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67 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: legislative

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asser.nl[New publication] War crimes units: Legislative, organisational and technical lessonsunit legislative, legislative organisationallaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper4
tomlouwerse.nlMarijn Nagtzaam , Tom Louwerse (2023). Geographical Representation Under a Single Nationwide District: The Case of the Netherlands . Legislative Studies Quarterly , 48(3): 591-621.legislative politics, netherlands legislative, legislative studies, politics legislative, legislative majoritypolitical, representation, publication, opposition, parliament3
revanta.nlWe deliver the highest quality technical and legislative advice, innovative technological solutions as well as capacity-building activities, including training and coaching. We also offer assessment and evaluation of development…technical legislative, legislative advice, political legislative, legislative economicassessment, slide, strategic, risk, capacity3
eerstekamer.nlThe Senate's main duties are in the legislative field, but it also plays a role in scrutinising the actions of the Government. Formally the Senate can only reject or accept legislation. In practice, however, it has rather more…duty legislative, legislative field, quality legislative, legislative billsenate, bill, representative, eerste, government3
raadvanstate.nlMembers and State Councillors are appointed on the basis of their expertise and experience in legislative, administrative or judicial matters. They are drawn from the ranks of academia, public administration, the judiciary and government…experience legislative, legislative administrative, sector legislative, legislative expertcouncil, division, administrative, advisory, court2
russell.nlThe government has detailed its plans for tightening non-competition clauses in a legislative proposal. What are the proposed conditions for valid reliance on a non-competition clause? How will the proposal affect existing clauses?clause legislative, legislative proposallaw, estate, employment, litigation, council2
bd-advocaten.nlLegislative amendment: A more balanced ratio of men to women on management and supervisory boardsupdate legislative, legislative proposallawyer, employment, employee, january, law2
axiolabs.nlAxio Labs has been at the forefront of the steroid industry. An early leader in educating consumers and retailers on the effectiveness of anabolic steroids, we have always supported legislative efforts that help protect and promote better…steroid legislative, legislative effortlab, steroid, blend, oil, testosterone1
erwinlensinkvrij.nlIn this way the Trias Politica, namely the executive, legislative and monitoring power at this time forced to counter my charge in my research on serious and fair manner and to criminal investigations. The outcome, in my opinion no…executive legislative, legislative monitoringking, orange, law, government, resistance1
mauritskorse.nlThe latest development on policy-making side is the presentation of the EU Circular Economy package in December 2016. It is a package that contains an action plan and legislative changes. The legislative changes mainly focus on waste…plan legislative, legislative change, change legislativeeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste1
atr-regeldruk.nl…achieves its goals while minimizing the hindrance of regulation. Ministries consult ATR in an early phase of the legislative process. Furthermore, ATR can also scrutinize the versions of legislative proposals that are in the final stage…phase legislative, legislative process, version legislative, legislative proposalpublication, report, annual, regulation, government1
richardkorver.nlFurthermore there is an important upcoming legislative change that will alter the procedure if you want to change your surname because you’re a victim of certain crimes. As of the first of July 2020 a victim of a crime against his or her…upcoming legislative, legislative changelaw, employee, lawyer, reason, publication1
pilatesprofessionalsnetherlands.nlPPN is a legislative voice for teachers and students and extends its influence by actively building bridges between the Pilates community and the latest developments in movement science and therapy.ppn legislative, legislative voiceconference, teacher, association, membership, directory1
speyer.nlDoing business abroad is not always easy, let alone expanding to another country. Often there are linguistic, cultural and legal barriers to overcome. Although within the EU significant steps have been made in terms of legislative…term legislative, legislative harmonizationlaw, intellectual, property, trademark, patent1
cogdem.nlinfluencing and monitoring the legislative and regulatory framework affecting the Industries in which Members are engageddetection, environmental, council, analysis, representative1
marxman.nlTeam Labour Law is a trusted partner of choice for entrepreneurs and HR managers in the field of labour law and employment law. We keep abreast of all labour law regulations and legislative changes. And we closely follow trends in the…regulation legislative, legislative changelaw, extensive, dismissal, reorganisation, lawyer1
spreekkamer2030.nlsuch as telemedicine, wearables and AI part of everyday practice? How will all these changes be integrated in our legislative and ethical systems? What are the possibilities of data as a commodity and use that for disruptive innovations…change legislative, legislative ethicalhealthcare, patient, consultation, integration, physical1
mpaccounting.nlThe fiscal, legislative and regulatory opportunities present as well as its location, infrastructure and culture make the Netherlands a very interesting country for organizations looking to operate internationally.fiscal legislative, legislative regulatoryaccounting, tax, assurance, foreign, fee1
mirjambroekhoff.nlactual funding of a property and all the work that has to be done to get this right in both the financial and the legislative sense. This means that the majority of our clients behave in a way that is very different from how they say they…financial legislative, legislative sensemortgage, consumer, fmri, highly, campaign1
nilg.nl…extent they also regulate in the public interests as well. The NILG conducts research that inter alia focuses on legislative and regulatory issues in which the traditional roles of the private sector and public authorities have become…alia legislative, legislative regulatorylaw, conference, annual, phd, institute1
ramdhanadvocaten.nlRamdhan Advocaten also focuses on legal assistance with regard to business and trade relations in Latin America. Due to international, legislative and economic events, Latin America is interesting and attractive not only for tourists, but…international legislative, legislative economicrate, hourly, attorney, law, relation1
havanasyndrome.nlMark Zaid: So that's where we're kind of looking at the technology, from the government standpoint, the legislative standpoint. How long has the Executive Branch known this was happening? To what extent were they telling anyone it was…standpoint legislative, legislative standpointweapon, syndrome, microwave, attack, symptom1
alanluca.nlLooking ahead, taking chances and thinking of creative solutions all go hand in hand with successful entrepreneurship. We get that at Alan & Luca. Our multidisciplinary team ensures you can move freely within the legislative framework…freely legislative, legislative frameworktax, ambition, joy, multidisciplinary, growth1
ikier.nlWho expects now an essay about humanity in the legislative or its realization in the executive will be disappointed although you could fill books with it.humanity legislative, legislative realizationamerica, bit, german, dignity, movie1
vhk.nl…Commission. Every test standard is created in a precision process of several years, during which experts of the working groups conceive but also conduct verification tests to ensure that tests are robust enough for the legislative process.robust legislative, legislative processreport, commission, labelling, central, accounting1
lawandmethod.nlThe journal Law and Method , based in the Netherlands, focuses on methodological issues of law and legal scholarship, in both research and education. Topics discussed in the journal include: legal interpretation, legal argumentation…argumentation legislative, legislative methodlaw, court, progress, notification, methodological1
sidekickprojects.nlSupporting activities in the development of a new world-harmonized emission test procedure for cars (WLTP), e.g. preparing proposals to reflect the EC position, writing technical reports, and providing feedback on legislative text proposalsfeedback legislative, legislative textemission, publication, consumption, fuel, report1
ivir.nlThe governance of artificial intelligence (AI) is at a historical juncture. Legislative acts, global treaties, export controls, and technical standards are now dominating the discourse over what used to be a predominantly market-driven…juncture legislative, legislative actlaw, publication, lecture, conference, regulation1
ninl.nlThe Nautical Institute Netherlands Branch, in association with Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Netherlands (ICS), will host an event on the subject of ETS – Emission Trade System on September 19th, 2023. The EU’s legislative bodies…eu legislative, legislative bodynautical, institute, branch, committee, trade1
vdb-consulting.nlVDB Consulting excellerates in helping clients to improve their operations in highly regulated GxP environments. Ensuring that processes, data, technology and governance are seemlesly aligned, integrated and in full compliance with…compliance legislative, legislative requirementsconsulting, compliance, gxp, regulatory, requirements1
dmdklussen.nlWe strive to provide an excellent building service to all our customers. Each of our builders are polite, punctual and knowledgeable in all areas of their trade. All building work is completed to the strictest of standards; in alignment…alignment legislative, legislative requirementsdmd, summary, builder, conversion, property1
wndash.nlThe Trias Politica has the separation of powers of the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches of government. A Tessares Politica has also an Epistemic branch, consisting of both an Economic Supreme Court concerning the national…executive legislative, legislative judiciaryassembly, humanity, membership, parliament, representative1
thehagueinternationalcentre.nlThe 6th of June 2024 will see the opening of the ballots in the Netherlands for the 10th legislative European...netherlands legislative, legislative europeanhague, region, skilled, highly, worker1
suresync.nlThis strategy includes a comprehensive legislative package, including the Data Governance Act, the Data Act, the AI Act, and the Open Data Directive. All these laws have a significant impact on how we share data.comprehensive legislative, legislative packageexchange, report, reliable, integration, connect1
wafi.nl…certified. Wafi B.V. cooperates with independent qualified laboratories to monitor the quality on weekly basis. This means that all Wafi products meet the most stringent international and national legislative requirements and standards.national legislative, legislative requirementsbroiler, layer, pig, animal, reference1
proefdierjaarverslagrug.nlWith the Wod , the Netherlands had good legislation governing the use of lab animals. There were major differences with other countries, however, including European member states. To achieve identical legislative standards – at least…identical legislative, legislative standardanimal, ug, study, laboratory, fish1
clearcompliance.nlWhat would be the risk of inconsistency in interpretation of your complex legislative framework? Are you able to, continiously manage the consistency of your interpretation of regulatory concept en definitions across your organisation?complex legislative, legislative frameworkcompliance, continuous, regulatory, regulation, protection1
cvdm.nlThe Media Monitor is the annual report published by the Dutch Media Authority and monitors developments in the Dutch media sector. It provides an overview of media use and informs on the activities of media companies. Our legislative task…company legislative, legislative taskauthority, audiovisual, summary, demand, broadcast1
jellewouters.nl…their proposed design changes are in compliance with the Airworthiness laws of EASA (Part-21), the FAA and other legislative bodies. A huge part of this project was to be a pioneer in Office 365 and think of a governance plan for this…faa legislative, legislative bodypresent, volunteer, responsible, task, study1
mvoplatform.nlThe Dutch government is preparing a legislative proposal on due diligence for responsible business conduct, as per the coalition agreement that was finalised in December 2021. Although the government has repeatedly stated its preference…government legislative, legislative proposalresponsible, conduct, oecd, guidelines, bill1
nonplus.nlBut how then to prevent large online platforms from deploying digital currencies to increase user lock-in and further strengthen their dominant position? Well, legislative initiatives such as the Digital Markets Act seek to address this…position legislative, legislative initiativeregulation, asset, october, currency, central1
lawbirds.nl…at Law Birds take the time and make the effort to get deeply involved with the clients’ businesses while trying to understand key business factors and local and international legislative developments that affect their performance.international legislative, legislative developmentlaw, bird, firm, loyalty, trust1
employmentlawfirm.nlFor legal disputes at work or information on your rights and obligations, contact the Employment Law Firm Netherlands. We offer advice and assistance in both collective and individual employment law, staying abreast of legislative changes.abreast legislative, legislative changeemployment, law, dismissal, agreement, assistance1
migrante.nl…institutions deemed critical of the government. Hundreds of media outlets were shut down and Marcos assumed both legislative and executive powers overnight. Contrary to the delusional claims of the Marcoses, it was during their period…marcos legislative, legislative executivefilipino, philippine, marcos, detention, campaign1
ruler.nlCreate tasks, compose a monitoring agenda and handle legislative changes in a visible and structured manner.agenda legislative, legislative changeruler, compliance, risk, task, framework1
pirnar.nl, in line with legislation, namely by supporting and facilitating the free movement of goods within the EU through legislative mechanisms. Aluminium as material is ideal for contemporary properties and a wide range of Pirnar models (glazed,eu legislative, legislative mechanismdoor, external, handle, entrance1
datacrossroads.nl“After looking at the mapping of Legislative requirements to the data lineage model developed by Dr. Irina Steenbeek in her book, Data Lineage from a Business perspective (page 38). I was surprised with new benefits to having a unified…map legislative, legislative requirementscrossroads, maturity, implementation, lineage, resource1
erez.nl…management, domiciliation, accounting and legal services for your Dutch entities. Regardless of your activities, you can count us to bridge any international legislative, tax related and cultural differences as we act on your behalf.international legislative, legislative taxtax, bookkeeping, accounting, provision, firm1
vrachtwagenheffing.nlThe legislative proposal has been adopted by the Senate. This means that the preparations for the realization can start. The work in the realization phase will take approximately four years.vehicle, heavy, charge, introduction, ministry1
pccresearch.nl…on a smaller scale. The industry typically lacks resources to scale up, find launching customers and overcome legislative issues. By joining forces PCC can help to create economic and social impact with sustainably produced nutritious…customer legislative, legislative issueprotein, forefront, competence, innovative, renowned1
sharedvision.nl…institution in the field of child welfare in Rajasthan. Some of the residents of this place have become members of the Indian Parliament (MP), members of the state legislative assembly (MLA), engineers, teachers, businessmen and doctors.state legislative, legislative assemblypoor, village, remote, association, preventive1
rometron.nl…and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) were integrated in the sensing technology. 10 years after the introduction, legislative restrictions on the use of chemical weed elimination products put an end to herbicide usage on Dutch pavements…introduction legislative, legislative restrictionweed, chemical, detection, elimination, accurate1
btra.nlBTRA also observes and analyses political, legislative and executive processes. This makes BTRA an equal discussion partner to governments and enables it to coordinate processes.political legislative, legislative executivebranch, political, traffic, interest, cross1
clickclickdrive.nlIn our Wiki you will find a lot of interesting information about driving licence categories, probation period, MPU, accompanied driving with 17, regulations and much more. The latest legislative changes and technical innovations are…late legislative, legislative changelicence, directly, theory, appointment, near1
consulproject.nlAny legislative text can be shared with the public to receive comments on any particular part of it. The comments are associated with the discussed parts using a color code, which allows an easy visualization of improvable parts. It also…citizen, participation, participatory, budgeting, proposal1
stichtingsexpower.nlRight now, the legislative proposal Sex Work Regulation act is in consultation. That means the government is asking the people what they think of this law. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws.right legislative, legislative proposalworker, sexual, difference, sexuality, measurement1
aisure.nlIn 2020 the first set of ai related training sessions will be hosted. Learn more about the management of AI systems? What are th eopportunities? What are the risks of deploying an AI syteem? How to control these?eu legislative, legislative trainvalidation, independent, risk, strenght, weakness0
jeroenarendsen.nlInteraction design is an important profession that plays a key role in creating digital experiences that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for users. User-centered design is an essential aspect of the design process, placing the…title legislative, legislative lensinteraction, publication, sign, gesture, interest0
sandertakkenberg.nl…I specialize in creating exceptional user experiences through a blend of physical and digital design elements. With a background in Communication and Multimedia Design and Industrial Design, I bring a unique perspective to every project.physical, dynamic, interaction, exceptional, background0
northseaenergyroadmap.nlrole and future potential of energy supply, transportation, demand, conversion, and storage in the North Sea. Then, actions are needed in the short term to enable the integration of the energy system. Such a roadmap can provide clarity andborders legislative, legislative frameworkintegration, pathway, north, summary, introduction0
yellowstone.nlsalaries. The employment contracts that we offer give contractors the same rights and obligations that apply at your (end) clients. This means that the same remuneration structure applies, including all provisions of the applicable…contractor, send, employee, employment, independent0
moneywood.nlBuying a house in The Netherlands: from property transfer tax to mortgage interest deductionentrepreneur legislative, legislative changetax, employee, income, entrepreneur, fiscal0
masereeuw.nlSanoma Learning - part of the printing and scripting team; responsible for the creation of XSLT and XProc conversion software that converts Word files to Sanoma's proprietary XML format. Another part of the job is conversion of XML to PDF…electronic legislative, legislative documentxml, conversion, file, xslt, dictionary0
brouwerinstallateur.nlA comfortable temperature inside your house is essential, especially when the days become shorter. It’s important that your heating is operating at an optimal level, not just for your own well-being: tuning your heating system will also…heating, installation, sanitary, plumbing, renovation0
vectormm.nl…to every day working instructions and uniform reporting in an optimized CMMS. The result: accurate data providing invaluable insights. All you need to move forward in maximizing your return on industrial assets. Want to see for yourself?asset, decision, configuration, expenditure, risk0
timberlandsschoenennederland.nl…paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper. This hook also leads into the last, or concluding, paragraph.criticism legislative, legislative actionparagraph, law, write, thesis, sentence0
easy-demo.nlAbout us… Careers… Contact us… Team… Consumer…regional, career, consumer, protection, firm0