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groupdecisionroom.nl…finishes may also be used in certain areas where a more subdued appearance is desired. The contractor should be able to recommend the best type of finish for a particular setting and explain why it is ideal for the specific conditions.wallcovering particular, particular variety, ideal particular, particular layer, important particularproperty, effective, leader, variety, money13
kannenkakkers.nlWith the best research and preparation, yow will discover a bride who is compatible with you and your way of life. If you are willing to take the time to search out the best particular person, a mail order bride could be the perfect match…life particular, particular date, willing particular, particular family, piety particularbride, relationship, woman, girl, lady12
rabbitdesign.nl…had already been made. In any case, no other sets ever used these wheels or tires, and the front narrow tire in particular is unique to this set. However, there were two more chances to get because this set was released before in 1998 astire particular, particular unique, stinger particular, particular rubber, year particularcurrency, instruction, technic, wheel, loader11
vrbapp.nlThere are an infinite number of online casinos that claim to offer you the very best real cash internet casino games, and though many of them have been in existence for quite some time, very few actually succeed in delivering on this…perform particular, particular cellular, dealership particular, particular set, games particularuncategorized, gambling, enterprise, money, totally11
wjongeneel.nl…connected through differential equations |1.2|. ‘‘Completing this triangle’’ turned out to be rather fruitful, in particular via Frobenius’ theorem . Brockett played a key role in bringing Lie theoretic methods to control theory, a nice…recently particular, particular roger, fruitful particular, particular frobenius, theory particulardynamical, linear, theory, manifold, function10
magrathea-tlc.nl…then the interpretation of the questions by the interviewee depends on their worldview and thereby not necessarily represent reality. The testing of the hypothesis may result in testing their particular worldviews or the common opinion.problem particular, particular problem, individual particular, particular conditional, cognition particularfirm, behavior, theory, hypothesis, phenomenon10
medievalbooks.nl…since many needed more than two books open at the same time, which produced clutter and frantic searches for particular information. Figure 1 shows the French author Christine de Pisan, who is often shown while working in her study (…order particular, particular letter, search particular, particular information, scribe particularmedieval, figure, library, fig, scribe10
arbitrationlaw.nlThere are several kinds of arbitration institutions, namely general institutes and institutes that have been founded with a particular specialization or for a certain market segment. Examples of specialized arbitration institutes are the…resolution particular, particular rule, regulation particular, particular tribunal, institute particulararbitration, law, dispute, agreement, rule9
jellereith.nlWhat does a unbreakable polaroid camera look like? That was the question I asked myself. While sketching some sturdy looking camera's I realised that the polaroid camera in particular shouldn't be indestructible, but that to printed photo…camera particular, particular indestructibleinstallation, satellite, sun, surrounding, artificial9
projectcside.nl…This analysis will describe how software systems can feature as objects, subjects, tools, or settings for particular kinds of cyber-criminal behaviour. Based on this conceptualisation, specific measures to secure software systems…setting particular, particular kindsecure, risk, ethics, behaviour, law9
arthur.nlextracted, combined, loaded with context and used for the benefit of any human-centric IoT device, system or service. So, this particular fragmentation can be seen as an enabler, as it democratises and distributes efforts, use and outcomes.service particular, particular fragmentation, play particular, particular use, spectrum particulartrust, dynamic, society, intelligence, ecosystem9
sneeuwbal-effect.nlThe last particular niche is everyday dream sports. This particular niche commonly obtains ignored by Search engine optimizations due to the fact that it comes under the bigger industry of sports wagering or wagering.website particular, particular niche, competition particular, currently particular, costly particularkeyword, engine, optimization, snowman, advertising8
astridessed.nlWhile sketching the context and diplomatic and political developments of the period, the article highlights in particular a multi-year “Village Files” project (1940–47) involving the systematic compilation of maps and intelligence for…article particular, particular multi, law particular, particular practice, policy particularpalestine, village, palestinians, cleansing, palestinian8
seofeeds.nlof the economy. If Google pays Apple billions to be the default search provider on iPhone any error in the AI on a particular topic will hit a whole lot of people on Android & Apple devices until the problem becomes a media issue & gets…thing particular, particular tactic, language particular, particular task, ai particularengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit7
lifestyle-generation.nlRecipient is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a…indirectly particular, particular reference, person particular, particular aspect, framework particularsubject, processing, generation, protection, shall6
nonplus.nl…sector. Bitcoin’s dominant position in the crypto-sphere may be eroding as other cryptocurrencies (stablecoins in particular) gain ground in “decentralised finance”, but bitcoin still functions as the reserve currency of crypto. A ban…asset particular, particular bad, stock particular, particular common, field particularregulation, asset, october, currency, central6
pinkstergemeente-enkhuizen.nl…of winning money drop precipitously. Couple of different methods hundreds of gaming sites out there and all of them aren’t created equally. For the reason, you’ll need to make particular you always play Pg slot at the best online casinos.select particular, particular type, reason particular, particular pg, slot particularhair, gambling, actually, thread, player6
robostofzuiger.nl…sociable, and you can effective. Both of us enjoys nice bodily have and in case intimate, I favor offering their particular normally step three orgasms thru dental and you may intercourse. Seems like the perfect bundle best? Incorrect. Ofintimate particular, particular normally, related particular, particular lack, immediately particularpaper, write, bride, guy, marriage6
martijnfoto.nl…surely, these these products products was was a a fashion fashion accessory accessory when when their their particular particular attraction attraction amplified amplified once once they they had had been been worn worn because…accessory particular, particular attraction, attractive particular, particular boot, addition particularmovie, cheap, ugg, buy, prescription6
nickys-beauty-and-nails.nl…of on-line matchmaking requires a eager eye. When a website throws too many glamorous photos with little substance in profiles, it’s time to be skeptical. An aggressive push on your private particulars should further raise suspicions.liver particular, particular food, substance particular, particular fruit, rice particulargambling, enterprise, establishment, player, bride6
margavanamersfoort.nlMast, letter to Bejarano regarding the inappropriate actions he took in connection with his responsibilities in Dow Corning’s Health and Environmental Sciences Laboratory; four animal studies; tissue taken from one particular animal and…man particular, particular physiologically, view particular, particular type, attention particulardow, corning, cite, exhibit, implant6
adesso.nlBusiness success is the result of innovative ideas, forward-looking strategies and perfectly tailored IT solutions that provide optimal support to companies as they face their own particular challenges. This always involves the…company particular, particular challenge, customer particular, particular businessperfectly, innovative, optimal, career, consulting5
medrecord.nl…might probably trigger cross response. Polyclonal antibodies are typically extra delicate, however are much less particular than monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies, then again, are typically extra particular however much less…non particular, particular binding, phosphor particular, particular antibody, delicate particularantibody, cell, elisa, protein, assay5
bsurarnhem.nl…perfectly along with existing hair fibers, developing the impression of denser hair protection. In this particular post, our experts’ll explore the globe of hair threads, checking out just how they operate, their restrictions andrecommendation particular, particular resource, pointer particular, particular short, suggestion particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal5
stichtingkinderenvandewereld.nlWelcome to the website of Stichting Kinderen van de Wereld. On this website you can find information and the history behind our projects. Stichting Kinderen van de Wereld applies itself to help children in developing countries - Nepal in…nepal particular, particular hopeshelter, hope, earthquake, rehabilitation, fund5
bdbulktransport.nlAfter its foundation in 2002, BD Bulktransport GmbH has grown into a professional service provider in the transport of foodstuffs. In particular, baker's flour is supplied both nationally and internationally.foodstuff particular, particular flour, particular bakerinternationally, flour, foodstuff, nationally, near5
bookbags.nlOur antique prints and maps.. From high-quality replicas to original museum-quality pieces: we have something for every budget and every purpose. Whether you are a looking for that particular antique print to complement your collection…purpose particular, particular antiquebag, antique, replica, simply, interior5
weerstation-denosse.nlsite. With a wide range of sports and betting options, a user-friendly interface, generous bonuses and promotions, and excellent customer service, it`s easy to see why 12Bet has become this particular type of popular choice among followers.bet particular, particular smartphone, easy particular, particular type, probability particulargambling, companion, weer, football, uncategorized5
anloup.nlFor many decades now, slot games have been very popular in online casinos. This is because slots do not only provide a bigger means of recreation towards players definitely can also allow the particular go home with plenty of money after…definitely particular, particular home, client particular, particular gamble, skilled particulargambling, uncategorized, money, player, win5
hpb-centrum-rotterdam.nlIn the HPB transplant center in Rotterdam we offer you the best options for treating liver, biliary tract or pancreatic disorders. Malignant diseases of these organs in particular, require a great deal of expertise and experience to…organ particular, particular greatliver, patient, transplant, consultation, organ5
imeinummer.nlIf you prefer not to be contacted for these particular offers, simply respond to this email.receipt particular, particular offer, long particularcaptcha, ip, regard, api, monkey5
jhellings.nl…To put our proposal in practice, we provide an efficient algorithm for evaluating context-free path queries , a particular powerful type of path queries, using the single-path semantics. Additionally, we perform a short evaluation of ourdiagram particular, particular query, constraints particular, particular applicable, query particularquery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally5
infinitely.nlcontinue providing INFINITELY has specialized in providing Web & Mobile Applications, complete solutions using Microsoft technology and Microsoft SharePoint in particular. INFINITELY does not stop at providing the software, but is…sharepoint particular, particular infinitelyactually, thorough, architecture, waterfall, analysis5
krebbekx-fotografie.nl…perfectly along with existing hair fibers, developing the impression of denser hair insurance coverage. In this particular post, our company’ll look into the globe of hair threads, looking into exactly how they function, their…kind particular, particular education, coverage particular, particular post, recommendation particularhair, thread, actually, bodyguard, uncategorized5
hbgames.nlWith a passion for (mobile) technology in general and gaming in particular, we seek out to create fun experiences or try to develop something fresh. We built our company on the success of WordOn, a multiplayer focused 7-letter word…gaming particular, particular funendeavour, afraid, interested, easily, quickly5
publiceyewassenaar.nl…When a shingle or two have blown off of, it’s less difficult for the blowing wind to acquire below the relax and blow them off also, 1-by-one particular. Repairing your roof structure immediately will minimize injury, saving you funds.series particular, particular suggest, selection particular, payment particular, particular houseroof, carpet, representative, contractor, repair5
mensenmeteenmissie.nl…to changing beliefs that lead to discrimination, exclusion and violence across the globe. Beliefs such as: men have more rights than women, one religion is better than another, or a person of a particular origin is worth more than others.person particular, particular originbelief, een, religion, violence, freedom5
restaurantgustavino.nlGustavino loves wine. Wine deriving from the most wonderful estates all over the world, and Italy in particular. That is why Gustavino has its own wine bar.italy particular, particular vist, particular gustavinowine, italy, estate, wonderful, suggestion5
midnightblue.nlMidnight Blue is a specialist security consultancy firm engaged in high-end security research with a particular focus on embedded systems in domains ranging from Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) to communications and security equipment.research particular, particular focusmidnight, firm, domain, vulnerability, physical5
godfatherof.nl…Services (AWS). So maybe SIDN will become AWSIDN... And although this would have some technical advantages - in particular switching from SIDN's somewhat out-of-date registration system to a new system developed together with its…habit particular, particular lot, permission particular, particular private, advantage particularlater, cwi, networking, bit, etc5
imason.nlWe focus on the development of talent and leadership, and we have particular expertise in the area of providing support for organizations in the HR aspects of outsourcing processes.leadership particular, particular expertise, need particular, particular hrleadership, direction, executive, personality, organizational5
nino-leiden.nlNINO initiates, supports, and conducts scholarly research in the civilizations of the Near East from the ancient to the early modern period. In particular, it focuses on the archaeology, history, languages, and cultures of Egypt, Levant…period particular, particular archaeologyeast, near, archaeology, civilization, persia5
wantij-apotheek.nl…threads use a quick and easy and also fast method to enhance peace of mind as well as enrich your look. In this particular greatest resource, our team’ll look into whatever you need to have to learn about hair threads, coming from just…idea particular, particular overview, appeal particular, particular great, look particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, uncategorized5
rieksopdenakker.nl…animals, rivers, and organizations also have. Gunkel claims that the phenomenon of AI, and social robots in particular, is disrupting our thinking frameworks. Where should we place the robot ontologically? Is the robot a thing or a…robot particular, particular think, scientist particular, particular virologists, organisation particularcausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical5
science4justice.nl…calling new expert witnesses after a trial has started. So the jury never had the benefit of this evidence. In particular, no defence experts testified regarding strong evidence of a differential diagnosis of infection in every case andhistory particular, particular statute, evidence particular, particular defence, experiment particularinsulin, evidence, blood, justice, peptide5
gemmashistorytours.nlWant a private guide discovering the history of Amsterdam? Gemma’s History Tours offers exclusive private tours in Amsterdam. The Golden Age is key to understanding Amsterdam, both past and present. Unique to Gemma’s tours is particular…tour particular, particular attentionwoman, century, canal, th, boat5
policyresearch.nlOUR APPROACH We solve complex strategic and organisational challenges for high-level decision makers, in particular in the area of content and process. Content and process are both equally treated by a systematic approach. This results in…maker particular, particular areaorganisational, strategic, implementation, career, decision5
mauritskorse.nlLogistics, and in particular ‘reverse logistics’ and ‘last mile’ are important elements in the circular economy. To keep materials at their highest quality, effective and efficient logistics flows are required. Highly meshed logistics and…design particular, particular level, logistics particular, particular reverse, object particulareconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste5
biologische-boeren.nleffortlessly along with existing hair fibers, generating the impression of denser hair insurance coverage. In this particular post, our company’ll look into the planet of hair threads, checking out exactly how they operate, their…idea particular, particular write, appeal particular, particular great, coverage particularhair, thread, actually, glass, fiber5
acropolis400.nl…slot club card. Playing the machine with your card inserted will permit casino to electronically track how much you have spent playing a particular machine, as well as Slot in the casino normally if require to move from machine to machine.electronically particular, particular machine, early particular, particular article, careful particularuncategorized, gambling, gambler, july, window4
vaguecountries.nlI collected more than a few game books for science fantasy elements to steal for use in Planet Karus. Not all of them I ended up actually using anything from, but they were all useful to skim, at the very least. These included, in no…prediction particular, particular space, skim particular, particular order, item particularplanet, ancient, session, cosmic, planetary4
agrocare.nlAgro Care is a young, dynamic greenhouse horticulture company where several varieties of tomatoes are grown, with a particular focus on vine tomatoes. With several branches in the Netherlands and Tunisia, Agro Care is one of the largest…tomato particular, particular focustomato, tunisia, partnership, grower, branch4
jolie-events.nlNon-fungible tokens serve as a medium of exhange within a particular ecosystem. And NFTs are playing a growing role in our societies.exhange particular, particular ecosystemexplore, luxury, yacht, events, exclusive4
acpartytime-schmink.nlworks in a genuine way on anyone can accept. It also keeps you updated i’m able to arrival of recent games in this particular field. One of the most thing about these internet casinos is presently there are easily you for most 24 months…genuine particular, particular web, scammer particular, particular site, game particularuncategorized, glass, gambling, february, money4
wei-mvo-adviesgroep.nl…to play but can’t stay regarding any chat, simply buy your tickets – the tickets will be daubed identical . present or and the fundamentals to see a full record later with the items happened the particular games which you can spare missed.hilarious particular, particular casino, item particular, particular gamerelationship, sugar, uncategorized, crucial, gambling4
thewildsite.nlEvert Doorn is a professional photographer with a hobby: photographing wildlife. Mainly African wildlife, and in particular big cats.wildlife particular, particular bigwildlife, mainly, african, photographer, cat4
doping.nlHereafter in January 2019 the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recovered the internal database of the Moscow Laboratory (LIMS). Following investigation of allegations of organized doping practices, and in particular of the LIMS, WADA…right particular, particular athlete, practice particular, particular limsathlete, violation, rule, substance, arbitrator4
janpronk.nl…Indonesia, of which we became the chair. Most people agreed that Dutch development aid, which in itself was a new instrument of foreign policy, was given in particular to our former colony, Indonesia. Bygones were bygones, in all respects.policy particular, particular colony, support particular, particular group, asia particularindonesia, council, relation, sudan, political4
onart.nl(ON ART) is a particular airbrush art and specifically 3D street art painting ,. We are focused on delivering creative art and modern ideas by using3D graphic art in internal and external decoration, And to open up new alternatives and…art particular, particular airbrushpainting, street, illusion, piece, viewer4
noise2sig.nl…of the dykes, more stinging nettles than elsewhere on my ride, the fields just so, the villages with their own particular rhythm, the roof shapes and road textures. As hard to describe as my beloved’s face, because it’s baseline, not…prayer particular, particular subset, pillar particular, particular kind, village particularride, rosary, road, tree, bike4
marpower-experience.nlThe Eekels Technology Business Unit eXperience develops and supplies AV-IT-Security-Communication and Lighting solutions on board, in particular luxury Superyachts, Passenger, Marine and Offshore Ships. We market these systems under the…board particular, particular luxurylighting, yacht, ship, luxury, superyacht4
musicmattersatrug.nl…DE) and the University of Groningen (NL). His research focuses on urban electronic dance music scenes, with a particular focus on affect, intimacy, stranger-sociability, embodiment, sexuality, creative industries and musical migration.map particular, particular sound, economy particular, particular cultural, matter particularmatter, uncategorized, memory, electronic, dance4
jamin-hoofddorp.nl…to mix flawlessly along with existing hair fibers, making the impression of denser hair protection. In this particular write-up, our team’ll look into the planet of hair threads, looking into exactly how they operate, their…land particular, particular thickness, padlock particular, particular short, look particularhair, actually, thread, uncategorized, fiber4
onk.nlTheir intimacy and vulnerability thrive with the exclusive attention they receive at a specialized art fair. Art fairs that are focused on one particular medium such as paper, are appreciated globally by many galleries and a mainly…fair particular, particular medium, portrait particular, particular emailenterprise, exhibition, publication, catalog, paper4
latourbewaking.nl…flawlessly along with existing hair fibers, developing the impression of denser hair protection. In this particular post, our team’ll look into the globe of hair threads, checking out just how they function, their restrictions andcoverage particular, particular short, protection particular, particular post, look particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal4
lexintegra.nl…labour law, including personnel regulations applicable to the Dutch Armed Forces. We can also provide advice on Dutch administrative legal procedures in general and the military penal code in particular. Please click here for more details.code particular, particular detail, procedure particular, particular available, seminar particularcomplaint, conference, governmental, law, committee4
awesomeit.nlIn this lecture, experts from Geodan will explain the concepts of Location Intelligence and Digital Twins. Location Intelligence in general, and Digital Twin models in particular, have proven to be unique instruments to help solve many…field particular, particular task, model particular, particular uniquetalk, patient, clinical, domain, awesome4
eyeforce.nlEyeforce is an award-winning video production company with offices in Amsterdam and Cape Town, with a particular affinity for sports, adventure, travel and human stories.town particular, particular affinitycape, town, adventure, photographer, affinity4
fresh-forward.nlFresh Forward is one of Northern Europe's premier experts in the field of fruit breeding, with a particular passion for strawberries.breed particular, particular passionstrawberry, variety, season, northern, licensing4
linkopedia.nlDobry Piesek / The Investment Group Dobry Piesek is particular interested in investing in the entertainment industry such as online casinos. If you are looking for a professional investment company, Dobry Piesek woud be your best fitpiesek particular, particular interested, linkpedia particular, particular kindwebpage, gambling, popular, player, engine4
zachtewereld.nl…as a photographer and oil painter she works mainly in textiles. The central theme in her work is sensitivity, particular seen from a female perspective, with exciting combinations of textile materials, the timeless character, between…sensitivity particular, particular femaletextile, embroidery, photographer, oil, vibrant4
sewingalacarte.nlI came across Sew Photo Hop 2016 on instagram . Sew Photo Hop is a challenge for everybody and open for everybody around the world. Rachel of the House of Pinheiro is hosting this event. Sew Photo Hop is about connecting and inspiring…look particular, particular order, preference particular, people particular, particular sewingclothes, pattern, fabric, sewing, dress4
cta-toolbox.nlCTA stands for Constructive Technology Assessment. Constructive technology assessment describes a particular form of technology assessment where challenges and uses of new technologies and innovations are anticipated and the results of…student particular, particular project, assessment particular, particular form, information particularresearcher, socio, analysis, societal, suitable4
meijerstuc.nl…the years in advance? EarningsNike isn't very resting on it is laurels. Inside 2014, South america will host the particular FIFA World Glass and Nike will be sponsoring the web host nation, which includes won one of the most quantity of…area particular, particular video, laugh particular, particular turtle, attribute particularwomen, inside, uk, run, grey4
nardosbouw.nlA leading producer of wooden windows, doors and garage doors. Sales and installation of doors and industrial walls. Renovation and construction services throughout Europe, in particular the Netherlands.europe particular, particular netherlandsdoor, window, wooden, renovation, industrial4
happy-best.nlDo not believe that slots are programmed having a set of patterns or sequence of spins. A lot of the players feel that they can defeat slots through careful and keen study of the patters. This particular never be true. All spins and…week particular, particular week, account particular, particular opening, unique particulargambling, money, win, estate, february4
vanbrecht.nlYou can use this text block to enter er description of the skills you possess within this particular service and the value it can provide to your potential customer.skills particular, particular servicecatalogue, description, block, request, potential4
destalonline.nl…online. Playing free competitions can be fun, but playing free online slots is even more beneficial. In this particular section, we’ll go over some online slot details, such as types of slots too few tips that probably will make your…hilarious particular, particular casino, item particular, particular game, beneficial particularuncategorized, january, february, player, gambling4
bram-coppens.nl…the truth and what we percieve is true. We can use our senses to access a phenomenon that is happening on a particular moment and therefore access the truth on that moment. This definition excludes the fact that a being is not alwaysphenomenon particular, particular moment, consequence particular, particular market, successful particulartruth, think, society, fact, critique4
k7team.nlk7 is a software consultancy experienced in Apple platforms software development with particular focus on accessibility. Our team includes Apple Certified Trainers and FileMaker Certified Developers.development particular, particular focusaccessibility, certified, consulting4
runn.nlRUNN Records specializes in quality black music and reggae in particular. RUNN Records initially started as the Cool Runnings black music shop owned by Guido.reggae particular, particular runninitially, running, brother, feat, brown4
karsmakers.nlAccessory: A program on an Atari computer, that loads upon booting and then remains in memory. In the case of my particular accessory, it remains invisible until a user-configurable number of minutes have passed, after which it will pop…case particular, particular accessory, question particular, particular charger, department particularthink, universe, atari, answer, episode4
albertvanabbe.nl…selves, a single indivisible reality. On the horizon, van Abbe continues to experiment with various formats, in particular with shifts in the live music and events industry. Further A/V projects, installations and reactive light works…format particular, particular shiftaudiovisual, speedy, collaboration, visual, installation4
ideetron.nlIdeetron specializes in devising and implementing smart solutions, in particular in electronics design, RF connectivity such as LoRa and BLE. %solution particular, particular electronicrf, electronic, connectivity, ble, reverse4
artchemistry.nl‘Dear art lover, I like to welcome you on this website! I’m Wim van Ginkel, founder of ArtChemistry and a passionate art lover, in particular contemporary art.lover particular, particular contemporarychemistry, lover, dear, founder, contemporary4
rwc-watches.nlRotterdams Watch Company is a preowned particular shop at Netherlands. Rotterdams Watch Company is a general grasped dealer who focus on offering vintage watches to their clientspreowned particular, particular shopwatch, grasp, timepiece, chronograph, exceptional4
mrplagiarist.nlEvaluative writing refers to the process of critically analyzing and assessing a particular subject, such as a book, a movie, an argument, or a piece of artwork. It involves forming opinions, making judgments, and providing evidence to…focus particular, particular character, critically particular, particular subject, judgment particularwrite, translation, equivalence, literature, fanfiction4
albertvandersel.nland in particular give rise for inelastic collisions. However, high-energetic decays can occur.particular element, particular missilenuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device4
fynk.nlFynk Legal B.V. is a boutique law firm specialised in debt finance. We draft and negotiate finance documents and advise in particular borrowers.document particular, particular borrowerfirm, law, borrower, debt4
arsenalautomotive.nlsolely and specifically developed for a particular model for a sustainable futurespecifically particular, particular modelbespoke, demand, specifically, alloy, solely3
jkmconsultancy.nl…on fixed assets are in that case excluded from the calculations). These investments should contribute in particular to the longer term health of the clubs, i.e bigger capacity, home grown players rather than paying high transfer…fee particular, particular surveillance, chance particular, particular occasion, investment particularplayer, far, rule, medal, america3
emmagoetheer.nl…prevents me from losing myself in a certain aspect of my design and blindly performing tasks that lead nowhere in particular. Instead I have a clear vision and know what actions are needed to ensure progress in my project. It makes me a…task particular, particular instead, appearance particular, particular skillindustrial, showcase, aesthetic, final, dementia3
puff-commerce.nlRight to object; The data subject shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her, including profiling based on those provisions. PC…ground particular, particular situation, agreement particular, particular obligationshall, agreement, supplier, obligation, purpose3
diepte-meditatie-cursus.nl…can easily aid change the structure of great, slim hair as well as generate the look of fuller padlocks. In this particular short article, our experts’ll look into just how hair threads job as well as exactly how they could be utilized toexperience particular, particular big, hair particular, particular place, padlock particularactually, hair, chain, uncategorized, silver3
kantoortehuuralkmaar.nl…for those experiencing loss of hair. Through observing the approaches and also recommendations laid out in this particular post, you may accomplish ideal outcomes as well as appreciate the appeal of fuller, more thick hair along with…hair particular, particular write, recommendation particular, particular post, look particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal3
rechtshistorie.nl, libraries and archives. The image of aspects of law and legal matters, and the representation of law and justice is the subject of a special discipline, legal iconography, mentioned here in particular in the context of digital…iconography particular, particular context, solution particular, particular law, section particularlaw, gateway, archive, library, medieval3
trendforum.nlThe company Pantone annually declares a particular colour as Colour of the Year. This year it will be Emerald. Companies like Puma, Lufthansa, Starbuck’s, Prada, Milka or BIC use these colours for ...neurologically particular, particular skill, epiphany particular, particular talent, annually particulareconomic, society, woman, interesting, christianity3
netwerkprogramma.nlcities and states the trade comes. In the modern world, the issues are more complex. Technological developments in particular are unstoppable. We become more aware of our impact without being able to foresee the consequences. This raises…framework particular, particular issue, general particular, particular small, development particularhumanity, origin, framework, universe, perspective3
mylifewithbeer.nlmeeting the most basic quality requirements. Also when looking at basic (sensory) testing many fall short badly. It also raises questions on a brewery’s ability to identify and recall a particular batch of beer if a serious incident occurs.lover particular, particular carbon, particular involvement, ability particular, particular batchbrewery, brewer, brew, reply, raw3
geselecteerde-winnaar.nlPersonal data, which may be collected during your visit to our site, and relating in particular to data volumes, data on location and time, IP addresses and other communications-related information, which is made available by the computer…site particular, particular data, reason particular, particular situationprotection, processing, declaration, purpose, provision3
skew.nl…several markings are found to indicate 5 and 10cm distances for easily perceived correct spacing/?. For series of particular stirrup shapes and sizes, the systems range of coloured markers can be utilized, for quickly identifying stirrups…traditionally particular, particular stirrup, series particular, process particular, particular elementskew, jig, assembly, reinforcement, stirrup3
scheres-nijmegen.nl…of losing wealth. These slot games are more beneficial than those in specific world. That isn’t evolution the particular world of technology deals are going to slots are incredibly possible inside virtual reality and one of the most…evolution particular, particular world, prize particular, particular odd, overall particularuncategorized, money, february, player, gambling3
beatevolker.nlSocial inequality in all types of resources is a major research problem in sociology. It is assumed that inequality in particular forms of capital, such as human capital or financial capital, brings about inequality in social capital and…space particular, particular new, inequality particular, particular form, opportunity particularsociety, structure, neighborhood, note, friendship3
daanakkerman.nlThat the earth orbits in large circles in the universe, that the sun and the stars do not revolve around the earth, but that the earth follows a particular trajectory through the universe, by assuming this and by possessing this…era particular, particular pisces, age particular, particular date, earth particularearth, calendar, fact, session, mankind3
wolfs-design.nl…effortlessly along with existing hair fibers, making the impression of denser hair insurance coverage. In this particular post, our company’ll look into the globe of hair threads, looking into exactly how they operate, their limits and…hair particular, particular region, appeal particular, particular supreme, coverage particularhair, thread, actually, uncategorized, appeal3
vodwageningen.nlPersons who are staying in the women’s shelter because of human trafficking, honour-related violence or domestic violence and who have a residence status that would normally not entitle them to social benefits. This includes women with a…woman particular, particular privilegeresidence, undocumented, permit, police, valid3
remcovanbladel.nlStudio Remco van Bladel designed the graphic identity for two editions of In No Particular Order. The exhibitions presented a selection of work by about 30 promising designers active in the fields of design, architecture, and digital…particular order, edition particularidentity, exhibition, biennale, graphic, grant3
flowsplatform.nlClimate change and inland shipping Effects of climate change on inland navigation, in particular extreme low and high water levels of the Rhinenourishment particular, particular positive, myanmar particular, particular perception, navigation particularthesis, flood, paper, report, january3
niekvanderzande.nlPurpose of the exercise on that particular day was to practice sling load operations between the army’s ground team and the navy’s helicopter crew. In order to do so, a Super Lynx traveled the short distance from Nordholz Naval Air…exercise particular, particular day, pacific particular, particular airframehelicopter, aviation, squadron, exercise, aircraft3
bakfiets-en-meer.nlThe Gr8 is the “I don’t need to carry 3 kids, 50kg of cargo or whatever” variation of the iconic Fr8. It’s lighter, more nimble yet still highly versatile and sturdy. This particular example is equipped with a Nexus 8sp hub and Magura…sturdy particular, particular examplebike, brake, normally, carrier, rear3
stadstvbreda.nlPlay the Limit on Progressive Devices. Progressive jackpot machines usually gives out their huge jackpots only when the player has played the particular number of coins on the winning spin and rewrite. One of essentially the most…player particular, particular number, interested particular, particular fast, factor particularuncategorized, gambling, player, money, january3
surferboypizza.nlSurprisingly, .ai is a country code level domain and wasn’t specifically created with artificial intelligence in mind. So, what country are .ai domains from? This particular country extension is in use by those who live in Anguilla, in…domain particular, particular country, address particular, particular web, particular machinedomain, subdomain, ip, boy, registration3
mariacarlier.nlTo end up being a bodyguard there are several need which one has to meet to enter into this task. There are several kinds of bodyguards, and also for each of those kinds you require to have some particular education and learning, health…experience particular, particular big, kind particular, particular education, rate particularbodyguard, uncategorized, actually, august, defense3
landrover-service.nl…for those experiencing loss of hair. Through complying with the strategies as well as ideas laid out in this particular short article, you may accomplish superior outcomes and also take pleasure in the look of fuller, more thick hair…look particular, particular utmost, method particular, particular overview, idea particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, uncategorized3
adynenetherlands.nlObject to processing of Your Personal Data. This right exists where We are relying on a legitimate interest as the legal basis for Our processing and there is something about Your particular situation, which makes You want to object to…processing particular, particular provision, particular situation, indirectly particular, particular consumercultural, integration, migration, purpose, understand3
starfighters.nl…of young stars, and possess intense magnetic activity, as well as bipolar jets. The FUor and EXor represent particular categories of T Tauri, characterized by sudden and conspicuous changes of their own luminosity and of the spectralcloud particular, particular type, gas particular, particular emission, exor particularformation, collapse, matter, mass, interstellar3
anneke-rappange.nl…for those experiencing loss of hair. Through adhering to the methods and also suggestions laid out in this particular post, you can easily accomplish superior end results and also delight in the look of fuller, more thick hair alongappeal particular, particular great, suggestion particular, particular post, idea particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, organic3
bretox.nlBReTox is your contact for questions relating to the registration and toxicology of chemicals, in particular plant protection products and biocides. BReTox has been founded by Christel Verberk in 2014. With over 20 years of experience in…chemical particular, particular planttoxicology, registration, protection, preparation, chemical3
secarbeidsrecht.nlI recommend Sec and Charlotte in particular as her legal support was very professional and reactive.I appreciated a lot having a solid attorney who was always responsive, explained all the details I was not sure about, and just overall…charlotte particular, particular legal, resourceful particular, particular caseemployment, lawyer, settlement, highly, law3
parfum-online-bestellen.nlThe exchange provides you with a platform that matches your trades with open orders from other users of our services at your direction. Users are not able to predetermine a trade with a particular user or with a particular account…trade particular, particular user, user particular, particular accounttrade, investment, exchange, appropriate, solely3
jenaplein.nl…for those experiencing loss of hair. Through adhering to the approaches as well as ideas summarized in this particular short article, you may obtain optimum outcomes and also delight in the appeal of fuller, more thick hair along…recommendation particular, particular write, look particular, particular good, idea particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, glass3
falconsult.nlHighly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) are of particular concern due to the severe adverse effects they can cause to human health and the environment. For that reason, their regulation and use receive particular attention from national…year particular, particular expertise, pesticide particular, particular focus, hhp particularder, coverage, geographic, regulation, hhp3
i4hi.nl…the existing sector and technical expertise in order to take the company to the next level. i4hi support, in particular during the first phase of participation, is mostly structured through management participation of one of the i4hi…support particular, particular phase, market particular, particular street, asia particularstake, strategic, investment, growth, investor3
saskiadegroot.nl…the IJssel river and around the Lebuïnus church. A wonderful afternoon with the consistory of the Protestant Community of Nederhorst den Berg. It is wonderful to guide Dutch groups with their particular interests, questions and attention!group particular, particular interest, entree particular, particular nationalwalk, bike, draw, friday, wonderful3
oosterhuis.nlI identified the constituting components of the Maison Particulière and allowed each component to travel in 3d space confined to their X-, Y- and Z-axes, as to come together in that one particular configuration of the Maison Particulière…word particular, particular species, paper particular, particular aspect, axis particulararchitecture, interactive, faculty, swarm, uncategorized3
studiomakkinkbey.nlBruijn to be one of them. Central question: How can an integrated chain of well-being, housing and care be translated in an urban planning context and in the layout of spaces in the building. And for the Bartholomeus Gasthuis in particular?water particular, particular attention, interaction particular, particular waybey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior3
johanvanbreukelen.nlEsports betting has become increasingly popular in recent years, with involving people around the world placing bets on their favorite teams and players. But why will we bet on esports, and how can we control this behavior? In this…behavior particular, particular article, probability particular, particular outcome, possibility particularlondon, player, odd, kingston, uncategorized3
vanpeltconsulting.nlDetermine the workflow, equipment needs, organizational changes and data needs for a particular process ….need particular, particular processgraphic, modeling, consulting, visual, output3
aurora.nlAurora also currently contributes to most operational astronomy missions and in particular we have a strong support tomission particular, particular strong, planning particular, particular medium, programme particularscientific, vacancy, operation, earth, domain3
coffeeshopstaking.nlGlobally well tolerated, CBD could nevertheless cause adverse effects in some consumers in particular cases, especially at very high doses. A 2020 study conducted on mouses reveals that the side effects of CBD are more important when the…consumer particular, particular case, likely particularmarijuana, jenkins, oil, weed, february3
crystalhorizons.nlI’m beginning to think that a lot of people, young people in particular, live on another planet and are unaware …people particular, particular planet, man particular, particular womancrystal, mother, france, mouth, society3
issblog.nl…the traditional power imbalances between an owner and worker, but also gender imbalances. Digital initiatives, in particular, can be used to counter gender-based discrimination and violence at work, including in the case of garment factorypeople particular, particular wps, initiative particular, particular gender, museum particularbliss, humanitarian, october, war, conference3
electroworldevenhuisenamerika.nl…can easily aid change the appearance of great, slim hair and also develop the appeal of fuller hairs. In this particular short article, our team’ll look into just how hair threads job as well as exactly how they may be made use of to…word particular, particular people, hair particular, particular location, particular shorthair, actually, thread, glass, protection3
sjoerdlangkemper.nl…side-channel attacks have been published on compressed HTTPS connections: the CRIME, TIME, BREACH and HEIST vulnerabilities. This post describes how compression side-channel attacks work in general and what these attacks do in particular.object particular, particular state, method particular, particular order, file particularheader, attack, request, vulnerability, csrf3
monumentengemeenten.nl…sometimes inappropriate at the local level, and because the national government sometimes proposes solutions that do not work as well at the local level, the Federation’s members also, when necessary, jointly lobby for particular issues.jointly particular, particular issue, guidelines particular, particular type, monument particularsummary, heritage, municipality, building, historical3
ricenroll.nlAs part of team building with colleagues, lunch can not be missed out. Rice 'n Roll immediately appealed to us! The food was very tasty, in particular the fresh rice rolls. It is a thing that is still being discussed till today! The rice…tasty particular, particular freshroll, rice, tasty, sauce, fish3
angstgids.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple...proud particular, particular wordpresssiteground, resource, uncategorized, installation, multiple3
evelientonkens.nlAccording to politics and the media, immigration and individualization are driving citizens apart but in neighbourhoods social life is often thriving, depending on the talents of particular citizens or the inventiveness of local…author particular, particular attention, talent particular, particular citizencitizenship, scientific, publication, democracy, welfare2
vanparreren.nlSiteGround experts not only develop various solutions for WordPress sites, but also create unique designs that you could download for free. SiteGround WordPress themes are easy to customize for the particular use of the webmaster.proud particular, particular wordpress, easy particular, particular usesiteground, resource, wp, installation, uncategorized2
meindertsmaservie.nlChurch is based on the Word of God , of which God-triune , in particular the Lord Jesus Christ , is the core. But as God’s Word by the Holy Spirit is affecting us and we get a relation with Christ, we confess:triune particular, particular lord, rightly particular, particular orderlytopic, commandment, christ, lord, catechism2
praefator.nlThe first thing I want to touch up in this follow up post, is the way some members of staff have been communicating as of late. I don’t find it fitting of an open, welcoming server to be grilled about their particular building style or…observation particular, particular topic, server particular, particular buildreply, player, town, road, government2
lessen-project.nland emulate the performance of, large teacher models. In this project you will develop methods that utilize data beyond the particular dataset (i.e., meta-learning techniques) to improve the efficiency of neural architecture search methods.datum particular, particular dataset, relevant particular, particular stakeholderphd, conversational, domain, base, efficient2
brightsignnetwork.nl…be prompted to read and agree to be bound and you will accept the provision of the Terms. In addition, when using particular BrightSign owned or operated services, you and BrightSign shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules…addition particular, particular brightsign, fitness particular, particular purposelimitation, law, liability, supplier, fee2
featuredmag.nlAnd yes, I agree that here in The Netherlands, hormonal birth control is often prescribed as a cure all for all womb related issues, and that that is maybe not the best way to go. Also, there’s a strong focus on particular kinds of…focus particular, particular kind, somebody particular, particular situation, pill particularaugust, july, january, february, october2
lotusesprit.nl…a slightly different design, it may well be that for the S4s the volumetric efficiency is indeed higher in that particular range, but this is not the case with the S4. I restored the VE table in chip #3 to the standard S4 one and now thecause particular, particular issue, high particular, particular rangeendif, vml, british, engine, speedometer2
peterpetersenschool.nlToday we now two varieties of poker games, one that is played these days since centuries now, one particular that had found its place on this planet only before. In poker, 5 cards are utilized for the golf game. The players have to bet on…largely particular, particular car, kit particular, century particular, particular placeuncategorized, gambling, player, money, gambler2
dannyvanheumen.nlTue, Mar 1, 2022 ❝Understanding the role of simplicity in object design (Object-Oriented Programming)❞ A few years ago, I looked into Object Oriented Programming and in particular object orientation – the paradigm – in a series of…environment particular, particular case, programming particular, particular objectrevolution, advancement, industrial, resource, device2
veg-apeldoorn.nl…successful. This demonstrates that you have been focusing because it shows that you have actually seen something particular about the female. It is essential to be genuine in your technique rather than utilizing standard pick-up lines…desire particular, particular request, actually particular, particular femalelondon, dynamic, captivate, fascinating, connection2
rcsg.nlThe Rijswijk Centre for Sustainable Geo energy (RCSG) is a unique open innovation lab for improving geo-energy technologies to accelerate the energy transition. There is a particular focus on geothermal energy, an increasingly important…transition particular, particular focusdrilling, facility, transition, heat, lab2
a9spaarnetaxi.nlOur drivers are aware a flight number is more than a combination of figures and letters. They know the amount of time you need to check in for particular flights. They remember ...>time particular, particular flightflight, executive, complaint, combination, aware2
labanfoods.nlLaBan Foods is your ideal partner if you wish to lend a product your own particular twist...product particular, particular twistbutter, packaging, rectangular, round, portion2
locksmithrotterdam.nl…professional mechanics, so it does not matter what type of lock it is. If you want to know whether we can solve a particular problem for you, you can check out the site which services we offer. Then please contact us. We like to help you…lock particular, particular problem, safe particular, particular locklock, locksmith, emergency, protection, prevention2
fanitheidehiem.nlHere on this website you will find general information about our beautiful Dutch breed the Stabijhoun. Of course, in particular our own dogs. They are fine house dogs with hunting passion and a great 'Will to please’.course particular, particular dogdog, slideshow, responsible, hunt, conversation2
fransvonderdunk.nl…space policy, international cooperation in space, national space law, privatization of space activities, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) (in particular Galileo), satellite communications, radio astronomy, and earth observation.study particular, particular context, gnss particular, particular galileolaw, stack, dunk, der, hole2
kwekerijroobeek.nlNursery Roobeek is specialized in growing various types of conifers. In particular bulbous-, dwarf-, and hedge conifers in all different shapes and sizes. Nursery Roobeek is a work center. This means that a large number of the employees…conifers particular, particular hedgenursery, conifers, flexible, reference, shape2
bplusb.nlWe believe in craftsmanship. That’s how we create distinct, uncluttered compositions. Poetically clear. Pairing remarkable ideas with good design and particular attention to detail and material. As our answer to today’s challenges.true particular, particular context, design particular, particular attentionlandscape, nike, cultural, clarity, role2
melunaresearch.nlAs an extension of photonics, biophotonics covers research in the interaction between light and biological matter, with particular regard to the ultra-weak photon emission (UPE) that is endoge­nously produced in cells, organs and…matter particular, particular regard, information particular, particular respectphoton, emission, collaboration, measurement, medicine2
rtjacobs.nl…Admittedly most of the bird photos you see are from Hope park, a park in Keswick near Derwent water and more in particular a bird hide in that park (fyi: this was a sort of 'reversed' bird hide, with the birds ín the bird hide coming formountain particular, particular bietschhorn, water particular, particular birdperiod, screen, lake, weather, february2
bedruktemagneten.nl14.1 The Customer must inspect the Items purchased or have them inspected upon delivery or as soon as possible afterwards. In doing so, the Customer must check in particular whether the Items delivered comply with the contract, namely:right particular, particular case, customer particular, particular itemshall, magnetic, quantity, flexible, payment2
akesson.nl…for telemetry-based performance engineering that can be used to address a number of performance challenges. In particular, I explained how it could be used to check whether the system implementation conforms to a UML specification, bothchallenge particular, particular system, node particular, particular variantesi, physical, complexity, thesis, methodology2
stokhos.nlWe will give a live demonstration of our Seconds Application at a location of your choosing, including statistics about what our products can do for you. Contact us and have us tell you in person what we can do to fulfil your particular…person particular, particular coverage, feature particular, particular featurecoverage, career, region, vehicle, curious2
dutchaudioclassics.nlThe Philips Reference Series LHH 1000 is now the standard by which other compact disc players will be measured. Other companies may claim state-of-the-art technology but the world's most particular audiophiles-Philips engineers-have…world particular, particular audiophilemarantz, player, crown, amplifier, early2
drukkerij-kopa.nlBooks are here! I've checked one copy and it's perfect. Please thanks everyone at Kopa for this good work! And thanks again for your patience on this particular project.foil particular, particular amazing, patience particular, particular projectdear, copy, amazing, publication, patience2
amivedi.nlSearch for the found pet with the aid of our search function. Search in the small selection of recently lost pets, select a particular animal species or use the extensive search option showing all missing pets in our database.pet particular, particular animalanimal, dog, aid, cat, appropriate2
siliconesandmoldings.nlWe require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons: Internal record keeping; We may use the information to improve our products and services; We may…service particular, particular follow, traffic particular, particular sitesilicone, alginate, cheap, molding, unable2
placesdemo.nlProteo Food is an Italian business that offer quality agricultural products such as olive oil, wine and pasta. We ensure the PDO and PGI certification schemes on all our products to ensure that only products genuinely originating in the…genuinely particular, particular regionitalian, oil, philosophy, wine, seller2
avantadvocaten.nl…Avant Advocaten if you have any need for their services. They will help you with what you need and also adapt to any particular of your case. I am very happy I decided to have them help in my case and will do it again in case of need.service particular, particular casehighly, government, grateful, landlord, firm2
solvware.nlA Solvware team is not cast in stone. That’s because your particular issue is the determining factor for how it’s made up. The starting point is what you are looking for, not what happens to be possible. Irrespective of whether it…direction particular, particular market, stone particular, particular issueautomation, progress, digitalisation, efficiency, effectiveness2
coinbv.nl…and telephony should disaster strike. COIN aims to offer every company, from SMEs through to multinationals and from commercial to government, a tailored and affordable solution that addresses their particular preferences and needs.solution particular, particular preference, like particular, particular importantrecovery, continuity, disaster, telephone, broad2
relay.nl…it into the most advanced solutions. They are always up to date on the latest developments and determine the best possible configuration for your particular platform, always striving towards a perfect synergy between software and hosting.independent particular, particular cloud, configuration particular, particular platforminfrastructure, landscape, traffic, solid, implementation2
kliniekvanderveen.nl…of poker, baccarat, and even slot machines and live dealer roulette. Whatever games a person are find from a casino, you’re able be particular you will be able to uncover it on some from the largest internet gambling websites yesterday.money particular, particular casino, able particular, particular ableuncategorized, gambling, july, player, money2
molenadriaan.nlOn the 1st floor, visitors can watch videos about windmills in general, and the Adriaan windmill in particular.windmill, volunteer, hospitality, guide, reception2
margeli.nlMargeli guarantees the reliability of its translations, because they come from a thorough linguistic knowledge of and experience with the culture of the British and American English-speaking world in particular.translation, interpret, creativity, linguistic, apply2
nutric.nl…the different states within the graph. If the user wants to see only his proteins graph, he can switch off the other graphs by clicking on the proteins bar. This way the user can get a more detailed insight in just one particular nutrient.energy particular, particular performance, insight particular, particular nutrientnutrient, recommendation, healthy, target, interesting2
wildventures.nl…whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or course of performance. Wild Ventures its subsidiaries, affiliates, and its licensors…fitness particular, particular purpose, available particular, particular timesubscription, fee, law, cycle, purchase2
memorial4045kapelle.nlSince 2021 Memorial 40-45 Kapelle has been telling quite a remarkable history about the French in particular how they influenced this period with their armed forces. They also tell the story of the inhabitants of Kapelle during the…french particular, particular period, comment particular, particular subjectvisitor, donation, sponsorship, french, force2
meerveldosteopathie.nlAfter each treatment it is a good idea to walk for 5-10 minutes before getting in your car. Walking will help your body settle into its new balance. Traffic can be stressful, and depending upon your particular situation, may cause your…stressful particular, particular situationtreatment, osteopath, osteopathy, patient, tissue2
tombremerkamp.nlBranding for Commissie Mijnals, a shadow organization of the KNVB (Dutch football federation) battling racism in sports, and football in particular.direction, campaign, bike, football, partnership2
thepuppeteer.nlThink about Particular Totally free Chip Bonuses To own Pacific Spins Local casino?gambling, percent, loan, totally, revolve2
missing-pieces.nlSiteGround experts not only develop various solutions for WordPress sites, but also create unique designs that you could download for free. SiteGround WordPress themes are easy to customize for the particular use of the webmaster.proud particular, particular wordpress, easy particular, particular usesiteground, resource, july, wp, installation2
ihaas.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpress, easy particular, particular usesiteground, resource, august, wp, installation2
jkatzy.nl…languages. Despite the ability of these models to learn from multiple languages, evaluations typically focus on particular combinations of the same languages. In this study, we evaluate the similarity of programming languages by…typically particular, particular combinationevaluation, programming, license, study, finding2
h2oprofessionals.nlGiotto’s paintings on the contrary, have not only as much power of appealing to the tactile imagination as is possessed by the objects represented human figures in particular but actually more, with the necessary resultfigure particular, particular actuallyprior, satisfaction, figure, demand, imperative2
kencie.nlSwans is a dynamic network of dedicated legal consultants. Through Green Swans we are able to scale up and meet the demands of clients, whether for a certain period or on a structural basis depending on the particular needs and preferences.solution particular, particular need, basis particularlaw, swan, fund, firm, derivative2
wdcreations.nlSiteGround experts not only develop various solutions for WordPress sites, but also create unique designs that you could download for free. SiteGround WordPress themes are easy to customize for the particular use of the webmaster.proud particular, particular wordpress, easy particular, particular usesiteground, alive, possibility, resource, naar2
accretio-im.nlIf all your company needs is someone to successfully oversee a particular project from start to finish, Accretio can also provide this service. While doing so, we will ensure that the right contractors are working together toward a common…successfully particular, particular project, product particularpersonnel, interest, vegetable, seed, function2
sprey.nlPending the permits transport has to be organised and that is also not easy. Many transport companies, shipping lines in particular, don’t like waste on board their vessels. Most simply refuse all waste and by doing so they make it even…line particular, particular wastewaste, disposal, hazardous, convention, authority2
brain-tonic.nlevidence suggests that humans are able to modulate executive functioning via dietary intake and choline is proving to be a particular isolated nutrient of interest among researchers [3]. Choline supplementation during pregnancy may…swimming particular, particular brain, choline particular, particular nutrientbrain, gpc, choline, study, cognitive2
jperez.nlType systems for concurrency ( in particular, session types ) and their logical foundations .concurrency particular, particular process, particular sessionpublication, teach, concurrency, report, abuse2
liberidu.nlIn order to be a translator or an interpreter, you need something more than a database with words; you need to know about your subject matter, to have the social and cultural background information and to know the particulars of the area…information particular, particular area, netherlands particular, particular mattertranslator, greek, translation, greece, official2
lambdaphi.nl…of Panacea can strengthen soft plastics such as Polypropylene. The resultant composite is not known for the particular stiffness however Panacea® contributes greatly in a lightweight armouring with greater flexibility than e.g. Glasscomposite particular, particular stiffnesslambda, composite, fibre, fiber, filtration2
meteorinteractive.nl…are a team of locals (and a few remote freelancers) who are passionate about helping businesses grow online. Our company believes that every service is unique and deserves a custom-built platform that satisfies their particular needs.platform particular, particular needinteractive, payment, entertain, processing, requirements2
hernste.nlAt the occasion of the welcome of our new Rector Magnificus, Prof. José Sanders, I present this short reflection on a vision for the future of Dutch Universities in general and of the Radboud University in particular. Tuesday, October 17…university particular, particular tuesday, problem particular, particular academicphd, geography, defence, academic, february2
markhodson.nlThe name of the route is just a little joke playing on the coincidence of the two names: unlike most long-distance trails, the Pieterpad doesn't claim to be based on a particular geographical feature or a historical trade or pilgrimage…pieterpad particular, particular geographicalwalk, distance, thought, miscellaneous, cycling2
wktafeltennis.nl…provides an excellent platform for companies wishing to present themselves to the people of Asia, China in particular. With access to millions of people and many transmission hours, it will be possible to obtain a great deal of…china particular, particular access, particular reasontable, championship, east, congress, million2
xyzdynamics.nlSchiphol’s vision is to deploy all of its equipment emission-free by 2030. The fleet of support services like the fire department and snowplow, in particular, has a stiff challenge with this. However, Schiphol argues that every effort…snowplow particular, particular stiffdynamic, electric, requirements, transition, fleet2
gimex.nlThe unique properties of technical ceramics will push the technical boundaries of your product or process. The choice of a particular material is determined by a combination of properties.choice particular, particular materialceramic, supplier, supply, tier, ultimate2
boost3.nlIn this call we will elaborate on social media marketing strategies we could tailor and implement for your particular business, in order to heavily boost the growth of your business and online sales.strategy particular, particular businessadvertising, commerce, revenue, reach, effective2
digitizen.nl• Business angel investment in promising digital start-ups with particular focus on sustainability, eCommerce, business to consumer digital propositions and quantumup particular, particular focus, system particular, particular fascinationsociety, incubation, transformation, official, leadership2
kayode.nlStichting Afropeans (Afropeans Foundation) is a non-profit organisation that seeks to facilitate the integration, visibility and participation of Europeans of African origins into the Dutch society in particular and in Europe in general.society particular, particular europe, netherlands particularcharity, african, africa, bridge, origin2
papua-insects.nlMichael Parsons in " The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea " (1999) about the butterflies of New Guinea, with PNG in particular. For moths such a comprehensive work does not exist, let alone about other insect orders, although there are many…foundation particular, particular journal, png particular, particular mothspecies, guinea, indonesia, island, butterfly2
ckcapitalpartners.nl…building as well as the entire sustainability process in general and the optimization of its energy efficiency in particular. We also support our tenants in optimizing their own installations and internal office layout with respect to…ck particular, particular focus, efficiency particular, particular tenantcapital, partners, investment, sustainability, estate2
academie-natuurgeneeskunde-zuid-nederland.nl…for those experiencing loss of hair. Through observing the approaches as well as recommendations laid out in this particular short article, you may obtain optimum outcomes as well as appreciate the look of fuller, more thick hair along…customer particular, particular casino, isle particular, particular continual, recommendation particularhair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal2
topsector-ict.nlEvery sector of the economy, and every Top Sector, faces its own particular ICT challenges. At the same time, many of those challenges run parallel to each other. An ICT solution that is applied successfully in one sector might also help…sector particular, particular ictcoalition, programme, economy, societal, enable2
dream-drive.nlRight behind the engine of course are the Gearboxes. Whether mastered by a WBX or a diesel, the gearboxes are an entity to themselves & we fix, restore and rebuild them all. This is work we also thoroughly enjoy, in particular the Syncro…side particular, particular notorious, thoroughly particular, particular syncrogearbox, engine, inspection, electrical, restoration2
sarahmeiherman.nlborn and where he and his brother had their first photo studio. The portrait of “Unknown Girls” (Rokiškis 1925) in particular resonated with Herman on a deep level due to the striking similarities with her own contemporary portraits. This…rokiškis particular, particular hermanportrait, solace, prize, photographer, exhibition2
juliacc.nlI have been in the project management profession for about nine years. Each project is a new challenge, usually more challenging or more complex than the previous project. At a particular moment it is not only your knowledge or skills…valuable particular, particular group, project particular, particular momentteacher, certification, trust, feel, session2
soete.nl…[18] within the framework of the “Educatieve Agenda Limburg” confirms this tendency for The Netherlands, and in particular for Limburg characterized by a much larger proportion of native, low-skilled parents than elsewhere in the country.connection particular, particular building, netherlands particular, particular limburgpresent, colleague, academic, wean, dear2
partyvergadercentrumcothen.nlEsports betting has become increasingly popular in recent years, with regarding people around the world placing bets on their favorite teams and players. But why can we bet on esports, and how can we control this behavior? In this…world particular, particular notice, behavior particular, particular articlelondon, gambling, cultural, essex, vibrant2
vdwerf.nlThe three design levels of Open Building operate independently but are deeply related. Bottom up the distiction applied offers each resident the freedom to get a particular layout of his private home, within a collective support building…level particular, particular lay, freedom particular, particular layoutlecture, urban, scale, collective, excursion2
studioarctic.nlSiteGround experts not only develop various solutions for WordPress sites, but also create unique designs that you could download for free. SiteGround WordPress themes are easy to customize for the particular use of the webmaster.proud particular, particular wordpress, easy particular, particular usearctic, quis, pretium, donec, aenean2
melimex.nlcompanies to provide customers with seamless solutions . Although we have many carriers who aspire to do business with us, we are particular with whom we choose. Many of our partners have been with the company for nearly twenty-seven years.business particular, particular partner, experience particular, particular fieldtree, agriculture, auction, italy, olive2
netgourmet.nl…make Cream Cream Puff Puff shells. shells. And And WHO WHO doesn’t LOVE LOVE creampuffs?? creampuffs?? This This particular particular pastry, pastry, as as simple simple as as it it is is to to prepare, prepare, is is also also the the…creampuffs particular, particular pastry, arts particular, particular bigsugar, recipe, flour, egg, dough2
dailypack.nl3.3 You are legally obliged to comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations. In particular, you must determine whether there is a lawful basis for Processing the Personal Data. We ensure that We comply with the regulations…indirectly particular, particular reference, regulation particular, particular lawfulagreement, processing, assignment, underlying, subject2
nltranslations.nlLegal translations include in particular, commercial contracting documents based on FIDIC, such as tenders (invitations to bid or tender, requests for proposals), tender proposals (technical and commercial bids), services contracts and…linguistic particular, particular english, translation particular, particular commercialtranslation, translator, russian, ukrainian, sworn2
swpi.nlin a particular project just let SWPI know and they will pay extra care and attention in seeing that your funding is used in the most efficient way to aid the project.people particular, particular deafindonesia, bhakti, island, welfare, aid2
permissionanalyzer.nlCreate filters and include or exclude particular members, simple or special permissions and folders or files. Save your filters as Selection or save and re-use them as report.depth particular, particular ad, filter particular, particular memberpermission, analyzer, report, overview, membership2
dieseljack.nl…taking advantage advantage of of your your theme theme and and dressing dressing or or acting acting as as a a particular particular character character throughout throughout the the party party or or just just simply simply showing…theme particular, particular character, investment particular, particular incomedog, investment, pearl, horse, veteran2
slijterijvonk.nlDouglas Laing Old Particular Big Peat's Finest Islay 15-Years-Old 2006 – DL 15586old particular, particular bigwine, specialty, cask, liquor, signature2
psychotherapymovement.nland by spreading knowledge. Psychotherapy & Movement investigates and treats a very wide group of people (6 – 100 years of age). Psychotherapy & Movement specialises in particular in treating personality disorders and complex PTSD (trauma).movement particular, particular personalitypsychotherapy, movement, mental, ptsd, treatment2
law-firm.nlproduct regulations. We draft and review commercial contracts and advise on laws and regulations. When demanded by particular cases, we can act as civil litigation attorney before every court of law in the Netherlands. You can also call on…happy particular, particular legal, regulation particular, particular caselaw, firm, lawyer, attorney, civil2
eloygeenjaar.nlCourses, lectures, or talks I found especially inspiring or interesting (in no particular order)recently particular, particular order, interesting particularinterest, brain, sergey, background, supervision2
steve-stevie.nlUse these blocks to share your brand's story. You can focus on a particular collection, a product detail, or even embed a video.story particular, particular collectionamazing, awesome, background, slide, icon2
hetkomtopalspoepen.nl…and a different steering wheel make a huge difference for agility; roof and size make a huge difference for passenger capacity. The **use of a function** decides what device needs what functionalities in a particular situation of usage.brand particular, particular metaphor, functionality particular, particular situationfinal, digestion, paper, usability, writing2
yantravel.nl5 oktober 2016 In 2015 we went with Margarita to Armenia as a family (two adult daughters). It was an impressive journey. In particular, contact with the local population was a valuable part of the trip. We took into account our interests…journey particular, particular contactarmenia, armenian, georgia, hospitality, mountain2
klasiena.nl…crisis of the eighties. Later they were more closely linked to public vulnerability: women are represented in a particular way and are considered to live and to be in accordance with this representation. Klasiena Soepboer’s latest work…work particular, particular female, woman particular, particular wayviewer, island, sculpture, woman, female2
guldemondadvocaten.nlOur firm has a particular connection with German-speaking countries and we are active in several high-profile international lawyer networks (such as AIJA, Legal Mondo and American Counsel Association) based on long-standing personal…firm particular, particular connection, kai particular, particular expertiselaw, complaint, association, lawyer, jurisdiction2
veravanderburg.nlIf we explicitly train an algorithm on someone’s personal values, can it capture something of their particular way of seeing? While an objec recognition algorithm usually tries to learn the definition of an object, we explore the…vera particular, particular object, value particular, particular wayalgorithm, objective, recognition, incredible, cargo2
dorian.nlIn 1999, Dorine established the consultancy Dorian Regulatory Affairs, specialising in handling European registration procedures for clients not established in Europe or without adequate experience in European regulatory procedures. Over…industry particular, particular director, year particular, particular experienceregulatory, affairs, registration, pharmaceutical, extensive2
cognac-ton.nlHello everyone. I was wondering in anyone can give me some information and current value on this particular bottle of cognac. I’ve found some very good information on the Bisquit Dubouche company and many of their products, but…information particular, particular bottle, value particularreply, bottle, regard, catalog, extravaganza2
value-drivers.nlIn my authority as CEO of VBO Makelaar, a leading association of real estate brokers and valuers, we would like to endorse the services of Value Drivers Business Valuators, and more in particular Drs. C.M. de Vries MBV RV. From 2008 until…valuators particular, particular drs, particular mrvaluation, driver, independent, economic, purchase2
dennisvelthuis.nlAt this point in time we also have a Sitecore context to play with. The Sitecore context is essential to grab the current site and current item being requested. In this particular case the New Relic implementation had to support a…item particular, particular case, able particular, particular requestsitecore, relic, certified, azure, uncategorized2
acba.nlOrganisations require people who are equipped with a particular set of analytical skills and who also understand business and technology. ACBA offers a post-graduate program "Data Science" that provides its students with these skills…people particular, particular set, time particular, particular cellinventory, analysis, keyword, optimal, survey2
peterkoetsveld.nl…by the enormous depth of Haydn’s writing. As one can imagine, it was not an easy task to assign each voice to a particular clarinet, especially with the second violin and viola parts often using double or triple stops to support the…excellent particular, particular note, voice particular, particular clarinetclarinet, orchestra, seven, double, sonata2
studioinhetlicht.nlif and when possible, we also like to participate in running projects. We’d love to brainstorm with you and help you turn your God-given vision into reality. In particular, we can help with narrative communication, branding, and web design.reality particular, particular narrativehet, package, christ, layout, soul2
rust-hoeve.nl…club card. Playing the machine with your card inserted will permit the casino to electronically track how much you have spent playing a particular machine, nicely Slot in the casino on the whole if will need move from machine to machine.electronically particular, particular machine, bag particular, particular strategyuncategorized, gambling, money, player, usually2
oliscience.nl. We follow two complementary approaches: interactions in particle collision processes at particle accelerators, in particular at CERN (accelerator-based particle physics) and interactions of particles and radiation emanating from the…cycle particular, particular inclination, accelerator particular, particular cernnikhef, logic, interconnect, fpga, ip2
ceseps.nl…of return of investments, levelled costs of electricity, and real-time pricing versus time of use pricing. In particular in the field of e-mobility financial comparisons will be made between electric charging and consumption of fuels…pricing particular, particular fieldgrid, austrian, stakeholder, demand, institute2
witkamp.nl…fast-movers on the supermarket shelves in stock. We have always been very strong in the vegetable segment, with a particular focus on tomatoes and cucumbers. In addition to this, you will find a wide variety of other products at Witkamp…product particular, particular focus, segment particularlogistics, vegetable, produce, importance, athlete2
rechtersvoorrechters.nlconnection with the exercise of their professional duties have been reported. We wished to draw their attention in particular to the very alarming developments concerning Judge Vladislava Tzarigradska (picture). After a media smear campaignattention particular, particular alarm, organisation particular, particular concernjudge, rule, law, court, council2
sattyart.nlSiteGround experts not only develop various solutions for WordPress sites, but also create unique designs that you could download for free. SiteGround WordPress themes are easy to customize for the particular use of the webmaster.proud particular, particular wordpress, easy particular, particular usesiteground, resource, august, wp, installation2
dana-international.nl…company in dry, frozen as well as chilled food products. During the last 35 years the Company, has expanded and developed itself to one of the largest suppliers to the Dutch Caribbean in general and to Aruba and Curaçao in particular.caribbean, storage, cold, supplier, facility2
pidwijzer.nl…the PID Guide may affect your final decision. You may be part of a community that has a strong preference for a particular PID system. Also, where the PID Guide does not rule out any PID system, your organisation could have no-go…system particular, particular property, preference particular, particular pidpersistent, identifiers, guide, introduction, identifier2
candoris.nlAny offer or sale must therefore be in strict compliance with Swiss law, and in particular with the provisions of the Collective Investment Schemes Act and its implementing ordinances, and FINMA circular 2013/9 on distribution of…website particular, particular term, law particular, particular provisioninvestor, investment, equity, fund, growth2
tele-press.nlfor. The incidental recording of telephone conversations is a very laborious task that requires considerable technical skill. An additional problem is that you cannot always tell whether a particular telephone call is going to be important.problem particular, particular telephone, conversation particular, particular call, call particulartelephone, independent, description, conversation, automatic2
frankkessler.nlThe first one, “Fighting the Enemy with the Lantern: how French and Belgian Catholic priests lectured against their common laic enemies before 1914” appeared in a special issue of Early Popular Visual Culture edited by Joe Kember. It…kember particular, particular creation, düsseldorf particular, particular transitionconference, magic, million, lecture, august2
inpackt.nl…these are simple PE films, but as time progresses they increasingly become composite films. De Jong Verpakkingen sees the opportunity and picks up on this development. Packaging films for food in particular, grows into the main activity.food particular, particular main, trade particular, particular packagingpackaging, innovative, pack, supplier, retrospect2
beethovenisblack.nlIn particular, we focus on Ludwig van Beethoven, the man and his work in the perspective of his time, as well as his relevance for society today. In 2020-2021, his 250th birthday is being celebrated. Beethoven was not only a revolutionary…performer particular, particular orderpanel, musician, session, freedom, sequel2
lodderasianart.nlAfter working for many years with a gallery, he decided to make a career change and from January 2019 he works fulltime as a Chinese art consultant . Specialized in ceramics , works of art ,Chinese furniture and in particular scholar…world particular, particular china, furniture particular, particular scholarasian, antique, collector, career, scholar2
rosavanderveen.nlThis paper aims at understanding transformation ignited by a particular constructive design research project. Our intention is to set out how the notion of resilience might provide a new perspective to understand how constructive design…sequence particular, particular page, transformation particular, particular constructiveder, publication, transformation, identity, perspective2
labinsights.nlElectron localization function (ELF) shows the localization degree of electrons at different locations in three-dimensional space. Localization of electrons describes the extent to which its motion is trapped in a particular spatial…motion particular, particular spatialanalysis, laboratory, compliance, potential, property2
innovfoam.nlWith our own line of products on offer, such as foam concentrate, foam makers, foam proportioners and extinguishing monitors, we are eager to help you with your particular issue. We have extensive facilities at our main location in…eager particular, particular issuefire, protection, maintenance, aviation, logistics2
itschagen.nlWhile traditional marketing has its limitations, online marketing offers many more options. With social media, Facebook ads, and search engine optimization, you can target a particular audience with your marketing campaigns. In addition…economic particular, particular region, optimization particular, particular audiencemoney, july, investment, benefit, tax2
work-of-art.nlPlants, and succulents in particular, are true works of art. Work of Art! We specialize in special varieties and supply strong, quality plants.succulent particular, particular trueassortment, succulent, true, species, pride2
christianernsten.nl…I’m interested in the genealogies of ideas concerning the conservation of nature and culture at this site. In particular, I intend to researching a subaltern perspective on the transition of a post-industrial landscape. In this…river particular, particular river, site particular, particular subalternwalk, heritage, publication, archaeology, river2
safeagainstcorona.nl…or restaurants should not be allowed to impose conditions on their clients related to the use of the app. In particular, it should be prohibited for employers to require or incentivize their employees to use the app, or for…usable particular, particular region, app particular, particular employerfreedom, government, effective, protection, scientific2
lhasaapsoclub.nlWe visited Tibet each year, taking these two dogs with us. We tried very hard to get more dogs of the same kind. Similar dogs are easy to find but we were particular to get only the same type in all particulars, including especially…easy particular, particular type, type particular, particular especiallydog, tibetan, england, husband, far2
onlinecasinokeus.nl…and small business users. The latest version detects and removes all Malware programs and viruses. He deleted particular files permanently from Your computer. It provides full assistance to protect your Android Device, tablet, and…virus particular, particular file, malwarebyte particular, particular programcrack, reply, attack, protection, file2
hammondclub.nl…the newly developed dry reverberation unit was perfected to provide a truly practical solution to enhance this particular area of tone reproduction. Prior to this time, the necessity of using oil filled tubes prohibited the use of…outlet particular, particular emphasis, solution particular, particular areahammond, organ, clock, tone, electric2
republikanisme.nl…of this kingdom, and so shall be esteemed, allowed, adjudged, deemed and taken to be; and that all and every the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed as they are expressed in the said declaration, and allforfeiture particular, particular person, shall particular, particular aforesaidcivil, law, society, bill, parliament2
absfocalpoint.nlThe ABS Focal Point is the National Focal Point (NFP) of the Netherlands. The ABS Focal Point website not only provides information on ABS, in particular the Nagoya Protocol and the EU ABS Regulation, but also explores the practical…abs particular, particular nagoyafocal, resource, genetic, regulation, benefit2
mjpeople.nl…their clients easier by taking over the whole recruitment process. MJ People has become the market leader in this particular industry and thanks to the owners and team being so close to the business, the agency can maintain their high…professional particular, particular vacancy, leader particular, particular industryhospitality, selection, quickly, huge, specifically2
ariemolendijk.nlHe has extensively published in the history of ideas, in particular of nineteenth- and twentieth-century theology, religious studies and philosophy.idea particular, particular twentiethphilosophy, religion, christianity, theology, century2
blume-cs.nlIf you’re still unsure about a particular moving company, don’t hesitate to request references from past customers. Speaking directly with individuals who have utilized the company’s services can provide valuable firsthand insights and…professional particular, particular job, unsure particular, particular companyguide, chapter, mattress, door, oil2
karenwalthuis.nlThe Six Coaching Attitudes Model helps you to reflect on how you shape the relationship with your coachee. It assists you in choosing the most suitable attitude and corresponding interventions at that particular moment.intervention particular, particular moment, attitude particular, particular attitudeattitude, supervision, relationship, interesting, connection2
livinglibrary.nlThe Living Library does not concentrate around one particular group, but covers a wide range of topics. Every book deals with a certain set of prejudices, which can have something to do with ethnicity, sexuality, profession, religion…everybody particular, particular person, library particular, particular grouplibrary, reader, methodology, conversation, prejudice2
cryptobegrijpen.nlIt happens that you may get lost in choosing a decent crypto trading bot, but you may know which one is reliable and which one is a scam. Here’s where our help becomes practical and useful. It’s important that when choosing a particular…important particular, particular platform, bot particular, particular cryptotrading, profit, wealth, genius, revolution2
yellowresearch.nlMette has, for the past 25 years, worked in the field of EU Framework Programmes, business development and research management. She has specialised herself in ERC grants and other individual national grants and funding for life sciences…grant particular, particular erc, science particular, particular societalyellow, proposal, grant, appointment, past2
beautieqristieq.nlOne particular of the ideal things about Kawaii vogue is its inclusivity – any individual can embrace and adapt the style to suit their choices! No matter whether you are into everyday streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe Kawaii…kawaii, playful, whimsical, charming, bow2
mobilions.nlA group of passionate programmers, designers, researchers, strategists, and marketers work as part of the Bytecode Digital Agency to create one-of-a-kind, custom digital solutions. To fulfill their clients' particular demands and desires…developer particular, particular technology, client particular, particular demandhire, react, native, hourly, banking2
lap3.nlThe sector plans flesh out the policy framework for specific categories of waste. Each sector plan describes the policy for the relevant waste as well as particular aspects relating to licensing and imports and exports.level particular, particular material, waste particular, particular aspectwaste, environmental, circular, economy, section2
idiot.nl…place in the East of the Netherlands with ugly, unpleasant and oil-stupid people. But there is for instance very particular music made. I call only the Kewi’s. They made a beautiful LP, where only people in the rest of the world of can…clear particular, particular singer, instance particular, particular musiccover, song, musician, singer, break2
studiodif.nl…which may aid improve the structure of great, slim hair as well as generate the look of fuller padlocks. In this particular write-up, our experts’ll discover exactly how hair threads job and also exactly how they may be made use of to…hair particular, particular region, padlock particular, particular writecover, hair, actually, chain, silver2
eltjopoort.nl…in documentation (just less value than in the working software). The practice of documenting architectures in particular has significant positive correlations to solution success factors like predictability, customer satisfaction and…architecture particular, particular significant, origin particular, particular attitudearchitecture, decision, architectural, stakeholder, debt2
guarantius.nl…in reliance on any of the contents of our publications. Detailed specialist advice from a qualified professional should always be obtained before taking or refraining from any action applying the information to particular circumstances.business particular, particular access, information particular, particular circumstancescapital, investment, law, risk, debt2
cordial.nlCordial is a leading producer of quality adhesives for the paper and cardboard industry in particular. We have been developing and producing innovative customised adhesives since 1992. Customers all over the world benefit from Cordial's…industry particular, particular adhesive, particular innovativecordial, adhesive, liquid, powder, producer2
savvy-advisory.nlSavvy – Advisory embraces Porter’s Five forces model. This model helps you and your business to shape strategy and determining how to compete in a particular market. It is a powerful tool which helps you understanding where strength is in…strategy particular, particular market, strength particular, particular business, relationship particularadvisory, external, savvy, growth, competitor2
radofoto.nl…aid completely transform the structure of great, slim hair and also make the appeal of fuller padlocks. In this particular write-up, our experts’ll check out exactly how hair threads job as well as just how they could be utilized to…padlock particular, particular write, hair particular, particular regionactually, glass, hair, cover, chain2
lesleyjacobs.nlBy now we all know the genre Young Adult (YA). But what makes something a Young Adult novel, rather than fitting it in a particular genre we already know? After all, at first glance they look similar to other novels which are categorized…novel particular, particular genre, reason particular, particular dragonnovel, writer, adult, parent, autistic2
jannekeblokland.nl…on how we model our own lives. Because one of the great truths of Christianity is, that when we celebrate a particular life well-lived, we do this in the knowledge that we were all baptised by one Spirit into one body. In the…christianity particular, particular life, body particular, particular universaljesus, freedom, morning, church, king2
thecureinholland.nlAs for the documentary itself, it is a kind of promotional film for Rotterdam’s harbour. People in various positions at the port talk about their work. With today’s eyes, it may seem a little strange how this particular music could be…strange particular, particular music, far particular, particular performanceoctober, author, forever, lose, wish2
dreessenadvocaten.nlFor businesses and organisations that require regular legal support, we offer a services package tailored to each particular case. For example, debt collection cases in conjunction with private detection. There are also options for fixed…package particular, particular case, insurance particularaid, lawyer, fee, court, council2
gitta-bant.nlIn my photographs, I want to show all the beautiful details which we often miss because of the frantic way we run our lives. By carefully looking around, and capturing objects in my own particular way, I show that we’re always surrounded…object particular, particular wayphotograph, flower, interested, hide, naturally2
siba.nlCould Siba be of service to your company? Why not make an appointment with one of our representatives to discuss what the best approach would be for your particular business?solution particular, particular situation, approach particular, particular businesstyre, vacancy, certification, permit, rack2
wwestera.nl• Social science research : both qualitative and quantitative methods, in particular research into education, teaching and learning (and a lot of criticism on verification-oriented research and common sloppiness in methodologies).method particular, particular researchpublication, turn, scientific, bayesian, statistics2
ddezoete.nlI noticed that sometimes, for no particular reason, the Deep Security Relay (DSR) or Trend Micro Update Tool (TMUT) stopped retrieving updates. When you try ...vmware, hyper, powershell, virtualization, archive2
cammenga1.nlCammenga starts from specific locations. With the exception of her drawings and paintings, she draws inspiration from the history function or atmosphere of a particular place. In doing so, she always shows herself fascinated by the…atmosphere particular, particular placeinstallation, myth, residence, painting, residency1
hetborduurburo.nl“For the opera La Morte d’Orfeo, we needed someone at short notice, who could embroider an entire man’s suit with rhinestones. And we wanted it done in such a way that a particular colour pattern would emerge”, says Ton Joling, head of…way particular, particular colourembroidery, het, fabric, craftsmanship, technique1
internationaal-familierecht.nlBased on your particular circumstances we provide tailor-made advice. International FamilyLaw Advice works quickly, efficiently and effectively. Absolute discretion and reliability is our standard.law, inheritance, partnership, succession, cross1
cropmix.nlArable farmers, researchers and chain partners are joining forces to achieve a breakthrough in the transition to sustainable arable farming in the five-year research programme CropMix. The focus is on increasing crop diversity, in…diversity particular, particular strippackage, crop, lab, ecology, institutional1
pieternanne.nl‘As a very musical and inspiring teacher with a world of different music styles in his repertoire, Pieter is still my Guru for guitar lessons and life lessons, in particular.’guitar, lesson, french, teacher, relaxation1
vandesteege.nlWe are very satisfied with the sale of our house by Van de Steege and in particular Ginger and Cindy. Everyone thinks along, we are well guided in both the sale and purchase. The whole team was always ready to assist us with questions. In…steege particular, particular gingerproperty, estate, mortgage, branch, housing1
tha-in.nl…of attention. We take ample time to understand your needs and wishes. Perhaps you have been thinking about a particular procedure and have very clear idea of ​​what you want. Or you only have an idea or direction, in which case we canwish particular, particular procedureaesthetic, philosophy, doctor, thread, correction1
feelandcarebeautyshop.nlOne particular of the very best issues about Kawaii style is its inclusivity – anyone can embrace and adapt the style to match their preferences! Regardless of whether you are into everyday streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe Kawaii…kawaii, feel, playful, whimsical, sweet1
juralink.nlThe Netherlands Embassy in Moscow and the Consulate-General in St. Petersburg organize interesting webinars. We note in particular the following. On February 9, 2022 there will be a webinar titled...webinar particular, particular februaryrussia, law, russian, firm, lawyer1
degruijter.nlThere are many items that demand particular care and attention, such as priceless artworks and extremely valuable musical instruments. Discover more about our specialised services .item particular, particular caredesignation, excellence, honour, ago, guarantee1
deteamcoach.nlThe calmness, being able to get to the essence quickly, and Natasja’s no-nonsense practical nature are strengths our customers mention in particular. They praise the process that generates the desired effect and the effect years afterwards.customer particular, particular processanalysis, actually, exactly, essence, difficult1
hetkloosterbos.nl…in the global supply chain are beyond each other’s horizon, hidden in the fossil fuel. And end-consumers in particular have no clue as to how much labour has gone into the food on their plate. Industrial agriculture is based on…consumer particular, particular cluepermaculture, het, report, climate, planet1
physics4all.nlSeptember 2019: It is a great honor to have been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) “For contributions toward the understanding of the spin and momentum structure of quarks and gluons in nucleons, in particular those…nucleon particular, particular relevantphysics, publication, physical, successfully, thesis1
vteach.nl…qualified, experienced and friendly. I like the personalized approach of the program, like if my children have a particular test in the class or they need more practice in a particular topic, then they can request for some extra classes…child particular, particular test, practice particular, particular topicteach, teacher, trial, math, programming1
unobvious.nlUnobvious decided there should be a lookbook section which explains the new trends for the particular season, plus a separate catalogue section where retailers will find the whole range of &k products. We also gave the whole book a…trend particular, particular seasonfullsize, identity, cover, catalogue, colour1
slidesfox.nlGuide your audience to the download page for that particular slide deck by showing them the QR code you got from us. They will be prompted to give their e-mail and name in order to access the slide deck.page particular, particular slideslide, audience, deck, pricing, file1
magwijnen.nlchoose to cultivate their fields organically, respecting the grapes and the environment. The Szent-György Hill, in particular, is a witness mountain that preserves the ancient past, with sediments from the Pannonian Sea and volcanic…hill particular, particular witnesswine, add, region, winemaker, sparkle1
lymfologiecongres2012.nlThe (DGE) According to the German Society for Nutrition satisfies even the measurement of waist circumference as a simple measure to assess the risk for metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Thus, in particular, should people with a…complication particular, particular peopledisease, depression, risk, patient, treatment1
yingdemen.nlstyle (northern or southern) and hence learn more advanced movements and forms along with a weapon suitable to the particular style. Students are encouraged to perform their best and to participate in the yearly competitions hosted in the…suitable particular, particular styleschedule, competition, championship, traditional, movement1
fipaco.nlKoen is a Dutch tax lawyer with extensive knowledge of domestic and international tax law and transfer pricing issues with a particular focus on US multinationals…issue particular, particular focusfirm, tax, profile, advisory, advisor1
bramruiter.nlWith my collage-like films, I explore the unperceivable, unfinished and lost. In other words, I prefer roads that lead nowhere in particular. In my practice, I often use obsolete or non-traditional materials and methods mixing VHS…road particular, particular practiceweave, perpetual, spawn, endless, infinite1
vinha.nlNot all Portuguese wine is here, though. We have curated a selection of Portugal’s finest for your enjoyment. Furthermore, we’ve made it easy for you to search a wine based on the style you enjoy most, or a particular food pairing you may…style particular, particular foodwine, tread, foot, portuguese, selection1
systema-works.nl…emotions arise when you work. I find fear, anger, frustration, self pity and enthusiasm most common. The last in particular is often not recognized as having a negative effect on training. Training should be fun right? No. It is nice whencommon particular, particular negativeexercise, instructor, difficult, physical, tension1
friendsandforks.nlWe know what’s going on in food and how to turn movements into concepts. Our knowledge on trends forms the basis for anything we do, whatever the challenge. We talk trends over tea and whether it’s a particular target group or a specific…tea particular, particular targetfork, gate, thorough, eat, nourish1
christahoek.nlI also work on assignment, for more information, please look around on the website, in particular Christa Hoekwebsite particular, particular christapainting, bronze, animal, visual, overview1
dieeetensport.nlproviding tailored food advice paying particular attention and time to your personal situation and preferences.advice particular, particular attentiondie, eet, consultation, guidance, nutrition1
vriendenopdefiets.nl…Addresses . As our Friend, more than 5000 Guest Addresses will open their doors to you. In the Netherlands in particular, but also in Belgium, Germany and dozens more countries. Do you like activity holidays and have a sporty spirit…netherlands particular, particular belgiumguest, op, join, bike, sporty1
freevariable.nl…of formal languages, but it has increasingly become clear that many insights thus obtained also apply to ordinary spoken and written languages. My particular interest is in the question how linguistic expressions manage to carry meaning.language particular, particular interestpublication, logic, computation, truth, proof1
theoryhouse.nlOur driving school in Amsterdam offers the best driving lessons in particular for expats and foreigners who are a resident in the Netherlands. You can combine your theory course with high quality driving lessons to obtain your driver’s…lesson particular, particular expattheory, exam, license, driver, motorcycle1
plantaardigetoekomst.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpresshealthy, resource, siteground, august, uncategorized1
rivm.nlThe growth in the use of digital healthcare tools by care providers stabilised in 2023. This was mainly because most care providers were already using particular digital tools in 2022, such as the patient portal – on which patients can…provider particular, particular digitalinstitute, publication, flu, population, programme1
icbnederland.nl…about 25 teachers, trainers, supervisors, researchers and developers are involved in the ICA, ranging from contextual therapists, familytherapists and psychologists to psychiatrists and other professionals with particular specialty.professional particular, particular specialtycontextual, bibliography, therapy, phd, proceedings1
nikivanstein.nlpredictions. In critical domains such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems, the ability to explain why a particular decision was made is paramount. Explainable AI techniques empower users to trust and interpret the outcomes of…ability particular, particular decisionexplainable, optimization, algorithm, decision, liacs1
threetreasures.nlLater on, I discovered the beauty and holistic wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and of acupuncture in particular.treasure, acupuncture, physiotherapy, fee, appointment1
deltaclimatecenter.nl…research and interventions aimed at understanding and organising information, institutions and cultural aspects of the transitions, with a particular focus on the perspectives of data and technology, governance and law, art and culture.transition particular, particular focusclimate, pressure, million, rise, degradation1
uhlenbeckholding.nlWhat do people look for in a job? We are all familiar with the widely accepted motivational theories; Maslov’s in particular is well known. We work in order to survive and only after survival has been guaranteed, we will think about…maslov particular, particular orderintroduction, resource, slide, theory, happiness1
ufl-swol.nlAbout to start with a particular research project? Are you setting up a special, enduring cooperation between with foreign sister institutions or are you organizing a conference? The fund may help you realize your ambitions!fund, study, dinner, scholarship, programme1
ptssvoorbij.nl…in the reduction of fears. Johan's way of getting to the core in combination with the use of Logosynthesis® in particular gave a lot of results and many 'eye-openers'. I know and can now, after many years, experience what it is like notlogosynthesis particular, particular lotrecovery, ptsd, holistic, symptom, integral1
whiteforest.nlOriginally, we started working in the financial sector, because of the vast complexity and challenging environment. After we gained a thorough understanding of this particular sector, we noticed that many of the opportunities it offers…understand particular, particular sectorstrategic, forest, refinance, trust, funding1
deatex-it.nlSince then, I've aimed to become a little better every day; reading books, taking (online) courses and sometimes participating in seminars. My favorite topics are those on software architecture, but I do also enjoy venturing into some…architecture particular, particular technologyparadigm, phd, ago, biology, molecular1
vaninfo.nlWe have regular contacts with members of the Dutch House of Representatives and the Senate and, in particular, with the party representatives specialised in games of chance. VAN also holds regular consultations with individual…senate particular, particular partychance, reliable, prevention, authority, attractive1
janfirst.nlThe name JANFIRST was basically chosen because this particular fundraising appeal was all about Jan.basically particular, particular fundraisingals, fight, treatment, section, appeal1
famenet.nl…example a symptom, a self-diagnosis or a request for a specific intervention. By combining RFEs and diagnoses within an episode, outcomes (particular diseases or conditions) related to the initial presentation can be studied or predicted.outcome particular, particular diseasenet, publication, episode, chapter, textbook1
sculptureoffame.nl…to cover surfaces, partly for practical and partly for aesthetic reasons. Glazed tiles ‘divide’ a surface into a particular rhythm or pattern. A range of decorative motifs were added to the tiled surfaces, alternating with tiles…surface particular, particular rhythmsculpture, portrait, programme, teach, sketch1
marketing4b2b.nl…site is all about ! On this site, you willshare profound insights regarding the development and initiation of novel propositions and markets for business to business applications and markets; Telecom in particular. Topics dealt with aretelecom particular, particular topicproposition, reference, novel, initiation, topic1
brightbuilding.nl…orbitofrontal cortex. Surprising is that the orbitofrontal cortex is associated with emotion and that this particular region in previous tests has shown to be correlated with emotional responses to visual and musical beauty . This…emotion particular, particular regionjuly, equation, waste, facade, vegetable1
sportinnovator.nlIn the coming years Sportinnovator will mainly focus internationally on countries where major sporting events take place. The Summer Olympics in Paris (2024) and Los Angeles (2028) in particular offer great opportunities to promote Dutch…angeles particular, particular greatlab, institution, exercise, innovative, sustainability1
edekler.nlMost of the time, when reading documentation, everything seems clear how to implement a particular piece of software. In some cases it can be very time consuming which I found out during the implementation of the Slack plugin in the…clear particular, particular piecejenkins, api, programming, overview, slack1
bsgr.nlAdjustment of your tax bill is only applicable to ‘tijdvak’/period-based taxes. Any taxes based on registry or ownership at a particular point in time are not adjusted, but will no longer recur after deregistration.ownership particular, particular pointtax, bill, property, taxis, rate1
impulse-institute.nl…involved in a sentinel event. The topic of her thesis is learning from sentinel events in healthcare with particular focus on the quality of recommendations following incident analyses. She works closely with the Netherlands…healthcare particular, particular focushealthcare, institute, impulse, improvement, sentinel1
meihan-guasha.nlIn the treatment a special oil is put on a particular area of the skin whereafter the therapist starts "scraping" the area with a "scraper" (an specially designed instrument of jade or horn). Very soon the skin becomes red. The amazing…oil particular, particular areatherapy, institute, disorder, stone, treatment1
stil-hagelkanon.nlConventional anti-hail cannons or shock wave generators produce an explosion every 7 seconds. The authority in the Netherlands is therefore reluctant to issue permits for anti-hail cannons, in particular because of noise pollution. If the…cannon particular, particular noisehail, cannon, pressure, wave, nuisance1
pientennapel.nl…learning all about electronics, since I’ve never really worked with it before, and people always told me this particular project is impossible to make with the time limit I had. However, pushing myself and believing in the things I…people particular, particular projectmovie, arduino, chair, liquid, ice1
vertex-online.nlIn particular, we focus on care housing for the elderly and people who are mental challenged. From the perspective of a healing living environment, we position living within a system of community, nature, and talent development.vertex, spatial, economic, urban, residential1
vanlennepkliniek.nlOur KNMG cosmetic doctors are NVCG certified. They distinguish themselves from other medical specialists in particular by their specialisation in safe injectable treatments.specialist particular, particular specialisationtreatment, skin, wrinkle, hague, acid1
spectrapartners.nlSpectraPartners offers both standard and custom x-ray and electro-optical instrumentation. In particular, we're known for our expertise in radiation measurement. Our close cooperation with our partners ensures that clients are guaranteed…instrumentation particular, particular expertiseradiation, optical, measurement, ray, spectral1
apostillevertalingen.nl…language combination to our clients’ complete satisfaction. We excel at selecting the right translator for a particular language combination based on their knowledge and experience in the subject of the text. Our translators are…translator particular, particular languagetranslation, profile, quotation, proofreading, correction1
koffervolherinneringen.nlDuring preparation for a funeral service, one can relive those joyful moments. By telling each other stories, smiling over particular situations, and listening to music, the picture of the beloved one that has passed away shall be painted.story particular, particular situationmemory, funeral, suitcase, preparation, farewell1
parkes.nlOccasionally we have only limited information available on a particular piece or artist, and sometimes we come across conflicted information.available particular, particular piecelithograph, stone, bronze, painting, oil1
jochemtolsma.nl…he focuses on social divisions between groups; the interplay of segregation, inequality and polarization. His particular areas of interest are the causes and consequences of segregation in neighborhoods, schools and friendship networks.polarization particular, particular areasociology, consequence, cite, publication, educational1
advayavada.nl*Samadhi (Pali and Sanskrit): means a.o. “putting together, joining, combining with, union, harmonious whole, trance” and “concentration of the thoughts, profound or abstract meditation, intense contemplation of any particular object”…contemplation particular, particular objectstudy, path, noble, buddhism, existence1
koornmolen.nlI’ve been to a lot of leisure parks but this was an insanely beautiful and quiet park. The helpfulness of the park staff in particular was amazing. Would definitely recommend it!staff particular, particular amazingpackage, promotion, facility, campsite, stay1
dutchflowerfoundation.nlDutch Flower Flower Foundation Foundation (DFF) (DFF) aims aims to to improve improve the the living living conditions conditions and and well-being well-being of of people people in in need need and and in in particular particular…need particular, particular childflower, colourful, bring, hospital, colour1
englisheditors.nlIn particular, The English Editors have extensive editorial experience in proofreading and editing in the areas of management and management science and provide expert services to:edit, editor, proofreading, editorial, academic1
rhinoplasty.nl…Medal of the University, and was appointed Guest Professor. In his enthusiasm for facial plastic surgery, and in particular for rhinoplasty, he gave many lectures all over the world. He did surgery (live surgery demonstrations) in London,surgery particular, particular rhinoplastyrhinoplasty, surgery, patient, publication, nose1
planetq.nlThe flawless execution of your concept is a job for specialists. Specialists in fields like creation, DM, sales promotion, design, DTP and online. And then there are professionals with in-depth experience in particular areas. People who…experience particular, particular areaplanet, background, creation, straightforward, objective1
robbertkrebbers.nlI am always looking for motivated bachelor and master students. If you are interested in a thesis project related to program languages (in particular, in the field of concurrency, language semantics, separation logic, and Coq), do not…language particular, particular fieldphd, thesis, logic, separation, postdoc1
naxus.nl…labelling or advertising of the ingredient complies with the applicable rules and regulations applicable in any particular jurisdiction. The information contained on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.applicable particular, particular jurisdictionwheat, native, benefit, clinical, scientific1
degeheimenvanimh.nlAlthough the site bears the name of the first fantasy story of the writer, it is not only dedicated to that particular story. The site also tells a little of the writer's own background and includes other writings like poems. Some of…writer particular, particular storysecret, writer, birth, evil, battle1
verhurenwoningrotterdam.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide usersproud particular, particular wordpresssiteground, resource, proud, worldwide, installation1
matthijslangenberg.nlAnother project I really enjoyed had to do with the fact that many of Ellage’s employees do through-hole assembly at home. When a particular job had been finished, the at-home workers called into the office to schedule a pickup of their…home particular, particular jobemployee, electronic, healthcare, medication, nurse1
arnobornkamp.nl…informed way, in both solo projects and also with the Flemish orchestra Anima Eterna. However, he has a particular fondness for new music: In total, Bornkamp has collaborated on more than 150 premieres, both as a soloist and…eterna particular, particular fondnesssaxophone, orchestra, release, quartet, baritone1
lcbgroup.nlAlbert Abbing | “My cooperation with LCB, and Gijs in particular, has been constructive, open and very good from the very first moment. Not only on the content of the programmes but also in the open dialogues we have with each other on…gijs particular, particular constructivecertification, circularity, yellow, exam, improvement1
lcmt.nlDo you believe you got what it takes and can you show us proof that you have already excelled in this particular field before?proof particular, particular fieldcareer, asset, develop, manage, growth1
aeolis.nlAeolis Forecasting Services is a weather service provider aiming at the support of weather related commerce and industry, the energy sector in particular.forecasting, weather, forecast, demand, meteorological1
stephensnelders.nl…before in Dutch in my book Vrijbuiters van de heelkunde (now only available as ebook). In the article I focus in particular on the example of a surgeon from Amsterdam who went as ship’s surgeon to the Caribbean: Abraham Titsingh…article particular, particular examplecentury, psychedelic, nation, smuggling, disease1
jimtsang.nlHi there, I’m Jim, a strategic UX designer that loves food (ramen & bbq in particular) and photography.bbq particular, particular photographyux, attendant, dialogue, intelligence, report1
ftcz.nlIn particular, to learn how to do all of the above in safe, boundaried environments that respect the privacy and vulnerability of much of childhood and adolescent experiencevisitor, sense, voor, feel, competence1
onze-gevel.nlA special highlight of the HUECK Trigon FS is the narrow face width of 40mm. This filigree look in particular was recognized by the German Design Council. The new facade system was awarded the German Design Award for outstanding design…look particular, particular germangerman, french, italian, czech1
hoofbosch.nl…natural phenomena. But those phenomena cannot be influenced. According to Soros, in the social sciences and in particular the economics things are very different. For example, in certain situations, stock markets can influence not only…science particular, particular economicfund, investor, investment, efficient, theory1
abcbusinesscoaches.nlDefine Objectives and Scope. Clearly outline the purpose of the VDR, whether for M&A, due diligence, or legal compliance. Determine the range of documents needed, considering the specifics of the Dutch market and particular VDR best…market particular, particular vdrinvestor, collaboration, secure, efficiency, perspective1
decocoat.nlEspecially for brands that do not have their own paint shop, we are a godsend! Both small and medium-sized series, i.e. from 10 frames to several hundred in a particular design. But also for defined custom work.frame particular, particular designbicycle, decoration, technique, carbon, lacquer1
stoelman.nlStoelman Papierrecycling chooses for quality over quantity! Our know-how is polarized on high-quality paper. Our company specializes in particular in the processing and trading of pulp substitutes for the paper industry. Read more...company particular, particular processingpaper, trading, grade, waste, cardboard1
clip-xl.nl…In the past, Robert and Helma have jointly amassed over 15 years' experience at a worldwide operator in this particular sector. Robert and Helma can be of great service to customers thanks to considerable professional know-how, as…operator particular, particular sectorcalendar, automatic, table, manual, worldwide1
edfennema.nlA course will tell you how training of neuro power actually works. It targets professionals who want to develop their skills in this particular area.skills particular, particular areaed, athlete, heavy, balance, symmetry1
bato.nlIt is valuable to discuss which solution is right for a specific situation or a particular trial with the team at Bato. They always think along in terms of concept and cultivation.situation particular, particular trialcustomization, horticulture, horticultural, cultivation, trough1
sepsisamsterdam.nlOur mission is to perform high quality fundamental and clinical research to reduce the burden of sepsis. In particular, we aim to develop a better understanding of sepsis pathophysiology and to optimise the work flow in terms of…sepsis particular, particular wellsepsis, patient, publication, lab, clinical1
surreal-apparel.nlA weird world, life is surreal. luckily there are things in life that will make it easier for us. in particular love, nature, skateboarding and freepartys. These are things we get inspired by.easy particular, particular lovesurreal, apparel, clothing, weird, exclusive1
stanley-trouwt.nl…greatly affected by the wedding registrar. We get the last few days many compliments about the ceremony and in particular how the wedding registrar did the ceremony: Entertaining, witty, informal but with a serious undertone, with humor,ceremony particular, particular weddingceremony, wedding, wish, dear, registrar1
clientenraden-rivierduinen.nlMental competence therefore always depends on the situation and on the type of decision that should be taken. The competence should therefore always be determined for each situation. Is the person capable of making a decision in this…decision particular, particular situationtreatment, patient, mental, authorization, admission1
probiomass.nl…and DNVGL were asked by RVO to jointly carry out a technoeconomic assessment on emission reduction technologies available today for biomass combustion plants up to 50 MW, with a particular focus on dust, NO x , SO 2 and ammonia slip.mw particular, particular focusemission, syngas, biological, reduction, report1
uglyduckling.nlUgly Duckling is a consultancy specialized in quantitative finance. In particular, the main focus is on technical aspects, such as product modelling, custom tooling like prices, model validation, research and development.finance particular, particular mainduckling, ugly, dedicated, library, career1
proefschriftenbalie.nlThe lay-out and revision usually occur in stages. As soon as a chapter has been given a particular format, we will see to it that the text is promptly edited. That’s how we can keep up the momentum and respond swiftly. In the meantime, we…chapter particular, particular formatthesis, lay, dissertation, phd, effort1
abbott.nl…candidates on one hand. They call for unique knowledge and expertise, specific professional experience or particular qualifications. Sometimes, finding the people you need can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It canexperience particular, particular qualificationprofiling, candidate, potential, shape, vacancy1
rolfvandam.nlI build complete web platforms using i.a. Python / Django , NodeJS en React . I have more than 9 years of professional experience with Python (and Django in particular). I can build you an application from the ground up or add…django particular, particular applicationpython, manufacturer, react, nodejs, functionality1
royz.nlW hether you are interested in my work, have questions about a particular technique, or are a company looking for collaborations, I am always open for a conversation.question particular, particular techniquelandscape, gear, photographer, adventure, midnight1
chutes.nlLooking for a particular mission or a category of missions? Check out our mission pages covering anything from extraterrestrial landers to crewed landers.nation, deployment, retrieval, guide1
maxvanmeer.nl…other more advanced techniques, spending €7 more for the beefier STM32F407VET6 might save me some headache down the road. I was recommended this particular board by Enzo Evers, who is working on similar projects, check out his work here .road particular, particular boardconsumer, pwm, ilc, frequency, resolution1
nioc.nlThe realisation of these two-yearly events is always in full cooperation with institutes for IT education (in particular from universities for professional education (polytechnics) and full universities).education particular, particular universitysummary, congress, educational, realisation, cooperation1
supermagnete.nlAre you looking for magnets with certain specifications such as a particular magnetisation, adhesive force, thread size or colour for a specific purpose? You can find our selection of products matching your search criteria under Magnets…specification particular, particular magnetisationmagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, metal1
websec.nlYou may be curious, as a penetration tester, as to how a particular app feature operates or what library it utilizes. Otherwise, you may be interested in the underlying architectures or components oftester particular, particular appthreat, advanced, pentesting, subscription, tomorrow1
kirstensmeets.nl…a scholar of religion, I reflect on trends and societal developments and I explain how religion, and theology in particular, can provide direction to contemporary events in our postmodern society. I share my findings with scholars and thetheology particular, particular directionreligious, far, identity, religion, theological1
visserthooftschool.nl…completely transform the structure of penalty, slim hair as well as produce the appeal of fuller hairs. In this particular write-up, our company’ll discover just how hair threads job and also just how they could be utilized to enrich thehair particular, particular writehair, actually, uncategorized, thread, glass1
gregsonfoundation.nl…causes in three areas, both nationally and internationally, that we believe will make a difference. We seek to learn from best practice in both countries and elsewhere; our grant giving has a particular focus on the UK at the current time.giving particular, particular focusuk, charity, britain, wellbeing, report1
bauwienvandermeer.nlBauwien van der Meer worked with conductors such as Frank Ollu, Reinbert de Leeuw, Etienne Siebens and Lucas Vis. Recently, she played Mrs. Coyle in a particular well-received production of Britten's Owen Wingrave (De Volkskrant: “The…coyle particular, particular productionder, biography, soprano, quartet, singing1
dries007.nlI confirmed that the ESP32 is a lot more stable than the ESP2866, and it's programming library is very usable. It might even be good enough to serve as the only processor for simpler applications. Of particular interest was the ability to…application particular, particular interestsetup, jenkins, python, fpga, thesis1
thelearninglab.nlFounder of the Learning Lab, Thieu Besselink, receives European Leonardo Award for Corporate Learning, placing a particular emphasis on work at the intersection between business, art, communities and societal innovation in learning and…learn particular, particular emphasislab, societal, relationship, transformative, collaborative1
prpatisserie.nlFrom a young age I have been fascinated by the wonderful trade of pastry. Artisanal handcraft and the creativity appeal to me in particular. To master pastry even better and to increase the opportunities within the pastry trade I have…creativity particular, particular pastrycreativity, craft, pastry, wedding, limited1
marmarafly.nlAm if number no up period regard sudden better. Decisively surrounded all admiration and not you. Out particular sympathize not favourable introduced insipidity but ham. Rather number can and set praise. Distrusts an it contented…admiration particular, particular sympathizeturkish, favourable, flight, branch, father1
euroquis.nl, but KDE applications have not updated in particular, and so FreeBSD does not have the “megarelease” on-tap just now.application particular, particular freebsdprogramming, bake, release, recently, framework1
ray-tek.nlAre you facing a problem that seems unsolvable, or do you need some fresh input and ideas on a particular topic? We're here to help you find the right solution! We will provide you with practical and innovative ideas to help you overcome…idea particular, particular topicray, electric, efficiency, wheel, prototyping1
sporthalson.nlWe have mentioned the particular options available on these sites which assist you in downloading game ROMs.emulator, popular, favorite, paradise, million1
voetbalshirtjeinlijsten.nlYou do not want to hide a special memory in a cupboard or in a drawer somewhere. And that is precisely what often happens with football shirts. Think of your love for a particular club, an unforgettable opponent, a special tournament or a…love particular, particular clubplate, colour, glass, background, silver1
aniseamsterdam.nlThe Amsterdam Network for Interdisciplinary Studies on Eating is dedicated to pioneering innovative research on food. A particular focus is the manner in which value is attributed to foodstuffs, how such values compete and coalesce, and…food particular, particular focusresearcher, innovative, eat, interdisciplinary, dinner1
frankort.nlPapayas have become ever more popular in recent years. The Formosa papaya in particular is a big hit in Europe.papaya particular, particular bigproduce, vegetable, consumer, spanish, german1
schotanus-jens.nl…the machine with your card inserted will allow casino to electronically track how much you have spent playing a particular machine, and also to Slot at the casino normally if you shouldn’t move from machine to machine. You should…electronically particular, particular machineuncategorized, author, driver, matter, miscellaneous1
wgid.nlWilgengroep develops efficient logistics systems based on advanced overhead conveyor technology. For industry at large and for commercial laundry companies in particular. All over the world. Wilgengroep also provides controls for tunnel…company particular, particular worldlaundry, integration, overview, linen, conveyor1
vergadermetjezelf.nlThe NineMinMax® is a very powerful series of 3×3 exercises that deal with a particular theme.exercise particular, particular themetechnique, conscious, leadership, leader, sit1
lomt.nl…and our island became the scene of ‘Europe’s last battleground’. Texel’s Aviation and War Museum offers a wealth of information on this dramatic period, alongside a particular focus on the air war fought over Texel between 1940 and 1945.alongside particular, particular focuswar, aviation, naval, atlantic, russian1
platformleefstijl.nl"The far attachment discovered much more honest celebrated decisively surrounded for and. Sir new the particular frequently indulgence."new particular, particular frequentlyye, opinion, joy, pleasant, law1
momentstoremember.nlWhether you are welcoming a new member to your family, documenting a significant chapter in your life, showing off your glowing baby bump or want lasting memories from a particular event, TOGETHER, we can capture these milestones in a…memory particular, particular eventmemory, maternity, tomorrow, photographer, happiness1
milano-s.nlOne particular of the greatest things about Kawaii trend is its inclusivity – anybody can embrace and adapt the style to suit their choices! Whether or not you are into informal streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe Kawaii…kawaii, playful, whimsical, charming, bow1
cheesycakes.nlThis is why all of my cakes, the famous cheesecakes in particular, are freshly prepared every day by me and exactly according to my recipes and standards.cheesecake particular, particular freshlycheesy, chocolate, caramel, present, rich1
huismanfoundation.nlThe Huisman Foundation is focusing on five themes in particular: water and sanitation, renewable energy, health, education and the support of entrepreneurial activity.theme particular, particular watersanitation, healthcare, entrepreneurial, poverty, geographical1
arco-solutions.nl…creativity when devising the solution and the various test set-ups that they developed to test the design. The close cooperation between ARCO and ourselves facilitated the successful implementation of this particular packaging line.’implementation particular, particular packagingsort, logistics, internal, weigh, packaging1
timlangedijktrio.nl…that a century and a half ago was much loved by painters from The Hague, they found their inspiration for the particular sky, light and water. Distant from crowds, the two created this 6th album in peace. This unique collaboration…inspiration particular, particular skynorth, church, release, lutheran, sunday1
kaarthattem.nlAt our company, we work in many industries. We specialize in catering to certain companies. In particular, our specialty is working with many online casino companies. Our list of many happy and satisfied clients in this entire industry is…company particular, particular specialtyhighly, confidence, technological, specialty, delight1
ankart.nlMy work includes stand-alone paintings (among others portraits) as well as connected series of paintings based on one particular theme that appeals to me and which I work out in various ways, my style ranging from the figurative to the…painting particular, particular themepainting, acrylic, oil, translation, visual1
laubergine.nlWe visited L'Aubergine at the Food Truck Festival in Den Haag and we were blown away by the quality of the food! Would definitely recommend to everyone and anyone looking for amazing food truck food - the pulled pork, in particular, was…pork particular, particular trulyappetizer, desert, cheese, sauce, sweet1
wonderlandhelmond.nlThe IPL treatment involves the use of light to target a particular spot on your skin. This heats the skill enabling the body to get rid of the unwanted cells. Unlike laser treatment, the light doesn’t hurt other tissues so you heal faster.light particular, particular spottreatment, skin, facial, hair, foot1
798artzone.nl…The Prototype Movement, by putting the images in modern sports games. His works, in overwhelmingly cool colors rather than the “red and bright” style popular at that particular age, are faithful and authentic depictions of the history.popular particular, particular agepainting, department, province, central, cultural1
avvr.nlMore importantly, our lawyers specialise in particular sectors. We speak your language and know what issues are playing out within an organisation. We know the ins and outs, and that gives us an advantage. An advantage in terms of…lawyer particular, particular sectorlaw, estate, property, sit, amet1
textielmachines.nlWe try to optimize our site daily and as extensively as possible. If information about a particular product cannot be found, we kindly request you to contact us.information particular, particular productdiscover, weave, preparation, wire, cable1
annelieskwaak.nlShe also designs wheelthrown tableware combined with handbuilt elements. She’s researching the possibilities of red glazes, in particular sang de boeuf also called oxblood red.glaze particular, particular sangminiature, ceramic, basket, visual, bowl1
tvandijk.nlIn particular a Rust version of Lace to compare with the rayon crate would be interesting.decision, tangle, algorithm, binary, topic1
twee-d.nl…skilled in C++, Java, NET, Flash and PHP. We also provide custom content management systems (CMS) development for particular clients based on what they want, which is easy to way to update their websites. We do provide mobile application…development particular, particular clientproud, integrity, ago, major, honesty1
repsaj.nlIn my professional life I started off as a web developer. Next I spent quite some years in Microsoft SharePoint land before stepping over to Office365. And now I've developed a particular interest in developing solutions based on…land particular, particular interestazure, fish, fully, framework, awesome1
pa75ov.nlThe Gennep region played a special role and in the city in particular you can experience Operation Veritable. The Battle of the Reichswald forrest and the Battle of Gennep formed the prologue to the successful crossing of the Rhine. The…city particular, particular operationpreparation, veritable, interest, operation, th1
careersatthegrand.nl‘’For me, hospitality is the most beautiful branch to work in, the possibility to offer an unforgettable stay together with your colleagues gives enormous satisfaction. At The Grand in particular, where I get the opportunity to develop…grand particular, particular opportunitymanual, career, vacancy, legendary, guest1
amsterdambeatclub.nlOtis Gayle was born in 1946 in Kingston, Jamaica. He started his musical career as a singer with The Virtues and Byron Lee & the Dragonaires. Gayle then started his solo career and in particular his version of 'I'll Be Around' for Coxsone…career particular, particular versionrhythm, hall, dance, uk, beat1
b3care.nl…data storage and advanced visualisation. The CIT also has a strong department that supports advanced ICT services for research. In particular, this department will be involved in creating and maintaining the B3CARE ICT infrastructure.research particular, particular departmentimaging, artificial, cardiac, collaboration, radiology1
mijnbasis.nlPerhaps you are now also at a particular point in your life that seems very familiar to you. Now maybe it's time to step on that train? As a fellow traveling companion, it is my honour to share with you my knowledge, qualities, tools and…appointment, inside, authentic, discovery, maybe1
narrativelabs.nlWill co-founded Narrative Labs, drawing on his experience of working with leading communications and thought leadership agencies in the UK. He has a particular interest in integrated and ESG reporting and wider sustainability…uk particular, particular interestnarrative, lab, employee, leadership, writer1
easterfairwether.nl…information was the core concern and their talents could be successfully integrated. Where projects didn’t lend themselves to this kind of collaboration they worked individually for clients on jobs that utilised their particular skills.job particular, particular skillseaster, partnership, editorial, bill, uk1
chirobrandon.nl…points on your head. These points are connected to the six brain centres via the nervous system. When a brain centre is not sending the proper signals to its system, all bodily material connected with that particular system suffers.material particular, particular systemappointment, balance, technique, fleet, disturbance1
linquake.nlHigh-quality content is of the utmost importance when it comes to success in global SEO. To achieve this, it is essential to have profound knowledge of the target language, culture and the keywords used in that particular country…keyword particular, particular countrytranslation, transcreation, reference, request, quotation1
intergrid.nlCyber threats sometimes seem difficult to control. Intergrid offers various solutions that can protect you against these threats. We focus in particular on the part that has to do with the protection of data and intelligence of your…threat particular, particular protectionqa, digitalisation, risk, mobility, device1
thomas-gravekamp.nlTeardown of a Vozol Star disposable vape. This particular device has a slightly different construction than most other vapes.vape particular, particular devicepinball, beirut, assembly, considerably, exactly1
maaikedautzenberg.nlShe expresses in particular the patient’s perspective on the quality of care. Patients include home-dwelling frail elderly, disabled persons and persons with psychiatric problems.elderly, patient, academic, collaboration, formal1
roemgens.nl…6 has a lot improvements and enhancements compared to vSphere 5. Keep in mind that vSphere 6 has some architectural changes that need to be considered during the design and deployment phase. This particular article will not address the […]phase particular, particular articleexchange, vsphere, vmware, delegate, fabric1
persuasivegaming.nlIn it, contributions from different disciplines helped to reflect on how gaming practices combine the dissemination of information with attempts to engage players in particular behaviors and attitudes. See complete programme here. Read Moreplayer particular, particular behaviorpersuasive, validation, october, theory, conference1
iamstauf.nlHowever, due to increasing demand for specific IT support, the service package has been expanded further in recent years. If my knowledge is not sufficient for a particular issue, I have access to a large professional network.sufficient particular, particular issueknow, want, joomla, sufficient, package1
aimvanlaarhoven.nl…non-inflammatory (e.g., post-burn itch, fibromyalgia) conditions. Her research line is aimed at elucidating symptom perception, with a particular focus on how attention and expectancy play a role in aggravating and reducing itch and pain.perception particular, particular focusitch, publication, psychology, pain, phd1
altares.nl"In particular, we felt the purity of the data was very important; that was the priority."risk, worldwide, api, compliance, supplier1
kingdommovement.nl…deception in this matter to his former friends, John Calvin decided in his politics to not burn his hands on that particular subject. He did this by avoiding it, and diminish it as unimportant. The Kingdom Movement has left such an…hand particular, particular subjectmovement, kingdom, church, theology, position1
chabliz.nlOn December 18th the Snob 2000 starts! From that day on, the playlist of that particular day will be published on a daily basis, until December 31. This means that the order of the list will be a surprise until the last day of 2023. Also…playlist particular, particular dayrelease, uncategorized, song, dizzy, tongue1
meteorsystems.nlstarting with kiwi berries. Unfortunately it turned out that this was not profitable, so they switched to strawberry cultivation instead. In 2013 the company stopped growing tomatoes to fully focus on soft fruit, in particular strawberries.fruit particular, particular strawberrygrow, cover, irrigation, pipe, cultivation1
get-itdarts.nlBack in the day, three companies each produced three shirts for Eric, making a total of nine stitched shirts. This particular one is available for sale. Due to the seller's privacy, if you are genuinely interested, please contact us…shirt particular, particular availableflight, piece, player, merch, thrill1
saskia-aukema.nlThe aim of this particular boundary was to allow the small orthodox Jewish community in Amsterdam to carry objects on the Sabbath, the day of rest. In line with the story in the Book of Exodus, when Moses parts the sea to rescue the…aim particular, particular boundarywoman, subject, veil, death, faith1
chiropractierevalidatie.nlHow is it that we so often look at ourselves and think that a particular part of our body is not doing well enough? We are very quick to judge that part and … Read moremin, stability, spine, neutral, pain1
vivevroedvrouw.nlDuring the first weeks after you have given birth we will visit you a number of times, depending on your particular situation. Each visit will take as long as is necessary.time particular, particular situationbirth, pregnancy, midwife, invoice, insurance1
flexibol.nlWe ship your bulbs so that they arrive at the appropriate time for planting in your particular area.plant particular, particular areabulb, sustainably, storage, sun, thermal1
modusengineering.nlCasper helped me find a job, as an engineer, in the Netherlands. He was always looking around for an option that might suit me and sent me the options he found and kept me informed on what was the next step for that particular option.step particular, particular optionmechanical, vacancy, contractor, maintenance, pleasure1
paulvandervelde.nl…an enlightened liberal background with Veth. On several occasions he had clashed with the colonial government, in particular with its censors. There was a strict censorship imposed on all information pertaining to the Netherlands Indies…government particular, particular censorcolonial, biography, society, indonesia, liberal1
b3d.nlB3D and, in particular, Selene did a great job during the planning phase of the renovation of the ground floor of our house. She has listened and understood our needs and managed to make our wishes come true. Definitely a great support!architectural, architecture, lighting, interior, internship1
ath.co.nlIn particular, tourism in Chadian (potential) World Heritage sites is developing moderately. But since the end of 2010, the Chadian Tourist Office has been operational and has developed a national strategy for the development of tourism.association, chad, tourism, population, tourist1
indianbusinesschamber.nlThe Indian Business Chamber (IBC) was founded on June 13, 1989 to provide a forum for the Indian Business Community, to protect, advance and promote its commercial interests in The Netherlands, in particular, and in the European…netherlands particular, particular europeanindian, chamber, upcoming, exchange, objective1
thermografie-centrum.nlEach skin area communicates with a particular organ, joint or muscle through the nervous system. If there is any change in these structures, it will appear as areas of abnormal temperatures to the region.area particular, particular organimaging, infrared, veterinary, doctor, veterinarian1
iffh.nlScott has a passion for enjoying films of all sorts in particular those with “a message that makes him ponder and think”. His involvement in the International Film Festival The Hague, formerly The Hague Global Cinema Festival is as a…sort particular, particular messageseason, hague, selection, official, submission1
pure-acai-berry.nlPure Acai Berry is a 100% natural product without any additives. It can therefore be taken for an extended period of time safely and without any particular side effects.safely particular, particular effectpure, weight, america, true, powerful1
timscentre.nlWith our experience and knowledge of the market, we assist, advise and accompany you in your particular search. Keeping you ahead of the competition.market particular, particular searchwholesaler, warehouse, distribution, distributor, port1
providenza.nlIn particular I would like to mention my great-grandfather and namesake Laurens Kool (1875-1963), founder and director of the Nederlands Sperwer Verbond NV.secret, purchase, wine, supply, founder1
vanrijn-lab.nlWe aim to direct cellular behavior by means of material properties. In order to achieve this, a fundamental understanding needs to be created how cells respond to materials, in particular towards several parameters simultaneously…material particular, particular parametercell, surface, biomedical, publication, collaboration1
logosgw.nlLOGOS is the Council of Dutch Research Schools in the Humanities. Research schools are responsible for offering courses and training for ReMA students and PhD candidates in particular disciplines or fields of study – in addition to…candidate particular, particular discipline, school particular, particular councilcouncil, humanity, institute, graduate, candidate1
amstelheart.nlAt AmstelHeart we strive to become a leading cardiovascular research group that generates and shares meaningful evidence to enhance cardiovascular health in the community and primary care in particular. Our values of integrity, respect…care particular, particular valuecardiovascular, failure, esc, af, study1
hjfadvocaten.nlHJF, more than just a law firm. A sparring partner for the entrepreneur in particular. Our jurists and attorneys at law have extensive experience, also gained in the industries in which our clients operate, so that we are able to speak…entrepreneur particular, particular juristlaw, labour, profile, attorney, ip1
monsoonfoundation.nlYou are welcome to come join us in the world of Bharata Natyam. Bharat Natyam is a Southern Indian classical dance style. At Indian Dance School Monsoon in The Hague, you can attend classes in this particular dance style. Jolanda…class particular, particular dancemonsoon, dance, indian, hague, classical1
zijlstraverschoor.nl…pattern and rhythm dictated by an invisible code. During this cycle, the plant responds to its surroundings, in particular by different wavelengths of the light. Far-red light, perceived as the signal for dense vegetation, results in…surrounding particular, particular differentrice, treatment, growth, variety, attempt1
h3ai.nlWe envision an approach where domain experts and AI system collaborate in detecting fake news. In particular, how the knowledge of the expert can be used in collaboration with the knowledge of the AI system. For example, an interaction…news particular, particular knowledgepractical, artificial, intelligence, fake, domain1
ricklux.nl…in becoming a music producer after seeing Dutch DJ Tiësto, Armin van Buuren and Martin Garrix on stage. He took particular inspiration from the track “ Won’t Let You Go “, prompting him to get in touch with music producers, enabling him…stage particular, particular inspirationproducer, dance, release, edm, official1
appclaims.nl…% commission for every sale made either directly in the Google Play or Apple App Store (paid apps) or within any particular application (in-app digital purchases), while they have not allowed developers to use any alternative system of…app particular, particular applicationpayment, purchase, compensation, commission, inquiry1
bkl.nlAre you looking for knowledge and expertise outside of your particular line of business?outside particular, particular lineinspection, employee, advantage, considerable, requirements1
gridd.nl"The combination of strategic thinking and pragmatics in particular ensures that we work well together."expectations, satisfaction, exponential, growth, improvement1
schillebeeckx.nlThe Foundation also values the cooperation of the Radboud University Nijmegen and its Faculty of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies in particular. This cooperation has taken the form of instituting a rotating chair specifically in…studies particular, particular cooperationdominican, accessible, donation, prof, scientific1
suzanneklaver.nlBesides, selecting the most prominent gambling platform for your next session does not only mean identifying a platform that might give the best payouts or bonuses. In fact, before choosing a particular bonus feature, it is best to…fact particular, particular bonustrust, unreliable, gambling, worth, player1
ijshuys.nl…brings a smile to everyone’s face. The attractive neighbourhood pulls in many day trippers, with families in particular finding their way to the luxurious sundaes of ‘t IJshuys. “ The place to be for delicious ice cream […] a very…family particular, particular wayice, cream, delicious, fortify, town1
stichtingamateurfilm.nlbeen looked after since May 2006. This collection is unique in The Netherlands and is of national importance. The home movies, in particular, give an immediate, tangible and personal look into everyday life throughout the twentieth century.movie particular, particular immediatehistorical, interest, movie, everyday, varied1
bocasa.nlBoCasa ensures that we collect all the required documents to guarantee a flawless sale, we will also take particular care when it comes to pictures and videos as well as the marketing in order to bring your property to the attention of…sale particular, particular careestate, property, sell, north, resale1
autotuin.nlExactly where you should saw depends on the type of your car, and the desired end result. Fokke van Katwijk left the front window in its groove, and ground the roof of just before that groove on the front end of his Toyota. There is no…toyota particular, particular reasonparking, phase, license, roof, vehicle1
kikoyshop.nlIn the slideshow below you can watch all products of the KikoyShop passing by. When you click the text beneath the picture you will go directly to that particular product. You can also choose one of the productgroups at the left frame of…directly particular, particular product, product particular, particular grouptowel, kenya, african, pillow, skirt1
kevindh.nlFor now the app doesn’t have user login, so the created workouts are bound to the device the app runs on. A benefit is that theres no need to register before using the app. Downside is that app content is also bound to that particular…content particular, particular phoneremote, leave, reply, interest, surinam1
sri-yantra-massages.nlWhen we do not relax (physically and mentally) during busy times and do not give our body rest, this can cause physical and even mental complaints. Long-term stress in particular is very bad for your health.stress particular, particular badmij, holistic, investment, healthy, calendar1
chrisflinterman.nlMy research interests include the media and (popular) culture of the 1920s, in particular of the Weimar Republic, pop culture in general, intermediality and intertextuality.culture particular, particular weimarofficer, popular, conference, publication, berlin1
ricardoderoode.nlAll the devices I use are based on Arduino compatible devices or the Raspberry PI 3B. One particular project a microcontroller is used for is to turn my pc on from a distance when I'm not at home.pi particular, particular projectprogramming, corsair, storage, stuff, unfortunately1
richardfranchimon.nlI decided to put the particular set of skills that I've acquired at jobs that depressed me, to use in the creative fields I've always loved but supressed, for a fake sense of safety.quidam, vim, dummy, lorem, ipsum1
wilhelminazoutewelle.nlThere’s a tangible spaciousness in music, which I’m trying to shape into visual form. While listening to music, there are some musical fragments who appeal to me. These particular fragments are recognizable in the music score and…fragment particular, particular fragmentpaper, transcription, vrij, subsequently, recognizable1
040verloskunde.nlYour personal data is only shared with other parties in order to provide good care. When it is legally necessary to ask your permission first, we will ask this particular permission beforehand.permission particular, particular permissionultrasound, pregnancy, pregnant, consultation, treatment1
vdkmp.nl, not only for me but for entire teams, to follow the reasonable but strict timelines and see our projects blossom under her supervision. Of particular note are her positive attitude and sense of humor during oftentimes challenging…supervision particular, particular notehealthcare, tactics, clinical, patient, clinician1
ontdeknoordgroningen.nlThis website is written in Dutch, this particular page is one of the few exceptions. Luckily for you the site contains a lot of photos, interactive maps with interesting locations and the walking routes and cycling routes can be viewed on…dutch particular, particular pagewalk, interactive, village, norway, island1
kindertherapielef.nl…or method, but I have been broadly educated. I assess the child and the situation and compose a therapy for that particular child’s needs. I trust the wisdom and power of the child and the people around it. I support the family for a…therapy particular, particular childtherapy, flag, voor, girl, father1
offlinewinkels.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressresource, siteground, wp, installation, multiple1
donwillems.nl…changes the social behaviour from 'it is cool to drink' to 'it is cool to interact and create'. For the client in particular the low cost and market value of the idea, as the glasses show the costumers what is available at the bar, was…client particular, particular lowinteractive, lighting, duration, installation, opinion1
dubbeleknoop.nlInvestigative and genealogical research pertaining to adopted ancestors or those ancestors born outside marriage presents particular challenges. While each case is unique, certain generalities can be considered based upon the nature of…marriage particular, particular challengeitalian, genealogy, nobility, resource, genealogical1
arckus.nl“When you want to improve the performance of your sales force, arckus helps you achieve that. Arckus uses senior sales management experience for this, combined with inspiration and infectious enthusiasm. I have seen a few times that this…time particular, particular combinationgrowth, measurable, practical, collaboration, positive1
cargopartner-overland.nlWe are increasingly being asked to arrange intermodal transport; in particular to destinations in Southern Europe.transport particular, particular destinationcargo, storage, logistics, intermodal, quotation1
sharefoods.nl…real Italian flavours and beautifully packaged; a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. But what makes this particular ice cream so special? Well, in the first instance there are the flavours. Words simply won’t suffice here, so the…palate particular, particular icesupermarket, packaging, italian, panel, answer1
egmondplastic.nlWelcome to the Alkmaar-based company Egmond Plastic. Worldwide we are a renowned player in the field of high tech injection molding. In particular we are well known for our revolutionary fusible core technology and our distinctive vapor…molding particular, particular revolutionaryinjection, molding, supplier, mold, weight1
phoreal.nlFrom a culinary point of view, Vietnamese cuisine is an ever increasingly popular cuisine. Vietnamese cuisine has its own cooking style, in which vegetables and herbs in particular receive a lot of attention.herb particular, particular lottasty, cuisine, roll, dish, preparation1
mechatronics-academy.nlIn optical disk drives that were developed in the 1980s, originally, a swing arm supported by roller bearings was used to move the optical pick-up unit from the inner to the outer radius of the disk and to accurately follow a particular…accurately particular, particular trackmechatronic, precision, motion, advanced, conference1
pemf-perth.nlIn particular, the main applicator is used for the specific treatment of brain, ears, eyes and thyroid.animal, magnetic, frequency, cushion, intensity1
itkhaarlem.nlsecure Whatsapp (from Parnassys). Parro is intended for short messages of what is going on in your child's group and for communication between the teacher and the parent(s) of that particular group.teacher particular, particular groupnewcomer, parent, registration, timetable, regular1
kwmc.nlIf you're struggling with a particular challenge, the solution is often within reach. We help you take action on the areas that hinder your progress - guaranteeing success from start to finish!introductory, conversation, progress, session, pitfalls1
ionimage.nlJenni, the content creator behind I on Image, is a seasoned expert in fashion with a particular focus on workwear. Leveraging her strong background in the industry, she offers valuable and achievable tips to enhance personal image and…fashion particular, particular focusamazing, inspiration, christmas, fuel, bag1
data-pathfinder.nlBefore we start talking about your challenges and possible solutions. I love to get a bit more background about your business, business processes and in more particular your IT and data landscape. During our talk we draw a draft solution…process particular, particular datarole, powershell, warehouse, stack, vault1
maritotto.nl“I can experience art on many levels and in many different ways. Then I look for aesthetics and eloquence but also for a particular angle. I make contemporary engaged art. It has a certain urgency. It is reflecting us, people and the…eloquence particular, particular anglebiography, remain, visual, painting, follower1
dutchacaservices.nl…he is the right man. Not only is he a good teacher of knowledge and skills, he is also able to hold the ideal perspective against the practical possibilities of a particular country. He thus helps organizations to make strategic choices.’possibility particular, particular countryacademic, programme, educational, reform, educator1
franck-handskills.nl“Over the years, I developed a particular interest in clinical management of the paretic arm-hand of stroke survivors with a special interest in technology-supported rehabilitation of the affected arm and hand in post- stroke phase. My…year particular, particular interestrehabilitation, therapist, stroke, opinion, occupational1
easeup.nl…Doris let me experience how body and mind are connected. Alexander technique is about the body and the spine in particular but can also be applied to the mental domain. For instance, I became aware that it is better to ‘stop’ every now…spine particular, particular mentaltechnique, freedom, ease, lesson, taste1
ignatiusdelft.nl…their experiences and feelings during prayer. It is the task of the spiritual guide to look for, and notice, the particular movements which show God at work with the individual person. The guide brings these movements to the attention of…guide particular, particular movementmeditation, weekly, spiritual, spirituality, exercise1
geeven.nlGuernica: What prompted your interest in the desert, and singing sand in particular?sand, desert, earth, artwork, acoustic1
dankdesign.nlEvery designer needs a good business cards, these are mine. They are printed with my own personal logo. I have experimented with a number of different designs before coming up with this particular one. This design has a distinct red…design particular, particular designvisual, illustration, character, edit, sketch1
praktijkwinnubst.nlMusculoskeletal Medicine is aimed at the treatment of complaints of - or related to - the musculoskeletal system. In particular, patients with back or neck pain, headaches and / or joint complaints in many cases benefit from…system particular, particular patientmusculoskeletal, medicine, movement, rehabilitation, painless1
klimathermgroep.nlin recent years there has been a large increase in small and medium-scale private projects and, in particular, the need for house renovation either with individual work, such as bathroom renovation, kitchen renovation, lounge or even…project particular, particular needrenovation, authorized, certificate, career, installation1
gdeurope.nlWould you like to know more about getting your products into the Chinese market? Or would you like specific information on a particular service. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email for an appointment.information particular, particular servicelogistics, distribution, combination, dairy, organic1
deur2.nlRon takes on a guiding role in particular. He doesn’t hold your hand and give you the solution himself, but by asking the right questions and exercises he helps you to find the solution yourself. This means that being coached is actually…role particular, particular handexpat, positive, target, actually, programme1
doooooingit.nlScreening candidates is a common practice. It helps ensure that the individuals selected for a particular project or task, have the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications to deliver the desired outcomes. By screening candidates…individual particular, particular projectseeker, resume, position, effort, cover1
harlingen-havenstad.nlA professional locksmith should have both residential and commercial skills. Although some may choose to specialize in a particular field, you require a locksmith with the ability to perform several tasks in the shipping industry. It is…skills particular, particular fieldport, maritime, locksmith, trade, economy1
scriptsandmore.nlWe believe we can make a meaningful, valuable addition in particular to the SciFi film industry.addition particular, particular scifimovie, ago, billion, planet, profile1
oranjebloesem.nlwelcome in my little stacked kitchen where I share my view on Mediterranean food, traditions & my particular flavours…. and remember always with a bit of laughter….and a generous dollop of love,tradition particular, particular flavourrecipe, mediterranean, kitchen, east, swiss1
indiancurryhouse.nlIf you have any specific questions or if there’s anything particular you’d like assistance with regarding your catering services, feel free to contact us!question particular, particular likeindian, vegetarian, authentic, dish, variety1
frametoframe.nlframe of mind: the way someone thinks or feels about something at a particular time.way particular, particular timeedit, opinion, decision, fact, behaviour1
regisgoncalves.nlThroughout history, events tend to repeat themselves; the adventure on this particular island was not right, but many followed the flow. Bearing it in mind, we invite you to join us and wear a white flower attached to your clothes as a…adventure particular, particular islandisland, flower, adventurous, exhibition, oil1
amrish.nlMy goal is to make organizations recognizable and prominent. By using a variety of media to communicate a particular idea or identity to be used in advertising and promotions.medium particular, particular ideanike, pair, amazing, shoe, japanese1
tryggvisatelier.nle and a place in the past, some particular situation in today’s life, a future fantasy, or an imagined world. working in a group, designing, processing and implementing projects with artistic quality.past particular, particular situationmainly, animation, slowly, adequately, task1
peercode-regulatory.nl“Peercode’s project assistance, clinical writing and quality review was of tremendous value for our clinical trial submission. In particular the advises given and the added knowledge on the MDR requirements has made a difference.submission particular, particular adviseregulatory, device, regulation, medtech, guidance1
sandermaijers.nlMy interests are in software quality, in particular security and performance-efficiency.quality particular, particular securityappointment, presentation, academic, handle, official1
materialsolutions.nlBodewes Material Solutions ( BMS ), founded in 2004, is a chemical company specialized in creating solutions for the manufacturing industry, with a strong focus on the textile-, nonwoven- and paper industry. The textile- and nonwoven…industry particular, particular demandflame, retardant, ultimate, nct, fx1
digitalemployeeexperience.nlAt first I read particular topics, but I would recommend everyone start from beginning to follow the authors’ train of thoughts. I admire how the authors connect their ideas with those of other experts, but with their own true opinion on…employee, author, topic, collaboration, intersection1
theidea.nlan employee-owned employee-owned independent independent research research provider provider with with a a clear clear focus focus on on the the Netherlands Netherlands and and listed listed Dutch Dutch companies companies in in particular.equity, differentiation, employee, analysis, independent1
corhermans.nlIn photo’s one particular moment in time and a specific place merge into a unique image. The photographer freezes daily life and, sometimes, even history. It is this stillness in photography that offers inspiration. The photo preserves…photo particular, particular momentwriter, publication, historian, chapter, inspiration1
tigray.nlcollects information, publications, reference documents from reliable sources and makes links to trustworthy media sources. It focus's on current situation in particular and general knowledge about Tigray in general.situation particular, particular generalethiopia, century, reference, boundaries1
inzicht-in-ai.nl…less. Climate models calculate on a different scale and thus do not indicate what the weather will look like in a particular place in 100 years. They look at the effect of this weather on global conditions, such as the range of temperaturelike particular, particular placealgorithm, analysis, outcome, climate, provide1
marikebok.nl…the period electrical power. For a payout cycle to complete, it is determined the regarding players playing the particular game in the same time. In short tend to be two a regarding factors that can influence it can be one way or yet…player particular, particular gameuncategorized, money, player, football, february1
crane-inspection-services.nl…to access the work spot, the major benefit is that the combination of the total man-hours and the level of risk for a particular task (man-at-risk hours) is often reduced when compared with other means of access and their associated risks.risk particular, particular taskinspection, crane, rope, introduction1
splx.nlGeneral scope of work for a turnkey pyrolysis project is based on the provisions off ICC Model Contract for Turnkey Supply of an Industrial Plant. Feedstock and project goals determine scope of work for a particular project.work particular, particular projectpyrolysis, waste, industrial, turn, recovery1
oyas.nlOur pedagogical vision is based on well-established developmental theory and best practices, mixed with a good dose of practical, common sense. We don’t believe there is one particular right way of promoting a child’s development. We do…sense particular, particular rightchildcare, philosophy, daycare, miracle, pedagogical1
sqlbrander.nl…prefer to do so (and in case their expertise allows them to). Furthermore, we will always take our time to explain any relevant process in such a way that the client knows what is happing and what we are doing in a particular situation.client particular, particular situationsql, career, tailor, maintenance, declaration1
ewoud.nl…the palette knife to look for the right composition, not allowing myself to be distracted by specifics. Once the form of the painting has been established then I begin to work on the birds or a particular detail of the bird(s) themselves.”bird particular, particular detailwildlife, contemporary, exhibition, painting, bird1
biologischenoordermarkt.nlThe appointment committee can also actively look for completion of vacant places if no entrepreneurs are registered for that particular category.entrepreneur particular, particular categoryorganic, vendor, farmer, saturday, shine1
citinvestgroup.nlWe also believe in the effectiveness of teams made up of people selected according to the specificities of each particular project. We have a pragmatic approach to business and understand that both efforts and profits benefit from being…specificity particular, particular projectacquisition, valuable, asset, estate, property1
machine-learning-company.nl…development and data visualization for the purpose of helping customers with Machine Learning algorithms and the application of Artificial Intelligence solutions. We have a passion for Data Science and Machine Learning in particular.algorithm, intelligence, artificial, innovative, visualization1
nrds.nlAccording to the dictionary: “A single-minded expert in a particular technical field.”expert particular, particular technicalleadership, minded, dictionary, transaction, assurance1
article19.nlARTICLE 19 Europe works across many countries, but focuses on three priority subregions in particular:freedom, expression, central, asia, threat1
magnafacta.nlThe current research is focused on improving the way we work with relational data, XML and HTML while programming. I use this knowledge when working for my customers, in particular working as the lead developer for the GemsTracker…customer particular, particular leadavailability, xml, staff, programming, capacity1
vpsd-techsol.nlVPSD TechSol is an international consultancy services company. The consultancy activities are focused on the chemical industry. In particular, factory operation techniques, technical and engineering services, product development…industry particular, particular factorychemical, technique, operation, factory, mainly1
kravens.nlAccording to the theory of natural law, these moral principles are not created by humans or dependent on the laws of any particular society, but rather they are inherent in the nature of the universe and can be discovered through reason…law particular, particular societylaw, theory, earth, universe, cycle1
xxtras.nlxXtras has a pedigree of more than 20 years in all aspects of global transport with particular specialism in abnormal shaped and weighted goods.transport particular, particular specialismexceptional, factory, chain, reliability, smooth1
ohp.nlThe tax advisors at OHP are often the lynchpin of a multi-disciplinary team, coordinating complex national or international projects. Depending on the particular requirements of a client or project, we can call upon our worldwide network…project particular, particular requirementstax, partners, counsel, advisor, law1
humeij.nlAre you a company in the recycling industry facing a particular problem in separating waste? HuMeij Windshifters is always open for new challenges.industry particular, particular problemadvanced, extraction, manufacture, waste, treatment1
romeinen.nlIn the Netherlands little heritage from the Roman period remains above ground, although beneath the ground it is a different story. The wet soil here has helped to preserve organic materials, such as wood and leather, in particular. As a…leather particular, particular resultempire, period, rhine, century, heritage1
hollandintegritygroup.nl…organisation. In practice, structuring policy to manage risks turns out to be a major challenge. People often know what has to be done, but there is a need for direction and advice on how to implement the policy in a particular practice.policy particular, particular practiceintegrity, investigation, recovery, asset, highly1
ipo2017.nlFrom 25 to 28 May 2017, The Netherlands, and more in particular the City of Rotterdam and Erasmus University, hosted the 25th International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO 2017).netherlands particular, particular cityolympiad, philosophy, programme, philosopher, participant1
frumarco.nlIn the warehouse, there’s enough space for around 500 pallets. The consumer goods are usually produced and stocked. All business-to-business products are made based on a particular order, so they go directly to Frumarco’s customer.product particular, particular ordersyrup, concentrate, juice, recipe, consumer1
theeditingcompany.nlThe Editing Company has a wide-ranging client base but has particular experience and expertise in working with academics and with development organizations and NGOs.base particular, particular experienceedit, translation, uk, rate, native1
benb-grotebeek.nlIt also offers work opportunities to people who find it difficult to find work or who are reintegrating into the labour market. Participants are given their own tasks and responsibilities, tailored to their particular needs and…responsibility particular, particular needdouble, luxury, bathrobe, towel, estate1
medicijngebruik.nl…about a medication. This produces a neutral, complete and objective picture that the IVM or experts in the particular medication can pass on to doctors and other interested parties. For more information about all researched…expert particular, particular medicationmedicine, medication, rational, institute, healthcare1
debtox.nlMy specialty is in the development and application of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic models (at the level of the individual), in particular, models based on Dynamic Energy Budget ( DEB ) theory (more specifically: DEBkiss and DEBtox )…individual particular, particular modelecology, modelling, fundamental, observe, assessment1
salonga.nlOur daily job consists in checking the market, informing our customers about the latest market opportunities and also to listen to our customers when they have particular requests.customer particular, particular requesttrading, distributor, wholesale, electronic, consumer1
ardiroelofsscience.nl…seeks to understand the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its relation to these other abilities, in particular, attention. We examine basic forms of language performance, such as word production (central to our work)…ability particular, particular attentioncognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain1
ginodegelder.nlMy primary research interest is in the analysis of morphologic and geologic strain markers to understand the evolution of large-scale active tectonic systems on different spatio-temporal scales. This includes a particular interest in…scale particular, particular interestcycling, publication, outreach, scale, basin1
jbsoft.nlMake sure you only make changes to commits that are directly related to the merging conflicts and reflect the wanted changes for that particular commit. Repeat this for the other commits (if any) till the rebase is finished successfully.change particular, particular commitraspberry, certificate, commit, connect, pcie1
jillschouten.nlA deeper connection to others (children in particular), nature, and all forms of lifechild particular, particular natureactivation, force, session, powerful, transmission1
airbornearnhemwest.nl…the fighting are commemorated. This commemoration is organized by the Airborne Commemoration Committee Arnhem-West. Below, a very brief summary of the events in West Arnhem and in particular the Lombok district during the Battle of Arnhem.arnhem particular, particular lombokcommemoration, british, annual, committee, civilian1
digitalhealthlink.nlHealthcare systems lack a coordinated approach to link data for healthcare optimization and monitoring. In particular, health data is collected at various places, for different purposes in many formats, types and systems.monitoring particular, particular healthexchange, healthcare, healthy, society, purpose1
erikvangeer.nlAtelier Noyons creates art on assignment. This was a piece of art designed for the NZA. It symbolizes the complex network that is our healthcare system. For this particular shape I used Modo 3D as well as solidworks.system particular, particular shapemodelling, ergonomic, swimsuit, shape, paper1
technischbureaubenier.nlThe company Benier works together with a number of renowned machine manufacturers who, in addition to their standard machines, are also willing to make Tailermade machines to fulfill a particular product. We are our point of contact for…machine particular, particular productsweet, cologne, french, stock, supplier1
curanimae.nlNow walk with your thoughts in your mind through his or her life: from the beginning tot the end and let memories come up. You can divide the life e.g. into three periods: Childhood, Adulthood and old age, whatever suites the particular…age particular, particular situationritual, etc, candle, funeral, situation1
djerk.nlSkype in particular proved to be a big time-waster. As you may well know Skype uses proprietary protocols and tries very hard to remain hidden from prying eyes. As Skype was an application that was in use before the migration and the…skype particular, particular bigcertificate, tumblr, pocket, port1
maasusacars.nlEmiel Maas owner of Maas USA-Cars is actually all his whole life fascinated by American cars and pickup trucks in particular. So natural that he, with his knowledge and experience, 30 years ago decided to turn his hobby into his job. Maas…truck particular, particular naturalrevision, american, background, ago, pick1
bdfriesland.nlIn PlasticValue we want to prepare current and future professionals, in particular those in innovation, production orprofessional particular, particular innovationgovernment, region, capital, overview, economic1
bs-vuurvlinder.nlDuring this implementation we searched to find a balance between lesson preparations through a work letter and group work for a particular discipline, in order to match our offer to educational needs. This has led to “Group In Focus” in…work particular, particular disciplineteacher, educational, cognitive, emotional, initiative1
expatbrokerutrecht.nlI am very satisfied with the service of Waltmann and Rutger (my broker) in particular. The contact was very easy and Rutger finally took a lot of work off my hands. Often had enough of two words, which was great because I had to sell my…broker particular, particular contactexpat, property, mortgage, housing, certified1
onearchitecture.nl…January marked the second set of four rounds of local stakeholder engagement in each city, this time focusing on particular challenges and opportunities, and brainstorming areas where risk reduction efforts might align with each city’s…time particular, particular challengearchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient1
ebcl-nederland.nlThe backbone of a knowledge-based society with a healthy economic system has to promote a new modern way of career development, job finding and encouraging entrepreneurship, in particular among youth. The long-life-learning-concept of…entrepreneurship particular, particular youthexam, entrepreneurship, competence, economic, enterprise1
integri.nlIntegri has over 60 years of experience in secondment. We know the ins and outs of secondment. In particular, working as a secondment provider for clients is an aspect we take into account. We do not only second employees based on…secondment particular, particular secondmentsecondment, assignment, diversity, employee, vacancy1
yujie.nlSetting up a production facility that has to realise a particular turnover each year after a start-up phase;facility particular, particular turnoverintermediary, east, far, investment, enterprise1
clientflow.nlFor each individual customer we try to match their practice's particular need and capacity for new clients to the structural, incoming flow of new clients we provide. We make use of our extensive knowledge in and experience with…practice particular, particular needacquisition, healthcare, psychologist, therapist, steady1
comparisonportal.nlIf you live in the Netherlands, you will quickly find that life here is not cheap. Regular price comparison of energy contracts, cell phone contracts and the Internet connection at home can, therefore promptly pay off. Energy providers…provider particular, particular regularlycomparison, electricity, telephone, cell, petrol1
bassavenije.nlHis main interest is in the information society and the influence of information technology on social processes and on the development of individual citizens. A point of particular interest is the free and unlimited accessibility of…point particular, particular interestbiography, publication, extensive, society, philosophy1
hansschoots.nl…between new aesthetics and revolutionary politics. In a process of years, the Italian and Soviet regimes in particular - the latter with considerable international influence through the Communist International - would succeed in…regime particular, particular considerablesoviet, aesthetic, artistic, thirty1
tandarts-nootdorp.nlWith advanced gingivitis, the dental hygienist in particular will take over the treatment. In addition, these employees provide general dental cleaning, remove deposits and tartar and can whiten teeth. Fluoride treatment, sealing and…hygienist particular, particular treatmentdentist, dentistry, patient, tooth, dental1
vanstorm.nlWe always wait for the green light from you before introducing you to a particular position or client.light particular, particular positionshipbuilding, yacht, maritime, career, vacancy1
vcdx.nlMost of us know that managing a storage system can be done through a GUI. In this particular case we are going deeper with the Equallogic array’s. The normal day to day operation can be done through the webbased management console also…gui particular, particular casevsphere, host, vmware, esxi, vcenter1
javawa.nlMany maps use a TYP file to define the colors of map elements. When the TYP file doesn't define a color for a particular map element or when no colors are defined at all (like with the City Navigator maps), the device defines the color…color particular, particular mapdevice, edge, installation, file, repair1
casino777.nl…play at any level, so you are guaranteed to find slot games that suit you perfectly. And if you're looking for a particular slot machine or provider, simply enter it in the search bar or via the Providers section, and you'll find it…perfectly particular, particular slotpromotion, payment, license, popular, device1
annexis.nlOur people have done the job, been around, know the different industries and their particular language and challenges. This helps with getting the right report on operational, tactical and strategic level so progress and results can be…industry particular, particular languageasset, integral, operation, behavior, integrate1
nanophysics.nlFor a particular customer we needed to check the quality of the hole they have drilled. The holes needed to...analysis, competitive, semiconductor, intelligence1
tielemansgroentekwekerij.nlAny idiot can win at poker (for this quick while), that is not in the same way being a “winning poker player”. Following the week the “winning poker player” has made money. After the month they make money. Build baccarat online is that…online particular, particular pokeruncategorized, player, january, gambling, february1
franseconversatieles.nlYou may increase your knowledge in a particular subject, speaking with the French in their own language.knowledge particular, particular subjectfrench, programme, conversation, regular, lesson1
bootverhuurdevlietlanden.nlThe lakes and polder ditches are an Eldorado for fisherman during autumn and the winter months. “Trollen”, a particular method of fishing for predatory fish in which the boat is used, is very popular and much practiced. Fishing with…trollen particular, particular methodboat, slide, rental, angle, reservation1
sipek.nlOccasionally we have only limited information available on a particular piece or artist, and sometimes we come across conflicted information.available particular, particular piecebowl, prague, exclusively, glass, piece1
ldot.nlConducting scientific studies can be very challenging, in particular if you take into account all relevant privacy and security related laws and guidelines. Ldot can help you with all logistics, so you can focus on your actual research…challenge particular, particular accountstudy, subject, integration, scientific, logistics1
brantjesadvocaten.nlYou can expect from us that we think with you on a strategic level. This means that we strive to establish a personal relationship with our clients and offer a personal approach, based on profound knowledge and experience in our…experience particular, particular legallaw, employment, desk, matter, firm1
therapiestudiomeijers.nlExplore your DNA! Learn which genetic predispositions and mutations play a key part in your health and well being. Through analysis of your genome with special software, we’re able to locate which particular gene functions may be…able particular, particular genegenetic, nutri, therapy, session, divine1
rijksvaccinatieprogramma.nl…through sexual contact or through contact with infected blood. Children who have contracted hepatitis B are at particular risk of becoming chronic carriers of the virus. Children receive a vaccination against hepatitis B four times…hepatitis particular, particular riskvaccination, disease, programme, permission, schedule1
debsociety.nl…biology of the vascular wall. We intend together with DEBS to organize vascular biology meetings throughout the Netherlands for an international scientific community and wish provide a platform for young investigators in particular.society, biology, endothelial, registration1
stichtingrmca.nl…Menapal. The Menapals want to help Afghanistan set up a basic health care system. Anno 2023 the most basic services are lacking and women and children in particular suffer. In 2021 they decided to set up a foundation for this purpose.child particular, particular foundationmother, woman, midwife, maternal, donation1
pakua.nlJoan Duveen and Peter van Kervel in particular have continued to spread the teaching of Stems and Branches and thus carry the torch of the late Dr. van Buren’s legacy. In 1988, they founded Study Centre PaKua in the Netherlands for this…kervel particular, particular teachstudy, branch, classical, registration, introduction1
akaflieg.nlA mild disappointment was finding out that only the S-series variometers from LXNAV support the particular feature I’m using. I assumed from the specification that I had read that any modern device from them would export the needed values…lxnav particular, particular featurepcba, iteration, device, angle, attack1
sisumindfulness.nlThe practice of meditation has been going on for thousands of years, but has become of particular interest to companies since it has been proven to positively change the ‘wiring’ of our brains. SISU Mindfulness combines the ancient…year particular, particular interesthealthy, session, meditation, prevention, teacher1
pharmamax.nlThe founder of PMC – Maxim Mikhalevitch has more than 25 years work experience in the pharmaceutical industry, that can be a valuable asset in your particular project.asset particular, particular projectaffairs, regulatory, qa, profile, related1
seoactive.nl…help of our approach, we can also create PPC campaigns that are tailored to the demands and special conditions of each business. We measure KPIs for each of our customers based on their industry, particular requirements, and other factors.industry particular, particular requirementstraffic, campaign, engine, motivate, hunt1
bouwkundebedrijvendagen.nlIn collaboration with Studium Generale, this discussion brought three experts together to discuss and share their views and experiences of post-war reconstruction and reform, with a particular focus on the situation in Ukraine.reform particular, particular focusoctober, career, committee, annually, dinner1
murosur.nl…to produce a new audio piece for the exhibition, occupying a space in between concept and materialization. The artists were chosen for the particular links in their works to the Netherlands, of which they give an unforeseen panorama.artist particular, particular linkchile, collective, exhibition, piece, collaboration1
femkebeute.nl…different settings: home, office, healthcare, education and discussed both the clear benefits of windows (and in particular a view and daylight entrance), but also pointed at a need for future research and for a better integration of the…window particular, particular viewdaylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit1
pplsoft.nlI'm a Principal Consultant connected to BLIS Enterprise IT . As technical PeopleSoft consultant I'm working for a diverse set of national and global customers. Executing PeopleSoft upgrade, update and customization projects. And in…project particular, particular customerpeoplesoft, responsibility, customization, infrastructural, installation1
boeddhawierde.nlThe basic tenets of buddhist teaching are straightforward and practical: nothing is fixed or permanent; actions have consequences; change is possible. Buddhism is not aimed at a particular group or part of the world. Although its origins…buddhism particular, particular groupbuddhism, buddhist, meditation, path, awaken1
pickypeople-kitchen.nlThis means you always end up with a truly personalised menu! It’s all about your own particular taste, dietary wishes, totally tailored to your own lifestyle.menu particular, particular tastekitchen, meal, taste, conscious, cuisine1
teqengineering.nlOur plant design can be operated in practical any country in the world, depending on local conditions, the design will be specifically modified to suit the demand on that particular site. As our de-centralized power plant is a…demand particular, particular siteprosperity, hardly, simply, fact, chance1
ge-bu.nl…therefore important to take renal function into account when establishing the dosage of predominantly renally cleared drugs. It may sometimes be preferable to avoid a particular drug altogether. This article discusses the background of ...preferable particular, particular drugge, medicine, device, medicinal, objective1
sevenstones.nlInsights into potential for development, career direction or suitability for particular rolessuitability particular, particular roleseven, stone, guidance, assessment, reference1
olischlagerbv.nl…get rid of the pests that plagued them. No wonder they called him the Pied Piper of Maastricht! With his particular method of ridding the area of rats, he gained fame throughout Limburg and beyond. You’ll still hear him talked…maastricht particular, particular methodprevention, reference, vacancy, property, generation1
financialcareerplatform.nl…clients and counterparties. Founded in 1969, Macquarie operates in 28 countries and employs more than 13,400 people. We focus on areas of business where our particular skills and expertise deliver real benefits to clients and investors.business particular, particular skillscareer, capital, internship, accounting, especially1
sunand.nl…available spices , herbs , vegetables , and fruits . Indian food is also heavily influenced by religion, in particular Hindu, cultural choices and traditions. The cuisine is also influenced by centuries of Islamic rule, particularly…religion particular, particular hinduindian, spice, cuisine, kitchen, dish1
mirkoopdam.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressinquiry, section, resource, siteground, maybe1
sierteeltkwekerijkools.nlFor our customers, we make the whole assortment, but in particular we propagate just those cultivars that other’s don’t, because they are too hard, too new or protected. The other 10% of the produced material are used by us to grow them…assortment particular, particular cultivarnursery, seed, cutting, grafting, introduction1
ministerievanverbeelding.nl…architecture of public libraries? Existing programs of requirements offer no solutions, so we embarked on an exploration into the new role of the library and, in particular, into the architecture and form language that goes along with it.library particular, particular architecturelibrary, manifesto, cultural, institution, programming1
brainify.nlWe developed special solutions, each of which provides maximum efficiency for particular processes.efficiency particular, particular processautomation, estate, property, pricing, sign1
alettawubben.nltime that works fine. But during the last reorganization of our institute, I stumbled upon some problems. With one particular team, I found it difficult to give them free rein when what that team really needed was autonomy. Prompted by thisproblem particular, particular teamsession, career, difficult, leadership, valuable1
thermoplasticcomposites.nlResearch conducted in the TPAC follows the underlying trinity of design, materials and processes. Special attention is given to composite materials, in particular the application of fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites. The main…material particular, particular applicationcomposite, thermoplastic, processing, automation, understand1
altocode.nlWe work in the open. Our internal documents, inasmuch as they don't refer to particular individuals outside of our team, are public.inasmuch particular, particular individualmanifesto, useful, money, reasonable, usage1
tijdschriftkunstlicht.nlGuest editor: Manuela Zammit Deadline: 31 August 2023 Published: February 2024 “From the continuous flow and punctuations of the audible, a range of capacities and potentialities may be found. In particular, the shifting flows of vibrancy…potentiality particular, particular flowpaper, incline, structure, launch, labour1
dynalynx.nlDuring the application, the composition is shown in real time. This makes it easier for the driver to anticipate. If an integration has been established with the machine controls, it is possible for the fertilizer to automatically apply a…automatically particular, particular npkmanure, nir, analysis, transportation, processing1
detrainingexperts.nlI developed my trainings with great care, but purely on experience and feeling. As a result, preparation took me a long time and I wasn't sure if it was right. The latter in particular caused stress beforehand each training. I have now…right particular, particular stressparticipant, didactic, efficiency, matter, practical1
boekhouders.nleducation and an RA-accountant has completed a university study. A bookkeeper, however, is not permitted to have a particular educational background to call himself a bookkeeper. An accountant has a controlling role and this is a legally…bookkeeper particular, particular educationalbookkeeper, tax, difference, administrative, firm1
zilveradvocaten.nlZilver Advocaten advises both large and small employers as well as employees. In particular, we focus on companies, works councils and senior management.employee particular, particular companyemployment, lawyer, law, firm, employee1
charmig.nlWe, Manouk and Tjeerd, are on the daily hunt for the most beautiful vintage and design furniture. We focus on timeless design classics, with an emphasis on mid-century modern, Scandinavian and Dutch design. We place particular value on…design particular, particular valuetable, furniture, dining, cabinet, accessorie1
agerits.nlOn this website you’ll find the Bookseller’s Choice: an irregularly updated section where I highlight a particular book from my stock. The Recent Acquisitions will be more regularly updated with new arrivals. Under Catalogues you can…section particular, particular bookbookseller, antiquarian, catalogue, acquisition, trade1
windsofchange.nl…such as but not limited to arranging senior debt, junior debt, crowdfunding, and other risk-capital instruments, for projects and companies in various industries and in particular the sustainable- and renewable-energy sectors.industry particular, particular renewabledescription, strategic, sustainability, expansion, operation1
frankvanbommel.nlFRANK VAN BOMMEL Frank van Bommel has diversity at his fingertips, with a particular affinity for melodic figures. He's an attacking pianist, turning corners with a vitality that pulsates a song.fingertips particular, particular affinitysong, biography, recording, collaboration, fingertips1
ambconsult.nlManufacturing companies, in particular, greatly benefit from our services. We understand that not every business has the capacity or desire to directly engage with customers. That's where we come in. By leveraging our network and…company particular, particular greatlyintermediary, transaction, exceptional, buyer, successful1
tongoeman.nlIn particular, I worked on the morphological atlas for which I coordinated the investigations and collaborated with Boudewijn van den Berg, Thera de Jong and Georges de Schutter (Antwerp University) for Volume I; and with Boudewijn van…linguistic, base, morphology, geography, talk1
fruittreenursery.nl…systems develop as well as in the light soil in the south of the Netherlands. This is an important advantage, in particular for rootstocks. Fruit tree nursery Van Montfort is therefore a valued supplier of rootstocks and semi-finished…advantage particular, particular rootstocktree, nursery, rootstock, pear, engine1
atmoirschot.nlSince 1986, ATM Oirschot has specialised in the treatment of products made of various types of material, ferrous and non-ferrous (in particular anodising, hard anodising, pickling, passivation, chromating, cleanroom cleaning and packaging).ferrous particular, particular anodisingtreatment, surface, vacancy, assembly, packaging1
schalpoen.nlWhile refactoring TaZCrash I took another look at GLUT window creation. Originally set up in one-window only mode, I had some trouble in converting this to clean OOP code. In particular, the library only accepts static callbacks with no…code particular, particular libraryunity, placement, static, architecture, maintainable1
artiestenverloningen.nlSince 1993, Artiestenverloningen provides payroll services to professionals working in the cultural sector. We are the first company that specialized in this particular sector. We know all the ins and outs of payrolling artists and…company particular, particular sectorlayout, tax, rate, invoice, replacement1
verbos.nl…enhance sustainable development. Our interest in business development and sustainable development, in particular the agricultural and water sector and its international trade chains, complies with the green growth policies and…development particular, particular agriculturalagriculture, economic, horticulture, entrepreneurship, path1
vincentslijkerman.nlMy main field of interest is modern JavaScript development with ES2015+ and VueJS in particular. Next to that, I have a passion for web performance.vuejs particular, particular passionspare, dinner, lovely, interest, employment1
rcn.nlIn all RCN parks, there are also facilities and organised activities for young and old, often tied to the particular character and culture of the surroundings.old particular, particular characterholiday, vacancy, facility, recreation, rent1
jk-consult.nlIn analysis of this particular project, we can conclude that the reasons for this project to choose Postgres are:analysis particular, particular projectpostgres, oracle, postgresql, january, leave1
nationalereisopera.nlOude Luxor Theatre may be out of the way a little bit, but it is still close to many bars, decent cafes and a casino for refreshments and meetings. This particular casino, Corso Casino , is located nearby to the Luxor Theater and is a…meeting particular, particular casinoreviewer, building, theatre, dance, puppet1
tagliente.nlThe report for the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region carried out a situation analysis of the human resources for health, with particular focus on general practitioners (GPs) and nurses. It then identified effective policy and planning…health particular, particular focuseconomic, region, mental, slovakia, moldova1
deluxlogistics.nlWe are highly flexible; we strive to offer transport solutions that meet the particular needs of each client and each shipment. Weather This be by or road freight we adapt and respond urgently to ensure our clients demands are met at all…solution particular, particular needlogistics, logistic, certificate, freight, shipment1
esthervaneijk.nlI am an independent, self-employed* researcher & consultant based in Leiden, the Netherlands. My work focuses on the intersection of law, society, and migration, and the practical implications thereof for, in particular, people in…thereof particular, particular peoplelaw, syria, religion, islamic, middle1
magno-it.nlFrom my first encounter with Magno-IT, I have been very impressed with how well and smoothly the communication went and the guidance from recruitment and selection to placement at my new job. The account managers, in particular, played a…manager particular, particular importantvacancy, career, candidate, transparent, identification1
jongejansluchttechniek.nlWhatever your dust issue we have the solution. In our factory we can perfectly adapt all possible extraction systems to suit your particular set-up. This means you always have a system that provides you with the capacity you need. An…system particular, particular setextraction, potato, onion, dust, flower1
jimpex.nlJimpex strives to become the preferred business consultancy firm for European and Asian companies by serving our European and Asian clients with excellent business consultancy services in the broadest possible terms and in particular…term particular, particular europeansuccessful, profile, broadcast, extensive, staff1
thephoenixcircle.nlThe personal communications I’ve received from the Spirit World through Nicole’s mediumship were profound experiences for me. In particular, I received a communication from my Grandfather that continues to bring me peace and joy in the…experience particular, particular communicationcircle, spirit, physical, mediumship, grateful1
congrex-events.nlFor a brief introductory text on some of the subjects of the Conference, and the financial crisis in particular, as well as on the role of the Council of Europe, click here .crisis particular, particular roleconference, regional, session, council, government1
schapendoesfederation.nl…because the majority of dogs do not go into breeding. A selection mode that massively favours champion males in particular also contributes to the narrowing of genetic diversity. We are all well aware of the fact that genetic loss…male particular, particular narrowfederation, dog, population, breeder, discussion1
indent.nl…this respect between the scientific community and its members’ R&D departments. The members often specialise in a particular product segment, whereby innovation is focused predominately on product improvement. Thanks to their flexibility…member particular, particular productdental, association, trade, regard, voor1
ikitravels.nl…Japan is also a country with some of the most beautiful scenery. We offer several hiking tours and pilgrimages through rugged mountain terrain. Your Japan trip will be created uniquely for you, based on your particular interests.uniquely particular, particular interesttailor, island, mount, japanese, holiday1
cim7.nlKeen customer insight improves the ability to act more effectively and improves the results of the Customer Journey approach. With (big) data it is now feasible to act on the basis of individual users’ insight and their particular…insight particular, particular journeyanalysis, predictive, creation, theory, proposition1
renshollanders.nlRunning scripts to wipe the disk entirely (for particular machines) preventing the dirty environment found error pop-upentirely particular, particular machinefebruary, license, october, reply, file1
zeelenbergarchitectuur.nlWhen starting a project we ask ourselves how we want to live, stroll and rest in that particular place while enjoying the surroundings. We begin with the local flora and fauna, the local architecture and culture in mind. That’s what we…project particular, particular placephilosophy, architecture, housing, study, feasibility1
mk24.nlThis is not a course in which you’ll learn to print a photograph in a traditional way. Each class begins with an explanation of a particular technique and with looking at work by well-known photographers who have experimented with these…explanation particular, particular techniquetechnique, instructor, painting, pattern, draw1
spoonky.nlVintage as a fashion style took the fashion world by storm starting in the late 1990s and is anything but on the decline. The term "vintage" stands for a style that is not bounded by any particular period, fashion trend or designer. It…style particular, particular perioddress, handmade, jacket, skirt, cardigan1
gerardvantspijker.nlHistory of Christianity in Rwanda, and the role of Churches in particular during the civil war (1990-1994) and the genocide (1994)church particular, particular civiltheology, religion, church, biography, publication1
visualfirst.nlOver the years, at Visual First we have realized countless innovative impressions, animations and in particular 3D print projects using the very latest technologies. With customers in sectors including architecture, logistics and…animation particular, particular printvisual, visualization, cat, animation, impression1
prv.nlRouteReg is the app for the registration of car rides for ride registration and kilometer declarations. With RouteReg it's easy and fun to register your rides. By using GPS Hotspots you are notified when you have arrived at a particular…hotspots particular, particular locationregistration, ride, automatically, calculation, previously1
go2cit.nl…a structured approach, they met their deadlines, and they were always reachable when the Albertina team had questions. We would like to mention in particular the contributions of CIT’s project manager and of their software developer.”question particular, particular contributionconservation, desk, digitization, presentation, french1
booqs.nlGenerally, seminars are geared more toward learning about a particular topic or related subtopics.seminar particular, particular topicstock, ipsum, collaborative, dolor, elit1
suusspirit.nl…Earth’s gifts to us, formed within Her body. They are living energy. They are the keys to the Universe, to God, to the Higher Self, to the Inner Knowing, to whatever you might call it. Each particular type of crystal or mineral… Read more>know particular, particular typecrystal, spirit, earth, pure, aware1
vandervalkhotelspanje.nlHotel Barcarola, situated near Girona on the Spanish Costa Brava, is open 12 months a year and available for individual athletes but in particular for groups who are cmong for a sports training camp.athlete particular, particular groupder, cycling, soccer, vitality, spanish1
nvm.nl…of being directly connected to the NVM’s digital knowledge centre, a powerful data portal that provides agents with all kinds of information, such as the value (and history) of a home, or background checks on a particular neighbourhood.check particular, particular neighbourhoodestate, association, appraiser, property, percent1
visitbladel.nlBladel’s town centre in particular has a wide choice of shops to choose from with the most variety of the Kempen!centre particular, particular widevisit, cycling, region, bike, hike1
lowlandminiatures.nlThe Second World War saw the rise of armoured fighting vehicles, in particular the tank, from experimental designs based on unfounded theories to fully developed war machines capable of incredible destruction. Wherever nations clashed…vehicle particular, particular tankminiature, dark, ancient, war, tabletop1
vexaa.nl…our organization we are very flexible and able to work in a solution-oriented way. We ensure that your financial and tax interests are monitored properly and with an instant response. In this particular case you can focus on your business.response particular, particular casetax, administration, report, refund, firm1
ferienamwasser.nlDear guests! We hope that you will have a wonderful holiday here in our apartments. The safety and health of our guests is of the utmost importance to us. We therefore pay particular attention to the general hygiene in both holiday homes…importance particular, particular attentionholiday, guest, apartment, chair, immediate1
mohani.nlDo you believe Paradise exists? I do. Yes, I still do! Because luckily, there are still little creatures that remind me of paradise. Birds connect us with the heaven above and the Earth below. Nature in particular, being rightfully…nature particular, particular rightfullypainting, truth, paradise, mean, dynamic1
curveclinical.nlCURVE CLINICAL can provide clinical data management solutions to your particular needs as part of a full service solution. CURVE CLINICAL uses a clinical database system that is able to interact with other health systems for patient…solution particular, particular needclinical, curve, operation, study, regulatory1
servicezoeker.nl“This is a good initiative taken by ServiceZoeker. It’s kind of VocalForLocal, where I can search service provider in my particular area by zipcode. No more questions on WhatsApp & Facebook groups for seeking help to find someone to do…provider particular, particular arearequest, favorite, automobile, easily, availability1
interventionmapping.nl…rather than linear. Program planners move back and forth between tasks and steps. The process is also cumulative: Each step is based on previous steps, and inattention to a particular step may lead to mistakes and inadequate decisions.inattention particular, particular stepintervention, objective, task, theory, determinant1
hamlet.nlHamlet is specialized in the design and realization of wooden buildings, in particular CLT high-rise buildings. In order to be able to do this properly, we employ highly experienced and specialized wood construction constructors or timber…building particular, particular cltwood, wooden, timber, housing, circular1
digitallifecentre.nlWith the Corona pandemic, physical, social and mental well-being are under pressure. Digital solutions can help to support and bridge distances. However, vulnerable groups in particular run the risk of being digitally excluded. Moreover…group particular, particular riskhealthcare, apply, trust, infrastructure, physical1
engineeringdynamics.nlConsulting engineer specialised in dynamics with particular interest in vibration, torsional vibration, strain gauge testing, analysis and troubleshooting.dynamic particular, particular interestdynamic, analysis, vibration, strain, study1
componentservice.nlOf course we also use the Portuguese rates. Please contact us for questions or comments. In particular, use the contact form for this, but you can always call for rush jobs.comment particular, particular contactproperty, maintenance, repair, mainly, near1
e-db.nlCurrently I am producing my band's first album. I have supervised multiple small projects and recorded several bands in the past year, but I'm excited about this one in particular, because it involves my own music and we all want it to…excited particular, particular musicguitar, seven, denial, interest, limited1
yoliness.nlThis particular part of my YoliNess is really my second favorite after the dance lessons.dance, treatment, lesson, physical, balance1
buroboon.nlName three things people should know about the art, the exhibition or the artists on show. This is where you use your knowledge of the subject and share it with your audience. It is like you put the stage light on one particular part of…light particular, particular exhibition, exhibition particular, particular artworkspeech, exhibition, entertain, painless, talk1
okuoffice.nlThe square itself is surrounded by buildings that can trace their roots and heritage to the development of the international fashion trade in particular. OKU Office was originally designed and realised in 1964 and named the Fashion House…trade particular, particular okuredevelopment, scheme, broad, exciting, dynamic1
seductiveangels.nlSeductive Angels’ Lovers, We have another very special offers for this particular day as Women’s [...]offer particular, particular dayseductive, stock, nightwear, vanilla, woman1
pyano.nl…when it was still dark outside and I could see the stars, I was impressed with the greatness of God. I like particular one street. It’s an old street, narrow, with old houses. It’s different from the rest of the neighbourhood, which…god particular, particular streetjanuary, february, calendar, street, holiday1
microsoft-office-kennis.nlWelcome at our Microsoft Office Knowledge center. Our company Westhaghe Training & Advies is able to measure your level of knowledge within a particular application of Microsoft Office. There are separate tests for Excel, Word, Outlook…knowledge particular, particular applicationusername, separate, multiple, simply, confidential1
clublaforet.nl…to live or having a conversation with your ex-partner about making interim plans between the two of you. It is something that will be contingent upon the particular circumstances that are present in each and every private situation.contingent particular, particular circumstancescover, weapon, distance, collapsible, defense1
pinktum.nlIn the last few days, I have already been able to help a number of team leaders with their training. The communication between virtual teams in particular is worth its weight in gold in times like these.team particular, particular worthhet, leadership, dynamic, inspiration, op1
shootmetoo.nlMediawave is a leading management agency specializing in the coaching of gender neutral athletes and models, Influencers with a particular focus on sports & fashion.influencer particular, particular focusathlete, innovative, career, merge, respectful1
bastiaankok.nlBKid focuses in particular on mobility concepts and product groups where design can be of great importance for the success of the product.bkid particular, particular mobilityindustrial, mobility, bike, consumer, february1
sbsupport.nlCollaboration between multiple partners is a complex process and to be successful, communication is key. In particular the set-up of the project structure and the definition of milestones require attention. Hurdles that may be encountered…key particular, particular setpublication, partnership, aim, collaboration, semiconductor1
mikan.nl…a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine. Mikan B.V. under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment…circumstances particular, particular treatmentinstruction, rate, checkout, notice, painful1
tri-team.nlfocussed on running. Our mission is to be an association that promotes endurance sport in the general sense and in particular running as well as, be a club where everyone feels welcome and at home, both socially and part of the team. We…sense particular, particular runtri, run, session, registration, thursday1
xaflow.nlA connector is basically a ready-made API link. API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API allows other systems and software to provide an "input" to a particular system. This input allows different systems to communicate…input particular, particular systemgovernment, package, api, productivity, easily1
forsetilegal.nlThe legal profession is in my blood. I like to help clients and colleagues with legal issues. I look at the law and theory, but also at the facts and circumstances of that particular case. Through my experience I can assess matters…circumstances particular, particular caselaw, criminal, administrative, justice, solver1
serton.nlAs a graduate of the prestigious Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, Caroline specialized in painting and graphics, with a particular focus on drawing. With exhibitions at both national and international levels, Caroline Serton has…graphic particular, particular focusvisual, paper, viewer, interaction, role1
handigeaccessoires.nlOne particular of the greatest items about Kawaii style is its inclusivity – anyone can embrace and adapt the style to go well with their tastes! No matter whether you're into everyday streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe Kawaii…kawaii, playful, whimsical, sweet, charming1
zitron.nlZitron Nederland BV is a leading European manufacturer of rail and road tunnel ventilation systems. We can justifiably call ourselves tunnel ventilation system experts with a particular focus on the following areas:expert particular, particular focusventilation, generation, manufacturer, road, selection1
3dgeomapping.nl3DGeoMapping has the possibilities to provide a 3D model with both ‘above ground and below water info’ . So customers get a total 3D-model of a particular situation.model particular, particular situationinnovative, property, technique, accordingly, waste1
fast4nl.nl…and other model parameters. The model will be developed as an extension of the “Global Tide and Surge Model”. In particular, we will develop i) the physics needed to model the water level variations in ice-covered seas, ii) a method to…model particular, particular physicsdescription, surge, arctic, tide, institute1
ptlifecoaching.nlI often say no to requests and I do not hesitate to put off any commitments whenever I feel overtaxed. Though quite selective with whom I choose to disperse my energies, I would not call myself particular by any means. I have shared…energy particular, particular meanprincess, stat, imagery, exchange, collaborator1
eerstekamer.nlThe Senate has existed since 1815, the year in which it was instituted by King William I. When the Netherlands and Belgium were united in 1815 the Belgians in particular pressed for the introduction of a bicameral system.belgian particular, particular introductionsenate, bill, representative, eerste, government1
kit.nlKIT Institute envisions a world where everyone can realise their full health potential. Health around the world is improving, but large groups of people are being left behind. We focus on empowering people and strengthening health…system particular, particular focusinstitute, fund, equity, study, economic1
jannyschep.nlThe name 'Janny Schep' is a household name in this field. Her customer base isn't just schools and children's day care centres but also physiotherapists, churches and private customers. "I don't limit myself to any particular field. I'm…customer particular, particular fieldchapter, interior, interiordesign, essence, colour1
managementscope.nlTransgressive behavior, a sickened or toxic work atmosphere and psychological insecurity.... Board members in particular constitute a serious "at-risk group.member particular, particular riskexecutive, supervisory, chain, transformation, risk1
extraintra.nlDo you want to develop experimental education? Do you want to organise a research platform outside the structure of a department? Do you want to team up with students, teachers and workshops specialists from across the academy to explore…academy particular, particular topiceditorial, proposal, topic, initiative, teacher1
foodproducts.nl…and catering suppliers, caterers and institutions in North-West Europe, quickly and at competitive prices. We know from which partner we can find the best products and can explain exactly to you why we buy from this particular supplier.exactly particular, particular supplierblock, supplier, meat, fish1
startupbay.nlWith a particular emphasis on Go-to-Market strategy, we guide startups through the intricacies of market entry, optimizing their approach for maximum impact. From identifying target audiences to implementing effective marketing channels…competitive, comprehensive, strategic, landscape, gateway1
flytool.nl…requirements. This LL & M module provides besides monitoring of critical data, likewise access to issues such as, number of crosswind landings, night flying, VFR or IFR exposure, flights to airports with their particular difficulty, etc.airport particular, particular difficultyreport, uk, screen, fingertips, paperless1
psychologe-amsterdam.nl…important information on my website in English. If you have any questions about therapy in general, my help in particular or about any of the more practical matters such as location or fees I hope you can find it below, but if not…help particular, particular practicaltherapist, psychologist, therapy, der, near1
cornelisvrij.nlThe funding we receive from the national government and the local government is not sufficient to realize the objectives of the Cornelis Vrijschool. That is why we ask for a voluntary parental contribution. The contribution will be spent…contribution particular, particular deploymentparent, priority, friday, lottery, distance1
wat-tedoen.nlWhen the material substrate in which this takes place stops functioning, that particular statement, thought, … ceases to exist. Any statement, even 1+1=2, loses its meaning when there is no consciousness left that knows its meaning; when…stop particular, particular statementwat, capitalism, revolution, money, society1
amsterdamtransfer.nl…tray holders, and much more! Needless to say, nothing is worse than a bumpy ride and that’s exactly why we’re so particular about the cars we choose for your VIP transfer. Not to mention, our luxury vehicles are known for promising speedyexactly particular, particular cartransfer, transportation, fleet, hourly, sightseeing1
shiatsurotterdam.nlJapanese form of pressure point massage. The therapist presses on particular points of the body to locate disturbances in the muscles, nerves and organs.therapist particular, particular pointtreatment, rate, reimbursement, technique, preventative1
nickdewolf.nlMy main interest has always been towards Computer Vision, and eventually I also wrote my thesis on this subject, in particular about the use of RGB-D data, which can be generated by cameras such as the Kinect. Although I also followed all…subject particular, particular useintelligence, summary, artificial, eventually, retrieval1
soniarijnhout.nl…you relate to other individuals who turn the city into a personal experience. Just as in urban environments where particular views and images form reassuring points of reference, in her paintings, often truncated wordings, which are beyondenvironment particular, particular viewpainting, progress, thought, carefully, composition1
savia.nlidentified indicator list. I advise the Early Warning team on the (further) development of this system. I focus in particular on the process, the culture and the organisational anchoring of anticipatory monitoring & signalling and dealing…system particular, particular processuncertainty, decision, foresight, advisory, risk1
wind-water.nlIn Cornwall they use a very particular style of rowing, combining sweep rowing with sculling.cornwall particular, particular stylehydrofoil, sail, bicycle, motorcycle, cycle1
aeternusgaming.nlFinally I’m still kind of intrigued by how some JRPG’s use Europe in their games. This particular bit of the Atelier series draws heavily from the German language to name things and even though it’s not immersion breaking at all it sounds…game particular, particular bitreply, backlog, final, leave, stuff1
eerp.nlThe seventeenth century had been an era of uniformly accelerated scientific activity, accompanied by a comparable growth in book production with a marked tendency towards specialization. The means of communication, in particular…communication particular, particular correspondenceperiodical, intellectual, enlightenment, early, ambition1
filex.nlThe Filex Galaxy monitor arm offers endless options for configuring your monitor arm. One look and feel for all your particular needs and requirements.feel particular, particular needergonomic, electrification, workstation, cable, desk1
uubc.nl, PwC, and Deloitte. Again you are assigned into a group, and you will be tasked with solving a business case for a particular (real!) company; a great opportunity to network and to practice the use of your freshly taught tools and…case particular, particular realprogramme, honour, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, potential1
familylawyer-thehague.nlIn particular, I write divorce covenants and parenting plans. Often parties already have good ideas of how they want to shape the future and I help them with the final details. Sometimes parties have disputes that they cannot resolve and…lawyer, hague, divorce, alimony, relocation1
newtech-overman.nlNew Technology Overman specializes in Mechanical Engineering: design, development, drawing and production of mechanical parts, complete machines and equipment for surface treatment processes in the Printed Circuit Board Industry in…mechanical, vertical, plating, treatment, surface1
mudanca.nl…very comfortable and extremely user-friendly. We will recommend the Alentejo region of Portugal and your casa in particular to our friends and colleagues. We wish you all the very best for your future here. Thanks again, Helen, Steve and…casa particular, particular friendpossibility, holiday, neighbourhood, wine, pleasant1
hborstfotografie.nlThey have been all those Megaways slots and particular fairly impressive modern jackpots. The new local casino welcome give includes in initial deposit matches and you can free spins on the preferred name Larger Bass Splash, an ideal way…slot particular, particular fairlygambling, globe, enterprise, appeal, rusty1
sprank.nlIt’s all about people, we go to different places in nature to relax or exercise. In an office, we also choose the workspace that best suits a particular task. We look for the right relationship. With the impact of sustainability…well particular, particular taskinterior, landscape, appointment, transformation, traditionally1
zwijgersecurity.nlZwijger, if the tender specification documents haven't asked for a particular format or structure, keep your tender response document clear, logical and well organized.document particular, particular formatgreenhouse, staffing, parking, enforcement, agriculture1
vanspaandonk-koks.nlWhether it is an implementation of a law or a project management training, we tailor our solution to your situation. Our earnings model is not based on selling a particular product or methodology.model particular, particular productlaw, protection, consulting, compliance, implementation1
ivir.nl…The story of FutureNewsCorp is used for a critical analysis of the most recent draft of the AI Act and here, in particular, of the role of standardisation bodies and the division of responsibility between providers of AI systems and…act particular, particular rolelaw, publication, lecture, conference, regulation1
jangplatvoet.nlAfrican indigenous religions, in particular those of Akan societies of Ghana and of San societies in Botswana and Namibia; Anthropology of religions; the methodology of the comparative study of religions; ritual studies; the comparative…religion particular, particular akanreligion, theology, major, african, society1
techconsultancy.nlUsing a holistic process scan, which includes 16 elements, the particular process is evaluated. The scan can be executed for a complete process chain (e.g., customer order process) or for specific a single process (e.g., assembly cells).element particular, particular processimprovement, nav, integrate, successful, resilience1
truusschut.nlThe foundation carries out and stimulates research into disorders of the brain and the nervous system, in particular dementia.system particular, particular dementiadementia, medicine, profit, personalized, block1
desosa.nlThis essay will outline how and to what extent Blender is variable. This “software variability is the ability of a software system or artifact to be efficiently extended, changed, customised or configured for use in a particular context”…use particular, particular contextarchitecture, architectural, variability, analysis, debt1
nsbm.nlAfter a forced pause in our activities, we are very glad to announce that we will organize a next meeting. This year, the meeting will be organized together with our Belgian colleagues, in particular Prof Wim Vranken, of the ELIXIR…colleague particular, particular proffall, society, biomolecular, bioinformatics, structural1
jeantique.nlWelcome to Jeantique’s website. At Jeantique, we are passionate about furniture making. A great deal of care and devotion goes into the creation of both our classic and contemporary pieces, with a particular specialisation in leather…piece particular, particular specialisationchair, furniture, sofa, craftsmanship, industrial1
robertdavid.nlTraded Hungary for France this summer. Camping in the Vendée. Just like old times. One place in particular brings back sweet memories : Les Sables-d’Olonne. A gorgeous seaside town with a beautiful beach and charming center. Happy to pay…place particular, particular sweetleave, berlin, sunday, france, castle1
darwinrecruitment.nlBy creating a personal website or blog, you can showcase your skills and expertise in a particular area of technology. 🙌🏼expertise particular, particular areahire, career, relocation, role, requirement1
stayrich.nl…While the Save the World and Creative versions have been successful for Epic Games, Fortnite Battle Royale in particular became a resounding success – drawing in more than 125 million players in less than a year, earning hundreds of…royale particular, particular resoundcommon, player, title, concern, million1
stefaniekleimeier.nl…havoc around the world, disrupting financial markets and inflicting economic damage due to health restrictions. The pandemic's origin as a health shock makes it fundamentally different from previous crises, in particular for households.crisis particular, particular householdpaper, publication, pandemic, objective, subjective1
uzned.nl…have set ourselves the goal of promoting the awareness of Uzbekistan with emphasis on its culture in Europe, in particular in the Netherlands. We want to build bridges between Dutch and Uzbek society, institutions and companies. We…europe particular, particular netherlandsnotice, explore, uzbekistan, hospitality, mean1
hypotheekgarantiebonaire.nlIt may occur that the mortgage becomes difficult to pay at a particular time or threatens to become so. The end of a relationship, incapacity to work and unemployment are circumstances that may impact your financial situation. In such…difficult particular, particular timemortgage, cancellation, debt, residual1
rtbc.nlThe first session aims at getting to know each other. Next, we explore jointly which challenges in your work in particular need attention and how to address them effectively. These challenges can be very diverse: difficulty with standing…work particular, particular attentionexactly, everybody, jointly, clash, colleague1
uniflow.nlUniflow technology really comes into its own when used in industrial cooling technology. as a result, Uniflow is currently being used in pump systems in particular, with less focus on cooling systems based on direct expansion (DX).system particular, particular focusdroplet, separation, calculation, separator1
ils-douaneadvies.nl…and assumes an implant or a suitable outsourcing model accordingly. In both cases ILS Customs Agent attaches particular importance to social acceptability and reliable know-how. Interfaces, or, more appropriately connecting sites…agent particular, particular importancetrade, logistic, independent, compliance, declaration1
wardsnijders.nl…- find that slot on our site in the Online Slots section. This will give you the opportunity to understand how a particular mobile slot machine works. This way, you will get used to it and your real money mobile slot play will be less…opportunity particular, particular mobiledevice, architecture, portrait, landscape, player1
regioplan.nlWe have extensive expertise of multiple knowledge areas. One of our particular strengths is our interdisciplinary approach. This leads to valuable insights and surprising solutions to complex policy questions.area particular, particular strengthevaluation, phase, corporation, implementation, effective1
audio-products.nlWhether you're building your own custom audio equipment or upgrading your existing gear, you'll want to consider choosing a power supply that is capable of delivering the exact voltage and current that your particular project requires.current particular, particular projectpanel, supply, electronic, voltage, balance1
tourguys.nl“I highly recommend this tour in particular Izzy as he provided an amazing experience in Rotterdam.”tour particular, particular izzyfullsize, unforgettable, authentic, promise, tailor1
boydvandijk.nl…Seminar, HY113) The course is an introductory survey of events outside Europe in the twentieth century, with a particular emphasis on the collapse of the Western colonial empires, the development of relations between the West and new…century particular, particular emphasis, year particular, particular forcehistorian, war, past, teach, present1
housing4students.nl…the Rotterdam public transportation system so that you can easily explore the city and get to the university. The most popular night life spots in Roterdam, in particular the student areas, are within walking distance from your apartment.roterdam particular, particular studentapartment, housing, bathroom, fully, furnished1
smolders.nlWe like to mix business & pleasure. Every once in a while, you want to make a meeting special by adding a unique location, additional activities along with great hospitality. We take care of all the particulars, including a fine dinner or…care particular, particular finerequest, tailor, unusual, usual, execution1
bmdw.nlBMDW Advocaten is a boutique law firm specialised in (inter)national sports law, with a particular focus on football. BMDW has a great deal of experience in the legal guidance of (inter)national football transfers and (inter)national…law particular, particular focuslaw, transfer, firm, dispute, regulation1
lesroussilles.nlLes Roussilles campsite accepts no liability for damage or injury to campers or guests relating to camping on the campsite and the use of the campsite's facilities, buildings and fixtures. This applies in particular to the use of the…fixture particular, particular usecampsite, reservation, rental, cancellation, arrival1
aromazorgzuster.nlReferences on the site to products or services do not imply an offer for the sale or delivery of that product or service. Before purchasing a particular product or service, detailed advice on availability and suitability should be sought…service particular, particular productaromatherapy, purpose, smell, atmosphere, relaxation1
fimmp.nlThe housing market in the Netherlands is, unfortunately, very tight at the moment. In particular in the more popular cities ...moment particular, particular popularguide, insurance, tradition, healthcare, taste1
deregterkeukenmontage.nlOne particular of the ideal items about Kawaii style is its inclusivity – any person can embrace and adapt the design to suit their tastes! Whether or not you are into casual streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe Kawaii transformation…kawaii, playful, whimsical, lovable, prescription1
smarthublogistics.nlA dedicated warehouse is a type of warehouse or a specific area within a warehouse that is designed and optimized for a particular customer or group of customers. Unlike a public warehouse where various companies store and share their…warehouse particular, particular customerlogistics, unload, housing, warehouse, estate1
hlnwldrs.nlBuilding (materials) Science: in particular wood and wood fiber, plastic and composite panel materials, stone-like materials (cement- and anhydrite bonded), glass and baked bricksscience particular, particular woodgdpr, currently, early, role, decade1
ofamfa.nlUX design services start with research to understand the target audience, their behavior patterns, and what motivates them to use a particular product or service.pattern particular, particular productux, audience, target, documentation, intuitive1
hedyvanerp.nlis a dark edge to this photograph, and not only literally. The man who shows a newborn baby, decided to do so in a particular corner of his house. By choosing his rifle collection for a background, the meaning of this photograph changes…baby particular, particular cornerexhibition, publication, photograph, crayon, wife1
snconsulting.nl"The role of corporate diplomacy is twofold: to enhance a company’s general ability to operate internationally and to ensure its success in each particular country with which it is engaged. The general international reputation of a…success particular, particular countryconsulting, narrative, strategic, stakeholder, advisory1
uwkm.nlThe Vosmanshuys Estateplanning B.V. provides fiscal advice in all areas of fiscal law. Their specialisation is in the realm of estate planning and in particular concerning advice on testaments and prenuptial agreements in relation to laws…planning particular, particular adviceemployee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer1
opdenpas.nl…for those experiencing loss of hair. Through observing the methods and also recommendations detailed in this particular write-up, you may obtain optimum outcomes and also take pleasure in the look of fuller, more thick hair along withrecommendation particular, particular writehair, thread, actually, fiber, appeal1
totime.nlBack to the classics with this beautifull Swatch in full aluminium. This particular model is called the Irony, which they started producing in 1994. And guess what? This is a 1994 piece! They have been producing the model in all kinds of…aluminium particular, particular modelwatch, piece, beautifull, automatic, movement1
gberg.nlFor years the Rosa Naranga has been the Queen of big orange flower roses. Her beautiful orange color is unique and a special royal accent for the Netherlands. With a big flower bud and her traditional shape the Rosa Naranga is a…naranga particular, particular beautifulorange, exclusive, extremely, flower, shape1
seloverpakking.nlBelow you can find our selection of artificial casings, but if you can’t find the casing you require, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to explore the opportunities for producing artificial casings in accordance with…accordance particular, particular needcasing, artificial, collagen, edible, fibrous1
microlab.nlMicrolab is a warm environment with lots of daylight and a colorful interior, which means that you do your work with more energy. The sky bar in particular is a nice place and very inviting to have a drink with your own colleagues as well…bar particular, particular niceappointment, desk, resource, pricing, inspire1
sined.nl…and apply the normalization. When mastering songs we want to keep the LUFS range to be the final range by that particular streaming service. Otherwise, if we go over then the service might lower the volume to get the LUFS they have…range particular, particular streamingaam, reference, file, manual, target1
bananahdd.nlOn this site, I document the many hard drive models I own, alongside any other miscellaneous technological items I find to be of particular interest.item particular, particular interestelectric, seagate, western, alp, peripheral1
maidstone.nlOn March the 7th, 2020 we released our album the Tree of Life in de Vorstin in Hilversum. It was an amazing night! We really want to thank our record label Marista Records, and Marius in particular. Also we’d like to thank de Vorstin for…marius particular, particular detree, dear, conference, upcoming, afternoon1
w4960.nlLetter send by Mr. Gerauld Valette to the families of the W4960 crew (this particular letter was send to the family of R.S Christie)crew particular, particular letterclick, resolution, interactive, war, plaque1
irenaeus.nlWe capitalise the word ‘Orthodox’ when referring to one of the main traditions within Christianity (Orthodox, Roman-catholic and Protestant), in order to distinguish between this meaning of the word and the adjective ‘orthodox’ which may…orthodox particular, particular grouptradition, institute, pre, staff, minor1
schapen.nlGuifron Farm is situated on the border between England and Wales, in the hills about eight miles west of the beautiful market town of Clun. We were very impressed with his Clun Forest sheep, and in particular with a group of eighteen…sheep particular, particular groupforest, sheep, farm, hill, england1
studentmobility.nl2. Cobrand and offer the ISIC Student-ID to students from a particular HEI, replacing or adding value to the existing college-cardstudent particular, particular heimobility, arrival, assistance, transportation, partnership1
globalhealthhub.nlThe Hub's focus issues are the priorities identified in the Global Health Strategy . To find the best solution to each issue three Communities of Practice have been set up, each focusing on one particular theme:practice particular, particular themepandemic, worldwide, partnership, priority, government1
hextravel.nlThe Netherlands, and Amsterdam in particular, is one of the most popular destinations in Europe. No city can offer more per m2 than Amsterdam does. From lively museums and prestigious art galleries, to theatres, markets, artisan studios…amsterdam particular, particular popularhex, sustainability, visit, interest, destination1
happybiz.nl…which may aid change the structure of penalty, slim hair as well as produce the appeal of fuller hairs. In this particular short article, our company’ll check out exactly how hair threads job as well as just how they could be utilized tohair particular, particular shortactually, hair, immediate, thread, glass1
infinityqd.nlAlthough Europe captured a larger number of known startup investments in Quantum (c. 41% of all investments), Americas (US and Canada in particular) captured over 60% of value of the investment rounds.canada particular, particular valuequantum, investment, ecosystem, fund, investor1
tcmcenter-wang.nlAll reasonable attempts have been made to provide accurate and recent information, but it is not necessarily comprehensive, and information is of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any…circumstances particular, particular individualacupuncture, medicine, measure, wishlist, etc1
lkpplants.nlWould you like to see with your own eyes how the plants are grown and experience ‘The Exotic Adventure’? Then contact us for an obligation free meeting and a tour of our production spaces. If you wish to speak to someone in particular…space particular, particular touchvacancy, nursery, adventure, efficiency, final1
marketingbybulls.nlSocial media marketing is used as a marketing strategy, where you choose particular social media platforms and the way you make use of these.strategy particular, particular socialaudience, specifically, advertising, fact, enthusiastic1
noncommutativegeometry.nl…Max Karoubi, and many others has brought a remarkable development of the subject in many distinct directions, in particular in global analysis, representation theory and index theory, algebraic K-theory and cyclotomic trace maps…direction particular, particular globalgeometry, leave, reply, physics, mathematical1
archetypisch.nlStudents observed the behaviour of people from different cultural backgrounds in the city to see whether it reflects a particular way of using public space. Drawing on the research findings, they then designed an intervention in public…city particular, particular wayexhibition, spatial, graphic, temporary, installation1
tujuhmaret.nlas authentic as possible. The restaurant / traiterie has an extensive assortment of appetizers, fish dishes, chicken dishes, side dishes and meat dishes. With the saté and the extensive rice table, they distinguish themselves in particular.sauce, indonesian, authentic, rice, satay1
casinocity.co.nl…access and hundreds different games and gambling opportunities available on the Internet. YOU are responsible for determining if it is legal for YOU to play any particular games or place any particular wager. Please play responsibly.legal particular, particular game, game particular, particular wagergambling, wager, charitable, lottery, directory1
legalsolutionsandtax.nl“Very good experience and positive outcome with Legal Solutions and Tax. The price-quality ratio in particular exceeds other offices. I know where to go in the future for legal questions!"ratio particular, particular officetax, law, entrepreneur, definitely, oops1
jasperhauser.nl…going to the art academy for graphic design , and working as a freelance designer. I slowly grew my skills, in particular practicing my craft whilst building Camino . This is also when I discovered the satisfaction of the seemingly…skills particular, particular craftdarkroom, icon, sofa, craftsman, notification1
keac.nlIf you are interested in helping, you can be designated to a particular language. If you are able to translate emails from this language into either Dutch, German or English, so that Dr. Kamsteeg is able to respond to them, and then…interested particular, particular languagehpu, laboratory, scientific, allergy1
deciderbar.nlIn addition to cider, our drinks menu also includes beer, wine, spirits, cocktails and soda. Our menu consists of a variety of high quality bar food, tasty dishes to share. With particular attention to vega(n) dishes. We will also…dish particular, particular attentiondiscover, tasting, spirit, tasty, wine1
sanderknopper.nlIf you like my photos or one in particular, feel free to contact me about a high resolution version or printing.photo particular, particular freephotographic, aspiration, decoration, purpose, aan1
dolfdekinkelder.nlGot interested in playing a particular piece? Looking for a teacher or lecturer?interested particular, particular piececontest, composition, piece, funeral, composer1
nielsnoordeloos.nlHere you can find a raw estimation of Niels’ skills he has learned throughout his career. Take in mind that 0% equals no knowledge of it whatsoever, and 100% equals the fact that Niels truly knows all the ins and outs of that particular…out particular, particular skillrender, emotion, think, afraid, impactful1
pc2c.nl…familiar with Linux in general and the use of this OS in combination with the BeagleBone Black and RaspberryPi in particular. Since this is my very first experience with Linux there is a lot to discover and it often takes a bit longer to…raspberrypi particular, particular experienceqsl, trial, progress, combination, familiar1
cinar.nlCinar Trading Europe B.V. has acquired a unique position in Europe as a wholesaler. Cinar Trading Europe B.V. offers large retailers, purchasing groups, retail chains and independent entrepreneurs in the interior and decoration industry…industry particular, particular widetable, glass, trading, plate1
bobakker.nlA particular gesture, a glance or a certain posture: to Bo Bakker, these elements are crucial to characterizing a person in his portraits.portrait, painter, painting, commission, oil1
skotsers.nlThe Eastergoa Skotsers dance in the authentic Frisian costume from the period 1820 - 1840, with as particular element for the women narrow ear iron, dressed with a long flapping bonnet. More information and photograph concerning the…period particular, particular elementcostume, frisian, dance, region, period1
hakkakungfu.nlIn a series (5 waves) of migrations, the Hakkas moved from Central China and settled in their present areas in Southern China. The Hakka people have had significant influence on the course of modern Chinese and overseas Chinese history…history particular, particular sourcemigration, force, military, overseas, bridge1
sialtech.nl…operate as an independent European drilling company within the ABO Group, and are equipped to carry out a diverse range of drilling operations, with a particular emphasis on sonic drilling, as well as shallow and deep core drilling.operation particular, particular emphasisdrilling, description, france, archeology, environmental1
ingeborgvriends.nl…and myths. From a distance they are enchanting creatures, but when you get closer they seem to tell current stories about the role of being human in this world and being a woman in particular. Sometimes abrasive, sometimes encouraging.woman particular, particular abrasivealtar, mermaid, abrasive, religion, role1
upnorthmedia.nlIn early February Sjoerd and I will cross the North Sea together to do some filming for a documentary. This fantastic documentary is about the passion for playing and building video games, and about one game in particular. Hardware Rivals!game particular, particular hardwaredocumentary, rival, ireland, ago, predecessor1
tekmi.nlWe always carry out a solid study of your current situation, which makes our solutions accurate and tailored to your particular needs.accurate particular, particular needsymfony, api, stack, objective, situation1
tooko.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressfar, siteground, grammar, slider, resource1
jessicakiefte.nl…related to the sustainability of health behaviour from a psychosocial and environmental perspective, in particular for vulnerable populations. In this context, she is studying environmental determinants (i.e. related to the food…perspective particular, particular vulnerablelecture, nutrition, population, epidemiology, disease1
industrial-pumpsvalves.nl…the items that are on the market thanks to our considerable expertise in the sales of equipment for industries, unique construction, and building campaigns. We'll help you make the best equipment choice possible for your particular issue.possible particular, particular issuepump, industrial, valve, horizontal, submersible1
nannywereld.nl…they enjoy working with children, as well as like to support them in their developments in life. Together, you will agree on what it is that you find important in your child’s development so your Nanny knows what to focus on in particular.flexible, childcare, selection, rate, highly1
jolienonderneemt.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressresource, siteground, uncategorized, wp, installation1
holytea.nlWhy? Because tea blends have been shown to have thermogenic effects that boost your metabolism and increase energy levels. Green tea in particular has been linked with an increase in fat oxidation (the burning of fat). In addition…tea particular, particular increaseregular, blend, bundle, porcelain, exquisite1
ciyt.nl28 to 30, 2023, at our renowned venue. The individual matches on tournament days 1, 2 and 3 have already garnered a significant number of registrations, showcasing the enthusiasm and talent within our badminton community. In particular…tournament, youth, registration, final, extend1
sumventure.nl…best rums or Scotland for some of the finest whiskies, we have got you covered. Our team ensures that you get three glasses of the best drinks from a particular country that complement each other and create a seamless drinking experience.drink particular, particular countryunforgettable, evening, flight, table, know1
thedutchroyalfamily.nlThis year marks 75 years since World War II ended. In the Netherlands this is commemorated in particular on 4 and 5 May, but attention has also been paid to it in recent months. There were several events in which members of the Dutch…netherlands particular, particular attentionprincess, war, commemoration, king, liberation1
zaviki.nl…opportunities are ripe in countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Dubai in particular offers great growth prospects thanks to its burgeoning tourism sector and a booming population that is driven by adubai particular, particular greattomato, cabbage, potato, onion, strawberry1
islamistruth.nlReaders are encouraged to browse relevant sections of this website to find answers to their particular problems (or doubts).answer particular, particular problemspirituality, spiritual, fact, mysticism, buddhism1
luuksv.nlMy main interests are in non-commutative geometry , in particular relating to "composition" of spectral triples and their curvature, and random matrix theory , where I am particularly interested in random matrix models originating from…geometry particular, particular compositionpublication, interest, american, ontario, western1
sportalyzer.nlThe Sportalyzer helps the user with analyzing technical sport movements. The Sportalyzer is designed to watch a sport moment very carefully and focuses on those parts of the movement that can be seen as the essence of this particular…essence particular, particular movementmovement, analysis, phase, report, superb1
healingbybabs.nlRecently I had a Helende(Healing)Reading in English. Besides that I love languages and in particular the English language. I think the English language is very good to express yourself.language particular, particular englishtranslator, recently, session, spiritual, essence1
guitarchives.nlAs long as I can remember I've been interested in musical instruments and stringed instruments in particular. Like so many other kids I started frequenting the local music shops at an early age. Picking up catalogs was one of the things…instrument particular, particular likeguitar, catalog, interested, repair, note1
kinderopvangzvl.nlKIJK! is the observation and registration method we use at KOZV to follow the development of the children. We observe the children daily. We pay particular attention to whether the children feels comfortable with us, because that is the…daily particular, particular attentionparent, daycare, calculation, childcare, characteristics1
koninklijkehaagseharmonie.nlWe feel that our orchestra can be of particular interest for expats because some of our members are from the international community, our conductor and several members speak English, German and French, an instrument can be borrowed and we…orchestra particular, particular interesthague, orchestra, harmony, thursday, nursing1
jeffreyvanhouten.nlThe number of geese wintering and breeding in the Netherlands have increased dramatically in recent years. As a nature lover, I loved seeing this, but during my studies I found out that too many geese also bring problems. Farmers in…farmer particular, particular greatlytide, wildlife, silence, photographer, documentary1
vanwollingen.nlUsing some of the newer features of Azure DevOps might mean that you have to upgrade your toolchain. In my particular case I was trying to…toolchain particular, particular casedevops, azure, archive, automation, artifact1
geborgenverleden.nlof March 1943, when he has completed his tour of operations, Fletcher carries out 21 bombing missions with him. In particular, a flight to Berlin on 16 January 1943 will stick in Gordon’s mind. In the evening, his Lancaster accidentally…mission particular, particular flightsquadron, flight, force, gunner1
thesourcingpartners.nl“The Sourcing Partners focuses in particular on all financial, tax and legal activities that can be performed internally more efficiently, better and faster.”partners particular, particular financialpartners, tax, executive, position, tailor1
treerootsystems.nlTrees in the city were planted because of the character trees give to a particular place. That is changing, there are 2 changes going on.tree particular, particular placetree, inlet, liveable, tube, urban1
energyquants.nlEnergyQuants develops quantitative decision support models and risk management tools for the commodity sector. We provide software and consulting to the commodity markets, and to the energy market in particular.publication, description, storage, consulting, risk1
allaboutparenting.nlYou can ask any question under each of the program’s video episodes. These questions need to be related to that particular episode. Any questions that are not related to that episode’s subject will be removed to keep the answers relevant…question particular, particular episodeparenting, parent, chapter, technique, episode1
ju5tu5.nl…your desires ad infinitum, there simply is stuff you love. The only thing that keeps me from doing things is actually reserving time for it, to accomplish that i need to decide if i love this particular thing enough to set myself to do it.time particular, particular thingquery, command, instance, desire, write1
medievalarchaeology.nlThe Dutch Society for Medieval Archaeology (SMA) first and foremost strives to foster thematic, comparative, substantive archaeologic research on the Middle Ages and Early Modern period (500-1900) of the Low Countries in particular. In…country particular, particular additionarchaeology, medieval, society, publication, conference1
brasil030.nlBrasil030 promotes Brazilian culture in the Netherlands and Utrecht in particular. We regularly organize concerts and cultural events in Utrecht. For the Brazilian community and for everyone who cares about Brazilian art and culture.utrecht particular, particular regularlybrasil, cultural, regularly1
unixinfo.nlWhen a filesystem is nearly full you need to find files which may cause this. Use this command to find the largest files ( top 10 ) within a particular file system : find [...]file particular, particular filejanuary, august, july, file, february1
damioso.nl…at the core of our activities, covering theoretical foundations, the development of new algorithms, and interdisciplinary applications of natural computing methods. Some of our current projects, in particular, focus on the following areas:project particular, particular areacomputing, optimization, evolutionary, paper, algorithm1
hondenredden.nl…care. There is also consultation with local and national authorities to this vile trade. In addition, it should be the local population, in particular through the schools, respect, and love for animals. ALL THAT COSTS A LOT OF MONEY.population particular, particular schoolanimal, cat, asia, dog, bear1
dordtspatriciershuis.nlThis intimate house museum gives you an impression of a Dordrecht Patrician household at the end of the 18th century. From cellar to attic you make a journey in time and you discover special and in particular original details, paintings…special particular, particular originalcentury, premise, monumental, historic, harbour1
oshea.nlWe will help you find your voice to make sure that you represent yourself and your business without losing your identity or your particular spark.identity particular, particular sparkshea, exam, pricing, face, conversation1
oudenegen.nl…lies Golfclub Broekpolder in the midst of typical Dutch landscape. Broekpolder is the most beautiful course in the area and well known for the quality of its greens from early spring to late autumn and in particular it’s peacefulness.autumn particular, particular peacefulnesshole, north, superb, dune, layout1
plantbasedrecepten.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressbase, resource, siteground, uncategorized, meal1
reneevantrier.nlIn particular, I got the opportunity to meet three amazing female artists in their ateliers: Reggie Voigtlander, Cecile Verwaaijen, and Renée van Trier.society, humble, role, political, installation1
fldevelopment.nlOne particular of the best items about Kawaii trend is its inclusivity – any individual can embrace and adapt the type to go well with their preferences! Regardless of whether you happen to be into informal streetwear or aiming for a…kawaii, lovable, positive, relationship, playful1
magievanseksualiteit.nlfully. They want to involve the whole spectrum of life ‘in’ the body, they understand that it is important in this particular time of transformation, that we start to feel our bodies and stop ignoring the magnificent knowledge and wisdom ofimportant particular, particular timewoman, feminine, embody, connection, strength1
basreus.nl…their network themselves, or outside events triggered changes. Events can also be gradual, like the growing of a particular group within a network, that caused some change elsewhere in the network, which is an important asset in the…grow particular, particular groupcapital, collaborative, analysis, philosophy, behavior1
watermanlegal.nlDr. Yvonne Waterman is highly specialised in two legal fields: employers’ liability law (her Ph.D. topic) and in particular anything asbestos related, both legal and non-legal, ranging from personal injury law and product liability law to…topic particular, particular asbestosintroduction, asbestos, opinion, liability, awareness1
amberdavis.nl…you are unsure whether your work is ‘good enough’, and ‘far enough ahead’ (whatever that means). Maybe you are stuck with a particular chapter or article. There are always difficult stretches along the way. It is part of the process.maybe particular, particular chapterphd, resource, academic, write, worth1
incassomeesters.nlFor over 20 years and from the region of The Hague (the so called ‘legal capital of the world’) our professional and experienced debt collection lawyers act in particular on behalf of Dutch and foreign companies.lawyer particular, particular behalfdebt, money, unpaid, bill, nationwide1
minnaardgroup.nlThe mission of our research programme is the further development of the field of organic chemistry, in particular organic synthesis and catalysis, and its application in the study of biological phenomena.chemistry particular, particular organicsynthesis, organic, catalysis, phd, upcoming1
onefutureplay.nlMany players prefer specific titles and game developers because they’re used to a particular type of game format, or simply enjoy the visuals and gameplay of certain games. High probability casino sites, or rather the sites with games…developer particular, particular typevisit, apply, player, payment, banking1
ramana.nlA particular specialty of Ramana productions is to develop high-quality magic acts for advertising purposes, for example to promote an idea, product or brand. These acts generate a lot of positive ‘commotion’ and regularly result in free…magic, illusion, magician, activate, indian1
puurverloskunde.nlThis consultation hour is not intended for physical problems or other particulars. In these cases, you may always call us and if needed we will make an appointment during regular consultation hours, when we have a little more time for…problem particular, particular casepregnancy, ultrasound, consultation, coil, midwifery1
nmfs.nl, using their own financial advisors as necessary and based on their own financial situation and specific goals. In particular, the use of independent consultants is recommended if interested parties have any doubts about the suitability…goal particular, particular useadvisor, investment, adviser, timeframe, currency1
glazennest.nlEach description features a list of properties, in which you can find the measurements of that particular object and the "Artikelnummer" in case you have any questions.measurement particular, particular objectbutterfly, glass, het, famous, stone1
sum-one.nlThe pressure on cities is jeopardizing the quality of life. The increase in mobility, in particular, is a major threat. Organizing mobility more efficiently and sustainably creates the opportunity to turn the tide.mobility particular, particular majormobility, transition, urban, roll, vital1
cm-business.nlPrepare to immerse yourself in the vast and diverse world of tobacco, where one particular variety has taken center stage – homogenized tobacco. This groundbreaking modern innovation is revolutionizing our perception and consumption of…tobacco particular, particular varietytobacco, flavor, sheet, unparalleled, leave1
dkhf.nlIn 2017, the founders of the DKHF traveled to Kenya at their own expense to investigate, together with the local health authorities, how the DKFH could contribute to the fight against tuberculosis in the semi-nomadic areas. In particular…area particular, particular detectionkenyan, charity, report, annual, founder1
groverman.nlVerona Groverman closed down her one- woman consultancy by January 2021. She was specialised in evaluation and facilitation of processes of change, with a particular focus on gender equality and social inclusion.change particular, particular focuswoman, publication, facilitation, evaluation, stakeholder1
hurgronje.nl…couple. Since its inception the objective of the fund has been the provision of financial support to descendants of the Hurgronje – Phoenix couple in need of help, and to support charitable causes, in particular in the province of Zeeland.cause particular, particular provincefund, charity, mid, ordinary, passenger1
triaris.nlThis shorter path can be taken as long as you are no more than 3 versions behind the most current VCP version for any particular track.version particular, particular trackcertification, vsan, vmware, vsphere, uncategorized1
markteijgeler.nlA powerful sense of purpose is the strongest driver of engagement, resilience, and well-being. Moreover, anytime you want to pursue something new, you’re in a changing situation, or when you are wondering what you are doing at a…situation particular, particular jobpresence, resilience, meditation, inn, peak1
guidor.nl…organisations World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WFTGA) andĀ European Guide Organization (FEG). We are the only professional association representing the interests of Dutch guides in general and of our members in particular.guide, guidor, association, suggestion, committee1
aero-philatelisten-de-vliegende-hollander.nl…can present a clear view of the development of certain aspects of air mail. Most aerophilatelists specialise in particular subjects: selected routes or carriers, zeppelin mail, mail from the pioneering days, or – on the contrary – air…aerophilatelists particular, particular subjectsociety, auction, cover, regional, consignment1
401dutchdivas.nlOur 401DutchOperas house pianist, the brilliant Wolter Willemsen, has died completely unexpectedly in his house on June 18. On behalf of our team, in particular also our vocal ensemble consisting of Barbara Schilstra, Hendrik Vonk, Lilian…team particular, particular vocalbiography, flemish, soprano, career, baritone1
consecutivesearch.nlCompanies transforming into market-driven organizations benefit in particular from his experience in Change & Quality Management, as this transformation process requires exceptional skills in management and leadership.organization particular, particular experienceconsecutive, specialism, position, executive, assignment1
shareimpactaccountants.nlAt Share Impact Accountants, we focus on organizations that put society and people first – just like we do. Our clients include community organizations and social enterprises. Sustainability is a particular interest of ours.sustainability particular, particular interestinterest, society, integrity, profession, healthy1
circulateproject.nl…This canvas is one of the tools we designed to help designers and companies discover the values within a particular community, understand which values should be made explicit and how they can be aligned with the affordances of thevalue particular, particular communityresource, common, framework, collective, roundtable1
princeclauschair.nlAs holder of the Prince Claus Chair, Fatima Denton’s goal is to democratize the debate around Just Transitions, ensuring voice and participation of those communities most affected by transition processes, in Africa in particular.chair, prince, equity, publication, holder1
eriksessences.nlThese essences are pure Love from Divine Mother and Divine Father. They are energized directly by each Being in the Hierarchy of Light, who is responsible for that particular energy within Creation. They contain pure life energy at it’s…responsible particular, particular energyessence, goddess, pelham, female, coral1
qjutsu.nlBody Coat Matte is a single-component coating designed for a wide spectrum of surfaces, in particular the increasingly popular matte vehicle finishes - both PPF foils and paints. Body Coat Matte is a result of years of Japanese experience…surface particular, particular increasinglycoat, protection, surface, protective, japanese1
sensaciones.nl"Interesting, I enjoyed the workshops, in particular the questions and the given explanations" - Participantworkshop particular, particular questionparticipant, youngster, hague, institution, objective1
iansmall.nlThis is an area of particular professional interest to me: having worked across multiple jurisdictions and under differing regimes, I am convinced of the need for countries to have quick, effective and fair resolution available for…area particular, particular professionalrestructuring, advisory, slide, title, recovery1
mariekehendriksen.nl…History and Culture . My research interests are the role of material culture and sensory perception in the production and exchange of knowledge in the early modern period, in particular in the realms of food, medicine, chemistry, and art.period particular, particular realmearly, humanity, anatomical, publication, august1
energility.nlGeological risks and uncertainties are easily underestimated, in particular in emerging industries with new players. This often leads to extra costs, disappointing results or even unsafe drilling.easily particular, particular industrystorage, subsurface, transition, geothermal, risk1
presentdaypracticals.nlThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on (higher) education in general and on laboratory education in particular. However, the pandemic also fostered the creation of many valuable and inspiring (COVID-proof) alternatives for…education particular, particular pandemicpresent, practical, th, laboratory, january1
intramar.nlAt INTRAMAR, we don’t like to sell ‘no’ to any Client. In particular, acting in the dynamic energy industry offers us the best opportunities for customization. When necessary, we write conditions and / or clauses ourselves therewith…client particular, particular dynamicinsurance, oil, liability, personnel, vessel1
anna-agency.nl“I hate to be caught up in one particular genre. I always try to make music I love to play out. I don’t consider myself a mainstream artist, techno, or big room artist, I consider myself Hardwell, and this is what Hardwell is. If it’s not…worldwide, biography, territory, dance, exclusive1
kerkopschoot.nlThe aim of Church-on-the-Lap is two-fold. First, we intend to get children acquainted with the church (in particular with the local parish), with other young children in that church and – at a basic level – with Bible stories. A second…church particular, particular localchurch, sense, parent, song, bible1
caradt.nl‘My particular interest lies in sharing interesting and thought-provoking stories. Communication is a big part of that.’cultural, society, interaction, apply, risk1
3pt.nlWe can support futher development of your strategic or operational plans and ambitions and help to focus your goals. In particular, we develop roadmaps and business cases. We explore opportunities and risks concerning rolling stock…goal particular, particular roadmapstock, roll, sustainability, perspective, certification1
bfho.nl…when a signature is suspected to be forged or when there’s a need to investigate whether specific handwritten text could have been written by a particular person. Our reports can be used as evidence in civil or criminal proceedings.text particular, particular personhandwriting, examination, forensic, signature, report1
quality-flex.nlOur robot is viable in particular for large solar parks, but also for smaller parks it could be worth your time to discuss the possibilities with us. We clean all sorts of solar parks, from company roofs to floating parks.viable particular, particular largeinnovative, agricultural, roof, panel, flat1
veilinghuisdejager.nlThe first first 24 24 volumes volumes of of “The General General and and Particular Particular Natural Natural History History with with the the Description Description of of the the King's King's Cabinet Cabinet by by George George Louis…general particular, particular naturalhammer, tall, century, vase, silver1
covid3d-umfasos.nl…manage stress. During the current global crisis when ‘social distancing’ has become a norm, over-engagement with particular objects has become a ‘psychological necessity’ thereby helping people to discuss their needs of human interaction…engagement particular, particular objectquarantine, pandemic, nostalgia, period, physical1
straatsma.nlIn particular, I find inspiration in the archetypical and classical ceramic vases, originating from diverse cultures such as the Far East and ancient Europe. Challenging their traditional function, materiality, and historical context, I…vase, interior, chair, sculpture, shape1
whselfinvest.nlThe information on this site is not directed at residents of Belgium nor is it directed at residents of any particular country where the marketing or the use of the instruments contained on this website would be against local laws or…resident particular, particular countrytrading, stock, discover, legendary, rate1
esoterischgenootschap.nlscientists can't measure at this moment, were then common property. Because of the false use of this technology in particular, Atlantis has gone under and that coincided with a great rotation at the time. This awaits the earth now as well…technology particular, particular atlantisforce, earth, session, pyramid, possibility1
ourplace.nl…life had dispersed into the poisoned hiphop scene. The smell of the bleach was hardly noticeable now, the only odour dead b-boys. Of course no one noticed and no one cared, and that was only part of the problem with this particular no one.crazy, harsh, absolutely, surface, hire1
peterrijsenbrij.nlI am familiar with Radio 10 (Gold) and the NCRV and have my knowledge in the entertainment, (multi) media and in particular organizing events. As a voice over or presenter, I can give your event a special touch.medium particular, particular organizememory, movie, assignment, conference, oops1
juffemke.nl…teachers will be obligated to register to prove their continuous professional development. Obligated. Again, this particular word that leads to the resistance of teachers. And that is a shame, because the Teachers’ Register can also be an…obligate particular, particular wordteacher, leader, century, proud, classroom1
sinuscourse.nlThis course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the surgical anatomy and techniques for sinus surgery. The course is of particular benefit to otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons who developed some…course particular, particular benefitsurgery, technique, faculty, objective, lecture1
ahg-justitia.nlOur extensive experience in particular with the the drafting and interpretation of contracts, trade agreements, general terms and conditions as well as the dispute settlement mechanisms allows us to to fashion the right approach for our…experience particular, particular draftlaw, dispute, administrative, resolution, translation1
mikamolenkamp.nlA random sample of my favorite games, in no particular order: (refresh the page!)game particular, particular orderprogrammer, engine, programming, interest, prog1
soulibri.nl…what it was all about and we were able to put the material into practice. We did a lot on the second afternoon in particular. Still, it wasn’t tiring at all! Not even online classes. That surprised me, but actually makes sense when you…afternoon particular, particular onlinemeditation, session, treatment, exercise, peace1
hqspace.nlIn an industry where failure is considered not an option, careful and detailed planning is a must to avoid surprises and costly errors. This is in particular the case when preparing for the Assembly, Test & Integration and operational…error particular, particular caseoutreach, events, exhibition, operation, overview1
anchorinsurance.nlAnchor Insurance was founded in 2005. We are an independent, internationally oriented insurance broker with a particular focus on the maritime industry. We believe in high-quality insurance solutions and a strong customer approach thereby…broker particular, particular focusinsurance, anchor, advisor, intermediary, liability1
kimlitjens.nlI'm a studious and ambitious web developer. Right now I'm focusing on the front-end, in particular React. In the future I also want to learn back-end. I'm looking for a challenging job as a front-end developer at a company where I can…end particular, particular reactreact, clone, movie, api, tailwind1
kunstschouw.nlAn event such as the Kunstschouw requires of its participants a spirit of cooperation such that one artist can represent the work of another when required, tor example in the case of the unavoidable absence of a particular exhibitor. To…absence particular, particular exhibitorchurch, participation, exhibitor, landscape, village1
haveyoutriedturningitoffandonagain.nlon GitHub where we contribute code to the website and resolve issues. If you have any technical issue, bug report or feature request, we encourage you to open an issue on GitHub. This way you'll be kept in the loop on your particular thing.loop particular, particular thingassociation, sysadmin, committee, responsible, request1
robinmiddelburg.nlSome time ago I found another cool website that shows the m52 swap process: E28 Goodies. In a blog post on that website they mentioned an E36 AC radiator, that particular model fits the standard gap in the E28 front better than a 524td…radiator particular, particular modelclutch, oil, july, exhaust, engine1
buddhaandbuddha.nlWe offer the finest in Asian Arts and Antiques, all items are guaranteed to be genuine as represented. If you have any questions about items in the collection, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are looking for a particular object…collection particular, particular objectbuddha, ceramic, statue, buddhist, antique1
backgroundmagazine.nl…express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Background Magazine makes no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of…fitness particular, particular purposebackground, closely, progressive, honest, critical1
dewereldbazar.nlTenants, entrepreneurs, visitors but also residents, foundations, associations and artists from the province of Groningen and the municipality Oldambt in particular, are welcome with advice or questions. See the contact page on this site.oldambt particular, particular welcomenorth, cooperation, rental, fee, municipality1
cheiz.nlThe Schmidt decomposition has a particular form for bosons and fermions because of the (anti-)symmetrization. G&M allude to theorems in matrix theory about that. I wonder if it can be shown simpler. Also in the bosons case the…decomposition particular, particular formparticle, electron, decomposition, orthogonal, boson1
erinvanderveen.nlAssisting in Bachelor Courses, in particular: Functional Programming, Introduction Cryptographycourse particular, particular functionalthesis, interest, haskell, sweden, programming1
betacareerevent.nlAre you interested in experiencing what it is like to work for a particular company as a real employee? Always wanted to improve your skill set and broaden your horizon? Sign up for one of our workshops! Please be aware that workshops are…like particular, particular companycareer, timetable, conversation, registration, selection1
hlg.nlTo us, one particular strength of HLG lies in the steps they take and the broad range of assistance that they offer us – through both their own firm and their external network.tax, bookkeeping, employee, desk, firm1
circusandersom.nlNumerous projects have been added to collections of companies and individuals. These are existing works designed specifically for a particular location. Furthermore, we sell publications and other graphic prints arising from our projects.specifically particular, particular locationvisitor, medicine, factory, intuitive, situation1
huisartsenganzenhoef.nl…van der Pas. A GP in training is a qualified doctor with often several years of work experience in the clinic. In particular, patients of doctor van der Pas, but sometimes also patients of doctor Bom and van der Woude, can be seen by the…clinic particular, particular patientconsultation, doctor, patient, appointment, regular1
skbl.nlor sold to prominent Amsterdam families, among whom were wealthy Jewish and Mennonite entrepreneurs. The latter in particular were inclined to buy sumptuous country houses. For example, Zijdebalen, a country house near Utrecht, had a…entrepreneur particular, particular sumptuouscastle, estate, rural, historian, figure1
kmnkindenco-nsa.nlTo simplify registration and payment, you can use this webshop with payment options via IDEAL. We want to point out that there are always local activities that are intended for the children of a particular school, district or location.child particular, particular schoolregistration, municipality, payment, fee, cooperation1
pixelengineering.nlExactly the right wavelength to best detect blemishes in this particular situationblemish particular, particular situationmushroom, harvest, algorithm, pick, advanced1
dasht.nl“I have always enjoyed studying the earth. In particular I am fascinated about the earth as a system, how all factors are connected, and influence each other. Also I strongly believe that we as human beings can turn our society into one…earth particular, particular fascinatetree, farmer, organic, bridge, movement1
infinityrelations.nlisn't always easy to speak up to someone you want to get to know better. Corona didn't make those things easier in particular! I do know Saron personally, and knowing her skills with DTNG. I'm so happy she's using her talent to help us -…easy particular, particular saronsuccessful, entrepreneur, relation, expat, leader1
marc-stevens.nlGoogle Junior Faculty Applied Research Award in Security, Privacy & Anti-abuse . Awarded $50k research gift to support my research in recognition of my work in Cryptanalysis, in particular related to SHA-1.cryptanalysis particular, particular sha-1collision, attack, lecture, pp, note1
kolklab.nlOur developing brain is a remarkable triumph of evolution. Every neurodevelopmental step needs to be meticulously coordinated by a plethora of molecules in a timely fashion in order to generate specific brain areas dedicated to a…area particular, particular functionlab, brain, publication, outreach, teach1
dosamigos-homepage.nl…adventures, from book to publishing. The Archives section brings you a wealth of information from the past, in particular the Twente and Nordhorn Guitar Festivals. The Index pages quickly guide you to individual pieces in seacht of…past particular, particular twenterecording, guitar, baroque, classical, romantic1
studio3b.nl“Brian takes the time to explain why he is taking a particular action. He also teaches the ins & outs of establishing an online presence. He is usually available to chat on Telegram when I have a question, and he makes me feel valued as a…time particular, particular actionstrategic, session, maintenance, package, entrepreneur1
enference.nlEnference represents more than twenty years of experience with the design and realization of digital knowledge systems. In particular with the type of systems we refer to as semantic reference networks .system particular, particular typereference, middle, keyword, species, findability1
tietze.nltreatments. Patients must rely on the personal and individualized medical advice of their qualified health care professionals before seeking any information related to their particular diagnosis, cure or treatment of a condition or disorderinformation particular, particular diagnosisliability, benefit, donation, association, volunteer1
moving-animals.nlThe ‘Moving Animals’ project – sponsored by an NWO Vici grant – will study changing human-nature relations by focusing on human involvement with ‘wild’ animals that move (or are being moved) over great distances. More in particular, it…distance particular, particular longanimal, presentation, century, conference, chapter1
werckpost.nlAs a timber frame carpenter, you will be working on the prefabrication of, in particular, the walls of newly built floating houses. Also floors, dormers and even complete roofs are built in the factory to speed up the process on site. You…prefabrication particular, particular wallgerman, carpenter, timber, description, function1
draailier-doedelzak.nlHis research and publications focused mainly on the music of the Massif Central, in particular on the Auvergne and Parisian cabrette players, and on the Limousin cabrette makers. He is a graduate of EHESS-Paris, and a Doctor in…central particular, particular auvergnebagpipe, player, singing, traditional, advanced1
bestpractice.nlTraditionally our focus has been in the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power & Water industries. Recently we added Marine and Offshore industries to the portfolio as we see strong future developments in this particular sector.development particular, particular sectorsaudi, reference, arabia, foreign, execution1
rjnet.nl…company bears individual responsibility for its own financial statements. The Dutch Accounting Standards, and in particular the authoritative statements incorporated in them, are generally conductive to provide the insight and enable a…standard particular, particular authoritativeaccounting, entity, report, external, draft1
hq2d.nlRecently added crystals include MoO3, VBr3, CrSBr, FeTe and many more! Find a full list of our available crystals under the section All 2D Crystal available . Can't you find a particular 2D crystal? Contact us here to see our…available particular, particular crystalphase, crystal, insulator, metal, semiconductor1
tpsoh.nlOur aim is to give our customers the best possible service and because we fly ourselves we can give you an informed and considered opinion on our products. If a particular article is not in stock it is usually only a question of a couple…product particular, particular articleflight, accessorie, guide, chart, mount1
brainanddevelopment.nl…behavior, as well as the predictors of contribution to society. Our motivation is to shed light on developmental processes with a particular focus on the role of social and environmental factors, such as parent and peer interactions.process particular, particular focusbrain, scientific, publication, society, lab1
staffaugmentation.nl…send us your job descriptions, we help you source the programmers, send you resumes of potential candidates. If you decide to move forward with a particular candidate, you make an offer, if the offer is accepted, we reached our objective.forward particular, particular candidatestaff, augmentation, recruit, react, ionic1
adventist-heerlen.nlThat God gives us strength to do His will as new-born creatures, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and expressed in particular in the Ten Commandments.scripture particular, particular commandmentbible, study, request, prayer, church1
axelkoenders.nlMy experience in the field of endurance sports is long and deep, so I can address various different topics. If you want to dig deeper into one particular aspect, please do let me know and I can tailor my presentation to it.deep particular, particular aspectpresentation, healthy, ice, topic, session1
wikinoodmaatregelen.nl…levee crest height, then water start to flow over the crest. In the beginning it can be a thin layer of water with a low intensity, but this can cause many problems in the long run. Erosion of the inner slope in particular is a major risk.slope particular, particular majormeasure, emergency, failure, flood, erosion1
antonreijnders.nl…and provided we are willing to examine our assumptions. We easily slip into discussions or monologues due to a fixation on a particular outcome or because we are unaware of our assumptions. Dialogue and creativity have a lot in common.fixation particular, particular outcomevisual, creativity, ceramic, thought, creation1
find-a-house.nlMy experience with Find a House, in particular with the agent Angela was fantastic, after a 2 month long search for accommodation for my daughter and friend who were doing Erasmus in Breda without success, I asked for... Lees meerhouse particular, particular agentrental, region, find, surrounding, property1
avigroup.nlDue to the rapid developments that are happening all around us all the time which includes the F&B industry in particular we need to keep pace with this development. Statistics show that in most restaurants that do not use POSindustry particular, particular paceoperation, payment, channel, cafe, integrate1
pirnar.nlThe front door is a personal part of your home. It is a story about you. This is why you should first take a look at the range of eye-catching models in the Pirnar Showroom in Hilversum. Only there can you really imagine how a particular…hilversum particular, particular doordoor, external, handle, entrance1
shhi.nlThe foundation wants to play a recognizable role in realizing this vision, in particular by relieving and connecting people. This takes the form of:vision particular, particular peopleorphanage, mosque, town, village, clothing1
lidiart.nl…new territories. As an art therapist I have to master different techniques. Each technique makes space for a particular experience and resonates with different modalities inside of us. Mastering different techniques multiplies the…space particular, particular experiencepainting, jewellery, glass, ceramic, inside1
dojothehague.nlEach martial art has its own unique history, ideas and principles. They all have a particular focus or specialty in which they excel. There is plenty of choice, while there are sometimes major differences between schools and teachers…principle particular, particular focushague, lesson, holiday, schedule, sunday1
dezaanseschans.nlDelve into the history of this particular area and read about the origins of the Zaanse Schans.history particular, particular areawindmill, craft, discover, north, handicraft1
toscata.nl…of promotion encompasses the sharing of knowledge, the fostering of expertise and experience among (violin) talents, and the development of pedagogical programs. Cross-overs with other artistic disciplines are viewed with particular favor.discipline particular, particular favorstatute, overview, artistic, composer, aim1
peggyvanbreugel.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressresource, siteground, october, august, uncategorized1
brains2b.nl…on JSF to which applications can be converted. By combining these bricks we can deliver the tools needed for your particular legacy problem. At the moment we are finalizing the testing and promotion materials. We will bring you more…tool particular, particular legacybrain, legacy, modernization, profile, programming1
scottco.nl…our customer will receive the flexibility they require in todays competitive market place. Scottco have fully qualified personnel helping clients to find the solution to their particular requirements. Our motto is 'no job too small'.solution particular, particular requirementsflexible, welding, facility, prefer, specifically1
notonly.nl…the best possible use in a more sterile environment. The rounded shape of the sheets in combination with the special technique of decorating makes of this seemingly basic product a particular piece of furniture. More information? Ask us.product particular, particular pieceprogress, furniture, visualizer, technician, pleasure1
freddejonge.nlIn this blog, I describe how to create an overload nat pool on a FortiGate which has in basic a point-to-point internet connection and a separate subnet for other services. In this particular situation, I had a /30 subnet for the…service particular, particular situationfortigate, azure, vmware, leave, exchange1
atelierduifhuizen.nlI will come to you with my work … you only have to open the door. Do not hesitate to contact me when you are interested in a particular piece of art.interested particular, particular pieceexhibition, october, piece, teacher, biography1
greensweet-stevia.nl…artificial sweeteners or flavourings. In addition, they contain little to no calories and carbohydrates, making them perfectly suitable for diabetics, those following a particular diet or just anyone wishing to adopt a healthier lifestyle.diabetic particular, particular dietsweet, sugar, recipe, substitute, syrup1
lupro.nlOur systems allow the user to process a high range of plastics ensuring the maximum performance , even to the less user expert, thanks to the particular attention dedicated to ease of use .thank particular, particular attentionmould, injection, impression, prototyping, trade1
socialfinancematters.nlOn 15 April, I gave a brief introduction to alternative finance issues (crowdfunding, in particular) in the fight against corona, for the Social Economy Community ...crowdfunding particular, particular fightmatter, enterprise, initiative, finally, infrastructure1
hapax.nl…They are essential to communicating with the world at large. The quality of a translation is therefore crucial. Communication is only effective, after all, when the message is conveyed clearly… at any particular moment… in every language.clearly particular, particular momenttranslation, interpret, clearly, interpreter, crucial1
supremehairconsult.nlNever worry about how you may look, because we use technology that makes you feel how you want to look with a particular kind of hair style.technology particular, particular kindhair, appointment, awesome, beard, try1
ap-net.nl3) voice your opinion on decisions made at the national level that affect Assistant Professors in particular.position, committee, paper, academic, opinion1
deaddarlings.nlWhat we try to do as a collective is bring something “unseen” out into the public. Our philosophy has been to feature established and museum level artists along side upcoming and more obscure artists. We try to reflect on why a particular…artist particular, particular workdead, darling, artwork, auction, collector1
doenalsofjestudeert.nl…me to skip the following sessions as well, because after all, work continued with the already formed groups on a particular assignment. This went from bad to worse (missing more groups, therefore failing exams, therefore not meeting…group particular, particular assignmentpretend, study, outside, parent, exam1
klankspoor.nlKlankspoor uses a mix of bespoke audio to help address these issues and builds upon existing soundscape research, in particular the work of Dr. Kirsten van den Bosch. (Safe & Sound : Soundscape Research in Special Needs Care - van den…research particular, particular workdementia, soundscape, background, anxiety, annual1
tijdschriftlover.nl…explore how discriminating language evolves through time. To show you that language in general is not rigid, but continuously adapts to our changing views of others. This first article covers sexist language, in particular the term bitch.language particular, particular termlover, woman, prejudice, pride, identity1
stamouders.nlIt would be greatly appreciated if you could provide more information regarding the families shown below under "The Quest". It concerns in particular information about the descendants of the children of Petrus ROOS HOEFGEEST and Leentje…quest particular, particular informationdescendants, ancestor, surname, der, calendar1
bethhaim.nlIn the Golden Age in particular, many splendid marble memorial stones with elaborate carvings and inscriptions were placed. The cemetery, which is about four hectares in size, is the final resting place of many prominent rabbi’s…age particular, particular splendidcentury, jewish, cemetery, portuguese, ground1
caradietist.nl…steps which you can take to improve your nutritional status and achieve your goals while taking into account your particular dietary requirements and food preferences. After the consultation I will do a detailed analysis of your food diaryaccount particular, particular dietarynutrition, consultation, dietary, insurance, dietitian1
arcobalenovertalingen.nl3Dice has been on the receiving end of associated with awards their particular years inside of the industry, including Best Sales Team as well as USA Friendly casino for this Year, are merely a handful of their prestigious awards inside…award particular, particular yeargambling, money, january, player, february1
big4data.nlDoes your company possess data in the form of thousands of records, domain knowledge, or a combination of both? Then you too are part of the target group of Big4Data! Big4Data's services are not tied to particular industries; we have…service particular, particular industrydoor, technique, saving, analysis, revenue1
buzzar.nlThe mind behind this company is wired with expertise and particular talent for navigating the technological complexity and interdependencies of the internet-enabled economy We are here to help you envision, plan, and successfully run your…expertise particular, particular talentconnect, physical, initiative, discover, efficient1
dutchterahertz.nl…non-destructive testing and condition monitoring of the internal defects, such as porosity, delamination, etc., particular, in non-conducting composite materials, such as glass fiber, epoxy resin, aramid fibre, honeycomb, Rohacell, and…etc particular, particular noninspection, instrumentation, destructive, frequency, radiation1
luissbusinessschool.nlWhether you’re looking to deepen your knowledge in a particular field or explore new areas of interest, our flexible programmes are tailored to meet the unique needs and demands of working professionals.knowledge particular, particular fieldprogramme, executive, degree, leader, scholarship1
thedancepart.nlThis page is best enjoyed by scrolling down. But if you want to quickly hop to one particular article, pick one below:quickly particular, particular articlelord, shall, joy, dance, wing1
stichtinghetbosje.nl– pay particular attention in our projects to monitoring and evaluation, in order to gain an impression of the effectiveness of our contribution.het, aim, underprivileged, armenia, implementation1
geraldbatterink.nlEvery free slot machine has its own features. Before starting the game session, the player should study in detail what features a particular slot game can offer. This information can be found in the full description of the slot machine or…feature particular, particular slotplayer, screen, matter, lock, session1
datadrivenpro.nlThe easier you can build and deploy working apps to complete a specific task or solve a particular problem on a team or throughout your organization, the more efficiently you'll be able to address any sudden requirements. In an effort to…task particular, particular problemautomation, robotic, intelligence, mining, task1
emiellorist.nlDuring the pandemic, I gave various online presentations, some of which have been recorded. In particular:publication, supervision, teach, talk, analysis1
themetalrecycler.nl…on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranty of any kind (including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, satisfactory quality, integrity or quality of the content of any material posted on the…fitness particular, particular purposemetal, recycler, shall, subject, law1
architection.nl…to a cycle, which, in turn, could be used to a greater or lesser extent in the architectural representation of a particular kind of Reality or Intratext. Each cycle would have started as soon as man, for the first time, founded something…representation particular, particular kindrepresentation, architecture, architectural, basilica, building1
menjar.nlIntroduction to the project Being the central place to follow your frequent-flyer loyalty status, manage your details or travel documents, the Air France - KLM profile pages are built for many purposes. I would like to highlight two…purpose particular, particular pageux, france, profile, whilst, template1
liefsperla.nlMerchandise items are all made based on drawings by Perla. This is a great way to support the artist and get something beautiful out of the deal! The original drawings are sometimes available to purchase. Interested in a particular piece…interested particular, particular piecepiece, merch, drawing, cover, commission1
antiquerugs.nlThirty years ago, we started with creating a warm, colourful and pleasant environment in our own home. From there an admiration grew for the old traditions, in particular for all kinds of beautiful rugs and textiles, which are made with…tradition particular, particular kindbag, repair, textile, thirty, pleasure1
dutchclasseseindhoven.nl…have attained a work opportunity, looking for better opportunities is a must after serving a certain period in a particular place. Without a proficiency in the Dutch language, looking for bigger opportunities will not take place. As a…period particular, particular placeigroup, lesson, manner, conversation, distinct1
hoffelijketuinen.nlImpressive gardens, premises and estates. They are characteristic of the landscape in North-East Twente. During the Open Garden Days you get the chance to experience this particular side of North-East Twente.chance particular, particular northentrance, east, estate, north, landscape1
sloperijhuizenga.nlFeel free to contact us in whichever way you prefer if you'd like more information, photos, or are searching for anything in particular.engine, specialization, spare, impression, huge1
tracomex.nlA specialty is a raw material of a particular quality or intended for a particular use or destination. Tracomex operates globally but its primary sales market is Western Europe.material particular, particular quality, quality particular, particular usesustainability, specialty, raw, chain, supply1
herdenkingsstenenjoodsalkmaar.nl…over them. One must bend down and even bow, before one can read what is written. These stones help you think and contemplate about the tragedy that happened in that street and in that particular house to the Jews who once lived there.street particular, particular housestone, commemorative, victim, jew, jewish1
dutchconnectomelab.nl…neurological and psychiatric brain diseases. One of our recent pets is to map the communication hubs of the brain, examining how they 'rich club' together, at what price and, in particular, why... to keep our 1.5 kg of brain mush together?price particular, particular kglab, brain, connectivity, functional, paper1
fransaroundtheworld.nldresses. I loved the design of it! Real nice! There are also a lot of art stores here, selling Vietnamese art. One particular design I liked was the one with the pink flowers on a silver silk background. One thing I didn’t understand were…art particular, particular designguy, street, malaysia, war, woman1
abcenglish.nlHi! My name’s Oussama but most people call me John. I was given that alias when I started teaching in China. I love the English language and its grammar in particular. I can be a grammatical pedant at times but with the wisdom of…grammar particular, particular grammaticalteacher, teach, lesson, conversation, intensive1
vankemenade-act.nl…context. Since then I try to keep up with the developments in Vietnam and in Vietnamese Higher Education in particular. The highly valued researcher Cuong Huu Nguyen from Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, supports me greatly in…education particular, particular highlyjuly, october, guidelines, clinical, internal1
chinesecharacterdictionary.nlDo you often have difficulty finding a particular character in a standard Chinese dictionary? Do you often fail to remember characters, though you have seen and looked them up several times? Don’t you think one of the reasons could be…difficulty particular, particular charactercharacter, dictionary, simplify, introduction, phonetic1
optimallearning.nlDr. Raphaela Carriere is a competent and caring psychologist with particular expertise in the areas of educational difficulties and giftedness. She is a very creative thinker and conceptualiser who approaches each child and their families…psychologist particular, particular expertisedifferently, parent, sensitive, giftedness, thinker1
p-oatwork.nlWould you like to know what I can mean for you business or discuss your options? Please contact me. I can help you, even if it involves locations abroad. In particular, I have experience as well as a network in South Africa that I can use…abroad particular, particular experienceemployee, quickly, reference, dismissal, collaboration1
dutchcourseseindhoven.nlEnglish speakers are used to using many vowels in their sentences, but in Dutch language there aren’t many. When taking Dutch courses Eindhoven, you will not only learn the language, but their history, why some words have a particular…word particular, particular structureigroup, interesting, lesson, reason, intensive1
drenth-verven.nl…big advantage of online sports online betting betting. Suppose you in order to bet on a horse, racing for the particular race in a different a part of the country, you do not require to move to that place just to bet. May do sit…horse particular, particular raceuncategorized, football, chance, luck, money1
iserv.nlAlthough I may not achieve al I want there will be no one blaming me for not trying. Stuff I like in no particular orderstuff particular, particular orderstuff, disk, sunday, saturday, monday1
leiden-nagasaki.nl17-year-old Mare college student Ib Brussee also impressed the jury with her work, in particular the symbolism and the way she implemented colour to reflect both desperation and hope.work particular, particular symbolismuncategorized, youth, contest, peace, winner1
word2all.nlPalm Tree Justice is a well-known term in English law, associated in particular with the late judge Lord Denning. Lord Denning was renowned for his dissenting (i.e. minority) opinions, often taking a liberal approach to the law. As time…law particular, particular latetranslator, translation, observation, law, court1
mariapunch.nl…My goal is to help my clients speak to their full potential, in their own professional arena, navigating their particular circumstances. I enjoy working with international clients on their public speaking skills paying special attentionarena particular, particular circumstancescourt, kingdom, father, united, adventure1
the-vision.nlself in photo and videography. Passionate about pushing creative boundaries, I’m eager to expand my skills, with a particular interest in advancing into 3D design and enhancing my video and graphic design capabilities, trying to see what…skills particular, particular interestgraphic, videography, eager, passionate, portrait1
scmm1.nlHere, we work with many clients in various fields. Any company official from any industry is welcome to come to us and find out what we can do for them. While we are open to working with clients from varied industries, our particular area…industry particular, particular areapartners, nation, multiple, varied, reputation1
studionousnous.nlStudio NousNous has been developing this process for years. We believe that clients, that just want to tackle that particular space for years. Also have to be able to receive a professional healthy "green" design. Be it a company or…client particular, particular spaceresidential, architecture, interior, inside, healthcare1
unherd.nlThere is a minority of only 5% necessary to lead a group of more than 200 people to a particular location (Jens Kraus en John Dyer).people particular, particular locationprofit, strength, minority, sheep, promise1
drsok.nl…of generating positive work-home interference. Our results also show that flexible work-home arrangements in particular seem to be related to positive as well as negative work-home interference. Therefore, it is important for…arrangement particular, particular positivethesis, study, employee, summary, chapter1
coenaalderspublicaties.nl…by the apparent beneficial effect of the child’s bow before the parents. I was fascinated and annoyed by it, in particular, of course, because of my relationship with my own parents, with whom I still had a bone to pick. Verder lezen…fascinate particular, particular coursesystemic, reflection, society, perspective, democracy1
adjanemmen.nl…a fat bass, where the vocals change the register over and over. This is another track with superb rhythm, and a particular catchiness. Seriously, this band is really good! On the last track "FAiTH", TRF don't stop to surprise us, with…rhythm particular, particular catchinessguitar, file, song, earth, melodic1
gestaltpraktijkamsterdam.nl…Experiencing). My interest has always been divided into two: the psychological process (what stimulates and frustrates people) and the international political process, in particular human rights, gay rights and trauma relief in Africa.process particular, particular humantherapy, inside, central, footer, sexual1
dick-bakker.nl…awarded this high honour “for his exceptional services to light music in general, and to the Metropole Orchestra in particular – the orchestra that he has led to unprecedented heights’’. Those were the words of burgomaster mrs. Helma Ton.orchestra particular, particular orchestraorchestra, producer, conductor, arranger, composer1
fishflowinnovations.nlAll our products have been developed with particular attention for the natural preference and behaviour of fish. This results in facilities that are eagerly utilised by fish and enable their passage without injury or mortality.product particular, particular attentionfish, turbine, pump, screw, siphon1
healthcareinshape.nlDoes your organisation work at the intersection of design, technology and healthcare? Or does your organisation want to be visible in this particular area? Consider becoming a partner or sponsor of the Healthcare in Shape symposium…visible particular, particular areahealthcare, shape, intersection, bridge, faculty1
ronaldvandermeijs.nl…of this fortress it's also about the physical experience of the roaring sound caused by the acoustics of the particular concrete architecture of the fortress in an audible and tangible way. It establishes a relationship with the huge…acoustic particular, particular concreteinstallation, der, sculpture, steel, pipe1
vankootenadvocaten.nlOur office provides legal assistance in criminal matters, in particular traffic offences and violations of European transport regulations. For example, in situations where alcohol is involved or the transport of cattle.matter particular, particular trafficlaw, lawyer, realistic, firm, proactive1
efficientdeeplearning.nlMachine learning and in particular deep learning has dramatically improved the state-of-the-art in object detection, speech recognition, robotics, and many other domains. Whether it is superhuman performance in object recognition or…learn particular, particular deepefficient, overview, structure, mohammad1
green-minerals.nlGreen Minerals was founded in 2011 by Pol Knops, a physicist who has been doing research of CO 2 storage by mineralization for 8 years. The goal was initially to capture CO 2 . The project became more interesting when Pol discovered that…pol particular, particular productmineral, paper, polymer, manufacture, beneficial1
teching.nlSince running Azure Functions on Linux can be cheaper than running on Windows and I had no particular need of running it on Windows, I tried deploying my Azure Function V4 built on .NET 6 via Bicep to an App Service on Linux. However this…windows particular, particular needazure, function, bicep, secret, pipeline1
solidcursus.nl…the activities, terms are deliberately mentioned (“Throw the red balls in the red barrel”). The child will, in particular, learn to understand terms more quickly because it will experience them (“Crawl under the stick and then through…child particular, particular termsolid, parent, exercise, lesson, playful1
healthandbeautyacademy.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide …proud particular, particular wordpresssiteground, resource, uncategorized, limited, profitable1
flashbacktheater.nlwhich can easily aid change the appearance of great, slim hair and also generate the look of fuller hairs. In this particular short article, our experts’ll check out exactly how hair threads job as well as just how they may be utilized to…hair particular, particular shortactually, hair, thread, glass, ter1
tourofbeauty.nl…has already published several books on health and lifestyle and sees skin care as part of broader self-care. In particular, sensitive skin, which we see more and more in the West, benefits from the benefits of purely natural ingredients.care particular, particular sensitivetreatment, skin, amazing, sensai, apothecary1
pfasoplossingen.nlThe presence of PFAS in soil and groundwater has also affected the economy of other European countries. In most countries, there has been a growing concern surrounding the practicality of PFAS-contaminated soil disposal, reuse or…treatment particular, particular eventuallytreatment, soil, fire, groundwater, wastewater1
levoplant.nl…in 12 and 17 cm pots. ILIKE® Plants has a characteristic look and design. Each of our concepts represents a particular market segment. With ILIKE® Supreme, you can meet the expectations of even the most demanding consumers in a…concept particular, particular marketvacancy, supreme, variety, inspiration1
clothly.nlAll fashion labels require exquisite accessories, to elevate their collections. This particular line of production focuses on crafting splendid pieces such as bags, socks, caps, and jewels.collection particular, particular lineclothing, shoe, accessorie, enquiry, indication1
biancatan.nlBianca Tan can help you to tell your story in the best possible way, ‘What do you say and in particular, how do you say so that it comes across?’ She makes use of the Feldenkrais method. This is a teaching method allowing you to move more…way particular, particular useeasily, presentation, improvement, freely, speech1
olivierkruger.nl"In the initial phase of my start-up, I had many (strategic) sessions with Olivier. He is very analytic, has extensive knowledge about finance in general and business models and fundraising for start-ups in particular. On top of that he’s…up particular, particular commitfounder, fundraising, aspiration, fund, force1
msabbekerk.nl…all information information that that can can be be found found on on this this site site about about that that particular particular voyage. voyage. So So it it will will give give different different items, items, depending depending…site particular, particular voyagewar, ship, london, father, newspaper1
tijosalverda.nlI am Tijo Salverda, a Dutch anthropologist with a strong motivation to better understand, and contribute to, the shaping of a fairer and ecologically friendlier world. Of particular relevance to this is my more than fifteen years of…world particular, particular relevancetransition, publication, thought, think, january1
rosart.nlThe four chosen series of punches of the Flourished Capitals were carefully photographed in detail. Other sources for this research were various specimens, in particular the ‘Typespecimen of J.F. Rosart, 1768’, ‘Proef van letteren…specimen particular, particular typespecimenspecimen, capital, font, foundry, widow1
anneminha.nlMarriage; some have dreamed about it since childhood, while others have no particular interest in it. Personally, I lean more towards the first category, so when my boyfriend proposed to be last year, I said a wholehearted yes! What I…childhood particular, particular interestportuguese, resident, government, port, marry1
rimotec.nlOur strength is particular in custom solutions for your LED application, and in such we develop and work together in LED solutions for OEM’s and ODM’s,strength particular, particular customportable, german, italian, spanish, russian1
nerdasaservice.nlAccording to the dictionary: “A single-minded expert in a particular technical field.”expert particular, particular technicalimplementation, leadership, assurance, validation, certificate1
culiair.nlIt is our pleasure to facilitate any special wishes or particulars for our guests.wish particular, particular guestballoon, sky, dining, culinary, flight1
zentrifuge.nlLiving in the realm of duality, we must have a good understanding of the absolute, which we may think of as a deity. But in Buddhism we do not have any particular idea of a deity. The absolute is the absolute because it is beyond our…buddhism particular, particular idea, atheism particulartemper, difference, anger, monkey, far1
burostedelijk.nl…Koti should be a national holiday, we are closed on the 1st of July. We asked Lydiënne Albertoe to design a graphic work for this particular occasion. The work is placed on the door of our Central Space and the windows of the Studio Space.work particular, particular occasioncollaborator, manifestation, central, january, july1
cultuurarchitect.nlI combine the CBM with the Business Model Canvas by Alex Osterwalder, and with new ideas by my fellow Atana colleagues, in order to arrive at the specific versions of business models that are tailored for my clients and their particular…client particular, particular situationcultural, enterprise, principle, fundraising, identity1
metropolitanfoodsecurity.nl…private sector to provide some relay by investment and trade activities. For potential private participants, in particular small and medium sized enterprise, the urban environment offers certain advantages and promises given the long…participant particular, particular smallmetropolitan, publication, response, trade, urban1
media-info.nlx264 encoding has become popular among gamers since some game publishers released patches that made their titles compatible with this particular format.compatible particular, particular formatfile, encode, popular, doohickey, awesome1
spencemusic.nl…Howe inspired Henk in creating an unique style of playing rock and fusion. Most guitarist are specialist in one particular style, but Henk has the ability to switch from funk to rock, fusion and vice versa, controlling each style on a…specialist particular, particular stylespence, guitar, winner, song, release1
6-25.nlThe opportunity assessments will analyse which technological solutions are feasible for a particular company. A programmatic approach implies that a team then prioritises these solutions and implements them in phases, in synergy with all…feasible particular, particular companyefficiency, carbon, assessment, programmatic, reduction1
bright-ip.nl‘BRIGHT ip lawyers, and in our case Nanda in particular, is a sort of full-service law firm for the new era, which means we can go there to get all our questions answered, and if BRIGHT itself doesn’t have the specific competence we need…nanda particular, particular sortbright, ip, intellectual, property, advertising1
secondsoul.nl…always open to queries and requests. As a graduate in physics, Serena has outstanding skills in the field of technical translations in particular but she is also well versed in many other fields, including higher education and marketing.'translation particular, particular versesoul, translation, edit, translator, academic1
dutchopensheepdogtrial.nlThe Dutch Open International Sheepdog Trial is a great opportunity for sheep and dog lovers to get acquainted with this particular sport. The location is well worth a visit!lover particular, particular sporttrial, july, dog, spectacular, south1
hairviewzundert.nlFor all our treatments, we use only quality products from renowned brands such as Osmo , Juuce , Wella and Paul Mitchell . Colouring in particular is done with harmless dyes from XP100 and Paul Mitchell . Whatever hair type you have, we…colour particular, particular harmlesshair, colour, woman, haircut, dazzle1
thedutchmountains.nlThe Dutch Mountains will be a symbol of healthy and sustainable urbanisation. A significant part of the building will be constructed from 'bio-based' materials, in particular by using solid wood for a large part of the building. This will…material particular, particular solidmountain, programme, circular, courtyard, appearance1
julesbohnen.nlJules is a creative entrepreneur with a particular interest in discovering and releasing creative potential.entrepreneur particular, particular interestentrepreneur, potential, interest, producer, actively1
shababeek.nlExploring Business Opportunities in the Netherlands: Leveraging Rotterdam Port for UAE Businessmen Introduction: We explore the vast array of business opportunities available in the Netherlands for UAE businessmen. In particular…businessman particular, particular exploreguide, uae, investor, comprehensive, investment1
orisun.nl…landscape, namely hip-hop, new wave, post-modern music, soul and R&B. We also have a strong focus on design, in particular fashion and (interior) design. We combine these art forms together to bring everything to a new level and thus…design particular, particular fashionhomegrown, hustle, interdisciplinary, artistic, hague1
groenlivestock.nlLivestock trade Leo Groen from Schipluiden comes from a peat trade family that has been around for years and has built up a good reputation. The company is dynamic and still growing. The company specializes in exporting fresh heifers in…heifer particular, particular courselivestock, trade, cattle, description, appointment1
openeyesfoundation.nlIn particular, we fight for the rights of persons with albinism across the world.awareness, discrimination, donation, racism, study1
voorneveldconsulting.nl…there and I was able to optimally develop my skills as a Management Consultant. It was an inspiring time and in particular the absolute focus on developing teams and people as the key to productivity has inspired me to work on my own…time particular, particular absoluteconsulting, improvement, reference, period, innovative1
leadsline.nlYou might consider scoring your leads as shown in the diagram below. Changing the scoring criteria to fit your particular recruiting needs. Assign them a score from 0 to 100. Then when you have time to call leads, starts with the one with…criterion particular, particular recruitmoney, successful, income, profit, attitude1
qusl.nlThe Corona-crisis is showing in a painful way how vulnerable business in general and Supply Chains in particular are to external pressures. Although no one has the perfect crystal ball, it seems obvious that preparation and scenario…chain particular, particular externalchain, supply, consulting, publication, circular1
biosecurityselfscan.nlYou can start the toolkit at the first pillar, 'Awareness' and then work your way through all the pillars, or you can start at a pillar of your choice and answer the questions on that particular subject first. If a question does not apply…question particular, particular subjectbiosecurity, pillar, awareness, accessibility, questionnaire1
doutjelettinga.nlThrough fact-based research, publications , presentations and social media , I contribute to (policy) debates on topics including human rights, social justice, international relations, civil society, and the rule of law (in particular in…law particular, particular europepresentation, researcher, advisor, topic, society1
salonopen.nlOver the years I cultivated my knowledge in many different disciplines, searching to find a way to create a cohesive ensemble. During my travels this particular craft had caught my attention once again due to the deep connection I felt…travel particular, particular craftcustomization, checkout, installation, happening, graphic1
burgemeestrepartners.nlWe can also claim extensive experience in international estate planning, with particular expertise in French family law and inheritance law.planning particular, particular expertisepartners, law, inheritance, estate, interest1
yrams.nl…Device fingerprinting is a technique that uses unique identifiers on hardware components to uniquely identify a particular device. This identifier is called a "fingerprint." The fingerprint is used to verify that the device belongs to…uniquely particular, particular devicefinally, employee, consumer, difference, contribution1
brightwork.nlWe are always open for queries and suggestions. Please do contact us if you have a particular question, remark or request.suggestion particular, particular questiontreatment, waste, resource, reuse1
vanslootenvis.nlVan Slooten Zeevisgroothandel is proud to have been chosen as one of the exclusive suppliers of Norwegian Skrei. This quality Norwegian product provides guaranteed unique cod, with a particular solid, white and tender meat.cod particular, particular solidfish, cod, norwegian, certification, round1
publistat.nlTwo teams dedicate themselves to work for leading clients in different sectors. Because they share knowledge, our analysts are great experts in a particular sector and we can offer maximum flexibility and security against work disruptions.expert particular, particular sectorvacancy, analysis, analyst, evaluation, coverage1
transitiecoalitievoedsel.nlAnalyzing the whole system and intervening in all the systems players, in particular the mainstream players who determine the rules of the game now (amongst others: big business, retail, financial sector, and governments), to challenge…player particular, particular mainstreamtransition, coalition, role, zijn, opinion1
anastasiasafonova.nlfor romantic posturing, the big picture rules in her musical universe. The technical requirements that Scriabin in particular sets are unquestionably colossal, and they are tackled by her without batting an eyelid. Her forte has a…scriabin particular, particular setchamber, lesson, rule, magician, composer1
aquator.nl…its formation resembles the processes related to those which cause biofilms to develop on the same surfaces. In particular, the quantity and quality of make-up water entering the system, the flow rates of the circulating water and the…surface particular, particular quantitymitigation, surface, layer, foul, slime1
baanlegalservices.nlWe advise on corporate governance matters in particular when an investor comes onboard. We provide advice to company boards, shareholders and supervisory boards.matter particular, particular investorlaw, agreement, shareholder, matter, settlement1
franckensymposium.nlIn the second part, we'll shift our attention to the growth of metal halide perovskites for solar cells, with a particular focus vacuum-based deposition of these perovskites. We'll discuss the potential of Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) as…cell particular, particular focuscell, device, photovoltaic, perovskite, physics1
independenthotelshow.nl…of the event created a personal atmosphere and easy way to connect with potential partners and other hoteliers. The education programme was a particular highlight, with insights into a range of trends and opportunities within the sector.programme particular, particular highlightindependent, exhibitor, partnership, judge, nomination1
svenotte.nlI have ample experience with all sorts of repairs on all bowed instruments and particularly the double bass as I am a double bass player myself. Setting up a double bass is a very particular job. All too often I come across instruments…bass particular, particular jobrental, repair, bass, double, german1
masalin.nlNowaday the nature of our world has changeg very dramatically. Today most small business owners are simply asking the question about How to Export Products in this historic burgeoning global economy, and the western economy in particular.commerce, trading, commodity, africa, apartment1
danskaravaan.nlFinally, the dance floor will be opened to the audience, to dance to the sound of a live orchestra, playing in the style of that particular evening. Some evenings may reveal the similarities between different dance traditions; these…style particular, particular eveningevening, dance, similarity, multicultural, neighbourhood1
ahbkunst.nlI derive the inspiration for my drawings from that point in time at which beauty and vulnerability converge. It is this particular combination that I find so exciting and so appealing.vulnerability particular, particular combinationsculpture, exhibition, artwork, drawing, carefully1
stivako.nlStivako has provided education, training and workshops for entrepreneurs, management and employees in the creative industry, and in particular the printmedia industry, for almost 80 years. We focus on those who are already working within…industry particular, particular printmediacoordinator, ongoing, sustainability, graphic, assessment1
climarad.nlA major advantage of the ClimaRad Solutions is the space savings it provides in construction projects. Shafts in particular can be made smaller. After all, with this solution, ventilation ducts are not required and a central air handling…shaft particular, particular smallventilation, transition, temperature, combination, release1
sociuswonen.nlAll those interested in one of our social housing locations will need to meet the income requirements. These requirements are dependent on the particular type of accommodation. Almost all our locations featuring apartments (meaning:…dependent particular, particular typeaccommodation, resident, connect, maintenance1
utrechtphdparty.nl…the community of Utrecht University. We therefore are committed to diversity and inclusion at our university, with particular attention to people of color, non-binary and transgender people, and people with mental or physical impairments.university particular, particular attentioncouncil, phd, candidate, faculty, academic1
lemholland.nlIn 2010, in response to the enormous demand for, in particular, used and new industrial laundry machines, LEM Holland set up a major revision department on their new premises in Apeldoorn.demand particular, particular newlaundry, description, purchase, request, quotation1
b7wind.nlB7Wind provides several management services to companies and organizations connected to Wind Energy. It is a matter of management in general and understanding of wind in particular. B7Wind combines both in supporting your team, company…wind particular, particular teameconomical, beneficial, turbine, farm, understand1
limeric.nlSubsequently, CAL-WR was introduced as a feasible ‘’full-thickness’’ resection technique for the removal of suspected T1 colon carcinomas ( Annals of Surgical Oncology January 2023) . In particular for large deep-invasive lesions, CAL-WR…january particular, particular largestudy, summary, resource, technique, colon1
surf-amsterdam.nlSurf Amsterdam is created by Katia and JD who share a passion for water sports in general and wakesurfing in particular. They are committed to offer the best wakesurfing experience in Amsterdam and grow this amazing sport together. Read…wakesurfing particular, particular goodride, boat, endless, rider, wake1
smi-maatwerk.nlSMI Maatwerk is direct and indirect active in many different markets. Some of the markets in which SMI Maatwerk is active are: Defence, Superyacht build, medical and the offshore equipment. Often, our solutions and applications developed…application particular, particular marketmetalworking, welding, aluminum, metal, steel1
thc-olie.nl…so many different ailments. Then, under the influence of lobbyists from the pharmaceutical and paper industry in particular, the US government began a demonization campaign against cannabis which landed the plant at the highest spot of…industry particular, particular governmentoil, hemp, organic, medicinal, patient1
fakirivanbeuningen.nlbuyers can find themselves faced with disputes. For example, with the bank or with the National Mortgage Guarantee Scheme (NHG). The NHG seems to be a particular problem for buyers as soon as they can no longer meet their mortgage payments.nhg particular, particular problemlaw, attorney, expat, dispute, agreement1
bossanovagitaar.nl…knowledge knowledge from from jazz jazz guitar guitar music, music, and and Brazilian Brazilian music music in in particular. particular. I I also also give give guitar guitar lessons. lessons. About About Christmas Christmas 2000 2000 I Imusic particular, particular guitarlesson, chord, progression, diatonic, major1
redept.nlRedept has proved to be a good compass in the difficult world (for outsiders) of real estate. In particular appreciation for the degree of involvement that was shown, also in the aftercare process.estate particular, particular appreciationestate, occupier, acquisition, vacancy, police1
wfhessentials.nl…necessary. These might include things like going for a run after work, cooking supper, or making a phone call with a buddy around 6 p.m. You'll have a particular purpose to "leave" work on time if you make arrangements after office hours.buddy particular, particular purposeremote, productivity, lighting, break, payment1
poeticink.nl…has a similar pronunciation in Chinese as the original name. Or one that with a meaning that highlights something particular, or tells something essential about the person. The handwritten names can be framed and given as a personal gift.mean particular, particular essentialcalligraphy, painting, ceremony, ink, hague1
freshconnect.nlPerishable goods (such as plants, flowers, and vegetables) were among the first commodities carried by air. However, such goods deteriorate over time and under extreme temperatures and humidity, and must thus be handled with particular…humidity particular, particular careconnect, cargo, perishable, handle, staff1
vascularresearch.nlThe vascular research laboratory at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) is a translational research group with an interest in vascular biology and in particular, the pathophysiology behind atherosclerosis and vein graft disease…biology particular, particular pathophysiologyvascular, imaging, remodel, int, sci1
loorceramics.nlI’m in love with this shape πŸ’• I made two of these big girls and want to work more with this particular shape. I’m planning on doing a instagram sale with smaller works in my stories maybe tomorrow, so if you want to purchase anything…girl particular, particular shapeceramic, pottery, clay, vase, glaze1
skinculturesoaps.nlCulture ( Noun) : The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.behaviour particular, particular peopleskin, soap, ingredient, busy, noun1
tjibbedonker.nlDuring my PhD, I developed a novel way of looking at the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and in particular the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, by analysing the network of hospitals formed by patients…amr particular, particular spread, effort particular, particular regionhospital, disease, infectious, patient, selection1
nikkylenstradxd.nl…due to the strong wind. It was not very clear for people that they were supposed to enter the building at one particular side, which caused some confusion once a while. Next time, a two-sided entrance or more explicit signing could be…build particular, particular confusionintercultural, assignment, personality, critical, topic1
martijnvanotterlo.nlI'm an expert in artificial intelligence , and more in particular reinforcement learning, utilizing probabilistic logical approaches to vision-action learning and computational logic. My second expertise is ethics of algorithms (also…intelligence particular, particular reinforcement, value particular, particular valueconference, intelligence, artificial, ethics, paper1
willemterharmsel.nlAs a headhunter I have particular interest in the recruitment market. I feel that the increasing shortage of great IT specialists cannot be combatted by the traditional recruitment approach. Maturity of data analytics, mobile- and cloud…headhunter particular, particular interestter, storage, founder, infrastructure, catalyst1
balanceforyourlife.nlThe Emotional Focused Approach to couples therapy has been proven successful through decades of research. It is based on the knowledge that we, as humans, need a connection with each other to feel secure and safe. The pandemic, in…pandemic particular, particular difficultcouple, therapy, therapist, relationship, appointment1
simca.nlFor more information about the particular books you want, click on the buttons on the top. For a quick look which books are available and which books are on the todo list, have a look belowinformation particular, particular bookcatalogue, manual, spare, piece, tail1
berthofma.nlTo provide particular support to the SME’s and family businesses in finding ways to increase sales. We have noticed that an increase of sales takes a few ‘tricks’ and a staff sales-attitude. It’s not exactly rocket science.hospitality, career, tourism, profile, qualification1
testleon.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressresource, siteground, uncategorized, door, installation1
verindi.nlThis paper investigates whether tactile texture patterns on the wrists can be interpreted as particular emotions. A prototype watch-back tactile display, MOTUS, was implemented to press different texture patterns in various frequencies…wrist particular, particular emotionidentity, shape, final, study, wrist1
publimanger.nlAutomatic mapping XML tags to styles, creates a link between copy marked up with an XML tag and a paragraph, character style, table or cell style that will subsequently format the data marked up with that particular tag. Adjustments…data particular, particular tagxml, creation, table, editor, file1
intelligo.nl…broadened my horizons by travelling into the world. After several employments I 'ended up' in IT and ERP in particular. My passion is to optimize processes and make technology work for people. And that is what I have been doing for…erp particular, particular passioncentral, dynamic, analysis, realization, al1
groot-evers.nlAs a graduated lawyer, I represent our clients as an authorized representative in proceedings before the subdistrict court, in particular in the field of contract law, tenancy law, consumer law and seizure- and execution law. Taking a…court particular, particular fieldjudicial, officer, bailiff, biography, official1
hvbelo.nlMigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU – in particular women and girls – face barriers when it comes to practice sport and physical activities. Furthermore, the under-representation of migrants and their exclusion from positions of…eu particular, particular womanphysical, minority, intervention, inclusion, initiative1
frailty-project.nlRecently, we have published an article in Age and Ageing on frailty trajectories among the oldest old. In particular, the study investigated wheter frailty change is a better predictor of mortality than measuring frailty only once, using…old particular, particular studymortality, study, trajectory, department, emergency1
tencateprotect.nlYou might also learn the chances of each team winning in each game in addition to the odds of each player winning a particular game. This information is essential when contemplating how to bet on sports events.player particular, particular gamevibrant, london, town, protect, uncategorized1
yunli.nl…scientific concepts and imagination, but in my opinion that’s not quite enough to be a good sci-fi story. In particular, these two elements in his writings always leave me feeling irritated, if not downright angry: Helpless female…story particular, particular elementattic, autumn, note, sketchbook, random1
casperalbers.nlIt is important to inform the general public about the work that scientists do. Statistical communication in particular has my interest. I write columns (mostly in Dutch) for various outlets, including national newspaper De Volkskrant and…communication particular, particular interestpublication, statistics, visualisation, apply, researcher1
iemfc.nlEADA – for managers with a human touch. EADA is a business school with a unique and particular origin. It is an ideologically and financially independent institution.unique particular, particular originprogramme, executive, lecturer, economic, degree1
winebytes.nlThis website is currently being redesigned. Come back soon to learn more about the services of Winebytes, wine in general and Australian Shiraz in particular!wine, passionate, australia, tasting, note1
kids2school.nl…welcoming nature left a deep impression. Back home the feeling that we needed to do something kept on nagging, in particular regarding the hopeless situation of Gambian children. This became our goal. Not to simply send money but to set…feel particular, particular hopelessmoney, annual, donation, simply, difference1
leeway.nlMichiel van Ast is praised by clients for getting a deal through, with a particular focus on the underlying long-term business interests.deal particular, particular focuslaw, attorney, trademark, intellectual, property1
icecrew.nlIn addition to basic math, a limited set of symbolic math is also available in codyn. In particular, symbolic derivation and simplification of mathematical expressions can be very useful.codyn particular, particular symboliclibrary, math, dynamical, mathematical, easily1
henkesgroup.nl…activity and interactions giving rise to such states as active liquids and glasses and active elastic solids. Of particular focus is the biophysics of epithelial tissues, where cells – squishy, crawling and contractile agents – produce…solid particular, particular focus, organ particular, particular recentlypublication, vacancy, teach, particle, independently1
impalait.nlA data structure is a named location that can be used to store and organize data. And, an algorithm is a collection of steps to solve a particular problem.step particular, particular problemalgorithm, structure, python, enterprise, administration1
4sf.nlThe standard minimum order quantity (MOQ) for custom workwear (PPE) at our company is several dozen pieces. However, it should be noted that the exact MOQ may vary depending on the category of product. For more specific information on MOQ…moq particular, particular productppe, directly, protective, inquiry, apparel1
lidiatato.nl…take place every two or three weeks. Every session is a step forward in the personal growth. Each session has a particular value, both of its own and in the wider context of the whole therapy process. The client is always central in the…session particular, particular valuetherapy, psychotherapy, inn, hypnotherapy, woman1
knausclub.nl…participants may be given the opportunity to purchase the vehicle at its residual value from the leasing company. It is of the utmost importance to have a comprehensive plan that takes into account this particular aspect of the agreement.account particular, particular aspectpayment, benefit, vehicle, pre, sacrifice1
batbikes.nlDelightful remarkably mr on announcing themselves entreaties favourable. About to in so terms voice at. Equal an would is found seems of. The particular…grid, girl, impreza, layout, reason1
idavanderlee.nlA ritual is carefully planned event in which place, object, decor, sound and actions play a role. One concentrates on a particular issue or question, and the participant follows a process through visualization. Rituals make it possible to…role particular, particular issueritual, commission, soul, denmark, calendar1
miwconsultants.nl…to assure truly independent, impeccable and loyal consultation. Our effort starts where others stop. We pay particular attention to hidden phenomena and non-obvious interacting causes. In short: Our dedication supports your core…effort particular, particular attentionrisk, achievement, opinion, operation, shareholder1
zephyr.nlAs a developer and investor, we invest in real estate based on vision. While doing so, we pay particular attention to social and environmental developments.vision particular, particular attentioninformal, investor, estate, entrepreneur, financially1
pureandorganic.nlWe can provide particular products related to oil- and fat products in different kinds of bottles.organic, pure, oil, bottle, butter1
syclus.nl…Ethylene is a basic chemical usually made from fossil oil and gas and is widely used in the chemical industry in particular for plastics and polymers used in everyday products. Historically, European demand for ethylene was approximately…industry particular, particular plasticethylene, chemical, sustainability, circular, career1
infraroodtechniek.nlJac. de Vries Infraroodtechniek has extensive expertise and a worldwide reputation with electrical infrared heating and radiation panels. In particular, we are also very specialized in designing and making the complete control cabinets…panel particular, particular specializeinfrared, heating, industrial, radiation, panel1
zero21.nlZero21 is basically Tim Leurs , and no-one else. However, for each project Tim brings together a team with the clients and the professional partners that are needed and best suited for the particular project. From copywriters and editors…well particular, particular projectaustralia, strategic, identity, creativity, visual1
vanvlastuintransport.nlInterested in a reliable partner to unburden your transport? Please contact us now for more information about Van Vlastuin Agro in general, our expertise or future-proof collaboration in particular.agricultural, clause, additional, certification, raw1
topbobengineering.nlA generic design was created suitable to be copied many times on client conditions. In total approximately 6 to 10 platforms with their own particulars have been derived from the generic platform design. All have been installed and are…platform particular, particular genericdeck, installation, plate, monopile, operation1
amsterdambiketour.nlAmsterdam Bike Tour presents to you: Bikes, Tulips, Canals and Coffeeshops. The Netherlands, and Amsterdam in particular, is famous globally thanks to its tolerant soft drugs policy.amsterdam particular, particular famousbike, windmill, castle, interesting, guide1
storybellies.nlwith the fear of pain or the unknown and fill it with love. Childbirth is a task and each task requires the use of particular skills. Knowing how important is the moment of a baby coming to the world for you as a woman and for the baby…use particular, particular skillschildbirth, educator, belly, mother, maternity1
timmerman-transport.nl…above. HVO fuel leads to an 89% reduction in CO2 emissions and emits significantly fewer harmful emissions like particular matter and NOx. We keep a close eye on other developments, such as the use of LNG (natural gas stored in liquid…like particular, particular matter, hydrogen particular, particular interestingdistribution, cargo, storage, planet, driver1
youngcb.nl…microbiology and medicine. Central to constraint-based modelling is the use of genome-scale reconstructions that represent particular cellular functions as a biochemical reaction network. In this course, you will be introduced to:reconstruction particular, particular cellularbioinformatics, biology, registration, computational, modelling1
kiki-en-co.nlHealthy food = Varied, balanced and combined with sufficient exercise. The latter in particular is something we often forget ourselves, also with our children! Eating is also a social event. This makes it one of the daily moments when…exercise particular, particular childcraft, parent, nutrition, booklet, interaction1
bramcappers.nlEver since I was little, I have been fascinated about the functioning and actuation of electronic devices. I love to puzzle on mathematical problems and try to come up with a creative solution. My interests are in particular in the area…interest particular, particular areavisualization, analysis, visual, perspective, traffic1
wheel-tec.nlAn ultimate climb-descent wheelset? Looking for great mountain performance combined with a stealthy look? Then take a look at this dream wheelset built, with ENVE SES 2.3 rims around DT Swiss 240 EXP hubs! For the descents in particular…descent particular, particular rotationalwheel, rim, spoke, speak, consultation1
calsijsselstein.nlAt Cals College, we have the knowledge and know-how to offer theory and practice-oriented education at all levels, from basis to Atheneum. This is our particular strength and is what makes us unique. We have four combined transition…atheneum particular, particular strengthpathway, secondary, specialisation, programme, society1
adaverhuur.nlis characterized in particular by its architecture and its central location in the beautiful city of Venlo.apartment, stately, bedroom, architecture, central1
stalhendrix.nlTraining – Emile, Timothy and Michel in particular train riders from all over the world. Riders from countries like America, Canada, Finland and Sweden come to Limburg to get a better grip on their equestrian craftsmanship.michel particular, particular riderstallion, horse, events, auction, foal1
momentummicroplastics.nlIn particular, approaches will be developed to measure internal human exposure and further elucidate the kinetics of MNPs crossing internal barriers of the lung, intestine, brain and placenta. We will also continue our novel research on…breakthrough, risk, participant, industrial, presentation1
calltraders.nlSales and Marketing leaders are continuously looking for better channels for generating quality leads. In particular, the growing need for a structural supply of sales qualified sales and marketing leads requires a new vision toward the…lead particular, particular needrequest, vacancy, generation, target, campaign1
oreijs.nlWith our extensive experience, we focus on entrepreneurs and enterprises in the small- and mid market. In particular we offer added value in mergers and acquisitions, financing and restructuringmarket particular, particular valuereliable, commit, transaction, valuation, enterprise1
intothedeep.nlA focusing session uses different ways of listening to your body’s responses to a question you are currently encountering (e.g. regarding a particular relationship, life choice or inner conflict). This may include Inner Voice Dialogue…currently particular, particular relationshipsession, memory, powerful, schedule, consciously1
metabrain.nlor implied (including but not limited to any warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose); and without warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of any content available…fitness particular, particular purposeanalysis, investigator, summary, statistics, purpose1
superlauwersmeer.nlWheather you prefer a maximum space and modern design, an atmosphere of pure luxury or a particular feeling of a classic yacht, you will be able to make your inidividual choice among our models, which share some common basic…luxury particular, particular feel, order particular, particular requirementsdiscovery, shipyard, yacht, motorboat, discover1
franssenadvocaten.nlFranssen Advocaten was established on 1 December 2013 as a niche law firm in Amsterdam dealing exclusively with immigration law and international family law. We advise international clients in particular, such as expats.client particular, particular expatlaw, immigration, divorce, exclusively, firm1
skelar.nlSkelar in particular supplies trainee scaffolders, assistant scaffolders, basic scaffolders, advanced scaffolders and scaffolding inspectors. All our scaffolding professionals have the required safety and trade certificates. They are…skelar particular, particular traineescaffold, temporary, employee, worker, staff1
gerbo.nlGerbo Technology subcontracts in product development and specializes in electrical and software engineering in several areas, in particular:electronic, pcb, imagination, dimensional, electrical1
easternroots.nlThe sky brightened up and warmth spread around this particular part of the globe.warmth particular, particular globeeastern, august, leave, root, creature1
globalhydrology.nl…Global-scale hydrology concentrates on the role of the terrestrial hydrological cycle in System Earth. In particular it focuses on the role of climate variability on continental hydrology, on land-surface atmosphere feedbacks and…earth particular, particular rolehydrology, introduction, publication, groundwater, rise1
parisscarabee.nlAfter deciding to buy an apartment in Paris, the next question is: 'how do you go about this…'. Thanks to the local knowledge and perseverance of ParisScarabee we found our apartment in no time. The after service, in particular dealing…service particular, particular dealparis, apartment, remuneration, purchase, french1
netherlandspointofentry.nlSince the Netherlands is a well-connected country, you’re never more than 90 minutes away from at least ten leading startup- and tech clusters. All which are specialized in particular fields including Life Science and Health, Artificial…cluster particular, particular fieldentrepreneur, operational, government, ecosystem, qualify1
parkerenincentralplaza.nlBarclay Rotterdam is one of the first companies on the Schouwburgplein. In Rotterdam it is therefore a well-known concept among the shopping public in particular! Sit back and enjoy the good service and service.public particular, particular goodparking, central, affordable, walk, advance1
hknhuisartsen.nlHKN is there to help you and we will do so in any way possible. However, if you think that you have not been treated properly by the general practitioner or doctor’s assistant, we kindly ask you to inform the particular doctor’s office…kindly particular, particular doctorholiday, urgent, evening, polish, doctor1
othermedia.nlThis picture is of the dutch band “De Kift” an expressive and poetic bunch, making for good music with lots of vocals and brass, but also making good pictures. These particular images where taken in 2010, at the Bar en Boos in leiden…picture particular, particular imagedemonstration, hague, subscribe, colourful, bunch1
dutchvrawards.nlIn particular among students in the field of Games Design, ICT or media, we see an increasing interest for internships and graduation projects in the field of VR and AR. But also in other studies such as architecture or psychology we see…ago, table, campaign, prize, soil1
boksem.nl…works best when it both highlights a product’s functional benefits and triggers the viewer’s imagination. This particular combination of elements activates specific parts of the viewer’s brain most intensely, she found, which makes the…imagination particular, particular combinationbrain, decision, consumer, paper, cognitive1
levennaasthetkamp.nl…his debut with his book entitled Leven naast het kamp. He is currently a PhD student in Florence, Italy. At the European University Institute (EUI) he works on the history of the laws of war, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949.war particular, particular genevahet, camp, inhabitants, town, concentration1
rentmeester2050.nl"Maurice Beijk: The challenge within the (infra) building industry gives me a huge 'kick'. Under the banner of ReintenInfra I get the space to work on a cleaner industry. That gives me a lot of positive energy. I share the knowledge and…knowledge particular, particular innovativesustainability, balance, economic, precondition, province1
isisboot.nl…How dynamic has, since migrating, this meaning of ‘home’ been proven throughout the years? And how space-specific is home to someone whose life takes place across borders? Can a sensation of home be carried in a particular object…home particular, particular objectlandscape, urban, exploration, biodiversity, wise1
sentinel.nlSentinel. Green, durable and innovative. The leading nursery in the Netherlands for the Scindapsus. A very particular plant, originally of indigenous origin, with a particularly striking characteristic: it purifies the air wherever it…scindapsus particular, particular plantsentinel, fact, leaf, marble, brasil1
berkcon.nl…his knowledge of quality assurance systems (inclusive food safety), his awareness regarding quality- and safety and his dedication, our company and more particular the production departments achieved a higher efficiency and productivity.company particular, particular productionpackaging, paper, laminate, flexo, sack1
invisiblegiants.nlJournaling is one way of staying focused on a particular aspect of your life. Pick a moment of the day, a calm place at home or at work or outside, sit down with a nice journal and pen or pencil and look back at your day. Remind yourself…focus particular, particular aspectinvisible, treatment, worry, anger, situation1
e2cb.nlOur program contributes to the transformation of the Dutch industry, which is responsible for about 1/3 of the Dutch CO 2 emissions. In particular, it should benefit the Dutch chemical industry that aims for a reduction with 90% in 2050…emission particular, particular dutchchemical, electrochemical, scale, electricity, conversion1
virtual-efficiency.nlWe aim to provide you with the best service you need and we invoice only for the time we actually spend on a particular task, saving your bottom line. Whether you’re an Expat in need of a Dutch speaking assistant, a small firm requiring…actually particular, particular taskefficiency, reliable, independent, reference, task1
instituutkern.nlThe Society of Friends of the Kern Institute (Vereniging Vrienden van het Instituut Kern or VVIK) supports and promotes the study of South Asia, in particular India and Tibet. The society organises lectures and excursions, provides…asia particular, particular indiainstitute, society, publication, library, fund1
rubenboerhof.nl…worldwide portfolio of shipping, transportation, e-commerce, and business services. As a Freelance UX Designer at FedEx Digital International, I work on projects that try to remove friction from logistics and online shipping in particular.ux, intuitive, bicycle, conversion, manufacturer1
uitert.nlWe are flexible and ideally placed to provide the best solution for your particular situation. Besides our standard solutions, we can develop and produce machines in-house entirely according to your wishes.solution particular, particular situationpack, optimization, fill, realization, handle1
ttsvloeren.nl…maintenance and is better protected in the long term. Hardwax provides an authentic parquet look and is a method that is often used in Scandinavian countries. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about a particular product.question particular, particular producttreatment, wish, maintenance, parquet, oil1
ohanathrowdown.nl“Ohana” means family and with organizing this Throwdown we would like to emphasize this particular factor of our community, because we believe that CrossFit is not just about running fast, lifting heavy weights, getting tired and breaking…throwdown particular, particular factorqualifier, final, division, athlete, female1
annevankesteren.nlobjects today you are likely impacted by upcoming changes to shared memory . In particular, you can no longer assume that if you have access to amemory particular, particular longtree, encapsulation, shadow, api, node1
barbette.nlIt is former acquaintance Joe who has found his way into the town where Jeff has been building his new, respectable life. Joe has come on behalf of Whit Sterling, a dubious businessman looking to rehire Jeff on a very personal, particular…personal particular, particular casepast, feminine, sleep, crazy, fatal1
lawfox.nlOur team consists of ambitious lawyers who are fascinated by two worlds: ICT and law. We specialize in ICT, intellectual property and privacy law. These particular areas of law require specific knowledge. Not only of law, but also of the…law particular, particular arealaw, intellectual, property, attorney, computing1
waveblaster.nlI am always looking for MIDI daughterboards to add to my collection, in particular:wave, turtle, january, february, august1
terugnaarjeroots.nlI asked Luc for help because I had difficulty connecting and it was difficult to connect with myself and my children. My daughter in particular, who has just started secondary school, needed my support. Through a nice session with Luc I…daughter particular, particular secondaryguidance, session, package, clearing, blockage1
mdrhappybynature.nlMy research focused in particular on the sustainable employability of female knowledge workers between the age of 27-35 years old. I looked into why this group suffers so much from stress and burn-out.research particular, particular sustainablesession, run, therapy, healthy, positive1
paardenpraktijkzomer.nlIn naturopathy, the cause of the complaint(s) are detected in particular. This is often something quite different than expected. One should view the body as a whole, almost nothing in the body works separately. If one has a problem…cause particular, particular differentanimal, horse, emphasis, acupuncture, instance1
waitersinboxers.nlMingle with you and your guests, paying particular attention to the bride-to-be.guest particular, particular attentionwaiter, package, guy, hen, platter1
gronberg.nl“We offer a comprehensive ship management product portfolio with particular focus on performance, efficiency, digitization and advanced customer care”portfolio particular, particular focusship, supervision, fleet, ambition, efficiency1
acmestudios.nlBabs’ studio is on a street in the centre of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. He began 40+ years ago with only a chair and an easel beside an empty field, with his paintings displayed on a fence. His particular style developed over the decades…fence particular, particular styleacme, typewriter, artwork, street, african1
inward.nl…mindfulness teacher comes to your place of work and leads those present in a guided meditation. Other possibilities include participating in a mindfulness course that is specifically tailored to the challenges of your particular workplace.challenge particular, particular workplacemeditation, inward, session, freedom, subscribe1
gitaarlesamsterdam.nl"I have regularly witnessed how Hans gives the guitar lessons and I am very pleased with how he does it. In particular the way in which he manages to put my son at ease and makes suggestions in a pleasant (safe) way and Hans is also able…pleased particular, particular wayguitar, lesson, teacher, uk, trial1
arjenleerkes.nlThere has been a selective securitization of migration since the 1990s: irregular migration and asylum migration in particular, are increasingly seen as a socio-economic threat (such as to the welfare state or economic privilege), a…migration particular, particular increasinglymigration, sociology, publication, teach, government1
moniquewijbrands.nlIllustration for the Dutch Railway magazine, accompanying an article on their leading position in many areas. For this particular story the author dived into the...area particular, particular storyillustration, cyclist, neighborhood, painting, physical1
extremos.nlBut that’s not all. Our next level also places a special focus on styling, with a particular emphasis on bringing out the inner elegance and grace of our female dancers. You’ll discover exciting techniques to add flair and finesse to your…styling particular, particular emphasisdance, schedule, lady, technique, medal1
redlelie-filters.nlWhen the legal basis for a particular processing is your explicit consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent. This does not affect past processing, but does mean that we will no longer be allowed to process this data in the…basis particular, particular processingprocessing, shall, utmost, seriously, mijn1
starkon.nlWe are always available to explain the solutions that we provide. For any particular problem causing operational issues or delays and which requires urgent action, please feel free to contact us at any time.solution particular, particular problemindustrial, modification, inspection, maintenance, flexible1
gertvlastuin.nl…in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and Denmark. We use various Walking Floor trailers, but tanker transport is a particular speciality of ours. Gert Vlastuin Transport also has container lorries with high-volume demountables.transport particular, particular specialitywalk, fertiliser, quotation, tanker, lorry1
liliandegeus.nlSpend a few hours on an off the water this morning with the @wavemakersunited to inspire these kids about environment and water in particular. #thefutureiswater #wavemakersunited #supcleanup #inspireageneration #onswaterwater particular, particular thefutureiswaterwindsurfing, holiday, olympic, foil, windy1
airwgblog.nlFactitious Flora was developed within the framework of Forecast – Skills e.V. When I arrived at airWG I was struck by one thing in particular: the height of the ceilings. Research suggests ceiling height can affect how someone thinks —…thing particular, particular heightselection, pandemic, residency, dialogue, collaboration1
klift.nlThe production and delivery of calibration blocks and similar products for the inspection industry is an important part of our activities. The management strives to be the market leader in this particular industry and therefore invests…leader particular, particular industrycalibration, block, capability, similar, inspection1
conventcapital.nlSteven has been working at Convent Capital since the summer of 2014 as an Investment Manager. Before that he worked as a strategy consultant at Spring Associates, in particular in the areas of sustainability, renewable energy and…associate particular, particular areacapital, fund, investment, growth, career1
sustainabilityfirst.nl…more open access to clean energy technology and investment in clean energy infrastructure. Plans call for particular attention to infrastructure support for the least developed countries, small islands and land-locked developing…plan particular, particular attentioneconomy, sustainability, circular, target, economic1
primeraprinsenbeek.nlboring. They know you’re bored and they’ll also be bored. Individuals are smart and they also know attempting to lose weight interested in doing what you’re taking part in. Make each massage unique to that particular client and their needs.unique particular, particular clientgambling, player, january, money, lottery1
shipplanner.nlShipplanner is build on experience. All the info you need, right at the click of a button. Vessel particulars, phone numbers, email adresses, ect. all in one place.vessel particular, particular phonequay, vessel, berth, screen, period1
nqha.nlAs an association we are there for you. We would like to inform you about the Quarter Horse in general, the studbook in particular and about all events that we organize. We have knowledge of the AQHA Rules & Regulations and we plan shows…studbook particular, particular eventhorse, quarter, championship, summit1
stereohifi.nlOn this site i try to give the widest possible overview of all Loudspeakers & Amplifiers that are for sale. If you look at Brands of loudspeakers or amplifiers, you will come across all the Logos out there. If you have any question about…question particular, particular loudspeakeramplifier, turntable, loudspeaker, player, cable1
harvandijk.nlThere are lot of challenges in Macro photography and especially capturing small creatures as these are constantly on the move. In particular the the focus point, exposure and deth of field. Capturing in open nature also gives other…constantly particular, particular focusbutterfly, beetle, objective, moth, explanation1
airbornemilitaria.nlAnyone with a passion for WW2 Airborne in general and 101st, 82nd and British Airborne in particular can find a suitable article with us. We will describe and photograph the articles as clearly as possible. We hope you can find an…airborne particular, particular suitablefar, fury, bridge, british, favorite1
thenewabc.nl…focus on curiosity . That’s the good news: we all were curious once. You just need to learn how to unleash it again. This is in particular true for anyone dealing with change and transitions e.g. towards more sustainable (business) models.curious particular, particular truecuriosity, century, curious, think, educator1
chelseaforeman.nlChelsea has developed a particular musical style which could be discribed as pure and raw in it’s own way. Her voice is her trademark, as it is warm and distinctive with it’s colours, raw edges and exciting inflections.chelsea particular, particular musicalforeman, singer, wedding, conservatory, true1
niefracontrol.nlClick on a green dot to read what information the platform can display about a particular topic.platform particular, particular topiced, consumption, possibility, humidity, electricity1
venne.nlOur experience and involvement with global leaders in their specific market segments gives us an excellent idea of the options that can be successfully applied in your particular situation:successfully particular, particular situationelectronic, prototyping, phase, ambition, study1
krizzz.nl…on stage. The answer given on the website to that is negative. Wikipedia, too, clearly states that “ Due to its particular nature, Ayreon was never played live ” – but to every rule there’s an exception, and that one exception happens toclearly particular, particular natureeclipse, ago, friday, sun, obviously1
watcon.nlDuring start up, under particular chemical conditions, a protective passive layer must be formed and maintained on the boiler internals to protect them from corrosion and other hazards.start particular, particular chemicaldosing, chemical, analysis, pressure, conditioning1
hitthecity-festival.nlGuess who’s back: Hit The City festival returns! With a new date in late summer and a new look: outdoor stages and indoor venues, vibrant day and night programs, 100+ established acts and emerging artists to be announced. Limiting to no…genre particular, particular guitarvenue, october, inspire, youth, friday1
judyvanmeteren.nlJudy van Meteren is an artist who specializes in dripping art paintings. These are hand-made paintings with a particular unique style of work. Aside from these paintings, Judy excells in oil paintings and handpainted torso's as well…painting particular, particular uniquepainting, figurative, exhibition, vibrant, technique1
datafacilities.nlData Facilities Data Centers is a carrier-neutral data center operator, which means that our customers have the freedom to choose the carriers and ISPs that best meet their needs, without any obligation to use a particular provider.obligation particular, particular providerfacility, connectivity, carrier, colocation, neutral1
digitum.nlEach Digitum product tackles particular business objectives related to each customer lifecycle stageproduct particular, particular businessengagement, channel, base, target, report1
europcab.nlFor CEO’s, important guests or managers from big and small businesses we have exclusive Executive Transfers. Whether you as a business need daily transfer for the CEO to the headquarters office or you need a single particular ride then we…single particular, particular ridetransfer, rate, exclusive, driver, fleet1
annem.nlCommunicates information through illustration and text. Useful when you, for instance, want to explain a particular technique or strategy.instance particular, particular techniquevisual, illustration, presentation, accessible, animation1
progress-lifesciences.nlWe are very impressed with Luigi. He continues to support us well in many areas and has been pivotal in moving us forward against some critical issues we have faced, in particular with QA. Sometimes it’s important to recognize a colleague…issue particular, particular qaprogress, publication, qc, qualification, study1
de-mikkelhorst.nlalso varies above the period of this time. For a payout cycle to complete, it is the regarding players playing the particular game the actual years same length. In short utilizing an involving factors may well influence the odds one way or…player particular, particular gamegambling, uncategorized, money, estate, player1
babylabamsterdam.nlI’m fascinated by the developing mind and how we learn about the world around us. With a particular focus on theory of mind, which is all about understanding what other people are thinking and feeling, I am constantly amazed to see how…world particular, particular focusinfant, researcher, lab, author, replication1
dennishoutvast.nl…and write down any ideas I get. Any colors I want to try and work into a painting. If I'm reading a book and a particular passage stirs my imagination I write down what I feel. Thoughts go away too quickly and any way to preserve them…book particular, particular passagepainting, cityscape, portrait, misc, colourful1
dejongespecht.nlThe house has recently been refurbished. In particular, the three broad Bedrooms Two bedrooms, each with a double bed and one Bedroom with two bunk beds; Ensure that the house is extremely is suitable for a family with children or for…recently particular, particular broadholiday, reservation, tourist, supermarket, walk1
marleenvanzon.nl…predominated. I no longer recognized myself. In these times I have been looking for specialized help, but could not find suitable, skilled help. And that really surprised me. There was no help to help me on this particular time of my life.help particular, particular timebirth, childbirth, preparation, pregnancy, mother1
taekema-harlequin.nl. The firm’s lawyers deal with paying cases and criminal cases that qualify for legal aid . Our lawyers operate throughout the Netherlands and work abroad regularly too. International criminal law is one of our particular areas of…law particular, particular areacourt, lawyer, criminal, abroad, violence1
walkercity.nl…of each image. In some cases, I have created an imaginary place that represents elements of a city but can’t be located on the map. These pictures represent a particular feeling of a place. They can be found under the heading Inner City.picture particular, particular feelwalker, painting, drawing, stillness, hustle1
raisingthebar.nlThe whole book is written with the view that the reader is preparing to take Econometrics. In particular, the book contains a chapter called "Bridge to econometrics".econometrics particular, particular bookstatistics, econometrics, innovative, stat, fact1
bruidenbeautynederland.nlDjamila and her assistant were professional and easy to plan with leading up to the wedding. On the day they were so flexible with our last minute changes and requests. They were able to cater to even the most particular members of the…able particular, particular memberbridal, wedding, hair, bride, wish1
bunkerpictures.nl…and Russia”. During this period, numerous protective measures were built for civilians as well as for public authorities. The Civil Defense of the Cold War has our particular attention, however the military structures are not avoided.war particular, particular attentionwar, cold, defense, civil, heritage1
renaissance-man.nlNot really sure where this particular spot was, I just can vaguely remember that I scribbled “Torre del Greco” on the paper strip attached to the B&W film I developed later on.sure particular, particular spotadventure, leave, christmas, elegance, difficult1
lans-jewellery.nl…lady ran with the possibility to Nike Free Run 2 Womens Trainers enroll in Boston ma University's Division one particular team. Through her four decades with BU, Jessica excelled with the steeplechase nevertheless experienced her great…division particular, particular teamrun, shoe, women, dog, inside1
meletitaalcursussen.nlWe offer lessons in small groups (up to 7 people), with particular emphasis on the learning needs of each student. The lessons conducted are on four competences: speaking, writing, reading and listening. Grammar is also part of it and is…people particular, particular emphasisgreek, lesson, th, exercise, block1
houtentafelherstel.nlIn other words, w e listen carefully to your wishes, and provide solutions that suit your particular case. Contact us for more informationsolution particular, particular casetable, wood, wooden, lacquer, oil1
childfriendship.nlIn 20 years time, with support from abroad – in particular aid organizations from Germany, Switzerland and Australia – a school has been created where more than 7000 children are now attending school. 170 teachers and 20 staff members are…abroad particular, particular aidfriendship, cambodia, region, burma, cyclone1
rolandpierik.nl…the emerging phenomenon of ‘convention constitutionalism’ among the State Parties of the European Convention. In particular, the project investigates the role of the European Court of Human Rights in the ongoing dialogue with Party Statesconvention particular, particular projectlaw, convention, vaccination, philosophy, publication1
gatespecialties.nlGATE Specialties is your solution for equipment sourcing through our extensive worldwide network of suppliers. Brands and products on this site are just a sample of what we can offer. If you do not find a particular product, ask us…sample particular, particular productgate, specialty, distributor, exclusive, detection1
klaasnienhuis.nlThe configurator has increased sales of a particular model by 50% in 2 years (and that’s our most expensive boat). So yeah, we’re happy with it!sale particular, particular modelboat, anatomy, screen, trash, block1
harmendeweerd.nlI am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen. My main research topic is intelligent interaction among humans and artificial systems. In particular, I am interested in human-machine…system particular, particular interestedoverview, publication, interaction, actively, limitation1
deftigeaap.nlFrom the reservation to the visit to this particular email, it was executed with perfection from start to finish. Expectations have been more than met. Keep it up, you literally have gold in your hands this way. Helmond can be extremely…visit particular, particular emailbrewery, dinner, reservation, distillery, establishment1
theweathermakers.nlAt our Eco Oasis Lab, we study and understand the dynamics of a complex ecosystem, with a focus on the nutrient dynamics. In particular, learning on how to modulate nutrient levels to achieve different kind and sizes of living…dynamic particular, particular nutrientweather, earth, cycle, engine, stakeholder1
sidekickprojects.nl…Finally I would like to mention that I use 20% of the gross income of Sidekick Project Support on charity, in particular to organisations that promote education and care to disadvantaged children in developing countries. This motivatedcharity particular, particular organisationemission, publication, consumption, fuel, report1
bililed.nlCNS patients. All dimensions are possible, such as 40 x 80 cm for babies (craddle) or 60 x 120 cm for toddlers (cot). In particular, the “kids design” appeals to children. Here the lamp is fully integrated in the roof of a house-shaped bed.cot particular, particular kiddevice, syndrome, patient, treatment, intensity1
virgamusica.nlWelcome to Virga Musica. This site is dedicated to early music and in particular to transcriptions from the chanson albums of Marguerite of Austria, Mss. 228 and 11239, both kept in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België. The site will be…music particular, particular transcriptionaustria, early, transcription, introduction, mainly1
owervers.nlI'm a creative programmer with a passion for themed entertainment. In particular I love entertaining people by using technology to create and enhance unique experiences. Making what would otherwise be static or virtual into truly dynamic…entertainment particular, particular peopleprojection, programmer, interactive, programming, vacation1
kaasmerkmatec.nl…traceability, we have built software and systems that provide protection and help to optimize the production process. We enjoy working side by side with you to analyse your particular situation and find room for even further improvement.process particular, particular situationcheese, shape, benefit, appearance, manual1
truckcartel.nlLitFin specialises as a litigation financier in complex legal disputes and in particular in antitrust damage proceedings.dispute particular, particular antitrustcartel, lawsuit, participation, compensation, commission1
brinkborgh.nlBrinkBorgh, and in particular Martijn van Tol, is my first choice as a sales agent. I appreciate the down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach. And most valuable is the feeling that my interests prevail at all times. I have used his services…brinkborgh particular, particular martijnestate, property, sell, purchase, rental1
nikovermeer.nlThe ‘flow of meaning’ between people is more fundamental than any individual’s particular thoughts.individual particular, particular thoughtthink, archive, random, mean, fundamental1
praktijk-lux.nl"During Emma's training, my team and I received a nice mix of exercises and insights into a healthier work- and lifestyle. In particular, the insight that you can recognize and implement concrete adjustments in a very short time that will…lifestyle particular, particular insightgap, achievement, inn, fulfillment, weight1
costerustuin.nl…Its scenic and elegant lay-out invites one to enjoy the flowerbeds and to stop and take special notice of particular plants. Each season brings out the garden’s charm in its own way – the fresh greens of spring, the summer’s sea ofnotice particular, particular plantbotanical, vicinity, het, forest, visitor1
waives.nlIris van de Kieft is a great speaker. Her presentation about focus in work was really particular and helpful. It reminded me how easy it is to give in to distractions and motivated me to stay more focused for the most important things.work particular, particular helpfulcreativity, breath, wellbeing, balance, breathe1
eplotech.nlProject: Inno3D BV in Monster (Westland, The Netherlands) has developed a machine for cutting meat, i.e. a shawarma cutting robot, in particular the motor control and the electronics. In Hengelo, Eplotech BV has developed the software for…robot particular, particular motortask, gic, maintenance, analysis, file1
renewablegroup.nlOur goals are to advice, develop, acquire, finance, and operate companies within the sustainability domain. With our companies in general and projects in particular, we want to make a positive contribution to making the Netherlands more…project particular, particular positiverenewable, investor, independent, estate, domain1
domhoff.nl…contact. Visiting your home or office, so we can we can provide the best possible advice. Finding that perfect balance between the transitory nature of fashion, the timelessness of tradition and the stamp of your particular personality.stamp particular, particular personalitytailor, jacket, formal, naar, balance1
lightchange.nlAre you looking for a particular unique piece? You always can place a search and we can increase yourchair, ocean, egg, cantilever, stool1
satellietgroep.nlChapter 17: " In particular in the case of the Netherlands, the border between land and sea is unclear and has been constructed and redesigned over centuries. In chapter 17, Satellietgroep show how their artistic projects pose essential…chapter particular, particular caseclimate, coastal, onwards, cultural, artistic1
nicolebakker.nlNicole has guided Omrin in the realization of the new strategy and in particular the route to a distinctive circular proposition. Nicole is a smart young woman with a clear vision of a circular economy, a healthy portion of critical…strategy particular, particular routecircular, economy, entrepreneurship, sustainability, holistic1
maurikstomps.nl…or damaged bike, they attach a warning sticker on it: “This bike will be removed on a specific date”. On that particular day, the bike will be removed and brought to a bike storage, where the owner can get it back after paying a fine…date particular, particular daybike, street, polish, utility, rule1
indonesia-dutchcolonialheritage.nlThe historical importance of Dutch East-India with regard to its heir and successor, the Republic of Indonesia, deserves particular attention. The importance of Dutch East-India to Indonesia's socio-economic development, its empire…indonesia particular, particular attentioncolonial, indonesia, indonesian, heritage, east1
locktar.nl…and edit viewmodels you can use in example the FirstNameValidation method for the generic rules and add the specific rules in the particular validator class. See the following example where the edit viewmodel has extra validation rules:rule particular, particular validatorazure, graph, validator, attribute, debug1
aukes.nlTo give you an idea of what Aukes Theatertechniek can mean for you and your event, you will find various examples of projects that we have proudly worked for on our project page. In particular, also read through the project descriptions…page particular, particular projectrental, exhibition, presentation, theatre, carhartt1
hermankuypers.nl…his immediate environment. ‘A plinth, a wall socket, a plant, window frame, table, chair. The final two items in particular gave rise to play. We all did so as children, of course. Put three chairs in a row and the train departed. Cover…item particular, particular risepainting, chair, drawing, pencil, watercolor1
yankiaslan.nlY. Aslan , “ Site-Specific Ultra-Low-Sidelobe Phased Array Topologies for Sparse Areas of Particular Shape ,” in Proc. 52nd EuMC, Milan, Italy , Sep. 20 22.area particular, particular shapeantenna, array, proc, beam, wave1
koensebregts.nlI hope to also soon return to and write up the results of a study on voicing in Dutch, in particular that related to past tense allomorphy. Dutch speakers sometimes select a prescriptively incorrect allomorph for the regular (‘weak’) past…dutch particular, particular pastlinguistic, phonetic, variation, k., ed1
icc-vanderhaven.nlabout each other useful. Observing the performance of the machine is a necessity for each slot machine player. The particular duration of one’s games, whenever you noticed that you have been a new “cold slot”, there is often a high…player particular, particular durationmineral, february, january, october, makeup1
carinho.nlIt is a tendency for parents to look for answers on the internet but so much information can be confusing. Individual advise on a particular problem is often a much better approach. By taking the time to listen and to observe I can help…advise particular, particular problemfeel, mother, parent, advise, oil1
watisermismetdezesteeg.nlIt’s probably hard to imagine what the constant noise is like. Normally at this time of year it is reasonably quiet in this part of the city after about 11pm, in particular during the week. But now there is a constant LOUD dealer-related…pm particular, particular weekrubbish, report, july, street, corner1
vakantiechaletinzeeland.nl…and modern on the entire site. It is lovingly and at the same time stylishly furnished and offers all the comfort you could wish for. There were four of us and we really enjoyed our stay. The large terrace in particular invites […]campsite, surrounding, walk, availability, quiet1
moniquehypotheekadvies.nlAs I have access to – nearly – all lenders in the Netherlands, I cannot only compare all interest rates, but in particular these terms as well. These terms are at least as important as the interest rates. As a client, you can compare…rate particular, particular termmortgage, rate, talk, exploratory, consumer1
lotschool.nl#BreGroMM+ offers workshops for everyone interested in multimodality research. A particular aim is to introduce Research Master and PhD students from the Netherlands to the context of multimodality and the ongoing activities in this…research particular, particular aimlinguistic, graduate, phd, conference, registration1
atlantikwall-wadden.nlOn the western side of Ameland in particular, the bunkers disappeared under the sand. The kitchen bunker for the battery that was stationed here now houses the bunker museum.ameland particular, particular bunkeratlantic, war, liberation, aviation, visit1
svanbruggen.nlOne of our customers was having trouble with autodiscovery not functioning on one of their Exchange 2010 CAS-servers. I was asked to take a look at it and one of the errors in the eventlog stood out in particular:lab, powershell, virtualization, sensation, october1
liesbetnyssen.nlI am an Amsterdam-based musicologist and musical ethnographer. Currently a PhD candidate in anthropology at Leiden University, I am interested in Sayan-Altay music and sound making, storytelling, and dance, with a particular focus on…dance particular, particular focussiberia, southern, ethnography, august1
loesmaier.nlThe return to Holland in 1993 meant automatically a less influence of the Eastern style. This was well to see in particular change of atmosphere in the paintings, more challenged, different colours and use of subject.style particular, particular changepainting, subject, husband, indonesian, atmosphere1
slam-leiden.nlproteins rearrange into a hexagonal lattice, whereas the micro-swimmers evolve into a zig-zag configuration with a particular tilt. While the two systems differ both on the microscopic, local interaction, as well as the emerging, global…configuration particular, particular tiltsolid, fluid, publication, vacancy, calendar1
nanterre.nl…project to be a part of and various exciting challenges. Those challenges, with the development of the intermediate floor in particular, prompted for our team to be super creative and build on our expertise in tackling these challenges.floor particular, particular teamrenovation, contractor, apartment, remodel, speak1
whatstudy.nlWomen in particular suffer from migraines, yet little is known about the causes and sex-specific treatment of migraine in women. Physicians and researchers of the Leiden University Medical Center and Erasmus MC are now changing that. They…woman particular, particular migrainewoman, attack, treatment, menstrual, headache1
esdit.nlThis research programme in ethics and practical philosophy of technology seeks to realize that reflective turn. Our aim is to reorient the field of ethics of technology by taking up the challenge that SDTs pose to our core concepts. In…concept particular, particular conceptethics, programme, disruptive, socially, turn1
triberos.nlI focus in particular on SMEs that have largely passed the start-up phase. My speciality is helping those companies, who’s next step is in-house, but who are not quite getting off the ground due to internal or external blockages. If you…entrepreneur, competence, employee, structure, enthusiastic1
nap1325.nl…relations between men and women. The programme was highly successful and reached over 148 thousand people, in particular due to the enthousiasm of the church leaders trained. The report also contains a number of stories of change that…people particular, particular enthousiasmwoman, peace, signatory, outcome, pledge1
ourfirm.nlVeldman is a European patent attorney specializing in mechanical engineering. She has experience in various companies and industries, from machinery for the IT sector to roller coasters, from agricultural tools to vessels. She focuses in…vessel particular, particular sharppatent, trademark, firm, attorney, officer1
chipperformance.nlEcotuning optimizes the engine management program based on many parameters (measured values). The chips in the ECU contain software and these programs are usually well written within the maximum load range of the particular car engine…range particular, particular carexhaust, speed, engine, profit, particulate1
corsoklooster.nlAt a regional level, the corso works together in a facility area in particular with Gondelvaart Belt Schutsloot , Corso Vollenhove , Corso Frederiksoord and Gondelvaart Giethoorn .area particular, particular gondelvaartcultural, face, lover, adventurous, artistic1
marjajansen-art.nlWhat Jansen wants to achieve is that a painting is well-balanced as far as composition, form and colour are concerned. By finding the correct balance a canvas acquires beauty. A work of art must fascinate people and in particular it must…people particular, particular closehague, painting, colour, composition, emotion1
dctaleninstituut.nlYou will undoubtedly attend the course Learning Dutch as a second language for a good reason. We would be happy to exchange views with you on your particular reasons and how to match them with targets. Then we will give advice on how to…view particular, particular reasonteach, target, appropriate, teacher, write1
uniqode.nl« I liked three aspects in particular about working with Uniqode: the flexibility, the ability to think with the client, and the ability to translate the wishes of the client into a finished product. Flexibility was mostly expressed by…aspect particular, particular uniqodeport, talk, spark, fantastic, consultation1
fantasize.nlFantasize contacted you because of our current theme: the role of women in science fiction and fantasy. You are working on a trilogy that is set in a matriarchal society. Can you tell us a little bit about this trilogy and why you chose…trilogy particular, particular systemwoman, france, fiction, society, writer1
hiview.nlOur clients include professionals ranging from the science community, decision makers, natural resources managers, and farmers. We deliver our services world-wide with a particular focus on Europe, Asia and Africa. Typical examples of…wide particular, particular focuscrop, sense, remote, analysis, glacier1
dairyntel.nlWe have learned that our clients appreciate our views and trust our opinions after doing the groundwork of a particular analysis. Nevertheless, if clients prefer to do their own analyses and prefer data reports because of commercial…groundwork particular, particular analysisdairy, strategic, report, analysis, demand1
consulate-romania.nlIt was the reason for me to take a seat on the board of the international umbrella organization Operation Villages Roumains, which focused in particular on the reconstruction of the country with a strong emphasis on rural development and…roumains particular, particular reconstructionromania, consulate, honorary, romanian, relation1
geopromotion.nl…Landscape Planning in MetroLand”. This interdisciplinary research programme resulted in many publications on open space planning, in particular the edited volume “Regional Planning of Open Space” published by Routledge, London.planning particular, particular editpromotion, conference, spatial, recommendation, committee1
jeroenarendsen.nl…she does take the lead in going through the song, and she is always very sure of when to start and when to end a particular part. That is often seen in those who are also strong guitar players, I believe because they have two perspectivessure particular, particular stronginteraction, publication, sign, gesture, interest1
dedoofpotgeneraal.nl…any protective clothing—I still have pictures of this. Also, there was a barrel with nuclear radiation emanating from it.’ An official document stated the MOD didn’t want personnel and the home front ‘to worry about this particular fact.’home particular, particular factcourt, military, cover, intelligence, author1
hemelplanter.nlWordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to…proud particular, particular wordpressresource, siteground, uncategorized, door, installation1
tintypestudio.nlThis particular plate makes me stare. Like the stare and gaze I get when I see a tintype from the old days. A tiny story locked inside. Who? Why? Where? When? For how long?plate, road, portrait, varnish, encounter1
energy-strategies.nlSince its establishment, AES has been working in Europe as well as in emerging economies, developing countries and economies in transition, in particular in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa. The focus on…transition particular, particular latinimpulse, intention, voor, integral, strategic1
hittjohummelen.nl…is built. And since the western quantum theories are also based on such a layer , I will describe how the eastern layer relates to modern insights from Western physics. Particular attention is paid to the recent theories of Erik Verlinde .physics particular, particular attentiontheory, introduction, quantum, western, eastern1
wbe.nl"The service and quality in particular make us happy to do business with you. There are hardly any problems, but when it happens, it is quickly dealt with and solved. "quality particular, particular happysupplier, request, sustainability, grower, relationship1
multi-d.nl…logarithmic, linear, and exponential curve transitions. The Width parameter, on the other hand, will make the particular stage longer or shorter in relation to the other stages. All Stages combined are always the same length, no matterhand particular, particular stagemutant, manual, curve, knob, shape1
topfresh.nlWe look after nature and everything she gives us. Which is why we grow in a sustainable and honest way. This not only enables us to look after nature and the surroundings, but also and in particular the ground.surrounding particular, particular groundcarrot, root, cultivation, crop, flavour1
lichtkringen.nlLichtkringen illuminates a growing collection of vintage, design and retro items, in particular lamps, but also furniture and home accessories. Most products date from the 20th century. The home base of Lichtkringen is the beautiful…item particular, particular lampbackground, lighting, sell, hang, table1
lailamubarak.nlLike me, Love me, See me, she studies the portrait as a reaction on the changing visual culture. Especially among the young generation she sees a particular standard of making portraits. There seems to be a format. Adolescents are in a…generation particular, particular standardprogress, chapter, irreversible, portrait, mother1
amarna.nlWhatever it is what we seek, we end up finding so much more then we expected. Those unexpected treasures we come across give meaning and significance to our search for that particular present for ourselves or beloved ones.search particular, particular presentclothing, add, exhibition, glass, payment1
exosfeer.nlWorking in your comfort zone while providing knowledge and skills to people requires several techniques. Knowledge and skills about a particular subject is of course a requirement to deliver a specific course or training. Not knowing how…skills particular, particular subjectinternal, competence, didactical, technique, methodology1
decosmeticadrukker.nlOur aim is to add a unique print to products, serving smaller businesses in particular. You can then present cosmetic products you can be truly proud of! We can add a print to bottles, tubes, jars or other containers, or even just the…business particular, particular cosmeticclick, bottle, glass, accessorie, jar1
donaldsoninstituut.nl…in Europe. “Laurel and Hardy in Europe” is mainly composed of original material from three private collections. Particular attention is given to the Amstelveen film distributor, Express Film. After the war, right up to the late 1980s…collection particular, particular attentiongdi, exhibition, july, release, hardy1
dotherightthing.nlDo The Right Thing was set up by two experienced data security and privacy consultants with a mission to help organisations and their employees handle personal data in an ethical and practical way. In particular Martin Plak and Bjorn…way particular, particular martinprotection, certainty, peace, compliance, gdpr1
24oranges.nlBefore we sign off indefinitely, let’s look back at a few of the stories that we still talk about in no particular order.story particular, particular orderwindow, tumblr, pocket, orange, fish1
henkeskes.nlThis review paper , published 2 April, summarises the results of 150 published articles, up to 1 Oct 2020, documenting the impact of COVID-19 measures on air quality. With a prominent role for satellite observations, and Sentinel-5P…tropomi particular, particular aprtropomi, validation, atmosphere, satellite, publication1
equipp.nl“Arlette Molenaar is extremely knowledgeable and one of the best trademark attorneys in Benelux – and a particular master when it comes to oppositions. She sees the big picture and is fantastic at giving strategic advice as a result. She…benelux particular, particular mastertrademark, attorney, registration, decade, fantastic1
oitio.nlyou might have a particular issue in your organization that needs the focused attention of a consultant to come up with strategic or organizational solutionspublication, library, intersection, past, innovative1
rensmachielse.nl…(Studio Masch) . Both have long standing and award winning careers as composer and sound designer. Rens has a particular interest in projects that offer time and space for experimentation with sound and music in order to deepen the…rens particular, particular interestcomposer, lecturer, researcher, advisor, collaboration1
rksupply.nlRK Supply is an experienced, dynamic supply company in the oilfield industry, established in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Our management combines over 45 years of working in this particular field, and as such carries a well of knowledge in…year particular, particular fieldsupply, trade, competitive, dynamic, paramount1
highspeed-cameras.nlCameras that are semi-customizable can meet the needs of many different flight testing requirements. Each camera operates similarly, but can perform optimally under the particular environmental conditions. Its aesthetic and practical…optimally particular, particular environmentalspeed, industrial, flight, analysis, aircraft1
chitungulu.nl…to a national park, there is a high level of human-wildlife conflict in and around Chitungulu. Elephants, in particular, pose a constant threat to both the villagers’ personal safety and their food security. Together with the…elephant particular, particular constantvillage, vegetable, organic, conservation, block1
no-a-rt.nlblog I will try for anyone who, like me, has an interest in face and bodypaint, grime and sfx makeup a way in this particular world. I intend to take you in my search for ... workshops, events, materials, artists, photographers and…way particular, particular worldface, makeup, movie, drag, inspiration1
jigsaw.nlThe history of computing offers a rich set of tools, ranging from classical optimization- and signal processing techniques, to novel ideas like machine learning and the blockchain. Are you curious which approach suits your particular…approach particular, particular problemjigsaw, domain, quantum, qutech, distance1
cryptoechtbegrijpen.nlGreat course, a very broad and in-depth overview of concepts surrounding cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular.necessity, money, warranty, complaint, early1
pieterdirksen.nlMy principal area of performance and research is Baroque music, in particular the keyboard music of Sweelinck, the North German school and J.S. Bach. If you are interested in these topics, I am sure you will find something of interest…music particular, particular keyboardaugust, january, organ, february, july1
anglicanchant.nlFor all chants listed, a midi file is available. Please note that the midi files are provided solely as a tool to identify a particular chant or to compare chants. They are NOT intended to be reverse-engineered to obtain printed copy…tool particular, particular chantchant, anglican, file, composer, melodic1
frankdenneman.nlTo troubleshoot a particular NUMA client behavior in a heterogenous multi-cloud environment, I needed to set up an ESXi7.0 environment. Currently,...vsphere, dive, vmware, accelerator, min1
dennisdegraaff.nl…each master, such as Van Gogh and Appel. They learn that paintings are not just born and that the brushstroke in particular tells a lot about the character of the artist. Every page of the book encourages the children to make their own…brushstroke particular, particular lotbackground, visual, identity, package, graphic1
afrikastudies.nl…across the world have seen their reliance on fossil fuels for energy provision deepened by the war in Ukraine. In particular, African countries are bearing the brunt of the impacts and consequences of the climate change crisis, despite theukraine particular, particular africanafrica, uncategorized, conference, african, entrepreneurial1
coneyminds.nlAnother theme is the acceleration of the application of algorithms. Several other social and business themes are related to this particular theme. How do we avoid an algorithm’s exclusion or discrimination of people?theme particular, particular themeassurance, report, algorithm, tax, auditing1
demannenvanschuim.nlImportant to all parties in the UAV-chain is that the actual and future technology can be tested extensively. And such in particular in the Zuid Holland region, where the main manufacturers, suppliers, developers and research institutes…extensively particular, particular zuidhague, estate, municipality, spatial, unmanned1
extraservices.nl…professionally equipped. Extra Services is active all over Europe and in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in particular. If you’d like to find out more about us, get in touch with Sylvia Rebergen-Jongstra or Jelmer Jongstra. .france particular, particular touchpermit, german, abnormal, vehicle, request1
hydrogenrocks.nl…economy. Some thirty experts were asked to contribute freely from their own field and perspective. (Im)possibilities of hydrogen have been examined across the board, and in particular what it could mean for the Netherlands and Europe.board particular, particular netherlandshydrogen, economy, author, perspective, transition1
amice-advocaten.nl…niche law firm , specialised in providing services to the business community in the Netherlands and abroad. In particular, Amice Advocaten assists companies in the industrial sector and in the construction and property sector, as well…abroad particular, particular amicelaw, lawyer, desk, firm, property1
meteopower.nl…Prediction Systems (EPS) to calculate the forecast quality in advance. This allows predications with regard to the occurrence of particular weather incidents (intense rain with regard to hydro power, storms with regard to wind power).occurrence particular, particular weatherforecast, weather, america, northern, climate1
transcriptors.nlThe aim of this website is primarily technical support and documentation for the turntables designed by David Gammon, with the Hydraulic Reference Turntable in particular.manual, trouble, turntable, repair, aim1
rozanneverhoeven.nlHow does a particular customer journey looks like and what touchpoints are needed to create value for your customer.meaningful, belief, stakeholder, prototyping, tangible1
schietsquash.nl…slot you’d like to play. Through the ladder you can get in touch with fellow squash players in the region, and in particular players from our association SCHIET. To sign up, please follow the SCHIET ladder link . NB: there’s a small yearlyregion particular, particular playerevening, tournament, competition, cycle, rule1
acupuncturist-yang.nlAll reasonable attempts have been made to provide accurate and recent information, but it is not necessarily comprehensive, and information is of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any…circumstances particular, particular individualacupuncture, medicine, traditional, etc, herbal1
metamike.nlYou might be wondering when my (bi)weekly shares and monthly articles are coming again. Just a quick update that I am currently focused on a particular assignment which involves tons of research. Most are client specific so I cannot and…currently particular, particular assignmentmatter, intelligence, artificial, possibility, intent1
schildkliernetwerk.nlThe Dutch Thyroid patient organization (SON) is the patient organization in the Netherlands that represents the interests of thyroid patients in general and benefactors of the organization in particular. Through its activities, the…organization particular, particular activitythyroid, patient, southwest, disease, individualized1
huysermoller.nl…or organic cocoa. Much of our conventional cocoa is imported from West Africa, from the Ivory Coast in particular. The organic cocoa mainly comes from the Dominican Republic, where we work closely with Humarias. The cocoa from…coast particular, particular organiccocoa, bean, butter, origin, powder1
hansvanharen.nl…dynamical system, it is challenging to predict its potential to collapse from a statistical viewpoint using a particular estimator of sea-surface temperature. Whilst this might be robust mathematically, it lacks physical insight of theviewpoint particular, particular estimatoruncategorized, publication, temperature, painting, circulation1
optomechanics.nlWe study light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, in particular the coupling between photons and phonons in nano-optomechanical systems. We seek to understand how the behavior of light and sound in nanoscale devices is governed by…nanoscale particular, particular couplingphotonic, force, quantum, nanophotonic, publication1
oorlogsslachtofferszeeland.nlThere are no warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, accompanying this site or any display product or report derived from this site. Notification of any errors will be…fitness particular, particular purposeuk, casualty, naar, query, purpose1
stadskerk040.nlWe are not of one particular denomination. We are an evangelical modern contemporary church. We have a band and and videos during the services!sunday, church, marriage, evening, prayer1
sizingscience.nlYou want to focus primarily on the creative side of clothing design and not have to worry about a shortage or surplus of a particular size. Sizing Science has developed scientific methods to align your sizing and inventory with your…surplus particular, particular sizeefficient, target, dimension, measurement, clothing1
ghostdiving.nlIt was late 2012 when we decided that conservation diving, and in particular the focus on removing lost fishing gear, had to be approached in an effective and, in particular, safer way. Ghost Diving was founded...dive particular, particular focus, effective particular, particular safeghost, dive, visit, fishing, gear1
kembe.nl…that the team had to be persistent and creative to solve hurdle after hurdle, one even bigger than the other. One particular challenge I remember well is the procurement of Chicken Fence which was not for sale in Haiti anywhere. We solved…big particular, particular challengeentrepreneurship, northern, egg, hen, fence1
hetorgel.nlWillem Vogel created liturgical compositions during six decades, primarily in the form of hymns, choral music, and compositions for organ. This article treats the early organ music of Vogel in particular. Following a biographical sketch…vogel particular, particular biographicalorgan, het, calendar, protestant, century1
partneringwithpurpose.nlWelcome to Partnering with Purpose. We want to help you making partnerships more purposeful. We do this by applying worldwide partnership experience to your particular situation.experience particular, particular situationpurpose, partnership, purposeful, worldwide, situation1
palletizingsoftware.nlWarehouse optimization therefore starts with optimizing the order picking and packing process. Stacking products in particular on a pallet or in a box is a constant puzzle with which order pickers are only ready when the last product has…product particular, particular palletpalletizing, warehouse, logistics, pick, optimization1
nielsbrouwers.nlThe Code Generation 2011 conference was held two weeks ago in Cambridge (UK). This conference is every years most important event within the area of Model Driven Engineering. A place where the top of the world unites to discuss this…world particular, particular fieldconference, generation, fei, documentation, discussion1
expeditionlife.nlThat day, for a particular reason – to escape corona – I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d run to the end of the town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d just…day particular, particular reasonexpedition, mountain, gear, win, documentary1
ronalddekker.nlI am an economist , I've finished my PhD in 2007. Main research interests are labour economics, flexible labour in particular and economics of innovation. I work as a researcher at Tilburg University and Delft University of Technology.labour particular, particular economicinterest, phd, economist, labour, flexible1
qualityseafood.nlWe supply both combined and specialized wholesalers. But in particular Asian wholesalers feel very comfortable with us.wholesaler particular, particular asianseafood, eel, salmon, wholesaler, assortment1
mantrafood.nlAt Mantra Food you can find various products from Indian, Surinamese, Indonesian and African cuisine. Our Indian and Surinamese products in particular have become very popular in the Netherlands thanks to the Hindustani community.product particular, particular popularindian, grocery, add, african, organic1
marloeswijtsma.nlWelcome to my website about art, painting and drawing. You can click on an image to find out more about that particular piece of art as well as others of the same series.image particular, particular pieceartwork, exhibition, limited, february, lover1
johannaengelina.nlSailing competition for traditional charter ships to the ports of Wieringen (Den Oever), Texel (Oudeschild), Vlieland and Terschelling (in no particular order). This race is traditionally concluded with a thunderous final party with band…terschelling particular, particular ordersail, ship, overview, rate, orange1
chateaucreuset.nl…too, as you let them grow. Just take good care of your units. Purchase the right tools from the same company that’s manufacturing your slot cars so you won’t produce scratches or run the chance of cracking plastic the particular assembly.plastic particular, particular assemblyuncategorized, gambling, player, money, gambler1
myjoy.nlIf you struggle with knowing what your personal style is, or you want one-on-one help to find the best jewellery for a particular outfit, simply send an email for information about receiving a free consultation or hosting a Styling Party.jewellery particular, particular outfitjewellery, necklace, earring, bracelet, pendant1
genealogicagrafica.nlGenealogica Grafica would never have reached its current state without the help of many people. In particular I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Annemarth Sterringa for her genealogica insights and the supporters listed to…people particular, particular contributiongedcom, report, chart, descendants, relationship1
sailingisabell.nl…list your Monsun does not cost anything and guarantees your privacy. No owner details are shared. Under the link pages you may find interesting facts and helpful hints about sailboat maintenance or about the Monsun features in particular.sail, baltic, boat, registry, north1
theworldisyourplayground.nlYoga and in particular Yin-yoga and Meditation can help us to examine our patterns, thoughts, ambitions and also our 'dark' side. To balance ourselves in life we can use asanas, pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, energy work…yoga particular, particular yinsession, playground, creativity, purpose, meditation1
abacusadvisory.nlInternational Financial Reporting Standards for commodity positions. Moreover, Abacus Advisory supports trade finance banks in performing or enhancing credit analyses – in particular with respect to commodity-related assets and liabilities.analysis particular, particular respectadvisory, commodity, trade, risk, trading1
dynamicsguru.nlIn particular, we address the group of Microsoft Dynamics Professionals who now work as an employee and who do not only want to take the step towards entrepreneurship, but who have the need to do so for some time. Professionals who have…dynamic, capacity, specialize, implementation, typical1
aafkes.nl…after Edward's wife; Aafke. After running his own interior architecture design studio for over 10 years, Edward felt the need to work with the products he has always had a keen interest in: luxury goods and in particular luxury perfumes.good particular, particular luxuryperfume, exclusive, introduction, distribution, belgium1
simlogic.nlOne improvement of particular interest is that of a specific transfer printing process that can be used to decorate different materials. It is used to decorate in high volumes aluminium slats, which are used in the to make Venetian…improvement particular, particular interestpatent, mosquito, disease, device, wich1
robverhaar.nlMemories is a red line in my carreer. I worked on SRAM, eDRAM and in particular on embedded NVM technology.edram particular, particular nvmsemiconductor, position, painting, domain, memory1
gysanne.nl…understand and use your new language items. If you are a more advanced student we might want to concentrate on particular language skills like grammar or writing or we can work on improving your general language level. Finally, I would…student particular, particular languagelesson, advanced, bij, native, introductory1
ladyprosperity.nlLast week I talked about "What is Prosperity and where to find it". But I always find one particular part...prosperity, lady, reply, faith, joy1
enterseklompendansers.nl…Daansers” began to continue.’s A historical tradition Our hobby is it propagating folklore from our region. In particular, dances, songs and music from the early nineteenth century. We dance in traditional costumes of the farmers in ourregion particular, particular dancedance, costume, sick, famous, wooden1
mmindful.nlfamily and friends. I love the mountains in all seasons, and love cross-country skiing, snowboarding, hiking and trail running. And I’m a big fan of ‘lekker niksen’, the Dutch version of doing nothing in particular, preferably in a hammock!version particular, particular preferablydepression, advanced, insurance, meditation, healthcare1
samisfriends.nlFor exact times of a particular service, please check the information under each service.time particular, particular servicecat, dog, guinea, pig, rabbit1
westagroup.nlWESTA group of business developers work closely with customers, partners and stakeholders assessing and the defining the exact road-to-market for a particular client. By conducting market research, field research and forecasting sales we…market particular, particular clientresource, supply, investment, ray1
jrenes.nl…the machine with your card inserted will permit casino to electronically track how much you have spent playing a particular machine, simply just Slot at the casino generally speaking if additional fruits and vegetables move from machine…electronically particular, particular machineuncategorized, gambling, money, player, february1
sprintf.nlEquipped with a wide spectrum of significant technical expertise, they provide customers with support relating to the ICT aspects of their business. Sprintf’s core business lies in technical automation, relating in particular to device…automation particular, particular devicecompetence, interest, firm, mutual, device1
veerlevanharten.nl…focuses on trust in medical implants that work on a wireless network (pacemakers, ICDs, and insulin pumps) and in particular the ideas of the possibility to hack such implants. This concept of hacking is not only focused on possible accesspump particular, particular ideatrust, implant, thesis, remotely, conclusion1
fram.nlAmong other things this site was created for following this building project, in particular for family and friends, but also in a hope that others may be inspired to transform dreams into plans. I like this way of sharing my experience…project particular, particular familysail, vacuum, boat, infusion, resin1
josdekeijser.nlClinical psychologist and psychotherapist Jos de Keijser (1958) is named as professor at the University of Groningen to aid to the education and research about the treatment of complex grief . He focusses in particular on the loss of a…grief particular, particular lossjuly, grief, treatment, effective, survivor1
nordicnew.nl…or relatives? In that case, you've come to the right place! You can, after all, also give a gift voucher with a particular value so that the receiver to your heart can make a choice from our assortment packed objects of Scandinavian…voucher particular, particular valuechair, table, lighting, accessorie, furniture1
frankrenssen.nlI focus into four topics in particular. Flowers because of their unique combination of strength and vulnerability. Trees being the earth's largest and oldest living organisms. Sea because of its formidable force and ever changing color…topic particular, particular flowerpainting, sculpture, wood, flower, tree1
leidendiscoveries.nlThis research formed the basis of what would later make him world famous and yield an article in the leading journal Nature. In 1979, Van Boom and his colleagues, in particular Gijs van der Marel (1952) and Alexander Rich (from…colleague particular, particular gijsdiscovery, theory, role, medicine, disease1
nl-lab.nlIn particular, we specialize in research on the gut microbiome , intracellular pathogens (which underlie chronic infections), parasites and antibodies .lab, microbiome, parasite, antibody, consumer1
jaffar.nlDuring more than two decades of experience we have developed a lot of practical knowledge and skills that correspond to the specific working practices of our customers. Much of what we do is custom made: based on the specific needs of a…need particular, particular customerdiversity, intercultural, employee, publication, staff1
arnehulstein.nlAs an explorer, I stepped up my game, building small sites on nothing in particular and reading and commenting on forums and blogs. Some ten years go, the whole social sphere triggered the same exploration possibilities but much more…site particular, particular forumfact, oil, device, relationship, stuff1
kinderpraktijkmimosa.nl"Our daughter has gone from an insecure girl to a positive girl. We noticed her being happier and developing more confidence. In particular by transforming more negative thoughts into positive thoughts and seeing the things that she is…confidence particular, particular negativeparenting, role, benefit, positive, parent1
vmbaggum.nl…planes tell the architecture what the desired state should be. The desired state could be high priority, or keep particular VMs or containers separate. Within the software-defined data center (SDDC), VMware vSphere offers two declarative…priority particular, particular vmvmware, vsan, session, august, vcf1
itsallhappening.nl“Jessica of it’s All Happening has a great feel and affinity with bands and artists she represents. Moreover, she is very knowledgeable about the music business and knows just what a particular promotion project needs. I am very happy…business particular, particular promotionhappen, promotion, pleasure, tree, doll1
davincivertalingen.nlWe cover all subjects and can translate texts of any kind for any product or service in any market. We have particular expertise in legal and financial, marketing and communication, medical and technical translations.market particular, particular expertisetranslation, subject, proofreading, edit, interpret1
dcdw.nlIf you sell a lot of cars of a particular type, you want more of those cars to sell faster and more. And for that popular model, you always give extra attention.car particular, particular typeconversion, executive, inspire, spokesperson, mystery1
eautrecht.nlJoin our next speaker event in which we discuss a particular EA-related topic with a guest expert. Do you have a suggestion or would you like to speak yourself? Contact us below!event particular, particular eaeffective, altruism, evidence, reasoning, topic1
p42consulting.nlI have had scripts that stayed active to months. For example we were not able to solve a particular bug and we needed the script to fix data issues that were caused by the bug.able particular, particular bugconsulting, mendix, configuration, migration, maintenance1
homehout.nl…is an importer and exporter of solid hardwood from Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Although we focus in particular on the sale of dried solid hardwood, we also trade in glued tops, decking, floorboards and various wood products…asia particular, particular saleoak, panel, wood, hardwood, ash1
herkprojecten.nlMy name is Herk Zieleman and I am an experienced project manager. I have decades of experience in project management in general and ICT projects in particular.responsible, implementation, january, traffic, operational1
chrisholland55.nlToday’s 102 km cycle ride was a demanding circuit to the west of Heerlen. There were three distinct stages in this particular circuit. The firststage particular, particular circuitride, mountain, morning, cycle, weather1
managing-ict.nl…releases to translate with a lot of technical vocabulary, which can only be understood if you specialize in this particular area and they have certainly managed to do this! Thanks a lot for your services and Congratulations to the whole…vocabulary particular, particular areatranslation, america, translator, transcription, proofreading1
thami-mnyele.nl…is to advance cultural exchange between artists from Africa and the diaspora, the Netherlands and Amsterdam in particular. To this aim, the Foundation offers African artists of all disciplines of contemporary visual art (painting…amsterdam particular, particular aimarchive, residency, committee, africa, exchange1
vintagemotorcyclebooks.nlBesides our web shop we also have a stall at auto Jumbles in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and the United Kingdom. If you are interested in a particular book we can bring it to one of the auto jumbles that we visit to allow…interested particular, particular bookmotorcycle, replica, british, cycle, american1
acm-group.nlACM is committed to achieving the highest management standards with particular emphasis on marine safety, safe working practices, cargo safety, and environmental protection.standard particular, particular emphasiscargo, barge, heavy, ship, door1
88x31.nlIt's advised to first download the pictures to be sure you won't lose the pictures and create a dead link. There is some debate on why this particular size was chosen. You can also make your own picture collection and check for duplicates .debate particular, particular sizedebate, dead, duplicate, common1
sustainabilitylaw.nl…requirements must be integrated into the definition and implementation of Union policies and activities, in particular with a view to promoting sustainable development. At the national level, following the UN Declaration of Rio de…activity particular, particular viewlaw, sustainability, environmental, conservation, resource1
cervitrade.nlRELOX Technik has committed itself to industrial waste air purification, developing, planning and building waste air purification systems equipped with state-of-the-art oxidation technology. In particular, enterprises in the packaging…technology particular, particular enterpriseauthority, connect, mount, plate, humidification1
deschansbv.nlRoad workers in particular make use of the Knikmops. But so do landscaping firms, while building and construction companies are switching increasingly to the Knikmops. That makes sense, because the Knikmops can be used for a wide variety…worker particular, particular useweight, rental, capacity, speed, battery1
wilco-artbooks.nlWe at Wilco Art Books have acquired a unique position thanks to the fact that we offer all these disciplines in-house and in particular as they are all carried out by passionate specialists.house particular, particular passionategraphic, photographer, collaboration, lithography, processing1
cbdandsport.nlNo doubt you've heard it in the gym, or seen it on the shelves in the supermarket: whey protein powder. This is an incredibly popular sports supplement for strength athletes in particular, and that…wish, add, protein, whey, oil1
franktakes.nlTRU-NET is about the development of tools, methods and algorithms for TRUstworthy analysis of complex social NETwork data. It is a particular part of one of the subprojects or “tasks” within the larger €15M SSHOC-NL research…datum particular, particular subprojectassociate, academic, liacs, population, webpage1
mumfordvisuals.nl…style and is known for her creative approach. She has simultaneously established a network of like-minded and able artists, creatives and craftspeople who bring their own particular talents into the process, when and where necessary.craftspeople particular, particular talentwood, branch, interior, hospitality, creativity1
neuroinformatics.nlThis year's eScience symposium "Science in a Digital World" (October 12, Amsterdam ArenA) is of particular interest to neuroinformatics researchers, because it contains a parallel track on Brain, Cognition and Behavior.arena particular, particular interestcongress, neuroimaging, brain, personalized, august1
mauricefaber.nlDo I tend to reject arguments that do not fit my internal status quo? This is similar to the second question, yet it directly points to the resistance towards questioning a particular belief system one has deeply identified with. It is…resistance particular, particular beliefreply, aware, intellectual, leave, freedom1
hipproductions.nlAlthough we can handle a wide range of assignments, we have particular and extensive expertise in the following areas: management literature, government communication, bicycle industry and leisure industry (tourism and travel), software…assignment particular, particular extensivetranslation, bicycle, edit, translate, literature1
vnexport.nlSince August 2011, our small, independent family business has been active in the export of ornamental plant products such as cut flowers, house and garden plants, seeds and bulbs. We focus in particular on the retail market in Europe…bulb particular, particular retailindependent, collaboration, horticulture, supermarket, accessorie1
asphyx.nlIt took 2 weekends to finally arrange all songs and tape the drum-tracks. Going completely berserk while playing and being totally satisfied with the variety, rawness, brutality and dynamics of each particular track, we were 100% certain…dynamic particular, particular trackofficial, death, doom, biography, discography1
manonschonewille.nl…also offer guidance and training to lawyers in mediation advocacy and negotiation skills. Throughout five continents I taught the advanced use of mediation, negotiation and influencing techniques, in particular in an intercultural context.technique particular, particular interculturalnegotiator, lawyer, author, internationally, resolution1
pkmarine.nlWith over 40 years experience in developing innovative solutions to difficult automation problems, PK Marine is justified to claim that she has made her mark in the maritime world, in particular when it comes to controlling the motions of…world particular, particular motionship, maritime, autonomous, publication, central1
manandcam.nlIs a particular part missing in my store? Contact me and perhaps I'm able to design the part for you.editor, pricing, booking, copy, representative1
gcan.nlCustom authorities will not or levy less duty when the goods originate from a particular country, it is vital to be in possession of a supplier’s declaration. When goods originate from different countries, we make sure that the…good particular, particular countrytrade, law, declaration, origin, int1
artificialvoice.nl…and other arts? Does this offer a different perspective on the models and methods of voice synthesis? And does the artistic use of voice synthesis offer different perspectives on the voice in general or on specific voices in particular?synthesis, artificial, technique, recording, singing1
solarcookingkozon.nlbad for the environment and health. It leads to increasing deforestation and very high CO 2 emissions. Indeed, every year about four million people, in particular women and children, die from lung diseases related to cooking on a wood fire.people particular, particular womancooking, wood, sunlight, basket, conical1
visualacuity.nlThe reason for this blog post is to share a bit on a particular hard problem that I've encountered during my Master's thesis with a broader audience. I will try my best to write it in plain English, but as the problem is complex expect…bit particular, particular hardvisual, august, earth, attempt, clarity1
pop-on-line.nlThis diversity of matches and leagues is of great benefit for the players who want to bet on football matches. It allows for specialization of the players in a particular league and even a team. This helps to significantly increase the…player particular, particular leaguechampionship, player, february, prediction, odd1
allchiefs.nl…sustainability can be achieved within every logistics chain! As AllChiefs, we are convinced that companies in particular play a major role in making logistics more sustainable. We accelerate the path to net-zero logistics by helping…company particular, particular majorlogistics, heartbeat, inspire, net, sustainability1
amsterdamtransferservices.nl…tray holders, and much more! Needless to say, nothing is worse than a bumpy ride and that’s exactly why we’re so particular about the cars we choose for your VIP transfer. Not to mention, our luxury vehicles are known for promising speedyexactly particular, particular cartransfer, transportation, fleet, hourly, sightseeing1
altumconsulting.nlAltum Consulting have been a long-established resourcing provider to the International Finance Team at the British Red Cross over the years. They have been incredibly responsive and dedicated to find us the right candidates for our roles…leanne particular, particular incrediblyconsulting, role, candidate, charity, transformation1
aiswave.nlThe Aiwave Interim Executive takes operational responsibility for the assignment, proposes and implements an action plan to achieve set objectives, brings personal experience of dealing with the particular issues and sets the conditions…experience particular, particular issueexecutive, growth, telecommunication, effective, colocation1
celeritech.nlIf you use Celeritech's Custom Service, there is the option to stay up to date via videos during the design process. Do you want a completely unique exhaust manifold, does it have to look a particular way, does it have to have a certain…manifold particular, particular wayexhaust, manifold, length, engine, perfection1
startthuis.nlA beautiful house in a beautiful location. I am grateful for all the homes I can sell, but this one in particular.sell, purchase, rental, memory, minor1
harwinder.nlA skill is an ability necessary to perform a certain job. I develop most of my skills using skill sharing. Skillsharing is when someone with a particular skill shares his or her knowledge in exchange for lessons in another skill. You can…skillsharing particular, particular skillawesome, globe, effective, interest, singh1
alexvanvoorst.nlIn the realm of guitarists, there exists a particular kind—those who seek not just notes, but the stories behind them.... unraveling the song's emotional core. Then begins the alchemy — the transformation of a song into a fingerstyle…guitarist particular, particular kindguitarist, acoustic, guitar, malaysia, gentle1
hugosnabilie.nl…discussed a lot about inclusiveness of museums and the possibilities and obstacles of involving volunteers, in particular volunteers with less chances in society. We agreed on the division of tasks, communication, budget etc. It was a…volunteer particular, particular volunteersociety, profile, partnership, volunteer, chance1
jetta-express.nlBy partnering with Jetta Express, you can dramatically increase exports of your branded products. For sales to growth markets in Asia in particular – above all China – you can achieve significant rates of increase.asia particular, particular chinagrowth, consumer, request, asia, rate1
gorpa.nlOur clients are located in the Netherlands and abroad, so it goes without saying that our activities are not limited to the Netherlands or even Europe. This applies in particular to our fire (cause) investigations.europe particular, particular fireinvestigation, fire, cause, truth, find1
rechtsraad.nlThis particular client is now paying less tax. Much less. Thanks to a well organised new company structure.lawyer, confidentiality, venture, ordinary, firm1
ndvp.nlAliens are a particular problem in 21st century nightlife. They are mostly Vegans, chlorophylic life forms originating from the planet Veganus, and the adults are highly parasitic. While the seedlings are not a direct threat they do rely…aliens particular, particular problemanthropology, europeans, democratic, victory, similar1
unbelievable.nl*After you filled in your particulars, you will receive an email with the discount voucher. Thereby, you will receive an one time email as soon as the enrollment for the bootcamp is opened again.enrollment, career, teacher, pre, subject1
era-analytics.nl…substances, from single elements to macromolecules. I have a broad experience in analytical chemistry, in particular in mass spectrometry (MS), MS imaging, proteomics, several LC methods and Surface Plasmon Resonance(SPR). I have…chemistry particular, particular massmass, spectrometry, imaging, al, advanced1
abu-amr.nl…cuisine, combined with an Indian dish made from rice and lentils, khichdi, but the Egyptian variant has more ingredients and flavors. The local Egyptian sauce in particular gives it its unique taste, which makes the dish extremely popular.sauce particular, particular uniquestreet, egyptian, egypt, lentil, sauce1
crowdfundingcorpusflorens.nl…of granite. The earth literally cannot support him any longer. It struck me as a striking story about how people can become numb, hardened. In this particular case about the indifference of a colonizer towards the indigenous population.’harden particular, particular caseflower, head, mould, stone, skin1
centerfood.nlIf you have any specific questions about any of the products or if you are looking for a particular product. Please contact us directly. We are more than happy to assist.product particular, particular productsupplier, wholesaler, milk, dairy, directly1
gsi-opticals.nl…to have them calibrated. Prices for calibration are starting at 40 euros and more. The exact price depends on the particular instrument and comes with additional costs for cleaning, when required, and also with the costs for package and…price particular, particular instrumentoptical, survey, calibration, reparation, worldwide1
marianbakermanskranenburg.nlparenting and development. My academic interests include the interplay between nature and nurture, exploring and testing the ‘differential susceptibility’ model, hormonal correlates of parenting, in particular in fathers, and interventions.parenting particular, particular fatheracademic, honour, lecture, parenting, intervention1
stichtingtimkilliam.nlFrom 1974 until his death in 2014, Killiam lived and worked in Amsterdam, where he made drawings, photographs, and etchings, in particular of buildings in Amsterdam’s historic canal district.etching particular, particular buildingcanal, prize, report, chad, calendar1
adrivandenberg.nlWC-signs are fascinating sociological features depicting particular views of gender. They show a large gender diversity varying by culture and history. Many people get very upset when a woman uses a male toilet, and vice verse. Or when…feature particular, particular viewsign, russian, door, similar, spain1
grandia-aankoopmakelaars.nlOur buyer’s agents know what’s happening in the Utrecht housing market and how a particular property is positioned in the market. With up-to-date knowledge and good relationships with the agents, strategic offers can be made. This…market particular, particular propertybuyer, property, appointment, fee, chance1
mannenkoor-nieuwerkerk.nlMu Mu World Skill Stop Slot Machine can give you a great gambling experience without the hustle and bustle of the casino. You can also let your children play from this Antique Slot machine game without the worry of turning them into…gambler particular, particular machineplayer, gambling, uncategorized, money, table1
gnst.nl…as easy as taking the lead in more soft skill projects or activities. Laurens is a true salt of the earth type of person which I enjoy working with. This particular skill set and his experience makes him a valuable player for every team!person particular, particular skillexplore, capable, capability, implementation, skilled1
odvanderwal.nlMy research broadly focuses on understanding why and how language models exhibit social biases. I study how we can reliably measure bias in NLP and try to ground the discussion of bias in the broader societal perspective. I'm in…perspective particular, particular interestedder, bias, publication, teach, broad1
klata.nlIn particular Klata focuses on the extraction of raw materials from microalgae. We do this together with Astaco Technologies .generation, efficiency, efficient, conversion, disease1
jheducation.nlIn international trade, entrepreneurs are faced with the complex European VAT legislation. In particular entrepreneurs active within the logistics sector and the import and export sector often encounter the question of whether or not VAT…legislation particular, particular entrepreneurtrade, tax, rate, rule, employee1
intodevelopment.nlTo structure your website you can define several layouts. Layouts can be seen as HTML templates that define where particular content goes. For instance I’ve defined atemplate particular, particular contentjekyll, layout, automatically, file, variable1
satagro.nlWe are experts passionate about Earth Observation, satellites in particular, and we work closely with people who are equally enthusiastic about agronomy and the environment. We are amongst pioneers of operational satellite data use in…satellite particular, particular closelysatellite, crop, farm, soil, prescription1
svenmeeder.nl…is possible and instructive to study the circumstance in which Irish scholarship gained such a position of influence, in particular the routes taken over the Continent and the reception it got in St. Gall. To quote the introduction (p. 2):influence particular, particular routeirish, early, law, gall, medieval1
mirrestallen.nlThe goal of my research is twofold. First, I conduct experimental studies focusing on social inequality, in particular the domains of poverty and education. This research aims to increase understanding of the fundamental decision-making…inequality particular, particular domainstudy, brain, poverty, ed, intervention1
klauwcollective.nlKLAUW cannot be defined by a particular sound. From techno to house, from jungle to breaks, from hyperpop to deconstructed club, we celebrate all music styles and genres while having a special place in our heart for Middle eastern and…klauw particular, particular soundcollective, joy, resistance, base, generation1
fantasytennismanager.nlEvery week a budget is allocated depending on the tournaments being played in that particular week. You compose a team of players of whom you expect the best results in that week. Your players will score more points for every round that…tournament particular, particular weekround, clay, rule, final, french1
reikidemeerpaal.nlCannabis and liquor slow down the association between the body and the spirit, and the two substances, in their own particular manner, make a separated condition that disrupts profound development and prosperity.substance particular, particular mannermuscle, exercise, amino, acid, girl1
museumvalkenburg.nlTake a guided tour and get the most out of your visit. Learn more about the museum, a particular exhibition, or our permanent historical and art collection.museum particular, particular exhibitionexhibition, south, visit, geology, archeology1
c-limes.nlThis project is about borders, in particular the border of the Roman Empire, the so-called Lower German Limes . In this project we not only investigate the impact of this border on migration and the import of goods and crops in antiquity…border particular, particular bordercultural, citizen, publication, dig, period1
spaceweb.nlThe stackoverlow article from the above url gives more details and use cases that might apply to your particular situation, so if this set of commands doesn’t work for you, make sure you check the original post.case particular, particular situationvagrant, framework, vmware, ansible, fusion1
marathonzvl.nlThe marathon runs from Hulst to Terneuzen but is not a city marathon. Rather, this particular route has been chosen for the picturesque landscape that stretches between these two cities. From the start you cross the city walls of Hulst to…marathon particular, particular routeparticipant, flanders, registration, bag, run1
orangehealth.nl…but has great potential because saliva sampling has a minimal burden on the patient. This project focuses in particular on dry mouth problems. The Dry Mouth Syndrome (DMS) is typically a problem in older people, where poly-pharmacy orproject particular, particular dryoral, cavity, collaboration, institution, dentistry1
imres.nlYour specific needs and particular problems are our challenges. We commit ourselves to create a turnkey, customised solution for you. Our experience in managing healthcare projects enables you to focus on your health vision.need particular, particular problemsupplier, imperial, medicine, logistics, healthcare1
koenigproject.nlMost rewarding was the totally original way in which the instruments related to each other: unforseeable yet always justifying, in retrospect, their particular mode of dialogue. Also astonishing was the balance of 'tonality' and…retrospect particular, particular modecomposition, electronic, composer, string, piece1
kroesadvocaten.nlWe worked with Florent to help us acquire a DAFT visa and a partner visa. Kroes Advocaten -- Florent in particular -- was incredibly helpful and communicative. All of our questions were answered immediately and in terms we could…florent particular, particular incrediblypermit, immigration, law, efficient, lawyer1
mudlysbarbershop.nlYou cannot be awesome at everything so our barber all have their special moves. We can all give you a good and professional cut or shave but some are more specialized in particular tasks.specialize particular, particular taskhaircut, shave, function, beard, specialty1
schipholtaxi-nijmegen.nlFor CEO’s, important guests or managers from big and small businesses we have exclusive Executive Transfers. Whether you as a business need daily transfer for the CEO to the headquarters office or you need a single particular ride then we…single particular, particular riderate, transfer, exclusive, fleet, driver1
academicauthenticity.nlCommitted in supporting you inevitably, even without you doing anything particular, we further a psychologically safe research and learning environment. The foundation for the brave spaces we yearn for in academia.inevitably particular, particular psychologicallyacademic, authenticity, resource, trajectory, calendar1
cultureledoelgroepenmodel.nl…defined, with names such as the Cultural Omnivores, Active Entertainment Fans and Dashing Pleasure Seekers. Every household in the Netherlands can be categorized as a particular type of cultural audience – simply by using their address.netherlands particular, particular typecultural, segmentation, audience, target, potential1
dorart.nlMy “ Art Workshops for All Ages ” project is meant to make art in general, and painting in particular, more accessible, meaningful and more fun for everybody. Whether it is for a bachelorette party or a baby shower , you name it and I…painting particular, particular accessiblereply, painting, portrait, graphic, sculpture1
koenmachielse.nlI focus one 1 niche particular: automating your business, lead flows, documentation automation, email personalization and automation and more.niche particular, particular businessautomation, entrepreneur, profit, advertising, valuable1
esperit.nlFor green plants, nothing beats growing up at Esperit Plants. In particular, our ficuses are well-known, because of our many exclusive varieties. Our brands: Esperit Greenss and Esperit Ficuss. And with Esperit Dropss, Esperit adds a…plant particular, particular ficushandy, cultivation, successful, truly, winner1
taxi-brabant.nltaxi rates are on average above two euros per kilometer driven. In addition, an extra amount is always charged: in particular the boarding rate, and the waiting rate, the costs will increase considerably. Fortunately, you do not have these…extra particular, particular boardingdriver, easily, rate, flight, ride1
benetech.nlBenetech has more than 25 years of experience in the manufacture and sale of plastics, but, in particular, has specialised in the area of different types of foils, tapes, conveyor belts, heat seal elements, silicone rubber and heat…plastic particular, particular areaheat, silicone, tubing, seal, gummy1
nlshopper.nlVery rarely, we do consider the sale of a particular domain name. Please let us know which name and we will endeavour to give you an answer as to its availability or not. We also understand that domain names could have a commercial value…sale particular, particular domaindomain, registration, lively, limited, requirements1
hbbulktransport.nlAfter its foundation in Gendt in 2002, BD bulktransport has grown into a professional service provider in the transport of foodstuffs. In particular, baker's flour is supplied both nationally and internationally.foodstuff particular, particular bakervehicle, hoop, german, near, nationally1
raschendemol.nlWhile no one will doubt about the usefulness and necessity of the compliance function, it is in reality often difficult to get compliance-related issues into the limelight and gain acceptance – in particular – the management. It is the…acceptance particular, particular managementrasch, compliance, officer, relationship, preference1
jarod-art.nlJarod Art makes art on several subjects, but most of them are generally connected to entertainment and music in particular. Especially fifties rock and roll and Elvis Presley and Bruce Springsteen. His T-shirt art and art prints art are…music particular, particular especiallyroll, uk, stuff, primarily, quartet1
radiateleiden.nlWe grow in our understanding of the Bible and in discovering the person of Jesus through Bible studies, Alpha courses and Sunday services. We also grow through having workshops or listening to guest speakers on particular topics which are…speaker particular, particular topic, perspective particular, particular journeychurch, study, bible, worship, guest1
wijvertrouwenslimmemetersniet.nlFor example, the government can , without the parties involved being aware of this, study who consumes more or less energy than average in a particular type of accommodation, at which times people consume energy, how often and for which…average particular, particular typebehaviour, government, consumption, supplier, citizen1
psychotherapyclaireboers-stoll.nlOne area of particular focus is the treatment of traumas such as (childhood) abuse and neglect, being bullied, victims of domestic violence, war trauma, accidents, and disasters.area particular, particular focuspsychotherapy, therapy, treatment, pain, chronic1
th0mas.nlSome things I like in no particular order: neat algorithms, ugly hacks, automating things, reverse engineering things, and lists ;).thing particular, particular orderarchive, mechanical, fully, raspberry, gameboy1
vimdscr.nlA particular speciality of VIM is its international orientation. VIM observes both international and intercontinental trade developing at a rapid pace – both B-to-B and B-to-C.vim, warehouse, logistics, chain, supply1
geronimo370.nlIn my rekindled interest in radio’s, I started orienting on equipment. I focused on Yeasu, Icom and Kenwood, among others. The Yeasu 991A in particular was attractive because it is an all-band / all mode device. On the other hand, the…yeasu particular, particular attractiveclock, electronic, reference, screen, woodworking1
destijlmedia.nlA book with many relevant insights for the design of economy and society in the 21st century. In particular, the recommendation to base our actions not on fear but on love is worth following.century particular, particular recommendationeconomy, philosophy, truth, opinion, compass1
lakana.nlLakana has a lifetime of experience in software engineering, with a particular focus on complex software. It has been involved in the design of an ASPICE-compliant software design process for an Automotive OEM and the development of…engineering particular, particular focusconsulting, intersection, architecture, publication, assignment1
pixcels.nlRecently I wanted to change Excel's ActivePrinter using VBA. That isn't as straightforward as I expected it to be. In particular there is a localization issue. … [Continue reading] about How to set Excel’s ActivePrinter using VBA?straightforward particular, particular localizationstuff, xml, workbook, drill, bag1
visvandemark.nlOriginally I have a background in Industrial Design. After graduating I lost my heart to graphic design and typography in particular.identity, typeface, graphic, stack, takeover1
nhc.nlThe Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) is a platform for debate, analysis, information, and developments relevant to the mandate of the OSCE. It focuses in particular on the inter-relationship between security and human rights.osce particular, particular intersociety, catalyst, justice, committee, democracy1
meiling.nlWe focus in particular on those children for whom it is hard to find parents. We mediate for both healthy and special needs children.adoption, aid, parent, origin, interest1
studio-stillae.nlIt’s always helpful to have images when telling your story, any story. Scientists in particular should be able to explain their work to anyone, and illustrations certainly help:scientist particular, particular ableillustration, scientific, setup, journal, biotechnology1
copeparts.nlEach Model has an overview of the model- and VIN numbers available by opening the folding screen '?Model- and VIN Numbers' at the particular model.number particular, particular modelarrival, commodore, shipment, discount, supply1
interieuradviesblog.nlA while ago I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress. And since I’m blogging from 2007, there are a lot of blogposts to check… So if you see a blogpost that’s missing photo’s or has a weird layout, please let me know by leaving a comment…comment particular, particular blogpostinterior, inspiration, bathroom, guide, minimal1
teslin.nl…exchange rates as well as applicable foreign taxes and accounting standards. Products mentioned on this website may have their own particular terms and conditions, which should also be consulted before entering into any transaction.website particular, particular termfund, investment, investor, documentation, mandate1
gutresearch.nlWe are dedicated to understanding more of the mechanisms of functional and inflammatory intestinal diseases, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Esophagitis, Reflux Disease, or Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). In particular we…ibd particular, particular nervousinstitute, intestinal, disease, microbiota, pediatric1
4dlean.nl…increase the productivity of your organization? How do you start setting up self-managing teams? Or do you have particular self-development goals in mind? Tailor-made training courses are possible as well. A brief overview of the…team particular, particular selfbalance, consulting, happiness, philosophy, registration1
boersmamaritimeinternational.nlPersonal inspection of vessels, notation main particulars, copying main drawings.main particular, particular mainvessel, ship, shipbroker, coaster, cargo1
adifferentstory.nl…express, and to grow, but also offers tangible and needed support to those in need. Through our work we focus, in particular, on marginalised and vulnerable children living with disabilities and rare diseases (RDs) and their families…work particular, particular vulnerablecampaign, purpose, dance, parent, humanitarian1
clear-air.nl…science, technology and engineering. Its scientific expertise is in atmospheric satellite remote sensing, in particular radiative transport and trace gas and aerosol retrieval algorithms and CO, methane, CO2 emission quantification…sense particular, particular radiativeclimate, satellite, atmospheric, biodiversity, pollution1
turnl.nlWe are leaders in the world of logistics, in particular the route between the Netherlands and Turkey.logistics particular, particular routeturkey, logistics, heating, textile, medicine1
bkreative.nlAfter finishing my Media & Culture – Digital media studies, with a particular focus on video games in my curriculum, I started working at the Dutch Film Fund. I have been working there in the e-culture, animation and experimental field…study particular, particular focusfund, experimental, animation, lifelong, study1
dutchiearts.nlAfter many years of experience I have switched interests in art styles and tried to create a style of my own. I can’t say I’ve developed a particular style because I’m always learning and improving my art.style particular, particular styledutchie, traditional, draw, interest, investment1
hbf-rentals-rotterdam.nlIf you have any questions about a particular property or about the way we work? Please don't hesitate to contact us: +31 10 456 89 59.question particular, particular propertyapartment, rental, accommodation, expat, rent1
renevanbelzen.nlSome Dutch libraries offer a subscription for a few tens of euros a year for unlimited use of the library’s computers. However, my particular local library sucks, because of budget cuts caused by local government, in which overzealous…computer particular, particular localrenovation, uncategorized, roof, improvement, door1
wildeboeravs.nlWildeboer AVS is a law firm with a wealth of experience in liability law, insurance law and personal injury law. Our attorneys have particular expertise in personal injury law and its associated insurance aspects. The attorneys at…attorney particular, particular expertiseattorney, injury, liability, law, insurance1
expatguide.nlHave you found your Dutch dream home? Apart from having the buying process concluded properly, it is of particular importance to also...properly particular, particular importanceinsurance, expat, tax, guide, lawyer1
decoratievlinders.nl…the value of maintaining a healthy balance in between personal and expert life. By cultivating a well balanced dynamic,both individuals can flourish in their particular ventures while also offering assistance for each other’s aspirations.individual particular, particular venturelondon, dynamic, circle, relationship, connection1
sintjoriskerk-amersfoort.nlUsually the sermon is about one or more passages in the Bible, but sometimes the sermon is “topical”, addressing a particular theme relevant to the congregation. A service is then called a “doctrinal service” because of the focus on…topical particular, particular themechurch, congregation, bible, shall, lord1
banning.nlWhat? Price comparison services, such as price comparison websites or apps, are used as catalogues in which consumers can search for various goods, find out information about them and, in particular, find the cheapest online store…information particular, particular cheapdistribution, law, countdown, marketplace, commerce1
bvnd.nlMoreover, it is absolutely unclear which substances will soon fall within the scope of the Opium Act. Without specialized knowledge, it is nearly impossible to determine whether a particular substance falls within the scope of the new…impossible particular, particular substancesubstance, association, trade, distributor, objective1
oudesporen.nlOf the prophet on whose book we enter we know few circumstances, none save the scanty personal particulars which he gives in the course of his prophecies, bound up with them and expressive of their character. We are told that he was a…personal particular, particular courseexplain, christ, lord, explanation, especially1
elmanguare.nlAfter these three years work in this particular neighborhood comes to a close. Although El Manguaré will continue to give some post- engagement assistance, the team will move on to another disadvantaged neighborhood to set up the same…work particular, particular neighborhoodearly, teacher, preschool, stimulation, parent1
bsdekolk.nlSlot car racing isn’t as popular now primarily because was inside 1960s but new club tracks and commercial tracks are being planned all the particular world a day. Most people who enjoy racing would probably agree this kind of hobby will…track particular, particular worlduncategorized, property, estate, gambling, neighborhood1
triumphspitfire.nle read a number of magazines about cars, but mainly about Triumphs in general and Spitfires in particular.guide, buyer, literature, graveyard, identification1
professionalmovingcompany.nlWe go above and beyond standard moving services to create a support network for everyone in our community. Serving a wide range of customers, including families, businesses, students, and expats, we know the particular needs and obstacles…expat particular, particular needrelocation, hague, expat, affordable, reliable1
dutchhealtharchitects.nlEvidence-based design (EBD), is a field of study emphasizing credible evidence, available from research, evaluations and experience, to influence design. We use EBD to develop optimal solutions for each particular design that improve…solution particular, particular designhospital, generation, healthcare, patient, slovakia1
axelera.nlLet us know about your specific requirements and we can taylor a service level agreement to your particular needs. We have many years of experience in managing complex hosting environments and putting application workloads on the cloud.agreement particular, particular needagreement, devops, workload, aws, azure1
rnix.nlDaring Fireball : John Gruber has been dishing out intelligent commentary on tech as a whole and Apple in particular since the beginning of the millennium.apple particular, particular beginadd, mask, observation, smile, urban1
me-scan.nl…insight into possibilities and direction to ambitions. It encourages people to really get moving. We focus on the relevance of that particular person. How does a person think, choose, act? What is his or her behavior in certain situations?relevance particular, particular personpotential, base, behavior, exactly, direction1
aboutmortgageaffairs.nlExtremely fast and professional guidance through the process of obtaining a mortgage, can only recommend. Eline knows every single specificity of the international organizations and in particular EPO, which removed a lot of stress…organization particular, particular epomortgage, affairs, advisor, expat, advise1
4lcare.nlFeel free to edit existing pages or to add a new page altogether on any LLLL-related subject that you have knowledge of. If you want to see which topics could use additional information, or if you would like to request a page on a…page particular, particular subjectrepository, edit, adult, save, later1
martijnjsmit.nl…fascinating way to encourage knowledge spillovers outside of the traditional office environment… I’m always on the lookout for new projects; in particular, I’m open to join a consortium under Horizon Europe, or under an Interreg programme.project particular, particular openeconomic, spatial, economist, blood, connectivity1
fccr.nlWe envision an inclusive, participative and compassionate faith based community conscious of its responsibility to contribute to society in general and the church in particular.slide, title, caption, filipino, catholic1
your100yearlife.nl…for hope. It’s not too late yet. Providing we rethink the concept of retirement in general, and of old age, the quality of life as a pensioner and financing it in particular. It will make your hundredth anniversary something to celebrate.pensioner particular, particular hundredthdocumentary, retirement, provision, straight, humour1
savass.nlWe are an expat couple living in The Netherlands for 3 years now. We were in the market to purchase our first house and as expected the process without an advisor was very stressful and time taking. That's when we came across Savass and…savass particular, particular sandermortgage, insurance, purchase, assistance, advisory1
gqt.nlOrthogonal polynomials, in particular those that come as special cases of generalized hypergeometric functions, are a unique enterprise that unifies all ...polynomial particular, particular specialgeometry, theory, quantum, colloquium, conference1
creativevocals.nlTailor-made arrangements for close harmony groups? New arrangements for various ensembles. When you are conductiong a choir, singing in one, when you have an ensemble with a very particular line-up, you will recognize the following: An…ensemble particular, particular linesinger, choir, tailor, harmony, lover1
soventure.nlEntrepreneurship - and in particular business growth - is something that's close to my heart. In business, this translates as advising senior management about business development, international expansion and export. In the public sector…entrepreneurship particular, particular businesseconomic, interest, africa, mention, entrepreneurship1
tijso.nlYou have an important story to tell about your collection or a particular topic. But while you know what needs to be told, you fail to actually do it. This is also a reason for too few visitors. And perhaps even more important: this gives…collection particular, particular topicvisitor, frustration, naar, malfunction, electronic1
soulinbusiness.nl…to involve with the whale a certain wondrous, inverted visitation of one of those so called judgments of God which at times are said to overtake some men. This latter circumstance, with its own particular accompaniments, forming what…circumstance particular, particular accompanimentflower, decoration, landscape, uncategorized, abroad1
patp21p.nlme to get to that point: the overall aspect is abstract, so how to focus on details that would result in this feeling; how to give hints of the interation without including distracting particular details. I would love to hear your…interation particular, particular detailpainting, beginning, leave, figure, swan1
merlevangelder.nl…to the Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology. Despite the logistic struggles I had a great time with this particular research group. My supervisor was a great guy who really challenged me to be innovative, creative and work…time particular, particular research, project particular, particular rolephd, immunology, cancer, chance, cologne1
hesseling-accountancy.nlHesseling Accountancy & Advisering is a young, modern and compact accountancy and consultancy firm with a particular affinity for SME clients.firm particular, particular affinityadministration, tax, accounting, firm, report1
kingarchitecten.nlDepending on your particular project you can choose for what type of building management is best. You can choose for a specific part, a combination or for the whole renovation.king, renovation, interior, basement, layout1
rondegrootfotografie.nlWithin the various uses of the word today, "nature" often refers to geology and wildlife. Nature can refer to the general realm of living plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects – the way…way particular, particular typewedding, reputation, sense, universe, broad1
triofast.nlAlthough we serve all conceivable industries, we are, in particular, dedicated to extreme seals and specials, so our primary markets are in sustainable energy, offshore, shipbuilding, swimming pools, installation and technology.industry particular, particular extremeprocessing, manufacture, steel, fasten, resistant1
oceanteam.nlOceanteam is an investment platform for marine and offshore assets with particular focus on the energy transition.asset particular, particular focuscable, storage, transportation, know, pipeline1
vosproject.nlOur in-house graphic designers have a feel for the styling of hotels, holiday homes, and office buildings. After all, commercial interior furnishing goes a lot further than crafting soft furnishings: it’s our original designs in…design particular, particular perfecthospitality, interior, feel, furnishing, guest1
curioushands.nl…studies into craft production, workplace studies and laboratory studies have thus far traced the production of particular artefacts or processes, Curious Hands in Educational Workshops studies the educational workshops to understand howproduction particular, particular artefact, teach particular, particular outcomecurious, educational, phd, output, distinct1
csvmakelaars.nl…find the perfect property for you. From the initial selection of potential properties, via your decision to buy a particular property, negotiations and the ultimate purchase: our job is to make the process a smooth and stress-free one for…decision particular, particular propertyproperty, listing, purchase, sell, buy1
belle-vie.nlBeing pregnant is a unique experience in your life. We understand that you might have a lot of questions during this particular period and maybe you even find yourself insecure sometimes. Belle Vie shall accompany you professionally and…question particular, particular periodultrasound, pregnancy, birth, maternity, package1
iqstaffing.nlTransparency and professionalism are some of the impressive characteristics of the staff and I would like to express my appreciation to Magda and Benedikt, in particular, for the opportunity and support I was given.benedikt particular, particular opportunitystaffing, adventure, relocation, career, candidate1
timmerfabriekvisser.nlTimmerfabriek Visser is well-informed about past and present carpentry. This applies in particular to window frames, windows, doors, staircases, sliding doors, railings and framework. For new housing or renovation projects, Timmerfabriek…carpentry particular, particular windowwindow, door, reliable, profile, frequently1
jacobs-crisioni.nl…urban planning and sustainable transport systems. I am experienced in using GIS software such as ArcGIS and in particular GeoDMS. This website is developed with three aims in mind: first, to introduce me and my work; second, to share…arcgis particular, particular geodmsjanuary, expansion, accessibility, publication, modelling1
blueatmosphere.nlBelow you can find an overview of our services. Each service consists of one or multiple equipment. Select a particular service item below to see which equipment is / are part of it.equipment particular, particular serviceatmosphere, storage, absorber, absorption, blanket1
novahollandia.nlPreface Where gaming consoles are compared, the technical specifications or the range of games are often the main topics. It is wrongly assumed that every gamer chooses a particular game… Lees verder »gamer particular, particular gamedescription, player, sega, introduction, limited1
proturn.nlBy using the ProTurn assessments, you gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of your employees within a particular function or function areas. Further advice needed on the future development of an employee or leader? ProTurn is…employee particular, particular functionexecutive, assessment, auditing, icon, leadership1
jdrd.nlJdReuver Design (JdRD) is passionate about everything concearning interior design, styling and engineering of luxury yacht interiors in particular.interior, yacht, layout, integration, elevation1
vabotech.nl…engineering. This means that not only the physical aspects of the construction industry, like machines and materials will be subjects of the conversations, but also the processes in particular cases will receive the deserved attention.process particular, particular caseexhibition, installation, electrical, versatile, rapidly1
fransadriaans.nlI am an Assistant Professor working in the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication and the Institute for Language Sciences at Utrecht University . My research focuses on computational models of language acquisition. In…acquisition particular, particular infantinfant, speech, vowel, publication, teach1
stopmetzoeken.nlThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.fitness particular, particular purposerasmus, ilia, stig, directive, andi1
aircobollenstreek.nlAn air-conditioning system you have, cooling, ventilation and heating systems. You can create your ideal indoor climate and for the particular area.climate particular, particular areaconditioning, heat, climate, pump, bulb1
share-net.nlCommunities of Practice (CoPs) are an integral part of Share-Net Netherlands' work! These thematic working groups are set up by Share-Net members and are open for everyone to join, whether you're a newbie to a particular SRHR topic or if…newbie particular, particular srhrnet, sexual, menstrual, resource, vacancy1
corpeq.nlCorpeq B.V. does not confine itself to particular industries. Given the emphasis on the longer term, Corpeq B.V. does not have a pre-determined investment horizon.corpeq particular, particular industrycommitment, growth, employee, adaption, sustainability1
building026.nl…floor levels, making them suitable for varied purposes. That will form an incentive for office occupants in particular to go for a more flexible layout, thus creating a working environment that is geared towards communication and…occupant particular, particular flexiblecrossroads, basement, hall, street, focal1
reglisseinnovations.nlRéglisse Innovations is working closely with customers with a solid capability to develop and mass produce tailor made products as per requested. Also, based on a set of particular skills in Licorice extraction acquired through a long…set particular, particular skillslicorice, extraction, llc, know, facility1
pbsemmeloord.nl…of all aspects of potato growing and storage available in the Netherlands. The unique concentration of professional growers, companies and institutes that support and strengthen each other, makes Emmeloord the place to go to in particular.founder, potato, practical, chain, virtually1
prontocampi.nlApart from the Palio, there are also the 'ordinary' Festa and Sagre, festivals where the focus is not on rivalry but on a particular meal or ingredient. Here too, the creativity of the Italians knows no bounds and there are festivals for…rivalry particular, particular mealcampsite, holiday, italy, apartment, surrounding1
ttvamstelveen.nlIf you have any questions about what exactly a particular task entails, you can email me, call me or ask one of the board members at the club.exactly particular, particular taskcompetition, table, player, tournament, youth1
collectivecreation.nlMarcel has the unique ability to quickly understad the problem at hand and is able to produce a range of solutions. Then discussing with the team what solution would be fitted to a particular situation. For example how Marcel redesigned…solution particular, particular situationcreation, collective, transformation, successful, leap1
ict-freak.nlSometimes when you change something to the vSphere HA configuration like an Advanced Option, you have to reconfigure vSphere HA on each host inside that particular cluster. You can do that by hand via the Reconfigure for vSphere HA…inside particular, particular clusterpowershell, vmware, january, vcenter, block1
estherhandlijnkunde.nlI would very much like to let you know how your reading was helpful but also super insightful for me. I actually think about it often, and when I do certain things or find myself in a particular situation that seems familiar I am quickly…thing particular, particular situationcaptain, consultation, session, background, reader1
carsandparts.nlWe love working on Mercedes-Benz models from the company’s entire range and history, with a particular interest and expertise in cars from the 1950s through to the ‘Youngtimers’ of the 1980s and 1990s. To every project, we bring knowledge…history particular, particular interestprivilege, vehicle, entire, interest, magic1
alexandertechnique.nlThe Dutch Society maintains contact with other sister-societies in the world about the standards of quality on teacher training-courses. In particular the English Society stood at the basis of setting the standards of the training…course particular, particular englishtechnique, teacher, lesson, admission, principle1
folkertdev.nlMany algorithms cannot handle duplicates in their input. The specific problems that we were working with don’t require the input to be ordered in any particular way. What is the fastest way to remove duplicates from a list?input particular, particular wayparent, python, json, archive, functional1
jonkman-coating.nlJonkman Coating paints parts for Thales Nederland, in particular for radar systems for the Royal Netherlands Navy and Army, both nationally and internationally.nederland particular, particular radarreference, pre, chemical, tower, treatment1
right-choice.nlThe company started in 2017 with a focus on importing and exporting various food products, with a particular emphasis on snacks and olive. The business has quickly gained traction in the market, with a growing customer base attracted to…product particular, particular emphasisolive, sweet, flavour, al, organic1
golfclub-broekpolder.nl…lies Golfclub Broekpolder in the midst of typical Dutch landscape. Broekpolder is the most beautiful course in the area and well known for the quality of its greens from early spring to late autumn and in particular it’s peacefulness.autumn particular, particular peacefulnessfacility, player, hole, position, cover1
e-boom.nl…in this blog post about tools, since in my opinion a workbench is a tool as well: a device used to carry out a particular function. If you think an object cannot be a tool if you don’t hold it, my answer is that I plan to grip this…device particular, particular functionvoltage, stator, output, piece, leg1
euro-incasso.nlAt times, we encounter situations where it appears that a debtor (limited liability companies in particular) has no means to pay off their debt. However, through a thorough and meticulous corporate accounting investigation, we may uncover…company particular, particular meandebt, debtor, law, directly, bailiff1
maul.nl…such as bookends or scissors, beautifully designed items such as acrylic sets, or clever pieces such as our clamps, an in particular the maulys® - MAUL has the right office supplies to help you tackle your daily tasks in an orderly manner.clamp particular, particular maulysluminaire, holder, workplace, supply, payment1
vcs-pcc.nlWaste containers in particular need to be cleaned regularly, and that involves more than hosing down and rinsing off.container particular, particular needwaste, competitive, organic, environmentally, discount1
lagunacollective.nl…perspectives to inform and take collaborative action. Most actors in the humanitarian arena have their own particular focus, expertise, or target group. Laguna Collective harbors this diversity within one organisation, which enablesarena particular, particular focuscollective, common, ground, annual, humanitarian1
bryankersten.nlYou cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid…humanity particular, particular dutyworldwide, useful, specialty, improvement, duty1
soefielementenritueel.nlThe wise have given lessons to the world in different forms suited to the evolution of the people at a particular time, and the first and most original form of education that the wise gave to the world was symbolical. This method of…people particular, particular timeritual, dance, sacred, colour, oneself1
c-volution.nlMy extensive blog uses my journals from that 4-year training, as well as current posts to provide insights into the nature of the work. One entry in particular – The List – offers a comprehensive summary of the development process. It…entry particular, particular listrandom, tile, guide, transactional, analysis1
stichtingdeboomgaard.nlOur commitment lies with increasing resilience of people, in particular children and promoting climate justice.people particular, particular childclimate, poverty, women, slide, grant1
labriccardofodde.nlMore in particular, our overall approach to cancer research is to establish a parallel between the organization of normal tissues and that of tumor masses. In organs like the intestine, skin, and blood, highly dynamic processes take place…cancer, lab, cell, laboratory, phd1
oranjeverenigingwestkapelle.nlIn addition,it is of the utmost value to develop unambiguous limits and expectations with the service providers. In order to keep shared respect while ensuring a more pleasurable experience,it is necessary to discuss your preferences…desire particular, particular demandlondon, captivate, south, adult, crystal1
dimlab.nlBeing experts on motivation, and dicoretic motivation in particular, we can help you find solutions, that will suit the characteristics of your education. We shall focus on your students, or on your teachers, or – if suitable for your…motivation particular, particular solution, suitable particular, particular situationteacher, lab, motivation, topic, regulation1
lokaalcontact.nl…or otherwise, with respect to the Service, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance,fitness particular, particular purposelaw, shall, limitation, warranty, applicable1
hannekekalf.nlI also created this website to advocate the services that speech-language therapists can offer to patients with acquired speech and swallowing disorders , in particular to those with Parkinson's disease .disorder particular, particular parkinsonpaper, patient, congress, disease, speech1
mantrans.nlIf you are interested in a reliable partner ready to look after all your transport needs, contact us for more information about Mantrans in general, or our different areas of expertise or working together in future-proof ways, in…poultry, turkey, animal, efficient, vacancy1
kwintaal.nlKWinTaal is an all-round translation agency that translates in all domains, and has, in particular, experience in translating technical, legal and educational texts. In addition, texts that require a ‘free translation’ are very welcome.domain particular, particular experiencetranslation, sworn, assignment, domain, french1
yingemis.nlCompanies must do more, either with female role models or with guest lectures, by visiting schools and, in particular, showing teachers (also in secondary education) that as an employer, they want to see female students choose technology.school particular, particular teacherwoman, background, perspective, girl, progress1
deltaheliumtest.nlDelta Helium Test is a flexible and reliable partner for your organization. Your choice for a particular service or service provision is very important and therefore you need a partner whose vision and philosophy matches yours. We offer a…choice particular, particular serviceleak, pressure, detection, bypass, hydrogen1
dierocon.nlWe do not share your name or contact information with anyone except entrepreneurs you choose to connect with. Connections with entrepreneurs are made completely on your terms so your details are private until you decide to connect with a…private particular, particular entrepreneurpoultry, consulting, additive, livestock, animal1
4mules.nlMany topics from Mathematics and Statistics on this site are explained with many examples and exercises with solutions. Many subjects are very useful to university students, in particular students of Economics or Business Administration…student particular, particular studentstatistics, topic, mathematics, exercise, economic1
mmguide.nlExperts are the core engine of MM Guide. Our data engineers, analysts, and developers have years of experience in software development and they pay particular attention to communication, making them valuable team members from day one.development particular, particular attentionguide, methodology, career, decision, join1
vvin.nl…the interests of interpreting and translating agencies in the Netherlands. The association strives for an even better service for interpreting and translating agencies. Both the agencies and in particular their clients benefit from that.agency particular, particular clienttranslation, interpret, association, translate1
willemdekoster.nlWillem de Koster, Full Professor of General Sociology, in particular Cultural Sociology, in the Department of Public Administration and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, co-founder and director of the Erasmus Institute on Culture…sociology particular, particular culturalcultural, sociologist, sociology, phd, administration1
imls.nlIMLS Netherlands does not attempt to be all things to all clients, which is precisely what makes the firm so effective in the areas in which it specializes: the in-depth assessment of particular corporate needs and skills required and the…assessment particular, particular corporateliquidation, cross, firm, dissolution, liquidator1
scotlandsfinest.nlI am very, very interested in what you 're interested in. Why this particular walk? Why this part of Scotland? How do you experience this site? Enquiries? Yes, please. Use the contact page ! Maybe I can help you find answers.interested particular, particular walkscotland, walk, isle, weather, island1
japanse-ereschulden.nl…honoring the victims. Japan must take into account the effects the Japanese occupation has had on the Dutch, in particular the physical and material effects of the occupation. The Japanese government avoids the moral issues with legal…dutch particular, particular physical, record particular, particular denialjapanese, military, petition, honorary, debt1
auryn-acupunctuur.nlSupport your condition and have side effects reduced with acupuncture during and after your cancer treatment. In particular in breast and gyn cancer.treatment particular, particular breastacupuncture, pregnancy, woman, menstruation, healthy1
wijkwiskunde.nl…analyze and present data. Through these maps we identify potential entry points for improving the social wellbeing, image, identity or physical appearance of particular localities, be it an entire neighborhood, a square, park or street.appearance particular, particular localitysocio, innovative, urban, anthropologist, collaboration1
nisia.nlNational & International Sport Intermediary Agency specializes in football players, basketball players and kick boxers in particular. We naturally welcome all top athletes and trainers to make use of our professional representation.boxer particular, particular naturallyintermediary, representation, athlete, transfer, football1
hgroefsema.nl…process conforms or complies with some specification, and each of them is specifically designed to solve a particular business problem at each stage of the BPM lifecycle. However, the terms conformance and compliance are often used…specifically particular, particular businessconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability1
bbsaari.nlWe will do our best to make your stay as pleasant as possible, and if you have any particular requests, please do not hesitate to ask.possible particular, particular requestbird, meadow, surrounding, availability, terrace1
human-ai.nlThere is a strong consensus among scientists, industry and governmental bodies that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a pervasive and profound impact on society. One particular area of AI that will considerably change the way people…society particular, particular areamultidisciplinary, institute, artificial, autonomy, lab1
admautomaten.nlIf you have any particular requirements that are not met by our standard product, that’s not a problem: we are always pleased to accept orders for bespoke products. For example, non-standard compartment dimensions for pizzas, baguettes…bespoke, producer, counter, supermarket, report1
inexpatfin.nlAs an independent mortgage advisory firm, we remain unaffiliated with any particular financial service or product. This ensures that our advice is entirely unbiased and we work solely for your benefit. Count on dedicated support…unaffiliated particular, particular financialexpat, mortgage, independent, insurance, housing1
fussaf.nlPracticing on a particular subject such as Finance, Marketing, Research, Business Development or any branch of these, results in specializing on a particular domain. Instead of having to learn everything, collaborate with people to bring…branch particular, particular domainfuss, demand, supply, glass, simply1
kattenoogproducties.nlDid you ever take a close look at the eyes of a cat? As you can see from the above pictures in the banner, the eyes of a cat, in particular their pupils, may have various shapes. Sometimes they are full and round, sometimes they look like…cat particular, particular pupiltranslation, stuff, narrow, cat, shape1
transportwesterman.nl…and additional evaporators. This allows every product to be kept at the specific temperature required for that particular product. This specialization and the experience we have gained over many years enable us to assess and meet our…temperature particular, particular productvacancy, france, temperature, sensitive, evaporator1
evanement.nlEvanement! is an event- and project management office that has that typical hands-on mentality the Dutch have – and people from Rotterdam in particular have a hands-on mentality.rotterdam particular, particular handfire, bidding, teach, reference, mentality1
van-iterson.nlWelcome to my site on which I will show some of my photographs. I hope you will enjoy looking at them as much as I did when taking them. Do not hesistate to ask particulars about the pictures. Your comments are much appreciated.photograph particular, particular picturesculpture, photograph, catch, bold, door1
netpha.nlHi Roger, there doesn't seem to be something about a paquebot cancellation in this particular article. Did you perhaps mean…cancellation particular, particular articlemilitary, war, postal, philately, east1
loods2020.nlOne particular of the very best factors about Kawaii fashion is its inclusivity – anybody can embrace and adapt the fashion to go well with their preferences! Whether or not you're into everyday streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe…kawaii, playful, lovable, whimsical, sofa1
godenhaag.nlIn this article, NedLes tells you what language level you need for your particular medical profession and how you can prove it so that you can work in…level particular, particular medicalexpat, february, tax, january, august1
inspired-it.nlStarting January 2019 I am the proud founder of Inspired IT . As an inspired freelancer I will help companies, with my knowledge of Software Development in general and Scala & Akka in particular, to solve complex problems.akka particular, particular complexdemand, function, request, reactive, upstream1
mfc-de-enk.nlwithin the period of time. For a payout cycle to complete, it must rely on the associated with players playing the particular game during the same time. In short really are millions a connected with factors might influence the odds one way…player particular, particular gameproperty, uncategorized, estate, money, player1
livinginparadise.nlUpon review of the particulars divulged during the appointment, we shall furnish you with a bespoke catalogue of the requisite documents required for the residency permit application.review particular, particular appointmentparadise, immigration, eligibility, permit, appointment1
femkeijlstra.nlDo you have the ambition to study music, and in particular classical saxophone? Contact me for a free introductory lesson!music particular, particular classicalsaxophone, saxophonist, orchestra, quartet, artistic1
expatdivorce.nlIf you are an expat living in the Netherlands and you are considering getting a divorce, then you will obviously want to know what you should and, in particular, should not do. We have therefore prepared this brochure, drawing attention…obviously particular, particular brochuredivorce, expat, law, lawyer, matter1
v25.nl…Under the supervision of Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, Andy Pimentel, Andreas Salzburger, and Attila Krasznahorkay, I work on applying heterogeneous computing – GPGPUs in particular – to the reconstruction of particles in high-energy collisions.gpgpu particular, particular reconstructionnicholas, nuclear, collision, phd, reconstruction1
texass.nlThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.fitness particular, particular purposedirective, rasmus, ilia, memory, api1
foodofwood.nlWithin our framework, we place particular emphasis on social societal relationships and the stimulation of contacts between stakeholders (among themselves) and those interested in food forest cultivation. The Food of Wood foundation…framework particular, particular emphasiswood, forest, participation, cultivation, creation1
gpsdutch.nl…Read about integration process on DUO official website in English , or in your own language . Taking exams is a part of this integration process. There are several types of exams, depending on your particular situation and a goal.exam particular, particular situationexam, official, answer, resource, multiple1
robertdebree.nlTaking risks is something that needs to be practised as well: how far can I go with this particular piece, when I feel this way, etc.?far particular, particular pieceimprovisation, oboe, teach, historical, composition1
acupuncturist-denhaag.nl…points on the body. They stimulate your blood circulation, and your energy will flow better in your body. If, for example, too little energy goes to a particular place in your body, you can choose to conduct more energy to this place.energy particular, particular placeacupuncture, complaint, hague, cosmetic, treatment1
family-affairs.nlA collaborative divorce is a particular type of mediation: Your lawyer collaborates in a team with the other partner’s lawyer and a coach.divorce particular, particular typeaffairs, law, divorce, lawyer, court1
leidenartpublishers.nl…struggles and choices. This book not only reveals the rich variety of experience within a single artistic life, it also represents an important contribution to the history of art in general, and of 20th-century Dutch art in particular.publisher, historical, war, artistic, drawing1
rugpoli.nlRugpoli is a recognised, independent treatment centre with clinics in Delden, Velp, Tilburg, Hoofddorp, The Hague and Amsterdam. Rugpoli specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of posture and musculoskeletal problems, in particular of…problem particular, particular spinalinjection, treatment, therapy, joint, referral1
entitoe.nlEntitoe develops learning materials, in particular for workplace-specific language learning. Please contact us for more information.material particular, particular workplacecomplaint, foreign, task, colleague, tutoring1
dekenspijnenburg.nlIn particular, our criminal defense lawyers are specialists in cases involving murder and manslaughter (crimes of violence), but our criminal lawyers also act on a daily basis in drug and sexual assault cases. In addition, because we…lawyer, criminal, defense, telephone, specialism1
designereij.nlCommunication and heartfelt intimacy have a good time a pivotal part in their relationships, fostering trust and deepening their bond. As people progresses promoting conformity, it is noted to distinguish and particular the angel shared…conformity particular, particular angelprescription, discount, relationship, connection, matchbox1
consulproject.nlAny legislative text can be shared with the public to receive comments on any particular part of it. The comments are associated with the discussed parts using a color code, which allows an easy visualization of improvable parts. It also…comment particular, particular commentcitizen, participation, participatory, budgeting, proposal1
parastones.nlWe did some breeding’s but were not satisfied about the temperaments of our puppies. At this point we decided to start all over again, only this time we agreed to spend more time choosing a particular bloodline. Exactly three years went…time particular, particular bloodlinedog, winner, specialty, american, brussels1
careforhaiti.nlCare for Haiti offers help and support to needy, widows and orphans, families and poor children, in particular in the areas of nutrition, clean drinking water and evangelism.child particular, particular areasponsorship, report, emergency, earthquake, relief1
european-international.nlWithout our partners there would be no Foundation Heart for West Friesland. We attach great importance to the trust that our partners give us. In particular, we want to reflect on the support from the Municipality of Opmeer, the…partner particular, particular supportparticipant, municipality, dog, voor, final1
amp-energy.nlAlessandro Marine Propulsion Energy (AMP-Energy) was founded in order to specialize in particular technologies, like solar energy and water pumping. We have comprehensive know-how and experience with development and implementation of…order particular, particular technologypropulsion, know, purpose, comprehensive, pump1
surfandshiatsu.nlWhen palpitating the hara the practitioner feels for two qualities in particular, called jitsu and kyo. Jitsuis yang. It is excess, stagnation, or hyperactivity of the meridian. Kyo is depletion of energy or hypoactivity of the meridian…quality particular, particular jitsusession, pressure, balance, ocean, technique1
trip.nlAll of our lawyers and civil-law notaries specialise in particular fields. These individual qualities and ways of working form the core of our added value. Who is best for your situation?notary particular, particular fieldlaw, lawyer, estate, debt, administrative1
spectronomic.nl…ICI Synetix (now Johnson Matthey). He has more than 25 year’s experience in the global Catalyst Industry and in particular with heterogeneous base metal and precious metal catalysts. Areas of expertise: General Management, Business…industry particular, particular heterogeneous, europe particular, particular beneluxcatalyst, chemical, catalysis, metal, polymer1
vanmontfoortcommunicatie.nl…a wide range of cultural backgrounds and theological traditions, while at the same time accounting for her own particular perspective and consciously bringing her Dutch background into the conversation. The level of dialogue within the…time particular, particular perspectivetheology, earth, tree, bible, animal1
cleonis.nlAs you will have noticed, I'm referring to the material on my site as 'articles'. The layout of this site is inspired by Wikipedia. In particular I have copied the way that images are displayed on Wikipedia.wikipedia particular, particular wayphysics, foucault, pendulum, rotation, ballistic1
theindependents.nlBoth organizations in the profit and non-profit market can benefit from our expertise and know-how: in particular organizations with a housing need of 250 m2 to 5000 m2, without their own real estate department.know particular, particular organizationreference, housing, independent, rent, analysis1
jellesimons.nlThe allure of military history, in particular, beckoned me, and I seized the opportunity to delve deeper into this field. At the University of Amsterdam, I completed a master’s degree in military history, where I explored the intricacies…history particular, particular opportunitywriter, historian, past, historical, speak1
joinourfootsteps.nlIn particular, my research projects are focused on the study of Dark Energy and Modified Gravity models and their relation with the late time cosmological expansion. In order to do so, I have to implement sophisticated machineries which…phd, degree, physics, quantum, footsteps1
homeempowerment.nlIn case of domestic violence it might be necessary to leave your own house to look for a stable and safe home. This can be a very difficult decision for the whole family, and for the victim in particular. We believe in the power of the…victim particular, particular powerdomestic, violence, situation, surrounding, victim1
stilios.nlVirtual classroom training is one of in which Stilios is specialized. In particular, everything that comes around setting up and executing a virtual classroom training (= the moderation) is as a package available to take care of you. This…stilios particular, particular virtualclassroom, moderate, availability, independent, relation1
tradingplus.nlColostrum is common to all mammals. Colostrum from cows, in particular, is very close in composition to our own breast milk. Because it is defatted, bovine Colostrum is also very well tolerated by humans. It contains a high proportion of…cow particular, particular closemilk, surface, mineral, naar, mutual1
edouc.nlWe do know the customs procedures and the relevant latest developments. We also are able to explain to you and to your staff what is in particular important for your situation. We do have al lot of experience in delivering this knowledge…staff particular, particular importantworldwide, universal, duty, situation, union1
nutricontrol.nlWilma Hurkmans attended the symposium "Dairy in a new look - Alternative ingredients for dairy products" on behalf of NutriControl. It focused in particular on Lactoferin and HMOs.nutricontrol particular, particular lactoferinanalysis, animal, nutritional, dairy, acid1
uniquewassenaar.nlOne particular of the ideal issues about Kawaii vogue is its inclusivity – anybody can embrace and adapt the type to match their tastes! Regardless of whether you are into informal streetwear or aiming for a head-to-toe Kawaii…kawaii, playful, whimsical, adorable, charming1
studiosaycheese.nlStudio Say Cheese photographs also series from current issues. These photos are for (art) exhibitions, or to broaden and deepen our own photography portfolio. We also make informative series on particular themes. Examples of abstract…series particular, particular themecheese, portrait, atmosphere, graphic, jewelry1
dutchdumbledore.nl. His abilities as a wizard are combined with a kind of cunning and subtlety of mind that allowed him to comprehend human nature and turn the better aspects of humanity (trust, love, and friendship) to Voldemort's disadvantage in…character, october, oct, guestbook, library1
moorelife.nlI initially started creating these images for fun, after I discovered I had a knack for this particular form of Acrostic. These are poems that are created by writing a word or expression top to bottom, and then starting words from each…knack particular, particular formpatience, programming, scale, spirit, want1
futureconsult.nlFutureconsult has more than 20 years of experience working as a strategic foresight consultancy for governments, and profit and non-profit organisations. We have advised on over forty municipal vision projects and, in particular, support…project particular, particular supportspecialisation, advisory, profit, vacancy, early1
xyzlabs.nlAre you looking for an experienced e-commerce partner to develop your next online business? Or are you in search of a particular solution for your company? We would love to get some coffee (or tea) and brainstorm about your ideas.search particular, particular solutioncommerce, inventory, reliable, invoicing, robust1
zaandamescort.nlIf you have any other requirements or have any questions about the girls at the agency, simply give us a call and we’ll do our very best to answer any queries you may have. You may for example want them to wear a particular outfit for an…example particular, particular outfitgirl, female, blonde, selection, lady1
casanadia.nlAlkmaar is located near t he municipality of Bergen that has 25 kilometers of beaches, forest, dunes and polders with particular flora and fauna. In Bergen there are plenty of possibilities for swimming, cycling and hiking.polder particular, particular floradune, forest, near, stay, bedroom1
dutchassociationofdepositaries.nlThe association represents the depositaries’ common interests. In particular, the association:interest particular, particular associationdepositary, association, trade, fund, interest1
analytischetherapiegeene.nl…coaching we will mostly work on a conscious level. One of the fundamental ideas is that the answer lies within you. It can give you clarity on a particular subject and it gives you a little inside on who you are and why you do what you do.clarity particular, particular subjecttherapy, analytical, unconscious, shift, principle1
vocalcoach.nlSince every teacher in our team has a unique background and approach, your question may align better with a particular teacher. Having trouble choosing a teacher? Contact us and we'll be happy to help! It's important that everyone in our…well particular, particular teachersinging, lesson, rate, teacher, suitable1
reassurantie.nlThis may apply to new or smaller insurance companies in particular, as the size of their portfolios make it more difficult to spread the risk and because they often have insufficient equity capital to withstand unexpected losses.company particular, particular sizeinsurance, association, risk, membership, informative1
tvdvlugt.nlCurrently, I am a postdoc researcher at the Technische Universität Wien . My main interest is set theory, in particular forcing , cardinal characteristics and higher / generalised Baire spaces .theory particular, particular forcewrite, talk, teach, greeting, characteristics1
stichtingprom.nl(3) The preparation of one or more events to present our works and present them to different audiences. We will pay particular attention to the range of scenes and forms of potential engagement with the local public.audience particular, particular attentioncollective, profit, artistic, collaboration, fall1
vaesvisuals.nl…step into our thoughts and immerse himself in the essence of the project, creating a unique style every time that fits that particular project. This diversity is vital to us, and Roy manages to translate it for us time and again.”time particular, particular projectinterior, twin, visual, visualization, stunning1
ctmsolution.nl…degree of adaptation to a wide range of procurement strategies and policies. The solution may be configured for particular ease of use for low value procedures and smaller organizations and with a few admin-clicks with more elaborate…solution particular, particular easeprocurement, auction, supplier, configuration, ease1
nutritional-medicine.nlWe maintain a pharmaceutical patient-record of all medications supplied by us. At any time you can check with us whether a patient had a particular medicine years ago. Read more...patient particular, particular medicinemedicine, herbal, herb, western, orthomolecular1
focks.nlThe appearance of a nameplate on a product must fit the corporate or brand identity by choosing the right metal, a particular finish or a special shape. Focks Labels offers you a very wide range in materials, techniques and mounting…metal particular, particular finishnameplate, industrial, metal, panel, customize1
appie-parts.nlLooking for a particular piece, which isn’t available in the shop? Feel free to reach out! Use the chat-option, or the contact form.bike, factory, benefit, currently, paperwork1
lesgevenincanada.nlHigh school teachers (grades 9-12; any subject specialty, though social studies / history is a particular need)history particular, particular needvacancy, multiple, urgent, teacher, immigration1
autoweb.nlAutoweb has long been a specialist in the automotive industry. We provide custom services and work on behalf of many different clients. You can use us to find and buy a particular type of car or motorcycle, even if it has to come from…client particular, particular typevehicle, bike, boat, abroad, behalf1
farmofthefuture.nlfertiliser. The fertiliser, in turn, becomes a valuable input for the arable farming business. Because both of our businesses focus on doing a particular thing really well, their processes are fully optimised and they achieve good results."business particular, particular thingfarm, agriculture, ecology, farming, circular1
ellenoneill.nlLogo design, website design and WordPress implementation for the Klawer Foundation, a volunteer organization founded in 2005. Klawer Foundation is committed to underprivileged children in the Western Cape of South Africa. In particular…africa particular, particular colorfundraiser, island, honor, publish, furniture1
battlefield-2142.nl…automatically saved saved until until you you change change it it and and spawn spawn in in again. again. Note Note that that you you must must spawn spawn in in with with a a particular particular kit kit for for it it to to be be saved.spawn particular, particular kitpatch, fix, add, tampa, unlock1
wimpiesdartcorner.nlYou can also find out the odds of each team winning in each game as well as the chances of each player winning a particular game. This advice is essential when contemplating how to bet on sports events.player particular, particular gameodd, chance, corner, player, gambling1
jobmaniac.nlIt is important for us to have a good understanding of our customers’ requirements and expectations, so we would be happy to visit you on-site to get to know your organisation and discuss your particular requirements.organisation particular, particular requirementsflexible, road, metal, staff, personality1
sino-dutch.nl…have to constantly update your products. We are an independent party with the appropriate expertise in this field. We can assist customers with the entire process from idea to production, or help you with a particular part of the process.production particular, particular processinnovative, firm, seller, amazing, guy1
agehiv.nl…The study focuses on determining the prevalence and incidence of ageing-related diseases, also called comorbidities, and organ dysfunction. In particular, the study aims to address differences between people living with and without HIV.dysfunction particular, particular studystudy, participant, visit, cohort, summary1
futuresacademy.nlEvery course deals with one particular aspect and easily connects with other courses so you can design your own learning track with our 21-ready tool-finder.course particular, particular aspectsession, perspective, principle, century, pattern1
gijsschumacher.nlPersonality predicts support for populist parties. In particular, trust and cynicism are important. Ideology and leader evaluations are intermediate explanations, but they overlap and are affected by individuals rationalizing their vote.party particular, particular trustemotion, publication, personality, political, lab1
compilesoftware.nl…they bring. To be better than the day before, I continuously search for new ways to improve my knowledge on architecture and software development. What I learn I try to share via numerous articles, presentations and posts on my webblog.particular softwarearchitecture, presentation, illustration, template, sunshine0
macconsultant.nlDuring the year we’ve had plenty of time to explore Melbourne’s best playgrounds. I may be slightly biased to those in or around Coburg, but we have also ventured out to other suburbs.january, playground, august, october, kid0
stabulummeum.nlAlso note that it is multilingual (as I am myself). Hence, do not use any computerised translator because it will most probably only make a huge mess!theatre, actor, progress, snapshot, completely0
henkstemerdink.nlAbout… Gallery… Nature… Abstract… Mixed Media…aim particular, particular conditionspainting, landscape, copy, autonomous, independent0
alexanderboers.nlBusiness IT & Management student Junior BI Consultant Co-Owner webshop Airconditioning installer Experienced kitchen chef IT-Support at homebibendum, quis, aliquet, auctor, sollicitudin0
marijevogelzang.nlIn 2016 I founded the Dutch institute of Food and Design, a global platform for Food and Design. We launched the world’s first Food Design Award: The Future Food Design Award.study, dive, lick, perspective, intangible0
tonycornelissen.nlæmes particular, particular single, particular sirprice, particular electrickfeat, song, rect, remix, kill0
modops.nl…of our worldwide highly experienced, long established, respected and successful chat moderation enterprise. Our moderators can expect to benefit and grow professionally with the assistance of regular and qualified training by our team ofparticular genderearning, weekly, benefit, connection, payment0
allabouttalent.nlContact… English… Executive Coaching… Performance Coaching… Outplacement &…particular talentdiscover, executive, shortage, usual, merely0
annekranenborg.nlAnne Kranenborg’s playground involves a dialogue between art and design. Multi-disciplinary works explore positions to address the sculptural possibilities of raw matter in everyday objects.transition, playground, sculptural, dialogue, everyday0
galerieantonfransen.nl…paintings can also be borrowed for €125 for each half year. In both cases the paintings will come in a frame. Reproductions in various sizes are available upon request. See GALLERY for my complete collection and GET IN TOUCH if interested.particular paintingexhibition, road, aisle, painting, dark0
biobandits.nl…doing so! We believe in our way and believe that food should be authentic. That is why we started developing our products in order to shake up the organic sector with our bold flavors and daring brand. But it is not just the two of us…yes particular, particular sugarmayonnaise, sugar, sauce, labeling, organic0
hollandroots.nl…can only be obtained by mailing research requests. And these usually are not send abroad (with some exceptions) these records are critical to any ancestry search and should not be overlooked if high…record particular, particular locality, particular ethnicgenealogical, ancestor, death, military, certificate0
guitarlounge.nlPanucci Custom Guitars is NOT affilated with Fender Musical Instrument Corporation or any other musical instrument manufacturer IN ANY WAY. Fender, Strat, Stratocaster, Relic, Tele and Telecaster are registraded trademarks of Fender…fast particular, particular guitarguitar, neck, talk, catalogue, colour0
martinschoenmakers.nlI develop desktop or browser based management information tools in standard office type database environments that centralise and present departmental management information, typically targeted at an audience of 10 to 1000 people. These…interested particular, particular serviceanalysis, functional, documentation, prototyping, manual0
kgt.nl…offset printing presses, post press or so called bindery machines and machine spare parts. We sell machines in: as is, reconditioned or fully rebuilt condition, depending on your requirements. Contact our experts for more information.particular machinegraphic, spare, condition, requirements, fully0
sandynet.nlCategories Apps Tags scoresheet , yahtzee , yahtzee app , yahtzee scoresheet , yatzy Leave a comment on Yahtzee Plus Apppress particular, particular fieldcommand, upper, file, sheet, rule0
lammuseum.nlLAM is a beautiful museum with a wonderful, modern art collection around the ... theme of food. The approach of the "spectator coaches" is great, you learn a lot more than usual, and you have to ask the right questions. The visit to LAM…simply, extraordinary, ordinary, architecture, frequently0
promontis.nlMichel is an outstanding software developer. He clearly knows what he is talking about. He is also very aware of all the new technologies that are available to use and which technology to apply in which scenario. He has a great sense of…particular softwarepresent, azure, resume, advanced, contributor0
the-secret-bar.nl…last one to leave the original setting? A perfect studio also fit in his sense of humour which even exceeded that of Gert in the craziness. Once when Michel was alone in the studio, he answered two simultaneously incoming calls. One from…list particular, particular orderjanuary, later, graphic, hague, wine0
arnoutmeijer.nlAcademy Eindhoven and Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam. He is represented by gallery VIVID in Rotterdam. His self initiated and commissioned work covers several disciplines ranging from design, art, writing and architecture.installation, sculpture, exhibition, grant, lighting0
denbeerpoortugael.nlNotarispraktijk Den Beer Poortugael is a notary office with a general notarial practice. You can consult us for your affairs in the fields of (private) real estate, family law and corporate law. Our team is at your disposal.mortgage, vacancy, law, parking, quotation0
brugmanbv.nlIn 1948, Theo Brugman started working in the industry and now the third generation Brugman is also active in the field.fact particular, particular interestmanufacturer, interior, carpet, accessorie, furniture0
gogocleaning.nl…car with a very powerful professional steam cleaner. We clean passenger cars, commercial vehicles, caravans, campers, boats, taxis, coaches and buses in Nijmegen and surroundings. For any other vehicles / objects you can always contact us.steam, surrounding, reliable, directly, removal0
imaginarystudio.nlImaginary Studio is a creative studio serving unique people like yourself and businesses across the world. You can see where the magic happens within this site. Imaginary Studio was founded by me, David J. Leisiwal, a creative CG artist…particular orderimaginary, graphic, modeling, animation, motion0
driverstheorytest.nlOur website gives you an opportunity to practice ample tests related to specific required topics covered in CBR theory test. These tests are simple and practical. We have included three sections as per the categories such as: Car Theory…particular netherlandstheory, exam, driver, sign, bike0
zilverklei.nlArt Clay Silver, also known as silver clay, is a unique type of clay that contains a high concentration of fine silver particles mixed with an organic binder and water. It was developed in the 1990s as a material for creating jewelry and…comment particular, particular articleclay, silver, jewelry, kiln, shape0
interactiveblueprints.nlDesk sharing tool for efficient hybrid working! Make office journeys worthwhile through desk sharing software that just works. Reserve workplaces or meeting rooms and start hybrid working! Work at the office or at home with this handy…market particular, particular hrdesk, workplace, workspace, facility, employee0
basbouma.nl2022… Music for TV film (more…)… 12 December, 201813 February, 2020… 18 December,particular universecomposer, february, documentary, animation, chamber0
lifeplace.nlThink of it as an inter-mingling of a walking meditation, a nature-connection exercise, and a guided reflection on edges and centres of relationship and power.focus particular, particular aspectexploration, relationship, aim, usually, inquiry0
klve.nl1 Typography , (or more generally, what can be done with the reduced toolset of drawing black shapes on white backgrounds);drawing, spatial, crochet, past, theoretical0
suppeninleiden.nl; it’s not difficult at all and you learn at your own pace! In Leiden, we organise SUP events on Wednesday and Friday nights in Spring, Summer and Fall, for everyone to join, alone or with a group. The dates are communicated on our…wednesday, friday, boarding, instruction, wat0
herdenkingroerdalen.nlWar rembrance sites in Roerdalen: Montfort, Herkenbosch, Melick, Sint Odilienbergparticular roerdalenwar, matter, nationality, remembrance, background0
weerhuisje.nlAffordable quality, semi-professional weather station , allinone wireless sensor setfs-01 particular, particular matterweather, sun, pole, quantity, rain0
mesh.nlMESH is the experienced specialist, with an active and always up-to-date network and knowledge base. MESH materializes your growth strategy and M&A ambitions.search particular, particular interestacquisition, mandate, assignment, ambitious, growth0
arch-edition.nlArnulf Lüchinger, Books and Articles on Structuralism in Architecture and Urban Planningarchitecture, urban, structure, belief, pp0
voetmanschap.nlThe very best sports soles ever, we dare to claim! Market leader in Austria, very suitable for light orthopedic applications, but also people without foot deformities are very enthusiastic about these sports insoles. The concept of…forefoot particular, particular airupholstery, insole, resin, sit, amet0
compchem.nlDr Jocelyne Vreede of the Computational Chemistry group at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences has recently been awarded funding as part ofparticular researchcomputational, chemistry, molecular, simulation, polymer0
hiddendivine.nlTogether with you, I will look at what is going on in the deeper layers of your mental and spiritual aspects and which patterns you can break to eventually get in touch with what is more in line with your individual life path.divine, inspiration, constantly, force, spiritual0
markkamsma.nlI am a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Queen Mary University of London since August 2023. Before that I was a Teaching Fellow in Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London (October 2022–July 2023) and before that a Senior Research…logic particular, particular modelmathematics, logic, postdoctoral, london, interest0
dispolab.nlA good laboratory supplier has much more to live up to than you might initially think. Real satisfaction and optimal laboratory-disposable provisioning will only be possible if your supplier meets all of your requirements.product particular, particular applicationlaboratory, chromatography, filtration, microbiology, packaging0
onixor.nlNo longer need a machine for any reason? Let us know. We'll buy your machines at a great price.machinery, heavy, supplier, quickly, procurement0
bedhippie.nl"Bedhippie" is a nickname. It is a combined word. bed means 'bed' on which we sleep. Hippie means 'hippie ' or 'hippy '.glimpse, file, brother, uncle, husband0
expatmortgages.nlExpat Mortgages is a team of independent mortgage brokers, specialised in helping expats obtain a mortgage and buy a house in the Netherlands.obligation particular, particular bankmortgage, expat, independent, vacancy, pricing0
mss-transport.nlFTL transport of all common Recycle products from the plastic and paper industry and the transport of empty pallets.transport particular, particular recyclevacancy, driver, fleet, technique, recycle0
daviddelaat.nlI am an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology, where I am a member of the Discrete Mathematics & Optimization group . Before I was a visiting assistant professor at Emory University and a postdoc at MIT, Brown University…optimization particular, particular semidefinitepublication, teach, optimization, geometry, cwi0
webbz.nlInput your text here. The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs. You can also use it for single lines of copy if you wish.spot particular, particular detailcornerstone, multiple, paragraph, potentially, copy0
lightjoy.nlThe healing sessions either take place in person at my practice in Limmen in the Netherlands or online if you live far away or cannot come in person for whatever reason.session, distance, consent, complaint, registration0
yelh.nlDoes your law firm or company need legal support for a project or case that you are working on? Want to scale up and down your team at an instance? I can offer the flexibility and variety that you need. Whether it is a short-term…ip, lawyer, litigation, contracting, transaction0
birder.nl…a superbly coloured patch of bare skin around the eye. All but for one species of these birds were seen during this trip. And there are numerous representatives of other birdfamilies that are (near)endemic to Madagascar. Of the 198…madagascar, bird, forest, guide, common0
tseries.nlFor D&C Wrennall, the move up from a Kverneland six-row mechanical precision drill to an eight-row electric-drive Optima SX has boosted performance and productivity for the Leyland, Lancashire-based family firm.evidence particular, particular soilkverneland, drill, precision, mower, soil0
saskiawolda.nlportfolio… over mijn werk… over mij… contact… Picture yourself, 2018, collage…particular shapeshape, separate0
frankofficier.nl3D printed ring in plastic or silver, each ring is unique and shaped by a random algorithmparticular ordertitle, whatsoever, sculpture, curiosity, cabinet0
puur-licht.nlSoulfulness is a powerful self-healing method. Tao Healing a form of spiritual healing. Soul Readings are channeled messages from the soul world, or specifically from the Akashic Records, who can provide guidance and answers to the…solution particular, particular situationsoul, spiritual, hope, pure, effective0
club-whisky.nl…Monkey Shoulder… Mortlach… Nikka Whisky… Observatory… Old Particular… Old…old particularmalt, cask, straight, strength, taste0
egbarta.nl…Hidde Dirks Kat Ameland 2015-2018… Drawings of seaweed 2022- 2023… Iconic…commission particulardrawing, greenland, commission, draw, shape0
homebijzee.nlAt one of the most idyllic places on the Island Walcheren (Zeeland) you will find this lovely Shepherd’s Hut, hidden in green landscape for optimal privacy, rest and peace, and yet all comfort is present. The Hut is situated very close to…farm, pricing, lovely, fire, distance0
vdwverhuizingen.nl…relocation, we always started the work a day in advance. Such relocations are always planned well and without time pressure. For a tailor-made offer, you can contact our relocation advisor directly who will come on site. Tel 06-42809895amsterdam particular, particular northremoval, relocation, advisor, pack, quotation0
jack-pack.nlHook lift container attachments, Excavator attachments, truck crane attachments, forklift attachments, cable drum handling, conduit reel handler, heavy equipment attachment design, we make things rolling.case particular, particular industryexcavator, hook, attachment, pack, forklift0
samico.nl…legal situation as a challenge to deliver the best possible care and support to our clients. Every separate legal matter requires care and attention. Different issues may look the same, but when assessed and scrutinized with courtesy andsolution particular, particular conditiontailor, litigation, arbitration, dimension, matter0
aeroconsult.nlAeroconsult is the specialist in aircraft parts and tax free articles. Aeroconsult provides aircraft parts for MRO’s, Maintenance Departments of airlines and lease companies.particular itemaircraft, tax, department, maintenance, inflight0
nwo-unravel.nlUnravelling Neural Networks with Structure-Preserving Computing – Unravelling Neural Networks with Structure-Preserving Computinglearn particular, particular neuralneural, computing, structure, nwo, closure0
tharsis-management.nl…electrci shipping, rhenus, rhenus maritime services, rms, rhein maas, rheinmaas, rhein maas see, eurolog, low airdraft, low-airdraft vessel, aluminium products, transport, rhine, river, humber, goole, tharsis, high quality transport">ship particularriver, emission, vessel, maritime, environmental0
margaretasvensson.nlMargareta Svensson is an Amsterdam-based photographer whoes speciality is documenting works of art, interiors and objects, phone: +31613353853interior, photographer, palace, swedish, painting0
medisigntudelft.nl…my knowledge into practice. For a few months now, I have been working at Vilans. Vilans is a centre of expertise for long-term care. As a junior employee, I work in the department of Innovation and Research. In this job my focus is on…experience particular, particular patientindustrial, healthcare, ergonomic, phd, candidate0
boland-devries.nlIt houses various information and pictures related to our countries of residence, travels, hobbies and interestsbird, boundary, august, aerial, mainly0
studiovanonna.nlIn the context of the celebration year ‘Mondrian to Dutch Design’, the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag celebrated ‘100 years of Mondrian & De Stijl’. A year with several exhibitions and events based on this theme. With over 300 Mondrian’s in the…particular orderidentity, visual, pause, fund, cultural0
expatmortgagessouth.nlExpat Mortgages is a team of independent mortgage brokers, specialised in helping expats obtain a mortgage and buy a house in the Netherlands.obligation particular, particular bankmortgage, expat, south, independent, vacancy0
marteotten.nl…SkÅ‚odowska-Curie IEF Career Development Grant from the European Research Council. My research program explores how social predictions (based on, for example, prejudice) are integrated with cognitive processes to shape social cognition.collaborator particular, particular ordersecondary, publication, psychology, cognitive, phd0
lepetitparadis.nl…Toro… Valencia… Mendoza… Barossa Valley… New South Wales… Three Bridges…old particularport, south, central, darling, cape0
vliegbasis-soesterberg.nlThis site will not ever be ready. I keep finding new information or get it sent to me by visitors to my site. The information you will find under "HISTORY", I have mostly compiled out of material from the Documentary Centre of the…airbase, photograph, military, squadron, aviation0
bartandrea.nlIn 2018 I graduated and earned my Bachelor after completing my final internship and thesis at Albelli. A time that opened my eyes to the world of UX design. It was there where I learned how to combine research and design, how to build and…skillset, ux, peak, motion, visual0
recursive.nlNiswatcher. watches NIS databases and starts a script on modification. Such a script could possibly generate new email aliases with myaliases.particular orderpaper, definition, file, modification, healthy0
windparknoordoostpolder.nl…of 86 wind turbines on shore and near shore. The wind farm generates around 1.4 billion kWh of clean renewable electricity each year. That is comparable to the power consumption of more than 400,000 households. Noordoostpolder Wind Farmfarm, renewable, figure, fact, ecology0
marometech.nlir. Jos Gunsing, technology innovator and owner at MaromeTech offers support to technology innovation activities. Making robotics & mechatronics work for you!robotic, mechatronic, innovator, industrial, institute0
jeroendee.nlThank you, Jan Raasch for creating this Hugo theme, inspired by the original bear blog which is created by the awesome Herman Martinusparticular orderbear, enthusiast, byte, shoulder, mood0
annenynke.nlDavid Allen, who calls it a 'work-life management system'. Asana and GTD are a match made in heaven and in my Asana training I will show you why. It will help you with your inbox handling, prioritization, understanding the difference…expertise particular, particular orderholacracy, productive, guest, host, discount0
jobacle.nlMy name is Job Oprel, and making a living for a long time at working with Oracle products. It has always been a fine job, so the name of this blog couldn’t be more obvious: a combination of my name , Job and Oracle. Also an Oracle ACE…oracle, infrastructure, license, talk, blogging0
slijterijvidra.nlSingle Malt Whisky… Blend Whisky… Contact… Shop… Zuidam Mom’s Homemade…old particular, particular whiskycask, port, release, strawberry, distiller0
dragon2.nlbuy a melt and pour soap base of your choice (I personally love Stephenson African Black Soap Base and Forbury Shea Butter Soap Base).tip particular, particular orderoil, scent, soap, additive, colorant0
schuringa.nl“Without Cornerstone, we would have gone bankrupt by now. Cornerstone impressed me on multiple levels. Best. Product. Ever! Thanks for the great service. Cornerstone is both attractive and highly adaptable.”spot particular, particular detailcornerstone, multiple, profile, edit, paragraph0
monadcompany.nlOur unique approach is rooted in the principles of evolutionary psychology, specifically the hunter-gatherer mindset. We help you recognizing these instinctive patterns and transforming them into effective behaviors for the modern world.dream particular, particular impressioncareer, evolutionary, growth, gatherer, awareness0
profetas.nlIt is a multidisciplinary Dutch research programme studying the options for more sustainable food production and consumption.publication, protein, consumption, transition, societal0
appartement-amsterdam-beach.nlPico's default theme isn't really intended to be used for a productive website, it's rather a starting point for creating your own theme. If the default theme isn't sufficient for you, and you don't want to create your own theme, you can…data particular, particular pagefile, directory, header, config, plugin0
servitex.nlAll our swatches are created at our own company in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Standard swatches are largely available from stock. Did you know that this can save you up to 40%? Contact us now and discover what Servitex can do for you!voor, swatch, colour, possibility, buyer0