, ux, bridge, neurologist, farmer2
amundietf.nlAmundi was founded on the principles of responsible investing, discover more about what we are doing and why.amundi principle, principle responsibleinvest, fund, climate, thematic, income2
ishmun.nlDuring these turbulent times, it is vital to discuss the role of justice in creating a fair society. Justice, as defined by the United Nations, is a basic principle of the rule of law. Therefore justice is the lens through which…basic principle, principle rule, justice principle, principle people, principle conferenceconference, united, nation, delegate, justice2
synnervate.nl…of the organisation. Everyone’s attention is focused on the purpose. Would you like to learn to work according to the principles and rules of Holacracy®? Then please get in touch with us. You can also participate in a Holacracy® taster.purpose principle, principle rule, holacracy principle, principle wayholacracy, spiral, dynamic, society, cohesive2
theweathermakers.nl…how to manage the complexity of Nature into our human-made installation. We use Research outcomes as our guiding principle in designing holistic, science-informed and data-driven methods to understand how to regenerate ecosystems as a…outcome principle, principle holistic, central principle, principle henriëttewaardweather, earth, cycle, engine, stakeholder2
viadjo.nlFull guidance up to the handover of the keys [ 10-step principle ]. I work on a fixed price or on a percentage from selling price. Depending on your wishes!step principle, principle priceestate, sell, advisor, property, decision2
juliaberg.nlThis personal toolkit consists of a series of preconditions and design principles based on the research consuming confusion, the complexity of sustainable fashion communication regarding consumption.design principle, principle researchgraphic, confusion, cargo, reader, critical2
boeddhawierde.nlEthics are an important aspect of the Buddhist path. The basic principle is that we try to do whatever is conducive to a liberated and awakened state—for ourselves and all others.basic principle, principle conducivebuddhism, buddhist, meditation, path, awaken2
dinekeoosting.nl…The metropolis was built in the same way many of us used to do with blocks and plastic consumer items. The principle of piling and grouping identical forms plays an important role in this. “Tuppercity” has the radiation of a large…item principle, principle identical, transformation principle, principle photographphotograph, exhibition, mountain, tree, colour2
vanmierlotuinen.nlI have prepared a richly illustrated lecture in which I explain how I discovered my design principles, by looking at my personal drives. I take you on a journey through my work with a lot of pictures and film, and I explain how I work…design principle, principle way, principle personalwinner, woodland, contemporary, architecture, luxurious2
visserpartners.nlTo offer the right services and support for his clients, Tom Visser follows principles of partnership that guide his collaborations with various partners. These principles include:visser principle, principle partnership, fundamental principlepartners, partnership, collaboration, requirements, outcome2
ronjtaofel.nlJoin Rotate Connect. That is the principle of Rónj Taofel. Join us for a delicious three course dinner together with other professionals. With each course you rotate to another table. This is how you meet new people, take part in…connect principle, principle rónj, geleen principle, principle serendipityjoin, connect, rotate, interesting, conversation2
lcam.nlThe formalized collaboration capitalizes on a large degree of synergy between the principle investigators in developing, adapting and applying advanced microscopy for use in cell biology. Besides delivering access to the diverse advanced…synergy principle, principle investigatormicroscopy, advanced, academic, embed, infrastructure2
filopopers.nlThis control was so comprehensive that the competent authority went so far as to cut off discussions with local residents on 7 March 2017 (appendix 1 report on the participation process), despite the principles of the 2013 energy…despite principle, principle energyturbine, noise, province, farm, distance2
cfri.nl…development are important to me. I have done various specialist investment courses and I have been trained in the principles of Responsible Investment. My personal and managerial skills development has been supported through participation…course principle, principle responsibleinvestment, responsible, invest, asset, balance2
bplusb.nlWhere principles are interchangeable between different sites, a design never is. Each design is the synthesis of ideas and local conditions and emerges from the site’s unique narrative. Instead of writing a completely new story, we strive…landscape, nike, cultural, clarity, role2
nieuwenatuurlijkheid.nlA knowledge field that will make use of the latest finding of the WetsenrScientific code, which has a surprising coherence with principles that were part of earlier structures of consciousness. So the newly emerging consciousness…order principle, principle glad, coherence principle, principle earlystructure, planetary, consciousness, cultural, coherent2
caasgroup.nlOur company's Key Values are the guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help us function together as a team and work toward a common business goal.value principle, principle fundamentalgrowth, understand, solve, understanding, enthusiasm2
babaji.nlThe ashram Sada Shiva Dham is inspired by the teachings of Mahavatar Haidakhan Babaji: the principles of Truth, Simplicity, and Love and karma-yoga. Karma yoga can be explained as selfless work, work in service of humanity.stick principle, principle truth, babaji principlebhakti, celebration, introduction, teaching, practical2
wereldkinderen.nlApplication: permission to adopt (principle consent). This needs to be done via Adoptievoorzieningenpermission principle, principle consent, having principleafrica, south, adoption, philippine, foster2
6x10.nlSome have concluded that the correct response is to engineer much bigger and more powerful traditional education systems. We disagree. Learning needs to be organized on a different set of principles requiring a new learning system, one…set principle, principle newsociety, assessment, funding, powerful, credentials2
highimpactsupport.nlWe learned and applied the principles behind this study in seven countries / regions. By God’s grace and powerful action of His Spirit, we have seen the wonderful results when you speak of and demonstrate the Kingdom of God. The…god principle, principle foundation, leadership principleserve, movement, disciple, chair, kingdom2
clarijn.nlHerbs have a powerful effect. They can effectively replenish physical deficiencies and restore balance. Herbs from our own environment are better suited to us. By using them based on the principles of Chinese medicine, a personal…reflexology principle, principle reflex, well principle, principle chinesetreatment, acupuncture, reflexology, medicine, balance2
efficientatwork.nlWorking in the Netherlands and transport to work. Principles at Efficient at Workwork principle, principle efficientefficient, employee, accommodation, employment, comfortable2
fabiankoning.nl. Koning decided to establish in 2008 his own company in which the interest of the client, integrity, quality, excellence, originality, trustworthy business partners and socially responsible entrepreneurship are “sacred” business…investment, agriculture, emerge, pre, transformation2
capitalhold.nlthe foundations of the Company based on the principles of honesty and integrity, matched by a dedication to hard work. we are specialist in trading, digital marketing and Training . the company has set out to offer leading brands of…company principle, principle honestytrading, capital, hold, arabic, uk2
aikicoaching.nlBusiness aikido is a concept that applies the principles and techniques of aikido, a Japanese martial art, to the field of business and management. Aikido means “the way of harmony” and it teaches how to deal with conflicts and challenges…concept principle, principle technique, development principle, principle martialvisitor, session, inspire, definitely, trust2
susendian.nlThe Peeters Research Group specializes in Engineering Biology, utilizing the principles of biology and engineering to develop innovative solutions for various applications.biology principle, principle biologybiology, sense, academic, environmental, diagnostic2
caesar-denhaag.nlFysioFit On the principle “Working together on rehabilitation” the team of Fysio Fit guides you towards a fast and complete as possible revalidation. They recently started offering physiotherapy and manual therapy within Caesar.fysiofit principle, principle rehabilitationlesson, membership, posture, technique, sunbed2
energieakkoordmaastricht.nl…and the municipal organization. Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar is responsible for the execution of the MEA Industry principle. This programme office started collaborating with a large number of companies and organizations in Maastricht on…follow principle, principle regional, industry principle, principle programme, principle thankmeasure, save, municipality, climate, neutral2
sgp.nlThe party was established in response to the dilution of Biblical principles, as observed by its founders, in other Christian parties at that time.biblical principle, principle founderpolitical, wi, biblical, politics, society2
terugnaarjeroots.nlFurthermore, the principle of purchasing a package is very simple, the larger the package, the cheaper the price for a clearing is in proportion.furthermore principle, principle packageguidance, session, package, clearing, blockage2
bililed.nl…as a status display. The only things outside of the bed are the power cord and remote control. The lamp is, in principle, suitable for all CNS patients. All dimensions are possible, such as 40 x 80 cm for babies (craddle) or 60 x 120…lamp principle, principle suitable, important principle, principle designdevice, syndrome, patient, treatment, intensity2
medrecord.nlAssay Principle: The microplate provided in this kit has been previously coated with an RA-specific antibody. Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microplate wells with a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for RA…assay principle, principle microplate, vaccine principle, principle immuneantibody, cell, elisa, protein, assay2
shinkyokushinrotterdam.nl…led by Kenji Midori Shihan, comprises approximately 1,000,000 members across 100 countries. It is one of the world's largest full-contact karate organizations and continues to adhere to Sosai Oyama's Kyokushinkai Karate principles.fight principle, principle selfconfidence, inn, strength, unlock, lesson2
disvue.nlThe DISvue® philosophy towards distribution came with the redevelopment of a “product oriented concept” to a “product development principle”. The main difference is that it focuses on the starting point from a customer’s perspective , not…development principle, principle mainsupplier, dedicated, showcase, trust, philosophy2
tic-advisory.nl…from our vision, we are a trustworthy and independent partner. We strive for the highest quality as a fundamental principle in all our partnerships. It is our goal to provide you the tools to enable optimal decision-making and proper…fundamental principle, principle partnershipadvisory, independent, decision, commitment, apparent2
projectroodkapje.nlThe Traxxas x-maxx 8s is taken as an example because there is knowledge available about how to make it drive using digital instructions and it can carry some cargo. However, in principle, any vehicle can be used if it is drive by wire.cargo principle, principle vehicleintroduction, esc, screw, steering, pinion2
flex-technique.nla problem solver and looking for a win-win situation. Tamer is trustful person who provides all need information within work issues. He follows principles of keeping friendly and polite business relations. It is pleasure to work with Tamer!issue principle, principle friendlytechnique, employee, pleasure, situation, technician2
peercode.nlPeercode has also placed a priority on privacy and security for many years. For this, we have formulated a number of policy principles . We work based on an ethics code and are ISO 27001 certified . ISO 13485 is the internationally…policy principle, principle ethics, multinational principle, principle projectdevice, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy2
bs-vuurvlinder.nlIn groups 7 and 8 teachers stay in principle with the group. This is a deliberate choice in order to safeguard the advisory process for secondary education.follow principle, principle educational, teacher principle, principle groupteacher, educational, cognitive, emotional, initiative2
maintenancebenelux.nlGet the new free NDT eBook on phased array technology! Inside the eBook you will find: ■ a summary of basic phased array principles ■ an overview of the required equipment ■ explanations of the data generated by the techniquearray principle, principle overviewmaintenance, automation, industrial, resource, valve2
heiwakan.nlAll of these principles are interconnected. And they are expressed in physical self defence techniques, unarmed techniques and exercises using the Japanese wooden knife, staff and sword.core principle, principle techniquejapanese, inspiration, hague, technique, wooden2
lvdu.nlWe use the 70-20-10 principle which is the concept that learning while doing is more effective than learning in classroom type settings. We may also use the cascade model with some organizations but let it go when it is no longer needed…relationship, possibility, effectively, role, effectiveness2
wfhessentials.nl…the degree of contact between partners. Moreover, companies that assist their work-from-home employees in understanding and adopting these principles will gain the intended benefits and contribute to the arrangement's long-term viability.employee principle, principle benefitremote, productivity, lighting, break, payment2
studiomakkinkbey.nl…how to involve the right partners as well as a large number of young makers. WATERSCHOOL M4H+ gives shape to the principle of ‘learning by doing’. Studio Makkink & Bey takes on a whole range of roles; from planner, architect and designershape principle, principle studio, design principle, principle elementarybey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior2
elite-agile.nlBy seamlessly integrating of Waterfall, KANBAN, and Scrum, along with LEAN principles, HAF presents you with a streamlined, intuitive, and highly effective Way of Working (WoW).lean principle, principle hafframework, methodology, waterfall, seamlessly, successfully2
studionousnous.nlStudio NousNous is about designing green & healthy interior and exterior spaces. Achieving this by applying the biophilic design principles. Integrating natural elements and processes into our built environment, will trigger a strong…design principle, principle natural, principle healthyresidential, architecture, interior, inside, healthcare2
nkmbconsultancy.nl…It demands constant and open communication and defines how we work as individuals and as an organization. Lean businesses, small staffs and large jobs held by highly talented employees are all signs of the Efficiency Principle at work.principle work, efficiency principleconsultation, employee, hold, efficiency, partnership2
neweconomynow.nlThe live online festival New Economy Now was well attended on 16 June. A strong panel talked about the donut economics principles and their impact on policy. In addition, in the various tracks there has been attention for all doers. This…economic principle, principle impacteconomy, circular, session, discussion, panel2
afkevandewouw.nlAlso coaches want to use sport psychology principles in coaching their athletes. In doing so the athletes will perform better. Coaches also come to me for their own personal development.psychology principle, principle athlete, training principle, principle wellathlete, session, psychology, cycle, decision2
richardvijgen.nlThe same principle is applied to the interviews. allowing for links between the interviews and other items in the database and between the interviews themselves.installation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive2
transid.nl…in psychological symptoms. We will investigate within single individuals which early warning signals precede symptom change and thereby examine whether psychological symptoms behave according to the principles of complex dynamical systems.symptom principle, principle complexresearcher, publication, recovery, early, psychopathology2
techpeer.nlAllowing your business to thrive because you use the right technologies is our main priority, here are the four principles we abide byopencart, setup, ecommerce, maintenance, switzerland2
sjaaklaan.nl…mechanics is a scientific theory that explains how tiny particles like atoms and electrons behave and interact with each other. Quantum mechanics deals with very small particles and operates on principles like probability and uncertainty.particle principle, principle likeinfrastructure, architecture, quantum, computing, chapter2
sustainabilityfirst.nlFor the past 250 years, economies in the developed world have been based on a continuous growth model that relies on a steady supply of inexpensive natural resources. What is termed the ‘linear economy’ is built on the principles of…economy principle, principle waste, participant principle, principle circulareconomy, sustainability, circular, target, economic2
bernova.nlWe work with the principle of clean workmanship in our works, you do not deal with cleaning after the renovation process!build principle, principle knowledgerenovation, decoration, ceiling, insulation, demolition2
c-ventures.nlAn architectural vision of the technology of which a start-up or new technology component forms a part, based on first principles, leads to a robust decision framework, from which follows deployment, commercial take-up and financial return.component principle, principle robustventure, gap, government, growth, efficiency2
resiliendo.nl“I was looking for more energy and inner-peace. Through my conversations with Lucille, I have been able to make the connections between simple habits and healing principles. This journey been very beneficial to me, physically and…underlying principle, principle impermanence, healing principle, principle journeymedicine, orthomolecular, therapy, chronic, practical2
levellog.nlThe measurement principle of the LevelLog is based upon sonar technology. This results in a contactless measurement without physical contact between the measuring instrument and the groundwater.measurement principle, principle levellogmeasurement, groundwater, contamination, output, accurate2
degoedetheaterzaken.nlWorking within the artistic principles and financial possibilities of the theater itself, deGoedeTheaterzaken will create a tailor-made program in consultation with the management.artistic principle, principle financialprogramming, programmer, artistic, tailor, numerous2
vastgoed-advocaten.nlWeebers Vastgoed Advocaten N.V. is a partnership with a different structure from most law firms. This structure is partially inspired by structures for long-term collaboration in the real estate industry. Our guiding principle is…advocaten principle, principle case, eye principle, principle competence, industry principleestate, fee, government, firm, lawyer2
trust-cooperatie-van-het-huis-maria-berdina-johanna-smits.nl8 They hunt my trust which they keep calling out as my (despicable to them) "belief" only to demonize the Beneficiary and force upon the Heirs their principles of satanic intellectual uni-verses for the masses.belief principle, principle hereditary, heir principle, principle satanictrust, prayer, beneficiary, river, spiritual2
euromarks.nl…to file a Benelux trademark application first). This registration can be a problem for your own EUTM, because the principle of the EUTM is: everything (EU) or nothing. So you get an EUTM that applies to the entire EU, but never an EUTM…universal principle, principle nowadays, eutm principle, principle eutmtrademark, registration, opposition, domain, agreement2
rubenboerhof.nlDesign Manager for the FinTech department, where I led a team of UX designers and copywriters. I created and led UX principles, quality standards, collaborative practices, and overarching UX strategy. As a people manager, I was…design principle, principle quality, ux principleux, intuitive, bicycle, conversion, manufacturer2
cosota.nlsuccess and safety of every project we undertake. With over 30 years of combined experience in various industries such as Oil & Gas, Chemical, and Fabrication factories, our team possesses a deep understanding of risk management principles.value principle, principle companyturnaround, risk, seamlessly, peace, commitment2
amsterboek.nl…These wealthy individuals preferred to part with their wealth, and even their lives, rather than compromise their moral principles. Their choice in favor of moral values ​​highlighted the brilliance of human civilization and human nature.moral principle, principle choicedialog, window, subtitle, chapter, description2
essentialtouch.nlEssential Touch is a unique form of bodywork, inspired bij Esalen® Massage & Bodywork. It is wellknow for its long flowing strokes from head to toe with deep streches and bodywork on the table. An eclectic blend of techniques and…technique principle, principle western, principle swedishbodywork, session, treatment, therapist, therapy2
tomoor.nlWhen developing leadership we can drown in the complexity of skills, high performing teams and leadership paradigma’s and actual concepts. This is to cut through complexity and show the leadership principles of the higher game in the world.leadership principle, principle methodology, principle highleadership, transformation, secret, leader, inspiration2
simonplantinga.nlThis week I stumbled upon what’s called the Divine 9 tuning , which should be an alternative to Equal Temperament . The Divine 9 website claims that this temperament is based on the order principles of nature itself, and looks more like a…scientific principle, principle fact, order principle, principle nature, creation principleprogramming, divine, chord, hacking, mathematics2
kiss-box.nlKISS is an acronym for “Keep it simple, stupid”, a design principle noted by the US Navy in the 1960’s. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple. Therefore simplicity is a key objective in our KissBox…kiss principle, design principle, principle navy, principle systemanswer, editor, firmware, driver, manual2
havanasyndrome.nl…such as using electromagnetic waves to put human targets to sleep or to heat them up, on the microwave-oven principle. Scientists are also trying to make a sonic cannon that throws a shock wave with enough force to knock down a man.physics principle, principle direct, oven principle, principle scientistweapon, syndrome, microwave, attack, symptom2
laravel-freelancer.nlLaravel Freelancer designs user experiences and interfaces that follow the KISS principle with the primary focus on human behaviour.kiss principle, principle primary, arts principle, principle behavioralmean, ux, effective, query, hunt2
yosayacupunctuur.nlTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a 3000-year-old healing method, based on the holistic principle that everything is energy and that body and mind are inseparable. Physical complaints often have a mental cause, but physical complaints…holistic principle, principle energytreatment, acupuncture, complaint, medicine, common2
liamtanis.nlThese are the principles I find – professional – growth in. Although processes differentiate, these principles can always be applied. They enable me to get out the best, while continuously learning .process principle, principle goodbuilder, administration, overview, optimization, catalog2
karsmakers.nl…rest of the animal kingdom. Not a soul, not free will, not conscience. Harari even continues to deconstruct the principle of there being individuals. Each of us consists of a narrating and experiecing self, neither of which are perfect…long principle, principle physical, harari principle, principle individualthink, universe, atari, answer, episode2
mvanark.nl"Technische Informatica" is an IT discipline and a branch of technology that deals with everything that lies on the border of electrical engineering and IT. Computer technicians use principles from electrical engineering, software design…technician principle, principle electrical, mathematics principle, principle materialpragmatic, practical, frontend, versatile, adaptable2
stonos.nlThe foundation for Research on Independent Claims Handling (STONOS) states that integrity is vital for trust. Safeguarding this principle makes it possible to handle claims in an independent way.trust principle, principle possible, indemnity principle, principle personindependent, join, handle, integrity, interesting2
shiftingparadigms.nlAn open-source Toolbox for climate policymakers seeking to integrate circular economy principles: now live! read morecircular, economy, climate, paradigm, circularity2
silketerstal.nlI combine my programming skills with my design skills when developing for web. In addition, I care about structuring content. I enjoy well-structured, user-friendly websites and prefer the “less is more” principle when it comes to text.website principle, principle textter, interaction, graphic, programming, researcher2
marcsijm.nlWe are on earth to learn, to develop our consciousness, to see through the false illusion of separateness. Many topics are included: reincarnation, unity principle, life as a learning experience, karma, consciousness development, the…unity principle, principle life, god principle, principle behaviorearth, instruction, participation, perspective, consciousness2
digitallifecentre.nlThe focus in this project is on learning how to apply the FAIR principles and exploring the implementation within the People in Movement (MiB) / Urban Vitality program. In view of the recent circumstances, we also pay attention to the…fair principle, principle findable, principle implementationhealthcare, apply, trust, infrastructure, physical2
aabc.nlThe Amsterdam American Business Club is a non-profit organization founded on the principle of networking. We strive to improve business contacts between Dutch and American companies, as well as business professionals located in the…organization principle, principle networking, management principle, principle peaceamerican, networking, law, upcoming, benefit2
ezconsulting.nl…The tools used are not solely standard management methods and models, but most of all basic, people-oriented principles and a tailor made approach. Simply because really improving a business demands a durable, consistent and effectivepeople principle, principle tailor, fully principle, principle certificationconsulting, devops, detect, crime, transformation2
arnhemsecretary.nlHonesty, integrity and professionalism are the core principles of ArnhemSecretary . You can count on high quality service.core principle, principle arnhemsecretarybusy, secretarial, temporary, staffing, leave2
splinternieuw.nlAlways Familiar with Excellent Repair. Our mission has been translated into a number of principles that we follow every single day.number principle, principle singledamage, repair, round, boat, report2
maxj.nl…my understanding of human factors, ensuring that the game was accessible and engaging. This application of U&S principles has been a confirmation to my commitment of social responsibility in design, aiming to create solutions that are…application principle, principle confirmation, use principle, principle dedicationindustrial, transportation, spatial, environmental, geography2
sportconsultnederland.nlyoung athletes to a healthy diet that suits their age and their sporting ambitions. Marlies works according to the principle of ‘healthy and tasty food’ because you will never last long if you don’t like the food. Therefore she looks…mens principle, principle prove, marlies principle, principle healthyplayer, soccer, athlete, treatment, mental2
stevefranklin.nlTribology is the science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion. It includes the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear. Tribology involves a combination of disciplines, primarily…application principle, principle friction, tribology principle, principle professionalacademic, publication, consumer, manufacture, healthcare2
aofeclinics.nl…well with the surface of a titanium screw. This connection of metal to bone is called osseointegration, and this principle is now used by orthopaedists to apply hip and knee prostheses to the bone on a large scale. Since the 1990s, this…principle osseointegration, osseointegration principle, principle orthopaedistsprosthesis, revision, patient, treatment, independent2
rmsacoustics.nlAudio Design explains the audio related design principles that are followed and provides a set of downloadable white papers in pdf format on different subjects.design principle, principle setmechatronic, acoustic, introduction, frequency, motion2
oosterhuis.nl…In iA#4 we investigate the relevance of the qBIM, the Quantum Building Information Model, dealing with the principles of uncertainty and unpredictability. This iA#4 issue acknowledges the emergence of a new field in architectural…component principle, principle information, model principle, principle uncertaintyarchitecture, interactive, faculty, swarm, uncategorized2
palaceoftypographicmasonry.nlVestibule of Principles & Rationale The Masonic Lobby The Studyroom of Unravelling Lenses Sign The Labyrinth of Scripts The Asemic Cabinet The Annex of Universal Languages Symbol Tracing Board Treasury The Bonus Room Ornament Von Wersins…vestibule principle, principle rationale, poster principle, principle buildpalace, exhibition, masonry, lecture, graphic2
jolienspoelstra.nlIn principle, Jolien Spoelstra does not exchange personal data with parties in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In exceptional cases where this is necessary, Jolien Spoelstra must ensure that data is only transferred to…necessary principle, principle jolientreatment, therapy, session, therapist, emotion2
mediatoolkit.nlAppropriately actualize unique e-business for low-risk high-yield initiatives. Intrinsicly communicate emerging expertise before principle-centered catalysts for.expertise principle, principle catalystdefault, title, slider, table, pricing2
hertoghsadvocaten.nl…are closing in. But you can trust us; we know what we’re doing. We always work in teams. We apply the four-eye principle; for attorneys this is unique: every document is reviewed by at least two people. Also among colleagues, we tend…eye principle, principle attorneytax, fraud, proceedings, litigation, authority2
animalrights.nlThe management and employees of Animal Rights endorse and promote these principles; volunteers of Animal Rights are requested and encouraged to do the same. Animal Rights volunteers understand and respect the foundation's aims and should…gandhi principle, principle peace, right principle, principle volunteer, responsibility principleanimal, belgium, hunt, fur, campaign2
flowsplatform.nlRisk-based design of flood defence systems of New Orleans In this paper, we apply the principles used in the Netherlands for risk-based design of flood protection systems to thedesign principle, principle multifunctional, paper principle, principle netherlandsthesis, flood, paper, report, january2
transitiecoalitievoedsel.nl…who are working on concrete solutions focusing on multidimensional value creation (4 returns) with underlying principles such as transparency, sustainability, health and fair price and incomes. That is why our motto is: A healthy life…underlying principle, principle transparency, departure principle, principle palettetransition, coalition, role, zijn, opinion2
progest.nlBased on the “no cure, no pay” principle, PROGEST helps to find the right market participant(s). Through our expertise, we can ensure that this process is successful.pay principle, principle progestinvention, patent, successfully, innovative, consultation2
theupcycle.nlIn this upcycle workshop we tell you all about our principles. If you want to learn what the difference is between UPcycling and Recycling this is for you! We tell you how to start designing with that what other see as waste. We create…upcycle principle, workshop principle, principle differencesoap, earring, feather, candle, pants2
salomeasaida.nlDuring the project, Art teachers and their pupils are gradually taught the basic principles of different forms of artistic expression via the DVD and the exercise book focussing on techniques that fit well within the Islamic frame. Pupils…basic principle, principle different, principle drawislamic, costume, technique, exercise, draw2
internationalerechtshulp.nlMost requests for mutual legal assistance are based on a multilateral or bilateral treaty. A request for mutual legal assistance can also be based on the principle of reciprocity. A request for extradition always needs to be based on a…assistance principle, principle reciprocity, request principlerequest, authority, assistance, foreign, mutual2
eemsenergyterminal.nlGasunie and Vopak entered into a principle agreement whereby Vopak will acquire 50% of the shares in EemsEnergyTerminal. This transaction will be subject to...vopak principle, principle agreementshareholder, tariff, miscellaneous, vessel, verification2
philosophicalcontributionscharlesgoossens.nl…to a critical philosophy such immaterial beings also exist. Critical philosophy itself establishes whether in principle the existence of such entities can be known, and if it can be known, whether we can effectively show the truth of…philosophy principle, principle existence, controversial principle, principle highreligious, philosophical, contribution, religion, truth2
selectstar.nl…that your data works smarter, not just harder. Our projects are always custom tailored, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution to your specific business needs. However, certain core principles consistently guide our approach:core principle, principle consistentlyselect, analytic, independent, analyst, sweet2
japaneseheadspa.nlWe are dedicated to providing a tranquil and relaxing experience. Our philosophy is rooted in the timeless principles of Japanese culture and tradition, as we aim for the perfect harmony and balance between body and mind.timeless principle, principle japanesejapanese, head, hair, scalp, botanical2
corporatehealth.nlFlourishing successful companies, organizations, banks, schools, shops, factories where win-win principles are applied.organizational, imperative, leadership, mental, potential2
decompliancemonitor.nlObbe believes that integrity and compliance activities need to be part of business workflows and organized cross-functional to make impact and to avoid bolt-on compliance. Bespoke solutions tied to company purpose and business principles…business principle, principle supportive, guide principle, principle businesscompliance, integrity, risk, bribery, extensive2
academie-natuurgeneeskunde-zuid-nederland.nlAt its own center, the principle of hair threads hinges on the concept of visual fallacy. These very small, minuscule threads are actually electrostatically credited stick to the hair bars, combinationing along with organic hair and also…percent principle, principle high, center principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal2
ovsoftwaregroep.nlOur guiding principles revolve around innovation, quality, and technology. The blend of which, we believe, adds value to our customers. Having a history that spans half a century and being financially stable, we bear the responsibility as…growth principle, principle educationdecade, logistics, progress, germany, carrier2
nitawink.nlThe rediscovery of someone’s inner strength is the essence of my work. To do so I work according to the following principles:horse, executive, strength, inspiration, reference2
starchmachine.nl…to South Asia, Africa, American and so on. In good faith for the purpose, win-win as the goal, we adhere to the principle of [quality first, service first", providing the most outstanding product for the customer and the post perfect…goal principle, principle qualitystarch, cutter, corn, chaff2
futuracomposites.nlThe development and implementation of this policy is a commitment of Futura’s management and a shared responsibility with our employees. Futura recognises that a commitment to the following guiding principles is fundamental in carrying…property principle, principle new, commitment principle, principle fundamentalcomposite, manufacture, industrial, employee, environmental2
artificialvoice.nlCreating an artificial voice has been a preoccupation already for several centuries. The first mechanical models imitated parts of the human body that were most clearly involved in vocal production. Later models were based on theoretical…theoretical principle, principle voice, resonance principle, principle larynxsynthesis, artificial, technique, recording, singing2
cilc.nlCILC wants to become a reliable link in the ever growing network of development organisations that apply the principles and tools of effective aid delivery. With the launch of our new website in November 2014 we publish detailed…project principle, principle standard, organisation principle, principle toolbalkans, western, hague, law, cooperation2
intensivedutchcourseeindhoven.nlThe Netherland is recorded in the principle 20 voyager objectives to visit. The country reliably attracts guest who visits this country and put their significant vitality in this country. Generally all of the guests from Europe and…netherland principle, principle voyager, dutch principle, principle decisionintensive, igroup, netherland, capability, association2
perfectcorepilates.nlIneke’s exercises provided relief from my sciatic nerve pain. She finds joy in helping you work through injuries and is truly dedicated to the Pilates principles. Her energetic personality makes it fun to work out with her.pilates principle, principle energetic, exercise principle, principle contemporaryinstructor, session, exercise, certified, corporation2
gladwellacademy.nlthis new landscape, and discover strategies to overcome them. This learning carrousel will not only illuminate the principles of Agile Product Management (APM) but also provide actionable insights for its implementation within Agile…carrousel principle, principle agileclassroom, scale, framework, island, republic2
drybench.nl…dry. It is an idea of Dutch innovator Gerjon Zomer and developed in collaboration with industrial designer Marc Platschorre and the skilled engineers at STEDON. We'll gladly tell you the story of origin based on Design Thinking Principlesfold, street, het, uit, eastern2
startupconsulting.nlBeyond our vast expertise lies our fundamental belief, described in our five guiding principles; as values of the future we aim to live in, and as critical business assets for sustainable growth.found principle, belief principle, principle valuegrowth, operation, explore, guidance, practical2
marnix.nlNicole Barton is ‘a Self-Rediscovery Mentor and Creativity Coach who helps people feeling lost and burnt-out to unravel a life they love by embracing simple self-rediscovery principles. I have a passion for gently reconnecting people to…robotically principle, principle assumption, rediscovery principle, principle passionconversation, addiction, belief, hide, anxiety2
morrisenbella.nlThe different seasons, the beautiful vegetables, herbs and flowers are our infinite source of inspiration. On our days off, we wander fields, forests and meadows to pick and gather what nature gives us. We use the ‘Root to Leaf’ principle…leaf principle, principle zero, ecological principle, principle thingdining, vegetable, wine, herb, season2
biobasedtech.nl…themselves in an unique position to lead the way to a sustainable future. By teaching students Green Chemistry principles, they will enter the professional world with the knowledge needed to effectively address the grand challenges of…practical principle, principle important, chemistry principle, principle professionalpolymer, formulation, processing, technique, apply2
dutch-classes-eindhoven.nlSentence structure, composing and talking abilities are the principle things we are centered around in our classes. We additionally gave you the schoolwork which is fundamental for you to attempt it for your better individual. The primary…ability principle, principle thing, level principle, principle pointigroup, chance, netherland, likewise, nation2
q-tility.nl…and have the real-world knowledge to deliver the best V&V solutions with proven practices. In addition, our principles have more than a decade of experience. Q-tility’s principles stood at the basis of a new international industrial…good principle, principle approach, addition principle, principle decade, tility principlevalidation, verification, simulation, risk, domain2
kaakmedischcentrum.nlAfter the first consultation, you will receive an estimate from us if necessary. In principle, most treatments are reimbursed from the basic insurance except the annual deductible.necessary principle, principle treatmentjaw, treatment, surgery, oral, maxillofacial2
rayamedicine.nl“Team cooperation in the human herd works best if it is framed around simple, natural core principles that everybody understands. Healthy leadership and team spirit are already inside us. By activating it we break through limiting…core principle, principle everybody, powerful principle, principle languageleadership, horse, herd, instructor, medicine2
vishwakarma.nlThe science of Astrology embodies the knowledge and achievements of various scholars and sages throughout the ages. They have helped to expand the very base of the subject providing classifications into three distinct divisions: Sidhant…sidhant principle, principle ganit, general principle, principle practicevedic, astrology, birth, purpose, hide2
succesgids.nlLearn Tony’s personal process for getting from where you are to where you want to be every time, plus the universal principles for creating and sustaining wealth.universal principle, principle wealth, master principle, principle vitalwealth, spirituality, rule, fear, leader2
q-storage.nl11.4 All disputes relating to the Lease are in principle within the jurisdiction of the Court in which the Leased is located.lease principle, principle jurisdictionstorage, add, renter, rule, rental2
thekindness.nlIt sounds nice, right? Those are the five principles of Reiki practice. My intention is to bring about the wisdom and energy of these principles to our daily life. And that’s what I do in the Kindness either through the courses or the…right principle, principle reiki, energy principle, principle daily, principle peoplekindness, treatment, recognition, wisdom, distant2
thetwincherries.nlStichting Sharing and Caring Parents is a registered non-profit organization guided by the principle of integrity. Our staff observe ethical and moral principles in all sectors of our engagements.organization principle, principle integrity, moral principle, principle sectorparent, woman, girl, poverty, farming2
dereactie.nlIn principle it is allowed to take pictures at DE REACTIE. We do ask you to be discrete, don’t use a flash light and leave your phone for what it is when you’re on the dancefloor.fee, resale, purchaser, timetable, bicycle2
maldasbeheer.nlMaterials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest disciplines.science principle, principle mechanicalbridge, industrial, consumer, spend, crucial2
safeagainstcorona.nlIn principle all data processing happens on the user's phone. As an example, this means that the process of assessing whether a user has recently been in contact with an infected person, must happen locally on the user's phone. Should…right principle, principle necessary, cohesion principle, principle confidencefreedom, government, effective, protection, scientific2
leidraadse.nl…realised that SE indeed helps to make projects manageable. It created a more thorough understanding of the SE principles and how they improve communication about client requirements. Version 3 of the Guideline (released in November…currently principle, principle specific, se principle, principle communicationvoor, guideline, binnen, civil, firm2
architection.nlover time, crossed a threshold which makes it possible to accomplish mental and technical achievements that are in principle indistinguishable from the corresponding human efforts. At first glance, it may seem bizarre and ‘disrespectful’…architecture principle, principle functionality, achievement principle, principle indistinguishablerepresentation, architecture, architectural, basilica, building2
pathwaystopeace.nlIn the grand symposium of international relations, the concept of global citizenship emerges as a guiding star—a principle that illuminates the path to a future where humanity’s shared values serve as the foundation for lasting peace. The…testament principle, principle exploration, star principle, principle pathpeace, pathway, wisdom, cultural, exchange2
aureliadesign.nlin the tender and investment phase until the achievement of the approval in principle from class.approval principle, principle aip, principle classshipowner, emission, fuel, ship, propulsion2
timplatenkamp.nl‘General Principles of Socialist Republicanism: A Theory of Self-Government, the Common Good, and Social Welfare’. ( Future project ). This work develops a systematic body of thought by formulating a set of fundamental principles and…general principle, principle socialist, fundamental principle, principle theoreticalpolitical, interest, socialist, theory, think2
burovanbaar.nlAs a group of five we collect, produce, write and design in order to publish this ever changing periodical. Salvo’s publication nr. 2 is about motion in photography. At first sight, motion is the opposite of a principle characteristic of…opposite principle, principle characteristicgraphic, editorial, photobook, publication, executive2
vdelsen-mf.nlQuality awareness is deeply anchored in the organization of v.d. Elsen. The employees are continuously trained in the latest production techniques. Moreover, v.d. Elsen operates according the Value Sourcing principles that place…kanban principle, principle time, source principle, principle continuousmanufacture, employee, technique, logistics, machining2
shareplus.nlPractical approach and solutions on how you can apply the principles of mastermind group to your business and your daily life.solution principle, principle mastermindleader, founder, session, entrepreneur, minded2
laurensvanderlinden.nlThis is the key principle of Improvisation and is a metaphor of how you can live your life. In Improvisation we learn to connect with each other via open and positive communication. Accepting that what has been given to us and building on…yes principle, key principle, principle improvisation, future principle, principle yesder, successful, smile, improv, improvisation2
poconference.nl…Starting with applying Agile in the pharmaceutical industry Ali has proven to be strong in contextualizing the principles of short cycled development, early risk reduction, and building quality in for a more predictable delivery of…strong principle, principle short, participant principle, principle scaleconference, admission, reason, conduct, audience2
dymphyfit.nlLearn the key principles of training, nutrition and lifestyle. For weight loss, gaining muscle mass & more energy.vulnerability principle, principle skills, key principle, principle trainingstrength, nutrition, pricing, weight, successful2
winnenenco.nlThe entrepreneurial spirit and creativity is supplemented with strong principles. We highly value corporate social responsibility. Our branches are project development, real estate advice (advice regarding splitting, drawing work, permits…strong principle, principle highlyestate, investor, participant, resident, creativity1
sweepingsolutions.nlAt Sweeping Solutions the concepts sustainability and circular economy are two important priorities. Within our organization we try to operate in a sustainable way. By considering this principle, we hope to contribute to a circular economy.way principle, principle circularroad, willing, dynamic, warehouse, parking1
jazzcoffeewines.nl…The wines we offer are all produced in Europe, to limit global transportation. JAZZ adheres to the minimal waste principle, so we buy our fruit and vegetables from InStock to help battle food waste. We’re by no means perfect, but we do…waste principle, principle fruitwine, thursday, sunday, discover, kitchen1
vcdx.nlAfter this the HTML5 client for VSAN is loading correctly! This same principle is applicable for other extensions.correctly principle, principle applicablevsphere, host, vmware, esxi, vcenter1
itamsolutions.nlKnow more about the principles and methodology that we carried out, refined and developed upon.principle methodologyitam, asset, license, optimization, discovery1
dotnetzuid.nlDuring this session, I will guide you through the key principles of microservices and demonstrate how Azure Container Apps streamlines the development and deployment process. Learn best practices for breaking down monolithic applications…key principle, principle microserviceazure, microservice, programming, functional, primitive1
ys-producties.nlThis enables me to be a driven designer who understands the art of connecting content, form and context with but a few guidelines and to work from ideas and plans that in principle come about collaboratively. For only then can these be…plan principle, principle collaborativelywrite, reason, bespoke, thinker, outside1
alirangairah.nlIn principle, the practice is open daily from 11 am to 11 pm, by appointment only.min, energetic, strength, hague, guidance1
jobmaniac.nlOur quality and personality are our core strengths. As an intermediary between employers and employees, our way of working is based on the fundamental principles of honesty and transparency.fundamental principle, principle honestyflexible, road, metal, staff, personality1
richardwolfe.nlFor the past decade Richard and his co trainers have trained and helped many companies and their workforces in getting their email and message management act together. In assisting them to embrace the personal productivity principles and…productivity principle, principle workwolfe, productivity, simplicity, collaboration, actual1
oddz.nlAt the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) conference of 2022 we not only showed an updated version of the Azurion simulation we made for the RSNA of 2021 but we also added a second simulation based on the same principles. These…simulation principle, principle simulationunity, october, cave, february, simulation1
senseirobjacobs.nl'Budo Karate means a road to awareness, respect, improvement and mastery. Practicing karate is a physical effort which produces a metaphysical benefit, using the Budo principles of karate in other walks of life - at work (how to cooperate…budo principle, principle karatebalance, reference, improvement, character, essence1
goeiegruttenif.nlThe company does not pollute the environment and works on the basis of Fairtrade principlesfund, innovative, investment, transition, healthy1
jitty.nlneeds. When we have agreed what to do for your hair, our stylist will give you an awesome cut or color that suits you personally. What we want is to put a smile on your face because at Jitty’s our principle is: EVERY DAY IS A HAPPY HAIRDAY!jitty principle, principle dayhair, hairdresser, face, smile, consultation1
ricardobalk.nlWhen it comes to development, I follow the principles of Atomic Design. This methodology helps me to create consistent, modular and reusable components that can be easily assembled into larger, more complex interfaces. Additionally, I am…development principle, principle atomicstack, reusable, passionate, powerful, boundaries1
forestfruits.nlFigma has been my go-to design and prototyping tool for the past 3 years. Before that, I mostly used Sketch, Invision and Principle.campaign, ux, cat, present, interaction1
rotterdamtopsport.nlIn doing so, we apply the principles of the ‘Dutch Approach’. That means efficiently, innovatively, inclusively, accessibly, healthily, safely, and sustainably organised sporting events with maximum economic and social impact.athlete, facility, resident, programme, accommodation1
appyhapps.nlTonal Tinnitus Therapy can help you when you suffer from tonal tinnitus. It is based on the principles of acoustic neuromodulation. This is the easy solution for you, using your smartphone to combine the therapy with your daily activities.tinnitus principle, principle acousticsync, therapy, acoustic, connect1
landschapsobservatorium.nl…of the landscape and to generate renewed attention among residents, professionals, politicians and administrators. The principles and aims of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) represent an important guideline in this endeavour.administrator principle, principle aimlandscape, observatory, convention, cultural, protection1
bebueno.nl…showed me that with wise choices you can change your body in no time, without starving yourself. I think the principle of a very small calorie deficit that is central to the program is essential: this makes a feeding schedule easy totime principle, principle smallnutrition, busy, physical, healthy, mental1
annevankesteren.nl…it with them, in my small way. They are always seeking to truly solve problems by approaching them from first principles. As well as looking to raise the layers of abstraction upon which we build the digital world. And then actually…problem principle, principle layertree, encapsulation, shadow, api, node1
lavoisier.nlOne of his most important achievements was the formulation of the principle of combustion. With his experiments, he proved that incineration is a process in which a material reacts with oxygen.formulation principle, principle combustionventure, creation, entrepreneur, introduction, grant1
bci.nlNot in principle, just like you, we don't want to be faced with any surprises. In exceptional cases and with clear agreements that are put on paper, we proceed to the sale of an unrefurbished object.guzzi, motorbike, moto, engine, block1
sneeuwbal-effect.nlIf you have actually never ever actually gotten this whole suggestion of "web content that sells," this principle may not make a whole lot of feeling or simply audio motto.content principle, principle lotkeyword, engine, optimization, snowman, advertising1
rickdelange.nlOur team is ready to assist you in your search for a suitable property for sale or rental. We take all the work off your hands and work on the 'no cure - no pay' principle.listing, rental, sell, purchase, appraisal1
errakal.nlThe company strength lies in in-house knowledge on flow applications so Errakal can very well support you to choose the best flow measuring principle, the proper installation and the calibration / maintenance method. For that Errakal owns…measure principle, principle propercalibration, industrial, independent, metering, maintenance1
marconyteam.nl…grows. I believe in the power of attention to detail, creative vision and unwavering commitment to quality. These principles have helped Marcony Bouw to become a respected name in the construction industry of Amsterdam and the surrounding…quality principle, principle marconyrenovation, painting, kitchen, bathroom, craftsmanship1
mil-international.nl“Archimedes’ principle is the fundamental natural law of buoyancy, first identified by the Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes in the 3d century BC. It states that any object floating upon or submerged in a fluid is buoyed upward…archimedes principle, principle fundamentalsurvey, inspection, logistics, dri, draft1
socialinnovations.nlIn september 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the new Agenda emphasizes a holistic…sdg principle, principle newinnovative, positive, partnership, distributor, sustainability1
astridessed.nlThough the territory earmarked for the Jewish state fell far short of Zionist ambitions, the leadership responded favorably, aware of the signal importance of official recognition of the principle of Jewish statehood on even part of…recognition principle, principle jewishpalestine, village, palestinians, cleansing, palestinian1
vweuro.nl…a meeting under the name VW Euro. The current organising committee can't do anything about this. Should such an organisation arise, it won't be with the same principles and goals that we've used to organise VW Euro for the last 19 years.will principle, principle goalflag, committee, everybody, rate, impossible1
huurscreen.nlIn principle, no. By using validated government sources, identity and income can be easily established. This eliminates the need to focus on (fraud-sensitive) statements and pay stubs!candidate, income, screen, file, competitive1
stable.nlSTABLE develops outlet centres and shopping centres in the Netherlands and abroad as well as housing developments, sometimes combined with retail. Its starting principle is always a well-considered concept and a realistic commercial…start principle, principle conceptstable, successful, innovative, property, player1
lxconsult.nlOur Logo" LX" defines the first principles of Economics where the " L" being the X and Y axe of a graph with Price and Volume and the" X" being the Supply and Demand. You will find LX Consult in the economic optimum on the cross section…lx principle, principle economictrading, reference, economic, raw, ingredient1
wanderoe.nlWith 14 years of hands-on experience with Scrum, I am deeply committed to fostering collaboration and supporting others in understanding its principles. I thrive in team environments and am passionate about contributing to collective…collaboration principle, principle teamresume, proactive, dynamic, creativity, improvement1
bmtz.nl…who are involved in medical technology in a broad sense. As a medical technology coordinator, the CE can in principle operate from two positions: the line position with an executive responsibility for medical technology or the staffce principle, principle positionclinical, association, voor, healthcare, technological1
monumentengemeenten.nlMonuments in principle make a substantial contribution to sustainability. Monuments have sometimes been around for hundreds of years. In all that time, nothing has had to be demolished and nothing new has had to have been built…monument principle, principle substantialsummary, heritage, municipality, building, historical1
disruptiverecords.nlWe aim to empower people towards finding balance and mindfulness within themselves, and to use those principles to positively impact the world around them.mindfulness principle, principle positivelydisruptive, soundscape, beat, fi, captivate1
de-equal.nlThe international tax principle should be that the profit is made in the country where the revenue is generated or where the added value is provided. Where the revenues have been generated can be determined by payment by the consumer, or…tax principle, principle profit, country principle, principle freetaxis, equal, profit, tax, income1
domoticaprojects.nlControl everything in your home from lighting to music, video to security and much more. The key principles herein are comfort, safety and design. Within your home environment It is possible to connect a wide range of devices to one…key principle, principle comfortautomation, installation, device, residential, luxury1
joss.nlFollowing these principles and guidelines, we comply with modern international standards in order to safeguard a more sustainable environment.joss, chemical, elastomer, complexity, logistics1
gijsleijdekkers.nl…bean all the way to dripping melted chocolate. The creative process started with rough sketches of steampunk principles to visualize production steps. Resulting in a detailed animated 3D-model and a full 4 minute show simulation in…steampunk principle, principle productioninstallation, projection, spatial, exhibition, electronic1
sosbioboeren.nlFotografiska Restaurant . The focus is on applying the ‘from leaf to root, from nose to tail’ principle. The idea is to inspire and emphasize on everything we eat and drink. Fotografiska Tallinn ’s last autumn exhibition introduces…tail principle, principle ideaestonia, root, near, internationally, exhibition1
centrumrozwoju.nlThe coach strictly observes the code of ethics and respects the principles of confidentiality. The coach is focused on the goals selected by the client and follows the client's individual needs. Coaches never impose their own opinions on…ethics principle, principle confidentialitysession, confidence, psychotherapy, parental, career1
deluisteracademie.nl…to improve their faculty and learning environment which were later discussed with managers. Students also practiced different forms of democratic decisionmaking, and principles as listening to the minority voices, and power distribution.decisionmaking principle, principle listenlisten, democratic, wat, zijn, government1
sstp.nlSSTP provides immediate open access to all content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons…content principle, principle researchjournal, submission, speech, author, announcement1
nextlevelpilots.nl…start-ups since 1985. It includes hands-on experience in providing all kinds of (flight) training since 1989. After we’ve successfully trained over 850 candidates, we still adhere our day one principle: We train for you and with you!profit, placement, roll, cabin, successful1
lean-data.nlApply Lean principles to your data processing and develop an effective data driven organisation. Getting your data right the first time results in big savings throughout all your processes.lean principle, principle dataeffective, deviation, discovery, catalog, rule1
rabbitdesign.nl…flexible rack assembly. It includes a sticker sheet and a Technic figure to drive. The driver follows the "safety first" principle and wears a helmet. Using the figure for scale, this is actually a very large go kart, perhaps 10 feet long.safety principle, principle helmetcurrency, instruction, technic, wheel, loader1
verstralen-systems-engineering.nlA thorough knowledge of design principles allows me to design high precision systems which perform with high performance and high reliability.design principle, principle highanalysis, tolerance, precision, optimisation, topology1
scdp.nlAgile Deployments: DevOps principles ensure rapid and reliable platform integration.devops principle, principle rapidease, integration, deployment, loud, landscape1
kapaz.nlThe design is made with a simple principle, namely by combining threads lengthwise and transversely with generally various motifs and colors.simple principle, principle threadwholesale, official, hanging, surrounding, memory1
kineticcreative.nlWhether it is ice skating, skiing, sliding or drifting, the energy and fun of the moment you are in motion is our inherent value and working on principle.kinetic, attraction, extraordinary, aim, season1
flyingleadership.nlDuring the training, you and your team will train cognitive skills such as decision making, situation awareness, leadership, communication, teamwork and self awareness by the principles of Crew Resource Management. In a full motion…awareness principle, principle crewleadership, flight, interaction, improvement, leader1
bhattipasal.nlDedicated to our food principle, we prepare our dishes with fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. We provide an authentic experience of natural and wholesome food, where we create culinary highlights from Nepali farm flavours. In this…food principle, principle dishauthentic, square, throw, stone, dish1
ubuntuvision.nlThe Truth and Reconciliation Commission originated from Ubuntu principles and has been admired all over the world. However its efforts towards reconciliation have not been entirely successful. Structural inequality and segregation are…ubuntu principle, principle worldafrican, philosophy, traditional, cultural, indigenous1
nivu.nl…to be made. As a follow-up further co-operations were set up with two more local family farms, based on the same principles that NIVU was already applying. By means of efficient planning the arable side of these farms is now being…farm principle, principle nivucrop, farm, potato, onion, operation1
innersense.nlrelated to personal development, vitality (work-life balance) and team development, by structurally applying ‘essentials in leadership’. In the context of these programs, the basic principles of the Earth Charter are supported and promoted.basic principle, principle earthinn, sense, leadership, earth, colour1
ioconsult.nlIt is therefore important to prepare well for the ceremony. It is precisely at this point that recreational use differs from a more deliberate and ceremonial application of these potent plant medicines. In principle, there is no moral…medicine principle, principle moralceremony, spiral, medicine, intention, ancient1
inglasco.nlInglasco service engineers are trained on a constant base and are approved by Minimax as official service agents for water mist systems. Inglasco understands the principle of these systems and is able to perform tests and inspections on…inglasco principle, principle systemportable, stationary, fire, installation, breathe1
mranderson.nlOhm’s law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering that relates the voltage, current, and resistance of a circuit. It states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely…fundamental principle, principle electricalarduino, august, february, transistor, serial1
livelyresearch.nlExample of raw and small technical proof-of-principle-prototype circuit with digital interfaces.proof principle, principle prototypelively, outside, dimension, assessment, profit1
x-air.nl…(1)Knowledge Transfer (2)Learning by Doing (3)Implementation and Integration. With this unique combination, you are able to optimize production and quality by maintaining the plant balances on the basis of the Plant Empowerment principles.greenhouse, grow, package, screen, growth1
jantinewijnja.nlThe suggestions I’ve received during the tour, and the themes that kept on resurfacing, will result in a number of new researches and publications in the coming years under the shared header ‘This is Now.’ With as a guiding…header principle, principle closefire, guide, bear, girl, lab1
arnehulstein.nlLets just be honest. We are so used to having everyone literally at arms’ length. Reach for your phone and you can talk to your friends, exchange messages, catch up with what they have been doing and share your own stories. I doubt that…story principle, principle wayfact, oil, device, relationship, stuff1
eloygeenjaar.nlPrinciples of fMRI by Martin Lindquist and Tor Wager at Johns Hopkins Universityinterest, brain, sergey, background, supervision1
goodtutorsfinder.nlYour child needs help in science? What other term do we use to refer to white blood cells? How do we calculate a car’s acceleration? What is Le Chatelier’s principle? If you have forgotten your basics of biology, chemistry, or physics…chatelier principle, principle basicfinder, tutoring, math, physics, subject1
hebikhiv.nl2. Use condoms and lube. This reduces the chance of getting STIs. In principle, condoms offer good protection against HIV, but a condom can tear or slip off, or be damaged if it is used for too long.sti principle, principle condomsymptom, infection, ik, early, treatment1
sharptext.nl…really want to say, whether it is technical, marketing or just something that you really need to get right! The principle behind SharpText came from a newspaper article published in the Dutch newspaper "De Volkskrant" regarding foreign…right principle, principle sharptextprecise, mean, native, etc, proof1
sunchem.nl…variety Solaris. Solaris is a non-gmo crop with a high yield of seed and biomass. By applying the biorefinery principle, different products can be obtained from Solaris, serving various markets. Sunchem’s mission is to provide the…biorefinery principle, principle differentbiofuel, farming, sustainability, trial, africa1
kinderrijk.nlFour guiding principles are used at KinderRijk: Fun, Respect, Development and Imagination. These four principles form the basis for our daily actions.imagination principle, principle basischildcare, registration, frequently, sustainability, obligation1
limetree-research.nlThe organisation is an independent institute and is based on scientific principles. The independence of research as carried out by LIME TREE is guaranteed. LIME TREE is not associated with any political party or large organisation.scientific principle, principle independencetree, investigation, institute, vocational, conduct1
plantiac.nlPlantiac is a particularly soothing brand of Dutch brandy (in Dutch called "Vieux") which, although unfortunately not exactly crafted according to near-natural principles, awards the enthusiastic sipper with a smooth feeling in the…natural principle, principle enthusiasticfluid, distillery, invoice, pilgrimage, recipe1
brookberries.nlmisting and vertical ventilation. Marcel: “I would like to know what the possibilities are of the Airco greenhouse principle, before I go all kinds of innovative plants construction in the new greenhouse.” Dings hopes with an Airco…greenhouse principle, principle kindstrawberry, cultivation, packaging, certificate, archive1
rolfingamsterdam.nlRolfing is based on a number of principles and focuses on the individual needs of each client. Alongside the treatment of the fascial web and its relations, attention is also paid to learning exercises and movements.number principle, principle individualsession, holistic, treatment, integration, posture1
pianofest.nl…after the event. Straight after your performance you will receive feedback on stage from pianist, David Kuyken, principle teacher of piano at the Conservatory of Amsterdam and coordinator of the Sweelinck Academy. So you better start…kuyken principle, principle teacherparticipant, conservatory, audience, classical, cultural1
bullsofcrown.nl…the unrecognized colors Blue, Blue Merle, Chocolate Brown and Black & Tan can no longer be used for breeding. In principle, the mentioned colors do not occur in the French Bulldog and there is a suspicion that these entail health…breed principle, principle colordog, french, crown, hereditary, bull1
glowbug.nlCovering nixies and other neon tubes, electronic devices that depend on ionised gas to function. There are also references to neon display resources. On a separate page How To Drive Nixies , I'll discuss the principles for nixie driving…nixie principle, principle nixieelectronic, nostalgia, add, valve, odd1
martijnvanotterlo.nlOur paper on reinforcement learning for e-health is presented at PRIMA (International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems) (see AI tab)conference principle, principle practiceconference, intelligence, artificial, ethics, paper1
wndash.nlThe idea of wndash originates from theoretical foundations in philosophy of science, methodology, fortum theory and political economy. The discussion of these principles will differ from the practical discussion in rules and regulations.discussion principle, principle practicalassembly, humanity, membership, parliament, representative1
mettamind.nlDuring eight meetings you will master the meditation technique and principles of Mindfulness and you will learn how to apply it to your daily life. Education, meditation and movement exercises alternate. There is also room for feedback…technique principle, principle mindfulnessmeditation, session, busy, schedule, tuesday1
dwsi.nlStrategic thinkers and decision makers from each of the partner organisations form a think-tank 3 times per year. This think-tank is the heart of DWSI. DWSI is designed using the principles of Social Learning. The think-tank sessions…dwsi principle, principle socialcollective, session, researcher, decision, strategic1
triskelion.nl…counter climate change and environmental degradation. Sustainable entrepreneurship is part of the solution: people, planet and profit are the driving force rather than profit alone. At TRISKELION, this is our corporate guiding principle.regulatory, assessment, laboratory, analysis, nutrient1
ignoti.nlIgnoti adheres to the principles of Fair Trade and ensures that all producers are mature, that they are paid fairly and that they work under good working conditions.ignoti principle, principle fairafrica, fabric, cloth, producer, mud1
alignsar.nl…signatures of complex real-world targets with high diversity to serve a wide range of applications with societal relevance. The database will respect FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) and Open Science principles.signature, library, package, integration, temporal1
s-i-c.nlSmit Industrial Consulting, S!C, is specialised in the field of operational excellence and application of lean manufacturing principles.reference, description, improvement, manufacture, industrial1
freebooter.nl…the openness of the floor plan, the change in height according to the function of the room follows basic principle of ship engineering; the transparency of the facades, the balconies and terraces, create a feeling of standing on…basic principle, principle shipapartment, ship, balcony, terrace, urban1
eco-consult.nlA special project that I am working on with partners is Water Emissions Trading or WET : using the principle of emissions trading in water management. In Europe this is still an unknow policy instrument, and we are exploring possibilities…wet principle, principle emissiontrading, environmental, economic, emission, summary1
bewaerschole-archief.nlIn short, our project is a continuous shift from the smallest details in the landscape to questioning the principles of our culture. Although we work within the poetic confines of art, we strive to connect our thoughts, associations and…landscape principle, principle culturesalt, landscape, inhabitants, visitor, lecture1
vmbaggum.nl…of technical training for partners and successful services delivery. Chris Wolf closed the General Session with some cloud-to-edge principles, VMware Cloud, Functions as a Service (Faas) and the importance of all partners on this journey.edge principle, principle vmwarevmware, vsan, session, august, vcf1
vaengineering.nl…we solve electronic malfunctions. In addition, we also offer major and minor maintenance for all car brands, in principle based on a drive. We carry out our work for both individuals and companies. Before we get started with your car…brand principle, principle drivepurchase, inspection, consultation, specialize, maintenance1
ericofon.nlOther chassis might have different layouts of PCB’s, ringers or capacitors that are in the way. But the principle of locking and unlocking the red button is exactly the same for all chassis.way principle, principle redfebruary, january, leave, october, august1
np-lauwersmeer.nlthere is little artificial light. In clear weather, for example, the Milky Way is clearly distinguishable here. In principle, this is possible anywhere in the area, as long as there is no disturbing light from street lamps, for example. Indistinguishable principle, principle possiblesky, dark, bird, zo, hoe1
aratis.nlFor Windpark Greenport Venlo, in accordance with the Systems Engineering principles, the project information is organized in a structured manner within our Project Management Information...engineering principle, principle projectprocurement, phase, collaboration, integral, contractor1
hockeymagic.nl…Federation in Moravske Toplice, in September this year. The two-day meeting was a key point in the agreeing the principles around grassroots learning as well as beginning the launch sequence for the EuroHockey Institute. This included…point principle, principle grassrootsinstitute, magic, slovenia, federation, customizer1
envees.nlThe basic principles of the naamloze vennootschap (nv) are the foundation on which today’s economic system is built. For more information on the naamloze vennootschap (nv) , clickbasic principle, principle naamlozebackground, germany, stock, sidebar, archive1
drdknaagdierwinkel.nlWelcome to our world of rodent terrariums , where we specialize in creating perfect living environments for small rodents. One of the advanced features of our terrariums is the thermosiphon ventilation system, where we harness the…system principle, principle thermodynamicpig, rabbit, guinea, mouse, herb1
souters.nlThe Introduction to Human Resources Courses in the Netherlands provides an overview of the critical principles of HR.critical principle, principle hrexecutive, resource, assistance, career, internationally1
iccp-mgps.nl…systems can impair engine efficiency, leading to increased fuel usage. K.C. system is based on the electrolytic principle and consist of copper, aluminium and ferrous anodes which are fed with an impressed electrical current from a…electrolytic principle, principle consistvalve, iccp, cell, diaphragm1
vintage-photo.nlBut also those who focus on purchasing analogue cameras and want to become familiar (again) with the principles of photography with 35mm, medium and large format films. In this portal we explore classic, analogue cameras, lenses and…familiar principle, principle photographypocket, crown, rangefinder, analogue, rapid1
johanvandekoppel.nlTogether with Jan van Gils, Allert Bijleveld, and Sander van Doorn (RUG), I have a PhD position vacant for somebody interested in understanding animal search from a principle-seeking viewpoint. If you want to combine modelling with…search principle, principle viewpointecosystem, spatial, ecology, study, pattern1
amolf.nlUsing the tools of physics and design principles, AMOLF researchers study complex matter, such as light at the nanoscale, living matter, designer matter and nanoscale solar cells. These insights open up opportunities to create new…design principle, principle amolfamolf, matter, vacancy, nanophotonic, cell1
afrimission.nlAn economically packed food is always and widely affordable and accessible thereby having a wider distribution to the consumers. As a result of this principle, Afrimission exports bulk milk products for local repackaging to African…result principle, principle afrimissionafrica, proposal, industrial, collaboration, processing1
bibleschool.nlThe Bible School has laid a firm foundation of faith in our hearts through strong teaching from God’s principles from His Word. Combined with personal encounters with the Holy Spirit in services, the lies that I was not good enough were…god principle, principle wordbible, river, institute, impression, ministry1
038games.nl…organisation, within which people acquire, share and utilise expertise together. At Windesheim, you will be challenged and empowered to develop into a responsible, principled and confident professional. We have signed the code of conduct.responsible principle, principle confidentinteractive, soil, healthcare, anxiety, fairytale1
lwdi.nlJoin Liesbeth Wiertz and Paul Valk (piano) in an enriching ballet journey with our Guest Teacher sessions. Immerse yourself in three to five days of exclusive lessons focusing on the core principles of classical ballet education and…core principle, principle classicalteacher, methodology, lesson, guest, artistry1
fabrications.nlOver the years, we have transitioned from pioneers to authorities, shaping the discourse at the forefront of urban design. Collaborating with leading practices, we craft forward-thinking solutions that redefine urban environments. Our…core principle, principle endeavorfabrication, career, urban, healthy, transition1
hvklearning.nlThe use of virtual, augmented or mixed reality offers lots of opportunities. However they are not effective because of the immersive experience. It’s about the way educational principles are being applied when using these technologies…educational principle, principle technologyinnovative, leader, pleasant, extend, broad1
inzetbaarheidsmonitor.nlWithin organizations, the principle of continuous learning and improvement is no longer to be considered. Processes and employees must therefore be well connected and aligned. So, organizations must know what the gaps are and which…organization principle, principle continuousemployability, employee, competency, evaluation, impression1
digitalindependence.nlImplement the best-in-class identity management solution to enforce security, cross-platform access policies, and uphold the principles of least privilege.policy principle, principle privilegeidentity, independence, risk, continuity, privileged1
rietokken.nl…in summer. I remember Anne from the Spark of Light weeks in our house in France where we Work according to the principles of this book. She started the week as a timid, oversensitive woman, but at the end she was a strong and brave lass.france principle, principle bookfear, emotion, path, situation, anger1
hytorc.nlHYTORC has a goal to educate all those engaged in industrial bolting in the principles and practices that significantly improve safety, quality, and efficiency of bolting operations. We regularly conduct training classes that are designed…bolt principle, principle practicepump, hydraulic, pneumatic, washer1
pay-and-play-casinos.nlAll video slots work on the principle of the GCG. The outcome of any spin depends on a random number. This allows the casino to guarantee its customers full transparency and absolute fairness in the gaming process.work principle, principle gcgpayment, player, gambling, registration, money1
temporalcognition.nlThis principle is used in the fact-learning method "SlimStampen" which is based on the memory theories of the ACT-R cognitive architecture. If, during a learning session, a to-be-learned item can be recalled fast and effortlessly, this…temporal, cognition, cognitive, experimental, psychology1
biologische-boeren.nlAt its own center, the principle of hair threads hinges on the concept of visual fallacy. These very small, tiny threads are actually electrostatically credited stick to the hair poles, mixing along with all-natural hair and also scalp to…center principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, glass, fiber1
aplusapartments.nlThe rental agents of A Plus Apartments like to work on a long-term relationship with the owners of the rental properties we offer. We always take into account the wishes and principles of the homeowner and therefore, we make the right…wish principle, principle homeownerproperty, apartment, guidance, purchase, landlord1
puravida010.nlAt PuraVida studio we use the amazing Pilates principles working the hole body in an UNIQUE session, respecting who you are, where you are right now and where you want to gopilates principle, principle holeschedule, lesson, career, brazil, path1
dogtopia.nlHere we teach the owner the principles of Obedience training together with the building of respect and trust between the owner and their dog.owner principle, principle obediencedog, daycare, purpose, behavioural, sqm1
vectormm.nl…we developed into a steadily growing consultancy with long term relationships in major industries. The founding principle however never changed. We are committed to deliver value first. Our business is about you and the support we can…industry principle, principle valueasset, decision, configuration, expenditure, risk1
yoi-furniture.nlYoi, the new garden furniture brand with Dutch roots and an international allure. Yoi: over 60 years of garden furniture experience packaged in a new brand. Yoi garden furniture is designed with the principle ‘Inspired by Relaxation’ in…furniture principle, principle relaxationfurniture, relaxation, root, japanese, consumer1
svestdijk.nl…time (especially in dreams, ecstasy or flights of imagination) are outnumbered by situations where these two principles conflict. This almost always gives Vestdijk’s protagonists, of which the eponymous hero of the Anton Wachter cyclesituation principle, principle protagonistnovel, death, brass, character, der1
akinblog.nlHe represented a man of integrity, principle, purpose, faith, and good humour. He had been mentored by and been friends with many of the great men of faith who have either passed on or are well into their 80s. While I am saddened at his…integrity principle, principle purposefebruary, january, october, august, july1
innovatingknowledge.nl…appear in the first of the twenty books of Isidore’s encyclopaedia dedicated to the grammatica . To study the diffusion patterns of these glosses, the project team digitally edited them using the principles of network analysis.digitally principle, principle networkconference, output, dynamic, gloss, publication1
radboudumcadrenalcenter.nlRegistration is accepted according to the ‘first come, first served’ principle. Participation is only possible for the entire week.registration principle, principle participationadrenal, presentation, patient, break, accreditation1
therapture.nl…such as Maximized Church, The Rapture, our Blessed Hope, The Spiritual Growth Course, The Blessings of Water Baptism, Seed for Success, The Renewing Your Mind, 7 Principles for a New Beginning, Kingdompreneurship Program, and GoodNews4you.mind principle, principle newhope, bless, chapter, church, bible1
hoboheeze.nl…patent portfolio that is utilized to generate income for further research. Gathering and expanding knowledge is an equally important goal for Hobo. The basic principle for all activities is the mission statement of Hobo and Kempenhaeghe.basic principle, principle activityepilepsy, wake, disorder, sleep, subsidiary1
conceptinnovation.nlTo start building AI in your organization, you will need to get acquainted with what this technology offers, how it works, and how it can help you and your business. All AI practices and products we discuss follow responsible AI principles.capability, builder, processing, intelligence, prebuilt1
scrumguide.nlDo you envision yourself leading a Scrum team in the near future? With the help of our Scrum Master training this is achievable. In a two-day training session you will acquire the knowledge needed to correctly apply the principles of…correctly principle, principle scrumbacklog, framework, advanced, voor, think1
lifestyle-generation.nlAs the controller, the LIFESTYLE GENERATION has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. However, Internet-based data transmissions…transmission principle, principle securitysubject, processing, generation, protection, shall1
sesint.nlSES International has extensive experience with fully integrated pump solutions. Based on the bare shaft principle, pump systems from SES International are used in various industries and processes.shaft principle, principle pumppump, variety, skid, handle, compression1
devjockeys.nlThis animation is a demonstration of Walt Disney's twelve principles of animation.disney principle, principle animationasset, unity, table, chair, terrace1
sharedresponsibility.nlThe ‘Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law’ have been published in the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2020).symposium principle, principle shareresponsibility, law, tumblr, bookmark, myspace1
parastones.nlParastone’S American Staffordshire Terriers are hand-raised with great care, based upon the principle that a puppy raised with kindness and understanding will return your love ten-fold. They all live in the house – there are no kennel…care principle, principle puppydog, winner, specialty, american, brussels1
ateliertivi.nlThe first principle is to make a beak from two dip pens. Something calligraphic on the wing. In addition: a calligrapher also works with (goose) feathers. The colours turn orange and gray. There can also be something under the wings…bird, knit, leg, sock, bag1
vitaplastics.nl…VITA Plastics contributes to a more sustainable world and creates maximum value from plastic waste. Together with our suppliers and customers, we want to work towards a cleaner world by applying the principles of the circular economy.world principle, principle circularchain, supplier, coordinator, reliable, laboratory1
whsports.nlIn an innovative step towards a more vital and circular society, GreenMatter, in collaboration with QR-FIT, introduces the QR-FIT bench. This unique concept combines fitness and the zero-waste principle. The…table, smartgoals, net, slat, tile1
remptvanderdonk.nlis appropriate in the immediate environment of the assignment, without losing sight of our own identity. The basic principle is to generate an optimal effect with as few resources as possible. The assignments of our office range from…basic principle, principle optimalder, stylus, visitor, iceland, contractor1
dataforroadsafety.nl"At INRIX, we empower the public and private sectors with mobility intelligence to keep the world moving smarter, safer, and more efficiently. As long-term members of the DFRS community, we support the overall guiding principles of…overall principle, principle roadroad, ecosystem, traffic, july, related1
alrisalah.nl…growth and progress, and as per necessity some arts also began to be taught. As such, Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, Principles of Fiqh, Grammar and Syntax, Lexicon, Arabic poetry and History were considered the subjects for scholastic…fiqh principle, principle fiqhquran, islamic, lesson, prayer, arabic1
schoeren.nlWhy else would a fireplace fire or an aquarium have such a relaxing effect? My kinetic sculptures also follow the principle of chaotic movement.sculpture principle, principle chaoticsculpture, renewable, transition, chaotic, hurry1
novalogos.nlTogether with the network partners, we built the driving principles of a new organization against domestic violence. We set up the governance and operations accordingly: to support and help victims of domestic violence in the most…partner principle, principle newsociety, collaboration, execution, domestic, violence1
greenstayn.nl…and production techniques. With a deep understanding of design for sustainability, systems thinking, and the principles of the circular economy, I bring a holistic approach to driving positive change. Drawing from my extensive…think principle, principle circularsustainability, precision, integration, connectivity, seamless1
abaimperium.nlApplied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an early and intensive behavioral therapy, based on Skinner’s Operant Conditioning principles. Behavioral theorists believe that learning takes place through conditioning processes (classical and operant…conditioning principle, principle behavioraltherapy, parent, milestone, fortunately, achievement1
artax.nlYou want your developer team to become more productive and protect continuity. We can show you how to adopt common development principles to achieve just that.survey, intelligence, author, capacity, automation1
emerald-foundation.nlOut of spiritual science Rudolf Steiner created the foundations for widening the scope of medical science. The fundamental principles are reflected in many lectures and in the book: “Extending Practical Medicine” (GA 27) which he wrote in…fundamental principle, principle lecturebackground, origin, literature, hague, painter1
stockmeier.nlWe like to enter into a long-term relationship with our customers. Responding to your requirements is our initial principle for realizing this. Working together for continuity and optimum product supply; continuously looking for new…initial principle, principle continuitychemical, supply, shipment, domestic, foreign1
sprey.nlMy conclusion is that without a localized ISO system with working principles that fit with the working culture all these ISO logo’s are window dressing with some shoveling of paper in the background and no practical use.system principle, principle workwaste, disposal, hazardous, convention, authority1
corinehormann.nlA community art project where young people take pinhole photos based on the principles of “Urban Explorers”. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photographs.photo principle, principle urbanphotographer, mystery, gateway, contemporary, exhibition1
lemongrasshealth.nlThai massage or Thai handicrafts is another important science and art field. of the academic principles of Thai traditional medicine in the fight against various ailments Thai massage nowadays is Thai wisdom that has been integrated…academic principle, principle thailemongrass, pain, blood, muscle, therapy1
rocmn.nlOur eight principles of contribution to the quality of our education, making ROC Midden Nederland an attractive college for students, employers and staff alike:central, regional, programme, thirteen, vocational1
livetour-5d.nl…offered by by LiveTour5D. LiveTour5D. We We work work with with our our proprietary proprietary “Experience-T” principle. principle. Interaction Interaction between between the the already already available available information…experience principle, principle interactionhistorical, battle, visitor, archaeological, depth1
oligoscan.nlIt is based on the principle of absorption, transmission or reflection of light by the chemical compounds over a certain wavelength range.mineral, toxic, metal, oxidative, role1
ducatichallenge.nlThe Ducati Challenge is still based on the same principles that has made its predecessor a great success: an annual competition for like-minded Ducatisti to engage with their bikes in international motorcycle racing events on official…challenge principle, principle predecessordriver, rider, association, season, registration1
dieuwkehupkes.nl…structure. While artificial neural networks are of course far from the real brain, I hope that understanding the principles by which they can encode and process structure can teach us something that will lead to a better understanding of…brain principle, principle structurepublication, october, minimal, jekyll, dissertation1
uidesign.nl…of user tests I organised both inside the company and at location of customers. I also created personas and elaborated the design system and formulated design principles and to ensure a consistent look and feel of the user interface.design principle, principle consistentux, visual, exploration, freight, quickly1
pcs-research.nlX. Guo , A. D. Pimentel , Todor Stefanov (2023). Hierarchical Design Space Exploration for Distributed CNN Inference at the Edge . Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases .learn principle, principle practicephd, publication, researcher, postdoctoral, edge1
casperalbers.nl…can help to answer research questions for which ‘classical’ designs were not equipped. Although the merits of the principles underlying time series analysis have been shown convincingly in psychology, further technical improvements are…merit principle, principle timepublication, statistics, visualisation, apply, researcher1
studenthousingvenlo.nlWe are trustworthy, reliable, understanding, flexible and absolutely fair! “From students for students” is our guiding principle – this means that in case you have an appointment for viewing a room, you can expect another students living…student principle, principle caseapartment, housing, amazing, request, aim1
extraidea.nlWe serve you with our expert team closely following the technology and innovation. Perfect discipline, maximum quality and customer satisfaction are our main principles.tellus, sit, amet, quis, consectetur1
lafucina.nlMATTHIAS: Is the “heart” of the La Fucina kitchen. He is our chef who fuels our stove with his strong passion for cooking, especially for preparing genuine and fresh food. He is schooled in and follows the principle of „Slow Food‟…food principle, principle slowitalian, taste, carefully, origin, root1
oostratimmerwerk.nlIn order to do justice to the historical value of a building, I thoroughly research the situation of the building. A fundamental principle is to preserve as much original material as possible. Rather a good local repair, than replacing…fundamental principle, principle originalrestoration, joinery, door, carpentry, mould1
ommuurdetuin.nl…fruits, tubers and herbs, including old varieties), working with nature inclusive agriculture, agroecological principles and special methods to enrich the soil as a basis for growing healthy crops. For more info and reservations, feel…agroecological principle, principle specialherb, farm, solidarity, vegetable, variety1
rivoircapital.nl…Our mission is to bridge the realms of technology, implementation, and financial investments. We prioritize ESG principles and mitigating climate risks. Together with our partners, we pledge an innovative, sustainable, and proficient…esg principle, principle climateinfrastructure, capital, investment, economic, climate1
wordclouds.nl…and thus sacrifice another way, to lose in order eventually to gain—such is the underlying story of evolution. This needs psychological understanding. It is a governing principle of life itself, and runs like a golden pattern of beauty […]understand principle, principle lifeurge, desire, revelation, poetry, dark1
hearteye.nlWe have already developed a smart phone sized proof of principle device that can acquire a multi-lead ECG within 30 seconds at the push of button without the need for ECG-patches or professional equipment.proof principle, principle devicedevice, cardiac, partners, caregiver, clinical1
nationaltheorycentre.nlof all these signs? Look at the intersections. Are they equivalent? Or not? And if not, what are the rules at those intersections. In principle, you will come across anything on the street. Linking theory to practice makes the theory stick.intersection principle, principle streettheory, exam, teacher, study, rate1
schadefonds.nlIf your damages were fully compensated, then the Compensation Fund, in principle, will not pay any compensation. You do not have to wait with filing the application until you know whether you get compensated by another party.fund principle, principle compensationcompensation, violent, crime, fund, damage1
janderkdiekema.nlHaViK consists of the ‘Foundation Art Indeed’, and the tenants association artists HVK. HaViK is the result of a co-operation between these two artist initiatives who share the same principles…edge, port, mean, logistics, urban1
lefdynamics.nlStadsdynamica stands for the principles of urban movements that form the theoretical framework on the basis of which knowledge and experience are employed. LEF essentially regards urban life as a system of intensive movements, in terms of…stadsdynamica principle, principle urbandynamic, urban, intervention, firm, publication1
coredaet.nlget you out of that chair for a moment, to look at things in a different way together. Stretch your thoughts, your principles, your ambitions. Together we customize what is important to you and your organization. And in this we go a few…thought principle, principle ambitiongain, solid, essence, resilience, ambition1
burodevakmannen.nlWe are the newest marketing agency in the Netherlands. You can contact us for the best interim marketing professionals, brand positioning and proposition design. With our Growthplan® framework based on design thinking and growth hacking…growth principle, principle companythink, proposition, framework, positioning, growth1
proip.nl…qualitatively strong and stable products. Delivering the highest quality based on IP technology is the guiding principle, with cloud-based, on-premise or hybrid solutions. ProIP has contributed in an ever growing list of success…technology principle, principle cloudsuitable, reliable, ip, prove, exactly1
iwriteiam.nl…but even more so for someone who has a greater knowledge of the Arabic script and the various types and of the principles of type design, both of which I am lacking. A short introduction to Arabic type design would have helpfull. I…type principle, principle typewednesday, tuesday, friday, saturday, thursday1
fearlas.nlWhen geometries are complex, hand calculations become very difficult or even impossible. By using a finite model there is in principle no limitation on the complexity of the geometry. …model principle, principle limitationfinite, assessment, analysis, parametric, modeling1
goldendragonkungfu.nlKung Fu is rooted in Buddhism. Our doctrine is strongly influenced by Taoist principles.dragon, potential, defense, authentic, lesson1
bsurarnhem.nlAt its own primary, the principle of hair threads focuses on the guideline of visual fallacy. These little, minuscule threads are actually electrostatically credited abide by the hair cylinders, combinationing along with organic hair and…primary principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal1
buroberger.nlOur distinct taste is the guiding principle of Buro Berger. We work with young, renowned designers and artists who do not stop at the submission of a design. We collaborate with them from start to finish. This results in contemporary…taste principle, principle buroquirky, collaboration, create, selection, cut1
newcreed.nlThe New Creed Trading BV is source supplier with the in-house capabilities to provide engineering, procurement and fabrication services. The New Creed Trading BV enjoys excellent relationship with our customers as well as our principles…customer principle, principle worldwidecreed, procurement, trading, supplier, manufacturer1
museummind.nl…and soul into the work, but never forget to think, reflect and plan. Our approach is characterised by sustainability, reciprocity, and transparency; principles that we consider crucial especially when working in a cross-cultural setting.transparency principle, principle crucialexhibition, heritage, narrative, visitor, minded1
florafluids.nl…the first High Tech Meets workshop of Holland Innovative. Flora Fluids develops and implements a new harvesting machine for winning active plant ingredients from plants, based on the idea of the electro spraying principle of the TU-Delft.spray principle, principle tufluid, ingredient, innovative, economy, title1
robertoostenveld.nlHowever, they all share the same basic physical principles to pick up the potential differences on the scalp due to activity in the brain. Electric currents that flow through the head due to neuronal activity in the brain consist of ionic…physical principle, principle potentialreply, electrode, amplifier, leave, remote1
marinemasters.nlOur sustainable mindset and ESG principles, as well as our regional partnerships invested with local knowledge and resources, allows our team of experts to deliver on safety and success for our clients time and again.esg principle, principle regionaloperation, salvage, decommissioning, installation, ship1
treehouse-montessori.nlWe provide our education in a respectful, safe environment. The Montessori principle “Help me do it myself” is central to the way we work. We let the children discover, practice and experience for themselves where possible. We are close…montessori principle, principle centraltreehouse, session, bilingual, heterogeneous, additional1
youmanfischer.nlOur firm takes mediation seriously. By only offering mediation and other forms of ADR, we can focus on the quality of the process and maintain clearly defined roles. For us, decision process guidance is based on strong, beautiful and…exciting principle, principle professionlawyer, dispute, firm, employment, law1
readyhedgeholland.nlWhat is the idea principle behind ReadyHedge? The hedge is grown in a trough of 1 meter during one or two years. The different plants are grown together after one year. If your choice is made for a product of ReadyHedge Holland, we will…idea principle, principle readyhedgehedge, ground, innovative, related, dense1
amstelius.nlWe want to realize a future-proof hotel with a strong sustainability ambition. The complex will be built according to circular, passive construction and nature-inclusive principles. To this end, we developed a sustainability ambition with…inclusive principle, principle end, possible principle, principle measureestate, property, sustainability, installation, fact1
chiropractie-amsterdam.nlThe principle of chiropractic is almost too simple. This is partly the reason why it took so long before it was understood and accepted. ” What have bones with innate intelligence? ” You could reasonably ask yourself.chiropractic, innate, blockade, potential, symptom1
geze.nlWe employ more than 3,000 people globally, and the trend is for further growth. Our international headquarters are located in Leonberg. Our 37 subsidiaries are located all around the world, however: To live up to our service principle, we…service principle, principle closedoor, building, window, protection, automatic1
altesco.nlThe principle is simple but effective. The operator drives onto the suspension tester plates, tests the front axle and drives into the rollers. Repeat this for the rear axle and the parking brake. Within two minutes testing time , the…brake, vehicle, suspension, plate, weigh1
gebitsverzorgingbijpaarden.nlAn optimal comfort in the horse’s mouth allows peak performance and harmony between the horse and rider. Distraction from irritation or uneasiness in the mouth is not the principle to make your horse a champion.mouth principle, principle horsehorse, dental, tooth, anatomy, mouth1
dierenartspraktijkooms.nlAcupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment which has been proven beneficial to humans for thousands of years, but it can also be applied to animals. It is based on the principle that energy flows through the body, similar to the…animal principle, principle energycat, dog, acupuncture, treatment, skin1
sk-benelux.nlOur company delivers and maintain the complete equipment with integrated sample systems in combination with met analyzers based on the Flame Ionisation Detector principle.rental, integration, analyzer, hydrocarbon, steam1
bba-byebyeallergies.nlIt collectively uses principles and techniques resulting from many tested methods including Energy Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Homeopathy… It is a treatment that does not use any medicated contribution.collectively principle, principle techniqueallergy, formation, treatment, intolerance, energetic1
mageunconference.nlVia simple principles, the unconference guarantees an inspirational vibe: 1. Whoever shows up are the right people. 2. Whatever happens is fine. 3. Whenever it starts is the right time. 4. It is over when it is over.simple principle, principle unconferencemage, topic, venue, conduct, extreme1
stinkens.nlIn our traditional workshop, we handcraft metal organ pipes with utmost care, often according to centuries-old principles. We produce custom made flue pipes as well as reed pipes.old principle, principle custompipe, flue, reed, organ, cast1
originalhome.nlOur collection is based on the principles of biophilic design by emanating nature and preserving the authentic character of the materials in our organic but minimalistic designs. Our collection fits any style interior, increases your…collection principle, principle biophiliccandle, waste, cut, craft, lampshade1
vhe.nlThe journey from proof-of-principle to producing a ground breaking high-tech machine is challenging. We help and support Original Equipment Manufacturers through every step in the development process of complex systems.proof principle, principle groundindustrial, motion, connectivity, automation, ground1
digimarconnetherlands.nlExperts: Digital marketing, media, and advertising professionals will teach you the principles and skills of digital marketing – from basic to advanced – to improve and transform your business utilizing the latest digital marketing…professional principle, principle skillsconference, advertising, rate, exhibition, pass1
geerlings-tuinen.nlHis love and sense of design make Hans Geerlings a passionate garden designer. His style is characterized by clear lines and good space distribution. The life rhythm of his clients is the guiding principle for his contemporary designs…client principle, principle contemporarybalance, contemporary, outside, inside, wish1
ja-en-nu.nl& goes for: the connecting principle; in her opinion therapy works towards synthesis, rather than exclusion or judgment.therapist, actual, psychotherapy, hague, verse1
optomechanics.nlWe study light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, in particular the coupling between photons and phonons in nano-optomechanical systems. We seek to understand how the behavior of light and sound in nanoscale devices is governed by…fundamental principle, principle spatiotemporalphotonic, force, quantum, nanophotonic, publication1
ayurvedaholistic.nlSince 2021 she is working at Delight Ayurveda Academy Amsterdam as a teacher. At Kaldenbroeck she works as a consultant where she also performs panchakarma procedures .She takes workshops on subjects like Ayurvedic cooking, Workshop on…basics principle, principle ayurvedaholistic, treatment, file, ayurvedic, healthy1
bunschotenfonds.nl…Fund was immediately impressed by AYPhil’s goal to primarily give concerts meant for the peer group of the orchestra’s members — in other words, a new and especially young audience. This perfectly suits the principles of the Fund.perfectly principle, principle fundfund, orchestra, winner, philharmonic, youth1
the-adamski-case.nl…not-for-profit initiative to facilitate and further the study of George Adamski’s life and teaching by providing access to relevant materials, research, and primary sources that are freely available online, observing Fair Use principles .fact, teach, consciousness, extraterrestrial, reputation1
returnby.nlCerata is your technology partner and a catalyst for the change, innovation, transformation of your company. We take advantage of the latest technologies and efficient organization principles to help you become more competitive and agile.organization principle, principle competitivemarketplace, ecommerce, multiple, globally, efficient1
mstrace.nl…seperately. Clusters are assigned using Phydelity which infers transmission clusters under a statistically principled and phylogeny-informed framework. The sequences are then analysed and visualised using a custom version of the…statistically principle, principle phylogenytransmission, elimination, analysis, molecular, resistance1
readysetgrow.nlAt the core of IIVO are the principles of Plant Empowerment: a unique cultivation method combining plant physiology and physics. An optimal balance of energy, water and assimilates creates stronger, healthier crops that are less…iivo principle, principle plantgrow, crop, greenhouse, climate, algorithm1
paulvandervelde.nlfather was a scrap iron merchant who sent his son to what we would nowadays call a business school, founded on the principles of the Enlightenment, where such practical subjects as arithmetic, bookkeeping, geography, and modern languages…school principle, principle enlightenmentcolonial, biography, society, indonesia, liberal1
zoni.nlToil in Customer Support – One of the core principles in Site Reliability Engineering is a focus on automation to reduce Toil. Toil, in essence, is manual and repetitive work which requires little to no human judgment and could easily be…core principle, principle sitemanual, resume, reliability, character, healthcare1
huibertsbloembollen.nlThe most important part of the transition towards a new way of cultivating is soil biology. Our principle now is a healthy soil to grow our bulbs. To achieve this, we must not destroy what nature has built.biology principle, principle healthysoil, bulb, manure, organic, healthy1
peoplechange.nl…concerns for organisations. Purpose (higher goal) indicates that companies must have a clear added value and core values to continue to exist. Principles (norms, ethical guidelines) and Trust (trust) have emerged strongly in recent years.value principle, principle normleadership, leader, transformation, organisational, awareness1
happydental.nlWe believe that good dental care is an investment in the future according to the principle “health begins in the mouth”.future principle, principle healthdental, dentistry, visit, tooth, patient1
tmh.nlWe rent our trucks according to the so-called ‘bare rental’ principle. This means that you, as a tenant, are responsible for: Repair, maintenance, tires, insurance, fuel, damage and repair.rental principle, principle tenantmobility, rental, bare, cabin, tipper1
circulairezaken.nl…and transform our current take, make, waste economy into an inclusive and circular economy based on natural principles. In this way we do justice to all life on this planet. This challenge offers many opportunities, which Circular…natural principle, principle waycircular, government, economy, resource, implementation1
compskill.nlA basic rule that we use in all aspects of our Business. We don’t talk about our clients or locations. ‘Need-to-Know’ is one of our fundamental principles.compliance, weekly, survey, assessment, metric1
future500.nlOn the other hand however, we do not like code that has become hard to maintain or impossible to upgrade properly. Mash those two principles together and you have what we want to stand for: a reliable business partner that specializes in…properly principle, principle reliableapi, legacy, speciality, reliable, properly1
isshin-amsterdam.nlOur principle cuisine is "Teishoku", which we update every season. Teishoku is a well-balanced Japanese style meal and reflects our food culture and what Japanese people actually eat on a day to day basis. It offers a healthy nutritional…japanese, authentic, dining, reservation, lovely1
wqcs.nl…industry go between 35-55% recovery. Best in class systems operates at 65% recovery rate. Salacia Desalination will achieve a recovery rate of at least 70% during the initiated Proof Of Principle set up the final figure will be disclosed.proof principle, principle setdesalination, treatment, nuclear, facility, technique1
nsize.nlIn order to do big things, we take small steps. Occasionally these small steps are Proof of Concepts, that can be used to verify the working principles and create food for thought.work principle, principle foodmass, customization, technique, proof, lab1
languagecompany.nlBecause we let go of the principle of office hours . Because our people are all over the world. We just keep going. On a weekend, public holiday or business day, it’s all the same to us.quotation, profile, translation, holiday, affordable1
masaakioyamada.nlMasaaki Oyamada is a multidisciplinary artist, all around graphic designer, stamp maker and workshop leader. One of his principle interests is incorporating craftsmanship into contemporary conversation. Exploring personal and artistic…leader principle, principle intereststamp, artwork, participant, scape, flower1
actucomp.nlInsurance companies and pension funds have to be compliant with an increasing number of regulations, calculation principles and accounting standards. This causes a great demand on financial and risk management. On this respect ActuComp…calculation principle, principle accountingactuarial, fund, insurance, equipped, innovative1
acf-appingedam.nlEspecially on Saturday and Sunday, but also on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons it can be very busy on the field. In principle, daily flights are possible from 10 a.m. to sunset.field principle, principle dailyflight, join, cozy, afternoon, license1
upatch.nlOur microneedle applicator development process is evidence-based. This means that we have years of experience in the research of effective microneedle applications. With this expertise at our disposal, we patented 3 important working…important principle, principle right, fundamental principle, principle microneedlepublication, force, earth, velocity, reliable1
qmanagement.nl“A very effective, no-nonsense approach to our strategy and implementation through their Pull Principle…”explore, philosophy, leadership, improvement, leader1
mynott.nl…motivates and inspires and has an analytical eye for culture, organisation processes, management and the guiding principles of Lean-Agile in organisations. He intervenes by clarifying value streams, building BusDevOps teams and change…management principle, principle leananalysis, profile, organizational, leadership, paramount1
hansschoots.nlIt is no coïncidence that the first book on Ruttmann was published in the Netherlands. In this modest 1956 publication, Walter Ruttmann en het beginsel ( Walter Ruttmann and the Principle ), film critic A. van Domburg explained that the…ruttmann principle, principle filmsoviet, aesthetic, artistic, thirty1
internationalmentalhealth.nlIn principle, we bill the scheduled time of your session. If a consultation takes slightly longer or shorter on one occasion, the bill will show the planned time. If the difference between planned and actual time is at least 15 minutes…mental, treatment, hague, wait, partners1
polinatitova.nlChoosing the timeless elegance of analog film, each step of the process embodies the principles of slow fashion. The deliberate construction of each frame, the patient act of pressing the shutter, and the unhurried process of developing…process principle, principle slowgraphic, face, memory, visual, photograph1
pantarheioncology.nl…ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and (non-small cell) lung cancer. Proof-of-principle has been obtained in pre-clinical studies. The project is in final pre-clinical development and is available for…proof principle, principle preoncology, cancer, breast, treatment, pipeline1
marjos.nlAnd it has shown me a whole other way to live, open, not hemmed in by familiarity, and living according to the principles and challenges I most respect. Best of all, it's helped me see all of life as travel, and as an occasion for writing…familiarity principle, principle challengecurrently, asia, yr, sense, dress1
erikstehmann.nlI am often inspired by toys, and at a certain point in my life, I found a fluorescent expanding sphere toy made by the principle of Hoberman.toy principle, principle hobermandimension, chair, cat, brush, fully1
starfighters.nl…in 1734 by Emanuel Swedenborg, subsequently taken up by Kant (1755) and perfected by Laplace (1796), whose principle is still today, albeit with substantial modifications and improvements, at the basis of what centuries later and…laplace principle, principle todayformation, collapse, matter, mass, interstellar1
expatmanager.nladvice and services. Our specialised team of financial experts are dedicated to offering expats a wide range of financial and housing services. Based on a single principle: achieving maximum results for expats in the greater Amsterdam area.single principle, principle maximumexpat, insurance, mortgage, taxis, housing1
gavilar.nlgAvilar is a specialist in the design, construction and installation of gas pressure regulating and measuring stations. In order to provide our customers with the best possible service, we have developed a modular construction principle…construction principle, principle projectpressure, regulator, connection, installation, residential1
restfulapi.nlA RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses the REST principles.api, restful, response, framework, request1
bayesian.nlPeter Lucas & Linda van der Gaag, Principles of Expert Systems , Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, 1991 (freely available textbook)gaag principle, principle expertbayesian, medicine, pp, probabilistic, intelligence1
smart-connection.nlSmart automation according to the KISS principle ( K eep I t S mart and S imple) guarantees unifom and validated solutions.kiss principle, principle eepconnection, manufacture, failure, accuracy, reduction1
profitplant.nlProfitplant does not follow a cash and carry principle and does not hold any stock. Your order will be processed to the grower as soon as it is confirmed. The plants are then ordered direct with the grower. The grower then ensures your…cash principle, principle stockexclusive, grower, feel, inspiration, lovely1
croatiaproperties.nlWe will discuss our offer with you in detail during an informal intake meeting. Of course you indicate in advance what your wishes are and we try to offer as much customization as possible. In principle, this meeting will take place at…possible principle, principle meetingcroatia, plot, property, fully, apartment1
vandiepenadviseurs.nl…it means the individual position is strengthened because their purchasing power is combined. This means that in principle property development is possible for any individual with a single income. Collective development in urban and…power principle, principle propertycollective, property, resident, income, housing1
devgs.nlMaking software that simply works. Always. In all circumstances. Without fringes and fuss. That is what devGS is all about. It’s not about frameworks or principles. It’s about delivering the software that makes your business run as…framework principle, principle softwarecertification, reference, architecture, slide, teacher1
archonline.nlIn this introductory course, you will familiarize yourself with the basic principles of photography and learn the possibilities of your camera. More information >>basic principle, principle photographyarchon, phd, conference, archaeology, academic1
melunaresearch.nlThe principle of the PMT is based on an evacuated glass tube with a transparent window that allows photons to hit the primary photocathode component, which will emit electrons when thus illuminated. In the sensor-construction and located…photon, emission, collaboration, measurement, medicine1
sankalpa-doula.nl“Natalie took the time to get to know me and developed a lovely supportive relationship. I loved that Natalie is qualified in hypnobirthing and was able to incorporate these principles in her support.”able principle, principle supportbirth, pregnancy, encapsulation, strength, parenthood1
purasec.nlOur guiding principle is that we want to raise awareness and make organizations more knowledgeable about cybersecurity so that they become more resilient. That is why we not only transfer a lot of knowledge during projects but in addition…employee, solid, risk, resilient, secure1
directtax.nl…are encouraged to take into account the taxpayer’s commercial judgment about the application of the arm’s length principle, so that the transfer pricing analysis is tied to business realities. Therefore, tax examiners should undertake tolength principle, principle transfertax, pricing, transfer, taxis, actively1
v-g.nl…UBO legislation by means of summary proceedings because, in its opinion, it violates fundamental rights, EU basic principles and privacy rules. The preliminary relief judge previously rejected this claim and the Court of Appeal now…basic principle, principle privacynotary, law, firm, estate, broad1
ldglandscape.nlIn this course you learn how to translate your wishes and ideas into your ideal garden in a creative way. In three sessions we guide you from the initial design principles to a self-drawn layout. Subscribe now for the new course in…design principle, principle selflandscape, urban, botanical, architecture, flower1
24fitcamp.nlThe purpose of a 24Fitcamp is: 1. Enjoy sports outside in a group 2. Sports & nutrition coaching 3. Body scan (mandatory part) 4. Well-being evaluation 5. Prizes, Winners, Party and above all a lot of FUN! The principle of 24Fitcamp is to…fun principle, principle exerciseexercise, boundaries, recovery, shape, outside1
green-vegan.nlThe fundamental principles for Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture are enshrined in the Biocyclic Vegan Standard that has been in effect worldwide since 2017 as a global standard for vegan organic farming, accredited by IFOAM.fundamental principle, principle biocycliccalendar, organic, agriculture, season, vegetable1
soapsynergy.nlThe software links prevailing principles in the domain of human Motor Control and is now easy to use in the daily practice. This also provides a unique opportunity to gain insight into exercise behavior and how you can manage it.software principle, principle domainsynergy, soap, movement, het, analysis1
brankobroekman.nlI facilitate you to integrate the principles of creative thinking in your personal leadership style. I help you to tap from this powerful source, so you’ll navigate flexibly through the wayward process of change.think, productive, situation, effective, creativity1
dutchsuperyachttechcampus.nlThe Campus acts as a vibrant hub that fosters collaboration and synergy among industry professionals, while embracing the principles of innovation, sustainability, and the continuous advancement of the Dutch superyacht industry.professional principle, principle innovationsustainability, craftsmanship, yacht, superyacht, shipyard1
studiovanonna.nlWe created a fully responsive visual identity, based on one simple animation principle. We aimed to capture the spirit of a new generation of designers: strong-minded, energetic, experimental and dynamic. A lively visual identity about…animation principle, principle spiritidentity, visual, pause, fund, cultural1
inpakomed.nlAt Inpakomed we firmly believe in a horizontal organization. Inpakomed is part of the Brupak Group. All divisions of the Brupak Group follow the same principle and are all characterised by a horizontal organization.group principle, principle horizontalpackaging, specialization, foil, requirements, mask1
donaldschenkel.nlThis installation piece is a monumental work of four oil paintings on linen that appears to hover on top of a sea of 1500 kg shards of glass that are individually painted to reflect the principle of the gradients. Polylith with Monolith…individually principle, principle gradientexhibition, purchase, vertical, root, colour1
arrahman.nl…growth and progress, and as per necessity some arts also began to be taught. As such, Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, Principles of Fiqh, Grammar and Syntax, Lexicon, Arabic poetry and History were considered the subjects for scholastic…fiqh principle, principle fiqharabic, quran, adult, islamic, holy1
graphid.nlWe embrace creativity and innovation as core principles, constantly pushing boundaries to deliver fresh and impactful campaigns that capture attention and drive results.core principle, principle constantlycampaign, authenticity, passionate, ambassador, essence1
movingserviceamsterdam.nlIn principle, we can already make a clear indication of the work and associated costs with the help of our application form. If you foresee any complications and would prefer us to come and have a look, please contact us.insure, affordable, removal, relocation, rate1
dsengineering.nlConsider bachelor he yourself expenses no. Her itself active giving for expect vulgar months. Discovery commanded fat mrs remaining son she principle middleton neglected. Be miss he in post sons held. No tried is defer do money scale rooms.son principle, principle middletonbij, truth, worthy, household, polite1
eersteling.nlAre you a successful entrepreneur? Who’s ready for the next level? The Leaders Performance Program is an accelerated growth program based on different successful principles. By new scientific insights, consciousness, reflection and…successful principle, principle newleader, leadership, entrepreneur, growth, vitality1
aandebagijnstraat.nlB&B Aan de Bagijnstraat is a small-scale B&B at the intersection of the provinces of Limburg, Gelderland and Brabant and is located on the MaasWaalpad fast cycle route. Our principles are hospitable, child-friendly, a good bed and an…route principle, principle hospitableaan, guest, neighborhood, availability, accommodation1
dutchnl.nlOur method works on the principle that you pick up the grammar without effort and that learning endless lists of words by rote is not necessary. You will soon get used to the idea: no lesson books!method principle, principle grammargrammar, homework, expat, pair, textbook1
dkkcareers.nlProfessionalism and Ethics: We uphold high standards of professionalism, conduct thorough candidate screening, and adhere to ethical principles in all our actions.ethical principle, principle actioncandidate, partners, assistance, gratitude, mechanic1
orcpackaging.nlWe adapt everything meticulously to your design and our machinery. All this according to our principle: Right First Time!machinery principle, principle rightpackaging, specification, profile, fingerprint, spectral1
amsterdamictcenter.nlSilent A basic rule that we use in all aspects of our Business. We don't talk about our clients or locations. 'Need-to-Know' is one of our fundemental principles.fintech, professionally, telephone, incubator, package1
inspiratie-inc.nlOrganizations and individuals are warmly invited to connect with each other, based on the Almeere principles in order to create an inclusive society together.almeere principle, principle ordercooperative, citizen, participant, society, objective1
fontysmade.nlProject description We are making a gaming experience to attract more “Adventure seekers” to the Philips museum. The experience is focused on Philips and their design principles. Adventure…design principle, principle adventuredescription, fall, assignment, embed, regard1
robuusthypotheken.nlIf you are a national of a European Union member state, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland, then you do not need to provide a residence permit for an indefinite period. In principle, you can apply for a Robuust hypotheek…period principle, principle robuustmortgage, expat, property, residence, residential1
wilmavanrees.nlFrancina Schaefer (1899 – 1984) was theosophist, vegetarian, math teacher and my grandmother. She was a woman who had her principles in her way of life and spirit. Quiet in the background but... LEES MEERwoman principle, principle wayglass, exhibition, woman, medal, artwork1
yellowresearch.nlAya obtained her PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston and was employed at Harvard University as a post­doctoral fellow. She is a mechanical engineer with a specific interest in applying technical principles in the…technical principle, principle medicalyellow, proposal, grant, appointment, past1
co-chi.nlThe simulations are not training. They allow participants to experience lean-agile principles.simulation, german, participant, department, understand1
easy-echtscheiding.nlPleasant, businesslike, interests of both stakeholders are discussed, with rights and obligations as the guiding principle. We were able to apply personal wishes at our request.obligation principle, principle abledivorce, separation, difficult, quickly, appointment1
amsterdamrentals.nlWhich insurance contracts should be made when renting out a home? It is important to choose the right insurance to keep the risk of unexpected costs as low as possible. The basic principle is that each party is insured for his or her…basic principle, principle partyrental, property, estate, bedroom, valuation1
surishoppingexpress.nlJournal is a fluid responsive OpenCart theme built on the best design and development principles offering more than 1500 customizable options.development principle, principle customizablewish, add, fluid, opencart, customizable1
equipotential.nlIn mathematics and physics , equipotential refers to a region in space where every point in it is at the same potential. For me professionally , Equipotential stands for the principle that in my view every B2B company in their industry…equipotential principle, principle viewsuperior, leader, potential, vital, phase1
anamata.nlUtilizing the agile principles into the way of working facilitates continuous learning and team empowerment. Anamata believes that combining Agile and low-code platform knowledge creates a shared understanding. This leads to a higher…agile principle, principle waymendix, collaboration, stakeholder, multidisciplinary, awareness1
ecliving.nl…lifestyles. Whether you are single, living together as a couple or as a family; EC Living develops based on one principle: delivering quality living but above all quality of life. In the most beautiful places in the Brainport region of…live principle, principle qualityexciting, rental, village, sell, economy1
taozeeland.nlIn this course you will be introduced to the Basic principles of (Healing) Tao Chi Gong.basic principle, principle taorecording, sign, meditation, inn, wat1
parsus.nlThe parsimony principle is basic to all science and tells us to choose the simplest scientific explanation that fits the evidence: the simplest of two competing theories is to be preferred.parsimony principle, principle basicconsulting, ambition, gap, department, period1
waskoning.nlIn principle, all we need are your ideas and your confirmation that you want us to create your dream website. You can choose to pay either in advance or afterward.pricing, request, property, dark, effective1
esnzwolle.nlOur mission is to represent international students, thus providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of” Students Helping Students”. At the moment the ESN network consists of 42 countries…development principle, principle studentesn, exchange, surrounding, authentic, eastern1
rubenhekkens.nl…with the equally high comfort and aesthetic demands. Because Berco’s R&D is one staircase removed from their factory floor, there was a close collaboration with the production engineers in implementing Design for Manufacturing principles.industrial, integrate, visualisation, present, factory1
symphonyconsortium.nl…treatment to the right patient at the right time. With these novel e-health tools we aim to prioritize implementation of personalized care strategies and value based health care principles developed in the other projects of the consortium.care principle, principle projectpatient, treatment, disorder, symphony, bleed1
dianascherer.nl…in plants is considered one of the most important evolutions in the life of plants. Taking geometric and ordering principles and patterns from nature, Scherer poses a dilemma as her craft is both a manipulation of natural processes and…geometric principle, principle patternroot, textile, hyper, rhizome, biennale1
buitenhek.nl…and decades of experience . We give professional advice and enjoy helping with the implementation . Our guiding principle is a proper transition from theory to practice . Therefore, we present our analysis comprehensible en practical…implementation principle, principle properchildcare, youth, subsidy, analysis, publication1
dewitte-advocaat.nlThe office cooperates using a high trust principles with the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand. The office also takes part in Geschillencommissie Advocatuur.trust principle, principle raadattorney, injury, lawyer, benefit, municipality1
rlid.nl…accessibility and his good view of what fits into the space. Robbert's service and support has helped us enormously in making the right interior choices. He used our existing furniture as a basic principle and created Read Moreinterior, wish, comfortable, american, clay1
systema-works.nlIt also means that you learn how to start your movement with fist or weapon, instead of other parts of your body, like your feet, your hips, or – shudder – with your shoulders. George Silver (ca. 1550-1620) called this principle ‘moving…silver principle, principle trueexercise, instructor, difficult, physical, tension1
esoterischgenootschap.nl…Because of these changes, the contradictions in mankind increased, by the changes of the male and female principle. Because of this, struggles started that coincided with the enormous comet impact, which changed the earth…female principle, principle struggleforce, earth, session, pyramid, possibility1
giving.nlRenĂ© Bekkers received an Open Science Amsterdam Award for the project Transparency in Nonprofit and Philanthropy Research. The Open Science Amsterdam community encourages awareness of open science principles and adherence to them at UMC…science principle, principle adherencebehavior, compliance, philanthropy, actually, blood1
micromovies.nlMicromovies is an independant film company dedicated to the production of innovative political and humanitarian films. It is these guiding principles that have lead Micromovies to national and international success in documentary making…film principle, principle micromoviesinnovative, political, humanitarian, peace, delegation1
rotterdam-earthship.nlOur Earthship will be a showcase project and an experiment, through which we hope all participants learn a lot about the construction process and the sustainability principles.summary, grid, wishlist, volunteer, reply1
naturesright.nlThere’s 3.8 billion years of evolution that gives us a blueprint how to survive and thrive as a species, without exhausting the surroundings or inhabitants. We help businesses to use these principles from nature in order to innovate and…business principle, principle naturesustainability, successful, net, economical, ecological1
kinderfysiotherapieinamsterdam.nlThe basic principle is that both the parents and the child feel heard and that we reach the best result together.basic principle, principle parentpediatric, physiotherapy, confidence, physiotherapist, treatment1
pernetteverschure.nl…for 'healthy' cell and tissue performance. Many diseases are associated with an altered epigenetic landscape. Since epigenetic regulation is in principle flexible and reversible it opens unique opportunities for (therapeutic) intervention.regulation principle, principle flexiblecell, epigenetic, publication, outreach, teach1
chapterzero-netherlands.nlBuilding on the World Economic Forum’s Principles for Effective Climate Governance, our ambition is to empower and support supervisory board members in the Netherlands on the opportunities and risks of climate change and other planetary…forum principle, principle effectiveclimate, chapter, discover, membership, economic1
esmanverpakking.nlContinuous innovation of our packaging and mutual benefit are key principles to us. With specialists in the fields of MARKETING, PURCHASING, PRODUCTION and LOGISTICS we develop creative concepts and solutions along the entire SUPPLY CHAIN…key principle, principle specialistpackaging, dedication, industrial, shelf, tray1
magnusstellar.nlTo service your company end to end, Magnus Stellar provides a full vertical service model based on agile principles.click, magic, personalized, remote, request1
martijnfoto.nlFurthermore, they they will will help help make make their their particular particular principles principles furthermore furthermore appreciated appreciated by by way way of of a a actually actually huge huge level level of of people…particular principle, principle furthermoremovie, cheap, ugg, buy, prescription1
regenerativeorthopedics.nlThe group is led by Prof. Marianna Tryfonidou and focuses on osteoarthritis and low back pain due to intervertebral disc degeneration with a clear focus on clinical translation. The research follows the One Health-One Medicine principle…medicine principle, principle impactorthopedic, regenerative, vacancy, publication, conference1
tvdweerthof.nlMy first and only internship I did, was with Techni Team. Within the next half year I came in contact with many different principles within IT, working full time and everything I came to love about the line of work and the company itself.different principle, principle timeleader, department, internship, improvement, responsibility1
ekwtransport.nlTransport is in our DNA. We have been active in the transport sector since childhood and therefore know better than anyone how things work in this sector. Trust and short lines of communication are the most important principles of our…important principle, principle organizationcage, monkey, distribution, crane, baggage1
fsa24.nlFollowing the decorum and principle of customer service, we will assist you in the best possible ways.decorum principle, principle customersell, honest, trust, notary, speed1
novomed.nlWe have successful experience in tenders financial by KFW, IDB, OPEC, Fund Agakhan and World Bank. Our company's principle enterprise is located in Rotterdam. In the past two years we have also established NOVOMED KZ LLC in Nur-Sultan.company principle, principle enterprisedistributor, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, accessorie1
e-boom.nlThere is some residual magnetism in the iron, and in principle this allows the generator to self-excite. When the rotor rotates in the (very weak) residual magnetic field, it generates a (very small) voltage. If the rotor is connected to…iron principle, principle generatorvoltage, stator, output, piece, leg1
gielenbuitenei.nl…wrapper , doo wop (that thing ending discussion) , zack morris trader real name , herkimer county 911 call log , principle 4: respect for diversity examples , imperativo categórico de kant pdf , car accident rome, ny yesterday , york…log principle, principle respectuncategorized, obituary, county, funeral, wife1
korf-kb.nlCathodic Protection (CP) protects metal objects in the ground or water against corrosion. Corrosion is the deterioration of materials by (electro)chemical reactions. Cathodic Protection is a method of combating corrosion and is based on…corrosion principle, principle potentialcathodic, protection, pipe, corrosion, certification1
jbsiemonsma.nlAFSM is a toolbox for developing embedded systems in just 4 steps. The site describes techniques used for developing controls based on the hardware of the Arduino MEGA2560, DUE and ESP32 WROOM dev boards. The software is based on the…creation, finite, arduino, handle, function1
theheistbegins.nlYou have three days to play the game. After that, access will automatically expire. And in principle, as with all escape rooms, you are ready after playing once.automatically principle, principle escapepuzzle, multiple, device, naar, automatically1
premiertaaltraining.nl…to PhD students and researchers on collaborative articles. Learn how to pinpoint specific problems in a text and let the students correct their own work. Improve the clarity of your own writing by reviewing the principles of clear writing.write principle, principle clearacademic, write, proposal, paper, grant1
umit-durmus.nl…LNV, Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, NVWA and Legal Affairs. - The working method is mandatory according to ITIL principle. For example, incidents are handled with Topdesk, changes must be approved and everything must first be carefully…itil principle, principle example, principle topdeskazure, administrator, certified, sql1
latourbewaking.nlAt its own center, the principle of hair threads hinges on the concept of visual fallacy. These small, tiny threads are actually electrostatically credited abide by the hair stems, combinationing along with organic hair as well as scalp…center principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal1
zensoftware.nlIn principle ZEN Software will not share your personal data with third parties. Your personal data will only be shared with third parties as far as this is necessary and always within the framework of the above-mentioned purposes.purpose, stack, scale, commerce, agreement1
carteman.nlCarteman has its principle office in the Netherlands. We support deep tech companies from early stage to mature status. Carteman has a proven track record in the energy eco-system and an in depth network in the EU energy eco-system.carteman principle, principle officeventure, transition, invest, investment, storage1
rise2shine.nlA moment of peace and acceptation in the hectic life of the children and the teenagers from the slums. The children learn Biblical principles and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ during the programs.biblical principle, principle gospelhope, donation, peace, teenager, slum1
ke-growair.nlKE Fibertec develops, manufactures and markets "Good indoor climate" or air distribution systems based on fibre technology. The principle is to create draft free and uniform distribution of the ventilation air through our tailored textile…technology principle, principle draftreference, duct, distribution, greenhouse, climate1
dierocon.nlDierocon committed to build a great partnerships among its associates which makes a strong foundation. There are 4 core principles of Dierocon to every lasting partnership, both personally and professionally:core principle, principle dieroconpoultry, consulting, additive, livestock, animal1
hinova.nlGrowing efficiently without gapping the screens, we thought that should be possible. That is why we have developed the VentilationJet System together with Wageningen University Research (WUR) and Let’s Grow. Entirely in line with the…line principle, principle plantgreenhouse, screen, climate, crop, horticulture1
jasperhauser.nlJasper is a hands on craftsman at heart, 3 time Apple Design Award winner, with 20+ years of industry experience in creating digital products and mentoring people. Co-founder of Darkroom , where we build principled, opinionated software…darkroom principle, principle opinionateddarkroom, icon, sofa, craftsman, notification1
kroonbrau.nlOur company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success at all levels.company principle, principle individualbeverage, distribution, crown, advantage, assortment1
vanderlaanscience.nlI support and promote principles of Open Science by letting values of quality and integrity, science for the benefit of all, fairness, equity, diversity and inclusiveness guide my work. I value transparency, reproducibility, and critique…der, stuff, talk, genetic, endeavor1
reflectionit.nl…It uses a new data binding engine which was in preview with .NET 7 , and is now fully enabled in .NET 8 . This new engine is modeled after WPF, which makes it easier to implement MVVM design principles. Time to write a blog post about it.design principle, principle timereflection, visual, pattern, blend, framework1
misi-consultancy.nlThe objective of MISI is change of the inspection scope from intrusive to non-intrusive by applying advanced non-destructive examination. The remaining intrusive scope is optimized by using robotic technologies and LEAN principles…lean principle, principle developmentinspection, maintenance, intervention, destructive1
nethics.nl…in general. The aim of the National Ethics Council for Social and Behavioural Sciences is to formulate joint principles and values for all associated university faculties and research institutes. These form the basis for the jointly…joint principle, principle valueethics, scientific, council, behavioural, external1
genevo.nl…and the micro-evolution study. Requiring your ancestry is very funny, but the evolution study arose by asking principle questions like: how is it possible that the genetic systems can plainly change and how can arise plainly a new…study principle, principle questionevolution, genealogy, rational, climate, ancestor1
mmce.nlThrough my technical and analytical background, I have fundamental understanding about technical principles and practical possibilities. Because of my commercial skills and academic ability, I am able to develop sustainable strategies /…technical principle, principle practicalconnect, automation, robotic, industrial, manufacture1
w-o-m.nlThe programm is based on the learning by doing principle. It captures a vocational training of entrepreneurial attitude and skills. Women will work individual and in groups on both social as business assignments. They will work and visit…learn principle, principle vocationalwoman, potential, entrepreneur, assignment, ambition1
fco-im.nlConsequently, FCO-IM is the only conceptual modeling technique that completely complies with the 100% conceptualization principle.modeling, fact, fully, paper, technique1
interestcalc.nl…interest rates in a simple but quality fashion and for a low cost. InterestCalc’s algorithm incorporates the principles used in the recently released Chapter X of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines. Embedded in the calculations are…algorithm principle, principle recentlyinterest, rate, calculation, pricing, loan1
itschagen.nlThe risks behind the casino games can be a bit overwhelming if you aren’t familiar with the game’s underlying principles. While there are a few risk factors that you can consider to improve your odds of winning at a casino game, many…game principle, principle riskmoney, july, investment, benefit, tax1
dredgevare.nlmakes way for a change in the perception of management principles in the dredging industry on mid- and senior levelmanagement principle, principle dredgingschedule, dredging, involvement, successful, realization1
ippwebshop.nl…The dynamics of the ego are also explored in depth, as is the Holy Spirit’s path of forgiveness. Finally, the book deals with various misconceptions and pitfalls that can arise if the basic principles of the Course are disregarded.basic principle, principle courseinn, publication, peace, miracle, awaken1
flowsound.nl…needing to turn the key to unlock the doors to begin operations. We are able to deliver our systems to the same principle, setting up the whole process as simple as possible for our clients. This way your artists, speakers or colleaguessystem principle, principle processdedicated, conference, lighting, presentation, appearance1
firmamoes.nlUnder the motto “Good knives are handmade”, Robert Herder manufactures a wide range of quality knives using traditional forms and methods. Since 1872, the well-known mill knives are made in Solingen, Germany. Robert Herder uses the…herder principle, principle solingerknife, blade, cut, stock, scissor1
stefandejager.nlWhile working on any piece of tech, I always try to strick to the following principles:infrastructure, automation, stack, enthusiast, task1
frankeskoalle.nlFor more details and features of the principles of our school we refer to the school guidebook which you can download.feature principle, principle schoolparent, village, operation, protestant, ideological1
magnetarsaurus.nlOur Quarks are subject to the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two identical fermions can simultaneously occupy the same quantum state. If you have doubts about the quantum state of your Quarks, don't hesitate to call…exclusion principle, principle identicalbutter, peanut, fabric, dark, quantum1
stichtingdeboomgaard.nlThe foundation was established in 2005 to support institutions operating on idealistic principles, charities or non-for profit organisations.idealistic principle, principle charityclimate, poverty, women, slide, grant1
relaiscomputer.nlis chosen as primary switching element, because it is the most basic element. Everybody can understand its working principle. Secondly, attractive colors for different signals and components are used: blue is used for control signals, red…work principle, principle secondlypanel, instruction, memory, architecture, cpu1
michelvandermeulen.nl…Yet, we’re all creatures of habit, and breaking free from our habitual behaviours can be challenging. While habits can provide comfort and predictability, they can also hinder our growth and limit our ability to embrace Agile principlesbacklog, behaviour, habitual, efficiency, requirements1
rzpw.nlReflexology is the science and art that deals with the principle that there are reflexes in the feet that correspond to all glands, organs, hormones and tissue in the body. It is a natural, non-invasive way of stimulating the metabolism…art principle, principle reflexreflexology, practical, session, circulation, foot1
wetsus.nlCapacitive mixing as a novel principle for generation of clean renewable energy from salinity differences.novel principle, principle generationwetsus, phd, degree, excellence, prize1
laps-rietveld.nl…and public space. The research institute carries out research, on the one hand on fundamental questions and basic principles in regard to art, design and the public domain, and on the other hand on practical problems in relation to…basic principle, principle regardinstitute, publication, archive, domain, disclosure1
babybonding.nl…for me, she most graciously offered to conduct her course for me in English. If you want to learn more about the principles of parenting and how to apply them, this is definitely the course for you! Yolanda’s course material stems from…english principle, principle parentingtoddler, parent, supportive, cry, mother1
p3b.nlTHE PINHOLE PRINCIPLE IS BASED ON A PROJECTED INVERTED IMAGE THROUGH A HOLE IN A BEDOUIN TENTpinhole principle, principle imagecentury, firm, peripheral, bit, wil1
meijerlab.nlOur research is focused on the design, synthesis, characterization and possible applications of new supramolecular systems with unconventional properties and functions. By combining principles of synthetic and physical organic chemistry…function principle, principle syntheticsupramolecular, congratulations, polymer, fundamental, functional1
wijsheidsweb.nlself-help / deconstruction / autobiography / wu xing / teaching / medial / zazen / theology / German / advice / taiji quan / forgiveness / strip / polarization / Nowruz / kin hin / Ganymede / post humanism / principle of causality / qi gonghumanism principle, principle causalityartwork, road, wisdom, daughter, empress1
nesda.nlNESDA fully adheres to best-practice FAIR data principles: our data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Available data can be located via a public data listing resource. You can download the table of NESDA instruments…data principle, principle datapublication, researcher, scientific, dissertation, study1
dctaleninstituut.nlWith a team of experienced teachers DC Language Institute has offered language courses for business companies since 1986. Our guiding principle is “First we strengthen confidence and then we teach the language. It is alright to make…company principle, principle confidenceteach, target, appropriate, teacher, write1
landscape-architects.nl…can be put to use in the design of water-safety measures in Yangzhou, China. And our experience with the design principles for the Sustainable City in Dubai can be applied in future urban-planning projects in the Netherlands. So whateverdesign principle, principle sustainablelandscape, architecture, urbanism, feasible, identity1
select-housing.nl…into fully furnished homes with a warm, homely atmosphere. With a focus on reliability and a passion for real estate as our core principles, it is our mission to match the demand for good, high-quality housing with the market supply.core principle, principle missionhousing, accommodation, staff, select, employee1
resb.nlUpholding unwavering honesty and ethical principles in every aspect of our operations.ethical principle, principle aspectasset, prosperity, advanced, banking, secure1
itsaboutlove.nlSexological Bodywork ™ works from the latest developments in Tao's neurology, psychotherapy, body-oriented somatic sciences and energy principles.integration, session, pelvic, bodywork, intimacy1
clickthis.nlAt Click This! , we're committed to using open-source software and embrace innovative technologies like Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Our dedication to open-source principles enables us to contribute to the global development…source principle, principle globalclick, notch, edge, effortless, findability1
cloudwijkverpleging.nlOur dedicated care staff work daily to enhance the well-being of the people they care for. Quality of life, personal agency, and experience-oriented care are the guiding principles. In this, we seek collaboration with relatives…care principle, principle collaborationrequest, nursing, collaboration, mere, overview1
velites.nlLudodidactics is using principles from the gaming industry to design learning experiences. Stu dent behavior is the starting point of the design, rather than the knowledge that needs to be transferred.ludodidactics principle, principle gamingleadership, playful, role, speech, career1
packagingview.nlPackaging View is a package consultancy which uses a unique work method. The approach is based on a simple principle: the achievement of quicker, better and less expensive packaging requires a professional approach. The result is the main…simple principle, principle achievementpackaging, consulting, subscription, czech, package1
tooby.nl"Stichting Tooby" was founded in 2015 with the purpose to organize projects that teach young children values and principles, specifically when it comes to preserving the environment. We are a small foundation working with many volunteers…value principle, principle specificallymovie, wonderful, cast, monkey, elephant1
hemingway-pg.nlHemingway Search combines the proven Legal People search method with a high-quality network of supervisory directors and board members. The composition of the supervisory board and the expertise and competences required to enrich it are…competence principle, principle searchsupervisory, programme, executive, profession, role1
bedrijfsmassage-amsterdam.nlThe principle of a massage is a simple one: It's just about a better circulation, especially of the blood (but also of lymph-, liquor- and other energy-circulations)therapist, circulation, waste, treatment, blood1
qusl.nl…thus giving the reader a quick guide to supply chain management. The author shows people the most relevant principles, analysis process and decision-making frameworks using one interactive case throughout the book. Mastering the…relevant principle, principle analysischain, supply, consulting, publication, circular1
powerplastics.nlSpacious assortment, high quality and fast delivery are main principles that are important to us.main principle, principle importantvalve, pipe, electric, description, irrigation1
tbnk.nl…is of course the temperature sensor node. To design a temperature sensor node we need to first determine some requirements for the nodes. That is why I have made a list of requirements for the sensor nodes accourding to a MoSCoW principle.temperature, min, node, casing, sadly1
delfinconnector.nlDelfin translates to 'dolphin' in many languages, an animal renowned for its sociability, intelligence, and amiable nature. Dolphins thrive in close-knit groups, relying on strong connections and smart strategies. These principles of…strategy principle, principle strategygrowth, organic, strategically, healthy, declaration1
act-e.nlAnalyse the readily available information and identify overlap, missing pieces or mismatches in level, didactical vision, or teacher professionalisation. No restrictions on the design by teachers but add guiding principles and facilitate…teacher principle, principle constructiveteacher, structure, assessment, constructive, educational1
pointsoflight.nlThe lecture will uphold the veracity and beauty of Gospel nonviolence, speak to the difficulties involved in principled steadfastness to this path and of the hope that, despite difficulty, such steadfastness will yield a blessed harvest…difficulty principle, principle steadfastnesspeace, palace, connect, ago, august1
najad.nlThis magnificent yacht has been created based on our core principles, i.e. quality, performance, safety, comfort and excellent seaworthiness. The result is a great long-distance cruiser that offers comfort and sailing performance combined…core principle, principle qualitysweden, yacht, ago, brokerage, fantastic1
djerk.nl…management kick you for something someone else did is not anyone’s idea of fun. I won’t go into the underlying principles here as I’m assuming most who frequent my blog will know about broadcast storms, their causes and the tools and…will principle, principle blogcertificate, tumblr, pocket, port1
westagroup.nlWESTA Group lives by the principle of being committed towards our clientele in all our trade activities. At the same time, we also value dedication and hard work displayed by our team and reward to encourage them further.group principle, principle clienteleresource, supply, investment, ray1
bvdmlaw.nl…and tax matters on the axis of the Netherlands and the Russian Federation to outsourcing of accounting functions and compliance checks. We have built our business based on the principles of cooperation and openness for mutual benefits.business principle, principle cooperationtax, moscow, law, eastern, russian1
ukukhula.nl…financially. W e strive to elevate humanity and restore biodiversity by liberating the true spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation to solve complex social and environmental challenges. We apply the principles of Conscious Capitalism.‚Äčchallenge principle, principle consciousseed, zulu, entrepreneur, know, growth1
metaheemskerk.nlAs with my earlier textile work I like to do things differently, invent things. Currently I’m working on a technique which I call ‘collithography’, as it’s collagraphy, based on the principle that water and oil repel each other. However…collagraphy principle, principle watertextile, printmaking, technique, early, intuitive1
ro-co.nlOur collective is built on principles of sustainability and social responsibility. We also have a highly cosmopolitan culture, with members coming from all over the world.collective principle, principle sustainabilitycollective, het, desk, pricing, friendship1
epicstoryboards.nl…on the project, but that's too long ago. Technical specifications for video have been improved too much since to show the work. I will try to post a couple of photos with matte paintings added soon to show the principle and possibilities.soon principle, principle possibilitycommission, illustration, usually, historic, comics1
limitlesspt.nlIt has become my mission to show people that the science behind gaining muscle mass doesn't always have to be complicated. And that delving into the principles of gaining muscle mass is going to make a huge difference in your results.complicated principle, principle musclelimitless, muscle, mass, request, degree1
eurojets.nlWhether you would like to book immediately, or would just like to enquire, there will always be someone to take your call or message. One of the core principles at Eurojets is that if you can imagine it, we can do it. Do you imagine…core principle, principle eurojets, principle mainflight, pleasant, reason, destination, regal1
lttechnology.nl…manufacturability, quality and cost. More in detail also on uniformity, ergonomics, safety, design, construction principles, material use, surface treatment, mount ability (auxiliary tools required), mounting technique (gluing, screws…construction principle, principle materialnaar, proposal, specification, favorable, technique1
amaro.nlCountless events the mobile kitchen has withstood. The ruling principles of the restaurant are simple: this is a place of tasty cooking, without prestigeous nonsense, the ingredients are good, and preferably self produced (think olive…kitchen principle, principle restaurantgraphic, het, silkscreen, chocolate, olive1
sanju.nlWe will no longer take reservations. All guests are handled on a first come first serve principle. We will make sure you can sit down as fast as possible and enjoy your bowl of ramen.guest principle, principle surenoodle, soup, onion, japanese, egg1
stichtingstapel.nlAcrobatics stands or falls by co-operation . There are basic shapes which require all the principles of acrobatics. Balancing, climbing, jumping, throwing, catching – exploring together how to utilise the position and momentum of each…shape principle, principle acrobaticacrobatic, lesson, teacher, guest, tuesday1
hybrit.nlWe build together as a team: with colleagues and with our customers. We even involve experts from other HybrIT teams when needed. We word according to the DevOps principle. This enables us to work on your product with multiple developers…devops principle, principle productapi, connection, stack, commerce, react1
vandergraafpte.nlOur products are sold worldwide and our success is based on the down-to-earth principle of offering excellent products and excellent service..earth principle, principle excellentder, overview, trade, worldwide, frequently1
bcatriratna.nlIf the answer is yes, then practicing meditation and living in accordance with Buddhist principles can help you move towards these goals. The Buddhist path of ethics, meditation, and wisdom supports a more joyful mental state, a clearer…buddhist principle, principle goalmeditation, evening, tuesday, buddhist, buddhism1
highlyfavoredconsultancy.nlOur services are rendered with the Word of God in mind including the principles that we can derive from for finances and management of organizations.mind principle, principle financefavor, highly, subscribe, tight, topic1
gec-bv.nlOn the principle that one size does not fit all, we research the best possible method to suit each situation, and to ensure that we meet all our clients’ needs, we tailor-make a solution for each project. A specially commissioned project…graphic, machinery, logistics, installation, die1
irsapplicaties.nlThe fundamental principle has always remained the same: only a healthy crop can guarantee the profitable cultivation and processing of sugar beet in the future. Higher production and improved quality go hand in hand with a safe and…fundamental principle, principle healthysugar, cultivation, farmer, grower, guide1
comlink.nl…be hectic, so the administration of the activities has to be efficient. It is our highest priority to make sure BOP meets this standard. Because of this principle, BOP proved to be suitable for both small and medium technical departments.standard principle, principle bopmaintenance, preventive, department, failure, administration1
lintire.nlThe Kargro Group is a leading actor on the tyre market since 1968. Its entire business model is focussed on the principles of the circular economy.model principle, principle circulartire, tyre, passenger, internationally, selection1
psychonomie.nl…techniques have been developed, which greatly increase our chances of understanding the overarching computational principles that guide our behavior. However, along with the increased complexity of our techniques comes an increased…computational principle, principle behaviorcognitive, position, brain, interaction, leave1
cosmin.nlCOSMIN published the book Measurement in Medicine. It provides practical advice, underpinned by theoretical principles, on developing and evaluating measurement instruments in all fields of medicine.theoretical principle, principle measurementmeasurement, outcome, systematic, study, selection1
albertjolink.nlVR is a fascinating technology that allows management scholars to study topics in a virtual setting that are otherwise hard, if not impossible, to study. At present, I mainly use VR to study management behaviour and team behaviour, but in…behaviour principle, principle aliveteach, biography, sustainability, pedagogical, conference1
ruigcx.nlWith specific tools and workshops, a CX framework can be developed, the guiding and inspiring principles for a cohesive and winning customer experience.framework principle, principle cohesiveemployee, innovative, overall, loyalty, revenue1
m-unlock.nlResearchers from our FAIR Data Platform published a paper on the FAIR Data Station: A platform that helps you to manage your research metadata according to the FAIR principles.unlock, microbial, facility, potential, infrastructure1
hagueroadrunners.nlEven if you do not speak Dutch well (yet), you are very welcome at The Hague Road Runners! Our training courses are conducted in Dutch in principle, but the trainers will repeat the important information for you in English where…dutch principle, principle trainerhague, road, walk, mijn, run1
nature-wise.nl…organisms manage to adapt to changing conditions? Can we find answers for social problems like poverty and social exclusion? I Think we can. All we have to do is to understand the principles and pattern behind life’s succesfull strategies.exclusion principle, principle patternwise, talk, domain, earth, pattern1
pascalstandaar.nl“As Lead of the Technology Lab, I believe that Pascal's input has ensured that the scrum principles were better applied in the project, a real contribution to the team.”scrum principle, principle wellintelligence, devops, azure, operational, task1
spee-advocaten.nlThe legal implications of cross-border work are another aspect to consider. More and more employees who work in the Netherlands live in Belgium or Germany, and this frequently gives rise to complications. For instance: in principle, a…instance principle, principle dutchlaw, lawyer, attorney, euregion, inheritance1
schellenberger.nl…it was about the relationships we built, the trust we fostered, and the shared enthusiasm that propelled us towards success. This realization became a guiding principle in my career, shaping my approach to team building and collaboration.realization principle, principle careerconnection, personality, genuine, extraordinary, relationship1
devavasuda.nlI work on the basis of cost price and the Buddhist dana principle. Simply put, I don't earn anything from the sessions, except from what you give as a donation. This is a more pure way of working for me.dana principle, principle simplyguidance, systemic, alignment, inspiration, wat1
plugincity.nlThrough the use of containers, old windows, second-hand or borrowed materials, this small “city” is built entirely on the principles of Circular Economy – everything we have has been used, re-used and can be easily dismantled. In 2017 our…entirely principle, principle circulareconomy, circular, accessorie, motion, temporarily1
grethevangeffen.nl…many terror attacks have been justified already by islamo-leftists. The left abandons its traditionally essential principles. such as secularism and the fight against anti-semitism and even considers them as bad now. So the left approachesessential principle, principle secularismreply, diversity, archaeological, mosaic, leave1
rubenbakker.nl…the startup's growth and transformation required adept leadership skills. Ruben led the organization on the principles of Scrum and an Agile Mindset, ensuring a dynamic, responsive approach to the ever-changing landscape of fashion…organization principle, principle scrumuntitled, tailor, banana, transformation, supply1
handmadetranslations.nl9.1 The translator’s fee is in principle based on a word tariff. For work other than translation a fee based on an hourly rate will in principle be charged. The translator may, in addition to his fee, declare the expenses incurred in…fee principle, principle word, rate principle, principle translatorshall, translator, principal, translation, handmade1
digitalemployeeexperience.nl…map out the landscape to enable wider engagement and participation of organisations around the globe. With their new book, Tabhita and Christiaan offer a structured approach to laying out the fundamentals of DEX principles and practices.’dex principle, principle practiceemployee, author, topic, collaboration, intersection1
nl-lab.nl"Within my practice for orthomolecular medicine, I apply professional principles in counseling my clients. Driven and professional, I also see NL-Lab doing its work. At a rate appropriate for the client and with an explanation appropriate…professional principle, principle clientlab, microbiome, parasite, antibody, consumer1
saharaway.nlSaharaway is a travel agency specialized in organizing individual Morocco travels and desert tours through Morocco. Based on the principles of Morocco and trusted by a large network of small and large partners in Morocco and abroad. In…morocco principle, principle moroccomorocco, desert, excursion, waterfall, completely1
patriciamensink.nlAt Kentwood Academy, our guiding principle is ‘Aim High, Be Kind, and Dare to be Different’. This motto, deeply rooted at our core, combined with exceptional teaching sets us apart.academy principle, principle aimfire, visit, admission, boy, girl1
mattiasbeimers.nlDomain-driven design (DDD) is a concept in which the structure of the code (and more) is focused on the domain. It's a great way to design your code with programming principles in mind, keeping it flexible and maintainable.programming principle, principle minddomain, corner, puzzle, programming, maintainable1
ourdailybreadukraine.nl…charity, we tread the delicate line between, on the one hand, investing in projects according to sound business principles and, on the other, prayerfully considering with our partners what the wisest course of action would be. We pursue…business principle, principle prayerfullyukraine, bread, eastern, vulnerable, foot1
diepte-meditatie-cursus.nlAt its own primary, Vortex Speed concerns generating a speedy of task as well as drive that pushes people in the direction of their purposes at an increased speed. This principle sketches motivation coming from the all-natural sensation…speed principle, principle motivationactually, hair, chain, uncategorized, silver1
seofeeds.nl…in simple memorization. But, despite ingesting a vast amount of information, it hasn’t been able to derive the principles of arithmetic, either. A close examination of GPT-3’s incorrect answers suggests that it doesn’t carry the “1”…able principle, principle arithmeticengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit1
9am.nlWe change the way marketers and sales professionals work every day. Our approach is rooted in agile principles.seriously, marketer, output, shout, internship1
lifeextensioneurope.nlWith insights on science and health trends, plus over 500 science-backed vitamins & supplements, that is our philosophy and the principle our business is built upon.philosophy principle, principle businessscientific, mineral, payment, membership, probiotic1
psychotherapie-eindhoven.nlBefore you start with a treatment it is advisable to check whether the practice principles and the treatment offers match your needs.practice principle, principle treatmenttherapy, psychotherapy, psychology, wait, reimbursement1
arre-design.nlDesigned by Juan Pablo Quintero of Medio Design, the L-Shelf stands as a triumph of ingenuity—a bookshelf that ingeniously addresses construction and stability through the principles of geometry and gravity. Its simplicity and subtly…stability principle, principle geometrypiece, interior, desk, shelf, furniture1
skyworkz.nlSecurity your cloud environment is crucial. Think of IAM, Least Privilege principle, container scanning, private VPC and more. We know how to make your cloud secure.privilege principle, principle containerjoin, specialize, stuff, trust, curiosity1
photostique.nlMaximum efficiency and mutual benefit. The two principles of judo that we also use within our company.benefit principle, principle judovisual, photographer, teacher, editorial, reason1
elgerjonker.nlThe AwesomeSpace strives to unite digital communities that do things with Awesome, Retro and / or Gaming. The space is founded on hackerspace principles which allows an open and inviting atmosphere, wanting to be “one of the greatest…hackerspace principle, principle openbuilder, amazing, awesome, founder, notable1
esn-breda.nlErasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of…development principle, principle studentesn, discount, know, multiple, min1
lycanthrope.nlThis video by Colin Jones, explains the basic principles that I will attempt to be good atbasic principle, principle goodepisode, pack, risky, player, winner1
wimpiesdartcorner.nlWhen you look at how to bet on sports events, you will also want to keep in mind that the principles that govern gambling can change depending on your geographical area. By way of instance, you should be aware of local laws about the…mind principle, principle gamblingodd, chance, corner, player, gambling1
geeven.nla few. Sliding these layers of sand over one other generates vibrations that emit a deep, low rumbling pitch. This principle can be compared to a bow striking a cello string. In volume, this concert of sand can be as loud as the sound of apitch principle, principle bowsand, desert, earth, artwork, acoustic1
the-secret-bar.nl• Discussing the meaning of design principles such as ‘stylistic sustainability’ while he was driving the car on a highway: when Gert spoke, he would step off the throttle, when finished, he would floor the gas pedal again. A longer…design principle, principle stylisticjanuary, later, graphic, hague, wine1
makerzoektmaker.nl. It is about the moment when all this comes together and you fall into place. This specific feeling is the guiding principle of the film and is depicted in a physical environment. In the film they follow three characters all with their ownfeel principle, principle filmwinner, visual, audience, musician, round1
squarefour.nlIntegrity, independence, sustainability and transparency in work processes are fundamental principles with high priority to Square Four.fundamental principle, principle highestate, square, quickly, skilled, contribution1
i-tme.nlWaterpricing policy is - according the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) - one of the options to improve water quality. The idea is that, by giving the correct incentives, sustainable water use can be stimulated by means of the 'the…tme, environmental, economic, apply, institute1
normstudio.nl…Sustainability is not the starting point, but a precondition for creating a high-quality, timeless and future-proof home . We work from the principle; a strong base supplemented with investment pieces and personality as a finishing touch.home principle, principle stronginterior, introductory, generation, concession, proof1
trompenburg.nlThe Forest Garden De Overtuin (The Garden over the Road) that opened in 2018 is a man made bionetwork inspired by the principles of natural balance found in ancient woodlands utilising edible plants. Take a walk here and find out more…bionetwork principle, principle naturalvisit, shrub, bulb, tree, perennial1
kampergui.nlTrying to follow the 12 animation principles of Disney. And breaking up the animation in several camera shots.animation principle, principle disneyweekly, texture, render, hair, study1
cloudhubs.nlIn this insightful webinar, we delve into the world of data strategy and modernization, exploring the powerful concepts of Data Mesh, Blockchain, and CloudHub's DataCube framework. Join us as we uncover key principles, real-world…key principle, principle realcompliance, automation, migration, analytic, healthcare1
kucheza.nlThe number of participants is limited to 25. Registration will be done by the principle first come, first serve. The registration of a participant is complete after Kucheza has received full payment in its bank account.registration principle, principle registrationfarming, cooperative, farmer, participant, playful1
optoss.nl…networks all over the globe. This, in tandem with our collaborations with ESA, SBIC and the UvA, enabled us to develop advanced carrier-grade AI solutions based on a patented multi-dimensional AI approach rooted in quantum principles.critical, career, rapidly, relationship, meaningful1
acupunctuurartspraktijk.nlIn the clinic, we apply the principles of integrative medicine. In practical terms, this means we integrate your holistic Acupuncture treatment within your Western medical treatment. This is why we advise you to visit you general…clinic principle, principle integrativetreatment, acupuncture, holistic, fee, medicine1
deys.nlOur supplies are replenished on a daily basis. This enables us to deliver our standard products from stock, so in principle the materials can be delivered at the building site within a day’s time.stock principle, principle materialprocessing, mortar, mould, synthetic, department1
gvogler.nlVogler BV conducts its business based on its core principles of Safety, Integrity and Sustainability.core principle, principle safetychemical, specialty, supply, organizational, aan1
tillmannhr.nlManage the integration process between two Retail organisations based on the principle ‘Best of both worlds’.organisation principle, principle beststrategic, positive, interest, situation, difference1
appetence.nlWe trust the AWS Cloud, but implement Security-first principles for your VPC’s and Applications.security principle, principle vpcpublication, publish, switchboard, connectivity, publisher1
brightbrothers.nlTo get your people and systems aligned, Ruben works ‘on the job’ according to the Lean Six Sigma principles. The job is only complete once every step has been safely stored in the organization and owned by all concerned. By observing…sigma principle, principle jobbright, supply, chain, brother, operation1
mjpronk.nl…all the current requirements that apply to the fruit and vegetable trade. We have ILS certification, and we apply principles of corporate social responsibility wherever possible and desirable. Our fresh produce company is dynamic, flexiblecertification principle, principle corporatevegetable, certificate, vehicle, pear, supplier1
franckvandomburg.nlPrototypes are essential for every product, it makes it easier for the client to understand and helps you test and validate your design. I create most of my prototypes in inVision and Principle.ux, programmer, apply, comics, root1
hellebaard.nlHellebaard operates on the principle of integrity, professionalism and a commitment to client satisfaction. We understand that every organization has unique challenges and we take the time to listen and understand your specific needs…hellebaard principle, principle integrityanalysis, landscape, strategic, table, variety1
netwerkduurzamedorpen.nl…a national foundation “Doen”. The aim for the next years is a contribution of all the provinces and municipalities. The Network has one principle: Every action counts. It doesn't matter what you are doing as a village community, just act!network principle, principle actionvillage, movie, initiative, voluntary, provincial1
dirkschouten.nlSUMMARY: In this text background information is given on the Frencheducatonalist Celestin Freinet and the Brazilian pedagogue Paolo Freire. The basic principles of Freinet education are given and made tangible by an interview with Arno…basic principle, principle freinetsummary, teacher, section, practical, author1
conversionista.nlThorough analysis is pivotal for creating actionable insights. To get there we use the principle of triangulation: three types of research, forming one holistic analysis. Qualitative and quantitative data, combined with heuristic analysis…insight principle, principle triangulationconversion, rate, analysis, sweden, visitor1
shaevitality.nl…their skills and reach new heights of success. Through a unique blend of group sessions, individual coaching, and personalized resources, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your team, and the principles of precision vitality.team principle, principle precisionvitality, precision, potential, goodbye, leader1
vikpande.nlExperience in developing modern, reslient, secure and scalable architechture using Javascript, Python, 12 factor apps, TDD and clean code/ architecture principles.profile, certification, multiple, quantum, architecture1
neleos.nl…sometimes has to be taken down a notch or the fear of the unknown must be eliminated. At the same time one of the principles is that a lawyer must be clearly aware of his own limitations and not hide behind disclaimers. After all, trust istime principle, principle lawyersummary, law, firm, insolvency, fee1
carlah.nlCarlaH Hairstudio uses the so-called Full Concept principle. When customers decide not to make use of parts from a selected treatment, this does not affect the pricing.concept principle, principle customerhair, appointment, hairdresser, north, rule1
eiling-connect.nl…his quick its set front enjoy hoped had there. Who connection imprudence middletons too but increasing celebrated principles joy. Herself too improve gay winding ask expense are compact. New all paid few hard pure his quick its set front…middleton principle, principle joyelit, nec, ut, luctus, tellus1
bright-future.nlIn his approach Niel Pepers combines the worldwide successful OGSM methodology with the universal principles from “The Seven Habits” by Stephan Covey. This provides an unprecedented powerful approach in which ambition is developed and…universal principle, principle sevenbright, employee, ambition, engagement, positioning1
shellwatch.nlAccording to its own General Business Principles, Shell does not tolerate briberybusiness principle, principle shellclimate, oil, january, october, february1
nu-meditatie.nlThe direct noticing of Awareness, Efforless Being or Presence is always the guiding principle.presence, waar, appearance, awareness, true1
sarahfriedman.nlIn 2023, the Impact Hub Network (spanning over 115 locations globally), underwent a comprehensive rebranding of its brand guidelines, led by the network’s communication team. The newly created guidelines cover new design guidelines…communication principle, principle varietyenvironmental, strategist, racism, campaign, guidelines1
f-action.nl…sustainable changes? According to F-action, the answer to this is different for each organization, but there are some basic principles that increase the chances of success. The key concepts are phonetically returned in the name F-action.basic principle, principle chancecompetence, organizational, role, department, temporary1
rijlestoppers.nlThe Traffic Science course covers the principles and practices of traffic engineering, including traffic flow theory.course principle, principle practiceinstructor, lesson, traffic, calm, intermediate1
tibetcommunity.nlliving in the Netherlands. The organisation is called ‘Tibetan Community Netherlands’. We run our community based on key principles, highlighting the importance of maintaining the non-sectarian and non-regionalist attitude or way of…key principle, principle importancetibetan, duration, cultural, involve, risk1
lshlawyers.nlWith our work, we proudly contribute to the UN principles of access to good health and well-being, access to justice, and the global climate goals.un principle, principle accesslawyer, proudly, climate, justice, consent1
sarahsays.nlA six-level, innovation training combining the principles of Lean Start-up methodology and Design Thinking. It was created from Adobe’s “Kickbox” but over the last eight years I have enhanced the offer to create a well-rounded innovation…training principle, principle leancompelling, write, speech, memorable, solver1
yusufyusuf.nlProfessional Scrum Master is a certification that covers the principles and (empirical) process theory underpinning the Scrum framework, and the role of the Scrum Master in it.certification principle, principle empiricalazure, awesome, certification, requirements, native1
meteorsystems.nlMeteor Systems offers quality products that ensure optimal growth while minimising water and fertiliser use. All our products are designed around the principles of sustainability, user friendliness, minimising labour costs and low…product principle, principle sustainabilitygrow, cover, irrigation, pipe, cultivation1
connectionlab.nlI am an EFT Therapist and Coach, working based on the principles of connection; authenticity, vulnerability, curiosity and personal leadership. If you want to truly lead: in your life, and in your relationships, you have to know yourself…coach principle, principle connectioncouple, therapy, sensitive, connection, relationship1
bramwillemse.nlAs a product owner, I combine analytical thinking and empathy to unite teams and ideas, advocating for engineering excellence and team well-being. I am committed to the following 3 principles, contributing to innovation, productivity, and…commit principle, principle innovationbackground, empathy, analytical, think, continuous1
roughconsensus.nl…of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Within a working group, progress is made by establishing rough consensus and finding proof in the working software. These principles adhere remarkably to those defined in the agile manifesto .software principle, principle remarkablyrough, transformation, native, pace, implementation1
atelierable.nl…cross-sections of late medieval and post-medieval potter’s wheels are included. They did not only confirm the principle of a static axle but also gave me more insight into the additional steel parts. These parts would take away my…wheel principle, principle static, dynamic principle, principle wheelwheel, medieval, axle, century, jar1
autheon.nllogistic order of its logic reveals three unifying operations, showing “ beta- formulas & relations” and N ature’s principle of “ Synchro -Super-Symmetry” to the origin of Universe which is the only point of no thing at “rest”, a very…ature principle, principle synchrotheory, institute, mathematics, introduction, author1
raadinternational.nlSetting up the financial administration for a new entity takes time and requires extensive knowledge of international accounting principles. Our professional services that are designed to meet your every need, professionally and discreetly.accounting principle, principle professionalproduce, collaboration, asset, excellence, reliable1
pieterneldijkstra.nlI provide individual and team coaching on the basis of the principles underlying ACT.basis principle, principle actpsychological, publication, psychologist, surrounding, therapy1
debtox.nl…General Unified Threshold model for Survival ( GUTS ). These models can be applied to a wide range of species (in principle: all), and an enormous range of fundamental and applied research questions. More information on the type of…species principle, principle enormousecology, modelling, fundamental, observe, assessment1
ecopanels.nlNatural infrared heating uses the same principle as the sun. Instead of heating the air which surrounds us - such as conventional heating systems which do - Ecopanels radiates through the air. Directly on humans, animals, walls and…heating principle, principle sunpanel, mirror, infrared, round, thermostat1
netants.nlAt netants, our journey is driven by a simple yet profound principle: our success is intrinsically tied to yours. We are not just another software solutions provider; we are your dedicated partner on the path to achievement.profound principle, principle successdedicated, colony, skilled, transformative, strategist1
shetu.nlWe like to develop our solutions following the Agile methodology, because it coincides perfectly with our vision; our principle of direct communication; high-involvement work teams, where the customer / user forms an essential part…vision principle, principle directinnovative, cause, continuously, documentation, bridge1
knausclub.nlADF members are able to lease a vehicle by using a percentage of their pre-tax income from the Salary Sacrifice Car Program. This program operates on a clear principle. By allowing the member’s lease payments to be deducted from their…clear principle, principle memberpayment, benefit, vehicle, pre, sacrifice1
onze-gevel.nl…meets all modern standards of energy efficiency. As well as offering proven HUECK quality, it naturally also adheres to our principle of cross-series component sharing and ensures consistently straightforward processing and assembly.naturally principle, principle crossgerman, french, italian, czech1
brightsignnetwork.nlAll legal issues arising from or related to the use of the Services, the Firmware and these Terms will be construed in accordance with the laws of the USA without regard to conflicts of law principles.limitation, law, liability, supplier, fee1
grue.nlEven when in a tighter spot — a deadline, a problem on production, let’s say — these principles remain. More often you’ll get more stuck rushing through. Or make the situation worse. You get the idea.production principle, principle sticksmile, corner, breath, theory, french1
martlubbers.nlP. Koopman, and M. Lubbers, “Strongly-Typed Multi-View Stack-Based Computations,” in Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, in PPDP ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for…symposium principle, principle practiceprogramming, task, oriented, till, thesis1
stopgatekeeping.nl…this site . After a personal story from a transgender individual we will look at the results of an earlier initiative (FreePATHH) and some investigations (the Transvisie report, the report by Principle 17 and the report from Trans United).report principle, principle reportpsychologist, determination, healthcare, hormone, role1
vanhattem.nlSince 1948 DELMAG produces and develops Diesel pile hammers on the principle of impact atomization. In addition to this DELMAG produces drilling machines, vibrators and a various range of other products for the pilingindustry.hammer principle, principle impacttrading, belgium, luxembourg, pile, machinery1
lissdata.nlAll data collected in the LISS panel are made available to the research community through the LISS Data Archive using a ‘privacy-by-design’ approach and in accordance with the FAIR principles.liss, panel, archive, report, breach1
smartdronesolutions.nllimit to the commercial use of drones based on a number of rules & conditions in order to ensure safety. The basic principle of our organization is that we operate safe, secure and Legally. Essential topics related to Projects & Solutions…basic principle, principle organizationaircraft, description, sky, legally, secure1
cbli.nlThis module is structured to provides practical leadership principle, strategies, and structures for success.leadership principle, principle strategyleadership, institute, bible, purpose1
liseconsultancy.nlIt is by adopting principles such as openness, commitment, respect and support that interpersonal relations can become an added value. By doing this, your organisation will become empowered and your programme a thriving success.youth, participant, publication, position, programme1
forest-avenue.nl…their return on investment and prioritize investments on actual business value. We achieve our goal by sound business analysis, strong presentation & communication skills on senior management and C-level, based on lean & agile principles.forest, investment, decision, organizational, region1
reingroot.nlFormalized product roadmap, coached 5-person team on agile principles, and promoted value-based prioritization among stakeholders.agile principle, principle valueownership, growth, prioritization, stakeholder, centric1
verhoeven-zagerij.nlFSC® is an independent, not-for-profit organization, which assesses the work of forest managers worldwide. According to FSC®, good forest management means meeting the highest social, environmental and economic requirements. The principles…requirements principle, principle generalwood, forest, mainly, stewardship, council1
n-ableconsultancy.nlKubernetes (K8s) and Docker are rapidly becoming the de-facto standard for the use of scalable and containerized applications. Our hands-on training courses deal with the principles needed to understand Kubernetes, to be up-to-speed…course principle, principle kuberneteskubernetes, docker, native, devops, advanced1
lolathegreenaardvark.nlThe products are seasonal and are purchased on the local market as much as possible. Special attention is paid to the zero waste principle and trying to be Co2 neutral as much as possible.waste principle, principle neutralmagical, neighbourhood, cafe, terrace, feel1
scanwood.nlWe endorse the principles for sustainable forest management and are therefore FSC® and PEFC™ certified. In addition, we work entirely according to EUTR guidelines and, as a member of the Dutch Association of Timber Agents (NATA), we are a…wood, oak, timber, scandinavia, forest1
thousandoaks.nlGiven that our current economic system is mostly based on unsustainable levels of natural resource extraction, doing the right thing by our planet sometimes requires making tough choices. Still, when business principles are firmly…business principle, principle firmlyoak, thousand, resource, biodiversity, planet1
wingchunkuen.nlThese exercises teach the practitioner to combine and apply the Wing Chun principles and techniques. Another major part of the Wing Chun training is the exercise of sticking hands (Chisao). This develops your ability to feel and react…chun principle, principle techniquewing, dance, introduction, demonstration, instructor1
roosvandermeijden.nlLike many other realist painters, I am influenced by classical painting. If you look a little longer, however, you will see that my paintings are also influenced by modern times and materials. Using oil and acrylic paints, I like to…paint principle, principle oldder, interior, cityscape, painting, painter1
humanrightsatwork.nlIn-depth knowledge and understanding of CSR, human rights guidelines, frameworks or regulations for companies, including the draft CSDDD, the UN Guiding Principles for business and human rights and the OECD guidelines, and other national…guide principle, principle businessassessment, chain, csr, supply, asia1
bfc.nlBFC supports a RaaS business principle (Regulatory as a Service) acting as specialist provider to address your regulatory compliance needs in the ever growing complex field of pharmaceutical regulations from molecule to commercialization.business principle, principle regulatoryaffairs, regulatory, healthcare, pharmaceutical, introduction1
aspic.nlIHomer is a small Dutch Software Engineering company which was founded in August of 2008. Its main principles are: individuality of its employees, mutual trust between its customers and its employees, transparency of the development…main principle, principle individuality, force principle, principle ihomerconference, awareness, phd, collaboration, conversation1
chocstudio.nlBecause standard solutions are not always available, being able to provide custom solutions is one of Choc Studio's principles.interior, furnish, mansion, regularly, section1
schildereninportugal.nlIf you live in the area of Mendeira, Cernache do Bonjardim (Sertã), you are welcome at one of our art course. These courses include five weeks of one three hours lesson per week. In this course you will learn the principles of drawing and…course principle, principle drawlesson, registration, atmosphere, draw, aim1
balkanmuziek.nl…developments and best practices. From mastering the installation of smart plumbing systems to understanding the principles of sustainable plumbing design, continuous education equips plumbers with the knowledge and skills needed to…system principle, principle sustainableplumbing, efficiency, sustainability, appliance, renewable1
villa-sonnata.nlIn principle, the check in is Saturday 4 pm, check out Saturday 10 am, unless stated otherwise.carinthia, holiday, skiing, slide, austria1
oncodeaccelerator.nl…benefit of our innovative approach is essential. We will do this through the execution of Demonstrator projects: preclinical development projects for promising targets. Demonstrator projects serve as ‘proof of principle’ for our approach.proof principle, principle approachaccelerator, oncode, therapy, cancer, patient1
sined.nlAAMS is programmed for many years and the focus of AAMS Analyzer is deep spectrum measurements as only a computer can do and dynamic insight by being more precise and finds the settings by applying a set of mastering rules and known audio…audio principle, principle curveaam, reference, file, manual, target1
agilect.nlGood training is the basis of Agile. A clear understanding of Agile principles and Agile ways-of-working (eg Scrum or Kanban) is a first, really important step. AgileCT training courses focus on team level, management and scaled Agile…agile principle, principle agiletransformation, staff, leader, chamber, commerce1
thehyve.nl"The Hyve is one of Europe’s leading technology IT services providers who have established an international reputation within the biomedical informatics domain, from open standards such as OHDSI to working with FAIR principles. With their…fair principle, principle passionatecareer, cancer, target, biomedical, consulting1
daanakkerman.nl…thrown back on their own resources. It might seem primitive to many, however, but man will return to the ancient principles of survival and from there build a better earth with better opportunities. All that which man is accustomed to at…ancient principle, principle survivalearth, calendar, fact, session, mankind1
mvandenoever.nl…in 1791. Over the centuries, the nursery grew steadily. Enthusiasm, craftsmanship and adherence to reliability, quality and service are the foundation upon which all generations of growers build. These principles still stand tall today.grower principle, principle talltree, shrub, growth, assortment, ornamental1
astrafundgroup.nlour vision of how the company should function and develop. We see the customers as our main capital and our main investment target. That has been our motto for the past 25 years and we plan to stay on these principles for the years to come.year principle, principle yearfund, trade, logistics, scientific, consulting1
werkenbijfullwoodjoz.nlUnderstanding of security principles and best practices in web application development.security principle, principle goodstack, role, azure, farmer, interactive1
lindeconsult.nl…solution approach to the requirements of the customer. In addition, we guarantee that the recommended solutions are feasible and that projects are carried out efficiently and professionally according to sound project management principles.processing, strategic, competitive, report, secondary1
sunshinetradingint.nl…range of products including beddings, kitchen supplies, food supplements, and toys. By extending our expertise and sustainability principles to these sectors, we continue to innovate and lead the industry towards a more sustainable future.sustainability principle, principle sectortrading, slide, sunshine, textile, supply1
hmhcoaching.nlWithin HMH Coaching & Instruction I focus on a wide range within the equestrian sport; from beginners to successful horse trainers who want to (continue to) develop. As far as I'm concerned, the four-eyes principle works in every…eye principle, principle industryhorse, instruction, rider, equestrian, successful1
ifg.nlInvesteringsfonds Groningen (Groningen Investment Fund, IFG) invests in investment funds that invest their capital in small and medium-sized businesses in the province of Groningen. Based on this Fund-in-Fund principle, two types of…fund principle, principle typefund, entrepreneur, investor, capital, province1
lloydrobinson.nlHolistic massage therapy works from the principle that your physical feelings and sensations are an important source of information. All these signals that you are constantly receiving from your body are telling you where attention is…therapy principle, principle physicalholistic, therapy, pain, tension, treatment1
vtec-ls.nlOne-stop-shop: from proof-of-principle up to mass production, the entire application is in competent hands with VTEC. VTEC has its own production facility in Shanghai. Go to solutionsproof principle, principle massphotonic, collaboration, tailormade, participation, exhibition1
gbeckers.nlMy aim is to contribute to generating new insights for those interested in biological principles, and, potentially, for those building artificial devices, and fighting disease.biological principle, principle potentiallydescription, cognitive, comparative, interested, bird1
mariaburgerskraamzorg.nlIn principle, you will not get a change of maternity assistent during the entire maternity period of 8 to a maximum of 10 days and that is unique!maternity, independent, nurse, period, reference1
chaletsluganomeer.nlChildren bedroom : Bunk beds and extra bed . In principle, the chalets are equipped for four (Rotterdam 1) to five (Rotterdam 3) guests.bed principle, principle chaletlake, swimming, chair, table, bedroom1
dezeo.nlAs a child my parents always encouraged me to realise dreams, small or big. They said when you put your mind to it, you can achieve it. I still live by these principles and it helped me realise many dreams.mind principle, principle dreamdive, transformation, instructor, scuba, career1
taize-emmen.nlOn this website you can find a lot of information about the trips. Collected and arranged by the Taizé Emmen Working Group. In principle, this working group is involved in the trips to France, but via this site they also want to inform…group principle, principle groupfrance, easter, interest, annual, anymore1
airforce21.nlPlease note that GROUPLESSONS are in principle in Dutch, unless the first two students are english speaking. This will be clearly indicated in the booking agenda.grouplessons principle, principle dutchsail, lesson, voor, commitment, rule1
suppeninleiden.nlAt SUPpen in Leiden we teach stand up paddle boarding according to the instruction principles of the Water Skills Academy (WSA), complemented by our personal experiences in Leiden. The WSA is an English based SUP association. WSA offers…instruction principle, principle waterwednesday, friday, boarding, instruction, wat1
delta10.nl…ask questions directly to our experts. This enables us to implement customer wishes and product innovations with very short lead times. User-friendliness, design and security of systems and information are our core development principles.municipality, common, ground, infrastructure, resident1
secumedia.nl…and even press releases. SecuMedia keeps your website up-to-date together with you, but can also create and maintain new websites, newsletters and channels on social media. For all activities quality and total care are the principles.powerful, demand, supply, release, channel1
vo-raad.nl…student organisations. VO-raad cooperates in the international community in ICP (International Confederation of Principles), ESHA (European School Heads Association), and EFEE (European Federation of Education Employers) and national…confederation principle, principle eshasummary, mijn, society, leader, ministry1
broad-view.nlcases : multi-problem analysis in home care and palliative care, in highly complex cases in disability care, complex family problems and youth care. Specific analyzes in cases involving ‘confused people on the street’. This is based on…street principle, principle positivedynamic, broad, click, analysis, decision1
monadcompany.nlOur unique approach is rooted in the principles of evolutionary psychology, specifically the hunter-gatherer mindset. We help you recognizing these instinctive patterns and transforming them into effective behaviors for the modern world.approach principle, principle evolutionarycareer, evolutionary, growth, gatherer, awareness1
movingcompanydenhaag.nl…on a daily basis, especially for English-speaking persons and companies in the region of The Hague. Our basic principles are quality and efficiency at an affordable rate. All professional tools needed for a move are available. In…basic principle, principle qualityaffordable, hague, reliable, insure, relocation1
soulibri.nl‘The body is a living battery that requires constant recharging. This is done through different means, especially through the transference of life energy . This is the principle behind Pranic Healing. The body is capable of healing itself…energy principle, principle pranicmeditation, session, treatment, exercise, peace1
arpeg.nlwith them, bases and working with coördinates, inner products and wedge products. In order get an idea of how this principle works, you should know that the wedge product is defined as the scalar multiple of the unit vector that form a…idea principle, principle wedgepublication, chapter, interactive, july, linear1
chipperformance.nlThe principle of EGR is that a certain amount of exhaust gas from the engine is returned to the combustion chamber through the intake manifold. The exhaust gas mixes with the incoming air, reducing the oxygen content in the combustion…exhaust, speed, engine, profit, particulate1
twogather.nlWe have an extensive toolbox filled with innovative tools like lean startup, lean, agile, train the trainer principles, design thinking, neuromarketing, psychology, neuroscience, storytelling and story doing experts, and our own designed…trainer principle, principle designemotion, behavior, involvement, ambition, colleague1
moosoolwon.nlOne who has integrity is able to define what is right or wrong and have the conscience, if wrong, to feel guilt. Taekwon-Do students should strive to be honest and to live by moral principles.taekwon, korean, grandmaster, kid, dear1
verstappenpackaging.nlWe want to achieve our ambition – ‘Empowering a wasteless world’ – by creating plastic packaging from recycled materials. Our packaging is made from used soft-drink bottles and can be fully recycled again after use. We apply circular…economy principle, principle dailypackaging, economy, circular, advanced, vacancy1
gmed.nlIn this proof of principle analysis, logistic regression models to predict type 2 diabetes prevalence and incidence, using questionnaire-only variables reflecting health state and lifestyle, were trained on the White population of the UK…proof principle, principle analysislecture, tumblr, endocrine, population, risk1
ozonworld.nlOzone operates according to the principle of oxidation. When the statically charged Ozone molecule comes into contact with something "oxidizer" the voltage from the Ozone Molecule will flow to it. This is because ozone is unstable and…ozone principle, principle oxidationozone, bacteria, wat, molecule, chemical1
towell.nlOnce one masters the basic principles of a classic aufguss, one can focus on the show-aufguss.basic principle, principle classictechnique, wave, cooperation, advanced, heat1
imunro.nlI write scalable and high performance Software. I keep up with the latest developments (programming languages and best practices) and my best principles built out of years of expierence of building scalable software systems.good principle, principle yearswift, native, programming, internship, scalable1
dutchboostinggroup.nlWe want to contribute to valuable, future-proof solutions for people and the environment. As System Thinkers of the living environment, we provide guidance and advice in complex projects according to the principles of systems thinking and…project principle, principle systemstakeholder, infrastructure, urban, transition, sustainability1
reclamecode.nl…in the country of origin of the media in which the advertisement appears. Following the ‘country of origin’ principle, an advertisement must comply with the rules of the country where the media that published it is based. There are…origin principle, principle advertisement, exception principle, principle caseadvertising, advertiser, regulation, compliance, regulatory1
onk.nlMeanwhile, Enterprise & Art has been around for 35 years. Over the past 20 years, our agency has continued to carry out very diverse projects and collaborated with various clients and artists. Our guiding principle is still to generate…artist principle, principle enthusiasmenterprise, exhibition, publication, catalog, paper1
agileconsortium.nlprofound understanding of agility by applying agile principles and practices and helping others do theagile principle, principle practicebelgium, certification, resource, conference, france1
jelledevries.nlJelle has been steering a clear course since 1971. Down-to-earth and guided by our firm principles, to inform, monitor and deliver, we act as an intermediary between the food industry and the compound feed industry. Starting in the role…firm principle, principle intermediaryraw, sugar, livestock, supplier, potato1
basyc.nlarguably is the most fundamental approach towards elucidating the cell’s intricate working and basic life-defining principles. Truly understanding cellular life will bring huge intellectual, scientific, and technological rewards. At the…life principle, principle trulystaff, cell, scientific, synthetic, introduction1
mhv-oms.nlMart Huis in ’t Veld - Organisation and Management Support (OMS) gives support to organisations and teams in becoming highly effective. My approach has two principles:inspiration, background, tailor, effective, highly1
berkhoutrestauratie.nlIn principle all that is made of wood can be repaired. When a restoring connection has been successfully made and is glued together in the right way, the restored object can have its life span prolonged with years. This goes for every…furniture, restoration, veneer, polish, indication1
biocore.nlWe work exclusively with organic products, contributing to a sustainable society for present and future generations. Working organically according to the principles of IFOAM: healthy, ecological, fair and responsible.organically principle, principle ifoamorganic, sustainability, chain, supply, certificate1
fairmatchsupport.nlThe cautious process to data driven change (2): data autonomy as the guiding principlechain, supply, agricultural, independent, venture1
semantic-treehouse.nlIn the jungle of data sharing initiatives and solutions, Semantic Treehouse supports the transition from hierarchical message models towards ontologies, based on Linked Data principles and the Semantic Web. For TNO this area of expertise…data principle, principle semanticsemantic, treehouse, api, documentation, standardization1
permanentbeta.nlThe success of Permanent Beta has not gone unnoticed. Various players are connecting to the concept and the organisation stays true to its principles: there is no place for money in Permanent Beta. Should you allow for money to play any…true principle, principle placecatalyst, lab, force, movement, bridge1
alexkirichek.nlThis research will develop knowledge for designing circular strategies in ports. Furthermore it will collect evidence to what extent current strategies comply with circularity principles. The developed framework will be serving as a…circularity principle, principle frameworkport, mud, fluid, dredging, sediment1
marcraft.nlSince the year 2000, Tomasco has been a customer-friendly, flexible company where in principle almost anything is possible when it comes to producing your dream boat. A boat that really lives up to your expectations in the place for which…company principle, principle possibleboat, pike, river, lake, carp1
vitaliteit360.nl…in terms of mental relaxation, resilience and energy. After my graduation I developed an unique stress management training. The exercises are based on key principles of various arts of movement and mindfulness and easy to follow."key principle, principle artvitality, programme, energize, movement, successful1
delianen.nl…you can contact me. Treatments take place at my practice in The Hague, by telephone or e-health consultation. Based on the principles of Integrative Medicine , I work together with other disciplines where appropriate or necessary.consultation principle, principle integrativephysical, interaction, complaint, greatly, psychological1
1815fieldarmy.nlWe sell our publications by the print-on-demand principle through the high-quality standards and worldwide secure delivery services of Lulu .We offer sharp prices for each volume, in either a full colour or b/w illustrated edition, for…demand principle, principle highcampaign, army, contribution, belgian, author1
estellasnellen.nlIt is clear that slot machines have many complicated features for most players. Many of them understand absolutely nothing about RTPs, votality and other features. However, knowledge of the principles of a slot machine's operation makes…knowledge principle, principle slotplayer, rate, payout, win, opinion1
bartelsvedder.nlDesign principles and unique design wishes sometimes require “out-of-the-box” solutions. When traditional products don’t provide the necessary outcome or solution, we engineer and design, together with you, new products that can do the…design principle, principle uniquebuilding, structure, float, island, worldwide1
marjonschaatsbergen.nlDuring my career, I specialized in the principle of intestinal cleansing and have been working for a long time as a Colon Hydro Therapist. In addition, I used Bio-Resonance equipment to measure what certain cures made did to my patients’…career principle, principle intestinaltherapist, colon, regularly, lecture, intestinal1
volvo340onderdelen.nlSo pay attention to your purchase. If the mention NEW is not mentioned, you can always assume that it is a well-used and tested part! Furthermore, in principle everything speaks for itself.brake, lighting, engine, add, fuel1
elinevanveenendaal.nlInvesting in yourself is one of the best investments you will make. When you understand the principles behind frequency, you are able to take charge of your business and life.investment principle, principle frequencyedge, motivate, technique, highly, usage1
deridderlab.nl…machine learning models that can exploit existing biological knowledge, such as network- and pathway-based classifiers. In all these varied endeavors, translating from fundamental research to actual patient benefit is a guiding principle.lab, phd, der, publication, vacancy1
visiepartners.nlThe Demand Driven Leader (DDL) course teaches you how you can use the Demand Driven Operating Model, and how you can apply it's principles when you…supply, chain, partners, overview1
fountainheadint.nlWe at FOUNTAINHEAD thrive on the principles of innovation, integrity and optimistic approach. Nothing is impossible for us as we are growth driven event organizing company. We believe in designing the conferences that help people work…fountainhead principle, principle innovationexhibition, fabrication, builder, int, pavilion1
newsabout.nlIs it aligned with the Holy Scripture? Is what they are doing in obedience to scriptural principles? That’s very important, because God blesses what is in line with His Word.scriptural principle, principle importantministry, money, report, rule, jesus1
acquival.nlIt is is core core to to the the principles principles of of the the AcquiVal AcquiVal Group Group to to manage manage ESG ESG (Environmental, (Environmental, Social Social & & Governance) Governance) effectively. effectively. This This…core principle, principle acquivalacquisition, transformation, creation, enterprise, africa1
steffennijhuis.nlInterview in Chinese journal Landscape Architecture 风景园林, with backgrounds and principles of The Delft Approach to Urbanism, illustrated with applications of this method by projectsbackground principle, principle delftlandscape, urban, lecture, architecture, urbanism1
anivado.nlThis course is aimed at an international audience which already has a good basic understanding of equine nutrition and feeding science, the principles of equine digestive physiology, digestion, feedstuffs, nutrient analysis and feeding…science principle, principle equinenutrition, physiology, horse, apply, crib1
itawaru.nlShiatsu is a Japanese massage therapy based on the Traditional Chinese Medecine principles. It considers that body and mind are working together keeping each other in balance. The power behind this collaboration is named Ki or vital…medecine principle, principle bodywat, treatment, therapy, france, alternative1
gbraad.nlHe is a multi-disciplinary with excellent technical skills in a wide-range of principles; from software delivery, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Deployment, to testing and performance tuning. An active consultant for…range principle, principle softwareopenstack, atomic, docker, visual, resume1
desaconstruction.nlDesa Construction NL B.V. aims to render services in the highest level and provide the most developed products for its customers and is aware of the fact that quality, environment, health and safety issues are fundamental business…business principle, principle integralunited, certification, embassy, vertical, belgium1
zinx.nlAll furniture is manufactured in the Netherlands by traditional craftsmen. Social sustainability and honest materials are our principles. Local production is essential for short delivery times and optimal quality control.material principle, principle localtable, furniture, affordable, pure, luxury1
joostgrootens.nlIt feels contradictory, but to achieve critical distance one has to be close to the subject and the subjects. Especially since we work in an international environment, we have learned that locality and physicality – next to the universal…universal principle, principle designpublisher, lecture, visual, graphic, architecture1
vladimir-amsterdam.nlExperience a truly unique approach to discover how to train, fight, recover and live in a way that promotes health, strength and freedom. These principles transcend martial arts and enrich your well-being in sports, work and everyday life.freedom principle, principle martialpayment, fight, registration, heal, participant1
bramvanvugt.nlDuring my time at Avans University of Applied Sciences, I specialized in Communication and Multimedia Design with a focus on user-centric principles. I honed my skills in user research, crafting tailored virtual reality experiences…centric principle, principle skillsproducer, animation, apply, understand, successfully1
bkb.nlSocial organizations, businesses, NGOs and government organizations are also facing these challenges, and are in need of an engaging story, message or concept that functions as the guiding principle of the campaign. A story or concept…concept principle, principle campaigncampaign, loud, government, political, target1
sweetpoint.nlIn this role, the organization is committed to take social responsibility in doing business. To respectfully operate within the environment, still based on the principles of sustainability, is a high priority for Sweetpoint.environment principle, principle sustainabilitypepper, cultivation, growth, durable, geothermal1
bs-foundation.nlSome principled journalists with an independent outlook like Jeremy Bowen of the BBC and a Canadian of Kurdish origin and many other internationally respected publications emphasised these truths long before things reached this stage They…kurdish, turkish, turkey, kurdistan, american1
mado-conserven.nlMattheeussens-Wido B.V. wants to produce products that are characterized by the basic principles of the concepts of quality assurance and control of food safety.basic principle, principle conceptbeetroot, cabbage, certificate, caper, packaging1
anlawfirm.nlWe have been in the business for years and have remained the market leader all that time. It is a matter of principle for us that we share our experience.matter principle, principle experiencelaw, firm, immigration, colleague, residence1
cmdmethods.nlWhen you develop a new product or service, the concept summarizes 'the big idea' or 'the main principle' on which your solution will be based. For example, most traditional churches have a floor plan based on a cross so God can recognize…main principle, principle solutioninspiration, overview, certainty, combination, pack1
maaikejetten.nl…ADHD. This combination means that I am easily distracted by either cluttered information or bad graphic design principles and can completely lose focus on what I was trying to accomplish. Serious games should be accessible for everyone,design principle, principle completelyfinal, educational, identity, visual, narrative1
gamblersanonymous.nl…in the grip of a progressive illness. Over any considerable period of time we get worse, never better. Therefore, in order to lead normal happy lives, we try to practice to the best of our ability, certain principles in our daily affairs.certain principle, principle dailygambler, anonymous, gambling, compulsive, unity1
karenvintges.nl…systemic and structural power inequalities. I argue that the journal Krisis , in keeping with its original principles, should hang on to critical philosophical reflection, which today is needed more than ever, specifically – pace…original principle, principle criticalpolitical, philosophy, nwo, teach, identity1
renewablegroup.nlWhether it is a business customer or a private customer. We are independent and stand independently in the market. We are reliable, we do what we say, and we say what we do. These are our principles for the way we work, how we treat our…reliable principle, principle way, society principle, principle geographicalrenewable, investor, independent, estate, domain1
yogaden.nlOver the years, I’ve come to believe that universal principles underlie all systems and that integration, as opposed to compartmentalization, enhances quality of life. - Anandauniversal principle, principle systemteacher, pricing, schedule, rocket, membership1
bruijnzeels.nl…100 talents (a new concept for the children's library of the future) and The Architecture of Knowledge, in which principles for future library architecture are explored and the LibrarySchool, a new training course, aimed at educating the…knowledge principle, principle futurelibrary, sense, rogue, architecture, society1
theeta.nlWe are reliable on principle and maintain honest, long-term and mutually beneficial commercial relationships with customers and suppliers. Their trust honors us!reliable principle, principle honestdistribution, appliance, greece, disinfectant, wine1
helmuthvangalen.nlA theme in my paintings is never short. Here I keep myself strictly to a number of principles. Each painting I start - within the prescribed restrictions- as free as possible.number principle, principle paintingoutside, inside, present, inn, painting1
weganet.nlIn principle all activities in the sphere of mechanical engineering, small projects as well as large ones. Our area of operation includes, among other things, light and heavy machinery, moulds, stamps and auxiliary tools, but also…mechanical, draw, stamp, positioning, sheet1
corhermans.nl…to reviews, interviews and public activities. The ‘News’ blog features a variety of comments, questioning the obvious, highlighting the wonderful, and adding principles to the chaotic. The ‘Inspiration’ blog consists of four themes.wonderful principle, principle chaoticwriter, publication, historian, chapter, inspiration1
bartroodenburg.nl…and several suppliers of WPT technologies is challenging. The here introduced magnetic structure is able to transfer power and data simultaneously. Both based on the principle of magnetic coupling. >> Read more? See the link below. <<simultaneously principle, principle magneticbiography, thesis, actual, publication, summary1
databloq.nlThat’s how easy it is! The main purpose of these steps is to understand the basic principles of Tensorflow. After a few lines of codes we are now able to predict handwritten digits.basic principle, principle tensorflowpython, tensorflow, prediction, jouw, library1
qbio-symposium.nlThe brain’s computing principles (neurons connected by synapses) and information carriers (ions in water) both differ fundamentally from those of conventional computers. Remarkably, this allows the brain to be orders of magnitude more…computing principle, principle neuronfusion, brain, schedule, talk, metabolic1
pracsens.nlNature hands us our principles of good leadership. Therefor we do things slightly different. This site explains a bit more about the how and why of this. A small excerpt of the available background insights can be found in the…nature principle, principle goodleadership, practical, sensible, initiative, involve1
stillness.nlOsteopaths hold to the common sense principle that a patient’s history of illnesses and physical traumas are written into the body’s structure. It is the Osteopath’s highly developed sense of touch that allows the physician to palpate…sense principle, principle patientstillness, osteopathy, osteopath, illness, tissue1
aki-acupunctuur.nlIn principle, acupuncture does not hurt. However, inserting the needle can sometimes be a little painful for a moment or give a kind of small shock. This goes away almost immediately and is harmless.acupuncture, hague, balance, pain, treatment1
traumasensitiveyoga-amstelland.nl“ Yoga therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes, personalised assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management and yoga…application principle, principle practicesensitive, therapy, relationship, movement, participant1
billinghouse.nlWe based our platform on the single-responsibility-principle . This means every component can be extended with a custom module and replaced if something better comes along. No inflexible time-consuming projects. You choose the components…responsibility principle, principle component, component principle, principle honestybilling, usual, vacancy, domain, vendor1
deaddarlings.nlAt this moment our collective has a core of four principle members: Tania Theodorou, Lina Ozerkina, Hanna Mattes and Jessie Yingying Gong.core principle, principle memberdead, darling, artwork, auction, collector1
krautworking.nlLikeable coach with own experiences. In principle simple methods, that just have to be put to practice. – Andreas from Hagenexperience principle, principle simplecareer, humour, german, appointment, interest1
etelecom-trading.nlThe mission statement includes a set of principles ― it ensures the best consumer service possible. We reach this goal due to the professional competence and strong responsibility to customers, broadening the horizons of quality and…set principle, principle goodtrading, telecommunication, cisco, electric, advantage1
stichtingdhf.nlIt is based upon the principles of the universal declaration of human rights and strives for the empowering disadvantaged families and women living in the Bhutanese refugee camps (the birth place of most of our children and a place where…himalayan, consent, refugee, profit, imprint1
tailtales.nlWith Tail Tales you’ll meet your four-legged buddy straight from the breeder, knowing the origin of the puppy, with a guarantee and with the certainty that your puppy comes from an ethical breeder that follows the relevant veterinary and…dog, tail, breeder, poodle, king1
martijnwillemsen.nlMartijn Willemsen is associate professor in the Human-Technology Interaction group at the school of Innovation Sciences at the Eindhoven University of Technology and also works as the principle investigator of the Recommender LAB at the…technology principle, principle investigatorlab, recommender, publication, decision, interaction1
bureautromp.nlIt is not mandatory to obtain a Yellow Belt before taking the Green Belt training. The Green Belt is intended for employees who will independently lead a Lean project in an organization. In this 5-day training, all Lean principles and…lean principle, principle instrumentyellow, orange, purple, certification, practical1
reflex-praktijk.nlYes, in principle reflexology can be helpfull for everybody. Even baby's, small children and elderly people.yes principle, principle reflexologytreatment, reflexology, foot, complaint, reaction1
anhtran.nlStatistics is the science of turning data into insights and ultimately decisions. Behind recent advances in machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence are fundamental statistical principles. The purpose of this class is to…statistical principle, principle purposeanalysis, scientist, responsibility, accomplishment, deployment1
deltaclimatecenter.nl…sector to the processing industry, catering and retail and the consumer goods industry. Circularity is a key principle here: when using water, energy and nutrients. Through mitigating measures and attention to biodiversity, for…key principle, principle waterclimate, pressure, million, rise, degradation1
frankwise.nlThis quote of the Indian yogi Sadhguru and the header are important guiding principles in my work and my life.important principle, principle workcreation, portrait, entrepreneur, potential, balance1
happykids.nlThe main items in our policy are based around the principles of prof. Marianne Riksen-Walraven: emotional security for each child, teaching children norms and values, stimulating the development of cognitive skills and stimulating the…policy principle, principle profparent, impression, facility, accomodation, atmosphere1
studio-dynamic.nl3. Foundation Course: dive into the method and learn principles and skills needed to teach.method principle, principle skillsgyrotonic, specialize, pre, apprentice, teach1
furniture4rent.nlIn principle all packages are brand new and delivered directly from the factory. The prices on our website are based upon new items. However, sometimes we get a package back. These packages are checked and cleaned. These returned packages…furniture, package, rental, expat, rent1
storystarter.nlStoryStarter is built on the principle that telling the right story is crucial, whichever product you want to launch. A good story grabs the attention and stands out. A good story captivates and is shared across media. A good story…storystarter principle, principle rightbespoke, kan, citizen, moët, chandon1
joepweijers.nl…testing, software engineering, embedded systems and algorithms. To become even more knowledgeable at these topics, I chose the specialization minor, which added subjects like distributed systems and principles of programming languages.system principle, principle programmingjenkins, ignite, trick, youth, road1
gzvankuilenburg.nlI am also working with life-style related problems and training programs, such as stress management, activity and excercise scheduling, running therapy and yoga exercise or sensori-motor psychotherapy principles. Since I adhere to a…psychotherapy principle, principle holistictreatment, therapy, psychotherapy, mental, session1
papierfabriekdoetinchem.nlA market-driven organisation, short communication lines and a customer-focused approach are our main principles.paper, industrial, packaging, sustainability, grade1
nn8.nlNew publication: Revocable Privacy: Principles, Use Cases, and Technologies [ 2015-10-07 ]privacy principle, principle usepublication, channel, mqtt, covert, implementation1
thebrandfather.nl…as they always know how to get a smile on your face with a creative and well thought out idea. More importantly, they know how to link a creative idea to brand strategy and how to incorporate scientifically proven principles of marketing.scientifically principle, principle marketingfather, partnership, specialise, season, favourite1
wvanderzwan.nl…A logical consequence of this sustainability policy is the certification of fisheries according to the MSC principles. Moreover, our fish is characterized by a high Omega-3 content, a relatively very low CO-2 footprint and a low…msc principle, principle fishfish, sustainability, healthy, der, protein1
hgroefsema.nl18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2014),conference principle, principle distributeconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability1
g2o.nl…you that it’s better not to do anything. In other cases, wholesale change is called for. At all times, the basic principle remains that the brand must reflect who you are. Because when you stay true to yourself, special things happen…basic principle, principle brandbuilder, employee, inspiration, true, identity1
cbknh.nlCBK Noord-Holland is an initiative of the province of North-Holland according to one of the main principles of the BKV policy as outlined in the new provincial cultural memorandum 'Culture Unites' (2005-2008). With this new department the…main principle, principle bkvnorth, province, visual, department, exhibition1
chinamedic.nlDuring your first consultation, the acupuncturist will make a statement. In principle, you can do acupuncture every day. Depending on your complaints, the most applicable frequency is once or twice a week. In severe pain, the frequency is…statement principle, principle acupunctureacupuncture, pain, treatment, complaint, abdominal1
mmox.nlLike no other, they specialise in insuring independent entrepreneurs in professional services. You notice this through our fast and always correct claims handling. But especially through the service, which is entirely based on one…entirely principle, principle problemrisk, damage, threat, protection, insurance1
blecourtdesignmanagement.nl…and keeping an eye on the bigger picture to achieve total harmony. This mirrors my conviction that the core principles that form the essence of partnership and co-creation are reflected in the fusion of authenticity, passion and…core principle, principle essencecultural, edit, port, prize, identity1
grahamhulsebos.nlEssential Sales Skills: Our trainings cover crucial topics such as the 6 guiding principles of sales, the 10 basic rules of selling, advisory selling in 5 steps, and 8 proven sales techniques.topic principle, principle saleclassroom, telephone, acquisition, staff, reference1
hypotheekgarantiebonaire.nlThe exercise of your rights commences in principle with the right of inspection. You may submit a request for this to us, enclosing a copy of your identity document. Because we may not process any national identification numbers, we ask…right principle, principle rightmortgage, cancellation, debt, residual1
eioannou.nlEMBench++ is a principled system for the evaluation of entity matching techniques. It offers a unique test case generation approach that combines different levels of types, complexity and scales, allowing a complete and accurate…entity, conference, proceedings, semantic, mining1
ecobin.nlEcobin stays true to these principles, so an Ecobin product will be the most economical choice for you from all perspectives. As well as economically also aesthetically, ecologically and ergonomically.true principle, principle ecobinlitter, steel, stainless, attractive, residence1
veter-consultancy.nlIn governance I support you in arranging the mechanisms, processes and relations to run your company. I analyze the governance structures and principles to steer all the stakeholders.structure principle, principle stakeholdergrowth, situation, decision, advisor, structure1
vvvsmachine.nlBased on our wide knowledge of different packaging technologies and our extensive network of specialist suppliers, we are perfectly capable to translate your packaging needs and ideas into effective packaging solutions that match your…bag, packaging, dosing, consumer, fill1
calquevertalingen.nl…to her smooth simultaneous interpretation and excellent knowledge of legal concepts, including the underlying principles, the additional support from the interpreter adds hardly any time and ensures that the client is always fully…concept principle, principle additionaltranslation, interpret, notary, civil, law1
thinkcloud.nlOrchestrates and expedites infrastructure and application delivery in line with DevOps principles. Cloud Assembly supports the provision to AWS, Azure and vSphere. And as it supports vSphere, it also can deploy to VMware Cloud on AWS.devops principle, principle cloudinfrastructure, vmware, native, resource, think1
alloptimal.nlAllOptimal, partners and customer form together an active part of the solution to the current environmental issues, having a positive influence in people’s quality of life. This is a strong principle fully implemented in the purposes and…strong principle, principle fullywaste, optimal, progress, balance, mean1
topbobengineering.nlOne of the many resulting graphs generated is presented below. Using the model, it can be shown that in a 50-year period life stock indeed can be controlled by either killing or by the more animal friendly principle of medical intervention.friendly principle, principle medicaldeck, installation, plate, monopile, operation1
ecotrophelia.nl…Europe, the structure which groups together food federations, is also involved in the organization. On the principle of a food innovation “Champions League” each European country organizes its own national competition to select theorganization principle, principle foodcompetition, institution, educational, file, innovative1
pensioenfondspgb.nlPensioenfonds PGB considers it essential that our investments offer a good return but are, at the same time, socially responsible. Consequently, we invest in accordance with the United Nation’s Global Compact Principles.participant, investment, situation, responsible, quarterly1
cplstext.nlQuantum translation of assignments and the distribution of tasks means that we don't have to 'stack' orders. It's about having your cake and eating it! In principle, our translators are available every day of the week - think of the…cake principle, principle translatortranslation, report, translator, speed, conference1
dekleineamsterdammer.nlDe Kleine Amsterdammer offers her services based on the principles of the National Protocol of Indication (in Dutch: Landelijk Indicatie Protocol, LIP). The standard package of maternity care consists of 49 hours spread over the first 8…service principle, principle nationalmaternity, nurse, birth, midwife, supervision1
osteopaatamsterdam.nlOsteopathy is a manual mode of treatment aiming at the correction of Normal body mobility, the principle of osteopathy being that if body tissues are flexible no pains and aches will occur. Loss of mobility can manifest itself in…mobility principle, principle osteopathyosteopathy, osteopath, telephone, appointment, fee1
magrathea-tlc.nlI make use of the philosophical notion of assemblages and rhizome s of Deleuze and Guattari (2004) to capture the nature of the firm. They are behavioral phenomena put in motion by an immanent guiding principle, for instance of a…immanent principle, principle instancefirm, behavior, theory, hypothesis, phenomenon1
repp-engineering.nlR apid process is our first design principle. By using constructive design techniques, we get to the relevant customer requirements.design principle, principle constructiverequirements, supplier, constructive, technique, common1
actilingua.nlIn 2017, she founded the ActiLingua language institute with the desire to design courses based on activating, active and interactive principles.lesson, german, interactive, teach, teacher1
studiehuisreshiet.nl…and the letter coherence between the words lost their typical language meaning and thus became interchangeable in principle. A certain piece of furniture can just as easily be referred to with the word sound ‘chair’ as with ‘table’. The…interchangeable principle, principle certainhebrew, study, biblical, bible, translation1
goeshandling.nlGoes Handling is a family business. We love the dynamics of working with fresh fruit and vegetables. Our roots lie in the transport world. A world where 'no' is never the answer. We’re always flexible. It’s one of our core principles.handle, storage, pack, freshness, vegetable1
houseofruach.nl…care with professional facilities. Every person can restore to what they are meant to be with care and attention. Love and perseverance are important principles in this. House of Ruach needs financial resources to make good care possible.important principle, principle housefacility, treatment, woman, housing, society1
vanballegooijenfoods.nlIn accordance with our commitment to human and labour rights, we maintain a policy dedicated to upholding these principles. Companies, customers, and other stakeholders are welcome to request our human and labour rights policy.policy principle, principle companybutter, sustainability, fat, milk, taste1
mijnpsyche.nlIn Greek and Roman antiquity, the butterfly was the symbol of the soul. In Greek "psyche" (ψυχή) means both soul, mind, spirit, the invisible animating principle which occupies and directs the physical body.invisible principle, principle physicalpsychologist, hague, psychological, italian, spanish1
hielcokuipers.nlReliable developers. It is recommended to play slots from trusted companies that adhere to the principles of security and honesty when creating software. Slots from these developers are based on a random number generator and are…company principle, principle securitymoney, player, etc, popular, gambling1
casamw.nlMost of these golf courses are based on the pay and play principle. Which means that if you have your golf license, you have to pay a fixed amount per round of golf. You don't have to be a member of the golf club involved to play the…course principle, principle golfknob, title, mediterranean, village, walk1
movida.nlMovida supports businesses in all aspects of telecommunications and telematics, and keeps people mobile and visible. Our foundational principles are service, sales, operational excellence, security, privacy and sustainability. We focus…foundational principle, principle serviceuk, fleet, installation, telecommunication, operational1
oomens-ict.nlEverything we build is based on the design principle of Expandable (Open) Architecture. In a fast changing world our solutions will by default be ready for changes, updates and upgrades.design principle, principle expandabletailor, programming, grade, proud, proof1
mvoprestatieladder.nl…from a position of social commitment. This Corporate Social Responsibility certification standard is based on principles as stated in the international sustainability guidelines (ISO 26000), stakeholder management (AA1000) and…standard principle, principle internationalcsr, certification, tangible, stakeholder, requirements1
inclusiecoaching.nlIn principle, the training programme is intended for volunteers aged 18 and over who see themselves as connectors and are looking for instruments and handles to be able to continue having the difficult conversations and to keep the…inclusion, participant, methodology, connection, society1
wistor.nlData in Wistor adhere to principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability. In other words, data is FAIR, we make sure of that. Satisfying FAIR principles means focusing on a computer system’s ability to find…wistor principle, principle findability, fair principle, principle computerdecision, automatically, centric, visible, consistency1
obgfiladelfia.nlIn 1975 I had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, during which I confessed my sins and became born again. Since that time, I have consciously lived my life according to Biblical principles.church, bible, chairman, secretary, treasurer1
thamar.nlFebruary 4 (EPO, The Hague) European Patent Office Photo Club. Design Principles for Photographers.design principle, principle photographeroctober, urban, august, july, january1
kaarsengigant.nl…have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse…matter principle, principle selectiondolore, ipsum, dolor, ut, voluptate1
helioscentrum.nlIf you have booked with us, the prices do not change in principle. However, we do reserve the right to apply a realistic price correction per January 1 of a new year if there is inflation, an increase in the VAT rate or other taxes. This…price principle, principle rightrental, bliss, singer, accommodation, finnish1
svisa.nl…an academic experience, it is also a way towards a deeper, spiritual conscience and development. We stand on the principle that Islam and science do not contradict; they are a holistic entity in which both areas explain the reality…development principle, principle islammuslim, islamic, institution, study, pillar1
wikinoodmaatregelen.nlHowever, keep in mind that a protecting layer is not always the right measure. It makes water trapped in the levee difficult to drain and this measure is contrary to the old flood defence principle that a levee should be the least…defence principle, principle leveemeasure, emergency, failure, flood, erosion1
dkleiden.nlOur team of 4 veterinarians and 7 assistents try their best to provide a good veterinary care, combined with a personal approach. All of this in a well equipted clinic. We work according to the principles of Cat Friendly Practice Silver…clinic principle, principle catveterinarian, veterinary, treatment, appointment, emergency1
maverko.nlWhat do you expect from your contractor? Flexibility, reliability and speed are the obvious answers. And these are precisely the core principles upheld at MaVerko. But, we don’t stop there. This dynamic sector presents you with multiple…core principle, principle maverkomanure, contractor, panel, harvest, solid1
reinigingsdemodagen.nl…Vehicles RAI CarrosserieNL. From the start these members have collectively opted for a private event on the principle ‘FOR the members, BY the members`. This is an important factor in the success of the fair: these 17 members…event principle, principle memberassociation, trade, waste, vehicle, collectively1
moulin-st-yves.nlThe house will be available for rental from 2023 and will be rented per entire week, in principle from Saturday to Saturday. Check availability and prices here.week principle, principle saturdayrate, availability, river, highlight, mile1
maaldrink.nl…personal, social and commercial backgrounds. The attorneys of Maaldrink Vermeulen work with short lines of communication internally and with our clients. In principle, our clients always deal with one and the same person at our firm.client principle, principle clientlaw, attorney, firm, skilled, competitive1
ecc-consultancy.nlAttracting visionary people who have a genuine ability to “deliver the goods” is the guiding principle in almost all our assignments. We believe that our profession can only deliver success when professional expertise is combined with…good principle, principle assignmentecosystem, career, successful, genuine, candidate1
dmrfa.nlDe Monchy & Röben Tax Advice is an independent and experienced full service office. We draw up annual accounts and tax declarations, and provide to-the-point advice on tax and corporate law. An important principle of our advice services…important principle, principle advicetax, annual, law, administrative, investor1
mariusrietdijk.nl10.A pply the principles also with your partner, children, pets, friends and make the world a great placehypnosis, cultural, behavior, analysis, executive1
opdenpas.nlAt its own primary, the principle of hair threads focuses on the guideline of visual fallacy. These little, minuscule threads are actually electrostatically credited stick to the hair poles, combinationing along with all-natural hair as…primary principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal1
twanvansomeren.nlTopics: Architecture, Automation, Design Principles, Enterprise Network Design such as Tier 2 and Tier 3 designs, Fabric Capacity Planning, FHRP and SSO, High Availability Techniques, Network Assurance, Virtualization, Wireless and…design principle, principle enterpriseresume, cisco, automation, ccnp, certified1
direct-fresh.nlDirect Fresh International works closely with a limited number of fresh partners. These growers have the highest certification and enhance through their authenticity. They add genuine value, are reliable and supply guaranteed quality…precisely principle, principle teamparallax, advantage, grower, closely, select1
woordenwoordenwoorden.nl9.1 The translator’s fee is in principle based on a word tariff. For work other than translation a fee based on an hourly rate will in principle be charged. The translator may, in addition to his fee, declare the expenses incurred in…fee principle, principle word, rate principle, principle translatorshall, translator, principal, translation, commission1
10xgrowth.nl- Setting up and preparing the management to evaluate and assess innovations as an investor and helping them to apply innovation accounting and metered funding principles.growth, varius, sit, amet, dolor1
werkenbijgroenleven.nl…in the bigger picture. Your structured way of working ensures clarity. And by steering on the first-time-right principle, you see the internal organisation becoming more professional - and you go home with a good feeling after your…right principle, principle internaloperation, ago, storage, hydrogen, role1
zs4finance.nlZS 4 Finance works according to the following principles: Fast, Reliable and Result-Minded:follow principle, principle fastaccounting, tax, annual, administration, reliable1
annadejong.nlEvery assignment for me is special, but making an urn remains the most special. I have made a number of urns that I remake more often, but always slightly different to give them a personal touch. In principle, everything is possible and…touch principle, principle possibleclay, boring, pottery, department, ceramic1
oecdguidelines.nlThe OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises set out the principles and standards for responsible business conduct expected by the governments of the Netherlands and 45 other countries from multinational enterprises to observe. The…enterprise principle, principle standardguidelines, oecd, responsible, conduct, notification1
archimediair.nl…when dealing with a government. For example, the Act on Public Access to Government Information, the General Principles for Good Government (ABBB), internal procedures with rigid deadlines and various political sensitivities. By…general principle, principle gooddispute, government, resolution, consultation, creativity1
reactivity.nl…an often confusing multitude of choices on business models, approaches, tools, methods, technologies, add-ons, principles, architectures, hardware, software, techniques, machine learning models, co-pilots. frameworks and languages (to…ons principle, principle architecturereactivity, framework, architecture, sink, fallacy1
festinalentecoaching.nlFestina Lente, or ‘Make haste slowly’, is the guiding principle of Saskia de Maat’s coaching and consultancy practice. Our services include individual (executive) coaching, advice and professionalisation. Our main goal is to help people…slowly principle, principle saskiarelationship, membership, publication, relevance, theory1
azaranweb.nlWeb design is the process of creating visually appealing and functional websites using a combination of layout, graphics, typography, and user interface principles.monthly, domain, registration, host, buy1
mwilmer.nlThis escape room has been developed to familiarize players with the principles of semantic web technology, linked data and ontologies . The theme of the escape room is the dark web. Players are part of the investigation team that…player principle, principle semanticmean, scoreboard, criminal, critical, supermarket1
compliancehouse.nl…In addition, you can not only have your company’s standards, values and goals laid down, but you can also have a code of conduct included, consisting of the most important principles of your company and then elaborate these into policies.important principle, principle companycompliance, law, regulation, behaviour, officer1
codeqube.nlGetting started is difficult, which is why we supervise the free first training session to teach the principles of coding correctly.session principle, principle codeteacher, css, century, collaboration, session1
bos-ictservices.nlWhen a server-side platform component requires an extension, we do this in Java. I already wrote modules for other projects and know my way in IntelliJ with Maven build tools and writing Unit tests. The SOLID principles of programming are…solid principle, principle programmingtask, report, bright, solid, stack1
dooingit.nlProfessionalism and Ethics: We uphold high standards of professionalism, conduct thorough candidate screening, and adhere to ethical principles in all our actions.ethical principle, principle actioncandidate, assistance, gratitude, mechanic, career1
krebbekx-fotografie.nlAt its own center, the principle of hair threads hinges on the guideline of visual fallacy. These very small, minuscule threads are actually electrostatically credited comply with the hair stems, combinationing along with organic hair as…center principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, bodyguard, uncategorized1
mikrocentrum.nl…to talent development and to today's major societal challenges. Because with knowledge, talent, skills and connections as fuel, we make tomorrow's world a little better today. The guiding principle: together we achieve more than alone.manufacture, connection, description, overview, collaboration1
awiering.nlEdgar Cayce (1944, No. 3976-29): 'In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been…man principle, principle yearsurname, north, province, genealogical, politics1
traduco.nlThe diagram provides you insight into the current situation and the routing you are required to follow within the business processes, systems and organisation so as to achieve the desired situation. The philosophy and principles of Asset…philosophy principle, principle assetasset, risk, perspective, effective, cycle1
semaphore-signs.nl…Semaphore is the preferred supplier of international sustainability organizations. Sustainability is the guiding principle in our business operations and we compensate the production of our flags with a linked donation to FEE's Global…sustainability principle, principle businessflag, sign, sustainability, distance, society1
northstarconsult.nlThe basis of the HQMM recording principle is a realistic and holographic 3 dimensional representation of the musical instruments, voices and recording venue, according to traditional concert practice. For most older music this means a…record principle, principle realisticrecording, hear, abbey, heaven, earth1
recognitionrewards.nlRoom for everyone’s talent: that is the basic principle of the Recognition & Rewards programme. In…basic principle, principle recognitionrecognition, programme, academic, career, paper1
vdkmp.nlAfter more than a decade of experience in training clinician groups, and designing integrated practice units, based on the principles of Value Based Health Care and Clinical Leadership, the time is right for a system approach. Both within…unit principle, principle valuehealthcare, tactics, clinical, patient, clinician1
pipingdesign.nlIn this course the basic principles of “ piping Design” are explained. Piping Design is a profession with a broad background. It covers the world of Oil and Gas plants, but also food, shipbuilding and waste industries are included.basic principle, principle pipingpiping, broad, oil, requirements, introduction1
archonmedia.nlBuilt on the founding principle to be a customer-first type of company, we have worked diligently to deliver effective digital marketing. Our mission is to be the marketing solution for businesses of all sizes who are ready to increase…archon, traffic, prove, session, growth1
meijerstuc.nl…Pink when in belay as well as to dig the particular snow pit just before launching into new pow. Adults know the principles and why next them is sensible. He or she thrives planning dishes and also logistics. Idealist. Experience is…adult principle, principle sensiblewomen, inside, uk, run, grey1
jeppegroen.nllearn what a function does when the interaction is the same. I believe that 'strong-specific' interfaces that take principles from tangible and embodied interaction into account can provide a natural, intuitive interaction, be efficient to…interface principle, principle tangibletangible, identity, electronic, interaction, industrial1
hannevangompel.nl…topics that I believe to be worthwhile and important for the well-being of our planet and people. Therefore, the principles from the Responsible Innovation and Research movement often drive decision-making within my work. Even though I dopeople principle, principle responsibletextile, internship, circular, showcase, rag1
pianolesharen.nlIn principle, the setup of the lessons is simple. First, you show what you have been practising during the past week. If there are still any difficult points, then we work on those together until it goes better. Then we study the music…lesson, usually, memory, technique, reign1
tencateprotect.nlWhen you look at how to gamble on sports events, you will also want to remember that the principles which govern betting can vary depending on where you live. For instance, you must be aware of local laws about the gambling odds for your…event principle, principle betvibrant, london, town, protect, uncategorized1
eurorouting.nl…international partners. This combination of knowledge and experience in the fields of technology, design and the principles of wayfinding, together in one organisation, is unique. Good signage is of strategic importance to many…design principle, principle wayfindingkuwait, anxious, disability, facility, trade1
sunglacier.nlWe condense water vapor in cold falling water: “the growing waterfall” principle. The volume of the waterdrops grow, as the water falls down. The total volume of the water increases rapidly with this method.waterfall principle, principle volumeglacier, builder, climate, pavilion, defense1
ebit-plus.nlThis has been our guiding principle since inception. The world is continuously moving and changing.potential, continuously, competition, regulation, visit1
guarantius.nl…in support of social responsibility, environmental protection, technological innovations based on the laws and principles of nature. We invest also in life extending health sciences as well as companies that support affordable quality…law principle, principle naturecapital, investment, law, risk, debt1
mereldassen.nlA self-initiated project in which I established guiding principles and consistent toolsets.project principle, principle consistentux, visit, interest, partly, scientific1
tangocentro.nlThe dance can be elegant, but also daring, playful or intimate. In principle the man leads, but how better the dancers, how more unclear it becomes who leads and who follows. This makes Tango an attractive dance for dancers of all ages…intimate principle, principle manschedule, dance, lesson, wait, argentine1
leonebv.nlIn my role as interim manager, advisor and pitch consultant this is always my core guiding principle. I love working with people regardless of their level within the organisation. My personal credo is promise and overdeliver. With this…core principle, principle peopleinternal, employee, relationship, regularly, advertising1
hoogenraadplant.nl…if necessary, perform plant protection treatments using biological preparations in our Dutch nursery. One of our principles is “we do not grow plants, we build them”. This means pruning them several times a season, from the very beginning,nursery principle, principle plantnursery, ago, shrub, conifers, stock1
farm-friends.nlThe principles, project proposals, allocated loans and progress will be made clear for everyone. The local representative of Farm Friends Tanzania, Farm Friends Ethiopia and Dairibord in Zimbabwe will check the procedure of approval and…farm, uw, proposal, progress, cow1
lymfologiecongres2012.nlThe depression can be divided into different forms and degrees of severity. In principle, anyone can suffer from depression. However, the trigger is in factors that are not always influenced for us as physical illness, personal living…severity principle, principle depressiondisease, depression, risk, patient, treatment1
elmweb.nlA first attempt to demonstrate the underlying principles can be found on the explanation page .attempt principle, principle explanationfractal, explanation, section, october, august1
emiliotimp.nlAlf is a a dynamic sculpture that's constantly changing shape due to outside temperatures. For a long time this principle has been on my mind. I wanted to create a sculpture which reacts on it’s natural enviroment, in this case…time principle, principle mindtechnique, dimension, cargo, bronze, sculpture1
vaf.nl…the industry and a trusted choice for the world’s top shipyards, our relentless pursuit of innovation and dedication to your success set us apart. Explore our commitment, principles, and the unique value we bring to your maritime journey.commitment principle, principle uniquepropulsion, career, fuel, vessel, ship1
rascimethode.nlWhat stroke me was how quickly we could get to a result. In principle, you can describe a process in only 3 sessions. According to the 3-2-1 method. That's faster than the other way we used to do it.result principle, principle processsession, inspiration, blow, depth, auditing1
demcon-unmanned.nlWe are at the forefront of this maritime transformation, offering our state-of-the-art Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs). These USVs, designed with a harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology and sustainability principles, signify the…sustainability principle, principle futureunmanned, naval, shipyard, vessel, maritime1
taxand.nlBased on the arm’s length principle, all intra-group financing must be set on arm’s length terms and conditions for tax purposes.length principle, principle intratax, pricing, transfer, investment, compliance1
edouc.nl…another development in certifying companies the so called AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) –status. The basic principle in the AEO approach is that companies need less customs supervision once they have proved to be reliable. This…basic principle, principle aeoworldwide, universal, duty, situation, union1
jeanninedeklerk.nlBelow you find an overview of the activities I offer. All are based on the principles of mindfulness, the communication skills I learned from the Tantric tradition (non-sexual)and the beautiful world of Internal Family Systems Therapy…activity principle, principle mindfulnessinternal, therapy, session, physical, helpful1
kopf-luebben.nlOne day I noticed the following phrase; “Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. The core values are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action.”value principle, principle behaviorcargo, road, airfreight, concern, supplier1
cardinex.nlCardinex BV was established in January 2013 with the strategic goals of providing Quality Assurance, Inspection and Expediting Services to our clients built upon the fundamental principles of delivering total project support and…fundamental principle, principle totalinspection, expedite, employee, reference, independent1
krune.nlI design easy-to-use interfaces, based on human—centered design principles. And write clean code using the latest techniques. I make sure everything works and performs well and is accessible. A great User Experience is key.design principle, principle cleaninteraction, visual, resume, technique, accessible1
ewoud.nl“My technique is based on the principle of painting in layers, using cold bleuish-greys and warm brownish-greys. This delicate balance ensures that they compliment and enhance each other. I start a painting by sketching with big…technique principle, principle layerwildlife, contemporary, exhibition, painting, bird1
collectivefutures.nlInvestigating the future of circular innovation at Amsterdam's De Ceuvel, a sustainable creative incubator facing relocation, to integrate and inspire circular principles in future urban developments.circular principle, principle futurecollective, career, societal, perspective, meaningful1
cablescan.nlCablescan have embraced the SC21 principles to deliver our strategy, we are positioned as an innovative market leading company and have developed long term relationships with our customers and suppliers.cablescan principle, principle strategyuk, personnel, inspection, approval, overview1
sloecentrale.nlSloecentrale applies the highest standard for keeping the buildings and machines in good condition in the most efficient way according to the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) principle.supplier, employee, department, workforce, asset1
pietervanprooijen.nlHeads up. I do follow a few guiding principles. Here are three. Keep on prototyping while learning. Test with dummies. Debrief once in a while.head principle, principle dummyinspiration, dialogue, bias, memory, understand1
thebigdataacademy.nlAs Data Engineer I develop data solutions for companies. With a background in Computing Science and Algorithmic Data Analysis I can easily combine and apply software and data principles in implementing impactful data solutions.data principle, principle impactfulconsulting, implementation, specialise, easily, impactful1
mushinmartialarts.nl"Mushin No Shin”, the shortened “Mushin” is a Japanese Zen Principle of “No Mind” or “Mind without mind”.zen principle, principle mindjapanese, think, emotion, fear1
abcdveiligheid.nlDe ABCDE-method is a way in which help is provided with the principle of “treat first what kills first”.aid, response, emergency, lesson, fire1
pelgrims.nlThey do their work on the principle: pilgrims for pilgrims! It means that your contribution is meant for the continuation of this pilgrimsrefuge.work principle, principle pilgrimrefuge, repos, pilgrim, france, anybody1
parema.nlBased on our wide knowledge of different packaging technologies and our extensive network of specialist suppliers, we are perfectly capable to translate your packaging needs and ideas into effective packaging solutions that match your…packaging, solid, fill, final, stir1
bram-coppens.nl…methodology. But Jean Grondin states in her book Sources of Hermeneutics that ‘our mind reasons upon subjective principles, such as causality, and it actively imposes natures laws of logic’.8 We can conclude that we cannot be certain…subjective principle, principle causalitytruth, think, society, fact, critique1
emilejaspar.nlThis study provided me with general knowledge of business principles and practices. Think about courses such as human resource management, financial accounting, entrepreneurship etc.business principle, principle practiceetc, career, inside, entrepreneurship, study1
costreport.nlOur software supports pricing, profitability analysis and operational efficiency . The principles of Time Driven Activity Based Costing are fundamental to this. SaaS-solution CostReport™ makes this possible in a sustainable way.efficiency principle, principle timeprofitability, healthcare, analysis, employee, profit1
groeistroom.nlI always work on the basis of honesty, sincerity and with a dose of humour. These three basic principles are very important to me and from these I want to create a bond of trust with you. Furthermore, I work on the basis of equality…basic principle, principle importantrelief, ambitious, balance, positive, humour1
boerderijleeuwendaal.nlLeeuwendaal is your home from home, where your group can relax and enjoy each other’s company. In principle your stay is entirely on a self-catering basis, but breakfast, a packed lunch or dinner can be arranged in consultation with your…company principle, principle stayaccommodation, wedding, venue, meetingroom, conference1
vierentwee.nlWe offer mental coaching, management advice, top-level sports coaching, and training sessions & workshops. All our work is based on principles from Zen Buddhism and Mindfulness. Among other things, this means paying attention to the here…work principle, principle zenmental, buddhism, increasingly, function, mean1
indo-european.nl…of divination on the dice of animals. Dice became especially popular in the Arab world during the Middle Ages, despite the fact that Islam prohibits gambling in principle. Arabic game azar is still popular in Europe under the name hazard.gambling principle, principle arabicgambling, rule, glossary, celtic, ancient1
ndi.nlOur basic principle is that you only need to be concerned with the aspects of your core business. We make that possible. Whether you have your own ICT department or not, NDI provides support, service and advice on all ICT matters.basic principle, principle aspecttelephony, remote, unified, host, connectivity1
ubtechnologies.nlThe GPU-supercharged platform leverages established tech principles and a compute optimised codebase.tech principle, principle computerisk, regulatory, asset, decision, growth1
bestboats.nlWe think along with you. This always results in a professional sales approach with attention to the best price-quality ratio. Personal customisation with a quick and well-organised sale as a result! And all that based on the 'no cure, no…yacht, successful, exclusive, enthusiast, ship1
illya.nl…entire cosmos, theorists, including Nobel Prize winner Gerard ’t Hooft, even developed the so-called holographic principle. That principle states that reality is a kind of hologram, the result of the dancing of zeros and ones on an…holographic principle, principle realityquantum, theory, physicist, hole, particle1
gerrombouts.nlHaving worked alongside Ger on various projects, I can say that his work is of very high standard and so are his principles. Ger is also very hardworking and passionate about the field of education, on a global scale!standard principle, principle gerteacher, feel, responsibility, commitment, trust1
commissiemer.nlUnder Dutch law, the time allowed for the NCEA to prepare a mandatory advisory report is, in principle, six weeks.report principle, principle weekreport, environmental, assessment, advisory, commission1
zomerwoningzeeland.nlOur beach house. Our dune house. Four unique locations. Located at the heart of what is known as the Golden Triangle: the towns of Zoutelande, Domburg and Middelburg. Exceptional accommodation built and renovated under sustainable…architecture principle, principle havendune, booking, peace, spacious, taste1
bluemindcompany.nlLeverage the platform principle to manage supply and demand in the flex work ecosystemplatform principle, principle supplyventure, ecosystem, think, economy, know1
renevanbelzen.nlThis one-day event will be my main focus for the remainder of the year. Note that there will be a recovery period after the marathon, which can last as long as 5 week. So, in principle, I’ll be dealing with this marathon until the first…week principle, principle marathonrenovation, uncategorized, roof, improvement, door1
salesguide.nl“The purpose of a business is to create a customer.” Every day, we remind ourselves of this simple yet powerful principle. And every day, we work towards our ultimate mission: to bring more customers to our clients.powerful principle, principle dayvacancy, purpose, validation, consulting, execution1
geldersebootverhuur.nlRented a sloop for the first time and sailed. Transfer went smoothly and so were the instructions. The rheder layer is perfect for getting the first experience. Sailing was no problem and fun, the sloop is easy to control. In principle…easy principle, principle minderboat, sail, rental, mother, skipper1
koensebregts.nlKager, R., J. Grijzenhout & K. Sebregts (Eds.) 2014. Where the Principles Fail. A Festschrift for Wim Zonneveld on the Occasion of his 64th Birthday. Utrecht: UiL-OTS. ⠵ed principle, principle faillinguistic, phonetic, variation, k., ed1
groupdecisionroom.nl…that utilizes harmless to the ecosystem items and practices can guarantee your business is conforming to these principles. This is particularly significant assuming that your business centers around eco-accommodating items or…business principle, principle particularlyproperty, effective, leader, variety, money1
vanrooijen.nlWe are able to offer our customers the one-stop-shopping principle via our logistic menu: Transport Warehousing , Value Added Services .shopping principle, principle logisticvacancy, logistics, mainly, operational, pharmaceutical1
newlines.nl…services will give you a competitive edge and uniquely improve business processes. All our solutions and services are engineered with the same principles – to be secure, available and flexible. For more information, contact us today!service principle, principle securebenefit, telephony, computing, storage, efficiency1
flendl.nl…world into a virtual classroom. Clear instructions will guide you step-by-step through any training procedure no matter how complex. The realistic behaviour of the model will result in a real understanding of the operating principles.realistic, simulation, behaviour, instruction, degree1
atexglobal.nlATEX Global Experts B.V. relies on 3 easy principles during all our transactionseasy principle, principle transactionecom, rugged, repair, temp, survivor1
erveveldink.nlIn principle we have a (half an hour) silence or sound meditation on weekdays for those who want to participate. When the weather is nice, we do this outside. The time is written on the blackboard. Sometimes, on request, a guided…farm, meditation, apartment, accommodation, meal1
2iq.nlThe first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to foolphysicist, integrity, ambition, inspiration, library1
funbase.nlThis isn’t a farewell though. Being playful & curious is still very much a first principle for us. Both as human beings and through the work we do. We may even organise the sporadic Funbase gathering in the future! So what are we up to at…curious principle, principle humanmemory, gathering, lane, valhalla, truly1
plantcytometry.nl…of the results. Many plants have unique features. These can only be discovered by a highly experienced researcher who has a thorough understanding of plant production, plant breeding and the working principles of flow cytometry.breed principle, principle flowcytometry, analysis, biological, variation, species1
tft-bv.nlThe same principle applies for each component that we use: the highest quality at the best price. We have a long-standing relationship with many of our suppliers. So we know that we can rely on their products.robotic, jig, spare, fault, risk1
persuasivegaming.nlThis conference was concerned with the characteristics, design principles, and effectiveness of persuasive gaming. Thus far, combining the contributions of different theoretical traditions have been rather uncommon in Persuasive Game…design principle, principle effectivenesspersuasive, validation, october, theory, conference1
franckensymposium.nlIn this talk, we will discuss the fundamental principles behind solar cells, exploring their structure, fabrication methods, key challenges, and ongoing research efforts aimed at addressing these challenges from a materials science point…fundamental principle, principle solarcell, device, photovoltaic, perovskite, physics1
delftenterprises.nlWe use the transparent deal term principles for the transfer of intellectual property to university spin-offs. The deal terms aim to speed up the negotiation process between universities and young companies, increasing the chances of…term principle, principle transferenterprise, funding, investment, successful, fund1
vdvs.nlVDVS upholds the principle that high-quality legal services require both depth and speed. The combination of providing advice and conducting legal proceedings, therefore, is indispensable.vdvs principle, principle highadministrative, law, reference, publication, government1
chdr.nlContributing to the education of both students and professionals has always been a guiding principle of CHDR.professional principle, principle chdrclinical, early, library, inflammation, metabolic1
fransaroundtheworld.nl…joke, this situation was no joke. No time for funny things. I walked past them, while they clearly were keeping an eye on me. In principle I could be anyone, even a possible threat. I bought my water and neatly returned to the hostel. Wow!eye principle, principle possibleguy, street, malaysia, war, woman1
nextfoodcollective.nlExploring by which mechanisms texture moderates eating rate and how this relates to overeating. Creating evidence-based food design principles to guide development of foods that can help moderate energy intake.design principle, principle developmentcollective, protein, healthy, agriculture, transition1
unitron.nlWe work according to the principles of maximum flexibility and minimal use of resources.certification, device, regulation, electronic1
biotechbooster.nlIn Level 1 , five Thematic Clusters (TC’s), together encompassing the whole biotech spectrum, facilitate collaboration, connect people and provide financial support to early ideas to reach proof of principle.biotech, biotechnology, growth, fund, valorisation1
cosmiccocoon.nlAt Cosmic Cocoon, one of our founding principles is to be a conduit for connection, with the aim to cultivate a community with the shared vision of creating a better world.cocoon principle, principle conduitcosmic, conscious, aim, connection, minded1
vertaler-londen.nlWhen partnering up with a translating agency or a direct end-user, I apply a number of basic principles.translation, qualify, translator, requirements, uk1
hi-5.nlHi 5 is an acronym for Humanity, Integrity, Inspiration, Innovation, Integration and Implementation. Its logo consists of the Chinese symbol for Humanity, which together with Integrity, stands for the basic principles of any job to be…basic principle, principle job, job principle, principle inspirationinspiration, integrity, integration, implementation, humanity1
creativehubs.nlPlay 'Tic-Tac-Toe' and experience how a computer can 'see'. This principle is also applied in self-driving cars and can recognize many different shapes.computer principle, principle selfsession, table, inspiration, useful, innovative1
studioterp.nl…message remains top-priority, I also strive to bring aesthetics and novelty into a project. Insight and clarity are guiding principles, but I aim to explore unconventional solutions and new approaches so as to broaden audience’s horizons.clarity principle, principle unconventionalgraphic, novelty, aesthetic, audience, shape1
de-mikkelhorst.nl…the negotiator to start off with nevertheless the more times you accomplish it the better you get at it, same in principle as any other skill. You can also expect training because of a prospective employer, and you’ll find courses…well principle, principle skillgambling, uncategorized, money, estate, player1
rafaelrocha.nl…(Sport & Movement)-Fitness Coordinator, I have continued expanding my knowledge within the health and fitness field, including through additional coursework at Train The Trainers (Step Instructor), AALO, The Overload Principle, and LAPT.overload principle, principle laptstrength, guidance, session, physical, personalized1
avicennamedic.nl…new challenges. We firmly believe that the key to success lies in having an extensive and reliable network. With this principle in mind, we have built strong relationships with a wide range of medical product suppliers and distributors.network principle, principle mindpharmaceutical, supply, healthcare, region, partnership1
martijnzoet.nlAs advisor and coach at EDM-Competence Centre Martijn coaches and supports corporations, governments and institutions to map their challenges and find solutions to these challenges. For Martijn, honest advice in understandable language is…key principle, principle businesspublication, presentation, decision, artificial, intelligence1
mspsgroep.nlHow do we achieve that? Among other things, by achieving seamless integration of claims and practice software. Based on the first-time-right principle, we want to further fine-tune the entire claims process.right principle, principle fineprocessing, healthcare, difference, efficiency, integration1
sdinternational.nlThe SD International People Counting systems are being developed with today‚Äôs requirements and future possibilities in mind. We believe that functionality, flexibility and reliability are key principles, along with easy access to…key principle, principle easycounter, wireless, directional, gateway, array1
controllab.nlBy applying physics principles and incorporating data from other machines, our simulation models behave just like the actual machines. But that’s not all – we excel at integrating these digital twins with control software, allowing them…physics principle, principle datumsimulation, twin, animation, motion, crane1
turner.nl…Therefore, consciously choose a new balance. And remember: work is an activity, not a place. Seven advantages of hybrid working that you want to maintain post-pandemic. Plus, the ‘3 x 33% principle’, or: what TO DO and what NOT TO DO.execution, assignment, specialize, benefit, insurance1
jaboservices.nlThe principle aim of taking care of a machine or crane is the guarantee of operational reliability, which requires the right maintenance. This prevents machine downtime and extends lifespan, thus saving costs in the long term.engine, placement, crane, rack, block1
bureaubaarda.nl"You don't weigh functions, but people; a totally different principle. And it works much better besides."different principle, principle wellemployee, transparent, remuneration, salary, fairly1
summitengineering.nlInsights, Ideas, Integration and Implementation: at Summit Engineering we work with the 4 ‘I’s principle. This work process offers you guidance along your journey to reduce your CO₂ emissions. To enable the process, we have various tools…engineering principle, principle worksummit, transition, advisory, firm, emission1
seblog.nlIt was very helpful to write this all out, for by doing so I made up my mind: this is just all a bit too complicated and way too much deeply coupled to Git internals. I would be throwing out the ‘just plain text files’ principle, because…file principle, principle lotvim, git, file, command, yak1
shareimpactaccountants.nlWe stand by the quality of our work and aim to serve the public interest. Integrity and honesty are guiding principles in everything we do. This is what the profession of accountancy should be like and therefore we are happy to work this…honesty principle, principle professioninterest, society, integrity, profession, healthy1
dianeticsnederland.nl“I bought Dianetics because I wanted to know what the mind is and how it works. I was very surprised to discover the real facts and the simple principles about understanding other people and about what kept me from using more of my…simple principle, principle peopleauthor, lecture, frequently, mental, past1
keyrobotics.nlKEY Robotics is a customer-oriented and innovative company with a wide expertise in the field of industrial robot automation and logistic solutions. Our experience extends over different branches, several brands of robots and possible…handle principle, principle largerobotic, automation, industrial, logistic, innovative1
mmb-bioit.nlThe mission of our team is that the developed tools and analyzed data are released to enable reproducible computational biology analyses following the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles. Find more about our…reusable principle, principle toolmicrobiology, bioinformatics, analysis, sequence, microbiome1
coinbv.nlRisk-analysis in accordance with the hardening principles and baselines of CIS, NIST, ISAE, ZeroTrust and othersaccordance principle, principle baselinerecovery, continuity, disaster, telephone, broad1
mr-nec.nlACROBA project aims to develop and demonstrate a novel concept of cognitive robotic platforms based on a modular approach able to be smoothly adapted to virtually any industrial scenario applying agile manufacturing principles. The novel…manufacture principle, principle novelnec, reinforcement, cognitive, novel, industrial1
lightinternational.nlLIGHT International advises and assists clients with lighting projects. All our products are specials by default . This principle of standard customisation has been central to us for 30 years, because adjusting a situation is always more…default principle, principle standardinstallation, lighting, default, fixture, situation1
nhlo.nl…for example in order to reduce the physical workload of manual lifting activities , without losing time. Or to provide motion compensation at sea. In the video above we explain the working principle and some of its possible applications.video principle, principle possiblemanual, workload, physical, seemingly, motion1
roelbogers.nlOur web design team will spend time with our digital marketing team to ensure the core principles of effective websites and development.core principle, principle effectivemockup, lab, amazing, lightbox, july1
zorgverzekeringslijn.nlThe Dutch healthcare system is based on the principle of social solidarity. Therefore anyone, healthy or not, must contribute to the medical expenses of those who are ill. If you have an income or receive a social security benefit, you…system principle, principle socialinsurance, healthcare, insurer, ukraine, scheme1
cofounders.nlWe design business models, define impact potential and start planning using Lean Start-up principles.viable, bold, positive, venture, season1
aytekin-tegelzetbedrijf.nlNow for manners use has company believe parlors. Least nor party who wrote while did. Excuse formed as is agreed admire so on result parish. Put use set uncommonly announcing and travelling. Allowance sweetness direction to as necessary…necessary principle, principle ohtitle, direction, columbia, british, death1
ministerievanverbeelding.nl…of the 100 Talents' (a new concept for the children's library of the future), The Architecture of Knowledge (principles for library buildings of the future; in collaboration with NAi) and the LibrarySchool. Rob is a popular speaker atknowledge principle, principle librarylibrary, manifesto, cultural, institution, programming1
rsproductsolutions.nlThermal Conductivity Gauges can be used to measure the thermal conductivity of the surrounding gas. Operating on the principle that gases differ in their thermal conductivity, it can be used to measure gas concentration in binary mixture…gas principle, principle gasthermal, conductivity, gauge, hydrogen, carbon1
goodwell.nl“Do well by doing good”: this is the founding principle that shapes Goodwell’s entire investment philosophy. Our funds support entrepreneurs delivering essential goods and services to un(der)served populations and building an inclusive…good principle, principle goodwellinvestment, fund, funding, investor, economy1
villanuevaarchitect.nlEach project is developed in close consultation with the client. An open dialogue between client, architect and other parties involved is the guiding principle in every process. Our quality lies in creating multidisciplinary hybrid and…party principle, principle processexecution, contracting, pricing, architecture, interior1
b-visuals.nlIn principle, photos can be taken anywhere. I have a mobile studio, which also makes it possible to take studio photos in your own home environment. I drive all over the country with the B-visuals car. I like to take pictures in different…portrait, wedding, photographer, visual, wish1
precisie-reinigen.nlBoers & Co complies with the ISO13485, ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards and the principles of corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We are also familiar with industrial norms such as GSA 07 2220 Grade 2 or Grade 4.standard principle, principle corporateprecision, predictable, industrial, tomorrow, efficient1
verloskundigenwesterkade.nlEvery pregnancy and every person is unique. Together we design a personalised care plan to suit your specific situation. Whether you choose a water birth, adopt the principles of hypnobirthing or prefer the hospital with analgesics, we…birth principle, principle hypnobirthingpregnancy, appointment, maternity, timeline, period1
kasstoor.nl…to refinement is evident as we introduce the stylish kitchens directly to your doorstep. Inspired by the principles of simplicity, functionality, and aesthetic appeal, our VIPP kitchens not only elevate your culinary space but…doorstep principle, principle simplicityscandinavian, kitchen, italian, sophisticated, furniture1
basreus.nlwe bring this philosophy into organizations (or economies), what can we learn from this? Can we develop new design principles that respect the temporal nature of systems? What is we always include a scenario of the end of the system while…design principle, principle temporalcapital, collaborative, analysis, philosophy, behavior1
kasulu.nlWe believe in the fundamental right of every child to access quality education, irrespective of their socio-economic background. Inclusivity is not just a principle for us; it is the cornerstone of our mission, ensuring that no child is…inclusivity principle, principle cornerstoneequal, profit, hope, commitment, bright1
charmh.nl✨ Based on design think principles, I developed tools and career mindset exercises, which I now wish to share with you.think principle, principle toolorganisational, career, advisor, employability, potential1
costablancaradio.nlAs the name suggests, Costa Blanca Radio broadcasts, in principle, throughout the entire Spanish Costa Blanca.radio principle, principle entirerequest, advertising, spanish, resident, spain1
metabolic-balance-nederland.nlYour coach will go over all the principles, steps and the eight Metabolic Balance rules step by step with you.coach principle, principle stephealthy, metabolic, balance, diet, weight1
inmijnhumm.nl…from the hourly rate of the Dutch Healthcare Authority . Often only a certain percentage of that hourly rate is reimbursed, depending on the type of policy you have. In addition, in principle the deductible (€385 in 2023) is used first.addition principle, principle deductiblehealthcare, psychologist, payment, compensation, reimbursement1
oone.nlTo Explore into multiple countries across the world with strong principles of supply chain management.strong principle, principle supplytrading, procurement, steel, bridge, behalf1
expatflex.nl…background screening are time-consuming and expensive. On top of that, the Dutch Aliens Employment Act contains a principle of ultimate liability, meaning that each party in the chain of employment is liable and may receive a fine. At…act principle, principle ultimateskilled, highly, expat, employment, candidate1
kikotranslations.nlLanguage is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely variedlaw principle, principle manner, manner principle, principle generationtranslation, correction, dissertation, literature, reliable1
rbm.nl(in and around The Hague, Rijswijk, Delft, Zoetermeer and Leiden). Based on up-to-date market knowledge and achieving the optimal result with a committed approach. It is not without reason that these are the principles for our organization.reason principle, principle organizationestate, advisor, independent, region, hague1
cb-communications.nlproblems into feasible solutions. Within CB Communications, it’s his passion to create intuitive and persuasive work based on human-centered design and design thinking principles focused on moving people and creating positive social impact.think principle, principle peopletransformative, innovative, creativity, positively, competence1
midnightblue.nlUpon completion of execution, QA will take place as per the four eyes principle and deliverables will be handed over to the client. Assessment reports will have prioritized, reproducible findings and associated remediation advice…eye principle, principle deliverablesmidnight, firm, domain, vulnerability, physical1
regenerativefarming.nl‘Proof of principle’ of a regenerative agriculture system for use case the Netherlands, at scale and with sound business models: several quantified scenarios in compliance with the outline for 2050;proof principle, principle regenerativeregenerative, farming, agriculture, uk, carbon1
top-teambuilding.nlTeam building is becoming increasingly popular and organizations are increasingly demanding more from team building activities than just a fun day out. Top Teambuilding is based on the principle that a teambuilding activity should…teambuilding principle, principle teambuildinginquiry, participant, duration, employee, powerful1
researchrelevance.nl…of research performance, in which talent care, ethical research conduct and scientific integrity are leading principles, is of fundamental importance. Ideally, quality should be derived from the actual impact the research results haveintegrity principle, principle fundamentalrelevance, evaluation, researcher, programme, committee1
bushidoshop.nlits core message of compassion resonated deeply within us. The idea that if no one is there to help, one should go out and seek someone to aid struck a chord. It’s a guiding principle that we strive to weave into the fabric of our own life.chord principle, principle fabricjapanese, sword, antique, craft, steel1
niekvanderzande.nl…the Eurofighter’s air-to-ground capability for the Air Force. The squadron develops procedures and training principles for pilots and technicians for all German Eurofighter associations in order to establish the air-to-ground…training principle, principle pilothelicopter, aviation, squadron, exercise, aircraft1
nowfarmer.nlAgroecology is the application of ecological concepts and principles to the development of sustainable farming systems. With the focus on soil conservation and rehabilitation, the integration of crop diversity, improved water efficiency…concept principle, principle developmentfarmer, sustainably, farm, farming, soil1
metropoolregioamsterdam.nl…welfare and well-being of those who live and work in the MRA. To respond appropriately to these challenges within a long-term perspective, the MRA Agenda has two guiding principles: a future-proof metropolis and a well-balanced metropolis.agenda principle, principle futureregion, metropolitan, authority, million, population1
wemarkable.nlWe have developed an iterative approach based on the latest marketing thinking in which principles like deep customer understanding, the logic and magic of marketing and early prototyping are combined.think principle, principle likepotential, magic, logic, think, blend1
invisiblegiants.nlThe main reason to practice Reiki is to increase the flow and strength of the intelligent life energy that is present in all living beings. This can be done in the fist place by practicing with the five principles of Reiki. The fundament…place principle, principle reikiinvisible, treatment, worry, anger, situation1
marksteenbakkers.nlVery often it is much that customers expect from an online marketing professional. It is not only knowledge of the basic principles of online marketing but also the customers expect from this kind of professionals to have a vast knowledge…basic principle, principle onlineimmediately, engine, marketer, round, optimization1
medievalbooks.nl…of choices scribes made for each stage of production. This makes fragments ideal to discuss medieval book design principles (parchment, page layout, dimensions) and styles of handwriting (script styles, execution levels, individual style…design principle, principle parchmentmedieval, figure, library, fig, scribe1
veba.nlDuring all VEBA processes, one principle is always key: unburdening. We always think with our partners and offer the ideal solution. Together we continue to grow.process principle, principle keydistribution, hospitality, catalog, furniture, refrigerator1
apch.nlThe importance and value of “worship, grow and serve” is not new to APCH. As part of our mission to be “A home to the global community, growing in the love of Jesus,” the idea of “Sunday +2” breathes new life into this core guiding…church, hague, american, protestant, visit1
gravito.nlgyroscope in terms of the gravito-magnetic field has been derived, starting from the principle of general covariance. The gravitomagnetic field may again be identified as a common magnetic field, or can be evaluated in the standard way…field principle, principle generalmagnetic, journal, charge, frequency, dipole1
priyan.nlThe purpose for which this foundation is established is to facilitate in all parts of the world the education of the public in the understanding and realization of human potential based on the knowledge, principles and message of peace…knowledge principle, principle messagedonation, refund, monthly, transfer, payment1
vrouwenbelangen.nlThe position of Secretary-General is one of great importance that requires the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, and a firm commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.purpose principle, principle unwoman, peace, nation, commission, conference1
evers-it.nlRegardless of the role, my guiding principle has always been to achieve more with less—less compute, less time, fewer people, and fewer applications.role principle, principle computeodyssey, implementation, healthcare, landscape, role1
rutgerlanser.nlHello, I’m Rutger, a multidisciplinary designer and illustrator based in The Netherlands with over a decade of experiences. I’m dedicated to self-development, a guiding principle that shape my work as a designer and illustrator. My focus…development principle, principle workcentric, previously, digitally, identity, currently1
thedutchmountains.nlThis will fix a large quantity of CO2 for a long time. The climate control is based as much as possible on natural principles, which limits the number of installations and the associated energy consumption. A visible irrigation system will…natural principle, principle numbermountain, programme, circular, courtyard, appearance1
teusinkbruggemanlab.nlThe Systems Biology Lab studies the molecular networks inside cells that give rise to cell behavior and fitness, in isolation and in interaction with other cells and their environment. We focus on the principles and general understanding…environment principle, principle generalcell, lab, physiology, modeling, february1
destijlmedia.nl…As a broker of society, Mariska wants to link networks and talents. Based on the master-companion-apprentice principle where everyone can flourish. This role is tailor-made for her, but we need to join hands to fly forward. The…apprentice principle, principle roleeconomy, philosophy, truth, opinion, compass1
circulateproject.nlThrough our situated research, we noticed there is desire amongst resource sharing communities for collective decision-making procedures that speak to both local community values, and the broader principles of the commons. To explore this…broad principle, principle commonresource, common, framework, collective, roundtable1
studio-stillae.nlI noticed that Powerpoint was too limited for the illustrations that I had in mind, so I moved to Illustrator, which is much more versatile. I’ve developed a clean & simple style with soft colours, dedicated to the “less is more” principle.illustration, scientific, setup, journal, biotechnology1
vakwerkadvies.nlBecause every organization, collaboration, change and context are different, we tailer-make all of our services. However, we do work from a set of five principles:organizational, leadership, perspective, intervention, role1
shares-project.nlThe ‘Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law’ have been published in the European Journal of International Law (Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2020).symposium principle, principle sharelaw, responsibility, tumblr, bookmark, myspace1
chapterandverse.nlOur services are based on the native-speaker principle. This means that translations are only carried out by experienced, professional translators who have a perfect command of their mother tongue. In this way we are able to guarantee…speaker principle, principle translationverse, chapter, translation, rate, chief1
streetplug.nlThe underground charging station is equipped with a diving bell principle and thus makes it water resistant.bell principle, principle watercharge, underground, electric, alternative, innovative1
xpoboost.nl…who are happy that I look healthy again. Unbelievable that this is possible. I had never believed this, and in principle I also said, I don't believe in those lights. I am so glad I came across this, I can recommend it to anyone.possible principle, principle lighttherapy, disease, treatment, improvement, skin1
fransvangerwen.nl…and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders. Real development is synonymous with change and transformation. This requires creative, open, flexible and courageous approaches. These principles characterise the approach of Frans van Gerapproach principle, principle approachevaluation, reference, cooperation, consulting, stakeholder1
psychologenpraktijk-ams.nlMy sessions are based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, in which there is a focus on the thoughts and attitudes of the client. Cognitive behavioural therapy suggests that people look at life through eyes clouded by our…session principle, principle cognitivesession, therapy, fee, belief, strength1
nehem.nl…at the entrance to the meeting rooms. We do this to know in case of emergencies who is in the building and to ensure that unauthorised people do not have access to the office. Camera images are in principle destroyed after 10 working days.image principle, principle workregulation, protection, purpose, execution, agreement1
accretio-im.nlAccretio is Latin for development. We believe that an interim manager should embody this principle, since this is what a successful company needs. After all … standing still is like going backwards.manager principle, principle successfulpersonnel, interest, vegetable, seed, function1
dynamic-solutions.nlgoals for the performance of each subsystem are developed based on the function of that system. Each system is designed, based on fundamental principles of physics, and then tested and optimized to perform its function to the highest level.fundamental principle, principle physicsdynamic, mirror, hungary, eat, shelter1
squidit.nlStarting with a thorough assessment of your business- principles and requirements, our software development managers will ensure your focus points and objectives remains central throughout the entire development process, from idea to…assessment principle, principle requirementssquid, infrastructure, api, requirements, availability1
pyrrolidine.nlDriven by our core values respect, professionalism, reliability and drive we strongly believe in the principle that people create a difference.strongly principle, principle peoplecyanide, sustainability, supplier, procurement, supply1
kinderwerkeropuit.nlBecause of the outward-looking activities, they are missionary without having to make an effort. Their lifestyle naturally reflects God's principles.lesson, vegetable, feast, faith, jesus1
matchplus.nl“The Cities Pavilion provided the perfect platform to launch the IWA Principles for Water-Wise Cities and share the Arup Future of Urban Water initiative!”iwa principle, principle waterexhibition, conference, trade, promotional, pavilion1
medtech.nlTo support the transitions, medical technology must be developed and implemented from the principle of value-based healthcare.technology principle, principle valuemedtech, economic, growth, fund, healthcare1
2garden.nlAn impressive line of band steel knives with plastic handle. The knives are traditionally produced according to the world-famous principle, which has its basis in Solingen. There are band steel knives in various sizes, with both a pointed…famous principle, principle basisprune, knife, shear, add, telescopic1
personalprotectiondogs.nlOur training system is based on scientifically and evidence based theories and practices on principles of learning.practice principle, principle learndog, protection, bodyguard, specialty, police1
henkhietbrink.nlIn a number of steps, the animation explains the geometrical principles of a sundial in a different way.geometrical principle, principle sundialturkish, reflection, mathematics, al, teacher1
you-source.nlWhen we design systems or part thereof, we keep a strong focus on the architecture and scalability. In principle we design all components fore the cloud that are easily and highly scalable. Where we make concessions, we do this while…scalability principle, principle componentdevelop, highly, prepare, maintainable, spatial1
babylabamsterdam.nl…choices on the strength of the novelty effect. The Stage 1 Registered Report for this review just received in principle acceptance to the special issue on Open Science and Metascience in Developmental Psychology at the journal of…review principle, principle acceptanceinfant, researcher, lab, author, replication1
siama.nlIn line with our shared Christian identity and principles, whether you are in need of one-way, roundtrip, individual, group or multiple-stop over travel arrangements, it is our mission to provide you with our best professional advice in…identity principle, principle needmissionary, request, membership, flight, interest1
yourleanguide.nl* Principles – The underlying principles are clearly explained using the ‘house of lean’ model and real-life examples. This part presents a holistic view of the system.principle clearlytrue, guide, purpose, wat, guidance1
westerlingen.nlWe offer Brand Strategy as a service to position and elevate your brand communication along clear guiding lines, like the core brand insight, principles and brand promise.insight principle, principle brandidentity, orchestra, elephant, promise, tone1
horaizon.nlHORAIZON's MicroGnostics platform embodies the principle of personalized medicine, recognizing the unique microbial fingerprint of each individual. Our approach not only enhances the accuracy of disease diagnosis but also allows for the…platform principle, principle personalizedmicrobiome, personalized, biological, analysis, near1
weender.nlFor you as an entrepreneur, it is important to protect your name or brand with a registered licence. This is because, in principle, anyone may use and register your name as their trade name!licence principle, principle tradetrademark, trade, entrepreneur, licence, opponent1
vancore.nl…craftsmen have taken these designs and used their world famous expertise to transform concept into reality. In addition to excellent tone and intonation, each instrument is designed and manufactured using solid ergonomic design principles.percussion, mallet, accessorie, carrier, adaptor1
sunshinesea.nlUpholding complementary principle, Sunshine Sea BV is striving to achieve win-win situation with our clients. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.complementary principle, principle sunshinesunshine, relation, employee, northeast, quarter1
2blossom.nl2blossom looks into your diet, but also into the overall picture. How you deal with stress, emotions, what does your complaint signify to you. Together, we investigate what fits you. Finding balance and enjoying food are leading principles.chair, wellbeing, employee, integrative, holistic1
nonamecompany.nlMirth his quick its set front enjoy hoped had there. Who connection imprudence middletons too but increasing celebrated principles joy. Herself too improve guy winding ask expense are compact. New all paid few hard pure she.middleton principle, principle joyventure, capital, farm, organic, pleasure1
victorwissink.nlWith simplicity as the guiding principle, this project puts the spotlight on the artist’s work. The primary aim was to facilitate potential clients’ inquiries for specific paintings.simplicity principle, principle projectwire, qa, musician, framework, jenkins1
esnnijmegen.nlErasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of…development principle, principle studentesn, committee, hall, conduct, thursday1
weerstation-denosse.nl…won`t have a lot to play with. You could wind up losing a great deal of money in the process of attempting to learn the principles. To avoid this you need to be able to use a system which is going to keep you in charge of your finances.process principle, principle ablegambling, companion, weer, football, uncategorized1
demand0.nlThe naming of the demand borrows from the naming of the laws of thermodynamics. After formation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics, a additional law was discovered, that of the deep principle of ‘thermodynamic equilibrium’…deep principle, principle thermodynamic, principle demanddemand, justice, climate, consent, circle1
eventarchitectuur.nlAlways wanted to learn and experience the Permaculture principle? Soon there will be a Centre to go to, the Campus Heerdeberg in Cadier & Keer.permaculture principle, principle soonarchitecture, exhibition, landscape, installation, uncategorized1
momgmt.nlContributing to organizational change by assisting with agile transformations, including the implementation of DevOps practices and principles. Bringing agile and DevOps to life for teams across large programs or individual projects by…practice principle, principle agileecommerce, transformation, expectations, relationship, rapidly1
goturkiye.nl…the annual International Zero Waste Day (March 30) represents a collective endeavour to ensure that future generations inherit a clean and habitable planet through waste management governed by the principles of sustainable development.management principle, principle sustainabletürkiye, turkish, visitor, waste, theatre1
stridecharge.nl‘Sharing the roadway’ isn’t just about courtesy; it’s about safety. This guide dives into the core principles and precise actions you should take to ensure every journey is a safe one for you and ...core principle, principle precisecharge, mount, handlebar, wireless, bundle1
boydvandijk.nl…For most observers, the drafters behind these treaties were primarily motivated by liberal humanitarian principles and the shock of the atrocities of the Second World War. This book tells a different story. It shows how the finalhumanitarian principle, principle shockhistorian, war, past, teach, present1
rainmaker.nlRainmaker lets your business grow sustainably. Critical factor for success is to learn and act faster than your competition. To speed up development without rushing I use a three step approach according to lean innovation principles and…innovation principle, principle yearproof, profitable, repeatable, scalable, proposition1
pelfortpharma.nlThere are three basic principles of the audits conducted on EU GMP part I or II, EU GDP and ISO15378: minimized costs for standardized audits; standardized process for preparing and performing audits; and release of audit report within a…basic principle, principle auditpharmaceutical, consulting, internationally, profile, validation1
projectseven.nlBCBS 239 / Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (PERDARR)bcbs principle, principle effectiveseven, regulation, directive, banking, risk1
kumina.nlWe discovered Kumina through a client, they were immediately the best server admin team we'd worked with, using good, solid principles for security and stability that were easy to appreciate and made our life easier. From that came a…solid principle, principle securitykubernetes, consulting, docker, certified, fully1
uniq-id.nl…fill the void in actually bringing such systems to market. Being first to market means we can eschew Kerckhoffs's principle and this in turn implies that the design and implementation of such systems need not be independently vetted…kerckhoffs principle, principle turnpricing, identifiers, pre, executive, uniqueness1
whiskyfans.nlAccording to Robb Report’s account, when The Macallan Classic Cut 2017 was launched, each version is never replicated. In the case of the 2017 release, only 90,000 bottles were produced. We hold the belief that this principle applies to…belief principle, principle iterationrelease, macallan, bottle, distillery, invest1
ecdt.nl…developed and implemented is referred to as “Warme Technologie” (Warm Technology), as it involves continuous collaboration with individuals with dementia and their caregivers, following the principle: ‘ Nothing about us, without us ‘.dementia, conference, publication, elderly, interactive1
matthijsvermeulen.nl…was the performance of Richard Strauss' Metamorphosen, which he - wrongly - considered an In memoriam for Hitler. He received the Meulenhoff Prize for his book Princiepen der Europese muziek (The Principles of European Music) in 1948.muziek principle, principle europeansymphony, orchestra, french, critic, sonata1
lukapeternel.nl…Nevertheless, on a society level and in many other daily tasks, I believe the human-robot collaboration principle and keeping humans involved in work is essential . I think robots should not take over all of the work from humans,collaboration principle, principle humanteach, guide, robotic, physical, cognitive1
hotterbeekx.nlLet me start off with the fact that I've been interested in the clean code principles for quite some time, I think it's very important to keep these principles in mind while developing software. Other people should be able to read and…code principle, principle time, important principle, principle mindarchitecture, recently, asynchronous, colleague, february1
bouwjaar63.nlAll can be applied to Bouwjaar ’63, design & interior. Everything the office does is based on the same principles.functional, inventive, bit, interior, farmhouse1
vanmarlen.nlIn our projects we leverage the power of the Salesforce platform to deliver customer experiences our clients are proud of: better insights , excellent service and personalized communications . VANMARLEN maximizes results by applying the…result principle, principle humanimplementation, execution, automation, report, founder1
mifood.nlMiFood wants to ensure that products are accessible and affordable to as many consumers as possible by adhering to the DNNA principle.nutrition, personalised, vegetable, consumer, affordable1
shieer.nlShieer is a biotechnological company with the principle that all of its products are good for people, animals and the environment. This idea is reflected in all of its products, whether it be products that reduce CO2 emissions for…company principle, principle productadditive, biomass, odour, producer, etc1
jensheukers.nl…and I have finished my college, having learned the ins and outs of game development, programming and OOP design principles. I have created multiple projects ranging from games made in Unity to my own C++ OpenGL engine which can all be…design principle, principle multipleengine, framework, opengl, library, multiple1
ascee.nlASCEE is a small, but highly skilled acoustic engineering company which strives to outperform the expectations of our clients. We do this by applying our acoustic competences and design principles directly into the design loop of the end…design principle, principle directlyacoustic, simulation, publication, october, laboratory1
saveyourticket.nlIn principle, all Dutch theaters, concert halls, organizers, music venues, monuments, museums and festivals can make use of this scheme.scheme, later, venue, refund, cultural1
eiling.nl…his quick its set front enjoy hoped had there. Who connection imprudence middletons too but increasing celebrated principles joy. Herself too improve gay winding ask expense are compact. New all paid few hard pure his quick its set front…middleton principle, principle joyelit, nec, ut, luctus, tellus1
dbi2.nlThe DBI 2 neuroscience area will focus on the neural principles underlying brain-brain, brain-environment, and social-brain interactions. Our neuroscience approach leverages the progress in computational methodologies and the development…neural principle, principle brainneuroscience, brain, computational, initiative, vacancy1
webcrafts.nlInstead we discovered standards that seemlesly pair with our qualities and our hard work. Think of wholeness, gratitude, trust and care to name a few. Not idealist beliefs but principles that actually result in success when you apply them…belief principle, principle actuallyvisitor, conversion, bespoke, friendliness, presence1
expatdivorce.nlIn principle, as long as you continue to live in the Netherlands Dutch law applies to all matters concerning your children (maintenance, custody and care arrangements). The fact is that a Dutch court is in the best position to make a…divorce, expat, law, lawyer, matter1
martijnwieling.nl…started teaching French as a second language with a strong CLT program in line with Dynamic Usage-Based (DUB) principles. Rather than focusing on rule learning and explicit grammar teaching to avoid errors, the DUB program takes the…dub principle, principle rulepaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech1
fdconsultant.nlFD Consultant can prepare your annual accounts for you. These financial statements will be in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in the Netherlands. They will also be in accordance with the legal and tax…accounting principle, principle netherlandsadministration, tax, entrepreneur, annual, assignment1
decoratievlinders.nlEquality,support,and regard are fundamental worths that need to be promoted in all aspects of life. These principles are vital for promoting a harmonious and inclusive society. It is crucial to treat all people with fairness and impartiallife principle, principle vitallondon, dynamic, circle, relationship, connection1
merkenbaar.nlWe work with a design driven team to develop inspirational brand creations. Our well-thought-out spaces reinforce the brand from a brand fit principle. We put our heads together with you from the initially chosen brand strategy &…fit principle, principle headactivation, installation, tabac, think, creation1
laburrata.nlfreshness matter? Because mozzarella, at its best, should be enjoyed fresh, ideally within 2-3 days of production. We understand the difference that freshness makes, and we are committed to delivering a product that embodies this principle.milk, italian, buffalo, difference, freshness1
berkers-engineering.nlWith strong experience in design principles and design for precision, Berkers Engineering can help you in designing the product or solution that meets your technical and precise demands. With a global network of suppliers, Berkers…design principle, principle designprecision, mechanical, independent, manufacture, supplier1
kunstorkest.nl…new music, new ways of playing and new people. Very special about the Kunstorkest is that we are lead by our principle violinist, the baroque expert Hans Lub. Because of this the Kunstorkest plays more intimately than bigger…kunstorkest principle, principle violinistorchestra, rehearsal, baroque, join, early1
michaelwaterman.nl. To appreciate fully the indispensable role they occupy in PKI, it is essential first to delineate the fundamental principles of hash functions and to understand why they are frequently analogized as the digital fingerprints within the…fundamental principle, principle hashpki, directory, cryptographic, length, algorithm1
autonomica.nl…we investigate what fits best: consultancy, research with diagnosis and advice, individual guidance, team coaching or training. In all cases, Non-Violent Communication is the basis and the model for Personal Autonomy the guiding principle.autonomy, possession, violent, sand, confuse1
pan-cis.nlConsulting, Implementation and Managerial Services are offered to all companies, in principle independent of geographies.company principle, principle independentconsulting, resource, managerial, implementation, maintenance1
mdvo.nlOsteopathy is a form or manual medicine that focuses on restoring an imbalance within the body. One of the main principles of osteopathy is that the body is viewed in its entirety and that the self-healing capacity of the body is being…main principle, principle osteopathyosteopathy, treatment, osteopath, pricing, profession1
summitdentistry.nl…treatments optimally. We are also affiliated with the globally known Bio-Emulation group. With that, we apply the principles of damaging teeth to a minimum and achieving very beautiful and natural results. As such, we are experts in:…group principle, principle toothsummit, dentistry, scientific, innovative, dental1
eazyplug.nlThe Eazy Plug products are designed to follow the cradle to cradle principle. The products themselves are dried and lightweight thus saving energy during transport.cradle principle, principle productcycle, block, pyramid, grow, root1
organite.nlAre you "doing" Agile but it doesn't feel like you are agile? Lost faith in agile principles or the agile implementation? Looking for a renewed enthusiasm in agile? Look no further!agile principle, principle agileauthentic, harmonious, awareness, transformation, true1
danielsnutrigeneeskunde.nlThe "feed" ( nutritional) of body and mind using variable therapies , using the five naturopathic principles , so that the self-healing is promoted .naturopathic principle, principle selftreatment, nutri, therapy, complaint, nutrition1
philipniewold.nl…what a good website is designed to do. It tells a story and if the story is meaningful it will inspire someone to take action. If that action is a change of opinion or the acquisition of some new trinket, the principle is the same. Surf >trinket principle, principle surfphilosophy, adventure, competitive, sense, genuine1
groen-hartig.nlWelcome at Groenhartig. Since 2017 we have been growing a large selection of salads, vegetables, edible flowers, herbs and fruit for the chef’s and foodies of Amsterdam. We do this according to ecological principles. We don’t just look at…ecological principle, principle endvegetable, selection, grow, bag, ecosystem1
science-to-impact.nlFrom now on, all knowledge institutions in the Netherlands can use transparent principles for the transfer of intellectual property to academic spin-offs.transparent principle, principle transferreport, conversation, base, shareholder, economic1
massdeception.nlOccultfest- Live Show A.o. Heidevolk, Inferum, Inhume, Izegrim, MASS DECEPTION, Order of the Emperor, Pariah, Slechtvalk, Splinterbomb, The Lucifer Principlemass, deception, official, hall, venue1
energyclaim.nl“Cost is becoming the overriding principle in cabinet decisions,” he complained. “Anything that doesn’t have a short-term payback is rejected”.override principle, principle cabinetgovernment, commission, court, building, law1
vaguecountries.nlInterstellar Delphic Maxims: Wise sayings or principles that are respected across various cultures in the galaxy, similar to the maxims of the Oracle of Delphi.saying principle, principle cultureplanet, ancient, session, cosmic, planetary1
unitect.nl…with new and upcoming technologies to find out what works and what doesn't so you don't have to. When designing an application I get my inspiration from design patterns, domain driven design and microservice architectural principles.thoughtful, requirements, professionally, ugly, architecture1
devnetnoord.nl…needed to integrate cost data into their daily workflows. The ultimate goal is to empower these teams to make informed decisions that consider not only technical performance data but also the associated costs. The guiding principle is:azure, session, package, github, presentation1
sparkplugventures.nlTo spark the right business ventures, we screen solutions for sector-wide global challenges: The venture has covered its proof-of-concept principle and its product reaches development completion or explores market introduction. The…concept principle, principle productventure, promise, entrepreneur, growth, ambitious1
whattheflock.nlFlocking is the application of microfibres to a surface by applying it to a layer of glue. This creates an effect that is comparable to Alcantara or suede. This principle is widely applied within the packaging industry, but has mainly…suede principle, principle widelyknob, frequently, secure, payment, caption1
satellietgroep.nl5 years artist-in-residency and Public Expedition programs called Zandgast, to explore the Zandmotor as cultural phenomenon. Zandmotor is a coastal pilot near The Hague that uses the principles of 'Building with Nature'. This innovative…hague principle, principle natureclimate, coastal, onwards, cultural, artistic1
natuurfoto-andius.nlThe third difference is that each photographer has in principle one row and is able to photograph from both sides of the vehicle. The fourth difference is that the guide positions the vehicle at a sighting with the photographic…photographer principle, principle rowbird, hide, morning, guide, early1
kidsandcarrots.nlWe are distinguished by our unique pedagogical view. Our pedagogical view is inspired by the principles of leading pedagogues Emmi Pikkler, Thomas Gordon and by the Reggio Emilia pedagogy of Loris Magaluzzi. Our pedagogical policy is…view principle, principle pedagoguehague, pedagogical, organic, healthy, childcare1
riskandglobalmarkets.nlPrivacy Policy Risk and Global markets Services herby further known as R & GM Services follows the following principles in order to protect your privacy: We do not collect more information than…service principle, principle orderrisk, role, quantitative, analyst, vacancy1
valuepack.nlAt Valuepack, we put people at the center of our operations. Our core values, rooted in the principles of being Valuable, Accountable, and Leading, act as the foundation of our organizational culture. They guide and shape our actions and…value principle, principle valuablepack, assembly, pharmaceutical, solve, facility1
schapendoesfederation.nl…others is prevented; inbreeding is inevitable! And to this – I apologise – you have to add another factor: The principle of “surviving of the fittest” has been abolished. Of course, we do our best that all puppies survive! And – let usfactor principle, principle fitfederation, dog, population, breeder, discussion1
wilakkers.nl…environment an "the so called" Mediational Learning. Mediational learning is a teaching philosophy based on the principle that intelligence isn't fixed but rather modifiable and after good instruction most of the children should be…philosophy principle, principle intelligenceeducational, teacher, creativity, festivity, parent1
taiji-amsterdam.nlThis is a perfect moment to learn Taijiquan from the basics. We will spend a good amount of time at the basic principles of Taijiquan.basic principle, principle taijiquanteacher, posture, internal, traditional, movement1
lawbirds.nlWe merge our work activities with our lives and so they become our passion and lifestyle. We brought our personal life principles to our daily work routine and they complement each other in every direction.life principle, principle dailylaw, bird, firm, loyalty, trust1
restate.nl. Why? Because when it comes to developing commercial property the question ‘What is the added value?’ is our basic principle. Added value for the user, for the client, for the environment. Our commercial properties are therefore much more…basic principle, principle valueproperty, industrial, premise, germany, attractive1
sandervandersloot.nl, AWS Professional Accreditation. During my career I came into contact with all sorts of platforms and products. My principle, when confronted with problems, is to be open to any solution and to choose the best of breed approach and best…product principle, principle problemarchitecture, role, career, pattern, analysis1
gitaarlesinsoest.nlYoung children between six and eight years old start with a guitar method based on the principles of Kodaly. This means that every song is taught with as many senses as possible.method principle, principle kodalylesson, guitar, movie, sheet, registration1
jornklink.nlWorking with Sketch and Figma to finalise the final features while working with Research and connecting data via Google analytics. Trying to convey my ideas by creating interactive prototypes via Principle and Invision and facilitating…prototype principle, principle invisionendless, summary, checkout, currently, request1
zowerktdezorg.nlThe Quick Guide to Dutch Healthcare provides English information on the basics of the Dutch Healthcare system. The Guide gives a concise overview through clear visualizations and brief explanations. Topics range from the principles behind…topic principle, principle systemhealthcare, guide, concise, relation, foreign1
ronaldboer.nlMarketing Management introduces students to the crucial role that marketing plays in business development. Holders of our Marketing Management qualifications will have a good knowledge and understanding of the key principles of marketing…key principle, principle marketinggraphic, resume, campaign, recruit, optimization1
intersoft.nlTalent engagement is about attracting candidates with the right skills and attitude to your organization, and ensuring that both your current and future employees engage, understand, and can relate to your business goals and principles…goal principle, principle orderemployee, survey, engagement, report, analysis1
carwise.nlCarWise has since expanded to become a company that develops the best software products for the mobility sector. CarWise delivers quality and applies the principle that a deal’s a deal . Which is why entrepreneurs like working with CarWise.quality principle, principle dealdamage, invoicing, bike, organise, automatic1
lamp-ion.nlLamp-ion director Martijn Wagterveld shows the principle of WW Ultravibes in the new AOP reactor of Water Waves.wagterveld principle, principle wwion, wave, greenhouse, grant, ecological1
anneke-rappange.nlAt its own center, the principle of hair threads focuses on the concept of visual fallacy. These very small, tiny threads are actually electrostatically credited comply with the hair bars, mixturing along with organic hair and also scalp…center principle, principle hairhair, thread, actually, fiber, organic1
palmyrabakker.nl…and reflexology zones on the feet and the head using a colour therapy pen. This brings a feeling of relaxation which can support the letting go and recovery process. One of the principles of colour puncture therapy is to initiate change.process principle, principle colourfeeling, session, highly, therapy, puncture1
nrgroup.nlFrom Explainable AI to our Inclusive ML Guide, our AI principles and responsible AI practices provide a foundation for…ai principle, principle responsibleethical, hacking, response, forensic, removal1
zeehondencentrum.nl…seals and a healthy sea are inextricably linked. Researchers in our sanctuary study what we can learn from this principle – for the seal, for our sea and for our own health. You can support our work with a visit or a donation. Every…sanctuary principle, principle sealseal, hospital, repository, heritage, portion1
vormplatform.nlFirst we eat with our eyes - this is a principle that culinary masters know very well. The appearance of a dish is as important as its taste. A delicious and properly served dish will be associated with pleasure for a long time to come…eye principle, principle culinarypoland, inspiration, rise, warcraft, constipation1
fizzylogic.nlI'm not a fan of Java, but I've given it another try with Quarkus, and it's pretty cool. In this guide, I'll show you how to create a new Quarkus project, explore its extensions, and build a microservice using DDD principles. Whether…ddd principle, principle seasonlogic, fizzy, python, llm, semantic1
rocketscience-it.nlTaking experience from Pi-hole Remote, this app was built faster & more in line with SwiftUI principles. Alongside this I started experimenting with a different revenue model.swiftui principle, principle alongsideremote, hole, pricing, association, swiftui1
vincentbruijn.nl…I learned about Perlin noise back around 2007, when I was teaching at MAD Tech in Groningen, the Netherlands, as tutor computer programming. I taught art students the basic principles of computer programming with the aid of Processing.basic principle, principle computerprogramming, journal, docker, noise, visual1
vvcreative.nlAt vvcreative we always ensure there are clear lines of communication and agreements with you in advance and on every project we start. Almost all designs we make are based on a fixedprice principle. This exludes you from unpleasant…fixedprice principle, principle unpleasantdirection, introduction, graphic, agreement, audience1
tonnievanderzouwen.nlEducating and guiding professionals in organising interaction and participation. Learning how to cook with the principles for cocreation with the whole system of stakeholders. Applying Action Research in higher education.participation principle, principle cocreationintervention, researcher, teacher, organisational, scale1
deeinder.nlworking together with other organisations that endorse the foundation’s principles;objective, request, moral, duration, decision1
eagerline.nlSometimes, a single task can still look like a lot of work. It might then be wise to apply the principle of "chunking", which is the magical practice of dividing up a big, daunting task into a list of smaller (and more manageable) tasks.wise principle, principle chunktask, donec, pricing, intuitive, euismod1
honaz.nlWelcome to Honaz B.V. a trusted name in the world of commodity trading. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality products and services, while always adhering to the principles of integrity and professionalism.service principle, principle integritycommodity, precision, trade, trading, integrity1
dte.nlThe company does not violate UN Global Compact Principles and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises​compact principle, principle oecdinvestment, equity, role, deeptech, climate1
spectx.nlSynchronized positioning of multiple drones for complex industrial tasks using onboard LiDAR system asset mapping. High accuracy, achieved in aerial positioning using the D-GPS principle.inspection, autonomous, industrial, turbine, aerial1
focusfeedback.nlBain & Company is the founder of the Net Promoter Score. As an official seller of their principles, we are listed as ‘NPS Vendors’ on their website. Our close ties with Bain also brings many benefts to you as a customer!seller principle, principle npsemployee, satisfaction, survey, excellence, classification1
cmcmaastricht.nlof approved drugs have adverse side effects not detected prior to approval.” (Source: Clinical Pharmacology: Basic Principles in Therapuetics (3rd edition). Instead of the unbalancing effects of drugs, acupuncture and Chinese herbs work…basic principle, principle therapueticsacupuncture, medicine, description, philosophy, indication1
blissorganics.nlBliss Organics came to me through a meditation with a strong desire to create an honest and authentic, organic, chemical and cruelty free skin care range based on the principles of Ayurveda.range principle, principle ayurvedaorganic, bliss, oil, skin, add1
thanos.nlEnterprise architecture shapes your business and aligns the IT support you need to provide your services in the best and most efficient way. According to your needs and following your business principles. Thanos has the fundamental…business principle, principle thanosenterprise, architecture, quickly, efficient, fundamental1
yourpoint.nlYour Point took McKinsey’s Piramid Principle (developed by Barbara Minto) and added dozens of years of writing experience and expertise. The result: the boxplan. A versatile tool that helps you clarify your thinking and translate this…piramid principle, principle barbarawrite, think, session, participant, phase1
decisionsbydesign.nlI made was just as bad. After reading Decisions by Design, I immediately started to do things differently. That's the power of this book: it encourages you to immediately put the steps and principles into practice. I can tell you: it works!step principle, principle practicedecision, author, actually, launch, widely1
chineesnieuwjaar-denhaag.nl…“Always be joyful, never stop praying, and be thankful in all circumstances.” This has become her guiding principle. Her cheerful attitude, inclusivity, and open-mindedness are a testimony to the multicultural society that she…circumstances principle, principle cheerfulhague, celebration, hall, february, cultural1
livinglibrary.nlcan have a big impact. But the quality of the conversation is important. To set up a a high quality Living Library has more to it then you might expect and it takes quite some preparation time. Underneath you find some important principles.library, reader, methodology, conversation, prejudice1
taaafel.nlI focus on supporting and blended families. As a licensed StiefgoedCoach, I am familiar with this Methodology. In addition, I use the principles of my 5-year training in Psychosynthesis in my work, offering tools and insights that you can…addition principle, principle yeartask, appointment, parent, therapy, conversation1
democracyfirst.nlThe platform OpinionFirst is the coherent factor between people. It provides clarity and cohesion in opinions and views and as such provides power to good proposals and ideas. We hope that this modern approach of a centuries-old principle…old principle, principle peopledemocracy, movement, decision, objective, partnership1
agrifoods.nl“For us, business is not about buying or selling, it is a relationship, and this relationship must be good for every part involved. Fair principles and conclusions will assure that the relationship will last and the will to do business…fair principle, principle conclusionvegetable, trading, garlic, lemon, melon1
rubenvanzaanen.nlYou’ll see how the festival creates a sense of community and unity grounded in authentic principles, and how it acknowledges the importance of community, inclusivity, and respect for the land and its people. It also offers a nuanced…authentic principle, principle importancedocumentary, earth, beat, anthropologist, transformative1
errolesajas.nl…unique approach of delving into the intricacies of how individuals move. Each training session is meticulously crafted around the five foundational principles of proper movement: coordination, flexibility, endurance, strength, and speed.foundational principle, principle properinjury, achievement, prevention, movement, athlete1
introvation.nl…their innovations but also develops their own. All of the products or services IntroVation is engaged in are all guided by the 3-P principle of “People Planet Profit”. For more information about our products and services please contact us.introvation principle, principle peopleirrigation, profit, planet, environmentally, hook1
jacarandatreemontessori.nlYou come along with your child for the 2-hour session and learn alongside them how to apply the Montessori principles at home so your family can benefit from the Montessori approach 24/7. They can also come with a grandparent or other…montessori principle, principle hometree, playgroup, visit, toddler, resource1
aikido-maastricht.nlAikido Maastricht already exists for over 20 years. Our dojo is a place where we practice, study and develop Aikido. Though we are practicing traditional Aikido techniques our focus is lying on the practice of Aikido principles and how to…aikido principle, principle dailytechnique, resistance, understand, traditional, judgement1
leanstorydesign.nl… learn the principles of design thinking to understand the user’s wishes in the complex world and to translate those into valuable solutions.trilogy, think, inspiration, cultural, overview1
pfeifferthie.nl…bankruptcy. This situation is (in any case) accepted by the Court if at least two creditors are left unpaid. The creditor with whom payment agreements have been made that are also fulfilled will in principle not be left unpaid. READ MOREagreement principle, principle unpaidlaw, lawyer, injury, damage, attitude1
enscompany.nl…the nature of independent dance development. Our company is based on devotion of art in dance, the desire to expend the conventional perception of what a dance company can become. To this end, we adhere a strict set of guiding principles.dance, min, dancer, educational, independent1
bordenstift.nlDuring a drawing workshop you will learn the principles of visual thinking, so that you can easily convey your ideas with the help of illustrations.workshop principle, principle visualanimation, draw, illustration, appointment, overview1
pleun.nl…as a Publicity Manager, Stylist and PR Manager at companies such as Laura Ashley, Bhs, and the Arcadia Group, known for its fashion brands such as TopShop, TopMan, Racing Green, Principles, Dorothy Perkins, Evans and Burton Menswear.green principle, principle dorothyinterior, scheme, fabric, colour, window1
upstart-it.nlI empowered startups by guiding them towards a controlled rollout and implementation of agile principles and enabling them in setting up a project management that actually helps them grow and deliver fast and with confidence.agile principle, principle projectreach, pipeline, transparent, framework, guidance1
feelingfresh.nlThe explanation of the name Feeling Fresh is based on two principles. First of all ‘we are feeling fresh’ because it’s a new start and we feel very excited about that. Secondly we have a ‘feeling for fresh’ because we are professionals…fresh principle, principle freshfeel, produce, weight, origin, spain1
ipfa.nl…on ways to establish and increase their collection of plasma for fractionation, with a strong emphasis on the principle of donation without financial gain, of ensuring donor health protection, while at the same time reaching the…emphasis principle, principle donationassociation, profit, supply, medicine, membership1
ispex.nlThe polarization measurement principle of iSPEX is derived from developments in astronomy and space research. The optical implementation of iSPEX was invented for the prototype of the SPEX satellite instrument to record highly accurate…measurement principle, principle ispexmeasurement, citizen, measure, atmospheric, particle1
internationalschoolhaarlem.nlemphasising positive personal and learning values in daily life and learning (thoughtfulness and respect, principles and morality, communication and cooperation, resilience and adaptability)respect principle, principle moralitysecondary, requirements, ish, positive, characteristics1
sustainable-houses.nlOne of the pillars of Sustainable Houses is the sustainable and healthy character of our homes. What does that mean? Actually, we make no concessions to the materials used in our homes. In principle, (the shell of) the house is made with…home principle, principle shellhealthy, pillar, actually, character, concession1
plmconsult.nlThe principle of PLMConsult PLMConsult's starting point for its services is your problem and how this can be solved organisationally in the first instance. Read the Full Storyoracle, implementation, efficient, commentary, ownership1
boroatelier.nlAll our workshops are based on the BORO principle; use everything and waste nothing. We upcycle fabrics and work with the left overs of the food industry. Nothing is discarded if it doesn’t have to be.boro principle, principle fabrichomeware, bathroom, bag, pillow, regular1
goodcomms.nl…the BELONG framework. This stands for Brave space, Emotional agility, Listening, ‘Our’ (inclusive language), Noticing, and Good at repair. This program consists of an 8-session personalized coaching and training based on these principles.employee, leadership, diversity, leader, inclusion1
bakfiets-en-meer.nlWe built this gorgeous machine to photograph as an example of our new “Fr8 Over the Top” model. In principle it was to be my new daily ride replacing Fr8 “Rusty” I’ve been riding since 2008 but never got around to painting. This is the…model principle, principle newbike, brake, normally, carrier, rear1
mindpower.nlIt’s us, people who make or break an organization. ‘Taking care’ of employees in order to let them become the best they can be is a necessity for the continuation of an organization in disruptive times. Triple S principles show clearly…triple principle, principle clearlyrelationship, successful, trust, employee, behavior1
simpletools.nlThese three principles help us to simplify consultation, design and development.hire, cycle, plugin, joomla, consultation1
liuhemen.nlYou will learn the basic principles of Daoyin, including the regulation of breathing and thoughts, alongside the proper alignment of your body’s internal structure.basic principle, principle daoyinbreathe, movement, introduction, exercise, theory1
platformleefstijl.nl…assurance situation is. Because add why not esteems amiable him. Interested the unaffected mrs law friendship add principles. Indeed on people do merits to. Court heard which up above hoped grave do. Answer living law things either sir bedfriendship principle, principle peopleye, opinion, joy, pleasant, law1
updigital.nlGamification is the application of game design elements and game principles in contexts other than games themselves. Gamification works by using techniques to harness our natural desires to improve activities or processes. These…game principle, principle contextimplementation, pre, vitality, congress, consultation1
natuurwild.nlWe are a start-up of a small-scale sustainable holistic project with a nature camping. Natuurwild is based in the principles of permaculture. We are looking to increase harmony between ourselves and nature.natuurwild principle, principle permaculturepermaculture, accomodation, consulting, soul, scale1
datacrossroads.nlWe have a distinctive unique proposition to its customers to get these results. Our approach is based on 3 simple principles:crossroads, maturity, implementation, lineage, resource1
in4leads.nlOur sales professionals distinguish themselves by working from 4 core principles. These form the basis of our successful lead development campaigns.core principle, principle basisgeneration, related, package, promise, valuable1
eco2.nlEcO2 systems are used worldwide to control pests as a curative or preventative method in production processes without compromising the quality of commodities. With the principle of without oxygen nothing can survive, EcO2 Controlled…commodity principle, principle oxygenatmosphere, treatment, commodity, toxic, heat1
oneness-rising.nlOn our site we are building a GeoDesic Dome Greenhouse with AquaPonics, Heirloom and Perennial Edible Vegetables, We are based on the Holistic principles of Permaculture. There is room for a Beekeeper, Chickens, Eggs, Fish, Herbs…holistic principle, principle permacultureoneness, sing, rise, guest, alternative1
jaaadesign.nlWe work by the holistic principle that a website is not an island: all aspects of your online presence work together and amplify each other. Correctly combining an extensive SEO service, social media, (local) listings and other search…holistic principle, principle websiteplugin, maintenance, package, genesis, framework1
startflow.nlExcellent reliability is the guiding principle in the extensive range of valves and solenoid valves for the energy industry. Whether it concerns conventional energy or sustainable energy, with the range of Kühme and Herion we always offer…reliability principle, principle extensivevalve, chemical, pharmaceutical, installation, diaphragm1
moeejendaag.nlWe organise exhibitions continuously, giving you a hospitable reception in an attractive atmosphere. At Galerie Moeëjen Daag you can also purchase art through the Kunstkoopregeling. We start from the principle that art should add value to…kunstkoopregeling principle, principle artsculpture, bronze, glass, painting1
arclinea-amsterdam.nlFrom design to realisation, from a complete kitchen down to the finest details, we are there to realize your dream kitchen together with you. Naturally according to the best design principles and the acclaimed Arclinea signature.design principle, principle arclineakitchen, italian, discover, professionalism, catalogue1
hopmandatarisk.nlThis white paper will demonstrate the principles in the new ESMA regulations and explain the meanings of the key concepts. A plan of approach is presented to better comply with the new guidelinespaper principle, principle newrisk, foreign, presentation, credentials, minor1
personal-architecture.nl…it is entirely bio-based, and the first roof extension of the Netherlands designed with the Passive House™ principles - the latter requiring extra attention to detail. Developed for partner Maarten, this applies even more - all…house principle, principle extraarchitecture, urban, vital, functional, building1
johanwagenaar.nl‘Being in the world’ is also the basic principle behind Het Instituut , the foundation set up by Wagenaar in 1995 to bring together artists and designers, philosophers and poets so that they can draw on their artistic qualities to tackle…basic principle, principle hetcargo, het, dead, horse, biography1
lucaskeijning.nlWorkshops Storytelling, playful and effective forms of science communication and the fascinating psychological principles that make our lives so fascinating and at the same time so irrationalpsychological principle, principle lifeplayful, audience, actively, exhibition, demonstration1
horecagroningen.nlAt Voila, your delicious and honest restaurant in Groningen, you can enjoy dinner according to the French table d'hote principle.vacancy, hospitality, taste, subscription, dining1
robertvanefferen.nlSyslog is still included, but in principle this is not necessary because the files are sent over https.syslog principle, principle necessarynetworking, cisco, firmware, fortigate, proxmox1
kleureneconomie.nlIn short, this is the consciousness in colour economy. Yes, this does resemble principles found in permaculture and circle economy. Read more in the summary or the book .yes principle, principle permacultureeconomy, colour, currency, economic, summary1
bureautalent.nl…work with Design Thinking. Since we believe in practise what you preach, the training itself is also based on the principles of Design Thinking. This means that the teachers go through the Design Thinking process themselves, so they…training principle, principle designthink, cooperation, equity, teacher, motivation1
govannon.nlYassine is a skilled frontend web and app developer. He is proficient in creating responsive and user-friendly interfaces for a wide range of applications, and has a solid understanding of web and app design principles.infrastructure, stack, fully, secure, rapid1
bosseafood.nlOur basic principles also apply to our fish: quality, freshness and convenience. Bos Seafood is able to offer you a wide range of fish of excellent quality and freshness for all your requirements. Whatever you need, we can probably…basic principle, principle fishfish, seafood, fry, assortment, salmon1
onearchitecture.nl…two focused and concise ‘ Green Measure C lusters’ to be implemented with the financial support of the Regional Deal. The principles and outcomes of this project will be taken on board for all the projects within the new Regional Deal.deal principle, principle outcomearchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient1
fudoshinryu.nl…This observation led him to retreat himself in the Tenmango temple and that is where he developed his 103 jujutsu techniques for self-defence. He called his method Yoshin ryu jujutsu which is founded on the principle: give in to overcome.japanese, traditional, influence, ancient, defence1
st-alexander.nlParticipation as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is at the heart of what we do. This principle asserts that children and young people have the right to freely express their views. There is an obligation to…heart principle, principle childparticipatory, participation, dit, youth, exchange1
citylink.nlOur approach is driven by evolving consumer behaviour as a result of e-commerce, urbanization and technology. Sustainability, service, and speed are our guiding principles.logistics, estate, mile, urban, sqm1
franck-handskills.nl…therapists, physiotherapists, (rehabilitation) physicians from the Netherlands and Belgium who implemented principles of CARAS in their rehabilitation centre, nursing home or private practice. The consortium provides a platform for…belgium principle, principle carasrehabilitation, therapist, stroke, opinion, occupational1
goudaholland.nlWe work according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the ethical principles of which are firmly anchored in the Niedax Values Charter.ethical principle, principle firmlycable, assembly, career, tray, pioneer1
timoverdiek.nlnot only what’s bothering you now, but also on what preceded this. I like to focus on your personal life story by trying out methods that are based on the principles of systemic work, transactional analysis and neuro-linguistic programming.method principle, principle systemicjanuary, october, august, slider, uncategorized1
scannexus.nlCracking mesoscopic coding principles in the human brain with ultra high field fMRImesoscopic principle, principle humanimaging, brain, internationally, neuroscience, institute1
salutissima.nlApply the principles of the Mediterranean Diet, one of the healthiest in the world.diet, potential, vitality, mediterranean, personalized1
aaboh.nl…of such considerations, it is now becoming more evident that such information can be useful and that some design principles should be defined that allow for online or offline analysis of the processes taking place in the population and…design principle, principle onlinebehaviour, algorithmic, optimisation, paper, heuristic1
nikkylenstradxd.nlDuring this course, the principles of critical design were brought into practice. As mentioned before, critical design is a point of view within design processes. It is not about creating solutions, but about finding problems, asking…course principle, principle criticalintercultural, assignment, personality, critical, topic1
kenya-fresh.nlAt Kenya Fresh, our guiding principle is simple yet steadfast: high-quality products at affordable prices. We believe in bringing the best to your table without breaking the bank.fresh principle, principle simplekenya, herb, assortment, wearable, awesome1
ckcapitalpartners.nlCK Capital Partners has since its inception a strong commitment to ESG & Sustainability. Creating a lasting positive impact through the upgrade of our buildings onto its lessees, users and its direct environment is one of the core…core principle, principle firmcapital, partners, investment, sustainability, estate1
mauritskliniek.nlIn principle, your visit to the Mauritskliniek will be covered by Dutch basic health insurance with a referral from your doctor (keep in mind your obligatory excess). If you have a foreign healthcare insurance, please check your insurance…treatment, insurer, appointment, insurance, referral1
fidelisletselschade.nlDo you live outside the Netherlands but did you have an accident while visiting or working here? We can still offer our assistance. The principle of lex loci delicti applies to you, which means that the law of the place where the accident…assistance principle, principle lexassistance, injury, accident, traffic, situation1
mmulder.nl…were labeled ‘Low-CBT’ and ‘High-CBT’ groups, referring to the below and above average level of implementation of principles of competence-based education in the training programs. The study was conducted amongst smallholder farmers…implementation principle, principle competencejanuary, competence, redesign, publication, downloadable1
durrercenter.nlDurrer Center provides expertise and services to collect, analyse, manage, store, archive and share clinical research data, images and biomaterials. The main principle is that biomaterials and research data are Findable (F), Interoperable…main principle, principle biomaterialcatalogue, cardiovascular, study, storage, clinical1
hypnosisclinic.nlI am a qualified (Cert. Clin. Hyp., Dip. Clin. Hyp.), certified and registered clinical hypnotherapist (see About ), and a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis, adhering to their strict principles and guidelines.strict principle, principle guidelineshypnosis, hypnotherapy, clinical, symptom, fee1
stowa.nlSTOWA’s fundamental principles are set out in our mission: Defining the knowledge needs in the field of water management and developing, collecting, making available, sharing, strengthening and implementing the required knowledge or…fundamental principle, principle missionapply, regional, authority, topic, efficient1
fablabwag.nlWe have extensive knowledge of digital design- and manufacturing principles, and we are happy to lend you a hand with prototyping. Our extensive network guarantees a good fit for your specific demands. We can give classes and courses – or…manufacture principle, principle happyarduino, prusa, cutter, manufacture, entrance1
iclacademy.nliPelvis provides adequate information and education, correct patient selection and physiological basic principles, the effectiveness and reliabilty of which have been established. As a healthcare professional you can watch the execution…basic principle, principle effectivenesspelvic, physiotherapist, patient, physiotherapy, woman1
klasiena.nl…this counts as an indicator. If you are different, you don’t fit in, you are ignored. A modern variation on the principle of survival of the fittest. It feels like an attack on her personality, a mutilation of who she is. Natural has tovariation principle, principle survivalviewer, island, sculpture, woman, female1
agilelzinga.nlSAFe ® for Lean Enterprises is a knowledge base of proven, integrated principles, practices, and competencies for achieving Business Agility by implementing Lean, Agile, and DevOps at scale.integrate principle, principle practiceframework, practical, ambition, mainly, unpredictable1
breakawaylearning.nl…be processed to make it possible to interpret structure and content of the pore space. In this course, the basic principles of acquisition and processing will be discussed. But also, insights in advanced methods will be provided. These…basic principle, principle acquisitiongeophysical, seismic, magnetic, processing, exercise1
uitgeverij1001.nlthese are the elements that drive us to publish. This is realised in many areas. From architecture to law, from painting to a principle of Evil.painting principle, principle evilarchitecture, publisher, publication, author, catalogue1
imageworx.nlThis is one of my guiding principles: honest, open-minded, persistently different and always with a smile :-)visual, wwii, war, artwork, immersive1
iqmconsulting.nlIQM Consulting offers a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of Transfusion Medicine and related Health Sciences. The emphasis is on the principles of Quality as a Culture.emphasis principle, principle qualityconsulting, season, greeting, transfusion, medicine1
aartverweij.nlLately I had to brainstorm on how to fast track our development. We had had external coaching and I gave it quite some thought. For you Scrum Gurus out there; perhaps I’m stating the obvious, but putting these principles firm and open…obvious principle, principle firm, basic principle, principle focus, focus principleplaceholder, apache, jmeter, boring, graph1
wilsonvasquez.nlHighlights are light accents in your hair. These are applied using the foil technique. You can decide for yourself how many tufts you want and how thick the plucks should be. In principle, you can use a different colour for each foil…pluck principle, principle differenthair, min, woman, blow, wash1
websec.nlThe STUN Interception Tool is a powerful tool designed to leverage the principles of STUN. Learn more about its features and how to use it effectively.tool principle, principle stunthreat, advanced, pentesting, subscription, tomorrow1
lizaberseneva.nlA short course about the basic principles of design thinking and human centered design. After this course I have succesfully completed a 6 month internship at a service design firm Muzus in Delft, the Netherlands.basic principle, principle designux, dog, audiobook, researcher, animal1
firemakers.nlRespect your brothers. Not out of politeness. But because you realize this is a brother, a fellow man standing before you. And although you may not agree with him, he is a brother, entitled to his own feelings, thoughts, principles…thought principle, principle expressionbrotherhood, brother, essence, consent, truth1
braunoni.nlOver more than 13 years, we are a specialist in our subject field. Supplying in high quality replacement products for a suitable price is our principle. Our extensive assortment ensures the customer has a wide selection to choose from.price principle, principle extensivereplacement, multiple, succesful, mass, society1
automation4b.nl…first fully specified and built, the Manifesto for Agile software development was drawn up. The 4 values and 12 principles describe a different way of working that reduces lead time for delivering products and makes the risks of the…value principle, principle differentoptimal, automation, architecture, priority, risk1
randstadnieuws.nl- AI evolving according the principle of a universal mind which lies at the core of our philosophy. Archive discussions .....ai principle, principle universalinvestment, universal, intelligence, defense, report1
dutchofficefund.nlIntegrity and transparency are guiding principles in all our actions. This is well-regulated in our governance. Therefore, building management is always in our hands: responsibility cannot be delegated. We take full responsibility for our…transparency principle, principle actionfund, inspire, facility, ambition, tomorrow1
mobydiversnieuwegein.nlSlots – the principle of working is based upon the olden day’s mechanical slotting pc. The player has to pull the handle of the device to within the drum roll and try his good. The original Slot machines were introduced developed 1890, in…slots principle, principle workmoney, gambling, player, february, july1
brianne.nlOne of the assignments for this minor was to build a blog for its duration. Every wednesday afternoon someone from the workforce would come in and give a lecture on something in the tech-world, whether it be emerging technologies or the…technology principle, principle webfrontend, internship, achievement, biodiversity, indonesia1
clubtaxi.nlWith our online fare calculator you can calculate your taxi costs yourself. At ClubTaxi we use the principle "a deal is a deal". We make sure that you leave and arrive at your destination on time.clubtaxi principle, principle dealnightlife, hague, minivan, reliable, spacious1
advancedprograms.nlUnderstanding business processes and carefully listening to the needs of our client’s customers is essential. Based on these principles, we co-create IT solutions meeting the requirements.essential principle, principle solutionadvanced, involvement, collaboration, trust, manage1
marianblogt.nl…with an intermediate interest and form a broader cooperation. All the tricks I teach are aimed at one simple principle in sociology: people are incredibly good at forming groups, and incredibly loyal to groups of which they are a…simple principle, principle sociologyemotion, moral, difficult, truth, society1
damioso.nl…of dedicated senior researchers and PhD students is committed to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in areas like evolutionary algorithms, neural networks, and the principles of natural processes that inspire computational techniques.network principle, principle naturalcomputing, optimization, evolutionary, paper, algorithm1
agriprom.nlAgriprom is specialized in dairy farming for more than 25 years and we offer complete solutions for dairy farmers. We equipe barns according to the principle of Total Cow Comfort: reasoning from the cow’s needs while taking into accounts…barn principle, principle totaldairy, cow, mattress, udder, stall1
emcmcc.nl…electromagnetic fields cannot be ignored. The book 'Electromagnetic Compatibility' gives an overview of all basic principles and the way they should be managed to prevent problems with electromagnetic interference or to solve them and to…basic principle, principle wayelectronic, react, create, compatibility, electromagnetic1
hydrotek.nlHydrotek Benelux is a wholesaler operating in the field of hydraulic hoses and accessories with its central warehouse in Roosendaal (NL). We apply the principle of A-quality products at bargain prices of mainly European manufacturers who…nl principle, principle qualityhose, female, hydraulic, crimp, seal1
weight-lifebalance.nlAt weight-life balance we do not believe in pills and powders and the advice is based on the principles of wholesome food. Our target is to enhance your knowledge about healthy nutrition, to let you experience how it can work for you, so…advice principle, principle wholesomebalance, weight, nutrition, metabolic, useful1
diedehuver.nlIn our personalised 1-1 coaching sessions, based on the 10 principles of intuitive eating, we break that annoying cycle of dieting. No more restrictive meal plans. We work on building a positive relationship with food and your body. By…session principle, principle intuitivehealthy, eat, relationship, intuitive, diet1
pausetoplay.nlRead more about the three fundamental principles for living a life of meaning and purpose. In this ebook (in Dutch) I share my personal story about my near death experiences and I share with you: how dying thought me to live.fundamental principle, principle lifepurpose, pause, career, leadership, meaningful1
vatservices.nlIn principle our work is charged on an hourly basis. The hourly rate depends on the type of work to be performed and will be agreed upfront.reference, hourly, wilde, advisory, reclaim1
lizanvandenaker.nlThanks to many years of experience with high quality IT implementations, working in an Agile environment according to the principles of SCRUM and DevOps, and being part of a development team myself, I know how to communicate with both…environment principle, principle scruminterest, woman, ambitious, socialize, motivate1
bandenplan.nlThe Kargro Group is a leading actor on the tyre market since 1968. Its entire business model is focussed on the principles of the circular economy.model principle, principle circulartyre, fleet, sustainability, tire, circular1
techconsultancy.nlWe approach organizations from the principles and beliefs as reflected in the Viable System Model (VSM).organization principle, principle beliefimprovement, nav, integrate, successful, resilience1
greenfield.nlexcellence and implementation of the Buy, Build & Hold strategy are the key factors we use to pursue accelerated growth. Business ethics take centre stage at Greenfield, as manifested by our principled and transparent approach to investing.greenfield principle, principle transparentoperational, excellence, entrepeneur, investor, firm1
lieanalysis.nl…is applied. The orientation score can be regarded as just a single entity in a larger Lie group theoretical framework, e.g. when dealing with multi-scale and multi-frequency processing. Our method relies on the combination of 5 principles:lie, analysis, documentation, processing, orientation1
estheremmelygons.nlAn innovation framework provides guiding principles for developing a series of questions that can assess where a product is along its journey. An innovation framework unifies the business, enabling everybody to know and understand what…framework principle, principle seriesaccounting, venture, metric, winner, ecosystem1
wouterwierda.nl…in his music since 1968. The legendary Bob Moog even built a four-oscillator synthesizer especially for Eddie Harris, controlled by Eddie of course through his saxophone and a pitch follower. I also use the same principle in my own set-up.follower principle, principle setsaxophone, saxophonist, composer, producer, electric1
factree.nlExtremely eagerness principle estimable own was man. Men received far his dashwood subjects new.eagerness principle, principle estimablepanel, bootstrap, cordial, framework, device1
luckyapple.nlDo you have other wishes or concerns? Our staff is always there for you. Lucky Apple is a family business and we live by family principles.lucky, kid, paradise, frequently, booking1
geishalounge.nlPrincipled yet innovative takes to Mixology, that makes your cocktail experience at Geisha Lounge a true adventurous journey for you and your tastebuds.japanese, table, kitchen, cuisine, career1
wonderstyling.nl…are the two things that I believe make Andzelika so successful in what she does. She’s proficient in the ground ‘principles’ of a timeliness style and effortlessly created stunning outfits from the pieces I already own. To top it off, sheground principle, principle timelinesswardrobe, executive, clothes, closet, mij1
bouwpartners.nl…from Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe, Flevoland, and North-Holland. Reliability, continuity, and quality are the principles we stand for. Those who work with us will experience this firsthand in our personal, honest, no-nonsense working…quality principle, principle firsthandcandidate, reliability, personnel, honest, employment1
roodgoudvanparvaim.nl…in the west, in my book I identify the sunrise dimension of Atlantis. Other researchers did not know the Biblical principle of aionian times. They also overlooked the role of Plato’s idol Academos. That’s why they never found Atlantis…biblical principle, principle aionianbible, memory, moon, introduction, money1
ahsanhussain.nlBridging the gap between design and development with web development expertise. I create seamless, user-centric websites by fusing design principles with cutting-edge development techniques.design principle, principle edgeseamless, ux, visual, conversion, prototyping1
frightguidenederland.nlIn principle, the tour will continue in both snowfall and rain. When we cancel due to announced weather conditions, you will of course receive the option to rebook your tickets to another date.guide, visitor, exclusive, historical, advance1
weebibus.nl…provider should always be on the masthead, but also respect the community. The larger the community is, the more professional usually is the portal. This principle is important for anyone who wants to put on a bet and want to place a bet.portal principle, principle importanthorse, stake, belmont, winner, win1
lodgeseshat.nl…asked, based on the study of our tradition. This requires a work on oneself, a discipline and the respect of certain rules – but which will never be in opposition to the principles of freedom of thought and your moral and religious duties.opposition principle, principle freedomegyptian, esoteric, consciousness, woman, initiation1
artsandculture.nl– The provided data is based on the principle of (best) ‘available in the public domain’.data principle, principle goodspecification, enthusiast, accurate, practical, matter1
greynoble.nlWe are quite proud of our Weimaranerkennel "of the Grey Noble" which already exist since 1977. Many nice dogs we had since & bred all with our basic principle :​"Breeding beautiful healthy dogs with passion for work & a nice temperament"!basic principle, principle beautifulgrey, noble, healthy, dog, adventure1
werkdier.nl- Preventing diseases by educating the owners and users in the basic principles of equine carebasic principle, principle equineanimal, hospital, brooke, voor, mule1
shieldcapital.nlOur core values – dedicated, entrepreneurial and creative – shape our culture and reflect the way we work. They are the principles and beliefs that form the essence of our approach while energizing our vibes of ‘fun to work with’ and…way principle, principle beliefshield, capital, estate, asset, acquisition1
palmapilates.nlPilates is suitable for people of all ages. It is an exercise system designed to enhance flexibility and strength throughout the entire body without adding bulk. In Pilates, we emphasize key principles, including concentration, control…key principle, principle concentrationsession, london, exercise, overview, quartet1
dsglobal.nlWe also have young professional, talented and passionate insurance brokers that are there to work with customers. Our policies not only reflect the Islamic nature, but also reflect general principles to enable and provide for our customers.general principle, principle customerinsurance, base, coverage, aviation, interruption1
andersval.nlMemory of Hans van Wijngaarden Hans (Johannes Dirk) van Wijngaarden was born on June 30, 1933 in Bevervijk. From his youth on he stood for humanisme, he denied to follow the call for military service on the principle “do not kill” . By…service principle, principle courtpoem, author, song, literary, announcement1
comun.nlThis upcoming conference will be led by the theme “Shattered Vows: Tracing the Devastation Caused by Violating Human Rights”. This theme explores the far-reaching consequences that result from violating fundamental human principles and…human principle, principle obligation, duty principle, principle humanityunited, nation, february, join, conference1
faayautogroep.nlNowadays most cars are equipped with disc brakes, previously these were often drum brakes. The principle is the same, by applying the brake the brake pads are pressed against the disc (or in the drum), causing the wheels to slow down. The…brake principle, principle braketire, maintenance, repair, engine, turn1
mmeenk.nlIn principle the NGTV Terms of Business apply to all commissions. They will be sent on request.translator, russian, law, certificate, american1
kinderwerk.nlchildren at risk who need this kind of support in summertime. The summer camp is organised and run on the Playwork Principles with the starting point that ‘all children need and young people need to play’ and that play is a process which isplaywork principle, principle startvulnerable, disadvantaged, voluntary, initiative, nation1
3point2.nlAt 3Point2, we provide complete design and build solutions to support the offshore, renewables and heavy lift industry sectors with safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness as our core principles.hydraulic, heavy, career, structure, installation1
robostofzuiger.nlwrote a book entitled “Brand new Protestant Ethic and Spirit regarding Capitalism.” One to Protestant really works principles to which Weber referred began one of the Puritans, just who thought first and foremost you to their day with this…protestant principle, principle weberpaper, write, bride, guy, marriage1
nieuwsmarkt.nl…the powerful combination of custom post types, custom fields, custom taxonomies in the back-end and Beaver Themer in the front-end. WordPress was from the original design principles a ‘blogging machine’. So posts in text, combined…design principle, principle blogginginstead, beaver, overview, singh, base1
learn2grow.nlEducation that combines proven didactic principles with effective use of technology.didactic principle, principle effectiveaccreditation, assessment, programme, redesign, proof1
dubbelbit.nlWhen developing software in collaboration with our clients, we employ DevOps principles and practices to shorten the delivery lifecycle while maintaining quality of the code. We are experienced with many disciplines such as designing…devops principle, principle practicedevops, infrastructure, landscape, understand, role1
eklektik.nldates from around 1925 when Cor Alons and Frits Spanjaard teamed up as interior architects following Haagse School principles, greatly inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright. Feel free to DM for more info. #dutchartdeco #artdeco #haagseschool…school principle, principle greatlybuy, table, sku, chair, modernist1
arthurkamminga.nlWe have been trusted advisors to the world’s foremost organizations since 1926, and we continue to uphold the principles set by our founder and CEO, the successful entrepreneur Nabin Tuladhar.organization principle, principle foundermobility, transportation, combination, regulatory, framework1
inward.nlMindfulness Coaching is a specific way to learn these techniques. In Mindfulness Coaching, your questions, process and speed are guiding principles for the journey we take together. We apply meditative techniques, such as mindfulness, to…speed principle, principle journeymeditation, inward, session, freedom, subscribe1
dimitrikruithof.nlTrained as an architect, Dimitri takes inspiration for his furniture designs from principles of structural engineering and bridges, cranes and structures of buildings.design principle, principle structuraldescription, furniture, industrial, crisp, layer1
frankderoon.nlTo stay relevant as a business and to optimize for the change we use Change Management practices and principles.decision, adapt, transformation, resource, background1
remainhealth.nl…is achieved. Remember, the approach is individual, the massage is tailored to individual needs. We follow the principle “Primum non nocere” (First, do no harm!) . If during the interview we decide that the massage is not advisable, weneed principle, principle primumremain, therapist, relaxation, therapeutic, treatment1
lctrading.nl-At our company QUALITY underpins everything: our business principles, corporate strategy, service delivery and culture. This guides what we do and how we do it to ensure that everyone consistently delivers a high quality service safely…business principle, principle corporateaircraft, aerospace, supplier, rapidly, globe1
they-marketing.nlWhether you have just repositioned your brand or whether your brand strategy has been in place for a long time. The strength of your brand only comes to life when you use it as a guiding principle in your organization and activities.life principle, principle organizationconsistently, implementation, entire, difference, operation1
alysayoga.nlA calmer form of yoga, which incorporates principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine,yoga principle, principle traditionalfear, shame, dive, playful, spirit1
sbr-nl.nl…New Zealand have worked in accordance with the SBR method for many years. A growing number of countries are interested in the Dutch SBR approach and these countries are exploring the possibilities of adopting the principles. Read more ...report, standardisation, government, naar, exchange1
sjaaksmetsers.nlWe organise exhibitions continuously, giving you a hospitable reception in an attractive atmosphere. At Galerie Moeëjen Daag you can also purchase art through the Kunstkoopregeling. We start from the principle that art should add value to…kunstkoopregeling principle, principle artsculpture, glass, bronze, muse1
alterlaw.nlIt is important to know which statutory limitation periods apply. In principle, this is twenty years, unless the law provides otherwise. In many cases the law provides otherwise. If the claim is time-barred, the claim is no longer…period principle, principle yeardebt, period, transportation, damage, limitation1
honcompany.nlThis concept rests on the premise that both economic and social progress must be addressed using value principles. Value is defined as benefits relative to costs (not just benefits alone). Creating shared value is integral to the…value principle, principle valueeconomic, competitive, chain, negotiation, buy1
emmagohres.nlFigma, Sketch, Adobe suite, FigJam, Miro, Confluence, Jira, Principle, HTML, CSSjira principle, principle htmlconnect, dynamic, registration, ux, alike1
betterpreneurs.nlSupported by an extensive network of like-minded coaches, facilitators, and specialists who collectively share the same fundamental principles and values that drive Betterpreneurs' purpose forward.fundamental principle, principle valueconnection, potential, africa, ground, fertile1
studio-exe.nlWith a deep understanding of design thinking principles , I approach every project with a problem-solving mindset. I love diving into the complexities and challenges that businesses face, seeking innovative solutions that drive success…think principle, principle projectthink, graphic, powerful, visual, potential1
unimove.nlMoving is not something you do every day. A carefree relocation starts with the organisation through a reliable partner, the ‘Erkende Verhuizer’ Unimove. Unimove has over 50 years’ experience in local relocations. Our principle is…relocation principle, principle qualityrelocation, staff, storage, discover, belonging1
jellejoustra.nlProduct design integrates knowledge from various domains and perspectives. This includes working principles, manufacturing technology and stakeholders along the product lifecycle. In my product designs, I aim to find those optimal…perspective principle, principle manufacturepublication, aerial, circular, economy, composite1
cf-industrial.nlGases and harmful particles are invisible and any damage is unpredictable. It is important to first consider the basic principles...industrial, chemical, carbon, plate, waste1
chocolactica.nlAs a principle I challenge myself to create recipes using only whole ingredients . The more refined an ingredient is, the further removed from nature.delicacy, flavour, seasonal, ingredient, delicious1
studiocsp.nlLIGHT International advises and assists clients with lighting projects. All our products are specials by default . This principle of standard customisation has been central to us for 30 years, because adjusting a situation is always more…default principle, principle standardlighting, installation, fixture, default, situation1
jebbinksoeteman.nlThere are all sorts of deadlines in criminal law. For example, after receipt of a summons, a notice of objection can be submitted only if this takes place within eight days . In addition, the witnesses or experts must be named in…expert principle, principle laterprofile, criminal, lawyer, law, police1
tomleest.nlCreating value in places where technique, society and politics have to work together. That motivates me in my work as a stakeholdermanager for large (infrastructure) projects with a high impact on the environment. As principles of the…environment principle, principle mutualcouncil, ik, wat, politics, infrastructure1
nielskalma.nlThis was a school assignment where had to program and design a small game using flash, Actionscript 3 and a few coding principles taught in class. I was responsible for all of the graphical work and the coding in Actionscript 3. You can…code principle, principle classinteractive, assignment, installation, pirate, arduino1
cryptoechtbegrijpen.nl…being said, I found this course to be really informative. The Cryptocurrency angle was really helpful in illustrating the basic principles of blockchain. I also found myself much more interested in cryptocurrencies than I thought I was.basic principle, principle blockchainnecessity, money, warranty, complaint, early1
apirapi.nlTools and methodologies change as technology pushes the boundary of our imagination and creates new needs and opportunities. However, some good practices never change. Take time to get to know the problem domain, stick to architectural…architectural principle, principle developmentarchitecture, role, summary, domain, automation1
ndns.nlStudying the mathematical principles underlying broad classes of dynamical systems, including coupled ODEs, PDEs, (random) maps, delay equations, networks, hybrid systems, etc.mathematical principle, principle broadmathematics, funding, report, nonlinear, emergence1
bles-dairies.nlThe dairy cow and producing milk are at the center of our focus and worldwide dairy cows in principle are the same. Their main objective is to produce milk all year long, with the right quality and in the right quantity. Therefore, the…cow principle, principle maindairy, livestock, genetic, internationally, trade1
goal043.nlAt Goal043 we build our games via the principles of triadic game design. Together with our customer we target the scope of the project and create, build, test and adapt within given budget. Look at our custom projects below.game principle, principle triadicaboard, multiple, enterprise, audience, educational1
vectorious.nlwith. This experimentation is complemented by rigorous research and an understanding of the underlying engineering principles, such as when I designed a fully compliant fetal manikin for medical simulations. This approach helps me direct myengineering principle, principle fullysoft, robotic, interdisciplinary, haptic, fully1
incad.nlinCAD processes the information provided by the user fully automatically into a complete control scheme containing the principle schemes, main current, control current, material lists, terminal connection lists, cable lists and layout…scheme principle, principle schemecabinet, speed, layout, cable, scheme1
sarahmeiherman.nl‘In principle, a double portrait is complicated. Is it actually a portrait? After all, this is not about a single person. Your eyes constantly go from one to the other. Yet everything comes together in this picture. The photo is subdued…portrait, solace, prize, photographer, exhibition1
tradim.nlInformative pieces about Tradim’s history but also about the principle of dimminghistory principle, principle dimfunction, cord, driver, stabilizer, accessorie1
hect.nlSince 1997 HECT Consultancy is specialized in enabling positive change where people and nature seem to be in conflict. Sustainable development is the guiding principle for all our activities. From a specialized online toolkit to full…development principle, principle activitypositive, strategic, publication, audience, stakeholder1
theologica.nlThe articles on this site mostly concern Bible reading in the context of non-western cultures. The theme “Migrants in the Bible” gets ample attention. One paper seeks to apply Biblical principles to the practice of international health &…biblical principle, principle practiceoverview, logic, africa, theology, involve1
openonderwijsapi.nlis why the Open Education API, known in Dutch as the ‘Open Onderwijs API’ (OOAPI), was created. The OOAPI conforms to the design principles of REST (Representational State Transfer) - a flexible, lightweight way of integrating applications.design principle, principle restapi, institute, educational, response, description1
ngrwp.nlAs well as seeking for the recognition of the sovereign rights of the state from the de facto and de jure principles according to the "Declaration / Proclamation of Unilateral Independence, July 1, 1971".jure principle, principle declarationgovernment, republic, political, july, independence1
vondelfontein.nl…is behind the formatting of your word-processor text or in the website of your online photo-album printer. The principle works everywhere when consumers touch computers or screens. It is about making choices and seeing the changes you…printer principle, principle consumerenthusiasm, breathe, visual, edge, slight1
annaleona.nlAlchemy is a field of knowledge based on the laws of metaphysics. It is a practical science that realizes its knowledge through hermetic principles of development.hermetic principle, principle developmentalchemy, teacher, monthly, turtle, breathe1
anglicanchant.nlIf you are not familiar with Anglican Chanting, you may want to have a look at the principles of chanting , or listen to King's College Choir, singing Psalm 122 on a chant by Richard Woodward (there are many psalms sung by a variety of…look principle, principle chantchant, anglican, file, composer, melodic1
2mel.nl…sensor solutions. We are specialized in connected solutions using a variety of wired, wireless or optical technologies. Sensors can be of the shelf or fully custom build starting with the core sensing principle and underlying physics.core principle, principle underlyingdevice, industrial, wearable, certification, sleep1
metaethics.nlFarbod Akhlaghi-Ghaffarokh – An Argument for the Metaphysical Necessity of Moral Principlesguy, lake, registration, final, schedule1
theballpark.nlWe embrace the principles of design thinking and the double diamond process to explore, refine, and implement solutions. Our approach emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and iterative design to craft spaces that resonate with people and…architecture, creativity, innovative, positively, planet1
aminorich.nlAminorich manufacturing department works based on LEAN manufacturing principles.animal, strict, nutrition, nutrient, swine1
moore-drv.nlMedium-to-large-sized companies that embrace Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles and practices enjoyed a 10 percent revenue boost over four...esg principle, principle practiceeconomy, administration, tax, grant, entrepreneur1
elsschrijen.nlIn addition, knowledge and principles of vitamins and minerals (orthomolecular therapy), psychology and philosophy.knowledge principle, principle vitaminmedicine, therapy, etc, symptom, complaint1
paradox-paradigm.nl…mathematics. The physical background of quantum mechanics becomes clear. The dual character of particles and the principle of uncertainty of quantum mechanics coincides with dragged ether. Nuclear fusion is better understood. The…particle principle, principle uncertaintyparadigm, chapter, theory, electron, photon1
020groen.nlUnburden In our company, UNBURDEN is the main point of focus. Both the design and the execution can be carried out by us. We operate according to the Design & Build principle: through short communication lines, communication remains clear…design principle, principle shortlandscaping, roof, inspiration, vacancy, concentration1
schipholtaxiuithoorn.nlThe excellent location of our headquarters , in relation to Schiphol and the various motorways allows us to serve a much larger area than the Randstad area alone. In principle, we work throughout the Netherlands , from Groningen to…area principle, principle netherlandsrate, base, economy, passenger, driver1
agroscientific.nl…Projects, Build Operate Transfer Projects and Facility Operation and Maintenance Projects from Engineering and Project Management Services to Civil, Mechanical, Electrical works with the same Engineering and sustainability principles.facility, fertilizer, waste, scientific, operation1
corriedrijver.nlUsing universal movement principles, such as breath, grounding, centering, release or expansion & contraction, our aim is to become more embodied or 'at home', present for anything and everything.movement principle, principle breathjanuary, dance, july, movement, february1
ictrecht.nlconsiderations. It thoroughly analyzes each article of the Act, translating theoretical concepts into practical applications and providing extensive cross-references and connections to the principles of 'trustworthy AI' set forth by the EU.connection principle, principle trustworthylaw, firm, regulation, practical, advisor1
livingwage.nlPlatform Living Wage Financials members recognize the systemic issue of underpayment in supply chains . By engaging on living wages and incomes, we honor our commitment to the United Nations Guiding Principles and OECD Guidelines for…guide principle, principle oecdwage, engagement, income, methodology, assessment1
matthijslangenberg.nlBy following the online HCI course I have learned how to design technologies that bring people joy, rather than frustration. Using human-centered design skills, I learned principles and methods to create excellent interfaces with any…skills principle, principle methodemployee, electronic, healthcare, medication, nurse1
kunstwerkkolderveen.nllab. Regional artists and artists staying in the art residency are able to book working periods and facilities. In principle the production space is not manned by any technicians. If guests require assistance or craft knowledge this is…facility principle, principle productionexhibition, residency, artistic, rate, volunteer1
bigcircle.nlCultural and legal differences are also relevant. In Common Law countries agreeing with detailed terms and conditions is often required. In Western Europe consumer protection and the reasonableness and fairness principle are dominant…fairness principle, principle dominantreflection, official, ux, truth, psychology1
blauwhoedinvestments.nlParkEntree is the first residential area in the Netherlands specifically designed for the active senior. It is based on the principles of Senior Smart Living. Prevention of loneliness and mutual self-reliance are key. The general opinion…senior principle, principle seniorinvestment, estate, investor, fund, risk1
bloomtown.nl“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”foundational principle, principle relationshiprelationship, trust, ingredient, effective, foundational1
acupunctuur1.nlThe basic principle of TCM is based on balance and harmony: when we are in harmony with ourselves, with our community, and with our highest selves we experience the greatest health and wellbeing. By making a very individual treatment…basic principle, principle tcmacupuncture, herbal, indication, consultation, compensation1
petereurlings.nlClasses are given by means of clear practical instruction on the principles and methods of drawing. These principles will be introduced by excercises and portrait study with a model. Several aspects will be completed with examples from…instruction principle, principle method, draw principle, principle excercise, able principledraw, painting, oil, portrait, figure1
mondkapjes-maskers.nlThe wise man therefore alwaysi holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures Continue readingmatter principle, principle selectionelectronic, furniture, shoe, arrival, bag1
minivintage.nlEverything has been designed and made by us. We make everything by hand so all of our products will differ a little bit. They are in principle all uniquebit principle, principle uniquechristmas, payment, miniature, bit, suggestion1
frufix-fieldservices.nlAt FruFix we like to do things differently and better! When we first began in business for ourselves, we started with a simple and clear principle: we must provide a better quality and service than our competitors, that best fits the…clear principle, principle wellflexible, efficient, highly, reliable, excuse1
campbellconsulting.nlCertain traditional methods are the best methods—including the most basic market research—even in a modern world of interconnectivity. A single personal point of contact is a principle we will always employ.consulting, aviation, leadership, consultation, acquisition1
creativemasters.nlCreativity allows you to differentiate your product and upgrade the image of your company or brand. Our leading principle is that we want to surprise and innovate: making your company and products more exciting. We do so by creating new…lead principle, principle companycreativity, thin, differently, simulation, innovative1
elisabethmuller.nl…sarabande, an old, slow Spanish dance in three-four time. Then it happens. Suddenly Elisabeth realizes that the principles she applies in her own visual work – mirroring, turning, reversing, splitting, fragmenting and interweaving basic…elisabeth principle, principle visualearly, piece, visual, structure, variation1
learnquest.nlGet an introduction to the key principles of service strategy, and learn about the service strategy processes. Discover the importance of governance and related frameworks, and examine implementation considerations and approaches…key principle, principle servicesubscription, instructor, catalog, schedule, conference1
katjabergman.nl…has greatly influenced my worldview. I grew up in a society that values equality, freedom, and respect for all, principles that I hold dear and strive to uphold in my daily life. My Dutch nationality is not just a part of my identity…respect principle, principle dearbiography, root, woman, topic, heritage1
3develop.nl…of the Benelux.” Scarcity The monks of Saint Sixtus Abbey unintentionally provide a valuable lesson in economic principles. They want to prevent their beer from becoming a commercial product, which is why the bottles have traditionally…economic principle, principle beervisualisation, january, february, urban, architecture1
era-analytics.nlTeaching activities : Master course "Principles of Molecular Clinical Diagnostics II" together with Dr. Henk Lingeman, in 2012. Theoretical and practical lectures for the bachelor course "Biomolecular Screening", with emphasis on…course principle, principle molecularmass, spectrometry, imaging, al, advanced1
woninginzicht.nlIn principle, allocation is based on a valid income statement - Inkomensverklaring - from 2020. This income is (automatically by the website) indexed to 2022. If there is no income mentioned on your income statement or you now have a…registration, housing, accommodation, income, corporation1
hugdealeramsterdam.nlEmbracing the understanding that healing takes varied forms, my approuch goes beyond hug therapy and includes Thai Yoga Massages and oil massages. The ancient wisdom embedded in the art of oil massages resonates deeply with the core…core principle, principle practicehug, therapy, session, oil, relaxation1
laudace.nlLAUDACE is an equity-first and intersectionality-focused Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultancy aiming to empower historically marginalised folks and their allies who work to thrive in their careers. We are based in the…equity, pillar, conversation, courageous, leadership0
naomiroos.nl…hand movements. Our game is compatible with the Manus VR glove, a leap motion device and must always work with the Oculus Rift. My main focus in this project was level designing, storytelling and user experience/ user interface design.graduation, unity, prevention, patient, rehabilitation0
anchi.nlBeautiful Massage salon that offers various massages by highly experienced & passionate masseurs.massage principle, principle hippocratestailor, treatment, couple, incense, passionate0
thehaguecybernorms.nlThe Hague Program for Cyber Norms focuses on the development and implementation of cyber norms. We ask how norms are and can be applied to support cyber security, stability and peace.harm principlehague, fellowship, publication, resource, peace0
boerengroep.nlStichting Boerengroep ( Peasant Foundation ) is a student foundation at Wageningen University that aims to connect the university (students, research, education) with the reality and challenges of farmers in the Netherlands and worldwide…boerengroep principleinternship, excursion, farming, campaign, reclaim0
secu-trans.nlSecuTrans BV can support your business operations with a wide variety of services! Flexibility, honesty and craftsmanship are some of our keywords within our organization! Curious about our services?topical, honesty, curious, flexibility, variety0
dvandijk.nlA new start with no thing allows to identify the logic and logistic order of the process of creation of mass, matter, dark matter etc. etc.simple principle, principle unifiedidentification, creation, matter, mass, dark0
chemploy.nlDiscover thrilling career opportunities and growth prospects in European Chemistry, Materials, and Food jobs with Chemploy.chemistry, employment, career, discover, growth0
ubec.nl…and input they need to further their computational research. We operate within the larger Utrecht Bioinformatics Center community and provide bioinformatics and OMICS related education within the Utrecht bio-informatics educational track.fair principle, principle openbioinformatics, analysis, repository, disaster, computational0
alainzandstra.nlHello! I'm Alain Zandstra — a digital product designer with 5+ years of professional experience, focused on crafting clean & user‑friendly experiences.ux, redesign, holiday, activation, identity0
vandevenpham.nlDuring the next years Van de Ven would like to develop in multiple ways, without constraints in style or direction.introduction, mijn, exhibition, painting, character0
juliasullivan.nl…a very safe environment to share and work on your own challenges. The 6 coaching sessions I had with Julia afterwards were amazingly effective. I am now living my values, and am creating the kind of working environment I want to work in. "soft, excellence, leadership, leader, programme0
mutatis-mutandis.nlMutatis Mutandis, the consulting and training firm for changes in complex supply chains constraint by legislation and regulation.apics principle, principle operationsupply, chain, certification, operation0
marinusjanmarijs.nlPost-integral philosophy which is the subject of this website, differentiates further between lateral and vertical development; complexity and ontological development and greatly expands the number of developmental lines that are…principle justice, anthropic principle, teleological principle, basic principle, principle ontologicaltransformation, developmental, sequence, collective, subtle0
its-peanuts.nl“Grant flooring did a great job installing the maple hardwood floor in our kitchen and bedroom room! They started and completed the work on time as promised and we are delighted with the results! I would most certainly use Grant Flooring…ux principle, principle greatpeanut, organic, authentic, introduction, copper0
honeyfoundation.nlOur beloved cats name and the love she gave, remembered as part of our legacy of doing good: the Honey Foundation.guide principlehoney, positive, difference, legacy, guide0
hahnemann.nlIf you are a practitioner , you can create an account to order on line. Click on the link ‘Practitioners’ at the top of this page to start your registration. If you are a patient, go to the heading ‘ How to Orde r’ or ‘Patient with…principle homeopathy, healing principlepatient, homeopathy, prescription, pharmacy, medication0
hightechinstitute.nlCheck out the advanced technology & leadership trainings in the high-tech domain. Which training fits your learning goals?design principle, principle precisionsoft, leadership, institute, mechatronic, optic0
kevinanderson.nlHey friends, Welcome to a new week, and to a new Experimental Mind newsletter. In this edition I have 5 articles, 2 new events and 16 job opportunities…ethics principle, principle gaexperimental, january, february, experimentation, think0
luris.nlLuris connects academics of Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) with the market and society at large, in order to make the most of their scientific knowledge.principle collaborationfunding, academic, licensing, partners, societal0
logic-design.nlIn 2010 I founded Logic Design. Ever since that point I'm doing contract work for business clients, mostly iOS related projects. For a selection of my work see the portfolio on the main page.irure, sit, amet, labore, quis0
zonneveer.nlThe Zonneveer Nieuwkoop Foundation operates the ferry service for cyclists and pedestrians in the summer on part of the Nieuwkoopse Plassen (lakes of Nieuwkoop) between the Noorden village center and the Hollandsekade near De Meije.principle wayboarding, fas, sail, departure, bicycle0
margaknaven.nlIn my work, materiality is telling and all-important. I choose materials that impress. Sometimes through their physical appearance – fragile and vulnerable. Sometimes through their sensory impact – there’s no escaping them.fire, iac, artistic, thematic, appearance0
biblebasics.nlBible Basics is a fully digital and free program for children’s church services and Sunday schoolbible, church, sunday, fully, digitally0
deboekhoudhoek.nlWe are a boutique bookkeeping practice for [mostly non-Dutch speaking] entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. What started for our bookkeeper-in-chief as an after-working-hours-passion turned into a family business supporting small business…concept principle, principle dutchtax, entrepreneur, bookkeeping, declaration, entrepreneurship0
metameta.nl…in more than 20 years of international water and climate expertise complementing GOPA AFC’s global experience in agriculture and financial sector development. This significant move further strengthens the portfolio of the GOPA Consulting…guide principledifference, resource, road, climate, innovative0
ubfly.nlAre you looking for a cheap flight ticket? Compare flight ticket prices of all airlines and buy the cheapest flight ticket!usage principle, principle cookieflight, cheap, passenger, transfer, rent0
unglobalcompact.nlFrom combating climate change to promoting gender equality and eradicating poverty, impact investing channels capital where it’s needed most. On the 26th of March 2024, our Executive Director Merei Wagenaar moderated a panel session on…accelerator, climate, woman, ambition, equality0
crystal-lab.nl© Crystal Lab, Ottersum, the Netherlands 2019 - design Bureau Bex - realisation S-Insideoperate principlecrystal, lab, publication, operate, ongoing0
schipperpaul.nlHome… About… Services… Contact… Talk to us… About us… Our Services… Careers…accounting, career, clarity, trust, timely0
newvisionhousing.nlWe want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger relationships with trade partners by emphasizing people and teamwork over processes and checklists.housing, building, sustainability, hospitality, ethics0
gingeraardbei.nlWe are offering a tailor service for all our collection pieces online and in the atelierdress, ginger, add, appointment, bridal0
datacurators.nlWe facilitate the commercialization of academic software, offering expertise in technology transfer, IP protection, and market strategy. This enables academic researchers to navigate the complexities of licensing and effectively bring…tide, scientific, innovative, genome, academic0
dylanwals.nlAre you sure you want to retake the course? This action will permanently delete all your progress in this course.design principle, principle newpermanently, progress, sit, draw, guitar0
matthiasnoback.nlCopyright © 2011-2024 - Matthias Noback - Powered by Sculpin and Bootswatch - Privacy policyrefactoring, archive, talk, upcoming, debt0
jeroenkoot.nlAircraft Industry Business Development Change Management Digital Transformation Energy & Chemicals M&A Packaging Project Management Renewable Fuels Restructuring Scale up Strategy Superyachtsfollow principlerestructuring, scale, packaging, fuel, renewable0
eenvoetgesprek.nlSERVICES… REFLEXOLOGY… PRINCIPLES… PRICE… ABOUT… REVIEWS… CONTACT… English…reflexology, russian, oops, maybe0
evggroup.nlAs an active shareholder, EVG Group is closely involved in the development of its portfolio companies and focuses on creating value growth within the companies in which it invests.focus principleparticipation, estate, acquisition, invest, etc0
medtrading.nl…the particles in the air (both fine dust and microbiological pollutants). All charged particles are then collected by a collector at the end of the device. The clean air that leaves the air purifier is clean, healthy and purified air.purifier, purification, particle, dust, proof0
jeroenhertzberger.nlWith my premium online courses, you can improve your game quickly, while having a lot of fun! Whether it’s your technical skills, your shooting level or tactical awareness. I will teach you all you need to know to become en elite hockey…ebook principle, principle succescamp, collaboration, booking, player, standout0
dbhc.nl…In our project we will develop new telescope technologies, study the geology of the possible location for the Einstein Telescope (ET) and try to answer deep theoretical and astronomical questions about space and time. Our project is…holographic principlehole, telescope, million, astronomical, geology0
yvar-learning.nlYour health is important to us. Through our courses, we try to improve people’s health. Do you also want to live a healthier life? Then take a look at our health courses!success principlehealthy, secret, package, positive, think0
oxydent.nl…for water aeration. Oxydent B.V. develops, manufactures and sells professional aeration systems for water. In addition, air filters for blowers and compressors are produced. These products are sold under the brand name: Oxydent ┬«.pump principleaeration, pump, aerator, oxygen, claw0
haykes.nlwhen creativity meets technology HAYKES WATCH by SIJBERS HAYKES WATCH, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT BY SIJBERSHaykes Watch, design and development by Sijbers, crafts a narrative of innovation, where every timepiece is a testament to the…video principle, principle copyrightwatch, timepiece, creativity, wrist, possibility0
huismanfoundation.nlThe Huisman Foundation is focusing on five themes in particular: water and sanitation, renewable energy, health, education and the support of entrepreneurial activity.basic principlesanitation, healthcare, entrepreneurial, poverty, geographical0
qmeat.nl…Contact… Chicken legs… Sausage… Pork ribsCurabitur pulvinar ex felis, quismeat, veal, tenderloin, nutrition, organic0
stadiongame.nlReduce absenteeism and increase employee morale with Stadion, the in-app tournament that boosts company cohesion through playbuildable principleemployee, wellbeing, tournament, productivity, favorite0
robschuckman.nlRob Schuckman, half-duplex digital radio communication system for real-time remote control of underwater vehicles for course and stability analysis. Underwater RF data communication.underwater, rf, remote, vehicle, antenna0
innerbalance-enschede.nlWelcome to Innerbalance-Enschede. International Centre for Holistic health, inner peace and wellbeing! We love to support our clients in holistic health and…medicine, colon, spiritual, traditional, holistic0
gework.nlI have designed all parts of the Stage App platform and I am managing the development process of the platform. (still working here)principle macresume, internship, interaction, visual, thesis0
davidjans.nlThe goal for this project is to release a working game onto the market to gain both experience with developing for a customer and get experience releasing my own game.unity, engine, arduino, description, endless0
allai.nlPromote collaboration between all AI stakeholders (academia, industry, civil society and policy) and engagement of various expertises (AI, law, ethics, humanities, economics, etc.)principle practiceresponsible, law, ethics, democracy, regulation0
openquantum.nlAn article on quantum thermodynamics in the Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’ covers our work on a nanoscale heat engine beyond…landauer principle, principle thermalquantum, surface, mirror, particle, photon0
micheldemeere.nlHello, I’m a Freelance Design Lead & Digital Strategist from the Netherlands with 20+ years of experience. Check here how I can add value!strategy principle, principle customerjourneystrategist, discovery, leadership, prototyping, know0
8020itmanagement.nlPeople make the difference; well motivated people are materially more important than a great process to make the difference in business performance. Hence my first priority is all about people, ensuring the success of all who can…pareto principlestructure, intervention, difference, pragmatic, strategic0
thebusinessbox.nlThe boxes… Our businessboxes… Large box… Larger box… Extra large box… Empty…directly principledouble, identity, manual, piece, sheet0
t-gradinsolutions.nlTGS is a multi-disciplinary staffing, engineering and consulting services company. We provide high end staffing and engineering solutions to various business segments like Oil & Gas, Energy & Utilities, Chemicals, Food & Pharma and…business principlestaffing, utility, executive, chemical, oil0
zimex.nlZimex international BV is a market leading specialist in high-grade products and is a quality supplier to industry and the funeral sector. We have achieved this by continually seeking to improve our products and services. With our…funeral, supplier, supply, industrial, grade0
fcydesign.nlFast cruising yachts, based on the latest development in Mini 650-, Class 40- and IMOCA 60 hull designs without being 'handcuffed' by any class rule.yacht, hull, rapid, rule, posh0
edmservice.nl…the conductivity has been brought back so it is suitable for the EDM process. Wire-cut EDM is typically used to cut plates as thick as 800 mm and to make punches, tools, and dies from hard metals that are difficult to machine using other…edm, wire, spark, electrode, piece0
designbyfire.nlThe Design by Fire events provided an accessible stage to share passion, knowledge and competence for interaction design with peers.design principle, principle guidelinesfire, conference, interaction, october, january0
cipenso.nlWe kickstart design development from the beginning with you, or course-correct your stalled project with new clarity and direction.thinker, think, estate, proactive, advisor0
otess.nlSimplify and organize your business with the OTESS. Advanced CRM & project management Web app for professional businesses.oop principle, principle crmvisual, composer, frequently, colleague, expense0
kleinisgroot.nlfeel the sun on our face and hear the wind roaring in our ears. See young birds flying out of their nests, smell the earth after a heavy summer rainfall, and the fragrance of flowers and freshly cut grass, let the sand slip through our…childcare, hague, daycare, adventure, connection0
umbrellasolutions.nlTo get a cloud strategy, right is the most crucial step in the cloud adoption process. You can get it done by cloud consulting services only. They help organizations with cloud computing for cost-effective business growth that boost…business principleumbrella, consultation, transformation, infrastructure, computing0
paulzonneveld.nl…in cooperation, greater professional performance and personal fulfilment are the result. Together with the client he creates new possibilities to combine their logic, compassion and intuition with professional use for better results.leadership, executive, potential, philosophy, connection0
vandintersemo.nlIt was 1914 when the founders Zwaan and De Wiljes started their business in seed production and seed trade in Scheemda, Groningen. More than 100 years later, the company is known as Vandinter Semo and has become a significant producer and…found principleseed, nematode, grass, manure, cultivation0
vakantieinzwitserland.nl…floors . Each floor has a balcony or garden, and you have breathtaking views of the Alps. The chalet is fully equipped with, a.o., a dishwasher, Nespresso machine, microwave, washing machine, dryer, fireplace, WiFi and private parking.holiday, slope, mountain, oct, hike0
karuna-nederland.nlTwo-year Compassion training - in 3 parts - by Karuna Netherlands. An intensive study in comtemplative psychology. International well-known teachers.compassion, psychology, overview, study, teacher0
urbancollect.nlAfter a purchase you can reward the customer with Loyalty credits. You can give credits by scanning the customer's QR code (found in the customer's Urban Collect app) with the Urban Collect Business app. Then click on exchange credits and…collect, urban, loyalty, license, consumer0
odissei-soda.nlThe ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team exists to support social scientists in their research projects. Researchers from ODISSEI member organisations can propose research projects for which our computational, statistical, and research…fellowship, scientist, analysis, drop, monthly0
edwinvroonland.nlI’m Edwin Vroonland, a User Interface Designer from the Netherlands based in Münster, Germany. With a Bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Arts and over five years of experience, I tackle a broad variety of disciplines in the process of…profile, functional, usable, function, simply0
blubird.nlPPL Home Study - Save money and take your exams in English | BLU BIRD Flight Trainingprinciple flightbird, blu, study, exam, money0
surfandshiatsu.nlShiatsu uses a variety of manual techniques, including pres sure, kneading, soothing, tapping, and stretching to access the vital Qi of the body. In the case where the client’s energy is low or deficient, the practitioner uses specific…principle shiatsusession, pressure, balance, ocean, technique0
karma925.nl…Dividers… Button with popup… AJAX products tabs… Animated counter… Products…compare, furniture, chair, wooden, vestibulum0
cci-logistics.nl…two most important ports in Europe. We specialize in container transport within Europe, by road, inland waterways and rail. Together with our partners we take care of your transports from door to door at competitive rates and 100% service.hand principlelogistics, inland, road, waterway, career0
smartfrequencies.nlSmart Frequencies develops and produces water quality sensors based on high frequency impedance spectroscopy. The sensors provide a fingerprint of the water composition and can be used as real time and inline early warning sensorswelcome principle, principle sensorfrequency, antenna, impedance, spectroscopy, fingerprint0
evodie.nlPersonal coaching and training of mind-body-soul for leaders. Concrete and permanently applicable in your busy life.leader, soul, applicable, permanently, busy0
barbararink.nlSediments of Sentiment… Something in the Air… UNTITLED… Special editions :…impermance principle, principle harmonyspill, moon, sun, sediment, untitled0
222lodge.nlSame but Different – Equinox to Equinox is an international event for public action for freedom for all people. Every year on the Equinox (in March and September), the duration of day and night is roughly equal around the world. In the…denial principleexperimental, august, denial, duration, diversity0
arceon.nlARCEON – Engineering Materials for Extremes is enabling revolutionary industry advances through novel materials and structures with unique features, delivering customized and comprehensive solutions , enhancements, and innovations. ​overview, internship, extreme, career, novel0
hetoogvandeorkaan.nlIs it really yours?A zen student approached her teacher: ‘Master, I have a terrible temper, pl…dana principlemeditation, calendar, teacher, programme, sunday0
industrialheatpumps.nlSave on energycosts? Reduce CO2 emissions? An industrial heat pump might be the solution. This website gives information on heat pumps techniques, applications, and practices. The use of a heat pump in an industrial environment is now…operate principlepump, heat, industrial, heating, operate0
songrow.nlDon't miss out on this special plant of the month: Bacopa salzmannii purple no 71 Read more Read moreaquatic, sell, stock, answer, society0
rjnet.nlfurthermore prepares comment letters to Exposure Drafts and Discussion Papers of EFRAG and IASB, attends EFRAG-CFFS meetings and provides members for some EFRAG working groups. The DASB seeks to ensure that the Dutch Accounting Standards…accounting, entity, report, external, draft0
dings.nlDings Kartonnages is synonymous with sustainable packaging and ethical business practices. We listen carefully to our customer’s needs and create packaging that is perfectly designed to meet those needs. After all, the packaging tells our…ethical principlepackaging, bakery, innovative, cardboard, ethically0
nabtech.nlgaps, making manufacturing tolerances less strict compared to other types of gas bearings. As such, tilting pad gas bearings have both technical and economic benefits, making them an increasing popular choice for small-scale turbomachinery.work principlebearing, speed, bear, consulting, machinery0
cloudpirates.nl`Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and…pirate, native, collaborative, pricing, collaboration0
dspe.nlDutch Society for Precision Engineering (DSPE): Independent professional branch organization since 1954 for all precision engineers in the NL. Unique community of precision engineers stimulating professional contact and sharing knowledge…design principle, principle pmbeam, thermal, chapter, precision, conduction0
chiwen.nlSupported by a team of data scientists and software developers, our founder brings profound knowledge in artificial intelligence to each project. We provide advanced solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of our clients.introduction, subscribe, technological, title, digitization0
scienceintransition.nlOn October 18th 2018 the first edition of the Open Science Festival will be organized at the VU in Amsterdam: a joint effort by university libraries, SURF, the National Platform Open Science and the Dutch Promovendi Network. Many young…principle scientisttransition, scientist, paper, scientific, conclusion0
janvandermeer.nlJan van der Meer is the author of `Fundamentals and Evolution of MPEG-2 Systems, Paving the MPEG Road`, and one of the recipients of the Emmy Award for the transport stream format, defined in MPEG-2 Systems. Occasionally, Jan van der Meer…chapter principle, principle mpeg-2chapter, der, lecture, author, road0
foodandfuninvest.nlFood & Fun Invest focuses as an investor and partner, exclusively on the food sector. Within the food sector we are a highly specialised party in management buyouts and growth capital.invest, growth, buy, entrepreneur, july0
romynox.nlROMYNOX also offers a catalogue available in both PDF (online) and printed formats, featuring brief summaries of our diverse product range. For more detailed information, our catalogue and website are seamlessly integrated. Simply scan…principle servicetube, valve, catalogue, pump, port0
can.nl…Assessment, Optimal Digital Learning, AI and more. Apart from the distribution of products such as Mathematica, Möbius and Scientific WorkPlace in the Benelux we organize workshop, bootcamps, courses, presentations and user-days.basic principle, principle introductionmathematica, subscribe, mathematics, statistics, introduction0
rnul.nlFor the campaign of the new edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rnul provided the visual material. The IFFR is one of the largest and most diverse film festivals in the world, which takes place every year in January and…huygens principle, principle collaborationinteractive, visitor, installation, exhibition, collaboration0
miss-berry.nlEvery berry, be it a strawberry or raspberry, is ‘raised’ with the greatest care by growers. But soft fruit too has fruit that is not considered 1 st or 2nd class. Miss Berry loves this fruit and sees that it is exceptionally suitable for…miss, soft, grower, processing, industrial0
ffrd.nl…the journey to a high-performing finance function. We do this by providing inspiration, insights and ideas for improvement and by implementing and developing these together with the customer. We draw on decades of experience in the…function, improvement, inspiration, role, ff0
stichtingorganisatieleren.nlMore and more organizations want to become a learning organization. Very good, because learning organizations are flexible organizations and employees feel at home in such an organization. But the danger of this is that learning becomes…learn principle, principle sengesociety, trajectory, magic, participant, fable0
taliakammann.nl…to translate insights into societal and interior trends. My expertise in product development, graphic design, and cohesive branding suits a retail production company, especially one innovating in plants, flower bulbs, and interior items.work principlesit, amet, labore, consectetur, lorem0
up-great.nlChanging an office space to a flex office, or better activity based working space, causes most of the time quite some tension for the employees. Therefore we offer workshops for the whole team to participate in the design and briefing…interior, staff, apartment, employee, pleasure0
coup.nl— > Book design for Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam: 3 books in 1 cover (awarded best book designs).pakt principle, principle rulesensory, typographic, publicity, cover, unconventional0
amphera.nlAmphera B.V., a late clinical stage biotechnology company, develops MesoPher cell therapy for the treatment of cancer. Our lead indications are mesothelioma and pancreatic cancer.cancer, cell, publication, pipeline, investor0
projectinspiration.nl…doesn’t require electronics. Smit thinks that hospitals in the Netherlands will not be needing this ventilator. But the publicly accessible specifications will allow people in low and middle-income countries to build ventilators locally.inspiration, mechanical, specification, initiative, rapidly0
horizonfoundation.nlBritish Youth Opera’s (BYO) mission is to discover, develop and display the next generation of opera professionals and make opera, as a career and audience member, accessible for all. BYO is the UK’s only opera training company, taking on…operate principleyouth, beneficiary, choir, tradition, namibia0
ballooningcompany.nlHot air Ballooning with Seal Ballooning an experience that you will not soon forgetprinciple yearballoon, seal, expedition, flight, fantastic0
datascenarios.nlDataScenarios is a Dutch consultancy company that helps companies in solving their data scenarios by using Microsoft Power BI and the Azure Data Platform.connection, visual, license, azure, distinctive0
lauratapia.nlProviding mentorship in product design, design systems, and UX research. Conducted design reviews and spearheaded projects from ideation to development.centric principle, principle brandresume, sketchbook, background, ux, assignment0
ekow.nlNewsmag is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry.design principle, principle homepowerful, rack, introduction, secret, road0
aristot.nlEveryone should be able to find their ideal bond with the help of Aristot Dialogue, and let’s create a everlasting improvement future together!” ━ Daniel Zhaoeverlasting, improvement, dialogue, growth, employee0
simlogic.nlSimlogic is producing innovative technology. The contribution of Simlogic continues to surpass the level of generating ideas. Ideas have to become real products in real markets for them to work. During the development of products and…core principlepatent, mosquito, disease, device, wich0
makerobotstalk.nl…than humans. To prevent misunderstandings, robots need to communicate in a transparent and honest way. Because people often think robots are like humans, robots need to detect when there is a misunderstanding and explain differences.talk, october, communicative, misunderstanding, visitor0
philizz.nlHey rad dudes and dudettes! Get psyched for "Back To The 80s - Episode 4"! It's totally tubular, packed with the sickest jams from our fave decade. Philizz's mega skills and mad love for the 80s guarantee a gnarly mix that'll have you…girl, click, song, guetta, boy0
3mproject.nl…are not only dealing with pupils who have Dutch and Frisian as their mother tongue, but also with pupils who speak Polish, Arabic or Tigrinya and with many other languages of refugee children who have just arrived in the Netherlands. The…frisian, teacher, appreciation, researcher, apply0
elap.nlThe program consist of weekly classes, workshops and series and the ELAP Trajectory.trajectory, embody, weekly, embodiment, somatic0
bkvwind.nl…dismantling and maintaining wind turbines. We do this together with energy companies, project developers, wind turbine manufacturers, maintenance specialists and dismantling companies. Discover the power of BKV on the website and maketurbine, crane, heavy, contractor, belgium0
vanoir.nlLooking for a unique leather bag which expresses your individual style? VANOIR will complete your look. Be true to who you are, discover VANOIR.vanoir principlebag, leather, true, feel, swatch0
powerapp.nlParticipants of our learning programs like to use the PowerApp to increase their knowledge and use it as a tool to prepare for their exams. Participants quickly find their way in the PowerApp. In addition the PowerApp is also intuitive…employee, personalization, curve, segmentation, bright0
imrevegh.nlMy expertise lies in communication, personal development and group dynamics. I have a passion for empathic and compassionate communication, personal leadership, finding meaning and critical thinking. I like to combine a sharp mind with a…mean, compassionate, sharp, think, growth0
optisec.nl…for both experienced and inexperienced people and opens the door to any specialization. Both penetration testers and security managers benefit greatly from CISSP, as it provides insights into the entire field of information security.governance principle, principle policy, appliance principle, principle securitycertified, cissp, official, domain, topic0
profess.nlThe Academy aims to provide common sense Good Clinical Practice courses for health professionals based on a fair translation of the rules and regulations concerning clinical research with medicinal products, medical devices and food…dutch principleclinical, trial, regulatory, device, uncategorized0
emgroup.nlThe EMGroup is specialized in the engineering, manufacturing, erection and commissioning of complete thermal process equipment.work principlespecialize, erection, manufacture, commissioning, thermal0
boostyourdutch.nl…(no books required). At Boost Your Dutch, we take advantage of your international skill-set and provide native insights instead of just learning lots of rules. Since your personal experience is vital for success, our goal is to ensure…lesson, session, flexible, conversation, programme0
pimcy.nlpimcy helps you build innovation excellence. Our approach is based on best practices from Design Thinking, innovation management and portfolio management. With our pragmatic way of working, we help you take current innovation practice to…basic principle, principle designthink, excellence, cycle, perspective, successful0
joseewouters.nlWhy isn't this working? It must be the most asked question by a developer. If you're sure you didn't make a typo and your CSS sheet is loaded, then it could very well be a problem with specificity. With what? CSS specificity. In short: it…rule principle, principle practicecss, specificity, git, magic, react0
lijstvlam.nl…party in the university council of Utrecht University. VLAM is not a “single issue”- or “target group”-party, but represents employees at all levels of the university: PhD students, temporary employees, permanent staff and support staff.core principlecouncil, employee, candidate, election, participation0
elucidator.nl#Databricks v.s. Zeppelin This article is about data exploration and two of the main tools that are currently available on the market, Databricks community and Apache Zeppelin Both Zeppelin and Databricks provide a similar interface to…apache, thought, databricks, howto, python0
stefancammeraat.nl…the locus of financial and political power, or care and rebuilding. Can we scaffold the scaffold, to support the things already put in place? To support something that is at risk of falling down, or aiming to be built, restored, or…basic principle, principle timetravel, principle timeexercise, graduation, publication, untitled, variation0
noop.nlPosted in Life & Work , Practices & Discipline , Progress & Performance , Time & Productivity tags management , personal development , planning , productivity , time gridmanagement principleaugust, january, february, october, july0
beyondwork.nlBeyond Work is aimed at small to medium companies who want to develop the potential in their workforce via communicating a set of values that will transform decisions and promote self-starting employees. Beyond Work is based in Gouda, The…new principle, principle valueresilience, recharge, soft, potential, employee0
cupolaxs.nlDigital Leadership | Digital Talent | AI & Data | Marketing | CRM & Sales | Blockchain & Web3 | Cloud | Digital Design | Robotics | Security | E-Commerceprinciple gptleadership, robotic, commerce, aws, endeavour0
homeopathiejavelle.nlSkip to content… What is Homeopathy?… Why use it?… Indications and Symptoms…principle homeopathy, basic principlehomeopathy, hague, doctor, indication, symptom0
purowin.nlBuilders oversee, coordinate and work on the construction or repair of homes and other buildings. Builders usually work outdoors in industrial conditions as part of a construction team.principle workbuilding, interior, infrastructure, boy, removal0
taaas.nl…specifications, goals, and existing technology integrations, ensuring a tailor-made solution to give you just the results you need. When you trust our team to develop your testing solutions, you will experience high quality tests that…benefit, automation, efficiency, reliable, bug0
davyplast.nlAs one o the most reliable partners in plastic trade, Davy Recycling facilitates companies around the world with the best services and materials intended for recyclingrecycling principle, principle customertrading, polycarbonate, optimal, trade, waste0
codeux.nlWeb and enterprise applications, mobile Apps, full stack development, reusable web components and more ...mobile principle, principle importantshowcase, device, angular, block, deployment0
systemicbusinessschool.nl…and complexities you encounter in your work as (interim) leader. They know how to take you along on a systemic journey of knowing, being and doing. Systemic leadership gives you the tools to continue on your path as a leader with new…systemic, leader, leadership, completely, coherence0
causalpolicy.nlWorkshop estimating causal effects of policy interventions | Causal effects of policy interventionsforecasting principle, principle edcausal, intervention, practical, lecture, synthetic0
mrclean-noiv.nlThe MR CLEAN-NO IV trial is a M ulticenter R andomized CL inical trial of E ndovascular treatment for A cute ischemic stroke in the N etherlands investigating the added benefit of intravenous alteplase prior to intra-arterial thrombectomy…iv principle, principle investigatortrial, investigator, aim, rationale, study0
goedhard.nlOr would you rather drive in the woods than in the riding arena? Then there is a good chance that you will find what you are looking for at Goedhard Endurance. We have been collecting products since 2000, both for international…main principle, principle ourselfbridle, horse, rider, dog, ride0
desertedislandmusic.nl…My Music… Planet of the Arps… REMY… Space Art… Events… Label & Contact…basic principle, principle colouradd, desert, island, ed, electronic0
enablingpersonalizedinterventions.nl…decision support support algorithms algorithms to to create create new, new, actionable, actionable, and and personalized personalized insights insights for for prevention, prevention, management, management, and and intervention…principle grossopresentation, intervention, personalized, infrastructure, framework0
sanderwehkamp.nl…design and a knack for process optimization, I strive to create experiences that delight and inspire. Take a look at some of my work below, learn more about my approach, and let's chat about how we can cook up something amazing together.description, character, ux, specialty, optimization0
cowhouse.nlOur products are developed based on the cow's natural pattern of behaviour. Insights gained from observing cows in their natural environment serve as a foundation for Cowhouse to improve their living and working environment.cow, barn, mattress, welfare, german0
decoupled.nl…Nvidia Jetson Nano Setup… 4. Home Cinema… 5. Home Assistant… 6…architecture principlefile, flat, powerful, background, architecture0
foodfuninvest.nlFood & Fun Invest focuses as an investor and partner, exclusively on the food sector. Within the food sector we are a highly specialised party in management buyouts and growth capital.invest, growth, buy, entrepreneur, july0
vermeerhollandbv.nlHome… About us… Assortment… Full ground growth… Container growth… Contact…growth, tree, assortment, ground, specialty0
rebounceworld.nlThe philosophy has been constantly updated and improved over the years. Joost and his Mantion team gained extensive experience by working with ambitious CEO’s and Boards of growing and leading companies all over the world for long-term…publicity, presentation, philosophy, constantly, ambitious0
compilesoftware.nl…they bring. To be better than the day before, I continuously search for new ways to improve my knowledge on architecture and software development. What I learn I try to share via numerous articles, presentations and posts on my webblog.distribute principle, principle presentationarchitecture, presentation, illustration, template, sunshine0
thefruitfulvine.nlOur ministries are created with a great passion to spread the faith in Jesus Christ around the world. Join us and become a part of our big community.ministry, vine, fruitful, sermon, calendar0
danielduret.nlBetween 2011 and 2017 my main focus at PHILIPS DESIGN has been Iconography an Symbol design. Culminating in taking the role of Chairman of the Icon Committee for all of PHILIPS' medical products.graphic, portrait, package, illustration, pencil0
reikigarden.nlDuring a Reiki in-person session, the therapist does not need to physically touch the body. The healing session can be performed with the hands just above the body and it is just as effective as a hands-on treatment or a Reiki distance…reiki principletreatment, therapy, session, license, distance0
uuthuuske.nl…CNC production of bio-based materials, to offer a sustainable, flexible, and affordable system for building. The Uuthuuskes are designed with new, tested methods to provide strong, lightweight, and circular buildings. Read more about the…housing, affordable, flexible, circular, temporarily0
pm-interactive.nlThe Project Manager monitors & controls how well the project is going according to the plan.interactive principle, principle themeinteractive, package, circle, continuous, cycle0
heinekenpensioenfonds.nl…are made. As a result, pensions will be stable. In the coming months, we will explain the new pension scheme to you in small pieces. Let’s start with the old-age pension. This is the pension you will receive when you stop working.investment principle, principle statementscheme, retirement, disability, investment, civil0
kmpc.nl…facilitator, shaping new forms of management and organization through participative design. KMPC is a coach for organizations, providing tools to handle complexity. Explore this site to discover our services, rooted in the Netherlands…trust, capital, integrate, assessment, exercise0
bijbelineenjaar.nlVideo… A participant's week… Participants said...… A participant wrote…bible, participant, roster, talk0
imaginatie.nlA free online imagery tool, with which you can step by step create your own image of the self-reinforcement you need in times of uncertainty or crisis and also advise you how to apply it in your daily life.principle lifeimagery, calendar, therapy, resource, inn0
edegier.nlYou want to start using the hot new JVM language Kotlin today, but you are knee-deep in a Java project and you cannot switch languages. Why not start using Kotlin for writing unit tests? Kotlin is Java compatible and can be used together…cialdini principle, principle influence, introduction principlereactive, microservice, kotlin, guide, programming0
optimodal.nlOptimodal Nederland B.V. is a neutral logistics provider, who’s strength is the container-transport into the European hinterland by rail, water and road. The execution of services as a reliable agent for rail-operators completes the…basic principleconnection, road, hinterland, barge, manual0
tekkieworden.nlGeen zorgen als je nog geen regel code kan. Op TekkieWorden ontdek je welk beroep bij je past – en waar je de juiste skills leert.growth, analyst, factory, limited0
energy-strategies.nl…office ‘Adviesbureau voor Energiestrategie’ (AES), my intention was to contribute to energy development with a strategic and integral vision. Thus, the objective of AES has been to transmit ideas, to offer impulses and to contribute –guide principleimpulse, intention, voor, integral, strategic0
bureaubunk.nlVisual identity Core Classics Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest. In association with Enchilada. Photo: Guido Pijperbureau principlevisual, identity, illustration, association, spatial0
huangpaibv.nlConstruction & Decoration Company Huang Pai B.V. Your reliable and skilled partner in construction. Hire our experienced team for any type of construction work.customer principlelandscape, residential, customised, reliable, skilled0
minigalerie.nlMini Galerie is excited to be taking part in the second edition of Art Island, showing a new collection of work by Dutch artist Jeroen Erosie. More...exhibition, artwork, october, visit, limited0
3penguins.nl3Penguins is an independent sustainability consultancy with 14+ years’ experience. The consultancy is focused on regulatory compliance for high tech and finance companies. Companies come to 3Penguins when they need clarity on the latest…basic principle, principle lcaregulatory, risk, environmental, landscape, compliance0
levasto.nl…in Amersfoort in The Netherlands. We are one of the leading companies operating in both urban and resort locations. Our brand name is trusted for modern style hotel and resort through our personal and long-term relationships with partners.know, comprehensive, relationship, urban, creation0
maartenpkappert.nlTravel sector seeks greater cooperation and more knowledge about travelers (2018)basic principle, principle biomimicrysustainability, architecture, positive, cooperation, responsible0
twinningcompany.nlOriginal, unique and handmade – that’s what makes us excited at The Twinning Company! We love beautiful, hip products, yet our vision goes a little further than this! We are looking for the story behind the product and as Twinning we…handmade, tunisia, pottery, wood, olive0
lifebydesign.nlLife by Design offers several documents (for free) which could act as a starting point and are very applicable and very supportive for those who are consciously walking the path of their human evolution with regard to consciousness…life principlecreation, consciousness, consciously, realization, pioneer0
euraxess.nlEURAXESS is a network created at the initiative of the European Commission to disseminate relevant information (scholarships, grants, financing opportunities, career development) to researchers and to support their activities. Thanks to…researcher, funding, career, slide, assistance0
ffund.nlFFUND is a boutique hands-on consulting company specialised in the Life Sciences. Experts in non-dilutive- and equity financing, and M&A support.grant, equity, venture, loan, vacancy0
chain4s.nl…For fast, easy-access knowledge sharing within the (closed) supply chain, wherever and whenever, there’s also a mobile application: the Chain4S Messenger. This app makes it incredibly easy to exchange information in closed supply…chain, supply, grower, consumer, transparent0
stellargroup.nlStellar group expands the presence of its Nastoyaschaya vodka brand in the German market. In late April, the company started supplying this vodka, sold in Germany under the brand name Nascha, to German retail chain Kaufland. As a result…mission principlecrown, russian, alcoholic, beverage, barrel0
radboudumc.nlLooking for information about radboudumc and partners? Read more about this radboudumc and partners at Radboudumcprinciple qualitygraduate, collaboration, patient, treatment, investment0
meever.nl…distribution and rental of steel materials. Our main products are: Sheet Piles, Steel Pillars, Mooring Systems, and Anchorage. Besides our products we offer services as; Rental of steel materials and Vibro hammers and Products design.core principlesheet, pile, steel, worldwide, pillar0
slimmecontainer.nl“Manoah is both a specialist who has high skills in system administration both Unix and Windows and especially automation of these tasks. In the years he developped also java programming skills.”technical principle, principle datadescription, title, administration, resume, administrator0
racademy.nlOnline courses are an easy and affordable way to learn at your own pace at the comfort of your home.programming principle, principle good, learn principle, principle workflowintroduction, participant, report, necessity, resource0
empirilogic.nlI am a Ph.D. pharmacist with more than 30 years of experience in pharmaceutical and biotechnology product development. Some of the domains I have been working in are: formulation development, assay development, in vivo pharmacology and…decision, risk, analysis, pharmaceutical, understand0
valkemamachinery.nlValkema Machinery is a global acting trading company in buying and selling used equipment for the construction and industry business. The offered stocked machinery is being thorougly cleaned, inspected and where necessary being repaired…thank principle, principle frequentlymachinery, efficiency, buy, destination, worldwide0
neslihancandesign.nl…of every design. They tell a story of a product not with words or pictures necessarily, but through actions. The exploration of designing for experience is something I find very interesting. To do so, I have researched and used several…interaction, analysis, creation, session, visualization0
heatwaves.nlHeatWaves is a division of ITR BV. ITR has specialized in the supply and maintenance of machines for high-frequency heating for more than fifty years. Besides high-frequency plastic welding machines, ITR also produces equipment for the…principle advantagewelding, frequency, flag, advantage, etc0
chaosunleashed.nlChaos Unleashed is a thrash Metal band from The Netherlands formed by members who played in the bands Sad Iron, Yaotzin, Jackal, Dominion, In Ruins and Angus. The style is inspired by Sodom, Kreator and Exodus. Heavy Guitars with loud…biography, metal, unleash, july, hardcore0
dcdf.nlapply them to initiatives that will help the clubs innovate and grow and improve the structure of cricket in the Netherlands, of course collaborating with the Dutch Cricket Council and other organisations that stimulate cricket development.visibility, founder, player, structure, initiative0
fact-facts.nlboth the 20% for whom ACT is indicated and the other 80% of the group, who need at a certain moment less intensive treatment and support. To combine care for these two groups, the FACT team employs a flexible switching system. The group…principle factfact, flexible, treatment, mental, manual0
werkenmetips.nlIPS (Individual Placement and Support) is the approach to helping people with a serious mental illness to get and to keep paid employment.practice principle, principle ipsemployment, fidelity, add, wat, placement0
beyondexpertise.nlLeadership is communication and communication is leadership. My expertise allows me to do more for professionals looking to grow as leaders and team players. I also use coaching techniques in my communication work, for example to help…leadership, influence, episode, investor, listener0
smartwipes.nlThe difference between Coolhands and Smart Wipes products is the used material. Our Coolhands wipes are made from 100% bamboo and our Smart Wipes are made from 100% bio-viscose.wipe, compostable, biodegradable, ingredient, certificate0
deltacompany.nlDeltacompany facilitates effective collaboration between individuals, teams and within organizations. We are experts in building intercultural competence, facilitating team collaboration and managing organizational change – all to reach…collaboration, intercultural, competence, organizational, effective0
petervk.nl…this sprint. The team decides what they can and want to commit to. That said, the Product Owner decides which stories on the backlog are priority. The Product Owner makes sure that the stories are complete enough for the development…window, retrospective, transparency, august, actually0
helpim.nlWe strive to unite people based on the idea of social equality, to help fellow citizens who find themselves in complicated and difficult life situations both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as to conduct consulting and educational…core principle, principle truthfulnessdifficult, situation, volunteer, consultation, useful0
jenaplan.nlIn this menu you will find information about jenaplan educationbasic principlemovie, regular, relationship, teacher, oecd0
teamfranklin.nl"I experienced Franklin as an exceptional facilitator during a training session with our company. He created a comfortable, positive, and open atmosphere that strengthened bonds within the team and set-up everyone to focus on our…innovation principlefacilitation, collaboration, leadership, practical, highly0
newanimatedreality.nl…by Miller’s family. Following Mac Miller’s dog Ralphie as he embarks on a quest into unconsciousness, the film is a dreamscape portrait with abstract yet realistic CG animation, ethereal transitions, and a genuine, heartfelt story.disney principle, principle animationanimation, title, sequence, tumblr, pocket0
sustainabilityworks.nl“The market transformation expertise that Sustainability Works brings, combined with their impressive network, enables them to create value. We feel completely connected and we get the right people at the right time.”lead principle, principle marketsustainability, programme, officer, head, asia0
patentbureaudenederlanden.nlIf so, there’s a good chance you’ve created an invention. We certainly recommend to explore the possibility of a patent application. A patent grants you the right to prohibit competitors from making, selling or using your invention. With…basic principlepatent, observation, attorney, invention, competitor0
jimclermonts.nlI am a freelance Android developer in Amsterdam. I am specialized in Kotlin, Java, Android SDK, Android Studio, Jira, TDD and having fun!oriented principle, principle gitjira, kotlin, nomination, specialize, eclipse0
alexverlek.nlAlex Verlek is a Master Certified Coach and Author. Coaching is for well-functioning people desiring to transform from good to great consciously creating the life they want.principle demystifyleadership, author, consciously, certified, supervision0
reikonbeheer.nlReikon Beheer b.v. is a Financial Investment Company. On this moment we are the major shareholder of 9 daughter companies . Reikon Beheer operates according a biblical vision , which distinguishes us from many other companies.biblical, investment, supply, holiday, daughter0
lindavandijkdesign.nl…etc. I like to combine these two professional roles to make beautiful things from the beginning till the end. Besides my work, I like to play soccer and I love to travel. I would like to see every part of the world. But I'm still…enhancement principle, principle usablesoccer, visual, motion, discovery, furthermore0
ikbouwmijngym.nl…ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id…simple principle, principle workoutdolor, ipsum, lorem, sit, amet0
xcreator.nlX Creator provides design engineering support for your development from concept to prototyping and manufacturing.proof principle, principle popmolding, prototyping, lock, manufacture, carbon0
casperverborg.nlHere you can see a broad selection of contemporary paintings by Dutch artist Casper Verborg, from 2012 until the most recents works of 2022.uncertainty principlepainting, untitled, contemporary, draw, pink0
muradissa.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.resume, ux, sit, amet, adipisicing0
frently.nlroom or apartment. This maximum rental price can be calculated on the basis of a legal point system. Schedule a rent check with Frently to find out if you are paying too much rent. A rent check is free of charge and without any obligations.yes principle, principle rentrent, rental, reduction, landlord, appointment0
ouroborosinteractive.nlAs a freelance Unreal Engine developer, I work with clients to create immersive and interactive virtual environments for a variety of applications, including gaming, training simulations, and architectural visualizations. Using my…ipsum, majority, variation, slightly, alteration0
mediafront.nl…Startup (new)… Enterprise… Service… Cloud Hosting… Agency… Premium… Cloud…design principleenterprise, rental, native, github, payment0
seven-seven.nlModern service for effective rate management and price monitoring. We automate all stages of work for launching and running a campaign on the Internet, you get a conversion in the leading media.principle workcampaign, advertising, seven, optimization, rate0
annekewittermans.nlChariklo In a phase of life where diminishing abilities urge me to live with gratitude, Chariklo is inspiring me. She is an expert in transformation, she gracefully endures discomfort, remains in her refinement and she has the ability to…woman, dance, peace, grace, female0
scientists4future.nlIPCC. 2013. Climate change 2013: The physical science basis. Contribution of working group I to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. IPCC. 2018. Global…community principlefact, climate, report, scientist, assessment0
moduplus.nlModuplus is a modular seating system, focused on re-use. The system consists of many different elements that enable endless combinations that can easily be assembled and connected.sustainabilty principleendless, modular, configuration, sustainability, easily0
archixl.nlWe are ArchiXL. Our consultants help your organisation to excel in the field of enterprise and information architecture. Sharing knowledge is central to our solution-oriented approach.architecture principlearchitecture, enterprise, modelling, central, reference0
henk-reints.nlCosmic distance calculator… The universe… Cosmic slideshows… Atomic radii &…equivalence principlecosmic, pyramid, analysis, calculation, truth0
legalexpatdesk.nlLegal Expat Desk is an information hub for internationals in The Netherlands. Get articles, answers and advice about Dutch law from English-speaking lawyersdesk, expat, law, lawyer, answer0
305.nlSoftware product consultancy from the Netherlands. Since 2010 we realise modern and easy-to-use software products for our clients.design principle, principle decisionstrategic, ux, scalable, valuation, property0
adrenthe.nl< FINANZEN > < FINANCES > ADrenthe brings experience in Executive financial management. For your support in financial management, management accounting, corporate governance and control.consulting, operational, aim, healthy, positive0
ikwilvanmijnpoloaf.nlMarco… Stripe Service Level Agreement… How to Write Money Agreement…agreement principleagreement, purchase, stripe, money, disturbance0
egim.nl…always learning and trying to stay up-to-date with current trends and technologies, without forgetting about those 'old' proven software development standards. I enjoy taking up a challenge and getting things done. Some keywords I like…architecture, enjoy, solid, respectful, successful0
renteh.nlRenteh position itself as technology integrator and investor. Our competitive advantage is local knowledge and expertise, global cutting edge technologies and financing. From sustainable business idea to fully permitted project and…business principleefficiency, industrial, carbon, waste, economy0
geuzenbond.nlTo achieve this, Geuzenbond partakes in building a Nationalist pillar: an alternative to the current left-liberal system. This will obviously require a lot of time and effort, but it will be the only way for Nationalist ideas to be any…pillar, dutchman, background, woman, society0
meijermuseum.nlHome… Over ons Museum… Een greep uit de Collectie… Bolnes (1910)… Kromhout…principle designcabin, spacious, yacht, engine, almond0
5050fest.nlJune 13, 14, 15, 16th 2024 - You are the program! You are self-sufficient! You leave no trace! - 50 )'( 50 Campsufficient, camp, arrival, departure, involve0
nickyvanriet.nlI’m Nick van Riet, student embedded software engineer with a passion for computers and technology. In my spare time I like to fly drones and listening to music.design principle, principle solidsemester, programming, uml, file, embed0
nederlandseclubvoorbritsecaravans.nlAir Force Legal Services Agency: Expert Legal Assistance for Air Force Personnellegal principle, principle conceptlaw, requirements, agreement, firm, template0
businessastrology.nl…and timing in your company. Astrological tools offer an unorthodox viewpoint for business issues and give a practical framework for business timing. Astrology has many techniques for gaining insight into all areas of your organisation.astrology, evolution, planet, monthly, decision0
uaedubai.nlπŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Walking Streets: Dubai Marina evening walk, Marina Promenade, UAEline principle, principle stationwalk, uae, emirates, random, luxury0
jellewouters.nlStudent Event: information fair where 90 exhibits were present to show upcoming students could explore all their leisure posibilities in and around Utrecht. I was the main organiser of this event. Around 3500 students visited the Student…core principlepresent, volunteer, responsible, task, study0
servicedrivenprofessionals.nlWe are best of service when we professionally introduce our appreciated IT Candidates with the right reasoning, at the right timing, to the right IT Employer and partner. At all times, our work remains unchanged and focused on the needs…candidate, seeker, reasoning, professionally, stack0
vialumen.nlToday, Reiki is used by a multitude of practitioners around the world to help the body heal and to calm the mind. The idea behind Reiki is that the core energy which surrounds us has healing capabilities, and this energy can be channelled…reiki principlepath, session, treatment, interested, drawing0
consciousatwork.nlCoaching and Yoga combined - get the best out of yourself with Conscious At Work!conscious, balance, productivity, mental, inspiration0
i-seals.nlWelcome to NewDealSeals – one of the world’s leading developers and suppliers of precision O-Rings , gaskets and comprehensive sealing solutions . If you’re in search of the finest O-Rings, gaskets or sealing solutions for your industrial…business principleseal, gasket, precision, sealing, explore0
petervandersteen.nl…in the areas of Interaction Design, Information Architecture and Interface Design. Developing task flows, personas and scenarios based on research of user needs in order to construct wireframes, prototypes and perform usability studies.der, interaction, ux, optimal, documentation0
kramer-groep.nl…the country, among others, for the municipal and central government, care institutions, hospitals, schools and universities. We react quickly when repair work needs to be done. You can also contact us for advice about planned maintenance.maintenance, repair, certification, installation, plumbing0
open-forms.nl…The artist’s use of granular effects in a live setting adds an element of unpredictability and spontaneity to the music. Each performance becomes a unique sonic journey, with Microloop manipulating granular parameters in real-time…reply, electronic, january, endorphin, guitar0
josvolkers.nl- The Box… - The Four Seasons… - The Musicbox Principle… - Other… -…musicbox principleseason, ecological, exhibition, examination, final0
tisaschool.nlWe are an IB World School following the International Baccalaureate Curriculum and providing a unique after-school programme where students learn important skills for the successful future!programme, academic, admission, teacher, august0
housing4students.nl…connection to the Rotterdam public transportation system so that you can easily explore the city and get to the university. The most popular night life spots in Roterdam, in particular the student areas, are within walking distance from…key principle, principle methodapartment, housing, bathroom, fully, furnished0
peopleatfirst.nlAs the Head of Finance, your mission is to orchestrate the seamless operation of our client's financial department. Collaborating with CFO Susan and your finance team, you will be at the helm of our client's financial well-being. Your…accounting principle, principle protocol, principle practicecandidate, comprehensive, accounting, role, head0
leantravelmanagement.nlOur cutting-edge benchmark methodologies offer precise insights into market conformity and partnership quality with your travel agency and other suppliers. Leverage over 25 years of business travel expertise to enhance your…benchmark principleconduct, methodology, partnership, efficiency, cut0
somt.nlWith top-quality professors, the latest medical technologies for study tools and completely updated facilities, SOMT University of Physiotherapy is the perfect place to build your career in primary care.eche principlephysiotherapy, rehabilitation, academic, honour, programme0
tech-transfer.nl…us to have a significant impact. Our complementary knowledge of various domains is easily accessible and stimulates cross-over collaboration. Our joint focus on key themes and the financial support we can offer, provide a powerful impulsetransfer, circular, medtech, researcher, early0
stoominjecteur.nlSteam injectors are fitted to heat liquid substances through direct injection of hot steam . Direct heat transfer is often the quickest and most efficient way to heat cold or pre-heated water .operate principlesteam, installation, supplier, operate, possibility0
seafoundation.nlAn organization for the renewable utilization, education and research of the SEArenewable, utilization, profit, planet, statutory0
cirrec.nl…company’s commitment to truly circular recycling in food packaging. With additional capacity ordered, Cirrec scales tray-to-tray recycling to countries across Europe and drives the development of establishing food grade tray-rPET…packaging, consumer, circular, waste, rigid0
studioplu.nl…I help businesses adapt to digital change by turning complexity into simplicity. Strategic in mind and creative by heart I direct talented teams and challenge clients on national and international projects from a pragmatic point of view.illustration, pragmatic, complexity, strategic, talented0
coolbi.nlWe help you to comply to the complex requirements of transparency, security, privacy and reliability of your data and information.reliable, naar, regulation, protection, gdpr0
nicenancy.nlNICE NANCY is a creative studio for enchanting content, design concepts & immersive branding strategies. Consultancy, editorial productions & content marketing.editorial, immersive, flower, direction, realisation0
gsl-rtm.nlGSL Global Spares Logistics… Global Coverage… Products… Secured Airfreight…principle guidelinesspare, logistics, gic, coverage, airfreight0
inspireducation.nlWelcome to InspirEDucation! My name is Deborah Wüst. I am a Cambridge Certified CLIL coach and certified teacher in Bilingual Education (Cambridge International program). Being an active teacher myself, I know from first-hand experience…clil, educational, bilingual, teacher, classroom0
wijvertrouwenslimmemetersniet.nl…household appliances and the ‘smart’ meter itself consume. The most important thing is the data which enables suppliers to provide energy as cheaply as possible on the basis of the behaviour and behavioural profiles of their customers.behaviour, government, consumption, supplier, citizen0
expode.nlLUBRICATION CHART – Oils, Lubricants & Greases – for Dodge WC series 4×4 and 6×6.manual, wwii, publication, army, ordnance0
centre-for-bold-cities.nlThe Centre for BOLD Cities is dedicated to conducting research, projects and activities centred around the citizen and government perspective within the Big, Open and Linked Data (BOLD) city.research principlebold, conference, paper, society, urban0
oisi.nlOisi… About… Vijnana Yoga… Just Sitting… Vayus… The Seven Principles… Classes…seven principleseven, inspiration, teacher, anyways0
youngcb.nl…the BioSB conference. The retreat is sponsored by the BioSB research school . We encourage all (PhD-) students and young researchers in the fields of computational biology, bioinformatics, systems biology and related fields to attend…bioinformatics, biology, registration, computational, modelling0
apextech.nlOur decades of product expertise, flexible supplying centers, and professional market solution are aim to help our customers to develop and implement successful business in printer supplies products.customer principleink, supply, career, reason, reach0
verolme-elektra.nlWe strongly trust in our partners and our customers. We take care of providing all the tools and training necessary to make the best use of our products. With Verolme Elektra Systems you can count on excellence and professionalism.principle workdiscover, certification, defence, excellence, imprint0
chromedia.nlThe links in the center column lead to hundreds of chapters with text, video presentations, visualisations and animations. The chapters on Analytical Chemistry 2.1 (David Harvey), as well as basics LC, GC (Harold McNair, Lee Polite and…advanced, chromatography, analytical, animation, technique0
lostdog.nl“Ronald is a CX (Customer Experience) professional who can truly see things from the customer’s viewpoint. He has a rare combination of visualization and analytical expertise with exceptional execution skills, which made him an…dog, ux, lose, loyalty, motivation0
classactmanagement.nlClass Act assists talented individuals to remain focussed by providing (financial) management and taking care of their (financial) affairs. Areas we operate in include:advisor, talented, affairs, succesfull, player0
betabasics.nlBetaBasics: making your business successful by ensuring that your company can handle a changing environmentsummary, profit, wil, continuously, successful0
stichtingfrom.nlThe foundation aims to spread a vision on future mobility. The foundation bases the vision on the needs, knowledge, wishes, possibilities and limitations of people and their need to be mobile.mobility, freedom, regional, aviation, october0
devopsinternational.nlBy developing a prototype, we create a first working model of the product idea. The prototype will have most of the functionalities of the end product so that it can serve as a sample for the users to test and evaluate the idea…society, craftsmanship, decentralized, potential, investor0
spiraldynamicsintegral.nlSDiNL is the leading Dutch platform for sharing the most up-to-date knowledge and background information about Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi). SDiNL’s mission is to inspire and support people, organizations and society in the practical…basic principle, principle sdiintegral, sdi, spiral, dynamic, theory0
sv-s.nlSafe Social Urban Design is a method designed to increase the safety, vitality, and liveability of urban areas through urban planning and design.vitality, urban, potential, economic, street0
impelitsolutions.nlImpel IT Solutions offer you the unique opportunity to create your own dedicated highly skilled IT development team in Bangladesh.skilled, dedicated, highly, career, send0
culturecolors.nlYour Emotional & Intercultural Leadership Coach and Conscious Dance & Movement Teachercoaching principleleadership, emotional, intercultural, relationship, dance0
oshoboeken-besproken.nlOsho helps us explore both the inner and the outer obstacles that prevent us from bringing more awareness to all our daily activities. He emphasizes that while techniques can be useful in pointing the way, in themselves they are not…meditation, path, enlightenment, soul, freedom0
h4i.nlHome-H4i - Healthcare for Internationalsprinciple solidarityhealthcare, insurance, mental, medication, patient0
enpower.nlThrough Enpower Real Estate we bring all our knowledge and experience together in Courses, Masterclasses and Coaching programs. Enpower Real Estate offers you the knowledge you need to build success, capital and financial freedom with…fundamental principle, principle businessestate, consulting, investment, precision, tailor0
villavalentijn.nlLooking for childcare in The Hague? We are Daycare Villa Valentijn Den Haag. Located in a beautiful building in the Statenkwartier since 1997. We believe it is important that your child(ren) stay in an environment that is safe, inviting…eye principlechildcare, daycare, hague, parent, committee0
talkinnovation.nlOur products help you to kickstart the innovation process, empower pioneering thinkers, create new ideas and spread the word about your innovation.talk, walk, inspiration, frog, society0
afgc.nl…locally. The ability to create such networks and optimize their performance will be an essential skill of a new generation of circular entrepreneurs and organizations. The circular economy is a network economy and creating value chains…program principleeconomy, circular, transformation, lab, chain0
gasunie.nl…transport and storage of gas. At the moment, this is mainly natural gas, but the energy transition will increasingly bring about a shift towards green gas and hydrogen. We also collaborate in the construction and management of…principle safelyhydrogen, storage, heat, infrastructure, capture0
holi-frysk.nlThe Holi-Frysk project ran until June 30th 2021 and therefore this website will no longer share news and new items. All project results and products remain available to you on this website. An inspiration guide has been published…key principlemultilingual, aim, multilingualism, attitude, intervention0
ruthvanholst.nlAfter obtaining my clinical neuropsychology Master, I did my PhD-studies focusing on gambling disorder and alcohol dependence to clarify the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms that contribute to loss of control over behaviour.interest, grant, disorder, gambling, addiction0
thehagueprogram.nlTaking the changing landscape of international cyber security and cyber conflict as a point of departure, The Hague Program on International Cyber Security focuses on the various modes of governance that states and other actors can bring…harm principlehague, fellowship, resource, actor, strategic0
xpresspe.nlXPRESS Precision Engineering offers solutions for high accuracy metrology for coordinate measuring machines (CMM). This includes low uncertainty probes and 3D sensor design for measuring micro systems, MEMS, MST products, small components…design principle, principle precisionprecision, metrology, probe, introduction, uncertainty0
sowonderful.nlThe healing leads to improvement, change, harmonization, relief, support or total healing of a complaint. The healing can be given for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual complaints. It works on all levels. So you can receive healing…principle healingtreatment, wonderful, complaint, appointment, physical0
nrgimports.nlNRG Imports is one of the largest and leading importers, suppliers, and distributors of Asian and Indian Food Products such as Food, Spices, Pulses, and General Provisions to Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy…core principleindian, importer, supplier, distributor, exporter0
shellpensioen.nlView Pension 1-2-3! This Pension 1-2-3 tells you what our pension scheme gives you and what it doesn’t give you. Important to know!begin principle, principle agreementfunding, sustainability, payment, annual, investment0
markvandencorput.nlDesign can harm people and make them do undesirable things. Being responsible and making ethical choices when creating solutions is a key ingredient of my design work.ux, simplicity, difference, million, understand0
staalenrvs.nlWe are specialised in cutting steel, stainless steel and aluminium. Cutting of steel requires craftsmanship. Therefore, we set high standards for both our work and our organization!flexible, cut, steel, stainless, craftsmanship0
studiovix.nlStudioVIX offers styleful communication tools and biophilic-circular interior products to stimulate social interaction and social well-being.design principle, principle circularityacoustic, explore, visual, interaction, paper0
nedumo.nlWelcome to Design Magazine. Follow us for daily & updated design tips, guide and knowledge.essential principle, principle minimalistjanuary, animation, ux, ultimate, validation0
raftech.nlDiscover how our Cloud Security and Managed Cloud Services can help your business thrive in the cloud. Let's optimize your journey with expert knowledgedesign principle, principle projectmanage, terraform, automation, thrive, career0
beentjessoftware.nlBeentjes Software BV have developed a range of creative software and other innovative products for clients across the Netherlands. Contact us to find out more.design principle, principle burdeninnovative, duty, heavy, pattern, calculation0
genuineexclusivesupplies.nlWe quality inspect all orders, manage production monitoring for custom orders, offer the best freight costs and ensure safe door delivery. Our inventory is growing and we are continuing to add more products, brands and categories on an…core principlegenuine, supply, exclusive, simply, lorem0
hetorus.nlClick here to go to the Nelis Magistralis video… Click here to go to the Nelis…margin, paragraph, induction, difference, username0
free-association.nlOn Saturday the 1st of May, a small but determined demonstration made its way through the centre of The Hague. Around 30 people participated in the unannounced anarchist 1st of May demonstration with the slogan “we don’t want to be…association, solidarity, demonstration, july, fund0
randstad-mtc.nlRandstad-MTC provides Mediation Services, Conflict Management Trainings, and Executive Coaching in Dutch, English, and Spanish.key principle, principle approachexecutive, spanish, employee, zijn, directly0
max-value.nl…because sustainable innovation is often packed in abstract and difficult to understand concepts and guidelines. Max Value makes these concepts accessible and applicable. The inspiration and energy behind sustainable concepts can now be…guide principle, principle businesseconomy, civil, society, government, inspiration0
bakkerennl.nlBakkeren: Worldwide Supplier of Drive Line Parts & Universal Joints – Specialist in Drive Line Parts & Universal Jointsjoint, universal, supplier, worldwide, catalog0
ninaisabel.nlNina Isabel ✅ Tantra coaching ✅ Emotion coaching ✅ Broken Heart coaching ✅Transformational Life Coachingtantric principle, principle coachingemotion, tantric, consciousness, break, package0
langlevedeliefde.nl…secondary education (4-5th year) and Long Live Love for vocational school. Long Live Love for general secondary education (second year) is partly available in English. Information about this teaching pack, can be found on this webpage.value principle, principle sexualitylesson, relationship, sexuality, pack, teach0
kinderopvangheyendael.nlThe child day care Heyendael centre is located on the Radboud University Nijmegen campus and adjacent to the Brakkenstein park, near the botanical garden and the woods. Our location is ideal for parents who study or work at Radboud…pedagogical principlechildcare, outside, toddler, parent, pedagogical0
incensebalispa.nlWe are the FIRST Balinese Healing SPA for Traditional Balinese Body Treatments in Amsterdam since 2010. Therapist and owner, Komang from Balibalinese principle, principle tritraditional, therapist, treatment, lady, appointment0
progressieve-geneeskunde.nlIn Energetic Medicine, Britta Jansen combines the knowledge of Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Prognos computer analysis, Traditional medicine, Homeopathy, Orthomolecular medicine, Bio-resonation therapy, Laboratory services, Dietary…sugar, fat, cell, medicine, treatment0
tagaway.nlThankfully not! tagaway has a mix of automatic and manual tags. We automatically tag your photos and videos with the year, month, geolocation (optional), containing folder and source. And then, of course, you can add all the tags you…tag principlepic, structure, pricing, fully, device0
oudesporen.nlRevelation it is about the earth and how God comes to His purpose with it. In all God’s acts you see the Lord Jesus as the Center. It is all about Him, about His future. Everything is seen and judged in the light of the relationship to Him.characteristic principle, principle christian, god principle, principle unityexplain, christ, lord, explanation, especially0
conservatoriummaastricht.nlCoordinator Music Theory (Classical) / Lecturer Music Theory / Research Coach (Music in Education)composer principle, principle jazzclassical, lecturer, programme, teach, department0
na-areawest.nl…A DAY… EN: BASIC TEXT HARDCOVER ENGLISH… EN: BASIC TEXT SOFTCOVER ENGLISH…guide principle, principle hardcoverpocket, guide, booklet, sponsorship, miracle0
connectedtonamibia.nlTheir life is in many respects is in sharp contrast to our own. Going to school in the Netherlands is taken for granted, we have access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation. Unfortunately reality in Namibia is different and we…namibia, connect, fund, equally, money0
mglifescience.nlIn 2017 I founded MG Life Science, so I can fully dedicate my time to support ambitions, purpose-driven Life Science Professionals to strengthen their leadership skills and build high-performance teams.basic principle, principle effectiveoptional, growth, leadership, leader, effective0