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richardvijgen.nl…on these very physical systems for communication, observation and navigation. The Architecture of Radio is a site-specific iPad application that visualizes this network of networks by reversing the ambient nature of the infosphere; hidingattack specific, specific country, user specific, specific frequency, slice specificinstallation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive31
ebtilburg.nlBCG is a renowned international strategy consulting firm. Our mission is to help leading corporations create and sustain competitive advantage by offering high quality, company-specific advice. We work collaboratively with clients on…interest specific, specific question, advice specific, specific career, company specificeconomic, administration, formal, strategic, chain28
groupdecisionroom.nlIf you are looking for a marketing agency, consider hiring one located in New York City. However, you should not limit yourself to a specific geographic area as most agencies are happy to work with businesses from all over the world. For…solution specific, specific need, expert specific, specific topic, decision specificproperty, effective, leader, variety, money24
iwanhoogendoorn.nlOnly allow specific DHCP servers within your Layer 2 Broadcast Domain with the NSX DFWnsx, lab, cisco, compute22
medrecord.nl…membrane (sometimes nitrocellulose or PVDF), which is then blocked with a protein blocking buffer to forestall non-specific binding and probed utilizing a major antibody to detect the protein of curiosity. This is adopted by an incubation…virus specific, specific central, ra specific, specific antibody, antibody specificantibody, cell, elisa, protein, assay20
margavanamersfoort.nl…and tumor cells. Animal studies suggest that silicone materials modify the immune system both by eliciting a specific immune response and by nonspecifically enhancing or suppressing the immune system. Further, many recent clinical…management specific, specific product, corning specific, specific structure, concentration specificdow, corning, cite, exhibit, implant18
littlewonderland.nlHoofdmenu / specific skincare / skin concern / skin types / ingredients / special carespecific skincare, hoofdmenu specificskin, mask, face, sun, cream14
lifestyle-generation.nlIf the data subject is logged in at the same time on Facebook, Facebook detects with every call-up to our website by the data subject—and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site—which specific sub-site of our Internet…country specific, specific data, factor specific, specific physical, long specificsubject, processing, generation, protection, shall12
linkopedia.nlonline slots in the best casinos Site about playing online slots. The best online slots are found at specific online casinos.curious specific, specific month, method specific, specific payment, slot specificwebpage, gambling, popular, player, engine12
velwa.nl– Assurance of the quality of the preservation by means of specific quality plans and reporting at HSMmean specific, specific qualitypreservation, inspection, period, steel, paint12
cvdinwomen.nl…are due to an inherent biological difference between women and men, or whether these observations are due to a sex-specific bias. Therefore, my goal is to estimate sex specific causal relationships between risk factors and cardiovascular…sex specific, specific mechanism, focusses specific, specific risk, female specificdisease, phd, cardiovascular, difference, patient12
4sf.nl…or guarantee. However, the specifics of the warranty or guarantee can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product. For more information on the warranty or guarantee for a specific product, please inquire us directly.solution specific, specific need, product specific, specific information, discount specificppe, directly, protective, inquiry, apparel12
prosumediaproducties.nlProsu Media Producties is a specialist in marketing, customer contact and multimedia. Prosu is the publisher of sector-specific agricultural and cleaning media and can be used for a multimedia campaign.sector specific, specific media, specific agricultural, specific newslettercampaign, agricultural, publisher, farmer, appointment11
epsoneventmanager.nl…B&W Start or Color Start button. The purpose of the Epson Event Manager is to allow users to customize and assign specific tasks to the buttons on their Epson devices. For example, a user can set up a button on their scanner to…user specific, specific task, document specific, specific folder, profile specificdevice, task, installation, function, file10
signalenkaart.nl…practices’, ‘Derailed care’, and ‘Animal abuse’ are not age-bound and have a special position because of their specific problems. As different types of violence sometimes coexist or indicators may sometimes point out these specific…position specific, specific problem, indicator specific, specific type, additionally specificanimal, abuse, risk, victim, specifically10
albertvandersel.nlHigh purity Li-7 is also often applied in specific cooling systems, and also in the Nuclear Energy business.deep specific, specific setup, specific direction, apart specific, specific versionnuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device9
estateagency.nlThese are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.item specific, specific categoryshortcode, property, bakery, estate, header9
martijnwieling.nl…comparing them with available human judgements of similarity. We show that speech representations extracted from a specific type of neural model (i.e.~Transformers) lead to a better match with human perception than two earlier approaches…quantitatively specific, specific focus, community specific, specific application, speech specificpaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech9
projectcside.nl…subjects, tools, or settings for particular kinds of cyber-criminal behaviour. Based on this conceptualisation, specific measures to secure software systems will be developed, including its design against cybercrime, adding on security…conceptualisation specific, specific measuresecure, risk, ethics, behaviour, law9
thetreehouse.nlThe Treehouse is driven to maximise the potential of information available to you. Through personal coaching and support of our professionals, tailored to the specific needs to make your projects a success and deliver the insights that…professional specific, specific need, principle specific, specific situation, goal specifictreehouse, functional, flexible, analyst, situation9
ronaldvandermeijs.nlThis project is a first start for a new sound research into the diversity of clouds, sun and wind in order to create a sort of 'natural sequencer' for an outdoor sound installation. This site specific instrument consists of seven…conifers specific, specific suspension, composition specific, specific olympic, order specificinstallation, der, sculpture, steel, pipe9
koppertmachines.nlKoppert Machines and Sons B.V. specializes in the design, manufacture, supply and installation of specific equipment for agriculture and horticulture and boeketteriën. We do this in standard form or in accordance with the requirements of…installation specific, specific equipment, specific machine, machine specific, specific cropinstallation, supply, manufacture, horticulture, agriculture8
researchproject.nlResearch Project Maastricht (RPM) is a consultancy institution affiliated with Maastricht University . With more than 35 years of experience , we have become experts in conducting company-specific research at cost-price . In previous…company specific, specific researchrecommendation, possibility, timeline, advisor, steel8
hydro-carbon.nlWith our team of skilled engineers we provide you the best quality filtration and separation products for the downstream refining and petrochemical industry, power plants, transportation sector, agriculture and for your specific…industry specific, specific application, agriculture specific, request specific, specific filterfiltration, separation, fuel, oil, carbon8
gettingintorotterdam.nl…so that anyone in the presence of the collection has immediate experience to the national variations of this specific street-furniture item. How different can Dutch cities be, when it comes to small details on their street sides…bird specific, specific place, route specific, specific mental, variation specificpigeon, urban, bird, maybe, ghost8
hwseeds.nlHW Seeds develops specific varieties for growers, with consumers taking centre stagenew specific, specific tomato, specific variety, seed specificseed, tomato, variety, shelf, taste8
adynenetherlands.nlPersonal Information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Privacy Act (FIPA), and the Driver's Privacy…objective specific, specific goal, goal specific, specific skills, factor specificcultural, integration, migration, purpose, understand8
crunchcore.nl…ensuring that each customer receives individual attention and guidance throughout their fitness journey. By prioritizing your specific requirements, I aim to deliver a training experience that is both effective and personally fulfilling.journey specific, specific requirements, supplement specific, specific need, program specificguidance, diet, overall, mental, dedicated8
vrbapp.nl…hit when you pull the handle or lever. The icons will tell you what type of slot machine is being played by giving off a specific color and symbol. You can choose the best slot machines to play if you follow these slot machine guide tips.machine specific, specific color, suit specific, specific payment, konami specificuncategorized, gambling, enterprise, money, totally8
studiomakkinkbey.nlIn Dutch design studio Makkink & Bey’s (Rianne Makkink & Jurgen Bey) world, design is a narrative based process. For their first solo exhibition at HELMRINDERKNECHT contemporary design gallery, Studio Makkink & Bey has created a…designer specific, specific material, site specific, specific performance, room specificbey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior8
katanna.nl…to a third party? If so, then we can help you. Here is what we can offer you: we bring Dutch companies in contact with serious investors from Southeast Asia. We have a broad network that can satisfy your specific questions and situation.network specific, specific question, document specific, specific request, asia specificinvestor, southeast, asia, broad, situation7
sjoerdlangkemper.nlA common protection against CSRF attacks is to have a secret token in each POST request. Typically, this token is the same throughout the session, but in some circumstances it is more secure to rotate CSRF tokens often, or make them…string specific, specific class, token specific, specific form, helpful specificheader, attack, request, vulnerability, csrf7
mauritskorse.nl…Peerby let people access these “gigs”. Obviously not everything can be turned into a gig, and so the entire economy will not become a gig economy, but it could become a large subeconomy or eventually a specific economic sector.example specific, specific element, lab specific, specific ethical, eventually specificeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste7
walnutdata.nlWalnutData is a company that develops domain-specific AI powered search engines to enhance the search experience for you, your employees, and your customers.domain specific, specific ai, specific textual, specific modeldomain, engine, achievement, employee, request7
vitaplastics.nlVITA Plastics is a reliable supplier of materials in Europe. These materials are supplied in different forms. For example, we supply high-quality regrinds, regranulate and customer-specific compounds. VITA Plastics contributes to a more…customer specific, specific compoundchain, supplier, coordinator, reliable, laboratory7
blume-cs.nl…it’s addressing connectivity issues,managing iCloud and storage settings,fixing software glitches,troubleshooting specific issues,or seeking professional assistance,this guide equips you with the tools and knowledge to navigate and…crucial specific, specific requirements, fix specific, specific issue, glitch specificguide, chapter, mattress, door, oil7
ez-base.nlEZ-base – EZ-base is THE industry specific database containing uniform, rich article information for various commercial purposes.industry specific, specific databasebase, publication, colour, rich, asset7
bblc.nlThose preparing to (or working in) an international environment may benefit from an English course more specific to their needs such as English for HR staff, English for support staff or English for medical staff. These practical courses…english specific, specific purpose, generally specific, specific part, course specificexam, teacher, write, preparation, academic7
tbbakker.nlTim Bakker , Herke van Hoof , Max Welling (2023). Learning objective-specific active learning strategies with Attentive Neural Processes . ECML 2023.objective specific, specific activerisk, bayesian, alignment, objective, neural7
rieksopdenakker.nl…for autonomous weapon systems. In short: the robots are already among us and there are already rules and laws for specific situations in which they are used. However, the question Gunkel asks goes further and is more fundamental in nature.law specific, specific situation, issue specific, specific target, data specificcausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical7
ofamfa.nldesign, wireframing, and prototyping will work with you to create a digital experience that is tailored to meet the specific needs of your target audience. We take into account your business goals and the needs of your users to create a…pleasing specific, specific need, product specific, specific marketing, service specificux, audience, target, documentation, intuitive7
mavericktraining.nlPersonalized Strategies: Receive one-on-one coaching that zeroes in on your specific mental hurdles and turns them into stepping stones.race specific, specific performance, program specific, specific need, coaching specificmaverick, mental, conditioning, cognitive, driver7
nickys-beauty-and-nails.nlBefore you can play no-cost slots without credit check you will be required to establish an account at the specific casino. This is a compulsory procedure. You must sign up as a free slot player and establish an account. It’s a simple…obesity specific, specific clinical, alteration specific, specific nutritional, usually specificgambling, enterprise, establishment, player, bride7
vc-someren.nlVeterinary Centre Someren is a multidisciplinary vet clinic that gives species specific veterinary care. For over 60 years we have been dedicated to provide the best care for animals and their owners. We try to do this with the best…species specific, specific veterinary, congress specific, specific individual, testposssibilities specificveterinary, animal, veterinarian, appointment, species7
brouwerconsulting.nlLike Biotech and pharma, the food processing industry is heavily regulated and uses various control systems such as GxP, HACCP and FMEA to reduce the risk of harm. These characteristics lead to specific supply chain requirementsadvantage specific, specific measurable, food specific, specific challenge, characteristics specificsupply, chain, consulting, capability, gxp7
architection.nl…could be ‘completely new’ or ‘purely functional’. After all, designing a building that must be suitable for a specific function is the representation of that desired functionality in the context of a specific building tradition. Even…representation specific, specific reality, suitable specific, specific function, context specificrepresentation, architecture, architectural, basilica, building7
occupationaldiseases.nlThe Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases (NCvB) registers and reports occupational diseases via the national notification and registration system and a number of specific surveillance projects.number specific, specific surveillanceoccupational, disease, prevention, notification, registration7
arbitrationlaw.nlAn arbitration procedure is a specific procedure in which particular rules have to be followed. The specialists of Law & More have experience with arbitration and can assist you in a procedure. If you have any doubts about whether…arbitration specific, specific mean, procedure specific, specific procedurearbitration, law, dispute, agreement, rule6
martlubbers.nlP. Koopman, M. Lubbers, and R. Plasmeijer, “Simulation of a Task-Based Embedded Domain Specific Language for the Internet of Things,” in Central European Functional Programming School: 7th Winter School, CEFP 2018, Košice, Slovakia…domain specific, specific languageprogramming, task, oriented, till, thesis6
enl-cursus.nlENL Taaltrainingen (= language trainings) provides customized English and Dutch courses to meet your specific needs. Build up your self-confidence with the language trainer who, together with you, wants to reach your objectives. A…course specific, specific needcustomize, lesson, teacher, literature, linguistic6
jk-consult.nl…of the stability and the low to no-touch administrative character of Postgres, it is ideally suited for these specific implementations. Structured on some of the oldest design principles around Postgres, it doesn’t have to be easy to…performance specific, specific test, order specific, specific situation, way specificpostgres, oracle, postgresql, january, leave6
referentiegrootboekschema.nlin the Netherlands are legally permitted to use their own formats and codes for bookkeeping, general ledger, profit and loss accounts and balance sheets. Legally prescribed templates only apply to specific reports, such as tax declarations.template specific, specific report, code specific, specific item, data specificreference, classification, report, tax, legally6
openmodeling.nlWe can help you to develop your own Domain Specific Language for your own technical or business domain. If you do not know whether a domain specific language might be useful for your company, we will start with a feasibility study to see…domain specific, specific language, dsl specific, specific domaininsurance, mendix, editor, domain, modeler6
devroedtenthierry.nl…developments closely and thus are capable of reinventing ourselves. Through the books and columns that we publish , we inform our clients of new tools that help improve the prediction of candidates’ future success in a specific context.success specific, specific context, client specific, specific industryexecutive, leadership, adaptability, diversity, leader6
greencommerce.nlSpecific management of clients is becoming increasingly important. That is why options for pallet demands will be added in the third quarter. This allows service providers to be managed at the level of pallet (line)s. Expansions will…package specific, specific app, sector specific, specific issuequarter, produce, warehouse, demand, stock6
hibiscus-sunnycities.nlAgriom and the Hibiscus Working Group proudly present the first new selections from their climate-specific breeding programme for the Sunny Cities line. In trials at the Piante Keicher nursery in Latina in Italy, the varieties Funchal…climate specific, specific breed, dose specific, specific trace, specific hibiscushibiscus, sunny, variety, nursery, climate6
vitalstream.nl…Having obtained these qualifications, Rositsa can apply various massage techniques to tailor treatments to your specific needs. In addition, Vital Stream The Hague offers a closed treatment room where the massages are given. This way…relaxation specific, specific treatment, therapy specific, specific problem, treatment specifictherapy, vital, hague, relaxation, treatment6
seofeeds.nl…& turned them into a person who would not recommend them ... after being a paying client who spent a lot and had zero specific customer interactions or requests ... an all profit margin client who spent big and then they discarded. Dumb.question specific, specific anchor, generic specific, specific google, people specificengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit6
all-right.nlAll-Right Advocatuur focuses on one specific area of law, employment law. By specialising All-Right maintains a high level of knowledge, enabling clients' probladvocatuur specific, specific areaemployment, law, employee, agreement, labour6
sneeuwbal-effect.nlIn today's video you'll learn more about five specific niches with high earnings possibility as well as reduced competition, backed by actual data and examples.video specific, specific niche, affordable specific, tool specific, follow specifickeyword, engine, optimization, snowman, advertising6
greymans-paktech.nlPotatoes, Vegetables and Fruits have specific packaging requirements. For example hygiene, temperature and freshness are very important. Exact weights and quantities (using servo-controlled systems) are also essential when packaging…client specific, specific packaging, solution specific, specific situation, fruit specificpackaging, machinery, vegetable, meat, bakery6
devsnips.nlDependency Hierarchy: Maven maintains a dependency hierarchy, which is a tree-like structure representing all the direct and transitive dependencies of your project. Each node in the tree represents a specific version of a dependency.usage specific, specific user, disk specific, specific disk, tree specificcli, dependency, node, file, docker6
onestoptax.nlOnestopTax BV means one point of contact for your specific service, whether you are looking for assistance with your Dutch Tax Return, with the application of your 30% ruling, your visa application or are in need of expatriate tax advice.contact specific, specific service, solution specific, specific objectivetax, rule, expatriate, percent, fee6
fernandmartintoys.nlWhether Martin or Flersheim were responsible for this is not entirely known, but they all have clear signs of the Martin models, the later Flersheim models have several specific changes compared to the Martin models, so I think they are…model specific, specific change, number specific, specific blog, page specifictoy, auction, fernand, antique, patent6
wfhessentials.nlBalancing work and home in one space can be tricky. That's why setting firm boundaries is key when adjusting to remote work. Define specific work hours and locations where you'll take calls and meet deadlines. When time is up, transition…morning specific, specific hour, work specific, specific work, activity specificremote, productivity, lighting, break, payment6
nkcbv.nlNKC solutions protect, repair, strengthen and embellish in countless ways. In addition to the products we develop and manufacture on a project-specific basis, our delivery program consists of more than 500 products...specific packaging, project specific, specific basispackaging, polyurethane, implementation, labelling, grade6
hrhelp.nlNeed help dealing with challenges in the field of Human Resources? HRhelp offers HR advice and local HR support that is tailored towards your specific situation.support specific, specific situation, advice specific, specific circumstances, solution specificfrance, germany, uk, situation, resource6
topingredients.nl…to work with a supplier, which can freezedry uncommon, new innovative raw materials? Or are you looking for a specific unique dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, biscuit crumbs with a specific bite and size, TOPINGREDIENTS helpsidea specific, specific requirement, like specific, specific ingredient, material specificingredient, innovative, taste, supplier, versatility6
gazpack.nlGazpack manufactures fully customer-specific installations for cleaning oil gas and biogas. With the patented Sulaway® desulpharization method we are able to convert raw biogas into several usable products with no waste.customer specific, specific installation, specific biogasscheme, oil, biological, waste, usable6
zhomer.nlZhomer is mainly active within communities defined by a common professional lingo and their need for specific information, knowledge and inspiration. The more homogeneous these communities, the better: whether it concerns passionate…need specific, specific informationmainly, inspiration, common, philosophy, philanthropy6
hemabo.nlHemabo maintains strong relationships with leading plastics manufacturers and stockpiles a wide range of semi-finished products, among which an extensive range of exotic materials for specific markets.specific solution, customer specific, usually specific, material specific, specific marketprofile, customisation, precision, machinery, reach6
shortstayathome.nlWelcome to our unique platform for temporary housing for specific groups such as international employees and international students. We bring together the rental market for Short Stay accommodation in the Netherlands.housing specific, specific groupstay, property, rental, housing, accommodation6
bitegroup.nlComputational design optimization of patient-specific shape-morphing catheter tipspatient specific, specific shapenwo, device, catheter, needle, inspire6
era-analytics.nlAmstalden, E.R ., Marquardt, A., Youhnovski, N., Damoc, E., Przybylski, M. (2004) Antibody proteomics: Elucidation of paratope structure recognising a ß-amyloid specific epitope using high resolution FT-ICR mass spectrometry. The Dutch…instrumentation specific, specific goal, course specific, specific need, research specificmass, spectrometry, imaging, al, advanced6
globexpert.nlAt GlobeXpert, we understand that every individual's financial needs are unique. That's why our Individuals Service is designed to offer personalized financial solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need assistance…scale specific, specific focus, solution specific, specific requirementsadvisor, certified, entrepreneur, tax, compliance6
firmc.nl…help our clients succeed is to work with them as a team. We take the time to understand their business, their goals, and their challenges. We then work with them to develop and implement solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.solution specific, specific need, time specificfirm, risk, landscape, career, implementation6
masaj.nl…dance, deep tissue work, and Mylogenics techniques has allowed me to develop a method that truly addresses the specific needs of each individual client. By listening to the body and utilizing my knowledge of muscle function, I’m able…truly specific, specific need, able specific, specific area, habit specificsession, parking, introduction, technique, discomfort6
madelonmauricelab.nl…activity to promote the initiation and progression of cancer growth. With these insights we aim to uncover patient-specific disease mechanisms and develop improved cancer-targeting strategies. To address these issues, we combine advanced…patient specific, specific diseaselab, cell, cancer, patient, disease6
encoma.nlHigh-precision processes and software solutions Encoma B.V. supports your Providing high-quality CNC machines and intelligent software systems to meet specificsystem specific, specific customerprecision, calculation, polish, turn, conference6
koelonderdelen.nlWithin the refrigeration sector, the installation companies with their specific technological knowledge and expertise are traditionally the partner in the case of new construction, maintenance and repair.company specific, specific technological, able specific, specific refrigerationmaintenance, pressure, temperature, refrigeration, condensate6
capricebaksteen.nlCaprice Baksteen has an extensive range of bricks. See our assortment with bricks and specific bricks. NEW (!!) take a look at our wire cut bricks.brick specific, specific brickbrick, assortment, wire, cut, extensive6
awesomeit.nlExpertisecentrum Zorgalgoritmen develops and tests a software product called EzaPredictive 1.0. EzaPredictive 1.0 matches patient specific actual parameters, current trends and clinical history to provide information for adequate patient…match specific, specific actual, available specific, specific moment, moment specifictalk, patient, clinical, domain, awesome6
fisko.nlIn essence, whether you're looking for a streamlined e-commerce site, a comprehensive CRM system, or a unique web solution tailored to your specific needs, I am here to bring your vision to life with a focus on practicality and user…meeting specific, specific need, solution specific, deep specific, template specificpython, tax, redis, flask, queue5
srpzuid.nlSRP Zuid, Your partner in control technology and distribution systems up to 8,000 Ampere. Client-specific and customised, high quality and quickly deliveredclient specific, specific customiseddistribution, panel, regulation, cable, junction5
neigong.nlThe health maintenance system of the Nei Gong Center for Health and Wellness consists of specific exercises and healing methods that are found in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qigong and the Chinese Internal Martial Arts. These…wellness specific, specific exercisemedicine, exercise, internal, maintenance, traditional5
amsterdamheritageguide.nlYour private guide designs a tour around your specific interests including architecture, history, art and Dutch culture in Amsterdam, World Heritage sitetour specific, specific interestheritage, guide, interest, architecture, canal5
gijsvanbon.nlGijs van Bon is widely known for his abstract kinetic artworks, light art, and time-specific art installations. In his highly conceptual yet decidedly physical works, elements of technology, art, and theatrical performance seamlessly…time specific, specific artuk, france, conceptual, highly, seamlessly5
nelliemarkus.nlSpecific: money for skilled workers, money for equipment, sheet music, theater texts, attributes, drawing material, dance clothing.money, library, dance, boy, staff5
tenba-bv.nlBakery advice | Valuation | Realisation. TenBa is the bakery specific consultancy firm from Wageningen The Nederlands that has bakery knowledge like no other. Our consultants and valuers have a bakery background and we understand your…bakery specific, specific consultancybakery, valuation, tenba, realisation, valuer5
reelcan.nlReelcan Business Development works with you in creating tailored solutions to address your specific goals. You learn to use your competences and qualities for optimal performance and achieve higher results.solution specific, specific goalcompetence, optimal, tailor, investment, situation5
kalibra.nlSpecific features for your industry that have been developed by Kalibra, or that Kalibra may have been involved in, include:sector specific, specific reference, creation specific, specific report, industry specificcalibration, validation, maintenance, inspection, laboratory5
pantarheioncology.nlZona Pellucida refers to a new cancer treatment by immunisation against the specific cancer antigen Zona Pellucida 3 (ZP3C). The ZP3C program opens a promising way to discover a new immunotherapy for several cancers, including ovarian…immunisation specific, specific cancer, cell specific, specific zonaoncology, cancer, breast, treatment, pipeline5
ajss.nlTimes New Roman. This is your Feature section paragraph. Use this space to present specific credentials, benefits or special features you offer. This is a chance to highlight the unique and valuable aspects that differentiate you from the…space specific, specific credentialsjournal, ago, academic, editorial, holiday5
veritex.nlVeritex is specialised in customer specific solutions. Together with the customer we develop the ideal balanced product for the specific application.customer specific, specific solution, product specific, specific application, custom specificleather, fabric, tarpaulin, possibility, welding5
circusandersom.nlThe workshops we provide often grow from experience gained in autonomous projects. We offer our existing workshops for bookings and welcome the opportunity to develop new workshops for specific events or occasions as well.workshop specific, specific event, work specific, specific project, veenhuizen specificvisitor, medicine, factory, intuitive, situation5
synspec.nl…ozone precursors for ambient air monitoring, and a wide range of volatile hydrocarbons for industrial plants and processes. Accuracy is key: Synspec monitoring instruments are able to determine specific compounds down to 0.1 ppb and below.able specific, specific compound, client specific, specific applicationambient, industrial, emission, chemical, methane5
matx.nlthat wants to stay ahead of the competition and work with the materials of the future. And with MatX as your partner, you can trust that you will have access to cutting-edge technology and customized solutions that meet your specific needs.solution specific, specific need, technology specific, specific application, team specificbiodegradable, infrared, polymer, microbial, far5
pakhuis5.nl…aan Zee. These apartments are for everyone who likes the beach, the dunes and a center with lots of activities.
Check out the list further down this page for a detailed description, photographs, location and specific characteristics.location specific, specific characteristicsapartment, reservation, vacation, luxury, characteristics5
building-n.nl…that can be used by all the tenants. In addition, we are actively working on forming collaborations around specific topics, like SmartIndustry, Social Innovation and Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality within our VR / AR lab. This…collaboration specific, specific topiccollaboration, innovative, aim, facility, operation5
wepal.nlProficiency testing determines the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests or measurements and is used to monitor laboratories’ continuing performance. Proficiency testing is also called interlaboratory comparison…laboratory specific, specific testproficiency, measurement, laboratory, comparison, reference5
iceicon.nliCON® is a company is with 40-years of industry specific experience and proven reliability in the foundation and construction market. Based in the Netherlands and serving customers around the globe, iCON is a leading manufacturer of…industry specific, specific experienceicon, ice, reliability, globe, manufacturer5
benitservices.nl…with VMware vSphere and related products. We strive to provide tailored solutions that meet the client’s specific needs, leveraging our expertise in Aria Automation, lifecycle management, and infrastructure in general. Our…client specific, specific needvmware, automation, vsphere, investment, efficiency5
f1re.nlModel-Driven Software Engineering, Language Engineering, Domain-Specific Languages, DSL, Jetbrains MPS, Xtext, Lionweb, software consulting services, career in software engineeringdomain specific, specific languageflame, fire, domain, career, consulting5
3dlabgroningen.nlThe use use of of 3D 3D virtual virtual surgical surgical planning planning and and patient-specific patient-specific guides guides are are used used for for a a variety variety of of procedures procedures within within the the specialty…patient specific, specific patient, specific instrument, specific guide, specific accessoriesurgery, lab, physician, surgeon, oral5
ipronto.nlOur software package is modular and consists of multiple applications (modules). Each module provides its own specific automation functionality, and is fully integrable with all other modules. By linking multiple modules together, more…industry specific, specific operation, module specific, specific automation, specific ispautomation, modular, operation, billing, estate5
mdproject.nlOur experience and competences are identified in SERVICES , you are welcome to contact us for information about your specific needs.insight specific, specific need, information specific, challenge specificdevice, career, regulatory, competence, assurance5
operatiebrp.nlLysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) is a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the demethylation of histone H3 and regulateshuman specific, specific protein, camp specific, specific elisa, lysine specificelisa, mouse, protein, receptor, kinase5
senpmakelaardij.nlOur approach focuses on your specific needs and desires. We listen to your needs and advise you on how best to present and position your property in the market. We provide professional photos and promotional materials and are committed to…approach specific, specific need, specific want, service specificproperty, estate, rental, buy, potential5
pietervandenbosch.nlIn the case of NL Agency we have seen that the government has been very specific in selecting for what projects they want to offer subsidy. The factors that are considered are specially designed to make sure that the electric vehicle…dutch specific, specific case, agency specific, additional specific, specific normelectric, vehicle, think, government, charge5
publiceyewassenaar.nlWith Advantage Carpet cleaning there is no single solution that serves the requirements of every person. The company treats each of its customers differently with the aim of providing solutions that are quite specific to the problems that…solution specific, specific problem, previous specific, specific time, expertise specificroof, carpet, representative, contractor, repair5
locksmithinamsterdam.nl…regions, including towns and municipalities in the greater Amsterdam area. Whether you’re located in nearby cities like Amstelveen, Diemen, or Haarlem, you can count on us for reliable locksmith assistance tailored to your specific needs.solution specific, specific requirements, service specific, specific need, advice specificlocksmith, lock, emergency, property, installation5
iplangroup.nlFounded in 2006, iPlan has been helping companies with their strategic initiatives for over a decade. iPlan has expertise in project and change management, business architecture and business analysis, and specific industry knowledge in…analysis specific, specific industrypayment, decade, architecture, analysis, strategic5
alejandrortega.nlInspired by the fast-moving innovating pace of new technologies, I am full-scale digital business development strategist with a drive to create coherent, scalable and sustainable online storytelling and digital architectures, with a…architecture specific, specific expertise, landscape specificscale, coherent, pace, scalable, strategist5
pestmeester.nl…a terminal window on your desktop computer . (A new MAC terminal. Not your session in Pi.) PuTTY users can generate the SSH keys by following the windows specific instructions in the Use Public Key Authentication with SSH Guide . Type in:later specific, specific guide, window specific, specific instruction, php specificfile, command, owncloud, guide, raspberry5
enference.nlIn a reference network data are linked semantically, that is, by words. If in a specific domain certain keywords are used again and again, they can be collected for reuse in a list, like an index in a book. And just like with such an…appropriate specific, specific information, way specific, word specific, specific domainreference, middle, keyword, species, findability5
timgoes.nl…can be used for transactions. The transaction service allows users to create transaction or deposit an amount of a certain currency. Finally there is also a user service which can create, delete users or access user specific information.user specific, specific information, gateway specific, specific object, library specificplayer, automatically, reference, unity, fellow5
theweathermakers.nlSolution building: the Eco Oasis is used to provide solutions to specific challenges like soil desalinization, recycling of nutrients (nitrogen, carbon, etc.) and freshwater production.area specific, specific requirements, habitat specific, specific parameter, solution specificweather, earth, cycle, engine, stakeholder5
vertit.nl…be delivered on time, within budget, and to your exact specifications. Our team of experienced software developers will work closely with you to understand your needs and develop a tailored solution that meets your specific requirements.solution specific, specific need, specific requirements, support specific, specific projectflexibility, reliability, closely, dedicated, benefit5
functional-solutions.nlSince emulsifiers are highly versatile and can be used in many different ways, we help our customers choosing the right emulsifier for their specific application. Because of our background in biochemistry and biotechnology and our…emulsifier specific, specific applicationfunctional, fat, formulation, versatile, highly5
all4strings.nl…proficiency. Much research measuring changes in brain responses to music in children aged 4 to 6 discovered that children who took Suzuki music lessons had greater improvements in IQ scores and specific academic skills such as literacy,score specific, specific academicwindow, lesson, connection, cognitive, evidence5
readysetgrow.nl…system collects and archives data to create a complete and holistic overview of the conditions inside your greenhouse. IIVO can then be used as an advanced control computer to determine the specific needs of your crop at any given moment.crop specific, specific insight, computer specific, specific needgrow, crop, greenhouse, climate, algorithm5
pm.nl…and precision machined large structures . In addition, we offer customised solutions, for example, customer-specific linear guides , linear stages , rotary stages , and multi-axis motion systems . A group of experienced mechanical…solution specific, specific requirements, customer specific, specific linearlinear, positioning, slide, guide, precision5
ikoodi.nl…version of your project is still used 5 years from now, can you guarantee that the 3rd parties still provide that specific library version? On the other hand, when the project is extendable with plugins and modules, fetching the those…party specific, specific library, point specific, specific revision, time specificfile, dependency, external, directory, filename5
amz-ads.nlA declining Click-Through Rate (CTR) on Amazon over a period of several months on Amazon can be caused by several factors. Identifying the specific cause or causes is crucial to taking effective countermeasures. Here are some common…algorithm specific, specific list, specific item, factor specific, specific causeadvertising, keyword, curious, know, want5
ptgeindhoven.nlThe gases that evolve from the sample at a specific temperature during the TGA measurement, can be collected to inject into the GC-MS. In GC the gasses (which are likely to be mixtures of various components) pass through a separation…course specific, specific need, company specific, specific course, sample specificanalysis, technique, publication, chemistry, polymer5
feedfoodtransfer.nlTo estimate this, the transfer models on this website can be used. General and model specific information on how to use the models can be found under How to use . A log with the changes made after the release of version 1.0 of the models…model specific, specific informationtransfer, documentation, contaminant, animal, pcb5
markswell.nlIf you are inquiring about a specific service, please include the following information in your email:matter specific, specific goal, progress specific, specific need, description specificeducational, write, prefer, thesis, assignment5
pkgads.nlMarketers have the ability to focus their advertising campaigns on specific packages through various targeting techniques, such as product keywords and geolocation.campaign specific, specific package, ad specific, placement specific, especially specificpackage, advertising, advertiser, auction, payment5
packcare.nlPackCare develops and produces customer-specific packaging for the medical industry and is the result of more than 25 years of experience in the medical and pharmaceutical sector.customer specific, specific packagingpackaging, pharmaceutical, efficient, wish, entirely5
derebus.nlStichting de Rebus (the foundation De Rebus) has been set up to fund specific research into certain aspects of the history and philosophy of science.rebus specific, specific researchphilosophy5
osteopathiedevallei.nlAt Osteopathy de Vallei the self-healing capacity of the body is central. I focus on the specific complaint and put it in the bigger picture of the entire body. In addition, I listen to your story, I take the time and try to get to the…key specific, specific complaint, central specificosteopathy, complaint, entire, capacity, naar5
karinvandermolen.nlSite specific art, permanent and ephemeral environmental sculptures and installations from Karin van der Molen in forests, parks and on buildings.site specific, specific artder, sculpture, environmental, archive, forest5
meestermax.nl- you will be taught by the teacher who best suits your specific learning objectiveswell specific, specific learnlesson, teacher, flexible, tailor, worth5
cohla.nlConfiguring HLA (CoHLA) is an open source domain specific language ( DSL ) that allows the user to quickly construct a co-simulation from a set of simulation models. CoHLA focuses on the construction of the co-simulation and a number of…domain specific, specific languagesimulation, domain, rapidly, introduction, documentation5
jnoc.nlHere I explain how you can give specific AS-numbers a higher local-preference for a specific uplink / BGP session.preference specific, specific number, specific uplinkpuppet, centos, mtu, preference, github5
bio-connect.nlAre you looking for specific products, alternatives, documentation or need assistance with solving product related issues? Let our in-house technical support team help you.technique specific, specific product, support specificconnect, diagnostic, cell, promotion, supplier5
onearchitecture.nlFour corridors, or 4C, is a component of Regional Plan Association’s Fourth Regional Plan and a special initiative launched by RPA to explore the future of four specific corridors in the New York metropolitan region. In 2017, One…site specific, specific installation, program specific, specific focus, future specificarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient5
triaris.nlUntil now the name of the certification reflected the version of the product that it was related to (for example VCP6-DCV referred to the vSphere 6.0 release). This may cause confusion about the currency of a specific certification, since…version specific, specific vcp, currency specific, specific certification, filtering specificcertification, vsan, vmware, vsphere, uncategorized5
musschenbroek.nlMuch of the history of The Van Musschenbroek family is brought together in the Van Musschenbroek Foundation. The purpose of this site is to unveil parts of this history to you and other people interested in our genealogy. If you want…genealogy specific, specific informationgenealogy, purpose, interested, africa, south5
delishow.nlDeliflor Chrysanten is the global market leader in breeding and propagating chrysanthemum varieties. The aim of the breeding programme is to create added value for the product range. Varieties are therefore tested for both…cultivation specific, specific market, info specific, specific varietychrysanthemum, variety, flower, assortment, aim5
atpm.nlCommerce is a daily activity in the real estate management. We offer specific expertise in the field of commercial management. In case of vacancy for example, we try to find a suitable tenant. In this case we can rely on a large and…management specific, specific expertiseestate, package, maintenance, administrative, property5
atlanticcapital.nlAtlantic Capital is an independent investment company founded by Kenneth Broos. Since 2004, we have focused - without specific industry or sector preference - on investing in companies where there is a growth or improvement potential.broos specific, specific industry, netherlands specificatlantic, capital, investment, independent, growth5
maesinternational.nlBarida Machine Industry LTD. Sti. designs and manufactures specific purpose machines primarly with a focus on customer satisfaction especially in the automotive industry and all other sectors.sti specific, specific purposeimpression, purpose, satisfaction, especially, ltd5
eltjopoort.nlIn the organizations I work with, I see three main purposes for architecture documentation. We are communicating the architecture to show stakeholders how their concerns are addressed, often in stakeholder-specific views, but also to…stakeholder specific, specific view, misapplication specific, specific agile, prioritization specificarchitecture, decision, architectural, stakeholder, debt4
overwintereninvietnam.nlIt is advisable to contact an approved vaccination institution, such as the websites mentioned, to receive specific vaccination advice tailored to your personal health situation and travel plans. They can provide you with the most current…option specific, specific character, website specific, specific vaccination, dependent specificstay, accommodation, adventure, season, cold4
happy-best.nlThe main reason why a slot machine can be so engaging is because you stand november 23 real money if the reel casino slots stopped at specific positions and form winning systems. When a winning pattern is formed, it’s like winning the…shooter specific, specific number, option specific, specific bet, ultimately specificgambling, money, win, estate, february4
relocationresources.nlRelocation Resources provides efficient solutions that support companies relocating their employees to the Netherlands. We provide personalised relocation support tailored to your specific needs6.relocation, resource, employee, efficient, personalised4
jolie-events.nlJolie Jets is offering on-demand charter flights, while not limited to a specific fleet.flight specific, specific fleetexplore, luxury, yacht, events, exclusive4
dagpassagiersschepen.nlDay passenger ships FOR SALE or SELL. Extensive experience, specific market knowledge and support at low cost. No Cure No Pay.experience specific, specific marketpassenger, ship, sell, buy, boat4
aafkedejong.nlAafke de Jong choreograpy contemporary dance hedendaagse dans modern site specific artwork drawings murals wall art tekeningen interdisciplinary art projectssite specific, specific artworkdance, mural, contemporary, drawing, artwork4
mumfordvisuals.nlMumford Visuals specialises in designing and creating quality paintwork, predominantly within the interior and hospitality branches. Each proposal is made in response to a specific brief. As such, the client is guaranteed a unique result…response specific, specific brief, project specific, specific mix, important specificwood, branch, interior, hospitality, creativity4
dieseljack.nl…invitations Alternatively, Alternatively, the the theme theme might might be be limited limited to to a a specific specific point point in in time time with with people people counted counted on on to to dress dress like like…theme specific, specific point, dog specific, specific portion, business specificdog, investment, pearl, horse, veteran4
rfidplaza.nlBluvision RFID tags Keyfobs RFID labels Wristbands Cards Card readers RFID readers Reader modules Handhelds RFID antennas Card printers Accessoires SALE Client specific programmed productclient specific, specific productreader, wristband, nxp, antenna, hide4
cpmeurope.nlOutstanding equipment and targeted solutions for processing industries. Every industry, product or application has their own challenges that require their own specific and tailormade processing solution. With a customer centric approach…challenge specific, specific processingprocessing, industrial, outstanding, situation, centric4
heelsnel.nlSelection domain names for sale in category International and French Property and others for specific useproperty specific, specific usedomain, selection, property, french, interest4
machinevision.nlLooking for an all-in-one solution? Our engineers develop and implement customer-specific all-in-one solutions. To achieve this, we often work with original equipment manufacturers to arrive at an optimum-yield machine vision system. We…customer specific, specific solutioninspection, seal, packaging, spare, profile4
noraconsulting.nlProposal Writing Dissertation Consulting Literature Review Writing PhD Data Collection Service Data Analysis Editing Services Journal Manuscript Writing Service Specific Servicesservice specific, specific serviceconsulting, write, academic, thesis, phd4
eastmanrecords.nlWhether you are looking to sell your entire collection, parts of it, or only specific collector's items, Eastman Records is the right place! Rest assured we will agree on a good and fair price.part specific, specific collector, case specific, specific availableeastman, collector, op, mijn, roll4
oegematransport.nlWide-ranging and customer-specific transports based in the east of the Netherlandscustomer specific, specific transportdistribution, east, logistic, staff, responsibility4
bedruktemagneten.nl9.1 The agreed delivery time shall start to run on the day on which the written order confirmation is dated, or (failing a written order confirmation) on the day on which the Other Party addresses Us in writing for the first time for…order specific, specific item, alternatively specific, specific application, delivery specificshall, magnetic, quantity, flexible, payment4
smidev.nl…reaction loads on every part of the flexible aircraft. The attitude of the aircraft with respect to the gravity field is taken into account. The actual mass and stiffness distributions of the aircraft in a specific design phase are used.picture specific, specific folder, aircraft specific, specific designsouth, wing, functional, speed, mass4
marjavanputten.nlMarja van Putten is a Dutch visual artist living in Amsterdam and working in Oude Niedorp (NH). She is a contemporary critical painter, who connects paintings with other media: textile, c-prints and site-specific works. Her main focus is…site specific, specific workpainter, contemporary, living, exhibition, critical4
solidsprocessing.nlAccurate dosing of powders, pellets, flakes, and fibers is a crucial aspect of numerous industrial processes. But how do you select the most suitable dosing screw for your specific application? At SPS | Solids Process Solutions, we…improvement specific, specific clean, screw specific, specific applicationsolid, processing, composite, underwater, maintenance4
thehealthychef.nlWhether you have a specific goal such as losing a few kilos or arriving at a certain time, or that you simply like in healthy and tasty food despite a busy schedule: The Healthy Chef is there for you. Your meal plan is compiled to.healthy, meal, delicious, busy, schedule4
dewaerden.nl…persons to operate the website using the keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.graphic specific, specific element, person specific, specific disabilityprofile, reader, screen, adjustment, accessibility4
barbellini.nl…or a unique venue for a special occasion? Explore our private dining space, meticulously designed to cater to your specific needs. Bar Bellini is not just a restaurant; it's a place where culinary artistry meets memorable moments. Join us…meticulously specific, specific needdining, dinner, vacancy, unforgettable, vibrant4
belko.nlWith first-class products, customer-specific solutions and a high service level, we help you be successful in your field.customer specific, specific solutioncable, assembly, wire, supply, chain4
seblog.nl…would want the history to capture all the pages, just as the normal Git workings do. My problem was with the date-specific posts, but once you are mixing date-specific and wiki-style pages, you might be better off with the all-file…name specific, specific commit, date specific, specific example, specific postvim, git, file, command, yak4
iclbv.nlWe understand the unique challenges of high-efficiency heating applications and do not believe in one-size-fits-all 'quick fixes'. That is why we have spent the last 35+ years tailoring specific solutions for boilers, furnaces and other…customer specific, specific challenge, year specific, specific solutioninsulation, temperature, sealing, pioneer, heating4
evawiltinghbv.nl…background and principles of it will be explained. In small groups you practise both contributing agenda items as well as chairing a discussion and coming to a decision. The trainer will monitor the process and provide specific feedback.situation specific, specific student, process specific, specific feedback, analysis specificparticipant, behaviour, employee, leadership, situation4
logicvision.nlWe automate complex business processes with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central + industry-specific ERP modules.industry specific, specific erp, specific module, specific add, specific knowledgedynamic, central, logic, maritime, manufacture4
juliacc.nl…at things in a different way. What I realized was that coaching was the perfect tool for me to see life, and specific situations in a new light. We often try and fool ourselves, believing that our personal and professional lives are…teacher specific, specific student, colleague specific, specific partner, gift specificteacher, certification, trust, feel, session4
zeelandsroem.nlOrigin: The Aquanostra, which translates as ‘our waters’, develops its specific flavour and characteristics in the waters of both Zeeland and Portugal. The oysters are spawned in Zeeland and cultured in Roem van Yerseke’s own breeding…bed specific, specific feature, oyster specific, specific slightly, water specificoyster, prawn, taste, convenience, shape4
ke-growair.nl…level. We can create excellent air circulation even if you have many growing levels in your vertical farm. Our air treatment solutions are custom designed and wil customized to the size and shape of your vertical farm and specific crob.solution specific, specific project, system specific, specific solution, farm specificreference, duct, distribution, greenhouse, climate4
lvdu.nl…approach is that we tailor the materials and exercises to the client and ask participants to bring in their own specific cases. The trainees learn from real situations which makes the training practical and immediately applicable to…issue specific, specific individual, participant specific, specific caserelationship, possibility, effectively, role, effectiveness4
vaguecountries.nl…planets, including Eternia , Skaith , and Pandarve . For the rules, we continue to use Hackbut , with some setting-specific tweaks sprinkled on top. My ambition is for this to be the campaign world where I can run classic D&D games until…deity specific, specific world, enigma specific, specific single, statistics specificplanet, ancient, session, cosmic, planetary4
spreekmeesters.nlA pitch is a very specific kind of presentation. The time you have is strictly limited, the stakes are high, there is only one chance at success and your audience most often aren't scientists. Getting your message across in a concise way…maybe specific, specific question, pitch specific, specific kind, keynote specificpresentation, audience, slide, speech, conference4
deddenkeizer.nlSpace cowboys. As artist duo Albert Dedden and Paul Keizer, we are also known as Spacecowboys, sculptors that is what we are. Many of our works are made for a specific place in the public space, such as a traffic roundabout, the entrance…work specific, specific placesculpture, orphan, emotion, figuration, animal4
vanlanschotenpartners.nl…of the team and the use of individual strengths increases the decision-making and implementation capacity of the team and therefore the organisation. This is a customised team program that matches the specific goals of the organization.trade specific, specific knowledge, responsibility specific, specific personal, program specificpartners, executive, leader, connection, leadership4
udo-consultancy.nlUdo Consultancy is a consultancy firm in the field of quality management with specific experience in the medical device industry.management specific, specific experiencedevice, firm, regulation, period, transition4
hystream.nl…fleet, power generation system, or manufacturing processes, we can provide customized solutions that meet your specific needs. With our team's support, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and more…solution specific, specific need, vehicle specific, specific requirementshydrogen, principle, operation, storage, refuel4
visit2day.nlVisit2day is focussing entirely on a next generation approach of targeting tourists and business travellers who visit a specific hotel and region.traveller specific, specific hotelentirely, tourist, traveller, region, generation4
eurosteel.nlSince 1985 we have been developing and producing quick-couplers and equipment for excavators and wheel-based loaders. We aim and work to offer added value for every client, with products that exactly meet each one’s specific requirements.exactly specific, specific requirementswheel, loader, excavator, coupler, exactly4
shamantree.nlStart page Shaman Tree Siberian Husky Kennel in The Netherlands. Pups and adult dog for sale now and than. Ethical breeder works with contract and according to the breed specific health regulations of the Dutch Kennelclub and Siberian…breed specific, specific healthtree, shaman, siberian, dog, chongqing4
epicstoryboards.nlAs you are on the English version of this site I need to specifically state that your visit to my studio would be expected. If you expect to pose for me by photo series alone please know that I only do that in rare and specific cases or…beauty specific, specific request, rare specific, specific casecommission, illustration, usually, historic, comics4
hernste.nlWhen studying Placemaking often qualitative methods are used in our analysis. These kinds of methods are often associated with ‘talking to people’ about how they experience places and ‘observing people’ in how they act in specific places…general specific, specific future, student specific, specific content, people specificphd, geography, defence, academic, february4
nathaispa.nlYou can choose to focus on a specific area or have a full-body massage, Thai traditional massage, or foot reflexology. We even offer Thai duo massages in Amsterdam if you are here with a friend, partner, or loved one.therapist specific, specific pressure, specific need, specific attentiontreatment, relaxation, ultimate, therapist, traditional4
scionix.nl…and their typical applications. A limited number of standard detector configurations is presented. In practice, a scintillation detector is often “tailor made” for a specific application and the presented range is only a selection.question specific, specific scintillation, well specific, specific application, tailor specificcrystal, configuration, resolution, detection, wavelength4
blauweuur.nl…to poetic visual worlds. Our work takes place on various festivals and events, often outside and always site specific. We’re a collective of three Dutch artists, experienced in light design, graphic design, motion graphics…site specific, specific collectiveprojection, installation, audiovisual, interactive, graphic4
mkvertalingen.nl“In our industry, we use a lot of specific terminology with descriptions that are often difficult to translate. However, MK Vertalingen takes excellent care of this. They use previously translated words as their point of reference, which…lot specific, specific terminology, topic specific, specific accurate, industry specifictranslation, request, reference, manual, reliable4
soundforpost.nl…film, video or media. Voice-over recording, dialogue- and music-editing, composing, mixing, sound design or foley specific to your project and delivered according to any specifications. Sound for Post, sound design, sounddesign, audio…foley specific, specific projectedit, dialogue, foley, specification, compose4
fst.nlFlame Spray Technologies offer a wide range of thermal spray equipment to fit your specific application requirements. With more than 25 years of thermal spray experience and a product range that covers all major thermal spray processes…equipment specific, specific application, system specific, specific need, solution specificthermal, flame, powder, wire, consumables4
decoratievlinders.nlDiscover the power of networking and unlock unlimited possibilities to broaden your social circles in the lively city of London. Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of your industry by attending exclusive industry-specific events and…moment specific, specific essence, industry specific, specific event, lady specificlondon, dynamic, circle, relationship, connection4
hypotheekgarantiebonaire.nlIn the event of fraud or misuse of Mortgage Guarantee Bonaire in whatever manner, we reserve the right to take measures appropriate to the specific situation. Example: If the decision has been taken to grant cancellation, we would then…appropriate specific, specific situation, important specific, specific purpose, relevant specificmortgage, cancellation, debt, residual4
onebalance.nlGet unstuck. Guidance on your specific personal situation where you’re running in circles, to create a new different experience than your current experience.guidance specific, specific personal, super specific, specific indecisivepain, chronic, balance, healthy, actually4
medievalbooks.nlpeek into the binding with MA-XRF ( here ), and how even today manuscripts are disassembled for profit ( here ). The following discusses a specific way of storing fragments and how that benefits teaching with these charming bits and pieces.follow specific, specific way, blade specific, specific type, reason specificmedieval, figure, library, fig, scribe4
triunitygroup.nl…to the entrance of their venue. Next to this, the driver displays very risk averse conduct and has various back-up plans in different situations. The Chauffeur+ Service can be adapted and adjusted to your specific demands and wishes.service specific, specific demand, specific targettrust, mobility, luxurious, driver, demand4
digitum.nlSegmenting the customer base, creating insight-based and lifecycle specific engagement recommendations and guidelineslifecycle specific, specific engagement, communication specific, specific channelengagement, channel, base, target, report4
breque.nlWe help you select and translate the trends and insights impacting your specific business challenge or project for the coming years. We do this by working closely together and link your business experience and knowledge to our experience…trend specific, specific business, insight specific, specific regionalcultural, analysis, consumer, tomorrow, proof4
tempcontrol.nlWe produce customer specific temperature sensors and supply a large diversity of quality instruments for measuring and controlling temperature. We supply to commercial labs, for example for on-site temperature calibration and for table…customer specific, specific temperaturetemperature, calibration, precision, reference, transmitter4
tribecalledtrash.nl…for sustainability. The magic of still-life artworks is that they show us a new way of looking at the ordinary objects around us. Once placed into a specific arrangement and captured in a medium - the objects take on a whole new meaning.object specific, specific arrangementartwork, trash, ordinary, mean, society4
holland-vakantiehuis.nlBelow you will find holiday stays, which meet your search criteria. Are you looking for a specific type of holiday house or do you want to search more specific? Then refine your search by using the menu. In this way, you'll find your…criterion specific, specific type, house specific, specific searchholiday, stay, favorite, vacation, frisian4
dibis.nlWe were contacted by an engineering company to offer a replacement for the current small size display. The final product is a very specific system for test and calibration of pressure and electronic measurement units. This “rack mount”…customer specific, specific solution, regulation specific, specific requirements, product specificsupplier, assembly, panel, reliable, study4
proteonic.nlProteoNic’s premium vector technology boosts the production of complex proteins such as difficult-to-express multi-specific antibodies and fusion proteins.multi specific, specific antibodyprotein, expression, yeast, cell, additional4
ellooh.nlWe understand that different users have different needs so we have developed specific modules to cater for retail, real estate, musicians, designers and people wishing to setup members only and subscription sites. In dolor odio, faucibus…need specific, specific modulescreen, nec, audience, oscommerce, ecommerce4
datadrivenpro.nllooking forward to your use cases, your challenges, your expertise. Are you a developer, Business Analyst, a consultant or ICT professional? Do you need an agile project manager, scrum master, product owner or a DevOps with specific skills?devops specific, specific skills, software specific, specific need, app specificautomation, robotic, intelligence, mining, task4
nt2school.nlCookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good…number specific, specific sitesession, teacher, visitor, identifier, declaration4
reldair.nl…growth. Humidification also reduces temperature. We mainly supply to the hospitality , ( greenhouse ) horticulture and industrial sectors, but we are also happy to assist you with customer-specific custom solutions in other sectors.customer specific, specific custom, fully specific, specific need, specific customiseddust, climate, greenhouse, mist, healthy4
mxstudio.nlOur customers range from individual museums, festivals and stores to organisations representing a specific sector that want help on how to improve their members’ performance regarding customer experience.organisation specific, specific sectorcrowd, memorable, visitor, potential, pleasurable4
ardanivalves.nlFeature-rich demos for a general purpose industry, or something as specific as manufacturing, science, machinery, or food factory.industry specific, specific manufacturevalve, ball, gate, factory, industrial4
maxj.nlTo achieve these goals, I have laid out a Personal Development Plan, utilizing the SMART goal framework. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This framework ensures my goals are clear, actionable…smart specific, specific measurableindustrial, transportation, spatial, environmental, geography4
geertlitjens.nlInterview with Wouter Bulten and myself on AI in medical imaging for popular science magazine Kijk, with a specific focus on our automated Gleason grading algorithm .kijk specific, specific focus, imaging specificcancer, prostate, grading, imaging, artificial4
wemakecarpets.nlThe Dutch art collective We Make Carpets has spent the past decade transforming everyday objects and materials into site-specific art installations.site specific, specific artcarpet, pavilion, sponge, paper, tube4
greencheck.nlIf you have a specific and credible scenario where knowing the name of a character from a TV show like “The Simpsons” would directly lead to saving a human life, then I would certainly prioritize that question in that context. In…dependent specific, specific energy, step specific, specific result, factor specificfebruary, money, october, august, july4
e-energystorage.nlE-ENERGY STORAGE supports you as an experienced partner for all matters related to energy storage systems and technical solution variants. We advise what components, systems, batteries and combinations are optimal for a specific profile…belgium specific, specific project, optimal specific, specific profilestorage, electrical, connection, battery, electrification4
imeinummer.nlIf you prefer not to be contacted for these specific types of offers, simply respond to this email.long specific, specific typecaptcha, ip, regard, api, monkey4
fcx01.nlFor example, your festival might rate films for their suitability for kids with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. But now you have a Kids special coming up, and you’d like to be a bit more specific. So you define a couple of age categories, create…bit specific, specific couple, function specific, specific usertask, entire, colleague, flexible, unlimited4
simwave.nlWith crew members from all over the world, we provide shipping companies across the globe with training and assessment of the highest standard, including course set-up, experts, specific sailing environments and ship models in our…expert specific, specific sail, team specific, specific crew, competency specificcareer, assessment, publication, excellence, appraisal4
gorillagrip.nlGorillaGrip is the Dutch brand providing you with quality sports equipment for CrossBox, personal training, bootcamps, group trainings or even your garage! Standard or customer specific, everything is possible at GorillaGrip. Made in…customer specific, specific possibleweight, rope, competition, plate, weightlifting4
eplotech.nlI have documented the various steps that need to be done to generate and archive a GIC-converter for a specific project or platform. After a prototype seemed to be successful, I wrote an SRS (software requirements), SDD (design) and an…generic specific, specific generic, handle specific, specific message, converter specifictask, gic, maintenance, analysis, file4
barentskrans.nlWe provide high-quality solutions combining legal knowhow with strategic insights, a sound understanding of specific industries and a practical approach.understand specific, specific industrylaw, civil, lawyer, notary, understand4
rafaelrocha.nlPersonal Hormonal Profile™ naturally balances your hormones in order to manipulate fat storage specific target areas. By combining your hormonal profile, personal training, supplements and nutritional advice, you will be able to…closely specific, specific goal, session specific, specific muscle, storage specificstrength, guidance, session, physical, personalized4
nhs-luchtgordijnen.nlNHS Air Curtains produces a range of low-maintenance and energy-saving air curtains. With customised work from our own production workshop and a wide range of standard products, we create a specific solution for any situation.product specific, specific solution, curtain specific, specific questioncurtain, superior, climate, pleasant, maintenance4
corvoet.nl…honest, high-quality product that is guaranteed to be safe for consumption. Our dynamic-teamwork, capitalizing on the market and solving customer-specific questions from the market ensure you always get the right product solutions.customer specific, specific questionpoultry, reliable, honest, consumption, employee4
spssolutions.nlSPS | Solids Process Solutions offers a wide range of equipment for dosing, extrusion, pelletizing and inspection. Depending on your specific needs we will find the right and economical solution.lifetime specific, specific need, inspection specific, brand specific, specific probleminspection, solid, dosing, extruder, extrusion3
truestory-identity.nlPactus is a monovarietal wine collection from producer Quinta do Carneiro in Portugal. It strives to fully explore the unique characteristics of an specific grape selecting their best production from their best piece of land. We love it!add specific, specific request, characteristics specific, specific grapeidentity, true, package, piece, request3
mannenkoor-nieuwerkerk.nlthe really!But then, you would need to be relatively careful when it comes to playing free slots online. To be more specific, gambling is addictive, particularly when every casino helps you with free money to play. Hence, professional you…lay specific, specific place, coin specific, specific win, online specificplayer, gambling, uncategorized, money, table3
aboutmortgageaffairs.nl…and support to ensure that their mortgage process goes as smoothly as possible. I am knowledgeable about the specific regulations and requirements that may apply to international clients, and I am always ready to go the extra mile toknowledgeable specific, specific regulation, time specific, specific situation, understand specificmortgage, affairs, advisor, expat, advise3
eutn.nlOnce we have a clear understanding of the market and trade potential, we work with our clients to create a customized plan. This plan takes into account the specific needs of each client, as well as the unique requirements of the markets…solution specific, specific requirements, account specific, specific needtrade, asia, trading, potential, analysis3
balanskompass.nlThrough counseling in an integrative manner tailored to you and your specific situation, I guide you towards lasting change. You become aware of what you need, your direction (compass) to find your energy and balance.manner specific, specific situation, content specific, technique specific, specific questionsession, balance, integrative, manner, aware3
hugdealeramsterdam.nlApply pressure to specific meridians in the body, relax the sympathetic nervous system, stimulate your entire connective tissue with a massage session. Then curl up for a hug, to reduce stress and relieve chronic headaches.pressure specific, specific meridian, relief specific, specific musclehug, therapy, session, oil, relaxation3
warp-systems.nlThe diameter of the supply and return lines to the heat pump or LTHW: ask the supplier for the specific system specifications.supplier specific, specific system, customer specific, specific distributorheating, warp, installation, ceiling, surface3
pkoemparts.nl…for Wärtsilä engines. With engine parts sourced from European OEM manufacturers specialized in the production of specific parts, we offer an excellent alternative to sourcing parts from the original engine manufacturer without…production specific, specific part, urgently specific, adaption specific, specific needspare, engine, stock, suitable, wärtsilä3
ramdyne.nlInstalling a specific version (see link above for details) is therefore relatively painless, just do the following to install the latest net6.0 version:project specific, specific language, cask specificpackage, python, rubbish, reason, cask3
essaidi.nlThe fight against radicals goes back as far as the ancient Egyptians, although they were unaware of the atomic reactions inside the body. They used specific vegetable extracts (anti-oxidants) to keep the body in the best possible…body specific, specific process, mean specific, specific message, patient specifictherapy, treatment, radical, cabin, patient3
pylot.nlPYLOT can be tailored specifically to the cultivation of eggplants. It offers features such as crop registration and plant measurements specifically developed for eggplants. Thanks to PYLOT, you have all crop-specific data at hand to gain…crop specific, specific data, harvest specific, specific climatecrop, greenhouse, harvest, climate, cultivation3
devsrvr.nlInsert some text here that summarises this specific benefit that they can get from your servicestext specific, specific benefitsit, amet, labore, quis, consectetur3
pgnbv.nlPGN specializes in producing high-quality polyurethane products. We supply customer-specific technical polyurethane products, in both small and large series, where many plastic qualities, hardnesses and colors are possible. With advanced…customer specific, specific technical, thank specific, specific addition, low specificpolyurethane, roll, wheel, hardness, foundry3
msm-webdesign.nlDatabase Username and Password: This information is specific to the database and may be different than any other username and password your host has given you. If you had to set up the database yourself, you may also need to set up a user…information specific, specific database, blank specific, specific location, tag specificfile, permission, gedcom, tree, installation3
all2change.nl…moreover professional services for Corporate Revitalization and Turnaround Management , i.e. trouble shooting, business improvement, company integrations, closures, take-overs and specific complex time-pressured related change projects.over specific, specific complex, approach specific, specific circumstances, activity specificorganizational, effective, publication, assignment, reference3
rise.nlEach business has its own plans and ambitions. We listen to our clients carefully so we can provide a custom-made service and come up with a registration strategy that suits your specific needs.strategy specific, specific need, plan specific, specific question, specific situationtrademark, registration, rise, watch, opposition3
mfcservices.nlIn sustainable mechanization of your internal logistics, MFC considers the full life cycle when deciding on the action plan. Each stage in the life cycle, from design, use to replacement or termination requires specific services that…termination specific, specific service, approach specific, specific mechanizationmechanization, cycle, unified, logistics, internal3
222lodge.nlThis sharing of time and space brings us closer together, as a temporary (global) community to encourage, through performance art, non-violent expressions for locally specific conditions.locally specific, specific conditions, local specificexperimental, august, principle, denial, duration3
dtalogistiek.nlTo export goods outside the European Union, you must undergo import customs clearance in one of the Community countries. For this purpose, you need to collect specific documents:solution specific, specific need, purpose specific, specific document, information specificclearance, union, fiscal, outside, inspection3
uitert.nl…your line with a Van Uitert robot or conventional depalletizer and end it with our end-of-line robot palletizer. Do you need your product to be processed in a specific way? Then please let us know, because we also supply custom solutions.product specific, specific way, specific demand, efficiency specific, specific productpack, optimization, fill, realization, handle3
florayuda.nlSince 1996 the Flor Ayuda Foundation helps to improve the living conditions and future perspectives of underprivileged children in Guatemala. We do this with specific projects that deliver a visible improvement in the areas of education…guatemala specific, specific projectscholarship, donation, street, fund, woman3
openset.nlThe Open Set learning environment is site-specific, intimate, non-competitive and peer-led. We are committed to openness toward diverse literacies, visual rhetorics and traditions, and personal backgrounds. Open Set is a space that…site specific, specific intimate, specific lablab, programme, reader, independent, figure3
netsense.nlWe do not want to enforce the customer to use a specific Operating System only because the programmer happens to use a programming language that is only available on that specific platform. If the customer prefers to use another Operating…language specific, specific operate, customer specific, available specific, specific platformprogramming, operate, writer, min, mistake3
kannenkakkers.nlInternational internet dating sites and programs have made it conceivable to find like across region. These sites meet the needs of specific niches that help you connect with public from worldwide. These programs also offer completely…need specific, specific niche, option specific, specific taste, perception specificbride, relationship, woman, girl, lady3
schipholsnelparkeren.nlIf you have certain specific requirements for washing / detailing your car, is this almost always possible. Herefore we ask you to contact us by e-mail and describe your wishes.certain specific, specific requirementsparking, reservation, reliable, secure, wish3
p0wnparty.nlThe CTF will center around Mendix applications. As such, there will be several Mendix-specific types of vulnerabilities related to the domain model, access rules, microflows, etc. However, Mendix applications are still web applications…online specific, specific software, security specific, specific experience, mendix specificmendix, ctf, flag, vulnerability, break3
summerschooldenhaag.nlCOACHING HOUSE during the Summer Especially to support you in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance at your own level and speed. From 1 February you are welcome to[...]especially specific, specific personalpre, dance, min, schedule, teacher3
zelfevaluatieonline.nlIn addition to the questionnaire based on the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, a number of sector-specific questionnaires have now been developed: for the Healthcare sector, the Education sector and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom…sector specific, specific questionnaire, specific surveysurvey, evaluation, report, participant, supervisory3
corporate-vitality.nlThe result? A clear picture of the current employability and workload in the workplace. You’ll receive an answer to company specific questions, but you’ll also be able to compare the results with our benchmark. The benchmark comprises…company specific, specific questionvitality, staff, employee, employability, absence3
leidenspamassages.nlTo ensure your massage experience meets your specific needs, we provide you with the flexibility to make special requests that may not be available through our standard booking options. When filling out your contact information, you can…experience specific, specific need, book specific, specific requirements, attention specificappointment, signature, tissue, muscle, technique3
rentestate.nlA few decades of experience, an up-to-date knowledge and relationships within the regional market in this specific sector, shall ensure your property not only rent but also familiar rent!market specific, specific sector, profile specific, specific housing, course specificrent, estate, rental, property, landlord3
mysl.nlInvite your teammates within seconds and work together as team to manage your Links, Bio Pages and QR codes. Team members can can be assigned specific privileges and can work on different workspaces.user specific, specific country, language specific, specific device, member specifictarget, advanced, api, rule, favorite3
strik-law.nlOur services will be governed by the engagement letter that we sign with you. It will describe the specific services to be provided, and our fee arrangements. For simple and straightforward queries, we usually provide a fixed, predictable…issue specific, specific jurisdiction, meeting specific, specific circumstances, letter specificlaw, tax, advisory, desk, accounting3
vapo.nlAre you in the process of overhauling your installation and do you need a specific ball valve, butterfly valve, valve or other part quickly? Our range of 30,000 parts is sure to include whatever you need.component specific, specific application, part specific, specific process, installation specificvalve, actuator, butterfly, ball, electric3
deedee.nlWhen your product is in need of protection against water vapor, oxygen, UV-light or dangerous substances such as MOSH and MOAH, we can include a barrier in your (stand-up) pouch. We have different types of barriers to offer, each with…laminate specific, specific type, barrier specific, specific wvtr, look specificpouch, recyclable, seal, fully, wish3
twentenannies.nlYou will receive login details for a personal family profile from us. Based on this family profile, we have insight into what you as parents find important, what your specific wishes or requests are with regard to a babysitter and when…special specific, specific need, nannies specific, specific requirements, important specificbabysitter, reliable, profile, sweet, mother3
kulastaffing.nlWe provide world-class assurance, accounting, and advisory talent made to add growth and development whilst meeting clients’ specific needs. This is why we are different:client specific, specific need, engagement specific, specific trainingkula, staffing, accounting, growth, assurance3
unlp.nlIf you are nervous about taking exams, with an NLP course you are actually at the right place. After all, you learn at an NLP training how to get rid of specific fears!getting specific, specific phobia, training specific, specific fearblock, technique, emotion, participant, subconscious3
dezegeneratieisnietlui.nl…date, and the institution you are studying at. You decide whether or not you want us to process this information. Specific clients may also request different anonymous information from Knikkers Uitzendwerk. You decide whether or not to…information specific, specific client, uitzendwerk specific, specific informationgeneration, profile, gdpr, potential, anonymous3
bege.nlBEGE combines drive technology expertise with knowledge of the specific sector. The result is fully integrated, customer-specific drive solutions that increase the competitive advantage of our customers’ production facilities in a wide…knowledge specific, specific sector, customer specific, specific drive, specific ambitiontransmission, gear, reliable, sustainability, major3
stadstvbreda.nl…luck on these games without having the pressure of losing earnings. These slot games are far better than those in specific world. That isn’t evolution on the inside world of technology the free slots have become possible the actual planetsoon specific, specific site, mind specific, specific preference, well specificuncategorized, gambling, player, money, january3
leanengineering.nlWith 10 transformative instruments we specialise in providing tailored solutions to address the specific challenges faced by your organisation. Through our distinctive methodology grounded in lean principles, we aim to facilitate quick…solution specific, specific challenge, consult specific, specific know, module specificcraft, improvement, package, transformation, leadership3
acl.nlACL develops and manufactures custom control panel for the operation of machines and systems, often based on touchscreen technology. A sophisticated matching of functionality, technology and identity creates control panels that perfectly…perfectly specific, specific need, technology specific, specific characteristics, happy specificfunctionality, identity, panel, profile, competency3
itamsolutions.nlITAM Solutions upholds its independence through impartial recommendations, despite alliances with five top SAM tool developers, ensuring that our client’s specific requirements take precedence. This approach allows us to tailor solutions…client specific, specific requirements, keen specific, specific oracleitam, asset, oracle, transformation, strategic3
holgernickisch.nlI initiate, promote and support the production of artistic works with a focus on public space and in dialogue with a diverse audience. Areas of my practice have included collected objects, social sculptures, site specific installations…site specific, specific installationcontemporary, intervention, architecture, landscape, cultural3
pragmater.nlPragmater is the only workable alternative. You tick the boxes with your specific needs. Needless to say that you will remain anonymous to prevent unrequested solliciting. The professionals are known to us by their experience, skills and…company specific, specific need, box specific, right specificcandidate, suitable, node, advisor, invitation3
solsticebodywork.nl…of time, then you will be on the massage table as well. If you have any doubts about safety depending on your specific birth experience, check with your midwife prior to booking. With women who’ve had a cesarean, it’s important to…area specific, specific physical, tailor specific, specific need, safety specifictreatment, solstice, swedish, pregnancy, tissue3
massagehuys.nl…hustle and bustle of daily life behind and give yourself the relaxation you deserve. Our experienced masseurs use specific massage techniques aimed at reducing stress-related symptoms. Whether you suffer from tense muscles, headaches, or…preference specific, specific concern, masseur specific, specific massage, tension specificpregnancy, relaxation, ultimate, het, oil3
nonplus.nl…is hardly disputed. Yet there are many more nuances to this debate. Issues include the carbon footprint of the specific energy source used and the extent to which crypto electricity demand substitutes for other demand or whether…regulation specific, specific financial, footprint specific, specific energy, focus specificregulation, asset, october, currency, central3
benthespiceman.nlBy knowing our long experience in the food industry, retail and wholesale we know all the ins and outs of the trade which we would happily advice to our customers. Ben the spiceman is also specialist in the making of customer-specific…customer specific, specific product, specific wishben, spice, sauce, herb, taste3
restartdcm.nlModule 2 : After Module 2 participants will be able to describe the rationale of the DCM-approach and DCM multifactorial assessment. They will have practiced specific elements of the assessment with a video assessment, selecting relevant…assessment specific, specific element, request specific, specific group, september specificrestart, treatment, therapist, speech, demand3
starlive.nlby analyzing your data to ensure a personalized experience). When you contact us through one of these ways, we may request your permission to use your information for specific purposes. Your choices about how we use data are described here.information specific, specific purpose, number specific, specific network, data specificpurpose, permission, telephone, preference, zijn3
sailsoft.nl…to replay our rescue and allows us to correct our errors. There is no need to connect all kinds of additional and specific equipment. In Search and Rescue, we are faced with many brands and technologies on board our SAR vessels and we canstandard specific, specific sentence, additional specific, specific equipmentsimulation, target, nautical, depth, head3
greenmini.nlIf you are planning to host more than 10 servers with us, we're happy to talk about a custom offer specific to your needs.time specific, specific situation, country specific, specific payment, offer specificinfrastructure, host, enterprise, reliable, sustainability3
beveiligingsopdrachten.nlAt Beveiligings Opdrachten, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way security professionals and companies connect. Our team is committed to providing a comprehensive platform that caters to the specific needs of both job seekers and…platform specific, specific need, preference specific, specific requirements, background specificguard, pricing, listing, candidate, profile3
hofzichtadvocaten.nlJuvenile law includes both criminal cases in which the suspect or the accused is a minor, and civil law cases whereby a child’s care and protection is at stake. The specific legal position of children both in criminal cases and child…company specific, specific need, stake specific, specific legallaw, criminal, juvenile, fee, lawyer3
woutersenvandervelde.nlWe offer a complete range of personalised services to international workers and expats in the Netherlands, from mortgage advice to estate planning. We also offer specific inter-company services to international firms and organisations…specific situation, planning specific, specific intermortgage, abroad, property, der, buyer3
ninaisabel.nlI have developed two coaching packages with a specific focus. Do you really want to be free of your heartbreak, or create a emotionally balanced life? Book one of these packages!consciousness specific, specific idea, package specific, specific focus, trajectory specificemotion, tantric, consciousness, break, package3
supermagnete.nlModern manufacturing of magnets allows for a wide range of products that you can use for specific applications. For example, our magnetic tapes and magnetic sheets are great for organisation, presentation and creating tidy spaces. You can…product specific, specific application, colour specific, specific purpose, magnet specificmagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, metal3
hapdewedren.nl…You can also state your preference in the text.) In general your question will be ansewerd the next working day, however when it is necessary that a specific docter answers your question, it may take us longer to answer your question.care specific, specific information, clear specific, specific question, necessary specificpatient, telephone, doctor, emergency, prescription3
rockpoint.nlEvery property owner needs specific services. Together with you, ROCKPOINT makes an inventory of the wishes and needs in order to come to a customised service.owner specific, specific service, service specificestate, asset, property, investment, appointment3
gitta-bant.nlBut – perhaps you don’t want to wait or you’re interested in a specific piece of work?interested specific, specific piecephotograph, flower, interested, hide, naturally3
notarisgoossens.nlIf Goossens is liable for damages to persons or property, such liability shall be limited to the amount paid out in that specific case under the general liability insurance (AVB) of Goossens, increased with the amount which will be for…shall specific, specific case, follow specific, specific conditionsshall, law, assignment, liability, insurance3
leidendiscoveries.nl…and photochemical reaction. He made this discovery primarily in the molecule vitamin D, which is only active in a specific isomer form. The most important source of vitamin D production in the skin is sunlight. Vitamin D is important for:symptom specific, specific disease, electron specific, specific direction, active specificdiscovery, theory, role, medicine, disease3
panaxit.nlOur dedicated hosting services provide businesses with a reliable and secure platform for their email, calendar, and website. We offer customizable hosting solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each of our clients, and…service specific, specific need, solution specificconsulting, transformation, closely, dedicated, ongoing3
lolabezemer.nlHet Doek Gaat Op is the result of a one month residency at Concordia in Enschede in 2017. Concordia is a center for Visual Arts, Film and Theatre. The three different disciplines of Concordia are brought together by Lola Bezemer in a…site specific, specific installation, specific performanceinstallation, textile, sculpture, piece, afraid3
dl4ld.nlPresentation by Thomas van Binsbergen at the SAE - SAE Digital & Data Steering Group meeting: "Domain-Specific Languages and Normative Reasoning."domain specific, specific languagepresentation, paper, conference, logistics, infrastructure3
brands-more.nl…insect control solutions which are highly effective. The products are specifically designed for indoor use. Most common within this range are the discrete insect glue-traps & mice baits . The range is extended by specific garden solutions.range specific, specific garden, odour specific, specific solution, partner specificconsumer, laundry, wash, common, domestic3
proteomics4oncode.nl…Next to these standard workflows we are also open to work with our customers on customized approaches to address specific questions such as protein or PTM turnover experiments or absolute whole proteome measurements. Furthermore…approach specific, specific question, protein specific, specific modify, factor specificproteomics, oncode, pricing, protein, quantification3
pemf-perth.nlThe EMG PERTH system has specific frequencies for animals. For pets, the oval cushion can be used; special adaptors have been developed for camels, horses and birds such as homing pigeons and falcons.applicator specific, specific application, specific treatment, system specific, specific frequencyanimal, magnetic, frequency, cushion, intensity3
deltafarms.nlSPF means Specific Pathogen Free. It is a term that is used for worms that are free of all know (shrimp) pathogens. This is important to ensure the biosecure chain from our farm to our customers. Our polychaetes are tested at the…polychaete specific, specific pathogen, spf specificfarm, farming, facility, aquaculture, eastern3
twin-tech.nlBy building customer-specific machines, robotic and cobot solutions, we improve production processes and ensure greater output and efficiency. We develop customized solutions and automate production processes so that companies achieve…customer specific, specific machine, specific solution, specific customizationtwin, supplier, machinery, discover, robotic3
sanimed.nlSANIMED has a Preventive line of products for the healthy dog or cat tailored to the specific needs of every stage of your furry friend’s development. And if their health declines for some reason, the special dietary pet food from SANIMED…cat specific, specific need, food specificcat, dog, healthy, preventive, diet3
freerkterpstra.nl…how the configured gain of the antenna is related in the past . But did you know that besides the gain, the regulatory domain and specific channel also the input power of the access-point itself might influence the actual transmit power?cisco specific, specific content, domain specific, specific channel, client specificwireless, cisco, traffic, multicast, mobility3
studentenverzekeringen.nlIn the Netherlands, you can choose 39 health insurance policies from 11 parent companies. Many of these health insurance policies focus on a specific target group (for example, students). Sometimes, the insurance policies seem different…policy specific, specific target, overview specific, specific situation, advice specificinsurance, healthcare, liability, allowance, deductible3
defreight.nlCustomized solutions for your specific ocean freight requirements are at the heart of our services. Our long-term and extensive collaborations with shipping lines mean that we can provide you with access to a global carrier portfolio…response specific, specific need, solution specific, specific ocean, program specificfreight, flexible, ocean, cargo, airfreight3
geoenergy-innovation.nlOne of the important funding programs for Geo Energy research is provided¬† via the so-called Topsector policy of the Dutch government as established in 2012. This policy aims to stimulate the Dutch knowledge position in specific fields…department specific, specific research, position specific, specific field, new specificfunding, stakeholder, subsurface, government, storage3
haagseletters.nlThe user is able to select the different cities and compare the voting behaviour of a specific city with other cities in the Netherlands to see the similarities in voting behaviour.behaviour specific, specific city, newspaper specific, specific news, mention specificvote, identity, alphabet, study, guide3
progress4u.nlWorking on a successful, more long-term customer journey by creating a Fully Active Reference (FAR), based on specific company DNA and the P4U-model (strategy, concept, global execution)far specific, specific company, execution specific, organisation specific, specific dnareference, fully, progress, profit, continuity3
vanaalsttransport.nlVan Aalst temperature-controlled transport is focused on conditioned transport. Due to decade long experience and the accumulated network of contacts in this specific transport sector, Van Aalst temperature-controlled transport, is able…contact specific, specific transporttemperature, decade, reliable, flexible, dynamic3
getinpoleposition.nldeath' with its complex obstacles. This includes expert support, peer-to-peer and role-model learning (with tough love) and access to an extensive and (sector specific) relevant network including great (intern)national exposure. Summarised:sector specific, specific relevant, theme specific, specific role, yes specificpole, position, founder, programme, deeptech3
de-mikkelhorst.nlOur specific Win at Slot Machines strategy was to play the one-dollar slots and as opposed to playing the utmost three tokens that the Jackpot Skill Stop Slot machine game offers, we stick with the one-dollar practice. Sure, it doesn’t…thing specific, specific roll, schedule specific, specific feelgambling, uncategorized, money, estate, player3
yoliness.nlMultiple Massages with specific treatments for different illness, or discomfort that you may have.pressure specific, specific reflex, massage specific, specific treatment, understand specificdance, treatment, lesson, physical, balance3
wild-catch.nlFishermen always go out for a specific fish, for example sole. But other fish also end up in their nets. We fish these unwanted catches out of the fishermen’s nets. This way, we make sure that the so-called bycatch is not wasted. Very…fisherman specific, specific fishnorth, fish, catch, cod, mackerel3
massagesense.nlTherapist Selection: When booking online, you can choose a specific therapist. Selecting “all available time slots” will assign a therapist based on availability, which may be random due to differing schedules.tension specific, specific muscular, online specific, specific therapistsense, therapist, certificate, appointment, foot3
geldinhetspel.nlInsert some text here that summarises this specific benefit that they can get from your servicestext specific, specific benefitsit, amet, labore, quis, consectetur3
dairyntel.nlWe are specialised in providing in-depth market insights, tailored to your specific business development questions related to the international dairy marketinsight specific, specific business, understand specific, specific commercial, report specificdairy, strategic, report, analysis, demand3
nevernever.nlThe exhibition “The Burrow” approaches the current obsession with feeling at home by looking at the specific intimacy people experience in their own house. The temporary expelling of the rules of public life creates a place where one gets…site specific, specific relationship, specific installation, home specific, specific intimacyexhibition, residency, pain, pink, sun3
dekleineparel-opleidingen.nlPersonal data is also sent to us by e-mail, often with a specific question or comment. We send our email to course participants with your email in BCC. Sometimes we send information to course participants, with a namelist, then only your…example specific, specific request, mail specific, specific question, detail specificrelation, institute, educational, processing, request3
abcbusinesscoaches.nlDefine Objectives and Scope. Clearly outline the purpose of the VDR, whether for M&A, due diligence, or legal compliance. Determine the range of documents needed, considering the specifics of the Dutch market and particular VDR best…netherlands specific, specific step, document specific, specific dutch, law specificinvestor, collaboration, secure, efficiency, perspective3
chiaraforzi.nlThese courses are meant for students and professionals , who already have a basic knowledge of the Italian language, but who wish to specialize in a more specific field (tourism, business, medical, etc.) to better meet real life office…specific course, language specific, specific field, time specific, specific vocabularyitalian, italy, lesson, suggestion, wine3
ardiroelofsscience.nlRoelofs, A. Domain-specificity vs. generality of language: The case of specific language impairment. Theme-wide meeting of the Language and Communication theme of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, the…case specific, specific language, memory specificcognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain3
twilmij.nl…answers. Answers to questions from the market. Answers with which we combine both our strengths. Do you have a specific question or are you interested in our specialism? Check out our website and contact one of our nutritionists for a…strength specific, specific question, feed specific, specific needanswer, animal, csr, certification, manufacturer3
peterpetersenschool.nl…jack, different versions of poker, baccarat, and perhaps even slot machines and live. Whatever games purchase find in a casino, you’re able be specific you are able to uncover it on some with the largest gambling online websites yesterday.good specific, specific able, able specific, essence specific, specific likeuncategorized, gambling, player, money, gambler3
lingodutch.nl2) Error identification: LingoDutch uses machine learning algorithms to identify grammar errors, which means that it may not be able to identify all errors, particularly those that are more subtle or context-specific.tense specific, specific situationgrammar, write, accurate, correction, algorithm3
fusica.nlAre you learning overtone singing or throat singing, or working on the specifics of vocal timbre, and looking →singing specific, specific vocal, list specific, specific workshopsinging, overtone, january, artistic, resonance3
havanasyndrome.nl…similar to normal brainwaves, could seriously affect brain function. Experiments with pulsed magnetic fields carried out in animals have reportedly produced specific effects such as inducing sleep and triggering anxiety or aggressiveness.reportedly specific, specific effect, fbi specific, specific activityweapon, syndrome, microwave, attack, symptom3
lexintegra.nlWe are available to provide advice on personnel policy and the application thereof, with a specific expertise in Dutch Governmental labour law, including personnel regulations applicable to the Dutch Armed Forces. We can also provide…thereof specific, specific expertise, general specific, specific ethicscomplaint, conference, governmental, particular, law3
bmaps.nl1. Longpress anywhere on the map, center on a specific location and click on check marklocation specific, specific destination, center specific, specific locationbookmark, destination, select, motorcycle, create3
thegoodpeople.nlthis season’s theme, we aim to delve further into the notion of home. Whether it’s going for a drink with your mates or running your favourite trail that may feel like coming home, it’s not about a place or a specific thing but the feeling.place specific, specific thingregular, factory, trousers, freedom, think3
urbancollect.nlRewards are exclusive extras that you offer to your customers who use Urban Collect. This could be, for example, free products or services or exclusive discounts on specific products or services. With the help of Urban Collect rewards you…store specific, specific target, article specific, discount specific, specific productcollect, urban, loyalty, license, consumer3
gridit.nlGR:D it offers an interactive web map to manage (subsea) data related to assets. It provides tools that can be used for analysis, visualization and reporting of various datasets. Within GR:D it , project specific datasets and publicly…project specific, specific dataset, fully specific, specific need, easy specificsubsea, surface, analysis, outside, decision3
innerbalance-enschede.nlSpiritual Life Coaching is a practice and a process that utilizes a specific approach designed to facilitate and support a deeper awareness and acceptance of who you are as a unique and divine individual.process specific, specific approachmedicine, colon, spiritual, traditional, holistic3
basaltaura.nl. The arrangement of characters suggests the outline of a person, potentially in a standing or upright position. The specific details and features of the figure may vary depending on the specific arrangement and characters used. ASCII art…analytic specific, specific area, shape specific, specific interpretation, position specificascii, geospatial, representation, calculation, landscape3
activerock.nlAt Active Rock, we design and engineer innovative socks with the specific needs of a sport in mind. Socks that help you run that extra mile, climb that mountain and motivate you to do more than you think possible. Active Rock's…sport specific, specific perfectly, specific sport, sock specific, specific needsock, motion, athlete, optimal, run3
livinginparadise.nl…immigration aspect is taken care of, our services can be presented in an organized manner, custom-tailored to your specific needs. If you require assistance with securing a residence, establishing a business, or navigating the complexity…custom specific, specific need, solution specificparadise, immigration, eligibility, permit, appointment3
threewells.nlpackages targeting specific body systems general immune support Immune support, instantly and maintenance: Resistance Pack recovery kits Immune system: Immune Balance Kit Plus Joints, skeleton,muscles,tendons: Joint Forces Recovery kit…package specific, specific bodyrecovery, package, questionnaire, ingredient, frequency3
mrplagiarist.nlIn conclusion, equivalence in translation is a delicate dance between faithfulness to the source and naturalness in the target language. Both the Directional and Natural approaches have their merits, and their suitability depends on the…suitability specific, specific project, work specific, specific platform, essential specificwrite, translation, equivalence, literature, fanfiction3
newellengineering.nlThe Newell company standards, extensive risk analysis and methodology and the project specific risk register, make Newell the ideal well engineering partner for any geothermal operator.professional specific, specific project, execution specific, specific program, project specificoperation, drilling, phase, risk, integrity3
nikkylenstradxd.nlThe next assignments will show how my media usage affects the relation between me and a few specific mediums. Additional assignments gave me insights on how media can be persuasive and influence our decisions.relation specific, specific medium, opinion specific, specific aptitude, way specificintercultural, assignment, personality, critical, topic3
capable.nlWe develop customer-specific specialty cables and connectors as well as systems for a broad diversity of applications in high-tech environments.customer specific, specific specialtycapable, infinite, demand, interconnection, study3
physiomanualtherapyhoek.nlcomplaints. With specific training advice, the manual therapist can teach the patient,patient specific, specific training, complaint specificcomplaint, therapy, physiotherapist, treatment, manual3
aureaimaging.nlAurea’s precision orchard solutions find their way to orchards as we work with growers, crop consultants and equipment manufacturers worldwide. Conventional and digital agronomy complement and reinforce each other. Orchard specifics and…detection specific, specific plant, orchard specific, specific grower, regularly specificaurea, imaging, orchard, grower, crop3
kamphuisen.nl…we built ships....(Design & Projects) However, the company group is specialized in inland shipping; or to be even more specific: in river cruising. As we operate in a very small team we are familiar with our clients and their needs.shipping specific, specific river, river specific, specific clientpassenger, river, vessel, ship, commission3
rootsandwingsacademy.nl…These customized sessions cover topics such as internationalized curriculum and learning goals, culturally competent teaching techniques, assessment methods, teacher-student communication skills and the other specific needs of schools.family specific, specific need, skills specific, school specificparent, wing, expat, intercultural, parenting3
cim7.nltransactional and behavioural data) it is possible to select targeted customers who are most likely interested in a specific proposition (Customer Targeting). Conversely it is also possible to define the propositions that most likely will…proposition specific, specific customer, interested specific, specific proposition, likely specificanalysis, predictive, creation, theory, proposition3
luxetaxinl.nlWe offer services to and from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS) and other nearby airports. Please reach us with your specific request; we will gladly assist you.airport specific, specific request, limousine specific, specific cartransfer, vehicle, luxury, driver, transportation3
simplyvat.nlTemporary in-house VAT management for your daily VAT questions, or a specific project or implementation.training specific, specific process, question specific, specific project, lack specificknow, want, rule, tax, task3
ecomtrada.nlWhen we collaborate, we create a detailed growth plan. This plan includes specific strategies and steps which will help you achieve your goals, regardless of the size of your account.plan specific, specific strategy, worry specific, specific targetcampaign, pricing, growth, setup, conversion3
inzicht-in-ai.nlWhen a health insurer analyses data collected through observation, they must take into account that these data do not provide a complete reflection of society. After all, the data comes from a specific group. Namely; people who, for…possible specific, specific place, department specific, specific pattern, datum specificalgorithm, analysis, outcome, climate, provide3
dataim.nlDataIM's advanced Research Dashboard is a vital tool for efficient data analysis and decision-making. With the ability to filter on various variables, it offers tailored insights, allowing users to delve into specific segments or aspects…survey specific, specific research, insight specific, specific niche, user specificemployee, motion, survey, advanced, analysis3
verumartes.nlAbsolutely! By submitting your details, they will be added to our database, allowing our consultants to identify potential matches between your profile and specific job vacancies. However, we highly encourage you to proactively respond to…candidate specific, specific requirements, specific job, align specific, profile specificexceptional, candidate, requirements, staffing, seamless3
wouterwitzel.nl…quality butterfly valves and actuators we offer a very wide standard product range. Besides that, being a producer enables us to react to specific customer wishes and come up with special solutions or improvements in the different markets.application specific, specific industrial, producer specific, specific customer, use specificvalve, butterfly, operation, actuator, double3
nidegro.nlNidegro's specific knowledge of soft commdities has increased sharply over the years through contact with and the processing of many different products. Nidegro enjoys an excellent reputation as a specialised trader and importer of…nidegro specific, specific knowledge, fully specific, specific wishcommodity, recovery, division, salvage, processing3
leadify.nl…and building brand awareness for businesses of all sizes. I work closely with my clients to understand their specific needs and goals, and I stay on top of the latest trends and best practices to ensure that my clients are always…client specific, specific need, field specific, specific action, customer specificanalysis, engine, presence, traffic, growth3
youngcb.nl…of ways of integrating various data sources and databases to refine biological networks will be discussed, with specific attention to the use of sequence information to refine interaction and transcription regulation networks. Finally…technology specific, specific cancer, participant specific, specific background, network specificbioinformatics, biology, registration, computational, modelling3
arcobalenovertalingen.nl…or higher, your Two-Pair, perhaps Three-of-a-Kind a person have them already. You can draw to improve, but make specific you have absolutely nothing to lose when you draw. For example, an individual are have J-J-10-9-8 already, will notperson specific, specific absolutely, shooter specific, specific number, medication specificgambling, money, january, player, february3
brijvoercheck.nlOur ‘Operating a liquid feed system’ course teaches you how to operate the system and fine-tune the liquid feed settings. This course can be customised to suit the specifics of your farm.viscosity specific, specific gravity, setting specific, course specific, specific farmliquid, pig, quotation, installation, automatic3
abcontainerlogistics.nl…of Conformity. Up till today, we have transported almost 1 million tons of metal scrap that was recycled to high-grade steel and thus have a thorough insight into the specific issues surrounding the transportation of metal scrap.knowledge specific, specific industry, insight specific, specific issue, dependent specificlogistics, shipment, transportation, scrap, metal3
workxin.nlWe make the right connection between the client and the employment law specialist. Whether it’s a short-term assignment, a specific project, or the replacement of a colleague, we offer customized solutions. Our personal approach, years of…specialist specific, specific project, assignment specificemployment, law, lawyer, assignment, accenture3
rometal.nlWe're looking forward to meet you. Contact us also if you have specific request. Rometal BV is specialist in creative solutionsforward specific, specific request, water specific, specific equipment, customer specificconstructive, vacancy, reliability, flexibility, environmentally3
vmugnl.nl…of all hosts in the cluster in a single place. At the same time, it offers flexibility by accounting for host-specific settings and overrides of certain settings per host. Compliance and remediation of all hosts can be performed on…importance specific, specific area, host specific, specific setting, extremely specificvmware, vmug, tanzu, vsphere, automation3
the-secret-bar.nlSometime in the 1990’s – I’m afraid I can’t be more specific – I attended a panel discussion in The Hague on graphic design for political parties. Among the panellists were Gert Dumbar, one or two other designers, a few representatives of…afraid specific, specific panel, difficult specific, specific work, unexpected specificjanuary, later, graphic, hague, wine3
roelwilbers.nl…what it is that they are really looking for and need. Through whatever path this is, physically, mentally or energetically, I guide people to come to functioning optimally. Which means in good health and through your specific path in life.broadly specific, specific goal, health specific, specific path, curious specificphysio, meditation, path, workplace, optimally3
personalisedimplants.nlThe open innovation ecosystem initiates and implements innovative projects to deliver patient-specific solutions through the joint expertise of its multidisciplinary partners in optimization of materials, production and processes for…patient specific, specific solution, specific osteosynthesisimplant, personalised, patient, ecosystem, manufacture3
quintus.nl…its responsibility to include the more tactical side of information management. Hoff notes that most application-specific data is checked and managed either by the IT demand managers with support of the data program team at EBN or by theindustry specific, specific example, picture specific, specific project, application specificmanufacture, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, oil, staff3
acba.nl…techniques are just a few examples of approaches we use to leverage the information. Our lab is set up in such a way that we are both able to perform real-time analysis as post-hoc more fine-grained analyzes of specific topics of interest.qualify specific, specific position, analyze specific, specific topic, general specificinventory, analysis, keyword, optimal, survey3
afmi.nl…piece ourselves. We are thoroughly familiar with working with and procuring high-quality materials in accordance with specific requirements and properties. Besides machining metal, we can also deliver and machine certified welded work.accordance specific, specific requirements, number specific, specific marketcast, accordance, metal, surface, treatment3
embeddedtesting.nlViews : The views serve as overview-pictures at several ‘height’ of the framework. They might give a complete picture of the framework looked at from a certain perspective or a zoomed-in view on a specific aspect of the framework. The…question specific, specific context, view specific, specific aspectframework, embed, structure, risk, overview3
brava-trading.nlFlexibility is one of our core values at BRAVA Trading. We understand that every customer is unique and has different requirements. That’s why we strive to meet your specific needs and provide you with tailor-made solutions. Whether it’s…solution specific, specific need, requirements specific, product specific, specific locationtrading, fastener, bear, practical, flexibility3
peercode.nlWe also work on innovative solutions outside the domain of health and exercise. Our software is developed as a result of specific assignments from clients. Whether it is a new web shop or an extensive tracking system for parcel services…result specific, specific assignmentdevice, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy3
jhellings.nl…required by very large data-based applications. Unfortunately, current sharded resilient systems all use system-specific specialized approaches toward sharding that do not provide the flexibility of traditional sharded data management…system specific, specific specialize, client specific, specific instancequery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally3
synergyengineering.nl…winches and containers to large-scale structures such as jackets and topsides. We tailor our solutions to meet the specific needs of each project, ensuring optimal safety and efficiency regardless of size. Whether it’s for oil and gas or…meticulously specific, specific need, solution specific, frame specificsynergy, jacket, appliance, efficiency3
zinx.nlWe understand that, because we are designers ourselves. That’s why we produce our products on specific order specifications. You choose our design, express your wishes regarding materials, sizes, colours and we start producing it for your…good specific, specific need, product specific, specific order, like specifictable, furniture, affordable, pure, luxury3
jolienspoelstra.nlCurrently, treatment of for instance sexual disorders, relational problems, grief, problems concerning specific life phases and stress disorders is not reimbursed by most insurers. Sometimes an additional insurance will cover treatment…people specific, specific anxiety, vgct specific, specific accreditation, problem specifictreatment, therapy, session, therapist, emotion3
gamblingholland.nlIn legal Dutch online casinos, it is currently not possible to gamble with cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. The Dutch gambling laws require online casinos to have a specific license issued by Dutch authorities to operate legally. These…measure specific, specific period, license specific, specific regulation, casino specificgambling, lottery, license, player, authority3
noctua.nlThe research software is easy to install and set up, based on your specific wishes. As a user of Noctua you work effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily.fast specific, specific word, source specific, specific need, easy specificflag, government, researcher, healthcare, function3
fontoplumo.nl…from the wish of the Kaweco collectors and users group on Facebook, which wanted to create a special color for the group. Rather than making one specific for the Facebook group, Kaweco has started the Collection range, available for all.group specific, specific facebookfountain, sailor, ink, nib, pencil3
impulseplants.nlImpulse Plants offers an unlimited range of house and garden plants. Continuously seeking for specific products and novelties all over Europe to surpass your expectations.continuously specific, specific productimpulse, relationship, supply, reliable, supplier3
jessievanbuggenum.nlTo be more specific, on the structure of a data-analysis folder 📂. This small note describes generating and using an all-in-one structured project folder with data, scripts, documentation, and a sharable HTML page.note, structure, cell, dynamic, biology3
knifestore.nlDo you want a buy pocket knife for daily use, small jobs, your collection or your profession? We can deliver it. Our knives are selected for quality and for specific use. Knives for water sports enthusiasts, emergency services, DIY…quality specific, specific use, market specific, specific recognizableknife, flashlight, pocket3
nutric.nl…know when you wish to perform. Nutric gives the user the opportunity to set their own goals. Because not every goal has the same intensity or the same load on your body, you are able to set parameters to get more specific recommendations.app specific, specific nutrition, parameter specific, specific recommendation, nutrient specificnutrient, recommendation, healthy, target, interesting3
knausclub.nl…assistance, reliable advice, and access to a wide range of high-quality used car parts. Whether seeking a specific component or guidance on vehicle disposal, local wreckers offer invaluable insights and support tailored to…part specific, specific component, attendees specific, specific subject, concern specificpayment, benefit, vehicle, pre, sacrifice3
vtbvalves.nlEven though we supply a very specific product, its applications are numerous. This makes our work challenging and varied and it keeps us alert, because it is always about essential production processes for which we open, close and control…valve, installation, actuator, seamless, integration3
chinamedic.nl…that runs alongside meridians). During an acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist inserts very thin needles into specific spots on your body, your body will receive the physiological signal from the needle to trigger a self-healing…consultation specific, specific treatment, needle specific, specific spot, course specificacupuncture, pain, treatment, complaint, abdominal3
livinglibrary.nl…is the title (and with that the topic) of the living book, for example 'Homeless' or 'Transgender'. It is explicitly not meant as 'storytelling', but as a real dialogue. The reader will also speak and can ask specific questions.reader specific, specific question, time specific, specific book, impact specificlibrary, reader, methodology, conversation, prejudice3
ctmsolution.nl…available for hosting on a dedicated environment if so required. CTM is configurable to comply with organizational specific procedures. CTM offers an integrated, seamless end-to-end process for tender management available in a modular…organizational specific, specific procedure, organization specific, specific requirements, module specificprocurement, auction, supplier, configuration, ease3
f35marathon.nlInsert some text here that summarises this specific benefit that they can get from your servicestext specific, specific benefitsit, amet, labore, quis, consectetur3
wh33ly.nlI want to manage the Windows local user groups with Puppet, currently for example the “administrators” group has a few local user accounts ( LocUserX ) and a few domain group accounts ( DomGroupX ). This is a specific set of users that…domgroupx specific, specific set, server specific, specific variable, ago specificesxi, powercli, leave, puppet, vcenter3
fietsenhondenstop.nlMike “Great training and also respect the individual scenarios of the dog and their owners. I do like how modular and on top of specific needs all the services offered are built”modular specific, specific need, dog specific, beginner specific, specific topicdog, session, bicycle, schedule, consulting3
ontwerpbureau311.nlOntwerpbureau 311 is run by Michiel Uylings and his team, since 1997. The studio is located in the centre of the Netherlands in Utrecht. Our designservice covers a combination of specific activities such as product design, product…combination specific, specific activity, information specific, specific questionconsumer, evaluation, combination, want, turn2
artandlaw.nlA range of legal issues may arise relating to an art collection or a specific work of art. The complexity of the art world and the field of art and law require the consultation of a specialized lawyer. Russell Advocaten has a vast amount…advice specific, specific question, collection specific, specific worklaw, auction, collector, litigation, dispute2
nefkensadvies.nlDo you run into ICT related problems or issues? Would you like to know more about digitilisation, Cisco’s DNA-Center and what the impact is for your organisation? Or how to handle developments such as Automation, Software Defined Access…access specific, specific question, need specific, specific technology, specific solutioninfrastructure, cisco, implementation, independent, networking2
binnenbrand.nlThe unique denim store gives jeans a real face and in Reusel it functions as a specific complement to the versatile men’s fashion collection for the Only for Men store in the same street. Binnenbrand developed the controversial interior…store specific, specific attention, reusel specific, specific complementinterior, identity, architecture, shoe, branch2
lambdaphi.nl…of elastic fibers. Exacerbated by the multitude of fine fibers as a result of the very fine diameter and the specific density that is higher than water. A unique binding force of Panacea® to the matrix and the elongation of the fibrediameter specific, specific density, specific knowledgelambda, composite, fibre, fiber, filtration2
forsa-advies.nl…already have some experience in projects. If you are interested in this course, but do not recognize yourself in the target audience or do not yet meet the prerequisites, please contact us to learn how we can attend to your specific needs.prerequisite specific, specific need, solution specific, specific learn, industry specificexam, certification, duration, dynamic, spiral2
i-wire.nli-wire also offers a Barcode Scan and Payment module for handling cash payments when the cash register is not linked to our API. This can be useful when using scales or working with other specific methods.scale specific, specific method, question specificwire, api, transaction, payment, drawer2
sleepdiensttouwslager.nlWith fixed points of contact, communication runs smoothly. We offer a suitable and customized solution for all your specific needs.solution specific, specific needreliable, trust, decade, successful, mean2
empoweredconnections.nlIn depth support to parents/ caregivers over a course of 12 weeks with weekly private coaching sessions, weekly videos, downloadable parenting workbooks and support through your specific parenting circumstance.workbook specific, specific parentingempower, connection, parenting, session, parent2
i-f-s.nl…and non-military organisation. We focus on the F-104 aircraft and its pilots only and are not interested in specific weapon specifications etc. The Society has been established in 1989 by two fanatic F-104 enthusiasts. In 1990 the…interested specific, specific weapon, aircraft specific, specific frequentlyf-104, society, starfighter, aircraft, membership2
zirqle.nlLED moulding is suitable for almost any LED application and enhances the positive properties of the LED application. Led casting is always done on the basis of the application and specific requirements of the assignment. The finish of the…endless specific, specific wish, application specific, specific requirementsinnovative, sufficient, functional, qualitative, assembly2
bettybuilders.nl…of business applications that contribute to the improvement of your business results. Betty Builders is the only no-code / low-code specialist that combines content expertise with specific domain knowledge and innovative solutions.expertise specific, specific domain, process specific, specific feature, industry specificblock, builder, citizen, innovative, unlimited2
technium.nlWhen it comes to maintenance every industry has its unique challenges and each challenge requires a specific type of approach. Eventually all industries share common goals when it concerns maintenance of their assets. With expertise in a…exchanger specific, specific protocol, challenge specific, specific typemaintenance, trust, heat, exchanger, staffing2
sidcon.nlIt was in 2014 that the City of Utrecht first started installing Sidcon underground compactors. This helped meet the need for more waste collection capacity at specific locations. Eight years later and the city now..capacity specific, specific locationcompactor, underground, waste, organic, base2
juliavandermeijden.nl…mentioned that it was indeed good to get basic knowledge about the target group, but that interviews could also be very useful. We then directly interviewed a number of students and indeed got more and more specific information from them.student specific, specific information, closedness specific, specific colortarget, study, technique, final, period2
aeroworks.nlAeroworks Test Laboratory performs in accordance with the latest aerospace requirements and in addition, tests can be performed according to customer specific test procedures. The laboratory is capable to executed endurance, tensile…experience specific, specific expertise, customer specific, specific testinterior, composite, laboratory, catalog, comparison2
leadingmomentum.nlIn a small group, you are ensured of specific attention for your own personal development. You will be completely immersed in the Momentum experience, without distractions and stimuli from the rest of the world. This gives you the peace…group specific, specific attention, obstacle specific, specific problemassessment, effective, authentic, perspective, impulse2
cmotions.nl…time and human resources? No need to worry, because we are here to offer our expertise and support for any data-related challenges you encounter. Feel free to get in touch with us; we are committed to addressing your specific data needs.commit specific, specific data, knowledge specific, specific goallab, frontpage, potential, inspiration, colleague2
dtrl.nl…communication, both with our clients as well as related partners. Through our relations with several knowledge and test institutes we’re able to connect specific resources to achieve a dedicated solution responding to your specific needs.able specific, specific resource, solution specific, specific need, analysis specificmechanic, variety, analysis, relation, institute2
dirkmjk.nl3 January 2023 - A number of Dutch municipalities target specific neighbourhoods for surveillance, which may include house searches. An analysis shows that targeted municipalities tend to be among the poorest neighbourhoods in the…municipality specific, specific neighbourhoodneighbourhood, chart, january, tradition, ownership2
farialifestyle.nl…to nurturing the soul, invigorating the body, and inspiring the mind. At Faria we want to offer all women a hub to connect, empower and inspire each other through spirituality and specific workouts to uplift the soul, body and mind.spirituality specific, specific workoutcrystal, woman, piece, feel, empower2
aeroconsort.nlDepending on the required modification, AeroConsort will work with applicable companies well experienced for designing, producing and implementing specific system and subsystem upgrades.experience specific, specific systemendif, aircraft, maintenance, aerospace, base2
vdkmp.nl…or at our regional hospital? We developed a practical tool for clinical teams on the ground in setting up disease specific and hybrid care pathways. From an organizational level to an individual level, various forms of care can, and…disease specific, specific center, specific hybridhealthcare, tactics, clinical, patient, clinician2
tarka-systems.nlRugged cases: Client specific solutions based on rugged cases, for transport, for protection of special parts, for equipmentclient specific, specific case, specific solutiondocumentation, moss, depth, installation, setup2
multatuli-apartment.nlThe guest suite is warm and cosy in winter and the room specific Tado heating controls allow you to easily adjust the temperature to your comfort. In summer it is easy to cool the rooms by opening the windows for a through draft and if…room specific, specific tado, specific heatingguest, bedroom, favourite, luxurious, spacious2
devopsschool.nlIf you need DevOps expertise on a temporary or long-term basis, we offer DevOps contract jobs. Our contract jobs are perfect for organizations that need to scale their DevOps team up or down, or that need expertise in a specific area of…expertise specific, specific areadevops, sre, devsecops, consulting, variety2
slimacademy.nlThe delivery time depends on the release dates of the products you have ordered. All booklets will be sent to you as soon as they are available. The specific shipping dates can also be found in your order confirmation.available specific, specific shippingsummary, subscription, booklet, medicine, pre2
smitsdakkundigonderhoud.nl…in roof maintenance, repair and renovation, we offer you expertise and craftsmanship for every type of roof. We work exclusively with high-quality materials and modern techniques and offer tailor-made solutions for your specific situation.hoa specific, specific need, solution specific, specific situationroof, roofer, renovation, maintenance, replacement2
deepbreathbeauty.nlOur customized facials for men and women are designed to leave your skin looking and feeling its best. Our treatments include targeted solutions for specific concerns such as anti-aging, hydration, and acne. For men, we also address…solution specific, specific concern, discomfort specific, specific areabreath, treatment, skin, facial, oil2
scaldon.nlharbour of Vlissingen, we specialise in high-end (offshore) lifting solutions, such as cranes, A-frames and winches, built on experience but designed around your company’s specific needs. If you aim high, you will achieve more with SCALDON.company specific, specific needcrane, winch, handle, hose, hydraulic2
proofcocktails.nl…genius but it sounds to me like a lot of people don’t trust him. I do . I believe his instructions are very specific for a reason. We stir with ice to achieve cooling but also dilution but it seems to me that Mr P was going…orange specific, specific conditions, instruction specific, specific reasonorange, proof, syrup, spirit, ice2
artofphysio.nlSports therapy focuses on optimizing the muscles and joints you need for a painfree sport experience. We use a combination of hand-on treatment and specific exercises to stimulate your body to move in an optimal way.treatment specific, specific exercise, joint specific, specific traininginjury, physiotherapy, physio, therapy, pain2
centrumvaktherapie.nlExpressive arts therapy is multi-methodical, it combines the expressive arts with influences from different psychotherapeutic methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy, schema therapy and client-focused therapy. It does not focus on…therapy specific, specific diagnosistherapy, expressive, therapeutic, treatment, consent2
sham-massage.nlIn short, dry needling aims to relieve musculoskeletal pain and tension by focusing on specific muscle tissues, while acupuncture aims to restore energy balance in the body according to traditional Chinese medicine principles. Both…needle specific, specific point, tension specific, specific musclemuscle, blood, pain, tension, therapy2
menaco.nlThe DP Elite Zaden brand has been active in the Middle East and North Africa for several decades. We are committed to the success of the Middle East and North African growers; we are offering a specific range of high quality products and…demand specific, specific market, grower specific, specific rangecrop, career, seed, vegetable, middle2
wenrplastics.nlLooking for a solution beyond our standard range? Choose customization and develop your own masterbatches in close collaboration with our specialists. This ensures that they meet your specific needs and requirements. An additional…specialist specific, specific need, customer specific, specific product, specific informationadditive, base, fill, agriculture, packaging2
sidekickprojects.nlWhat I can offer is to have a supporting role in specific parts of a project where my experience and expertise are well appreciated. Here are some examples that I have in mind:role specific, specific part, report specific, specific researchemission, publication, consumption, fuel, report2
dewildehuiswerkbegeleiding.nlIs everything going generally well for your child at school? But is he or she having difficulties with that one specific subject?difficulty specific, specific subject, subject specific, specific knowledgeguidance, homework, wilde, subject, parent2
ojagerl.nlOmega (Best). Every tier has one more stat than the previous. These stats include increased damage, knockback resistance, more crit chance, etc. Gamma and Delta items have a class-specific bonus, and Omega items have their own unique boost.class specific, specific bonus, hit specific, specific speedplayer, ability, weapon, damage, duration2
wisa.nlWisa has been producing numerous customer-specific products since 1953, including an increasing number of ECO-environmentally friendly variants of balloons and paper articles, whereby the customer’s wishes are always in the foreground.customer specific, specific product, specific wishballoon, inspiration, frequently, paper, colour2
vulkanisatiezeeland.nlWe offer specific and unique products. Our website shows the various specialisms we offer and if your product is not amongst them, then simply contact our sales department. They will transform your needs into a suitable quote and product.repair specific, specific uniquerepair, tire, axial, roll, renewal2
sanistrella.nlAn ET Healing can also take place on a distance. The ET’s will then just come to you 😊! We agree on a specific moment on which I give you a call to briefly discuss your question. Then you can relax on the bed or couch during the healing…session specific, specific issue, et specific, specific momentsession, guide, sensation, universe, amazing2
casinoonlinegames.nlThe first step into the realm of Dutch online casinos is often accompanied by a grand welcome. New players are greeted with a Welcome Bonus, a reward for choosing a specific casino for their gaming adventure. After registering, players…reward specific, specific casino, spin specific, specific slotplayer, gambling, excitement, promotion, package2
interventionmapping.nl…roles are identified at each selected ecological level. Statements of what must be changed at each ecological level and who must make the change, are more specific intervention foci than are traditional program goals and objectives.change specific, specific intervention, step specific, specific guidanceintervention, objective, task, theory, determinant2
withnagas.nlAncient Naga homeland with its ecological wisdom and specific village-state democracy, colonized by the British and invaded by India and Burma Fighting back for 7 decades but still under threatwisdom specific, specific villageancestral, domain, documentary, colonial, invasion2
lauraderidder.nlLUMINOUS SHELL For this project, the assignment was to design street furniture for a specific public…furniture specific, specific publicgraphic, study, sketch, minor, assignment2
meritorius.nlSend us a message with a writing sample, your planning and the total wordcount to find out the rate for your specific project.rate specific, specific projectedit, rate, write, reference, proposal2
merijnbruijnes.nlThis demonstration hopefully shows that amazing models such as ChatGPT are created with a specific task in mind and that outside of this task cannot perform well. I think the fact that it can still perform tasks outside the domain of…chatgpt specific, specific task, friend specific, specific dietuncategorized, author, tower, hospital, visit2
diviande.nlWe always offer our customers the chance to discuss any specific requirements they have, whether in terms of their company’s business processes or otherwise. We process, portion and pack our meat and meat alternatives entirely according…challenge specific, specific solution, chance specific, specific requirementsprotein, assortment, release, transition, alternative2
thiadenshealth.nlI believe in integrative medicine. I take into account the treatments given to you by your conventional doctors, and then look for natural solutions specific to your individual needs and personal preference.solution specific, specific individual, expat specific, specific challengeintegrative, medicine, homeopathy, nutritional, treatment2
eucasa.nlWe provide suitable housing for you or your employees based on your specific requirements.employee specific, specific requirementsrental, expat, dreamer, housing, bathroom2
tightshipoil.nl…of MGO in the Netherlands. The secret to our succes lies in our dedication. All our staff has extensive and specific experience in the supply chain of MGO. Moreover, we have secured long-term contracts, reaffirming our position as…cfpp specific, specific density, extensive specific, specific experienceoil, chemical, supply, competitive, efficient2
frutoria.nlOver the last 25 years, Frutoria has specialised in producing specific flavours for animal foods, particularly in the field of pet reward products. In addition, much time has been devoted to improving the organoleptic aspects of feed for…frutoria specific, specific flavour, feed specificflavour, colouring, additive, taste, rapid2
tobys.nlWe supply a wide range of high-quality personal care products at competitive prices. But nothing is standard. We develop just the right products and packaging together with our clients, based on their specific wishesclient specific, specific wish, specific productchain, supply, toothbrush, foot, aid2
inpharmatrading.nl…In Pharma Trading knows exactly which specifications, quality and service levels its machines and services should have. Therefore we are able to determine together with you which machines are best suited to your specific situation.well specific, specific situation, machinery specific, specific financialtrading, machinery, pharmaceutical, distribution, het2
dutchlabourlaw.nlI appreciated that the trainer could share his rich experience in Dutch employment law and that we could discuss specific practical examples in a small group of participants.law specific, specific practicallaw, labour, employment, contemporary, path2
somniaconsultancy.nlYou purchase a complete ProCEEL system on behalf of one user group per speciality. We do not have any client-specific rates.client specific, specific ratehealthcare, prior, clearly, questionnaire, guidance2
rensmachielse.nlRens Machielse gives guest lectures, master classes and workshops about sound and music for moving images. His expertise covers specific topics such as ‘the design process of the sound track’ and ‘the role of the sound track in…expertise specific, specific topic, experience specific, specific curriculumcomposer, lecturer, researcher, advisor, collaboration2
bsdekolk.nlBefore we delve into the specifics of Boston’s real estate market, it’s essential to understand the broader context of real estate in the United States. The country’s vast size and regional diversity result in a wide array of property…active specific, specific quantityuncategorized, property, estate, gambling, neighborhood2
pleijsierhotelrenovatie.nlWould you like more information about a specific project? Please feel free to contact us.information specific, specific projectrenovation, instead, society, sustainability, increasingly2
vpsd-techsol.nl…technical and engineering services, product development, marketing services, information technology in the chemical industry used mainly for textile, pulp and paper; hence providing specific know how to its international customers.client specific, specific custom, paper specific, specific knowchemical, technique, operation, factory, mainly2
aardbei-extra.nlAardbei Extra has it’s own facility for producing High Quality Pre Basic Material plants. We also have the ability to grow specific trial plants to the desire of the customer.able specific, specific variety, ability specific, specific trialstrawberry, variety, vacancy, russian, polish2
chemischafvalnederland.nl…methods and the transport requirements. At Chemical Waste Netherlands we strive to provide cost-effective solutions that meet your specific needs. For pricing and rates, please fill out our online quotation form without obligation.solution specific, specific need, team specific, specific situationwaste, chemical, disposal, hazardous, battery2
jeroenrood.nl…change. From an interaction design perspective, it was interesting to understand how human drivers would handle specific situations, and to create an automomous car translation for when it would communicate intentions to show similar…wild specific, specific neighborhood, driver specific, specific situationux, visual, industrial, situation, selection2
dreessenadvocaten.nl…will (for a large part) pay the lawyer’s fees. The Legal Aid Council will only grant legal aid if a person’s income and capital is below a specific threshold and will carry out the necessary checks. In respect of this you must note that:capital specific, specific threshold, retrospectively specific, specific financialaid, lawyer, fee, court, council2
wecallforyou.nlAngelique works with various agencies at various levels. The choice per agency depends on the specific target group and objectives. “Through contact with Lisette she came into contact with Monique. That felt great from the first moment…agency specific, specific target, assignment specific, specific objective, example specificcampaign, appointment, cold, conversation, successful2
vintagecuriosa.nl2Connect Logistics is a dynamic and innovative logistics service provider. We offer worldwide solutions with a fresh approach to all your specific business requirements. Our organisation is well known with project cargo and temperature…approach specific, specific business, requirements specific, specific productlogistics, logistic, supplier, cargo, worldwide2
dejongkunststofbewerking.nlWe deliver customized solutions in technical plastics, polyurethane, rubber, and elastomers. Our team combines craftsmanship with advanced technology to create products that meet your needs perfectly. This allows us to produce…industry specific, specific solution, specific componentpolyurethane, bellow, rich, elastomer, advanced2
readrfid.nl…Every year a new card was introduced, so the people behind the bar could recognize by the color and image of the card etc who was a member that specific year, allowed to play at the club and to have the key for the gates of the clubapp specific, specific purpose, member specific, specific yearmembership, reader, lock, near, identification2
brightcape.nlWe guide our clients throughout their entire data journey. Our number one priority is to tailor our consultancy services to our client’s specific business needs and data challenges- from vision to value.client specific, specific business, help specific, specific datacape, bright, interaction, mining, guide2
ruvu.nlAs a robot builder you bring hardware and software together . But it takes specific robot sensors to solve robot problems. Sensors such as Lidar, Ultra Wideband localization, GPS RTK and floor scanners for positioning, but also cameras…software specific, specific robot, perception specific, specific expertiserobotic, autonomous, fleet, behavior, showcase2
get-your-kicks.nl…one-of-a-kind shoe, our bespoke shoes are the perfect choice. These shoes are custom-made to match the customer's specific measurements, preferences, and needs. Additionally, we also produce special pairs of shoes for fashion shows. Thesecustomer specific, specific measurement, interested specific, specific pairshoe, bespoke, exhibition, pair, additionally2
dispolab.nlYou want the best product for your specific needs, at the most competitive price possible. You expect your supplier to work with you. You also expect consistent quality, short lead times and a flexible and proactive approach to problem…product specific, specific need, specific wishlaboratory, chromatography, filtration, microbiology, packaging2
meex-tax.nlBusiness is dynamic: companies expand or contract, enter new markets or narrow their focus on a specific market. All these changes affect the tax position of an entrepreneur in a big way.situation specific, specific wish, focus specific, specific markettax, estate, abroad, crystal, asset2
nielsbrouwers.nl…of Obeo Designer and a panel discussion about the dilemma whether a company should be developing it’s own Domain Specific Languages. The day ended with a very well organized punting trip, a boot trip similar to gondolas in Venice.domain specific, specific languageconference, generation, fei, documentation, discussion2
you-ai.nl…world. More specifically, AI uses algorithms that read recorded data to learn patterns in that data, which it captures in a model. This is also called machine learning. Depending on the purpose of the model, specific algorithms are used.model specific, specific algorithm, characteristics specific, specific dataartificial, intelligence, curious, visitor, algorithm2
crm.nlTaking the initial step to buy a trailer can be a defining moment for many businesses. Situated in the Netherlands, CRM Trucks & Trailers boasts a vast collection of diverse trailers, ready to meet any specific requirement. With a robust…ready specific, specific requirementaxle, tire, steel, stock, leave2
gtbv.nlThorough familiarity with site specific safety rules allows us to integrate remediating historic and new remediation projects with business-as-usualsolution specific, specific issue, site specific, specific safetygroundwater, soil, remediation, historic, geotechnical2
mariacarlier.nlas New york city are typically extra costly than, state, Salt Lake City, Utah or Ft Well Worth, Texas). In addition to geographical place, the specific location of experience and also level of danger will certainly produce the cost up also.schedule specific, specific sensation, place specific, specific locationbodyguard, uncategorized, actually, august, defense2
element-advocaten.nl…each niche of environmental law, including safety issues, nature conservation law, water law, spatial planning and specific areas such as biocides, pesticides, freedom of information. Our attorneys regularly lecture (in company or…date specific, specific knowledge, planning specific, specific areaenvironmental, lawyer, profile, decade, litigation2
jaspergitaar.nlFeel free to fill in the contact form below for an obligation free quote. Please be as specific as possible about your requirements and budgetsubject specific, specific educational, quote specific, specific possiblelesson, guitar, guitarist, pricing, acoustic2
dtba.nlIn addition to this, the DTBA wishes to represent the specific collective interests of the affiliated members. A number of elements play an integral role in this, such as setting up and maintaining training programmes, improving…dtba specific, specific collectivetube, trade, bend, profile, metal2
zilveradvocaten.nlThanks to our experience, we are able to come up with creative solutions that take into account your specific wishes and needsaccount specific, specific wishemployment, lawyer, law, firm, employee2
science4justice.nlConventional methods for investigating air embolism were not followed. These require specific post-mortem techniques, which were not carried out. Instead, two x-rays, taken more than 30 minutes after death and showing air in major blood…embolism specific, specific postinsulin, evidence, blood, justice, peptide2
theconvertibles.nlPut your legal translations in the right hands. We provide accurate translation of legal documents and certification services, if needed. You can trust our excellent linguistic skills as well as specific legal knowledge.industry specific, specific knowledge, specific domain, skills specific, specific legaltranslation, translator, comprehensive, specialize, effective2
kurumi.nlKurumi will adapt to your specific needs, and will therefore be able to deliver the best results.expert specific, specific solution, kurumi specific, specific needoperational, save, artificial, broad, intelligence2
beautyboutiquerotterdam.nlDesigned to be personalised for each client’s specific needs, The Eyebrow Style and The Classic Eyebrow Tint highlight the natural features and beauty of our clients.client specific, specific need, advice specificskin, treatment, facial, relaxation, package2
sureconnection.nlOur portfolio items are in Dutch. If you would like a translation of a specific item, please let us know.closely specific, specific need, translation specific, specific itemconnection, proud, visibility, entrepreneur, enthusiastic2
cloudto.nlOur Linux LXC containers provide the perfect environment for efficient execution of your programs while ensuring minimal resource consumption. Experience the flexibility and simplicity of Linux LXC containers for your specific needs…container specific, specific need, system specific, specific requirementsmetal, bare, dedicated, kvm, vps2
guruscan.nlHigh-skilled knowledge workers spend 20% of their time searching for information or tracking down colleagues to help with specific tasks. That is 1 day per week not adding value to your organization.colleague specific, specific taskemployee, leader, task, servant, colleague2
whatstudy.nl…(recurrence), because the effect duration of a triptan is too short for the duration of the migraine attack. Therefore, there is a great need for a woman-specific (hormonal) treatment for migraines. Read the full article here (in Dutch) .woman specific, specific hormonal, sex specific, specific treatmentwoman, attack, treatment, menstrual, headache2
p42consulting.nlIt was mentioned before that the microflow names of such scripts have a specific prefix. This helps the developer to see the purpose of the microflows while working with the Mendix Modeler. There’s no other reason for the prefix than this.microflow specific, specific naming, script specific, specific prefixconsulting, mendix, configuration, migration, maintenance2
marcosflexa.nlOutside the Classes the athlete can participate in specific training where the student is observed by all Black Belts of the academy, Training consist of 1.5 hour-long with Specific Positions or Drills, which is the best method to fix the…athlete specific, specific training, long specific, specific positionmarcos, carlson, degree, trial, session2
deruyterdieseltechniek.nlDe Ruyter Dieseltechniek B.V has revolutionized the market for generating sets. Instead of offering standard generating sets, De Ruyter Dieseltechniek B.V. tailors its products to the specific wishes and requirements of each customer. The…customer specific, specific criterion, product specific, specific wishprofile, generate, facility, town, criterion2
finaldesign.nlExperts with a lot of experience with and professional knowledge of Multimedia Communication. For example Brand Identity, design & design, corporate identities for all types of printed matter and the internet. Brochures, annual reports…report specific, specific electronic, law specific, specific areafinal, motion, click, report, annual2
proefdierjaarverslagrug.nlAlthough legislation provides frameworks, it does not concern itself with details. For this reason, its specific interpretation may be unclear. Experts have therefore drafted several Codes of Practice covering various research fields: ‘…effective specific, specific fat, reason specific, specific interpretationanimal, ug, study, laboratory, fish2
vetami.nlVetami offers knowledge in various ways, such as small-scale theoretical training often in combination with wetlab, digital consultations for the individual patient, lectures for up to 200 students about one specific area of ​​interest…student specific, specific area, day specific, specific topicanimal, surgery, veterinarian, consultation, monday2
pracsens.nlWhat good leadership means in practise depends strongly on the often changing specific circumstances. It’s therefor essential to be able to make your choice out of a broad assortment of ideas, inspirational sources and perspectives. A…strongly specific, specific circumstances, lead specific, specific case, case specificleadership, practical, sensible, initiative, involve2
pixanna.nlDiscount prices may be a few cents off, sorry, I tried my best to stay within the range but can’t discount to a specific price, can only use percentages on Sellfy 🙁range specific, specific pricetile, dungeon, ancient, leave, holiday2
basreus.nl…abundance. Nowadays there is an abundance of knowledge, an abundance of people who know how to find people for specific needs, or willing to share experiences, ideas or knowledge about numerous subjects like travel, product reviews…people specific, specific need, good specific, specific areacapital, collaborative, analysis, philosophy, behavior2
printlabel.nlWe supply textile labels and self-adhesive blank labels on a roll. If you’re not an expert in labels and printers, it may be hard to determine what kind of labels are best for your specific applications.good specific, specific application, ribbon specific, specific materialribbon, industrial, ink, maintenance, allen2
foreverimages.nlThe post-processing of the photos gets the time it deserves. The post-processing can completely change the character of the photo. I regularly do a shoot or take a photo with a specific end result in mind. The post-processing is often an…photo specific, specific end, file specific, specific printforever, photographer, wedding, portrait, regard2
lasventurasplayground.nlFEATURE : We now have the ability to require use of SAMPCAC for specific player accounts.issue specific, specific manager, sampcac specific, specific playercommand, player, playground, administrator, january2
aikimickey.nlBesides the basic necessities of life, dressing and style are two of the most important parts of our lives. We change our style according to specific occasions as events, red carpets and videoclip shoots. While trying to mix that with a…style specific, specific occasion, chat specific, specific itemtrue, exclusive, possibility, clothing, limited2
high5.nlLooking for a flexible and cost-effective solution for your server needs? Our server hardware rental service offers short and long-term rental options to meet your specific requirements.option specific, specific requirements, capacity specific, specific projectrental, flexible, period, git, mirror2
harrietkroon.nlTo meet your specific needs, I offer a variety of services like remote consultations.light specific, specific focusconsultation, jewellery, essence, transmission, remote2
orangethinfilms.nl• No standard chamber dimensions; flexible and scalable to process needs (fully customer specific)customer specific, specific substratethin, orange, deposition, technique, evaporation2
ylect.nlYLECT provides specialized consultancy and customized implementations. We give specific advice and offer project and implementation support for your organization in, for example, the detection and prevention of integrity risks related to…implementation specific, specific advice, job specific, specific trainingrisk, regulatory, consulting, vacancy, implementation2
neobiotech.nlNeobiotech carries a wide assortment of compact kits each offering an innovative solution to a specific medical issue raised by dentists. Since they launched in 2008 successfully the CMI Implant system their signaturesolution specific, specific medicaldentist, implant, satisfaction, patient, mouth2
oicp.nlOak Island invests with co-investors from its network of private investors and entrepreneurs and aims at aligning its investors with the specific investment profile at hand in order to enhance its understanding of and network in a…investor specific, specific investment, network specific, specific business, potential specificinvestment, island, oak, capital, partners2
backyardbbqamsterdam.nlhelped quickly and efficiently with their (new) hobby. Backyard BBQ Amsterdam is happy to be engaged by people with specific questions or a specific need for support in their backyard during a private BBQ session or at a small-scale event /experience specific, specific question, question specific, specific support, people specificbackyard, recipe, on-1, technique, scale2
eibmarkt.nlFees may not apply starting from a specific cart value and depending on the country (e.g. PayPal), see cart. As an option, payment methode charges or service charges for the order value are calculated and displayed in the cart (Prices…fee specific, specific cart, article specific, specific searchcharge, payment, limit, tax, destination2
nbms.nlEvery NBMS broker is a professional with specific marked knowledge, national as well as international. All NBMS brokers are certified by the EMCI which allows them to operate as acknowledged surveyors but they can also assist you with…professional specific, specific mark, procedure specific, specific problemship, vessel, association, inland, yacht2
cloudbilling.nl“ I find it incredibly unique that certain specific reports can have their own dedicated portals, offering my customers valuable insights and information tailored to their needs. CloudBilling actively engages with me, generating ideas…certain specific, specific reportbilling, study, accurate, growth, manage2
lupro.nlExperienced Bentelo-based trade professionals offering top-notch services. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, we deliver exceptional solutions that cater to your specific needs. Our commitment to excellence and customer…solution specific, specific need, mould specific, specific requirementsmould, injection, impression, prototyping, trade2
wedosoftware.nlWEDOC Document Management System is Streamlining Document Circulation with Ease Discover a tailored software designed to empower your customs agency in managing document circulation seamlessly. This software caters to the specific needs…cater specific, specific need, team specificanalysis, immersive, dedicated, enterprise, request2
methodslab.nlIn addition to one-on-one advice on your research project, we organize workshops on specific methods and techniques as well as guest lectures on interesting research projects done by researchers at Maastricht University and beyond.workshop specific, specific method, specific methodologicallab, lecture, staff, guest, resource2
fa-m.nl…a project within a set time frame, to temporarily replace a team member or paint a more accurate picture of a specific situation. FAM offers the personnel and organisational skills required to reach the set objectives and reporting inpicture specific, specific situation, approach specific, specific characteristicsadministration, salary, secondment, resource, successful2
sazyes.nlAn insurance medical capacity assessment is a specialist medical examination in which an independent insurance physician prepares a report based on his or her specific expertise.report specific, specific expertiseexamination, independent, assessment, disability, absenteeism2
studentcouncil.nlStudium Generale is an extensive transdisciplinary theory programme that addresses students and faculty at all departments of the Rietveld. It follows a new research trajectory every year around a specific theme that links up with current…year specific, specific themecouncil, union, initiative, asian, east2
issblog.nl…statement was made on behalf of a large number of students, the editorial board of BLISS decided, at the students’ specific request, to publish their statement. We congratulate the students on their graduation and wish them well as they…student specific, specific request, law specific, specific legalbliss, humanitarian, october, war, conference2
enduroebikes.nlWith our ebikes you can have your bike custom built however you choose, so if your needs are more focused on range as a key factor over top-end power then we can also fit specific lower bit still powerful motors with much higher AH…bike specific, specific need, power specific, specific lowbike, commute, electric, road, bit2
desertcart.nlI ordered a very specific product and it was brought to my doorstep in a reasonable amount of time, thank you Desertcart!secure, hague, reliable, electronic, toy2
atb-motors.nl…converters, inverters and controllers from a few Watts to 50MW for a wide range of industrial and domestic applications. We develop and deliver standard, customer-specific and project-based products in small, medium and large series.customer specific, specific project, solution specific, specific applicationdocumentation, electric, career, worldwide, frequency2
dynamic-solutions.nlAn Basis turntable is the result of the same Basis Systems Approach of product development as other Basis products, where each individual subsystem contributing to the performance of the product is identified. Specific goals for the…product specific, specific goal, recording specific, specific aspectdynamic, mirror, hungary, eat, shelter2
intramar.nlThe INTRAMAR team is very experienced with specific contracts within the oil- and gas and offshore wind industry.experience specific, specific contract, knowledge specific, specific businessinsurance, oil, liability, personnel, vessel2
milestonebanden.nlMilestone has the right tyre for every season with the right, seasonal, specific properties. There is a wide choice of summer, all-season and winter tyres.seasonal specific, specific property, information specific, specific milestonetyre, milestone, season, legislation, italian2
boarzepiepers.nlAnother thing that need to to keep in mind is usually that the rules of one online casino may differ from the extra. For instance, really are a few some casinos that give a specific dollar amount which will be able to avail if and in the…schedule specific, specific sense, casino specific, specific dollar, account specificgambling, money, gambler, win, player2
phytowur.nlL-type lectin receptor kinases; new forces in plant immunity. These receptor-like kinases coined as LecRKs are plant-specific transmembrane proteins with an extracellular legume type lectinplant specific, specific transmembrane, oomycete specific, specific proteindiscovery, laboratory, chair, genetic, clone2
mycareercompany.nlTo give you some general direction or help you prepare for a specific job interview.direction specific, specific jobcareer, expat, face, abroad, employee2
bcellnetwork.nlJoin the largest Immunology Meeting in Europe. For B cell and antibody topics, many dedidated workshops will be featured and the following specific speakers will present their research in the main program:workshop specific, specific speakercell, antibody, partners, patient, vacancy2
radofoto.nlAspects such as display illumination, watching range, and specific level of sensitivity to blue light can all impact the degree to which blue light direct exposure adds to eye stress and pain. Blue light glasses developed particularly for…range specific, specific levelactually, glass, hair, cover, chain2
stokvistapes.nlStokvis Tapes brings unique focus to the specific markets we serve as a converter, contract manufacturer and global logistics partner for adhesive and flexible materials. That focus, Continuous Partner Involvement, and the broad, deep…focus specific, specific market, understand specific, specific demandadhesive, renewable, cut, electronic, paper2
puff-commerce.nlThe processing of your personal data is necessary to perform the service. The services provided by PC cannot be fully executed without processing your personal data. If explicit consent is required for specific purposes relating to…consent specific, specific purposeshall, agreement, supplier, obligation, purpose2
ebc.nlEBC offers businesses and authorities a language training that is geared to the working situation. Specific language, technical, commercial or financial jargon. Language that can be used during phone calls, conference calls, presentations…situation specific, specific language, programme specific, specific needinterpreter, institute, translation, bulgarian, french2
happybiz.nlAt the soul of Immediate Oneness Earnings exists the acknowledgment that specific excellence is actually delicately connected to aggregate wealth. As opposed to browsing teams or even staffs as separated silos, companies need to develop a…acknowledgment specific, specific excellence, success specific, specific attempt, attempt specificactually, hair, immediate, thread, glass2
aweja.nl…– means we are continually able to refine our range of products and related services in line with customer-specific requirements. The fact that we combine existing components allows us to work with our customers to develop new…customer specific, specific requirementscrane, plate, renovation, welding, supervision2
learn-dutch-eindhoven.nl…The program includes weekly conversation classes, special speaking sessions with natives for experiencing Dutch in real-life scenarios, and specific training for businesses focusing on language skill development and cultural awareness.scenario specific, specific training, word specific, specific structureigroup, intensive, lesson, het, participant2
cs-aestheticals.nl…strive to separate fact from fiction through clinical research and collaboration with a diverse network of medical professionals. This allows me to provide my clients with the most effective solutions tailored to their specific needs.solution specific, specific needclick, aesthetic, fill, dermatology, decade2
ampelmann.nlAs a global company, we know that each market and region is different and has its own specific needs. Click below to identify the most relevant contact for your query.line specific, specific need, different specificcareer, motion, leader, sustainability, operation2
mdlware.nlBefore graduating, ICA students followed a unique program with three semesters of their own choice. Each semester focuses on a specific professional task within the field of Computer Science, Information Technology, Business Information…team specific, specific size, semester specific, specific professionalinstead, unified, requirements, introduction, capable2
andrehazekamp.nlLinking trauma healing and family constellations to the specific situations of families with a parent of child with a congenital heart disorder.well specific, specific challenge, constellation specific, specific situationreader, inspirational, constellation, origin, complaint2
johanvanbreukelen.nlYou might also learn the chances of each team winning in every game as well as the odds of each player winning a specific game. This advice is essential when contemplating how to bet on sports events.player specific, specific game, guarantee specific, specific outcomelondon, player, odd, kingston, uncategorized2
alexkirichek.nl[C 26 ] Draganov D., Ma X., Heller K. and Kirichek A. (202 2 ). Ultrasonic experiments for retrieval of layer-specific reflections inside fluid mud from ports with seismic interferometry , Proceedings for 8 3rd EAGE Annual Conference &…layer specific, specific description, specific reflectionport, mud, fluid, dredging, sediment2
vmbaggum.nlIn the last couple of years I’ve obtained a couple of VMware and other vendor certifications. After that I wanted to broaden my knowledge outside the vendor specific certification and more in the IT architect certification direction…vendor specific, specific certification, trick specific, specific examvmware, vsan, session, august, vcf2
rechtensite.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…furturnity specific, specific law, etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip2
karsmakers.nlWhat’s this stuff with Elon Musk buying Twitter for the absurd amount of 44 billion? How about Trump being allowed back on? And then Musk started firing so many of the folks at Twitter by email , in specific the people who were…email specific, specific people, instead specific, specific percentagethink, universe, atari, answer, episode2
dpsfood.nlThere are many different types of coating systems which each result in specific external characteristics and crispiness.system specific, specific externallayer, protein, delicious, taste, ingredient2
ncim-groep.nlOnce in a while NCIM people come together for a workshop with a specific theme. The themes often come about from a hobby of an NCIM worker. The participants attend a Game Development workshop that consists of several sessions ... Read Moreworkshop specific, specific themesession, oracle, participant, phd, career2
languagelessons.nlSpecialized courses and practical language trainings for specific functions and industriestraining specific, specific function, case specific, specific questionlesson, teacher, exam, russian, french2
k2europe.nlEach of our trained canines come with a performance guarantee. We provide custom training for your specific K-9 needs within the specific disciplines.training specific, specific k-9, need specific, specific disciplinetransportation, canine, ministry, empower2
blossity.nlCities are home to urban talent employed in competitive corporations and to discerning consumers who value experience over stuff. Today’s city-culture calls for brands to have clear-cut urban strategies. Our specific expertise is in…strategy specific, specific expertise, site specific, specific qualityurban, study, leader, capital, investor2
iseemore.nlISEEMORE provides a variety of application options for entrepreneurs, accountants, managers, branch managers, franchiser, and franchisees fine-tuned to your specific needs.fine specific, specific needreport, overview, package, operational, weekly2
tecnoart.nl…street furniture to give a contemporary appearance to their streets, squares and parks. Besides our standard solutions, we are available to work out tailor made solutions to contribute to the specific image quality wishes in your projects.art specific, specific execution, solution specific, specific imageshelter, shed, bike, street, furniture2
jannekeblokland.nlWe read in the introduction to Psalm 51 that it was written by King David. Almost half of the Psalms are attributed to David, and some of them, including this morning’s Psalm, refer to specific episodes in the king’s life. David is…mourn specific, specific time, psalm specific, specific episodejesus, freedom, morning, church, king2
dutch-translator.nlMany translation agencies offer ‘everything’ to ‘everyone’, and others offer many languages for specific content. We’ve chosen a very clear and specific focus on Dutch as a target language.language specific, specific content, clear specific, specific focustranslation, translator, specialise, target, belgium2
compass-project.nl…changes in individual behaviour or societal context can lead to drastic change in macro level dynamics. To be specific, by a complex systems approach we intend a combination of theoretical agent-based modelling of school choice…dynamic specific, specific complex, specific focuscompass, modelling, computational, dynamic, summary2
tubesense.nlTubeSense ® offers a cloud-based software solution with different PC and mobile front-end apps to facilitate your specific healthcare logistics. Sample data, temperature profiles and measured conditions during transport and storage are…suite specific, specific module, app specific, specific healthcaretemperature, vial, logistics, pharmaceutical, sensitive2
mcs-solar.nl…of time, the panels will impressively deliver almost 85% of their original power. Please call or email us to receive detailed datasheets for more information on the specific lifespan and performance of the solar panels you are considering.information specific, specific lifespan, customer specific, specific needpanel, tower, battery, founder, cell2
shieldcapital.nlImplement and execute asset specific business plans in line with investment objectivesasset specific, specific businessshield, capital, estate, asset, acquisition2
dominiquebeckers.nl…Management prepares students to understand the process of innovation in the food and beverage industry, with a specific focus on improving consumer health and healthy eating behaviour. Through a multidisciplinary learning approach…with specific, specific focus, industry specificmolecular, advisor, resume, present, prepare2
tech-careers.nl…of IT jobs in the Netherlands with low competitiveness include niche programming languages, emerging technologies, and different specific IT roles (for example, .net developer jobs in Netherlands or android developer jobs in Netherlands).different specific, specific roleremotely, vacancy, career, demand, foreigner2
grethevangeffen.nlAround the grave of the Celtic woman, many coins were found and also specific bones. Apparently people worshipped her after her death. From the date of the coins, we know that the worship lasted over 150 years! She must have been very…difficult specific, specific light, coin specific, specific bonereply, diversity, archaeological, mosaic, leave2
takecoachingamsterdam.nlBecause you want specific life + business coaching for being a small business owner.ray, career, therapy, benefit, sense2
weerstation-denosse.nlFinally, you must understand that odds are not a guarantee of a specific outcome. Effectively simply a representation of your bookmaker`s prediction of the odds of a particular outcome that comes about. As a result, it`s essential to do…level specific, specific grade, guarantee specific, specific outcomegambling, companion, weer, football, uncategorized2
movimental.nlTherapy is a personal journey with an organic rhythm, where specific methods and the therapist`s presence accompany the explorer - YOU....rhythm specific, specific methodtherapy, parent, expat, divorce, systemic2
mkproducties.nlGet yourself a congres, event or meeting organised with eye for detail and tailored to your specific wishes.specific wish, detail specificwish, congress, involve, conscious, secretariat2
pakkingmateriaal.nlEach sector requires its own specific gasket solution and with our very extensive supply package, we can always offer you a suitable product for your application. In addition to the wide range of standard gaskets and accessories, we also…sector specific, specific gasket, size specific, specific requirementsgasket, sheet, thick, paper, thickness2
bhs.nlSince 2000 I have been working with Business Hotel Service to find the most suitable meeting location with accommodation options for the specific meetings I organize for my company. The BHS team is enthusiastic, they think along and…team specific, specific wish, option specific, specific meetingreservation, pricing, charge, conference, request2
vincentvanvierzen.nlFor a customer running VCF on HPE DL380 servers, we are running vROPS to monitor the infra layer. We have been using the webhook function to send higher prio events to a specific MS Teams channel so that the responsible people from the…event specific, specific ms, question specific, specific customervmware, operation, vcf, vsphere, provision2
leidihaaijer.nlMeaningful design for a school, focussing on the meaning of 'space' related to education; focussed on the growth of and the specific way of education practiced on this school (Dutch) .growth specific, specific wayyoungster, run, painting, auction, sign2
weeting.nlWeeting forms are working forms for weetings, fixed structures to shape the meeting. Weeting has seven basic forms which can be used for most consultations. In addition, there are specific, elaborate forms of weeting for almost every type…addition specific, specific elaborate, meeting specific, specific jointlystructure, walk, consultation, exercise, productive2
mathijskadijk.nlLast week I was enabling Bitcode for the PostNL app we develop. Bitcode is a new technology from Apple that optimizes your app by recompiling it in the cloud with optimizations for the specific device that downloads it, making the app…optimization specific, specific device, person specific, specific issuegithub, passionate, archive, autonomy, bug2
ectrix.nlat hand. By using a combination of exploratory analysis, deep dive investigations and data manipulation techniques, specific data for the intended purposes could be produced. Also part of these data deliveries were extensive data quality…expertise specific, specific need, technique specific, specific datumrisk, quantitative, remediation, requirements2
konijnenburg.nlFor building, construction and materials, we offer suitable casters for each specific application. Think for example of wheels with extra high load capacity, wheels for different surfaces and different materials for the running surface of…caster specific, specific applicationwheel, industrial, agriculture, horticulture, waste2
melindamoves.nlThe Recovery class is used as a recovery method by providing substantial assistance to people with specific health problems. This is a safe method and is the perfect choice for people who have a post-operative phase, hernia, neck, back or…help specific, specific health, people specificsession, strength, flexibility, instructor, rate2
timvandijk.nlWhile I cannot guarantee specific viewership numbers, I can promise high production values and informative content. I will also use my best judgment to promote my videos in a way that is likely to reach my target audience.stitch, cat, memory, channel, notice2
oxineo.nlThis app can be extended with insight with graphs in Power BI, to have an overview per week, month and year of all the time your employees did write on specific tasks.employee specific, specific task, logic specific, specific datumop, employee, vacation, integration, relation2
witnessthefitness.nlThe training plan we create for athletes and professionals is based on the physiological needs of their sports or job. We analyze their athletic or job profile and implement sports specific and functional exercises into their training…potential specific, specific strength, sport specific, specific functionalwitness, athlete, nutrition, strength, conditioning2
reitzekooistra.nlOnce you have decided on using my help, we can make an appointment at a time and place that suits you best. Based on your specific personal situation, here we will discuss the following points:well specific, specific personalsituation, renovation, tax, expat, mortgage2
remat.nlREMAT supplies for system integrators, with an emphasis on specific drive system and product delivery with thorough technical support, but also for OEMs, shipping companies and shipyards, where engineering, system integration and…knowledge specific, specific application, emphasis specific, specific drivecommissioning, vessel, electric, integration, heavy2
houtkamp.nlOur aim is not only to sell a car but to surprise the customer, by offering an outstanding service well beyond their expectations. We accompany the new owner on their journey creating, maintaining and enjoying their collection, as well as…fast specific, specific approach, collection specific, specific eventhistoric, automobile, sell, eligible, successful2
erikkroes.nlPick my brain. Let's work together, address your specific needs and make something great!brain specific, specific needaccessibility, glossary, brain, flexible, note2
damiacupunctuur.nl…and acupuncture is one of them. Last week I did a radionic crystals and PLS session with @fisiodami to treat a specific anxiety that was my trigger for my increased stress. And maybe one day I'll be able to explain the effect this has…acupuncture specific, specific point, home specific, specific acupuncture, session specificacupuncture, pain, treatment, acupressure, tension2
folkertdev.nlWhen I wanted to implement a python iterator from C using the Python C api, there was almost no information on it. At a time when we move to using more languages - to levarage each’s specific strengths - it is crucial to have a clear and…input specific, specific problem, language specific, specific strengthparent, python, json, archive, functional2
twogather.nlBut the important thing we understand is that we are passionate about and skilled in just a few things. Therefore we have linked with several partners with who we develop specific new tools to measure and accelerate your ambitions.partner specific, specific new, algorithm specific, specific behavioralemotion, behavior, involvement, ambition, colleague2
softwaresupportnederland.nlEvery enterprise has a specific set of demands, a distinctive way of working and is founded on an original identity, acknowledging that fact is our basis. We would like to meet you!enterprise specific, specific setsophisticated, entrepreneur, reliable, enterprise, overview2
3dstuffs.nl…offers a larger print size. Also a fold-able 3D printer, the TeeBotmax is known to handle marathon long prints producing good quality prints. The open design allows you to customise, tune and adapt the 3D printer to your specific use.printer specific, specific usedolor, aliquet, felis, default, lorem2
thecontentgroup.nlPersonalized Social Media postings, tailored to the right, specific target groupright specific, specific audience, specific targetvacancy, advertising, percent, million, overview2
geronimos-place.nlLow volatile slots on the contrary pay out small amounts of money frequently. It is a advisable to familiarize yourself with these terms, since every online casino has its own specific terms. The online slots industry is one that has…casino specific, specific term, spin specific, specific multipliice, player, odd, gambling, money2
people-unlimited.nlPeople Unlimited empowers your ability to create and maintain a high degree of personal well-being and effective action. You will encounter the specific mechanisms that allow you to take control of every aspect of your life: as a result…action specific, specific mechanism, specific resultunlimited, excellence, leader, entrepreneur, optimum2
hopmachines.nl…to meet all of your needs. Our expert consultants are ready to guide you in finding the right machines for your specific applications. In addition, we offer professional transportation of your purchased machines to any location. Whethermachine specific, specific application, option specific, specific needmachinery, metalworking, stock, miscellaneous, transportation2
mcsengineering.nl…various types of porosity measurements that can be used for a wide range of products. We can offer a porosity solution for almost every product. Our engineers are happy to look at the possibilities for your specific product with you.possibility specific, specific product, suitable specific, specific applicationmeasurement, affordable, introduction, temperature, porosity2
justnikki.nlI am committed to providing personalized and effective legal support. Whether you need guidance on a specific real estate matter or seek a reliable (inhouse) partner for more general legal matters, I am here to help.advice specific, specific matter, guidance specific, specific realestate, law, matter, attorney, effective2
big4data.nl…and learning model based on your data. Our models go beyond standard data analysis and are tailored to your specific data requirements and needs. A customized model produces predictions based on data. These predictions can be used…analysis specific, specific data, account specific, specific factordoor, technique, saving, analysis, revenue2
data-fly.nlDrive more leads and conversions with our effective advertising solutions, tailored to your specific needs. With our expertise in digital marketing, your business will reach new heights in online advertising.solution specific, specific need, audience specific, specific demographicpublisher, advertising, audience, conversion, campaign2
carbonmanager-en.nlWith the analysis and benchmark function in the Carbon Manager you quickly gain insight into your emissions. Compare locations and different years and zoom in on a specific emission activity.year specific, specific emissioncarbon, report, reduction, emission, quickly2
meijerstuc.nl…of the 12 months, is skilled super hiker. He or she promptly consented to weigh within and even realized his specific user profile: ISTJ (Guardian). We laughed. In case you haven't observed this, Skurka articles excel spreadsheets ofgreen specific, specific video, promptly specific, specific userwomen, inside, uk, run, grey2
tachyon-motorsport.nlTachyon Motorsport gladly mediates for clients in the sale of their (classic) racing- car. We have a large network and a solid international reputation. Our efforts may differ from mere advertising on our website and on specific…production specific, specific part, website specific, specific internationaljuly, february, preparation, maintenance, january2
betterunderstanding.nlAlso think of security rules and specific tasks they need the Dutch language for.company specific, specific need, rule specific, specific tasklesson, understand, teacher, cultural, fully2
futuracomposites.nlWe offer tailored design and engineering solutions to our customer's specific challengescustomer specific, specific challengecomposite, manufacture, industrial, employee, environmental2
ccs.nlWith more than 35 years of experience, CCS is the only one to offer an insurance-specific orchestration platform. It contains all the necessary relationship, policy and claim APIs with which you can reduce the complexity and lead time of…insurance specific, specific integration, specific orchestrationinsurance, marketplace, insurer, partnership, strategic2
sanderbockting.nlThe portfolio contains galleries with photos grouped by theme. Click on the photos to access the specific galleries.photo specific, specific gallery, specific albumaugust, july, october, february, iceland2
bedrijfsruimtedelft.nlBedrijfsruimte Delft exploits several shared commercial buildings in Delft. Are you looking for suitable commercial space? On our website you find an up-to-date overview of the available office spaces . If you have specific wishes, please…space specific, specific wish, question specificoverview, wish, building, suitable, quickly2
lexington-advocaten.nlLexington Law Firm has four lawyers and a support staff of two. We are a tightly-knit team, assisting our clients – companies and private individuals – in a number of specific fields of law .sector specific, specific issue, number specific, specific fieldlaw, firm, lawyer, primarily, rate2
lubrafil.nlLubrafil is a customer-focused specialist that does not only supply, install and service filters and elements but also advises you on your filtration issues. Whether this concerns the delivery of a specific filter element or calculating a…customer specific, specific filtration, delivery specific, specific filterfiltration, maintenance, subsidiary, think, package2
debockendekker.nlCulture pressure© has to do with knowledge of and respect for something. In a positioning we describe culture pressure© with matching styles and values. In this we are sure to uphold the right culture pressure¬© for a specific product.form specific, specific value, culture specific, specific productvisual, atmosphere, pressure, difference, decoration2
bssfamilierecht.nl…herself, as well as a mother of four, Agnes is firmly convinced of the need to keep communicating. Based on her specific field of expertise, Agnes provides her clients with a clear outline of the relevant legal frameworks and insights…intervention specific, specific situation, need specific, specific fieldlaw, divorce, lawyer, collaborative, agreement2
sportconsultnederland.nlSince 2017, SportConsult has started its own Talent Academy. The talents – scouted by SportConsult – will get extra training for their specific components and needs. All in close consultation with the Training of BVOs. This takes place in…training specific, specific component, particularly specific, specific skillsplayer, soccer, athlete, treatment, mental2
erren.nlIf the type of aircraft you are looking for is not listed, please contact us for a specific working drawing. We have solutions for every type of aircraft, train, boat, wind turbine, etc. and will work with you to find just the right one…good specific, specific situation, aircraft specific, specific workfall, protection, maintenance, anchor, aircraft2
oncogenetics.nlFor more information about the different research lines, vacancies and possibilities for research internships, visit the specific subpages or contact one of the principal investigators.meiosis specific, specific gene, internship specific, specific subpagepublication, facility, cancer, genetic, crispr2
groninger-bodem-beweging.nlThe village or neighborhood must participate in a dialogue on area-specific reinforcement measures​.area specific, specific reinforcementgbb, damage, extraction, compensation, earthquake2
wykorijnsburger.nlof the fragment is not reset, a fade will be shown when returning to this fragment from other fragments, even if no specific animation is specified. We can easily clear this by resetting theapp specific, specific set, fragment specific, specific animationtransition, kotlin, setup, verification, library2
rzvitaal.nlThe practice RZ Vitaal stands for treatments specifically aimed at (sports) massages, Medical Taping, Dry Needling, guidance in sports, advising and informing about a specific request for help and physical complaints. Rowana Zwerts…advise specific, specific request, area specific, specific muscletreatment, complaint, specialization, shoulder, collaboration2
kayn.nl…- as it should be understood in this context - is not goal-oriented but rather randomly aligned, possessing a specific function in relation to electronic and organic systems within the interpretation process. Thus the result is…shift specific, specific effect, randomly specific, specific functionadd, composition, electronic, official, composer2
bobnoordam.nlReading screen pixels from the main screen, and specific other application windowsscreen specific, specific applicationexchange, hyper, report, file, runtime2
melunaresearch.nl…The concept of a multidisciplinary network implies however, that professional education in biophotonics lacks a specific established academic framework. Publishing essential textbooks on biophotonics is one of the contributions of…parameter specific, specific body, biophotonic specific, specific academicphoton, emission, collaboration, measurement, medicine2
biccs.nlCustomisation for project applications BICCS offers the possibility to adapt paint systems to specific application, substrate and application requirements. For example, layer thicknesses, drying times and durability can be customised…system specific, specific application, product specificcolour, metal, paint, selection, aid2
curio.nlThere is a generic classification of the MBO levels to the European Qualification Framework. Generally, the four VET levels correspond with the first four levels of the EQF. It is, however, possible to come to a different classification…classification specific, specific qualification, sector specific, specific mattervocational, pre, adult, qualification, labour2
sportpresent.nlDo you exercise for fun or do you have a specific goal? Do you want to encourage someone? Do you exercise in a team or individually? It doesn't matter what your reason is, because SportPresent has a jewel or gift for every motivation and…fun specific, specific goaljewellery, olympic, present, bracelet, earring2
sourceidea.nl…many people working in different situations, therefore working with a group of coaches is a must. Our network organisation offers a mix of personalities and specific professional qualities to enable the highest chance of a positive match.personality specific, specific professionallecture, advise, effective, entrepreneur, resource2
maxvanmeer.nlI assume quite some prerequisite knowledge of control engineering here. If you have trouble understanding something after reading the references mentioned in the first post, feel free to ask a specific question in the comments.option specific, specific part, free specific, specific questionconsumer, pwm, ilc, frequency, resolution2
vodwageningen.nlThere are organizations that are specifically committed to victims of exploitation and that offer specific help:exploitation specific, specific help, obstacle specific, specific taskresidence, undocumented, permit, police, valid2
arcologistics.nlOne specific aspect within foodstuffs is the transport of fish. A trade that holds no secrets for ARCO, thanks to our decades of experience within the highly seasonal fish industry.complex specific, specific rightlogistics, climate, storage, resource, fish2
geefmijmaareenboek.nlCooking for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet: Over 125 Easy, Healthy, and Delicious Recipes that are Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free, and Grain-Free Paperback – 20 mei 2022cooking specific, specific carbohydratecompare, wishlist, add, guide, ago2
omnisdt.nl…to provide extensive distribution, consultation and support services to almost any kind of enterprise. Our global network consists of trusted local businesses partners, which are always able to apply country-specific expertise to our work.country specific, specific expertiseassociate, resource, growth, reputation, matter2
iuppiter.nlOur global network of trusted suppliers ensures that we can supply you with a good variety of all major brand refurbished servers and server components, as well as source specific spare parts according to your needs.search specific, specific number, source specific, specific sparestocklist, major, distributor, independent, builder2
sawannana-spa.nlto relax, rejuvenate and revitalize. Our experienced massage therapists apply traditional and modern techniques to provide you with a unique and personalized massage experience. Each massage is carefully curated to meet your specific needs.carefully specific, specific need, treatment specific, specific pressuremin, treatment, oil, foot, muscle2
yellowresearch.nl…Universities and Research Institutes in more than 15 countries. Our workshops include Masterclasses focussing on a specific funding scheme, interview trainings preparing our participants for an interview with the funding agency and career…masterclasse specific, specific funding, engineer specific, specific interestyellow, proposal, grant, appointment, past2
animeupdate.nlKeiser University Loan Forgiveness Program, Totally Comprehensive Guide and Specificsmin, january, chapter, discussion, release2
robkuijt.nl…year playing with “test industrialization” my knowledge is better. But still, especially the timeline (“when was a specific type of test tooling introduced”) was a gap in my mind. An overview: “History of Test Automation” would be very…timeline specific, specific type, test specific, specific modelautomation, whisper, manually, early, generation2
simlogic.nlOne improvement of particular interest is that of a specific transfer printing process that can be used to decorate different materials. It is used to decorate in high volumes aluminium slats, which are used in the to make Venetian…interest specific, specific transferpatent, mosquito, disease, device, wich2
andonwards.nlOr reserve a one time rental. Book with 30% off a specific look for a specific datebook specific, specific look, look specific, specific dateclothing, rental, woman, bag, onwards2
thrivelocal.nlBased on Google Reviews, we can provide advice on how to improve the customer experience and where you can make specific improvements in business activities.experience specific, specific improvementthrive, report, chain, profile, optimization2
ona-taal-coaching.nlAbove all, communication as a neccessary skill wil be a part of each training together with the more specific skills mentioned above.carefully specific, specific need, training specific, specific skillsworkplace, exam, assistance, lesson, oral2
spekhorti.nl…and a decent dose of experience on different levels of management at several companies, I can be hired on a flexible base for managing jobs at your company. As a pioneer, on an interim base, or for specific projects. Let’s get in touch!person specific, specific job, base specific, specific projectquotation, farm, season, pioneer, entrepreneur2
astonic-rides.nlAt Astonic, we believe that every ride is unique, just like our customers. We understand that every cyclist has their own specific desires and needs. That's why we commit to creating a custom E-Ride for every unique customer. Our E-Rides…cyclist specific, specific desire, ride specific, specific questionride, bike, electric, mobility, earth2
spijkerrenovatie.nlinformed decisions and plan accordingly. The price of each renovation project we undertake is tailored to meet your specific needs and wishes. We take the time to visit your property, and assess the scope of work required before providing aproject specific, specific need, service specificrenovation, inform, transparency, decision, promptly2
organicseeds.nlThis leads to great opportunities for example for breeders to breed žlocalÓ next to their žglobalÓ varieties. Varieties developed in and for a specific region!! These will be better adapted to local conditions (soil, climate, etc.)…initiative specific, specific legislation, variety specific, specific regionorganic, seed, supply, variety, crop2
vlpb.nlOn basis of common ground and joint commitment VLPB members also initiate large projects in collaboration with Dutch Universities. Finally VLPB members may also initiate projects dedicated to development and implementation of specific…implementation specific, specific software, management specific, specific datasequence, genome, laboratory, genomic, rna2
joostgoutziers.nlI was trained as a teacher of Dutch language and graduated in street theater and site-specific theatre. For that research I traveled for a year through the Netherlands and Belgium to see performances and to meet artists.site specific, specific theatremotivation, independent, imagination, intrinsic, dance2
kemprogramma.nlthe KEM research programme framework, agenda and the individual projects addressing specific research questions within 1-3 years,project specific, specific research, specific recommendationmining, risk, hazard, panel, report2
reislekker.nlThe actual format of the ambassadorship depends on the brand, as well as your specific wishes. In this regard, we are flexible and would like to get in contact with you.brand specific, specific wishcollaboration, audience, target, follower, channel2
bespokeworks.nlBespoke Works offers custom furniture and complete interior renovation services for both homes & business. Based in Amsterdam, we design and craft unique furniture and interiors to fit your specific needs. Book a consultation today and…interior specific, specific need, solution specific, specific requirementsinterior, renovation, bespoke, furniture, carpenter2
cibiday.nlimportant group in the plant. Besides that these terpenes can be distilled from cannabis, they are also found in many other plants. Our unique CBD Terpene Oil is composed of cannabidiol and a sophisticated mix of specific types of terpenes.mix specific, specific type, terpene specific, specific cannabisoil, hemp, terpene, add, herb2
floraconcepts.nlGood product images are the base of a digital assortment in Floraconcepts. If you don’t have your own plant photos at hand or if you are looking for a specific plant in the right stadium, from now on you can easily find photos in…hand specific, specific plant, need specific, specific knowledgeinnovative, floral, combination, showcase, pricing2
palmapilates.nlWe offer personalized private sessions, also known as 'personal training.' These sessions start with an intake session where your personal trainer customizes a training program tailored to your specific needs and goals.class specific, specific need, program specificsession, london, exercise, overview, quartet2
indonesiatour.nl“ Dadang Supardi Tours is great to work with. I had very specific interests to pursue in Central Java, and Pardi and his team did the research and legwork in advance of my travels to make sure that I could visit the places and meet the…great specific, specific interest, advance specific, specific routedriver, indonesia, guide, holiday, flexible2
frankrijkindenhaag.nlSupport during a job with French speaking contacts or in preparation for. Along with specific technical terminology, attention is also paid to French business etiquette. Lessons can take place in your company.lesson specific, specific requirements, preparation specific, specific technicalfrench, lesson, participant, pronunciation, accordance2
watcon.nlWatcon has retained 80% of it’s clients in the last 5 years for a reason. Our team are proud of our high quality service and specialized product range. We know all industry specific requirements inside out, and can pass that knowledge…pool specific, specific requirements, industry specificdosing, chemical, analysis, pressure, conditioning2
orbit-groundschool.nlDiscover a suitable theory course from our extensive range of flight training courses, each carefully designed to seamlessly match both your individual needs and your specific goals.need specific, specific goaltheory, study, military, exam, cooperation2
magrathea-tlc.nl…the people interacting with it, or in fact the ideas they hold in regards to the firm and how it develops. More specific this concerns the way that ideas are selected to become a part of the body of ideas that guides them and thereby…behavior specific, specific firm, firm specific, specific wayfirm, behavior, theory, hypothesis, phenomenon2
devriesnutritionsolutions.nlNutrition for the elderly requires adaptation of those foods that are regularly consumed by the ageing population. The specific needs are intensively studied in several large studies, such as the European project PROMISS of which I am the…analysis specific, specific expertise, population specific, specific neednutrition, committee, ethical, study, systematic2
drlandman.nl, you should be aware that many hotels (receptions) and travel companies have exclusive and lucrative contracts with specific hospitals. Because of this, they will only arrange for their foreign guests to be visited by doctors who are…efficient specific, specific care, contract specific, specific hospital, doctor specificspain, patient, doctor, ability, hospital2
ontdeknoordgroningen.nland to Fietsroutes to study cycling routes. On the pages below you will find a small number of destinations in this specific region around Eemshaven, including the City of Groningen. In case you travel by train: all of these have a train…destination specific, specific regionwalk, interactive, village, norway, island2
frisianguide.nlFrisian Guide Agency provides guides for tour operators, shipping companies and other businesses, but also for family outings and parties. We gladly help you put together a tour or package according to your specific wishes.care specific, specific wish, package specificguide, frisian, op, boat, possibility2
explicitselection.nl…industry standards and certifications to enable you to select the most suitable technological stack for your specific product needs. Apart from that, we can assist you in making buy or build decisions, and in forging partnerships…stack specific, specific productselection, explicit, regulatory, implementation, collateral2
aldous.nlAldous meets specific information needs of its clients by developing custom information solutions.aldous specific, specific information, client specificestablishment2
jannah-blog.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip2
nunu.nlNunu is a specialist in designing control systems for tunnels for train, subway and car. Knowledge of the specific safety requirements and test methods make us an attractive partner for these projects.role specific, specific knowledge, knowledge specific, specific safetyinstallation, yearly, pump, improvement, panel2
astridessed.nlThe plan lacked operational specifics, however, and within a few months, a new plan was drawn up, Plan D (Dalet).operational specific, specific monthpalestine, village, palestinians, cleansing, palestinian2
invisiblegiants.nlDuring this session, your chakras will be rebalanced and recharged and the natural energy flow In your body will be boosted. This will be achieved with light touch on your clothed body and the use of specific crystals. After the hands-on…time specific, specific activity, use specific, specific crystalinvisible, treatment, worry, anger, situation2
indestartblokken.nl-translating concern vision and mission into specific parts of the company with clear goals both short as long term orientedmission specific, specific part, focus specific, specific individualstructure, concern, comprehensive, logical, manner2
froster.nlPolarPack is specialised in repackaging products according to client-specific requirements. From bulk to consumer packaging and from box content to label: everything is arranged in detail.client specific, specific requirementsstock, logistics, warehouse, worry, distribution2
biketraders.nlAs a wholesaler, we work closely with various suppliers at home and abroad. Whether you are looking for a few bikes for your shop or a larger order for your bike rental business, we can meet your specific needs.business specific, specific need, specification specific, specific requirementsbike, bicycle, electric, wholesale, piece2
veragelissen.nl"Vera has a great approach in coaching: she gave specific advice if I needed it and gave a lot of room to discover for myself what works and what does not. She knows the theories about influencing, communicating and leaderschip and can…organisation specific, specific challenge, coaching specific, specific advicewoman, humour, ambition, background, career2
vitallispsy.nlThe important thing to remember is that therapy is less about the hours devoted to it and more about the meaning of those hours of inner work. The therapist will work out a treatment plan with the patient and help them to set goals over a…goal specific, specific period, individual specific, specific suffertherapy, psychology, behavioral, patient, psychologist2
jepeges.nl…in almost all aspects of the finance function with companies based in the Netherlands and abroad. He has specific industry knowledge in telecommunications, cable and utilities industry. In many instances Johan was involved in…solution specific, specific situation, abroad specific, specific industrysummary, report, regulatory, improvement, firm2
filopopers.nl…ad data and privacy ” hide #niks ” This omission ??, as well as the appearance of Rutger Bregman in Davos): this specific integral research would complement existing and certainly progressive insight / staffs as well as benefiting people,davos specific, specific integral, yes specific, specific weightturbine, noise, province, farm, distance2
basicpharma.nlThese services are tailored to your specific needs, implementing the relevant quality guidelines at every step along the way.service specific, specific need, offering specificmanufacture, biotech, generic, laboratory, api2
euflex.nlIf you are looking for a specific person or department, please make an appointment via the usual telephone numbers, email or on our contact page.vacancy, subsidiary, regular, supplier, staff2
iamdesign.nl…we want to build relationships with our clients that are more than business, they are long lasting friendships. There is no specific job of a graphic designer but as we go through the process, the general career becomes more apparent.campaign specific, specific image, friendship specific, specific jobgraphic, campaign, relationship, visual, famous2
birtepriebe.nl…ranging from shop floor visits to annual general meetings, patent cases and high-level political negotiations. If you are not sure how you would like to organize interpretation for your specific setting, I would be happy to advise you.interpretation specific, specific setting, preparation specific, specific eventconference, interpreter, interpretation, german, visit2
recd.nl…solutions to various challenges. On the other hand, companies are looking for new young talent and have a specific vision they aim to realize. These topics fall under the concept of “exploring,” encompassing personal and business…talent specific, specific vision, company specific, specific ambitionestate, career, talk, round, on-12
nltranslations.nlHaving had extensive experience in delivering corporate translations for a large family business as an inhouse translator, I know the specifics and value of corporate communication from an insider’s perspective.translator specific, specific value, job specific, specific termtranslation, translator, russian, ukrainian, sworn2
houseoffemme.nlJust one session for pure relaxation or I can create a treatment plan to work on your specific health imbalance during several treatments.plan specific, specific healthfoot, reflexology, treatment, imbalance, woman2
dotherightthing.nlAt Do The Right Thing we aim to learn all about our clients’ businesses so we can make the best use of our skills and match our services to your specific needs, achieving continuous improvements in your data protection processes. Our…service specific, specific need, specific businessprotection, certainty, peace, compliance, gdpr2
intercultural.nlHighly interactive, hands on and tailored to specific learning and communication styles. Our training sessions are fun, engaging and dynamic with opportunity for participants to actively explore the issues at hand. We recognize that…hand specific, specific learn, article specific, specific culturalintercultural, cultural, publication, negotiation, background2
t3-4-hypotrial.nl…every 8 weeks, and medication dosages adjusted if needed, in order to obtain serum TSH levels within the assay-specific reference range. For trial feasibility, patients will be excluded and referred back to their referring physician…assay specific, specific referencetrial, criterion, patient, study, voor2
taxi-eindhoven.nlUnlike regular taxi companies, we are fully focused on the business traveler. We understand the specific needs and wishes that come with business traveling.vehicle specific, specific facility, traveler specific, specific needreliable, rate, availability, flight, comfortable2
3pd.nlUpon returning from the mountains, the key result is a reinforced personal and professional focus and an intrinsic motivation to act accordingly. Our trails are organised as an open programme, but can also be tailored to suit your…management specific, specific context, company specific, specific needleadership, programme, executive, ability, motivation2
dutchlessons.nlAn individual training will be designed to meet your specific goals and wishes, whether you are a beginner or an advanced user of the Dutch language. If you are interested in a free intake and more information about private lessons…training specific, specific goal, offer specific, specific wishlesson, rate, interested, tailor, teacher2
house-extension-netherlands.nlWhether or not you need a permit to add an extension to your home depends on the size and type. Our experts keep up to date on all the building codes and permit requirements and will have all the answers you need relating to your specific…extension specific, specific purpose, answer specific, specific projectstorey, conversion, double, glass, ground2
bureauft.nlThe above is a brief description of BFT’s supervisory activities. Please do not hesitate to contact BFT if you would like more, or more specific, information.bft specific, specific informationsupervision, bailiff, notary, compliance, supervisory2
rdrkk.nl…or an individual seeking to climb the next rung on your career ladder, my services are designed to meet you right where you are. It's about crafting solutions and strategies that resonate with your specific needs and aspirations.strategy specific, specific need, deep specific, specific serviceconsulting, wisdom, wrong, experimentation, shift2
morecolor.nlEach brand has its own background and its own advantages. And for that reason it is suitable for a specific situation.suitable specific, specific situation, well specific, specific requestembroidery, screen, technique, jacket, bag2
euro-caps.nlThe newest addition to our single serve family. The top 5 blends have been developed for this type of capsule, such as Ristretto, Espresso Forte, Lungo Forte, Lungo and Espresso Decaf. Do you have a specific wish? Our team of coffee…customer specific, specific development, decaf specific, specific wishserve, worldwide, roaster, movie, blend2
uidesign.nl, are part of one consistent customer journey. I quickly gained in-depth knowledge of this specialist topic with its specific vocabulary. I made iterations in the UX design based on conclusions of user tests I organised both inside the…topic specific, specific vocabulary, driver specific, specific uiux, visual, exploration, freight, quickly2
therealyou.nl…tools to transform your patterns from the inside. You will practise them in your daily life on a clear and specific topic (your problem) that we will formulate together. We will walk through the process together, and I will help…clear specific, specific topic, feel specific, specific stepsituation, session, therapy, emotion, complicated2
brackish.nl…narratives to passers by. These fictional presentations of real tastes have been gleaned from a period of site-specific research by the collective. The installation explores the terrain’s oscillating existence, the erosion and…site specific, specific research, specific dinnertable, collective, installation, port, audience2
dalmulder-cnc.nl…strive for excellence in our products and services. Our team of expert professionals is ready to meet your specific needs and deliver high-quality solutions. We are proud of our long history of customer satisfaction and remain…ready specific, specific need, metalworking specific, specific productmetal, turn, machinery, metalworking, edit2
harmoniceggtherapy.nlEach Harmonic Egg Ellipse® wellness practitioner is specially trained in the use of both sound and colour for specific conditionscolour specific, specific conditions, matter specific, specific rateharmonic, egg, ellipse, session, therapy2
3masters.nlThe Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft) sets certain requirements for people working in financial services. Everyone who works in this sector must have specific basic knowledge. 3Masters has Wft English!sector specific, specific basicsupervision, advisor, overview, compliance, registration2
snijunie.nlThe SABIC Snij-Unie production company processes a wide variety of flexible materials in a customized and customer specific manner under contract. This may be by cutting back to smaller-sized rolls or sheets, making shorter rolls or…customer specific, specific mannerprocessing, polycarbonate, foil, profile, branch2
skew.nlWhen starting, it is recommended to start with the production of a rather standard element. One welder or steel fixer can assemble a specific product(group) in a designated area. If you don’t have a cutting and bending capacity, this…fixer specific, specific area, easily specific, specific needskew, jig, assembly, reinforcement, stirrup2
tharsis-management.nlA Dutch, privately owned shipping company with almost 40 years experience in sea-river shipping. With a vessel specially built for the steel and aluminiumtrade between the United Kingdom and the European mainland we are dedicated to meet…mainland specific, specific demandriver, emission, vessel, maritime, environmental2
celtomsoftware.nlsoftware development software like Windows store, Microsoft Silverlight, and Windows API, etc. It is not a language-specific IDE as you can use this to write code in C#, C++, VB (Visual Basic), Python, JavaScript, and many more languages…language specific, specific idevisual, programming, root, characteristics, sharp2
mooyleren.nl…teacher with books and lectures but she explains the same concepts with games and fun activities. Her lessons are specific to the children's needs. My daughter enjoyed the time with her as if it was a play date. We recommend Manja for…lesson specific, specific need, specific childlesson, teacher, parent, tutoring, on-12
orangepit.nl…around the globe. Our advantage lies in our many years of experience, flexibility, and speed of acting with a ‘pit-specific’ approach. No two pits in the world are the same, so why settle for a general dredger or general approach?pit specific, specific approachdredger, dredging, workboats, pump, cutter2
all4biodiversity.nlThe Netherlands has more than 160 Natura 2000 reserves. These have the highest status for environmental protection within Europe, because these biomes are home to specific plants, animals or landscapes. With the lessons learned from…reserve specific, specific plant, home specificbiodiversity, ip, measure, programme, cooperation2
christiaanruiter.nlNo extra plugins were used, all specific duties for display and layout are handled by Joomla! Custom fields and Template overrides . This makes it load faster, higher ranked by Google and easier to manage.plugin specific, specific duty, user specific, specific contentjoomla, template, extensive, layout, device2
alphabpo.nl…clients achieve success online. We offer a full spectrum of digital marketing services, including web design, web development, and SEO. In addition, we will work with you to create a custom plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.website specific, specific need, plan specificdedicated, device, efficient, turnaround, output2
subvention.nlSubvention looks after the optimal combination of monetary subsidies, fiscal incentives and specific ways of financing. Our consultants look forward to taking care of all your subsidy issues and challenges. With extensive experience in…available specific, specific knowledge, incentive specific, specific wayestate, subsidy, subscribe, outstanding, independent2
newwomenshealth.nlEvery woman is different. Each body is unique. The health plan is tailored to your specific health needs.plan specific, specific health, tool specific, specific naturalwoman, treatment, medicine, conventional, doctor2
greelab.nlPayment for participation: participants of GrEELab experiments get a reasonable payment. The exact amount depends on the specifics of the experiment and on what participants do (e.g. on the choices they make or the tasks they do). The…choice specific, specific option, exact specific, specific experimentparticipant, task, researcher, economic, payment2
2ba.nlThe Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek (UOB, Uniform Objects Library) is a new and ground-breaking CAD platform for the installation sector. It’s now possible to automatically link specific product data selected directly from the 2BA product…automatically specific, specific product, library specific, sector specificsupplier, installer, benefit, participant, wholesaler2
beachhotelkatwijk.nlWhen you book rooms at the hotel for group accommodation, you will only share your room with people from your group, not with others. Specific questions? Contact us via the contact form .group specific, specific questionaffordable, stay, overnight, bathroom, foot2
datify.nlWe understand that every business has unique needs and requirements. That’s why we take a personalized approach to delivering custom solutions tailored to each of our clients. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand…client specific, specific goal, solution specific, specific needvisualization, decision, cut, edge, analysis2
emreefe.nlResearch whether the average application performance can be improved with a specific software interface.performance specific, specific software, documentation specific, specific guidelinesresume, programming, solve, ecommerce, internship2
scheurwatermarinesurvey.nlBunker Quantity Surveys (BQS) are carried out only for receiving parties (Owners, Charterers, Brokers, etc.) to measure and ascertain the quantity of Bunker on board at the specific time.impression specific, specific vessel, board specific, specific timesurvey, cargo, independent, surveyor, interest2
gijsleijdekkers.nl…inside a peaceful forest. It was very satisfying to design, build, program and compose music for my permanent site-specific artwork. The visual aspect is generated live; even when spending hours inside my room you will not see the same…site specific, specific artwork, specific installationinstallation, projection, spatial, exhibition, electronic2
care2report.nl…report might be followed by some edits if necessary. It will only be uploaded after approval of the care provider. Specific actions (e.g. inspection of limbs) and measurements (blood pressure, heart rate) are also prepared for insertion inconvention specific, specific medical, provider specific, specific actionreport, patient, consultation, recognition, measurement2
peterstreef.nlIn API first design, security is not limited to determining who has access to the application but extends to defining access control to specific resources (who is allowed to see what?). With a multitude of resources and processes, it can…functionality specific, specific application, control specific, specific resourceapi, integration, coordination, collaboration, consideration2
expatmanager.nlWhen your personal situation changes, in the event of a new job or home for example, this impacts your premium. Sometimes, specific changes can even make certain insurance policies obsolete, so that they can be cancelled. At Poundwise we…premium specific, specific change, expert specific, specific fieldexpat, insurance, mortgage, taxis, housing2
excellentum.nlEach of our partners have their own specific experience in their own fields of expertise, Human Resources, General Management, Commercial and Financial, and thus focus on listed and family businesses and PE parties.partner specific, specific experience, specific marketexecutive, capital, uw, healthcare, position2
pitc.nlfor integrated photonics. We provide technology solutions, knowledge and technical support to companies that target specific market applications. PITC is an independent institute that builds partnerships, strengthens the photonics…company specific, specific market, customer specific, specific needphotonic, integrate, ecosystem, industrial, successful2
xyzdynamics.nl2023 is a crucial year for Spanish airports: there is a new tender this year for handlers for the next 7 years. A number of specific requirements were attached to this tender. One focus is the mandatory deployment of electric GSE by…number specific, specific requirementsdynamic, electric, requirements, transition, fleet2
marketingbybulls.nlSocial media marketing is the use of social media platforms to promote products, services, or companies within specific target groups.company specific, specific target, specific branchaudience, specifically, advertising, fact, enthusiastic2
highspeed-cameras.nl…needed for capturing accurate and clear in-flight images. Cameras for both manned and UAV applications are a cost-effective way to complete flight tests, as they are designed to meet the requirements of specific aircraft and environments.layout specific, specific application, requirements specific, specific aircraftspeed, industrial, flight, analysis, aircraft2
avalingua.nlNext to that, you could decide on which specific skills you would like to focus, like: speaking and conversation, listening, reading, writing or grammar.hague, teacher, grammar, architecture, speak2
asjesbisseling.nl…empathize with your activities, wishes and ideas. Putting down an optimal tax strategy, but also a simpler advice or tax return requires attention, expertise (often very specific), experience and professionalism. In short, fiscal empathy.expertise specific, specific experiencetax, advisor, career, innovative, venture2
dnalanguages.nlWe do not use standardised subject material; everyone has specific needs and reasons to learn a language and we cater to those individual requestsmaterial specific, specific needgerman, french, spanish, italian, cultural2
ninjaonline.nl…are built on top of the innovative in-house developed NinjaOnline core product that bundles existing frameworks and other components in such a way that the development of tailor-made applications is limited to implementing the specifics.relevant specific, specific informationresource, tailor, effective, pleasure, purpose2
hollandbioinnovation.nlThe company is an associate member of the Japan Bioplastics Association (JBPA), with base products having the GreenPLA International Certification Biodegradable. We welcome the new EN 17033 standard specific for biodegradable mulch films…standard specific, specific biodegradablebiodegradable, agricultural, soil, environmental, innovative2
lessen-project.nlI-Fan Lin : Domain adaptation . The objective of this PhD project is to solve domain-specific challenges of developing conversational agents. Smaller retailers lack the amount of data needed to train conversational agents for their…domain specific, specific challenge, task specific, specific userphd, conversational, domain, base, efficient2
jelmervanderlinde.nlTresoar, the Frisian archives, stores many old maps from the region in their archives. This website makes these available. It filters them when you focus on a specific region, and you can view them together with other old and up-to-date…available specific, specific region, light specific, specific patterncover, processing, association, study, administration2
moroccan-sisters.nlJust like the Farao’s, you have to be more specific as to which Cleopatra we are talking about here. You see; every Farao was called a Farao. And every Farao…farao specific, specific cleopatramoroccan, oil, actually, liquid, true2
6dgmediagroup.nlAt 6 Degrees Media Group you will find all the specific knowledge you need all combined under one roof. Whether you are looking for business models or strategies on communication, concept, design or content driven brand experience all the…service specific, specific knowledge, group specificdegree, relationship, fizz, vital, instead2
supportvoorsafespacesnairobi.nlThe pad project: Sanitary towels are made on location with a specific device. Safe Spaces can produce enough sanitary towels for the girls themselves, but also sell sanitary towels for a low fee to women and girls in Mathare.support specific, specific program, location specific, specific devicegirl, donation, fund, slum, financially2
247customs.nlIf you would like to discuss your specific situation with us, please feel free to contact us.independent, flexible, specialize, tax, declaration2
leerlevels.nl…prepare for their exams. That’s why we work on A.I. supported exam training. Based on practice exams, LearnLevels can accurately pinpoint a student’s knowledge gaps and provide explanations for those specific learning objectives.explanation specific, specific learn, framework specificfullsize, teacher, explanation, workload, objective2
reesinkproduction.nlMotrac's own production facility IMAV-Hydraulics enables Motrac to develop and build customer-specific solutions in the field of valve technology and hydraulic manifolds. Hydromarine is the hydraulic specialist for new construction…customer specific, specific hydraulic, specific solutionbij, hydraulic, steel, supplier, logistic2
pm-smart.nlPM: Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It is often closely related to and sometimes conflated with…completion specific, specific projectobjective, currently, transition, transformation, landscape2
gallerymakelaars.nlThis approach also appears to work well in the housing market. Coming up with solutions and taking extra steps to achieve results. Communication aimed at specific target groups. That's what we offer our clients."communication specific, specific targetproperty, target, estate, permit, purchase2
furnip.nlStill haven’t found what you’re looking for? Something in your head but you can’t find it? Looking for something specific from designer A B or C to complete your collection?specific desire, head specific, specific designerchair, mid, century, danish, masterpiece2
nexcel.nl…and Dispute Resolution, Visa and Immigration. We take pride in providing our clients with tailored solutions to meet their specific needs, ensuring that they receive the highest level of service and support throughout the process.solution specific, specific needinnovative, edge, pillar, comprehensive, strategic2
r-e-c-l-a-m-e.nlEleni Papazoglou is a Greek artist working with languages of value and exchange. With a background in graphic design, she uses instruction-led processes, subversion, cut & paste methods to make assemblages, performances, site specific…site specific, specific intervention, fiction specific, specific contextadvertisement, physically, street, hole, background2
ameetingofminds.nlOur services range from one-on-one coaching, small fire-side discussions and multi-day programs that go deep into the issues. Specific topics are determined by our members, and the discussions are facilitated by renowned faculty with…issue specific, specific topic, level specificexecutive, effectiveness, leader, opinion, academia2
nomoreworries.nl…formulate the questions to be answered as efficiently as possible. Although we know the best people to advise on a specific matter, we see it as part of our job to supervise the external advisors. Once the advice has been obtained, we…nmw specific, specific project, people specific, specific matterworry, asset, advisor, generation, stable2
gatheringnatuurlijk.nlAdditionally we provide tailored ‘Gathering Natuurlijk’ events for teams & organizations, taking into account their specific needs and requests to design the session that will create impactful learning.account specific, specific needleader, gathering, leadership, strategic, reflection2
cargomed.nlThe fastest and safest way to import and export goods internationally is by air. The credo of CargoMed BV is to grasp the specific needs of each client in order to be able to offer the best solution capable of meeting and exceeding their…bv specific, specific needlogistics, freight, port, seaport, major2
heyhoney.nlPerformance . These cookies can help us collect information to help us understand how you use our Site, such as whether you have viewed messages or specific pages and how long you spent on each page. This helps us improve the performance…message specific, specific pagehoney, notice, applicable, law, subject2
vakbeursenergie.nlIn addition to Vakbeurs Energie, there is a specific platform for the industrial energy supply: Industrial Heat & Power . The trade show for professionals who seek connections, tools and know-how to get started immediately. This platform…place specific, specific improvement, energie specific, specific platformoctober, trade, heat, tradeshow, electricity2
maastrichtevents.nlAt our city games, the focus is put on teambuilding, creativity, the us-feeling, collaboration and fun. Participants will discover the city of Maastricht in teams, challenged with interesting questions and exercises. Depending on the…location specific, specific wish, exercise specific, specific goalevents, dinner, break, southern, wish2
spatial-insight.nlWe have experienced that different Dutch utilities apply different pipe replacement models, each model focusing on a specific goal, or set up along specific assumptions. We have worked with models like TransparantNL, Somaseo, Comsima, and…model specific, specific goal, goal specific, specific assumption, specific optimumspatial, asset, replacement, registration, integration2
e-learn.nl…to exchanging experiences on education innovation and Continuous learning for both teaching staff and professionals in various fields. Interaction, networking, exchange of experiences and diving into specific challenges and topics are key.experience specific, specific challenge, trainer specific, specific skillsexchange, teach, leave, lifelong, continuous2
geniusinc.nlWith a photo of the specific dress, it’s very easy to find it. Our technology will find it for you in an instant. It also allows you to refine and extend the search based on colour, style and shape.photo specific, specific dressgenius, visual, rate, consumer, dress2
synchronicit.nlFeel free to reach out to us for more information or to discuss your specific needs. We look forward to working together!approach specific, specific requirements, information specific, specific needefficiency, movement, stack, asset, mod2
bscn.nlMost embargoes are direct embargoes aimed at specific people, organizations or countries. Think of import and export restrictions or customs regulations for specific products, technologies or services. For example, the import or export of…embargo specific, specific people, regulation specific, specific product, alert specificsanction, transaction, risk, rule, law2
sclr.nlGive your business a boost with our Hiring Strategy feature. We'll create a custom plan tailored to your company's specific goals to help you outshine the competition and snag the top talent. We'll work alongside your team every step of…company specific, specific goal, team specific, specific hireoperation, scale, hire, successful, growth2
pd-fasteners.nlPeco Douwes and its 200 partners within Europe (manufacturers and suppliers) stand for the concept of quality and reliability. Through close cooperation we ensure timely delivery within and outside Europe. If necessary according to…job specific, specific request, necessary specific, specific packagingfastener, anchor, injection, shank, structural2
pietervanprooijen.nlCorrect, that would be incomplete and perhaps even inconsiderate to Symbolists (who study learning by manipulation of symbols), Bayesians (who study learning by specific probabilities) and Analogizers (who study learning by a more or less…method specific, specific measurable, learn specific, specific probabilityinspiration, dialogue, bias, memory, understand2
digitalrise.nlAre you looking for guestpost placements in the crypto, casino, dating, CBD, or erotic niche? No problem, our database will show you exactly what is possible on which domain and at what price for these specific niches.price specific, specific nicheplacement, increasingly, outreach, competitive, selection2
fire-resistant.nlRegulation tells us to provide specific products with flame resistant treatment.regulation specific, specific product, advice specific, specific needflame, fix, resistant, fire, wood2
gimex.nlFor 34 years, Gimex has been the ultimate supplier of technical ceramics for OEMs and “Tier one suppliers” in the Benelux. We specialise in supplying customer-specific products for batch production. As an important link in your supply…customer specific, specific productceramic, supplier, supply, tier, ultimate2
blenddata.nlThe data transformations contain business specific logic. To make these transformations possible on the high amount of data that you possess, we leverage the scalability of the cloud, but only use fully testable technologies and…business specific, specific logictransformation, deployment, career, fully, premise2
mediviz.nl…where necessary and see the progression. Erik has taught us to look more critically at the drawings, by asking specific questions and keep various options open. The end result was therefore fully as conceived. The brief was that the…drawing specific, specific question, unique specific, specific sonillustration, dissertation, scientific, sketch, paper2
reprex.nlOur new, vertical observatories bring ESG and antitrust solutions from our domain-specific observatories. The competition observatory is in an early, conceptual phase. We are currently making progress with the ESG reporting issue, which…domain specific, specific observatory, thermowatt specific, specific locationobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak2
tritechsolutions.nl…changing conditions. With our unique products, we are ready to assist you in developing and implementing site-specific solutions. For over 30 years, safety, top quality, sustainability, and value-for-money have been key in all our…site specific, specific solution, specific circumstanceslandfill, landscape, soil, infrastructure, remediation2
tuvalumediagroup.nlSparkxMedia develops and produces specific (short) form content for any given online platform and with all tools available. Broadcasters, brands and advertisers see and use the new possibilities to reach out to new and existing audience…sparkxmedia specific, specific shorttelevision, entity, audience, voor, documentary2
trakterenkoffie.nl…country: Dutch Barista Coffee. When we are happy with the roast, we start the process of creating the perfect shot. By adjusting our recipes, the temperature and many other variables to the specific coffee, we end up with the perfect shot!variable specific, specific coffee, brewmethods specific, specific teataste, origin, chocolate, delicious, wine2
techrise.nl…It’s what we love best. It’s what we know best. Whether you’re looking for your next job or you’re a company seeking talent, in these disciplines we have a valuable network and area-specific insights. To help you ignite your ambition.area specific, specific insightrise, listing, candidate, role, advanced2
curacao-autos.nlThe age at which you can insure your cat varies depending on the insurance company and the specific plan you are considering. Currently, the following ages are used for older cats:company specific, specific planinsurance, cat, coverage, dog, deductible2
timmerman-transport.nlGiven the fact that Timmerman Transport is part of a distribution network a specific time of delivery can be guaranteed. Another strong point of Timmerman Transport is the distribution of glass windows to buildings and glaziers as well as…network specific, specific time, shipment specificdistribution, cargo, storage, planet, driver2
acpartytime-schmink.nl…entice for you to join their particular site. Always seek the online gaming website which credible with already established a standing. These sites will anyone some specifics of the different systems and types of online betting that are .glass specific, specific requirements, site specific, specific differentuncategorized, glass, gambling, february, money2
noncommutativegeometry.nl…and high-energy physics, which offer their own Master’s specialisation in Particle and Astrophysics , from which you may take some electives. In any case, in mathematics you can choose from a wide range of courses specific to this track:course specific, specific track, thesis specific, specific areageometry, leave, reply, physics, mathematical2
lansengineering.nlThis specific experience leads to the fact that Lans Engineering B.V. focusses on the following core markets with the aquisition of new projects:customer specific, specific modelingdescription, specialism, vacuum, optic, bellow2
kooslonis.nl…the items added to the shopping cart; whether you have visited our website before; if you are logged in; and the specific language and currency you prefer to see on the website. We also use cookies to target our ads specifically to you…website specific, specific languagepurpose, consent, functional, statistical, function2
engelsklaslokaal.nlbe interpreted. For example, they indicate whether the action is completed, in progress, or not. The section Exercises with 2 or more English verb forms can help you understand when to use a specific verb form through contrastive exercises.form specific, specific verb, usage specific, specific futurecontinuous, past, present, passive, verb2
boostyourdutch.nl, participants are encouraged to actively engage and practice Dutch themselves. Our Dutch courses can be tailored to specific company needs and budget. We look forward to meet and discuss our training options for your international…course specific, specific companylesson, session, flexible, conversation, programme2
apagenerator.nlAPA stands for "American Psychological Association," and it also refers to the APA style, a specific writing and citation style commonly used in academic and professional publications, especially in the social sciences. It helps in…reference specific, specific page, style specific, specific writecitation, reference, accurate, easily, generate2
annemarijvanleengoed.nlYou can feel out of balance for different reasons: Physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Maybe you don’t even feel out of balance but you may have a specific question you would like to be coached on.balance specific, specific questionspiritual, soul, balance, meditation, thought2
koelhuiseindhoven.nlWith a selection of site-specific works and artistic interventions, Koelhuis Eindhoven opened its doors for the final time in its existing, raw state before renovation. The audience was invited to wander through a gigantic, inflatable…site specific, specific version, specific workimmersive, contemporary, bubble, trouble, orchestra2
vaprofessionalstaffing.nlAt Verum Artes, we are specialized in specific At Verum Artes, we provide onboarding support to our clients to ensure a smooth transition into the new role...artes specific, specific industry, specific verumstaffing, candidate, assignment, acquisition, consultative2
sayedservices.nl…issues. Together with people in practice we develop and provide social, cultural and economic related support. Our tailor-made services are available for groups and individuals and can be customized to meet specific professional needs.individual specific, specific professional, company specific, specific requirementsassistance, employment, economic, entrepreneur, beneficiary2
kcpeg.nlWe organize different events. Every year we organize a fall and spring symposium where we discuss a specific topic, for example, financial stress. We also organize expert sessions for behavioral experts. Check out our calendar for…group specific, specific wish, symposium specific, specific topicpsychology, economic, behaviour, wellbeing, societal2
martijnveldkamp.nlAgile is a way to take bite sized chunks of the agreed upon strategy to implement the long term vision for a specific product, not a replacement for strategy . It lets you pivot quickly, so you can recover from a bad decision or implement…bankrupt specific, specific server, vision specific, specific productdebt, think, handover, architecture, implementation2
buzzar.nlchallenges through the power of connectivity and data. This invaluable experience with diverse industries and their specific needs has allowed me to gain an understanding of the digital dimension and its evolutionary impact on the physical…industry specific, specific needconnect, physical, initiative, discover, efficient2
industrialvalvesupply.nlSpecialized in ‘special -’ or ‘hard to find-’ valves, from stock or short lead time valves in exotic materials, or with specific approvals or specifications.material specific, specific approvalvalve, supply, industrial, stock, specification2
uctransport.nlWe take care of the transport of goods with specific needs and wishes to the final destination within Europe.possible specific, specific wish, good specific, specific needunited, cargo, career, road, freight2
phycan.nl…of the hallmarks of cancer. However, the cellular and extracellular changes by which tumor cells adapt to mechanical forces are often overlooked and therefore incompletely understood, as is the potential involvement of specific oncogenes.involvement specific, specific oncogene, order specific, specific strengthcancer, background, researcher, physical, genetic2
connectedsoftware.nl…committed to understanding your unique logistics challenges and providing custom-made solutions that cater to your specific needs. Our team will work closely with you to analyse your existing workflows and implement automation strategies…solution specific, specific need, unique specific, specific goalconnect, gate, operation, automation, logistics2
gronfa.nlGronfa is active throughout the industry, so that tried and tested processes can be successfully applied to both sides. The customer-specific solution is manufactured from basic components and, if desired, installed on site. Gronfa also…customer specific, specific solutiondispersion, fill, dosing, installation, pharmaceutical2
musicmattersatrug.nl…through which they understand their practices produces localised understandings of global music genres tied to the specific affective atmopsheres of neighbourhoods and dancefloors and tied to specific conceptions of clubbing audiences. Thegenre specific, specific affective, dancefloor specific, specific conception, sector specificmatter, uncategorized, memory, electronic, dance2
browserchecker.nlThe browser address bar is the part of the browser where you can type in the URL which is the web address of a website. This allows you to navigate to specific web pages , the modern browsers use the address bar to search for information…website specific, specific web, browser specific, specific featureip, edge, removal, popular, screen2
profiel-asl.nl…We aim to help students, schools and (young) professionals with the next step in their studies or career. Our team consists of experienced career counsellors and psychologists who are all eager to help you with your specific question(s).possibility specific, specific questionstudy, entrance, career, artificial, apply2
utilitydirect.nlAt Utility Direct, we offer a wide selection of top-rated brands that meet your specific needs.policy specific, specific house, brand specific, specific needutility, electricity, insurance, expat, rental2
henkerikvanderhoek.nlBy using this general select function we are able to write specialized select functions. We may for example write a function which selects child elements which have a specific id or a specific tagname:element specific, specific tagname, approach specific, specific implementationfunction, selector, css, select, evaluator2
lter-life.nlIn addition to fostering crucial scientific breakthroughs, the LTER LIFE infrastructure will also enable research on societal questions, such as how biodiversity will benefit from specific interventions to reduce nitrogen deposition in…twin specific, specific research, research specific, specific ecosystem, biodiversity specificecosystem, infrastructure, vacancy, twin, description2
stefan-vermeent.nlMy research aims to integrate deficit and adaptation findings. Specifically, I use cognitive modeling techniques such as Drift Diffusion Modeling to develop a more fine-grained understanding of how specific types of adversity affect…understand specific, specific type, careful specific, specific executiveability, publication, talk, developmental, cognitive2
revodata.nl…platform and are curious to see what the new data intelligence platform can do for you, or you are looking for a partner who can build specific ML products for you. Even in later phases, we offer services to help maintain your platform.partner specific, specific ml, feasibility specific, specific usedatabricks, assessment, proof, supply, chain2
restaurant-tomodachi.nlKindly note that reservations cannot be accommodated for specific requests such as:reservation specific, specific request, utmost specific, specific allergyreservation, fee, allergy, japanese, ingredient2
talkingsecurity.nlAn episode of Talking Security about Microsoft 365 Security and onboarding all the pieces in a good way. In this one Dennis van Doorn, Michael Thelen and Sibren van Anrooij have joined me to talk about these specific topics. What are the…anrooij specific, specific topicepisode, talk, min, azure, devsecops2
glaszettersnel.nl…This way your home is safe and well secured again. If immediate repair is not possible (for example when a very specific type of glass has been used), we will repair the broken window with emergency glass or possibly with woodwork. In…specialist specific, specific advice, example specific, specific typeglass, glazier, window, double, damage2
handboekecommerce.nlfrom occurring and reduce the risk of service failures. Specific research obje c-failure specific, specific research, counter specific, specific foodecommerce, employee, kitchen, counter, failure2
plmfashion.nlPlan top-down or bottom-up across seasons, departments, collections, product groups, down to specific product options. Define quantities, analyze costs and revenue for creative and operational control.group specific, specific product, industry specific, specific widgetvendor, integration, quickly, margin, delay2
studiombb.nlNext to the catalogue machinery Studio MBB provides services to develop, design and manufacture machinery for your specific needs.machinery specific, specific need, machine specificsheet, table, waste, machinery, street2
coursdefrancais.nlCDF offers a face-to-face course for cabin crew who want to prepare for the KLM French language exam. This face to face training will be completely tailored to your level and your specific needs.level specific, specific need, material specific, specific vocabularyfrench, lesson, know, want, france2
vivar.nlVivar Ship Supply has built a strong reputation in meeting any delivery challenge possible. No matter how difficult it can get to find a very specific product or to deliver complete orders in a very short time. Or no matter how difficult…product specific, specific vivar, difficult specific, specific productsupply, ship, engine, deck, medicine2
mariamaria.nlMariaMaria - artist duo - diptych - series - sequence - single images - site specific -position, sequence2
aceadvisory.nl…financial guidance and strategic solutions to businesses of all sizes. At ACE Advisory, we understand that every business is unique, and we take pride in our ability to craft bespoke solutions that address our clients’ specific needs.client specific, specific needadvisory, debt, notch, restructuring, strategic2
first-of-all.nl…and work proactively on a suitable brand connection. For example, we can help you to reach younger or other specific target groups. We go for greater product or service awareness and work hard to strengthen positive and healthy…young specific, specific targetathlete, connection, curious, partnership, ambition2
exportmarketresearch.nlThe export market briefing identifies export opportunities in a specific market and gives the first practical starting points to enter this market. Subjects that can be addressed: Basic information about ...opportunity specific, specific marketselection, report, risk, analysis, foreign2
peopleatfirst.nlAs a seasoned recruitment agency, we pride ourselves on a meticulous and comprehensive approach to identifying and placing top-tier talent in leadership roles. Our process is designed to align with the specific needs and objectives of our…process specific, specific need, let specific, specific hirecandidate, comprehensive, accounting, role, head2
baancentrum.nlWe are there for you, by meeting your specific wishes, by thinking and planning with you and even by thinking a step further. Tradiro is also there for its temporary agency workers. Because satisfied employees are productive employees.staff, vacancy, employee, romanian, polish2
raisingthebar.nl…in spite of a large and expanding number of textbooks that purport to address this problem, and to do so with a specific focus on statistical knowledge that is directly relevant to Econometrics. In fact, in my view, the problem is…problem specific, specific focus, book specific, specific audiencestatistics, econometrics, innovative, stat, fact2
jarnob.nlAdded some really cool original event event booklet scans which I kept over time on the specific photo reports. Really nice addons!collection specific, specific book, time specific, specific photoexercise, operational, war, report, panzer2
van-lienden.nlat all levels, and we can help to develop different language skills zoals conversatie en writing skills . The course can be individually tailored to meet specific needs and we will support the client to study in a focused and motivated way.wish specific, specific relocation, individually specific, specific needrelocation, facility, expat, sense, broad2
gsee.nlWe recognise that different industries have specific staffing needs and skill requirements. Our agency has experience working across various sectors, including IT, finance, healthcare, engineering, and more. We have in-depth industry…industry specific, specific recruitment, specific staffingeastern, workforce, requirements, staffing, assistance2
stukkenbeter.nlIn order to help you in the best possible way, I use a variety of methods and techniques suitable for every level, adapted to your specific situation. The basics of the treatment will allways be healing and reading.level specific, specific situationconstellation, essence, vitality, true, pure2
janeshaw.nl…Integrated coaching is practical and both spiritual and down-to-earth. It's like a toolbox where we pick those tools that support you the best. Giving you specific techniques and tips you yourself can apply to your daily routine and life.well specific, specific techniquecareer, path, integrate, purpose, session2
fleurbouwer.nl…sequences both during listening and the silence, while for pattern-based sequences, enhanced power at a pattern-specific frequency was only present during listening, not during the silence. Finally, we show how multivariate pattern…pattern specific, specific frequency, oscillation specific, specific beat, mechanism specificcognitive, february, july, neuroscience, august2
trans-mission.nlSpeedy delivery has become increasingly important. The right package must be delivered, picked up or transferred at the right time. You want to be sure that everything is handled properly, within 24 hours, express, at specific times or…express specific, specific time, time specific, specific requirements, luxembourg specifictransmission, branch, near, luxembourg, belgium2
utenpolle.nlInnovation is the process of generating ideas for a specific problem or need and translating this invention into a product or service, therefore, creating value for its users. The solution must satisfy a specific, unmet or latent consumer…idea specific, specific problem, solution specific, specific unmetunmet, conversion, useful, latent, invention2
ros-loopbaan.nl…support for expats. Ros Loopbaan (Ros Careers) is headed up by career coach Margot Ros. Should you need other specific support, such as a lawyer, a therapist, HRM, translators, etc., my extensive professional network is at your…ros specific, specific support, expat specific, specific generalcareer, expat, hunt, executive, background2
hydrangeabreeders.nl…careful selection and frequent test methods. Partly due to the excellent relationship with customers worldwide, specific requirements and wishes can be implemented in this selection process, so that our top varieties prove themselves…worldwide specific, specific requirements, variety specific, specific marketinghydrangea, flower, variety, cut, breeder2
entitoe.nlEntitoe develops learning materials, in particular for workplace-specific language learning. Please contact us for more information.custom specific, specific need, workplace specific, specific languagecomplaint, foreign, task, colleague, tutoring2
cleaningdesk.nlmeet us does not add any value to you. We advice you, schedule everything for you, and are always available to you. Specific instructions on location can directly be given by you to the cleaner itself which we send. Just try the first…certain specific, specific activity, available specific, specific instructioncleaner, invoice, affordable, outside, window2
wgid.nlWG-ID is the expert on integration of different (supplier) systems. The expertise of WG-ID is specific to the laundry industry and its equipment. In the field of integration, the practical solutions are providing the synergy of connecting…id specific, specific laundry, laundry specific, specific configurationlaundry, integration, overview, linen, conveyor2
transportnet.nlBrowse the company index - find a specific company Submit my company - add your company's servicesindex specific, specific companycoast, gulf, east, norway, england2
rosbeektechniek.nlIn the workshop of Rosbeek Techniek old and new technology come together. Analogue-oriented machines in the form of projectors, individual specific parts, scanners and assembly tables in all film formats, exist side by side with…individual specific, specific part, obvious specific, specific fieldrepair, customization, revision, improvement, founder2
kreisler-components.nlLooking for a specific partnumber? Try browsing our database with over 100 million part numbers!vendor, aerospace, million, reduction, stock2
f-action.nlF-action offers training programs for project and program management that are tailor-made for the specific situation within an organization. Because the return on the learning effort is paramount, not only project managers are trained…tailor specific, specific situation, guidance specific, specific themecompetence, organizational, role, department, temporary2
carbonaddedaccounting.nl…the emissions of the entire supply chain? The Carbon Added Accounting guidelines give you the tools to apply the method uniformly. In addition, they give you insights into work processes and calculation examples for specific supply chains.example specific, specific supplycarbon, accounting, add, guidelines, chain2
dierenartspraktijkooms.nlThe number of treatments necessary depends on the specific problem of your cat or dog. For “simple” and acute problems, 1 or 2 treatments are usually sufficient. Chronic problems may need 3 or 4 treatments (1 session per week) to start…meridian specific, specific part, necessary specific, specific problemcat, dog, acupuncture, treatment, skin2
orga.nlOne type of the safety standards you have to deal with are the recommendations and standards of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO,) or those of the relevant national Civil Aviation Authority who may have their own…requirements specific, specific country, authority specific, specific requirementsobstruction, lighting, intensity, ahead, aid2
erikhoogeboom.nlIn this post I will explain how we were able to improve the performance of our website by using iterators. In the first part I will show how we used an iterator to improve the time to first byte (TTFB) for some specific pages. In the…ttfb specific, specific pagetemplate, byte, paint, handler, recommendation2
oceantree.nlYou will work directly with our CEO Ewout Krijger, expert in corporate sustainability and financing and former board member of Rabo Groenbank. He will assess your goals and identify the optimal financial solution for your specific needs…solution specific, specific needtree, ocean, consultation, renewable, infrastructure2
niblick.nlFollowing this metaphor, the Rabobank Business Banking squad has also laid down the overall UX framework after which specific business and development squads could integrate their digital service or feature into the framework.framework specific, specific businessux, overview, gamble, banking, strategist2
hex21.nlHEX21 is made for and by experienced project managers. Ease of use and direct returns are central. Structured, clear and specific. No more hassle in Excel or with your own systems, but a direct overview. HEX21 is used independently of…clear specific, specific hasslehex, expense, license, structure, surprise2
digitalis.nl…associated risks. At the same time, the volume and speed of the exchange of health care information are expanding. Solution is an intelligent approach to medication safety: no suggestive alerts, but relevant, specific and concrete advice.discipline specific, specific application, relevant specific, specific concreteoptimisation, medication, decision, pyramid, medicine2
psydenhaag.nlVoice Dialogue is a specific method developed to explore the world of the Selves – also known as sub-personalities. This method requires two people: a facilitator and the subject being facilitated. The job of the facilitator is to help…fear specific, specific phobia, dialogue specific, specific methodtherapy, hague, session, therapist, add2
gethooked.nl…launch a new brand, create an app, run a complete marketing campaign, advertise target group specifically or run a specific e-mail campaign – we will create the impact your brand needs. From the moment it launches and far beyond. Our…specifically specific, specific mailappeal, campaign, demand, far, colleague2
forwardfiscalisten.nl…dose of Big4 experience! We help companies and entrepreneurs expertly and adequately with tax, legal and finance issues. We are passionate tax-specialists , who have a firm belief and act transparently from specific industry knowledge.transparently specific, specific industry, team specific, specific branchtax, estate, lawyer, healthcare, compliance2
shetu.nlHaving an online presence or using a specific software solution like the rest of our competitors is not enough. It involves recognising opportunities, connecting existing technology solutions with actual corporate objectives and…presence specific, specific software, company specific, specific projectinnovative, cause, continuously, documentation, bridge2
ww2collector.nlWell, to offer you an opertunity to buy a piece of history, to expand your collection or to find that specific item for your passion!collection specific, specific itemgerman, commonwealth, headwear, clothing, related2
i-bv.nlIndependent valuations with specific insights for the exploitation of real estate for (financial) reporting, financial institutions, tax and management planning purposes. International Business Valuers has (for example) experience in the…valuation specific, specific insight, company specific, specific marketvaluer, valuation, advisory, tax, acquisition2
walletrecovery.nlEvery wallet password recovery is unique. You can find the solution to your specific problem in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section . If you are an experience programmer, recovering a wallet yourself might be interesting…date specific, specific special, solution specific, specific problemrecovery, brain, frequently, billion, adoption2
meshconnect.nl…plays a crucial role here. We use smart machine learning algorithms that constantly learn and adapt to your specific environment. This means that our system not only relies on the raw signals from the access points, but also…constantly specific, specific environment, business specific, specific needconnect, asset, accurate, revolutionary, determination2
verhuiskeurmerk.nl…and as such, they tailor their services to cater to individual requirements. Whether it involves adhering to a specific formatting style, meeting tight deadlines, or tackling a particularly intricate topic, essay writing services can…requirements specific, specific style, seamlessly specific, specific need, field specificwrite, paper, academic, excellence, writer2
sun-power.nlSafety shoes are also available at Sun-Power for €25. Temporary employees are responsible for providing their own work clothing. Only in exceptional cases and for specific types of work, the client or Sun-Power may provide clothing on loan.number specific, specific case, case specific, specific typesun, employee, housing, transportation, temporary2
aroma-freedom.nlWell, that is a good question. The steps are easy. You just have to follow them, inhale essential oils at a specific moment in the process, work through all that comes up and let yourself be guided by the friendly support of your…oil specific, specific momentfreedom, technique, memory, session, instructor2
lto3.nl…polypeptides . The balanced composition of Sementis maximises the bioavailability of active compounds and therefore provides a strong synergistic effect. Below you can read some specific characteristics of the Sementis complex:long specific, specific complaint, effect specific, specific characteristicsingredient, answer, dosage, positive, composition2
mtconline.nl…empowers businesses to leverage the latest in AI technology, enhancing efficiency and innovation. Our team works diligently to customize these solutions, ensuring they align perfectly with each client’s specific goals and challenges.precision specific, specific need, client specific, specific goaloptimization, branch, creativity, precision, integration2
wordactieftilburg.nlIn associations there are committees. A committee consists of a group of students that focus on a specific purpose. Examples are: an introduction committee (organizes activities in the first period of the academic year), camp committee…organization specific, specific purpose, student specificassociation, committee, study, council, introduction2
ambconsult.nlAt AMB Consult, we take pride in our personalized and collaborative approach. We strive to truly understand your business, its unique needs, and objectives. By tailoring our services to your specific requirements, we ensure a seamless and…service specific, specific requirements, time specific, specific goalintermediary, transaction, exceptional, buyer, successful2
therapiestudiomeijers.nlFor deeper work or specific situations, often a longer session of an hour and a half is recommended. It’s very common to set up a healing project of five sessions. On the VortexHealing page on this website you see the discounted price for…work specific, specific situation, habit specific, specific affordable, supplement specificgenetic, nutri, therapy, session, divine2
mrblog.nlblock which takes a specific git commit from the OpenSSH repository. Another way would be to add an extrarecent specific, specific issue, block specific, specific gitpackage, sieve, restoration, copy, report2
ippal.nlIP Pal is a web-based tool aiming to increase awareness among scholars, and helps them find the right information, tools, and people for their specific situation. IP Pal helps you get started in developing their IP strategy and teaches…people specific, specific situation, strategy specificip, intellectual, property, confidentiality, ownership2
oneness-rising.nlWhere you are at Home and Part of the Community. You may share and practice your specific Qualities, Wisdom, Profession, Education and Dreams in the field of Living, Working, Building, Technology and Innovation, Care, Alternative Healing…community specific, specific quality, rise specific, specific formoneness, sing, rise, guest, alternative2
wesquare.nlIn need of additional developers, or a specific expertise? Scale-up fast and easy with any desired developer, avoiding recruitment hazzle and saving upto 60% budget! Remote, On-Site or Hybrid.developer specific, specific expertise, service specific, specific businessindian, oracle, efficient, structurally, upto2
polydioma.nlThese concepts do not hold any secrets for Polydioma translators. Polydioma has the right translators with technical backgrounds who specialise in translating documents for this specific sector.document specific, specific sector, background specific, specific specialisttranslation, translator, paper, request, quotation2
backerstaete.nl…are expected to rotate between URM and FRM departments to support the development of underwriting and financial risk management and subsequent measurement across different the reporting paradigms. Specific responsibilities include:paradigm specific, specific responsibility, team specific, specific validationrisk, executive, validation, report, capital2
p2portal.nlThe Responsive Portal is the webinterface to the system for all project involved people who don't have a specific client. Workflow, actions and instructions can be found and processed.people specific, specific clientreport, principle, guidance, pricing, central2
reflexmamssage.nl…session she took her time with an agreeable intake. Because I asked for it, during the massage she explained why a specific hold was used and how it could help. Ellen is very professional and has a calming, positive energy and presence. I…organ specific, specific part, massage specific, specific holdfoot, pregnancy, treatment, fertility, rate2
chiropracticconnection.nlWent to Dr Martin for almost 3 months due to a specific pain in my neck and jaw. The sessions were just what I needed: to be relieved and with a sense of awareness. Martin and his team are so warm! If Im back in Amsterdam, the first thing…month specific, specific painchiropractic, connection, pain, adjustment, appointment2
vandijkenglas.nlEfficient Quality: Whether you are looking for one-off pieces, high-volume standard work, or anything in between. We take a tailored approach to your specific needs. Ideal for projects that demand not only consistent excellence and value…approach specific, specific needglass, technique, creation, processing, trading2
siba-zekeringen.nlFor over 60 years now, SIBA has specialised in fuses - covering the whole range from miniature devices for electrical components to high-voltage installations. And because we devote ourselves uncompromisingly to our specific core…uncompromisingly specific, specific core, range specific, specific fusefuse, voltage, worldwide, electronic, miniature2
tailormadeconsultancy.nlAvailable interim managers concerning pre-pack, recovery assignments or specific interim assignmentssector specific, specific background, assignment specific, specific interimtailor, advisory, valuation, tax, collaboration2
solpha.nlNew software for today’s GMP requirements with specific focus on data security and traceability.requirements specific, specific focusmanufacture, pharmaceutical, laboratory, flea, tick2
zatonrenovators.nl…all cases, it depends on the cost of material. Our fee in almost all cases includes the cost of material. However, specific products such as kitchen and bathroom appliances and sanitary equipment will need to be provided by the client. We…material specific, specific productrenovation, exclusive, schedule, kitchen, interior2
azparts.nlAre you looking for a specific battery for your bike? Then start with the brand of the battery and the brand of the bike. That way it becomes considerably easier to find what you are looking for on the website. For example, you can type…warehouse specific, specific productbattery, bicycle, bike, charger, electric2
equansrefrigeration.nlSolutions designed for the specific challenges and requirements of your company, which contribute to better-operating results.sector specific, specific development, solution specific, specific challengefreeze, refrigeration, heating, storage, fish2
wimpiesdartcorner.nlBets in roulette are broadly categorized as ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ bets. Inside bets,placed on specific numbers or small groups of numbers,offer higher payouts but lower odds of winning. Outside bets,placed on larger groupings like red or…bet specific, specific number, level specific, specific gradeodd, chance, corner, player, gambling2
kdinternational.nlOur Field Services engineers are able to carry out Servicing on other manufacturer’s equipment as well as our own. We offer a competitive range of Service Contracts tailored to suit individual clients needs and are able to offer client…client specific, specific price, comment specific, specific applicationfiltration, treatment, separator, oily, rental2
hollarts.nlYou have a vision. An idea that you would like to mould into a specific plastic product. You share that vision with Hollarts. An idea may exist in your head or you might have a sample product you want to work towards to. Both scenarios…idea specific, specific plastic, specific examplemould, logistics, injection, storage, assembly2
act-e.nlTailor act-E to domain specific needs by adding custom competence and reference frameworks to 'tag' goals, assessments and activities. Configure custom terminology and branding such as logo and colour. Batch import data via copy-paste of…domain specific, specific need, specific didacticalteacher, structure, assessment, constructive, educational2
zentaishiatsu.nlWith Shiatsu therapy, blockages and imbalances in the meridian system are detected, diagnosed and treated. So that the energy can flow freely again. Specific complaints are thus relieved, overall health is promoted and resistance…pressure specific, specific energy, freely specific, specific complaintsession, treatment, traditional, meridian, rate2
steel-link.nlSteel-Link is dedicated to a small selection of high quality Steel Producers with whom we have a long lasting relation. Those mills value our knowledge in the specific areas where we co-operate closely and in full transparency. As such we…knowledge specific, specific areasteel, independent, description, trading, producer2
dujal.nlIntensification strength in speech: language-specific preferences and differences between native and learner languagelanguage specific, specific preferencejournal, apply, linguistic, xml, editorial2
jaspergilhuis.nlour “master account” to every venue we can make use of the Co-Admin functionality. By specifying an e-mail address and selecting a specific venue we can give each organizer access to its event. Sounds simple but there are some caveats here.address specific, specific venue, agent specific, specific directorydevops, azure, visual, july, release2
jaapdankert.nlInteriors are a lot of fun to do, especially when the client has a specific style they want to achieve. This design involved a renovation of an old city property into a classic craft beer place.client specific, specific style, insight specific, specific situationoctober, presentation, architectural, situation, property2
hansvanholland.nlBefore making an order in the Webshop a date of loading should be chosen. When the date of loading is set, all the available assortment of growers and partners will be shown for the specific dates of delivery.service specific, specific need, partner specific, specific dategrower, profit, packaging, clock, wholesale2
smi-maatwerk.nl…for a particular market sector or product can be reused in other market sectors. Thanks to the experience gained over the last 30 years, we can develop an optimised solution for you and your specific application and market segment.solution specific, specific application, difference specific, specific requirementsmetalworking, welding, aluminum, metal, steel2
zvvkoutenveld.nl4 May May Reduce Reduce Anxiety Anxiety and and animals animals with with a a mimicked mimicked open open talking talking test test The The members members experienced experienced a a specific specific segments segments of of getting…member specific, specific segment, analyst specificpain, study, cell, oil, anxiety2
leadwithsalt.nlSALT is used to help an organization clarify and settle on future leadership needs. Key stakeholders complete SALT based on specific strategic challenges faced by their organization. Aggregated results are shared and discussed in a…salt specific, specific strategic, relevant specific, specific organization, training specificsalt, leadership, stakeholder, report, role2
devcru.nl…I understand the importance of creating customized web applications that meet your business needs. I am specialized in creating high-quality, scalable, and user-friendly web applications that are tailored to your specific requirements.brand specific, specific need, application specific, specific requirementsfunctional, commerce, highly, presence, requirements2
dagoosemastering.nlI prefer the use of the online order system for single track mastering. In case of an album or other specific wishes that will not fit the online order system, please provide me with all this information : companyname, contactname, full…track specific, specific wish, album specificgoose, preparation, file, additional, rate2
ncru.nlThe NCRU is an exclusive facility where we conduct high-standard clinical studies. With this research we investigate the role of specific nutrients and nutrient combinations in the human body, strengthening our ability to develop…role specific, specific nutrient, volunteer specific, specific targetnutrition, clinical, nutrient, participant, paramount2
chiwen.nlOur portfolio includes successful projects across various sectors, including logistics, manufacturing, and customer service. This experience allows us to address industry-specific challenges and offer innovative, effective solutions.industry specific, specific challenge, mind specific, specific issueintroduction, subscribe, technological, title, digitization2
bekkersmetaal.nlThermal spraying involves the application of a metal, ceramic or synthetic layer on a surface to give it specific properties – e.g., wear resistance.surface specific, specific propertywelding, metal, wire, surface, thermal2
humandiseasegenes.nl…and molecular biologists) and provides up to date (yet mostly unpublished) clinical information about one specific gene or copy number variant. HDG aims to fill the gap between first publication of several cases and consecutive…information specific, specific gene, necessary specific, specific functionalitydisease, patient, clinical, consequence, copy2
footballbehaviormanagement.nl…way of analyzing football data and statistics. Because football is a team sport we analyze all significant team achievements or setbacks and then measure every single individual player contribution to each specific achievement or setback.contribution specific, specific achievement, phase specific, specific matchplayer, football, behavior, brain, profile2
mdcs.nl…configuring, and expanding the HP Anyware Solution independently. Still uncertain about an upgrade or seeking advice on specific tasks? Through our (ad-hoc) support contracts, we remain available to assist whenever you need help.advice specific, specific task, planning specific, specific needimplementation, enterprise, device, thin, secure2
marivani.nlLet’s have a conversation about your specific needs and objectives, and we’ll tailor a plan that aligns perfectly with your goals. Whether you’re looking to boost your online presence, increase brand awareness, or drive more traffic to…conversation specific, specific need, requirements specific, specific wishpresence, stunning, glove, maintenance, complexity2
digitom.nlWe aim to offer you talent based on your specific project needs. From skilled consultants, creatives and web developers, digitom is here to help you tackle complex problems and drive innovation for your company and customers.talent specific, specific projectdifferently, skilled, constantly, reliable, flexible2
designarttechnology.nl…a series of colour wheels that are driven by motors spinning at a speed of 75 rotations per second. At this specific speed, our naked eyes are not able to perceive any of the colours. The colours appear only when the wheels are…online specific, specific geo, second specific, specific speedartificial, installation, manufacture, technological, afterlife2
dutchadvocaten.nlIt is possible to ask for a specific lawyer. It is possible that the lawyer you are asking for is not (immediately) available. We would be happy to talk to you to determine which of our team can best assist you. It sometimes happens that…specific lawyer, possible specificlawyer, estate, law, founder, agreement2
arthur.nlUnder the GDPR ‘consent’ by an individual means any ‘freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the…community specific, specific habit, freely specific, specific informtrust, dynamic, society, intelligence, ecosystem2
sepdenhelder.nl…create a tailor-made programme for you. That could cover anything from team building, reorganisation or management-skills training to resilience or project management, but could include specific training courses relevant to your industry.management specific, specific training, room specific, specific wishimpression, session, combination, programme, strategic2
djanmulderij.nlIt is possible to get acquainted and talk about specific wishes concerning for instance wedding gifts, reminders, personal wishes etc.specific wish, possible specificceramic, copper, face, spark, wish2
ewouddekker.nlMy unique 4D-Systemic Analysis ® methodology helps you quickly understand the specific blueprint of systemic and psychological dimensions and their interactions, that contribute to success or failure in change processes and paradoxical…strategy specific, specific question, quickly specific, specific blueprintexecutive, systemic, trajectory, presentation, dimension2
drsok.nl…needs of their employees, no matter how long they stay, will attract better talent. Second, we recommend that specific HRM policies be developed for different groups, since the outcomes of our study showed several differences in needs,regard specific, specific work, second specific, specific hrmthesis, study, employee, summary, chapter2
tacticalequipment.nlTactical Equipment offers many products used by different target groups. We serve everyone within this specific group of end-users.group specific, specific group, brand specific, specific producttactical, gear, military, reliable, trade2
solargreenclean.nl…Together with our customers we make a tailor made plan and offer our services accordingly. Under our brandname De vrolijke Grazers (translated as The happy Grazers) we offer sheep grazing services as well for specific locations.service specific, specific location, able specific, specific yearlymaintenance, landscape, specially, machinery, automatic2
cronecoaching.nl…experience in psychology, communication and business administration. My working method is personal, dedicated, thorough and results-orientated. With my guidance, you will always achieve the desired result by following a specific plan.result specific, specific plan, improvement specific, specific situationguidance, career, recommendation, dedicated, appointment2
jeannetteslutter.nl…workers and objects are positioned and steered through the space. Only when she has a firm grasp on the context, Slütter makes a site-specific intervention, which can take the shape of a performance, video-work, object or installation.site specific, specific artist, specific interventionhague, antwerp, exhibition, residency, grant2
yourmiraclekraamzorg.nlI give you specific advice , take on all practical aspects and check and record the medical condition of you and your baby. For example, I take your temperature and pulse, check your baby’s breathing and skin colour and take care of any…maternity, miracle, breastfeeding, carefree, calm2
exerion.nlWe have developed a number of dedicated tools to manage this range of complex industrial processes. On the basis of our specific expertise, we are a fully-fledged partner from start to finish in the industries where we operate.addition specific, specific technical, basis specific, specific expertiseprecision, industrial, processing, semiconductor, manufacture2
innerverse.nl…your birth chart and create meaning together as we combine the astrological symbolism in your chart with your lived experience and any specific inquiries you may have. Consultations are 60 to 90 minutes and take place online via Zoom.experience specific, specific inquiry, phase specific, specific moonastrology, chart, birth, somatic, moon2
paulineseebregts.nlMy name is Pauline Seebregts. As a professional storyteller I like to create and tell inspiring stories. I search until I find words and images that fit the occasion and that touch head and hearts. Whether it is a story performance, a…lecture specific, specific topic, organization specific, specific themeinspire, democracy, connection, confidence, collaboration2
maurikstomps.nl…notices a forgotten or damaged bike, they attach a warning sticker on it: “This bike will be removed on a specific date”. On that particular day, the bike will be removed and brought to a bike storage, where the owner can get it…bike specific, specific date, year specific, specific exactbike, street, polish, utility, rule2
routetomarket.nlTo offer you the best support, Route to Market has various solutions. We focus on your specific needs and apply our knowledge and resources to them.solution specific, specific need, diligence specific, specific greenbiomethane, ghg, certification, combination, calculation2
molnopex.nlWe dry, sort to size and inspect the quality, after which we pack the onions. Do you have specific wishes? Contact us for the possibilities.onion specific, specific wish, requirements specific, specific requirementsonion, wish, collaboration, possibility, sort2
dantefactor.nlEnhance employee effectiveness and satisfaction with the validated DanteFactor test. Use it to assess your position, identify specific needs, and plan actions to maximize talent potential […]position specific, specific needemployee, compass, motivation, effective, leadership2
kerntalentenanalist.nleverything from the core talent discovery extensive report with your core talents and specific combinations. Explanation of your core talent constellation in relation to burn-out, bore-out, perfectionism, creativity and leadership. 25 -…significance specific, specific combination, talent specificanalysis, profile, report, combination, conversation2
procarekraamzorg.nlWe have agreements with all health insurers in Holland, so your maternity care will be reimbursed by your health insurance. Do you have a specific query and would you like to have an answer from one of our maternity nurses directly?use specific, specific service, insurance specific, specific querymaternity, op, insurance, package, breastfeeding2
rotterdamtaxicentrale.nlAnswer: "Yes, there are some alternative routes available. If you'd like to avoid a specific road or take a faster route, let us know."absolutely specific, specific preference, available specific, specific roadcab, reliable, transportation, comfortable, ride2
oteoptics.nlBefore developing your private label, we like to discuss the right product strategy for your specific customer group. Due to the many options, it is important to consider which products best suit you and your customers and which strategy…strategy specific, specific customeroptic, lenses, sensation, shield, colour2
startupreadiness.nlalso consisting of the Game, Set and Match modules, you get additional access to various extras such as experienced Data-AI mentors, business developers and experts. Specific workshops and community events are organized throughout the year.solution specific, specific customer, expert specific, specific workshopreadiness, potential, groundbreaking, founder, itch2
citygis.nl…Maintenance services also includes geospatial new technology, enhancing and updating (open source) routing maps with specific map layers for emergency navigation, including dynamic layers like temporary road blocks, closed bridges etc..map specific, specific map, pos specific, specific basicinfrastructure, geographical, nav, electronic, ride2
femkebeute.nl…of nature and daylight ) I have made a first overview of outcomes and underlying theoretical pathways and the present project will update and complement this knowledge, with a specific focus on windows. The report can be downloaded here .public specific, specific adolescent, knowledge specific, specific focusdaylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit2
talenpracticumamsterdam.nlYour end goal greatly determines the composition of the lessons. Your end goal might be to talk more fluently in general, but we can also train you to reach a more specific goal. The course can be completely focused on the ‘Dutch as a 2nd…test specific, specific wish, general specific, specific goallesson, laboratory, tuition, appointment, exam2
progressieve-geneeskunde.nlhave specific combinations of sugars, are recognized by each other and left alone.entity specific, specific igcsugar, fat, cell, medicine, treatment2
miggy.nlAt Miggy, we offer a wide range of connectivity options to meet your specific IoT needs. Whether you require speed, low power consumption, extended range, or a combination thereof, our solutions, including 4G, 5G, LoRaWAN®, NB-IoT, and…flexibility specific, specific need, option specific, specific iotadvanced, connectivity, efficiency, seamless, efficient2
squidit.nl…understand as no other the challenges you encounter when looking to outsource. Therefore, Squid IT offers both full service development solutions as well specific project management solutions catered to your needs and available resources.client specific, specific requirements, solution specific, specific projectsquid, infrastructure, api, requirements, availability2
side-hustles.nlStarting a blog in a niche that you comprehend allows you to reach an audience who shares the specific very same interest as you. Yoga, company, charm, and vehicles are some popular specific niches for running a part-time blog site. You…nearly specific, specific niche, audience specific, specific interest, popular specifichustle, money, simply, additional, profitable2
coatect-pcn.nlIn addition to performing coating inspections and paint engineering consultancy, NACE certified coating inspectors from COATECT-PCN bv also provide various types of instruction and training specific to steel and concrete preservation.training specific, specific steelinspection, maintenance, paint, inspector, independent2
rodomach.nl…by welding a custom circle weld pattern. Then the plate is inflated by using water pressure, which creates a specific single or double embossed profile – the pillow plate, through which the cooling or heating is conducted. The…pressure specific, specific singlewelding, plate, pillow, flute, handle2
btstravel.nlOur rates are based on a point to point transfer and your Chauffeur is instructed to use the most direct route for expediency. If you would prefer the Chauffeur use a specific route our hourly rates and minimum will apply.chauffeur specific, specific routetransfer, transportation, vehicle, hague, cab2
flexxy.nlOur RPO service is an all-inclusive package that offers a cost-effective solution to traditional recruitment methods. We offer flexible pricing options that are tailored to your specific needs, so you only pay for what you need. By…option specific, specific need, team specificsustainability, candidate, comprehensive, contractor, flexible2
wei-mvo-adviesgroep.nlOur specific Win at Slot Machines strategy ended up being play the one-dollar slots and instead of playing highest three tokens that the Jackpot Skill Stop Slot machine offers, we stick the new one-dollar have fun playing. Sure, it…baby specific, specific questionrelationship, sugar, uncategorized, crucial, gambling2
aromazorgzuster.nlThe information on this site should only be used for general information purposes. No rights can be derived from the information with regard to its reliability for specific purposes and no statement or guarantee is given with regard to…reliability specific, specific purpose, site specific, specific aspectaromatherapy, purpose, smell, atmosphere, relaxation2
biezepol.nlBiezepol Metalworking is a leading specialist in advising, developing, producing and supplying customer and norm specific products. All products are subject to the most stringent accuracy requirements, whether it concerns a one-off…norm specific, specific product, requirements specificturn, metalworking, requirements, impression, career2
arcadiaumc.nlARCADIA offers a variety of services, platforms and tailored solutions to strengthen interaction between patient care, innovation and fundamental research and supports your project according to your specific needs and requirements.project specific, specific need, service specific, specific requirementsdiscovery, laboratory, diagnostic, simultaneously, edge2
avilius.nlA retail chain may need help with implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system. Avilius personalized consultant can work with the chain to identify its specific requirements and develop a plan for deploying the CRM…specific example, chain specific, specific requirementsconsulting, architecture, productivity, strategic, create2
rondleiding-delft.nlAll my tours are customized to the specific interests and wishes of customers, so whether you’re looking for a short city walk or an extensive tour, I make every tour special and unique. I can also give a tour tailored to your interest or…tour specific, specific interestguide, extensive, wish, interest, historical2
ihp-hwrp.nlOn this website you can find more information about the Committee´s activities, events and publications and get to know more about UNESCO-IHP and WMO-HWRP. Please feel free to contact the coordinator if you are interested in a specific…partner specific, specific dutch, interested specific, specific activitycommittee, initiative, topic, groundwater, publication2
expatdivorce.nl…Important! Think very carefully before going to court to settle your divorce. The fact is that you can make specific arrangements through consultation, whereas a court of law is limited to awarding or denying claims. Whilst the…fact specific, specific arrangement, appropriate specific, specific situationdivorce, expat, law, lawyer, matter2
spicedesk.nlAs Spicedesk we deal with a wide variety of different spices and aromatic seeds from different origins. We can supply products in both whole and in-house processed qualities to meet all specific requirements.quality specific, specific requirements, batch specific, specific numberspice, supplier, seed, aromatic, herb2
lap3.nlThe sector plans flesh out the policy framework for specific categories of waste. Each sector plan describes the policy for the relevant waste as well as particular aspects relating to licensing and imports and exports.framework specific, specific category, indication specific, specific wastewaste, environmental, circular, economy, section2
caremocatering.nlIt is possible to order our catering, rentals and services through our web-shop, however, we prefer personal service and are more than happy to provide you with tailor-fit possibilities to accommodate your specific needs. For your private…formula specific, specific need, possibility specificrental, possibility, find, necessity, round2
janusvaten.nlFrom production worker to planner in the logistics department, and from buyer of used packaging to seller of a reconditioned product: at Janus Vaten, every employee matters in his or her specific role.employee specific, specific rolepackaging, head, steel, industrial, tight2
prodin.nlSpecialises in personalised service for business owners in three specific sectors.owner specific, specific sectorassembly, efficiency, chain, integration, powerful2
makerzoektmaker.nl…you and the clothes you wear. It is about the moment when all this comes together and you fall into place. This specific feeling is the guiding principle of the film and is depicted in a physical environment. In the film they follow…performer specific, specific awareness, place specific, specific feelwinner, visual, audience, musician, round2
mrdh.nlDigitisation and automation strengthen the competitive power of businesses and provide more employment at all levels. But that requires specific knowledge of new technologies, new customers and new markets. Field labs ensure that…level specific, specific knowledge, sustainable specific, specific travelregion, metropolitan, hague, municipality, partnership2
wirelessresearch.nlYou can reach the course-specific information through the "Courses" menu at the top. Depending on the course, there will be course information, announcements, discussion forums, and (self)-study material such as slides videos, study…course specific, specific information, independent specific, specific courserf, wave, wireless, etc, background2
dutchhelmets.nl…the items added to the shopping cart; whether you have visited our website before; if you are logged in; and the specific language and currency you prefer to see on the website. We also use cookies to target our ads specifically to you…website specific, specific languagehelmet, purpose, expiry, mkii, consent2
thehaguemaths.nlThe Hague Maths aims at offering all our students a dedicated approach based on the curriculum offered at school for their specific levelschool specific, specific level, technique specific, specific topicmath, hague, mathematics, geometry, statistics2
nielsdefeyter.nlOur unique steady-state migration methodology ensures that your website retains all its content, front-end, and users. We focus on updating the underlying 'machinery,' making every effort to preserve all site-specific elements. The…site specific, specific element, specific developmentmigration, official, discovery, mijn, january2
estherhandlijnkunde.nlI was quite sceptical about palmistry, astrology and homeopathy. I have lost that sceptism with regard to palmistry. It is simply impossible to know the personal and specific information that Esther is providing you with beforehand. I am…possible specific, specific question, personal specific, specific informationcaptain, consultation, session, background, reader2
nederlandsvoordegezondheidszorg.nlTaleninstituut Nederland offers a specialised programme of Dutch language courses for medical personnel. Because these are private training courses or designed for small groups of colleagues, our trainers can focus on the specific job…trainer specific, specific job, knowledge specific, specific medicalpersonnel, voor, quotation, tailor, healthcare2
dlsupplies.nlWe offer many different solutions to increase the profit in your company with the use of packing materials, depending on the specific needs of the packaging and the intended financial settlementmaterial specific, specific need, available specificsupply, profit, buy, purchase, logistics2
dreamamsterdam.nlDream Amsterdam Foundation challenges contemporary, renowned international artists to create site-specific art projects in public space. Art that can not be overlooked and speak to a universal imagination. Through the fresh outlook of the…site specific, specific artfigure, fact, contemporary, interaction, regular2
secarbeidsrecht.nlProfessionalism combined with empathetic approach to your specific situation is what I experienced during my work with Sec Arbeidsrecht Advocaten. If you are looking for experienced legal advisors in employment law which are going to…capability specific, specific challenge, approach specific, specific situationemployment, lawyer, settlement, highly, law2
pauldirkse.nl…Whether you want to strengthen team bonds, infuse creativity into celebrations, or customize a session to your specific objectives, Paul has you covered. Even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush before, no prior experience is…session specific, specific objective, artist specific, specific stylepainting, artwork, cityscape, hague, bespoke2
mierasmade.nlWithin the Spring Framework I worked mostly with Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring JDBC, Spring MVC, Spring Rest and Spring Web. On some specific projects I have worked with Spring Security and a little bit of Spring Cloud.year specific, specific detail, web specific, specific projectstack, library, placeholder, angularjs, programming2
danielvis.nl‘These data will help advance personalized cancer medicine by guiding researchers towards cancer specific molecular alterations that clearly associate with drug sensitivity. After further validation, this will allow the creation of…sensitivity specific, specific anti, cancer specific, specific molecularcancer, landscape, patient, genomic, sequence2
cultuurarchitect.nl…led by Professor Giep Hagoort , develops Cultural Business Modeling (CBM) since 2004. CBM takes into account the specific situation of cultural entrepreneurs and provides insight into what other new revenue sources could be tapped…account specific, specific situation, order specific, specific versioncultural, enterprise, principle, fundraising, identity2
disvue.nlAdditionally we provide high end special solutions from display suppliers in e.g. Korea and USA. Each of these suppliers have their own specific skills, technologies, assembly options, minimum sales quantity and customization possibilities.supplier specific, specific skills, basically specific, specific needsupplier, dedicated, showcase, trust, principle2
dutchsummerschool.nlParticipants come from all over the over the world, no specific nationalities are overrepresented. Half are expats living in the Netherlands. The other half travels from abroad to do this course.world specific, specific nationalityintensive, exam, holiday, description, accommodation2
bnve.nlSo if you are looking for specific export instructions or Dutch or European regulations, you have come to the right place. Read more >>expert specific, specific livestocklivestock, regulation, instruction, exporter, croatia2
consulted.nlConsultEd has vast experience with, and knowledge of, advising management on subjects usually encountered where innovation, strategy and sustainability meet. Experience in various sectors and industries ensures a quick understanding of…service specific, specific topic, understand specific, specific businessstakeholder, strategic, sustainability, understand, exponential2
vn-logistics.nlAvoid these 5 transport mistakes: We believe that costs for transportation of your goods should be done as cost efficient as possible. It can be done! However it’s a complex process which requires specific and extended knowledge. Here is…item specific, specific type, cargo specific, process specific, specific extendlogistics, warehouse, freight, road, seafreight2
stefandejager.nlWhen we would be able to tag on a bit of automation to our product to fullfill a specific niche requirement, I set this up through an as simple as possible script. Sometimes this takes care of a one-off operation, other times these are…generally specific, specific need, product specific, specific nicheinfrastructure, automation, stack, enthusiast, task2
finaps.nlAre you able to rely on Finaps? Is there a mutual understanding? Do they understand what Quions specific needs are? Do they do what they promised to? – They have exceeded expectations on all fronts, so I am extremely happy with our…bank specific, specific challenge, quion specific, specific needstudy, principal, interest, degree, programming2
marksediting.nlMore than 20 years of editorial experience in international environment, with an understanding of the specific requirements of different outlets and disciplines. Ample in-house experience combined with freelance practice. Reliability in…understand specific, specific requirements, ear specific, specific concernpurpose, translation, write, edit, academic2
inmarcon.nlWe will work within the management structure of an enterprise, either as a functional manager or to undertake a specific short term project. Projects can last anything from as short as few weeks to over a year in some cases. We provide…manager specific, specific shortstructure, money, functional, enterprise, ship2
networkpages.nl••• Equivalent of higher education on a bachelor level. Contains intermediate mathematics. These contents may contain some specific terminology, need more patience, apply more advanced logic, or needcontent specific, specific terminology, analysis specific, specific topicmath, algorithm, decision, interest, connect2
joriskersten.nlThis since this topic consists of 2 parts. Article 6 is part 1 on this topic. And this 7th one is the second and last part on this specific topic.second specific, specific topic, investment specific, specific marketvaluation, risk, equity, volatility, debt2
adeko.nlTo run a webshop based on the content management system PrestaShop needs, besides a beautiful design and optimized development, specific hosting. So PrestaShop hosting! As a Gold partner of PrestaShop we know exactly what is needed to run…development specific, specific hostingcertificate, domain, registration, promotional, found2
zwierslanguagetraining.nlWe are Zwiers Language & Exam Centre and our mission is to support our clients in the corporate, professional or academic fields. Our unique and innovative training courses encourage and motivate our students to master specific areas. By…student specific, specific area, knowledge specific, specific environment, course specificexam, presentation, advanced, certified, french2
vreeberg.nlVreeberg manufactures high-quality TPE and TPU film. We can also die-cut and slit both types to meet your specific needs. Count on us for custom solutions, extensive experience and an in-depth knowledge of these materials.type specific, specific need, question specific, specific requirementselastic, die, cut, slit, customisation2
jbsoft.nlIf every thing is fine, you can start setting up Home Assistant or restore from a backup, but make sure that when you restore from a backup that the same supervisor version is used, or the backup restore will fail. To update to specific…restore specific, specific version, plant specific, specific settingraspberry, certificate, commit, connect, pcie2
mtsa.nlMTSA Projects is about designing and building customer-specific equipment, installations and machines. These installations are often unique, for example pilot plants, demo plants, production installations and special test equipment for…customer specific, specific equipment, specific solutionhydrogen, supply, installation, archive, manufacture2
evimarefish.nl…In line with our goal of developing a range of the highest-quality seafood products, we value long-term relationships with our business partners. Together with them, we focus on specific demands, as well as on competitive pricing.partner specific, specific demandfish, mackerel, relationship, demand, competitive2
trucksrecovery.nl…LLP and the Law Offices of Francis O. Scarpulla, two international law firms with extensive experience in pursuing damages from global price-fixing cartels, have agreed to provide support and assistance, each as to specific cartel members.assistance specific, specific cartelcartel, recovery, damage, litigation, compensation2
berthofma.nlTo train unqualified and under qualified workers up to specific international standards, in order to support their career in the sector, instead of ending in dead-end street jobsworker specific, specific international, overview specific, specific projecthospitality, career, tourism, profile, qualification2
lokaal150.nlTell me what you want. Beside your specific goals I look at your level and your background. Then we set a goal and make a plan.specific goallesson, pleasant, adult, motivate, appointment2
betac-accountants.nlWould you like more information about a specific subject? Or do you need advice? We are here to help you with everything that is accounting and tax related. Don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking the button below.information specific, specific subjecttax, accounting, administration, successful, advantage2
labinsights.nlCherwell has published an update to its guide on “Environmental Monitoring Processes and Validation”, incorporating specific detail on the new version of EU GMP Annex 1. This aims to help sterile medicinal product manufacturers with…validation specific, specific detailanalysis, laboratory, compliance, potential, property2
party4duchenne.nl…genetic testing. Genetic Testing Genetic testing refers to analysis of the gene itself, and it identifies the specific disease causing mutation. Genetic testing can also predict a person's risk of developing a disease. For expectant…gene specific, specific disease, dystrophy specific, specific groupsign, progression, doctor, diagnosis, mother2
newlines.nlSpecially designed and implemented IT solutions based on the details of a specific case, required functions and unique business needs.detail specific, specific case, solution specific, specific strategicbenefit, telephony, computing, storage, efficiency2
developerblog.nlBecause it would be my first real Android app, I decided to port one of my existing iOS apps to the Android platform. This would mean that I could focus on the Android specific things and issues and not on the logic of the program.android specific, specific thing, specific platformxamarin, blogging, february, xml, instance2
pmcaugustinus.nlWith our shiatsu treatments, we offer you the opportunity to achieve a deep state of relaxation and well-being. Shiatsu, a Japanese form of acupressure, focuses on balancing the energy in your body. By applying gentle pressure to specific…treatment specific, specific need, pressure specific, specific pointparamedic, balance, therapy, relaxation, treatment2
esthervandersluis.nl‘During wintertimes when fingers almost freeze to the palette knife and oilpaint on the palette seems putty. Because all the senses are contributing to that specific moment the work is developing it’s own ‘soul’.use specific, specific colour, sense specific, specific momentder, paint, clay, purchase, painter2
margeli.nl, New England (USA) in preparation for her PhD in linguistics. These experiences make the translator skilful in the conscious application of language-specific techniques and culturally defined nuances that enhance the efficiency of the…language specific, specific technique, specific phrasetranslation, interpret, creativity, linguistic, apply2
gdeurope.nl…and distribution. Should you require support for only a part of our services? No problem, we accommodate your specific requirements. G&D are 100% Dutch and 100% Chinese, the perfect combination to realise your strategy for the Chineseproblem specific, specific requirements, market specific, specific informationlogistics, distribution, combination, dairy, organic2
abacusadvisory.nl…its understanding and expertise of commodity trading and the associated trade-related risks, Abacus Advisory ensures risk advisory services are tailored to the specific commodity’s characteristics and client business model’s requirements.service specific, specific commodity, engagement specific, specific focusadvisory, commodity, trade, risk, trading2
n-o-w.nlThe cupola is one of the three Panopticum-style buildings in the Netherlands. The 224 prison cells are situated around the central cupola that spans over a diameter of 62m. The project “See me now?” zooms in on the building’s specific…site specific, specific project, build specific, specific architecturalbrain, ecology, artistic, cell, dynamic2
hbvculemborg.nlAppropriate for your specific business, making it easy for you to have quality IT services.appropriate specific, specific businesspass, oil, emission, reduction, alteration2
jdrf.nlThe applications that make it past stage 1 are then looked at by the senior management team of our Research department. This team decides on how each application fits in with our research strategy and our specific research goals. This…strategy specific, specific research, research specificscientist, funding, worldwide, scientific, potential2
speelotheekveldhoven.nl…you the way in our speel-o-theek. You will find an explanation of the lending process, the kind of toys and games that are available and the lending fees. For specific questions, please talk to one of our volunteers in the toy library.fee specific, specific question, festival specific, specific occasiontoy, fee, volunteer, library, lend2
certa.nlAnd specific legislation: Housing Act, Consultation Act, but also ‘just’ the Civil Code: offer and acceptance, error, building liability.client specific, specific leasinglaw, lawyer, bankruptcy, receiver, insolvency2
ste.nlThere is nothing more personal than language. Each student has different needs and that requires a specific approach. That is why we always start by determining a student's language level and we outline the target level based on the…need specific, specific approach, solution specific, specific targetinstitute, reference, grant, vacancy, teacher2
physikinstrumente.nl…in the fields of motion and positioning. We develop and produce positioning stages and actuators for linear, rotary and vertical motion or combinations of different axes and also adapt those solutions to customer-specific applications.customer specific, specific application, suitable specific, specific requirementsactuator, motion, linear, manufacture, precision2
stemvoormoed.nl…and information channels and then restructure them. Because of this, each individual will know where to look for specific information or services. In addition to the ability to find information relevant to our daily lives, citizens will…council specific, specific issue, individual specific, specific informationmunicipality, citizen, housing, resident, transparent2
bos-ictservices.nlEvery customer has its own systems in place to manage specific tasks. OpenText products have an enriched set of connectors available to communicate with external systems. Systems like Documentum, Content Server, SAP, or AD. I brought…place specific, specific task, discussion specific, specific topictask, report, bright, solid, stack2
asian-foundation.nlIf you don't want to make Asian Foundation your heir, but do want to include it in your will, you can opt for a legacy. With a legacy you determine what amount of money or specific asset (for example a house, a piece of land or a share…money specific, specific asset, reason specific, specific decisionasian, mongolia, annual, report, mongolian2
leghorn.nl…is also a French-speaking country, the French name “Leghorn type moderne” (Italiener type) is another denomination being used in the country. However, in German speaking countries the name Leghorn is specific for the American Leghorn.leghorn specific, specific american, page specific, specific colourbrown, silver, additional, american, origin2
limex.nlThe Limex washer: a Dutch product that is used worldwide (!) for cleaning crates, seed trays, buckets and transport trolleys that are mainly used in the horticultural and floriculture sector. From selling and renting complete washers to…washer specific, specific product, customer specific, specific solutionwashing, washer, crate, tray2
digipast.nl1. Be Specific. · 2. Be Romantic. · 3. Be Positive. · 4. Be Heartfelt. · 5. Be Sincere. · 6. Be Romantically Sentimental. · 7. Be Creative.write, dissertation, thesis, writer, paper2
projectcapital.nlWe form sector-specific expert teams and go where the project is. Leading the entire process provides us control over every aspect of the project. This ensures that our clients’ invested funds are efficiently allocated and that each…sector specific, specific expert, industry specific, specific teamcapital, investment, investor, seed, manufacture2
wijzijnbreikers.nlYes, experience has shown us that a tailor-made approach always produces the best results. For example, a postal code scan, workshops and meetings aimed at sharing knowledge on specific areas. The work involved is often spread out over…advice specific, specific situation, knowledge specific, specific areamobility, logistics, accessibility, independent, employee2
baileyparker.nlMr. drs. H.J. van der Tak is registered at the Dutch Bar Association at the following areas of law: intellectual propert law. This registration obligates him to follow specific vocational training.registration specific, specific vocationallaw, lawyer, firm, associate, relationship2
dutchlanguagecourseseindhoven.nl…well, the ability experts involves the best showing aptitudes for ad libbed learning. The learning forms include specific systems and procedures that are determined to offer most extreme inclining experience. Every one of the experts…wake specific, specific period, period specific, specific spot, form specificigroup, reason, exercise, lesson, likewise2
jahoma.nlIn general, any sport that use time registration as qualifier somewhere can benefit but the tool can also be used for recording some specific motions to study what people are doing and how movements could be approved. Examples:country specific, specific approval, tool specific, specific motionelectronic, registration, requirements, jump, measurement2
mobidot.nlTo capture the 24×7 mobility behaviour of your specific target group. How do these people travel, where do they stay and what activities do they enjoy over time.journey specific, specific modality, behaviour specific, specific targetmobility, pattern, modality, behaviour, distribution2
devopscompany.nlAt DevOps Company, we provide the opportunity to hire experie nced SRE and DevOps Professional for a specific period of time.professional specific, specific period, team specific, specific trainingdevops, infrastructure, stack, sre, operation2
safeworkzone.nlprovide the disciplines with instructions in an accessible way and keep an overview of the progress. The dashboard also gives you useful tools such as location-specific weather forecasts and information on traffic and public transportation.location specific, specific weather, fully specific, specific needroad, warning, behavior, safely, worker2
ittsc.nl…and establish sustainable generational wealth structures. We - together with our partners - understand that each client has unique goals and challenges, and we are committed to providing tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.solution specific, specific need, strategy specific, specific goaltrust, structure, wealth, trade, tax2
humeij.nlAiming to separate waste in a variety of specific materials? Make the difference today with our in-house designed and manufactured Windshifters and real-time support from our helpful engineers!variety specific, specific material, windshifter specific, specific goaladvanced, extraction, manufacture, waste, treatment2
anneliesdijkman.nlEvery place has its purpose, its history and its own space. All these places - parks, school yards, gardens - are in use by people. I create site-specific artworks to celebrate these living places, areas that have their special uses and…site specific, specific artwork, specially specific, specific placeartwork, visual, inspiration, tree, enormous2
employmentlawfirm.nlNotable temporary changes enable a 60 hour work week for up to 26 weeks per year during exceptional circumstances after works council consent. Similar opt-out schemes apply in specific industries like healthcare.staff specific, specific fair, scheme specific, specific industryemployment, law, dismissal, agreement, assistance2
longbows.nlThe tax function is doing OK. Internally you have someone taking care of tax related admin and outside counsel advises you on transactions or specific matters when you deem necessary. You do not feel confident enough that the tax function…transaction specific, specific mattertax, function, chain, supply, transaction2
minigalerie.nlMini Galerie presents Remix, a new site-specific installation by Berlin-based artist Rutger de Vries at Big Art at the Hembrugterrein in Zaandam. More...site specific, specific installation, specific workexhibition, artwork, october, visit, limited2
friendsandforks.nlGate Group asked Friends & Forks to do a thorough research on food trends for 12 specific food & beverage stalls for their stand on the World Travel Catering Exposition in Hamburg. After this research Friends & Forks helped Gate Group…trend specific, specific food, group specific, specific marketfork, gate, thorough, eat, nourish2
bb-venlo.nlpermitted without written permission from Bed & Breakfast prins Hendrik Venlo, except and only to the extent provided otherwise in regulations of mandatory law (such as the right to quote), unless specified otherwise for specific materials.right specific, specific material, event specific, specific productagreement, liability, guest, provision, reservation2
nasrrecruitment.nlOur executive search service is designed to help clients find top-level executives for their organizations. We work with our clients to understand their specific needs and requirements and conduct a thorough search to identify the best…basis specific, specific project, client specific, specific needcandidate, temporary, staffing, relationship, career2
alertecgroup.nlOur experienced professionals come to your projects with a standard set of hand and power tools and, of course, equipped with PPE. If more specific tools are required, such as a compressor or welding transformer, all you have to do is…ppe specific, specific toolquickly, worker, skilled, candidate, motivate2
mountcook.nlcombine business -, technical- and end user requirements. She became an expert in profiling users and creating user-specific design that puts them in control. Extensive experience and a practical, down to earth approach are Linda's…group specific, specific wish, user specific, specific designinteraction, usability, lose, requirements, implementation2
alltechnology.nlOften companies require a competent freelancer who can temporary fill in a technical key position within their organization. This may be caused by the sudden loss of a permanent technical manager or in case a large project requires…lack specific, specific knowledge, project specific, specific skillssupplier, shipbuilding, shore, building, luxury2
tunebase.nlTunebase is developed by New Arts International, a company specialising in music. Therefore, we know about the daily practice and intricacies of the industry. Tunebase is developed with the specific purpose of giving you the tools to reachtunebase specific, specific purpose, system specific, specific needorchestra, quickly, easily, audience, click2
pivot-services.nlOptimised content for improved SEO, PPC efficiency, and category-specific guidelinescategory specific, specific guidelinesadvertising, centric, optimisation, listing, holistic2
customframingthehague.nlDe Lijstenmakerij is not only specialised in traditional framings, but also in ‘out of the box’-framings. We provide tray frames, box frames, mirror framings and framings with unusual materials. For a specific kind of artworks we…material specific, specific kindhague, restoration, difference, craftsmanship, cardboard2
compaxo.nlWe respond to the latest trends and continue to improve the quality of our services and products. To achieve that, we carry out extensive tests in our organoleptic and microbiology labs and we use our customers’ feedback to better meet…well specific, specific need, wish specific, specific socialmeat, chain, veggie, certificate, entire2
offsetmedia.nlThanks to our expertise in push and pull marketing, we know how to get the most out of your social media campaign. We work with specific objectives and can create targeted campaigns and advertisements. This way we always know how to reach…campaign specific, specific objectivecampaign, graphic, target, discover, figure2
spacific.nlMy strength, partially because of my architectural background, is creating a specific and unique space in which the identity of the original space, besides the brand-identity, will be the starting point.design specific, specific space, background specific, specific uniquecityscape, interior, entrance, lab, jubilee2
mintas.nlFor Mintas Specialty Foods, quality management is one of the most important foundations in its business. Good quality control forms the basis for trust and good cooperation. We know better than anyone the specific quality requirements and…importance specific, specific quality, well specificgrain, seed, specialty, certificate, mainly2
sollicitatieteamup.nlAfter the interview you will follow a two-day StartUp training. You will learn to supervise the TeamUp activities and to work with the specific target group.activity specific, specific targetvolunteer, refugee, voluntary, session, shelter2
kenhardt.nlOnline Assessment, a high-quality solution. Kenhardt offers various forms of online assessments. Always tailored to the specific demand. From A to Z, the Online Assessment is perfectly executed for you. We do this every day!assessment specific, specific demand, factor specific, specific temporaryassessment, selection, career, executive, leadership2
triacta.nlWe understand what it means to expand a business or to transform into the next phase. If required, we assist with specific projects, sometimes through deploying our own staff but often by bringing in experts. All without interfering with…phase specific, specific project, market specific, specific sectorinvestment, entrepreneurial, carve, leader, investor2
bkcmedia.nlBecause we are happy if we have something to chew on, we work a lot for the medical world where content tends to get complicated quickly. But we also like to sink our teeth into the matter for specialist companies with a lot of…accessible specific, specific audience, subject specific, specific knowledgeprofession, campaign, matter, patient, writer2
fdrkozijnen.nlIf you have questions about your specific order or would like more information about delivery times, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are ready to assist you and look forward to providing you with high-quality, durable frames soon.product specific, specific need, question specific, specific orderdoor, window, craftsmanship, aluminum, payment2
marinusjanmarijs.nlPhilosophy started around the axial period in the 6th century BC, which followed the mythical period and was concerned with a search into the basic assumptions, concepts, and procedures of specific fields of inquiry.procedure specific, specific field, true specific, specific predictiontransformation, developmental, sequence, collective, subtle2
solomun6hours.nlThe program is subject to change. When specific acts are cancelled, there will be no refund of entrance fees or other costs. The organization will always attempt to find a replacement of the same quality level with a similar music style.change specific, specific actaugust, lineup, refund, visitor, father2
credive.nlCREDIVE is happy to discuss your specific investment wishes and requirements and the options we can offer you.happy specific, specific investmentmortgage, investment, vehicle, residential, demand2
ijsbrekerstrainingen.nl…plea training, conducting client conversations and other communication issues. When applying, we look at what specific coaching and / or training is needed and how many hours will be reserved for this. We know from experience that…issue specific, specific coaching, unique specific, specific approachemployee, tailor, intervision, transfer, qualitative2
sitkaspruce.nl…in The Netherlands. In the Netherlands we have a dedicated saw and planer line to grade and prepare the Sitka for specific purposes; Up to 12 meter lengths for masts and spars of yachts, aircraft spruce for new and vintage aero planes…sitka specific, specific purpose, demand specific, specific sawspruce, timber, aircraft, sawmill, wood2
brickthrough.nlOur main creative tool is LEGO ® SERIOUS PLAY ® and other creative tools are available on demand. Brickthrough workshops and forthcoming solutions are always tailored to the needs of each specific client.need specific, specific clientcreativity, muscle, effective, complexity, society2
hvomeat.nlWith our own transport, we guarantee flexible and fast delivery adapted to your specific needsdelivery specific, specific need, team specificmeat, veal, lamb, calf, supplier2
zonmw.nlThis grant call will shape Work Package 4: 'Promising innovative therapies' of the OPD. This work package aims to bring specific innovative therapies as far and...package specific, specific innovativefunding, grant, programme, package, calendar2
audiotweaks.nlAudioTweaks is distributor of SPEC amplifiers, Telos caps & cables, Sforzato network players, Duelund Audio Cables, Tobian Sound Systems, Fidata & Sine cables. Contact us for more information about specific products and availability if…information specific, specific productdistributor, cable, amplifier, lab, breath2
onart.nl…factor is the interactive nature of 3D street paintings. These paintings are designed to be viewed from a specific point and distance on which the entire perspective of the painting is built, which simulates the reality of our…painting specific, specific point, customer specific, specific productpainting, street, illusion, piece, viewer2
cloudmuscle.nlYour business is unique, and sometimes, it requires a custom approach. Our Technical Consultants excel in crafting tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.solution specific, specific needstaffing, consulting, implementation, integration, tailor2
expatbrokerutrecht.nl…and a service-minded attitude that made us choose Waltmann over the alternatives. Local market conditions and the specifics of buying a home in the Netherlands as a foreigner were easily explained to us, and Rutger understood our needs…agency specific, specific regulation, conditions specific, specific homeexpat, property, mortgage, housing, certified2
hapdemakroon.nlGeriatrics is one of our specialisms. We at de Makroon have the specific knowledge and experience required to deliver proper medical care to vulnerable elderly with various health problems and chronically ill people. Mental health care…makroon specific, specific knowledgeblood, mental, geriatric, device, healthcare2
vandervalkhotelspanje.nlThe hotel offers great hotel rooms, breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets, specially tailored for athletes who need to perform. We will take specific dietary requirements into account and it is even possible to rent the entire hotel…athlete specific, specific dietary, al specific, specific informationder, cycling, soccer, vitality, spanish2
stairss.nlcore focus and skate and punk rock influences the shop got extremely populair and started to make its own snowboard specific outerwear. Now 30+ years later Sessions still has deep roots in skate, rock music and core freestyle snowboarding…storage specific, specific fit, snowboard specific, specific outerweardistribution, metal, ball, bonfire, outerwear2
brixcrm.nlHubSpot created its partner programme to aid (future) HubSpot users in choosing a partner. Reaching a specific ‘Partner Tier’ is an achievement, which allows users to set themselves apart from other partners. This because it demonstrates…capacity specific, specific characteristics, partner specific, specific partnerimplementation, powerful, innovative, integration, decisive2
maloyachtsholland.nlCraps is of one of the most popular Internet casino card games. In craps, players bet on the outcome of your rolling of two chop. You can arrange to bet on the variety of things such as the specific roll, an assortment of possible rolls…thing specific, specific roll, gambler specific, specific gooduncategorized, january, lottery, player, gambling2
datacurators.nlWe possess deep expertise in scientific software development, optimization, and integration. Our domain experts and software engineers work closely with researchers to refine algorithms, ensure performance and scalability, and address…industry specific, specific requirementstide, scientific, innovative, genome, academic2
kimsomberg.nlAll texts are written with your specific target group in mind, in a style that reaches them in the best way.text specific, specific targettranslation, appointment, findability, correction, target2
urbanguides.nlThose who set off with UrbanGuides discover the city from a different perspective. The tour guides tell about the modern history of Rotterdam from their specific field of expertise and personal fascination. The focus is on architecture…rotterdam specific, specific field, showcase specific, specific wishguide, excursion, town, enthusiastic, architectural2
dynamics4business.nlMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available for more than 40 country-specific laws and is supported in many languages. Therefore, the product is very suitable for internationally operating companies.industry specific, specific business, country specific, specific lawdynamic, wholesale, trade, logistics, central2
ronnconsultancy.nl…Designed a workflow system that allows the business to set up all the necessary steps, conditions and actions for specific processes so that these processes can be completed almost without the use of human intervention. Build new REST…application specific, specific business, action specific, specific processprogress, programmer, maintenance, python, angular2
riskandglobalmarkets.nlI’ve had the pleasure to work with Chris on numerous occasions. He always seems to know exactly what kind of professional is needed for the specific vacancy that we discuss with each other. His in depth knowledge of finance related roles…netherlands specific, specific skills, professional specific, specific vacancyrisk, role, quantitative, analyst, vacancy2
dantalion.nl…almost none if any support configuring multiple monitors as a single screen. In the past technologies such as AMD eyefinity or Nvidia Mosaic enabled these features but they are vendor specific. Problems around Linux compatib... Read Morevendor specific, specific problemrisc, min, device, introduction, electronic2
risicoanalyse.nl…implemented for prevention purposes during the follow-up process (evaluation). Once the property is operational, one often uses a risk assessment to identify opportunities and risks specific to the operation and management of the property.insight specific, specific risk, risk specific, specific operationrisk, assessment, operation, introduction, purpose2
meldkamerplein.nl…since 1972. EAL's product portfolio consists mainly of Full hybrid Voice Loggers, Tetra / ARBI telephone operating systems, Access Control and Security Management systems, mobile data and GPS orientation systems, client specific software.client specific, specific software, room specific, specific needdomain, independent, section, divider, arrow2
henriettesanting.nlStudio Santing is the studio of designer Henriëtte Santing. She creates site-specific, spatial designs of textile that react with light. — Besides this she also loves to photograph and is a graphic designer/ webdesigner.site specific, specific spatial, specific designpaper, graphic, block, dawn, tree2
welcometonijmegen.nl…“How do I notice that I have psychological symptoms?”). With this form of treatment, you are asked to think of a specific moment of the traumatic event and then your working memory is derived. This can be done, for example, by a dot thatanxious specific, specific situation, treatment specific, specific momentintegration, civic, insurance, lgbt, symptom2
deonlinejournalist.nlThe outcome of surveys can be easily analysed on each desired point in time. Surveys can be applied to numerous situations; Customer or Employee Satisfaction Surveys or specific surveys for behavior or opinions of certain target groups.survey specific, specific survey, scriptr specific, specific subscriptionanswer, survey, characteristics, easily, relation2
roblaumen.nl…goes beyond translation. A short definition of localisation is adapting a product to the linguistic, cultural and other requirements of a specific local market. These days, more and more companies are having their websites, blogs, games…customer specific, specific translation, requirements specific, specific localtranslator, translation, independent, ambition, subject2
psychologiepraktijkbasnijenhuis.nlTreatment focussed on the problems, at specific goals and is fairly short in length.problem specific, specific goal, specific fobiatreatment, appointment, insurance, referral, diagnosis2
surfacetreatment.nlSurface Treatment is your perfect partner for preservation of aluminium products and the improvement of specific product properties. From the coating of single pieces to large series, with our knowledge and extensive experience the field…improvement specific, specific product, customer specific, specific needtreatment, surface, conversion, layer, chemistry2
litpro.nlGO is a multi-purpose language and, as most OO-adepts will stress, can specialise without too much effort. The OO paradigm is very well suited for exactly this: specialising in a specific field.exactly specific, specific field, api specific, specific classprogramming, literate, function, chart, package2
medtrading.nlThe Medtrading air purifier is a modular system with various models and application options. We supply a number of standard models, but these can also be easily adapted to your specific wishes. Medtrading always offers tailor-made…easily specific, specific wish, capture specific, specific targetpurifier, purification, particle, dust, proof2
eazycard.nl…appearance of your business card. We do not recommend putting a name on the business card. This purely and only if someone leaves your organization, it is more difficult to pass on to a new colleague because it has a specific name on it.profile, effective, durable, quickly, securely2
amarimetals.nlTailor-made aluminium profiles and customised service. Wecombine high-quality products with service that truly goes one step further. Engineering, extrusion, assembly, stock management, distribution, client-specific packaging: we offer…client specific, specific packaging, customer specifictube, metal, steel, stainless, profile2
foban.nlSince 2006, FoBan has been serving the industry with the supply of high quality rubber products. In consultation with the customer, we also keep customer-specific products in stock if desired.customer specific, specific productindustrial, dairy, slaughter, mechanical, possibility2
novosana.nlFrom our Amsterdam office, Novosana’s skilled team can serve your specific needs and take the hassle out of your logistical challenges.team specific, specific neednutrition, animal, nutritional, infant, beverage2
growthroughcoaching.nlchallenges and turn around the moment so I can bring the best version of myself in daily situations. I am the confident and happy person that feels empowered by the future opportunities and excited to translate that into specific outcomes 😊specialist specific, specific recommendation, excited specific, specific outcomecareer, growth, session, fear, mock2
nillezen.nlAlso the oilfree and low-noise compressors, which are installed on our trucks for discharging our trailers, ask for specific maintenance. Because of our knowledge we can guarantee the quality of your products from loading until after…trailer specific, specific maintenancefleet, powder, liquid, flexibility, variety2
rechtsraad.nlWhether you're dealing with taxing authorities that are causing you distress, seeking to ensure timely payment from a specific client, or preventing potential problems related to your company's personnel or even private matters—look no…payment specific, specific clientlawyer, confidentiality, venture, ordinary, firm2
speakenglish.nlThe first step for all courses is an intake appointment. This essential first step allows us to understand your specific needs, goals, and ambitions.specific need, step specificspeak, lesson, native, vocabulary, conversation2
vinkinterieurontwerp.nlV I N K interior design is a full-service interior design studio based in Amsterdam. We are able to assist you with all your interior design projects. Our team can guide you through specific design advice for a dedicated space or assist…team specific, specific design, advice specific, specific houseinterior, fix, functionality, residential, property2
deboekhoudhoek.nlI’ve been working with Guillaume for three years. He’s been helping me, my wife and my mum with our three different companies on three totally different activities. He proved himself extremely agile and able to pick up the specifics of…helpful specific, specific question, able specific, specific activitytax, entrepreneur, bookkeeping, declaration, entrepreneurship2
defamiliemakelaar.nlMaybe your question or plan is not even specific yet, but it is always useful to be able to discuss with an expert. De Familie Makelaar is happy to help you start a new real estate project and investigate opportunities and possible returns.plan specific, specific usefulhague, rent, investment, rental, transaction2
caremoverhuur.nlIt is possible to order our catering, rentals and services through our web-shop, however, we prefer personal service and are more than happy to provide you with tailor-fit possibilities to accommodate your specific needs. For your private…formula specific, specific need, possibility specificrental, possibility, round, uk, necessity2
compositesnl.nlCNL provides members with access to relevant networks at European level (EuCia), as well as in the Netherlands and Belgium, for specific groups such as Young Composites for starter employees.belgium specific, specific group, regulation specific, specific sectorassociation, composite, sustainability, maritime, promotion2
4repair.nlAluminium heat treatment is a process by which the strength and hardness of a specific subset of aluminium alloys, namely the wrought and cast alloys that are precipitation hardenable, are increased. 4Repair can provide the following…hardness specific, specific subset, part specific, specific needrepair, aircraft, structural, metal, wing2
westerhofbv.nlOur services go further than realizing specific components, tools and complete machines made to measure for your production process. You can always count on our professionals and service departments for service and maintenance. For you…requirements specific, specific production, service specific, specific componentfactory, assembly, maintenance, machining, overhaul2
studiorelease.nlthem to create the most effective massage for you. Because we know that it is the mix of these techniques that works so well. Our Pregnancy massages are also completely customized, taking into account your specific wishes and circumstances.muscle specific, specific body, account specific, specific wishrelease, relaxation, fully, pregnancy, focal2
cwise.nlCyberWise can provide you with interim network professionals when you need additional expertise to support your IT department whether as a buffer to fill up a temporary vacancy or to assist in specific projects. Each professional is…infrastructure specific, specific need, vacancy specific, specific projectwise, enterprise, infrastructure, networking, secure2
chriswolters.nlDo you have an idea for a new product, appliance, machine, tool or similar? Or do you want to improve an existing product or specific situation? Then I can help you achieve this. It doesn't matter if you only have it in your head, or on…project specific, specific period, product specific, specific situationdrawing, draw, past, mechanical, strength2
ansted.nlTogether with our manufacturers we offer a specific range of Dutch and other West European foodstuffs, both for retail as for foodservice.manufacturer specific, specific range, recipe specific, specific requirementsdistribution, sustainability, manufacturer, warehouse, distributor2
hearheartolken.nlBut HearHear provides more than just an introduction. Alongside our own e-learning environment to instruct and train interpreters for a specific assignment, we offer training programmes for interpreters in collaboration with the…interpreter specific, specific assignmentinterpreter, interpret, translation, hear, impaired2
gmt-benelux.nlFor many vibration challenges we offer solutions with our standard vibration damper portfolio. Are you looking for a specific damper, please contact us . Are you still looking for the root cause of your vibration problem or you don’t know…cause specific, specific solution, portfolio specific, specific dampervibration, gmt, vehicle, railway, root2
rts.nl…backwards and 3-sides tipping, which are available in full-aluminum, steel or a combination of both. With client specific solutions, together with RTS, JPM well performs in the Dutch truck body market. The JPM program is mainly used for…client specific, specific solution, specific componentaluminum, accessorie, panel, distributor, mainly2
geschenkenlaantje.nlAt Geschenkenlaantje we strive to offer an extensive range of printed paper napkins and handkerchiefs . We focus on presenting a variety of designs and styles to meet your specific wants and needs. Our goal is to help you find the perfect…style specific, specific want, range specific, specific itemnapkin, paper, roll, corner, bargain2
mensentc.nl…help. I have been helping people with this process for nearly 20 years. By making a career plan together and doing specific assignments you will gain valuable insight into your qualities and motivations, what energizes you and what type ofplan specific, specific assignmentleadership, employee, participant, professionally, expectations2
nbcvanroemburg.nl…company? Merger, acquisition, business valuation or business succession in the offing? For all these questions you can contact one of our experienced accountants or consultants. For very specific issues, we use our network of specialists.consultant specific, specific issue, like specific, specific informationpartners, wij, wat, entrepreneur, accounting2
nusana.nlNuSana solutions are available for Poultry, Ruminants, Pigs or Aquatic species. We develop and formulate species specific solutions to optimize product efficacy.ingredient specific, specific need, species specific, specific solutionadditive, animal, concentrate, species, nutritional2
erasmusfiscalstudies.nl…regularly in the field of VAT. The most recent developments within known VAT topics are covered, such as tax liability, place of supply of services, taxable amount and input VAT deduction. It also zooms in on specific topics such as thededuction specific, specific topic, exemption specific, specific aspectconference, law, fiscal, tax2
solidnl.nlAre you looking for a specific Microsoft 365 or SharePoint solution? Contact us by phone or e-mail to see how we can help you!specific questionarchitecte, customization, framework, unlimited, possibility2
visualsensations.nlSpecific cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies are are more more suited suited to to specific specific needs, needs, such such as as for for investors, investors, application application developers, developers, day day traders, traders, and…specific trustpilot, suit specific, specific needfee, exchange, asset, money, limit2
godenhaag.nlTo begin your move, it is crucial to ensure that your paperwork is in order and that you have a valid passport. Thoroughly researching the requirements for your specific situation is essential. Additionally, it is imperative to acquire a…boundaries specific, specific person, requirements specific, specific situationexpat, february, tax, january, august2
minorisd.nlIn 2008 we started with three countries (Ethiopia, Zambia and Suriname). In the past few years several countries have been added to this, but we’ve also lost some countries depending on each specific situation and project.country specific, specific situation, uas specific, specific windesheimminor, uas, programme, coordinator, ministry2
econseeds.nl…of species for the intented use, some of which are truly unexpected delights. Our mixtures offer a variety in colours, heights and plant shapes and applicable for different purposes for decoration, benifical insects, and specific places.insect specific, specific place, thoughtfully specific, specific requirementsseed, flower, assortment, vegetable, mixture2
swimster.nlOn October 2, 9 and 11, three online webinars were given - via the KNZB - in which a specific official role was highlighted in each webinar. In addition to an overview of the KNZB Compete system, tips and points of interest from practice…knzb specific, specific officialcompete, official, manual, competition, role2
fintis.nlWe have the specific knowledge to handle payroll to perfection. Your payroll processing will be done on time and correctly.person specific, specific servicetax, accounting, processing, report, resource2
xwalker.nl…mobility exercises in the box in combination with attention to the right nutrition made me already much stronger in general although I had a drawback twice. Mobility exercises and specific warming-up are needed when you’re getting older.exercise specific, specific warming, available specific, specific weaknesswalker, nutrition, mobility, flexibility, useful2
coffeeshopstaking.nl…and small farmers’ livelihoods, it could also be used to benefit large corporations. The Thai government’s new narcotics legislation was drafted with international bodies in mind, but it could not agree on specific limits for cannabis use.individual specific, specific conditions, mind specific, specific limitmarijuana, jenkins, oil, weed, february2
convocat.nlOnce we know which use cases we’re going to tackle, I work together with your product managers, live agents and UX people to design an interaction model for your specific context.model specific, specific context, behaviour specific, specific situationconversation, conversational, analysis, speech, guest2
spiegelapp.nl“We use the Spiegelapp to request feedback on the specific competences in our job profiles. The answers help me understand myself better and motivate me. They also help me understand the feedback, opinions, approaches and mindsets of my…sector specific, specific profile, feedback specific, specific competenceemployee, curious, period, trial, competence2
yourdutchuncle.nlCompanies benefit through our extensive network and our industry-specific expertise through local representative, project-based or temporary support.industry specific, specific expertisechain, logistics, supply, uncle, representation2
tac-up.nlTac-Up BV enters into a Specialist Project when a customer has a specific requirement for a specific task that needs a product or solution for an operation.customer specific, specific requirement, requirement specific, specific task, comprehension specificbreach, dynamic, intelligence, operational, mechanical2
bruder-speelgoed.nl. And last but not least: Bruder is one of the very few brands to produce spare parts, to encourage to repair toys instead of throwing away when broken. More specific information can also be found on the Bruder website: Bruder company…chance specific, specific item, away specific, specific informationtoy, farm, spare, machinery, accessorie2
beautycliniclotus.nlYou can make an appointment free of charge for a skin analysis. We will inform you about the best treatment for your skin type. This is free and without any obligations so don’t hesitate and make an appointment. Do you have a specific…specific problem, appointment specifictreatment, removal, hair, skin, cryolipolysis2
tacticalsm.nlWe give you 3 examples of specific Social Media Growth packages. We offer lots of options and configurations, please contact us via emailexample specific, specific social, meeting specific, specific offergrowth, follower, interaction, target, tactical2
trust24.nlThe timeline for a project varies depending on its complexity and the specific requirements. We work closely with our clients to establish realistic timelines and ensure timely delivery.complexity specific, specific requirements, flexible specific, specific scopetrust, package, excellence, gateway, analysis2
taylorprotocols.nlWhether you are a Life Coach, Executive Coach or Recruiter, the CVI gives you pinpoint accuracy to align a client’s potential with specific role requirements or career opportunities. Use the CVI results to identify top performers and to…potential specific, specific role, role specific, specific requirementsinnate, strength, personality, potential, telephone2
todoornottodo.nlHigh quality healthcare for you as a patient is important. Sometimes, the best care is no care. Or maybe less care than you had expected. Scientific research shows that a test, treatment or procedure sometimes doesn’t work for a specific…decision specific, specific health, choice specific, specific patient, procedure specificpatient, healthcare, decision, treatment, participation2
abbott.nlJob vacancies come in all shapes and sizes. But your job isn’t just any job. Indeed, some vacancies are so complex that you could count the number of potential candidates on one hand. They call for unique knowledge and expertise, specific…expertise specific, specific professional, process specific, specific scarceprofiling, candidate, potential, shape, vacancy2
voorneveld.nlThe housing needs of the people who call on me are very different. Some wish to live in a bigger home, decide to downsize, need a single-person house or decide to start a family and need more room. Expatriates and foreigners have specific…foreigner specific, specific requirements, direct specific, specific customizebedroom, inside, block, listing, appraisal2
bloodtesting.nlPneumonia is a serious condition that can have several causes, including bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. One specific bacterium that can cause pneumonia is Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In this article, we explore the different…microorganisms specific, specific bacteriumblood, disease, std, mineral, pregnancy1
007it.nlYou usually cannot make the evaluation based purely on your own knowledge. Most of the time when you are evaluating a new technology, you lack specific technical expertise in that area. The good news is that you do not have to deal with…technology specific, specific technicaleffectively, evaluator, repair, efficiently, evaluation1
dieeetensport.nlDiet advice is covered by the basic package of your health insurance. This means every Dutch health insurer will reimburse three consultation hours, provided that there is a specific (medical) diagnosis. Do you need more counseling? Ask…hour specific, specific medicaldie, eet, consultation, guidance, nutrition1
thejames.nl…we have various options, such as a group check-in, which makes your arrival just a little faster. We are happy to tailor a quotation for a group reservation, do you have specific preferences or ideas? Let us know, we like to think along.reservation specific, specific preferencecomfortable, official, reservation, hospitality, central1
projectroodkapje.nlBelow are links with examples. There is no specific preference for the suppliers.example specific, specific preferenceintroduction, esc, screw, steering, pinion1
fysio-parklaan.nlWhen it is no longer possible to achieve the desired sporting goals due to an injury, physio and manual therapy can help you get back to sport and get back to your old level. Physiotherapy Parklaan offers appropriate support for specific…support specific, specific sportmanual, complaint, muscle, joint, therapy1
delaatstehendrik.nlThe board will mediate in the event of alleged nuisance. In all other cases of nuisance for which no specific rules have been included in the Internal Regulations, the board will act if necessary.nuisance specific, specific ruleregulation, apartment, association, internal, common1
gmc-mushroom.nl– Arrival of containers during the year according to the work plan and specific program every three months.plan specific, specific programmushroom, soil, casing, strain, french1
nearwater.nl…and develop a prioritized action plan. If needed, we can then oversee the implementation of the entire plan or specific actions within the plan. To ensure the improvements stay in place and new ones continue to be identified, we embed…plan specific, specific actionexcellence, operational, execution, employee, competition1
advancedprograms.nlservice providers and companies that focus on the leisure market. In the course of the company’s development, strong data management and application services propositions have been developed, which focus on creating specific business value.proposition specific, specific businessadvanced, involvement, collaboration, trust, manage1
guitarchives.nl…in trying to get older guitar catalogs because they often were the only source of information available about a specific brand or maker and my catalog collection was steadily growing. I found myself acquiring more and more information…available specific, specific brandguitar, catalog, interested, repair, note1
werkenbijthielco.nlAs a welder you will mainly make customer-specific products. You will weld grilles as the customer expects them. Quality is very important here. Do you have no certificates but do have experience? No problem!customer specific, specific productmaintenance, employee, mechanic, vacancy, profile1
bililed.nlThe microcomputer that controls and monitors all lamp functions allows flexibility to respond to specific needs and requirements. Additional user-specified functionality can be customised.flexibility specific, specific needdevice, syndrome, patient, treatment, intensity1
softandsec.nl…wishes. In the design, installation and realization of access control and / or intrusion systems, there are often specific questions from customers that cannot be answered with standard software. Unfortunately, these questions and wishes…system specific, specific questionattendance, soft, registration, panel, installer1
mistergreenn.nlEXPERIENCE Due to our extensive experience in this sector that we built in the last couple of years, our employees have developed specific expertise, enabling us to give you professional advice to meet your wishes. Our sales managers…employee specific, specific expertise, service specific, specific rangeuw, kenya, flower, assortment, grower1
denkpro.nlThe practice is run by two psychologists, Jeroen Rohde and Niall Jassim. Jeroen and Niall are both trained in and use different treatment methods, tailored to your specific needs. We are happy to help you in your personal growth and…method specific, specific needpsychologist, wait, therapy, treatment, session1
karinstroo.nlThe social public domain has recently become a working area (end of 2021 – 2023). These are EU city projects commissioned by the Province of Zeeland. Focused on a specific problem or objective, we bring out the grass-root ideas of…zeeland specific, specific problemconversation, drawing, soul, installation, sculpture1
digireal.nlBreda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) and FONTYS University of Applied Sciences work together in the MINDLABS ecosystem.​ Other public, private and network partners have joined DIGIREAL with specific sectoral challenges, expertise…digireal specific, specific sectoralpublication, lecture, sectoral, interactive, infrastructure1
koopwoningenoostenrijk.nlEach KWO element has its own website, with more specific information. Above you will find the links:website specific, specific informationcarinthia, holiday, austria, purchase, rental1
manmetkuif.nlI deep dive into your situation and identify what is needed. The support will be customised towards your specific need.support specific, specific needpackaging, consumer, guide, alive, everybody1
sailingdrakar.nlWant to contact a specific admin? or report a bug? Find details on our contact page .bug1
guarantius.nlOur securities are suitable for qualified investors only and specific restrictions apply for certain jurisdictions. We strongly recommend to carefully read the terms and conditions enclosed in our Offering Memorandum.investor specific, specific restrictioncapital, investment, law, risk, debt1
aikidoatwork.nlI look forward to have a conversation with you so we can jointly determine the best approach for your specific situation.approach specific, specific situationtransformation, workplace, sensitivity, effectively, collaboration1
madeliefvandebeek.nlWith my art installations, I create site-specific works: that resonate with the design, history and dramaturgy of the space it is placed in. As both a visual artist and scenographer, I manipulate and empasize a certain place and time. I…site specific, specific workuntitled, artistic, subject, feel, fragile1
tibetshop.nlDuring a Mudra session you will be connecting your fingertips, palms and hands in specific ways. This helps to activate and recharge your energy in your entire body.hand specific, specific wayreligious, session, pendant, clothes, bowl1
dutchmarinesystems.nlTheir extensive knowledge and experience enables the experts of Dutch Marine Systems to offer their clients total solutions. In collaboration with you, our client, we will establish a solid plan of action based on your specific demands.action specific, specific demandfire, door, resistant, ceiling, ship1
hjchristians.nlFoor this evening I have no specific plans. Perhaps I will visit the Regatta of the College of Engineering, Pune (COEP) , but this still depands on the company. I really don’t feel to be going alone, so perhaps Rupali, Safdar or Suhas…evening specific, specific plantemple, mumbai, christians, round, bit1
expatlawyer.nl…abroad comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. That's why we're committed to offering solutions that are not only legally sound but also practical and sensitive to your specific needs as an international professional.sensitive specific, specific needemployment, law, consultation, assistance, rate1
wligtenberg.nlTo rename all files in a specific directory on a Debian based system you can use:file specific, specific directoryfile, directory, february, command, random1
jmvanlit.nl…to affect the occurrence of democratic defence. The resulting framework can guide future research on the role of specific actors in defending democracy. We demonstrate the utility of our framework with illustrative case studies of…role specific, specific actorpolitical, researcher, democracy, doctoral, democratic1
vanderzalmgroente.nlWe invite you to become beta users of 5Scribe, our AI-powered content creation tool. Your early feedback is invaluable in refining and perfecting our software to meet your specific content needs.software specific, specific contentregard, channel, uncensored, captcha, inside1
gaaffoundation.nlChildren with autism learn and develop differently. However, knowledge about autism and the specific way of development is still in its infancy. If we would learn more about how to stimulate their development, we can better support the…autism specific, specific wayautism, parent, potential, effective, treatment1
kseniiia.nlI am an aspiring UX designer and developer, interested in finding novel ways to use the infinite space of the web. While also striving to build structures and create designs that accommodate people and account for their specific needspeople specific, specific needillustration, study, internship, lace, novel1
spiritueel4you.nlDuring this remote healing, specific attention is paid to the energy transmitted by Patrick Zeigler all over the world and is called SeKHeM. He gives his All-love workshops all over the world and are great to experience. Right now, the…healing specific, specific attentiondistance, unconditional, inn, enlightenment, frequency1
blue-energy-concepts.nlA Dutch organisation focused on research, innovation and project development. With a specific focus on small-scale and fish-friendly hydropower in rivers, and on energy storage systems for households, cooperatives and companies. To this…development specific, specific focusriver, innovative, storage, barrier, tidal1
placelift.nl'Facility-wise' is an analogue serious game for collaboration and participatory planning of facilities and services, using a game board with various discussion elements around a topographical map of a specific case.map specific, specific casespatial, facility, scientific, societal, stakeholder1
devosdevriesdesign.nl…is the first step toward that goal and this will lead us through the entire design process from the first sketches all the way to the build phase. All steps in between can be tailored in order to suit the clients specific requirements.client specific, specific requirementsinterior, naval, architecture, yacht, boat1
eden-landscape-gardening.nlGardens evolve over time and, when nurtured properly, can only improve. Our garden maintenance service is tailored to meet the specific needs of your garden through all four seasons of the year. We provide a bespoke management programme…service specific, specific need, programme specific, specific requirementslandscape, maintenance, bespoke, programme, visit1
villa-oniriko.nlThe Plakias region has a lot of tourism but of the good kind. This creates a calm atmosphere with more specific restaurants. At 100 meters from our villa you will immediately find a winner: Taverna Mariou, but there are also great…atmosphere specific, specific restaurantcrete, south, rent, greek, region1
hmbaccountants.nl…Brabant and South-Holland for our skilled staff who will always offer you personal assistance, no matter in which specific area you need it. They have had recent trainings and courses to ensure that they can help you as best they can…matter specific, specific areaauditing, staff, assistance, firm, accounting1
wearelandscape.nlWe don't only work with or for 1 specific sector. We prefer to work interdisciplinarily and with different types of organisations to:landscape, valuable, potential, artificial, intelligence1
artxplosion.nl…knowledge information), lovely spicy recipes and background quality blogs. With this content we will give background information about most of the different oriental kitchens with its specific ingredients, colours, smells and flavours.kitchen specific, specific ingredientasian, swedish, herb, background1
sbsoliplant.nlFrom our independent position, we are well placed to compose schemes that are specifically tailored to your needs. At your own discretion, this can focus on specific bottlenecks that you experience during cultivation. For example, working…discretion specific, specific bottlenecksoil, fertiliser, cultivation, carbon, calculation1
briesprojecten.nlEach project is unique. No wonder, because every project starts with a specific. Bringing together the various stakeholders – owner, client, architect, project manager and subcontractor – is one thing. Keeping all parties together is…project specific, specific stakeholderapply, renovation, interior, realisation, hassle1
conovate.nl…in our organization while HSE manager Joep was able to support and drive significant changes in HSE culture of different sites in different countries with always the right view as to how best adapt his approach to the local specifics”.significant, dynamic, credibility, traffic, algorithm1
bs-vuurvlinder.nl…from the data. Teachers in these schools have high expectations of pupils and attune their lessons on the differences between them. Pupils with special educational needs, get those teachers who have the required, specific knowledge.teacher specific, specific knowledgeteacher, educational, cognitive, emotional, initiative1
musicforabusycity.nlMusic for a Busy City expands on traditional music encounters by taking compositions out of the concert hall and into the urban landscape. The project features five new pieces of recorded music, each created in response to a specific…response specific, specific characteristicbusy, entrance, explore, composition, piece1
oudezijdsarmsteeg.nlAnd because you seem to be an obvious part of the furniture, you often get asked the way to such-and-such: Central Station, the nearest pizza joint, the Red Light District, the closest Smart Shop, a specific street.shop specific, specific streetjuly, leave, august, alley, cabinet1
nextcycle.nlDo you want to make a positive impact to startups? Are you an expert in a specific field that can be of added value for entrepreneurs and investors? Join the NextCycle community and become a startup coach!expert specific, specific fieldinvestor, investment, cycle, manufacture, progress1
reiswerk.nl…employees can remain future-proof. We carry out projects relating to the collective labour agreement and employment conditions, we offer travel sector employees various tools, we organise workshops and expert meetings on specific themes.meeting specific, specific themelabour, fund, employee, voor, employment1
classicevents.nlUnder the umbrella of Trial Club we will organize all our events. We aim to achieve a clublike community by organizing specific events for our club members like driver training courses, Factory tours at our partners, Ice driving…community specific, specific eventtrial, events, bridge, adventure, footage1
schoutenadvies.nl…markets. In addition to help and support with general quality standards and schemes, we also provide support with specific questions in the field of food and feed safety, as well as with occupational safety and sustainability. Choose…support specific, specific questionanimal, sustainability, legislation, regulation, labelling1
audiozender.nlBroadcasting live audio via internet and LAN, recording, and playback: together in one affordable device. Combined with all additional services in a complete solution, fine-tuned to your specific situation.fine specific, specific situationrental, connection, playback, broadcast, far1
netsci.nlThe Dutch Network Science Society Young Talent Prize is awarded to an early-career talent in Network Science. Nominees will be evaluated for one (or more) specific accomplishments. The evaluation (jury led by the steering committee and…nominee specific, specific accomplishmentsociety, prize, chapter, official, phd1
choiratwork.nlSinging together naturally leads to team building. For extra depth, we adapt the workshop to the specific goals and wishes of your organization.workshop specific, specific goalchoir, singing, positive, magic, participant1
ftng.nlManuel Therapy , uses specific hands-on techniques, and includes manipulation and mobilization, especially suitable for treating back and joint pains.therapy specific, specific handtreatment, physiotherapy, therapy, physical, therapist1
strafrechtadvocaten.nlPlease feel free to contact us to discuss your case and see how we can help you with your specific case. Our team of dedicated professionals will do everything they can to help you approach your case with confidence.case specific, specific casecriminal, law, lawyer, attorney, court1
okero.nl…the donated funds and provide regular reports. Funds are mainly collected by a group of loyal donors and also by specific fundraising events. The names of the board members of the OKERO Foundation can also be found on this website.donor specific, specific fundraisingstudy, kenya, summary, village, difference1
corinanederland.nlOnce you've chosen your bridesmaids for your wedding, it's time to start thinking about the dresses. Do you want to add a specific theme to this, do you buy the dresses yourself or do you just pass on the theme? Time for some information…dress specific, specific themewoman, official, clothing, movement, empower1
stinebergevensen.nlIf you want to commission something special, and would like information about prices and delivery times, please send me an e-mai l. I can make any flower you find in the flower archive, or even unique pieces for your specific needs.piece specific, specific needpaper, flower, watercolor, archive, note1
npap.nlIn this conference the final results of the NPAP material studies will be presented and specific research questions regarding the cross-regional production, distribution and use (consumption) of pottery will be addressed. The NPAP final…study specific, specific researchconference, final, ceramic, background, publication1
promeras.nlPromeras advises the Erasmus MC PhD Committee on the PhD Education Policy, and solicits attention for certain topics when needed. Within Promeras, several subcommittees exist to address specific matters such as mental health and issues…subcommittee specific, specific matterphd, candidate, department, mental, committee1
thornstein.nlThornstein offers a real insight in the financial impact of cloud migration and licensing. Bring you own licenses is often possible, but under specific conditions. Thornstein knows the hidden costs and has knowledge of the changing rules.possible specific, specific conditionsprocurement, merger, independent, migration, acquisition1
ellimo.nlThis last week can be spent freely, regardless of possible specific holidays during this week.possible specific, specific holidayrate, meal, flexible, friday, separately1
terugnaarjeroots.nlI highly recommend Luc’s and Jolanda’s work for anyone that’s looking for guidance along their path or those who have a specific goal in mind that they can use some help with to accomplish. Jolanda and Luc will take you by the hand and…path specific, specific goalguidance, session, package, clearing, blockage1
aukjekastelijn.nl…How? First of all, she developed a technical model that gives us good insight in the performance drivers for this specific system both technically and businesswise. At least as important: her communication skills, practical approach and…driver specific, specific systemmechatronic, precision, architecture, understand, stakeholder1
ar4real.nlRecently we have developed a new product that is very useful in outdoor situations. If you want to explain or share information on specific spot: unlock the past or even the future. The App delivers Augmented Reality animations based on…information specific, specific spotinteraction, bias, estate, street, activation1
lyonbv.nlWorkplaces often require a specific interior design solution or modification of the existing premises. Lyon Office Support always considers your requirements to ensure the solution provided is perfect for your business. To this end, we…workplace specific, specific interiorinterior, requirements, stylish, implementation, juist1
vanhessen.nlAt Van Hessen we look at your specific situation. What does your company need to ensure an optimal performance? We are open and honest about what works best for you. And what not. Because making the wrong choice can have huge implications.hessen specific, specific situationhospitality, chain, kitchen, companion, guide1
vmarketing.nlI will develop a plan for you which is suitable and fixing your specific problem.suitable specific, specific problemgerman, vienna, journal, discover, device1
therapynow.nlWe believe that you are a unique individual and that the help you receive with us should reflect that. Our approach is holistic yet remains specific to your individual goals, putting you at the centre of your treatment. Together we will…holistic specific, specific individualtherapy, psychologist, diagnostic, heap, reimbursement1
bioprocess.nlDrop me a call or contact me through LinkedIn, to hear more about my specific experiences and availability. I'm eager to know about the assignment you have in mind!linkedin specific, specific experienceindependence, automation, verification, filtration, chromatography1
robwu.nlDisplay #Anchors ( also for Firefox , source code ) is ideal for bookmarking or linking to a specific part of a page.ideal specific, specific pageenthusiast, contributor, notification, chromium, native1
payse.nlThis depends on the specific form of service you choose within our service offering. Of course, this is completely transparent and with an open calculation.expat, employee, foreign, entrepreneur, boundaries1
svri.nlThere are three modes of operation for generators: stand-alone, island and parallel with the utility. Each operation mode requires specific turbine fuel and generator excitation controls. In this post I describe features of each mode of…mode specific, specific turbineelectrical, voltage, protection, transformer, regulator1
hetfoodatelier.nlInvestors, banks and accountants enable growth and innovation for manufacturers, and to make well-considered decisions… datasets and key figures are essential! Having access to specific strategic interests and informal practices is even…access specific, specific strategichet, manufacturer, supplier, ingredient, cooperative1
bagger-machinisten.nl…engineering projects take place with a wide range of machines. Each machine is different and therefore requires specific knowledge and abilities. Bagger B.V. has a portfolio full of skilled specialists for all machines. They help…different specific, specific knowledgeemployment, civil, skilled, worker, resource1
hollanddoor.nlHollandDoor is your perfect partner. Our services are designed to help you to get knowledge, experience and business relations in the Dutch agribusiness. We provide tailored programs, geared towards your specific needs and interests. We…program specific, specific needcapacity, study, agricultural, animal, government1
massageschoonhoven.nlYour first treatment includes an additional free 15 min. consultation to tailor the treatment to your specific needs;treatment specific, specific needtreatment, currently, valid, possibility, busy1
krizzz.nlThe SolaRoad in Krommenie might indeed be the first purpose built cycling path equipped with solar panels, but one of the main reasons therefore lies in the fact it is not common practice elsewhere in the world to even build specific…world specific, specific roadeclipse, ago, friday, sun, obviously1
simongeijsen.nlA customized WordPress website starts at €1000, but the price may vary based on your specific requirements. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs. My payment policy: Upon acceptance of the quote, I proceed with website…price specific, specific requirementsmaintenance, fully, nail, css, appointment1
joodsmanifest.nlMy specific concern is not on this list and I am super anxious about it!!! ( Mazal tov! probably nobody’s more Jewish )jewish, manifesto, jew, join, effectively1
ageofelysian.nlAlso, we have a custom made slimefun-specific resource pack, that makes crafting much easier and generally improves its visuals. For more information about how to download and install the resource pack, check out the Resource Pack pageslimefun specific, specific resourcepack, resource, player, town, dungeon1
evanem.nlAlso our company cars attract attention to Evanem. They are joyful and sporty. In our choice of brand, type and engine, specific attention was given to quality, sustainability and efficiency. They appear fast and tight steering and have…engine specific, specific attentionprogramme, enterprise, role, balance, risk1
gripgame.nlFrom generic to client- and sector specific simulations, with the possibility to use your own case as basis for the entire simulation. Allows for solo use ánd larger group use.sector specific, specific simulationsimulation, add, player, law, assignment1
vandyke-it.nlEvery customer has specific demands. It is our job to translate these demands in SMART-requirements in order to build a products that fullfills these demands. We do not just build software: during development we ask critical questions…customer specific, specific demandimaging, guitar, programming, preferably, typescript1
ncadshop.nlThe NCAD is regularly approached for specific searches. Institutions, companies, but also private individuals can provide a search. We charge start-up costs and a fee on an hourly basis for search work. But the following applies: no cure…regularly specific, specific searchassortment, singer, postcard, motorcycle, documentation1
xelor.nlBasically its an homage to the ultimate amateur photo - a self portrait in the mirror with the flashlight switched on. We build an iPhone 4 app that collects these photos and puts them in specific order to generate animations.photo specific, specific orderconditional, collaboration, installation, screen, exhibition1
daniellesteenbrink.nlthe tag system on desktop tumblr is GENUINELY amazing for searching within a specific blog!amazing specific, specific blogthursday, transition, monday, official, feminine1
vondelbouw.nlAre you looking for someone for a construction project to take care of all the work from A to Z? At VondelBouw we can relieve the customer. Our customers receive personal attention from one of the construction managers, based on your…manager specific, specific wishrenovation, maintenance, restoration, continuity, hague1
iksmode.nl…to the APIs, authenticating and authorization. On top of that a set of components are built to make calls to each specific API. At the moment a first set of components is available to connect to a limited set of APIs. More are under…call specific, specific apiapi, flag, library, profile, july1
fietsvlonder.nlYou can request a quote here. If you indicate your wishes regarding numbers, desired dimensions, choice of materials and any specific wishes, you will receive our offer as soon as possible.material specific, specific wishbicycle, deck, dimension, slide, parking1
pixcels.nlIn a recent project I needed the range of the Grand Totals in any pivottable in Excel. Unfortunately the PivotTable object has no property for this. Solutions I found on the Internet were for specific cases. So I developed a generic…internet specific, specific casestuff, xml, workbook, drill, bag1
lacoustille.nlFrom exciting activities to relaxing sorties, you find all near our chalet ; any season has it's specific charmes!season specific, specific charmemountain, guest, availability, table, rate1
mailmissionsolutions.nlAs software developers we specialize in the creation of flexible, reliable and scalable logistics software applications. With solutions based upon client-specific configurations of our advanced MMS Core application, we can automate and…client specific, specific configurationlogistics, advanced, warehouse, administrative, extensive1
nl-lab.nlNL-lab in organizing and setting up our webinars for practitioners, we can explain the combination of gut microbiome and IgG food allergy. In addition, NL-lab is always available for substantive questions, case studies and specific advice."study specific, specific advicelab, microbiome, parasite, antibody, consumer1
chirobrandon.nlThrough the “Zone Technique” we examine you to determine which of the brain centres are not in harmony with the systems they control. This is done by touching specific points on your head. These points are connected to the six brain…system specific, specific pointappointment, balance, technique, fleet, disturbance1
collecktor.nlI only ship if the item is paid in advance. If PayPal does not work for you, a regular bank transfer is possible. Contact me for specifics.tintin, glass, pottery, decorative, purpose1
open-regels.nlNorms in legislation and regulations cannot always be objectified in terms of parameters. If you draw up rules and you find that certain norms and values cannot be objectified, manual treatment is necessary to do justice to specific…justice specific, specific caserule, overview, publication, algorithm, central1
ptplus.nlStep 1: Over 250 muscle tests can be used to evaluate which muscles or specific muscle fibers are not responding or weak.muscle specific, specific muscleinjury, therapy, muscle, pricing, reference1
ramana.nlDo you have a special or new business idea or a vision that you want to express with great impact to a specific audience? With a Ramana magic act you can translate your idea in a powerful and magical way. Your vision is packaged in a…impact specific, specific audiencemagic, illusion, magician, activate, indian1
saillanttherapeutics.nlThe emergence of new viruses into the human population threatens global health and economic stability, as observed with the COVID-19 outbreak. Although virus-specific vaccines and therapeutic antibodies are possible solutions to this…virus specific, specific vaccinetherapy, disease, failure, stroke, molecule1
chipta.nlDo you have questions about how to use the dashboard, creating your event, or any specific requests? Our service and support team is always ready to assist you.event specific, specific requestvisitor, overview, pricing, tailor, fee1
psychofos.nlCounseling is used for people who want to focus on specific issues that are causing emotional pain or making you feel uncomfortable.people specific, specific issuetherapy, relationship, couple, face, expat1
global-advice.nlOur information consultancy work is customised to your specific problem and request.work specific, specific probleminvestigation, debt, asset, rate, department1
jolandatetteroo.nl…session, we would build on identifying the aspects that I needed to work on to improve and translate them into specific and measurable small actions. She guided me in an integrated way in order to identify what would work better for measpect specific, specific measurableresource, true, confidence, session, awareness1
vallianatos.nlChildren’s palliative care has a major impact on all those involved, the sick child, family, friends, neighbours, school and the rest of the environment. Specific attention is needed so that the child and family can count on adequate and…environment specific, specific attentionhealthcare, connection, patient, biography, broad1
taste.nla big party or a smaller group. Live cooking, à la carte fine dining, or a playful get-together: everything is possible! And whether you already have a specific menu in mind or would like us to do the heavy lifting: we are open to anything.possible specific, specific menutaste, matter, ingredient, wedding, contemporary1
bkma.nl…and we're here to assist you in areas such as operations, transformation, business change, and more. Our tailored support solutions are designed to fit your specific needs, helping you streamline processes and optimize performance.solution specific, specific needconsulting, leadership, transformation, leader, successful1
newlifeforanimals.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
fivex.nlBeing able to zoom into a single product for a 360-degree analyses offers additional strategic advantages. This granular view can reveal specifics about a product’s profitability, sales velocity, customer preferences, and return rates…view specific, specific productchannel, advertising, commerce, automation, pricing1
bvkm.nlIf you would like to share information or if you have any specific questions, feel free to send an e-mail to the person or committee you wish to contact.information specific, specific questioncommittee, association, region, parent, length1
agilix.nl…with its own distinctive challenges, opportunities, and aspirations. That's why we don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we collaborate with you to create a customized Agile setup that fits your specific context.setup specific, specific contextadaptable, certified, publication, leadership, setup1
jazzyderk.nlThis specific afternoon is about a performance in the Wesopa theather and I have to admit I enjoyed very much sharing the stage with the famous Rosenberg Trio. This extensive family of brothers and cousins are true Ambassadors of the…october, feel, solid, famous, booking1
calltraders.nlExpand into new markets within Europe and the UAE with our specific interional Sales services.uae specific, specific interionalrequest, vacancy, generation, target, campaign1
brexitsupportdesk.nlThe NBCC organises several events to inform members and strategic partners on specific topics and for different occasions, such as networking, insights, and support.partner specific, specific topicbritish, membership, vacancy, north, neighbour1
inmijnhumm.nl…is in treating mood problems, anxiety, trauma, grief and ADHD. In addition to various protocol treatment options, many of which are scientifically proven to be effective, I tailor the treatment to the specific client and their situation.treatment specific, specific clienthealthcare, psychologist, payment, compensation, reimbursement1
aegee.nl…associations have their own unique identity. Nevertheless, they all provide students with the time of their life on a local and European level. If you are interested in a specific local, you can find the list of all Dutch locals below.interested specific, specific localaegee, overview, association, democratic, interested1
valiz.nl…of publications. trancity x valiz books and programmes provide critical reflection on the city, on urban development and renewal, and on the public domain, with a specific focus on the connection with social, cultural and economic issues.domain specific, specific focuscultural, fungal, publication, urban, publisher1
woutersteenbeek.nlSabine EM van Sleeuwen , Stijn Ruiter , Wouter Steenbeek (2021). Right place, right time? Making crime pattern theory time-specific . Crime Science .time specific, specific crimedistance, crime, length, path, pattern1
universityrebellion.nl…circles, that all have their own mandate. These circles are groups of people that meet regularly and take up specific responsibilities for the movement. Currently we have the circles shown on the right at a national level. Depending…regularly specific, specific responsibilityresponsibility, occupation, fact, manifesto, role1
metjannemarie.nlFor more information, please contact Jannemarie . Together we will draw up a list of your wishes during a personal meeting, after which you will receive a proposal that is geared to your specific needsproposal specific, specific needcultural, enthusiastic, engage, het, audience1
lamian.nlOur unique Cocktails are created with Asian ingredients and changing with the seasons. Ask for the bartender if you are looking for something specific, he would love to make you a special drink customized for your taste buds. The Wines at…bartender specific, specific specialstreet, asian, bowl, soul, dish1
niekbrouw.nlThe motor development of the body can be imitated through specific exercises from the Niek Brouw Motor Development.body specific, specific exercisetherapist, biography, porttitor, sit, amet1
adalit-atex.nlAdaro incorporates the most advanced technology with the main challenge of designing, manufacturing and marketing cutting-edge products that provide specific solutions to highly specialized and discerning end-users.product specific, specific solutiontorch, certification, rechargeable, advanced, highly1
tecplus.nlEvery installation is unique and brings its own challenges. TECplus looks at your specific situation. Is it a new installation or is it being converted? Thanks to our many years of experience with a wide variety of installation, from…tecplus specific, specific situationmachinery, workable, assist, clarity, risk1
orangemodelcars.nlSince 1994 began, as many others, the Formula 1 to become more and more interesting due to the endavours of Jos Verstappen. This has made my collection to be translated to a more specific topic for my collection, being Formula 1. At first…collection specific, specific topichelmet, orange, modelcar, driver, figurine1
kgmedical.nlIf specific knowledge and expertise is needed, we do not have at our disposal, we collaborate with our partners in the leading Dutch horticultural network. In this way you are ensured of state of the art, high end technology in the field…greenhouse, facility, macedonia, north, rack1
digital-twin-research.nlThe DIGITAL TWIN program is organized into five main projects (Projects 1-5) and is supported by a project on governance. Each of the main projects will be attached to specific use-cases and collaborate with Project 6, in the design and…project specific, specific usetwin, industrial, vacancy, difficult, accurate1
wpjournalist.nlDo you want a stylish website, one with all the trimmings or a website with specific functionalities? View the featured projects and discover the possibilities of WPjournalist. You will discover that I can offer you just that little bit…website specific, specific functionalityplugin, accessible, distinctive, true, stylish1
ketikotitafel.nl…to familiarize themselves with the other group’s perspective and to acknowledge these relevant differences and the specific challenges that come along with them. In the ritualized and safe context of this Keti Koti Table, these groups willdifference specific, specific challengeparticipant, table, slavery, dialogue, min1
avx.nlFinding that óne AV partner who understands the specific needs of your in-person, online or hybrid event can be challenging. Regular AV suppliers often cannot make the transition to online and hybrid webcast formats.partner specific, specific needsuccessful, participant, physically, enthusiastic, commit1
digitaldibenchmark.nlWith your personal login, you will gain access to your company specific questionnaire and dashboard. In this online environment your organizational scores are anonymous, and only for visible for user of your organization.company specific, specific questionnaireecosystem, diversity, inclusion, force, responsibility1
mistralsupport.nlIn a relatively short period Mistral Support has gained much experience in the world of training. From the training of specific skills and techniques to the deployment of personnel in P&O departments: the bureau covers the complete field…training specific, specific skills, mistral specific, specific disciplinegovernment, branch, personnel, competence, employee1
olioderitis.nlTasting sessions during fairs or presentations during specific culinary events are good opportunities to reach a large public and answer to some of the questions that people have about extra virgin olive oil.presentation specific, specific culinaryoil, olive, tradition, virgin, taste1
poundwise.nlPoundwise has experts in all financial disciplines under one roof. We believe in a personal and lasting partnership, and are committed to taking initiatives that will ensure you achieve the best possible results tailored to your specific…result specific, specific financialtax, insurance, mortgage, divorce, bookkeeping1
deblijemier.nlFear of certain situations or specific objects (e.g. fear of the dark, of going to sleepovers, or of spiders or dogs, for example)situation specific, specific objecttension, emotional, technique, freedom, anxiety1
clariah.nl…teams with work packages for linguistics, socio-economic history, media studies, textual sources and one focussed on technology. The teams develop products for specific research projects, but also for generic research and teaching needs.product specific, specific researchclariah, resource, humanity, academic, package1
dianagoeson.nl…to note that Cloudflare provides flexible pricing options and organizations can choose plans that suit their specific needs. They offer monthly and annual billing options, with discounted rates for annual commitments. Overall…plan specific, specific need, cloudflare specific, specific requirementsmagic, witch, magical, curse, pagan1
barbarakoole.nlBarbara Koole is an action researcher with experience inside and outside of universities. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral researcher at Tilburg University. She is trained as a multidisciplinary social scientist with a specific focus on…scientist specific, specific focuspublication, transition, agriculture, researcher, dissertation1
psychotherapynow.nlOur experienced psychologists in Leiden and the Hague use a range of psychological tools and methods that can be applied to specific issues. Τhe most common approaches used in the sessions are the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), the…method specific, specific issuepsychotherapy, psychologist, session, adult, couple1
trends-and-transport.nlNew opportunities are created by combining insights into trends and developments with specific transport economic and logistical knowledge about ports.development specific, specific transportport, firm, inland, certainty, strategic1
lakwijk.nl"Lakwijk offers solutions in plastics." Both by supplying semi-finished sheet, rod and tube material and by supplying processed products in single pieces or series, Lakwijk offers customers high-quality products with the specific…product specific, specific qualitysign, creation, industrial, advanced, transparent1
egl-keyaccountsupport.nlLinked to a worldwide network of professional freight forwarders, EGL covers all your transport needs from port to port or door to door for FCL and LCL shipments. EGL also offers tailor made programs and customized solutions for specific…solution specific, specific projectlogistics, freight, forwarder, customize, logistical1
sluistex.nlSluistex is closely involved in the development of innovative textile for a broad spectrum of the industry. Starting from the specific demands from our customers, we evaluate yarn composition, fabric construction, dyeing techniques and…industry specific, specific demandtextile, industrial, fabric, fire, east1
leidscherijnouders.nlOn this page you will find links to useful (and by preference: local) websites. To neighbours and local organisations who can assist you in specific questions or challenges.organisation specific, specific questionparent, connect, talk, october, kid1
dutch-tax.nlRouhling in the Dutch tax office is requested by the employer. Since 2019, a permit for the use of 30% ruling is issued for 5 years and can only be applied by 1 employer for 1 specific employee. That is, when you change employers, your…employer specific, specific employeetax, income, rule, salary, employee1
vmatch.nlVmatch has support offices in most important industrial areas and time zones around the world. This service enables us to take you through a step-by-step process that will help you to identify your specific needs and requirements to…process specific, specific needremote, inspection, rental, manufacture, channel1
metaquip.nlWe also offer the perfect solution for specific questions and technical needs for the manufacturing industry, schools and fablabs. With a good laser machine you can shape ideas and immediately bring them to life.solution specific, specific questionengraving, cut, fiber, metal, cutter1
royalbluecollection.nlRoyal Blue Collection is ready to customize the apple according to your specific requirements. A perfect translation.apple specific, specific requirementsluxury, artistic, shape, ceramic, interior1
knitco.nlDeveloping a node costs some time upfront but saves a lot of time in the long run, as it makes it a lot easier to develop workflows when there are specific nodes for your needs.workflow specific, specific nodeconsulting, node, automation, integration, capability1
lineair.nlAlmotion has has its its own own engineering- engineering- and and production production department department so so we we can can serve serve you you quickly quickly and and professionally. professionally. Would Would you you like like a…like specific, specific adaptationlinear, wish, practical, failure, pick1
dfpe.nl…facilities. This is coupled with a first class network of global technology partners. Our engineering operations and technical services are always tailored to your specific needs as well as local environments and operating scenarios.service specific, specific needprocessing, vegetable, manufacturer, farm, supermarket1
transportwesterman.nl…trailer, we have trailers with partitions and additional evaporators. This allows every product to be kept at the specific temperature required for that particular product. This specialization and the experience we have gained over many…product specific, specific temperaturevacancy, france, temperature, sensitive, evaporator1
3d-vcn.nl…are the same, which is why we develop a personal treatment plan for each patient. Our podiatrists take the time to understand your medical history and analyze your specific needs to create an approach that is completely tailored to you.history specific, specific needpodiatrist, foot, podiatry, optimal, appointment1
vrijland.nlWikipedia : “Insect hotels can come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on the specific purpose or specific insect it is catered to.”size specific, specific purpose, purpose specific, specific insectelectric, drawing, necklace, glass, bracelet1
ma-shops.nlrequirements with regard to sending promotional and informational materials not expressly requested. The website operator reserves the right to take specific legal action if unsolicited advertising material, such as email spam, is received.right specific, specific legalpurpose, consent, protection, processing, request1
proyacht.nl…and consistency. Nevertheless, the most crucial aspect of our approach is our inherent flexibility. Thanks to our adaptable attitude, we can tailor our services to meet your specific preferences and deliver them with utmost satisfaction.service specific, specific preferenceyacht, demand, flawlessly, comprehensive, feadship1
iom-nederland.nlOn December 28, IOM officially rounded off the ‘Migration Spices Up Your Life’ campaign. The campaign, which focused on the enriching influence of migration on daily life with a specific emphasis on culinary diversity, has achieved…life specific, specific emphasismigration, inclusion, labour, mobility, voluntary1
cloudshark.nlWe have deployed apps to dynamic device groups. I was asked to uninstall an app but only for specific clients but these clients where member of a dynamic device group. …app specific, specific clientintune, powershell, azure, exchange, device1
delintebanden.nlDelinte tyres are available in a very elaborate size range, in summer, winter, and all-season versions. All tyres have specific properties conforming to the highest standards of quality. The winter and all-season versions have the 3PMSF…tyre specific, specific propertytyre, season, legislation, optimal, property1
wingseed.nlOur mission is to provide customers with a unique assortment of vegetable seeds that responds to their specific local needs in changing markets. In addition it gives the grower the opportunity to be distinctive from his colleagues.seed specific, specific localcabbage, seed, cucumber, wing, tomato1
marketsales.nlIn order to convincingly convey your story, you need to understand the culture of both the company and the country and speak the language. What drives them? Truly understanding people and their businesses requires specific skills…business specific, specific skillscollaboration, reference, shelf, pleased, decision1
powerport.nlcomplete engine installations, perform service and maintenance on diesel engines, generators and gearboxes and sell new and used marine diesel engines. And if you have specific wishes, we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.engine specific, specific wishengine, vacancy, maintenance, installation, gearbox1
fcngroup.nl…which may involve different temporal and spatial scales. Typically the boundaries of a CAS are fluid, though in specific cases a CAS may involve only tightly-tangled nodes and may choose to operate as a closed-border network…fluid specific, specific casepublication, collaborative, teach, coordination, researcher1
kpczon.nlSince 2019, our practice has consisted of 10 enthusiastic therapists and three partners. Get to know them here! Do you have a specific question for one of our therapists? Feel free to contact them!partner specific, specific questiontherapy, pediatric, processing, sensory, occupational1
tlfparts.nlIf you did not find the specific product you were looking for online, please send us your request via this contact form and we will try our best to source it for you.redmi, accessorie, find, device, note1
ademar.nlIn logistics there are a lot of specific terms familiar to people in the sector, frequently recurring in their daily vocabulary. These terms and definitions are often less familiar to people outside the logistics industry. Take the term…lot specific, specific termantwerp, port, forwarder, freight, cargo1
annaboo.nlStarted in 1991, I specialised in trend research as well as target group and product specific concept development in the field of interior design, lifestyle products, interior textile and paint.product specific, specific conceptcolour, textile, interior, ground, specialism1
polcoatings.nlAre you looking for a product for a specific application or want more information?product specific, specific applicationcompliance, regulation, workplace, simply, preference1
areah2o.nl…idea for a way to turn swimming pools into recreational areas at will. With this technology, several 25-meter pools with a movable floor can easily be transformed into a recreational landscape or used as a pool for a specific target group.pool specific, specific targetmovable, swimming, interactive, uk, possibility1
the-pttrn.nl…uses linear programming that incorporates stakeholder preferences to derive optimal decision policies. This method offers advantages over static experimental designs, like randomized control trials, and adapts better to specific scenarios.well specific, specific scenariocite, paper, decision, resume, brain1
personalisedcareinoncology.nlIn health care today, clinical decision support systems are AI systems that combine medical expertise with clinical data sets in a statistical computer model. While the specific purpose and challenges differ per oncological domain and…model specific, specific purposepersonalised, oncology, clinical, decision, vacancy1
vtam.nl…some time as you may have seen in my previous blogposts. Although VMware KB89129 describes the process to retrieve the Access Token, I noticed some people are still struggling to get started, hence I’ll share and explain this specific...automation, powershell, vsphere, operation, esxi1
bvfplatform.nlThe Council of the Association is advised by four standing committees on the following subjects: Legislation, Education, Disinfection and Communication. The frequencies of their meetings are determined by the specific activities’ needs…meeting specific, specific activityassociation, biological, officer, membership, council1
hellingsmachinebouw.nlHellings Machinebouw & Engineering is a respected and reliable supplier of custom client-specific and standard internal transport, handling and packaging systems as well as specialty machines, which are mainly applied in the primary…client specific, specific standardcompetency, packaging, turn, processing, commissioning1
anaglyphic.nlOur Ticketing solution helps you find the optimal price for a specific event, track ticket sales in every detail, and enable you to automatically direct online advertising to events which are not expected to sell out.price specific, specific eventactionable, intelligence, useless, backlog, believe1
fieldlabevenementen.nl…reliable manner. The starting point is testing or researching and analysing actions, (technological) solutions and specific activities (called building blocks) that are representative of certain common situations. Together, these tests…solution specific, specific activityevents, block, measure, government, framework1
reinierladan.nlOKR's, KPI's, company specific metrics, give me goals to aim for and I'll make it workcompany specific, specific metricremote, ux, consulting, interaction, jira1
klangendum.nlKlangendum is an organisation that deals with the conceptualisation, initiation, production and performing of sound-related projects. These projects can be combinations of autonomous or specific sorts of soundart, like radiophonic…autonomous specific, specific sortperform, related, residency, producer, static1
lumenart.nl…do this by being creative and resourceful with all kinds of possibilities. We invent, design and develop various specials, combined with lighting. Appropriate advice and inventive solutions for your specific lighting project are our focus.solution specific, specific lightinglighting, installation, maintenance, yacht, handmade1
nederles.nl…and with great results. My results even allowed me to skip one of the required 'inburgering' exams in Holland. She was very encouraging and motivating, and she focused on exactly what was needed for that specific exam. » ~ Khaled , 2015exactly specific, specific examexam, teacher, inspire, truly, exactly1
danielvanderduim.nlA duo with a specific focus on improvised music and having a special conversation which each other. Our project involves own compositions with a specific theme which allow non-jazz lovers to get a special look in what improvised music…duo specific, specific focus, composition specific, specific themeproducer, composer, der, improvisation, narrative1
diffmanagement.nlOur offer is designed for executive running businesses, rather than for specific industries. We believe our point of view, approach, areas of expertise and client service model are relevant to all general managers, whatever their…business specific, specific industrydifference, description, capability, equity, consumer1
jannyschep.nlJanny was obsessed with interiors from an early age. "I think that I always knew deep down that I would do something with it," she reflects. "Anything with colour, atmosphere and materials, that really appealed to me. I can also vividly…vividly specific, specific detailchapter, interior, interiordesign, essence, colour1
seafreight4u.nlSeafreight 4 U is a wholly independent forwarding agent, not bound to any specific shipping company or fixed agency agreements.agent specific, specific shippingseafreight, destination, aboard, freight, america1
korthals.nlSince 1878, Korthals takes a special position in the world of paint and wood stains. Korthals Groep has a clear focus on ensuring commitment to customers. As such, the company translates specific demands and wishes into specific products…company specific, specific demand, wish specific, specific productstain, resistant, heat, paint, wood1
machinefabriek.nl…companies in the automotive, semiconductor and logistics industries. And we do the same for customers in mechanical engineering, packaging and connector industries. Customer-specific across the board: it is our basis for your advantage.customer specific, specific boardprototyping, chain, turn, wire, edm1
talentmanager.nlBy default Talent Manager is equipped with a validated competence model. Talent Manager also offers the possibility to use a complete organization-specific model. Of course a combination of both can be used. Both types of model can be…organization specific, specific modelemployee, degree, appraisal, growth, evaluation1
jktp.nlJKtp delivers organizations additional expertisce in such period. Both in quantative and qualitative sense. Because managing changes in the ICT Infrastructure 'while the shop remains open' requires not only more but often also specific…open specific, specific expertiseinfrastructure, assignment, period, variety, stakeholder1
topfabrics.nlEach fabric within our repertoire possesses unique characteristics suited to diverse needs. Should you require assistance in determining the ideal fabric for your specific application, our dedicated sales team stands ready to provide…fabric specific, specific applicationripstop, fabric, lightweight, weight, variety1
hondenmeteenhobby.nlI give you specific advice for your dog, in your situation and life and I give you the certainty about which steps are the right ones to solve or prevent the problem. You are not alone, I got your back!dog, behavioral, therapist, unwanted, behavior1
vadeno.nl…optomechanics for exacting photonics integration. In our portfolio we also include Laseroptics, Machine Vision Lenses, Zoom and microscope lenses Qioptiq helps our customer by assembling the catalog components for specific applications.component specific, specific applicationoptical, lenses, optic, raman, fiber1
exactservices.nlWE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY SPECIFIC SUPPLIER AND WE CAN MOVE AS QUICKLY AS NECASSARY TO REACT TO YOUR REQUESTSaffiliate specific, specific supplierdispense, profit, enter, ground, physical1
hydraunica.nlApplication-specific circuits enhance machine performance, reduce system cost, and increase safetyapplication specific, specific circuithydraulic, winner, manifold, bridge, motion1
yoganesa.nlWant to bring more presence, peace and harmony into your place of work? Invite Yoganesa to create a yoga, meditation or mindfulness day (or course!) for your company’s specific needs.company specific, specific needpilate, meditation, session, library, outer1
rasdelft.nlThe RAS will be addressing specific themes, such as autonomous navigation while passing bridges and through locks, autonomous mooring and unmooring, navigating autonomous and non-autonomous shipping traffic, platooning, and the influence…ras specific, specific themeautonomous, het, hun, government, facility1
amazingwhale.nlWe seek companies with specific growth and improvement opportunities, where capital and active support can contribute to the accelerated realization of plans.company specific, specific growthamazing, whale, investment, firm, entrepreneur1
newslettersystem.nlBy using our easy to use template module you can create user specific email templates in secondsuser specific, specific emailautomation, template, api, pricing, unlimited1
taartopjewerk-utrecht.nlIf you require any help with your order or have specific requests, please don’t hesitate to contact us.order specific, specific requesttreat, celebration, colleague, birthday, artisan1
chalkandduster.nlWe offer individual and group classes for specific subjects like Maths, Science, English & many more, etc.class specific, specific subjectchalk, curiosity, vacation, learner, teacher1
annemariesintjago.nlThanks for visiting my site! I am re-branding, reorganizing, and updating my site . To be specific: I am changing it from a personal blog, written by a young adult in her twenties, to something that is more fitting for who I am now .site specific, specific personalrecipe, adult, duct, bit, secure1
dmrfa.nlspecific competence. We also cooperate with other offices, engaged by you or by us, fortax, annual, law, administrative, investor1
hazeflon.nlA wide variety of products and customized materials to meet specific requirements.material specific, specific requirementsraw, extensive, trade, exp, increase1
artvizual.nlUse QR codes in (VR) marketing campaigns to direct users to specific landing pages where they can sign up for newsletters, fill out surveys, or receive special offers.user specific, specific landrate, engagement, visually, increase, average1
robertsstuff.nlIf you have any inquiries or specific needs, feel free to reach out – we're here to assist you.inquiry specific, specific needalternator, wholesaler, exclusive, rebuild, inventory1
met-u.nlCooperation remains our priority! Would you like creative input for just one area, a specific solution, or styling for a complete building? MET-U will be working closely together with you. read more →area specific, specific solutioncurtain, advantage, taste, wish, acoustic1
hellebaard.nlHellebaard operates on the principle of integrity, professionalism and a commitment to client satisfaction. We understand that every organization has unique challenges and we take the time to listen and understand your specific needs…time specific, specific needanalysis, landscape, strategic, table, variety1
solutiative.nlIn addition to the basic training available today the JBS Group will offer many more specific training modules.group specific, specific trainingsql, tenancy, postgresql, cross, base1
archetypisch.nlProject: A week-long workshop for first and second year students on ‘culturally specific design’. 2013culturally specific, specific designexhibition, spatial, graphic, temporary, installation1
digimarconnetherlands.nlDigiMarCon will bring together marketing leaders. Hear what some of the brands making the biggest waves in marketing believe their advantage is, plus their thoughts and ideas on the industry and their specific challenges.industry specific, specific challengeconference, advertising, rate, exhibition, pass1
consulting-asia.nlConsulting Asia offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet your specific needs, including:service specific, specific needasia, consulting, equestrian, representative, trust1
dv4all.nlThis demo was created for one of my clients during second quarter of 2015. It uses D3 Sunburst chart to visualize client response to specific marketing campaign. In this sample the Dutch Farmers were approached with the mailing campaing…response specific, specific marketing, campaing specific, specific productcss, visualisation, react, internal, interactive1
pausepublishing.nlPause will take time, wonder, interrupt and look again. We do this by concentrating every new issue on one specific subject. These subjects are not about what they actually are but about what they can be. The way they behave or the…issue specific, specific subjectpause, publish, graphic, buy, catalogue1
oceancompany.nlFeel free to send us a message, and we’ll respond within 24 hours. Providing specific details will enable us to assist you more efficiently. Let’s ensure you receive the perfect ingredients!hour specific, specific detailocean, ingredient, sustainability, meal, facility1
greenfield.nlDistinctive by own intellectual property, entry barriers and firm specific propertiesfirm specific, specific propertyoperational, excellence, entrepeneur, investor, firm1
catchoftheday.nlA specific target group is the media. How is the company’s relationship with them? Is there an up-to-date media database? How often are press releases issued? Are these written in an informative and catchy way? Catch of the Day has…catch, perception, employee, informative, target1
carinsurance-netherlands.nlNo, it varies depending on the specific electric vehicle and the insurer. For instance, insurers may have stricter requirements for vehicles with a catalogue value above €75,000. To determine if an insurer imposes additional security…requirements specific, specific vehicleinsurance, coverage, expat, damage, easily1
thisisdata.nl…purpose. If your goal is to serve a realtime dashboard, build the architecture accordingly. If the goal is to build daily reports, aggregate accordingly. If you want to filter on specific features, make sure they are available everywhere.accordingly specific, specific featurearchitecture, sql, python, actually, airflow1
gdnotaris.nl…only one of the parties is a non-Dutch speaker. We shall provide for the interpreter to be present. However, the costs for an interpreter (the amount of which depends upon the specific language required) are for the account of the client.interpreter specific, specific languagenotary, hague, firm, estate, agreement1
nehem.nlUnder the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), personal data may only be passed on to parties outside the EEA when an appropriate level is guaranteed for the protection of personal data or when a specific deviation applies.data specific, specific deviationregulation, protection, purpose, execution, agreement1
exedraconsult.nlOur transaction services concentrate on equity transactions from € 5 million upwards. For large assignments above € 100 million, we have access to an extensive international network of professional partners with an excellent reputation in…reputation specific, specific fieldacquisition, merger, transaction, strategic, profile1
ve3.nl* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.result specific, specific installationbattery, charge, panel, charger, isolation1
artemismedia.nlNow the fun begins, we will now begin creating the content you are looking for, allowing you to bring your story to your audience in a stream-lined process. There will always be room for you to change specifics about our creations in…room specific, specific creationvideography, audience, walk, hope, varius1
apistech.nlWhen you need a reliable partner to develop specific software applications, at ApisTech you will find an ideal balance of value and performance. We are here during the full life cycle of any software – ranging from the idea for a new…partner specific, specific softwareeffective, balance, french, cooperation, skilled1
bookexchange.nlBrowse through our collection as a student looking for specific classical texts or as a general reading with an interest in culture(s) in different times and places.student specific, specific classicalexchange, bookstore, selection, title, literature1
nobleprog.nlThe building blocks of TMAP give you all the guidance you need to meet the testing and quality challenges in your specific IT environment.challenge specific, specific environmentprogramming, statistics, classroom, certification, artificial1
multi-d.nlIf you feel limited by your standard linear combinator rotaries, and would like your rotaries to take on a shape of their own, there's the Big Knob! The Big Knob index's a specific position of CV Mutant's envelope and sends the…index specific, specific positionmutant, manual, curve, knob, shape1
amightywind.nlPentecost is the only festival for which no specific date is given in the Bible. Rather, the people were instructed to count seven weeks "...from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf [omer] of the wave…festival specific, specific dateholy, ministry, prophecy, blood1
skotsers.nlThe programme of dances also descends from the period 1820 - 1840 and contains some very specific dances from the region, that in former was known as Oostergo.period specific, specific dancecostume, frisian, dance, region, period1
danceoflife.nlThis ritual has four rounds with a specific theme each round. The rounds together form a complete natural cycle. We will work with drum and rattles, singing a mixture of traditional songs and medicine songs in Spanish and English. We will…round specific, specific theme, orientation specific, specific rounddance, medicine, spirit, upcoming, holistic1
bluequip.nlTrequip is a specialist in providing specific solutions for the transport industry.specialist specific, specific solutionloader, precast, axle, storage, vehicle1
dorotheekellner.nlPlease note: These images are not royalty free and a fee is required for each specific usage. This includes the use of any of these images for use in web pages. Such usage could conflict with the interest of our other clients that have…fee specific, specific usage, specific purposeportrait, thought, february, walk, leave1
templatemaker.nlA basic box, much like the “Card Box” and the ”Gift Box”. This specific template is most economical for boxes that have small height compared to both the width and the height, for example a box for a tart or a pizza.box specific, specific templatetemplate, base, tray, paper, shape1
rockingstone.nlIf you’re looking for something specific, please contact us or visit our shop.specific shoppaper, stock1
witsenscheepsbouw.nlThis program shows the reconstruction of the 'pinas of 134 feet', which Witsen described in detail. The user can take a virtual tour of the ship, all parts can be viewed separately and provided with Witsen's original texts and the…text specific, specific dutchshipbuilding, century, ship, maritime, optimal1
fontysmade.nlClient Description: – The client for this was Fontys it self. To be more specific it was for Master minds who are interested in EEG. Description of the…self specific, specific masterdescription, fall, assignment, embed, regard1
soll-it.nlIT audits finalised with clear consequences for the audit approach. If desired our IT audits are supplemented with specific advice for improvement and support of any IT level. Auditing application controls and IT general controls provides…audit specific, specific advice, auditor specific, specific knowledgesme, certification, analysis, auditing, consulting1
bato.nlIt is valuable to discuss which solution is right for a specific situation or a particular trial with the team at Bato. They always think along in terms of concept and cultivation.right specific, specific situationcustomization, horticulture, horticultural, cultivation, trough1
studiovanonna.nlWe created a micro cosmos with particles that float throughout the 30-meter long installation, in a continuous loop. The seemingly random particles are all part of infographics that take shape at one moment in time, on a specific location…time specific, specific locationidentity, visual, pause, fund, cultural1
waterp1meterkit.nlYes, in combination with Home Assistant, you can set up notifications for specific consumption peaks or other parameters.notification specific, specific consumptionconsumption, dsmr, comprehensive, connection1
anysens.nlAnySens is the CORE | Vision IIoT sensor platform which can solve Any sensor challenge and minimize time to market by combining existing and custom specific communication and sensor modules. In consultation we define the requirements and…custom specific, specific communicationadventure, liquid, orientation, consultation, requirements1
acssteelsupply.nl…industry, shipbuilding and power generation – ACS is experienced in all these markets and familiar with the specific demands and required quality standards to be a reliable partner. Working together and communication during the…familiar specific, specific demandastm, flange, steel, piping, pipe1
zonnepanelenplanet.nlAn important element is the prefix, which expresses the specific yield of all Dutch solar panels under standard conditions. The key figure is expressed in the amount of annual energy produced (kilowatt hours) per capacity of a PV panel…prefix specific, specific yieldpanel, yield, heat, pump, installation1
imagesandmusic.nlThat in turn lead to the idea to link each track of the CD to a specific location on the ring and to create an image of that location for utilisation in the CD-booklet.cd specific, specific locationillustration, animation, modeling, genesis, character1
venne.nlOur experience and involvement with global leaders in their specific market segments gives us an excellent idea of the options that can be successfully applied in your particular situation:leader specific, specific marketelectronic, prototyping, phase, ambition, study1
tbwood.nl…roofs, walls and floors, unit construction, stable construction, subfloors, stairs, packaging, tool boards, bed bases, tiny houses etc. For each of these applications we can answer your specific questions and supply the best material.application specific, specific questionwood, producer, panel, supply, plywood1
englishforall.nl…focuses on different language aims, such as reading for gist, speaking for fluency or listening for detail and specific information. Learners will have a better understanding of polite conversations and will have had practice using…detail specific, specific informationlesson, preparation, homework, ielts, turkish1
intracare.nl…risks, spreading and prevention of the virus within your company, Daisy Roijackers answers the most pressing questions for you. If you have specific questions about Avian Influenza, please contact Daisy. She will tell you all about it.question specific, specific questionavian, biosecurity, animal, nutrient, prescription1
appclaims.nlinvestors recover lost investments in the Wirecard scandal, and we are also helping numerous other clients in their specific legal disputes in many jurisdictions. Our customers and partners are located in more than ten European countries…client specific, specific legalpayment, purchase, compensation, commission, inquiry1
tricas.nlThe TRICAS engineers have regularly amazed us with the level of detail with which they work. Technical know-how, knowledge of materials and practical experience are present in many areas and people are realistic when specific knowledge is…realistic specific, specific knowledgegeneration, inspiration, vacancy, innovative, recreate1
concreteblockengineers.nl…We employ thoroughbred structural engineers who excel at structural analysis and drafting. We always go above and beyond to ensure that all of our projects mesh seamlessly with the situation and specific needs and wishes of the end-user.situation specific, specific needblock, rate, frequently, analysis, structural1
avicultuur-led.nlThanks to the specific characteristics of LED, this technique is perfect to be used in bird cages and aviaries for birds.thank specific, specific characteristicsbird, cage, lighting, installation, perfectly1
securesult.nlWe partner with the best to bring you the latest technology and innovation, and unrivalled cybersecurity services. We select niche information security products and services to fulfill your specific needs. Fit for purpose.service specific, specific needrisk, advisory, operation, career, resource1
private-label-cosmetics.nlA team of experts in developing unique products, introducing a new Private Label or restyling an existing concept, qualified production employees and a quality machine park can focus on executing a Private label line incorporating all our…client specific, specific wishsun, hair, packaging, scent, fragrance1
appetence.nlWe connect all your publishing workflows or extend with simple workflows triggered by specific events.workflow specific, specific eventpublication, publish, switchboard, connectivity, publisher1
grinner.nlThese four men have each their own musical influences which are melted together in the specific, fat and explosive Grinner-sound. Their songs are lived through with a powerfull sense and energy.influence specific, specific fatheavy, train, heather, plain, mysterious1
hogeschooltaal.nlDepending on specific needs, learning disabilities, or functional limitations, you might require extra facilities to be able to study successfully. Hogeschooltaal provides diverse exam accommodations, such as extended test time, for…exercise, licence, exam, mock, study1
sgmst.nlOur internationally oriented group, which currently consists of members from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, strives to promote aviation at Maastricht Aachen Airport in specific, and in the southern Netherlands and the neighboring…airport specific, specific southernmaintenance, movement, base, aviation, timetable1
datafacilities.nl…of telecommunications and network service providers. This approach guarantees optimal performance, redundancy, and cost-effectiveness, empowering your business to make connections that suit your specific requirements without limitation.connection specific, specific requirementsfacility, connectivity, carrier, colocation, neutral1
hyparcollective.nlEach of our concepts is based on our signature modular cubes, which can be individually controlled and placed in various shapes, allowing for customized and site-specific installations. Our portfolio consists of a spectrum of artworks…site specific, specific installationcollective, conduct, interactive, installation, growth1
meneerchampagne.nlA tasting with only champagnes from one of the four champagne regions (Vallée de la Marne, Montagne de Reims, Côte des Blancs, Côte des Bar) or different champagnes from a specific villagechampagne specific, specific villagebottle, anniversary, birth, taste, tasting1
icat-utrecht.nlICAT builds bridges between research and clinical practice, by uniting all relevant expertise and infrastructure to optimize patient-specific advanced therapies.patient specific, specific advancedtherapy, regenerative, advanced, infrastructure, treatment1
checkincleaning.nlOur cleaning services are aimed basically at hotels in Amsterdam. We are familiar with the specific problems which housekeeping in this market involves. Check in cleaning offers a personal approach, reliable quality and a strong work…familiar specific, specific problemhospitality, vacancy, enthusiastic, colleague, reliable1
hellingerinstituut.nlEvery question, every problem, is entitled to a new, open approach. Whether that issue is personal or organizational. Do you or your organization need a systemic perspective on your specific question? Our trainers and coaches support you…perspective specific, specific questionsystemic, pioneer, institute, constellation, calendar1
eaps.nlEach EAPS Working Group focuses on a specific topic of study and organizes scientific events like workshops and seminars. Working Groups and their activities are open to all members of EAPS.group specific, specific topicpopulation, membership, study, demography, fertility1
adrianashop.nl…you with the lowest possible domain name registration prices. Thus, you’ll be able to choose from among more than fifty universal and country–specific domain names, knowing that you’re getting the best bargain on the web hosting market.country specific, specific domaindomain, dedicated, package, unlimited, uk1
hertoghsadvocaten.nlhave converted the Harvard Negotiation Method into the Hertoghs negotiation method, which makes allowance for these specific relationships. Safeguarding the right to institute legal proceedings plays an important role in our strategy, as…allowance specific, specific relationshiptax, fraud, proceedings, litigation, authority1
nabc.nlPlease click on the country of your interest for country specific information, including an overview of the NABC’s past activities. For questions, make sure to reach out to the assigned NABC country specialists .country specific, specific informationafrica, trade, desk, membership, programme1
lilawadee.nl…Therefore Natascha is a certified sport masseur. A totally different discipline from the Thai massages but a very good addition to it, when people have specific questions on sensitivity or injury after sport activities or (hard) labour.people specific, specific questionoil, herbal, foot, reflexology, stamp1
itcgroup.nl…key business issues and objectives. This understanding will provide the platform for developing training to your specific needs. Only after our proposals have received full support and commitment from your senior management the programmetraining specific, specific needitc, programme, understand, profit, effective1
brainybunch.nlTell us a little about your meeting, and Jobien will get in touch shortly. She will set up a 20-minute call to get acquainted and discuss your specific situation. Then we recommend a path forward in the quotation.minute specific, specific situationbunch, participant, learning, valuable, sparkle1
marnixsuilen.nlMy research is at the intersection of formal methods and AI. Specific interests are planning and learning in Markov decision processes (MDPs) and variations that extend these models with uncertainty, such as robust MDPs and partially…ai specific, specific interestrobust, decision, fall, webpage, uncertain1
trial-exp.nlWith our procurement consulting , Expandio makes opportunities transparent and creates possibilities for you to choose from. The right solution is ultimately customer specificprocurement, joint, consulting, packaging, supply1
bio-space.nlWe are looking for a specific type of DNA that tells us what species we are dealing with. It is like the use of barcodes used in supermarkets, a databank with genetic codes that tell us whether we are dealing with bacteria, mushrooms…researcher, species, diversity, player, leave1
queenofclean.nlWe'll help you create a tailor-made solution that's specific to your needs and wants for your place of residence.solution specific, specific needdedicated, relationship, connection, unlike, cleaner1
bewaerschole-archief.nlWillem Besselink will present the initial sketch of his work above<>below, which depicts the salt contents of ground water at specific locations in Zeeland. His sketch is based on data gathered by Deltares for the FRESHEM project.water specific, specific locationsalt, landscape, inhabitants, visitor, lecture1
elliotmuusses.nl“ ​ I've been doing lessons with Elliot for the past two years. He's great at setting up a plan to make sure you improve and is really accommodating with helping you learn the specific style of guitar that you're interested in (I'm…accommodate specific, specific styleguitar, lesson, pricing, trial, preference1
shamrockpartners.nl…The characteristics of the company should enable a profitable return on investment. As an active participant in your company Shamrock Partners has no specific time phrame for its investment. Specific needs for specific investment.partners specific, specific time, investment specific, specific need, need specificpartners, shamrock, investment, independent, capital1
janezendam.nlIn all its diversity, Jan Ezendam’s eclectic work all stems from one clear starting point: his passion for harmony. A search, like the age-old quest for ‘musica speculativa’, is the result of this fascination for the world of chords and…chord specific, specific constellationcomposition, craftsmanship, fascination, constellation, harmony1
hoteltimmerfabriek.nlYou will now be redirected to the site of hotel de Timmerfabriek, where you can make the actual booking. To prefer this specific room with balcony and this beautiful view, it is important that you indicate 'Suite213 via website owners'…book specific, specific roombalcony, bathroom, kitchen, luxury, flat1
voordelen-nadelen.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
beyonduni.nl‘I certainly found the mirror and sounding board I was looking for in Margriet. She helped breakthrough the thought-circles in my head with specific questions, that gave me air to breath. Margriet was able to bring the things I already…head specific, specific questionphd, career, academic, guidance, outside1
mpkc.nlNot every business has the same ICT needs. Making the right choices that fit seamlessly with your company is not always easy. MPKC ALLROUND & MARITIME ICT helps and advises business owners in their specific software and applications needs.owner specific, specific softwaremaritime, seamlessly, reliable, interest, phase1
ccanal.nlYou can leave a message by using our corporate email below or by telephone. If you have a part or service query for a specific machine please help us by detailing the model, serial number and part-number along with your requirements.query specific, specific machinehandle, logistics, spare, satisfaction, ultimately1
saywhatnow.nlDomains of communication usually require specific language use and especially written communication can be tricky because different genres exist. In our services, Dutchies are made aware of the various types of 'register' that exist for…usually specific, specific languagethesis, academic, tailor, effectively, especially1
aucoin.nl“It is a difficult grape to grow. It has a thin skin, is temperamental and ripens early. Pinot noir needs constant care and attention and can in fact only grow in specific small, hidden corners of the world. Pinot noir can be brought to…fact specific, specific smalldining, wine, ambience, dish, atmosphere1
gratismediumchat.nlBut there are also people who are looking for clarity regarding a specific situation. Maybe they want to know a person's intentions or they want to know if their partner is being unfaitful. A professional psychic reading can offer the…clarity specific, specific situationpsychic, answer, accurate, clarity, reader1
trainsandtrucks.nlHere you will find pictures, images, videos etc. from (you will have guessed it already) trains and trucks, and you will be able to filter them on specific subjects.able specific, specific subjecttrain, present, past, description, engine1
bramcappers.nl…(such as power plants), hackers nowadays are willing to design complex viruses to maximize the damage in one specific infrastructure. The main difficulty with Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) is the involvement of domain knowledge…damage specific, specific infrastructurevisualization, analysis, visual, perspective, traffic1
expatcare4u.nlSessions between family members address specific issues that affect the psychological and emotional well-being of each person, such as conflicts, major life changes and illness, and the family as a whole. In the emotional safety of the…member specific, specific issueexpat, effective, couple, therapy, wait1
bvza.nl• We regularly work together with other professionals. We advise on specific issues regarding pension law or procedural law.professional specific, specific issuelaw, understandable, dispute, fund, agreement1
metaheroes.nlEveryone knows Social Media is hip and happening, but what could it do for your specific company?hip specific, specific companyhero, playful, interaction, attitude, effort1
adesys.nlSubscribe to our newsletter and receive regular updates about specific alarm products or developments for your sector. We take your privacy seriously and therefore point out our privacy statement . After registration you can unsubscribe…update specific, specific alarmcritical, repair, damage, measure, installation1
nauticalexperts.nl…the knowledge and skills for effective training and solving safety related matters. Take a further look into our specific fields of proven expertise such as, but not limited to: Audits & Inspections , Port State Control and Surveys…look specific, specific fieldnautical, investigation, maritime, accident, inspection1
tomvanderzanden.nlFor concurrency, I also lead the working classes and handle the practical programming assignments through a DomJudge knockoff called "TomJudge" (which includes some features specific to concurrency, such as automatically measuring whether…feature specific, specific concurrencyjoint, der, graph, puzzle, algorithm1
hillenraad100.nlIn addition to the research conducted by Hillenraad Partners, the value of the Hillenraad100 is in no small part due to the contribution of the Committee of Experts. Based on their specific areas of expertise, these wonderfully…experts specific, specific areacommittee, convention, horticulture, connect, partners1
jvanschaick.nlImplementing data-driven marketing strategies : utilizing advanced analytics to inform marketing decisions, tailoring campaigns to specific customer segments, and significantly increasing campaign ROI.campaign specific, specific customerbanking, growth, fintech, payment, campaign1
famenet.nlpatient’s statement of the reason for consulting the GP, for example a symptom, a self-diagnosis or a request for a specific intervention. By combining RFEs and diagnoses within an episode, outcomes (particular diseases or conditions)…request specific, specific interventionnet, publication, episode, chapter, textbook1
lucasvandijk.nlMy research focusses on developing new tools and algorithms to analyse bacterial populations. While many bacteria are harmless, some specific strains can become pathogenic, even though they’re considered the same species. The goal is to…harmless specific, specific strain, genome specific, specific bacterialbioinformatics, genome, sequence, phd, candidate1
patriciaverhagen.nlFor many years already Patricia Verhagen teaches beginners and advanced students enthusiastically. Children as well as adults are welcome. The training program is tuned to the specific wishes of the student.program specific, specific wishbiography, lesson, chamber, discography, slider1
dhlexpresspoints.nlYou will get (based on your level) extra discount on top of the discount of the specific promotion. For example: if we have a 5% discount for all Hoek flowers customers, you will get a 10% discount if you are a Gold member.discount specific, specific promotionpromotion, flower, pre, exclusive, discount1
flatlandercup.nlFor it’s fourth edition the city of Arnhem is once again the stage of the Flatlander Cup. Like last year the Flatlander Cup consists out of 2 disciplines; lead and boulder. There will both be specific rankings for lead and boulder, as…boulder specific, specific rankingyouth, competition, final, impression, mountain1
solidegroep.nlSolide's webbased LCA tool ends all that. It's easy to use with guided forms and validated input. It shows results in easy to grasp graphs and tables and let you zoom in on specific environmental factors (like carbon dioxide or…table specific, specific environmentaltitle, analysis, maintenance, specialize, description1
thenewabc.nl…means get in touch . Check out typical situations that The New ABC can help you with and how . Or first read on for much more context on my main vision. Beware that I have limited availability so do entice me with your specific challenge.availability specific, specific challengecuriosity, century, curious, think, educator1
inhousecapture.nl…newborns, families, and food and restaurant scenes. I have deliberately decided not to confine my focus to one specific area but rather remain open to exploring various subjects that ignite my creativity. This approach is the core…focus specific, specific areacouple, photographer, wedding, click, candid1
michellevertaalt.nl…and concise communication. That's why I offer a wide range of translation services in Dutch and English. I work tirelessly to ensure that each assignment is culturally appropriate and meets your business, blog and website's specific needs.website specific, specific needtranslation, editor, writer, fluent, currently1
vitaal-welzijn.nlFor specific complaints such as bursitis in the shoulder I have a pain relieving massagetherapy, complaint, relaxation, therapist, reimbursement1
vanbreda.nlVan Breda's care system is user-friendly and can be easily integrated into existing care processes. Installation and use of care solutions can vary depending on the specific technology. Our solutions are designed to be user-friendly, but…solution specific, specific technologyhealthcare, detection, reference, elderly, staff1
webcamsex-islive.nlBy means of assignments or asking specific questions to the sexcam models, they can meet all your live webcamsex wishes. Some models go very far and even use sex toys or do it in the bath, with a partner or just with their fingers. You…assignment specific, specific questionsexcam, girl, payment, anonymous, favorite1
schorembarbier.nlWE ALMOST DROVE KYONE CRAZY with the specific design we had in mind, as we wanted our clippers to be a living piece of art that over time would only get more beautiful. Each dent and scratch will tell your story; where you’re from, where…crazy specific, specific designhaircut, cut, beard, clipper, shave1
wellingoei.nlWe understand the importance of having a clear understanding of your data to make informed decisions and drive growth. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs, to help you unlock the full potential of your data. With cutting-edge…approach specific, specific needanalysis, statistics, excellence, statistical, trial1
loopbaancoachmargriet.nlI certainly found the mirror and sounding board I was looking for in Margriet. She helped breakthrough the thought-circles in my head with specific questions, that gave me air to breath. Margriet was able to bring the things I already…head specific, specific questioncareer, direction, certified, guidance, circle1
autom8-it.nlSoftware testing is a very specific ICT-discipline. Through the years we have encountered a wild variety of test templates. Text editor based documents are most of the times the source of test design. Freedom of speech in the text editors…test specific, specific ictstructure, automation, keyword, improve, editor1
clientenraden-rivierduinen.nlA person is mentally incompetent if he is not able to make a sound decision independently. This can be in one specific situation, or in more situations.independently specific, specific situationtreatment, patient, mental, authorization, admission1
leanteam.nlAt Head Electronics we saw that variations increased (more customer-specific) and the volumes became smaller and smaller. This made manageability increasingly difficult. This led to long delivery times, a lot of work in progress, stress…customer specific, specific volumefounder, ago, employee, output, electronic1
renodo.nl…need to feel understood and validated in the way you experience the world, including your emotional reactions to specific events in it. The scientific term for this special relationship with a psychotherapist is called the “therapeutic…reaction specific, specific eventdolor, aliquet, felis, default, lorem1
alarmsysteemexpert.nlpackages. Both business customers and private individuals can contact us for a composed all-in package. Do you have specific wishes? Years of experience and professional knowledge ensures that we know exactly what alarm system you can buy…package specific, specific wiship, detection, wireless, modular, accessorie1
rvrsoftware.nlThe common use is injecting page-specific links to StyleSheet or JavaScript files to the HEAD tag defined in the layout. Placeholders are defined in the layout file and they have names so that they can be referred in the page. Example:page specific, specific linklayout, file, october, demonstration, partial1
bohnennwebdesign.nl…don’t want to have to worry about server maintenance. Therefore, our managed hosting packages offer the ideal solution for companies that want to keep their website up and running without having to deal with the specifics of the servers.website specific, specific servermaintenance, optimization, powerful, successful, consultation1
lightrail.nlossibilities for the application of Light Rail Transit (LRT – light rail, tramway) as high-quality public transport in cities, urban regions are countless. Our article opens with the question about the specific characteristics of LRT…question specific, specific characteristicsurban, train, archive, mobility, der1
studiegroepluchtoorlog.nlThe SGLO initiates investigations into specific topics related to the air war during the period 1939-1945. The intention is to publish the results of the investigations in an adequate and responsible way.investigation specific, specific topicpublication, war, french, membership, military1
numworx.nlNumworx allows teachers to create complex digital teaching material without specific IT expertise. The vision of the creators of Numworx is that experts in educational design should be able to develop teaching materials themselves.material specific, specific expertiseexercise, subscription, teach, mathematics, request1
dehoofdwerker.nlUnpainted miniature commissionsAs paint schemes can be very person-specific and hard to get across properly, I've also made unpainted miniature commission works. This way the new owner can paint the miniature in the proper paint scheme…person specific, specific harddreadnought, miniature, chaplain, commission, dark1
magneticscreens.nlWhere can I find more information or reviews about specific Magnetic Flyscreen products?review specific, specific magneticmagnetic, screen, window, door, installation1
orthokin.nl…is in for a much longer - sometimes needless - correction process, because I found the subconscious wants specific issues solved: in a specific order and any way. Is this system for that reaseon called "Listening tot the body" ?subconscious specific, specific issue, issue specific, specific ordermuscle, kinesiology, fix, specialize, technique1
solidsurfaceinternational.nlEvery project is unique. We enjoy a good challenge and would love to help you to consider all the specific possibilities that we can develop for your project.challenge specific, specific possibilitysurface, solid, interior, facade, possibility1
gt-events.nl…in question. Many collaborations with strong brands in the automotive scene were formed over the past 9 years. A selection of brands can be found below. Would you like to promote your brand in a specific audience as well? Get in touch .brand specific, specific audienceevents, exhibitor, collaboration, past, government1
leadingacademic.nlIn case your coaching question is specific and unique personal coaching would be a fitting option. Our approach is best described as genuine, warm and positive. We acknowledge you as a person, we work with your qualities and skills and…question specific, specific unique, tool specific, specific planacademic, leading, effectiveness, gap, negotiation1
uciservices.nlWe don’t offer specific packages or standardized services. Experience tells us that every client has specific needs, preferences and wishes, accompanied with certain circumstances. Wit that in mind, all our services are customized.client specific, specific needluxury, request, possibility, eager, wish1
isisboot.nlA qualitative investigation in the transnational experience of ‘home’ among Turkish migrants in the (Southern) Netherlands. How dynamic has, since migrating, this meaning of ‘home’ been proven throughout the years? And how space-specific…space specific, specific homelandscape, urban, exploration, biodiversity, wise1
elementsofinterior.nlWhether you are putting together a capsule collection of essential furniture and fabrics, reviewing what you already have or looking for a specific piece, the way the elements are combined is central to the success of an ancient and…fabric specific, specific pieceinterior, philosophy, visit, energetic, ambitious1
betanet.nlBetanet is an international player in the raw materials market with specific knowledge and focus on raw materials related to the brick and agricultural industry. Betanet was founded in 1995 after a merger of several large and medium-sized…market specific, specific knowledgesustainability, brick, player, industrial, agriculture1
middeldorpbouwmachines.nlIf you are looking for any specific type of equipment please let us know so we can inform you when we receive the machinery of your choice. Middeldorp: “Doing business with confidence!”stock, excavator, machinery, handler, reasonable1
arjantax.nlA garden design requires a high level of knowledgde and experience, but also a creative and personal approach. Arjan Tax is able to capture the feeling of your dream garden and transform it into a specific design in which various elements…garden specific, specific designtax, magical, circle, balance, scale1
3we.nlAlthough there have been studies conducted on assessing well-being in similar work contexts, it has been largely done by measuring well-being through domain-specific and static indicators of workplace welfare such as wages. There has been…domain specific, specific staticethiopia, woman, foreign, investment, female1
robertdebree.nlThis article is all about error and risk management with a specific focus on performance strategies. Lots of great links to scientific research and wonderful ideas.management specific, specific focusimprovisation, oboe, teach, historical, composition1
sauter-controls.nlIn the energy monitoring, meters and other information can be mapped, thus making daily, weekly, monthly and yearly consumption from the plants, buildings and properties automatically available. Specific energy widgets, KPIs and energy…available specific, specific energyvalve, actuator, pneumatic, transducer, temperature1
dolfdekinkelder.nl“ CrissCross , composed by Dolf de Kinkelder, was certainly the high-light of the entire concert. The eighteen-minute work for fifteen percussionists was written not only for Crescendo PE, but for the specific members of the ensemble. The…pe specific, specific membercontest, composition, piece, funeral, composer1
polycomp.nlPolycomp has more than 30 years experience in developing and producing customer specific high performance rubber compounds based on FKM, FFKM, HNBR, VMQ, FVMQ as well as all other polymers.customer specific, specific highoil, processing, shape, colour, demand1
reikiontheroad.nl…as it flowed seamlessly with the session. It's difficult to put into words what it did to me in the days following the session. I am very curious about the next session, where I want to bring more specific intentions into the session!session specific, specific intentionroad, session, holistic, intention, circle1
scheres-nijmegen.nl…on these games without having the pressure of losing wealth. These slot games are more beneficial than those in specific world. That isn’t evolution the particular world of technology deals are going to slots are incredibly possible…beneficial specific, specific worlduncategorized, money, february, player, gambling1
datron.nlOur extensive microwave technical expertise, market knowledge and experience allow us to provide our customers with the most efficient and cost effective solution to their specific needs, whether it is an individual component or…solution specific, specific needprincipal, rf, representation, wireless, infrastructure1
smilingdutchman.nl…With the Smiling Dutchman you can learn Dutch in a way that suits you; in a classroom, at work, at home or at a specific location; with friends, in a group of people, with your family or in 1-on-1 sessions. The Smiling Dutchman will…home specific, specific locationdutchman, smile, classroom, session, lesson1
crb-ngk.nl* A committee of deputies receives a specific mandate. All committees of deputies theoretically cease to exist when the churches assemble in synod. Deputies are thus always appointed for a three year term and committees of deputies only…deputy specific, specific mandatechurch, reform, theological, evangelical, conference1
rehablab.nl…patient treatment plans. The software enables healthcare professionals to quickly and easily update client-specific templates to meet their changing needs, and to use previously assigned prescriptions to build programs for new…client specific, specific templatelab, pricing, patient, healthcare, benefit1
transfor-motion.nlTailormade workshop : a specific IT related topic you need help with? With our long year experience in ICT, our global network and unique facilities nearly any issue can be addressed tailormade.workshop specific, specific topicmotion, innovative, risk, introduction, tailormade1
ruigcx.nlWith specific tools and workshops, a CX framework can be developed, the guiding and inspiring principles for a cohesive and winning customer experience.employee, innovative, overall, loyalty, revenue1
falcolines.nlFalco Lines BV specializes in time management and good communication. We offer a wide range of logistics services and specific wishes will be honored. We are customer-oriented at a competitive rate.service specific, specific wishmultimodal, intermodal, conventional, declaration, competitive1
tesorero.nlTesorero Foundation operates as an administrative office providing trusted and treasury management services and may act as custodian in specific projects. Based on a mandate agreed upon the activities of Tesorero Foundation may vary from…custodian specific, specific projectjoint, treasury, ownership, mandate, interest1
aaexpo.nl…be sold on any surface. The market of events will once again get a boost as customers seek their success in brand specific presentations. For a&a it is time to change. In over 25 years of history we have become well known for our high…brand specific, specific presentationknow, variety, outstanding, structure, temporary1
agrideals.nlAre you looking for specific machines? Or do you have machines that need a new owner?agricultural, machinery, soil, crust, breaker1
nextlevelpensioenadvies.nlAt Next Level Pension Consultancy we work on fee base only. We are happy to provide an estimate or fee quote for specific services.quote specific, specific servicescheme, employee, law, hague, regulation1
rijnlandsemolenstichting.nlThis booklet contains a short description of all 49 windmills that are owned by the Rijnlandse Molenstichting. Do you want to know more about a specific windmill or about our foundation? Please check out the rest of this website (in Dutch).molenstichting specific, specific windmillwindmill, visit, accessible, maintenance, know1
curioustimo.nlIt really depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both Creality and Prusa are well-regarded brands in the 3D printing community and their printers have a lot of positive reviews.prusa, creality, curious, automation, arduino1
groentenzondergrenzen.nl…state of Andhra Pradesh) traditionally made of besan (gram flour), sugar and cardamoms fried in ghee (clarified butter). Those treats are normally baked ina “kadai” a specific firebowls, but you can substitute it with a good pan or wok.kadai specific, specific firebowlzonder, waste, recipe, dinner, ingredient1
aava.nlVikan introduced hygienic color coding for cleaning tools, which is now an industry standard. This color coding reduces the risk of cross-contamination by ensuring that each tool is used only in a specific area.tool specific, specific areabrush, save, broom, bracket, wishlist1
fcsamsterdam.nlEvery two year we organize an international Futurological Symposium aimed at meeting and exchanging knowledge about a specific urgent theme. In continuation of the previous editions: Degentrification: Countercultural contestations of…knowledge specific, specific urgentparticipant, declaration, practical, archive, conference1
bartcosijn.nldiscuss topics like safety, income, energy, public space, loneliness, housing etc. The dialogues are structured around two aspects: short presentations by citizens and experts, and rond table dialogues to analyse and deepen specific topics.dialogue specific, specific topicdialogue, citizen, moderation, debate, interaction1
matthijskamstra.nlEvv I was invited to create 3 papertoys for Papertoy Glowbots: 46 Glowing Robots You Can Make Yourself! by Brian Castleforte One of the specific questions we got, was to create one of the toy specially for girls. I really don't agree with…castleforte specific, specific questionnike, joint, paper, anonymous, motivation1
misluktschrijver.nl‘A director of a documentary will not randomly pick a person out of a faceless crowd. Main characters for documentaries are cherry picked. Chosen for their unique expressiveness, theatrical quality, or because of a specific situation they…quality specific, specific situationcharacter, narrative, documentary, movie, society1
belacur.nlWe try to be the market leader in each of our core businesses on the basis of specific brand developement and establishment. We distinguish us in innovation, flexibility and promptness.basis specific, specific brandgermany, consulting, hospitality, interior, hold1
nukra.nlNUKRA has specific knowledge, experience and a broad network in Agri- and Horticulture, steel production and construction, engineering and 3D modeling, and retail.nukra specific, specific knowledgerussian, advisor, intermediary, broad, appointment1
kapytein.nlIn this blog post, I will describe a technique I often used when attempting to escalate a client-side path traversal to an account takeover, and discuss how this specific exploitation scenario may be partially mitigated now.takeover specific, specific exploitationtakeover, capture, flag, path, domain1
littlebernie.nlAre there any specific rules or regulations for travelling with strollers or car seats in public transportation?square, church, sightseeing, canal, south1
trigentis.nlServices are geared to medium-sized companies and institutions in Europe without any specific sector focus. Trigentis works for both sellers and buyers.europe specific, specific sectorstake, peak, majority, transaction, advisor1
cfym.nlAlong with concerts every term, the students have the opportunity to participate in master-classes and workshops on their solo instrument. Performers visit the centre to work with groups of students in sessions arranged for specific…session specific, specific instrumentexam, musician, chamber, theory, enter1
totembox.nlEvery mold is made for 1 specific Totembox and for every box we mix our concrete seperately in order to make sure that no box is the same.mold specific, specific totemboxinterior, exterior, dear, wish, inspiration1
lightinternational.nl…able to adapt our standard fixtures to your situation. Whether you need a larger flange, custom installation size, specific power ratings, most optimal light characteristics, different location of the mounting holes, different location of…size specific, specific powerinstallation, lighting, default, fixture, situation1
devon.nlNo one would argue that DevOps has had a major impact on the way we develop software. Where we used to have separate teams for dev and ops, we now have multidisciplinary DevOps teams dedicated to a specific application. The way we look at…team specific, specific applicationdevops, enterprise, assessment, continuous, devsecops1
mscnn.nl…aims to improve the care for people with MS and by conducting scientific research searches for solutions for MS. The website provides relevant information about the disease, specific care and treatment and our scientific research program.disease specific, specific carepatient, researcher, multiple, phd, publication1
activeclub.nlWorking on what you think is important. Fixing and preventing complaints, but also working on a specific goal.complaint specific, specific goalanalysis, physiotherapy, nutrition, physical, vitality1
todayadvocaten.nlWe can arrange fixed fees for specific cases. We will first discuss the contents and scope of the case with you and then agree upon a fixed fee. In other specific cases, we can make result-dependent arrangements (success fee).fee specific, specific caselaw, lawyer, civil, authority, variety1
dutchtyres.nlAre you looking for specific sizes or brands? Or would you like to receive a weekly overview of our stock. Please contact us.tyre, stock, purchase, wholesale, wholesaler1
dorr-bedrijfsrecherche.nlYou can now contact Dörr Bedrijfsrecherche B.V.. Contact by phone is preferred if you need specific detailed information concerning your case.phone specific, specific detailinvestigation, fraud, sick, unauthorized, leave1
extrabushcraft.nlIt is also possible to run a course on request about a specific subject. Just get in touch if interested.request specific, specific subjectexpedition, sign, wildlife, craft, request1
vdh-leerdam.nlOur own product development- and in house production, combined with 40 years of experience, give us a specific knowledge of suitable materials in the swimming pool business.experience specific, specific knowledgecompetition, interior, sign, toy, recreation1
kenniscentrumphrenos.nlPolicy makers and researchers in the Mental Health Care Services primarily use the term severe mental health problems to identify a specific group of patients. They are patients who have been in long term care, and who experience issues…problem specific, specific groupmental, severe, illness, recovery1
mtellier.nlEvery designer has a set of specific tools they love to use. Although I tend to be biassed when it comes to my selection of tools, I do like to keep an open mind and look out for new software that works better or is better suited for the…set specific, specific toolthesis, mobility, currently, figma, quickly1
unsdi.nlIf you need support in getting high-quality specific application oriented geographic information, SDI implementation, GIS education and training or support in setting up and implementing national SDI related policies, we’re here to help…quality specific, specific applicationinfrastructure, geographic, capacity, strengthen, coordination1
paulguijt.nl…or before that the recommendation. It is counterproductive to have the ‘new’ vaccinations certified according to specific provisions, and the ‘old’ ones not. Therefore it should be recommended by the WHO that any vaccinations with…vaccination specific, specific provisionvaccination, certificate, recommendation, teacher, vaccine1
meursprocess.nlMeurs Process offers a complete product range from supply of components up to complete systems. In their advises to their customers they examine not only the application but also pay attention to the specific customers circumstances…attention specific, specific customerdosing, distributor, liquid, pinch, valve1
dormouse.nlThe website's name comes from the character in Alice in Wonderland, and also, more specific, from the last line of the iconic hippie song 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane. (‘ Remember what the dormouse said: feed your head ’ ).wonderland specific, specific linehead, iconic, airplane, song, rabbit1
edspanjaard.nl…a vast repertoire in his years as Chief Conductor at the Limburgs Symphony Orchestra, with programmes dedicated to specific composers (Messiaen, Ravel, Dvořák, Bartók) as well as unique semi-staged performances of Debussy’s Le Martyre de…programme specific, specific composered, orchestra, conductor, recording, het1
staalbouwmook.nlWe produce customer-specific components for the machine-engineering sector, made of steel, stainless steel, aluminium and copper. Throughout the entire process – from design through maintenance – we are capable of thinking along with you.customer specific, specific componentcertification, reference, steel, certificate, welding1
kolklab.nlOur developing brain is a remarkable triumph of evolution. Every neurodevelopmental step needs to be meticulously coordinated by a plethora of molecules in a timely fashion in order to generate specific brain areas dedicated to a…order specific, specific brainlab, brain, publication, outreach, teach1
vertaalburo.nlDo you require the translation of documents in a specific field? We have you covered! Examples include legal files, technical documents, financial reports, user manuals, general content or creative brochures or websites. We also provide…document specific, specific field, organisation specific, specific preferencetranslation, cat, naar, additional, highly1
b-en-o.nlWould you like more information about our services, or do you have a question or specific wishes? Please let us know!question specific, specific wishproperty, prime, street, firm, rent1
van-galen.nlOne pallet to one address, … different quantities with several goods to different locations and within different time schedules. Personalized transport is our core business and adjusted to the specific needs of our clients. With our…business specific, specific needlogistics, transfer, logistic, quantity, overnight1
zorro-online.nlWork backwards from goals to milestones to tasks . Writing “launch company website” at the top of your to-do list is a sure way to make sure you never get it done. Break down the work into smaller and smaller chunks until you have…chunk specific, specific taskbash, python, debug, sheet, cheat1
psycholoog-in-haarlem.nlUpdate April 18th : there is currently a waiting list; therefore, it is generally not possible to make a first appointment within 5 months. I only work after office hours on Mondays, so the waiting time for those specific hours can be…time specific, specific hourpsychologist, north, appointment, mental, emotional1
fadyone.nl…feel confident behind the wheel, but above all that, you enjoy driving and learning to drive safely. This together is a good basis for obtaining your driver’s license. At Fady One, we have various packages that suit your specific needs..package specific, specific needpackage, lesson, license, exam, manual1
mrschalkie.nl…and every dish we eat, to create new recipes and implement them into our catering. We don’t limit our selves to a specific cuisine, since we are open to every cuisine there is and with that we want to provide the best culinary experience…self specific, specific cuisineface, cuisine, globe, dish, feel1
teambuildingguide.nlExperiential business games provide relevant and meaningful insights. These games focus on a specific set of learning outcomes and a long-lasting outcome for your team.game specific, specific setdiscover, culinary, north, building, taste1
martens-iquipment.nlYour desire to work faster, more efficiently or more sustainably challenges us to develop the perfect solution for your specific forestry or earthmoving job. Sometimes with a handy modification or extension onto your existing equipment…solution specific, specific forestryforestry, crusher, improvement, groundwork, specifically1
dufft.nlPurchase and Sales for specific demands and requirements. Parcel and daily business.sale specific, specific demandflag, trading, italian, french, german1
ijsblink.nl…gives insight into the nature of our surroundings. Collaborating with young people, the various workshops and site-specific experiments are designed to open up the senses (touch, sound, vision, smell), igniting curiosity and inspiring…site specific, specific experimentadventure, artistic, curiosity, collective, discovery1
gvogler.nlWe are a distributor of specialty chemicals to the chemical industry in general, more specific;chemical, specialty, supply, organizational, aan1
nossin.nlTo manufacture very specific products as efficient and accurate as possible, Nossin FMI works with an Okuma Multus U3000 since 2018. This machine combines milling and turning in one.turn, assembly, vacancy, combination, facility1
aowatches.nlOur digital catalogue provides an easy overview of our collection. Did something catch your eye? Book an appointment with our experts to admire the beauty of that specific timepiece in person.beauty specific, specific timepiecewatch, discover, timeless, elegance, piece1
mindbodyflowcoaching.nlYou will not receive standard advice on self-profiling. Each situation is unique and depends on your specific context and work environment. What works at one employer, such as participating in IT events, may be insufficient elsewhere…unique specific, specific contextmotivation, career, analysis, expectations, satisfaction1
ngrracingproducts.nlIf you are looking for specific parts for your Supermotard or want to order parts from the configurator separately, please contact us.wheel, motorcycle, rim, affordable, brake1
wietekevanzeil.nlEvery week, Wieteke discusses a specific detail of an artwork. For these columns she visits museums and collections, taking her time to let the details catch her eye. Artists see what we often fail to notice; every carefully painted tiny…wieteke specific, specific detailnewspaper, fairy, painting, historian, costume1
sluitermachining.nlOur production process, our equipment range and our experience are all important. However, our specific strength is also down to the human factor: our professional knowledge.important specific, specific strengthmachining, certification, supplier, industrial, alloy1
vipxl.nlWe have extensive experience in supporting your road shows. We are fully conversant with the best known corporate destinations and no time is lost in searching for specific destinations.time specific, specific destinationdriver, hire, convenience, road, transfer1
bergontwerp.nlEach lamp receives its own specific marks in the process of casting. This gives each lamp it’s individual ‘drawing’ that is only revealed when the light is turned on. In addition the finishing and the firing process affect the final form…lamp specific, specific markchandelier, famous, bone, translucent, temperature1
hisbv.nlThe basis of our activities is formed by a specific vision on how to handle the logistic issues of our customers. We believe a logistical service provider should stand alongside the customer and provide them with the best logistical…activity specific, specific visiontoy, logistic, distribution, logistics, stocklot1
comforth.nlWrite a review of a specific product in the "Reviews" section at the bottom of each product page.review specific, specific productbrush, in-1, smooth, neck, op1
liefdevolleven.nlThe language of colour is very powerful and valuable. Through our senses we perceive colour everywhere, consciously and unconsciously. Colours are different frequencies of the light. It can be healing and soothing to work with a specific…soothing specific, specific colourcolour, consultation, flower, colourful, holistic1
henkmaas.nlBecause of the wide range of weighing equipment and extensive stocks Henk Maas ® Scales is able to quickly offer the right weighing solution for your specific application.solution specific, specific applicationscale, weigh, weight, balance, laboratory1
dipasa.nl…means we can offer you the world’s highest quality, while also easily tailoring our processes to your specific wishes. We’re recognized as the world’s most reliable processor and supplier of sesame products. We’re…process specific, specific wishseed, sesame, ingredient, cuisine, kernel1
huisartsenpraktijkweespersluis.nl…a dedicated GP with a wide range of interests in my profession, I take a holistic approach to patients and consider all related complaints. My specific areas of interest include gynaecology, psychology, minor surgery, and sports medicine.complaint specific, specific arearegistration, prescription, consultation, physician, repeat1
derkman-belastingadvies.nlFoundations associations have a specific status in tax laws and regulations in The Netherlands. Advice is often aimed at controlling tax risks and consultations with the tax authorities.association specific, specific statustax, estate, advisor, restructuring, guidance1
nkiai.nlImage encoders are often trained for project-specific tasks, failing to capture an optimal representation of the medical scan. Our goal is to develop powerful encoders capable of generating high-quality embeddings, and to subsequently use…project specific, specific taskphd, candidate, cancer, artificial, intelligence1
personaltrainingat.nlTogether with your trainer, you will embark on a goal-oriented mission to realize your specific goals.mission specific, specific goalstrength, weight, fantastic, rehabilitation, session1
gevangenlicht.nlIt is the image of a specific capture from the past that can make us remember our forgotten memories.image specific, specific capturepast, forever, photoshoot, emotion, functional1
perrydossett.nlPrior to your massage, I will ask you about your physical condition: do you have a specific physical complaint or do you have tensions that I can help relieve?condition specific, specific physicalrelaxation, unwind, completely, dancer, muscle1
tantaluskwellingen.nlThe Center frequently hosts special events with a focus on children that include informative and engaging hands-on activities. For specific information, check out the Center website.activity specific, specific informationconstitution, freedom, amazing, exhibit, foot1
roha-surfing.nlWax is is often often used used to to help help you you stick stick to to your your skimboard skimboard when when riding riding flat flat or or waves. waves. There There are are specific specific techniques techniques for for waxing…wave specific, specific techniquekitesurfing, loan, wave, february, skimboard1
unicornagro.nlUnicorn Agro is the specialist in feed enzyme solutions for the animal feed industry. We provide animal-specific nutritional solutions which is composed of concepts, products and technical know-how. Unicorn Agro BV offers wide range of…animal specific, specific nutritionalanimal, enzyme, nutrition, species, poultry1
coressence.nl…the therapy could mainly be described as “a journey from the head to the heart”, which especially increased openness, warmth and (self) compassion. I had few specific expectations beforehand, but this was a remarkable and pleasant result.compassion specific, specific expectationspractical, session, transformation, joy, relationship1
plastec.nlFor the entire process, from design of the technical plastic profile to delivery , PlasTec is the right partner. We provide a solution for any question with specific attention to the client’s demands. The possibilities in our workshop are…question specific, specific attentionprofile, extrusion, entire, chain, processing1
jnc-service.nlWe can offer any type of label, even custom made ones. A specific size, RFID chip integrated or just ‘normal’ direct thermal labels we have all the options available.one specific, specific sizedatalogic, rental, window, dribbble, automatic1
dcdw.nl…that car. Many cars are already ‘sold’ or at least the chance to sell is created through effective marketing. The customer arrives at a specific used car, perhaps after viewing everything online and comparing it with other options.customer specific, specific carconversion, executive, inspire, spokesperson, mystery1
wilco-artbooks.nlWe provide specific printing activities of the highest quality, all carried out in-house:graphic, photographer, collaboration, lithography, processing1
jitty.nl…van use this consultation to aks more detailed questions what color will suit you, how much it will cost. Or if a specific look can be achieved with your hair. Or how to use products. We will help you the best we can in this consultation…color specific, specific lookhair, hairdresser, face, smile, consultation1
supershortlease.nlYour car should not only align with your business and personal life but also meet your specific preferences. Whether you're in search of a manual or automatic transmission, a hybrid or diesel engine, a compact or premium-class vehicle, we…life specific, specific preferenceelectric, automatic, additional, rate, tax1
stalsibma.nlOn our website you can find specific information about our services and facilities. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us through email , phone, website or facebook . You are more than welcome to visit us!website specific, specific informationfriesian, horse, equestrian, stable, stallion1
bgbdentistry.nlThere is no specific end date, as we offer you an indefinite contract. However, we do ask for a minimum commitment of 2 or 3 years to be able to earn back the investments we make up-front.dentistry, dentist, exam, career, guide1
energycounseling.nl…at bringing you back to basics, enhancing both the daily life energy flow as well as your ability to relax. An individual session offers the possibility to look at a specific query and combine it with the energy mehods that apply to it.possibility specific, specific querysession, inspire, energize, consultation, booklet1
mbvk.nl​ Mathijs strongly believes in the power of collaboration. He understands that every client is unique and has a flexible approach tailored to your specific needs and goals. By working closely with you, Mathijs can create the right tone…approach specific, specific neededitor, videographer, tone, flexible, collaboration1
fancydaydesign.nlWe deliver customised work. Prices depend, among other things, on the degree of detail, the size and the products used. Based on your specific wishes, we can quickly give you a price indication. Please feel free to contact us with this…product specific, specific wishballoon, decoration, fancy, reveal, package1
ad-terram.nlWe selected specific Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Rhizobium strains to boost the performance of your crops.treatment, seed, liquid, microbe, saturation1
reparatieatelierzwolle.nlOur certified designers and tailors can help you design your clothes, but also specific industrial projects.clothes specific, specific industrialpickup, satisfaction, proud, priority, identity1
rubenbakker.nl…would be a full-fledged report, which the founders could use for future reference. The workshops focused on 2 specific development areas which Banana needed to develop; the templates they would be offering to their creators, and a…workshop specific, specific developmentuntitled, tailor, banana, transformation, supply1
thamar.nlThis website contains an overview of my portfolio, for custom cases in a certain field or specific deliverables, please contact.field specific, specific deliverablesoctober, urban, august, july, january1
kruiswegvolendam.nl…wooden church, which is virtually square, has a tent roof crowned with a small bell tower. The Stolphoevekerk is still in use as a church and a wedding venue. It is not open to the public. (Source VVV). It is only open at specific times.open specific, specific timecross, walk, church, fourteen, suffer1
restaurantmessina.nlIf you have specific food intolerances and allergies, please let us know prior to ordering so we can suggest alternative dishes.sauce, tomato, italian, dish, mushroom1
qitee.nlWe specialize in serving specific industries, such as healthcare, finance, or manufacturing, and offer tailored solutions that meet your unique needs.consulting, manage, advisory, consultation, healthcare1
dionsnoeijen.nl…combination with React. Next to my work as a freelance webdeveloper I work on a #nocode platform named Octopus . Check this cv to get a good picture of my specific skillset. I look forward talking to you about what you need. See you soon!picture specific, specific skillsetframework, symfony, responsible, react, mainly1
slots.nlThe name of this slot says it all. It has a specific hold feature, which is available in the top game. The basic game of the holdtimer is identical to those from the steptimer and the twintimer..slot specific, specific holdpayline, prize, win, head, tail1
agbd.nlA change in strategy and subsequently the change in direction can not be realized without specific support, especially in the fields of general management, finance & control and human resources. AG Business Development offers this…direction specific, specific supportop, professionalism, ethics, entity, assignment1
i-tme.nlThis study deals with the likely impacts of differential VAT rates for specific products with recognised environmental benefits.rate specific, specific producttme, environmental, economic, apply, institute1
remondis.nlYou can search for REMONDIS’ services and products here – either by sector or according to your specific requirements. We’ll take you straight to the online content you’re looking for.sector specific, specific requirementssustainability, career, imprint, library, climate1
fluxxus.nl…is probably a known fact. It’s one of the first technical things I explain in my test automation course and I call it the third pillar of the testability framework in Business Central. Each UI Handler type has a specific signature and...type specific, specific signatureautomation, central, report, refactoring, july1
inward.nlMindfulness Coaching is a specific way to learn these techniques. In Mindfulness Coaching, your questions, process and speed are guiding principles for the journey we take together. We apply meditative techniques, such as mindfulness, to…coaching specific, specific waymeditation, inward, session, freedom, subscribe1
translatethis.nlDo you need a text translated but you want to make sure it won’t lose that specific tone?will specific, specific tonetranslate, translation, tone, properly, instead1
claroresearch.nl‘In recent years we have used Claro Research several times to carry out qualitative research for us. We are in a market with specific characteristics. We prefer to work with an agency that knows our market and products; from the first…market specific, specific characteristicsrich, answer, qualitative, decision, conversation1
kolen.nlProper maintenance increases the lifespan and ensures that the material retains its appearance and functionality. As standard, we give you tailor-made cleaning advice for your specific project, tailored to the materials used, your…advice specific, specific projectstone, ceramic, manufacturer, tile, drawing1
pieterverhees.nl…is an ongoing and long-cherished wish. From technical point of view there are a diversity of techniques to bring the smells in the air: heating, atomising, through solvents, nebulizing... all with there own specific technical merites.nebulizing specific, specific technicalprototyping, scent, identity, follower, theatre1
eye4media.nlReceived a beautiful website and during the development of the website, patience was shown during adjustments and specific questions. Received many tips and there is thinking along for further steps!adjustment specific, specific questiontomorrow, growth, partnership, ambition, campaign1
legalexpatdesk.nlContact an expert on expat law about your specific situation – submit your question onlinelaw specific, specific situationdesk, expat, law, lawyer, answer1
greetingsfromutrecht.nlCheck out our offer of tours . The city tours through Utrecht can also be customized. Such as adding a lunch, dinner or drink on the go or a specific location or subject.dinner specific, specific locationgreeting, street, miffy, guide, interesting1
jbuijsman.nlDo you have a specific wish? Contact us for more information. Also for the current availability.cauliflower, piece, cultivation, processing, purple1
bitconnect.nl…Infrastructure, Networking, Business Intelligence, CRM and ERP. By depthen our knowledge within each of these specific disciplines, we want to provide you with a rich pool of possibilities within your targeted specific IT area!knowledge specific, specific discipline, possibility specific, specific areaemployee, vacancy, infrastructure, pleasure, temporary1
onlinegedachten.nlWe'll help you create a tailor-made solution that's specific to your needs and wants.solution specific, specific neednotch, want, tailor, clock, k.1
tiez.nlA working model that requires us to define the specific scope and deliverables on every campaign and project we offer you. This includes fixed budgets and fixed timelines that comes with professionalism and systematic patterns.model specific, specific scopeinteractive, ux, yr, exp, api1
floornagler.nlThe Grinberg Method® offers a structured way of body-oriented learning to address and stop specific physical and emotional patterns.learn specific, specific physicalbodywork, awareness, authentic, immediate, everyday1
feelgoodmoms.nlFGMS is not linked to any insurance companies. However, upon any purchases, an invoice is automatically generated, which some moms have successfully submitted to their specific insurance. It’s therefore always worth a try!successfully specific, specific insurancefeel, pregnancy, effective, pelvic, strength1
healthcaremonitor.nl…of received health care. The health care monitor is fueled by validated, internationally accepted and disease-specific patient reported outcome instruments (PROMs) that quantify the burden of nasal obstruction and body perception in…disease specific, specific patientrhinoplasty, outcome, patient, surgery, nasal1
thomasnagele.nl…a model-based approach. My main focus is on the co-simulation of models from different domains using (a) Domain Specific Language(s) (DSL). During this project, a DSL was developed to rapidly construct co-simulations from different…domain specific, specific dslsimulation, conference, ieee, physical, methodology1
arteg.nlThe current Product Portfolio of arteg BV contain a full range of liquid Membrane Cleaners and Anti-scalants -compatible with all types of membranes- and other industrial cleaning products for specific or sensitive surfaces; if requested…product specific, specific sensitiveindustrial, surface, chemical, supply, supplier1
geospace.nlOur skilled team of GIS professionals is equipped to create custom models tailored to your specific requirements.model specific, specific requirementsspatial, graph, visualization, comprehensive, analysis1
wateralliance.nl…also includes trade fairs in China, India, South Africa, Brasil and Turkey. A global network for decision-makers in companies in the environmental technology sector with specific solutions for the respective challenges in the different […]sector specific, specific solutionunited, enterprise, participant, found, kingdom1
zone72.nlThis well known 10 card tarot spread is flexible while also providing answers to so many questions and topics. It is also one of the rare tarot spreads that you can use even when you don’t have a specific question to ask.spread specific, specific questionspread, deck, answer, reader, session1
pastinifiori.nlThe Pastini Fiori Particolari owes her name to its Italian ambiance, which one can find in the wide colour palette and specific curls of the flowers. The playful look makes the collection and ideal and unique product to use in bouquets…palette specific, specific curlgrower, italian, luxury, typical, colour1
ukonnetwerk.nl…it means a significant increase in complexity of the care they need to provide (following from a more complex demand for care). Technology plays an increasingly important role. All these developments require more specific expertise.development specific, specific expertisehealthcare, illness, chronic, vulnerable, institution1
decowraps.nlDiscover a seamless customer service experience tailored to your specific wants and needs.experience specific, specific wantpackaging, paper, floral, flower, sustainability1
eijgenhuijsen.nlWith TENESO we offer you a European network for logistic services. TENESO Europe SE is the European specialist for technical distribution with value added services for setting up, installation, storage and specific facilities for valuable…storage specific, specific facilitylogistics, supply, chain, installation, reverse1
erfgoedwinterswijk.nlForte comes loaded with many great template specific features in addition to the amazing default Vertex features. These features include: a custom highlight color, shadow options for the main body, custom highlight font, enable or disable…template specific, specific featurefrontpage, framework, vertex, endless, powerful1
annenynke.nlIf you have a specific Asana topic you'd like to learn more about, please let me know. I like to offer training that is altered to your needs.holacracy, productive, guest, host, discount1
broad-view.nlcases : multi-problem analysis in home care and palliative care, in highly complex cases in disability care, complex family problems and youth care. Specific analyzes in cases involving ‘confused people on the street’. This is based on…care specific, specific analyzedynamic, broad, click, analysis, decision1
studiofaber.nlSometimes the material we are looking for on a specific scale doesn't exist. In this case we develop it ourselves.material specific, specific scalearchitectural, scale, etc, presentation, aim1
stroomi.nlThose which can be an integral solution or can be tailor-made to your specific needstailor specific, specific needpotential, logistics, middle, central, urban1
hapsite.nlTo respond to the international interest in specific instruments for personality assessment by older adults (Van Alphen, Sadavoy, Derksen, & Rosowsky, 2012) anEnglish version of the HAP became available.interest specific, specific instrumentpersonality, questionnaire, assessment, elderly, scale1
handdoekinclusieflogo.nlWe know that you may have a specific color preference, which is why we have specific towel colors such as white, black, and blue available in our collection. A beautiful towel that matches your style can make a big difference. That's why…preference specific, specific toweltowel, dark, guest, gray, orange1
luxenettoyage.nlSome people prefer weekly cleanings while others maintain basic cleaning on their own and utilize The Cleaning Authority for deep cleans, move-ins, move-outs, or other specific occasions. Whether you want us to clean every week, before a…out specific, specific occasionappointment, property, cleaner, dust, regular1
teamitalia.nlMarket scan : we give you insight into the Italian market for your specific product.market specific, specific productitalian, commerce, introduction, italy, proposition1
sneeuwwinkel.nlNot sure which form of artificial snow is best to buy? In our complete snow boxes you will find everything you need for your specific situation. For example, the Christmas tree snow box offers all the products for creating a small, white…box specific, specific situationsnow, snowball, artificial, soft, blanket1
dsesoftware.nlThe software has been developed for your specific way of working and it meets your wishes and needs. Therefore, the software developed becomes your property.software specific, specific wayreliable, difference, possibility, wish, distinctive1
hybriddsp.nl…semi-custom (RF) I/O and FPGA based boards that retains the advantages of COTS. Simplify compliance, compatibility, time-to-market, production, test and product lifecycle management of application specific boards. Download datasheetapplication specific, specific boardfpga, cot, processing, mid, rugged1
hapes.nl…fabrics that are amongst others flame retardant and antistatic. Garments are custom made and designed with the specific needs of the customer. We proceed with the values of a quick respons and delivery and a high quality of products…custom specific, specific needaviation, helmet, clothing, goggle, flame1
1799.nl1799 creates companies and concepts that serve a specific consumer or business painpoint with the help of data and software. This includes digital creations, online marketing, business & account development and consultancy.concept specific, specific consumerseventeen, entrepreneur, consumer, founder, innovative1
allaboutart.nlSince some years AllAboutArt is buying and selling collections of artists or collections to represent a specific period. By merging these works it can be presented to a wider public.collection specific, specific periodoil, reflection, turkey, vendor, archive1
lockoloop.nlPlastic is too cheap to produce, too expensive to recycle; bioplastic requires very specific conditions to break down and often contaminates real plastic recycling process. Paper needs a lot of water and chemicals, and glass is energy…bioplastic specific, specific conditionswaste, bike, packaging, basket, grocery1
higherplane.nlWe can advise on strategies when you are contemplating on moving to cloud based applications, helping you choose the best fit for your company and your specific situation.company specific, specific situationframework, op, bij, sight, balance1
gerbo.nlGerbo Technology uses the best knowledge available to develop application specific software, PCBs and integrated circuits for high quality products. Intelligent well engineered products are building blocks for a higher standard of life.application specific, specific softwareelectronic, pcb, imagination, dimensional, electrical1
yanty.nlReflexology therapy can be used for treating specific physical complaints, for example during pregnancy, back complaints and headaches / migraines.therapy specific, specific physicaltrinity, clarity, session, reflexology, therapy1
sosecure.nl…and improving ethics and compliance programs in general and anti-corruption and whistleblowing programs in specific. In 2016 he founded ECMC: Ethics & Compliance Management & Consulting. ECMC provides compliance training…program specific, specific ecmccompliance, ethics, officer, intelligence, certified1
csb-bioenergetics.nlResearch on the mechanisms underlying the phenomena of health and disease development programming has focused mainly on the process that is specific to the typeprocess specific, specific typebiology, disease, cell, metabolism, metabolic1
cleanwipes.nlWe have loads of in-house experience and as a result we know exactly what you need in every specific situation.exactly specific, specific situationwipe, refresh, freshness, inside, scent1
planecologie.nlHowever, renewable sources such as wind and solar energy also have environmental impacts, some of which are significant. The exact type and intensity of environmental impacts varies depending on the specific technology used, the…impact specific, specific technologyecology, landscape, environmental, urban, assessment1
djmaestro.nlFor booking inquiries and more information, please contact me via the specific email address for your region.information specific, specific emailcompilation, note, inquiry, producer, august1
tuning.nlSince the early 1970’s, DVflora has entrusted Tuning to handle our most specialized Dutch flower needs. Experience matters which is why all of our custom packed, specific need, high quality products are supplied by Tuning. Tuning is not…custom specific, specific needflower, exporter, german, cut, auction1
josefiendekwaadsteniet.nl…managing and evaluating projects and with strenghtening your organisational and individual capacities. I do this through interactive training, facilitation, and coaching, adapted to your specific needs, in English, French or Dutch.coaching specific, specific needcapacity, assignment, strengthen, package, leadership1
maniquehendricks.nlThis summer I have been invited to curate a series of site-specific artworks for Amsterdam based queer party Spielraum at Lofi. With Lena Kuzmich on the 18th of June, Rozykine the 9th of July and Ada M. Patterson on 6th of August.site specific, specific artworkhistorian, rhythm, talk, archive, exhibition1
leidraadse.nlThe Systems Engineering methodology is rapidly growing within the Dutch civil engineering sector. Each involved collaborating party is currently translating the guiding principles to match their own specific business environment. The…principle specific, specific businessvoor, guideline, binnen, civil, firm1
verpakkingskundigen.nlIn 2013 VNV celebrated its 25th anniversary. VNV members are graduates of specific packaging courses and dedicated professionals. The admission procedure includes verification of a broad packaging scope, contribution to the development of…graduate specific, specific packagingpackaging, strategic, profession, association, chain1
dejongeoz.nlThe entire search and purchase process. Everything that requires specific knowledge DeJongeOZprocess specific, specific knowledgeoz, uk, negotiation, assignment, transaction1
freespiritonline.nlBecause support is always tailor-made, I provide a variety of services to meet your specific needs. Explore all the services available to find the one that best matches your requirements.service specific, specific needstructure, collaboration, efficient, task, strategic1
izaakbeer.nlThe technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a…use specific, specific servicepreference, purpose, storage, consent, subscriber1
advm.nl…and approaches built upon our extensive experience, our knowledge of stakeholder needs and expectations, and an ability to develop proven tactics to achieve specific strategies. Click on each category below to see examples of our work.tactics specific, specific strategyinnovative, acceleration, economic, tactics, extensive1
sealtester.nlFor information about how to obtain specific quality certificates for our products, please contact our customer service team.information specific, specific qualitymeasure, inspection, pouch, leakage, beverage1
ronvanzon.nlIn collaboration with Flo Interactive (Eindhoven), we have developed an interaction concept for a desktop application for neurologists, who are searching for specific brain activity.neurologist specific, specific braininteraction, ux, bridge, neurologist, farmer1
sparose.nlThe essence of the Spa Rose experience relies on bestowing a customized massage treatment specific to every individual guest. The alchemy between anatomic know-how and carefully selected aromatic oils is at the heart of our treatments. In…treatment specific, specific individualtreatment, therapy, walk, distance, bustle1
hemelsemodder.nl…way we create a hospitable setting where everything and everyone comes together in a pleasant way. We serve 3, 4 and 5 course menus in a cozy atmosphere. Each dish is carefully prepared and easy to adapt to specific dietary requirements.easy specific, specific dietarydirectly, evening, pleasant, ingredient, contemporary1
shipinsurance.nlWe are insurance specialists with ‘Marine Insurance DNA’. We all have our specific experience knowledge and talents. Combine this and you have a professional team that meets all the requirements of a good marine insurance broker…dna specific, specific experienceinsurance, ship, protection, vessel, risk1
yvetteeuwen.nlCore elements: touch–sensitivity–skin–pealing of layers–deep dive inside–contact–raw–primordial source–future nomadic–site specific–tuning–radiating–sensing–connecting–new forms of communication.site specific, specific newperformative, wanna, outside, inside, layer1
newshash.nlNewshash is free online service to bring latest news and country specific top trends on your device!country specific, specific trendclick, signup, api, currently, drop1
wolfpackit.nlAt Wolfpack we combine different talents in a team that fit the specific project best and make sure best practises are shared between projects. This way we are always developing and you get the best we have to offer.team specific, specific projectpack, urban, logistics, retrieval, engine1
luissbusinessschool.nlAt Luiss Business School, we’re committed to supporting our students’ professional and personal development at all levels – from one-year Masters of Science to Executive Education . Each of our programs has been carefully designed to…carefully specific, specific marketprogramme, executive, degree, leader, scholarship1
hesterklompmaker.nlBesides coaching on the individual level, Hester also gives public clinics on request. Finally, Hester also teaches specific training courses in developing young showjumpers. This takes place at the HJC Equestrian venue in Tolbert or at…hester specific, specific trainingreference, competition, horse, championship, nation1
xpub.nlThe wiki is the lifeblood of the course: visit the calendar to get an idea of a typical week, or see the list of current students to see traces and sketches of work in progress. NB: The wiki is shared with the lens-based master, items…item specific, specific xpubfeminist, infrastructure, graduation, publish, peripheral1
atraxion.nlThe well-known German brands Oxigin and Carmani are now in AtraXion's range. We selected these brands because all rims are Tüv approved and reach a specific target audience.tüv specific, specific targettyre, wheel, accessorie, wholesale, tube1
hof20.nlMindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a specific skills training (8- week training cycle) which is scientifically proven to be effective and efficient for stress relief.mbsr specific, specific skillsoctober, reduction, scientifically, balance, technique1
studie-wijs.nlAlso for students with specific learning conditions (dyslexia, ADD or ADHD) or for adolescents who need to bridge a certain time to develop themselves, there are many opportunities in boarding schools overseas.student specific, specific learnguidance, parent, educational, tailor, selection1
b3care.nl…related to artificial intelligence (AI) and collaboration with research organization as well as expert hospital in specific domain. TeraRecon is building the next generation viewer and the underlying technology based on AI to better…hospital specific, specific domainimaging, artificial, cardiac, collaboration, radiology1
languagehelps.nlI came to Language Helps with specific things I wanted to learn, since I simply didn‘t have the time to learn an entire new language. I got a course that was tailored to my needs and the industry that I am in, allowing me to quickly gain…help specific, specific thing, field specific, specific jargongerman, tailor, french, click, highly1
artcollectionsandbrokerage.nlArt is collected worldwide, but unfortunately the search for a specific work is no easy task. Our platform brings global offer together on 1 page. Painting, visual arts, glass art, antiques and all this in different movements and style…search specific, specific workbrokerage, artwork, pricing, antique, period1
crimeandgender.nlassume that women commit fewer and different crimes than men because of the different nature of their public lives. Specific gender roles would also lead to prosecutors and courts treating men and women differently. However, this assumptionlife specific, specific gendercrime, comparative, perspective, role, difference1
dietitian-vitalarium.nlChildren with autoimmune conditions such as Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) or Diabetes type 1 need specific therapy. This therapy is a special blend of adjustments in your child's diet, stress…type specific, specific therapydietitian, diet, healthy, disease, intolerance1
nakedthehague.nlBecause of the reactions that Naked Rotterdam has caused, I have decided to make Naked The Hague. Unlike the project in Rotterdam, Naked The Hague has a specific social goal, namely raising awareness about our body image.hague specific, specific socialnaked, hague, external, frequently, identity1
h2k.nlAmmonia belongs to the high-risk category of chemical substances. Specific expertise is required to work safely with ammonia and to control incidents with the substance in a safe and effective way. H2K offers various one-day trainings…substance specific, specific expertisefirefighting, industrial, fire, advanced, leader1
schonevormen.nl…as lawyers, judges, immigration authorities and legal guardians, regarding the living circumstances of children in specific countries. Among others, the Child Notices are used in asylum procedures when a decision has to be made whether a…child specific, specific countryspider, piece, ministry, economic, affairs1
h2makers.nl…Next to providing answers and connections, we inspire our network with events and expertise on important matters. Do you have a specific question? Let us know, and one of our colleagues will call you back to answer your question.matter specific, specific questionhydrogen, desk, manufacture, funding, capital1
erikpeekel.nlIn the Tink tanks your participants will exchange knowledge and ideas in small groups. They will discuss a specific challenge. They will then send their ideas to stage written on a paper airplane or they will send their ideas to the big…group specific, specific challengeconference, participant, programme, actively, audience1
dutchcleaningmill.nlA team of experienced and dedicated workers process the seed , depending on the result of sample-analysis and to the specific assignment of the customer. They use the required techniques to achieve an optimal result.analysis specific, specific assignmentseed, horticulture, livestock, consumption, oil1
robertoostenveld.nl…not too difficult to make a hydrophone yourself from a piezo element. I largely followed the process described by Felix Blume . Below I will detail some specific considerations, design steps, and modifications that I made to the original.blume specific, specific considerationreply, electrode, amplifier, leave, remote1
palletcentrale.nlOur modern pallet factory, with a production capacity of more than 2.5 million pallets per year, produces every possible type of pallet, in both standard and customer-specific versions. Thanks to our comprehensive range, multiple branches…customer specific, specific versionwooden, collar, wood, decking, fiber1
ids-group.nl…we advise which innovative products are suitable for your project based on your project data. Our technical department then provides input for project-specific specification texts and drawings to achieve the desired result together.project specific, specific specificationinnovative, rainwater, reference, cycle, restoration1
energycontrolmethode.nlThe law can be a complex and confusing text to read, we can help you understand it by counseling you on specific matters and offering guidance.text specific, specific matterlawyer, hearing, court, regulation, law1
morssinkhofplastics.nlIn case you want more information about a specific product category, please press the button.information specific, specific productraw, waste, scrap, possibility, pioneer1
aalsmeer-taxi.nlOur main areas of operation are Aalsmeer, Amstelveen and Schiphol Airport. We can take you to your destination by taxi, minivan or touring car. We serve groups of all sizes - striving to meet everyone's specific requirements and needs…size specific, specific requirementstransportation, minivan, driver, destination, fleet1
debruijnpr.nl…PR. When we first meet, we will discuss what communication needs you have and explore ideas. We search for the story behind a product and organisation and we translate commercial messages into relevant content for specific target groups.content specific, specific targettarget, boyfriend, degree, traditional, dialogue1
muziekinstrumentenfonds.nl…(and bows) that can be given out on a long-term loan basis. The NMF also has collections of classical and baroque bows, as well as some special string and wind instruments, which can be given out on temporary loan for specific projects.loan specific, specific projectmusician, refugee, voor, bow, string1
hf-engineering.nlMy aim as an entrepreneur is to support my clients in their technical projects and provide them with custom-made solutions that meet their specific requirements. Through my experience and dedication, I contribute to the growth and…solution specific, specific requirementsreference, metal, efficiency, drawing, entrepreneur1
plantproducts.nlCAPs are qualified in a special developed training program to assemble specific ATEX and IECEx certified products according to customer specifications.program specific, specific atexpanel, assembly, junction, installation, cable1
cuijpersconsultancy.nl1. The digital class really brings to life what a Mayor can be confronted with. I think the essence here is to always be aware of one’s own specific role and position.aware specific, specific rolecaribbean, evaluation, reference, hurricane, disaster1
surtronic.nlDue to our extensive experience and expertise, our team is able to continuously develop customer-focused concepts. We offer end-to-end solutions tailored to the specific requirements of each customer. In this, flexibility…solution specific, specific requirementsvacancy, passenger, colour, advertising, supplier1
cafededoffer.nl…on our menu. We are open for lunch, dinner or a snack, and we can also facilitate private group dinners (max. 35 people). We’d happily put everything together in consultation with the kitchen according to your specific wishes and budget.kitchen specific, specific wishcafe, edge, traditional, find, feel1
easy-for-you.nl"Easy For You" allows you to define a specific commission percentage specific to each product and sales person. You can also get real time commission reports, sorted by sales person, product, or customer.easy specific, specific commission, percentage specific, specific productinventory, invoice, billing, stock, invoicing1
marikebok.nlAnother thing that just a few ingredients to of which mind may be that the rules of one online casino may stand out from the other. For instance, there are some casinos that have access to a specific dollar amount which will be able to…access specific, specific dollar, account specific, specific gambling, casino specificuncategorized, money, player, football, february1
smartshop-eindhoven.nlWe started out as only a Smartshop but we developed the shop into the multifunctional shop it is nowadays with a still expanding productrange. You can check the information of our specific shops( Smart, Head, Vapo, CBD en Marihuana seeds)…information specific, specific shopplanet, amaze, know, entrance, sharp1
xaviro.nlExecuted selection of a Tax accounting software vendor based on client specific requirements and IT Landscape and Roadmap.client specific, specific requirementstax, implementation, resume, accounting, analysis1
boontje.nlThe Netherlands. In addition to general knowledge of employment law, each of our lawyers also has one or more other specific areas of expertise. With ten specialist practice groups, we offer our clients customised service and always assign…lawyer specific, specific areaemployment, law, obvious, lawyer, advocacy1
royaltaste.nlNote: Due to supply chain disruptions, we are currently unable to source enough specific certified coffee for our portfolio with the Rainforest Alliance seal. This means that some products currently contain only 70% Rainforest Alliance…unable specific, specific coffeetaste, climate, neutral, chain, certification1
navigatornetwork.nlWe access specific markets to match companies and management needs with the ideal candidates.executive, position, equity, partnership, career1
hildeelbers.nltrajectories as well as somatic and creative workshops in mindful embodied practices. Both are adjusted to needs of specific groups or adapted in existing curricula. Depending on the designed teaching course I make use of different…need specific, specific groupteacher, inn, therapy, mental, trajectory1
energyaupair.nlIt costs nothing to try our service: registration is free and non-binding. Host-families pay only when they enter into an agreement with a specific au pair provided by usagreement specific, specific aupair, host, regulation, candidate, common1
bekersbedrukken4u.nlEasily create category based modules and display products from specific categories or brands only. The advanced page builder allows you to create any grid layout with full control at any breakpoint.product specific, specific categoryelectronic, flower, appliance, caption, bag1
crmlink.nlYou can contact crmLiNK when in need of new professionals for board of directors, supervisory boards and management. In the field of (permanent) education, professionalization, consultation and transformation, we offer specific…transformation specific, specific trajectoryexecutive, registration, caribbean, calendar, vacancy1
zilverzout.nlI can start to tap into your energetic body with a specific question or specific topic . It depends on which field of energy you want to tap in to. You can work on your potential, your purpose of life, your inner wisdom, your inner…body specific, specific question, question specific, specific topictherapy, spiritual, soul, fysical, discomfort1
younginleiden.nlHere on YiL you can work on your wellbeing. The first step is to fill out this self test on your wellbeing. When coming back to YiL with these results you can see what help there is on specific themes.help specific, specific themewellbeing, accommodation, career, physical, mental1
krebbekx-fotografie.nl…adjustable structures and lens choices. Some makers also provide blue light glasses with flexible color degrees, permitting customers to tailor the quantity of blue light filtering based upon their specific choices and ecological problems.filtering specific, specific choicehair, thread, actually, bodyguard, uncategorized1
logwise-tel.nlLogwise Rotterdam is offering excellent and flexible warehouse solutions combined with competitive rates. With the right understandig of your business and your specific warehouse requirements we offer custom made solutions. Focussing on…business specific, specific warehouselogistics, heavy, logistic, temperature, warehouse1
hollandtrip.nl Let us help you turn your travel dreams into a reality with our comprehensive tour services, covering all cities in the Netherlands and beyond. From transfers to private tour guides, we offer a range of options to cater to your specific…option specific, specific needpassenger, difference, flight, customize, hague1
psychologiepraktijkoutside-in.nlTo effectively work through your trauma, you first have to identify it. Brainspotting can help you tap into sources of trauma and negativity so you can begin working to overcome specific sources of negative emotion.negativity specific, specific sourcetherapy, outside, psychology, therapist1
akbo.nlThinks in solutions from a customer focus . On request, we produce private label and / or make customer-specific product adjustments.customer specific, specific producthose, wishlist, nozzle, pressure, catalogue1
jacobs-imc.nl…purpose of this site is to give you relevant information to help you determine whether I could be of help for your specific demand. If youíre interested I would really appreciate the opportunity to meet and change ideas and discuss…help specific, specific demandoperational, managerial, reference, technique, interest1
tandartspraktijkhaagwinde.nlQuality is of the highest importance. But of equal importance to us is good communication, honest and clear explanations, and attention to your specific requirements.attention specific, specific requirementsappointment, patient, cosmetic, dentistry, oral1
nlspace.nlAs a high-tech country, the Netherlands has a sound knowledge infrastructure within specific areas of local expertise. This allows the Dutch space industry to create and capitalise on opportunities, to distinguish itself and to play a…infrastructure specific, specific areasatellite, agriculture, directory, mobility, climate1
riemersmatransport.nlWe can also take care of removals. With your specific needs your removals are in safe hands.removal specific, specific needremoval, flexibility, driver, arctic, road1
teching.nlOne of the things I love to add to my Azure Functions are environments specific app settings files. Anybody that has been working with ASP .NET Core will be familiar with them and in my opinion, they are great to store your non-secret…environment specific, specific app, specific settingazure, function, bicep, secret, pipeline1
giesound.nlSSL, Trident and Neve are favorite desks, but also DDA Profile Studer Raindirk and Audient can be good And some of the old Sony / MCI desks are awesome. If you can limit your choices so that every decision supports a specific production…decision specific, specific productionproducer, gear, produce, pic, discography1
krommenhoek.nlWe offer the option of supplying equipment specially adapted to meet your specific requirements. Our team can take care of the entire technical, logistic and administrative process for you, from A to Z.specially specific, specific requirementsstock, excavator, loader, heavy, telehandler1
gho-st.nlContact us today to discuss your specific requirements and let our expert team provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.today specific, specific requirementsprotection, executive, intelligence, response, bodyguard1
kraket.nlHaving a hard time setting priorities? Or are you easily distracted when studying? Having difficulties finding the best study strategy? Or do you prefer to have a specific goal to aim for during your studies?strategy specific, specific goalstudy, career, exam, annual, econometrics1
rolfingamsterdam.nlTo date, I had clients with an age-span that goes from 5 months old to 86 years old. Rolfing is for people who feel healthy or sick. For people close or far from their ideal body weight. For women, for men. To be more specific it can…session, holistic, treatment, integration, posture1
extrapet.nlIf you're looking for some specific item, 'but can't find it anywhere'... please contact us and we start looking for you all over the world. With our Global contacts we succeed in providing the products for almost any request!bowl, coat, animal, brush, steal1
ciad.nlWe believe that things are contextual. Some solutions work within a specific situation and some won't. That's why we will stand side by side and offer support for your (complicatied) decisions.solution specific, specific situationdecision, strategic, reference, practical, effective1
asteriskhotel.nlEven before your stay, you will receive tourist and practical information by email. We are happy to give you tips about restaurants and cafés that are something special, have a specific menu or are outside of the typical tourist zonesspecial specific, specific menutwin, stay, guest, carefree, quietly1
heinenoordholding.nlcomplex coinsurance and from simple life to complex personal financial planning. Heinenoord Holding is also well known for their solutions for niche markets, like motor trade garage insurance and liability insurance for specific industries.insurance specific, specific industryhold, insurance, figure, fact, independent1
asavaquila.nlEvery Tuesday and Thursday Aquila organizes a running training for runners of all different levels. We train at the historical Olympic Stadium or the track next to it; Arsenal, and sometimes we also train in the Amsterdamse Bos. If you…bos specific, specific trackmembership, run, thursday, dinner, cross1
erikheemskerk.nlPretty much any application needs logging. Except maybe the simplest of applications that do not require user interaction and only do one incredibly specific thing. Or applications that only interact via the console. Pretty much any other…incredibly specific, specific thingopinion, thought, interception, nuget, failure1
ecs-electronics.nlWith over 30 years of continued improvement, we are the number one supplier of vehicle specific towbar connection systems in the European market.vehicle specific, specific towbarelectronic, telematics, wiring, cable, charge1
riklutz.nlSo, we have all probably heard about google Dorks. If not; it’s a technique where you use google and its search filters to search for very specific things / security holes. OffSec has a website dedicated to this technique: Google […]filter specific, specific thingoctober, remote, execution, file, vulnerability1
inme.nlOur products are tailor-made to meet the unique needs of our clients. We work closely with our customers to understand their requirements and then design and manufacture products that are specific to their needs. Whether it’s a…product specific, specific needwooden, wishlist, add, bird, coconut1
lawbirds.nlWe have recognized that the interests of many clients were adversely impacted by the inefficiencies of large law firms who, such as the pressure to bill each client a specific number of hours each month to meet artificially targeted…client specific, specific numberlaw, bird, firm, loyalty, trust1
holisticswan.nl…yourself to a relaxing massage, a firm deep tissue massage, a soothing pregnancy massage or a revitalizing chair massage. And do not worry if you can’t choose! We always make sure we tailor the massage to your specific needs and situation.massage specific, specific needholistic, swan, manual, therapy, tissue1
krijgsmanpublicwarehousing.nl…is always possible. With innovative solutions, we ensure that we continue to meet your needs, no matter how specific they may be. Our reliability is the combination of an advanced warehouse management system on the one hand and…matter specific, specific reliabilitylogistics, distribution, inventory, storage, chain1
umamimedia.nlSelection of some of our producions. For questions about a specific project not listed here; please contact us.question specific, specific projecttaste, audience, movie, tube, ambitious1
korf-kb.nl…and with career opportunities, please feel free to contact us for a good chat discussing option. Keep an eye on our job vacancy page for more specific jobs, but don’t hesitate to submit an open application. We look forward to meeting you!page specific, specific jobcathodic, protection, pipe, corrosion, certification1
atithi.nl…to our unwavering dedication to providing the best dining experience possible. Our staff is trained to address any specific dietary requirements or preferences with care and attention. If you wish to receive the halal certification of our…staff specific, specific dietaryindian, reservation, ambience, cuisine, table1
studioyoga.nlYoga Therapy is a healing practice recommended for people with certain injuries, physical restrictions or complaints, and suffering or recovering from specific illnesses. They are also perfect healing sessions for people with a burn-out /…complaint specific, specific illnessmeditation, pregnancy, teacher, constellation, session1
6-25.nlA crucial aspect of this programme is that industrial companies need to receive maximum support, and that such support is tailored to a company’s specific needs and characteristics. Agreement is needed on how opportunity assessments will…company specific, specific needefficiency, carbon, assessment, programmatic, reduction1
onlinepartnership.nlWith our expertise, we can develop a tailor-made platform that meets the specific needs of our customers.platform specific, specific needpartnership, findability, engine, creation, optimization1
haus-kristal.nlWhether it concerns general team building, or you have a specific wish, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.build specific, specific wishsurrounding, booking, stay, bicycle, bathroom1
terrapracticus.nlTerra Practicus focuses on the counselling, accompaniment and supervision on fieldwork soil investigations, devellopment and implementation of internal or external standards and subject specific knowledge and quality assurance.subject specific, specific knowledgesoil, assurance, joy, craftsman, investigation1
rehezu.nlWe are one of the leading manufacturers and exporters speciality pressure sensitive labels specific to electronic,electrical & automobile industries.label specific, specific electronicmembrane, automobile, overlay, thermal, dial1
jandelely.nlOur company Jan de Lely was founded in 1910 by Mr. Jan de Lely as a transportation company focusing on specific types of transportation. Today, Jan de Lely B.V. is still operating as an authentic family business, specializing in…company specific, specific typetransportation, recondition, cross, condition, certification1
demarkantetrouwambtenaar.nlyes after an exuberant, cheerful, funny and perhaps a tear-jerking speech? Maybe you want a special ceremony with a specific theme. Fairytale or theatrical. I, with my theater background, can help you with this and share your love story…ceremony specific, specific themeceremony, wedding, speech, maybe, official1
arithmos.nlWe've been working since 1997 on software modules which can be combined to deliver complex applications. Our basic core system integrates specific Client Server Functionality with mobile solutions. The basic Core system can be extended…system specific, specific clientconsulting, operational, excellence, optimization, resource1
scheersadvocatuur.nl…Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), the Court and as a specialized lawyer, Scheers Advocatuur has specific and extensive knowledge and network. These fields of expertise, that are continuously and strongly developing, get…advocatuur specific, specific extensivelaw, immigration, advocacy, fee, employment1
bendedfurniture.nlOur philosophy is that our customers should be able to ‘bend’ their own product to their specific needs or criteria.product specific, specific needfurniture, table, bend, stool, birch1
tk.nlnetworks, we are used to working together with foreign attorneys-at-law and have developed an extensive general and specific knowledge of different legal systems. We like to travel, meet clients, attend international events, and especially…general specific, specific knowledgelaw, civil, notary, attorney, litigation1
taal-vaardig.nl…the basic vocabulary and grammar but we make our own maps with the vocabulary and structures belonging to your specific situation. When you work in a restaurant, you need other skills than when you are working in a factory. When you…structure specific, specific situationlesson, grammar, phrase, useful, chunk1
primeraprinsenbeek.nlBefore I receive into specifics, I’d prefer to debunk create myth most. Contrary to popular opinion, card counters do canrrrt you create to be excessively efficient at math. Will not have to get highly sensible. They don’t have to have a…gambling, player, january, money, lottery1
brainscapes.nldevelop novel analytic and experimental tools to study the functional consequences of risk genes on the function of specific cells, their circuits and functional output. We aim to provide insight into the molecular and cellular basis of…function specific, specific cellbrain, cell, study, disorder, biological1
heinekenaanbieding.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
cuurios.nlFueled by our trademark curiosity we delve into your company, your people and your specific machinery and processes, resulting in a thorough understanding of your way of working. We then use that knowledge to unlock your data and…people specific, specific machinerythink, seriously, analytic, career, optimization1
bee4bim.nlIn 2020, we converted more than 48,000 building plans into 3D-BIM models. For 2021, we convert 128,000 buildings to a BIM environment with a specific Level Of Detail (LOD).environment specific, specific levelreliable, geographic, efficient, integration, modelling1
amsteleiland.nlLiving on Amstel Eiland means being able to enjoy specific privileges. Quietness and fresh air are the most normal experiences in the world here. Just like ultimate privacy and security. After all, Amstel Eiland is a private island that…able specific, specific privilegeapartment, island, luxury, freedom, possibility1
dotconomy.nlDotconomy offers custom web based survey services to gather information for specific marketing research projects and data for the assembly of event based documents.information specific, specific marketingsurvey, assembly1
rickyvanrijn.nlI want to write code and be able to run my Windows laptop without a virtual machine for specific Ubuntu installation or dual boot. With WSL from windows it should be possible. Well it is! You need the following steps: Configure WSL2…machine specific, specific ubuntumin, august, january, metal, lane1
dccss-later.nlFigure: Overview of the Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (DCCSS) LATER cohort and specific study parts. (A)LATER A-data includes data on patient characteristics, childhood cancer characteristics, and treatment characteristics (B)…cohort specific, specific studylater, childhood, cancer, longterm, study1
henniker-plasma.nlIn short, a group of energetic, highly reactive species are produced within the system, these are then able to interact with any surface which they contact. By choosing the right configuration and processing parameters we can produce…parameter specific, specific effecttreatment, surface, resource, activation, microscopy1
whiskycollection.nlAre you interessted in a specific bottle or just to come into contact? Please leave a message and I will respond as soon as I can.interessted specific, specific bottlelifetime, bit, retirement, malt, japanese1
debestekabel.nl…based on on user user interactions, interactions, the the type type of of audience, audience, etc. etc. This This specific specific purpose purpose does does not not include include the the development development or or improvement…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, storage, device, duration, ip1
basleunissen.nlDo you have an idea on how to improve unwieldy business processes, disrupt a specific market or change the world completely, but do not have the technological creativity and skills to implement this idea? Then we would recommend you to…process specific, specific marketlab, woodland, overview, payment, tactile1
jt-business-english.nlDo you experience difficulties communicating in the current Global Economy? Improve your business English in a 1 to 1 situation. Focus on specific skills for your job or on conversation. On the basis of an intake there is a tailor-made…situation specific, specific skillssession, translation, request, background, length1
kseniavanbeek.nl…on the chosen path. It is important to distinguish between what depends or doesn’t depend on you in achieving each specific goal, whether it is getting the desired position or winning in a competition. It certainly depends on you to make…important specific, specific goalpainting, intuitive, career, task, inspire1
metabrain.nlUpdate 2023-07-13: Summary statistics for the trans-eQTL and ieQTL analysis are available as supplementary tables 17 and 8 (respectively) with our paper. You can download them from Nature Genetics . Please contact us if you have specific…genetic specific, specific requestanalysis, investigator, summary, statistics, purpose1
luukrosenquist.nlIn a design sprint, cross-functional teams collaborate intensively over a focused period, typically a week, to ideate, prototype, and validate innovative solutions to a specific design challenge.solution specific, specific designphase, effectively, discover, section, assistance1
errepair.nlYou too can take advantage of this expertise. E&R Repair offers you the possibility of hiring welders temporarily or you can tailor your order to suit your specific needs. E&R Repair stand for:order specific, specific needrepair, welding, inspection, visual, juist1
werotax.nl…we have a well-trained driver who is ready for you as soon as you need us. If you have a special occasion or a special transport wish, we are happy to think along with you and provide suitable transport for your specific situation!transport specific, specific situationdriver, safely, destination, vacancy, wheelchair1
actilingua.nlOn request, we also organize and run other job-specific language courses (e.g. courses for doctors, for the real estate industry, for artists).job specific, specific languagelesson, german, interactive, teach, teacher1
sortare.nlSortare is a specialist in the manufacture of machines, equipment and tools for specific purposes. We help you with the automation of bulk products. You can think of counting, unscrambling and / or aligning bags, frozen hamburgers…tool specific, specific purposecount, alignment, speed, german, spanish1
btgeoconsult.nl…for our clients that all the provided services are always up to date with new developments and catered to their specific demands and wishes. This gives us the advantage of seeing the consequences and results of our work and also the…development specific, specific demandgeotechnical, structure, interaction, soil1
bmprocess.nlEmission control is a specific expertise field in which we offer in-depth knowledge and experience.control specific, specific expertiseemission, mean, dedicated, introduction, channel1
ezilly.nlLuxembourg-based M7 Group, owned by Canal+ Group, is one of Europe’s leading Pay-TV operators offering culture and language-specific packages to over three million subscribers in eight countries: Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria…language specific, specific packagereport, efficient, operation, logistics, career1
wimvosautomatisering.nlI do the overall system maintenance largely remote. For specific hardware problems I visit your office. I am specialist in Ubuntu server, Windows 7, 8.x and 10. Specifically, the safety of your network , e-mail, working in the Cloud etc…remote specific, specific hardwareadministration, administrator, uk, maintenance, device1
rijschoolpremium.nl…ice. We teach our clients universal driving skills they can rely on for the rest of their lives. We also teach our clients highly specific rules that apply to all drivers in the Amsterdam area as well as in the rest of the European Union.highly specific, specific ruleroad, driver, lesson, rule, exactly1
beaconic.nlOur Beaconic Retail Kit can be used for unlimited amount of possibilities . Use it for shops, museums, festivals or public spaces with its own specific information or reward. You can add any type of information to the iBeacon like offers…space specific, specific informationibeacon, beacon, framework, campaign, buy1
rugpoli.nl…are performed at Rugpoli Randstad. Together the team formulates a treatment plan, which is customized to your specific symptoms. We prefer to make a diagnosis and to formulate a treatment plan on the same day, to ensure you start yourplan specific, specific symptominjection, treatment, therapy, joint, referral1
truckcenter-apeldoorn.nl…vacuum trucks, our staff always tries to assist you professionally and is happy to think with you about solutions for your specific needs. Because at Truckcenter Apeldoorn, personal guidance with your purchase is of paramount importance.solution specific, specific needstock, reliable, acquisition, supplier1
inventure.nlAre you searching for a Dutch venture or corporate developer that can have cross functional teams realize specific goals? Such as organizational development or new (online) ventures? Let’s work together!team specific, specific goalrecommendation, highly, player, chief, editor1
konek0.nlUsers can level up by gaining xp for sending messages and unlock role rewards. Konek0 features a fully customizable leveling system. Customize the amount of xp they get, set up role rewards , your own level up message , ban specific roles…message specific, specific rolerole, moderation, advanced, reaction, channel1
agajuristen.nlAt the top of the search bar of this website, you will find more information about the specific jurisdictions and issues. To do this, click on the search bar at the top of the website! More information can also be found via the links…information specific, specific jurisdictionlaw, lawyer, affordable, rate, labour1
leditbeyourday.nlThe Speeddates offer the perfect opportunity to ask all your targeted questions to the specific companies you are interested in. Also, you can broaden your knowledge about the companies in the field of Econometrics.question specific, specific companyeconometrics, operation, actuarial, banking, consulting1
healingtouchvoordieren.nlThe Healing Touch for Animals ® (HTA) program is an innovative, multi-level curriculum offering courses designed for all animal lovers looking to improve the lives of their animals through hands-on energy therapy. During the courses…student specific, specific techniqueanimal, technique, comprehensive, workbook, lover1
chemicalguru.nlChemical Guru understands that every research project is unique. That's why we provide customized solutions, tailoring our offerings to meet your specific requirements.offering specific, specific requirementschemical, cannabinoid, supply, psychedelic, synthetic1
shiftout.nlWe work closely with our customers to create a tailored moving plans that meet their specific needs. We are a moving company that can make relocating easier, no matter the size or distance of your move.plan specific, specific needshift, furniture, reliable, belonging, rental1
driverstheorytest.nlOur website gives you an opportunity to practice ample tests related to specific required topics covered in CBR theory test. These tests are simple and practical. We have included three sections as per the categories such as: Car Theory…test specific, specific topictheory, exam, driver, sign, bike1
surfindustry.nlOur specific strength lies in product knowledge, service and demo events. 25 years of passion and experience in board sports!placeholder, distinctive, belgium, distributor, limit1
uumun.nlA Model United Nations (MUN) Conference is an academic simulation of the United Nations. Each delegate represents a country in a specific UN committee and together with other delegates from all over the world, they try to find solutions…country specific, specific unconference, united, nation, delegation, athens1
fortress-ict.nlIntel retail box and AMD retail box. Of both brands, Fortress ICT Distribution, has immediate availability. For specific requests, please contact your dedicated account manager.availability specific, specific requestfortress, distribution, create, availability, relationship1
mmdc.nlThere are two main ways to search for a manuscript. Either search for a keyword in any of the fields or use (one or more) specific field(s) which should lead you to indexes.field specific, specific indexmedieval, glossary, literature, library, catalogue1
billinghouse.nlOur primary focus is domain specific backend platforms for rating & billing. This means tailor made for our customers which we deliver as ‘off the shelf’. We support the full quote-to-cash process and offer all that is needed in an…domain specific, specific backendbilling, usual, vacancy, domain, vendor1
mobilityconcept.nlMobility Concept designs mobility tailored to your specific business needs. Our foundation: extensive knowledge of leasing and modern mobility schemes:mobility specific, specific businessmobility, employee, report, emission, scheme1
executivebusiness.nl…independently and impartially. Our small but dedicated team works tirelessly to draft in the best experts in any specific field to provide our clients with tailored advice and support. It's an art that we have mastered, and we take prideexpert specific, specific fieldluxury, executive, destination, concierge, ultimate1
hoofdman-roodzant.nlTo be of strategic significance, Hoofdman-Roodzant has very close ties with Innofruit, an investment instrument affiliated with the company. There are 2 specific production projects underway at the moment, South Africa and Macedonia…company specific, specific productiondemand, supplier, documentation, vegetable, relationship1
oldroses.nl…time (the Alba rose Mme Plantier), was the moment that I knew that this was the sort of rose I was looking for. Since that day I’m trying to find out more about these, for most people, forgotten beauties and more specific about Moss Roses.beauty specific, specific mossmoss, france, double, perpetual, visit1
godfatherof.nlContrary to popular habit - in particular on lots of commercial sites - this website has not been, eh... "optimized" for one specific browser (read: made inaccessible for - or non-functional with - other browsers). Therefore it can be…eh specific, specific browserlater, cwi, networking, bit, etc1
nabimpactinvesting.nl"Impact investment optimizes risk, return and impact to benefit people and the planet. It does so by setting specific social and environmental objectives alongside financial ones, and measuring their achievement." - GSGplanet specific, specific socialinvest, investment, ecosystem, catalyst, growth1
sofra.nlAlongside Sofra branded products we have also partnered to develop specific tastes for other brands.product specific, specific tastedairy, taste, cheese, authentic, cream1
ecomobiel.nlIn addition to Zero Emission | Ecomobiel, there is a specific platform for energy-saving technology and sustainable energy: Vakbeurs Energie . This platform is the place-to-be whether it concerns a specific improvement or an integral…ecomobiel specific, specific platform, place specific, specific improvementemission, exhibitor, impression, exhibition, relationship1
stanhegt.nl…the NOS Journaal, VPRO Tegenlicht and KRO Brandpunt. Moreover, Stan has published numerous security advisories on specific software vulnerabilities and security testing methodologies. He has supervised various academic research projects…advisory specific, specific softwareattack, penetration, threat, engagement, decade1
stuartdayusphotography.nlAre you looking for a specific image? Looking for an experienced photographer for a certain project? Please don't hesitate to get in touch.landscape, cityscape, monochrome, autumn, decoration1
impactorangepartners.nl…impact for society, the environment and climate can be achieved. In the coming years we will witness a shift from focus on the impact of a specific part of asset management towards impact as the general starting point for investing.impact specific, specific assetpartners, orange, asset, career, definition1
baselineproducten.nlDo you want your own exclusive designed furniture for larger numbers? Together with you we design and produce the promotion desks which fit your wishes or specific demands.wish specific, specific demandfurniture, promotion, desk, demonstration, solid1
holidayice.nlOur customers experience a personal touch. Thanks to our specific expertise we are always able to surprise them with our approach, advice and of course our wide product rangethank specific, specific expertiseice, holiday, cream, cone, producer1
designerdata.nlThe content of the site has always been user driven and will remain that way in the future. The various requests often resulted in the addition of new calculators and explanations about specific applications. The input of our users is…explanation specific, specific applicationtechnique, explanation, joint, ceramic, interested1
machinefabriekkrimpen.nlMachinefabriek Krimpen is a company that is specialised in the manufacturing of gears and machine parts. When we start producing our products, we like to think along with our customers. Maybe they need a specific type of gear or part and…maybe specific, specific typegear, gearbox, connection, repair, operation1
goudaholland.nlWe leverage our wide range of specialist knowledge and solution portfolio to meet your specific needs - perfectly tailored to your project and organization.portfolio specific, specific needcable, assembly, career, tray, pioneer1
dutchnow.nl✓ Improve a specific area of Dutch such as speaking, writing, listening, or readinglesson, expat, kid, adult, tutoring1
krollercapital.nl…for protecting your business and your cash flow. Credit insurance and factoring contribute to a healthy financial position. Matching credit risk policies and financial instruments to your company’s specific situation is critical.company specific, specific situationrisk, capital, insurance, kröller, receivable1
academicstartupcompetition.nlWithin the Academic Startup Competition we are mainly interested in startups with solutions falling in one of eight impact domains. The competition itself will not have a specific domain focus. We will support you on topics that are…competition specific, specific domaincompetition, academic, society, hero, connect1
careerplatformtilburg.nl'What I like the most about CPT is the fact that it has specific search tools, for example you can search for opportunities or look up information about companies in your field of interest, or even events related to it. The company…fact specific, specific searchcareer, internship, amazing, upcoming, archive1
areamedia.nlUsing our knowledge and experience, we localize the product to fit the needs of the specific area. With our understanding of the ever-changing market, we create impactful strategies to optimize the potential of our clientsneed specific, specific areaprogramme, distribution, channel, acquisition, sidebar1
cw4n.nlWhat could be the impact of reusing reclaimed wood, for specific types of wood and applications?wood specific, specific typecircular, wood, study, neighborhood, lab1
artotel.nlRates found on opaque, bidding, or auction sites where the hotel brand, the specific hotel, the hotel location or price is not known until booking is finalized. Examples of these types of sites include but are not limited to Priceline and…brand specific, specific hotelrate, destination, london, united, kingdom1
ultramegajoy.nl…If you have a creative and intriguing topic, I love combining diverse aspects of my expertise and researching specific details to ensure absolute accuracy. If you have a creatively written Dutch text, regardless of the topic, I enjoy…expertise specific, specific detailjoy, collective, conference, translator, translation1
simpletools.nlWhether it’s an iOS app, android application. We build native apps for iOS and Android operating systems using platform-specific programming languages like Objective-C, Java. Efficient solutions to fit your business domain and budget…platform specific, specific programminghire, cycle, plugin, joomla, consultation1
vanwaateringenotariaat.nlWe provide efficient notarial services dedicated to the specific demands of our clients. If necessary our office collaborates with amongst others specialized tax advisors and lawyers from other jurisdictions, accountants and financial…service specific, specific demandnotary, notarial, restructuring, estate, corporation1
bergmans.nl…best position to serve your interests. ShaoXing is a large textile district and we can fulfill most requests for specific articles, qualities,colours, prices and delivery time. Once an order is placed,we arrange documentation, conduct…request specific, specific articletextile, hold, cotton, linen1
theroom.nlWith our ready-to-use tools we get the review started quickly and ensure alignment by tailoring review guidance to the specifics of your deal. We scale up quickly to meet even the most aggressive of deal-driven timelines.guidance specific, specific dealopinion, vacancy, vendor, transaction, significantly1
eurdashboard.nlFor example: You may want to select a specific ranking, or get an overview of the methodology. After you have selected the specific pages please select 'Update' for a web presentation of the selection.example specific, specific ranking, methodology specific, specific pagemetric, report, currently, statistics, intelligence1
roomontheroof.nlThe work of Krijn de Koning interrupts the environment by adding sculptural, architectural and colourful constructions to a given location, it is site specific. De Koning visited the store in Rotterdam. He was immediately inspired by the…site specific, specific deroof, checkout, window, exhibition, installation1
kundalini-awakening.nlLying on your mat, you embark on a journey of sound and inner vision. Music, frequencies, and beats are used to support the activation of specific brainwave patterns that stimulate an awake dream-like state of lucid consciousness.activation specific, specific brainwaveawaken, session, responsible, bird, early1
white.nlThe solution is what counts, not the software. We support you with creating this solution. Your business objectives are always the starting point. For specific functionalities, we look at existing systems first. We have learned only to…point specific, specific functionalitycraft, commerce, flexible, successful, integration1
wib.nlUnder the umbrella of Workgroups there are numerous expert groups and task forces that deal with specific areas (see Workgroups). The benefits for members 0f the WIB are obvious:force specific, specific areaindustrial, operation, automation, workgroup, autonomous1
amsterdamcocktailweek.nlEach participating bar has created two signature cocktails that represent their specific style. The first cocktail is based on an alcoholic spirit while the second cocktail is non-alcoholic. However, both will be equally delicious! We…cocktail specific, specific stylejanuary, discount, creation, evening, responsibly1
iqstaffing.nlLooking for a professional to fill a (temporary) role? We are here to help! Whether it is to fill an interim position, find a permanent addition to the team or to hire a specialist for a specific project, we know the right professional…specialist specific, specific projectstaffing, adventure, relocation, career, candidate1
teampeak.nlEncourage your employees to give each other quick, meaningful compliments . These can be based on core values or role-specific skills. Use this feature to work together to build an open, strong and constructive workplace. A working…role specific, specific skillsemployee, implementation, potential, pricing, unnecessary1
be41.nl…Our monumental building dates from 1690 and has seven beautiful spacious rooms, each with its own interior and specific atmosphere. We have a suitable room for everyone: standard, deluxe or superior. BE welcome and feel at home in a…interior specific, specific atmospheremiddle, scale, dinner, superior, atmosphere1
differentclassics.nl…location. It is possible to view the car in a workshop where tools and equipment are available. This way you can be sure that the car meets the quality standards you require. For more details please contact the owner of the specific car.owner specific, specific carspider, enthusiast, rarity, appointment, interested1
beaufortconsulting.nlWe always go for the best result. Everything must be right. So you don’t get woolly advice. You get specific recommendations, in the clearest possible terms. With an eye for your situation and the impact of our advice on it.advice specific, specific recommendationconsulting, transformation, transaction, career, perspective1
wheel-tec.nlWith a custom made wheel set, you can choose from a variety of decals! Personalize your wheelset to match your specific taste with decal options like the DUKE rims shown in the photos. Get the desired look and feel you've always wanted…wheelset specific, specific tastewheel, rim, spoke, speak, consultation1
deverborgentijd.nlA journey made through the municipality of Ooststellingwerf where the earth of each area was approached in a specific way. The chosen locations were demarcated with cordon tape. This territory has been minutely examined. All the exciting…area specific, specific wayhide, earth, soil, bottle, exhibition1
lifeunscripted.nlfor specific teams to move from a either difficult or mediocre team to best performing teams who are highly engaged,energised & empowered.theatre, apply, intervention, discussion, workplace1
ciyt.nlThe correct page for a specific age category can be found via the following linkspage specific, specific agetournament, youth, registration, final, extend1
startupseindhoven.nl…and using the contracts. By utilizing our services, you agree to assume full responsibility and liability for any consequences that may arise from the use of these contracts. Always consult a licensed attorney for specific legal guidance.attorney specific, specific legalagreement, template, property, transfer, intellectual1
hotelstaats.nlJust a little bit of time together before the baby arrives, in a place where you can enjoy the peace and quiet and where the specific wishes of a pregnant or very pregnant woman are taken into account.quiet specific, specific wishguest, official, edge, directly, reservation1
astrafundgroup.nl…the regions involved and cherish our impeccable reputation as punctual and trustworthy partners. Regardless of the specific tasks the customer stays central in our vision of how the company should function and develop. We see the customersregardless specific, specific taskfund, trade, logistics, scientific, consulting1
lpts.nlWe guarantee full discretion for your VIP transport challenges and all other inquiries. We work with a selected pool of drivers to guarantee your safety and well being. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific demands.safety specific, specific demandtransfer, destination, transportation, luxury, brussels1
tkb.nlTogether we determine the best way to achieve positive results and customer retention. Our committed employees have a suitable solution for your specific challenge.solution specific, specific challengedebt, secondment, positive, quickly, decisive1
lfse.nl…sense for details. My natural habitat is when I am elbow deep in a code base building new functionalities that deliver true value to society or when I am out exploring and searching for the best technology to solve a specific challenge.technology specific, specific challengeindependent, robust, stock, interest, difficult1
amainternational.nlAMA International is a boutique consulting firm that has developed specific expertise in arranging middle-market, cross border strategic transactions, generally between companies in the UK, Benelux, Western and Eastern Europe and the…firm specific, specific expertisecold, storage, integration, target, importance1
regentmobile.nlRegent Mobile delivers smart hardware and software solutions to provide this specific data, tailored to your organization's needs.solution specific, specific dataasset, maritime, logistics, consumption, license1
waterstromen.nlFor our existing locations and for new installations, we are always looking for new motivated employees to strengthen our team. We also offer internships to gain practical experience and research internships into specific research issues.internship specific, specific researchvacancy, purification, installation, treatment, specialize1
anti-fraud.nland stakeholders, and to see how they are connected. We strive to find out, on the one hand, how users experience a specific fraud or corruption (customer experience), on the other hand, the experiences and behavior of different employees…user specific, specific fraudfraud, lab, corruption, resource, prototyping1
rbfo.nl…Our close ties with universities facilitate easy and informed access to a wealth of talent that can focus on your specific problem. Issues range from identifying contamination sources in manufacturing environments, radiation monitoring…talent specific, specific problemforensic, scientific, criminal, analysis, evidence1
magnetarsaurus.nlAligning Dark Butter into specific corridors with the aid of gravitational waves, we've been able to offer a wireless communication solution that is unparalleled in all known universes. Speeds of 2 x 10¹º gigabutter have been measured.butter specific, specific corridorbutter, peanut, fabric, dark, quantum1
timberlandsschoenennederland.nl…to an unknown answer, which your essay will furnish. There is no going forward with your essay until it’s got a specific question to answer (like, ‘how did airplanes affect the course of World War Two?’). It can’t be a meander. That’s…essay specific, specific questionparagraph, law, write, thesis, sentence1
vanvelzenaa.nlWe offer tailor-made services, since every client has its own specific needs. We assign an account manager as first point of contact to your organization. The account manager is responsible and accountable for the services we provide…client specific, specific needtax, firm, report, expat, compliance1
pascaleleblanc.nlThe overarching theme of my research and teaching is the sustainable functioning of organizations and their employees, with a specific interest in the management of change and adaptation processes on the individual, team, and…employee specific, specific interestemployability, phd, publication, teach, implementation1
thebeautyguide.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
living-in-holland.nl…that all non-European citizens need to have a valid work visa. They must also have a residence permit to work in specific jobs, such as musicians, visiting teachers, etc. for a short period. Expats can get their GVVA from the Dutch…permit specific, specific jobexpat, residence, hall, town, guide1
transsetter.nlAfter agreeing on rates and perhaps doing a translation test for you, we agree on Terms & Conditions and usually your NDA. Then you can email me work proposals which I accept or deny in a timely manner or we can work out the specifics…manner specific, specific maybetopic, rate, trading, questionnaire, manual1
demooistegeuren.nl…based on on user user interactions, interactions, the the type type of of audience, audience, etc. etc. This This specific specific purpose purpose does does not not include include the the development development or or improvement…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, storage, device, duration, ip1
abundantexcess.nlMarketing Automation has been a game-changer for our business. It has not only made our marketing efforts more efficient but also more targeted. The ability to segment our audience and tailor the messaging to their specific needs has…message specific, specific needexcess, abundant, automation, reputation, orm1
tychotechnology.nlOn a regular basis, we develop and make available for purchase specific – mostly measurement-related – hardware that we believe offers substantial benefits to engineers.purchase specific, specific measurementvibration, acoustic, experimental, mechanic, additionally1
nicostrattoria.nlJoin the Wednesdays workshops to delve deeper into specific culinary techniques and recipes, or experience the authenticity of Italian home cooking in the Nonna’s Kitchen workshop, where you’ll learn cherished family recipes passed down…deep specific, specific culinarycooking, italian, kitchen, culinary, flavor1
morosoph.nl“Sandra thinks practically, listens well and what I find very important, she makes my wishes clear and specific. Her way of working appeals to me because she steers in a helpful way, without being dominant. Sandra has taken a group of…clear specific, specific wayinvisible, honest, employee, meaningful, municipality1
ceratec.nlCeratec is equipped with advanced production facilities to process technical ceramics. Besides conventional and CNC processing methods, we apply special joining techniques for complex products. We produce customer-specific products…customer specific, specific productceramic, bearing, measure, positioning, insulation1
deridderlab.nlMulet-Lazaro, R., van Herk, S., Erpelinck, C., Bindels, E., Sanders, M.A., Vermeulen, C., Renkens, I. , Valk, P., Melnick, A.M., de Ridder, J. and Rehli, M., 2021. Allele-specific expression of GATA2 due to epigenetic dysregulation in…allele specific, specific expressionlab, phd, der, publication, vacancy1
embassydesk.nl…assistance, legal advice and litigation services for decades. As a consequence, our law firm is familiar with the specific legal needs of Embassies, including: diplomatic immunity, buying and selling Embassy buildings and residences…familiar specific, specific legalembassy, desk, consulate, law, lawyer1
fysiotherapiebeljaart.nlAll therapists are specialized in treating complaints of the human musculoskeletal system. They are specialized in different areas, which means there’s always someone able to take care of your specific medical situation.care specific, specific medicalphysiotherapy, plain, treatment, stability, consultation1
technico.nlIn a sector such as health care, where service clothing is subject to a large group of wearers and must comply with specific regulations, it is important to have insight into the management of the entire clothing package.wearer specific, specific regulationclothing, wardrobe, sort, clothes, shoe1
toolingholland.nlFor professionally designed injection moulds, manufactured to the highest standards to produce high value products with optimal outputs you cannot do better than contact Tooling Holland bv with your specific requirements.bv specific, specific requirementsmould, crate, thin, vacancy, injection1
shinbukan.nlYou are welcome to join for a trial class to experience it for yourself. For more information on schedule and contact, please visit the website of the specific discipline below .website specific, specific disciplinejapanese, principle, technique, multiple, calm1
boatwish.nlWe are here to guide you through the entire process or help with specific parts.process specific, specific partyacht, ago, purchase, boat, independent1
wrapandgo.nl…by having your brake calipers or rims painted by us. The paint used is specifically developed for this purpose and is of the same quality car manufacturers use. Any specific colour may be mixed and applied. Which one suits you best?manufacturer specific, specific colourrim, colour, window, caliper, interior1
cargosys.nlWe offer you a demonstration of the features and explanation of the potential of our solutions in an end-to-end demo. On request we will be able to set up customer specific scenario’s based on your business data.customer specific, specific scenariotransportation, agreement, implementation, calculation, charge1
aptinfo.nlAdvanced applications of laser technology that have been undervalued offer cost effective solutions that meet specific market niches.solution specific, specific marketaircraft, protection, aerospace, investment, operation1
pasjansonline.nl…extremely popular in the mid-18th century and was already been played on several continents. The reason why this specific card game was conceived is still not entirely clear to this day. Perhaps it had something to do with fortune…reason specific, specific cardstack, king, trick, patience, rule1
rnadorp.nlThis project consisted of redesigning the APG specific version built previously into a more generic and reusable BI4IT solution. In this project I was responsible for overall architecture and lead the project from a technical perspective…apg specific, specific versionarchitecture, enterprise, responsible, modeling, principle1
madesigns.nlFeel free to contact us for your specific wish, a visit to our workshop or a quote.free specific, specific wishfencing, metal, gate, impression, stainless1
tdc-europe.nlElectrostatics has proven to effectively and efficiently make and steer small liquid particles or fibers. We are continuously working on improving our nozzle technology and application process to meet more specific needs such as higher…process specific, specific needelectrostatic, corporation, powder, liquid, nozzle1
snelwas.nlPerhaps De Snelwas can be the fresh wind in your company. If you would like to know what the possibilities for companies are, please contact us. Every company has its own specific wishes and needs. We would gladly make a suitable offer.company specific, specific wishlaundry, ironing, curtain, repair, textile1
sleepydreamer.nlWith a personalized approach tailored to your child's specific needs, I am here to guide you on your journey to restful nights and rejuvenating mornings.child specific, specific needsleep, dreamer, sleepy, package, battle1
impulse-institute.nlIn cooperation with Intergo we offer a basic course in safety awareness aimed at healthcare professional. Training can be developed to specific needs or wishes. Part of this is also to provide industry-specific training. Examples are…training specific, specific need, industry specific, specific traininghealthcare, institute, impulse, improvement, sentinel1
softmedia.nlMore and more software programs run online. But what if your business processes do not match the standard solutions? We are happy to help you! We develop innovative web applications that flawlessly match the specific needs and…flawlessly specific, specific needinnovative, official, obligation, requirements, certification1
vipcheck.nlThe VIPcheck™ method consists of a 4-wells plate, which contains agar supplemented with 3 medical azoles (Voriconazole, Itraconazole and Posaconazole, VIP) and a growth control. The assay is rapid, requires no specific technical skills…rapid specific, specific technicalresistance, detection, laboratory, patient, disease1
ruiterproductions.nlIn 2007 Ruiter Productions has been founded by Jeroen Ruiter. The most impressive achievements are the Now & Then series in which Ruiter Productions goes back to specific places playing an important role before, during and shortly after…production specific, specific placeice, bull, berlin, war, impressive1
alcom.nlhelp solving application issues, driving new product differentiation and lifetime support. On top, we listen and react to customer specific requirements to ensure the supply chain in case of instability, disruption and end-of life programs.customer specific, specific requirementselectronic, edge, distributor, representative, manufacturer1
m-products.nlSmart solutions that make internal transport within greenhouses efficient. These logistics solutions can be applied directly in any greenhouse. Each situation requires a specific approach. We provide tailor-made solutions for customers.situation specific, specific approachmobility, tow, internal, street, innovative1
landschapsobservatorium.nlThe European Landscape Convention is the only European treaty specifically dedicated to landscape. Its main purpose is to sketch the outlines of a good European policy process, without actually designating specific landscapes at European…actually specific, specific landscapelandscape, observatory, convention, cultural, protection1
klankvanboeddhisme.nlIt is not my specific intention to spread the word of Buddhism. Nevertheless, I feel it as my obligation and duty, to deliver the teachings of Buddha to those who feel a special connection to the Buddhist tradition.buddhism, meditation, monk, introduction, kindness1
acrossborder.nl“ "I value the most the accountability and ability to listen to the customer specific needs and to act accordingly. John is Open, frank and direct, you were able to set my expectations accordingly after carefully reviewing the current…customer specific, specific needlaw, employment, cross, immigration, skilled1
biron.nl…to translate those requirements into optimal products. And along these lines we have put together a multitude of fertilizers and chemicals in keeping with customer requirements. Do you see possibilities? Do you have specific wishes?possibility specific, specific wishsubstance, grow, fertilizer, overview, chemical1
foodeq.nlIn general, product sorting - to ensure that the product meets customer-specific requirements - is performed using sizing techniques, and this usually calls for a customized solution.customer specific, specific requirementsvibratory, processing, conveyor, vacancy, distribution1
livingprojects.nlnew kind of shopping where every action has a digital reaction. Livingprojects offers technical solutions to meet a specific need or trigger a purchase. We provide retailers with tools that produce valuable data and build a shopping…solution specific, specific needlighting, exactly, scent, interactive, facade1
oxyva.nlEvery client has specific ideas and wishes. Through our customized solutions you can be sure that you will get exactly what you need, and only that.client specific, specific ideacrowd, lab, wish, shoe, perfectly1
we-engineering.nlWE has experience and specific knowledge in the field of attractions, industrial production lines, machines for construction, medical devices, energy and power generation. Check out our portfolio here.experience specific, specific knowledgetomorrow, calculation, drawing, firm, joint1
mffa.nlFor non-Dutch tax matters, we use our extensive, worldwide network of trusted advisors. Specific markets we focus on and where we have advisors are the US, UK, Germany and France.advisor specific, specific markettax, expat, income, rule, cross1
mappatools.nlBesides our permanent tool collection and our limited editions, you can get into contact with us if you have a special request, for example a specific wood species of your preference.example specific, specific woodmallet, round, wood, stunning, limited1
sociuswonen.nlBicycle wrecks : A bicycle is considered a wreck when: you are not longer able to ride it, or if it looks like a wreck. For example, these are bicycles that are missing vital parts, or of which specific parts are broken, such as a wheel…part specific, specific partaccommodation, resident, connect, maintenance1
hansschoots.nl…more and more immersed in the communist and Nazi worlds they were part of. Where their modernism lasted, it was in specific variations consistent with Nazism and communism. On the other hand, in many ways, their modernism did give way to…modernism specific, specific variation, sachlichkeit specific, specific demandsoviet, aesthetic, artistic, thirty1
orbitaleye.nlBeing a part of the S[&]T group we have direct access to a strong R&D workforce. This enables us to rapidly customize our existing services to specific customer needs.service specific, specific customerorbital, satellite, asset, infrastructure, remote1
dutron.nl…and technical assemblies for the automotive industry, the telecommunications industry and consumer electronics. Our clients vary from global market leaders in their specific domain to small, often highly specialised, organisations.leader specific, specific domainharness, wire, assembly, cable, supplier1
joboferti.nl…8 other open positions that they are responsible for and need additional time to review all of the resumes that come in. It can mean anything but the specifics don’t really matter – it means that your information is still being considered.resume specific, specific informationhague, north, position, candidate, technician1
proviande.nlProViande is a specialist in the processing of beef and veal. Do you have specific wishes? Let us know and we will ensure that you receive the best quality.veal specific, specific wishveal, meat, cattle, cut, supplier1
comeandstay.nlOur knowledge base is exactly the resource you need if you’re looking for specific information. Find detailed guides about crucial issues about your relocation to the Netherlands.resource specific, specific informationbase, insurance, housing, tax, taxis1
1530.nlThe partners of 1530 Real Estate deliver outstanding tailor-leasing strategies: each building’s unique situation requires a specific approachsituation specific, specific approachestate, entrepreneurial, skilled, purchase, tailor1
dutchmansion.nl…Transformation, Human Resources, and Communications. As part of leading these functional areas Ernst acquired specific expertise in international business expansion, operational redesign & restructuring, turnarounds, channel-based…ernst specific, specific expertisemansion, buyer, seller, fee, compensation1
globalcreations.nl…create displays to present your products. We use our knowledge and expertise to find the right solutions for our customers. By doing all the design, development and production in-house we can produce affordable, customer-specific displays.customer specific, specific displaycreation, honeycomb, cardboard, inspiration, advertising1
peterkoetsveld.nl…clarinet. [See the December 2018 issue for Gregory Barrett’s review of this piece. Ed.] Each movement depicts a specific day of the week at a location in Plasencia, a Spanish city located near the border with Portugal. The first…movement specific, specific dayclarinet, orchestra, seven, double, sonata1
towell.nlmake use of materials that will provide your aufguss with an extra dimension, such as posters, special waving-towels, specific light and sound effects, etc.towel specific, specific lighttechnique, wave, cooperation, advanced, heat1
venrooy.nlOf course, it is always possible that you want to equip an existing machine better for your specific activities. Even then you can come to Venrooy.well specific, specific activitycable, device, processing, warehouse, length1
xpandsales.nlMy personalized approach and proven strategies can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of your organization or team. Are you ready to elevate your sales activities to the next level, without complications? Then you’ve come to…strategy specific, specific requirementsgrowth, scale, ambitious, possibility, founder1
merkenbaar.nl…mass production facilities, we arrange on hand of our broad network and connection. We offer results and solutions to a specific budget on a philosophy of full service and high quality which ultimately contributes to your project.solution specific, specific budgetactivation, installation, tabac, think, creation1
hansprein.nlHans Prein completed projects for a wide range of universities and companies as interim manager, consultant and recruiter for specific (new) positions. Hans Prein can rely on a network of highly trusted professionals who offer support on…recruiter specific, specific new, support specific, specific issueleadership, executive, subject, implementation, analytical1
iqtech.nlIn addition to specific installations, you can also rely on us for electronic components, troubleshooting, and modifications to existing electronic installations.addition specific, specific installationinstallation, maritime, balance, antenna1
cls-services.nl…of vacancies here. Feel free to respond directly, or alternatively you can contact us at CLS Services for more information about a specific vacancy. You can also register yourself so we will contact you in case of an interesting vacancy.information specific, specific vacancyvacancy, secondment, chemistry, candidate, career1
aanhanewaspeen.nlWe are harvesting our Dutch carrots every week of the year, directly from the field our product will be washed in ice water, to make sure the tasty characteristics will be preserved and to extend the freshness. We can grade our orange…product specific, specific sizecarrot, famous, tasty, naar, soil1
nera.nl…NWO also operates nine national research institutes through NWO-I, an independent foundation. Energy research is performed at the NWO institutes DIFFER , AMOLF , CWI and NIOZ where DIFFER has a specific focus on Energy (see below).differ specific, specific focustransition, geothermal, fuel, scientific, society1
movip.nlThe DPMO correspond to the manufacturers capability for that specific part or process failure mode. Based on this product ZHDR a list can be created which shows the largest contributors of the part and processes. This list is the starting…capability specific, specific processrisk, failure, assembly, rate, manufacture1
janssenpallettrucks.nl…a stock of over 150 almost new and demo trucks, we’re sure to have the truck you’re looking for. Let us know your specific requirements and we’ll offer you sound advice. Depending entirely on your requirements, we can take care of the…truck specific, specific requirementspicker, stacker, assortment, reach, forklift1
parentingconsultancy.nl…positive, effective communication and discipline strategies that promote healthy emotional and social development. Every family is unique and I work closely with parents to create a customized plan that meets your specific needs and goals.plan specific, specific needparenting, parent, psychologist, fee, behaviour1
tinnitusademtherapie.nl…organ. Touching the skin stimulates processes that are not only good for a general feeling of well-being, but also for better health. In addition you will be given specific TAT exercises in which you learn to listen inside your body.addition specific, specific tattherapy, exercise, wat, technique, dizziness1
bastionparticipaties.nl…able to iniciate or implement the necessary measures. For instance, you could think of not using or developing chances on the market, not iniciating internal improvement measures or not posessing the needed, specific management capacities.need specific, specific managementinvestment, profile, criterion, improvement, capital1
aquarianlighthouse.nlYou can think of it as a continuous reset and expression of your cells as intended for your specific detail. This takes time. The qualities mentioned here, such as courage and the like, also ensure your experience of moving and ordered…cell specific, specific detaillighthouse, overnight, stay, walk, answer1
fitavenue.nlBased on your goals and wishes, we draw up an exercise schedule. This includes a specific plan using the 4 essential pillars of fitness:schedule specific, specific planhealthy, nutritional, session, pricing, involvement1
megasafe.nljob requirements. We provide your employees practical training of high quality in a broad range of safety-issues . Besides training and certificating for specific technical jobs we provide also a broad range of workwear and protective gear.training specific, specific technicalscaffold, mechanic, gear, protective, excavator1
homecareoppas.nlHome Care provides a solution for the growing need for care and security in an exclusive manner. Home Care uses a made-to-masure method to the client's specific situation. Since the start in 1983, recommendation has played a significant…client specific, specific situationtemporary, sit, holiday, reference, intermediary1
wendyriksen.nlI have worked with Wendy a lot during the Harvard Negotiating in the Personal Injury industry. Wendy is an actor who doesn’t let herself be frightened by the very specific casuistry in this line of work. She immerses herself, asking…actor specific, specific casuistryactor, reference, role, quickly, behavior1
q4s.nlQ4S offers a wide range of Specialization - Our Inspectors have a flexible approach to their work, thus improving their effectiveness, motivation and commitment - Dedicated Client Coordinator's offering continuity and industry specific…industry specific, specific experiencevacancy, inspection, motivation, inspector, sustainability1
shuffly.nl…temporary use. We also design custom shuffleboards when customers have special needs and desires. Have a look at our shuffleboards, and if you would like to have advice or want to know if something specific is possible, please contact us!advice specific, specific possibleshuffleboard, oak, vacancy, canteen, tabletop1
melimex.nlWith over 90 years of combined experience, our sales team proves to be a knowledgeable resource to assist you in any way possible. The sales people at Melimex are equipped with specific trade details from previous work experience in a…melimex specific, specific tradetree, agriculture, auction, italy, olive1
imres.nlYour specific needs and particular problems are our challenges. We commit ourselves to create a turnkey, customised solution for you. Our experience in managing healthcare projects enables you to focus on your health vision.supplier, imperial, medicine, logistics, healthcare1
peilingennederland.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
vwld.nl…other markets. Here, we build objects based on extensive requirements at our own risk. This results in multi-purpose designs. Furthermore, specific adjustments are possible to match the appearance of the logistics property to your company.furthermore specific, specific adjustmentlogistics, rent, property, sustainability, requirements1
sterreentijl.nlTime and again it’s an important challenge for me to create specific atmospheres with the right mix of furniture and colours, be it an adventurous oder a dreamy atmosphere.challenge specific, specific atmospherepreference, german, lifetime, consent, visitor1
monikavanrooij.nlI will help you with your chronic musculoskeletal problems using specific techniques and therapies . I perform a complete check of your musculoskeletal system without missing any point.problem specific, specific techniquetherapy, therapist, holistic, soul, session1
japandichtbij.nlThe technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a…use specific, specific servicemin, purpose, preference, storage, bell1
dredgingcase.nlThe HDPE Floating System combines HDPE StrongPipes with StrongHoses and StrongFloats. It’s very flexible, extreme wear resistant and thanks to the loose floats we can precisely tune the Specific Gravity of your floating pipeline system. A…precisely specific, specific gravitypipeline, steel, float, resistant, wear1
stichting-djoy.nlEleventh: This promotion is subject to specific terms and conditions as mentioned herein, and the terms and conditions on wwwdotbetvictordotde.subject specific, specific termgermany, uncategorized, chance, german, money1
lekker-fris.nlWe have specific brand programs for each sales channel. Our channel experts ensure the perfect development and execution of activities in the hospitality industry, on the go and on the shop floor.schweppes, traffic, builder, trade, library1
maasakkers-im.nl…project manager / program manager / project director I can develop your project. Furthermore I can optimize a specific part of your company or project. From start (Opportunity Statement, Strategic Fit, Value Drivers, ...) to finish…furthermore specific, specific companyproposal, phase, rapidly, strategic, integral1
flconcept.nlWe always offer full flexibility in development and design to ensure that we meet your specific needs. Check out the products we make!design specific, specific needtailor, heritage, consultation, innovative, flexible1
coesconsultants.nlAs nearly every organization, that is requiring our services, they have their specific requirements and it takes too long to list all our activities but the main activities are concentrated on following subjects.service specific, specific requirementstextile, firm, clothing, assistance, garment1
showtimer.nlWhen running Showtimer Server each connected client can be controlled. Disable access to the admin panel for a specific client, or setup a client in backstage mode.panel specific, specific clienttimetable, countdown, charge, schedule, warning1
laannaspa.nl…to various parts of the body, working out knots and infusing the skin with the selected herbs. Certain herbs have specific healing properties, such as kaffir lime reduces inflammation and stress. Lemongrass can be used to treat pain. You…herb specific, specific healingmin, treatment, traditional, staff, pain1
robertvandenboom.nlAt Robert van den Boom Bouwadvies we work at design development. We turn project briefs into complete building documents. We are used to turn broad, woolly, fantastic artist impressions into specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and…impression specific, specific measurablecoordinator, contractor, somebody, dungeon, background1
solif.nlSome questions simply require a broad view before a solution can be considered, some require knowledge of one specific technology. Therefore some of our team members are generalists and some are …well…specialists.knowledge specific, specific technologyformation, staffing, broad, dozen, temporary1
emcon.nlEmcon’s core business is industrial supply of customer-specific metal products produced at carefully selected suppliers in Europe and Asia.customer specific, specific metalindustrial, supply, metal, assembly, supplier1
sharefoods.nlBeyerlander chips are special. Chips of the very highest quality for the air fryer, deep fryer or oven made from specific potato varieties on sale at Albert Heijn, Jumbo, Plus, Hoogvliet and Jan Linders.oven specific, specific potatosupermarket, packaging, italian, panel, answer1
beachpull.nlThere are tractors in different classes which are classified by weight within the NTTO (The Dutch Truck and Tractorpulling Organization). Competitors have to fulfill the requirements and technical demands of the specific class.demand specific, specific classsponsorship, rule, village, entrance, competitor1
westernstore.nlWhen looking for a specific product please don't hesitate to contact us by Whatsapp or phone +31-651269094 or +31-650204701.tack, saddle, bit, horse, blanket1
frankenhuyzen.nlYou can count on us to supply the most suitable insert with the best cutting edge conditions for each specific application. This enables you to optimise your process.conditions specific, specific applicationmachining, cut, precision, critical, drill1
logilex.nlOur strength is to recognize the relevant elements and to translate these into an effective action plan. With an ambitious goal, a clear structure, the right systems and a strong justification. Specific, practical and feasible to realise…justification specific, specific practicalchain, supply, logistics, structural, implementation1
privatekitchen.nlIn this episode, Merlijn Snitker details the origin of one specific theme from his award-winning score for The Resistance Banker.origin specific, specific themecomposer, kitchen, competition, composition, interactive1
flowersexpressholland.nlDue to our extensive experience in this sector that we built in the last couple of years, our employees have developed specific expertise, enabling us to give you professional advice to meet your wishes. Our sales managers speak Russian…employee specific, specific expertise, service specific, specific rangeflower, vacancy, grower, tropical, assortment1
creativelink.nlcreating a bigger field of view of the virtual world making the experience more immersive. Finally, because this headset requires a smartphone, the lenses can also be printed in the optimal configuration for your specific smartphone screen.configuration specific, specific smartphonedescription, jewelry, worthy, bootstrap, template1
nocodeenablers.nlBased on your specific situation, ambitions, use cases and boundaries, we can provide you with an initial, substantiated recommendation which platforms will best meet your needs. And remember: we are fully independent of any LNCAP provider.enabler, actually, transformation, enterprise, architecture1
team-challenge.nl…What went well? And what could be improved? Ultimately, the team formulates one improvement point to which they will pay extra attention during the next challenge. This way the team works on enhancing specific skills throughout the day.team specific, specific skillsimprovement, positive, spirit, immediately, cooperation1
trusteemedia.nlWe initiate the pre-selection process through our recruitment campaign. Once a candidate engages with the campaign, they are directed to a communication channel, such as Messenger, WhatsApp, or a registration form. Subsequently, they…subsequently specific, specific questiontrustee, selection, campaign, pre, candidate1
startlearningdutch.nlThe individual lessons a llow you to concentrate on specific and individual language learning needs, at your own pace and time.lesson specific, specific individuallesson, conversation, grammar, intensive, advanced1
ponco.nlWhether you need help finding a solution to problems in the barn or need support in the production of specific feeds:production specific, specific feedpoultry, farming, nutrition, broiler, movie1
therapycare.nl…send you over the therapeutic contract. If the therapy is for your child or adolescent, we will also provide you with a detailed history form. This will help us better understand the specific challenges, requests, and background involved.well specific, specific challengetherapy, psychologist, hague, adult, anxiety1
starframe.nlknow-how of Dingemans Elementenbouw and MRP in the steel section industry and NSC’s slitting line have enabled the three business to form an unbeatable team throughout the chain, from coil processing to a customer-specific finished product.customer specific, specific finishsection, steel, profile, slit, metal1
hposthumus.nlHans started as a trainer and sharing knowledge is still his major drive in his work as trainer consultant. He facilitates people to understand their specific situation and learn from their and other peoples experiences. Providing…people specific, specific situationpublication, resume, enterprise, situation, builder1
biggymanskleding.nlBiggymans Clothing has the largest range of t-shirts for men to 15XL. View the full range of t-shirts by clicking on your size. Are you looking for a specific article? Then we recommend that you first contact the customer service. View…size specific, specific articlesleeve, jacket, pants, clothing, cardigan1
maastrichttravelclinic.nlThe travel health practitioner is an expert in destination specific health risks and preventative measures.destination specific, specific healthtropical, medicine, collaboration, consultation, physician1
amsterdambusinessenglish.nlAmsterdam Business English can provide individual or group training tailored to your specific needs.training specific, specific needsave, rate, disadvantage, presentation, pronunciation1
covid-19rehab.nlThe COVID-19 Rehab website offers up-to-date information in one place through the exchange of professional knowledge. On this site you will find information about protocols , subject-specific publications about rehabilitation, solutions…subject specific, specific publicationrehabilitation, patient, consent, recovery, doctor1
businesslearning.nl…focus? If the various risk models are considered: credit risk, market risk and liquidity risk models are rather specific and therefore not equiped for a holistic risk view. The operational risk model is more generic and therefore could…model specific, specific holisticrisk, operational, regulatory, requirements, holistic1
miterandco.nl…support she provided either, but physical guidance also, in the form of most helpful exercises tailored to my specific needs at that late stage in the pregnancy. What we appreciated the most though, was having Meida as our Kraamzorg…exercise specific, specific needbirth, pregnancy, comprehensive, hague, fluent1
heromondzorg.nlAs the hygienist’s main focus is maintaining healthy gums they will have the opportunity to provide you with specific treatment, individual advice and a high standard of clinical care.opportunity specific, specific treatmenthero, tooth, dental, gum, hygienist1
crisar.nlPlease contact us for further information or if you want to discuss with us your specific situation. You can book an appointment any time with us.information specific, specific situationsummary, leadership, session, wat, technique1
steveausten.nlfrom familiar international organisations, be they supranational, intergovernmental or multilateral. The unique and specific character of the EU is expressed in the application of the concept of the democratic constitutional state to an…unique specific, specific characterparticipant, citizenship, exercise, heritage, understand1
rugbyspirit.nlWith Rugby Spirit we give one-day and three-day clinics at rugby clubs throughout the Netherlands. These clinics are often dedicated to a specific theme. The basics are having fun by really getting better. In the first months of 2021…clinic specific, specific themecamp, spirit, player, calendar, educational1
ivd.nlTheme-based supervision. Theme-based investigations look into specific aspects of safety, such as the transport of dangerous goods. These themes can arise from incidents, risk analyses, political and social news or findings from previous…investigation specific, specific aspectinspectorate, defence, investigation, regulation, supervision1
freemotionfysiotherapie.nlWhen a specific joint is injured the physical therapist will often use manual techniques to help aid in the healing process. Mobilization techniques focusing on correcting altered biomechanics by mobilizing joints during active movement…motion, physiotherapy, patient, joint, appointment1
voskes.nlOur dog snacks are not only tasty for your dog, but also tailored to specific needs. Discover our grain-free treats, crunchy biscuits, firm chews and nourishing snacks for dogs!dog specific, specific needcat, treat, dog, soft, delicious1
effectuation.nlBeing a visionary, however, has less to do with any specific idea than with committing to relentless change. The former is trivial; be stubborn and persevere undaunted. The latter is onerous and painful; propel your idea forward as you…visionary specific, specific ideaentrepreneur, principle, entrepreneurial, visionary, potential1
voltstrategy.nlOur clients seek sustainable improvement and are eager to explore new, sometimes unorthodox answers. To add more value, increase profitability or pursue other specific goals. We establish long-term relationships based on mutual trust and…profitability specific, specific goalhague, consulting, structure, mobility, decision1
praktijklastage.nl…your healthcare costs may be partly or fully reimbursed. It is advisable to check with your health insurer about the possible conditions and reimbursement rates for non-contracted mental healthcare, specific to your insurance policy.healthcare specific, specific insurancepatient, complaint, united, kingdom, pregnancy1
hollandhqproducts.nl…products. We're slowly expanding our product line depending on demand and above all, quality. If you need any specific item which you need for your company, than feel free to leave a message. We can deliver almost any product which isquality specific, specific itemcostumer, carefully, demand, motivation, inside1
colorfulrentals.nlColorful Rentals is the parent label of a number of special rental labels for leisure accommodations. Each label represents a specific philosophy or experience that the guest will experience. The location is paramount and is always…label specific, specific philosophyrental, colorful, france, stay, guest1
dolphin-eng.nlSince its start in 1999 Dolphin Engineering has gained a lot of experience in these software development related fields and is eager to help you with your specific request !eager specific, specific requestarchitecture, vacancy, opinion, embed, middle1
liebr.nlAs a company, you can easily consult the total cost per person for a specific shift. As an extra earner, you immediately know what net amount you can expect in your account.person specific, specific shiftincome, easily, quickly, operation, immediately1
onderhoudskasko.nlthe reconstruction of flats and houses from the first concept to the final modifications. Emphasis is placed on the specific requirements of each customer and the effort to find a common solution to each problem. Therefore, if you are…emphasis specific, specific requirementsreconstruction, renovation, flat, interior, exterior1
all-marineparts.nlExpert customer service: Our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Whether you have a question about our products or need help finding a specific part, we’re here to assist. With years of experience in…help specific, specific yearspare, supplier, efficient, microwave, distribution1
dronepoint.nl…your customers. This requires a clear and strong focus, which is why we focus on what we do best. Armed with sector-specific expertise, we aim to solve critical problems and deliver a real bottom-line impact in the following industries:sector specific, specific expertiseinspection, asset, visual, analysis, road1
graphichuntersshow.nl…is Beautiful Awards, and co-writer of "Data Sketches", she focuses on visuals that are uniquely crafted for each specific dataset, often using large and complex datasets while employing vibrant color palettes. She's made visualisations…uniquely specific, specific datasetvisualisation, talk, cultural, visual, graphic1
ramonschenk.nlFor the past five years or so I have consolidated my various collections. This means I have decided to focus my collecting habits on specific parts of the hobby. Most notably, I have decided to collect each and every one of the thousands…habit specific, specific partcharlton, comic, collector, notably, penguin1
nlsoftware.nlAt our company, we provide personalized support to each of our customers. We understand that each business is unique, and our team works closely with our clients to ensure that their specific needs are met. Our commitment to…client specific, specific needanimation, graphic, specially, technological, closely1
aristot.nl“This Aristot platform offers a great way to gain insight into specific careers by someone who is actually in the profession. It is also a good form of networking”insight specific, specific careereverlasting, improvement, dialogue, growth, employee1
decarpentier.nlA new technique is introduced that can do Catmull-Rom interpolation in 2D using only four bilinear samples instead of 16 fetches. This is made possible by preprocessing the input data using a specific sign-flipping scheme, and modifying…data specific, specific signmath, graphic, trajectory, physics, wireless1
belevingaanzee.nlVivid an fun speeddate sessions with colleagues. Specific topics of conversation from the employer, your company, can be processed in the session. Available from € 27,50 pp Fun speeddating!colleague specific, specific topicpp, expedition, outing, request, competition1
ehealthproducts.nl…products that you find on this website are the result of years of research and have been specially developed for specific problems of the skin. General Topics, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, is constantly working onspecially specific, specific problemskin, dermatology, scientifically, reinforcement, cream1
hetsecurityoffice.nlOur (C)ISO as a Service experts have vast experience in multiple leadership roles. We will work with you to understand exactly what your needs are, within your available budget and industry-specific regulations.industry specific, specific regulationhet, tomorrow, strategic, speak, partnership1
afmitech.nlWe offer both consultancy and knowledge support in specific situations, as well as maintaining your IBA wastewater treatment system.support specific, specific situationwastewater, treatment, aerator, bubble, injection1
domvanderlaan.nl…length, breadth and height; conveying the symmetry between the dimensions of the whole and its interrelated parts. All furniture is based on a fundamental shape. Closer inspection will reveal the secret of this specific fundamental shape.secret specific, specific fundamentalder, furniture, peace, piece, symmetry1
vdwverhuizingen.nl…of an institution, which usually goes through a permanent contact person. For business relocations we have specific equipment such as meter boxes, low loaders, roller carts, etc. that we will use. An experienced furniture mechanic…relocation specific, specific equipmentremoval, relocation, advisor, pack, quotation1
orangecreations.nl…in house to do it? We can help you! A team of Dutch designers will advise you on improving and complementing your collection. They will then develop exclusive styles based on your specific needs and wishes in a wide variety of leathers.style specific, specific needorange, creation, leather, bag, profit1
tilapiastichting.nlCustomization: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions that meet your specific needs.solution specific, specific needconsulting, potential, train, tax, advisory1
bd-design.nlOn our site, alongside specific information about our Do It Yourself products, Custom design Loudspeaker Systems and dedicated Amplification, you will find our forum where you can find answers to your questions about our high quality…alongside specific, specific informationloudspeaker, famous, sensitive, combination, interest1
jack-pack.nlThere are two different concepts here that can be licensed. Exclusive rights for specific regions or worldwide available.right specific, specific regionexcavator, hook, attachment, pack, forklift1
agrioil.nlWe have a great deal of experience in negotiating specific contract details and variables for our clients. Whether it’s about payment terms, special clauses, specific product specifications, or delivery conditions. Agrioil can assist and…experience specific, specific contract, clause specific, specific productoil, vegetable, commodity, cooking, fat1
greenacrefoods.nlWith 35 years’ experience in the food industry we ask you, what can we do for you to meet your specific needs. We have a small dedicated team who respond fast to questions and we endeavour to handle emergency or late orders where…industry specific, specific needacre, supplier, reliable, assortment, irish1
joycedesign.nlDo you want to cosplay too? But perhaps it’s still daunting to actually start working with amazing crafting materials like Worbla and EVA foam. Or maybe you are an experienced crafter who wants to dive deeper into specific materials and…deep specific, specific materialpattern, craft, add, armor, bag1
cibb.nlInspection is a matter of client confidence , a matter of work discipline and a matter of not in words but in deeds mentality . These three values, combined with specific knowledge and technical skills , are the main pillars for our fully…value specific, specific knowledgeconfidence, inspection, profile, mentality, highly1
helmholtzschool.nlunderstanding the development of cognitive functions, in relation to brain and behavior, with a specific focus on the development of social competence and behavioural control.behavior specific, specific focusinstitute, perception, cognitive, brain, neuropsychology1
crispr-platform.nlCRISPR allows the recognition of specific DNA and RNA sequences by Cas, a protein that cleaves DNA. Subsequent repair of the broken DNA allows precise modification of the target site.recognition specific, specific dnacrispr, researcher, target, rule, scientist1
fghs.nlThese sub-clusters represent the specific sector. The sub-clusters identify trends and developments with regard to the specific sector (from public opinion, sectorial wishes to entrepreneurial qualities and innovations, from market…cluster specific, specific sector, regard specificassociation, stakeholder, institute, supplier, objective1
rebix.nlOur main activity is the design and development of electronic circuits for specific analog applications, which are not available on-the-shelf.circuit specific, specific analogelectronic, inductive, wireless, rf, antenna1
curveclinical.nlBelow you will find a glance at some of our recent projects and services, outlining specific examples of the successful work we have completed for our clients.service specific, specific exampleclinical, curve, operation, study, regulatory1
falcovdl.nlWe extend our services with personal solutions, extending packing and grading with printing, stamping, loading and palletising. We can create a total solution for your specific needs with making use of our trusted partners.solution specific, specific needpack, grading, stack, egg, period1
omix.nlAs an educational institution, you may be faced with an educational logistics issue or bottleneck. This may include shortages in capacity, or the need for knowledge in specific processes or systems for the organization of education.knowledge specific, specific processlogistics, educational, continuity, institution, immediately1
perdijk.nl…but also from the use of practical tools such as a drawing with 3D rendering, a surface or volume calculation, a flat trial-engraving or a test-ring. We can also offer you original cookie designs, based on your specific requirements.design specific, specific requirementsmould, cut, nozzle, industrial, bakery1
kinderfysiotherapieamsterdam.nl. This way you always know that you are using the carrier correctly and safely. They are also able to help and advise for special circumstances. For example, if your child was born prematurely, has hip dysplasia or other specific…dysplasia specific, specific situationphysiotherapist, reimbursement, circumstances, physical, physiotherapy1
praktijkmetanoia.nlIn my work I experienced problems. The working atmosphere had become unbearable. I was expecting a burnout. Consulting sessions with Donja have assisted me to understand that I am a well appreciated employee. I have been employed for…employee specific, specific activitytherapy, january, relationship, fear, esteem1
cconsultants.nl…Our dedicated team of program resourcing specialists works diligently to identify and deploy highly skilled professionals who possess the necessary knowledge and experience to excel in your specific industry and project requirements.experience specific, specific industrytransformation, resource, strategic, implementation, confidence1
waud.nlDriven by incomprehension and dissatisfaction I find it interesting to unite various specific specialisms. With all the experts together, the change of missing a detail in doing research, designing, testing and finalizing of an idea will…interesting specific, specific specialismsociety, translator, identity, responsible, educational1
homesforexpats.nlWe know the Dutch housing market and we can assist you in finding the right home that suits your specific needshome specific, specific needhousing, expat, genuine, foreign, desire1
bedrijfsengels.nlENABLE works with Dutch businesses to improve their English-language content, systems, and interactions, with specific focus on sales and relationship management.interaction specific, specific focusproposal, enable, relationship, audience, engagement1
amsterdamchauffeurservice.nlAt Amsterdam Chauffeur Service, we understand that every journey is unique. That’s why we offer a range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. From airport transfers to city tours, business meetings to special events, our team…service specific, specific needluxury, vehicle, transportation, transfer, fleet1
wearekey.nlWhether you have a general query or need specific advice for employee placements, we are always there to assist you.query specific, specific advicestaff, hospitality, vacancy, referral, growth1
forwardstudies.nl"The tutor is talented, professional and detail-oriented, and push us to the key to question step by step. What’s more, the online lesson which surprises me a lot. There are more specific approaches on the screen and we could go over the…lot specific, specific approachstudy, accounting, session, exam, administration1
promolding.nl…catering trolley to an EASA and ETSO certified full polymer trolley. The TIGRIS trolley provides a substantial contribution to a greener, healthier and safer airline environment as a whole and airline catering logistics more in specific.polymer, innovative, flexible, spice, tiger1
mirjambroekhoff.nlfor the intention to buy. It shows to which extent the relevant areas in the respondents’ brains are activated by a specific marketing stimulus: the adcept. We used 14 different adcepts with varying messages. The pictures show two adcepts…brain specific, specific marketingmortgage, consumer, fmri, highly, campaign1
v8architects.nl…of around 70 metres are therefore very decisive, and naturally the base and top of the tower. Differentiating the building volume at these specific heights inextricably links the Cooltoren to the urban fabric and the Rotterdam skyline.volume specific, specific heighttransformation, residential, building, urban, pavilion1
nrgroup.nlOur industry-specific AI solutions meet scalable vertical needs; cross-industry solutions like Contact Center AI…industry specific, specific aiethical, hacking, response, forensic, removal1
joalpe.nldevelop, produce and deliver solutions of POS communication, shelfmangement, salesdisplays and shopfitting. Our many years of experience in this specific field has meant that we have many international retail chains and brands as customers.experience specific, specific fieldreliable, distributor, manufacturer, innovative, literature1
sterrenvandehemel.nlThe dinner menus listed below are examples and can of course be adapted to your specific wishes. Minimal order: 10 servings. Prices start at € 24,50 per head.course specific, specific wishsalad, cheese, tomato, organic, dinner1
nannekooiman.nl…Nanne Kooiman at the Handelsweg 10 in Andijk is your natural partner. This also applies to jobs concerning specific tillage, hydraulics, slug pellet applicators and winding machines for horticultural fleece and wildlife netting.job specific, specific tillagemachinery, storage, vacancy, mechanic, weed1
polowholding.nl…ranging from the delivery of the design, incl. the engineering and up to the turn key delivery of installations. Polow has many times shown to be creative when using existing technologies to be suit the specific needs of a new application.technology specific, specific needhold, economy, waste, exclusively, desire1
ateliervanschaijck.nlOnce in a while I add small batches of new work to this website , if you want to be the first to know about a new batch, please sign up to my newsletter . I also like to work on commission to create unique designs specific to your desiresdesign specific, specific desireceramic, handmade, tableware, batch, vase1
lumberg.nlLumberg Netherlands is specialized in importing, distributing and developing connectivity products in the range of connectivity products. Besides distributing standard stock products of leading suppliers, the development and production of…customer specific, specific solutionconnectivity, connection, importer, distributor, rf1
trittbleche.nlIf this website does not contain the specific part you have been looking for for a long time, send an email or call us, I often have a suitable solution.website specific, specific longmanifold, currently, basket, extensive, labor1
shawnabrown.nlI enjoy doing a wide variety of creative and technical projects. Whereas I do some things just for the pleasure of learning something new, I’ve also worked on specific commissioned projects for clients. If you are interested in seeing my…new specific, specific projecttranslation, brown, portable, profession, variety1
zijlstrainteriors.nlWe are dedicated to crafting your vision into a reality. The key to our designs is a close collaboration with the client, allowing us to create a home environment that is specific to your needs. With the right balance between…environment specific, specific needinterior, yacht, bespoke, residential, vacancy1
nkmarketing.nlHow do you reach the right guests and turn website visitors into future guests? A marketing strategy is always tailored to your specific challenges.strategy specific, specific challengebooking, revenue, reliable, effective, guest1
circulivitae.nlIndependent Contractors: Unlike the more organized and hierarchical Red Caste (Caste of Warriors), the Black Caste often consists of independent contractors who may be hired for specific tasks.contractor specific, specific taskassassin, shadow, circle, realm, intricate1
tihealthcare.nlTransparency in Healthcare (TiH) is dedicated to improving the transparency and quality of healthcare through state-of-the-art measurement and outcomes research. Our team has specific scientific expertise in the development…team specific, specific scientifichealthcare, transparency, outcome, innovative, dedicated1
connectinglight.nlThe advice and guidance is tailored to my body. Very specific. That has given me a lot of confidence in what I can and shouldn’t eat. No difficult dishes, no supplements. Due to the weekly accountability conversations, I noticed a rhythm…body specific, specific lotsession, connect, physical, emotional, lymphatic1
handsonpartners.nl…in organizations both large and small. This can be in a number of different roles; strategic advisor, coach or any specific function within your crisis team. But always with the focus on reputation. Handson Partners always deliver…coach specific, specific functionpartners, run, reputation, damage, situation1
bistrofrancis.nlOf course, we take your preferences into account, however, a specific tables or location preference can never be guaranteed. This also applies to our terrace.account specific, specific tablereservation, cream, sunday, dining, wine1
wardvissers.nlThe VLC Holodeck configuration customizes the VCF Cloud Builder Virtual Machine to provide several support services within the pod to remove the requirement for specific customer side services. A Cloud Builder VM is deployed per Site to…requirement specific, specific customervmware, vsphere, esxi, host, exchange1
mqbtools.nlChange what happens when you press a specific button on your infotainment or Multifunction steering wheel.change specific, specific buttoneditor, additional, upcoming, request, profile1
vahlkamp.nl…when it comes to helping the most vulnerable groups in our society. Vahlkamp is committed to developing products based on specific questions from the target group. We have been doing this for almost 40 years, and we will continue to do so.product specific, specific questionreliable, truly, proud, bone, extremely1
lifeisjoy.nlWould Stella Alpina be OK for a rider on a Ducati ST2 with street tyres? The rider (me) is a Khardung La Enfield veteran, if that helps. Is there a specific time window where the ride begins that Sunday?veteran specific, specific timemovie, bike, motorbike, guy, fantastic1
heidehuizen-expertise.nlCompany-specific animal diseases. The operation of automatic milking systems. The herd is the beating heart of the dairy farm. To curb infectious diseases and control the damage. Make risks manageable and keep it that way.company specific, specific animaldamage, insurance, liability, risk, animal1
novitekst.nl…stylistic elements. A good translation is faithful to the original, easy and pleasant to read and tailored to the specific intended audience. A good translation, written in flawless Dutch, ensures your text will achieve its aim, i.e…pleasant specific, specific intendtranslation, edit, proofreading, translator, appropriate1
sharp-sys.nlOn the other hand, PROV-man can be used by specific applications and in-house toolboxes. As such, a specific data analysis tool could make use PROV-man to store the fine-grained provenance detailsman specific, specific application, toolbox specific, specific dataprovenance, figure, sharp, architecture, framework1
activehealthcenter.nlKnowing the specific benefits to be achieved is more helpful than believing that exercise is good for me.lesson, therapy, movement, recovery, mother1
roemeensetaal.nl…based on on user user interactions, interactions, the the type type of of audience, audience, etc. etc. This This specific specific purpose purpose does does not not include include the the development development or or improvement…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, storage, device, duration, ip1
lisamnederland.nlMaybe you already do a lot yourself in this area and you only need support in a specific area of safety, chemistry, health and safety and the environment. Then you can also contact us. You can enable LISAM for various tasks, such as:support specific, specific areachemical, cosmetic, effectively, possibility, request1
flytool.nl…will help to evaluate; the maintenance program, maintenance organizations, manufacturers of aircraft and aircraft components. Ultimately this will create support for longer inspection intervals or redesign of specific components or parts.redesign specific, specific componentreport, uk, screen, fingertips, paperless1
synergy-systems.nl…machine or a complete processing line. In fact, the most innovative production lines we build often originate from specific customer requests. We believe in the power of knowledge . Our dedicated team uses all its skills, experience and…line specific, specific customersynergy, processing, invitation, weigh, handle1
sysoon.nlThis website is not user friendly. I type in the name of a specific person and all it does is direct you to another vendor website that I do not need.friendly specific, specific personabuse, dead, report, funeral, directory1
pol-safety.nlsmall companies with often very specific issues. We provide each client with extensive knowledge¬† which enables¬† them to comply with complex regulations, in an effective and practical manner. On 1 April 2021, we celebrated our 15th…company specific, specific issueexplosion, advisor, directive, firm, protection1
nuffic.nlBrowse through our database or use the search filters to find a specific publication.filter specific, specific publicationinternationalisation, competence, programme, report, orange1
sanderbiesmans.nlGOAL: create a toolset; more specific an embodied design tool, aimed at supporting co-design processestoolset specific, specific embodyindustrial, programming, mechanical, ritual, interaction1
rfbconsult.nlspecific experience with review and assessment of the current capability of (process) engineering organisations and the steps needed to improve the organisational performance.oil, capability, career, overview, partnership1
presens-gedragsinterventie.nl…gamers have endured while they were playing video games for a while. The on line casino will calculate the loss and provide a specific percentage of the cash you’ve misplaced in the type of bonus cash. To stop bonus hunting, many on…loss specific, specific percentagelady, woman, sexual, indian, coalition1
visualacuity.nl…hard problem that I've encountered during my Master's thesis with a broader audience. I will try my best to write it in plain English, but as the problem is complex expect this to be a lengthy post with domain specific terminology.domain specific, specific terminologyvisual, august, earth, attempt, clarity1
team-nuswift.nlTeam Nu-Swift’s core members since the beginning are Alexander, Jan-Willem, Hans and Michiel. We train together on a weekly basis. Over the years a steady group of some 20 athletes have joined our team in varying formations to enter in…formation specific, specific eventswift, achievement, athlete, pleasure, varied1
ilonawilmont.nlI am a researcher working on the human aspects of health technology. My main interest is how to integrate patient questions with the potential of health technology. I have a specific focus on data collection in the context of specific…technology specific, specific focus, context specific, specific medicalphd, publication, patient, methodology, researcher1
lscare.nl1. Our Ecofriendly & Sustainable Antifouling Systems produce multiple pulses of ultrasonic energy on a specific area.energy specific, specific areafoul, ultrasonic, alternative, traditional, biological1
rsdbv.nlWith a tight control over the construction process and extensive contacts with suppliers, we are capable to make every design complete according the specific demands of the client.complete specific, specific demandship, stability, demand, relation, found1
vital2perform.nl…the required attention. This is due to his extensive knowledge and his energetic and inspiring approach. He can connect with staff at all levels tailoring the message to the specific audience without losing sight of the intended results.message specific, specific audienceperform, vital, vitality, structure, employee1
bvo-partners.nlBVO & Partners is the specialist in optimization of exploitation management. BVO & Partners was founded in 1992 at the specific request of cooperating entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. As a result of the strong growth of organizations…partners specific, specific requestpartners, maintenance, fleet, facility, reduction1
rembrandtvanwine.nlThe art instructors are there to help you at every step along the way, no matter whether it is your first time or your name is Rembrandt and you want to focus on developing further a specific painting technique.rembrandt specific, specific paintingwine, dark, paint, painting, calendar1
benuwmakelaar.nlWe always adopt a personal approach when engaging in a business relationship; a relationship that goes beyond just providing assistance during a transaction Each relationship is unique and requires a specific approach. This approach plus…unique specific, specific approachben, estate, assistance, property, interest1
demooistemuren.nlThe webshop shows a selection of the total collection that can be admired in our store in Haarlem, near Amsterdam. If you are unable to find the wallpaper you are looking for, if you have a specific question, please feel free to contact…wallpaper specific, specific questionwallpaper, stock, luxury, luxurious, texture1
vlaardingen24.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
romofl.nlWe supply technical stores, provisions, bonded stores, medicin, deck, engine, electrical, safety and all other marine specific requirements.marine specific, specific requirementsspare, etc, ship, requirements, engine1
frimaexecutivesearch.nlAt Frima Executive Search specific market knowledge and human insight go hand-in-hand. We are convinced that client and candidate should not only match with the job profile and abilities. There should be a connection when it comes to…search specific, specific marketexecutive, independent, candidate, mainly, equity1
auc.nlDo you have a specific question that isn't answered on the website? Feel free to contact us directly by using the contact form or sending us an email.academic, programme, admission, liberal, major1
vanheemskerk.nlagreements made. Tell us what damage you're dealing with, and we will offer you a solution. Want to know more about specific services, such as solutions for sandwich panels, profile sheeting, repairs for damage due to burglary or storm and…solution specific, specific servicedamage, roof, repair, panel, renovation1
linquake.nlTranscreation allows for a translation specific to your company’s needs. Our professional copywriters will rewrite your text while preserving its message. This results in flawless texts that read well and perfectly match your company’s…translation specific, specific companytranslation, transcreation, reference, request, quotation1
airwgblog.nlMiku Sato, has been our resident during the period April – June 2020. Sato’s practice is based on fieldwork and site-specific, where she starts a project delegating her intention to the local people she selects. Through video…site specific, specific projectselection, pandemic, residency, dialogue, collaboration1
deschansbv.nl…Knikmops can be used for a wide variety of applications thanks to its range of options and attachments. End-users’ specific wishes can be implemented in the final model. This means that De Schans BV can always supply a Knikmops that works…user specific, specific wishweight, rental, capacity, speed, battery1
bilsen.nlWe should adopt a total-place agenda to incorporate urban, infrastructural, and societal programming into an architecture which is innovative, challenging and site-specific.architecture, architectural, role, infrastructural, urban1
pa75ov.nlThis is your sitemaster speaking! I hope you like this specific website and all the others that I made for different HAM-radio purposes.sitemaster specific, specific websitepreparation, veritable, interest, operation, th1
unimove.nl…schools and governments. We provide the latest expertise, operate a fleet of specialist moving vehicles and experienced trained staff. No matter the size, your requirements, how urgent or how specific your request is, we can do it!urgent specific, specific requestrelocation, staff, storage, discover, belonging1
ckmp.nlCK Media Promotions plays a key role in the expansion of (trademark) products with specific press target groups.product specific, specific pressrelation, publicity, promotion, wine, trademark1
dadodans.nlIn addition, Dadodans also develops educational projects that are specially tailored to primary schools, offering enriching experiences that may or may not be linked to a specific performance.experience specific, specific performancedance, imagination, role, shape, major1
twinmaritiem.nlTwin Maritiem offers a full range of superyacht management services, allowing us to individually tailor the specific support and services needed.individually specific, specific supporttwin, shipyard, feadship, yacht, ship1
show-u.nlWe are passionate about lighting and specialize in creating customized lighting solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experts comprises of designers, architects, and engineers who work together to create bespoke…solution specific, specific needmagna, imperdiet, primis, ipsum, faucibus1
nationalacademy.nl…vary by case, but are always up-to-date and practical oriented. In carrying out our activities, we are always making use of experienced lecturers who design and execute country-specific programmes or work in the field of their expertise.country specific, specific programmeeconomic, programme, practical, parliamentary, servant1
somi.nl…supervisory board supervises and controls the board. The members of the board and the supervisory board have the specific expertise and experience that are necessary for an adequate representation of the interests as described in SOMI's…board specific, specific expertisecollective, supervisory, billion, compensation, consumer1
enricofood.nlOur expertise and decades of experience in brand and private label development means we can put ourselves in our customers’ shoes. Working closely with them to create the best possible products and concepts. Customers regularly ask us to…regularly specific, specific product, product specific, specific newtasty, truffle, proud, landscape, founder1
taxizeewijck.nlBusiness travellers as well as private travellers choose us, because we transport people as safe, fast and efficient as possible. We also reward the relationship that we build with you. By taking over specific activities or play a…relationship specific, specific activityreason, efficient, safely, passenger, bit1
loyalbrand.nl…and accurately. Upon delivery I was pleasantly surprised by the detailed explanation of all functions available in my new chair, as well as its optimal configuration for my specific work place. Professional and to the point. Thanks! 🙂configuration specific, specific workchair, embody, highly, definitely, ergonomic1
bluepeach.nlUnleash the Power of Digital Evolution with Blue Peach. We provide a wide range of customized services that match your brand's specific requirements:brand specific, specific requirementspeach, advertising, commerce, explore, lorem1
yankiaslan.nlY. Aslan , “ Site-Specific Ultra-Low-Sidelobe Phased Array Topologies for Sparse Areas of Particular Shape ,” in Proc. 52nd EuMC, Milan, Italy , Sep. 20 22.site specific, specific ultraantenna, array, proc, beam, wave1
annekevanabbema.nlDifferent methodologies are used to understand the business, users and stakeholders and how the product will deliver value to specific user groups. Read more…value specific, specific useraccelerator, wearable, session, showcase, ux1
dalton-ripperdaborg.nlThe timing of claiming bonuses can impact your overall gaming experience. Some bonuses may be more advantageous during specific days or events, so plan your gameplay accordingly.advantageous specific, specific dayuncategorized, player, january, gambling, promotion1
monchique-cosmetics.nlClear water for a clear, fresh and clean skin. A general line for cleansing, consisting of products that can be used by everyone, alongside the specific lines. More informationalongside specific, specific lineskin, pure, ingredient, renewal, mineral1
hitecbv.nlWith over 35 years of experience in the Food Industry, we advise, develop and produce high-quality tailor-made stainless steel solutions. We combine specific expertise and skills and focus on high quality, service, hygiene and safety in…solution specific, specific expertisestainless, steel, tailor, career, processing1
mynta.nlWe provide up-to-date articles on the laws and regulations affecting our clients. With our country desk pages, clients can find topical updates relating to a specific country.update specific, specific countrylaw, migration, nationality, immigration, foreign1
dylanmolenaar.nl…of Psychology, 67 , 48-57. PDF Molenaar, D. 1 , van der Sluis, S., Boomsma, D.I., & Dolan, C.V. (2012). Detecting Specific Genotype by Environment Interaction using Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Classical Twin Design…dolan specific, specific genotyperesponse, psychometric, psychology, journal, ed1
vhsystems.nl…growing area to the harvesting area. During this process the crops get automatically the right plant distance. Depending on the final weight and growth pattern of the crop, VH Systems designs each MGS to meet the grower’s specific needs.grower specific, specific needinternal, crop, cultivation, manual, logistics1
evavanvoorst.nlAs a passionate professional, I approach each translation project with dedication and precision. My goal is to deliver high-quality translations that meet your specific needs.translation specific, specific needtranslator, reliable, translation, translate, rate1
weborama.nlI can very much endorse Weborama for their knowledge and experience in premium display and rich media advertising. We cooperate with Weborama for over 15 years and with complete satisfaction. Weborama has the specific knowledge, the…weborama specific, specific knowledgerich, audience, advanced, takeover, marketplace1
profill.nlIt is also possible to have liquids filled, which are produced with our certified partners and based on your specific wishes.partner specific, specific wishampoule, glass, fill, certification, flexible1
artofcontracts.nland are able to find common channels for a successful communication between the parties, both in the negotiation phase and in the more advanced one of the drafting of an ad hoc contract that responds to the specific requests of each client.contract specific, specific requestrequest, membership, enterprise, efficiency, till1
tietze.nlprovider or health care facility and thus can neither diagnose any disease or disorder nor endorse or recommend any specific medical treatments. Patients must rely on the personal and individualized medical advice of their qualified health…disorder specific, specific medicalliability, benefit, donation, association, volunteer1
dte.nlAre tracked through specific key performance indicators (KPIs) such as emissions reductions, water saved, food waste avoidedinvestment, equity, role, deeptech, climate1
thechurchofpentecost.nlAs it is a multicultural church, we do not have a specific target group. Everyone is welcome.church specific, specific targetchurch, pentecost, nation, army, possess1
fredfitness.nlthe emphasis on the background information about the exercise. Because of this, you realize why you were doing that specific exercise, and you could really concentrate on that group of muscles. Next, to a challenging workout, my experience…exercise specific, specific exercisesession, far, diet, schedule, muscle1
roulette-spelen.nlTo choose a specific roulette game you should look at the RTP. Choose a game with a high RTP, because it gives you more chance to win. However….the casino always wins in the end. If you want our advice, we say choose European roulette…tier, immersive, california, american, rule1
oode.nlWith our experience in interior and product design we would love to help you find the perfect art piece for you or even an interior design plan. We can visit your space and make a specific selection, also we can show you all our options…space specific, specific selectionorphan, contemporary, painting, graphic, drawing1
activedutch.nlAchieve your specific language goals quickly and efficiently with a ​personal lesson plan just for you​, taught in person or online.expat, lesson, conversation, confidence, everyday1
indiandelightscatering.nlWe have several vegetarian and non – vegetarian menu packages available, and can also design a menu for specific event. For detailed information and menu combinations, check our menu.menu specific, specific eventindian, delight, taste, meal, refine1
ledupp.nlAt LedUpp there is a lot to choose from, we offer our Mobile Billboards in different versions, both analog and digital, mobile or stationary. It is even possible to have a Mobile Billboard in a specific colour if desired.billboard specific, specific colourvisibility, discover, durability, screen, innovative1
peercode-regulatory.nlWe also work on innovative solutions outside the domain of Health and Exercise. Our software is developed as a result of specific assignments from clients. Whether it is a new web shop or an extensive tracking system for parcel services…result specific, specific assignmentregulatory, device, regulation, medtech, guidance1
arch-edition.nltime is an interpretation of the archetypical; both general and specific, like thegeneral specific, specific likearchitecture, urban, structure, belief, pp1
klugtqualityplants.nlOrnamental cultivation is an important division in our company. We have been supplying a wide range of ornamental crop products for years, tailored to the specific needs of the customer. Our goal is to achieve the highest possible result…year specific, specific needvegetable, ornamental, certification, facility, tomato1
essenceofpresence.nlJessica’s massage is a brilliant experience – totally individualized not just to each person, but to how that person is feeling on that specific day.person specific, specific daypresence, essence, session, whilst, vrij1
swimway.nlThe Swimway Wadden Sea project is based on the life-cycle approach. All fish pass through different life stages, starting as an egg, via larvae and juveniles to the adult stage. In each of these stages they require specific habitats and…stage specific, specific habitat, development specific, specific speciesfish, cycle, species, bass, coast1
graidco.nlGRAIDCO is able to provide a wide range of equipment sourced worldwide in order to meet your specific project requirements and budget. Read moreorder specific, specific projectworldwide, chain, institute, vegetable, textile1
jphogewoning.nlWe receive shipments from various countries during the week so we are able to respond well and quickly to your specific needs.quickly specific, specific needflower, worldwide, carnation, hydrangea, south1
datingbot.nlSelect account to apply this autopilot to and name your autopilot. You can set specific date & time when this autopiliot will work.autopilot specific, specific datefollower, autopilot, secure, pricing, automatically1
deamsterdamsetandarts.nl…your child at ease and provide step-by-step treatments to prevent or reduce dental anxiety. The dental plan we offer is fully tailored to the specific needs of your child, so that we can ensure that your child has a healthy mouth for life.fully specific, specific needdentist, dental, treatment, tooth, appointment1
kempenhaeghe.nlIn addition, we prepare students for a life after De Berkenschutse. We do so by offering a comprehensive package, tailored to individual specific circumstances, capacities, talents and interests. For one student, this means living in a…individual specific, specific circumstancesepilepsy, sleep, practical, disorder, disability1
sbtpedigrees.nlHere you you can can search search for for specific specific dogs dogs by by entering entering (part (part of) of) a a name.specific dogpedigree, explanation, registration, birth, lose1
nexusoft.nl…my futere. I needed more contact with customers and loved to explain in normal (non-technical) language how a specific technical solution is best for a customer. So I applied for a job in System enginering and from there I grew into…language specific, specific technicalnetworking, resume, programming, present, multiple1
heleenklopper.nlThrough embracing the specific character of wool. The fibres of wool contain miniscule scales which open up when they are pricked with a felt needle. The open scales bind with each other and will not be separated. Not even in the wash.carpet, stain, jacket, cardigan, hole1
cmhofstede.nlFor specific questions and remarks, each article offers the possibility to comment.industrial, raspberry, arduino, july, assignment1
genescape.nlWhether you are targeting a pathway, a gene, or even a specific mutation, we can develop the models that are appropriate for your therapy to quantify the addressable patient population.gene specific, specific mutationpatient, disease, epidemiology, therapy, innovative1
gaiasonadvies.nl‘In recent years I have specialised in employee participation in international corporations, many of which have English as their functional language. In addition to working in the English language this often involves dealing not only with…language specific, specific topicemployee, participation, council, regulation, topic1
studioschinkel.nlDo you have additional wishes for a specific desk or table? Do you want specific visuals in studio 1? Or do you need props for your broadcast and someone who will present your products or set beautifully? We would like to introduce you to…wish specific, specific desk, table specific, specific visualadditional, package, directly, fully, flexible1
highwayrestaurant.nlYou can make online reservations with us. You can also call us if u have any specific questions or needs.reservation specific, specific questionindian, sauce, surinamese, herb, chilli1
chisor.nlIf you would like to sponsor us, or want to support a specific project, please make a donation via a bank transfer to the Chisor Foundation Bank accountvicious, circle, scale, cambodia, benefit1
pro-windows.nlWe deliver windows personally. This ensures better planning and more options for adaptation to your specific wishes.adaptation specific, specific wishwindow, steel, glass, installation1
academy-attendance.nlOur feedback module enables students to easily and rapidly provide feedback on specific activities. The data is automaticall processed into overviews and analytics so that you don't have to waste valuable time.feedback specific, specific activityattendance, registration, administration, central, overview1
dodocodes.nlThis service is perfect for boosting your local business’ visibility on the map in a specific location.map specific, specific locationpharmacy, animal, crossing, useful, topic1
outsystemsacademy.nlWe provide personalized guidance to help you and your team understand and use the technology needed for your project. Our focus is on your specific requirements and the skills of your team.focus specific, specific requirementsadoption, guidance, accelerate, successful, profitable1
vsd.nlOur in-house ability of engineering, manufacturing and installing our machines enables us to respond to customer-specific requirements: We provide customized services. Maintenance and service are also a substantial part of it.customer specific, specific requirementsmachinery, productivity, meat, poultry, innovative1
white-rabbit.nlWith 400 visitors, 40 great speakers and 12 great sponsors the first Telco specific APIdays Conference held in Amsterdam last month was an amazing event,…telco specific, specific apidaysrabbit, telco, window, amazing, connect1
chefsfinefoods.nlLooking for a specific ingredient for a recipe or are in need of some inspiration to impress guests for a dinner party? We’ve got you covered for all occasions whether you’re a food stylist, a professional chef, or simply an avid home…ingredient, investor, passionate, variety, demand1
thebasement-fitness.nlEveryone can be fit. What fitness looks like, however, is highly individualistic. Your history, age, interests, abilities, time are among the variables that determine what your specific fitness program should look like. This is the…variable specific, specific fitnessbasement, lorem, personalized, balance, nutrition1
doccs.nlMy name is Vincent van Vugt. I am proud to work as a GP in Nieuw-West, the neighborhood I lived in for 7 years. s a GP, my goal is to provide personal care, focused on your specific needs and circumstances. I believe in an evidence-based…care specific, specific needpatient, appointment, doctor, healthcare, medication1
mns-group.nlAbstract: A computational notebook search system called CNSVRE has been proposed to address shortcomings in existing solutions for Virtual Research Environments (VREs). Existing approaches lack focus on the specific information needs of…focus specific, specific informationmultiscale, architecture, scientific, operation, infrastructure1
byed.nlcorporate website with integrated webshop with extra features such as group discount and free shipping above a specific total priceshipping specific, specific totalpackaging, profit, graphic, cheese, leaflet1
dutchtutoringforyou.nlAnna Frojimovics: Karlien is simply GREAT! She is teaching Dutch to our 2 kids of 8 and 10 and they understand more and more around them. Karlien builds up the lessons in a way that is best suited for the kids. She navigates them with…kid specific, specific topiclesson, tutoring, flexible, upto, tailor1
vandehaterd.nlI saw Bas speak at TA-Live in Amsterdam about the essential components of a corporate recruitment site. A great presentation full of specific tips, graphs, methods and examples. One of the most educational presentations I have ever seen…presentation specific, specific tipadvisor, author, presentation, founder, labor1
bontisharam.nlIt is important to note that the first Hadith covers all wild animals. The reason why leopard skins have been mentioned specifically could, perhaps, be that the Holy Prophet might have seen someone using a saddle of leopard skin…similarly specific, specific mentionfur, animal, skin, islamic, teaching1
paulvanefferen.nlAre you curious about the extensive possibilities with regard to a Dutch voice-over from Paul van Efferen, or do you have a specific question? Please feel free to contact me . As a voice actor I am happy to help you.efferen specific, specific questionfamous, rate, tone, advertising, actor1
hgroefsema.nl…of business where business processes are required to be less and less rigid. Where BPM supported local user-specific rigid and repetitive units of work in the past, these days it is required to support loosely-coupled processes in…user specific, specific rigidconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability1
su-tech.nlSU-Tech is a unique machine builder with its heart in arable farming. Every project starts with a specific customer requirement. The end product is an efficient and innovative solution that works on the land. What started in 2016 with a…project specific, specific customerloader, onion, potato, double, fall1
texelvogeleiland.nl…by the Bird Information Centre and donations from special sales and promotions at the Bird Information Centre such as the painting of nest boxes and the sale of second-hand books. In addition, we apply for funding to realise specific aims.funding specific, specific aimbird, charity, island, birdwatching, hide1
fmtcstaging.nl…certain certificates to work in the industry. Whether you follow a basic course, a refresher course or a more specific course, at FMTC Safety, our courses are taught by professionals with years of experience. The course covers…course specific, specific coursegwo, stcw, direction, refresher1
powensemble.nlFor every project, a specific group of musicians is selected, varying from tapdancer, harpsichord player, electric guitarist, cellist, to ‘ud player, blues singer, DJ, and of course computer and electronics players.project specific, specific groupelectronic, force, programme, saxophonist, chamber1
spohrinnovations.nl…A successful application or best practice may have the potential for broad and trouble-free use. NBL did help in bringing such best practices to a national scale. The successes were anchored at branch organizations of specific sectors.organization specific, specific sectorbroadband, mobility, scale, government1
calmspaces.nlAmondawa is a site-specific sound installation, inspired by the dynamic interplay of natural forces.site specific, specific soundsense, calm, architecture, rhythm, silence1
az-recruitment.nl…Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing industries. We focus on high-end specialists from our established candidate database and extensive network. We understand the industry-specific needs of clients and candidates in these sectors.industry specific, specific needintegration, manufacture, mechanical, candidate, remote1
stellablokpoel.nlYou want to make an awesome interactive e-learning module on a specific topic. You have your own LMS in place and need a specialist to develop script and design in Articulate Storyline or Rise. Stella Blokpoel Blended Learning can make…module specific, specific topicinteractive, lesson, didactical, topic, audience1
xic.nlWith one mouse click you have an overview of the current status of your quality and safety management. XIC offers you an overview of the complete organization from which you can easily zoom in on details of specific themes, regions…detail specific, specific themecompliance, risk, overview, february, declaration1
irinashapiro.nlGarden 404: Designing Learning Environments Beyond the Screen, site-specific pedagogical experimentation project | Rotterdamsite specific, specific pedagogicalshapiro, pedagogy, collaboration, artistic, experimental1
flex-ice.nlFlex-Ice™ cooling elements are designed to maintain the quality and freshness of perishable goods throughout their journey. Our unique cell structure ensures optimal flexibility, allowing you to customize the size of the elements…element specific, specific needice, flexible, pack, temperature, injury1
raas-automation.nlJust as Steve Jobs advised, focus is about making choices. RAAS uses established marketing tools to craft your unique value proposition, guiding it from planning to action. By merging proven expertise with your specific strengths, we…expertise specific, specific strengthautomation, flexible, connection, collaborative, landscape1
qbil.nlOur ERP software has really been developed from market demand. Specific to the industry of commodity trading. You will notice that you can start immediately with our ‘standard’ solution.demand specific, specific industrytrade, trading, position, purchase, commodity1
lactuca.nlSubcontract from existing or proposed projects for specific quantitative deliverables;project specific, specific quantitativemodelling, environmental, landscape, analysis, ecosystem1
rgoc.nlIn the coming years, one of the aims is to improve the cohesion between purely scientific and patient-bound research, for example in the form of linkage by research themes. Also more specific research designs (that are developed by the…theme specific, specific researchstudy, disorder, mental, collaboration, psychiatry1
yellowchess.nlYellowchess drives breakthroughs for your specific transition challenge. Through a fusion of creativity, co-creation, and tailor-made strategies we design innovative solutions to realize positive impact.breakthrough specific, specific transitionbreakthrough, positive, climate, housing, wellbeing1
amstelaanbieding.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
ifasd2024.nlIFASD 2024 will update you on the state of the art in research activities and industrial practices in the fields of Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics. Specific themes are high and low-fidelity coupled analysis methods, vehicle design…dynamic specific, specific themedynamic, structural, conference, hague, author1
duttch.nlProducts and designs from duTTch combine practical usability with a very specific kind of design. The 'it has to work' mentality is close to the mentality of Twente, a region in the East of The Netherlands. This mentality makes it…usability specific, specific kindinvention, furniture, patent, impression, aware1
vishwakarma.nlSanjay Vishwakarma, Astrologer and palmist of repute, is born in Varanasi (India), the seat of oriental Vedic sciences. He is initiated into the specific discipline of Astrology and palmistry in the very early formative years of his life.science specific, specific disciplinevedic, astrology, birth, purpose, hide1
avd-multiservice.nlWe offer professional support for you through preventive maintenance, repairs and minor welding work. Our experienced technicians are trained to work efficiently and effectively. Our flexible service allows us to meet your specific…service specific, specific requirementsmaintenance, vacancy, industrial, repair, weld1
radiantstar.nlSpecialists of our company have deep knowledge of and long-standing experience in effective Russian law and its practical application in the field of customs operations including specific ways and methods used by customs officers in their…operation specific, specific waylogistics, consulting, destination, cargo, etc1
sensixs.nlSensixs Design b.v. was founded in 2012. The company's name is inspired by the fact that we specialize in sensor specific ICs rather than ASICs. Sensixs has a vast amount of experience in multi physics design and very specialized signal…sensor specific, specific icmagnetic, hall, ip, physics, specialize1
energy-watch.nlEnergy Watch has in-depth knowledge on the energy transition and decentralized energy sources. By applying this knowledge to customer specific situations, Energy Watch can create strategic insight and transparency for parties and improve…customer specific, specific situationanalysis, watch, grid, connection, reference1
totalmovement.nlBoth being high level athletes, we also had a luck to grow and learn in a system of education that required from us an in depth understanding of human movement from the perspective of wide range of targeting general and specific sciences…general specific, specific sciencemovement, athlete, athletic, player, injury1
laughinghearts.nlIf there is no specific physical presentation then the appointments can be as frequent or infrequent as you find helpful.laugh, acupuncture, maybe, emotion, pricing1
papyrolux.nlFor all your questions about paper and cardboard processing Whether it’s repairing damage or producing customer-specific rolls or sheets, we always have a solution.customer specific, specific rollsheet, paper, storage, facility, handle1
bs-foundation.nlWe have hundreds of pictures with the specific fighters identified and circled in red shown on social media that had been members of ISIS or Al Nusra and are now the leaders of the so called FSA and the Hamza Brigade, a part of the…picture specific, specific fighterkurdish, turkish, turkey, kurdistan, american1
vosbanket.nlVos Banket’s range of products consists of biscuits and pastries, and is produced by artisanal specialists. Vos Banket can also supplement our order with specific products from your area, so that you can respond to the tastes and…order specific, specific productlogistics, artisanal, certification, vacancy, diet1
rusland-visum.nlexecutive secretary. Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services.knowledge specific, specific individualizedlaw, lawyer, relationship, immigration, firm1
sleutelfactortoxiciteit.nl…and recognize how hydrological connectivity relates to toxic pressure patterns. This can be done for whole mixtures, or specific compound groups. In those ways, the assessor can diagnose sites and compounds for priority management.mixture specific, specific compoundtoxic, calculation, chemical, toxicity, pressure1
victoriatrading.nlVictoria Trading is open to new members. New members are tested against specific selection criteria, such as purchasing value, market focus, and sustainability policy.member specific, specific selectiontrading, purchase, cooperative, supplier, buyer1
flipjobs.nlAt Flipjobs, we go beyond the conventional approach of a staffing agency. As labor intermediaries, we aim for a balance between flexibility and stability in our clients’ workforce. While legislation imposes specific limitations on hiring…legislation specific, specific limitationvacancy, housing, preparer, technician, shift1
hanotex.nlBy combining the knowledge of our experts and the specific desires of our customers, innovative, customized products are made. If you click on the button “Branches” you’ll find an overview of the diverse sectors which we’re currently…expert specific, specific desirecertificate, customization, garment, protective, packaging1
tabulascripta.nl…and sand between ships and trucks – we chose to interfere in the painting process. We selected and documented specific areas of interest, and 36 frames were built on-site to protect these areas during the cleaning and painting." –…process specific, specific areaarchitecture, condition, layer, landscape, study1
lengtonlegal.nlIf you need specific legal knowledge or if your legal department is understaffed we can support you with a legal specialist to support your specific requestspecialist specific, specific requestipsum, structure, hire, fire, diam1
kingmaker.nlSometimes it just clicks in your mind. When you read about a specific topic and think, “Hey! That’s me!“. A few days ago, while falling through another late-night Scrum rabbit hole, I came across the term ‘hostmanship’. After reading…mind specific, specific topicmonday, facilitation, backlog, leave, assessment1
a-frames.nlPrecision work is our daily routine, for which finely crafted and effective tools are indispensable. Everyday tools such as rulers, calculators, callipers and gloves, but also more trade-specific tools such as weight bags, a starch cooker…trade specific, specific toolcollector, suitable, artisan, presentation, colour1
bnpartner.nlGood painting begins with a thorough preparation of the substrate. After inspection of the project or decide we fully necessary permits, or thoroughly barns while retaining a portion of the previous layers of paint specific processes. B &…paint specific, specific processpainting, plaster, maintenance, appearance, building1
dynastarthydraulics.nlDynastart Hydraulics supplies generators, compressors and winches that are electrically, hydraulically or mechanically driven. We will help you make the right choice and can also take care of the assembly. Dynastart Hydraulics focuses on…hydraulic specific, specific areahydraulic, specialise, suitable, technique, strength1
enterprisingfinance.nlTypically, our borrowers are headquartered in the Netherlands and have an EBITDA of EUR 2-10 million. We have no specific sector focus and provide loans between EUR 5-30 million based on available cash flows in the target business.million specific, specific sectorenterprising, investment, target, growth, capital1
pnaw.nlThe chakras are connected to the aura. Aura layers, the human energy field, are a specific display of the universal energy. The universal energy surrounds and permeates the human body. You can take a picture of the aura days with a…field specific, specific displaytherapy, alternative, treatment, colour, complaint1
davidvanhoven.nlThe (further) development of websites and webshops is sometimes difficult for managements who do not have the specific technical knowledge for this. I would like to translate your commercial plans into technology.management specific, specific technicalcommerce, marketplace, growth, consumer, responsibility1
consortio.nlWe use different interpreting techniques, depending on your specific wishes and requirements.technique specific, specific wishtranslation, bridge, ge, georgian, accurate1
orangeexpert.nlAs a coach I help you to achieve a specific personal or professional goal. I strongly believe you have the answers yourself, we just need to unlock them.coach specific, specific personalsession, orange, introduction, ambition, desire1
daluma.nlOur organic juices, kombuchas and shots are sources of functional nutrients and developed for specific goals. From production to bottling, we only use processes that preserve nutrients in the best possible way.nutrient specific, specific goaljuice, cleanse, grade, holistic, ingredient1
procedent.nlClear coordination to ensure customer-specific solutions in daily work processes.customer specific, specific solutiontreatment, innovative, efficient, validation, comfortable1
webcommitment.nlWebcommitment adopts a client-centric approach, wherein we do not merely prescribe specific technologies. Each project is meticulously analyzed by our team to provide tailor-made solutions that we deem optimal.merely specific, specific technologymaintenance, commerce, holistic, execution, wat1
liv.nlThe National Vehicle Crime Intelligence and Expert Centre (Dutch LIV) is an expertise centre for vehicle crime and investigation assistance in the Netherlands. The organization is a central office, provides information, gives advice, and…advice specific, specific actionvehicle, crime, police, assistance, investigation1
parliamentofpain.nlWhat to expect: Hard-hitting, fast-paced drills, specific skills, with optional scrimmage to end the training.drill specific, specific skillspain, parliament, involve, session, official1
boulevardhotel.nlIf you have any further questions or requests, don’t hesitate to contact us. We would like to take care of your specific requests in advance to make your stay with us unforgettable.care specific, specific requestfacility, surrounding, guestbook, bath, dune1
prins-te-paard.nlHi. we are Prins te Paard. we make site specific theatre shows: landscapes of light, water, fire and drama.site specific, specific theatreflight, war, ceremony, lab, fire1
gameid.nlYou can set your own play limits for specific online gambling providers. You can also have your name added to the CRUKS register (Central Exclusion Register for Games of Chance). From then on, you will be unable to play with online…limit specific, specific onlinegambling, limit, quickly, multiple, secure1
collectifission.nlThe world is burning, the weather gets more extreme by the day, and the sea levels are rising. Climate goals are set, but specific plans for implementation are missing which is why governments all over the world are far behind their own…goal specific, specific plannuclear, climate, leave, planet, limit1
sofreshsoclean.nlI can strongly recommend this service. They did a great job and were very professional - clear and fast in the communication and accommodated for our specific situation and requirements.communication specific, specific situationhighly, organize, july, thorough, regular1
guidoaalbers.nlSSL, Trident and Neve are favorite desks, but also DDA Profile Studer Raindirk and Audient can be good And some of the old Sony / MCI consoles are awesome. If you can limit your choices so that every decision supports a specific…decision specific, specific productionproducer, gear, produce, discography, miss1
eliftech.nlProfit from our accomplished software developers that applies their best talents to deliver products tailored precisely to your company’s specific needs. We offer a full range of custom software development services for a wide variety of…company specific, specific needtrust, framework, consulting, efficient, advantage1
naturalenglish.nl…with a native-speaker translation service. We can also help you to improve the level of your English proficiency for international meetings through a series of one-on-one or small group coaching sessions, tailored to your specific needs.session specific, specific needtranslation, native, thirty, consistently, firmly1
cta-toolbox.nl…valuable; or (2) the advanced stage, when more is known about the technology and potential applications, and more specific questions can be asked. Furthermore, the tools are distinguished in terms of their properties, whether (i) they areapplication specific, specific questionresearcher, socio, analysis, societal, suitable1
niefra.nlA safe feeling, that is what motivates us. We make sure you can create a safe and liveable environment with a total solution which meets your specific needs. We supply technical solutions for structural security, access control, camera…solution specific, specific needprotection, burglary, structural, maintenance, colleague1
buromerk.nlIf you would like to discuss how we can help you as an entrepreneur or if you have a specific question, we would like to hear from you. You can fill out the contact form and we will contact you personally.entrepreneur specific, specific questionbold, entrepreneur, consulting, creation, conceptual1
raatgerink.nlbetween the dashes in the page content. This is called the YAML front matter, and it is where you configure page-specific options.page specific, specific optionfile, typography, powerful, flat, default1
sinogreen.nlYou are looking for a specific product, not for a lot of hassle. Sinogreen will gladly take care of your order. The only thing you have to do is to give us a call. We will take it from there: your order, customs formalities, shipping…pure, concentrate, juice, vegetable, origin1
wynther.nlOur approach is tailor-made and focused on your specific situation. We start with a thorough analysis of the NVWA’s findings and carry out a comprehensive assessment of your business processes, hygiene practices and traceability systems…tailor specific, specific situationguide, regulation, approval, seal, visit1
draftec.nlThanks to years of experience, the team at Draftec is able to offer a solution for every possible technical challenge. Our methods provide effective and reliable solutions. Do you have a specific problem? Please feel free to contact us so…solution specific, specific problemheavy, manufacture, maintenance, cable, hydraulic1
star.nlWe create turn-key display solutions specific to our clients needs and wishes; presenting our products efficient and effective to increase sales.solution specific, specific clientlab, turn, csr, catalog, hall1
smidswateradvocaten.nlCivil service law is a specific area of law, the practice of which requires specialist knowledge of (sector) specific regulations and a good sense of official and political relationships. Smidswater advocaten has that specialist knowledge…law specific, specific area, sector specific, specific regulationlaw, employment, civil, lawyer, firm1
netwerknde.nlA few months ago, I read your review of Jeffrey Long’s important publication, Evidence of the Afterlife, for Noetic Now of the Institute for Noetic Sciences (Holden, 2010). Although you have done an excellent job discussing his book…book specific, specific ideadeath, near, denture, file, cardiac1
volger-engineering.nlVolger engineering delivers process control systems, customised to your specific needs. Enabling you to achieve your goals.system specific, specific needacquisition, accurate, demand, electrical, cabinet1
wilcovak.nlOur own van delivers within the Netherlands and part of Belgium (Antwerp area). For the Islands you can make a request. Do you have specific destinations? Ask us about the possibilities.request specific, specific destinationfile, roof, mount, artwork, possibility1
dll.nlCollaborate with highly specialized financing professionals to design the right programs for your business. DLL’s industry-specific experts understand the challenges you face, with years of experience on the manufacturing, dealer and…industry specific, specific expertdll, handle, report, asset, career1
splitvision.nlDoes your industry or company work with specific solutions? Then we can integrate it within GoverMaxx without any problems.company specific, specific solutioninstitution, government, region, authority, healthcare1
supplychainacademy.nlWe developed a Supply Chain Academy, existing out of 8 modules, every module with a specific supply chain management item, related to the chemical...module specific, specific supplysupply, chain, understand, common, requirements1
botex.nlOur customer service strategy helps you meet the specific needs of your target markets and defines... Read More [+]strategy specific, specific needtrading, ally, base, agriculture, industrial1
mulder-kaaskoekjes.nlDue to the specific baking process and the resting period of the pastry-dough, a unique cheese flavor and characteristic open layered structure of the product develops.cheese, artisan, dear, paramount, importance1
technotron.nlWelcome to Technotron, your dedicated partner in control and power systems. At Technotron, we are passionate about solving various company-specific issues, and take pride in providing our customers with customised service. Our expertise…company specific, specific issue, efficiency specific, specific challengeindustrial, automation, measure, distribution, inspection1
jansemaritimeconsultancy.nl…analyzes the gathered data. As a result, our findings accurately and truthfully reflect the ship’s performance. We master the specific measurement and analysis methodologies required. Read on to discover all JMC’s services to assist you.performance specific, specific measurementtrial, maritime, measurement, speed, bollard1
ici-thehague.nl...ism is a project space for artists with ideas for future work. It offers it’s space to artists who are interested in establishing site-specific projects. The project space is located in a former billiard shop and combines a 19th…site specific, specific projecthague, initiative, independent, cultural, incubator1
frisvanstart.nl…why we take the time to listen to your goals, challenges, and preferences, and tailor our services to suit your specific needs. We also provide you with clear and honest communication, timely and reliable delivery, and friendly and…service specific, specific needdevice, computing, mobility, consulting, cum1
sparklingminds.nl"Aletta made me reach my coach goal in only 5 sessions. My self confidence and consciousness have increased tremendously and I am much less blocked by my perfectionism. Aletta supported me to understand who I am as a person and how…person specific, specific characteristicssparkle, leadership, executive, authentic, connection1
filminc.nlEach film needs its own distribution and marketing plan – unique to that film. Important is what can be said about the film itself – genre, subject, cast & crew, international release and reception. Who is the specific audience? Together…reception specific, specific audiencecampaign, promotion, specialize, footer, distribution1
lawfox.nlOur team consists of ambitious lawyers who are fascinated by two worlds: ICT and law. We specialize in ICT, intellectual property and privacy law. These particular areas of law require specific knowledge. Not only of law, but also of the…law specific, specific knowledgelaw, intellectual, property, attorney, computing1
montrini.nlDo you have a specific vision for your bookstand that you can't find in our collection? At Montrini, we bring your desires to life. We work with a wide range of wood and natural stone types, allowing you to choose the perfect material. We…luxury, interior, valuable, accessory, wood1
karolinakrause.nl…difficulties. Problems helped by psychotherapy include difficulties in coping with daily life; the impact of trauma, medical illness or loss, like the death of a loved one; and specific mental disorders, like depression or anxiety. "death specific, specific mentalpsychologist, psychotherapist, expat, psychotherapy, depression1
wemmers.nlEvery product requires a specific solution. Wemmers Tanktransport has a comprehensive fleet of vehicles. We have a solution for every logistics problem.product specific, specific solutionlogistics, juice, chocolate, sweetener, vegetable1
dutchclasses.nlWe offer private language courses for those who prefer a more personalized learning experience. Our experienced tutors will create a customized curriculum to meet your specific needs and goals.curriculum specific, specific needintermediate, intensive, lesson, advanced, schedule1
corhermans.nlIn photo’s one particular moment in time and a specific place merge into a unique image. The photographer freezes daily life and, sometimes, even history. It is this stillness in photography that offers inspiration. The photo preserves…time specific, specific placewriter, publication, historian, chapter, inspiration1
praktijk-lux.nl- Tailored for Leaders and Entrepreneurs: Whether you're a business owner or hold a high management position, this program is designed for you. - Personalized Trajectory: Your journey is unique, and the LUX program adapts to your specific…program specific, specific needgap, achievement, inn, fulfillment, weight1
dutchandyou.nl…training in combination with attention to your feelings and thoughts. The language training is built to meet your specific learning needs whereby content and practice are tailored. Your objectives, wishes and capacities are taken into…training specific, specific learnear, listen, feeling, expat, combination1
megapatch.nlEasily create category based modules and display products from specific categories or brands only. The advanced page builder allows you to create any grid layout with full control at any breakpoint.product specific, specific categorywish, add, electronic, intel, flower1
whyz.nlWe understand the differences and the similarities between these worlds and know when someone is a fit for a specific culture. Because our consultants know what opportunities and challenges the future offers, we also indicate when the…fit specific, specific cultureexecutive, leader, generation, voor, utility1
thesquaremile.nlThe Square Mile operates in all major sectors of the economy including the financial sector, public sector, healthcare, engineering and manufacturing, engineering, offshore and ICT. We use this experience to tailor our approach to your…approach specific, specific programmemile, square, programme, tailor, spanish1
thegratefuldoula.nlMy desire is to provide an individually personalized support catered for each birthing person’s needs, be that of full Doula support, birth photography, in Malaga or individual coaching or counselling sessions to focus on specific needs…session specific, specific needbirth, grateful, perinatal, package, session1
englishcenter.nlWe have offered Business English at Vandebron, to help our employees feel more comfortable expressing themselves in English. The English Centre is well organized, flexible, & the teacher aligns with our DNA, business context and specific…context specific, specific learnintensive, write, teacher, pronunciation, preparation1
3penguins.nlassess specific risks and opportunities along the value chain from a multi-stakeholder perspectiveregulatory, risk, environmental, landscape, compliance1
enmed.nlOur service is based on extensive experience and knowledge in the non-woven industry. We can provide better product quality and meet the client’s specific requirements through in-depth technical analysis.client specific, specific requirementsfactory, mask, textile, glove, healthcare1
babbletics.nl…right technologies, resolving complex code issues, or optimizing performance, I provide customized technical advice tailored to your specific needs. Together, we can transform your website into an impressive and seamless user experience.advice specific, specific needinteraction, healthcare, possibility, crucial, seamless1
apexuitzend.nl…tree nurseries, agriculture and horticulture, metal industry, crustaceans and shellfish, transport and logistics, onion processing. For specific vacancies of the companies whom we work with, we refer to the page Vacancies on this website.processing specific, specific vacancyemployee, euismod, dolore, sit, amet1
myzult.nlThe glazing solutions that you will find on double-glazed direct frames cannot be found anywhere else. We offer a wide range of frames with different styles and options, made to meet your specific window needs. Energy-conscious materials…option specific, specific windowpowder, double, juist, window, january1
militaireillustraties.nlCommissioned Artwork per image according to your specific demands, Pixel Art as well as Vector Art pos sible. Low Prices.image specific, specific demandillustration, artwork, germany, military, dragon1
silent-witness.nl…of the nature of things, buildings and objects is being eliminated because of the exposure of the unusual. In the specific atmosphere the photographer captures so strikingly, the tragedy is exposed to painfully well. In a part of the workunusual specific, specific atmospherewitness, camp, photographer, present, building1
ebooinkenia.nl…of secondary school (A level or O level). Although EBOO does not fund follow-up study at university, EBOO did find specific sponsors for four very gifted students to continue their studies at the university of Nairobi. It is a mandatory…eboo specific, specific sponsorkenya, slum, underprivileged, study, schooling1
debesteklusmaterialen.nl…based on on user user interactions, interactions, the the type type of of audience, audience, etc. etc. This This specific specific purpose purpose does does not not include include the the development development or or improvement…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, storage, device, duration, ip1
rooshoffmann.nlWith almost 20 years of experience, Roos Hoffmann creates conceptual art. Her performances, installations, videoart and textworks aim for connection and communication. The work is socially engaged, interactive, site specific and…site specific, specific contemplativehague, installation, interactive, connection, conceptual1
exegy.nlThe payback time was taken into account when developing the product. A simple calculation will tell you how quickly our products will pay themselves back in your specific situation.product specific, specific situationheat, exchanger, recovery, pre, conditioning1
playtogetherfoundation.nlDeveloping initiatives to bring people of all ages together, regardless of their place in society. With specific activities they can make new friends and have fun together.society specific, specific activityinitiative, regardless, society, physical, volunteer1
acupuncturist-yang.nlAll reasonable attempts have been made to provide accurate and recent information, but it is not necessarily comprehensive, and information is of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any…nature specific, specific circumstancesacupuncture, medicine, traditional, etc, herbal1
lamplord.nlBesides special lamps, such as antique chandeliers , lanterns or piano lamps, you will also find lamps in different styles, such as Bauhaus or Jugendstil. Online you can already find a large assortment, but are you really looking for…assortment specific, specific lamplampshade, ceiling, chandelier, antique, glass1
ecoloro.nlEColoRO Water Solutions develops also new treatment processes, general or industry specific. The main goal is to develop and use processen and technologies which fits the following criteria:industry specific, specific mainwaste, chemical, coagulation, purification, reuse1
sandynet.nlThese commands will provide extensive information for a specific device. The refresh will be done every 5 seconds, you can increase or decrease this number.information specific, specific devicecommand, upper, file, sheet, rule1
jasperhauser.nl…traffic on the rise, the new experience replaced the previous one-size-fits all page with local business vertical specific page experiences. The new experience showed major qualitative and quantitative improvements, and went hand-in-hand…vertical specific, specific pagedarkroom, icon, sofa, craftsman, notification1
vebor.nlVebor covers the entire requirements of customer-specific finishing of tube plates. We are active in new construction, but also make our expertise available for repair and renovation purposes. We process the more common materials such as…customer specific, specific finishingtube, plate, efficiency, drilling, cut1
buckdesign.nl…impact through their projects and initiatives. They focus on five critical themes where they, as consultants, engineers and project managers, can make a difference for people and planet, all in line with specific UN sustainability goals.line specific, specific unclimate, minimal, sustainability, structure, aluminum1
nordenwinches.nl…alternative is a custom winch. The winches from PLANETA Hebetechnik GmbH, one of the leading manufacturers of hoisting equipment in Germany, are custom-made for that specific application and completely according to customer requirements.custom specific, specific applicationwinch, germany, hoist, op, electric1
ppaxl.nlThe regular PPA always contains the PPA report and a summary for the candidate as well as graphs and interview guidelines (intended for the line manager). The PPA XL is made of 30 specific areas for attention that you can select yourself…xl specific, specific areaassessment, analysis, profile, reference, report1
oostratimmerwerk.nl…styles. You can contact him for small jobs, such as renewing a window, or making a custom front door in as specific style, (including installation) and extensive work such as the restoration of the woodwork of a heritage building.door specific, specific stylerestoration, joinery, door, carpentry, mould1
dijkkamp.nlOf course we cannot tell all ‘secrets’ on our website. For more information or specific information, please do not hesitate to contact us.information specific, specific informationsteel, foundry, iron, cast, raw1
langlauf.nlThe marathon training on Saturday afternoon prepares you for a long marathon. This training is not all on the track but there is also roller skiing, cycling, Nordic sport. This way you train your long-term stamina and sport-specific…sport specific, specific attributewalk, cross, skiing, technique, lesson1
bluedale.nlWe adapt our financial service offering to fit your specific requirements- and in developing a tailored solution we take time to truly understand your situation and needs. We offer direct reporting using remote access to update financial…offer specific, specific solutionadvisory, accounting, cooperation, administrative, report1
wajid.nlThe lessons also include a theoretical component in order to substantiate the massage and the techniques used. An important part of the course is the extra attention paid to specific key points and some handy massage tips and tricks.attention specific, specific keymeditation, dance, inn, session, technique1
audiorestauratie.nlBelow are some of the restoration options. Often medium-specific applications are still necessary.medium specific, specific applicationfile, recording, wrong, immediately, restoration1
immigration.nlAre you an EU citizen planning to live in the Netherlands with a partner from outside the EU? Or have you already settled here and want to bring your non-EU partner or spouse to the Netherlands? In both cases, your partner or spouse needs…spouse specific, specific residenceimmigration, consultation, permit, citizen, package1
breezandvakanties.nlsports and eating mussels – all with the sound of the sea in the background. In Vrouwenpolder, you can try out a wide range of general and specific sports and water sports. From calm to adventurously active – there’s something for everyone!general specific, specific sportholiday, rental, accommodation, bike, apartment1
orchidee-design.nlWhat do customers want? We gain insight into users and their needs. Together we create ideas with a specific target user in mind. Together we make a user centric UX design.idea specific, specific targetvisual, ux, interaction, centric, target1
ijconsulting.nl"Her high 'specific gravity' is exceptional. Stay tuned, her observations and advices are spot-on."high specific, specific gravityconsulting, leader, header, puzzle, society1
clientflow.nlSuccessful online marketing in healthcare requires experience in- and understanding of this specific market. In this we are right at home.understand specific, specific marketacquisition, healthcare, psychologist, therapist, steady1
dries007.nl…CLI tool should use. To remedy this, I extended the Python module to include an API to a third party Device Manager (DevManView) that has a CLI. This allows a Jenkins job to make sure it's talking to a specific piece of hardware.sure specific, specific piecesetup, jenkins, python, fpga, thesis1
willemsmeets.nlA proper valuation takes into account the specific circumstances of the company and the current and future developments that can affect the value of the enterprise.account specific, specific circumstancesvaluation, glossary, profit, asset, multiple1
recordati.nl…families affected by rare diseases through the research and development of new therapies and the distribution of specific scientific knowledge throughout the medical community. We believe that every patient has the right to the best…distribution specific, specific scientificpharmaceutical, specialty, worldwide, disease, manufacture1
onefutureplay.nlMany players prefer specific titles and game developers because they’re used to a particular type of game format, or simply enjoy the visuals and gameplay of certain games. High probability casino sites, or rather the sites with games…player specific, specific titlevisit, apply, player, payment, banking1
ucc-services.nlOver the years we have experienced the wants and needs in a number of specific branches that may benefit you. Next to keeping the costs at an acceptable level, one thing prevails in each and every type of business and that is business…number specific, specific branchyacht, carpet, mattress, nursing, upholstery1
davincivastgoed.nlDa Vinci Real Estate regards each assignment as a unique project determined by its specific context and future usage. The vast experience of this company results in creative design that is elaborated and realized with technical expertise…project specific, specific contextestate, versatile, firm, housing, overview1
maxcom.nlMaxcom specializes in distributing solutions designed for the specific needs of both small and large companies. We work closely together with partners to offer the exact functionality their clients demand.solution specific, specific needpricing, stock, distributor, sku, seagate1
loodgietersbedrijfam.nlPlumber Amsterdam and Almere are specialized in installing high-quality heat pump systems that meet your specific needs.system specific, specific needplumber, plumbing, clog, rate, leakage1
jpfsoftware.nlfocus on making generic software to deal with problems that occur often. Our software can easily be adjusted to the specific needs of our customers. JPF Fleet Manager is an example of such a product. Depending on the wishes of the customer,easily specific, specific needfleet, operate, variety, automatically, connection1
echtinvorm.nl…unique and perfectly fitting for the environment. The ability to adjust and move the visuals provides enormous flexibility, allowing the installation to be configured and tailored to the specific needs of each occasion, time and again.installation specific, specific needinstallation, inside, puzzle, perspective, dimensional1
audio-products.nl…and skills in electronics that can bring your projects to life. We offer customized solutions that cater to your specific needs and requirements, so that you can create unique and functional pieces that will truly stand out. Whether you…solution specific, specific needpanel, supply, electronic, voltage, balance1
rd-coatings.nlWe offer a wide range of water-based products designed to protect indoor and outdoor floors against wear and tear. These solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each space: whether it's high or moderate traffic, chemical…solution specific, specific needpaint, metal, corrosion, waterproofing, roof1
marconyteam.nlYour bathroom is a personal oasis, a place to relax after a long day. We make sure that your bathroom is the perfect mix of comfort and luxury. Whether you're looking for a complete renovation or just specific updates, such as new tiles…renovation specific, specific updaterenovation, painting, kitchen, bathroom, craftsmanship1
bureautwist.nl…between the countries, Sara managed to help strengthen the team spirit with her creative ideas, focusing on specific elements in her assignments. I am time after time surprised abut her dynamic approach and how she allows her…idea specific, specific elementconnection, conversation, session, engagement, relationship1
changeleiden.nlSanne is a PhD student at CHANGE Leiden. She examines social-cognitive processes and underlying neurobiology of children, with a specific focus on persistently peer victimized children.child specific, specific focusbrain, collaboration, researcher, psychopathology, lab1
huysermoller.nlWe select our cocoa beans and products on the basis of our customers’ specific requirements, taking into account the way in which the cocoa is processed and the certification required.customer specific, specific requirementscocoa, bean, butter, origin, powder1
mahasp.nlTemperatures in Holland and specific Zoetermeer were higher than 30 °C today. As I try to run now and then and the last time had been last Tuesday, I had to run today. This afternoon I would be going to my car dealer in Rotterdam to get…holland specific, specific zoetermeerleave, archive, universe, mysterious, soccer1
improvedservices.nlThe corporate philosophy was to not only involve in revising rotating equipment - whereby bearings, lip seals, specific spare parts and mechanical seals were replaced - but to also engage with advising and application of modifications in…seal specific, specific spareimprove, profile, processing, paper, seal1
buikdansschooldenhaag.nlLike to learn Bellydance one on one? In need of some help with a performance or a specific topic you want to work on? You can also book me for private classes. Contact me using the application form .performance specific, specific topicbellydance, hague, dance, trial, advanced1
eftpraktijkactrom.nl…’ Also, even the ‘inventor’ of this combination of two existing techniques, points out that you need to revisit a specific event more than once. You shouldn’t have to do this as a standard approach because applying the EFT procedure…technique specific, specific eventemotional, technique, freedom, official, craig1
foodandfuture.nlAre you a teacher or student and are you interested in a guest lecture? Our team has experience with all kinds of contents. We always take specific wishes into account. Contact us via the contact form below if you are interested.content specific, specific wishlecture, cooking, climate, walk, recipe1
moniabellydance.nlFirst Aid, Aerobics Instructor Steps, Zumba Instructor , Instructor Sport walking , Spinning Instructor, many specific dance- and movement workshops to catch up as a dancer & teacher.instructor specific, specific movementbellydance, dance, gymnastics, movement, dancer1
international-risk-mitigation-services.nlAll underlying non-shared and non-disclosed information on which all contributions are based is restricted and sensitive and NOT reported on this OSINT platform. This does not apply to the specific named open sources.platform specific, specific openmitigation, risk, intelligence, investigative, crime1
simstudio-ic.nlA pleasant living and working environment include outdoor spaces with different functions. Either it is the way to the entrance of an office or home or a place or to recreate the wind climate must be such that it is acceptable for that…acceptable specific, specific activitysimulation, advanced, climate, generation, fire1
bunnikcreations.nlWhat we do is listen, design, advise and take care of things. Literally everything is possible with us in the field of decoration. This is why you will only find product groups on our website rather than specific products.website specific, specific productcreation, supplier, logistics, origin, inspiration1
simonplantinga.nl…and how this is derived straight from spirals using the Fibonacci sequence (including Egyptian gods, Chinese dragons and ‘Cosmic creation principles’). The Divine 9 tuning is supposed to use this number to give it it’s specific properties.number specific, specific propertyprogramming, divine, chord, hacking, mathematics1
luchtenleefomgeving.nlbased on specific knowledge and experience of local air quality and odor nuisancereference, profile, environmental, request, healthy1
imoto.nlWe offer a complete connected hardware portfolio. Each hardware variant with its own, unique characteristics to comply with the demands of a specific asset or business.demand specific, specific assetmobility, vehicle, asset, mile, efficiency1
kccorporatefinance.nlOur contribution is finding the very best new home for capital assets: private companies or specific business activities of our clients. A process that always involves competition but should never be a zero sum game for the parties…company specific, specific businessstrategic, independent, capitalism, relationship, competition1
missionatc.nlA great tool to support our training is the Elite S812 Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD). It offers great possibilities for specific scenarios, based on your training need. An affordable option for brush up training, advanced…possibility specific, specific scenario, group specific, specific topicflight, prof, trial, prefer, advanced1
you-source.nlSeeing is believing, we like to show what we got as often as we can. We iterate quick and often. After every development cycle we have a demo, sometimes only internal but most often you will be included. We will ask you for specific…internal specific, specific feedbackdevelop, highly, prepare, maintainable, spatial1
studionrgy.nlRefers to your essence, that magical part that gives life. Without specific religious meaning, you could also say: God within yourself.life specific, specific religiousawaken, session, inn, cosmic, growth1
abcofblood.nlWe complement our range of standard analytical services with the development and validation of custom assays and “fit-for-purpose” experimental design to address your specific challenges. We love a challenge: from drug tolerance to…design specific, specific challengeblood, answer, immune, cell, analytical1
beerensgroup.nl…logistics and all the services required to provide total support in the development and rollout of your formula. Including extensive client-specific stock, so that we can immediately implement your plans if time is of the essence.client specific, specific stockinterior, scalable, shelve, ship, yacht1
thestartupgame.nlThe Game will guide you from creation to realisation using the stages in the SixWaypoints framework : Define, Discover, Design, Develop, Deliver and Drive! Each Waypoint has it’s own specific focus and result, they are the logical order…waypoint specific, specific focusconversation, valuable, reference, structure, naar1
bps.nl…of the solutions offered. The products we have in our portfolio are used worldwide by small and large organizations. This enables us to offer a high-quality solution for your own specific situation at a favorable price / performance ratio.solution specific, specific situationworkforce, compliance, supplier, employee, separate1
eurorail.nlEurorail BV advises on, supplies and installs various types of steel subways to improve the wet or dry infrastructure. For example, bicycle tunnels, traffic tunnels, wildlife crossings, silos or culverts. Every task is tailored to…task specific, specific requirementsbarrier, noise, situation, reliable, protection1
shiftinsert.nl…what your are doing . Of course auditing can be done in the database systems, but in that case you’ll often miss specific information such as user ID’s, company names, ip numbers and so on. In other projects a detailed log of our…case specific, specific informationwil, ip, january, entity, august1
vinwine.nlWhether you are looking to enhance your boutique’s ambiance with a selection of fine wines or seeking exclusive gifts for your customers, our collection offers a variety of choices to meet your specific requirements. A bottle of…choice specific, specific requirementswine, luxury, selection, exceptional, offering1
goodreputations.nlVarious trends, such as product homogeneity, globalization, and digitalization force organizations to effectively manage their core identity: the set of specific characteristics which makes it unique and which is relevant to its…set specific, specific characteristicsidentity, strategic, competitive, appeal, reputation1
vaneeuwen.nlLooking for specifics about my company? You’re just a click away from all the details – company info, terms and conditions, and our privacy policy are all neatly tucked away right here .intriguing, wilderness, deeply, entrepreneur, transition1
powersnus.nlWe know that keeping stock and perhaps even more specific stock with an expiration date for ecommerce entrepreneurs is a challenge. That is why we offer online merchants 2 options. The first is to use our Dropshipment option. The…stock specific, specific stockvisible, cold, ecommerce, blueberry, melon1
svenmeeder.nlThe prefaces to canonical collections, one could argue, communicate the ‘smaller hopes’ of the compilers, i.e. the aims which they hope their specific collection serves to accomplish, but also refer to that ‘bigger hope’, the one…aim specific, specific collectionirish, early, law, gall, medieval1
rum.nl…on the island of Java. The difference lies in the use of local red rice which is added to the molasses. The yeast then kick starts the fermentation process. We offer expertise on the use of Batavia Arrack for specific products and markets.arrack specific, specific productblend, supplier, worldwide, sustainability, cask1
ecovalue.nlThe Overview Effect is both her inspiration and way of working. Zooming in on specific issues, and out again to see the bigger picture.way specific, specific issueplanet, january, overview, earth, capital1
motoadonis.nlAt Moto Adonis, we specialize in creating tailor-made motorcycles that are uniquely designed and built to meet your specific requirements.uniquely specific, specific requirementsmoto, motorcycle, bike, repair, scrambler1
peersupportnow.nlThere are several organizations that offer peer support. Peer support has different forms: one-on-one conversations, national meetings and workshops for everyone living with HIV and activities for specific target groups, such as women's…activity specific, specific targetpositive, conversation, gorgeous, talk, treatment1
trimension.nlTrimension provides advice and support in order to increase the resilience of your (crisis) organisation. We help with making plans and we provide courses, training programmes, practice sessions and evaluations. We take your specific…evaluation specific, specific preconditionresilience, evaluation, session, programme, motivate1
mooiwerktjerk.nl…costs for equipment issues that are not a result of misuse or neglect will typically be covered by our business. Please refer to our rental agreement for specific terms and conditions regarding equipment breakdowns and maintenance.agreement specific, specific termrental, description, period, inventory, availability1
sellacq-holland.nlA complete concept with wax blends, machines, tools and technical support tailored to your specific application.technical specific, specific applicationindustrial, candle, soap, supply, possibility1
runnersmeetingpoint.nlThe technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a…use specific, specific servicepurpose, storage, subscriber, legitimate, transmission1
intenzhealth.nlSelecting and incorporating targeted supplements can help fill nutritional gaps, support specific bodily functions, enhance cognitive performance, improve energy levels, and promote overall vitality.gap specific, specific bodilyspain, mental, physical, exercise, sense1
datasciencestudent.nlStudents can be a great addition to your Data Science department. Whether you want to kick-start a new A.I. project for which specific knowledge is required, or just relieve the workload of your experienced data scientists: hiring…project specific, specific knowledgebright, flexible, salary, eager, motivate1
gkbusiness.nlWhether it concerns making your home more sustainable or optimizing your business premises, we offer a wide range of solar panel installations that meet your specific needs. Our expert teams will guide you through every step of the…installation specific, specific needrenovation, alteration, maintenance, premise, estate1
social-enterprise.nlTogether with its partners and a network full of experts and coaches, Social Enterprise NL offers its members direct support services in specific areas such as access to finance, impact measurement, positioning and marketing, sales and…service specific, specific areaenterprise, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, government1
castlab.nlOur solution services the specific and growing demand for (urgent) replacement parts to be produced 100% in line with specifications. We produce on-demand, so no minimum order quantities apply.solution specific, specific demandcast, demand, metal, greatly, digitization1
studioandrea.nlIf you are interested in specific treatment, would like to revitalise, or just looking for a moment of relaxation, look no further.interested specific, specific treatmenttreatment, skin, nail, facial, foot1
fysiosportive.nlMuscle recovery, tissue regeneration, stress management, flexibility, improved circulation and relaxation. These are some of the benefits of physiotherapy. Our physiotherapists provide custom-tailored treatment to specific problem areas.treatment specific, specific problemsit, amet, dolor, sodales, ipsum1
urinome.nl…Importantly, the vesicles protect the RNA from degradation. Since diseased cells (including cancer cells) express specific RNAs (such as the TMPRSS2-ERG or mutated FGFR3 transcripts), presence and status of disease can be measured by RNA…cell specific, specific rnacell, rna, description, funding, publication1
imgbv.nlWe sell our vehicles through approximately 600 dealers in various countries in Western Europe. Over the years, IMG has built up a diverse brand portfolio. Each brand has its own identity with specific end-users.identity specific, specific endmobility, vehicle, importer, motorcycle, wheel1
flex-employment.nlDepending on the sort of work for which you need temporary workers, we select the fitting candidates. These can be educated craftsmen with specific knowledge and experienced, or laborers who can be deployed for tasks which do not always…craftsman specific, specific knowledgeemployment, temporary, housing, packaging, worker1
psychotherapieamstelveen.nlWe offer various types of therapy, for instance: individual psychotherapy, couple therapy and family therapy. We also offer specific group therapy, for example social skills groups, or study anxiety groups.therapy specific, specific grouptherapy, psychotherapy, therapist, mental, specialise1
opleidinglogopedie.nl…was adopted for those roles. These are the essential and defining activities that are carried out within a specific role. Important sources were the Professional Profile of Speech Therapists (NVLF, 2013) and the profiles for…activity specific, specific rolespeech, profile, apply, educational, therapy1
laps-rietveld.nl…in regard to art, design and the public domain, and on the other hand on practical problems in relation to specific situations. LAPS, Research Institute for Art and Public Space works for commissioners that vary from public…relation specific, specific situationinstitute, publication, archive, domain, disclosure1
le-memory.nlWe use this to activate “unconscious learning of foreign languages” supplemented with specific reflection moments via Kahoot.language specific, specific reflectionmemory, minimal, foreign, add, round1
hotelvermeer.nlWe are pleased to offer private dinners that can be tailored to meet your specific requests.dinner specific, specific requestdinner, wedding, facility, apartment, topic1
opple.nlAre you looking for more specific information about our products? Check the download center and tools section.luminaire, lighting, panel, ceiling1
emiliebekink.nlMy intention is for you to come in contact with your inner wisdom and light. I would like to help you focus on your inner strength, and what fulfills you. What are the hidden messages in the symptoms your body is revealing to you? Why are…certain specific, specific situationspiritual, holistic, inn, symptom, strength1
flarit.nlSoftware developer Communications & consultancy company 'De Selectie' has asked Ralf as a backend software developer to develop a mobile app (Proof of Concept) called Scout. This mobile app collects the opinion from users to specific…user specific, specific brandregion, profile, ability, oct, api1
bureaubaarda.nlTherefore, model Baarda describes eight universal roles corresponding to a company-specific, market-based salary band. This provides the organisation with a clear language that enables a conversation about added value, personal growth and…company specific, specific marketemployee, transparent, remuneration, salary, fairly1
joppevanberkum.nlImprovement requires specific competencies, a clear approach and supporting leadership. With these in place, continuous improvement can become part of the organization’s culture – part of its very DNA.improvement specific, specific competencyconsulting, improvement, renewal, continuous, reference1
vrouwenbelangen.nlCountry specific advocacy initiatives for ensuring that gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and their human rights are central in national strategies, tools and instruments for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for…country specific, specific advocacywoman, peace, nation, commission, conference1
dutchdredgingsimulators.nlThe three parties jointly operate under the name “Dutch Dredging Simulators”. Each company has its specific expertise. MSA-Service is a well-known automation & control company supplying equipment for dredgers and offshore wind equipment…company specific, specific expertisedredging, simulation, portable, realistic, limit1
1voudig.nlAt 1Voudig Revalidatie- & Adaptatietechniek you will mostly find products and examples of adaptations for Activities of Daily Living (ADL). We're also a good starting point for any customer specific product adaptations.customer specific, specific productaid, wheelchair, adaptation, transfer, usage1
jancardan.nl…for more than 60 years. We use our experience and expertise every day to provide you with the best possible service. Do you have questions or are you looking for a solution to a specific problem? We will come up with appropriate advice.solution specific, specific problemstock, mean, vehicle, purchase, spare1
idjagency.nlat IDJ Agency we do not look at the specific kind of talent someone has. We believe that among other things, character and potential determine whether a talent can join our team. We want to accommodate our artists and give them the…agency specific, specific kindrich, clientele, webpage, vegetable, imprint1
tadasana.nlWith yoga therapy we look to more fully adapt yoga practice to support healing and wholeness in individuals to address problems with health in far more specific way then we do in general yoga practice.far specific, specific waytherapy, complaint, friday, tuesday, evening1
arjetborger.nl…young people (and their parents) are facing. I do believe that a slightly adapted version (not so Netherlands specific) will be adding a new, and valuable tool in the hands of Christians leaders who wants to guide parents responsibly…netherlands specific, specific newsexuality, religious, youth, naar, summary1
fasproject.nlFAS can reveal itself by a number of specific physical abnormalities. People with FAS have problems with controlling impulses, concentration, attention and they tend to have strong reactions to sensory stimuli. These symptoms are often…number specific, specific physicalfas, fact, pregnancy, awareness, consumption1
annem.nlBy capturing the essence of specific information and communicating it in a clear and accessible manner, I aim to make life easier for other people.essence specific, specific informationvisual, illustration, presentation, accessible, animation1
consilio-maastricht.nl…international clients. Entrepreneurs in need of assistance in cross-border business and cross-border workers with specific questions about living and working across borders find the right solution at Consilio Tax & Law. With the addition…worker specific, specific questiontax, entrepreneur, slide, law, cross1
natural-medicine-practice-elena.nlHow do I become happy | Webinar Ask yourself why you are not feeling well at the moment, why am I unhappy, in this specific situationunhappy specific, specific situationmedicine, holistic, appointment, treatment, psychotherapy1
dinosbiertaxi.nl…+31(0)6-1908 1754 which is available 24 hours. The delivery takes place from 20 minutes and above. If you have any specific wishes you can always ask us for more info. Also for delivery on the working floor or with celebration of a small…minute specific, specific wishwine, liquor, misc, slide, flavor1
exosfeer.nlWorking in your comfort zone while providing knowledge and skills to people requires several techniques. Knowledge and skills about a particular subject is of course a requirement to deliver a specific course or training. Not knowing how…requirement specific, specific courseinternal, competence, didactical, technique, methodology1
hempcare.nlThis full spectrum 10% CBD oil 10ml is enriched with specific terpenes from the CBD environment. This makes Hempcare CBD SPORT highly effective for sports enthusiasts.oil specific, specific terpeneoil, crystal, affordable, stock, raw1
uwkm.nl…investments on the world. The investment result in 2016 was just about 1,6 billion euros. UWKM developed an extensive state-of-the-art website according to specific guidelines of the AFM (Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets).website specific, specific guidelinesemployee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer1
scentstudio.nlThe term olfactory fatigue is the temporary inability to smell a specific scent because you are exposed to it for a while. You might recognize this situation. In the morning you are using your favorite perfume. Later that day, a colleague…inability specific, specific scent, gets specific, specific odorperfume, scent, exclusive, personality, wish1
grotezeilvaart.nl2. If If you you are are interested interested in in a a specific specific ship, ship, the the leaflet leaflet can can be be downloaded.interested specific, specific shipship, sail, cargo, naval, objective1
mindyourfinance.nl“Richard displays his commitment through his behavior and actions; he’s there for more than just his own area of responsibility and focuses on the entire company. He considers the environment in general and the team in specific, and is…team specific, specific shyspecialize, temporarily, implementation, manufacture, function1
vrhalen.nlLet people or objects tell their story. With voice-overs added to specific hotspots you can communicate more directly.over specific, specific hotspotdegree, monday, adventure, middle, normal1
bijzondereboekenbrigade.nl…moment, just like any other diary that is used to record things. Sometimes I knew I wanted to make a drawing about a specific topic such a job losses or the American presidential elections. Other times I’ve drawn whatever comes up for me.”draw specific, specific topicfish, diary, drawing, topic, seed1
kramerschroeven.nlCopy of screw data as may be desirable when multiple propellers. This means that the left and right turning screw after repair have same performance. Can also be programmed to any profile to specific needs.profile specific, specific needrepair, measurement, blade, vibration, accurate1
pragmaticall.nlWhile I’m still proud of my ability to make things work by tailoring it to a specific context, I must admit I find it less relevant than I did when I founded the company. These days, compassion, candor, trust and respect figure more…thing specific, specific contextcompassion, philosophy, proud, crucial, conversation1
energyclaim.nl…the implementation of the European laws in The Netherlands, and hindered the energy transition for 20 years. A specific group of companies specialized in energy savings is seeking compensation. These privately financed, independent…year specific, specific groupgovernment, commission, court, building, law1
jdtechniek.nlWe will look at your situation and the specific request of your company. In addition to sales, we can also take care of the installation, service and maintenance of your (newly) purchased pump, pump system, valve or other pipeline…situation specific, specific requestvalve, pump, repair, sustainability, maintenance1
partyvergadercentrumcothen.nlThere are lots of types of what is matched betting and they include football betting, horse racing, and cricket gambling. In case you have a keen interest in a specific sport then it would probably be a good idea to take a look at what`s…interest specific, specific sportlondon, gambling, cultural, essex, vibrant1
nextgenerationmachinery.nlNGM also develops customer-specific machines and drives. With our multidisciplinary engineering team, we can solve complex problems. A good example is an electric driveline being developed for a caterpillar tractor of the KNRM .customer specific, specific machinemachinery, generation, fossil, fuel, vehicle1
plantiac.nl…with Plantiac, Plantinga Cognac or Plantinga Beerenburg. Like any other fan page, it is not a commercial site. The logos were used without specific permission of anyone involved in the marketing, distribution or production of Plantiac.logo specific, specific permissionfluid, distillery, invoice, pilgrimage, recipe1
fairglanerbrug.nlSpiral separators, which are also called spiral concentrators, are gravity devices that separate minerals of different specific gravity according to their relative movement in response to gravity, centrifugal force and other forces in the…different specific, specific gravitycrusher, mining, machinery, stone, manufacturer1
xxtras.nlWhether you require a total “tailored” factory-to-foundation solution or just hire us for specific parts of the overall chain we always take the total picture into consideration and will advise and assist you where and when necessary or…solution specific, specific partexceptional, factory, chain, reliability, smooth1
gerbrandypad-energiekosten.nlInWarmte provides the settlement of service costs energy for Gerbrandypad 1-200 on behalf of the SSH (Stichting Studenten Huisvesting). InWarmte is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 70012393. The project specific bank…project specific, specific bankssh, frequently, settlement, charge, malfunction1
steendrukmuseum.nlplaying cards, labels, postcards, prints, caricatures and (satirical) magazines. In addition to the permanent collection, the Dutch Museum of Lithography regularly presents a new exhibition highlighting a special artist or a specific theme.artist specific, specific themelithography, visit, exhibition, stone, technique1
verloskundigenpuurbegin.nlEvery pregnancy is unique and we provide tailor-made care that is tailored to your specific needs and wishes.care specific, specific needmidwife, pregnancy, birth, ultrasound, consultation1
tvandijk.nlKnor implements FPI with freezing to solve symbolic parity games in a very specific format. How would symbolic FPJ do and possibly other symbolic algorithms?game specific, specific formatdecision, tangle, algorithm, binary, topic1
kdworkboats.nlWe collaborate closely with our clients to develop and manufacture custom-made vessels that meet customers’ specific requirements. Such services can include cutting patterns, building a hull or ensuring that a ship is ready to sail, in a…customer specific, specific requirementsworkboats, worker, maintenance, vessel, passionate1
healthyclimate.nlOur research platform is excellent for dashboarding data from multiple sensors, drawing up complex checklists, linking sensors as well as cameras for your specific research. We can also provide machine learning models and benchmarking.camera specific, specific researchclimate, healthy, farming, animal, emission1
codeculture.nlGoods. The website is an advanced extension of the iOS / Android apps that the company also offers. Apart from the basic information on Dangerous Goods themselves, users of the site can add business specific information to individual goods.business specific, specific informationmatter, dangerous, continuous, integration, css1
0033.nlThis webpage was generated by the domain owner using Sedo Domain Parking . Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers. Reference to any specific service or trade mark is not controlled by Sedo nor does it…reference specific, specific servicerental, domain, debt, insurance, investment1
supremenudge.nl…SUPREME NUDGE we expand a previous successful Dutch supermarket pricing strategy intervention, and incorporate promising elements such as nudging and ICT applications to provide real-time and context-specific physical activity feedback.context specific, specific physicalsupreme, package, background, publication, supermarket1
pharmquests.nlThe set-up of a supplement or cosmetics product line is not an easy task. A lot of specific knowledge is needed for the formulation of the supplements, but also knowledge about legislation of labelling and HACCP, is key. The co-workers of…lot specific, specific knowledgecosmetic, nutritional, enterprise, rule, sustainability1
imacreation.nlAssisting the Creative Strategy & Experience team in efforts specific to 5G. - Design and customization of new and old UI components according to market campaigns. - Create mood boards, concepts, characters, casting talents, photographer…effort specific, specific designgraphic, interaction, interactive, visual, colleague1
traptrading.nlCan’t find what you’re looking for or are you searching for a very specific piece that would really finish your interior?waste, table, trading, drawer, add1
aptab.nlAt Aptab, Oscar Appelman is specialized in the design, simulation, production and characterization of antennas. Multiple antennas have been designed and produced to meet the specific needs of customers and many tests and measurements have…antenna specific, specific needelectrical, measurement, antenna, consulting, rf1
clublaforet.nl…from one location to another over a significant distance. Unlike local movers who typically handle short-distance moves within a specific area or city, long-distance movers are equipped to handle moves across state lines or even overseas.move specific, specific areacover, weapon, distance, collapsible, defense1
euronordic.nlOur services encompass the distribution of your products across Europe, utilizing our advanced warehousing capabilities. We offer diverse storage solutions, including covered, open, and bulk storage, tailored to meet your specific needsstorage specific, specific needlogistics, zo, vacancy, chain, belgium1
dezwart-ict.nlYou can add enterprise branding elements and specify the visibility of tabs on Software Center. You can add your Software Center specific company name, set a Software Center configuration color theme, set a company logo, and set the…center specific, specific companydevice, configuration, release, profile, guard1
wolfcoffeerotterdam.nl…for the brew of the day at our counter. We regularly have Schot Koffie, Grounded Coffee, Ripsnorter, Man met Bril and Sprout on the shelf, not too shabby we might say. Selling the beans in the shop and grinding them for your specific use.shop specific, specific useroaster, organic, lover, specialty, bean1
10-xl.nl3D Printing is the best answer for ultrafast production of mission specific equipment. We can build complex prototypes, moulds for tooling and large functional parts.mission specific, specific equipmentrecycle, manufacture, functional, additive, mould1
kadv.nlTo enable business owners to do business without legal worries – that is our goal. Together with our clients, we form a complementary team with specific knowledge and skills. We protect your company and contribute to the success of your…team specific, specific knowledgelaw, lawyer, employment, insolvency, intellectual1
rikspieringhs.nlA color space is a specific organization of colors, it supports reproducible representations of color - whether analog or digital - when combined with color profiling supported by various physical devicesspace specific, specific organizationlighting, glare, cause, render, pbr1
osmanakin.nl…“Gateway” through the heavy use of contrasting colours and by portraying something that almost seems like it has a specific function. Lastly, “Swirl”,is linked to Investigative awareness because the depth only becomes clear when we shift…like specific, specific functionakin, painting, mental, awareness, sense1
rmsc.nlWe have been marketing communication contracters since 1989. We run campaigns to the specific needs of our clients who can depend on specialist knowledge and a small but dedicated account team that orchestrates and manages all parties…campaign specific, specific needcampaign, relationship, efficiency, dedicated, report1
neweconomynow.nl…Economy of Noord-Holland), Ineke Bussemaker (dean Hogeschool van Amsterdam), Marieke Blom (chief economist ING) and Herman Mulder (SDG Charter). Followed by multiple specific tracks, with parallel sessions and a joint ‘virtual drink’.multiple specific, specific trackeconomy, circular, session, discussion, panel1
liquimondo.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
bnbservice.nlIn addition, our specific pricing method ensures that you achieve an optimal occupancy rate. You can safely leave everything to us.addition specific, specific pricingtemporarily, booking, guest, schedule, money1
cloudbyte.nlThere comes a time that you as a administrator can get a request from the business to change the language of a specific or multiple mailboxes. This kind of request…language specific, specific multipleazure, exchange, directory, intune, registry1
rmes.nlWe invite interested persons to join our series of six seminars in 2024, to explore the power, potential, challenges, and ethics of digital ethnography as a lens. Each event in the series is a 90-minute session (hybrid format) that…format specific, specific topicphd, academic, lecture, ethnography, cultural1
veramathijssen.nlFunction forgetting form. Items know for a specific purpose are not recognized for the beauty they possess. Deemed “worthless” by those around me, I found they still contained an aesthetic value. I aimed to highlight these often…item specific, specific purposemultidisciplinary, fascination, playful, aesthetic, surreal1
qameleon.nlBuilding API connections that are customized on very specific needs is something we really enjoy doing. And on top of that, we can make it easy to understand - it's a win-win. But of course, the use of SSJS in Marketing Automation is much…connection specific, specific needautomation, amazing, campaign, capability, connection1
internationalmovers.nlVerify if the international mover you are checking is part of any moving association . Some of them requires their members to meet certain quality standards . Moving companies also need a specific permit to be able to move you. 2 steps to…company specific, specific permitmoney, united, obligation, exactly, australia1
axyla.nlDuxx was founded in 1998. Nowadays it provides customer-specific solutions on the basis of internet and database technology for various organizations. Duxx is also involved in initiatives related to mass customization.customer specific, specific solutiontailor, reasonable, study, woman, eastern1
tesucon.nlA specific Evacuator™ is designed per type of turbine in order to create the optimal type and numbers of escape routes.inspection, turbine, installation, statutory, analysis1
rnul.nlVideo installation in the Dutch Architectureinstitute NAi. The Dutch Architect Wiel Arets designed the interior of the main hall. The video-installation will play with the visitors, both in time and the specific space. In collaboration…time specific, specific spaceinteractive, visitor, installation, exhibition, collaboration1
patmo.nlWe represents a pragmatic approach of architecture. Each task requires a specific approach, starting with a search and analysis of current and future needs. In this search the client plays an important role in achieving new ideas…task specific, specific approachhague, apartment, architecture, assistance, indonesia1
dukefilm.nl…worked for advertising agencies as well as production companies my network varies from creative, to directors. But also from camera- to catering crew. This makes me able to assemble a specialized crew tailored to the specific job at hand.crew specific, specific jobdirectly, fluent, extensive, advertising, campaign1
releaselaserclinic.nlA 30- or 60-minute facial treatment aimed at skin improvement and results or a specific zone or condition that needs extra attention.result specific, specific zonehair, removal, skin, treatment, hague1
joesflow.nlFeel free to send me an email or whatsapp message with your request. Based on that, we can then schedule a call if you like. This way we can further discuss your specific wishes and also get to know each other a little bit better.way specific, specific wishfavorite, consciousness, animation, creation, visual1
ifpgroningen.nl…for your company in this fast-growing economy. The research is tailor-made and therefore we will conduct company-specific opportunities for your business. Depending on your wishes, we can for example investigate market entry…company specific, specific opportunitystudy, association, fsg, advisory, interested1
marijnvankreij.nlSentences found in my notebooks in a specific order (Summer 2022). Words of wisdom by Sister Corita Kent, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Soetsu Yanagi (translation: Bernard Leach), Anni Albers, Lao Tzu (translation: Ursula K. Le Guin), Oblique…notebook specific, specific orderdocumentation, exhibition, publication, saturday, friday1
dutchpetproducts.nlAvailable in various materials and packaging shapes. In addition, our MAP packaging types are assembled according to your specific needs, based on gas mixtures, feed and measurements.type specific, specific needpackaging, animal, bag, seal, shape1
3ldn.nlThese are the basic dependencies required for a Spring Boot webapp. The Spring Boot dependency takes care of the Spring Boot specific stuff. The Spring Web and Spring Web MVC are used to add the functionality for a basic RESTful webapp.boot specific, specific stuffconfiguration, dependency, february, default, note1
xlead.nlYou have a professional working knowledge of English ; (professional working knowledge of Dutch is not required but can be an asset for specific partners)asset specific, specific partnerprogramme, meaningful, innovator, society, true1
manjakindt.nlOn our journey through Oldambt, the earth of each chosen place is approached in a specific way, and demarcated with red and white cordon tape. This territory is minutely explored. All minuscule exciting poëtic, intriguing moments are…place specific, specific wayinstallation, visual, matter, venture, earthly1
langlevedeliefde.nlBelow you can find the video's that belong to the lessons of Lang Leve de Liefde. Each video belongs to a specific lesson.video specific, specific lessonlesson, relationship, sexuality, pack, teach1
biertaxiamsterdam.nl…prices. You are at the right place for different kinds of beer, white wine, red wine and booze. In the mood for a specific kind of white wine? We recommend the Chapel Hill Sauvignon Blanc. As a beer delivery service we also deliver a widemood specific, specific kindadd, liquor, wine, soft, tobacco1
waterland.co.nlAs an organized partnership, we serve the interest of our clients with our explicit focus on the long-term. Moreover, Waterland is less affected by external factors that characterize the specific (short-term) nature of the financial…factor specific, specific shortinvestment, asset, wealth, advisor, advisory1
circleofavalon.nlCircle of Avalon offers this kind of support to the seeker through the rich traditions of the Kabbalah, the wisdom of the Round Table and the mystical teachings of Christ. Besides being a mode of training and movement, this school has a…school specific, specific formcircle, soul, table, round, wisdom1
trainplus.nlYour goals may vary from improving your mental and physical strength to increasing your flexibility and agility. Or maybe you want to lose weight or rehabilitate after an illness or injury or perhaps you want to improve your sports…sport specific, specific performanceexclusive, investment, healthy, luxury, worth1
betterminds.nl…collaborated with various insurance providers. This means that 62 to 100 percent of the costs for our services are covered by insurance plans. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to confirm the specifics of your coverage.provider specific, specific coveragepsychologist, expat, therapist, psychotherapy, prefer1
tuinhofts.nlMoreover, we understand that every business is unique, which is why we provide customized wear and spare parts tailored to your specific needs. Our team has in-depth knowledge of regulations and legislation, enabling us to assist you in…part specific, specific needinspection, examination, refurbishment, mandatory, operation1
reden.nlWe deliver the tools you need to tackle your innovation challenge. Deliverables may vary according to your specific needs, ranging from a feasible product design, a conceptual model, a feasibility study or FMU, to a digital twin or a…deliverables specific, specific needsense, simulation, modelling, practical, introduction1
startfest.nlThe StartPoint is the place to kick off your visit to StartFest. You can go there with all your questions about work or education. Guides are ready to assist you on your journey. Whether you want information about a specific profession or…information specific, specific professionnorth, vibrant, educator, possibility, employment1
egateweb.nlAt eGateweb, we are a specialized agency dedicated to crafting exceptional websites and mobile applications. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we deliver tailored digital solutions that meet your specific business needs..solution specific, specific businessprogramming, framework, api, commitment, native1
platformservicelogistics.nlNeed to learn more about a specific subject? In this Platform Service Logistics one can search to find subject, project, organisation and even persons.logistics, maintenance, domain, spare, army1
skin-surgery.nlSkin specialist Naomi Sambo is a true all-round skin improvement specialist within Skin+Surgery Clinics. By listening carefully to your specific wishes and drawing up a personal treatment plan together, she helps you get to the most…carefully specific, specific wishsurgery, skin, treatment, cosmetic, eyelid1
thestudycorner.nl"I enjoy the course a lot and feel well supported throughout. The feedback on my writing is specific and applicable and English has become the subject I am least worried about as I feel like I am being guided well and with a clear plan of…write specific, specific applicablestudy, corner, tutoring, lesson, hague1
optimaweb.nlAmong the many reasons to choose Odoo for your business is the flexibility to tailor the software to your specific needs.software specific, specific needtitle, ecommerce, implementation, optimal, accounting1
medisigntudelft.nl…for dissection, interviewed numerous doctors and nurses for a project on patient transportation and studied specific areas of a hospital environment. Opportunities for interesting projects are endless and depend largely on the…transportation specific, specific area, skills specific, specific attentionindustrial, healthcare, ergonomic, phd, candidate1
premiertaaltraining.nlImprove your academic writing and learn how to give more efficient and effective feedback to PhD students and researchers on collaborative articles. Learn how to pinpoint specific problems in a text and let the students correct their own…article specific, specific problemacademic, write, proposal, paper, grant1
aceconsulting.nl…engages with the client and leverages its knowledge, in order to reach the best solution for the client through a personal and innovative solution. We are independent thinkers offering a mix of specific knowledge and technical expertise.mix specific, specific knowledgeregulatory, risk, consulting, compliance, report1
biltwonenzorgenonderwijs.nlmatters. We combine our specialized knowledge and experience on real estate and have a profound knowledge of sector specific law and regulations applying to housing corporations, care centers and educational institutions . This enables us…sector specific, specific lawhousing, estate, specialize, institution, corporation1
bedbugmattress.nlServing the hospitality market for several decades and understanding the specific needs of our customers, create synergy in finding the best solutions for our customers is our added value, whether you are a hotelier, cruise liner…decade specific, specific needsupply, hospitality, hospital, mattress, cabin1
cncdrifter.nlBecause the melted filament close to the wall, lesser or not mix with the others for a specific colour mixless specific, specific colourgear, extruder, axis, wil, force1
skillfuel.nlThrough the course of a month your employees are subjected to a personalized learning track in order to gain the skillset specific to your company.skillset specific, specific companyworkforce, employee, skillset, ahead, competition1
interpersonalcommunication.nlAll discussions are based on the Funnel of Coaching® - our specific coaching approach that underlies optimum interactivity.coaching specific, specific coachingexecutive, interpersonal, institute, awareness, facilitation1
bofram.nl…aspects the customer might not have thought about, like fuel savings, sound reduction, and ergonomics. This way, Bofram delivers high-quality solutions that meet the specific requirements of the customer and makes sure they are satisfied!solution specific, specific requirementsmaintenance, repair, hydraulic, hose, pump1
wietolie.nlIn addition, we regularly write a blog about a specific sub-topic related to cannabis oil.blog specific, specific suboil, hemp, raw, soluble, edible1
firsthr.nlsupport with specific Human Resource strategical, tactical or operational questions;support specific, specific humanresource, publisher, healthcare, scale, merger1
uppbv.nlUPP B.V. has been activated to anticipate on opportunities in the market that do not fit within UPPE's day-to-day operations. UPP carries out projects based on a customer's demand or a situation in the market. UPP then develops a specific…upp specific, specific applicationultimate, partners, promotion, operation, completely1
quibus-media.nlQuibus Media boosts your equestrian business. From design to execution, we craft your branding, website, and corporate communications (such as presentations, exhibition materials, and factsheets). Additionally, we specialize in…equestrian specific, specific itemrate, equestrian, entrepreneur, exhibition, engine1
indent.nl…is focused predominately on product improvement. Thanks to their flexibility, companies can respond quickly to the specific needs of their clients. Not only dentists and specialists, but dental laboratories are also supplied by Indent…quickly specific, specific needdental, association, trade, regard, voor1
bysvetlana.nlI think that it’s important to be good to my clients and the environment. That is why I only work with natural skin care products. All the products are goal-specific and luxurious, and contain no parabens or added perfumes. If you are so…goal specific, specific luxurioustreatment, facial, skin, metabolism, circulation1
consilium-optimal.nlOur ongoing project aims to create a robust intra-day forecasting model for specific events. We conduct thorough research to enhance its accuracy and reliability. Our team actively refines the model, incorporating the latest advancements…model specific, specific eventoptimal, vacancy, forecasting, naar, valuable1
misineuropsy.nlDo you have questions about a specific treatment or do you want to make an appointment? Please do not hesitate to contact us. To sign up with MiSi NeuroPsy, please go here .question specific, specific treatmentinsure, diagnostic, therapy, wait1
smetparatbc.nlThe Anti-para box consists of 8 small LED lights which light up 23 times a day. Due to a specific combination of frequencies is the box able to eliminate the paratuberculosis-causing bacteria within the cow, goat, sheep and the cowshed…day specific, specific combinationcow, farmer, elimination, sharp, healthy1
sadh.nlWe had the honor to talk to Kevin Kelly – about his newest book “The Inevitable”, in which he outlines twelve trends that will force their ways on us. Although he allows a lot of room for the specific forms they will take.room specific, specific formedge, episode, inevitable, topic, honor1
mindtherapy.nl…of possibilities. The use of AR-glasses can be an option for treatment of patients with decreased attention for a specific side of a room, who cannot execute the steps of an activity in a correct manner, or who are obstructed in finding…attention specific, specific roomtherapist, patient, scientific, background, glass1
oshea.nl…group or have private lessons. In a group you are part of a group who will provide plenty of laughter and feedback as you trek through tenses and tons of vocabulary. In individual classes you can focus more on your specific language needs.class specific, specific languageshea, exam, pricing, face, conversation1
kubogroup.nlKUBO Smart Growing continuously keeps track of your horticultural activities, both on location and remotely. We support you with expert advice that meets your specific needs and the local conditions, wherever you are.advice specific, specific needgreenhouse, grow, turn, manufacture, contracting1
sjaaklaan.nlThe chapter on Purchasing Infrastructure and Services has been removed as it was too general and not specific to infrastructure. The chapter was mandatory for the IS 2010.4 syllabus, but has been removed from the IS 2020.3 syllabus.general specific, specific infrastructureinfrastructure, architecture, quantum, computing, chapter1
housekeepingamsterdam.nlAs housekeeper you respond promptly to requests from guests, based on their specific needs. Clean the rooms for the stay of the guests to make them feel comfortable again once they return. Clean the rooms for new arriving guests to ensure…guest specific, specific needhousekeeper, tomorrow, motivate, guest, inspirational1
karenwalthuis.nlThe coach with the investigator attitude starts at the beginning and asks specific questions about the coachee and their coaching question. The investigator makes a huge effort to get to know their situation, background and personality.begin specific, specific questionattitude, supervision, relationship, interesting, connection1
imbu.nlWe have worked with Imbu for years - they are reliable, cost-conscious, creative, and have a good understanding of our specific technical and commercial requirements. - Jason Green, President at GFS Corp.understand specific, specific technicaltypical, remote, partnership, operation, condition1
matchplan.nlOur mission: we want to be the most recommended player in the field of Corporate Finance within the medium sized- and family business. In order to excel in this, we focus on specific sectors.order specific, specific sectoracquisition, merger, valuation, reference, entrepreneur1
theremin.nl…are. There are no fixed locations for the notes. No 'middle-C' as with a keyboard, with all the keys triggering a specific pitch, or finger positions as with a wind or string instrument. The only way to play the theremin is by listening…key specific, specific pitchteacher, antenna, tone, position, note1
oxin-growers.nl…concepts if required. For own brands or its customers’ brands. This covers custom-made packaging, or concepts that offer specific varieties, colours or flavours. We have the expertise and experience to make a difference together with you.concept specific, specific varietygrower, pepper, tomato, pear, cucumber1
nilg.nlLegal scholars are challenged in several ways to broaden their horizons and study more than just a specific field of law. As law functions in a rich societal context, taking a law and governance approach to legal research encourages doing…horizon specific, specific fieldlaw, conference, annual, phd, institute1
gitaarupgrade.nlIf the specific guitar component you want isn't on our platform, don't hesitate to inform us – there's a good chance we can order it from our manufacturers. In essence, let's embark on a journey to elevate your already magnificent guitar…guitar, screw, add, leave, bass1
medszo.nlCultivating long-standing relationships with our partners we are always seeking for in license opportunities of medicinal products that meet the specific needs of our patients on our main markets. Medszo has a very strong presence and…product specific, specific needhealthy, motivation, force, medicine, device1
baslippens.nlRemia has asked Bas to manage our important Retail accounts ad interim, for a period of 9 months. Bas picked up the specific knowledge very quickly and did an excellent job. He was a good fit for the team and within a month it seemed like…bas specific, specific knowledgequickly, interest, gap, employee, assignment1
tielemansgroentekwekerij.nlhave got to do or want attain on a calendar. In your calendar is often a gamble for anyone who is putting a little tasks on your calendar absolutely aren’t schedule-specific. You’re skewing your experience of actual, available free a while.schedule specific, specific experienceuncategorized, player, january, gambling, february1
interartists.nlWe search for the artist’s individual needs and ambitions on stage and in the recording studio, so they can excel in their specific repertoire.studio specific, specific repertoireconductor, instrumental, successful, renowned, variety1
wavetable.nlIf you feel there is something missing, like a specific midi track, a MIDI device or even a whole section, just let me know by using the contact form and I will see if it’s possible to implement your suggestion. Also, since it is…like specific, specific midirecording, section, inventory, comparison, classical1
pfitzer.nlWe have an extensive range of the best cut flowers, hand-tied bouquets and garden, indoor and pot plants. Direct from our regular quality growers all over the world and always perfectly tailored to your specific wishes.perfectly specific, specific wishtrade, ornamental, notch, logistics, limitless1
pamoja-communiceren.nl…therapy treatment through the Hanen® Parent Program ‘It takes two to talk’. We will work together to stimulate your child's language, just throughout the day. Together , we'll look at your specific needs and preferences to help your child.day specific, specific needparent, introduction, central, treatment, preference1
aki-acupunctuur.nlI then place wafer-thin sterile needles at special points in the body. By using so-called meridians and the specific action of certain acupuncture points, you will notice that you relax during the treatment. The needles are painless and…meridian specific, specific actionacupuncture, hague, balance, pain, treatment1
blijfgroep.nlHonour related violence . For help and advice on culture-specific or honourrelated violence we have a hotline Honour related violence. The employees of the hotline are specialized in recognizing the signals and risks of honour-related…culture specific, specific honourrelatedviolence, domestic, shelter, situation, facility1
cowhouse.nlWe are convinced that each barn requires a custom-made solution. We listen to your wishes and offer advice tailored to your specific situation. Short communication lines enable a rapid response and we value maintaining close, personal…advice specific, specific situationcow, barn, mattress, welfare, german1
momgmt.nl…including the implementation of DevOps practices and principles. Bringing agile and DevOps to life for teams across large programs or individual projects by tailoring programs to the business's specific needs and opportunities.business specific, specific needecommerce, transformation, expectations, relationship, rapidly1
sib-groningen.nl…management of the SIB and is supported by committees and project groups. Committees and project groups are bodies that have a specific task within the SIB, for example organising parties, lectures, conferences or our big SIB Trip.body specific, specific taskcommittee, conference, lecture, upcoming, sign1
pro6com.nlIn case of high workloads, we are happy to fall back on the assistance of external consultants who, in addition to their specific expertise in the field of instrumental safety devices, also have a clear affinity with other adjacent…addition specific, specific expertisereference, chemical, lifecycle, verification, efficient1
athenacheck.nl…our experienced thesis experts. All AthenaCheck editors have gone through an extensive selection procedure, so we can guarantee quality. Once you have submitted your thesis, we look for an editor with a specific affinity for your subject.editor specific, specific affinitythesis, plagiarism, reference, academic, base1
kuiperswoudsend.nlKuipers Woudsend also takes care of the procurement of all the materials and services needed for a specific project. Procurement can also take place against...service specific, specific projectdairy, stainless, steel, grade, road1
loketgezondleven.nlThe website contains both general programmes, like the Recognition System for health promotion interventions, and specific programmes for different settings, like Healthy School or Healthy Municipality. Furthermore the portal provides…intervention specific, specific programmehealthy, programme, promotion, topic, nutrition1
rabbitdesign.nlThis first model is not recognizable as any specific real vehicle. Unless you think of these fun off roaders you can just race with in the mud. This small vehicle features 6 wheels. The front and rear sets have rack and pinion steering…recognizable specific, specific realcurrency, instruction, technic, wheel, loader1
inspiratie-inc.nlA wide range of creative activities, such as specific weekly courses in the fields of visual art, music and theatre, as well as more project-based activities where we work together on a larger project (community art). There is also room…activity specific, specific weeklycooperative, citizen, participant, society, objective1
vera-2r.nlAccurate risk analysis of violent extremism is essential for the prevention of terrorist attacks and other forms of violent extremism. Regular risk assessment tools for individual violence have been found to be insufficiently relevant to…relevant specific, specific characteristics, extremism specific, specific guidelines, plan specificrisk, violent, assessment, specifically, terrorism1
tuser.nlLast step is to add some static routes. I am pretty sure the destination subnets in these routes are XS4ALL specific. The destination IP is the IP address of the Fritzbox. Where did i find these subnets then? Well i have IPTV running with…route specific, specific destinationaugust, exchange, iis, directory, uncategorized1
addit.nlThere are 15 specific market segments in which we are active. However, all market segments have the same basic thing in common – Precision Sheet Metal.device, know, want, metal, sheet1
golf-etc.nlI build your golf clubs with the utmost precision according to your specific wishes. Every club will feel the same. As a result, your game will be more consistent and you will have more fun with this fantastic sport.precision specific, specific wishetc, limited, appointment, blackout, ship1
bloemenoplocatie.nl…an unique guest experience. We believe that that “stage” should look great and be inviting. Wedding flowers are an unique instrument to elevate a wedding venue, create a specific atmosphere, warmth, freshness and add a personal touch.venue specific, specific atmosphereflower, wedding, op, venue, etc1
qeske.nlThis is a unique opportunity to engage in a 90-minute session with industry experts from ScalEUup. These sessions are tailored to offer personalized advice and solutions for the specific challenges your scale-up is facing.solution specific, specific challengeecosystem, session, scale, founder, competence1
agscholtes.nlHindquarter or striploin, on the bone or filleted. Showstopping rib-eyes that are perfectly on time for the summer season. Specific wishes? No problem!season specific, specific wishwholesale, butcher, artisanal, cut, target1
vanderharttimmerwerk.nlCreating beautiful, clean wooden garden projects is what I enjoy the most. You can hire me for producing the projects mentioned above, but I’m also available for other wooden projects such as fish tanks, window sills and specific…sill specific, specific carpentrywooden, tailor, conversation, reliable, skilled1
gebroedersniemeijer.nlOur current sourdough culture is eight and a half years old! We refresh it daily, keeping a portion of the old sourdough and adding fresh flour and water. In this way we maintain a specific and unique culture of natural yeast and…way specific, specific uniquebread, bakery, french, sourdough, pastry1
htc-tours.nlWe specialize in private Small Group Custom Guided Day Tours of specific Dutch regions in English. Our promise is to show you the essence of Holland with a vacation experience that you will remember for a lifetime!tour specific, specific dutchtulip, costume, vacation, region, town1
bibliasacra.nlnot necessary as much more information is available and is already being used (e.g. the STCN data). Only a few copies are analysed, and there is also less attention for specific copy-related characteristics, such as bindings and provenance.attention specific, specific copybible, bibliography, reproduction, copy, description1
schoenserviceheine.nlWe are skilled in everything, from a normal sole to specific or special repairs. If you would like to have your shoes repaired, come by: Our advice is always free!sole specific, specific specialshoe, sole, repair, skilled, normal1
bitcoindesign.nlOur Bitcoin bronze sculptures are made using the ‘lost wax method’. This technique is more than 6,000 years old. The casting process is labour-intensive and requires specific technical skills.intensive specific, specific technicalexclusive, creation, craftsmanship, artwork, handmade1
strattner.nlBK Medical brand ultrasound systems are present in many countries. They are used for general and specific procedures, with high technology for applications in urology, brachytherapy, laparoscopic surgery, point-of-care among others.general specific, specific proceduretechnological, device, hospital, differential, surgery1
vicoma.nlAre you responsible for a project in the food or pharmaceutical industry? Then you know how important hygiene and safety are in every process. Our experienced engineers know the do’s and don’ts, from general regulations to…product specific, specific requirementsbuilding, chemical, heavy, refinery1
regart.nlAs an early adopter, we offer you the opportunity to shape the application to your specific needsapplication specific, specific needregulatory, regulation, assessment, compliance, report1
asia-consulting.nlHis plan for the future is to place the specific knowledge acquired on Indonesia in the broader conceptual context of international relations. I trust he’ll do well in this field because he is able to detect fundamental trends amid a host…future specific, specific knowledgeasia, consulting, southeast, indonesia, society1
teknologi.nlWhen using Bicep modules for multiple projects or for diverse clients, an often straightforward approach is to define the modules centrally and replicating those modules in each repository. While this approach allows customization for…customization specific, specific solutiongithub, azure, proactive, registry, bicep1
luxspamassage.nlWe offer an array of diffrent types of treatments to cater to your specific preferences and requirements. To explore the options available, kindly refer to our Treatments page for more information.treatment specific, specific preferencetreatment, bliss, comfortable, powerful, vitality1
appliedai.nlI also execute workshops about Artificial Intelligence and how this applies to a specific domain (e.g. HR, Legal, Procurement etc) or sector (health care, banking, insurance, edcuation etc)intelligence specific, specific domainartificial, intelligence, summary, apply, implementation1
dijkstradewet.nl…way to go and that when curing is necessary, it should be done in the most effective way possible. We can help you to improve your dental health and achieve your goals by adapting our dental care to your specific needs and circumstances.care specific, specific needtooth, treatment, dental, dentist, appointment1
erasmusplus.nlIf you have any specific questions for the Dutch National Agencies Erasmus+, please contact us .funding, programme, abroad, publication, commission1
ekomi.nl…over 26 languages, and have offices throughout the US and Europe. We believe that, in order to adhere to the specific needs of our global clientele, we need to offer a universally applicable solution, and this philosophy drives our…order specific, specific needconversion, trust, rate, leader, authentic1
omariana.nlThe conference will be organized by Utrecht University, more specific by The ERC Advanced Project Beyond Sharia: The Role of Sufism in Shaping Islam .university specific, specific erctranslation, editor, chapter, philosophy, cover1
colorcontrol.nlWith a dedicated team of professional engineers, work preparation, product designers and factory workers that grew from one year to another, Color Control Services became one of the leading suppliers in Cluj-Napoca area in their specific…area specific, specific fieldsleeve, trustworthy, innovative, mainly, privately1
zeilklippernoordvaarder.nlAre you looking for an original team outing? We have the perfect team building arrangement! Do you want to relax for a weekend with friends or family? Noordvaarder Zeilreizen has the perfect package for that! But that is not all. We have…package specific, specific packagesail, ship, berth, outing, package1
werkplekchecklist.nlNeed more specific tips for your workplace at home? The ergonomist can help you with adjusting it by video calling.workplace, assessment, chair, healthy, table1
fablabwag.nlWe have extensive knowledge of digital design- and manufacturing principles, and we are happy to lend you a hand with prototyping. Our extensive network guarantees a good fit for your specific demands. We can give classes and courses – or…fit specific, specific demandarduino, prusa, cutter, manufacture, entrance1
elmarwouters.nl…in the morning to simulate a sunrise, while also adjusting the temperature and starting your coffee maker. You could also set your lights to change colors to match the mood of your music or create a specific ambiance for a movie night.music specific, specific ambianceaudience, overall, role, presentation, atmosphere1
jb-grijpers.nlWith the least effort you reach maximum closing power with hydraulic J&B Grabs. Three-dimensional design to meet your specific requirements.design specific, specific requirementsgrab, hydraulic, rope, perfectly, wire1
bushido-dojo.nlBen is also a level 2 instructor Kapap Krav Maga (קפ"פ). Kapap Krav Maga ( "Face to face combat") is a specific form of Israeli self-defense used by the Israeli special forces, police and anti-terrorist units.combat specific, specific formtechnique, opponent, weapon, fight, ben1
buysdb.nl…prediction prediction of of what what sets sets of of genes genes are are responsible responsible for for a a specific specific phenotypic phenotypic class. class. Complexity Complexity and and noise noise reduction reduction is is…responsible specific, specific phenotypicpresentation, logic, sandbox, simulation, leave1
enigma-solutions.nlWhether you need to redesign your current system or start from scratch, we have the expertise to help you. We can even create custom electronics to meet your specific needs, if a required solution cannot be realized using standard…electronic specific, specific needreverse, electronic, embed, requirements, vulnerability1
parapy.nlAutomatically analyze your design by interfacing to your in-house tools or the wealth of FEM and CFD tools that we support out-of-the-box. ParaPy provides all means to capture the logic to generate 1D, 2D and 3D meshes and assign all…solver specific, specific modelsimulation, parametric, rule, limited, library1
lymphomaresearchgroningen.nlIt is possible to detect Hodgkin lymphoma early by using a simple blood test. This test identifies highly elevated levels of the specific protein TARC, that is secreted by Hodgkin’s tumour cells. In fact, an increased amount of TARC…level specific, specific proteinlymphoma, phd, publication, presentation, february1
victorsanner.nlIn this blog post I will walk you through the steps required to deploy your Azure Function as a Docker container. In this case the function was dockerized in order to be able to use a specific ODBC driver.able specific, specific odbcazure, docker, function, api, instance1
empathieplus.nlIf you are a business that needs help optimising your talent pool, or restructuring your teams and departments, we can apply the Kolbe System ™ to address your specific needs and help you achieve your organisational objectives. [Learn more]system specific, specific needstrength, theory, couple, consultation, subscription1
q-tility.nl…it. Q-tility‘s strength is the unique combination of this extensive V&V knowledge with deep application domain specific knowledge of both parent organizations. This allows us to perform independent and objective V&V in virtually all…domain specific, specific knowledgevalidation, verification, simulation, risk, domain1
explosievenopsporing.nlThe main objective of the VEO is to promote the quality and safety of remediation of UXO. Further information about the specific activities of the VEO can be found elsewhere on this website. The VEO is the information hub for UXO and…information specific, specific activityuxo, detection, association, remediation, explosive1
recoverylab.nlThe Recovery LAB 8 Deluxe is Recovery LAB’s showpiece. The pneumatic compression system for the legs consists of no less than eight air chambers per leg, allowing for massage on specific parts of the legs. The device contains six…massage specific, specific partrecovery, lab, cuff, leg, cover1
englishdrivingschool.nlAre you looking for theory lessons for car, motor or moped? we will help you getting optimally prepared for the CBR. We aim for giving you specific subjects like how they are given at the CBR, so you know exactly what to expect.cbr specific, specific subjectlesson, theory, fear, exam, license1
greensonic.nlFrequency spectrum and pattern can be adjusted to match the specific acoustic requirements of an objectpattern specific, specific acousticfoul, introduction, emission, harmful, ultrasound1
demul.nlAccording to Huizinga’s Homo Ludens (1938), all cultural phenomena should be understood as play, since they follow specific rules. In this sense, playful culture is opposed to the seriousness of life. This even applies to war. Although…play specific, specific rulechapter, lecture, publication, academic, cultural1
0ne.nlWe continually evaluate and update our payment methods to offer the best possible options for our customers. Rest assured that we prioritize security and confidentiality during all transactions. If you have any specific payment-related…transaction specific, specific paymentdomain, buy, hide, valuation, payment1
jperry.nlWhile I don't designate a specific duration for an overnight date, mine normally begin with a dinner at (around) 7-8PM, and conclude with breakfast at (around) 7-9AM the next morning.february, january, dinner, august, companionship1
shantisagar.nlself-exploration. In this creative journey, we'll tap into deep wisdom, expanding our stories and possibilities. No specific talent required—just openness to experimentation. Discover and express new energies, explore your inner landscape…possibility specific, specific talentmask, evening, raw, circle, permaculture1
share-net.nl…for everyone to join, whether you're a newbie to a particular SRHR topic or if you're a seasoned expert. CoPs are convening spaces for members to expand their knowledge on specific topics and organise activities to address knowledge gaps.knowledge specific, specific topicnet, sexual, menstrual, resource, vacancy1
lucvisuals.nlDo you want your story or initiative clearly explained to your specific audience in a matter of minutes? See our pricing calculator for an online costs estimate, and feel free to contact us for a free proposal.clearly specific, specific audiencepricing, animation, illustration, motion, graphic1
novacropcontrol.nlWhen you send us samples, you will receive the results per e-mail on the first weekday after arrival of your samples at our laboratory. When we have target values for your crop, we present your results in bars. These bars are crop…crop specific, specific nutritionalanalysis, target, guide, invoicing, internal1
brain-tonic.nlAerobic exercise also promotes the release of specific chemical messengers called neurotransmitters . One of these is serotonin, which – when present at increased levels – is known to reduce depression and anxiety and improve mood .release specific, specific chemicalbrain, gpc, choline, study, cognitive1
instasolution.nlWe can assist you in business-specific IT solutions and services. Our proficient teambusiness specific, specific solutionenterprise, commerce, devops, customize, skilled1
ginoalthof.nlFurthermore, I create simulated environments tailored to specific scenarios. These controlled settings enable me to quickly gather data about human behaviour in theoretical scenarios. Through this comprehensive approach, I am able to…environment specific, specific scenariobehaviour, collective, analysis, praise, industrial1
leenecommunicatie.nlAre you looking for a specific member of our team? Call our general phone number: 0182 528596 .internal, reliability, external, wat, campaign1
liefcoaching.nlWorking with chronic conditions, neuro-immune disorders due to a virus infection, life stressors, or trauma. Together we deepen the tools, individualize the practices, work with specific experiences where you find yourself going into…practice specific, specific experiencegupta, protection, everyday, regulation, chronic1
sanderdings.nlThis is a school project I'm currently still working on. The concept is a simple Unity scene where you have a chat window that you can use to send messages to everyone, your party or to a specific person. The scene is also going to…party specific, specific personresponsibility, originally, fake, engine, unity1
fennel.nlFlexibility is at the core of our philosophy. We understand that each project is unique, which is why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and budget. Whether it's a last-minute edit, an immersive documentary, or engaging…service specific, specific needfennel, documentary, alive, captivate, promotional1
ld4dstudio.nlAnimating a minifig like the picture above has been possible for ages using an area of task specific LDraw tools. But thanks to LD4DStudio you now can have all the animation specific tools in one application.task specific, specific ldraw, animation specific, specific toolintroduction, animation, character, screen, postcard1
psychonomie.nl…to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its interaction with other cognitive systems. This specific project aims to advance our understanding of the mechanisms of fast, flexible linguistic inference by leveraging…system specific, specific projectcognitive, position, brain, interaction, leave1
idlewild.nlWe hope you have found all information needed to decide that the Masai Mara in Kenya is the perfect place for your next safari adventure. Still have questions? Or maybe you would like some more specific information about the different…maybe specific, specific informationcamp, accommodation, kenya, wildlife, epic1
hybrid-digital.nlWe understand that your business is distinctive. We carefully crafted our services to align with your specific business needs, offering a wide spectrum of marketing services.service specific, specific businessresource, extend, growth, remote, stack1
junocontent.nlFujitsu offers a wide range of professional and affordable scanners for any business environment. Be it either a small company in need of a simple scanner or a large corporation with more specific and complicated requirements, Fujitsu…corporation specific, specific complicatedfebruary, creation, expectations, requirements, corporation1
stofferbc.nlclosely with its partners, Stoffer Business Consultancy BV is able to provide tailored solutions that address their specific requirements and drive business growth. The company's results-driven approach ensures that its partners achieve…solution specific, specific requirementsrelationship, extensive, growth, exceptional, guidance1
bestronics.nlBeing able to anticipate specific wishes of customers, a market-orientated approach and a team of expert staff ensures we are and will be an interesting partner for current and future clients.able specific, specific wishtechnique, reference, smartgoals, intelligence, electronic1
snelstaal.nlOur customers are active in various industry sectors. Their specific questions, requirements and demands take centre stage in everything that we do and deliver. Thanks to our extensive network and decades of experience, we can optimally…sector specific, specific questionsteel, supplier, independent, raw, promise1
coldcasezaken.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
mr-nec.nl(x,g)/ (X*,G*):Observed / Optimized predicted context-sensitive application-domain specific data, information and knowledge flow graphs with performance attributesdomain specific, specific datanec, reinforcement, cognitive, novel, industrial1
ak-innovations.nl…best, and I strive to deliver innovative solutions that exceed their expectations. I work closely with my clients to understand their needs and preferences, ensuring that every product I design is tailored to their specific requirements.product specific, specific requirementsinnovative, vehicle, expectations, functional, innovate1
cyberflare.nl…and resources is the responsibility of every employee. CyberFlare is able to provide specialy designed workshops with specific content based on the most applicable threats and technologies for your organization to all your employees.workshop specific, specific contentsecure, awareness, increasingly, trust, vulnerability1
carbonleap.nlLook no further, as CarbonLeap is committed to guiding you through this journey. We will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and align them with appropriate sustainability solutions.closely specific, specific needcarbon, emission, chain, guidance, reduction1
discoveritaly.nlWork with you to understand your business specifics and your target audience to our marketing fully strategy. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.business specific, specific targetitaly, discover, soul, shark, catfish1
microtruss.nlIf a standard solution doesn't suit your needs, we can offer tailored solutions as well. Especially when you are looking for a specific application, we can help you. The development of aluminum construction with specific requirements are…especially specific, specific application, construction specific, specific requirementsproducer, constructor, promotional, genius, advertising1
securitycontrol.nlWe apply many years of ardour, expertise and experience to create solutions that suit specific situations, whether it involves the protection of people, sites, privacy or events. We fully understand that no threat is exactly the same…solution specific, specific situationprogramme, relevance, responsibility, highly, situation1
udeb.nlWe do what is needed and necessary and we look at options for your specific personal situation.option specific, specific personaladministration, vacancy, accounting, situation, agreement1
plezierintaal.nlJos is a very competent teacher, full of ideas on how to match the course to your personal needs and circumstances. She is encouraging, deepens the knowledge of the language with specific cultural peculiarities and offers a broad range of…language specific, specific culturallesson, cultural, exam, click, comfortable1
sankalpa-doula.nlDuring pregnancy you’ll gain detailed knowledge and learn techniques, such as birthing positions and breathing. We will also discuss various birth scenarios, how to navigate the medical system and your specific wishes and preferences…system specific, specific wishbirth, pregnancy, encapsulation, strength, parenthood1
haarie.nlThe Mesa FPGA card likely refers to a specific type of FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) card developed by Mesa Electronics....likely specific, specific typecycling, lenses, mechanic, electronic, fpga1
coffeeshopdolphins.nlWelcome to our FAQ section designed to help all visitors find the answers they’re looking for! As all the coffeeshops in Amsterdam, we have to follow specific laws, this is why we have made for you a list of the most common questions…amsterdam specific, specific lawadd, marijuana, flavor, rich, blend1
globalscape.nlEvery business has specific needs when it comes to secure file transfers. That’s why Globalscape offers the flexibility and features of EFT. Through EFT and EFT ARCUS we provide powerful versatile tools for automation, collaboration…business specific, specific needtransfer, file, scape, efficiency, collaboration1
taskforceqrs.nlFor groups it is also possible to sign up for an English spoken course. Ask the specific local organisation of Taskforce QRS for the possibilities through our contact page. Before or after the course, you can read more about…course specific, specific localsecondary, adult, victim, frequently, vacancy1
barentszen.nl…for your company can get your story across to individuals, groups, clients, or staff, inspiring and motivating them. Barentszen’s eight brands provide individual unique experiences for specific needs or collectively for grand discoveries.experience specific, specific needadventure, discover, strength, memory, staff1
novakeramiek.nlNova ceramic industry BV has proven its capabilities for an extensive range of clients in the Netherlands and abroad. We can deliver flower pots, dishes and vases in all colours and sizes. When you have specific wishes, please let us know.size specific, specific wishceramic, impression, pottery, colour, supplier1
deborahvanderschaaf.nlFor Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant (literary supplement), about the increase of books about mountains. (and their specific cover images).mountain specific, specific covercover, illustration, mountain, paper, adult1
luciens.nl…lunch or dinner, for a small or a large group? We can cater both day and evening for your needs. Whether formal or informal, Luciens provides a suitable setting for you. Do you have any specific requirements? We are happy to meet them.setting specific, specific requirementstraditional, flavor, delicious, dinner, dish1
manometric.nl“A patient specific brace from Manometric based on a 3D hand scan is unmatched.”patient specific, specific braceperfectly, appointment, career, hague, complaint1
excellentdutch.nl…is high as you might perceive it to be in advance, especially if you contact us to find a solution that fits your specific situation. New types of courses less expensive might also lower the obstacle, f.e. group-lessons online . See also…solution specific, specific situationconversational, pronunciation, ed, grammar, situation1
meteopower.nlMeteoGroup is the leading independent supplier of weather information to the European energy market. Trading floors and operational headquarters across Europe use our market leading MOS forecasts for accurate location specific data from 1…location specific, specific dataforecast, weather, america, northern, climate1
smartfrequencies.nlMain applications are: monitoring of biofilm formation, corrosion and the load degree of ion exchange resins. The sensors collect large amounts of case specific data and are very feasible for application in sensor fusion systems. An…case specific, specific datafrequency, antenna, principle, impedance, spectroscopy1
chinaplus.nl…we feel it is our responsibility to make the necessary arrangements for China easier and transparent. It is our mission that every applicant will match with a unique school with regards to specific additions based on their personal needs.regard specific, specific additionteacher, physical, kindergarten, cultural, vacancy1
blue21.nl…spaces which are economically viable and have a positive ecological impact. Floating can offer many solutions to specific localized issues where building on land is either not economically viable or simply not possible. Cities across thesolution specific, specific issueurban, climate, wave, october, present1
cefetrafeedservice.nlCefetra Feed Service is a one-stop-shop for the feed industry when it comes to specific commodities and specialties. Detailed product knowledge, logistical know-how and focus on New Business Development. This enables Cefetra Feed Service…industry specific, specific commodity, service specific, specific customerraw, supply, chain, supplier1
minecraftserverlijst.nl…based on on user user interactions, interactions, the the type type of of audience, audience, etc. etc. This This specific specific purpose purpose does does not not include include the the development development or or improvement…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, storage, device, duration, ip1
onstue.nlThe role of the University Council and other governance bodies should be made known to students consistently, not just during election periods. This ensures ongoing awareness beyond specific voting times.awareness specific, specific votecouncil, representative, candidate, population, staff1
innovational.nlWe are specialised in developing market strategies and also in selling and distributing a product. Based on the specific needs of a brand, we provide customised solutions in the form of a marketing, sales or distribution plan or a…product specific, specific needcooperation, intensive, combination, customised, distribution1
drs-simsolutions.nl99% of the tracks in the world are covered through a variety of software. Have specific track wishes? tell us and we will add them to your DRS simulatorsoftware specific, specific trackwish, charge, lifetime, warranty, instruction1
renouveau.nlReally, really amazing. Jennifer is incredibly skilled and her technique is simultaneously tender yet affective. She always takes into account if I have any specific wishes regarding certain areas of my body. I always leave with a relaxed…account specific, specific wishsession, incredibly, fully, skilled, therapist1
solico.nlOur primary focus is always the best design, which we can achieve as we are completely independent and have no relationship to any specific materials or production methods. Craftsmanship, enthusiasm, committed employees and more than 30…relationship specific, specific materialcomposite, maritime, industrial, architecture, defence1
nilsense.nlWe understand that each project is unique, and we tailor our services to suit your specific needs.service specific, specific needoffering, documentary, compelling, stunning, benefit1
geojan.nlThe EnergyCoin Sharing Economy Ecosystem is much more than automatic trading of specific energy or local energy; it is socially and environmentally aware.trading specific, specific energyecosystem, economy, environmental, circular, electric1
dojothehague.nlFor our own Aikido and Katori students, who are interested in sword practice based on our own expertise and experiences as lifelong practitioners of Budo. Cool out-of-the-box stuff without following a specific style or school …stuff specific, specific stylehague, lesson, holiday, schedule, sunday1
englishnl.nlFor professionals, focusing on specific skills needed in the corporate world, such as negotiation, presentations, email writing, and more.professional specific, specific skillsconversation, session, expat, teacher, payment1
elektravonhaket.nlDo you want to know more about our possibilities or do you have specific questions? We would like to hear from you.possibility specific, specific questionelectrical, installation, horticulture, supplier, irrigation1
idun.nlAre you starting as a first year student in the academic year 2023-2024? Then join the specific whatsapp groupchat to keep in contact with your fellow students!year specific, specific whatsappstudy, biomedical, biology, association, committee1
bizziqds.nl…on obtaining the calculated expected revenue right after opening? We can set you up with an end product, including specific customer lists with contact details, that will enable you to focus on market development. This is a great example…product specific, specific customerbow, analysis, branch, valuable, external1
bluerisk.nlBlue Risk helps startup and scale-up companies with advice and effective solutions, to better manage the specific risks they encounter.well specific, specific riskrisk, insurance, specialty, liability, biotech1
medicaldroneservice.nlThis will depend on what is being transported, and we will be investigating this extensively. Medical goods that need to be transported under specific conditions can also be transported by drone under these conditions.good specific, specific conditionshealthcare, joint, initiative, mobility, flight1
kssolutions.nlOur team supports governments and donors not only in developing specific sector policies but also in adapting them to changing environments. We assist our clients in development of a strategy and provide carefully targeted, high-quality…donor specific, specific sectorconsulting, infrastructure, environmental, implementation, utility1
jan.nlOur professionals help you with solving your specific business problems and challenges.professional specific, specific businessentrepreneur, enterprising, exceptional, progress, taxis1
bsp-products.nlAfter requesting your unique login details you can see the products from our catalogue as well as your specific prices.catalogue specific, specific priceproof, cage, bird, bait, rodent1
i-eng.nlcapacity is an issue, Innovative Engineering can provide you a helping hand in product and machine development, prototyping and testing services no matter in which state nor how big or small your project is. For specifics please contact me.mechanical, innovative, certificate, machinery, resume1
myspotifyglass.nlTypically, you will be able to track your order 3 business days from the time of purchase. However, specific personalized items may take longer.purchase specific, specific personalizedplaque, glass, acrylic, personalized, keychain1
opbs.nlProjects are tailor made to ensure that we develop solutions meeting specific needs of a company.solution specific, specific needoil, lubricant, organisational, effectiveness, phase1
boscorp.nlLines in the process file consist of a command followed by a list of arguments with values. All arguments start with a dash, for example -thickness . There is no specific order in which the arguments need to be given. The commands with…example specific, specific orderdeposition, file, command, section, cross1
rechtersvoorrechters.nlof the Judicial Chamber of the Superior Council of the Judiciary on the attacks and pressure they had received from specific individuals while conducting criminal proceedings. One of these individuals was shot dead in January 2024. For the…pressure specific, specific individualjudge, rule, law, court, council1
amtlogistics.nlAMT Logistics’ air cargo specialists provide customized air services to fit your specific needs. Whether it concerns a large-scale project or a single express shipment, AMT is ready to serve.service specific, specific needlogistics, freight, domestic, globe, forwarder1
maydanoz-amsterdam.nlWe offer special prices for large groups. Call or email us for the specific prices.group specific, specific priceimpression, table, vegetarian, mediterranean, turkish1
buroreng.nl…and illustrations for each School individually. The latter contain references to the Schools’ namesake or the specific topics the School occupies itself with. A combination of illustrations allows the Schools to engage in a dialogue…namesake specific, specific topicidentity, conversation, visual, study, graphic1
intercon.nlTaking into consideration the size of each individual system as well as the specific ambient conditions, we have a summary of the typical fields of application for solar energy, battery banks, wind farms and diesel generators. With these…system specific, specific ambientuncategorized, authority, carbon, independent, reason1
henrybeen.nlPlease note the slash at the end! This slash is mandatory to reference the last version of the secret. Optionally, you can specify a specific version by specifying it after the slash. Leaving the slash completely out, makes that the…optionally specific, specific versionbug, azure, devops, pipeline, resource1
janvoshol.nlGroup takes major stride forward by adding in-house knowledge and technology for crop-specific research and daylight-free cultivation. Rijswijk, the Netherlands, 24 May 2023 | GreenV, the internationally operating group of horticulture…crop specific, specific researchgreenhouse, installation, horticulture, electrical, insulation1
fambafitness.nl…translates to 'beautiful strength.' We interpret calisthenics as the art of mastering the body's complete potential and its dynamic interplay with gravity. It empowers individuals to perform intricate movements and attain specific skills.movement specific, specific skillsstrength, joy, transformative, balance, membership1
scidutch.nlAs a scientist, you need funding. These days, most funding has to come from external sources, such as national funding agencies, the European Union or funding organizations aimed at specific topics, like the Dutch Kidney Foundation…organization specific, specific topicscientific, dutchman, climate, arctic, antimicrobial1
blackcrowcleaning.nlFor those employees who are working on-site to serve customers providing essential services, we’ve created specific protocols to ensure their safety and the safety of our customers.service specific, specific protocolwindow, regular, crime, builder, property1
karton.nlAkarton is known for its customer-specific, sustainable, and innovative solutions. We take care of your packaging from concept development to implementation. Whether you need small or large quantities of packaging, we produce it for you…customer specific, specific sustainablepackaging, sustainability, innovative, cardboard, pack1
brimotech.nlWith customer-specific solutions, 3D engineering and European manufacturing to ISO9001, RoHS and REACH, we can understand the unique needs of these industries and provide the right solution.customer specific, specific solutionsteel, stainless, function, yacht, processing1
femketreep.nlor let us know your wishes. If the dates don’t fit your schedule, you have a specific area in mind, or if you prefer to go with your own group, contact us to discuss the possibilities!schedule specific, specific areapyrenees, mountain, february, leader, august1
donkz.nl…by the Remote Desktop .rdp file, using a special command line parameter. This gives you an unprecedented control over every aspect of the session, straight from the command line and without the need for specific RDP+ command line switches.need specific, specific commandremote, command, file, session, connection1
missingdata.nlThe personal website of dr. Iris Eekhout has information about other projects and blog posts that show how to perform specific statistical methods and analyses in R.post specific, specific statisticalpublication, reference, background, statistical, analysis1
photowalkeindhoven.nlour lives". A theme that sounds engaging for us photographers. In addition, each work of light art provides its own specific challenges, as each is lit differently, and there are many moving images with continually changing exposure. So youart specific, specific challengesaturday, industrial, street, january, ye1
somus.nlThese applications have a specific purpose and are usually designed to manage data. We provide web solutions that support and speed up your processes.application specific, specific purposepurpose, developement, satisfy, collaboration, webapplication1
railbridgecargo.nl…rail routes, which enables us to speed up your shipment and organize the logistics process efficiently. Smart solutions from our rail experts, an eye for your specific wishes and a proven track record, makes us your partner for rail cargo.eye specific, specific wishcargo, bridge, asia, shipment, independent1
expandio.nlWith our procurement consulting , Expandio makes opportunities transparent and creates possibilities for you to choose from. The right solution is ultimately customer specificprocurement, joint, consulting, packaging, insurance1
gdekoning.nlIn addition to our range of standard colours, we can also create specific colours for you. After all, we can meet any need. We are happy to provide you with advice and together, we will find the colour you want.colour specific, specific colourcolour, flower, bit, wedding, innovative1
roadhogbanden.nl…at very attractive prices. Ask your garage or tyre specialist about availability, tyre sizes and versions for your specific car. No matter the amount of kilometres you drive, with Roadhog you have reliable partner at your side. In other…version specific, specific cartyre, season, legislation, reliable1
bmwclassicparts.nlBody Shell Braking Cooling Differential Electrical Engines Fuel System Fuel System > Throttle Bodies Gearbox & Controls Lighting Niet gecategoriseerd Steering Wheel & Suspension Vehicle Specific Wheelsvehicle specific, specific wheelwheel, recently, steering, gearbox, lighting1
metcutrecht.nlThe committee draws on broad expertise, with experienced members from the various disciplines. It is therefore able to swiftly and effectively review all types of medical research, including the most complex trials. In addition, MREC…nedmec specific, specific expertiseethics, oncology, princess, institution, pediatric1
buroloods.nlOur work covers all retail sectors, we design interiors and communication with the brand strategy as a starting point. We work with a team based in our Amsterdam studio and our creative network of specialist partners. Depending on…partner specific, specific requirementsglimpse, broad, supermarket, flagship, motivation1
iconize.nlIconize was founded in 2005 by industrial design engineer Pim van Gennip , and has carried out over 42 product development projects for different clients. Iconize has its broad network of experts to work with if specific projects requires…expert specific, specific project, project specific, specific expertisehide, integrate, integration, climate, measurement1
jokra.nlBut, if you handle it properly and treat it right, it is a wonderful material to work with. Especially the variety of types, colors and specific patterns of each piece of wood make it possible to make some fantastic designs.color specific, specific patternwood, turn, dollhouse, miniature, handmade1
metabolic-balance-nederland.nlTogether with your personal food list, specific portions and 9 menu varieties, we give you the tools to reset your metabolism. The list is packed full of natural unprocessed food which rewards you with a positive dietary experience and…list specific, specific portionhealthy, metabolic, balance, diet, weight1
feedbacksociety.nl“BrKpCm” is an audiovisual performance based on site specific live-images, filmed with a wireless video-camera on a rotating drilling-machine.site specific, specific liveed, wireless, base, drilling, audiovisual1
toscanellaapuana.nlYes, Toscanella Apuana has a variety of vegetarian and vegan options on the menu, including pasta dishes, salads, and vegetable sides. The restaurant is also able to accommodate special dietary needs, so please let us know if you have any…need specific, specific requestitalian, dish, ingredient, italy, dining1
aconsultancycompany.nl…every business is unique. The solution is therefore always tailored. ACC helps customers to develop the required infrastructure for intraday optimisation on portfolio level or for specific assets like CHP’s or solar panels. Our…level specific, specific assetindependent, situation, optimisation, asset, guide1
marcabbink.nl…all the vacancies that were published in Holland and we had the software in which these applicants got hired for a specific vacancy. So, we basically had all the ingredients we needed to try to automate the selection process with these…got specific, specific vacancyspend, entrepreneur, library, statistics, recruit1
waterflowkit.nlConnect the WaterFlowKit to your Home Assistant system via WiFi and configure your Home Assistant dashboard to display real-time data from the WaterFlowKit. Now you can track your water consumption and temperature and even set up…notification specific, specific thresholdtemperature, consumption, faucet, usage1
hrprojectpartners.nlHRPP has an extensive knowledge of specific technical disciplines. Using a no-nonsense approach, the HRPP Consultants are extremely motivated to get the job done. Taking your business to the next level.knowledge specific, specific technicalcareer, oil, infrastructure, chemical, renewable1
bass-e.nlBASS-E believes that every place has the potential to become unique and thrilling. An intervention, no matter how small, should therefore always be inspired by the specific qualities of the situation and driven by an optimistic attitude.small specific, specific qualitybass, architectural, interior, modeling, architecture1
knvws.nlThematic organisations – Specialised and collaborate on a specific theme, catering to beginners and more advanced observers. These ‘working groups’ have a national reach and focus.organisation specific, specific themeastronomy, meteorology, association, observatory, op1
tbzadsagency.nl…businesses across various sectors, particularly in marketing and video creation, to harness AI's potential effectively. I provide a blend of analytical depth and forward-thinking strategies, tailored to meet your specific business needsstrategy specific, specific businesspricing, engine, optimization, advertising, engagement1
jensadvocaten.nlwe always have your best interests at heart. As every business has its own culture and structure, your identity and specific interests also play a major role in our approach and the advice we give. JENS knows its clients and the sector…identity specific, specific interestlawyer, law, employment, expat, strategic1
binnenstadadvocaten.nlFor those clients who do not qualify for legal aid, we charge a moderate hourly fee. The height of the fee depends on various factors such as the nature of the case – your lawyer can give you more specific information.lawyer specific, specific informationlaw, aid, fee, labour, payment1
gbeckers.nlThere are many parallels between avian vocal communication and human speech, for example the ability to learn to produce specific vocalizations from other individuals. Because such parallels are lacking in most nonhuman mammals, and…ability specific, specific vocalizationsdescription, cognitive, comparative, interested, bird1
asvgay.nl... by joining one of the many committees (19), clubs (7), or working groups. Committees organize activities or collaborate on a task, clubs come together for their shared interest or goal, and working groups focus on a specific task…group specific, specific taskassociation, calendar, period, introduction, committee1
sudum.nlSudum is a young and dynamic IT company that presents itself with keywords like; solution-oriented and open-minded. Through a broad experience in varying disciplines within IT and Marketing Sudum can deliver a complete solution, but also…solution specific, specific problemcampsite, reservation, invoicing, minded, broad1
aurion.nl…The main buffer component of these lab chemicals is AURION BSA-c™ , our unique buffer additive that prevents a specific binding of antibodies and immunodetection reagents to polycationic sites in the specimen like histon proteins in…additive specific, specific bindingreagent, chemical, incubation, lab, microscopy1
bizzare.nl…made clothes we strongly advise you to bring us a visit so we can make sure that the clothes are adjusted to your specific needs. The clothes from the labels, Paulien Berkelaar, Bizonder and our own label Bizzare, which contains a large…clothes specific, specific needskirt, pants, dress, crown, glove1
cherrelle.nlAnd just like that, today’s mission was accomplished. In that moment, I realized that the perfect happy ending lies not in the fulfillment of our specific goals but in our ability to be fully present—ready to speak up on our needs…fulfillment specific, specific goalreflection, simply, kid, maybe, present1
redrock-it.nl…to do more with it. I knew they had a fundamentals course online so I decided to work my way through this. Some basic cloud computing knowledge and some Azure specific knowledge. You can Continue Reading Azure fundamentals certification →azure specific, specific knowledgeapi, reply, oracle, integration, azure1
ja-nl.nl…She helped me prepare for a specific, career oriented exam with carefully tailored lessons… Carly Zuehlke DC, CCSP, MS, FICteacher, lesson, recommendation, highly, enthusiastic1
fair-metals.nlitself with all companies in the scrap and metal recycling industry. They have set a standard with the MRF certificates which are earned by companies who meet branch specific criteria such as safety regulations and environmental standards .branch specific, specific criterionmetal, ferrous, criterion, regulation, logistical1
smartteam.nlThe SmartTeam Toolkit is installed in a secure (cloud-based) environment and immediately made available to you and your team members. Customer / project specific functionality is quickly developed, thanks to the modular software…project specific, specific functionalityimprovement, straightforward, secure, topic, inquiry1
aviation-warbooks.nlDear Visitor, the most convenient way to search for a title, author or specific keyword is to use your web browser search function . It does not matter which browser you are uning, just pres the CTRL and the F key at the same time. A…author specific, specific keywordaviation, author, title, civil, function1
jansen-decom.nlOn the pages of this website you find more specific information about the solutions we offer. This could either be a standard solution or a fully bespoke one. Our systems have been in use since 2013 and the longest operational system…website specific, specific informationdecommissioning, reference, bespoke, dedicated, lighthouse1
andelco.nlWe can meet specific requirements and standards from industries, such as food packing, medical products, baby products, electronics, home appliances, heaters, boilers, kitchenware’s and industrial machines.industrial, facility, requirements, mold, representative1
vangroenehuizecatering.nl…goals and business strategies. A supply partner that can offer a range of solutions to meet the needs of whatever specific business sector they are in. A supply partner who listens, understands and acts on what is required by providing…need specific, specific businessalloy, sheet, aluminum, metal, foil1
everythingstartswithdata.nlESWD can support you with organizing your data manegement. On oru website you can find more information on our services. If you have any question or want to know more about any specific topic, feel free to contact us any time.question specific, specific topicgdpr, legislation, icon, introduction, reference1
megawaysslots.nl*Demonstration only. Offer only valid on a player’s 1st deposit at Slots. Min deposit €20 to get 100% Bonus (max €200) + 50 Free Spins. Free Spins available on specific games for 7 days. Free Spins wins are granted in games bonus after…available specific, specific gametemplate, archive, player, shortcode, upcoming1
learnquest.nlMeet your organization's specific business needs with one-of-a-kind training content and objectives reaching your learning goals.organization specific, specific businesssubscription, instructor, catalog, schedule, conference1
orangevisas.nlAlternatively, in stead of investing in a VC fund, you can also select a specific startup in which you want to invest.fund specific, specific startupinvestment, citizenship, investor, residence, fund1
custommadecomponents.nl…The parts can be further processed, treated or refined. This enables almost endless possibilities and requires specific knowledge. We have experience in of many different techniques and processes. In addition, we work together with…possibility specific, specific knowledgescrew, wire, cold, know, turn1
dodojiujitsu.nlPracticioners of all levels are welcome at DODO. We offer fundamental, advanced and competition specific classes.competition specific, specific classinstructor, submission, subscription, membership, lesson1
factory.nlFactory data center provide your business IT infrastructure design, IT migration, IT installation, and management of your ICT infrastructure. Our team of experts is available to coordinate and implement your specific requirements.available specific, specific requirementsfactory, colocation, connectivity, ip, dedicated1
vandenheuvel-orgelbouw.nlThrough mediation of Van den Heuvel, several churches, music schools and private individuals, both in the Netherlands as abroad, have been able to purchase a solid built organ that was suitable for their specific situation. Van den Heuvel…suitable specific, specific situationorgan, maintenance, pipe, singing, restoration1
psychologe-amsterdam.nlHere you find an overview of the specific insurance arrangements from all the different insurance companies: Overview - insurance arrangementsoverview specific, specific insurancetherapist, psychologist, therapy, der, near1
omb-academie.nlThe lessons also include a theoretical component in order to substantiate the massage and the techniques used. An important part of the course is the extra attention paid to specific key points and some handy massage tips and tricks.attention specific, specific keytechnique, lesson, manual, entire, holistic1
cp-powdercoating.nlWet paint is used mainly for products that can not be powder coated and where there are specific requirements. Wet painting is a process in which a liquid paint is applied manually on the product. A wet paint is solvent-borne or water…powder specific, specific requirementspowder, frontpage, metal, painting, paint1
bongify.nlA bong is a specific type of waterpipe where you inhale the smoke through a large tube or cylinder instead of a hose. Bongs are mainly used for smoking cannabis (marijuana) or hashish. Most people use bongs to smoke everything in one big…bong specific, specific typebong, wish, glass, leaf, pipe1
stichtingstarborn.nlDue to the lack of availability of black dolls in Kenya, we started a collaboration with Coloured Goodies in the Netherlands. They developed a special line of dolls with specific features. Combined with books and other toys, these dolls…doll specific, specific featurecraft, doll, kenyan, positive, curiosity1
holomoves.nlHoloMoves utilizes Mixed Reality (MR) glasses that project holograms around individuals while allowing them to see the real world. This technology is employed by HoloMoves to provide targeted therapy for specific patient groups. Through…therapy specific, specific patienthealthcare, patient, glass, recovery, facility1
guztech.nl…running on the GA144 simulator, as there is no information in the documentation that explains how to run code on a specific core. All other tutorials on the internet that I could find are based on an older version of the software and does…code specific, specific coregeforce, firmware, asynchronous, driver, expensive1
comprehensivestrategies.nlManaging internal and external communication and investor relations processes for a specific situation or scheduled eventprocess specific, specific situationcomprehensive, strategic, role, stakeholder, society1
forcegamehosting.nl…some services online to keep supporting gaming community`s i have plans to bring ForceGameHosting back to life as a hosting company, somewhere in the near future, if you have anny intrest in a specific game server you can always contact meintrest specific, specific gamepanel, unreal, tournament, operation, rent1
nrce.nlThe Russian market offers plenty of opportunities for developing business. Trading with the Russian federation obliges suppliers to meet specific Russian legislation. We are happy to share with you our expertise and support you through…supplier specific, specific russianrussia, consulting, russian, cultural, federation1
vpitsupport.nlVP IT Support offers professional assistance, solves any problems or bugs and provides tailor made solutions for your specific needs.solution specific, specific needassistance, installation, entrepreneur, bug, evening1
huisvanpilates.nlPrivate and semi private lessons are especially suitable for those recovering from injuries and people who have specific training goals.people specific, specific trainingcook, therapy, movement, schedule, suitable1
spark904.nlI have in the past struggled to find a supplier for specific non-standard chemical analyses, and a company like Spark904 certainly helps. Spark904 not only provides on-demand analytical jobs, but also assist in finding the right solutions…supplier specific, specific nonsustainability, trajectory, circularity, analytical, analysis1
chateaucreuset.nl…unique needs. You need to all of that, plan pretty readily accessible a site that provides you the possibility to gamble how you will want. Once you do that, begin gambling online as soon as you sign up and deposit at that specific site.soon specific, specific siteuncategorized, gambling, player, money, gambler1
techdiz.nlTechdiz is specialized in the customization of foundation equipment and auxiliary equipment. Some foundation techniques require very specific modifications or options. By customizing your foundation equipment we adapt your existing…technique specific, specific modification, custom specificoverhaul, customization, specialize, attachment, repair1
blue-workx.nl…into many industries. The ‘inside loader pallet’ for example is an efficient transport solution for prefab concrete walls. The ‘drivers area’ guarantees safety in a distribution centre. All products are tailor-made for a specific industry.tailor specific, specific industrytailor, metal, craftsmanship, optimum, extend1
perplexity.nlIn a time where we work from home a lot more it is key that you keep your data save. In my case I of course work a lot from cloud services which all have their backups installed and configured however a lot of the time I do offline work…work specific, specific versionpowershell, file, playground, sysadmin, leave1
bcacredits.nlYou will get (based on your level) extra discount on top of the discount of the specific promotion. For example: if we have a 5% discount for all Hoek flowers customers, you will get a 10% discount if you are a Gold member.discount specific, specific promotionflower, pre, promotion, exclusive, discount1
smaplr.nl…each company has their own processes and ways of working. We take time to really understand each individual customer and company-specific domain knowledge, which allows us to develop models that are 100% compatible with that company.company specific, specific domainforecasting, employee, constraints, shift, continuity1
connorsports.nlGetting in shape, losing some weight or working toward a specific fitness goal? Our personal trainer is there for you along the way!weight specific, specific fitnessschedule, combat, weight, shape, therapist1
laurenskolks.nlLaurens considers himself a topophil, where topophilia is understood as the love of places and their particularities. Accordingly, his work consists primarily of unique, site-specific designs and installations with a temporary or…site specific, specific designteach, publish, investigation, write, official1
soulfultherapy.nlGrounded in warming Mother Earth energy, Araya is a Massage Therapist who cares. With her deep knowledge of traditional Thai massage combined with innate healer intuition, she taps into your specific healing needs and apply therapeutic…intuition specific, specific healingsoulful, therapy, meditation, soul, whisper1
mactech.nl…of machines and strapping or wrapping foil. Just as important is working with the client to find a solution for a specific application and delivering good, dependable service and maintenance. With an extensive knowledge base, creative…solution specific, specific applicationpackaging, strap, maintenance, specialise, consumables1
concrete-culture.nlWherever there is a real estate object with the potential of adding cultural value to the urban revitalization of an area, Concrete Culture creates site-specific cultural enterprise concepts to support positive societal and cultural change.site specific, specific culturalimmersive, initiative, presentation, growth, venue1
boswinkelenpartners.nlBoswinkel & Partners is experienced on a number of specific areas, such as: educational activities for individual students at regular or commercial HBO programs, specific sales training for the hospitality industry, change processes in…number specific, specific area, program specific, specific salepartners, hospitality, resource, teach, entrepreneurship1
hoezoindo.nlThe awareness of this specific heritage and history is starting to grow, but we have to be fast. Now is the time to ask the elderly first-generation first hand about our family history. This window is closing and now is the opportunity to…awareness specific, specific heritagedescendants, worldwide, aware, awareness, copy1
montr.nlThe Montr Enterprise platform is structured in a way that we can easily customize our apps to your specific workflow. The wishes of your organization and the specific characteristics of the relevant work process are central to this. This…app specific, specific workflow, organization specific, specific characteristicshague, inspection, potential, saving, operational1
springhousing.nlProject Spring! Barendrecht consists of 57 micro houses, furnished and upholstered apartments that are available for temporary let (maximum of 24 months). Our premium short-stay microhomes are available to five specific types of…available specific, specific typehousing, resident, stay, fully, complementary1
lablogica.nl…traceability, identities, manufacturing and expiration data must remain legible during processing and long-term storage. Data may include specific codes, unique serial numbers and dual colour pictograms. Personal data must be kept private.datum specific, specific codecustomization, laboratory, technique, trough, supplier1
mcdonnell-miller.nlMcDonnell & Miller in 1924 saw a means to improve low pressure steam boilers. After the development of automatic burners McDonnell & Miller has a specific product designed for hot water boilers. After several acquisitions they continue…miller specific, specific productsupply, chain, mcdonnell, valve, pump1
interactiveobjects.nlWhile looking for some parts for a specific project, I needed an overview of the most significant chip companies. After a quick search, only very old stuff came up. So I decided to scrape Wikipedia’s list of notable semiconductor…part specific, specific projectsemiconductor, versatile, interactive, arduino, january1
outclean.nlWith us you can put together your cleaning yourself for a certain amount and specific activities.certain specific, specific activityapartment, bedroom, affordable, regular, appointment1
prize.nlpolitics: from local politics, to residents' associations, to specific policy areasassociation specific, specific policyprize, analysis, politics, imaging, election1
zbgroup.nlWe take care of the processing of various lines for our customers based on specific wishes.customer specific, specific wishtrading, logistics, grower, auction, paramount1
zerofiresystems.nlZERO Fire Systems is your international partner in the field of industrial and petrochemical fire protection. When you choose ZERO Fire Systems, you choose safety and sustainability. We design and develop customer-specific fire protection…customer specific, specific firefire, protection, industrial, reference, electronic1
securobeveiliging.nlSecuro knows that every event is different and every event requires a specific approach. As a result, Securo does...event specific, specific approachprofiling, predictive, protection, officer, responsibility1
romamo.nlWe take pride in offering customized solutions that perfectly fit your requirements. Whether you need a specific size, configuration, or specialized functionality, we have the expertise to design and manufacture belts that are tailored to…requirements specific, specific sizeweave, endless, silicon, polyurethane, neoprene1
stralendestem.nlIf you are looking for a specific style or tone-of-voice, please check the Styles page.radiant, smooth, tone, emotion, animation1
deur2.nlDeur2 is characterized by a results-based approach within a completed programme. We work together to solve a specific coaching question and set a measurable (and realistic?) target. Our coaching sessions take on a positive focus, I am…programme specific, specific coachingexpat, positive, target, actually, programme1
presentingwithimpact.nl"All was perfect as it was adjusted to the specific points we had to pay attention to. I’ve discovered my weak and strong points and had been provided with eno..."perfect specific, specific pointpresentation, present, session, structure, exercise1
globalovensystems.nlThe strength of Global Oven Systems lies in its years of knowledge and experience, the application of advanced technologies, responsiveness to specific customer requirements, and the delivery of consistently high quality. We believe in…responsiveness specific, specific customerpossibility, thermal, industrial, customization, maintenance1
cfri.nl…the ability to understand the challenges of the organization, analyze information, and give advice that fits the specific situation. In addition, he works in a structured way and can empathize with others. It is a pleasure to work with…advice specific, specific situationinvestment, responsible, invest, asset, balance1
inductionheating.nlheating processes. We have a network of experienced specialists. We can give tailored, independent advice, taking into account the existing equipment and specific production needs. We can offer complete engineering from idea to realisation.equipment specific, specific productioninduction, heating, rf, forge, conductor1
miraculum.nlFor every sector, there is a situation where Yield is your go-to device. No need to buy disinfection chemicals, because Yield converts tap water into a disinfectant. Read below about the benefits of Yield, specific to your industry or…yield specific, specific industryyield, skin, household, toxic, chemical1
reinventado.nl…value propositions, applying strategic marketing but also the transformation process itself is what I would like to share and explain to you. After this we can determine together what specific approach your company can benefit from.process specific, specific approachexecutive, differentiation, implementation, purpose, transformation1
maicosport.nlA special occasion or specific theme in mind? Contact me and I can see what I can do!occasion specific, specific themephysical, player, string, advanced, mental1
preceyes.nlScaling and filtering of hand tremors yield unprecedented steadiness and precision. The robot is easily engaged to assist in specific tasks and movements are recorded for post-surgical evaluation and training puposes.easily specific, specific tasksurgery, surgical, precision, assistance, career1
5qt.nlBy combining technical platform knowledge, process optimization and understanding of target markets I create understandable and multidisciplinary thought-through product optimizations. The roadmap is specific for the next steps…roadmap specific, specific stepresume, template, joomla, layout, multiple1
nicholsonkring.nl…and their experience can be shared with other owners. In the ‘knowledge bank’ you can see who has already done a specific repair or improvement, or who can give you advice when it comes to solving a specific technical problem. A Circle…bank specific, specific repair, advice specific, specific technicalcircle, yacht, fleet, spare, purpose1
johnhermarij.nl…to make tasks and responsibilities clear and understandable; nobody can be against that. But that is project specific. The problem with PRINCE2 is that the responsibilities consist of a long list of ‘bullets’. Do you think a…project specific, specific problemleadership, destructive, interest, certification, money1
hettygeursen.nlThis site shows paintings and drawings which may have been sold or were executed under contract, or that are presently still for sale. Apart from portraits she makes city scenes and cityscapes as well as snapshots or paintings of specific…painting specific, specific momentlandscape, snapshot, portrait, painting, layer1
africankitchen.nlYou can make online reservations with us. You can also call us if u have any questions or specific needs.question specific, specific needafrican, kitchen, reservation, rice, table1
wouternieuwerth.nlIf we would try the code above now, we would get an error. That’s because we need to give our tag template permission to send HTTP requests first. We can either allow the tag to send requests to any URL or to just one specific URL. In the…url specific, specific urltemplate, variable, table, query, incremental1
dbar.nlGeneral editing support, feedback from a non-expert point of view, applying the journal's specific style guide: DBAR gets your paper ready for publication .journal specific, specific stylewriter, editor, edit, scientific, write1
hielkematest.nl…light, water and dust. Our products range from temperature chambers and ovens to thermal shock chambers and HALT and HASS chambers. We can also build custom standard and large walk-in test chambers to meet specific customer requirements.chamber specific, specific customerchamber, climate, environmental, temperature, rental1
pronexbouw.nlReview our completed projects and evaluate the results. The portfolio of our works is expanding every day, so if you have a request for specific examples, please contact us.request specific, specific examplepreparation, interior, installation, electrical, plumbing1
frisp.nlWe only use the freshest ingredients and don’t process our food to be stored on a shelf. Each ingredient we use in our recipes has a purpose: to deliver specific nutritents and minerals. This ensures that our dogs are getting the most…purpose specific, specific nutritentsdog, meal, meat, ingredient, healthy1
datalane.nlPlanning & Resource Optimization (PRO) is the mathematical technology of efficiently allocating and utilizing resources to solve industry- and company specific challenges. It yields an actionable planning of how your scarce resources can…resource specific, specific challengemining, optimization, improvement, resource, lab1
uptrek.nlIf you have no specific idea yet, but are interested in ‘something with gamification’, we always start with a GameStorm session. This session has been completed by more than 10,000 professionals and works as follows:discover, mechanic, employee, interactive, session1
formit.nlDue to our unique technology, great innovative strength and flexibility, Formit has become your ideal partner in the development of plastic housings for your specific products in recent years. Unique customer-specific plastic housings…housing specific, specific product, customer specific, specific plasticprocessing, housing, cut, bend, welding1
kyouko.nl…computers. At the age of 12, I stumbled upon the realm of web development, which solidified my passion and desire to pursue this field professionally. The nature of my projects varies, tailoring them to the specific needs of each client.project specific, specific needresume, additionally, visually, graphic, visual1
pfdouane.nlMore and more specific wishes are being asked for customs matters. At PF Customs, we use our many years of experience every day to assist you with almost any issue.documentation, representation, origin, fiscal, limited1
togetherpsychologie.nl…subjects. The second format is the extended report. Next to the the IQ-profile, in this report we analyse the results and offer practical recommendations on how to address a child’s specific areas of need or to develop existing aptitudes.child specific, specific areaassessment, adult, psychology, municipality, recommendation1
casino.nl…of secondary legislation in which the Remote Gambling Bill is further specified. The Decree is made up of the specific conditions applicable to the right to obtain an online gambling licence and lays out essential secondary…decree specific, specific conditionsgambling, october, licence, player, bill1
svengoossens.nl…for the CompSOC platform, but I think this info is generally useful for the world. I left most of the CompSOC specific bits in the tutorial for the sake of completion (the occasional CompSOC: label marks them). There is also a sectioncompsoc specific, specific bitthesis, file, bomb, python, pattern1
geluksjager.nlI have gained insight into my strengths, and this has given me a much clearer picture of what I am good at and what I enjoy. As a result, I can be more specific when searching for a role that suits me. We also worked through some ‘old…result specific, specific rolepsychologist, session, versatile, healthcare, discussion1
agroguide.nl…the Netherlands, United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Oekrain, Austria, Italy and Hungary. Together with company-specific strategies, this guarantees a greater insight, proactive response and a reduction in crop protection chemicals.company specific, specific strategyguide, integrate, tomato, disease, vegetable1
businessdaystwente.nlAre you interested in a specific company? Get to know your possible future employer through participating in different activities during the Company Experience Weeks. Think of Craft Beer Tasting with VDL, a training session with Neways or…interested specific, specific companycareer, favorite, february, lecture, favourite1
irpdelft.nlIRP Delft can provide your company a fresh and unbiased look at company specific research cases and offers custom-made research solutions. The IRP project lasts from June until September, of which July and August consist of field research…company specific, specific researchsteel, supply, aerospace, stx, feasibility1
beent.nlAll applications are submitted online. Many openings have specific requirements, so please read the job opening carefully. Once you find a job you qualify for, click the "Apply" button in the job posting. The system will then walk you…opening specific, specific requirementsadvisory, assurance, tax, partnership, understand1
maesinsights.nlmaterials, and software in all areas of scientific molding. We focus on improving your OEE, the effectiveness of your production processes and so on. Click below to contact us for more information or a specific solution for your company.‚Äčinformation specific, specific solutioninjection, molding, purchase, publication, resource1
theagencyre.nl…to the unique needs and preferences of our diverse clientele. Our agents possess an unparalleled knowledge of the Netherlands and are adept at identifying properties that suit the specific lifestyles and requirements of each client.property specific, specific lifestylesell, estate, february, rent, bedroom1
purplefield.nlSince 2009 Purplefield Investments has been engaged in acquiring majority and minority interests in both national and international businesses. Our open approach means that we do not limit ourselves to specific sectors. For us it’s all…approach specific, specific sectorinvestment, interest, philosophy, equally, partly1
rentvision.nl…but still make you feel like you are working in the same system. All of our modules which specify Business Unit specific information will assign its information to a Business Unit, and you will be able to switch between Business Units…unit specific, specific informationeuismod, semper, ligula, vestibulum, porta1
lennekehoedemaker.nl…moderate live interviews, chair conferences, facilitate workshops and 'away days'. Furthermore, I present various discussion formats, such as House of Commons-style debates, tailored to your organization and your specific objectives.organization specific, specific objectivepresenter, debate, parliament, audience, humour1
vanlente.nlVan Lente Systeem Systeemintegratie B.V. offers innovative total solutions for your complete production process. In our eyes, every client is unique. Our highly-trained and committed employees look for the best solution to your specific…solution specific, specific situationutility, mechanical, industrial, installation, reference1
quoqq.nl…as SGS, TUV and Intertek. We always strive to ensure all safety, sustainability and performance requirements of the production and products are met and that all our products are compliant with legal requirements in the specific markets.requirements specific, specific marketfavorable, port, specialism, logistics, presence1
scopedesign.nl…in order to guarantee the correct connection in the market. Because products are almost always sold together with specific product services , Scope also designs and develops them for its customers. After all, you can design the best…product specific, specific producttomorrow, expectations, wireless, remote, industrial1
openc.nlWith partners such as Claris and RealXS, we have the technological expertise for your specific insurance issue.expertise specific, specific insuranceinsurance, innovative, efficient, tailor, misunderstanding1
cellpap.nlWe offer comprehensive recycling, industry-specific waste management, quality control & sustainability solutions for businesses and corporations.industry specific, specific wastepaper, conference, recycle, connection, october1
stokmanexport.nlDo you have specific questions, are the flowers not listed or would you like to come by to discuss the options? Which can! Please contact us and we will ensure that the coffee is ready.explanation, flower, purchase, wholesaler, commission1
bd-advocaten.nlSince 2004, Bronsgeest Deur has been part of Ius Laboris, an international, global alliance of firms with specific expertise in employment law.firm specific, specific expertiselawyer, employment, employee, january, law1
abonnementenbeheer.nl…yet available for single copy sales everywhere. That is why VMBpress was founded. VMBpress is the distribution channel for a specific range of magazines in bookshops and other points of sale, such as museums and specially selected shops.channel specific, specific rangesubscription, vacancy, reader, processing, publish1
vanvollenhovenlaan.nlThe homeowners’ association VvE Van Vollenhovenlaan Hoog is an active homeowners’ association with a regularly rotating board. The board is assisted by homeowners with specific expertises.homeowners specific, specific expertiseresidence, maintenance, administrator, commonly, homeowners1
oomens-ict.nlThere's no such thing as turnkey software solutions. All solutions need to be tailored to your specific needs. At Oomens ICT we are specialised in software tailoring.solution specific, specific needtailor, programming, grade, proud, proof1
maxhrm.nlFrom large organizations to small start-ups, we tailor our process and delivery to meet your specific needs. We work closely with you to determine your needs and support you with solutions that offer peace of mind, allowing you to focus…delivery specific, specific needresource, scale, demand, personnel, celebration1
sintjoriskerk-amersfoort.nlto us. Offerings can be for our own church, for the diaconate (charity, within or outside the church), or for other specific purposes (actions, organizations, etc.). The offerings are collected in collection bags, in which money can be put.church specific, specific purposechurch, congregation, bible, shall, lord1
sitomatic.nlSitomatic has over 40 years of experience in the field of process automation. We are proud of our many specific and smart solutions for the process industry.proud specific, specific smartmanufacture, valve, partners, automation, actuator1
cloudcti.nlWe feature many technologies that may serve to integrate CRM and ERP applications, even unusual, made-to-measure, bespoke and branch specific applications. This enables resellers to actively market and sell CRM integrations in a wide…branch specific, specific applicationintegration, benefit, cisco, vacancy, request1
eomi.nlA premium domain is a domain that is already owned by someone else. Premium domains are more valuable than unregistered domains for a number of reasons including the age of the domain, popularity of keyword(s) in the domain and appeal to…appeal specific, specific buyerdomain, pricing, transfer, marketplace, api1
vsmmetaal.nl…in developing innovative machines, based on modular designs, we are able to find a suitable solution of any specific production problem in the field of ceramic manufacturing. VSM is renowned for its outstanding after-sales practice.solution specific, specific productionclay, ceramic, round, xo, porous1
geotechmetals.nlWe support you during the design process and think along with project specific issues."project specific, specific issuemetal, anchor, geotechnical, supplier, producer1
valuecompass.nlThe Value Compass provides companies or brands specific guidelines for developing a powerful and distinctive positioning strategy. By using psychological knowledge on the functioning of the human value system, the Value Compass guides…brand specific, specific guidelinescompass, leader, positioning, worker, consumer1
richardbodytreatments.nlFoot reflex massage is part of alternative healing where I apply pressure to reflex zones under your feet. These foot reflex zones correspond to specific areas of the body. Reflexology promotes relaxation, improves blood circulation…zone specific, specific areatherapist, treatment, relaxation, breathe, blood1
flourishtherapy.nlI offer an initial, complimentary consultation (20 minutes) to allow us to get to know each other. This consultation serves to determine if we are a good fit to work together and if I possess the expertise required to assist you with your…expertise specific, specific needtherapy, flourish, psychotherapy, portuguese, psychological1
vedischewetenschap.nlChanting these names in a humble state of mind is like a highway to liberation from the material energy. These specific names of God are specifically mentioned in the Kali Santarana Upanishad. Additionally, the Vedanta Sutra explains “Om…energy specific, specific nameintroduction, eternal, psychology, equality, entity1
feedlance.nlThe calculation of the individual diet provides the optimal set of nutrients for a specific herd.nutrient specific, specific herdfarm, diet, laboratory, recipe, scientific1
hhnk.nl…level depends on the use of the surrounding land. Nature benefits from a high water level, whereas agriculture requires a low one. Our water district has hundreds of different areas with specific water levels that we manage and control.area specific, specific waterdyke, authority, region, surface, road1
efittraining.nlAn EMS device in the hands of highly qualified E-Fit trainers can not only complete traditional fitness training but also help achieving specific training goals.training specific, specific trainingdevice, treatment, request, competitive, distributor1
biologische-boeren.nl…mainly making use of displays for job or pastime? By taking these elements right into account, you can locate a set of blue light glasses that not just supply efficient defense yet additionally match your specific design and requirements.additionally specific, specific designhair, thread, actually, glass, fiber1
henrywang.nl…kinds of questions regarding Pipedream. Pi is built on top of Pipedream official documents and thus its answer is specific to their business context compared to generic answers from ChatGPT. It definitely helps a lot for both Pipedream…answer specific, specific businessreply, rocket, revenue, property, operation1
bestbusinessenglish.nlI will consult with you to customize your course content to ensure it relates to your specific industry, department or role in order to teach the language skills you need. Everyone in your group will have extensive practice of the skills…content specific, specific industrypronunciation, tuition, classroom, photograph, negotiation1
barbette.nl…mythology to todays videogames. And the Film Noir version of the Femme Fatale is a specialized, socially relevant and easily identifiable class. The six fatal women I chose to write about belong in a time frame and to a specific…frame specific, specific genrepast, feminine, sleep, crazy, fatal1
social-buddy.nlWhere most robots and AI’s are created to appeal to a mass audience or a specific corporate niche, Social-Buddy is tailored for senior healthcare. To relieve caregivers as well as improve and maintain independence and socialization for as…audience specific, specific corporatedetection, face, continuous, independent, healthcare1
tekstenschrijven.nlFocus points: target audience-specific, creative, succinct, clear and unambiguous.audience specific, specific creativesustainability, connection, packaging, environmental, topic1
vonnevanpolanen.nlI investigate how these perception and action systems are related, and how specific brain areas interact in order to control these processes.system specific, specific brainperception, movement, force, weight, scale1
7tharmoredmemorial.nlPlease visit the Roll of Honor or if you are searching for a specific soldier use the search button in the upper right corner.honor specific, specific soldiersoldier, armor, division, overview, unfortunately1
yamboa.nlThe Human Design System is the science of differentiation. It shows each of us that we have a unique design and a specific purpose to fulfill while on earth. Endless posibilities for individual uniqueness lie within our genetic matrix…design specific, specific purpose, being specific, specific uniquepainting, hang, lesson, joy, offering1
144000.nlOur team consists of entrepreneurial experts, all of whom are professionals with extensive hands-on experience in business. In an engaged and enthusiastic way we invest capital and knowledge and support mid-market entrepreneurs with…funding specific, specific knowvanilla, involvement, plain, transition, investment1
le16.nlIf you want to make a nice trip in a specific sailing area, you are looking for destinations.trip specific, specific sailsail, worry, rental, ship, boat1
studio-vitafit.nlStudio-VitaFit believes that a workout can only be successful if it is geared to what your body needs at a specific time. Have you just returned from a tiring business trip? Are you stiff from having spent hours on a plane? Are you…body specific, specific timelesson, nutrition, effort, analysis, requirements1
foodproducts.nlIn the food sector the freshness of products is vital so speed is of the essence. Whether it concerns answering the telephone, issuing an offer or replying by e-mail to a specific question, we respond extremely fast.mail specific, specific questionblock, supplier, meat, fish1
codeguild.nl…maintained a high standard of quality. Their deep understanding of the market and adeptness in comprehending our specific candidate requirements have been impressive. The agency excels in effectively matching individuals based on both…adeptness specific, specific candidatecareer, golang, kotlin, devops, exceptional1
alcoholvrijbierhuis.nlKeep in mind that some countries have specific rules regarding the definition of non-alcoholic beer and the amount of alcohol that may still be present.country specific, specific rulewishlist, alcoholic, wine, brown, ale1
efpc.nlEFPC is the advisor with the broadest expertise in the field of safety in our country. And … we have no ties with contractors or suppliers! So, you are assured of 100% independent advice, for the very best security in your specific…security specific, specific situationrisk, fire, independent, explosion, protection1
arctichottubs.nl…for your spa, allowing you to build your ideal relaxation environment! Because of this versatility, we are unable to pinpoint a standard price for all of our models. Please visit your local dealer for specific pricing information.dealer specific, specific pricingarctic, weather, luxury, pricing, request1
rimcad.nlThe product has a special programmable shell (interface) which enables partners to make their own branch specific applications and add-on modules. In close cooperation with the existing partners these add-on modules are world-wide…branch specific, specific applicationrim, add, branch, cooperation, programmable1
oscarvantol.nl…that is: composed out of different (micro)services highly available and fast from anywhere on the globe needs specific routing rules for something (a-b testing?) Azure Front Door Service There are a lot of different solutions that…globe specific, specific routingazure, function, api, devops, configuration1
sdinternational.nlTogether with specialized partners, SD International has developed Sensors that can provide information regarding specific measurements, such as air quality, acoustic levels, energy consumption, and the duration of a certain activity.information specific, specific measurementcounter, wireless, directional, gateway, array1
load-master.nlTechnically completed for its duty that can be utilized as it is, but designed to adapt into a vessel with specific means or gadgets. Haulage of life stock, conveying goods, offering disabled persons easy access and a comfortable ride…vessel specific, specific meanboat, multiple, propulsion, als, engine1
giessen-bv.nl…in the field.
By employing highly-skilled professionals, Giessen B.V is able to provide top quality while remaining able to meet the enormous demand from the industrial sector, as well as specific demands from private individuals.sector specific, specific demandblast, powder, glass, flame, bead1
littleled.nl…message will attract more customers. Little Led is specialized in the sale and leasing of LED displays of different sizes. We give specific advice, take your wishes into account, arrange the financing, construction and necessary software.size specific, specific adviceadvertising, advertisement, strike, sign, sing1
sensitif.nlAt Sensitif, we aim for transparency and education. That's why we invite you to click on one of the images below to find more information about our specific hair removal or skin treatments. Explore how our expertise can assist you in…information specific, specific hairhair, removal, face, skin, treatment1
orlande.nlTogether with our clients we analyze specific problems, develop recommendations and implement the resulting changes.client specific, specific problempharmaceutical, merger, acquisition, logistic, healthcare1
robhabraken.nl…Sitecore Cloud Portal. If you go to the XM Cloud Deploy dashboard, you can not only create projects and environments, but also start a “Build and deploy” process for a specific environment. While that might seem convenient and…process specific, specific environmentsitecore, crop, focal, february, azure1
sensorytest.nlWe experience the world through our five senses. What specific sense is preferred, differs per person.sense specific, specific sensesensory, preference, sense1
mulderfiles.nlThis script was created to to perform automated installations of gMSA (Group Managed Service Accounts) on servers that are allowed to use such accounts. A gMSA is protected so that only members of a specific domain group or assigned…member specific, specific domainsccm, window, maintenance, configuration, function1
biomedicalmaterialsprogram.nl1. The link in between the chip and the pins is constructed from copper sheets, which, to a specific degree, replaces the conventional cord bonding technique in between the chip and the pins. Consequently, a distinct bundle resistance…sheet specific, specific degreepowder, chemical, copper, bonding, carbide1
transid.nlThis is why we designed this project to allow the analysis of person-specific models.person specific, specific modelresearcher, publication, recovery, early, psychopathology1
mklaassentransport.nlOnline essay writers can offer many benefits. They adhere to a specific plan of action. They only hire the top writers to best essay writers complete your tasks. They will meet deadlines. Additionally, they will inform you regarding every…benefit specific, specific planwriter, paper, write, benefit, gambling1
opportunitree.nlWe will create a personalized project plan tailored to your specific requirements, which outlines the scope, timeline, and deliverables of your project.plan specific, specific requirementspackage, holistic, flexible, advertising, target1
foilsurfing.nlThe #1 Armstrong dealer in Europe , fully dedicated on this amazing brand. Almost all products are available from stock and ship the same day from the Netherlands. Advice for your specific conditions and level based on personal, hands-on…advice specific, specific conditionswing, foil, stabilizer, fuselage, alloy1
eyecatcherphotography.nlOn my website you will find under "Services" what I have to offer or have a look at the tiles below. The buttons on each tile will redirect you to a service page or to my portfolio page with examples of that specific service.example specific, specific serviceportrait, wedding, photographer, photoshoot, webpage1
kaasveredelingkruijt.nl…We take specialist cheese processes such as rind removal, dividing, sorting and vacuum packaging in vacuum and soft-vacuum packaging out of your hands. Are you facing a specific challenge? Contact us to see if we can take it on together.hand specific, specific challengedairy, cheese, butter, processing, thousand1
slaapbanken.nl…beds at Easy Living. You will find the most important information about the models on the product pages. Would you like more information about a specific product? Please contact us or visit our showroom in Amsterdam. We like to help you.information specific, specific productsofa, couch, sleep, vertical, horizontal1
thetextcompany.nlThe Text Company provides translations into almost every European language. The translation work is carried out only by highly experienced translators with a specific, academic qualification, working in their native language. From our…translator specific, specific academictranslation, native, translator, competitive, rate1
healthesolutions.nlSpecific Information Technology systems constructed with or without FDA and CE regulations for the identification and clarification of medical / biological phenomenons.imaging, innovative, comprehensive, prefer, registration1
architectenregister.nlThe existing buildings, originally designed for specific functions, have been preserved and stripped of later additions. The original layout and architecture of the prison are thus recognizable once again. The new construction is a subtle…originally specific, specific functiontitle, registration, abroad, qualification, interior1
dpacloudservices.nlMany companies often use software solutions which excel in specific functions and industry. The complexity of processes, business systems architecture increase over time exposing integration and data management challenges to the surface.solution specific, specific functionlorem, ipsum, title, tritani, sit1
zenhaag.nl…acacia tree in front of my house? Because of the kids laughing and playing in the street? It’s very precise, very specific and every detail is essential and included. The question: “Why did Bodhidharma come from the west” is…precise specific, specific detailsuffer, pain, buddha, compassion, kindness1
ea-global.nlZed Medical provides configurable components that can be quickly and easily customized to meet a customer’s specific needs – along with the services required to integrate the customized devices into the customer’s product.customer specific, specific needdevice, proud, growth, lab, patient1
hartadvocaten.nl…lawyers, compliance officers and financial professionals. Our courses and workshops take place at our office or at any other location as fits the needs of the client best. Our courses are customized in order to accomodate specific wishes.order specific, specific wishlorem, ipsum, complaint, gdpr, law1
idii.nlIDII researches, develops and evaluates image-guided technologies for early detection of pathology and pathophysiology, for reliable diagnostics and prognostics, for patient-specific therapy selection, and for efficient and effective…patient specific, specific therapydiagnostic, imaging, institute, interventional, evaluation1
rowanmarketing.nlA result-oriented project is good because it focuses on achieving specific goals and objectives. By clearly defining the desired outcomes of a project, it becomes easier to develop a plan to achieve them. This can help ensure that the…good specific, specific goalengine, audience, positive, effective, verification1
ovogrowth.nlOVOGROWTH will build on expertise in gametogenesis in mice and humans to engineer a human follicular niche creating a “mini-ovary” in vitro that could support the formation and maturation of the oocyte (using patient-specific cells) and…patient specific, specific cellobjective, modeling, cell, mouse, dish1
quiltfestival.nlWe are delighted to inform you that the preparations are underway and information is now available on the specific pages of this website. Check the pages for the competition and how to enroll.available specific, specific pagecompetition, delight, preparation, underway, proud1
profitz.nlAn indoor trampoline park, drone center, VR park or an entirely new concept. Also, in this specific, still fairly young market, we are happy to advise and assist you. Together we will work towards results.concept specific, specific fairlyformula, direction, consultation, push, vitality1
crowe-peak.nl…of expertise: Audit & Assurance, Accountancy, ESG Services, Reporting, Global Mobility & Payroll Services, Tax & Legal, IT Assurance & Advisory, and Consulting & Technology. Curious about the specific services per service line? Read on.curious specific, specific servicepeak, assurance, tax, report, consulting1
movingcompanyrotterdam.nl…as a moving lift. If necessary, we will visit your home address or by video call to take a tour so that we can be specific about the quote. This can be useful, especially with business relocations, to give a good indication. If you accepttour specific, specific quoteinsure, affordable, relocation, quotation, removal1
restaurantsilmo.nl​While we will consider your preferences, a specific table or location preference is never guaranteed. This also applies to our terrace.preference specific, specific tablereservation, ingredient, asian, east, locally1
rubbercompounding.nlFlevo Rubber Compounding (FRC) guarantees quality and service. Specialized in the development, production and application of customer-specific rubber compounds in an array of delivery forms, FRC has enjoyed a central place within the…customer specific, specific rubbertailor, processing, purchase, continuous, growth1
wins50.nlSensitivity studies with HARMONIE and GRASP, targeted to answer specific research questions.grasp specific, specific researchnorth, farm, grasp, capacity, wake1
russendaal.nl…all products we use are of top quality. The new equipment and machinery are used with this to produce a correct product scale, form, length. HWALU Metal has always been eager to deliver the specific needs and expectations of our customers.eager specific, specific needalloy, plate, aluminum, coil, sheet1
ypf.nlThe repertoire for the competition is partly free, but the most important style periods have to be part of the repertoire in different rounds. In addition, specific works will be made compulsory. Prior to the competition, potential…addition specific, specific workcompetition, sunday, prize, door, united1
vszeeland.nlIt is also possible for us to make specific parts, in that way there is always a solution to your problem or an answer to your question. Because we always want to do a little more for our customers, you can always come up with ideas and…possible specific, specific partsupply, wishlist, electronic, adjustment, repair1
truck-accessoires.nlYou also have to option to call, email or visit us if you cannot find a specific product, then we will find the product / solution together with you.option specific, specific productwindow, fragrance, pendant, accessorie, cabin1
anodos.nlProfessional career going back to 1984. Please call or email us to discuss your specific question.career specific, specific questionresponsible, growth, asset, assignment, path1
acknowledge.nlUse integral security solutions to fine-tune your response to generic and specific risks.generic specific, specific riskmanage, workplace, effective, infrastructure, desk1
2bit.nlSince 2Bit is still in the early start-up phase this site is limited but we're working very hard on improving the amount of information available. If you have specific questions or want to talk us see the contact page .available specific, specific questionasset, collective, limited, phase, early1
pts-technischeservice.nlEffective, creative, cost effective and technically optimally equipped for all your specific needs.equipped specific, specific needinstallation, maintenance, mechanical, revision, observation1
royalspice.nlAll our Non-Veg are marinated in a specific blend of herbs and spices to give it an authentic Indian flavourveg specific, specific blendspice, dish, add, tikka, quickly1
tromppt.nlWith multiple personal training certifications, a lifestyle coach certification and a lot of experience in boxing and kickboxing training, we will achieve your specific goaltraining specific, specific goalkickboxing, personalized, path, potential, transformative1
moreniekmeijer.nlIn my teaching practice I can use my knowledge to serve a wide range of musical subjects, which is good for the student who wants to know a specific thing, as well as the student who doesn’t know this yet or wants to broaden his view. I…student specific, specific thingmusician, teacher, producer, teach, percussion1
vanswinderenhuys.nlIn addition to our regular assortment, we see it as a challenge to meet your specific wishes to make your event even more successful.challenge specific, specific wishparking, assortment, venue, hall, conference1
binnenmilieu.nlof the building and its heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems will take place. To support our findings, specific indoor environmental measurements can be performed. Combining these observations and findings, we make a diagnosis…finding specific, specific indoorclimate, healthy, building, complaint, occupant1
mawebdesign.nlWe help companies set up an e-commerce website by ensuring a user-friendly and efficient set-up that suits the company's specific needs and goals. In doing so, we use the latest e-commerce technologies and trends, and work with the…company specific, specific needoptimisation, quotation, conversion, presence, engine1
chiro4pets.nlI achieve this by providing gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments to help your pet's body function at its best, improving health and performance naturally.gentle specific, specific chiropracticanimal, dog, chiropractic, naturally, cat1
rietveldlogisticsgroup.nlfor which they are collected or processed. If you want more information about how long your specificlogistics, storage, driver, road, cold1
craftcanning.nlIn all cases service availability will be subject to site specific conditions such as access and infrastructure.site specific, specific conditionscanning, craft, coverage, run, brewery1
jochtom.nl• Testing the suitability of medicine for specific people in specific situationsmedicine specific, specific people, people specific, specific situationlength, wire, aluminum, base, antenna1
sotex.nlnitrogen systems, expansion and compressed air systems. We develop, produce, advise and supply a comprehensive range of high-quality products at a fair price. All this worldwide. Both by means of standard solutions and specific custom work.solution specific, specific customnitrogen, expansion, compress, maintenance, mean1
felixmedia.nlBe ready for your operations by training for specific workflows such as power line inspections or search and rescue missions.training specific, specific workflowflight, risk, comprehensive, engine, physics1
superflora.nlThanks to SuperFlora, all you (as a retailer) have to concentrate on is the sale of plants and flowers in your shop: the point of sale. We take care of everything else for you . From category management to customer-specific packaging, and…customer specific, specific packagingchain, colourful, connection, flower, vacancy1
stoffenbestellen.nlAre you looking for a specific substance? Then use the search window at the top of the website. This allows you to search within a few seconds of our entire range of which we have substances in stock that you can order directly online.fabric, cotton, satin, wool, silk1
paulmercken.nlMy apartment is not a museum. Apart from whether I even should wish it or not, the fact that it is a part of a specific building complex makes this impossible. I be­long to the association the senior commu­nity DE GRONDSLSAG (THE…fact specific, specific buildjapanese, overview, decorator, wedding, encounter1
atelierable.nlis that, according to Piccolpasso, the wheel head, on which the clay was shaped, used to be especially designed for specific wares. If the potter needed to throw another shape he would switch the wheel head.[1] I don’t know how widely…especially specific, specific warewheel, medieval, axle, century, jar1
frankklank.nlWhen playing the bowl, a long-lasting sound is created, rich in overtone resonance with vibration patterns and specific beats.pattern specific, specific beatbowl, singing, meditation, silence, pure1
argus-management.nlDeveloping yourself is a nice and exciting journey, involving self-growth and people knowledge. We want to offer everyone a chance to improve oneself. That’s why we organize in-depth training sessions, in which a specific theme will be…session specific, specific themeleadership, cooperation, literally, behavior, reference1
elitementorshipforum.nlMastery of emotional response is the key separator between those who live their life at ‘cause’ rather than ‘effect’. This module teaches specific techniques for instantly disarming negative emotions and the re-patterning of previous…module specific, specific techniquementorship, phase, transformation, sage, effective1
checkedid.nlA short description of the verification process and what happens with the requested data is displayed. Data will only be used for this specific verification. After sending, all data will be erased from the device. Click on ‘Start’.data specific, specific verificationpricing, verification, benefit, copy, passport1
greenberg.nlWe work with flexible teams consisting of top experts in their field making sure the best professionals are working on your specific case.professional specific, specific caseconsulting, independent, ukraine, sit, amet1
0100dev.nlAlthough we work on a lot of different projects, we focus on specific projects involving (WHMCS) modules, High Traffic applications and IoT based application, connecting hardware with software.project specific, specific projectwhmcs, integration, variety, past, deployment1
predom-niewiadow.nlDo you specifically have a specific type of car in mind or in mind that you would like to purchase, but please contact us and request it digitally (with an email) from us?specifically specific, specific typecross, camp, factory, specifically, accessorie1
awareable.nlTailor the system to address specific health needs, from mobility assistance to cognitive support.system specific, specific healthconnect, wearable, caregiver, device, patient1
hylahandmade.nlyour life. Whether it's a painting, an embroidery piece, or a handcrafted piece of jewelry, I hope you can find something that catches your eye! If you're in need of something specific, I am also available for custom orders and commissions!need specific, specific availableadd, handmade, polymer, clay, earring1
d4dc.nlDuring my two-period internship at the UMC Utrecht, I initiated and led a research project at the Psychiatry department. My task was to establish a motion capture lab and utilize Laban movement analysis to investigate the correlation…correlation specific, specific movementscientist, resume, algorithm, driver, innovative1
mindyourself.nlBy using specific methodologies and her personal plan she enables clients to clear trauma, take back control over their life and become their authentic self.consultation, globally, technique, therapist, revolutionary1
slbhightech.nlWe invest in all the required certifications and qualifications , which are client-specific, of course. Thanks to optimal documentation of all materials and processes in the ERP package, the entire chain is traceable.client specific, specific courseinstallation, assembly, promise, pharmaceutical, chain1
ray-tek.nlon new challenges. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and develop solutions that meet their specific requirements. Our approach is collaborative and transparent, and we take pride in our commitment to staying…solution specific, specific requirementsray, electric, efficiency, wheel, prototyping1
ewoud.nl…and using the palette knife to look for the right composition, not allowing myself to be distracted by specifics. Once the form of the painting has been established then I begin to work on the birds or a particular detail of…composition specific, specific formwildlife, contemporary, exhibition, painting, bird1
interestcalc.nlan appropriate profit margin to cover the risks and the borrower an appropriate cost of borrowing money? InterestCalc identifies the specific financing risks, values them, and incorporates them in an interest rate that makes economic sense.interestcalc specific, specific financeinterest, rate, calculation, pricing, loan1
aria-lde.nlanalyzing this information. In other words, there is a need for new forms of research intelligence, tailored to the specific context of our organizations. In the ARIA project, we aim to find out how research intelligence can best be used tointelligence specific, specific contextintelligence, recognition, collaborative, cwt, advisory1
renevandenberg.nlAll molds are made in the atelier. I make them myself, because the heels and platforms that need to be reproduced, must be suited for their purpose. Every single design has specific individual demands on strength and weight.design specific, specific individualshoe, bespoke, foot, pattern, pair1
nannywereld.nlAfter a face-to-face intake, Nannywereld will select several Nannies that meet your specific requirements. After meeting each of the potential candidates in person, you will decide which one is the best match for your family. We believe…nanny specific, specific requirementsflexible, childcare, selection, rate, highly1
isourcinghub.nl…suitable parties on dozens of IT topics. With just a few mouse clicks, my colleagues and I can get a good picture for our clients of the most important parties, whether it concerns a major IT outsourcing or a very specific IT issue."outsourcing specific, specific issuevendor, request, discover, partners, immediately1
actieelektrischefiets.nl…straps triangle best designed framed purple blush.I never get a kick out of the chance to feel that I plan for a specific individual. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A…chance specific, specific individualdeath, naked, hunt, witcher, powerful1
hetonland.nlIn 'De Opkamer' and 'Jachtkamer' you can enjoy a delicious meal. A very varied menu will introduce you to our specific 'Achterhoek' cuisine.menu specific, specific achterhoekhet, surrounding, farm, inn, hospitality1
rosannehertzberger.nl…one or two of only four kinds, which are also all closely related: crispatus, jensenii, gasseri and iners . These specific types of bacteria feel very at home in the vagina. Or at least, in the human vagina. In some of our closest…iner specific, specific typeyogurt, bacteria, milk, woman, juice1
westburgbv.nlWith a team of committed employees, our goal is to deliver the most delicious snack tomatoes every day. We act as a reliable and flexible supplier and package our snack tomatoes according to the specific wishes of the customer. This way…tomato specific, specific wishtomato, yellow, commit, plum, innovative1
exanta.nlWe sell pharmaceutical cosmetics for specific cosmetic needs. We only offer the most reliable and certified brands.cosmetic specific, specific cosmeticfragrance, brown, cosmetic, major, shawn1
rietokken.nlfearful experience that will have to be lived through again if you want to become free of fear. Becoming free of your specific fear can usually be done with behavior therapy, but you will not be able to get rid of your deeper-lying anxiety.free specific, specific fearfear, emotion, path, situation, anger1
dutchestateservice.nlWe deliver tailor made work. Contact us and we’ll make a proposal based on your specific situation.proposal specific, specific situationestate, buy, reference, tariff, property1
museumrondleidingen.nlInterested? For more specific details and bookings, please contact me by email or telephone. I am looking forward to showing you my favourite places and sharing with you my enthusiasm for and knowledge of art, design, architecture and art…interested specific, specific detailvml, endif, summary, guide, lecturer1
wennekersvlees.nl…meat, and transports it to various customers. G&A Wennekers focuses on the treatment and handling of beef, veal and lamb meat. On top of the large offering, you can have the meat treated according to your specific requirements and needs!meat specific, specific requirementsmeat, wholesale, cow, inspection, treatment1
sugarpinemedia.nl…and technology to create designs that are not only visually stunning but also easy to use and adapt. We also offer tailored solutions to fit our clients’ specific requirements, whether it’s a one-off project or a long-term partnership.client specific, specific requirementsfile, think, impeccable, taste, collaborative1
coffeenomad.nlimprove specialty coffee skills, connect individuals together and with cafes, and we have heaps of resources for both learning and inspiration! Please contact us with your situation and we can work with you to cater for your specific needs.situation specific, specific needgear, merch, specialty, resource, cafe1
4esgconsulting.nlAt 4ESG Consulting, we combine expertise in legal matters, compliance, ICT, data analysis, and environmental science to provide a comprehensive service – tailored to the specific needs of your organization. This unique blend of knowledge…service specific, specific needconsulting, sustainability, legislation, compliance, ambition1
de-stille-kracht.nlBy submitting a photo we will make an appointment for a consult on a later date. I will make sure the painting will be finished at that date. I will also give you the specific information and m  eaning of the colours and symbols used in…date specific, specific informationintuitive, therapy, psychic, traditional, mean1
boukjecnossen.nlHi! My name is Boukje and I am currently Professor for Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Culture at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany. My research focuses on organizing practices in the arts and other creative settings, with a…setting specific, specific interest, organization specificentrepreneurship, prof, academic, publication, journal1
pbholding.nlIn our products page you will find a part of our available selection of items. As the products move fast, not all will be displayed. We add new stock regularly, keep an eye out for new deals. For specific requirements, please do not…deal specific, specific requirementshold, purchase, wholesale, electronic, household1
stuffgroningen.nlThe website is meant to give general information, but if you have any specific questions you can contact our secretary (Maaike): [email protected] or our chair (Jasmijn): 06-33529618. We will be happy to help you!information specific, specific questionstuff, association, faculty, study, philosophy1
michaelwaterman.nlThat even software and designs from quarter of a century ago still influence the modern Cloud enabled world. In this specific case I’m talking about the PowerBI gateway and how it operates in an on-prem Active Directory environment. Allow…world specific, specific casepki, directory, cryptographic, length, algorithm1
svzv.nlEven more than men, female migrants and refugees are bumping into the walls of current migration policy. Women-unfriendly procedures, legislation and case law, and the denial of the sex-specific flight motives and specific distress that…sex specific, specific flight, motive specific, specific distresswoman, law, violence, illegal, undocumented1
citadel-enterprises.nlPearlPaint Group develops, produces and supplies liquid and malleable brand products for repair, protection, maintenance and cleaning. All products have been developed for specific applications in the living and working environment…product specific, specific applicationenterprise, industrial, vehicle, solid, pillar1
lonnekekruisbergen.nlMy starting point was: how does a plant sound? So I went looking for this specific sound I had in mind and composed a vibrant composition with interaction and relationship between the plants and Toby. The marimba represents the plants…plant specific, specific soundanimation, composer, edit, movie, interaction1
metggz.nlOur care professionals draw up treatment and support plans to suit the client’s specific care and support needs. This allows us to keep lines of communication short, and the client can get the support they need in their local area.client specific, specific carevoor, mental, recovery, healthcare, satisfy1
faradaiq.nlDo you want to expand your knowledge on electrochemistry and its techniques? We offer several courses which can be customized to ensure your specific topic is covered fully.course specific, specific topicinstrumentation, setup, electrochemical, corrosion, broad1
colourcards.nlWe die-cut and trim many materials. Each material has a specific consistency and character, but our extensive machines, such as a swing arm punching machines, kar-beam die-cutting machines and trimming machines , can process all types of…material specific, specific consistencyswatch, cut, leather, die, fabric1
samon.nlDifferent circumstances require specific solutions. With us, every machine can be put together according to your wishes and needs thanks to our extensive list of options.circumstances specific, specific solutiononion, harvest, documentation, assembly, extensive1
researchsurvey.nlWe call any research study that hosts a questionnaire on Research Survey a “project”. Each project has its own specific requirements. Most of those necessities are already provided by the current system. However, some projects have…project specific, specific requirements, example specific, specific typesurvey, study, clinical, practise, gdpr1
jessicadenhartog.nl…is the way for me to make new designs. I make my own collections consisting of different design studies on a specific subject. For example, my own font, compositions, grids, etc. It is a mix of one-offs and small editions for a…study specific, specific subjectexhibition, teach, lecture, waste, colorful1
phenomix.nlIn metabolomics, scientists study the unique chemical fingerprints that specific metabolic processes leave behind in our bodies. This kind of knowledge can help the healthcare sector focus more on prevention or early treatment as a whole…fingerprint specific, specific metabolicmetabolomics, healthcare, scientist, metabolic, lab1
vuedor.nlThe collection is designed in such a way that there is a good glass shape for every type of face in every style. As a result, you will always find gold spectacles that accentuate or conceal specific features of your face. In short…spectacle specific, specific featureglass, d’or, craftsmanship, spectacle, bespoke1
22ai.nlWe invite you to explore our website and discover how 22AI Creations® can help you unlock the power of AI and innovation. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your specific needs, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look…question specific, specific needcreation, creativity, evolution, seamless, integration1
rumbanana.nlDepending on the public, Rumbanana can play traditional “dance and swing” music (for the lovers of a specific style), or popular cover song (e.g. at private parties etc. It can also play cool, rhythmic music just for the listening…lover specific, specific stylecaribbean, american, trumpet, percussion, cuban1
mach-e.nlToday the first delivery of the BNCP-402 Rapid Test cassettes arrived in Jakarta. The purpose of this shipment is to distribute samples to specific Indonesian relations and to have the product tested for the Indonesian Market.sample specific, specific indonesiansupply, medicine, rapid, study, antigen1
mka-tanzania.nlof the Tanzanian Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (OMFS). More Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons have to be trained and the three existing Zonal referral hospitals have to be equipped with specific instruments to adequately treat the patients.hospital specific, specific instrumenthospital, oral, maxillofacial, patient1
climateinitiativenoordnederland.nlThis website shows those innovative cooperative efforts and initiatives already in progress; research and knowledge sharing; new connections and existing (inter)national networks; and specific projects and results.network specific, specific projectclimate, northern, initiative, ecosystem, weather1
aukezwaan.nlHave you ever found yourself determined to ‘finally figure something out’ about a specific topic, but giving up after reading Wikipedia pages that look too difficult to understand?¬†Wikipedia has an answer to that.finally specific, specific topicctf, write, stuff, interesting, educational1
amsterdamluxurytours.nlWe guarantee full discretion for your VIP transport challenges and all other inquiries. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific demands.inquiry specific, specific demandluxury, transfer, transportation, destination, brussels1
friendlygiantgaming.nlLooking for something specific or want to have an item in store with a custom paint job?warhammer, boardgame, miniature, wishlist, request1
personalprotectiondogs.nlPPD aims to tailor-train our dogs to your personal situation. We value our customer satisfaction and will make every effort to achieve your specific goals.effort specific, specific goaldog, protection, bodyguard, specialty, police1
zair.nlGuarantee the continuation of your activities and the safety of your employees with the compressors and breathing air units of full service specialist Zeevenhooven Air. Our experienced specialists think along with you about your specific…specialist specific, specific challengebreathe, accessorie, compress, ppe, conditioning1
karmijnkapitaal.nlIf necessary, we take on specific projects or have them executed by experts. Most often that concerns other aspects than core business, but for example the improvement of the management information system, working capital or risk…necessary specific, specific projectinvestment, entrepreneur, fund, louie, king1
idiomorf.nlOur illustrations can be combined with photography. For some anatomical subjects, we take situation photographs. This is in order to draw specific parts in them later to complete the anatomical drawings.order specific, specific partillustration, animation, graphic, thousand, disease1
montessori-azalea.nl…for optimal development. This “prepared environment”, which is also present at our school, contains many specific materials designed by Maria Montessori, which children can use to learn and discover all kinds of things. The…school specific, specific materialrole, educational, classroom, potential, contemporary1
nfu-ebrok.nlParticipant get access until 31 December 2024. Before 31 december 2024, the six basic modules, at least one in depth module, a center specific meeting (CSB) and an exam (online or on location) should be completed.center specific, specific meetingparticipant, buy, certificate, certification, exam1
seveso.nlWe can help you with EHS due diligence / legal compliance audits or environmental permits. There are about 400 Seveso locations in The Netherlands; Seveso nl is involved in more than 10% of these locations. Specific consultancy is…location specific, specific consultancydirective, hazard, consulting, specially, decree1
photomenu.nl. You can easily navigate through the various sections and filter dishes by categories. No more hassle searching for specific dishes. With just a few taps on the screen, you have instant access to all your culinary desires. Furthermore…hassle specific, specific dishdish, culinary, allergen, beverage, easily1
fr8.nlThrough cooperation in Rotterdam and Antwerp, Fr8 is also able to offer the sea freight sector recruitment - and executive search solutions. An extensive database of logistics experts helps to deliver the right candidate for every…position specific, specific marketcargo, candidate, logistics, operation, aerospace1
moniqueelferink.nlWe are Theo and Monique from the Netherlands. We share a passion for travelling in general and diving in specific. Impressions of our travels you can find on this web site.general specific, specific impressiontitle, dive, africa, asia, north1
versluisaccountancy.nlWe can achieve this by taking sufficient time for our clients and have open and clear communication. In this way we can customize our service on the clients specific needs. Tailor-made. We are convinced this approach leads to top quality.client specific, specific needadministration, tax, consulting, investment, license1
schotanus-jens.nl…list is already ready. Otherwise, you need to start this list already in one meeting, to be certain everyone specific the list to cash per sale . meeting. Naturally, it can be hard to choose books without time to think, so ask the…pennsylvania specific, specific normaluncategorized, author, driver, matter, miscellaneous1
slagkracht.nlThe technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a…use specific, specific servicepurpose, storage, subscriber, legitimate, preference1
willemsvintagebikes.nl…crown jewel of any collection. Display it proudly or experience the thrill of the ride – the choice is yours. This specific model was made between 1962 and 1964. It comes with Reynolds tubing, a TA crankset, Normandy hubs, Huret…choice specific, specific modeltourer, fully, tyre, tube, chain1
dirk-janalken.nlMost of the times I prefer to not bind VMs to a specific host, but sometimes it saves lots of money on licenses. I used this script to keep Windows VMs running on less hosts then my cluster size, in order to report less Host usage for the…vms specific, specific hostnsx, vcenter, host, vmware, profile1
nlpostalliance.nlWould you like to obtain an up to 35% cash rebate for your film production? Or 30% for your television drama? Read the specifics here .foley, visual, rebate, grading, motion1
machineservicenoord.nl…conditions and the applicable law and regulations. MSN has this knowledge and is able to apply the proper warranty conditions. In this way we can tell your customers whether or not they can use the warranty in their specific situation.warranty specific, specific situationwarranty, repair, gasoline, electrical, consumer1
researchned.nl…We are a team of young, enthusiastic and dedicated professionals with extensive experience and knowledge of specific national and international policy areas such as student satisfaction; student drop-out and early school leaving…knowledge specific, specific nationalsurvey, secondary, scientific, satisfaction, vocational1
oudshoorn-leemwerk.nlTadelakt is a very specific sort of Lime found around Marrakesh, Marokko. In translation Tadelakt means ‘polishing’, and this polishing gives the original Tadelakt the typical satin-glazy, cloudy colour effects.tadelakt specific, specific sortclay, plaster, profile, colour, pure1
heudrasnijtechniek.nlDo you have any specific wishes or would you like to discuss certain possibilities with us? We look forward to assess your assignment, from advice to drawing and from guidance to execution.cut, steel, metal, stainless, precision1
enervive.nlIf you would like to have a personal session one or more times, this is also possible. This allows for more attention to specific parts that suit your needs. This can be a session for yourself or with yourself and your child.attention specific, specific partlesson, toddler, parent, exercise, birth1
samico.nlquestions. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, a tailored-made legal solution takes into account the specific circumstances, goals, and constraints of the client. A tailor -Made solution requires a thorough understanding of…account specific, specific circumstancestailor, litigation, arbitration, dimension, matter1
polytex.nlPolytex provides the wallcovering industry with inks and coatings of unsurpassed quality and performance. Wallcovering inks require specific performance attributes that go well beyond what most printing inks provide. Polytex’s…ink specific, specific performanceink, paper, carton, variety, narrow1
ramseshealth.nlWe invite you to explore our various treatments for more information about the specific therapies and associated costs. Each of our treatments is designed to meet your specific needs and help you lead a healthier, more balanced life.information specific, specific therapy, treatment specific, specific needpain, treatment, symptom, traditional, oil1
thewordcounter.nlTranslation accuracy and consistency; strict quality control; knowledge of specific topics and terminologies; low translation costs; convenience.knowledge specific, specific topiccounter, translation, background, government, specialize1
micro-serve.nlThe business concept of Micro-Serve laboratory is to supply a total range of microbiological tests , validations and related services. Our services are specifically for the CE-mark sterile medical devices , designed to specific client…device specific, specific clientmicrobiological, serve, laboratory, validation, sterilization1
lcam-fnwi.nlFor microscope-specific questions communicate with the contact person indicated in the Equipment-sectionmicroscope specific, specific questionmicroscopy, advanced, functional, imaging1
git-training.nlOndrej came in to train us in Git, on the spot he also helped us with situational questions specific to our business surrounding the whole development cycle. He did not fail even with our ad hoc questions which were related to Git only…question specific, specific businessgit, branch, gitlab, session, beneficial1
bakkerwestwoud.nlMPS Quality is a chain-wide quality care system with industry-specific requirements for floriculture. MPS Quality allows the grower to guarantee the reliability of the product information and the services provided.industry specific, specific requirementsbulb, plantation, flower, brother, initially1
hydropneumotion.nlThis includes designing or re-engineering hydraulic installations to your specific needs, maintenance and repair in our own state of the art workshop or on location if necessary as well as keeping a large stock of hydraulic and pneumatic…installation specific, specific needhydraulic, repair, pneumatic, cylinder, valve1
limeslabsupport.nlI have a result driven project approach. This approach can always be adapted to your specific situation. You decide which services you need.approach specific, specific situationlab, decision, laboratory, adjacent, requirements1
energyintegrated.nlWith a solid base in a university computing science background. The modern IT and project skills required are combined with specific market knowledge to work effectively in projects. Adding value by making sure integration is achieved on…skills specific, specific marketintegrate, consulting, function, difficulty, functional1
htsintermodaal.nloffer customised solutions as well. For the transport of additional container volumes by barge, for example, or for specific transports on different routes. At HTS Intermodaal, service is always our top priority. We carefully evaluate…example specific, specific transportintermodal, barge, germany, logistics, seaport1
delftdesignforvalues.nlDesign for values requires the integration of different kinds of expertise and skills. It requires knowledge of and expertise in design, philosophical knowledge of values and relevant moral theories, and domain knowledge of specific…knowledge specific, specific technologyinstitute, justice, technological, annual, stakeholder1
kijkwijzer.nlsexual intercourse without visible genitals or a PEGI 18 rating if there is explicit sexual activity in the game. Depictions of nudity in a non-sexual context do not require a specific age rating, and this descriptor would not be necessary.context specific, specific agecomplaint, violence, season, icon, sexual1
vocalcoach.nlMany people wonder what they will learn in singing lessons or voice training, and what the learning process will look like. Ultimately this depends on your starting level, learning style, and specific needs. As a student it's useful to…style specific, specific needsinging, lesson, rate, teacher, suitable1
thesupplychangerinbulk.nlIf you wish to receive more or specific information about the repositioning of Van den Bosch, please contact our communication department:logistics, quantity, supply, reliable, chain1
tmirhenen.nlOur working method is aimed at allowing our customers to benefit optimally from the know-how and expertise of TMI Technische Metaal Industrie. Do you have a specific order or is your idea still in its early stages? We would be happy to…industrie specific, specific orderinterior, assembly, trade, utility, metal1
in4leads.nlThis is of course different for every company, but it can lead to great benefits. Use our ROI calculator and have your business case calculated with your data. Of course we always deliver tailor-made solutions for your specific market and…solution specific, specific marketgeneration, related, package, promise, valuable1
nomatron.nlIndustry 4.0, M2M, Smart Everything. Home and Building Automation. Industrial, Telecom and Public Sector Automation. Tailor-made product development. Customer specific integrations.customer specific, specific integrationprogressive, integration, reliable, evolution, highly1
mariannevanhoeve.nlDuring this initial consultation the first aim is to get to know each other and find out what is going on in your present life. If you have a specific problem we will adress that first. If we decide to continue our sessions we will cover…life specific, specific problemrelationship, session, psychotherapy, therapy, rate1
how2se.nl…covering all disciplines within Systems Engineering. Immediately applicable and, where necessary, tailored entirely to your specific project. The ideal solution for customers and contractors, civil engineering agencies and project teams.entirely specific, specific projectcarefully, crucial, progress, achievable, civil1
barlenoble.nlmy body reacts. And the elements. The wind, I felt the connection. The earth and the water. All elements with their specific characteristics. The perfection and wisdom of my body. It knows, much more than I thought. And it is very happy…element specific, specific characteristicsanimal, evening, connection, educate, feeling1
bhc-ems.nl…problems, high frequency, miniaturization and sensors. We are a true solution provider. Developments that require specific materials, knowledge and experience of our team are a welcoming challenge for us. BHC has all the disciplines you…development specific, specific materialelectronic, thick, assembly, lighting, pcba1
raccent.nl…situations. Each type of question goes with different forms of assessment. In the learning process they go with specific reflection and feed back. Through provision of peer feed back situation awareness may be enhanced and expert feed…process specific, specific reflectioncreation, acquisition, common, reflection, seven1
flocktechniek.nlFlocktechiek helps customers in (to) performing all flock activities. The accumulated expertise is used to find appropriate solutions for specific problems.solution specific, specific problemcolour, fibre, sheet, possibility, quickly1
universitycollege.nl…or an international equivalent, such as an IB diploma, British A-levels, or the French Baccalauréat. All VWO-profiles are accepted. Some University Colleges may have specific grade requirements for mathematics, English or other subjects.colleges specific, specific gradeliberal, programme, discover, multidisciplinary, academic1
willemijndegreef.nlZeeuwse knopen is the name for a specific sort of jewellery worn with traditional costumes of Zeeland.knopen specific, specific sortsilver, clay, rope, bronze, glaze1
businessastrology.nlJuxtaposition works with companies to find their specific ‘DNA’ – finding that special spark that makes a company unique. This analysis is used as input for management and branding strategy, positioning and determining timing for various…company specific, specific dnaastrology, evolution, planet, monthly, decision1
ubuy.co.nlAll types of office products are available in our collection. You need not look elsewhere to find any of your office supplies. You will find high quality reasonably priced products to suit your specific requirements right here in Ubuy.product specific, specific requirementsverify, accessorie, electronic, luxury, perfume1
rogue-studio.nlA brand is more than just a logo. Having a brand is telling a story you are convinced to offer your service or service to a specific type of customer or group. To make an impact with your story and be heard, good design cannot be missing.service specific, specific typerogue, discover, marketplace, powerful, naar1
volgensplanning.nlWatch our performance demonstration video series demonstrating Floor2plan's capabilities in dealing with large datasets viewed from different user perspectives. Five scenarios of the most important roles, each with their own specific…role specific, specific activityshipyard, shipbuilding, resource, paper, schedule1
pepflow.nlThe music industry can appear overwhelmingly complex. Navigating around the management of the various music rights can be perplexing. Several factors require specific expertise. Pepflow specializes in the management of music rights in the…factor specific, specific expertisetalented, administration, registration, interest, publisher1
elenatranslations.nlElena Translations provides personal service by listening to the customers and by offering suitable solutions for each of their specific needs.solution specific, specific needtranslation, russian, certificate, marriage, translator1
vankeulenheftrucks.nlOur main brands are Linde and Toyota forklifts, but sometimes we also offer other brands. If you have a specific search request, please contact us.brand specific, specific searchforklift, stock, inspection, electric, maintenance1
chinaconnector.nlThe China Connector provides tailor made programs to your specific needs. The China Connector covers politics, business and society in China to bring you fresh insights into a new culture, economical and legal system.program specific, specific needinstitution, island, flower, ocean, audience1
reac.nlWe understand that every location is unique, which is why we offer flexible software and hardware solutions that can be customised to fit your specific needs. Whether you're a small gambling hall just starting out or a large casino…solution specific, specific needhall, player, intelligence, ahead, innovative1
djmfoodprocessing.nlDJM creates and builts state-of-the-art production machines for demanding (inter)nationally active (fast) food, comfort food and pet food producers. The program is divided into seven different production technologies, each targeting…technology specific, specific productvacancy, innovative, sustainability, worldwide, watch1
chiromoment.nlCombining knowledge with experience, I help you work towards your specific needs.experience specific, specific needchiropractic, patient, pain, august, partnership1
radboudumcadrenalcenter.nlSpecial attention will be paid to indications and interpretation of testing, including imaging procedures. In addition, essential and practical methodological aspects of specific procedures such as adrenal venous sampling and minimally…aspect specific, specific procedureadrenal, presentation, patient, break, accreditation1
genderconsult.nlGender Consult advises parents with a specific wish for a daugther or a son. The methods applied are purely natural: a special diet for the mother to be followed before conception, in combination with timing of intercourse. Since 1999 we…parent specific, specific wishgirl, boy, selection, chance, scientifically1
dersam.nlAs an advocate of Open Source Software Dersam will always explore the possibilities within the Open Source Community for specific solutions. Dersam can select, combine or even modify the software, dependent on the needs.community specific, specific solutiondevice, demand, modification, worth, assistance1
airporttelecom.nlOver the years, the shop and its staff have become experts in putting together attractive local prepaid SIM card packages for Europe as well as a broad collection of SIM lock free phones and smartphone accessories that meet the specific…accessorie specific, specific demandunlimited, hall, arrival, south, america1
horizonlifestyle.nl2 times as strong on most exercises. Horizon trainers are particularly skilled in improving your form, recommending specific exercises to improve your personal shape, giving nutritional advice and making training schedules. All this…form specific, specific exercisestrength, schedule, healthy, nutrition, simply1
creativecomet.nlA content campaign is a strategic marketing effort involving a series of related content pieces distributed through various channels to achieve specific goals, such as increasing brand awareness or driving sales.channel specific, specific goalvisual, campaign, animation, worth, effective1
no-dig-event.nlDoes your organization provide products or services in the field of trenchless techniques? Or do you have specific questions for the sector?technique specific, specific questiondig, exhibitor, october, visitor, chance1
geagrofia.nlI have yet to discover the reason for the difference in the results of the two algorithms, both consider 8 directions, and I have yet to find differences in the shortest paths between specific sources and targets.path specific, specific sourceagricultural, analysis, author, spatial, domain1
jeroenwolfslag.nlFor the past 7 years I have been leading teams of people with different backgrounds and skill sets and enabling them to work creatively and productively together on business solutions tailored to the customer's specific needs.customer specific, specific needazure, architecture, task, analysis, integration1
andinorms.nlYou can define an unlimited number of templates, e.g., in different languages like Dutch, English, Polish, etc. Notice, however that names and descriptions and other language-specific aspects are only available in Dutch and English. In…language specific, specific aspectandi, neuropsychological, template, advanced, diagnostic1
cloudhubs.nlboosting compliance posture by 20-30%. Whether it's HIPAA, GDPR, PCI, or ISO standards, we've got you covered. Rely on our expertise in Cloud Security Framework, Cloud Compliance, and specific regulations like GxP: 21 CFR Part 11, Annex 11.compliance specific, specific regulationcompliance, automation, migration, analytic, healthcare1
vaartochtvalenthe.nlOur fixed route goes a bit through The Hague Center and Westbroekpark, but we are happy to accommodate your specific wishes!happy specific, specific wishhague, electric, canal, river, mountain1
zasco.nlCurious about all the possibilities for your company? Contact our specialist without engagement! We find it very important that we really look at your specific needs.important specific, specific needseed, vegetable, agricultural, fertilizer, obligation1
glowacupuncture.nlAcupuncture will not only address the specific complaint you came for, but it will also re-educate your nervous system to deal better with stress in the future. This is crucial for the body as all healing, elimination of waste…acupuncture specific, specific complaintacupuncture, pain, concern, digestive, anxiety1
petroplug.nlCurrent well abandonment techniques rely on cement and sealing the inner wellbore. Due to geological, material specific and mechanical forces many abandoned wells leak to surface through micro-annuli. .material specific, specific mechanicalformation, surface, barrier, path, leak1
mmindful.nlMindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally. You can focus your attention on something specific, such as your breath, or your body. Or you can open your awareness…attention specific, specific breathdepression, advanced, insurance, meditation, healthcare1
dekkermotorparts.nlSince we receive new and secondhand products every day, it’s possible that not everything is on our website yet. If you are looking for something specific that is not on our site, please contact us and we will try to help you as best we…website specific, specific sitebike, tire, motorcycle, additionally, accessorie1
adeknegt.nlOne specific condition: all variables, members, methods and classes have to be called x (or X for the class)!! It results in completely unreadable code, but due to scoping in Java, it can be done. See if you can follow the code πŸ™‚programming, road, topic, bumpy, chapter1
rda-consulting.nlSupporting the clients operational organisation with specific skills for pre-defined periods in the business domains Front Office, Administration, Risk & Performance, Reporting, IT and Data.organisation specific, specific skillsconsulting, manual, investment, career, improvement1
wine-wizz.nlAre you looking for a specific wine or vintage? Through our reliable network and suppliers we have access to specific wines on demand aside from our current in-stock selection.access specific, specific winewine, investment, interested, gladly, consumption1
mofan.nlOur clients range from promising start ups to global businesses and large public sector organizations. All of them value the experience, and specific competence that our expert consultants can offer.experience specific, specific competencerelationship, trust, successful, proud, interesting1
comservices.nlWe try to show our entire stock on our website, but this is not always possible. If you are looking for a specific product, Comservices will surely have it in stock somewhere. Call or email us, chances are we can help you anyway.possible specific, specific productwishlist, ip, grey, dark, condition1
mercurypainting.nlThis is the range of brands that I use most, for each project, there's a specific product that suits best the job, based on the final purpose of the surfaces and your budget.project specific, specific productpainting, decorate, surface, paint, wallpaper1
dusartpharma.nl…products. To ensure the best end product possible, we apply stringent quality requirements from start to finish. We can either take care of the entire process for you or handle specific elements such as the production or packaging alone.process specific, specific elementpackaging, liquid, producer, cream, herbal1
ssrw.nl…phase, students from the University of Amsterdam provide free legal service. During monthly lectures (clinics) on specific legal topics and walk-inhours, we try to efficiently match NGOs and startups with the relevant professional and…clinic specific, specific legallaw, topic, monthly, situation, criterion1
kikipetratou.nlInstallation view at Kunstvlaai, I Still Hate Thatcher, Site- specific Installation , 2 Synchronized Slide Projectors , 2 School Tables, 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thatcher specific, specific installationexhibition, opposite, attraction, installation, greece1
hejemasi.nlDue to circumstances you may in one way or another t emporarily lack capacity. In this case Hejemasi can be of service to you in different fields of application, because our employees have a broad expertise and the knowledge to solve your…knowledge specific, specific problemstorage, civil, entire, sphere, requirements1
rokerijdegroot.nl…of mackerel, herring, salmon, salmon roe and freshwater fish. The company does its utmost to meet its customers’ specific wishes regarding salting and smoking percentages, making Smokehouse de Groot the ideal partner for buying…customer specific, specific wishcardboard, salmon, cold, herre, smokehouse1
peaceservant.nlAfrican descendants have their special and specific cultural health care approach. Applying individual or community approach are possible approaches in all the situations.special specific, specific culturalservant, peace, lecture, spiritual, meditation1
isrid.nlSince 2022 Isrid’s son Zeb joined the agency which is now a family Business. Times are changing and Gen-Z is a fast growing and specific workforce. Zeb specialises in supporting young talent careers and recruitment, also offering CV…fast specific, specific workforceluxury, finder, growth, commerce, sustainability1
hcss.nlThe Indo-Pacific region has emerged as the new epicentre of geopolitical competition. Europe has begun its own tilt towards the Indo-Pacific, yet it remains unclear what specific role Europeans should play. The HCSS “Europe in the…unclear specific, specific rolestrategic, pacific, maritime, region1
dekade-appartementen.nlWould you like more information or do you have a specific question about one of the apartments? Fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Also download the brochure to read everything.information specific, specific questionapartment, river, stay, panoramic, monumental1
concept2.nlThe SkiErg offers a total body exercise that helps you build strength and endurance specific to Nordic skiing.endurance specific, specific nordicrow, motivation, dynamic, technique, exercise1
komak.nlKomak designs, engineers, manufacturers and distributes solutions for pump applications. From specific components to complete pump systems and sealing systems, Komak has the knowledge, experience and tooling to serve her customer base…application specific, specific componentpump, sealing, turn, seal, tailor1
casephase.nlIn addition, we can fully customize your protective cover for a specific product, for a perfect fit and ultimate protection.cover specific, specific productelectronic, protective, device, cover, ultimate1
fruitpartnersblom.nlThanks to our extensive network of partners and suppliers, we can supply fruit throughout Europe all year long. Apart from offering our range of products, we can also comply with specific wishes of the customer. Would you like apples or…product specific, specific wish, customer specificpear, grower, exclusively, strawberry, trade1
allindustry.nlAll Industry scheduling specializes in providing and maintaining customized schedule services based on the client’s need and the specific project or turnaround.need specific, specific projectschedule, vacancy, turnaround, advance, output1
innovateideas.nlIt is our mission to bring great scientific ideas to society and make a positive impact. The translation from idea to innovation can take many forms and sizes. From a specific product to a new understanding of the world around us.size specific, specific productinnovate, society, positively, optimal, adolescence1
sabine-acupunctuur-amsterdam.nlEvery meridian has its own energy and every point on the meridian has its own specific energy and properties. Disruption of the energy flow is caused by emotional or physical problems.meridian specific, specific energyacupuncture, meridian, complaint, treatment, pregnancy1
interestingtraffic.nlAnother key point is the lack of enthusiasm for vendor specific tools. The "buy vs. build" decision is heavily falling down on the side of "build" for the people in this survey.vendor specific, specific tooltraffic, interesting, survey, automation, networking1
secured.nlEach sector is unique and has its own specific challenges, regulations and wishes in the field of access, security and customer experience. In order to offer our customers the best possible service, we constantly ask ourselves:unique specific, specific challengesecure, guard, hospitality, employee, proactively1
tommyjansen.nlFeel free to shoot me a message if you have any specific questions regarding my skills or software knowledge.message specific, specific questionmotion, lighting, animation, visual, visualisation1
nipac-lumc.nl2: Development and validation of specific nanoparticles for in vivo imaging and local molecular activity analysis with photoacoustic imagingvalidation specific, specific nanoparticlesanalysis, invasive, disease, cardiovascular, publication1
brouwerinstallateur.nlOur experts always think along with you to find the best solution for your specific situation. After analyzing your case, we will develop a solution and plan to minimize unexpected surprises. Moreover, we will make every effort to…solution specific, specific situationheating, installation, sanitary, plumbing, renovation1
lindblom.nlEvents can be an excellent opportunity to establish direct contact with a specific group. From A-Z, we help you plan, organise and deliver a world-class event. We specialise in conferences, meetings, press events, product launches and…contact specific, specific groupaffairs, decision, relation, strategic, conference1
tessunlimited.nlCleft lip and palate has a number of specific characteristics, causes and consequences. Tess Unlimited has a a different 'project' for each phase. In this way we can provide efficient and holistic solutions and create the possibility to…number specific, specific characteristicssmile, surgery, promotion, milk, therapy1
smarttulip.nlAll projects of Smart Tulip are screened based on the SMART criteria; objectives, activities and results need to be specific and measurable. Smart Tulip cooperates with local organisations and has selected four educational projects for…result specific, specific measurabletulip, poor, educational, exemption, tax1
trwc.nlWe stock all major business brands like HP, Lenovo, Dell, Microsoft and Apple. And can also source specific stock for our partners, due to our extensive network.apple specific, specific stockwholesale, checkout, porn, africa, middle1
cltl.nl…teaching. Our students learn to build Language Models, study them thoroughly and also train them for various tasks ranging from sentiment and emotion detection, named entity recognition, event extraction to specific medical applications.extraction specific, specific medicalmining, linguistic, computational, lab, reference1
noamben-jacov.nlI do not look at my works as belonging to any ‘one’ specific category or direction, for me it is after all more about the search than anything else.work specific, specific categoryben, installation, sculpture, movement, jewelry1
thehiphophoneys.nlOur Honeys are real, authentic & diverse. Looking for a specific look, just contact us. Click here to take a look around in a snippet of our database.diverse specific, specific lookface, cast, authentic, extraordinary, identity1
testtube.nlWe are happy to help you choose and implement one based on your specific situation.happy specific, specific situationdefault, successful, objective, alternative, risk1
uitgeverijparis.nlAll publications stand out because of their highly involved editors and a focus on a specific segment of the market which guarantees the quality of the information.focus specific, specific segmentparis, law, journal, publisher, labour1
fsfh.nl…solution. This online payroll provides fully automated payroll, but we also use extensive applications in the field of HRM, which fully comply with all legal requirements. This total package is tailored directly to your specific needs.directly specific, specific needhospitality, vacancy, administration, tax, consulting1
geeven.nlIn order to record sound in the bore fluid that fills the borehole a normal microphone would not work so first sonic transducer data and later geophone recordings where translated into audio by software designed by the team for this…team specific, specific purposesand, desert, earth, artwork, acoustic1
bvonderons.nlIf you want more specific information about your target group, please check the other pages of our website.player, competition, recreational, youth, membership1
annemieke-ergotherapie.nlPlease see ‘when Paediatric OT' for further information regarding specific areas.information specific, specific areapaediatric, difficulty, occupational, therapy, adult1
the-s-unit.nlAfter getting acquainted and scoping your security needs, we come up with a proposal in which we clearly explain how we implement our services. The needs, description of the scope and your specific research questions are the basis for our…scope specific, specific researchawareness, exactly, caribbean, pentesting, mendix1
averyacoustics.nlStruggle with your mixes? Does your bass sound muddy? We can target specific frequencies to make sure you get the best listening experience.muddy specific, specific frequencyacoustic, panel, bass, editor, reverb1
tecaid.nlof pulmonary and cardiac appliances, oncology, anesthesia, implants and the research and development of precise and specific sensors. Over time I've learned how to translate innovative ideas into business goals and inspiring end to end R&D…precise specific, specific sensorassurance, requirements, cycle, device, deviation1
solutic.nlWe have you covered for all your needs to make your online presence stand out. Our dedicated team is here to deliver exceptional solutions tailored to your specific goals.solution specific, specific goaldomain, engine, exceptional, landscape, optimization1
htsr.nlIs your company looking for technical expertise to supplement your team temporarily, or to solve specific technical problems within a project? Yet you do not have the resources or need for a new employee? Can the tasks be outsourced…temporarily specific, specific technicalknow, assignment, position, think, physically1
lemmen-engineering.nlWe are specialized in product design and engineering in general and engine management of (off-road) rallying vehicles and wiring harnesses. Some basic information is provided on the website. For any specific questions or requests, please…website specific, specific questionelectronic, engine, conveyor, harness, wiring1
appartementinamsterdam.nlHere you can get specific information about the apartment. You will find a descriptionapartment, tourist, attraction, rate, impression1
thomjacobsen.nlIG&H, I am unable to share the full cases online. However, I am ready to present my work comprehensively during a personal conversation and provide more insight into my contributions to each project, including specific details and outcomes.project specific, specific detailstakeholder, internship, collaboration, interaction, behavior1
dragonplastics.nlDragon Plastics Rotomoulding is an expert in the development and manufacture of customer-specific plastic products and semi-finished products by means of rotational moulding. The high-quality products are produced according to the LEAN…customer specific, specific plasticdragon, indestructible, rotational, technique, molding1
netstar.nlBy mapping out the specific situation of our hotel and conference center (location, facilities), we benefit optimally from the deployment of the campaigns. In addition, we receive a monthly clear report plus explanation, which gives us…campaign, accommodation, holiday, promotion, report1
speelgoedgoedkoop.nlThis webpage was generated by the domain owner using Sedo Domain Parking . Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers. Reference to any specific service or trade mark is not controlled by Sedo nor does it…reference specific, specific servicerecovery, domain, popular, advertiser, relationship1
dare-nl.nlThe Dutch infrastructure for cancer-specific ATMP Research (DARE-NL) is a unique partnership between all academic developers of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) in the Netherlands. ATMPs are the next revolution in medicine…cancer specific, specific atmpdare, patient, annual, treatment, cancer1
femmeworks.nl…want more women in higher positions, they don’t succeed in finding the right candidates. Why? In most cases, the specific needs of these candidates have not been taken into account. Such needs might include flexible hours…case specific, specific needcandidate, diversity, woman, flexible, highly1
interpersona.nlCAN’T FIND THE INVESTMENT THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AMONGST THE FLAGSHIP PRODUCTS OR DO YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC INVESTMENT IDEA YOU WOULD LIKE TO PURSUE?product specific, specific investmentstructure, investment, risk, advantage, diversity1
twistedbytes.nlWe do have our preferred suppliers but do not own any infrastructure of our own with good reason. We are way more flexible and can use specific cloud providers best suited for your needs.flexible specific, specific cloudahead, flexible, collaboration, docker, relic1
pelfortpharma.nlPelfort Pharma Consultant BV performs audits in two different ways one is the commissioned audit, in which a specific client requests to audit a specific supplier and the other is the open audit in which Pelfort Pharma Consultant performs…audit specific, specific client, client specific, specific supplierpharmaceutical, consulting, internationally, profile, validation1
menzis.nlIn need of health care but not sure what is covered? In the reimbursement guide you can find how much is covered. Or you can go to our Dutch website for the complete information for your specific needs.information specific, specific needinsurance, insurer, coverage, deductible, payment1
cmsm.nl…insights with your colleagues? Or to apply new knowledge in your work? We can also supply you with literature on specific topics, and connect you with experts in our RT that might be of help to you. Also have a look at our Round table…literature specific, specific topiccollaboration, table, round, patient, publication1
liberidu.nlNote: The cost of official and unofficial translations are usually based on a price per word. There are cases where the price is fixed for specific official documents (as is the case with certificates issued by the registry).price specific, specific officialtranslator, greek, translation, greece, official1
huisdiernieuws.nlInformation about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience…etc specific, specific purposelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip1
koepelhb.nlThe ‘Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid’ is an important representative of highly gifted people in The Netherlands. The Koepel wants to raise specific awareness for the highly gifted in education. One of their goals is a compulsory course in ‘how to…koepel specific, specific awarenessgiftedness, highly, adult, topic, umbrella1
tagmanager.nlWhen I started with GTM I made all triggers for a specific event like Page View or Element Click. Sometimes you want to block all tags on a page of… Read more »trigger specific, specific eventworkspace, consent, alternative, angular, prevention1
yellowtail.nlYellowtail has provided Independer with excellent support in responding to the technology issue and with specific expertise in the field of online customer service in the mortgage market.issue specific, specific expertisemortgage, devops, prove, loan, capital1
dc4u-technologies.nlDC4U is a life science company developing technologies that enable steering the human immune response. Our GlycoDC TM technology can either potentiate or suppress the immune system via specific targeting of dendritic cells by glycan…system specific, specific targettherapeutic, vaccine, allergy, autoimmune, inflammation1
bonnemaconsulting.nlBefore specific actions are set out about what you need to do, investigate how the (political) force field relates, who the (external) stakeholders are, what the priorities are and find the balance between privacy and technological…consulting, implementation, analysis, adoption, operational1
agriplan.nlAgriplan’s expertise lies in specific working areas as agricultural production, food industry, marketing and distribution, logistics and finance, reflecting an integrated approach towards tomorrow’s production chain networks. Problems are…expertise specific, specific areaprocessing, study, feasibility, wheat, potato1
sakitaxi.nlWe have a friendly and helpful team on hand to take your bookings, discuss specific requirements and more. From your initial phone call, e-mail request or online submission, we utilise the latest technology to ensure that all aspects of…booking specific, specific requirementstransfer, booking, driver, vehicle, requirements1
taalophetwerk.nlMake sure that you now select the right language institute! TaalophetWerk® organizes acclimatization courses for many municipalities in the Randstad. In a different and specific way. We believe that work and language can go hand in hand…different specific, specific waytailor, society, aan, actually, exactly1
happydental.nlWe have relevant experience and knowledge of the specifics of your child’s teeth at different stages of development.knowledge specific, specific childdental, dentistry, visit, tooth, patient1
air-portal.nlIf you would like to try out AIR-Portal for your region, or if you have specific questions or wishes, please contact us.region specific, specific questionaccurate, forecast, street, region, integrate1
chain4s.nlSpecific information about the retailer, which in turn can simply and quickly gain visual access to the status and progress of all current orders, regardless of language and location. Easier to manage, all category information available…chain, supply, grower, consumer, transparent1
startupconsulting.nlUnderstanding that every startup’s journey is unique, we leverage our wide-range of expertise to support startups with strategies, roadmaps and AI & Digital implementation customized to your specific needs. With our guidance and support…implementation specific, specific needgrowth, operation, explore, guidance, practical1
anjakroon.nlAt Anja Kroon, we can support you through a specific part of your design journey, such as sourcing the perfect vintage bookcase – or we can guide you the whole way, from dreaming of a new home to walking through its doors. Whatever you…kroon specific, specific designinterior, extensive, inspiration, approval, execution1
georgeblack.nlAre you looking for a way to bring your ideas to life? This specialty service is provided by our talented team and customized to the specific needs of each our clients, allowing us to take their vision from concept to reality. Contact us…team specific, specific needraw, sustainability, upcoming, solely, healthy1
jeffv.nlWith the hardware installed, we are now ready to create separate networks for our DMZ and IoT devices, configure our managed switch to use these networks on specific ports, create a separate wireless network for these devices and also…network specific, specific porthacking, networking, session, min, function1
loonbedrijf-vannieuwkoop.nlThere is a good reason for our motto ‘saying something is impossible is not an option’, so are you curious about what we can do for you? Please do not hesitate to contact us and then we will do our best to accommodate your specific needs!good specific, specific needcivil, crop, ground, miscellaneous, excavation1
outplacement-services.nlOur outplacement services consists of several parts that will be adjusted to the specific situation of the client.part specific, specific situationemployee, candidate, position, responsibility, background1
cboost.nlWhether you have a specific project in mind or are simply curious about AI and its possibilities, let’s get in touch!robotic, factory, career, efficiency, flexibility1
fairmatchsupport.nlWe create innovative solutions to achieve sustainable and future-proof supply chains. We learn and adapt our approaches to make them more economically viable, scalable and customised for every specific matter.scalable specific, specific matterchain, supply, agricultural, independent, venture1
digital-one.nlWe combine industry-specific knowledge with the latest online marketing applicationsindustry specific, specific knowledgecreation, automation, slide, campaign, successful1
qenzo.nlIf you have a specific cleaning requirement that is not listed in the services listed below, please contact us.maintenance, glass, disinfection, healthcare, neat1
praktijkbrouwersgracht.nlWith accurate and specific assessment and diagnosis, we plan the most effective treatment for each patient. Our aim is to treat the symptoms and the cause symptoms thereof, within the framework of each patient’s needs and medical…accurate specific, specific assessmenttreatment, physiotherapy, specialise, therapy, cancer1
lefaucon.nlYou can use the included Demo Importer to quickly setup your site like this and then tweak it according to your specific needs.like specific, specific needbuilder, customizer, plugin, setup, fully1
track32.nlWe provide camera-controlled weeding systems, drone-based crop monitoring, tree-specific orchard management, optical sorting of food products, and much more. Find out what computer vision and AI can do for your organization!tree specific, specific orchardorchard, greenhouse, factory, join, industrial1
croatiaproperties.nlView the current offer of plots here. If you are looking for a specific plot, place a non-binding search.plot specific, specific plotcroatia, plot, property, fully, apartment1
raja-europe.nlCare institutions and hospitals often impose specific and stringent requirements on ...hospital specific, specific stringentceramic, porcelain, manufacture, stoneware, earthenware1
stijlinstituut.nlWhat should they look like and how should they perform in wear? We help show the relevance of textile innovations for specific fashion styles, pointing out the needs, the likes and the problems. We outline solutions, benefits and…innovation specific, specific fashiontextile, fabric, exhibition, publication1
jorrigvogels.nl…the mechanisms behind speakers' referential choices, such as the use of pronouns (e.g., she ) versus more specific descriptions (e.g., the girl ). In 2014, I received my PhD from Tilburg University, with a dissertation on the…versus specific, specific descriptionjournal, linguistic, publication, oct, reference1
sixsix.nlWhat the code? We develop and deliver financial management and other business applications designed to meet the specific demands of public, commercial and non-profit customers, helping them embrace change simply, quickly and cost…application specific, specific demandinfrastructure, trading, implementation, worldwide, aws1
destinationdutch.nlThis is the most flexible and personal course available, and the ultimate course for making maximum progress during a short period of time. We will focus on your requirements with lessons designed to match your specific needs. Do not…lesson specific, specific needdestination, lesson, duration, conversation, schedule1
retreatgarden.nlAt Retreat Garden, we provide clinical-style massages, targeting the specific areas that suffer from pain and tension, using methods deeply rooted in anatomy and physiology.massage specific, specific areasession, treatment, clinical, pain, therapist1
steynhuizinga.nlthis distribution is an optimized experience for running on AWS as it comes with features and intergration with AWS-specific tools. Besides an Amazon Linux Image the distribution is also offered as an container image. AL2023 is the last…aws specific, specific toolaws, consulting, ambassador, sustainability, min1
berryllium.nlFirst, I wrote an article on it, which was rather ill-received by some. This is understandable, as the presence of accessors is deeply rooted in OO PHP code, although this isn’t limited to one specific language. Besides, my point of view…code specific, specific languagegetter, collaborator, actually, evil, balance1
ledpro.nlWe have a simple belief. There is always just one product the best for a specific project. Our job is to advise and supply this product.good specific, specific projectpanel, protect, surface, ceiling, voltage1
0xqs.nlThe content aspect of our services is to provide quality, niche specific relevant content. Once created, we utilise this content in a wide variety of media to maximise its use and our clients website exposure. Look at it as using the same…niche specific, specific relevantsubmission, package, buy, aggregator, hat1
inlandwaterways.nlAlways consult an expert before making any choice of greening options to your vessel. The greening technology or combination of technologies fitting your specific situation should in no case be solely based on the IWT Greening Tool results.technology specific, specific situationinland, vessel, emission, fuel, investment1
papermail.nl…by establishing a strong. compact organization with underlying support from more than twenty European suppliers. each with their specific knowledge and expertise. each contributing to the fulfillment of the wishes of our customers.supplier specific, specific knowledgepackaging, printing, competitive, profile, satisfy1
ctr-manual.nlWe’re here to guide you through the process of doing research with a medicinal product. For specific questions, please click in the schedule below. For a step-by-step guide, please click start.product specific, specific questionclinical, trial, manual, modification, report1
jaapstronks.nlIt is insanely easy to create customised versions of ChatGPT with tailored instructions and specific training material.instruction specific, specific trainingcampaign, nonprofit, strategist, january, thread1
lussive.nlLearn how to analyze sounds and re-create them with VSTi’s / Audio Units or learn how to use specific plugin interfaces.units specific, specific pluginhardstyle, edm, ecommerce, etc, theory1
h2acoatings.nlAre you looking for innovation, distinction, exclusivity or do you have a specific problem with a specific surface, material or product, please contact us to see what we can offer you and your company.exclusivity specific, specific problem, problem specific, specific surfacemetal, innovative, additive, glass, textile1
kingdommovement.nl…nowadays being Kingdom, means being Covenantal as well as agreeing with these above statements of faith which are specific for the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, which are rejected till today by the Jehovah Witnesses... Actually…faith specific, specific pentecostalmovement, kingdom, church, theology, position1
jaspr.nlDo you need extra firing power for a specific project or period? Jas pr gets up to speed fast, providing both strategic advice for sr management and guidance and execution power for international teams.power specific, specific projectpersuasive, spokesperson, identity, execution, stakeholder1
strictlytsm.nlWe guarantee a professional service so the artist has only to think about performance. Our service is customized because everyone has specific wishes for their tour-management.service specific, specific wishstrictly, combination, wish, globally, relation1
heartdogs.nlWhether your dog prefers a quiet stroll through the neighborhood, a leisurely sniffing session in the park, or a brisk walk to burn off excess energy, I customize each walk to accommodate their specific preferences and sensitivities.walk specific, specific preferencedog, walk, sensitive, soul, behavior1
thehandacademy.nlThe upper limb, and more specific the hand and wrist have a complex anatomy. Thorough knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and pathology is therefore essential to be able to differentiate between specific and a-specific symptoms and…limb specific, specific hand, able specific, specific symptomtherapy, introduction, dissection, study, exam1
remondis-pmr.nlDo you need more information about a specific subject? Or have you got a question you’d like to ask us? Then why not give us a call via our helpline 0180 2 080208 or use the contact form below?! Simply fill out the fields marked with an…information specific, specific subjectoverview, metal, precious, motorway, facility1
kroeze-maritiem.nlRegardless of whether you need just one specific valve or a package of valves for a new ship we will provide the service.regardless specific, specific valvevalve, actuator, overview, instrumentation, measurement1
helloexpat.nlThis approach provides valuable solutions, caters to specific needs, and creates opportunities for inspiration and collaboration.cater specific, specific needexpat, exclusive, fantastic, attractive, positive1
ofcourse.nlOur services support new and more experienced SME entrepreneurs in the Commercial, ICT, Corporate Services, Industry, Healthcare, Retail and Tourism sectors. Each sector has its own specific challenges and opportunities. We make things…sector specific, specific challengephase, sme, entrepreneur, growth, proactive1
osteopathiedana.nlAt the first consultation a detailed case history is compiled, listening to the patient’s history of illnesses / trauma followed by a thorough examination and observation of movements- or more specific the lack of them – that might…observation specific, specific lackpatient, osteopathy, treatment, complaint, principle1