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306 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: graph

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erikjanvl.nlP: WG 2005 in Kratsch, D. (ed.) Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 31st International Workshop, WG 2005, Metz, France, June 23-25, 2005, Revised Selected Papers , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3787, Springer-Verlag…graph algorithm, hyperbolic graph, graph preprint, problem graph, graph classalgorithm, pp, complexity, planar, path91
locktar.nlFirst you need an accesstoken for the “old graph”. The Azure AD still works the best with the old Azure AD graph . Since Azure B2C is an implementation of the Azure AD, we are using that old graph.microsoft graph, graph net, graph graphserviceclient, graph sdk, graph callazure, validator, attribute, debug, visual28
doit-analytics.nlCommunity for analytics enthousiast with blog posts about machine learning, advanced analytics, graph analytics and visualisation. Let’s do it!analytics graph, graph analytics, graph db, science graph, sadra graphadvanced, visualisation, intelligence, visualization, artificial24
smartgraph.nlYou can now personalise your Smart Graph. Easily add graphs, diagrams and tabels with the menu on the page. Change the order and sizes of the items to fit your needs and choose a theme as a finishing touch.smart graph, graph portal, graph easily, graph simple, easily graphpricing, easily, file, consumption, automatically20
jhellings.nlMany graph query languages use, at their core, path queries that yield node pairs that are connected by a path of interest. For the end-user, such node pairs only give limited insight as to why this query result is obtained, as the pair…focus graph, graph database, database graph, graph query, constraints graphquery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally15
martijnwieling.nlProceedings paper Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, pp. 14 - 22.spectral graph, graph partition, bipartite graph, graph dialect, workshop graphpaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech12
md2c.nlCurrently, my focus is to help creating graphs for moderation and mediation models and their variants, all based on the usage of the PROCESS macro developed by Andrew Hayes. I like to share my experiences with other researchers and…focus graph, graph moderation, process graph, graph template, chance graphtemplate, moderation, conditional, quantitative, variable9
trc-p.nlTeaching Research Centre: We strive to make this website the best resource for mechanisms of drug action in the context of physiology and pathophysiology. Graphics, animations, graphs, texts, questions, cases and other reference data are…animation graph, graph text, vb graph, graph trctreatment, receptor, inhibitor, cell, protein8
relindejurrius.nlJuly 29, 2016. - Defining the q-analogue of a matroid. International Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.matroid graph, graph matroid, analogue graph, structure graph, seminar graphmathematics, geometry, conference, theory, finite8
video-landscape.nlThe study is based on the GfK Crossmedia Link thus for small channels (not viewed by many people), the graphs for those channels might show large fluctuations. We worked with capped data which means that viewing times are cut off after 10…graph builder, possible graph, bump graph, graph disclaimer, people graphdevice, landscape, channel, panel, consumption8
tomvanderzanden.nlImproved Lower Bounds for Graph Embedding Problems - joint work with Hans Bodlaender. Best paper award at CIAC 2017. arXivtemporal graph, graph small, isomorphism graph, graph class, intersection graphjoint, der, puzzle, algorithm, complexity7
node0.nlUsing node we can create and save graphs so they can just be embedded as images rather than having to be rendered from data client-side. However this requires some additional considerations since D3 doesn’t work from node out of the box.simple graph, easily graph, graph example, panning graph, graph prettynode, couple, systemd, october, easily6
smidev.nl…By adding more Windows platforms, more items can be sorted. The software is derived from image recognition software used to detect finger prints or faces utilizing a so called graph database. The object are then sent to a sorting robot.print graph, graph database, module graph, aeroplane graph, graph designsouth, wing, functional, speed, mass6
reprex.nlThe primary aim of dataset is create well-referenced, well-described, interoperable datasets that can be easily placed on global knowledge graphs using the W3C DataSet and RDF definition, or syncronized via APIs that follow the…knowledge graph, graph trustworthy, graph work, graph datasetobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak6
kadirkarapinar.nlModern Workplace Consultant met kennis in Intune, Powershell, Applicatiepackaging, Azure, AVD, Azure logic apps, Azure Open AI, Graph API en CO-Pilot.ai graph, graph apiazure, powershell, workplace, intune, api6
aartverweij.nlAgile / Scrum projects are all about delivering value fast and hit the market early with your new product. But of course you need a minimal set to have a product. We call this the Minimal Viable Product. The value graph is a useful tool…value graph, graph useful, decision graph, graph productplaceholder, apache, jmeter, boring, lorem6
remcovanbladel.nlBiblio-graph Publish is a new publication tool developed by Archival Consciousness and Framer Framed. Publish allows publishers, editors and designers to create (web) books directly in the browser.biblio graph, graph publish, graph applicationidentity, exhibition, biennale, graphic, grant6
cloudgirl.nlMicrosoft Graph is a very powerful tool to access and interact with your data in your Microsoft cloud environment. For Azure Back To School, I will give you an introduction to using…getting graph, graph api, microsoft graph, graph powerfulintune, azure, study, identity, rdp5
tritapt.nlMost of these graphs can be produced in an "aggregated" way, or in a "trip by trip" way. The aggregated way shows average, 15%, 85% percentile, minimum and maximum observed valued, while the trip by trip way shows the values for each…trip graph, graph table, graph clearly, observation graph, type graphanalysis, timetable, vehicle, delay, speed5
kvestaje.nlImportantly, I’m adding graphical etymologies (history and explanation of the form of the graphs, with additional linguistic information if useful). I want to add graphical etymologies for about 3000 characters. My aim is to make the…form graph, graph additional, list graph, graph sectioncharacter, japanese, graphical, introduction, useful5
blijbol.nlBlijbol has been founded in 1999. Since then I created a lot of freeware games and software programmes for both computers and graphing calculators, that can all be downloaded from this site. I also offer free Game Maker extensions , which…computer graph, graph calculatorprogramme, guestbook, oct, intermediate, snake5
networkpages.nlIn February 2024, the second Volume of the Random Graphs and Complex Networks book series has appeared. This volume is aimed more towards the research community, including PhD students and researchers, with a mathematical background.random graph, graph complexmath, algorithm, decision, interest, connect5
marijntenthij.nlM. ten Thij, T. Ouboter, D. Worm, N. Litvak, J.L. van den Berg, S. Bhulai [2014]. Modelling of trends in Twitter using retweet graph dynamics , Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW2014)…retweet graph, graph dynamic, web graph, graph beijing, graph wawconference, reviewer, computational, proceedings, k.4
hoevenstein.nlIn this graph the bandwidth is the sum of both incoming and outgoing traffic of all relays in the Tor-network. The advertised bandwidth is the sum of the bandwidth each relay claims it can provide. The bandwidth history is the sum of the…configuration, bandwidth, connection, traffic, file4
gersom.nlGenerating Open Graph images during Netlify deploy I was curious if generating Open Graph images can be done within the Netlify build phase, and the answer is yes. Read more about my findings.open graph, graph imagememory, awesome, barrier, muscle, calendar4
startupecosystem.nlspecialized platforms, b2b services, other startups, co-working spaces, research institutes et cetera. These network graphs can be used to explore, to map and to position. The results shown below are part of the findings of my research…network graph, graph result, graph user, surface graph, graph interviewecosystem, analysis, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, actor4
hoedinie.nlToday I can finally release the first graph. It shows you the active and waiting users in a country. I hope you like it.finally graph, graph activehall, distribution, federation, conference, statistics3
bramgrooten.nlFor my bachelor of Applied Mathematics I studied abroad in the US, at Wentworth Institute of Technology. My bachelor’s thesis used graph theory and optimization for an assignment problem.graph optimization, thesis graph, graph theoryphd, optimization, reinforcement, thesis, cosmic3
care2report.nlThe knowledge graph of the interpreted consultation conversation has to be summarized in natural language text and put in the desired format. From the graph the essential elements for reporting are selected and prepared for the reporting…knowledge graph, graph representation, graph consultation, format graph, graph essentialreport, patient, consultation, recognition, measurement3
amir2000.nlNew! Pride Amsterdam Canal Parade | New Bar graph of total number of photos in the galleriesbar graph, graph totalphotographer, diversity, everyday, photoshoot, cityscape3
ppaonline.nlWe will send the charts a general brief explanatory note. This clarifies the manner in which the graphs are to be read.reading graph, graph fairlyassessment, profile, analysis, candidate, report3
nutric.nl…the different states within the graph. If the user wants to see only his proteins graph, he can switch off the other graphs by clicking on the proteins bar. This way the user can get a more detailed insight in just one particular nutrient.state graph, graph user, protein graph, graph protein, different graphnutrient, recommendation, healthy, target, interesting3
weaver-it.nl…were able to start loading the raw data after a few weeks while in the meantime extending the cluster with more and more components. Ron helped a team working on a fluid criminal network analysis using his knowledge about graph technology.knowledge graph, graph technology, engineer graph, graph expert, project graphweaver, police, enthusiastic, specialization, contributor3
aicafe.nlGraph analytics focuses on the relationships between entities and on the structure of these relationships.graph analyticsrobotic, enterprise, cafe, processing, automation3
litpro.nlAs the R program is already written, I tried to port the code to GO using no-web notation for the abstract things and go-graph code inbetween. Because of big differences in the API, this couldn't work. In R I called some functions in…gdp graph, graph fashion, graph space, package graph, graph similarprogramming, literate, function, chart, package3
ppaxl.nlThe regular PPA always contains the PPA report and a summary for the candidate as well as graphs and interview guidelines (intended for the line manager). The PPA XL is made of 30 specific areas for attention that you can select yourself…disc graph, graph score, option graph, candidate graph, graph interviewassessment, analysis, profile, reference, report3
rieksopdenakker.nl…target node represents the effect of the causal relation. Figure 1 shows a causal diagram that could be a part of a causal graph for the analysis and prediction of the effect of age, medical condition and treatment on chances to survive.causal graph, graph analysis, acyclic graph, graph dagscausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical3
nin.nlRead more about: An extended phase graph-based framework for DANTE-SPACE simulations including physiological, temporal, and spatial variationsphase graph, graph frameworkbrain, neuroscience, institute, vacancy, internship3
localfocus.nlUse LocalFocus to turn your data into beautiful and enlightening maps, graphs and charts. Easily share your data visualizations online or in print.number graph, graph map, map graph, graph chart, selection graphvisualization, chart, trial, colleague, subscription3
rolandvdv.nlThe volume conjecture for augmented knotted trivalent graphs, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 9, 2, (2009), 691-722.yamada graph, graph evaluation, trivalent graph, graph algebraic, planar graphtopology, fall, polynomial, geometry, quantum3
datacrossroads.nloptimizing data governance, data modeling and architecture, metadata management, data lineage, knowledge graphs, and data qualityknowledge graph, graph datumcrossroads, maturity, implementation, lineage, resource3
bchim.nlOur vision shortly summarized: the economy moves as a mathematical sinus graph with periods of growth and decline. Every crisis is temporarily. High price levels are based on inflation. Then the current situation will be perceived as an…sinus graph, graph periodinvestment, corporation, equity, limited, mathematical2
firetracker.nlCalculate your exact fire date. This way you know exactly when you are financially independent and you can prepare for this. By means of a graph you can see how you are doing financially and whether you are on the right track You can also…mean graph, graph financiallyfire, progress, fuel, crunch, ignite2
mauritskorse.nl…such as the conservation of resources and materials. In general three scoping levels can be identified: micro, meso and macro. The graph below is the result of a literature study in which I could easily point out this differentiation.set graph, graph domain, macro graph, graph resulteconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste2
excel-training-denhaag.nlOur Excel PowerPivot courses will teach the participants to compose a PowerPivot model in Microsoft Excel and how to use it to draw up a report with pivot tables and pivot graphs.mean graph, graph tableadvanced, hague, classroom, table, participant2
coenwalter.nlSelf building graphs from a data object in Javascript. This is made with vanilla HTML, CSS and JS.self graph, graph datareact, css, ux, guitar, internship2
gridshore.nlC3js is a graph javascript library on top of D3js. For a project we needed graphs and we ended up using c3js. How this happened and some of the first steps we took is written down by Roberto van derproject graph, graph stepelasticsearch, architecture, journal, august, frontend2
nieuwenhuisen.nlAtlas is a graph library originally created to support development of roadmap based planning algorithms. It is compiled as a Windows DLL and supports Dijkstra, A* and all-pairs shortest path.atlas graph, graph librarypublication, thesis, editor, path, algorithm2
horaizon.nlThis platform uses advanced graph and network-based representations, to create clear and simple summaries of complex biological processes, proteins, or gene sequences by breaking them into manageable components. It is a vital tooadvanced graph, graph networkmicrobiome, personalized, biological, analysis, near2
oxineo.nlThis app can be extended with insight with graphs in Power BI, to have an overview of vacation requests per employee and per week, month or year.insight graph, graph powerop, employee, vacation, integration, relation2
tvandijk.nl…have also implemented the synthesis tool Knor for the SYNTCOMP competition, which accepts as input a parity automaton in the HOA specification language, and constructs as output a Mealy machine as an and-inverter-graph in the AIGER format.inverter graph, graph aigerdecision, tangle, algorithm, binary, topic2
cloudwoud.nlControl an IoT device based on Microsoft Graph API data. Azure Logic Apps and Azure Functions make it easy! July 14, 2022resource graph, graph query, microsoft graph, graph apiazure, logic, resource, query, background2
joelhaasnoot.nlSomething to do just for fun: create a printout of your CakePHP models and their relationships. My current project has grown quite large and complicated so it’s useful to have a graph every once in a while.random, programmer, note, cryptography, screen2
millogic.nlMill7 provides a management dashboard with powerful graphs: In- and outflow of clients, chargebility of users, compliancy, status of work in progress per account group, cashflow and much more.powerful graph, graph outflowtrust, accounting, fund, integration, internal2
archixl.nlFour consultants have successfully completed the "Knowledge Graphs - Foundations and Applications" course.knowledge graph, graph foundationarchitecture, enterprise, modelling, central, reference2
awesomeit.nl…visualization work is based on an analysis of the neuroscience publications in PubMed. This provides an association graph among topics involving cognitive functions, genes, proteins, brain diseases and brain regions. We describe our…association graph, graph topictalk, patient, clinical, domain, awesome2
petrikvandervelde.nl…The simulation used a s-curve motion profile to generate a smooth body movement between different states. The graphs show that the drive velocity and acceleration are smooth and don't reach very high values. It is thus expected that…state graph, graph drive, leave graph, graph pathvelocity, acceleration, motion, profile, simulation2
sined.nl…electronic and rock. AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System enables you to view the waveform display and the spectrum graph of the loaded songs and provides suggestions for the equalizer, compression and volume settings. Also, it can be…spectrum graph, graph songaam, reference, file, manual, target2
pscsbv.nl…Web Services because they are the market leader and with more than 1000 innovations in 2016, the most versatile Public Cloud Provider to follow. See also the graph below, which clearly shows the acceleration of releasing new features.provider graph, graph clearlyauction, flag, optimization, aws, migration2
beachje.nlOur vision shortly summarized: the economy moves as a mathematical sinus graph with periods of growth and decline. Every crisis is temporarily. High price levels are based on inflation. Then the current situation will be perceived as an…sinus graph, graph periodinvestment, corporation, equity, limited, mathematical2
bfxyz.nlBfX allows shooters familiar with Excel to create customized calculations, graphs and tables. With BfX, Excel becomes a great way to calculate rifle settings, to calibrate a scope or iron sights, to explore trajectories, to study the…calculation graph, graph table, table graph, graph ballisticfunction, drag, ballistic, rifle, sight2
pietervandenbosch.nl…(supply stations). In our analysis we want to know how this supply availability has developed, to show insight if the technology is becoming more accessible. The graph below shows us the development of the charge stations availability.accessible graph, graph development, laad graph, graph growth, netherlands graphelectric, vehicle, think, government, charge2
ohmdataengineering.nlI am Olof, a passionate Data Engineer with some extra love for graph databases. Currently, I am finishing my Master Data Science in Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. During my Master's I specialised in database technology.memory graph, graph database, language graph, love graphcreation, semantic, implementation, currently, october2
the404.nlYR-Covid was my first Python thing this year, a small script to compile Covid case counts into a nice graph.website graph, graph dailyrelease, grade, utility, github, january2
lessen-project.nl…handle complex user requests about objects or abstract concepts. Structured information that is stored in knowledge graphs can be used to enrich data-hungry conversational models. In this project, you will inject information from knowledgeknowledge graph, graph data, graph transformer, graph wikipediaphd, conversational, domain, base, efficient2
nagazuka.nlThe second option is to use the standard ADF UI components, like tables, graphs, etc. Instead of getting data from a database, you can create OBIEE Logical View SQL Objects. In this method, the data for the UI components will be retrieved…report graph, graph dashboard, table graph, graph etcoracle, adf, report, file, connection2
tivaro.nlDuring an internship at the Keiser lab at the UCSF (University of California, San Francisco) I developed this framework to build various architectures of Graph Convolutional Networks, and run them on GPU.neural graph, graph fingerprint, architecture graph, graph convolutionalcompression, visual, instance, adaptive, neural2
interestingtraffic.nlTake a look at these two graphs. Only about 11% of respondents are far enough in their automation journey to disable CLI-access to their equipment and implement some form of unattended configuration deployment. So no, we still have a long…look graph, graph respondenttraffic, interesting, survey, automation, networking2
jk-consult.nlThis phrase is used by companies like MongoDB or Graph Database vendors to explain why they choose to store information / data in an unstructured format. It is new, it is cool, hip and happening. Al the new compute power and storage…datalakehouse graph, graph nosql, mongodb graph, graph databasepostgres, oracle, postgresql, january, leave2
adeptevents.nl(Dutch spoken) How do you go from data to insight? Lex Pierik addresses the trends in data visualization, dashboards and graphs, and the role and function of visualization within your organization. You will experience hands-on training in…dashboard graph, graph role, analysis graph, graph streamingface, adept, analysis, sharp, events2
softandsec.nlAtsPersLvH - Application is used to synchronise personal accounts Graph-AD (Azure Microsoft Active Directory) into ATS8600.account graph, graph adattendance, soft, registration, panel, installer2
geospace.nlAre you looking to transform data into impactful maps and graphs? Are you in search of reliable maps and spatial data but unsure where to find them? Do you require the expertise of GIS professionals or the development of sophisticated…map graph, graph searchspatial, visualization, comprehensive, analysis, sophisticated2
bchje.nlOur vision shortly summarized: the economy moves as a mathematical sinus graph with periods of growth and decline. Every crisis is temporarily. High price levels are based on inflation. Then the current situation will be perceived as an…sinus graph, graph periodinvestment, corporation, equity, limited, mathematical2
groeidiagrammen.nlAs before, we may browse the graph by pasting the following in the address field of the browser:chart, growth, function, measurement, file2
gitaarupgrade.nlOur selection showcases top-tier brands such as Schaller, Allparts, Gotoh, Bigsby, Vibramate, Jescar, Q-Parts, Grover, Van Zandt, Graph Tech, Gluboost, Hipshot, Summit, Switchcraft, CRL, CTS, HotRod, Macmillan, TonePros, Zweihorn, and…zandt graph, graph techguitar, screw, add, leave, bass2
sharp-sys.nlThe corresponding data provenance graph for the on-line newspaper article is depicted on Figure 3. This graph is generated using 'toGraph' interface of PROV-man.provenance graph, graph line, figure graph, graph tograph, graph onlineprovenance, figure, sharp, architecture, framework2
smit-vormgeving.nl…imagery, Marketing & Communicatie, Marketing & Communication, Promotie materiaal, Promotional material For JePPIX a brochure was developed, in a completely new style. Next to design and layout, images, graphs and tables were restyledimage graph, graph tableillustration, identity, imagery, promotional, improvement2
w3g.nlWelcome to W3G, the best in value added generic content. We’re here to help you with automated content en editorial pieces. Always enriched with images, graphs or personal notes and …image graph, graph personalgeneric, editorial, note, piece, wish2
dutchconnectomelab.nlSend us an email if you are interested in the data of "Linking macroscale graph analytical organization to microscale neuroarchitectonics in the macaque connectome" Scholtens LH, Schmidt R, de Reus MA, van den Heuvel MP | J Neurosci. |…macroscale graph, graph analyticallab, brain, connectivity, functional, paper2
fernandokuipers.nlS. Trajanovski, F.A. Kuipers, J. Martin-Hernandez, and P. Van Mieghem, Generating graphs that approach a prescribed modularity , Computer Communications, vol. 36, pp. 363-372, 2013.mieghem graph, graph prescribe, radius graph, graph linkproc, ieee, networking, pp, conference2
iserv.nlAll is having it's way over here. I created a few graphs about the state of the machine.way graph, graph statestuff, disk, sunday, saturday, monday1
learnpython.nlWant to do more research in less time? We can create scripts to clean your data and turn it into graphs. Click here for more information.datum graph, graph informationpython, programming, career, analysis, teach1
joostgrootens.nl…that are related to aging populations in the US, Japan and Spain. The book features an array of specially designed graphs, maps and drawings that supplement Simpsons highly evocative essays and photographic material. This October…specially graph, graph mappublisher, lecture, visual, graphic, architecture1
solidegroep.nlSolide's webbased LCA tool ends all that. It's easy to use with guided forms and validated input. It shows results in easy to grasp graphs and tables and let you zoom in on specific environmental factors (like carbon dioxide or…easy graph, graph tabletitle, analysis, maintenance, specialize, description1
schaatstijdenapp.nla season can be entered. After entering the result times for a distance, all the results of the skaters can be viewed. You also have the ability to display a graph of the results. In this way you can compare the results of multiple skaters.ability graph, graph resultspeed, registration, multiple, chart, ability1
ilsevandegroep.nlOne of my favorite aspects of data analysis and communication my scientific findings is (data-) visualization. I enjoy creating beautiful graphs and images that convey complex information in a fast and simple way.beautiful graph, graph imagepublication, preprint, graphic, phd, candidate1
denneth.nlThe first test of the (then) new casing 2.0 design, with a spiky thrust graph and interesting failure modesthrust graph, graph interestingrocket, launch, static, compilation, awesome1
kanoquickscan.nlThe scale goes from less relevant to essential. This matches exactly with the inputs that stakeholders give (1 = less relevant, 4 = essential). These numbers are not explicitly communicated in the matrix and other graphs because they have…matrix graph, graph littlestakeholder, calculation, scale, average, topic1
solget.nlSolGet is a linux shell script which reads data from a Solar inverter (Soladin 600, and Sunmaster series in future). This data is placed in a database, to create nice graphs, using RRDTool. Besides of power output, also error messages and…nice graph, graph rrdtoolchangelog, archive, output, purpose, webpage1
leechbak.nlIt also gathers ratio and statistics and puts it into a graph. So I can see how the download progressed over time.statistics graph, graph downloaddebian, movie, stuff, stat, disk1
sledgehammer-productions.nlObviously, Excel is our go-to "usual" application. Musically speaking, Excel has a really lousy sense of rhythm and the graphs are noticable 2D, so we have ventured into getting more acquainted with Unity - after we experienced the magic…rhythm graph, graph noticablemisc, usual, introduction, unusual, mathematical1
dracozna.nlThe office was dark when Vencel and Remi entered. Vencel noticed the large holoscreen on the right wall. The screen was projecting graphs and tables and Vencel presumed they where about material prices. There was a desk in the room with…screen graph, graph tablestuff, desk, mining, powershell1
mylifewithbeer.nlthe Netherlands , I did a survey earlier this year with Dutch breweries about this subject, a summarizing article was published (in Dutch) in the most recent issue. Now a broader piece will be published here with additional data and graphs.brewery, brewer, brew, reply, raw1
supremevma.nlReports and recommendations with understandable, clear conclusions and analyses. No reports with endlessly repeating analyses or unnecessary graphs and texts.unnecessary graph, graph textsupreme, valuation, acquisition, merger, purpose1
tbc-online.nlBy browsing to the tabs Tuberculosis and Latent TB infection , you can open the application which allows you to make tables and graphs of selected variables in the NTR. The tab Maps, provides maps with geographic information of TB…table graph, graph variablelatent, infection, profile, incidence, definition1
graphichunters.nlIn this training by Matthias Stahl you will learn how to use the strengths of both Svelte and D3. You will transform data into beautiful dynamic graphs. Some knowledge and experience in web-based technologies HTML, CSS and Javascript is…dynamic graph, graph knowledgegraphic, visualisation, visual, scientist, interactive1
dutchshipsandsailors.nl…together data on ships, voyages, cargo and crew members from VOC-Opvarenden , Dutch-Asiatic Shipping , and Bookkeeper-General Batavia . The ontology that structures this knowledge graph is available from the OntoME platform and GitHub .knowledge graph, graph availableship, maritime, historical, sailor, semantic1
codo-e.nlWe have discussed various Descriptions. We still have to do the MAToOneRelationDescription and MAToManyRelationDescription. With these, we can create edit displays for arbitrary graphs of objects, with navigation between them handled…arbitrary graph, graph objectdescription, showcase, framework, origin, presentation1
doxygen.nl…your way in large source distributions. Doxygen can also visualize the relations between the various elements by means of include dependency graphs, inheritance diagrams, and collaboration diagrams, which are all generated automatically.dependency graph, graph inheritancedocumentation, analysis, changelog, bug, license1
dynalynx.nlAfterwards, the composition of the manure that has been transported can be examined. The data is presented in graphs and tables. The management has the ability to analyze trends and can optimize processes. PDF reports can also be…data graph, graph tablemanure, nir, analysis, transportation, processing1
seblog.nl– open a popup window, which closes when the command exits and has a certain height. It will show me an ASCII-art style graph of all the commits – one of the features I missed from Fork – as an overlay over my editor, a small keystroke…style graph, graph commitvim, git, file, command, yak1
fileradar.nlSelect and download any area from OpenStreetMap, filter items before download. Enabled to transform line data to directed graph of links and nodes for further network analytics, traffic engineering or else.data graph, graph linktraffic, algorithm, prediction, responsible, description1
jomakesgames.nlBecause of the specific camera angle the game featured, we needed a shader that allowed players to see through walls and objects. I made this post-processing shader with Unreal Shader Graph.engine, programmer, unreal, unity, duration1
mediatronix.nlmediatronix develops an OpenCV graph explorer using Qt/C++. ocpl (OpenCV PipeLine) allows building a pipeline of stages which each implement one or more OpenCV or other image processing functions. Input devices like cameras, streams or…opencv graph, graph explorerfpga, processing, vhdl, function, pipeline1
gielenbuitenei.nl…text in tinkercad , golden state warriors assistant coach , witch hazel aphids , molly shattuck wedding , line graph with decimals , fukagawa arita china pattern 706 , tell it to the bees ending explained , home assistant variables ,line graph, graph decimaluncategorized, obituary, county, funeral, wife1
basaltaura.nl…but run the operation upfront and store the results as properties with the data (e.g. additional triples in a graph database, some optional fields in a document oriented data platform, or just a good-old lookup table in a relationaltriple graph, graph databaseascii, geospatial, representation, calculation, landscape1
cafedekaleaap.nlThe state information is shown as colored bars at the bottom of the graph, explanation below.bar graph, graph explanationarduino, fridge, temperature, profile, estimator1
lestbest.nlGiving a presentation, comparing, arguing, complimenting, being able to retell something, making small talk, exchanging experiences, discussing and describing graphs and tables.experience graph, graph tablehighly, intensive, skilled, exam, lesson1
rankhigher.nl⁶ Hubspot , 100 XNUMX Awesome Marketing Stats, Charts, & Graphs [Data]. May 20, 2011.chart graph, graph datavisitor, authority, potential, benefit, revenue1
scheldemonitor.nlScheldeMonitor attempts to ameliorate as many datasets as possible, preferably in meaningful and understandable graphs and figures. Some figures have been premade, others can be assembled by users themselves using several applications.understandable graph, graph figureestuary, diversity, species, archive, literature1
repsaj.nl…on Office365 is that it's a great set of services which are powerfull on their own, but even more so when consumed from or linked to other applications. The Microsoft Graph API provides a single unified endpoint to serve just that need.microsoft graph, graph apiazure, fish, fully, framework, awesome1
pacemweb.nlWe have tried to make all information as accessible and ‘user-friendly’ as possible. RIVM wishes to promote the appropriate use of calculation models and the correct interpretation of maps and graphs. Please ask for assistance if necessary.map graph, graph assistancesimulation, institute, calculation, interpretation, ministry1
cyberagent.nlUsing open technologies and stored as multi-model graph nodes. Highly scalable, performant and straightforward to integrate with third party applications.model graph, graph nodelab, hague, cat, report, capture1
learnmedicalneuroscience.nlThe website has been well used since the start the site in 2016. On May 23 2021 there have been 160,495 users of the site and 696,501 pageviews. You can see in the graph below that the use of the site intensified during the pandemic.pageview graph, graph useneuroscience, study, exam, neurological, resource1
nobleprog.nl…Architecture (33) Embedded Systems (40) Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) (5) Finance (34) Game Development (8) Graph Computing (6) Graphic Design (32) Internet of Things (IoT) (33) Identity management (12) Industrial Automation (3)…development graph, graph computingprogramming, statistics, classroom, certification, artificial1
nullptr.nlA tool to generate dependency graphs from visual studio solutions or a collection of projects in a directory hierarchy.dependency graph, graph visualcommon, legacy, reference, detection, report1
bonchip.nl…Pipes LEDs - Spacers, Standoffs LEDs - Lamp Replacements LEDs - Circuit Board Indicators, Arrays, Light Bars, Bar Graphs LED Thermal Products LED Lighting Kits LED Lighting - White LED Lighting - Color LED Lighting - COBs, Engines…bar graph, graph thermalrf, resistor, capacitor, array, transformer1
burgersandbytes.nlUsing Microsoft Graph and Power Automate to post an Announcement Message in Teams channelmicrosoft graph, graph powerhorizontal, header, dynamic, flexible, entity1
openearth.nl…as NetCDF in an OPeNDAP server. Bathymetric data, sediment grainsize distribution, aeolian Transport, drifters path can be visualized via the Web interface, allowing the user to change time span and generate graphs of requested variables.span graph, graph variablegroundwater, viewer, flood, observation, valuable1
lxconsult.nlOur Logo" LX" defines the first principles of Economics where the " L" being the X and Y axe of a graph with Price and Volume and the" X" being the Supply and Demand. You will find LX Consult in the economic optimum on the cross section…axe graph, graph pricetrading, reference, economic, raw, ingredient1
devopsinternational.nlEmbed AI based algorithms in your products with proven and successful analytical engine and graph based solutions.engine graph, graph solutionsociety, craftsmanship, decentralized, potential, investor1
studiovanonna.nlArea graphs and soil layers. We designed a visual language based on their similarities, in which both nature and data are represented.area graph, graph soilidentity, visual, pause, fund, cultural1
jonathangarion.nlHeadcount is an application in which you can keep track of all the employees in a company, edit them and translate all the data into graphs. This is meant to help HR departments keep track of all kinds of useful information.data graph, graph hrcss, responsible, scss, jquery, insurance1
topbobengineering.nlUsing System Dynamic modelling an analytical tool has been created to investigate the effectiveness of both solutions . The image above shows the System Dynamics Model with stocks, flows and data lines. One of the many resulting graphs…line graph, graph modeldeck, installation, plate, monopile, operation1
vlpb.nlPan-genome references, also known as graph reference genomes, can represent multiple strains in a singlereference graph, graph referencesequence, genome, laboratory, genomic, rna1
movip.nlWhen the DPMO's of the risks are within a small band (5-10ppm or 20-30ppm) use the graph to determine the Zero Hour Defect Rate (ZHDR)band graph, graph zerorisk, failure, assembly, rate, manufacture1
digibites.nlThe premium weather subscription gives an extended 14-day weather forecast with a precipitation & temperature graph, as well as the ability to save multiple locations in your location manager.temperature graph, graph abilitycalendar, weather, organize, forecast, subscription1
ouroborosinteractive.nl…is a method for computing the Delaunay triangulation of a finite set of points in any number of dimensions. The algorithm can be also used to obtain a Voronoi diagram of the points, which is the dual graph of the Delaunay triangulation.dual graph, graph delaunayipsum, majority, variation, slightly, alteration1
vzinfo.nlThis website is in Dutch. However, some browsers offer the opportunity to translate the information, including graphs and maps, into English (and many other languages). When using Google Chrome, you can click the button on the right hand…information graph, graph mapcomparison, introduction, useful, responsible, disclosure1
biplatform.nlKristof Neys Neys (Neo4j) (Neo4j) about about Graph Graph Databases Databases and and Data Data Scienceneys graph, graph databasesintelligence, enterprise, transformative, adept, sharp1
researchstories.nlExcel is a great tool for building graphs. Move beyond distracting default settings and make dumbbell dot plots, panel bars, and more visuals that will communicate your data story better.tool graph, graph distractvisual, audience, presentation, visualization, instructor1
pileus.nlAn application of a multi-response non-linear regression model. In the example graph, loss of quality of a product can be described by a 1st order kinetic model (exponential decay equation). Stability is measured at different…example graph, graph lossanalysis, statistics, investigation, dedicated, simulation1
jeppeb.nlWith Green Tickets I’ve gained a lot of knowledge on mobility, carbon accounting, GTFS, graph theory, postgres databases and React.gtfs graph, graph theoryelective, sail, climate, conference, react1
kevinvandenbroek.nlThis is the history component, on this page all the data that has been gathered can be seen using the date picker on the left. Initially all the data from one day will be shown, if a more precise graph is desired the two time pickers can…precise graph, graph timeleave, postal, docker, arduino, nodejs1
svanthof.nl…out the energy meters P1 port. All communicate their measurements over WiFi to my Raspberry Pi home server. The MQTT messaging protocol, InfluxDB and Grafana are used as software stack. The interactive live graphs are shown in my browser.live graph, graph browserequivalent, present, minor, industrial, electrical1
lucasvandijk.nlA de novo genome assembler written in Python that leverages the assembly graph to output DNA sequences for each haplotype.assembly graph, graph dnabioinformatics, genome, sequence, phd, candidate1
marijnbecking.nlI am Marijn Becking, a Game Developer with skills for building games in Unity and building shaders with GLSL and Shader Graph. I am currently studying at the HvA, which I am going to finalize in 2022. I am also currently building an Indie…shader graph, graph currentlyshader, luggage, normal, coordinate, unity1
sjcjoosten.nlThe purpose of Amperspiegel is to provide a meta-programming language suitable for programming Ampersand. Amperspiegel uses graph-based ... morepublication, verification, rule, proof, file1
iwriteiam.nlOn February 11 , I wrote that on Friday 9, the World (60°S-60°N) Daily Sea Surface Temperature reached a record high of 21.2°C. But now that is no longer the case in that graph. Now it shows that the temperature of 21.2°C is reached for…case graph, graph temperaturewednesday, tuesday, friday, saturday, thursday1
bayesian.nlIntegrating logical reasoning and probabilistic chain graphs (Proceedings ECML PKDD 2009, volume 5781 of LNAI, pages 548-563, 2009)chain graph, graph proceedingsbayesian, medicine, pp, probabilistic, intelligence1
mr-nec.nl(x,g)/ (X*,G*):Observed / Optimized predicted context-sensitive application-domain specific data, information and knowledge flow graphs with performance attributesflow graph, graph performancenec, reinforcement, cognitive, novel, industrial1
appweaver.nlTailor made solutions are fully customizable. With just a few clicks, you can create forms, views and graphs without any limitations.view graph, graph limitationtemplate, customizable, fully, efficiently, click1
zonnepanelenplanet.nlThe growth of solar panels has been explosive since 2010. In the graph below you can see the number of installed solar power installations in the Netherlands.explosive graph, graph numberpanel, yield, heat, pump, installation1
cta2.nlHomotopy theories of colored links and spatial graphs Abstract: Two links are called link-homotopic if they are transformed to eachspatial graph, graph abstracttopology, position, phd, min, algebra1
stabialert.nlThe status of an object can be tracked real-time and continuously with an internet connection. Longer term patterns can be exposed by analysing the database that stores the data collected by the sensors. StabiAlert processes the data in…clear graph, graph animationbuilding, bridge, deformation, asset, response1
dedatarunner.nlVortza helps runners train optimally for their running goal, without fuss and complicated graphs, but with insightful feedback and tips.complicated graph, graph insightfulscientist, python, analysis, consulting, api1
consilium-optimal.nlOur team excels in visually representing and elucidating data through simple and intuitive means. We specialize in presenting your results and insights through visually appealing graphs and diagrams, ensuring that they are easily…appeal graph, graph diagramoptimal, vacancy, forecasting, naar, valuable1
crackr.nlThe status of an object can be monitored continuously via an internet connection. Developments over longer periods are processed in clear graphs.crack, stability, accurate, reliable, conceivable1
tigray.nlyou find ideas worth of attention in the page or link to references or pictures or graphs. For example, in this page I have made links to "changes of borders of Tigray and Ethiopia", somewhere in this website.picture graph, graph exampleethiopia, century, reference, boundaries1
jpfsoftware.nlManage a fleet of computers, located anywhere on the globe. Monitor their system health; receive alerts for critical events, and view graphs detailing system performance over time. Software updates can be pushed and installed…event graph, graph systemfleet, operate, variety, automatically, connection1
sustainablemedia.nlshare on social media and can quickly go "viral." And isn't the message you want to spread a bit more complicated for a large audience? With video, you can use graphics such as graphs and animations to explain everything, much more clearly.graphic graph, graph animationdyke, climate, audience, worker, potential1
cncdrifter.nlEsun ABS silver(left) needs the least force in the graph above, but apparently has also the most of low boiling additives which gives a very inconstant extrusion quality at higher flow rateforce graph, graph apparentlygear, extruder, axis, wil, force1
frontalicious.nlThe portal was build in React and TypeScript. It used the IBM Carbon Design System as a base. For all charts and graphs I used the Victory library.chart graph, graph victoryreact, cypress, optimization, typescript, engine1
stocktimer.nlSince our Long Analysis past week the price has increased already in a nice way. See graph for the actual trade info:way graph, graph actualoil, trade, commodity, invest, currency1
tedxamsterdamed.nlLeerLevels Youssef is attempting to create a system that combines a graph based curriculum with Artificial Intelligence to make high quality tutoring accessible for all. He and Jonas Voorzanger developed[…]system graph, graph curriculumtalk, entrepreneurship, archive, amazing, base1
staatvenz.nlThis website is in Dutch. However, some browsers offer the opportunity to translate the information, including graphs and maps, into English (and many other languages). When using Google Chrome, you can click the button on the right hand…information graph, graph mapinstitute, collaboration, figure, responsible, disclosure1
vandehaterd.nlI saw Bas speak at TA-Live in Amsterdam about the essential components of a corporate recruitment site. A great presentation full of specific tips, graphs, methods and examples. One of the most educational presentations I have ever seen…tip graph, graph methodadvisor, author, presentation, founder, labor1
idiomorf.nlAn informative drawing can be used to quickly and clearly explain how something works. In its simplest form it is a diagram; graph or assembly drawing. Research into information transfer with drawings has shown that the use of…diagram graph, graph assemblyillustration, animation, graphic, thousand, disease1
readysetgrow.nlThe user interface is designed around the needs of the grower , with crop sections, installations and technical rooms clearly mapped. IIVO generates information in the form of easy to understand visuals, graphs and statistics, which help…visual graph, graph statisticsgrow, crop, greenhouse, climate, algorithm1
lindeconsult.nl…in my purchase? Access to full written report Full PPT slide deck Full PDF report Power BI report with tables, graphs, lists and various filters. Access to updates of the report within the year. Need a customization to the report? An…table graph, graph listprocessing, strategic, competitive, report, secondary1
virtualdba.nlIf your Dataguard Performance tab is not showing the graphs in Oracle Enterprise Manager 13C, but your screen look like this: Then this might be solved by running the ‘Verify Dataguard Configuration’ which will fix a mismatch between the…tab graph, graph oracleoracle, chart, october, enterprise, note1
tunebase.nl…mailings, social media, website visits and even your Wikipedia page views. There is also a possibility to create graphs and make notes, in order to explain peaks and troughs. In that way, you will be able to monitor your marketing…possibility graph, graph noteorchestra, quickly, easily, audience, click1
sun-analytics.nl[Banking][Prod] Company Similarity Detection (graph network embedding, similarity computation, Airflow)detection graph, graph networksun, aws, classification, medal, spark1
multilogger.nlMeasurements like temperature and relative humidity are recorded realtime and are reported in graphs, and in standard- and custom reports.realtime graph, graph customintroduction, measurement, anymore, august, normal1
marktension.nlThe firefies react on their neighbor's firing behavior. Instead of using an arbitrarily connected graph network, I'm using a Boids model to place the fireflies in space, and decide on neighboring fireflies by setting a neighbor-range.arbitrarily graph, graph networktension, firefly, generative, reinforcement, synchronization1
basketplanner.nlAll the information is presented in various graphs, allowing for easy comparison between different situations.information graph, graph easybasket, player, statistics, drill, pricing1
stevensmits.nlRating website for residents of my house. Residents can rate living aspects such internet quality, toilet cleanliness, and noise pollution. Rating statistics are made insightful using beautiful graphs.neuroscience, artificial, intelligence, resume, memory1
anycast-testbed.nlActive monitoring the visibility of the anycast sites enable to use the historical graph to predict future traffic load.historical graph, graph futureanycast, tangle, traffic, paper, visibility1
vuurbaard.nlThis app is built with Xamarin and contains functionalities such as taking questionnaires and entering measurement values that can be seen in graphs. New versions of the app are automatically put on Google Play and Apple's App Store using…value graph, graph newespecially, study, symptom, currently, luminis1
dataim.nl…it offers tailored insights, allowing users to delve into specific segments or aspects of their data. Splitting graphs on variables enhances understanding of how different factors interact or compare, providing a multi-dimensional viewdatum graph, graph variableemployee, motion, survey, advanced, analysis1
penyu.nl…the lower the resilience. Numbered images of vegetation patchiness above display the region that the corresponding numbered point represents. Graph inset displays all of the points with a patch size proportion between 0 and 0.1 of 10 m2.point graph, graph insetseagrass, uncategorized, ecosystem, resilience, meadow1
bartvwezel.nlIn this blog post, I will show you how to draw arcs. Furthermore, I will explain how to detect the drag and drop in the Widget to rotate the arcs. There are some packages in Flutter to help you draw arcs and donut graphs. However, if you…donut graph, graph chartmouse, cat, function, package, animation1
frankgroeneveld.nlToday I configured Cacti and SNMP after I saw the graphs of a friend. He had graphs for Postfix, ...snmp graph, graph friend, friend graph, graph postfixfounder, pinnacle, puppet, ago, remote1
examendisk.nl…to access educational and training assessments with quizzes and test that are graded instantly. This move significantly reduces the amount of paperwork. Most importantly the tool allows you to generate complex graphs, charts and diagrams.complex graph, graph charteducational, hassle, teacher, educator, introduction1
leantravelmanagement.nlOur excitement peaks when we transform complex business travel issues into clear insights using ratios, finding joy in making them tangible. For us, dashboards are more than graphs. They're practical tools that bring opportunities to…dashboard graph, graph practicalconduct, methodology, partnership, efficiency, cut1
link2ticket.nlUse your ticketing data to have full insight of your audience with informative graphs and statistics.informative graph, graph statisticssecure, resale, visitor, entrance, peak1
albertvandersel.nlSource: My own Jip Janneke figure, as an approximation of experimental graphs from Physics.experimental graph, graph physicsnuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device1
gaviota.nlThis graph is copied from the following Mckinsey Quartely article: reimagining the postpandamic workforce. Is this what it will be in 2021? Its worth to scribble a note in your agenda around august 2021 to have look back. I sincerely…executive, dynamic, enjoyable, effective, force1
dezwart-ict.nlYou can set devices to automatically run software trusted by the Intelligent Security Graph.device, configuration, release, profile, guard1
reinkrul.nl…in Visual Basic 6 and DirectX • In 2005 I was building webhoster administration software in PHP and a mathematical graph plotting program • In 2007 I was contributing to a open source World of Warcraft™ server emulator in C# (in…mathematical graph, graph programarchitecture, kotlin, microservice, migration, mongodb1
mutgeert.nlI made this e-learning about the Sustainable Development Goals for PwC employees. I created interactive graphs to make the content more engaging. PwC decided to make a version available for their clients as well.interactive graph, graph contentinteractive, employee, animation, interaction, participant1
janjetze.nlCapable of creating Prometheus metrics. Also experienced with creating alarms for metrics using PromQL and AlertManager and performance graphs for Grafana.performance graph, graph grafanascientist, programming, python, career, july1
robbertbroersma.nlThe other day I was adding mouse wheel zooming to the 3D graph demo, and now Frameless supportszoom graph, graph demoxslt, xml, default, behavior, stylesheet1
v0x.nlI built a pipeline for automated screenshotting of Framer project canvases for Dashboard and Open Graph. Queue workers, browser automation, image processing, storage (SQS, Playwright, Sharp, S3).open graph, graph queueinfrastructure, api, worker, attack, certificate1
erasmussport.nlNew in our app: occupancy rate! With this graph, you can see how crowded it is in our gym anytime! Want to use this tool? Download our app!rate graph, graph crowdpass, discount, timetable, calendar, employee1
vmpc.nlFacebook… Twitter… LinkedIn…profit graphipsum, lorem, sit, adipiscing, consectetur0
cryptocurrencyfaqs.nlNEM… Zcash… FLOKI… Stacks… Decentraland… Pancakeswap… Theta Network… Casper…graph grtstack, fuel, ocean, convex, pocket0
bosmantechnologies.nlWhether you want to see if a door is opened on a drawing or be able to switch lights off or on; Pure IWMS has itreport graphpure, workplace, integrate, estate, asset0
nekst-online.nlNow that the summer is rapidly approaching, and the new candidate board is already announced, my board year is alsopuzzle, econometrics, asset, exclusive, august0
wimhesselink.nlBernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligenceprof, verification, biography, scientific, publication0
cryptoclan.nl© 2018 – 2024 Cryptoclangraph grtgap, near, trading, release, average0
weerleidschendam.nlGraphs… - Forecast… - Map… - Radar… Moon info… - Aurora… - Meteors… - ISS… Air…graph forecastforecast, earthquake, weather, min, moon0
curiouscoding.nl…todos are here. A*PA, A*PA2 Fast pairwise alignment, with Pesho Ivanov PA-Bench Benchmarking pairwise aligners, with Daniel Liu PTRHash Fast and small minimal perfect hash function Minimizers Find a tight lower bound on minimizer density.string graph, graph constructionoctober, alignment, july, seed, heuristic0
davdata.nlWelcome at DavData , the website for:tree graph, graph operationpuzzle, programming, math, calculation, geometry0
bitcoinbeleggercommunity.nlPepe… Ripple… Solana… Bitcoin… Cardano… Binancecoin… Ethereum Classic… PAAL…graph grtrutrum, near, neutron, harmony, mask0
beterstart.nlView All Results… View All Apps… GitHub… Bitbucket… Dribbble… Mail Chimp…ago, template, multipurpose, notification, profile0
mathmind.nlWould you like to experience how it feels to take tutoring for math, stats or physics at MathMind? Then try a free trial lesson . For questions, please contact Sjuup Rekko.graph calculatortutoring, lesson, physics, math, stat0
biconsultportal.nlHome… Services… Contact… About… Login… Privacy…graph figurereport, analysis, improvement, efficiency, effectiveness0
mkmcxx.nlMKMCXX is a C++ program for constructing microkinetic models.automatic graph, graph generationautomatic, robust, modeling, extremely, generation0
goetweer.nlThe weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2 , and these pages are updated every 1 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight .trends graph, graph historicweather, rainfall, report, yesterday, gauge0
cognitech.nl…it doing now?", "What is it going to do next?", or "Why did it do that?" at some point during the flight. Although numerous laboratory studies have been conducted, few data are available from routine flight operations. In this article the…analysis graph, graph taskcognitive, task, division, ability, road0
bitcoinspot.nlBitvavo review… Wat is bitcoin mining?… ERC20 tokens crypto… Kan bitcoin…graph grtwat, atom, near, mining, viewer0
voetbalplaatjesparadijs.nl…Navarrete… Orbis Publishing… World Cup 1990 Italy (1989) - Blue back…soccer, leaf, magic, int, football0
grundsatzlich-it.nl…something like “in the core” or “in principle”. The principles of Grundsätzlich IT as a company are: to act with integrity, to provide the best value for the customer and to create solutions founded in mathematics and computer science.visualization graph, graph datapublication, presentation, modelling, warehouse, reference0
knaken.nlIk ben nieuw met bitcoins en ben gestart bij Knaken en ben onwijs tevreden, heel fijn zo samenwerken met een betrouwbare Nederlands bedrijf!settle, near, stack, render, immutable0
bitrue.nlDe Bitrue exchange is snel, stabiel en veilig. Hierdoor kunt u zorgeloos handelen op onze exchange!exchange, validator0
belegcryptomagazine.nlBlur… Astar… Axelar… Quant… Conflux… THORChain… Bitcoin Cash… GALA… KuCoin…graph grtblur, oasis, sandbox, frax, near0
dataviewer.nlForgot your password?… General…graph propertyproperty, gauge, select0
rudycrypto.nlSATS (Ordinals)… Theta Network… Oasis Network… Decentraland… The Graph…graph grtnear, oasis, immutable, render, matic0
weerstationgeleen.nlThe weather station in use is the , and these pages are updated every minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at .trends graph, graph historic, select graphrainfall, weather, yesterday, gauge, monthly0
zorro-online.nlOnce in a while i want to start a bash script and make sure it one at a time. So searching for solution for creating a lock file in bash, you want to have a solution that doesn't create a race condition.bash, python, debug, sheet, cheat0
weerinwelsum.nlWeather conditions for Welsum, The Netherlands as observed by a personal weather station and the weewx weather softwareweather, moon, rain, report, sun0
cryptovaluta.nlDalers… Calculator… Bitcoin… Hard Fork & Soft Fork… 19 april 2019… Wat is…fork, soft, wat, node, near0
calmat.nlThe lamps with dichroic reflectors also project the maximum amount of UV whilst infra-red radiation can pass through the reflector effectively halving the amount of heat projected on to the surface to be irradiated.seal, supply, beam, strike, radiation0
gourmetstellen.nlRehub is modern all in one price comparison and review theme with best sollutions for affiliate marketing, deal communities, user oriented online moneymaking sites, Social Business directory with locationschart graph, graph demoblock, comparison, width, layout, multiple0
openaccel.nlSelect a script from the list to view. You can also filter by tag or do a full-text search.graph typedomain, analysis, clamp, edit, simulation0
cryptocreditcard.nlBinance Card… Coinbase Card… BlockFi Card… Plutus Card… Gemini Card… Nexo…graph grtnear, optimism, immutable, render, rocket0
prinscrypto.nlAxie Infinity… The Sandbox… Wrapped Bitcoin… Dai… Stellar… Injective… Polkadot…graph grtstack, optimism, sandbox, near, frax0
remialkemade.nlI create highly interactive web applications, designing architectures and building applications from scratch. I find and use the tools most suitable for the job, or invent new ones if necessary. My clients are mostly entrepreneurs and…interactor graph, graph databaseinteractive, installation, conceptual, perception, depth0
stakingcrypto.nlBinance… BlockFi… Celsius Network… Coinbase… Coinloan… Playa3ull games… Vertex…graph grtnear, exchange, vertex, linear0
coinmarketcap.nlCrypto koersen live - Coinmarketcapgraph grtmargin, trading, near, yacht, meth0
fictoriedesign.nlI see you made the time to check out my portfolio. My portfolio briefly highlights the work that I created during my study Industrial Design at the University of Twente. I graduated from both the Bachelor and Master programme.graph designsketch, headphone, elderly, mouse, briefly0
edekler.nlOverview of Edwin de Kler his technical blog posts regarding Container Platform, API Management, Openshift, cicd, Jenkins and moremicrosoft graph, graph apijenkins, api, programming, overview, slack0
u4l.nlThis website was started in 2014 and has since been running 24x7 on Raspberry Pi hardware (tuned for high performance)chart graph, graph dataopenvpn, raspberry, connection, chart, remote0
het-report.nland "you destroying mountain" in prophets , while other aspects in the vid are left out ;theme graph, graph legendachapter, gate, report, het, christ0
vuljespaarpot.nlGeld verdienen met P2P lending… Celebs… Welke crypto kopen?… Crypto daytraden…graph grtestate, near, fund, matic, dig0
networkx.nlbetter way to analyze your activities data from Apple Health and Runkeeper into R and generating some visualizations and counters. After that I will wrapping it together into a Shiny App. What do I want to achieve for now? Number of…interest, python, programming, specialization, milestone0
cryptostakingrewards.nlBinance… Coinbase… Coins… Polygon Ecosystem Token… UwU Lend… Euro Coin… WAGMI…graph grtnear, node, ecosystem, lend, army0
cryptocurrencyguru.nldYdX… Maker… Render… The Graph… WhiteBIT Coin… Theta Network… First Digital…frax, render, swell, osmosis, stack0
roosterz.nlHi, my name is Roy. My last name is Dutch for roosters, the male chicken (hence the website name). I was born in 1979 in the Netherlands and started developing extensions for Joomla! since 2011. My focus is on creating High Quality…open graph, graph twitter, graph integrationjoomla, documentation, bundle, changelog, money0
japanshop.nl…Neo… OHTO F-Spirit… OHTO Tasche… Pilot Capless… Pilot Capless Trend… Pilot…mono graph, graph lite, pentel graphpentel, lab, brush, ball, midori0
epidm.nlEpidM organises international Winter Courses in epidemiological and advanced statistical methods.schedule, programme, epidemiology, exam, lecturer0
dr-aart.nlDifferentiation and integration… Equations and inequalities… Formulas, graphs…formula graph, graph relationmathematics, theory, formula, arithmetic, integration0
annem.nlI make information visual. Visual communication and information design through illustrations, infographics, and presentations.datum graph, graph diagramvisual, illustration, presentation, accessible, animation0
cryptogetest.nl…Protocol… NEAR Protocol… Synthetix Network… Jupiter… Frax Share… JasmyCoin…graph grtfrax, near, osmosis, swell, oasis0
kweri.nlWe help you create, develop and test data-driven solutions. Solid solutions build in Python on AWS.knowledge graph, graph standardpipeline, username, engine, structure, artificial0
10crypto.nlTokenize Xchange… Terra Luna Classic… Rocket Pool ETH… The Graph… Optimism…graph grtoptimism, render, stack, near, rocket0
easly.nlThe microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory…easy graphstd, blood, fungal, infection, vegetarian0
genetwister.nl…for trait improvement via classical or novel breeding technologies. Visualization of vast amounts of data is an important aspect of our work, as this helps our scientists and customers to use the results of research projects to improve…application graph, graph pangenomesgenomic, discovery, genome, assembly, genetic0
hoekmeijer.nlDe zoektocht naar de geschiedenis van onze familie zal altijd doorgaan, maar er is wel besloten de nieuwe Hoekmeijers vanaf 2000 niet meer te registeren, omdat het zorgvuldig bijhouden van de laatste ontwikkelingen op het geboortefront…chart, statistics, death, marriage, birth0
aurumcoin.nlBitcoin surges 15% to top $38,000, boosted by comments from influential investors and chatter about Amazon getting into cryptomining, influential, rise, fund, chatter0
cryptowallet.nlBux… OKX… Ledger… KuCoin… Metamask… XRP… Tether… Bitcoin… Solana… Cardano…graph grtnear, cold, frax, metal, secret0
joranhonig.nlI’ve recently decided to migrate my website into a different format! Here are all the articles ported over: blog. Digital Garden This website is structured as a digital garden.graph viewbug, hunt, path, attacker, recently0
goldandco.nlUnder Saint Georges representation, you can see the year as well as the initials “BP” from Benedetto Pistrucci, the engraver of the coin.graph goldwishlist, compare, sovereign, british, united0
taurussoft.nlI think the system developed by TaurusSoft is very easy to use. It is a unique feature that is tailored to my needs. Communication with the developing engineer is very convenient and efficient. I can upgrade for free every month!analyzer, report, analysis, satisfy, automatic0
biflatie.nl…april 8, 2024… De halvering van Bitcoin vermindert de inflatie: welke…graph grtdigger, near, ocean, wave, matic0
weerenzo.nlToday… Yesterday… Today-Yest… Gauges… This Month… This Year… All Time…trends graph, graph historic, select graphweather, rainfall, yesterday, gauge, monthly0
informagus.nlWe develop theory and methods for scalable machine learning and information retrieval to analyze big data and address challenging problems in science and society.sqirel graph, graph ir, ir graph, graph db, geesedb graphprofile, retrieval, staff, external, society0
winvesteren.nl…Radix 50 xrd… Radix xrd… Theta Network 51 theta… Theta Network theta… Aavegraph grtfrax, near, rocket, matic, atom0
cryptokalender.nlPancakeSwap… Sei Network… Rocket Pool… Frax Ether… Frax Share… Beam… Pepe…graph grtfrax, near, rocket, beam, matic0
ffrd.nl…the journey to a high-performing finance function. We do this by providing inspiration, insights and ideas for improvement and by implementing and developing these together with the customer. We draw on decades of experience in the…function, improvement, inspiration, role, ff0
meteo-deoudewereldoost.nlGraphs… - Forecast… History… - Airport… - Earthquakes… - Lightning… Details… -…graph forecastweather, forecast, earthquake, min, gust0
ekopower.nlEkopower Smart industrial iBOX ioT Datalogger Telemetry Online Monitoring FTP Data loggeronline graph, graph easily, internet graph, graph serverindustrial, telemetry, know, configuration, customize0
realigro.nlDespite the real estate downturn, we always receive new leads from potential buyers. ImmobilHouse Italy Realigro is very well-indexed on search engines. We usually receive lots of contacts from users interested in buying our properties…graph websiteadvert, cod, estate, kunnen, spain0
meteouitgeest.nlPersonal Home weather station with the weather conditions for Waldijk - Uitgeest - Noord-holland - Nederlandgraph forecastforecast, weather, gust, min, moon0
cooperativeknowledge.nlCooperative Knowledge creates environments allowing users to find, analyse and distribute ideas, content and contacts. Issues that users wish to solve determine setup and graphic design of the portals we develop.interactor graph, graph databasecooperative, principle, connect, enterprise, dedicated0
preregister.nlCraft robust custom registration pages for your events. Manage and analyze registrations like there's no tomorrow. It's just so simple you'll never want to use anything else.registration, pricing, demographic, customizable, confirmation0
dollarkoers.nl…WAX… ICON… APENFT… Gains Farm… WOO Network… Energy Web Token… Nederlandse…graph grtrender, circle, merit, icon, gain0
coinmonitor.nl2024 CoinMonitor - Powered By CryptoCompare & CoinGeckotrading, near, beam, cfx, matic0
michielpost.nlblazor… SkyDocs and Dfinity Internet Computer - Final Grant Report… Read More…skydocs graph, graph final, subgraph graphgrant, final, report, faucet, identity0
bemath.nlUnderstanding mathematics, wiskunde, in different levels. Especially for TTO, bilingual education. With theory, example, exercises and in-depth knowledge.graph formula, linear graph, equation graphpath, chapter, equation, depth, formula0
mqbtools.nlChange what happens when you press a specific button on your infotainment or Multifunction steering wheel.relevant grapheditor, additional, upcoming, request, profile0
nft-kopen.nlNFT-Kopen is HET platform voor Nederlanders om alles te leren over het kopen en verkopen van NFT’s. Leer hier onder andere hoe je geld kunt verdienen met NFT’s door ze te flippen met winst. Je eigen NFT maken en daarna verkopen? Ook dan…graph grtmarketplace, ribbon, near, chain, liquid0
btcspecialisten.nlBlogs… BNB… Bonk… Bitcoin… Solana… ApeCoin… Axie Infinity… PancakeSwap… Manta…graph grtrender, optimism, frax, beam, near0
ditzoekik.nlYou are using Free Lite version of Margo Purchase Full version to Get all Pages and Featuresanimate graphsidebar, dolor, dolore, irure, voluptate0
simquest.nlSimQuest allows instructors to author existing simulations to their own needs. You can also create your own simulation easily by using the extended library of SimQuest.animation graph, graph sqzxsimulation, author, manual, alternative, balance0
breathpal.nl“We are using Breathpal to validate the accuracy of our own breathing detection algorithm on our physical product. So far the Breathpal has been exactly the type of product we need: reliable, accurate and easy to use. It’s so easy to wear…linearity graphreliable, breathe, wearable, wireless, measurement0
cryptocurrencyvandaag.nlCardano… Solana… Stacks… BNB… EOS… Synthetix Network… The Sandbox… Axie…graph grtstack, sandbox, osmosis, frax, near0
statkat.nlLearn about statistical methods in our wiki environment. Use our methods comparison tool to compare methods with one another. Find out which method to use with our method selection tools. Prepare for your exam in our practice environment…interactive graph, graph bayesianselection, statistics, table, statistical, overview0
opengraph.nlSkip to content…open graph, graph scanner, graph open0
cryptocurrencyguy.nlFantom… Chainlink… Bitcoin Cash… Pyth Network… Wrapped Bitcoin… Synthetix…graph grtfrax, osmosis, oasis, swell, near0
filipucci.nlOmega Seamaster Diver 300M Co-Axial Master Chronometer Steel - Sedna Gold Black Dial NEW 21020422001001turn graph, graph bluedial, rolex, datejust, watch, breitling0
digitalemarketingexperts.nlGEMs are robotics algorithm for modules that built and optimized for NVIDIA AGX Data should underlie every business decision. Data should underlie every business Yet too often some very human cultural artifacts really lead the business…profit graphconnection, wonderful, serenity, morning, lorem0
cltl.nl…organisations or government as our master provides you with all the skills to apply technology built with Large Language Models. If you are interested to study with us and become ready for the job market with your language technology…wordnet graphmining, linguistic, computational, lab, reference0
cryptobeginner.nlHome… Welke crypto kopen?… Bitcoin… BNB… Near… Algorand… Cosmos… Chainlink…graph grtnear, bull, consectetur, trading, matic0
marketupdate.nlWelke crypto kopen?… Crypto credit cards… Crypto daytraden… Crypto wallets…graph grtnear, meth, matic, apt, stack0
jordybeerling.nl15 Notifications 4 new messages 3 mins 8 friend requests 12 hours 3 new reports 2 days See All Notificationssale graphsidebar, calendar, ago, table, visitor0
coinwijzer.nlCoin info… Bitcoin BTC… Bitcoin Cash BCC… Dash DASH… EthereumClassic ETC… Alle…graph grtetc, matic, solve, ocean, dusk0
weerstationmedemblik.nl…Credits, contact and . . .… Light Theme… Station Theme… Imperial °F… UK…graph forecastforecast, weather, min, temperature, moon0
blocklog.nlBitcoin 101… Avalanche ($AVAX)… Cosmos (ATOM)… Graph (GRT)… NEAR Protocol…graph grtnear, atom, ocean, stx, stack0
eioannou.nlIn Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 12-16 June 2011, Athens, Greece.uncertain graph, graph databaseentity, conference, proceedings, semantic, mining0
lastline.nlAutomation ⫸ PowerShell, Python, Chef, Puppet, Automation Anywhere, Power Automate, NodeREDnosql graph, graph elasticautomation, migration, sql, powershell, multiple0
weerstationlangezwaag.nlWeather conditions for Langezwaag as observed by a personal weather station and the weewx weather softwareweather, rain, report, average, rate0
jeroenkooptcrypto.nlMarinade staked SOL… Terra Luna Classic… Staked Frax Ether… Manta Network…graph grtfrax, osmosis, swell, oasis, near0
henrybeen.nlThe second category is different, these bugs I would duplicate to Azure DevOps (or even better, link to that bug from within Azure DevOps to avoid spreading information related to the bug over two systems.) So how to link these to…user graph, graph apibug, azure, devops, pipeline, resource0
trefoilanalytics.nlTrefoil played a pivotal rol in building the regional (EU) data team for the one of our large data project, coordinate overall data management required by the BUs; Collaborate with the global data team in the development and support of…knowledge graph, graph aitrefoil, analysis, firm, valuable, asset0
deduikspecialist.nlEverything in the field of diving for the recreational and technical (sports) divertoday graphdive, accessorie, bag, cable, mask0
khushalbhalsod.nlDedicated and efficient Tech Lead (Full Stack) with 12 years of extensive experience in participating in all phases of software development specializing in the designing, developing, managing complex web applications, product development…stack, react, role, framework, aws0
bazuinlaan-93.nlWeather conditions for Etten-Leur as observed by a personal weather station and the weewx weather softwareweather, moon, rain, report, sun0
cwts.nl…Our Our research, research, bibliometric bibliometric and and scientometric scientometric tools, tools, and and evaluation evaluation expertise expertise provide provide a a solid solid basis basis for for supporting supporting research…sia graph, graph landscape, graph eurostarscwt, announcement, inclusion, ecosystem, evaluation0
thinkable.nlThinkable provides products to create tactile media , making information accessible for visually impaired people.formula graphmanual, draw, tactile, guide, visually0
ijzerweg.nl…carries information that can be captured as properties. Shapes have links to other shapes, e.g. a signal is located next to a track at a given distance along the track. This article explores how Visio extracts the data from the schematicknowledge graph, graph umldraw, uml, shape, societal, modelling0
meteo-wagenborgen.nlThis site is made with CumulusUtils, a generator tool for HTML presentation of weather data, retrieved from a weather station powered by Cumulus(MX) (all versions). CumulusUtils is built and © by Hans Rottier. It can be freely used and…rain graph, temp graph, wind graph, solar graph, misc graphlicense, rain, weather, gnu, clause0
whyconsulting.nlWHY Consulting turns the future of our clients into #bright, #digital and #green. Because we truly believe that digital technologies and data-driven applications can help us overcome the most daring, complex challenges of our time.consulting, uw, bright, society, transformation0
bitflex.nlBitflex serves as an online crypto guide and ranks all crypto coins based on price, trading volume, market capitalization, etc. Bitflex is also the place where you get the opportunity to find the best and reliable bitcoin exchange where…upcoming, wat, supply, etc, reliability0
adzs.nlThe AdZs statistics breakdown by original referer is really something that will guide you to making more money. No more guessing about where your banner clicks are coming from. AdZs SHOWS you this now ! It shows you which of your traffic…advertising, statistics, freedom, stat, money0
cochez.nlthat same university in Finland and after graduation continued as a doctoral student. These studies were guided by Professor in Distributed Systems Vagan Terziyan and Professor of Computational Intelligence Optimisation Ferrante Neri…knowledge graph, graph embed, graph endvrij, teach, ontology, computing, mining0
rjracingproducts.nlMighty Gripper V3 Orange additive (strongest Grip & longest effect time) - MG-V3-Orangemomma graph, graph hardcasereceiver, repair, noble, fat, progressive0
mevrouwcrypto.nl…Cardano… Binance coin… Cosmos… The Sandbox… Decentraland… Stellar…sandbox, near, mining0
flyingpie.nlProjects… Art… About… art… project… quicky… howto… docker… windows…node graph, graph visualizerdocker, howto, ascii, elasticsearch, postgres0
cryptonieuws.nl…Blogs… Cryptocurrency… NFT… Prive… december 4, 2023… december 30, 2022…graph grtnear, mijn, sandbox, gain, farm0
fevan-it.nlict, it, server, exchange mail, mbo, hbo, ict, beheer netwerk, comptia, betatechniek, bbl, offic,e administratorprogress, exchange, administrator, strategic, programming0
willemssen.nlForecast: Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy.trends graph, graph historic, select graphweather, rainfall, yesterday, gauge, monthly0
atoptool.nl…finished during the interval), daily logging of system and process activity for long-term analysis, highlighting overloaded system resources by using colors, etc. At regular intervals, it shows system-level activity related to the CPU…resource, consumption, interactive, advanced, utilization0
meteo-nunspeet.nlUV intensity can nearly double with reflection from snow or other bright surfaces like water, sand, or concrete.interactive graphago, min, sun, radiation, yesterday0
theoti.nl…the best way to determine the end point of a titration. They are also used to discuss practical aspects of measurements – titrations, titration errors, errors introduced by adding indicators to be able to keep track of the titration.example graphsimulation, acid, base, curve, carbon0