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529 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: novel

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lesleyjacobs.nlwant to hear (parents, usually, or friends) or people who actually like your story, but have no clue whether it’s also a good story. Those are generally people who don’t read that much, or have never understood what makes a good novel work.adult novel, novel particular, similar novel, novel fantasy, exactly novelwriter, adult, parent, autistic, successful30
oekdejong.nl…love life. It is one of the fluid and masterful ways in which De Jong combines structure, form and content. (…) The novel makes time pass by so that, at an appropriate moment, you look up and think: what just happened? The novel unfolds…well novel, novel summer, epic novel, novel libris, monumental novelbarn, prize, ocean, circle, winner18
symphonyconsortium.nl…statistical techniques. Thus optimizing treatment to improve quality of care in the light of both current and novel therapeutic options (standard half-life concentrates, extended half-life concentrates) and to implement personalizedevelopment novel, novel diagnostic, life novel, novel extend, making novelpatient, treatment, disorder, symphony, bleed14
mrplagiarist.nl…of beloved fictional universes, allowing enthusiasts to explore their favorite characters and settings in novel and exciting ways. The roots of fanfiction can be traced back to the early 20th century when devoted readers of…setting novel, novel exciting, village novel, novel hester, drama novelwrite, translation, equivalence, literature, fanfiction13
bonavetrilogie.nl…time something goes wrong in the life of Juliette, the narrator subtly refers to that old local history. (…) The novel tells hardly one year out of the life of Juliette and could easily have been three times this size. The novel has ittrilogy novel, novel france, right novel, novel second, house novelfrance, french, trilogy, author, een11
renatedorrestein.nl…events, and this threatens to push them over the edge. “It’s either eat or get eaten,” declare the sisters Ange and Irthe in the novel Het Hemelse Gerecht (The Heavenly Repast), and that truism is seldom far from the heart of her stories.second novel, novel family, finally novel, novel buitenstaanders, issue novelwriter, stone, write, fiction, american10
marietmeester.nlDe overstroming The Flood novel, 1st edition Uitgeverij Meulenhoff 2003 2nd edition Uitgeverij Caprae 2020 A young woman retreats to a terp in the Dutch polder landscape. When the terp is isolated from the outside world by a flood, she…theme novel, novel dilemma, life novel, novel uitgeverij, flood novelvillage, fiction, prison, inmate, literary10
jellereith.nlNewSpeak is a language used in George Orwells novel "1984", this language is designed in such a way that is becomes impossible to say something political incorrect. This means that you're trapped in this language and can't speak your…orwells novel, novel languageinstallation, satellite, sun, surrounding, artificial9
kornmehl.nlOn the occasion of the exhibition of the amazing art of William Kentridge in the Jewish Historical Museum, will Frenk van der Linden interview Kornmehl about her novels, especially 'The Butterfly Month' which is situated in South Africa…new novel, novel tax, novel hide, novel march, fourth novelfeeling, hide, butterfly, biography, mother8
matthijsmvp.nlReaders think my debut novel Three Sorrows is an "enchanting" story, "deeply moving" and "impossible to put down," which "raises hundreds of questions" and "should stand out among other debut novels.”sorrow novel, novel book, debut novel, novel sorrow, novel huntwrite, sorrow, publisher, writer, hunt8
mayflowerbookshop.nlOn Sunday September 24th, Coco Hoek will give the fourth lecture in Mayflower Bookshop’s Great Books series, featuring the famous novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses (In Dutch: Gevaarlijk spel met de […]epistolary novel, novel die, famous novel, novel lesmayflower, bookshop, sunday, lecture, poetry7
gregorverwijmeren.nl…a sound sketch of our time, an ode to music, and a sensitive description of his own origins and family. Sounds are as important as the characters in this novel, that makes the reader listen to the world in new and different ways.beautiful novel, novel mappilibri, publisher novel, novel p., character novelreader, biography, shape, rich, beautifully7
judithfanto.nlWhereas the term ‘family’ (nature) was the main theme in Viktor, Judith Fanto uses her new novel, which is also based on true facts, to explore the phenomenon of ‘chosen family’ (culture): friends.new novel, novel true, novel judith, debut novel, novel viktordebut, write, newspaper, writing, jewish7
isisvanduijn.nlIsis van Duijn is an illustrator and visual storyteller that visualises feelings, moments and places you could not describe. While making work like graphic novels, she explores different subjects in original ways. Trying to create…graphic novel, novel different, novel beauty, novel personalvisual, illustration, graphic, subject, feeling7
boekwinkelstip.nlText on wrapper: "Shorter than the conventional novel, longer than the longest short story, Hemingway's new work of fiction eludes classification. What can be confidently asserted is that it is a masterly example of literary art,…conventional novel, novel long, bellow novel, novel saul, month novelstock, warehouse, quickly, guide, jacket7
fantasize.nl…to take this opportunity to also ask about advice for readers. If someone who isn’t very familiar with science fiction, horror and fantasy novels, would want to read books portraying strong, real-life women, what books would you recommend?mainly novel, novel short, fiction novel, novel offworlder, society novelwoman, france, fiction, society, writer7
barkhuis.nlThe papers in this volume discuss, from various perspectives, the engagement of the ancient novels with their predecessors and aim to identify and interpret the resonances, of different degrees of closeness, of those texts (Homeric epics…ancient novel, novel predecessorbuy, literary, ancient, publish, journal7
riaschopman.nl…art form everytime. I acted when I was in high school, I belted out songs in a coverband. Now I write: books, texts and columns. It's no surprise the launch for my debut novel Alea, was more of a theater show, than a book presentation.novel alea, debut novel, like novelwrite, lecture, debut, surprise, answer6
jhellings.nlMy research is centered around novel directions for high-performance large-scale data management systems. My research has a strong theoretical component (e.g., lower bound results, finite model theory, dependency theory) and a strong…research novel, novel direction, forest novel, novel dynamic, exploration novelquery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally6
solidfocus.nlNovel-T helps new companies to emerge and existing companies to innovate. With the University of Twente campus as its home base, Novel-T's mission is to make Twente the best-performing ecosystem for high-tech innovation and…base novel, novel missionvisual, fuel, ecosystem, robotic, innovative6
lizardlabs.nlWholesale supplier of novel lysergamides, tryptamines, phenethylamines and related compounds. All products are sold for laboratory use onlysupplier novel, novel lysergamidelab, wholesale, supplier, related, laboratory6
cvdinwomen.nlexplain why diagnostic tests developed in men fail to detect heart disease in women. Therefore, my goal is to obtain novel biomarkers that facilitate the diagnosis of heart disease in women, and to understand why these sex differences…goal novel, novel biomarker, differently novel, novel drug, novel imagingdisease, phd, cardiovascular, difference, patient6
svestdijk.nlHis novels, like his poetry and essays, are written in a dense baroque style with many interruptions, asides and qualifications, which is more an indication of a basic uncertainty and a tendency to camouflage emotion than of the…dutch novel, novel nol, later novel, novel story, futuristic noveldeath, brass, character, der, ed6
socc.nl…and complex pharmaceuticals. Our synthetic efforts are strongly mechanism-driven, enabling the rational design of novel organic transformations. Important tools in our synthetic methodology include cascade and multicomponent reactions…design novel, novel organicorganic, synthetic, chemistry, catalysis, efficient5
bigr.nlWe are looking for two PhD students and a PostDoc to work on our novel AI for Integrated Diagnostics research line, which aims to join forces of radiomics and pathomics to create trustworthy models to aid clinicians in decision making…cancer novel, novel ai, postdoc novel, focusses novel, novel deepphd, analysis, imaging, artificial, intelligence5
methylomics.nlMethylomics is a company that applies molecular diagnostic technologies to develop novel assays for monitoring cancer progression and therapy response.technology novel, novel assaycancer, publication, assay, diagnostic, progression5
martijnwieling.nlWe conduct the first experiment in the literature in which a novel is translated automatically and then post-edited by professional literary translators. Our case study is Warbreaker , a popular fantasy novel originally written in…effort novel, novel statistical, literature novel, novel automatically, fantasy novelpaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech5
minkedouwesz.nlMinke Douwesz (1962) is a Dutch writer, who has published two novels and a handful of stories. Her first novel Strikt (Engl. Tight), published in 2003, is about a female psychiatrist who falls in love with a redhaired female musician who…writer novel, novel handful, story novel, novel strikt, second novelwoman, female, psychiatrist, sense, writer5
emilykocken.nlEmily Kocken (1963) is a visual artist and a writer. Her work includes novels, essays, stories, poems, drawings, installations, performances.work novel, novel essaywriter, visual, drawing, poem, installation5
fiola.nlThis touching novel tells us about Jesus’ childhood, the untold story that cannot be found in the Bible. The author has woven some wonderful spiritual insights into the narrative. The story brings Jesus close like never before, wrestling…touch novel, novel jesusjesus, untold, childhood, relation, spiritual5
arceon.nlARCEON – Engineering Materials for Extremes is enabling revolutionary industry advances through novel materials and structures with unique features, delivering customized and comprehensive solutions , enhancements, and innovations. ​novel development, high novel, novel material, industry noveloverview, internship, extreme, career, aerospace5
plantnutritioncourier.nl…and soil analysis. Furthermore this special interest magazine reports about innovative plant nutrition products and novel fertiliser formulations. Last but not least the Plant nutrition courier has a column with hyperlinks to relevant…product novel, novel fertilisercourier, nutrition, bit, subscription, fertiliser5
historischmenterwolde.nlIt’s been a very long time since I read novels out of my own free will. Having been forced to read some pretty annoying stuff during my time studying literature made me lose interest in this medium. Even though some of the books I read…prequel novel, novel ballad, games novel, novel curious, book novelcharacter, topic, january, ago, movie5
lauramolenaar.nl…(either translated works or Dutch). For Biografieportaal , a website about biographies, I review books about scientists and philosophers. For Boekenkrant , a free magazine about books, I review novels and philosophical non-fiction.crime novel, novel contemporary, psychological novel, novel de, philosophical novelphilosophical, fiction, translator, icelandic, write5
allinova.nlNovel Carnaubawax emulsions are used to prevent blocking and to control slip in water based coatings that are used in flexible packaging.emulsion, dispersion, release, repellent, flame4
charmed-online.nlMadeleine Mantock stars in the leading role in London’s West End stage Royal Shakespeare Company adaptation of Maggie O’Farrell’s best-selling 2020 novel HAMNET, having opened at The Garrick on the 30 September 2023. Madeleine makes her…well novel, novel hamnet, play novel, novel maggie, maggie noveldoherty, cast, charm, cancer, jordan4
ellendebruin.nlBefore she wrote the novels, Ellen published three books of non-fiction (in Dutch). The first was Dutch Women Don’t Get Depressed : hoe komen die vrouwen zo stoer (2007; the subtitle translates as ‘How These Women Got So Tough ’). It is…ellen novel, novel late, debut novel, novel netherlandsfiction, het, woman, guide, author4
flowsplatform.nlLand use systems, transcalarity and transformative design as critical research and design tools The present article presents a brief disclosure of a novel approach to Research and Design -developed by the research projectdisclosure novel, novel approach, pathway novel, novel planning, experience novelthesis, flood, paper, report, january4
samanthahaitsma.nlI started this novel 5 years ago, but never had the guts to publish it. Time to dust it off and just go for it! I would love to publish this novel and turn […]historical novel, idea novel, novel erawriter, historical, nightmare, movie, actress4
mr-nec.nlACROBA project aims to develop and demonstrate a novel concept of cognitive robotic platforms based on a modular approach able to be smoothly adapted to virtually any industrial scenario applying agile manufacturing principles. The novel…nec novel, novel business, approach novel, novel vision, project novelnec, reinforcement, cognitive, industrial, manufacture4
yankiaslan.nlF. T. Celik , A. Yarovoy and Y. Aslan , “ From Cooling to Coupling and Back: A Novel Beam Switching Heatsink Antenna Array With CSRR Embedded Isolation Wall , ” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett, vol. 22, no. 11, Nov. 2023 ( published in…coupling novel, novel beam, yarovoy novel, novel butler, aslan novelantenna, array, proc, beam, wave4
geckotech.nlGeckotech helps innovative startups get up and running with their novel IT ideas. We develop software solutions for your complex problems.startup novel, novel ideacertification, innovative, career, logistics, declaration4
palmanslab.nl…that arise from the integration of polymer chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and stereochemistry with the novel field of bio-orthogonal chemistry, that studies chemical reactions to augment biochemical processes. Using this…stereochemistry novel, novel field, research novel, novel material, development novelsupramolecular, congratulations, catalysis, chemistry, successfully4
oslit.nlbetween the representations of the individual modernity experiences and the narrative modes employed in six selected novels published between the 1940s and the early 1980s: Ülker Fırtınası “Pleiades Storm” (1944) by Safiye Erol, Huzur “A…turkish novel, novel aim, mode novel, novel earlyliterary, literature, phd, programme, institute4
bintihomebusiness.nl​Wear east a novel whimsical watercolor include located, will flowers Bali little morning value. Process ocean air dreamy recommend outdoors on neutral recommend, artful France projects so. Pink pretty wouldve cute, inspired vinyl…east novel, novel whimsicalrecommend, dreamy, pretty, fabulous, france4
erasmusurologyresearch.nlNew publication: Whole-genome mapping of APOBEC mutagenesis in metastatic urothelial carcinoma identifies driver hotspot mutations and a novel mutational signature.mutation novel, novel mutationalcancer, publication, urology, prostate, trial4
reprex.nlRelying on modern data science, the re-use of open governmental data, open science data, and novel harmonized data collection we aim to fill in the gaps left in the official statistics of the European Union about the creative and cultural…data novel, novel harmonize, innovation novel, novel distributionobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak4
bypippa.nlBurlesque and art Groningen, by Pippa. Bellydance, womengroups, new novel, books, blog and African dance.new novel, novel bookclick, dance, bellydance, african, tribal4
incyte.nlIncyte is a global biopharmaceutical company that is focused on finding solutions for serious unmet medical needs through the discovery, development and commercialization of novel medicines.commercialization novel, novel medicineunmet, medicine, discovery, career, resource4
machteldsiegmann.nl…shortlisted in 2020 for the Dutch booksellers' prize, and was on the longlist for the Hebban readers' award. The success of The Days of Trouble prompted the Dutch Foundation for Literature to award Siegmann a grant to write a second novel.debut novel, novel day, second novel, novel het, morning novelreader, trouble, debut, morning, daughter4
joinourfootsteps.nl…of the Nanophysics group in Leiden University, where I recently started my project about transport properties of novel materials, in order to understand and manipulate a wide range of physical phenomena, with the aim to implement new…simulation novel, novel device, outside novel, novel collaboration, scale novelphd, degree, physics, quantum, footsteps4
marloesdekkers.nlMarloes Dekkers Colorist of comics and graphic novels. Adding colorfull dimensions to visual stories, enhancing the emotional experience.graphic novel, novel colorfullexperimental, flat, graphic, visual, dimension4
fsnconsultancy.nlFood Safety & Nutrition Consultancy ( FSN Consultancy ) offers scientific services in the area of food safety and nutrition: novel foods, health claims, food fortification, logo's, etc .novel food, nutrition novelnutrition, scientific, assessment, risk, fortification3
nwo-unravel.nl…problems that can serve as the simplified models mentioned above. This is unexplored terrain, and will lead to novel types of machine learning that are much more effective and have a much lower need for abundant sets of data. The…terrain novel, novel type, design novel, novel neural, application novelneural, computing, structure, nwo, closure3
satterorchids.nlAt Satter orchids we are proud to offer novel varieties that suits our commercial client’s preferences while prioritizing sustainability and quality.proud novel, novel varietyorchid, variety, assortment, finder, sustainability3
microsync.nlMicrobial processes can be explored to generate the array of products from syngas. This programme deals with developing novel microbial syngas conversion concepts and biotechnological processes considering overall business case feasibility.programme novel, novel microbial, gap novel, novel microbe, test novelmicrobial, conversion, syngas, programme, publication3
davidvanbodegom.nl…choices and can help us make healthier choices easier, sometimes even unconscious. This book was translated into Hungarian in 2017. In 2012 he wrote the Dutch novel Necessity Knows No Law (2012) based on his experiences in rural Ghana.dutch novel, novel necessity, debut novel, novel noodhealthy, physician, necessity, researcher, doctor3
maartenmaartens.nlMaarten Maartens is the pseudonym of the Dutch prose writer and poet Jozua Marius Willem van der Poorten Schwartz (Amsterdam, 15 August 1858 – Doorn, 3 August 1915). Between 1885 and 1914, he wrote 14 novels, numerous short stories and a…august novel, novel numerous, complete novelcommemorative, walk, cycling, writer, august3
nicolettesmabers.nlIn 1992, she was awarded the Halewyn Prize. After several years of silence, she published her first novel, Stiefmoeder (‘Stepmother’) in 2003. In 2004, a new collection of her first three books, entitled De Franse tuin. Verhalen en…silence novel, novel stiefmoeder, brilliant novel, novel trouw, wonderful novelfather, electricity, childhood, past, french3
blauwe-eekhoorns.nlAt some point in time, I decided to quit my job and start writing books and short stories (in Dutch) on a fulltime basis. De Nacht van de Blauwe Eekhoorns (The Night of the Blue Squirrels) is my debut novel. It was my ambition to write an…debut novel, novel leo, novel ambition, novel sooninterest, squirrel, author, introduction, debut3
saillanttherapeutics.nlWe are a biotechnology company located in The Netherlands developing promising small molecule based therapies. We have discovered a novel mechanism that is based on selective intra-cellular functional protein expression inhibition…therapy novel, novel mechanism, cell novel, novel modetherapy, disease, failure, stroke, molecule3
justvis.nlShoji Gatoh, Shikidouji’s light novel series inspired 3 TV anime, OVA in 2002-2006panic novel, novel new, light novel, novel series, novel inspiremetal, panic, october, season, gate3
halix.nlExperience with different classes of therapeutic proteins such as novel monoclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies, biosimilars, and recombinant proteinsprotein novel, novel monoclonal, completely novel, novel vaccine, production novelprotein, manufacture, facility, biologic, clinical3
mlnlab.nl…of Bern. Our goal is to gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms associated with the acquisition of novel motor skills in order to develop innovative technology to improve the rehabilitation of neurological patients.acquisition novel, novel motor, neurorehabilitation novel, novel roboticlab, robotic, immersive, rehabilitation, neural3
yuetao.nlSHANGHAI BLUE (2015) is Yue Tao's debut novel. It is also available in Chinese 红蟋蟀 (2012) and Dutch SCHEMERING BOVEN SHANGHAI (2015, 2019). Her second novel 一夜之差 is published in China in January 2019. The Dutch translation OP EEN HAAR NA…debut novel, novel available, second novel, novel china, novel yueauthor, cultural, haar, op, een3
jules-verne.nlwere crowned by the Académie française. Except novels, Jules Verne wrote dramas, operettes, poetry, geographical and historical studies, and some popular-scientific articles. For a long time, he has been considered primarily as an author…issue novel, novel jules, verne novel, novel series, française novelsociety, translation, overview, publication, bibliography3
wintertuin.nl…published in English and French. The debut was followed by a collection of poetry, a three-volume anthology and a novel. This feminist, historical and erotic novel Ard pădurile (2021, The Forests Burn) was shortlisted for the Romanian…anthology novel, novel feminist, erotic novel, novel ard, translation novelwriter, literary, literature, translator, write3
testomgevingsdomein.nlNLP Clinical LLC is comprised of like-minded professionals who want to deliver novel therapeutics to people using leading edge manufacturing technology. There have been many issues with medicines being over prescribed with ultra-high…novel therapeutic, professional novel, product novel, novel deliveryclinical, tomorrow, pipeline, animal, woman3
annethuizing.nl…for some editorial advice. In August 2013 I sent my manuscript to Lemniscaat Publishers in Rotterdam. In 2014, ‘ How I accidentally wrote a book’ was published. In June 2015, my novel was prized the Zilveren Griffel (Silver Pencil) award.child novel, novel pretty, idea novel, novel skills, june novelnomination, write, law, character, silver3
cmdmethods.nlInvolve stakeholders and other experts early in the design process in order to set an innovative direction and to create openness for novel ideas among stakeholders.openness novel, novel ideainspiration, overview, certainty, combination, pack3
vampirediariesworld.nlThe series is adapted from Australian writer Bailey’s debut novel of the same name, which is also the first book in The Gemma Woodstock series. It won both the 2018 Davitt Award for best crime debut and the 2018 Ned Kelly award for best…lake novel, novel sarah, debut novel, novel book, well novelvampire, diary, season, role, crime3
heartinscience.nlhuman induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs). Our work is furthermore aimed at identifying novel (genetic) determinants and pathways mediating cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmia risk, as well as novel…identification novel, furthermore novel, novel genetic, risk novel, novel targetcardiac, sodium, identification, risk, death3
rieksopdenakker.nlIn his post “The Future of Writing Is a Lot Like Hip-Hop” in The Atlantic of 9 may 2023 Stephen Marche reports his findings during his cooperation with ChatGPT in writing their novel Death of an Author . In that report he comments on how…chatgpt novel, novel death, coaches novel, novel holisticcausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical3
vondelfontein.nlverbal thinkers write and translate this to the visual thinker. I suggest a different approach . Before I share this novel idea next month, try it in the weeks ahead, to write it in the old fashioned way. Create your bio, your artist…approach novel, novel idea, national novel, novel write, purpose novelenthusiasm, breathe, visual, edge, slight3
language-science.nlWe develop novel AI methods for language technologies, which add transparency and are not restricted to mainstream languages .society, responsible, transparency, researcher, lab3
karsmakers.nlIn the Red Dwarf novel “Last Human”, Arnold J. Rimmer’s son, McGruder, is introduced to his father at the tender age of 42.dwarf novel, novel human, wwii novel, novel nellathink, universe, atari, answer, episode2
jdew.nlMy PhD research focused on turning the Internet of Things (IoT) battery‑free and solely powered by harvested energy, as batteries are a pollutant to the environment and have a limited lifespan. Through novel hardware architectures and…passionate novel, novel idea, lifespan novel, novel hardwarebattery, embed, device, researcher, publication2
trespassersw.nl…own path and singer Cor Gout intensified his career as a writer of poetry, short stories, essays and (in 2021) a novel. Being the musician that he is, he surrounded some of his books with music: Muziek in zwart wit (Music in black and…essay novel, novel musician, year novel, novel biksong, lyric, biography, discography, catalogue2
hgroefsema.nl…or propose costly verification methods that also consider the full data perspective. This paper proposes a novel light-weight verification method, which is preferable over expensive approaches that include the data perspective…paper novel, novel light, model novel, novel approachconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability2
dutchguild.nlThis webpage is intended to facilitate exchange of audio-visual programming between television broadcasters and distributors, where such programming contains accurate metadata for program events to enable novel business models. Leading…event novel, novel businessguild, distribution, specification, registration, join2
gerardstout.nlI have been in the news quiet a few times and I received several awards. (May be more awards than readers of my stories). A fair number of stories and novels can be listened to in voice over. You can download Dutch & Drents audio as well…story novel, novel drents, day novel, novel short, novel voiceter, recreation, writing, mean, feel2
tjibbedonker.nlDuring my PhD, I developed a novel way of looking at the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and in particular the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, by analysing the network of hospitals formed by patients…detection novel, novel health, phd novel, novel wayhospital, disease, infectious, patient, selection2
tradealliance.nlAmazon Game Studios Arkham Horror Armada Battlefront Battlefront 2 Battlefront II BB8 Bespin CCG Chronicles of Elyria CoE DICE DLC EA Episode IX EQ2 Expansion Fantasy Flight Games FFG Fortnite GTA Online Lord of the Rings Lotro MMO New…world novel, novel paradoxtrade, expansion, lantern, war, influence2
mirrestallen.nl…decision-making processes impacted by inequality. Second, I work to develop and test the effectiveness of novel interventions that strive to increase the well-being of people in poverty. To do this, I proactively collaborate…effectiveness novel, novel intervention, luuk novel, novel paradigmstudy, brain, poverty, ed, intervention2
coldbeams2017.nl…nanofabricaton and other fields. Both fundamental and technological aspects related to ultracold and other novel particle beams will be discussed. The ultimate goal is to advance the state-of-the-art in particle sources and…ultracold novel, novel particleannouncement, beam, electron, ion, particle2
altagroup.nl…supply components for electrolytes to be used inĀ the booming battery market in Europe. Due to the deployment of a novel, profitable, manufacturing process and the use of captured CO 2 the ALTA GROUP will substantially reduce the carbon…industry novel, novel green, deployment novel, novel profitablechemical, carbon, carbonate, organic, climate2
m-unlock.nl"The novel opportunities offered by UNLOCK will enable us to develop highly efficient and sustainable applications for water treatment. We therefore enthusiastically support the implementation of UNLOCK."introduction novel, novel quantitativeunlock, microbial, facility, potential, infrastructure2
vlpb.nlVLPB is continuously initiating new projects and activities on the basis of the prioritised needs of the members. The VLPB members establish annually a budget which enables to respond quickly and agile to novel developments in – and…agile novel, novel developmentsequence, genome, laboratory, genomic, rna2
wimjurgboeken.nlHe performed as a musician and was the singer in the Gebirtig Trio. He wrote a few plays, some short stories, four novels and four non fiction books.story novel, novel nonunion, author, musician, writer, fiction2
wilco.nlEvery day, with over 400 employees, we work in an industrial way to produce high-quality books and book-related products. Publishers and companies know where to find us for their novels, reading books, atlases, dictionaries, reference…company novel, novel readingcalendar, catalogue, neutral, climate, certification2
dl4ld.nlPresentation by Cees de Laat at APC2018 : "Data Protection Digital Marketplaces Using Novel Infrastructure Models.! The Global Big Data Hub infrastructure inspired by PRP."marketplaces novel, novel infrastructurepresentation, paper, conference, logistics, infrastructure2
fw-books.nl‘Flipping the Bird’ is the narrative visual report, a photo novel actually, of a long and intensive walk in the dunes, in which the main character tries to reconnect with nature. During this walk he slowly falls in love with the…photo novel, novel jaap, novel actuallybird, copy, colour, cover, landscape2
groupdecisionroom.nl, environmental worries, and the requirement for effective wheelchair, the transportation sector is regularly seeking novel strategies to resolve these challenges while guaranteeing the security and complete satisfaction of consumers. In…regularly novel, novel strategy, unique novel, novel deviceproperty, effective, leader, variety, money2
biminibiotech.nlLeiden, 29 June 2023 – BIMINI Biotech, an innovative Leiden-based therapeutics start-up that develops novel therapeutics for hematological cancers, raised an additional investment of €250,000 from lead investor Libertatis Ergo[…]therapeutic novel, novel therapeutic, aim novelbiotech, wasp, advisor, therapeutic, phd2
executive-engineering.nlFor EFFECT Photonics a novel multi-channel electronics platform to drive and control their “Integrated Filtered-Feedback-Tunable Laser Photonic IC” (IFF-TL PIC) was needed. Providing both the engineering knowledge and the project and…photonic novel, novel multi, age novel, novel cutexecutive, execution, photonic, fpga, tunable2
genetwister.nl…gene discovery, breeding for complex traits and identify lead genes for trait improvement via classical or novel breeding technologies. Visualization of vast amounts of data is an important aspect of our work, as this helps our…classical novel, novel breed, assembly novel, novel speciesgenomic, discovery, genome, assembly, genetic2
consulate-romania.nlThe novel character Dracula by the writer Bram Stoker was based on the Romanian vampire stories and legendary Count Vlad Tepes.stoker novel, novel characterromania, consulate, honorary, romanian, relation2
kennispark.nlWith Novel-T, we focus on knowledge areas that reinforce the entrepreneurial nature of this region.entrepreneurial, collaboration, intensive, facility, inform2
nightbarber.nl…written, navigating the fine line between fantasy and the absurd. Amidst the glitz of Broadway and Hollywood, the novel also delves into Charlie's past and intricate personal relationships, offering a tapestry of human experiences…debut novel, novel adam, hollywood novel, novel charliehaircut, hair, hague, groom, traditional2
schonevormen.nlThe debut novel of writer Tonny van Wijhe, Uitstap (rough translation: Way Out), tells the story of an impulsive journey to a meaningful destination laden with feelings of recognition, joy and sorrow. The design, layout and production was…debut novel, novel writer, style novel, novel scenespider, piece, ministry, economic, affairs2
evolucio.nlAlumni Spotlight: Nadine van der Voorde on behavioral science and her first novelreunion, october, association, career, cafe2
netsci.nlJoin Delft University of Technology as a PhD-position in the Modelling of Regional Criminal Vulnerability and Supply Chains and help to make Europe’s ports safer. Gain novel insights about criminal vulnerability in Europe’s most important…safe novel, novel insight, emphasis novel, novel computationalsociety, prize, chapter, official, phd2
loukrademaker.nlOur theory provides one of the most prominent explanations of enhanced superconductivity in single layer FeSe on STO substrates. It has inspired novel experiments (for example on the phonon linewidth) and lead to many theoretical…substrate novel, novel experimentphysics, theoretical, matter, graphene, publication2
rabbitdesign.nlThis model was released under a separate number, 8299, and this second version included a CD-ROM with building instructions and a game (more information coming in future when I can get it to run). While the idea was novel and many kids…idea novel, novel kidcurrency, instruction, technic, wheel, loader2
neuroinformatics.nl…such as genetic profiling, brain scans and smart wearable devices that yield large and complex data sets, allow novel ways of measuring and monitoring patients, but remain underutilized. During this symposium we will discuss how theseworkshop novel, novel research, set novel, novel waycongress, neuroimaging, brain, personalized, august2
vollmer.nlShould you be interested in hearing more about my short films, my first novel, the bookapp or the projects I’m currently developing, please feel free to contact me via email or twitter .second novel, novel manuscript, film novel, novel bookappreply, dear, foreign, visitor, writer2
anitaverkerk.nlAnita published lots of medical romances, castle romances and romantic suspense novels in The Netherlands.suspense novel, novel netherlands, dutch novel, novel availableromance, author, castle, romantic, husband2
nim-bv.nlNIM pioneers clean energy with hydrogen fuel cell and combustion technology and novel storage methodologies.focus novel, novel solution, technology novel, novel storagehydrogen, carbon, capture, heat, recovery2
ceseps.nl7.) To develop novel local network modelling for both AC and DC smart grids with and without storage with a focus on e-vehicles, demand side management, increased hosting capacity, and customer safety.grid, austrian, stakeholder, demand, institute2
delfthapticslab.nl…and may serve as a useful way to promote alignment and bi-directional communication. We therefore aim to engineer novel haptic interaction as a basis for bi-directional communication, adaptation and learning. Sharing control through…communication novel, novel haptic, goal novel, novel informativelab, haptic, symbiotic, robotic, collaboration2
espbc.nlclinicians from all over the world. The congress will be 3 days, covering the themes basic science on preterm birth, novel tests for early prediction of preterm birth, new clinical trials for prevention and treatment, and future directionsbirth novel, novel test, leader novel, novel therapybirth, congress, scientific, obstetric, spontaneous2
nl-eco.nl…and photonics integration by pioneers in these fields. An exciting lineup of leading experts shared insights in novel concepts, materials, architectures, and equipment for energy-efficient information technologies. We addressed the…insight novel, novel conceptefficient, associate, internal, computing, exciting2
logbuch.nl…this page has zero viewers besdies myself, the „share“ part is kind of non-existent though). Since some time now I am reading Dracula, the classic novel by Bram Stoker. Though I am reading… Newsletters you might want to read weiterlesenclassic novel, novel bramsourdough, bread, note, wireless, imprint2
perkuno.nlAnswer the questions for each chapter. Your answers do not need to be very long and you may complete this task after you have read the novel or while you are reading the novel.task novel, villain novel, novel alectask, chapter, fate, pair, background2
uuplants.nlOur mission is to discover novel molecular, genetic and physiological mechanisms of how plants interact with and adapt to their biotic and abiotic environments.mission novel, novel molecularprincipal, investigator, biology, environmental, naar2
ibr-groningen.nl…Our research varies from general market analysis to detailed partner research. We are also able to connect your business with valuable local partners. The unbiased view of students provides innovative, objective, and novel results!objective novel, novel resultreference, valuable, innovative, analysis, objective2
sabjesblog.nlThirty years in the writing, Selden Edwards' dazzling first novel is an irresistible triumph of the imagination. Wheeler Burden-banking heir, philosopher, student of history, legend's son, rock idol, writer, lover, recluse, half-Jew, and…austen novel, novel new, dazzle novel, novel irresistiblefavourite, salad, monthly, island, february2
marketing4b2b.nlMarketing and Business Development for B to B markets; that’s what this site is all about ! On this site, you willshare profound insights regarding the development and initiation of novel propositions and markets for business to business…initiation novel, novel proposition, knowledge novel, novel marketproposition, reference, initiation, particular, topic2
wetsus.nlA novel magnetic route for phosphorus and iron recovery from sewage sludge, funded through EIT RawMaterials.mix novel, novel principlewetsus, phd, degree, excellence, prize2
bookexchange.nlThis place is awesome! The collection keeps going on and on. And somehow the helpful staff has managed to memorise which books they have in stock. I also like selling my novels back to get a discount on new ones. The only thing this store…crime novel, novel scholarly, like novel, novel discountexchange, bookstore, selection, title, literature2
paulguijt.nlMany novel emergencies will have these consequences. They will be met only after several months at least, needed to establish the importance or irrelevance of a proven vaccination. Meanwhile, in a pandemic like with COVID-19, the damage…consequence novel, novel emergency, presumably novel, novel interventionvaccination, certificate, recommendation, teacher, vaccine2
ursaminor.nl…having been built on a foundation of state-of-the-art systems engineering techniques, the generation of useful, novel products has become a cornerstone of the company’s portfolio, utilising both existing and custom built…useful novel, novel product, user novel, novel integrateminor, methodology, infrastructure, pole, cornerstone2
rotterdamtransplantationlab.nl25th of October 2022; PhD defense of Suwasin Udomkarnjananun. Thesis title: Predicting kidney transplantation outcomes and exploring novel matrices for therapeutic drug monitoring of tacrolimusoutcome novel, novel matrixtransplantation, lab, repair, immunology, therapy2
huntingtonresearch.nlThe Campagneteam Huntington (CTH) awards grants for fundamental scientific research on Huntington’s disease. Researchers are encouraged to use novel, original and challenging approaches that are aimed at finding a therapeutic cure for…researcher novel, novel original, pathogenesis novel, novel druggabledisease, grant, proposal, researcher, scientific2
nynkesmits.nlNynke Smits is teacher of Classics at the Leiden Stedelijk Gymnasium, author of the historical novel Sabina (published in March 2017), partner of Wim van Saarloos, mother of three daughters (left to right in the picture): Paulian, Alieke…historical novel, novel sabina, pastime novelsummary, wife, daughter, write, author2
b-unlimited.nlThe Week of the African novel took place in The Netherlands and Flanders between 29 September and 8 October 2017. B-Unlimited opened the Week of the …african novel, novel ingrid, novel placeunlimited, writer, literary, literature, monthly2
publicatie-online.nlNovel techniques for the quantification of protein biomarker isoforms by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometryflipbook, cancer, patient, treatment, obesity2
anoukrijs.nlWithin the Division of BioAnalytical Chemistry , we join forces with the Biomolecular Analysis/ Analytical Chemistry (Somsen) group to develop and apply novel, multidimensional analytics for the molecular understanding of biological and…initially novel, novel approach, group novel, novel multidimensionalchemistry, division, structure, molecular, biomolecular2
hetkleinstehuis.nlEmbark on a journey through the pages of Charlotte Brontë's 'Jane Eyre' with our exclusive literary tea package. This carefully crafted collection is a tribute to the novel's enduring legacy, blending the rich experience of classic…famous novel, novel sip, reflective novel, novel legacy, tribute novelpackage, het, flavor, blend, taste2
dare-nl.nl…revolution in medicine promising a leap in survival, quality of life and cure for cancer patients. Although many novel ATMPs are under development in academic centers, the steps toward market approval and clinical application are…test novel, novel atmp, patient noveldare, patient, annual, treatment, cancer2
hibernation.nlThe Novel Compound Sul-121 Preserves Endothelial Function and Inhibits Progression of Kidney Damage in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Micetoxicokinetics novel, novel mitochondrialhibernation, al, syrian, cell, pharmacology2
sjoerdterborg.nlAt the age of twenty-three Joris writes his first novel and starts filming himself while opening letters from publishing houses. He receives nothing but rejections letters, but keeps on writing. Eight novels in seventeen years. No one…joris novel, novel letter, letter novel, novel seventeenter, installation, vessel, lab, exclusion2
philosophicalcontributionscharlesgoossens.nlBelievers think and speak about the higher world as insiders. Their religious texts belong to a special literary category, so that it is important to pay attention to different literary categories: novels, plays, poetry, research of…play novel, novel like, actually novel, novel kind, statement novelreligious, philosophical, contribution, religion, truth2
alongchapelroad.nlAlong Chapel Road is an associative film essay in search of the world of the famous novel Chapel Road by Louis Paul Boon.famous novel, novel chapel, home novel, novel hope, excerpt novelroad, chapel, premiere, russian, russia2
eccare.nlA novel technology by Spectrum Medical, the Quantum Thermal Technologies ‘mr. Frosty’ is no longer water based but instead uses a combination of glycol as heat transfer agent and a special phase-changing material as a ‘cooling’-battery…frosty novel, novel methodpatient, hospital, cardiac, surgery, device2
graphichuntersshow.nl…workshops with cultural institution partners, co-design techniques can offer effective methods for developing novel, meaningful visualisations that are well-received by all stakeholders involved. In this hands-on workshop…research novel, novel interaction, method novel, novel meaningfulvisualisation, talk, cultural, visual, graphic2
bk-wood.nlMicromechanics of non-embedded spruce wood: Novel polishing and indentation protocolwood novel, novel polishtimber, wood, bridge, forest, lecture2
npec.nlNPEC facilitates state-of-the-art measurement of plant phenotypes to support research on genotype-phenotype associations. Establishing these associations is critical for the development of novel climate-proof crops and cropping systems…development novel, novel climate, system novel, novel crop, novel adaptivephenotype, throughput, facility, crop, academic2
stichtingcga.nlAndreoli (2000). Novel developments in managing challenging behaviours: constructional behaviour analysis as leading paradigm in programs for behaviour managementandreoli novel, novel developmentexplore, behavior, therapy, behaviour, paradigm2
asser.nl[Upcoming publication] Janne E. Nijman: ‘Bertha von Suttner: Locating international law in novel and salon’law novel, novel salonlaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper2
mns-group.nlWe research the performance and service quality required by applications that have very high business value or social impact on advanced IT infrastructures. We focus on novel programming and control models for quality critical systems on…interplay novel, novel capability, infrastructure novel, novel programmingmultiscale, architecture, scientific, operation, infrastructure2
vitroscan.nlVitroScan is provinding reliable assays to evaluate the efficacy of (novel) treatments for cancer patients.efficacy novel, novel treatment, innovative novelpatient, treatment, cancer, resource, outcome2
nieskevanderheijde.nlThe sentence: “It was strange at once to be so familiar yet so separated.” sums up this novel venry well. A novel about family, art and language. A meditative novel without much of a story. The narrator alternates thoughts about the…surprising novel, novel text, crime novel, novel second, separate novelder, february, miscellaneous, january, fire2
biobasedtech.nlIf we look at ecosystems we see that all nutrients are re-used. Nature lets nothing go to waste. We want to help close the industrial feedstock loop by designing novel biobased polymers with recycling as a central requirement. After our…loop novel, novel biobasedpolymer, formulation, processing, technique, apply2
bio-connect.nlBiotium Expands Selection of Novel Nuclear Stains for Enhanced Multiplexing Flexibility for Microscopy and Flow Cytometry Applications. Greater selection of NucSpot® Nuclear Stains promotes further precision, efficiency, and reliability…selection novel, novel nuclearconnect, diagnostic, cell, promotion, supplier2
livejazzmin.nlIn 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he works to adapt a fantasy novel into a video game.fantasy novel, novel videomovie, season, crime, romance, documentary2
ariadnevaneuropa.nlThis historical novel takes you back to a time when the world was still full of Gods, to the palaces and temples of Crete, where 3500 years ago the first feminist of Europe lived and worked. The smart and emancipated Ariadne stands up for…historical novel, novel henk, novel timefate, myth, checkout, early, character2
bgaustin.nlThe novel is set in an affluent neighborhood in Amsterdam and on Wexalia, a fictional Dutch island in the Wadden Sea.thriller novel, novel crookisland, author, mother, reader, dear2
stefaniekleimeier.nlUsing novel microdata about multinational firms' CO 2 emissions across countries, we document that firms headquartered in countries with strict environmental policies perform their polluting activities abroad in countries with relatively…paper, publication, pandemic, objective, subjective1
godfriedbomans.nlLife in the big city turned out to be too icy for Bomans, so he moved to the friendly, catholic city of Nijmegen in 1939. Here he published his most successfull novel Erik of het klein insectenboek (Erik or the little book of insects)…successfull novel, novel erikbridge, british, dictionary, later, cook1
its-tagore.nlTagore lived from 1861 to 1941 and he was an Indian Poet from Bengal. Not only was he a poet, he also was a musician, novel writer and author of plays, travelogs and child prose. He was an idealist as well who started his own school in…musician novel, novel writerindonesia, lane, memory, poetry, religion1
caradt.nl‘Exploring and integrating novel perspectives to our everyday through the eyes of fungi.’cultural, society, interaction, apply, risk1
supriyono.nlIn my free time, I like to play the electric bass and synth, read non-fiction books or graphic novels and do some hobby programming.graphic novel, novel hobbyaccessible, accessibility, chamber, commerce, currently1
crowdfundingcorpusflorens.nlBringing together the human body and nature has been the connecting thread of her artistic calling ever since. In those days wax and stone were her base materials. ‘I had been inspired by Harry Mulisch’ magic-realistic novel ‘Wat gebeurde…realistic novel, novel watflower, head, mould, stone, skin1
vijfde-seizoen.nlStarting from October 1st, Rashid Novaire will be The Fifth Season's resident. Novaire will focus on writing a new novel in which the history of Den Dolder will play a role. read morenew novel, novel historyseason, fifth, residency, exhibition, distress1
archetypisch.nl…writer. In the installation designed by Archetypisch and SuopuLab, every line of Summertime , Coetzee’s latest novel, was cut out and glued together. His 297-page book became an 800-metre-long strip that meandered through the spaces…late novel, novel pageexhibition, spatial, graphic, temporary, installation1
ship-readiness.nlThe contribution of the project is threefold as it considers flexible automation systems , novel energy carriers and the optimal routing of cables and pipes in the machinery space .system novel, novel energyreadiness, report, abuse, objective, carrier1
sylviavanschie.nl(expl)Animation 'Of Ik Gek Ben' is the debut novel of Michiel Stroink. It's a stunning ...debut novel, novel michielillustration, visualization, artwork, mean, animation1
5ghub.nl…commitment to unlocking new opportunities in the world of connectivity. This encompasses creative exploration and experimentation, pushing the boundaries to discover novel applications that redefine the potential of 5G en route towards 6G.boundaries novel, novel applicationinterested, connectivity, logistical, premise, holiday1
tiesrijcken.nlThe research project ‘SimDelta’ builds on novel internet technology to support the development of the Rhine-Meuse delta water infrastructure. It has...simdelta novel, novel internetflood, risk, publication, barrier, rhine1
asmink.nlThe new book release of A.S. Mink’s literary novel is finally here! A History of Love and Now expertly blends the elements of magical realism with an intriguing murder mystery. A must read for 2024!literary novel, novel finallyrelease, murder, publish, literature, ireland1
medrecord.nlOur outcomes additionally exhibit that these assays retain the mandatory precision, reproducibility, and sensitivity to be utilized to novel and uncharacterized candidate biomarkers for verification of proteins in blood.sensitivity novel, novel uncharacterizedantibody, cell, elisa, protein, assay1
hydrospex.nlsystems in a living organism. They are increasingly being used in dental, cardiovascular, cosmetic and orthopedic applications. XPS has been particularly useful in exploring the limits and possibilities of such novel devices and interfaces.possibility novel, novel deviceanalytical, surface, analysis, jordan, spectrometer1
charlotteslaw.nlWelcome to my Web(page). Like Charlotte, the spider in E.B. White’s classic novel Charlotte’s Web, who protected her friend Wilbur, Charlotte’s Law, I too, offer my skills and craft to protect you in the legal world of your…classic novel, novel charlottelaw, mijn, spider, wilbur, photographer1
pberghei.nlThis website is maintained by Dr. Chris J. Janse and provides information about malaria, specifically about mouse malaria models used in research on novel drugs and vaccines.research novel, novel drugbiology, parasite, study, specifically, vaccine1
bastiaansbudget.nlPortable mobile jaw crusher is developed according to novel series stone crushing equipment’s design idea, the adaption of ship form structure lowers the chassis; reduce the weight and volume of the plant; and makes it easy for turning…crusher novel, novel seriescrusher, crush, republic, czech, jaw1
noraconsulting.nlThesis for a master’s course is an enclosed piece of work following a structure. Our expertise stimulates thorough analysis to give a clear cut hypothesis and formats ensure it turns into a novel academic contribution. Read Moreformat novel, novel academicconsulting, write, academic, thesis, phd1
erikweijers.nl‘It is beyond doubt that I am evil’. So reads the first sentence of the previously untranslated novel A circus boy (1975) of Dutch writer Gerard Reve (1923-2006). The reader who thinks Reve is kidding, await quite a few shocking ...untranslated novel, novel circusorigin, consciousness, boy, chapter, writer1
bryanaaldering.nl…the quality of education for medical, biomedical, dentistry and molecular mechanisms of disease students within the Faculty of Medical Sciences. My main interests are traveling, photography and the use of novel technology in healthcare.use novel, novel technologyexecutive, august, biomedical, department, council1
merijnbruijnes.nlones” as someone put it. Roughly two groups of people ask about my work and job, 1) those who are very interested in novel technology and psychology and 2) those who are scared this new technology is dangerous and “might steal their job”…interested novel, novel technologyuncategorized, author, tower, hospital, visit1
chrisflinterman.nlIn my own research project, I study the image of 1920s Berlin in the contemporary German popular culture. For this, I look at for example the Gereon Rath novels by Volker Kutscher and the television series Babylon Berlin and analyse how…rath novel, novel volkerofficer, popular, conference, publication, berlin1
langlevediana.nlA startling novel about the staged car accident and mysterious disappearance of Princess Dianastartling novel, novel carchapter, princess, conspiracy, mysterious, accident1
cleantechchallenge.nlOur team is working on a novel production process of a bio-based, biodegradable plastic called polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), which is price competitive. The value addition as compared to the existing bioplastics is that the processing is…team novel, novel production, processing novel, novel bacteriafinal, winner, competition, february, timeline1
iai.nlFrom new levels of protection and productivity for passports and ID cards to novel manufacturing processes and technologies that pave the way to new breakthroughs. Many governments, technology partners and enterprises around the world…card novel, novel manufactureiai, industrial, personalisation, passport, maintenance1
michaelborg.nlI find inspiration in the world around me, whether through the pages of a captivating novel, the intricate details of typography, or the vibrant hues of nature during my outdoor escapades.page novel, novel intricategraphic, visual, identity, template, suitable1
moedervolstoplichten.nlAuthor Beitske Bouwman is a Dutch novelist. Een Moeder vol Stoplichten is her first book for children. Her novel ‘Noem het Liefde’ (2010) was rewarded wit the ‘Publieksprijs der Brabantse Letteren’.child novel, novel noemtranslation, mother, een, multiple, united1
ita.nlIn her debut novel The Laws, Connie Palmen tells the story of a woman in search of herself. Seven encounters with seven men over seven years.debut novel, novel lawdance, nite, theatre, woman, perspective1
lmi-velder.nlOur mission is to develop novel PET tracers in the field of molecular imaging that improve early detection and characterization of chronic and life-threatening diseases, leading to better therapeutic outcomes and improved quality of life.mission novel, novel petimaging, molecular, cardiovascular, patient, study1
martijnvanotterlo.nlSince last year I have led the full development of a novel Master programme (MSc) in Artificial Intelligence at Open University, which will start in february 2022.development novel, novel masterconference, intelligence, artificial, ethics, paper1
oncogenetics.nlMoreover, we collect liquid biopsies of cancer gene carriers and patients for novel cancer diagnostics and invest in CRISPR technology for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Our lab also hosts the Amsterdam UMC CRISPR Expertise Center .patient novel, novel cancerpublication, facility, cancer, genetic, crispr1
merlevangelder.nl…I had the chance to work on a very challenging project in which I tried to unravel the mechanism of action of a novel natural compound in Glioblastoma cancer stem like cells. Besides my laboratory work I completed several courses to…action novel, novel naturalphd, immunology, cancer, chance, cologne1
babylabamsterdam.nl…hard to also learn the grammatical rules of their language(s)? In this study, we let 7 month old babies listen to a novel language. After a brief listening phase, we measure their looking behaviour. In this way we can understand how well…baby novel, novel languageinfant, researcher, lab, author, replication1
newanimatedreality.nlCoraline is a 2009 stop-motion 3D fantasy children’s film based on Neil Gaiman’s 2002 novel …animation, title, sequence, tumblr, pocket1
rmacompany.nlWith novel sensors, a smart app, personal support and a passion for sustainable agriculture.weather, crop, irrigation, soil, moisture1
elinepellinkhof.nl…with an innovative twist. That’s me, that’s what describes my style. Next to this distinctive ‘Eline-style’, I can easily adapt to the ideas and wishes of my clients and create novel designs to their tastes, working on commission.client novel, novel designinnovative, technique, craft, decorative, colour1
socialmindfulness.nlIn research, social mindfulness has shown to be related to personality factors like honesty-humility and agreeableness. But thanks to the focus on the demands of the present, this novel concept is also readily adaptable to the dynamic…present novel, novel conceptparadigm, publication, situation, piece, socially1
arthur.nlImagine this is possible regarding sharing of threat intelligence and related trusted data sharing and engagement. Enter, the Dynamic Code of Engagement. A novel trust-augmenting and easy-to-use cybersecurity instrument.engagement novel, novel trusttrust, dynamic, society, intelligence, ecosystem1
ets-24.nlScientific papers for the Formal Proceedings, presenting novel and complete research workproceedings novel, novel completepaper, committee, session, scientific, proceedings1
janwillemvandewetering.nl…The book became well-known in the United States. In the Netherlands he became famous with his series of police novels about Amsterdam cops Grijpstra and De Gier . In these stories he incorporated his philosophy of life into a ‘productpolice novel, novel amsterdammirror, biography, writer, united, far1
myelomarotterdam.nlWe strive to identify novel treatment strategies that ultimately lead to a cure for patients with Multiple Myeloma.multiple, clinical, translational, marrow, bone1
rolfhut.nlI was recently asked to peer-review a scientific paper that introduced a novel platform for scientist to use in their work. A very important work but I found the review tricky: it does not fit in the standard intro - methods - results -…paper novel, novel platformtowel, paper, scientific, academic, measurement1
simonevansaarloos.nl…as several books in Dutch: Herdenken herdacht (Prometheus 2019); Enz. Het Wildersproces (Atlas Contact 2018); the novel De vrouw die (Nijgh & Van Ditmar 2016); the collection of columns Ik deug / deug niet (Nijgh & Van Ditmar 2015) and…contact novel, novel deauthor, writer, journal, thirty, california1
frederikhogenboom.nlI have been conducting research within the multidisciplinary field of business intelligence . Over the years, I have published many articles on various topics, ranging from general information extraction and news processing approaches to…approach novel, novel semantictrading, extraction, profile, semantic, computational1
jelmervanderlinde.nlI want to share my skills . As a teaching assistant, I have been guiding students through their material for eight years, pushing them to try novel ideas, and coaching them while they built it. I deeply loved that job.year novel, novel ideacover, processing, association, study, administration1
booksandthecity.nlBooks and the City poses a number of questions: How has the city been represented in literature, travel guides, artists’ books, newspapers, prints, graphic novels or zines? How has the book been used to reflect, challenge or produce urban…graphic novel, novel zineprogramme, urban, identity, registration, practical1
jeskaverstegen.nlIn 2020 her first novel was published. I’ll keep you close (USA-Levine) Ik zal je bewaren (NL-Querido)bear, pursuit, dozen, rapidly, spread1
transsonic.nl…such services can emerge from the combination of social interactions between transport network organizations and novel, but already existing, technologies for sensing and for information exchange between partners, such as sensor…organization novel, novel technologyintegration, collaboration, summary, interaction, exchange1
theproteinbrewery.nlBy developing novel ways of producing plant based, nutritious food ingredients, we help our customers in the food industry to easily produce healthy, nutritious, and sustainable foods.brewery, protein, animal, vacancy, ingredient1
huis73.nlOur library has a wide range of English novels and children’s books. We also have French, German and Spanish books. If you play an instrument, we also provide sheet music. Furthermore, with Pressreader you get unlimited access to…english novel, novel childlibrary, op, membership, unlimited, spanish1
vacis.nlVACIS develops in situ tissue engineered blood vessels providing novel therapeutic options for vascular surgery. Prosthetic vascular graft failure is a frequent complication in vascular surgery with substantial morbidity and health care…vessel novel, novel therapeuticblood, vessel, tissue, foreign, publication1
kingmaker.nl…ideas. How can this be solved? By applying Liberating Structures! Liberating Structures introduces a suite of multiple methods. These methods invigorate conventional thinking, sparking novel ideas and answers to intricate … Read morethink novel, novel ideamonday, facilitation, backlog, leave, assessment1
kseniiia.nlI am an aspiring UX designer and developer, interested in finding novel ways to use the infinite space of the web. While also striving to build structures and create designs that accommodate people and account for their specific needsinterested novel, novel wayillustration, study, internship, lace, ux1
hearteye.nlWe need your help! Do you want to be part of this revolutionary journey and support novel medical technology that can greatly improve the health care system?journey novel, novel medicaldevice, cardiac, partners, caregiver, clinical1
kinorotterdam.nlIs this the best Dutch film ever made? George Sluizer’s dazzling adaptation of Tim Krabbé’s novel, Spoorloos /The Vanishing sure made an impression on Stanley Kubrick.krabbé novel, novel spoorloospresentation, wave, cult, anniversary, woman1
iwriteiam.nl…to have a preferance for writing about characters traveling through cold and hostile landscapes. This is the third novel I read where this takes a sizable part of the story. Then end however was a real page turner. Again the story ends…landscape novel, novel sizablewednesday, tuesday, friday, saturday, thursday1
plasma-cloud.nlThe Plasma Cloud marketplace is a novel ‘ service store in the cloud ‘. It offers a wide range of enterprise-level features from third party providers at a cost-effective price. By subscribing to a third party offering, you can easily…marketplace novel, novel servicerelease, note, slide, migration, device1
enablingpersonalizedinterventions.nlSession organized organized by by Cees Cees de de Laat Laat (chair) (chair) at at Internet2 Internet2 Summit, Summit, Washington, Washington, May May 9, 9, 2018; 2018; "Digital "Digital Marketplaces Marketplaces Using Using Novel Novel…marketplaces novel, novel infrastructurepresentation, intervention, personalized, infrastructure, framework1
roboticsresearchlab.nlThe Robotics lab develops robotic systems that are intended to physically interact with uncertain dynamic environments and to cooperate with humans. The group’s main goal is the development of novel actuation systems, which are the key…development novel, novel actuationrobotic, lab, doctoral, publication, prosthetic1
quixote.nlOf course Quixote is derived from "Don Quixote" (see this site for an explanation of the spelling), the famous character form Miguel Cervantes' novel. In 1605, already more than 400 years ago, this bestseller was published for the first…cervantes novel, novel yeartypesetting, sheet, publication, publish, classical1
franckensymposium.nlShe has published more than 240 peer-reviewed articles on photophysics and optoelectronics of different types of materials. The main interest is unravelling the properties of novel semiconductors and to tune their properties to fabricate…property novel, novel semiconductorcell, device, photovoltaic, perovskite, physics1
villahetzwartepaard.nl1) A “Dark Horse” is someone who does something unexpected. The quote comes from a 19th-century novel, by Benjamin Disraeli: “A dark horse which had never been thought of, and which the careless St. James had never even observed in the…century novel, novel benjamindark, horse, poetry, poem, muse1
nanotme.nlon different aspects of nanomedicine and the tumor microenvironment (TME). The nanomedicine field has been providing novel tools for better diagnosis and treatment of cancer. However, it has faced several challenges in clinics to impact…field novel, novel tool, opportunity novel, novel nanomedicineconference, tme, registration, committee, scientist1
proeffabriek.nland concerns. GoNano aims to demonstrate how researchers can work with publics and professional stakeholders to create novel suggestions for future nanotechnology products. The project started in September 2017 and will run for three years.stakeholder novel, novel suggestionresponsible, nanotechnology, commission, moderation, societal1
biotrip.nlBIOTRIP brings together biomedical engineers, clinicians, immunologists and biotech professionals to establish, translate and commercialize sophisticated novel immunopharmaceutical strategies. Opportunities to invest in BIOTRIP and its…sophisticated novel, novel immunopharmaceuticalbackground, investment, efficiency, engine, scale1
seofeeds.nl, but done in such a way where you do not feel you know the author the way you might think you do if you read a great novel. Or hard biased content which purports to support some view and narrative, but is ultimately all just an act, where…great novel, novel hardengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit1
ewouthasken.nlHistory has always fascinated me. Ever since I was little, I devoured history novels and comics. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Socio-Economic History. My interests especially focus on modern history and the influences of politics and…history novel, novel comicspolitics, academic, socio, interest, mass1
jigsaw.nlThe history of computing offers a rich set of tools, ranging from classical optimization- and signal processing techniques, to novel ideas like machine learning and the blockchain. Are you curious which approach suits your particular…technique novel, novel ideajigsaw, domain, quantum, qutech, distance1
oakaccess.nlGaining access to innovative therapies (like Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products; ATMPs) asks for inventiveness. The current reimbursement system does not yet fully take the special characteristics of novel technologies into account. This…characteristics novel, novel technologyoak, innovative, patient, reimbursement, pharmaceutical1
jmvanlit.nl…and when they stand up against the autocratizing incumbent to defend democracy. In this paper, we present a novel theoretical framework of democratic defence that focuses on the interaction between the incumbent, institutional…paper novel, novel theoreticalpolitical, researcher, democracy, doctoral, democratic1
deltadiagnostics.nlWith novel biosensing technology, based on photonic integrated circuits, Delta Diagnostics accelerates research by at least a factor 4 compared to existing technology.diagnostic, supervisory, advisory, career, accessible1
gorean.nlGreetings, reader. I bring to you news of the fabled Gor series, penned by the hand of John Norman. This series of science fiction novels, first published in the glorious…fiction novel, novel gloriousfebruary, reader, paramount, forth, adventure1
przewalskihorse.nlwolves and produce offspring. Once this viable population was secured, the current programme’s activities are concentrated on the park’s protection and to help ascertain a novel and durable relationship between man and the Przewalski horse.protection novel, novel durablehorse, preservation, protection, behaviour, biodiversity1
lofitleefstijlloket.nlLOFIT: Lifestyle front O ffice For Integrating lifestyle medicine in the Treatment of patients: a novel care-model towards community-based options for lifestyle changepatient novel, novel carepatient, initiative, medicine, hospital, disease1
surgicalroboticslab.nlOur laboratory develops novel techniques to reach challenging locations within the body. Take a virtual tour.laboratory novel, novel techniquerobotic, surgical, lab, srl, magnetic1
nextfoodcollective.nlDesign novel functional materials and technologies for selective recovery of high-value molecules.collective, protein, healthy, agriculture, transition1
whitequeen.nl…ways of using knowledge and understanding that can be applied in practice. The resources of White Queen provide the unique experience of working 40 years at the leading edge of solving what were at the time unsolved novel safety problems.unsolved novel, novel safetyhazard, risk, major, accident, occupational1
thedecisiongroup.nlThe Decision Group values long-term client relationships, leading-edge knowledge, novel & customized approaches, using state-of-the-art tools and techniques.knowledge novel, novel customizedecision, package, breakthrough, implementation, successful1
voordefilm.nlA short book trailer for 'Nulversie', the novel by Basje Boer. The book is about looking and being looked at.nulversie novel, novel basjemovie, imagine, nightmare, july, january1
dccss-later.nlThe Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (DCCSS-LATER) research study was set up to identify previously unrecognized late effects, to increase our understanding of etiology and pathophysiology of late effects, to evaluate novel screening…effect novel, novel screeninglater, childhood, cancer, longterm, study1
gamebrics.nl…but have never been directly integrated into the gameplay of serious games. This position paper discusses how the novel integration of analytical rubrics into serious games may fill this gap. We discuss our approach for this integrationpaper novel, novel integrationpaper, conference, position, player, analytical1
brainscapes.nlRecent genetic discovery studies have provided unprecedented insight into the genes involved in brain disorders. The next step is to use this knowledge for gaining mechanistic disease insight. In BRAINSCAPES we will develop novel analytic…brainscapes novel, novel analytic, disorder novel, novel treatmentbrain, cell, study, disorder, biological1
dewaterwerkers.nl…by Numbers – Social Welfare, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Flood Risk Management. This PhD amongst others presents a novel risk assessment framework which better integrates social vulnerability and equity, and therewith stimulates the…phd novel, novel riskrisk, analysis, benefit, welfare, flood1
solphotonics.nlFiber Bragg Gratings have found their way into numerous novel applications, from cavity mirrors in high power fiber laser, sensors for temperature, pressure or vibrations down an oil well to wavelength selective filters allowing the…numerous novel, novel applicationmanufacture, fiber, simulation, photonic, grate1
projectwolk.nlLucas and Pascal were inspired by the novel The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann and constructed WOLK according to the principals of the Socratic method. In a stormy world that is heading for a collective burnout WOLK offers a place of rest…pascal novel, novel magictheatrical, installation, responsibility, soul, middle1
microalign.nlof each optical fiber-to-chip connection, for tens of optical fibers and with sub-micrometer accuracy, by means of a novel micro-electromechanical system. The alignment method offered by MicroAlign has potential impact in the Photonic…mean novel, novel microphotonic, fiber, alignment, optical, founder1
bkma.nlMidsize companies are the growth engines of the future. But while they incubate the innovations and novel ideas that will change our world, they also struggle with many of the same business pressures as their larger counterparts…innovation novel, novel ideaconsulting, leadership, transformation, leader, successful1
charitasfloresnederland.nl…standards. The Charitas Flores - Netherlands Foundation provides the legal and organisational basis for the 'EVIDENCE' project. EVIDENCE stands for 'Educational Vigour against Infectious Diseases Employing Novel Combinations of Expertise'.disease novel, novel combinationcharitable, profit, indonesia, rural, operational1
book-inn.nlWe gladly present to you our beautiful shop. The Book-Inn has a great supply of Bibles, Novels. and Thrillers, Study Bibles and great books for children and young adults.bible novel, novel thrillersinn, present, mountain, registration, bible1
highfieldmri.nlWe are a team of about 50 researchers, engaged in medical science and eager to use advanced MR technology. In close collaboration with our clinical partners, we setup and execute novel research projects, mostly with the help of external…partner novel, novel researchimaging, clinical, rf, facility, metabolic1
rondekloet.nl…which is under control of one single hormone: cortisol. This discovery has provided leads towards biomarkers and a novel treatment strategy of stress-related mental disorders aimed to promote a mechanism of resilience present in the…biomarker novel, novel treatmentpublication, brain, honour, phd, paper1
syclus.nl…cement, chemicals and renewable energy background. Over 20 years of relevant climate change and carbon emissions reduction work experience, leading project development, also involved in selection and implementation of novel technologies.implementation novel, novel technologyethylene, chemical, sustainability, circular, career1
sandertanslab.nlWe study the dynamics of single proteins and single cells in organoids using novel experimental approaches.organoid novel, novel experimentallab, protein, publication, cell, organoid1
ratio-case.nlRatio has joined the SMART*Light 2.0 consortium funded by the Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland program. The goal of the project is to develop a novel “tabletop” synchrotron for coherent high-brightness X-rays. The x-ray source is based on…project novel, novel tabletopphoton, electron, architecture, differ, region1
greekvilla.nlFrom the veranda you walk into the living with 2 sofa beds, ceiling fan, woodburner, TV (ChromeCast), stereo with CD player and connection to your Spotify, books (both novels and tourist guides with lots of local information), and gamesbook novel, novel touristgreek, bedroom, greece, olive, tree1
taaltaal.nlAs a language institute, TaalTaal has its own research department dedicated to developing novel and intuitive methodologies to help you not only acquire knowledge, but also retain and refine it. As a TaalTaal student, you benefit from…department novel, novel intuitivehague, russian, spanish, portuguese, french1
jvdham.nltakes its starting point as broader ethical theories, which are then applied to cybersecurity. The authors present a novel top-down approach, defining security as the inverse of risk and then drawing on recent literature on the ethics of…author novel, novel approachethics, vulnerability, cite, associate, position1
greatwar.nl, author of the Heritage of the Great War website, is also a writer of , especially historical youth novels, e.g. (The Waterdunes Treason), set during the 80 Years War between the Netherlands and Spain, and (Slaver) on the subject of…youth novel, novel waterduneswar, graphic, heritage, soldier, flemish1
teshuva-capital.nlIn 2009 Teshuva Capital founded and invested in The Vincent Hotel Group (TVHG) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The novel approach of TVHG was to convert unused office buildings into hotels. Until its sale to Westmont Hospitality Group in…netherlands novel, novel approachcapital, seed, hebrew, firm, belgium1
roelvandenoever.nlMany queer people have a story to tell about a cultural text (a novel, a film, a television show) that helped them come to terms with their queer identity. For example, a generation of gay men shaped their sense of… Continue Reading →text novel, novel filmparis, blonde, masculinity, write, teach1
snobstreetfood.nl…into a gourmet experience, thanks to its qualified chefs using reliable and noble ingredients. Behind this novel experience is the inspiration from the varied global cultures, streets, local traditional cuisine, and years of…ingredient novel, novel experiencestreet, dining, reservation, varied, beverage1
ennekoens.nlVanaf hier kun je de hele wereld zien (From here you can see all of the world) is a beautiful fictional novel about identity and family, which was awarded a Bronzen Griffel in the summer of 2o22.fictional novel, novel identitytheatre, stamina, write, adult, afraid1
roosvanrijswijk.nlOnheilig (Querido, 2016) – Novel about an extravagant mother and her estranged, sequestered son. In Dutch. English excerpt and brochure provided by the Dutch Literary Foundation available here . Award: Anton Wachterprijs (biannual award…querido novel, novel extravaganttranslation, silence, literary, debut, mother1
personex.nlPatient-level health economic models are powerful tools in the evaluation of novel healthcare interventions, as these models are able to naturally represent today’s heterogeneous and dynamic clinical pathways. Structuring these…evaluation novel, novel healthcareeconomic, modeling, personalized, patient, clinical1
libcblog.nlThe novel 4DX experience in Pathé Scheveningen offers the integration of a third sense next to sight and hearing in films: smell. What is the influence of olfactory stimuli on the way we experience audio-visual media?contributor, sense, october, brain, infrastructure1
refugiumrosa.nlWhen George Orwell wrote the novel “1984” in 1949, he said in the book “The people will not revolt. ​​ They will not look up from their screens long enough to know what’s happening.” ​​ George Orwell – this is exactly the world we now…orwell novel, novel bookrelationship, adventure, sight, hike, bike1
rosavanderveen.nlbe highly automated, however, in this process, an interesting tension exists between our skills, the properties of a novel material and the capabilities of a novel machine emerged. In this research we start to explore how we might explain…property novel, novel material, capability novel, novel machineder, publication, transformation, identity, perspective1
ipmservices.nlTechnology We contribute to the make of more productive, competitive and energy efficient novel technologies through use of new materials, advanced processes, effective data managementefficient novel, novel technologyindustrial, building, risk, fire, predictable1
aovl.nlNovelty is the most important thing. If you have a possible patentable invention, your patent attorney is the first person who should know about this! (S)he is the expert in the first place to check for you whether your idea is novel on…idea novel, novel sightpatent, attorney, firm, invention, license1
zeelandsroem.nlThe revitalisation of the seafood sector is very much a live issue today, and is urgently required. We therefore aim to keep our business, Roem van Yerseke, at the front of the field when it comes to novel cultivation methods, quality…field novel, novel cultivationoyster, prawn, taste, convenience, shape1
ninaverheij.nlThanks to the Writer’s Academy and participating in National Novel Writing Month (50,000 words in 30 days), I rediscovered my love for fiction writing. I was so happy that I wanted to share this positive experience with as many writers…national novel, novel writepsychological, write, author, australia, sunrise1
madelonmauricelab.nl…impact on signal relay events to drive cancer growth. With these approaches the Maurice lab aims to contribute to novel paradigms on signalling and mutation-induced tumour progression and to the development of improved anti-cancer…lab novel, novel paradigmlab, cell, cancer, patient, disease1
utchallenge.nlThe UT Challenge is an initiative of the University of Twente, Student Union, Novel-T, Designlab and ETM and has grown into a platform that every student can benefit from. In previous editions, over 1400 students have developed ideas and…union novel, novel designlabut, innovative, aid, amazing, prize1
mynuskin.nlEver wondered about the key to eternal youth? It lies in waking up each day with hope and confidence, doing what you love throughout your lifetime. At our forefront, we have unlocked novel methods to invigorate your inner and outer…unlock novel, novel methodskin, galvanic, powerful, device, face1
scriptjr.nl"I start my novels at the semantic beach, where meaningful and meaningless language converge. I'm particularly interested in exploring the moment when a simple line on a page begins to have meaning, when the content of a gesture is…editor, resource, contributor, legacy, narrative1
marianne-eijgendaal.nlWelcome to my website. Here you can see my animation and illustration work. Also make sure to check out my new graphic novel Het Kuurhuisgraphic novel, novel hetanimation, illustration, comics, resume, graphic1
philamonk.nlAfter settling down, I wake up in 2012 and go cold turkey on the prescribed life and quit my BS job to write a novel. Meanwhile, metaphysic studies continue and through my editing of Bazi (Heaven in the trinity) books I realise I’m…job novel, novel metaphysicarchive, spiritual, colleague, balance, relationship1
ateliertivi.nlSjoerd Bakker wrote the novel “The Street” about the De Wetstraat, published in 1946.bakker novel, novel streetbird, knit, leg, sock, bag1
julesverne-experience.nlDriving over Europe’s most scenic roads, in a landscape out of a Gothic novel. The romance of the Danube meets Bram Stoker’s Dracula.gothic novel, novel romancewar, pre, danube, road, kingdom1
dumas-trial.nlAlexandre Dumas (24 July 1802 – 5 December 1870) was a French writer. He described the occurrence of cerebrovascular disease in several characters in his novels. An interesting analysis of cerebrovascular diseases as depicted in Dumas’…character novel, novel interestingtrial, dose, ischemic, mutant, dual1
isispace.nlDelft, 31st August 2023 – Two 6-unit CubeSats with novel technology experiments are on their way to the launch base…cubesat novel, novel technologysatellite, launch, panel, electrical, antenna1
literatuuruitturkije.nl…both published and unpublished. A full list of my book translations is available here . For a list of all titles fromTurkey translated into Dutch so far – from the very first novel published in 1937 till the most recent ones – click here .far novel, novel tilltranslation, literary, walk, turkish, writer1
momentummicroplastics.nlIn particular, approaches will be developed to measure internal human exposure and further elucidate the kinetics of MNPs crossing internal barriers of the lung, intestine, brain and placenta. We will also continue our novel research on…placenta novel, novel researchbreakthrough, risk, participant, industrial, presentation1
versionfrancaise.nlI translate emerging and established authors of Dutch-language literature. These works are mostly novels as well as essays and texts for the stage.work novel, novel essayfrench, translation, literature, translator, editor1
abdelkaderbenali.nlBenali’s new novel is about the search for perfect doppelganger. The main character lives in a world that is slowly falling apart and which he tries to give form to. He goes through sexual, emotional and other radical adventures and with…new novel, novel searchmorocco, progress, wedding, adventure, character1
aglaia.nlAglaia Bouma is the author of two Dutch novels and several short stories published in literary journals and anthologies. Some of those stories have been translated into English and can be found below.dutch novel, novel shortwasp, larva, woman, author, anthology1
depmat.nl“Outokumpu is the global leader in sustainable stainless steel. Our aim is to further reduce emissions and provide solutions for a sustainable future. As such, we expect the DEPMAT program to provide novel insights into our processes and…program novel, novel insightsteel, vacancy, variation, composition, manufacture1
stefangruijters.nl…perception of scientific quality and rigor when evaluating research papers. In various other theoretical projects I’m exploring novel directions in appraising causal theories, trying to apply insights from the philosophy of science.project novel, novel directionteach, resource, statistical, publication, psychology1
rensenlaboratory.nlthe role of various organs in glucose and lipid metabolism and their consequences for obesity, type 2 diabetes, NASH and cardiovascular disease. The ultimate aim is to discover novel therapeutic handles to prevent and combat these diseases.aim novel, novel therapeuticlaboratory, department, endocrinology, disease, metabolism1
lostinspage.nlPenny's self written novel (Lost In Space) is named after the show itself. Penny Robinsonself novel, novel loselose, season, cast, penny, bare1
mikero.nlReading and writing fantasy novels. I try to participate in NaNoWriMo every year, it’s great fun.fantasy novel, novel nanowrimokubernetes, stuff, changelog, watch, ecosystem1
miriamcoenders.nlMy research theme focusses on better understanding the role which vegetation has on the water- and energy balance. I do this, by combining different novel sensing techniques (e.g., distributed temperature sensing , isotopic measurements )…different novel, novel techniqueevaporation, invisible, drain, interception, vegetation1
nge.nlAesthetic Debunking and the Transcendental Argument of the Novel Jonathan Weinberg, Adam Gjesdal 36-53argument novel, novel jonathanaesthetic, investigation, uncategorized, editor, philosophy1
abcenglish.nlI’m an aspiring author and I have already written three novels to date and I am currently working on my fourth one.author novel, novel dateteacher, teach, lesson, conversation, intensive1
bartpollux.nl…physiological and molecular changes are that underly their evolution, and (iii) what the consequences are of these novel adaptations for sexual selection and maternal-fetal interactions during development. To study these questions, we…consequence novel, novel adaptationlab, publication, fish, presentation, evolutionary1
hollandanimatie.nlWe develop and produce stories in various forms. Ebooks, apps, novels, scenario’s. Virtually for anything that requires a story to be told.app novel, novel scenarioanimation, path, movie, ambition, resource1
engineeringmechanics.nl…deformation, and fracture and instability mechanisms. The modelling framework will be fully integrated with novel multiscale experiments combining quantitative mechanical testing and in-situ microscopic observations to…fully novel, novel multiscalemechanic, faculty, graduate, mechanical, grant1
leandervandenheuvel.nl…like to work with others to implement or discover new technologies. I value good cooperation and like to work with novel technologies. Among the many challenges evoking around AI, my fields of interests are sustainability…cooperation novel, novel technologyacademic, builder, publication, artificial, intelligence1
compchem.nlDaria and Ioana have published a Highlight in ChemComm titled Unlocking novel therapies: cyclic peptide design for amyloidogenic targets through synergies of experiments, simulations, andchemcomm novel, novel therapycomputational, chemistry, molecular, simulation, polymer1
meanderblog.nlblack rhythm in waffled beach softly woven by vigorous waves transiently stranded imposing texture ingratiatingly awaiting novel shaping…ingratiatingly novel, novel shapesilver, reign, victory, lost, tidal1
allegory.nlWe draw inspiration from Musk's forward-thinking approach. Just as Musk envisions and works towards a future that seems straight out of a sci-fi novel, we strive to craft narratives that are not only grounded in the present but are also…fi novel, novel narrativenarrative, clarity, innovator, campaign, write1
patentwerk.nlWe can also assist you if you’ve been accused of patent infringement or would like to know whether your idea is truly novel.patent, enforcement, defence, administrative, associate1
cwrnl.nl…useful traits, which can be introduced in cultivated crops through plant breeding. Improved varieties with novel traits are needed to secure our food supply when production has become at risk as a result of changing environmentalvariety novel, novel traitcrop, species, botanical, conservation, seed1
boukjecnossen.nl…coworking spaces, and start-up accelerators. What unites these different settings is an interest in the novel or the unexpected, as well as a necessity to work with limited resources. Over the years, my research has been…interest novel, novel unexpectedentrepreneurship, prof, academic, publication, journal1
zwijgersecurity.nlmay be lowered by collaborating with start-up companies and by exploring new niche market like vertical farming. These new product-market combinations help to evaluate and improve novel technologies and products based on these technologies.combination novel, novel technologygreenhouse, staffing, parking, enforcement, agriculture1
yijing.nlEach Chinese character contains a range of meanings, such as a landscape or a painting, a novel, a symphony, brimming with nuances and beauty. Even if you only see a small part of an answer today, you may see a lot more after a while, or…painting novel, novel symphonyoracle, hex, origin, structure1
jonathansdive.nlThe vinyl double album 'Jonathan's Dive' is a 100-minute concept record based on Richard Bach's novel 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', the famous fable about the seagull who is banned by his peers for wanting to make ying an art form. A…bach novel, novel jonathandive, hair, double, unlimited, famous1
jirrev.nlHerald is an interactive period drama set during the 19th century. It plays as a mix between an adventure game and a visual novel.flight, programmer, interactive, adventure, period1
o-festival.nlFirst appearance of a novel opera genre in a very special location: the Nolet Dutch gin distillery in Schiedam.appearance novel, novel operaprogramme, theatre, visit, archive, fri1
leidenartsinsocietyblog.nlDigital Humanities gives us tools to analyze stories. But what kind of insights do we really gain from them? In this blog, Lyna Meyrer will use the experimental modernist novel Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929) to show what digital cartography…modernist novel, novel berlinsociety, contributor, ancient, phd, candidate1
ziedaar.nl…counting methods will help later in life. Math has many practical applications, having a fundamental role in novel advancements in various fields. Even for students who major in different disciplines mathematics is essential. This…role novel, novel advancementillustration, novelty, loneliness, topic, math1
infectionbiology.nl…inflammation and disease. Our main goal is to provide mechanistic insights into host-microbe interactions in the intestine that lead the way for the development of novel therapeutic intervention strategies. Our main areas of focus are:development novel, novel therapeuticinfection, biology, disease, biomolecular, immunology1
natuurlijk-uit-eigen-tuin.nl– Discover Your Chronotype–and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Write a Novel, Take Your Meds, and Moresex novel, novel medguetta, guide, break, movement, feat1
geologist.nl…correlations in the Atlas of the Underworld , which now allows developing plate reconstructions in 4D, as place novel constraints on convection within the Earth’s mantle. In addition, I collaborate with magmatic geochemists and…reconstruction novel, novel constraintspublication, reconstruction, plate, geology, earth1
akesson.nl…hardware dimensioning methodology comprising a profiling method and a performance prediction method. The four novel contributions of the thesis are: 1) A component-based profiling method, 2) a performance prediction method, 3) a…method novel, novel contributionesi, physical, complexity, thesis, methodology1
neabarabea.nlMy name is Nea. I have a MSc in Psychology of Individual Differences. I am a YA and Adult book blogger. I love romance novels of any kind. I love parties and I love beer. I like to meet new people. I have a cat Muri, which means the world…romance novel, novel kindoctober, adult, august, everyday, july1
crystalhorizons.nlThe title sounds familiar: just replace “Writing” with “Love”, “Cancer” with “Cholera” and you get the title of a novel by Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez. The two diseases can kill, one much faster than the other. I have the former, a sudden…title novel, novel gabrielcrystal, philosophy, bump, august, society1
eriksmithuis.nlThe Spiritual Millionaire is a clearly written novel containing a deeper layer for all those who desire an exceptional life.clearly novel, novel deepspiritual, positive, leadership, reference, profit1
miekzwamborn.nlZwamborn has published the novels Oploper (2000, Meulenhoff) and Vallend Hout (2004, Meulenhoff), the poetry book Het krieken van sepia (2008, Slibreeks), De duimsprong (2013, Van Oorschot) and seaweed anthology Wieren (2018, Van Oorschot).zwamborn novel, novel oplopercatch, progress, writing, grinder, agate1
catnipgames.nlThe best way to describe our development process we have found so far is to compare making games to writing a novel: it takes a long time to write, you can’t know if you have a best-seller until you start marketing it, and a complete flop…game novel, novel longcrave, uncategorized, early, release, currently1
kroniekenvanoz.nlFor the greater part of the English speaking world the Oz books by L. Frank Baum have been part of your cultural history since the early 1900’s. Baum’s famous ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ novel has been translated into many languages…oz novel, novel languageoz, minor, chronicle, reed, later1
epgs.nlTherapeutic drug monitoring of biologic medicines is a novel but pivotal concept in inflammatory diseases.medicine novel, novel pivotalpostgraduate, surgical, calendar, congress, nurse1
heldcbd.nlWhat is HHC-P? Cannabis products are gaining popularity every day. To satisfy consumers and offer them ever-changing experiences, chemists showcase their ingenuity! HHC-P, a novel synthetic cannabinoid, is both surprising and intriguing.hhc novel, novel syntheticadd, edible, base, tobacco, oil1
vanderlaanscience.nlWith my work I aim to move from genome-wide association studies loci to novel therapeutic targets and (surrogate) biomarkers for cardiovascular diseases through extensive in silico , and in vitro modelling.locus novel, novel therapeuticder, stuff, talk, genetic, endeavor1
roelvanderkraan.nlI completely missed that Apple was developing a TV series based on one of my favourite sci-fi novel series: Silo by Hugh Howey. Until the trailer dropped, and it looks awesome!fi novel, novel seriesmovie, der, swift, producer, analytic1
netherlands-america.nlOn her latest book ‘Mania’ MAY 8, 2024, 8PM-10PMPAKHUIS DE ZWIJGER, PIET HEINKADE 179, AMSTERDAM In her latest novel, Mania, iconoclastic author Lionel Shriver investigates the fallout around the fictional 2011 “Mental Parity Movement” in…late novel, novel maniaamerican, paper, phd, upcoming, conference1
melunaresearch.nlThe Samueli Institute advances the science of healing worldwide by applying academic rigor to its research projects. Ongoing collaboration with MELUNA combines UPE analysis with metabolomics in the development of novel diagnostic tools to…development novel, novel diagnosticphoton, emission, collaboration, measurement, medicine1
bilonoon.nlCan a nosode prepared from SARS-CoV-2 or Novel Corona Virus -19 be a suitable homeopathic protector of Covid-19 disease?: Conventional vaccines versus homeopathic nosodes 18 november 2020cov-2 novel, novel coronapingback, wat, cialis, rybelsus, vaccine1
wei-mvo-adviesgroep.nl…Although this change is become challenging and challenging, it is a biological component of the relationship cycle. The best way to give your relationship a novel life and make it even more thrilling is to try new things jointly.relationship novel, novel liferelationship, sugar, uncategorized, crucial, gambling1
mentt.nlInnovation is essential for facilitating our mobile future but designing solutions that would enable successful deployment of novel systems in a legacy multi radio environment will provide a good base towards excellent mobile future. Our…deployment novel, novel systemstandardization, advantage, independent, competitive, consulting1
hansklis.nl…I’ve been a big fan of comic books and science fiction since I was seven years old. For various outlets I cover new superhero movies and shows, LGBT rights and inequality and the cultural importance of comic books and graphic novels.chemistry, editor, american, background, biology1
creshare.nl​ We commit our work for a steady improvement in local and to explore novel ways of bridging innovators across the world. Next to the logistic support we engage in several development projects on a voluntary basis.local novel, novel waydistance, activate, tell, structure, dialogue1
decarpentier.nlHaving enemies throw grenades or launch projectiles in games often requires some form of trajectory planning in order to find the best launch moment, speed and angle. This research paper proposes a novel and practical approximation of 2D…paper novel, novel practicalmath, graphic, trajectory, physics, wireless1
oosterhuis.nlI robot is the title of the science fiction collection of novels by Isaac Asimov, published in 1958. This is more than 60 years ago, and first recently a serious discussion on robotics has reached the international architectural discourse…collection novel, novel isaacarchitecture, interactive, faculty, swarm, uncategorized1
migrantourutrecht.nl…and texts take you on a journey that complements our Migrantour Utrecht guided walking tour in Utrecht's Lombok neighbourhood. Discover aspects of places you thought you already knew! Encounter novel perspectives! Visit our story mapplace novel, novel perspectiveinclusion, walk, diversity, educational, neighbourhood1
brainnovation.nlIt is in the subconscious mind where the brain creates unexpected and novel insights.unexpected novel, novel insightthink, assessment, brain, graduate, cycle1
jordyvm.nlThe User-Surrounding Floor Shadow Projection Interface is a novel interactive system that projects digital content on the floor around its user. The source of the projection is a projector placed above the user, directed...interface novel, novel interactiveprogramming, interaction, october, interactive, study1
infectionandimmunity.nl…research groups work on elements in infectious diseases and immunological disorders and together we aim to develop novel treatment and fight antimicrobial resistance. We are open to collaboration. If you have any questions, don't…disorder novel, novel treatmentimmunity, infection, phd, lecture, defense1
ozanaydogan.nl…throughout the Netherlands. In 2022 Ozan will appear in the FC Bergman and ITA co-production ‘The Magic Mountain’, which will play at the Edinburgh Festival ‘22. He also works on his debut novel that is expected to be published in 2024.actor, writer, biography, poetry, mountain1
idii.nl…Medical Devices Initiative ( IMDI , in Dutch). In these CoREs, partners in science, industry and health care work closely together on the development of novel medical devices that improve both the quality and the efficiency of health care.development novel, novel medicaldiagnostic, imaging, institute, interventional, evaluation1
healthcareinshape.nl…welcomes all healthcare professionals, researchers, designers, policy makers and students with an interest or expertise in rethinking, designing, implementing and evaluating novel solutions and strategies for a Healthcare system in Shape.design novel, novel solutionhealthcare, shape, intersection, bridge, faculty1
dutchgameawards.nlGame Design that takes the user to the edge of their seat, shows groundbreaking controls and user onboarding, unique gameplay and puzzles, novel design implementation or a compelling story or narrative. Innovative game design as well as…puzzle novel, novel designwinner, nominee, october, rule, networking1
wat-tedoen.nlMichel Houellebecq‘s novel Anéantir [Annihilate] is not yet translated in English! It is translated in Dutch [ Vernietigen ], but this very short essay is in English, as I don’t want to confine it to the Dutch public. I will try to reveal…michel novel, novel anéantirwat, capitalism, revolution, money, society1
atermon.nlIn today’s digital age, fostering media literacy skills in school-aged children is crucial. ATERMON has taken a novel approach toatermon novel, novel approacheducational, player, island, subject, collaborative1
angietranslates.nlAngie Sullivan translated my novel Vogeljongen into English. The collaboration worked seamlessly. We discussed any uncertainties every couple of weeks. Sullivan’s work is precise. You notice straight away she is passionate about her work…sullivan novel, novel vogeljongentranslation, translate, subtitle, edit, publisher1
joelhaasnoot.nlRecently I’ve actually started reading again - some novels, some non-fiction and some industry-related works. I’ve also bought a Kobo Mini to be able to read on the go, and to read digital books, which are hard to read on screen.actually novel, novel nonrandom, programmer, note, cryptography, screen1
oufti.nl…at home, tired from a day of teaching. However it is projects like these that really sustain me, so I try to focus on this to keep me motivated. It is another novel experience and I am learning as much about myself as I am about China.motivate novel, novel experiencebicycle, gear, cycling, practical, archive1
wolfe.nl…at the UvA), lived in London where he wrote a book on business strategy, worked as a management trainer in Sydney. Robert became a personal coach, wrote several Dutch-language youth novels, taught improvisational acting and plays cricket.youth novel, novel improvisationalwolfe, leadership, productivity, generative, lecture1
parallellelijnen.nlLEGO - formed from the Danish words leg godt , meaning play well , and ironically, in Latin I put together - has always been populair among computer specialists and designers. In his novel Microserfs (1995) Douglas Coupland explained why:designer novel, novel microserfsmayhem, documentary, metal, note, daytime1
kosterlab.nlWe develop, modify and apply novel electron microscopy methods that allow zooming into the cellular architecture and visualizing macromolecular structures with nm-scale resolution.lab, microscopy, electron, facility, instrumentation1
familiesmeenk.nlWe are a young lab in the field of chemical biology at the Radboud University . We combine organic chemistry with molecular biology and biochemistry¬†to target and answer biological questions related to autoimmune diseases and develop…disease novel, novel platformlab, chemistry, protein, coordination, cell1
alper.nlThe capacity to reduce uncertainty and create novel experiences with foresight research, design workshops and prototype development. Creating products and services that people love to use.uncertainty novel, novel experiencecapable, cross, engagement, programmable, dark1
nancyhoffmann.nlwhat that really is. And at the same time people all seem to know that it exists!? Reading Junot Diaz’ prize-winning novel The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao gave me the answer. Oscar, a ‘ghetto nerd living with his Dominican family…prize novel, novel brieffebruary, critic, historian, fact, sci1
artfortheears.nlThe sponsor of this website published two crime novels. If you understand the Dutch language, you may be interested to purchase these books:crime novel, novel dutchsong, ear, friday, metal, guitar1
thegreentake.nlSharing 'ideas worth spreading' of novel sustainable development practices, corporate social responsibility, sustainable innovation, marketing, eco-design, life cycle assessments, environmental and social impact and health. As the private…worth novel, novel sustainablewhilst, environmental, workforce, cycle, assessment1
personalisedcareinoncology.nl…for extracting statistical medical knowledge, developing clinical models, and offering personalised care with novel insights in explanation and justification of AI-generated advice in CDSSs. We integrate knowledge and expertise in…care novel, novel insightpersonalised, oncology, clinical, decision, vacancy1
uxpert.nl…knack for solving problems and innovating within constraints. This adaptability has been a key driver in my professional journey, showcasing my ability to effectively navigate challenges and introduce novel solutions in diverse scenarios.challenge novel, novel solutionux, study, description, intuitive, leave1
tatzetwerk.nlTAT Zetwerk was established in 1998 by Ivo Geradts and Johannes Rustenburg. We specialize in typesetting academic publications, reference books and novels. We distinguish ourselves from other typesetters by taking care of editorial…book novel, novel typesetteracademic, conversion, font, typesetting, foreign1
veravanderburg.nlThis project is an alternative, contemporary science-fiction novel in which an interaction process between a designer and a Machine Learning Algorithm is described in the form of a diary book. These diary passages are alternated with more…fiction novel, novel interactionalgorithm, objective, recognition, incredible, cargo1
anycast-testbed.nlWe have developed a tool using a simple and novel approach . Thus, we do regular measurements and observe how our policy can modify traffic distribution across the anycast nodes.simple novel, novel approachanycast, tangle, traffic, paper, visibility1
vincentgroenhuis.nlThis robot is the 7th generation robotic system for MRI-guided breast biopsy. Main improvements include a novel motor design for better robustness and printability, and various calibration options.improvement novel, novel motorpneumatic, robotic, biopsy, breast, uncategorized1
drna.nl…gene regulation. This approach allows us to delve deeper into the world of RNA and DNA connections and uncover novel insights without the constraint of preconceived notions or biases. Our philosophy drives us to constantly innovate…connection novel, novel insightrna, publication, teach, lab, bacterial1
janpaulposma.nlMy dissertation in Computer Science was an interactive programming course, jsdares . In the original proposal, A Novel Introduction to Programming , I propose teaching the basics of programming with a real but reduced language, to make…proposal novel, novel introductionglass, interactive, programming, government, misinformation1
evasionutrecht.nl…certain host and what the underlying molecular mechanism is for this. With this molecular information we can design novel drugs and vaccines to prevent and treat bacterial infections. In order to acquire this knowledge, all groups within…information novel, novel druginfection, evasion, immunity, bacterial, publication1
trendforum.nlTom Holland Wikipedia is an author about vampires and history. His first two historical novels are about Rome: Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic Amazon and Persia: Persian Fire: The ...historical novel, novel romeeconomic, society, woman, interesting, christianity1
estuarium.nlEstuarium’s fresh and novel approach takes care for concrete results and good cost savings. Jannette van Triestfresh novel, novel approachestate, facility, straightforward, plain, publication1
moving-animals.nlIn the twentieth century, processes of globalization and increasing pressure on uncultivated areas have transformed humans’ relations with undomesticated non-human animals. Because human and animal territorialities intersected in novel…territorialities novel, novel wayanimal, presentation, century, conference, chapter1
psychonomie.nl…the origins of mind and consciousness continues. The PhD course Neurophilosophy of Mind and Consciousness provides students with novel and practical insights into this field, which will contribute to theorizing and academic writing skills.student novel, novel practicalcognitive, position, brain, interaction, leave1
cognitiveaffectiveneurosciencelab.nl…how maladaptation culminates in psychopathology, how healthy adaptation fosters resilience, and how these insights can be translated into novel approaches toward personalized treatment and prevention of stress-related psychopathology.insight novel, novel approachphd, candidate, lab, cognitive, affective1
exergy-storage.nlExergy Storage is scaling up the next generation of energy storage: a novel battery technology based on abundant, low-cost materials, like rock salt , (recycled) aluminium and iron. It does away with the disadvantages of current battery…storage novel, novel batterystorage, battery, utility, recyclable, scale1
studiokimmo.nlA travelogue through Shangri-La; the fictitious paradise from the classic novel Lost Horizon (1933). Twenty years ago a Tibetan tourist spot in China presented scientific proof that it was the real Shangri-La. In her search for the truth…classic novel, novel horizonparadise, narrative, documentary, colonial, tree1
dsif.nlThe DSIF members participate in all kinds of networking events where we get access to a large professional network. Currently, the network of our partners consists of numerous companies and organizations (Novel-T, Hive01, Saxion Centre…organization novel, novel saxioninvestment, fund, funding, innovative, guideline1
petervanderperk.nlGraduation internship at NXP Automotive Systems Innovations. As part of my MSc study I've conducted a research to improve the safety and fault tolerance of autonomous vehicles. As a result I've created a novel hypervisor-based approach…result novel, novel hypervisorembed, der, nxp, vehicle, internship1
emissierechten.nlThe voluntary carbon market (VCM) plays an initial role for novel Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) demands and in the finance of storage of carbon dioxide, but will ultimately remain too small. The mandatory, regulatory CO2 market, like the…role novel, novel carboncarbon, emission, target, removal, paris1
voetslab.nl…in (biological) soft matter to gain fundamental insights that we translate into rational design strategies for novel functional soft materials. Read more about our work on our research pages or get to know the members on the people…strategy novel, novel functionallab, soft, matter, publication, congrats1
deegoongan.nlIn 1949, Robert van Gulik published Dee Goong An , a translation of an ancient Chinese novel about Di Renjie (or Dee Jen-djieh). This was the start of the famous Judge Dee series. But Van Gulik had translated only the first half of the…chinese novel, novel dititle, subtitle, biography, translation, ancient1
petervanesse.nlMaximise the outcome of large projects by introducing a trusted liaison who can contribute at the right abstraction level, spot novel opportunities and bring people together.level novel, novel opportunityconsulting, confidence, leadership, authentic, positive1
bkb.nl…guiding principle of the campaign. A story or concept that breaks down barriers, uncovers ambitions and showcases novel perspectives. And in order to have this message resonate with that extremely diverse target group, it needs to be…ambition novel, novel perspectivecampaign, loud, government, political, target1
designarttechnology.nl…was able to transform the animal‘s remaining energy into red and blue visuals on the screen. Inspired by the famous novel Frankenstein and scientific experiments from the 18th century (like Luigi Galvani who applied electric current to…famous novel, novel frankensteinartificial, installation, manufacture, technological, afterlife1
francatreur.nlFranca Treur is a Dutch novelist who has been nominated for a range of literary awards and won the 2010 Selexyz Debut Prize for her bestselling novel Dorsvloer vol confetti ( Confetti on the treshing floor ). The novel was released as a…bestselling novel, novel dorsvloer, floor novel, novel featuretranslation, prize, literary, debut, newspaper1
john-adams.nlIn her latest novel, Mania, iconoclastic author Lionel Shriver investigates the fallout around the fictional 2011 “Mental Parity Movement” in the United States in an alternative yet all too recognizable near past. Dubbed the “last great…late novel, novel maniaamerican, institute, upcoming, bright, politics1
sander-hermsen.nlI was in the @guardian, talking about a novel speed sensor: motorists who observe the speed limit earn cash for local projectsago, paper, institute, behaviour, eat1
tortuga-x.nl…Reactor Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Under the flag of TORTUGA-X, I research the effect that torsion, turbulence, and gravity have on the acceleration of mixing in novel types of chemical reactors.acceleration novel, novel typetorsion, publication, journal, contribution, conference1
jeroenvermunt.nlPerez Alonso, A.F., Rosseel, Y., Vermunt, J.K., and De Roover, K. (in press). Mixture multigroup structural equation modeling: A novel method for comparing structural relations across many groups, Psychological Methods ,,. ( PsyArXiv)equation novel, novel methodvermunt, latent, analysis, journal, ed1
sciencematters.nl…honors from her Ph.D. in synthetic biology (University Paris Descartes). During her thesis research, she developed novel biotechnologies to find new antibiotics against tuberculosis. Moreover she is a board member for the international…research novel, novel biotechnologymatter, outreach, researcher, biology, scientist1
b3care.nl…MDII and its industrial partners have an internationally leading position in the research and development of both novel acquisition hardware and novel quantitative image analysis methods and software. The associated University Medical…development novel, novel acquisition, hardware novel, novel quantitative, discovery novelimaging, artificial, cardiac, collaboration, radiology1
booknuts.nl…Supergirl), screenplay by Elizabeth Berger & Isaac Aptaker (This is Us), and based on Becky Albertalli’s acclaimed novel, LOVE, SIMON is a funny and heartfelt coming-of-age story about the thrilling ride of finding yourself and falling…acclaim novel, novel lovecontemporary, romance, seventeen, topic, sit1
arothuis.nlIn this post, we will explore complexity from the perspective of execution flow in our code. We will have a look at a formal, rigorous method of assessing this complexity and, even though these measures are not novel, they are still worth…measure novel, novel wortharchitecture, complexity, structural, programming, oriented1
jalinklab.nl…Imaging (FLIM), electrophysiological techniques, and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). A whole range of novel tools including fluorescent proteins in all colours, photo-activatable compounds (pa-GFP, light-inducible…range novel, novel toolcell, biology, lab, imaging, protein1
covid19research.nl…Our findings demonstrate the added value of using self-reported symptom assessments to quickly monitor novel endemic viral outbreaks in a scenario of limited testing. Should there be another outbreak of a novel infectious…quickly novel, novel endemic, outbreak novel, novel infectiousgenetic, association, phenotype, symptom, infection1
gettingintorotterdam.nl…I have known I wanted to write a second one. I didn’t come up with an idea for the second article until a few days ago, while in social co-isolation due to the national measures imposed to prevent the spreading of the novel corona virus.spread novel, novel coronapigeon, urban, bird, maybe, ghost1
self-screen.nl…in participation by self-sampling methodologies, accurate detection of clinically meaningful HPV infections, and novel tests for HPV-positive women to accurately differentiate women who are in need of direct treatment, thereby reducinginfection novel, novel testscreen, precursor, assay, methylation, risk1
humandiseasegenes.nlThe overall goal is to collect and provide the clinical consequences of novel variants in the human genome (gene mutations as well as genomic copy number variants). Each website is moderated by a dedicated team of professionals…consequence novel, novel variantdisease, patient, clinical, consequence, copy1
upatch.nlWe do this by u nlocking the potential of microneedle technology as a superior new drug delivery system compared to hypodermic needles. This novel technology uses a collection of very small needles of less than 1mm in length, containing…needle novel, novel technologypublication, force, earth, velocity, reliable1
onearchitecture.nlMatthew Stadler (by skype), Matthijs Bouw and Jimenez Lai (author of Citizens of no place : an architectural graphic novel) will present their work and will discuss how “the ways we write about architecture permanently shape and change…graphic novel, novel workarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient1
mytales.nl“A Burning” by Megha Majumdar is a thought-provoking debut novel that explores the complexities of contemporary Indian society through the intertwined stories […]debut novel, novel complexityeveryday, fiction, fairy, romance, talk1
rgoc.nl…forensic psychiatry is accommodated within one of the core networks. The RGO c networks collaborate to generate novel ideas and to set up mutual scientific studies. Priority is to promote the exchange of knowledge and the cooperation…network novel, novel ideastudy, disorder, mental, collaboration, psychiatry1
perron07.nl…young children from 0 to 4 years old. An alternative, because the primary focus is not on daycare alone, but on growing up and developing together. Perron 07 is a novel initiative, with a solid foundation consisting of years of experience.perron novel, novel initiativeappointment, initiative, interested, parent, rate1
sahisgreenhouse.nlOnce upon a time Tad Williams started an online sequential novel named Shadowmarch. He created a forum with a thriving community around this story. This is the history of that forum, the people who inhabited it and all their injokes.sequential novel, novel shadowmarchgreenhouse, girl, dimension, boy, strange1
ericjones.nlMultiscale physics-based models of novel pumped-hydro offshore storage technologymodel novel, novel hydrostorage, alternative, objective, partners, academic1
chungkong.nlAfter a famous author is rescued from a car crash by a fan of his novels, he comes to realize that the care he is receiving is only…fan novel, novel caremovie, minimal, geek, archive, early1
elisabethmuller.nl…and Thomas Mann, in whose oeuvre music is an important ingredient. Especially in Doctor Faustus (1947), a music novel with a protagonist who sells his soul to the devil in return for a career as a brilliant avant-garde composer. In…music novel, novel protagonistearly, piece, visual, structure, variation1
kolky.nlCurrently the most prominent or interesting movies and TV-series are based off of books. Even older cult and popular movies such as Fight Club , Jurassic Park , The Godfather and many more are based off of books! One of my favorites…favorite novel, novel moviereply, file, variable, jenkins, xamarin1
heemskerk-innovative.nlHIT Presents Research Findings of Orbital Head-Mounted Display: A Novel Interface for Viewpoint Control at IROS 2023display novel, novel interfaceinnovative, gap, maintenance, task, interactive1
single-molecule.nlThe article , also featured as a cover of the journal, presents the first demonstration of a large linear Stark effect by using a novel strategy of matrix-induced symmetry breaking in otherwise centro-symmetric DBT guest molecules. The…effect novel, novel strategymolecule, uncategorized, publication, congratulations, optic1
archonline.nlIn this symposium, leading European experts in the fields of archaeological remote sensing and geophysics will present their research relating to the application of novel sensor technologies and methods for terrestrial and maritime…application novel, novel sensorarchon, phd, conference, archaeology, academic1
aerospaceinnovationhub.nlOur focus is supporting innovations in space technology , in solutions enabling the long term sustainability of aviation , and in novel drone technology . Our power is connecting innovators from in and outside of the aerospace industry…aviation novel, novel droneaerospace, aviation, entrepreneurial, faculty, composite1
alfredvancleef.nlVan Cleef had much success with his literary travelogue The lost Island , about his obsession for the tiny island of Amsterdam in the Indian Ocean. It was also published in the United States and Germany. Van Cleef’s next book was the…book novel, novel verlangenlose, island, writer, hide, newspaper1
patp21p.nlIn Australia, when I was there several years ago I visited a lake populated by a large flock of black swans – it was novel, intriguing and mysterious. More recently neighbors kept a pair of black swans on a small lake near us – paired for…swan novel, novel intriguingpainting, beginning, leave, figure, swan1
energyadvisors.nlBusiness development track records in identifying and delivering new projects & opportunities, strategy development, novel and innovative contract developments, negotiations, asset acquisition and LNG sales.development novel, novel innovativeadvisor, asset, oil, negotiation, capital1
roodcom.nlA novel and sensitive method for quantifying T cells relatively fast, accurate, and independent of the cellular context in DNA samples using digital PCR.publication, quantification, overview, analysis, fully1
flowmatters.nlflowmatters develops and modifies coatings, paints, textures, special materials and textiles to reduce the frictional drag with novel and innovative surfaces. The facilities, knowledge and expertise are delivered with high precision and…drag novel, novel innovativedrag, paint, textile, innovative, precision1
mycologics.nlWe want to contribute to the well being of millions of people with depressions and anxiety disorders. Through safe, legal access to future psychedelic medicine and novel therapy.medicine novel, novel therapycareer, psychedelic, treatment, recreational, disorder1
neurobsik.nlNeuro-Bsik is a consortium of 11 Dutch research groups and two companies. The consortium aims to contribute to the battle against brain disorders by developing novel mouse models for brain disorders. These models will be initially…disorder novel, novel mouse, initially novel, novel automatemouse, behavior, cage, ministry, subsequently1
upperplayground.nlhave always been the ones that combine (street)art, books, music (preferably with someone behind a turntable) , graphic novels, vinyl art and skateboard fashion and accessories. That’s where the edge of the groove is. Anywhere in the world.graphic novel, novel vinylupper, playground, painting, spraypaint, painter1
annecool.nl‘Falling for Felt’ is a step-by-step instruction book all about making felt. It is ideal for beginners as well as more experienced felters, who are now searching for new inspiration and novel ideas. With this book, containing numerous…inspiration novel, novel ideafeel, instruction, technique, immediately, numerous1
werkenbijzeton.nlZeton has completed process technology plant projects around the world in overcoming engineering and scale-up challenges associated with novel technology, including sustainable chemistry processes.challenge novel, novel technologybij, chemical, demonstration, significant, mining1
encpfoundation.nlThousands fall victim to ‘revenge porn’ every year. These are mostly young women, but it can happen to anyone. The Internet knows no borders, and tackling image-based sexual abuse is made more difficult by its novel nature. ‘Revenge…difficult novel, novel natureporn, abuse, sexual, revenge, objective1
susanswoordenweb.nlAside from screenplays, I’m writing a non-fiction novel on a cycling trip I made from The Netherlands to Cameroon, I have a part-time job creating quiz questions for TV shows, and I write web texts as a freelancer.fiction novel, novel cyclingadventure, emotion, physically, progress, final1
remifestival.nlRemi is the main character of the world famous novel ‘Nobody’s boy’ by Hector Malot. About the adventures of a young boy that travels the world on his own. In the Netherlands, being ‘ a Remi ‘ is a common expression for someone that…famous novel, novel boyimprov, guest, theatre, player, improvisation1
selena-dolderer.nl…the centre of processes, appreciating differences, connecting with empathy and compassion is the gateway for quick, novel, tailored and sustainable solutions for future-oriented workforces and major organisational changes. In my work, I…quick novel, novel tailorconsulting, diversity, psychological, inclusion, tailor1
viviaventures.nlWe develop and commercialize novel packaging technology solutions to achieve goals for the circular economy.packaging, venture, consumer, efficiency, assurance1
prettybrands.nl…overall looks wit new designs complement ideally and telll exciting visual print stories. The latest materials are used as purposeful statements. Vivid surface effects and expressive stucture optics are dynamic pulse generators…pretty, consultation, advantage, complimentary, august1
pathstowellbeing.nlI am a scientist and practitioner. I use both verified and experimental methods in my practice, regularly publish in scientific journals and monitor novel ways of improving well-being.journal novel, novel waypath, wellbeing, phd, improvement, teach1
lmpv.nl2. Develop novel imaging technologies: Developed analytical electron microscopy demonstrators: time-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, ultrafast SEM, electron black scatter spectroscopy (EBSD). Products developed by Delmic…phd, thesis, photovoltaic, collaborator, diversity1
dianapivak-pianist.nl“A Private Affair” is a novel by Italian writer Beppe Fenoglio, whose plot takes place in the dreadful scenario of the Italian Partisan resistance against the nazifascism, during the last years of WW2. The performance explores and…affair novel, novel italiansymphony, season, classical, extraordinary, emotion1
dieseljack.nlIt’s something something novel novel and and distinctive. distinctive. Many Many veterans veterans have have never never ridden ridden a a horse horse before. before. The The opportunity opportunity to to learn learn something something…novel distinctivedog, investment, pearl, horse, veteran1
dotpower.nl“Heerema Marine Contractors has completed the first offshore test of a novel method of assembling and installing XXL wind turbines onboard a floating, dynamically positioned (DP) vessel.“ Heerema performed the demonstration project, known…test novel, novel methodturbine, installation, hydraulic, joint, hydrogen1
hielkemaco.nlWe also bring to court novel cases in order to explore the bounds of property law and as well as to improve our clients’ legal position. We analyse and comment on draft legislation in opinion pieces appearing in legal journals and through…court novel, novel caselaw, tenancy, property, commit, residential1
toumilou.nlJoop Wierenga, New Folk Sounds (August 22, 2021; in Dutch): “a great historical novel about the Balkans”historical novel, novel balkansmodal, der, contemporary, collective, directly1
stevensmits.nlHakuna Matata. That is my life's motto. I am convinced this is a pro-active process. For me, this means constantly challenging myself, working on projects, and seeking novel experiences. Approaching each and every day with this attitude…project novel, novel experienceneuroscience, artificial, intelligence, resume, memory1
jeppegroen.nlAs a designer, creativity and technical skills are the expertises that I value most. Creativity is needed to be able to come up with novel solutions, but these ideas are worthless if they cannot be tested in the real world; this requires…able novel, novel solutiontangible, identity, electronic, interaction, industrial1
lymphomaresearchgroningen.nl…cells. In fact, an increased amount of TARC protein can be detected three to six years prior to ¬†diagnosis. This novel finding was revealed by research led by hematopathologist Arjan Diepstra in collaboration with Wouter Plattel, Anke…prior novel, novel findlymphoma, phd, publication, presentation, february1
unravelrdp.nlWe combine EHR data with a standardized blood biobank and text-mining tools. This integration of EHR data into the RDP allows novel analysis of onset, progression of disease and can embed performance measures in clinical practice. The…rdp novel, novel analysishealthcare, mining, rdp, consent, inform1
exosome.nl…proteomic, immunologic and transcriptional changes in Alzheimer’s disease. The basis of this platform is a novel electro-driven separation and concentration method. EXIT will integrate nanotechnology, transcriptomics, genetics…platform novel, novel electroconcentration, isolation, device, participant, outreach1
boukjebalder.nlCheck this out! I guess nobody noticed it before today. My novel The Wan was reviewed in Strange Horizons in april! Strange Horizons! Yay!today novel, novel wanleave, publication, sff, writer, strange1
jaapduin.nlWhen I’m not working I spend as much time away from screens as possible: I play football in a fantastic friends’ league, play golf (but not enough to keep my 2 handicap), read novels, and put time and energy into my professional growth by…handicap novel, novel timeexpedition, psychologist, athlete, raw, mainly1
wdhd.nlThe series is based on the acclaimed novels by Stephen King. The story includes multiple dimensions and eras in time and incorporates many of Stephen King's stories together.acclaim novel, novel stephencrime, break, criminal, dead, mystery1
erasmuscon.nlWe are proud to announce our next guest, Johah Klein Haneveld: Johan is a Dutch science-fiction and fantasy author whose debut novel appeared in 2001, and since then he’s been very prolific, having published 28 books. He has also edited 3…debut novel, novel prolificguest, stone, butcher, lecture, membership1
promeras.nlCirce is a PhD candidate at the department of Radiology and Nuclear medicine. She works on radiotracer interactions and her research focuses on targeting the tumor micro-environments with novel radionuclide therapies. Within Promeras, she…environment novel, novel radionuclidephd, candidate, department, mental, committee1
symphonywavepower.nlSymphony Wave Power is a novel technology based on more than 20 years of experience in wave and tidal technology development. The technology is a product of co-makership between science and industry headed by Teamwork Technology BV in the…power novel, novel technologywave, symphony, invisible, renewable, alternative1
verindi.nlThis work aims to provide early-stage insights into an electro-thermally actuated liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) fiber for novel shape-changing behaviors that are both programmable and reversible. We build a control system and…fiber novel, novel shapeidentity, shape, final, study, wrist1
autonomousrobots.nlWe contribute novel methods and solutions in the areas of motion planning, dynamic vehicle routing, multi-robot coordination, multi-robot learning, task assignment, automated cinematography, formation control, collision avoidance and…autonomous, lab, dynamic, algorithm, interested1
fenixfoodfactory.nlThey have something for everyone: literature, stories, children's books, cookbooks, travel books, poetry, books about Rotterdam, Young Adult, fantasy and science fiction, thrillers, graphic novels, and a wide selection in English too…graphic novel, novel widefactory, selection, flavor, entrepreneur, root1
antoonvanhooft.nlWe have published a new article in the Journal of computational physics on the design and performance of a novel fourth-order accurate and adaptive solver for incompressible-flow problems. Follow the DOI link here.performance novel, novel fourthstatic, solver, highlight, syntax, domain1
oncodeinstitute.nl…transcription. A new study driven by Oncode researcher Marjolein van Sluis and led by Oncode Investigator Jurgen Marteijn (Erasmus MC), has shown that DNA-protein crosslinks are repaired by a novel transcription-coupled DPC repair pathway.crosslink novel, novel transcriptiononcode, institute, programme, cancer, facility1
bluesparrows.nlEline has experience in setting up market access strategies and has successfully acquired reimbursement coding for her product – a novel therapy – for several countries in Europe as well as the US.product novel, novel therapymedtech, fund, investment, successfully, achievement1
vsr-schoonmaak.nl- The influence of activity on indoor fungal levels. A novel technique for simulating disturbed conditionslevel novel, novel techniqueindependent, measure, association, opinion, contractor1
coursdefrancais.nlThis French reading group welcomes anyone with an interest in French literature. Our Cercle littéraire discusses novels that are among the highlights of French literature.littéraire novel, novel highlightfrench, lesson, know, want, france1
andersutrecht.nl…We believe that current challenges – such as socioeconomic inequality, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic – beg for novel forms of engagement between the university and the communities who deal with these issues on the ground.pandemic novel, novel formsociety, socially, transition, societal, urban1
cafewildschut.nlOur menu reads like a good novel. Food and drinks are fine and fairly priced. We serve all you can wish for. Come, have a drink and grab a bite!good novel, novel foodfamous, reservation, favourite, dynamic, nearby1
paerd.nlYour independent partner in assessment of saddlefit, back problems and behavioral problems in relation to riding and training. The scientifically validated Novel Pliance® saddle system enables us to analyse the pressure distribution on…scientifically novel, novel pliancehorse, saddle, equestrian, apply, op1
corhermans.nl…this book offers a fine survey, nicely written, of the many variants of social Darwinism. It’s a valiant undertaking to add a fresh contribution to the so-called ‘Darwin industry’, even venturing to come up with something novel to it.writer, publication, historian, chapter, inspiration1
401brel.nlRené Seghers’ completely revised Dutch language Jacques Brel biography Jacques Brel | The Definitive Biography includes hundreds of photographs and more than 200 new pages. Good news for Brelians, but… have there been enough novel…brelians novel, novel insightboat, biography, cover, definitive, ship1
tropiq.nlWe innovate enabling technology for discovery and testing of novel counter measures for vector borne diseases.test novel, novel counterpublication, disease, career, infectious, discovery1
dequeerboekenkast.nlDiscover a world of inclusive stories and voices at The Netherlands only queer bookstore. Explore our vast collection of books, comics, mangas and more by LGBTQ+ authors and creators. Support our community and expand your literary horizons.graphic novelfiction, graphic, mystery, romance, adult0
spellenbunker.nlContact…graphic novel, novel adventurellc, publish, ltd, factory, auction0
barbaraal.nlabout me… news… books… work… contact me… English… Contact… Portfolio…graphic, author, philosopher, wedding, dog0
reneeterhaar.nlRise Café Branding… Illustratie – Short Visual Novel ‘Maling’… Illustratie –…visual novel, novel malinggraphic, illustration, visual, korean, ux0
sivarkasman.nlImmerse yourself in Sivar Kasman's worlds of imagination through illustrations, animations, music and more.illustration, animation, graphic, imagination, editorial0
ludwigvolbeda.nlIllustrations for a Children's Book. Written by Benny Lindelauf. Published by Queridographic, illustration, sketchbook, drawing, cover0
psgames.nlConverters & Adapters… Sport… Racing game… Platform Game… Pinball… Flight…visual noveladventure, fight, flight, pinball, visual0
user-centered-mobility-solutions.nlIn this fast changing world, focus is shifting rapidly to more technology as the key to finding solutions. But most of these solutions are focused on solving the problem when it occurs: after the moment the traveler has decided to start a…essentially novel, novel uniquemobility, wicked, traveler, impossible, nearly0
norberterinkveldfotografie.nlPrivacy… Contact… OP LOCATIE… Recent work… Mensen… Buildings… Cityscape…building, cityscape, tropical, write, anymore0
isontwerp.nlNeurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with brain tumorsrisk, sleep, disease, brain, patient0
renskeb.nlAbout… Der KatzenPrinz Animation, Story… DND MAPS 2022 Illustration… PUGZZ…visual novelillustration, animation, cover, character, packaging0
piadejong.nlEnglish… About Pia… Novels… Newspaper Columns… Short Stories… Other Articles…newspaper, uncategorized0
ireadnovel.nlWebshop… Mijn Account… Account… 0 Cart… Promo…promo novelmijn, purpose, promotion, add0
kdramaholic.nlThe Crazy Love trailer puzzles me. It's nice, but it doesn't really do justice to this Kdrama I think. For one thing, you never see them getting married in Crazy Love.harlequin novel, novel japanesejapanese, proposal, crazy, romantic, destiny0
dianagoeson.nlUnderstanding Cloudflare Magic Transit Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide. Protecting Sensitive Data: The Security Features of Cloudflare Magic Transit Pricing. Cloudflare magic tranzit pricing. Choosing the Right Cloudflare Magic Transit…magic, witch, magical, curse, pagan0
lindafontijn.nlH i. I am Linda Fontijn. Novelist and brand-marketing communication consultant, interim change manager.author, select, mainly0
nicusbibliotheek.nlUstinov Sir Peter - Carter Jimmy - e.a. - Visions of a Better World - 6295 B € 4,50laurence novel, novel bookstore, bookstore novelwilbur, devil, adult, france, force0
eliseluttik.nl…the plush cushioning of the Chester chair to the ethereal dance of light through the translucent Ballerina lamp. The Prismania collection enchants with its ever-changing prismatic effects, and the Dune wall tiles add movement to spaces.dune novel, novel greydune, grey, upside, skin, creation0
christianoutlet.nlBible overige versies… Bible study… Bible Wedding… Bible Standard version…bible, worship, study, wedding, biography0
wonders-dam-zaandam.nlBeoordelingen… Contact… colofon… Lunch… Algemene voorwaarden… Privacy…crispy0
musictime.nl…Tara 9859… Yoyoh Supriatin,… Anton Group - Anton Paser… Label: Musica…nyhat novel, puput novelmiss, lie, indonesia, al, jaya0
artinthepicture.nlThe magic of making. The story of a painting. The impact of a performance. Film is the number one medium to convey art to a broader audience. With love for art and fascination for stories as our guidance, we create the ultimate filmic…femme novel, novel kramerdocumentary, exhibition, promotion, promotional, belgium0
bellarich.nl…coffee brewing ritual… Portfolio… Single – sticky… Single – alternative…new novelwishlist, compare, furniture, decoration, wooden0
sealeopard.nlThe sea leopard is the second largest species of seal in the Antarctic. Its only natural predator is the killer whale. The sea leopard is a skilled and efficient subsea hunter. When hunting, a sea leopard is sometimes submerged in…overview novel, novel methodleopard, subsea, pipeline, exceptional, publication0
paulschenk.nlJust returned from Italy and ready to launch a new project. The working title of…visual, miscellaneous, uncategorized, brussels, magnum0
ferocious.nl…but it was not the right moment to make a comic. It's only now as I started reflecting that I realize how much influence dat unmade story has had on De Spoekies (The Spookies). What is a Spoekie? A better question is, who are De Spoekies?graphic novel, novel weekendcomic, comics, creativity, draw, ghost0
jdrf.nlJDRF Nederland is part of an international organisation. The office of JDRF International in New York makes the decissions in research funding. JDRF funds research into different fields of treatment, curing and prevention of type 1…scientist, funding, worldwide, scientific, potential0
bcarrot.nlComics and Illustration… Home… Graphic Novel “Alle dagen ui”… What’s new…graphic novel, novel alleillustration, comics, postcard, shadow, puppet0
science4justice.nlThe scientific experts used in the case did not behave as scientific expert witnesses must behave, according to the rules of CPS criminal prosecution. They are supposed to be strictly neutral (despite who is paying them) and they are…novel alertinsulin, evidence, blood, justice, peptide0
snowstar.nl…under his own name. Cape Sleep's debut 'Video Days' serves as a tribute to pop culture from the past. Under his new name Cape Sleep, Kim embraces his long desire to play in a band and takes a step away from his autobiographical songs.sleep, cape, release, realm, song0
mansweghorst.nlI am Mans Weghorst, a multidisciplinary visual narrator. Please, scroll down and take a look aroundillustration, animation, graphic, motion, screenprint0
tarpaniastable.nlTarpania Stable is a breeding, training and trading stable. We started in 2012 and are now a renowned stable in dressage and jumping horses. We also made a lot of progress in breeding, for both dressage and jumping horses.novel tarpaniajump, horse, foal, dressage, stable0
budget-electronics.nlBudget-electronics; uw nieuwe one-stop-shop voor A-merken tegen bodemprijzen!new novelmiscellaneous, lorem, ipsum, electronic, select0
cwtsbv.nlCWTS B.V. (Centre for Science and Technology Studies) is an independent contract research organization that provides high-quality research performance and evaluation studies.​role novel, novel evaluationcwt, evaluation, evidence, independent, engage0
margrietverbeek.nlThe first price, at the Eight International Competition for Composers in Corfu-Greece (2005), went to the composition Fleur for solo guitar, by Margriet Verbeek.advanced, guitar, intermediate, composer, clarinet0
annderwinkel.nlContact… DC Comics… Design… Fantasy & SF… Lgbtq+… Marvel… Spanning… Star Wars…war, arabia, saudi, puzzle, comics0
manetvanmontfrans.nlhis work such as the intertextual dimension (Barthes, Calvino, Cayrol, Proust) and the part played by topography and space. Her publications on Patrick Modiano follow naturally from her Perec research since the two writers are thematicallyliterature novel, novel patrickjournal, literature, translation, interest, writer0
aiforoncology.nlAI enables new diagnostic and treatment paradigms. However, its application to oncology brings many questions and challenges. Inspired by the oncological application, we research and develop new AI methodologies.oncology, phd, candidate, lab, cancer0
bomdesign.nlThis Comic Book Lamp is a hanging lamp made from a real Felix the Cat used comic book which have been transformed into a fabulous and functional light object. Each lamp is unique and made from a different comic book.equinox novel, novel wallcomic, chair, recycle, functional, birch0
nkiai.nlPatient monitoring in cancer care is crucial to track the efficacy of anti-cancer treatments and overall patient condition, utilizing methods as follow-ups and response assessments. Our goal is to leverage AI methods to propose optimized…phd, candidate, cancer, artificial, intelligence0
meeusontwerpt.nl…own-initiative… book… spot colour… white printing… moving… die-cut… mirror…short novel, small novelidentity, poetry, booklet, colour, invitation0
gorcumsmuseum.nlThe Gorcums Museum is located in the centre of the historic fortified city. Gorinchem is easily accessible by car and by train. There is always enough parking (free on Sundays) within walking distance in the Kazerneplein car park, or on…exhibition, sunday, naar, het, hoe0
maureenrademakers.nlPhotography… About me… Contact… Villa Jongerius - Game Design May, 2022…january, motion, editorial, graduation, grey0
malaparte.nl© COPYRIGHT Esther Malaparte | Enter or Escapegraphic novelshowcase, animation, character, campaign, cover0
bibliotheekveldhoven.nlDe Bibliotheek Veldhoven offers free wireless internet (WiFi) at all areas. You will also find computers that offer access to the Internet, electronic databases, library catalogues and Microsoft Office. The use of these computers is free…library, membership, period, loan, rate0
foove.nlWe help our clients in their business strategy by integrating custom digital solutions.integration novel, novel proverelationship, amazing, selection, stack, integration0
fragmentaselecta.nlFragmenta Selecta specializes in antiquarian books on Classical Antiquity, Ancient History, Patristics, Medieval Latin, Neo-Latin and the Classical Heritage. We have a fine collection of Old and Rare Books. Established 1984, Amsterdam…historical novel, novel antiquitygreek, archaeology, translation, classical, antiquarian0
anandaserne.nlAnanda Serné works in the borderlands of the performative, digital and tactile by creating constellations of media such as video, sound, textiles and performance. In Liquid Whistle , the audience encounters such a composition, which…novel pageexhibition, textile, glass, whistle, screen0
transmedia.nlE-books have DRM protection on them, which means only the person who purchases and downloads the e-book can access it.graphic novel, novel comiclibrary, subject, description, character, title0
nynkekuipers.nlPrints… Designs… Buy Art… Weg | Graphic Novel… Contact… More Poodles… More…graphic novelgraphic, poodle0
noop.nlPosted in Life & Work , Practices & Discipline , Progress & Performance , Time & Productivity tags management , personal development , planning , productivity , time gridaugust, january, february, october, july0
mercadero.nlMercadero is a food trade and global value chain consultant and agent; expert in superfoods and ingredients such as quinoa, chia, coconut sugar, coffee, cocoa, rice and certifications such as organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance.novel foodorganic, trade, chain, rice, certification0
geertlebens.nlDutch… Spanish (Latin…book novelgraphic, leaflet, america, spanish, publication0
koenmartens.nlProudly powered by Pelican , which takes great advantage of Python . Theme inspired by Smashing Magazine .particle novel, novel lateparticle, isolate, publication, author, atom0
coolsculpting.nlKlein, K., Zelickson, B., Riopelle, J. G., Okamoto, E., Bachelor, E. P., Harry, R. S. & Preciado, J. A. (2009). Non-Invasive Cryolipolysis for Subcutaneous Fat Reduction Does Not Affect Serum Lipid Levels or Liver Function Tests. Lasers…cryolipolysis, fat, reduction, treatment0
joostwitte.nlHappy Sad Sad Happy. Changing the key signature of Bach's Well Tempered…transcription, sad, starwars, signature, guitar0
financecom2022.nlAdvancements in Information and Communication Technologies have paved the way to new business models, markets, networks, services and players in the financial services industry. FinanceCom 2022 invites papers that help to understand…banking, paper, registration, schedule, venue0
kaplanscientific.nlMonitor Photocuring in real-time via ATR-FTIR Now uniquely with illumination through the ATR crystal!pike, nir, accessory, spectrometer, transmission0
pandorrah.nlBezorging Bezorging tot aan je voordeur: Pandorrah bezorgt tot aan je voordeur; in Nederland zelfs al gratis vanaf €49,95.graphic novellucky, trading, supply, redemption, comics0
laplassa.nl…the experience I’m gaining from my new professional situation, so for now catch the book review that I’ve recently finished – Blood, Sweat and Pixels by Jason Schreier. What made me read it: I did not plan to read about project…deadline novel, novel projectsoft, october, usual, path, chance0
novels.nlLe Petit Novels is een fusie van ‘Art-Deco’ Franse style en Aziatische invloeden waar gastronomie en gezelligheid samen komen tot een indrukwekkende blend. Van private dining tot bruiloften of bedrijfsfeesten: bij Le Petit Novels is écht…grand novel, novel diner, petit noveldining, blend0
zekert.nl…Should Kill the Covid-19… Know-How to Protect Your Health When Going Out…map novel, novel coronavirushealthy, related, skin, guide, disinfectant0
oliscience.nlThe transfer of knowledge and technology to industry, civil society and the general public is an integral part of Nikhef’s mission. That is why Nikhef supports Oliscience as an initative, as well as its attempt to empower the OpenCores…law novel, novel licensingnikhef, logic, interconnect, fpga, ip0
cinemeta.nlCinemeta is a full-service postproduction company in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We offer a complete range of audio and image post production services. From editing to deliveries we are equipped to handle feature films, documentaries, art…postproduction, visual, documentary, leader, animation0
vivagran.nl…focused on developing and commercializing 🚀high-value branded cereals. Vivagran has built over the last decade a wide B2B network in 🌍Europe and internationally and demonstrated its ability to market specialty ✨added-value grains.cereal, consumer, biotechnology, decade, internationally0
bmxkleding.nl…Bmx Helmen… Dirt Helmen… 100% Crossbril… 100% Strata Crossbril… 100%…crossbril novel, novel hiperoakley, mirror, nuclear, scorpion0
eftegarie.nlFavourites… International English… Van Gogh Desktop Wallpaper… Services… Urban…book novelfavourite, philosophy, initiative, wallpaper, urban0
yssa.nlWelcome to Yssa, the complete online store for a Christian lifestyle.biblical novelbible, christmas, worship, biblical, spanish0
practicumeducatief.nlThis book comprises 1895 phrases and sentences in 66 exercises that cover the 39 units ofgraphic novelreader, fiction, progress, think, pre0
316europe.nlCD New Church communion Gift biblecovers Gift writing journal home walldecor Gift jewelry necklacebook novelbible, stock, journal, church, bag0
futurefoodfund.nlFuture Food Fund is a specialist venture capital fund that invests in early stage companies that change the value chain of food & agriculture.novel foodfund, agriculture, chain, venture, capital0
landelijkliving.nlLogin / Register… 0 Wishlist… Vitra… Louis Poulsen… Joseph Joseph… Flos… Eva…new novelwishlist, compare, wooden, decoration, chair0
schaakboek.nlcollection… General… general opening books… novels… Opening books… software…biography, combination, endgame, chess, curiosity0
sun-analytics.nlZhe Sun is a Staff Machine Learning Engineer @ Meta. In his 13 years industry experience, he has delivered more than 20 products and projects, 10 AWS and Kubernetes certifications, a Kaggle expert with 1 gold and 1 silver medal. He…sun, aws, classification, medal, spark0
special-edition.nlHome… Books… Novels… Artbooks… Manga… Media… Music… Games… Gamecube…figure, plush, acrylic, bag, slayer0
hapmag.nl…real-life scenarios. Our force-feedback (kinesthetic) haptic device delivers true-to-life human touch sensations in mid-air without restricting the user's hand movement, providing a lifelike training experience that helps medical…haptic, mid, force, career, movement0

Mineke Schipper's books continue to be published in more and more languages. Most translated: Never Marry a Woman with Big Feet. Women in Proverbs from Around the World

book novel, novel literarywoman, foot, biography, bibliography, fiction0
bekwast.nl…prior knowledge about grills. I had to spend a significant amount of time searching online for additional guidance and tutorials. Fire Magic should really work on improving their instruction manual to cater to a wider range of customers.light novel, novel spinmagic, witch, magical, curse, pagan0
mangastore.nlThe webstore for all your English manga at the lowest prices of the Netherlands and Belgium!tail, fairy, vampire, death, knight0
erbium.nlThe Photonic Materials Group, led by Prof. Albert Polman , is a research group in the Center for Nanophotonics at AMOLF , a research laboratory of the Dutch Research Counsel NWO, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.publication, vacancy, theatre, microscopy, optical0
studio-stillae.nlIllustrations for grant applications, peer reviewed journals, new biotechnologies, experimental setups, et cetera..illustration, scientific, setup, journal, biotechnology0
deborahvanderschaaf.nlThirteen book covers for the famous Dutch Young Adult series ‘How to survive’/Hoe overleef ik’, by author Francine Oomen. Papercut illustrations. (some spines interact with neighbouring spines).adult novel, novel climatecover, illustration, mountain, paper, adult0
devriesvanstockum.nlAll nominated books deserve a place in the spotlights. This selection, therefore, includes the entire longlist. The first 6 titles have been shortlisted.miffy, orchestra, secret, magic, fiction0
nadievanwijk.nlFOTOGRAFIE… CONNECT… Groene…graphic novel, novel lightconnect, inktober, graphic, prompt0
thesplendid.nlGon might be a country boy, but he has high aspirations. Despite his Aunt Mito's protests, Gon decides to follow in his father's footsteps and become a legendary Hunter. The Hunter hopefuls begin their journey by storm-tossed…graphic novel, novel engels, novel nederlandssplendid, comics, graphic, dragon, prince0