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350 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: autonomous

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asser.nl[Blog] ‘Meaningful human control over autonomous weapons and International Criminal Law’control autonomous, autonomous military, autonomous weapon, remote autonomous, lethal autonomouslaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper28
autonomousrobots.nlAMR Lab | We are the Autonomus Multi-Robots Lab, at TU Delft. We are interested in the development of algorithms for autonomous robots that can operate in complex and dynamic environments, and in the application of these algorithms to…algorithm autonomous, autonomous robot, control autonomous, autonomous mobile, field autonomouslab, dynamic, algorithm, interested, paper24
rasdelft.nlefficient waterway transport, security, digitisation, economic growth, accessibility, and employment. By combining autonomous driving and shipping research, the Researchlab Autonomous Shipping (RAS) will enable cross-sectoral knowledge…researchlab autonomous, autonomous shipping, employment autonomous, autonomous drive, theme autonomoushet, hun, government, facility, publication18
nobleo-technology.nlNobleo Technology is an international team of engineers. We operate in Autonomous Solutions, Intelligent Embedded Solutions and High Tech Systems.engineer autonomous, autonomous solution, engineering autonomous, technology autonomous, autonomous mobilityproof, embed, innovative, existence, certification17
cooperationalexcellence.nlIn my experience, for instance in Super7 organizations, managers do have their value. I’ll give two examples. In large complex organizations, autonomous teams can’t oversee the total complexity. Reducing complexity should be the top…direction autonomous, autonomous agile, model autonomous, autonomous team, essential autonomouswindow, excellence, operation, cooperative, successful16
rotarc.nlClick for Dutch We have developed a fully passive, non motorized and autonomous solar tracker which directs objects towards the sun at all times of the day. The solar tracker functions on the ambient available energy on each location on…rotarc autonomous, autonomous neutral, mission autonomous, supply autonomous, motorized autonomouspassive, click, architecture, neutral, energetic15
spectx.nlSpectX is providing autonomous industrial inspections for different projects including oil & gas, constructions, wind turbines, photovoltaics.spectx autonomous, autonomous industrial, autonomous inspectioninspection, industrial, turbine, aerial, photovoltaic15
rieksopdenakker.nlsomething like a mathematical space of all possible conversations. That language is a system. I believe it is not. Autonomous agents ignore the users’ freedom, their identity and autonomy. The very concept of user already challenges these…rule autonomous, autonomous weapon, robot autonomous, autonomous player, harm autonomouscausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical12
ruvu.nlRUVU Robotics helps equipment engineers to build autonomous mobile robots, offering software and expertise. RUVU provides the behavior of your mobile robot.engineer autonomous, autonomous mobile, autonomous navigation, force autonomousrobotic, fleet, behavior, showcase, motion10
albertvandersel.nlnuclear devices. Most notable member is the "Status 6" or "Poseidon" (unmanned) autonomous device,system autonomous, autonomous like, class autonomous, autonomous mini, unmanned autonomousnuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device10
projectroodkapje.nlI’m member of the board of the Ofoundation and have a good connection with a company, MWLC , that develops autonomous robots. They have a prototype robot in their lab that can transport autonomously goods. This robot is not finished.roodkapje autonomous, autonomous cargo, mwlc autonomous, autonomous robot, able autonomousintroduction, esc, screw, steering, pinion9
rotec-engineering.nlAdvanced robotic and engineering specialist. Developer of engineering projects and autonomous robotic fuelling systems for the industryproject autonomous, autonomous robotic, lng autonomous, autonomous fuel, semi autonomousrobotic, fuel, automatic, advanced, industrial9
projectfast.nlFieldlab Autonomous Sailing Technology is officially launched. The boat that will play the leading role in the unique autonomous sailing project was presented. In this project the former ‘Damen Stan Patrol 900 will be refitted from manned…fieldlab autonomous, autonomous sail, unique autonomous, phase autonomous, autonomous dockingsail, boat, electric, yard, period9
jellereith.nlThis is autonomous robot. This creature can exist within a space and walk around freely. Using it's camera it captures images of people walking by, with it's printer it can print out these images leaving a trail of faces.installation, satellite, sun, surrounding, artificial9
advayavada.nlThe purpose of this autonomous and open-ended 13-week Advayavada Study Plan (ASP), which can conveniently be repeated four times in a calendar year, is that we study and debate in a local group, the family circle or with good friends the…purpose autonomous, autonomous openstudy, path, noble, buddhism, existence8
pkmarine.nlshe has made her mark in the maritime world, in particular when it comes to controlling the motions of a (manned / autonomous) ship with the means available, to define how best to inform operators about alerts and to how best to set-up…man autonomous, autonomous ship, out autonomous, publication autonomousship, maritime, publication, central, motion8
richardvijgen.nlArtist duo Huijbers en Agelink creates autonomous and commissioned artistic interventions in public space. Their work is highly process based and can be seen as a crossing of artistic practice and design methodology. A realistic style and…object autonomous, autonomous entity, biennale autonomous, autonomous process, agelink autonomousinstallation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive8
projectfrac.nlProject FRAC | The world's first unfinished autonomous robot pet with its own websiteunfinished autonomous, autonomous robot, life autonomous, autonomous explorationraspberry, reply, limitation, merit, uncategorized8
universityracing.nl…Formula Student introduced Formula Student Driverless in 2017, evolving in 2022 with the driverless cup, combining autonomous and manual driving challenges. URE remains committed to competing in this dynamic evolution of the competition.electric autonomous, autonomous formula, limit autonomous, autonomous racing, cup autonomousformula, electric, join, competition, worldwide6
savvy-advisory.nlyour odds of success. Savvy advisory can help you with your expansion plan. It doesn’t matter if you choose for an autonomous growth or a growth with an external business model. Savvy Advisory has European experience with increasing…plan autonomous, autonomous growth, turnover autonomous, autonomous expansion, control autonomousadvisory, external, savvy, growth, competitor6
raddelft.nlVR and Field Study to analyse interaction between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles Published on: Friday 22 February 2019best autonomous, autonomous car, use autonomous, autonomous vehicle, pedestrian autonomousvehicle, het, traffic, government, hun6
rohansinha.nl…this framework in monitoring a learned policy for object manipulation and a finite state machine policy for autonomous driving and demonstrate that an LLM-based monitor can serve as a proxy for human reasoning. Finally, we provide anmember autonomous, autonomous system, lab autonomous, autonomous engineer, model autonomoussinha, robotic, predictive, uncertainty, distribution6
wimlamboo.nlLatvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Transnistria for longer periods of time for his autonomous work. His main work-in-progress is an extensive photo-documentary project - one could say his life's work - in…time autonomous, autonomous workwoman, biography, eastern, extensive, documentary5
freerkterpstra.nlThere are quite a few methods to filter certain kinds of traffic on Cisco’s autonomous access-points. This post gives a overview of the different methods and how to use them based on use cases.traffic autonomous, autonomous ap, cisco autonomous, autonomous accesswireless, cisco, traffic, multicast, mobility5
looijesteijn.nlInspiring portfolio photographer Looijesteijn. Art art and fine art photography Autonomous and Documentary work from Europe, India, North and South America.photography autonomous, autonomous documentaryphotographer, documentary, america, north, south5
capitalapartners.nlRealizing growth together From Amsterdam and Antwerp, Capital A invests in companies situated in The Netherlands and Belgium with a focus on autonomous…focus autonomous, autonomous acquisitivecapital, growth, partners, belgium, antwerp5
maritotto.nlOther activities- Next to my autonomous work I am active with art projects in concept and implementation, community art projects, educational projects, I am a graphic designer, art coach, guest curator and I also work as museum teacher at…artist autonomous, autonomous work, typical autonomous, background autonomous, autonomous artistrybiography, remain, visual, painting, follower5
smashnederland.nlContinue reading "Holland Shipyards Group takes a large step forward with a contract for four autonomous electric ferries"contract autonomous, autonomous electricnaval, shipyard, electric, oct, collaboration4
desosa.nl…lights at every corner of the street, think about quaint driving lanes with potholes, think about ludacris other drivers, no situation is the same. An autonomous car is not an ordinary car and a comma two is not an oridnary android device.situation autonomous, autonomous cararchitecture, architectural, variability, analysis, debt4
aeroteameindhoven.nlRedefine Flying! Aero Team Eindhoven is a team of students from Eindhoven University of Technology working towards a sustainable world by developing an autonomous drone network for zero-emission air delivery.world autonomous, autonomous droneemission, join, inquiry, aerial, battery4
christinealberts.nlAccessories designed by Christine Alberts. Items created with autonomous character, carrying timeless elegance and personality.item autonomous, autonomous characteraccessorie, character, elegance, personality, timeless4
aerospacedelta.nlDronePort Rotterdam’s strategic alliances propel Zuid-Holland as leader in autonomous and uncrewed systemsleader autonomous, autonomous uncrewedaerospace, aviation, upstream, ecosystem, downstream4
eltjopoort.nl…message of that (in)famous emergence principle is not to discourage intentional design, but to clarify that agile teams work best if they are autonomous . In other words, no outsider should dictate the architecture – the teams design it.design autonomous, autonomous team, well autonomous, autonomous wordarchitecture, decision, architectural, stakeholder, debt4
demcon-unmanned.nlIn this evolving landscape, the maritime sector is poised for a significant transformation. The advent of Autonomous Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USVs) represents a paradigm shift. These advanced technological vessels not only epitomize…onset autonomous, autonomous uncrewed, advent autonomous, uncrewed autonomous, autonomous offshoreunmanned, naval, shipyard, vessel, maritime4
kmfap.nlWelcome to the website of the ‘ Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) and Femeraid Netherlands ‘.federation autonomous, autonomous prioryknight, federation, trafficking, february, paralympic4
blwvisser.nlWe are a consultant for textile and plastic machinery, non-contact sensors for temperature, length, speed, diameter, distance, moisture and shock registration. We also supply the fastest autonomous scalping system.fast autonomous, autonomous scalping, autonomous firetrading, textile, fire, detection, calendar3
floatingdrones.nlOne of the autonomous flight modes of the SplashDrone 3+ , is Mission Planning : Select waypoints on a map (this requires the GroundStation accessory) and have your SplashDrone 3+ follow that routeoption autonomous, autonomous flightfloat, flight, accessorie, battery, payload3
trendforum.nlThe Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee A revolution is under way. In recent years, Google’s autonomous ca...hospital autonomous, autonomous car, leash autonomous, autonomous flyeconomic, society, woman, interesting, christianity3
h2arvester.nl“The solution to convert the generated kWh directly into hydrogen not only provides an autonomous production plant, but is also a solution to the need to balance the production and use of generated energy without worrying about…mobile autonomous, autonomous agrivoltaic, hydrogen autonomous, autonomous productionhydrogen, agricultural, crop, locally, panel3
circusandersom.nlThe workshops we provide often grow from experience gained in autonomous projects. We offer our existing workshops for bookings and welcome the opportunity to develop new workshops for specific events or occasions as well.experience autonomous, autonomous projectvisitor, medicine, factory, intuitive, situation3
jewellerydepartment.nl…of Amsterdam in 2019. In 2020 she relocated to Milan, where she’s currently based. Her practice consists of autonomous research-based projects, as well as commissioned work, bespoke pieces and small series. Material investigation is…conversation autonomous, autonomous craft, experience autonomous, autonomous practice, practice autonomousjewellery, department, conversation, tuesday, lecture3
jeroenrood.nlThis project allowed to think about societal change, and how a ground-breaking technology like autonomous vehicles would need to be designed to achieve this change. From an interaction design perspective, it was interesting to understand…solution autonomous, autonomous vehicle, era autonomous, autonomous car, important autonomousux, visual, industrial, situation, selection3
rvdheiden.nlFor four years I worked as a PhD student at Utrecht University, in collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch ministry of transportation). My PhD research investigated human interaction with semi-autonomous cars, including how people…semi autonomous, autonomous carphd, driver, handover, benefit, study3
matthijslangenberg.nlHow we sold this project as a real-time embedded system is still a mystery today. To me an x86 machine running Windows with a Java program controlling VLC media player is neither embedded, nor real-time. I guess the teachers found the…teacher autonomous, autonomous importantemployee, electronic, healthcare, medication, nurse3
chpr.nlAdvances in autonomous and on-demand transport promise a 21st century of self driving cars, flying cars, even passenger-carrying drones. It is critical that the technologies, concepts and procedures underlying such systems consider the…display autonomous, autonomous drone, automation autonomous, autonomous system, advance autonomousanalysis, automation, assessment, modelling, decision3
emerginghorizons.nlEmerging Horizons' founder Olivier Rikken is a well known and much asked key note speaker in the field of emerging technologies with a specialization in Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and Governancedecentralized autonomous, autonomous organizationemerge, pricing, publication, background, request3
independent-energy.nlFrom our workshop and warehouse in Haarlem, we offer complete solar and wind systems for grid connected solar projects, off-grid applications, micro-grids, hybrid power, and project-based complete autonomous installations.project autonomous, autonomous grid, complete autonomous, autonomous installation, autonomous villaindependent, grid, battery, cape, installation3
nielshoebers.nl…a forest of installations in which a variety of contemporary artists, designers and image makers present their autonomous projects.A creative generation that aims to let visitors experience that resetting our mental modems can lead to…collaboration autonomous, autonomous designer, new autonomous, autonomous project, maker autonomousmotion, animation, collaboration, imagination, dialogue3
futureoflife.nlMobility Will people travel as much again after the pandemic is over? Will everyone drive autonomous cars in the future? Will the technology of 3D printing reduce travel behavior? Find out here.pandemic autonomous, autonomous careconomic, healthcare, mobility, planet, pandemic3
olivie.nlRaised in the world of International exhibition contractors he founded the all-round production house ARTLAB early 2008 which sprouted a perfect commercial connection with his work as autonomous visual artist and the organizing part.path autonomous, autonomous work, work autonomous, autonomous visual, development autonomousproducer, installation, exhibition, artwork, belgium3
meisner.nlMy name is Tim Meisner and I am living in an historic city in the North-West of The Netherlands. After graduation I started to work at YAMAHA MOTOR in Research and Development. After doing a project on Autonomous Vehicles (showed at…car autonomous, autonomous share, project autonomous, autonomous vehicle, manager autonomousregulation, vehicle, emission, automobile, manufacturer3
misluktschrijver.nlOur individual creativity and assertiveness is slowly dismantled, our capabilities to survival are taken away, our autonomous decision making is restricted and our human resilience is underdevelopped. Only those who accumulate wealth by…space autonomous, autonomous structure, away autonomous, autonomous decisioncharacter, narrative, documentary, movie, society2
pausetoplay.nlTo make autonomous choices that completely suit you. Know that you are needed. And know that you are exactly who you need to be and where you need to be at this point in your life, to be ready to recognise your purpose in life.powerful autonomous, autonomous choicepurpose, pause, career, leadership, meaningful2
g-netwerk.nlJeanette Groenendaal and Zoot Derks (NL) a re artists and videographers; deep field researchers in the mediation of the intersection of arts and sciences. They operate between autonomous and commissioned works and interfere as directors…science autonomous, autonomous workinstallation, reformation, idfa, society, screen2
jdg-services.nlMetFi is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) community. (Bitcoin is also a DAO!).metfi autonomous, autonomous organization, decentralized autonomousincome, passive, ecosystem, decentralized, early2
studentcouncil.nlThe Rietveld Pavilion is the student run project space of The Gerrit Rietveld Academie and The Sandberg Insituut. The Pavilion provides a platform for students and alumni to experiment, discuss, and learn by making use of the autonomous…use autonomous, autonomous spacecouncil, union, initiative, asian, east2
napa.nland NP full independence in diagnosing, initiating treatment and performing medical procedures. These medical tasks are mostly non-complex procedures that can be executed autonomous by an NP or PA. This also includes prescribing medication.procedure autonomous, autonomous npphysician, task, profession, profile, tot2
imotik.nlOur expertise is mainly focussed on portable controls applied on mobile machines that are used in construction, earthmoving, and agriculture. However, our expertise is also applicable to robotic processes within industries where…electric autonomous, autonomous system, industry autonomous, autonomous machinepractical, portable, founder, electric, motion2
flexpaper.nlFully autonomous operation throughout the year by using highly efficient solar cells integrated into a single housingfully autonomous, autonomous operationpassenger, paper, benefit, efficient, installation2
artkeesdegrootvanembden.nlYet autonomous robots like this one survived. Analysis of chip traces found on this exceptionally well-kept specimen (probably the last robot to survive), reveals it’s highly sophisticated nature. ‘It must have been a wild piece of AI’…emotionally autonomous, autonomous imaginablesolitude, earth, scientist, ukraine, painting2
magrathea-tlc.nlI hypothesise that the firm in itself (i.e. not as a group of people) is a cognitive and autonomous entity. Though made up of the behavior(s) of individual people, it is a behavioural phenomenon that is distinct from their cognitive…cognitive autonomous, autonomous entity, capability autonomous, autonomous decisionfirm, behavior, theory, hypothesis, phenomenon2
amw.nl…recovery for pasteurization to clean ballast water in ships and waste heat recovery, re-use the heat, CFD Propellers high efficiency propellers, NOx reduction systems , waterjets also for autonomous vessels , motion compensated cranes .hybrid autonomous, autonomous vessel, waterjet autonomousvessel, heat, rudder, reduction, dredging2
hernste.nlbeginning of the 20th century*. In the late Middle Ages, the university emerged as an increasingly independent and autonomous intellectual force in society, in between church and state, built on the ruins of the medieval world order and itsindependent autonomous, autonomous intellectual, university autonomous, autonomous rulephd, geography, defence, academic, february2
mythronics.nlMythronics autonomous scouting robot is a cloud crop monitoring platform which is enabled by machine learning algorithms that allows yield and IPM forecasting.mythronics autonomous, autonomous robot, autonomous scoutinggreenhouse, farming, career, agriculture, harvest2
beyondexpertise.nlOne of the biggest differences that people experience when joining an autonomous team is that they meet much more. How can you have so many meetings and still be effective? Researcher Irene Sinteur and I distilled eight best practices…people autonomous, autonomous team, practice autonomousleadership, influence, episode, investor, listener2
studiolooploop.nla research based design studio— a different take on sustainable, local production — a holistic view of product design and manufacturing — self-made tools for innovative and autonomous production.innovative autonomous, autonomous productionluminaire, industrial, introduction, craft, innovative2
technia.nlrFpro is an engineering-grade simulation environment for the automotive and motorsport industries It’s used for the development and testing of autonomous vehicles, ADAS, vehicle dynamics, and human factor studies.test autonomous, autonomous vehicle, pioneer autonomous, solution autonomousstudy, simulation, manufacture, lifecycle, integration2
studio2992.nlMultidisciplinary graphic design and research studio of Taya Reshetnik based in The Hague, Netherlands. studio2992's autonomous work emerges from investigative and microhistorical research and tells visual stories about human experience…netherlands autonomous, autonomous workgraphic, visual, multidisciplinary, urban, identity2
judithstam.nlJudith creates both autonomous and commissioned work and she illustrates for products. This diversity keeps her sharp and inspired. She is frequently told how happy her work makes people; she could not be given a greater compliment. Her…judith autonomous, autonomous workpainting, colour, spectacle, repetition, fascinating2
elsalabdefence.nlResearch paper: The Conceptual Roots of the Criminal Responsibility Gap in Autonomous Weapon Systemsgap autonomous, autonomous weaponlab, defence, military, ethical, societal2
ilsepouwels.nlTogether with a multidisciplinary group of students at the TU/e explored what role autonomous drones could play in healthcare.role autonomous, autonomous dronedescription, sweden, etc, relationship, empower2
inspinity.nlFor us, agile organizations are like a spinning top: agile and stable at the same time. The spinning energy is created by inspirational servant leadership, value streams of high performing autonomous teams and a mindset which embraces…leadership autonomous, autonomous agile, high autonomous, autonomous teamorganizational, transformation, leadership, successful, sparkle2
humaninnovator.nlevery change in an accessible and recognisable way, partly by focusing on its practical applicability for everyone. After all, every person is now sovereign, and from that autonomous position, you will rise and restore your Self-governance.sovereign autonomous, autonomous positioninnovator, consciousness, practical, earth, synergy2
basetime.nlWe provide high-quality, autonomous devices to change the collection of high-precision geodetic data worldwide.quality autonomous, autonomous device, locator autonomousprecision, locator, movement, reliable2
groetenvanmarc.nl…of different levels and interests. In 2006 she graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, department of Fine Art. Besides being a passionate teacher, she also works as an autonomous artist. Her work is regularly exhibited.teacher autonomous, autonomous artist, work autonomous, autonomous paintingpainting, teacher, adult, exhibition, shape2
agros-smartfarming.nlTowards the future of greenhouse horticulture. In autonomous greenhouses, smart algorithms follow and adjust the cultivation strategy based on crop and climate parameters.horticulture autonomous, autonomous greenhouse, way autonomousgreenhouse, dairy, arable, farming, footer2
pl-tronic.nlPL-Tronic Holding BV is an autonomous passionate technical company, specialized in products according to customer specifications.bv autonomous, autonomous passionatetronic, bracket, specification, industrial, reproducible2
bridgemakersinternational.nlThe Biblical standard is to bring disciples together in groups (churches). Our vision and desire is to plant local, autonomous churches that reach out to their neighbors, environment, and the world. Our vision is to bring new life through…local autonomous, autonomous church, church autonomous, autonomous ruleturkish, church, christ, disciple, quarterly2
petervanderperk.nlGraduation internship at NXP Automotive Systems Innovations. As part of my MSc study I've conducted a research to improve the safety and fault tolerance of autonomous vehicles. As a result I've created a novel hypervisor-based approach…tolerance autonomous, autonomous vehicle, mechanism autonomousembed, der, nxp, vehicle, internship2
sarnamihuis.nl…the population was much more diverse and isolated from each other. The Mughal Empire thus consisted of a patchwork of communities, some of which were very autonomous, which also waged war among themselves and committed brutal massacres.community autonomous, autonomous war, collection autonomous, autonomous communitycentury, empire, present, hindu, religious2
gertjaneldering.nlAs a composer I live in two worlds: One world is my own, independent and autonomous music. The other world is the music I make as a media composer.independent autonomous, autonomous creator, autonomous musiccomposer, interactive, classical, xmas, merry2
smartdelta.nlThis technology can be applied in various fields such as autonomous vehicles, drones, military applications, surveillance systems and more. By integrating and analyzing data from different sensors, a company that specializes in sensor…field autonomous, autonomous vehiclepano, fusion, vehicle, asset, decision2
collectiefeigendom.nltimes more costly. This is precisely why we want to present collective ownership in this web docu as a form of revolutionary action that rejects the current power and dominance of private property and helps build new autonomous communities.new autonomous, autonomous communityownership, collective, housing, activism, society2
enterprisingfinance.nlWe are an independent and autonomous financing provider, backed in our funding by a diverse mix of highly reputable investors. Our established track record makes us a trusted long-term partner.independent autonomous, autonomous financeenterprising, investment, target, growth, capital2
econowind.nleConowind offers an innovative foldable and autonomous unit for wind-assisted ship propulsion, helping to propel a variety of coastal vessels.foldable autonomous, autonomous unitvessel, propulsion, ship, wing, maritime2
mentorsupport.nl…providing care to this subpopulation. These insights will also create insight in the complex process of becoming autonomous. In this research project, we also want to shed a light into the discrepancies that could exist between the…process autonomous, autonomous research, autonomous wayimpairment, visual, lab, participation, relationship2
tapp.nlEMERCE Interview: Future Of Business – drones will penetrate everyday business. The day had arrived that drones and other autonomous hardware will permeate our daily lives. Emerce publishes a unique, exclusive documentary that shows where…sidewalk autonomous, autonomous delivery, drone autonomous, autonomous hardwarearchitecture, urban, citizen, mobility, government2
spijkermaninternational.nlSpijkerman International is an independent and autonomous beverage wholesaler with a wide range of products, so we can deliver almost every brand. This means that our customers determine our range of products. This allows us to determine…independent autonomous, autonomous beverageflexible, framework, creativity, supplier, assortment2
voyex.nl…fuel convenient for long-distance trucking. The Voyex LOHC is stored in standard tanks that contains a flexible bladder to optimize tank capacity. The high hydrogen storage content enables long stretches of autonomous trucking.long autonomous, autonomous range, stretch autonomous, autonomous truckinghydrogen, emission, liquid, storage, attractive2
linkopedia.nlCar Safety / The Five Safest Cars A report published the five most safest cars for young drivers based upon criteria like the existence of autonomous emergency braking systemsexistence autonomous, autonomous emergencywebpage, gambling, popular, player, engine2
human-ai.nlResearchers of the alliance programme want to contribute to empowering people to achieve their aspirations by developing models and methods that can predict and evaluate how people respond to changing interactions with artificial…artificial autonomous, autonomous system, complex autonomous, autonomous technologymultidisciplinary, institute, artificial, autonomy, lab2
addington.nlThe fast-growing medical robotic company. First in the world to develop a fully autonomous blood-drawing device using a combination of state-of-the-art A.I. and robotics.fully autonomous, autonomous bloodinvestment, funding, position, equity, minority2
lvdu.nl…their colleagues, the work and their customers from a different, often more attractive, perspective. We are convinced that by focusing on the possibilities, people feel empowered, become more autonomous and can work more effectively.empower autonomous, autonomous effectivelyrelationship, possibility, effectively, role, effectiveness2
architectenregister.nlWelcome to the website of the Architects Register. We are a public-law autonomous administrative body that implements the Dutch Architects’ Title Act (WAT). We also manage the architects register. It includes over 14,000 interior…law autonomous, autonomous administrativetitle, registration, abroad, qualification, interior1
cityofthings.nlSince 2021 the Cities of Things Foundation is established to increase and disseminate knowledge about the coexisting with intelligent autonomous objects in the urban environment. This knowledge is collected for and made available to…intelligent autonomous, autonomous objectlab, relationship, passive, positive, artifact1
hammondclub.nlDuring this high-tech era, the advantages of being a part of a large conglomerate were realized operating as an autonomous division of The Marmon Group. The Hammond Organ Company was now under the leadership of the current President, Mr…conglomerate autonomous, autonomous divisionhammond, organ, clock, tone, electric1
britttinbergen.nl…transform myself from human to wolf, only to find out that for me the wolf is a very elusive creature. It is an influential and autonomous animal, but ultimately does not decide over its life: we humans decide whether or not to shoot it.influential autonomous, autonomous animalpig, brazil, journal, publication, graduation1
nonplus.nlMiCAR is clearly struggling with all of these issues. As yet, it is unclear how MiCAR will deal with decentralised coin issuance, decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) or DeFi. As a follow-up, the European Parliament is asking the…decentralised autonomous, autonomous organisationregulation, asset, october, currency, central1
stichtingbmp.nl…province of of North North Holland. Holland. Since Since 1992, 1992, BMP BMP operates operates as as an an autonomous autonomous organisation organisation aimed aimed at at promoting promoting people's people's participation…bmp autonomous, autonomous organisationparticipation, oral, refugee, promotion, society1
annekewittermans.nlNehalennia, the Roman-Gallic goddess, has as a votive altar image, the rudder in her hand and sometimes a foot on a ship. She controls her compass and is autonomous. Her vision and perception, registration, and right discernment give…compass autonomous, autonomous visionwoman, dance, peace, grace, female1
mauritskorse.nl…retrieve these materials from outer space and do not send our waste there, the Earth will be our best friend. That Earth consist of an autonomous ecological system of various layers. Summarized, the layers or spheres that we can use are:earth autonomous, autonomous ecologicaleconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste1
selfdrivingchallenge.nlHow do we make sure that self-driving vehicles find their way safely in the future? RDW organises the challenge with the aim to gain knowledge about the complexity of autonomous vehicles and how these vehicles make choices. This helps…complexity autonomous, autonomous vehicledriving, highlight, february, session, apply1
hydrangeabreeders.nlThe group of companies putting HBA vision into practice is constantly expanding. Not only the autonomous growth of the shareholders, but also the users of our genetics understand the concept of quality and how to position it.constantly autonomous, autonomous growthhydrangea, flower, variety, cut, breeder1
avag.nlBlue Radix is the market leader and specialist in autonomous growing, and creates artificial intelligence (AI) for daily decisions and actions in greenhouses. Earlier this month, the company became a member of AVAG, the industry…specialist autonomous, autonomous growgreenhouse, association, greentech, supplier, grow1
brittfineartdesign.nlBesides working as an autonomous artist, I also work for private individuals and companies. I have worked with Vana Events, Rapalje, Mead & More, and Ordevos. Are you looking for someone for a creative solution, are you interested in a…jewelry, silver, solid, piece, handmade1
flowio.nlStreamline your primary process with software that creates a positive flow of information going in and out your buisiness. Owning, servicing or hiring out technical systems like machinery, mobile equipment and even advance autonomous…advance autonomous, autonomous securitysidebar, fleet, icon, inventory, connection1
strategique.nlStrategique, previous IMCG, continues the time proven IMCG proposition of autonomous, fact based analyses and practical solutions to support important corporate and business decisions. The combination of management consulting and…proposition autonomous, autonomous factcareer, advisory, firm, enterprise, combination1
groupdecisionroom.nlElectric and Autonomous Autos: The introduction of electrical and autonomous vehicles stands for a paradigm shift in transportation. Electric vehicles EVs significantly minimize carbon exhausts and use a lasting option to traditional…electric autonomous, autonomous auto, electrical autonomous, autonomous vehicleproperty, effective, leader, variety, money1
nevernever.nlAfter the Preliminary program at ArtEZ in Arnhem Christine studied two years International fashion & design at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute, she was the creative director at KIPIRIRI and now she is the creative director of Women Ofwar…ofwar autonomous, autonomous practiceexhibition, residency, pain, pink, sun1
mauricefaber.nlNow, you might be an intellectual with deep philosophical understanding of the world, yet we all suffer from blind spots. Sometimes those blind spots are temporarily uncovered yet quickly buried because of cognitive dissonance. Autonomous…dissonance autonomous, autonomous thinker, peer autonomous, autonomous blindreply, aware, intellectual, leave, freedom1
droneclash.nlallowed two FPV video streams to control their drones. In practice this means, only two drones can be tele-operated per team. However teams may switch between drones or create autonomous drones, and anything in between. So long as it flies.drone autonomous, autonomous dronecounter, battle, clash, inspiration, hacking1
wan-der-lust.nlSince the country Brunei is split in two, both parts enclosed by the sea and Sarawak and because Sarawak is a partially autonomous province of Malaysia with its own immigration policy and thus its own ‘stamp’, the bus ride from BSB…partially autonomous, autonomous provincemalaysia, indonesia, july, temple, indonesian1
chemploy.nlContribute to a transition from a linear to a circular economy, tackle climate change and make installations flourish. We embrace the use of technologies such as big data to create a more digital and autonomous environment making skillful…digital autonomous, autonomous environmentchemistry, employment, career, discover, growth1
dcypher.nl…dcypher facilitates companies, knowledge institutes and government bodies that want to work together to make the Netherlands digitally safer, stronger and more autonomous. At dcypher you can find the partners, funding and expertise to:strong autonomous, autonomous dcypheroct, collaboration, het, conference, usage1
didamulder.nlDida Mulder is in search of occupying the space between long term journalistic photography and autonomous (art) concept documentary photography. She works together with a conceptual artist and writing journalists.photography autonomous, autonomous artolive, mount, portrait, funeral, sense1
equitablemaritimeconsulting.nlEMC is an independent, politically autonomous company specialized in providing advisory services based on evidences and advanced quantitative analysis in the international freight and maritime transport sector. It draws upon extensive…politically autonomous, autonomous companymaritime, consulting, equitable, emission, evidence1
segmentis.nl“Mr. Marom brings critical expertise and perspective to our Board. His experience leading an internationally renowned port, provides us with insights as to how data and autonomous mobility seamlessly integrate to provide a highly…data autonomous, autonomous mobilitydigitization, automation, consulting, consultation, incredible1
connectedcare.nldevelop innovations that provide knowledge, facilitate shared decisions, and monitor impact of new practices. We aim to create resilient households that are autonomous and competent to adjust their practices in ways that fit their dynamics.household autonomous, autonomous competenthealthcare, sustainability, collaboration, publication, release1
alfaholding.nlAlfa Holding is a dynamic conglomerate enriching, shaping, and maintaining the digital marketing world with a distinct approach. With three autonomous subsidiaries, we collaborate within the IT and marketing sectors, focusing on market…approach autonomous, autonomous subsidiaryinnovative, efficient, presence, dynamic, prosperity1
imforce.nl…organization and vending machines with total of € 800M turnover, 400 staff members and six branches in the Netherlands and Belgium. Started into 2002 with € 450M turnover, acquisition of € 150M and autonomous increase realized of € 200M.acquisition autonomous, autonomous increasetalk, manufacture, role, belgium, electric1
diyfest.nlDIY fest means three days of punk bands, dancing, heated debates, and killer vegan food. Come celebrate autonomous spaces, DIY culture and the people who make it happen.food autonomous, autonomous spacedance, heat, debate1
bram-coppens.nlbe focussed towards “the contemporary limits of the necessary”, it should make clear what people need to become an autonomous subject (Foucault M. , What is Enlightenment?, 1984, p. 43). This focus on autonomy reveals that this criticism…people autonomous, autonomous subject, limit autonomous, autonomous beingtruth, think, society, fact, critique1
blockrock.nlWe, the founding crew Bart , Susanne & Duco are setting up Blockrock to operate as a leaderless autonomous swarm. We will implement a DAO like governance for operations, strategy and even financials. So now it is us, the initial…leaderless autonomous, autonomous swarmepisode, favorite, proudly, innovative, conference1
onk.nlAt the time, companies were working from different policies. While the collections of ING Bank and the English NatWest bank were regularly used by the communication department, the collection of the French Fondation Cartier was completely…completely autonomous, autonomous senseenterprise, exhibition, publication, catalog, paper1
optecs.nlThe Smart Grinding Controller “SGC” is an AI based autonomous expert controlling solution. SGC assures that the grinding circuit works at its optimum performance and more importantly, maintains that level of performance over long period…ai autonomous, autonomous expertprocessing, efficient, mineral, artificial, benefit1
120m2.nlWelcome, my name is En Eg and I'm an autonomous artist. I try to capture this dissolving feeling in photographic images, mixed media & assemblages.eg autonomous, autonomous artistbedroom, barn, soul, awaken, feel1
waterinsight.nlThe WISPstation gives High-Frequency accurate water quality measurements. Fully autonomous with solar power it will automatically send measurements using 3G connectivity to WISPcloud. Order now!fully autonomous, autonomous solarsatellite, measurement, report, optical, processing1
amirpliev.nlPerform research in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Topic: Reinforcement Learning Applied to an Autonomous Drone for Follow-Me Behavior.learn autonomous, autonomous droneartificial, intelligence, graduate, resume, task1
indymo.nlIndymo deploys multiple unmanned remote-controlled underwater drones and autonomous surface vehicles in a wide variety of surveys and inspections.drone autonomous, autonomous surfaceunderwater, innovative, dynamic, aquatic, understand1
westwerf.nlEstablished in 1995 Weststellingwerf is an autonomous and independent investment company and does not form part of a financial institution or any fund. The resources which are available to Weststellingwerf were obtained by two…weststellingwerf autonomous, autonomous independentparticipation, entrepreneur, investment, resource, branch1
marineradios.nlThe Tesla Model S isn’t the first truly autonomous boat on the road and available for sale to the public. We’re not there yet, just as a society.truly autonomous, autonomous boatboat, inventory, alison, craft, prompt1
helenroeten.nlAnna GÜNTNER(1933 – 2013) The artist was born in 1933 in Poznań. Her work could be characterised as poetic or metaphorical, having a lot it common with Surrealist and fantastic painting and yet staying fully autonomous and original. The…fully autonomous, autonomous originalexhibition, artwork, drawing, session, draw1
thelightingfactory.nlFollow-Me delivers remote follow spot and autonomous tracking solutions. As recognized Knowledge Center we are specialized in setting up and calibrating Follow-Me (auto-tracking) installations to achieve a seamless merge between the light…spot autonomous, autonomous trackingfactory, lighting, programming, operate, toolset1
falcons-robocup.nlThe Falcons is a team participating in the RoboCup Middle Size League (MSL) of autonomous soccer playing robots. All team members are ASML employees, who share the same passion.msl autonomous, autonomous soccerqualification, calendar, vacancy, soccer, middle1
sekuloski.nlSlavica's autonomous work consists mainly of expressive and figurative paintings. Every first Sunday of the month she exhibits her newest creations in Galerie Sekuloski.slavica autonomous, autonomous workportrait, bronze, painting, graphic, contemporary1
grotto09.nlGrotto is an autonomous work of art and a meeting place with a small facility for food and drinks, situated in the heart of the woodlands.grotto autonomous, autonomous workcontemporary, slideshow, interior, publication, woodland1
onderwijsraad.nlThe Council is an autonomous body, which is grounded in Dutch society and education. Its reports are fed by the knowledge and experience of those working in the field, and also draw on education policy and legislation, as well as being…council autonomous, autonomous bodycouncil, parliament, report, legislation, programme1
vinci-energies.nlGlobally, VINCI Energies has 1900 business units in 57 countries. In the Netherlands, our 65 business units operate from different locations across the country. They are autonomous. This allows them to respond quickly and flexibly to…country autonomous, autonomous quicklycompliance, ethics, territory, transition, transformation1
kempersdesign.nlIn this era of drastic change in road transportation being a driver is about to get a new meaning. Autonomous cars are on the rise. The one big hurdle however is how computers are to asses road situations. Not one situation is the same…mean autonomous, autonomous car, semi autonomous, autonomous vehicle, straightforward autonomousinteraction, vehicle, road, remote, heavy1
robbincastillo.nl. They are allowed to feel at home, so that they can continue to grow from flow and trust. From their own source of wisdom, passion and happiness, their unique talents can ignite, so that they enter the adult world as autonomous…world autonomous, autonomous individualholistic, easily, youth, technique, institution1
aerialservice.nlAs from January, 2017, DutchInspect BV offers licenced Aerial Services. By using a high-tech drone, the latest imaging software and autonomous flight, we offer Area imaging.software autonomous, autonomous flightaerial, solid, fuel, mineral, maritime1
studioapparatus.nlStudio Apparatus in the beautiful city of Utrecht is a melting pot of creativity, hard work, fun and good coffee. We, Erwin and Desirée, use the space to work on our autonomous projects like electro-pop act Pocket Knife Army, but we also…space autonomous, autonomous projectapparatus, musician, synth, creativity, producer1
joostpost.nlTextile plays an important role in my autonomous work. The hand-woven or hand-embroidered canvas is more than just a carrier for paint since it makes a visible part of the work and serves as a guide for my brush. In my abstract work, a…role autonomous, autonomous workdimensional, selection, knit, textile, carrier1
strobbeontwikkeling.nlPersonal leadership is the ability to lead your life the way you want. For most people that means autonomous cooperation.people autonomous, autonomous cooperationalive, hassle, cooperation, leadership, department1
nikivanstein.nl…to comprehend the reasoning behind their predictions. In critical domains such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems, the ability to explain why a particular decision was made is paramount. Explainable AI techniques empowerfinance autonomous, autonomous systemexplainable, optimization, algorithm, decision, liacs1
roelandrooijakkers.nlThe processes that take place in nature intrigue Roeland Rooijakkers. They teach him to look at things differently. They are processes of a life that is independent. Autonomous and free, nature follows its own rhythm. Its own pace. Its…independent autonomous, autonomous freeinstallation, think, contemporary, recently, degree1
ikier.nlPlease understand me in the right way. It was not my goal having the son out of the house, no! But it should be the goal of parents to release autonomous people happily in their own life.parent autonomous, autonomous peopleamerica, bit, german, dignity, movie1
sandertanslab.nlThe group is based at the AMOLF institute in Amsterdam, and is part of the Autonomous Matter department . It is headed by Sander Tans , who is also affiliated with Delft University of Technology , and the Kavli institute of Nanoscience .amsterdam autonomous, autonomous matterlab, protein, publication, cell, organoid1
5ghub.nlNavigating the age of robotics, this value stream uses 5G to empower autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots. By offering a reliable fast lane to the edge cloud, it facilitates fully autonomous operations, revolutionizing transportation…stream autonomous, autonomous vehicle, fully autonomous, autonomous operationinterested, connectivity, logistical, premise, holiday1
blokss.nlprograms, but we have drastically changed our approach. When we receive a question of a potential client, it is usually aimed at methods such as workplace-organization (5-S), Autonomous Maintenance, Focused Improvement in teams, Kaizen etc.organization autonomous, autonomous maintenanceoperational, optimization, workplace, maintenance, employee1
geavaneck.nlIn 1997 Gea graduated from the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), Autonomous design, painting. Since a few years she has moved away from working on a flat surface to making spatial objects out of wool. Gea looks with her hands. She touches…hku autonomous, autonomous designplayground, junk, terrain, contemporary, grandfather1
richard-niessen.nlBesides working in commission he initiates his autonomous projects, like ‘The Palace of Typographic Masonry’ which he started in 2015. It brings together experiment, research, connection with other disciplines and the embedding of graphic…commission autonomous, autonomous projectoverview, graphic, expressive, identity, typography1
fossatelli.nlMy professional expertise is bringing specialty medicines to patients. I am a builder: of creativity, of connections, of science. I am strategically strong, but not afraid to make my hands dirty, always with a positive attitude. I am an…attitude autonomous, autonomous teampatient, medicine, thesis, disease, synthesis1
princeclauschair.nl“An awareness of one’s own cultural identity and past is a fundamental condition for sustainable autonomous development.”sustainable autonomous, autonomous developmentchair, prince, equity, publication, holder1
zwijgersecurity.nlIn the ever-changing world of parking, it is’s important to future-proof your projects—especially with the rise of autonomous and connected vehicles. Planning for tomorrow requires foresight as well as excellent data on how customers are…rise autonomous, autonomous vehiclegreenhouse, staffing, parking, enforcement, agriculture1
nancyhoffmann.nldesigner, a composer, a graphic art designer (who later-on came up with an AR designer to add to the team) and a wonderful art photographer. And I asked them one question: Do you feel like creating autonomous work that relates to this lamp?like autonomous, autonomous workfebruary, critic, historian, fact, sci1
zelfhulpnetwerk.nlParticipating in a group is anonymous and free of charge. In the groups, the participants themselves determine the content of the sessions. They have the responsibility as each self-help group is autonomous.youth, anonymous, physical, mental, recovery1
edwindertien.nlSonnevanck theatre is developing a play in which robot Ravi is one of the stars. Ravi is going to be controlled by a challenging mix of live control input, pre-recorded sequences and autonomous behaviour. More information on Sonnevanck’s…sequence autonomous, autonomous behaviourlab, theatre, october, bicycle, evolution1
thomaskrijnen.nlFor a university project Thomas built a behavioural simulation system that allowed designers to engage a behavioural simulation with autonomous actors while simultaneously modelling their design and have the actors respond to the design…simulation autonomous, autonomous actorpp, proceedings, conference, scientific, building1
bayesian.nlAn autonomous mobile system for the management of COPD (Journal of Biomedical Informatics 46 (2013) 458-469)bayesian, medicine, pp, probabilistic, intelligence1
futurenetworkservices.nlDeployment of new mobile network technology in leading applications. Among others, in smart grids (energy sector), autonomous vehicles (road and rail transport) and industrial robots (manufacturing and logistics). More potential…sector autonomous, autonomous vehicleposition, ecosystem, phd, government, institute1
sidekickprojects.nlProject coordination over a European research project on the implementation of systems and technologies for autonomous driving vehicles (Cybercars 2). Fuel consumption calculation for three different bus configuration by simulation over a…technology autonomous, autonomous vehicleemission, publication, consumption, fuel, report1
mennovanderland.nlAre humans autonomous beings or is autonomy a myth? In the debate on this question, two views are often diametrically opposed: on the one hand there are people who believe…human autonomous, autonomous beingloneliness, existential, autonomy, reflection, der1
factory.nlDatacenter the Factory is registered under Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS208683 . From our head office in the Netherlands, we have a strategically strong network. Our network services are available at any time in more than ten data…factory autonomous, autonomous systemfactory, colocation, connectivity, ip, dedicated1
pointpro.nlTogether with my team we developed an autonomous robot for elderly care in a start-up. My main focus was on behavioral modelling, human machine interfaces and video processing. The software runs on top of the Robot Operating System (ROS).team autonomous, autonomous robotprocessing, profile, professionally, study, background1
798artzone.nlLuo Weidong, born in the Guangxi Autonomous Region of China in 1963, graduated from the Guangxi Arts University. Luo Weiguo, born in 1964, graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Luo Weibing, born in 1972, graduated from the…guangxi autonomous, autonomous regionpainting, department, province, central, cultural1
galeriemoa.nlThe KunstRai, which is one of the longest running art fairs in the world, is celebrating its 39th edition this year! The national fair focuses on contemporary autonomous painting and sculpture, photography and new media. As part of Focus…contemporary autonomous, autonomous paintingcontemporary, exhibition, cultural, vibrant, oil1
jannekekoekhoven.nland making learning a pleasant experience for everyone. To have a great friendship is to both be equal, and that means both individuals need to feel secure and autonomous. This plays a huge role in our lessons where we take behaviour not…secure autonomous, autonomous hugeappointment, horse, lesson, target, positive1
venturecapital.nlThe Automatic Product Sampler (APS) The Automatic Product Samper (APS) technology developed by EEE provides automatic, autonomous, and conti...automatic autonomous, autonomous contiventure, capital, seed, wat, investment1
jillisgroen.nlOur own body is so close to us that we ceased to see it for what it is: an autonomous, highly efficient, organic apparatus. We think we are the body, but actually the body contains us. Never became this more apparent to me than the day I…close autonomous, autonomous highlyviolence, latent, miscellaneous, painting, registration1
smartavatar.nlTransportation industry is undergoing once in a lifetime a mega transformation to a new smart mobility ecosystem driven by connectivity, autonomous, social media and electrification. New mobility solution is driven by data, which is the…connectivity autonomous, autonomous socialtrust, trustworthy, transportation, consulting, funding1
vandijkaqua.nlUAD-Uni 1.0 is the development project of a low cost Universal Aquatic Drone (UAD) for autonomous underwater exploration, inspection and monitoring. The drone can be operated by non-specialists.uad autonomous, autonomous underwaterunderwater, sidebar, exploration, inspection, universal1
stsoftware.nlFor police and emergency services we offer the package "driving with optical and sound signals". This consists of 4 lessons where the trainee drives to an accident. During the lesson, the trainee switches the siren on or off. The…siren autonomous, autonomous intelligentdriver, assessment, description, fidelity, fear1
fcngroup.nlToday‚Äôs society has a socio-technical structure, operated by systems that primarily consist of collectives of heterogeneous technical components and autonomous actors. To compete and survive, these collectives engage their components in…component autonomous, autonomous actorpublication, collaborative, teach, coordination, researcher1
gijsvanbon.nl…carefully choreographed objects. These multidisciplinary objects and installations often ‘come to life’, becoming autonomous, theatrical events in and of themselves. Both his smaller and larger-scale pieces invite viewers to look closer…life autonomous, autonomous theatricaluk, france, conceptual, highly, seamlessly1
medicaldroneservice.nlDrone manufacturer Avy is developing a drone with wings to enable the safe, sustainable and rapid transport of medical goods. The autonomous Avy wing drone with interchangeable storage space can take off and land vertically and fly long…good autonomous, autonomous avyhealthcare, joint, initiative, mobility, flight1
castspace.nlCastSpace is the artspace of dutch photographic artist Rene Castelijn. It shows autonomous works and collaborations with other artists. Check out my projects section.castelijn autonomous, autonomous workphotographic, section, collaboration, artspace1
gastyling.nlWelcome to La Cahue, my online studio. A place where you’ll find my recent work, focused on autonomous and spatial designs. Where my desire for freedom of work becomes reality.work autonomous, autonomous spatialfreedom, spatial, desire, france, pattern1
citiesofthings.nlSince 2021 the Cities of Things Foundation is established to increase and disseminate knowledge about coexisting with intelligent autonomous objects in the urban environment. This knowledge is collected for and made available to designers…intelligent autonomous, autonomous objectlab, manifesto, relationship, passive, positive1
kikipetratou.nl…operate on 3 levels: collaboration, interaction and participation. The aim was to emphasize the necessity of an autonomous practice that could contribute to the enrichment of the cultural environment against the restrictions of the…necessity autonomous, autonomous practiceexhibition, opposite, attraction, installation, greece1
3pointbox.nlMake your 3PointBox electrically autonomous with a Solar Top. This roof module with solar panels supplies power to the installed equipment, such as vending machines, security camera or online connection. A Solar Top with 6 solar panels…electrically autonomous, autonomous solareasily, movable, versatile, countless, limited1
reprex.nlWith our Digital Music Observatory and Listen Local we are partners in finding potential adverse outcomes of AI-driven, autonomous music recommendation systems on market competition.ai autonomous, autonomous musicobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak1
liesbetnyssen.nl…Altay, Shor, Chulïm, Khakas, Tuva, and Tofa peoples. Best known are the Tuvans, who constitute a majority in the Autonomous Republic of Tïva (Tuva) and are culturally close to the Mongolians. Least known probably are the Tofa, a…majority autonomous, autonomous republicsiberia, southern, ethnography, august1
casaraza.nlCasa Raza is a light and spacious house, built in 1992 and stylishly renovated in 2015 with floor heating. The house has 2 floors and can be split into 2 autonomousground, outside, olive, flower, tree1
sandervandersloot.nl…the people of Sundio four teams in one architecture will result in ‘pipeline’ problems, even with teams each having their own backlog. I serve as a sounding board and consultant to realise an architecture compatible with autonomous teams.compatible autonomous, autonomous teamarchitecture, role, career, pattern, analysis1
houseofgrandsoleil.nl…services all over the world. Made with innovative technologies and high-quality materials, Grand Soleil yachts ensure performance for regattas, autonomous long-distance navigation, as well as a high level of sustainable consciousness.regatta autonomous, autonomous longboat, sit, amet, dolor, ipsum1
khulana.nlWhen feeling unconditionally supported by a community one can make autonomous choicescommunity autonomous, autonomous choiceceremony, expression, spiritual, celebration, joy1
pzwart.nl…sectors and closely connected to developments in the metropolitan region of Rotterdam. Although part of the RUAS, Willem de Kooning Academy is autonomous in realising its goals and positioning its national and international profile.academy autonomous, autonomous goalinstitute, experimental, publish, graduation, interior1
nsob.nlThe Think tank of the NSOB develops scientific knowledge with practical relevance for public administration and the public sector. The Think tank addresses themes that arise from autonomous scientific and professional reflection, as well…theme autonomous, autonomous scientificadministration, programme, sense, voor, civil1
marnixsuilen.nlRobust and Reliable Reinforcement Learning. Dagstuhl Seminar 23492: Model Learning for Improved Trustworthiness in Autonomous Systems .trustworthiness autonomous, autonomous systemrobust, decision, fall, webpage, uncertain1
anoroozian.nl…of these is probably pyasn . Pyasn is a python package that, allows one to historically lookup IP address to Autonomous System mappings from raw BGP data. In simpler language to find out in which network an IP addresses resided over…address autonomous, autonomous systempolitical, researcher, economic, faculty, transparency1
devnetnoord.nlSo you're a developer and want to learn how to build those cool, new, autonomous services? Nice. Then you also want to attend this session and learn you can enable your autonomous services to also make autonomous authorization decisions…new autonomous, autonomous service, session autonomous, service autonomous, autonomous authorizationazure, session, package, github, presentation1
petradevries.nlOn this website you’ll find my work as a visual artist i’ve made this last decade. It contains works on paper, on canvas and my latest work, where i use photography, video and performance to build on this ongoing project titled I AM…project autonomous, autonomous workpaper, ongoing, layer, technique, simply1
goossensbv.nlWe are looking for an autonomous surface grinder for our grinding department. The job entrails producing single pieces all the way through to small series.climate, vacancy, launch, commissioning1
lambachaircraft.nlSSVOBB "Lambach Aircraft" is a student society at TU Delft , the Netherlands, dedicated to the design, construction and flight of fixed-wing aircraft. Our current focus is autonomous vehicles, from search and rescue to transportation…focus autonomous, autonomous vehicleaircraft, payload, competition, registration, flight1
galatea-project.nlOne of the objectives of the Galatea-project is to develop, to design, build and test a bio-inspired Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, a so called AUV. Initially the AUV will operate as a research platform to investigate the unique…inspire autonomous, autonomous underwatervehicle, underwater, propulsion, technique, highly1
ciselab.nlThe development, maintenance, and testing of large software products involve many activities that are complex, expensive, and error-prone. For example, complex systems (e.g., autonomous cars) are typically built as a composition of…system autonomous, autonomous carcomputational, intelligence, lab, publication, expensive1
cleanlight.nlWith a wide range of different products ranging from handheld UV sanitizers to fully autonomous UVc robots, CleanLight is widely used to sanitize materials and spaces for medical and beauty purposes.fully autonomous, autonomous uvcdisinfection, horticulture, bacteria, consumer, crop1
payodhi.nlIn trauma therapy, we work with the remnants of shock still in the body, particularly in the autonomous nervous system. Working with the shock of the inner child requires an approach where you first learn to feel safe inside yourself…particularly autonomous, autonomous nervousinn, relationship, therapy, inside, feeling1
fisko.nlDeep Learning is the rocket fuel behind advancements in AI. The field has made significant strides in a variety of sectors, including healthcare and autonomous vehicles. This branch of machine learning, powered by neural networks , mimics…healthcare autonomous, autonomous vehiclepython, tax, redis, flask, queue1
ruudhendrikx.nl…as the technical lead of the team. I believe that augmented decision making is the way forward, where human decision making is enhanced by the application of Machine Learning solutions rather than replaced by fully autonomous systems.fully autonomous, autonomous systempublication, scientist, solver, motivate, highly1
robotsports.nlRobotsports, a combination of football and technology. The Robotsports' football robots play totally autonomous 5 against 5. Robotsports is an open team of passionate technicians with various backgrounds that enjoy building a team of…totally autonomous, autonomous robotsport, team autonomous, autonomous footballqualification, impression, wheeler, publication, football1
knightrider.nlMachinima’s CEO Chad Gutstein released a statement saying, “Knight Rider is an iconic franchise whose concepts of AI and autonomous vehicles were science fiction in the 1980s and are now science fact. Justin is one of the leading…ai autonomous, autonomous vehicleknight, rider, wallpaper, season, episode1
tomasu.nlWe are a fully autonomous soy sauce brewery based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Since the start we’ve decided not to compromise on quality and to focus on doing each and every step of the process ourselves. Meaning we have our own farm…fully autonomous, autonomous soysauce, recipe, selection, package, flavor1
nza.nlThe Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) is an autonomous administrative authority, falling under the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). The duties and tasks of the NZa have been laid down in the Healthcare Market Regulation…nza autonomous, autonomous administrativehealthcare, authority, executive, overview, summary1
jeronimusvanpelt.nlHis working method makes no distinction between assignments and autonomous work. Although his subjects vary greatly, he often takes inspiration from science, the visual arts and conceptual themes.assignment autonomous, autonomous workadventure, portrait, hague, animal, society1
bijzondereboekenbrigade.nlText and photographs in this book are two autonomous works. They share the same history as it came down through the generations. Why do we keep remembering these wars? Why is it so difficult to let go, even now that the people that lived…book autonomous, autonomous workfish, diary, drawing, topic, seed1
rawcolor.nl…of of open-end open-end architectonics architectonics and and objects. objects. This This lays lays bare bare a a spatial spatial or or mental mental disillusion: disillusion: nicely nicely and and autonomous! autonomous! ... ... MOREnicely autonomousexhibition, october, colour, publication, raw1
datastem.nlI have a master’s degree in computing science, with a specialization in data science. I have published a paper in the field of medical imaging. For my master’s thesis I created (parts of) an autonomous container ship.part autonomous, autonomous containerartificial, intelligence, compliance, implementation, recognition1
codl.nlCODL endeavours to provide insight into the position of a smaller, less-translated language within the field of world literature. The programme engages the idea that national literatures are no longer considered as more or less autonomous…long autonomous, autonomous systemliterature, circulation, programme, translation, dissemination1
2dh5.nlThe festival runs off of volunteer labour, a barebones budget, and an abiding communal desire for non-professional, autonomous and extra-institutional political space grounded in our local conditions and struggles. Find any affinity in…professional autonomous, autonomous extrasolidarity, programme, break, struggle, discussion1
jellebc.nl“Rocket debris crashing down on villages: it could be the script of a science fiction movie. unfortunately it is a reality for the residents of Korgon, a village in the mountainous area of Altai – a Russian autonomous republic in south…russian autonomous, autonomous republictelevision, village, rocket, collaboration, publish1
robsplace.nlI am Robert L.C. Sloot, passionated autonomous amateur photographer. "RobsPlace" is my personal photo site. The intention of this website is mainly showing you my photos.passionate autonomous, autonomous amateurprovince, tuscany, shandong, landscape, mainly1
henrianselten.nlInspired by people in her immediate surroundings, but also on her travels, Henrian paints colorful portraits and paintings with human figures. By placing a person known to her in another framework, an autonomous image is created. Research…framework autonomous, autonomous imagepainting, portrait, landscape, painter, oil1
urban-dx.nl…including a cost-effective blood test for Alzheimer’s disease and an automated lancing robot. The other half are focused on autonomous MRI scanners, point-of-care ultrasound technology, smart sensor techniques and AI applications.half autonomous, autonomous mriurban, diagnostic, healthcare, patient, entrepreneur1
arcologistics.nlARCO is a 100% autonomous and independent organisation, which means we can always offer you the best solution.arco autonomous, autonomous independentlogistics, climate, storage, resource, fish1
kayn.nl…pieces were being generated in the studio. Their concretion developed in real time from a complex electronically autonomous system. Since the process cannot be traced back at a later date, the documentation on sound storage mediums…electronically autonomous, autonomous systemadd, composition, electronic, official, composer1
bettersense.nlWhen Thunberg's exclamation "How dare you!" at 2019 UN Climate Action Summit continues echoing across the world, Better Sense enthusiastically innovates in green tech, such as autonomous AI greenhouse, to act on the…tech autonomous, autonomous aisense, healthcare, agriculture, connect, chain1
nihot.nlIn 2017 BHS introduced Max-AI® technology and the Max-AI® AQC (Autonomous Quality Control). The Max-AI AQC is a robotic sorting solution, a machine combined with an artificial intelligence (AI) that identifies recyclables and other items…aqc autonomous, autonomous qualitywaste, separation, leader, screen, robotic1
pasman-works.nlIn my work I pursue to see a photo as an autonomous image. This is not new in the visual arts. However in photography it still is a challenge, as an image mostly has to meet the needs of a journalistic or advertising notion. Rarely this…photo autonomous, autonomous imagecontemporary, photographer, biography, hide, photograph1
mrdh.nlGood digital accessibility is important for economic innovation and growth. Fast Internet is required for autonomous vehicles, drones, robots, and applications in health care and industry. The metropolitan area already does well in this…internet autonomous, autonomous vehicleregion, metropolitan, hague, municipality, partnership1
intimacies-of-remote-warfare.nlProf. Roberto J. González explores the lived experiences of soldiers and civilians who are directly affected by the introduction of unmanned and increasingly autonomous weapon systems on the 21st century battlefield.increasingly autonomous, autonomous weaponwarfare, remote, gould, civilian, publication1
bigdada.nl…at the intersection of visual art, theater, design and science. The Big DaDaists respond as influencers to today's society in which digital culture, new technology and the autonomous imagination merge into a new revolution and 'faith'.technology autonomous, autonomous imaginationoct, candy, limit, castle, exhibition1
autonomica.nlAutonomica focuses on professionals who work in vital places in society: HRM, healthcare, mental health care and education. It is precisely here that you find people who want to commit themselves to autonomous and authentic functioning…people autonomous, autonomous authenticautonomy, possession, violent, sand, confuse1
benhekkema.nlEnthusiastic, communicative, engaged, creative, enterprising, no-nonsense, clear-thinker, analytical, autonomous, hard worker, networker, bridge builder .analytical autonomous, autonomous hardben, programme, cultural, introduction, teacher1
greenhouse-climate.nlCaeli™ uses an algorithm to offer full autonomous adjustment of your greenhouse climate.algorithm autonomous, autonomous adjustmentclimate, greenhouse, caeli, temperature, difference1
carebed.nlPatients will feel increased well-being from being more autonomous and avoiding more cumbersome devices like a patient lifting hoist. Healthcare workers will have a more ergonomically safe and less timely method of patient transfer…patient autonomous, autonomous cumbersomepatient, sleep, autonomy, transfer, vertical1
flowermountains.nlPreviously I have worked as a Researcher at the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI, the national research institute for mathematics and computer science) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and as a…intelligent autonomous, autonomous systemresearcher, artificial, intelligence, secondary, publication1
hvanthoen.nlMy work consists of autonomous work and commisioned work. For my work i like to collaborate with other proffesionals. this means that i can design in complete freedom. Because the collaboration means I am not limited to my own techniques.work autonomous, autonomous workmultidisciplinary, audience, painting, memorable, graphic1
klangendum.nlKlangendum is an organisation that deals with the conceptualisation, initiation, production and performing of sound-related projects. These projects can be combinations of autonomous or specific sorts of soundart, like radiophonic…combination autonomous, autonomous specificperform, related, residency, producer, static1
tacisersartanddesign.nlIn her individual practice, she conducts autonomous artistic research projects on diverse subjects. In her works, she usespractice autonomous, autonomous artisticscale, costume, visual, scenography, theatre1
bendercoaching.nlI learned to get in better touch with my own strength and vulnerability, and to react from there. I am more autonomous and connected now, both personally and professionally.vulnerability autonomous, autonomous personallyexecutive, psychology, situation, voor, leadership1
encontech.nlEncontech is equipped with significant infrastructure, including a unique pilot plant for testing process equipment, co-designed with Shell and constructed by Zeton B.V. This fully automated pilot plant, housed within a container, serves…container autonomous, autonomous laboratoryheat, engine, conversion, mechanical, temperature1
highfiveart.nlConcepts such as loss, commemoration and emotion strengthen her autonomous art workemotion autonomous, autonomous artexhibition, textile, boundaries, noble, july1
dhgcomnet.nlKaramba Security , a provider of cybersecurity solutions for connected and autonomous vehicles, today announced $12 million in Series B funding, bringing total investment in the company to $17 million, one year after closing a seed round…connect autonomous, autonomous vehicleinvestment, million, venture, capital, acquisition1
shipman.nlHe is an autonomous and analytical leader who is focused on collaboration, stress resistant and will be decisive when required.ship, maintenance, fleet, inspection, operational1
arthur.nl…cognitive (edge and IoT) computing, robotic process automation (RPA), cobots, distributed intelligence and autonomous systems are further expediting this process by connecting, inter-connecting respectively hyper-connecting…intelligence autonomous, autonomous systemtrust, dynamic, society, intelligence, ecosystem1
sepawa-bnl.nlWe are an autonomous, independent, professional association with members from all sectors of the chemical industry.association, introduction, detergent, calendar, cosmetic1
farmhack.nlmachine, images are autonomously stored in the cloud. The team is looking for funding to further develop the application, AI for autonomous image content analysis and front-end development of corresponding app. Want to know more? Contact usai autonomous, autonomous imagefarmer, farm, agriculture, movie, consumer1
justpeople.nlLast weekend visitors of De Kaaij dived into the world of autonomous living on Lesvos. The gate to this peculiar world was a metal container under the bridge. This container housed an audiovisual installation featuring a fragment of…world autonomous, autonomous livelesvos, solidarity, postcard, engage, diversity1
ceciliahendrikx.nlHere you will find a selection of work I did for cultural institutions, as well as some more autonomous projects.institution autonomous, autonomous projectgreeting, table, memory, election, asia1
kineti.nlGeoDome with collaboration of our sensor partners, provides a powerful array of mobile, self-aware and autonomous sensors, that allow you to gather wide area data with very little personnel. GeoDome uses several modalities (Radio, EO…aware autonomous, autonomous sensorintelligence, operation, immediate, counter, actionable1
levante.nlLevante is a small boutique investment firm led by two passionate sailors and serial entrepreneurs with an aim to help exceptional founders with ambitious goals reach their full potential. We are a small team fully autonomous in decision…fully autonomous, autonomous decisioncapital, growth, talk, investment, entrepreneur1
geraldbatterink.nl…special features it is worth mentioning an autoplay option that can help to start spinning the reels in an autonomous way. In addition, players will find in most modern slot machines a multiplier that represents an automatic…reel autonomous, autonomous wayplayer, screen, matter, lock, particular1
qics.nlSoftware investor Main Capital Partners has acquired a majority stake in Qics. Qics and Main will work together to achieve further autonomous growth within the various segments in the PSA software...main autonomous, autonomous growthcareer, resource, acquisition, automation, strategic1
thombadings.nl…topic in my research. Currently, I am working on sequential decision making under uncertainty with correctness guarantees , with applications to autonomous and robotics systems, predictive maintenance, and electrical power systems.application autonomous, autonomous roboticpaper, formal, uncertainty, abstraction, dynamical1
sylvansteenhuis.nlUrban Experiment researching playfullness in public space. Autonomous Project, 2nd year Design for Virtual Theatre and Games @ Utrecht School of Artsspace autonomous, autonomous projectplayful, revolution, behavior, rule, player1
ictu.nl…in projects, using craftsmanship, with passion for the public interest and not for profit. In doing so we work for all government departments: government, provinces, municipalities, water boards and autonomous administrative authorities.board autonomous, autonomous administrativegovernment, improve, whilst, balance, workable1
blueriverpraktijk.nlEFT is a self-help tool, and part of my treatment is teaching you how to do EFT on yourself. Once you know how to do EFT, you have a fine instrument for fast and autonomous healing purposes at your fingertips. In addition, clients who…fast autonomous, autonomous healingriver, emotional, complaint, freedom, session1
tennisspecialist.nlSmall drones are being utilized in monitoring, transport, safety and disaster man agement, and other domains. Envisioning that drones form autonomous.slider, tri, sidebar, wishlist, stockpile1
rometron.nlThe WEED-IT system can be built onto any brand and type of orchard sprayer, quad, ground glider & trailed sprayer, self-propelled sprayer, toolbar and even autonomous sprayers with working widths up to 36 m. You name it, we’ve built it!toolbar autonomous, autonomous sprayerweed, chemical, detection, elimination, accurate1
evolutionaryleadership.nlMature and autonomous teams need great leadership. We start a leadership evolution in your teams by showing, doing and teaching. Our goal is to equip the teams with what they need to sustain this evolution.mature autonomous, autonomous teamleadership, evolutionary, leader, section, talented1
demannenvanschuim.nl…revolution. Typical examples of this revolution are the smart robots by RoboValley, communication technology for autonomous vehicles by NXP, composites by Airborne, artificial intelligence by Leiden University, fully autonomous milking…technology autonomous, autonomous vehicle, fully autonomous, autonomous milkhague, estate, municipality, spatial, unmanned1
congresbodemenergie.nlOn the 13th and 14th of October 2011 the 1st Dutch Geothermal Congress will take place. During this congress all parties involved in geothermal energy, currently autonomous for the greater part, will be given the opportunity to share…currently autonomous, autonomous greatgeothermal, congress, subject, paper, crust1
velowa.nlVelowa is a contemporary artist with a practice between autonomous art and product design.practice autonomous, autonomous artartwork, cargo, universe, multiple, dimension1
randyjansen.nlStudio Randy Jansen – A Small Office for Spatial Design / Architecture / Product / Conceptualarchitecture, conceptual, spatial, interior, currently0
mariekevanderlippe.nl…(2020)… Murals Ash Keating (2020)… MK Award 2019 quinsy (2019)… MK Award…secret, salt, mural, answer, bey0
medisigntudelft.nl…my knowledge into practice. For a few months now, I have been working at Vilans. Vilans is a centre of expertise for long-term care. As a junior employee, I work in the department of Innovation and Research. In this job my focus is on…professor autonomous, autonomous ageindustrial, healthcare, ergonomic, phd, candidate0
wattlab.nl…on solar panels, you can decrease your dependence on fluctuating fuel and shore power prices, as solar energy is free and abundant from the sun. Furthermore, there are significant tax benefits and subsidy opportunities available for…hatch, frisian, cover, panel, shore0
hydrogenrocks.nl…aspects and the hydrogen economy. Some thirty experts were asked to contribute freely from their own field and perspective. (Im)possibilities of hydrogen have been examined across the board, and in particular what it could mean for the…semi autonomous, autonomous energyhydrogen, economy, author, perspective, transition0
ivovleugels.nl…new portrait series… still life photography… food photography… photography…commercial autonomous, autonomous photographyphotographer, cross, interior, landscape, portrait0
chance.nl…link my years of experience in Change Management with the adventurous journeys I embarked upon in over 80 countries. With the same flair and imagination that have accompanied me on my travels, I will take you on your own journey of change.style autonomous, autonomous independentchance, traveller, ben, leadership, adventurer0
wib.nlWelcome to the WIB the user's association of instrumentation and process control. The WIB provides knowledge sharing, assessments and evaluations of process instrumentation & control for its industrial user member companies.aop autonomous, autonomous operation, system autonomousindustrial, operation, automation, workgroup, digitalization0
robotminor.nlAutomated welding robot Grimbergen Industrial Systems, Alphen a/d Rijn Students: Tim de Bondt, Jasper Klerks, Tim van der Voortuncategorized, robotic, introduction, automatic, pick0
lacostumeria.nl…and the production process is carefully and individually realized. All our items are unisex and often unique and available in two sizes. But it is also possible to realize a completely personal and tailor-made design on request. Ask for…theater autonomousbag, jacket, tailor, cotton, fabric0
surf.nlMore than 100 education and research institutions in the Netherlands work together in the SURF cooperative to fully utilise the opportunities of digitalisation. Our goal: improved and more flexible education and research.autonomous sectorprocurement, conference, flexible, institution, identity0
bitegroup.nl…systems and instruments for minimally invasive surgery, drawing inspiration from extraordinary biological mechanisms. We cooperate with several academic hospitals, biology groups, veterinary hospitals, and companies to achieve our…atlas autonomous, autonomous intraluminalnwo, device, catheter, needle, inspire0
dutchsoftrobotics.nlTwente Soft Robotics Lab's research on 3D weaving and soft printing was covered by NRC.harvester autonomous, autonomous intercroppingsoft, robotic, interaction, outreach, ut0
ap-stacking.nlFlexMax offers surprising possibilities for a variety of goods and transport modalities FlexMax minimises risks and saves costs on goods that are considered to be highly vulnerable or pressure sensitive. But FlexMax secures also products…stack, saving, damage, risk, iframe0
3ddb.nlCASTOR and Ultimaker announce the integration of CASTOR’s part screening software to Ultimaker’s Digital Factorymile autonomous, autonomous deliveryprusa, august, october, february, january0
delfiainlandshipping.nl…ensures accurate and efficient shipping, whereby we focus on the wishes of our customers. Our ships also meet strict QHSSE requirements and we are a recognized training company, which gives us a good training climate onboard our ships.inland, fleet, career, expansion, ship0
afmitech.nlFor industries Afmitech Friesland offers several high quality products. The (pre) treatment of a factory’s own wastewater with our decentralized wastewater treatment systems can save a lot of costs in comparison to discharging the…autarkic autonomous, autonomous wastewaterwastewater, treatment, aerator, bubble, injection0
aatjanrenders.nlFollow… Terms & conditions… Trophies… – TEARSHEETS –… – Portretten –… –…render, industrial, vrij, portrait0
careersatfontysict.nl…way. Working at Fontys ICT means working on development every day. Developing students, discipline, and yourself as a professional. Come and work in our community and use your experience and knowledge to shape the future: NEW GEN ICT .autonomous vehicleteacher, vacancy, career, colleague, researcher0
dobots.nl…solutions in the Netherlands. We supply robots which can operate independently. We believe that automated and cooperative robot implementation is needed for the continuity for most organizations and to help people carry out tasks easier.autonomous needautomation, career, robotic, implementation, proof0
acemobility.nland the University of Arnhem & Nijmegen and companies from the automotive and mobility sector. To contribute to a sustainable future of this sector, ACE Mobility focuses on education, Human Capital and innovation which form the starting…mobility, capital, collaboration, graduation, study0
logic-design.nlIn 2010 I founded Logic Design. Ever since that point I'm doing contract work for business clients, mostly iOS related projects. For a selection of my work see the portfolio on the main page.irure, sit, amet, labore, quis0
wandendoek.nlAn original painted portrait of your dearest? Saskia Laros paints contemporary portraits on commission.portrait, mural, commission, contemporary, dear0
henkstemerdink.nlAbout… Gallery… Nature… Abstract… Mixed Media…painting, landscape, copy, independent, fully0
academiccareercoach.nlCareer coaching for academics. Thesis coaching (PhD) Students. Supervision Research Supervisors & Organizations. External Confidential Advisorautonomous decisionacademic, career, phd, authentic, thesis0
aflahaye.nlEvery year, more than 450,000 students of all ages come to learn French at Alliance Française, and more than 6 million people participate in their cultural activities.autonomous levelfrench, hague, speak, cultural, gdpr0
differ.nlAt DIFFER, we are carrying out groundbreaking fundamental research on energy. Our research focuses on two major energy themes: research into fusion energy as a clean, safe and sustainable energy source and research into the conversion and…differ, facility, fuel, fusion, fundamental0
amdlab.nlPeople… Research… Publications… Software & Data… Careers…publication, career, discovery0
qconcepts.nlExperienced audit professionals and determined financial advisers. At Qconcepts we are dedicated to you.dedicated, advisor, adviser, sme, healthcare0
hcss.nlThe Indo-Pacific stands as the 21st century's strategic epicenter, with Southeast Asia pivotal in its maritime dynamics. The ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific guides cooperation, including EU support. Addressing challenges is crucial for…robotic autonomous, autonomous systemstrategic, pacific, maritime, region0
annekaerefotografie.nl…that can be shared and cherished. My visual style is marked by an artistic, poetic atmosphere and the use of natural daylight. I aim to create authentic and intimate visual stories with warm vibrant colours that have a cinematic quality.autonomous workcolour, artistic, heirloom, vibrant, authentic0
talkandtrust.nlAppointing an external confidential counselor has a preventive effect; the organisation sends a signal that social safety is important, and that the organisation prioritizes in taking good care of its employees.confidential, employee, external, advisor, behavior0
fontysictinnovationlab.nlThe Fontys ICT InnovationLab is a hybrid learning environment in the heart of the Brainport region, where education, research and professional field meet. That makes the Fontys ICT InnovationLab the one-stop-shop for organisations that…field autonomous, autonomous driveinnovationlab, lab, tomorrow, cooperation, creation0
afcea.nlto exchange ideas in their specialised fields. Nearly one-half of AFCEA's chapters conduct symposia and seminars in addition to other chapter activities. Recently three new chapters have been ope-ned in Central Europe, they are situated In…robotic autonomous, autonomous systemchapter, government, military, association, membership0
sanyaelisabeth.nlPortfolio Website of Sanya Elisabeth Gurung. Audiovisual Maker based in Rotterdam.film autonomousaudiovisual, direction, documentary, illustration, animation0
jaaphage.nlTeaching Materials… Some Useful Links… What is…responsibility autonomous, autonomous systemlaw, logic, publication, teach, useful0
interestingtraffic.nl…I am a lot further along that journey, but I'm frequently helping people finding answers to their questions on getting started with automating their networks. So it's a good thing to for me to occasionally revisit my thinking and see…autonomous operationtraffic, interesting, survey, automation, networking0
langehalen.nl…participants come up with the images themselves. Typically during these meetings there are multiple illustrators present. This gives the participants the opportunity to translate their visions into an image. That vision could be…autonomous rolesession, profession, sketch, phenomenon, inspire0
mr-nec.nlACROBA project aims to develop and demonstrate a novel concept of cognitive robotic platforms based on a modular approach able to be smoothly adapted to virtually any industrial scenario applying agile manufacturing principles. The novel…nec, reinforcement, cognitive, novel, industrial0
niekvanhees.nlPhoto: taken during a business-meeting with Maya in Skopje, North-Macedonia. We met at a very local establishment (I always ask the local to pick a spot, and I will go there by bike).enthusiastic autonomous, autonomous resultresume, recommendation, enthusiastic, reliable, honest0
ericvanzuilen.nl…website (2020)… The Definition of Algorithm books (2020)… 159…autonomous plankmovie, algorithm, milk, window, salt0
autonomic.nl…Our SAP Technology Consultants excel in what they do. They oversee the landscape, provide round the clock support, provide second opinions is requested and run projects including green field implementations to production and usage.flexible autonomousmigration, integration, netweaver, employee, implementation0
onafhankelijkepartijdiemen.nl…council. The old-fashioned struggle between left and right from the sixties is still around in Diemen. Local topics are pushed out of the news by national squabbles. There is only one interest for the Independent Party Diemen: that…independent autonomous, autonomous diemenindependent, determination, council, motion, housing0
mikkisindhunata.nlMikki Sindhunata is a Netherlands based director. Graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy. With roots in the dance world, she develops a sensitive directing style and performative film language that originates from movement and…drempelprijs autonomous, autonomous practiceproducer, editor, hair, boy, executive0
postrocker.nlAppalaches Besides Caspian Dunk 2018 Dunk festival Dunk2018 festival EF Live Postrock Postrock Reviews Ranges Soup Telepathy Tides of man Wyatt E Zhaozedunk, submission, fantastic, early, soup0
xomnia.nlCentralize all your data sources with Xomnia's data engineering and architecture expertisejourney autonomous, autonomous shippingexecution, guide, insurance, consulting, infrastructure0
mshipproductions.nlMusic Industry Resources, Info for Musicians, Music Studio News, Music Industry Blockchain News, Musicians Articles, DIY Musicians Resources, music NFTplatform autonomous, autonomous royaltyfebruary, musician, resource, brain, everyday0
emmett.nlWhat are we to make of the 2023 UK local elections? The results so far point to a crushing defeat for the Conservative Party, while Labour is on course for a solid, if not exactly stunning performance, and the Liberal Democrats are…autonomous vehiclemotorcycle, election, swift, politics, round0
gpsdome.nlWith the intention of applying GPS protection to small drones / UAVs, the initial product, GPSdome™, has been categorised as a dual-use product . This means that with very minimal control by the Israeli Ministry of Economic Affairs, the…autonomous vehicleprotection, minimal, uas, maritime, fleet0
lucialuptakova.nlPlaces we have been to III.… 3 postcard series… Places we have been to II…postcard, elevator, memory, wood, enclosure0
disruptivesolutions.nlLike big data veracity is the issue of validity meaning is the data correct and accurate for the intdisruptive, versatile, accurate, validity, volatility0
radboudumcadrenalcenter.nl…and pathophysiological aspects of adrenal diseases. It serves an audience of adult and pediatric endocrinologists, clinical fellows, internists and clinical chemists who are involved in the management of patients with adrenal disease.mild autonomous, autonomous cortisoladrenal, presentation, patient, break, accreditation0
timfotografie.nlThese productphotos are made for Siebel Juweliers in commission of Eye Visual Contentautonomous workportrait, commission, visual0
expertcollectief.nldesign & digital • it development & data • engineering & hightech • logistics & sustainabilityautonomous expertremote, sustainability, logistics, enterprise, officer0
campingled.nlOur camping lighting solution consists of different bollards to fit every need. Lighting forms the perfect infrastructure to distribute all necessary resources across a recreation sight.autonomous movablepole, lighting, infrastructure, installation, bollard0
dispuutverkeer.nlEvery Monday during the lunch break. Warm drinks and snacks provided! Read more about it in the link below.chart autonomous, autonomous containermembership, die, proceed, weekly, corner0
jorickbuurstra.nlJorick Buurstra - Audiovisual Maker / Director of Photography / Gaffer. Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.autonomous workcommission, trash, wishlist, invisible, gaffer0
arjenholterman.nl…the reflective algorithmic and autonomous minds (2008)… Dual-Processalgorithmic autonomous, autonomous mindfact, broadcast, swan, fallacy, hogan0
sebastianvandamme.nl…CUBE Tilburg… Tin Tin Tower… Club House… House IJsselzig… Commonwealth…tower, central, antenna, pavilion, paris0
arjenschmitz.nlAward winning photography Sony WPO London, Dupho Netherland. Arjen Schmitz specialized in, architecture, portraits and fine art.portrait, architecture, london, netherland0
vitalwear.nlVitalWear applies optical fiber sensing technology to non-invasive medical applications. VitalWear initially focuses on the improved risk assessment and the early detection of pressure ulcers.autonomous assessmentfiber, optical, invasive, assessment, ulcer0
vanderleun.nlRoyal Van der Leun works with 260 specialists worldwide on installation projects in the construction, dredging, offshore, yachting and maritime industries. Our specialties are grouped into three divisions:large autonomous, autonomous ferryelectrical, der, maritime, division, graduation0
tonhendriks.nl…Texts… Interviews… Information… About me… Artist statement… Exhibitions…documentary, writing, portrait, editorial, landscape0
taxperience.nlDon't act standard. Set the standard. That is Taxperience's motto. Engage us for practical advice on tax and financial issues.unconventional autonomoustax, advisory, notary, vacancy, notarial0
htesfontysict.nlThe centre of expertise HTES is a research chair at Fontys School of Information and Communication Technology, department of Fontys Universityautonomous robots, positioning autonomous, autonomous robotpositioning, rig, disassembly, sense, events0
leonspek.nlContact…device autonomous, autonomous drawdraw, kinetic, universe, imagination, organ0
elsevanwulfftenpalthe.nlFrame a biannual journal of literary studies, run by (former) students of Utrecht University , which publishes articles by international theorists along with important lectures, interviews, and critical reviews.autonomous projecttechnique, graphic, journal, cover, august0
teamextension.nlHire top dedicated iOS programmers, Android developers, PHP, Javascript, Wordpress and more. We help you find the best programmers in Eastern Europe....autonomous careastern, dedicated, analyst, dynamic, react0
jannohahn.nlContact… News…autonomous workpoem, assignment, identity, matter0
tno.nlCreating impactful innovations for the sustainable wellbeing and prosperity of society.safe autonomous, autonomous systemcircular, society, protection, transition, flexible0
maritimesymposium-rotterdam.nlAutonomous sailing… Technical Researches… Navigation, nautical matters…autonomous sailmaritime, sail, nautical, matter, institution0
cleantechdelta.nl…phase. It collaborates with its members and partners to close the implementation gap between an idea and a sustainable business. Clean Tech Delta offers business and project support and promotes, coordinates and supports cleantech…city autonomous, autonomous vehiclecollaboration, region, implementation, gap, phase0
kristaburger.nlKrista Burger is an artist using collage, performance, drawing, painting, video and other media, she is based in Arnhem, The Netherlands.teach, draw, mural, painting, intervention0
irenevanophoven.nlAbout… Design Studio… Artistic direction… Publications… News… Shop… Contact…autonomous designdirection, artistic, publication, interior, tapestry0
trackbot.nl…believe that today’s work environment is changing and offer multipurpose machines that respond to that. Our passions lie in innovation, high technology, robotics and sustainability. The combination of these passions gave birth to TRACKBOT.railroad, multipurpose, autonomously, innovative, employee0
amolf.nlUsing the tools of physics and design principles, AMOLF researchers study complex matter, such as light at the nanoscale, living matter, designer matter and nanoscale solar cells. These insights open up opportunities to create new…autonomous matteramolf, matter, vacancy, nanophotonic, cell0
hightechcampuseindhoven.nlHigh Tech Campus Eindhoven is Europe's smartest square km and has the ultimate high tech open innovation ecosystem to accelerate your businessnetwork autonomous, autonomous decisionecosystem, conference, initiative, hero, square0
joesgarage.nlWe will cook against fascism again to help cover costs of past, present and future actions. Together we can (b)eat fascism! We hope to see you in Joe’s Garage. […Lees verder]kraakhandleiding autonomous, autonomous student, ass autonomoussolidarity, radical, sunday, greek, reservation0
museumforthefuture.nlThe Ministry of Modesty proudly presents the exhibition A canon of change: how the Dutch delta reached 2100. In an unprecedented show, curatorial teams from various societal groups present their perspective on the recent history of our…exhibition, ministry, proudly, perspective, unprecedented0
tudelftroboticsinstitute.nlCollaboration between BK, CiTG, EWI, 3ME on automated and Human-Robot Interaction supported Design-to-Robotic-Assemblysmall autonomous, autonomous racinginstitute, robotic, lab, researcher, interaction0
buildingart.nlBuildingArt makes wall art on commission for companies, institutions or individuals. The artwork consists of a photo, a collage and a screen print.screen autonomous, autonomous workscreen, artwork, institution, commission, silk0
powervisionbv.nlVehicles, vessels, yachts, air planes and emergency power generators with more than one battery on "board". Reliable and constant power supply, equipment has a stable power supply with the right voltagegrid autonomous, autonomous energybattery, supply, vehicle, conversion, voltage0
hollandscheijssel.nlWe design and build highly reliable, multi-purpose, cost effective, environmentally safe and ergonomically sound and proven dredging equipment.dredger, dredge, dredging, reliable, environmentally0
frankchristian.nl…from the Helsinki University over the weekend. They give a broad and balanced overview of the current technical state of AI – Machine Learning – Deep Learning while also highlight the ethical aspects. And you get a cute certificate ^^progress, python, certificate, january, rise0
arnekuilman.nlExperience in sales and purchasing. On-site and remote support for international clients. Easy and flexible to work with. Creative and quick solutions to everyday ICT problems.personality, broad, alike, administrator, specialize0
iconize.nlIconize creates apps and connected products that people understand and love to use. Seamless integration of hardware and software development is one of the toughest challenges in developing IoT products. Iconize offers this unique…category autonomous, autonomous iot, autonomous devicehide, integrate, integration, climate, measurement0
abrahamkuypercenter.nlThe Abraham Kuyper Center (AKC) is established in 2013 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The center is part of the department of Philosophy within the Faculty of Humanities.knowledge autonomous, autonomous beliefepistemic, past, overview, academic, progress0
flyingpie.nlProjects… Art… About… art… project… quicky… howto… docker… windows…autonomous machinerydocker, howto, ascii, elasticsearch, postgres0
arion-corporate.nlFACTS AND FIGURES… Contact… TELL ME…autonomous collaboratorfact, figure, philosophy, growth, profitable0
jantiendebruin.nlAutonomous… News… Bookstore… About Sister Love… About me… Contact… Instagram…bookstore0
globalm.nlIOT will drive HealthCare, Safety and Security Information Technology to new ROI improvements and accelerate service levels when every second counts to protect your assets, reduce costs and save the lives of peoples.fully autonomous, autonomous devicedevice, secure, proximity, worker, sheet0
seabed.nlSeabed is based in Amsterdam and specialized in both hardware and software in the offshore- and onshore industriesseabed, cable, onshore, rental, positioning0