Domain | Excerpts relevant to keyword: colloquium | Related expressions | Other expressions from the websitee | Relevance |
---|---|---|---|---| | …Engineering and related disciplines, and facilitating exchanges and interaction between all actors of the process industries and related sectors. It proposes each month a lecture dinner meeting or a plant visit and annually, a Colloquium. | introduction, chemical, institute, american, belgium | 1 | | | Member of the formal colloquium committee (with Dr. B. Narasimhan and Dr. A. Matsuo / Dr. N. Enfield) of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. | formal colloquium, colloquium committee | cognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain | 3 | | Kevin Dullemond is a PhD candidate at the Delft University of Technology since October 2009. In 2004 Kevin started at the Technical University in Delft with the Bachelor Technical Informatics from which he graduated in 2007 with honors… | conference, awareness, phd, collaboration, conversation | 0 | | | …and two annual prizes; the Backer prize (together with the Royal Netherlands Chemistry Union, the KNCV, div. of Organic Chemistry) and the Strating prize (a prize awarded for the best written colloquium within the Stratingh Institute). | good colloquium, colloquium stratingh | chemistry, organic, prize, lecturer, biography | 1 | | On 22 May 2019, during the colloquium of the Arts, Media and Culture research group of Maastricht University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, I led a Meuse excursion. During the walk, which took place in a rewilded section of the… | walk, heritage, publication, archaeology, river | 1 | | | Go to the proceedings News Programme D4H 2020 (Cancelled) Share your vision in Mural Organisation Doctoral Colloquium (CANCELLED) Theme: Designing Future Health Contact Paper submissions (CLOSED) | doctoral colloquium, colloquium theme | proceedings, conference, paper, final, clinician | 1 | | Presentation by Cees de Laat: University of South California, Information Sciences Institute colloquium: Secure Cyber Infrastructure for Valuable Big Data Processing! The Global Big Data Hub infrastructure inspired by PRP. | institute colloquium, colloquium secure | presentation, paper, conference, logistics, infrastructure | 1 | | P: ICALP 2011 in Aceto, L., Henziger, M., Sgall, J. (eds.) Automata, Languages and Programming, 38th International Colloquium, ICALP 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, July 4-8, 2011, Proceedings, Part I , Lecture Notes in Computer Science… | international colloquium, colloquium icalp | graph, algorithm, pp, complexity, planar | 1 | | Tilburg Experience Sampling Center (TESC) is a center of expertise at Tilburg University with respect to Experience Sampling Methods (ESM) research. | ambassador, publication, study, clinical, october | 0 | | | systematic reviews are performed into the effects of these individual components on mental health. Specifically, the focus is on elements of blue space (water) and components of green space. Will, for instance, a beach visit give different | heymans colloquium, colloquium university | daylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit | 0 | | We congratulate Sijbren Otto, who received the 2023 Izatt-Christensen Award for being a pioneer of supramolecular systems chemistry, taking supramolecular chemistry into completely new directions. The award will be presented to Otto at… | academy colloquium, colloquium functional | grant, supramolecular, chemistry, functional, molecular | 0 | | The Centre for Global Heritage and Development uses its interuniversity and interdisciplinary status to go beyond the traditional study of heritage, by focusing on how heritage relates to cultural, social and environmental developments… | scape colloquium | heritage, collaboration, researcher, scholar, visit | 0 | | The cluster supports research at all these areas as well as interdisciplinary activities with physics. We fund national workshops and conferences on those themes and organise yearly the GQT school and colloquium, which has aims of… | school colloquium, colloquium aim | geometry, theory, quantum, conference, programme | 4 | | Kuiken, F. & Vedder, I. (2007). Task complexity, linguistic complexity and L2 performance: A discussion , Colloquium ‘Research on Task Complexity and Instructed Second Language Learning’, AAAL 2007, Costa Mesa, 21-4-2007. | network colloquium, colloquium ren, variation colloquium, colloquium complexity, decision colloquium | complexity, linguistic, task, write, teach | 14 | | Andreas Hülsing, Joost Rijneveld, and Peter Schwabe. ARMed SPHINCS – Computing a 41 KB signature in 16 KB of RAM. Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2016 , LNCS 9614, pp. 446-470, Springer, 2016. | write, signature, quantum, implementation, schwabe | 0 | | | J.P. van der Sluijs, Uncertainty complexity and post normal science: the need for new ways of interfacing science and policy, invited KNMI Colloquium, October 9, 2009 Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. | uncertainty colloquium, colloquium environmental, knmi colloquium, colloquium october, lunch colloquium | der, uncertainty, assessment, lecture, environmental | 5 | | Study association for students Structural Engineering and Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology | start colloquium, colloquium naomi | study, association, graduation, structural, committee | 0 | | Welcome to the homepage of the research project 'The Holocaust in the Provinces: Local Dynamics in the Nazi-Occupied Netherlands'. Beginning in February 2023, our project aims to gain more insight into the way local dynamics effected the… | dynamic, publication, province, jewish, occupy | 0 | | | …approaches. The general question is how modern societies are constituted by science and technology, and how, vice versa, social and cultural conditions shape technological and scientific developments. The research focuses on the… | musts colloquium, colloquium luisa, colloquium liesbeth | society, programme, combination, technological, scientific | 0 | | Modeling the influence of geography in dialect variation (invited presentation). FLAMES-colloquium "Topics for Spatial Statistics", Leuven, Belgium, November 28, 2016. | flame colloquium, colloquium topic | paper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech | 1 | | The Research Center for Materials-Driven Regeneration (MDR) brings materials scientists, cell biologists, tissue engineers and medical scientists together to jointly work on the regeneration of tissue and organ function with intelligent… | mdr colloquium, colloquium june | regeneration, february, january, flagship, october | 0 | | Valentina Curandi, MERIAN PhD candidate, will take part in the colloquium “Lateness and Creativity in Arts and Humanities” organized by Dr. Prof. Aagje Swinnen and PhD candidate Nina van der… | curandi colloquium, colloquium lateness, candidate colloquium | collaboration, representative, experimental, collaborative, think | 2 | | The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics is a world-leading research institute devoted to interdisciplinary studies of the science of language and communication, including departments on genetics, psychology, development… | institute, mpi, planck, psycholinguistic, department | 0 | | | Home… About us… History… Committees… Board Committees… Campus Committee Board… | committee, tot, representative, united, sibling | 0 | | | Next NetSci colloquium is on the horizon! No need to leave the keyboard—learn everything about the networked online world, online, October 25. Register here: | netsci colloquium, colloquium horizon | society, prize, chapter, official, phd | 1 | | NICAS Colloquium with Liselore Tissen (TU Delft and Leiden University) and Catarina Rocha Pires (UVA) | nicas colloquium, colloquium online, colloquium art, colloquium liselore | institute, funding, conservation, biography, interdisciplinary | 6 | | We offer a vibrant, ready-made research network with numerous research colloquia you can join and possibilities to discuss and develop research interests. | phd, conference, council, political, administration | 0 | | | Partners in the NILG are the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance , the Kooijmans Institute for Law and Governance , the Law and Governance Group and the Chair in Law, Governance & Technology . The NILG is an open platform: third… | programme colloquium, colloquium public | law, conference, annual, phd, institute | 0 | | The volume: “The Janus-faces of cross-border crime in Europe” is the most recent issue of the Cross-border Crime Colloquium, the result of the annual meeting in Bratislava of known experts and up-coming young researchers in Europe. The… | crime colloquium, colloquium network, colloquium result, colloquium ukraine, colloquium year | money, cross, crime, laundering, face | 11 | | Crime and Criminal Justice - Report. in: Historical Research on Crime and Criminal Justice. Reports presented to the Sixth Criminological Colloquium, 1983. Strasbourg (Council of Europe Publications) 1985: 49-95. (also published in French). | criminological colloquium, colloquium strasbourg | crime, violence, ed, justice, criminal | 1 | | Private tutoring is also available to prospective students who wish to be admitted to a university’s undergraduate program and do not have the appropriate degrees. They can be admitted to a university if they pass an entrance examination… | examination colloquium, colloquium doctum | tutoring, statistics, mathematics, classroom, lesson | 1 | | “Computation of BSD invariants in higher genus” , Algebra, geometry and number theory seminar, Leiden, December 2020 | mathematics colloquium, colloquium continuously | autumn, theory, curve, arithmetic, computation | 0 | | May 5, 2015. - Designs, codes, matroids, and their q-analogues. Colloquium of the Institut des Mathématiques. Neuchâtel, Switzerland. | virtual colloquium, colloquium online, analogue colloquium, colloquium institut, polynomial colloquium | mathematics, geometry, conference, theory, finite | 7 | | Nina Schäfer is a jewellery and product designer from Düsseldorf, Germany. While still in training, she already won the Stahlschmuckpreis (trans: Steel Jewellery prize) from Colloquium Nordrhein-Westfalen in 2007. In 2010, when she… | prize colloquium, colloquium nordrhein | necklace, rent, conversation, piece, jewellery | 1 | | Below you find the recording of the presentation I gave at the 2022 Mensa Foundation Colloquium in Sparks, Nevada. Theme: “Giftedness across the lifespan. A more complete picture”. My contribution was about Gifted Adults at Work. | foundation colloquium, colloquium spark | adult, giftedness, consulting, session, analysis | 1 | | …met Foto’s… September 2023… June 2023… November 2021… July 2021… June… | august, cycling, october, mobility, july | 0 | | | (4 nights in a twin room, incl. breakfast, for junior scholars participating in the colloquium) | paper colloquium, colloquium junior, participant colloquium, colloquium phd | conference, paper, august, registration, theology | 6 | | Introduction to Online Learning for a general mathematical audience in the Leiden Mathematics Colloquium, 2014 | talk, mathematics, rate, statistical, slide | 1 | | | Colloquium 'Challenges and opportunities for the conservation and management of urban heritage', Brugge, Belgium (30 May - 1 June 2012) | heritage, certificate, tourism, conservation, cultural | 1 | | | I was invited by the League of advanced European neutrons sources to give in the Solvay library in Brussels a colloquium on the use of neutrons for sustainable food production. | brussels colloquium, colloquium use | neutron, angle, structure, polymer, matter | 1 |