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5239 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: sustainable

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tno.nlCreating impactful innovations for the sustainable wellbeing and prosperity of society.innovation sustainable, sustainable wellbeing, safe sustainable, sustainable live, sustainable subsurfacecircular, society, protection, transition, flexible49
artcommunication.nlPOLITICS & ECONOMY-Metamorphosis of a crisis-Mass communication-Social Sustainable Communication-Ethics and Policysocial sustainable, sustainable communication, socially sustainable, consumption sustainable, sustainable livemass, socially, politics, economy, exhibition41
duurzaamstorten.nlSustainable landfill delivers better results than current landfill practices. The critical processes within the landfill are known and emissions remain within the required limits. Sustainable landfill techniques can be used for almost…sustainable landfill, feasibility sustainable, sustainable landfilling, experiment sustainable, goal sustainablelandfill, emission, feasibility, waste, reduction40
sustainaway.nlChoosing a sustainable journey not only has many benefits for the planet, but also for you. Sustainable travel with Sustainaway is not only good for the planet, but also provides a unique travel experience!sustainable tourism, sustainable holiday, sustainable accommodation, sustainable travel, sustainable activityneutral, accommodation, tourism, july, holiday39
mbi.nlSustainable facade and paving solutions for meeting places in inner-city areas and around the home. Solutions that, in addition to function, contribute to atmosphere, comfort, safety and relaxation for the user. View all projects where we…comfortable sustainable, sustainable live, correctly sustainable, sustainable businesspave, icon, facade, tile, brick33
sustainable-houses.nlSustainable Houses stands for sustainable living. It is possible to order a sustainable prefab house as a ready-made design from the catalog. Separate modules can be easily added in style now or later, as required. Just think of an extra…healthy sustainable, sustainable concept, sustainable pillar, pillar sustainable, sustainable househealthy, pillar, actually, character, concession32
rotogroep.nlCome and work at The Sustainable Colourful Metal Family Group. We have job openings in diverse and colourful fields, and look forward to welcoming you to our family business.roto sustainable, sustainable colourful, commitment sustainable, sustainable future, environment sustainablemetal, colourful, sustainability, generation, entrepreneurial31
sustainabilityfirst.nlThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of seventeen global goals set by the United Nations for 2030. They are also known by the fuller title of ‘Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’. The…goal sustainable, sustainable future, reader sustainable, sustainable development, basis sustainableeconomy, sustainability, circular, target, economic30
sustainableadventures.nlHere you will find my blogs, news items and some background information about my trips and the most special one, Sustainable Dream, with my wife Christa.sustainable adventure, sustainable dream, special sustainable, previous sustainable, expedition sustainableadventure, expedition, coast, ribbon, adventurer30
sustainableindustrylab.nlThe Sustainable Industry Lab (SIL) distills important choices and their consequences of the industrial sustainable transformation between 2020 and 2050. By means of synthesizing academic and expert knowledge, SIL aims to improve the…knowledge sustainable, sustainable industry, stichting sustainable, interview sustainable, industrial sustainablelab, academic, societal, neutral, mean30
purepack.nlPurePack is a young and dynamic company with a heart for sustainability. We have years of experience in coming up with sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging and solutions. We put our heart and souls into this, so that every…sustainable packaging, appeal sustainable, good sustainable, bathroom sustainable, cardboard sustainablepackaging, cardboard, recyclable, carbon, compostable29
behold.nlBehold is a powerhouse for sustainable entrepreneurship. As an extension to your team, we contribute decades of international social and sustainable entrepreneurship expertise to accelerate your sustainable impact in the world. Not one of…home sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurship, initiate sustainable, sustainable concept, powerhouse sustainablebehold, venture, entrepreneurship, positive, africa28
duurzaambedrijfskleding.nlSustainability, circularity and corporate social responsibility are terms that are used more and more often. For us, these topics have played an important role for some time. But also from our customers we get more and more demand for…veiliggoed sustainable, sustainable industrial, demand sustainable, sustainable circular, range sustainableclothing, circular, frequently, industrial, ppe27
sustainable-finance.nlECCE is the hub for research and education on sustainable investing, corporate governance, sustainable banking, and sustainable real estateinvest sustainable, sustainable banking, center sustainable, sustainable finance, education sustainableinvest, partnership, responsible, banking, explore27
sustainable-solutions.nlIn 2014 I started Sustainable Solutions because I believe in approaching the human aspect in relation tourban development including public space an. From 2018 till 2022 I was Deputy Mayor in the Amsterdam SouthEast district responsible…home sustainable, sustainable solution, organization sustainable, sustainable mobility, field sustainablebicycle, urban, february, cycling, mobility25
greenterraconsulting.nl…environmental sciences services and consulting organisation. Our mission is to provide companies and governments with practically applicable and scientifically based knowledge, information and services for sustainable development .service sustainable, sustainable development, training sustainable, sustainable business, knowledge sustainableconsulting, environmental, socially, government, concern24
duurzame-eilanden.nlWe want to form a platform with the Sustainable Islands project and encourage more cooperation between all parties specially those involved in the Southwest Delta and on the Wadden Sea. Showing the living lab projects with testing…eilanden sustainable, sustainable island, education sustainable, sustainable future, transition sustainableisland, lab, documentary, society, southwest24
fairmatchsupport.nlFairMatch Support is an international, independent social venture. We are convinced that in a future-proof food system long-term collaboration, sustainable agricultural production and a fair distribution of profits throughout the supply…support sustainable, sustainable agricultural, venture sustainable, collaboration sustainable, key sustainablechain, supply, agricultural, independent, venture24
saveplastics.nlSave Plastics produces circular flower boxes for Save Lodge. This happens in the Green Plastic Factory in Arnhem. Both companies are connected by a shared mission to create a sustainable world. Together they give gray, green and blue…material sustainable, sustainable product, construction sustainable, sustainable leader, answer sustainablesave, conscious, circular, waste, inspiration23
vrouwenbelangen.nlAs we move forward toward the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development in 2015, it is pertinent to recognise the inextricable link between sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and sustainable development goals…essential sustainable, sustainable development, agenda sustainable, srhr sustainable, link sustainablewoman, peace, nation, commission, conference23
dutchmicrogreens.nlMeet our delicious and sustainable organic microgreens! We offer an extensive range, from our Dutch microgreens mix to the spicy Dutch microgreens spicy mix. We also have the unique Chinese Rose Radish, and the classics alfalfa and cress…microgreens sustainable, sustainable booster, delicious sustainable, sustainable microgreen, microgreen sustainablemicrogreen, dish, delicious, healthy, flavour23
ctdoesburg.nl…Container Terminal Doesburg is more than a transhipment quay and encompasses the entire customer experience, from start to finish. Our team stands to unburden with unique and sustainable container transport solutions that really work.doesburg sustainable, sustainable sea, operator sustainable, sustainable gateway, capacity sustainablelogistics, inland, handle, port, eastern23
eurobottle.nlKnowledge, quality and innovation have ensured for more than 25 years that Eurobottle produces high-quality, sustainable and 100% recyclable sport bottles, water bottles and bottle crates in the Benelux. All Eurobottle products are…eurobottle sustainable, sustainable sport, quality sustainable, simply sustainable, sustainable waterbottle, carrier, inspiration, piece, miscellaneous22
blue21.nlLower costs and a higher quality will be the result. In addition, jobs will be created. Ultimately, decentralized sustainable technologies will be better able to compete with the land based outdated infrastructures that are dependent on…realization sustainable, sustainable project, discover sustainable, sustainable environment, bluelands sustainableurban, climate, wave, october, present22
sailorsforsustainability.nlA collection of sustainable solutions to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, visited on a sailing trip around the world.collection sustainable, sustainable solution, nation sustainable, sustainable development, search sustainablesustainability, sailor, island, zealand, south22
nexuscenter.nlMaking sustainable food, water and energy available to developing countries such as Nepal and Madagascar is what NEXUS Center Netherlands believes in. Our focus is on creating sustainable solutions with an ecological, economic and social…country sustainable, sustainable food, focus sustainable, sustainable solution, crucial sustainablemadagascar, consulting, upcoming, rural, treatment21
sustainableurbanengineering.nlInterested in learning more about the minor Sustainable Urban Engineering? View the program!minor sustainable, sustainable urbanurban, enrollment, subscribe, interested, minor21
vhp.nlAt vhp human performance we create future-oriented, sustainable and human-centered work environments in which employees can thrive and organizations can excel.sustainable lean, sustainable employability, future sustainable, sustainable humanemployability, workload, pressure, mental, analysis21
ecoteers.nlWelcome to Ecoteers, the online marketing agency in Utrecht that uses sustainable marketing for great organisations. Check out all our services!utrecht sustainable, sustainable marketing, ecoteers sustainable, strategy sustainable, sustainable impactadvertising, engine, optimisation, marketplace, positive21
cfp.nlEveryone must have the tools to make their own buildings sustainable. That’s why our tools enable you to start working on sustainability yourself: the simple way, and without high costs. The Green Buildings Tool has helped make millions…estate sustainable, sustainable cfp, sustainable easy, home sustainable, sustainable feasiblebuilding, estate, sustainability, proof, vacancy21
alternatievemiddelen.nlWebshop with healthy, sustainable and ecological alternative options in today's lifestyle. Everything from my own experience.healthy sustainable, sustainable ecologicalbottle, basket, british, organic, accessorie20
studentenvoormorgen.nlThe daily board of Studenten voor Morgen consists of a team of young, enthusiastic and sustainable students. The board changes every year on 1 July and is responsible for everything that happens within Studenten voor Morgen: projects…sustainable student, sustainable studies, network sustainable, sustainable future, office sustainablevoor, sustainability, studenten, career, introduction20
masterfold.nlOur mission: Creating a sustainable living environment with biodegradable paper straws. Better the planet, Better the lives.mission sustainable, sustainable live, sustainable materialpaper, pack, fold, bag, cutlery20
morssinkhofplastics.nl…high grade recyclates in regrinds, regranulates and compounds. These recycled raw materials are continuously available and of a good and consistent quality. We help you achieve a competitive advantage by the sustainable reuse of plastics.advantage sustainable, sustainable reuse, sustainable proce, grade sustainable, sustainable rawraw, waste, scrap, possibility, pioneer20
verbos.nl…of creativity. We maintain a pro-active approach by supporting and developing innovations that ensure a sustainable positive impact, also by mitigating negative impacts and turning these into opportunities to enhance sustainable…partner sustainable, sustainable business, path sustainable, sustainable agriculture, innovation sustainableagriculture, economic, horticulture, entrepreneurship, path20
sustainabledatafarming.nlIt's SDF its mission to realize financially interesting solutions that help the horticulture become more sustainablesdf sustainable, sustainable horticulture, idea sustainable, sustainable mobile, sustainable sectorhorticulture, sustainability, heat, greenhouse, grower20
cardano.nlSince our inception, we have distinguished ourselves as pioneers in financial risk management and sustainable investing. Over 25 years, we have grown into experts in increasing both financial and non-financial impact. In the Netherlands…transition sustainable, sustainable world, leader sustainable, sustainable society, safe sustainablerisk, sustainability, asset, investment, fund19
sustainablesafety.nlThe Sustainable Safety vision is an optimal approach for improving road safety, originating from the Netherlands. It is a vision that is shared by many road safety professionals. A sustainably safe road traffic system prevents road…safety sustainable, sustainable road, decade sustainable, sustainable safety, edition sustainableroad, traffic, injury, systematically, report19
pyrrolidine.nlFor over 50 years AnQore has been an innovative supplier of high-quality raw materials. Our experienced team of professionals focusses on the sustainable, safe, and secure supply of acrylonitrile, Econitrile, acetonitrile, ACH, sodium…anqore sustainable, sustainable chemistry, people sustainable, professional sustainable, sustainable safecyanide, sustainability, supplier, procurement, supply19
sblc.nlIn order to achieve the Paris climate agreement target, the Netherlands’ energy supply must be almost completely sustainable by 2050. But how do you execute the energy transition to meet the target as a local council, housing association…transition sustainable, sustainable energy, completely sustainable, role sustainable, technology sustainabletransition, association, municipality, housing, corporation19
goeiegruttenif.nlto have a positive impact on the environment. For the continuity of the companies we invest in, sound financial results are essential. Goeie Grutten Impact Fonds focusses on healthy food, agrifood projects and sustainable energy transition.sustainable manner, sustainable energy, fonds sustainable, healthy sustainable, sustainable balancefund, innovative, investment, transition, healthy19
growyourcompany.nlAt night, we dream of a better world. A sustainable world and a strong and resilient economy. At day time we help companies grow their business with the Five Steps to Grow Your Company model. With deep diving to find your company’s DNA…advice sustainable, sustainable growth, company sustainable, sustainable way, world sustainablegrowth, grow, wanna, head, resilient19
sustainablebusinessbattle.nlBeing a student is so much more than just sitting in lectures and libraries. It is a time to grow, to challenge yourself, to make friends for life and to have lots of fun. The Sustainable Business Battle (SBB) is a multi-week challenge in…fun sustainable, sustainable business, groupmates sustainable, sustainable solution, experience sustainablebattle, globally, ambassador, industrial, despite18
iinn.nlOur complete concept sustainable beauty stands for durable and environment friendly beauty and is interwoven with all aspects of our company. At iinn we have the goal to make a positive contribution to a sustainable society in the field…amsterdam sustainable, sustainable beauty, complete sustainable, sustainable formula, concept sustainabletreatment, hair, appointment, face, rate18
rcsg.nlThe Rijswijk Centre for Sustainable Geo-energy (RCSG) is a unique open innovation lab for improving geo-energy technologies to accelerate the energy transition. There is a particular focus on geothermal energy, an increasingly important…centre sustainable, sustainable geo, sustainable world, transition sustainable, sustainable energydrilling, facility, transition, heat, lab18
sustainablejobsatnobian.nlFrom our first salt production in 1918, we continue to innovate every day to become safer, more efficient, and sustainable to ensure the essential products of today will continue to enrich our lives tomorrow. Nobian has approximately 1…idea sustainable, sustainable future, efficient sustainable, sustainable essential, project sustainablesustainability, salt, colleague, leader, employee18
portofmoerdijk.nlPort of Moerdijk: 4th seaport of national importance | 2nd container port in the Netherlands | Strong industrial character | Chemistry, Energy, Recycling | European logistics hotspot | Space to do business | Sustainable | Safe.hub sustainable, sustainable chemistry, business sustainable, sustainable safe, logistics sustainableport, logistics, industrial, authority, chemistry18
sustainablefinancelab.nlThe Sustainable Finance Lab board has appointed Brenda Kramer as the new executive director of the Sustainable Finance Lab. As of 1 June 2024, she will succeed Rens van Tilburg.director sustainable, sustainable finance, macroeconomist sustainablelab, bridge, theory, report, employee18
safeandsustainable.nlWe stand for and are driven to support a safe and healthy working environment, that simultanuously contributes to the world of the future, by creating sustainable and innovative solutions.safe sustainable, future sustainable, sustainable innovative, sustainable onepresssustainability, digitization, healthy, innovative, succesfull18
sustainablesuppliers.nlThe Foundation Sustainable Suppliers of Horticultural Quality Products is aiming for 100% certification of flower bulbs and perennials by 2024!platform sustainable, sustainable trade, foundation sustainable, sustainable suppliersupplier, perennial, chain, trade, flowerbulb17
stctrade.nlSTC Trade e.g. was founded in 2015 to design, manufacture and supply durable plastic filters for ships. Sustainable innovations for shipbuilding & industry.trade sustainable, sustainable innovation, ship sustainable, sustainable solution, lifespan sustainabletrade, shipbuilding, strainer, durable, ship17
yogahabits.nl…for a trendy outfit for (bikram) hot yoga or leggings for vinyasa or ashtanga yoga, we have found the ultimate sustainable yoga fashion for you. Of course made in good work conditions. Check also all the amazing sustainable fabrics used.fine sustainable, sustainable designer, print sustainable, sustainable fair, quality sustainablesimplicity, bra, spirit, wear, kid17
greenofficewageningen.nlGreenwashing: a trending ‘sustainable marketing strategy’ Illustration by Haorui Luo In these past decades, ‘Sustainability’ has grown from just a...seriously sustainable, sustainable week, truly sustainable, sustainable ecolabel, sustainable partysustainability, calendar, corner, cooking, february17
digitalhealthlink.nlMonitoring of health data is key for achieving most optimal, accessible and affordable healthcare. LinkinPin is a sustainable data link solution that enables optimization of the health value-chain through population- and individual-based…link sustainable, sustainable data, solution sustainable, key sustainable, good sustainableexchange, healthcare, healthy, society, purpose17
nicmic.nlDiscover our sustainable artworks for a colour explosion in your corporate lobby and cheerful impactful corporate gifts!sustainable artsole, ocean, elephant, glassware17
nederlandwordtduurzaam.nlNederland Wordt Duurzaam (English: Sustainable Netherlands) is a Dutch Start Up from Rotterdam that utilises Data Science techniques to help the energy transition in the Netherlands. We bring together demand and supply for sustainable…transition sustainable, sustainable solution, supply sustainable, sustainable energy, producer sustainabletransition, base, advanced, algorithm, supply17
inmaco.nl…enjoying an ice cream on-the-go. Moreover, our partner manufacturer provides machines for cardboard cups, which are of equally high quality. As such, if you are looking for sustainable ice cream packaging, we offer a complete solution!supplier sustainable, sustainable packaging, bowl sustainable, sustainable food, need sustainableround, packaging, cardboard, mould, tray16
motas.nlMOTAS is more than a non-profit company that sells biodegradable bags. We give the children a promising future, access to education and a sustainable start. Like any other child, they have the right to a future with an opportunity to…special sustainable, sustainable motas, motas sustainable, sustainable bag, bag sustainablebag, profit, biodegradable, difference, underprivileged16
sunies.nlOur sandals are made of bamboo fibers, a lightweight, durable, and breathable material. Bamboo is also a highly sustainable resource, as it grows quickly and requires very little water or pesticides to thrive. In addition to being…sustainable slipper, well sustainable, highly sustainable, sustainable resource, stylish sustainablesandal, butterfly, slide, bag, regular16
fresheyes.nlSeasoned professionals with diverse background, who invest in new initiatives and support companies towards a sustainable future. ​solution sustainable, sustainable business, company sustainable, sustainable future, perspective sustainableinitiative, background, season, connect, pragmatic16
bluecurrent.nlInnovative charge points for any situation where sustainable mobility plays a role.current sustainable, sustainable future, situation sustainable, sustainable mobility, transition sustainablecharge, mobility, innovative, role, situation16
kidv.nlThe Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) helps organisations to make well-considered and realistic choices in order to make their packaging more sustainable.getting sustainable, sustainable packaging, institute sustainable, attention sustainablepackaging, library, realistic, institute, recycle16
renewablegroup.nlOur goals are to advice, develop, acquire, finance, and operate companies within the sustainability domain. With our companies in general and projects in particular, we want to make a positive contribution to making the Netherlands more…investor sustainable, sustainable company, netherlands sustainable, sustainable active, efficient sustainablerenewable, investor, independent, estate, domain16
achtx.nlAchtmaal is an innovative agency dedicated to sustainable digital transformation. Our creativity inspires us to bring concepts to life in the digital realm. We're a team with a keen eye for design, a solid grasp of the technical aspects…digitally sustainable, sustainable right, creation sustainable, sustainable online, agency sustainabledigitally, naar, environmentally, realm, outcome16
astrumgroen.nlAstrum is a versatile and sustainable gardening company in the region The Hague en surroundings. With the construction of our gardens we take into account man, animal and nature. Feel free to check out our websiteversatile sustainable, sustainable gardenlandscaping, region, hague, climate, versatile16
flowsplatform.nlModel-based approaches for supporting equitable delta adaptation planning Climate change and anthropogenic pressures are threatening the livelihood of people in the world’s deltas. To secure a sustainableclimate sustainable, sustainable awareness, book sustainable, sustainable infrastructure, voice sustainablethesis, flood, paper, report, january15
lscare.nlLamers System Care B.V. is a independent consultant and distributor for ecofriendly & sustainable antifouling systems to prevent biofilm and fouling on ships, cooling systems and drinking and water systems.ecofriendly sustainable, sustainable antifouling, sustainable yearfoul, ultrasonic, alternative, traditional, biological15
susc.nlSUSC helps organisations accelerating sustainable change by providing training en consultancy.organisation sustainable, sustainable change, masterclass sustainable, susc sustainable, sustainable impactsustainability, powerful, role, transition, leadership15
straatwaar.nlSupporting local designers and ethical production practices, our collection offers a sustainable and stylish way to express your personal style. Featuring exclusive designs from top local designers like Loenatix, Okimono, Je Moeder, Anne…collection sustainable, sustainable stylish, social sustainable, sustainable streetwear, innovative sustainableregular, dark, orange, postcard, vendor15
elmahogeboom.nlSustainable Art by Elma Hogeboom - Dynamic, sparkling and colourful art, with sustainability as its ethical foundation! I Plant trees for every piece sold.sustainable art, hightree sustainablecolourful, ethical, dynamic, tree, piece15
elstudio.nl‘The Sustainable African Metropolis’ (SAM) is a research project about sustainable development of the future African Metropolis. Read more »project sustainable, sustainable development, sustainable urbanism, masterplan sustainable, sustainable redevelopmentclay, architecture, pavilion, river, desk15
greenthesis.nlYou’ve put years of work and dedication into the completion of your PhD thesis. No wonder you would like your thesis to be printed with the utmost care and attention. We’d love to help you choose eco-friendly materials & sustainable…design sustainable, sustainable print, partner sustainable, sustainable thesis, selection sustainablethesis, phd, quotation, cover, request15
fairtourism.nlAt Fair Tourism, we believe in the potential of Sustainable Tourism to contribute towards society at large. Sustainable Tourism occurs on a social, cultural, ecological and economic level. The focus is on the deep connection between the…sustainable travel, sustainable thailand, trick sustainable, sustainable tourism, kayan sustainabletourism, cambodia, cultural, volunteer, sustainably15
ekofishgroup.nlEkofish Group leads the way in the ongoing search for sustainable fishing techniques. The people of Ekofish Group share their experience, accumulated over many years, with national and international think tanks. Ekofish Group is a…journey sustainable, sustainable future, constantly sustainable, sustainable fishing, customer sustainablefish, fishing, generation, sustainability, responsibility15
goal17.nl…critical. As a society we are increasingly dependent on digital services, yet less unchecked, this shall have a profound effect on the planet. Read about our Digital Sustainability offering to help you innovate in a sustainable fashion.partner sustainable, sustainable development, tool sustainable, sustainable progress, offer sustainablereport, sustainability, initiative, servicenow, inspiration14
journeyup.nlThe Power of Pedals: What We Can Learn from the Netherlands’ Bicycle Culture for Sustainable Tourism On Marchsustainable holland, culture sustainable, sustainable tourismlaw, academic, interest, bicycle, tourism14
common-era.nlcommon | era stands for clothing that makes you feel good. Your clothes tell your story, a story about our common responsibility. With this we ensure a fair and sustainable textile chain.waste sustainable, sustainable fair, fair sustainable, sustainable textile, recycle sustainablecommon, chain, purpose, supply, female14
max-creations.nlSustainability is a rising topic in most industries but it seems like the fashion industry has difficulties keeping up with the rapid changes. What can be the first steps in your journey towards a sustainable supply chain? In this blog we…circular sustainable, sustainable product, development sustainable, sustainable application, path sustainablesustainability, technological, creation, circular, supply14
kiliclarholding.nlWe provide sustainable housing and real estate, smart home, and energy technologies where people can function optimally. In addition, we offer academy services in all these sectors.field sustainable, sustainable solution, unique sustainable, strongly sustainable, sustainable realhold, renewable, hospitality, employment, turkey14
stbsolutions.nl…partners we facilitate industrial co-creation to explore new business concepts or technological solutions, which improve resource and energy efficiency across the value chain and create a sustainable value proposition towards your clients.partner sustainable, sustainable technology, sustainable future, facility sustainable, chain sustainablechain, industrial, revolution, implementation, facility14
watter.nlWatter offers sustainable disinfection solutions. Our disinfectant is produced through the electrolysis of salt and water. The most important active substance is in our disinfectant is HOCl (hypochlorous acid). This makes our product…effective sustainable, sustainable disinfection, safe sustainable, sustainable effective, watter sustainabledisinfection, farming, effective, disinfectant, healthcare14
nextfoodcollective.nlJoin forces with Next Food Collective and become a driving force for positive impact. We actively seek like-minded partners sharing our passion for sustainable healthy food. Together, we can reshape the agri-food industry.sustainable agriculture, sustainable processing, transition sustainable, sustainable affordable, passion sustainablecollective, protein, healthy, agriculture, transition14
thekindcode.nlThe Kind Code helps individuals, teams, and organizations alike, to design a sustainable way forward in times of disruptive change by using a co-design framework and an innovative mix of Product, Strategy, and Systems - in the…code sustainable, sustainable way, alike sustainable, organization sustainable, intensity sustainabledisruptive, framework, innovative, technological, alike14
sustainawards.nlShop for trophies made from recycled materials. Manufacturer of eco-designed sustainable trophies.eco sustainable, sustainable trophy, design sustainable, sustainable award, manufacturer sustainablepersonalised, sustain, manufacturer, recycle, plaque14
vbdo.nlLarge companies and investors need to get the huge loss of biodiversity on their radar and implement measures to help nature recover. Such is the aim of PwC and the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), which are…investor sustainable, sustainable development, company sustainable, sustainable business, implementation sustainableinvestor, association, responsible, publication, engagement14
metalot.nl…and experience of scientists, government agencies, students and entrepreneurs, Metalot accelerates the pace of sustainable, circular developments in the field of metals and renewable energy. Metalot aims to achieve full reuse of raw…metal sustainable, sustainable energy, pace sustainable, sustainable circular, sustainable futuremetal, circular, lab, hydrogen, entrepreneurship14
duurzaam-uitje.nlDuurzaam Bedrijfsuitje – or the English translation: Sustainable Company Outing – is the only completely certified social event agency of The Netherlands. With more than 10 years of experience we make use of a wide full-service range of…social sustainable, sustainable company, translation sustainable, sustainable toursouting, involve, csr, ice, completely14
vng-international.nl…health care and housing. They have a profound impact on areas such as safety, food security, rule of law and women’s rights. This is how our projects contribute in a sustainable way to better futures for people, communities and countries.sdlg sustainable, sustainable development, project sustainable, sustainable way, entrepreneurship sustainablegovernment, municipality, democratic, citizen, hague14
duurzamebso.nlThe project ‘Planting a sustainable seed’ aims to initiate a movement where sustainable thinking is given optimal attention for children and young families. With this project, we want to change behaviour and invest in making conscious…sustainable seed, sustainable bso, project sustainable, movement sustainable, sustainable thinkseed, fundraising, think, behaviour, conscious14
kaleidosresearch.nlHow the Dutch work, consume, think, and how they interact with each other, influences the rest of the world. Kaleidos Research researches how the Dutch (young and old) and their everyday behavior (whether conscious or not) contributes to…research sustainable, sustainable world, well sustainable, sustainable live, sustainable developmentkaleido, evaluation, cooperation, citizenship, report14
basedonatruestory.nl…We create strategy, ideation, branding and campaigning to transform a brand’s purpose into action and to inspire its stakeholders to change their behavior and to pay it forward. We call it: Sustainable creativity for sustainable growth.story sustainable, sustainable creativity, creativity sustainable, sustainable growth, action sustainabletrue, creativity, growth, purpose, campaign14
eazyplug.nlThe Eazy Plug system offers a full cycle, sustainable growing solution that includes plugs, blocks and pyramids. Click here for more information about the full cycle system.number sustainable, sustainable grow, good sustainable, sustainable propagation, cycle sustainablecycle, block, pyramid, grow, root14
dutch-inventions.nlDutch Inventions is all about creating innovative concepts and strategies for sustainable mobility. Combining innovative concepts, technology and implementation.innovative sustainable, sustainable mobility, smart sustainable, sustainable action, strategy sustainablemobility, innovative, invention, bold, society14
uptodogood.nlAt Schiphol, in the lion's den, Up To Do Good wants to inspire everyone to do good. Not just a store, but a special retail concept. The brands we have selected use sustainable materials and the products are produced under fair conditions…good sustainable, sustainable store, unique sustainable, sustainable design, brand sustainablewoman, charity, bag, pre, purchase14
gewoonopvallen.nlSustainable apparel manufacturer – Sustainable clothes with custom made waterbased printsmanufacturer sustainable, sustainable clothes, realization sustainable, sustainable clothing, europe sustainablegewoon, apparel, clothing, manufacturer, clothes14
strategiemakers.nlDo you strive for a sustainable society? We work with organisations that want to bring about real change. Change that is critical to ensure a thriving future. We help you realize this change by putting the right strategy in place.organisation sustainable, sustainable society, role sustainable, position sustainable, sustainable strategysociety, purpose, inspiration, transformation, transition14
jvds.nlJ.A. Wardekker and J.P. van der Sluijs, Wereldbeelden en Controversen rond Duurzaamheid . report NWS-E-2006-191, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht…institute sustainable, sustainable development, energy sustainable, interface sustainable, master sustainableder, uncertainty, assessment, lecture, environmental14
leegwater.nlFor about 70 years, Leegwater has managed to keep wood’s natural enemies at bay in a sustainable way.bay sustainable, sustainable way, wood sustainable, safe sustainable, sustainable buildwood, cladding, facade, paint, olympic13
rataplan.nl…we provide guidance and support, with the aim of allowing as many people as possible to move on to a suitable, sustainable and paid workplace. The work ensures that they can actively contribute to society and their own income gives…social sustainable, sustainable thrift, treasure sustainable, sustainable reuse, sustainable recyclingappointment, south, north, reuse, treasure13
louisbolk.nlThe Louis Bolk Institute is the knowledge institute for sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health.institute sustainable, sustainable agricultureinstitute, nutrition, publication, soil, farming13
simedarbyoils.nlOur task is to produce and source our raw materials from sustainable sources. The RSPO (Round Table of Sustainable Palm Oils) audits the palm oil estates. You have the warranty that your palm based ingredients only comes from sustainable…supplier sustainable, sustainable vegetable, global sustainable, sustainable palm, trust sustainableoil, ingredient, vegetable, fat, darby13
waste.nlEverybody deserves to live in a clean environment with access to sustainable sanitation and waste serviceswaste sustainable, sustainable solution, access sustainable, sustainable sanitation, organisation sustainablewaste, sanitation, solid, sludge, innovative13
onearchitecture.nl…Cool, Design Horizon, and Design Utility, “Design Resilience” focuses on promoting green & low-carbon lifestyle, sustainable development, and resilient urban system. It explores how urban infrastructure, schools, and hospitals could…forefront sustainable, sustainable resilient, strategy sustainable, lifestyle sustainable, sustainable developmentarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient13
sustainabilitylaw.nl…for the benefit of future generations. Since the urgent call in this UN report for global hard work towards sustainable development to keep the earth liveable, the consensus on sustainable development in an international context has…framework sustainable, sustainable society, work sustainable, sustainable development, consensus sustainablelaw, sustainability, environmental, conservation, resource13
verahesterofficial.nlIf you’ve read my blog on how to have a sustainable Christmas but still feel like putting something shiny, new and physical under that Christmas tree, I’ve linked my favorite eco friendly online shops below! These shops will guaranteed…food sustainable, sustainable vegan, christmas sustainable, sustainable winter, blog sustainablechristmas, official, autumn, sustainability, present13
allenergyday.nlThe All Energy Day 2024 is an interdisciplinary knowledge and career event dedicated to sustainable energy. Students, young professionals and companies with different backgrounds join together to take on the challenges in the energy…event sustainable, sustainable energy, discussion sustainable, sustainable firm, inspire sustainabletransition, career, competition, inspire, leader13
staatjebeeldig.nlNo disposable clothing, no fast fashion but a sustainably made scarf that you can enjoy for years. Ideal for those who go for beauty, the environment and craftsmanship. All our sustainable scarves and shawls are made with care for people…craftsmanship sustainable, sustainable scarf, affordable sustainable, sustainable craftsmanshipscarf, weaver, cotton, flower, colour13
sustainabilityweek.nlSustainability Week is a week full of events designed by students and staff to inspire and realize a sustainable future. This week has been organized by ROC van Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Twente.week sustainable, sustainable events, staff sustainable, sustainable future, sustainable inspirationsustainability, events, apply, staff, educational13
csrjobs.nlCSR Jobs is open to job opportunities or applicants within Circular, Sustainable, Regenerative and Human Rights related environments.circular sustainable, sustainable regenerative, equitable sustainable, sustainable world, sustainable brandregenerative, circular, resume, candidate, career13
suslight.nl'Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations'. This is Suslight's company policy, and it must never become a marketing slogan.sustainable footprint, green sustainable, sustainable lighting, vision sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurshiplighting, planet, earth, ground, underwater13
greenjobs.nlSubscribe for the sustainable newsletter that will pop-up every other week in your inboxfull with sustainable jobs and sustainable (work)tips! (Dutch only)sustainable job, subscribe sustainable, sustainable newsletter, inboxfull sustainable, feature sustainablemonthly, vacancy, join, positive, climate13
principlesofsustainablebusiness.nlPrinciples of Sustainable Business – Frameworks for corporate action on the SDGsprinciple sustainable, sustainable businessprinciple, framework, resource, teacher, registration13
ebtilburg.nl…while professionally supporting companies and individuals in realizing their dreams and goals with a sustainable future in mind. As a midsize bank with a culture that is best described as dynamic and ambitious, we share a…safe sustainable, sustainable future, company sustainable, sustainable triple, stability sustainableeconomic, administration, formal, strategic, chain13
sustainablemoments.nlMissing old or missing out? There are many sustainable options for food and drink. Many sustainable choices will have us trying new flavours that otherwise would never be found!sustainable festival, course sustainable, sustainable new, old sustainable, sustainable optiontimetable, interior, inspiration, possibility, climate13
teamwork.nlTeamwork Technology develops technology and products from a strong market vision on sustainable energy. We house our technologies in startups which we support to grow towards successful and independent enterprises with impact. A great way…technology sustainable, sustainable solution, independent sustainable, sustainable business, vision sustainableocean, wave, symphony, tidal, transition13
geojan.nlWe make the environment the economy and contribute to more sustainable ways of living for mankind. We can increasingly ignore value created in the linear economy. Circular Communities become more self supporting by adopting the EnergyCoin…entrepreneur sustainable, sustainable environmental, action sustainable, sustainable neighbourhood, return sustainableecosystem, economy, environmental, circular, electric13
studiohotstuff.nlStudio Hotstuff is a young and dynamic fashion sales agency. Based in Amsterdam, representing sustainable brands all around the Benelux. We focus on middle to high segment brands that are accessible to a broader audience. Brands that are…agency sustainable, sustainable brand, amsterdam sustainable, mediterranean sustainable, sustainable fashionapparel, row, organic, bag, sustainability13
gasunie.nl…hydrogen. We also collaborate in the construction and management of heat and CO 2 grids. We ensure that this part of the energy supply is safe, reliable and as sustainable as possible, ensuring that everyone has access to energy, always.role sustainable, sustainable energy, affordable sustainable, reliable sustainable, sustainable possiblehydrogen, storage, heat, infrastructure, capture13
houbenmobility.nlHouben Mobility Management specializes in sustainable fleet management and mobility management. Precisely by looking further than just transportation, Houben Mobility Management ensures you permanent cost control for fleet management and…interested sustainable, sustainable mobility, management sustainable, sustainable fleetmobility, expense, interested, saving, showcase13
bionicprotect.nlFrom now on, protect your products and materials in a sustainable way. Whatever material or surface you want to keep original, hydrophobic and clean; with BionicCoat and BionicClean from BionicProtect you will succeed in this completely…material sustainable, sustainable way, fully sustainable, sustainable nano, sustainable solutioncleaner, glass, economical, extremely, effective13
hotelpincoffs.nlSuite Hotel Pincoffs is the most sustainable hotel in Rotterdam and the surrounding area. This boutique hotel takes care of your comfort and our green mission: Green with a Smile . Pincoffs is awarded with a international golden Green Key…sustainable hotel, professional sustainable, sustainable initiative, award sustainable, freshly sustainableparking, rate, window, spacious, discount13
hamlet.nl…and circularly with CLT or cross laminated timber as the main building material. Timber construction is fast, sustainable and circular and contributes to the well-being of people. Wood in plain sight in a residential building or officetechnology sustainable, sustainable build, spectacular sustainable, sustainable design, hamlet sustainablewood, wooden, timber, housing, circular13
dsgc.nlThe Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) is a partnership, uniting eight globally operating companies, that stimulates the development of sustainable business models through multi-stakeholder collaboration. In this way, the coalition…dutch sustainable, sustainable growth, dsgc sustainable, sustainable development, development sustainablegrowth, coalition, abroad, collaboration, climate13
bamburista.nlBamboo grows in in the wild without artificial irrigation. This makes bamboo one of the most sustainable materials on earth. Cotton, on the other hand, requires 8,000 liters of water per kilo and is grown very polluting. Rainwater is…bamburista sustainable, sustainable sneaker, bamboo sustainable, sustainable material, sustainable choicebamboo, grasshopper, moss, yellow, woman13
airogroup.nlWe invite you to join our movement to decrease the use of fossil resources. Choose Airogroup's sustainable and plant-based formulas. We have already developed formulas for household use, personal care, automotive, the bicycle industry…specialist sustainable, sustainable formula, sustainable powerful, airogroup sustainable, sustainable plantformula, labeling, lubricant, protection, assembly13
geoteg.nlUnlimited sustainable geothermal electricy. We develop and patent unique technology for geothermal electricity generators. The GeoTeg initiative.unlimited sustainable, sustainable geothermalinitiative, electricity, unlimited, geothermal, ground13
mabsconsultancy.nlMABS Consultancy offers results with sustainable impact. We focus on actionable changes and solutions that enable people to improve their lives in balance with others and nature. We believe that sustainable impact is possible without…consultancy sustainable, sustainable innovation, result sustainable, sustainable impact, nature sustainableisland, mobility, circular, vehicle, resilient13
wild-catch.nlFishermen always go out for a specific fish, for example sole. But other fish also end up in their nets. We fish these unwanted catches out of the fishermen’s nets. This way, we make sure that the so-called bycatch is not wasted. Very…local sustainable, sustainable quick, tasty sustainable, sustainable nearby, bycatch sustainablenorth, fish, catch, cod, mackerel13
galopebv.nlI strongly believe the need is to bring decent, healthy and sustainable offerings to market only. And this is exactly the passion that gives me drive. Drive to offer my help in developing your business in a more sustainable way.healthy sustainable, sustainable offering, business sustainable, sustainable wayresource, positive, invite, horse, sense12
dockaas.nlDiscover our company DOC Kaas on our homepage. Read about our history, our products and sustainable farming. Read more information here.product sustainable, sustainable farmingdairy, milk, farmer, farming, cooperative12
barefootluxurytravelers.nlEmbark on eco-conscious adventures and indulgent escapes with Jo, your sustainable travel specialist. Explore unique destinations, relax in sustainable luxury, and make cherished memories, all while preserving our planet. Book your dream…luxury sustainable, sustainable journey, jo sustainable, sustainable travel, destination sustainableluxury, destination, woman, discover, unforgettable12
persu.nlYour staff is your brand’s calling card. What do you want to reflect? PERSU. PERSU designs and produces fashionable, sustainable workwear that successfully sets your brand apart from the rest. Whether you choose a 100% custom clothing…fashionable sustainable, sustainable corporate, timeless sustainable, sustainable workwear, sustainable collectionclothing, staff, employee, clothes, sustainability12
bouwjaar63.nlFor designs that are just that little bit different. We prefer working with sustainable materials. Thinking big, but keeping everything in the proper scale.bouwjaar sustainable, sustainable functional, different sustainable, sustainable material, beautiful sustainablefunctional, inventive, bit, interior, farmhouse12
earthbazaar.nlAre you looking for a physical market to showcase your products and gain visibility beyond your social circle? Earth Bazaar offers a unique solution for small and medium-sized sustainable entrepreneurs to connect with customers and grow…bazaar sustainable, sustainable market, size sustainable, sustainable entrepreneur, sustainable initiativeearth, seller, entrepreneur, circle, physical12
innozowa.nlFortunately, sustainable energy has become an indispensable part of our world. The demand for clean energy continues to increase, and the development of ways to harness clean energy sources is accelerating. For example, there are major…innovative sustainable, sustainable clean, fortunately sustainable, sustainable energy, well sustainableinnovative, indispensable, fortunately, demand, practise12
managementscope.nlMark van Kruijsbergen of construction group Royal BAM Group and Douglas Lamont of chocolate brand Tony Chocolonely have totally different challenges in making the value chain more sustainable and socially accountable but share their…necessary sustainable, sustainable economy, chain sustainable, sustainable socially, sustainable fairexecutive, supervisory, chain, transformation, risk12
dwcastricum.nl– DW Castricum is a sustainable holiday park located in the rural area of Castricum. The luxurious holiday homes utilize heat pumps and solar panels, eliminating the need for gas connection. All of this without compromising on comfort and…responsibly sustainable, sustainable holiday, castricum sustainableholiday, dune, vacation, disable, responsibly12
dwfacilityservices.nlSpotless results in Noord Holland, Zuid Holland, Utrecht, and Flevoland. Certified and sustainable cleaning services.certified sustainable, sustainable clean, sustainable ambitionfacility, window, ambition, additional, integrate12
airolube.nlWant to care for your bike, car or motorcycle in a sustainable and safe way? Airolube provides highly effective plant-based formulas for optimal care.airolube sustainable, sustainable care, motorcycle sustainable, sustainable safe, date sustainablebike, motorcycle, lubrication, assembly, protection12
dasht.nlDasht – Building bridges in support of the organic and sustainable movement in western and central Asiaorganic sustainable, sustainable movement, soil sustainable, sustainable land, community sustainabletree, farmer, organic, bridge, movement12
jochemvandrimmelen.nlSustainable customer experiences are those experiences that result in lasting engagement and higher loyalty. This requires more than a good product or service portfolio alone. It just as well takes a combination of continuous improvement…progress sustainable, sustainable experience, impact sustainable, sustainable balance, note sustainableproposition, planet, progress, positive, prosperity12
socialsellingmastery.nlThe call for sustainable living extends beyond our homes and into the outdoor spaces we cherish. Sustainable landscaping is a powerful way to nurture the Earth while creating enchanting landscapes. The foundation of sustainable…space sustainable, sustainable landscaping, foundation sustainable, significance sustainable, sustainable landscapelandscape, uncategorized, supply, landscaping, indian12
houseofthol.nlHouse of Thol is a dutch design studio having it s core acitivity in design of eco friendly products in design furniture and garden or flower tools; We design eco friendly products for your sustainable home.product sustainable, sustainable home, sustainable resource, solution sustainable, sustainable liveflower, constellation, proof, evolution, calendar12
thegreentunnel.nlThe Green Tunnel is our ecoluxe sustainable accommodation on Amsterdam IJburg, where city meets nature, in a prime location right on the waterfront.ecoluxe sustainable, sustainable accommodation, sustainable bedaccommodation, prime, surrounding, reservation, stay12
agrinvest.nlAgrInvest is a commercial service provider and sustainable project developer in the agriculture and food domain. AgrInvest is committed to the UN SDG’s with focus on production systems that benefit farmers and that are realistic.agrinvest sustainable, sustainable investment, security sustainable, sustainable commercial, nutrition sustainableagriculture, investment, farm, processing, mechanization12
growingpaper.nlDiscover the magic of the holidays in a sustainable and creative way! At Growingpaper, we offer you several ways to design and personalize your own Christmas cards on growing paper. Let your greetings bloom and share joy with a personal…original sustainable, sustainable mailing, paper sustainable, sustainable surprising, design sustainablepaper, grow, seed, piece, holiday12
hoogweg.nlHoogweg Paprikakwekerijen grows and processes its bell peppers in an efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly manner into a healthy and high-quality product. This is done with the help of modern automation techniques and…sustainable cultivation, efficient sustainable, sustainable environmentally, impact sustainable, sustainable growcultivation, vacancy, certification, biomass, pepper12
scanwood.nlto organize sustainable business for our suppliers and customers, based on our expertise and knowledge of the market. Our ambition is to be a professional intermediary who contributes to the stable supply of wood products.scanwood sustainable, principle sustainable, sustainable forestwood, oak, timber, scandinavia, forest12
max-value.nlOur passion for a sustainable economy translates itself into sustainable innovation for business, government and civil society. Innovation is thereby perceived as both necessary and a source of inspiration. Such inspiration is often…passion sustainable, sustainable economy, economy sustainable, sustainable innovation, inspiration sustainableeconomy, civil, society, government, inspiration12
projectkin.nlSustainable Suitcases, Bags, and Accessories. Created by world-renowned designers. The most sustainable choice for your next journey.projectkin sustainable, sustainable suitcase, designer sustainable, sustainable choice, kin sustainablebag, suitcase, accessorie, sustainability, tote12
therumbarrel.nlDiscover unparalleled excellence in crafting premium sustainable spirits. The Rum Barrel offers boutique consultancy services, guiding distillers towards excellence in sustainable spirits production. Elevate your brand with our tailored…premium sustainable, sustainable craft, sustainable spirit, excellence sustainable, strategy sustainablebarrel, spirit, craft, distiller, excellence12
ms618.nlAchieve remarkable growth with MS618. Harness the power of data analytics and sustainable, result-oriented strategies expertly crafted by our seasoned professionals. Be the leader in your industry - choose MS618, where potential meets…data sustainable, sustainable growth, analytic sustainable, sustainable result, strategy sustainablegrowth, potential, progression, analytic, season12
manmetkuif.nlmanmetkuif - I help Companies to improve their Packaging Which Consumers will love as they can now contribute to a sustainable Futureconsumer sustainable, sustainable future, everybody sustainablepackaging, consumer, guide, alive, everybody12
basecamp-ijmuiden.nlBasecamp Ijmuiden is a sustainable resort near the beach of Ijmuiden (Amsterdam Beach). Enjoy your holiday in a tiny house or organize inspiring meetings and events!ecoresort sustainable, sustainable tiny, ijmuiden sustainable, sustainable resort, resort sustainableholiday, dog, inspire, near, scenery12
co2-prestatieladder.nlOur partner, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, has released a new insightful report: ‘Monitoring Progress in Green Public Procurement’. The report is developed as part of SKAO’s ongoing collaboration with IISD in…sustainable procurement, institute sustainable, sustainable development, conference sustainable, sustainable circularprocurement, implementation, certificate, guide, emission12
sustainable-local-economic-development.nlto stimulate a local population to improve the region that they are living in are described. This video can serve as a begin to start thinking about how to help local people to create a sustainable healthy economic situation for themselves.people sustainable, sustainable healthy, aspect sustainable, sustainable local, traditional sustainableeconomic, influence, coordination, actor, regional12
mauritskorse.nl…Resources and the Environment”. The Brundtland commission had written their report, “Our Common Future” on sustainable development just three years earlier when Pearce and Turner developed the first fully closed circular model. Theyholistic sustainable, sustainable circular, new sustainable, sustainable economy, future sustainableeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste12
fabiankoning.nlOur strong conviction of the attractiveness of the sustainable investment case is the first and foremost criterium for selecting the investment opportunities that we present to our network of investors. We focus on distinguishable and…future sustainable, sustainable investment, change sustainable, sustainable agricultural, sustainable agricultureinvestment, agriculture, emerge, pre, transformation11
duurzamebamboe.nlFrom source till consumer, we handle the sequence of selection and harvest of the bamboo, and also the production process. This web portal gives you access to valuable and sustainable bamboo: The Guadua species; internationally…valuable sustainable, sustainable bamboo, aesthetic sustainable, sustainable materialbamboo, species, valuable, internationally, pole11
duijvestijntomaten.nl…to maximum deployment of biological crop protection by maintaining the natural ecosystem in the greenhouse. We look beyond the horizons of today and tomorrow. We are working towards a sustainable future. We are the next generation growers.method sustainable, sustainable future, tomorrow sustainable, change sustainable, sustainable ambitionpackaging, cultivation, greenhouse, crop, partnership11
victoriatrading.nlof around €400 million in purchase value, we are able to drive the market and create new solutions that were previously unattainable. We help to optimise purchasing processes, resulting in a sustainable return for our members and the world.sustainable return, process sustainable, short sustainable, sustainable chain, efficient sustainabletrading, purchase, cooperative, supplier, buyer11
volgjebloemofplant.nlIn the flowers and ornamentals industry, growers all over the world give their best to create clean, sustainable products. By awarding certificates, companies make these efforts visible and measurable. On this website, the growers of the…sustainable grow, clean sustainable, sustainable product, certificate sustainable, sustainable flowerflower, grower, certificate, florist, ornamental11
peoplechange.nlChange is a constant. We turn people into leaders. Because sustainable transformation starts not with the latest technology but within ourselves. Using our method and the People Change Scan, we make transformation measurable, so that…leader sustainable, sustainable change, digitale sustainable, inspire sustainable, sustainable profitableleadership, leader, transformation, organisational, awareness11
shamrockventures.nlearly stage impact fund iinvesting in tech companies that build a sustainable future preseed seed fundingcompany sustainable, sustainable futureventure, shamrock, philosophy, investment, funding11
vb.nlTrias Westland, in collaboration with VB, ensures a sustainable way of growing for 54 horticultural companies. VB is responsible for the realization of the above-ground installation of the Trias Westland geothermal project.basis sustainable, sustainable future, maasdijk sustainable, sustainable initiative, vb sustainablegreenhouse, climate, geothermal, heat, horticultural11
armsofandes.nlSustainable 100% Royal Alpaca Wool clothing & accessories for your outdoor adventures. Experience the ultimate high-performance apparel. International shipping.sustainable productionwool, layer, woman, jacket, apparel11
sukha.nlLooking to buy sustainable luxurious clothing and Natural Home products? Visit our shop ✓Worldwide delivery ✓Free gift wrappingsukha sustainable, sustainable luxuriousclothing, luxurious, perfume, jewellery, worldwide11
sustaign.nlSustaign is a Design Studio and also a small manufacturinghouse that creates unique handmade, super-sized sustainable panels to provide customised solutions for retail, architecture, interiors and product design, among others.sustaign sustainable, sustainable design, size sustainable, sustainable panelhandmade, waste, architecture, interior, panel11
safehavensolutions.nlWe believe that sustainable agriculture powered by clean energy systems will help provide a resilient future. Safe Haven Solutions develops such innovative scalable solutions to benefit both people and the planet.smart sustainable, sustainable agricultureagriculture, climate, innovative, agricultural, planet11
ecocreation.nlWith the Ecocreation Ecodigester, you don't just deal with your organic waste in an efficient, sustainable way; you also create a new product: compost. Just imagine what you can do with that as an organisation! Are you curious to know how…sustainable world, waste sustainable, sustainable money, efficient sustainable, sustainable waywaste, organic, reduction, indication, saving11
blonksustainability.nl…visual identity, rest assured that our exceptional team remains dedicated to our mission to drive towards more sustainable agri-food systems and creating future-proof solutions to offer our planet: Better Food. Better Health. Better…purpose sustainable, sustainable healthy, mission sustainable, sustainable agri, essential sustainablesustainability, environmental, cycle, chain, assessment11
utrechtchallengealliantie.nl…Within challenges students, professionals and citizens work together on these issues, leading to new insights, knowledge development and concepts for innovative solutions that contribute to healthy and sustainable urban living.healthy sustainable, sustainable urban, question sustainable, sustainable solutionpartnership, region, healthy, regional, innovative11
bk-wood.nlGWG Tübingen’s award-winning new building, constructed between 2019 and 2022, showcases sustainable architecture with a clear yet reserved stance, featuring resource-saving timber construction and a bright, pleasant interior.mooc sustainable, sustainable build, future sustainable, sustainable renovation, build sustainabletimber, wood, bridge, forest, lecture11
luchtvaartintransitie.nlThe 12 sub-projects are divided into 3 project lines: Sustainable Technology, Sustainable Knowledge & Sustainable Ecosystem.website sustainable, sustainable future, technology sustainable, sustainable knowledge, line sustainableaviation, transition, ecosystem, scheme, subsidy11
orchidee.nlGrowing top quality Phalaenopsis in sustainable nurseries. This is our driving force. Our team works tirelessly every day to enable consumers to enjoy thephalaenopsis sustainable, sustainable nursery, contribution sustainable, sustainable world, novelty sustainableorchid, nursery, consumer, visit, force11
bybrown.nlBYBROWN is a premium women's rainwear, waterproof outerwear fashion label based in Amsterdam Waterproof Breathable AllWeather Sustainable. Technical rainwear. waterproof. cyclewear. Produced in Europe. Regenkleding. Regenjas. Weer…allweather sustainable, sustainable technical, engineer sustainable, sustainable rainwear, fashion sustainableouterwear, woman, wave, breathable, weer11
maartenhajer.nlBeyond Cockpit-ism: Four Insights to Enhance the Transformative Potential of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, vol. 7, pp. 1651-1660. Co-authored with: Måns Nilsson, Kate Raworth, Peter Bakker, Frans Berkhout, Yvo de…potential sustainable, sustainable development, abstract sustainable, politics sustainable, sustainable mobilitypublication, archive, reflection, mobility, politics11
naturallysustainable.nlThis report shows how we are using our energy to enhance the sustainability performance of Amsterdam ArenA and to inspire the community around us to embrace the notion of ‘Naturally Sustainable’.art sustainable, sustainable procurementsustainability, report, naturally, cover, past11
polestarcapital.nlPolestar Capital is an impact investor that provides solution oriented financing to sustainable initiatives, creating meaningful impact.house sustainable, sustainable housing, sustainable environment, investment sustainable, sustainable impactcapital, fund, gap, circular, risk11
co2-correct.nl…care of the complicated process of growth & supply chain impact calculations for all types of fruit and vegetables. CO2 Correct also guides organisations into a sustainable direction by helping them set the right goals and realise them.organisation sustainable, sustainable direction, compensation sustainable, sustainable start, step sustainablecarbon, compensation, vegetable, sustainability, calculation11
netwerkduurzamedorpen.nlfood or local economy. Villages are able to exchange information “peer to peer”. To support the villages in their sustainable development the Network offers experts, organisations and educational institutes for free. On the website there…village sustainable, sustainable activity, sustainable development, organisation sustainable, sustainable villagevillage, movie, initiative, voluntary, provincial11
impactalytics.nlFrom a wealth of experience in the crossing worlds of investment and IT we found sustainable impact to be the fifth wheel. We are passionate about our mission to make sustainable impact data a primary tool for each impact investor and in…portfolio sustainable, sustainable impact, mission sustainable, clear sustainable, untraceable sustainableinvestor, true, integration, generation, seamless11
motonext.nlWith the Motonext project, we dare to say that a contribution is being made to making motorsport, and therefore mobility, more sustainable. We believe this should be done step by step. Motonext is therefore the perfect project to shape…mobility sustainable, sustainable stepmobility, sustainability, responsible, championship, immediately11
vanduijndejong.nlVan Duijn de Jong Aubergines continues to evolve. Thanks to various innovations in the areas of cultivation, energy, automation and quality, we keep making our products better, more sustainable and safer. Of course, we will continue to do…progressive sustainable, sustainable eggplant, sustainable entrepreneurship, well sustainable, sustainable safeeggplant, cultivation, progressive, healthy, innovative11
bcbranding.nlHome | BC Branding | Sustainable Accessories | Vogelkersberg 1e, Eemnes, Netherlandsbranding sustainable, sustainable accessorieaccessorie, producer, woman, urban, sustainability11
ionimage.nlAccessories Amsterdam Fashion Christmas Style Inspiration Dress Your Shape Fall Style Ideas Fashion Trends Gift Guides Guest Post Interviews Party Looks Personal Branding Pride Fashion Shop My Style On LTK Spring Style Ideas Summer Style…idea sustainable, sustainable fashion, advice sustainable, sustainable choice, tip sustainableamazing, inspiration, christmas, fuel, bag11
breevast.nlWe develop, realize and manage sustainable high-quality properties. Breevast's portfolio includes commercial and residential real estate.home sustainable, sustainable high, quality sustainable, sustainable homeproperty, residential, estate, luxembourg, meadow11
bluecup.nlReusable Nespresso Capsule. Best brew refillable Nespresso capsules. 5star reviews by users. Sustainable solution for Nespresso capsulesuser sustainable, sustainable solutionreusable, taste, brew, critical10
silentgliss.nlSilent Gliss stands for innovative, sustainable, tailor-made solutions, exceptional design and first-class quality since 1952.innovative sustainable, sustainable tailor, sustainable fabric, sustainable product, sustainable processfabric, electric, chain, window, silence10
petrogas.nlOur renewable conditioning systems are designed to contribute to the sustainable development of production processes in the oil, gas, chemical and energy market.transition sustainable, sustainable future, system sustainable, sustainable development, sustainable valueconditioning, oil, transition, fuel, chemical10
sofco.nlSofco - Sofco | Software company - Custom software, renew software and sustainable cloud softwaresoftware sustainable, sustainable cloudfrequently, keyword, friendliness, graphic, optimization10
avivly.nlBuilding the web sustainably - Creating and developing sustainable Websites in WordPress. duurzaam websites bouwenavivly sustainable, sustainable website, sustainably sustainablesustainably, physiotherapy, ultimate, geographic, speed10
decowraps.nlDiscover our new ranges, suited to enhancing every special moment, and keep an extra eye open for our new Zero Waste range, pushing the bar on a new sustainable standard.innovative sustainable, sustainable material, new sustainable, sustainable standardpackaging, paper, floral, flower, sustainability10
goudappel.nlSUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) Training and Capacity Building in EU countriessolution sustainable, sustainable society, development sustainable, düzce sustainable, sustainable urbanmobility, society, comfortably, advisor, career10
pieonline.nlPIE aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted by the UN – particularly SDG 4 ‘Quality Education’ and SDG 17 ‘Partnerships for the goals’south sustainable, sustainable development, pie sustainableinstitute, partnership, particularly, south, chair10
meyerbroeken.nland larger sizes. Our trousers impress with their high quality workmanship, selection of the finest materials and sustainable production. You’ll also find we have a wide range of belts to add a stylish finish to your outfit. Order the…man sustainable, sustainable european, meyer sustainable, material sustainable, sustainable productiontrousers, cotton, sustainability, organic, climate10
velv.nl…effect these products have. The whole collection is made by hand by brand owner Minke herself and is fully sustainable. Both sourced and assembled in the Netherlands. The varnish gives the table its matt look and takes care of the…velv sustainable, sustainable bespoke, product sustainable, sustainable character, fully sustainableceramic, add, lifetime, vase, handmade10
hetfaireoosten.nlDiscover your favourite fair fashion & sustainable home items in our webshop | New products every week | Free delivery on orders above €100webshop sustainable, sustainable fashion, fashion sustainable, sustainable homebag, woman, het, textile, jewellery10
rijkewaddenzee.nlPRW (the Programme towards a Rich Wadden Sea) is working to ensure resilient ecology and a sustainable economy in the Wadden Sea region. By focusing on the region and working alongside the various parties concerned, PRW’s mission is to…resilient sustainable, sustainable wadden, transition sustainable, sustainable economic, fully sustainableprogramme, rich, report, region, resilient10
timmerman-transport.nl…People, Planet & Prosperity. This is not only good for our organisation, but also for our environment and future generations. For this reason, we base ourselves on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 as drawn up by the UN.reason sustainable, sustainable development, world sustainabledistribution, cargo, storage, planet, driver10
greenboxfarms.nl…for growing food in urban areas. With our innovative container farms, we're exploring new dimensions in sustainability, efficiency, and productivity. Join us in creating a more sustainable future and discover what's possible with us.sustainable future, bright sustainable, sustainable tomorrow, productivity sustainable, thrive sustainablefarm, farming, hydroponic, sustainability, innovative10
bimcoholland.nlWith constantly changing regulations and the pursuit of a sustainable world, we never stand still, we continue to look for efficiency and sustainability.bimcoholland sustainable, sustainable tech, pursuit sustainable, sustainable worldcrop, greenhouse, continuously, efficiency, housing10
de-duurzame-jongens.nlDe Duurzame Jongens get your home ready for a sustainable future: invest smart and save on energy costs.ready sustainable, sustainable future, jongens sustainable, home sustainable, sustainable meetpanel, conditioning, battery, consultation, smile10
conceptional.nlConceptional helps food service brands and organisations to begin their sustainability journey in a holistic and pragmatic way. Your tailor-made Sustainable Food Route, with realistic and concrete short- and long-term goals, draws a clear…tailor sustainable, sustainable food, company sustainable, sustainable sector, organization sustainablegrowth, merger, acquisition, guest, resource10
duurzaamjacht.nlDuurzaam Jacht - Sustainable Yacht Ya, traveling the world without a drop of fuel!jacht sustainable, sustainable yacht, summer sustainable, crew sustainable, sustainable actionyacht, fuel, drop, ship, comfortably10
crossboat.nlCrossboat – Rent an inspirational space in an innovative and sustainable environmentinnovative sustainable, sustainable environment, ceuvel sustainableinnovative, inspirational, functional, lecture, organic10
theknitwitstable.nlWith our own brand, The Knitwit Label, we make sweaters, cardigans, shawls and hats from wool based on our own animals. With our label we put words into action: we not only provide insight into how you can make a transparent, sustainable…transparent sustainable, sustainable product, local sustainable, sustainable transparent, renewable sustainablewool, stable, cardigan, animal, transparent10
fmo-im.nlThe FMO Sustainability Policy guides FMO's contribution to sustainable development as framed by the Sustainable Development Goals (the SDGs). The policy is in line with FMO’s vision of a world in 2050 where over 9 billion people can live…experience sustainable, sustainable environmental, contribution sustainable, sustainable development, development sustainableinvestment, fund, investor, economy, proposition10
youngsustainablefinance.nlThe SDG Young Leaders Network is a a young professionals network under the Global Compact Netherlands, which has the goal to act as a Sustainable Development Goals-focused connector between young professionals and their (in-company)…field sustainable, sustainable finance, young sustainable, passionate sustainable, community sustainableleader, guest, annual, consultation10
aectual.nlWe enable designers and companies to realize custom designs at any scale in any building. Together we set a new standard in large scale bio-based 3D printing, towards a more personal, beautiful and sustainable future.aectual sustainable, sustainable innovative, beautiful sustainable, sustainable futurepanel, innovative, waste, scale, divider10
socialinnovations.nlWe are a Dutch agency that wants to make a positive impact with sustainable innovation. We create green and social business by setting up partnerships, connecting distributors of innovative products and help companies be more sustainable.impact sustainable, sustainable innovation, new sustainable, sustainable project, way sustainableinnovative, positive, partnership, distributor, sustainability10
underprotection.nl…women all over the world. We wish to make every kind of woman feel special, beautiful and loved when wearing Underprotection. Being comfortable in our soft lingerie, loungewear, swimwear or hosiery, is Almost as sustainable as being naked.possible sustainable, sustainable material, classify sustainable, sustainable certified, hosiery sustainableswimwear, period, bag, sustainability, certified10
maxj.nl…issues that are central to my vision. The focus on product lifecycle, user interaction, and market needs does not fully capture the complexities of environmental systems and the long-term planning required for sustainable development.passion sustainable, sustainable transportation, innovative sustainable, sustainable true, vision sustainableindustrial, transportation, spatial, environmental, geography10
torrgas.nl…negative solution. Secondly the Torrgas gasification converts all carbon into high value products; syngas, biochar and liquid bioCO2. This means that carbon neutral biogenic carbon can be sequenced for long terms in sustainable products.demand sustainable, sustainable affordable, truly sustainable, sustainable clean, term sustainablechemical, carbon, feedstock, negative, fuel10
hebovandijk.nlA clean bed with fresh sheets, soft towels and an attractively set dining table. In the hospitality industry, guests expect top quality meaning sustainable linen with a high level of comfort. In consultation with the laundry, HeboVanDijk…specialist sustainable, sustainable contract, sustainable textile, fully sustainable, sustainable highlinen, textile, duvet, laundry, bath10
newcitizendesign.nlNew Citizen Design is an agent, developer, project manager and consultant of design products and design thinking. We provide a platform for design products that are curated on their consciousness of a sustainable society and the well…consciousness sustainable, sustainable society, good sustainable, sustainable designcitizen, blade, think, talk, january10
naturalplastics.nlNatural Plastics is specialised in sustainable landscaping. All of our products are fully biodegradable. Check out our range of products now!plastics sustainable, sustainable landscapinglandscaping, driver, biodegradable, fully, pre10
arc-cbbc.nlThe Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC) is the Netherlands’ national research center for circular and sustainable chemistry. Our hub universities Utrecht University, the University of Groningen and the…circular sustainable, sustainable chemistry, industry sustainable, sustainable circular, transition sustainablechemical, transition, block, advanced, chemistry10
sundayswim.nlSustainable swimwear created with a love for the beach and all things tropical | Free EU shipping on orders over €65swim sustainable, sustainable swimwearswim, sunday, lavish, swimwear, ivory10
deltaclimatecenter.nlMore than 500 million people worldwide live in deltas. Their livability is under pressure from sea level rise and ecosystem degradation, among other things. How do we create sustainable, climate-resistant and prosperous deltas? This…thing sustainable, sustainable climate, transition sustainable, extreme sustainable, sustainable agricultureclimate, pressure, million, rise, degradation10
tenkate.nlTen Kate produces sustainable animal fats and proteins for producers of food and animal feed, for the oleochemical industry and for use in a range of consumer products. A family-owned company, Ten Kate’s core values since it was founded…kate sustainable, sustainable animal, quality sustainableprotein, fat, animal, sustainability, oil10
itspawsome.nl…and immediately offered to send another size so I could compare them. That one sat much better, so that was a really great move by them. I will definitely be buying beautiful sustainable, fair and animal-friendly clothes here more often!”sustainable clothing, friendly sustainable, sustainable premium, sustainable fair, beautiful sustainableorganic, clothing, awesome, payment, animal10
devorm.nlWe develop interior products by today's' standards. This means we produce sustainable, use the full lifecycle of products, and eventually give them a new life. Use us as a tool, customise your own.standard sustainable, sustainable lifecycleinterior, bespoke, eventually, lifecycle, sustainability10
damsswimwear.nlD-AMS Swimwear is the first sustainable swimwear and underwear brand based in the Netherlands. D-AMS believes in a cleaner planet and makes an effort to contribute. We are the first swim and underwear brand in The Netherlands using…swimwear sustainable, sustainable swimwear, netherlands sustainable, sustainable fabricswimwear, underwear, regular, bamboo, swim10
ceseps.nl…safety aspects and overall network reliability regarding their energy and power flows, energy-efficiency, local sustainable energy production and consumption, demand side management by self-consumption of energy generated in the smart…european sustainable, sustainable energy, local sustainable, workshop sustainable, sustainable urbangrid, austrian, stakeholder, demand, institute10
attero.nlWe maximise the potential from waste by using innovative techniques to turn it into new raw materials and renewable energy. If you also want your waste processed in a sustainable and reliable manner, or if you want to purchase renewable…waste sustainable, sustainable reliable, lng sustainable, sustainable maritimewaste, soil, residual, organic, position10
milck.nlThe nicest online store for sustainable, quirky clothes for babies and kids. We offer great service, we ship worldwide and have a great range of unique items wistore sustainable, sustainable quirkyjacket, add, kid, pacifier, clothes10
tekstenschrijven.nlSustainability has come to mainstream media. We are copywriters and journalists with 20 years of experience on this topic. Sustainable projects, sustainable building, sustainable packaging and environmental issues are what we specialize…topic sustainable, sustainable project, project sustainable, sustainable build, build sustainablesustainability, connection, packaging, environmental, topic10
simonangel.nlBased on strong values and moral, SA connects through creativity and innovation. Developing the extraordinary. People and organisations. With a highly motivating, creative, down to earth core and a strong focus on sustainable relations…global sustainable, sustainable intervention, investment sustainable, sustainable growth, order sustainablesense, intervention, collaboration, purpose, extraordinary10
sqape.nlIn line with government targets, international climate agreements and favourable carbon footprint, SQAPE ensures a sustainable future.sqape sustainable, sustainable alternative, sustainable futureproperty, alternative, innovative, specification, residue10
insectfeed.nlInsectFeed is a research consortium in the Netherlands, focusing on the production of insects for poultry feed as a part of a sustainable circular economy.insect sustainable, sustainable feed, feed sustainable, sustainable circularcircular, economy, external, publication, chapter10
alonzi.nlWith over ten years of experience, I deal with all aspects related to (international) sustainable agricultural supply chains. Supporting my clients in designing, setting up and managing their sustainable supply chains. This includes…consultancy sustainable, sustainable source, international sustainable, sustainable agricultural, client sustainabletrade, chain, agricultural, supply, implementation10
fsd.nlAt the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) we support the conservation and sustainable use of natural ecosystems since 2000. Through our three main programs – ESVD, ESP and Nature Today – we build knowledge and stimulate…foundation sustainable, sustainable development, conservation sustainable, sustainable use, management sustainableecosystem, partnership, valuation, vacancy, conservation10
sustainablemedia.nlCorporate video is an effective means of communicating and presenting a sustainable company's message to the world. If you are looking for a way to take your business to the next level, it is definitely worth considering a corporate video.new sustainable, sustainable media, action sustainable, sustainable product, method sustainabledyke, climate, audience, worker, potential10
babybello.nlBaby Bello designs beautiful organic & sustainable baby products. We believe in human well-being, animal welfare and planetary health.organic sustainable, sustainable babycloth, toy, cot, almond, organic10
hoflandfloweringplants.nlHofland Flowering Plants: renowned nursery since 1899. Cheerfully colored flowering plants & passion for innovative, sustainable horticulture.colorful sustainable, sustainable nursery, innovative sustainable, sustainable horticultureflower, nursery, colorful, horticulture, innovative10
pull.nlThe natural raw materials vermiculite and perlite are the basis of our sustainable products. PULL processes and manufactures these into finished sustainable products for countless applications. We aim for maximum results to ensure better…pull sustainable, sustainable partner, basis sustainable, sustainable product, finish sustainablemortar, insulation, horticulture, granule, soil10
putterorganicworld.nlOrganic Products for a healthy lifestyle and sustainable world like Moringa, Ginger. Best qualitybody sustainable, sustainable world, lifestyle sustainableorganic, healthy, ginger, guestbook, survey10
zuidlimburgbereikbaar.nlTogether with many partners, the Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar programme office promotes better access to and in the region, more efficient use of cars, and sustainable mobility. It aims to foster a healthy living and working climate in South…smart sustainable, sustainable mobility, economically sustainable, sustainable economical, safe sustainablelogistics, mobility, measure, accessibility, employee10
aviationgame.nlThe aviation game week challenges students to think of creative solutions for a sustainable future for the aviation industry. Student teams have to come up with innovative ideas in a high pressure setting. Both to create awareness that…innovate sustainable, sustainable aviation, solution sustainable, sustainable future, year sustainableaviation, innovate, innovative, connection, pressure10
pianoo.nlThe Dutch government, together with regional and local authorities, wants to stimulate the market for sustainable products. Sustainable public procurement means focussing on the environmental and social impact of procurement as well as…criterion sustainable, sustainable public, market sustainable, sustainable product, product sustainableprocurement, government, efficiency, rule, successful9
collarisconsultancy.nlThe function of the office changes from processing to meeting place. Accept the challenge to join with Collaris Consultancy beyond conventional solutions to watch. Shaping the sustainable way of sharing knowledge for your organization…consultancy sustainable, sustainable way, field sustainable, solution sustainablevital, socio, independent, technological, broad9
paradisefound.nl…the impact tourism has on the local culture and economy. The aim of Paradise Found is to inform and inspire policy makers, destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and travellers about sustainable tourism in the broad sense of the word.traveller sustainable, sustainable tourism, important sustainable, sustainable servicetourism, responsible, paradise, find, sustainability9
hufoss.nlHuFoSS – Your partner for sustainable initiatives in favour of our natural and built environmentpartner sustainable, sustainable initiative, initiative sustainable, sustainable naturalstakeholder, initiative, favour, sabre, coastal9
020groen.nlEverything we do is done in a sustainable way. Sustainability is interwoven throughout all of our activities. That is why we like to reuse old materials and drive our cars on electricity and natural gas, for example. Our complete…sustainable plant, sustainable roof, sustainable julilandscaping, roof, inspiration, vacancy, concentration9
teamvirtue.nlWith innovative designs, materials and building methods and collaboration with students from different studies we build exemplary sustainable houses of the future.transition sustainable, sustainable city, exemplary sustainable, sustainable housetransition, worldwide, january, lecture, generation9
le-tas.nlWelcome to LETAS, we hope we can excite you about our projects whilst working on a sustainable future. Feel free to explore the world of innovation with us!whilst sustainable, sustainable future, leta sustainable, distance sustainable, sustainable fashionwhilst, mid, distance, insecurity, ignorance9
bouwbedrijfjoorse.nlWe do not see sustainability as a trend, but as a logical promise. We have been doing business sustainably since 1983 (although that term may not even have existed at the time). What do we mean by sustainable business? Ensure that we pass…transition sustainable, sustainable property, creative sustainable, sustainable different, sustainable businessproperty, maintenance, renovation, corporation, relationship9
e-fulfilmenthub.nlFrom our warehouse in Weert (the logistics hotspot of the Benelux), we support fast-growing webshops with their European growth ambitions. Whether you want to send 100 or 100,000 packages per month, we are happy to help you find the best…fully sustainable, sustainable fulfilment, field sustainable, good sustainable, sustainable solutionlab, logistics, benefit, emission, package9
circusandersom.nlBackground music for shopping centre Polderplein in Hoofddorp. These songs were played continuously in the shopping center onInternational buy nothing day, november 11th 2009. The text Just be sustainable for a moment is repeated over and…condition sustainable, sustainable change, long sustainable, sustainable time, text sustainablevisitor, medicine, factory, intuitive, situation9
teplo.nlInfrared is sustainable in homes and offices because it provides targeted heat, increasing energy efficiency. It directly heats objects and people, rather than the air, resulting in less heat loss and lower energy costs. This sustainable…sun sustainable, sustainable power, future sustainable, sustainable solution, leasing sustainableinfrared, heating, sustainability, panel, environmentally9
ebn.nlEnergie Beheer Nederland is a public energy company. We invest our knowledge, skills and financial resources to help build a sustainable energy system. Together, faster. We focus our activities on three core areas: the gas transition, the…subsurface sustainable, sustainable future, resource sustainable, sustainable energy, today sustainabletransition, storage, carbon, resource, subsurface9
bgglobal.nl…quality, and unmatched customer satisfaction. Explore our website to discover more about our extensive range of greenhouse technologies and solutions. Partner with us today and let us help you create a sustainable and prosperous future.sustainable cultivation, today sustainable, sustainable prosperous, partner sustainable, sustainable edgeclimate, greenhouse, crop, innovative, excellence9
bambooder.nlDiscover Bambooder: Innovators in bamboo fiber technology, transforming the future with sustainable bamboo composites. Engineering the bio-based future.future sustainable, sustainable bamboo, fiber sustainable, sustainable alternative, term sustainablebamboo, fiber, composite, innovator, discover9
kenlog.nlFarming will have to become more sustainable and feed more people. Dutch horticultural sciences and techniques can play a crucial role in achieving these goals. In the new world, sustainable food production will have to be increased:…farming sustainable, sustainable people, world sustainable, sustainable food, food sustainableplanet, horticultural, farming, cooperation, know9
ijmondklimaatservice.nlSolar panels have becomepart of normal life. More and more Dutch roofs are covered with solar panels. IJmond Klimaatservice has had experience with sustainable power generation with solar panels since the construction of our…sustainable business, example sustainable, experience sustainable, sustainable powerresidential, climate, pump, heat, central9
innodeen.nlPartner in DEVELOPING and PRODUCING innovative and sustainable custom solutions with recyclable plastics and biocompositesinnovative sustainable, sustainable custom, result sustainable, sustainable solution, field sustainableinnovative, facade, door, window, civil9
tuecomotive.nlStudent team based at the Eindhoven University of Technology changing the mobility sector by using sustainable materials and production methods.sector sustainable, sustainable material, future sustainable, sustainable mobility, unique sustainablemobility, lineup, penny, partnership, section9
bringly.nlBeyond sustainability, our platform also offers cost benefits. We analyze the capacity of available carriers and smartly combine different carriers capacities to ensure cost reduction and sustainable delivery for each package…brand sustainable, sustainable cost, process sustainable, sustainable capacity, solution sustainablecarrier, carefree, growth, capacity, package9
mvoplatform.nlToday, six Dutch political parties (ChristenUnie, D66, PvdA, GroenLinks, SP, Volt) have formally submitted the Bill on Responsible and Sustainable International Business Conduct to the Dutch House of Representatives. The bill obliges…initiative sustainable, sustainable responsible, responsible sustainable, sustainable internationalresponsible, conduct, oecd, guidelines, bill9
eliasconsulting.nlElias Consulting│Value for life is a young management consulting firm for sustainability. We help companies and public organisations to bring sustainability into practice and to create sustainable value. Our mission is to 'create value…chain sustainable, sustainable transparant, practice sustainable, sustainable value, consultancy sustainableconsulting, chain, sustainability, environmental, supply9
wmfc.nlIn an urbanizing world we design and develop Metropolitan Food Clusters (MFC) to achieve sustainable development of agriculture and food production, in and around cities and metropoles.nutritional sustainable, sustainable food, mfc sustainable, sustainable development, perspective sustainablemitigation, climate, nutritional, structure, rural9
vanplestik.nl3D-printing with recycled plastic, it's what we do! We are a design agency and sustainable production company, specialized in plastic.agency sustainable, sustainable production, design sustainable, sun sustainable, sustainable wallrecycle, waste, table, bespoke, circular9
refleur.nlRefleur Sustainable flowers and plants for a more beautiful world Here at Floral Trade Group, we are well aware of our impact on the world. The time of looking the other way is long past; we know that a better world starts with ourselves…refleur sustainable, sustainable flower, biological sustainable, sustainable variant, production sustainableflower, floral, trade, conviction, past9
stivako.nl…are of great added value to the company they work for. We organize training activities in various areas of business such as management, marketing, sustainable employability, communication, leadership, quality, lean and sustainability.life sustainable, sustainable salon, marketing sustainable, sustainable employability, sustainable developmentcoordinator, ongoing, sustainability, graphic, assessment9
pulsinzetbaarheid.nlPuls will work with your employee to identify qualities and desires and translate them into a sustainable career choice.help sustainable, sustainable employability, possibility sustainable, sustainable recovery, desire sustainableoccupational, assessment, reintegration, career, mobility9
partnersvoorwater.nlCall for proposals for a project on sustainable water management in the Colombian coffee sectorproject sustainable, sustainable water, sustainable city, sustainable agriculturepartners, collaboration, progress, climate, innovative9
cleanfuels.nlFor a development towards a sustainable energy economy we need technology innovations. Clean Fuels stands at the basis of some of them.fuel sustainable, sustainable energy, development sustainable, production sustainablefuel, economy, carrier, intellectual, property9
basepackaging.nl…bags, compostable bags and even scented bags. Choosing an appropriate bag, tailored to your dog's size and needs, is essential. Pursuing eco-friendly options contributes to more sustainable handling of these necessary accessories.quality sustainable, sustainable bag, service sustainable, sustainable future, bag sustainablebag, packaging, base, waste, compostable9
natulatte.nlNatulatte supplies vegan milk and chocolate milk powder for the business coffee machine. With its plant-based milk and cocoa powder, Natulatte ensures an animal-free and sustainable coffee break through all unmanned coffee corners.free sustainable, sustainable coffee, sustainable joy, healthy sustainable, sustainable alternativeanimal, milk, powder, joy, chocolate9
elaad.nlKnowledge and innovation center ElaadNL researches and tests the possibilities for Smart Charging: smart and sustainable charging of electric vehicles.smart sustainable, sustainable charge, demand sustainable, sustainable powercharge, electric, vehicle, capital, logistics9
kit.nlKIT is a knowledge institute, business location and hospitality venue with a mission: to contribute to an inclusive and sustainable world. From our campus in Amsterdam and through our global partner network, we enable people and…inclusive sustainable, sustainable world, knowledge sustainable, sustainable economicinstitute, fund, equity, study, economic9
stroomi.nlExplore success with Stroomi, your reliable B2B partner specializing in sustainable logistics and urban projects. Expand globally across Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Middle Corridor). Unlock your potential through our…partner sustainable, sustainable logistics, program sustainable, sustainable growth, stakeholder sustainablepotential, logistics, middle, central, urban9
foodvalley.nlOur partners are international, diverse and active. They are leading the transition towards a sustainable, healthy, affordable and tasty food system. Our partners cover the entire food value chain from seed to shelf and from start-ups to…catalyst sustainable, sustainable food, healthy sustainable, sustainable sector, shift sustainabletransition, protein, healthy, request, practical9
mfcservices.nlIn sustainable mechanization of your internal logistics, MFC considers the full life cycle when deciding on the action plan. Each stage in the life cycle, from design, use to replacement or termination requires specific services that…sustainable mechanization, logistics sustainable, sustainable control, service sustainable, necessary sustainablemechanization, cycle, unified, logistics, internal9
blikinsights.nlUnlock the full potential of your business with Blik Insights B2B consulting. Selling a product once is simple, but true success lies in crafting sustainable business models and scalable propositions. That’s where we come in.success sustainable, sustainable business, company sustainable, sustainable growth, meeting sustainablegrowth, potential, consulting, proposition, unlock9
sdgsdenhaag.nlThe Hague is a proud SDG City committed to realizing the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our residents, businesses, and government are continuously working on many activities that contribute to achieving the SDGs. The…hague sustainable, sustainable development, nation sustainable, well sustainable, sustainable futureinitiative, hague, resident, proud, involve9
wetsus.nlNijhuis Saur Industries participates in Wetsus to develop sustainable water treatment technologiesexcellence sustainable, sustainable water, wetsus sustainable, research sustainable, sustainable productionwetsus, phd, degree, excellence, prize9
bebueno.nlDo you want to undergo a physical and mental transformation IN A SHORT TIME? WHY BUENO? More than 100 satisfied customers have already preceded you! PERSONAL APPROACH We look at you as an individual and we take your busy life into…account sustainable, sustainable result, possible sustainable, sustainable solution, mind sustainablenutrition, busy, physical, healthy, mental9
pum.nl…to sectors that are essential for food security, such as livestock farming. A good example is the pilot project ‘Sustainable Dairy Farming in the Tadla region’ which started in 2019. By intensively monitoring and guiding 19 livestock…advice sustainable, sustainable pum, un sustainable, sustainable development, project sustainablesme, fellow, entrepreneur, trade, voluntary9
wijzijnbreikers.nl…with regard to mobility that always form the basis of the advice we offer. Because the better we are able to meet those motives, the more sustainable the solutions we can provide. While generating a ‘social profit’ at the same time too.smart sustainable, sustainable mobility, sustainable manner, motive sustainable, sustainable solutionmobility, logistics, accessibility, independent, employee9
trendytextiles.nlDiscover our wonderful sustainable yarns . We offer a wide range of yarns, from lightweight to super chunky. Exclusive as well as budget friendly yarns, in gorgeous trendy and timeless colors. For beginners to experienced crafters. Our…adventure sustainable, sustainable yarn, wonderful sustainable, textile sustainable, sustainable wooltextile, sustainability, craft, complaint, guarantee9
icdubo.nlThe ICDuBo consists of a permanent dynamic, exhibition concerning sustainable building. Simultaneously the ICDuBo serves as an experimental space for innovations. 1:1 models of several building types are set up. These sections are…centre sustainable, sustainable build, possible sustainable, sustainable innovative, able sustainableinnovative, institution, sustainability, government, exhibition9
penthus.nlGreen solutions should also be sustainable. This is not so obvious as it seems. The way green solutions are being build and implemented and the equipment used are based on decades old technology and the remains of a fossil fuel dominated…innovative sustainable, sustainable offshore, solution sustainable, sustainable obvious, scratch sustainableinstallation, vessel, monopile, innovative, renewable9
deroek.nlDe Roek is small-scale and sustainable and offers a pleasant petting zoo. Located in the woods just outside Otterlo a mere 1,500m from the Hoge Veluwe National Park.scale sustainable, sustainable pleasant, sustainable holidayvacation, holiday, wood, scale, near9
bintell.nlBintell offers intelligent sustainable solutions for the bitumen market, based on the conversion of organic residues, without the need of fossil resources and with a lower carbon footprint.intelligent sustainable, sustainable solution, step sustainable, business sustainable, sustainable tomorrowresource, fossil, organic, residue, road9
energy-strategies.nlWelcome to the website of Energy Strategies for Sustainable Development When I started in 1991 my consulting and research office ‘Adviesbureau voor Energiestrategie’ (AES), my intention was to contribute to energy development with a…strategy sustainable, sustainable development, domain sustainableimpulse, intention, voor, integral, strategic9
organicseeds.nlDivided on the themes: sustainable agriculture and ecology and ecosystem restoration, sustainable food, water and energy supply, economic and social benefits, food sovereignty and land rights and socialisation of agriculture, projects…buizer sustainable, sustainable food, dutch sustainable, conference sustainable, sustainable worldorganic, seed, supply, variety, crop9
solarteameindhoven.nlWe are Solar Team Eindhoven, a team of 22 enthusiastic and ambitious students from the Eindhoven University of Technology. We strive for a sustainable future, where life is powered by the sun. As a student team, we have the power and…transition sustainable, sustainable future, freedom sustainable, sustainable manner, solution sustainablevehicle, sun, transition, mobility, passionate9
fundforyouthemployment.nlDecent work has emerged as a key topic in conversations around sustainable development. While international organisations and civil society groups have long emphasised the importance of decent work for economic growth, the private sector…conversation sustainable, sustainable developmentyouth, fund, kenya, africa, decent9
ciragroup.nlThe world is moving and so is the industry. With CIRA Group BV we offer you sustainable hardwood from the lakes. A special product from the hidden treasures of Surinam which are suitable for industrial and commercial purposes. Please…partner sustainable, sustainable reclaim, happy sustainable, sustainable option, reclaim sustainableestate, hardwood, diaspora, reclaim, additional9
mariekeeyskoot.nl‘Marieke is an absolute expert in the field of sustainable fashion and lifestyle. She is critical, constructive and honest. She can inspire and charm people: she is the perfect guide.’book sustainable, sustainable live, field sustainable, sustainable fashion, brand sustainablepresenter, sustainability, guide, constructive, positive9
unipol.nlEPS has a high insulation value, it is light yet rigid, allows safe and easy processing, is sustainable and fully recyclable.ideal sustainable, sustainable raw, processing sustainable, sustainable fullyinsulation, packaging, raw, bead, fire8
spinningjenny.nlSpinning Jenny develops high-end sustainable yarns for demanding purposes in the industry, construction, clothing, automotive, home decoration and other industries.end sustainable, sustainable yarn, material sustainable, sustainable quality, recycle sustainableclothing, purpose, decoration, textile, waste8
signature-agri.nlSIGNATURE Agri Investments is driven by our commitment to fight food insecurity, create climate resilience, and transform communities and economies through sustainable and innovative agriculture investments.economy sustainable, sustainable innovative, environmentally sustainable, sustainable project, flagship sustainableinvestment, signature, agriculture, climate, commitment8
econnections.nlTo evoke sustainable change we pilot and help scale sustainable solutions by leveraging an ecosystem of corporate and scaleup partners. We enable companies and consumers to make sustainable choices, reduce emissions of parcel delivery…scaleup sustainable, sustainable solution, passionate sustainable, sustainable ecommerce, million sustainablesustainability, commerce, sign, ecommerce, potential8
streetlife.nlThe Streetlife Collection consists of high-quality street furniture, tree products and bridges. The products are characterized by a robust, natural style and sustainable use of materials , both FSC Hardwood as our TWIN materials . The…streetlife sustainable, sustainable recycle, sustainable material, style sustainable, sustainable usestreetlife, tree, street, furniture, bridge8
patronagrisystemsinternational.nlIt is our mission to support the company’s economic and ecologic performance of our customers in a sustainable, innovative way with high quality installations.system sustainable, sustainable irrigation, customer sustainable, sustainable innovativeirrigation, career, lighting, installation, electric8
goldenarrow.nl…projects around the world, and each one represents 1 ton C02 equivalent reduced, avoided, or removed. Not only do these projects address emissions, most also support sustainable development goals like ending hunger and conserving nature.target sustainable, sustainable shipping, fossil sustainable, sustainable marine, meaningful sustainablearrow, carbon, specification, fuel, emission8
lennartgroup.nlWater barrier coating , ecosafe barrier coating machine , water base water barrier coating , water base heat seal coating machine , sustainable cup coatings , functional paper , coating machine , sustainable packagingmachine sustainable, sustainable cup, sustainable packaging, special sustainable, sustainable barrierbarrier, paper, packaging, machinery, collect8
globalarchitects.nl“House in a House” is the sustainable renovation of an existing 1980s terraced house in the Spinbaankwartier in Wassenaar. The project received an honourable mention during BNA’s best building of the year 2016. The jury was ecstatic about…progressive sustainable, sustainable design, vision sustainable, sustainable affordable, house sustainablerenovation, hague, expat, firm, architectural8
ecobin.nl…or manager of public spaces. For those responsible for operational budgets and for staff with the duty of emptying the bins as efficiently as possible. For visitors of public spaces. And last but not least: Circular and sustainable.duarble sustainable, sustainable stainless, durable sustainable, circular sustainablelitter, steel, stainless, attractive, residence8
dejongsijs.nlWelcome at De Jong’s IJs, Holland’s most sustainable small ice-cream factory. Specialized in co-packing of ice-cream pots, tubs, jars and pints. We produce ice-cream for niche markets such as; Organic, Vegan, Fair Trade or Low calorie…hollands sustainable, sustainable small, holland sustainableice, cream, packer, factory, flavor8
westrikconsultancy.nlWestrik Consultancy provides professional advice concerning cultural and natural heritage, and is specialised in World Heritage. Areas of expertise are World Heritage nominations, management, sustainable tourism and cultural landscapes.management sustainable, sustainable tourism, successful sustainable, sustainable management, westrik sustainableheritage, certificate, tourism, conservation, cultural8
revolutionfoundation.nlThe Revolution Foundation provides sustainable and circular systems for festivals, events, and organizations. We work together closely with events, companies, and governments to design and implement circular blueprints, accelerating the…foundation sustainable, sustainable circular, transition sustainable, sustainable economyrevolution, circular, volunteer, resource, shift8
brightgreen.nl…you only want to focus on CO 2 impact? Then opt for Bright Start's in-depth insight. Do you also want to look at sustainable protein sources and healthy nutritional values? Then Bright Pro gives you all the data and recipes you need. Or…healthy sustainable, sustainable menu, corner sustainable, sustainable tomato, step sustainablenutritional, protein, transition, climate, relation8
freshresearch.nlFRESH: R&D platform for landscape transformation, resilient strategies and sustainable development.strategy sustainable, sustainable development, sustainable monumentlandscape, pattern, architecture, biennale, urbanism8
kinta.nlKinta is a supplier of refined interior products, handcrafted in Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. We are supplying high-quality products in a sustainable and socially responsible way for over twenty-five years.ethical sustainable, sustainable production, product sustainable, sustainable socially, recycle sustainableglass, wood, philosophy, refine, recycle8
axa-im.nlThe aim of this Fund is to provide long-term capital growth and a sustainable investment objective, in line with a socially responsible investment (SRI) approachclient sustainable, sustainable future, sustainable invest, transition sustainable, sustainable economyinvestment, income, invest, fund, responsible8
triplepsolutions.nlAt present, a new revolutionary concept is being developed to combat the economical crises and make a breakthrough towards a real sustainable economy: the circular economy, which is a practical vision of an economy in loops, or 'circular…sustainable procurement, real sustainable, sustainable economyeconomy, circular, environmental, advisory, csr8
mekongdeltaplan.nl…land subsidence and salinisation due to climate change effects and socio-economic developments. To have a sustainable delta, the long-term solution is clear: 1) replacement of rice production with vegetables and fruits and 2) focusnew sustainable, sustainable aquaculture, need sustainable, sustainable nature, option sustainableaquaculture, chain, showcase, minh, farming8
deltazuid.nlNice to meet you, we are DeltaZuid. A branding agency with the mission to help organizations build a meaningful brand. Through our love for entrepreneurship and belief in the power of branding, we can contribute to sustainable growth for…key sustainable, sustainable growth, sustainable goal, branding sustainable, positive sustainablegrowth, identity, positive, prove, depth8
restructgroup-tudelft.nlReStruct Group is a multi-disciplinary teaching and research group exploring the next generation of safe, sustainable and elegant structures.safe sustainable, sustainable elegant, sustainable structurestructure, disciplinary, teach, generation, glass8
conventcapital.nlWith its second fund, Convent focuses on innovative companies in the Agri & Food sector that are looking for growth capital. We invest in companies that are sustainable at heart and contribute with their products and services to a…backing sustainable, sustainable investment, company sustainable, sustainable heart, healthy sustainablecapital, fund, investment, growth, career8
knitwearlab.nlResearch and knowledge hub for innovative, design-driven and sustainable knitwear solutions.design sustainable, sustainable knitwear, sustainable projectknitwear, lab, innovative, knit, sustainability8
apr-projects.nlWe are APR Projects; an all-round circular construction company, specialised in renovation and revitalisation. Circular and sustainable every time. We are experts in creating sustainable and circular-built buildings, and in creating…circular sustainable, sustainable time, apr sustainable, expert sustainable, sustainable circularcircular, round, renovation, building, bright8
verdus.nlUrban Regions in the Delta (2011-2014) | URD develops knowledge for sustainable spatial policy and for integrated regional development in urban networks. The research focused on water, quality of life and mobility as well as issues…connect sustainable, sustainable city, steden sustainable, society sustainable, programme sustainableurban, programme, region, nwo, researcher8
hofp.nlSustainable organisations organisations regard regard making making a a profit profit as as a a way way to to make make a a difference. difference. Maximise Maximise your your organisations organisations impact impact by by setting…sustainable info, sustainable organisationtransformation, study, inspiration, digitalisation, adaptable8
fbfeed.nlFor the food industry Fbfood develops and offers new vegetable based sustainable ingredients. Changing trends and nutritional needs challenge us to come with new solutions for your food business. Whether you are active in the bakery…fbfeed sustainable, sustainable solution, vegetable sustainable, sustainable ingredientingredient, nutritional, vegetable, substitute, trade8
rokdevelop.nl…Project Financing for developing countries. As a strategic partner to Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), we play a pivotal role in creating a sustainable impact by supporting government-sponsored projects that promote self-sufficiency.role sustainable, sustainable impact, community sustainable, sustainable developmentdevelop, empower, workforce, conduct, million8
vetius.nlVetius Biotechnology is a molecular biology R&D company. We develop innovative sustainable products to support animal health, welfare and sustainability.health sustainable, sustainable world, innovative sustainable, sustainable productanimal, biotechnology, welfare, sustainability, nutritional8
amplitia.nl…For us, employee happiness is also linked to the phenomena of 'positive psychology', 'positive health' and 'sustainable employability'. Everyone has unique qualities and strengths. It's all about identifying them and making use of…happiness sustainable, sustainable success, health sustainable, sustainable employabilityhappiness, literally, satisfaction, employee, highly8
powerfield.nlPowerField believes in solar energy. Our vision? A clean, sustainable and habitable world. For you, and generations to come.clean sustainable, sustainable habitable, sustainable energy, conscious sustainable, sustainable worldgeneration, capacity, innovative, commissioning, supply8
kijfit.nlWithin KijFit we always strive for the most sustainable approach. We integrate this from our business operations to our healthcare offerings. Read morekijfit sustainable, sustainable physiotherapy, operation sustainable, sustainable way, sustainable approachphysiotherapy, appointment, introductory, sustainability, treatment8
bymutebox.nlMuteBox is a Danish design company that supplies high-quality meeting rooms and telephone boxes for use in open office landscapes and large offices. We design sustainable, flexible and space-saving solutions with a focus on acoustic…office sustainable, sustainable flexible, sustainable design, material sustainable, sustainable elementflexible, acoustic, peace, danish, employee8
vanderhoeven.nlAt Van der Hoeven we design, build, and operate sustainable greenhouse projects that grow year-round high-quality crops - even in the world’s most extreme climates.significantly sustainable, sustainable approach, mission sustainable, sustainable taste, planet sustainableder, horticultural, planet, healthy, taste8
mvicriteria.nlSustainable Public Procurement (SPP) means utilising your procurement to achieve greater sustainability and avoid a negative environmental and social impact. This fits in well with the government policy of utilising the purchasing power…government sustainable, sustainable transitionprocurement, criterion, government, sustainability, negative8
e-missions.nlThere is no doubt about it; how we use the internet determines how sustainable the internet will be in the future. For 10 topics related to digitalisation, we have gathered insights on how to reduce your digital footprint. Each section…internet sustainable, sustainable internettopic, sense, resource, device, storage8
annetdelange.nlProf. dr. Annet de Lange (1977; cum laude PHD 2005) works as Professor Sustainable employability on the labour market at the Open University, Faculty of Psychology, Heerlen, the Netherlands, and as Research Consultant at Berenschot in…lange sustainable, sustainable employability, research sustainable, professor sustainablelabour, employability, phd, publication, psychology8
vissertuinen.nl…and experience with all things green, concern for customers, and reliability. Together, we’re committed to sustainable, creative and practical garden solutions, which we design, implement and maintain with great pleasure, day in andcommit sustainable, sustainable creativerealisation, maintenance, guarantee, landscaping, passionate8
fromwastetowasted.nlBy opening this flask of liquid courage. Made with new techniques that turns waste from our North Sea into beautiful bottles. Creating sustainable packaging for our rum.packaging sustainable, sustainable rum, sustainable marble, rum sustainable, sustainable liquorwaste, navy, bottle, north, flask8
arbreclothing.nl“Striving for a completely sustainable supply chain. Not only the clothing material but also the printing, packing and labelling”arbre sustainable, sustainable fashion, completely sustainable, sustainable supply, sustainable packagingclothing, checkout, refund, wishlist, woman8
oneplanetresearch.nlOnePlanet uses the latest chip and digital technologies to contribute to a society in which everyone can live healthily and has access to healthy and sustainable food. The partners in OnePlanet Research Center contribute from their domain…healthy sustainable, sustainable food, control sustainable, sustainable mannerprecision, agriculture, behavior, nutrition, domain8
ibi2.nlLet's get acquainted. We can't do this alone. Together with you, we contribute to and more sustainable future. A future that we can leave behind for our children and generations to come. A future we can all be proud of. The opportunity…institute sustainable, sustainable transition, corporate sustainable, sustainable report, inventor sustainableinstitute, economy, february, fund, collaboration8
ids-group.nlAs a supplier and consultant, IDS strives to give rainwater back to nature gradually and cleanly. A clean planet also includes the use of sustainable materials. IDS aims to combat the "plastic soup" with its drainage systems by…innovative sustainable, sustainable drainage, sustainable solution, use sustainable, sustainable materialinnovative, rainwater, reference, cycle, restoration8
terrafoundation.nlTerra Foundation – Nonprofit organization supporting local initiatives developing reforestation and sustainable livelihoodsreforestation sustainable, sustainable livelihood, stewardship sustainable, sustainable land, approach sustainableinitiative, nonprofit, livelihood, involve, resource8
stenton.nlStenton is a consultancy and interim management firm that helps businesses design and implement sustainable growth as well as digital transformation strategies. We offer advisory services, implementation support and interim management…business sustainable, sustainable growth, focus sustainable, sustainable inclusive, well sustainablegrowth, leader, firm, transformation, role8
retailbags.nlRetailBags makes giving unique with a wide range of custom paper bags, plastic bags, shipping bags with logo, non-woven bags, luxury gift boxes, sustainable carrier bags and more. We supply to medium and large companies, in small and…sustainable bag, box sustainable, sustainable carrierbag, paper, packaging, package, sustainability8
sdgcapital.nlWe invest in mature companies that solve environmental and social challenges. Our team combines a return-driven mindset with a commitment to change the world for the better. The companies we invest in contribute directly to the United…ownership sustainable, sustainable growth, united sustainable, sustainable development, sdg sustainablecapital, growth, investment, ownership, mature8
lifesky.nlLifeSky, an overarching platform wich combines cutting edge technologies with various systems of different suppliers, creating a more efficient and more sustainable healthcare value chainefficient sustainable, sustainable healthcare, service sustainable, sustainable business, introduction sustainablechain, healthcare, supply, edge, cut8
footprintchallenge.nlAt the Footprint Challenge, we believe in becoming more sustainable from the inside out, as a team. Together, employees have the power to realize sustainable ambitions. Our interactive sustainability programmes help employees experience…challenge sustainable, sustainable inside, power sustainable, sustainable ambition, step sustainablesustainability, programme, employee, difference, participant8
janrotmans.nl…the virtual economy to generate even more money instead of being used to invest in a better world. Therefore, a transition is needed towards a financial system that is fairer and more inclusive in order to make the world more sustainable.decentralised sustainable, sustainable approach, costly sustainable, sustainable solution, different sustainabletransition, author, shift, resource, circular8
pd-solutions.nlOf course! Crafted entirely from repurposed clothes, this bag is not just a style statement; it's a splash of sustainable brilliance.sustainable beachbag, sustainable sportsocks, splash sustainable, sustainable brilliance, textile sustainablesustainability, bag, compliance, textile, commitment8
nowastenetwork.nlNo Waste Network is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. We work closely together with the Alliance for Sustainable Food, Wageningen UR and other stakeholders.alliance sustainable, sustainable food, goal sustainable, sustainable development, global sustainablewaste, planet, pumpkin, united, nation8
dehoop.nl…new apartments for Landal Strand Resort Ouddorp Duin. These gasless and well-insulated apartments meet the standard of Nearly Energy Neutral Buildings. This project marks an important step forward in sustainable living on the Dutch coast.sustainable social, contribution sustainable, sustainable development, forward sustainable, sustainable livehoop, aggregate, distribution, sponsorship, economy8
vanuden.nl…private and commercial real estate. We aim to engage in close partnerships with like-minded entrepreneurs focused on fulfilling the primary needs of people. We consider this a requirement for progress and a sustainable future for everyone.hold sustainable, sustainable acceleration, experience sustainable, sustainable future, progress sustainablehold, charity, participation, acceleration, progress8
topfresh.nlWe are the specialists in sustainable root crops from the Netherlands. With a cultivation area of over 300 hectares, we deliver root crops all year round to buyers at home and abroad.carrot sustainable, sustainable way, specialist sustainable, sustainable root, aim sustainablecarrot, root, cultivation, crop, flavour8
utrechtscienceweek.nlThe Utrecht Science Week is an annual event with a program based on the theme 'Together towards a healthy, sustainable society'.healthy sustainable, sustainable society, lecture sustainable, sustainable collaboration, final sustainableprogramme, october, healthy, society, annual8
hortifootprint.nl…Circle network consists of organizations from all parts of the chain. This concerns breeders and growers, (technical) suppliers, but also service providers. We inspire and help each other to achieve a sustainable horticultural sector.chain sustainable, sustainable member, demand sustainable, sustainable product, provider sustainablecircle, membership, chain, environmental, participant8
pwc.nlAsset & Wealth Management Banking Risk & Regulation Sustainable finance Real Estate Insurersregulation sustainable, sustainable finance, zero sustainable, sustainable decisivenesstax, sustainability, assurance, transformation, topic8
birdsbeesbusiness.nl…of which are used to make shea butter, is used in skincare products all over the world. Accompanied by local women, they saw how the landscape is being restored so that birds and people benefit from biodiversity and a sustainable economy.biodiversity sustainable, sustainable economy, food sustainable, sustainable income, income sustainablebird, shea, tree, butter, landscape8
diysoap.nlNatural Skin Care and workshops. Natural and organic, handmade, sustainable and zero waste. Shop online. Next day delivery. Free shipping over 50 euro.handmade sustainable, sustainable zerosoap, wishlist, skin, face, oil8
atmosphere.co.nlAtmosphere is an Amsterdam based sustainable management consultancy that has been active in the European market since 2007. We work with corporates, SMEs and local government.amsterdam sustainable, sustainable management, responsible sustainable, sustainable business, practice sustainableatmosphere, positive, stakeholder, government, sme8
workonprogress.nlWork on Progress is a training and coaching company that specializes in developing people and markets with a focus on sustainable development, leadership and innovation.sustainable development, focus sustainableprogress, leadership, movie, responsibility, economy8
ptgeindhoven.nlPTG Eindhoven located in Brainport and is specialized in Material Research, Chemistry, Sustainable Materials, Advanced Materials and Processing & Performance.chemistry sustainable, sustainable material, project sustainable, sustainable ink, coating sustainableanalysis, technique, publication, chemistry, polymer8
dutch-energysolutions.nlDES energy vision focuses on major themes relevant to the energy industry: implementing innovation, sustainable processes & energy efficiency, offshore, logistics & transport, circularity in the industry and new energies for industry.solution sustainable, sustainable build, innovation sustainable, sustainable processclimate, neutral, estate, transform, efficiency8
locallymade.nlWe show what the Netherlands has to offer. Sustainable products with the Locally Made quality mark.locally sustainable, sustainable product, netherlands sustainablelocally, join, positive, pipe, jewelry8
nextigen.nl…Generation Water Management Consultancy is here to help you navigate the intricate world of water management. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and embark on a journey toward a more water-secure and sustainable future.commit sustainable, sustainable solution, water sustainable, sustainable agriculture, loss sustainableinnovative, generation, resource, ecosystem, scarcity8
wptrading.nlWPT Biobased translates the ideas of sustainable solutions with product development and production methods, until introduction into the market. The company tests the developed products and streamlines the market introduction with…wpt sustainable, sustainable green, idea sustainable, sustainable solutionagricultural, alternative, floriculture, packaging, burden8
h2ermes.nlIf we want to make heavy industries more sustainable and reach national CO2 reduction targets, we will need large amounts of green hydrogen. From steel and shipping to air travel and heating: With green hydrogen, a truly sustainable…hydrogen sustainable, sustainable amsterdam, industry sustainable, sustainable national, truly sustainablehydrogen, metropolitan, reach, economy, growth8
2way2.nlAt 2WAY2, we understand that the future of business mobility must be sustainable and flexible. Our platform and services are designed to help you make this transition smoothly and cost-effectively. Whether you want to reduce your CO2…flexible sustainable, sustainable travel, sustainable mobility, transition sustainable, charge sustainablemobility, bundle, bicycle, report, fleet8
greendeals.nlThe Netherlands opts for green growth with regard to the living environment and sustainable development. With the Green Deal, the government has given space to innovative initiatives from society since 2011. This is how the transition to…environment sustainable, sustainable development, transition sustainable, sustainable economy, future sustainablegovernment, economy, initiative, growth, innovative8
vandintersemo.nlA ‘healthy soil’ and ‘sustainable soil management’. These are themes that are very much in the spotlight. With farmers, because the awareness is growing that a continuously profitable cultivation of crops requires sensible soil…commitment sustainable, sustainable agriculture, soil sustainable, sustainable soilseed, nematode, grass, manure, cultivation8
openseas.nl…all over the world. We have imported fresh fish for more than 25 years now. During these years, we have selected the most exclusive and reliable suppliers. They offer us daily arrivals of high-quality fish, with a sustainable character.fish sustainable, sustainable exclusive, sustainable character, sustainable fishing, important sustainablefish, tuna, farm, discover, supplier7
foodhub.nlFood Hub is working on transitioning to a fair, diverse and sustainable food system with innovative leadership and knowledge development.diverse sustainable, sustainable food, fair sustainable, sustainable system, step sustainableagriculture, net, innovative, leadership, calendar7
hollandbioinnovation.nl…Chemistry, providing solutions that avoid the problem of the continuous accumulation of polluting plastics. From sustainable raw materials, the ingredients of the resins are researched, tested and materialized to give shape and…innovative sustainable, sustainable environmental, plastic sustainable, sustainable rawbiodegradable, agricultural, soil, environmental, innovative7
mplusr.nl1527 Deutscher Architektur Verlag | Green Landmark HQ Canon Production Printing, Venlo True to Canonʼs Kyosei philosophy – Living and working together for the common good – M+R interior architecture developed the entire sustainable…responsibility sustainable, sustainable architecture, entire sustainable, sustainable interiorarchitecture, interior, ago, innovative, publication7
oryonwatermill.nlWith the Oryon Watermill, we generate 100% fish friendly, sustainable and renewable energy out of flowing waters. With a minium impact on the local environment, always a tailormade solution for affordable, predictable and renewable energy.affordable sustainable, sustainable energy, household sustainable, friendly sustainable, sustainable renewablewatermill, affordable, tidal, grid, civil7
foodofwood.nlFood of Wood Foundation Information provision and mutual participation are central to the services of the Food of Wood Foundation. We support almost all the initiatives of our business relations that contribute to commitment to…commitment sustainable, sustainable foodwood, forest, participation, cultivation, creation7
amstelius.nlOur track record in supervising sizeable due diligence assignments , complex real estate developments , the realization of progressive sustainable buildings and the preservation of existing buildings , the creation of creative and…building sustainable, sustainable efficiency, advice sustainable, sustainable installation, progressive sustainableestate, property, sustainability, installation, fact7
uwcmaastricht.nlStudents aged 11 till 19 are welcome in our Secondary School. Every year around 600 young people from all over the world attend UWC Maastricht Secondary School to work together towards peace and a sustainable future.peace sustainable, sustainable future, peaceful sustainableuwc, programme, classroom, residence, secondary7
aurora-energy.nlDesigning truly sustainable energy systems requires disruptive reasoning. A revolution in perceiving and utilizing the energy sources available to us.truly sustainable, sustainable energy, tag sustainablebright, heat, photovoltaic, february, revolution7
hetbalkonbankje.nlMake the most of your balcony and also check out our other sustainable balcony furniture, such as the matching balcony hocker with storage or the balcony storage box . With these balcony furniture pieces, you have a footrest, side table…good sustainable, sustainable wood, balcony sustainable, sustainable balcony, sustainable processbalcony, storage, cushion, add, chair7
oodlesandpinches.nlPerfect for meal prep, food storage, and home organizing. For a sustainable, plastic-free lifestyle.handle sustainable, sustainable wheat, organize sustainable, sustainable plastic, lunch sustainablehair, bag, waste, add, laundry7
mainportinnovationfund.nlWe now invest in Sustainable Aviation, Mobility & Logistics from our fund SHIFT Invest III. Please apply here .fund, mobility, capital, venture, grasp7
acqua3.nlChoose ozone water and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.clean sustainable, sustainable environment, sustainable liveozone, residue, german, italian, chemical7
ssd-utrecht.nlWithin the framework of the Climate-KIC flagship programme Smart Sustainable Districts, this project aims to deliver decisive input on the sustainable transformation of Utrecht Beurskwartier. The research will focus on four priorities.smart sustainable, sustainable district, input sustainable, sustainable transformationclimate, programme, priority, transformation, situation7
landcent.nlAddressing poverty-related diseases with sustainable and paradigm-shifting innovations.disease sustainable, sustainable paradigm, focus sustainable, sustainable developmentdisease, poverty, min, paradigm, submission7
c-trade.nlC-Trade offers Offshore & Marine Equipment and portable, sustainable sanitary unitsportable sustainable, sustainable sanitary, safe sustainable, sustainable solution, approach sustainabletrade, sanitary, portable, catalog, propulsion7
heyhoney.nlThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Hey Honey is supporting the 17 SDGs through active involvement.sustainable futurehoney, notice, applicable, law, subject7
maritadevries.nlMarita de Vries – Illustrations for Sustainable Technologies, Design & Constructionsillustration sustainable, sustainable technologyillustration, metal, welding, painting, waste7
ghiocel.nlGhiocel Energy mission is to provide sustainable and renewable energy in close coopereration with the communities we work in. We work responsible, safe and in consideration of our environment.mission sustainable, sustainable renewable, source sustainable, sustainable clean, heat sustainablegeothermal, renewable, consideration, responsible, heat7
polytechniek.nl…chicory systems. They are also well-versed in optimal yields with regard to economical systems. Furthermore, our professionals have the knowledge to act in an environmentally conscious manner when realising sustainable system technology.manner sustainable, sustainable system, installer sustainable, sustainable energy, quality sustainabletreatment, maintenance, heating, utility, installer7
okra.nlOKRA is an international and interdisciplinary team in the field of landscape architecture, working from Utrecht, the Netherlands. Together we design and realise resilient landscapes, healthy cities and sustainable water strategies.city sustainable, sustainable water, science sustainable, sustainable resilient, hospitable sustainablelandscape, healthy, meaningful, resilient, architecture7
loci-zonnepanelendak.nlLoci: Your partner for aesthetic, sustainable, and profitable roofing solutions.aesthetic sustainable, sustainable profitableroof, panel, benefit, integrate, interest7
exki.nlLonging for a tasty and healthy vegetarian or vegan dish, or one without gluten? Plenty of choice thanks to EXKi’s sustainable cuisine inspired by plants.exki sustainable, sustainable cuisine, healthy sustainable, sustainable foodhealthy, commitment, meal, cuisine, vegetarian7
dailyflex.nlWorking on the sustainable employability of flex workers requires everyone to be involved: the flex worker, the intermediary and you as the client. Together, we invest in Lifelong Development!entrepreneur sustainable, sustainable employability, company sustainabletemporary, employment, vacancy, selection, employee7
pietheineek.nlit with origami techniques into an innovative lighting object. The material of the Trigami collection is ceramic, sustainable and completely recyclable. The Trigami hanging lamp is available in 5 colors. Please note: ceramic is a natural…ceramic sustainable, sustainable completely, practical sustainable, sustainable design, friendly sustainablefurniture, waste, piece, aesthetic, ceramic7
nhlstendenmerchandise.nlpromotional gifts to clothing and promotional items to candy products. All items have been selected with care, taking into account sustainable properties such as material, production and or useform. Order easily and enjoy these merchandise.account sustainable, sustainable propertyclothing, miscellaneous, candy, promotional, property7
uvagreenoffice.nlThe Campus & Operations team works on different projects to make UvA campuses more sustainable in a variety of ways.campus sustainable, sustainable variety, sustainable travel, perfect sustainable, sustainable resolutionmin, sustainability, lecture, exciting, operation7
treesforall.nlWe support sustainable forestry projects all over the world. Besides helping to make the Netherlands greener, we’re also active in the rest of Europe and in developing countries. And this is a deliberate choice, as climate change is a…lasting sustainable, sustainable present, emission sustainable, sustainable impactful, tree sustainabletree, carbon, emission, healthy, earth7
onzelivre.nlOnze Livre BV is all about supporting the farmers, contributing to a healthy environment by providing effective and sustainable plant protection products.effective sustainable, sustainable plant, sustainable farming, safety sustainable, sustainable agriculturalprotection, farmer, healthy, effective, soil7
kilosalezeeland.nlKilo Sale Zeeland is a unique shopping experience where you pay per weight according to a fixed price per kilo. The total weight x the price per kilo = what you pay. Our selection of unique, sustainable vintage fashion from the USA and…unique sustainable, sustainable vintage, experience sustainableweight, wardrobe, selection, stock, regularly7
dte.nlDeeptech Equity NL contributes to a sustainable future by investing in a green and digital Dutch industry, with a focus on the major energy, food and health transitionsnl sustainable, sustainable future, impact sustainable, article sustainable, sustainable financeinvestment, equity, role, deeptech, climate7
artistcoaching.nlArtist Coaching – Helping artists develop a successful and sustainable career in music.successful sustainable, sustainable careercareer, wait, successful, unhappy, producer7
cribster.nlDo you want the best cribs for a fraction of the price and contribute to a more sustainable start for your little one? Renting might be for you!price sustainable, sustainable start, sustainable wastecrib, th, rent, fraction, rental7
brandonno.nlGood coffee: yes, of course, but not at all costs. Growing coffee can and must be improved, so Brandonno is committed to a sustainable living environment. Our coffee has the Rainforest Alliance quality mark and we are proud of that. Add…coffee sustainable, sustainable slant, sustainable packaging, brandonno sustainable, sustainable livepackaging, aunt, italian, rainforest, responsible7
wo-men.nlSustainable social, political and financial support for gender equality and women's rights.gender sustainable, sustainable economywoman, equality, funding, ukraine, economy7
bwno.nlThe Centre of Expertise Wellbeing Economy and New Entrepreneurship (CoE BWNO) strives for a sustainable future for everyone. The transition to a more sustainable, social and fair economy is key to this.bwno sustainable, sustainable future, transition sustainable, sustainable social, art sustainableentrepreneur, economy, researcher, institution, educator7
locality-eu.nlWe prepare and implement strategies and projects applying  smart sustainable solutions in cities. smart sustainable, sustainable city, project sustainable, sustainable solutionpublication, study, capacity, marketplace, foresight7
henart.nlabsolutely loved the taste. They devoured their meals and were eager for more. I also appreciate that the food is sustainable and environmentally friendly. Overall, I highly recommend HenArt’s insect food for any dog owner looking for a…product sustainable, sustainable insect, dog sustainable, sustainable healthy, food sustainabledog, cat, germany, healthy, netherland7
bio4life.nlBio4Life offers an exclusive range of compostable self-adhesive facestock, including papers as well as bio-plastics. We offer Sustainable Labels.plastic sustainable, sustainable labelspaper, compostable, adhesive, biodegradable, supplier7
theballpark.nlInnovative Designs for a Sustainable Future. We aim to redefine architecture by integrating sustainable practices, creativity, and innovation. Our mission guides us to create spaces that not only inspire but also contribute positively to…design sustainable, sustainable future, architecture sustainable, sustainable practicearchitecture, creativity, innovative, positively, planet7
fysiotherapiemiddenweg.nlDo you want to get rid of your physical complaints and injuries, but also for as long as possible? Maybe even get fitter and better than you were? Physiotherapie Middenweg offers a sustainable approach.middenweg sustainable, sustainable approachshoulder, physiotherapy, appointment, complaint, neck7
buistconsultancy.nlBuist Consultancy supports organisations with scouting, developing and marketing sustainable solutions. From efficient CO 2 capture, transport and storage to sustainable production and application of H 2 . From a business management…organisation sustainable, sustainable solution, storage sustainable, sustainable production, smart sustainabletransition, capture, storage, efficient, industrial7
aquabattery.nlAQUABATTERY is a sustainable long duration energy storage for solar, wind and other renewables generation. Discover our climate tech for decarbonisation and achieving net-zero power system.aquabattery sustainable, sustainable long, affordable sustainable, sustainable completely, system sustainablestorage, duration, renewable, net, generation7
placelift.nlwe live, work and meet. It is possible to involve people in thinking about their living environment for spatial designs as well as in scientific research. Together we create, research and imagine the best solutions for a sustainable future.solution sustainable, sustainable future, support sustainable, sustainable solution, project sustainablespatial, facility, scientific, societal, stakeholder7
corporate-vitality.nl"Four years ago, we found the perfect partner to set up and implement our sustainable employability programme and vitality policy in Corporate Vitality."sustainable employability, absolute sustainable, sustainable continuity, base sustainable, policy sustainablevitality, staff, employee, employability, absence7
orangegaia.nlWe believe that by investing together with other value aligned impact investors in for profit companies, we can make a significant contribution towards a sustainable economy that has a positive impact on people and planet.contribution sustainable, sustainable economypurpose, invest, planet, significant, positive7
cenexgroup.nlWorking together to solve challenges and develop solutions in the pursuit of clean mobility, smart infrastructures and sustainable resource use.infrastructure sustainable, sustainable resource, nation sustainable, sustainable development, partner sustainablemobility, infrastructure, resource, pursuit, emission7
judithvanvliet.nlnew concept, which is called 'Van Hollandse Bodem'. As the name already gives away, it's about The Netherlands. A sustainable collection that is designed and made in The Netherlands, mainly from Dutch sustainable resources and produced…judith sustainable, sustainable fashion, dutch sustainable, favourite sustainable, sustainable itemintroduction, proof, publication, dress, amazing7
allchiefs.nl…within every logistics chain! As AllChiefs, we are convinced that companies in particular play a major role in making logistics more sustainable. We accelerate the path to net-zero logistics by helping companies from strategy to execution.sustainable logistics, people sustainable, logistics sustainable, sustainable pathlogistics, heartbeat, inspire, net, sustainability7
concreteq.nlAt ConcreTeQ, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the world of concrete and steel construction through sustainable solutions, cutting-edge consultancy services, and a commitment to innovation. With years of expertise, we have become a…partner sustainable, sustainable concrete, construction sustainable, sustainable solutionsteel, protection, trust, advanced, reference7
4tu.nl*** BRIGHTFUL MINDS | A 4-part series in which the talented scientists involved in the 4TU High Tech for a Sustainable Future (HTSF) programs are featured. They explain what drives them, what high-tech research they are working on, and…tech sustainable, sustainable future, threat sustainable, sustainable worldprogramme, united, resilience, mathematics, doctorate7
breeam.nlBREEAM stands for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method and is the certification method for a sustainable built environment. With this method, projects can be assessed on integral sustainability. The method was…method sustainable, sustainable environment, cost sustainable, sustainable projectcertification, assessment, environmental, establishment, scheme7
hotelmargretha.nlBoutique hotel Margretha is ready for a sustainable future!We can proudly say that Boutique hotel Margretha has taken sustainability to the highest level. To achieve this goal, we have taken future-proof measures during the renovation as…modern sustainable, sustainable star, ready sustainable, sustainable proudlypearl, architecture, package, surrounding, monumental7
thecaringcompany.nlAs a change management consultant, I help customer contact teams with sustainable strategies toward reduced turnover, absenteeism and lower personnel coststeam sustainable, sustainable strategy, cost sustainable, sustainable customer, diamond sustainableturnover, highly, personnel, absenteeism, optimization7
biomat-shop.nlPremium compostable bin liners and a wide selection for a plastic-free & sustainable home! Order now in the online store. Fast delivery.free sustainable, sustainable home, sustainable cleanbag, compostable, waste, paper, dog7
syncco.nl“Sustainable decentralized generation and asynchronous energy use place high demands on the availability of green energy via the public or local electricity network. This pressure on the electricity network could be solved by building…sustainable value, transition sustainableinvestor, shareholder, farm, interest, representative7
smartwipes.nlSmart Wipes is a Dutch company with a branch in Czech Republic. We produce our wipes together with trusted partners in The Netherlands and Czech Republic, as well as in Italy and Belgium. Our strategy is to supply products with a…wipe sustainable, sustainable way, passionate sustainable, sustainable product, product sustainablewipe, compostable, biodegradable, ingredient, certificate7
humade.nlHumade a global brand of innovative and sustainable products with a unique story. Treasure the beauty of imperfection, New Kintsugi ceramic repair kit based on old Japanese Art. Wabi-sabi. DIY kit to fix broken pottery with gold –Kintsugi…innovative sustainable, sustainable product, brand sustainable, sludge sustainable, sustainable ceramicceramic, repair, textile, remarkable, fire7
tconcept.nl…he has been a partner of T+T Design and he was in charge of the concept design of all Multi developments projects in 22 different countries, always thriving for the optimum scheme for each location and creating sustainable ‘”places to be”.feasible sustainable, sustainable aspect, location sustainable, sustainable placeurban, architecture, residential, redevelopment, aesthetic7
wecity.nlThe inclusive city The accessible city The livable city The sustainable city The Smart citycity sustainable, sustainable city, sustainable liveableaccessible, marketplace, urban, integration, twin7
ubuntuleadershipprogram.nlUbuntu Leadership Program – A business school where knowledge, craftsmanship and entrepreneurship come together to create sustainable and resilient communities in Africaentrepreneurship sustainable, sustainable resilientleadership, entrepreneurship, africa, leader, resilient7
hylifeinnovations.nlHylife Innovations operates from Goeree-Overflakkee. This island is leading the way in the field of sustainability. For a start, by generating vast amounts of sustainable energy from wind, sun and tides. Now the energy production from…integrate sustainable, sustainable concept, innovation sustainable, sustainable future, speciality sustainableemission, grid, housing, hydrogen, electricity7
cleantechchallenge.nl…and encourages student teams with interdisciplinary backgrounds to develop and pitch their concepts for a sustainable start-up. The CleanTech Challenge provides entrepreneurial students the chance to work out their sustainable…interested sustainable, sustainable business, idea sustainable, sustainable financially, concept sustainablefinal, winner, competition, february, timeline7
tempo-roll.nlSpecialist in transport rollers, conveyor pulleys and trough sets ✔︎ Reliable ✔︎ Flexible ✔︎ Sustainablepulley, reliable, conveyor, idler, flexible7
wellsun.nlWellsun makes sustainable and livable buildings become reality by using highly efficient transparant glass solar panels for energy production, solar shading and media walling.wellsun sustainable, sustainable livable, building sustainable, sustainable futureglass, building, panel, efficient, highly7
smarthublogistics.nlSMART HUB Logistics offers smart and sustainable solutions for all your challenges. We do this with suitable facilities, a wide range of logistics services, reliable consultancy and a healthy dose of logistics common sense.smart sustainable, sustainable solution, field sustainable, way sustainable, sustainable waylogistics, unload, housing, warehouse, estate7
iigl.nl…Institute of choice in governance & leadership space, to make a lasting impact on the governance of countries and corporate governance of companies, this will eventually catalyze sustainable development of the communities around the world.eventually sustainable, sustainable development, world sustainable, sustainable planet, earth sustainableleader, leadership, institute, principle, political7
hgeerenburg.nlAt the same time, we understand that people would like nothing better than to eat strawberries all year round, at special occasions for example. That's why we also cultivate strawberries on racks. It allows us to extend the season in a…sustainable approach, season sustainable, sustainable waystrawberry, delicious, healthy, lovely, tradition7
foodduck.nlThe FOODDUCK® spread dispenser is a sustainable, economical and hygienic alternative for serving spreads at bread counters. Get familiar with our range of devices and read more about its advantages.sustainable development, dispenser sustainable, sustainable economicaldevice, spread, canteen, kitchen, hospital7
doingthemath.nl…that, we support putting your strategy into operation by making its progress measurable. We further support you in reaching your sustainability goals with decision-making software to accelerate sustainable changes, even in uncertain times.math sustainable, sustainable future, software sustainable, sustainable changemath, supply, chain, utility, fund7
chewconsultancy.nl…and knowledge in waste to fuels and our network in harbours, governments and markets, we work also explore activities related to the delvelopment and implementation of advanced sustainable fuels (for shipping and heavy duty transport).consultancy sustainable, sustainable shipping, advanced sustainable, sustainable fuelchew, fuel, wat, waste, harbour7
tank.nl…into a design that offers a versatile, personal and professional interior with expertly planned, flexible and sustainable workplaces. To retain the existing ‘department-store feel’, all floors remain open to let in plenty of daylight…flexible sustainable, sustainable workplace, end sustainable, sustainable office, people sustainableinterior, capital, cod, hospitality, ocean7
satim.nlAs a full member of the Faber Group, Satim is a proponent of a circular economy and sustainable business practices. With Satim, sustainability in the supply chain of pallet production and pooling begins right at the source.satim sustainable, sustainable timber, economy sustainable, sustainable business, sourcer sustainabletimber, sustainability, supplier, procurement, supply7
stitchd.nlWe know digital data. We assist people, teams and organisations to get the most out of their digital analytics practice, aiming for a more sustainable business.practice sustainable, sustainable business, sustainable impact, solution sustainable, sustainable positiveunderstand, identification, daunting, numerous, task7
alexkirichek.nl[C3 4 ] Sepehri A., Kirichek A. and van Koningsveld M. (2023). Sustainable port maintenance strategies - trade-offs between dredging cost and port call efficiency, 13th International SedNet Conference, Lisboninnovative sustainable, sustainable solution, organisation sustainable, sustainable business, ongoing sustainableport, mud, fluid, dredging, sediment7
vanmansvelt.nlVan Mansvelt, J.D. & B. Pedroli (2005): The role of training and education of landscape architects, in view of the links between landscape and agriculture . Proceeding of the Seminar “The role of training in the implementation of the…strategy sustainable, sustainable agriculture, policy sustainable, sustainable spatial, criterion sustainablelandscape, agriculture, council, agricultural, guest7
chickenorpasta.nlChicken or Pasta helps you focus on what you need to get ahead in a sustainable way. Which choices do you make in order to create a positive impact throughout your day?behaviour sustainable, sustainable basic, ahead sustainable, sustainable waybehaviour, direction, aware, normally, flight7
bioenergynetherlands.nlThe gasification plants of Bio Energy Netherlands use biomass, mainly in the form of residual wood. ‘Biomass’ (in this context) means all organic and biologically degradable materials that may be used as resources or fuel. The use of…netherlands sustainable, sustainable biomass, local sustainable, sustainable residual, transition sustainablehydrogen, biomass, fuel, gasification, syngas7
lifeguard.nla leader or a line employee. Because individuals create teams and teams make up an organization – and at every level vitality can be fostered and improved. Our integrated approach leads to maximum impact and significant, sustainable change.vitality sustainable, sustainable high, significant sustainable, sustainable changevitality, leader, significantly, employee, wat7
bkduurzaam.nlOur top priority is to offer products that improve our climate. We are committed to develop our products and services for individuals and organizations. We focus on wind energy, solar energy, sustainable construction and sustainable…kasteleijn sustainable, sustainable company, sustainable profit, bksustainable sustainable, profit sustainablesun, sustainability, net, pump, heat7
airsolutionsholland.nland hot water at lower temperatures. The unique combination of dynamic air treatment and the application of these sustainable solutions ensure healthy air in your workplace, lower operating costs and fewer emissions which ultimately ensuresustainable air, effective sustainable, sustainable solution, application sustainable, technically sustainableprocessing, chemical, waste, meat, diary6
themake.nlShop the latest edition online. Timeless, ageless, seasonless and beloved garments for your sustainable wardrobe. Free Returns. Dresses, suits, coats, trousers, skirts.garment sustainable, sustainable wardrobe, sustainable luxury, beautiful sustainable, sustainable fashiontimeless, dress, coat, skirt, guide6
vanderweesconsulting.nlContributing to a sustainable energy world, that is my passion. I want to use my expertise for this by supporting companies, governments, NGOs and branch organizations in realizing their ambitions in the field of renewable energy. Think…field sustainable, sustainable energygovernment, consulting, branch, renewable, electric6
pccresearch.nlThe Protein Competence Centre (PCC) is on the forefront of innovative protein research through collaboration of food and feed companies and knowledge partners, to strive towards a healthy and sustainable society. Based in the Netherlands…healthy sustainable, sustainable society, mild sustainable, sustainable profitableprotein, forefront, competence, innovative, renowned6
villa-roffa-lario.nlExperience sustainable luxury like never before at Villa Roffa Lario , where modern comforts coexist with craftsmanship and tradition in perfect harmony.tradition sustainable, sustainable luxury, experience sustainabledestination, traditional, lake, luxury, tradition6
uvsmart.nl…enhancing patient care and reducing environmental impact. Our latest whitepaper reveals the transformative potential of UV technology, capable of powering the Eiffel Tower for 119 days. Join us in creating a sustainable healthcare future.compliant sustainable, sustainable healthcare, light sustainable, day sustainabledisinfection, healthcare, patient, infection, device6
ecommit.nlWhat does your organisation need to become more sustainable? Ecommit offers a solution. We provide tailor-made solutions to offset your company's CO2 emissions.carbon sustainable, sustainable business, organisation sustainable, sustainable ecommit, company sustainablehospitality, commerce, healthcare, ambassador, carbon6
buas.nlTransforming Tourism through more Sustainable Behaviour. The annual Consumer Behaviour in Tourism...tourism sustainable, sustainable behaviour, un sustainable, sustainable developmentprogramme, study, tourism, collaboration, apply6
downtoearth.nlDOWN TO EARTH can assist you in professionalizing your organization, as well as in realizing sustainable growth. Using the internal strengths of your company will enable you to capture your full market potential: bringing value to all…earth sustainable, sustainable growth, passion sustainable, sustainable development, organization sustainableearth, growth, publication, planet, profit6
ageofwonderland.nl…and the guided tours. The exchange of ideas developed new insights and possibilities on how to develop a more sustainable approach to the (food) systems we have become part of. During the Dutch Design Week Yoyo Yogasmana from Indonesiapark sustainable, sustainable foundation, self sustainable, sustainable village, possibility sustainableimpression, fellow, retrospect, collaboration, archive6
greenolution.nlGreenolution designs, develops, ventures and markets sustainable mobility solutions. From bike accessory to new vehicle concepts.greenolution sustainable, sustainable mobility, new sustainable, sustainable solutionvehicle, mobility, bag, emission, bright6
stercore.nlSTERCORE's main activity is to produce sustainable, high-quality end products from renewable raw materials such as animal manure and digestate from co-fermentation. These end products include Bio-Based Carbon - a high-quality, organic…technical sustainable, sustainable process, stercore sustainable, sustainable energy, creation sustainablebase, carbon, renewable, fully, organic6
wickedgrounds.nl…is characterized by rich flavors, fresh herbs and high-quality ingredients. Everything is locally sourced and super sustainable. The perfect fuel for a day full of focus and headspace. Healthy, so incredibly tasty and good for the world!super sustainable, sustainable perfect, local sustainable, sustainable productwicked, ground, venue, conference, relationship6
zeelenbergarchitectuur.nlZeelenberg Architectuur initiates, designs and develops sustainable idyllic places in cooperation with its partners at exceptional locations for and by the people.architectuur sustainable, sustainable idyllic, nation sustainable, sustainable developmentphilosophy, architecture, housing, study, feasibility6
nickmastenbroek.nlInnovation consultant working on the intersection of Tech, Business and Society, kick-starting the transition toward a sustainable and digital future.transition sustainable, sustainable digital, future sustainable, motor sustainable, sustainable growthsociety, transition, intersection, topic, leader6
forminternational.nlForm International is a specialised management, investment and consulting firm active in the space of sustainable (agro)forestry, nature based solutions, landscape management and restoration in (sub)tropical Africa, Asia and Latin…space sustainable, sustainable nature, innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, conservation sustainableforest, landscape, investment, consulting, restoration6
dwa.nlDWA feels responsible for the world around us. Our consultants continue to devise smart, sustainable solutions for the buildings and areas of tomorrow. We don’t waste time talking, we get on with it. Take a look at our projects.smart sustainable, sustainable solution, netherlands sustainable, sustainable timetomorrow, building, responsible, visit, profile6
wageningenstudentfarm.nlWageningen Student Farm is a platform for students passionate about sustainable agriculture. Our goal is to offer an opportunity for students to bring their knowledge of organic farming and biobasd-production of all forms into practice…knowledge sustainable, sustainable farming, passionate sustainable, sustainable agriculturefarm, farming, association, session, subscription6
kdc-mainport.nlThe KDC sets itself the task of offering valuable and useful solutions for the sustainable development of the Mainport Schiphol.solution sustainable, sustainable developmentaviation, traffic, excellence, valuable, innovative6
i-tme.nlThe Institute for Applied Environmental Economics - TME - is specialised in the economics and management of environmental and natural resources issues and focusses on deeper insights into a cost effective sustainable development.effective sustainable, sustainable development, incentive sustainable, sustainable watertme, environmental, economic, apply, institute6
workxp-foundation.nl…the Work XP Foundation, Global Goals are translated into the local context through a practical application of sustainable development projects and concrete actions, which make people, see and experience that the sustainable developmentapplication sustainable, sustainable development, people sustainable, fair sustainable, sustainable societypotential, kigali, awareness, innovative, society6
deolijfgaarden.nlWith our connecting olive farms and mills at this platform, we share our eco-friendly practices, such as circular farming of the olives and zero waste and sustainable production of extra virgin olive oils.waste sustainable, sustainable production, quality sustainable, sustainable making, farming sustainableolive, oil, yard, circular, virgin6
lodders.nlA major part of our nursery Consists of native plants from stands selected from the varieties of trees (a list with tree species). These plants are grown in the most sustainable way possible and supplied with a certificates of origin…plant sustainable, sustainable waynative, hedge, impression, woodland, nursery6
powerknot.nlPower Knot Teams with NOCHI to Foster Sustainable Food Waste Management with Budding Chefsteam sustainable, sustainable food, nochi sustainablewaste, synthetic, additive, refrigerant, landfill6
rahmqvist.nlWe are experts when it comes to workplaces. For more than 70 years we have visited millions of workplaces and helped our customer to have happier, more efficient and sustainable workdays.efficient sustainable, sustainable workdayworkday, workplace, efficient, million, sustainability6
smsconsultant.nlMany companies have Green Targets and like to make their development, manufacturing and products more sustainable. But companies struggle with the application of recycled plastics. SMS consultant is specialized in material selection…product sustainable, sustainable company, requirements sustainable, sustainable solution, sustainable focusintroduction, ultimate, supplier, recycle, requirements6
tenax.nl…as well. Top quality. With to-the-millimetre precision. And maybe most importantly of all, made using the most sustainable materials. Materials that contribute to a cleaner world. Because what good is ‘beautiful’ if it’s at the expense…importantly sustainable, sustainable materialmaybe, importantly, beautifully, outside, precision6
krn.nlWant to know what we can do for you? Contact one of our consultants and discuss the possibilities for your organisation. Together, we can reduce our plastic footprint and realise a sustainable future.waste sustainable, sustainable raw, proof sustainable, sustainable resource, discover sustainableraw, waste, circular, proof, resource6
mulderhoutimport.nlJMH is a member of NTTA (Royal Netherlands Timber Trade Organisation) and has co-signed the policy-document 2010-2015 "Conscious with wood". JMH prefers to seek timber from sustainable forests. In 2018 more than 75% of our timber…sustainable entrepreneurship, way sustainable, sustainable timber, jmh sustainable, sustainable entrepeneurshiptimber, moulding, certificate, qc, actual6
enactuswageningen.nl…in the next generation responsible leaders will make the world a better place! At Enactus you will: 1. Develop yourself through social entrepreneurship. 2. Have a fun time as an Enactus member. 3. Contribute to a sustainable future.member sustainable, sustainable future, sustainable worldenactus, committee, partnership, career, join6
icfi.nlStudent Challenges 2023-2024 - LDE Minor Frugal Innovation for Sustainable GLobal Developmentinnovation sustainable, sustainable global, rvo sustainable, sustainable livestockpublication, woman, kenya, chapter, livestock6
woordendaad.nlWoord en Daad is an entrepreneurial and innovative NGO. We are motivated by the Christian perspective on justice and compassion to realize dignity for each individual. With our programs we have been working on sustainable change for…sustainable water, program sustainable, sustainable changereport, annual, distinct, integrity, agricultural6
volantess.nlVolantess was founded in 2022 based on a shared passion: the development of sustainable, high-quality real estate. As a delegated project developer, we aim to make an impact both domestically and internationally. That’s why we build for…international sustainable, sustainable high, volantess sustainable, sustainable project, development sustainableestate, tomorrow, innovative, phase, acquisition6
newen.nlNewen is a recruitment agency that connects technical specialists with clients active in the sustainable energy sector. We work together with technical specialists who want to work with a purpose. Our customers we serve and the…impact sustainable, sustainable world, talent sustainable, sustainable energy, active sustainablecircularity, purpose, greenhouse, atmosphere, reliable6
crosswiseworks.nl…impactful multi-million dollar entrepreneurship programs and co-creating public private partnerships for sustainable development. Our networks of thousands of entrepreneurs will be transforming their societies by taking leading…entrepreneurship sustainable, sustainable scalable, lasting sustainable, sustainable impact, challenge sustainableentrepreneurship, entrepreneur, sudan, society, africa6
vandersar.nlWith Van der Sar Import we want to show that sustainability can also be commercially appealing. We are not yet a 100% sustainable organisation. But we are progressing along that path step by step. Our collection of sustainable rattan…distinctive sustainable, sustainable production, available sustainable, sustainable rattan, sustainable organisationder, basket, rattan, ceramic6
eggxpert.nlEGGXPERT offers sustainable solutions for biowaste. We combine scientific and traditional knowledge to make new products from biowaste.eggxpert sustainable, sustainable solution, startup sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship sustainableeggshell, scientific, skin, traditional, waste6
bluecon.nlBluecon is a Dutch Water Technology company founded in 2016 to enable the reuse of domestic wastewater for sustainable development by resolving the issues around small scale wastewater treatment worldwide. The company has developed an…water sustainable, sustainable development, wastewater sustainablewastewater, treatment, reusable, worldwide, scale6
kunststoffenbeurs.nlThe plastics and rubber sector is increasingly developing innovative, smart, and sustainable solutions that meet the needs of society. Circular product design, recyclate, and redesign are becoming increasingly applied. In the machinery…rubber sustainable, sustainable product, smart sustainable, sustainable solutionvisit, exhibitor, possibility, exhibit, machinery6
marbleberriez.nlMarble Berriez is a new Dutch sustainable clothing brand. Our clothing is produced in the Netherlands and is made from 100% environmentally friendly materials. Marble Berriez stands for timeless, elegant designs in exclusive, colorful…sustainable material, fair sustainable, dutch sustainable, sustainable clothingdress, flower, women, girl, peach6
formani.nlOur commitment to sustainability is a fundamental part of doing business, and we have adopted sustainable working and production methods for each of our collections. Our door handles are designed with both form and function in mind…sustainable hardware, business sustainable, sustainable workdoor, architectural, wishlist, rockwell, window6
netherlandsinnovation.nlNetherlands Innovation Network - Establishing international sustainable R&D cooperationinternational sustainable, sustainable cooperationcooperation, report, academic, aerospace, chemistry6
clicamsterdam.nlWorld's biggest catering company wants to make CLIC the sustainable showcase of Europevehicle sustainable, sustainable urban, clic sustainable, sustainable showcaselogistics, progress, vehicle, electric, innovative6
arsus.nl…wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.labore sustainable, sustainable vhseiusmod, labore, anim, bird, aute6
duurzaamutrecht2030.nlIn the Sustainable Utrecht 2030 project, we let citizens of Utrecht with low incomes participate in Sustainable and climate neutral Utrecht by 2030 according to their own insights.young sustainable, sustainable utrecht, income sustainable, sustainable neutral, affordable sustainablegrocery, organic, poverty, vegetable, mobility6
friendsforlife.nlStudents that receive a scholarship from Friends for Life commit themselves to sponsor another student once graduated. By repaying small amounts which sums up to a total of their own loan, they support the next student in line. In this…foundation sustainable, sustainable development, way sustainable, sustainable programme, verkadefabriek sustainablekenya, scholarship, woman, lack, mean6
cauberghuygen.nlCauberg Huygen is a distinctive engineering firm, working on the challenges of the people of tomorrow. We are the leading expert and contractor in the fields of building physics, sustainable development and environmental and energy issues.physics sustainable, sustainable development, method sustainable, sustainable area, sound sustainablephysics, environmental, firm, career, tomorrow6
teampactor.nlTEAMPACTOR brings together sustainable development, leadership and impact. Whether you’re a large company with ambitious sustainability goals or an SME looking to accelerate its sustainability agenda, we’re here to support you on your…partner sustainable, sustainable transition, passion sustainable, sustainable change, course sustainableexecutive, purpose, leader, career, sustainability6
rentmeester2050.nlThere are 17 sustainable development goals appointed by the United Nations. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Sustainable Development Goals must put an end to poverty, inequality and climate change in 2030. As of January 2016…innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, nation sustainable, sustainable development, sdg sustainablesustainability, balance, economic, precondition, province6
agro-solutions.nlStarting back in the nineties with research towards the essential building blocks of life in soil and plants the AGRO-SOLUTIONS Company was officially founded in 2004 in the Netherlands. As a true industry innovator and provider of…provider sustainable, sustainable solution, year sustainabletrue, farmer, presence, block, overview6
cargobikesinrotterdam.nlEcoMobiel is the biggest platform for sustainable mobility and mobility management. All state-of-the-art innovations in mobility are shown here. Everything from smart infrastructure to light electric vehicles (LEV). The concept of cargo…logistics sustainable, sustainable future, responsibility sustainable, streng sustainable, sustainable urbanbike, cargo, logistics, infrastructural, urban6
galvaniboats.nlGALVANI wants to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy. We want to show that you don’t have to make any concessions when you go electric and that an electric boat is not only quieter and cleaner, but also more comfortable…transition sustainable, sustainable energy, vision sustainable, sustainable electricboat, naturally, electrify, electric, transition6
dewade.nlLearn how to Make Your Own Personal Shroud with DeWade's easy-to-follow 5-step guide. A Beautiful and Sustainable way to Remember a Loved one and Respect Nature.beautiful sustainable, sustainable way, exclusive sustainable, sustainable burialshroud, burial, guide, discover, payment6
thebluedeal.nlWe are The Blue Deal .. We have a “blue” view on integrated sustainable business.view sustainable, sustainable business, experience sustainable, sustainable goal, profitability sustainablesustainability, accelerator, reference, pavilion, barrack6
rehablab.nlOnline Training To Addition To Your Treatment Plan. For a faster and more sustainable recovery of your patients. Try For Free. Free training example.fast sustainable, sustainable recovery, well sustainable, sustainable resultlab, pricing, patient, healthcare, benefit6
jannewolterbeek.nlMy name is Janne Wolterbeek (M, 1976) based out of Middelburg, The Netherlands. I have a passion for design, art and emerging technologies for a sustainable future.technology sustainable, sustainable futurevisual, earth, everyday, capital, identity6
medicaldelta.nlMedical Delta is a collaboration in which scientists from different disciplines work with healthcare institutions, governments, and businesses to develop technological solutions for sustainable healthcare.solution sustainable, sustainable healthcaretechnological, healthcare, scientist, lab, collaboration6
connecthing.nlby offering state-of-the-art switching platforms that support innovative offerings at scale. We focus on creating sustainable value for our partners and having a meaningful impact on their customer relationships. We love our work and…buyer sustainable, sustainable value, scale sustainable, energetic sustainable, sustainable energymarketplace, transition, advanced, seller, buyer6
mumami.nlThe happiest handmade collection. Enter a world of colorful handmade happiness. Fairtrade, sustainable and unique.fairtrade sustainable, sustainable unique, handmade sustainablerattle, woman, girl, hat, dress6
hademarholding.nlHADEMAR HOLDING BV provides individual support to front running companies and organisations, especially in the areas of food production and sustainable innovation.bv sustainable, sustainable innovation, builder sustainable, sustainable organisation, production sustainablehold, builder, advisor, lecturer, inspirational6
hannevangompel.nl…projects through an evidence-based approach. Hereby I aim to validate my impact through the use of global efforts such as the Sustainable Development Goals and proven frameworks like the Local Value Chain Model by House of Design.system sustainable, sustainable opportunity, confusion sustainable, sustainable fashion, term sustainabletextile, internship, circular, showcase, rag6
delftsea.nlWondering what you can do with a sustainable energy and technology degree? How are companies tackling the energy transition? And how can you get in touch with these companies? Join our career event on the 13th of September to find out!delft sustainable, sustainable energy, future sustainableassociation, career, thesis, internship, ahead6
youniqueconcepts.nlFounded and created by an enthusiastic, hospitality-minded, and passionate team, we have one clear purpose: the development of sustainable and innovative hospitality concepts that respond to current trends and the needs of tomorrow. While…development sustainable, sustainable innovative, guest sustainable, sustainable choice, health sustainablehospitality, operation, innovative, passionate, tomorrow6
wisentebike.nlThe WiseNTebike company is a high comfort e-bike company. The WiseNTebike is created with a passion for sustainable, healthy and relaxed driving pleasure. It is the solution of electric driving for commuting in the urban area. The…passion sustainable, sustainable healthy, step sustainable, healthy sustainable, sustainable innovativepleasure, mobility, urban, innovative, bike6
explorebicycleshop.nlRe-Cycle, Sustainable, Bicycle rental, Avalon E-bike Dealer The Hague. Re-Cycle, Duurzaam, Fietsverhuur, Avalon E-bike Dealer Den Haag.cycle sustainable, sustainable bicyclebike, rental, bicycle, cycle, hague6
picknickrotterdam.nlPicknick is a breakfast and lunch café in the city center of Rotterdam. Everything’s homemade and we use the best possible products and seasonal ingredients. We mostly use local or regional products made by passionate professionals who…professional sustainable, sustainable responsible, food sustainable, sustainable packagingingredient, regional, biological, responsible, seasonal6
rgn.nlSustainable branding or sustainable brand implementation In our previous blog in this series, we explained the concept of sustainable branding. However, there is a difference between sustainable branding and sustainable brand…major sustainable, sustainable step, branding sustainable, sustainable brand, concept sustainableimplementation, identity, orientation, vacancy, anniversary6
komeco.nlKomeco is a producer of composted organic fertilizers from The Netherlands. Our products contribute to a healthy soil, higher yields and sustainable world.yield sustainable, sustainable world, craftsmanship sustainablefertilizer, organic, soil, manure, producer6
jaarbeurs.nlUtrecht, 9 February 2024 - Royal Jaarbeurs is taking an ambitious step towards becoming Europe's most sustainable event organiser and facilitator by 2030. An ambition that can only be realised if forces are combined. This is why Jaarbeurs…sustainable innovative, europe sustainable, sustainable venue, sustainable event, goal sustainablevenue, trade, conference, congress, sustainability6
hetzakelijkehart.nlSAFE being an acronym for your Strategy, Acceptance, Faith and Effectiveness in any of the P’s. There is a big difference between leading or managing a project. Understand the difference and it will help you deliver results that matter…plan sustainable, sustainable manner, result sustainable, sustainable long, end sustainablehet, stakeholder, leadership, dialogue, independent6
kunstmestvrijeachterhoek.nlUsing recovered regional nutrients to make the fertilisation practice more sustainable. That is what the Biobased fertilisers Achterhoek project (in Dutch: Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek) is all about. A more circular practice without negative…practice sustainable, sustainable biobased, sustainable regionallyfertiliser, reason, nutrient, purpose, interesting6
thedutchmountains.nl…programme and a special appearance to the area. Two towers with offices, homes and a hotel, smoothly connected by a green courtyard where people meet. A 'living room' for the city of Eindhoven in a sustainable and 'biobased' building.eindhoven sustainable, sustainable biobased, healthy sustainable, sustainable urbanisation, facility sustainablemountain, programme, circular, courtyard, appearance6
dbg-bioenergy.nlOffering sustainable solutions for the agricultural sector and heavy transport & maritime industry, by giving paper sludge a second life.sludge, paper, waste, processing, enzyme6
mrpdevelopment.nlMRP Development is a leading real estate developer based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The cornerstones of MRP’s approach are sustainable, innovative real estate development and lucrative property investment. MRP’s future-proof model…approach sustainable, sustainable innovative, support sustainable, sustainable capitalinvestment, timeline, parking, residential, property6
justiceandpeace.nlJustice & Peace is building and empowering (local) communities of change makers who work together for just, sustainable, and welcoming societies.level sustainable, sustainable society, action sustainable, maker sustainablejustice, peace, hague, initiative, society6
sdpi.nlStichting Sustainable Development Policy Institute is a non-for-profit organization aggressively working for sustainable development across the globe with a focus of Sustainable Development Goals.stichting sustainable, sustainable development, aggressively sustainable, focus sustainablethematic, institute, globe, profit, july6
aquaviveboats.nlThe AquaVive is a floating house that combines the luxury of a holiday house with the mobility and freedom of a ship. An unique concept for a sustainable stay on and at the water. The AquaVive offers a spacious living area and is suitable…green sustainable, sustainable stay, concept sustainable, aquavive sustainable, sustainable energystay, holiday, mooring, enthusiast, peace6
technia.nlDassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE provides everything that your organization needs for enhanced collaboration and sustainable Product Lifecycle Management (PLM):safe sustainable, sustainable product, partner sustainable, sustainable plm, collaboration sustainablestudy, simulation, manufacture, lifecycle, integration6
scholt.nlAs an energy partner to businesses, we lead the way. We do things smarter. And we are constantly working on your future. Learn more about how your business can bring excellence to its energy management, and make it more sustainable…management sustainable, sustainable large, step sustainable, sustainable future, eager sustainablepurchase, renewable, supply, flexibility, supplier6
blueblocks.nlBiobased materials research, circular design and local collaborations for new sustainable living concepts and zero waste eco-systemsnew sustainable, sustainable live, sustainable ecocircular, talk, waste, collaboration, economy6
verstegen.nlDiscover Verstegen! Take a look at our latest products, read more about our sustainable ambitions and be inspired by our delicious recipes.product sustainable, sustainable ambition, world sustainable, sustainable goal, change sustainablespice, delicious, herb, recipe, ambition6
pgels.nlPgels combines the love for exclusive luxury watches with a strong emphasis on sustainable artistry.emphasis sustainable, sustainable artistry, timepiece sustainable, sustainable craftmanshipwatch, exclusive, emphasis, artistry, luxury6
amnt.nlDiscover cutting-edge solutions in advanced materials and new technologies with AMnT. From sustainable building materials to innovative concrete technologies, we lead the way in environmental and engineering advancements.project sustainable, sustainable future, sustainable development, technology sustainable, sustainable buildadvanced, innovative, assessment, damage, environmental6
start-life.nlcapacity, StartLife believes that startups are the propelling force behind the agrifoodtech innovations required to meet global food demand in the future. Our mission is to accelerate agrifoodtech startups shaping a sustainable food system.transition sustainable, sustainable food, startup sustainable, future sustainable, sustainable seafoodground, investor, transition, accelerate, tomorrow6
popupspace.nlOffice-in-a-Box is a sustainable, separate workspace in which you can work individually or work together - or hold meetings - in small groups. A very simple and fast solution for more flexibility in your working environment.box sustainable, sustainable separate, honest sustainable, sustainable materialseparate, collaboration, concentration, busy, conversation6
geovisie.nlprojects to the setting out of piles and grid lines for smaller projects. Thus we are the partner for land & marine architects, engineers and builders to turn their dreams safely, efficiently and sustainable into eye catching constructions.efficient sustainable, sustainable geovisie, efficiently sustainable, sustainable eyesurvey, metrology, dimensional, broad, efficient6
geothermiedelft.nl, under the name Geothermie Delft. This source provides both the campus and a number of neighborhoods in Delft with sustainable heat. A unique project in which research and industry come together at a crucial moment in the energy…source sustainable, sustainable energy, demand sustainable, delft sustainable, sustainable heatgeothermal, resident, permit, scientific, february6
wildernisamsterdam.nlHelp us to make the city greener in the most sustainable way possible. Decorate your home with a variety of houseplants. Let’s add a little greenery to balconies, roof terraces, window sills, patios and even our sidewalks. Every…green sustainable, sustainable wayinterior, rental, bulb, add, planter6
vantieltransport.nlAt van Tiel Transport you are at the right address for a versatile and sustainable transport company.year sustainable, sustainable logistics, versatile sustainable, sustainable transportlogistics, flexitank, transhipment, storage, possibility6
bluehouseworld.nl, plastic-free shaving soap and delicious toxic-free aftershave lotion from Cinque Sensi. Do you want to switch to sustainable shaving in one go? Then check out our Bambooya Safety Razor starter kits with shaving brush and shaving soap…marketplace sustainable, sustainable product, sensi sustainable, sustainable shaving, fair sustainableclothing, accessorie, conscious, bag, marketplace6
metabolic.nlMetabolic’s mission is to transition the global economy to a fundamentally sustainable state. We envision a world where human societies and ecosystems flourish, and where our economic activities do not transgress any of the planetary…mission sustainable, sustainable economy, fundamentally sustainable, sustainable state, journey sustainablemetabolic, circular, economy, think, sustainability6
cityswitch.nlWith sustainable distribution centres, CitySwitch contributes to emission-free city logistics. CitySwitch is building a national network, mainly located at 100,000+ municipalities or smaller cities with a large catchment area. CitySwitch…cityswitch sustainable, sustainable distribution, logistics sustainable, sustainable transhipment, need sustainablelogistics, municipality, landowner, mile, electric6
riverimpact.nlRiverImpact is A Sustainable Business for Cleaning Rivers, our barriers are designed to stop plastic under severe weather circumstances...riverimpact sustainable, sustainable business, un sustainable, sustainable developmentriver, barrier, ocean, waste, weather6
smockelaer.nlAt De Smockelaer, we are deeply committed to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Our accommodations are designed to minimize environmental impact, using energy-efficient appliances, renewable energy sources, and sustainable…friendly sustainable, sustainable practice, source sustainable, sustainable material, green sustainableluxury, accommodation, south, holiday, hospitality6
stipo.nlSTIPO works as a public developer and contractor on better cities and more beautiful regions. We are a multidisciplinary urban development team, driven by sustainable quality and human scale.team sustainable, sustainable quality, integrate sustainable, sustainable way, backbone sustainablepublication, neighbourhood, initiative, attractive, street6
immenz.nlImmenz sells sustainable and ecological products to shops and distributors in Europe. Key words are cooperation, natural products, environmentally friendly, care for the earth and sustainable growth. In Europe, we exclusively distribute…paint sustainable, sustainable eco, immenz sustainable, sustainable ecological, earth sustainablepaint, earth, crayon, add, toy6
studiogron.nlJessica Teeuw is a sustainable photographer based in The Hague, the Netherlands. She works with conscious brands, places & people to bring more joy & adventure to everyday life.teeuw sustainable, sustainable photographer, adventure sustainable, sustainable livephotographer, adventure, conscious, joy, everyday6
portsolutionsrotterdam.nlAdvice from PSR? What do you get? No lengthy reports with vanity metrics and unclear and vague language. No. PSR says it like it is. We help organizations to work together. We provide crystal-clear port visions , appropriate to changes in…port sustainable, sustainable way, change sustainable, sustainable worldpsr, port, logistics, cooperation, tariff6
noordgastransport.nlThe North Sea is becoming a major European hub for sustainable energy. We are already there - with our knowledge, experience and future proof assets.sustainable future, hub sustainable, sustainable energyashore, asset, transition, treatment, pipeline6
orangewaterworks.nleffective water management, clean and safe drinking water and innovative energy systems. All are key to achieve a sustainable future. Orange Water Works improves the life of all by implementing state of the art Dutch water technologies…key sustainable, sustainable futureharvest, filtration, orange, climate, innovative6
futurecarbon.nldevelopments, including the testing and scaling up of new materials and reactor concepts. It is this integrated approach that FutureCarbonNL makes it unique and therefore also a unique building block in making our society more sustainable."new sustainable, sustainable material, available sustainable, sustainable way, futurecarbonnl sustainablecarbon, capture, fossil, animal, circular6
dings.nlDings Kartonnages is synonymous with sustainable packaging and ethical business practices. We listen carefully to our customer’s needs and create packaging that is perfectly designed to meet those needs. After all, the packaging tells our…packaging sustainable, sustainable material, synonymous sustainable, sustainable packaging, customer sustainablepackaging, bakery, innovative, cardboard, ethically6
hollandeco.nlHolland Eco, Holland Eco Finance, LUX7 The Netherlands | Dutch Led company | Focus on led innovations, led finance, sustainable energy, green energy & more | We work together with good partners in Shenzhen | Read all about it on our…finance sustainable, sustainable energy, extra sustainable, sustainable product, good sustainableinnovative, shenzhen, fabric, magnetic, parking6
movingintelligence.nlMoving Intelligence, leading the way in secure asset tracking, sustainable fleet management and smart mobility, announces its partnership with Echoes, the recognized leading force in next-generation vehicle data solutions. The combined…tracking sustainable, sustainable fleetintelligence, vehicle, fleet, movement, efficient6
verstappenpackaging.nlAt Verstappen Advanced Packaging, we develop packaging solutions in order to create a more sustainable living environment. Our packaging improves the food safety of your products and increases shelf life and hygiene. By focusing on…vision sustainable, sustainable future, sustainable packaging, order sustainable, sustainable livepackaging, economy, circular, advanced, vacancy6
nobleachievers.nl"Noble Achievers makes it clear and comprehensible what we and our suppliers must do to work towards a sustainable future."environment sustainable, sustainable responsible, sustainable communication, supplier sustainable, sustainable futurenoble, sustainability, achiever, chain, supply6
hystream.nlLooking for expert guidance in implementing green hydrogen solutions for your business? Our company provides a comprehensive range of services to help you harness the power of this renewable and sustainable fuel. Our team of experts has a…component sustainable, sustainable future, reliable sustainable, sustainable partner, clean sustainablehydrogen, principle, operation, storage, refuel6
ecoclicktray.nlThe plastic transport trays used across the horticulture chain in Europe currently represent a staggering production of many tens of millions of kilo’s of polystyrene and PET. To address this problem, our quest for sustainable solutions…ecoclicktray sustainable, sustainable alternative, sustainable lightweight, quest sustainable, sustainable solutionrecyclable, fully, biodegradable, cardboard, raw6
bomgroup.nlWe use our knowledge, experience and network to develop sustainable horticultural projects that are cost-effective and meet the current and future needs of the global population.network sustainable, sustainable horticulturalinnovative, effective, horticultural, population, greenhouse6
dutchjewelrycompany.nlDraag met trots jouw stad, dorp, provincie of land. ✓ Ethical & sustainable ✓ Stainless steel with (18k) platingethical sustainable, sustainable stainlessinitial, jewelry, piece, earring, sign6
boosterme.nl…this challenge is solved. Quick and easy to assemble, BoosterMe is handmade in Europe with only high-quality and sustainable materials. Its Scandinavian design means it perfectly matches the many colors of the Stokke Tripp Trapp chair andsafe sustainable, sustainable product, quality sustainable, sustainable wood, sustainable materialchair, kitchen, island, safely, wish6
cyclus.nlCyclus is a unique and sustainable brand. The circular fireplaces make for a magical evening.unique sustainable, little sustainable, sustainable atmosphere, attractive sustainable, sustainable wayfireplace, evening, magical, washing, fire6
greenandkeen.nlSustainable business development means identifying new opportunities for the future. With my strategic guidance, you will think outside the box to develop sustainable concepts, services or products for existing or new customers.incline sustainable, sustainable opportunity, process sustainable, sustainable change, box sustainableoutside, investor, incline, naturally, cultural6
greenofficevu.nlThe mission of the Green Office VU is to make a substantial and sustainable impact by influencing and working together with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, its community and partners.job sustainable, sustainable impact, impact sustainable, sustainable career, substantial sustainablesustainability, career, involve, upcoming, lab6
dfg.nlThrough our sustainability strategy IMPACT25 we are striving for zero environmental impact while contributing positively to the lives of the people within the value chain, thereby making the world more sustainable.sustainable world, big sustainable, sustainable journeyflower, colourful, chain, sustainability, consumer6
coalitionsforimpact.nlWe catalyse collaborations and co-creation for sustainable impact by creating Coalitions for Impact. We bring together parties who excel when their unexpected complementarities are united within a collaborative effort. Coalitions for…creation sustainable, sustainable impact, mission sustainable, sustainable business, impact sustainablecoalition, region, iraq, lebanon, responsibility6
wilfredkalf.nlWilfred Kalf is a designer and maker of furniture, interiors and art objects. The sustainable use of raw materials dictates many decisions. Independently or in collaboration with other designers or artists, Wilfred creates work upon…method sustainable, sustainable material, object sustainable, sustainable usecurl, resilience, tide, death, taste6
mvogroep.nlWe work in a vulnerable world. That is why we never lose sight of caring for people and the environment. We deliberately invest in clean and economical equipment, and in a sustainable , safe working method for our employees.mvo sustainable, innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, equipment sustainable, sustainable safedredging, logistics, coastal, protection, specialism6
alfalaval.nlEnhancing customers’ competitiveness through world-leading sustainable solutions within the Energy, Food, Water and Marine industries.lead sustainable, sustainable solution, sustainable worldlaval, heat, transfer, exchanger, handle6
behindthewine.nlBehind the Wine’s purpose is to share wines from sustainable small-scale family businesses with a community of wine lovers. Before purchasing these wines, more information can be found about the wine and the winegrower, and experiences…quality sustainable, sustainable wine, family sustainable, sustainable viticulture, wine sustainablewine, taste, winery, bottle, trial6
gkbusiness.nl…to homes and business premises. We employ traditional craftsmanship to refurbish monumental buildings and other properties down to the smallest detail and transform them into energy efficient and sustainable homes or business premises.efficient sustainable, sustainable home, home sustainable, sustainable businessrenovation, alteration, maintenance, premise, estate6
ecomation.nlWith Ecomation we strive for a production process that is 100% efficient. We do this with sustainable and energy-efficient automation solutions.efficient sustainable, sustainable energyagricultural, harvest, sustainability, efficient, automation6
plasticrecyclinggroup.nlYour plastics, our care Nowadays, recycling of waste is part of or day to day routine. It's impossible to imagine a world without it. To create a sustainable environment recycling waste is mandatory. The Plastic Recycling Group is a…world sustainable, sustainable environment, way sustainable, sustainable worldwaste, industrial, impossible, nowadays, mandatory6
learn2improve.nlOur mission is: ‘Creating sustainable economic, social and ecological systems and value chains for a better world’.mission sustainable, sustainable economicreport, economy, circular, planet, target6
introvation.nlIntroVation is dedicated to get smart sustainable and environmentally friendly innovations to the market where they belong. IntroVation helps other companies with their innovations but also develops their own. All of the products or…smart sustainable, sustainable environmentallyirrigation, profit, planet, environmentally, principle6
dutchcycling.nlWe want to share our expertise and technology as the world's number one cycling country to facilitate cycling worldwide as the most modern, efficient and sustainable method of transport.efficient sustainable, sustainable method, city sustainable, sustainable liveablecycling, infrastructure, proof, behaviour, efficient6
hlmo.nl…and growth of a circular economy. We take part in an acquisition or succession. We take the lead where necessary. What is great we make even better and together with the entire organisation, we build toward sustainable success.way sustainable, sustainable success, organisation sustainable, development sustainable, sustainable futureparticipation, growth, transition, succession, entrepreneur6
myuze.nlOrganic Leather Handbags | Sustainable Leather & Fully Traceable | Handcrafted by MYUZEhandbag sustainable, sustainable leatherorganic, leather, bag, handbag, fully6
rebootyourcompany.nlRE-design your fashion business: let's RE-boot within the new context: sustainable & circular & social! We offer an effective “pressure cooker” to get a quick and focused insight into the possibilities and opportunities that the…context sustainable, sustainable circular, economical sustainable, sustainable goal, sustainable solutionproof, circular, transformation, possibility, pressure6
evieblue.nlEvie Blue aims to lead the professional cleaning industry globally with high-quality sustainable products. Now is the time to contribute to sustainable alternatives that conserve mother nature, rather than degrade it. Evie Blue’s…clean sustainable, sustainable product, quality sustainable, time sustainable, sustainable alternativesustainability, cleaner, interior, perfume, supply6
mrdh.nlIn the coming decades, the metropolitan region will need 240,000 new homes for 400,000 new residents. That requires a good planning policy. In 45 minutes, you must be able to commute from home to your work. That requires safe and…transition sustainable, sustainable energy, heat sustainable, sustainable office, safe sustainableregion, metropolitan, hague, municipality, partnership6
vicoma.nlThe way we deal with energy as companies is undergoing a considerable transition. As a consultancy and engineering firm for (new) energy, Vicoma plays an active role in this. For instance when developing or making more sustainable…building sustainable, sustainable year, instance sustainable, sustainable innovativebuilding, chemical, heavy, refinery6
byewaste.nl“If you don't have a car to bring your items away, but you do care about a more sustainable society, Byewaste is the solution to give your usable stuff a second life. The collector was right on time and my house is a lot emptier again, a…network sustainable, sustainable partner, home sustainable, sustainable world, away sustainablepre, planet, pick, waste, effortlessly6
desah.nlDeSaH is your partner for sustainable innovations within the water chain. We specialise in the development and implementation of innovative and sustainable technologies and concepts relating to decentralized wastewater technology. We take…sustainable neighbourhood, partner sustainable, sustainable innovation, innovative sustainable, sustainable technologywastewater, treatment, decentralized, recovery, nutrient6
cleantechdelta.nl…phase. It collaborates with its members and partners to close the implementation gap between an idea and a sustainable business. Clean Tech Delta offers business and project support and promotes, coordinates and supports cleantech…idea sustainable, sustainable business, project sustainable, sustainable impactfulcollaboration, region, implementation, gap, phase6
batenburg.nlThe world of tomorrow requires action now. For example, when it comes to a sustainable living environment, food production, climate and energy transition.sustainable business, example sustainable, sustainable live, way sustainable, sustainable worldautomation, storage, tomorrow, transition, division6
vanmarwijkadvies.nlPartnerships between NGOs and private companies are necessary to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and realize inclusive economic growth. The consumer market for sustainable products like FSC timber and certified cocoa is…sustainable food, and sustainable, sustainable business, reduction sustainable, sustainable developmentfundraising, partnership, funding, bird, girl6
nera.nlNWO institute DIFFER conducts fundamental scientific research into materials, processes and systems for a global sustainable energy infrastructure, in close cooperation with (inter)national knowledge institutes and companies. DIFFER’s…new sustainable, sustainable energy, tu sustainable, sustainable world, related sustainabletransition, geothermal, fuel, scientific, society6
fmo.nlAs the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, FMO has 50+ years of expertise in sustainable private sector investments in emerging markets.expertise sustainable, sustainable private, forest sustainable, sustainable land, finance sustainableentrepreneurial, investment, fund, career, south6
playnetic.nlGet kids playing outdoors again with fun, interactive, Human Powered playground equipment from Playnetic! There’s nothing like it out there. Playnetic’s unique playground equipment generates sustainable Human Powered Energy simply by…equipment sustainable, sustainable human, element sustainable, sustainable playground, sufficient sustainableplayground, interactive, battery, redundant, cable6
theproteinbrewery.nlThe Protein Brewery is a High-Tech company specialized in developing and making animal-free- based protein in a sustainable way.protein sustainable, sustainable way, nutritious sustainable, sustainable food, nutritional sustainablebrewery, protein, animal, vacancy, ingredient6
gargantadafoia.nlGarganta da Foia is a small, sustainable accommodation that lies in a secluded, peaceful area of the Monchique mountains in the Algarve. Here you can experience the unknown, wild backcountry of this region while staying in one of the 2…small sustainable, sustainable accommodationaccommodation, mountain, peaceful, accomodation, reservation5
zonopwaterbassin.nlA double function for your water basin, water combined with floating solar panels means sustainable generation of electricity. In a small and densely populated country like the Netherlands, we need to be creative with the space we have…panel sustainable, sustainable generation, time sustainable, sustainable cheapbasin, function, horticultural, benefit, presentation5
dimeta.nlEstablished in February 2022, Dimeta is a joint venture between SHV Energy and UGI International to advance the production and use of renewable and recycled carbon Dimethyl Ether (rDME), a low-carbon sustainable liquid gas, to accelerate…carbon sustainable, sustainable liquid, burn sustainable, sustainable fuel, range sustainablecarbon, renewable, grid, recycle, fuel5
chargeblock.nlHome Batteries for Homes: Modern, Compact & Efficient Energy Storage. Our home batteries combine a reliable and sustainable energy storage solution with an aesthetic design, perfect for any interior. Made from the best materials, they are…central sustainable, sustainable energy, reliable sustainablebattery, storage, panel, pole, charge5
akocell.nl…sorted. This allows our products to be broken down harmlessly and reused indefinitely. This makes AlphaSpray a sustainable product. Our new spraying technique also saves on processing time and the amount of materials required. All this…specialist sustainable, sustainable natural, alphaspray sustainable, sustainable productacoustic, perfection, plaster, insulation, certificate5
nexusleiden.nlNexus Labs + Offices blend cutting-edge technology with sustainable design, creating a flexible environment that evolves with your ambitions. Positioned in the vibrant Leiden Bio Science Park West, Nexus is the gateway to unparalleled…office sustainable, sustainable design, technology sustainablelab, bright, edge, unparalleled, connectivity5
ecaraccu.nlEcarACCU is the creator of affordable green energy storage systems. Sustainable solutions by refurbishing used Li-Ion batteries from the automotvie industry.system sustainable, sustainable solution, advocate sustainable, sustainable economybattery, storage, affordable, ion, catalog5
falconea.nlFalcon Electric Aviation is a student team of Eindhoven University of Technology that aims to make existing aircraft with less than 30 passengers sustainable by developing electric power train conversion kits.passenger sustainable, sustainable electricelectric, aviation, aircraft, passenger, train5
nlhydrogen.nlNLHydrogen is the industry association that connects, strengthens, and represents the hydrogen sector. Together we lead the way in the realization of a CO₂-free society. With knowledge sharing, a powerful network, and sustainable…network sustainable, sustainable solutionhydrogen, tomorrow, association, strengthen, infrastructure5
rockproducts.nlAll Rock products are designed from 3 pillars. They are modular, robustly designed and contribute to a sustainable circular economy. Because of the modular design, the furniture can be completely styled to your liking without paying an…sustainable circular, robustly sustainable, product sustainable, local sustainablefurniture, durable, robust, obligation, circular5
alejandrortega.nlInspired by the fast-moving innovating pace of new technologies, I am full-scale digital business development strategist with a drive to create coherent, scalable and sustainable online storytelling and digital architectures, with a…scalable sustainable, sustainable online, storytelling sustainable, sustainable digitalscale, coherent, pace, scalable, strategist5
petravonk.nl…akoestisch vilt, felt for acoustic improving, Dutch Design, het nieuwe werken, akoestiek panelen, interieur design, architextiles, improve acoustics, textiledesign, wellbeing, biopillicdesign, nowaste, sustainable, circulair, dividernowaste sustainable, sustainable circulairacoustic, textile, feel, knit, improve5
ooc.nlWe contribute to a better world by making transport more sustainable and efficient.transport sustainable, sustainable efficientstorage, mile, liquid, road, river5
the-stillery.nlThe Stillery Amsterdam – Distiller of Organic Craft Spirits. Private labelling of alcoholic drinks from recipe development to label design and packaging at a competitive price level. We make organic Vodka, Gin, Jenever, Whiskey and Rum in…rum sustainable, sustainable wayspirit, craft, organic, labelling, distillery5
encontech.nl…(IE) technology that is revolutionizing heat-to-mechanical energy conversion. Our cost effective and efficient engines open up new possibilities for low temperature heat sources. Explore the future of sustainable energy solutions today.future sustainable, sustainable energy, efficiency sustainable, sustainable developmentheat, engine, conversion, mechanical, temperature5
hoogeveenplants.nlHoogeveen Plants aims to be the leading producer of garden plants in the world. Thanks to crucial innovations in cultivation, we produce the most sustainable and high-quality garden plants. With the best varieties and excellent marketing…cultivation sustainable, sustainable high, sustainable production, production sustainable, sustainable alternativesustainability, assortment, supplier, flower, climber5
hollapinos.nlSubscribe to our newsletter to follow the journey of Mark, Chared and Quint to sustainable, minimalist family travel. Together we will we learn everyday and share our experiences and tips.quint sustainable, sustainable minimalist, journey sustainable, sustainable travel, plane sustainablephilippine, italy, february, plane, manila5
pevanha.nlThe advanced backing layers that PeVanHa developed, like PeVanHa Polyflex™ and PeVanHa Recyflex™, are a lot more user-friendly and sustainable than the first generation backing layers consisting mainly of bitumen. The production of…sound sustainable, sustainable timelessly, friendly sustainable, sustainable generation, healthy sustainabletile, carpet, generation, extensive, know5
inzetbaarheidsmonitor.nlHow do organizations ensure that its employees stay fit, motivated and productive? A policy focused on sustainable employability – or perhaps better – for permanently productive employees, is therefore not a luxury but a necessity. We are…sustainable employability, policy sustainable, blueprint sustainable, publication sustainable, alympus sustainableemployability, employee, competency, evaluation, impression5
backupned.nlSustainable business is getting more and more attention. And tape can help you do just that. Did you know that tape uses no less than 238 times less energy than a hard disk? Go for the greenest and most sustainable data storage solution…sustainable green, green sustainable, sustainable datastorage, underground, secure, workplace, continuity5
jurcom.nlWe are the multifunctional interface between your organization and complex regulations space to ensure governance, risk, and compliance superiority. Meet our extensive services and solutions portfolio to help you shape a resilient and…confidence sustainable, sustainable success, resilient sustainable, sustainable future, trade sustainablecompliance, directive, risk, gdpr, regulation5
2amsterdam.nlFor you as resident SMART means a sustainable office life. Relying on a healthy and comfortable indoor climate, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions based on the BREEAM design and real time data analysis. This performance is…smart sustainable, sustainable mix, comfortable sustainable, sustainable spacious, technology sustainablesqm, approx, desk, workspace, hospitality5
zweq.nlWe invest worldwide in companies with a focus on equipment and sustainable solutions.sustainable business, equipment sustainable, sustainable solutionagriculture, employee, distributor, comprehensive, truly5
globeplant.nlGlobe Plant is a modern family business, specialized in sustainable and hygienic growing of top-quality vegetable plants. Your wishes, together with our knowledge and experience will guarantee the best crop start-up to your company. Due…business sustainable, sustainable hygienic, sustainable grow, plant sustainable, sustainable wayglobe, vegetable, grow, crop, wish5
goodfinanz.nlWe provide affordable, sustainable and independent advice on insurance, mortgages, loans and energy saving measures.affordable sustainable, sustainable independent, goodfinanz sustainable, sustainable sociallyinsurance, mortgage, affordable, rate, independent5
corinanederland.nlShop the official clothing and merchandise collection from Corina Nederland and show your strength and style. Designed for and by empowered women, our eco-friendly collection offers a range of stylish and practical items made of…quality sustainable, sustainable materialwoman, official, clothing, movement, empower5
marcelvanherpen.nlIn the Netherlands, more than 100,000 teachers listened to the Marcel’s keynotes on “Pedagogical tact and leadership” and “Sustainable Educating and Development”. Marcel has given lectures all over the world about many educational…book sustainable, sustainable educate, leadership sustainableeducate, educational, leadership, pedagogical, involvement5
tonnievanderzouwen.nlSpecialist in involving stakeholders for organisational and system change. Professor Sustainable Working and Organising and independant consultant. She builds bridges between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and between…sustainable change, professor sustainable, sustainable work, fast sustainable, research sustainableintervention, researcher, teacher, organisational, scale5
europarc2023.nl…will be the key annual event for nature professionals in Europe: gathering international experts to discuss thematic issues related to nature management, cultural heritage conservation and sustainable development inside Protected Areas.conservation sustainable, sustainable development, green sustainable, sustainable climateconference, landscape, conservation, october, cultural5
npsp.nl…technology for everyday applications in natural fiber-reinforced plastics. In doing so, we want to play a leading role in making our society more sustainable by demonstrably reducing the environmental burden and providing expert advice.society sustainable, sustainable demonstrablyrealisation, base, composite, fiber, circular5
dakakker.nlDAKAKKER ROOFTOPFARM HOW WE CAN GROW THE SUSTAINABLE CITY TOGETHER The DakAkker is a 1000 m2 rooftopfarm on top of the Schieblock in Rotterdam in The Netherlands. Vegetables, edible flowers and fruit are grown and bees are kept. Therooftopfarm sustainable, sustainable dakakker, sustainable cityroof, vegetable, flower, edible, beekeeper5
gerlagh.nlGerlagh R., R. Dellink, M.W. Hofkes, and H. Verbruggen (2002), "A Measure of Sustainable National Income for the Netherlands", Ecological Economics 41: 157-174. (first 4 pages as pdf-file, 75k)masterclass sustainable, sustainable tilburg, measure sustainable, sustainable national, efficient sustainableeconomic, climate, environmental, resource, presentation5
studiomakkinkbey.nlErasmusveld is an urban development area in The Hague that is set out to become a highly sustainable and self-sufficient neighborhood. Studio Makkink & Bey was asked by Stroom to introduce a design strategy that performs as an incentive…delight sustainable, sustainable circular, catalyst sustainable, sustainable area, resource sustainablebey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior5
zorg-en-facility.nlLearn about the role of facility management in efficient, sustainable, and person-centered care at the Knowledge and Advice Plaza;efficient sustainable, sustainable person, sustainable care, center sustainable, sustainable healthcarefacility, healthcare, exhibitor, inspiration, visitor5
portliner.nlPortLiner is proud of its achievements so far and thrilled by the challenges we see for the future. We invite you to be part of our journey, towards sustainable inland transport along rivers and canals.technology sustainable, sustainable inland, journey sustainableinland, ship, emission, upside, battery5
bttmultimodal.nlBTT is a leading family business in sustainable container logistics. We offer our customers full service solutions for EVERYTHING that has to do with container handling and transport. We can completely unburden you in the field of…business sustainable, sustainable container, antwerp sustainable, sustainable method, safe sustainablemultimodal, sustainability, pre, maritime, freight5
playagenturen.nlAgent in the Benelux | Sustainable products from independent brands. Furniture | Decor | Toys | Parent Essentials.benelux sustainable, sustainable product, brand sustainableindependent, toy, parent, furniture5
papierfabriekdoetinchem.nl…be recycled, however, there also arises a stream of residual water. Papierfabriek Doetinchem was looking for a sustainable solution for this aspect. Thanks to a successful collaboration with Waterstromen and Waters Board Rijn and IJssel,safe sustainable, sustainable material, industry sustainable, sustainable nature, waterstromen sustainablepaper, industrial, packaging, sustainability, grade5
cmotions.nlCmotions Creating a better future with data Your data to create a more sustainable buisness. - Stay in the loop with our newsletterdatum sustainable, sustainable buisness, care sustainable, sustainable businesslab, frontpage, potential, inspiration, colleague5
romastor.nlThe Rotating Forks ROMASTOR ® is a green, sustainable solution, a great added value for all brands and makes of telehandlers . No adjustments to the telehandler are required!green sustainable, sustainable solutionfork, degree, magni, carriage, horizontal5
semaphore-signs.nlWe are modern flag makers with an old soul and a new mission: sustainable flags! For generations, our flags have proudly flown the identity of companies, countries and cities. We believe in the power of the flag as an age-old symbol of…mission sustainable, sustainable flag, society sustainableflag, sign, sustainability, distance, society5
sepfil.nl…can be used to your wishes. Our products are selected based on the desire to provide the market with the most sustainable service possible. The newest techniques will be used and we have an eye for cost-saving solutions here, mostly…bv sustainable, sustainable separation, market sustainable, sustainable servicefiltration, separation, separator, liquid, centrifugal5
peoplesprojects.nlThe Peoples Projects Foundation's purpose is to help people become aware of the availability of environmental friendly, alternative sources of energy, which are also practical, sustainable, economical and commercially realizable right now.practical sustainable, sustainable economicalalternative, availability, environmental, practical, commercially5
fiqas.nlRecently, Volandis launched the advanced PreventionCarePortal (PCP), using FIQAS’ A bill ity ® platform, efficiently automating the complex order-to-cash process for sustainable deployment of construction and infrastructure workers.process sustainable, sustainable deployment, solution sustainable, sustainable employabilityreference, bill, transformation, billing, advanced5
amiano.nlAmiano supports creating digital and sustainable business models that shape tomorrow's business.digital sustainable, sustainable business, path sustainable, sustainable successtomorrow, position, introduction, manage, min5
greenfarming.nlTogether we develop sustainable, cost efficient and innovative projects all over East Africa. To understand what it is that we do we have highlighted a couple of our projects below.management sustainable, sustainable energy, cost sustainable, sustainable water, program sustainablefarming, partners, africa, kenya, climate5
aceconsulting.nlACE is a strategy and Change Management consultancy company with Niche Regulatory Expertise in the European financial sector providing sustainable organizational capabilities with a lasting impact. ACE is a trusted advisor that engages…sustainable finance, sector sustainable, sustainable organizationalregulatory, risk, consulting, compliance, report5
jobshestiakinderopvang.nlHestia Childcare jobs at our various locations in Amsterdam and Amstelveen. We are bilingual, conscious education & sustainable.conscious sustainable, sustainable societychildcare, conscious, vacancy, afterschool, bilingual5
limex.nlFor distribution centre Scherpenhuizen, Limex supplied a boxwasher, type KKW6000NS for sustainable washing of boxes where the water is heated by high-quality residual heat from cooling.horticulture sustainable, sustainable efficient, intensive sustainable, sustainable crate, type sustainablewashing, washer, crate, tray5
blyde.nlHI, WE ARE A B Corp certified pr agency for sustainable brands and social enterprises.agency sustainable, sustainable brandantwerp, worldwide, certified, belief, enterprise5
vanremmen.nlKnowledge is the key to better products and more sustainable solutions. We are driven to make UV-C technology more accessible to everyone by sharing this knowledge and optimising our products.sustainable initiative, product sustainable, sustainable solutionswimming, reuse, building, horticulture, agricultural5
datos-advice.nl…improving the quality of services of medical laboratories, networks and systems all over the world. We believe in capacity building through interactive training and designing sustainable, tailor-made solutions together with local experts.training sustainable, sustainable tailor, mentoring sustainablestrengthen, lab, laboratory, capacity, tailor5
ccer.nl…It is our goal to provide a computational foundation for a smooth and successful transition towards a sustainable global energy system. The challenge common to almost all such computational energy research is to describe and…pathway sustainable, sustainable future, transition sustainable, sustainable globalcomputational, scale, pathway, modelling, advanced5
safehavenenergy.nl…energy system into one based on renewable energy sources. There are many risks concerning fossil fuel dependency, and therefore, Safe Haven Energy actively promotes moving towards sustainable and renewable sources of energy for the future.actively sustainable, sustainable renewable, change sustainable, sustainable energy, globally sustainablerenewable, directly, storage, battery, geothermal5
wqcs.nlTo supply a sustainable solution we work closely with our customers to achieve the best viable solutions combining existing technologies with state of the art “best available” technologies. Using natural friendly products, modulair…growth sustainable, sustainable industry, sun sustainable, sustainable economicdesalination, treatment, nuclear, facility, technique5
vistahealth.nlBy working together, we can support our clients on their journey towards sustainable recovery. So, provide them with the tools and resources they need to achieve their goals. At Vista Health, we believe that collaboration is the key to…culture sustainable, sustainable recovery, training sustainable, sustainable efficient, journey sustainablerecovery, resource, treatment, positive, growth5
academicstartupcompetition.nlAre you the trailblazer leading the charge towards a cleaner, greener future? Are you the hero who drives the transformation to sustainable energy sources? Join the ASC! We are looking for heroes in the energy transition field! Your…change sustainable, sustainable innovation, transformation sustainable, sustainable energy, force sustainablecompetition, academic, society, hero, connect5
susty.nlFor a large housing corporation an assessment is made of sustainable heat opportunities. This could be new residual heat sources or joining existing non-fossil heat distribution. The analysis is made based on public GIS data and the…ngo sustainable, sustainable food, assessment sustainable, sustainable heatsustainability, assessment, transition, climate, circularity5
ameco-ut.nlAmeco is a Dutch NGO and consulting firm based in Utrecht, Netherlands active in the field of Inclusive Sustainable Growth, particularly in developing countries.inclusive sustainable, sustainable growth, opportunity sustainable, sustainable developmentenvironmental, growth, firm, particularly5
spohrinnovations.nl…and Strategy TNO, reporting directly to the Board of Management TNO and as such dealing with all kind of international innovation programmes on civil engineering, biotechnology, sustainable technologies, water treatment, ICT, gaming, etc.aim sustainable, sustainable profitable, biotechnology sustainable, sustainable technology, addition sustainablebroadband, mobility, scale, government5
expovorm.nlWe develop and fulfill brand-oriented environments worldwide in a sustainable manner, which promote contact between our clients and their customers through experience and storytelling with the aim of increasing sales and personal contact.worldwide sustainable, sustainable mannermanner, worldwide, exhibition, aim, representation5
primalessence.nlPlant based cosmetics are hand made from sustainable harvested ingredients in small batches by Primal Essence. All our products are vegan, free from artificial preservatives, cruelty-free, ethicall...hand sustainable, sustainable ingredientprimal, essence, ingredient, cosmetic, discover5
divinesoulyoga.nlAttain clarity of mind, stress relief, healing, increased concentration & sustainable happiness. Divine Soul Yoga is a spiritual journey which helps you learn to balance the mind, body & soul using the power of chakras activation and…concentration sustainable, sustainable happinesssoul, divine, meditation, membership, concentration5
vierdaagsefeesten.nlVierdaagsefeesten Frequently asked questions Map Locations Surely sustainable Roze Woensdag 4daagse Visit Nijmegen Shop App Accessibilitysurely sustainable, sustainable roze, battery sustainable, sustainable electricityambition, frequently, accessibility, fact, figure5
apics.nlAPICS NL supplies the people and knowledge needed for sustainable growth of your company.knowledge sustainable, sustainable growthgrowth, employee, supply, chain5
ninemarinparre.nlNINE is a sustainable fashion brand with urban character. Experience the power of simplicity and functionality. However, stand out, with distinctive prints and take control with personal styling. Garments developed by NINE are…adjustable, urban, functionality, distinctive, garment5
electricsuperbiketwente.nlAalberts and the Electric Superbike team. We nurture entrepreneurship, and our technologies enable us to focus on sustainable transportation. So alongside financial backing we are also offering the team access to our knowledge and…fun sustainable, sustainable mobility, technology sustainable, sustainable transportationelectric, reveal, mobility, bike, fully5
biovalue.nlExperts in building and managing Biogas plants. We convert your organic waste into sustainable energy. We fuel the future.waste sustainable, sustainable energy, greenhouse sustainable, sustainable wayorganic, waste, career, procurement, fermentation5
being.nlPart of something bigger – Being a new generation of developers, we have the ambition to do things differently. We are here to create sustainable environments where people can thrive. Our mission is to create habitats that empower…differently sustainable, sustainable environmentestate, healthy, positive, differently, ambition5
posadmaxwan.nlWe are PosadMaxwan: urban designers who work to create healthy, sustainable, smart cities. We do this through a combination of research, strategy, design and implementation. We identify urgent tasks, ask relevant questions and come up…healthy sustainable, sustainable smarthealthy, implementation, charming, urban, urgent5
exegy.nlExegy heat exchangers ensure that the heat released from one process is optimally reused for heating other processes. In other words: this efficient and sustainable solution separates heat from one gas (air) or liquid (water) and…efficient sustainable, sustainable long, sustainable solution, good sustainable, sustainable climateheat, exchanger, recovery, pre, conditioning5
nl-works.nlNLWorks connects innovative businesses, government agencies and knowledge institutions with international ambitions. Together with these partners, we initiate, co-create and implement sustainable, long-term international programs that…partner sustainable, sustainable long, problem sustainable, sustainable impactgovernment, ambition, innovative, economic, institution5
h2acoatings.nlH2A Coatings BV is an innovative company, specialised in innovative, sustainable nano products.innovative sustainable, sustainable nanometal, innovative, additive, glass, textile5
adorablekidzz.nlAdorablekidzz is an online kidsfashion store with a brick showroom in the Netherlands offering a wide range of sustainable kidsfashion brands. Clothes and accesrange sustainable, sustainable kidsfashion, sustainable planetexclusive, clothes, coat, swimwear, brick5
dick-moby.nlWe're on a mission to create a world without waste. Our sustainable sunglasses and eyeglasses are designed in Amsterdam and hand made in Italy from recycled or biodegradable materials.waste sustainable, sustainable sunglasseeyeglass, regular, biodegradable, round, square5
beyondfit.nlYou are what you eat. Food is the medicine and makes you feel healthier from the inside out. Paying 100% attention to your diet is optimal for your body. Beyond Fit teaches you how to get the right food in the right way. No crash diets…body sustainable, sustainable weight, diet sustainable, sustainable healthyprogramme, weight, healthy, muscle, tone5
geodomedesign.nlDesign, engineering and realization of timber-framed geodesic domes in the Netherlands and abroad. With the efficient geometry of a geodesic dome a maximum volume may be realized with a minimum of material. A fascinating sustainable…fascinating sustainable, sustainable concepttimber, realization, abroad, fascinating, housing5
localdutch.nlAs workforce development is crucial for the future of sustainable food production, universities and schools were the first to get involved in our projects . Also, healthcare companies show great interest in launching Urban Farm Shops for…vision sustainable, sustainable delicious, well sustainable, sustainable people, background sustainableurban, farm, healthy, mile, produce5
vanleendert.nlAre you looking for real, natural, tasty and sustainable meat? found it! We are one of the largest game producers and meat importers in Europe. With our brand Louisa Naturel we guarantee top products with consistent quality, which has…tasty sustainable, sustainable meatmeat, importer, past, tasty, producer5
opportunitiesunlimited.nlOpportunities Unlimited B.V. (OU) is an international technical and management consultancy firm, founded in 2008, that specializes in identifying commercially sustainable and climate-smart investment opportunities for development…commercially sustainable, sustainable climate, development sustainable, sustainable solution, information sustainableunlimited, publication, commercially, outcome, ethiopia5
c22.nlWe believe water & food are at the heart of sustainable development. Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world’s freshwater resources. Demand for water and food is increasing rapidly. As the world’s population increases, so too the…innovation sustainable, sustainable impact, heart sustainable, sustainable development, value sustainableconsulting, capital, exhibition, pressure, resource5
processprow.nlIs your organization ambitious, demanding, and driven by the desire to deliver the highest standards towards clients? Then Process ProW is your systematic and sustainable solution. With a personal and professional approach we deliver the…systematic sustainable, sustainable solutionambitious, systematic, desire, advisory, efficient5
mvo.nlMVO is committed to oils and fats in a sustainable world, is partner in achieving a balance between People, Planet and Profit and represents 95% of companies in the Netherlands that are active in the production, processing and trade of…fat sustainable, sustainable world, chain sustainable, economy sustainable, actively sustainableoil, fat, profit, planet, animal5
movisie.nl…and implement knowledge of what really works well. Movisie’s unique contribution is in accelerating learning processes. We are not satisfied until we effectuate sustainable positive change in the lives of people in vulnerable situations.process sustainable, sustainable positivecontribution, vulnerable, positive, institute, comprehensive5
agritours.nl…years spent on the vibrant island of Aruba. The story takes place against the backdrop of Aruba's semi-arid climate and reliance on imports for food, intertwining strands of faith with sustainable living, agriculture, education, and socialfaith sustainable, sustainable liverenewal, seven, agriculture, vibrant, faith5
landportenergy.nlTake charge of your own energy! Discover Landport Energy’s innovative products for storage of (sustainable) energy.storage sustainable, sustainable energy, sincere sustainable, sustainable internationalcharge, innovative, storage, industrial, battery5
grainz.nlWHAT WE DO Our Team: The founders of Grainz are Thijs de Jong and Hesther Pots who come from different backgrounds, but share the same passion for craftsmanship whilst working with natural and sustainable materials. In 2018 they have…natural sustainable, sustainable materialwood, imitation, painting, decorative, marble5
chefsfarm.nlWe are on a mission to provide chefs with sustainable, fresh, and tasty garnishes grown locally in Amsterdam. We carefully curated our product range together with chefs and are constantly working on improving and expanding. Our product…flower sustainable, sustainable way, chef sustainable, sustainable freshfarm, flower, microgreen, vertical, package5
netants.nlnetants is your innovation-driven partner in software solutions. We believe in the transformative power of technology to elevate businesses. With our dedicated team of skilled developers, designers, and strategists, we co-create…intelligent sustainable, sustainable websitededicated, colony, skilled, transformative, strategist5
svco.nlWe aim to be the leading grower of sustainable flowering potted plants, where innovation and teamwork guide our way.grower sustainable, sustainable pot, sustainable initiativecolourful, versatile, cheerful, exquisite, colour5
progreso.nlProgreso supports sustainable business development for coffee and cocoa producer organizations by, together with them, improving their internal management and producer capacities, access to markets and finance, agroforestry and…progreso sustainable, sustainable business, enthusiast sustainable, sustainable developmentfarmer, cocoa, cooperative, indonesia, chain5
purposepath.nlFreelance PR and Communications consultant,specialized in generating more brand awareness and visibility for brands with a sustainable focus.brand sustainable, sustainable focus, people sustainable, sustainable waypurpose, path, awareness, visibility, collaboration5
ihs.nlRegister now for the webinar series on City-to-City learning for sustainable urban development!ihs sustainable, sustainable development, learn sustainable, sustainable urbanihs, urban, advisory, programme, housing5
subplatform.nlEach sector is unique and has its own challenges. Whether you want to study a specific topic or work on a sustainable policy, the SUB Platform offers the tools you need.work sustainable, sustainable policy, ownership sustainable, attractive sustainable, sustainable imagegovernment, housing, corporation, sustainability, benefit5
amsterdamenergie.nlAmsterdam Energie has been involved with Amsterdam Wind for a couple of years now. Amsterdam Wind is a collective of four sustainable energy co-operatives. Three primarily have members in and around Amsterdam, the fourth is a national…household sustainable, sustainable energy, ability sustainable, sustainable gas, collective sustainableoperative, roof, turbine, panel, government5
theroots.nlWe have a passion for sustainable growth and change in which we give space to people and organizations!passion sustainable, sustainable growthgrowth, resource, leadership, systemic, conversation5
districon.nlHappy New Year from the Sustainable Logistics team at Districon! The Sustainable Logistics team has worked hard over…weezel sustainable, sustainable team, need sustainable, sustainable approach, year sustainablechain, supply, january, sustainability, operation5
redfort.nl…is unique. Redfort delivers products that combine craftsmanship with off-the-shelf materials. At Redfort, we believe in 21st century craftsmanship for architecture. We are committed towards working with sustainable and durable materials.architecture sustainable, sustainable durable, material sustainableenclosure, housing, facade, hospitality, divider5
newbusinessbuilders.nlPartners of New Business Builders are leading brands with a need for new and sustainable revenue within channels they generally have less experience with.new sustainable, sustainable revenuebuilder, channel, loyalty, visibility, partnership5
hetgroenekompas.nlThe Green Compass helps you and your team to integrate sustainable development in vocational education training programs. It makes you find common language, common ambition and common action to take up the challenges of the 21st century!tool sustainable, sustainable development, team sustainable, ambition sustainable, sustainable futurecompass, vocational, manual, ambition, sustainability5
ivcb.nlFor more than 12.5 years a recognized name in public affairs, sustainable lobbying and strategic communications. Looking for effective, reliable and customized advice and support for your organization? At IvCB, you have come to the right…order sustainable, sustainable basis, basis sustainable, transition sustainable, sustainable energystrategic, affairs, hague, economy, stakeholder5
starlingrotterdam.nlStarling Rotterdam's mission is to make your plastic-free experience more accessible by providing you with a more sustainable alternative to the daily items while changing people's perspective about making a difference in the world.accessible sustainable, sustainable alternative, rotterdam sustainable, sustainable convenience, different sustainablestarling, add, arrival, regular, soap5
packtecpackaging.nlPacktec Packaging is a specialist in Conversions, KHS, Kisters, Schrinkwrappers, Multipackers & Trunk Packers - Sustainable, Innovative & Cost-Saving.packer sustainable, sustainable innovativepackaging, conversion, tray, innovative, overhaul5
adcoffeecompany.nlWe are a Private Label Coffee Roaster that brings you expertise, quality and a sustainable solution. Based in the Netherlands, Ahold Delhaize Coffee Company offers Private Label coffee and brands from premium and origin to value. Beans…quality sustainable, sustainable solutionroaster, bean, ground, sustainability, origin5
modemetier.nl…preloved vintage, all thoughtfully hand-selected to provide an exceptional shopping experience that values creative style and craftsmanship. We also offer consignment services so that customers can join our sustainable, circular community.customer sustainable, sustainable circular, style sustainable, sustainable fashionfullsize, slide, craftsmanship, exceptional, consignment5
annatreurniet.nlAnna Treurniet designes and makes sustainable bags, wallets, jewellery, fairphone cases and more.treurniet sustainable, sustainable bag, sustainable materialbag, jewellery, leather, sustainability, holder5
denimx.nlWe create circular products from discarded jeans. DenimX is thé Dutch pioneer in the field of sustainable recycling of denim and other textile waste streams.field sustainable, sustainable recycling, city sustainable, sustainable societycircular, textile, cover, wine, locator5
ecorunner.nlEco-Runner Team Delft promotes a sustainable future by building the world's most efficient hydrogen-powered city car.delft sustainable, sustainable futurehydrogen, efficient, competition, street, reveal5
livingstone-ventures.nlLivingstone Ventures provides turnkey solutions for sustainable and profitable food production, which consists of four components: Greenhouse technology, Plant propagation by Tissue Culture, Extended Project Preparation and Operational…solution sustainable, sustainable profitable, development sustainable, sustainable food, logistics sustainablegreenhouse, slovenia, venture, plot, assessment5
sherart.nlGreen is our company color for a reason. Environmentally friendly and sustainable action is part of our philosophy.friendly sustainable, sustainable actionagricultural, oil, benefit, environmentally, metal5
students4sustainability.nlThe foundation Students4Sustainability (S4S) is a student organization with the goal of motivating TU Delft students to apply innovative technologies in real life, thus facilitating the transition to a more sustainable world. With 100% of…transition sustainable, sustainable worldinnovative, transition, archive, committee, ambassador5
efficiator.nlHaving a sustainable home is a genuine possibility, and we want to help you reach that goal. We are in the middle of a major energy transition that is affecting us all. Efficiator offers a straightforward solution that addresses every…transition sustainable, sustainable home, efficiator sustainable, sustainable goal, home sustainablepeace, emission, money, healthy, efficient5
evenpar.nlWe are Evenpar,a Sustainable Infrastructure Investor Evenpar Fund Evenpar is an investment manager that focuses on renewable energy, sanitation, recycling, and circularity projects in emerging markets. We leverage our experience and…evenpar sustainable, sustainable infrastructurefund, renewable, sanitation, competitive, investor5
getec-energyservices.nl…GETEC Group. We want to support our customers on their path to climate neutrality. The careful use of resources, sustainable, efficient and digital energy solutions as well as the targeted reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for our…comprehensive sustainable, sustainable solution, resource sustainable, sustainable efficientestate, supply, generation, visitor, reference5
transatlantico.nl…service par excellence, intermediate and facilitate between investors and business owners to execute their sustainable projects and trading with commodities and industrial equipment, we have access worldwide to sustainable projects,owner sustainable, sustainable project, worldwide sustainabletrading, limited, liability, intermediate, fund5
terrasphere.nlSatellite Crop Analytics supporting sustainable and climate resilient agricultureanalytics sustainable, sustainable climatecrop, satellite, resilient, climate, agriculture5
hsv-pi.nlAre you looking for energy, time and money savings in your designs, are you looking for a sustainable innovation for your product? Discover “the hidden invention’ at HSV and all benefits of our expandable plastics EPP, EPS, EPE, ETPU. We…design sustainable, sustainable innovationparticle, feasibility, study, reliable, logistics5
houseofconfetti.nlHouse of Confetti makes space for makers and visitors to be part of a new creative and sustainable community in the city center of Venlo.creative sustainable, sustainable communityvisitor, upcoming, later, valid, subscribe5
nrgovernance.nlNR Governance enables organizations to develop and profile themselves. With integrity, originality and with a sustainable result. This requires the right people and the right knowledge. Both of which are anchored in such a way that the…originality sustainable, sustainable resulttheory, integrity, originality, consulting, assessment5
trintech.nlIn collaboration with Vermeulen Kassenbouw from Groessen (NL), we have installed a sustainable heating system for a greenhouse at the secondary vocational school in Doetinchem (NL). We also took care of the electrical installation and…nl sustainable, sustainable heatingaquaculture, horticulture, electrical, automation, mechanical5
iccwbo.nlWorking together to make trade cheaper, faster, simpler, sustainable, sustainable and more securesustainable development, simple sustainable, sustainable securetrade, facilitation, resolution, dispute, commission5
broekbakema.nlBroekbakema connects people and society in appealing architecture by combining craftsmanship with sustainable innovation. With expertise in transformations, repurposing and design of lab and clean rooms.craftsmanship sustainable, sustainable innovationtransformation, architecture, society, lab, craftsmanship5
iloveyoga.nlOur soft Asana sustainable yoga tee is a super nice yoga shirt with a loose fit. The fabric mix of sustainable bamboo and organic cotton provides an anti-bacterial effect. This means you are less likely to suffer from sweat stains or skin…asana sustainable, sustainable yoga, mix sustainable, sustainable bamboobamboo, wishlist, stock, bra, ocean5
21maart2018.nlSTIP wants a vibrant and sustainable city bursting with technology and innovation. New techniques accelerate the transition to a sustainable city and are the engine of the Delft economy. We ensure that there is always something to do in…commit sustainable, sustainable vibrant, vibrant sustainable, sustainable city, transition sustainablevibrant, commit, municipality, political, cultural5
studiobluem.nlStudio Bluem is a sustainable slow fashion brand that sells made to order garments. Handmade by Marlijn Bluemink in The Netherlands.bluem sustainable, sustainable slow, fashion sustainable, sustainable predress, handmade, garment, waistcoat, naar5
theswimfoundation.nlofficial Swim Foundation teachers. In return they will be able to teach children basic swimming skills -for the rest of their lives! Preventing thousands of drownings. It is our ambition to do that in the most effective and sustainable way.effective sustainable, sustainable wayswim, drown, teacher, mogelijk, death5
villa4design.nlWelcome at VILLA4 Design™, the Benelux Agency for interior design solutions. Exclusive, enjoyable and sustainable, in our worlds of today and tomorrow.enjoyable sustainable, sustainable world, vivenza sustainable, sustainable societyitaly, exclusive, tomorrow, interior, enjoyable5
bnfitness.nlThe personal trainer in Hoorn. We help men and women with personal training and mindset coaching to sustainable fitness results.mindset sustainable, sustainable fitness, woman sustainable, sustainable healthynutrition, woman, potential, recovery, basket5
thegreenbranch.nlJoin The Green Branch in our mission to sustain the planet. Explore innovative carbon offsetting, nature conservation, and sustainable solutions tailored for a greener future. Make a difference today.conservation sustainable, sustainable solutionbranch, conservation, carbon, innovative, climate5
goturkiye.nlOver one million hotel beds in Türkiye have now received sustainable tourism verifications and certificates, according to figures released today by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, at the beginning of WTM. More than 7,500…assembly sustainable, sustainable development, principle sustainable, türkiye sustainable, sustainable tourismtürkiye, turkish, visitor, waste, theatre5
hempishop.nlGradually I expanded my range with products that are in the same line. Hempishop is now more than an online store for CBD oil. It is the shop where you can buy sustainable, organic and hemp products at an affordable price!shop sustainable, sustainable organichemp, oil, wish, add, organic5
eefting-energy.nlSustainable shipping empowered by our marine fuel efficiency montoring systems. Improving fuel management, reducing emissions and energy costs.competition sustainable, sustainable shippingfuel, efficiency, emission, analysis, report5
startship.nlWe are a venture builder based in Amsterdam. We help startups shape the future, challenge the status quo and disrupt existing business models. We can increase the odds for early stage startups, create successful digital products and build…product sustainable, sustainable ventureventure, builder, successful, odd, early5
tapp.nlTapp is an award winning smart city design agency helping local governments and citizens create more inclusive, responsive and sustainable future citiesresponsive sustainable, sustainable futurearchitecture, urban, citizen, mobility, government5
systemi.nlSystemI is a digital platform for building systems in relation to the sustainable and circular economy. We want to move forward to a systemized world, together with you!relation sustainable, sustainable circular, circular sustainable, sustainable solutioncircular, relation, economy, animation, damage5
densestorage.nlDenseStorage is your partner for customized Automated Storage & Retrieval Solutions (ASRS) based on a unique sortation technology. You can supply your customers better, faster and more efficiently in a sustainable manner .efficiently sustainable, sustainable manner, customer sustainable, sustainable buffer, value sustainablecollector, storage, retrieval, buffering, healthcare5
the-now.nlOnline Branding Strategy framework for companies and organizations that want to develop a clear and sustainable strategy in 2 weeks to make an impact.simple sustainable, sustainable result, clear sustainable, sustainable strategyframework, package, force, powerful, investment5
studio-jeroen.nlIn The Hague we design and make beautiful sustainable furniture to measure. Whether you’re looking for a new kitchen or bespoke furniture, we offer a unique design that stands out thanks to durable materials and high-quality finishes.furniture sustainable, sustainable bespoke, beautiful sustainable, sustainable furniture, fair sustainablefurniture, bespoke, kitchen, discover, passport5
dutch-graffiti-library.nlWe are working towards our ultimate goal: a dynamic and sustainable alternative space for art, heritage and education, based on the street. A physical location where we can show the history of graffiti culture through objects and stories…dynamic sustainable, sustainable alternativelibrary, street, heritage, dynamic, alternative5
marotechniek.nlMarotechniek contributes to efficient & innovative entrepreneurship in the maritime sector. From engineering to product. Converting existing systems into new and sustainable systems. Marotechniek devises the innovative solution.innovative sustainable, new sustainable, sustainable system, marotechniek sustainable, sustainable businessinnovative, automation, maritime, industrial, sustainability5
krimpen.nl…product solutions developed in-house. In addition, we have been collecting and recycling plastic for years. As a result, this valuable raw material remains in our own production cycle and we thus contribute to a more sustainable world.horticulture sustainable, sustainable solution, cycle sustainable, sustainable worldtray, supplier, flower, dish, horticultural5
nim-bv.nlNIM sets a new standard for responsible business practices. From emissions reduction and hydrogen-powered systems to carbon capture and storage, NIM’s diverse portfolio of solutions propels the maritime industry towards a greener and more…green sustainable, sustainable future, way sustainable, sustainable maritime, suite sustainablehydrogen, carbon, capture, heat, recovery5
karinvanderknoop.nlcreative consultancy and photo-producer for brands, magazines and personal style advice. Acting with a sustainable and concious mind. Branding and storytelling with respect for humanity and nature. specialised in styling, photo…advice sustainable, sustainable concious, brand sustainablehumanity, guide, producer, direction, beautifull5
buildingthenew.nlSustainable, futureproof and inclusive, the society of the future is driven bij connections. With this philosophy in mind, Holistic Development creates living projects that are built from more than just raw materials. Innovative solutions…developer sustainable, sustainable community, knowledge sustainable, sustainable build, collaboration sustainablebuilding, urban, ecosystem, holistic, investor5
fishq.nlWe purchase fish from honest, sustainable fish farms and fishing vessels and we deliver it to companies throughout Europe. We only purchase and sell fish of the highest quality from trusted and sustainable suppliers. Because our fish is…sustainable traceable, fish sustainable, sustainable fish, honest sustainable, trust sustainablefish, fishing, traceability, vessel, degree5
brusche-pt.nlBrusche Process Technology specializes in the development, engineering and construction of innovative sustainable process installations, including pilot and demonstration installations.sustainable solution, innovative sustainable, sustainable processcapture, realization, responsibility, installation, maintenance5
pureblue.nlDid you know that PureBlue has carried out as many as 150 different projects for customers in the Netherlands and abroad? Every decentralised water treatment is another step closer to a sustainable world. We believe in closing the water…company sustainable, sustainable innovative, field sustainable, sustainable wastewater, solution sustainabletreatment, decentralised, healthy, generation, soil5
ecospacestudios.nlSpinney Retreat utilises o -site construction methods developed by Ecospace Studios in response to growing demand for small-scale, sustainable and flexible modular structures, which it is able to deliver at a fixed cost and with a short…best sustainable, sustainable project, scale sustainable, sustainable flexible, area sustainablelondon, pavilion, south, structure, architecture5
agroworld.nlAt Agroworld, high-quality and reliable refrigerated transport comes first. To keep our quality high, we are constantly innovating and making our logistics process more sustainable.innovative sustainable, sustainable refrigerated, technology sustainable, sustainable transportrefrigerated, temperature, reliable, storage, packaging5
mecc.nlSustainable Industrial Manufacturing show to be held at MECC Maastricht from 2023global sustainable, sustainable development, certificate sustainable, sustainable conferenceconference, hall, boundaries, exhibition, north5
gardenoffices.nlGarden Offices brings together business, research and the opportunity to meet other like-minded professionals in your field. In one inspirational environment. Our sustainable, multifunctional office buildings in the Wageningen Business &…environment sustainable, sustainable multifunctionallaboratory, eat, multifunctional, inspirational, minded5
munstechniek.nlMuns Techniek aims to develop solutions which are not only durable, but which also contribute in making processes economical, flexible, environmentally sustainable and completely controllable.environmentally sustainable, sustainable completelyhydraulic, electric, electrical, winch, specialism5
sarvision.nlSarVision has implemented in 2020 and 2021 The EOSAT 4 Sustainable Amazon project’s goal is to support the Sustainable Development...eosat sustainable, sustainable amazon, goal sustainable, sustainable developmentforest, flood, brazil, sacred, near5
brandtkaarsen.nlWe hand-pour our scented candles from soy wax and rapeseed wax : a sustainable product and totally vegan! We focus on creating charming and ethically produced candles. And with that come more sustainable choices. Also, soy wax candles…wax sustainable, sustainable product, candle sustainable, sustainable choicecandle, scent, apothecary, cotton, organic5
trendforum.nlA cluster of 17 Dutch horticultural companies (including HAS university of applied science) that supports the sustainable development of the horticultural market in Central America. Looks like a n...cost sustainable, sustainable land, ethiopia sustainable, sustainable town, science sustainableeconomic, society, woman, interesting, christianity5
nijkampraalte.nl…the feeding rack and at the milking robot and the drinking trough is a (concrete) floor to keep everything well accessible for the cows. More (general) information and information about sustainable energy consumption can be found herewebinar sustainable, sustainable poultry, speaker sustainable, information sustainable, sustainable energyfarmer, dairy, broiler, farm, cow5
intermate.nlIntermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.bachelor sustainable, sustainable innovation, major sustainableassociation, study, psychology, interaction, career5
revebyroxan.nlPre-loved luxury designer bags and accesories. We value authentic items and more sustainable fashion. We sell, buy and consign your luxury item. Based in Hellevoetsluis.item sustainable, sustainable fashionpre, bag, authentic, luxury, accesories5
acemobility.nland the University of Arnhem & Nijmegen and companies from the automotive and mobility sector. To contribute to a sustainable future of this sector, ACE Mobility focuses on education, Human Capital and innovation which form the starting…pro sustainable, sustainable battery, sector sustainable, sustainable futuremobility, capital, collaboration, graduation, study5
2521gewoonzwemmen.nl2521 Simply Swimming is an innovative concept for public pools, that uses and develops smart solutions for feasible and sustainable swimming facilities.feasible sustainable, sustainable swimmingswimming, simply, innovative, feasible, facility5
pnud.nlThe future calls for banks that are sustainable in as many ways as possible. We are the only bank in the world that lets you choose how your money is invested. We are committed to a green, inclusive and diverse future for anyone on the…bank sustainable, sustainable waytree, money, saving, trial, banking5
jacobs-crisioni.nlHi, welcome! I am Chris Jacobs-Crisioni, the owner of Bureau Jacobs-Crisioni and this website. I consider myself an expert on developing and using support systems that help explore, understand and decide in questions related to…question sustainable, sustainable urban, planning sustainable, sustainable transportjanuary, expansion, accessibility, publication, modelling5
dekra.nlDEKRA is your reliable partner for a safe, secure and sustainable world. Get to know us on our websitesecure sustainable, sustainable world, safe sustainablecertification, inspection, industrial, advisory, sustainability5
posterama.nlPosterama has a strong European position with its unique, sustainable decal systems.unique sustainable, sustainable decaldecal, bicycle, paint, screen, innovative5
losan.nlLosán offers custom wood solutions for anyone wanting warm, high-end design and sustainable interiors. Our experts and skilled craftspeople can help you fulfil nearly any customer desire. We supply superior wood solutions perfectly in…design sustainable, sustainable interiorveneer, wood, skilled, desire, nearly5
skmeurope.nlSKM Egg Products - Worldwide delivery, Sustainable Egg products and Egg powders. SKM is your partner for all egg based ingredients.delivery sustainable, sustainable egg, sustainable choiceegg, ingredient, powder, worldwide, salad5
aeroteameindhoven.nlRedefine Flying! Aero Team Eindhoven is a team of students from Eindhoven University of Technology working towards a sustainable world by developing an autonomous drone network for zero-emission air delivery.technology sustainable, sustainable world, world sustainable, sustainable global, fast sustainableemission, autonomous, join, inquiry, aerial5
kaapdegroenehoop.nlKaap de Groene Hoop is a sustainable harbor featuring fourteen urban rak’s for entrepreneurs with a captivating ship and a green state of mind. Set in the heart of the lively NDSM Wharf, Kaap de Groene Hoop stimulates zero-emission…hoop sustainable, sustainable harbor, innovative sustainable, sustainable future, urban sustainablemooring, hoop, ship, harbor, visit5
astonic-rides.nlExplore Our Handcrafted E-Rides at Astonic - Leading in Sustainable Electric Mobility. Ride with Passion and Reduce CO2 Emissions. Choose Quality and Durability. Browse Our Collection and Join the E-Ride Revolution Today!astonic sustainable, sustainable electric, ride sustainable, sustainable mobilityride, bike, electric, mobility, earth5
onetowatch.nlOne to Watch believes that entrepreneurs of SMEs are best positioned to bring about sustainable development in frontier economies.well sustainable, sustainable development, change sustainable, sustainable socioeconomicentrepreneur, generation, investment, sme, economy5
cooloo.nlCooloo develops and creates circular furniture, sustainable interior projects and materials for construction, made from residual materials such as leather, cork, jeans or stone in combination with bio-based binders.furniture sustainable, sustainable interiorcircular, furniture, refurbishment, renovation, sustainability5
tpstorage.nlEnergy storage systems are used to create space on the electricity grid. Therefore, more sustainable energy projects can be connected and more green electricity can be generated and used. This way, these systems not only contribute to the…grid sustainable, sustainable energystorage, battery, climate, contribution, stable5
aestuarium.nlWe harness the power of nature to deliver efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions for freshwater production.efficient sustainable, sustainable costfreshwater, efficient, effective, bacteria, ion5
bestart.nl…in conquering them. Our unique year-long programme is specifically designed to fast-track the growth of sustainable tech companies, catapulting you from startup novelty to scaleup sensation. Are you steering a climate tech…growth sustainable, sustainable tech, plastic sustainable, sustainable energy, foundation sustainableclimate, transform, supportive, northern, dynamic5
bferonia.nlFor Venture Dairy I work on a sustainable dairy enterprise model for small scale dairy farming. This model is developed with Akshayakalpa. Take 2 minutes to watch this beautiful story about what they are grateful for. It makes me grateful…transition sustainable, sustainable food, dairy sustainable, sustainable dairydairy, later, path, elephant, youth5
drainblock.nlDrainblock is the perfect material for low maintenance, sustainable green roofs. With almost 100% water retention capacity and a very low weight it can be applied at almost all rooftops.product sustainable, sustainable large, solution sustainable, sustainable water, friendly sustainableretention, infiltration, underground, maintenance, treatment5
rgsdevelopment.nlRGS Development in the Netherlands invents, develops and manufactures new and sustainable energy solutions based on unique nano technology.new sustainable, sustainable energyheat, generation, waste, recovery, remote5
brightstonegroup.nlClarity, structure and leadership – that’s what we have to offer. We are a knowledge partner that comes up with the best sustainable solutions quickly. We do this by way of high-quality consultancy, project organisation and interim…good sustainable, sustainable solutioncompliance, risk, bright, reporting, periodic5
boroatelier.nlNatural hand-dyed, unique essentials made from sustainable organic cotton, produced with social impact in the Amsterdam-based BORO*ATELIER!social sustainable, sustainable natural, essential sustainable, sustainable organichomeware, bathroom, bag, pillow, regular5
celebrations-affirmations.nlOur Eco-Friendly handcrafted products celebrate the luxury of sustainable living. With a collections of Home and Car fragrances, accesoires and Tea's that capture both Luxury and Eco-Friendlinesssustainable packaging, luxury sustainable, sustainable livecelebration, connect, scent, affirmation, candle5
liquidseal.nlOur post harvest coatings for flowers are environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and compostable. Discover how Liquidseal’s sustainable coatings protect and enhance your flowers from field to doorstep. Our expertly formulated sealants…liquidseal sustainable, sustainable coating, demand sustainable, sustainable alternativeshelf, harvest, freshness, perishable, flower5
nijhoffer.nlNijhoffer from Nijhoff B.V. is the sustainable solution for transporting waste ✔️ Economical ✔️ Space saving ✔️ Up to 12 tons carrying weightnijhoff sustainable, sustainable solution, sustainable wastebag, waste, save, advantage, piece5
venhoevencs.nlVenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism is an innovative Dutch design office for sustainable, integrated, and smart architecture, urban development and infrastructure.office sustainable, sustainable integrateintegrate, infrastructure, innovative, architecture, urban4
motifaith.nlCertified Personal Trainer in Rotterdam and online. We prioritize sustainable impact and long-term results. At home, indoors, and outdoors.online sustainable, sustainable impactcertified, weight, busy, qualify, winner4
marleenluijten.nl…I thought that transformative practices would be a great fit, as this focuses on changing practices into more sustainable ones and includes stakeholders/ users. However, the approach is still very new, and I was not able to derive a…designer sustainable, sustainable solution, manner sustainable, practice sustainable, sustainable onefurthermore, sustainability, present, environmental, sketch4
duurzaamcultuur.nlThe sustainability planner is linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These global sustainable development goals, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals , abbreviated SDGs, are goals that must be achieved by 2030. These…ambition sustainable, sustainable world, stake sustainable, sustainable future, nation sustainableintroduction, sustainability, cultural, report, ambition4
long-john.nlUS Denim Mills Presents ECO-ZERO Sustainable fashion in the denim industry has now become an essential aspect of business. In... Read Morecollection sustainable, sustainable innovation, denim sustainable, sustainable flat, zero sustainablejacket, min, inspiration, ago, authentic4
growing-together.nlThe Growing Together growth platform shows One Flora Group’s commitment to the success of growers. By providing various types of support, we can realise an efficient, transparent and sustainable chain together, with maximum value for…transparent sustainable, sustainable chain, grow sustainable, sustainable growth, grower sustainablegrow, grower, growth, benefit, chain4
vakbeursenergie.nlSaving energy is a necessity. Sustainable energy generation and the optimization of the use of energy, play an unmistakable role in our society. Vakbeurs Energie is the B2B trade show, offering energy in all its forms a great platform…technology sustainable, sustainable energy, campaign sustainable, sustainable mobility, necessity sustainableoctober, trade, heat, tradeshow, electricity4
np-plastics.nlAs a member of the trade association NRK PVT, NP Plastics is a participant in Rethink, the branch initiative launched in 2017, underlining our commitment to realizing more sustainable and efficient production processes.workmanship sustainable, sustainable innovation, commitment sustainable, sustainable efficient, question sustainablemolding, injection, customized, rethink, secondary4
kindas3d.nlKindas3D duurzaam design in 3D door Kindas - lampen en meer | Kindas3D sustainable design in 3D by Kindas - lamps and morelamp sustainable, sustainable design4
naykid.nl"fake it till you're nay kid"- This brand is founded in Amsterdam and creats abstract prints, designs, and clothing representing a 100% organic, sustainable life-style.organic sustainable, sustainable lifenay, kid, clothing, till, organic4
dasheelnormaal.nlVacancies where you can participate in a sustainable recycling process? View our vacancies at NRC or Aerinnovavacancy sustainable, sustainable recyclingvacancy, administrator, employee, colleague, impressive4
duurzameveeteelt.nlpage essay leading up to a simple conclusion: Reduce livestock, eat less meat and dairy products. This conclusion is accompanied by 10 recommendations, mostly directed at the Dutch government, to help realize a sustainable farming industry.government sustainable, sustainable farming, europe sustainable, sustainable animalfarming, factory, force, livestock, description4
hystock.nlThe Netherlands must become more sustainable: CO 2 emissions must be zero by 2050. Hydrogen produced with sustainable energy is going to play an important role in making the industry more sustainable. There is a need for large-scale…netherlands sustainable, sustainable co, hydrogen sustainable, sustainable energy, industry sustainablehydrogen, storage, salt, season, carrier4
v5n4.nlYou will receive an introduction from a specialist in sustainable travel; access to the online gaming environment and helpdesk; and access to the travel data of your employees. You will receive a package of communication materials…congestion sustainable, sustainable united, team sustainable, sustainable trip, behaviour sustainablemobility, employee, uk, registration, traffic4
re-volt.nlIt is our mission to support organizations in the journey toward a meaningful sustainable future. To make this happen, we develop bespoken-training, kick-start organizational change programs, facilitate large scale collaborations, coach…meaningful sustainable, sustainable futurecollaboration, sustainability, organizational, meaningful, scale4
managingtheuniversitycampus.nl…Until then, my most recent publication with “Lessons from BK City – after the fire – for university buildings of the future” can be found as a chapter in a book “Dreams and seeds: the role of campuses in sustainable urban development”.campus sustainable, sustainable urban, affordable sustainable, sustainable environment, efficient sustainableestate, leave, publication, decision, uncategorized4
birgitfilippini.nlInterior architect, funrnituredesign working sustainable and with eye for longlasting design, renovation and small restructions, color and material advise.funrnituredesign sustainable, sustainable eyeinterior, renovation, advise, antilles, profile4
delafonteijne.nlSustainable solutions to the unemployment problem with sustainable growth. Solution to the youth unemployment problem, no lost generation. Lessproblem sustainable, sustainable growtheconomic, unemployment, youth, generation, growth4
roossoetekouw.nlSoetekouw textiles, sustainable textiles, home textiles, upholstery fabric, commissioned textiles, hotel textiles, custom made textile design.textile sustainable, sustainable textiletextile, upholstery, fabric, collaboration, composition4
publicmatters.nlPM Webinar: the roadmap to make the Netherlands a leader in sustainable industryleader sustainable, sustainable industrymatter, affairs, brussels, conversation, hague4
tkf.nlTKF connects society with innovative connectivity solutions for digitalization and electrification. We create efficient and user-friendly connectivity solutions which make an important contribution to connecting, securing and making…innovative sustainable, sustainable solutioncable, voltage, infrastructure, calculation, installation4
schoolofcreativethinking.nl…helps you with change. Whether it concerns being resilient and flexible, coming up with solutions for complex problems and uncommon situations or aiming for a sustainable result. You need your creativity. We help you to rely on it.path sustainable, sustainable change, mindset sustainable, role sustainable, situation sustainablethink, creativity, leadership, introduction, advanced4
bonniestudios.nlA Dutch handcrafted sustainable jewelry label. In our collection we do have necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. All made with a 18K gold plated clasp designed by a girl who is crazy about colors and pearls! Give your jewelry a personal…dutch sustainable, sustainable jewelrynecklace, bracelet, pendant, ball, steel4
wintels.nlNils Wintels an Amsterdam-based Video Producer crafts impactful, sustainable advertising and branded content. Elevate your brand with storytelling that resonates.impactful sustainable, sustainable advertisingproducer, impactful, advertising, collaborative, creativity4
olischlagerbv.nl…and prevention. It was only right that we change our motto from ‘fight with poison as standard’ in the early years to ‘sustainable solutions’ today. standaard met vergif bestrijden’ in de beginjaren naar ‘ duurzame oplossingen’ anno nu.effective sustainable, sustainable approach, year sustainable, sustainable solution, attention sustainableprevention, reference, vacancy, property, generation4
enkev.nlWe make high quality sustainable PU-Foam replacing products from many types of natural or organic fibres.quality sustainable, sustainable pufibre, organic, mattress, inspiration, packaging4
topsectorenergie.nlAn affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy system, that is what we are committed to. The missions for energy transition and sustainability determine the priorities of what we do.reliable sustainable, sustainable energy, extensively sustainable, sustainable innovation, transition sustainablehydrogen, capital, transition, urban, responsible4
4esgconsulting.nl…team, not only to meet current sustainability requirements but also to transform your organization into a more sustainable entity. Together, we aim to achieve your sustainability ambitions, with our commitment and expertise serving as…constantly sustainable, sustainable business, green sustainable, sustainable future, organization sustainableconsulting, sustainability, legislation, compliance, ambition4
roguerazor.nl…Students are welcome and receive student discount. Kenneth was previously owner of Czaar Kappers. We strive for sustainability with interior choices and products. - "Sustainable Beauty". We use Davines, Proraso and Rogue Razor Grooming.product sustainable, sustainable beautyrazor, rogue, hair, groom, woman4
biocore.nlTogether with our international relations, we work on the most efficient and sustainable supply chains. In which food safety is an important condition. In addition, we are constantly creating new opportunities and new international markets.efficient sustainable, sustainable supply, product sustainable, sustainable society, responsibility sustainableorganic, sustainability, chain, supply, certificate4
qhstudio.nlArchitectural Design Studio that offers future-minded, vernacular and sustainable designs.vernacular sustainable, sustainable designdesert, pacific, ocean, minded, architectural4
intsource.nlIn achieving a sustainable and measurable change of behaviour it’s important to focus on translating theoretical knowledge into practical implementations. That’s why it’s important that IntSource partners with the Management &…programme sustainable, sustainable measurable, employee sustainableleadership, programme, executive, leader, diagnostic4
humeij.nlHuMeij Windshifters BV is the global leader in the design, manufacturing and commissioning of air classifiers with a unique pull-push mechanism. These Windshifters facilitate the recycling industry to reach their goals in the most…goal sustainable, sustainable efficient, leader sustainable, sustainable air, solution sustainableadvanced, extraction, manufacture, waste, treatment4
sloecentrale.nl…Netherlands - in collaboration with PZEM - can respond quickly to changing market conditions such as gas prices, sustainable energy sources and network conditions. Sloe Centrale is ISO 9001 (quality) 14001 (environment) ISO 45001 (health…price sustainable, sustainable energy, professional sustainable, sustainable organization, essential sustainablesupplier, employee, department, workforce, asset4
nmgvvebeheer.nlNMG VvE Management: a sustainable cooperation and full access for the board to a manager who has all the knowledge in-house.management sustainable, sustainable cooperationcooperation, committee, maintenance, fund, insurance4
languageplaza.nlYou can take Chinese Mandarin courses in Eindhoven at Language Plaza! For adults, for Chinese culture lovers and for as hobby. Language Plaza Chinese Learning is a sustainable learning community to learn Chinese in small groups and…learn sustainable, sustainable learnmandarin, administration, lover, translation, cross4
cetechinvest.nlThe most talented founders, expert resources and hands-on management to invest in sustainable and valuable internet companies.management sustainable, sustainable valuableinvest, investment, early, asia, founder4
stopdigging.nlMake a sustainable choice for a streamlined construction process. When Stop Digging lays the foundations for your construction, it only takes a fraction of the time it would have taken to dig down concrete blocks. We offer completely…sustainable construction, friendly sustainable, sustainable build, quick sustainable, sustainable groundscrew, ground, inspiration, anchor, dig4
empas.nlEnvironmentally friendly operations are increasingly becoming the norm in weed control. Although in practice there can be snags and eyes on sustainable weed control and there are sometimes...eye sustainable, sustainable weed, quiet sustainable, sustainable wasteweed, horticulture, builder, ice, salt4
devon.nlDevOn - Digital Disruption Delivered. Continuous Delivery - Test Automation - Sustainable Sourcing - Secure Software Dev - Teamsautomation sustainable, sustainable sourcedevops, enterprise, continuous, assessment, devsecops4
welmac.nlWelMac believes that increasing volumes and developments must be done according to a sustainable philosophy, both relating to employment as well as nature and its resources. We aim at full maturity to sustainably produce macadamias, a…scale sustainable, sustainable macadamia, development sustainable, sustainable philosophy, welmac sustainablechain, consumer, nursery, sustainability, supply4
luukrosenquist.nlCome up with a commercial solution for food trader Getir and encourage customers to make more sustainable choices.customer sustainable, sustainable choice, affordable sustainable, sustainable energyphase, effectively, discover, section, assistance4
linkopedia.nlTips For Healthy Environment / Invest in Sustainable Clothing If you are purchasing clothes, try to find the sustainable items that will not harm our nature in any way. Milieuhulp collected the best tips in order to create a better worldgrowth sustainable, sustainable business, business sustainable, sustainable supplier, environment sustainablewebpage, gambling, popular, player, engine4
carbonmanager-en.nlDo you want the certainty that your CO2 footprint has been drawn up in accordance with international guidelines and quality marks? The Carbon Manager carbon footprint tool helps you to achieve your sustainable goals.implementation sustainable, sustainable process, tool sustainable, sustainable goalcarbon, report, reduction, emission, quickly4
cupcakedozen.nlWhite paper bag with bright pink stripes, perfect for transporting cupcakes, mini cupcakes, sweet boxes and small cake boxes. Order your bag today and surprise your customers with a unique and sustainable way to take their cupcakes or…unique sustainable, sustainable way, luxurious sustainable, sustainable packagingsweet, bake, window, piece, stock4
jaspr.nlI am passionate about sustanainability but also recognize that getting to a greener world requires complex transformations that are not always well understood. Therefore, I made it my mission to help companies realize challenging…transition sustainable, sustainable society, effectively sustainable, sustainable change, company sustainablepersuasive, spokesperson, identity, execution, stakeholder4
andersutrecht.nl…believe in the transformative potential of urban initiatives. From formal associations and social enterprises to citizen movements and neighbourhood initiatives, each has a role to play in realising a socially just and sustainable society.ecologically sustainable, sustainable socially, transition sustainable, socially sustainable, sustainable societysociety, socially, transition, societal, urban4
commonpractice.nlCommon Practice is an Amsterdam based office for architecture and design. We design for the sustainable city and search inspiration in both the simplicity of the everyday and the intelligence of long standing traditions.design sustainable, sustainable citycommon, simplicity, architecture, inspiration, everyday4
tenenergy.nlon our planet. TEN|Energy believes that the STGR with Thorium, and Uranium, is the best guarantee for the new and sustainable world for many centuries to come. The STGR can help to eliminate inequality on our planet. The STGR is for the…mainly sustainable, sustainable expansion, biomass sustainable, sustainable energy, plan sustainableagriculture, supply, society, planet, chain4
minorisd.nl…will participate in an Intercultural Readiness Check. Besides this, other classes include conflict management, sustainable development goals, security wise, project management, health in the tropics, perception, teambuilding en several…international sustainable, sustainable development, management sustainable, actively sustainable, project sustainableminor, uas, programme, coordinator, ministry4
globalgreenteam.nlWe set out how we do this sustainably in our sustainability policy. Because Global Green Team is part of Harvest House, we contribute to this every day. The sustainable thought of Harvest House, applies just as much to us.food sustainable, sustainable way, day sustainable, sustainable thinkvegetable, grower, assortment, trade, salad4
beesechurgers.nlAt Beesechurgers, we’re all about the wellbeing of the environment. Be assured that Beesechurgers is the tastiest and most sustainable option.tasty sustainable, sustainable option, deliciously sustainablehague, legendary, career, visit, delicious4
dutchdatacenters.nlSustainable Leadership in Action: Schleifenbauer's Packaging-Free Delivery to ProRailparticipant, report, association, partners, release4
manmadefurniture.nlWe make bespoke tables, shelves, built in wardrobes and kitchens of sustainable and eco friendly wood, in the centre of Amsterdamkitchen sustainable, sustainable ecotable, furniture, shelf, wood, kitchen4
onthesunnyside.nlvintage style menswear inspired by the 1930s and 1940s. sustainable vintage style mens fashion with high waist trousersmenswear sustainable, sustainable vintagesunny, trousers, wholesale, lady, waist4
atelierlvdw.nlBiophilic Material & Product Design - Atelier LVDW researches the future of sustainable materials to maintain our connection with nature. Inspired by the social impact of the materials we use in daily life and which we surround ourselves…future sustainable, sustainable materialoverview, connection, colour, inspiration, ceramic4
matelydrinks.nlMatély goal extends beyond offering a healthier beverage alternative. It encompasses a broader mission to enhance mental, physical, and social well-being through our super maté drinks. Matély aims to foster sustainable changes in health…matély sustainable, sustainable changebenefit, healthy, beverage, mental, globe4
peers.nlPEERS combines fabrics and gives them a sustainable treatment whilst in production, making the shirt easy to iron. Pretty handy.fabric sustainable, sustainable treatment, sustainable shirtfeel, table, swatch, difference, comfortable4
thelineahome.nlAt The Linea Home, you can find fun, colourful, yet practical & sustainable Japanese design homeware – things that we can all use every day in our lives. All kawaii homeware inspired by Japanese Harajuku culture. You will find Kimono…practical sustainable, sustainable japanesewishlist, kawaii, add, pink, cat4
waterdream.nlOur brand mission is to deliver high quality, sustainable, practical and timeless designs. Again, this Waterdream model hails from Dutch design studio Vripack, whose holistic vision is underpinned by strong naval architecture.quality sustainable, sustainable practical, yacht sustainable, sustainable wayboat, california, trial, luxury, minimal4
movemobility.nlMOVE Mobility and her partners have delivered the final Comprehensive Public Transportation Master Plan for the Urban Area of Ramallah-AlBireh. This Public Transport Master Plan is the start of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).establishment sustainable, sustainable transport, start sustainable, sustainable urbanmobility, delegation, kigali, urban, study4
jolie-events.nlA sustainable travel full of spellbinding beaches, waterfall treks, wonderful activities and amazing creatures —with the added bonus of a sustainable philosophy.bonus sustainable, sustainable philosophyexplore, luxury, yacht, events, exclusive4
maintenancebenelux.nlNew Name dss+ Reflects Expanded Capabilities and Commitment to Protect, Transform, and Sustain Client Operations GENEVA, Switzerland, February 28, 2022 – Today, DuPont Sustainable Solutions, a global operations consulting firm, announced…dupont sustainable, sustainable solutionmaintenance, automation, industrial, resource, valve4
kvg.nlMayonna produces and sells sustainable, high-quality fish and delivers to the retail market and food platforms, both nationally and internationally. We supply the complete fish counter in the supermarket: we deliver…. > read moremayonna sustainable, sustainable highfish, fishing, convenience, supplier, mackerel4
clean2antarctica.nlSail for sustainability! We’re turning tall ship Morgenster into a sailing think tank. On the Atlantic Ocean, young minds help companies to find sustainable solutions. Let’s use the creative power of a new generation.tank sustainable, sustainable solution, mind sustainable, company sustainableexplore, expedition, waste, sustainability, think4
dmc.nlAt DMC we support you in finding solutions to your coastal and marine design and engineering challenges. As your independent Marine consultant, we design, engineer and advise on (cost)effective, sustainable and buildable solutions: From…consultant sustainable, sustainable buildable, sustainable tomorrow, client sustainable, sustainable tailorinfrastructure, coastal, rapidly, river, bridge4
dodiddone.nl“The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we…sustainable goal, well sustainable, sustainable futurelisten, write, grammar, lesson, charge4
geze.nlIntelligent building automation and networked safety technology pave the way to use buildings in a sustainable, safe, and comfortable way. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for architects. GEZE delivers energy-saving and…element sustainable, sustainable façade, building sustainable, sustainable safe, digital sustainabledoor, building, window, protection, automatic4
tohum.nlTo’hum devotes itself to being a part of this sustainable transition. To’hum not only tells its people to become a customer but also invites them to be a part of the change.to’hum sustainable, sustainable transitioncircular, organic, transition, esc, sustainability4
drageninschagen.nlErgonomic babycarriers, baby wraps, wool baby and children clothing and sustainable lifestyle products. EU shipping!clothing sustainable, sustainable lifestylecarrier, clothing, ergonomic, consultation, wool4
pccnl.nlWe invite You to registration for Nordic Talks dedicated to Sustainable Fashion.nordictalks sustainable, sustainable fashion, talk sustainablenetworking, copy, polish, conference, exhibition4
thegreeninnovationhub.nlof digitally-driven innovations at strategic locations. Can your company or organization contribute to building a sustainable and inclusive city? No matter where you are located, consider connecting with the Green Innovation Hub: a place…field sustainable, sustainable energy, hub sustainable, sustainable inclusive, organization sustainableprogramme, mobility, contest, digitally, inclusion4
fromatob.nlAs a follow-up to the study into more sustainable public transport equipment we developed a concept for a sustainable train seat, the AtoB seat. The chair-design is based on a comfortable one-piece seat shell, pressed from wood.study sustainable, sustainable public, concept sustainable, sustainable train, new sustainableshelter, electric, guidelines, transparency, advertising4
vdholland.nl…Andijk. By using only very modern greenhouses in combination with the latest techniques, we are one of the most sustainable nurseries in the country. The company is characterized by its informal atmosphere. Short decision lines, a…technique sustainable, sustainable nurserypepper, cultivation, generation, proof, planet4
chocolatemakers.nlAt Chocolatemakers, the taste of the bean is central. And the best taste is a direct result of a healthy and biodiverse rainforest and satisfied and well-paid farmers. A living wage is a fundamental human right. You can taste the…right sustainable, sustainable social, tasty sustainable, sustainable way, bean sustainablechocolate, organic, bean, delicious, planet4
tendris.nlLemnis Oreon Holding BV is a frontrunner in sustainable lighting solutions based on LED technology for greenhouses. In 2007 they launched the first LED lighting solution for greenhouses.lemnis sustainable, sustainable lighting, frontrunner sustainablelighting, motion, road, mobility, difference4
blikfang.nlblikfang is the department store for Scandinavian design. Visit our webshop or our furniture store in Deventer for sustainable Scandinavian design. Timeless Danish Design and Finnish design for the hodeventer sustainable, sustainable scandinaviantableware, organic, kitchen, scandinavian, candle4
miss-berry.nlOur mission is to avoid food waste throughout the chain, from the grower to the wholesaler, by giving class 3 soft fruit an honourable place in the food chain. This is sustainable business. This is our cherry on the cake.sustainable business, chain sustainablemiss, soft, grower, processing, industrial4
scheepswerfbijlsma.nlScheepswerf Bijlsma creates sustainable ships using maritime innovation. For our customers worldwide we realize innovative solutions. We work sustainably and in a trustworthy manner, during the design phase and the building of the ship.sustainable way, reuse sustainable, sustainable maritime, bijlsma sustainable, sustainable shipship, innovative, hull, conversion, maritime4
dropandloop.nl…in so far and where you can find your nearest Drop & Loop collection point. Furthermore, the app has many tips & tricks, a quiz and it shows you how much you really contribute to a more sustainable world. The app will be available in 2023.clothing sustainable, sustainable circular, sustainable think, sustainable product, quiz sustainabledrop, textile, clothes, clothing, wear4
wilco.nlWilco exclusively works with their own printing companies and the latest binding techniques. This way we can guarantee the highest quality possible. Printing can also be sustainable. We prove that every day at Wilco: we make your prints…technical sustainable, sustainable production, print sustainable, sustainable daycalendar, catalogue, neutral, climate, certification4
foamplant.nlThe circular, sustainable and biodegradable alternative for conventional foams is here.circular sustainable, sustainable biodegradablecircular, alternative, biodegradable, conventional, producer4
zijderlaan.nlSustainable performance at a competitive price. Zijderlaan strives to do business sustainably. By taking deliberate measures that not only reduce costs, but reduce environmental impact at the same time, Zijderlaan is optimising its...sustainable enterprise, zijderlaan sustainable, sustainable growthlogistics, logistical, sustainability, transportation, generation4
afsgroup.nlAFS Group is the first European broker to join this initiative, underlining AFS' commitment to sustainable operations, client relationships and business practices.sustainable success, purpose sustainable, sustainable economic, large sustainable, sustainable investmentrate, execution, interest, electronic, environmental4
cunera.nlWe strive for top quality and sustainable use of natural resources, and have done every day for over 150 years. Cunera supplies everything from our own production sources and we have a large national network of dealers. Our vision…rug sustainable, sustainable natural, elegant sustainable, quality sustainable, sustainable usecarpet, circular, responsibility, inspiration, maintenance4
safehavengroup.nlSafe Haven Solutions provides sustainable agriculture and clean energy solutions that truly benefit both people and the planet. We fuse agriculture and smart technologies to maximize yields and efficiency, to create food security around…sustainable agriculture, team sustainable, organisation sustainable, sustainable solution, essential sustainableproduce, highly, dedicated, drilling, demand4
brixtoltextiles.nlSwedish outerwear brand with a focused sustainable production and tactile expression.focus sustainable, sustainable productiontextile, arrival, expression, swedish, outerwear4
farmingthefuture.nlWith the power of innovation we can bring food production closer to the city. And design sustainable urban concepts that enhance people's well-being and enriche biodiversity.sustainable production, city sustainable, sustainable urbanfarming, biodiversity, waste, nutritious, inspire4
hightechsource.nlHigh Tech Source distinguishes itself at TFS by fulfilling a unique role in the sustainable deployment of top talent in the field of (Embedded) Software, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering. We really make a difference by excelling in…new sustainable, sustainable partnership, equivalence sustainable, role sustainable, sustainable deploymentcandidate, position, role, vacancy, selection4
trpd.nlgood on a billboard. No, it’s our solemn promise, our pledge, our pinky swear. We’re your dedicated co-pilots on this thrilling journey towards sustainable goals, crafting efficient, safe, and dare we say, refreshingly eco-friendly systems.sustainable engineer, journey sustainable, sustainable goal, solution sustainable, sustainable futureconsulting, commitment, dive, sky, wave4
studionote.nl…designers, varying from jewelry to small pieces of art. all of the collected handmade items show true craftsmanship from designers and artists from the region, working with sustainable and high-quality materials producing minimal waste.region sustainable, sustainable highnote, handcrafted, accessorie, clothing, leather4
houtdatabase.nlNatural forests can consist of hundreds of different species. With sustainable forest management one looks at the full range of species present and not just the few well known species. Using a broader range of species conforms demand to…certificate sustainable, sustainable forest, lkts sustainable, species sustainable, viability sustainablespecies, timber, reference, forest, property4
yvonnelugtenburg.nlBy continuing business as usual, companies risk becoming irrelevant. I am on a mission to help SME leaders create resilience and unlock sustainable new growth in a landscape dominated by change.resilience sustainable, sustainable new, long sustainable, sustainable advantage, industry sustainableleader, position, strategist, landscape, growth4
wereldvanzeewier.nlAt World of Seaweed we believe that seaweed contributes in many ways to the well-being of people and their environment. It is the source of and for life on earth. Seaweed is natural, sustainable, can be used in many ways, healthy and…sustainable natural, water sustainable, sustainable manner, natural sustainable, sustainable wayseaweed, discount, organic, healthy, responsible4
jttrading.nlWe are your partner for buying used car tires with global shipping. Contact us for reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions for all your needs.reliable sustainable, sustainable costtrading, tire, reliable, effective, america4
restaurantnovum.nl…and a menu boasting unique dishes and ingredients with a story. Novum stands for conceptual, out-of-the-box, and sustainable, where local products and ingredients are incorporated into unique, tasteful and flavourful dishes. Thanks to itslocal sustainable, sustainable cuisine, box sustainable, sustainable localculinary, reservation, innovative, contemporary, dish4
janleenkloosterman.nlRead on this website how nuclear reactors work and how we can make nuclear energy truly sustainable. With a new generation of reactors and thorium as fuel we have an endless amount of green and cheap energy in our hands.sustainable nuclear, energy sustainable, sustainable energy, truly sustainable, sustainable newnuclear, cheap, teach, fuel, generation4
thefootprinters.nlWhat is my largest environmental impact? And what can I do to reduce it? Understand your emissions, risks and sustainable opportunities with a customized footprint from The Footprinters.risk sustainable, sustainable opportunity, product sustainable, sustainable life, analysis sustainableenvironmental, emission, analysis, inform, condition4
intracare.nlIntracare improves the health and well-being of plants, animals and consumers. Our innovative strength creates sustainable growth and financial returns for farmers and businesses.strength sustainable, sustainable growthavian, biosecurity, animal, nutrient, prescription4
mozaiekcolorito.nlItalian style mosaic art. For private collections and companies, like portraits and logo’s. Unique and sustainable. We make what you are looking for !mosaic, mirror, panel, castle, portrait4
innersense.nlIn this industrialized and interconnected world, Inner Sense aims to enhance ‘essentials in leadership’. Inner Sense recognizes the values and the role of the Earth Charter as an inspirational framework which will guide individuals…sustainable talent, firm sustainable, sustainable socially, fair sustainable, sustainable forminn, sense, leadership, earth, colour4
ivodejeu.nlAs a researcher, strategist, designer & architect I love to work on complex issues with both a societal and spatial impact towards a more sustainable future for all.impact sustainable, sustainable futurespatial, strategist, societal, researcher, architecture4
cuttingthecake.nlArtist duo Karen & Jolanda from the Netherlands, have made a fantastic new concept: Beautiful silk cloths for interiordesign and as a fashionable item with versatile options. Change your style easily and be sustainable at the same time.easily sustainable, sustainable timeversatile, cloth, easily, fantastic, silk4
1209.nlWe unmute with the greatest care for our counterparts on a planet in need of teamwork. Addressing 'elephants' that need to be addressed to find sustainable life. Gründlich. 1209 Etiquette.sustainable commerce, elephant sustainable, sustainable life, stuff sustainable, sustainable relationrelationship, adventure, run, commerce, wise4
dfpe.nlFrom development to turnkey solutions for your food processing equipment. Vegetable, fruit, potato, chips and onion food processing projects . Food processing equipment for a sustainable, economical and efficient solution. Analyse…equipment sustainable, sustainable economicalprocessing, vegetable, manufacturer, farm, supermarket4
esi4u.nlWe believe that science and innovation are critical to success in food, health and nutrition. Together with our clients in the food industry, we want to create a healthier and more sustainable world by bringing their nutrition and health…healthy sustainable, sustainable world, sustainable foodnutrition, scientific, healthy, ingredient, nutritional4
europeansolar.nl…in the solar industry. In 2016 European Solar was founded with a clear objective. European Solar is all about sustainable energy, but it’s also about people. To us, people are inseparably connected. Without good people, there can be nosolar sustainable, sustainable energy, growth sustainable, network sustainable, sustainable investmentworldwide, insurance, sustainability, union, growth4
sewingalacarte.nlSewover50 is starting a new challenge on August 1st: the So 50 sustainable Sewing . It’s all about using ‘waste’ fabric to make a garment. You may use remnants, charity shop or thrift fabric from estate sales, vintage fabrics. But also…upcycling sustainable, sustainable sewing, august sustainable, friendly sustainable, sustainable pleasureclothes, pattern, fabric, sewing, dress4
restaurantlatour.nlRestaurant Latour is working step by step to contribute to a more sustainable world. The initiatives taken are measured against the Sustainable Development Goals drawn up by the United Nations.step sustainable, sustainable world, initiative sustainable, sustainable developmentsunday, dining, culinary, aan, sustainability4
gtbv.nlWe deliver our clients the best solutions for complex soil and groundwater issues; sustainable and care-free.goal sustainable, sustainable socially, issue sustainable, sustainable caregroundwater, soil, remediation, historic, geotechnical4
gbn-agr.nl…being shaken, washed and shredded) are processed into an agglomerate. The RTA is a circular raw material for sustainable artificial products, such as edge boards, picnic kits or water bank protection. The RTA can also be used for…course sustainable, sustainable responsible, material sustainable, sustainable artificial, innovative sustainablegrass, artificial, circular, raw, processing4
routetomarket.nl…etc. After an initial initial certification, we help with our knowledge access to commercially optimize the best product-market combination for you. . This gives you total control over the value of your produced sustainable energy.relevant sustainable, sustainable energy, value sustainable, world sustainable, sustainable biofuelbiomethane, ghg, certification, combination, calculation4
angeliquevandervalk.nlThis website is about sustainable visual art: vegetable works of art and designswebsite sustainable, sustainable visualvegetable, paper, exhibition, wood, experimental4
unescochair-ou.nlUNESCO Chair is the place where you can find all sustainable development goals and projects of the UNESCO foundation, as well as details on UNESCO's history.place sustainable, sustainable developmentchair, summit, networking, adult, inequality4
alliedpetrochemical.nlWe are a leading provider of storage and logistics services for bulk-liquids and gases. We pursue sustainable growth through expansion of our existing sites, greenfield development and acquisitions of operational terminals,gas sustainable, sustainable growthstorage, petrochemical, logistics, liquid, oil4
mvoprestatieladder.nlThe CSR Performance Ladder Management System Requirements and Certification Standard for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) provides in the need to make sustainable development tangible, objective and verifiable from a position of…sustainable development, need sustainable, snapshot sustainable, government sustainable, sustainable purchasecsr, certification, tangible, stakeholder, requirements4
elarbol.nlFoundation El Arbol supports projects in Nicaragua (Chinandega) that improve the lives of people with focus on women, the environment and generate sustainable employment.environment sustainable, sustainable employmentemployment, woman, cooking, volunteer, educational4
visitwadden.nlThe Wadden area offers endless opportunities for sustainable tourism and adventure. By undertaking these sustainable getaways, you will be contributing to the preservation of this unique and fragile area so that future generations can…opportunity sustainable, sustainable tourism, adventure sustainable, sustainable getawayheritage, region, island, visit, dark4
idoverhagen.nlSecuring a sustainable food future is one of the main focus areas of the World Benchmarking Alliance An important part of the legacy of Kofi Annan, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, was showing the world that it makes…sector sustainable, sustainable development, potential sustainableslide, archive, potential, farmer, rural4
studiolooploop.nla research based design studio— a different take on sustainable, local production — a holistic view of product design and manufacturing — self-made tools for innovative and autonomous production.different sustainable, sustainable local, approach sustainable, sustainable wayluminaire, industrial, introduction, craft, innovative4
prepz.nlConquer the wilderness with the EcoFlow Delta 2 Max Power Station, your ultimate sustainable power source for every outdoor adventure.lfp sustainable, sustainable fast, ultimate sustainable, sustainable poweremergency, wishlist, compare, protection, lighting4
opmeerreports.nlOpmeer Reports is specialized in photography, video, stories and multi media presentations about micro-finance, social entrepreneurs and sustainable projects in developing countries.entrepreneur sustainable, sustainable projectreport, equality, presentation, entrepreneur, portrait4
sdsgroup.nl…to immerse ourselves in new technologies and subsequent innovations. By leading the way in new developments, we are actively working towards a sustainable future. Both for our own barge fleet and for the inland shipping sector in general.sustainable innovative, actively sustainable, sustainable futurebarge, operation, sustainability, assurance, acquisition4
iwink.nlFast and efficient online publishing, together with and for your colleagues, customers and stakeholders. Our software helps you to report in an accessible, sustainable, error-free, transparent and secure way.accessible sustainable, sustainable erroraccessible, secure, report, accessibility, colleague4
sbsoliplant.nlBecause we carry several brands, we always have a product that suits you. Besides a strong conventional line of products, we can also supply a wide range of SKAL-approved inputs. With this, you are 100% assured of a sustainable solution…input sustainable, sustainable solution, discover sustainable, sustainable nitrogensoil, fertiliser, cultivation, carbon, calculation4
2imprezs.nlusage. This way, they can see the effect of their actions immediately! Also, a tailormade advice is given to the school, to make the building more sustainable. Every region has a technical specialist who guides schools through this process.manager sustainable, sustainable innovation, environment sustainable, sustainable campaign, build sustainablediscover, campaign, sustainability, save, behavior4
blossomempoweringevents.nlCreate a profitable & meaningful business with ease, so you can have the impact, income and freedom you deserve. We focus on your business model and pricing to create a sustainable strategy. We work on your money mindset to help you make…pricing sustainable, sustainable strategyevents, money, empower, freedom, profitable4
bandenplan.nl…the big pile of waste, reduction of waste, less use of raw materials, whereby the quality in terms of performance and grip is not inferior to new tires, so low hanging fruits for an important contribution to sustainable tire policy.fleet sustainable, sustainable objective, choice sustainable, sustainable transport, contribution sustainabletyre, fleet, sustainability, tire, circular4
habitsatwork.nlOnline Coaching for productivity without stress. Smarter daily routines for sustainable results.routine sustainable, sustainable resultproductivity, habit, fog, brain, injury4
variavis.nl…that leaves the doors in large numbers every week. Varia Vis keeps the entire process in-house, from purchase to distribution. Supplying the freshest fish, caught with sustainable fishing methods, is one of our most important priorities.fish sustainable, sustainable fishing, processing sustainable, sustainable fishfish, processing, north, entire, fishing4
fabcitynature.nlis working on innovative models, prototypes, typologies and processes, also of value for implementation elsewhere. It offers the opportunity to discover how we can develop a truly climate proof, sustainable coastal town in IJmuiden aan Zee.playground sustainable, sustainable future, specialist sustainable, sustainable tiny, proof sustainablecampsite, coastal, playground, innovative, experimental4
pmfgroup.nlMaterial Passorts Within PMF Industry Group, working together with clients to make processes and products more sustainable is one of our goals. A very ni…product sustainable, sustainable goal, project sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurshipstairs, steel, pressure, bridge, fabrication4
delftsepoort.nlDelftse Poort is a sustainable and energy-efficient building which has been designed to create a healthy environment for its occupants. All the offices are fitted with sensitive climate control and admit natural light. They create a…sustainable comfortable, poort sustainable, sustainable energy, healthy sustainable, sustainable deliciousworkplace, facility, flexible, comfortable, wellbeing4
sciado.nl…wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.labore sustainable, sustainable vhseiusmod, labore, tempor, dolor, aliqua4
mobielwindscherm.nlWhere the wind has free play and often comes from a different direction, you create a mobile wind shelter; without the windshield taking away your view or too much space. We have developed a sustainable hardwood mobile windshield. On…space sustainable, sustainable hardwood, bankirai sustainable, design sustainable, sustainable productwindshield, screen, investment, easily, movable4
relove-label.nlSustainable clothing does not have to be difficult, because the most sustainable itemsustainable item, difficult sustainable, long sustainable, sustainable option, sustainable customizearchive, inspiration, tailor, favorite, clothes4
werkenbijvicoma.nlVicoma improving connections We have been helping to make production processes and buildings more sustainable for over 60 years.building sustainable, sustainable yearvacancy, mechanical, structural, electrical4
aqgroup.nlDue to climate changes, climate installations need to become more energy efficient. AQ Cooling provides advice on sustainable solutions for cooling and heating of buildings and industrial processes. There is a growing need for a…sustainable building, advice sustainable, sustainable solution, filter sustainable, sustainable productionmaintenance, installation, climate, circle, heating4
hoornbeeck.nl…the Creator. Hoornbeeck College wants to embed sustainability in education. If young people are educated with a conscious and sustainable attitude, this in turn will be reflected within the companies and institutions where they will work.sustainable manner, conscious sustainable, sustainable attitude, water sustainable, sustainable exampleprogramme, bible, vocational, cornerstone, society4
aerodelft.nlTo prove and promote liquid hydrogen as an alternative to conventional aviation fuel, to inspire the aviation industry to make the change on a scale that will result in worldwide sustainable aviation.worldwide sustainable, sustainable aviation, future sustainablehydrogen, liquid, aviation, discover, aircraft4
dutchtechcampus.nlFollowing a nine-month renovation, PingProperties has delivered a fully sustainable and future-proof office building of approximately 4,000 m2 to TKH Security at the Dutch Tech Campus (DTC) in Zoetermeer.quality sustainable, sustainable campus, pingproperties sustainable, sustainable redevelopment, fully sustainablemobility, worldwide, synergy, factory, facility4
slowmill.nlOcean waves represent our planet’s last untapped natural renewable energy resource. Over 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water and the potential to capture energy from the waves offers a vast and endless source for clean…clean sustainable, sustainable electricity, method sustainable, sustainable electric, mill sustainablewave, north, installation, resource, renewable4
formaclara.nlForma Clara enables companies to develop projects and businesses with the use of sustainable technologieschairlift sustainable, sustainable lfe, use sustainable, sustainable technology, company sustainablefarm, grid, robust, piece, transition4
mobion.nlInvesting in sustainable real estate is no longer a wish, it is a necessity, both economically and ecologically.approach sustainable, sustainable method, benefit sustainable, sustainable investmentestate, investment, growth, potential, extraordinary4
studiohappydays.nlStudio Happy Days gives new life to pre-loved shirts by UPCYCLING them into unique timeless KIDS Clothes! Sustainable, one of a kind, handmade in Amsterdam.clothes sustainable, sustainable kindkid, clothes, dress, dance, regular4
eatdis.nlOrdering is easy. The office manager uses our plug-and-play ordering software, or each employee can schedule their own presence or absence and official non-severe allergies. We deliver to your doorstep with easy-to-unpack, individually…handmade sustainable, sustainable catering, footprint sustainable, individually sustainable, sustainable reusabledis, conscious, innovative, caterer, handmade4
windhout.nlAs a wholesaler in wood, Wind Hout is specialized in sustainable and environmentally friendly wood such as thermowood in the form of thermo ash, thermo radiata pine, thermo pine and thermo spruce, and timber building materials such as…hout sustainable, sustainable environmentallycladding, decking, oak, wood, pine4
iconize.nlIconize offers sustainable design. We create high quality products built for long life cycles. Both in hardware and software. We always advise you on energy efficiency and optimal solutions in terms of sustainability. Projects involving…iconize sustainable, sustainable design, project sustainable, sustainable energy, panel sustainablehide, integrate, integration, climate, measurement4
powerchainger.nlWe believe that non-generated energy is the best energy. For this reason, we build smart and data driven solutions as a driver for energy efficient households and sustainable neighborhoods.household sustainable, sustainable neighborhoodefficient, household, neighborhood, driver, reason4
lupochem.nl…to Asian, European and South American producers, we supply waxes, resins, rubbers & elastomers and compounds. We help you to improve your processes by supplying sustainable and highly efficient materials that meet your requirements.process sustainable, sustainable highlyraw, elastomer, supplier, distribution, trade4
ppfch.nlPPFCH is an independent investment company who focuses on the sustainable investment of its capital.sustainable investment, company sustainable, ppfch sustainable, sustainable realinvestment, independent, capital, estate, loan4
gcnl.nlWe are working towards a sustainable, resilient, and secure future for the Earth and all its inhabitants.sustainable future, sustainable societycross, earth, awareness, mother, initiative4
lowfood.nlRegistration for the Low Food Chefs Academy is now open. Low Food is launching the second edition of the Chefs Academy. Here we train a new generation of chefs who prioritize sustainable and inclusive cooking.truly sustainable, sustainable assumption, inclusive sustainable, sustainable dish, solution sustainablemovement, gastronomy, lab, sustainability, culinary4
conveni.nlAt Conveni, we are fully committed to dedicating ourselves to sustainable production processes, with environmentally friendly packaging wherever possible. We are aware that Conveni is part of our society, and we feel co-responsible for…commit sustainable, sustainable production, policy sustainable, sustainable development, conveni sustainablemeal, convenience, sauce, delicious, artisan4
mariekevanmieghem.nlMarieke van Mieghem Textiles | Local and sustainable materials and textiles, flax, paper yarns, material research and weaving.local sustainable, sustainable materialtextile, flax, weave, paper, connection4
keaps.nlKeaps automatic parking system is the parking solution that provides the perfect balance between space-saving and sustainable reduction.save sustainable, sustainable reductionparking, automatic, extend, fully, modular4
fres.nlFRES - FRES advances sustainable development in Africa . Affordable solar electricity services of premium quality on a fee-for-service basis.fre sustainable, sustainable developmentpioneer, electricity, africa, rural, affordable4
frshslabs.nlFrshslabs is an online store selling custom made wooden air fresheners to match the style of your car. Each frshslab is made from solid wood, using real leather string, and can be re-scented unlimited times. We're proud of our sustainable…proud sustainable, sustainable airfreshener, wooden, clothing, calendar, wood4
mvandenoever.nlHabitat Improvers Tree growers since 1791 View our trees and plants DESKULLY ADVICE RICH 200 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE SUSTAINABLE Projects we're proud of Well-chosen trees and shrubs make an important contribution to the quality of outdoor…experience sustainable, sustainable projecttree, shrub, growth, assortment, ornamental4
bergerrecycling.nlFor many years Berger Metals is a reliable processor of electronics and cable. In a sustainable and responsible way Berger Metals process various material into high quality raw materials.cable sustainable, sustainable responsibleresponsible, cable, electronic, processing, metal4
neessen-equestrian.nlWe are very happy to assist people who are willing to train their horses to reach their maximum potential. This is very important for a sustainable development in equestrian sports.care sustainable, sustainable development, important sustainable, classic sustainable, sustainable rideequestrian, horse, rider, purchase, jump4
bureauzwirt.nl​We translate todays challenges in a sustainable beautiful daily life of tomorrow.integral sustainable, sustainable project, new sustainable, sustainable outcome, challenge sustainablebuilding, innovative, phase, integral, temporary4
vei.nlaccess to proper sanitation. VEI makes a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty by improving sustainable water services delivery. VEI is dedicated to a society in which there is universal sustainable water services…adequate sustainable, sustainable water, operator sustainable, sustainable development, nation sustainablepartnership, operate, publication, utility, worldwide4
aqua-spark.nlWith over 300 investors from more than 25 countries, Aqua-Spark is a global community of investors supporting the growth of a new sustainable, commercial aquaculture industry.demand sustainable, sustainable protein, healthy sustainable, sustainable affordable, new sustainablespark, add, disclosure, aquaculture, fish4
agencyatnight.nlWild Digital is a strategic branding & design agency based in Rotterdam, working for sustainable lifestyle and tech brands. Our team of strategists, designers and marketeers is determined to create brands that positively impact people…driver sustainable, sustainable growth, equitable sustainable, sustainable creative, system sustainablevisit, creativity, normal, department, positive4
groeienmetgroenstaal.nlOn June 30th, the Nationaal Groeifonds committee gave a positive advice for the granting of the Groeien met Groen Staal (Growing with Green Steel) proposal. This programme is a plan to make the Dutch steel sector more sustainable by 2030,…thrive sustainable, sustainable steel, green sustainable, sustainable cyclesteel, programme, growth, fund, vacancy4
scriptiesaver.nlGarden Pod A one-of-a-kind eco Garden Pod is the latest hotel project by Tiny Pod and its first foray into the luxury sustainable hotel spaceaffordable sustainable, sustainable capsule, luxury sustainable, sustainable hotelcabin, modular, miniature, dwelling, futuristic4
floriette.nlA sustainable company with sustainable ambitions. That’s what Floriette stands for. Whether it’s our dried or our fresh products. From Dutch ecologically grown flowers to a collaboration with the social workshop. With Floriette, you get a…care sustainable, sustainable green, exclusive sustainable, sustainable collection, flower sustainableflower, strength, sense, common, smile4
studentenstarter.nlGuts, boldness and ambition. That is what Student & Starter stands for. We like to go beyond the beaten track and claim a place at the table for young people. With two seats on the city council, we stand for a lively and sustainable…affordable sustainable, sustainable home, ready sustainable, sustainable future, lively sustainableambition, lively, council, join, fantastic4
dereisnaarmorgen.nl…Morgen, which means ‘The Journey to Tomorrow’, supports both the public sector and social and tourism organizations in making the tourism sector more sustainable and in finding a balance between the environment, economy and social welfare.sector sustainable, sustainable balance, road sustainable, sustainable tourism, tourism sustainabletourism, naar, visitor, tourist, relationship4
bareau.nlAHPD enables Bareau to produce green gas, retaining surpluses of sustainable power by conversion of electrical power into greengas using hydrogen and carbon dioxide as substrates and process organic waste flows; all in one step.storage sustainable, sustainable energy, surplus sustainable, sustainable powersection, digestion, pressure, neutral, reference4
encebe.nlWe care about the world we live in. Social and sustainable developments largely determine our future. That’s why we are always developing deli innovations with our retail partners. We do everything we can to maximise protein valorisation…sustainable future, social sustainable, sustainable developmenthide, delicious, supermarket, meat, chain4
brendafrica.nlBrendafrica stimulates sustainable tourism. The money you pay is spent in Africa! We work together with local safari and other organizations that know and understand Tanzanian, Zanzibari and Kenyan culture and nature. We support…traveler sustainable, sustainable tourism, brendafrica sustainablekenya, tailor, africa, east, tourism4
vwbg.nlThe combination of all these technologies results in lower costs, sustainable construction processes and makes real estate investments particularly interesting.cost sustainable, sustainable constructioncontractor, estate, property, artificial, carpentry4
atelierkringloop.nlAtelier Kringloop shows that there are already enough beautiful design objects in the world, and how you can style this based on contemporary trends. Enjoying pre-loved items in a sustainable way feels good. Why something new when there…item sustainable, sustainable wayvase, colorful, glass, pre, contemporary4
urgenda.nlThe Dutch Urgenda Foundation aims for a fast transition towards a sustainable society, with a focus on the transition towards a circular economy using only renewable energy. It works on solutions for this transition, including for example…gas sustainable, sustainable material, sustainable energy, transition sustainable, sustainable societyclimate, litigation, mile, report, court4
modint.nlWe are dedicated to the sustainable development of the sector: From niche to norm. With and for all Modint members, we work to ensure a healthy future for our sector.valuable sustainable, sustainable future, dedicated sustainable, sustainable development, agreement sustainablemembership, buy, sustainability, legislation, textile4
trayplant.nlAt Trayplant, the market leader in Europe, we grow strawberry and raspberry plants of the highest quality. Sustainable and reliable: that’s where our customers reap the benefits.quality sustainable, sustainable reliable, production sustainable, sustainable climate, innovation sustainablevariety, strawberry, raspberry, colleague, greenhouse4
boweevil.nlBo Weevil is specialized in personalizing organic cotton textiles products in a sustainable way. In this blog the possibillities and procedures of cusproduct sustainable, sustainable waybag, cotton, organic, fabric, textile4
windchain.nlWindChain has proven to be a reliable partner to realize sustainable projects for utilities, contractors and governments. Already since 2000 the founding partners have been involved in the realization of 1000+ MW of wind power, both…partner sustainable, sustainable project, professional sustainablecontractor, renewable, collar, position, association4
mrnomeat.nlFun, sustainable and super delicious. We are ready to serve you our new vegan and vegetarian dishes.fun sustainable, sustainable super, nutritious sustainable, sustainable food, sustainable tastymeat, pea, dish, delicious, town4
pro-antifouling.nlUltrasonic! The sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-saving antifouling solution!ultrasonic sustainable, sustainable environmentally, friendly sustainable, sustainable maintenance, supplier sustainableultrasonic, foul, transducer, environmentally, maintenance4
innovatieglastuinbouw.nl…The SIGN 1 Foundation works with the ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food on ground-breaking system innovations in horticulture. The aim is to contribute to a vital, sustainable and socially valuable greenhouse horticulture in 2030.vital sustainable, sustainable socially, network sustainable, sustainable programme, office sustainablesign, greenhouse, lab, horticulture, productive4
blueconomy.nlBlue stands for new, modern and clean. We develop solutions for sustainable mobility, energy and the (built) environment. On the basis of an analysis of the “economic landscapes of the future”, we analyse the switches in the value chain…solution sustainable, sustainable mobility, field sustainable, active sustainable, sustainable economyeconomic, publication, mobility, economy, government4
sourceidea.nl…to come to the most effective choices themselves. This will ensure adequate suppor t is provided leading to faster implementation producing more effective results . Importantly with an approach that is sustainable into the future.approach sustainable, sustainable future, responsibly sustainable, sustainable waylecture, advise, effective, entrepreneur, resource4
vu-ut.nlthe fields of education, research and valorisation. In doing so, we aim to make a major difference in four areas of society: a resilient and secure society, a clean and sustainable society, a smart and digital society and developing talent.clean sustainable, sustainable society, healthy sustainable, sustainable digitalsociety, ut, secure, programme, responsible4
thefashionweek.nlThe Fashionweek and Dutch Fashion Embassy, since 2019 a stage and guidance for new creative talent in the world of fashion. Unique, inclusive, sustainable and innovated fashiondesigners presented close to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The…inclusive sustainable, sustainable innovatehague, official, embassy, guidance, innovate4
ecosucces.nlMarinus Jan Veltman is an experienced New Business Innovator with a focus on bringing new products to the market in combination with innovated sustainable  financial methods.sustainable finance, combination sustainable, sustainable methodlighting, innovator, ministry, entrepeneur, founder4
montgo.nlMontgo is an independent consulting firm that focuses on sustainable guidance and support to organizations in achieving their financial, operational, and commercial objectives. Because of our long-term relationships with our clients we…firm sustainable, sustainable guidance, prove sustainable, sustainable result, advisor sustainableoperational, restructuring, funding, million, growth4
taaltutor.nlTailor-made Dutch lessons since 2010, online and offline, 1-on-1, NT2. All levels, small groups, efficient, sustainable, exam preparation.efficient sustainable, sustainable examlesson, tailor, efficient, exam, preparation4
suncia.nlWe provide you with everything in the field of sustainable energy, smart home and e-mobility. Need help importing from China? We are happy to assist you. View our brands today.field sustainable, sustainable energydistributor, importer, wholesaler, battery, charger4
pynx.nlBy providing sourcing services across different kinds of products to corporates and retailers. Our global sourcing policy on all products has been established by committing towards our customers and suppliers being more sustainable. This…sustainable source, practice sustainable, sustainable responsible, supplier sustainable, sustainable policyconnect, supplier, chain, supply, factory4
morstudio.nlof underperforming buildings in Europe by transforming them into sustainable environments for all.europe sustainable, sustainable environment, center sustainable, sustainable housing, success sustainabletransformation, sustainability, building, generation, net4
excellentlife.nlAs an organization, you can embrace sustainable employability in many different ways. The choice for the employee is often...insight sustainable, sustainable employability, organization sustainableemployee, affordable, absenteeism, benefit, pricing4
naturewebhosting.nl…Put your trust in us and share in our growth Asset Management is made up of a team of expert, committed and experienced people with a passion for financial markets. Our goal is to achieve continuous and sustainable growth of our clients.continuous sustainable, sustainable growthorganisational, perspective, foreign, alteration, majority4
air-e.nlAIR/e student team at Eindhoven University of Technology develops radio controlled electrical model aircraft and contributes to future sustainable aviation.future sustainable, sustainable aviationaviation, electrical, aircraft, flight, electric4
pavocouture.nlComfortabel and sexy, sustainable lingerie: Bralettes and bodies for in- and outside the bedroom. Shop the most comfortable and sexy lingerie online. Designed in Amsterdam.sexy sustainable, sustainable lingeriethong, sustainability, swim, outside, bedroom4
binsystem.nlBINsystem has extensive knowledge of and experience with problems and sustainable solutions in the field of litter, vermin and dog poo nuisance. Like no other, we make smart use of standard solutions, partly in combination with full…specialist sustainable, sustainable solution, problem sustainablesmoking, pole, waste, ergonomic, litter4
gysutrecht.nlwith 100% enthusiasm. We use plant-based and sustainable ingredients to prepare unique dishes and drinks, all with the goal of making everyone happy! Almost everything you eat and drink with us is homemade. Come enjoy good and tasty food…plant sustainable, sustainable gluten, sustainable ingredient, webshop sustainable, sustainable experiencecozy, table, loyalty, dinner, organic4
infram.nlAdvice Plans must be sustainable and viable. This is always the basis of our advice, firmly underpinned by explanations, facts and figures. Advice is provided on issues ranging from planning studies to asset management.goal sustainable, sustainable solution, plan sustainable, sustainable viable, development sustainablerelated, spatial, firmly, stakeholder, surprising4
vriendenvoorafrika.nlFriends for Africa is helping to build a sustainable Malawi. As a foundation, we have placed the primary focus on education, working with you to significantly improve the level of education. We do this for example by building schools…sustainable malawi, africa sustainableafrica, volunteer, hurricane, frequently, donation4
faircapitalpartners.nlTogether with our clients, we bring that world closer. To this end, we use all our knowledge and experience and have the courage to make the most sustainable choices.experience sustainable, sustainable asset, step sustainable, sustainable world, courage sustainablecapital, partners, invest, asset, sustainability4
b2b-light.nlAt B2B-Light you will also find solutions for sustainable and easy savings on energy costs and to drastically reduce CO2 emissions!solution sustainable, sustainable easysaving, emission, save, assortment, worldwide4
ipsofactowageningen.nlStudy association Ipso Facto provides an inclusive community, with room for everyone to be themselves. A place where we can connect with each other, both within and outside our own study programmes. A sustainable community with an eye for…programme sustainable, sustainable communitystudy, association, outside, programme, committee4
sun-projects.nlSunprojects has been an EPC project partner and co-initiator of many extremely innovative sustainable projects for about ten years. ...innovative sustainable, sustainable project, wijdewormer sustainable, sustainable complexsun, panel, capacity, milestone, belgium4
cerval.nlCerval Consulting is a top quality consulting firm, helping clients in the consumer goods industry to improve commercial performance, drive profitability and create sustainable results.profitability sustainable, sustainable resultconsulting, profitability, consumer, firm, behavior4
brederode.nlBrederode Expo is a Full-Service, goal-oriented and decisive company. Years of experience for smarter and more sustainable building.smart sustainable, sustainable buildexhibition, constructor, decisive, appearance, decorative4
hansboodt-etalagepoppen.nlOur innovative 3d production facility ensures just in time production and is able to adapt and create design solutions. In all sorts of special and sustainable materials.special sustainable, sustainable materialcapital, muse, paris, collaboration, explore4
sensesrestaurant.nlUnconventional menus, which highlight the culinary artistry of the chef and his team. His menus all tell a story and contain unexpected combinations. The dishes are made using the freshest seasonal and where possible, sustainable…seasonal sustainable, sustainable product, plastic sustainable, possible sustainable, sustainable ingredientsense, wine, dining, kitchen, culinary4
empowr.nlThe new standard in vitality in the workplace. The solution for sustainable employability.solution sustainable, sustainable employabilityvitality, employee, workplace, pricing, trial4
pure-executivesearch.nlIf we want to make the world a better place, we should give sustainable ideas the wings they deserve. That’s why we recruit senior executives and top talents so they can take your innovative ideas to the next level.place sustainable, sustainable idea, well sustainable, business sustainable, step sustainablepure, investment, executive, associate, innovative4
werfzeep.nlWerfzeep is a small sustainable soapfactory, situated in the heart of Utrecht, the Netherlands. In traditional ways soap is being made of pure ingredients in alsmall sustainable, sustainable soapfactorysoap, ingredient, al, pure, traditional4
louisdams.nlLD Architecture uses both logic as well as imagination to create beautiful and functional buildings. Thus creating a sustainable and worthwhile environment.building sustainable, sustainable worthwhileapartment, architecture, housing, youth, urban4
successr.nl…represent the answer to the question. The real question is rarely: who are you looking for? But often: where do you want your company to go? We chase the questions behind the question and help you to develop a sustainable talent strategy.question sustainable, sustainable talent, term sustainableleadership, acquisition, succession, vacancy, executive4
cipiobox.nlCiPiO parcel lockers. Receive parcels from any delivery service, easy and sustainable. Rock solid Dutch made. Modular construct.easy sustainable, sustainable rockparcel, construct, modular, solid, click4
bureauvandorp.nlBureau Van Dorp is a boutique consultancy firm specialized in sustainable economic development and responsible business in fragile and conflict-affected settings. It provides innovative research, advice and training in the field of…firm sustainable, sustainable economic, field sustainable, way sustainable, sustainable developmentfragile, economic, responsible, actor, peace4
dishari.nlconsultancy, advisory services, strategic planning, participatory, development, democratization, human rights, anti human trafficking, minority rights, sustainable development goals, water management, livelihoods, gender, civil society…right sustainable, sustainable developmentparticipatory, advisory, affairs, society, trafficking4
unfoldyourfreedom.nlLearn how to start a sustainable, automated online business that allows you to generate an income online and create a life on your terms.webinar sustainable, sustainable businessfreedom, unfold, income, entrepreneur, educational4
rachelcastillo.nl…to translate her insights from this sector into practical and effective advice for other sectors. I wholeheartedly recommend Rachel to organisations looking for practical and thorough advice to make their undertakings more sustainable.chain sustainable, sustainable business, wage sustainable, sustainable material, consultant sustainableresponsible, supply, chain, responsibility, practical4
projectnomp.nl…innocent daily shopping can become a vast plastic problem in the future. Undergoing the VR experience showed participants how to reduce the amount of bought plastic , which successfully translated into more sustainable real-world choices .successfully sustainable, sustainable real, difficult sustainable, sustainable change, consequence sustainablebehaviour, researcher, waste, consumption, efficacy4
originalhome.nlSuharto, the owner of this design workshop, has a passion for everything that is made out of wood. Together with his team, they select and source the waste materials themselves to ensure the materials have the best quality and are…sustainable productioncandle, waste, cut, craft, lampshade4
adynenetherlands.nl…research services include impact assessment and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions and initiatives. We measure outcomes against predefined objectives, contributing to continuous improvement and sustainable community development.continent sustainable, sustainable development, goal sustainable, significantly sustainable, improvement sustainablecultural, integration, migration, purpose, understand4
beeventgroup.nlSpecial Productions Big Events Multi-Day Internationale specials Let's go Sustainable All Special Eventsspecial sustainable, sustainable specialvenue, hague, region, helpful, insurance4
stemvoormoed.nlWe see a city in transition. Moving towards an energy-neutral and green Maastricht that will benefit all residents. A city with its own energy. This includes an energy policy based on new, sustainable sources of energy owned by the local…creative sustainable, sustainable form, easily sustainable, sustainable affordable, new sustainablemunicipality, citizen, housing, resident, transparent4
verabergshoeff.nlDriven by a desire for continuous learning and growth, I have now started my masters degree in sustainable textiles technologies to expand my knowledge and skills in dyeing, knitting, weaving, and the technology behind textile designs. I…msc sustainable, sustainable textile, degree sustainable, tartan sustainable, sustainable leadershiptextile, weave, wool, wood, chair4
nestra.nlNESTRA is the acronym for “Netherlands Expert Group for Sustainable TRAnsport and Logistics” and is a member of the STC-Group. NESTRA provides high-level consultancy and applied research services in the field of sustainable transport and…group sustainable, sustainable transport, field sustainable, value sustainable, sustainable economicregion, logistics, reference, africa, middle4
vanheugtentours.nlLooking to rent a touring coach in the Netherlands? Van Heugten Tours offers comfortable coaches, tailored at your needs. Fast, accurate and sustainable.driver, accurate, comfortable, fleet, employee4
superninja.nlSuper Ninja believes that sustainable and responsible pest control should be todays’ standard. Effective to remove nuisance, safe for people, pets, and the environment. Due to a lack of sustainable pest control products and as a result of…effective sustainable, sustainable pest, sustainable safe, ninja sustainable, sustainable responsibleeffective, ingredient, innovative, german, rescue4
sjaakvanschie.nlSjaak van Schie BV is a reliable and sustainable business specialized in the supply of high-quality Hydrangea. We supply these profusely flowering pot plants in various growth stages: from cutting to finished product.reliable sustainable, sustainable business, concept sustainable, sustainable seagrassassortment, hydrangea, basket, cut4
bayrli.nlWe saw the need for truly sustainable diapering choices for parents and created the world's most earth and baby friendly reusable products.affordable sustainable, sustainable eco, truly sustainable, sustainable diaperingdiaper, bundle, cloth, reusable, everyday4
ukiyohandmade.nlUkiyo | Local produce clothing for the little ones | Sustainable and limited art pieces | Handmade in the Netherlandsone sustainable, sustainable limitedhandmade, produce, piece, limited, clothing4
versi-watertech.nl…by harnessing the power of Ver satile & Si mple water treatment technologies. As a startup, we are dedicated to developing a groundbreaking technology that promises a sustainable effluent treatment with resource recovery and reuse.technology sustainable, sustainable effluent, shift sustainable, sustainable recyclingtreatment, reuse, mineral, recovery, recover4
companyofgifts.nlAlternative Christmas packages B2b gifts Thanking healthcare colleagues Thank you message nurses Thanking healthcare staff Unique Christmas gift ideas Gift for healthcare workers Letterbox gift Letterbox packages Sustainable Christmas…sustainable package, range sustainable, sustainable product, movement sustainable, sustainable solutionchristmas, package, employee, sustainability, nurse4
garindo.nlDigital solutions solutions for for sustainable sustainable future. future. Join Join our our journey!digitalization sustainable, sustainable social, solution sustainable, sustainable futurestudy, mobility, founder, visual, identity4
welovetheplanet.nlA real eye-catcher for your interior, but also sustainable, environmentally friendly and many times healthier than a normal candle. Sounds almost too good to be true right? Sounds almost too good to be true right? Discover We Love Coconut…natural sustainable, sustainable responsible, sustainable soy, point sustainable, interior sustainableplanet, coconut, candle, spiritual, add4
sagada.nlSAGADA Project design focuses on inspiring, innovative and sustainable design of, among other things, work, consultation and hospitality environments.sustainable design, innovative sustainableinnovative, send, reference, consultation, interior4
menscoaching.nlWe focus daily on mental well-being, sustainable employability and job satisfaction within organisations. With people like you and me.sustainable employability, mental sustainableemployee, employability, stay, satisfaction, mental3
carlamoonen.nlSince 2013 Carla is a Member of the Supervisory Board Corporate Social Responsibility Netherlands. This is the largest sustainable network for companies in Europe.transition sustainable, sustainable social, large sustainable, sustainable networkchair, responsible, executive, chairperson, committee3
nolina.nl…range of products. Not only do we put a great deal of energy into helping our product to grow and thrive, but we also do the same for our colleagues, partners and customers. We all work together to create a sustainable, flourishing future.customer sustainable, sustainable future, leader sustainable, sustainable productiongrower, durability, candy, catalogue3
pascaleleblanc.nlMy key areas of expertise are worker sustainable employability, (social) innovation, intervention research, worker health and well-being, and leadership.innovation sustainable, sustainable employability, teach sustainable, sustainable function, worker sustainableemployability, phd, publication, teach, implementation3
lockoloop.nlprocess. Paper needs a lot of water and chemicals, and glass is energy consuming to produce and recycle. And let’s not forget the environmental cost of transporting it all! Let’s be real: the sustainable single-use packaging does not exist.real sustainable, sustainable singlewaste, bike, packaging, basket, grocery3
impactadvice.nlstrategies for eco-industrial parks, sustainable business parks / organised industrial zones / techno parkspark sustainable, sustainable business, planning sustainable, sustainable citylogistics, analysis, cross, cut, spatial3
climateclaims.nlTrouw newspaper yearly ranks and publishes thé influentials in sustainability in the Netherlands in their "Sustainable top 100". This year Roger Cox, founder and president of The Planet Prosperity Foundation, took second place for winning…netherlands sustainable, sustainable year, spotlight sustainable, sustainable tuesday, september sustainableclimate, prosperity, planet, creature, wellbeing3
amrecycling.nlAchieving project objectives, working safely and a sustainable project location are the ingredients that A&M Recycling can provide for road, rail and hydraulic construction work. Due to our extensive experience in different aspects, no…safely sustainable, sustainable project, accommodation sustainable, sustainable product, importance sustainablewaste, responsible, raw, innovative, effort3
dutchcitydevelopment.nlA high-quality distribution center with the sustainability certificate BREAAM 'Very Good', which stands for the realization of sustainable buildings with minimal environmental impact. Green Square Logistics I is the first sub-project…extremely sustainable, sustainable energy, realization sustainable, sustainable buildinglogistics, square, urban, wish, central3
plasticpromise.nlPlastic Promise is a national platform that lets pioneers share their knowledge and ambitions to reduce the event industry’s use of plastic disposables, and to recycle the remaining disposables in the most sustainable way possible.disposable sustainable, sustainable way, cup sustainable, sustainable choice, plastic sustainablepromise, participant, events, dance, lipton3
2harvest.nltheir own way of working, they inspire me and my work. This way we can create an even more beautiful, fertile and sustainable world collectively. I take great pleasure in helping others to achieve their (green) dreams, growing concepts andfertile sustainable, sustainable world, green sustainable, sustainable healthyharvest, destination, connection, growth, pleasure3
verpact.nlAs of January 1, 2024, Stichting Afvalfonds Verpakkingen has joined forces with Nedvang , The Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV), and Stichting Nederland Schoon ( Supporter van Schoon ). On March 1, we said goodbye to…institute sustainable, sustainable packaging, product sustainable, sustainable choice, improvement sustainablepackaging, declaration, file, install, guide3
shifthydrogen.nlSHIFT is kickstarting the use of hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier by developing a smart, fully integrated energy system for the decentralized production of hydrogen. By intelligently converting excess green energy to hydrogen…hydrogen sustainable, sustainable energy, production sustainable, fully sustainablehydrogen, shift, carrier, decentralized, fully3
hairvisit.nlLooking for a hairdresser and make-up on location or at your home? HairVisit comes by sustainable transport by appointment to your home, hotel, your wedding party, event, TV appearance or theater. HairVisit delivers quality on location.easy sustainable, sustainable affordable, hairvisit sustainable, sustainable transporthairdresser, appointment, bridal, hair, makeup3
grassa.nl…– grass, protein and sugars – to make food for other animals and, in the long run, also for humans. The remaining decomposed grass is a high-quality and sustainable roughage that can be fed in the ration of dairy cattle instead of silage.quality sustainable, sustainable roughage, concept sustainable, sustainable developmentfarmer, grass, protein, dairy, arable3
wageningencampus.nlWageningen Campus provides a meeting place for researchers, new and established entrepreneurs and students active in the field of sustainable and healty food and food production and a healty living environmentfield sustainable, sustainable healtyfacility, entrepreneur, scientific, settle, answer3
biro.nlBirò is the smart, compact electric City Car. Designed to contribute to a liveable and sustainable city and the perfect alternative to the car. The compact dimensions allow you to travel efficiently through busy city traffic. Never be too…smart sustainable, sustainable mobility, liveable sustainable, sustainable citydiscover, busy, battery, permit, alternative3
padelnl.nlPBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.accusamus sustainable, sustainable ennuiwishlist, bag, neck, converse, sweat3
jeroenkoot.nlI support companies innovating and developing a new future. Together with the stakeholders, we develop a strategy, focus on sustainable business growth, secure new financing, and ultimately bring results.process sustainable, sustainable business, strategy sustainable, biocoal sustainable, sustainable replacementrestructuring, scale, packaging, fuel, renewable3
greenevents.nlThere are a huge number of startups that improve the festival sector and make it more sustainable. For the new Festival Sustainability Lab project, Innofest has drawn up a listsector sustainable, sustainable new, festival sustainable, sustainable event, event sustainableago, sustainability, mobility, lab, circular3
sablerollin.nl…2016, I have worked as a consultant, focusing on business model creation and business development for inclusive sustainable development. To this day, I am still active in this sector and wish to expand my expertise to the real drivers ofcreation sustainable, sustainable model, inclusive sustainable, sustainable development, officer sustainableinnovative, creation, cooperation, africa, bag3
owlbee.nlWe are passionate about ethical cosmetics and sustainability. We have a profound respect for everything here on our amazing little planet, and we work hard to bring you sustainable, vegan products :)sustainable bag, hard sustainable, sustainable veganowl, facial, scent, ethical, hair3
pickypeople-kitchen.nlThat’s why we let you give your own twist to the meals we prepare. In a conscious and sustainable way.conscious sustainable, sustainable way, sticker sustainable, sustainable materialkitchen, meal, taste, conscious, cuisine3
fredscorner.nlTucked away against the stunning backdrop of the Svartisen glacier in Northern Norway, Hotel Svart emerges as a beacon of sustainable luxury and architectural innovation. This extraordinary hotel, designed by the world-renowned Snøhetta…beacon sustainable, sustainable luxury, norway sustainable, sustainable arcticwar, mouse, mickey, wallpaper, movie3
shetu.nlWe want to help you turn your business, organisation or project into a sustainable ecosystem. And we intend to do so by being part of it, regardless of the type of project or the project phase that requires attention. That is our primary…project sustainable, sustainable ecosystem, significant sustainable, sustainable solution, continuous sustainableinnovative, cause, continuously, documentation, bridge3
balkanmuziek.nl…of today but also preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. As our understanding of environmental stewardship deepens, plumbing services will continue to play a pivotal role in building a more sustainable future for generations to come.system sustainable, sustainable material, principle sustainable, sustainable plumbing, role sustainableplumbing, efficiency, sustainability, appliance, renewable3
ariebleijenberg.nlEfforts to achieve sustainable mobility saw many illusions and only few successes. Fortunately, the successes were large. In shorthand: policies to force the use of cleaner vehicles and energy, have… Read Moreeffort sustainable, sustainable mobilitymobility, economy, urbanization, infrastructure, climate3
risketeers.nlAre you a Young Professional and would you like to work in the financial sector by organizations like Rabobank or Knab Bank? We offer Talent Development Programs in Risk, Compliance, Data Management and Sustainable finance. If you want to…management sustainable, sustainable financecareer, head, risk, extensive, analysis3
ammanu-led.nlAMMANU produces sustainable, high quality LED lighting to provide every setting with the optimal dynamic lighting, through Tuneable White light. Light up your space to make working more enjoyable, to learn better, live more comfortably…ammanu sustainable, sustainable high, possibility sustainable, sustainable dimmablelighting, dynamic, healthcare, hospitality, hospital3
amundietf.nlThat's why we are fully invested in a constant pursuit for new and better ways to do more for people, planet and performance. If you are looking for a partner to build sustainable, diversified and cost-efficient portfolios, look no…company sustainable, sustainable practice, partner sustainable, sustainable diversifyinvest, fund, climate, thematic, income3
essetavans.nlOn behalf of our staff and students, we wish everyone a welcoming, green and sustainable 2024! It is an important year for our environmental science programme, as after the Summer break we will start our new curriculum. Our current…green sustainable, sustainable new, sustainable importantofficial, staff, environmental, january, exchange3
biopolymers.nlWe offer biobased and biodegradable polymers to substitute petroleum-based plastic applications. Our products are honest and sustainable; based on second generation potato starch. The portfolio consists of full compounds, pre-compounds…honest sustainable, sustainable second, biodegradable sustainable, sustainable productbiodegradable, manufacture, starch, generation, pre3
exclusiveexperience.nlExclusive Experience AG has started in 2007, but was finally incorporated as Ltd company in 2013, the first project was directly related to sustainable development of a service company operating within the digital world and has led to…passionate sustainable, sustainable development, well sustainable, sustainable innovative, directly sustainableexclusive, funding, reference, algae, healthy3
atlasbridges.nlThe Green Muslims, is the leading international organization in the field of Environment and Climate. The Green Muslims is responsible for promoting responsible, sustainable and universal SDGs towards the achievement of the universal 2030…responsible sustainable, sustainable universal, agenda sustainable, sustainable development, development sustainablemorocco, earthquake, moroccan, migration, career3
aplusa-online.nlSustainable governance while assuming responsibility for people, the planet and the climate at the same time. These themes will be addressed by the experts at A+A under the headings of circular economy (packaging and recyclability of…certification sustainable, sustainable producttrade, exhibitor, congress, report, profile3
floatingsolar.nlFloating Solar is an expert and supplier when it comes to robust floating solar parks. As an innovative company, we supply static as well as dynamic solar parks. Our goal is to provide sustainable solutions to generating solar power via…goal sustainable, sustainable solution, plant sustainable, sustainable energyfloat, weather, island, dynamic, static3
eijgenhuijsen.nlLGI Technical Logistics plays an influential role in the sustainable supply chain. We have been setting the standard in transport with far-reaching value added services.pioneer sustainable, sustainable supply, role sustainablelogistics, supply, chain, installation, reverse3
celth.nlBy co-creation, we develop research to help the sector and destinations with knowledge aimed at innovation and sustainable development.innovation sustainable, sustainable developmenttourism, hospitality, destination, conscious, resident3
swapec.nlThis year SWAPEC24 is all about the future of sustainable aviation. Are we able to make the aviation industry more sustainable? In what ways can we improve the industry to reduce emissions? All questions that are now more important than…runway sustainable, sustainable aviation, future sustainable, industry sustainable, sustainable wayprecision, conference, aeronautical, aviation, checkout3
frituurmandfilter.nlThe sustainable Frying Insert Basket prevents the frying oil from quickly becoming polluted. The Frying Insert Basket (also called Frying Insert Basket (FIB)) is placed in the steel frying basket and thus keeps the oil clean and fresh for…dirt sustainable, sustainable filter, reduction sustainable, sustainable fry, organization sustainablebasket, fry, insert, save3
ifund.nlThe ifund Foundation promotes the transition to a sustainable world by helping and supporting innovative ‘social enterprises’ whose entrepreneurs focus on sustainable and local provision of energy , food , water , or resources .transition sustainable, sustainable world, entrepreneur sustainable, sustainable local, veld sustainableresource, investment, seed, growth, background3
sligrofoodgroup.nlStep by step, Sligro Food Group is making progress in making transport more sustainable.tasty sustainable, sustainable innovationrelation, investor, csr, publication, secondary3
themodelshealthpledge.nlCan’t see the wood for the trees anymore? Green, organic, sustainable, vegan, eco, natural…These sustainable terms are thrown around a lot these days. Not so…fashion sustainable, sustainable fashion, organic sustainable, sustainable vegan, natural sustainablepledge, report, misconduct, uncategorized, affordable3
geothermie.nlAbout a quarter of the Dutch heat demand can be met by geothermal energy, or geothermal heat. In greenhouse horticulture, geothermal energy can even meet more than half of the demand for sustainable heat. Geothermal energy in the…availability sustainable, sustainable affordable, demand sustainable, sustainable heat, energy sustainablegeothermal, heat, association, greenhouse, pipe3
polderflora.nlWe would like to contribute to a cleaner world. That's why we only use ecological cleaning products that are biodegradable. Waste is separated into various waste streams. Where possible, waste is reused in order to achieve a beautiful…beautiful sustainable, sustainable designcampsite, walk, cycling, animal, sight3
minamimaastricht.nlSustainable Bento boxen Pokébowls Ramen Bijgerechten Sushiboxen Nigiri Gunkan Temaki Maki Uramaki Dragon roll Taco sushi Extra Desserts Dranken Biersake, uramaki, ebi, roll, california3
wafilinsystems.nlOur membrane filtration technology offers various opportunities to create sustainable dairy processes, extract valuable components and optimize production processes.solution sustainable, sustainable future, opportunity sustainable, sustainable dairymembrane, dairy, circle, consent, beverage3
landgoeddehorst.nlNot only the environment is important. You get more out of your day if you eat tasty and healthy food. Good nutrition contributes to a vital feeling. Our experienced chefs prepare a sustainable, nutritious and delicious buffet every day…proud sustainable, sustainable work, sustainable healthy, chef sustainable, sustainable nutritiouspossibility, overnight, stay, healthy, estate3
boerengroep.nlthe reality and challenges of farmers in the Netherlands and worldwide. In this way we fight for social, just and sustainable food production. We do this by bringing students into the fields and farmers into lecture rooms at the university.social sustainable, sustainable food, passionate sustainable, sustainable agriculture, autonomy sustainableinternship, excursion, farming, campaign, reclaim3
trimpact.nl…tool ( DevSAT ® ) that captures development, research and humanitarian aid projects and interactions with enterprises. It shows the lessons learned and how projects contribute to realising integrated and sustainable development plans .integrate sustainable, sustainable developmentalignment, synergy, earth, integrate, principle3
star.nlAt Star, we’re excited to showcase our exclusive NatureLabs line – a fusion of natural elements and contemporary design. Our stand in Hall 3.0, G50, is not just a display; it’s an experience of sustainable elegance and innovative home…experience sustainable, sustainable elegance, product sustainable, sustainable mutuallylab, turn, csr, catalog, hall3
haavens.nl…By investing smartly in these buildings, we are able to develop high-quality homes that give city centres a sustainable quality boost. And, most importantly, we want to be the kind of landlord that our tenants can count on. Haavens…centre sustainable, sustainable quality, city sustainablecharacteristic, estate, proud, building, historic3
kiyoshi-veenendaal.nlSustainable Sushi sets Nigiri Gunkan en inari Handroll Uramaki Uramaki specials Sushi roll Salades Sashimi Donburi Kushiyaki Teppanyaki Agemono Poké bowls Sauzen Dranken Dessertsuramaki, salmon, tuna, ebi, flambé3
qurato.nlWe help develop policies and strategies for new developments around Energy and eMobility. We define new earnings models for exising business. We take a leading role in sustainable implementations.one sustainable, sustainable model, new sustainable, sustainable business, role sustainablemobility, transition, implementation, flexible, infrastructure3
jeppeb.nlWe can shape our future. And we need to make sure it will be a sustainable and fair one. With Green Tickets I worked on building the travel planner of the future. To call for a global shift towards sustainable transport I organized Sail…sure sustainable, sustainable fair, shift sustainable, sustainable transport, fair sustainableelective, sail, climate, conference, react3
cloudgarden.nlAt Cloud Garden , we believe urbanisation can be done differently. Must be done differently. Without sacrificing nature. In a way that they can co-exist. To give future generations the chance of a sustainable and nature-inclusive way of…chance sustainable, sustainable naturefacade, vertical, movement, biodiversity, inspiration3
agroscientific.nlOur mission is to always adhere to a sustainable and innovative Compost technology to achieve lower environmental impact and high production capacity and flexibility in a well-designed composting system in a very short time.technological sustainable, sustainable reliable, mission sustainable, sustainable innovative, generation sustainablefacility, fertilizer, waste, scientific, operation3
hotelschool.nlBreaking Barriers: Sustainable Hospitality Challenge 2024 Unleashes Innovation Worldwidemodern sustainable, sustainable hotel, barrier sustainable, sustainable hospitalityhospitality, hague, transformation, footer, leader3
waterstofchallenge.nl…10 successful editions across Europe, it is your turn to take part in this unique challenge! Fast Concepts, the sustainable mobility expert, and Twinning Energy, specialized in hydrogen applications, have joined forces to create the…technology sustainable, sustainable future, concept sustainable, sustainable mobilityhydrogen, ride, select, join, road3
alfredhartemink.nlAgriculture and Food Security : The majority of our food comes from soil. Soil research helps understand what makes the soil fertile, how it can be conserved, and how its productivity can be enhanced. This ensures sustainable agricultural…productivity sustainable, sustainable agricultural, planning sustainable, security sustainable, sustainable developmentsoil, unlock, beneath, foot, secret3
timbertek.nldeep from within, finishes that highlight the natural beauty of wood, and top coats that add exceptional clarity and character, Sansin wood protection is designed to deliver eye-catching beauty in a durable and sustainable line of products.beautiful sustainable, sustainable versatile, durable sustainable, sustainable linewood, stain, treatment, proudly, protection3
acid-event.nlTaisa will guide us through LIPTON Teas and Infusions’ transformation to becoming the world’s leading tea business, including its relocation to Amsterdam and how innovation is shaping the company’s role in promoting a healthier and more…healthy sustainable, sustainable world, new sustainable, sustainable nutritiousacid, session, career, chemistry, transition3
cmx2.nlAs Chief Sustainability Officer, Arie van Beek was responsible for integrating all relevant Sustainable Development Goals into the spatial planning and design of the campus. Tangible results include a very low energy demand (for heating…relevant sustainable, sustainable development, concept sustainable, sustainable success, humane sustainablestudy, climate, regional, feasibility, mitigation3
symposiumpowerup.nlDuring the lunch, you can discover even more companies outside the lectures with their sustainable technologies, learn more about Twentes student teams with their innovative implementations of solar, hydrogen or bio energy, or you can…engineering sustainable, sustainable green, order sustainable, sustainable time, lecture sustainablelecture, committee, mechanical, transition, interesting3
orvion.nlAn enthusiastic team of experts: that is Orvion. Professionals with knowledge, vision and decisiveness will make your biological project a success. Solving real problems with sustainable and affordable biotechnology, that is our drive…water sustainable, sustainable live, problem sustainable, sustainable affordable, cost sustainableprofiling, soil, remediation, bacterial, biological3
growy.nlOur Growy House is a source of inspiration. And above all, it’s a place where you can eat tasty, sustainable, healthy, and circular food. Whether its New York, New Delhi, Accra or Amsterdam, a Growy House fits in anywhere.chef sustainable, sustainable fresh, tasty sustainable, sustainable healthyfarm, vertical, salad, herb, microgreen3
ayhoekstra.nlHoekstra's most recent book explores the full water footprint of consumer goods. It guides governments, companies, investors and consumers on how to reduce water footprints where necessary. An inspiring must-read for everyone interested…interested sustainable, sustainable efficient, globalization sustainable, sustainable waterpublication, sustainability, economic, scientist, meat3
immingaberends.nlThe focus and drive of Helena’s work is to bring different approaches together: the economic, the social and the environmental when developing, evaluating and advising on sustainable and policy oriented projects. Helena and her team’s…research sustainable, sustainable strategy, environmental sustainable, sustainable policyenvironmental, economic, aid, government, territory3
vlzs.nlSustainability is important to us and we always act with this in mind. There is no underlying legislation for sustainable demolition. VLZS is certified through SVMS-007. On that basis, sustainable demolition is now embedded in our…legislation sustainable, sustainable demolition, basis sustainable, declaration sustainable, sustainable responsibledemolition, asbestos, removal, division, excavation3
agros-smartfarming.nl…of the Top Sectors programmes: Agri & Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials. AGROS stands for ‘Evolution to sustainable AGRicultural Operation Systems’. The main goal is to develop tools that can support production that is based on…evolution sustainable, sustainable agricultural, production sustainable, sustainable usegreenhouse, dairy, arable, farming, footer3
neighbourly.nlWith over a decade of on-the-ground expertise in social impact programmes, our team helps organisations authentically connect with the communities they serve. We provide strategic guidance and practical support to co-create sustainable…support sustainable, sustainable initiative, year sustainable, sustainable support, commitment sustainablecause, volunteer, charity, positive, resource3
ebberostvantonningen.nlHe plans to publish a book in 2020 on the role of public administration in a transition to a sustainable society. In the past, he released several publications for example ‘prosumptie in local perspective’ and in professional literature…cooperation sustainable, sustainable society, transition sustainable, responsibility sustainable, sustainable worldsummary, society, transition, administration, lecture3
groenemetropoolregio.nlThe Arnhem Nijmegen region is a hotspot for logistics and sustainable mobility solutions. The region is perfectly situated on two European corridors, between the European hinterland and the Netherland’s two most important ports:…sustainable mobility, logistics sustainable, field sustainableregion, metropolitan, mobility, economy, circular3
duneworks.nlWelcome! DuneWorks specializes in the societal aspects of the transition towards an inclusive and sustainable climate.inclusive sustainable, sustainable climatedune, climate, publication, citizen, ssh3
groupdecisionroom.nl…In addition, The Rooflight Company is a member of the Responsible Purchasing Forum and is a Signatory to the Cotswold Natural Stone Charter. This helps them to ensure that they are sourcing sustainable products in their supply chain.company sustainable, sustainable furniture, employee sustainable, sustainable choice, charter sustainableproperty, effective, leader, variety, money3
debaakseaside.nlEnjoy your stay in Noordwijk aan Zee to the fullest: spend the night in one of our 100 comfortable rooms, a few minutes' walk from the beach. All rooms have specially designed beds made of sustainable materials. Watch the sunset on the…proud sustainable, sustainable work, sustainable healthy, bed sustainable, sustainable materialseaside, possibility, stay, encounter, coast3
synkoshadingsolutions.nlMore information about how Synko can create a comfortable and sustainable indoor climate for your project?comfortable sustainable, sustainable live, fabric sustainable, sustainable solution, sustainable indoorreference, textile, climate, comfortable, independent3
okuoffice.nl…based on the philosophy of the original architects; in many cases bringing along materiality and design features, reinvented with current building and design innovation with a focus on creating a dynamic, sustainable office environment.dynamic sustainable, sustainable officeredevelopment, scheme, broad, exciting, dynamic3
todaysteam.nlBever is the outdoor store of the Netherlands and actually of the world. Because you will even meet Bever customers at the top of Kilimanjaro. Today's Team develops communication that focuses on sustainable outdoor adventures.like sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurship, bever sustainable, sustainable today, communication sustainableassignment, quickly, insurance, priority, creativity3
koningbamboe.nlDiscover the perfect symbiosis of nature and functionality with our combination of a privacy screen and a planter, made from sustainable bamboo and corten steel. This product offers a practical and stylish solution for your garden…stylish sustainable, sustainable way, planter sustainable, sustainable bambootable, bamboo, carpet, rack, accessorie3
edbergfashion.nlMaking the fashion sector more sustainable is in full swing and urgently needed. Extending the life of clothing contributes to this and is becoming increasingly important. But how do you create sustainable clothing?sector sustainable, sustainable swing, important sustainable, sustainable clothing, comfortable sustainableclothing, sustainability, destination, interested, qc3
royaltaste.nlThe Fairtrade label helps farmers and workers in developing countries to acquire a better place in the supply chain, so that they can live from their work and invest in a sustainable future.product sustainable, chain sustainable, sustainable professionalization, work sustainable, sustainable futuretaste, climate, neutral, chain, certification3
energyhubaalsmeer.nl…is supplied with cool air to keep its data rooms at the right temperatures. This is a smart partnership with sustainable results, as the carbon reduction is equal to the carbon emissions generated by around 74 homes. The initiative…partnership sustainable, sustainable resultsustainability, successfully, enterprise, watch, timeframe3
energieakkoordmaastricht.nlThe Maastrichts Energie Akkoord (Maastricht Energy Agreement, MEA) lists specific, sustainable activities and agreements between the Municipality of Maastricht and local companies. All agreements were made with the intent to reduce energy…specific sustainable, sustainable activity, emission sustainable, sustainable energy, cost sustainablemeasure, save, municipality, climate, neutral3
h2hub-nh.nlBesides Noord-Holland achieving its own climate objectives, we can also make a substantial contribution to making the energy system throughout the Netherlands and northwest Europe more sustainable. In other words: the challenges for a…europe sustainable, sustainable word, challenge sustainable, sustainable futurehydrogen, region, canal, north, scale3
brightec.nlBrakes Foodservice are a leading foodservice company that value sustainable transport at the heart of our daily operation. That’s why we are delighted to equip BlueSeal air curtains to keep refrigerated air inside our vehicles during…company sustainable, sustainable transport, sustainable future, save sustainable, sustainable energycurtain, vehicle, temperature, refrigerated, manufacturer3
lotusagri.nlLotus Agriconsult BV took a huge step towards sustainable development in the Middle East horticulture sector with the unveiling of 4 hectares of new greenhouses. These Turkish greenhouses are all heated using geothermal technology.positive sustainable, sustainable contribution, step sustainable, sustainable developmentstrategic, horticulture, earth, greenhouse, sustainability3
gymleco.nlGymleco started 1994 from the idea to provide the market with price worthy and sustainable gym equipment. The ambition to produce products of high quality and correct functionality still lives and is a foundation in Gymleco’s business. We…product sustainable, sustainable design, design sustainable, sustainable long, worthy sustainablefunctional, plate, reference, warranty, weight3
frontierventures.nlAquaVest® is the brand name of our innovative software. The AquaVest tool develops transition pathways towards a more sustainable water future and guides investments in water infrastructure.ai sustainable, sustainable future, pathway sustainable, sustainable water, un sustainableventure, climate, resilient, transition, reuse3
h-vision.nlor chemicals production routes, even in future plants. In this case, the H-vision concept could decarbonise these sustainable process gases, thus offering a way to generate negative emissions which is important for achieving Dutch and…production sustainable, sustainable electricity, new sustainable, sustainable energy, concept sustainableclimate, hydrogen, carbon, emission, chemical3
partypill.nlPBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.accusamus sustainable, sustainable ennuipill, stiff, cleanse, origin, commodo3
bohoboetiek.nlThis cute side table is the perfect sidekick to your coffee table or extra to your seating area! Made from reclaimed teak wood, it's sustainable and has tons of character. It's also both stable and durable, two things you want from your…sustainable production, wood sustainable, sustainable tonmirror, stool, wishlist, stock, rattan3
seofeeds.nl…online publishers away from being overly focused on information retrieval and ranking algorithms to focus on the other aspects of publishing which will hopefully paper over SEO issues. Signs of a successful & sustainable website include:successful sustainable, sustainable website, environment sustainable, sustainable competitive, differentiator sustainableengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit3
dipam.nlWith a beautiful craft we transform the honeycombs abandoned by the bees into the most sustainable candles on earth. Dipam bees wax candles are produced in a circular manner without residual waste, and have a wick of eco cotton without…bee sustainable, sustainable candlecandle, ingredient, earth, cheap, ordinary3
h2arvester.nlThis offers a unique opportunity, in addition to large-scale energy production, to contribute at the local and regional level to the energy transition to renewable energy and a sustainable economy. This also includes an improved revenue…energy sustainable, sustainable food, sustainable economyhydrogen, agricultural, crop, locally, panel3
studiowannedoen.nl…you can be sure your fabric was produced with respect for people and the environment. We do our best to find premium quality brands and fabrics in beautiful designs. This way your self-made outfit will both be trendy and sustainable!fashionable sustainable, sustainable fabricfabric, knit, sewing, pattern, cotton3
xmem.nl…reactors. Through innovation and expertise, we provide cutting-edge solutions for complex separation-reaction processes across various industries, making the separation of chemicals a sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective process.chemical sustainable, sustainable efficient, renewable sustainable, sustainable way, separation sustainableseparation, tailor, membrane, carbon, reaction3
dsgr.nlBetween 2005 and 2016 DS Group in cooperation with Triodos Bank and Rabobank, realized many monumental and sustainable projects. In 2011, the project “Koetshuys Erica” was honorably nominated for the annual architectural award of…quality sustainable, sustainable real, efficient sustainable, sustainable residential, monumental sustainablebackground, estate, residential, architecture, healthcare3
villauitzicht.nlAn intensive, complete solution. Sustainable recovery, becoming aware and changing habits result in renewed energy in the work place.solution sustainable, sustainable recoverytreatment, balance, vitality, psychological, head3
bikeminded.nlOur goal is to develop sustainable solutions for your active mobility design challenge, focusing on user experience, system integration and inclusive functionality.smart sustainable, sustainable mobility, goal sustainable, sustainable solutionmobility, bicycle, minded, bike, consulting3
ecoreclame.nlAt Ecoreclame, we're dedicated to providing sustainable advertising solutions that are both eco-friendly and effective. Our eco-friendly marketing through reverse graffiti makes your promotion sustainable and your business practices…dedicated sustainable, sustainable advertising, promotion sustainable, sustainable business, commitment sustainablereverse, moss, technique, advertising, visible3
ojah.nlAlthough consumers worldwide are increasingly supporting the shift towards healthy and sustainable food, many of them stay hesitant to structurally integrate plant-based alternatives in their diets. So what is needed to get this group on…healthy sustainable, sustainable food, sustainable productprotein, manufacturer, taste, ingredient, worldwide3
moleda.nlMoleda sterilizes plants and equipment in the horticulture sector through a controlled temperature cycle using steam. We are sustainable through our technology.moleda sustainable, steam sustainable, sustainable technology, technology sustainable, sustainable plantpure, nursery, grower, breeder, mother3
hempwoodnederland.nlHempWood is made from hemp and is the wood substitute. HempWood possesses the same characteristics but is much more environmentally sustainable.farmer sustainable, sustainable production, plank sustainable, sustainable alternativewood, hemp, block, organic, sustainability3
hubertknulst.nlIt is now time to reconnect with Nature’s network and align our lives, practices, businesses, organisations, institutions and social support systems with Nature’s Principles for a truly sustainable future.truly sustainable, sustainable futuretruly, principle, ambassador, lab, simply3
ijspaleis.nlWe have an eye for the world around us and are nationally and internationally recognised as a sustainable company.internationally sustainable, sustainable companyice, cream, sustainability, oval, pint3
amrathhotels.nlThis is an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsibility for a green world. Green Key 'Gold' contributes to our goals for sustainable tourism at Amrâth Hôtels and shows that it is possible to combine…goal sustainable, sustainable tourism, sustainable stepamrâth, package, wine, fee, official3
connectingeindhoven.nl…communities towards a just peace, he has trained the students at the Peace Engineers School in Ukraine in sustainable peace and NVC, in partnership with PAX, the Netherlands, with the Federal Ministry's support of Foreign Affairs…ukraine sustainable, sustainable peace, way sustainable, sustainable world, relationship sustainablenonviolent, connecting, empathy, arabic, introduction3
add5.nlSuccessful and Sustainable Change that will have a short and long term impact on your businesssuccessful sustainable, sustainable change, center sustainableprofile, partners, head, operation, chief3
stefaniekleimeier.nlMy research focusses on retail banking, syndicated loans, project finance, banking market integration and - most recently - sustainable finance. My work has been published in academic journals including the Journal of Financial…globalisation sustainable, sustainable finance, recently sustainablepaper, publication, pandemic, objective, subjective3
objektstudio.nlExperience sustainable advertisement brought to life by creative maestro, Patrick van Haperen . With a new identity and a crisp website, he empowers brands and organizations on a mission for a better world. Ready to be inspired?clean sustainable, sustainable logistics, success sustainable, sustainable travel, experience sustainableclosely, graphic, positive, wish, identity3
holtburgh.nl…chooses to invest in functionality and cooperation with other parties in the areas where it operates. As a result, our people are constantly working to add sustainable value to real estate projects both in the Netherlands and abroad.holtburgh sustainable, sustainable attractive, constantly sustainable, sustainable value, market sustainablecapital, asset, estate, redevelopment, property3
investinternational.nlTo foster innovative solutions for global challenges and make the necessary investments feasible. Our initial business focus is on five markets in which the Netherlands has a lot to offer: Agri-food, Energy, Healthcare, Sustainable…manufacture sustainable, sustainable lifestyle, healthcare sustainable, sustainable manufactureinvest, government, manufacture, healthcare, career3
debo-timber.nlSustainable forest management means that the plants and animals in the forest are preserved in a healthy way. In addition, the rights of the people who live and work in and around the forest are respected. The felling of trees in…forest sustainable, sustainable forest, certificate sustainable, fair sustainable, sustainable woodtimber, wood, forest, raw, importer3
niefracontrol.nlWe want to be in control of our energy consumption and associated costs, and we want to engage in sustainable business practices.obligation sustainable, sustainable business, cost sustainableed, consumption, possibility, humidity, electricity3
helpkobane.nlWe will do this through supporting initiatives focused on health and education in order to create a just and sustainable society for the future.order sustainable, sustainable societysociety, report, donation, hospital, mean3
lucrativedumpsterdives.nlLucrative Dumpster Dives (LDD) is a cultural foundation developed to connect and inspire organisations and artists alike to create a sustainable and circular art and culture sector. It brings circularity and sustainability from within the…sector sustainable, sustainable circular, alike sustainable, strong sustainable, sustainable venturedive, lucrative, circular, playground, cultural3
kineticconsultancy.nl…Kinetic strengthens insights, operational strength, financial management, commercial performance and internal talent. Kinetic demystifies complexity and unleashes new energy as a catalyst for sustainable and permanent improved results.growth sustainable, sustainable future, catalyst sustainable, sustainable permanentkinetic, traffic, connection, matter, dynamic3
nextgensmarthome.nlSmartech Solutions was founded with the idea of ​​realizing smart technical solutions for everyone. By using technology we make the world around us a bit more sustainable and fun.bit sustainable, sustainable funcharge, lighting, panel, protection, sun3
biomi-nl.nlBio^mi is a collaboration of two architects; Nadia & Lydia. In 2019 they received a grant from Cultuur Eindhoven to do research on biological nano structures to develop sustainable materials for the future. One of the results is this Bio…structure sustainable, sustainable material, nanostructures sustainablestructure, lecture, profile, inspiration, electron3
art-handling.nlDe Wit Art Handling is associated with a large, worldwide network of specialized art transporters. We provide secure, efficient and sustainable transportation of your art and antiques – to every destination thinkable. De Wit Art Handling…climate sustainable, sustainable manner, possible sustainable, sustainable recyclable, efficient sustainablepackaging, handling, arrow, handle, storage3
nordcc.nlResearch project on sustainable batteries receives NOK 100 million grant from the Norwegian governmentproject sustainable, sustainable batterynorwegian, government, grant, battery, million3
altares.nl'Altares Dun & Bradstreet understands the data and the business. Together we will take steps toward the sustainable future.'ethical sustainable, sustainable party, step sustainable, sustainable futurerisk, worldwide, api, compliance, supplier3
landgoedkustlicht.nlSustainable, built with natural materials and fully equipped, you can truly relax here and simply enjoy the surroundings and each other.estate, dune, holiday, surrounding, frequently3
go-experience.nlGO Experience is well aware of the changes needed in the travel industry. To keep the safety and health of our guests and environment in mind, we offer travel services according the governments COVID-19 rules and restrictions and try to…restriction sustainable, sustainable development, well sustainable, sustainable world, healthy sustainablebelgium, luxembourg, incoming, destination, liberation3
rosenthal-interiors.nlNew Design of stand alone sustainable pavilion at Arena Boulevard - Demolition...design sustainable, sustainable pavilionarchitecture, cosmetic, interior, pure, pavilion3
cees.nlFrom our offices in The Hague, Naaldwijk and Delft, we work on legal challenges in corporate law, insolvency law, property law, employment law and IP, IT and privacy law, with a focus on horticulture and sustainable energy.horticulture sustainable, sustainable energylaw, property, insolvency, lawyer, employment3
racebaanexpert.nlIn 2023 it is important for consumers that products are sustainable. This certainly also applies to toys. At Racebaan Expert we also value great importance to this and this is certainly one of the reasons that we chose Carrera products.racetrack sustainable, sustainable choice, product sustainable, sustainable certainlyevolution, spare, accessorie, axle, tire3
realresult.nlPurchasing is about so much more than just the price. With you, we like to go looking for the best deal. This is inextricably linked to the desired quality and service level and your sustainability ambitions. It is our mission to help you…tailor sustainable, sustainable purchase, mission sustainable, sustainable result, trading sustainablepurchase, hospitality, procurement, kitchen, sustainability3
hextravel.nlHEX Travel staff has completed the GSTC training programme, for sustainable tourism. Let us help you to make sustainable choice when visiting The Netherlands. When you see this green heart in our offers, you know you have made a…goal sustainable, sustainable alternative, programme sustainable, sustainable tourism, tourism sustainablehex, sustainability, visit, interest, destination3
robuusthypotheken.nl…of one of abovementioned countries. As an expat, you can borrow a maximum of 100% of the market value of the residential property you wish to purchase and 106% if you also want to make it more sustainable immediately after purchase.property sustainable, sustainable immediately, sustainable measuremortgage, expat, property, residence, residential3
sutty.nlcoherent. gentle. fast. accessible. visible. invulnerable. ecological. sustainable. collaborativeecological sustainable, sustainable collaborative, sutty sustainable, sustainable ecologicalpricing, visible, ecologist, collective, accessible3
novaconnect.nlNova Connect is the strategic partner of Europe’s ambitious SME’s when it comes to government grants. Together we work towards a more sustainable and innovative society.grant sustainable, sustainable innovative, sme sustainable, build sustainable, sustainable grantconnect, grant, government, funding, leader3
wintergardenfestival.nl…way you might be separating plastic at home: we separate our festival cups from other plastic materials. At our festival this is the most sustainable way of working, and you will also be sure to always have a fresh, clean cup in your hand.festival sustainable, sustainable way, scene sustainable, visitor sustainableentrance, parking, wheelchair, accessible, visitor3
ilovesushizoetermeer.nlSustainable Special box VIP box selection Nigiri Hosomaki Futo maki Gunkan Soft shell rolls Appetizers Temaki handroll Uramaki Uramaki Outside crispy rolls Fried crispy rolls Sashimi Pokébowls Sauzen Bubble tea Drankenroll, sake, ebi, crispy, california3
coverworksgroup.nlWe consider collaboration extremely important and supply high-quality products to improve people’s lives. We also recognise the necessity for continuous renewal for a sustainable future.innovative sustainable, sustainable project, renewal sustainable, sustainable future, product sustainablecover, textile, upholstery, specialize3
leidenbioscienceparkprojects.nlContribute to a healthy living environment with sustainable buildings and area developmentenvironment sustainable, sustainable building, sustainable initiativehousing, building, diversity, recreational, practical3
sidewalks.nlWe are committed to sustainable tourism that approaches us with the real life of Amsterdam. You will find tours that harmonize an authentic and connected experience with one of the world’s most charismatic and visited cities.respectful sustainable, sustainable way, sustainable tourism, commit sustainablewar, countryside, historic, boat, explore3
oneness-rising.nlWe Build and Live in Unity with Nature, Sustainable and Energy Efficient You as Future resident Submits a Building Plan after the intake interview. You can teach to the Young People and Guests of Oneness Rising themselves about the…society sustainable, sustainable profession, nature sustainable, sustainable energyoneness, sing, rise, guest, alternative3
differ.nlAt DIFFER, we are carrying out groundbreaking fundamental research on energy. Our research focuses on two major energy themes: research into fusion energy as a clean, safe and sustainable energy source and research into the conversion and…global sustainable, sustainable energy, safe sustainable, storage sustainablediffer, facility, fuel, fusion, fundamental3
sleepwellness.nl…experience more control over sleep, sleep better and experience more energy and pleasure in daily life. The workshop Sleep & Vitality! fits perfectly within a vitality program and promotes the sustainable employability of the participants.program sustainable, sustainable employability, intervention sustainable, sustainable processsleep, vitality, employee, therapy, session3
bolenius-restaurant.nl…and this year the restaurant was one of the first to receive a Green Michelin Star, for being a frontrunner in sustainable cuisine. As flagship restaurant of the Dutch Cuisine-movement, Bolenius wants to celebrate Dutch produce in all…vegetable sustainable, sustainable fish, frontrunner sustainable, sustainable cuisine, model sustainabletable, cuisine, flagship, dining, vegetable3
nutrocorp.nlOur natural products contribute to increasing SUSTAINABLE, HEALTHY and SAFE food production and to achieving the Sustainable Develop-ment Goals of the United Nations.product sustainable, sustainable healthy, production sustainable, sustainable develophealthy, meat, poultry, fact, egg3
soventure.nlEntrepreneurship - and in particular business growth - is something that's close to my heart. In business, this translates as advising senior management about business development, international expansion and export. In the public sector…client sustainable, sustainable economic, focus sustainable, sector sustainableeconomic, interest, africa, mention, entrepreneurship3
vespo.nlThroughout the world, we are setting global sustainable development objectives by focusing on sustainable raw materials, production and consumption, and – it goes without saying – good working conditions.sustainable product, global sustainable, sustainable development, objective sustainable, sustainable rawtextile, tail, loyalty, entire3
bamboemarketing.nlOur mission is to accelerate the sustainable revolution. We do this by finding people with sustainable ideas and businesses and then helping them grow as bamboo!world sustainable, sustainable build, moment sustainable, sustainable revolution, energy sustainablebamboo, steady, revolution, appointment, potential3
groentetasutrecht.nlWhen you order a vegetable bag, you make a small but meaningful contribution to promote sustainable food systems. Our vegetables are all grown as locally as possible, meaning that they are grown at the very least in the Netherlands, but…contribution sustainable, sustainable food, consumer sustainable, sustainable equitable, farmer sustainablerecipe, waste, farmer, vegetable, serve3
discoveritaly.nlFingerstache microdosing kickstarter, migas occupy sartorial ennui sustainable green juice cardigan farm-to-table offal. Authentic kale chips everyday velit auctor…ennui sustainable, sustainable greenitaly, discover, soul, shark, catfish3
adnanlederwaren.nlAdnan Lederwaren is the answer to your search for the most trusted custom leather goods maker near me. We use a wide range of full-grain cow, goat, and buffalo leather from our own tannery which is certified for sustainable production. We…tannery sustainable, sustainable productionbag, leather, woman, jacket, manufacturer3
nowfarmer.nlAgroecology is the application of ecological concepts and principles to the development of sustainable farming systems. With the focus on soil conservation and rehabilitation, the integration of crop diversity, improved water efficiency…development sustainable, sustainable farming, august sustainable, sustainable farmfarmer, sustainably, farm, farming, soil3
ittsc.nlITTSC is a trusted consulting firm dedicated to helping individuals and businesses expand their operations globally and establish sustainable generational wealth structures. We - together with our partners - understand that each client…globally sustainable, sustainable generational, success sustainabletrust, structure, wealth, trade, tax3
matrixconsultancy.nlPress release – Mobi Mushrooms Rhenen, November 8, 2023 — The mushroom is a beautifully sustainable and healthy product and now…country sustainable, sustainable goal, beautifully sustainable, sustainable healthymushroom, consumer, healthy, producer, bridge3
wildeganzen.nl…proposal, we commit 50% of additional funding to the Dutch partner‚Äôs fundraising. In addition, we provide in-depth technical assistance and expertise to ensure the initiatives are implemented in a smart, responsible and sustainable way.responsible sustainable, sustainable philanthropic, sustainable waywilde, initiative, inequality, resource, poverty3
foodtrend.nl…larger volumes, while the other is capable to produce small volumes in all kind of different packagings (tailor made concepts). Innovation and sustainability are the key-drivers that contribute to our sustainable and ambitious growth plan.driver sustainable, sustainable ambitious, healthy sustainable, sustainable productsustainability, factory, contribution, chain, madagascar3
hydrology.nlIntensifying water constraints threaten food security and nutrition. Thus, urgent action is needed to make water use in agriculture more sustainable and equitable. Irrigated agriculture remains by far the largest user of freshwater, but…agriculture sustainable, sustainable equitableclimate, hydrology, groundwater, publication, flood3
ecuafina.nlEcuaFina is committed to introducing the world to sustainable Ecuadorian products . One of its core values ​​is to actively contribute to the local community. That's why EcuaFina, along with its r...ecuafina sustainable, sustainable brand, world sustainable, sustainable ecuadorianblanket, pillow, native, wool, authentic3
evignet.nlPBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.accusamus sustainable, sustainable ennuigrid, bag, slider, cover, woman3
sensaciones.nlSharing insights. Giving new perspective(s). Enabling sustainable change. Creating together. Building new ways towards a happy future.new sustainable, sustainable change, responsibility sustainable, sustainable initiative, customer sustainableparticipant, youngster, hague, institution, objective3
arsenalautomotive.nlsolely and specifically developed for a particular model for a sustainable futuremodel sustainable, sustainable futurebespoke, demand, specifically, alloy, particular3
nicolebakker.nlNicole is very knowledgeable, investigates topics in detail, and presents the findings in a creative and clear way. For example, we now have an interactive dashboard for sustainable road transport. How cool is that?! She’s also led our…material sustainable, sustainable circular, organization sustainable, sustainable change, dashboard sustainablecircular, economy, entrepreneurship, sustainability, holistic3
edsp.nlThe EDSP ECO foundation is a non-profit organization and works together with scientists and public & private organisations to develop innovative, durable and sustainable technologies and solutions for the transition towards a circular…durable sustainable, sustainable technology, actual sustainable, sustainable durablerobotic, climate, environmental, forest, responsible3
marketwaysglobal.nlMGT also offers other significant business lines in order to meet our valued customers needs, and fulfill their high demands, especially in the North African countries. Due to that, we have built a reliable, and sustainable network of…reliable sustainable, sustainable network, product sustainable, sustainable reliable, commitment sustainabletrading, supplier, sugar, milk, north3
fractiesam.nlTogether with JongRES and the municipality of Tilburg, we are taking action to make student houses more sustainable. This action is called REScue013! How does ithouse sustainable, sustainable actioncouncil, calendar, initiative, aiesec, abroad3
alkapower.nlWe are providing Governments & its utility companies with long term renewable energy directions based on a sustainable and predictable electrical power concept. Our successful collaborations not only enable a lasting legacy of renewable…direction sustainable, sustainable predictable, chain sustainable, sustainable solution, aim sustainablehold, successful, legacy, renewable, government3
circularcycling.nlOur book provides the best resource to understand how sustainable the cycling industry currently is, and how to implement circular business models.waste sustainable, sustainable finite, resource sustainable, sustainable cycling, development sustainablecircular, cycling, revolution, sustainability, gain3
bytt.nlCreate sustainable experiences that help organizations achieve their business goals.responsible sustainable, sustainable innovativethink, audiovisual, optimal, target, appointment3
computerpraat.nlKremlin Confirms Korea Le : Embrace eco-friendly practices all through a sustainable landscappractice sustainable, sustainable landscaplorem, sit, amet, dolor, elit3
ugoo.nlACCSYS TECHNOLOGIES: Accsys Technologies' sustainable wood products are made possible in part by the WBSO. Read everything about their acetylation process!subsidy sustainable, sustainable project, technology sustainable, sustainable woodsubsidy, innovative, funding, sustainability, block3
rosavanderveen.nl…to be useful in navigating todays’ complex societal challenges. My drive is to support societal transformational processes within these contexts, to move towards more sustainable, humane, nuanced and equal practices in our everyday lives.alternative sustainable, sustainable way, result sustainable, sustainable social, context sustainableder, publication, transformation, identity, perspective3
benoa.nlBenoa provides sustainable, high quality furniture for a fair price. Our collection reflects the latest trends and seasons, but its design is timeless. In producing our furniture, we use recycled wood wherever possible. By…sustainable production, benoa sustainable, sustainable high, sustainable futuretable, wooden, cabinet, antique, chair3
newbehavior.nlChain Integration at this retailer improved the integrated margin in a sustainable waymargin sustainable, sustainable way, change sustainablebehavior, behavioral, excellence, scale, specialism3
pickthisup.nlTo make every PickThisUp transport as sustainable as possible take place, we offer the opportunity to reduce your CO2 emissions to compensate for delivery. For every 5 euro contribution we are letting one tree being planted by the Trees…increasingly sustainable, transport sustainable, sustainable possiblecourier, auction, tree, road, invoice3
ssamm.nlWe help organizations and professionals optimizing their Asset & Maintenance Management processes by sharing knowledge with our educational programs by SSAMMEducation and research partner Sustainable Asset Managementpartner sustainable, sustainable assetmaintenance, asset, risk, framework, educational3
dutchsuperyachttechcampus.nlCONTRACTORS AREA By bringing together a diverse range of companies involved in building and maintaining yachts within a single location, maximize your efficiency through streamlined travel, transportation, and sustainable practices.transportation sustainable, sustainable practice, identity sustainablesustainability, craftsmanship, yacht, superyacht, shipyard3
wvanderzwan.nl…healthy, nutritious, high-quality fish. We do so by catching, processing and distributing fish in an efficient, sustainable and responsible way. With respect for the environments in which we operate. In doing so, we help meet the growingefficient sustainable, sustainable responsible, affordable sustainable, sustainable source, expertise sustainablefish, sustainability, healthy, der, protein3
muntersconsulting.nl…through involvement of the private sector. Gradually the operations expanded and started including also innovative solutions for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Notably in sustainable hydropower development and water governance.notably sustainable, sustainable hydropower, energy sustainable, innovative sustainableconsulting, cooperation, effective, advisory, economic3
baselearning.nl…the manager has also increasingly become a knowledge manager. And that can sometimes be quite difficult. We are happy to help you develop the right skills to achieve sustainable returns from the knowledge and skills of the employees.skills sustainable, sustainable return, reliable sustainable, sustainable content, case sustainablebase, employee, teacher, effectively, efficiently3
cadeo.nlAll our partners and gifts are selected based on their impact. This can be either sustainable production of the gifts, Dutch design or for example locally produced. Making the world a better place, one gift at the time.impact sustainable, sustainable development, company sustainable, sustainable gift, sustainable productionrecipient, easily, catalog, locally, digitally3
bevon.nlSimplicity and transparency: two pillars for sustainable success of any organization.insight sustainable, sustainable success, transparant sustainable, sustainable partnership, pillar sustainableoperation, pragmatic, successful, effective, transparent3
smartport.nlThis Roadmap makes the Rotterdam port area a leader in smart logistics: transport chains are sustainable, reliable and efficient and Rotterdam is a hub in the global logistics network…optimally sustainable, sustainable petrochemical, chain sustainable, sustainable reliablelogistics, port, infrastructure, electrification3
unicafoundation.nlThe Unica Foundation supports aid projects in developing countries by sharing its knowledge and expertise in the field of (sustainable) technology in a structural and sustainable way with the local population. The foundation has already…field sustainable, sustainable technology, structural sustainable, sustainable way, solution sustainablepublication, technique, responsibility, preparation, progress3
dutchacaservices.nlOur programme was called re-focusing sustainable best practice in higher education management: the case for Ghana and The Netherlands. Dutch Academic Services cooperated with ICLON. The programme was well organised at short notice. We…programme sustainable, sustainable goodacademic, programme, educational, reform, educator3
nextlevelams.nl…training and bespoke nutritional advice- everything we offer has been carefully tested over more than a decade in the field, to ensure the results you achieve are not only impressive in the short term- but also sustainable for life.short sustainable, sustainable life, result sustainable, sustainable newshape, transformation, healthy, definitely, extremely3
smits-groep.nlThe family business Smits strives towards long-term continuity and continuously invests and develops sustainable business solutions without compromising the historical value of the estate.continuously sustainable, sustainable businesspig, estate, farming, agriculture, residual3
thesupplychangerinbulk.nlWe at Van den Bosch all love what we do every day. That’s why we are so proud of our industry and our perspective on it. We’ll never tire of talking about it. Our passion for smart, innovative and sustainable solutions is irresistible…positive sustainable, sustainable dependable, innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, sustainable reliablelogistics, quantity, supply, reliable, chain3
logistiekbereikbaar.nlMaking a profit while ensuring corporate social responsibility really is possible! If you also have big ambitions for smart, sustainable logistics, Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar offers solutions for:smart sustainable, sustainable logisticslogistics, freight, secondary, mile, viable3
vidalco.nlOne of our sustainable solutions is our prefab underfloor heating. VIDALCO Prefab modules are the answer to circular, industrial and modular construction. The VIDALCO Prefab modules have several advantages for both the end user and the…new sustainable, sustainable standard, innovative sustainable, sustainable partnerheating, installation, underfloor, traditional, sustainability3
x-air.nlThis sustainable solution involves a unique connection between greenhouse technologies and the environmental circumstances. Data, Artificial Intelligence and the new Dalsem AIR Semi-Closed System are the key features in order to realise…solution sustainable, sustainable greenhouse, growth sustainable, sustainable mannergreenhouse, grow, package, screen, growth3
theoutdoorstore.nlPBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.accusamus sustainable, sustainable ennuibag, woman, clothing, sit, amet3
greenstayn.nlMy name is Rick van der Linden and I am a sustainability expert and Zoho Creator developer. My focus is on Life Cycle Assessment, sustainable product design, and helping companies make more sustainable choices across all aspects of their…assessment sustainable, sustainable product, company sustainable, sustainable choice, asset sustainablesustainability, precision, integration, connectivity, seamless3
dare-nl.nl…goal of DARE-NL is to accelerate clinical testing of novel ATMPs for cancer patients to ensure timely and sustainable access to potentially curative treatment options for cancer patients. To reach this goal, DARE-NL was funded by…timely sustainable, sustainable accessdare, patient, annual, treatment, cancer3
blockrock.nl…and quickly respond to cyber incidents. CPF is a globally operating consulting firm specialising in defining and solving complex strategic business challenges related to digital safety, cyber security and sustainable software development.forefront sustainable, sustainable retail, innovation sustainable, sustainable competitive, security sustainableepisode, favorite, proudly, innovative, conference3
hz.nlFrom culture to sports to sustainable initiatives: at HZ, you are part of a vibrant community!sport sustainable, sustainable initiativeprogramme, apply, study, exchange, admission3
scnet.nl…customer drives needing service. Remanufacturing is an application of a circular supply chain that, combined with Lean, focuses on minimizing negative environmental impacts. This is an important starting point to becoming sustainable.supply, chain, sew, circular, discussion3
decirculaireweg.nlThe partner programme “The Circular Road” is investigating possibilities of boosting and accelerating circularity in the infrastructure sector. In a truly sustainable infrastructure sector, consumption of raw materials is minimal and…truly sustainable, sustainable infrastructure, overijssel sustainable, sustainable roadroad, circular, infrastructure, circularity, municipality3
desch.nlDesch Catalogue The new sustainable standard Epla colour card Colour Your Story Magazines D-Grade BIO Productinformation videosnew sustainable, sustainable standard, sustainable traytray, planet, catalogue, pack3
friquez.nl…premium products that are both good(s) for your health and eco-friendly. Whether it concerns product development or product launches, the sustainable use of organic resources is and always will be a key factor to determine our involvement.launch sustainable, sustainable use, success sustainable, sustainable relationship, product sustainablehealthcare, promotion, responsibility, organic, telephone3
asenne.nlOur founder Connie Klijn stands for everything Asenne breathes. In every little detail is her passion, love and attention for Asenne. Our meditation cushions are the first products that she designed with love. Sustainable materials…work sustainable, sustainable beautiful, love sustainable, sustainable materialmeditation, cushion, seed, add, locally3
circlecollective.nlFinding sustainable alternatives for clothing can be challenging. Circle aims to guide you in your sustainable fashion journey in a fun, interactive and inspiring way. Our social marketplace helps you in finding a multitude of conscious…circle sustainable, sustainable fashion, ethical sustainable, sustainable jewellerycircle, collective, jewelry, bag, treasure3
boltit.nl…Brain thinks integrally, connects knowledge internally and externally, with you. You therefore achieve the desired IT results and sustainable results. You are guaranteed to achieve your business goals within expected timeframes and costs.externally sustainable, sustainable result, strong sustainable, sustainable overall, overview sustainableunlimited, strategic, landscape, declaration, ambitious3
gearworks.nlBuilding a sustainable future together with GEAR Works. ? Then leave your details here!gear, staff, worker, skilled, metal3
sierdisposables.nlSier Disposables is the creative specialist in the field of sustainable disposables. With the right disposables, you can take your food presentation to a higher level.field sustainable, sustainable disposable, attractive sustainable, sustainable sup, bowl sustainablecatalog, assortment, paper, wood, cutlery3
subscribe.nlStrategy, Product Development and sustainable Growth for content subscription businesses.development sustainable, sustainable growth, quick sustainablesubscribe, subscription, growth, successful, globally3
martlubbers.nl2023-11-27 — Sustainable Software Engineering for the Internet of Things ( BENEVOL 2023 )programming, task, oriented, till, thesis3
yinner.nlYinner guarantees a sustainable match by future-proof candidates that can adapt to tomorrows work.sustainable match, yinner sustainable, organization sustainable, sustainable waytomorrow, role, candidate, hire, proof3
afgc.nlThe Academy for Global Challenges is a network organization that aims to educate and empower individuals who seek knowledge, commitment and action to address the challenges presented by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted…fix sustainable, sustainable business, pilot sustainable, sustainable long, agenda sustainableeconomy, circular, transformation, lab, chain3
bctn.nl…from our terminals to the seaports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Zeebrugge. Water transport is not only a more sustainable, but also a more cost efficient way of transporting goods. Because our customers are largely located within a…transport sustainable, sustainable cost, nature sustainable, sustainable solution, way sustainableinland, agreement, saving, barge, storage3
kozijnenloods.nlPBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.accusamus sustainable, sustainable ennuisit, amet, dolor, ipsum, lorem3
mrsjansen.nlWe are 2 girls (well woman actually), who believe in an honest and sustainable future for our kids. What we also love is fashion and interior design. Mix this with a business background, and you have "Mrs Jansen Agency".honest sustainable, sustainable future, beautiful sustainable, sustainable kidkid, catalog, girl, toy, trade3
hydroware.nlOur vision at Hydroware is inspired by circular economy. We want to be involved in building long-term sustainable lift solutions where good finances are combined with everything being reusable or recycled.people sustainable, sustainable future, term sustainable, sustainable liftmanage, uk, ltd, dit, wij3
washandgolaundry.nlIt is our ambition to contribute to a sustainable society by shared use of our equipment and recycling of our devicesmanage sustainable, sustainable service, sustainable professional, ambition sustainable, sustainable societywash, laundry, payment, cycle, manage3
janusvaten.nlPackaging is sustainable recycled at the end of its life cycle . Then, the raw materials are used to make new industrial packaging.product sustainable, sustainable lasting, packaging sustainable, sustainable endpackaging, head, steel, industrial, tight3
ecolution.nlThere has been a palpable shift toward the adoption of sustainable design practices and with our choices now entwined with environmental and social responsibility, the companies that design using a sustainable mindset are at the forefront…boundaries sustainable, sustainable innovative, adoption sustainable, sustainable design, company sustainableresource, economy, circular, acoustic, sustainability3
bloemactief.nlWe're committed to providing you with the very best in sustainable quality for an affordable price.good sustainable, sustainable qualityflower, variety, constantly, grower, quantity3
desosa.nlThe following essay details different approaches taken by Ripple to attain progress that not only satisfies the stakeholders but is also sustainable. The article examines Ripple’s strategies that make sure that they achieve environmental…ripple sustainable, sustainable development, stakeholder sustainable, sustainable articlearchitecture, architectural, variability, analysis, debt3
ufl-swol.nlMaastricht University is one of the world’s best universities, and our scientists, researchers and students work on the further and sustainable development of our society for future generations every day.progress sustainable, sustainable development, student sustainable, worldwide sustainable, sustainable worldfund, study, dinner, scholarship, programme3
joyplant.nlPot plant nursery Joy Plant has already been making the company and products sustainable for a long time. Using solar panels we can produce our own power for the business. We use as little gas as possible by growing in warm conditions…green sustainable, product sustainable, sustainable longjoy, assortment, healthcare, sustainability, juice3
mytofu.nlLooking to learn more about sustainable protein and its potential impact on the environment? Look no further than our comprehensive guide! This article delves intosource sustainable, sustainable proteintaste, flavor, flavour, ingredient, buy3
demcon-unmanned.nl…and sustainability principles, signify the future of marine operations. Their capacity to autonomously navigate diverse marine conditions, combined with their sustainable efficiency, sets a benchmark in maritime technological solutions.clarion sustainable, sustainable future, safety sustainable, sustainable praxis, conditions sustainableunmanned, naval, shipyard, vessel, maritime3
atomic-interim.nlThe exclusive community of interim executives and senior experts in the fields of Regulatory Change, Finance, Risk, Compliance, Sustainable Finance and Data.compliance sustainable, sustainable financeatomic, regulatory, risk, compliance, exclusive3
lowcarboninitiative.nlWith this slogan we, a group of academics concerned about our carbon footprint, kicked off our Low Carbon Travel Initiative at Eindhoven University of Technology. This is a first step in making TU/e work travel more sustainable. This blog…travel sustainable, sustainable blog, fully sustainable, sustainable travel, tu sustainablecarbon, initiative, conference, train, resource3
sushivega-zaltbommel.nlSustainables Sushi boxen Specials Uramaki Poké bowls Crispy rolls Sashimi Nigiri Hosomaki Futo maki Temaki Bijgerechten Extra's Drankenroll, ebi, salmon, soft, tuna3
nauticcapital.nlWith its participations, acquisitions and investments, Nautic Capital focuses on the nautical sector in a broad sense. This includes nautical leisure companies, sustainable marina concepts, water logistics companies, nautical real estate…eye sustainable, sustainable development, company sustainable, sustainable marinacapital, boat, nautical, estate, investment3
aquaculture-solutions.nlVan Arkel Aquaculture Solutions can offer you complete or partial designs for fish farms and RAS systems. Energetic and biological measurements is a service Van Arkel also provides. With these products and services Van Arkel delivers the…good sustainable, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable farming, way sustainable, sustainable efficientaquaculture, reference, fish, hold, efficient3
woolandwater.nlHello, I'm Alice. I knit unique Bow Ties and Suspenders, Ties and Mini Bow Ties in natural, sustainable fibres from my garden studio in Amsterdam, especially for you.quality sustainable, sustainable yarn, natural sustainable, sustainable fibrebow, wool, wedding, worldwide, bundle3
wevaproject.nlBy pooling our strengths, this hydrogen-powered vessel comes into existence. This gives a sustainable boost to the Dutch manufacturing industry. Together, we can demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen. This project can be the…existence sustainable, sustainable boost, fully sustainable, sustainable circularemission, inland, hydrogen, waterway, vessel3
gdeurope.nlG&D Europe offers a complete service to get sustainable products into the Chinese market. We support you across the entire business supply chain, from logistics and export to marketing, branding and distribution. Should you require…service sustainable, sustainable product, partner sustainable, sustainable relationship, organic sustainablelogistics, distribution, combination, dairy, organic3
joostvankasteren.nl“Smallholders in Africa are constantly on the verge of existence. They don't just live; they survive. Sustainable intensification of agriculture increases productivity, and hence the viability of those smallholders,” says Agnes Kalibata…existence sustainable, sustainable intensificationagriculture, doubt, alternative, fertiliser, africa3
missionfreight.nlOur compliance defines the commitments Mission Freight undertakes with regard to our core values, code of ethics, environmental responsibility and sustainable development.responsibility sustainable, sustainable developmentfreight, road, ocean, forwarder, logistics3
fjildlab.nlWithin the Fjildlab: the field laboratory for strengthening the circular economy and a sustainable agricultural sector in Northeast Fryslân, sustainable agriculture-related issues such as globalization, climate change, salinisation and…economy sustainable, sustainable agricultural, fryslân sustainable, sustainable agriculture, regionally sustainablenortheast, regional, landscape, region, laboratory3
aannemersbedrijf-gld.nlLet your exterior facade shine again! Our expert team is ready for professional crack repair. A sustainable solution for an attractive facade.repair sustainable, sustainable solution, project sustainable, sustainable constructionroof, panel, flat, repair, leakage3
edibo.nlProduction and industry Food sector Automotive Pharma and petrochemicals Office building Retail and services Logistics Business units and SME units Sustainable energy Sports and recreationunit sustainable, sustainable energyindustrial, sme, petrochemical, recreation, logistics3
chairofthefuture.nlOn behalf of various organizations, we urge you to prioritize a sustainable future in your decision-making processes . To support you in this endeavor, we have created a representative symbol as a constant encouragement and reminder at…organization sustainable, sustainable future, truly sustainable, reminder sustainablechair, decision, sustainability, initiative, table3
greenfabrics.nlGreen Fabrics exists to change the way people consume fashion by creating radical transparency for individual pieces of clothing with our digital product passport. It is our vision that transparency is the first step towards a more…step sustainable, sustainable fashion, fashion sustainable, sustainable way, responsible sustainablepassport, consumer, transparency, decision, inform3
vwld.nlVolkerWessels Logistics Development and Delta Development are starting the construction of Rollema's sustainable new home.efficient sustainable, sustainable design, rollema sustainable, sustainable new, project sustainablelogistics, rent, property, sustainability, requirements3
jellekedenooy.nl…informative Green Papers (SHOP) and blogs. Anything orange is for transition; green refers to agroecology and sustainable food systems. As a ' catalyst ' I offer my support to realise the change, as speaker, author, facilitator and…transition sustainable, sustainable production, ecology sustainable, sustainable food, agroecology sustainablecatalyst, transition, agriculture, normal, ecology3
renteh.nlRenteh position itself as technology integrator and investor. Our competitive advantage is local knowledge and expertise, global cutting edge technologies and financing. From sustainable business idea to fully permitted project and…renteh sustainable, sustainable business, finance sustainableefficiency, industrial, principle, carbon, waste3
nflux.nlThese themes translate our mission: making society sustainable and resilient. They are inextricably intertwined and are central to our work.circular sustainable, sustainable future, society sustainable, sustainable resilienttransition, climate, raw, motion, municipality3
caffeinc.nlOur biorefinery turns spent coffee grounds into valuable resources for sustainable products that fit a conscious lifestyle. We produce coffee oil, coffee blocks and colorants, bringing a total waste stream solution. With our process and…resource sustainable, sustainable product, launch sustainable, sustainable suitcaffe, resource, oil, block, colorant3
mrsushiijsselstein.nlSustainable Fancy dinner Special boxen Sushi boxen Poké bowls Sashimi Nigiri Hosomaki Uramaki Specials Season special Futo maki Temaki Crispy rolls Bites & extra's Drankenroll, salmon, soft, ebi, tuna3
universiteitvanhetnoorden.nlFrom linear to circular, from care to positive health, from fossil fuels to sustainable energy, and from analogue to digital;…group sustainable, sustainable polymer, conversation sustainable, sustainable transformation, fuel sustainablenorth, het, transition, driver, northern3
ourneweconomy.nlONE was founded in 2017 under the umbrella of the Sustainable and Solidary Economy Platform ( Platform DSE ). Collaborating with students from Rethinking Economics Netherlands, we secured initial funding and started chipping away at…solidary sustainable, sustainable economy, umbrella sustainable, sustainable solidary, landscape sustainableeconomy, economic, think, theory, framework3
ebexsa.nlYour partner to help you grow as a company in a sustainable way using the latest marketing techniques and business flow optimization!company sustainable, sustainable way, solution sustainable, sustainable marketingoptimization, technique, efficient, imprint, growth3
deividas.nl…of Himachal Pradesh. A series of components, techniques, systems and principles de nes a new concept of sustainable, modular architecture, flexible, self-sufficient with an accurate proportion between embodied energy, carbon footreflection sustainable, sustainable future, concept sustainable, sustainable modular, design sustainablemonastery, steel, architectural, worldwide, mockup3
inspiratie-inc.nlAn international, sustainable and circular village on two hectares of land in Oosterwold (Almere), with three residential buildings and a community building with restaurant. A place where people can visit, but also live, work and, above…social sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurship, inclusive sustainable, sustainable society, international sustainablecooperative, citizen, participant, society, objective3
goodfish.nlDuring the corona crisis we have developed two sustainable fish boxes in cooperation with Good Fish. This made it easier for the whole of the Netherlands to enjoy sustainable fish, even though a visit to the fishmonger was temporarily not…netherlands sustainable, sustainable exactly, bit sustainable, sustainable fish, crisis sustainablefish, crayfish, eel, report, vacancy3
ilustre.nlILUSTRE, initiated by LaNubia Consulting and JADS, stands for Innovation Lab for Utilities on Sustainable Technology and Renewable Energy. It is one of the 17 Innovation Centers for Artificial Intelligence ( ICAI ) within the ROBUST…utility sustainable, sustainable technology, nation sustainable, sustainable developmentlab, utility, join, transition, initiative3
holidayice.nlHoliday Ice supports local cocoa farmers by purchasing UTZ and Fairtrade certified cocoa. Farmers receive a minimum price through the Fairtrade program so that they acquire a better place in the trade chain. UTZ helps cocoa farmers to…reliability sustainable, sustainable production, farmer sustainable, clever sustainable, sustainable winice, holiday, cream, cone, producer3
chasin.nlPerformance means taking responsibility and to actively work on making our collection more sustainable.lightweight, explore, linen, cargo, artwork3
lumiz.nlOur goal to develop a sustainable LUMIZ LED lantern with beautiful materials led us to the strong, weather-resistant and 100% recyclable Tyvek. A high-quality material, allowing you to enjoy the LUMIZ for a long time.goal sustainable, sustainable lumizlantern, inspiration, german, french3
lightrail.nlOur book 'Light Rail Transit Systems: 61 Lessons in Sustainable Urban Development' is published by Elsevier. The book shows how to design and operate light rail to maximize its social benefits. Readers will learn how to understand the…lesson sustainable, sustainable urban, factor sustainableurban, train, archive, mobility, der3
hydromotionteam.nlWith all this effort, we noticed that the maritime sector was slowly moving towards a more sustainable industry and after all these great accomplishments we asked ourselves what our next step would be? The technology is there. The…industry sustainable, sustainable future, slowly sustainable, sustainable industry, world sustainablemotion, boat, maritime, hydrogen, united3
tracomex.nlThis goes beyond accepting responsibility for the sustainable production of our raw materials and our own business operations. We expect all supply chain partners to adhere to the same sustainability standards. Together, we can ensure…efficient sustainable, sustainable supply, responsibility sustainable, sustainable productionsustainability, specialty, raw, chain, supply3
top-teambuilding.nlSustainability within organizations has almost become a matter of course. But how sustainable is your team? With this challenging teambuilding activity, employees start to generate energy themselves! Which team generates the most energy…sustainable energy, course sustainable, sustainable team, sustainable businessinquiry, participant, duration, employee, powerful3
lmpv.nl– National Growth Fund application Sustainable MaterialsNL (total M€ 640 subsidy awarded for circular plastics, batteries and sustainable steel)application sustainable, sustainable materialsnl, battery sustainable, sustainable steelphd, thesis, photovoltaic, collaborator, diversity3
eproconsult.nlPlease do not hesitate to contact Epro Consult . We are fully independent and provide consultancy on (renewable) energy, water saving, process optimisation, energy saving, energy contracts, sustainable industrial zones, carbon footprint…contract sustainable, sustainable industrialefficiency, permit, environmental, renewable, industrial3
jheeringa.nlFurthermore, through the Fairtrade label, we contribute to supporting global workers on flower farms in terms of labor rights and working conditions. In addition, we are affiliated with Lean & Green for sustainable transport.green sustainable, sustainable transport, thrive sustainable, sustainable worldflower, grower, processing, sustainability, root3
onceuponafuture.nlLeen’s passion is to create companies that operate in a sustainable manner, within a world in which disruption and uncertainty are the only stable factors.project sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurship, branch sustainable, sustainable entrepreneur, company sustainableauthor, comprehensive, clarity, transformation, entrepreneur3
nagtegaalvastgoed.nlThe apartments have fully equipped kitchens and have a WIFI internet connection, shared laundry room with dry and ironing supplies. We are doing business in a sustainable way and that starts with the use of wind energy and solar energy…business sustainable, sustainable way, energy sustainable, sustainable source, sustainable businessapartment, rental, rent, expat, fully3
toscatribe.nlIn TOSCA we are pooling our knowledge and experience built up over many years in order to assist organisations in making their products, services and processes more sustainable. In this process we are also focusing on financial…process sustainable, sustainable process, future sustainable, sustainable strategy, truly sustainablesustainability, associate, report, creation, engagement3
hydrozine.nlHydrozine can be produced from sustainable building blocks; water, sustainable electricity and CO2. The same products are released when Hydrozine is used, closing the carbon-loop.density sustainable, sustainable technology, sustainable fuel, hydrozine sustainable, sustainable buildsupply, chain, liquid, fuel, currently3
nesec.nl…a financing fund of €250 mln which supplies first mortgage loans for ships. NSDF focuses on removing bottlenecks in financing capacity to give a boost to the short sea sector and the surrounding maritime cluster in a sustainable way.cluster sustainable, sustainable way, fleet sustainable, sustainable importantfund, ship, maritime, shipowner, institution3
able.nlAn employer who takes responsibility not only pays the salary but also does everything possible to ensure that everyone can function financially healthy. That is sustainable employership in 2023.sustainable solution, instead sustainable, healthy sustainable, sustainable employershipemployee, resilience, vitality, workplace, absenteeism3
studiogeorge.nlSustainability is about more than better solar panels. I distinguish 9 areas of work that need attention for the transition to a sustainable world. Let’s work on it!necessary sustainable, sustainable world, transition sustainablelesson, conversation, fullsize, entrepreneur, oct3
changelabel.nlWe work on the basis of journeys and ensure that the change is experienced as a journey. We take a holistic approach, addressing the cultural, behavioral and organizational aspects of change. Our journeys ensure fun, smooth and…creative sustainable, sustainable scalable, smooth sustainable, sustainable adoptionemployee, adoption, ambition, dreamer, phase3
3point2.nlAs demand for sustainable technology increases in the heavy lift industry, so does the need for renewable features on heavy lift equipment such as cranes and their accompanying vessels. 3Point2’s engineer’s design standard and tailor-made…mindset sustainable, sustainable solution, demand sustainable, sustainable technology, equipment sustainablehydraulic, heavy, career, structure, installation3
soul-made.nlIntroduction If you’re trying to make your home or office more sustainable, there’s probably no better place to start than the floor. After all, floors are where we spend most of our time—they’re a huge part of our offices and homes’…office sustainable, sustainable probably, continue sustainable, sustainable floorsoul, ride, carbon, probably, carpet3
juliaberg.nlThis essay centralizes the concept confusion within fashion communication regarding sustainable consumption. The essay is a manifestation of my research that introduces confusion, defines where it occurs and who benefits from this…communication sustainable, sustainable consumption, discourse sustainable, sustainable development, complexity sustainablegraphic, confusion, cargo, reader, critical3
ukb.nlUKB is a partnership of Dutch University Libraries and The Royal Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek). We are committed to supporting and accelerating scientific progress. We do so by developing and managing universal and…universal sustainable, sustainable access, accessible sustainable, sustainable wayambition, library, scientific, executive, accessible3
worldenergycouncil.nl…all Elements of the Energy Transition . Discover how key stakeholders in Rotterdam-based projects are tackling the challenge of becoming carbon neutral. Read the report and dive into their strategies and solutions for a sustainable future.solution sustainable, sustainable future, demand sustainable, sustainable affordablecouncil, north, study, economy, report3
informaat.nlDeliver on your promise and sharpen your positioning with an intuitive interface you feel and experience. We design sustainable user solutions for web or app, SME or multinational, and deliver authentic experiences for happy users.experience sustainable, sustainable usertrue, tax, proposition, architecture, authentic3
isolectra.nlWe innovate. Continuously. Installation technology solutions can be faster, more efficient and more sustainable. Isolectra’s pluggable electrical installation solutions were born out of this conviction. Ready-to-use. Less cabling, lower…efficient sustainable, sustainable isolectraelectrical, installation, residential, utility, horticulture3
werkenbijbeekenkamp.nl…Verpakkingen. This combination puts us in a unique position in the market. Together we supply our customers with the best quality chrysanthemums, plant varieties and sustainable packaging. Making the world a little greener every day!crop sustainable, sustainable strategic, new sustainable, sustainable tray, variety sustainablevacancy, worldwide, employee, ornamental, chrysanthemum3
thegrace.nlSoon to be among the world’s most sustainable buildings, The Grace has everything it takes to become the leading residential accommodation in The Hague. And at a height of 150 and 180 metres respectively, the two towers of this residence…world sustainable, sustainable building, quality sustainable, sustainable standard, sustainable residentialgrace, hague, facility, resident, sustainability3
neweconomynow.nlWe start the event with an interview with Zita Pels (Provincial Executive for the Circular Economy of the Province of North Holland) about entrepreneurship, sustainable innovations, online only and the lasting importance of acceleration…entrepreneurship sustainable, sustainable innovation, accelerator sustainable, thirteen sustainable, sustainable innovativeeconomy, circular, session, discussion, panel3
measureup.nlEmbrace sustainable fashion with our Eco-Friendly Green Serenity Tee, a perfect blend of style and environmental consciousness. Designed for the eco-aware and fashion-forward individual, this t-shirt is more than just a clothing item…embrace sustainable, sustainable fashion, footprint sustainable, sustainable futureclothing, plugin, conversion, behavior, ecommerce3
siboutnooteboom.nlI arrived here via biology, environmental assessment, environmental governance, the organisation of the Dutch government, and governance for sustainable development. Based in The Netherlands, I have done work in 51 countries.conversation sustainable, sustainable development, governance sustainableenvironmental, assessment, conversation, publication, collaborative3
illu-wholesale.nlPrinted on sustainable Paper Wise paper with black wire-o binding and hanging hook.paper, wholesale, postcard, panel, bag3
nxtairport.nl…for companies, governments and knowledge institutions. A unique and high-quality test site for various projects around these four key themes in which parties find each other and work together towards a sustainable aviation future.aviation sustainable, sustainable clear, party sustainable, sustainable aviationsustainability, join, aviation, lab, programme3
smk.nlSMK has been working as a foundation for 30 years to make products and operations more sustainable. SMK develops, manages, and tests sustainability requirements and standards. We do this together with an extensive network of governments…compass sustainable, sustainable business, operation sustainable, sustainable smk, sustainable floristcertificate, certification, influence, decision, structure3
sustainabattle.nl…of Twente who aim to achieve the highest reduction in electricity usage. In a month-long competition, student flats will take on the challenge to manage energy as efficiently as possible and arrange more sustainable energy provisions.possible sustainable, sustainable energy, officially sustainable, sustainable campus, flag sustainablebattle, sustain, winner, electricity, resident3
bugsy-food.nlLooking for a sustainable and healthy alternative to meat? Have you already tried an Entovegan meat substitute?meat, fact, substitute, healthy, protein3
cropmix.nlArable farmers, researchers and chain partners are joining forces to achieve a breakthrough in the transition to sustainable arable farming in the five-year research programme CropMix. The focus is on increasing crop diversity, in…transition sustainable, sustainable agriculture, sustainable arable, sustainable ecology, pathway sustainablepackage, crop, lab, ecology, institutional3
nlspace.nl…for everyday life on Earth. Thereby contributing to improved safety, food security, a better environment and a sustainable future. To raise their profile and increase the visibility of their activities internationally, space companies…sustainable future, environment sustainable, country sustainable, sustainable usesatellite, agriculture, directory, mobility, climate3
hsv.nlSeeking durable, sustainable innovation for your product, while saving on energy, time and costs? Discover the hidden invention by HSV and our expandable plastics: EPP, EPS, EPE, ETPU. Providing over 50 years of experience, our engineers…durable sustainable, sustainable innovation, effort sustainable, sustainable energymould, injection, particle, advantage, sustainability3
seafresh.nlTo ensure clients are always guaranteed a high-quality sustainable tuna product, Sea Fresh has its own factory in Sri Lanka, Northwest Fishery, where tuna is processed daily. We know exactly which boats the tuna comes from. It is then…sustainable fish, tuna sustainable, sustainable tuna, quality sustainablefish, tuna, distribution, processing, csr3
6to9design.nlWe see sustainability as an integral part of a design and think that sustainable design goes beyond just choosing sustainable materials. We are staunch advocates of the reuse or reallocation of existing real estate. Sustainable long-term…future sustainable, sustainable contemporary, design sustainable, sustainable design, sustainable materialsummary, wish, investment, execution, sustainability3
dohms.nlon open innovation through multidisciplinary cooperation with external partners, and achieving results together by harnessing one another’s qualities. For this reason, Dohms is a committed partner for sustainable and innovative engineering.partner sustainable, sustainable innovativemechanical, innovative, maintenance, improvement, electrical3
makeachangefestival.nlAt Make A Change festival we get together (safely) to eat amazing food and celebrate the abundance of cool sustainable initiatives and locations in The Hague. This is your chance to discover them – and enjoy a bit of a festival vibe while…like sustainable, sustainable option, gourmet sustainable, sustainable dining, cool sustainablehague, october, fork, pack, wonderfully3
winnenenco.nlat possibilities to improve the rental points, improve the energy label, calculate the costs of the interventions, understand investment decisions, perform all kinds of drawing work, arrange permits or sustainable investments. to implement.creativity sustainable, sustainable real, unique sustainable, sustainable urban, permit sustainableestate, investor, participant, resident, creativity3
utrechtconventionbureau.nlIn the heart of the Netherlands, in het Groene Hart, you find Utrecht. The perfect region for organising conferences, business meetings, and (knowledge) events. Talent and expertise collaborate here to develop innovative and sustainable…innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, region sustainable, sustainable positiveregion, conference, accessibility, destination, congress3
longwayenergy.nlCarbon-neutral, net-zero emission, climate-neutral, ... the more people-oriented human society calls for collaboration in energy transition towards a more sustainable environment .transition sustainable, sustainable environmenttransition, consulting, transformation, society, industrial3
gripwerkt.nlYou can increase your energy by enhancing your mental fitness and sustainable employability at work. By taking charge of yourself and of your environment. By focusing on those things that are meaningful and energizing. By getting most out…fitness sustainable, sustainable employabilityengagement, vitality, actual, mental, employability3
bnpparibas.nlFor decades, BNP Paribas has mobilized knowledge, spearheaded sustainable solutions and pursued innovation to make sure that your plans are viable, while contributing to the transition to net-zero.knowledge sustainable, sustainable solution, accelerator sustainable, sustainable transition, employee sustainablesustainability, banking, csr, employee, window3
urbanlinx.nlExplore the possibilities with UrbanLinx. Whether you are looking to sell, buy, or invest in sustainable business spaces, our team is ready to assist you. Let’s create a future where your business operates optimally in a dynamic and…gateway sustainable, sustainable business, sustainable transformation, urbanlinx sustainableindustrial, hall, estate, property, investment3
foodandfuture.nlFood and Future wants to help schools, universities, companies and non-profit organizations to make sustainable choices, including promoting a plant-based diet. We provide lectures, workshops, cooking lessons and organize all kinds of fun…organization sustainable, sustainable choice, wheel sustainable, sustainable cooking, tasty sustainablelecture, cooking, climate, walk, recipe3
duplicor.nlWith Duplicor ® , we set the new tone within the construction world. The first 100% bio-based composite that is right on all sides. Recyclable, affordable and sustainable. Just as we envisaged.cardboard sustainable, sustainable environmentallyfire, composite, resistant, base, roof3
icewhale.nl, with the ultimate goal to engage people in the challenges posed by the warming of the Arctic. The scientific and sustainable objectives of the expeditions in combination with large media attention and the direct involvement of the public…line sustainable, sustainable development, scientific sustainable, sustainable objective, figurehead sustainableice, whale, expedition, arctic, scientific3
georgeblack.nlof clients by our high standards of services. We work with projects in all stages of tech development, and are happy to collaborate on interesting fashion-tech projects to ensure a brighter and sustainable future within the fashion industrytransparent sustainable, sustainable way, quality sustainable, sustainable fabric, bright sustainableraw, sustainability, upcoming, solely, healthy3
delphy.nlDelphy is a leading knowledge company committed to healthy, successful and sustainable cultivation.successful sustainable, sustainable cultivationgrower, crop, cultivation, pillar, horticulture3
newdawnrobotics.nlSustainable automation solutions have a clear cost-benefit case and deliver predictable results.automation, robotic, conversational, resource, mining3
watercommunity.nlThe following gallery exhibits long term Water For Impact research projects. These are linked to the core applications of the seven themes that aim is to promote water research that contributes to the United Nations Sustainable…nation sustainable, sustainable development, technology sustainable, sustainable implementation, affordable sustainableresearcher, initiative, publication, resilience, creation3
ste.nlBlik op Werk, as an independent Quality Institute, shows you the way to qualified service providers, proven methodologies and practical knowledge in the field of sustainable labor participation and integration. Blik op Werk's mission is…positive sustainable, sustainable tangible, field sustainable, sustainable labor, strong sustainableinstitute, reference, grant, vacancy, teacher3
tandartspraktijknoordermeer.nlIf a cavity does occur or if a tooth breaks, your teeth will be repaired the most sustainable way: using porcelain. Ceramic looks a lot like dental enamel and lasts a life time. Porcelain inlays are made to measure at our practice, look…practice sustainable, sustainable dental, tooth sustainable, sustainable waydental, dentist, porcelain, filling, anxiety3
chestnut.nlGroendus is a Dutch company specialising in sustainable energy solutions, offering services such as energy consulting and solar panel installations to businesses customers.customer sustainable, sustainable mobility, company sustainable, sustainable energy, goodfuels sustainablechestnut, advisor, acquisition, council, description3
fudura.nlSustainable business operations require clear insight and a conscious, active attitude towards energy. This a matter of course for Fudura.infrastructure, vital, reliable, metering, request3
rotrip.nlApplying our sector knowledge of leisure, e-commerce, sustainable food and logistics in partnerships with other entrepreneurs looking to grow, either organically or through acquisitions.edible sustainable, sustainable energy, commerce sustainable, sustainable food, logistics sustainableinvestment, amet, growth, entrepreneur, sit3
projectdragonfly.nl“We all need to collaborate to achieve sustainable aviation and we need to move fast. I am glad we can join forces with Inholland to learn more about electric propulsion”dragonfly, electric, aircraft, aeronautical, internship3
blueplasma.nlCold atmospheric plasma offers a sustainable alternative method for cleaning and disinfection based on natural processes. Blue Plasma helps to make our food and the environment safer and cleaner.sustainable plasma, plasma sustainable, sustainable alternative, way sustainable, sustainable waynaturally, cold, disinfection, atmospheric, alternative3
kragtwijk.nlEating and drinking is also innovation!Innovation also means looking at sustainable vegetarian and vegan products for a better world for tomorrow. The past...health sustainable, sustainable social, drink sustainable, sustainable vegetarianhealthy, delicious, culinary, meal, cuisine3
lyonbv.nlAt Lyon Office Support, we take into consideration the environment and apply sustainable practices as much as possible. We try to leave out anything that is not strictly necessary. Our work is always based on your budget, timing and…environment sustainable, sustainable practice, furniture sustainable, sustainable custominterior, requirements, stylish, implementation, juist3
tinyresort.nl…destinations to escape the everyday hustle and bustle, a place to dream away in a natural environment and in a sustainable accommodation, equipped with all conveniences. Ideal for those looking for peace and quiet, nature lovers, but…environment sustainable, sustainable accommodation, activity sustainable, sustainable contextscale, holiday, spacious, tourism, mass3
180degree.nlFor the first months on the job, Foundation 180° offers continued guidance for both newcomers and employers so that each job placement becomes truly sustainable.workforce sustainable, sustainable jobdegree, newcomer, staff, placement, desire3
biobasedtech.nlOur principal goal is to engage our Bachelor students in the development of biobased polymers and their formulation and processing. We furthermore want to advance the use of these sustainable polymers in industry and therefore we actively…use sustainable, sustainable polymer, polymer sustainable, sustainable environmental, way sustainablepolymer, formulation, processing, technique, apply3
richardvijgen.nlRealtime environmental systems monitor for the world's first sustainable danceclub. WATT Rotterdam is the world's first sustainable danceclub. This sustainability is accomplished by incorporating a “gray water system (collecting rain…world sustainable, sustainable danceclubinstallation, landscape, perspective, archive, interactive3
crystalclarity.nlCrystal Clarity helps leaders, employees, and teams to improve their wellbeing and productivity with technology and coaching. Our aim is to ensure that our clients have more energy for sustainable high performance and for precious moments…energy sustainable, sustainable high, reminder sustainable, sustainable behaviorclarity, crystal, wellbeing, employee, leader3
biocareproducts.nlWe believe in organic cosmetics and sustainable brands, but above all we believe in the brands that we carry. Every brand in our portfolio has a special story to tell, and we are happy to share that story with you.cosmetic sustainable, sustainable brand, organic sustainableorganic, sock, inika, sweden, nationwide3
bondus.nlProviding fast and sustainable manufacturing solutions for lab-on-a-chip productionfast sustainable, sustainable manufacture, efficiency sustainablebonding, microfluidic, sustainability, overview, fluid3
simplex-it.nlAt Simplex-IT, we understand that technology is just a piece of the puzzle. Our holistic approach, blending business strategy, organisational dynamics, and sustainable tech, crafts a roadmap to success that delivers maximum value with…dynamic sustainable, sustainable tech, success sustainable, sustainable digital, agile sustainablesustainability, collaboration, environmental, pillar, innovative3
collectivefutures.nlInvestigating the future of circular innovation at Amsterdam's De Ceuvel, a sustainable creative incubator facing relocation, to integrate and inspire circular principles in future urban developments.skills sustainable, sustainable resilient, ceuvel sustainable, sustainable creative, dme sustainablecollective, career, societal, perspective, meaningful3
hotelnuland.nl…Facilities Fitness Gran Casino Nuland Bike rental Taxi service Lazy Sunday E-choppers charging stations Activities Events High Tea Marry Entertainment Childrens birthdayparty Restaurant Sustainable Van der Valk Hotel Nuland Valk Kidsrestaurant sustainable, sustainable van, enviromentally sustainable, event sustainableder, package, guarantee, sleep, stay3
studiowunderbar.nlBrowse through our exclusive collection of RECYCLED Coats and find your favorite design. Each garment is infused with care and dedication, ready to keep you warm while you contribute to a more sustainable world.warm sustainable, sustainable worldcoat, jacket, add, wool, outerwear3
mondoverde.nlMondo Verde is specialized in growing Tropical Houseplants and Bonsai. We try to grow the most beautiful green houseplants every day under the most ideal & sustainable conditions for our products. Our varied range is aimed at Easy to…ideal sustainable, sustainable conditions, responsible sustainable, sustainable cultivationcertificate, aquatica, houseplant, consumer, grow3
karton.nlAkarton is known for its customer-specific, sustainable, and innovative solutions. We take care of your packaging from concept development to implementation. Whether you need small or large quantities of packaging, we produce it for you…challenge sustainable, sustainable packaging, specific sustainable, sustainable innovative, packaging sustainablepackaging, sustainability, innovative, cardboard, pack3
2blossom.nl2blossom has one solid root: Laura Hoekstra, 'health ambassador', qualified as an integrative health consultant & coach. She helps organizations with sustainable employability by providing trainings and translating policy into perception…organization sustainable, sustainable employabilitychair, wellbeing, employee, integrative, holistic3
vitaplastics.nlVITA Plastics is a reliable supplier of materials in Europe. These materials are supplied in different forms. For example, we supply high-quality regrinds, regranulate and customer-specific compounds. VITA Plastics contributes to a more…plastics sustainable, sustainable society, sustainable worldchain, supplier, coordinator, reliable, laboratory3
argo360.nlData destruction is the last option when IT equipment cannot be reused. We destroy data carriers in a secure and sustainable way.mission sustainable, sustainable business, participation sustainable, sustainable disposal, secure sustainableprocurement, refurbish, asset, destruction, removal3
standardfasel.nlStandard Fasel offers innovative solutions to make your installation more sustainable.leader sustainable, sustainable innovationinspection, burner, steam, survey, maintenance3
leaderfit.nlFurthermore I am a partner and co-owner of Count & Cooper , a project delivery firm striving to make an impact in the construction industry and on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. In my role as partner, I lead the…industry sustainable, sustainable development, life sustainable, sustainable result, rabobank sustainablecareer, leadership, firm, consulting, lemonade3
smartresultancy.nlWe want to contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of digital technolgies in development programs to create more impact on society through a sustainable, user-centred, innovative, participative use of…society sustainable, sustainable useragriculture, study, evaluation, programme, feasibility3
pedalen.nlPBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.accusamus sustainable, sustainable ennuiuncategorized, cleanse, origin, commodo, aesthetic3
nkinternational.nlOur investment strategy is based on a thorough knowledge of both investor requirements and the industries we invest in. We create cross border financial structures which provide sustainable earnings. We firmly believe in creating…structure sustainable, sustainable earning, continuous sustainable, sustainable value, possible sustainableinvestment, structure, decision, equity, relationship3
marjoleinelisabeth.nlSustainable Sale When I was young, sales started gently with a ten percent discount and [...]sustainable salecomplaint, oct, colourful, gently, percent3
anderstevoren.nlhappier and freer. That’s the ultimate goal of being here on earth, in my opinion: to be happy. And nothing is as sustainable for the world as happy people. Because they take good care of themselves, their loved ones and nature. For me…group sustainable, sustainable project, happy sustainable, sustainable world, healthy sustainablesoul, fusion, session, treatment, potential3
hetkin.nl…establishment of the KIN as a coordinating body became a fact. At that time, he already said he would prefer to see KIN no longer needed in ten years, ‘if we have truly made strides and become a sustainable and climate-neutral country.’necessary sustainable, sustainable future, transition sustainable, sustainable climate, stride sustainableclimate, transition, neutral, resilient, society3
infinityqd.nlBy making The Netherlands the most fertile ground for growth. We are building the best, most connected, sustainable quantum startup sector in the world by 2028, rapidly scaling through collaboration. We do this by Connection, Capital and…connect sustainable, sustainable quantum, incorporation sustainable, sustainable growthquantum, investment, ecosystem, fund, investor3
jasonoshea.nl…about me, this can be seen under biography. In my current study I've learned about many different topics on sustainable building environment,to act as a spider in the web between different experts in the future. This on the topic…topic sustainable, sustainable build, sustainable urban, field sustainable, sustainable environmentbiography, ambition, topic, competency, study3
rsm.nlwith international careers who can become a force for positive change by carrying their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Our first-class range of bachelor , master , MBA , PhD and executive programmes encourage them to become…platform sustainable, sustainable value, mindset sustainable, sustainable futureprogramme, rsm, executive, phd, finder3
marum-interim.nl…MaRuM is of added value. MaRuM knows what is needed to make a good organization great. MaRuM delivers a sustainable basis, by bringing its clients stability and structure, to make entrepreneurs focusing on what they are got at:…marum sustainable, sustainable basisconsulting, importance, ambition, stability, structure2
gatheringnatuurlijk.nlWith Floris, interventions become more powerful, sustainable, and effective. By connecting dots that others may not (yet) see and uncovering patterns, making them visible, Floris demonstrates his strength. Add a healthy dose of humor, the…powerful sustainable, sustainable effectiveleader, gathering, leadership, strategic, reflection2
leadingmomentum.nl…days including nights. One week after these first three days you will come back for a fourth and final day, in which you will break through the patterns that hold you back in daily life. This gives you the momentum for sustainable change.momentum sustainable, sustainable changeassessment, effective, authentic, perspective, impulse2
hansprein.nl“Finds the root cause of problems and provides sustainable solutions adapted to the dynamics of your organisation”problem sustainable, sustainable solutionleadership, executive, subject, implementation, analytical2
stichtingsmartcentre.nlThere are SMART Centres in Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique and new centres start in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Niger, Ghana and Nicaragua. The results so far are that more than 2 million people have gained sustainable water…people sustainable, sustainable waterpump, africa, rope, household, farmer2
blue-ant.nlof owner Jeroen van der Linden with extensive track record in African, Asian and Latin American energy and agriculture markets. All-inclusive approaches are at the heart of Blue-Ant aiming to realise equitable, sustainable solutions to all.equitable sustainable, sustainable solutionamerican, agriculture, advisory, african, equitable2
g-netwerk.nltheatrical option, it is a very exciting idea. Think of the applications in food: steaks grow using solar energy. Sustainable and animal friendly! ETHICS Zaretsky developed this experiment in collaboration with Prof. Huub de Groot, within…energy sustainable, sustainable animalinstallation, reformation, idfa, society, screen2
bese-saka.nlWe strive to define projects and investments together with other value aligned impact investors and -partners and in doing so contribute towards the crafting of a sustainable economy and -communities. As a consulting and knowledge…craft sustainable, sustainable economyafrica, liaison, talk, investment, consulting2
lamerszorgenarbeid.nlget back on track. With our commitment to putting people first and creating a safe and healthy workplace, Lamers Zorg en Arbeid is an ideal partner for those who value straightforward communication, simplicity and sustainable employability.simplicity sustainable, sustainable employability, sector sustainableabsenteeism, occupational, employee, opinion, reintegration2
bobromijnders.nl…on a wide range of architectural and interior assignments for both private and business clients. Our work can be recognized by its contemporary and modern character, where clear sightlines, spatiality and sustainable solutions are central.spatiality sustainable, sustainable solution, modern sustainable, sustainable villainterior, architecture, harmonious, assignment, passionate2
childslife.nlMany children do not have access to food and clean water. Global food and water shortages are severe. We help with sustainable and practical solutions to food and water shortages but also assist during emergency situations with food…severe sustainable, sustainable practicalchurch, accreditation, report, annual, kenya2
aikicoaching.nlWe offer various Aikido business workshops and Aikido business training courses, integrated with existing or newly developed leadership programs. For example in the areas of vitality, sustainable employability, personal effectiveness…space sustainable, sustainable result, vitality sustainable, sustainable employabilityvisitor, session, inspire, definitely, trust2
vlagmolen.nlThe flag turbine brings wind energy close by, in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way. Thanks to the variable blade pitch, the turbine delivers a lot of energy. Energy is provided primarily by the force of the turbine.friendly sustainable, sustainable waywing, turbine, flag, roof, float2
mounirsamuel.nlMounir deals with the major questions of the day and advocates social justice and sustainable system change. He has been a frequent guest in all sorts of talkshows on radio and television in both the Netherlands and Belgium. From curating…justice sustainable, sustainable systemclimate, author, political, politics, religion2
uwdeelfiets.nlWe offer sustainable mobility in an innovative way. We are proud of our high customer ratings.bike, uw, rental, lock, wait2
grapehunters.nl…community and make real wine accessible in a fun and approachable way. No conventions, no rules, just lots of love and delicious juice. Together we can reshape the conventional wine world towards a more sustainable and inclusive model!sustainable environment, world sustainable, sustainable inclusivewine, spain, france, juicy, orange2
omgadvies.nlThe employees of OMG! have something else in common. Namely that we want to contribute to a beautiful, sustainable world. The way we try to do that is by helping people within organizations to take good care of themselves and take good…beautiful sustainable, sustainable world, smart sustainable, sustainable choiceorganizational, lie, boardgame, publication, leadership2
artsinhealth.nlIn envisioning a future where creative art enriches healthcare, Arts in Health pioneers sustainable programs, collaborates with care institutions, educates professionals, and conducts impactful research. We strive for a transformative…pioneer sustainable, sustainable program, stakeholder sustainable, sustainable artcreativity, healthcare, launch, paper, humanity2
brightwork.nl…effluent discharge levels, by offering our expertise, products and technologies. It will help you meet your business and environmental objectives. It is our goal to make your processes work and to contribute to a sustainable environment.process sustainable, sustainable environment, reliable sustainable, sustainable solutiontreatment, waste, resource, reuse2
rosasjewels.nlRosas Jewels cares about Mother Nature, therefore the bracelets are made from almost 100% recycled gold filled. True sustainable little treasures!true sustainable, sustainable littlebracelet, necklace, earring, jewelry, sustainability2
evolvingmatters.nl…Regardless of where this dynamic comes from, your organisation is developing, Evolving Matters is your partner. From the drawing board to implementation and evaluation. Our objective? Sustainable change together, from good to better.point sustainable, sustainable change, objective sustainabledynamic, investment, practical, matter, pragmatic2
vanerum.nlWe are the only manufacturer in Belgium to produce our own sustainable products. This way we can reduce our ecological footprint and we can assure a reliable and fast delivery.belgium sustainable, sustainable productinspiration, furniture, discover, title, description2
hect.nlSince 1997 HECT Consultancy is specialized in enabling positive change where people and nature seem to be in conflict. Sustainable development is the guiding principle for all our activities. From a specialized online toolkit to full…conflict sustainable, sustainable development, owner sustainable, sustainable solutionpositive, strategic, publication, audience, stakeholder2
zja.nlExperimenting, creating and testing. Solving and designing go hand and hand at ZJA. Together we search for the right form. Using innovative technologies and with a sustainable goal. Curious about how we design? Take a look behind the…technology sustainable, sustainable goal, city sustainable, sustainable sportcomputational, architectural, vacancy, structural, infrastructure2
mvo-strelitzia.nlWe also make agreements with our suppliers and trading partners to make things as efficient and sustainable as possible.maximum sustainable, sustainable way, efficient sustainable, sustainable possibleflower, russian, french, german, geen2
acrres.nlTogether with us you explore the possibilities for more sustainable energy on the electricity grid through energy storage and new business models.possibility sustainable, sustainable energy, field sustainablebiomass, aquatic, chain, hydrogen, economy2
paulderuiter.nlWe believe in the future. Since the foundation of our practice in 1994 we work on sustainable, innovative architecture that focuses on the health and happiness of people. Sustainable technology and aesthetics go hand in hand. After all…highly sustainable, sustainable education, practice sustainable, sustainable innovative, people sustainableplanet, commission, proposal, highly, proof2
dantier.nlIf the origin of your food matters to you, you can enjoy our chocolates guilt free. We only use sustainable and natural ingredients from carefully selected sources. We love working with like-minded local partners who share our values.free sustainable, sustainable natural, organization sustainable, sustainable cocoa, promotion sustainablechocolate, flavour, treat, delightful, exquisite2
nature-wise.nlI am originally trained as a teacher biology and I have been a consultant on sustainable development for 16 years. A few years ago I decided to use my background to support organizational and professional development in businesses…consultant sustainable, sustainable development, creativity sustainable, sustainable waywise, talk, domain, earth, pattern2
f-action.nlHow do you create an organization that is outwardly oriented and can convert knowledge and creativity into applicable innovations and sustainable changes? According to F-action, the answer to this is different for each organization, but…innovation sustainable, sustainable change, field sustainable, sustainable comfortcompetence, organizational, role, department, temporary2
flipstones.nlThe MOYU FlipStone combines the best of both worlds – and even goes the extra mile for a sustainable touch. This erasable Flipchart is made from 100% sustainable stone paper. This feels and writes suspiciously much like 'normal' paper…mile sustainable, sustainable touch, flipchart sustainable, sustainable stonepaper, stone, flipchart, presentation, ink2
shv.nlFinancial performance without purpose is not meaningful, and purpose without performance is not sustainable.planet, purpose, courage, generation, npm2
micarealestate.nlOur goal is to create long-term sustainable value in real estate for all stakeholders.focus sustainable, sustainable office, term sustainable, sustainable valueestate, investment, gateway, intelligence, asset2
werkenbijyara.nlYour growth is priority number 1 if you join Yara as an intern, so we provide good guidance and an environment where you can learn. Yara is an international company, where we work to make sure the world has a sustainable supply of food…country sustainable, sustainable food, world sustainable, sustainable supplyvacancy, internship, trough, fertiliser, growth2
normpack.nlNormpack trays are sustainable and recyclable. Fabricated only from the material polystyrene, making recycling a cinch.sustainable recyclable, tray sustainabletray, producer, assurance, overview, recycle2
activecapitalcompany.nlValue proposition Transition business models to becoming more sustainable and resilient for future market dynamics. At the initial stage of a portfolio investment, sustainability characteristics are considered cornerstones of the…model sustainable, sustainable resilientinvestment, capital, responsible, degree, german2
top10crowdfund.nlAs creators, citizens, non-profits or companies, we all increasingly share the same desire to take action to build a better world: one that is more diverse, more sustainable and open to all. But how does one turn an idea into reality…diverse sustainable, sustainable open, fast sustainable, sustainable waytarget, audience, functionality, donation, fee2
dmd-eurtec-electro.nlIntroduction: In the quest for sustainable living and renewable energy solutions, solar panels have emerged as a shining...path sustainable, sustainable high, quest sustainable, sustainable livedmd, heating, kitchen, faucet, thermostat2
rbk.nl…installation designed by an engineering agency with extensive experience and expertise. Cost control, the use of sustainable techniques and energy saving aspects were key in this respect. The FOPRO® total management system offers the…sustainable productivity, use sustainable, sustainable techniqueautomation, refurbishment, efficiency, immediately, pressure2
dtz-europe.nlWe excel in wire mesh, fencing, wood stoves and accessories in budget, quality and sustainable versions.quality sustainable, sustainable versionwire, fencing, stove, wood, accessorie2
vanlanschotenpartners.nl…recovery). These are executive coaching processes with advanced interventions, in which speed, effectiveness and sustainable transformation are paramount and are seen as distinctive success factors. His coaching is particularly suitable…effectiveness sustainable, sustainable transformation, block sustainable, sustainable valuepartners, executive, leader, connection, leadership2
anotherwoman.nlWe are conscious about the materials we use; always searching for more sustainable fabrics like EcoVero viscose or organic cotton. Long lasting pleasure and “great value for money”!material sustainable, sustainable fabricdress, skirt, official, jacket, woman2
doors-open.nlTraditional leadership programmes focus on the brain, grounded in the belief that knowing how to lead is enough. Embodied leadership moves beyond that. It connects the intelligence of the body to the brain, driving actions for sustainable…action sustainable, sustainable behaviouraldoor, somatic, leadership, female, embody2
parfum-bestel.nlAvant Skincare Sustainable Infinite Vivifying & Replenishing Sustainable Arabica Coffee Scrub | 5060762540577skincare sustainable, sustainable infinite, replenish sustainable, sustainable arabicaparis, makeup, nyx, cream, oil2
lightinternational.nl…a situation is always more expensive than adjusting a fixture. Tell us your idea and we will come up with a sustainable and cost-effective solution. We can realize these solutions quickly and professionally, because we have a design…idea sustainable, sustainable costinstallation, lighting, default, fixture, situation2
metaverseproject.nlFor the metaverses to have long-term sustainable development, an open market economy with a digital crowd economy model is simply the best choice.term sustainable, sustainable development, challenge sustainable, sustainable livejuly, february, august, economy, definition2
hoteltimmerfabriek.nlThe old building has been given a new purpose with modern insulation and a sustainable climate system powered by solar panels, among other things. The hotel has the highest standard within Green Key Label .insulation sustainable, sustainable climatebalcony, bathroom, kitchen, luxury, flat2
horizonlifestyle.nl…in these areas. I have become 2 to 3 times as strong, sleep better and have already started body recomposition. I recommend Horizon Lifestyle to anyone who wants to live a healthier life in a fun, responsible and sustainable way!healthy sustainable, sustainable way, responsible sustainablestrength, schedule, healthy, nutrition, simply2
onehundredrestrooms.nlWe operate responsibly to contribute to a sustainable and healthy future for people.sustainable solution, responsibly sustainable, sustainable healthydiscover, hygienic, visit, visitor, spain2
summervilleplants.nlBalcony and terrace plants provide a natural experience during moments of relaxation in your garden. This naturally includes a sustainable and environmentally friendly production method. Summerville Plants has extensive experience with…naturally sustainable, sustainable environmentallybalcony, terrace, specialty, novelty, sunny2
myflame.nlIn 2012, Fem and Fiet stumbled upon soy candles in the United States and instantly fell in love with this superior product. The wax is beautiful and soft, the candles have better burning qualities than paraffin candles, it's more…candle sustainable, sustainable environment, fun sustainable, sustainable productcandle, fragrance, flame, reed, scent2
dtgbv.nlRoyal Doeksen invests in sustainability. The latest innovative RoPax ferries from Rederij Doeksen, for example, sail on single fuel LNG. In order to make this clean fossil fuel more sustainable in the long term it must be blended with…fuel sustainable, sustainable long, company sustainable, sustainable fueldescription, vessel, fuel, fund, investment2
fluidsprocessing.nl28 stainless steel chocolate tanks for sustainable Belcolade chocolate productiontank sustainable, sustainable belcoladepump, fluid, processing, valve, maintenance2
varaidzomatimba.nl…non-profit organizations, I have gained proficiency in legal compliance, non-profit corporate governance and sustainable development practice. I have been an advocate for young women's leadership initiatives and youth inclusion…governance sustainable, sustainable development, people sustainable, sustainable africanadvisory, leadership, useful, profit, resource2
rmacompany.nlWith novel sensors, a smart app, personal support and a passion for sustainable agriculture.passion sustainable, sustainable agriculture, profitable sustainableweather, crop, irrigation, soil, moisture2
pureinfinity.nlPure Infinity supplies ready-made biotechnology that will reduce your solvent emission in the flexible packaging industry and styrene emissions in the composite industry. Our technology allows you to make your production processes more…sustainable solution, process sustainable, sustainable profitableemission, pure, composite, treatment, solvent2
nfukwaliteit.nlFor the 2021–2023 period, the mission of the Consortium is to distinctly contribute to sustainable, personalised healthcare and resilient care professionals. These are the essential components for future-proof healthcare. This is what the…distinctly sustainable, sustainable personalisedhealthcare, patient, think, personalised, programme2
nunu.nlIn recent years we gained a lot of experience with the sustainable design of installations. Nunu has realized projects which meet the BREEAM assessment method. This method is a standard to determine the sustainability performance of…sustainable design, experience sustainableinstallation, yearly, pump, improvement, panel2
veganvisboer.nl…so badly. With Vegan Fisherman’s fishies you opt for loving fish on the menu of your restaurant. Zero microplastics and zero nightmares. The result? A sustainable, plant-based, and fish-friendly alternative: your 100% non-guilty pleasure.result sustainable, sustainable plantfish, substitute, recipe, fisherman, animal2
metis-group.nlLeveraging our technical potential of innovative solutions and customers’ development goals, we aim to impact products, industries, and markets for a cleaner, smarter, sustainable future.smart sustainable, sustainable future, mindset sustainable, sustainable shifttomorrow, manufacture, cycle, electronic, climate2
goudaholland.nlWe work according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the ethical principles of which are firmly anchored in the Niedax Values Charter.nation sustainable, sustainable developmentcable, assembly, career, tray, pioneer2
amrosa.nlThe recent global technological developments, natural recourses awareness and environmental awareness (e.g. green movement, CO2 decrease, etc.) increased the need for a qualitative glass consultancy support to design sustainable future…product sustainable, sustainable global, support sustainable, sustainable futureglass, recipe, contribution, composition, batch2
starlyte.nlOur gemstones are sent to your home in the most sustainable way possible with 100% biodegradable packaginghome sustainable, sustainable wayearring, gemstone, wishlist, jewelry, necklace2
wolfwood.nlWe only use certified teak wood as a base material combined with other sustainable materials. All our products are mindfully crafted with natural materials, where teak is always the base material.material sustainable, sustainable materialadventure, furniture, piece, table, scandinavian2
vinci-energies.nlMore intelligent, mobile, connected and sustainable: The world evolves every day. VINCI Energies carries out numerous projects that contribute to improving everyday life and shaping the world of tomorrow.safe sustainable, sustainable education, connect sustainable, sustainable worldcompliance, ethics, territory, transition, transformation2
ferja.nlPhysicist Max Planck said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is exactly what we help you do: open new perspectives and possibilities, and then move forward into effective and sustainable…result sustainable, sustainable transformation, effective sustainable, sustainable actionpresence, connect, conscious, leadership, apply2
wimbouwman.nlI was invited by the League of advanced European neutrons sources to give in the Solvay library in Brussels a colloquium on the use of neutrons for sustainable food production.neutron sustainable, sustainable food, rationaly sustainableneutron, angle, structure, polymer, matter2
karmijnkapitaal.nl…management teams and those open to diversifying, has received B Corp certification. With this certification, Karmijn Kapitaal is now part of a global community of companies that meet the highest standards of social and sustainable impact.europe sustainable, sustainable tree, social sustainable, sustainable impactinvestment, entrepreneur, fund, louie, king2
wabashi.nlWabashi is an investment management firm with a differentiated strategy on creating value. The firm is based in the Netherlands and focuses on Investments in sustainable growth markets. Wabashi pursues opportunities in defined themes by…investment sustainable, sustainable growth, need sustainable, sustainable realinvestment, estate, highly, capable, firm2
van-beek.nlTetra Pak cheese production line becomes more sustainable thanks to Van Beek curd screw conveyorline sustainable, sustainable thankconveyor, screw, dosing, loader, heat2
idv-advies.nlThe IDV-barn fits in the present trend for sustainable dairy farming en responsible entrepreneurship. Literally and figurative the IDV-barn gives a transparent view to the consumers. They can watch cows living and relaxing in the barn.integral sustainable, sustainable compost, trend sustainable, sustainable dairybarn, cow, animal, wat, welfare2
dameszeilen.nlThe human impact of the business and our ability to affect a social change, improve lives and develop a community in a sustainable way.community sustainable, sustainable way, impact sustainable, sustainable planetsail, instructor, boat, rental, sailor2
rcmbouw.nlWe strive for an excellent relationship with our customers. We do this by offering a high level of service and comprehensive solutions. We listen to you and are ready with advice. RCM Bouw naturally wants to make a positive contribution…contribution sustainable, sustainable society, comprehensive sustainable, sustainable solutionrenovation, painting, warranty, ceiling, agreement2
livestockinternational.nl…The increasing demand for livestock products, especially in upcoming and developing countries, offers opportunities for supporting sustainable sector development for the Dutch private sector. So far have these have not been seized fully.practice sustainable, sustainable livestock, opportunity sustainable, sustainable sectorlivestock, responsible, frontrunner, library, dialogue2
mdgo.nlThe company has developed FieldBee - smart farm assistant for perfect fieldwork execution. Company’s products assist farmers with efficient mechanized field operations and help to grow food in a more productive and sustainable way without…productive sustainable, sustainable way, clearly sustainable, sustainable smallfarmer, verification, physical, economic, economy2
calientefood.nlWe fully understand fully the importance of using sustainable ingredients and disposables. We work with high quality ingredients and local farmers to assure this. We also have an extended vegetarian and vegan menu.importance sustainable, sustainable ingredient, sustainable productamerican, dish, cuisine, hall, wedding2
zonnestraal.nlIn the next few years Zonnestraal will develop into a place where people can live together in a healthy, happy and sustainable way surrounded by a resilient ecosystem.sustainable estate, happy sustainable, sustainable waylater, estate, convention, discover, architecture2
tankwell.nlTankwell is the global market leader in the development and production of lightweight tank containers for bulk logistics of liquids. Bulk liquids require the right expertise to be shipped safely and efficiently. Tankwell offers a safe…safe sustainable, sustainable cost, sector sustainable, sustainable efficient, practice sustainablelightweight, liquid, insulation, leader, reduction2
microlifesolutions.nlTo create a safer and more sustainable future by exploring and exploiting microorganism-based products from nature to treat diseases, to improve sustainable production and to remediate the environment.safe sustainable, sustainable future, disease sustainable, sustainable productionbioactive, discovery, isolation, interest, screen2
drophousezeeland.nl…East Flanders and Zeeland, we supply tiny houses which are multifunctional and have many possible uses. You will benefit from a fully-fledged house that has a timber frame construction and is made with sustainable materials and insulation.construction sustainable, sustainable material, possible sustainable, sustainable natural, wool sustainablemultifunctional, exclusive, distributor, insulation, affordable2
flexibol.nlWind energy has been used for centuries to move ships, pump water and grind grain. Now it helps us to sustainable manage our businesssustainable bulb, grain sustainable, sustainable businessbulb, sustainably, storage, sun, thermal2
rothwell.nlRothwell International is acutely aware, and driven by the needs of all stakeholders in the contracting industry. We do this in support of our vision; Be the best-in-class Contract Management Company, with sustainable growth.industry sustainable, sustainable growth, company sustainabletax, registration, applicable, resident, rule2
shft.nlcircular economy co creation development creation Chamber of Commerce electric car sustainable office contribution urban tree tops Vituracar sustainable, sustainable officecreation, roof, purification, chamber, commerce2
verumartes.nl…innovative engineering, consumer-driven FMCG, bustling retail, influential public policy, efficient logistics, sustainable energy solutions, seamless telecom services, robust financial expertise, and top-notch facility management – we…agriculture sustainable, sustainable supply, chain sustainable, sustainable mobility, force sustainableexceptional, candidate, requirements, staffing, seamless2
elfa.nlElfa implemented a modular lithium-ion energy storage system with a capacity of 264 kWh, tailored to the needs of Roompot. This system ensures a reliable and sustainable energy supply, minimizes maintenance, extends lifespan, and reduces…reliable sustainable, sustainable energybattery, lighting, array, facility, combination2
culet.nlTo contribute to a worldwide movement for sustainable, high-quality jewellery that can last a lifetime. Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We are against the throwaway culture and stand for responsible products that will…movement sustainable, sustainable highnecklace, jewellery, bracelet, ear, earring2
kindencoludens.nlWe’re working on a sustainable society where all children have the chance to develop their talents through playing and learning, to discover the world around them, and to grow into strong adults. We are working towards a positive and…sustainable societychildcare, society, teacher, force, central2
envases.nlTo provide premium quality and sustainable metal packaging solutions for worldwide distribution of our customer's products in a safe and reliable wayquality sustainable, sustainable metal, planet sustainable, sustainable product, market sustainablepaint, chemical, packaging, metal, supplier2
syncsearch.nlin addition to knowledge and experience, authentic leadership, intrinsic motivation and purpose are key for a sustainable matchkey sustainable, sustainable matchexecutive, ambition, position, career, sync2
creatiefflooring.nlMarmoleum flooring is made from natural raw materials and is the most sustainable flooring choice.beautiful sustainable, sustainable great, material sustainable, sustainable floorbespoke, showcase, possibility, wood, repair2
g-nius.nlUtilizing our extensive network comprising Data and IT professionals, we strive for sustainable collaboration, ensuring the future readiness of your enterprise.professional sustainable, sustainable collaboration, optimal sustainable, sustainable matchsecondment, proof, utility, healthcare, logistics2
rai.nlYour event Knowledge & network Safe events Sustainable organising Inspiration RAI Magazineparticipation sustainable, sustainable exhibit, event sustainable, sustainable organiseparking, calendar, logistics, regulation, meaningful2
durapharm.nlIn such a situation you want someone with loads of experience willing to roll up his sleeves and to ensure value for your money. You want not only the high assurance of success, but also its accomplishment. The ultimate goal is…durable sustainable, sustainable pharmaceutical, achievement sustainable, sustainable statemanufacture, pharmaceutical, sterile, investigation, excellence2
publicoutdoorcreations.nlso, we will grow our own POC forest. With this project, we are reinforcing our efforts to become the world’s most sustainable manufacturer of outdoor furniture by actively contributing to nature conservation and development. For more…world sustainable, sustainable manufacturer, ambition sustainablecreation, straight, curve, connect, carbon2
bionatin.nlAt BioNatIn we believe that bovine colostrum and dairy enzymes play an essential role in the food chain. A sustainable use for bovine colostrum and  all valuable enzymes and proteins it possesses.chain sustainable, sustainable use, long sustainable, sustainable relationshippowder, dairy, enzyme, protein, supplier2
skinforskin.nlMeet fish collagen! Collagen is the most important building block of our skin and is important for overall health, beauty and well-being! The secret ingredient of Skin For Skin products is native, Dutchmade fish collagen! Through a…collagen sustainable, sustainable uniqueskin, hair, collagen, directly, condition2
rivm.nlDutch consumers can eat healthier and more environmentally sustainable for the same amount of moneyenvironmentally sustainable, sustainable moneyinstitute, publication, flu, population, programme2
educore.nlExemplary efforts are being made through various United Nations agencies to tackle the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG s).enrichment sustainable, sustainable future, agency sustainable, sustainable developmentsocietal, lab, prize, urban, initiative2
fokkema-partners.nl…plant-based butter. Guided by their motto “We are Generation Plant”, the building stands as a statement to this sustainable mission. Designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, with an inviting and open interior. Its facade…statement sustainable, sustainable mission, point sustainable, sustainable healthypartners, residence, architecture, sustainability, renovation2
stt.nlThe horizon of our futures studies is always 10 years and beyond. By developing inspiring views on the future, STT aims to contribute to defining solutions for societal challenges. Such as the digital transformation, self-reliance or the…reliance sustainable, sustainable development, technology sustainablestudy, society, foresight, potential, committee2
sanetlink.nlSANET is a non-profit organisation that seeks to support sustainable development in agriculture and food production drawing on its network of experts and knowledge institutions. Wherever deemed useful, it is prepared to make its network…sanet sustainable, sustainable agriculture, organisation sustainable, sustainable developmentprofit, chain, agriculture, tropical, publication2
evolut.nlLet's grow together in a sustainable way. We believe in a long term relationship. Rome also wasn't build in one day.hague, evolution, currently, ux, accessible2
mcec-researchcenter.nlWith the help of catalysis, we can convert substances such as CO 2 or municipal waste into useful chemical building blocks and related materials for a more sustainable society. Catalysts ensure cleaner and more efficient chemical processes.material sustainable, sustainable society, field sustainable, sustainable chemistryconversion, multiscale, catalytic, catalyst, chemical2
zijlstraverschoor.nl…becoming a major problem in dry rice farming, which results in excessive use of herbicides. In urgent need for sustainable weed-control, Dr. Martina Huber investigated how rice shoot architecture could be optimized for weed suppression.need sustainable, sustainable weed, usage sustainable, sustainable climaterice, treatment, growth, variety, attempt2
arn.nlARN stands for sustainable car recycling. We – on behalf of the car importers – do this together with 300 organizations including car dismantling companies, shredding companies, collectors, and recycling companies. And with success! In…economy sustainable, sustainable chain, arn sustainable, sustainable carbattery, vehicle, fee, importer, regulation2
tomatoworld.nlthe world food problem. You will receive information tailored to your wishes from highly experienced guides about sustainable cultivation methods, innovative techniques and knowledge of the Dutch horticultural cluster. And connections are…guide sustainable, sustainable cultivation, vital sustainable, sustainable sectorgreenhouse, horticulture, contribution, visit, highschool2
viveurope.nlGlobal food systems make us vulnerable in the time of worldwide crisis. In addition, the call of consumers for sustainable food production becomes louder. The role of Local food production is essential next to the Global supply chains…quality sustainable, sustainable animal, consumer sustainable, sustainable foodexhibitor, exhibit, exhibition, poultry, egg2
dutchmadeleather.nlFor example, we have been able to adapt a unique craft to be able to deliver quickly and we make sustainable products that we are proud of. Our own sturdy DutchMade ® products are thought out down to the smallest details. The bands and…quickly sustainable, sustainable productleather, apron, handmade, cutlery, interior2
theartistandtheothers.nlThe Artist and The Others organises workshops and trainings, to provide artists with the knowledge, skills and connections needed to allow artists to navigate the art world, and build a sustainable career in the arts. By empowering…world sustainable, sustainable career, application sustainable, professional sustainable, sustainable artisticcultural, programme, footer, note, society2
evertgroot.nlThe fact that linen is a sustainable fabric is a well known fact. But why is it so sustainable? In this blog we’re listing 9 surprising facts about the sustainability of …advice sustainable, sustainable fabric, linen sustainable, fact sustainable, sustainable blogcurtain, linen, fabric, appointment, upholstery2
wateriq.nlwith breaking down PFAS, a nasty pollutant. Water's a big deal — it's our planet's lifeline. Let's persist in our pursuit of innovation, shaping a future that's sustainable and fortified against water challenges for the benefit of everyone.future sustainable, sustainable water, technology sustainable, sustainable ecosystemmalt, groundwater, treatment, circular, remediation2
evvl.nlOur way of working aligns seamlessly with that of a consultant—analytical and structured. We understand that sustainable success lies in the details, which is why we’ve developed a formula that is fully aligned with the consulting…fit sustainable, sustainable long, structure sustainable, sustainable successexecutive, consulting, candidate, appointment, career2
dezeo.nlNyenrode offers a combination of academic theory, practical relevance and personal development. Through this, our students generate sustainable added value for themselves, their organization, and society. Our core values, Leadership…retailer sustainable, sustainable channel, student sustainable, sustainable valuedive, transformation, instructor, scuba, career2
jelproducts.nlMaximise results on the shop floor with the move to truly reliable and sustainable. JEL Products is the partner for thoughtful and sustainable lighting solutions in the industrial market where compris is not an option. Our advanced…reliable sustainable, sustainable jel, thoughtful sustainable, sustainable lighting, bright sustainablelighting, crane, installation, tower, maintenance2
vosproject.nlWe believe in combining comfort and aesthetics with sustainability. With this in mind, we are constantly searching for sustainable solutions that enrich our living environment. And when we use the services of other specialists, we always…constantly sustainable, sustainable solutionhospitality, interior, feel, furnishing, guest2
assetreliabilityadvice.nlCheck out "Can Asset Reliability add value to your business?" However ... to truly make Reliability a sustainable and effective process requires a "Change of Culture", a change of behaviour for all departments and functions in an…reliability sustainable, sustainable effectivereliability, asset, spare, responsibility, stock2
oakaccess.nlOAK Access gives strategic advice to gain reimbursement of pharmaceutical innovations. The goal is sustainable access for patients. This includes, besides reimbursement procedures and dossiers, value demonstration, conditions for…goal sustainable, sustainable accessoak, innovative, patient, reimbursement, pharmaceutical2
ingriddam.nlMy art is not only beautiful, but it also has a deeper meaning and purpose. It tells a story, offers an escape, and promotes a sustainable way of living.delft sustainable, sustainable apron, escape sustainable, sustainable waypainting, landscape, liqueur, fungus, wasteland2
janeshaw.nl…negative patterns, anxiety and support big life transitions. In a couple of sessions, we get to the root of your situation and work towards a sustainable solution. One that truly fits your daily life and supports you on all levels.situation sustainable, sustainable solution, company sustainable, sustainable growthcareer, path, integrate, purpose, session2
alteravastgoed.nlAltera offers institutional investors access to core real estate investments in the residential and retail property sectors. The portfolios include only high-quality and sustainable real estate with stable expected returns. Altera manages…quality sustainable, sustainable real, affordable sustainable, sustainable homeresidential, estate, investment, fund, sustainability2
brighterbrands.nlWe create distinct and brighter brands for startups & scale-ups who act fair, think sustainable & contribute to a better world.fair sustainable, sustainable wellbright, distinct, strategic, identity, residence2
re-sit.nl…Indicator (ECI) . And what does it show? The ECI of a comparable product is much higher (up to 15 euros) than the ECI of the Re-Sit! And the price of the Re-Sit remains the same: sustainable products don’t have to be more expensive at all!sit sustainable, sustainable product, production sustainable, sustainable futuresit, circular, couch, waste, recycle2
mijnabianteu.nlAbout the job For our client in Wijster we're currently looking for allround process operators. Our client owns a young, modern and sustainable company that processes slaughter by-products into high-quality, protein-rich raw materials and…modern sustainable, sustainable companycurrently, wooden, installer, worker, vacancy2
energievergelijk.nlEnergievergelijk is an independent, online information platform for the Dutch energy sector. We aim to support consumers and companies through knowledge sharing and promotion in the field of sustainable energy, rules & regulations, energy…sustainable source, field sustainable, sustainable energyrate, supplier, discount, electricity, cheap2
generation-c.nlAt Generation C, we connect businesses with academic talent to foster sustainable growth and facilitate innovation. Our student consultants bring fresh perspectives to take your business to the next level.talent sustainable, sustainable growth, strategy sustainable, sustainable competitivegeneration, sustainability, career, misconception, widespread2
interparkvastgoed.nlInterpark Vastgoed is a Dutch real estate developer with dozens of properties in both Europe and the Americas. Since 1987, the portfolio has expanded due to Interpark’s commitment to refurbishing, renovating and creating sustainable real…commitment sustainable, sustainable realproperty, sustainability, america, dozen, estate2
liof.nl…and SMEs that need support to innovate, invest or internationalize can rely on LIOF. We are working towards a smarter, more sustainable and healthier Limburg by focusing on the transitions of energy, circularity, health and digitalization.smart sustainable, sustainable healthy, partner sustainable, sustainable societyfund, commit, entrepreneur, transition, invest2
connectedcare.nlOur mission is to improve the day-to-day healthcare experience and to support sustainable lifestyles. We aim to help people collaborate towards behavior change and we apply this knowledge in multiple domains . With our background in…experience sustainable, sustainable lifestyle, household sustainablehealthcare, sustainability, collaboration, publication, release2
transitiecoalitievoedsel.nl…the way for the necessary transition in the global agrifood system. This motto can be summarized with ‘always sustainable and healthy’. It needs to take the place of the ‘no more hunger’ paradigm that has long dominated the European…motto sustainable, sustainable healthy, submission sustainable, sustainable foodtransition, coalition, role, zijn, opinion2
harvestofhealth.nlHarvest of Health tomatoes aren’t only tasty, they are also grown in a sustainable manner. The grower harvests rainwater to be used for the plants. The irrigation water and nutrients are then captured and reused time after time. The…team sustainable, sustainable manner, tasty sustainabletomato, harvest, vine, healthy, colour2
delftblueinnovations.nlThis water cycle becomes rapidly more sustainable. Raw materials such as phosphates are recovered as well as energy and for cleaned water new applications are developed. Further purified water can be used as fresh water buffer, as…rapidly sustainable, sustainable raw, effective sustainable, sustainable costtreatment, facility, cycle, documentation, wastewater2
pric-emmen.nlcomposition and the addition of several additives like enzymes, probiotics, acids, etheric oils, etc. Further on the use of new resources like European soybean meal and insects are promising examples for more sustainable poultry production.example sustainable, sustainable poultrypoultry, broiler, animal, facility, nowadays2
startmetdelen.nlCar sharing is smart, affordable and sustainable. Experience the benefits of shared cars and step into a new way of traveling and living today.affordable sustainable, sustainable benefitflexibility, convenience, vehicle, responsibility, municipality2
pierie.nlJeremy Rifkin has a very strong opinion regarding the future that really fits in the “Yes” choice in the global change risk analysis, which states that we have to change towards a sustainable sociality.equitable sustainable, sustainable world, analysis sustainable, sustainable socialityhistoric, uncategorized, pyramid, fossil, conventional2
vdkmp.nl…Guide is based on practical experiences and the beliefs of doctors, nurse specialists and patients in the Netherlands. Use it to your own benefit and organize care in a modern and sustainable way. For yourself, your team and your patients.valuable sustainable, sustainable system, modern sustainable, sustainable wayhealthcare, tactics, clinical, patient, clinician2
wikkelboat.nlAll Wikkelboatare made from sustainable materials and are up to 3x more environmentally friendly than traditional homes. In addition, we generate by far the largest amount of energy ourselves.sustainable inspire, wikkelboatare sustainable, sustainable materialstay, boat, bike, additional, sustainability2
vislandia.nlAs a renewable resource the fish industry is dependent on environmentally responsible and enforceable management measures in both national and international waters. VISLANDIA recognizes that responsible and sustainable fisheries are of…responsible sustainable, sustainable fisheryfish, seafood, responsibility, taste, nutritional2
blume-cs.nl…home, a mobile office, a pop-up shop, or a temporary shelter, used shipping containers offer an affordable and sustainable solution. Leading the charge in providing quality used shipping containers for sale is Giant Lockbox, a company…affordable sustainable, sustainable solution, effective sustainable, sustainable versatileguide, chapter, mattress, door, oil2
vrijopnaam.nlYes, I would like to receive the sunniest email newsletter in the Netherlands three times a year with news about Vrijopnaam, sunny offers and sustainable tips.offer sustainable, sustainable tiprate, sun, dynamic, subscribe, electricity2
veegeo.nlDriven and sustainable: from realisation to management of the geothermal operation.drive sustainable, sustainable realisationgeothermal, operation, geological, seismic, hazard2
enactus.nlAll young leaders in the Netherlands use innovation & business skills to ensure that all people thrive in a sustainable world.people sustainable, sustainable worldenactus, false, join, leader, leadership2
easyfiets.nlEasyFiets is a sustainable bicycle recycling company located in Leiden. We give used bicycles a new lease on life through careful refurbishments and repairs, thereby reducing waste and promoting a more sustainable society. Additionally…easyfiets sustainable, sustainable bicycle, waste sustainable, sustainable societybike, rental, secondhand, repair, cycling2
sanderchan.nlMy research includes the development of methodologies to assess the performance of transboundary state & non-state cooperation in sustainable development and climate change governance; as well as furthering knowledge about local contexts…cooperation sustainable, sustainable development, ambition sustainablepolitical, scientist, researcher, publication, environmental2
go2people.nlAs a foundation committed to a greener and sustainable world, Trees for All goes beyond mere words by actively planting trees. Visitors to the website can easily purchase trees in various ways, and our goal was to build a clear and…green sustainable, sustainable worldvisually, tree, municipality, expectations, objective2
esd-sic.nlESD-SIC was already at the forefront in the global SiC market, especially in terms of the environment and process technology. We want to further consolidate this position by using sustainable raw materials, reducing CO 2 emissions, saving…position sustainable, sustainable rawenvironmental, refractory, innovative, vacancy, responsible2
uctechnologies.nl…physics, chemistry, biology, installation and control engineering. With this insight, we come up with sustainable total solutions in the areas of thermodynamics, integral safety, climate control and industrial ventilation. We…insight sustainable, sustainable totalpollution, mechanical, ventilation, thermodynamic, climate2
unigas.nl…us. Unigas and our partners are committed to working with our customers and industry peers to make shipping a sustainable and circular model and are investing heavily in digital and technical evolutions to better prepare our services…course sustainable, sustainable shipping, shipping sustainable, sustainable circularsustainability, telephone, emergency, fleet, road2
aquaox.nlReduce CO2 Emissions: By implementing AquaOX’s sustainable water treatment systems, you contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.approach sustainable, sustainable clean, aquaox sustainable, sustainable waterfacility, disinfectant, environmental, horticulture, treatment2
chocoa.nlThis years Chocoa was embedded in the Amsterdam Cocoa Week and benefitted of many visitors in Amsterdam. Chocoa featured all of the well-known parts like the Trade Fair, European Markets Academy, Amsterdam Sustainable Cocoa Conference…amsterdam sustainable, sustainable cocoa, people sustainable, sustainable marketcocoa, chocolate, conference, february, annual2
bluerebelinterior.nlBlue Rebel Interior is a one stop shop for wholesalers around the world that share the same appreciation for craftsmanship and who would like to be a part of making these crafts sustainable for years to come.craft sustainable, sustainable yearinterior, textile, furniture, sense, piece2
enactus-ucu.nlA community of leading honours students at University College Utrecht that create innovative and impactful solutions to social problems. A place where entrepreneurship meets social impact and creates a fair and more sustainable world for…fair sustainable, sustainable worldenactus, entrepreneurial, leader, responsible, enterprising2
gendersmartsolutions.nl…in programmes while working for ILO in the Eighties. I found out that working with women alone does not yield sustainable solutions. In 2013 I started working with Linda Mayoux, who developed the GALSatScale methodology. I designed andempowerment sustainable, sustainable long, woman sustainable, sustainable solutionchain, youth, woman, equality, generational2
lamp-ion.nl…but also crystallization. The basis of this knowledge lies within the research institute Wetsus, European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology. Therefore Lamp-ion B.V. can be considered to be a spin-off of Wetsus.project sustainable, sustainable strawberry, excellence sustainable, sustainable waterion, wave, greenhouse, grant, ecological2
mokodutchdesign.nl“ MOKO believes in the exceptional qualities of luxurious fibres and old crafts. Together with dedicated artisans, they create high-quality and sustainable products. I believe MOKO’s success depends on happy and motivated peolpe who…quality sustainable, sustainable product, friendly sustainable, sustainable yarncraftsmanship, cashmere, yak, luxurious, exceptional2
chunrichoupaal.nltowards gender parity and inclusion. In line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), The Code To Change essentially works towards overcoming structural challenges that…un sustainable, sustainable development, udhr sustainablereport, annual, inclusion, woman, gap2
tekkoo.nlTogether we bring your ideas to market faster. Through our entrepreneurship we make the world a bit more beautiful. Sustainable innovations in cleantech make our eyes glisten. Whether you need acceleration in a project, want to set up an…beautiful sustainable, sustainable innovation, economy sustainable, sustainable energyentrepreneurship, assumption, force, factory, circular2
geelhoedtransport.nlSafe and sustainable transport of chemicals. We transport non ADR and ADR 1 to 9.safe sustainable, sustainable transportchemical, answer, suitable, customize, paramount2
groenegeneratie.nlGreen Skills education is a logical approach to enable the Sustainable Development Goalsapproach sustainable, sustainable development, people sustainablegeneration, earth, currently, youth, logical2
teloscoaching.nlA trajectory at Telos will require something from you. After all, sustainable (behavioral) change starts with daring to look at yourself and the willingness to work on yourself. This requires an atmosphere of safety and trust.approach sustainable, sustainable positive, telos sustainable, sustainable behavioralconfidence, trust, understand, career, leadership2
amrathairporthotelrotterdam.nl…has an attractive restaurant with green terraces where you can enjoy vegetarian, vegan, organic food or various sustainable options. Be surprised by the surrounding nature reserve. At Amrâth Airport Hotel Rotterdam is all about sincere…food sustainable, sustainable option, goal sustainable, sustainable tourism, sustainable stepamrâth, official, organic, parking, rate2
kinderrijk.nlEverything we do is for now and for the future. A sustainable view of the world comes natural to a sector concerned with the well-being and development of children. KinderRijk believes it can play a vital role in this.future sustainable, sustainable viewchildcare, registration, frequently, sustainability, obligation2
lavertu.nlThe new luxury foundation dispenser features an innovative refill system. The economical refill is a sustainable, eco-friendly and budget-friendly choice. The airtight pump system also preserves the quality of the vitamin E-enriched…sustainable beauty, refill sustainable, sustainable ecocolour, brown, pencil, adapt, orange2
smart-guard.nlfor quality veterinary medicine is rising. This combination indicates that serious consideration must be given to sustainable solutions that both safeguard and improve customer service and customer experience as well as permanently reduce…consideration sustainable, sustainable solution, seriously sustainableguard, veterinary, veterinarian, consultation, calculation2
studiocrin.nlThese sustainable living objects are manufactured in our own studio, which ensures a minimal loss of materials, and every time we check if and how leftovers can still be used. And if you have some material yourself that you would like us…invite sustainable, sustainable designluscious, joy, consideration, textile, invite2
apg.nl“We need governments to help unlock sustainable investments in emerging markets”government sustainable, sustainable investmentincome, investment, background, sustainability, opinion2
kubogroup.nlKUBO Smart Growing offers personalized, data-driven analyses that provide concrete insights into your market demand, local conditions, greenhouse configurations, and financial projections. Your step-by-step guide to a sustainable and…guide sustainable, sustainable profitable, innovative sustainable, sustainable greenhousegreenhouse, grow, turn, manufacture, contracting2
techconsultancy.nlBy doing so, we believe we are able to provide a more meaningful interpretation of an integrated management system, along with improvement projects and the conducting of pragmatic assessments with sustainable improvements as a final result.client sustainable, sustainable result, assessment sustainable, sustainable improvementimprovement, nav, integrate, successful, resilience2
vanoir.nlWhat impressed me, is that the people at the factory share my values on product quality, worker welfare and sustainable production. It feels like being part of a big family all working together to create these beautiful leather bags. Each…handmade sustainable, sustainable leather, welfare sustainable, sustainable productionbag, leather, true, feel, swatch2
looptas.nlLoopTas achieves concrete sustainable results through keeping the product in the cycle which means more reuses leads to more sustainability, with least carbon footprint. With LoopTas you make impact, in three waysconcrete sustainable, sustainable resultocean, bag, reuse, economy, circular2
ampak.nl…more than 60 years of experience. Our cathodic corrosion protection system plays a major role in in the maritime and offshore sector as it provides a sustainable and often cost-efficient solution to protect metal components from corrosion.sector sustainable, sustainable cost, friendly sustainable, sustainable newprotection, corrosion, cathodic, sacrificial, prevention2
bvder.nl…best effort to return hard plastics such as residual products from horticulture, waste containers, crates and pots to the market as high-quality, new raw materials. The aim is to contribute to a sustainable world for future generations.product sustainable, sustainable world, aim sustainablebag, purchase, certificate, colleague, residual2
steffennijhuis.nlSteffen Nijhuis is an internationally experienced academic, designer, project leader, and author of award-winning publications. By training, he is a landscape architect and a gardener. His work focuses on landscape-based urbanism…urbanism sustainable, sustainable urban, website sustainable, sustainable development, atlas sustainablelandscape, urban, lecture, architecture, urbanism2
vanmeer.nlThe Van Meer New Construction Project in Tholen: Sustainable Growth and Innovation on the Horizontholen sustainable, sustainable growthinstallation, electrical, maintenance, mechanical, entire2
rotterdamseklei.nlWell, clay (klei) has some unique properties, it is a product of nature, it is sustainable, it is flexible, you can use it for many things, it is creative, you can color it and once it is baked it is rock hard! Just like our promises…result sustainable, sustainable solution, nature sustainable, sustainable flexibleprofile, clay, creativity, potential, passionate2
hotim.nlFor more than a decade we hold both FSC® and PEFC™ accreditation and are able to consistently provide wood from legal and sustainable sources. We pride ourselves not only on importing the highest quality sustainably produced hardwoods…performance sustainable, sustainable wood, legal sustainable, sustainable sourcehardwood, wood, timber, requirements, finger2
simstream.nlSimstream offers end-to-end building physics services across all project stages. We bring 10+ years of experience in sustainable building design & simulation, in both professional and academic contexts. Since 2008 we have been working…philosophy sustainable, sustainable solution, experience sustainable, sustainable build, effective sustainablesimulation, analysis, physics, environmental, modelling2
mooimoon.nlNormcore four loko blog distillery twee, banh mi Kickstarter deep v post-ironic master cleanse organic heirloom biodiesel freegan irony. Kickstarter gentrify semiotics, wolf before they sold out Schlitz stumptown trust fund heirloom…chic sustainable, sustainable listicleslider, parallax, sidebar, ecommerce, section2
dsignmarking.nlFinally, the time has come. Together with Opnieuw, specialists in circular, sustainable, and reusable design, the Blob has been reinvented. The designers went back to the egg and found a warm and joyous nest there. That became the name of…circular sustainable, sustainable reusable, office sustainable, sustainable adjustablevisual, visibility, bow, victory, headquarter2
nonplus.nlA more intrusive approach would be for consensus mechanisms like bitcoins proof-of-work to be earmarked as unsustainable. Importantly, this first requires the inclusion of unsustainable activities in the EU taxonomy , which currently only…taxonomy sustainable, sustainable activity, currently sustainable, sustainable oneregulation, asset, october, currency, central2
nio-lifestyle.nlNio-lifestyle - one of the pioneers on sustainable and handmade jewelry premieres the 2015-2016 collection for ladies and gents. The result is "Nio", an embellished, unisex, stylish jewelry collection with a unique soul. All of the…pioneer sustainable, sustainable handmade, house sustainable, sustainable wayinterior, jewelry, technique, timeless, lady2
goddess-spirit.nlremind us that we are here to Love, Care, Trust and Share. Our clothes and malas are made with love with organic, sustainable materials, and in a sustainable equal commerce way. They carry the energy and the sacred Spirit of the Goddess toorganic sustainable, sustainable material, material sustainable, sustainable equalgoddess, spirit, pants, woman, moon2
aclaro.nlI live by the motto "sustainable options don't have to be clumsy". With my straight forward and clear approach I aim at commercializing sustainable concepts to make them more viable. I personally want to contribute in making our world…motto sustainable, sustainable option, approach sustainable, sustainable conceptpositioning, introduction, trade, founder, electronic2
lap3.nlIn a circular economy, as few primary raw materials as possible are used and, where new ones are required, they must be extracted in a sustainable manner. Other adverse effects to the social and physical living environment and to public…consequence sustainable, sustainable development, one sustainable, sustainable mannerwaste, environmental, circular, economy, section2
ekopac.nlWe take care of the production of your packaging and produce in a sustainable way.packaging sustainable, sustainable way, sustainable csrpackaging, circular, redesign, reuse, economy2
koensiteur.nl…on spatially explicit models that I developed and analysed. In addition to my research activities, I lectured at University College Utrecht (UCU) on sustainable resource management and supervised MSc students in their graduation research.ucu sustainable, sustainable resource, programme sustainable, sustainable developmentk., ecosystem, environmental, modelling, ecological2
moversnshakers.nl…brand building initiatives and promotions to achieve our goals. We look in for the best partners and believe in sustainable relationships. Our strengths and services include importation, product development, production, logistics and…partner sustainable, sustainable relationshiplaunch, logistics, channel, target, audience2
tech4dev.nlTo equip Africans with digital and life skills that foster economic prosperity, financial freedom and sustainable developmenttechnology sustainable, sustainable human, freedom sustainable, sustainable developmentwoman, beneficiary, initiative, literacy, youth2
prodelta.nlProDelta Real Estate develops and manages logistics and industrial real estate. We are always on the lookout for opportunities that require innovative, sustainable solutions.innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, resource sustainable, sustainable initiativeestate, crane, investment, parent2
botanicarestaurant.nlWe love local ingredients. Whether it’s the honey from our bee hotel, the freshly roasted coffee delivered by bike, or the eggs from the best hen farm of The Hague. For our seasonal menu, we take extra account of a sustainable supply…account sustainable, sustainable supplyseasonal, hague, ingredient, reservation, kitchen2
tribe28.nl…you think: what makes us stand out from the crowd? We focus on your ambitions and advise you about the possibilities every step of the way. Our ultimate goal? Establish a successful and sustainable match between you and one of our clients.successful sustainable, sustainable match, mile sustainable, sustainable successfulcareer, possibility, successful, winner, bring2
thefarmkitchen.nlCook and eat Earth’s Own Cuisine together as you upskill in sustainable plant-based cooking. And the best part is sharing and connecting over the yummiest food on this mother-loving earth!cuisine sustainable, sustainable plant, partner sustainable, sustainable foodfarm, kitchen, soil, earth, discover2
roeleveldvis.nl…ourselves. As all of our business activities are located under one roof we are able to run an efficient and sustainable business. We offer fresh, top quality fish and work according to traditional methods. If it is fish you are…efficient sustainable, sustainable businessfish, smokehouse, wholesale, harbour, straight2
rechargers.nlRecharge your guests in a fully furnished, Dutch-made luxury glamping tent and opt for a sustainable camping solution. We will make sure that your guest has the camping experience of a lifetime.tent sustainable, sustainable campingaccommodation, rental, sleep, temporary, wedding2
uniquewinkel.nlWe enjoy making outstanding, unique and sustainable products. We specialize in what we make and give our products the attention and love they need. Because only then, we believe, we can live up to the quality of the things we enjoy…unique sustainable, sustainable productwindow, enjoy, durable, decoration, bird2
mercadero.nlOur mission is to create strong, sustainable value chains, together with you, our clients.strong sustainable, sustainable valueorganic, trade, chain, rice, certification2
stefinance.nlSteFinance provides support in implementing efficient, best practice accounting processes and solutions for sustainable, green, humanitarian or health care organization.solution sustainable, sustainable green, root sustainable, sustainable growthefficient, accounting, integration, consulting, mid2
envisionrealestate.nlAt ENVISION we try to emphasize the importance of making sustainable investments while our clients are still actively working on their professional career. Nevertheless, we are fully aware of what it entails to have a demanding career in…deliberately sustainable, sustainable investment, importance sustainableenvision, estate, investment, property, investor2
circulateproject.nlSolar Trade, an energy dashboard and energy sharing marketplace promoting sustainable energy usage.marketplace sustainable, sustainable energyresource, common, framework, collective, roundtable2
signedbyyou.nl…finding ones you can wear every day or adapt to your look is still a challenge. That's why she decided to create her own shoe brand. A brand of heeled shoes in fact. Stylish, sustainable, and seamlessly adaptive to your everyday mood.stylish sustainable, sustainable seamlesslyankle, shoe, collar, everyday, ground2
climarad.nlWe believe in a healthy and sustainable indoor climate and that all building owners should be able to achieve today's energy transition with HVAC solutions that are future-proof and score highly on ventilation performance and energy…healthy sustainable, sustainable indoor, transformation sustainable, sustainable healthcareventilation, transition, temperature, combination, release2
bywardfacilitymanagement.nlWe offer advice on how to make tour company more sustainable. Byward is able to support you with environment-friendly solutions like time-regulated light sources and heating and clever shading solutions to naturally cool down your…company sustainable, sustainable bywardfacility, sustainability, demand, interior, logistic2
worldfoodpavilion.nlJoin us on a journey of discovery through the fascinating world of food. A journey along innovative solutions that contribute to preserving a sustainable world. An interactive, educational and above all fun adventure for young and old!solution sustainable, sustainable world, healthy sustainable, sustainable foodpavilion, fascinating, innovative, taste, visit2
thejames.nl…to experience our cosmopolitan city to the fullest. We are conscious about our surroundings and strive to be as sustainable as possible. Staying at The James is all about enjoying our warmly decorated, comfortable and indulging spaces assurrounding sustainable, sustainable possiblecomfortable, official, reservation, hospitality, central2
eindhovenone.nlWith energy label A, solar panels, a heat exchanger and excellent insulation, we can proudly call Eindhoven ONE a sustainable building.sustainable housing, eindhoven sustainable, sustainable buildquiet, luxury, fully, characteristic, suitcase2
biokite.nlDo you want to create sustainable partnerships, but don’t know what questions to ask?biotech, guide, partnership, clarity, protein2
stewardownershiprechtsvorm.nlIn the Netherlands, there are more than 100 companies that are already set up according to these principles. These steward-owned enterprises are thriving and sustainable leaders in their sectors. However, because there is not yet a…transition sustainable, sustainable fair, enterprise sustainable, sustainable leadersteward, ownership, purpose, profit, enterprise2
sidcon.nlMaking waste collection more sustainable and more efficient through innovation is the vision shared by founders Reinier Siderius and Boris Gubbels. It was this in mind when, in 2008, the underground compactor was designed and went into…collection sustainable, sustainable efficientcompactor, underground, waste, organic, base2
egm.nlRadboudumc Main building - New main building further shapes the sustainable campus, Nijmegenbuild sustainable, sustainable campusinterior, hospital, career, healthcare, building2
koningendrenth.nlWe aim to make the transport world more sustainable. This has been our mission for many years, and we demonstrate it in the following ways:world sustainable, sustainable missionloose, csr, lorry, properly, driver2
eigenfundament.nl…Fundament action program I took back control of my life! With powerful after care my well being score is a big fat 8, and regularly even a 9. Absolutely recommended for anyone looking for sustainable happiness and empowerment. Deep thanks!absolutely sustainable, sustainable happiness, good sustainable, sustainable resulthappiness, purpose, executive, leadership, growth2
castlabproeftuin.nl“CastLab Proeftuin focuses on making the manufacturing industry more sustainable through knowledge sharing and partnership development.”industry sustainable, sustainable knowledgecraftmanship, maintenance, metal, spare, ground2
spice.nlsustainable mobility, technology and style to allow you to take on the autumn inpionier sustainable, sustainable denimspice, collaboration, creation, guest, woman2
shellwatch.nlShell enters into sustainable energy: ‘The market is going to be big, so we want to get in early’shell sustainable, sustainable energyclimate, oil, january, october, february2
manonschonewille.nl…facilitating the transition from uncertainty to clarity, finding converging interests and shared visions for sustainable business and personal growth. Next to my practice as a mediator and negotiator, I founded The Academy of Legal…vision sustainable, sustainable business, profession sustainable, sustainable solutionnegotiator, lawyer, author, internationally, resolution2
holland-chocolate.nlWe make chocolate based on old, proven recipes; when cocoa was still the most important ingredient for chocolate. In this way we seduce the consumer with the full and honest taste of the past. From a sustainable and economic point of…past sustainable, sustainable economic, euforij sustainable, sustainable productionchocolate, responsible, factory, cocoa, region2
exacteexport.nlIn our factories in the Netherlands and Belgium we produce the highest quality dog and cat feed made from 100% natural and sustainable omasums from cows.natural sustainable, sustainable omasumsanimal, belgium, dog, cat, cow2
unica-global.nlAt Unica Global, we have set out to develop nutrition for the future, build on protein sources that make sense to the human body. Our team of experts bring healthy and sustainable solutions all over the world.healthy sustainable, sustainable solution, quality sustainable, sustainable nutritionalgoat, milk, nutrition, nutritional, infant2
syclus.nlSyclus intends to build and operate a plant for the production of renewable ethylene from sustainable ethanol in Chemelot Industrial Park, Geleen, The Netherlands. With an annual production capacity in the range of 100,000 tonnes, this…ethylene sustainable, sustainable ethanol, way sustainable, sustainable wayethylene, chemical, sustainability, circular, career2
turboliner.nland particularly elastic protective layer as end result. Turbo Liner® has been the ultimate solution for years of sustainable protection of products in many different markets and applications. From construction to offshore and from design…year sustainable, sustainable protection, surprising sustainable, sustainable hotcargo, flatbed, warranty, advantage, technique2
msvastgoed.nlMS Vastgoed develops real estate in an inclusive and sustainable manner. In doing so, we seek to ensure that the interests and needs of the local community can be spatially translated into a structure that is also embraced city-wide.estate sustainable, sustainable new, inclusive sustainable, sustainable mannerestate, investment, rental, acquisition, vacancy2
vkkt.nl"De Groot Fresh Group has chosen VK because of the sustainable refrigeration with the best quality. Because Van Kempen has all the expertise, we can make sure our products have the required quality. "vk sustainable, sustainable refrigerationrefrigeration, cold, climate, employee, tomorrow2
visservanbaars.nl​ Daan Stroosnier and Mees Strooker recently held a webinar entitled ‘Felyx: Clearing the road for sustainable DataOps-driven architectures’ in which they discussed how the e-scooter rent...way sustainable, sustainable data, road sustainable, sustainable dataopsintelligence, vacancy, staffing, career, consulting2
eurousedclothing.nlWe strive for sustainable and controlled business operations in which environmental risks are managed and reduced.clothing, textile, sort, certification, secondhand2
octrooifabriek.nlMy dream is to make protection of ideas available to anyone. I believe that protected ideas are the key to a more prosperous world, a cleaner world and a more sustainable world. For that we need access to the creativity of all 7,8 billion…strategy sustainable, sustainable profitable, world sustainable, sustainable worldpatent, invention, protection, mistake, seven2
princeclauschair.nlAs holder of the Prince Claus Chair, Professor García López will look into the relationship between Global Social Justice and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He will focus specifically on the global justice component of the SDGs…condition sustainable, sustainable autonomous, justice sustainable, sustainable developmentchair, prince, equity, publication, holder2
deedee.nl…is very suitable for sterilization processes, while preserving the barrier of the pouch. Unfortunately, this sustainable stand-up pouch is not (yet) suitable for packing retort products (e.g. soups and sauces), but we will keep you…unfortunately sustainable, sustainable pouch, packaging sustainable, sustainable recyclablepouch, recyclable, seal, fully, wish2
jkmconsultancy.nl…responsibility, emphasising green, environmentally friendly and social themes. A few examples; it will offer a Sustainable Stadium Toolkit to the rest of the world, it will support the development of world coaches in developing nations…example sustainable, sustainable stadium, trainer sustainable, sustainable worldplayer, far, rule, medal, america2
hautamsterdam.nlHAUT is made from wood. A centuries-old building material, yet at the same time a basis for innovation in sustainable construction. Wood does not emit CO2, but naturally absorbs it. HAUT therefore earns the highest possible sustainability…sustainable innovation, innovation sustainable, sustainable constructionwood, apartment, healthy, wooden, ground2
hueck.nlHUECK by Hydro is one of Europe's leading suppliers of window, door and façade systems made from sustainable aluminum.circal sustainable, sustainable solution, system sustainable, sustainable aluminumlambda, overview, insulation, protection2
usimokoffieetcetera.nlWe collaborate with farmers and cooperatives to get the best-tasting, high-quality products in a manner that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. Our collaborations span across Indonesia - from Aceh to Java to Flores…economically sustainable, sustainable collaborationbean, indonesia, indonesian, collaboration, farmer2
hippekees.nl★ Sustainable high-quality ★ Stainless steel with (18k) plating ★ Worldwide shipping - €3,95 shipping in NLjewelry, identity, plating, worldwide, steel2
kingarchitecten.nl…is central. I can guide you through the entire process; design, building permits, interior design and technicaly sustainable solutions. With many years of experience, a large network and no overhead costs, your project is in safe hands.technicaly sustainable, sustainable solution, far sustainable, sustainable newking, renovation, interior, basement, layout2
ledupp.nlOur assets are available in several variants, so we can supply a suitable version for every project. Our innovative and high-quality products are optimally sustainable. These eye-catchers are the ideal solution for temporary outdoor…optimally sustainable, sustainable eye, level sustainablevisibility, discover, durability, screen, innovative2
exavolt.nl…and in control with our advanced monitoring software, empowering you to track your energy production and consumption at any time. Embrace the power of solar energy with Exavolt Solar and take the first step towards a sustainable future.step sustainable, sustainable future, extraordinary sustainableinstallation, panel, roof, charge, vehicle2
gildepak.nl…The best alternatives to plastic snack forks can also be found at Gildepak! Our standard range includes wooden (135 mm) and paper (157 mm) snack forks with a cutting edge. These snack forks are sustainable and environmentally friendly!fork sustainable, sustainable environmentallypurchase, paper, fork, packaging, logistics2
utwentecareers.nl…that can help you to flourish, both as a person and as a professional. Tap into our tax discount on making your home more sustainable, our sustainability investments, our career development centre, or our generous leave arrangements.fair sustainable, sustainable digital, home sustainable, sustainable sustainabilityut, vacancy, staff, difference, academic2
elyfbv.nlSound, sustainable and trustable “Supplier” and “Global Representative Agent & Solution Partner Network”sound sustainable, sustainable trustable, dynamic sustainable, sustainable adaptivefabric, textile, internationally, especially, entrepreneur2
akor.nlThe people at AKOR are specialised in residential , commercial and retail construction projects; within the Netherlands and abroad. This concerns not only professional construction, but rather our commitment to working closely with you to…closely sustainable, sustainable solution, construction sustainable, sustainable commercialresidential, specialise, renovation, abroad, guarantee2
asser.nlAsser president Hirsch Ballin presents a report on human rights and sustainable developmentright sustainable, sustainable developmentlaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper2
estherjorg.nl…co-create the best development programs for you. Tailor made and especially designed for your company. By building eco-systems, we enable your people to reach their full potential. With sustainable results, we shape the future of learning.potential sustainable, sustainable resulttailor, accelerator, entrepreneur, career, leadership2
lamaconcept.nlDesign company creating high quality products for use in architecture and interiors. LAMA profiles with sustainable products, produced industrially and finished by craft. Innovative materials and products with a ‘human touch’.profile sustainable, sustainable product, lama sustainable, sustainable materialinvitation, interior, architecture, commission, publication2
skycooler.nlThe Skycooler is an adiabatic cooling solution that works by spraying water, resulting in a cooling effect through evaporation. It is a sustainable and energy-efficient way to provide cooling without the need for air conditioning.evaporation sustainable, sustainable energy, effective sustainable, sustainable solutionefficient, mist, career, environmentally, dust2
marimat.nlFloating docks that are very stable in the water, aluminum bridges, innovative breakwaters - Marimat has been building a very sustainable and innovative product line since 2005 in our own factory in Amstelveen.marimat sustainable, sustainable innovative, sustainable harborstable, draw, berth, finger, sustainability2
manifestchronischgezond.nlTo contribute to the best possible health and happy living, supported by technology, the initiators have drawn up this manifesto with action points to design and apply person-driven, sustainable eHealth applications. Read the manifesto…place sustainable, sustainable affordable, person sustainable, sustainable ehealthmanifesto, healthy, healthcare, disease, principle2
r3f.nlR3F BV from the Netherlands is for many years active in the Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Industry. Consultancy for the whole supply chain focussed on product quality. Next to that we are offering sustainable biostimulants, post harvest…quality sustainable, sustainable biostimulantflower, harvest, seed, agricultural, supply2
xeonfinance.nlWe believe in entrepreneurs and in tailored business financing. We like to assist entrepreneurs to move forward and offer sustainable solutions for urgent and lesser urgent problems.forward sustainable, sustainable solutionrequest, xeon, entrepreneur, capital, tailor2
noordzeeloket.nlThe aim of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is to protect and restore the European seas and oceans and promote their sustainable use.netherlands sustainable, sustainable reliable, important sustainable, sustainable energy, ocean sustainablenorth, ecological, programme, government, maritime2
bicepsratingsystem.nl…use the BICEPS Rating System and the BICEPS Network will be open for further developments and applications of the BICEPS Rating System in the shipping and logistics sector if it can stimulate the acceleration of sustainable initiatives.theme sustainable, sustainable effective, acceleration sustainable, sustainable initiativecarrier, shipper, procurement, operation, sustainability2
koophaardhout.nlCompany Cafetel is Latvian Premium Kiln Dried firewood manufacturer operating since 2012 with capacity of 3000 m3 of ready made product per month. Our core values are transparency and customer focus. We offer best prices, highest quality…material sustainable, sustainable source, quality sustainable, sustainable partnershipkiln, birch, hardwood, silver, environmentally2
universiteitsstrijd.nlDuring the SDG-Challenge fourteen university teams team up with fourteen leading companies to work on challenges that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).challenge sustainable, sustainable development, company sustainablepotential, practical, fourteen, pressure, final2
studiocsp.nl…a situation is always more expensive than adjusting a fixture. Tell us your idea and we will come up with a sustainable and cost-effective solution. We can realize these solutions quickly and professionally, because we have a design…idea sustainable, sustainable costlighting, installation, fixture, default, situation2
bestgloballogistics.nlBest Global Logistics extends its partnership with the Air France KLM Martinair Cargo Corporate Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Programmecorporate sustainable, sustainable aviationlogistics, freight, overview, supply, chain2
fleurenpresspack.nlNew natural sustainable ground cover for rodents and straw based cat litter! The ideal replacement for traditional cat litter. Go see one of the products for more information.natural sustainable, sustainable groundanimal, cat, durability, straw, litter2
koeltrans.nl…which means that the truck tires are regrooved and renewed as much as possible. These operations, when carried out by a professional according to Michelin specifications, conserve natural resources and contribute to sustainable transport.resource sustainable, sustainable transportentrepreneur, temperature, germany, logistics, tire2
lottemeijerphd.nlAfter her graduation, she worked as a researcher at the Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development at Utrecht University, where she investigated the taxi-company ‘Uber’ from an institutional entrepreneurship perspective…institute sustainable, sustainable future, sustainable development, renewable sustainable, sustainable energyphd, transition, publication, sustainability, institute2
campingladiege.nlSustainable and self-sufficient . Words more and more mentioned . H ere at Moulin de l' Aymerie it's our goal to organise the estate and c ampsite being step by step more self-sufficient. I n all the changes we make, is being as…change sustainable, sustainable possiblecampsite, rate, fully, estate, facility2
neonresearch.nlNEON is a multidisciplinary research program addressing three interrelated societal challenges: climate action, renewable energy, and smart & sustainable transport. We believe integral research combining societal, economic and…smart sustainable, sustainable transport, domain sustainable, sustainable energytransition, mobility, emission, integral, societal2
vital2perform.nlVital 2 Perform is offering services aimed at delivering a positive and sustainable contribution to the development of people and organisations and as such sustainably improving the performance and vitality of individuals, teams and…positive sustainable, sustainable contribution, new sustainable, sustainable employabilityperform, vital, vitality, structure, employee2
bouter.nlPick cooking without gas or kitchen equipment with lower consumption. There are many options to make your kitchen more sustainable.sustainable approachkitchen, industrial, proactive, collaboration, difference2
arthost.nlArtHost is a preservation service by LIMA developed in cooperation with DullTech that anyone can use to save complex digital and online artworks. By sending your documentation, source code, files and domain registrations we take care of…care sustainable, sustainable preservation, collection sustainable, sustainable waydocumentation, domain, file, artwork, additional2
creative-companion.nlCREATIVE COMPANION is ready to support your organisation from collaborative transformation and service design thinking to organisational change and sustainable innovation.think sustainable, sustainable innovation, change sustainablecompanion, think, organizational, collaborative, transformation2
muuras.nlOn Duurzame Dinsdag (Sustainable Tuesday) the Dutch government accepted the Sustainable Suitcase filled with hundreds of sustainable ideas and initiatives from all corners of our society. Muuras had the honour to attend, and to be…dinsdag sustainable, sustainable tuesday, government sustainable, sustainable suitcase, hundred sustainablevertical, benefit, environmental, wastewater, rise2
aleksandraacupuncture.nl-You are seeking long-term changes and sustainable health, rather than a quick fix or a bandaid solution.significant sustainable, sustainable change, change sustainable, sustainable healthacupuncture, holistic, philosophy, prevention, medicine2
dewaalbevrachting.nlDe Waal Bevrachting is transparent, reliable and 100% independent. In this way, we jointly strive to build a long-term sustainable relationship.safe sustainable, sustainable way, term sustainable, sustainable relationshipfreight, brokerage, inland, cargo, footer2
miggy.nlDiscover how our advanced soil monitoring elevates your agricultural practices, providing accurate data to optimize your harvest and promote sustainable growth.harvest sustainable, sustainable growth, clean sustainable, sustainable environmentadvanced, connectivity, efficiency, seamless, efficient2
njimmersed.nlPowerful communication and creativity can create synergy and build strong partnerships. Especially now, you must want your contribution to a more sustainable world to be seen and heard. This is our focus: creating communication…business sustainable, sustainable stakeholder, contribution sustainable, sustainable worldsustainability, environmental, partnership, africa, relief2
sunchem.nlSunchem is a company specialized in sustainable feedstock production. We are developing applications for our innovative nicotine-free tobacco variety Solaris. Solaris is a non-gmo crop with a high yield of seed and biomass. By applying…company sustainable, sustainable feedstock, world sustainable, sustainable alternative, demand sustainablebiofuel, farming, sustainability, trial, africa2
bijons-conceptstore.nl…clothes, shoes, accessories, and skateboards. We have a lot of vintage pieces of clothing since we believe in sustainable fashion. As eco-enthusiasts, we provide recycled packaging materials and try to choose eco-friendly brands as ourclothing sustainable, sustainable fashionclothing, packaging, discover, enthusiast, urban2
nasaholding.nlNASA also invests in different high-tech projects. We participate in big data applications that support sustainable agricultural practices, and build cutting edge logistics centers where advanced technical systems lead to superior…chain sustainable, sustainable agriculture, application sustainable, sustainable agricultural, operation sustainableinvestment, invest, purpose, chain, supply2
forwardinfashion.nlWe support and coach manufacturers to open doors, increase their export market share and build a sustainable businessshare sustainable, sustainable business, differentiation sustainable, sustainable waycsr, sustainability, apparel, promotion, efficiency2
huday.nl…light metals product development and associated manufacturing processes. Through these activities HuDay aspires to enhance process efficiency and reduce material losses, leading to a positive contribution towards a sustainable environment.fundamentally sustainable, sustainable environment, contribution sustainableuk, metal, extensive, alloy, fundamentally2
lema-organic.nlLema is an international distributor of fresh organic fruit that originates from sustainable agricultural practices.fruit sustainable, sustainable agriculturalorganic, sunshine, melon, seed, stone2
worldwidelocal.nlEco, green, sustainable, it all adds up to the same thing: we have a responsibility to...green sustainable, sustainable thinguk, reaction, improvement, norway, extreme2
huverba.nlCooperation: Huverba is a member of Tree Center Opheusden (TCO). Growers, machine builders and suppliers pool their knowledge and experience in this knowledge and innovation centre. That is how we all contribute towards high quality and…quality sustainable, sustainable greenery, sustainable greenlogistics, sustainability, tree, cooperation, assortment2
direct-source.nlEverything we do has an impact. Something we are keenly aware of. Which is why we are striving to make our daily business more sustainable, together with our growers and buyers.sustainable goal, business sustainable, sustainable growerfreshness, round, sustainability, certificate, healthy2
artsforafrica.nlThrough provision of international and local trade aid, Arts for Africa aims to provide basket weavers in rural Africa with an opportunity to showcase and sell their exquisite works of art across the globe and establish independent…independent sustainable, sustainable livelihoodafrica, basket, weaver, programme, aid2
wilgenheerd.nl…get rid of it in the near future, so that we can live completely energy neutral. We work together with all kinds of local companies for sustainable maintenance of grounds and farm, but also for improvements and investments in our company.company sustainable, sustainable maintenancecampsite, farmhouse, estate, stay, guest2
vanmontfoortcommunicatie.nlIn search of literature for thinking through a sustainable vision of the Bible, environmental concerned theologian, vicar and author, Trees van Montfoort found out that there was a substantial body of foreign language publications on this…literature sustainable, sustainable vision, panel sustainable, sustainable thingtheology, earth, tree, bible, animal2
thejoan.nlFor the design of Amsterdam’s The Joan, an Amsterdam architectural firm was engaged: OZ . The agency has a worldwide track record with more than 30 years of experience. When designing, OZ mainly focuses on sustainable and…mainly sustainable, sustainable location, identity sustainable, sustainable user, field sustainablekid, town, resident, thousand, square2
pcdf.nlFund, Oost-NL, Perspectief Fonds Gelderland and Realdania, have joined our mission to create a more rewarding and sustainable future. We are currently not fundraising for this investment strategy. Interested in co-investments or joining…reward sustainable, sustainable futurecircular, fund, capital, investor, economy2
qmes.nlWith our many years of experience we provide integrated solutions to many of the man-made problems. These solutions help in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to restore the natural balance in the aforementioned areas of…solution sustainable, sustainable environmentallytreatment, environmental, wastewater, soil, sewer2
dewaardtransport.nlWe strive for a long-term relationship with our environment, sustainable with our customers, with our people and with our suppliers, continuity ensures reliable service.sustainable front, environment sustainable, sustainable customeritaly, logistics, pass, requirement, condition2
stichtingzeepaardje.nl– the welfare of children in the Netherlands but also in the world. Not only by stimulating education, health care or by making the world more sustainable, but also by offering children a nice and safe environment;world sustainable, sustainable child, hand sustainable, sustainable researchfunction, report, annual, responsibility, initiative2
eipo.nlWe support cities in their need to change, towards a sustainable and resilient future by creating strategies for innovation, smart city planning and economic development. In our inclusive approach we engage with multi-helix partners to…need sustainable, sustainable resilient, duong sustainable, sustainable highpresence, understand, sustainability, apparel, exchange2
cnstrct.nlYou are the expert when it comes to your retail property. By adding our specialization in construction and renovation of shops and shopping centers, we create sustainable synergy. Good to know: our strength lies in integral building. By…innovative sustainable, sustainable key, center sustainable, sustainable synergyconstructive, builder, hospitality, insurance, anchor2
government.nlThe Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic and Ireland call for a European policy package on sustainable carbon in the chemical industrypackage sustainable, sustainable carbon, fossil sustainable, sustainable rawgovernment, housing, sudan, holiday, election2
labonovum.nl…over their own health, with correct and reliable information, support and, above all, motivation to achieve sustainable long-term lifestyle improvements. Our team of doctors and lifestyle experts is on hand to provide personal…motivation sustainable, sustainable long, digitise sustainable, sustainable versionblood, consumer, diagnostic, patient, healthcare2
consulted.nlThree crucial and interdependent aspects are essential for any organisation to reap the benefits from sustainable innovation and create real value for all stakeholders:strategic sustainable, sustainable innovation, benefit sustainablestakeholder, strategic, sustainability, understand, exponential2
gaptalent.nlBringing organizations and talent together is what we do. We understand your challenges and work with the best professionals to help you bridge the GAP! We are your strategic partner in finding and implementing sustainable recruitment…partner sustainable, sustainable recruitmentgap, assignment, founder, appointment, schedule2
unex.nlWith the realistic wood logs, you can also create a beautiful, authentic fireplace experience for the bioethanol fireplace. Perfectly balanced thanks to the logs' sustainable, true-to-nature properties.log sustainable, sustainable truefireplace, innovative, craftsman, decorative, electric2
oddtreasures.nlcustome-made collection of T-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, bags, accessoires and handmade jewelry. Sustainable and vegan, zero waste. Clothing for kids and adults. Wire fox terrier, design on demand all made by OddityPieces. designed and…jewelry sustainable, sustainable vegan, hoodie sustainable, sustainable materialodd, jewelry, demand, adult, bag2
circulairecijfers.nl…towards sustainability. The basic figures are available free of charge, to enable more organizations and individuals to make sustainable material, design and purchasing choices. This is a non-profit initiative of Circular Engine and Duinn.individual sustainable, sustainable material, circular sustainable, sustainable societystatistics, circular, figure, survey, sustainability2
rivoircapital.nlRivoir is an investment manager specializing in infrastructure. We play a crucial role in successfully realizing projects throughout their entire lifespan. We are dedicated to the sustainable and economic value of complex and large-scale…dedicated sustainable, sustainable economic, large sustainable, sustainable infrastructure, innovative sustainableinfrastructure, capital, investment, economic, climate2
carboncollectors.nlFor some industries, technologies are not yet available to make the full transition to a sustainable production process. For these industries, we collect the CO2 they capture and store it safely in empty offshore gas fields.transition sustainable, sustainable productioncarbon, collector, emission, storage, climate2
service-ecc.nl…and improving the properties and performance of elastomeric materials. The goal is to create elastomers with enhanced mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties, as well as develop efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes.efficient sustainable, sustainable manufacture, recycling sustainable, sustainable solutionelastomer, property, tire, technique, characterization2
s4business.nlLooking for a solid and sustainable ICT infrastructure? We got this! You can focus on growing your business, while we manage your systems, like corporate network, servers and back-up in the (hybrid) cloud.solid sustainable, sustainable ict, safe sustainableworkplace, manage, carefree, solid, infrastructure2
boatwell.nlOur goal is to contribute and accelerate the transformation of the recreational boating market worldwide into a more accessible, sustainable and even meaningful market. By developing and supporting electrification, smart technologies and…premium sustainable, sustainable accessible, accessible sustainable, sustainable meaningful, innovation sustainableboat, electric, demand, topology, accessible2
mineraux.nlRAUX® is a more sustainable alternative to titdioxide and might be the answer to your question.sustainable solution, raux sustainable, sustainable alternativetoy, dioxide, replacement, paint, crayon2
incr-edible.nlA complete product line of high performing ingredients that are based on 100% plant-based, sustainable, clean label, and allergies-free rice by-product.plant sustainable, sustainable cleanedible, rice, nutrition, ingredient, waste2
startupecosystem.nlTogether with these social startups, another 5 organisations have been interviewed for their role seems important to integrate the sharing economy / sustainable entrepreneur cluster, being: Pakhuis de Zwijger , Sprout , Share NL , Social…economy sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurecosystem, analysis, entrepreneur, graph, entrepreneurial2
lm.nlGrowing Together, an initiative of L&M Group, symbolises the development of an increasingly sustainable product range in the flower sector. Growing Together, an initiative of L&M Group, symbolises the development of an increasingly…increasingly sustainable, sustainable product, sector sustainable, sustainable futurelogistics, flower, grow, supply, initiative2
geldersebootverhuur.nl#sustainability #innovativedesign #innovation #sustainability #sustainable #collaboration #cooperation #tanaruzboats #durable #entrepreneurship #networking #entrepreneur #developmentsustainability sustainable, sustainable collaborationboat, sail, rental, mother, skipper2
bottleless.nlWe believe in sustainable products that alter your daily routine as little as possible.bottle, comfortable, cosmetic, pre, liquid2
hofbogen.nl…rental properties, mainly houses, for low-income tenants. It was clear that Hofbogen BV required effective, sustainable management. Thanks to a financial boost from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cultural Heritage…effective sustainable, sustainable management, environmental sustainable, sustainable designviaduct, roof, street, architecture, railway2
theoxide.nldrinking water hygiene, and skin disinfection. All of our products are characterized by a low hazard profile, excellent efficacy and low environmental impact. In addition to that, Bioxyl and Laquick are low- or zero-residue and sustainable.green sustainable, sustainable coursedisinfectant, disinfection, surface, infection, tomorrow2
startupconsulting.nlBeyond our vast expertise lies our fundamental belief, described in our five guiding principles; as values of the future we aim to live in, and as critical business assets for sustainable growth.asset sustainable, sustainable growth, sustainable excellencegrowth, operation, explore, guidance, practical2
pultrum-rijssen.nlWe actively try to make our logistics process more sustainable. In 2016, Pultrum was rewarded with the Lean and Green Star. This Star is awarded to companies that are leading in reducing their CO2 emissions.process sustainable, sustainable pultrumlogistics, exceptional, vacancy, vehicle, logistic2
gerberaunited.nlWe offer a sustainable product range by using the latest cultivation techniques. This enables us to grow more gerberas using less energy, which benefits the climate and the environment. At Gerbera United, you can count on the highest…innovative sustainable, sustainable cultivationunited, packaging, benefit, nursery, sustainability2
madalbalorganics.nlExplore Madal Bal Organics, a brand rooted in nourishing lives and nurturing our planet through mindful, sustainable practices.mindful sustainable, sustainable practice, happy sustainable, sustainable futureprotein, organic, recipe, healthy, delicious2
jazzcoffeewines.nlAre you looking for a special gift? JAZZ Coffee & Wines sells a wide range of culinary tools, cook books, crockery and accessories. Here, our sustainable vision also applies and we purchase sustainable products whenever possible. We also…wine sustainable, sustainable business, accessorie sustainable, sustainable vision, vision sustainablewine, thursday, sunday, discover, kitchen2
pejoux.nlBut our webshop is more than just a collection of vintage goodies. We believe in the power of reusing and repurposing to reduce waste and create a more sustainable future. By giving these items a new lease on life, we're helping to…waste sustainable, sustainable future, vibe sustainable, sustainable sasstableware, interior, decoration, add, carefully2
noviter.nlIn 2040 my daughters will be in their thirties roaming this planet and participating in a sustainable and liveable environment. That is what I hope, of course. No plan can give me that security. In the end, the only thing we can really…planet sustainable, sustainable liveable, expertise sustainable, sustainable operationalimprovement, execution, leadership, transformation, competence2
dumocom.nlThe food market is changing. Healthier products, sustainable production, greater emphasis on marketing and design, and more small product launches. So, more and more food producers are opting for PET bottles made by Dumocom.product sustainable, sustainable production, flexible sustainable, sustainable relativelybottle, clever, grade, packaging, fire2
hutalks.nlUtrecht ). The IB Honours programme is a platform for our super motivated students who want to go the extra mile, apply a “do good & pay it forward” attitude and initiate a project for a cause to support the UN Sustainable Development Goalsun sustainable, sustainable developmenttalk, honour, programme, apply, motivate2
bssfamilierecht.nlAgnes is keen to apply her extensive knowledge and experience within BSS to achieve sustainable solutions for her clients. While she has solid court experience, she prefers her clients to solve their cases in joint consultation. Being a…client sustainable, sustainable solution, bss sustainablelaw, divorce, lawyer, collaborative, agreement2
rheaklantportaal.nlRhea invites the business and cultural world to become co-creators of a sustainable future with us, actively circulating values, innovative ideas and actions. Because for Rhea, the big change lies in the ability to share.sustainable vision, creator sustainable, sustainable futureergonomic, intuitive, combination, consumer, customizable2
ommuurdetuin.nlWhen we face challenges (e.g. because of drought & heat) you receive a bit less, when the yield is good you'll receive extras. In this way, we - as a community - work together on the continuation of sustainable nature inclusive farming…continuation sustainable, sustainable nature, truely sustainable, sustainable fairherb, farm, solidarity, vegetable, variety2
m-unlock.nl"The novel opportunities offered by UNLOCK will enable us to develop highly efficient and sustainable applications for water treatment. We therefore enthusiastically support the implementation of UNLOCK."bioreactor sustainable, sustainable microbiological, efficient sustainable, sustainable applicationunlock, microbial, facility, potential, infrastructure2
parkereninijdock.nlDiscover carefree parking at Interparking IJDock! Our parking garage offers safe and sustainable parking spaces centrally located on the new city island IJDock. Enjoy stress-free parking while experiencing the vibrant atmosphere of…local sustainable, sustainable food, safe sustainable, sustainable parkingparking, affordable, walk, evening, dinner2
bpo.nl10 years is the enormous weight-reduction of suitcases. To realise this optimisation Samsonite has been working with BPO for many years. Together BPO and Samsonite have come a long way in constructing lighter and more sustainable suitcases.light sustainable, sustainable suitcasesimulation, optimisation, bottle, crate, flower2
dakdorpen.nlRooftop villages (the English translation of ‘dakdorpen’) are a new step in urban development that combines sustainable housing with creating a more ecological intelligent city. While contributing to the solution of several urban…development sustainable, sustainable housing, profit sustainable, sustainable ambitionroof, village, housing, attractive, ecological2
voltstrategy.nlOur clients seek sustainable improvement and are eager to explore new, sometimes unorthodox answers. To add more value, increase profitability or pursue other specific goals. We establish long-term relationships based on mutual trust and…client sustainable, sustainable improvementhague, consulting, structure, mobility, decision2
switchgrass.nlThis project has been funded by NL Agency under the Sustainable Biomass Import Programme.agency sustainable, sustainable biomassbiomass, crop, purpose, practical, scientific2
cas.nlCAS does more than just deliver a result – we believe in partnering for success. We will work with you to create a positive customer experience and ensure a sustainable brand experience.experience sustainable, sustainable brand, look sustainable, sustainable boothcreate, difference, commitment, discover, sustainability2
frisp.nlThe carbon pawprint of our pets is a real problem to the planet, mainly because of the pet food industry. This is how we are committed to ensuring your dog stays healthy and happy in a sustainable way.happy sustainable, sustainable way, alternative sustainable, sustainable materialdog, meal, meat, ingredient, healthy2
livinglandscapes.nlLiving Landscapes is an art and landscape architecture practice that focuses on self-generating, sustainable, and biodiverse environments.self sustainable, sustainable biodiverse, texel sustainable, sustainable futurelandscape, forest, immersive, creature, species2
tuinderij-vahl.nlWe are a modern family business that specialises in the sustainable production of tomatoes and cucumbers for the Dutch and European market. Quality, the environment and sustainability are key areas of focus in our company. Geothermal…business sustainable, sustainable productiongeothermal, grow, organic, cucumber, grower2
konflex.nlSoil steaming is one of the most effective sustainable techniques to sterilize and disinfect soil in open fields or greenhouses. It eradicates pests such as weeds, bacteria, fungi, and viruses which leaves the soil healthy for new crops…effective sustainable, sustainable technique, technique sustainable, sustainable weedsteam, alternative, soil, crop, weed2
vockadeamsterdam.nlThe project is brand new! A special residential area rises from the old VOC wharf and authentic buildings. Car-free, in the center of the city and surrounded by the Amsterdam canals. You live in luxury in the most sustainable way possible…luxury sustainable, sustainable wayapartment, rent, luxurious, roof, impression2
yumboxlunch.nlReuse, Reduce and Save! With this sustainable Yumbox there is no need for single use packaging or multiple containers anymore, saving money and reducing waste. The Yumbox is made of only food safe materials, BPA-free and phthalates-free…hour sustainable, sustainable durablebag, bottle, official, backpack, stainless2
energiexp.nlWe develop green energy hubs. This is where our own sustainable energy is transformed into green hydrogen – the energy carrier of the future. In doing so, we respect the environment. Reliable, respectful and involved.generation sustainable, sustainable energy, hub sustainablehydrogen, cooperation, installation, generation, acceleration2
bix2.nlWe are seeking socially responsible investors for a meaningful opportunity aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the 2X challenge criteria. The BIX2 capital structure has a blended pool of capital with three tranches of…un sustainable, sustainable developmentclimate, invest, investor, investment, sme2
rickvanderzwet.nl​ EcoTree nurtures sustainable timber forests of trees owned by people like you!world sustainable, sustainable smartphone, ecotree sustainable, sustainable timberpreference, timeline, overview, stuff, openstreetmap2
studionousnous.nlLEAF+LAB research is our engine lab for creating creative “green” concepts on different scale. We do creative art direction and lead full research. The goal is finding new solutions to encourage sustainable behaviour. When designing this…solution sustainable, sustainable behaviour, concept sustainableresidential, architecture, interior, inside, healthcare2
socialfabric.nlYou’re an organization that is making profit, creating value for its customers, delivering an excellent environment in which employees are entrepreneurs in delivering sustainable value.entrepreneur sustainable, sustainable value, ambassador sustainable, sustainable worldfabric, inspiration, employee, profit, entrepreneur2
oreq.nlWe help organizations to implement optimizing strategies and engage communities. Managers ask us to fix issues within their teams. To help them to rewire and enable people to make deeper connections. We build sustainable platforms that…connection sustainable, sustainable platformleadership, true, potential, growth, connection2
msm.nlMSM's Short Executive Programmes are developed to achieve a successful and sustainable transformation of both individuals and organisations.successful sustainable, sustainable transformation, inclusive sustainable, sustainable developmentprogramme, executive, degree, economy, leadership2
enfleurs.nlEarly on, Noëlle’s passion for working with people to authentically convey messages took root, guiding her toward a career in PR. From living in London to launching her sustainable brand with Kickstarter support, she later joined a…authenticity sustainable, sustainable growth, london sustainable, sustainable brandtrajectory, personalized, presence, embark, impactful2
maxxtraining.nl…more energy and be fitter in life? Our experienced personal trainers know better than anyone how you can achieve sustainable results. With varied and challenging personal training, they ensure that you achieve your personal goals. Our…well sustainable, sustainable result, plan sustainableweight, guidance, rate, muscle, nutritional2
iederkindverdienteennaam.nl…an average of twice a year, Milou is present at Sengerema Hospital as a consultant, to teach and improve the NICU. The unit is a success: in 2017 there was a drop in neonatal mortality of 40%. The main future goal is a sustainable unit.goal sustainable, sustainable unit, challenge sustainable, sustainable departmentmortality, cast, perinatal, movie2
metisconsultants.nl…of this transition. Our strength is in translating theory, new rules and regulations and changing expectations into a future-proof strategy that fits your day to day reality. So you can add sustainable value. Now and in the future.reality sustainable, sustainable value, inclusive sustainable, sustainable wayemployee, engagement, csr, transition, circular2
prudon.nlPlastic Recycling Prudon BV follows the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) guidelines. We are part of a growing network and we all work on a more sustainable business community. Whether it concerns energy saving, the reuse of raw…price sustainable, sustainable solution, network sustainable, sustainable businessraw, employee, fully, csr, responsibility2
glasspanel.nl…expectations and regulations that the government will set for each industry (how it will regulate safety and hygiene for staff and customers) corona screens or cough screens made of tempered glass are a sustainable and hygienic solution.glass sustainable, sustainable hygienicscreen, glass, table, hygienic, desk2
beveco.nlPark 20|20 in the Haarlemmermeer near Amsterdam is the first full-service Cradle-to-Cradle® optimized working environment worldwide. The park combines sustainable design and an optimal ecological approach in an innovative way with a…tilburg sustainable, sustainable live, park sustainable, sustainable designintegration, automation, certificate, optimal, functional2
cementbouw.nl…who are dedicated to their function and the company. An organization that has the practical affairs for its employees in good order. A company that pays attention to safety, sustainable employability and vitality of its employees.responsibility sustainable, sustainable solution, safety sustainable, sustainable employabilityaggregate, infrastructure, sustainability, manufacturer, raw2
microkrediettanzania.nlBy offering small loans, Pamoja Nguvu offers women in Tanzania a chance to become financially sustainable and independent.financially sustainable, sustainable independentdonation, woman, declaration, independent, underprivileged2
beverbike.nlWant to get your employees coming by bike to the office or to get mobility advice on a more sustainable mobility policy within your company. Beverbike offers the Company scan in which companies are helped to get employees mobile in a more…advice sustainable, sustainable mobility, mobile sustainable, sustainable way, important sustainablecycling, bicycle, infrastructure, mobility, cyclist2
jamael.nl…to change the way we produce and consume food. Our mission is to develop, implement and scale up concepts that ensure a healthy and sustainable global food supply network. We believe that employing technology can facilitate this process.healthy sustainable, sustainable global, customer sustainable, sustainable choiceinitiative, sustainability, healthy, supply, transparency2
tombremerkamp.nlE-bike store is the Dutch leader in the e-bike market. Drawing commuters from cars to bikes. This branding and e-commerce platform gives a face to a brand with a big heart for a sustainable future.heart sustainable, sustainable futuredirection, campaign, bike, football, partnership2
renewableenergyservices.nlSustainable high-quality renewable energy is the standard, it’s our task to provide our clients access to renewable energy in the most efficient, effective and sustainable way possibleeffective sustainable, sustainable way, client sustainable, sustainable growthbiomethane, renewable, connect, sustainability, supply2
utrechtphdparty.nl…by facilitating clear communication about these rights and duties. We pay special attention to, amongst others, the right to a sustainable work-life balance and the right to keep learning and grow as an academic besides the day to day job.right sustainable, sustainable work, consistency sustainable, sustainable initiativecouncil, phd, candidate, faculty, academic2
arthur.nlWhat can an entrepreneur, company, sector, community or other groups in manufacturing, industry and related sectors and domains do to create overall positive impact while also having a viable and economically sustainable value model, with…economically sustainable, sustainable value, nation sustainable, sustainable developmenttrust, dynamic, society, intelligence, ecosystem2
negreatandartsen.nlCrowns and bridges are intended as sustainable replacements for teeth. They approach the original form and function as much as possible …bridge sustainable, sustainable replacementtooth, patient, dentist, dentistry, oral2
wilhelminapepermunt.nl…products, such as sugar hearts with text and Salmiak pastilles, have also become true staples. They are of premium quality and often vegan, and usually they come with sustainable packaging. Wilhelmina is more than just peppermint.usually sustainable, sustainable packaging, pack sustainablepeppermint, frequently, tin, pack, refreshment2
h2makers.nlproducts and initiatives to life. The hydrogen manufacturing industry is in need of smart solutions in electrolysis, storage and transport. With regional cooperation, we turn ideas into reality and we take steps toward a sustainable future.partnership sustainable, sustainable hydrogen, step sustainable, sustainable futurehydrogen, desk, manufacture, funding, capital2
van-haaften.nlOnce you understand what is driving customer satisfaction your are able to built sustainable customer relationships.sustainable strategy, able sustainable, sustainable customersatisfaction, integration, strategic, sweet, drawing2
scentiss.nlBoosting social and community-driven entrepreneurship for the transition to an inclusive and sustainable societyinclusive sustainable, sustainable society, selective sustainable, sustainable purchasedescription, entrepreneurship, transition, initiative, housing2
caradt.nl‘Without collaboration, impact is impossible. So… let's connect, and make a sustainable impact on society.’impossible sustainable, sustainable impact, sustainably sustainable, sustainable alternativecultural, society, interaction, apply, risk2
media-health.nlThe Center for Media & Health (CMH) empowers people to live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, by using entertainment media, storytelling and innovative communication methods.prevention sustainable, sustainable consumption, healthy sustainable, sustainable lifestylepositive, hear, behavior, july, dialogue2
vakwerkadvies.nlVakwerk helps organizations to become better, more sustainable and more fun. We advise, coach and guide organizations in their development. If you go off the beaten track, Vakwerk offers a compass for change. Whether it concerns long-term…well sustainable, sustainable fun, development sustainable, sustainable mannerorganizational, leadership, perspective, intervention, role2
stcorp.nlEarth Observation (EO) is the key to protecting and preserving our environment, driving sustainable practices, and stimulating global communities to adapt to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.environment sustainable, sustainable practiceearth, defence, decision, sustainability, valuable2
sizingscience.nlSizing Science helps you to determine the most efficient sizing: a minimal number of sizes and a maximum coverage of the user population. The goal of Sizing Science is to make the fashion- and manufacturing industry more sustainable and…industry sustainable, sustainable efficientefficient, target, dimension, measurement, clothing2
fluxies.nl5. Period pants are more comfortable. Our leak-proof underwear is free from toxins and made from breathable and sustainable materials, so you'll feel more comfortable, for longer.underwear sustainable, sustainable material, breathable sustainableperiod, pants, leak, underwear, accessorie2
wallpanelen.nlAll the wood we use comes from sustainable forestry, which ensures that the forest can reproduce more trees than are cut down.wood sustainable, sustainable forestryacoustic, directly, oak, panel, guarantee2
rstrail.nlStaff member Gonçalo H. A. Correia editor-in-chief of the open-access npj Series: sustainable mobility and transportseries sustainable, sustainable mobilitycongress, phd, mobility, introduction, traffic2
halona.nlNature grazing Natural grazing is a natural, sustainable and environmentally friendly grazing of nature reserves by a flock of sheep. It is an alternative…ethical sustainable, natural sustainable, sustainable environmentallywool, sheep, hang, hanging, uncategorized2
biomedicalmaterialsprogram.nl…to choose the best material for your bathroom backfill, you should consider several factors. You must always consider the environment when choosing bathroom backfill materials to ensure the decor of the bathroom is safe and sustainable.necessity sustainable, sustainable humanpowder, chemical, copper, bonding, carbide2
sadc.nlBusiness Park Amsterdam Osdorp takes another step towards sustainable area development with circular roadworld sustainable, sustainable logistic, step sustainable, sustainable arearealisation, advise, logistics, distribution, trade2
youthspeakforum.nlYouth Speak Forum powered by AIESEC is an event that empowers young people to understand how they can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through engaging and inspiring guest talks and workshops.people sustainable, sustainable development, degradation sustainableyouth, speak, aiesec, inequality, economic2
beefensteak.nlBeef View All Aberdeen Angus Aged Andalusian Angus Australian Black Angus Bommelse Blonde (Grass-Fed) Dry-Aged (21 days dry-aged) Sustainable local Meat Irish Grass-Fed Japanese Wagyu (Marbling 10+) Veal USA (100 days) Grain-Fed Uruguay…age sustainable, sustainable localmeat, wine, lamb, accessorie, recipe2
villavalentijn.nlDaycare center Villa Valentijn Den Haag, cozy, personal and sustainable childcarepersonal sustainable, sustainable childcarechildcare, daycare, hague, parent, committee2
dutchtechgroup.nlWe facilitate collaboration between cities & regions and businesses, aimed at improving smart, sustainable and scalable solutions. By building on experiences and solutions from other countries and cultures, everyone will learn and improve…smart sustainable, sustainable city, sustainable scalableenterprise, government, presence, creation, region2
naomi-ellemers.nl…British Academy, and an international member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2010 she received the prestigous NWO-Spinoza Award, and is chair of the board of the NWO Gravitation program on sustainable cooperation (SCOOP).program sustainable, sustainable cooperation, programme sustainablepublication, behaviour, teach, diversity, ethical2
consmema.nlYes, that is definitely interesting for us. our sustainable state-of-the-art production facility is designed for efficiency and energy-saving production. discover it for yourself and request a quote.interesting sustainable, sustainable statemetalworking, precast, metal, hydraulic, hydrodynamic2
zooconsultants.nlZoo Consultants wants to develop zoos, Dômes and wildlife resorts that are innovative, based on our ‘vision’ and ‘vision and beyond’ which can be recognized by the sustainable and natural appearance.vision sustainable, sustainable naturalinnovative, analysis, study, risk, feasibility2
vanstorm.nl…of record-breaking achievements in lifting and installing, as well as decommissioning and operating in the harshest conditions, and is at the forefront of the development of specialized equipment, products, and sustainable solutions.development sustainable, sustainable solution, product sustainableshipbuilding, yacht, maritime, career, vacancy2
laradegreef.nlLabel Aleph focuses on the creation of exclusive contemporary design products. The philosophy behind Aleph is to create beautiful and sustainable products.beautiful sustainable, sustainable product, goal sustainable, sustainable environmentallypottery, ceramic, exclusive, traditional, technique2
trainingforlife.nlIn line with Sustainable Development Goal 3 from the World Health Organization (WHO), our vision is to contribute to a global decline in maternal and perinatal mortality. This is to be achieved by providing simulation-based obstetric…line sustainable, sustainable development, organisation sustainable, sustainable longlastingmaternal, mortality, perinatal, simulation, multidisciplinary2
archiparels.nlSustainable, design properties in the most unexpected locations. Archiparels offers you the possibility to develop or purchase your unique “architectural pearl” as a new home or for your business activity.property, cozy, interested, estate, renovation2
ggni.nlA secure economic and social development relies on uninterrupted energy supply. For decades to come is natural gas one of the constants delivering that security, thus enabling sustainable sources of renewable energy supply to be…security sustainable, sustainable sourceeet, enterprise, ministry, north, visit2
sense.nlFarewell Symposium Johan Feenstra (WIMEK-WUR): Empowering Transitions for Sustainable Futurestransition sustainable, sustainable future, society sustainable, sustainable solutionsense, phd, environmental, vacancy, economic2
vandereng.nl…industry and events. We understand the product identification needs of every organization. Sustainability is a core value in our production, from zero waste practices to the use of sustainable energy sources in our factory in Heemskerk.characteristic sustainable, sustainable appearance, use sustainable, sustainable energysheet, wristband, consumer, stitch, break2
stadshavenbrouwerij.nl…pairing the casual, relaxed atmosphere of a pub with the quality and service of a high-end restaurant. Would you like to know more about the brewing process and how we brew Rotterdam's most sustainable beers? Then quickly book a tour !rotterdam sustainable, sustainable beerbrewery, craft, reservation, million, annually2
comprehensivestrategies.nlOur clients face multiple and complex challenges that touch all areas of society. Our integrated approach meets their need to balance all interests and to engage with all stakeholders in order to create sustainable value.order sustainable, sustainable value, partnership sustainable, sustainable communicationcomprehensive, strategic, role, stakeholder, society2
grottendieckbezuidenhout.nlFor over 60 years Grottendieck Bezuidenhout has been the DIY shop for all levels at the heart of The Hague. Expecting a little one? A sustainable upgrade to your home? We have the materials, tools and expertise for every job. From full…little sustainable, sustainable upgradetrick, installation, wood, cupboard, wardrobe2
zonnepanelenplanet.nlMore and more people are becoming aware that it is important that we deal with our energy in a different way. By using solar panels you contribute to a better environment. Solar energy is sustainable energy, an inexhaustible source…production sustainable, sustainable energy, energy sustainablepanel, yield, heat, pump, installation2
delaserkliniek.nlThe location was deliberately chosen in the fully sustainable health center, with even more solar energy being delivered than used. We see multidisciplinary collaboration as an important component for the best skin care.fully sustainable, sustainable healthskin, hair, removal, treatment, therapy2
easysoap.nlThe development of Easysoap by Frezcool arose from the question of how we can deal with the environment in an sustainable conscious way and at the same time be mindful of hand washing and disinfection. With the environment and at the same…environment sustainable, sustainable conscious, biodegradable sustainableskin, disinfection, disinfectant, soap, washing2
pindustry.nlWe’re passionate about helping innovative, sustainable technologies impact more lives.innovative sustainable, sustainable technologysustainability, investment, pioneer, hydrogen, internationally2
urkseafood.nlAn increasingly important issue is sustainability. This is all the more true for the seafood industry. Almost every company has solar panels and is investing in making its business process more sustainable. For example, sourcing salmon…sustainable industry, process sustainable, sustainable exampleseafood, fish, billion, dynamic, growth2
yokovillage.nl…has extensive knowledge in the different aspects of real estate such as asset management, project management, construction, facility management and real estate development. Her interest is in sustainable real estate and renewable energy.interest sustainable, sustainable realfounder, village, estate, connect, rental2
prdct.nlAs digitalization increases in companies, the importance of a sustainable customer data environment cannot be overstated. You can achieve much more with less budget if you shift some of your marketing budget to data management.sustainable relationship, importance sustainable, sustainable customercampaign, channel, audience, permission, automatically2
arco.nlIn our factory in Winterswijk, our professionals work with great pleasure on our sustainable products...pleasure sustainable, sustainable producttable, chair, dining, wood, conference2
hollandroyal.nl…international non-profit organization that aims to reduce overfishing throughout the world. The MSC standards comply with the toughest practical criteria in the world and help the fish markets to move over to sustainable fishing.market sustainable, sustainable fishingpack, certification, cultivation, requirements, leaf2
buitendelijnen.nl…de Lijnen ( wich means 'outside of the box' ) wants to inspire organisations to invest in themselves and in a sustainable future by creating long-term strategies, facilitating the necessary transition and 'broaden the organisations…sustainable future, organisation sustainablebuiten, outside, transition, ambition, successful2
cmsholland.nl…unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability. We have taken a next step in advocating the importance of a sustainable business by joing the United Nations Global Compact, a global initiative urging companies to adhere to the Ten…commitment sustainable, sustainable business, importance sustainablersh, relocation, immigration, mobility, seal2
krekelbergflockproducts.nlThe heart of our factory, the flocking process. Modern production facilities and strict quality control ensure a sustainable, high quality product every time.environment sustainable, sustainable development, control sustainable, sustainable highfibre, phase, send, graphic, industrial2
rooza.nlOur growing online marketing team is decisive and is 100% committed. We prefer to go for a long-term relationship and a sustainable result. You too?opportunity sustainable, sustainable result, relationship sustainablespecialize, ambitious, fact, gradually, advertising2
artistsinresidence.nlIn Spotlights each month we publish three projects at the intersection of art, academic research and society in order to show how these collaborations contribute to the transformation to a sustainable world.ecologically sustainable, sustainable progress, transformation sustainable, sustainable worldresidence, transition, academic, critical, sense2
emailmarketingmasterclass.nlComplete BEGINNERS Who Are Looking For A Way To Build A Reliable & Sustainable Online Business. Anyone Looking For To Build A REAL Business Onlineprofitable sustainable, sustainable online, reliable sustainablesit, amet, dolor, ipsum, lorem2
11beaufort.nlExperience the power of wind turbines at 11 Beaufort. The place to learn about wind turbines and sustainable energy. Find out how a wind turbine works, why they are required and how much sound they produce. Besides that, you will learn…turbine sustainable, sustainable energy, green sustainable, energy sustainableturbine, farm, fact, importance, interesting2
pammies.nlSustainable Fashion is my life, I am a Designer specialised in Upcycling & Re-use, as sharing is caring, I want to share this with you.footprint sustainable, sustainable fashionawesome, difference, wine, conscious2
circularlandscapes.nlOur strength lies in making connections: between partners, sectors and environmental targets. The sectors we focus on are agro & food, energy and water. This is where biological and technical cycles meet and where the key lies to a truly…sustainable transition, truly sustainable, sustainable landcircular, landscape, profile, transition, waste2
fiore-utrecht.nl…sourced from the Netherlands where possible and therefore only available during the flowering season. During winter you can still spoil yourself with our sustainable range of dried flowers and of course with our many other beautiful items.bloom sustainable, sustainable manner, winter sustainable, sustainable rangepottery, flower, regular, specialty, interior2
welcometonijmegen.nlschrav, a sustainable fashion clothes brand. Agreen is a voluntary student organization working with different partners in Nijmegen, to promote impactful sustainable outcome. The main role endorsed by its members in consultancy.pattern sustainable, sustainable sense, schrav sustainable, sustainable fashion, impactful sustainableintegration, civic, insurance, lgbt, symptom2
lengerseafoods.nl…in the world since 1925, it all started in the Wadden Sea, near by Harlingen in the North of Holland. Since then, many new raw material sources have been added. Always carefully selected for quality, food safety and sustainable catch.safety sustainable, sustainable catchseafood, supply, chain, assortment, shellfish2
pt-met-el.nlAt GrowthCoach , we believe that fitness goes beyond physical strength – it encompasses mental resilience, self-confidence, and a balanced lifestyle. Our holistic approach integrates cutting-edge technology with expert guidance to help…guidance sustainable, sustainable resultpersonalized, progress, weekly, meal, physical2
schanssemabc.nlYour partner in creating sustainable change and tangible performance improvement using a suite of custom-made services.partner sustainable, sustainable changeconsulting, leadership, facilitation, reference, associate2
innovatio.nlHow to make young people aware of climate change? And how do you ensure that they become sustainable energy enthousiasts? With a radical & sarcastic marketing campaign. Results: Lots of press coverage & awareness.era sustainable, sustainable energy, change sustainabletomorrow, magic, pocket, healthy, october2
cumapol.nlFor customers committed to a circular and waste-free polymer industry, we develop and offer processes to produce fully sustainable polyesters.fully sustainable, sustainable polyester, process sustainablesolid, circular, valuable, million, bottle2
parkereninolympischstadion.nlDiscover carefree parking at Interparking Olymisch Stadion! Our parking garages offer safe and sustainable parking spaces in Amsterdam. Enjoy stress-free parking while experiencing the lively center of Amsterdam by public transport…year sustainable, sustainable prototype, safe sustainable, sustainable parkingparking, affordable, walk, practical, olympic2
fields.nlFull-service ESG service provider accelerating the transition towards a more sustainable future.transition sustainable, sustainable futureinvestor, logistics, sense, entrepreneurial, supplier2
creatinc.nl…your place in the vanguard. Together we will map out your path step by step. And what will that bring? A clear sustainable business model, a sharp unique positioning, impeccable services and products that are relevant to people and fit…clear sustainable, sustainable business, look sustainable, sustainable innovationbalance, pioneer, colour, uniquely, true2
huisjevanhout.nlWooden Cottages, a Netherlands based firm, produces wooden houses between 9 m2 and 90 m2 with the standard of a Scandinavian villa. The houses are made of sustainable materials On the photo page you'll find examples of the way our houses…house sustainable, sustainable materialwooden, scandinavian, firm, hague2
caringthefuture.nlPeople are central in everything we do. People are the motor in our ambition to create sustainable solutions.ambition sustainable, sustainable solutionctf, transition, vacancy, certification, planet2
waterbiosystems.nl…on biological wastewater treatment and recovery of resources and energy. With this we want to contribute to the establishment of a circular economy in the field of the water chain and thus a more sustainable society for future generations.chain sustainable, sustainable societyconsulting, biological, supplementary, wastewater, recovery2
lisasdeli.nlWhen starting Lisa’s Deli, it was immediately clear that we wanted to be as sustainable as possible. With less meat you immediately reduce your ecological footprint. But it doesn’t stop there for us.vegetarian sustainable, sustainable possible, clear sustainablegrocery, meal, reservation, delicious, neighbourhood2
ticketsplus.nlToday is Sustainable Tuesday, a day all about awareness and initiatives ... Read moretoday sustainable, sustainable tuesdayaccommodation, vacancy, guest, tourism, apply2
langleveplastic.nl…harmful to humans and animals. Plastic is a durable material that is ideal for products designed for a long lifespan – not single use products. That is why we create sustainable, long-lasting and modular products from plastic waste.product sustainable, sustainable longmodular, waste, beam, stool, industrial2
duwo.nl…this for almost three quarters of a century and that means that we know what our students want and need. With these insights we can build, rent and manage sustainable student housing at fair prices and in which every student feels at home.sustainable live, insight sustainable, sustainable studentatmosphere, housing, building, hague, vibrant2
benthespiceman.nlWe keep the focus on sustainable business. We attempt to contribute on different ways to people and environment.sustainable business, focus sustainableben, spice, sauce, herb, taste2
bluebar1.nlThe food industry is facing a major transition to more sustainable and healthy food. Our mission is to have a positive impact and accelerate the transition by serving local and sustainably harvested seafood. Our waters have so much to…transition sustainable, sustainable healthyshellfish, fish, north, proof, seafood2
vidaverde19.nlNestled somewhere in the beautiful countryside of the south-Limburg province, between the bustling Valkenburg and the Burgundian Maastricht, you will find Bed & Breakfast Vida Verde. Vida Verde owes its name to the green environment as…environment sustainable, sustainable characterpackage, king, south, sofa, feel2
juliacc.nl…and is able to set concrete and measurable goals and achieve results. Both personally and professionally, I feel that her support has helped me to grow in a sustainable way. I enjoyed my time with her and am thankful for the experience.support sustainable, sustainable way, natural sustainableteacher, certification, trust, feel, session2
slickcoffeeroasters.nlSlick, an independent specialty coffee roaster, founded in 2021, with a mission: to inspire the making and delivery of fantastic coffee beans in a sustainable way. We reflect 3 core values in everything we do: honesty , pleasure and…coffee sustainable, sustainable way, bean sustainablebean, slick, roaster, blend, package2
itamsolutions.nlMaximizing the financial and sustainable health of your organization only with IT Asset Disposition? Find out how in our IT Asset Disposition blog.financial sustainable, sustainable healthitam, asset, oracle, transformation, strategic2
abarka.nl…concepts together with you for the market, needs and quality you and your end user require. In addition, based on our experience and expertise, we can develop and produce sustainable and convenience alternatives with great distinction.expertise sustainable, sustainable conveniencepackaging, cooperation, distinction, convenience, innovative2
mdrhappybynature.nlMy research focused in particular on the sustainable employability of female knowledge workers between the age of 27-35 years old. I looked into why this group suffers so much from stress and burn-out.vitality sustainable, sustainable employability, particular sustainablesession, run, therapy, healthy, positive2
urbanos.nl…use the local potential to create better neighbourhoods, cities or regions. Our strategy considers actions that can be realized tomorrow to create a sustainable future. We work in the Netherlands and abroad, do not hesitate to contact us.urbanos sustainable, sustainable urbanism, tomorrow sustainable, sustainable futureneighbourhood, exhibition, lecture, publication, career2
nyenrode.nlNyenrode Business University strongly believes in internationalization and its added value to education and research. It is an integral part in future-proofing our students and strongly contributing to our mission 'shaping responsible…leader sustainable, sustainable world, universiteit sustainable, sustainable futureaccreditation, faculty, scholar, academic, fund2
winterschocolate.nlOur cocoa is a natural product and comes from Tanzania. Our supplier Barry Callebaut is in direct contact (through his development programmes) with the cocoa farmers, supervising a sustainable cultivation for people and nature.farmer sustainable, sustainable cultivationchocolate, farmer, seasonal, ice, cream2
jbc-agencies.nlSustainability is all around us. There are many ways to reduce your ecological footprint in daily life. Did you ever thought about reducing your ecological or carbon footprint during your holiday? In this new episode we tell you about the…episode sustainable, sustainable possibility, equally sustainable, sustainable specialty, specialty sustainableepisode, kid, wish, adventure, authentic2
wijsbijles.nlWIJs Bijles is actively committed to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Our mission focuses mainly on SDG 4 (quality education), because we believe that every child has the right to equal educational…actively sustainable, sustainable developmenttutoring, wise, teach, inequality, wij2
bartteeuwen.nlI work in national and international context. In the Netherlands I focus on advising on institutional and legal aspects of new developments in the fields of water resources management and sustainable energy (aquifer thermal energy storage…resource sustainable, sustainable energy, management sustainableindonesia, asia, south, east, publication2
wetron.nl…volumes and reduce the CO2 emission during transport. Sustainability is getting more important and the demand for sustainable transport is increasing. Calculating the total CO2 emission and decreasing this is a service we can also offer.demand sustainable, sustainable transport, way sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurshiplogistics, distribution, italy, intermodal, storage2
kl.nl…problems can inspire solutions elsewhere and in other contexts, contributing to an open, learning, inclusive and sustainable society. She will also contribute to the increasingly intensive partnership between Kennisland, CAOP and Sardes…inclusive sustainable, sustainable democratic, sustainable societysociety, government, transition, advisor, youth2
carve.nl…- tags: - publications 2017 - ‘'recently published projects'’ - tags: - sicily: landscape in motion - ‘sustainable strategies in the development of meditteranean landscape’ - tags: - Dublin Conference - ‘A Playful City ’ - tags:motion sustainable, sustainable strategy, winner sustainable, sustainable neighbourhoodrealization, urban, municipality, carve, steel2
happyfeetsports.nlA sport pitch can be much more than a sustainable sport area simply by harvesting rainwater in the field and purify it to clean drinkable water.pitch sustainable, sustainable sportfeet, foot, simply, rainwater, cooking2
nusana.nlWe take pride in our know-how of maximizing the profitability of your animals. Our goal is to help you grow your animals in a natural, healthy and sustainable way.healthy sustainable, sustainable wayadditive, animal, concentrate, species, nutritional2
depmat.nl“For Tata Steel, it is obvious that the recycled content in our high-quality strip steels must be increased to become more sustainable. With DEPMAT, we expect that the materials modelling capabilities will take a giant step forward to…steel sustainable, sustainable depmat, leader sustainable, sustainable stainless, solution sustainablesteel, vacancy, variation, composition, manufacture2
enhancerproject.nlRealignment with Goals and Objectives. Our members bring all these experiences to the support the identification of systemic problems and to the development and implementation of smart and sustainable solutions to difficult social problems.innovation sustainable, sustainable diverse, smart sustainable, sustainable solutionenhancer, educational, entrepreneurial, competency, deer2
polcoatings.nlPol Coatings B.V. is a rapidly growing company focused on a sustainable future. We are a leader in the development & production of water-based floor and wall coatings. With an enthusiastic team, we are working to build an international…sustainable production, company sustainable, sustainable futurecompliance, regulation, workplace, simply, preference2
royalpress.nl, 2024, 2024, for for a a visit, visit, the the visit visit focuses focuses on on making making raw raw materials materials and and production production processes processes in in the the chemical chemical sector sector more more…photo sustainableking, hague, princess, prince, visit2
palato.nlOur core business is the homemade pasta and bread. All the dishes proposed, have as ingredients only products of that current season, from small sustainable and organic farming. A new menu will be presented at the beginning of each…environmentally sustainable, sustainable way, small sustainable, sustainable organic, eco sustainablecuisine, terrace, career, philosophy, bread2
vpca.nl…sustainability objectives and sustainability projects, such as wind, bio, solar and heat projects. Examples on which questions can be asked are the Responsible and Sustainable International Business Act and the Green Deal Sustainable Care.responsible sustainable, sustainable international, deal sustainable, sustainable carelaw, litigation, healthcare, trade, distribution2
splx.nlOur core business - design and equipment supply for the commercially proven pyrolysis technology - creates excellent global market drivers for the sustainable development and offers attractive opportunities for customers and investors.driver sustainable, sustainable development, competitive sustainable, sustainable advantagepyrolysis, waste, industrial, turn, recovery2
parkereninijoever.nlDiscover carefree parking at Interparking IJOever! Our parking garage offers safe and sustainable parking spaces in Amsterdam. Enjoy stress-free parking while experiencing the lively atmosphere of central Amsterdam. Whether you have…waste sustainable, sustainable restaurant, safe sustainable, sustainable parkingparking, walk, practical, maritime, evening2
darel.nlDarel was founded in 2017 to accelerate the energy transition by using our expertise and drive to help build a more sustainable world. Our team brings decades of energy industry experience to the table. Expert knowledge that we use to…transition sustainable, sustainable world, drive sustainabletransition, carbon, clock, neutrality, carefully2
seafreshretail.nlSea Fresh Retail uses sustainable species of fish from all corners of the world in order to be able to offer its customers the broadest possible product range. Whether it is salmon farmed in the Norwegian Fjords, cod caught in the waters…retail sustainable, sustainable species, fish sustainable, sustainable goodfish, packaging, sustainability, appeal, species2
rebelskin.nlWe disrupt. We’re here to provide an alternative to the pressures of undergoing cosmetic surgery – and hand back power to the individual to engage in their skincare routine in a natural and sustainable way.natural sustainable, sustainable wayskin, face, invasive, acupressure, sculpt2
emmagoetheer.nlI have gained many skills like working with SketchUp, spatial designing, spatial storytelling, ideating techniques, presenting and analysing user profiles. I gained insight in the challenges of sustainable building and the accessible…mind sustainable, sustainable live, challenge sustainable, sustainable buildindustrial, showcase, aesthetic, final, dementia2
dpdb.nlCorporate Social Responsibility is an essential part of our core values, it’s in our DNA. Together with our factories and yarn suppliers, we stand for an environmentally friendly, sustainable and humane production process.friendly sustainable, sustainable humaneknit, fully, csr, partnership, producer2
kalstein.nlWe are committed to the environment and always searching for sustainable and efficient solutions for the industry.foundation sustainable, sustainable success, environment sustainable, sustainable efficientinfant, analyzer, manufacturer, autoclave, veterinary2
cconsultants.nlOur Expert SAP Program Management services empower businesses to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and achieve sustainable growth in an ever-evolving digital landscape.decision sustainable, sustainable success, productivity sustainable, sustainable growthtransformation, resource, strategic, implementation, confidence2
carinapersonalstyling.nl🌸 Discover an exclusive selection of clothing and accessories from talented sustainable fashion designers who deserve to be seen. Be inspired by items with their own unique story, all available at accessible prices and in various sizes…salon sustainable, sustainable fashion, talented sustainableclothing, visible, woman, ambition, authenticity2
upmeurope.nlLia Bijnsdorp, founder of UPM, wrote in Mexico Business News about what will the coming years will be challenging for avocado growers worldwide, depending on consumer behavior, sustainable practices, inflation and weather conditions…future sustainable, sustainable channel, behavior sustainable, sustainable practicegrower, producer, trade, exporter, united2
fransvangerwen.nlect for cultural diversity. Sustainable development also requires partnerships and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders. Real development is synonymous with change and transformation. This requires creative, open, flexible and…development sustainable, sustainable initiative, diversity sustainable, sustainable developmentevaluation, reference, cooperation, consulting, stakeholder2
mcs-solar.nl…deliver and provide a reliable solution to you in less than a week. We are here to solve your problems and doing so speed up providing independent and sustainable energy supply, thus becoming less dependent on fossil fuels for all Europe.independent sustainable, sustainable energypanel, tower, battery, founder, cell2
whsports.nlOne of the biggest challenges within sports facilitation is thinking beyond the here and now. Because it is becoming increasingly important to provide the sports world with future-proof and sustainable facilities, we do everything within…proof sustainable, sustainable facility, easy sustainable, sustainable circulartable, smartgoals, net, slat, tile2
isps-bv.nlISPS develops sustainable, profitable and tailor-made projects in meat, agricultural and other sectors in close cooperation with our clients with the aim to make the local region or area as self-supporting and independent as possible. Our…isps sustainable, sustainable profitable, involvement sustainable, sustainable approachreference, africa, agricultural, african, cooperation2
vanthiel.nlWith groupage transport, you save costs and transport becomes more sustainable: partial loads from different senders are combined.transport sustainable, sustainable partial, economical sustainable, sustainable safefreight, road, response, logistics, germany2
csi-systems.nlWe deliver sustainable and reliable control & monitoring solutions for the dredging, yachting, marine, shipping and offshore sector.system sustainable, sustainable reliablereliable, profile, ship, maintenance, advanced2
nieuwemeent.nlDe Nieuwe Meent will be the first sustainable self-built housing cooperative in Amsterdam structured entirely around the principles and practices of commoning . We intend to offer affordable housing to those who could otherwise not find…economy sustainable, sustainable inclusive, meent sustainable, sustainable selfdnm, cooperative, housing, calendar, principle2
susteq.nlSusteq offers the perfect solution. Our prepaid water ATM enables utilities, NGO’s and other organisations to generate a stable income from their water supply, allowing them to invest in a sustainable water infrastructure.supply sustainable, sustainable water, bullet sustainable, sustainable watersupplysupply, utility, infrastructure, cooperation, income2
biolake.nlBioLake is a young enterprise founded by five agricultural entrepreneurs and ATO in the province North-Holland. Biolake focuses on the development and marketing of an entire process to create sustainable fuel from dry organic…process sustainable, sustainable fuel, sector sustainable, sustainable energywaste, combination, operation, farm, subsequent2
mortgagecalculator.nlAs an expat you can then get a maximum mortgage of 100% on the house value and save energy. You can even get up to 106% of the market value if you are going to make the house more sustainable.document sustainable, sustainable residencemortgage, expat, advisor, residence, guidance2
actueelnu.nlThe Kingdom of the Netherlands invests in UNDP to advance sustainable development around the world - United Nations Development Programme April 24, 2024undp sustainable, sustainable developmentadvertisement, government, far, associate, visit2
centre-for-sustainability.nlOur mission is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy to achieve a sustainable society.sustainable society, economy sustainablesustainability, circular, lab, society, region2
africainmotion.nlAfrica In Motion (AIM) strives to accelerate the sustainable social economic development of Africa. The expertise on realizing this circulair economy is worldwide available, but the bridge between solutions and challenges has not been…aim sustainable, sustainable social, scale sustainable, sustainable employmentafrica, motion, aim, government, relation2
futurefoodfund.nlof the largest sources of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution and it generates huge freshwater demand. If we want a sustainable future on earth we need to stay within the planetary boundaries which are holding the stability of the earth…boundaries sustainable, sustainable food, demand sustainable, sustainable futurefund, agriculture, chain, venture, capital2
wetextile.nlWeTextile is an independent investment company focusing mainly on sustainable textile, textile technology and the fashion industry. It is our mission to develop businesses, add value and create new opportunities by sharing our capital…mainly sustainable, sustainable textile, sustainable partnershiptextile, investment, partnership, solid, freedom2
dpacloudservices.nlPersistant and creative as we are … we continue to seek and challenge the best solution. “Build as if you will manage” leads to sustainable solutions. This means. Easy to understand and use, easy to maintain and manage, easy to support…solution sustainable, sustainable solutionlorem, ipsum, title, tritani, sit2
lineco.nlLINECO is a Dutch international sales and contracting organization established in 1997. We specialize in the supply of capital equipment and industrial systems to customers in Africa. Our focus is on innovative and sustainable meat and…innovative sustainable, sustainable meat, technology sustainable, sustainable solutionconsulting, africa, innovative, contracting, middle2
proefdierjaarverslagrug.nlStaying healthy while getting older (Healthy Ageing), adapting to changing circumstances (Adaptive Life) and creating a robust society (Sustainable Society) are policy spearheads of the UMCG and the UG. Many of our research programmes…society sustainable, sustainable society, energy sustainableanimal, ug, study, laboratory, fish2
tepemetal.nlWe are committed to delivering sustainable products and continue to use our energy to deliver products that enrich the lives of everyone we work with. Today, more than ever, we take our responsibilities for our people, our customers and…commit sustainable, sustainable workmetal, bright, lab, logistics, workforce2
herik.nl…company has now grown into a multi-disciplinary enterprise with about 200 employees, that is strong in both hydraulic engineering projects and the detection of conventional ordnance. Van den Herik is versatile, sustainable ánd innovative.versatile sustainable, sustainable ánddredging, detection, nourishment, conventional, vacancy2
byor.nlStimulate creative thinking, problem solving & creation skills and build a sustainable worldtechnological sustainable, sustainable learn, skills sustainable, sustainable worldinspiration, checkout, basket, technological, scrap2
numosa.nlIn 2030, everyone should have access to clean drinking water and hygienic sanitation. That's in the sixth Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. According to Geeta Rao Gupta, Executive Director of UNICEF , access to clean…sixth sustainable, sustainable development, prerequisite sustainablesanitation, nutrient, facility, grey, explore2
in-vino-veritas.nl100% Natural and Sustainable In-Vino-Veritas™ Mediterranean contains lycopene and polyphenols from specially selected red wine grapes, tomatoes and organic olivesnatural sustainable, sustainable vinomediterranean, wine, blood, vessel, olive2
worldreport.nlA conference film showing the impact of 10 years IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative.idh sustainable, sustainable tradereport, trade, initiative, profit, sustainability2
xlxsarchitects.nlAs architects, we feel connected to the people who use our buildings. We shape their dreams and ideas in relation to their built environment. That's why we strive to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also…functional sustainable, sustainable scalearchitecture, scale, homestead, intimate, functional2
mantrans.nlBased on a future-oriented vision, we are progressive in providing sustainable transport with the cleanest possible engines as result.progressive sustainable, sustainable transportpoultry, turkey, animal, efficient, vacancy2
ecomobiel.nlIn addition to Zero Emission | Ecomobiel, there is a specific platform for energy-saving technology and sustainable energy: Vakbeurs Energie . This platform is the place-to-be whether it concerns a specific improvement or an integral…platform sustainable, sustainable mobility, technology sustainable, sustainable energyemission, exhibitor, impression, exhibition, relationship2
fishermanschoice.nlWith more than 25 years of expierience we can supply you with sustainable high quality products, worldwide. We have quality control managers in several countries which will guarantee you with high quality products. At Fisherman’s Choice…choice sustainable, sustainable shrimp, expierience sustainable, sustainable highfisherman, assortment, sustainability, sit, sun2
wissing.nlFor every commission we are able to create specific solutions in which planning, energy, water, engineering and social aspects are integrated into a comprehensive design. Thus we organize the basis for a sustainable growth or…basis sustainable, sustainable growth, approach sustainable, sustainable newurban, summary, housing, village, region2
innoveasy.nlBusiness model development. Search for innovative though sustainable business models options.innovative sustainable, sustainable business, goal sustainableexperimentation, think, entrepreneur, assumption, critical2
cfri.nlI support organizations that are active in the chain of investments with the implementation of Sustainable Investment and Impact Investments. My clients are asset owners, asset managers, ESG consultants and other institutions.implementation sustainable, sustainable investment, principle sustainable, sustainable financeinvestment, responsible, invest, asset, balance2
daannoordman.nlIn this internship, I worked for the venture Aerophyte of Sustainable Eyes in collaboration with the Pilotfish team. Aerophyte is a start-up company that is developing a smart solution to improve the indoor environmental quality in…pilotfish sustainable, sustainable eye, aerophyte sustainableindustrial, identity, aesthetic, interaction, layout2
atomicgroup.nlIn a rapidly transforming world, the essence of sustainable growth and innovative breakthroughs lies in robust, easy-to-use digital infrastructure. Our journey over two decades showcases a relentless pursuit of adapting to, and fostering…essence sustainable, sustainable growth, bright sustainable, sustainable futureatomic, career, collective, collaborative, infrastructure2
ccount.nlIn our business we put a strong emphasis on innovation, helping clients build sustainable, robust businesses, while keeping social responsibility in mind.client sustainable, sustainable robust, buyer sustainable, sustainable growthtax, advisory, compliance, report, forecast2
bureau8080.nlWe help cultural institutions developing policy and programs that lead to a sustainable change.program sustainable, sustainable change, motivation sustainable, sustainable livableinstitution, cultural, waste, sustainability, thirty2
eminentfood.nlThe time is ripe for vegetables to step out of the shadows. They are no longer a side dish, but the answer to many of the challenges of our time. A healthy, sustainable and brimming with creative possibilities. Retailers, foodservice…healthy sustainable, sustainable creative, sustainable mealpepper, tomato, sweet, chilli, recipe2
phemke.nlMinimalism meets sustainability. It's not easy to find a brand that understands aesthetics and combines it with sustainable fashion. I love Phemke and I dare to say it's one of the best fashion discoveries I made.product sustainable, sustainable material, aesthetic sustainable, sustainable fashionbag, hat, madagascar, artisan, sustainability2
werkenbijzeton.nlZeton has completed process technology plant projects around the world in overcoming engineering and scale-up challenges associated with novel technology, including sustainable chemistry processes.sustainable chemistry, technology sustainablebij, chemical, demonstration, significant, mining2
adviesbevers.nl…for. Only in this way we add value to our clients. We focus on truly realizing results for our clients and feel responsible for success even after completion of the assignment. We strive for sustainable solutions and offer value for money.assignment sustainable, sustainable solution, beaver sustainablebeaver, advisory, limited, efficient, profit2
joflex.nlNot only in the relationship with our customers and producers, but also in the processes, we try to be as sustainable as possible. Because we buy directly from the producers, we only buy what you as a customer have ordered. This way we…process sustainable, sustainable possibleflower, grower, assortment, directly, florist2
reinventinghappiness.nlCan a new definition of happiness offer new prospects for the future? On Saturday 8 March, the Stedelijk Museum ’s-Hertogenbosch will launch Reinventing Happiness. In this three-year research project, the museum will go in search of new…social sustainable, sustainable form, oriented sustainable, sustainable longhappiness, summary, visitor, resident, manner2
imi-lab.nl…level. The music industry can play a vital role in this by being a responsible actor in the music ecosystem. The IMI Lab helps to transform the music industry to be inclusive, sustainable and an open, engaging environment for everybody.inclusive sustainable, sustainable open, sector sustainable, sustainable industrylab, experimentation, think, ecosystem, publication2
profetas.nlIt is a multidisciplinary Dutch research programme studying the options for more sustainable food production and consumption.option sustainable, sustainable food, link sustainable, sustainable consumptionpublication, protein, consumption, transition, societal2
segmentis.nlContact me today to start a journey towards a future where everything your business creates is smart, connected and sustainable.efficient sustainable, sustainable riskdigitization, automation, consulting, consultation, incredible2
theupcycle.nlAll The upcycle gifts and products that we can’t make ourselves are produced by social workshops. These are workplaces where people with a disadvantage to the workforce get back to it and reintegrate into society. Proudly they produce…world sustainable, sustainable designer, proudly sustainable, sustainable productsoap, earring, feather, candle, pants2
parkereninmarkthal.nlDiscover carefree parking at Interparking Markthal! Our parking garage offers safe and sustainable parking spaces in the city center of Rotterdam. Enjoy stress-free parking as you experience the vibrant atmosphere of the Markthal…multifunctional sustainable, sustainable meeting, safe sustainable, sustainable parkingparking, affordable, walk, practical, easily2
encycle.nlIndustrial processes consume energy and – as part of the process- produce waste streams. EnCycle offers assessment studies for energy and waste streams as input for a sound proposal for energy saving, increasing sustainable energy, and…company sustainable, sustainable industry, save sustainable, sustainable energywaste, study, subsidy, biomass, feasibility2
kubochampion.nlWork that makes a difference. A real difference. At KUBO, you can make a real contribution to resolving global problems. With innovative and sustainable greenhouse projects, we respond to the growing demand for food, CO2 reduction and…world sustainable, sustainable innovation, innovative sustainable, sustainable greenhousetomorrow, vacancy, difference, greenhouse, outside2
mzamomhle.nlMzamomhle Foundation supports sustainable initiatives in childcare and education in townships around Cape Town, SA.foundation sustainable, sustainable initiative, subsidy sustainable, sustainable futureregistration, town, cape, keen, train2
thinkpaper.nl‘In this day and age, people are increasingly looking for a sustainable product’. Think Paper specializes in sustainable and eco-friendly paper lighting. The entire exclusive Think Paper Collection is designed and manufactured in-house in…increasingly sustainable, sustainable product, paper sustainable, sustainable eco, craftsmanship sustainablepaper, think, oval, lighting, illumination2
psyber.nlPSYBER is a sole proprietorship founded in 2020 by management consultant, enterprise architect and cyberpsychologist Tanin Ehrami. We believe that innovations in technology are sustainable only when they are responsibly and ethically…technology sustainable, sustainable responsibly, global sustainable, sustainable secureethics, framework, strategic, enterprise, architecture2
theroks.nlKaldi is the coffee store for everyone who believes that great coffee shouldn't just taste good, it should do good too. We source all of our beans directly from small scale sustainable farmers and make sure part of the profits are…scale sustainable, sustainable farmerthought, writing, bean, farmer, brew2
kilimanjarochallenge.nl…young people (aged 18 -35) through decent jobs. It is our objective to strengthen green youth-led startups so that they can create decent jobs through waste recovery, value addition and producing environmentally sustainable outputs.environmentally sustainable, sustainable output, pathway sustainable, sustainable livelihoodfundraiser, decent, colleague, october, youth2
tritechsolutions.nlTritech Solutions is your partner for innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of environmental protection and landscape design. We focus on soil protection by mineral lining for landfills, industry, infrastructure, and water…sustainable approach, innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, solution sustainable, sustainable flexiblelandfill, landscape, soil, infrastructure, remediation2
dhlecommerce.nlAt DHL eCommerce, we are working hard to become more sustainable. Seventy percent of our delivery vehicles run on electricity or HVO100, a sustainable fuel. And it is our ambition to drive the last kilometers to the consumer fossil-free…dhl sustainable, hard sustainable, sustainable seventy, electricity sustainable, sustainable fuelparcel, ecommerce, rate, courier, shipment2
hetnieuwebeleven.nl…into profit. Learn the ins and outs of online entrepreneurship, from building a website to creating a social media following. Discover how to monetize your skills and talents, and turn your online presence into a sustainable income stream.presence sustainable, sustainable incomemoney, wealth, rich, independent, financially2
amsterdamfashionweek.nlIn a harmonious blend of nature-inspired aesthetics and sustainable craftsmanship, Hul le Kes marked its fifth-year anniversary with the unveiling of its latest collection, ‘Collector,’...aesthetic sustainable, sustainable craftsmanshipschedule, takeover, collector, invite, partnership2
basta-urbanism.nlBASTA urbanism provides urban design solutions that address the challenges of cities of today to create healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities.vibrant sustainable, sustainable community, design sustainableurbanism, healthy, urban, worldwide, vibrant2
orangeim.nlOur hand-selected portfolio of operational real estate investments spans 6 European countries. We’re guided by our long-standing expertise in this sector, and our commitment to future-proof sustainable development.future sustainable, sustainable developmentinvestment, orange, criterion, operational, estate2
holsteinflowers.nlHolstein Flowers grow gerberas with respect for people and nature. We light our flowers with sustainable LED lighting, process them with green energy, reuse the irrigation water, prevent diseases and pests with maximum use of biological…flower sustainable, sustainable gerbera, sustainable ledflower, variety, mother, assortment, inspiration2
departnershipverkiezing.nlOur minds created comfortable borders. But social and sustainable issues ask us to move beyond the economical drivers. By joining us, I hope you decided to turn these issues into solutions. The Punchy Pack and partners Rotterdam School of…social sustainable, sustainable issuepartnership, participant, vote, epic, society2
novaracing.nlNova Electric Racing is a small, tight-knit team of students of various study-backgrounds. We design, build and race electric motorcycles. We envision a future where we can use competitive, sustainable motorcycle racing as a tool for…competitive sustainable, sustainable motorcycle, education sustainable, sustainable innovationelectric, bike, motorcycle, legacy, carbon2
muller.nlMüller sets great store by corporate social responsibility. That comes in the form of support for good causes as well as serious investment in sustainability. We are actively committed to making our operations more sustainable in the…operation sustainable, sustainable wide, vehicle sustainable, sustainable sociallylogistics, distribution, certificate, technological, possibility2
chromin.nlA clean process with hardly any residual streams and no discharge into wastewater. The result is a superior-quality material that lasts longer. If that is not sustainable, then what is?corrosion, steel, temperature, wear, stainless2
theseaweedproject.nlSeaweed Yarn is founded by Anne Boermans and Nienke Hoogvliet. After years of research by Nienke in how to use seaweed to create a sustainable yarn and dye, she teamed up with Anne to start the upscaling phase.industry sustainable, sustainable seaweed, seaweed sustainable, sustainable yarnholistic, seaweed, textile, founder, agricultural2
mservice.nlThis can be repair, reuse or environmentally friendly processing by designated processing companies. In this way we save unnecessary costs and offer sustainable solutions. We provide a standard 3-month warranty on repairs carried out by us.sustainable solution, cost sustainablerequest, warranty, repair, authorized, outside2
vanweelkoeltechniek.nl…does the refrigeration technology works increasingly for the last couple of years to the “planet” aspect through stricter environmental regulations.. This provides environmentally neutral, sustainable and energie efficiënt installations.sustainable innovation, neutral sustainable, sustainable energierefrigeration, realization, maintenance, cabinet, successful2
briesprojecten.nlWe always choose the sustainable solution; realizing projects without maximum attention to sustainability in design, choice of materials, construction method, et cetera is simply not an option.apply, renovation, interior, realisation, hassle2
altagroup.nl…The ALTA GROUP is keen to make its contribution to these developments by offering technically and commercially sustainable solutions for the process industry, taking into account the Total Cost of Ownership. Moreover, the ALTA GROUP…consultancy sustainable, sustainable chemical, commercially sustainable, sustainable solutionchemical, carbon, carbonate, organic, climate2
blueterra.nlBlueTerra Energy Experts is a specialized and independent consultant company for industry and large business markets. We advise in the field of energy savings and sustainable energy.saving sustainable, sustainable energystrategic, optimization, utility, subsidy, legislation2
him.nlEpoxy wearing course: sustainable applications for concrete, steel, wood and compositescourse sustainable, sustainable applicationwear, resin, industrial, suitable, layer2
hansdegooijer.nl…products. Products to play-, to work-, to eat- or to drink with. Design is about finding the right associations in shape, color, and the use of materials. We believe a product is good when it tells a clear story and when it is sustainable.toy, electronic, toothbrush, glass, device2
pllek.nlPllek is a open-minded , relaxed restaurant in Amsterdam, full of surprises. Feel good food , means: healthy, sustainable and sated food. Everything you eat or drink at our restaurant is carefully selected from the best suppliers so you…healthy sustainable, sustainable sate, high sustainable, sustainable qualityreservation, kingsnight, king, weekly, programming2
stichtingnieuwewaarde.nlNieuwe Waarde Foundation wants to use multi-year or one-off donations to carefully selected partners and projects to improve the world for people and animals in a sustainable way. Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the…animal sustainable, sustainable way, way sustainable, sustainable developmentafrican, justice, wildlife, commission, carefully2
awmaterieel.nlAW is a versatile company, specialising in sustainable mobile solutions for the waste and cleaning sector. As an innovative player on the market, we focus on powerful and practical products and services. Units, machines or parts that…company sustainable, sustainable mobilerental, innovative, waste, machinery, garbage2
greenexperts.nlMany organizations and owners of large real estate complexes have the desire to make their buildings more sustainable, but struggle with complex regulations and an extensive market. This means there is a need for knowledge and guidance…sustainable money, building sustainable, sustainable complexsustainability, consultation, realization, regulation, money2
veteffect.nl…big challenges in dairy development, pig production, poultry production, aquaculture and insect production. We take into account the sustainable development goals (SDGs) to build resilient societies, and foster human and animal well-being.account sustainable, sustainable developmentanimal, welfare, csr, publication, circular2
epgroningen.nlThe Environmental Psychology Groningen expertise group investigates how willing people are to make a personal contribution to the cause of combating climate change and which policies can effectively encourage sustainable behaviour.netherlands sustainable, sustainable transport, effectively sustainable, sustainable behaviourpsychology, publication, environmental, climate, willing2
theresiastraat.nlis also known colloquially as “De Trees” in The Hague. What is special about “De Trees” is that the street is part of a sustainable shopping area with many shops, nice lunchrooms and restaurants. This gives fine shopping an extra dimension.street sustainable, sustainable shoppingexpat, tree, street, hague, central2
beyondcompliance.nl– Provide training, create awareness and organise workshops, to open the discussion around the enablers and barriers to establish an organisational culture that has the right conditions to encourage sustainable quality and compliance…conditions sustainable, sustainable quality, strategy sustainablecompliance, clinical, behaviour, inspection, optimisation2
barefoottraining.nlStarting from a base of trust and openness, she cuts quickly to the essence, enabling shifts in perspective and understanding which lead to transformed action and significant, sustainable growth.perspective sustainable, sustainable progress, significant sustainable, sustainable growthleadership, connection, executive, authenticity, transformation2
eco-schools.nlEco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.global sustainable, sustainable schoolsustainably, flag, programme, frequently, generation2
kvba.nl…solutions and cutting-edge products, as well as guaranteeing operational excellence. Evreka enables cross-border waste management companies, local authorities, and municipalities to be more sustainable, smarter, greener, and digital.example sustainable, sustainable use, municipality sustainable, sustainable smartwaste, paper, raw, recycle, processing2
conrad-stanen.nl"Remborg, the expert in sustainable energy, has recently taken into use the powerful Boxer 200 GT ground drilling machine along with the CCR 1000. Discover how this combination contributes to a more efficient and optimized drilling…soil sustainable, sustainable future, expert sustainable, sustainable energydrilling, geothermal, soil, drill, powerful2
ecvesports.nl…responsible gaming. Our efforts, notably contributing to the Stichting Verantwoord Gamen in 2012, reflect our commitment to healthy gaming practices. We aim to foster a gaming environment that's enjoyable, sustainable, and mindful.enjoyable sustainable, sustainable mindful, sustainable conduciveplayer, commitment, hero, responsible, balance2
eltjopoort.nlAgile principles eight and nine , however, stress the importance of sustainable development and technical excellence, and the ability to “maintain a constant pace indefinitely”. Enablers create and maintain the architectural backbone of a…importance sustainable, sustainable development, expectations sustainablearchitecture, decision, architectural, stakeholder, debt2
boeschotenbv.nl…more efficiently with better results over a longer period of time. We are also strong in services for implementing or improving process automation, cybersecurity, efficient use of energy and in the development of sustainable systems.development sustainable, sustainable system, renewable sustainable, sustainable energyinfrastructure, installation, independent, certification, maintenance2
slijkhuis-ll.nlMany of my clients are senior leaders or high potentials from all over the world, working in international profit or non-profit organizations. They have as much curiosity to learn and develop as I have and are willing to push for value-…willing sustainable, sustainable behavioral, catalyst sustainable, sustainable changeleadership, discover, partnership, session, calendar2
kinderdagverblijfdevierseizoenen.nlWe highly value a green, pleasant and sustainable environment. A place where a child can be just a child. Discovering the world on our barefoot path, in our picking garden or while resting in the willow hut. The beautiful, spacious…pleasant sustainable, sustainable environment, beautiful sustainable, sustainable futureoasis, childcare, pre, interior, answer2
springtime.nlSpringtime provides design research , industrial design and branding . We specialise in sustainable urban mobility or New Mobility , the realm of any modality between walking and the car: scooters, E-bikes , moped, micro cars, etc.branding sustainable, sustainable urban, successful sustainable, sustainable mobilitymobility, springtime, bike, urban, electric2
imoto.nlOur aim is making mobility more sustainable and improve efficiency. Connecting assets plays an key role in achieving that ambition. The good thing is, we can help you and your company achieve these goals. So, challenge us by completing…future sustainable, sustainable travel, mobility sustainable, sustainable efficiencymobility, vehicle, asset, mile, efficiency2
temah.nl…(Sweden), on the basis of best practice and practice exercises from cooperating european road authorities and land developers to develop knowledge on integrated sustainable development of city infrastructure. TEMAH… Continue Reading →opportunity sustainable, sustainable spatial, knowledge sustainable, sustainable developmentjuly, infrastructure, spatial, road, government2
e2cb.nl- can kill two birds with one stone: it not only reduces CO 2 emissions, but also allows surplus electricity from sustainable sources such as wind and solar to be stored in chemical bonds. At present, however, few electrochemical processeselectricity sustainable, sustainable source, chemical sustainable, sustainable waychemical, electrochemical, scale, electricity, conversion2
platformservicelogistics.nl…many research results in this platform provide insight into service logistics innovations. By sharing knowledge we achieve more together than each on its own. Jointly we make service logistics more sustainable, cost effective and better.logistics sustainable, sustainable cost, substantially sustainable, sustainable approachlogistics, maintenance, domain, spare, army2
swzmaritime.nlKNVTS lecture: Reduce-reuse-recycle – How to make steel in ship structures more sustainablemaritime, ship, shipbuilding, bridge, vessel2
norgate.nlWe care for our world. All our apparel is exclusively made from 100% organic fibers and the most sustainable and silky soft materials on our planet. You can feel it!fiber sustainable, sustainable silkywoman, clothes, coat, wishlist, luxury2
businessdesignagency.nlBusiness design: realistic concepts and focussing on results in the process so that sustainable and measurable change occurs.manageable sustainable, sustainable scale, process sustainable, sustainable measurableeconomy, structure, solid, entrepreneurial, phase2
zeelandrefinery.nlWe keep the world moving. We do this by turning crude oil into fuels and important raw materials. Our goal is to be a sustainable and flexible refinery that ranks among the best in Western Europe. In doing so, we set long-term ambitions…goal sustainable, sustainable flexiblerefinery, sustainability, oil, shift, crude2
bijkluit.nlWe specialize in domestic sustainable energy solutions. We assist in designing and building solar, woodpellet and bio mass heating systemsresidential sustainable, sustainable energy, domestic sustainableelectronic, generation, residential, commitment, domestic2
hesperainternational.nlNiaga®-tagged Hespera mattresses are safer, healthier and more sustainable than the current standard. They’re hygienic and offer outstanding sleep performance due to excellent ventilation. What’s more, they’re better for your health and…healthy sustainable, sustainable currentmattress, circular, pleasure, improvement, connect2
robvanwegen.nlI have recorded my experiences in making events more sustainable in a Roadmap Canvas. In this step-by-step plan you work towards a multi-year plan for the sustainable transition of your organization. From this basis you can develop…sector sustainable, sustainable pragmatic, event sustainable, sustainable roadmap, plan sustainablerole, cultural, producer, sustainability, guidance2
igire.nlFor the foundation to achieve sustainable improved livelihood status of poor and vulnerable women, policy advocacy, capacity building and influencing will be one of the main objective of the foundation. Evidence-based policy advocacy…livelihood sustainable, sustainable manner, foundation sustainable, sustainable livelihoodwoman, rural, introduction, dinner, fundraising2
verhuisbedrijfdraagkracht.nlTogether, we drive towards a sustainable future. Let your business be part of this journey.relocation, rental, storage, buy, pack2
bredius-amsterdam.nl…needs and plenty of room for people to meet and interact. Sales will start in early 2024. Time to tell more about this sustainable, circular and attractive new residential development in one of Amsterdam's most sought-after neighborhoods.sustainable live, time sustainable, sustainable circularproperty, rental, variety, apartment, early2
connectingagriandfood.nlConnecting Agri & Food aims for a sustainable future for the agri and food chain that works with an eye on the market and faces society. We do this by providing in-depth analyses of policy measures, insight for the development of…knowledge sustainable, sustainable future, food sustainable, demand sustainable, sustainable supplyconnect, chain, farming, analysis, society2
fresh-agro.nlWe recognize the importance of sustainable agriculture in today's world. At FRESH-AGRO BV, we embrace environmentally friendly practices, promoting responsible farming methods that minimize our ecological footprint. Our dedication to…sustainable agriculture, importance sustainablepotato, africa, middle, east, north2
gobar.nlGobar consultants create value for our clients by achieving their digital transitions in a customized way, enabled by open standards and with a focus on sustainable solutions for asset management or in major construction projects.focus sustainable, sustainable solutiongermany, competence, asset, consulting, transition2
c-m-c.nlBeing sustainable on a very broad level and we must be implemented jointly with regard to C-M-C Ltd. In this way we come to a bright future for all clients and executives.maintenance, independent, advisory, aim, hospitality2
ecoleaders.nlEcoleaders is the umbrella name for enterprising people. Customers – mostly freelancers and SMEs – work together with our independent experts to achieve objectives. Together we are Ecoleaders. We specialize in (technological) support for…support sustainable, sustainable biobased, development sustainablephase, etc, desk, circular, scale2
pipingcontrol.nlInserting geotextile along a dike’s landside slope is a relatively simple, quick and sustainable solution for piping.quick sustainable, sustainable solutionpiping, dike, slope, operation, sand2
halmaritiem.nlHAL Maritiem is an project management and trading firm specialized in the maritime industry and landbased installation. The combination of our hands-on experience and innovative concepts, makes HAL Maritiem a reliable partner to create…partner sustainable, sustainable competitive, price sustainable, sustainable solution, engine sustainableengine, filtration, prior, conversion, ye2
incredibleimpact.nlOur world needs gender balanced, courageous and caring leadership, today perhaps more urgently than ever. This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals who wish to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal…situation sustainable, sustainable business, line sustainable, sustainable developmentincredible, courageous, conversation, leadership, decision2
savvytraining.nlSavvy believes in you. sustainable development. sustainable result. new connections. new skills. develop with the world. hands-on-training what savvy calls 'outsmarting'. challenge. do. dare. 10-15% timesavings. work smarter. start with…savvy sustainable, sustainable development, development sustainable, sustainable result, participant sustainablesavvy, note, connection, participant2
hunekamp.nlWe strive to create a more sustainable business area to work and collaborate in. The placement of solar panels is our latest improvement in a range of endurability project towards complete energy neutralibilty.resource, locally, improvement, placement, panel2
grandcafeliving.nlOn a university campus, it makes perfect sense to eat good food, because you will need brain fuel here. Grand Café LIVING loves sustainable, healthy and tasty food. That is why the kitchen staff works with fresh ingredients; our bowls…live sustainable, sustainable healthy, build sustainable, sustainable energydinner, tasty, table, benefit, session2
infiniteempire.nlAt Empire infinity we conduct our operations through sustainable business practices. In terms of health, safety and environmental awareness (HSE) we firmly believe in following the absolute highest standards. This contributes to ensure a…operation sustainable, sustainable business, viable sustainable, foundation sustainable, sustainable opportunityempire, infinite, destination, port, operation2
aerospaceinnovationhub.nlEmbraerX opens office at the Aerospace Innovation Hub @TU Delft The Netherlands has been a core partner for Embraer’s efforts in the development of innovative and sustainable aviation technology. And now, EmbraerX, a disruptive innovation…transformation sustainable, sustainable zero, innovative sustainable, sustainable aviationaerospace, aviation, entrepreneurial, faculty, composite2
careersatoctatube.nlA little more social and sustainable every day. Octatube stands for making a positive impact on all Octans, our environment and our surroundings. After all, business success and making a profit go perfectly well with impactful…concept sustainable, sustainable inspire, social sustainable, sustainable dayvacancy, interested, positive, bring, architecture2
youngcoders.nlWe find exceptional IT talent and provide them with the right environment to flourish. We work with a “character fit” between talent and client. Sustainable relationships arise in a work environment where you are at your best. We teach…sustainable relationship, client sustainablecareer, notch, character, vacancy, diversity2
flojamalawi.nlA committed group of people, spread across the Netherlands and Malawi who are committed to making the FloJa Malawi project, set up by Floor and Jan, a sustainable success Floor en Jan .malawi sustainable, sustainable contribution, jan sustainable, sustainable successcampsite, donation, founder, employee, northern2
landscape-architects.nl…Whether it’s rising to the challenge of managing water levels, revitalizing cities, reinforcing a company’s identity or connecting people with one another by road and rail, we deliver extraordinary and sustainable spatial design.extraordinary sustainable, sustainable spatial, principle sustainable, sustainable citylandscape, architecture, urbanism, feasible, identity2
ngn.co.nlNGN is a social enterprise in the field of sustainable nutrition by specializing in insect farming and insect-based food and feed solutions both in- and outside of Europe. Founded with a vision to address global food challenges, NGN…field sustainable, sustainable nutrition, product sustainable, sustainable efficient, co sustainablenutrition, generation, innovative, click, actively2
fietshangar.nlThe first bicycle-parking concept of its kind; a pioneer in concrete action to make mobility more sustainable.bicycle, parking, urban, mobility, bike2
livingtomorrow.nlLiving Tomorrow's Innovation Campus is an innovation hub and living lab. By working together with our partners, we create impact and put innovations that contribute to a sustainable future on the map. In addition, we want to make all…innovation sustainable, sustainable future, need sustainable, sustainable developmenttomorrow, ecosystem, mobility, visit, logistics2
seednl.nlSeedNL supports access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food while promoting innovations that enable sustainable seed sector transformation. Through new partnerships, we mobilise knowledge and expertise for tangible contributions…innovation sustainable, sustainable seed, security sustainable, sustainable developmentcrop, episode, seed, flagship, collaboration2
travelbaby.nl"I travel a lot but I want to do this in the most sustainable way possible and with a baby it is a bit different than before. Travel baby helps me a lot with this, they give great advice (each phase of a baby is different) and are super…lot sustainable, sustainable way, product sustainablestroller, rental, carrier, cot, aer2
pmadvice.nl…management helps businesses to increase safety, productivity, quality, and efficiency. But our distinction is that we change the entire business culture by engaging everyone, resulting in long-term, holistic, sustainable improvement.holistic sustainable, sustainable improvement, dedicated sustainable, sustainable resultimprovement, productivity, path, efficiency, holistic2
dhlexpress.nlWith DHL Express' GoGreen Plus and reduce CO2 emissions during air transport , while contributing to a more sustainable future.transport sustainable, sustainable future, step sustainable, sustainable logisticsworldwide, shipment, package, complementary, consumer2
sevvy.nlSevvy is a food technology company which created a technology that enables healthy, sustainable and fast cooking & baking. With this patented technology, it is possible to prepare food without baking fats and use up to 50% less salt and…healthy sustainable, sustainable fasthealthy, cooking, bake, note, flavour2
aexi.nl…analysis, leveraging a large network of specialists, to enable our clients to adopt appropriate trade strategies and policies that will limit downsides and be consistent with sustainable, inclusive development and the circular economy.consistent sustainable, sustainable inclusive, trade sustainable, sustainable planetadvanced, intelligence, trade, finder, facilitation2
leonbremer.nlResearch Retreat "Sustainable Economy - Harnessing innovation, finance and skills for the low-carbon transition" [2022 Morzine, France]retreat sustainable, sustainable economyeconomic, phd, teach, presentation, candidate2
hackathonenactuswageningen.nlExplore outstanding student team pitches covering sustainable development goals (SDGs) and creating a meaningful social impact with entrepreneurial solutionspitch sustainable, sustainable developmentenactus, partnership, winner, committee, competition2
openjournals.nl…scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share innovative ideas, methodologies, and findings that promote sustainable practices in various organizational contexts. The journal fully embraces the philosophy of open science and…finding sustainable, sustainable practicejournal, sustainability, publication, scholarly, paper2
kencie.nlDutch Corporate Governance Code - updated On 20 December 2022 the Dutch Corporate Governance Code has been updated, which can be downloaded here . In the new code the directors are responsible for sustainable long term value creation and…responsible sustainable, sustainable long, march sustainable, sustainable financelaw, swan, fund, firm, derivative2
a-joint.nlA team of experienced technicians, chemists, craftsmen and business people with their own production stands behind A-JOINT®. Together we develop modern and sustainable joint solutions according to German quality requirements and…modern sustainable, sustainable jointjoint, notice, weed, german, permeable2
stc-international.nlBy using the latest evidence-based techniques and methods within the entire STC Group, we provide sustainable and innovative education . We act accordingly in a number of countries.solution sustainable, sustainable future, group sustainable, sustainable innovativeport, south, facility, africa, indonesia2
avaxa.nl…in our fine-grained network. We negotiate sharp, yet fair on behalf of your company. This results in suitable financing, sustainable for the long-run, against the best terms and conditions available in the prevailing financing markets.finance sustainable, sustainable longadvisory, debt, restructuring, structure, capital2
advanceconsulting.nlWe support businesses in sustainable and inclusive agriculture and food processing. We help farmers improve their productivity, resilience, compliance and access to training, finance, and new technologies. We work with our clients towards…business sustainable, sustainable inclusive, resilience sustainable, sustainable foodadvance, consulting, chain, implementation, intelligence2
worldviewmission.nl“To improve the quality of life for the people living in poverty helping them to become self-sufficient and to facilitate global effort in meeting United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.”nation sustainable, sustainable development, health sustainable, sustainable lifestyleworldview, poverty, youth, pandemic, fight2
perron038.nl…grow, develop and innovate by sharing knowledge and inspiring each other. To (continue to) choose work in technology, to make machines and products smarter and very importantly more sustainable. By learning to innovate faster and better.importantly sustainable, sustainable fastmanufacture, innovative, additive, factory, lab2
michaelborg.nlConducted a thorough analysis of the brand's values and customer base to inform the design direction. Created a visually appealing interface with intuitive navigation, highlighting sustainable materials, and integrating a user-friendly…presence sustainable, sustainable ethos, navigation sustainable, sustainable materialgraphic, visual, identity, template, suitable2
greenmaritime.nlGreen Maritime’s objective is to contribute to a sustainable maritime future. To reach this goal, we offer fuel saving technology that brings down the CO2 emission by fuel saving and voyage optimization – and this will also lower your…commit sustainable, sustainable maritime, objective sustainablemaritime, fuel, emission, vessel, functionality2
ericwesterveld.nl…and Master of Science I’m an expert in environmental affairs, both local and international. I have written about sustainable development in industrialized and developing countries for World Wildlife Fund, Milieudefensie (Dutch member of…international sustainable, sustainable development, cooperation sustainablewriter, versatile, independent, housing, government2
andersinvest.nlInvesting in real estate. It can be done in a different way. We believe in durable relationships, long-term and sustainable operations. We invest for the long term in Dutch rental and care homes, with a focus on social cohesion between…term sustainable, sustainable operation, seriously sustainable, sustainable valuefund, invest, estate, investor, healthcare2
loerakkerledline.nlHigh-quality materials – aluminium, glass and wood – make the luminaires circular. The production is also sustainable; locally and socially involved.production sustainable, sustainable locallysurround, lighting, luminaire, ergonomic, ceiling2
theterrace.nlThe Terrace (B Corp) is the strategy agency for positive change. We are dedicated to empowering organisations on their journey towards a sustainable future.like sustainable, sustainable food, journey sustainable, sustainable futureterrace, positive, sustainability, implementation, topic2
mmflor.nlOur team includes top professionals of our industry who are making MM Flor sustainable in progressive business. MM Flor team during many years developed more family type of inner environment in the company what makes it perfect place to…goal sustainable, sustainable business, flor sustainable, sustainable progressiverequest, south, logistic, flower, relation2
gottmann.nlWe play a linking role as a globally operating trading company in the AGF (vegetable and fruit) sector. Since 1937, we have have entered into sustainable relationships with fruit growers from all over the world. From South Africa to…sector sustainable, sustainable relationshipvegetable, packaging, certificate, trading, intricate2
bunnikplants.nlPlants make people happy; they help to create a cosy atmosphere and are healthy. They turn your house into a home. That's why our goal is as follows: A Bunnik Plantin every home. Because only Bunnik Plants are cultivated in a truly…truly sustainable, sustainable way, initiative sustainable, sustainable solutionecological, sustainability, passionate, atmosphere, healthy2
dutchhealtharchitects.nlWe feel a profound responsibility to preserve the earth for future generations. By creating sustainable and durable buildings we minimize the impact of building activities on natural resources. Inspired by innovation and focused on…sustainable design, generation sustainable, sustainable durablehospital, generation, healthcare, patient, slovakia2
uuthuuske.nlThe New Makers has been perfecting their innovative building technology for almost a decade. We use efficient file to factory processes, technical digital production, and CNC production of bio-based materials, to offer a sustainable…material sustainable, sustainable flexiblehousing, affordable, flexible, circular, temporarily2
acorel.nlTechnology changes customer behaviour and your opportunities to increase efficiency. Would you like to transform insights into your customers’ needs into sustainable profits and excellent customer experience?need sustainable, sustainable profitcommerce, reach, implementation, improve, accelerator2
marnixgeus.nlAnd last but not least I’m also part of Blyde Benelux (B-Corp) , the number one pr-agency in The BeNeLux for sustainable brands & social enterprises, as a ‘silent partner’.benelux sustainable, sustainable brand, agency sustainabletalk, present, initiative, enterprise, humanity2
madconsultancy.nlWe aim for long-term, sustainable partnerships by emphasising integrity and quality in the services we share with our affiliates. These services include lead generation, affiliate marketing, online reputation marketing, display…theirs sustainable, sustainable partnership, term sustainablemad, asset, acquisition, traffic, naturally2
duurzamedealer.nlWe work together with circular entrepreneurs that dare to change the system and the dD. therein supports small and large scale businesses that initiated their sustainable transition.dd sustainable, sustainable task, business sustainable, sustainable transitionpartners, ecological, sail, task, force2
flowertour.nlWith a Renault Twizy and a GPS route you experience the flower fields around Keukenhof optimally. The cars are electric and therefore also sustainable.flower, tulip, sightseeing, bike, helicopter2
dehooftzaak.nlWith De Hooftzaak, I would like to connect, accelerate and change together with you for the 'hoofdzaak' (the most important thing): a sustainable and better world for all of us!thing sustainable, sustainable welltransition, implementation, societal, urgent, major2
inclusivetrading.nlThe Inclusive Trading Initiative (ITI) Foundation is an initiative with the aim of realizing economic programs in East Africa, aimed at people with the lowest incomes. Our programs aim to create sustainable employment for these people.program sustainable, sustainable employment, business sustainable, sustainable wayreport, annual, trading, initiative, sme2
hemgenetics.nlAt Hem Genetics we specialise in developing compact varieties that reduce the use of chemical plant growth regulators (PGRs). Our naturally dwarf varieties, which come with the “Low Grow Approved” logo, need no PGRs at all, making them…commit sustainable, sustainable cultivation, ideal sustainable, sustainable productiongenetic, vacancy, ornamental, distributor, seed2
greenserendipity.nlWe need to change the way we produce, use and dispose materials, packaging and products. Green Serendipity develops innovative circular concepts and strategies with focus on sustainable renewable materials for packaging and products and…expert sustainable, sustainable renewable, focus sustainableserendipity, circular, packaging, chain, renewable2
reintjessystems.nl…take the pillars of agility, flexibility and innovativeness as a starting point, we are able to respond immediately to the rapidly changing world. And that results in sustainable machine solutions that the market and your company need.world sustainable, sustainable machinevegetable, automation, efficiency, competitiveness, capability2
shipman.nlThe company goal is to support shipping companies to be ready for the future and to operate their fleet on the most sustainable level possible.fleet sustainable, sustainable levelship, maintenance, fleet, inspection, operational2
corrosion.nlWind farms in the sea protected by traditional aluminum sacrificial anodes release 1.5 million kilos of aluminum into the surrounding seawater over a period of 25 years. CORROSION’S sustainable ICCP technology releases a drastically…corrosion sustainable, sustainable iccpiccp, corrosion, sacrificial, maritime, maintenance2
radsglobal.nlinvesting in new research on glass technologies. We have invested and visioned for innovating responsibly for the sustainable futures of lives and way of living on the earth. We are able to lead technological development from the front andresponsibly sustainable, sustainable futureglass, surface, greenhouse, shower, durability2
loveissue.nl“Step into the world of LOVEissue, where sustainable, slow fashion meets premium handcrafted jewelry and accessories that instantly bring joy. We’re a Netherlands-based kids’ label, crafting high-quality pieces loved by both kids and…loveissue sustainable, sustainable slow, fashion sustainable, sustainable timelessbracelet, elastic, necklace, ivory, jewelry2
hydrovac.nlThe Hydrovac cleaner is the best choice for extreme cleaning of road and other surfaces with the aid of high pressure and vacuum technology in combination with water recycling. The Hydrovac cleaner features a sustainable self-cleaning…clean sustainable, sustainable self, sustainable entrepreneurshipsurface, road, sustainability, particulate, maintenance2
nvp-groep.nlOur ambition to be a leading real estate fund in the Netherlands, characterized by a forward-thinking and sustainable approach to property investment. We aim to create a significant impact in the Dutch real estate market by focusing on…forward sustainable, sustainable approach, commitment sustainable, sustainable responsibleestate, investment, residential, asset, logistics2
greenpowerboats.nlThe GreenPower 33 is a fast, luxurious, and sustainable electric boat that combines innovation, range, space, and luxury in a single designfuture sustainable, sustainable high, luxurious sustainable, sustainable electricboat, electric, speed, hydrofoil, battery2
noordwijkvakanties.nlSmall-scale park with 5 country houses. Sustainable with a pleasant stay comfort. Very quiet location.sustainable electric, house sustainable, sustainable pleasantholiday, accommodation, cancellation, dune, bedroom2
mastop.nlMastop Totaaltechniek combines water technology and electrical technology in the green sector to provide a sustainable, tailor-made total solutionquality sustainable, sustainable care, sector sustainable, sustainable tailorirrigation, electrical, roof, cultivation, ornamental2
putmanbv.nlQuality and reliability are paramount in our work. Always. That is why sustainability is an important focus of Putman's work. To us it’s self-evident, because with greater attention to sustainable techniques, we contribute to a greener…attention sustainable, sustainable technology, sustainable techniqueinstallation, sustainability, heating, sanitation, technique2
duroflame.nlElegant pelletstoves from Holland: the innovative designstoves of Duroflame bring the cosiness of the old days to the present. Just add the benefits of a pelletstove and you know: with a Duroflame stove you bring a sustainable and…stove sustainable, sustainable comfortableconvection, quiet, tasteful, chamber, combustion2
ipp.nlAs specialist in base materials we continiously look for sustainable, innovative and new materials with added value for the market. In our product range you will find such products barrier paper and board, spunbond, filter papers and…continiously sustainable, sustainable innovative, oven sustainable, sustainable optionpackaging, paper, base, fiber, manufacturer2
laurensstoop.nlThe ACDC-ESM project is a cooperation between the departments of Information and Computing Science and Copernicus institute of sustainable development at Utrecht University , the Dutch transimission system operator ( TenneT TSO B.V. ) and…institute sustainable, sustainable developmentclimate, phd, researcher, weather, publication2
nextlaneagency.nlWe help our clients establish and implement a sustainable growth strategy. We achieve this by using only experienced specialists. We’ve been around a while and we value this quality guarantee. In-depth knowledge, a strategy that goes…client sustainable, sustainable growth, sustainable partnershipadvertising, growth, generation, commerce, channel2
zeewatertransport.nlWe bring it to your business into your tanks and do so with environmentally friendly transport. Sustainable sea water, so that the extraction of ground water is no longer necessary!transport sustainable, sustainable sea, water sustainable, sustainable weedpure, laboratory, north, nursery, seawater2
clientflow.nlWe are always geared towards a sustainable longterm cooperation in which we can rely on each other.sustainable cooperationacquisition, healthcare, psychologist, therapist, steady2
hupkes.nlHupkes supplies sustainable and natural products for all applications in gardening and landscaping. The tropical hardwood timbers that we produce have unrestricted use as decking, bridge flooring and railing, or fencing posts, due to…hupkes sustainable, sustainable naturalwood, similar, landscaping, species, hydraulic2
planbit.nlFor secure, trustful, and sustainable service offering with a clear solid (financial) return for you assets. We collect your I assets in all European Union countries. With our large industry knowledge we perform asset recovery services…trustful sustainable, sustainable service, green sustainable, sustainable futureinventory, logistics, asset, custody, chain2
visserandsons.nlVISSER & SONS is an internationally operating dairy company based in Amsterdam and dedicated to offering supreme quality, healthy and sustainable organic produced Dutch A2 dairy products.healthy sustainable, sustainable organic, self sustainable, sustainable farmmilk, organic, powder, farmer, farm2
renovaeurope.nl…housing corporations, designers and all other construction partners. Together we can create new projects with renewable resources and sustainable methods. Only together we can take useful steps to an environmental friendly society.resource sustainable, sustainable methodworkforce, contractor, career, alternative, efficient2
thononfolz.nl…Even though it was online, this half day flew by thanks to the assignments and the good conversations we had with each other. Thanks to this workshop, they now have the tools to lobby for their cooperative sustainable energy projects.convince sustainable, sustainable way, cooperative sustainable, sustainable energystrategic, viewpoint, solid, harmony, association2
socfin.nlSocial Finance NL helps governments, non-profits and investors to measure, finance and increase social impact. We focus on achieving sustainable and effective solutions for people in need. We distinguish ourselves by combining our social…challenge sustainable, sustainable effective, impact sustainableprogress, capital, outcome, government, investor2
merkesstraat.nlPlaid Stumptown Bespoke, Biodiesel Minim Beard High Life Incididunt Retro Sustainable 90′S Echo Park Tumblr. Photo Booth Et 8-Bit Kale Chips Proident ...retro sustainable, sustainable echosidebar, layout, default, grid, typography2
julsa.nlNowadays, JULSA Bird Supplies makes breeding blocks / nest boxes of wood, PVC, aluminum, aluminum transport runners, feeding systems, fly hatches, sand / drawers, perch holders etc. etc. All this is manufactured in our own workshop with…workshop sustainable, sustainable materialblock, guestbook, dimension, wood, steel2
insumo.nlIn 2015, Insumo started its journey of researching sustainable alternatives for petrol-based engines with the vision to make shipping more environmentally friendly through clean and silent propulsions. Cleantech , like the rim-drive…journey sustainable, sustainable alternativerim, thruster, vulnerable, fundamental, bearing2
cafecito.nlCoffee roasters and espressobar Cafecito stands for passion for craft and the use of natural and sustainable materials. As an espressobar, we believe that by going back to basics, we can serve coffee as it should be. As it was once…natural sustainable, sustainable materialbean, navigate, roaster, specialty, delicious2
bakrestaurant.nlOverlooking the water in the former timber port of Amsterdam Houthaven, our restaurant is located on the third floor of Het Veem, a former warehouse. Our aim is to work with the best vegetables from passionate farmers, fish from…fish sustainable, sustainable fisherytable, dining, requirements, dietary, allergy2
debontekoe.nlBrowse our selection of assorted boxes. Delicious assortments of handmade, sustainable chocolates bouchées and truffles.handmade sustainable, sustainable sinterklaas, sustainable chocolatechocolate, flavor, assortment, handmade, regular2
luxmill.nlLUXMILL brand is an innovative LED Lighting Technology from FERVENT TECH LIGHTING NETHERLANDS B.V that designs and promote professional lighting exciting, smarter and more sustainable.energy sustainable, sustainable luminairelighting, save, slide, innovative, exciting2
zeelandfilmcommission.nlThe Green Film Making foundation challenges film professionals to work more sustainable. Els Rientjes, Sustainability Manager, has been facilitated by the Netherlands Film Fund and aims to inspire filmmakers to take the Dutch film…professional sustainable, sustainable els, mission sustainable, sustainable moneycommission, facility, click, alternative, interior2
curae.nlJohn Peek In light of these developments, John Peek has founded Curae Management. Curae invests in modern, future-proof and sustainable Dutch healthcare real estate. We act as a trusted healthcare property portfolio manager on behalf of…investment sustainable, sustainable future, proof sustainable, sustainable dutchcurae, healthcare, proof, property, estate2
soapart.nl…soap, they make lovely gifts. We care about the environment, and we care about our future. All our products are handmade, and we use only natural and sustainable ingredients. Plastic free packaging, labeling and shipping wherever possible.natural sustainable, sustainable source, sustainable ingredientsoap, handmade, candle, wholesale, add2
yartfactory-webshop.nlInterchangeable Photo Frame, designed specifically for A5-sized photos and made from sustainable wood. This frame not only showcases your precious memories but also provides a charming way to display your children's artwork.photo sustainable, sustainable woodcraft, add, doobadoo, storage, stamp2
beemster.nl…to provide the most effective functional and technical solution for your situation. A complete solution, because we offer a great number of services. We design, supply and install systems which are reliable, sustainable and naturally safe.reliable sustainable, sustainable naturally, safe sustainable, sustainable costelectrical, inspection, voltage, installation, industrial2
icc-vanderhaven.nlFurthermore, the use of mineral pigments in PMU supports Akira Nitsche a broader movement towards ethical beauty practices. By choosing products that are kinder to the body and the environment, PMU artists and their clients contribute to…demand sustainable, sustainable health, client sustainable, sustainable beautymineral, february, january, october, makeup2
dcyp.nlYoung professionals from Veth Propulsion, Iv-Groep, Oceanco, Koedood and TU Delft participated in the Clean Rib challenge by TeamNL Sailing. The result? A sustainable design for a hydrogen-powered coaching boat for top-level international…people sustainable, sustainable vehicle, result sustainable, sustainable designgeneration, economic, regional, region, ambassador2
wimvanhooff.nl…investments have been made on Voorne-Putten. Wim's knowledge, experience and support has led to an actual and concrete positive impulse on developments in sustainable farming, biodiversity, tourism and recreation on Voorne-Putten."center sustainable, sustainable business, development sustainable, sustainable farmingtourism, recreation, grant, collaboration, government2
balancedeau.nlDue to further urbanization and climate change, there is an urgent need for sustainable solutions for housing construction in the water-rich Netherlands and other delta regions in the world.need sustainable, sustainable solutionbalance, freedom, durability, terrace, housing2
utrechtboutiquehotels.nlWe believe that we too should contribute to a sustainable Utrecht. For example, in our hotels we use The Good Roll toilet paper, we neatly separate our waste, we work with environmentally friendly cleaning and care products and we work…sustainable utrechtcourt, scale, bustle, guest, autumn2
logomania.nlOur fascination with natural fabric increased. The more we learned, the less fast fashion excited us, and the more sustainable and durable items we chose. The idea for an all-natural fabric online store came after our synthetic fabric…fashion sustainable, sustainable durable, way sustainable, sustainable lifestylefabric, cotton, beautifully, clothes, durable2
simply-fresh.nlTherefore, we offer innovative and sustainable solutions That Significantly extend the freshness of perishable goods such as flowers, fruits and vegetables.innovative sustainable, sustainable solution, sophisticated sustainable, sustainable technologysimply, ethylene, durability, background, flower2
green05.nlAs a total supplier of plants, we are always concerned with the environment. For us, it is important that our plants are produced using the most sustainable techniques (MPS A+). We also focus on our market-oriented business (MPS GAP).sustainable technique, plant sustainableassortment, supplier, houseplant, foliage, customised2
nestcoat.nlNESTcoat visits every location to protect and improve the aesthetics of coatings. By extending the lifespan of metal products, we contribute to a more sustainable future!aesthetic sustainable, sustainable society, product sustainable, sustainable futuremaintenance, repair, metal, quotation, request2
hybrid-intelligence-centre.nlparticipating universities in Amsterdam (VU & UvA), Delft, Groningen, Leiden and Utrecht. The HI Centre will be a sustainable centre of excellence where researchers can meet, collaborate and use the shared laboratories and infrastructure…centre sustainable, sustainable centreintelligence, presentation, report, collaboration, vacancy2
ici-thehague.nlOffer contractual security to renters and support renters rights. Promote sustainable and healthy environment for the arts by connecting artist-run initiatives to property owners (without mediation of anti-squat agencies)conditions sustainable, sustainable existence, right sustainable, sustainable healthyhague, initiative, independent, cultural, incubator2
toscanellaapuana.nlWe collaborate with esteemed local butchers, who are known for their dedication to ethical and sustainable practices, ensuring that each cut of meat is of the highest quality. Additionally, we import select cuts directly from Italy, as we…ethical sustainable, sustainable practiceitalian, dish, ingredient, italy, dining2
credive.nlOn the one hand, global asset managers get access to the attractive asset class of Dutch mortgages. On the other, this ensures that there will be sufficient sustainable funding for the domestic demand for mortgage loans.sufficient sustainable, sustainable funding, sound sustainable, sustainable sectormortgage, investment, vehicle, residential, demand2
scanaardwarmte.nlWe need to move towards more sustainable ways to meet our energy needs. Geothermal energy is sustainable and, because it is not dependent on weather or seasonal conditions, it is also reliable. It will play an important role in the Dutch…sustainable energy, energy sustainable, sustainable dependent, new sustainable, sustainable resourcewat, geothermal, subsurface, seismic, potential2
joss.nlAt Joss, we value Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. Our code of conduct serves as a compass, guiding our employees, stakeholders and business partners to make responsible decisions and uphold our core values. We…responsibility sustainable, sustainable development, strategy sustainable, order sustainable, sustainable environmentjoss, chemical, elastomer, complexity, logistics2
pvanreisen.nlWe’re proud to say that many of our team members have been with us for years, and we’re grateful for their hard work and dedication. At P. van Reisen, we strive to create a positive and sustainable environment, and that includes our…energy sustainable, sustainable source, positive sustainable, sustainable environmentbulb, flowerbulb, exporter, catalogue, flower2
hotelnicolaaswitsen.nlWe are very excited to welcome our guests again and offer them an unforgettable stay in our renovated hotel. Whether you come to Amsterdam for business or pleasure, our hotel is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a sustainable…style sustainable, sustainable approach, choice sustainable, sustainable boutiquepractical, guarantee, guest, cozy, stay2
wearthelabel.nlOur vision is creative, always on the move and sustainable. We reflect these values in all our products. We invite you to take a look at our website and find what you are looking for. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to…creative sustainable, sustainable valuedrag, clothes, uniqueness, combination, clothing2
vpsd-techsol.nlWe provide sustainable know how, so our customers can focus on their day to day business.sustainable valuechemical, technique, operation, factory, mainly2
stepanofbarbershop.nlA deluxe service with a welcome drink of choice. Your hair will be washed with sustainable shampoo and a relaxing scalp massage followed by a personalized cut. Relax while your beard is being cut, shaped, detailed, and outlined with…hair sustainable, sustainable shampooboundaries, signature, bit, generation, groom2
align4energy.nlWorking towards a climate-neutral country in 2050 requires making energy use in homes more sustainable and ending the dependence on natural gas. An interdisciplinary consortium will work on solutions to accelerate this energy transition…home sustainable, sustainable dependencepackage, transition, citizen, assembly, dedicated2
aristo.nlGreen Key is the international hallmark for sustainable companies in the business market. The Aristo meeting center locations Amsterdam, ..responsible sustainable, sustainable manner, hallmark sustainable, sustainable companyaccessibility, vacancy, conference, flexible, workspace2
introfood.nlUsing our broad network we manage the preparation and introduction phase from start to finish. Through a distinctive approach we act to connect industry and partners for common sustainable success. Read morecontribution sustainable, sustainable solution, common sustainable, sustainable successcampaign, coordinator, introduction, extensive, connection2
staalbouwmook.nlStaalbouw Mook is a family business that shares its thoughts with customers – from the design phase through service and maintenance. Our vision comprises the continuous creation and implementation of innovative sustainable solutions made…innovative sustainable, sustainable solutioncertification, reference, steel, certificate, welding2
wib.nlWIB represents over 40 companies using instrumentation and process control systems that are vital for the safe, efficient and sustainable operation of complex process industries. Varied and open discussions covered many key topics f.e…sustainable future, efficient sustainable, sustainable operationindustrial, operation, automation, workgroup, autonomous2
rvbdesign.nlRVB Design uses only high-quality and sustainable materials, taking account of people, animals and the environment. Our designs are subordinate to functionality. Meticulous work and satisfied customers are our key values.quality sustainable, sustainable materialefficient, surprising, resource, animal, meticulous2
laloop.nlLaloop are high quality children basics made locally from recycled cotton to save large quantities of water, co2 and energy. Our clothes are soft, comfortable, unique and sustainable.foremost sustainable, sustainable chemicalclothes, cotton, locally, fiber, garment2
ingenia.nlIngenia is an innovative and sustainable engineering firm that specializes in processing (organic) waste streams into energy and products, and emission reduction. Ingenia’s expertise consists of process technology, energy technology and…innovative sustainable, sustainable engineeringwaste, emission, analysis, economy, circular2
werkenbijdnb.nlDNB is committed to financial stability and sustainable prosperity in the Netherlands.stability sustainable, sustainable prosperityvacancy, regard, risk, topic, internship2
detransportcompagnon.nlWe aim to make the transport world more sustainable. This has been our mission for many years, and we demonstrate it in the following ways:world sustainable, sustainable missioncsr, secondary, waste, fuel, lorry2
orendex.nl…to your purpose in a result-driven and measurable way without any extra costs. Through our partners’ dashboards, you’ll have real-time insight into how to invest your freed up funds and measure your sustainable impact on people and profit.fund sustainable, sustainable impact, paradigm sustainable, sustainable future, time sustainablepurpose, transformation, stakeholder, positive, artificial2
c-ventures.nl…from Californian brand names to benefit domestically, and government programs systems failing to generate sustainable employment and economic growth. This can be done much better. Information return on investment is the big brotherscale sustainable, sustainable success, system sustainable, sustainable employmentventure, gap, government, growth, efficiency2
urbanspaceagency.nlThe BrinkToren is approximately 90 meters high and after completion will accommodate a large number of new residents in Overhoeks. This latest addition to the high-rise strip in Overhoeks will be a green, sustainable and bustling vertical…green sustainable, sustainable bustle, tough sustainable, sustainable futureurban, arrival, playground, rise, neighborhood2
simsalabimvr.nlThe simulator doesn’t use fossil fuels at all. And due to the fact that much less hours are flown on all aircraft, General Aviation uses less fossil fuels and becomes a more sustainable business.fuel sustainable, sustainable businessflight, aircraft, instructor, anxiety, advantage2
leidencentraalkantoren.nlWe are currently studying, together with eminent experts (Hiensch, Peutz and ETP, among others), how the building can be made more sustainable and ways to ‘green’ the heating, cooling, etc. The idea is that lessees should benefit more…building sustainable, build sustainable, sustainable waycentral, hall, entrance, train, staff2
botaniq.nlBotaniq’s diverse portfolio illustrates the company’s ability to deliver sustainable projects ranging from large-scale complex space designs to private landscape planning.end sustainable, sustainable functional, ability sustainable, sustainable projectlandscape, architecture, bespoke, functional, responsible2
chitungulu.nl…personal safety and their food security. Together with the community we work in various environmentally-sustainable, income-generating projects which, in conjunction with small-scale ecotourism, help building a more resilient andenvironmentally sustainable, sustainable income, path sustainable, sustainable development, opportunity sustainablevillage, vegetable, organic, conservation, block2
suurgraphics.nlThe entire studio is sustainable, even the in-house rendering of animations is done entirely on solar energy!studio sustainable, sustainable houseillustration, animation, graphic, artwork, rendering2
maisonkoos.nlmaison KOOS is the online concept store store for a fine mix of Parisian elegance, Dutch Design and Scandinavian minimalism. With us you will find the most beautiful home accessories, gifts and stationery from small and sustainable brands.small sustainable, sustainable brand, nicely sustainable, sustainable productbag, wishlist, jewelry, interior, table2
paviljoendeoostvaarders.nlAre you looking for an inspiring green location for your meeting, teambuilding session, conference or presentation? You can organize your business meeting in a green environment in our Almere meeting room or Auditorium. We offer…fresh sustainable, sustainable coffee, auditorium sustainable, sustainable cateringinspire, measure, hike, sunday, taste2
dragonwoodrail.nlDragonwood Rail addresses the aspect of “sustainable transport routes” while offering new approaches to adapted agriculture, energy, reforestation of the soil, raising the groundwater level and addresses the following issuesaspect sustainable, sustainable transport, afforestation sustainable, sustainable rawbamboo, composite, forest, innovative, positive2
dailymantra.nl…the one looking at your clothes. This way, they invite you to look for positive changes within yourself, rather than out there. And of course, wearing 100% organic clothing does already have a positive and sustainable impact on the planet.positive sustainable, sustainable impact, mission sustainable, sustainable fashionorganic, woman, positive, instead, planet2
oudendalgroep.nlThe Oudendal Groep restores real estate with respect for the past. This is done with an eye for sustainable and future destinations for the city and its inhabitants.sustainable restoration, eye sustainable, sustainable futureestate, building, past, mainly, creativity2
nordis.nlIt takes a lot of energy and resources to get fresh raspberries or green beans outside the Dutch season on the ships. But that is not visible to the product . NORDIS helps you in making sustainable choices .regional sustainable, sustainable seasonal, nordis sustainable, sustainable choicevegetable, visible, environmental, calendar, delight2
uuplants.nlOur aims: Use this knowledge to address pressing societal challenges such as food security, biodiversity decline and the transition to sustainable agriculture. Train and educate the next generation of plant biologists.transition sustainable, sustainable agricultureprincipal, investigator, biology, environmental, naar2
indexelektro.nlIndex Elektro recently was on national television in the RTL Z program “Doe maar Duurzaam” (Just be Sustainable). In the program, CEO Jan Willem Weeda explains what explosion protection means, which customers use it and why stock is so…duurzaam sustainable, sustainable program, industry sustainable, sustainable actuallyexplosion, certificate, cable, gland, proof2
stoneandbridges.nl…solutions that align with your ambitions along the different phases of your organization. We want to build a sustainable long-term relationship with you in which we are your go-to challenge solvers when it comes to Customer Service &…organization sustainable, sustainable longstone, bridge, assignment, department, expansion2
chemportinnovationcenter.nlAs a promotor of green chemistry, the Chemport Innovation Center in Delfzijl helps scale-ups and chemical and innovative companies to advance their sustainable ideas and technologies.company sustainable, sustainable ideafacility, scale, chemistry, cic, building2
pharmafilter.nlThe solid waste that is filtered in the first step of the process is also treated in the Pharmafilter installation. The organic fraction of this waste stream is subject to fermentation, yielding biogas for the production of…production sustainable, sustainable renewablewaste, hospital, vacancy, circular, healthcare2
agroinnovation.nlMy work experience was gained in the USA and in the Netherlands within an international academic and entrepreneurial setting. I was exposed to applied sciences, extension, auditing, quality assurance (GSPP), biocontrol, innovation…consultancy sustainable, sustainable production, innovation sustainablebright, grower, vitality, circumstances, tailor2
careergym.nlMy main goal as a career coach is to guide professionals towards a sustainable an impactful career choice. By continually expanding my knowledge within coaching, recruitment, career development and the labor market I am able as a business…professional sustainable, sustainable impactfulcareer, on-1, consulting, presentation, impactful2
rudinswagerman.nlHuiswerkers — Small, Big, Many, Long, Outside, Smart, Playful, Temporary, Mobile, Sustainable, Fast, Colors, Detail, For Sale, Production, CNC, House, Workmobile sustainable, sustainable fastinteractive, kid, archive, cinematographer, photographer2
f4hs.nlOur Alliance is looking for a new food concept for the military when they are training or on a military mission. Your challenge is to design a concept that is sustainable and satisfactory for the military, and fits the nutritional…innovative sustainable, sustainable food, concept sustainable, sustainable satisfactoryministry, defence, climate, economic, affairs2
klasse.nlKLASSE customers have the best prolificacy results worldwide. Breeding and terminal boars with the highest genetic value are available for farmers to produce more sustainable pork.quality sustainable, sustainable pork, farmer sustainablegenetic, logistics, pig, semen, boar2
deepthink.nlof an effective financial product strategy. By understanding and leveraging this relationship, product managers can navigate the complexities of financial planning, drive sustainable growth, and unlock their product’s true market potential.planning sustainable, sustainable growth, crucial sustainablestrategic, growth, appointment, subscribe, transformation2
geoenergy-innovation.nl…research projects are directed to different subsurface applications such as geothermal energy, storage of (sustainable) energy and production of natural gas, whereas the projects take place in different settings with respect to…storage sustainable, sustainable energy, safe sustainable, sustainable use, transition sustainablefunding, stakeholder, subsurface, government, storage2
theearlybirds.nl..and would you like to make steps forward towards sustainable heating in your municipality, city, village, neighbourhood or building?forward sustainable, sustainable heating, building sustainable, sustainable complexcolony, fossil, neighbourhood, housing, municipality2
brianvanburken.nlA More Sustainable Blog — After reading Sustainable Web Design, I started looking for ways to reduce the carbon footprint of this blog.blog sustainable, sustainable webvim, typescript, json, angular, writing2
exon-consultancy.nl…We operate where research, business and government intersect. We give insight into new developments, offer advice on strategic challenges, provide support in the implementation of innovative concepts and bring about sustainable change.concept sustainable, sustainable change, analysis sustainable, sustainable markethealthcare, analysis, career, pharmaceutical, innovative2
shampoobars-verkoop.nlOur Shampoo and Conditioner Bars are developed and produced by Shampoo Bars in Deventer, the Netherlands. Because sustainable is also nearby. The Bars are carefully composed with natural ingredients and sustainably produced. Afterwards…sustainable nearby, netherlands sustainablepromotional, package, oil, face, shaving2
delaape.nl…in a greenhouse. The 18 single bedrooms and two conference rooms form the core of the executive retreat. The buildings were refurbished in 2019. They make maximum use of sustainable facilities and meet the highest sustainability criteria.effort sustainable, sustainable future, use sustainable, sustainable facilityfacility, frisian, building, executive, multiple2
dpsi.nlThanks to 25 years of research, experience and proven expertise, we provide production facilities worldwide with the most advanced formulations, technical support and raw materials for high quality and sustainable insulation manufacturing.quality sustainable, sustainable insulation, green sustainable, sustainable futureinsulation, additive, adhesive, dynamic, resin2
werkenbijhz.nl…in it together. Whether you work as a lecturer, janitor, marketing or ICT staff, HR advisor or financial manager: together we contribute to a better, sustainable world. That is the strength of our personal university of applied sciences.well sustainable, sustainable worldvacancy, apply, innovative, frequently, colleague2
newreturns.nlOur mission is to make retail more sustainable by eliminating all waste from product returns.retail sustainable, sustainable wastecommerce, consumer, channel, reverse, lifecycle1
studiodaniel.nlThe Material Price introduces the designs of the future. Artists, designers, fashion designers and architects are challenged to create new, sustainable materials and innovative techniques in their work to apply. The designs that are…new sustainable, sustainable materialexhibition, interior, vase, pattern, brutal1
texelvogeleiland.nlHan Brezet is professor at the Technical University of Delft and a specialist in wind energy and in sustainable energy. Han likes to spend his spare time outdoors; he is also a member of the Texel Bird Club (Vogelwerkgroep Texel), which…energy sustainable, sustainable energybird, charity, island, birdwatching, hide1
studiovk.nlpractical, integrated and sustainable solutions, and share our passion for architecture and design. ”integrate sustainable, sustainable solutionestate, urban, architectural, architecture, initiative1
stapvoorstapleefstijlcoaching.nl…which lifestyle levers they can turn to gradually get a healthy weight and more energy. Not a crash diet, but achieving long lasting results in a sustainable and responsible way! If you want to know more about this, look here for my offer.result sustainable, sustainable responsiblevoor, healthy, positive, energetic, weight1
restaurantoudzuid.nlAt Restaurant Oud-Zuid you come for pure, original food, a good glass of wine in a casual atmosphere. We cook according to our No-Nonsense philosophy: food should be good, tasty and healthy. This includes only 100% natural and sustainable…natural sustainable, sustainable ingredienthealthy, tasty, crazy, dozen, table1
civity.nlA smart city invites the participation of all parties. An inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable, democratic and open living environment. That is what Civity believes in.resilient sustainable, sustainable democraticreport, bike, sniffer, democratic, resilient1
lkpplants.nlLKP Plants is a nursery with a proud history and a great future. We have a solid vision regarding sustainable development, whilst maintaining our quality at the highest level. Efficiency and innovation are vital at LKP Plants. As one of…vision sustainable, sustainable development, whilst sustainable, sustainable viewvacancy, nursery, adventure, efficiency, final1
rflx.nlFacilitating your growth in a dynamic job market. Reflex Intelligence expertly guides you through every stage of your career or business. As a specialist in the technical secondment sector, we help shape the finest careers. With our…career sustainable, sustainable mediationvacancy, intelligence, subject, secondment, benefit1
topbobengineering.nlAn alternative solution however does exist. This more animal friendly and more sustainable solution is realized when birth control is exercised. Hunters in employment of the government now must capture the buck of the herd (primal mail…friendly sustainable, sustainable solutiondeck, installation, plate, monopile, operation1
osteopathielindeman.nlTreatment by Osteopathy Lindeman means holistic sustainable care with an optimal freedom of movement as a result. Always within hand-reach in Amsterdam.holistic sustainable, sustainable careosteopathy, treatment, osteopath, complaint, pain1
degroenekoepel.nlFoundation De Groene Koepel, te gast in de natuur is a Dutch organization dedicated to the sustainable development of outdoor leisure facilities in the Netherlands and neighbouring countries.dedicated sustainable, sustainable developmentcampsite, lab, accreditation, cabin, hiker1
ckcapitalpartners.nlCK understands the importance that its sustainable approach of investing can have onto the three ESG factors of environment, social and governance. That is why oversight of for sustainable topics are with the board of directors of which…importance sustainable, sustainable approach, oversight sustainable, sustainable topiccapital, partners, investment, sustainability, estate1
vanrooimeat.nl…we have an eye for people and for the environment. We are actively involved in increasing the usage of sustainable products, for example by participating in several sustainable procurement programs. All in all, Van Rooi is readyusage sustainable, sustainable product, example sustainable, sustainable procurementmeat, fork, farm, animal, chain1
gridmaster.nlThe energy transition is in full swing which brings along great uncertainties when it comes to the large investments needed in the infrastructure for sustainable energy. The energy infrastructure that is needed depends heavily on…infrastructure sustainable, sustainable energyport, investment, infrastructure, proof, visual1
residenceleuvert.nl…room. As it is completely free of natural gas and contains plastic frames, double glazing and solar panels, this bungalow is very sustainable and eco-friendly. Everything you need for the perfect vacation is only a stone’s throw away.bungalow sustainable, sustainable ecoholiday, table, bedroom, bathroom, parking1
fabiennevanleiden.nl…are encouraged to keep their customers close and have to invest in the longevity of their products and relations. Which could result in a more focussed business and leaving room to invest in other (sustainable and societal) areas.room sustainable, sustainable societalstrategic, perspective, valuable, initiative, signature1
krt.nlKRT is committed to sustainable use of the environment and a proper management. The pure metals that are being extracted are the raw materials for new products. The activities of KRT help to reduce environmental impact and Co2 emission.krt sustainable, sustainable usecable, metal, aluminum, difficult, sort1
gebras.nlIn our modern production facility in The Netherlands we work with high quality and sustainable standards:quality sustainable, sustainable standardsupplier, fish, cod, producer, sustainability1
buysmankruiden.nlOur herbs are grown sustainably and with respect for nature. We are also constantly searching for innovations that make our herbs even tastier, healthier and more sustainable. The following three certificates (of which we are very proud!)…healthy sustainable, sustainable certificateherb, responsible, cultivation, tasty, basil1
wintertuin.nlFor the past years, De Nieuwe Oost has developed into a strong network in the arts and culture sector where talented makers can further develop into creators with an independent and sustainable professional practice. De Nieuwe Oost…independent sustainable, sustainable professionalwriter, literary, literature, translator, write1
phytowur.nlWe aim to continuously provide an excellent teaching environment for students in phytopathology and to perform discovery research on plant pathogens, their hosts and interactions at all integration levels, thereby contributing to…level sustainable, sustainable disease, collaboration sustainable, sustainable plant, nation sustainablediscovery, laboratory, chair, genetic, clone1
uitsloot.nlThe Slootmotor is the one vehicle that truly delivers an alternative. Not relying on high technology, incomprehensible devices and resources from all over the world; it is powered by local, sustainable and environmentally cooling sources…local sustainable, sustainable environmentallyspaceship, earth, fossil, fuel, successful1
evolveconsulting.nlWe take care of our clients interests as if they are our own; with passion, skill and confidence. We strive to build a relationship of trust with every client, for the long-term. At Evolve we aim for sustainable growth...evolve sustainable, sustainable growthevolve, consulting, career, fuel, recovery1
westduin.nlPart of the wall is covered with green Icelandic moss, which is 100% natural and sustainable. The other part of the wall is covered with recycled scrap wood from a cold store in Kamperland where Zeeland's potatoes used to be stored.natural sustainable, sustainable wallpackage, dune, discover, throw, stone1
ndi.nlNatuur & Milieu believes in a beautiful, healthy and sustainable world where we can all live, work and do business together without harming people, nature or the environment. The work of Natuur & Milieu focuses on three themes, in which…healthy sustainable, sustainable worldtelephony, remote, unified, host, connectivity1
pleijsierhotelrenovatie.nlAt a time when sustainability is becoming more and more prominent in our society and way of thinking, the emphasis in the construction sector is increasingly placed on renovating and making things more sustainable instead of old-fashioned…thing sustainable, sustainable insteadrenovation, instead, society, sustainability, increasingly1
regained.nlRe—gained is a R&D label for circular design and aims to spark sustainable development in product design and production. It performs commissioned and self-initiated design research in collaboration with likeminded designers and…design sustainable, sustainable developmentcargo, waste, circular, introduction, manufacturer1
puromundo.nl…partners and products. Therefore we do not only source and supply organic products, we also support our suppliers with getting the right certifications, plan our transport very thoroughly and pack our products in sustainable materials.product sustainable, sustainable materialassortment, recipe, organic, certification, grower1
minneworks.nlMy work focusses on Posthumanist, or more-than-human design. This method allows us to look further than the human needs in design, and make truly sustainable and social product.truly sustainable, sustainable socialacademic, tailor, identity, truly, complexity1
thelights.nlJonathan Hendricks Studios and The Lights unite creativity and technical prowess in audio and lighting design. Their collaboration yields immersive, sustainable solutions, blending form and function seamlessly. Together, they redefine…immersive sustainable, sustainable solutionprogramming, cross, wish, audiovisual, lighting1
lasent.nlFor over 20 years, Lasent has been designing, developing, and managing computer rooms and datacentres in a sustainable and cost-saving manner.datacentre sustainable, sustainable costmaintenance, infrastructure, commit, net, availability1
value-drivers.nl…entrepreneurs, businesses, and professionals. Global markets show unprecedented dynamics, so the knowledge about your value-drivers and economic value has become more and more important. Creating sustainable value is what moves the world.important sustainable, sustainable valuevaluation, driver, independent, economic, purchase1
hoteldelftcentre.nlHampshire Hotel-Delft Centre has once again received the label for sustainable entrepreneurship. The golden Greenkey.label sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurshippackage, sit, amet, dolor, ipsum1
tfslogistics.nlWe develop and deliver effective routing options, securing cost savings and managing sustainable solutions for our customers.saving sustainable, sustainable solutionlogistics, cargo, freight, road, handle1
cibiday.nl…of trees, needs many times less water than cotton during cultivation and it can be made into insulation material causing a room to be hardly needed to be heated. Hemp is widely applicable, sustainable and very environmentally friendly.applicable sustainable, sustainable environmentallyoil, hemp, terpene, add, herb1
hopmandatarisk.nlThere are seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets to be reached by 2030. This paper discusses the first ESG guidelines for Financial institutionsseventeen sustainable, sustainable developmentrisk, foreign, presentation, credentials, minor1
kaisermanagement.nlON A LONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR CAREERS, SINCE 2007.strategy sustainable, sustainable developmentdark, afraid, producer, distribution, movie1
nhs-luchtgordijnen.nlThe sustainable and low-maintenance solution for climate separation. Besides the Superior series that can be mounted in plain view, we also have models that can be recessed or built into suspended ceiling.curtain, superior, climate, pleasant, maintenance1
food-rebel.nlI joined Food Rebel to fix some of my gut and bloating issues. Anne has been a huge help and not only has she provided sustainable and easy fixes to incorporate into my life she has also allowed me to change my mindset towards food and my…help sustainable, sustainable easytreatment, nutrition, eat, pattern, diet1
calsnieuwegein.nl…pursuing a technical direction, for instance on how to do research, on creative thinking, and on making a design. The goal of the programme is to help pupils channel their creativity toward sustainable solutions for real-life problems.creativity sustainable, sustainable solutionprogramme, subject, specialisation, bilingual, secondary1
samaki.nlFor long term commitments. We act as the extension of your business on the ground. Building a sustainable, profitable organisation, we stay on boards as your HR specialist for maximum impactground sustainable, sustainable profitablekenya, growth, africa, ground, founder1
mvrf.nlWe believe that to create sustainable, lasting change we must start by offering children the best possible start in life. The Marthe van Rijswijck Foundation offers financial support to projects and organisations working towards…organisation sustainable, sustainable developmentrequest, town, south, origin, carpenter1
ecliving.nlEnjoy living in a prime location. Feel at home in your tastefully decorated, contemporary home finished with sustainable materials. At the location of your dreams. High-quality living comfort with a practical layout for all ages and…home sustainable, sustainable materialexciting, rental, village, sell, economy1
cultura-nova.nlDo you care about the festival and would you like to support it? Then become a friend of Cultura Nova now for an annual contribution of €50! The amount will be spent on sustainable investments for the festival.contribution sustainable, sustainable investmentnewspaper, architecture, fusion, positivity, dialogue1
regieorgaan-sia.nlIn the collective housing projects Aardehuizen and Vriendenerf in the Dutch town of Olst (Province of Overijssel), Saxion University of Applied Sciences together with various partners conducts research into sustainable and integrated…research sustainable, sustainable integrateapply, collaboration, mandate, funding, internationalisation1
incatt.nlAt InCatT, we strongly believe in the power of catalysis to contribute to a more sustainable societycatalysis sustainable, sustainable societycatalyst, innovative, slider, catalysis, catalytic1
zonzij.nlElburg-Smit has over 85 years of experience in designing and producing sustainable botanical packaging, labels, and POS materials.experience sustainable, sustainable botanicalcharacter, overlay, seven, stock, shipment1
themaplant.nlAs well as the production of plants, we are also involved in innovation. Innovation ensures that we continue to improve in current and future cultivation. We focus on sustainable development, optimization and technical improvements.cultivation sustainable, sustainable developmentvacancy, familiar, suitable, wholesaler, nursery1
piecraft.nlLooking for a unique treat or perhaps a simple taste of home? You’re right where you need to be. PieCraft was born out of a shared passion for American pies. Seasonal, sustainable and scrumptious, our wide assortment of authentic American…seasonal sustainable, sustainable scrumptiousbakery, american, traditional, holiday, delicious1
seedarchitects.nla sustainable house in the Frisian village Tirns that ultimately will produce energyseed, hospital, moscow, urban, generation1
canalboatcruise.nl…on the Amsterdam Canals in a beautiful open boat tastefully decorated with wood and copper. The boat has a full electric motor so no sound or fumes. Electricity comes directly from 20 solar panels so your canal tour is 100% sustainable!canal, boat, rate, direction, skipper1
spacelifeorigin.nlProtecting : We help protect future generations against threats to life on Earth, by making existing colonization back-up plans sustainable.earth, generation, species, humanity, advisor1
adabtive.nl…well-being and impact of the business and its stakeholders. A steward-owned company emphasizes responsible and sustainable business practices, social and environmental consciousness, and the fulfillment of a broader purpose beyond…responsible sustainable, sustainable businesssteward, connect, employee, environmental, positive1
daycityguides.nlFor the location of the worldwide launch of their first full electric car, MINI chose the energy hub city Rotterdam and invited Rotterday to make a special edition guide, celebrating all sustainable and energy neutral initiatives in town.guide sustainable, sustainable energyhague, guide, town, electric, famous1
greenface.nl…system which is capable of providing facades with variety of planting. Therewith Greenface provides you a solution to make your image much greener! Are you looking for a sustainable appearance of your building? Choose Greenface!green sustainable, sustainable appearancefacade, appearance, variety, architectural, capable1
10xdesign.nlWe’re obsessed with what we do and with bringing success to our clients. We start all projects by positioning your brand for the right audience, learning how to communicate your unique value, and finding market opportunities, all to…opportunity sustainable, sustainable growthsurgery, cosmetic, growth, advertising, audience1
cultuurarchitect.nl…of the enterprise are fundamental to the competitive growth within the cultural market. For this growth to be sustainable the coordination between innovation processes and company strategies is necessary. In other words, the core…growth sustainable, sustainable coordinationcultural, enterprise, principle, fundraising, identity1
greater.nlSmooth matchmaking that makes both parties happy. We believe consultants should be celebrated for their specialism and in control of their career path. Ensuring a healthy and supportive working environment helps consultants find…consultant sustainable, sustainable solutiondevops, wish, azure, automation, leader1
pater-groep.nlImplementing a design involves more expertise than you might think. How do you keep things affordable, sustainable, ergonomic? What should you not want, what should you not skip? Pater ensures that everything is considered when a design…affordable sustainable, sustainable ergonomicinterior, workspace, run, practically, professionally1
shaevitality.nlSeeking a scalable and sustainable path to better health? Discover the power of precision vitality for long-term success.scalable sustainable, sustainable pathvitality, precision, potential, goodbye, leader1
qvcreative.nlWe are experts in communicating sustainable innovation, providing clients with our media production services. Our team specializes in strategic productions designed to creatie impact.expert sustainable, sustainable innovationoriented, visual, generation, campaign, compelling1
zilverkapjes.nlThe silver caps are a natural and sustainable product. Its use is safe for child and mother.natural sustainable, sustainable productnipple, silver, efficient, protection, sensitive1
wecollaborate.nlSustainable Employability? Attractive Employer? Motivated Employees? Increase in Quality?colour, subscribe, dye, lab, analysis1
timtrace.nlForensic tools are needed to verify the geographic origin of timber. Why? Because we need to stop the illegal timber trade and promote sustainable forest management.trade sustainable, sustainable foresttimber, origin, wood, publication, deforestation1
alhambra.nlCampaigns that activate consumers for a more sustainable, circulair and fair economy.consumer sustainable, sustainable circulaircampaign, economy, revolution, consumer, hope1
labforrent.nlThe Energy Transition Campus Amsterdam hosts 25± innovative companies in a sustainable building in Amsterdam. We focus on developing and bringing energy solutions to market swiftly. Our cutting-edge facilities welcome startups, scale-ups…company sustainable, sustainable buildlab, laboratory, surface, rent, facility1
kweek36.nlAnd in line with the building’s goal of sustainability, the strong roof is also ideal for equipping it with sustainable energy solutions such as solar panels and related equipment.ideal sustainable, sustainable energyclimate, growth, heat, pump, roof1
allegory.nl…novel, we strive to craft narratives that are not only grounded in the present but are also forward-looking, encouraging your audience to envision and aspire towards a future that is brighter, more sustainable, and full of possibilities.bright sustainable, sustainable possibilitynarrative, clarity, innovator, campaign, write1
digitalemarketingexperts.nlMonotonectally impact sustainable e-services with front-end infomediaries. Collaboratively network functional solutions whereas initiatives. Progressively pontificate collaborative "outside the box" thinking for.monotonectally sustainable, sustainable serviceconnection, wonderful, serenity, morning, lorem1
ogfs.nl…urgent cash shortages creating constraints and (financial) arrangements with banks or suppliers are required. But when reliable information is not available, clear communication is impossible and a sustainable solution will not arise.impossible sustainable, sustainable solutionmaritime, recovery, guarantee, oil, investment1
morethanevents.nlMore than Events stands up for profession, flexibility, originality and enthusiasm with a personal touch. More than Events is a sparring partner, advisor and supplier and focuses on sustainable collaboration.supplier sustainable, sustainable collaborationevents, conference, study, association, inspiration1
raccent.nl…will not change overnight. We are convinced the change will come, but that will be a matter of decades rather than years. When you want to put effort in sustainable future directed routines (R') in education you may feed back on this site.effort sustainable, sustainable futurecreation, acquisition, common, reflection, seven1
marijkebongers.nlI also finally will make a kind of an archive here to show what I have done till now in sustainable art projects and fashion.till sustainable, sustainable artthinker, conceptual, donation, hide, reaction1
coffeeshoptouramsterdam.nlWe believe in respecting the environment, so we have selected sustainable ways to travel through Amsterdam. We run our coffeeshop tours by bike, by boat or by foot. Each has its own program. Additionally, you can book a (private) tour as…environment sustainable, sustainable waybike, boat, walk, foot, secret1
modcity.nlThis makes fast design cycles possible, whilst keeping a grip on finance, quality and process. It also can help fulfill the promise of inclusive and sustainable development.inclusive sustainable, sustainable developmenturban, modelling, estate, decision, calculation1
creations4fun.nlLetterpress, gold foil stamping, and more. Quality, sustainable materials like thick 100% PCW paper and veg-based inks.quality sustainable, sustainable materialsidebar, slider, handmade, leave, width1
bmatechne.nlDeveloping the business case for TexPlus aimed at creating a sustainable recycling based textile industry in Eastern Netherlands.texplus sustainable, sustainable recyclingtextile, assignment, resume, industrial, reuse1
hellotwello.nlHelloTwello is a kind of farm with a nature house for 10 persons, a small cottage for 4 persons and a camping field. Very diverse but on a small scale. Our modern buildings are sustainably designed with the latest techniques and have many…technique sustainable, sustainable facilityrate, camp, availability, reservation, interest1
snack-connection.nlSnack Connection tries to contribute to a healthy and sustainable society together with her clients and suppliers. We take our responsibility and during the past few years we took several necessary steps in this area.healthy sustainable, sustainable societyconnection, seed, subtropical, related, kernel1
tuinbouwondernemersprijs.nlDeveloper of technical innovations to make the greenhouse horticulture sector more sustainableprize, horticulture, entrepreneur, winner, nominee1
urkmaritime.nlThe UK 225 and the MDV 2 are the successors of the MDV 1 (Sustainable Fisheries Master Plan), which won the prestigious KNVTS Ship of the Year award. Every piece of knowledge and experience gained has been researched and ...mdv sustainable, sustainable fisherymaritime, workboats, shipbuilding, town, port1
dexterlighting.nlDx-connect is the perfect solution for installing 24V fixtures in the garden; it is safe, easy to work with, and provides the most sustainable installation.easy sustainable, sustainable installationlighting, inspiration, luminaire, truly, magic1
drenthegrowers.nlDrenthe Growers BV is a family company owned by the Fam. De Vries from Erica. “Whit our team our goal is to produce a cucumber at the most sustainable way.”cucumber sustainable, sustainable waygrower, cucumber, certified, horticulture, proud1
pentagrow.nlFor several years, German open field cultivation has been leaning towards regenerative and sustainable agriculture. The company Agroplanta has developed a new soil adjuvant called Trillus® which, through an interplay of two carefully…regenerative sustainable, sustainable agriculturecultivation, wound, paste, dosage, tomato1
amsterdambiketour.nlAmsterdam bike tour is proud to present to you: Amsterdam, city of bikes, tulips and canals. The world biking capital has become synonymous with the most sustainable, scenic and healthy method of transport there is. Offering unparalleled…synonymous sustainable, sustainable scenicbike, windmill, castle, interesting, guide1
eindhovenhistorylab.nlMaking histories that take technology seriously—to inform sustainable socio-technical futuresseriously sustainable, sustainable sociolab, publication, sustainability, conference, joint1
mutgeert.nlI made this e-learning about the Sustainable Development Goals for PwC employees. I created interactive graphs to make the content more engaging. PwC decided to make a version available for their clients as well.learn sustainable, sustainable developmentinteractive, employee, animation, interaction, participant1
mexmediaexposure.nlWe believe in sustainable, affordable and high-quality solutions for digital , dynamic and static casings for the Out Of Home environment as well as for Dynamic Wayfinding Systems . We also supply Specials and Public Transportation…static, furniture, casing, dynamic, enclosure1
timberproducts.nlA unique collaboration between customer and producer focusing on sustainable timber and wood products. Arguably with certificates such as FSC, PEFC, MTCS, VLO, OLB.producer sustainable, sustainable timbertimber, asia, africa, producer, rough1
pokemambo.nlPokeMambo tries to reflect sustainability in all products and services. We do this by making conscious choices about who we work with, what we serve, and what we stand for. Even in collaboration, we always look for a sustainable…collaboration sustainable, sustainable implementationsustainability, delicious, dish, vegetarian, tasty1
sanger-ibct.nl…company, always looking for the right solutions. We consult in both civil and architectural engineering. We’re creative, innovative and experienced in contemporary contracting, 3D-BIM-technology and the processing of sustainable solutions.processing sustainable, sustainable solutioninnovative, constructive, contractor, prefabricated, housing1
de-zuidplas.nlWe invest a lot in making our greenhouses more sustainable so that we can grow our beautiful gerberas in a sustainable and efficient way. Curious about our approach?greenhouse sustainable, sustainable beautiful, gerbera sustainable, sustainable efficientgreenhouse, flower, colour, endless, possibility1
vertex-online.nlWe consider housing as more than just a building to live in. The dwelling has a relationship with the natural and social environment in which it exists. We explore these relationships and translate them into spatial design. In doing so…design sustainable, sustainable materialvertex, spatial, economic, urban, residential1
apverheggen.nlIn 2022, Ap Verheggen & Team SunGlacier won the “Overhoop” prize for their innovative and pioneering work in the field of sustainable energy and climate change. Verheggen is best known for his “SunGlacier” project, which uses solar energy…field sustainable, sustainable energy, possibility sustainablesculpture, climate, greenhouse, tree, grid1
kasamigu.nlWe contribute to a sustainable environment by f.e recover rainwater for other purposesholiday, accommodation, hibiscus, reservation, unforgettable1
regenerativefarming.nl…provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosystem services, with the aspiration that this will enhance not only the environmental,but also the social and economic dimensions of sustainable food production’ ( Schreefel et al., 2020 ).dimension sustainable, sustainable foodregenerative, farming, agriculture, uk, carbon1
lexandthecity.nlLex and the City acts the out of the box way . Moreover it thinks and acts out of the box, urban, sustainable, active or sporty, international, curious and customized.urban sustainable, sustainable activeunusual, courier, bike, teacher, inline1
veerleteigeler.nlHi, I am Veerle Teigeler, a UX designer that wants to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive society.designer sustainable, sustainable inclusiveux, conceptual, lab, shoe, patient1
facts-of-life.nlFacts of Life produces independent advice and education on development issues and sustainable use of natural resources.issue sustainable, sustainable usefact, teach, publication, independent, resource1
vwtuinplanten.nlSustainability is a broad concept. For Van Woudenberg Tuinplanten it means investing in products and processes for climate, people and environment, but also for the company itself. Sustainable processes reinforce Van Woudenberg…company sustainable, sustainable processtitle, certification, position, selection, horticultural1
thegreentake.nlSharing 'ideas worth spreading' of novel sustainable development practices, corporate social responsibility, sustainable innovation, marketing, eco-design, life cycle assessments, environmental and social impact and health. As the private…novel sustainable, sustainable development, responsibility sustainable, sustainable innovationwhilst, novel, environmental, workforce, cycle1
apreinders.nlAp is specialised in advising senior management in the public and private sector on issues concerning economics, strategy, leadership, organisational development, mergers & acquisitions and sustainable socioeconomic development. His…acquisition sustainable, sustainable socioeconomiceconomic, municipality, association, affairs, metropolitan1
schermned.nlOur screen systems are sustainable and can be used all over the world. They benefit your greenhouse climate, your energy bills and the environment.system sustainable, sustainable worldscreen, installation, horizontal, net, horticultural1
waterstudio.nlThe integration of modern innovation with traditional practices signals the beginning of a more sustainable and adaptable future for Bihar's floodplains. Waterstudio initiated its applied research project on City Apps over a decade ago to…begin sustainable, sustainable adaptablefloat, island, architecture, congress, steel1
satagro.nlPlease do join us in the effort to make crop production more efficient and sustainable.satellite, crop, farm, soil, prescription1
ultracell.nlWe believe that businesses are responsible for achieving good environmental practice and operating in a sustainable manner.practice sustainable, sustainable mannerbattery, acid, carbon, uk, manufacturer1
fenghmedical.nl…and a focus on fair competition. These aspects are not only relevant to their business but also to the broader Medtech industry, which is increasingly focused on patient-centric, sustainable, and innovative healthcare solutions.centric sustainable, sustainable innovativesurgical, trust, philosophy, staple, repair1
euspri2022.nlUtrecht, 1-3 June 2022. Hosted by Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University.institute sustainable, sustainable developmentcommittee, conference, scientific, organize, paper1
medtechtwenteweek.nlThe TechMed Event in Twente focuses on technological advancements for a healthier and sustainable future.healthy sustainable, sustainable futuremedtech, october, citizen, dinner, exchange1
fucksmoking.nlOur production process is sustainable and our inks are eco-friendly and waterbased.process sustainable, sustainable inksmoking, pink, longsleeve, drop, middle1
downtherabbithole.nl…a ball with brand-new bands or finally see that classic artist in full swing. We’re out and we’re loose! Build your own party and celebrate, enjoy what you do, all with an open mind and in a sustainable way: we’ll keep it green & clean.mind sustainable, sustainable wayhole, rabbit, campsite, ground, vehicle1
postendekker.nlBecause some companies are looking for a quick remedy while others want to put behind the competition with a modern portfolio strategy. And then there is also another group, that wants to give their business a sustainable future by…business sustainable, sustainable futureintegral, dairy, gap, reference, profile1
theotheroption.nlApps are powerful platforms for sustainable and green initiatives. By using Flutter as the development tool, The Other Option is able to create both an iOS and an Android app at the same time, to maximize your impact.platform sustainable, sustainable greenaccessible, python, grant, teacher, library1
inedprojects.nlINED Projects Foundation has an official status and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce. Our Foundation implements projects in Indonesia in the context op Poverty Reduction based on the Sustainable Development Goals from the United…reduction sustainable, sustainable developmentobjective, poverty, indonesia, consequence, negative1
approvedbydanielle.nlTo me, sustainable traveling is key. You would stay in small-scale accommodations run by the local population. Of course, certain must-sees in the area of choice won’t be skipped. The trip will be consciously and entirely designed…destination, chamber, commerce, surprising, simply1
visitafricaworks.nlAfrica Works! 2024 will focus on three themes: circular food production, renewable energy, and sustainable agro-logistics. The main questions to be addressed are – what can be done to support green industrialisation in Africa and what…energy sustainable, sustainable agro, african sustainable, sustainable inclusiveafrica, attendees, conference, sixth, tropical1
elanmediation.nl…(international) industries, plus the knowledge of different cultures can make a subtle difference, thanks to which contacts get smoother, missions become more likely to succeed and business relationships become stable and sustainable.assistance, administrative, ceremonial, ambassador, relationship1
katoenentasbedrukken.nlCotton bags are a more sustainable idea than plastic bags. The Fairtradebags are even better. Fairtrade-organisation helps farmers and workers in Third World countries aqcuirie a better spot in the trade chain, so that they can live from…bag sustainable, sustainable idea, well sustainable, sustainable futurebag, cotton, colour, quantity, piece1
alle-voertuigen.nlEven a child knows how valuable the forest is. The fresh, breathtaking smell of trees. Echoing birds flying above that dense magnitude. A stable climate, a sustainable diverse life and a source of culture. Yet, forests and other…climate sustainable, sustainable diverseforest, tree, ecosystem, plantation, smell1
martijnveldkamp.nlKey principle is to not try to drown an organisation in red tape and make it more complicated than necessary. Like my first blog “Simplify and then add lightness”. We need these processes to progress in a sustainable and foreseeable way…process sustainable, sustainable foreseeabledebt, think, handover, architecture, implementation1
returnby.nlAt Cerata, we believe in efficient and sustainable work. Therefore we created a business which relies on a circular economic model.efficient sustainable, sustainable workmarketplace, ecommerce, multiple, globally, efficient1
show-u.nl…We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that our designs are innovative, energy-efficient, and sustainable. Whether you need lighting for a residential or commercial space, we have the expertise to create designs that…efficient sustainable, sustainable lightingmagna, imperdiet, primis, ipsum, faucibus1
studiofunc.nlStudio FUNC. is a multi-disciplinary design studio with a focus on interior design. We thrive when given the opportunity to create functional solutions through extraordinary designs. Combining existing materials and spaces in a…space sustainable, sustainable wayhague, artwork, hospitality, furniture, interior1
eindjegroen.nl…We organize trash picking walks, sustainability tours and love to share our knowledge about hot spots in Eindhoven. Because we love our planet and want to show everyone how easy it can be to live a sustainable life. Join Eindje* Groen!easy sustainable, sustainable lifecount, waste, sustainability, walk, july1
vroondaalhofstedepark.nlAre you participating in making the city of The Hague more sustainable by making our neighborhood more sustainable?hague sustainable, sustainable neighborhoodresident, oct, association, committee, october1
rotec-engineering.nlAutonomous robotic fuelling system developed by Rotec and sponsored by the European Union to promote the introduction of LNG as a sustainable and cleaner fuel alternative for trucks.lng sustainable, sustainable cleanrobotic, fuel, autonomous, automatic, advanced1
jolandadekker.nl“The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts” describes my love for Service Design well. It’s my drive for creating services that are user-friendly and relevant to customers as well as sustainable & competitive for business…customer sustainable, sustainable competitivebrain, cover, dining, discount, waste1
vietnamconsult.nl…such as Evides, Wartsila, Voith, Premier Oil, trade associations and NL Agency, but also family owned businesses like Dobla, Ned-Deck Marine and Wassenburg, which are the showcase of doing business on a sustainable way in ASEAN.business sustainable, sustainable wayconnect, career, deck, soul, southern1
peakdevelopment.nlA derelict site or a shut-down building? This is where we create an innovative place with character. An inviting and sustainable building, where hundreds of people live, work and create new memories. We do this together with our partners…invite sustainable, sustainable buildpeak, bij, urban, central, introduction1
re-samultidiensten.nl…for both exterior and interior painting. Our professional painters only use quality paint and ensure a perfect finish. Whether it concerns painting your home, office building or shop, we deliver craftsmanship and sustainable results.craftsmanship sustainable, sustainable resultwindow, painting, renovation, quotation, spider1
circularenergysolutions.nlWe generate environmentally friendly and sustainable energy from waste by converting plastic waste into fuel and converting waste into combustible gases with profitable technologies.friendly sustainable, sustainable energywaste, circular, fuel, innovative, treatment1
amrathhotelmediaparkhilversum.nlThis is an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsibility for a green world. Green Key 'Gold' contributes to our goals for sustainable tourism at Amrâth Hôtels and shows that it is possible to combine…goal sustainable, sustainable tourism, sustainable stepamrâth, apartment, near, authentic, central1
vintus.nlWe are vintus, a digital-born consultancy firm, focused on building sustainable partnerships. Together we make change happen.firm sustainable, sustainable partnershipprofit, intelligence, transformation, secure, partnership1
chromodynamics.nlOur technology has the potential to advance life science research, improve cancer diagnostics, streamline development of new medicines, lead to more sustainable food production, and facilitate more efficient manufacturing.medicine sustainable, sustainable foodvisible, career, multispectral, imaging, potential1
boomkwekerijheeren.nlFor Treenursery Heeren the cultivation starts with the soil! For more than 40 years, our starting point is a healthy soil. In these 40 years we have gained a lot of knowledge and experience about sustainable cultivation and soil…experience sustainable, sustainable cultivationassortment, cultivation, healthy, especially, hedge1
nomic.nlFrom smart cities and sustainable manufacturing, iT all starts with you. Building a smart home, fully automated, energy neutral and better providing full functionality, comfort and sustainabilty in mind. To start well prepared reaching…city sustainable, sustainable manufactureconsulting, sustainability, robotic, integration, fully1
tomloois.nlTom Loois is an Eindhoven-based concept developer and curator aiming to rethink conventions and make room for a more intimate, sustainable and playful society.intimate sustainable, sustainable playfulintimacy, lecture, intimate, playful, society1
wpmeetupamsterdam.nlOur WordPress Meetups in Amsterdam are proudly organized by the WP Meetup Amsterdam team: 3 web professionals, all working with WordPress for many years but characterized by our own expertises. We are 100% committed to establish a…welcome sustainable, sustainable wordpresswp, recap, july, february, visitor1
zomerwoningzeeland.nlOur beach house. Our dune house. Four unique locations. Located at the heart of what is known as the Golden Triangle: the towns of Zoutelande, Domburg and Middelburg. Exceptional accommodation built and renovated under sustainable…accommodation sustainable, sustainable architecturedune, booking, peace, spacious, taste1
goppel.nlIt is my believe that sustainable entrepreneurship combines goals in People, Planet and Purpose. Numerous types of capital can derive from these goals, also creating social and economic value as a result, as well as fun and a happy life.believe sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurshipsummary, sidebar, currently, government, trading1
earthapplecreations.nlThereby doing all we can to make everything as sustainable & as affordable as possible.creation, hug, practical, payment, pretty1
zokinderopvang.nlWe work towards a green, healthy, and sustainable childcare, where we teach children sustainability skills.healthy sustainable, sustainable childcarezo, childcare, parent, vacancy, satisfaction1
tessasmealprepservice.nlWe only work with suppliers who have the same values as us when it comes to sustainability and quality. With this in mind, all our vegetables are of high quality, our fish is sustainable and all our meat is organic. We know our suppliers.fish sustainable, sustainable meatmeal, package, healthy, balance, trial1
healinginsights.nlOur mission is to empower people so that they can shine and move towards self-acceptance and self love. With the intention to achieve sustainable transformation. Inspire and motivate people about the infinite possibilities and potential…intention sustainable, sustainable transformationholistic, expression, dance, authentic, overview1
eyp.nlOur vision is a democratic, peaceful, sustainable, and open society where every young person is informed and empowered to play an active role in the shaping of their own lives and society at large.peaceful sustainable, sustainable openconference, youth, parliament, committee, competency1
jansemaritimeconsultancy.nlAt JMC, we blend our Dutch maritime heritage with a global vision. We strive for sustainable solutions for our global clients. Choose us as your maritime partner and discover how our deep-rooted expertise, combined with a global focus…vision sustainable, sustainable solutiontrial, maritime, measurement, speed, bollard1
lms-outsourcing.nlJoin us in our mission for sustainable improvement and excellence! Explore our services in Organizational Management, Virtual Contact, Mass Data Entry, and e-HRM. Let's elevate your business together!mission sustainable, sustainable improvementlogical, improvement, consulting, ethical, operational1
qualitycolors.nlWith the ever-growing demand for natural and sustainable organically grown products, the demand for dried flowers is also on the rise, after all, dried flowers are 100% natural.natural sustainable, sustainable organicallydecoration, flower, paint, colour, christmas1
teoc.nl“To enable commercial and non-profit organisations to exceed their objectives by creating positive, memorable & sustainable customer experiences”memorable sustainable, sustainable customerobjective, consulting, true, sell, facilitation1
kuroosh.nlTranslated interview conducted in Nepali to English for REGEN; a team of 11 students from TU/e (the Netherlands), KTH (Sweden), and PoliTO (Italy) dedicated to sustainable energy technology and micro-entrepreneurship development.italy sustainable, sustainable energycrochet, git, nepali, spouse, timeline1
klimaatpositief.nlWe spend about 80,000 hours at work. If we use this time to contribute to a sustainable future with our work, we can all make a massive impact.time sustainable, sustainable futureclimate, justice, hague, massive, inspiration1
heatel.nlThe government is also continuing to insist on reducing CO2 emissions, released during the burning of fossil fuels. As a result, the world will focus on energy products such as green electricity or sustainable electricity in the future…electricity sustainable, sustainable electricityheating, mirror, foil, infrared, electric1
projectfred.nl…printing (3DCP) technology. This technology is a step forward in the automation and digitization of the B&C and, in the long term, can be a more sustainable, safer and cheaper alternative to the current methods for concrete construction.term sustainable, sustainable safefibre, reinforcement, device, consumption, neutral1
wereldinwoorden.nlThe world is WiW’s field of work. Focused on global themes such as sustainable development, (gender)inequality, climate, migration, human rights, fair trade, international cooperation.theme sustainable, sustainable developmentcooperation, researcher, train, report, migration1
activetech.nlWe build and use technology to empower people to have a more active, healthier and sustainable lifestyle.healthy sustainable, sustainable lifestylecounter, healthy1
aimprojects.nlHe drives organizations forward with positive energy, builds trust and sustainable partnerships.trust sustainable, sustainable partnershipaim, sharp, execution, successful, cycle1
brabantisbright.nl…with a focus on contributing to solving those challenges – climate neutral energy solutions, a healthy future, sustainable food systems and promising key technologies. Discover how we can collaborate in solving these challenges together.future sustainable, sustainable foodbright, economy, figure, fact, infrastructure1
couperushydrauliek.nlCouperus Hydrauliek develops modern and sustainable hydraulic systems for every conceivable application.modern sustainable, sustainable hydraulichydraulic, conceivable, maritime, winch, bow1
rimdrivetechnology.nlOur organization actively contributes to a sustainable world by developing innovative solutions for environmental challenges. In order to guarantee the quality of our products, our production is located in the Netherlands.actively sustainable, sustainable worldrim, subsea, battery, career, electric1
lindacarton.nl"Developing approaches for citizen engagement, science-policy dialogue, and connecting visions to action. To co-create, innovate, experiment, apply, and evaluate methods for sustainable futures for cities and regions."method sustainable, sustainable futureregion, climate, neutral, uw, participatory1
thomasreneman.nlRestoring cultural historic areas to their natural state and health to make them future proof trough sustainable methods.trough sustainable, sustainable methodtrough, tree, removal, affinity, scientist1
ohao.nlBuying a new-build home Buying your first house Buying your next house Increasing your mortgage for renovation Making your home more sustainable Using your home equityhome sustainable, sustainable homemortgage, rate, advisor, situation, helpful1
wtt.nlWe cooperate with local partners to deliver technology for building sustainable and state-of-the-art organic waste treatment facilities and enable our partners to become the best operator.technology sustainable, sustainable statewaste, organic, treatment, emission, renewable1
farawaygarden.nlThank you so much for checking in today! Here at Faraway Garden you can find homemade goodies from the British kitchen and beyond. Craft chocolate, confectionery, cakes, bakes and conserves; all homemade made and always in mind of using…good sustainable, sustainable earthadd, chocolate, cocoa, origin, bake1
coat14.nlOver a period of two years we have been developing a coating that has advanced properties and is sustainable at the same time.property sustainable, sustainable timecoat, furniture, silicon, simplicity, property1
goodfellazdm.nlIn recent years, we have developed according to the wishes and needs of customers to be able to deliver high-quality and sustainable products. With the options we offer you, it is possible to create your veranda as desired. We are…quality sustainable, sustainable productreact, create, slide, glass, measurement1
fleetshield.nlProtecting rail equipment against graffiti, scratches and engravings. Or making old rail livery look like new again in no time. Cost-efficient, sustainable and with a minimum of downtime. Fleetshield helps. We have over 20 years’…efficient sustainable, sustainable minimumprotection, transformation, stock, roll, buyer1
kibbflowers.nlBecause we are nature people, we like to use sustainable flowers and materials. These are specially selected by us. After all, we are all responsible for our climate.people sustainable, sustainable flowerflorist, flower, exclusive, handmade, wedding1
i-bv.nlIn a competitive landscape, how do you drive sustainable growth? Insight in value is an essential aspect of Corporate Development, Investments, M&A, Leveraged Buyouts, certain legal matters and most areas of finance.landscape sustainable, sustainable growthvaluer, valuation, advisory, tax, acquisition1
healthvalley.nl…and guide companies on the path from innovative idea to market introduction and scale-up. We elevate business cases to a higher level and assist in finding financing for the (sustainable) development of a product, service, or project.finance sustainable, sustainable developmentguide, healthcare, innovative, technological, institution1
micro-step.nlIn 2020 we launched a sustainable children's scooter line that uses recycled ocean plastic. Micro donates one percent of sales from their ECO product line to environmental charities in collaboration with 1% for the Planet.wheel, add, electric, adult, kid1
learnnjoy.nlWe believe that learning is not sustainable unless the child experiences the process of learning. We walk that extra mile to make the process of learning full of fun and enjoyment. Therefore, we teach all concepts using an activity based…learn sustainable, sustainable childtrial, schedule, click, testimony, parent1
royalroots.nl…set Breda in motion. Together we can enrich Breda's cultural and tourist offer. In this way we contribute to the sustainable development of the city. Royal Roots is an initiative of the Municipality of Breda, Breda Marketing and Stedelijkway sustainable, sustainable developmentmunicipality, initiative, position, discover, visit1
accretio-im.nlBASF Vegetable Seeds is globally engaged in breeding of vegetable seeds and has as its motto: “ We make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable.“personnel, interest, vegetable, seed, function1
eltallerdebrujo.nlUniquely pronounced and sustainable. Design studio El Taller De Brujo presents a series of caps made from recycled materials. The unisex flat cap in three styles: street, couture and haute couture.pronounce sustainable, sustainable designstreet, publicity, condition, flat, recycle1
durante-vivan.nlCustomer service is an integral part of Durante & Vivan's quality management system to ensure customer satisfaction and efficient and sustainable use of products.efficient sustainable, sustainable useadhesive, melt, glue, wood, manufacturer1
windingwheels.nlTrees for All foundation plants trees in The Netherlands and abroad and compensates carbon dioxide emissions. Their mission is to plant new forests worldwide and to protect and restore existing forests. They do this trough sustainable…trough sustainable, sustainable forestcharity, wheel, tree, motorcycle, africa1
vnci.nlRoyal VNCI connects, strengthens and represents the chemical industry in the Netherlands so that our members can contribute safely, efficiently and in an innovative manner to a sustainable and prosperous society.manner sustainable, sustainable prosperousvnci, chemical, capital, central, climate1
eco-consult.nl…environment. That is what environmental economics is about: using and preserving our resources so as to reach a sustainable coexistense of man and the natural environment, both here and elsewhere, now and in the future. A good crash…resource sustainable, sustainable coexistensetrading, environmental, economic, emission, summary1
nuffinz.nlNuffinz makes the most comfortable and sustainable favorite pieces for men. Shorts, sweatpants, hoodies, t-shirts or long sleeves - made from 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton.comfortable sustainable, sustainable favoritepants, solid, dude, towel, jacket1
shirleyparsons.nlTake the first step towards securing the best talent and building a sustainable business. Partner with Shirley Parsons, the world's leading professional services company in HSEQ & Sustainability. Whether you need a specialist for your…talent sustainable, sustainable businesssustainability, parson, vacancy, staffing, responsibility1
seba.nlTraining is a useful tool to realize inclusion in the organisation and therefor widely used. Of course it is not the only tool: be aware that trainings for diversity & inclusion only have a sustainable effect when they are applied in a…inclusion sustainable, sustainable effectdiversity, leadership, inclusion, prosperity, measure1
appeltern.nlThe Wilde Weelde Wereld op Appeltern' is one such initiative, which was realised by the Dutch Nature Study Group. It also deals with important terms that we hear every day today: sustainable, natural and organic.today sustainable, sustainable naturalcalendar, inspiration, island, adventure, maintenance1
tijosalverda.nl…of Vienna’s Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology . Recently, I also became a certified expert in sustainable finance ( Frankfurt School of Finance and Management ) and participated in the course 'Business Sustainability…expert sustainable, sustainable financetransition, publication, thought, think, january1
guidofox.nl…I am able to support you to understand yourself better, give you more insights in your destructive mental patterns and to overcome them. You learn to make better decisions for yourself to reach at a sustainable way your life goals.decision sustainable, sustainable wayenlightenment, spiritual, path, session, leadership1
braic.nlRebecca Bogaers PhD dissertation defense ‘Stigma as a barrier to sustainable employment and well-being of workers with mental health issues and illnesses: A mixed methods study in the Dutch Military’barrier sustainable, sustainable employmentbrain, military, personnel, treatment, veteran1
ghostproducer.nl📢 Elevate Your Artistry, Elevate Your Career: Ready to transform your musical aspirations into a sustainable career? Partner with us, and let's redefine success together. Your journey to the top starts here.aspiration sustainable, sustainable careerghost, producer, career, pricing, dance1
mythronics.nlIn an era of increasing population and water scarcity, we cannot continue growing food as we did traditionally. Harvesting of vegetables in greenhouses is currently the best option for sustainable production methods.option sustainable, sustainable productiongreenhouse, farming, career, agriculture, harvest1
archeologie.nlIt is our mission to assist our clients in achieving their business aims in a profitable and sustainable manner, whilst respecting heritage issues in accordance with the Heritage Footprint standards.profitable sustainable, sustainable mannerheritage, cultural, excavation, archaeological, desk1
avanser.nlExecutive search is about people. Developing sustainable, long-term relationships with both our candidates and clients is a key component of our mission statement and strategy.people sustainable, sustainable longcandidate, vacancy, additional, diversity, speciality1
stedingroep.nlgrid operator Enduris and infrastructure company DNWG. Together, we ensure that all our customers have access to (sustainable) energy to live, work and run their businesses. We are making the energy system more sustainable and ensuring…access sustainable, sustainable energy, system sustainable, sustainable robustgrid, relation, investor, shareholder, responsible1
cedos.nlCeDos advises software companies on vision and strategy; and guides sustainable organizational transformation to execute the software development lifecycle...strategy sustainable, sustainable organizationalorganizational, transformation, growth, executive, objective1
urbanacupuncture.nlAs far as sustainability, observe some key tenets. Use your car less, especially for routine itineraries. Separate organic from recyclable garbage at home. Live closer to your work. It's important to have more sustainable, more energy…important sustainable, sustainable energyurban, acupuncture, urbanism, base, sustainability1
yolk.nlWith our human-centered approach, we connect the organizational perspective with deeper dynamics and guide you in achieving sustainable changes on individual, collective, and societal levelsdynamic sustainable, sustainable changeyolk, desire, purposeful, leader, collaboration1
flex.nlWe look at sustainability challenges in a holistic way. With our integral chain approach, we help you to create a positive impact and realize sustainable growth.impact sustainable, sustainable growthpackaging, ahead, think, imagination, prototyping1
hetwadop.nlSkipper Frido and the Anna are waiting for you in the harbor of Oudeschild. Ready to give you the best outing on Texel. With the Anna, a beautiful sustainable and safe ship, we set out on the Wadden Sea.beautiful sustainable, sustainable safetidal, flat, captain, vessel, direction1
kacema.nlThe children’s home will never be able to become financially self-sustainable, yet Sr. Maria tries very hard to generate income. The two schools provide free education for the Kacema children. The garden provides the children’s home to a…self sustainable, sustainable srcorn, donation, festive, officially, committee1
renewbuilding.nlTogether with a number of partners, we realise a well thought-out and automated production process. This makes Renewbuilding the figurehead of innovative construction. Whatever your project, our hulls are sustainable and can be assembled…hull sustainable, sustainable constructioncircular, hull, structure, manufacture, assembly1
livethemoment.nl…meeting-event-travel management and hospitality. These fifteen years have enabled me to grow a substantial and sustainable network. I have consequently developed a passion and knowledge on how to propel people to destinations and…substantial sustainable, sustainable networkdestination, cooperative, mentality, creativity, tailor1
electrocatalytic.nlYour sustainable partner in high quality, environmentally friendly maritime solutions.valve, cell, diaphragm, growth, iccp1
brabantfish.nl…prevention is still better than cure. Claresse¬†wants to offer a tasteful and justified alternative to meat and fish species which are being imported from distant places. Our fish are bred in a sustainable way according to market demand.fish sustainable, sustainable wayfish, farm, processing, justify, medicine1
xedum.nlUnlocking insight, Challenging established thinking, Achieving sustainable advantage, Shaping the future togetherthink sustainable, sustainable advantagechain, tax, supply, capability, distribution1
fundint.nlThe foundation wants to stimulate concrete forms of cultural exchange, by organizing music festivals, exhibitions and tours. We have undertaken a number of projects under the headings of 'ethnicity and folk culture,' 'sustainable…culture sustainable, sustainable developmentcultural, society, multicultural, tradition, mutual1
sauercrowd.nlWe are making use of the ancient & sustainable preservation technique Fermentationancient sustainable, sustainable preservationjournal, organic, fermentation, crowd, raw1
balue.nlSponsoring for a more inclusive, diverse and sustainable world · Accelerating equal opportunities in sports, the arts, and in a wide range of sustainable and socially inclusive activities. E.g. ABN AMRO Open, Ajax vrouwen, Stedelijk…diverse sustainable, sustainable world, range sustainable, sustainable sociallyexhibition, collaboration, role, landscape, launch1
thewebdesign.nl…generating maximum ROI for your brand. We value your business and understand how important it has become to make your brand visible across all online platforms. We help you to take your business online for a better and sustainable future.well sustainable, sustainable futureoptional, domain, registration, findable, telephone1
italricambi.nlSustainable and recyclable packaging is a high priority for us as a company - more now than ever before.accessorie, rear, panel, packaging, cover1
industrialheatandpower.nlIH&P is produced by 54events and takes place at the same time and in the same venue as 3 of 54events’ related fairs: Vakbeurs Energie (about energy in urban environments), Zero Emission | Ecomobiel (sustainable mobility) and PREFAB…ecomobiel sustainable, sustainable mobilityindustrial, heat, october, exhibitor, profile1
etfi.nlIt is vital to gain insights and develop a better understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourists’ attitude, potential and actual sustainable travel behaviour, the likely gap between attitude and behaviour, and…actual sustainable, sustainable traveltourism, academic, resilient, study, government1
hennaplus.nl…formulations, the use of certified organic extracts and FSC certified paper and carton. For the most beautiful, glamorous, caring and glossy hair colour available. Supporting a healthy, confident lifestyle and a sustainable way of life.lifestyle sustainable, sustainable waycolour, hair, true, temporary, maintenance1
yabal.nlYabal camping innovation is founded in The Netherlands in 2016. The founders believe in the authentic outdoor experience through usage of efficient, comfortable and sustainable tents which are empowered with the newest available technology.comfortable sustainable, sustainable tentresearcher, vacancy, comfortable, efficient, authentic1
thomasvanarkel.nl…temporary disability benefits, focusing on self-awareness and collaborative decision-making to stimulate a more sustainable road to employment. Next to that I am finishing an article on Defining design practices for societal challenges…making sustainable, sustainable roadpublication, societal, equilibrium, currently, systemic1
gemex.nlTechnical and commercial background made Gemex an innovative, technology, energy saving, sustainable company with fascinating new concepts.save sustainable, sustainable companysave, integration, background, innovative, fascinating1
ohmat.nlBut also we work with high end global hotels in the wellness business and yoga studios creating their BESPOKE sustainable yoga mat.bespoke sustainable, sustainable yogawisdom, consciousness, earth, artwork, sacred1
novaris.nlWe are committed to providing innovative solutions for a sustainable and safe future.solution sustainable, sustainable safeinnovative, positioning, wireless, analysis, growth1
caffecento.nl…unique? Our coffee beans are a treat for the senses. That means sublime quality, refined to perfection . There is a sublime, sustainable Cento blend available for every taste. With flavors ranging from mild and fresh to strong and intense.sublime sustainable, sustainable centobean, revolution, blend, taste, ultimate1
raas-automation.nl…Our collaborative setting encourages mutual reliance and a collective commitment to the project result. By combining strengths, we create synergies that shape a sustainable and prosperous business landscape for future generations.synergy sustainable, sustainable prosperousautomation, flexible, connection, collaborative, landscape1
dutch-shape.nlWe believe that our level of perfection benefits the future of smart , accurate and sustainable parts and tooling solutions.accurate sustainable, sustainable partshape, perfection, vacancy, possibility, career1
maltshotel.nlWe are sustainable and have, among other things, fitted the roof with 60 solar panels that provide energy for running our hotel. We seperate our waste.malt, accessibility, german, availability, bicycle1
rosannasgarden.nlTopics like intuition, healing, reading, natural wisdom, nature, herbs, plants and conscious and sustainable living can be found here.conscious sustainable, sustainable livewisdom, true, walk, connection, inspiration1
fruitpro.nlAs part of Galilee Export, a growers' organization that manages more than 9,000 hectares of cultivation, FruitPro B.V. an important link in a transparent and sustainable chain from grower to consumer.transparent sustainable, sustainable chainfavor, chain, supply, certification, pomegranate1
bass-e.nlWith its designs, BASS-E tries to contribute to a sustainable, inovative and socially responsible future.bass sustainable, sustainable inovativebass, architectural, interior, modeling, architecture1
deltainspection.nlcustomer passion and unmatched industry expertise built on a rich heritage of growth, innovation and market leadership, Delta Inspection is focused on creating customer value and making businesses more efficient, sustainable and profitable.efficient sustainable, sustainable profitableinspection, expedite, worldwide, consultation, multiple1
nietonverschillig.nl…not indifferent to sustainability issues, stakeholder management and reputational issue management. The focus of Niet Onverschillig is on helping organisations accelerate the transition to an ecologically and socially sustainable society.socially sustainable, sustainable societystakeholder, far, sustainability, dialogue, indifferent1
calsijsselstein.nlSustainability and sustainable technological solutions are an important part of this learning pathway.sustainability sustainable, sustainable technologicalpathway, secondary, specialisation, programme, society1
thesquaremile.nlWe tailor-make in-company and online language courses for you and your company. An individual online programme or in-company training with a group of colleagues. A workshop or immersion course. This means sustainable quality…course sustainable, sustainable qualitymile, square, programme, tailor, spanish1
inntelhotelsamsterdamlandmark.nlInntel Hotels has respect for man and environment and is eager to contribute to the care for a healthy planet and fine society. With the Surprisingly Sustainable programme we are working toward a sustainable future.surprisingly sustainable, sustainable programme, programme sustainable, sustainable futureluxury, stay, bubble, bath, industrial1
food-tech-event.nl…is a growing demand for continuous availability and more convenience, which requires faster, more efficient, and sustainable processes with minimal waste. Technology and continuous innovation play a crucial role in this. It requires…efficient sustainable, sustainable processprocessing, technique, visit, technological, trade1
josvanboheemen.nlJos van Boheemen supplies a wide sustainable range of trees and plants. You are always welcome to come and see the wide variety of greenery. Of course we are also happy to advise you on compiling a planting plan.wide sustainable, sustainable rangecut, tree, exclusively, nursery, specialize1
stichtingdorien.nlWe inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing education and affordable materials.environmentally sustainable, sustainable behaviorpolitics, middle, political, progressive, farming1
nipponhie.nl…more efficient and specific drug development. It is our philosophy to save lives and contribute to a more sustainable health economy by procuring various products and research materials and by mediating various customised services…life sustainable, sustainable healthjapanese, bridge, publication, protein, antibody1
ivir.nlthis frenzy, this paper explains why none of these projects will achieve ‘alignment’ of AI with the prospect of a sustainable model of production authentically committed to the rights and freedoms of people and communities. By reflecting…prospect sustainable, sustainable modellaw, publication, lecture, conference, regulation1
gogocleaning.nlEcological and sustainable steam cleaning. Directly with you, at your desired location. You deserve a clean car and that is our specialty!ecological sustainable, sustainable steamparticular, steam, surrounding, reliable, directly1
achterhoekfood.nlDo you think: “I have a good idea of my own for an action or product that contributes to more sustainable, healthy food from my own soil”, please share it with us!product sustainable, sustainable healthyhealthy, vital, region, commitment, manifesto1
celieplant.nlCelieplant is the link between growers of house and garden plants in the retail sector, especially major European supermarket chains and recently outside of Europe too. Our two new sustainable commercial premises can be found at Green…new sustainable, sustainable commerciallogistics, certification, vacancy, flower, grower1
lurodesign.nlWe help you to design and build spaces that are sustainable , functional and inspiring .space sustainable, sustainable functionalhospitality, housing, workplace, architectural, functional1
dhconsult.nl…flora & fauna, civil engineering, project and process management. We work with and for local governments in The Netherlands and abroad. Sustainable solutions, always with land and water at the core. Because that is what we love to do.abroad sustainable, sustainable solutioncivil, environmental, animal, hassle, schedule1
ampelmann.nlSafety is a core value of both Ampelmann and our industry – and so is the safety of our environment. We have, therefore, made it our mission to lead the offshore access industry into a sustainable future.industry sustainable, sustainable futurecareer, motion, leader, sustainability, operation1
burobeits.nlAlready in the creation and analytical phases, we work on solutions with sustainable business models, based on scalable platforms and complementary partnerships. This significantly increases the feasibility of projects.solution sustainable, sustainable businessintroduction, scalable, revenue, growth, transformation1
tourismlabamsterdam.nl…students and educational coaches are exploring the quality of life in and around the northern part of Amsterdam. Leisure activities are our specialism and we are committed to deploying them to ensure an inclusive and sustainable city.inclusive sustainable, sustainable citylab, tourism, urban, educational, sail1
dmasbv.nlWe are a small but driven and experienced team. We don't spend our time in meetings and have no procedures. We want to help our customers achieve their goals in a sustainable and economical manner while relieving the burden on our…goal sustainable, sustainable economicalwaste, vehicle, variety, oxygen, agricultural1
qkunst.nlQKunst manages various art collections based on a future-proof vision. We provide sustainable inventories and registration, thought-provoking presentations, and guidance on management and conservation, acquisition, and relocation.vision sustainable, sustainable inventorysouth, north, commission, authority, simply1
uzimet.nlLead has a proven lifeling durability <50 years is a rule rathen than an exception. With the low melting point of 327C and complete production from scrap, a sustainable circular metal.scrap sustainable, sustainable circularsheet, environmentally, innovative, conscious, manufacturer1
sarahfriedman.nlTwenty entrepreneurs across ten global cities united in pursuit of a sustainable future. As part of CirculUP!, a program aimed at raising awareness and building capacity around the circular economy in Armenia, they contribute to a larger…pursuit sustainable, sustainable futureenvironmental, strategist, racism, campaign, guidelines1
mediainnovatiecampus.nlSustainability in a broad sense is an important issue for the Media Innovation Campus. Together with partners, we are developing a sustainable mobility plan for MICA. Evidently, we promote using public transportation, cycling, and…partner sustainable, sustainable mobilityrenovation, interested, apply, collaboration, property1
greentours.nlDiscover Leiden’s hidden gems in a culinairy tour from a comfortable boat. Electric so sustainable and quiet. A passionate skipper will show you the inns and outs of the city within 50 minutes. Covered and heated if needed, you’ll enjoy…electric sustainable, sustainable quietcanal, skipper, comfortable, heat, quiet1
ecobasis.nlEcological, sustainable and energy-saving solutions that increase living comfort and benefit your health!ecological sustainable, sustainable energyclay, plaster, heat, layer, heating1
airbrabant.nlBioArt Laboratories encourages and facilitates a new generation of makers to use the bio arts hands-on, experimental, critical, transnational, investigative and in dialogue to address social issues for a beautiful, sustainable inclusive…beautiful sustainable, sustainable inclusiveresidence, residency, laboratory, liminal, internationalisation1
kwekerijloos.nlKwekerij Loos, delicious sustainable strawberries! With heart and soul, we cultivate our strawberries over six hectares under glass, of which more than four hectares are illuminated. By using supplementary LED lighting, we can pick…delicious sustainable, sustainable strawberrystrawberry, round, vacancy, lighting, near1
kc-international.nl…(perform ) because stagnation leads to decline. Leadership is crucial to handle with societal, economical and sustainable developments. We take care that during transformations that acceleration will take place upon realisation of youreconomical sustainable, sustainable developmenttrading, reference, publication, transform, merger1
topro.nl…farmers, both in the Netherlands and abroad, we respond to these important social themes. We communicate our knowledge with the self-developed bio health programs and offer livestock farmers a solution for sustainable business operations.solution sustainable, sustainable businessanimal, programme, sheep, swine, livestock1
recoveryarea.nlLet's make a more elegant, easy to use internet, accessible for everyone. Let's move forward to an empathic, secular, sustainable future, enabled through science and technology.secular sustainable, sustainable futurefooter, window, secondary, advanced, optimization1
studioadams.nl…enhancing the urban environment. With an enthusiastic team of architects and designers we work on innovative and sustainable projects with a strong identity, defined by expressive architecture with a tactile expression of material and…innovative sustainable, sustainable projectpublication, court, passive, exhibition, belgium1
wateralliance.nlFocuses on innovative and sustainable water (related) tech that can be used worldwideinnovative sustainable, sustainable waterunited, enterprise, participant, found, kingdom1
staalcoating.nlWe build the future with steel. Sustainable buildings, homes and infrastructure with a rock-solid foundation, ready for the challenges of today and tomorrow. We do this with your expert constructions and with our innovative steel coating…steel sustainable, sustainable buildingsteel, powder, fire, painting, protection1
bewaerschole-archief.nl…area’s natural resilience and robustness as possible. They have found unique solutions and are developing new techniques that are spreading worldwide, making it possible to create safer living conditions in sustainable estuaries elsewhere.conditions sustainable, sustainable estuarysalt, landscape, inhabitants, visitor, lecture1
boomlandscape.nlWe design sustainable and poetic landscapes, improving the livability of our cities. Philomene van der Vliet and Jan Maaslandscape, laboratory, architecture, urbanism, al1
content-hoster.nl…Hoster, it is where we refined our hosting platform and customer service. Since the beginning, we have focused on providing a quality, sustainable service suitable for a wide range of industries. We also are engaged in the Forex industry.quality sustainable, sustainable serviceconsultation, smoothly, array, installer, functionality1
leerpark.nlAt Leerpark we are not about possession, but about access to each other. We seek connections. To us a sustainable future is all about working together, about making it happen together. Whatever ‘it’ may be.connection sustainable, sustainable futureinstitution, resident, educational, inspirational, quickly1
tandheelkundegroep.nlTandheelkunde Groep Nederland is a Netherlands-based boutique investment group active in dental healthcare and affiliated businesses. The group’s investment strategy has a long-term horizon and aims at creating a sustainable portfolio of…horizon sustainable, sustainable portfoliohealthcare, introduction, resource, investment, dental1
maryfeywood.nlEN ❋ Together we will make a better world. I will help you with sustainable and environmentally friendy materials for your project. And that is not all, as I a lso plant a tree for your project ! To see more information, you can click…world sustainable, sustainable environmentallyforest, graphic, wood, tree, environmentally1
thewoolstudio.nlLeiden's City Hall has been renovated and made more sustainable. Adapted to the new working methods of local government, the City Hall offers the city and its administration a hospitable and appropriate stage – one that once again…hall sustainable, sustainable newwool, tapestry, gradient, hall, senate1
aerospacedelta.nlFocus on all aspects of sustainable aviation, including electric, hydrogen, hybrid and SAFsaspect sustainable, sustainable aviationaerospace, aviation, upstream, ecosystem, downstream1
8petalsyoga.nlI am Claire, and I offer Private & Group Yoga classes , Workshops, Retreats and Yogic Counseling. My goal is to guide and support you in building a sustainable yoga practice that honours your individuality, creativity and independence.goal sustainable, sustainable yogayogic, depth, physical, connection, sit1
in4leads.nlyour business case calculated with your data. Of course we always deliver tailor-made solutions for your specific market and product. The ROI calculator gives you an idea of ​​the potential return on sustainable lead generation by In4Leads.return sustainable, sustainable leadgeneration, related, package, promise, valuable1
mett.nlTo achieve a sustainable energy transition, governments, professionals and citizens have to collaborate smartly. Organize this with our online platform.participation, transition, collaboration, flexible, functionality1
lissdata.nlEstablished in 2007 with funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the panel has been an integral part of ODISSEI since 2019. ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) is…innovation sustainable, sustainable researchliss, panel, archive, report, breach1
marinepeople.nlThrough the merger of HEBO and Bonn & Mees, 170 years of knowledge, expertise, and specialization are combined, leading to an expanded offering of sustainable solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of clients. This collaboration marks…offer sustainable, sustainable solutionmaritime, heavy, comprehensive, specialize, fleet1
sclr.nlWe help successful start- and scale-ups to build on their success and realise their growth ambitions. Working a longside Founders, Business Leaders and Talent teams , we lay the foundation for efficient and sustainable growth.efficient sustainable, sustainable growthoperation, scale, hire, successful, growth1
vidaworks.nl…increasing your basic energy level. The golden triangle philosophy centers around the right balance between exercise, nutrition, and well-being. By taking small, achievable steps, we create a sustainable and positive change in your life.step sustainable, sustainable positivevitality, session, healthy, period, balance1
zakelijkinleven.nl…wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.labore sustainable, sustainable vhslorem, ipsum, majority, variation, simply1
heymakelaars.nlWith Hey! Makelaars I want to be a real estate agency that focuses on a sustainable future with a modern and efficient approach. However, personal contact remains key here.agency sustainable, sustainable futureestate, sustainability, quickly, promise, priority1
energility.nlEnergility believes the subsurface will play a large role in a sustainable future energy system to combat climate change.role sustainable, sustainable futurestorage, subsurface, transition, geothermal, risk1
luissbusinessschool.nl…We don’t just teach business concepts , but rather, we generate processes of transformation that cultivate an attitude of change. Our aim is to help you become a leader who can drive the sustainable development of the business community.leader sustainable, sustainable developmentprogramme, executive, degree, leader, scholarship1
erikbakermans.nlWe help you achieve sustainable, organic growth by focusing on three critical building blocks: an outside-in approach that puts customers first, a uniquely great customer experience and internal capabilities that ensure you deliver…entrepreneur, strategist, growth, revenue, successful1
dewitstukadoors.nlWe ‘mist’ the wall with paint or latex using a clean, sustainable method for a long-lasting result. This ‘airless’ spray paint ensures a high-quality finish that you simply cannot achieve with rollers or brushes.clean sustainable, sustainable methodplaster, paint, leader, smooth, moulding1
corvoet.nlGame is a wonderful product. The ultimate “free-range meat” to fit the healthy and sustainable food trend. In the last 25 years, we have built up an extensive network of game collection centres (so-called estates). During the hunting…healthy sustainable, sustainable foodpoultry, reliable, honest, consumption, employee1
mrbiocleaning.nl"Mr. Bio Cleaning" is a cleaning company dedicated to promoting eco-friendly and sustainable cleaning solutions. Our mission is to provide top-notch cleaning services while minimizing the environmental impact of our operations.friendly sustainable, sustainable cleanbiological, terrace, healthy, mattress, carpet1
chikungmetizabela.nlAnd also by visiting this website, thanks to EASY GREEN HOSTING , the environmentally sustainable web hosting.environmentally sustainable, sustainable webtuition, ancient, battery, environmentally1
flevoberry.nlWe breed better strawberries. Not just varieties with excellent fruit full of taste and flavour. Our goal is to enable sustainable strawberry cultivation by introducing strong varieties. Varieties which are low in maintenance, less…goal sustainable, sustainable strawberryvariety, strawberry, faith, propagation, taste1
universityrebellion.nl…catastrophe. However, universities can be the catalyst we desperately need to push society towards a just and sustainable future. If we want our institutions to do what is necessary in order to face the climate and ecological crisis wesociety sustainable, sustainable futureresponsibility, occupation, fact, manifesto, role1
valuas-hr.nl…beautiful walking – and cycling routes in abundance. It is possible to rent bicycles through Valuas. Green and sustainable are also central to the kitchen of master chef Eric Swaghoven and his team. Using worldly cooking techniques…green sustainable, sustainable centralasparagus, reservation, appartment, croquette, near1
boonbreg.nlSince the early years of this century, cousins Boon and Breg have been jointly managing our sustainable, modern designed and year-round worldwide producing tulip nursery and forcing, which has been located in Andijk since 1979.jointly sustainable, sustainable moderntulip, flower, bulb, round, globally1
rubenbakker.nl…demonstrated the real-world efficacy and scalability of their technological solutions, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient future in the fashion industry. Guiding the startup's growth and transformation required adept…way sustainable, sustainable efficient, execution sustainable, sustainable technologyuntitled, tailor, banana, transformation, supply1
trademarketingsolutions.nl. From retail and showrooms to offices, hospitality, events, and special projects, we blend modern techniques with sustainable practices to bring your vision to life. Experience personalized service and exceptional results with TMS. Contacttechnique sustainable, sustainable practiceinstallation, trade, appointment, precise, innovative1
praktijkdevesting.nlClient-centered psychotherapy focuses on sustainable personality changes. It is a process of growth and development. This not only effectively combats complaints, but also increases the general standard of living in terms of happiness…psychotherapy sustainable, sustainable personalitypsychotherapy, psychiatry, therapy, psychologist, psychotherapist1
brut.nlBold and sophisticated homewares for your kitchen, home and office. Our unique designs make your home sustainable and looking good.home sustainable, sustainable goodhomeware, living, package, stock, discount1
oscardavid.nlCompanies and organizations face the complex task of remaining relevant and sustainable while meeting shareholder and stakeholder expectations. This requires trust and leadership inside and outside the board. Oscar David advises (non)…relevant sustainable, sustainable shareholderleadership, executive, trust, publication, integrity1
stoneflow.nlStoneflow is a measure for awareness, participation and responsibilities in the field of sustainability. A fund with a focus on making existing buildings or portfolios more sustainable and maintaining long-term relationships with those…portfolio sustainable, sustainable longinvestment, estate, sustainability, relationship, employee1
annona.nlAnnona Deep Tier Impact Finance leverages technology to support sustainable, inclusive, and resilient value chains for sustainable societal impact. Annona aims to bridge the gap between mainstream trade finance offered by commercial banks…technology sustainable, sustainable inclusive, chain sustainable, sustainable societal, term sustainabletemplate, multipurpose, bootstrap, ambition, chain1
foodfuninvest.nlWe mainly want to add value to your entrepreneurship as a partner. We are pleased to offer our resources, experience, expertise and sustainable commitment.expertise sustainable, sustainable commitmentinvest, growth, buy, entrepreneur, july1
radicalgraphics.nl…players learn how to transform their stress problems to stress powers, because understanding stress is a superpower. Players can then be more aware of life and make good, sustainable decisions for themselves and for their environment.good sustainable, sustainable decisionradical, graphic, exciting, veteran, independent1
raddelft.nl…into a leading international research and practice zone for automated transport and in doing so, to support sustainable economic growth, more job opportunities, and better accessibility and efficiency of the entire transportation…transport sustainable, sustainable economic, primarily sustainable, sustainable mean, use sustainablevehicle, het, traffic, autonomous, government1
wildezwijnenwinkel.nlWe opened our doors in 2010 on Javaplein, in Amsterdam East. A Modern Dutch kitchen to us means: ingredients from Dutch soil and preferably from the region. We cook in season, vegetarian and, as much as possible, with sustainable fish and…possible sustainable, sustainable fishvegetarian, fish, dish, seasonal, regional1
orphiro.nlSustainable fun, a cool design and comfortable driving. Orphiro combines all ideals when it comes to new motorcycling: fully electric, fast loading and one with nature. An enormous acceleration power, a lovely cruising speed and a range…electric, motorcycle, craftsman, mobility, motorcycling1
medischcomfort.nlThe fabric breathes and is antiperspirant, thanks to the use of sustainable materialsuse sustainable, sustainable materialpump, confidence, bag, fabric, skin1
mariellebordewijk.nlFood designer Marielle Bordewijk develops and designs new products, concepts and brands in food. Strategic, sustainable and creative.strategic sustainable, sustainable creativeinspiration, packaging, strategic, think, cooking1
dominikhuisrenovatie.nlAt Green Energie, we offer affordable and sustainable energy solutions to help reduce your carbon footprint and save you money on your utility bills.affordable sustainable, sustainable energyrenovation, building, paint, reconstruction, innovative1
citinvestgroup.nlCITINVEST GROUP BV pursues a continuous and sustainable development by investing the revenue from its own assets in the expansion of worthy projects.continuous sustainable, sustainable developmentacquisition, valuable, asset, estate, property1
gl-zonnepanelen.nl…of solar equipment in the Netherlands and it is established in 2015, we are committing to help businesses and households in the Netherlands to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce energy bills by adopting sustainable energy solutions.bill sustainable, sustainable energyinstallation, maintenance, replacement, charger, panel1
conflux.nlClimate change affects us all and IT plays a major role in the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. This raises major challenges.fuel sustainable, sustainable energychain, transition, optimisation, supply, integration1
hydeparkishere.nlHyde Park sets the new standard. An ultra-modern urban area on the outskirts of Amsterdam. This architectonic, sustainable and car-free urban district in Hoofddorp will be home to more than 3,800 luxury apartments and studios.architectonic sustainable, sustainable carapartment, interior, concierge, expat, frequently1
cinqo.nlAt Cinqo we lead and help organizations and projects that enhance sustainable wellbeing.project sustainable, sustainable wellbeingwellbeing, direction, organizational, innovative, cultural1
xhcbouw.nlXHC Chaletbouw was founded in 2009 and started with 6 experienced Chalet Builders with the mission to build chalets of very high quality with sustainable products. Now a few years later, XHC Chaletbouw has grown to 40 motivated employees…quality sustainable, sustainable productsquare, farm, sky, customization, solid1
springscompany.nlThe name ‘Springs’ refers to the word ‘source’. This is based on the belief that sustainable growth starts with you: getting to know yourself and using your own unique sources. Both as an organisation or team or individually. There is…belief sustainable, sustainable growthleadership, tailor, growth, transformation, certified1
swang.nlStreamline and elevate your business processes: we identify inefficiencies, implement innovative solutions, and enhance overall productivity. From analyzing workflows to implementing sustainable changes, we ensure that your processes not…workflow sustainable, sustainable changeconsulting, streamline, creativity, impossible, bright1
idmm.nl…where Robbert works in, include quintuple helix elements click here , elements meaning: Science-, Economy-, Government-, Civil Society- and Sustainable (driver) perspectives. By including these elements changes will be embedded best.civil sustainable, sustainable driverpurpose, proposition, perspective, dedicated, partnership1
biogasholland.nlBiogas accounts for a large part of the sustainable energy supply. The possibilities for biogas are endless. We are committed to help our clients realize the perfect biogasplant.large sustainable, sustainable energyinstallation, maintenance, inspection, sewage, treatment1
jsclinical.nlWith every package is included: my openess & enthusiasm, m y commitment to deliver sustainable solutions & quality within agreed timelines.commitment sustainable, sustainable solutionclinical, study, trial, academia, investigator1
spicedesk.nlSustainable and socially responsible business practices are an essential part of our business. Our customers must be able to rely on our promises. At SPICEDESK, we focus on maintaining the continuity, quality and food safety of our…spice, supplier, seed, aromatic, herb1
fijnmamamarketing.nlLearn the foundations of being a successful entrepreneur, and how to set up your systems and products for maximum success and sustainable growth.success sustainable, sustainable growthwealth, profit, payment, income, passive1
bloommerwede.nlThis is Bloom Merwede: a new, green urban district on the water, in the middle of Utrecht. Designed for people with a clear vision for tomorrow. A future where we live together in harmony in a unique sustainable urban district. Without…unique sustainable, sustainable urbanapartment, sustainability, residence, approx, townhouse1
somo.nlSOMO, the Centre for Research on Multinationals, investigates multinational corporations. We strive for a fair and sustainable world where the well-being of people and the planet outweighs corporate profits and interests.fair sustainable, sustainable worldcorporation, climate, justice, vacancy, structure1
sasvanbeijeren.nl…team of self-employed people, I help employees and organizations to get the most out of their talent. I am the committed colleague expert: who listens, thinks along and comes up with solutions in co-creation with sustainable results.creation sustainable, sustainable resultshelf, organisational, develop, colleague, ability1
globallycool.nlWe train, coach and advise managers and staff of companies, associations, chambers of commerce and trade promotion and destination marketing organisations to achieve sustainable export successorganisation sustainable, sustainable exporttrade, globally, intelligence, promotion, sme1
mazin.nlWith more than 20 years’ experience on international projects on different continents, I am on a mission to help organizations initiate and implement successful change management plans and build and grow profitable and sustainable…profitable sustainable, sustainable businessresponsibility, resume, writing, architecture, discover1
proudmembers.nlWe believe in a New Economy that is sustainable, inclusive and equipped to deal with complex problems.economy sustainable, sustainable inclusiveeconomy, entrepreneur, growth, framework, investor1
flyingsauces.nlOur local courier service, Peddler Express, is not only reliable but also sustainable, thanks to their top-notch zero-emission fleet. Book pickups with us in 4 convenient time slots throughout the day for guaranteed same-day delivery. And…reliable sustainable, sustainable thanksauce, chilli, crisp, flavour, face1
nano4society.nlNanotechnology is a key enabling technology at the foundation of sustainable innovationsfoundation sustainable, sustainable innovationquantum, nanotechnology, programme, photonic, ecosystem1
voedselparkamsterdam.nl…ground in the city. A place where everyone can enjoy and learn from nature. Where knowledge about agriculture, sustainability and biodiversity can be gained and shared. And where we will work towards a truly green and sustainable economy.green sustainable, sustainable economymunicipality, donation, find, fact, joint1
bikenine.nlSustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) are essential for European cities, as they offer a comprehensive framework to address key challenges like congestion, pollution, and road safety, while promoting innovation and integrating new…bike, cycling, mobility, parking, bicycle1
houseofpsychology.nlCognitive-behavioral therapy thrives to empower everyone with knowledge & techniques to recognize those patterns, to learn about their assets & flaws. It takes courage to face your struggles, but self-knowledge is a worthy & sustainable…worthy sustainable, sustainable rewardpsychology, psychotherapy, treatment, therapy, healthcare1
kroonenberg.nlKroonenberg Groep provides housing for retail space, workspace, and residential space. We realise creative and sustainable tailor-made solutions that are completely in line with the needs of the market. We are continually optimising our…creative sustainable, sustainable tailorresidence, premise, housing, investment, property1
cplstext.nlWe specialise in the innovative. Our clients, such as TNO , TU/e and ITEA , stand at the forefront of Dutch technological breakthroughs in fields as diverse as nanorobotics, sustainable energy and artificial intelligence. Whether you need…nanorobotics sustainable, sustainable energytranslation, report, translator, speed, conference1
plantbasedtechnologies.nlCome join Minou and me on our journey to find the most regenerative coffee retailed in Europe. In other words, the most sustainable coffee available on the European market, helping people and planet to thrive.word sustainable, sustainable coffeebase, circular, beverage, creation, know1
ngpf.nlThe NGPF explores and presents alternatives that can contribute to the realisation of a more pleasant, animal-friendly and sustainable society. In so doing, the Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation endeavours to make existing scientific…friendly sustainable, sustainable societyanimal, publication, scientific, staff, vacancy1
reclaimtheseeds-amsterdam.nlReclaim the Seeds is a platform for sharing knowledge, exchanging seeds, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. It brings together farmers, gardeners, activists, and community members to advocate for a fairer and more resilient…seed sustainable, sustainable agriculturalseed, reclaim, stall, sovereignty, agricultural1
businessasmission.nlIncreasing fairness and beauty in the world – through companies. That is the aim of a growing number of business people. They seek ways to act more social and sustainable. We embrace that movement, and want to add an extra dimension…social sustainable, sustainable movementcongress, manual, movement, aim, fairness1
triflor.nlSustainability plays a very important part in everything we do here at Triflor. We care highly for our enthusiastic staff, for a sustainable future for the environment and thus for our company and industry as well. We are proud of that…staff sustainable, sustainable futuretulip, assortment, bulb, flower, schedule1
erasmushands.nlas well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training. Erasmus+ also promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EUtraining sustainable, sustainable developmenttransnational, dissemination, carve, aim, partnership1
stedelijkmuseumalkmaar.nlEverything we serve in our museum café is sustainable or organic. We make our soups ourselves, and our bread and pastries are baked by small, eco-friendly suppliers in Alkmaar. The terrace is open in the summer and has a view of Great St…café sustainable, sustainable organicexhibition, parking, walk, distance, refurbishment1
luzzcandle.nlDiscover our collection of handmade candles made from predominantly sustainable materials. Take our candles, which are lovingly made from rapeseed wax. Through these efforts, we strive to extend kindness not just to ourselves, but also to…predominantly sustainable, sustainable materialcandle, accessorie, aesthetic, mijn, bubble1
whiskybarplaza.nlSlow Living is a Mindset and a Return to genuine Values, such as Authenticity, Quality, Craftsmanship, Timeless, Sustainable, Provenance, Durabilitytimeless sustainable, sustainable provenancemalt, distillery, isle, port, distiller1
foodbydesign.nlWe use food design thinking as a force for good. To create better food strategies, brands, concepts and systems that help build a sustainable food future.system sustainable, sustainable foodpositioning, formula, innovator, appetite, think1
konstresearch.nl…to disease, less chemical crop protection is required. Konst varieties are efficient in use of fertilisers. For (sub)tropical regions, Konst has varieties which offer a sustainable and nutritional alternative for water-intensive rice.variety sustainable, sustainable nutritionalvariety, potato, demand, innovative, consumer1
glastuinbouwwaterproof.nlThe website hosts current developments, knowledge from research and projects, as well as experiences with sustainable water management of entrepreneurs.experience sustainable, sustainable waterhorticulture, greenhouse, emission, entrepreneur, crop1
doubletreebyhiltonsittard.nl…past, which is reflected in the used colors and interior. Our chef, Sebastiaan Moors, and his team have curated a signature style menu inspired by French cuisine. By using sustainable and local products, we serve you the freshest dishes.cuisine sustainable, sustainable localmemory, past, feel, secondary, nostalgic1
gecp.nlThe world is moving towards a circular and sustainable economy where yesterday’s residual products are tomorrow’s raw materials. The possibilities in the field of material flows, waste separation and reuse are constantly improving and…circular sustainable, sustainable economyinvestment, procurement, raw, budgeting, standardisation1
skylandclothing.nlWe exclusively use 100% certified organic cotton, recycled polyester, and other sustainable materials.polyester sustainable, sustainable materialclothing, wishlist, add, cotton, organic1
bcverhuizingen.nlSustainable: Our sustainable approach ranges from environmentally friendly packaging to routes that reduce the carbon footprint.sustainable approachremoval, obligation, worry, pack, belonging1
jaatinen.nlWhen an organization wants to obtain a sustainable change, Leadership also plays a crucial role, from executive-level support to coaching on the shop-floor. In our approach we combine proven elements of the Toyota Production System for…organization sustainable, sustainable change, skills sustainablereference, improvement, employee, satisfaction, philosophy1
green-minerals.nlWe are searching for sustainable, long-term partners. To co-develop and validate the beneficial use of CO 2 based materials in the various markets.mineral, paper, polymer, manufacture, beneficial1
hetkleinstehuis.nl…responsible and tasty. Loose tea is not only tastier, but also more environmentally friendly due to less packaging and reusability. Our packaging is also 100% recyclable. Enjoy authentic flavors and contribute to a more sustainable world.flavor sustainable, sustainable worldpackage, het, flavor, blend, taste1
vu-ondernemend.nlVU Amsterdam is a front runner when it comes to sustainable improvement – from incremental small improvements to game-changing innovations.runner sustainable, sustainable improvemententerprising, entrepreneurial, behavior, entrepreneurship1
koffeman.nlAs a family business and part of the fishing community, the Urk fish trader J. Koffeman understands the importance of handling fishery resources and nature with care. This is why we prefer buying from ships practicing sustainable fishing…ship sustainable, sustainable fishingfish, sole, processing, north, sustainability1
sailinstitutes.nlSAIL is a platform of seven international higher education and knowledge institutes in the Netherlands that contribute to the Sustainable Global Development agenda by means of research, education, engagement and projects, in collaboration…netherlands sustainable, sustainable globalsail, institute, african, faculty, observation1
deltametropool.nlprojecten The New Planning Dialogue aims to stimulate a change in the practice of spatial planning to ensure a more sustainable and inclusive development. It uses the format of dialogue and discussions to pushplanning sustainable, sustainable inclusivesummary, association, metropolitan, urban, independent1
deweitens.nlAt the ecological garden, we will gladly show you around and Jack or Odile will tell you all about ecological gardening, the sustainable and CO2-neutral set-up and at Wilma's Terrace you can enjoy homemade cakes with a cup of coffee or a…garden sustainable, sustainable neutralterrace, overnight, stay, package, orchard1
bonsenreuling.nl…also every moment in between. It’s not always pleasant, but it’s the smart thing to do. It allows us to see your business in full. To reveal sustainable growth opportunities, simply by providing structure and clarity around your business.business sustainable, sustainable growthcross, tax, german, desk, merger1
lintire.nlFor years now, Lintire has enabled us to process our tire waste in a sustainable manner. We consider Lintire a reliable partner and plan on working together for many more years to come!waste sustainable, sustainable mannertire, tyre, passenger, internationally, selection1
moretrees.nlTo MTC focussing at economically and ecologically sustainable investment possibilities, good or excellent production facilities are very important. Where soil, climate and other production facilities are to be influenced less…ecologically sustainable, sustainable investmenttree, summary, forest, estate, forestry1
dynaplak.nlWith a reputation for new concepts that help our customers build new sustainable markets, Dynaplak Group continues to show the way forwardnew sustainable, sustainable marketpolymer, structure, exciting, reputation1
accf.nlDirk Schoenmaker, Rens van Tilburg, Elisa Achterberg and Max van Son (2019). Sustainable Finance and Government Policy, Topics in Corporate Finance, Nr. 27 , Amsterdam: Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance.son sustainable, sustainable financetopic, perspective, equity, fintech, k.1
mivena.nlCrop health, labour friendly and sustainable cultivation are becoming increasingly important for our growers. Therefore, Mivena has a resin coated fertilizer specially developed for field grown cultures like plant propagation, production…friendly sustainable, sustainable cultivationtree, fertilizer, nursery, strawberry, blueberry1
no-how.nlNOHOW supports companies to build the right foundations - strategies, structures and processes - for sustainable success.process sustainable, sustainable successconsumer, belief, purpose, operational, structure1
cosota.nlcompetitiveness, addressing obsolescence and ensuring regulatory compliance. As specialists in the analysis phase, Cosota evaluates plant conditions, identifies upgrade needs, and assesses risks to ensure seamless and sustainable revamping.seamless sustainable, sustainable revampturnaround, risk, seamlessly, peace, commitment1
euronusa.nlContributing in the high-end sports industry through sustainable management of production and supply chain in Indonesiaindustry sustainable, sustainable managementcsr, indonesia, sustainability, profile, satisfaction1
nieuwlevengroep.nlThe New Life Facility Group is a committed facility services provider that is constantly working on a transparent and sustainable relationship with clients and employees. Expertise and delivering high quality are the spearheads of our…transparent sustainable, sustainable relationshipmaintenance, facility, glass, hospitality, facade1
bakkergroep.nlSCAVES is the partner in training and consultancy. SCAVES helps individuals and organizations achieve their full potential in the areas of safety, quality, sustainability, or competence. Together, we build a safe and sustainable work…safe sustainable, sustainable workvacancy, supply, trade, scrap, geothermal1
newhaven-investments.nlNew Haven is a trusted and value added investment partner. We bring valuable experience and network in venture capital, private equity, banking & finance to create and accelerate innovative and sustainable businesses.innovative sustainable, sustainable businessbanking, equity, innovative, trust, capital1
bykingbaker.nlVision is to let people experience the joy of healthy home-made fermented food, like sourdough bread and slow dough pizza, kombucha, yoghurt and a lifestyle for a sustainable endurance athletelifestyle sustainable, sustainable endurancehealthy, produce, gear, bread, addiction1
atelierfront.nl…contrasts. We create characterful designs, that allow for flexible use. We believe good design contributes to sustainable and durable environments. According to us high quality does not equal high costs. A great design is the result ofdesign sustainable, sustainable durableslide, interior, architecture, pavilion, intriguing1
rometal.nlTogether with our clients, we contribute to innovative and sustainable solutions. We produce supporting equipment within the customer's specific requirements and in accordance with our safety policy.innovative sustainable, sustainable solutionconstructive, vacancy, reliability, flexibility, environmentally1
frenna.nl777 features a record label with acts like Delany & YXNG LE and an innovative and sustainable event organiser – which aims to combine the different cultures in music.innovative sustainable, sustainable eventformation, breakthrough, strictly, milestone, billion1
creatieveconsultancy.nlWorking for PUM: with Other Stakeholders to help SME’s and NGO’s to develop sustainable projects and CSR in a creative and innovative way. Create a platform for NGO's to work togetherngo sustainable, sustainable projectparticipant, think, session, entrepreneurship, congress1
amrathhotelempereur.nlThis is an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsibility for a green world. Green Key 'Gold' contributes to our goals for sustainable tourism at Amrâth Hôtels and shows that it is possible to combine…goal sustainable, sustainable tourism, sustainable stepamrâth, stay, wine, opposite, central1
kerstinebert.nlThe restless ingenuity is at the core of every car that bears the Lotus badge. And it leads the vital shift to electric drive technology, pioneering a new era of sustainable performance.era sustainable, sustainable performancecampaign, nike, emea, presentation1
cmcma.nlCMC Marine & Aviation fully understands the importance of solid and sustainable business relationships. Mutual trust between comes from our ability to provide great service.solid sustainable, sustainable businessinsurance, aviation, cover, aircraft, ambition1
womenice.nl…unique approach. Strength training is an extremely effective way for women to achieve their physical goals in a sustainable way. Think of: shaping, losing weight sustainably and getting stronger. This in combination with a positive…goal sustainable, sustainable waywoman, positive, female, realization, central1
asmholding.nl…territory has enough demand driven to support their goals. By securing meetings with prospects in the critical first phase of the sales process, ASM Holding's services can help you gain a rapid and sustainable advantage over competitors.rapid sustainable, sustainable advantagehold, telecommunication, pipeline, growth, exclusive1
novumpr.nlPatented innovation adds discreet and targeted support to stretch denim WILMINGTON, Del.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The LYCRA Company, a global leader in developing innovative and sustainable fiber...innovative sustainable, sustainable fiberwire, leader, enterprise, summit, release1
onlinestempels.nlWe manufacture our classic wood stamps using environmentally friendly beech wood from sustainable, European wood production . The wood we use is FSC and PEFC certified . We offer you an extensive range with many different sizes. Separate…wood sustainable, sustainable europeanstamp, template, ink, graphic, round1
sterknoordnederland.nlAs the ‘Energy Valley’, the Northern Netherlands is at the forefront of the transition to a sustainable energy supply.transition sustainable, sustainable energynorthern, position, publication, region, hydrogen1
takecoachingamsterdam.nlWithout this deep level of trust + understanding between us, any other work is surface level. And my intention for our work together is to get a layer underneath, so that changes you end up making can be sustainable and lasting.change sustainable, sustainable lastingray, career, therapy, benefit, sense1
social-enterprise.nl…Buy Social is another way for Social Enterprise NL to facilitate a more favourable business environment for social enterprises in the Netherlands, as it is aimed at promoting sustainable procurement by large corporations and governments.netherlands sustainable, sustainable procuremententerprise, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, government1
brothers-brothers.nlOur proud partner is an MPS-A Certified production location. The independent certificate to indicate our sustainable businesscertificate sustainable, sustainable businessbrother, trading, tropical, horticultural, succulent1
hoogendoornbouw.nlHoogendoorn Bouw cares about the world in which we live and work. That is why we work as sustainably as possible. Sustainable materials, concern for waste and wastage, conserving energy. That is how we try to build a good environment…possible sustainable, sustainable materialwish, restoration, renovation, alteration, maintenance1
vildnord.nlChoose your collagen with care ... for collagen is not just collagen. If you want tested, sustainable and premium marine collagen, Vild Nord is a perfect choice. Read more about testing of PFAS and...collagen sustainable, sustainable premiumcollagen, skin, ingredient, mineral, powder1
bonfix.nlIn the modern and sustainable building of BONFIX, a prominent place has been reserved at the entrance for the sculpture shown opposite: The technician. So that everyone who works at BONFIX or who visits BONFIX is always reminded of the…modern sustainable, sustainable buildassortment, compression, superior, outside, frost1
chaimkleinbreteler.nl…instant hot water available at any location in the house. The energy used to heat the water is generated in a sustainable way by means of a heat pump. There is also a smart interface designed with the OptiMi that allows you to track…water sustainable, sustainable wayindustrial, evacuation, storage, immediately, secondary1
voetportaal.nl…combining their knowledge of biomechanics with treatment techniques from podo, physiotherapy and manual therapy, they engage in cause treatment instead of symptom treatment. With a faster and more sustainable effect as a result.fast sustainable, sustainable effectcomplaint, rate, treatment, podiatrist, foot1
joostgrootens.nl…the main topic is approached from a variety of domains such as (natural) science, technology, nature conservation, policy, and philosophy, linked to role that design(research) can play in contributing to a sustainable, collective response.role sustainable, sustainable collectivepublisher, lecture, visual, graphic, architecture1
mahout.nlThe promise of data is incredible - now we just need to harness it to its full potential. Mahout believes connecting data and people is the starting point of a successful data-driven transformation, resulting in sustainable and valuable…transformation sustainable, sustainable valuableblock, transformation, successful, relationship, enthusiastic1
etr.nlTechnics is a continuously changing and renovating subject. These days, the accent of new and bigger is shifting to manageable, effective and sustainable. From “u ask, we do” to advise, taking away concerns and showing results. That’s…effective sustainable, sustainable awayreference, installation, electrical, manageable, realization1
transitiestudies.nlWe offer policy makers, administrators and strategists in government, business and civil society organisations insights, tools and inspiration for their vision of, and their contributions to, a more sustainable society. We work with…contribution sustainable, sustainable societycycling, bicycle, traffic, past, transition1
isisboot.nlFrom smart to wise To widen the debate about the future of the sustainable city and the focus on developing ‘Smart Cities’, the conceptual notion of The Wise City creates space for discussion about the paradigm shift and essential assets…future sustainable, sustainable citylandscape, urban, exploration, biodiversity, wise1
juwelenwerkav.nl“A Delicate opulence in Natural forms – Haute Joaillerie – Refined & Sustainable Custom Jewellery “refine sustainable, sustainable customjewellery, antique, elegance, creation, earring1
janspitcsdelft.nlWelcome at the site of Jan Spit CS Delft. I am a senior adviser in the field of water and sanitation. I want to contribute to a healthy living environment around the world. I focus on appropriate and sustainable sanitation systems and…appropriate sustainable, sustainable sanitationsanitation, painting, timeline, conference, quantity1
dekemp.nl' Malling Centenary is a medium early June-bearing strawberry that produces sustainable and flavoursome, shiny-red strawberries!'strawberry sustainable, sustainable flavoursomestrawberry, early, mid, season, organic1
resilientleader.nlWhen the future is uncertain, making decisions aligned with your core values and having the ability to recover from challenges quickly is key. They are vital ingredients for your wellbeing and lead to sustainable business performance.wellbeing sustainable, sustainable businessresilient, leader, leadership, upcoming, ardennes1
prettigommeetewerken.nlIn our opinion, involvement in and with organizations is about imagining, telling and capitalizing on. In this way, you turn employees into co-thinkers. And you work on sustainable involvement within and with your organization.thinker sustainable, sustainable involvementemployee, conversation, engagement, thinker, slide1
restaurantdepalmboom.nlOur suppliers of poultry, pork and sustainable seafood are fully on board with our quality criteria. Their attention and our professional care come together in our restaurant, where they reveal an honest, well-balanced and extremely tasty…pork sustainable, sustainable seafoodbooking, balance, reservation, authentic, speciality1
keffoxpt.nl…Impatience: quick results or a quick fix. I can give you that, but it takes a toll on your body and is NOT sustainable. Being patient and making a lifestyle out of it is much more important to me and it should be to for you to. but…body sustainable, sustainable patientnutrition, scheme, visit, tissue, connective1
minacned.nlThe core activities of MinacNed contribute to providing a platform for sustainable economic and social value creation and the provision of an ecosystem for researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers. This platform is created by…platform sustainable, sustainable economicquantum, nanotechnology, sustainability, photonic, nanotech1
mtsa.nlMTSA Technopower is a technology company that designs and builds equipment. Our ingenuity helps customers innovate. In this way, MTSA is working worldwide on the transition to a safe and sustainable society. We think this is important.safe sustainable, sustainable societyhydrogen, supply, installation, archive, manufacture1
pixelpakhuys.nlCharming logo made for Undercharments, a webshop for sustainable and plant based underwear.webshop sustainable, sustainable plantvisual, illustration, animation, motion, narrative1
circle-re.nlThe Circle Real Estate team builds long-term, sustainable relationships with both clients and their tenants. With our knowledge of the current market situation, we are constantly optimising, spotting trends and identifying opportunities.term sustainable, sustainable relationshipcircle, estate, asset, advisory, relationship1
aevalon.nlI believe in entrepreneurship and cooperation. I think these are the main elements to realize the best and most beautiful real estate. My aim is to realize sustainable real estate. Real estate with the best performance and that changes…aim sustainable, sustainable realestate, asset, relationship, investment, collaboration1
pggm.nlWe work for good, affordable and sustainable pensions for pension funds - our clients - and their participants. We also contribute towards a liveable world, occupational health and retaining vitality in old age.affordable sustainable, sustainable pensionasset, investment, recommendation, career, vacancy1
orisun.nlWe are building a sustainable infrastructure for talented acts, who can thus further develop artistically, organizationally and personally. Musical talent is present in large numbers in the Netherlands. With good guidance and a strong…homegrown, hustle, interdisciplinary, artistic, hague1
packdirect.nl…in the project. We consider our social responsibility as a matter of course: we thrive through innovation and sustainable business practices. We create a safe and harmonious work environment for our employees, challenging them to…innovation sustainable, sustainable business, account sustainable, sustainable greenpackaging, pack, assembly, logistics, sort1
pontus.nl“Everything in the world needs to get better, more efficient, more beautiful, faster and more sustainable. To be able to contribute, you need to develop and improve yourself constantly. Only by doing so you will be able to rise above…fast sustainable, sustainable abletreatment, heat, vacuum, constantly, furnace1
markvanderwoning.nlWith our integrated way of working we realize distinctive products for our clients. We do our utmost best to create authentic, innovative and usable artefacts to ensure proud ownership and therewith a better sustainable life span. We…well sustainable, sustainable lifecompetence, difference, taste, round, soft1
wins-holland.nlIs the first international quality mark with strict requirements for sustainable and social forest management, supported by governments, companies and environmental organizations.requirements sustainable, sustainable socialwin, craft, accessible, responsible, reliable1
lumieretoren.nlIt will be a sustainable area with future-proof energy solutions and a varied range of facilities and services. And more importantly: a living environment that makes users feel connected and that facilitates a social experience in the…tower, facility, luxury, beacon, roof1
thefutureiswater.nl1st symposium The Future is Water – The power of (water)sports for a sustainable impact on waterpower sustainable, sustainable impactambassador, sustainability, oct, request, ocean1
boudewijnsadviesgroep.nl…Organizationland’ (bestseller), and ‘delta 5: unwritten rules as the key to creating a learning organization and sustainable success’. In september 2019 his newest book was published: ‘The 6 cultural patterns of organisations performing…organization sustainable, sustainable successpattern, cultural, background, advisor, effective1
syntys.nlChange became a constant factor in my life. Also in my job, to change things, to adapt to new requirements and possibilities. I aim for a synthesis between sustainable and profitable, short and long term, and between individuals and…synthesis sustainable, sustainable profitableconsulting, synthesis, beacon, institution, external1
humanication.nlIt is our mission to make personal development enjoyable, powerful, sustainable and available to everyone. Our trainings made a difference already for more than 35,000 people -in their personal and professional life- by using cognitive…powerful sustainable, sustainable availablerelationship, essence, growth, possibility, personally1
renzy.nlVisit the tulip & flower fields private and far from the tour bus routes in our sustainable Renault Twizy. Very instagrammable!route sustainable, sustainable renaulttulip, flower, adult, german, electric1
vno-ncw.nlPUM Netherlands senior experts, a foundation which organises the temporary secondment of senior managers to fight poverty and encourage sustainable development in social free-market economies around the world;poverty sustainable, sustainable developmentinterest, variety, common, abroad, association1
ideprojects.nl…standards. The strength of our engineering lies in the practical approach, passion and collaboration. Our people combined with innovative techniques push boundaries to achieve a sustainable and technically accurate solution to your need.boundaries sustainable, sustainable technicallymechanical, session, auxiliary, outside, demand1
isie2023netherlands.nlOnce again, thank you for making the 11th ISIE Conference unforgettable. Let's keep collaborating, innovating, and inspiring one another as we pave the way for a more sustainable world.way sustainable, sustainable worldconference, registration, industrial, ecology, early1
catsanddogs.nlWe stand for meaningful communication. Something that people can benefit from. It’s all about the story of our clients. We convey that through a recognizable visual identity and distinctive design. Through a unique brand name and a…brand sustainable, sustainable brandinspiration, surprising, healthcare, identity, campaign1
chinarelations.nl‘China’s BRI and International Collaboration in Higher Education and Research. A symbiotic Relationship’ (2021) Towards Sustainable Europe-China Collaboration in Higher Education and Research , with Jonas Lammertink (LeidenAsiaCentre…relationship sustainable, sustainable europelecture, debate, relation, january, october1
wallstreetnews.nlThe European Green Deal is an ambitious plan put forward by the European Union (EU) to tackle climate change, foster sustainable growth, and promote social justice. The Green Deal consists of a comprehensive set of policy measures aimed…foster sustainable, sustainable growtheconomy, stock, scandal, exchange, cum1
syark.nlSYARK helps you realize your ambition for a sustainable society with policy, plans and project development. SYARK specializes in setting up, finding partners for and writing EU grant applications. SYARK is experienced in project…ambition sustainable, sustainable society, field sustainable, sustainable energyheritage, cultural, economy, society, technological1
centerfordecisionscience.nlis of paramount importance to public policy and practice, where more complete knowledge of how we decide can have real impact on people’s lives (“How can we ensure people make healthy decisions?” “How do we promote sustainable behavior”?) .decision sustainable, sustainable behaviordecision, interdisciplinary, study, society, investigator1
searchdesk.nl✅ Increased Employee Retention ✅ Sustainable Hiring ✅ Employer Branding ✅ Building Talent-Pipelinesretention sustainable, sustainable hireconsultation, continuity, scalability, efficient, flexible1
businessbyboxing.nl…help you take the pressure, expectations and personal attacks that come with successful leadership and transform those into a healthy and sustainable balance. You feel more capable to expand your success in the workplace and also in life.healthy sustainable, sustainable balanceprogramme, meditation, leadership, session, healthy1
villaparkdepaardekreek.nlYou can enjoy a sustainable and comfortable holiday in our Zeeland Dike suite! There are 8 circular accommodations in Zeeland's dike, all suitable for 4 people. With 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms per accommodation, you will experience just…facility, accommodation, dike, holiday, stay1
atelier4d.nlErik’s designs aren’t shouty, but modest and clear. They are pieces of furniture with a soul. Functional, perfectly finished and, above all, extremely sustainable!furniture, lighting, piece, quickly, appearance1
mariandelallave.nlDutch Plantin works on a better world by importing coco fibers, the most sustainable substrate, to Europe.fiber sustainable, sustainable substratecertificate, campaign, certification, recognition, creation1
nomilk2day.nlable to ensure a sufficient supply of tasty, healthy, affordable and sustainably produced food for 10 billion people by 2050? Foodvalley brings together frontrunners who are united by their ambition to make the food system more sustainable.vacancy, ambition, executive, career, candidate1
vdkooy.nlThe sustainable energy market is constantly subject to changing insights. Van der Kooy responds to this by continuously focusing on the latest technologies. By exchanging knowledge with partners and research institutions, we are…der, steam, oil, fat, rental1
valknijmegen.nl…Fitness Parking Pets Car charging E-chopper rental Bike rental Virtual tour Deals About us Sustainability How sustainable is our hotel? BREEAM-NL Green Globe Terms and conditions Funding Valk Kids Holidays Mothers Day Father's Day…sustainability sustainable, sustainable hotelder, guarantee, package, tourist, facility1
scientistrebellion.nl…latest IPCC report notes, “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.” We urge scientists from all disciplines to join the forefront of the climate movement and demandliveable sustainable, sustainable futurescientist, upcoming, past, coverage, release1
merwede-springs.nlMerwede Springs opts for sustainability with solar panels from Beter Duurzaam. At Merwede Springs we want to treat the earth and the environment responsibly. That is why we are working hard to become more sustainable. Specialists from…hard sustainable, sustainable specialistcoil, industrial, quotation, german, utmost1
micquelgroen.nl…all share. We are committed to conducting our business in an environmentally conscious manner, ensuring that every step we take contributes to a greener future. Allow us to introduce you to the sustainable practices we have implemented...future sustainable, sustainable practiceinspiration, uk, houseplant, wholesale, supplier1
ethicschool.nlIn EthicSchool, Ineke Malsch provides training and advice on responsible innovation to everyone who wants to contribute to sustainable development or to learn more about it.innovation sustainable, sustainable developmentsurvey, responsible, al, chamber, commerce1
craze.nlCraze is a carbon neutral company and partner of ClimatePartner. We have a strong focus on sustainable manufacturing and offer carbon neutral promotions.focus sustainable, sustainable manufactureloyalty, career, promotion, believe, tailor1
alfaholding.nlWe prioritize quality over speed and strive for sustainable results that consistently surprise our clients.speed sustainable, sustainable resultinnovative, efficient, presence, dynamic, prosperity1
oomkens-consultancy.nlMy ultimate objective is contributing to a sustainable and resilient society in the face of climate change. Embedded in my personality is that I am always curious, want to explore and have a constant drive for innovation.objective sustainable, sustainable resilientclimate, february, august, risk, analysis1
artworxs.nlA conscious collection made entirely from food crop waste, recycled cotton, other more sustainable materials.cotton sustainable, sustainable materialwishlist, topic, table, chair, masonry1
landscapelabs.nlI use residencies as mobile schools-libraries-workshops. We use art, theatre, books and food as the sustainable bearers for the stories we find.food sustainable, sustainable bearerlandscape, lab, translation, pink, past1
almi.nlOur block splitters stand for sustainable development. People, Planet, and Profit are harmoniously combined. Emission-free working where the burden on the user is reduced to a minimum.splitter sustainable, sustainable developmentpipe, machining, block, grinder, reference1
awleder.nlAt AW Leather we have a real passion for leather. In all types and forms. Leather is a unique natural and sustainable product that gets better with age. Our company is based on the belief that leather can be beautiful, functional and…natural sustainable, sustainable productleather, creativity, maritime, stock, hide1
jacquelineheerema.nl…By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local and national issues. One of our aims is to develop the…level sustainable, sustainable insightheritage, coastal, artistic, residency, residence1
de-design.nlthrough design. Our focus is on designing products that benefit people, the planet, and profitability by offering sustainable solutions that improve quality of life and address the evolving needs of end-users. With a skilled team of…profitability sustainable, sustainable solutionindustrial, consumer, successful, aesthetic, winner1
red-company.nl…We are young, ambitious, enthusiastic and adventurous, always on the lookout for innovative, design-driven and sustainable real-estate concepts. Every member of our RED team is keen to make a positive impact through the single-minded…design sustainable, sustainable realestate, sustainability, ago, urban, talk1
iro.nlYoung professionals are key in IRO’s mission to contribute to a future proof & sustainable industry, therefore they embrace the initiative of Young IRO: a platform where the next generation of our industry can connect, learn, get inspired…proof sustainable, sustainable industrysupplier, exhibition, association, transition, overview1
lifestyle-vitality.nl…Healthy habits are introduced into your lifestyle. With daily commitment and practicing new habits and healthy choices you will achieve meaningful and sustainable personal change. This is how to make change happen and above all lasting.meaningful sustainable, sustainable personalvitality, disease, chronic, habit, physical1
luna-sol.nlLuna-Sol is an on-demand sustainable jewelry brand. Each design is handcrafted per order in Amsterdam . Most of our designs are available in multiple different materials such as 925 sterling silver, 14k 3 micron goldplated silver and 14k…demand sustainable, sustainable jewelrynecklace, jewelry, bracelet, earring, charm1
frankort.nlsuppliers in Brazil, to keep communication lines short and clear. Contrary to many other suppliers, our focus is on papayas transported as sea freight. To give you the very best quality, supplied in the best and most sustainable conditions.good sustainable, sustainable conditionsproduce, vegetable, consumer, spanish, german1
sledgehammer.nlA bright future forward together with Sledge hammer… Paving the way for sustainable & long-term client relations.way sustainable, sustainable longhammer, sledge, operation, steel, spool1
basreus.nlMy point is that social capital in organizations should be fostered, so it can develop more quickly and become more sustainable. Social capital points to the collective capital of a constellation of people, also known as a (social)…quickly sustainable, sustainable social, time sustainable, sustainable structurecapital, collaborative, analysis, philosophy, behavior1
yourwell.nlThe sea is the source of all life. Your Well is marketing and selling products based on seaweed to bring the power of the sea on shore. Seaweed is food, bodycare and health. It is natural, healthy, sustainable and….. delicious!healthy sustainable, sustainable deliciousseaweed, organic, buy, manufacture, specialize1
noise2sig.nlBecause the lesson of the flat tire, and of the gift sandwich I ate later in the day, is that people are sustainable wealth: kindly people, helpful people, inventive people. The pleasures of conversation and friendship are like the…people sustainable, sustainable wealthride, rosary, road, tree, bike1
dewoestegrond.nlWe are the best alternative for the bio-industry with our butcher's shop. Making a profit is not our goal, but a means to make the world a bit more beautiful. Our mission is to create social and sustainable added value.social sustainable, sustainable valueadd, organic, meat, butcher, grass1
mulierinstituut.nl…Germany, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey and the UK, it provides a foundation for future policymaking, methodological analyses and theoretical developments that can result in sustainable gender equality in European sport governance.development sustainable, sustainable genderinstitute, physical, woman, highlight, study1
hildeelbers.nlAs a coach I aim to contribute to your personal development, so you can be(come) free from physical, mental end emotional patterns that are distracting for you. The main goal is to let you discover more sustainable ways to organize your…goal sustainable, sustainable way, life sustainable, sustainable stableteacher, inn, therapy, mental, trajectory1
reportcompany.nl…among others, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). We can also advise…gri sustainable, sustainable development, council sustainablereport, annual, uk, integrate, invest1
dolihelp.nlFor our On Premise Data-center we use sustainable energy, using it from hydro, wind, solar and biomass sources. We also invested in our own solar-powered energy plant and only use renewable energy-sources.center sustainable, sustainable energypartnership, subdomain, traffic, migration, commitment1
dyostudio.nlDYO is an Amsterdam-based brand offering high-quality women’s wear that complement a timeless wardrobe. Designed as curated essentials with a modern look, all items stand out through innovative colors and exceptional and sustainable…exceptional sustainable, sustainable materialwishlist, knit, wardrobe, trench, innovative1
studentcity-leiderdorp.nlStudentCity Leiderdorp consists of 206 individual student residences. Each residence has its own bathroom and kitchen with built-in appliances. All studios are upholstered and have a luxurious finish. The building is sustainable in which…build sustainable, sustainable studiokitchen, luxurious, bathroom, residence, sun1
phenoxconsultants.nl“Phenox Consultants is the strategic pension consultant of Boston Scientific and guided us in the development of a sustainable and future-proof pension administration. Working with Phenox Consultants offers top-tier security. You are…development sustainable, sustainable futureemployee, fund, actuarial, council, benefit1
bluepeach.nlAre you ready to take your online game to the next level? Look no further than Blue Peach - the ultimate partner for sustainable digital growth. Together, we'll transform your online presence and skyrocket your sales. Say hello to success.partner sustainable, sustainable digitalpeach, advertising, commerce, explore, lorem1
coated-aluminium.nlAt the end of the day, however, we will need a tangible component for every building, even though we are now confronted with entirely new approaches in terms of sustainable design and productivity.term sustainable, sustainable designcoat, exterior, interior, aluminum, vehicle1
heemskerk-bloemisten.nlWe are doing our bit for the environment by using LED lighting and purchasing MPS-certified flowers and plants. Our aim is to achieve Sustainable Florist accreditation within two years. We also wish to send our customers invoices digitally.aim sustainable, sustainable floristflower, vase, florist, directly, regularly1
xlead.nlIn our increasingly complex world, we need innovators who can contribute to a healthier, safer and more sustainable society and make a meaningful impact. In X!LEAD, we develop and empower top tech talent to become true innovators and…safe sustainable, sustainable societyprogramme, meaningful, innovator, society, true1
bromeliaspecialist.nlBromelia Specialist likes to colour the world with these beautiful Bromeliads. And with smart, sustainable solutions and innovations, we contribute to a green and healthy planet.smart sustainable, sustainable solutionsweet, colour, consumer, interior, grower1
or-else.nlFaced with rising sea levels and looming sand scarcity, our interdisciplinary project OR ELSE is committed to sustainable sand extraction. During this 5-year research programme on the North Sea floor, we explore the impact on the…project sustainable, sustainable sandpublication, sand, extraction, scientific, presentation1
gt-events.nl…of various car events . A lot of attention and deepening in the relevant segment, results in strong and sustainable productions. With this specialization, GT Events differentiates itself from the many other event agencies. The…strong sustainable, sustainable productionevents, exhibitor, collaboration, past, government1
aragroup.nl…safety of everybody who plays a part in our operations. Wherever we operate, we will conduct our business with respect and care for both the local and global environment and systematically manage risks to drive sustainable business growth.risk sustainable, sustainable businesssend, vessel, fleet, purchase, shipbroker1
semetro.nlAt Semetro Safety is our main priority; it is our policy to ensure that all of our construction, design, and equipment are delivered in a safe and sustainable manner. We are devoted to using our resources and technical competence to the…safe sustainable, sustainable mannersurvey, island, commit, subcontractor, manner1
bedbugmattress.nlBeing aware of our responsibility to ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly positive business practices as detailed in the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001, we constantly seek to minimise waste, maximise recycling and…responsibility sustainable, sustainable environmentallysupply, hospitality, hospital, mattress, cabin1
ex-natura.nlI guess that, in the end, I just enjoy paying my little contribution to a more sustainable and more social future where nature and people come before money.contribution sustainable, sustainable socialcircular, economy, inspiration, practical, think1
lilithronnervanhooijdonk.nlThe office was founded in 2010 in Rotterdam. We design narrative architecture that tells the story of the assignment at hand. A story with different layers: that of the context, a response to building tradition, the wishes of our client…client sustainable, sustainable applicationexterior, architecture, exercise, declaration, balcony1
viralcom.nl…innovative hardware. Through our personalized approach and industry expertise, we are growing businesses and improving lives by spreading innovation through sustainable technology strategies for today’s needs and tomorrow’s opportunities.innovation sustainable, sustainable technologyspread, internship, innovative, personalized, reliable1
digitalsustainabilitycenter.nlDigitalisation is an essential aspect of sustainability and digitalisation itself must also be sustainable. On October 18 2022, professor Patricia Lago has signed the Digital Sustainability Manifesto, on behalf of the department Computer…digitalisation sustainable, sustainable octobersustainability, lab, drop, resource, january1
demotech.nlhow a designer can contribute to reduction of poverty, and to design for sustainable products and production.poverty sustainable, sustainable productfrontpage, publication, everybody, appropriate, woman1
maritiemland.nlsecurity. This requires a strong industrial policy at national and international level so that the sector can make a sustainable contribution to our prosperity and security. That is what The Dutch Maritime Network is committed to every day.sector sustainable, sustainable contributionmaritime, capital, trade, overview, council1
pharos.nlSustainable improvement of the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of care and prevention for people with limited health literacy, non-western migrants and refugees.prevention, literacy, programme, limited, western1
verbruggentransport.nlFast, sustainable, safe and cost-effective Our ambition: fast, sustainable, safe and cost-effective transport. In close dialogue with you as our client, we are offering customised transport solutions that suit your budget and planning.fast sustainable, sustainable safeformalities, storage, ambition, fact, figure1
globalhealthfilmfestival.nl…forefront of solutions, meet the change-makers—entrepreneurs, policymakers, farmers, scientists, and citizens who are paving the way for a sustainable future, where feeding 10 billion people without destroying our planet becomes a reality.way sustainable, sustainable futurearchive, min, interest, documentary, mouth1
fieldworkcompany.nlEcological insight and innovative techniques for sustainable ecosystem restoration.technique sustainable, sustainable ecosystemfieldwork, seagrass, analysis, ecosystem, technique1
w-o-m.nlof boosting economic development, and inclusive growth. She is actively promoting responsible business, including sustainable tourism development, sustainable management of natural resources and empowering local communities and…business sustainable, sustainable tourism, development sustainable, sustainable managementwoman, potential, entrepreneur, assignment, ambition1
e3partners.nlBesides a good return, e3 aims to achieve an impact with focus on goals 7, 12, 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) set by the United Nations. Demonstrable CO2 reduction is a funding requirement at all times.goal sustainable, sustainable developmentpartners, fund, reduction, carbon, initiative1
waxcare.nlAt Wax Care Amsterdam, we specialize in safe, comfortable, sustainable and professional hair removal and brows services for all persons.comfortable sustainable, sustainable professionalpregnancy, hair, removal, hygienic, gentle1
illustratieambassade.nl…together with chairman Doreen Boonekamp, ​​form the board of the Illustration Embassy. With this, a new sustainable platform has been established that aims to be a source of historical knowledge, but also devotes a great deal of…new sustainable, sustainable platformillustration, embassy, exhibition, host, visual1
timath-travel.nlWith its experience and reputation in the travel and tourism industry, its sustainable relationships with partners around the world, as well as its dynamics and professionalism in the services, Timath Travel always strives to bring its…industry sustainable, sustainable relationshipreference, request, reputation, guide, interpreter1
praktijk-lux.nl…and Support: I provide all the necessary tools, questions, reflections, and support for your transformation. - Sustainable Transformation: Learn to play your new life game, ensuring lasting results that continue long after the program…transformation sustainable, sustainable transformationgap, achievement, inn, fulfillment, weight1
eglizen.nlOur love for hospitality, yoga, design and historical heritage brought us to the former St. Eligius Church in 2020, with the intention to create a unique place, small-scale, with an eye for local and sustainable products.local sustainable, sustainable productchurch, surrounding, package, find, stay1
sibisolatie.nlAre you looking for ways to make your company sustainable? Insulation is an excellent way of doing this! By providing you with a very clear cost-benefit analysis, we will demonstrate that insulating pipes and fittings result in…company sustainable, sustainable insulationinsulation, utility, analysis, benefit, horticulture1
floraison.nlStrawberry cultivation needs to become more sustainable, and that is why we are exploring the potential of growing this fruit on stone wool. Together with Genson Group and Elke Schellekens of Floraison we are testing different ways to…cultivation sustainable, sustainable potentialoctober, february, strawberry, potential, curious1
bluealp.nlChemical recycling technologies that upcycle old plastic into new and valuable feedstock are increasingly viewed as the gamechanger in the drive to decarbonize the way we live and move towards a more sustainable and circular model . Learn…way sustainable, sustainable circularwaste, valuable, chemical, transform, resource1
supremenudge.nlSustainable prevention of cardiometabolic risk through nudging health behaviourssupreme, package, background, publication, supermarket1
eemsdollard2050.nlIn recent years, a lot has been happening around the Ems-Dollard and the Wadden Sea. Eemshaven is transforming into a national energy port and the chemical industry in Delfzijl is becoming more sustainable. Due to climate change, the sea…delfzijl sustainable, sustainable climateestuary, animal, climate, salt, balance1
emarketsolutions.nlWe optimize the highest volume channels to sell more product where customers are already shopping. We do not search for ‘flash in the pan’ success and turn towards a long-term, sustainable model for our brands. We understand the…term sustainable, sustainable modeloperation, presence, know, difficult, channel1
albacaro.nlConcrete e virtuous examples of a sustainable agriculture, based on quality, animal welfare, sustainability, link with territory, health and pleasure of consumers.example sustainable, sustainable agricultureal, italian, cuisine, dish, authentic1
justfluid.nlInspired by Woed's brand vision of producing sustainable and natural wooden products, I created this tree design and painted it on an actual tree slice.vision sustainable, sustainable naturalartwork, regular, accessorie, psychedelic, clothing1
picomel.nlOur unique production process was the rationale behind the design of our modern facility. The height of the building effectively utilises gravity in its production process of the high quality infant formula. Moreover, our facility is very…facility sustainable, sustainable preparenutrition, formula, infant, bottle, factory1
tedaccoating.nl…normal painting or polishing are generally only temporary solutions; replacement is a costly and not very sustainable solution. The challenge to find durable and effective protection for the problem of ageing and loss of shine in…costly sustainable, sustainable solutiongloss, hardener, thin, certification, property1
buildathome.nl…of our students are therefore not or hardly immersed in the internationalization relevant to their work context. It is therefore necessary to link education to Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and specific 21st Century Skills.agenda sustainable, sustainable developmentintellectual, output, increasingly, teacher, resilient1
tesindus.nlOperational continuity, guaranteed. TES Industrial Systems provides sustainable solutions for industrial drive systems and industrial automation. Your company’s continuity is our number one focus. To guarantee that, we develop and produce…system sustainable, sustainable solution, focus sustainable, sustainable driveindustrial, installation, continuity, inspection, commissioning1
moovs.nlWe believe that the answer is lifelong learning as the new norm, as change is the new constant. Lifelong learning enables sustainable growth in a world full of ongoing hypes and obsessions. Only people who are well-educated, well-trained…learn sustainable, sustainable growthlifelong, answer, radical, career, literacy1
leeghwater.nlLast year a new concept was introduced to stimulate committees to start innovative and sustainable initiatives: Gezelschap Leeghwater’s very own Dragons’ Den! Committees can file a request for financial compensation for innovating their…innovative sustainable, sustainable initiativeassociation, career, dragon, committee, overview1
bureaubrems.nlTranslating vision and strategy into new products - always sustainable (Planet+People+Profit)- which your customers want to buyproduct sustainable, sustainable customertextile, sustainability, chain, knit, demand1
webdesign-service.nl…solutions that go hand in hand with knowledge, compassion and integrity. IFAW rescues and cares for individual animals in need and provides effective solutions that contribute to the sustainable protection of populations and habitats.solution sustainable, sustainable protectionvoor, registration, domain, affordable, animal1
bydauto.nlBYD has reported the sale of 3,024,417 new energy vehicles in 2023, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 62.3%. For us, a sign that the world shares our green dream and is ready for 100 percent sustainable mobility.percent sustainable, sustainable mobilityseal, battery, blade, promotion, sign1
kopconsult.nlSustainable results count for me, just as practical solutions and realistic approaches.passionate, reference, regular, collaboration, potential1
logistiekladen.nlWe connect carriers, operators of charging infrastructure, owners of promising locations, governments and network operators. By working together in a smart way, we accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility. Will you join?transition sustainable, sustainable mobilitycharger, publicly, accessible, initiative, demand1
september.nl…culinary delights in the open kitchen. Every Thursday, the menu is announced in our booking link (bottom right). We work with sustainable and local products. This is how we share our love for tasty wine, good food to the rest of the world.right sustainable, sustainable localevening, session, hague, conservatoire, programme1
waterstromen.nlWaterstromen unburdens companies through sustainable and reliable purification and processing of water and residual flows. In this context, Waterstromen invests in new installations or takes over existing installations.company sustainable, sustainable reliablevacancy, purification, installation, treatment, specialize1
6-25.nl…facilitating large-scale implementation of innovative technologies, it can make a lasting contribution to a more sustainable society. At the same time it can contribute towards a more competitive industry delivering innovative products…contribution sustainable, sustainable societyefficiency, carbon, assessment, programmatic, reduction1
openbazar.nlOpen Bazar leads its strong passion for the sustainable development of an innovative platform, enabling one of the fastest growing network communities in Europe and Asia In a rapidly globalizing world, our goal is to become a meeting…passion sustainable, sustainable developmentasia, merchant, buyer, multiple, membership1
mammamiadenhaag.nlWe use exclusive organic and sustainable flours from a little farm and mill next to Verona (Antico Molino Rosso).organic sustainable, sustainable flourwine, sustainability, italian, table, taste1
tenba-bv.nlthe choice of an existing building or purchase of land, up to and including the realization of the bakery installations. The result is a future-oriented and ultramodern bread and pastry bakery in Belgium with various sustainable techniques.belgium sustainable, sustainable techniquebakery, valuation, tenba, realisation, valuer1
oneidea.nl…are wondering. What drives you as a human being? What is the footprint you want to leave on our planet? The one thing you want to be remembered for? Your big idea that makes the world a tiny little bit better, more sustainable, friendlier?well sustainable, sustainable friendlyrethink, thursday, july, august, meat1
psycholooghanan.nlTogether, we will work on developing sustainable habits and strategies to help you thrive in your personal and professional life. So what are you waiting for? Don't let stress and burn-out hold you back any longer. Sign up for the Get in…psychologist, session, package, panic, attack1
studioairport.nlThe Wenner-Gren Foundation (New York) is committed to help anthropologists advance anthropological knowledge, build sustainable careers, amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world and foster an inclusive vision of the field.⁣knowledge sustainable, sustainable careergraphic, independent, unknown, identity, emergence1
greenproteinalliance.nlThe Green Protein Alliance (GPA) is a unique alliance between 25 retailers, the catering industry, food producers and 10 knowledge partners in the Netherlands, supported by the Dutch Government. Their common goal: restoring a healthy and…healthy sustainable, sustainable balanceprotein, wat, transition, consumption, producer1
eurostaeteeindhoven.nlFor residents with a car there is room in the parking garage of PSV, but actually in this building we focus more on sustainable mobility. This means that we encourage residents to use public transport or to make use of one of the 29…build sustainable, sustainable mobilitydemolition, resident, residential, roof, ground1
handelsroute.nlCommissed by Jong Management we will organize a factfinding trip for (young) entrepreneurs… April 13 2024 JMI Taiwan & Thailand Are you involved in sustainable greenhouse construction or offering innovative solutions… March 2 2024 Water…involve sustainable, sustainable greenhousetrade, join, government, agricultural, renewable1
cmclogistics.nlRail freight becomes not just a backup plan, it is the new trend of transportation mode between Europe and China. Do you want to combine economic performance and environmental commitments to create sustainable value ? We provide you with…commitment sustainable, sustainable valuelogistics, freight, dangerous, cargo, useful1
feelmerryfoodsupply.nlOur key purpose is Sustainable Food Supply. We do it by making the Farm produces or value-added farm products directly available to the markets at superior quality and highly competitive prices.purpose sustainable, sustainable foodsupply, farm, seed, ingredient, commodity1
haijwende.nlWe believe in building a sustainable, long-lasting relationship with our clients. This ensures a well-attuned and harmonious working relationship. Our attorneys would like to become part of your team. Our goal is to be successful together.law, employment, firm, estate, attorney1
hollandcircularhotspot.nlOut now: Circular agrifood & biomass – Food & materials for a sustainable futurematerial sustainable, sustainable futurecircular, economy, entrepreneur, collaboration, publication1
mediaverdi.nl…bushes grow outside year-round and are then taken into the greenhouses for a few weeks for harvesting. Through rigorous selection and the deliberate execution of our craft we are able to cultivate high quality and sustainable Viburnum.quality sustainable, sustainable viburnumcarnation, cultivation, assortment, snowball, generation1
primstreet.nlor otherwise involved in the transition to a more sustainable and equitable economy and society? And could you use some help getting your message out and engaging your stakeholders?transition sustainable, sustainable equitablecompelling, regeneration, trust, proud, report1
40square.nlWe chose to work with Kevin Murphy hair care products. We love it because it’s Eco Friendly, all the packaging is recyclable or biodegradable. They use natural ingredients from sources that are sustainable, utilizing methods that do not…source sustainable, sustainable methodhair, square, cut, colour, head1
doit2.nl…success stories, and proven techniques to help you succeed in this dynamic industry. We’ll guide you through the process of building your network, maximizing your earning potential, and creating a sustainable source of passive income.potential sustainable, sustainable sourcepassive, income, gateway, season, potential1
matx.nl…help reduce the spread of germs and infections. Meanwhile, customers in the consumer goods industry can benefit from our biodegradable polymers, which offer a sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional materials.polymer sustainable, sustainable environmentallybiodegradable, infrared, polymer, microbial, far1
wur-base.nlJoin us on a journey of discovery. Our mission is clear: to create food systems that are resilient, circular and sustainable so that humans can sustain themselves in the most extreme conditions imaginable. We are pioneers in creating…circular sustainable, sustainable human, smart sustainable, sustainable waypublication, organic, discover, waste, donation1
returncarbon.nlReturn Carbon reverses climate change by capturing, storing, and using CO 2 in a sustainable way.co sustainable, sustainable waycarbon, climate, capture, storage, scale1
mijntuinonderhoud.nlOur aim is to provide sustainable services and products as far as possible. For example, we do not use chemical products for patio cleaning and garden maintenance. Where possible and desirable, we recycle plants and materials such as…aim sustainable, sustainable servicemijn, checkout, maintenance, hassle, relationship1
genderengezondheid.nlThe foundation of the Dutch Society for Gender & Health, launched October 5, 2017, during the national Congress of Gender & Health in Amersfoort, repesents a sustainable effort for promoting sex- and gender-related aspects of healthcare…amersfoort sustainable, sustainable effortâsociety, sensitive, healthcare, woman, researcher1
sweepingsolutions.nlAt Sweeping Solutions the concepts sustainability and circular economy are two important priorities. Within our organization we try to operate in a sustainable way. By considering this principle, we hope to contribute to a circular economy.organization sustainable, sustainable wayroad, willing, dynamic, warehouse, parking1
koeindekost.nlOur farm is an original place to stay... among the cows on the pasture! You'll stay at sustainable and very comfortable 'Grondulows', but without a television. That way you'll truly relax. In addition, your holiday cottage comes with an…pasture sustainable, sustainable comfortablefarm, holiday, cow, accommodation, farmer1
baksteen.nl…a wide range of first-class façade and street bricks are produced using local raw materials, modern production machines, advanced tunnel ovens and motivated people. Sustainable business and delivering quality go hand in hand with Engels.people sustainable, sustainable businessbrick, character, external, establishment, generation1
heinberkvens.nlwithin a team towards one goal. I can facilitate companies to initiate, create and introduce strategically sound, sustainable and commercially successful products and services for clients and customers who live and act in local as in a…sound sustainable, sustainable commerciallyprofessionally, successful, actively, ambitious, mentality1
synrgize.nlI know Roderick as a very involved and valued colleague. He has always worked hard for sustainable innovation in the Healthcare IT landscape. He knows how to present this comprehensively and with conviction to his clients. Roderick set up…hard sustainable, sustainable innovationrealization, infrastructure, migration, architecture, computing1
lindeconsult.nlThis close collaboration leads to commitment and a continuous knowledge transfer to teams and individuals at the customer. In this way we realize a successful and sustainable project that remains manageable even after our exit.successful sustainable, sustainable projectprocessing, strategic, competitive, report, secondary1
studiombb.nl…MBB, which is dedicated to providing machinery solutions for recyclers around the world. Our goal is to help create a more sustainable future by empowering individuals and organizations to recycle waste and turn it into valuable materials.goal sustainable, sustainable futuresheet, table, waste, machinery, street1
anavita.nlTogether with you Ana Vita combines technologie, automatisation, innovation and experience in the Food market. In this way we created together new solutions for precision farming and electronic gradingen . The end result is an…sound sustainable, sustainable productionprecision, farming, electronic, grading, common1
parentingconsultancy.nl…in the classroom, during recess and in individual sessions and I also work with you as parents. You as parents are the biggest change agents for your child and you have a long-lasting and sustainable influence on your child's development.lasting sustainable, sustainable influenceparenting, parent, psychologist, fee, behaviour1
forehand.nlReliable, uptime, future-proof, flexible, fast, and sustainable are important characteristics of a data center, and the foundation for these is the network infrastructure.fast sustainable, sustainable importantinfrastructure, cable, applicable, cabinet, blow1
cosmology.nl…members of the national program to boost their cohesive research efforts, attract new talent and build new and sustainable bridges to the Dutch astronomy community to support and strengthen the cosmology research efforts in the…new sustainable, sustainable bridgecosmology, fom, landscape, funding, astronomy1
sjmg.nlThe independent investment corporation for sustainable value creation in healthcarecorporation sustainable, sustainable valueinvestment, healthcare, independent, creation, corporation1
kargrogroep.nlWe are committed to guiding the tyre industry towards a sustainable future based on value-driven circular products and technologiesindustry sustainable, sustainable futuretyre, circular, processing, passenger, actor1
paluka.nlWith creative interventions and exciting programs, we help build personal growth & leadership, passionate teamwork and resilient cultures. As a catalyst for your personal impact and your sustainable ambitions.impact sustainable, sustainable ambitionfundamental, potential, leadership, responsibility, honest1
youngrefugeecause.nla total of 175 students. Ideas Academy is currently transitioning from a charity to a non-profit social enterprise. YRC's mission is to ensure that all underprivileged & refugees have access to education through self-sustainable activities.self sustainable, sustainable activitycause, refugee, profit, charity, closely1
floriled.nl…a more attractive price level for our customers will accelerating the implementation of LED in the agricultural sector. By offering our premium products at a fair pricepoint, FloriLED wants to contribute to a more sustainable world.floriled sustainable, sustainable worldtrial, strawberry, fungus, agricultural, affordable1
boksxl.nlThe SSH wants to focus on limiting energy demand, purchasing sustainable energy and limiting the burden on the environment. They do this on the basis of 4 focus areas. Sustainable new construction, sustainable portfolio, sustainable…demand sustainable, sustainable energy, area sustainable, sustainable new, construction sustainablessh, association, advocacy, objective, vacancy1
eurest-cumuluspark.nlAll these factors together create a pure, healthy and sustainable culinary experience.healthy sustainable, sustainable culinarybreak, waste, sustainability, circular, salad1
khazaghar.nl…Besides, we are striving to give back to the community through culinary training, to assimilate eco-friendly and sustainable measures and to strengthen the local economy via career opportunities, and to promote local entrepreneurship.friendly sustainable, sustainable measureindian, reservation, authentic, hospitality, tikka1
etpa.nlWelcome to Etpa, the energy trading platform designed to support the transition to a more sustainable future. With the increasing demand for renewable energy and the growing emphasis on reducing carbon emissions, Etpa offers an…transition sustainable, sustainable futureparticipant, congestion, documentation, paper, trading1
wemake.nlWeMake works with a clear vision of the future, which is integrated into every engineer and build project. By working with sustainable resources and components, we reduce the carbon footprint of our clients and help them meet…project sustainable, sustainable resourceinnovative, contractor, estate, proud, workspace1
brightbuilding.nlInspired by the decision of the European Union to declare 2014 the ‘European year against food waste’ French supermarket Intermarché has introduced a surprising and highly sustainable campaign: “Les Fruits et Legumes Moches” (the…highly sustainable, sustainable campaignjuly, equation, waste, facade, vegetable1
dmb-lab.nl…evident that digital technology has become an integral part of nearly every facet of our lives. Together with partners from within and outside academia, our aim is to chart a path towards a sustainable, prosocial, and resilient society.path sustainable, sustainable prosociallab, funding, society, incubator, literacy1
totalproductivity.nlOur commercial director Alex Valkering told us all about this during a break-out session at the FME event “Making more sustainable through digitalization”.event sustainable, sustainable digitalizationproductivity, assembly, study, industrial, answer1
scoutmobility.nlThe belief that it can be different, that is what drives us. As committed and passionate Dutch specialists with years of experience in the mobility industry, we look at what is possible. And together with the customer, we create smart…reliable sustainable, sustainable custommobility, wheelchair, football, customization, possibility1
thelearninglab.nlCitizens, governments, and companies are finding new ways to develop cities for sustainable futures together. We develop strategies and learning labs to enhance the city’s ability to learn.city sustainable, sustainable futurelab, societal, relationship, transformative, collaborative1
leonvanklaveren.nlI am a strategic and systemic designer dedicated to finding more ethical, humane and sustainable alternatives for the way we live and work. I design interventions, be they products, experiences, services or readings, based on a deep…humane sustainable, sustainable alternativecreativity, solver, past, alternative, systemic1
bunnikbromelia.nlAnd with smart sustainable solutions and innovations, we contribute to a green and healthy world.smart sustainable, sustainable solutioncolourful, consumer, fantastic, expectations, satisfaction1
studiosue.nlSUE is a Dutch consultancy and incubator for innovative solutions in urban planning. By improving our cities, we can make our planet and its inhabitants more sustainable, more circular and more future-proof.inhabitants sustainable, sustainable circularprophecy, everybody, happiness, consciousness, wellbeing1
globalveranda.nlIn recent years we have developed according to the wishes and needs of customers to be able to supply high-quality and sustainable products. With the options we offer you, it is possible to create your roof according to your wishes. We…quality sustainable, sustainable productglass, roof, panel, germany, wish1
vtrealestate.nl…penthouse has the potential to acquire a Label A or B (the highest) energy label, making it very energy efficient if small adjustments are made. On top of that, solar panels are being installed as we speak to deliver sustainable energy.panel sustainable, sustainable energyrealestate, estate, rent, sell, potential1
eliasjanssen.nlI am a Doctoral Researcher at the Nijmegen School of Management of Radboud University Nijmegen and the Department of Marketing, Innovation & Organization of Ghent University. My doctoral research revolves around sustainable careers in the…research sustainable, sustainable careercareer, scholar, phd, craft, resource1
moliva.nlDedicated to contribute towards making the olive groves more sustainable and biodiversegrove sustainable, sustainable biodiverseolive, buy, flavor, stock, oil1
bflike.nlJoin us in this exciting journey as we shape the future of food, one mouthwatering bite at a time. Together, we can drive the plant-based meat transition, revolutionize the way we eat, and savor a sustainable and delicious future.way sustainable, sustainable deliciousmeat, formulation, fat, innovative, transition1
mtbinternational.nlPartnership is a priority at MTB International. We are a young and ambitious team that strives for a fruitful, transparent and sustainable partnership. At MTB International our goal is to be your number one partner and our motto is: 'In…transparent sustainable, sustainable partnershipconsumer, partnership, channel, entrepreneur, highly1
duqer.nlWe respect existing environments and achieve optimal results that are both sustainable and future proof.result sustainable, sustainable futurelifetime, residential, urban, independent, estate1
leodekock.nlAs the retail partner for potatoes and vegetables, Leo de Kock is the linking factor in the supply chain. We supply the retail sector in the most sustainable way possible with a fair price for the growers in our cooperative.sector sustainable, sustainable waygrower, produce, potato, vegetable, farm1
crunchcore.nlWith my guidance, you can expect to achieve sustainable results, enhance your overall well-being, and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Embark on this empowering journey with me, and let’s unlock your potential for a…guidance sustainable, sustainable resultguidance, diet, overall, mental, dedicated1
botex.nlOur construction team helps to create more sustainable residential and commercial building... Read More [+]team sustainable, sustainable residentialtrading, ally, base, agriculture, industrial1
stalkingcertification.nlIn the UK you find an extremely good, sustainable population of deer. Almost all landowners, both private and government, demand that all hunters who cull deer on their properties are trained hunters. Therefore possession of both DMQ1 and…good sustainable, sustainable populationdeer, assessment, qualification, uk, hunt1
blaay.nlDe Blaay – Van den Bogaard is an independently operating consulting engineering company established in 1950. Its core activities comprise the sustainable design of electrical, mecha­nical (indoor climate design) and sanitary installations…activity sustainable, sustainable design, client sustainable, sustainable realisation, quality sustainableinstallation, environmental, profile, employee, calculation1
subspot.nlSubspot helps reimagine your product brand and grow long-term sustainable value from it.term sustainable, sustainable valuecommerce, circular, common, subscription, planet1
creativejamsessions.nlWe work with leaders and teams to challenge mindsets and build skill sets that drive sustainable and systemic change with a strong focus on people, culture, systems and processes.set sustainable, sustainable systemicsession, diversity, identity, aim, representation1
iamexpat.nlAnthropogenic activities have broken the natural carbon cycle, and it is becoming urgent to find alternative, more sustainable routes to...alternative sustainable, sustainable routeexpat, housing, law, rental, insurance1
epscycle.nlLearn where to recycle EPS by locating the take back and recycle facilities in the map feature or by browsing through our lists on this page. We hope that this resource will help make it convenient for you to recycle your EPS and…eps sustainable, sustainable futurecycle, recycle, directory, association, requirements1
0xqs.nlAggressive white hat SEO is a service that has been developed specifically for customers seeking sustainable long term results . A service that does not try to cut corners by undertaking short term, software driven black hat tactics that…customer sustainable, sustainable longsubmission, package, buy, aggregator, hat1
inntelhotelsdenhaagmarinabeach.nlInntel Hotels has respect for man and environment and is eager to contribute to the care for a healthy planet and fine society. With the Surprisingly Sustainable programme we are working toward a sustainable future.surprisingly sustainable, sustainable programme, programme sustainable, sustainable futurestay, bath, bubble, luxurious, overnight1
blikcart.nlWelcome to Blikcart – Your Destination for Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Premium & Economy Leather Products. Discover our commitment to superior craftsmanship while prioritizing sustainability. Explore quality goods crafted with care, ranging…destination sustainable, sustainable ecoequestrian, horse, wishlist, click, tack1
fritomgroup.nlOldenburger|Fritom is known as the all-round partner for logistic solutions. We offer innovative and sustainable solutions customized to your business.innovative sustainable, sustainable solutionlogistic, subsidiary, employee, csr, structure1
avop.nlWe do this by making people aware of the organisational goals, increasing the insight into their personal values, goals and competences. Aligning these personal objectives with the objectives of the organisation is, in our opinion, the…basis sustainable, sustainable changeassessment, organisational, executive, competence, dual1
annexis.nlTo deliver and improve sustainable bottom line results for our clients, ourselves and involved stakeholders with integrity, pride and care for people and environment.asset, integral, operation, behavior, integrate1
boelensdegruyter.nl…office, living and working concept. Two residential towers on top of the new building create space for approximately 300 homes, while a third tower provides more than 20,000 square meters of high-quality and sustainable office space.quality sustainable, sustainable officevacancy, difference, residential, connection, encounter1
motophrenic.nlIndividual and group training focused on sustainable development of talent within your team. The training combines psychological assessment with coaching techniques found within top sports. Sometimes talent needs an extra push. We help…training sustainable, sustainable developmentpotential, thought, technique, prevention, sick1
aquamoni.nlAquamoni software helps the dairy industry to significantly reduce product losses and costs, and to become more sustainable at the same time.cost sustainable, sustainable timewaste, uk, factory, dairy, milk1
crearesocial.nlOn the 12th and the 13th of October 2023, we met in Dijon to start the second year of the “Resilient, sustainable and participatory practices: Towards the GLAMs of the commons – GLAMMONS”, a three-year project funded by the European…resilient sustainable, sustainable participatorycultural, october, common, sci, collaboration1
leanengineering.nl…in providing tailored solutions to address the specific challenges faced by your organisation. Through our distinctive methodology grounded in lean principles, we aim to facilitate quick results with practical and sustainable improvements.practical sustainable, sustainable improvementcraft, improvement, package, transformation, leadership1
mokum-schilderwerken.nlService orientation and a sustainable approach are concepts that are of paramount importance to Mokum Schilderwerken. In addition, I have learned that clear communication and a personal approach is the best foundation for every assignment.orientation sustainable, sustainable approachinterior, painting, competitive, painter, reliable1
dkw-group.nlAt DKW Group we have set our goals to become the most sustainable company in producing and distributing lightning and surge protection components. A good example is: the new and innovative ECO PRODUCTS®, which are made from biobased…goal sustainable, sustainable companyprotection, wire, copper, conductor, cable1
holistichealthcenter.nlHave you been suffering from headaches / skin problems / insomnia / digestive complaints / PMS / recurring infections / weak immune system / depression / fatigue / overweight / menopause-related issues or other health issues and are you…issue sustainable, sustainable solutionholistic, alternative, medicine, nutrition, complementary1
letzbookit.nl…a team that is committed to discovering new ways exploring the world in a way to benefit both people and places. We do know we can’t solve this challenge alone. We are continuously searching more solutions to become even more sustainable.flight, cheap, luxembourg, holiday, profile1
htllog.nlPEFC respects and relies on globally, internationally agreed certification and sustainable forestry procedures, which serve as the basis for the development of national certification standards and systems.certification sustainable, sustainable forestrytimber, logistics, wood, forest, certification1
westermeerwind.nlWestermeerwind Wind Farm is a wind farm for and by the polder, and will provide 160,000 households (the entire Flevopolder) with sustainable electricity in the spring of 2016.flevopolder sustainable, sustainable electricityfarm, installation, electricity, turbine, involve1
impactyoga.nlTime for a new approach in mindful leadership with sustainable (y)insights, a sense of empowerment, and simple tools to create impact from the (y)inside out.leadership sustainable, sustainable sensefeminine, inside, emotional, sense, balance1
jobjourney.nlJob Journey stands for an approach that interweaves the development of employees and organization so that they mutually reinforce each other. In this way we create sustainable involvement and help organizations change. A continuous…way sustainable, sustainable involvementemployee, continuous, career, charge, ownership1
more-less.nlMoreLess is striving for a 100% sustainable fashion industry. That’s why, together with non-profit organization Made-By, we use our profits to make our product and production process fully sustainable. To grow out the be a pioneer in…moreless sustainable, sustainable fashion, fully sustainable, sustainable pioneerresponsibility, inside, profit, interaction, shocking1
nvomu.nlOMU provides sustainable outcomes for obsolete industrial and office space. Utrecht Development Agency (OMU) was founded in 2011 to actively promote the adaptive reuse and redevelopment of industrial estates and office buildings in the…omu sustainable, sustainable outcomeinvestor, reuse, industrial, building, property1
detexelsechocolaterie.nlFrom a Texel half-barn filled with plum ganache and seaberry, to a seal with homemade praline. At the Texel Chocolaterie you can enjoy delicious and fairtrade chocolate, inspired by the island and made from the finest ingredients and 100%…ingredient sustainable, sustainable cocoachocolate, artisanal, miscellaneous, discover, traditional1
hetpaardenmedium.nlYou will get to a sustainable solution because you receive the answer directly from your horse.horse, happily, directly, answer, know1
syriancotton.nlWe care about the future of humanity; about the environment we live in and the well-being of people. Our business model has been built on 7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.un sustainable, sustainable developmenttowel, cotton, bath, syrian, sheet1
topcargo.nlContinuous and sustainable growth in all fields of freight forwarding adding value and profitability to our partners.continuous sustainable, sustainable growthcargo, head, quotation, regulate, freight1
buschbriarbackwood.nl…of themselves. Drive growth. With branded customer experience. Realize a successful digital transformation. Including the organizational change. All with a tried and tested pragmatic approach. That yields short-term, sustainable results.term sustainable, sustainable resulttransformation, implementation, loyalty, growth, campaign1
lazzoni.nlWhen we say tailor-made, we mean it. Select your favorite piece, customize it to fit your personal style, and blend it into your space. You can mix and match from our broad range of sustainable fabrics and genuine leathers. Create a piece…range sustainable, sustainable fabricsofa, furniture, interior, table, dining1
nautica-scheepvaart.nlsustainable transport of dry bulk cargo. It helps to reduce noise pollution and congestion on motor ways. In short, inland shipping by Nautica is a conscious choice from our clients !cargo, barge, inland, german, certification1
houseofgrandsoleil.nl…services all over the world. Made with innovative technologies and high-quality materials, Grand Soleil yachts ensure performance for regattas, autonomous long-distance navigation, as well as a high level of sustainable consciousness.level sustainable, sustainable consciousnessboat, sit, amet, dolor, ipsum1
intens.nlFor KondorWessels Vastgoed, we created an identity and various communication tools for the IJgenwijs project. IJgenwijs is a sustainable housing complex on Centrumeiland, AmsterdamIJburg. Spacious flats, maisonettes and penthouses close…ijgenwijs sustainable, sustainable housingcampaign, identity, advertising, graphic, internal1
cloudventures.nlSustainability Keep your companies’ business fully sustainable without compromises. Build towards a better future.fully sustainable, sustainable compromisefound, winner, remote, fully, sustainability1
verhoeffadvocaten.nlIn view of the costs it is our aim to achieve a sustainable solution to which everyone can agree in short time. This combines perfect with our motto: ‘Meet the clients where they are!’aim sustainable, sustainable solutionhague, divorce, appointment, law, highly1
greentrust.nlGreen Trust is a full-service agency for the development, construction and management of renewable energy projects, with all areas of expertise under one roof. There is one thing that connects all our colleagues: our passion for…passion sustainable, sustainable energytrust, farm, renewable, transition, inspection1
dickstolk.nlAs the business world has become very short-sighted and transitory, a need arose to help people set new targets and objectives as well as regain sustainable energy. Sustainable because your (higher) purpose, plan or place you want to be…objective sustainable, sustainable energy, energy sustainable, sustainable highbalance, executive, negative, pattern, consistently1
holistics.nlHealing and becoming conscious is an intensive process. You will be challenged en supported to integrate what you have learned and experienced in your daily life. Creating everlasting and sustainable results.everlasting sustainable, sustainable resultalignment, movement, holistic, physical, waar1
agrilight.nlThe correct intensity of the light is very important and varies per department. Robust and sustainable lighting is indispensable in the breeding process, in recognizing diseases and stimulating growth.robust sustainable, sustainable lightinglighting, horse, cattle, goat, pig1
kolsterensportcoaching.nlLong lasting and sustainable results in terms of fat-loss, muscle gain, energy, and overall stamina.lasting sustainable, sustainable resultvendor, intensity, outside, healthy, title1
campingbellavista.nlAttention to generations plays an important role in Italian family life. This is also the case at Camping Bella Vista. This is why we opt for sustainable solutions on our campsite as much as possible. For example, we are energy-neutral…vista sustainable, sustainable solution, car sustainable, sustainable worlditalian, floral, holiday, surrounding, reservation1
airneth.nlThe Airneth seminar entitled “Sustainable consumer behaviour in aviation”, held on February 7th 2024 in The Hague, included presentations by: Dr. Marleen Onwezen, Dr. Andreas Wittmer and Dr. Stefan Baumeister >>seminar sustainable, sustainable consumeraviation, phd, february, climate, report1
environmentalcommunicationlab.nlOur mission is to conduct research that helps preserving nature and ensures a sustainable future for all.nature sustainable, sustainable futureenvironmental, lab, publication, teach, behavior1
mbodelier.nl…to, that provoke them to change for the better and bring joy in their lives. Products that make way for a sustainable future without losing the values of old out of sight. With innovation as the enabler, human and machine can work…way sustainable, sustainable future, form sustainable, sustainable happinessinteraction, meaningful, straight, desire, currently1
humanrightsatwork.nlHuman rights in the business context are key for the business of tomorrow and for the transition to a sustainable economy.transition sustainable, sustainable economyassessment, chain, csr, supply, asia1
cymach.nlBy implementing our development, evaluation and improvement of innovative environmental technologies into gas-liquid flows and liquid-liquid flows (using CYM-Tech general cyclonic separation) we ensure a strong commitment to a sustainable…commitment sustainable, sustainable worldcyclone, separation, injection, environmental, pressure1
symphonyconsortium.nl• Broad integration of the patient perspective in all innovations in this grant proposal in order to generate sustainable health care innovations. We have also included a workpackage with qualitative research on patient’s moral and…order sustainable, sustainable healthpatient, treatment, disorder, symphony, bleed1
stepmaastricht.nlHire a step and discover. Scooting is fun, healthy and very sustainable. Besides, you get to see places you wouldn't otherwise go.healthy sustainable, sustainable placescavenger, hunt, pricing, kid, historic1
dutchchemistrycouncil.nlOur society has reached the limits of growth, with the corona crisis as a daunting example. Chemistry provides insight into fundamental molecular processes and develops technology for the future and thus contributes to making society more…chemistry, council, chemist, prize, academic1
skillsandbusinessforafrica.nlWe envision a future where African talented people are driving sustainable and inclusive economic growth across the continent. The foundation provides African students studying in the Netherlands with opportunities to gain practical…people sustainable, sustainable inclusiveafrica, orientation, fundraising, internship, mentorship1
themindfulnest.nlGreen is good, therefore we strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment. How do we do that? By producing in The Netherlands, using recycled and sustainable materials such as PET-felt, and design in a circular manner so that…recycle sustainable, sustainable materialcalm, benefit, mental, newspaper, connect1
cefetrafeedservice.nlWe aim for maximum integrity of our supply chain. We aim to guarantee sustainable raw material flows. We make sure that raw materials are cultivated and processed under ecologically sound and socially responsible conditions. We keep a…chain sustainable, sustainable rawraw, supply, chain, supplier1
tarnoc.nlInvest in the future of sustainable heating. We are on our mission to realize large-scale electric heating of buildings. Become one of our visionary investors and join our mission.future sustainable, sustainable heatingheat, pump, turbine, invest, career1
idealpharma.nlWe contribute our way to have sustainable and green source of energy. We use own solar panel PV system to generate enough electricity to run our warehouse and offices.way sustainable, sustainable greenassurance, supply, pharmaceutical, competitive, medicine1
ansaled.nlDedication and extraordinary service, attention for details and personal interaction are at Ansa Led anchored, this with-in mind to serve in the best possible way our customers with sustainable lighting products for industrial applications.customer sustainable, sustainable lightinglighting, multiple, industrial, mount, driver1
redcontras.nlThe solutions we aim are focused in resolving the most widely accepted representation of the problems we are facing : the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).nation sustainable, sustainable developmentadoption, mass, government, innovative, entrepreneur1
vanderharttimmerwerk.nlPlanning on renovating your existing shed , garden house or facade ? Considering using plastic cladding? And you want to know more about this low maintenance, sustainable and good looking product? Please contact me. With tailor-made work…maintenance sustainable, sustainable goodwooden, tailor, conversation, reliable, skilled1
wonderparkcafe.nlEnjoy delightful food and drinks prepared with love and care. We strive to buy locally, be sustainable, and offer healthy choices.locally sustainable, sustainable healthyplayground, birthday, bundle, kid, wonderful1
taap.nlTogether we initiate projects that aim toward a future of sustainable development and to contribute to the welfare of our environment and communities.future sustainable, sustainable developmentawareness, conviction, welfare, manner, constructive1
skew.nlBasalt is lighter, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly, with a higher tensile strength than regular reinforcement. On top, basalt won't be affected by corrosion.light sustainable, sustainable environmentallyskew, jig, assembly, reinforcement, stirrup1
amw.nlSustainable maritime propulsion and products for the shipbuilding industry. We deliver electrical propulsion, e-driven gear units, NOx reduction, waste heat recovery, motion compensated cranes, hybrid propulsion and controls, propellers…vessel, heat, rudder, reduction, dredging1
tpvlogistics.nlTPV Logistics strives to unburden every customer in their logistical process this ensures that the customer can fully focus on what is important to him. TPV looks forward to building a sustainable long-term partnership with you. There are…forward sustainable, sustainable longlogistics, tailor, possibility, subcontractor, logistical1
areyoubeinghoused.nlNext to renting out our own apartments we are looking out to buy non-residential properties . We will transform them into comfortable sustainable homes for people who are in desperate need for one. For example divorced parents , medical…comfortable sustainable, sustainable homeapartment, rental, comfortable, property, investment1
dejongcheese.nlIt starts with the selection of the highest quality milk which we collect from our local contracted farmers. All these farms work to the highest animal welfare with a sustainable method of milk production.welfare sustainable, sustainable methodcheese, wholesale, traditionally, tasty, milk1
picnixx.nlwe will grow our own PicnixX forest. With this project, we are reinforcing our efforts to become the world’s most sustainable manufacturer of outdoor furniture by actively contributing to nature conservation and development. Click here forworld sustainable, sustainable manufacturertable, comfortable, consumer, extremely, multifunctional1
ylect.nlYLECT offers sustainable solutions and high-quality expertise for your KYC and Compliance issues!ylect sustainable, sustainable solutionrisk, regulatory, consulting, vacancy, implementation1
case-academy.nlThe result? Feasible and sustainable solutions that companies and governments can use to solve the complex problems of today and tomorrow. Moreover, working with cases makes education more realistic, more valuable and more interesting.feasible sustainable, sustainable solutioncompetition, uncategorized, consulting, lecturer, relation1
flexclusive-logistics.nlBy optimizing all of (y)our logistics processes, Flexclusive offers you high-quality services and a sustainable partnership.service sustainable, sustainable partnershiplogistics, efficient, supplier, independent, broad1
caffekimbo.nlUncompromising on quality, we are continuously innovating to give you a better coffee experience. And guide you towards more sustainable choices along the wayexperience sustainable, sustainable choicesustainability, career, roaster, effort, blend1
urbanmobilitysystems.nlRoad transport must be more sustainable, which means that the sector is facing a major challenge. We offer a unique and versatile solution for various applications from 3.5 to 50+ tons zero-emission transport.transport sustainable, sustainable sectorurban, mobility, duty, heavy, infrastructure1
qentest.nlWe share our expertise to educate customers and newcomers, learn from others in the semiconductor market to expand our knowledge. We create and deliver innovative Semiconductor test solutions that becomes the standard for the industry and…industry sustainable, sustainable solutionsemiconductor, device, innovative, qualification, decision1
pelagic.nlnon-profit organisations with long-term sustainable high value open source knowledge, solutions andterm sustainable, sustainable highedge, government, profit1
015keramiek.nlWe believe in the traditional craft, we love clay, and we welcome the sustainable footprint of ceramics. We want to reverse the use of plastic and bland mass produced items in our kitchens by going back to the original sustainable…clay sustainable, sustainable footprint, original sustainable, sustainable highpottery, technique, innovative, lesson, clay1
yopar.nlWe do what we are good at: competitive and sustainable buying, so you can focus on your core business. What a great load off your shoulders!competitive sustainable, sustainable buypurchase, supplier, producer, efficient, competitive1
ecovalue.nlEcoValue was founded by Miriam van Gool. Her mission is to support the transition to a sustainable future. Her vision: a circular economy that takes nature into account. Want to know more about the person behind the name? Click heretransition sustainable, sustainable futureplanet, january, overview, earth, capital1
highimpactgroup.nlSince 2015, High Impact is rapidly expanding its market share in the field of waste reduction and -processing systems. Today, we are globally applying our knowledge and experience to help companies making their waste processing more…profitable sustainable, sustainable curiouswaste, treatment, steel, stainless, organic1
cuurios.nl"The core strength of Cuurios is to really capture what their client requires or desires and translate that into a sustainable digital solution."desire sustainable, sustainable digitalthink, seriously, analytic, career, optimization1
dragonwood.nlWelcome aboard the Coastal Enterprise! We recently installed a part of our work deck made from bamboo. Today we'll be taking a closer look at how this sustainable material is…look sustainable, sustainable materialbamboo, crane, uncategorized, base, january1
berculo.nlBusiness conflicts or labor disputes are resolved faster and often better through mediation. It saves time and costs. In addition, you are directly involved in creating the solution. It leads to sustainable solutions that everyone…solution sustainable, sustainable solutionlawyer, law, employment, dispute, acquisition1
ghanacoach.nlWhatever your reason for coming to Ghana, if you want to enjoy it to the fullest in a sustainable way, proper preparation is needed.full sustainable, sustainable wayvolunteer, guidance, adventure, ghanaian, practical1
synergie-coop.nlWe are SYNERGIE , a Dutch consultancy business specialised in international cooperation in Africa, the Near East and Europe (map). We are specialised and continue to evolve in the fields of sustainable agriculture, healthy food, water and…field sustainable, sustainable agriculturecooperation, base, chain, specialise, partnership1
sol-e-gro.nl…vitamin bombs. They’re easy and fun to grow! We make sure the plant already bears the first edible fruit, you take care of growing as much new fruit as possible. Healthy, fresh, educational, and sustainable, but especially a lot of fun!educational sustainable, sustainable especiallytomato, german, vegetable, orange, yellow1
dennis-interieurarchitect.nl…taste and style… as a design only comes to life when it flawlessly fits their personalities. It is my purpose to make sustainable designs, exciting but with timeless charm. They shouldn’t bore or be exchanged because a trend has passed.'purpose sustainable, sustainable designinterior, taste, exclusive, preference, standout1
hollandcapital.nlTo improve the quality of healthcare and keep healthcare expenditures in check, entrepreneurship and innovation are of utmost importance. Holland Capital invests in innovative healthcare entrepreneurs who aim to bring a sustainable impact…entrepreneur sustainable, sustainable impactcapital, february, july, january, strategic1
pg-monitor.nlAll employees (operation, management and directors) on their insight and development towards the intended blueprint, the defined core values and the desired sustainable employability / vitalityvalue sustainable, sustainable employabilitygrowth, employee, organic, continuous, extent1
sentech.nlWith high quality standards you develop a reliable a sustainable end product. How does Sentech approach that?reliable sustainable, sustainable endheavy, reliable, vehicle, chain, partnership1
nvp.nl…geopolitical developments. 4impact supports ambitious software entrepreneurs who are making the transition to a sustainable world and delivering robust financial performance. Why did you start 4impact? Ali: "Because it is necessary and…transition sustainable, sustainable worldinvestment, equity, venture, capital, responsible1
ghisalberti.nlBuild sustainable and reliable HRIS to improve HR department productivity, provide accurate data and help staff in their daily lifeprogramme, resource, implementation, architecture, expense1
veldlaser.nlWe recognize that innovation must be embedded in the very DNA of our company's operations and culture, a part of normal, day-to-day operations. In fact, innovation may be one of the only resources of sustainable, competitive advantage and…resource sustainable, sustainable competitivewelding, machining, drilling, cut, capacity1
asgardhotel.nlMarvel at our unique 1930s building in the heart of Groningen. In our design hotel you will find modern design elements and sustainable, ecological materials such as mud walls, design and art by, among others, Berber Geerts in our…element sustainable, sustainable ecologicalcentral, distance, apartment, double, luxurious1
fysiowestlandgracht.nlWe provide thought-out work-related and occupational therapy solutions for sustainable employability of your employees.solution sustainable, sustainable employabilityphysiotherapy, registration, patient, specialization, physiotherapist1
holland-dm.nlWe provide all of our services in a sustainable manner, while maintaining a high standard of quality at all times.service sustainable, sustainable mannerdestination, sustainability, answer, frequently, surprisingly1
tos.nl…you sow. What you give, you shall receive. We build communities of people who work together, who learn from each other and achieve results together. Not at the expense of each other, but side-by-side. That, too, is sustainable business.expense sustainable, sustainable businessship, logistics, port, staffing, onshore1
raadvoorcultuur.nlThe reorganisation of the Dutch museum system from 2017 will result in a sustainable, future-focused museological sector with an ...system sustainable, sustainable futurecouncil, cultural, recommendation, government, committee1
mrstorm.nlThe luxury fragrances of Mr. Storm are new on the market with high quality of luxury candles and diffusers. Our goal is to provide luxury fragrances inspired by nature. Mr. Storm brings the nature in your home in a sustainable way at a…home sustainable, sustainable wayfragrance, luxury, atmosphere, ultimate, scent1
kerstboomthuisbezorgd.nlOur Christmas trees are 100% ecological. The Christmas trees come from a specially set up Christmas tree field and every year we plant Christmas trees. The Christmas tree stands are also sustainable. The plastic versions are made of 100%…tree sustainable, sustainable plastictree, christmas, artificial, decorate, lighting1
marcelkleinlegtenberg.nlFreeing land for sustainable farmers one square meter at a time with a brand new crowdfunding platformland sustainable, sustainable farmercollective, copy, colourful, function, presence1
startpuntinternational.nlOur IB World School supports children to explore the world and to optimally develop their thinking, feeling and acting. In this way they can make balanced choices that contribute to a friendly, sustainable and more peaceful world.friendly sustainable, sustainable peacefultoddler, hague, frequently, vacancy, parent1
hanrameckers.nlCommission, client ARAPAHA, Maastricht -closeloop-climatefriendly-sustainable-biocirculair-sculpture, painting, installation, exhibition, draw1
landgoedbolivia.nlKralendijk – The way in which nature management and sustainable building are being developed on Bolivia Estate, with the input of experts in the area … >management sustainable, sustainable buildestate, plantation, agriculture, footer, innovative1
koopsconsultancy.nlSupporting clients involved in sustainable energy in all areas related to (occupational) safety. From the development phase of the project to the moment the park is handed over for maintenance.client sustainable, sustainable energyrenewable, onshore, german, fire, successfully1
kamili.nlWe provide delay analysis for complex construction projects ensuring a court sustainable and balanced approach.court sustainable, sustainable balanceconsulting, trading, delay, analysis, witness1
salto-internationalschool.nlThrough our bilingual curriculum we guide our students in their development to become world citizens. Developing their talents, our students will make a sustainable contribution to the future and will be optimally prepared for both…student sustainable, sustainable contributionbilingual, practical, translate, admission, citizen1
eetcafevanbeeren.nllist of unadulterated wines, meaning that all these wines have been produced using the latest technology, resulting in clean pure wines. with virtually no corrections and additives needed. All our wine producers are sustainable and organic.producer sustainable, sustainable organicwine, reservation, glass, atmosphere, meal1
greenport-shuttle.nlat the bus stops, with shared bikes and cars on offer alongside the shuttle bus. Bicycle infrastructure at Greenport will also be investigated. All of this is intended to provide safe and sustainable transport at Greenport Venlo and beyond.safe sustainable, sustainable transportride, logistics, esc, stryker, enterprising1
cooltree.nlLeave your email or phone number and we’ll get back to you to discuss the most sustainable solution fornumber sustainable, sustainable solutionsustainability, estate, report, net, carbon1
marqueza.nlAll our jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets are made and designed by me. Made in Holland, in my studio in Eindhoven. I choose sustainable materials so that you can enjoy your jewelry for a long time.eindhoven sustainable, sustainable materialjewelry, earring, piece, handmade, necklace1
blokbouwbv.nlDe Blokbouw BV realizes new construction projects for private individuals and companies. With our knowledge and many years of experience, we take care of everything for you. The result is a sustainable and innovative new-build property…result sustainable, sustainable innovativerenovation, completely, execution, contractor, wish1
dcv-groep.nlDCV BOUW is ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and "Conscious Builders" certified. We also have certifications for projects with sustainable wood products. That means we can guarantee safety, quality, and environmental awareness in the…project sustainable, sustainable woodredevelopment, streamline, innovative, renovation, maintenance1
cm-business.nlin tobacco sheet production. Their dedication to the craft is evident in the superior quality of their products, which are not only sustainable but also cost-effective (more about technological progress in production here: tobacco sheets ).product sustainable, sustainable costtobacco, flavor, sheet, unparalleled, leave1
filmfabriek.nl“Even though there are several high-profile solutions for small gauge film digitization, Národní filmový archiv has selected HDS+ 4K scanner by FilmFabriek BV mainly because of it’s vision to deliver a sustainable product. Thanks to it’s…vision sustainable, sustainable productaffordable, pump, heritage, clever, specification1
bacsdesign.nlBy Stefania Pochesci. “Il giardino segreto” has been inspired by the love for nature. Produced from plant- based fabrics, every piece is eco-sustainable, cruelty free and made in Italy with love and passion by the designer.eco sustainable, sustainable crueltyartisan, carefully, feminine, handcrafted, piece1
vdsconcepts.nlThis level of engagement is our contribution to a sustainable business world with people empowering each other.contribution sustainable, sustainable businessconsulting, strategic, executive, engagement, reference1
ofcounsel.nlInternational subsidiaries, scale-ups and mid sized companies often require expert guidance on people, culture and regulations for a successful continuation and sustainable future of their business.continuation sustainable, sustainable futurecounsel, critical, proactive, vacancy, resource1
hedgehogapplications.nl…in Energy Storage Systems (ESS) where we specialize in both battery and energy management. We therefore provide smart software with literally “plug & play” hardware so your sustainable energy is efficiently, innovative and customized.hardware sustainable, sustainable energyhedgehog, revolution, saving, sustainability, patent1
dezeeuwsebranding.nlOur coffees are bought without unnecessary brokering, making our coffees direct-trade or fair-chain. We only work with farmers that give special attention to working sustainable and harming the environment as little as possible.attention sustainable, sustainable environmentfarmer, chain, specialty, bean, blend1
ceratec.nlCeratec Technical Ceramics has 35 years of experience in the application of technical ceramics. We offer you innovative solutions with a sustainable and durable material.solution sustainable, sustainable durableceramic, bearing, measure, positioning, insulation1
nynkehofstra.nl…models. I aim to contribute an integrated approach that works towards solving environmental and health problems and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. For more details on the research projects and my teaching, browse this website!problem sustainable, sustainable developmentassociate, teach, analysis, environmental, phd1
hansvanholland.nlValues are essential for Hans van Holland, in that way we achieve our sustainable growth.way sustainable, sustainable growthgrower, profit, packaging, clock, wholesale1
inntelhotelsutrechtcentre.nlInntel Hotels highly respects the environment and cares for a healthy planet and a strong society. With the Surprisingly Sustainable program the hotel group contributes to a sustainable future.surprisingly sustainable, sustainable program, group sustainable, sustainable futurebubble, bath, stay, french, german1
buildingconversation.nlFrom Friday, September 29th to Sunday, October 1st, we will host a new edition of The Gathering and set up a Building Conversation atelier at the regenerative estate Yügen Forest. In this atelier, we will explore how we can shape…atelier sustainable, sustainable ecosystemconversation, calendar, gather, license, reflection1
wdodelta.nlThis means we strive for sustainable management of the water system (both ground and surface water) and (the water chain drinking water supplies, sewage, water purification). In addition, we take account of the sometimes conflicting…task, flood, wastewater, waterway, pump1
lter-nl.nlHelping the effective response to grand societal challenges (e.g. sustainable water, food and energy supply, population growth, health)challenge sustainable, sustainable waterecological, ecosystem, socio, environmental, scheldt1
invertr.nlWe believe in companies that can change common practice for the greater good. Companies that use new technology to turn things around. That put old fashioned thinking upside down. That reverse directions towards more sustainable…direction sustainable, sustainable solutioninvestment, capital, venture, wealth, valuable1
medicaldroneservice.nlDrone manufacturer Avy is developing a drone with wings to enable the safe, sustainable and rapid transport of medical goods. The autonomous Avy wing drone with interchangeable storage space can take off and land vertically and fly long…safe sustainable, sustainable rapidhealthcare, joint, initiative, mobility, flight1
palmanslab.nl…involves the use of (sun)light to perform valuable chemical reactions in water as the solvent, with easily reusable polymer-based catalysts. This is an important step in developing sustainable, green technologies. We wish him all the best!step sustainable, sustainable greensupramolecular, congratulations, catalysis, chemistry, successfully1
ecogridx.nlAs a leading project integration management & cross functional engineering company, we contribute to a smarter and more sustainable energy transition.smart sustainable, sustainable energycompetency, builder, infrastructure, entire, complexity1
narrativelabs.nlWhether he’s crafting eye-catching copy or shaping multi-channel comms strategies, Tom is always focused on making brand stories accessible, inspirational, and impactful. Writing mostly about the power of sustainable innovation, he…power sustainable, sustainable innovationnarrative, lab, employee, leadership, writer1
bluegreenroofs.nl…health and urban livability. During the EXPO in Milan we're introducing our multifunctional rooftops and sustainable sports pitches. We hope that by sharing our solutions, people worldwide can grow plants where they are needed…rooftop sustainable, sustainable sportroof, multifunctional, urban, worldwide, climate1
therubberhouse.nlAfter five years, 426 tires, app. 100 workmen, many trucks of building material, laughs and cups of ataja the Rubber House is ready. We’re self-sustainable on solar and need no airconditioning, because of the tires. The compound is…self sustainable, sustainable solartire, uncategorized, gambian, lady, een1
symbiotic-systems.nl…organisation of our economy is still focussed on an anthropocentric worldview. And therefore doesn't aim to be sustainable. Symbiotic systems designed a new and unique biomimicry model to determine an integral value of ecosystem…worldview sustainable, sustainable symbioticsymbiotic, ecosystem, soil, biodiversity, planet1
co-chi.nlThis forms the basis for sustainable lean-agile implementations. There is a pull of lean-agile working instead of a push.basis sustainable, sustainable leansimulation, german, participant, department, understand1
dirtyboots.nlThrough inventing challenging products I seek to contribute to making living easier and more beautiful, with a strong focus on a fair and sustainable lifecycle. I am especially passionate about disaster response which I also express by…fair sustainable, sustainable lifecycledirty, tomorrow, practical, phase, invention1
trpfinance.nlAside from the elimination of needless tasks within an organization, data is also one of the most powerful tools for creating a sustainable and healthy business. Most businesses have a ton of data to their direct disposal, but don’t know…tool sustainable, sustainable healthyautomation, fintech, task, money, needless1
midco.nlMidco, with a long experience in the retail industry and a strong expertise in sourcing, procurement and supply chain management, assists customers in Europe to initiate, develop and maintain a strong and sustainable business with…strong sustainable, sustainable businessshelve, importance, pricing, supply, chain1
besouw.nlOur stable service is also extremely durable. In this way we also contribute to a sustainable society.way sustainable, sustainable societyexcellence, technique, carpet, sustainability, colour1
vethinvestments.nlVeth Investments is a private investment firm offering advice and capital, focusing on the optimization and long-term sustainable growth of start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs.term sustainable, sustainable growthinvestment, participation, capital, firm, equity1
stichtingdap.nlWe are stichting DAP, our target is a sustainable future in which the earth’s internal heat provides clean and reliable energy. In 2007 DAP was founded on the basis of a good discussion on the feasability of an on-campus geothermal well…target sustainable, sustainable futuregeothermal, heat, italy, statue, prestigious1
food-dynamics.nlSustainable and tangible product solutions that contribute to the growth and future of your company.dynamic, lab, hero, enthusiasm, reference1
vivchina.nl…and networking activities covering a variety of topics – market insights, technology innovation, policy, marketing trend, sustainable development, talent and many other aspects – bringing global perspective to China’s animal husbandry.trend sustainable, sustainable developmentnanjing, exhibitor, exhibit, visit, conference1
healthcareworx.nlWe apply our in depth healthcare knowledge and our extensive network in the development of sustainable scenario’s and strategies that work for our clients.development sustainable, sustainable scenarioimplementation, profile, ambition, impulse, resource1
movitas.nla revolution; The Movitas. The first zero emission midi city bus in the world, that contributes to a liveable and sustainable city. It has no emissions and produces no noise. With its compact dimensions and four-wheel steering system, evenliveable sustainable, sustainable cityelectric, emission, reason, inform, dimension1
emergingmarketexperts.nl. Our mission is to bring emerging markets closer to Europe by providing trainings, doing research, and organizing network opportunities. We want to help improving trade relations in order to work on a sustainable, prosperous and safe…order sustainable, sustainable prosperousemerge, gap, relation, trade1
whooz.nlMarketing managers, customer intelligence managers, marketers, and also CMOs have been relying on the Whooz consumer insights for decades. Our insights enable them to change course quickly and to build sustainable competitive advantage.quickly sustainable, sustainable competitivehousehold, target, actionable, intelligence, competitive1
koningshof-utrecht.nlFrom the historic horticultural area, located in the basin of the Kromme Rijn and the firing fields of the New Dutch Water Line, Koningshof makes a strong case for connecting people with a healthy & sustainable food system.healthy sustainable, sustainable foodvegetable, volunteer, saturday, stall, initiative1
hungrybirds.nlWe believe that local food tourism can be a force for good. Hungry Birds is Travelife Certified and endorsed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as of July 26th, 2023.global sustainable, sustainable tourismbird, hungry, street, mother, flight1
neude11.nlCustomised catering completes your event. Sustainable, local, and adapted to all dietary needs – but above all, absolutely scrumptious. From a nice cup of coffee to delicious three-course meals!event sustainable, sustainable localrental, library, historic, accessible, venue1
coe-dsc.nlTogether with our participants Sustainable Rescue Foundation, Roseman Labs and NGOs and other participants, we work on a use case that focuses on secure data exchange between different parties monitoring human trafficking.participant sustainable, sustainable rescuediscover, excellence, participant, initiative, association1
bridge-advisory.nlThis was published just after I finished reading Yvon Chouinard’s book “Let my people go surfing”. On how he got his company Patagonia towards a more sustainable business model and the challenges he faced while doing this. Including a…patagonia sustainable, sustainable businessguitar, rule, january, lifelong, interesting1
cloudfysiotherapie.nlCloudFysiotherapie guarantees professional, sustainable, and personalized treatment.professional sustainable, sustainable personalizedrehabilitation, physiotherapy, therapy, specialization, oncology1
vti.nlVan Tuijl Innovations is located in the Netherlands. For VTI, innovation does not mean walking well-trodden paths. Innovation is coming up with new, sustainable and reliable solutions. Thus, groundbreaking ideas in situations where…new sustainable, sustainable reliablevti, discover, innovative, reliable, tree1
ldglandscape.nl“The right plant at the right spot” is the starting point of all planting plants I create. This way sustainable gardens will be created.way sustainable, sustainable gardenlandscape, urban, botanical, architecture, flower1
todoto.nlScientific progress for the benefit of mankind follows from initiative. The bottle symbolizes the blue sky of a world based on sustainable energy and solar fuels.world sustainable, sustainable energyfom, contest, bottle, lab, sky1
msportsperformance.nlM-Sports & Performance is a sports psychology practice, focused on helping high performers develop their talent and furthering optimal performance under all circumstances. Through customization will be strived for sustainable results…customization sustainable, sustainable resultoptimal, confidence, limit, enjoyment, athlete1
tulpentijd.nlDutch growers are very progressive in constantly seeking new and more sustainable solutions. Over the years, the tulip nursery sector has made an effort to produce a colorful product using less and less energy and with limited…new sustainable, sustainable solution, way sustainable, sustainable tuliptulip, bag, pick, bulb, vase1
maastrichtbereikbaar.nlWorking together with many partners, the Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar programme office helps people travel smarter. We improve access to and within the city, we help people drive more economically, and we promote sustainable mobility in order…economically sustainable, sustainable mobilitydestination, walk, cycle, parking, accessibility1
hofstay195.nlBeautiful sustainable holiday home for five to six people. With veranda and air conditioning.beautiful sustainable, sustainable holidayholiday, farm, surrounding, middle, accommodation1
vdwverhuizingen.nl…If possible, we always work with a moving lift for one storey. In combination with a relocation, we provide sustainable A-quality packaging materials on loan. Much attention is paid to damage prevention through the use of various…relocation sustainable, sustainable qualityremoval, relocation, advisor, pack, quotation1
accommerce.nl…high traffic areas. AC Commerce identifies the right marketplaces and then applies it's expertise to stimulate and accelerate the sales of the customers by using the right parameters and best practices in profitable and sustainable manner.profitable sustainable, sustainable mannercommerce, marketplace, ecommerce, traffic, extensive1
eierencentrale.nlEWN monitors continuously the whole production, investigates and improves where possible and is committed to sustainable business practices for humans, animals and the environment. High level BRC certificate and a better life quality…possible sustainable, sustainable businessegg, pack, organic, assortment, barn1
harlingen-havenstad.nlThis medium-sized port plays a very crucial economic role in the northern Netherlands, mainly the province of Friesland. In this region, the port is a significant source of employment and logistic. Also, with its goal in sustainable…goal sustainable, sustainable maritimeport, maritime, locksmith, trade, economy1
propertypartners.nlProperty Partners strives to maximize Commercial real estate value through diligent asset management and tailored investment strategies. Our commitment is to deliver sustainable growth and excellence in the dynamic real estate industry.commitment sustainable, sustainable growthproperty, partners, estate, asset, excellence1
coachingclass.nlA strong believe in the necessity of an sustainable, save, integrated mobility and energy systems; a fascination with stakeholder management and complexity.necessity sustainable, sustainable savemobility, showcase, sustainability, vehicle, motorcycle1
selena-dolderer.nl…appreciating differences, connecting with empathy and compassion is the gateway for quick, novel, tailored and sustainable solutions for future-oriented workforces and major organisational changes. In my work, I facilitate meaningful…tailor sustainable, sustainable solutionconsulting, diversity, psychological, inclusion, tailor1
trifium.nlIf you want to make your home more sustainable, there are a lot of options. Which are suitable for your home depends on various factors, such as the type of home and the year of construction. We are happy to advise.home sustainable, sustainable lotmortgage, investment, insurance, entrepreneur, property1
digidodo.nlQATI (Quality Assurance Through Innovation) was established with the aim of creating a state-of-the-art CO2 neutral and sustainable factory that participates in the “Closed coffee shop chain” experiment.neutral sustainable, sustainable factoryadventure, domain, assurance, kingdom, forest1
velocity-limburg.nlof around 100 stations in and around Aachen, including one in Kerkrade and one in Vaals. The network forms an attractive, sustainable, healthy and affordable alternative for cross-border transportation throughout the Parkstad-Aachen region.attractive sustainable, sustainable healthyvelocity, bike, rate, rental, base1
sprank.nl…advice, also when this differs from the client's ideas, to convince the client of a better concept. We’re very happy with the result, which is a great combination of a new and sleek design combined with various sustainable elements.design sustainable, sustainable elementinterior, landscape, appointment, transformation, traditionally1
cross-town.nlaspirational hospitality and event experiences. Most importantly, the Project is a cornerstone in the manifestation of our vision of a sustainable and responsible Amsterdam that can be an example of hospitality development around the world.vision sustainable, sustainable responsibleaccommodation, oct, soul, camp, cat1
joeyfuit.nlHow do we make the impact of UNESCO’s Futures Literacy methodology more sustainable?showcase, requirements, interactive, literacy, study1
assetmanagement-careers.nl…the asset management sector is always dynamic. And the fact is that you can contribute significantly to a more sustainable economy and society. This is one of the many reasons that this sector has so much to offer to talented…significantly sustainable, sustainable economyasset, career, highlight, lively, discussion1
zerologic.nlZeroLogic combines its design vision on sustainability with preciousness. In our vision a sustainable design is not only an engineering challenge in the sense of evinronmentaly friendly design and materials. But also one off aesthetics…vision sustainable, sustainable design, client sustainable, sustainable preciousroof, mosque, renovation, apartment, architecture1
ibisuva.nlYou will develop the skills to be a successful project leader who aims to deliver sustainable results for the organisation by using Lean Six Sigma.leader sustainable, sustainable resultsuccessful, leader, scientific, certification, programme1
tech-transfer.nlAccelerating a sustainable transition in circular processes implementing innovative membrane electro dialysis technology.transfer, circular, medtech, researcher, early1
macbike.nlRent a bike to make the most of your visit to Amsterdam. On the bike, you cycle easily, cheap, fast and sustainable from one hotspot to another. Or head just out of the city, for example, for a trip through the beautiful landscape around…fast sustainable, sustainable hotspotbike, rental, know, bicycle, cargo1
second-plant.nlAt Second Plan(t) by 2Mothers we have a clear mission: we embrace sustainability and empower vulnerable mothers. We are a collaboration between Decowraps, pioneers in sustainable packaging for flowers, and 2Mothers, a foundation committed…pioneer sustainable, sustainable packagingrecycle, explore, packaging, mother, collaboration1
studiorotor.nlWhether we work in medical technology, sustainable mobility, or other sectors – we’re fond of puzzling up against complex problems. That is where we make a difference. For you, and your users.technology sustainable, sustainable mobilityindustrial, mobility, healthcare, circular, frequently1
urbanwaterlaboratory.nl…to explore the potential for integrating floating solutions into existing urban contexts. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to developing sustainable urban planning strategies that can address the challenges modern cities face.research sustainable, sustainable urbanurban, laboratory, performative, flexible, dynamic1
madison.nlThe Panama eco fabric is developed by Madison. We aim to create products that last longer and are made from unique fabrics that allows us to waste less. The proces is sustainable, we transform the ordinary into extraordinary by recycle…proces sustainable, sustainable ordinarycushion, umbrella, manufacturer, totally, accessorie1
b-insynq.nlproof of this bold statement. Both in strategic organizational development as well as in the Sport World we have proven results since 1996 with our specific approach. Better, they are sustainable for they reach the core of what’s important.well sustainable, sustainable corechanger, advisory, associate, impossible, think1
gisleng.nlGisleng WtE Optimalisaties is an engineering company that focuses on the operations of sustainable power plants in the areas Energy & Environment and Waste to Energy.operation sustainable, sustainable powerreference, operational, excellence, waste, operation1
kerntalentenanalist.nl…of 23 core talents. You can use this to test vacancies and training courses. Can I use enough of my strong core talents here? Will my small core talents be called upon? Use the checklist and make sustainable choices for your future.checklist sustainable, sustainable choiceanalysis, profile, report, combination, conversation1
6x10.nlLearning is fundamental to the progress of humanity for economic prosperity, social wellbeing, personal fulfillment and a sustainable planet. As learning becomes more and more critical to every aspect of our global society, how do we…fulfillment sustainable, sustainable planetsociety, assessment, funding, principle, powerful1
volyaukraine.nlThe purpose of our foundation is to make Ukraine a better place to live. We want to contribute to an honest and sustainable environment in Ukraine.honest sustainable, sustainable environmentukraine, ukrainians, infrastructure, healthy, supply1
marcq.nlTools to determine the improvement potential of the customer contact, where the improvements should be implemented and whether the team leaders have the right personality, skills and competences to create sustainable growth.competence sustainable, sustainable growthassessment, direction, improvement, leader, role1
faeg.nlSince 2017 Gunjur Garden is independent and controlled by the women of Gunjur. The project proves to be sustainable.adult, money, teacher, village, nursery1
liontrading.nlOur expertise lies in European oak and personal service. We give extensive attention to your vision, needs and the desired result. All customer needs are discussed together in advance, with a focus on sustainable partnerships. For needs…focus sustainable, sustainable partnershiptrading, oak, wood, assignment, wish1
amcham.nlWe work on ensuring a sustainable business climate in the Netherlands and help businesses grow through networking & knowledge-sharing, advocacy, and a young professionals program.advocacy, priority, chamber, membership, climate1
lightworkcapital.nlA seasoned business development manager and broker with a proven track record of int expansion. Passionate about sustainable transition. MSc BA, fluent in English, Spanish & Dutchpassionate sustainable, sustainable transitioncapital, investment, globally, entrepreneur, serial1
europort.nlOur rivers and seas are filled with challenges and opportunities. We invite you to be part of the journey of the maritime transition; to explore the power of technology and transparency. We invite you to engineer, build and maintain…transparency sustainable, sustainable todayeuroport, maritime, exhibitor, exhibition, port1
lifestyleadventures.nlOur programs are a mix of experiential and theoretical learning, soft and hard skills, indoor and outdoor. Safety and a safe environment to learn from mistakes, is our main priority as sustainable growth can best be created that way.priority sustainable, sustainable growthadventure, leadership, vitality, difference, biography1
roha-surfing.nlDecathlon selects selects GreenPoxy GreenPoxy bio-resin bio-resin for for its its latest latest sustainable sustainable wakeboardslate sustainable, sustainable wakeboardkitesurfing, loan, wave, february, skimboard1
nioz.nl…of expertise for ocean, sea and coast. We advance fundamental understanding of marine systems, the way they change, the role they play in climate and biodiversity, and how they may provide sustainable solutions to society in the future.biodiversity sustainable, sustainable solutionnioz, ocean, institute, coastal, microbiology1
bouwimpex.nlSustainable (plastic)building materials and fire-retardant products for modern stables and other agricultural buildings.panel, stable, fire, resistant, door1
afm.nlThe AFM is committed to promoting fair and transparent financial markets. As an independent market conduct authority, we contribute to sustainable financial well-being in the Netherlands.authority sustainable, sustainable financialinvestment, firm, supervision, consumer, issuer1
cirrusfoundation.nlThe Cirrus foundation works on realising a cleaner and more sustainable society and on realising a save, respectfull place for everybody in the world.clean sustainable, sustainable societycirrus, climate, diversity, environmental, connection1
spack.nlTo meet our high quality requirements , we are constantly looking for the best raw materials. Our specialists visit suppliers all over the world. We pay great attention to being a socially responsible and sustainable business.responsible sustainable, sustainable businessoil, organic, vegetable, fat, seed1
denieuweontwerper.nlTo create a better world for ourselves, future generations and the rest of the natural world, I believe we need to reshape our economic system. That’s why I’m experimenting with different forms of reciprocity. Please let me know your…idea sustainable, sustainable economyconnect, economy, thousand, create, boardgame1
glaszettersnel.nlWith the rising energy prices and the great uncertainty about how these prices will develop in the future, more and more people are taking matters into their own hands to make their home or business premises more sustainable. This way we…premise sustainable, sustainable wayglass, glazier, window, double, damage1
foodeq.nlWe inventory the needs of food producers and design, install and maintain solutions in which sustainable handling and processing are optimally synchronised. Customised, future-proof machinery that the food processing industry can rely on.solution sustainable, sustainable handlevibratory, processing, conveyor, vacancy, distribution1
storiesofchange.nl…interventions. Thanks to fantastic clients, with the guts to change, I co-created new methods for successful and sustainable change. I work with storytelling for clients in (behavioural) change projects, write books, teach at universitiessuccessful sustainable, sustainable changenarrative, intervention, evaluation, daughter, medicine1
bnexus.nlvulnerable communities. Through humanitarian and development project, Bnexus anticipate achieving the core of the sustainable development and the range they provide, underpin poverty reduction, economic growth and environmental…core sustainable, sustainable development, target sustainablevulnerable, innovative, sanitation, socially, hydraulic1
houseboats.nl…standards. They must be connected to the city's infrastructure for utilities such as water, electricity, and sewage. These regulations help maintain the integrity of the canals and ensure a sustainable and safe living environment.canal sustainable, sustainable safeouting, rental, canal, holiday, walk1
bendercoaching.nlRoderik does not believe in dramatizing things. He believes in 'de-problematizing'. His coaching is aimed at quick and practical but sustainable results.practical sustainable, sustainable resultexecutive, psychology, situation, voor, leadership1
sipster.nl…Straw will have a big impact on the environment. Bring your own reusable straw wherever you go or stock up your bar with sustainable straws. At Sipster you can find reusable , compostable and edible straws, making plastic straws obsolete.bar sustainable, sustainable strawstraw, slide, wholesale, create, reusable1
newproducersacademy.nl…development, mentorship from established filmmakers, access to funding and networking opportunities. Selected fellows are given the resources needed to gain the necessary skills for an sustainable career in the Dutch film landscape.skills sustainable, sustainable careerproducer, fellowship, scheme, authentic, fee1
abi-trading.nl…independence, for ecologically and socially responsible production, for reliability in business dealings and for sustainable and reliable quality products. Our mission impacts every aspect of our business - from the involvement of our…dealing sustainable, sustainable reliabletrading, worldwide, clothing, shoe, reliability1
ateliernou.nl…with and offers opportunities for the adjacent living environment and offers an attractive business climate for other sectors and companies. For example, the focus is on a broad, varied and sustainable economy and living environment.varied sustainable, sustainable economyedge, landscape, urbanism, urban, neighborhood1
paletvgo.nlWith over 50 years of hands-on experience, Palet Vastgoedonderhoud (Palet Building Maintenance Services) has grown from a traditional Dutch painting company to a professional and full service construction and maintenance business. We…business sustainable, sustainable resultmaintenance, csr, ice, advise, residential1
sylvansteenhuis.nlThe event was about sustainable transition community’s and re-envisioning the use of public space; that’s where I came in…event sustainable, sustainable transitionplayful, revolution, behavior, rule, player1
pro-fashionals.nlWould you like to know what Profashionals can do for your company? We would like to get in touch with you. We can guarantee to surprise you with our appealing and sustainable solutions by our creative approach to your company clothing…appeal sustainable, sustainable solutionclothing, wear, stock, aviation, driver1
triskelion.nlTogether, we face global challenges. These include how to feed the world’s growing population, overcome inequity and, at the same time, counter climate change and environmental degradation. Sustainable entrepreneurship is part of the…degradation sustainable, sustainable entrepreneurshipregulatory, assessment, laboratory, analysis, nutrient1
digineb.nlThe collaborative experiences in the development of the New European Bauhaus involve the active participation of various actors in the sector. Co-creation between architects, designers, communities and authorities promotes aesthetic and…aesthetic sustainable, sustainable solutionobservatory, powerful, file, flat, conference1
evmann.nl…their products to more than 90 countries through their sales network. Development of new products through R&D activities is one its strategical priorities and its main focus is to create sustainable growth in all areas it invest in.focus sustainable, sustainable growthinvestment, hold, healthy, ophthalmology, orthopedic1
uhmo.nlDriven by a passion akin to a personal calling, Saskia delights in the transformative impact her artistic vision imparts on her clients’ ventures. At UHMO, branding is an art form—a means to build sustainable, distinguished brands that do…mean sustainable, sustainable distinguishpackage, highlight, luxurious, founder, innovative1
toskr.nlAt Toskr Capital, we strongly believe in the urgent need for action in order to make our societies more sustainable and minimise our impact on the environment. As an independent investor, we aim to direct funding towards key industries…society sustainable, sustainable impact, capable sustainable, sustainable transitioncapital, investor, growth, mean, urgent1
rietveldfoundation.nlOur goal is to revitalize the mixed farming business so that the entire environment will benefit from capital goods, knowledge, employment, infrastructure and education. In addition to self-reliance and stability based on a sustainable…stability sustainable, sustainable visionhospital, farm, bakery, dairy, factory1
innersenses.nlAmanda Dries combines natural remedies, yoga, advice on diet and lifestyle choices to offer holistic solutions for long lasting sustainable health.lasting sustainable, sustainable healthinn, sense, treatment, herb, organic1
iclacademy.nl…floor muscles in addition to their pelvic physiotherapy in practice. This app not only helps the patients with the follow-up training, but also helps the patient structure the training and contributes to achieving a sustainable result.training sustainable, sustainable resultpelvic, physiotherapist, patient, physiotherapy, woman1
wass.nlWe are happy to say that our suppliers share our care for the environment. Sustainability ensures the preservation of the natural resources and therefore safeguards our future. The paper mills that we represent use eco-sustainable…eco sustainable, sustainable procedureassociate, paper, variety, responsible, supplier1
coach4good.nlI work based on the belief that if we are all better versions of ourselves, we can make a greater sustainable contribution to the communities of which we are a part.great sustainable, sustainable contributioncollaboration, fee, relationship, leadership, belief1
terrawatt.nlAnything and everything needs energy. Our bodies, combustion engines, flora and fauna, businesses… everything. So providing clean and sustainable energy is the start of the new way of business.clean sustainable, sustainable energygreenhouse, scale, combination, storage, ecology1
mist-project.nl…translate this knowledge into practical recommendations about which measures can be deployed in the most efficient, cost-effective and sustainable manner in various environments ranging from people at home to hospitals, schools and trains.effective sustainable, sustainable mannermist, dissemination, purification, ventilation, transmission1
fairexx.nlFairexx supplies everything from paper stacks to festival stages at large and small events all over the world. Through intelligent planning and consulting we navigate our partners and projects to sustainable success.project sustainable, sustainable successlogistics, fleet, request, trust, discover1
boxnv.nlAre you a Investor Looking for attractive sustainable propositions with impact? With us, you can participate – alone or in a syndicate – in sustainable and innovative companies that are ‘ investor ready ‘. Are you an experienced…attractive sustainable, sustainable proposition, syndicate sustainable, sustainable innovativeocean, investor, entrepreneur, proposition, innovative1
dutchfish.nlA lot has changed though since the Middle Ages. Sustainable management of the fish stock has become of increasing importance and innovations of the fishing techniques are ongoing to preserve the environment. Maintaining the highest…age sustainable, sustainable managementfish, exporter, importer, nation, tradition1
meijndertoosterveentandarts.nl…formulated treatment concept. For instance, we use the most up-to-date equipment and materials, like a dental microscope. This allows us to repair your teeth according to the newest techniques and in a sustainable and aesthetic way.technique sustainable, sustainable aestheticdentist, dental, treatment, dentistry, registration1
ae-grp.nlAerospace Agriculture Automotive Drones Electric Mobility Industrial Medical Marine Racing Sustainable Energyracing sustainable, sustainable energymanufacture, electrical, technological, actuator, distribution1
werkenbijsyncreon.nlWherever we operate, we integrate sustainable and responsible corporate social responsibility. We strive to make a positive contribution to economies and communities, ensuring that everything we do delivers long-term benefits to the world…vacancy, employee, positive, warehouse, directly1
intercatering.nlRestaurant Alexander worked within my restricted budget to create a fantastic menu of options – offering our environmentally themed audience local and sustainable food items.local sustainable, sustainable foodukrainian, dinner, authentic, embassy, reliable1
waddenacademie.nlREDESIGNING FLOODSCAPES; Integrated Flood Defence Infrastructures towards a sustainable and adaptive approachinfrastructure sustainable, sustainable adaptivepublication, climate, phd, thesis, conference1
jaspervisser.nlI am an independent product designer focusing on sustainable furniture design. Due to extensive experience in the broad spectrum of the field, based on many years of experience I offer expertise, quality, and creativity in the field of…designer sustainable, sustainable furniturefurniture, clever, honest, realistic, conceptual1
schutpapier.nlProducing sustainably is everyday’s business at Schut Paper! This is not only visible through the 1440 solar panels that our covering our roofs, but also through the sustainable paper grades that are made using fibrous residues from a.o…roof sustainable, sustainable paperpaper, grade, painting, circular, residue1
joostkampen.nl…of leadership. Response behavior gets worse before it’s getting better. The routines need to be replaced by sustainable reciprocal interaction. Negative capability is a conditional core competence of change agents in emotionally…routine sustainable, sustainable reciprocalorganizational, neglect, emotional, workplace, abuse1
thegreenbusinesschallenge.nlDo you have ambitions to become more sustainable, but are you still looking for the perfect opportunity? Take your ambitions to the next level and join the next edition of the Green Business Challenge!ambition sustainable, sustainable perfectjoin, circular, transition, economy, innovative1
revsep.nlRevSep will contribute to a more sustainable industry by achieving a worldwide reduction of CO2 emissions for the (petro)chemical industry, air separation applications, amine gas treating and thermal desalination plants.revsep sustainable, sustainable industrysignificant, temperature, ambient, saving, desalination1
flipjobs.nl…only on knowledge and skills but also on company culture and core values. At Flipjobs, quality always takes precedence over quantity, enabling us to establish sustainable and successful collaborations with a focus on long-term engagement.quantity sustainable, sustainable successfulvacancy, housing, preparer, technician, shift1
creatingwaves.nla sustainable, integral approach creating a great employee experience. Programs include but are not exclusive to:wave, employee, consulting, workplace, recording1
mwh4impact.nlFighting Poverty is our main focus. We established a social entreprise and support initiatives that aim at sustainable economic development in the developing countriesinitiative sustainable, sustainable economicpoverty, cohesion, investment, injustice, flexible1
kuiperholland.nlWaste management, insulation and responsible wood purchasing are just a few examples of how Kuiper Holland is working towards a sustainable future . We acknowledge the importance of the protection of our environment, locally and…holland sustainable, sustainable futurepanel, interior, specification, protect, veneer1
mnext.nlbetween innovation and society. By conducting applied research with students, teachers, and researchers. By collaborating on educational innovation. This is how we set the materials and energy transition in motion. For a sustainable future.motion sustainable, sustainable futuretransition, researcher, entrepreneur, teacher, major1
offshoreseminar.nlWith so many users and already such a fragile ecosystem – how can all involved together realise this huge task ahead in a timely, efficient, economic and sustainable way?economic sustainable, sustainable wayoil, facility, sustainability, north, independent1
frontvalue.nlThe code we deploy is sustainable, scalable, reusable and passes every check in the pipeline. By choosing quality over quantity, our software stands like a rock. We add FrontValue to every project!code sustainable, sustainable scalableexcited, career, typescript, architecture, continuous1
netwerkprogramma.nlIn 2017 I took the initiative for an energy cooperative that works by, for and with residents of the six villages in our municipality. We are building an environment where it becomes common for residents to invest in a sustainable society…resident sustainable, sustainable society, habitual sustainable, sustainable residenthumanity, origin, framework, universe, perspective1
ournature.nlNatural plant dyes are making a comeback. This is not surprising, since the longing for an ecological and sustainable lifstyle is growing. Lucila Kenny…ecological sustainable, sustainable lifstylepoetry, presence, dye, locally, iceland1
deautovanivan.nlIt is an attempt to make the visitor think about the impact of the speed of vehicles and the infrastructure built for it on his or her life. Roads have been built in the name of employment, electric cars marketed as sustainable innovation…car sustainable, sustainable innovationspeed, transportation, efficient, driver, road1
transitionsinpractice.nlAre you involved in innovation for sustainable development or a circular economy? Then this website might be of use to you. This is because such innovation projects are different from ordinary innovation projects and ask for new mindsets…innovation sustainable, sustainable developmenttransition, publication, definition, radical, practical1
ekoplaza-maastricht.nlOrganic food is healthy and full of flavour. You choose organic for all sorts of reasons: because of sustainable agriculture, because you’re aware of the balance between people and nature, or for the sake of animal welfare. What’s more…reason sustainable, sustainable agricultureorganic, supermarket, healthy, tasty, pure1
polarreal.nlWe assist our client in negotiating a solution that is feasible and sustainable for all parties involved.feasible sustainable, sustainable partyestate, institutional, independent, requirements, funder1
pts-technischeservice.nlEngineering, customization, manufacturing and technical equipped especially your sustainable solutions.especially sustainable, sustainable solutioninstallation, maintenance, mechanical, revision, observation1
impact-capital.nlEstablished in 2019, Impact Capital GmbH offers a comprehensive range of services in debt capital markets, which are designed to provide sustainable and innovative investment solutions for our clients. Impact prides itself on providing…market sustainable, sustainable innovativecapital, vacancy, publication, investment, section1
sietzenorder.nlEverywhere around me I see ‘islands of sustainability’ that could speed up the transition towards more sustainable societies. By sharing my passion for science and human-environment relationships, I hope to contribute to this transition…transition sustainable, sustainable societyisland, researcher, miniature, outreach, relationship1
deleidscheflesch.nlAfter activities, food sometimes remains in the fridge. This is not always sustainable for very long, but throwing it away is of course a shame. That's why we have the Too good to go whatsapp group. Occasionally a message will appear here…fridge sustainable, sustainable longcommittee, guild, association, song, parent1
fixworkforyou.nl…to us that our employees feel comfortable in their working environment. We have the ambition to establish a sustainable employer-employee relationship. With the above approach, we are successful in various sectors, such as: Transportambition sustainable, sustainable employerfix, employee, selection, temporary, worker1
escf.nl…ambition is to create awareness of the servitization challenges, both technical and organizational in nature, and to provide solutions to overcome these challenges. We guide the sustainable and profitable transition towards servitization.challenge sustainable, sustainable profitablechain, supply, circular, ecosystem, decision1
solico.nlSolico Engineering Highlights Sustainable Composite Engineering for Construction at JEC World 2024 and Showcases JEC Innovationengineering sustainable, sustainable compositecomposite, maritime, industrial, architecture, defence1
vanrooypastry.nlPalm oil has a positive impact on the planet and people when grown sustainably. By setting the environmental and social standards for certified sustainable palm oil, RSPO Members are making sure this impact is as far-reaching as possible.standard sustainable, sustainable palmpastry, puff, tailor, certificate, smile1
bravecapitalsolutions.nlWe support companies by recapturing its strategic bearing and creating a sustainable future, whilst tackling burning issues – hands-on and in a fully transparent way.bear sustainable, sustainable futurecapital, strategic, restructuring, operational, stakeholder1
aerovantage.nlA variety of large as well as SME companies is supported directly or with strategic partners. The common denominators are an interest in product innovation or business model innovation to realise sustainable business growth.innovation sustainable, sustainable businessaerospace, creation, supply, chain, chamber1
platvis.nlPlatvis produced sustainable fish with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC-) label to guarantee the fish population for our future generations.platvis sustainable, sustainable fishpackaging, certificate, fish, seafood, raw1
dutchboostinggroup.nl…to the principles of systems thinking and Systems Engineering. Everything we do, we do with a great sense of responsibility for people and the environment: clear, sustainable and dynamic. This is how we boost our clients’ complex projects.clear sustainable, sustainable dynamicstakeholder, infrastructure, urban, transition, sustainability1
wethefamily.nlWe also know that sometimes digital can disturb the balance, and pose new challenges for families. Our mission is to add to the balance by developing (digital) projects that are captivating, valuable and sustainable.smile, manifesto, endless, wonderful, possibility1
vokomokum.nlVOKOMOKUM is a growing collective of diverse people who want to get their food in an honest and social way. By committing to the benefit of the whole, we all enjoy good food at almost wholesale prices while pursuing a sustainable society…price sustainable, sustainable society, community sustainable, sustainable localtonight, july, august, membership, october1
dragonplastics.nlPLASTIC IMPACT PROTECTION MADE OF SUSTAINABLE MATERIAL Clients of Dragon Plastics come to us when they are looking for an indestructible solution with the possibility of recyclin...protection sustainable, sustainable materialdragon, indestructible, rotational, technique, molding1
kiepflower.nlKiepflower believes in the beauty of chrysanthemums – ethically grown and free from harmful chemicals. Generations of our own expertise together with that of our key partners mean that we can grow sustainable and bee-friendly flowers…partner sustainable, sustainable beechrysanthemum, thumb, vacancy, intensity, generation1
plasmaservice.nlPlasma Service wants to be a reliable and service-oriented service partner and strives for a sustainable relationship with its customers. In addition to thermal spraying, we at Plasma Service can also assist you with the following matters:partner sustainable, sustainable relationshipmachining, surface, repair, thermal, technique1
biocoherencetest.nl…their interpretation . This way you can draw up an effective treatment plan for your client and guide them to a sustainable recovery . With the MyHealth Platform we offer you a digital client file for all your customer data…client sustainable, sustainable recoveryanalysis, diagnostic, intervention, mineral, intestinal1
dryboards.nlWe build our boards as sustainable and environmental friendly as possible and we try to reduce our CO2 footprint where we can. Therefore we buy our materials in Europe, which saves a lot of CO2.board sustainable, sustainable environmentalpowder, handmade, ultimate, ethics, slide1
brunosabino.nlYour journey is completed, when the transformation has taken place, tested and made sustainable to maintain through life.place sustainable, sustainable liferegression, session, authentic, february, spiritual1
funnysantini.nlOur business operations have focused on sustainable cultivation for years now. That lets us look after people, the environment as well and use of energy as our flowers. We have Global GAP, MPS A+ and GRASP certification. We also do not…operation sustainable, sustainable cultivationfunny, flower, cheerful, staff, chrysanthemum1
foremancapital.nlWe help ambitious businesses achieve their full potential by offering growth capital and a wealth of experience and expertise. Because we invest our own capital, we are able to work alongside our partners to patiently build sustainable…patiently sustainable, sustainable valueforeman, capital, investment, philosophy, career1
balibliss.nlI have ordered Segara basket as a part of customed order of 8. Being acquainted with Balinese traditional religious art would be always happy to support local manufacturers using natural sustainable products. The quality is stunning. I…natural sustainable, sustainable productbliss, basket, stock, bucket, wishlist1
arcadia-utrecht.nlA highly sustainable building. Low in cost due to high performance on energy use and material use.highly sustainable, sustainable buildhandover, colleague, war, affordable, highly1
bouwmeester-bv.nlYou also opt for Bouwmeester products for a sustainable future. Did you know that we can supply machines with GREEN GAS as fuel? Ask for the possibilities!product sustainable, sustainable futuremechanical, hull, aluminum, wood, processing1
marcokookt.nlI propose a menu based on your preferences. I will buy ingredients from local organic farmers and the best suppliers from sustainable sources. A few hours before your event kicks off, I arrive at your place to finalise preparations…supplier sustainable, sustainable sourcedinner, dining, culinary, preparation, kitchen1
seveso.nl…Seveso nl delivers intelligent, tailor made and practical EHS solutions to Seveso and other industrial companies in The Netherlands. Through close co-operation, we aim to achieve a sustainable environmental and safety management solutions.operation sustainable, sustainable environmentaldirective, hazard, consulting, specially, decree1
excellingleaders.nl…Change in yourself, your team, your organization, or even change from culture and environment. We stand for sustainable change and sustainable learning. Every change implies a learning process. Choose the support that fits you and weenvironment sustainable, sustainable change, change sustainable, sustainable learnsupervision, leader, missionary, worker, guest1
futureflight.nlIf we would fly to the future this would be the inflight entertainment. A visual talkshow about the sustainable future. With a captain of new industry flying us through his vision with video- & movie clipstalkshow sustainable, sustainable futureflight, inflight, waste, circular, visual1
casepacker.nl…is standard in all our casepackers, which enables worldwide online communication for diagnosis, program adjustments and updates. You receive a packing line that creates the foundation for a sustainable and profitable collaboration.foundation sustainable, sustainable profitablepack, sustainability, iqf, vegetable, potato1
parastones.nlThe hips and elbows of our dogs are x-rayed and formally assessed and certified by the commission Welfare of the Dutch Kennel Club (Raad van Beheer). This is an essential part of our approach for a sustainable breeding program.approach sustainable, sustainable breeddog, winner, specialty, american, brussels1
thechangecollective.nlThe Change Collective is a collective of changemakers. We guide organisations towards the ‘new economy’. With the right vision, clear strategy and the courage to challenge the status quo. We help you transform by building a sustainable…quo sustainable, sustainable culturecollective, rethink, complaint, leadership, inspire1
fvmworks.nlas trustworthy by 46.1% of users. This concerns the layout, typography and the use of color. This in combination with wordpress, which with 58.5% is the most used CMS system, forms the perfect basis for a sustainable and successful website.basis sustainable, sustainable successfulcombination, visually, optimization, successful, functional1
dickdezeeuw.nlThe Dick de Zeeuw Foundation was established as a platform to bring together politicians, scientists, government officials and people from non-governmental organizations for a dialogue on topics related to sustainable development and the…topic sustainable, sustainable developmentlecture, competition, earth, climate, region1
stichtinghetbosje.nl…was founded in 2009 and since 2013 ARU has been producing highly motivated women with degrees in management, sustainable agriculture and community development. URDT calls them Epicentre Managers. They function as advisors to local…management sustainable, sustainable agriculturehet, aim, underprivileged, armenia, implementation1
verborg.nlBeyond designing and manufacturing new special purpose machinery, we offer spare parts and leverage our expertise to refurbish, modify, and enhance existing equipment. At Verborg Engineering, we're not just experts in machines; we're your…partner sustainable, sustainable industrialmachinery, purpose, leak, rivet, decay1
itchollandtransport.nlWe are a family business that has been a sustainable and reliable partner for transporting liquid food and raw materials since 1927. ITC operates with its skilled drivers on the European market. We have different types of tank trailers…business sustainable, sustainable reliable, clean sustainable, sustainable bioreactoritc, request, quotation, wastewater, skilled1
sparkplugventures.nlTo accomplish a solid and successful exit-strategy in their total portfolio-mix, Sparkplug aims for a sustainable group of approximately fifteen promising young ventures in different market segments. To do so, Sparkplug annually will add…sparkplug sustainable, sustainable groupventure, promise, entrepreneur, growth, ambitious1
truestory-identity.nlAlexandra studied Visual Communication at the University of Applied Sciences in Dusseldorf, Germany. After mainly working for the fashion industry and communication advisors for Dax-30 companies, she shifted her focus towards the…focus sustainable, sustainable industryidentity, true, package, piece, request1
spotonlichtontwerp.nlSustainable lighting is the starting point for every design and a fundamental part of the Spot On DNA. With a focus on circularity, energy conservation, preservation of darkness and protecting biodiversity.lighting, architectural, architecture, landscape, darkness1
tulpenhoek.nlOur B&B is a barn house at the outskirts of the rural town Akersloot . De Tulpenhoek (tulip corner) is a modern and sustainable accommodation in close proximity to beaches, forrest and dunes. It is the perfectly located for walking and…modern sustainable, sustainable accommodationaccommodation, surrounding, reservation, stay, dune1
stadsgroenteboer.nlWe think that a sustainable food system that takes care of people and planet is not possible in a market system where competition drives farmers to exploit nature and their farm workers in order to keep their prices low. Stepping away…vegetable, farmer, season, farm, meal1
jadorevintage.nlAs a vintage company we try to contribute to a better, more sustainable world. There are many beautiful vintage items and by wearing them you reduce your carbon footprint.well sustainable, sustainable worldmystery, naar, france, refund, shopify1
lilafoundation.nlEvery person deserves a chance to seize opportunities. That is the basis for a sustainable future. Education and entrepreneurship are key to this.basis sustainable, sustainable futureentrepreneurship, report, initiative, sheep, farm1
jasperschulte.nlResponsible for moving TripAdvisor (+/- 500mil unique visitors a month) from a 20-year-old legacy platform to a modern and sustainable way of engineering their web platform.modern sustainable, sustainable wayrole, ambition, stack, responsible, speak1
vanboxtel.nlfamily. As in any family, we are honest and open with each other, but we are always there for each other. When we have to work hard for success, but also when we can celebrate this success. This contributes to our sustainable collaboration.success sustainable, sustainable collaborationlogistics, warehouse, asset, logistic, curious1
energygo.nlWe work on a flexible and sustainable energy system based on renewable energy sources.flexible sustainable, sustainable energypublication, fee, heating, building, renewable1
cleantron.nlMeet Cleantron at the leading event dedicated to Sustainable Urban mobility Solutions. The Autonomy Mobilityevent sustainable, sustainable urbanbattery, cell, ion, certification, urban1
caouniversiteiten.nlThat is why personal development, sustainable employability and mobility of employees are of paramount importance at Dutch universities.development sustainable, sustainable employabilityemployment, career, leave, termination, collective1
your-next-step.nl> Do you worry about the current situation in the world and wonder how you can contribute to a sustainable future for all?world sustainable, sustainable futureconfidence, integral, mean, direction, sense1
emrlingua.nlWelcome to the official website of EMRLingua, the Euregional Coordination Centre for Neighbouring Languages and Intercultural Competences! This Interreg V-funded project aims to create and strengthen a sustainable structure for the…project sustainable, sustainable structureneighbour, teacher, learner, rhine, meuse1
uadviseurs.nlCertainly. We know today’s jargon. From passion and personal growth to being in your strength. And of course everything completely sustainable and fully agile…completely sustainable, sustainable fullytax, adviser, entrepreneur, fiscal, income1
makerzoektmaker.nlThe most important theme in their collaboration is the awareness of a generation of millennials. In this, Esra Copur's sustainable way of working connects seamlessly with puntjudith's musical search of a generation for something to hold…copur sustainable, sustainable waywinner, visual, audience, musician, round1
finanzasenholanda.nlSolar energy has gained popularity as a sustainable and economical option for homeowners. With the increasing installation of solar panels, the question arises: how is the generated and unused energy handled? This is where…popularity sustainable, sustainable economicalinsurance, investment, mortgage, saving, interest1
bluelodge.nlThe story behind the design and construction of the 'iguanas of Stavoren' can be found in the interview with the initiators, who already 20 years ago had a vision on sustainable building. In the Blue Lodge this is reflected, for example…vision sustainable, sustainable buildspacious, holiday, near, adjacent, terrace1
theblendedgroup.nlThe Svart Hotel in the Norwegian Fjords is different. The sustainable architectural firm Snøhetta has launched a new concept: A wonderfully round hotel in a lake in the Norwegian fjords. Overlooking a glacier and, it is sustainable. In…different sustainable, sustainable architectural, glacier sustainable, sustainable facteducational, principle, quickly, employee, easily1
aratis.nlWe are Aratis: Enthusiastic advisors in sustainable procurement, contract management and process management . Strongly focused on knowledge development and knowledge sharing, we work with full belief on the best sustainable contract…advisor sustainable, sustainable procurement, good sustainable, sustainable contractprocurement, phase, collaboration, integral, contractor1
worldofgiftbags.nlWe have joined forces with famous sustainable brands and local designers who provide us with stylish, hand-made products. For example, you might find stunning hand-made jewelry, delicious natural products, chic ceramics and jazzy…famous sustainable, sustainable brandbag, window, basket, exclusive, personalized1
bitterenzoet.nlWe work with fresh, mostly organic products, preferably from our own garden or the Noorderland region. Our chef guarantees excellent food, prepared with sustainable, seasonal and most organic ingredients.food sustainable, sustainable seasonalextraordinary, surrounding, appartment, inspire, apartment1
amrathberghotelamersfoort.nlThis is an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsibility for a green world. Green Key 'Gold' contributes to our goals for sustainable tourism at Amrâth Hôtels and shows that it is possible to combine…goal sustainable, sustainable tourism, sustainable stepamrâth, stay, official, guarantee, luxurious1
mauriceridder.nl…be proactive to manage your goal. Although my goal is set on the enjoyment of stakeholdes, I also like to make a sustainable approach in my designs. The way this is implemented varies per design. A well integrated sustainable approach is…stakeholdes sustainable, sustainable approach, design sustainable, build sustainable, sustainable futureinternship, architecture, stakeholder, faculty, theatrical1
mienis-water.nl…Osmosis systems for well water. Since that time, we have developed an excellent reputation with innovative and sustainable products, such as our Ultrafiltration system for the horticultural sector. Over the years, this has yielded a…innovative sustainable, sustainable productosmosis, reverse, laundry, grower, vacancy1
jandelely.nlLean & Green, the road to a sustainable mode of mobility, sustainable solutions, and efficient logistic processes. We are happy to be at your service on this subject.road sustainable, sustainable mode, mobility sustainable, sustainable solutiontransportation, recondition, cross, condition, certification1
knuffelkaart.nlHand made with love in Amsterdam by Camilla Cecilia, printed on sustainable paper.cecilia sustainable, sustainable papercuddle, fabric, hug, vacation, christmas1
stichtingsurfpop.nl…South Africa, is an advisor to the board. Together they make sure that the Stichting is run in a responsible and sustainable manner in line with its mission statement. Dolf and Bruno are not remunerated for their roles as directors.responsible sustainable, sustainable mannerafrica, south, disadvantaged, founder, advisor1
sealect.nl…we strive to source and produce delicious, healthy and honest seafood product that can be easily enjoyed as a sustainable, nutritious & affordable protein source. It’s our desire to get people excited about flavourful seafood, and…easily sustainable, sustainable nutritiousseafood, honest, amazing, seven, desire1
rubenstuinen.nlThe Rubens Tuinen team is skilled. Every year we follow training and courses to keep our knowledge up to date. Consider, for example, sustainable sedum roofs, robotic mowers and crop protection. We listen carefully to your wishes and…example sustainable, sustainable sedummaintenance, tree, sustainability, gardener, multiple1
farmel.nlThis long-standing, successful collaboration between Gebroeders Dunnink and Farmel has enabled us to organise transport from our farmers to our processors, plants and other buyers in a highly efficient and sustainable way.efficient sustainable, sustainable waymilk, dairy, butter, powder, liquid1
reggeborgh.nlReggeborgh is a investment company, active in Europe, the United Kingdom and North America. The activities include investments in construction, infrastructure, real estate, telecom, (sustainable) energy, cybersecurity, medical scientific…telecom sustainable, sustainable energyvacancy, internationally, investment, berlin, kingdom1
gobler.nlAt Gobler Business Coaching, our mission is to be the trusted mentor and point of contact for entrepreneurs who want to build and grow their businesses in a conscious and sustainable way.conscious sustainable, sustainable waypotential, athlete, conscious, entrepreneur1
consciouskitchen.nlJoin our Thursday food rescue dinners and connect with people that care about delicious, vegan & sustainable food practices.vegan sustainable, sustainable foodkitchen, conscious, waste, hague, meal1
fysiofitaal.nlAfter surgery, Physio Vital offers an effective rehabilitation process supported by customized physical therapy. We tailor our plan to your needs and provide a safe environment for recovery, with specialized guidance for a successful and…successful sustainable, sustainable rehabilitationphysiotherapy, complaint, physio, therapy, surgery1
environmentalgeography.nlthe same time, land is a scarce resource subject to many competing claims. Our research aims to contribute to the understanding, design and implementation of sustainable land use that navigates these competing claims and inherent tradeoffs.implementation sustainable, sustainable landenvironmental, geography, ecosystem, department, spatial1
kapiteinanna.nlChoosing sustainable ingredients of high quality , herbs and just before serving prepared with careful presentation and layout is very important for a successful dinner.twin, guest, ship, package, presentation1
davevanleeuwen.nlAs designers, we have the power to shape the future world, and I believe we should embrace this responsibility wholeheartedly. Given the current environmental crisis, I am a firm believer in a sustainable future where our focus is…believer sustainable, sustainable futureurban, architecture, renewable, durable, conceptual1
aodevelopment.nl…in the current real estate market. We focus on renovation and conversion projects which can contribute to sustainable property development. Meeting the future demand for rental property will be a great challenge. We can contribute…project sustainable, sustainable propertyproperty, asset, conversion, renovation, housing1
southpoint.nlThe entrances of the buildings are situated around an inner courtyard, which gives the complex a campus-like atmosphere. The front of the complex is located at the Taurusavenue, offering a beautiful view over a newly built cluster of…cluster sustainable, sustainable buildingsouth, accessibility, railway, metropolitan, atmosphere1
avikopotato.nl…into fresh, frozen and dehydrated potato products. This ranks Aviko as the fourth largest potato processor worldwide and the largest producer of chilled fries. It is our ambition to continue to grow in a responsible and sustainable manner.responsible sustainable, sustainable mannerpotato, variety, progress, harvest, figure1
vangquality.nl…quality. In cooperation with partners VanG delivers courses and training, project- and interim management. And VanG supports organising meetings and events. We connect people and opportunities with a focus on optimal, sustainable quality.optimal sustainable, sustainable qualityvang, landscaping, horticulture, chain, theoretical1
nienkehoogvliet.nlGrowing up near the beach, her connection to the ocean was the foundation of her research into seaweed and fish skin. In her project SEA ME she researches how seaweed can contribute to a more sustainable textile industry. Although the…seaweed sustainable, sustainable textileseaweed, hide, fish, leather, mourn1
storedenergy.nlSince 2015 StoredEnergy provides advice for sustainable energy storage. We are also available as a consultancy and project developer in the field of sustainable energy storage for businesses, governments, wind and solar farms and…advice sustainable, sustainable energy, field sustainablestorage, battery, feasibility, setup, purchase1
rabelink.nlWe are connected to people and businesses. Everywhere on earth. Fast and efficient connection requires smart and sustainable logistics. As a 3PL+ logistics service provider, we arrange your entire flow of goods from A to Z. This allows…smart sustainable, sustainable logisticscargo, profile, sustainability, logistics, damage1
robertjanlechner.nlThe National week of energy is all about the energy transition. Moving towards a more sustainable way of building. Using things like waterpump heating, solar energy, hydrogen and prefab building. This is the cover artwork for their…transition sustainable, sustainable wayfullsize, illustration, artwork, visual, youth1
technologyparkypenburg.nlWithin our sustainable environment our open community thrives to connect with the best of the best. Together we focus on developing innovative solutions in the field of high-tech manufacturing.minded, hague, acceleration, creation, incubation1
fietssnelwegf35.nlInnovations and sustainability are of paramount importance in the construction of the F35. The bicycle highway is one of the first inter-municipal bicycle highways in the Netherlands. Numerous sustainable innovations have been…numerous sustainable, sustainable innovationsustainability, bicycle, entire, resident, path1
economisch-bureau.nlCommissioned by Minister Geoffrey Wever of Economic Affairs, Communication and Sustainable Development and the Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry, Amsterdam Bureau for Economics is developing a model that maps the…communication sustainable, sustainable developmenteconomic, caribbean, report, implementation, associate1
pilepusherpro.nlFundamentally better for the environment The Pile Pusher Pro contributes to sustainable construction projects that comply with strict environmental standards. The machine can even be powered entirely electrically at locations with…pro sustainable, sustainable constructionpile, pusher, push, vibration, fundamentally1
yellowchess.nlWe believe that breakthroughs are driven by people. It takes courage, conflict, creativity, and a wealth of expertise to build momentum and set the direction. This is how we transform challenges into sustainable solutions.challenge sustainable, sustainable solutionbreakthrough, positive, climate, housing, wellbeing1
degroentedeler.nlWe connect and act as one. We bring people together from urban and rural areas and invite volunteers to assist in both sowing and harvesting. We focus on sustainable food production and work to increase general awareness about the food we…harvest sustainable, sustainable foodvegetable, healthy, volunteer, portion, fund1
berlage.nlOn the menu you will find modern dishes: sustainable, contemporary, and most importantly deliciousdish sustainable, sustainable contemporarydinner, kitchen, delicious, daytime, wine1
vibers.nlVibers produces sustainable materials for the manufacturing industry, while reducing CO 2 emissions. Vibers paper, bioplastic and bio-concrete combats climate change, avoids resource scarcity and reduces pollution. Change the script. Join…vibers sustainable, sustainable materialviber, paper, inside, pollution, worldwide1
emrilighting.nl…variety of projects since 1979. We make the largest lampshades imaginable and our light has already put many companies in the limelight. We think along with you about the design and technical implementation and deliver sustainable quality.implementation sustainable, sustainable qualitylighting, lampshade, interior, healthcare, institution1
kockumation.nlYour sustainable partner in high quality, environmentally friendly maritime solutions.gauge, block, position, till, presentation1
inventflow.nlWe support you with preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance. Our focus is to guarantee that production processes of our customers perform optimally and are as sustainable as possible.optimally sustainable, sustainable possiblepump, maintenance, selection, valve, reference1
vetko.nlWe believe in commitment towards our partners worldwide and strive on building sustainable, trustable, and long-term alliances with our Distributors.worldwide sustainable, sustainable trustableveterinary, affordable, dynamic, animal, pharmaceutical1
committedcapital.nlCommitted Capital invests in sustainable growth and development, with a keen eye for the people who have to realise this.capital sustainable, sustainable growthcommit, capital, growth, ambition, investor1
inntelhotelsamsterdamzaandam.nlInntel Hotels has respect for people and the environment, and contributes to a healthy planet and beautiful society. With the Surprisingly Sustainable program, the hotel group is working towards a sustainable future.surprisingly sustainable, sustainable program, group sustainable, sustainable futureswimming, central, train, bubble, nostalgic1
visualsensations.nl…months and and years. years. This This leads leads to to the the increasing increasing number number of of investors investors looking looking for for more more environmentally environmentally sustainable sustainable cryptocurrencies.environmentally sustainable, sustainable cryptocurrenciefee, exchange, asset, money, limit1
foodmountain.nlOur food systems will need to become more sustainable, more inclusive and healthier. This requires innovative partnerships between parties that can contribute to this each in their own way.system sustainable, sustainable inclusivemountain, ecosystem, initiative, background, innovative1
tms-group.nlDriven by a vision to empower businesses for global success, we focus on fostering seamless cross-border trade, providing insightful market intelligence, and guiding clients toward sustainable growth trajectories.client sustainable, sustainable growthtrade, analysis, advanced, amazing, israeli1
ghostdiving.nlnets are used by Aquafil, together with other nylon waste, to become regenerated ECONYL ® yarn, the basis for new sustainable products such as socks, swimwear, carpets and more. ECONYL ® has the same qualities as virgin nylon from fossil…new sustainable, sustainable productghost, dive, visit, fishing, gear1
adhulst.nlAs a leather manufacturer, we are keen to contribute to a better environment. On the one hand, we give the ‘waste’ of the meat industry a second life in the form of a sustainable product. On the other hand, we are always looking for ways…form sustainable, sustainable product, logistics sustainable, sustainable smartleather, furniture, sustainability, craftsmanship, household1
eve-events.nlCreate your own sustainable event, we can help you reduce your carbon foodprint. We have the concepts, the ideas and the right partners to turn your event into a Zero emission event.events, destination, signature, dinner, reception1
drabo.nlWe like to think and grow with our customers and keep optimizing by continuously investing in our employees, sustainable employability , automation and robotics.employee sustainable, sustainable employabilityvacancy, machinery, turn, welding, assembly1
sunshinetradingint.nl…range of products including beddings, kitchen supplies, food supplements, and toys. By extending our expertise and sustainability principles to these sectors, we continue to innovate and lead the industry towards a more sustainable future.industry sustainable, sustainable futuretrading, slide, sunshine, textile, supply1
xlsecurity.nlLodewijk will always strive for transparent, simple and sustainable solutions. Although being a specialist, he demonstrates a wide look on every situation. Lodewijk will see ways to improve processes and will always share these with his…simple sustainable, sustainable solutiontransfer, authorization, package, secure, implementation1
telint.nlWelcome to our little corner of the world, offering you beautiful Dutch design with a sustainable and creative outset. Creations mainly crafted and perfected by hand and turned into beautiful design not indulging in passing vogues but…design sustainable, sustainable creative, sustainable materialpottery, tradeshow, protector, interior, importer1
polowholding.nlto sustainable installations for the combustion or gasification of any organic or synthetic fuel, mainly being waste materials, ranging from waste wood and clippings to waste paper and plastics.hold, economy, waste, exclusively, desire1
learningloop.nlRita Dieleman is specialized in action-research on project-, programme- and organizational level, and works mostly with NGO’s, knowledge institutes and companies involved in social and sustainable development. She supports organizations…social sustainable, sustainable developmentpartnership, learning, collaboration, furthermore, ministry1
food-x.nlA National Food Strategy for Sweden was introduced in 2016 by the national government. The food strategy seeks to enhance food security and helps make agriculture more productive and sustainable. A delegation of Swedish regional…productive sustainable, sustainable delegation, stakeholder sustainable, sustainable fooddiscover, gateway, partnership, agriculture, visit1
restaurantgoesting.nlAn oasis in the city. A unique location; the former dog’s stables of the Veterinarian Faculty, University of Utrecht. We serve honest home made food and believe in true hospitality. Our chefs work with the finest sustainable products we…fine sustainable, sustainable productdinner, reservation, organic, wine, easily1
marie-claire-krell.nlCommission to comment on an artwork via photoshop, questioning if and if yes, how sustainable art in public space is.yes sustainable, sustainable artexhibition, july, dead, piece, leftover1
chi-sparks.nlThomas Marzano, the Global Head of Brand Design at Philips, will challenge the HCI community to think about Brand Experience instead of User Experience. Thomas firmly believes that putting people at the centre of imagination is the only…imagination sustainable, sustainable wayspark, difference, conference, schedule, interaction1
spatialeconomics.nlOn April 8, 2024, the kick-off meeting of research project ENHANCE took place at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ENHANCE, short for ‘Enhancing Sustainable Travel in Small Cities and Outer Metropolitan Areas’, started in January 2024, and…short sustainable, sustainable travelspatial, economic, environmental, publication, programme1
refreshyourlife.nlI’m here to help you improve your lifestyle, but you’re the one who is really going to make a difference. It’s all about a sustainable and effective result.difference sustainable, sustainable effectiveexercise, nutrition, refresh, balance, nutritional1
fmsresearch.nlto synthesize organic redox-active molecules provides new perspectives to the development of organic redox flow batteries for energy storage. In this project, prof. Janssen and his group aims to develop this discovery into a sustainable […]grant, supramolecular, chemistry, functional, molecular1
mindbodyflowcoaching.nlDiscover how to create a sustainable mindset for effective self-promotion with my 7 practical tips, no matter what strategy you choose to put yourself in the spotlight.motivation, career, analysis, expectations, satisfaction1
onthemoveproject.nlMobility must become sustainable. But there is great uncertainty about the form this should take, ranging from electric to hydrogen, self-driving to collective, shared to as-a-service, or perhaps everything at once. But how?mobility sustainable, sustainable greatmobility, transition, resource, uncertainty, nwo1
foodcabinet.nl…to the environment, existing routines, and identity. Whether they need to choose your product, you want to share more about how sustainable your brand is, or you need a multi-year campaign for your vegetables, we have the experience.product sustainable, sustainable brandcabinet, campaign, northern, organic, irresistible1
degreeff.nlDe Greeff has been located in Grave since 1977. With an eye for innovation and quality, we purchase throughout Europe. An exclusive, sustainable collection of top-segment models is ready for you: in our showroom and on our new outdoor…exclusive sustainable, sustainable collectionestate, imperial, sell, workplace, suspension1
thenewabc.nl…focus on curiosity . That’s the good news: we all were curious once. You just need to learn how to unleash it again. This is in particular true for anyone dealing with change and transitions e.g. towards more sustainable (business) models.transition sustainable, sustainable businesscuriosity, century, curious, think, educator1
vandenbroekconsulting.nlThe UN and its 193 member states have defined the promotion of PPP as one the Sustainable Development Goals in order create a better world for people and our planet.ppp sustainable, sustainable developmentconsulting, founder, certified, wealth, season1
visualprint.nlIn our company we work with leading brands in the apparel industry. With our knowledge, excellent service and sustainable textile printing processes you deliberately choose high-quality printed garments.service sustainable, sustainable textileembroidery, screen, garment, apparel, clothing1