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483 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: locally

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locallymade.nlWe show what the Netherlands has to offer. Sustainable products with the Locally Made quality mark.product locally, locally qualityjoin, positive, pipe, jewelry, skin23
elstarit.nlSpring Cloud Function on Azure run locally - elstar IT on Deploy Spring Cloud Function to IBM Cloudapplication locally, locally microsoft, locally stack, azure locally, locally elstarresponse, engage, function, february, october10
wjongeneel.nl…bit more, since we see that we can always find a ball with non-zero volume fully contained in . Hence, is at least locally dense in . So in principle we could try to investigate . For , the sets agree, which degrades asymptotically…feedback locally, locally true, history locally, locally chaos, finite locallydynamical, linear, theory, manifold, function9
restaurantmoose.nlRestaurant Moose is a modern European restaurant in the heart of The Hague. Our menu is locally sourced and prepared in our woodfire oven. With a great selection of European wines, local beers and homemade drinks. Opmenu locally, locally woodfire, european locally, locally ingredient, meat locallywine, hague, selection, events, reservation6
stein-systems.nlStraddle Carriers Railway Cranes Repair of forestays Mobile Harbour Crane Willebroek E-installation Duisburg Crane Transportations 2 Crane Transportations Barge Crane Venlo District Heating with Locally Harvested Wood The Interceptor…heating locally, locally woodcrane, port, transportation, hutchison, carrier6
h2arvester.nl“They are movable arrays of solar panels, assembled on lightweight structures and supported on wheels, moving in pre-defined directions. The solar energy is processed into hydrogen (H2) and stored locally. Hydrogen supply is used locally…region locally, locally season, hydrogen locally, locally hydrogen, supply locallyhydrogen, agricultural, crop, panel, livestock6
toscanellaapuana.nlExperience the magic of Italian cuisine made with the finest locally-sourced and imported ingredients at Toscanella Apuana in Maastricht. Book your table today!fine locally, locally ingredient, blend locally, locally meatitalian, dish, ingredient, italy, dining6
varendcorso.nlThe Westland Flower Parade is an annual celebration featuring all that Het Westland has to offer. Hundreds of boats, beautifully decorated with locally grown flowers, plants and vegetables sail through the region over three full days.beautifully locally, locally flowerflower, boat, vegetable, annual, beautifully5
tinystories.nlWelcome to tinystories! Discover our limited edition, high quality art prints, greeting cards and wall hangings online. Produced sustainably and locally.print locally, locally ecohanging, refund, interior, limited, sustainably5
referro.nl…BBN global network. From our launch base at Brainport Eindhoven – one of the world’s leading technology hotspots – we provide clients with crafted and tailored B2B marketing solutions that resonate locally and reverberate globally.solution locally, locally globallystudy, globally, gateway, growth, demand5
localdutch.nlThe Urban Farm Shop is a standardized 1/2 acre Farm and Shop under one roof. Applying a new community based year-round operational model for locally produced healthy food. Sold directly to end users coming to the Shop, to members of the…concept locally, locally healthy, model locallyurban, farm, healthy, mile, produce5
stichtingsmartcentre.nl…and the like must be affordable, also for the poorer farmers. The good news is that innovations in recent years have reduced the costs of many water technologies and has made it possible to produce them from locally-available materials.possible locally, locally available, meter locally, locally emas, expensive locallypump, africa, rope, household, farmer4
mytofu.nlDiscover the best Dutch tofu from Tilburg with myTofu. Our locally crafted tofu is delicious and satisfying. Visit our website to get a tastemytofu locally, locally tofutaste, flavor, flavour, ingredient, buy4
felixx.nlFelixx is an office for proactive landscape architecture, specializing in addressing urgent global challenges with locally embedded design solutions.challenge locally, locally designlandscape, edible, architecture, neighborhood, urgent4
tillekekiewied.nlSupporting you, your organisation and your partnerships to move forward towards a more equitable, locally-led and collaborative humanitarian sector. All services can be offered live as well as online and anywhere in the world.equitable locally, locally collaborativeconsulting, collaborative, humanitarian, equitable, partnership4
businesslinkbuilders.nl…going on. Ambassadors who are entrepreneurs themselves. Commercially experienced and with a large interactive and locally oriented network. A network in which experiences and commercial opportunities are shared. Growing and boosting yourinteractive locally, locally networkbuilder, southern, organic, costly, honest4
kozijntje.nlWe are a locally owned and operated company with over 17+ years of industry experience.locally companyturkey, boudin, door, spare, cow4
restaurantsilmo.nlWell-traveled East Asian flavours orchestrated by locally-sourced organic ingredientsflavour locally, locally organicreservation, ingredient, asian, east, organic4
geojan.nl…to a low carbon society and keep value in the Circular Economy. The products can be tagged and giving rewards if consumed locally. Local products can partly be paid with energy or tokens linked to the EnergyCoin Sharing Economy Ecosystem.people locally, locally food, trading locally, locally available, reward locallyecosystem, economy, environmental, circular, electric4
lehmann-troost.nlActive in trading fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. We import from all over the world and trade the locally grown product.world locally, locally producttrade, vegetable, certificate, vacancy, speciality4
sandradecocq.nlBased in Amsterdam, photo producer Sandra de Cocq runs a full service production company for photography. Working both locally and internationally for fashion, advertising or editorial productions.photography locally, locally internationallyeditorial, producer, internationally, advertising, iconic4
passies.nlLooking for international movers in the Netherlands? Passies Verhuizers can help move you locally, in Europe or internationally. Free quote.verhuizers locally, locally europestorage, quotation, request, relocation, disposal4
laloop.nlLaloop are high quality children basics made locally from recycled cotton to save large quantities of water, co2 and energy. Our clothes are soft, comfortable, unique and sustainable.chemical locally, locally good, brand locally, locally cotton, basic locallyclothes, cotton, fiber, garment, comfortable3
chefsfarm.nlWe are on a mission to provide chefs with sustainable, fresh, and tasty garnishes grown locally in Amsterdam. We carefully curated our product range together with chefs and are constantly working on improving and expanding. Our product…garnish locally, locally amsterdam, process locally, locally leavefarm, flower, microgreen, vertical, package3
aandebrinknetersel.nlBreakfast with a view over the village green, and delicious home made products sourced locally from the many garden and farm shops available close by.product locally, locally gardenvillage, farmhouse, aan, explore, bike3
ournature.nlThere are various reasons for eating locally sourced food: contributing to the conservation of planet earth and supporting local suppliers are two of them.…benefit locally, locally food, reason locallypoetry, presence, dye, iceland, autumn3
richardvijgen.nlDesign Notities Arnhem (Design Notes) is a hybrid desktop / mobile application that maps a (almost 500 year) history of design and craftsmanship in the city of Arnhem (Netherlands). From historic sign paintings to locally commissioned…painting locally, locally publicinstallation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive3
reprex.nlListen Local is a trustworthy, ethical AI-powered system that aims to help great artists in small organizations and small countries using big data. We want to make sure that audiences are not only recommended global superhits, but locally…provider locally, locally relevant, superhit locallyobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak3
asenne.nlmaterials, luxury and refined quality with beautiful earth tones. These meditation cushions are made with flax. A quality crop that grows in the Netherlands, Belgium and the North of France. Locally produced, with old fashioned workmanship.locally handmade, france locally, locally oldmeditation, cushion, seed, add, earth3
cargohopper.nl…and shouldn’t something be said about each one of those women who make quilts? Trust me when I advise you there are a lot of individuals locally who are occupied with such exercises, it’s their own little world, it’s their own business.occasion locally, locally people, individual locally, locally exercise, organization locallycargo, archive, neighborhood, chamber, nearby3
wildeganzen.nlWe believe in the power of domestic resource mobilization to achieve locally led development and shift the power in inter­national cooperation. Through a five-year partnership program 'Giving for Change' (2021-2025), supported by the…philanthropy locally, locally development, mobilization locallywilde, initiative, inequality, resource, poverty3
srilankanexpeditions.nlSri Lankan Expeditions , a locally owned company managed by passionate travel professionals who are experienced and knowledgeable about authentic local experiences, nice places to sleep and exciting places to go. We work with local…expedition locally, locally companyadventure, tailor, holiday, lankan, authentic3
johandekoning.nlThe official github pages documentation explains how you can test your Github Pages using Jekyll locally. I had a hard time installing all dependencies. A faster and easier way is to use the docker image provided by Jekyll . Make sure you…page locally, locally docker, jekyll locally, locally hardgithub, jekyll, docker, external, visitor3
assiljwair.nlApache Airflow is a batch-oriented framework that allows us to easily build scheduled data pipelines in Python. It doesnt process data, but it does the orchestration. Setting up Airflow locally is very handy for testing DAGs locally…airflow locally, locally gcp, locally handy, dag locally, locally exampleairflow, debug, apache, beam, window3
flying-saucer.nlplanning and we’ll create a tasty menu to suit you and wow your guests. With an ever-evolving, seasonal menu relying on fresh and locally-sourced ingredients, we provide a distinctly traditional high tea in a distinctly informal atmosphere.fresh locally, locally ingredientsaucer, cream, finger, cheese, traditional2
sentryx.nlBR-003 releases bupivacaine for 72+ hours . Bupivacaine is a safe and effective anesthetic that locally blocks pain signals and is well known for its use in dentistry and epidural analgesia.anesthetic locally, locally painpain, career, surgery, spinal, screw2
triviis.nlTriviis Foods & Beverages. The online artisan supermarket. Locally produced products deliverd at home. Click here to find out more about ussupermarket locally, locally productwine, oil, beverage, preserve, olive2
zofiadusza.nl…2 houses with 4 rooms. There is ample opportunity to organize your own workshops such as meditation, yoga, painting, dancing etc. There is also the possibility to participate in locally organized activities such as djembé and dancing.bread locally, locally honey, possibility locally, locally activitypopulation, demand, mean, stay, tree2
greenhouse-climate.nlA greenhouse climate system with which you can measure and control locally via a reliable network of sensors* and actuators. And that enables you to understand the most up-to-date and historic heatmap of your greenhouse at any time of day.climate locally, locally temperature, system locally, locally reliableclimate, greenhouse, caeli, temperature, difference2
henrybeen.nlYou can verify you configured everything correctly by starting the application locally and viewing the Application Insights local telemetry. It should look something like this:application locally, locally application, available locally, locally clean, behavior locallybug, azure, devops, pipeline, resource2
agrosolutions.nlABS SEED is the solution for seed breeding, seed multiplication and seed distribution companies that are active locally or across the world.active locally, locally world, market locallyseed, trial, career, agricultural, archive2
thebrandingboutique.nlAs a boutique agency, The Branding Boutique, strategically selects the right route and combination of tools to activate and elevate your brand – locally and globally. We are the new strategic architects.brand locally, locally globallyauthenticity, strategic, strategically, combination, authentic2
tupelotranslations.nlCertified Translations Certified translations are necessary in order to be able to guarantee the authenticity of both the original document and its translation in court and for authorities locally and abroad. We know all about it.authority locally, locally abroadtranslation, certified, notary, certificate, authority2
wickedgrounds.nlThe Wicked Grounds kitchen team shows with the plant-based menu that healthy catering can also be incredibly tasty. The surprising food is characterized by rich flavors, fresh herbs and high-quality ingredients. Everything is locally…ingredient locally, locally superwicked, ground, venue, conference, relationship2
lolathegreenaardvark.nlOur beers consist of a selection of locally and European brewed beer, including popular Amsterdam craft pilsners. Wines that are specially selected for Lola for every occasion. Organic wines play an important role in this selection.coffee locally, locally pelican, selection locally, locally europeanmagical, neighbourhood, cafe, terrace, feel2
damsteen.nl…The Creality Wifi Box essentially connects your printer to the Creality Cloud, and the device cannot be accessed locally. For this reason, it has no business being on my network other than to use my internet connection. So, to protect…device locally, locally reason, temporary locally, locally binarycreality, firmware, extruder, blogging, connection2
groentetasutrecht.nlWe are very happy to be able to supply our customers with locally grown, seasonal and mostly organic fruits and veggies and have been since the birth of Groentetas in 1994. We couldn't do this without our wonderful partner, Local 2 Local…vegetable locally, locally possible, customer locally, locally seasonalrecipe, waste, farmer, vegetable, serve2
birdflower.nlWe have unique products, sourcing locally and making food right. We support sustainability and honesty, providing fresh food. Sourced from local farms and artisans, creating awareness of the beautiful community around us.flavour locally, locally food, product locallybread, artisanal, atmosphere, wine, bakery2
locktar.nlOften I have (small) pieces of software in Azure. This can be for testing of for real production situation. When you write you code, everything can work perfectly locally and you get strange errors when deployed to Azure. A handy tool is…perfectly locally, locally strangeazure, graph, validator, attribute, debug2
futurelearning.nlThales Netherlands, a leading company in the field of technology and safety, was looking for a safe learning environment that offers e-learning online locally and offline in shielded locations.online locally, locally offlineconference, session, employee, quickly, educational2
shoshinsake.nl…grade machinery allows for developing our own custom brewing equipment and step by step improving our brewery set-up. We have fun in continuously improving our own locally grounded take on the ancient Japanese tradition of sake brewing.continuously locally, locally ancient, water locally, locally transportationsake, brewery, brew, japanese, landscape2
intodevelopment.nl: The GPS longitude coordinate. This is used to determine the sunrise and sunset locally on your device.sunset locally, locally devicejekyll, layout, automatically, file, variable2
cadeo.nlAll our partners and gifts are selected based on their impact. This can be either sustainable production of the gifts, Dutch design or for example locally produced. Making the world a better place, one gift at the time.example locally, locally worldrecipient, easily, catalog, digitally, colleague2
mylifewithbeer.nl…Therefore ‘Craft Acceleration’ (working title) was started: owned by Heineken, but a separate entity focussed on locally produced craft beer.” Craft Acceleration: you won’t find much about it on the internet, but seems a similar…entity locally, locally craft, need locally, locally brewbrewery, brewer, brew, reply, raw2
restaurantmoon.nlOur kitchen prides itself on cooking with pure, locally-sourced ingredients. During dinner service, we offer a fixed menu consisting of 4, 5, or 6 courses, which can be enhanced with various appetizers and a selection of cheeses. Our wine…pure locally, locally ingredientmoon, table, guest, tower, revolve2
healthcare4ukraine.nlE verything ends upvery locally. Even where the large aid organizations do not come. For example through the Blago foundation, a help organisation with a large network within Ukraine, also near the warzone. Read more… ,demand locally, locally ukraine, upvery locally, locally largeukraine, uk, medication, demand, hospital2
pietheineek.nlNINETY represents our commitment to locally sourced, adaptable furniture that provides the consumer with the option to interchange modular furniture pieces between varying styled collections. Simplicity is at the essence of each design…commitment locally, locally adaptable, aesthetic locally, locally paperfurniture, waste, piece, aesthetic, ceramic2
leadsline.nlSet yourself up at trade shows locally to present your business to the world. Make sure that the theme of the trade show matches your sales pitch – you shouldn’t pay for a table at an anime show, and a hobby show is likely to draw a…show locally, locally business, people locally, locally interestedmoney, successful, income, profit, attitude2
meer-meer.nlNo shipping from overseas and no unethical labor conditions. Every item is made at the atelier in Amsterdam. Most of the materials are sourced locally.material locally, locally possiblecreation, textile, costume, realisation, sensation2
carboniferous.nlThe Carboniferous is divided into two parts the (earlier) Mississippian and the (later) Pennsylvanian series according to the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Locally, in northwest Europe, the lower (earlier) Carboniferous…ics locally, locally northwest, layer locally, locally coalcoal, fossil, south, period, measure2
socialinnovations.nlClimate change is a global problem that we must solve locally. No two countries or organizations are the same, so we will have to implement customized solutions. However, that does not mean we should not think globally. For example, a…problem locally, locally countryinnovative, positive, partnership, distributor, sustainability2
sergevandenoever.nlThe Sitecore JavaScript Rendering SDK comes with a new headless SXA starter that is only useable for XM Cloud, no access to XM Cloud? No problem! Lets run it locally...development locally, locally dockersitecore, min, cli, file, thu2
firecom.nlAn alarm network can also be used locally. This is often chosen by companies. You can also buy a pager or pager to send notifications in a factory, for example. You can also send messages to the alarm recipients yourself. Do you want even…network locally, locally companyemergency, response, accessorie, base, reliable2
oryonwatermill.nlIn addition to the local exploitation of energy and the provision of 24/7 sustainable energy in rural areas, Oryon Watermill strives to have as many components as possible of the hydropower plant produced and assembled locally.maintenance locally, locally systemwatermill, affordable, tidal, grid, civil2
leaseaway.nlEva & Kobe’s place is spacious, clean and well appointed. It looks just like the photos. They were very quick with responses and gave good advice on things to do locally during our stay. There were nice touches on arrival such as a bottle…thing locally, locally staystay, guest, rental, host, holiday2
222lodge.nlThis sharing of time and space brings us closer together, as a temporary (global) community to encourage, through performance art, non-violent expressions for locally specific conditions.expression locally, locally specificexperimental, august, principle, denial, duration2
dom-ray.nlto improve their future. We aim to give them the support they need to get a fair chance in life. We do so by initiating small projects that are managed locally. This way we can be certain that our efforts lead to long term positive results.project locally, locally way, small locally, locally projectray, underprivileged, bright, youngster, housing2
halona.nlAs a textile artist, my mission is to create wall art that not only showcases the beauty of locally sourced wool but also raises awareness about the impact of our consumer culture on the environment. My wool work is a protest against the…beauty locally, locally woolwool, sheep, hang, hanging, uncategorized2
hunekamp.nlA Dutch business center for organizations focused on technology. Together we operate locally, nationally and internationally in a variety of industries.technology locally, locally nationally, locally connectresource, improvement, placement, panel, internationally2
detweekoppigephoenix.nlSwaegh Dry Gin is a smooth and sophisticated gin. A true delight for the taste buds, locally produced with dedication. Read morebud locally, locally dedicationfriendship, wishlist, stock, liqueur, taste2
bakfiets-en-meer.nlAs always these bikes can be packed and delivered (locally or abroad) though given our current workload our preference is selling and delivering them within the NL and BE.bike locally, locally abroad, business locallybike, brake, normally, carrier, rear2
studiomakkinkbey.nlSince their House of Parts project in 2009, Makkink & Bey have explored cutout solutions, which develop, into furniture pieces. The concept is to produce drawings with an industrial CC process that can be made locally and customized to…tree locally, locally cast, process locally, locally differentbey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior2
byjulia.nlOur glazes are crafted in-house using locally sourced ingredients, reducing the need for artificial chemicals and promoting sustainability.house locally, locally ingredienttableware, piece, dining, sustainability, exquisite2
magic-mind.nlThe famous green Rapé of the Apurinan people. It uses locally harvested plant from the forest, the so called Awiry. This Rapé doesn’t use any ashes.people locally, locally plantadd, magic, raw, grinder, bong2
castlebridge.nldealing with tax, legal, regulatory compliance and other corporate matters, actively managing group companies and dealing with third parties locally, every company is faced with these matters , but how should this be done in an efficient…party locally, locally companybridge, castle, requirements, substance, tax2
waste.nlWASTE develops and manages innovative, multi-stakeholder programmes in low- and middle-income countries striving for impact that is locally relevant and continues long after we are gone. We specialise in the fields of:impact locally, locally relevantwaste, sanitation, solid, sludge, innovative2
greenboxfarms.nl…repurposed spaces in urban areas, Greenbox Farms is helping to increase food security and improve access to fresh, locally-grown produce. This helps to reduce food waste, promote healthy eating, and create strong, food-secure communities.fresh locally, locally producefarm, farming, hydroponic, sustainability, innovative1
sunand.nl…type, climate, culture, ethnic groups, and occupations, these cuisines vary substantially from each other and use locally available spices , herbs , vegetables , and fruits . Indian food is also heavily influenced by religion, in…substantially locally, locally availableindian, spice, cuisine, kitchen, dish1
amsterdamchauffeurservice.nlWhile Blacklane operates in Amsterdam, Amsterdam Chauffeur Service offers a more personalized and locally-focused luxury experience.personalized locally, locally luxuryluxury, vehicle, transportation, transfer, fleet1
partnerkoeriers.nlThe best ‘’Partner’’ in transporting all your packages. We have been around for over 24 years and we deliver locally and nationally. From super rush to same-day deliveries. We are Car, Cargo Bike and Bike Couriers.year locally, locally nationallycourier, uw, bike, cargo, package1
aranei.nlLegacy applications are often impossible or very difficult to use on tablets or mobile devices. Spreadsheets, client-server apps were never optimized for such use cases. Additionally, locally installed apps are not easy to access…additionally locally, locally appfunctionality, legacy, compliance, pricing, imaging1
aftextiles.nlOne of the hallmarks of this policy is that A.F. Textiles always supervises the production and logistics locally and therefore can demand high standards for working conditions and environmental controls. Because A.F. Textiles operates in…logistics locally, locally highaf, textile, lady, wear, manufacturer1
eurochoice.nlEuropeans live and work all over the world. Because they’re often far from home for a long time, they like to be able to buy familiar or traditional products from their home country locally. Eurochoice is a good response to that with its…country locally, locally eurochoicespecialty, supermarket, quantity, weekly, directly1
valdifiori.nlWith his 30 years of experience as a chef, Massimo runs the restaurant, sourcing products from the farm itself or founded locally whenever possible. Hans, who has been a veterinarian for more then 25 years in the Netherlands, runs the…farm locally, locally possiblefarm, farmhouse, guest, accomodation, rate1
voetangel.nlBe surprised by our exceptional wines, enjoy the meals that we cook with locally-sourced ingredients, and experience the warm ambiance of our restaurant, all right in the middle of that breathtaking Dutch polder landscape.meal locally, locally ingredientdinner, landscape, middle, typical, wine1
smitzh.nl…We are SMITZH, the smart industry hub of the greater Rotterdam – The Hague area. We match supply with demand locally to promote the practical application of smart technologies. From robotics to 3D printing and sensors, we specialisedemand locally, locally practicallab, request, manufacture, cheap, sustainably1
biosecurityvulnerabilityscan.nlTo identify the vulnerabilities and risks in your organisation, please answer the questions and scenarios in the vulnerability scan web application. Your data are not sent via internet, or stored by the Biosecurity Office. Data are stored…data locally, locally computerbiosecurity, analysis, vulnerability, overview, risk1
hoogervorstmarineconsultancy.nl…perspective ; this is at the core of our business. We advise, manage and carry out projects with expertise and experience; a result of years in supporting our clients in the Marine and Offshore industry both locally and internationally.industry locally, locally internationallyrepair, selection, vacancy, employment, dredger1
onearchitecture.nl…of quality architecture, comfortable living, and advanced achievement in art, culture and technology. The Mies for All superstructure can be fabricated locally, anywhere in the world and requires limited expertise to construct.superstructure locally, locally worldarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient1
sweetpoint.nlLocally produced food is becoming increasingly important for several reasons and the need for GOOD FOOD .pepper, cultivation, growth, durable, geothermal1
nieuwcharlois.nlMany Charlois artists operate nationally and internationally, their work is only by occasion visible locally. The treasure of the artists' work is great and the time has come to show it in a new way, in Nieuw Charlois.visible locally, locally treasurebasket, pocket, treasure, exhibition, visible1
co2-correct.nlEveryone has a different view on sustainability. At this moment most consumers are focussed on buying unpacked or plastic-free products and if possible they want locally grown products. But we need to see the bigger picture and our carbon…possible locally, locally productcarbon, compensation, vegetable, sustainability, calculation1
audiobesitas.nlNo video? Probably Internet Explorer again. Right-click and save video 1 and video 2 to download them and view them locally.probably, svg, favorite, alas, player1
re-sit.nlCaring about the environment is at the heart of the Re-Sit production process: we work with recycled plastic, produce locally in the Netherlands, and take back your bench in exchange for a deposit. But what does that actually yield?plastic locally, locally netherlandssit, circular, couch, waste, recycle1
sanju.nl…take days to get that unique sanju flavour. To create our ramen we are constantly looking for high quality ingredients that are sourced as locally as possible. For everything else we get the finest products we can get from homeland Japan.ingredient locally, locally possiblenoodle, soup, onion, japanese, egg1
bsdebijenkorf.nlAll children are welcome at our school, both those who live locally and those who live further away. Please contact us if you would like to register or preregister your child at our school, or make an appointment for a guided tour:school locally, locally awayteacher, parent, difference, classroom, capacity1
sweetheat.nlMade in Amsterdam by two restaurant owners that felt every household needs some sweet heat. High quality flower honey and locally sourced chili peppers. That's all you need. Trust us.honey locally, locally chiliheat, sweet, locator, esc, flower1
asteria.nlDiscover the delicious seasonal speciality at our restaurant Asteria. From April 17th, enjoy the mouth-watering taste of locally grown asparagus, prepared to perfection by our talented chefs . Stop by and let your taste buds be pampered…taste locally, locally asparaguspackage, north, surrounding, asparagus, official1
g-tools.nldisplay rack for leafy greens and micro greens. You can easily grow salads, herbs, and garnishes at any desired location. Throughout the year! Ideal for restaurants, schools, and corporate canteens that value fresh and locally sourced food.fresh locally, locally foodgrow, cabinet, lighting, propagation, irrigation1
blockrock.nlSusanne & Bart had a very interesting talk with Joachim de Koning and Robert de Groot about Internet of Coins . The team of Internet of Coins built a decentralized wallet that gives you full control over your own wallet and runs locally…wallet locally, locally device, decentralized locallyepisode, favorite, proudly, innovative, conference1
fernandmartintoys.nl—The toy soldier industry is starting to recover a bit, but each country is enough for its own consumption, other toys are also sold locally because it would be too inconvenient to ship it, for example, these are heavy toys such as…toy locally, locally inconvenienttoy, auction, fernand, antique, patent1
dutchdredgingsimulators.nlBy using breakthrough technology and combining experiences of dredge masters and trainers, our affordable and portable Simulator can be used to train (new) operators locally. Targeting production improvement what results in saving fuel…operator locally, locally productiondredging, simulation, portable, realistic, limit1
walanta.nlThe school furniture is locally manufactured. The machines and tools will be purchased in Mali (in order to keep down transport costs). The teaching materials will be purchased or made.furniture locally, locally machinemoney, girl, vocational, boy, association1
schuitjevaart.nlTwo boats, built at the same Leiden shipyard, in 1933 and 1949 respectively,they both have eversince been used locally for purposes of pleasure trips and commercial transportation.eversince locally, locally purposecanal, boat, culinary, impression, famous1
247media.nlBy distributing the products and promoting them locally by local parties, 24-7 Media Technology is able to assist the customer to the fullest.product locally, locally localinteractive, screen, distributor, innovative, table1
martijnsips.nlI have been working in the IT business for about 18 years now. One of the things I learned over the few years is that I needed a development environment. And preferrably in a hypervisor locally. When I started I got a central server which…hypervisor locally, locally centralhypervisor, quickly, visual, packer, vagrant1
chiropractiemedicus.nltreatments of a physiotherapist and a chiropractor. However, the approach itself is already different, a chiropractor looks at the whole body, with a focus on the spine, while a physiotherapist often looks more locally, in the area of pain.physiotherapist locally, locally areaappointment, treatment, chiropractic, complaint, pain1
bnbperron22vierlingsbeek.nlOur locally sourced breakfast is lovingly served at Perron 22 either in our cozy breakfast room or even in bed for the perfect start to your day.luxury, surrounding, guest, parking, region1
casa-lab.nl…point for analytical sciences in The Netherlands. This is largely due to the established expertise in the analytical chemistry groups from the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, as well as other experts locally.analytical, advanced, analysis, environmental, statistics1
jimpex.nlOur proven track record for these media and TV activities include professional ENG crews, location hunting for (stand-up) news reports, finding suitable hotel accommodations, arranging all logistics including rental cars and locally known…car locally, locally driversuccessful, profile, broadcast, extensive, staff1
irec.nlWe are a strong partner for national and international investors looking for a locally operating platform to pro-actively manage their real estate portfolio. We focus on adding value and maximise returns for our clients through clear…investor locally, locally platformestate, investor, capital, debt, investment1
one-event.nlWith deep insight into the corporate event industry both locally and internationally, we strive to provide efficient and adaptable solutions that exceed client expectations.industry locally, locally internationallyperfection, belgium, reference, destination, unusual1
basisschooldekimme.nlYou are welcome to visit our school for a tour! All children are welcome at our school, both those who live locally and those who live further away. Please contact us if you would like to register or preregister your child at our school…school locally, locally awaysick, innovative, cognitive, parent, elementary1
tomruijs.nlReferences that can be used within scripts to reference either a variable, locally or a constantvariable locally, locally constantunity, description, player, contribution, programmer1
hotelgreenside.nlEnjoy a 3-course dinner on your first night in our restaurant, which uses locally produced products. The next day, explore Texel by bike. With a map of Texel, you easily find your way around.restaurant locally, locally productluxury, superior, taste, german, discover1
sprey.nl…is regulated and important for the safety of transport, storage and handling. Sometimes suitable packaging is not locally available and needs to be imported. Limiting the time the waste is packed can also lead to savings, under some…packaging locally, locally availablewaste, disposal, hazardous, convention, authority1
cyberhq.nl, so I had to use the modem's rfc1918 addressing and have it NAT the secondary address with a static config even for locally generated packets. The shiny new Juniper router I use now either can't do that or I haven't figured out how, so…config locally, locally packetscreen, february, actually, port1
tcmnetherlands.nlTCM Netherlands has been part of TCM Group international since 2005. Since that year, TCM Netherlands has been the only one in the Netherlands to be able to collect receivables locally via this unique network.receivable locally, locally uniquedebt, consultation, invoice, payment, worldwide1
dutchviolin.nlCNC files make it possible to produce anywhere in the world, using uniform digital data and locally sourced materials.data locally, locally materialviolin, plate, progress, classical, vibration1
voltmaastricht.nlCrime in Maastricht and the great Euroregion moves across borders, while our security and politics still don't. That is why Volt wants to put more effort into cross-border law enforcement: locally, that means more Belgian, Dutch and…enforcement locally, locally belgiancouncil, housing, municipality, gather, political1
ecuafina.nlEcuaFina produces various authentic items directly from the Andes, which are locally produced on a small scale according to ancient traditions.andes locally, locally smallblanket, pillow, native, wool, authentic1
wernersandersmakelaardij.nl…professional career as a real estate agent. Furthermore, I have lived in this region all my life as I was born locally in Geldrop. These two facts ensure that I am fully aware of all aspects of the real estate business in this area…life locally, locally geldropestate, property, surrounding, appartment, decision1
rooiejoris.nlEasy to customize protective phone case design for Fairphone. Sold in the Fairphone webshop and locally 3D printed by 3D Hubs. Read more…webshop locally, locally hubsreplica, chocolate, tree, bronze, snapshot1
lugtje.nlEmblematic of this fine balance between people and nature, thatched roofs could always be found flourishing like locally native plants in every region of the archipelago, sheltering the human species in diverse and beautiful ways unique…like locally, locally nativethatch, roof, tradition, present, contemporary1
fjildlab.nlProducing healthy, regional and functional food, for example projects around locally produced food.project locally, locally foodnortheast, regional, landscape, region, laboratory1
pietervandenbosch.nl…achievements. However, knowledge is becoming widely available due to the internet. Whereas a few hundred years ago knowledge was only obtainable locally through books or expert. Now people can find information on the internet in a snap.obtainable locally, locally bookelectric, vehicle, think, government, charge1
moving-animals.nl…Four main categories of animal mobility take center stage: (1) biological invasions, (2) reintroductions of locally extinct species, (3) seasonal migrations and (4) the trading of zoo animals. By probing how these various forms of…reintroduction locally, locally extinctanimal, presentation, century, conference, chapter1
arkinsight.nlFollowing Panda’s confirmation, although search activities were interrupted by unforgiving weather and a tense situation locally, the quest was relentlessly conducted for a whole year. Finally, in October 2009, a film crew accompanied the…situation locally, locally queststructure, wooden, discovery, mount, release1
royduineveld.nl…Next day at school I’ve booted from the floppy, removed the administrator password, restarted and yeah! I’m in! Locally but still… finally a normal desktop and I can install whatever I want. Guess what… The next day in the lunch break…yeah locally, locally finallyhacking, horse, git, request, stuff1
alexschoemaker.nlWe spread the risk of floods and drought geographically by working with various nurseries together. Living Creations® Hydrangeas are therefore also available locally: both for the grower, retailer and consumer. We support young plant…available locally, locally growerhydrangea, nursery, paniculata, suitable, grower1
mondmaskerfabriek.nlHow hard it could be is what we thought on march 26th when Jaap Stelwagen and myself came up with the idea to get two machines from China to Arnhem with the goal of locally producing face masks. Shortly after,...goal locally, locally facemask, factory, mouth, face, healthcare1
prins-hendrik.nlEnjoy a 3-course dinner on your first night in our restaurant, which uses locally produced products. The next day, explore Texel by bike. With a map of Texel, you easily find your way around.restaurant locally, locally producttrue, silence, seasonal, taste, stay1
eatwelldogood.nl…brunch classics with a twist. We’re focused on serving you the freshest food with every attention paid to detail; our philosophy is to hand craft every menu item from scratch using free range and locally sourced ingredients where possible.range locally, locally ingredienteat, reservation, wedding, hague, january1
johanz.nl…most in Holland, at places like Paradiso, Melkweg, Club 11, Nighttown, 013, Patronaat, Effenaar, Doornroosje, and locally at Pand 48, Subsonic, Paradigm, Simplon, Vera, Platform, Martinihal, Huize Maas, etc. He was one of the founders ofdoornroosje locally, locally pandofficial, discography, october, release, dance1
brewpubdestulp.nlBrewpub de Stulp arose from the demand of the guests of the Stulp. They want to taste more (craft) beers that are brewed locally.brewery, craft, mid, fairly, depth1
wellheadmaintenance.nlWide experience of planned preventative maintenance on installed, flowing wells, including office based work at the client’s premises organising upcoming work scopes and logistics. Competent trainers of locally employed labour when on…trainer locally, locally labourmaintenance, tree, valve, installation, refurbishment1
publicoutdoorcreations.nlWe produce locally and all the electricity needed for production is self-generatedcreation, straight, curve, connect, carbon1
ubuntuvision.nlThe Nguia Ti Bé Foundation is supporting the creation of a medicinal botanical garden and has donated locally made mattresses.garden locally, locally mattressafrican, philosophy, traditional, cultural, indigenous1
graphichuntersshow.nlAmanda is a Self-Service Analytics coach at Cargill, where she helps to empower people to make data driven decisions locally, quickly and reliably. Amanda started her data journey in Biomedical Science and made the change to data viz when…decision locally, locally quicklyvisualisation, talk, cultural, visual, graphic1
mbuma.nlthe last couple of months. Consignments of excavated clay soil exited the hospital gate; lorryfuls of sand came in. The clay was removed from site because it does not afford enough support to the foundations; it was replaced with locally...hospital, door, expansion, witch, doctor1
kinta.nlOur products are made from recycled or sustainable locally sourced materials when possible. We develop and produce everything in cooperation with local suppliers. Normally we visit our producers a few times a year to keep the cooperation…sustainable locally, locally materialglass, wood, philosophy, refine, recycle1
pho91.nl…prepared and sold on the streets of Vietnam: tasty, memorable dishes made from our family’s recipes and fresh, locally-sourced produce; fast and healthy meals that are convenient and perfect for lunch or dinner. Find us at Albert…fresh locally, locally producefind, eatery, healthy, informal, delicious1
sewer.nlWe offer a sewer service that can be reached locally throughout the Netherlands. Both individuals and companies may contact us 24 hours a day and 7 days week to clear clogging.service locally, locally netherlandssewer, clog, warranty, rate, plumber1
hotelnimma.nlat home. Where you can be yourself, meet others or enjoy a little get-away. For the kick-start of your week with a healthy breakfast or to celebrate the weekend with friends over a locally brewed beer. All are welcome, all for a fair price.friend locally, locally beerovernight, healthy, character, industrial, wonderful1
dynamicfoods.nlTraditionally prepared meals and freshly packed in Italy. Villa Santina stands for delicious dishes, locally prepared with fresh ingredients according to authentic recipes. With love for life and with a touch of passion. You can taste…dish locally, locally freshdynamic, meal, fish, ice, italian1
chalet-frankrijk.nlAround Roquebrune sur Argens grapes are grown, beekeepers are active and various other products are produced. All these locally grown products are offered for sale in a village shop. It smells wonderful here.product locally, locally productholiday, village, rental, sun, france1
endpolionowtulp.nlRotary is committed to charity, both locally and internationally. For example, we sell these tulip bulbs to support Rotary International's worldwide End Polio Now campaign.charity locally, locally internationallytulip, bill, documentation, purchase, promotion1
odedesign.nlØDE believes that wood is the most beautiful natural product. A material that manifests itself in unique and individual designs. Each table is drawn up by Dutch designers and is produced locally using sustainable wood. Although no two…designer locally, locally sustainablerhythm, wood, philosophy, table, appointment1
beautycliniclotus.nl…system of the diode laser to be treated quickly, effectively and comfortably. Through cryolipolysis treatments you can lose weight locally with excellent results. Em-musclesculpt is a treatment to increase muscle mass and tighten the body.weight locally, locally excellenttreatment, removal, hair, skin, cryolipolysis1
radicalgraphics.nlThis turn-based, co-op card game can be played by 1 to 4 players. It can be played online as well as locally, with a group of people in the same room. The deck includes cards that can either increase the energy, decrease it, or give a…online locally, locally groupradical, graphic, exciting, veteran, independent1
powerfield.nl…solutions. We develop, build and manage solar parks, charging stations and storage systems. We are constantly working on innovation within the renewable energy sector. We do this efficiently, sustainably, locally and socially responsible.sustainably locally, locally sociallygeneration, capacity, innovative, commissioning, supply1
gamebakery.nlIt’s the 1st of September. Work starts again. Summer is over. Summer is over?? No! You are invited to revisit Summer one last time at the Game Bakery! Talk about games, check out some locally sourced projects, and enjoy a tropical drink…game locally, locally projectbakery, sketch, calendar, cooperative, holiday1
mrblog.nlDepending on your distribution and package manager you can get stuck on a certain version for a package if there are limited options to upgrade or building the package locally is an effort out of your reach or time availability. Often the…package locally, locally effortpackage, sieve, restoration, copy, report1
vierdaagsefeesten.nlWe are working on sustainability in many areas. The energy is almost entirely locally generated green power. In the few places where the fixed power connections are not sufficient, we use batteries (charged with sustainable electricity)…entirely locally, locally greenambition, frequently, accessibility, fact, figure1
donkz.nl%c : Will be expanded to the name of the local client computer. When starting RDP+ locally, this will be the same as %COMPUTERNAME%. When starting RDP+ from within a Terminal Server or Citrix session, %c will contain the computername of…computer locally, locally terminalremote, command, file, session, connection1
mak-an.nlMAKAN’s innovative and international perspective makes it a highly trusted and reliable partner that can benefit its clients locally and globally.client locally, locally globallyconsulting, organizational, operational, outstanding, growth1
marcelpinas.nlFive years later, in 1997, Marcel Pinas was a locally successful artist. His drawings and watercolours, often with indigenous themes, were popular. They came to him easily. The government gave him, together with Robert Enfield, George…pinas locally, locally successfulpainting, installation, visual, jewelry, exhibition1
asreview.nlThe software is installed on your device locally. This ensures that nobody else has access to your data, except when you share it with others. Nice, isn’t it?device locally, locally accesssystematic, simulation, oracle, lab, advanced1
tailormadeconsultancy.nlyou! The close collaboration also provides you with access to the knowledge and experience of a number of offices in Europe, The United States, Israel and China. A variety of national and international expertise that can be applied locally.tailor, advisory, valuation, tax, collaboration1
remco.nl“Producing barley locally is an important milestone for Ethiopia,” explains Kassahun Minalu, an Ethiopian engineer.barley locally, locally importantsteel, builder, caribbean, advantage, africa1
ericofon.nlThis month I could add the 6th metallic painted Nichco to my collection: a metallic gold this time. In 2019, when travelling to Norway, I also bought a gold metallic Ericofon, but this one, turned out to be a locally painted Ericofon for…ericofon locally, locally ericofonfebruary, january, leave, october, august1
dammersadvocaten.nl…you need to be – so you are never more than one call away from moving your agenda forward globally, regionally and locally – in labor and employment law and in all other major disciplines important to your L&E strategy and your business.regionally locally, locally laborhock, employment, law, practical, target1
projectinspiration.nl…doesn’t require electronics. Smit thinks that hospitals in the Netherlands will not be needing this ventilator. But the publicly accessible specifications will allow people in low and middle-income countries to build ventilators locally.inspiration, mechanical, specification, initiative, rapidly1
jalinklab.nlmutual interactions and activa­tion state in living cells. Many of these interactions are short-lived or exist very locally within the cell and therefore techniques with high spatiotemporal resolution are required to study them in single…short locally, locally cellcell, biology, lab, imaging, protein1
fabcitynature.nl…in the area. In order to learn how to build with nature. To develop innovations, also of great value outside this area. Produced locally, but connected worldwide by joining the extensive and international network of FabCity Global.area locally, locally worldwidecampsite, coastal, playground, innovative, experimental1
fiore-utrecht.nlAt Fiore, we prioritize sustainability by sourcing flowers locally from for example growers like Noraly of the Glitter Gladiool, avoiding the need for imported blooms.flower locally, locally examplepottery, flower, regular, specialty, interior1
devin-pass.nlPipe freezing is a safe and effective way to temporarily plug a pipe. The technique involves installing a freezing machine that uses liquid nitrogen to locally freeze the substance in the pipe.nitrogen locally, locally substancepipe, sealing, leak, pass, industrial1
neighbourly.nlWe’re an award winning B Corp that helps companies donate resources to local charities & good causes. We believe global change starts locally - one hour, one meal, £1 at a time. We've set a goal to deliver £1 billion of positive impact by…change locally, locally hourcause, volunteer, charity, positive, resource1
debonaparte.nl…area of Heemskerk. Inhabitation of this region goes back to the primeval times, the Romans left their mark and Napoleon passed our house in 1811. The trail along our Bon & Aparte BnB is therefore locally referred to as The Napoleon Path.bnb locally, locally napoleonhorse, reservation, holiday, animal, plenty1
loof-catering.nlLOOF catering is prepared with care using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. We deliver the best of the season from our own production kitchen to conscious businesses who want to treat their employees to delicious dishes.fresh locally, locally ingredientstaff, healthy, creativity, caterer, salad1
fusica.nlLast week Kustaa Saski‘s exhibition of tapestries opened in a new location run by the locally-known architect Siu Siu (Cha Cha). It was comissioned by June (pictured on top, with me, amidst three tapestries) about 5 years ago, after he…location locally, locally architectsinging, overtone, january, artistic, resonance1
herbaltea.nlThe foundation of any great coffee is great ingredients. At The Original we use single-origin* beans which are locally roasted* in small batches to be used within two weeks of purchase. By combining different grind sizes with fresh spring…bean locally, locally smallice, ingredient, taste, freshly, add1
tulpentijd.nl…within cut flowers, emit the least CO2 per bunch. This is because tulips are mainly forced on a large scale, locally and efficiently. Cut tulip farms are working with solar panels, LED lighting, re-circulating water use, minimal…scale locally, locally efficientlytulip, bag, pick, bulb, vase1
scmm1.nl…management. With our help, any company can use the net effectively and reach out to all of their clients whether locally or those in other nations abroad. We offer them the means to keep their existing clients onboard and reach out to…client locally, locally nationpartners, nation, multiple, varied, reputation1
sustainable-solutions.nl…mode of transport in cities. We are active in India and Turkya. The central thought in my work is that improvements in the physical environment always affect social conditions. Think globally, act locally. Feel locally, act globally.globally locally, locally globallybicycle, urban, february, cycling, mobility1
preachwhatyoupractice.nlArtificial Intelligence (AI) has had a long history up until now, remaining in university labs for a number of years before coming of age. Today, connectivity and computing power have reached a turning point where it is viable to apply…algorithm locally, locally newarchitecture, october, complexity, analytical, connect1
vokoutrecht.nlWe are a group of about 70 people from Utrecht joined as a food collective (VOKO). VOKO Utrecht wants to bring fresh, (mostly) organic and locally grown food to the city at a reasonable price. We’d love for anyone who is interested to…organic locally, locally foodsupplier, vegetable, farmer, collective, traditional1
asap.nl…Moreover, the team spirit and the cooperation with specific partners give us the opportunity to design, build, locally install and commission tailor made sample probes , analyzer systems and shelters for you. All these products and…opportunity locally, locally installanalyzer, analytical, probe, measurement, maintenance1
degevuldewaterkruik.nl…for drinking water cisterns. The Calabash Cistern is our ultimate design. The Calabash is strong, cheap, repairable and can be made by local masons with locally available materials. Last but not least, the Calabash has a beautiful shape!mason locally, locally availablemanual, village, guinea, bissau, healthy1
bitsoffreedom.nl…software ourselves and run it on our own servers. Our contacts’ mail addresses and PGP keyrings may also be stored locally in the personal address books of Bits of Freedom employees. Of course, if requested, we can remove your contact…keyring locally, locally personalfreedom, bit, monthly, government, donation1
fairplayengineering.nlOver the past 20 years, we’ve evolved from a locally focused family business into a leading technical recruitment firm offering international recruitment, relocation services, and a broad range of positions for engineers and other…year locally, locally familycandidate, position, integrity, honest, relocation1
demannenvanschuim.nlAt fourth floor level: Hermit Gin Bar , which will be a rooftop bar with locally brewed gin, a terrace and a vegetable garden.bar locally, locally ginhague, estate, municipality, spatial, unmanned1
epgroningen.nlLocally, institutions are seen as more honest and transparent, while nationally, they're perceived as more skilled and having more knowledge. Further, integrity-based trust in both local and national institutions better explained public…psychology, publication, environmental, climate, willing1
faimmedia.nlTerms like Cloud and SaaS (Software as a Service) really have made progress in the IT-branch these recent years. Applications no longer need to be maintained locally on location, instead this happens centrally, this will save a lot of…long locally, locally locationhospitality, extensive, engine, reservation, vacancy1
wesquare.nl…of jobs created by a still maturing economy. Whereas local competition keeps their salaries extremely competitive. Making it possible to hire the best and multiple developers in India for the same price you would pay to hire one locally.indian, oracle, efficient, structurally, upto1
e-design.nlPCB manufacturing. Quick turn around prototypes manufactured locally and in Europe. Medium or high volume is manufactured in Europe or in the Far East at low cost.prototype locally, locally europepcb, electronic, assembly, purchase, schematic1
marcveens.nlWhen running npm run dev, the project runs locally and everything works fine. The only thing that...project locally, locally finestuff, adventure, react, january, devops1
greenfarming.nlGreen Farming sets up demonstration projects with local businesses and knowledge institutions to show which technologies are available and how these can be applied locally.farming, partners, africa, kenya, climate1
afgc.nlAchieving the circular economy requires new forms of cooperation and connectivity . Building the circular economy requires the creation of new value chains at all levels, globally, regionally, nationally and locally. The ability to create…nationally locally, locally abilityeconomy, circular, transformation, lab, chain1
aquabattery.nlReduce your CO2 footprint with our battery. Our environmental impact is significantly lower vs. alternative batteries because we rely on abundantly, locally available, non-critical material. Our solution can be recycled at the end of…abundantly locally, locally availablestorage, duration, renewable, net, generation1
velv.nlA fine balance between complexity and modest work, that is the essence. Velv stands for sustainable, bespoke and timeless designs. We select the most pure materials, as locally as possible. The production? It is mostly done by brand owner…material locally, locally possibleceramic, add, lifetime, vase, handmade1
tonysnycitybagels.nlThe one and only classic NY style bagels – We’ve got it! Wide selection of the tastiest toppings? Check! Delicious coffee from our own blend of beans from South America, roasted locally? Double check! And don’t forget our homemade treats…america locally, locally doubleny, sweet, delicious, authentic, traditional1
worldchampionamsterdam.nlBrand strategist, constantly curious about the consumer mind and how we can motivate positive behaviour change through creativity. Experience working with famous sports, adventure, travel and FMGC brands, both globally and locally.dynamic, efficient, strategist, auditing, trust1
vipergear.nlMain reason is the hosting is done locally and very keen on keeping it Secure and Safe.hosting locally, locally keenwing, century, spirit, anymore, satisfaction1
awl.nlAWL operates globally as a specialist in joining technology. We supply your specific production process needs locally with five branches on three continents. AWL guarantees the high productivity of its customers’ production process…need locally, locally branchwelding, robotic, integration, furniture, packaging1
ghanacoach.nlFor example, I promote slow travel in Ghana, I buy locally as much as possible and I work together with local leaders.ghana locally, locally possiblevolunteer, guidance, adventure, ghanaian, practical1
satagro.nlInappropriate or incorrect use of agrochemicals can affect farm profitability and environmental integrity. But a set of SatAgro prescription maps make it possible to use the same amount of inputs more efficiently, or to reduce doses…dose locally, locally losssatellite, crop, farm, soil, prescription1
stichtingdrinkwaterputtenvoorghana.nlTraining & Maintenance: f the drinking water well is installed and the hand pump is in operation, one technician is appointed locally in the area. This technician is specially trained to maintain the condition of the drinking water well…technician locally, locally areapump, report, population, accessible, sanitation1
brendaboot.nlFurthermore I designed, initiated and send newsletters, direct mailings and e-mailings to the international customer base. Attending all race events both locally and internationally I wrote press releases, race reports, promotional texts…event locally, locally internationallyux, visual, variety, stakeholder, usability1
andantetrust.nlue to the Dutch fiscal climate, many international companies choose The Netherlands as their country of residence. Because these companies must be managed and administrated locally, Andantecompany locally, locally andantetrust, fiscal, residence, climate, efficiency1
jhellings.nl…in the extensive literature on logics for trees. Our proof is based on a global variant of local equivalence notions on nodes of trees. This variant applies to entire trees, and involves counting ancestors of locally equivalent nodes.ancestor locally, locally equivalentquery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally1
nxtairport.nlFor us, Groningen Airport Eelde, NXT Airport is a good future base. The presence of locally generated green energy is a reason for us to choose Groningen Airport Eelde. The airport is working on a green hydrogen ecosystem, which will…presence locally, locally greensustainability, join, aviation, lab, programme1
hetzakelijkehart.nlI co-founded a local energy cooperative in my village in 2014 and worked steadily towards more awareness locally on the need to take more ecologically sound decisions. Also, I take courses in bushcraft , learning all about living in the…awareness locally, locally needhet, stakeholder, leadership, dialogue, independent1
sustainabledatafarming.nlSDF believes in the power of collaboration . Collaborating with the grower, and or producer of the CHP enables SDF to utilize the surplus of the locally produced energy for the servers and heat production and in turn allowing SDF to…surplus locally, locally energyhorticulture, sustainability, heat, greenhouse, grower1
prontocampi.nl…by the sea and certainly cooler. You can swim and boat in the river and I like to throw out a fishing rod. There is a bar where the children can have an ice cream and the parents can enjoy a locally brewed beer. It is really worth a visit.parent locally, locally beercampsite, holiday, italy, apartment, surrounding1
terrapie.nlBeauty, birdsong, buzzing bees and to live with in harmony with the seasons and reduce your carbon footprint by producing food locally. It is possible, even on a small scale and in an urban environment. I give ecological garden advice and…food locally, locally possibleecological, urban, agriculture, bathing, forest1
fastbyte.nlStoring your data locally is designed for fast data transfers, however you are at risk if there is a disaster in the office such as fire, floods or theft. Cloud data is stored off-site, such as in a Datto data center, which brings an…data locally, locally fastrecovery, disaster, average, employee, risk1
keuris.nlA small and authentic distillery was founded in the Green Heart region in the Netherlands in 2011. From the best ingredients locally produced, our products are made at a typical Dutch farmhouse. Apples from nearby orchards are used to…ingredient locally, locally productliqueur, beetroot, wine, craft, grain1
pllek.nl…definitely notice that on our menu! At least 75% of what you can order is vegetarian, of which at least 25% vegan. The meat and fish we do serve, come from the wild and we work with as many locally sourced and organic products as possible.wild locally, locally organicreservation, kingsnight, king, weekly, programming1
everysale.nlEach product we offer is as unique as the artist who made it. Our entire collection is crafted using locally sourced, non-toxic materials including repurposed wood and recycled glass. That way we create with the environment in mind.collection locally, locally nonceramic, wool, explore, glass, wood1
heelnederlandgeeft.nlWe help donors make safe and easy US tax-deductible donations to vetted, locally-driven organizations around the world. Donations are tax-deductible, taxpayers can give in GBP and claim an extra 25% if Gift Aid eligible.donation locally, locally organizationmasonry, grid, sidebar, width, donation1
casajosa.nlEnjoy a fresh, locally produced breakfast each day. Choose any of our various locally produced fresh breads, sweet and savory toppings, eggs, cheese, ham, salami, froot, yoghourt coffee and tea, and of course fresh pressed orange juice…fresh locally, locally breakfast, day locally, locally freshspain, swimming, discover, facility, olive1
movemententertainment.nlOver the past four years, Loco has brought the most wanted locals together at various locations. For the last six months Loco has been stranded in the locally beloved Chin Chin Club, where we tear down the place every first Friday of the…loco locally, locally belovedmovement, nightlife, pre, hague, till1
mosinteriors.nl…were hand-picked at local looms during our extensive travels over the entire globe. Our handbags and purses are 100 % locally produced by Ghanese women thus providing them with a great opportunity to take control and enhance their lives.purse locally, locally ghaneseinterior, furniture, bedroom, upholstery, fabric1
dutchpets.nlWe are committed to sourcing only the highest-quality ingredients for our pet food. From locally-sourced meats to nutrient-rich grains and vegetables, every ingredient is selected with care and consideration.food locally, locally meatdog, cat, nutrition, ingredient, launch1
allesisgezondheid.nl…domains work together in an integrated way. All about Health stimulates organisations to work together on health by connecting, organising regionally and locally, sharing knowledge, developing tools and by learning and doing together!regionally locally, locally knowledgehealthy, movement, initiative, prevention, programme1
watercommunity.nlWe want to encourage and stimulate co-creation and partnerships with academic staff, researchers and students in the Global North and South to participate locally and internationally.south locally, locally internationallyresearcher, initiative, publication, resilience, creation1
atelier4d.nlAll the furniture Erik creates is made from locally sourced timber that he mills and seasons himself, ensuring that the quality and appearance are completely under his control. He personally selects the wood that he believes will be best…erik locally, locally timberfurniture, lighting, piece, quickly, appearance1
viltvrouw.nlYou will find examples of the results in the webshop, I ship throughout Europe from the Netherlands. However I would recommend people to find wool locally.wool, celebration, sheep, animal, ceremony1
m-international.nlM. International has the ability to merge vision and simplify the objectives. They also understand the international perspective while remaining locally focussed.perspective locally, locally focussedgrowth, tax, multilingual, logistical, fourth1
ulmusbakkerij.nlWe try to source the best locally grown, organic ingredients we can get our hands on.good locally, locally organicsourdough, pastry, bread, ingredient, organic1
troef-energy.nlAn energy ecosystem is a community in which both private and commercial connected participants can exchange locally generated renewable energy with other participants through the use of technologies, propositions and customer journeys…participant locally, locally renewableecosystem, layer, emission, reduction, publication1
smarthublogistics.nlAt SMART HUB Logistics we are always looking for ways to work together in a sustainable way. Locally, nationally, or internationally, together we can make the world a better place.way locally, locally nationallylogistics, unload, housing, warehouse, estate1
keepfoodsimple.nlNuts are of great importance to a healthy diet. Moreover, there is an increasing interest in growing walnuts and hazelnuts locally, supported by the Dutch Association for Nuts. Focus is on both fresh nuts as well as on nuts processed into…hazelnut locally, locally dutchwalnut, diet, hazelnut, council, advisory1
advlegal.nlOur clients include organizations in the health care sector and private companies operating locally and internationally. In the health sector ADV Legal focuses on health care providers. Furthermore, legal assistance is provided to lawyers…company locally, locally internationallylaw, lawyer, operation, publication, enter1
frankchristian.nlIt basically feels like lego-blocks you are building your model by layering didn’t took me long and got my first locally trained model : 1 layer, activation function: relulong locally, locally modelprogress, python, certificate, autonomous, january1
rnatherapy.nlRNA therapy uses antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) as therapeutic tools. Upon local administration to the target tissue, ASOs have a very long half-life. In this way high and long-term exposure is achieved locally, while the exposure of…exposure locally, locally exposurerna, therapeutic, therapy, splice, patient1
hotel-spakenburg.nlOzb, household waste tax and the like (about 35 per month) (unless you register locally).accommodation, accomodation, expat, apartment, impression1
cooloo.nl…with international joint ventures and license partners in facade, flooring, construction and renovation industries in different parts of the world. Utilizing waste materials into circular products locally with the Endless Life® technology.product locally, locally endlesscircular, furniture, refurbishment, renovation, sustainability1
kubogroup.nlUrban Clima makes urban farming possible; the answer to the demand for locally-produced products.demand locally, locally productgreenhouse, grow, turn, manufacture, contracting1
slojd.nlMy inspiration is the Swedish culture of hemslöjd , which translates into something like homecrafts. It’s a self sufficient tradition of making beautiful useable objects yourself with locally and sustainably sourced materials.object locally, locally sustainablyspoon, wooden, knife, carve, wood1
susiso.nlThis is a quick guide on how to set up a locally hosted and SSL-enabled Apache web server, running on a Windows PC.guide locally, locally sslquery, apache, certificate, openssl, file1
dutchlionsunited.nlThere are plenty of powerful and brave Lions who have united to fight one or more aspects of the multi-headed monster locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. Many groups already exist with their own unique vision, strategy…monster locally, locally regionallyunited, victory, head, fear, freedom1
menuez.nlOnline advertising campaigns and social posts easily personalized and locally broadcasted on all preferred channels, websites and apps without losing the brand identity. >easily locally, locally channelvisibility, promotion, entrepreneur, identity1
imlounge.nlMore awareness, leads or sales? With our strategic approach, we know how to get all media channels to work optimally for your objective. We look at both pull and push marketing activities. Locally and internationally.activity locally, locally internationallytarget, growth, audience, presence, advertising1
uniteddutchdistributors.nlPurchase and logistics have been centralized and operated from our head office and excise warehouse in The Netherland. Locally we operate bonded warehousing in Mersin (TR) and Tanger (MA). From the different locations our products are…netherland locally, locally warehousingunited, distributor, distribution, beverage, mena1
sortasequinefibres.nlSortas Equine Fibres are specialists in the manufacturing and supply of both natural and synthetics footing additives for equestrian surfaces. All of our raw materials are sourced locally, they are also processed and baled on site at our…material locally, locally sitefibre, installation, guide, additive, raw1
thetwincherries.nlHome is Home! Being a proud black woman is already a strength on its own. Being a black woman is to value yourself or not to value yourself. Locally, Nationally or Internationally. I call upon black women to value and respect themselves…woman locally, locally nationallyparent, woman, girl, poverty, farming1
loerakkerledline.nlHigh-quality materials – aluminium, glass and wood – make the luminaires circular. The production is also sustainable; locally and socially involved.sustainable locally, locally sociallysurround, lighting, luminaire, ergonomic, ceiling1
beneluxfinale.nlThe users will authenticate against a central login panel, and then send to the region final. If the user is new in this region, the region will request additional information about this user to save locally.request, string, curl, perl, python1
irprotterdam.nlWhether you want to expand internationally or you want to enter a new market locally, we help you to bring your business to the next level. We are determined to provide a valuable report, which gives you results ready to implement.market locally, locally businesshighly, motivate, analysis, brazil, proposal1
petrahubbeling.nlIn order to help us support the refugees and locals as much as possible over six weeks, I would be very grateful for your financial help and contributions. Your money will enable me to buy needed items locally, aiding us to support the…item locally, locally localgreece, refugee, donation, reply, till1
ethicarestaurant.nlWe look for the ingredients of our dishes locally and we make additional Ethica as much as possible yourself; such as beer, soft drinks and other drinks. In and around the restaurant are our own fruit trees, herb plants and cultivated…dish locally, locally additionalhague, recipe, dining, vegetable, ingredient1
jazzcoffeewines.nlJAZZ Coffee & Wines strives to be a sustainable business. We preferably use organic products and our menu mainly features vegetarian dishes. We buy locally where we can and always choose suppliers that produce sustainably and deliver by…dish locally, locally supplierwine, thursday, sunday, discover, kitchen1
hollandroots.nlWhy would or should you hire a professional genealogist on the other side off the world, well that's the thing. It is in a way very simple, many of the Archives in the Netherlands are decentralized, so research has to be carried out…research locally, locally timegenealogical, ancestor, death, military, certificate1
permissionanalyzer.nlSecurity National Corporation, a multi-bank holding company, owns Security National Bank in Sioux City, Akron, and Mapleton, Iowa. Today, Security National Bank is the largest locally owned bank in Sioux City, Iowa.large locally, locally bankpermission, analyzer, report, overview, membership1
exergy-storage.nlBuilt from environmentally benign materials that can be locally sourced, the storage devices are designed to be recyclable, enabling us to close the materials loop.material locally, locally storagestorage, battery, utility, recyclable, scale1
levasto.nlBy joining us, you benefit from our regional network of locally run franchised Levasto brands. Our experts will walk with you at every stage, from the level where you integrate your hotel into our brand to inbound and outbound marketing…network locally, locally franchiseknow, comprehensive, principle, relationship, urban1
totovinoecucina.nlEnjoy an Italian dinner at your home or location, featuring seasonal and locally-sourced fresh ingredientsseasonal locally, locally freshwine, delicious, italian, dish, italy1
iqstaffing.nlI got that. I never thought I’ll have an employer abroad, but finalizing our contract was as easy as doing it here, locally in Poland. Everything was a breeze, not to many formalities, which I really appreciate. Their staff was always veryeasy locally, locally polandstaffing, adventure, relocation, career, candidate1
frshslabs.nlLocally made with high end materials. Responsibly sourced and designed to ensure the best quality.freshener, wooden, clothing, calendar, wood1
worldwidevegan.nlClient comes first means being hospitable and friendly in any way possible. Together with our partners our team works effortlessly to provide the best service for our clients around the world. Thinking globally and acting locally is an…globally locally, locally keyhospitable, king, innovative, ground, foot1
amrecycling.nl…heart of Rotterdam, the Europoort, a 4,000 m² location in Rotterdam's Botlek and a location in Barendrecht, A&M Recycling can provide both clients and stakeholders with the best possible service locally, nationally and internationally.service locally, locally nationallywaste, responsible, raw, innovative, effort1
sbfotografie.nlI have worked on many assignments for different companies such as DPG media, KLM, mediahuis and many others both  locally and abroad. My specialities include fashion-, model-, portret- and casting photography.mediahuis locally, locally abroadpackage, pricing, expressionist, bold, unforgettable1
ophon.nlEach Coverfront is locally produced with FSC-certified materials in a carbon-neutral facility. Each Coverfront is made to order. We currently deliver in the Netherlands and Belgium, and ship to Europe & USA.coverfront locally, locally fsccabinet, cover, furniture, storage, shelf1
locorum.nlBy growing and producing textiles and garments locally, we hope to minimise these effects and give you clothes you can wear with pride. A community won’t pollute its own drinking water or poison its own air. It won’t exploit its own…garment locally, locally effect, abroad locally, locally partapparel, clothes, chain, worker, supply1
eresm.nlWith a locally managed team of property management experts, we look forward to welcoming you to one of our communities.residential, apartment, resident, rental, property1
florayuda.nlStrengthening the position of women as the heart of the community is of the utmost importance. Therefore we now search for new funds for the ‘Courses for Women’. Locally they are called ‘Mujeres Fuertes’, meaning Powerful Women.woman locally, locally mujeresscholarship, donation, street, fund, woman1
edutwin.nlEdutwin is not a charity . Edutwin supports and microfinances its projects until they have reached self sustainability, in other words : are locally managed and generate enough revenue.word locally, locally revenuesustainability, electronic, waste, face, innovative1
meersupport.nlProducts are made locally in Philippines, where any profit benefits the laborors directly.product locally, locally philippineluxury, philippine, directly, profit, poor1
analogspace.nlOur mission is to give you services we were missing when we started our journey with analog photography. We're located in Eindhoven, Netherlands, and all items in this store are shipped worldwide. We also provide lab services - both…service locally, locally maillab, regular, rate, refund, strap1
richwertz.nl. Our top mixologists are constantly bringing new and unique offerings to our smoothie menu. We have a wide range of locally grown, fresh fruit and vegetable choices to make you custom blended drinks. We also have seasonal selections that…range locally, locally freshrich, london, dining, king, attraction1
sscr.nl…toilets and a playground. The budget for this project is approximately $104,585, of which $27,200 will be raised locally for the wage costs of the construction workers. In the Netherlands, €71,767 will have to be financed, of which…approximately locally, locally wagecambodia, fund, report, wilde, christmas1
quodbonum.nl…sell-side or buy side advisory and you seek investors or want to invest in online gambling or lottery companies locally, or when you need a valuation of a (potential) investment or divestment in a specific market, Quod Bonum can help…company locally, locally valuationquod, lottery, consulting, gambling, regulatory1
lamp-ion.nl…tubes without any scaling (photo on the right hand side). On the photo on the right hand side, 2 quartz sleeves locally show some impurities present at the surface. These impurities originate from impurities in water present on the…sleeve locally, locally impuritiesion, wave, greenhouse, grant, ecological1
eureleaf.nlLiposomes are small, fatty spheres that work deep into the cells, which is why liposomal CBD is better absorbed by the body. Liposomal PEA cream ensures that CBD can be applied locally and has optimal effect in those places. The Liposomal…cbd locally, locally optimaloil, producer, botanical, concentration, liposomal1
pickypeople-kitchen.nlWe are firm believers in healthy nutrition , but less so in the industry that has developed around it in recent decades. Because your food doesn’t need to come from far away to be tasty! Which is why our ingredients are wherever possible…possible locally, locally organickitchen, meal, taste, conscious, cuisine1
ninaskitchen.nlWe are an Amsterdam-based organic catering service with a difference. Nina’s Kitchen uses organic and locally sourced, seasonal produce wherever possible.organic locally, locally seasonalkitchen, pleasure, reference, organic, affordable1
lmboud.nlDelivering practical solutions is one of our key goals. Another goal of Theo Oud is to supply farm machinery and tractors all over the world, by creating partner­ships with locally based companies close to the farmers.world locally, locally companyagricultural, mechanization, farmer, footer, farm1
localholocaust.nlThis research follows the international trend to view the persecution of Jews not only as a centrally led, but also as a locally embedded process. At the same time, this study transcends the local perspective by taking a comparative…centrally locally, locally processdynamic, publication, province, jewish, occupy1
simonvanderveldt.nlBuilding your site locally and then pushing the resulting HTML is a thing of the past! :)site locally, locally htmlmarkdown, github, flavor, footnote, syntax1
growingpaper.nlGrowingpaper has partners in Europe who know the local market and print locally. Together we form a close network through which we deliver the best quality and service every day. This enables us to deliver large international orders…market locally, locally closepaper, grow, seed, piece, holiday1
adoptastove.nl…India. The stove is easy to use, looks similar to the local designs of the traditional stoves, can be produced locally and is relatively cheap. Naturally, the most important improvement the Chula brings about is the reduction in the…stove locally, locally relativelystove, charity, smoke, creation, indian1
groupdecisionroom.nlWhen trying to find a CBD supplement, it’s important to locate one that has actually been thoroughly evaluated and produced by a respectable business. Seek items that are made in the United States with active ingredients grown locally and…ingredient locally, locally accreditationproperty, effective, leader, variety, money1
rabaab.nl…are more than just sweet sweets; they are a feeling, an indulgence for happy occasions, and a celebration of fresh starts. So, this is just a quick introduction to the several kinds of mithais that are famous both globally and locally.indian, indonesian, dish, dinner, reservation1
dailypastry.nlcharacteristic Dutch village. We bake with the best ingredients and use a classic French technique. Daily Pastry is committed to the community and we source as many ingredients locally as possible to ensure the authenticity of our products.ingredient locally, locally possiblepastry, everyday, honest, bakery, bread1
dimeta.nlCan be produced today from wide range of sustainable, locally sourced, feedstockssustainable locally, locally feedstockcarbon, renewable, grid, recycle, fuel1
lockoloop.nlWhen the Netherlands boast a 54% recycling rate, it really means that a small part of the recovered plastic is recycled locally and the rest is sent abroad, to Malaysia for instance. It is supposedly recycled there, but in reality, most…plastic locally, locally restwaste, bike, packaging, basket, grocery1
binnenvisser.nlcafe binnenvisser is a neighborhood restaurant & wine bar with a bistro style menu focussing on seasonal and locally sourced ingredientsseasonal locally, locally ingredientwine, reservation, ingredient, cafe, neighborhood1
eurospoor.nl…station from their own observation, a feast of recognition, for those who know the station from photos (for example from the May days of 1940) a feast of recognition. And for all who are locally known a picture of how it could have been.recognition locally, locally picturerailway, layout, train, october, visitor1
umcutrecht.nlResearcher Lois Daamen studies how MRI-guided radiotherapy can be used against locally advanced pancreatic cancer. And associate professor Roel Deckers employs ultrasound to help fight head and neck cancers.radiotherapy locally, locally advancedappointment, strategic, wait, healthcare, practical1
wpmeetupamsterdam.nlFollowing the definition by WordPress, our WP Meetup Amsterdam is a locally-organized group that gets together for inspiring and ‘gezellige’ face-to-face events on a regular basis throughout the year. Our Meetups aim to be welcoming…amsterdam locally, locally groupwp, recap, july, february, visitor1
ptsa.nlare often difficult to lay in a continuous carpet. Also there is very little demand for cut tiles, much loss due to locally soiled tiles, and small overstocks are often left over. This design provides a completely new look that gives unityloss locally, locally tilebinnen, paris, proof, reuse, carpet1
bestpractice.nl…who till recently could sell their products and services from overseas. Local presence is becoming increasingly important. Best Practice is able to provide assistance to those companies that want to become more locally active and visible.company locally, locally activesaudi, reference, arabia, foreign, execution1
restaurant141.nlHere at Restaurant 141, we love locally sourced products combined with flavours from around the world. We cook multiple cuisines, tailoring our dishes to the best seasonal produce that Mother Nature has to offer.restaurant locally, locally productpackage, boat, reservation, hire, riser1
marleenkookt.nlI source most ingredients locally, from small vendors and buy organic whenever possible. Whether it's beef stock or ketchup, I make everything from scratch without the use of preservatives.ingredient locally, locally smallmeal, healthy, vegetable, kid, advance1
mycotex.nlProducing fashion locally has not been done at scale, due to high labor costs, a lack of skilled workers and the fact that all supplies generally still need to come from Asia. NEFFA solves this puzzle: raw materials, such as our MYCOTEX…fashion locally, locally scale, material locally, locally fermentationfactory, manufacture, compostable, seamless, fully1
yayang.nlAt Yayang we use organic, locally sourced, seasonal and halal products as much as possible. Do you have a special request? Let us know in advance and we will be delighted to cater to your requirements for each and every occasion.organic locally, locally seasonalasian, meal, culinary, cookery, speciality1
hopsandhopes.nlmead melomel with wild blueberries, locally produced honey and a pile of peanuts.blueberry locally, locally honeybrew, imperial, hope, package, double1
sleutelfactortoxiciteit.nlConcentrations of substances that occur locally, as representative as possible for the local situation,substance locally, locally representativetoxic, calculation, chemical, toxicity, pressure1
fiddler.nlOur locally sourced food menu includes finger food and dishes ranging from burgers to our famous nachos and is a perfect addition to your beer.fiddler, brewery, reservation, hague, traditional1
mommaluv.nl“It’s great that you get to see photos of the pregnant mothers and afterwards of the newly born babies. The fact that you can see which products they buy locally with the donated money and which mom receives the package, that makes you…product locally, locally moneymother, pregnant, maternity, africa, unnecessary1
growy.nlOur label Chef's Farm provides chefs with the most sustainable, fresh, and tasty garnishes, that are grown locally in the city of Amsterdam.garnish locally, locally cityfarm, vertical, salad, herb, microgreen1
globalseasons.nlWe at Global Seasons are fans of shopping and eating locally. With our culinary walking tours we aim to further promote this idea in our area.fan locally, locally culinaryseason, healthy, walk, planet, universal1
amavat.nlGetting VAT right is essential for international trade when using fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) an obligation to register for VAT locally can be created – We are able to guide you through this process.vat locally, locally abletax, compliance, registration, seller, file1
arnesco.nlBV has over the years built up their own stock of measuring equipment, Main and auxilliary engine parts as well as electrical consumables which are all either directly imported from makers, and or fabricated locally on behalf of Arnesco BV.maker locally, locally behalfpurchaser, shall, vendor, ship, spare1
ramonddevrede.nl…(B and C brands), it was suddenly possible to replace the stupid terminals with PCs that could do a lot of tasks locally and their storage and printer tasks still via the server. My first project was hacking a password from a Novell…task locally, locally storageunifi, ubiquiti, device, connection, commodore1
damplank.nlIn February 2016 the DamPlank was granted Amsterdam Made certification. This hallmark is awarded only to locally made products of superior quality that comply with the core values of creativity, innovation, sustainability and craftsmanship.hallmark locally, locally productknife, chop, wood, kitchen, grandma1
cordial.nlFrom our main location in Winschoten (Groningen, the Netherlands), a professional and dedicated team of more than fifty employees works on specific solutions. Cordial produces locally, but operates internationally! In order to serve our…cordial locally, locally internationallycordial, adhesive, liquid, powder, producer1
kookstudiovanbelle.nlThe cooking studio is located right next to the vibrant Afrikaanderplein which also houses the locally known Afrikaander market. The studio is only a few steps away from metro station Rijnhaven.afrikaanderplein locally, locally afrikaandercooking, summary, dining, enthusiast, truly1
hotel-taurus.nlIndulge in a delicious culinary experience at our on-site fast food restaurant, where our talented staff craft delectable fries using locally sourced ingredients. Savor the flavors and unwind with a refreshing drink at our cozy bar, the…fry locally, locally ingredientatmosphere, traveler, invite, stay, gateway1
allroundplumber.nlWe offer an allround plumber that can be reached locally throughout the Netherlands. Both individuals and companies may contact us 24 hours a day and 7 days week to clear clogging.plumber locally, locally netherlandsplumber, drain, clog, plumbing, repair1
happywhale.nlyou will receive a full refund. Often the weather is not too bad despite the forecast of showers and it falls quite locally. There are also nice, sheltered routes available. Did you know that almost all our sloops (with the exception of…shower locally, locally niceboat, electric, property, rental, supplier1
stichtinglalibela.nl…group of the Lalibela Foundation and BEZA was trained in making candles from beeswax. In the North of Ethiopia beekeeping is very common, hence the raw materials are locally available. The candles will be sold to tourists in Lalibela.material locally, locally availableoctober, ababa, law, degree, ethiopian1
wonderparkcafe.nlEnjoy delightful food and drinks prepared with love and care. We strive to buy locally, be sustainable, and offer healthy choices.care locally, locally sustainableplayground, birthday, bundle, kid, wonderful1
fenixfoodfactory.nlKaapse Kaap is committed to bringing great independent craft beers to Rotterdam. Sometimes the beers travel from across the world to get to their taps, and sometimes they come locally, even right from our city.tap locally, locally rightfactory, selection, flavor, entrepreneur, root1
hoteldewittebergen.nla cozy drink, or a delightful multi-course dinner. Explore our diverse menu, crafted with carefully selected sustainable and locally sourced ingredients. To ensure a spot, we recommend making a reservation. We look forward to welcoming you!sustainable locally, locally ingredientder, guarantee, vacancy, package, luxury1
ste.nlMKB Eindhoven is the executive organization of MKB Nederland in Brabant. MKB Eindhoven stands up for the interests of the entrepreneur, locally, regionally and nationally. MKB Eindhoven has 170,000 members, and we are proud to be one of…entrepreneur locally, locally regionallyinstitute, reference, grant, vacancy, teacher1
euroquis.nlof the KDE Megarelease, and that Plasma 6 can’t co-install with Plasma 5 from the regular ports tree right now. Since we definitely want testing, here’s a VirtualBox setup for it. (I still have not spent the time figuring out bhyve locally)programming, bake, release, recently, framework1
origino.nlOersprong – or "Primal Leap!" - combines daycare with small scale regenerative horticulture and fishfarming. The latter are in symbioses, also known as Aquaponics. Only seeds and part of the feeds are bought from elsewhere. The rest is…rest locally, locally siteorganic, waste, matter, treatment, daycare1
housefeeling.nlThe primary objective of HOUSE FEELING is to champion exceptional HOUSE MUSIC by locally releasing works from talented artists and organizing house parties. These events provide an environment where individuals can feel comfortable…music locally, locally workfeel, dance, release, july, mus1
christianernsten.nl…Hornhuizen, Loppersum, Usquert and the Eemshaven harbour, address four urgent themes in the antropocene landscape locally and globally: water, biodiversity, climate and heritage. The publication directed at a broad audience interested inlandscape locally, locally globallywalk, heritage, publication, archaeology, river1
metriot.nlA Belgian Grid Operator needed to make meter data available for Business-to-Business customers. Metriot developed a device to read out the meter using RS-485 and the IEC62056-21 protocol and present it locally according to the DSMR P1 /…protocol locally, locally dsmrdevice, section, reliable, belgian, grid1
partnify.nlExpand your network, expand your business locally, nationally or internationally and generate new business opportunities.business locally, locally nationallypartnership, collaboration, marketplace, creation, comprehensive1
chestnut.nl…of today and those of the future, such as digitization, legislation and regulations, sustainability and rising energy costs. Together, the companies form a very solid organization that locally connects the municipality and its residents.organization locally, locally municipalitychestnut, advisor, acquisition, council, description1
manonenthijsopreis.nlIf anything, we try to avoid the beaten path. We don’t do packaged tours or resorts, try to stay in locally owned places, and tend to avoid tourist destinations to the best of our ability. The world is rapidly getting smaller, and with…resort locally, locally placeimpression, observation, america, patagonia, asia1
envisionrealestate.nl…The law in the Netherlands concerning housing and permits is constructed over several layers, from nationwide to locally. With her experience Cherry-Ann can read, find and understand all the rules and procedures which can give you an…nationwide locally, locally experienceenvision, estate, investment, property, investor1
seblog.nlcommand I get the convenience again: it will push the branch and set the upstream with the same name as I have locally, exactly as Git suggested I should have done, but in less typing.upstream locally, locally exactlyvim, git, file, command, yak1
eneca.nl…and work flow at the beginning, we managed to establish a well-coordinated process afterwards. Work with ENECA was a good alternative to the direct hiring locally. I would recommend working with ENECA as your reliable outsourcing partner."hire locally, locally enecastructural, steel, structure, modeling, evolution1
lubrafil.nl…ability to provide high quality filtration products and services to its customers by thinking globally and acting locally. This acquisition enables Lubrafil Filtration to further benefit from BOLL GROUP's extensive knowledge and…globally locally, locally acquisitionfiltration, maintenance, subsidiary, think, package1
samico.nlWe have delivered our services to well-known and prominent clients in various sectors, locally and internationally. Our clients are among the large international firms. However, being a large company is not the criteria for choosing our…sector locally, locally internationallytailor, litigation, arbitration, dimension, matter1
buju.nlTecnologia offers our clients the best of both worlds: locally based engineers, service staff and vCIOs (virtual Chief Information Officers) who manage your account and service calls, backed up by a national network of highly trained…world locally, locally engineermanufacture, manage, staff, consulting, advisory1
brandonno.nlBrandonno coffee beans are roasted locally and blended according to an authentic Italian recipe. By producing everything as locally as possible, we reduce emissions from transport.bean locally, locally authentic, recipe locally, locally possiblepackaging, aunt, italian, rainforest, responsible1
studiokader.nlThe other branch offers professional project management, including exhibition production and commission supervision, primarily serving clients in the cultural sector. Kader has a wealth of experience in handling intricate projects both…project locally, locally internationallyexhibition, graphic, identity, independent, collaboration1
milkandmeetings.nlIn line with our milkproduction under the label ”On the way to Planet Proof”, you are also assured of a sustainable stay at Milk & Meetings. We are energy neutral and serve locally and nationally produced food as much as possible. We…neutral locally, locally nationallymilk, dairy, facility, cow, landscape1
millux.nlLasers have been around for sixty years as sources of coherent light which is focused as a narrow beam on a small spot. A laser beam locally changes the material properties in a very controlled and confined manner. Millux has specialised…beam locally, locally materialmanufacture, customised, competence, processing1
bitcoindesign.nl…masterpiece is Handmade to create a unique object. Bitcoin Design strives the highest standards by using high quality materials like bronze and glass. Each Bitcoin artwork is locally produced in the Netherlands for the famous Dutch-Qualityartwork locally, locally netherlandsexclusive, creation, craftsmanship, artwork, handmade1
greenflor.nlGreenflor is the place for exclusive flowers that you don't find anywhere else! As a pioneer we look for the whole world for the most exclusive flowers. Both locally and worldwide we have built up a network with first -class breeders and…flower locally, locally worldwideflower, peony, season, wreath, sunset1
vondelparkhouse.nlAt this time I am not offering breakfast in my B&B, however there are lots of places locally within 5 minutes walk with extensive breakfast menus. I’m happy to discuss and make recommendations at check-in.place locally, locally minuteguest, near, tourist, min, attraction1
sunbay.nlFully distributed genomics infrastructure is a nation-scale decentralized system implementing standards for the federated access and analysis of locally controlled data.analysis locally, locally datapayment, career, device, genomic, maintenance1
schildernijkamp.nllocal wheat farmers and Love Bread Mill to offer products made from whole wheat that is grown locally in Oregon and milled right here in the Orange area.wheat locally, locally oregonwedding, bakery, bread, lorem, ipsum1
samaki.nlYour first steps in Kenya. We introduce you to the specialists on tax, legal, HR, accounting, recruitment or office space locally. We prevent you from making costly mistakes and allow you on getting your business started.space locally, locally costlykenya, growth, africa, ground, founder1
jetta-express.nl…sales partners, who use leading technologies to professionally process sales of your branded products locally. The advantage to you is a substantial reduction in costs: Our sophisticated operating model eliminates government…product locally, locally advantagegrowth, consumer, request, asia, rate1
leafnode.nlLeaf Node Monitoring is a simple tool that alerts you when a server or websites is not available. No complex setup required, no config files to edit, no kubernetes cluster to manage, just a nice piece of quality software you run locally…software locally, locally yearleaf, node, host, buy, setup1
treehousetribe.nlShe’s a true community builder and socially engaged entrepreneur who wants to help people find their true calling. In the past Loes founded Ondernemershuis, a hub for locally involved entrepreneurs in Zeist.hub locally, locally involvetreehouse, founder, kindness, entrepreneur, victory1
claycoffee.nlEnjoy our baked goods and specialty coffees, carefully sourced both locally and across Europe, while meeting new friends in our pottery studio.carefully locally, locally europewheel, regular, clay, february, ceramic1
erikstehmann.nlColback is a nonwoven lightweight material with strong dimensional stability. For me, the best way to turn this into a 3D product was by experimenting with folding. By creasing the Colback, its fibres can be weakened locally, controlling…fibre locally, locally materialdimension, chair, cat, brush, fully1
wijweigerendehuurverhoging.nl…this year! We encourage residents, neighbors, associations, or (action) groups to organize a flyer campaign locally and to go door-to-door against the rent increase! Do you want tips or help to organize such a local action? contactcampaign locally, locally doorrent, increase, july, landlord, wij1
fontoplumo.nlLAMY safari special editions. We listed the ones we once offered since we started to carry Lamy in 2013 and it contains editions which were worldwide available, but also some regional exclusive ones which we have been able to offer locally.fountain, sailor, ink, nib, pencil1
duurzaamjacht.nlUsing only her own sources of energy, locally available food is cooked. Her crew travels sustainably, yet comfortably, using such means as electric engines, an induction cooker, a freezer, a microwave, Wi-Fi, GPS, radar and anything they…energy locally, locally availableyacht, fuel, drop, ship, comfortably1
sepiapotato.nl…Uganda and the Democratic Republic Congo. The Foundation aims to appoint in 2023 a coordinator who will have the task to develop, to initiate and to implement locally projects which promote and support the cultivation of hybrid potato.task locally, locally projectpotato, seed, objective, true, african1
ventisit.nlSince beginning our business in 2003, we have always believed in corporate social responsibility. Our hand made products are produced locally with great care. We also employ people with poor employment prospects to assist us. We consider…product locally, locally greatcushion, recumbent, recreation, optimal, ventilation1
blacktree.nlI’ve been having the issue over the last decades that the available subtitles from the well known sites are quite often not suitable for the videos that I have saved locally. Often downloaded videos, especially from YouTube, don’t have…video locally, locally videopowershell, file, channel, whisper, subtitle1
walterdemilliano.nlInterview in dutch on local broadcasting network. Summary: the accessions of the International Cold Tolerant Nursery are not making grain but are staying green. And, the sorghum did not lodge – it has withstood the locally feared stormssorghum locally, locally stormregion, crop, pathologist, selection, publication1
aiswave.nlAiswave is a Management Consultancy firm capable of leading business change on any scale, locally or globally, with an approach that’s positive, personal and hands-scale locally, locally globallyexecutive, growth, telecommunication, effective, colocation1
vlskorpsen.nlWe are a young and vivid club. But you don’t have to be young of age to come and play with us. What you do have to be is young of mind and spirit and hence you enjoy playing music. It’s fun and recreational. Locally and nationwide we are…recreational locally, locally nationwidecontest, abroad, surprising, audience, successful1
birdsbeesbusiness.nlGlobal demand for shea butter is growing, creating opportunities for West African women! They traditionally process shea nuts into shea butter and earn cash from this. That’s why shea butter is also called ‘women’s gold’. Most sell their…shea locally, locally potentialbird, shea, tree, butter, landscape1
thermogis.nl…is therefore possible that certain layers are not included in ThermoGIS because not enough is known about them. The maps in ThermoGIS are mapped and modelled on a regional scale. Locally, the values shown may therefore differ from reality.scale locally, locally valuegeothermal, aquifer, calculation, potential, viewer1
eindhovenhistorylab.nlThe Eindhoven History Lab was established in 2017 as the local umbrella for Eindhoven university’s history of technology researchers and the in-house Foundation for the History of Technology SHT (Stichting Historie der Techniek). The Lab…lab locally, locally technologylab, publication, sustainability, conference, joint1
kompaanbier.nlHost your next corporate event with us and have the whole Kompaan brewery’s city-center taproom to yourselves! Here we have 20 taps of our very own hyper locally produced craft-beer from our brewery in The Hague, multiple beers from our…hyper locally, locally craftadd, brewery, craft, hague, battle1
nagazuka.nlYou’ll need the distribution locally, so the first step is to download the zip file with all the JARs for JaCoCo and unzip it into a local directory (in my case c:\tools\jacoco-distribution locally, locally steporacle, adf, report, file, connection1
lafucina.nlSourcing locally enables us to keep our prices low! Resulting in affordable food for everyone.italian, taste, carefully, origin, root1
spitsberg.nlSpitsberg is a product design studio. All products are carefully and locally made in The Netherlands.carefully locally, locally netherlandsrefine, minimalistic, craftsmanship, bag, checkout1
dobken.nlHow to install Spark locally? -> You don’t! You can find easy guides for sure, they will still guide you through a forrest of opaque steps: installing Java, Scala, downloading and installing Spark, setting environmental variables and…spark locally, locally easy, kubernetes locally, locally closefile, archive, spark, kubernetes, completely1
overkernenergie.nlThe government believes that local residents and other stakeholders should be as closely involved as possible in the preparations for the two new nuclear power plants, as these will have a big impact locally, especially given the number…impact locally, locally especiallynuclear, government, electricity, climate, capacity1
vvvzundert.nlBrewed locally within the walls of Trappist brewery De Kievit of the Abbey of Maria Toevlucht That's the taste of Zundert!explore, flower, eat, visit, traffic1
starfighters.nl…possess a sufficiently large mass. In fact, as the denser regions, on their way to collapse, incorporate matter, locally lower masses of Jeans are reached, which therefore lead to a subdivision of the cloud into hierarchically smaller…matter locally, locally lowformation, collapse, matter, mass, interstellar1
jelmervanderlinde.nltranslateLocally is a desktop application for text translation. Unlike cloud providers, all processing is performed locally and your text remains privately on your computer.processing locally, locally textcover, processing, association, study, administration1
bedofflowers.nlBed of Flowers is situated in a beautiful setting of a winding river dike, pastures and a forest reserve. It is an ideal environment for hikers and bikers since there is hardly any (car) traffic on the dike (other than from people who…people locally, locally wideflower, dike, pricing, river, bath1
convecta.nlBecause I operate locally, reputation is extremely important to me. I therefore try to provide you with the best possible service. To guarantee your satisfaction I listen to your ideas, try to offer the best solution, and make…emergency, heat, pump, certificate, installation1
arjtrainingen.nl…functional workouts, where your body is the ultimate and most important machine. This includes aggression and resilience training for both young and old, team building training, but also police unit training for action locally and abroad.action locally, locally abroadlesson, trial, kickboxing, kid, ago1
mka-tanzania.nlDevelopment aid is not just a matter of finance. The most important contribution we can make is to help improve the quality of treatment locally and enhance the skills and knowledge of the local colleagues. Therefore, it is essential to…treatment locally, locally skillshospital, oral, maxillofacial, patient1
eurorail.nl…each year. These include medical costs, damage to vehicles and equipment, loss of production and personnel, etc. To actively contribute to road safety we supply and install guard rail constructions. Also known locally as crash barriers.construction locally, locally crashbarrier, noise, situation, reliable, protection1
hydrozine.nlMoney is kept in local boundaries because Hydrozine can be produced locally. Solar panels and farmers provide the ingredients for Hydrozine.hydrozine locally, locally solarsupply, chain, liquid, fuel, currently1
newcitizendesign.nl…‘best sustainable design firm’. The jury especially praises Blade Made: urban furniture and playgrounds designed from locally harvested windmill blades. The enormous stock of discarded windmill blades can be re-used for very high…playground locally, locally windmillcitizen, blade, think, talk, january1
taskforceqrs.nlTaskforce QRS (Qualitative Resuscitation by Students) consists primarily of university students. Most of these are medical students. We are supported both locally and nationally by professors and other experts. The idea to let medical…student locally, locally nationallysecondary, adult, victim, frequently, vacancy1
4lessgroep.nlXAMPP is meant only for development purposes. It has certain configuration settings that make it easy to develop locally but that are insecure if you want to have your installation accessible to others.easy locally, locally insecureapache, perl, distribution, guide, successfully1
broodje-kadootje.nlBecause what you get nearby is just delicious. We want to show that there is a real difference in the products that are locally grown or produced.delicious, delight, wine, crayfish, friday1
alkebulan.nlWith a nation of photographers, writers, hosts, musicians, and more, we navigate different cultures locally and internationally.culture locally, locally internationallynation, cultural, generation, ago, racism1
pd0sot.nlAlthough 3 meters FM pirating became a substantial interest soon the digital age set in. Modems, BBS's and landlines deferred my attention from the radiohobby. Allthough i tried to set up an 11 meter packet BBS it never got in good use…use locally, locally professionalwire, sota, antenna, consent, successful1
keac.nl…countries who may be having problems either carrying out a test or following a treatment e.g. HPU. Often, such clients either cannot find help locally, the correct information, or are afraid of being over-charged by unscrupulous companies.help locally, locally correcthpu, laboratory, scientific, allergy1
liesbetnyssen.nlThe Altay-Sayan, or - as locally preferred - the Sayan-Altay region, is an area named after the Sayan and Altay mountain ranges and extending over much of southern Siberia (Russian Federation) and northwestern Mongolia and small parts of…sayan locally, locally sayansiberia, southern, ethnography, august1
peppercrew.nlRecently, I worked on a project where the workload needed to shift from using a Citrix Published Desktop to a physical laptop, with locally installed applications. As always, there are applications that, for various reasons, cannot be…laptop locally, locally applicationworkspace, sequence, task, rink, spy1
stormscott.nlWe offer integrated client solutions. Our state-of-the art Audio-Video editing work stations are linked with an internal high speed fiber channel infrastructure designed to store massive files locally. This local storage system of over…file locally, locally localvisual, growth, fully, inspiration, compelling1
nkthainoodles.nlEmbark on a culinary journey to Thailand without leaving Amsterdam at NK Thai Noodles, your gateway to authentic Thai flavors. Our family-owned restaurant brings the vibrant aromas and tantalizing tastes of Thailand to your table, using…fresh locally, locally ingredientcuisine, authentic, dish, noodle, ingredient1
tsteefanannep.nlAnne Veenstra-Posthumus, locally known as Anne P., has been and still is a household name in Rottevalle. The cottage at Brouwersgreft 5 is a monument and was Anne P.'s property for more than thirty years. After her death in 2013 we bought…posthumus locally, locally anneholiday, authentic, cycling, walk, enclosed1
posforwebshops.nlPOS for Webshops can be installed locally on your own computer, or online on a webserver. All your data is synced live between your POS and Webshop but will be buffered when you don't have an internet connection available. Your data will…webshops locally, locally computeroscommerce, pricing, changelog, manual, license1
kuiperholland.nlWaste management, insulation and responsible wood purchasing are just a few examples of how Kuiper Holland is working towards a sustainable future . We acknowledge the importance of the protection of our environment, locally and…environment locally, locally internationallypanel, interior, specification, protect, veneer1
wildsolutions.nlBrief encounter with the extraordinary Pancake Tortoise, locally referred to as ‘Kobe kama Chapati’, in northeast Kenya.tortoise locally, locally kobedwarf, squirrel, claw, needle, kenya1
cafekatoen.nlA fine shopstop to enjoy a perfect espresso or latte macchiato, energy refill for the next mall, market or museum. Do try and taste our specialty beers. A fresh draft beer on tap or locally bottled brews, also non-alcoholic. Our gin and…tap locally, locally brewcharming, splendid, vibrant, tourist, mood1
johnbraun.nlContributing to packages instead of applications can look challenging. In this blog post I want to show a workflow to work on PHP packages and be able to test them out locally.mutation, package, cypress, fake, progress1
banbase.nlYou pay on a monthly basis where you are charged by per developer and a flat fee on OSTDO subscription. Payment can be done locally in the Netherlands.payment locally, locally netherlandshire, base, song, discover, pricing1
sheias.nlAlthough most of this website is written in Dutch, since we are based in the Netherlands and most of our work is done locally, there are some exceptions and our work for the greatest good for Mother Gaia and all of her residents crosses…work locally, locally exceptionspirit, abroad, artwork, mother, distance1
ruvu.nlOr do you want your robot to do the task well and efficiently? Accurate docking at a docking station, for example, can be done by closing the feedback loop locally. Sensing the docking station, or its direct environment provides enough…loop locally, locally dockrobotic, autonomous, fleet, behavior, showcase1
farawaygarden.nlFaraway Garden is a business born out of a passion for nature, starting with making jam from the fruits of my allotment. I now source most of my fruits and veg locally (where possible; its always a work in progress!) and in the summer…veg locally, locally possibleadd, chocolate, cocoa, origin, bake1
tk.nlWith our experts and international partners in GGI Gobal Alliance & Legal Network International, we offer clients a personal, cost-effective and partner-led service provided by over 800 locally qualified attorneys-at-law.service locally, locally qualifylaw, civil, notary, attorney, litigation1
nynkehofstra.nl…Waterborne Pathogen (GloWPa) model that simulates pathogen concentrations in surface water worldwide and more locally, e.g. in Uganda. We also apply other water quality models in Bangladesh and Pakistan, in Mexico city, and in China.worldwide locally, locally ugandaassociate, teach, analysis, environmental, phd1
classicfabrics.nlThroughout history, people have dyed their fabrics and textiles using common and uncommon locally available materials. This varied from leaves from all sorts of plants, roots, berries and tree bark, to vegetable materials such as onion…uncommon locally, locally availablewool, fabric, silk, linen, leg1
marleenluijten.nlenvironmental problems. In my everyday life I integrate these values by responsibly consuming products and minimizing waste. For example, I repair products as much as possible, sew my own garments and buy locally grown fruit and vegetables.garment locally, locally fruitfurthermore, sustainability, present, environmental, sketch1
nevernever.nlThe new pieces experimental aspect is amplified by activating sensory impressions beyond the purely visual, such as smell. Loidys does not work with any one brand of Blue Curaçao liquor, the bottles can be purchased locally anywhere…bottle locally, locally exactexhibition, residency, pain, pink, sun1
sepdenhelder.nlDen Helder has no shortage of sites of cultural and historical importance such as Fort Dirksz, a proud part of the fortifications in a green, water-rich environment. Most members of the business community we work with are based locally…community locally, locally courseimpression, session, combination, programme, strategic1
dancingontheedge.nlWe are based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and work both locally and globally, specifically –but not exclusively- with artists and practitioners from the West Asia and North Africa region and its diaspora. Dancing on the Edge (DOTE)…netherlands locally, locally globallyedge, dance, listen, audience, perspective1
curveclinical.nlWith its head office in Amsterdam, CURVE CLINICAL has extensive experience managing and implementing clinical trials in over 30 countries. To our customers, we are ‘just the right size’ CRO: we realise cost-effective study delivery…delivery locally, locally internationallyclinical, curve, operation, study, regulatory1
z-e-m.nl…in the world of technical possibilities and how to maximize their use in the overall event. Over twenty years of experience in small- and large scale events, locally and abroad; Zijp Event Management is your experienced production partner.event locally, locally abroadscale, conference, tradeshow, events, profile1
emcon.nlOur production partners are located both locally and internationally. Abroad, we work with suppliers in Eastern Europe, China, Vietnam and Malaysia. For doing international business, thorough knowledge of the local market and a reliable…partner locally, locally internationallyindustrial, supply, metal, assembly, supplier1
jaspergilhuis.nlFirst, the easy part, getting a version of Dependency-Track running locally. This gist shows you that a few lines can get you started with a container to do just that. It is easy to configure and allows you to be up-and-running in no time.track locally, locally gistdevops, azure, visual, july, release1
executivetransportservices.nl…and style. Our professional drivers can track your flight and adapt to any delays outside of your control. They’re also hand-picked and locally knowledgeable, so feel free to ask them for tips or advice on what to do during your stay.hand locally, locally knowledgeableexecutive, transfer, expat, fleet, vehicle1
humanresearch.nlWe can benchmark your results to other financial institutions across the globe, and locally.employee, survey, interactive, engagement, globe1
natashaflowersimport.nlFor three days this international trade fair is the place to be for exporters, wholesalers and their customers, both locally and foreign, can find a complete display of the flowers, plants, product concepts and trend presentations.customer locally, locally foreignflower, florist, trade, reason, seven1
safeagainstcorona.nlIn principle all data processing happens on the user's phone. As an example, this means that the process of assessing whether a user has recently been in contact with an infected person, must happen locally on the user's phone. Should…person locally, locally userfreedom, government, effective, protection, scientific1
defenceforchildren.nlDefence for Children collaborates with children and young people, governments (ministries at national level and municipalities locally), law enforcement agencies and the judiciary, private sector actors, knowledge institutions and…municipality locally, locally lawdefence, internationally, wat, justice, benefit1
ad-terram.nlWith a fast-growing number of locations worldwide, we provide seed companies and farmers with our know-how, services and products suiting your market(s). We strive to make this as accessible as possible, be supporting you locally.treatment, seed, liquid, microbe, saturation1
terrafoundation.nlTERRA Foundation is a nonprofit organization that aims to mitigate climate change by supporting the development of locally-led reforestation initiatives and social entrepreneurship in the Amazon.development locally, locally reforestationinitiative, nonprofit, livelihood, involve, resource1
tanacetum.nlof matricaria, a cut flower. We combine craftsmanship with modern technology in our greenhouses, resulting in top-quality flowers sold both locally and internationally. Our flowers are freshly available every day at Flora Holland locations.flower locally, locally internationallyflower, cut, reliability, availability, colour1
consultantconcepts.nlConsultant Concepts has an extensive network of contacts in Asia. Currently Consultant Concepts deals with a number of factories in Asia. Control and process monitoring is done locally . Because Consultant Concepts arranges everything…monitoring locally, locally consultantasia, extensive, steel, request, currently1
wadapartja.nlWe offer something for everyone, for meat lovers, sweet tooths or vegans, our menu is full of fresh, homemade and partially locally or organic dishes.partially locally, locally organicreservation, meat, thu, fri, sit1
polinatitova.nl…contributes to the final product. In our visual storytelling, we want to highlight not only the timeless beauty of locally crafted jewellery but also encourage people to rediscover the art and fashion creation processes. We work together…beauty locally, locally jewellerygraphic, face, memory, visual, photograph1
superico.nlWorking locally and worldwide with brands, corporations and entrepreneurs who are committed and see the value of collaboration and design in business .work locally, locally worldwideriver, bridge, vault, collaboration, graphic1
goudaholland.nlA global player, locally active and available for all your questions and (project) support.player locally, locally activecable, assembly, career, tray, pioneer1
mijnsportvakantie.nl…so that everything will be completely organised. Each package has its own individual approach! Our extra strong point? The composition of each package is done locally! We are a small office and can quickly switch between supply and demand.package locally, locally smallholiday, spain, package, facility, camp1
varaidzomatimba.nl…and resource mobilization for non-profits and social enterprises. With my experience working in the private sector locally and international non-profit organizations, I have gained proficiency in legal compliance, non-profit corporate…sector locally, locally internationaladvisory, leadership, useful, profit, resource1
cmsholland.nl​Each Partner is a well-established, respected immigration professional in their home market. Working together with other Partners, we provide full-spectrum immigration service locally and internationally.service locally, locally internationallyrsh, relocation, immigration, mobility, seal1
mauritskorse.nl…turnover within the economy (a measure for economic growth) increases the rate at which entropy increases. Nature and other ecological systems on Earth are in a process of locally decreasing entropy with help of (external) solar energy.process locally, locally entropyeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste1
manmadefurniture.nlLooking for a custom made dining table? We produce solid wood tables, made to measure and produced locally in our workshop in Amsterdam. Our tables are made of sustainably grown European hardwood and often combined with steel.table locally, locally workshoptable, furniture, shelf, wood, kitchen1
stichting-wew.nlWEW carefully assesses applications for support and own initiatives against the foundation’s objectives. WEW is closely involved in the project plan, planning and budget and assesses whether sufficient knowledge and capacity are available…available locally, locally projectprofile, ukraine, africa, brazil1
huysermoller.nl…(a process which takes around six days) before being dried and packaged. Sanchez is made from white cocoa beans which are purchased locally or come from the company’s own plantations. Humarias dries and packages the Sanchez cocoa beans.bean locally, locally companycocoa, bean, butter, origin, powder1
muller.nlAnton Müller founded Müller Transport in 1938. He started out with one employee and a single tractor with livestock trailer. Back then the company was focused very locally, and took on all kinds of transport; from milk trucks to…company locally, locally kindlogistics, distribution, certificate, technological, possibility1
vivaconagua.nlWater is life. For this reason, we are committed to realizing the human rights to water and sanitation. Together with locally and internationally active partners and partner organizations, we support water projects worldwide. Because…sanitation locally, locally internationallywash, sanitation, endeavour, partners, activism1
martijnsleven.nlFor a 3D print community I created an app to connect printowners with users, to create an eco-friendly environment to share 3D printers locally.ux, motion, argumentation, passionate, registration1
inpa.nlOver more than 50 years we are selling from our headquarters in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands, locally as well as to countries in Europe, America and Japan.netherlands locally, locally countryparquet, oak, wood, wooden, op1
nicmic.nlOcean Sole cleans up Kenya's stands and creates beautiful art from discarded flip-flops.sole, ocean, elephant, glassware0
ballettoren.nl…lighting tower stand out from ‘standard’ current generation lighting towers: the user can independently decide which parts are needed for any given project, and assemble and build the lighting tower fully customized to ones own needs.product locallytower, lighting, generation, modular, separate0
feltatelier.nlFelt is a creative company with a physical space that serves as the facilitator of all hand-crafted projects, jewelry, and non-jewelry. Besides jewelry, they create objects that can vary from interior accessories, art pieces, handbags, or…feel, regular, necklace, pearl, earring0
patrickvanefferen.nlTo migrate settings from development to staging and production environments, we (mis)used the features module in Drupal 7. In Drupal 8 we have configuration management. With configuration management you can have a file-based workflow for…sonarqube locally, locally dockertwig, file, docker, configuration, git0
newtone.nlSearching for a full service consultant located in the Netherlands’ most vibrant business regions? Newtone is your business partner. Get in touch!advisory, entrepreneur, advisor, region, investor0
joyridetours.nlJoy Ride Tours provides high quality Bike Tours in Amsterdam. Join Joy Ride Tours on a Countryside, City Highlights or Private Bike Tour.bike, joy, ride, guide, countryside0
libabite.nlOur dedicated chefs and staff are passionate about bringing the true essence of Lebanese dining to the Netherlands. Every dish is a testament to our commitment to authenticity and quality. Join us for an unforgettable dining experience.fresh locally, locally ingredientlebanese, authentic, flavor, dish, unforgettable0
henksariman.nlAdd-in a short description about your podcast episode here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...locally videoepisode, season, corner, progression, sit0
crookedspider.nlCrooked Spider. Wassenaar's craft beer brewery. Visit our brewery and try all our beers!crook, spider, brewery, craft, brew0
demand0.nl…absorbed into Demands 2 and 3. Climate Justice remains to be part of current XRNL demands and you can see this in the extended text on the website . At the time, the movement gave consent for this so the demands were easier to communicate.demand, justice, climate, consent, circle0
bolddata.nlMake data work for you. With unbeatable data, skilled data experts and smart technology, we help businesses to unlock the power of international data.opportunity locally, locally databaseheadquarter, api, title, million, historical0
closethedivide.nlA jouney through Overijssel: military connections between Overijssel and the Americasdivide, american, america, politics, trial0
yvovanzee.nlAn enthusiastic Cloud Consultant and AWS Community Builder exploring the AWS spacemin, aws, pipeline, builder, enthusiastic0
ldctechnology.nl…to take the hassle out of managing your supply chain. Our state-of-the-art European fulfilment centres offer fully tailored warehousing and logistics solutions - from storage to order fulfilment and returns management. We are…capable locally, locally focuslogistics, commerce, resource, unite, cargo0
studiohappydays.nlStudio Happy Days gives new life to pre-loved shirts by UPCYCLING them into unique timeless KIDS Clothes! Sustainable, one of a kind, handmade in Amsterdam.kid, clothes, dress, dance, regular0
brickdeal.nlHome… Shops… Sign up…0
morrisenbella.nlThe wine list has been carefully compiled by Bella and contains only European wines. All wines, as well as the soft drinks and beers, are vegan, i.e. not prepared with animal products.product locally, locally possibledining, vegetable, wine, herb, season0
steffis.nlSteffi’s spier is located in nearby Dwingelderveld Nationaal Park offers terrace dining and warmth of fire place.delicious locally, locally dutchdinner, wine, delicious, island, requirements0
4u2develop.nlThe 4U2Develop Foundation was founded to help people in developing countries by improving the independence of the public and therefore contribute topeople locally, locally solidindependence, responsible, solid, equal, woman0
adwordshulplijn.nl…we have been helping companies throughout the Netherlands to solve problems or develop tailor-made Google Ads campaigns. A good campaign always starts with identifying your needs. Only after the desired objectives have been determinedcampaign, quotation, suspension, package, explanation0
xtry.nlUnsupported cipher or incorrect key length. Supported ciphers are: aes-128-cbc, aes-256-cbc, aes-128-gcm, aes-256-gcm.setting locallycipher, length, incorrect, request, vendor0
fernus.nl350 degrees Celsius is the best temperature for a pizza oven. Use Fernus also for baking pizzas, flammkuchen, or naan bread, to name a few examples. Within just 4 minutes, they will be cooked nice and crispy with the leopard skin print…stove, temperature, degree, rocket, add0
sustainablebusinessbattle.nl…and to have lots of fun. The Sustainable Business Battle (SBB) is a multi-week challenge in which interdisciplinary teams of students compete to find innovative and practical solutions to the sustainability challenges of Dutch…globally locallybattle, globally, ambassador, industrial, despite0
hair-grant.nl…natural… Mascarilla natural… Rutina Repair & Nutrition… Rutina Repair &…hair, nutrition, grant, repair, fortify0
broadcastpartners.nlBroadcast Partners’ channel parks are located in the Netherlands and Belgium. As the market leader in broadcast network management in the Benelux, Broadcast Partners is always looking for more innovation.nationally locally, locally reachbroadcast, partners, discover, flanders, transmitter0
parakeetamsterdam.nlshredded sweet & spicy chipotle chicken, melted cheddar & jack, black beans, pineapple, green onionreservation, bean, request, onion, radish0
josf.nl…Testing keep up with this high speed development? Low-code Test Automation with JOSF is the answer. It’s even more like no-code Test Automation. JOSF takes your Test Automation to the next level. Literally anyone can do Test Automation…automation, integration, execution, pricing, api0
idiotz.nlGoogle decided to block my KrakenFX app because it infringed on their impersonation policy. As such I rebranded it KrakOn and managed to keep the same in-app purchase ids. This will hopefully mean that previous customers who purchased the…programming, shortcut, guest, lock, finally0
mobis-ict.nlMOBIS ICT is the specialist in providing standard and tailor-made Mobile and Desktop Solutions for the Oil & Gas, Maritime, Renewables, Petrochemical, Transport and Infrastructure industry.database locally, locally servertailor, maritime, infrastructure, oil, renewable0
welcomeapp.nlWelcome app helps municipalities to make information and local integration activities digitally accessible to newcomers. It is a platform where local connections are facilitated between people, organizations and the municipality itself…netherlands locally, locally countrymunicipality, newcomer, integration, description, vacancy0
fermentary.nlKimchi, pickles, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, tepache, miso, sake, and natural wine… At the fermentary we collect it all under one roof so you can find your favourite fermented products in one place.hand locally, locally handwine, sake, ale, soju, stuff0
waterlandvanfriesland.nl…opportunities for biking , sailing or hiking . Experience the region with seven of the eleven famous Frisian cities, the Frisian lakes, the IJsselmeer shores, the Gaasterland woods, a landscape of national importance and so much more.southwest, frisian, lake, tourist, village0
salehi-aa.nlcompetition. Our many years of experience in Auditing, Accounting and Advisory allows us to uphold a certain quality level. Read more about our experience. We take care of your business: from annual report checks to payroll administration.advisory, auditing, accounting, report, fiscal0
postergirls.nlTherefore, with the wall decorations from Postergirls, you have come to the right place to find a unique design to cover every wall.waste locallydecoration, interior, colorful, woman, tile0
mailboxesetc.nlIt’s not just printing and courier services that Mail Boxes Etc. is famous for. Companies across the Netherlands and around the globe use MBE’s graphic design specialists, opt for mailbox rental and virtual address services, buy printing…right locally, locally closeetc, postal, courier, graphic, logistic0
urbangreens.nlSo it’s been a while since we posted. Finally spring is really here. Last week we’ve been busy setting up the new greenhouse. We’re now waiting for some extra trays, meanwhile some of our seeds are getting ready for germination, and we’re…sustainably locally, locally microgreencheckout, title, embed, greenhouse, produce0
zenzezhotelandlounge.nlZenzez Hotel & Lounge is a small boutique hotel in Apeldoorn. It’s the ideal destination to explore the city and surrounding nature.organic locally, locally possibledestination, courtyard, enjoyment, pure, beautifully0
radtec.nlI am very impressed with the quality of support provided by the Radtec Logistic’s team. As a growing organization, we decided to outsource our warehousing and fulfilment services. The service exceeds our expectations. They understand our…logistics, logistic, shipment, competitive, highly0
warddegroot.nl…1 Research ProjectOffering ways for care staff to interact with their…ux, identity, final, interactive, lighting0
sosbioboeren.nlnear Fotografiska in Tallinn , Estonia. Tallinn . Tallinn Tourism Tallinn Hotels Tallinn Bed and Breakfast Tallinn Vacation Rentals Tallinn Vacation Packages Manage Your Business Advertise Your Restaurant TripAdvisor Premium More Resources.estonia, root, near, internationally, exhibition0
hilverdadeboer.nlHilverda De Boer - Home | flowers, plants and cut foliage of the best quality Hilverda De Boerflower, cut, foliage, grower, organiser0
energieknip.nlYou can earn points by completing questions in the EnergieKnip app. Install the EnergieKnip app via the Google Playstore or Apple Store. Then scan the QR code that you received in the mail with the app. Answer the questions in the app and…point locally, locally energyanswer, municipality, questionnaire, saving, village0
frisp.nlFrisp is a fresh dog food delivery service based in Amsterdam. Healthy, homecooked meals for dogs made with human-grade meats and veggies.dog, meal, meat, ingredient, healthy0
departfrom.nl…CRYING BOYS A Ghost Called Covid Artist | FABRICE Artist | Noah Valentyn Artist | Paul van Elk Artist | Wendela Ploux de Buck Artist | Judith Baehner Artist | Koen van Eeckhoutte Artist | Griet About Us The Studio The Team Contact Us…depart, exhibition, ghost, christmas, venue0
trendytextiles.nl…trendy and timeless colors. For beginners to experienced crafters. Our yarns are for example made from recycled textile waste and untreated fibres (not colored). We don’t use synthetic fibres like polyester or polyamide. Our yarns are…textile, sustainability, craft, complaint, guarantee0
dtpinteriors.nlDTP Interiors is the wholesale house of two unique brands for interior & living:hand locallytable, interior, sofa, chair, cabinet0
intotax.nlStarting a company in the Netherlands? | Experts in Company Formation 🗸 Realtime Bookkeeping 🗸 Tax Services 🗸 Free consult >>tax, bookkeeping, formation, registration, compliance0
diespens.nl…Mrs. Balls chutney, Pronutro, sweetcorn, guava, droewors, Safari, Ouma rusks, Windhoek, Klipdrift and Cola mix, braaipap, Iwisa maize meal, Black Cat peanut butter, boerewors, Chomp, Tex, dried fruit, pie apples, Moirs, bobotie…locally collectiondie, biltong, spice, south, african0
wifidata.nlDebug… Share… Request… Headers… Body… App… Routing… Git…setting locallyrequest, fetch, debug, vendor, header0
my-pets.nlReptiBlock… MegaRay… Neuco… Contact… Forgot Your Password?… Create an Account…furniture locally, locally globallydescription, default, wholesale, promotion, furniture0
diongrendelman.nlBuilding mobile apps with React Native is such a awesome experience. I've made simple multiple "business card apps" and also some Headless SAAS apps. I've worked with many libraries in the React Native community.fullstack, react, native, redux, api0
mankementjes.nlShare… Request… Headers… Body… App… Routing… Views…setting locallyrequest, fetch, vendor, header, stack0
beeholder.nlThe entire BeeHolder team is busy getting the Energieknip for the Parkstad region in the App stores this week. With t...august, successfully, reference, resident, employee0
annatreurniet.nlAnna Treurniet designes and makes sustainable bags, wallets, jewellery, fairphone cases and more.bag, jewellery, leather, sustainability, holder0
stokvistapes.nl…of uneven substrates and different shapes. Because self-adhesive tapes can fulfill multiple functions at the same time, for example mounting and sealing, products can be designed thinner and lighter, and produced more efficiently…adhesive, renewable, cut, electronic, paper0
heederik.nl© 2012 - 2023 | Avada Website Builder by ThemeFusion | All Rights Reserved | Powered by WordPressavada, caterer, wedding, holiday, gather0
eventsforyou.nlvendor / laravel / framework / src / Illuminate / View / Compilers / ComponentTagCompiler .php : 299setting locallyrequest, fetch, header, stack, vendor0
luttikhuisengineering.nlOude Luttikhuis Engineering takes care of the electro-technical part of your project. We take care of everything from electro-technical engineering to the programming and commissioning of your machine. An overview of the most important…locally remotelyrealization, automation, advisory, installation, commissioning0
ajisanramen.nlWe want to make a bowl of super delicious ramen by using only natural ingredients. And we are proud that our effort has been recognized by Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice award. Hope we can share MSG-free ramen with everyone.freshly locally, locally noodlejapanese, raman, delicious, table, dish0
marie-claire-krell.nlThe first Limburg Biennial, following the tradition of the annual Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy in London. The exhibition brought together all kinds of artists, professionals, amateurs, and hobbyists in a festive celebration of…globally locallyexhibition, july, dead, piece, leftover0
thrillgrill.nlDrawing inspiration from our passion for flavours, we consistently craft the most extraordinary Thrill Grill burger experiences.thrill, reservation, sun, thu, fri0
bezoek-elburg.nl…old town of Elburg. One of the most worthwhile Hanseatic cities in The Netherlands. Elburg used to be a lively fishing town at the Zuiderzee. Nowadays it is the ultimate starting point for tourists and lovers of culture and water sports.town, fishing, surrounding, fortress, lover0