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104 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: scarce

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mauritskorse.nlAfter the turn of the millennium, the Circular Economy gained attention in China especially due to the fact that China’s economic growth has correlated to the amount of resources used. To avoid future problems of scarce materials, China…water scarce, scarce resource, essential scarce, scarce example, material scarceeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste4
supras.nlthe JZA-70, with the 2.5 liter twin turbo engine in (1JZ-GTE). There are only a couple of cars made & shipped with this engine. This engine delivers 276 bhp to the crank. It’s a really scarce car / engine combination and very nice. I…chassis scarce, scarce chassis, crank scarce, scarce carsupra, brake, rim, engine, wheel2
plantagegeld.nlGenerally speaking it is true to say that, while some of these plantation tokens are scarce, most are very rare. The scarce serird are from the tobacco estates of Silau, Hessa, Kisaran, Poeloe Radja and Soengei Serbangan, but this only…token scarce, scarce rare, rare scarce, scarce serirdplantation, east, tobacco, estate, coast2
hystream.nlFirst of all, hydrogen is not scarce at all. It is the most abundant atom in the universe. Next to this, there is also an abundance of hydrogen on Earth in another form: water. We can make as much hydrogen as we need and will never run…hydrogen scarce, scarce precious, scarce abundanthydrogen, principle, operation, storage, refuel2
bos-water.nlWe provide know-how, and related tools, to on better use of surface water and groundwater in water-scarce river basins.water scarce, scarce riverriver, basin, measurement, assessment, allocation2
albertvandersel.nlData is, withouth any doubt, a bit "foggy" to say the least. The data from the scarce documents seem torecent scarce, scarce article, data scarce, scarce documentnuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device2
blue21.nl…times as fast as land based vegetation. However, in dense urban environments, the space for these systems is often scarce and expensive. A key characteristic of the Blue21 Floating City is floating algae production systems. These systems…land scarce, scarce expensive, system scarceurban, climate, wave, october, present2
cvdinwomen.nl…increasingly prevalent especially among elderly women, and carries poor prognosis. Because therapeutic options are scarce, it is of outmost importance to screen individuals at risk for an early detection of cardiac and systemic…option scarce, scarce outmostdisease, phd, cardiovascular, difference, patient2
seofeeds.nlTime has grown more scarce after having a child, so I rarely blog anymore. Though I thought it probably made sense to make at least a quarterly(ish) post so people know I still exist.time scarce, scarce childengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit1
wat-tedoen.nl…surface of the structure and the unbuilt parts that are left are used for food production. In the caves robots are scarce and loathed. They work the fields or foodplants on the surface autonomously. No one goes outside any more, in fact…robot scarce, scarce fieldwat, capitalism, revolution, money, society1
rsw-eco.nlIn all our sustainability and corporate social responsibility activities get ample attention. By recycling waste streams is saved on scarce raw materials.stream scarce, scarce rawwaste, debris, sort, profit, planet1
h-vision.nlH-vision hydrogen is based on proven technology and it does not depend on the production of sustainable electricity. Suitable alternatives are scarce. Electrification cannot be used to generate such high temperatures. In addition, the…alternative scarce, scarce electrificationclimate, hydrogen, carbon, emission, chemical1
abcoins.nl…precision and quality, the engaging and dramatic motifs displayed to grand proportions, the surfaces lustrous and “In Tempestate”, demonstrating sound preservation throughout. Very scarce, and an unlikely opportunity in this quality. UNCpreservation scarce, scarce unlikelymedal, united, kingdom, germany, france1
aquatecture.nlThe government also has an increased interest in the possibilities that living on the water has to offer. Because of the assumed climate change, the water increasing the space to get into our country. Space which is scarce and expensive…space scarce, scarce expensiveecology, mooring, increasingly, interest, government1
wittehuys.nlFree parking spaces are very scarce in Scheveningen. Our hotel has a limited number of parking permits from the municipality of The Hague. If available, you can obtain a parking permit of €24 per night, and with this you can park in the…space scarce, scarce scheveningenguest, scenery, itinerary, permit, hague1
paulbouman.nl…benefit society). I commonly study questions related to this in the context of logistics and the allocation of scarce resources. More details of some of my research can be found on the projects page . I have served as a reviewer to…allocation scarce, scarce resourceoperation, teach, institute, optimization, phd1
lap3.nlThe Netherlands attaches great importance to the transition to a circular economy. This offers economic opportunities for the Netherlands, makes the Netherlands less dependent on the import of scarce raw materials and makes a contribution…import scarce, scarce rawwaste, environmental, circular, economy, section1
flowsplatform.nlRemote sensing waves in data-scarce countries: An analyis of the wave climate along the myanmar coast The objective of this thesis was analyzing and evaluating different sources of wave data. Wave data from two hindcasts,data scarce, scarce countrythesis, flood, paper, report, january1
corollaae92gts.nlThis website is an attempt to let others use my experiences and the information on this website for their own benefit. This is not a popular car amongst car enthusiasts, so good information is scarce. I hope this website will help out the…information scarce, scarce websitemechanic, origin, engine, gearbox, suspension1
egelopvangdenhaag.nlare seen walking about, dazed, during daylight hours, especially during winter when food is scarcehedgehog, hibernation, mother, temperature, leave1
lottedouwes.nlWe want to contribute to a sustainable future and reduce our use of scarce resources.use scarce, scarce resourcetable, circular, slightly, shadow, vase1
sayedservices.nlEmployment and entrepreneurship assistance of young Afghans are the principal source of economic growth leading to employment creation, economic activity and development. When jobs are scarce, especially young workers are generally more…job scarce, scarce especiallyassistance, employment, economic, entrepreneur, beneficiary1
levelupventures.nlExecutives, SaaS Specialists, Developers… They are in high demand and great talent is scarce. That makes sense: many of the roles you are hiring for today did not exist 15 years ago.talent scarce, scarce sensehire, executive, recruit, scale, venture1
nera.nlTU/e works towards a sustainable world that produces enough energy for its consumption, unimpeded by scarce resources and without any impact on the climate. Our research will help pave the way for this challenging transition.unimpeded scarce, scarce resourcetransition, geothermal, fuel, scientific, society1
hansschoots.nl…Ruttmann's case is less clear, as up till now, biographical information on his life in the thirties is scarce. But information in Jean Paul Goergen's Walter Ruttmann. Eine Dokumentation , and of course some of Ruttmann's…thirty scarce, scarce informationsoviet, aesthetic, artistic, thirty1
real-tennis.nlOnce I had finished my book I continued to search for records on tennis in studies on Renaissance and Early Modern European civil and court culture. Tennis accounts, or even brief references to the game, proved to be scarce. Early in…game scarce, scarce earlycourt, hyacinth, death, literary, rule1
delftdesignforvalues.nl…are struggling to face economic, social, political and environmental challenges, people are migrating to megacities, natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce, and changes in the global climate are becoming intensely palpable.increasingly scarce, scarce changeinstitute, justice, technological, annual, stakeholder1
mintzbergsociety.nl…to proliferate any activity that results in a fair and honest distribution of value, with the sacrifice of minimal scarce resources, both tangible and intangible (eg. water, air, land, energy, people, welfare, happiness, peace).The cost…minimal scarce, scarce resource, sacrifice scarcesociety, town, january, politics, etc1
josettedijkhuizen.nl“Josette brings a scarce combination of passion, care, scientific rigor and practical common-sense tojosette scarce, scarce combinationentrepreneur, entrepreneurship, successful, woman, female1
tenenergy.nlDrinkable water will become by 2025 a scarce product in many regions of the world. It could become the reason for wars between nations. For example if China diverts the flow of the Brahmaputra or when the hydrodam in Ethiopia will be…water scarce, scarce productagriculture, supply, society, planet, chain1
uhsf.nlWe do so in Life Sciences (biotech, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics), Digital Health, Medical Devices, and Animal Health sectors. The fund aims to help promising start-ups scale up at a stage when funding is often scarce.fund, seed, voor, investment, promise1
africanuances.nlcomplexity of farming systems, their external drivers and some of the mechanisms that result in (in)efficient use of scarce resources. Studying sites across sub-Saharan Africa has provided insights in the trajectories of change in farming…use scarce, scarce resourcecycle, farm, resource, farmer, publication1
topbobengineering.nlEngineering a platform on top of the wave deflector. Deck area is a scarce commodity on an offshore platform, all possible space must be used! Can a suitable design be engineered?area scarce, scarce commoditydeck, installation, plate, monopile, operation1
geredgereedschap.nlGered Gereedschap promotes entrepreneurship. In doing so, we aim to increase employment among craftsmen. For example by setting up tool rental and tool refurbishing workshops. Good tools are scarce and not affordable for everyone. By…tool scarce, scarce affordablecraftsman, practical, woman, vocational, poverty1
jazzlink.nlFor now, please enter my humble domain and check out the status quo of my scarce collection.quo scarce, scarce collectionsubjective, intuitive, merely, favorite, subject1
allerdstikker.nlDesalination technology is finding new outlets in supplying water to meet growing municipal domestic consumption needs in water scarce countries with a per capita availability below 1,000 m3/y. An expansion of the current municipal water…water scarce, scarce countryearth, desalination, orange, scarcity, ultimate1
cr8las.nl…maintenance and overhaul of (gas, water and / or steam) turbines. Experience shows that technical professionals are scarce. An equally important branch within the company is therefore Technical Personnel. Cr8las Group is the partner for…professional scarce, scarce equallymetal, rotate, personnel, maintenance, turbine1
vaprofessionalstaffing.nlWe are Verum Artes, an international team of talent finders, connectors, and networkers with over a decade of successful experience in sourcing and recruiting scarce specialists in the Benelux.experience scarce, scarce specialiststaffing, candidate, assignment, acquisition, consultative1
birder.nlMadagascar Little Grebe, Cuvier's (White-throated) Rail, Madagascar Spinetail (Malagasy Spine-tailed Swift), SHORT-LEGGED GROUND-ROLLER, SCALY GROUND-ROLLER (rare, only Mantadia), PITTA-LIKE GROUND-ROLLER (scarce),madagascar, bird, forest, guide, common1
webstercanal.nl…the interviews, we learn interesting information and foster connections while in-person connections have been scarce. These interview articles can be shared across multiple platforms, sparking conversations and drawing attention to…connection scarce, scarce interviewwebster, faculty, psychology, relation, career1
seedsandleaves.nl…teams. This method and perspective are used in many counselling and training settings, but scientific evidence on this topic is scarce. I’m intrigued by it, I want to understand it and I aim to contribute to the development of the method.topic scarce, scarce intrigueseed, leave, constellation, scientific, publication1
wpist.nlBeing the the "first" "first" is is something something that that new new NFT NFT sellers sellers can can take take advantage advantage of of since since the the NFT NFT competition competition is is still still quite quite scarce…competition scarce, scarce especiallyasset, money, exchange, currency, investor1
skyevalue.nlHowever difficult it may be, you will not grow without a good distinctive offer, created from the customer's needs. Only taking on more people is not always the solution. And stronger, good people are now scarce on the market. Time for a…people scarce, scarce marketproposition, intelligence, connect, distinctive, oops1
wavepart.nlIn-depth reviews of professional AV products are pretty scarce. A sponsored, but independent extensive review (written and video) can put your product in the spotlight. Wavepart will publish and announce the review on LinkedIn. You are…pretty scarce, scarce independentdisk, ip, extensive, peripheral, pre1
tesshoman.nlWhen food is getting scarce a group of the single cellular organism Dictyostelium agglomerates. During my internship at the group of Wolfgang Losert at the university of Maryland I tracked the boundary movement of a Dicty cell to find the…food scarce, scarce groupcell, sand, granular, fluid, ball1
wbe.nl"The advantages are that I get all the information in time if something becomes scarce or something like that, you also think along with me. The packaging is also an advantage. For example, the smaller packages like 5 Salal, 5 Beregras…time scarce, scarce likesupplier, request, sustainability, grower, relationship1
sparkrealestate.nlIn the Dutch real estate market truly dedicated fund and asset management is scarce. Working with SPARK means that there is never a conflict-of-interest. We are committed and focus on one building at a time. Your building.management scarce, scarce sparkestate, spark, dedicated, asset, rental1
bibliomediator.nlResearch into female book ownership can be a complicated and unrewarding task. Sources are scarce and furthermore, married women often disappear…source scarce, scarce furthermorecatalogue, conference, century, october, early1
rbg.nlGood project staff, business analysts, etc. are scarce. RBG Finance has an extensive network in the Financial Services sector and therefore has an early insight into when good candidates will become available. These candidates are usually…etc scarce, scarce rbgcandidate, internal, report, enter, implementation1
aiswave.nlAiswave Business & Network Growth Consultants assist organizations to identify real business opportunities in order that a business' scarce resources are directed into projects which provide real business benefit and to increase revenue…business scarce, scarce resourceexecutive, growth, telecommunication, effective, colocation1
embeddedtesting.nlResources are scarce so the test related activities must also be done efficient and effective, keeping the effort aligned with the risk the project is willing to take and the project-quality-goals.resource scarce, scarce testframework, embed, structure, risk, overview1
ponecdewinter.nlA very topical and urgent subject. The migration to cities is massive, our space is scarce and our raw materials are limited. Not all buildings lend themselves to repurposing and transformation, but for anyone who looks carefully, there…space scarce, scarce rawspatial, collective, architecture, advisor, urban1
diskid.nl…up to now. So there is Blues, Jazz, Soul, Hip Hop, Psych, Prog, Punk, Wave, Reggae, World, Exotica, Heavy Metal, Soundtrack and Americana, just to name a few. All these musical styles vary from interestingly relevant to extremely scarce.stock, christmas, saturday, twentieth, heavy1
golivehealth.nlHealth care and support of senior citizens living at home is at risk of becoming both scarce and economically increasingly unviable.risk scarce, scarce economicallyvitality, connect, cooperation, vital, citizen1
ojah.nlWater is , next to plant protein , our most important ingredient and is treated as the scarce resource it is. We use water purification methods for safety and reduce our water consumption through ​ closed systems.ingredient scarce, scarce resourceprotein, manufacturer, taste, ingredient, worldwide1
tkf.nlalso focus on the social side of business. A circular economy is becoming increasingly important for TKF because raw materials, such as copper, aluminum, oil and gas, are becoming scarcer and the mountain of waste is growing in the process.gas scarce, scarce mountaincable, voltage, infrastructure, calculation, installation1
dik-takken.nlFirst things first. Working on the PHP runtime system is not for the faint of heart. It consists of a large body of highly optimized C and assembly code, enlightening comments are usually scarce, and you may even come across variable…usually scarce, scarce variablemining, runtime, contribution, template, artificial1
environmentalgeography.nl…produces food, hosts biodiversity and provides ecosystem services for human well-being. At the same time, land is a scarce resource subject to many competing claims. Our research aims to contribute to the understanding, design and…land scarce, scarce resourceenvironmental, geography, ecosystem, department, spatial1
talentretention.nlKnowledge and people are key and a good attraction and retention strategy is needed for the scarce high tech talent in The Netherlands and abroad.strategy scarce, scarce highretention, attraction, skilled, employee, region1
abbott.nlOur research process focuses on a very specific, scarce labour market. A labour market which is immune to the powers of LinkedIn, ad campaigns or recruitment agencies. Abbott is your partner in executive search. Our consultants begin…specific scarce, scarce labourprofiling, candidate, potential, shape, vacancy1
tabulascripta.nl…scripta’, or the ‘written slate’. Most of our land is developed, designated, or in use. Resources have become scarce. As a result, the architect is forced to relate more to the existing conditions and to design on the basis of these…resource scarce, scarce resultarchitecture, condition, layer, landscape, study1
eliasconsulting.nlstart-up company in water purification technology (winner of New Venture 2011 and FD Young Entrepeneur 2011), we build a business strategy to help industry and government to clean water and capture and re-use scarce metals from waste water.water scarce, scarce metalconsulting, chain, sustainability, environmental, supply1
voedselbosglanerbeek.nlPlant material for food forests is scarce: Not many growers have the right plant varieties, which are often unknown i n our country, or not available in great quantities . Even fewer n urseries deliver robust and productive plants that do…forest scarce, scarce growerforest, nursery, knob, title, soil1
dutchgraphicroots.nl…the Second World War – precisely one year before D-day – in The Hague. I had six siblings: two sisters, four brothers. Three weeks after my birth, the family moved to Amersfoort because food was becoming scarce in The Hague. Yet also infood scarce, scarce haguegraphic, july, august, february, root1
deltaclimatecenter.nl…for instance, a lot of water is needed to generate energy (as feedstock for hydrogen and cooling power plants), energy is needed to clean and convert water into hydrogen, with water becoming increasingly scarce - also for the food chain.increasingly scarce, scarce foodclimate, pressure, million, rise, degradation1
inpackt.nlIn 1937, Mr. K. de Jong and Mr. I. de Beer started a wholesale trade in coffee, tea and tobacco in the old fire station of the city of Dokkum. During the war years 1940-1945 these goods are scarce and the assortment is gradually changed…good scarce, scarce assortmentpackaging, innovative, pack, supplier, retrospect1
chromin.nlOur treatments improve the quality of our customers’ products. This means lower maintenance costs and less of need for scarce raw materials.need scarce, scarce rawcorrosion, steel, temperature, wear, stainless1
lakana.nl…degree of quality. Fewer resources because resources cost money, and where the resource is human, resources are scarce. Less time because technology is evolving at a dramatic rate, as are the demands and expectations of users…resource scarce, scarce timeconsulting, intersection, architecture, publication, assignment1
foodcabinet.nlWhen we started Food Cabinet, the world looked very different. Brands and organizations concerned with the impact of food were scarce. Today, there are more and more of them, Today, there are more and more of them, wanting to take the lead.food scarce, scarce todaycabinet, campaign, northern, organic, irresistible1
placeastone.nlOne of the pictures of photographer Wiel van der Randen’s depicts Petrus. The photographer carefully kept a few films rolls during the war, as they were scarce. On the day of the liberation celebrations, he sets up his photography…war scarce, scarce daysquare, father, mother, stone, parent1
mtolhuijs.nlTreehouse has played the most important role in my career switch. In the early days the content was scarce compared to what is offered there now but it thought me all I needed to know programming Android apps in Java making writing code a…content scarce, scarce androidresume, classical, stack, distro, interest1
toys-art.nlA scarce Tipp & Co Germany tin wind-up TCO-59 motorcycle with sidecar and electric light.tin, germany, motorcycle, friction, toy1
bintell.nlBitumen from fossil oil are an increasingly scarce resource, while global demand is growing and the demand for engineered bitumen and renewables is growing.increasingly scarce, scarce resourceresource, fossil, organic, residue, road1
schiefer.nlSchiefer's basic program consists of sub-miniature, miniature and other signal lamps in incandescent and neon. This program consists of more than 2,000 different types. In an increasingly scarce market, Schiefer is one of the stronger…increasingly scarce, scarce marketlighting, trading, extensive, stock1
isisboot.nlIn current society, time is regarded as being scarce. We prefer to use it as economically as possible. Thanks to all kinds of technologies, we combine as many possibly activities in as little possible time. Even our hard-earned spare time…time scarce, scarce economicallylandscape, urban, exploration, biodiversity, wise1
mirjamveldhuis.nlUnder the name Studio Limoncello I have been making bowls and vases, hand thrown and hand formed, since 2017. It is a wonderful way to keep going in busy times, when studio time is scarce. In addition, I use my vases and bowls to try out…time scarce, scarce additionarchive, vague, halfway, bulge, belly1
groupiuswonen.nl…and is not located in a traditional elderly complex. They would like to live with like-minded people and the important facilities should be within walking distance of their home. These houses are scarce to non-existing in the Netherlands.house scarce, scarce nonhousing, elderly, resident, demand, facility1
countrycamp.nlYou can find a $5 minimum deposit casino Canada , but really, they are scarce and few. Most casinos demand larger deposits simply because a higher deposit means that more people will be spending a greater amount of time at the site and…canada scarce, scarce casinocampsite, camp, holiday, fully, employee1
allseasonsapartments.nl…and Martijn, are always there for you. Breakfast is highly recommended and afternoons are pleasant at the small swimming pool with plenty of shade. Renting a car is recommended and these are scarce, so booking in advance is recommended.car scarce, scarce bookseason, apartment, accommodation, directly, centrally1
bcverhuizingen.nlWe kindly advise you to take these peak periods into account. During busy times, moving company rates can increase, storage spaces can become full and available time slots, especially on weekends and evenings, can be scarce.removal, obligation, worry, pack, belonging1
martijnwieling.nlAdapting monolingual models: data can be scarce when language similarity is highdata scarce, scarce languagepaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech1
datalane.nlPlanning & Resource Optimization (PRO) is the mathematical technology of efficiently allocating and utilizing resources to solve industry- and company specific challenges. It yields an actionable planning of how your scarce resources can…planning scarce, scarce resourcemining, optimization, improvement, resource, lab1
drophousezeeland.nlThe tiny houses from Drophouse Zeeland can be used in numerous ways. As space is becoming ever scarcer and these tiny houses are small and moveable, they give you more space and freedom.space scarce, scarce tinymultifunctional, exclusive, distributor, insulation, affordable1
boelensdegruyter.nlGrowth is good, but we also know that it doesn’t necessarily always make us happier. New structures are created and then it’s up to us to adapt. An example of this is people worldwide migrating towards cities. Space is becoming scarce…space scarce, scarce housevacancy, difference, residential, connection, encounter1
havanasyndrome.nl…But these programs–particularly those involving antipersonnel research–are so well guarded that details are scarce. “People [in the military] go silent on this issue,” says Slesin, “more than any other issue. People just do not…detail scarce, scarce peopleweapon, syndrome, microwave, attack, symptom1
prince.nl…a “raw materials passport”. This allows us to understand future reuse and is part of our circular economy model. Having this documented allows us to define alternatives for certain less environmentally healthy or scarce raw materials.healthy scarce, scarce rawprince, wastewater, flange, cable, certification1
rrwatertechnology.nlIn today’s world, water has become a scarce and expensive commodity that is widely used in many industries for different purposes, such as cooling –boiler and process water that eventually may end up as waste water. R&R watertechnology is…water scarce, scarce expensivetreatment, waste, odor, internal, condensate1
developmentmatters.nlIn the future, we will share data, with respect to the privacy of our participant. This will not only reduce financial resources and herewith scarce scientific resources, but even more importantly will reduce participant burden. To ensure…herewith scarce, scarce scientificstudy, matter, publication, researcher, behavior1
growyourgreens.nlIn a world with an ever increasing population demand for high q uality and sustainably produced food is on the rise. Farm land, water and energy resources, on the other hand, are becoming scarce. So time to think of new ways of food…hand scarce, scarce timeurban, farming, grow, institution, hydroponic1
expattaxes.nlExpats working in The Netherlands are entitled to the 30% ruling. It is a facility for employees from abroad who possess special expertise which is scarce on the Dutch labour market. The 30% ruling is applied on your renumuration (salary…expertise scarce, scarce dutchexpat, tax, taxis, pricing, advisory1
photo.nlas uranium oxide is nicknamed, was stored in wooden barrels in a basement at the Delft University of Technology The Germans would undoubtedly have robbed the scarce commodity for their own nuclear weapons programme, but they never found it.undoubtedly scarce, scarce commoditynuclear, past, radiant, photograph, impression1
basreus.nlWhat happens on blogs like these is completely voluntary. Time is available in abundance. In organizations, the situation is a bit different. One of the reasons is time, which is a scarce resource at work, and must be justified to a great…time scarce, scarce resourcecapital, collaborative, analysis, philosophy, behavior1
metalbasics.nlNotably in Vietnam, MetalBasics has contact with leading metal foundries. Within all the activities of MetalBasics , sustainability and corporate social responsibility is at all times of main importance. By recycling of metals, savings on…saving scarce, scarce resourcemetal, supplier, limited, western, relationship1
montgo.nlBob is very analytical and solution-oriented. He has extensive experience in companies where cash is scarce. Bob has a vast experience in family-owned businesses, and knows his way in financial and operational restructuring processes, in…cash scarce, scarce boboperational, restructuring, funding, million, growth1
luchtenleefomgeving.nl…and just as much as businesses. It is up to the government to weigh up the interests of all parties involved. So that the scarce space in our country is used responsibly and sustainably and the living environment is and remains healthy.party scarce, scarce spacereference, profile, environmental, request, healthy1
amightywind.nlWe know that supplies in different areas around the world is scarce and hard to come by. Please do not worry. Those of you who are able to eat unleavened food during this time, please do, as you will be doing it for the people who are…world scarce, scarce hardholy, ministry, prophecy, blood1
vwgvlietland.nlVogelwerkgroep Vlietland monitors the bird population of Vlietland and Vogelplas Starrevaart, a fresh water lake and marsh in Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. You'll find reports, press publications and recent observations (dutch only for now)rare scarce, scarce speciescommon, bird, report, observation, eurasian0
cityai-lab.nl…inequality, overcrowding of public spaces, and unhealthy local environments caused by factors such as heavy traffic and noise pollution. CityAI Lab examines the pivotal role that the urban environment plays in tackling such challenges.dilemma scarce, scarce healthlab, phd, candidate, urban, faculty0
floraunited.nlAbout us… News… Our Products… Artichokes… Christmas… Cut greens with leaves…daffodil scarce, scarce yearcut, united, artichoke, christmas, leave0
cardioworks.nlCardioWorks monitors and treats patients following a cardiac event by offering intensified coronary hospital care in the patient’s home.utilization scarce, scarce nursingpatient, coronary, hospital, cardiac, nurse0
differencebusiness.nlInternet consulting services can help businesses in many ways. Firms that offer these services...job scarce, scarce newmin, difference, consulting, advertising, career0
uniscooter.nlUniscooter offers a sustainable mobility solution for companies with both employer and employee benefits.enter, successfully, membership, carefree, advantage0
iuppiter.nlIndependent B2B distributor of refurbished server components & builder of customized servers. We provide cheap and high-quality server hardware from major brands.dependence scarce, scarce mineralstocklist, major, distributor, independent, builder0
chipdir.nlNumerically and functionally ordered chip lists, chip pinouts and lists of manufacturers, electronics books, CDROM's, magazines, WWW sites and much more.obsolete scarce, scarce chippinout, manufacturer, electronic, mirror, cpu0