csbeaddesign.nl | This purchase is a digital PDF file that will be sent to your e mail addres. It is done manually so it could take some time. (max 12 hours) | addre manually, manually time | pattern, bead, glass, round, mystery | 8 |
rabbitdesign.nl | specifically designed for competitive play. In this case, the piloted turquoise motorcycle battles the purple robotic insect. A spring loaded cannon on each model can be launched manually or, if the target is struck, launched automatically. | drum manually, manually automatic, model manually, manually target, canopy manually | currency, instruction, technic, wheel, loader | 7 |
seblog.nl | All these files are stored in a Git repository, which I manually update every so often (more bimonthly than weekly, sadly) via SSH to my server. I give it a very generic commit name (’sync’ or so) and push to a private repo on Github… | repository manually, manually bimonthly, webpack manually, manually classname, project manually | vim, git, file, command, yak | 6 |
robkuijt.nl | …cases with PCT, is to identify the paths and path combinations within the process flow diagram. Step 2: Instead of manually combining those path combinations to test cases, the path combinations (joined with a short description) can be… | instead manually, manually path | automation, whisper, early, generation, manual | 6 |
fluidfillmatic.nl | With this affordable, automatic top-up system for your cooling lubricants you will never have to top up manually again! The Fluid Fill Matic is therefore the answer to the increasing regulatory pressure on components in coolants and the… | lubricant manually, manually fluid | matic, fluid, fill, lubricant, automatic | 5 |
locktar.nl | You can work around this by attaching the debugger manually in Visual Studio. Follow these steps: | debug manually, manually visual, debugger manually | azure, graph, validator, attribute, debug | 5 |
djerk.nl | Under Device >> Certificate Management >> Certificates the new certificate should be shown with a valid status and under the manually imported IPA CA root certificate. | certificate manually, manually palo, status manually, manually ipa, proxy manually | certificate, tumblr, pocket, port | 4 |
msm-webdesign.nl | If your GEDCOM included media links, you will need to upload the actual files manually to the appropriate TNG folders (e.g., "photos") that you created earlier. Be sure to preserve any existing file structure from your Local Photo and… | program manually, manually owner, file manually, manually appropriate, datum manually | file, permission, gedcom, tree, installation | 4 |
pascalroeleven.nl | Read More » How to shrink your LVM2 thin pool manually (if you are adventurious) | pool manually, manually adventurious | thin, orange, file, internal, variable | 4 |
pestmeester.nl | When the install process has completed, the Raspberry Pi configuration menu (raspi-config) will load. If it doesn't load automatically, I start it manually like descripted below. | automatically manually, manually like, raspbian manually, manually git, virtualhost manually | file, command, owncloud, guide, raspberry | 4 |
infinitebacklog.nl | …after which you’re free to choose which of those games to add to your collection. On top of that you are also able to manually add games that are not connected to any of the supported platforms, like retro games or anything Nintendo. | network manually, manually continuously, able manually, manually game, game manually | backlog, infinite, achievement, library, statistics | 3 |
electricmonk.nl | …aren’t there in Linux on the desktop yet. I’ve gotten used to this and don’t even bother trying to tweak this anymore. Rather I just have a keybinding that turns the touchpad on and off manually using “xinput”. See this link for more info. | time manually, manually computer, touchpad manually, manually xinput, package manually | profile, tuxedo, bit, ansible, package | 3 |
kolky.nl | Note: In this tutorial I’m making an iOS Disitribution App as an Apple Enterprise Developer. However the steps are similar if you intend on publishing your app to the App-Store, except you have to manually upload it. | able manually, manually debug, artifact manually, manually online | reply, file, variable, jenkins, xamarin | 3 |
peterstreef.nl | An API contract, typically represented using the OpenAPI specification, serves as a blueprint for designing APIs. It is best to start by manually writing the API specification, allowing you to define the contract before writing any code… | good manually, manually api, actually manually | api, integration, coordination, collaboration, consideration | 3 |
cafedekaleaap.nl | …is estimated as time active in hours * estimator. BrewPi detects the actual peaks and compares them to the prediction to automatically adjusts the estimators. You can change them manually in 'advanced settings' when they are far off. | estimator manually, manually advanced, automatically manually, manually automatic | arduino, fridge, temperature, profile, estimator | 3 |
idiotz.nl | So I was very disappointed and quickly avoided that shitty part of the app, and started sending links manually. But then my guests started complaining about manual invitation links also not working or being expired, even though I just… | link manually, manually guest, socket manually, manually wiring | programming, shortcut, guest, lock, finally | 3 |
skew.nl | …chooses the most labour effective assembly method per reinforcement element type. The steel fixers receive drawings with instructions on what reinforcement will be delivered to the plant and what rebar will be added manually in-house. | rebar manually, manually house, stirrup manually, manually inn | skew, jig, assembly, reinforcement, stirrup | 3 |
yourprettiness.nl | Disinfection of the feet, care of the nail environment and cuticles, cutting of the nails, mechanical (filing) updating of the nails, treatment of the calluses manually and mechanically by means of drill, disinfection of the feet and… | callus manually, manually mechanically | treatment, facial, min, eyebrow, beautician | 2 |
chloropac.nl | Chloropac system controllers can be adjusted manually or automatically to control the amount of hypochlorite being produced depending on the demand. | controller manually, manually automatically | valve, cell, diaphragm, growth | 2 |
robertoostenveld.nl | Some of the differences to the previous version are that it now has a button, a 12V input trigger, and a status LED. The button allows to manually switch it on and off without having to use my mobile phone. The 12 V input trigger allows… | button manually, manually mobile, ipad manually, manually tasmota | reply, electrode, amplifier, leave, remote | 2 |
krabbijkas.nl | Note that while I see the app as using periods, you can set any "start" and "end" date manually inside the app. | date manually, manually inside | bij, transaction, recipe, inventory, receipt | 2 |
borgconsulting.nl | Our leading healthcare client processed 800 new patients manually per day by hand | patient manually, manually day | automation, consulting, pricing, potential, career | 2 |
slots.nl | Birthday boy is a video slot machine with a maximum of 30 paylines. You can bet a maximum of 3 credits per payline. The value of the credits is variable and can be set manually from.. | | payline, prize, win, head, tail | 2 |
duopact.nl | Now you no longer need to enter each invoice manually. We develop simple, secure links between any system generating invoices and Yuki smart bookkeeping software. So you no longer have to concern yourself with time-consuming activities… | invoice manually, manually simple | bookkeeping, customised, automatically, vacancy, invoice | 2 |
losalcoholicos.nl | We aim to gain you 300-1000+ real human followers per month, with all actions safe as they are made manually (no bots). | safe manually, manually bot, action manually | stat, overall, follower, growth, blast | 2 |
martijnveldkamp.nl | …major upgrades every year. Great for improving functionality, but these regular upgrades break manual scripts, which probably require many hours to fix. All this leads to diminishing returns on manually creating and maintaining your test. | return manually, manually test, process manually, manually information | debt, think, handover, architecture, implementation | 2 |
uwkm.nl | Every organisation, big or small, deals with data. This data can and must be utilised, but painstakingly and manually digging through spreadsheets is really a thing of the past. | painstakingly manually, manually spreadsheet | employee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer | 2 |
ramonddevrede.nl | …the Technicolor from my ISP Ziggo I decided to buy also the router of Ubiquiti so my whole infrastructure will be Unifi. I called Ziggo to change my router into bridge mode. It’s not possible to change the TC7210 manually in bridge mode . | ap manually, manually unifi, possible manually, manually bridge | unifi, ubiquiti, device, connection, commodore | 2 |
microscopischefotografie.nl | …micron. Due to the large number of photos and the extremely small displacement it is no longer possible to do this manually. For this an automated macro rail is necessary, which is capable of shifting the camera a few micron each time and… | possible manually, manually macro, segment manually, manually segment | microscopic, objective, microscope, tube, stack | 2 |
peterrombouts.nl | Let’s say your DevOps pipeline trigger failed, or someone made changes manually to the AKS applications or configuration. AKS has no idea where the code is located so it cannot check if there are any changes. This is where GitOps can be a… | change manually, manually aks, configuration manually, manually drift | azure, devops, native, integration, automation | 2 |
jan-v.nl | A few years ago, I was assigned on a project with a friend of mine, Marnix van Valen and we needed to update our APIs in API Management with the latest Open API schema for each release. As we don’t like to do this work manually, it got… | work manually, manually get, far manually, manually access | azure, api, authentication, identity, query | 2 |
fineforest.nl | Each Fine Forest wall sticker is made up of thousands of small dots, which are manually stippled with different thicknesses of fineliners. The wall stickers are made of a matte and transparent material. A new technique that creates the… | dot manually, manually different, illustration manually, manually special | forest, graphic, bird, instruction, colour | 2 |
remkoweijnen.nl | You can of course manually download al the .ts files and re-encode them to a single video file but it would be a lot of work. | course manually, manually al | october, uncategorized, february, january, compatibility | 2 |
safaahalalfood.nl | …or stunned as is the case with other producers of Halal snacks, but each animal has been individually slaughtered manually by a professed Muslim, with each animal being pronounced al-Basmalah or the at-Tasmiyah (the slaughter prayer) and… | individually manually, manually muslim | al, tasty, meat, assortment, animal | 2 |
vcdx.nl | In this case the firewall isn’t the problem but has something to do how the vSphere client and Single Sign On works. It makes difference if you use the option to ‘Use Windows session credentials’ or just type the same credentials… | credentials manually, manually option | vsphere, host, vmware, esxi, vcenter | 2 |
vdhout.nl | Another suggestion I read somewhere ( here ) is that you can install the Windows Server 2019 drivers for the Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM adapter, you'll have to manually install this driver and force Windows to use this driver… | adapter manually, manually driver, change manually, manually remote | driver, connection, lookup, installation, peripheral | 2 |
hwimachining.nl | HWI Machining is your supplier for machined pressure vessels, complex parts and other high- quality products. Our equipment ranges from manually programmed machines to fully CAD-CAM driven CNC 5-axis milling combinations. As a member of… | equipment manually, manually machine | machining, career, pressure, supplier | 2 |
iccp-mgps.nl | Chloropac system controllers can be adjusted manually or automatically to control the amount of hypochlorite being produced depending on the demand. | controller manually, manually automatically | valve, iccp, cell, diaphragm | 2 |
affiliatefeeds.nl | The upgrade process will take care of the module name. The layouts must be renamed manually and set in the module manager. | layout manually, manually module | joomla, definition, guide, documentation, layout | 2 |
martijnwieling.nl | Variation in speech is often quantified by comparing phonetic transcriptions of the same utterance. However, manually transcribing speech is time-consuming and error prone. As an alternative, therefore, we investigate the extraction of… | utterance manually, manually speech, previously manually, manually experiment, study manually | paper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech | 2 |
electrocatalytic.nl | Chloropac system controllers can be adjusted manually or automatically to control the amount of hypochlorite being produced depending on the demand. | controller manually, manually automatically | valve, cell, diaphragm, growth, iccp | 2 |
whselfinvest.nl | Use these trading signals or insert them in your own strategy. Trade the signals manually or automate them. | strategy manually, manually automatically | trading, stock, discover, legendary, rate | 2 |
slimacademy.nl | Do you have to pay manually after, for example, a failed collection? Then you can transfer this to the account number (IBAN) of Slim Academy B.V.: NL81 ABNA 0590 3250 00. | information manually, manually slimstuderen | summary, subscription, booklet, medicine, pre | 2 |
boffin.nl | On Windows, it is also possible to run uTracerJS in the command-line window, which always stays open. For that one has to open a command prompt at the location of uTracerJS-win-x64 .exe file, and manually key in the name… | problem manually, manually content, file manually, manually utracerjs | tube, window, curve, file, fpga | 2 |
svanbruggen.nl | I received a question from a customer asking me for a way to create MFA-enabled administrator accounts on all Microsoft 365 tenants managed through the Partner portal, without having to manually go to each tenant and creating them. To… | portal manually, manually tenant, machine manually, manually mdt | lab, powershell, virtualization, sensation, october | 2 |
vantill.nl | This website uses cookies. You can learn more about our cookies and change your preferences via "Set manually". By clicking "Accept and continue", you agree to the use of cookies as described in our cookie policy. | preference manually, manually use, set manually | till, law, attorney, dedicated, equity | 2 |
jahoma.nl | This all caused that the little lady that would have won the overall champion ship, if recorded correctly, only got assigned the fourth overall position. In other, manually clocked races, average sprinters got marks that were multiple… | position manually, manually race | electronic, registration, requirements, jump, measurement | 2 |
3d-pens.nl | Although new technologies are applied, the pen's creation comes from craftsmanship. Even though most tools have become digital, they still have to be guided by human hands. In addition, the finishing and adjustment of the 3D printed nib… | nib manually, manually great | fountain, nib, manufacture, metal, der | 1 |
ibrahimhairstyling.nl | Your Server is Unable to connect to the Google Geocoding API, kindly visit THIS LINK , find out the latitude and longitude of your address and enter it manually in the Google Maps Module of the Page Builder | address manually, manually google | package, lorem, ipsum, hair, pricing | 1 |
jhellings.nl | Relational query languages rely heavily on costly join operations to combine tuples from multiple tables into a single resulting tuple. In many cases, the cost of query evaluation can be reduced by manually optimizing (parts of) queries… | evaluation manually, manually part | query, resilient, fault, thesis, finally | 1 |
twinai.nl | “Integrating Twin AI for sentiment analysis has been a game-changer for our operations at JustLeadz. Before, we spent countless hours manually analyzing customer feedback. Now, with Twin AI's advanced sentiment analysis capabilities, we… | hour manually, manually customer | twin, automation, integration, pricing, llm | 1 |
tsunami.nl | 3. Fix the video settings. Since we want to develop we need to run full screen. To do this we need to set the video manually as display settings in Ubuntu cannot detect the correct settings. In the same terminal type (i am using nano… | video manually, manually display | uncategorized, raspberry, chess, hyper, visual | 1 |
degroentedeler.nl | …and individuals, the foundation is growing steadily. This allows us to offer customers of Voedselbank Leiden fresh vegetables of the highest quality during the harvest season. Naturally, it is all organically grown and manually harvested. | | vegetable, healthy, volunteer, portion, fund | 1 |
3ldn.nl | The most naive implementation I can come up with is to create a Utility class that is called manually to decrypt the properties as needed. This works, but requires us to inject properties manually, decrypt them and then use them to… | class manually, manually property, property manually, manually object | configuration, dependency, february, default, note | 1 |
mi-qa.nl | Nowadays, there’s an app for everything. At least, for nearly everything. There is still lots of work to be done manually and let’s be honest, we can do better and way more efficiently. That’s where MiQa comes in! | work manually, manually honest | inspection, algorithm, satisfaction, detection, guest | 1 |
michaelteeuw.nl | I’m a huge coffee addict. As for many of us, coffee is the core ingredient for my projects. And since I like quality coffee we own a manually operated espresso machine. If the grind is perfect, and you use the ideal brewing time, the… | coffee manually, manually espresso | min, electronic, train, ago, automator | 1 |
excel-training-denhaag.nl | As a financial employee, you probably work with large Excel spreadsheets on a daily basis. Financial information is often manually copied by many people, because they are unaware of useful resources. This Excel for Financials training… | information manually, manually people | advanced, hague, classroom, table, participant | 1 |
acpartytime-schmink.nl | …casino available for you 24/7. Perform either call them or mail them for your queries. Might be much better than this for entertaining manually? That at any point you may go online & play sport you want & generate income at identical time. | well manually, manually point | uncategorized, glass, gambling, february, money | 1 |
allinsales.nl | Thanks to the social automation services performed by Ruben we could reach out much faster to our target audience than if we would have done this manually. Acceptance rates are higher than expected so this nicely supports our business… | audience manually, manually acceptance | sell, qualify, generation, appointment, outreach | 1 |
prettifybeauty.nl | This permanent make-up technique has been specially developed for the eyebrows. Paper-thin hairs are drawn manually on the skin with a razor-sharp knife, which gives a very natural result. Very suitable if you dream of longer, fuller or… | hair manually, manually skin | treatment, skin, removal, hair, facial | 1 |
srpzuid.nl | You will find an overview of our solutions below, customised manually and fully for you. | solution manually, manually fully | distribution, panel, regulation, cable, junction | 1 |
vdhsafes.nl | The various tests are performed manually. The standard does not describe how strong and how skilled the tester must be. As a result, the results of the different test institutes are different. | test manually, manually standard | rate, anchor, grade, door, indication | 1 |
mdcs.nl | If you are already using HP Thin Clients but are managing them manually or with third-party tools, we can implement HP Device Manager in your organisation. We will also instruct your IT staff on the most efficient ways to use the tooling… | client manually, manually party | implementation, enterprise, device, thin, secure | 1 |
hetborduurburo.nl | …machine embroideries. On the same token we can combine machine embroideries with hand embroideries. This option offers a solution for a small couture embroidery production, for example, which would be too costly to do entirely manually. | | embroidery, het, fabric, craftsmanship, technique | 1 |
destoomtrein.nl | The fireman stokes up the fire, the locomotive is whistling and the conductors close every door manually! | | train, attraction, rate, frequently, landscape | 1 |
incad.nl | After selecting the control fabric, the necessary control equipment can be calculated and added automatically. All I/O points are then assigned automatically. For added flexibility, it is possible to manually configure and assign… | possible manually, manually individual | cabinet, speed, layout, cable, scheme | 1 |
atlantikwall-wadden.nl | The Noarderleech was a German army practice location. It was built manually, without machines, in 1940 by about 100 men and given the name SF10 Marrum. | location manually, manually machine | atlantic, war, liberation, aviation, visit | 1 |
crypto-ta.nl | In most cases this means you did not wire the exact amount we expected (transaction fees?) and our order system doesn’t recognize the payment to be yours. Please contact us so we can process the payment manually. | | trading, watch, subscribe, payment, membership | 1 |
solarscreen.nl | Most of the time the employees keep the control of the daylight set-up, because the brightness changes during the day. There are also huge differences in how someone experienced the light. If it is desirable you can control the Daylight… | filters manually, manually remote | daylight, reference, request, screen, window | 1 |
cybur.nl | At the moment, the only way to add additional information to invoices is to add the information to the workspace's name manually. | | resource, growth, efficiency, strategic, optimization | 1 |
ixperts.nl | “Our users were taking exports and tried to manually merge customer data from two different systems in Excel. By automating the integration and transformation we saved a lot of money and time” | export manually, manually customer | enterprise, edm, decision, intelligence, integration | 1 |
coremodule.nl | Tired of managing all your prices manually? CORE's algorithm will automatically set repair pricing for you | price manually, manually core | repair, device, pricing, sync, automatically | 1 |
akesson.nl | …and coarse-grained models that are both accurate and capable of capturing dynamic application workloads. However, manually creating such models is time-consuming and error-prone, and they need to be continuously updated as the system… | workload manually, manually model | esi, physical, complexity, thesis, methodology | 1 |
bergontwerp.nl | The lamps by Bergontwerp are manually produced in the studio. They are made from the very high quality ceramic material bone china, which becomes translucent when fired at high temperatures. This material is also extremely hard and… | bergontwerp manually, manually studio | chandelier, famous, bone, translucent, temperature | 1 |
godfatherof.nl | …from the 19th century (1852), but - as opposed to the Cruquius - with a still fully functional steam engine and - manually operated! - coal-fired steam boiler. This steamy position lasted till the end of 2014, but I stayed as volunteer… | engine manually, manually coal | later, cwi, networking, bit, etc | 1 |
orgelkids.nl | The Do-Organ is not only a beautiful kit, but also a real instrument. It has two octaves and two registers and gets wind with manually operated bellows. | wind manually, manually bellow | organ, worldwide, rent, commission, sheet | 1 |
swimster.nl | It does indeed depend on specific series (close together or not) whether it can be entered directly into the app or whether it is first noted down manually on paper before entering it into the app. | app manually, manually paper | compete, official, manual, competition, role | 1 |
nederlandsplus.nl | …account all holidays defined by the system, and the program checks for any conflicts in the lectures with other courses for the same teacher or the same place. In Addition to the ability to cancel or add the lectures manually as needed. | | function, teacher, report, output, ability | 1 |
zw-scoring.nl | Competitors can be entered manually, or can be imported by excel file (e-Captain and Manage2Sail exports are supported), .csv or .txt files. Competitor listings by fleet or by sail number, finish lists and results can be printed. In… | competitor manually, manually excel | competitor, manual, sail, fleet, limit | 1 |
tjeb.nl | Then the first problem arised; there were a lot of ’no such file or directory’ errors. After retracing the steps rdup-simple takes manually, I found out that sometimes rdup-up missed creating a directory. And then of course when it tries… | simple manually, manually rdup | raid, disk, cabinet, firmware, raspberry | 1 |
xaflow.nl | Those systems work well in theory, but the problem is that they are not linked together. Therefore, it takes your colleagues a lot of time to manually enter hours from the timesheet app into the scheduling system (or vice versa). | time manually, manually hour | government, package, api, productivity, easily | 1 |
cyclonebikes.nl | Why bother switching gears manually? The automatic system adds an additional element of comfort to stepless shifting: With this system, you do not need to worry about shifting manually at all. The transmission is controlled automatically… | gear manually, manually automatic, system manually, manually transmission | bike, cyclone, urban, edge, generation | 1 |
blacktree.nl | …languages. (A guide on how to download playlists or even whole channels from YouTube, can be found here ) The cumbersome way of getting proper subtitles was to manually extract the audio, upload to YouTube and then download the .vtt. | subtitle manually, manually audio | powershell, file, channel, whisper, subtitle | 1 |
micodesign.nl | …thinking and investments to tackle it professionally right away. First we managed to setup an only facbook stream with iPhones used for multicam. where everything had to be done manually via 1 macmini for visuals, sound and streaming. | multicam manually, manually macmini | christmas, church, anniversary, easter, innovative | 1 |
peetersonline.nl | Configuring a syslog folder is convenient for troubleshooting ESXi. But it’s a pain you-know-where to configure manually across all your ESXi servers. Luckily, PowerCLI can help out. This script creates a folder on the local datastore and… | pain manually, manually esxi | powercli, vmware, powershell, vsphere, limit | 1 |
sound-force.nl | As with previous controllers, users can enjoy 2-way integration using the latest Arturia OP-Xa V. This means that the controller interface can be updated when presets are changed in the plugin, when plugin instances are switched or even… | instance manually, manually demand | dual, chorus, hole, eurorack, synth | 1 |
donjuliancoffee.nl | Due to the farm's altitude and climate, the harvest occurs from December to March. Special care is given to picking only the ripest seeds, identified by their deep red to purple hue. After each day's harvest, the coffee is manually sorted… | coffee manually, manually unripe | react, farm, environmental, create, commitment | 1 |
custon.nl | …is discussed and adopted. If customers are approached for experience feedback on the basis of an event - like a service call - then a limited amount of time is needed to setup the data exchange. This can be done manually or automated. | | satisfaction, loyalty, profitability, retention, report | 1 |
water-lab.nl | Make sure to fill out all needed fields. Incomplete forms are not accepted and the samples will not be analysed. If Water-Lab needs to manually adjust fields on your order form you will be charged an administrative fee of EUR 5,-. | lab manually, manually field | lab, laboratory, bottle, instruction, analysis | 1 |
oddballgraphics.nl | I finally got round to 3D printing a magnetic camera rotation rig as I envisioned many years ago. My purpose was to use a GoPro to make 16 way camera rotations that manually snap at 22,5 degree angles without much effort. All of this so I… | rotation manually, manually degree | painting, visual, glass, piece, rotation | 1 |
robhabraken.nl | The easiest way to deploy your project to your XM Cloud instance is manually via the Sitecore Cloud Portal. If you go to the XM Cloud Deploy dashboard, you can not only create projects and environments, but also start a “Build and deploy”… | instance manually, manually sitecore | sitecore, crop, focal, february, azure | 1 |
igorski.nl | Rechoir is a delay effect where all the echoes can either harmonize with the source signal or be pitch shifted manually. | | plugin, sequencer, gate, discography, composition | 1 |
spaceweb.nl | This will yield an error once more, but you can see where the tar file is downloaded to. You can extract it manually and then copy the Structures directory into your PEAR directory (at the same level as the ‘Console’ directory). After… | file manually, manually structure | vagrant, framework, vmware, ansible, fusion | 1 |
vaavio.nl | No longer updating all your jobs manually, but fully automatically, so that you can keep busy with your core business. | job manually, manually fully | resume, candidate, notification, easily, listing | 1 |
loanwise.nl | Automatically or manually generate a Loanwise link and share the link with your customer via e.g. email or your customer portal. | automatically manually, manually loanwise | transaction, consumer, payment, monthly, risk | 1 |
hemmingwayguitars.nl | Hemmingway Guitars builds 100% manually electric guitars that stand out for their sound, playability and the use of beautiful woods. | guitar manually, manually electric | guitar, appointment, registration, wood, electric | 1 |
vworld.nl | hakan on Howto fix “dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run sudo dpkg –configure -a to correct the problem” error | dpkg manually, manually sudo | azure, guide, kvm, study, vmware | 1 |
merwedevalves.nl | Flow regulating valves have been included within our program for decades and are available in all types of configurations and materials. Actuation manually, bare shaft, pneumatic or hydraulic available upon the customer’s request. | actuation manually, manually bare | valve, gate, certificate, representative, api | 1 |
video-landscape.nl | are calculated automatically based on a search algorithm for the best fitting model. We didn't had the time to check all 500+ possible models and their outcomes manually. So you probably will find inconsistencies with your own expectations. | outcome manually, manually probably | device, landscape, channel, graph, panel | 1 |
lefournil.nl | “I LOVE WHAT I DO AND I AM A TRUE ARTISAN, WORKING MOSTLY MANUALLY , TO GUARANTEE PRODUCTS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY.” | artisan manually, manually product | french, artisan, bakery, bread, authentic | 1 |
romkevandermeulen.nl | In this article I will demonstrate a setup using Docker , docker-gen and nginx that will add new Docker containers to nginx automatically as an upstream instruction, but still let you manually configure how these containers are publicly… | instruction manually, manually container | typescript, decorator, docker, property, philosophy | 1 |
nlresearch.nl | NLRESEARCH has access to various multispectral camera systems that are used during the research. Whenever possible, we collect data through sensors rather than having people measure manually. | | technique, objective, climate, report, chamber | 1 |
osteopathie-ivotrouw.nl | optimum health. Disturbance of this balance may cause health problems. Osteopaths manually treat the loss of mobility of different body tissues, that is connected to the health problems. | osteopath manually, manually loss | osteopathy, treatment, osteopath, adult, pregnancy | 1 |
cultiv.nl | , we often get askeded the question is how to work with it using Visual Studio (VS). The answer up until now has been a rather manual process. I always get a little annoyed when advising people to do something manually when I know it… | | raspberry, task, closet, visual, august | 1 |
topwind-systems.nl | IPS is unique in its capability to prevent icing, whereby a given turbine is manually or automatically switched off before blade surface ice settlement has occured. | turbine manually, manually automatically | turbine, ambition, ice, bird, prevention | 1 |
onlinecasinokeus.nl | So, Furthermore, it can help to manually remove any unwanted elements and spyware. So, This is also a simple installation of any other program. He provides flexible deployment options for varying business IT environments. So You can… | furthermore manually, manually unwanted | crack, reply, attack, protection, file | 1 |
rsw-eco.nl | The history of RSW reports that began in 1994 on a small terrain of 3000 m2 where was manually sorted. | | waste, debris, sort, profit, planet | 1 |
henriaanstoot.nl | Now I’m going to 3D print a holder which can be used to press the button manually when needed. | | january, february, october, july, august | 1 |
preregister.nl | Elevate your events to the next level with our advanced features and never worry about manually managing registrations again or dealing with the hassle of installing a form on your website. | feature manually, manually registration | registration, pricing, demographic, customizable, confirmation | 1 |
dekkr.nl | In the winter it can get quite chilly in my home office. To counter this, I have installed a infrared heater under my desk. But I have to turn it off manually, when I leave the office. That is something which should be easy to automate… | desk manually, manually office | archive, spare, device, cheap, fish | 1 |
furnip.nl | …not limiting to Danish design. Mid-century Danish design comes with style function and withstand durably the tests of time. Bit of the best of all if you ask us. Edgy design, craftsmanship, manually crafted and superb material selection. | craftsmanship manually, manually superb | chair, mid, century, danish, masterpiece | 1 |
growerschoice.nl | The seeds are manually selected by us and regularly undergo a germination test to check the quality of the germination of the cannabis seeds. In other words, at growerschoice you have come to the right place to buy good quality cannabis… | seed manually, manually regularly | seed, feminized, strain, average, grow | 1 |
evolveskateboards.nl | We offer to pay your Evolve Board in installments with klarna and also manually by bank transfer. Just write an email to us. | klarna manually, manually bank | evolve, regular, bamboo, carbon, wheel | 1 |
whatsecurity.nl | You have problems installing CyanogenMod upgrades automatically. When you boot into recovery and try to apply the update manually, you run into problems because it “can’t mount /data”. This is because you have enabled full disk encryption… | update manually, manually problem | bend, adjustable, oct, internal, connection | 1 |
leatherfriends.nl | Did we miss something? Add your (or somebody else’s) event here, we will manually add it to our calendar. Check under Calendar if your event qualifies. | event manually, manually calendar | leather, calendar, identity, comprehensive, overview | 1 |
cemecontent.nl | We believe that content creation, planning and posting should be fun, not annoying. Too often, (content) marketeers waste a lot of their time on manually creating, planning and posting content. They have to use tons of different programs… | time manually, manually content | automation, creation, engage, channel, visual | 1 |
colomlighting.nl | Our team has developed a lamp that combines many good qualities. It is beautiful, elegant, sturdy and timeless. Niclely detailed and strong construction. All parts are manufactured manually by European professionals. They have put a lot… | part manually, manually european | lighting, base, timeless, wooden, ash | 1 |
voetchampignons.nl | Voet mushrooms is a professional nursery where quality is a core value. The cultivation process is carefully controlled. All mushrooms are harvested manually. With an enthusiastic team of employees, 150 tons of fresh, tasty mushrooms are… | mushroom manually, manually enthusiastic | mushroom, employee, nursery, responsible, tasty | 1 |
unitso.nl | For the KAS BANK Index Tracking proposition we needed a tool to rebalance the portfolios. Manually rebalancing an index which consists of hundreds or maybe even a thousand positions is prone to errors. As such, we needed an automatic… | portfolio manually, manually index | dimension, analyst, report, investment, pleasure | 1 |
fisko.nl | Our client's product database had to be imported into BigCommerce, which was easier said than done. The new beta V3 version of the product import system had limited documentation and lacked a comprehensive error log system. As a result… | result manually, manually entire | python, tax, redis, flask, queue | 1 |
timgoes.nl | …connection tab or by using a server list made using the Java RMI API. If you wanted to join the server directly you manually needed to fill in de ip and server port, using the RMI API we automatically requested all the available servers. | directly manually, manually de | player, automatically, reference, unity, fellow | 1 |
historischestadskaartenfullcolour.nl | The colours used for the new full colour maps are brighter and more pronounced. The use of multiple shades creates a varied image. The maps are coloured manually and very accurately with a digital brush or pencil, resulting in great… | map manually, manually accurately | colour, century, reliable, survey, historical | 1 |
bsgr.nl | Your tax bill will be adjusted based on the date you have deregistered with the Dutch Civil Registry. Since Dutch authorities will not automatically be informed by a next place of residence outside of Dutch jurisdiction, you will need to… | jurisdiction manually, manually municipality | tax, bill, property, taxis, rate | 1 |
lucee.nl | …this font must first be available to the JVM (eg. Tomcat) to be able to use it. I did have the TrueType font file available, But I did not want to manually add the font file to every Lucee instance. That's not portable code... | available manually, manually font | azure, coldfusion, stuff, font, programming | 1 |
kmchan.nl | Either you are working with Data Vault 2.0 or Kimball, every system has their own guidelines. These guidelines can be checked manually case-by-case during a peer review with a team of developers. But taking time to automate the tests can… | guidelines manually, manually case | warehouse, migration, layer, oracle, sql | 1 |
wandana.nl | In Africa, I learned how to cast bronzes by using primitive means: taking clay from the river, manually rotating a bicycle wheel for extra heat to melt down recycled metals, simply on the pavement outside the foundry. | river manually, manually bicycle | bronze, sculpture, colour, painting, landscape | 1 |
wpmail.nl | Every mail sent within your WordPress website will be logged. You can change if you want to block the mail from sending and send it manually later! | mail manually, manually later | wp, plugin, overview, wrong, inside | 1 |
avcreative.nl | Save your business card details in your customer phone with just a single scan. Nobody should enter your contact details manually anymore. | detail manually, manually anymore | static, shape, gradient, dynamic, amaze | 1 |
ilsantijhuis.nl | I started at Gamesys as a Software Engineer before my promotion to Team Lead. My daily activities included working in an Agile team on different (micro) services, from development till release. Many services which could only be released… | service manually, manually able | resume, microservice, responsible, january, interest | 1 |
smart-connection.nl | …to use expensive welding jigs and welding robots. However, this (time) gain quickly disappears due to the time an engineer needs to manually model these smart connections in the 3D model time and time again. The solution? Smart-Connection! | engineer manually, manually smart | connection, manufacture, failure, accuracy, reduction | 1 |
astonic-rides.nl | …an electric ride and do you value quality and service ? Then look no further than Astonic! Our dedication to manually producing and assembling electric mobility solutions makes us the ultimate source for advice and expertise for your | dedication manually, manually electric | ride, bike, electric, mobility, earth | 1 |
crea-tech.nl | When the plants have grown enough they will need more space to grow. The cart can be manually placed into a Crea-Tech cart unloader, the cart will move to the robot position where a [...] | cart manually, manually crea | industrial, rigorous, combination, superior, crate | 1 |
brianvanburken.nl | Manually editing chunks in git add --patch — Git allows to stage smaller chunks of code for creating more atomic commits. | | vim, typescript, json, angular, writing | 1 |
by-zooi.nl | So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between parts that start with "b" and end with "s" is, the actually address where you should send the payment. Once you have paid we… | | discount, prescription, buy, wat, limited | 1 |
incontrolsolution.nl | Finally we help you to automate. Can we gather information automatically from the source instead of entering it manually? As we use mobile devices we are much less dependant on infrastructure. Is it worth the investment now or do we wait… | instead manually, manually mobile | device, risk, decision, efficient, integration | 1 |
inzicht-in-ai.nl | a database of 4,000 examples. The database is available to everyone worldwide: Hatecheck. This dataset was developed through a combination of 29 different tests and manually determining whether something is classified as hate speech or not. | test manually, manually hate | algorithm, analysis, outcome, climate, provide | 1 |
digibites.nl | No need to look up and manually enter when your favorite sports teams are playing or when your favorite TV show is on. When you subscribe to our calendars, all the dates and times are automatically added to your schedule. | need manually, manually favorite | calendar, weather, organize, forecast, subscription | 1 |
zoefrobot.nl | Did you know that viruses and bacteria are easy to kill with UVC light? Our UVC robot Saar frees surfaces of viruses from bacteria. Saar is made to kill house mites in beds and sofas, but can also manually release telephones, keyboards… | sofa manually, manually telephone | vacuum, mower, robotic, window, lawn | 1 |
hgroefsema.nl | …to the template. Therefore, current practice for processes which deviate more than marginally is to either manually implement them at high costs, or for the business to inflexibly comply to the template. In this paper, we describe… | marginally manually, manually high | conference, verification, compliance, computing, variability | 1 |
newtonenergy.nl | By default, the NEStore will autonomously determine its charging moments based on self-generated power and dynamic energy tariffs. In the short term, users will have the ability to manually adjust the charging times once our web… | ability manually, manually charge | nav, storage, inspiration, building, affordable | 1 |
patrecords.nl | After loads of time manually entering all the records, we're now able to present you with our result. | time manually, manually record | reaction, beat, viewer, impossible, feel | 1 |
moko.nl | Your Server is Unable to connect to the Google Geocoding API, kindly visit THIS LINK , find out the latitude and longitude of your address and enter it manually in the Google Maps Module of the Page Builder | address manually, manually google | venture, participation, creativity, entrepreneurial, partners | 1 |
hwi-group.nl | HWI Machining equipment ranges from manually programmed machines to fully CAD-CAM driven CNC 5-axis milling combinations. HWI Machining can tailor its machining processes to be most efficient and cost effective on each customer… | equipment manually, manually machine | machining, pressure, vessel, manufacturer | 1 |
margavanamersfoort.nl | …less than 10% will require corrective surgery or other techniques. Hinsch also states that a new technique of manually breaking the capsule has recently been developed and shows promise as a solution to contracture. Hinsch also stated | technique manually, manually capsule | dow, corning, cite, exhibit, implant | 1 |
datamatters.nl | Perform migrations manually or integrate for continuously managing, retrieving and viewing your archived data. | migration manually, manually continuously | matter, integration, storage, quantum, valuable | 1 |
kanoverhuurdenhaag.nl | …media pages. Kanoverhuur Den Haag processes business data, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in-house and manually for our customer address database. We will never pass these data on to third parties. Explanation Purpose of data… | house manually, manually customer | canoe, rental, renter, hague, period | 1 |
embassymalaysia.nl | We are currently updating our database of Malaysians in The Netherlands. If you have not registered yourself before, please do so by clicking on the button below. If have manually registered before, please re-register yourself by way of… | button manually, manually way | malaysia, embassy, consular, registration, hague | 1 |
cp-powdercoating.nl | Wet paint is used mainly for products that can not be powder coated and where there are specific requirements. Wet painting is a process in which a liquid paint is applied manually on the product. A wet paint is solvent-borne or water… | paint manually, manually product | powder, frontpage, metal, painting, paint | 1 |
praefator.nl | …carts. By its very nature that is a one-off, non-recurring source of income that has to be recognized and paid for manually by the government, leaving late joiners with less opportunity to get the needed assets. To combat this situation… | income manually, manually government | reply, player, town, road, government | 1 |
modcity.nl | ModCity supports your projects with a set of integral 3D-tools that directly link your design or urban massing study to financial and other calculation models. Without having to manually transfer data to spreadsheets! | model manually, manually data | urban, modelling, estate, decision, calculation | 1 |
renevanbelzen.nl | Then there was the frivolous time-waster of trying to implement emoji fonts and an emoji picker. The latter I didn’t get working, after many hours of fruitless effort, the former I did, after manually grabbing the raw image of a Google… | effort manually, manually raw | renovation, uncategorized, roof, improvement, door | 1 |
cryptobegrijpen.nl | While many people are informed about crypto trading, not everyone is aware of how these bots work in reality. Although trading bots offer automated trading, it’s more important why you need such automation. Isn’t it better to start… | well manually, manually trading | trading, profit, wealth, genius, revolution | 1 |
atlasleefomgeving.nl | Didn’t recieve a notification to translate? You can activate the translation manually. On this page you find information about how to translate . | translation manually, manually page | environmental, explore, climate, pleasant, neighborhood | 1 |
epsoneventmanager.nl | Some Event Managers for scanners allow users to create custom scan profiles with specific settings, such as resolution, file format, and color mode. This can save time by eliminating the need to manually adjust settings each time a scan… | need manually, manually setting | device, task, installation, function, file | 1 |
everspack.nl | EversPack is a packager for the entire food industry. Repackaging of large units to smaller packages. In little bags, cups or bowls. Mechanically with 6 high quality packaging lines or manually. For large and small quantities and we… | line manually, manually large | reliability, packer, flexibility, certification, packaging | 1 |
informaticaexperts.nl | “Our users were taking exports and tried to manually merge customer data from two different systems in Excel. By automating the integration and transformation we saved a lot of money and time” | export manually, manually customer | enterprise, edm, decision, intelligence, integration | 1 |
bearman.nl | …errors for SharePoint, of which we were unaware at the time that these were due to firewall issues. While analyzing the issue I came across the Test-NetConnection PowerShell command, which I used to manually verify the issue on one server. | command manually, manually issue | gateway, port, connection, configuration, sql | 1 |
egalizer.nl | When machine preparation is not an option due to certain circumstances, Egalizer will prepare the floor manually; | | renovation, repair, profession, industrial, parquet | 1 |
synkoshadingsolutions.nl | We are happy to advise you on the best mounting brackets, mounting profiles and cassettes for your project. Our hardware and systems can be manually operated or fully automated. | system manually, manually fully | reference, textile, climate, comfortable, independent | 1 |
pureuv.nl | The pureUV AIR automatically adjusts the fan speed depending on the current air quality. If needed the speed can be adjusted manually by simply swiping over the side. | speed manually, manually simply | device, dust, rate, favorite, interior | 1 |
0xqs.nl | …tools could potentially set off alarm bells within the search engines, which could impact on search rankings. By manually creating these buffers it allows us to use automated tools to create links to these buffer sites using tools such… | ranking manually, manually buffer | submission, package, buy, aggregator, hat | 1 |
elafos.nl | Elafos ceramics produces all of its products manually, making them all unique. With great attention to detail, we make the most beautiful ceramics of Rhodes. We use factory prices and you notice this immediately in your wallet. | product manually, manually unique | ceramic, factory, rhodes, traditional, handmade | 1 |
grensloos.nl | The most important thing in tracking your competitors on the internet is to track the prices of the products you offer. It is impossible to keep track of this manually for all products. | track manually, manually product | logistics, commerce, analysis, possibility, warehouse | 1 |
nathaliehennis.nl | Manual Manipulation. After a shoot I print the images and work on them manually. Playing with collage techniques, painting and a combination of the two, I want to add a personal touch to my work. Literally haha! Together with models… | image manually, manually collage | portrait, artwork, manual, manipulation, literally | 1 |
vronin.nl | One of the is issues was about the IP Bindings of a VM to a segment. In our case a tenant manually edited the Ipv4 address on the network Interface of the VM, and after this the connection to this VM dropped. | tenant manually, manually address | nsx, vcf, edge, vsan, virtualization | 1 |
gamesdust.nl | …Audio devices at once. There is however a very annoying bug that causes the music to only play on one device. The official workaround requires you to manually reset the device that is playing music. I’ve found a better solution. | workaround manually, manually device | device, walkthrough, naar, empire, restriction | 1 |
twint.nl | Each day we clean tanks, silos and plant locations manually and by machine. We also do this at night in the event of incidents. | location manually, manually machine | industrial, waste, port, certification, transhipment | 1 |
jbsoft.nl | that is installed by default on Raspberry Pi OS and can be found in the accessories menu. Note you can set some options that allow to set WiFi and hostname in advance. Other settings we need te set manually after the image has been… | te manually, manually image | raspberry, certificate, commit, connect, pcie | 1 |
petrikvandervelde.nl | …As discussed below this can lead to issues with the collision detection. Another way is to create the URDF manually. This approach is slower than the CAD export approach, however it results in a much more minimal and clean URDF… | urdf manually, manually approach, additionally manually, manually urdf, file manually | velocity, acceleration, motion, profile, simulation | 1 |
wdk-onions.nl | In 1933 Willem de Koster started sorting and trading onions. This was mainly done manually. | | onion, sort, pack, specialize, worldwide | 1 |
ladolcetorta.nl | …other typical cake ingredients. Additional ingredients may be used, and some preparation variations exist. It may be prepared using whole or peeled clementines that have been manually-seeded, or seedless fruit may be used. It may… | clementine manually, manually seedless | taste, sit, amet, dolor, ipsum | 1 |
tpms.nl | With the MaxiTPMS TS508 you have the option of manually or automatically cloning the Sensors. The MX-Sensor has an adjustable valve, which allows the TPMS sensors to be mounted on almost all steel and alloy wheels. | option manually, manually automatically | tyre, pressure, universal, programming, consumption | 1 |
rent-a-pilot.nl | After disabling Divi there are leftover shortcodes everywhere. It is a lot like the time when I decided to get rid of Avada.I can remove these manually but want to try if there is a script or free plugin that… | avada manually, manually script | airplane, rent, random, distraction, mass | 1 |
bartflos.nl | “All pictures on this website have been taken ‘manually’, that is to say, without any help from a tripod or any other kind of support (apart from my elbows). No picture has been post-produced in terms of cutting, digital enhancement or… | website manually, manually help | leave, screen, af, cut, manipulation | 1 |
dekleineparel-opleidingen.nl | At some other websites, your relevant details are added manually, in the absence of an application 'user accounts'. In that case, you consent via e-mail to sharing your information. | detail manually, manually absence | relation, institute, educational, processing, request | 1 |
hubtech.nl | The interface towards the tyre has been designed such that it allows for both in- and deflation by the system and manually. | | mechatronic, background, cycling, broad, bicycle | 1 |
peternijssen.nl | AWS provides you with a default VPC in each region. There are cases however where you will need a new VPC. Of course you can use the VPC wizard, but it can also be really rewarding to be able to set up your VPC manually. Let's set up one. | | aws, february, corporation, devops, jenkins | 1 |
cryolab.nl | Both the examination of canine semen and further processing starts with a good collection. This is done manually with the dog in a standing position in a quiet area and preferably with a female dog in heat. In this way the libido of the… | collection manually, manually dog | semen, dog, goat, distribution, christmas | 1 |
medrecord.nl | …plastic wrap akin to a sheet protector to forestall drying. Both movie and digital camera system enable to manually alter the publicity time in an effort to guarantee an image good western blot. Relative band density will be… | system manually, manually publicity | antibody, cell, elisa, protein, assay | 1 |
p42consulting.nl | Using an after startup microflow you can import the metadata of your data migration microflows. Eventually you can call this manually, it saves very little startup time of your application. I recommend to run it automatically to ensure… | eventually manually, manually little | consulting, mendix, configuration, migration, maintenance | 1 |
jacobras.nl | Koin is my favourite DI library, but out of the box it’s a bit verbose. With Koin Annotations, the overhead of manually writing module{} declarations… Read More » Migrating to Koin Annotations in a multiplatform project | overhead manually, manually module | kotlin, native, february, library, talk | 1 |
vanhartenmachinebouw.nl | Common to both types is that they can be operated manually or by remote control. The vacuum lifter with diesel motor can also be operated hydraulically. | type manually, manually remote | lifter, vacuum, lay, hollow, rental | 1 |
leechbak.nl | So I installed Debian 2.2, together with Apache, PHP and MySQL (manually compiled it). | | debian, movie, stuff, stat, disk | 1 |
ranks.nl | Optimizing HTML for SEO manually is time consuming and demands a lot of experience. Professionals and more experienced search engine optimizers save time and money with quick overviews of important on-page factors in search engine… | seo manually, manually time | keyword, analyzer, engine, density, report | 1 |
gunbot.nl | Want to manually add to a position Gunbot opened? No problem! Check out different ways to use Gunbot. | | trading, exchange, unlimited, pair, add | 1 |
vtam.nl | Recently I was looking for new way to deploy nested ESXi servers. Of course you can use the Nested ESXi OVA’s, but in some cases, I prefer to have more flexibility (or maybe it’s just for fun, exploring different options). I have manually… | option manually, manually pxe | automation, powershell, vsphere, operation, esxi | 1 |
hipshops.nl | Now you may be wondering what we need this tipper for? Well that is very easy to explain. We want to build a new gravel path. For this, new gravel must first be deposited. By using a tipper, we don’t have to manually scoop everything out… | tipper manually, manually truck | op, geen, kid, parent, artificial | 1 |
q10s.nl | With the EXI tool you can decode your EXI file back to xml or the other way around. The tool supports multiple protocol versions and schemas including the latest ISO 15118-20. This allows you to manually translate a message from a… | iso manually, manually message | electric, charge, signup, xml, explore | 1 |
doorbellcover.nl | You attach this security in the same way as normal frame screws. The attachment can be done manually or with an electric screwdriver. | attachment manually, manually electric | doorbell, protection, cover, theft, screw | 1 |
vechtdalevents.nl | …have plenty of opportunity to roam around the local market place. On the way we pass through the historic river lock in Vilsteren. The lock is a one of a kind in that the lockage of boats is still carried out manually. Quite an experience! | boat manually, manually experience | events, boat, rate, river, canoe | 1 |
ballettoren.nl | The innovative, modular suspension system of the MODULAD lighting tower works through a stacking system: the separate frames can easily be assembled and disassembled manually, which gives the user complete freedom to put this lighting… | easily manually, manually user | tower, lighting, generation, modular, separate | 1 |
insomnia247.nl | …SSHFP DNS records checking if your SSH client supports it (VerifyHostKeyDNS option for OpenSSH). Failing that, a less secure but not completely absurd fallback is to check the key fingerprints manually against those listed on our wiki . | fingerprint manually, manually wiki | insomnia, hash, random, docker, legacy | 1 |
automanual.nl | Instead of having to manually copy and paste your screenshots into a Word document, AutoManual can do this for you. Simply tell AutoManual to export your work and it will put your screenshots and descriptions in a Word document. You can… | instead manually, manually screenshot | manual, description, file, installation, pricing | 1 |
nagazuka.nl | As a workaround, you can manually add the JDBC resource to the embedded GlassFish 4 server. | workaround manually, manually jdbc | oracle, adf, report, file, connection | 1 |
asreview.nl | Simulation Mode Class 101 Have you ever done a systematic review manually, but wondered how much… | | systematic, simulation, oracle, lab, advanced | 1 |
kasteeldehoogenweerth.nl | Every year in September, the grapes from Pieter Brut are harvested manually, traditionally in a cozy setting. | brut manually, manually traditionally | estate, wedding, castle, overnight, stay | 1 |
prevalis.nl | Manually lifting PRM passengers, Persons with Reduced Mobility who need full assistance, requires excessive physical effort from airport service staff, resulting in potentially detrimental consequences, such as back problems and sick leave. | | transfer, passenger, aircraft, mobility, wheelchair | 1 |
sophievanduivenboden.nl | I created the whole backend behind the website and did all the PHP work. This was the first project for me that I really worked with a lot of databases, also because of the admin system. The user can manually add more apps in the right… | user manually, manually app | visual, font, microwave, apply, css | 1 |
zwamneus.nl | NOTE: There is NO recommended method to update the drivers manually, as there is no Network access to the system. | driver manually, manually network | esxi, file, disk, centos, command | 1 |
dv4all.nl | Babel and Webpack. The charts are developed using Highcharts library. Responsive, fluid design, is achieved using custom CSS Grid, flexbox and the viewport units. The project is deployed manually on the KNVB infrastructure using FTP upload. | project manually, manually knvb | css, visualisation, react, internal, interactive | 1 |
customtwin.nl | For customizing and building your bike we use parts that we make ourselves or adjust manually, whereby quality is paramount. This way you’ll get a bike that’s certainly exclusive on many fronts and is a real head turner. | part manually, manually quality | riser, bike, aluminum, handlebar, electrical | 1 |
naerebout.nl | …I do not want any help from computers, printers or other machines when making my silkscreen. Everything must be manually printed. Printing after printing, sometimes 20 colours and each colour separately. The number of my silkscreens is… | silkscreen manually, manually print | sculpture, silkscreen, painting, ceramic, colour | 1 |
the404.nl | For some strange reason, pywal fails to set the wallpaper on KDE Plasma, leaving the user to manually change the wallpaper. As a Plasma user, I found this rather inconvenient, so I fixed it. | user manually, manually wallpaper | release, grade, utility, github, january | 1 |
slacklineshop.nl | built into most web browsers. This ensures you'll have a check-out menu translated to English, which is understandable very well. If this option doesn't work for you, you can always Contact us › and place your order manually through e-mail. | order manually, manually mail | elephant, shackle, weight, payment, worldwide | 1 |
studio-met.nl | …and drawers. A prototype has been made of beechwood, mdf and walnut veneer. The red box has been colored with ink mixed with water and is then spraypainted with transparent lacquer. The drawers with dovetails are all manually fabricated. | | cabinet, table, chair, piece, corner | 1 |
geraedtsijzergieterij.nl | Geraedts produces hand-molded products from grey and ductile cast iron in various qualities. Skilled employees manufacture your products manually. This way of working allows Geraedts to make a wide variety of castings. We produce large… | product manually, manually way | wednesday, foundry, rule, certificate, storage | 1 |
schoonderlogt.nl | The house was equipped with the most modern gadgets like water pipes. For this they had water tanks in the basement and in the attic. The water was manually pumped to the attic and then passed through a piping system to all rooms. | water manually, manually attic | entrance, gate, major, farm, ground | 1 |
freezerdata.nl | Say goodbye to manually recording data and making human errors. With FreezerData you get a real-time dashboard that shows you the status of all your cooling systems on a smartphone, PC or tablet. | goodbye manually, manually data | freezer, temperature, refrigeration, failure, installation | 1 |
kabolaheaters.nl | KB Ecoline Electric Element ; choose manually how you want to heat up. Only on diesel, or diesel ànd electric power. Always 100% soot-free | element manually, manually diesel | heating, electric, heat, underfloor, warranty | 1 |
hangar42.nl | But when I tried to replicate the Super Mario Bros tune, it became apparent how time consuming it would be to compose many songs and sound effects manually. Writing the notes and time intervals in an array the sketch would iterate trough… | effect manually, manually note | arduino, vtol, osprey, electronic, footage | 1 |
onepush.nl | When using generic software, it typically takes 2 weeks to manually transform a 3D construction model into a customized Building Package. These wasted hours push back your construction start date. | week manually, manually construction | preparation, package, min, file, shipbuilding | 1 |
rederijpeters.nl | …have plenty of opportunity to roam around the local market place. On the way we pass through the historic river lock in Vilsteren. The lock is a one of a kind in that the lockage of boats is still carried out manually. Quite an experience! | boat manually, manually experience | boat, rate, river, canoe, lock | 1 |
digidodo.nl | We do this manually by examining the navigation and structure of the content for each device and adapting it to the device in question if necessary. | | adventure, domain, assurance, kingdom, forest | 1 |
dehorlogemeesters.nl | Often when this happens the power reserve is (too) low. You can manually wind the watch by giving it 30-40 full turns clockwise with the crown in position 1. If this still does not help, please contact us. | low manually, manually watch | watch, exclusive, auction, warranty, supplier | 1 |
domienvanparys.nl | For the one who has no knowledge of ICT: you can also manually delete your history and cookies daily. Go to your menu bar, click on ‘History’ – ‘Clear recent history’ – choose period and click on ‘OK’ | ict manually, manually history | condition, publication, external, graphic, objective | 1 |
iplumbing.nl | just not being able to manage user accounts or manually upgrade to newer versions | account manually, manually new | solve, device, bridge, screen, stuff | 1 |
accountone.nl | Magento is increasingly used as an additional sales channel. Ideally, you process your sales in Visma software. There you can keep track of your finances, sales, inventory, and logistics. Of course, you can keep manually transferring… | course manually, manually order | automatically, add, inventory, api, vertex | 1 |
fredscorner.nl | Tired of manually peeling and sorting bananas? Introducing our latest gadget that does it all for you! Say goodbye to tedious peeling tasks and hello to effortless banana preparation. | | war, mouse, mickey, wallpaper, movie | 1 |
roadprinter.nl | A RoadPrinter brick paver enables you to pave a complete stretch of road, between one and six metres wides, all at once. This includes laying the edges, so that your bricklayers will no longer have to do this manually, which is physically… | long manually, manually physically | pave, brick, road, government, subsidy | 1 |
rubenlelivelt.nl | If you're not being forwarded within 5 seconds, please click manually to my website in your preferred language... | second manually, manually website | prefer | 1 |
appartement-amsterdam-beach.nl | ), or manually by uploading the plugin's file (just for small plugins consisting of a single file, e.g. | | file, directory, header, config, plugin | 1 |
blackkalendar.nl | [**NEW NOVEMBER 2019**] not all cases are tagged. Search must begin with a year to activate, current year will default, edit to suit your requirement. Select tags from below. NOTE: You can also add place and crime into the search string… | string manually, manually ie | ally, wallace, prior, nicholas, crime | 1 |
rubenbakker.nl | …customer. Solving this is only achieved by employing a leader that knows how something was done physically or manually and is now done better digitally or in an automated way at each level of the organization, sparing no detail. It's… | physically manually, manually well | untitled, tailor, banana, transformation, supply | 1 |
loca.nl | Loca is the first premium non-subscription asset tracker with a 3-year battery life for just €109,- | equipment manually, manually thing | subscription, asset, vehicle, rental, glass | 0 |
yijing.nl | This oracle reconnects our western mind to its deep origin. We have an inner oracle: our dreams. The Yijing works the same way: images that may seem strange, but our soul recognizes much more than we realize. Even without understanding a… | reading manually | oracle, hex, origin, structure | 0 |
c-affair.nl | Help… Contact… User information… Privacy… Impressum… Affiliate… | manually image | suitable, anonymous, obligation, profile | 0 |
werkenbijfyron.nl | The Fyron BBQ brands are focused on enhancing an outdoor lifestyle, embracing product leadership. We offer diverse cooking techniques and outdoor cooking concepts through aesthetic and quality products. Great moments begin with fire. | manually link | getter, mile, cooking, vacancy, fire | 0 |
emcounimat.nl | After your order , you will receive an e-mail from us with the total amount including shipping costs. | | accessorie, weekly, south, physical, destination | 0 |
imeinummer.nl | Gay sex between straight Boys At the cinema Free gay dating sex movies online schreef: | action manually, manually team | captcha, ip, regard, api, monkey | 0 |
jkctech.nl | How I injected a custom highscore in a minigame from NS called "Impact With Your Code". | | arduino, presence, electronic, emergency, setup | 0 |
arinaga.nl | I design bags from the heart! My bag designs are unique. The leather itself guides me, and I end up creating a new design for each new project. | order manually | bag, jewelry, creation, handmade, leather | 0 |
commabz.nl | Comma… English (en)… Privacy statement COMMA… SAML login… Forgotten your… | | consular, foreign, affairs, ministry, username | 0 |
4xplane.nl | This website is dedicated primarily to xOrganizer and xToolbox: tools that make managing your X-Plane flight simulator installation a lot easier. | link manually | plane, add, xo, multiple, package | 0 |
genealogicagrafica.nl | …its current state without the help of many people. In particular I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Annemarth Sterringa for her genealogica insights and the supporters listed to the right for their language contributions. | | gedcom, report, chart, descendants, relationship | 0 |
thebrabanter.nl | The Brabanter is a fictional magazine that draws inspiration from the iconic cover pages of The New Yorker . While the magazine itself is entirely fictional, the cover pages are very real and inspired by the unique traits of the… | | frequently, artwork, limited, paper, talented | 0 |
jsenergi.nl | IVT reserveonderdelen en -accessoires… Mitsubishi Electric reserveonderdelen… | | ivt, fighter, rf, compress, innotec | 0 |
intodevelopment.nl | …or iPad it automatically opens BookBucket and shows you the list. Click “follow” to add the list to your library. When the list is updated, you’ll automatically see the new books that were added. It’s an easy way to discover new books. | theme manually, manually shortcut | jekyll, layout, automatically, file, variable | 0 |
macmanus.nl | Posted in macOS (OS X, MacOS X, MacOS, System) , office software , tips & tricks | Tagged can not find , Excel 16 , formula , function , Mac , macOS , MS Excel , not available , not visible , office , Office 2019 , Office for Mac… | | reply, february, january, october, etc | 0 |
farmscale32.nl | © 2018 - 2024 farmscale32 | sitemap | rss | ecommerce software - powered by MyOnlineStore | | wheel, farmer, shift, cabin, limited | 0 |
rentbird.nl | Rentbird was 100% worth it . I loved not having to actively search for houses myself. I did need to respond to a lot of listings before I got a house. But, withouth rentbird it would have taken more time, energy and stress. | | rental, apartment, pricing, speed, listing | 0 |
gophoto.nl | From photo solution at your favorite theme parks to a system that is globally used by photographers. GoPhoto brings Seamless memories around the world. | photo manually, manually usb | visitor, seamlessly, smile, laugh, scream | 0 |
iwanhoogendoorn.nl | Deploying the second and third NSX-T Manager Nodes and form an NSX-T Manager Cluster | | nsx, lab, cisco, compute | 0 |
backups.nl | The idea for this maginificent website came from a question on the internet: “Where can I get the longitude and latitude coordinates to implement a Google map into a website displaying the exact location of the house, store, shop or… | | coordinate, multiple, domain, host, difficult | 0 |
floatingdrones.nl | The SplashDrone 3+ is the successor to the SplashDrone 3 . All accesories for the SplashDrone 3 are compatible with the SplashDrone 3+ . | | float, flight, accessorie, battery, payload | 0 |
petbnb.nl | Find the perfect pet sitter or dog walker on Petbnb. Better than a kennel or having to rely on friends and family | sitter manually, manually team | sitter, dog, walker, cat, insurance | 0 |
timum.nl | timum is automated online Appointment Management for Service Businesses and online Platforms. The SaaS solution comes as a stand alone tool, a plugin feature or as API for white label integration. timum especially is proven in the Real… | | appointment, property, yearly, estate, efficiency | 0 |
ads-b.nl | Added "special" aircraft. This can be anything, but mainly aircraft that are military but are not (yet) registered as military in ADS-B. Also added a new page showing the Special aircrafts. Click here! | new manually, manually hex, overview manually | afb, base, airfield, int, aircraft | 0 |
seofeeds.nl | …a payola scheme that pits sellers against each other, forcing them to bid on the chance to be at the top of your search. ... once those publications were dependent on Facebook for their traffic, it dialed down their traffic. First, it… | manually result | engine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit | 0 |
riverimpact.nl | In cooperation with Fundaeco, the largest NGO in Guatemala and heavily involved in the protection of the eco-systems in Izabal, RiverImpact will implement fourteen RiverImpact Barriers in seven small rivers that pollute the bay of Puerto… | | river, barrier, ocean, waste, weather | 0 |
stichtingdoemaarfilms.nl | The WordPress Planet is a news aggregator that brings together posts from WordPress blogs around the web. | | file, installation, connection, installer, username | 0 |
fizgig-systems.nl | Today's high requirements concerning productivity, quality and production speeds lead to an increasing demand for automation systems. | way manually, manually system | length, measure, positioning, productivity, requirements | 0 |
heisener.nl | Heisener can get the non-found products (in our database) from other distributors since we have a large and stable supply network. However, we cannot grantee the product availability. | | electronic, quotation, request, contacteer, footer | 0 |
powerplastics.nl | Power Plastics from Noordwijkerhout is an expert supplier of manual valves, automated valves, non-return valves, filters and sprinklers. | | valve, pipe, electric, description, irrigation | 0 |
salesreport.nl | English… Salesreport… Home… Contact… | | report, acquisition, introduction, administration, task | 0 |
wykorijnsburger.nl | …JDK14 in both places. I had the feeling that builds run in Android Studio were taking longer than with the embedded JDK, so I ran a quick, non conclusive experiment comparing the build performance of Android Studio (see test setup below). | state manually | transition, kotlin, setup, verification, library | 0 |
bermad.nl | …high quality products have been perfected through years of hands-on experience. As a result, BERMAD’s advanced control valves are deployed throughout critical water and other fluid supply settings, offering proven solutions for a wide | manually valve | valve, protection, fire, pressure, surge | 0 |
greenxl-paard.nl | Green XL's mission is to provide high-quality probiotics. The quality is guaranteed, because Green XL develops products based on the latest insights that our professionals have and receive in the field of probiotics. The Green XL products… | need manually, manually light | probiotic, brush, mite, requirements, horse | 0 |
plaatsoft.nl | PlaatSoft has released a new version of the KerkinGouda Android App in the Google Play Store. | postgres manually, manually fa | author, raspberry, february, october, friday | 0 |
tournify.nl | …Tournify app. The app - available for free in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store - allows sport lovers to search for their favourite tournaments and offers all features you know from the Tournify Live website. But there’s more. | team manually, manually online | tournament, schedule, slideshow, registration, run | 0 |
damsteen.nl | We’ve been working for quite some time on the community firmware release 5 for the CR-6. In addition to a whole new user interface, we’ve expanded hardware support to all common hardware configurations of the Creality CR-6. This includes… | wsl manually, manually non | creality, firmware, extruder, blogging, connection | 0 |
rork.nl | …Glyphs are more randomly played. These are some general notes on their location. Primarily for my own use to look later nearby, but also as a less revealing way for others to find them. Some of the mentioned spots are guesses based on… | note manually, manually grub | note, equation, debian, rogue, highlight | 0 |
the7kennisbank.nl | This section of Theme Options allows to manage appearance of Blog, Portfolio and Gallery posts, if “The7 Elements” plugin... | theme manually | ultimate, plugin, grid, wp, builder | 0 |
owl-it.nl | My second server will be a Database server, I always install a separate SQL server dedicated for System Center. | option manually, manually ics | owl, installation, task, powershell | 0 |
kbhost.nl | KBHost Proudly powered by WordPress | | enable, disable, file, add, shortcut | 0 |
loewensteinmedical.nl | LM German… LM INTL English… LM INTL Russian… LM INTL Spanish… Löwenstein… | address manually, manually sure | compliance, recall, german, russian | 0 |