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15 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: neurocognitive

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ardiroelofsscience.nlLanguage interacts with other mental abilities, including perception, movement, memory, thought, and attention. The Attention and Language Performance laboratory seeks to understand the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its…laboratory neurocognitive, neurocognitive mechanism, understand neurocognitive, a. neurocognitive, neurocognitive computationalcognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain9
isontwerp.nlNeurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with brain tumorsrisk, sleep, disease, brain, patient3
ruthvanholst.nlAfter obtaining my clinical neuropsychology Master, I did my PhD-studies focusing on gambling disorder and alcohol dependence to clarify the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms that contribute to loss of control over behaviour.dependence neurocognitive, neurocognitive mechanism, understand neurocognitive, neurocognitive basisinterest, grant, disorder, gambling, addiction3
ilsevandegroep.nlA neurocognitive model of early onset persistent and desistant antisocial behavior in early adulthoodpublication, preprint, graphic, phd, candidate2
psychonomie.nlWe are looking for highly motivated candidates to enrich a unique Dutch consortium of researchers that aims to cross the boundaries of various disciplines to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its interaction with other…discipline neurocognitive, neurocognitive mechanism, researcher neurocognitivecognitive, position, brain, interaction, leave2
changeleiden.nlKiki is an assistant professor at CHANGE Leiden. She studies neurocognitive development and the role of social relations and social status on prosocial decision making, executive functions, and risk-taking in gifted and typically…leiden neurocognitive, neurocognitive development, computational neurocognitive, neurocognitive processbrain, collaboration, researcher, psychopathology, lab2
sepsis-en-daarna.nl…based on the effects (experienced by many patients) lessening or taking away ‘brainfog’, ‘overstimulation’ and neurocognitive issues. SSRI medication can often reduce tiredness and a much to high heartrate as well. She shared her insights,overstimulation neurocognitive, neurocognitive issuesepsis, patient, congress, early, session1
t3-4-hypotrial.nl…on the beforementioned DXA scans. A repeat ECG will be performed at 52 weeks. To objectively explore effects on neurocognitive function, next to the subjective ThyPRO questionnaire scores, neurocognitive tests will be performed in a…effect neurocognitive, neurocognitive function, score neurocognitive, neurocognitive testtrial, criterion, patient, study, voor1
barbarabraams.nlI am a cognitive neuroscientist. My research focuses on adolescent neurocognitive development and decision-making. I am especially interested in (real life) risk-taking behavior and social influence on risk-taking behavior.adolescent neurocognitive, neurocognitive developmentprofile, publication, outreach, behavior, risk1
healthbytech.nl…Professorship and co-​directs the Social Brain in Action Laboratory . Her research focuses among others on developing innovative neurocognitive paradigms to explore the mechanisms and consequences of people’s social engagement with robots.innovative neurocognitive, neurocognitive paradigmconference, fee, submission, guidelines, colleague1
mlnlab.nl…In order to get a better insight into brain-related intrinsic factors during therapy, electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are used to identify neurocognitive markers underlying motor learning.fmri neurocognitive, neurocognitive markerlab, robotic, immersive, rehabilitation, neural1
incitus.nlDr. Jan Wilke Boosting the Brain: Neurocognitive Training in Health and Performancebrain neurocognitive, neurocognitive trainingphysiotherapist, demand, physical, accreditation, teacher1
boksem.nlLife is full of conflicts between selfish urges and the welfare of others. Unfortunately, selfish motives often prevail as is manifested in scientific misconduct, plagiarism, software piracy, and financial and insurance fraud. Little is…little neurocognitive, neurocognitive processbrain, decision, consumer, paper, cognitive1
gbeckers.nl…are relatively easy to study in the lab, bird vocalization provides us with an interesting and practical model system to study how perception and production of communicative behavior is enabled by neurocognitive and peripheral systems.behavior neurocognitive, neurocognitive peripheraldescription, cognitive, comparative, interested, bird1
digitallifecentre.nlPredicting long-term neurocognitive outcome after pediatric intensive care unit admission for bronchiolitis—preliminary exploration of the potential of machine learningterm neurocognitive, neurocognitive outcomehealthcare, apply, trust, infrastructure, physical1