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4046 Dutch websites relevant to the keyword: science

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nwo.nlThe Dutch Research Council (NWO) funds top researchers, steers the course of Dutch science by means of research programmes and by managing the national knowledge infrastructure.domain science, science prize, team science, science award, partner sciencenwo, funding, physics, prize, chemistry114
jvds.nl…makers and society. My program aims to develop new multidisciplinary and deliberative tools and strategies for coping explicitly with scientific uncertainty and scientific controversy in science for policy, that meet these high demands.studies science, science humanity, environmental science, science pollution, study scienceder, uncertainty, assessment, lecture, environmental104
flowsplatform.nlForm Finding for a Submerged Floating Tunnel - The Clever Cross-section for Coastal Crossings A MSc-thesis written at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo sciences on the subject of a Submerged Floating Tunnelgeo science, science subject, data science, science policy, story sciencethesis, flood, paper, report, january71
sciencematters.nlNadine Bongaerts is a true connector between science, society and business. For the past 10+ years, she has combined a career in science, with science outreach / communication as well as building ecosystems for deeptech entrepreneurship…matter science, science communication, innovation science, science matter, european sciencematter, outreach, researcher, biology, scientist69
henkhietbrink.nlAt the yearly meeting of the International Summer School at the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Foundation for the History of Science in Islam in Istanbul, Henk Hietbrink presented a workshop about an instrument to find reflection points in all…islamic science, science ancient, airlines science, science expo, history scienceturkish, reflection, mathematics, al, teacher63
ardiroelofsscience.nl1993-1998 and 1999-2006. From 1998 to 2001, I have held positions as Lecturer in Psychology and Reader in Cognitive Science at the University of Exeter, England. From 2004 to 2009, I coordinated the NWO VICI project "Goal-referenced…cognitive science, science massachusetts, science university, social science, connection sciencecognitive, psychology, neuroscience, conference, brain59
bridgingscience.nlBridging Science is an online platform created by and for students of the Science Education and Communication master program at the University of Groningen. Here, students share their articles, designs, and experiences from their academic…bridge science, science general, computer science, science geen, communication sciencebridge, biology, leave, chemistry, math56
businessdatascience.nlThe Business Data Science (BDS) research master program is a joint initiative of the schools of economics and business of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Courses connect data…management science, data science, science summer, science inquisitive, science yeartuition, fee, lecturer, admission, council47
openscience.nlOpen Science NL is the national programme that aims to promote and accelerate the transition to open science in the Netherlands. It does so through dedicated funding, empowering communities and by supporting capacity building and…open science, science nl, science festival, science nwo, science initiativefunding, programme, consultation, advisory, panel45
utrechtscienceweek.nlWe look back on a successful Utrecht Science Week '23. The programme was closed with the Weekend of Science on 7 and 8 October. Thank you all for coming! Read more...utrecht science, science week, weekend science, science october, science lectureprogramme, october, healthy, society, annual45
martijnwieling.nl…production of their first language, Frisian, as well as in their second language, Dutch. This project is funded by the University of Groningen (Data Science Projects 2017). A publication regarding this project is currently in preparation.research science, science behavioural, faculty science, science engineering, master sciencepaper, linguistic, presentation, journal, speech44
amsterdamsciencepark.nlAmsterdam Science Park offers endless opportunities for your entrepreneurship or research project. Our Science & Business team can help you to find a good match and can connect you with researchers, students and entrepreneurs at the park…amsterdam science, science park, life science, science health, project sciencefacility, entrepreneurship, discover, sustainability, researcher44
jads.nlThe Jheronimus Academy of Data Science offers Data science research in three locations: Tilburg, Eindhoven and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Our Data Science Research Centers enhance the relevance of academic research to business and society.data science, science jads, science ai, science bachelor, science businesslab, entrepreneurship, study, requirements, admission43
soulflix.nlAll Videos Crimes against humanity Health Politics Reports Science Society Soul / Humanity Strangeopinion science, science society, report science, interviews science, science throwbackreaction, profile, discussion, subscribe, humanity40
erikjanvl.nlP: WG 2005 in Kratsch, D. (ed.) Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 31st International Workshop, WG 2005, Metz, France, June 23-25, 2005, Revised Selected Papers , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3787, Springer-Verlag…computing science, science utrecht, network science, computer science, science ppgraph, algorithm, pp, complexity, planar38
baseballsciencecentre.nl12 December the first symposium ‘Dutch Baseball Science’ took place at the National baseball training centre in Amsterdam. At this afternoon students that are performing their internship or scientific research on baseball and softball…baseball science, science centre, science placebaseball, publication, scientific, internship, staff38
science4justice.nl…they have limited expertise. This applies not only to Dr Dewy Evans. Prof Hindmarsh has no expertise in forensic science in neonates. He also clearly did not know the relevant scientific literature concerning insulin poisoning, a…project science, science lucy, foundation science, science justice, possible scienceinsulin, evidence, blood, justice, peptide37
sbscommunity.nlComplexity science socio-economic inequalities in health systems science and systems thinkingsimulation science, science sbs, earth science, science life, life sciencefaculty, department, position, academic, dynamic35
brain-tonic.nlThis entry was posted in 5-HTP , Brain Performance , Choline - Alpha GPC , Magento Categories , Products , The Science , Theanine , Tyrosine , Wellbeing and tagged 5-htp , acetylcholine , alpha GPC , choline , Dopamine , GABA , mood…data science, science simple, thankful science, science leave, relaxation sciencebrain, gpc, choline, study, cognitive32
scienceoflife.nl…in dealing with he world around us. Inert, dead, matter has no choice. This is why the models of classical science are of no use for healing. Living organisms change the properties of matter to create new responses. The materials…paper science, science life, involvement science, welcome science, classical sciencematter, freedom, classical, involvement, cell32
health-science.nlAt Health, Science & Nutrition, we strive for the broadest possible scientific basis for our products. To ensure this, we are one of the few phytotherapeutic companies that conduct our own approved studies (Ethics Committee approved…health science, science nutritionnutrition, evidence, patient, scientist, diagnostic31
christiansciencehaarlem.nlWe are a small oasis of peace in the city of Haarlem where you can come to read and study the Bible and Christian Science texts, sit quietly to pray, drink coffee or discuss aspects of Christian healing. We also hold weekly Christian…christian science, science haarlem, bible science, science health, science centrechurch, bible, jesus, ago, scientist31
sciencecafewageningen.nlScience Cafe Wageningen | Exploring and discussing science with professionals, funky music and a drink.wageningen science, science professional, science café, circuit sciencecafe, memory, break, disease, archive30
psychologyofscience.nlThe objective of the PsySci (Psychology of Science) Lab is to better understand what drives the gulf between scientific consensus about facts and public acceptance of those facts. Embedded in the University of Amsterdam’s faculty of…psychology science, science lab, behavioural science, science attitude, attitude sciencepsychology, lab, publication, paper, min30
vanderlaanscience.nlVan der Laan & Science: personal website of Sander van der Laan and his open science and science related endeavorslaan science, science personal, open science, science endeavor, science valueder, stuff, talk, genetic, endeavor29
wids.nlWomen in Data Science Netherlands is an independent conference organized by Pipple, Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e, EAISI (Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute), Maastricht University, University of Amsterdam…data science, science wid, science netherlands, science maastricht, science eindhovenwoman, conference, independent, annual, stanford29
appliedscience.nlA competence-oriented profile description of the Bachelor of Science in the Applied Science Domain.apply science, science en, science map, bachelor science, science applyapply, profile, description, domain, programme29
science-it.nl... IT related business processes. The purpose of SCIENCE IT is to stimulate your business processes, to inform process managers and to become aware of what IT can add to your company and / or organization. SCIENCE IT offers highly…science cyber, data science, purpose science, science business, organization sciencerisk, intercultural, broad, compliance, strategic29
scienceintransition.nlOn October 18th 2018 the first edition of the Open Science Festival will be organized at the VU in Amsterdam: a joint effort by university libraries, SURF, the National Platform Open Science and the Dutch Promovendi Network. Many young…home science, science transition, transition science, young science, open sciencetransition, scientist, paper, scientific, conclusion28
projectcside.nl…relationships. It has its roots in feminist theories and can be applied in a multitude of domains. From the sciences of healthcare, soil, law and politics to organizational studies and governance; care ethics has been applied. The…domain science, science healthcare, computer science, science software, apply sciencesecure, risk, ethics, behaviour, law28
sizingscience.nlSizing Science helps you to determine the most efficient sizing: a minimal number of sizes and a maximum coverage of the user population. The goal of Sizing Science is to make the fashion- and manufacturing industry more sustainable and…size science, science efficient, science manufacture, sizing science, science targetefficient, target, dimension, measurement, clothing28
utrechtsummerschool.nl…on location as well as online. The Summer School is a partnership of Utrecht University, HU University of Applied Sciences and HKU University of the Arts. These institutions of higher education offer high quality, fully accredited summer…life science, field science, science subject, social science, science utrechtlaw, programme, economic, humanity, healthcare27
netsci.nlThe Dutch Network Science Society Young Talent Prize is awarded to an early-career talent in Network Science. Nominees will be evaluated for one (or more) specific accomplishments. The evaluation (jury led by the steering committee and…network science, science society, science nominee, science spread, science groupsociety, prize, chapter, official, phd27
leidenconventionbureau.nlLeiden Convention Bureau offers you free and independent advice in your search for the best conference location in Leiden, City of Science.science news, science event, life science, science health, think scienceconference, convention, venue, destination, independent27
realscience.nlReal Science, is science based on research, reality, solid evidence, measurements, calculations, clear and logical thinking, real photo and real film material, checking, double checking and checking the conclusions, to see if it is…real science, science evidence, science idea, like science, science fictiontheory, satellite, institute, helpfull, rule26
centerfordecisionscience.nlThe Radboud Center for Decision Science is an interfaculty research center at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The mission of the Center is to promote the interdisciplinary study of decision-making and to apply emerging…decision science, science radboud, science interfaculty, science research, science publicdecision, interdisciplinary, study, society, investigator26
sciencelines.nlMy name is Margriet van der Zee, I started Science Lines in 2021 to help you with your medical and scientific writing needs. I am a European Registered Toxicologist with over 20 years of experience in regulatory human health risk…writer science, science line, zee science, life science, science generalscientific, writer, regulatory, grant, assessment25
scidutch.nlIn 1995, I took a course in science journalism at SCW in Amsterdam and started to write on science. A year later, I became Science editor at the University of Groningen newspaper Universiteitskrant . In 2012, I moved to the Faculty of…science religion, physiology science, science write, comment science, good sciencescientific, dutchman, climate, arctic, antimicrobial25
casa-lab.nlThe Centre for Analytical Sciences Amsterdam (CASA) was formed to bring together the strong analytical chemistry groups from these Universities as well as other recognised experts in the field. A goal for CASA is to stimulate and underpin…analytical science, science amsterdam, separation science, bioanalytical science, science netherlandsanalytical, advanced, analysis, environmental, statistics25
sciencemeetsbusiness.nlConnecting Science and Business in Leiden. Your monthly shot of entrepreneurial Science!visionary science, science entrepreneurship, science business, stichting sciencemonthly, entrepreneurial, upcoming, volunteer, entrepreneurship25
cls-services.nlChemistry and life sciences are in a constant state of flux and vacancies come and go quickly. Take a look at our current list of vacancies here. Feel free to respond directly, or alternatively you can contact us at CLS Services for more…life science, science vacancy, science constant, science right, science sectorvacancy, secondment, chemistry, candidate, career24
dtls.nlAs of January 1 2023, DTL has bundled its forces with the Health-RI organisation, to establish a strong national platform supporting the future of data driven health and life sciences. The organisation harbours teams dedicated to…life science, science dtl, science organisation, science initiative, science healthinitiative, stewardship, omics, conference, metabolomics24
science-to-impact.nl…But this present age requires an accelerated innovative approach that will lead to even more impact from our top science. It is high time for a movement – from and for knowledge institutions, companies and government – with one aim:…science impact, impact science, science high, aim science, heart sciencereport, conversation, base, shareholder, economic24
sistersinscience.nlIt’s time! The website of Sisters in Science is live and we’re thrilled to show you around. We see our website as a portfolio tosisters science, button science, science life, science livetimeline, academic, brain, august, section24
svflow.nlStudy Association Flow – Communication & Information Sciences | Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence | Data Science & Societyinformation science, science cognitive, cognitive science, science artificial, data scienceassociation, upcoming, committee, career, society24
datasciencestudent.nlData Science Student is a young company operating in the Dutch Data Science domain. We focus on connecting bachelor and master students with companies which are in need of data talents.data science, science student, science domain, science bachelor, science departmentbright, flexible, salary, eager, motivate24
mglifescience.nlIn 2017 I founded MG Life Science, so I can fully dedicate my time to support ambitions, purpose-driven Life Science Professionals to strengthen their leadership skills and build high-performance teams.life science, science change, science industry, science organization, strategy scienceoptional, growth, leadership, leader, effective24
ru.nlThe Science Café is a meeting place for scientists and science enthusiasts. Scientists come here to speak about their expertise and passion, and visitors talk to them over a drink.apply science, science versus, radboud science, science team, science awardsprogramme, assessment, facility, study, grant23
amsterdamdatascience.nlAmsterdam Data Science (ADS) is a network of academic and industry partners that has established a strong Data Science and AI ecosystem in Amsterdam.data science, science ad, science aiecosystem, academic, researcher, supervisory23
epdos.nlInspired by the open science movement, research is becoming increasingly more open. To facilitate this, the Dutch research community ( UNL , NFU , VH , NWO , and KNAW ) and Elsevier started a collaboration . Together they are developing…open science, science ambition, science service, team science, science authorpartnership, publish, ambition, movement, author23
jeroenvermunt.nl…A comparison between traditional and latent class approaches. In: A. Van der Ark, M.A. Croon, and K. Sijtsma (eds.), New Developments in Categorical Data Analysis for the Social and Behavioral Sciences , 41-62. Mahwah: Erlbaum. ( pdf )social science, science series, science research, science studies, science chaptervermunt, latent, analysis, journal, ed22
computationalsciencenl.nlComputational science is an interdisciplinary field that deals with the use of computer modeling and simulation to solve complex problems in various scientific and engineering disciplines.computational science, science netherlands, science interdisciplinary, science daycomputational, sponsorship, simulation, visibility, modeling22
sciencesummituncensored.nlVoorWaarheid and Café Weltschmerz proud ly announce the second Science Summit – Uncensored : “Wicked Problems, Bright Solutions” . T he conference is scheduled to take place from June 30 th to July 2 nd , 2023 , at Schiphol-Rijk, near…home science, science summit, second science, image science, uncensored sciencesummit, uncensored, july, sun, fri21
aicorelifesciences.nlAicore Life Sciences is an R&D focused pharmaceutical company with headquarters based in the Netherlands. Its founders share a common background as employees of Organon, which was the pharmaceutical division of AKZO before it became a…life science, science farmaceutical, science pharmaceutical, science partner, science exclusivecooperation, associate, pipeline, pharmaceutical, headquarter21
veterinaryscienceday.nlInformation on the program, registration, and abstract submission will be available soon via emails and here on our Veterinary Science Day 2024 website.veterinary science, science dayveterinary, registration, venue, colleague, dear21
amsia.nlThe Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award is organized by Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA), the valorisation centre of Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Amsterdam University of…amsterdam science, science innovation, nemo science, science museum, university sciencewinner, frequently, ixa, innovative, pre21
awesomeit.nlDaniel Oberski is professor of Social & Health Data Science at Utrecht University, where he heads the Human Data Science group and is involved in number of collaborative national and international research projects. His team works on…faculty science, science development, data science, science utrecht, science grouptalk, patient, clinical, domain, awesome21
melunaresearch.nl…of new conceptual perspectives and methodologies, both in the field of human health and in the agricultural sciences. Listed below, is an overview of collaborative research projects in which MELUNA has teamed up with international…new science, science light, science life, agricultural science, science melunaphoton, emission, collaboration, measurement, medicine21
biocentric.nlbig data BioCentric bioconda bioinformatics Bio Science Park Leiden biotech Broad Institute bwa capital cloud conference CUDA data management data science deep learning developments docker DTL event food framework GATK genetics genomics…life science, science dtls, datum science, science netherlands, data sciencebioinformatics, infrastructure, introduction, sequence, conference21
bigscience.nlThis website is a portal to show the opportunities for Dutch industry to participate in Big Science, through collaborations with scientific institutes or to respond on tenders of the Big Science Facilities.big science, science groundbreaking, science collaboration, science facility, science eventnet, report, telescope, fusion, involve21
mindwise-groningen.nl“Therefore, I would like to encourage researchers to look for the 007s of science and expand their horizon of inspiration, in order to advance the field of Psychology, or any other domain of science.”social science, science primatological, science difficult, science crisis, natural sciencepsychology, department, clinical, experimental, phd20
fittastisch.nlOverview Mazandaran University of Science and Technology is a prestigious institution of higher education located in Babol, Iran. The university is dedicated to providing quality education and fostering […]medical science, science sabzevar, science bojnord, science healthcare, program sciencefebruary, institution, prestigious, islamic20
acid-event.nlAmsterdam Chemistry Network presents ACID 2024 - Friday, 22 March 2024 at UvA Science Park 904, Amsterdam, NH. Discover cutting-edge chemistry sessions, connect at the Career Fair, bridging students and industry in Chemistry and Life…uva science, science park, life science, science afternoon, science researchacid, session, career, chemistry, transition20
cwts.nlThe Centre Centre for for Science Science and and Technology Technology Studies Studies (CWTS) (CWTS) studies studies scientific scientific research research and and its its connections connections to to technology, technology…centre science, science technology, development science, technology science, science innovationcwt, announcement, inclusion, ecosystem, evaluation20
modelleiden2022.nlLeiden2022 is the very first European City of Science to present a year-long program aimed at connecting science and society. In doing so, we kickstarted a new European tradition. We also created an advanced, practice-based model for…citizen science, science society, city science, science year, program sciencesociety, connection, curious, treasure, truly20
healthcaretraineeship.nlHealthcare Traineeship Smelt Healthcare Traineeship - Launch your Life Sciences & Health careerlife science, science health, science trainee, science traineeship, science healthcarehealthcare, career, profile, leadership, assurance20
ai4life.nl…to support human life. LIACS implements this vision on AI research by performing activities in the areas of life sciences, sports, humanities, sociology, linguistics, law, and sustainability. The corresponding research is…computer science, science ai, life science, science sport, science machineartificial, intelligence, associate, liacs, excellence20
itc.nlITC is the University of Twente’s Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation. The Faculty ITC is among the world's top ten institutes for academic education , scientific research and technology development in earth…information science, science earth, geospatial science, science fundamental, observation scienceitc, earth, observation, resource, faculty20
squadra-dss.nlIt’s our mission to support our customers with all Data Science related capability challenges by delivering 3 types of services:data science, science specialist, science capability, science vacancy, science domaincapability, career, vacancy, parking, aside19
vishwakarma.nlSanjay Vishwakarma, Astrologer and palmist of repute, is born in Varanasi (India), the seat of oriental Vedic sciences. He is initiated into the specific discipline of Astrology and palmistry in the very early formative years of his life.vedic science, science specific, science sanjay, astrology science, science bodyvedic, astrology, birth, purpose, hide19
datasciencedistrict.nlData Science District | Data Science District is a total solutions service provider, operating exclusively within the Dutch AI & Data Science domain.data science, science district, science domaindomain, exclusively, azure, pricing, profile19
human-movement-sciences.nlHuman Movement Sciences: Home - Human Movement Sciences | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdammovement science, science home, science vrije, science broadmovement, section, coordination, physiology, dynamic19
hz.nlHZ University of Applied Sciences, located in the South-West of the Netherlands, is a middle-sized university with around 4,800 students. It consistently ranks in the top three Dutch multidisciplinary universities of applied sciences…apply science, science hz, science south, university scienceprogramme, apply, study, exchange, admission19
b-liss.nl…development from research stage until European and US market registrations. With this experience she supports life science organizations to efficiently achieve their ambitious goals, bringing valuable and high quality health care productslife science, science support, translational science, science valorization, science organizationliss, regulation, diagnostic, extensive, guidance19
nutritionintransition.nlThe Foundation Nutrition in Transition unites nutrition scientists, medical doctors, ethicists, philosophers and sociologists of science.nutrition science, science capability, standard science, science nutrition, science academynutrition, transition, phd, scientist, prof18
sanbio.nlSanbio is supplier for life science research and diagnostics products and services in the BeNeLux. Also, we are manufacturer of MONOSAN antibodies. Contact us.life science, science product, science research, forensic science, science genomicsupplier, diagnostic, cell, genomic, antibody18
ffund.nlFFUND is a boutique hands-on consulting company specialised in the Life Sciences. Experts in non-dilutive- and equity financing, and M&A support.life science, science innovation, science expert, science business, science startgrant, equity, venture, loan, vacancy18
consortius.nlConsortius is a Netherlands based specialist in science communication. We support and disburden researchers and consortia and make scientific research visible to the outside world.consortius science, science communication, specialist science, science organizationconsultation, visible, researcher, scientist, outside18
isolife.nl13C 13C Labelling 15N Algal Products Bacterial Products Biomarkers Biotechnology Climate Custom Labelling Decomposition Depleted Double partially 13C Ecology Environmental Science Food Food Science Fungal Products Gut & Metabolism Health…article science, science advance, life science, science product, environmental scienceisotope, stable, atom, uniformly, fungus18
tudelft.nlNetherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programs. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and engineering. Our shared mission: impact for a better society.fascination science, science design, open science, portrait science, planetary sciencefaculty, programme, employee, grant, cooperation18
cybersciencecenter.nlCompanies, governments and non-profitorganizations with research in the field of cyber safety can now turn to the Cyber Science Center.cyber science, science center, center science, science forceforce, multidisciplinary, staff, police, society18
language-science.nlThe language sciences have taken an enormous flight over the last 20 years, and have found practical applications with tremendous impact. M achine translation, speech recognition , chatbots and personal assistants have radically…language science, science social, lang science, science enormous, science potentialsociety, responsible, transparency, novel, researcher17
paradox-paradigm.nlScience unjustly rejected the hypothesis of the dragged ether. So the Relativity Theory is not indisputable anymore. The existence of dragged ether still is a scientific possibility. Exploring the possibilities of the dragged ether, it…incompetent science, aberration science, science unjustly, overview science, science prematurelyparadigm, chapter, theory, electron, photon17
insciencefestival.nlInScience is an annual science film festival in Nijmegen. The eighth edition will take place from 16 till 19 March 2023.international science, science film, annual science, film science, science talkbenefit, eighth, till, annual, scientist17
trendforum.nlMichael Nielsen left academia to write a book about open science, and the radical change that online tools are causing in the way scientific discoveries are made. Open science: Michael Nielsen at ...apply science, science sustainable, open science, science radical, science michaeleconomic, society, woman, interesting, christianity17
brightcape.nlAt Bright Cape, we breathe data. As the expert in data science and human-centered design, we optimize your operations and guide your way from vision to implementation. With a curious mindset and deep technical knowledge, we take on your…datum science, science human, science data, data science, science solutioncape, bright, interaction, mining, guide17
rsnn.nlRegulatory Science Network Netherlands (RSNN) is a network of experts from industry, academia, government bodies, and the broader regulatory science field. Our mission is to advance an efficient and effective regulatory system that…regulatory science, science network, science field, science netherlandsregulatory, interest, advanced, therapy, secondary17
mariekehendriksen.nlI am a historian of early modern science, art, and knowledge based at the Humanities Cluster of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in Amsterdam, where I am a senior researcher and a member of NL-Lab . Together with…history science, science art, modern science, arts science, science knawearly, humanity, anatomical, publication, august17
lde-space.nlLDE Space also reinforces collaboration with NL Space Campus in the LDE Space for Science and Society programme. The main objective of this programme is to stimulate space related knowledge exchange and education, between the LDE…space science, science societysociety, lde, programme, law, observatory17
ilsevandegroep.nlA perspective on enhancing representative samples in developmental human neuroscience: Connecting science to societyscience communication, neuroscience science, science society, preprint sciencepublication, preprint, graphic, phd, candidate16
ppbf.nlData Science & Analyse herstructureert ruwe data naar informatie, kennis en inzicht. PPBF is uw leverancier voor Data Science & Analyse en heeft tal van concepten ontwikkeld die u kunnen helpen met: web-scapers, data-mining, statistische…data science, science analytics, science analysemining, artificial, intelligence, analysis, processing16
bio-connect.nlBio-Connect Life Sciences specializes in the distribution of life science research products.life science, science diagnostic, science distribution, science researchconnect, diagnostic, cell, promotion, supplier16
vascularresearch.nlVascular Research, Imaging, Education and Science – Vascular Research Imaging Education and Scienceeducation science, science vascularvascular, imaging, remodel, int, sci16
heemskerk-innovative.nlHeemskerk Innovative Technology · Bridging the gap between science and industry.gap science, science industry, big scienceinnovative, gap, maintenance, task, interactive16
thesciencecamp.nlWe offer a variety of programs to inspire young minds and spark their interest in science. This includes holiday camps, after school activities, birthday parties and projects at school.camp science, science camp, amsterdam science, interactive science, science activitycamp, kid, holiday, birthday, curious16
fuse-infra.nlThe FuSE facility is the key enabler to analyse the data and extract the scientific results for three Roadmap Facilities: the Large Hadron Collider, the Square Kilometre Array, and the KM3NeT neutrino telescope. For KM3NeT the science…fundamental science, science infrastructure, data science, science expertise, science casefuse, infrastructure, fundamental, kilometre, square16
sane-science.nlYou have probably heard of the acid rain scare of the seventies, a hype based not on science, but one solitary observation in a population of trees. Another such 1970’s science-fad was global cooling, a group of climatologists predicted…sane science, corporate science, science hype, hype science, science solitaryeconomy, scam, parasite, society, climate16
betabanenmarkt.nlThe Bètabanenmarkt (Dutch for Science Career Event) has facilitated easy interaction between employers and science students in Leiden for over 40 years. We organize one major event every year and some smaller focused events like the Bio…leiden science, science career, dutch science, employer science, science studentcareer, programme, connect, bridge, gap16
leidenbiosciencepark.nlHousing over 215 organisations, including 150 Life Sciences & Health (LSH) companies – from start-ups to multinationals – and several internationally acclaimed research institutes, the LBSP is the largest LSH cluster in the Netherlands…life science, science health, science campus, apply science, science leidencapital, lsh, institute, internationally16
thehaguepathway.nlThe Hague Pathway College (THPC) offers on-campus, tailored foundation programmes for international students looking to study at the The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS).apply science, science thuashague, pathway, programme, admission, career16
escience-platform.nlThe full program, speakers list and registration information can be found here . There is involvement from various organizations from the ePLAN community (e.g., Leiden Centre of Data Science, Utrecht Applied Data Science, Amsterdam Data…computational science, science eplan, data science, science field, science societalescience, author, report, infrastructure, october16
d2bscience.nlI enjoy sharing my views with audiences in entertaining and informative ways. With my presentations, I aim to connect business and science to inspire innovative ways of thinking in a multidisciplinary fashion. As I believe that the…science home, business science, science innovative, interest science, science primaryscientific, presentation, publication, lecture, milk16
matrixic.nlMatrix develops and leases Innovation Centers in the heart of science that are specifically designed for knowledge-driven and innovative businesses – from startups and scale-ups to spin-ins and established companies. We believe in…heart science, science specifically, amsterdam science, science parkfacility, overview, boundless, chemistry, supervisory16
formorrow.nlOur academies are focused on personal development and linked to a full-time career in IT or life sciences. Enthusiasm about working in the IT or life sciences is a given. Having an academic background that matches the industry of your…life science, science job, science academy, science enthusiasm, science givenvacancy, career, potential, growth, min16
mirrestallen.nlTo this end, I currently combine two career paths. Since 2017, I have been an assistant professor at the Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology department, at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University…apply science, science netherlands, behavioural science, science leiden, science trackstudy, brain, poverty, ed, intervention15
nexusleiden.nl…Positioned in the vibrant Leiden Bio Science Park West, Nexus is the gateway to unparalleled connectivity and collaboration. Ready for tomorrow’s challenges, we invite you to join a community where the future of life sciences takes shape.life science, science nexus, bio science, science park, science shapelab, bright, edge, unparalleled, connectivity15
gardenoffices.nlGarden Offices brings together business, research and the opportunity to meet other like-minded professionals in your field. In one inspirational environment. Our sustainable, multifunctional office buildings in the Wageningen Business &…business science, science park, life science, science build, science foodlaboratory, eat, multifunctional, inspirational, minded15
citizenscience4health.nlThe engagement of patients in health research has a long tradition, even though their impact on e.g. decision making on research questions, methodology, ethics, analysis and data management remain limited so far. Citizen Science and the…citizen science, science health, science participative, science involvement, science associationcitizen, conference, collaboration, ethics, association15
rieksopdenakker.nlDifficult questions. For me at least. From the time I was a student (I studied mathematics and computer science in the 70s at the University of Twente in the Netherlands) these questions kept me busy. How do we have to think properly to…computer science, science twente, science department, science compiler, logic sciencecausal, consciousness, conscious, think, mathematical15
tomlouwerse.nlI am an Associate Professor in Political Science at Leiden University, the Netherlands. My main areas of interest include political representation, parliaments, political parties, elections, polls and voting advice applications.political science, science leiden, science public, science member, science weblogpolitical, representation, publication, opposition, parliament15
sciencemedia.nlThis publicly accessible multi-screen & media roadshow brings cutting-edge IODP science stories to rural and urban communities in the USA. It is a hands-on experience in which participants learn about science themes researched by the…space science, science story, tool science, new science, science platformearth, connect, scientific, scientist, ocean15
marijntenthij.nlM. ten Thij, S. Bhulai [2016]. Modelling trend progression through an extension of the Pólya Urn Process , Proceedings of the International Conference on Network Science 2016 (NetSci-X) , Wroclaw, Poland, January 11-13, 2016, pp 57-67.computing science, science maastricht, network science, science netsci, data scienceconference, reviewer, computational, proceedings, k.15
marc-stevens.nlPractical free-start collision attacks on 76-step SHA-1 , Pierre Karpman, Thomas Peyrin, and Marc Stevens, CRYPTO 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9215, Springer, 2015, pp. 623-642, (PDF) .computer science, science vol, science springer, society science, science humanitycollision, attack, lecture, pp, note15
healthdatascience.nlThe mission of the Health Data Science group is to produce clinically actionable insights from observational health data by enabling data-driven healthcare. Improved interoperability of data is a necessary pre-requisite for this mission.data science, science group, science curriculumhealthcare, improve, interoperability, observational, pre15
charava.nlCharava curates high-quality supplements based on the latest longevity research. Discover powerful ingredients for healthy aging, vitality & well-being. Combat Aging & Boost Vitality with Charava EU's Science-Backed Supplements. Charava…charava science, science supplement, eu science, science longevity, nature sciencelongevity, healthy, nad, collagen, ingredient15
hetvinyltijdschrift.nlStructure and statutes Board of Pharmaceutical Practice Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences FIP Council FIP Education AMR Commission FIP Ethics Advisory Group FIP Regulators Advisory Group FIP Technology Advisory Group Early Career…regulatory science, science quality, woman science, science education, pharmaceutical sciencepharmaceutical, pharmacy, congress, membership, advisory14
abrahamkuypercenter.nl…and we organise public lectures, discussions, and seminars for a broader audience about these themes. The goal of this is to stimulate academic and public debates about science and the big questions and to raise them to a higher level.center science, science big, science scientism, debate scienceepistemic, past, overview, academic, progress14
verrijkinggewaardeerd.nl…& lessons learned widely accessible and to advise knowledge institutions about facilitating and appreciating science communication and public engagement by scientists. Rewarded! was implemented by the KNAW and made possible by the…science communication, citizen science, science lab, kind science, science practicescientist, role, electromagnetic, citizen, lab14
plsc.nlPloemen Life Science Consultancy B.V. is an independent business development and interim management company providing strategic expertise to Biopharma, Contract Research Organizations, Start-ups, Big Pharma and Investors.life science, science consultancy, science businessindependent, strategic, investor, firm14
listerdale.nlExperienced Life Science Consulting Experienced Life Science Consulting Experienced Life Science Consultinglife science, science consulting, science dr, science health, science companystuff, consulting, clinical, role, mountain14
duwo.nlCampus TU-Noord is a green oasis located just a stone’s throw from TU Delft and the vibrant city centre of Delft. The atmosphere is truly international and friendly. The TU Science centre is located at the heart of the campus. There are…tu science, science centre, political science, science publicatmosphere, housing, building, hague, vibrant14
esi4u.nlWe believe that science and innovation are critical to success in food, health and nutrition. Together with our clients in the food industry, we want to create a healthier and more sustainable world by bringing their nutrition and health…challenge science, science business, einerhand science, science innovation, consultancy sciencenutrition, scientific, healthy, ingredient, nutritional14
morerecruitment.nl…and analytical positions and at various levels. Ranging from graduates fresh from universities of applied sciences (HBO) to a highly experienced finance manager. View all our vacancies in the financial sector and find your new job,apply science, science hbo, life science, science medical, science vacancyvacancy, logistics, supply, chain, accounting14
stefanvanderstigchel.nlVENI and VIDI NWO grant, and recently an ERC Consolidator Grant and VICI NWO grant. Stefan is author of the popular science book Zo werkt aandacht, which was published as the english How Attention Works in Januari 2019. His second book…popular science, science book, science writerder, psychology, popular, cognitive, lecture14
maastrichtsts.nlThe research programme Maastricht University – Science, Technology and Society Studies (MUSTS) draws on a combination of philosophical, historical, sociological and anthropological approaches. The general question is how modern societies…university science, science technology, society science, art science, arts sciencesociety, programme, combination, technological, scientific14
labforrent.nlThe ZernikeLab is a multi-tenant lab facility located at the Zernike Campus, one of the oldest and renowned Campuses in the Netherlands. The University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences have a prominent place, and…apply science, science prominent, life science, science lab, utrecht sciencelab, laboratory, surface, rent, facility14
joenhermans.nlHow much did Rembrandt and his contemporaries really know about chemistry? Recently, I had the good fortune to work with the very professional team at the Universiteit van Nederland to make a 15 minute popular science lecture. If you want…npo science, science research, popular science, science lecture, paper scienceoil, paper, chemistry, paint, scientist14
regieorgaan-sia.nlThe mandate of the Taskforce for Applied Research SIA, or Regieorgaan SIA for short, is to improve the quality and widen the impact of the applied research done by universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. We do this by funding…apply science, science netherlands, science industry, science view, university scienceapply, collaboration, mandate, funding, internationalisation14
spreekmeesters.nlWith our unique combination of extensive experience in science communication, coaching & training and applied improvisation we are well suited to help you to improve your presentation skills. So you are able to present your research more…science effectively, expensive science, science competition, theater science, science storytellingpresentation, audience, slide, speech, conference14
rose-lsc.nlRose life sciences consultancy: As an independent contractor, consultant and interim manager, I have committed myself to organizations in motion.life science, science consultancysubstance, implementation, regulatory, contractor, independent14
oliscience.nlBased at the bustling Amsterdam Science Park, we develop and operate our business.amsterdam science, science park, mania science, science fpganikhef, logic, interconnect, fpga, ip14
themindgap.nlThis is a cool video: Cymatics Science vs music. Nice experiments with sound, and the cinematography is very good as well!cymatics science, science vs, researcher science, science slowreply, leave, acoustic, october, tear14
utrechtinc.nl…students, and entrepreneurs. Our entrepreneurial programs, inspiring events, seasoned mentors, and vast business network are here to help turn your science-based innovations into startup success stories that contribute to a better world.science validation, life science, utrecht science, science park, network sciencevalidation, incubator, graduate, investor, funding14
changeleiden.nl…approaches form a more complete picture of the changes that take place during development. Transparency and open science are key to us, all our research materials can be accessed online. We frequently organize outreach events, as we…connect science, open science, science key, science necessity, science englishbrain, collaboration, researcher, psychopathology, lab14
academicpositions.nlWhen it comes to starting a successful career in life sciences, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) stands out as a great choice. The ...research science, science job, computational science, life science, science europeanacademic, phd, career, biology, position14
bi-kring.nlBenelux Intelligence Kring. Voor alles over business intelligence, market intelligence, data science en meer - Benelux Intelligence Communitydata science, science en, science archiefintelligence, competitive, voor, artificial, leader14
cqm.nlSupply Chain Analytics / Data Science CQM gives CARU global insight into its supply chain View casedata science, science cqm, science smartsupply, chain, analysis, methodology, supervisory14
universitycollege.nlIn the Netherlands there are several University Colleges offering an English-taught bachelor’s programme in Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). Every University College in the Netherlands is a part of a research university and offers a…arts science, science programme, science literally, science education, science lasliberal, programme, discover, multidisciplinary, academic14
emergenceglobal.nlConsult our library of books, papers, opinion pieces, interviews, podcasts and other publications about science, current events, observations and our thoughts on all things intercultural.intercultural science, publication science, science currentinstitute, intercultural, resource, theory, educational13
leiden2022.nlLeiden2022 is the very first European City of Science to present a year-long program aimed at connecting science and society. In doing so, we kickstarted a new European tradition. We also created an advanced, practice-based model for…city science, science year, program science, science society, engagement sciencesociety, economic, huge, curiosity, curious13
katinkathinks.nlKatinka Thinks – Het academisch level in het heel erg klein + Fresh neuro- and movement sciencehet, movement, punishment, leave, brain13
vaguecountries.nl…setting that resonates with my younger self’s first encounters with fantasy, which is not EDO , but decidedly more science-fantasy, horrific and weird. (This approach was inspired, among other things, by this great now-gone blog post by…romance science, science fantasy, fantasy science, science fiction, help scienceplanet, ancient, session, cosmic, planetary13
utwente.nlBusiness Studies and Public Policy Engineering & Technology Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation Social Sciences Information Technology (IT) Life Sciences & medicine Natural Scienceslife science, science medicine, natural science, science social, information sciencephd, defence, ut, programme, study13
smeltacademy.nlCurriculum Medical Science Liaison 26 apr 2024 Curriculum All About Patient Access 17 mei 2024 Curriculum All About Patient Access 24 mei 2024medical science, science liaison, life science, science healthseparator, device, learning, liaison, patient13
bcfcareer.nlBCF Career is the career platform for job seekers, students and professionals in Life Sciences! With career articles, blogs, tips & tools, vacancies and employer profiles and much more, we help moving careers forward in Life Sciences…life science, science job, science employer, science labour, science beatrixcareer, vacancy, profile, hyphen, biotech13
artsciencegallery.nlThe VU ART SCIENCE gallery of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam focuses on the interaction between art and science + the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledgeart science, science gallery, science exchangeexhibition, multidisciplinary, exchange, interaction, visit13
wndash.nl…of influence, and it often also means a loss of integration over various fields of enquiry. A national assembly of science and learning will also be a fallible institution, as we remain human, but it will provide for a better forum to…assembly science, science humanity, researcher science, science scholar, science learnassembly, humanity, membership, parliament, representative13
franktakes.nlCurrently, I am head of the Leiden Computational Network Science research group, academic co-director of the Dutch POPNET research platform for population-scale social network analysis and co-chair of the Dutch Network Science Society . I…network science, science leiden, computer science, science social, social scienceassociate, academic, liacs, population, webpage13
datasciencecentral.nlWhether you’re looking for a role as a data science consultant, data engineering consultant, machine learning consultant, or ai consultant, we have them all lined up, waiting for you to come in.data science, science central, science vacancy, science consultant, science teamcentral, scientist, role, analyst, hire13
labinsights.nl…designed specifically to handle medicinal products, including both prescription and over the counter pharmaceuticals. Good Distribution Practice (GDP)-compliant In compliance with numerous life science industry requirements such as thelife science, science sector, field science, science technology, science industryanalysis, laboratory, compliance, potential, property13
cci-research.nl…for advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence applications. We teach the next generation of computer science professionals, and cooperate with a large ecosystem of organizations. Our focus areas include data exchange systems,computer science, science professional, forensic science, science international, information sciencephd, teach, infrastructure, candidate, informatics13
lucaskeijning.nlAs a freelance science communicator, creator, speaker and writer, my goal is to open up the marvelous world of science to the general public. In order to spark the audience’s interest, I use playful, appealing formats. My aim is to…playful science, science communication, freelance science, science communicator, world scienceplayful, audience, actively, exhibition, demonstration13
geopromotion.nlFoundation Geo Promotion annually organizes an event that gives the opportunity for students to explore the field of spatial sciences. Our main goal is to connect students to the working field. Your future has our interest. Geo Promotion…spatial science, science main, science terry, science knowledge, science universitypromotion, conference, spatial, recommendation, committee13
clarusway.nlHome EN - Online IT Bootcamp; Leer Coderen, Data Science, AWS, DevOps, Cyber Security & Salesforcedata science, science awsdevops, aws, career, session, stack13
auc.nlAmsterdam University College (AUC) offers a liberal arts and sciences programme, leading to a joint Bachelor (Honours) degree from the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. AUC is based on the American liberal arts and…art science, science programme, science model, science global, major scienceacademic, programme, admission, liberal, major13
lismanll.nlPlease note that Lisman Legal Life sciences B.V. does not avail of a client's monies bank account and therefore cannot receive clients' monies.life science, science market, science clientprofile, regulatory, archive, publication, attorney13
dbar.nlDBAR provides science editing and writing services to academic researchers and other science & technology professionals. With over ten years of experience and customers at universities and scientific institutes all over the Netherlands…dbar science, science writer, science communication, popular science, science writewriter, editor, edit, scientific, write13
werkenbijsron.nlThe researchers in our Instrument Science group combine all knowledge of instrument physics, such as optics, lithography and cryogenic systems, with expertise in systems engineering and project management. They turn technological…astrophysics science, science programme, exoplanet science, earth science, technology sciencesron, bij, career, earth, scientist13
zuyd.nlZuyd University of Applied Sciences also offers bachelor's and master's degrees in Dutch. Please note that you will need a strong command of Dutch (NT2 level) in order to enrol in these programmes. Read more about:apply science, science bachelor, data science, science artificialstudy, apply, tuition, fee, scale13
sandertimmer.nlSander Timmer, PhD, is spearheading GSK’s strategic initiatives to revolutionize the Global Supply Chain with data and AI as Senior Director of AI and Decision Sciences. With over 20 years of experience in Data Science, ranging from…data science, science genomic, decision science, science year, science neuralphd, biology, genomic, entrepreneur, genetic13
marinusvanijzendoorn.nl…(L-CID; since May 2018 as Scientific Consultant), 3G Family Lab, and Father Trials (directed by Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, now moved to the ISPA – University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal).developmental science, science ucl, science translation, translation science, science practiceucl, psychology, department, attachment, scientific13
kellyservices.nlLife Sciences jobs Accounting and Finance jobs Human Resources jobs Business and Project Management jobslife science, science business, science job, science recruitment, science insideraccounting, role, temporary, resource, staffing13
stardust-film.nlfour friends from his youth to see what their loud minds are doing now and what they’ve learned about the universe. A film about science, exploration, friendship and the never-ending allure of discovering what it all means. Now on YouTube !film science, science explorationfriendship, exploration, butter, documentary, loud13
brabantisbright.nlBrabant is the R&D hotspot within the Netherlands, accounting for over 30% of total private R&D spending in the Netherlands. The region excels in the top sectors HTSM, Life Sciences & Health, AgriFood and IT & Data. Have a look at these…life science, science health, data sciencebright, economy, figure, fact, infrastructure13
hyphenprojects.nlAt Hyphen Projects, we pride ourselves on creating and delivering programmes that support talents and companies in Life Sciences to move forward. We help build the next generation of leaders and ventures in biotech by fuelling them with…life science, science sector, science forward, science ecosystem, science biobusinesshyphen, career, summit, conference, programme12
ics-graduateschool.nlThe ICS PhD program is designed for graduates in sociology or related disciplines who would like to acquire a PhD degree and pursue a scientific career. We hire graduates in social, behavioral, and economic sciences and in some cases…social science, science theory, economic science, science case, case sciencephd, theory, methodology, vacancy, sociology12
leditbeyourday.nlThe National Econometricians Day (in Dutch: Landelijke Econometristendag, abbreviated as LED) is the largest annual recruitment event for students in the fields of econometrics, operations research, data science, and actuarial sciences in…actuarial science, science operation, science banking, data science, science healtheconometrics, operation, actuarial, banking, consulting12
openscience-maastricht.nlWe are the Open Science Community Maastricht (OSCM), an inter-faculty group that promotes Open Science all throughout Maastricht University. Together with our partner communities across the Netherlands, we aim to make science open and…open science, science mission, science community, science maastricht, netherlands scienceintroduction, upcoming, faculty, ambassador, originally12
journeyup.nlAn exceptional ecosystem for disruptive innovation and development in high-tech and sciencescience technologylaw, academic, interest, bicycle, tourism12
amsterdamlifesciencesdistrict.nlThe Amsterdam Life Sciences District is developing fast. A city famed for its openness is witnessing close cooperation between medical companies and medical institutions.life science, science district, science privacyrent, naar, cooperation, institution, openness12
tvandijk.nl2022 [Software science] Model Checking and Parity Games (5 EC course in the Computer Science Master)software science, science parity, computer science, science master, science bachelordecision, tangle, algorithm, binary, topic12
uu.nlLongread: Animal-free science next level Longread: Animal-free science next leveluniversity science, science tomorrow, human science, science level, free sciencetomorrow, programme, researcher, inspire, phd12
eurocollege-university-of-applied-sciences.nlFounded in 1949, EuroCollege University of Applied Sciences is among the best and oldest schools in the Netherlands. We offer accelerated and supervised bachelor courses in international business, entrepreneurship, events and hotel…apply science, science horizon, science good, science bachelor, science courseapply, programme, degree, entrepreneurship, solid12
jmvanlit.nlAs a PhD candidate in Empirical Political Science, I am studying the role of democratic institutions and pro-democracy actors when democracy is threatened from the inside out (by democratically elected leaders). My research focuses on how…political science, science radboud, science role, science mscpolitical, researcher, democracy, doctoral, democratic12
derebus.nlStichting de Rebus (the foundation De Rebus) has been set up to fund specific research into certain aspects of the history and philosophy of science.philosophy12
fisko.nlIn conclusion, Python, with its easy readability, wide range of libraries, and real-world applications, makes data science accessible and effective. Consider leveraging Python in your next data science project, and unlock your business'…data science, science process, science product, computer science, science netherlandspython, tax, redis, flask, queue12
ovbsp.nlThe Entrepreneurs Association Bio Science Park represents the interests of companies and institutions at the Leiden Bio Science Park.bio science, science park, life science, science start, science healthassociation, institution, entrepreneur, interest, calendar12
infectionbiology.nlAt the division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology of the Department of Biomolecular Health Sciences, we study commensal and pathogenic intestinal bacteria, their interactions with the human or animal host, and how they contribute to…health science, science division, science commensalinfection, biology, disease, biomolecular, immunology12
weekvanheteconomieonderwijs.nlwithin the existing frameworks of curriculum and time. Economics Education Week provides a platform where education professionals can discuss with each other the development of economic science, and how it can find a place in the classroom.development science, science society, economic science, science order, science placeeconomic, inspiration, economy, layer, teacher12
wilddna.nlScience communication, education and creativity are highly important to me. Therefore, I enjoy running my own company: Wild DNA .wild science, biologist science, science communicator, context science, science communicationanimal, publication, evolution, pygmy, turtle12
mercuriusuva.nlMercurius is the study association of Communication Science at the UvA. We represent the intrests of students and organize a broad range of activities for our members. Explore our association through our website, you will find English…communication science, science intrest, science studentassociation, study, thesis, textbook, introduction12
minormakerslab.nlThis semester course at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences challenges you to think critically about the way you make and design. Acquire hands-on knowledge and skills that enable you to experience how things might be made…apply science, science criticallyalternative, environmental, differently, semester, critically12
compchem.nlDr Jocelyne Vreede of the Computational Chemistry group at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences has recently been awarded funding as part ofmolecular science, science university, chemistry science, science art, basic sciencecomputational, chemistry, molecular, simulation, polymer12
stefanoski.nlDejan Stefanoski - Senior Software, DevOps and Cloud Engineer with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering, specialised in Cyber Defence, Computer Crime and Forensics, experienced in Cloud Computing & Infrastructure…computer science, science engineering, information science, science technology, technical scienceaws, devops, certified, forensic, defence12
jeroenrood.nlMy name is Jeroen Rood, Industrial Design Master of Science (MSc). I like designing for complex situations, by combining UX design, Service Design and design innovation strategy. This is a selection of projects that represent me, my way…master science, science mscux, visual, industrial, situation, selection12
kunstcollectie-hhs.nlArt at The Hague University of Applied Sciences - Art Collection The Hague University of Applied Sciencesapply science, science art, science obviousapply, hague, lover, recap, conversation12
rembrandtinstituut.nlThe first prize winner will receive a full framed reprint of their image, publication of the image on the RICS, Amsterdam UMC and LUMC websites, and together with the other two nominated winners a display in our new HeArt in Science…cardiovascular science, science rics, science meeting, heart science, piece sciencecardiovascular, institute, submission, prize, winner12
ajss.nlThe Amsterdam Journal of Social Sciences invites you to join our scientific community. We are a student-led, peer-reviewed, academic journal, supported by the University of Amsterdam. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach to…social science, science ajss, science scientific, science journaljournal, ago, academic, editorial, holiday11
smbpc.nl· © 2022 Science meets Business Plan Competition · Designed by Press Customizr · Aangeboden door ·science businesscompetition, phase, winner, join, description11
litpro.nlThe figures where produced with SQL, the chart was created using the language R. R and Python are the languages mentioned most in the context of data science. Both R and python have a bad reputation when it comes to deployment. Dependency…data science, science language, science python, science farprogramming, literate, function, chart, package11
bloom-uva.nlBloom is an official study association for Computational Social Science students at University of Amsterdamsocial science, science university, science studentstudy, association, computational, official, upcoming11
smelt.nlAt Smelt, our breadth and depth of talent acquisition expertise enable us to give life sciences companies faster access to healthcare professionals, to patients, to markets and to professionals.medical science, science liaison, life science, science industry, science companydevice, biotech, career, assessment, staffing11
qvm.nlQVM has been an invaluable service provider in the life sciences, food and pharmaceutical industry. They are always pleasant to deal with and their specialists are knowledgeable and provide excellent customer service. My favourite thing…life science, science food, bio science, science parkvalidation, qualification, pharmaceutical, rental, continuity11
methnani.nlYour Company in the Life Sciences Industry is looking for expert consultants, temporary or permanent personnel, outplacement services and for training courses? You are with Methnani at the right address.life science, science industrypersonnel, vacancy, candidate, temporary, bespoke11
cenetherlands.nlWe have different types of memberships depending on the profile of the applicant. Thus, not only Spanish scientists in the Netherlands can be members, but also people who reside or not in the country, as long they want to keep up to date…science communication, social science, science natural, natural science, science exactcompetition, scientist, spanish, association, write11
margavanamersfoort.nlFDA: M. Stratmeyer, Acting Chief, Health Sciences Branch of FDA to Director, office of Science and Technology, memo with attached report regarding analysis of Dow Corning data on carcinogenicity of silicone gels. “As you will see, the…plant science, science microbiology, animal science, science p., health sciencedow, corning, cite, exhibit, implant11
ruwfoundation.nl…agriculture sinceWUR was fully profiled as an agricultural school. In more recent years, RUW foundation has organically evolved in synchrony with the University to cover almost all topics and themes related to Life Sciences in Wageningen.life science, science series, citizen science, science project, science wageningencollaboration, report, journalism, critical, reflective11
uuplants.nlUU Plants is embedded in the Institute of Environmental Biology in the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Science at Utrecht University.plant science, science research, faculty science, science utrecht, science cropprincipal, investigator, biology, environmental, naar11
obmdynamics.nlOBM itself is part of science and indeed available to the public for free, yes. It is comparable to ‘open source’. However, to become knowledgeable it takes a lot of studying. For some people that means months or even years of hard work…science success, obm science, science availablebehavior, organizational, certified, employee, profitable11
tfhc.nlTask Force Health Care (TFHC) is a network of Dutch organisations in the Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector. It is the first point of call for anyone seeking Dutch LSH expertise. Our not-for-profit platform supports Dutch companies…life science, science healthforce, task, healthcare, institution, government11
nemosciencemuseum.nlNEMO is the largest science museum in the Netherlands, for all ages. Discover how fascinating and exciting science and technology can be.nemo science, science museum, large science, exciting science, science technologyvisit, exhibition, fascinating, exciting, accessibility11
ebtilburg.nlAccountancy, Econometrics, Economics, Finance, Information Management, Marketing, Business Administration, International Management, Social Sciences, Supply Chain Management, Strategic Managementsocial science, science strategic, science supply, data science, science hreconomic, administration, formal, strategic, chain11
carolienknoopvancampen.nlI am a postdoctoral researcher at the Behavioural Science Institute and lecture at the Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Sciences programme of the Radboud University, The Netherlands.behavioural science, science institute, pedagogical science, science educational, educational sciencedyslexia, behavioural, institute, educational, biography11
naturalis.nl…to offer young scientific talent the opportunity to further develop ideas in a stimulating, open environment. With 80 PhDs and postdocs, Naturalis contributes to innovating Dutch research at the highest level in the green life sciences.biodiversity, researcher, richness, practical, scientist11
amyvanbijsterveldt.nlIn 2021, I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence from Tilburg University. This program covers a wide range of topics from the fields of both cognitive science and artificial intelligence. From the…cognitive science, science artificial, data sciencecognitive, artificial, intelligence, degree, accomplishment11
leidenmadtrics.nlThis post introduces the Open Edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, published today by CWTS in collaboration with the Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative, Sesame Open Science, and OurResearch. The Leiden Ranking Open Edition is the first fully…open science, science practice, science prominent, science mission, tune sciencecwt, contributor, evaluation, evidence, scholar11
cypherpunk.nl…Radboud University Nijmegen and as a Research Fellow in the Security and Privacy group at the School of Computer Science of the University of Birmingham on the SCEPTICS project (SystematiC Evaluation Process for Threats to Industrial…information science, science radboud, computer science, science university, science springerconference, note, lecture, proceedings, association11
civiclaboratory.nlCivic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) is an interdisciplinary natural and social science lab space dedicated to good land relations directed by Dr. Max Liboiron at Memorial University, Canada. Equal parts research…citizen science, science collection, gut science, social science, science lablaboratory, civic, colonial, lab, equity11
sarahderijcke.nlSarah de Rijcke, Professor of Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies at Leiden University.professor science, science technology, centre science, social science, science leidencwt, resume, publication, faculty, relation11
memorylab.nlFaculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Department of Experimental psychologyscience memorylab, educational science, science departmentmemory, fact, publisher, lab, educational11
rathenau.nlResearch and dialogue relating to the societal aspects of science, innovation and technology | Rathenau Instituutaspect science, science innovation, science system, science figuredialogue, societal, overview, calendar, career11
pibit.nlWe are a global software and consulting firm specialised in websites, apps, data science and voice automation.data science, science pibit, science voiceautomation, consulting, firm, skilled, million11
idun.nlThe studies Biology, Biomedical Engineering and Life, Science & Technology are all part of one study association, which is the “Groninger LevenswetenschappenVereniging” (Groninger Life Science Association) Idun, in short GLV Idun. Our…life science, science technology, science associationstudy, biomedical, biology, association, committee11
jessievanbuggenum.nlFeel free to explore whatever is of interest. Let it be the more conventional academic list of publications , any post on science and art, or some of my photography work .note science, science life, post science, science artnote, structure, cell, dynamic, biology11
gerlagh.nl…From 2006 to 2009, he held a chair in Environmental Economics at the Economics Department , School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK. Since 2009, he is Professor of Economics at Tilburg University. From 2011 to 2014…popular science, science video, academy science, science letters, social scienceeconomic, climate, environmental, resource, presentation11
svia.nlvia , short for 'Vereniging Informatiewetenschappen Amsterdam' (Dutch), is the study association for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Information Science at the University of Amsterdam.computer science, science artificial, information science, science university, science associationassociation, study, committee, intelligence, berlin11
viaa.nlViaa is a University of Applied Sciences, with a distinctive character. We attach great value to qualitatively good education, advice, and research.apply science, science hogeschool, science distinctiveprogramme, apply, partnership, inspiration, exchange11
ebeam.nlEnergy Sciences (Europe) is located in the Netherlands. Several experienced service engineers provideenergy science, science europe, science incorporatebeam, esi, successful, innovative, processing11
ltvanbinsbergen.nlL. Thomas van Binsbergen | software language engineering, component-based semantics (funcons), generalised parsing (GLL), functional programming, attribute grammars, computer science educationcomputer science, science educationattribute, programming, functional, grammar, semantic11
twinkl.nlGCSE Assessment KS5 Science - Full Collection RSE: Relationships and Sex Education Teacher Toolbox Organisation Tools Form Tutor Resources Tools for Career Guidance Corridor Displays Festivals and Events Humanities Languagesseason science, science investigation, collection science, science collection, gcse scienceresource, teach, assessment, math, interactive10
newmedicine.nlNewMedicine offers science-based supplements with high quality ingredients and a lifestyle to compliment itnewmedicine science, science supplement, science storypack, defense, perform, sleep, sustainability10
nrs-science.nlThe NRS Mid-Career Award is presented every 2 years to recognize outstanding achievements of established mid-career researchers in respiratory science. The award of € 10,000.- should be used for research activities and include a plan for…nrs science, respiratory science, science awardinvestigator, grant, archive, lung, committee10
aup.nlAcross the humanities and social sciences, Amsterdam University Press (AUP) publish academic monographs, edited collections, handbooks, reference works, textbooks, journals and conference proceedings. Through their diverse publication…social science, science amsterdam, political science, science academicoverview, resource, humanity, academic, journal10
uhsf.nlUtrecht Health Seed Fund – Investeringsfonds voor innovatieve start-ups in Life Sciences & Health in de provincie Utrechtlife science, science health, science biotechfund, seed, voor, investment, promise10
dcforum.nlChiropractic has always been able to show real science that backs up what it professes. We have always been evidence based! Yet handicapped by limited research funding, and the limits of what science has proven. The nervous system was…current science, science current, chiropractic science, science medicine, real scienceflag, chiropractic, disease, doctor, pain10
esee2024.nlOn behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the ESEE2024. Join us in person for this prestigious event, taking place from April 24th to 26th, 2024 , at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in…apply science, science leeuwarden, leeuwarden science, science innovation, university sciencepresentation, apply, accomodation, spain, organize10
bmso.nlThe Biomedical Student consultation guarantees student participation from all the Biomedical Sciences studies in the Netherlands.biomedical science, science study, science bachelor, science programbiomedical, consultation, orientation, career, minor10
rosakieft.nlRosa Kieft is a cultural programmer, researcher and project manager based in Amsterdam. She is an art historian and theorist, educated at University of Amsterdam and Goldsmiths College in London, with a strong focus on arts and science…art science, science design, science fiction, biology science, science workshopexhibition, installation, writer, london, researcher10
remcovanschadewijk.nlscientific film, scientific fiction, science fiction, narrative fiction, educational film, film education, film lightingproduction science, science art, fiction science, science fiction, life sciencefiction, scientific, lighting, narrative, meaningful10
twentepathway.nlThis Twente Pathway College International Foundation Year will prepare you for success in the University of Twente’s BSc in Communication Science.year science, science mathematics, social science, science studentpathway, admission, behavioural, fee, facility10
werkenbijhz.nl…in it together. Whether you work as a lecturer, janitor, marketing or ICT staff, HR advisor or financial manager: together we contribute to a better, sustainable world. That is the strength of our personal university of applied sciences.apply science, science provincevacancy, apply, innovative, frequently, colleague10
explore-utrecht.nlIn the Utrecht Science Park, university facilities, student accommodations, and local businesses coexist in over 300 hectares of…library science, science park, utrecht sciencesquare, faculty, library, theatre, central10
unitronregulatory.nlUnitron Regulatory, expert in medical device regulation, life science consulting and product certification in the field of medical devices.life science, science consultingregulatory, device, consulting, regulation10
gieljandevries.nlHi! My name is Gieljan de Vries and I've been writing about science for 20 years now. As a journalist and communicator I tell engaging stories about even the most complex research topics. And I help scientists explain the importance of…science writer, vries science, science year, science journalist, news sciencewriter, topic, scientist, behalf, attractive10
visservanbaars.nlAs a data scientist, your work is crucial to today’s business world. We’re constantly looking for data scientists at all stages of their careers, from starters, to experienced specialists and managers. We offer data science jobs…data science, science jobintelligence, vacancy, staffing, career, consulting10
cto-phd.nlThis is the website of Clinical and Translational Oncology (CTO) PhD program. The CTO program is one of the PhD programs of the Utrecht Graduate School of Life Sciences and open to PhD candidates working in the University Medical Center…life science, science open, faculty science, science veterinaryphd, clinical, candidate, translational, oncology10
chisholm.nlArticles about Cycle, Music, 3D, Animation, Science, Technology, Programmimg, Arduino, electronics, Java, Android and practical tipsanimation science, science technologycycle, animation, invader, arduino, stuff10
adynenetherlands.nlDr. Joel Baraka Akilimali, a distinguished scholar with a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Louvain la Neuve in Belgium, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the field of migration politics and research.datum science, science project, social science, science university, master sciencecultural, integration, migration, purpose, understand10
blue21.nl…save huge areas of agricultural land. This is shown in a recent study by Blue21, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and TU Delft in the Journal of Cleaner Production. In this Floating City research we evaluated the potential of…long science, science fiction, water science, science impact, apply scienceurban, climate, wave, october, present10
carlolepelaars.nlCarlo Lepelaars - Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Drums and Investing.data science, science drum, science competition, science naturalinvest, artificial, intelligence, competition, investment10
boussinesqcenter.nlThe Boussinesq Center for Hydrology is the Dutch and Belgian scientific hydrology centre. It was established in 2005 as a result of the Foresight Study on Hydrological Science in The Netherlands (2005), performed under the auspices of the…hydrological science, science netherlands, arts science, science knawhydrology, belgian, hydrological, foresight, study10
tropcrop.nlIn 1993, the former Tropical Crop Science section of Wageningen University's Plant Sciences Group , at instigation of its professor Louise F RESCO , started to look into the possibilities of Computer-Aided Education for the lab…plant science, science wageningen, agricultural science, science truly, crop sciencecrop, tropical, portable, tropic, courseware9
anhtran.nlI am an enthusiastic Data Scientist with three years' experience mining big data and shipping ML and data models to production. Seeking to bring technical expertise with a business-minded approach to multifunctional data science teams. At…data science, science team, science solution, science intern, business scienceanalysis, scientist, responsibility, accomplishment, deployment9
sshraad.nlThe SSH Council consists of the representatives of Social Sciences and Humanities deans in the Netherlands as well as of the SSH bodies in the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). It therefore represents the whole of SSH…social science, science humanity, arts science, science knawssh, humanity, council, publication, slide9
douwezeldenrust.nlThis is the website of Douwe Zeldenrust, Manager Collections and Senior Research Data Manager at Huygens ING, Royal Netherlands Akademy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He is interested in Digital Humanities, History, Archival Science…arts science, science knaw, archival science, science etnologypublication, archival, interested, humanity, institute9
onderzoeksfaciliteiten.nlNL-BioImaging AM: a national infrastructure for multiscale light microscopy in life sciencesanimal science, science research, heritage science, science netherlands, social scienceinfrastructure, facility, institute, imaging, lab9
isatis-business-solutions.nlOur Data Science consultants find relevant connections in large amounts of (un)structured data and develop models that answer your questions with their predictive value.data science, science consultant, datum science, science pridescientist, vacancy, steward, operation, predictive9
alten.nlWe work with key actors in the Aeronautics & Space, Defence & Naval, Security, Automotive, Rail, Energy, Life Sciences, Finance, Retail, Telecommunications and Services sectors.life science, science health, science financedefence, naval, mobility, railway, figure9
stem-tesam.nlTESAM aims at enhancing the quality of life for mankind with valuable science that has been discovered. Spreading it around the world with accessible communication and the Netherlands as a basis is our method.existential science, science music, experience science, science plan, valuable scienceexistential, lyric, guitar, roll, perspective9
science4all.nlThe last years a wrote a lot of software and instruction material for educational purposes. I think this software and material is interesting enough for other people. Therefore I make it available for everyone who is interested in science.electronic, physics, biology, microscopy, processing9
koensiteur.nlL.X. Zhao, K. Zhang, K. Siteur , ..., and J. van de Koppel (2021). Fairy circles reveal the resilience of self-organized salt marshes. Science Advances 2021(7): 1-12 .environmental science, science master, complexity science, science theoretical, soil sciencek., ecosystem, environmental, modelling, ecological9
drsupport.nl…a management. We have both, the required extensive experience in, and knowledge of, epidemiology and the skills of good research management. Good science is the basis of epidemiology and, therefore, essential to manage epidemics properly.good science, science basis, science spaceepidemiology, appropriate, epidemic, virtue, dedication9
qpact.nlQPact offers a unique blend of business improvement expertise, data science and Supply chain solutions. We utilize various technologies such as SAP IBP, SAP APO, o9, SAP EWM, SAP BI, Azure, and SAP S/4 HANA. With over 15 years of…data science, datum science, science supplysupply, chain, career, consulting, execution9
aurora.nlSince 1 July 2021 Aurora provides the SCO-05 service Science Planning Development & Implementation and Quick-Look Analysis for Planetary Missions. This includes all operational planetary missions.science operation, mission science, service science, science planning, sco-11 sciencescientific, vacancy, operation, earth, domain9
fernandokuipers.nlS. Trajanovski, F.A. Kuipers, and P. Van Mieghem, Finding critical regions in a network , Proc. of the 5th IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom 2013), Turin, Italy, April 19, 2013.internet science, science visit, network science, science engineering, science communicationproc, ieee, networking, pp, conference9
jeanettemostert.nlJeanette Mostert – Connecting science and society through education and dialoguemostert science, science society, science communicationdialogue, society, teach, thesis, archive9
dl4ld.nl…Sharing in Multi-domain Infrastructures", In the proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science and Engineering ( IEEE BigDataSE 2020 ) co-lcated with IEEE TrustCom 2020 , Guangzhou, China, December 29, 2020 -…computational science, science engineering, transformation science, science twenty, data sciencepresentation, paper, conference, logistics, infrastructure9
peacefulpassion.nl…true to their own values, using a large variety of tools from ancient eastern practices and modern psychological science. Inge helps people to live a curious, connected, and healthy life through courses, workshops, private coaching, andpsychological science, science inge, yoga science, science practice, science philosophypeaceful, meditation, connect, psychological, healthy9
holiko.nlOur products are based on modern science and knowledge of traditional natural healing methods in the context of skin microbiome and skin barrierscience holiko, modern science, science knowledgeingredient, skin, raw, cosmetic, healthy9
hiekehuistra.nlI am a historian of science and medicine. I work as an assistant professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, where I teach academic integrity and carry out research on the changing role of medicine in birth and death. More about my…historian science, science medicinemedicine, historian, publication, integrity, birth9
darwinrecruitment.nlElite STEM Talent Recruitment in the Netherlands - connecting top talent with cutting-edge roles in technology, engineering, and sciences.life sciencehire, career, relocation, role, requirement9
hkeuning.nlTowards a Systematic Review of Automated Feedback Generation for Programming Exercises. Hieke Keuning, Johan Jeuring and Bastiaan Heeren. Proceedings of Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), 2016. . Extended…computer science, science education, science softwareprogramming, proceedings, computing, conference, table9
kojac.nlServices Frontend Backend Data Science Mobile Apps Embedded Systems Hiring a developer? Hiring a Data analyst? Hiring a BI analyst?data science, science mobile, computer science, science engineeringfrontend, programmer, python, flexible, embed9
kadegraaf.nlHow Organisation of Architecture Documentation Affects Architectural Knowledge Retrieval [download ] - Klaas Andries de Graaf, Peng Liang, Antony Tang, Hans van Vliet - Science of Computer Programming, Volume 121, Pages 75-99 Elsevier…data science, science expertise, science link, web science, science webscisemantic, github, documentation, architecture, conference9
the404.nlI've begun my first year of my Computer Science degree, and after a semester of using Jython (a horrendous abomination of Python and Java that needs to be sent to the depths of hell) to modify pictures (yes, a whole semester of that…computer science, science simulator, science degreerelease, grade, utility, github, january9
fasos-research.nlWelcome to the research project website of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS). Below you can find an overview of some of the research projects conducted in the research institute of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.social science, science maastricht, science fasos, history science, science mediumfaculty, institute, society, teach, nanotechnology9
hsfcon.nlHSFCon is a new annual Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror convention on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2023.horror science, science fiction, annual sciencefiction, guest, programme, literally, february8
goodtutorsfinder.nlOur Tutoring Services offer excellent Tutors at Home and Online , in Mathematics , Science , Physics , German , French , English , and more. We help to improve your marks, master a skill, or go beyond the curriculum. Our Tutors master the…mathematics science, science physics, help science, science termfinder, tutoring, math, physics, subject8
ucr.nlUniversity College Roosevelt was founded in 2004 as part of Utrecht University. This name encompasses three core features that make us a unique place within modern education. First, we are a University , a place that offers a Liberal Arts…arts science, science college, science programucr, academic, liberal, parent, incoming8
9six.nlIn the early 1980s, astronomer Carl Sagan hosted and narrated a 13-part television series called “Cosmos” that aired on PBS. On the show, Sagan thoroughly explained many science-related topics, including Earth’s history, evolution, the …thoroughly science, science topicbookmark, electric, vehicle, earth, billion8
vbhc.nlTo do or not to do | VBHC Success Stories | VBHC Pioneering Series (TDI Center for Life Science and Health)life science, science healthvbhc, inspire, thinker, membership, certification8
ehumanities.nlCLARIAH , CLICKNL , CWI – Research in Mathematics and Computer Science , DANS – Data Archiving and Networked Services , Delft University of Technology , Dutch Language Institute , Erasmus University Rotterdam , Fryske Akademy , HuygensING…social science, science technology, science research, science funding, science clariahinstitute, humanity, participant, clariah, cwi8
dc4u-technologies.nlDC4U is a life science company developing technologies that enable steering the human immune response. Our GlycoDC TM technology can either potentiate or suppress the immune system via specific targeting of dendritic cells by glycan…life science, science technology, science companytherapeutic, vaccine, allergy, autoimmune, inflammation8
clinicalmedicalstaffing.nlI have 30 years of experience in various functions in the specialism Life Sciences & Health. I am interested in you as a candidate or company and make sure you find what you’re looking for.life science, science healthclinical, staffing, candidate, biotech, career8
bitestreams.nlData Strategy Data Warehousing & Data Pipelines Business Intelligence & Data Visualization Develop Data Science & AIdata science, science ai, science artificialintelligence, efficiency, engagement, pipeline, competitiveness8
nevejan.nlIn october 2023 Nevejan will be part of the jury of Silbersalz filmfestival and media conference. The jury will pick the best science documentary, best [...]wave science, science film, good science, science documentarymountain, germany, documentary, excellence, wave8
scientists4future.nlIPCC. 2013. Climate change 2013: The physical science basis. Contribution of working group I to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. IPCC. 2018. Global…physical science, science basis, climate science, science special, academies sciencefact, climate, report, scientist, assessment8
dedatarunner.nlAs a freelance data scientist consultant I strive towards new areas of data science applications. Self-critical, ambitious, and always in the search for new ideas to apply data analytics and improve processes.data science, science consultant, science applicationscientist, python, analysis, consulting, api8
startupvillage.nlWe are based in the heart of technology: The Amsterdam Science Park . This is where we facilitate interaction, collaboration and knowledge exchange between Science , the Startup Ecosystem and Business .science business, amsterdam science, science park, exchange science, science startupvillage, quantum, computing, expansion, growth8
nki.nlThe NKI is an internationally renowned cancer research institute in Amsterdam with a long history of important contributions to the basic and clinical sciences that have deeply influenced our understanding of cancer and the control and…clinical science, science deeplycancer, institute, tomorrow, clinical, dedicated8
qrih.nl- Information about issues such as quality and relevance in the humanities, Open Science , robust data and benchmarking .open science, science open, profile science, science technology, science robustprofile, evaluation, humanity, audience, relevance8
nsvki.nlstudents and its teachers. In short CognAC stands for ‘Cognitiewetenschappen Activiteiten Commissie’ (Cognitive Sciences Activities Committee). Our study association is related to our study: AI, and thus has a strong focus on…information science, science bachelor, computer science, science artificial, science masterassociation, study, artificial, intelligence, cognitive8
onehot.nl…world, and the way we move through it is influenced by how those data are used. In our second Onehot meetup we will take a view from above and explore topics such as urban data science, geographic information systems, and spatial analysis.data science, science community, science possible, science geographicenjoy, conduct, scientist, topic, visualization8
frbl.nlFrank Blaauw - Postdoctoral Researcher, operating on the intersection of computer and social sciences.data science, science ideographic, computer science, science distributepostdoctoral, researcher, intersection, personalized, publication8
biopartnerleiden.nl…and scaleups, by providing flexible office and laboratory space, facility services, entrepreneurial support, and networking possibilities. Since 1984, BioPartner is one of the driving forces behind the success of Leiden Bio Science Park.life science, science company, science entrepreneur, science startup, bio sciencehousing, workspace, laboratory, consultation, patent8
be-prepared-consortium.nlThe Be-Prepared (Behavioural Science for Pandemic Preparedness) consortium is a collaboration of researchers from the RadboudUMC, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Trimbos Institute, the University…behavioural science, science pandemic, science datum, social science, science perspectivepreparedness, behavioural, pandemic, prepare, institute8
stichting-wams.nlIn 2015, When Art Meets Science (WAMS) organised a set of side events as part of the international fotofestival Noorderlicht . The theme of the festival was “Data Rush”, exploring the tension between freedom and control, privacy and…art science, science wamsrush, debate, summary, lecture, freedom8
briansetz.nlBrian Setz is the lead of the Digital Lab, an initiative of the Computing Science department of the University of Groningen to innovate education. He holds a PhD in Computing Science from the University of Stuttgart, and a masters degree…computing science, science department, science universitycomputing, phd, thesis, department, lab8
leidenbioscienceparkprojects.nlIn addition to the further development of the life science sector in this Oegstgeester par...bio science, science park, life science, science sectorhousing, building, diversity, recreational, practical8
coelenglastechniek.nlThe Glass Instruments Group has many years of experience in making special glass products. We make glassware for labs, industry and science. All the products we supply are made of first quality glass. We provide fast delivery, reasonable…glass science, science industry, industry science, science productglass, glassware, request, quotation, repair8
trefoilanalytics.nlWith their rare combination of data science and engineering in-depth knowledge, business acumen and people management, Trefoil led a newly formed team of data scientists and ML engineers in the business, set its foundation (standardized…data science, science team, science engineeringtrefoil, analysis, firm, valuable, asset8
prolon.nl…research institutions. Food is the only product we consume every day of our lives. It was time for ethical science, instead of for-profit business, to develop nutrition formulations aimed at enhancing human health and supporting…ethical science, science insteadnutrition, longevity, healthy, pill, diet8
qllc.nlQuantum Leap offers a full portfolio of FDA compliance consulting, regulatory, and science and technology capabilities to deliver measurable results for clients as they prevent and resolve compliance problems and develop new products for…life science, science consulting, regulatory science, science technologyleap, quantum, consulting, transformation, capability8
ingenuo.nlIngenuo has the ambition to create scientifically based models and algorithms for our customer that has the brilliance of genius in it, as well to make big data and data science understandable in the right simplification of the working…data science, science ingenuo, science understandableadvantage, assurance, genius, understandable, decision8
margeli.nllinguistics at the University of Amsterdam (UVA), the VU and the Christelijke Hogeschool Ede/ University of Applied Sciences (CHE) in Ede and more recently at the Hogeschool Utrecht (HU). Alongside her studies and regular jobs, she has…apply science, science che, science hu, social science, science catholictranslation, interpret, creativity, linguistic, apply8
amgen.nlAmgen is a pioneer in the science of using living cells to make biologic medicines.amgen science, pioneer science, science cellamgen, overview, responsibility, patient, medicine8
devfest.nlThe biggest Google tech conference in The Netherlands carefully crafted for you by GDG community, all about Android, Web and Cloud from the world experts! See you on November 18th at Science Park 904 in Amsterdam!november science, science park, faculty sciencepresentation, conduct, conference, copy, carefully8
universiteitleiden.nlLeiden University, The Netherlands, was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. It has seven faculties in the arts, sciences and social sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague…art science, science social, social science, science locationprogramme, staff, hague, faculty, study8
toxicologie.nlSections Pharmaceutical Toxicology and Genetic Toxicology INVITATION: Spring symposium - Wednesday afternoon April 24, 2024 Utrecht Science Park, Ruppertgebouw, zaal Rood Address: Leuvenlaan 21, Utrecht...life science, science datum, utrecht science, science parktoxicology, society, pharmaceutical, genetic, risk8
youngcb.nlThe course is aimed at PhD students with a background in bioinformatics, computer science or a related field; a working knowledge of basic statistics and linear algebra is assumed. The BioSB course “Pattern recognition” and the ASCI…data science, science department, computing science, science utrecht, life sciencebioinformatics, biology, registration, computational, modelling8
hylkerozema.nlHylke Rozema – Data Science & Analytics, Pythons, Pandas, R, Julia, Sports, japanese, life and moredata science, science analyticspython, japanese, october, think, statistical8
exposome.nlExposome-NL is a Dutch consortium of internationally-renowned scientists from exposure science, environmental sciences, cardiovascular and metabolic health, clinical epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, geosciences, agent-based…exposure science, science environmental, environmental science, science cardiovascularenvironmental, researcher, publication, scientific, modelling8
annemariehagenaars.nlMy name is Annemarie and I am an actor with degrees in astronomy and physics. I have experience working in the fields of film, television, theater, education, science communication, cognition, climate & sustainability, history, philosophy…science research, education science, science communication, art science, science differentactor, modeling, movie, empathy, woman8
contrado-audio.nlQSA (Quantum Science Audio) RED High-Level audio fuse 5x20mm Slow-blow 10A 250V NEWquantum science, science audioadd, wishlist, compare, metre, cable8
i-quartersamsterdam.nlThe IQuarters campus is located in the Amsterdam Life Sciences District. We offer office and laboratory space to all different kind of companies, ranging from start-up to listed companies. What do they have in common? These companies are…life science, science innovation, science district, science healthbuilding, facility, availability, turn, lab8
interactive-environments.nlThe Interactive Environments minor and the Science Centre Delft have initiated close cooperation. The Science Centre Delft is the institution that acts as an interface between the Delft University of Technology and the general public. Its…facility science, science center, minor science, science centre, cooperation scienceinteractive, minor, manual, facility, introduction8
stralia.nlAt Stralia we coach scientists to express their passion for science and to reach and inspire others.science technology, world science, story sciencescientist, leadership, subscribe, role, researcher8
bruggemanlab.nlMy life as a scientist | This is a personal blog, about my science, experiences and thougthsblog science, science experiencescientist, october, uncategorized8
clariah.nlIneo lets you search, browse, find and select digital resources for your research in humanities and social sciences. Gradually, it will offer access to thousands of tools, datasets, workflows, standards and educational material.social science, science clariah, science graduallyclariah, resource, humanity, academic, package8
ace-incubator.nlACE supports students, researchers and academics to grow their tech or science based business ideas into impactful companies of the future.tech science, science business, gap science, science entrepreneurship, science ideaincubator, incubation, researcher, funding, academic8
fantasize.nlGetagd in Carolyn Chang , De rol van de vrouw , English , Fantasize Special , feminist , FISH , inclusive , interview , Korean-American-Dutch , matriarchy , Ninja Paap-Luijten , science fiction writer , specials , The Boy from Cell Town…character science, science fiction, ya science, woman science, familiar sciencewoman, france, fiction, society, writer7
unitron.nlUnitron: your full-service partner for life science product development - UNITRONlife science, science productcertification, device, regulation, electronic7
joinourfootsteps.nlApart from my research, I benefit a lot from the courses and schools that the Casimir Research School provides. They add a studying phase to my PhD which helps me to keep broadening my knowledge and balance my PhD. I am very passionate…passionate science, science academia, interface science, science research, entrepreneur sciencephd, degree, physics, quantum, footsteps7
sihr-weghalen.nlIf the Raqi – the noble person- is not given the wisdom of Allah and the blessing of revelation and truthful science, he will still read the Qur’an to the patient for days, weeks, months, and perhaps for years, without success because the…raqi science, science wisdom, truthful science, science qur’an, allah sciencepatient, magic, demon, jinn, devil7
koensebregts.nl. In: Calhoun, S., P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 339-343). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. [ pdf…phonetic science, science prague, science melbourne, speech science, science technologylinguistic, phonetic, variation, k., ed7
aurion.nlAurion is also a proud distributor of the products of Electron Microscopy Sciences and Diatome.microscopy science, science diatome, science range, science septemberreagent, chemical, incubation, lab, microscopy7
utrechtinnovatielab.nlThe InnovationLab Life Sciences & Chemistry has over 25 laboratory spaces with up-to-date equipment to perform life sciences and chemistry experiments and a chemical engineering hall to explore methods and pilot testing.utrecht science, science park, life science, science chemistrychemistry, innovationlab, facility, laboratory, organise7
healthyageingbusinesscooperative.nlIncreased strength In order to influence policy makers of regional governments and institutes, Life Science and Medical Technology SMEs in the Northern part of the Netherlands are uniting in the Healthy Ageing Business Cooperative.life science, science medical, science successful, apply science, science umcgcooperative, healthy, sme, northern, difference7
rondekloet.nlin drug development and medicine . From 2004 I am an Academy Professor of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences associated with the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center inwebsite science, science stress, discovery science, arts science, science divisionpublication, brain, honour, phd, paper7
jpslegal.nlJPS legal is a law firm that is specialized in providing legal and compliance advice to life sciences and materials sciences enterprises. JPS legal serves the healthcare, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, medical device, nutritional and…life science, science material, material science, science enterprisecompliance, background, framework, healthcare, nutritional7
heleenriper.nl…A., Toner, P., & Newbury-Birch, D. (2022). Outcome reporting in brief intervention trials: Alcohol’ (ORBITAL) core outcome set: From international consensus to international use? Addiction Science & Clinical Practice , 17 (SUPPL 1), O28.web science, science researcherid, addiction science, science clinical, patient sciencepublication, mental, presentation, conference, psychiatry7
wimsweb.nlScience explained to scholars via practical topics. Each lesson can be studied and tested online.op science, science onlineop, een, kitchen, hedgehog, campsite7
martijn-onderwater.nlMartijn Onderwater – Analytics ★ Data Science ★ Innovation ★ Career advice data professionalsdata science, science innovationcareer, interest, publication, domain, background7
peterachterberg.nlA Science Confidence Gap: Education, Trust in Scientific Methods, and Trust in Scientific Institutions in the United States, 2014anti science, science fakeincome, cultural, universal, sociologist, scientific7
lyfsci.nlLyfsci offers freelance marketing, communication and PR services to life sciences organizations including biotechnology and biomedical companies.life science, science organization, science research, science marketingbiotechnology, biomedical, discover, aesthetic, understand7
arcnl.nl2024 marks ARCNL’s 10 th anniversary: a decade of fundamental and excellent science in nanolithographyeuv science, science peter, surface science, science euvl, excellent sciencevacancy, advanced, department, imaging, career7
niamhbosch.nlNiamh Bosch – Environmental Science and Communication – Niamh Bosch – Environmental Science and Communicationenvironmental science, science communication, science loveenvironmental, study, timeline, earth, far7
denneth.nlProposal for a very simple unguided rocket without parachute, for fun and sciencerocket sciencerocket, launch, static, compilation, awesome7
jwduyvendak.nlKrouwel, A. & J.W. Duyvendak (1999). The private and the public: gay and lesbian issues in political science . In: T. Sandfort, J. Schuyf, J.W. Duyvendak & J. Weeks (eds.) Lesbian and Gay Studies: An Introductory, Interdisciplinary…social science, science nias, science new, science report, political scienceed, pp, movement, politics7
fransvansteijnacademicconsultancy.nlFrom 2012 to 2016 Frans was member of the supervisory board for the study programme assessments (VLUHR) in the Flemish universities and universities of applied sciences. In August 2014 Frans van Steijn retired from VSNU. As independent…unit science, science technology, field science, science policy, course scienceacademic, assurance, institute, evaluation, assessment7
dsfc.nlYou can now register for the fourth interbank Data Science in Finance Conference organized by ABN AMRO, Bunq, ING, Rabobank, TMNL, Van Lanschot Kempen, and de Volksbank. Like last year, this annual conference will be held at Rabobank…data science, science conference, science finance, datum science, science communityconference, leadership, committee, min, banking7
jvdham.nlIn the computer science field coordinated vulnerability disclosure is a well-known practice for finding flaws in IT-systems and patching them. In this practice, a white-hat hacker who finds a vulnerability in an IT-system reports that…computer science, science general, science perspective, science field, science criminologicalethics, vulnerability, cite, associate, position7
resiliendo.nlClinical psycho-neuroimmunology (cPNI) and orthomolecular medicine in Utrecht. Practical and science based lifestyle medicinepractical science, science lifestyle, resilience science, science lead, health sciencemedicine, orthomolecular, therapy, chronic, practical7
sevenseasmarine.nlMy SCIENCE work involves conducting research on marine fauna (whales, dolphins, seals, turtles and seabirds). My work has brought me to exciting regions such as the Arctic, Antarctic and many interesting places in between.science artseven, whale, commission, turtle, region7
oyat.nlOyat consulting – data science with a focus on large scale bioinformatics and epidemiologydata science, science focusscale, consulting, bioinformatics, epidemiology, analysis7
ispex.nl…of this project is that thousands of volunteers were able to perform scientific measurements themselves. We are convinced that this kind of citizen science, in which citizens help scientists with there research, has a great future ahead.”citizen science, science network, science experiment, science citizen, unique sciencemeasurement, citizen, measure, atmospheric, particle7
nipponhie.nlNippon Health Innovations Europe – Your bridge between the Japanese and European life science marketlife science, science market, science tooljapanese, bridge, publication, protein, antibody7
evelinethoenes.nl…all subjects related to plants and their applications. But she is also well acquainted with other areas of life science. Whether she writes about horticulture, biotechnology, evolution, ecology, nutrition, pharmaceutics or the…thoenes science, science journalist, life science, science horticultureorganic, biofuel, horticulture, readable, molecular7
nias-lorentz.nl…Advisory Board oversees all activities of the NIAS-Lorentz Program. The program is supported by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science (KNAW), the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and Leiden University.social science, science natural, arts science, science knawadvisory, fellowship, technological, humanity, perspective7
opleidinglogopedie.nlEight Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands offer a Bachelor of Speech and Language Therapy Programm.apply science, science netherlands, science interestingspeech, profile, apply, educational, therapy7
idfuse.nlIDfuse develops Impacter, an online tool that assists researchers with the Impact paragraph of their grant proposal. Impacter helps to prevent common mistakes, and compares paragraphs to the state-of-the-art in global science.science impact, science scouting, science venturegrant, paragraph, researcher, entrepreneurship, vacancy7
sonderkampresearch.nlYour life science idea needs research to provide scientific background, create a wider perspective, and open opportunities to optimize your innovationslife science, science idea, science innovation, science researcherscientific, background, perspective, researcher, innovative7
lter-nl.nl…monitoring programs by government agencies, dedicated long-term research programs by research institutes, citizen science organisations, and private companies. However, many of these data sets are not readily available for research as…citizen science, science organisation, open science, science fair, science socioecological, ecosystem, socio, environmental, scheldt7
nosenetwork.nlcroijmans 0 Comments course , learn , online , sanne boesveldt , sensory science , wurradboud science, science award, sensory science, science course, science wurnose, smell, sensory, october, heritage7
bram-coppens.nl…and this reaction towards something starts from a certain point, a discipline such as politics, philosophy, science, etc. It is subordinate to this discipline, as it is a function of this discipline so that it can be positively…aspect science, science rationality, philosophy science, science etc, p. sciencetruth, think, society, fact, critique7
horaizon.nlWe are a multidisciplinary team composed of AI specialists and life science researchers. Together, we create cutting-edge, interpretable AI models and algorithms tailored for diverse scientific domains, such as microbiome, epigenome and…life science, science researchermicrobiome, personalized, biological, analysis, near7
finaps.nlWhile pursuing my Information Science bachelor’s and Business Informatics master’s degrees, I experienced the many benefits that agile methodologies and low-code platforms such as SCRUM and Mendix bring to the table first-hand. Now, I am…computer science, science university, science internship, information science, science bachelorstudy, principal, interest, degree, programming7
you-et.nlThis project identifies the opportunities for data science to support the service design process. It evaluates if the techniques meet the designer’s needs and fit the design process with user-centred activities. >data science, science service, science designredesign, artificial, intelligence, double, holistic7
abilitybattle.nl…2018. Ten, varied, multidisciplinary teams of approximately seven students will work on challenges at the crossroads of healthcare, movement & rehabilitation sciences and education, together with industrial innovators and top scientists.movement science, science team, rehabilitation science, science education, healthcare sciencebattle, ability, academic, classroom, movement7
genderbasic.nlParticipants in FP6 projects in the life sciences will be interviewed on their experiences with integrating attention to the gender dimension in research. Already developed good practices will be collected. A number of experts will be…life science, science research, science genomic, science variety, science experiencerecommendation, paper, dimension, phd, commission7
bravenewworldspeakers.nlSpeaking Agency, Speakers on Art and Science. AI, Bio Art, Technology, Bias, Gender, Robots, Cyborgs, Transhumanism, Democracy, Deepfakes, Ecology, NFT's, Design, Future of Health, Future of Work, Digital Learning, Future of Education…art science, science ai, science bravespeak, ethics, ecology, democracy, cyborg7
hansprein.nlHansPrein works with a science dedicated team of trusted professionals supporting projects with challenges on Science Business Support, IT and Finance. Our goal is to give you the best and durable solutions in the (international)…hansprein science, science dedicated, challenge science, science business, environment scienceleadership, executive, subject, implementation, analytical7
sense.nlThe SENSE Research School is dedicated to supporting the development and dissemination of cutting-edge disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scientific knowledge in the field of environmental and sustainability sciences…natural science, science environment, sustainability science, science dutch, science sensesense, phd, environmental, vacancy, economic7
digitallifecentre.nlDigital Life is a research group at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Our applied research is focused on empowering the lives of people, especially in the health and wellbeing domain via data-driven systems and digital…apply science, science research, science team, movement science, science psychologyhealthcare, apply, trust, infrastructure, physical7
odissei-soda.nlThe ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team exists to support social scientists in their research projects. Researchers from ODISSEI member organisations can propose research projects for which our computational, statistical, and research…social science, science value, datum science, science statistics, data sciencefellowship, scientist, analysis, drop, monthly7
circleofavalon.nlNetherlands and abroad. The founder of Circle of Avalon, Mike Bais is the author of the book “a Kabbalistic view on science” published in 2019 and the second volume published in 2022, and has written many articles about this traditon. His…view science, science second, science mike, kabbalah science, science revolutionarycircle, soul, table, round, wisdom7
hansdieterhiep.nlPersonal homepage, blog, articles for a technical audience interested in (theoretical) computer science.computer science, science logicinterested, audience, theoretical, topic, programming7
acemobility.nlACE Mobility is the connector, initiator and intermediary in the cooperation with the Automotive studies of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences and the University of Arnhem & Nijmegen and companies from the automotive and mobility…apply science, science universitymobility, capital, collaboration, graduation, study7
phycan.nlCancer as a Materials Science Problem. Cancer is initiated by genetic modifications, but develops by altering its own physical context.material science, science problemcancer, background, researcher, physical, genetic7
ubec.nlThe services are currently only available within the UMCU and for partner institutes on the Utrecht Science Park. Like the Utrecht Sequencing Facility the UBEC works on a operational level, providing researchers with the tools and input…utrecht science, science parkbioinformatics, analysis, repository, principle, disaster7
alma-allegro.nlAllegro provides general user support for the ALMA community and offers expert help on high-frequency ALMA observations, synergy with radio astronomy, and science analysis tools.astronomy science, science analysis, joint science, science dayregional, astronomy, synergy, analysis, observation7
surf.nlOpen Science report "Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research organisations"open science, science report, apply science, science locationprocurement, conference, flexible, institution, identity7
3at-bio.nlFor Green b and Bio solutions 3at-bio, formerly known as Triple A Trading, has been founded in 1994 and is supplying products for the life sciencelife science, science sectorheat, cage, solid, rack, diet6
labhopper.nlRunning life sciences project: Two-photon imaging of dendritic spines in pyramidal hippocampal cells. Next year this project will be extended to Two-photon imaging of live neural networks under real-time stimuli.life science, science aerospace, science projectaerospace, flight, photon, lab, sky6
mvergarafernandez.nlcourses in philosophy of economics at the Erasmus School of Economics . I have also taught Philosophy of the Social Sciences at University College Groningen (UCG), Ethics in International Business, Ethics in Business and Management, and…social science, science policy, philosophy science, science finance, science universityeconomic, philosophy, scholar, generally, specialisation6
nevac.nlThe AVS 24th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2024) featuring the 11th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2024) will be a three-day meeting dedicated to the science and technology of atomic layer…vacuum science, science technology, surface science, science ecoss-37, science innovationvacuum, conference, surface, deposition, layer6
cedla.nl…Discover the master's degree in Latin American Studies! In the advanced Master's in Latin American Studies you will study social transformations through a multi-disciplinary lens, including a broad range of social science disciplines.social science, science disciplineamerican, minor, documentation, phd, broad6
proefdierjaarverslagrug.nl…Policy, and Breeding Coordinators. The IvD platform is part of DALAS (Dutch Association for Laboratory Animal Science) and was very active in 2022. The IvD platform still represents more than 90% of all IvD s in the Netherlands. In…arts science, science leiden, faculty science, science engineering, life scienceanimal, ug, study, laboratory, fish6
aktiefslip.nlThe Study Association for Environmental Sciences We’re the study association for the WUR-studies Bsc Environmental Sciences, Msc Environmental Sciences, Msc Climate Studies, and Msc Urban Environmental Management. We’re run by and for…environmental science, science study, science mscstudy, association, environmental, climate, amazing6
enablingpersonalizedinterventions.nl…interventions / / treatments. treatments. The The key key objective objective is is to to use use data data science science promoting promoting health health practically practically with with data data from from various various…dutch science, science foundation, data science, science health, computer sciencepresentation, intervention, personalized, infrastructure, framework6
jaspersteggink.nlTaught multiple courses. A selection: Introduction in Interdisciplinary Social Science; Philosophy of the Social Sciences; Research Methods (qualitative); and Bachelor Thesis.social science, science utrecht, science philosophy, science researchpaper, anthropologist, teacher, anthropology, currently6
marcterhorst.nlMarc ter Horst is a Dutch writer of science books for children. He writes very understandable children’s books about the Earth, nature and climate change.writer science, science book, cloud science, science internetter, earth, tree, north, pole6
lukasvermeer.nlHelping people run experiments to make better products for their customers. I explain science using historical narratives and teach statistics through storytelling.customer science, science historical, data science, science conferencestatistics, narrative, historical, experimentation, publication6
cwi.nlCWI conducts pioneering research in mathematics and computer science and transfers new knowledge to society and business. We focus on four areas of fundamental research: Algorithms, Data & Intelligent systems, Cryptography & Security, and…computer science, science new, science netherlands, face science, science tamaracwi, collaboration, scientific, society, computing6
johnnysworldkitchen.nlThe Art & Science of Foodpairing: 10,000 flavour matches that will transform the way you eatart science, science foodpairingcompare, wishlist, add, recipe, cookbook6
semper-florens.nlSemper Florens is the study association for students of Plant Sciences, Plant Biotechnology and Resilient Farming & Food Systems at Wageningen University and Research. The association can best be described as 'always flowering', therefore…plant science, science plant, science msccommittee, semper, study, career, association6
utrechtphdparty.nlLinge will be a member of the University Council starting September 2021 Linge Li is a PhD candidate from the Institute of Environmental Biology, Science faculty. She is a tomato researcher who studie...faculty science, science university, biology science, science faculty, social sciencecouncil, phd, candidate, faculty, academic6
harmoniceggtherapy.nlOur patented pod uses advanced energy therapy through colours, sounds, frequencies, vibrations, energy resonance, and acoustic science to promote optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and well-being at a cellular…acoustic science, science optimal, ancient science, science quantum, day scienceharmonic, egg, ellipse, session, therapy6
coebergh.nl…1979) never loses sight of the practical and feasible side of an assignment. She has a degree in Communication Science from the University of Amsterdam and made a lightning fast career at Coebergh, where she joined the management teamcommunication science, science university, information science, science amsterdam, apply sciencedegree, wonderful, cultural, voor, partnership6
erasmus-synclab.nlCitizen science project ‘Alle Scholen Verzamelen: Wij vinden!’ is nominated for a Klokhuis science award!open science, citizen science, science project, klokhuis science, science awardpublication, sync, youth, society, neuroscience6
pwc.nl…Business Financial sector Industrial manufacturing Insurers Investment management Pension sector Pharma & Life Sciences Private Equity Public Sector Real Estate Retail & consumer Start-ups and scale-ups Technology Telecom Transport &…life science, science privatetax, sustainability, assurance, transformation, topic6
wildfrontiers.nlHans Wolkers is founder of Wild Frontiers, a small company that produces text and images for magazines, companies and knowledge institutes. For a detailed overview of services, see Science Explained .industrial science, science photographysouth, georgia, namibia, coast, bird6
evoskepsis.nlThe objectives of Evoskepsis are the stimulation of the scientific debate over the tenability of the theory of evolution in its current formulation and the defense of science against misunderstanding and misuse.science religion, defense science, science misunderstanding, relation sciencereligion, variation, theory, evolution, publication6
emeriti-tueindhoven.nlHans Niemantsverdriet (Amsterdam 1951) studied Experimental Physics at the Free University (1978) and obtained his PhD in Technical Sciences from the Delft University of Technology (1983). In 1984 he received a ZWO Huygensfellowship, for…computer science, science leiden, technical science, science delftindustrial, committee, physics, biomedical, chemistry6
easyteeth.nl…gums strong and helps the body effectively mineralize the gums and the teeth in an alkaline environment. However, science shows: to ensure optimum effects, it is important to let the Xylitol touch the teeth and gums for at least 5-10…promise science, science xylitol, health science, science publication, science researchtooth, crystal, mouth, buy, toothbrush6
infomda2.nlMaterials for Applied Data Science profile course INFOMDA2 Battling the curse of dimensionality .data science, science profilepractical, answer, curse, slide, profile6
froukewiarda.nlFrouke Wiarda – frouke wiarda multidisciplinary projects with connections between science, technology, the arts, nature and culture. A broad movement in which art and its research questions can come to innovative solutions through…connection science, science technologyinnovative, connection, collaboration, broad, movement6
stress-nl.nl…included a series high-quality early-career pitches. Also, interaction was encouraged during our “speed dating for Science” lunch session and over a drink at the end of the day. Thanks to all participants that have contributed to this…speed science, science lunch, animal science, science society, life scienceresearcher, institute, force, neuroscience, annual6
geertlitjens.nlInterview with Wouter Bulten and myself on AI in medical imaging for popular science magazine Kijk, with a specific focus on our automated Gleason grading algorithm .radboud science, science award, popular science, science magazine, cover sciencecancer, prostate, grading, imaging, artificial6
g-netwerk.nl…this program, scientists look for new ways to use and store solar energy. The art project builds a bridge between science and society. Zaretsky challenges us to think about the possibilities of solar energy and the ethical side of it…art science, science autonomous, science notion, science interaction, life scienceinstallation, reformation, idfa, society, screen6
proefjeslab.nlProefjeslab (meaning Science Experiments Lab) is an interactive show where children can do science experiments. During the shows they experience everyday phenomena from physics, chemistry, and biology in an extraordinary way.age science, science experiment, proefjeslab science, child scienceinteractive, lab, extraordinary, everyday, physics6
nera.nl…of being a connector and is guided by its core values: groundbreaking, committed, reliable, and connecting. As a science funder, NWO facilitates excellent, curiosity-driven disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.humanity science, science location, life science, science pathway, technology sciencetransition, geothermal, fuel, scientific, society6
ucann.nlOUR AIMS University Colleges Academics Network Netherlands aims to create a knowledge platform, represent and advocate liberal arts and sciences and foster communication and collaboration.art science, science foster, science communicationacademic, liberal, collaboration, aim, foster6
nlspace.nl…Dutch space companies and institutions are recognised for delivering reliable technology and ground-breaking science. In addition, they develop satellite applications for everyday life on Earth. Thereby contributing to improved…space science, science research, ground science, science additionsatellite, agriculture, directory, mobility, climate6
theotheroption.nlArtificial Intelligence DJ that creates a mix from the individual components of 2 songs, as the final project of the Le Wagon Data Science bootcampdata science, science project, science teacher, science bootcampaccessible, python, grant, teacher, library6
pdi-ssh.nlPopulation Scale Network Analysis for Social Sciences and Humanities (POPNET-SSH) -A Digital Infrastructure and Research Communitysocial science, science humanityssh, infrastructure, analysis, economic, humanity6
pesthuys.nlWe are currently transforming the historical ‘Pesthuis’ (‘Plague House’ in Dutch) into The New Pesthuys. In its new form, the monumental building will have a very important function as the link between the city of Leiden and the Leiden…open science, science centre, bio science, science park, science innovationstay, membership, connection, plague, function6
dankerslab.nlEsmee de Korver will blog about Biomedical materials and chemistry for the KNAW Faces of Sciencearts science, science knaw, face science, science projectfebruary, successfully, thesis, phd, october6
rolfhut.nlOn this website I post blogs and news related to my work. If I do not own my own work, I will provide a link to it. Science related blogs on this site are aimed at a general audience. For my scientific publications, please follow me on…speaker science, science technology, link science, science blog, clearly sciencetowel, paper, scientific, academic, measurement6
de-bra.nlFormer treasurer of the Computer Science Foundation (Stichting voor Informatica) of the computer science deparment of the TU/e.computer science, science eindhoven, science department, web science, science bachelorbra, accordion, orchestra, conference, talk6
warekennis.nl…does IFLA , the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. In the Netherlands, the ministry of Education, Culture and Science commissioned a study on the matter in the preparation stage of a new public library law.culture science, science everybody, big science, science publisher, dutch sciencelibrary, lend, principle, law, negotiation6
freekhoogstede.nlI mainly train in the subjects of Data (engineering, analysis, science, visualisation), Python and Databases (SQL). Topics that are often part of that include extracting data from databases, APIs, files, and via (web)scraping…analysis science, science visualisation, master science, science focus, bachelor scienceanalysis, synthesis, chemistry, solve, python6
bramcappers.nlDutchdatabusters connects students and Industry in the field of Data Science. With out guidance students can kickstart their career in Industry while companies don't end up with just an academic report. Check out our website for more…data science, science artificial, science guidance, computer science, science departmentvisualization, analysis, visual, perspective, traffic6
allaboutparenting.nlAll About Parenting is one of the most active organizations in educating parents based on the latest research in the science of motivation. In the last 5 years, All About Parenting has organized over 2000 free seminars, conferences and…research science, science motivationparenting, parent, chapter, technique, episode6
spangenbergconsultants.nlDirk started consulting and training in 1989 with various companies. He completed two masters degrees; one on Social Sciences at Utrecht University and one on Organizational change at Amsterdam University. He has also undertaken a four…social science, science utrecht, apply science, science leidenleadership, study, degree, organizational, events6
valeo-ps.nlValeo basisschool/ primary school, small groups, tech & science, Nl & Eng, Eindhoventech science, science nlsubject, pace, parent, tuition, staff6
michelvanzelst.nlThank you for visiting my website and showing your interest. My name is Michel van Zelst and I am a Physical Chemist. This website is FYI (for your information) and it is about my favorite subject in Science and Technology: Physical…subject science, science technology, exact science, science difficultphysical, chemist, chemistry, subject, interest6
quantumsc.nlsoftware, by exploiting the counterintuitive effects of quantum mechanics, requires a unison of ideas from computer science, mathematics, and quantum physics. Large-scale efforts in the Netherlands and around the world are in progress to…science committee, computer science, science mathematicsquantum, committee, outreach, backbone, traffic6
illustra-coaching.nlCoach for creative minds in science, education and society. Authenticity, energy balance and personal leadership.mind science, science education, background science, alike science, science eduationbalance, authenticity, leadership, society, appointment6
kopla.nlWe help building your life science and high-tech business. From technological complexity to moving simplicity. Business development, strategy and marketing.life science, science high, science tooltechnological, simplicity, complexity, diagnostic, biotech6
snelliusdispuut.nlWelcome to the study association for students of MSc-education Geo-science and Remote sensing and Applied Earth Sciences at Delft University of Technologygeo science, science remote, earth science, science delftthesis, vacancy, internship, study, association6
pietervanprooijen.nl…The downer comments – mostly provided by experts – seem to read exactly like those on other popular but inspiring science books like Critical Mass and A new kind of Science . Recursive feedback – by explaining the range of scientific…draw science, science popular, social science, science mind, like scienceinspiration, dialogue, bias, memory, understand6
nigovernance.nlWe offer high quality PhD education on core- and cutting-edge themes in public administration and political science.political science, science netherlandsphd, conference, council, political, administration6
datarush.nlDatarush provides solutions in the field of data analyses, data science, business intelligence, with long term experience in the investment sectordata science, science businesspython, investment, analysis, intelligence, automation6
bryanwolters.nlYears of “in the trenches” experience as a powerlifting champion and a Master’s in Human Movement Sciences have provided me with a clear and unique perspective on strength training. Throughout the last decade, I have spent thousands of…movement science, science year, science clearstrength, trench, movement, apply, perspective6
hansfranken.nl– Chairman of the governmental Working committee Informati­on Technology and Law, to advise the Dutch ministers of Economic Affairs and of Education and Sciences (1994 – 2002)computer science, science universitylaw, chairman, council, editorial, function6
phosphoenix.nl…vision restoration. Previously, b y stimulating multiple electrodes, we demonstrated the production of artificially generated images in ground-breaking pre-clinical work, published in the top academic journal, Science ( Chen et al, 2020 ).science technology, vision science, science life, journal science, science cheninvestor, functional, pre, electrode, visual6
rutgerrauws.nlNature & Health: Research & Design, Mathematics A, Physics, Biology, Chemestry, English, Dutch, German, Compuer Science, Classical Cultural Education.computer science, science engineering, software science, science stream, compuer sciencedegree, teach, graphic, embed, contribution6
liviavdh.nlThe European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary.myth science, science musicetc, existence, separate, myth, vocabulary6
peterneijens.nlPeter Neijens is a distinguished academic in the Social Sciences. He graduated cum laude in Political Science from the University of Amsterdam and obtained a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the VU Amsterdam. His extensive career includes…communication science, science university, social science, science cum, political sciencehonorary, fellow, honor, publication, journal6
biplatform.nlMaarten Ketelaars Ketelaars (Nippur) (Nippur) over over Data Data Management, Management, AI AI en en Data Data Sciencedata science, science multi, science machineintelligence, enterprise, transformative, adept, sharp6
robertzwemmer.nlOur Universe SINCE about 200 years miracles have started happening on this planet, science has done a great job in terms of improving the living conditions of many. Since Darwins book it is thought God does not exist.planet science, science great, telescope science, science instituteplanet, universe, miracle, crop, circle6
shaevitality.nlLearn more about our company, sciences used in our services and experiences of our clients.company science, science servicevitality, precision, potential, goodbye, leader6
farmhack.nlAn example is the Ag Tech Safari to San Fransisco that we organised in partnership with the NOST (the Netherlands Office for Science and Technology) in 2015.office science, science technology, life science, science hack, science hackathonfarmer, farm, agriculture, movie, consumer6
chiaro.nlStrategic storytelling for Health & Life Sciences: get funded, grow a successful business, and make the world a healthier placelife science, science successful, science sectorsuccessful, healthy, strategic, resource, funding6
mpi.nlThe Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics is a world-leading research institute devoted to interdisciplinary studies of the science of language and communication, including departments on genetics, psychology, development…study science, science language, natural science, science life, life scienceinstitute, mpi, planck, psycholinguistic, department6
psychonomie.nlThe Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. The Language in Interaction research consortium, which is sponsored by a large grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific research (NWO), brings…cognitive science, science cognitive, computer science, science mathematics, language sciencecognitive, position, brain, interaction, leave6
gaia-netwerk.nlGAIA provides women with a background, career or interest in Earth Sciences with the opportunity to meet and extend their network.earth science, science opportunitywoman, earth, archive, membership, career6
rsanederland.nlThe Regional Science Association Nederland (RSA-NL) is a Dutch-speaking organisation involved in the studies of, and policies for urban and regional … »regional science, science associationregional, urban, economic, association, lecture6
dacim.nlDutch Academic Center for Insurance Medicine | Where medical science meets insurancemedical science, science insuranceinsurance, medicine, academic, scientific, recently6
erasmussummerprogramme.nlIn 1990, the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) in cooperation with University Medical Center Rotterdam (Erasmus MC) initiated the international renowned Erasmus Summer Programme (ESP). Today, the programme is brought to…health science, science nihes, science programmephd, programme, institute, academic, overview6
adriaandevos.nlAdriaan de Vos. Student Computer Science TU Delft. Personal information and random experiments!computer science, science tu, nature science, science economyemployment, random, responsible, january, million6
morinsights.nlFreelance Business intelligence and data analysis specialist. We analyze data from your processes, using the newest data science and business intelligence approaches: e.g. clustering, Natural Language Processing (NLP), process mining, and…data science, science businessanalysis, intelligence, mining, engagement, processing6
centerdata.nlWe aim to be your partner of choice in the national and international field of science and government for innovative data collection, information systems for research data and applied socio-economic policy research.data science, science big, field science, science governmentbehavior, survey, income, consumer, digitization6
precisiebeurs.nlThe Precision Fair is the trade fair for the precision technology value chain. More than 350 exhibitors, Congress, Big Science and Young Talent program. Do not miss it!big science, science young, education science, science knowledge, university scienceprecision, trade, chain, entire, exhibitor6
infomdwr.nlThis webpage contains all materials required for the Applied Data Science course INFOMDWR.data science, science courseanalysis, apply, extraction, preparation, mining6
daisyermers.nlSummer 2013, I received my Bachelors degree in Biomedical Sciences. In 2018, I graduated in Medical Sciences at the Radboud University and received my Master of Science (MSc.) degree. From January 2019 until July 2019 I worked as an…biomedical science, science medical, medical science, science radboud, master sciencephd, candidate, doctor, palliative, department6
ceseps.nlGercek, C., Schram, W., Lampropoulos, I., van Sark, W. & Reinders, A. A Comparison of Households’ Energy Balance in Residential Smart Grid Pilots in the Netherlands. Applied Sciences 9, 2993 (2019).apply science, science specialgrid, austrian, stakeholder, demand, institute6
sacommunique.nlCommuniqué is the study association for Communication Science students at the University of Twente in Enschede, where members can further develop themselves besides their study.communication science, science student, science bachelor, science programstudy, association, career, committee, mental6
medtechtwenteweek.nlCitizen Science and the involvement of patients in health research have a huge potential to contribute to innovative health research as well as to society.citizen science, science health, science involvementmedtech, october, citizen, dinner, exchange6
bekwast.nlThe science behind the perfect grill marks with a fire majjc grill. Cleaning and maintaining your fire majjc grill. Fire majjc grill instructions. Grilling like a pro: advanced techniques with a fire majjc grillgeo science, science magicmagic, witch, magical, curse, pagan6
cwtsbv.nlCWTS B.V. (Centre for Science and Technology Studies) is an independent contract research organization that provides high-quality research performance and evaluation studies.​centre science, science technology, social science, science researchcwt, evaluation, evidence, independent, engage6
devriesnutritionsolutions.nlIn addition, I chair the Foundation Nutrition in Transition that unites nutrition scientists with other relevant science disciplines organizing discussions to improve the capability and credibility of nutrition science in the future. As a…sound science, science nutrition, relevant science, science discipline, nutrition sciencenutrition, committee, ethical, study, systematic6
vanmansvelt.nl…types of agriculture: examples from organic agriculture in Europe. In: Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences. Special issue “New strategies for sustainable rural development I”, Gödölló 1994-1995. József Angyán, J. Kiss…goetheanum science, science section, agricultural science, science present, science hungarylandscape, agriculture, council, agricultural, guest6
scicom.nlSciCom NL is an association for everyone who communicates about science & technology - and those that would like to. We bring members together to exchange knowledge, experience and expertise. Come join our activities and get involved!association science, science technology, deep science, science communicationassociation, career, conference, excursion, connection6
analyticalpha.nl…and rhetorics. Analytic Alpha was initially awarded a grant by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (LOF subsidie 2019-2020). Now, we are the Creative Diamond Collective of Intercultural English Language Teachers…computer science, science course, science communication, culture science, science lofliteracy, cultural, analytic, competence, cefr6
nicolebakker.nlHi, I’m Nicole Bakker. Design engineer, materials researcher, entrepreneur, author and educator. I help your organization to success in the circular economy through science and entrepreneurship. My mission is to accelerate this global…economy science, science entrepreneurship, technology science, science engineering, science technologycircular, economy, entrepreneurship, sustainability, holistic6
nederlandwordtduurzaam.nlNederland Wordt Duurzaam (English: Sustainable Netherlands) is a Dutch Start Up from Rotterdam that utilises Data Science techniques to help the energy transition in the Netherlands. We bring together demand and supply for sustainable…data science, science techniquetransition, base, advanced, algorithm, supply5
codon.nlWelcome to CODON Study Association of Biotechnology, Biobased sciences & Bioinformatics Become a member Activities CODON organises many activities for its members, like dinners, movienights and much more. Click the link below to see…biobased science, science bioinformaticsassociation, biotechnology, study, committee, vacancy5
timenolthof.nlT. Olthof . Dynamic Graphics in Serious Games . Master thesis in Computer Science, supervised by prof. dr. A. EliГ«ns, 2010.computer science, science study, science use, science prof, science dynamicthesis, min, philosophy, publication, graphic5
somnoblue.nlThis science-based method leads to a more stable and healthier sleep-wake rhythm. This enables you to wake up feeling more refreshed and energized. It results in higher daytime performance and a better mood.science videosleep, glass, shift, quickly, wishlist5
tiesvandewerff.nlSuper honored and happy to finally share that on September 1st I will start as lector (professor UAS) in artistic research, at the research center What Art Knows at the Maastricht Institute of Arts at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences!…social science, science research, philosophy science, science technologypublication, artistic, engagement, uas, chapter5
jantsje.nlJantsje M Mol , Catherine Molho (2024). Information about changes in platform economy taxation diminishes optimism regarding future use . Journal of the Economic Science Association .economic science, science association, psychological science, science responsibleeconomic, preparedness, risk, flood, economy5
covid-19rehab.nlThe initiators of this website want to connect science, industry and healthcare , with the conviction that this will create the best rehabilitation for Covid-19 patients . After a severe course of the Covid-19 virus with survival as a…website science, science industry, innovation science, science healthcare, connection sciencerehabilitation, patient, consent, recovery, doctor5
joostvankasteren.nlSurveys show time and time again that people have great trust in science and technology and its practitioners. According to a special Eurobarometer no less than almost 80 per cent of the European people think [...]paradox science, science communication, trust science, science technology, future scienceagriculture, doubt, alternative, fertiliser, africa5
acba.nlOrganisations require people who are equipped with a particular set of analytical skills and who also understand business and technology. ACBA offers a post-graduate program "Data Science" that provides its students with these skills…faculty science, science vu, computer science, science high, data scienceinventory, analysis, keyword, optimal, survey5
zapateros.nl…Besides analyzing data, developing models and prototypes, a large part of the job was to create a consensus about the usability of data science in the organization. In a way I was as much an advocate for data science as a data scientist.data science, science business, science organization, science data, science solutionrandom, physics, scientist, immigration, analysis5
vwi-netwerk.nl…around 350 members. In this Network we aim to stimulate the professional development and personal growth of our members. The Network connects the strength of women, with a BSc, MSc or PhD degree, who feel committed to the life sciences.gender science, life science, science vwi, science agriculturewoman, volunteer, phd, commit, degree5
inforca.nlInforca delivers high-quality exam preparation for difficult courses of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence bachelor programme at Maastricht University. If you want to ensure that you will pass your exams and do not want to waste…data science, science artificialexam, preparation, artificial, intelligence, tutoring5
jpthijsse.nl…cities such as Amsterdam, Alkmaar and Haarlem. Jac. P. Thijsse offers education at different levels: pre-applied sciences and pre-university. Though it is a large school, about 2,000 students aged 11-18, the atmosphere is excellent. Jac.apply science, science pre, chinese science, science artpre, apply, foreign, visitor, description5
codehive.nlFound a very good job at a data science company with the help of CodeHive. I can recommend them.data science, science development, science companyambitious, exceptional, career, base, study5
jhellings.nlPreviously, I was a Postdoc Scholar in the Exploratory Systems Lab at the Computer Science Department of the University of California, Davis , 🇺🇸, where I worked on scalable resilient distributed data processing under the supervision of…computer science, science department, science research, science engineering, science examplequery, resilient, fault, thesis, finally5
quantumdevices.nl…came out. Up to 2.4 seconds! Great team work with lead by Carmem Gilardoni (in photo) and Tom Bosma also gave the physics that explains it. Open-access link to the publication ( doi ) and associated popular science writing ( link ).faculty science, science engineering, star science, science khmw, woman sciencequantum, device, phd, physics, lab5
tdhi.nlWe’re happy to help you with all questions relating data strategy, architecture, implementation of web analytics and dashboarding tools as well as data analysis and data science questions.data science, science track, science sparring, science question, computer scienceintelligence, analysis, spark, integration, implementation5
scientificstorytelling.nlThe workshops combine techniques from theater sports with science communication. Theatre sports is a form of improvisational theater in which actors create a story on stage with suggestions from the audience. During the workshops, you…researcher science, science communicator, theatre science, science communication, sport sciencescientific, exciting, useful, researcher, angle5
dorotheahilhorst.nlI am a professor of humanitarian studies at the International Institute for Social Studies of Erasmus University in The Hague. In 2022, I was awarded the Spinoza Prize, one of the most notable Dutch awards in science. From this award, I…award science, science awardhumanitarian, currently, study, hague, prize5
pstek.nl…Linux Malaysia media media analysis mutual fund network networks policy quanteda R R-Conference reading group RSS rvest science scientometrics scraping Singapore software South Korea SSL stopwords survey text analysis trade word cloudinterest science, science technology, geography science, social science, science researchcarbon, malaysia, trade, discussion, publication5
netwerkuspinclusief.nl…awareness among employees? Or do you want to bring the employee network to the attention of influential parties within your organisation ? Team up with us and share your knowledge to increase the inclusion in the Utrecht Science Park.utrecht science, science park, apply science, science brainambassador, brain, employee, icon, workplace5
opleidingscommissies.nlAll Political Science students and teachers are welcome to attend the JOOP, the annual consultation for political science education. The OC organises the JOOP with the goal to initiate a debate about education on the basis of certain…apply science, science fontys, political science, science student, science educationprogramme, committee, organisational, involvement, influence5
vondelfontein.nlSo back to your idea. Don’t only think about your idea. Bring it to life. Practice. Do not let fear of failure stop you from creating science facts instead of settling for science fiction. You are the battery cell that drives our…idea science, science fiction, fiction science, science fact, failure scienceenthusiasm, breathe, visual, edge, slight5
reprovision.nlReproVision is a consultancy in clinical development, regulatory affairs and marketing, specialized in contraceptive products. Working from Oss, The Netherlands, ReproVision is close to the Life Science Park Oss, where many innovative…life science, science parkclinical, innovative, regulatory, affairs, contraceptive5
iventus.nlIventus is a company specialised in developing and organising business & research meetings in the life sciences, health care and agro-food sectors.life science, science health, science conferenceconference, crop, chamber, commerce, upcoming5
dominiquebeckers.nl…consumer health and healthy eating behaviour. Through a multidisciplinary learning approach, students will be prepared to help transfer health science aspects into sound new product and marketing concepts. ¨ Source: Maastricht Universityhealth science, science aspect, biomedical science, science specialization, life sciencemolecular, advisor, resume, present, prepare5
kissthefrog.nlKiss the Frog is a digital design agency specialised in interactive visitor journeys for museums, science centres and corporate experiences.museum science, science centre, science technologyfrog, interactive, visitor, brick, olympic5
samtenthij.nlas weakened by the industrial revolution. In response, bodybuilding emerged as a sport initially seen as a rigorous science, aiming for a male physique inspired by ancient Gods. Gyms were dubbed 'institutes of physical science', treating…rigorous science, science male, physical science, science photographperfection, spectacle, limit, bodily, physical5
acnetwork.nlWe represent Chemistry for sustainability and Chemistry for life sciences business in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam. Our mission is to stimulate and facilitate Innovation by connecting professionals.life science, science business, perspective science, science entrepreneurshipchemistry, catalyst, metropolitan, region, sustainability5
dietistleiden.nlEverdien van der Leek is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master Degree in Nutrition and Health. Everdien translates the Science of Nutrition into very practical everyday information about food. Over the past years, she had…everdien science, science nut, science nutrition, physicaltherapy sciencedietitian, nutrition, nutritionist, der, degree5
iss.nlThe International Institute of Social Studies is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science: MA, PhD and research.social science, science maphd, programme, institute, funding, scholarship5
digitalscholarshipleiden.nlThe Centre for Digital Scholarship has been involved in project that aimed to explore the various ways in which digital heritage collections can be analysed using data science methods.open science, science vision, science choice, data science, science methodscholarship, publish, contributor, librarian, scholarly5
martijnvanotterlo.nlParticipating in the Digital Society Conference , research and education workshops on responsible data sciencecomputer science, science ai, science guest, european science, science foundationconference, intelligence, artificial, ethics, paper5
intermate.nlIntermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.innovation science, science majorassociation, study, psychology, interaction, career5
stowa.nl…is to develop, collect, distribute and implement applied knowledge, essential for an effective and efficient water management. Topics of expertise range from applied technical, scientific to administrative-legal, health and social science.apply, regional, authority, topic, efficient5
hfsracing.nlWe are a team of engineering students from HAN University of Applied Sciences, driven by our goal to design, build, and race a high-performance electric vehicle. We are aiming to compete in FSN 2024.apply science, science goal, science arnhemformula, apply, vehicle, electric, fullsize5
nwonac.nl…programme includes talks and table discussions, during a 3-course dinner. The entire evening is organised by NWO and the Round Table Earth and Environmental Sciences, therefore no preparation is needed for those attending the evening.environmental science, science remit, domain science, science event, science preparationprogramme, nwo, registration, evening, strategic5
profiel-asl.nlEuropean Studies, International Business, Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Hotel Management Schooldata science, science artificialstudy, entrance, career, artificial, apply5
mickdepeinder.nlI am a young software engineer specialised in information security. I graduated and achieved my BsC in Software Engineering at the Avans University of Applied Sciences, after which I started pursuing my MsC in Cyber Security at the…apply science, science msccertification, period, apply5
cuperusconnect.nlRecruitment specialist in LifeScience and Healthcare industry Welcome to the site of Cuperus Connect, Executive Search in the Life Science and Healthcarelife science, science healthcareconnect, healthcare, executive, candidate, vacancy5
ilonawilmont.nlI work with qualitative research methods and conceptual models to achieve in-depth insights in patient experiences. I am interested in human-computer interaction, citizen science, consumer health technology, usability of data collection…citizen science, science methodological, science consumer, information science, science masterphd, publication, patient, methodology, researcher5
demmyonink.nlI’m Demmy Onink, a freelance product designer from Amsterdam. I use behavioural science to design products that help people meet their goals and improve their lives. Recently, I’ve helped people choose the right car, make better financial…behavioural science, science productbehavioural, properly, recently, decision, garbage5
bfc.nlBFC is a boutique consultancy company specialized in Quality, Regulatory and PharmacoVigilance services in the Life Sciences industry.life science, science industryaffairs, regulatory, healthcare, pharmaceutical, introduction5
video-landscape.nlIn 2014 Mediabrands Marketing Sciences initiated a research study to report a full overview of trends in online video and TV consumption in The Netherlands. The report is based on data gathered by SKO, GfK Cross Media Link, Trends in…marketing science, science ipg, data science, science experience, science researchdevice, landscape, channel, graph, panel5
getinpoleposition.nlYes, however, we focus on specific themes to create added value among peers and address similar challenges. The sixth theme will be focused on Life Sciences & Health.life science, science health, science scale, science biotechpole, position, founder, programme, deeptech5
collectivefutures.nl…fields, such as researchers, public organizations and social enterprises. You will work on a societal challenge, combining methods from science, systems thinking, social innovation and consulting. This takes about half of your time.method science, science system, amsterdam science, science parkcollective, career, societal, perspective, meaningful5
teachersguidegsls.nlOn this page you will find the primary contacts for GSLS students. Are you looking for someone else from the school? Like our school staff or Life Sciences Representatives ? Take a look at the organisation page .life science, science representativeguide, graduate, teacher, internship, assignment5
tristanscholten.nlAn second-year IT Student at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, specializing in Infrastructure Design and Security.apply science, science infrastructureinfrastructure, apply, publication, stakeholder, fictional5
geocap.nlThis is the home page of the GEOCAP project, a public-private-partnership in geothermal capacity development between partners in Indonesia and the Netherlands. The overall coordination of the consortium is done by the Faculty of…information science, science earth, open science, science daygeothermal, indonesia, capacity, itc, faculty5
krasowski.nl…services in credit risk (risk modelling, regulatory capital and risk management in general), data analytics (predictive modeling, data processing, data process automation) and computer science (software, website and dashboard development).data science, science consultancy, computer science, science software, science mscconsulting, risk, poland, derivative5
toekomstvanonderwijsenwetenschap.nlThe exploration focuses on secondary vocational education (MBO), higher education (HO) and science in the Netherlands. The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science aims to develop a vision for these forms of education and research…education science, science netherlands, science country, ho science, culture sciencesecondary, vocational, exploration, report, final5
holland-innovative.nlOpen enrolment and in-company training courses within Project Management, Product & Process Development, Reliability Engineering, Data Science and MedTech.data science, science medtechinnovative, reliability, device, medtech, career5
bioimaging-utrecht.nlIt is a platform for exchanging expertise and methodologies, and for creating access to the advanced microscopy techniques for the life science community in Utrecht. Through visualizing cells, subcellular structures, biological molecules…pharmaceutical science, science uips, life science, science communitycontest, microscopy, seasonal, winner, imaging5
harmmanders.nlI'm a 31 year old full-stack webdeveloper & software engineer , with a Bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence and a Master's degree in Data Science , with 9 years of relevant work experience (both behind a laptop and behind a bar).data science, science web, science year, science master, science degreesit, amet, consectetur, dolor, ipsum5
peterbarthel.nl…Astronomical Society, RNAS . Besides his scientific work, he has also made many contributions in the areas of science communication and education, of which the various posts below testify. Peter Barthel formally retired at the end ofscience communication, area science, jaarprijs science, relation science, science religionfebruary, astronomical, mural, photograph, animation5
ericpostma.nlEric Postma is a full professor in Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University and Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS).data science, science jads, cognitive science, science ai, science hertogenboschartificial, intelligence, researcher, pattern, algorithm5
jaccotaal.nlRead writing from Jacco Taal on Medium. I am a entrepreneur, CTO, DevOps, programming enthusiast and father. I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.computer science, science delftentrepreneur, programming, devops, enthusiast, father5
archonline.nlFund┋it collects and presents on a single website all research grants and fellowships (post-PhD) available for scholars in the social sciences and humanities in France.open science, science award, governance science, science platform, social sciencearchon, phd, conference, archaeology, academic5
z-vs.nl…lawyers are a legal and strategic sparring partner for entrepreneurs and HR professionals, including those active in biotech and life sciences, healthcare, media and advertising, ICT, automotive, business services, infrastructurelife science, science healthcarelawyer, law, labour, employee, employment5
cleanmobilityhva.nlCleanMobility is the collective name for the energy efficient vehicles built by students of the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam.apply science, science amsterdamefficient, vehicle, collective, apply5
neonresearch.nlThe NEON Research program is an interdisciplinary program Lighting the way to zero emission energy and mobility using an innovation science approachinnovation science, science approach, social science, science humanitytransition, mobility, emission, integral, societal5
developmentmatters.nlWe believe that open science is important in improving science quality. Therefore, we make our protocols accessible to other researchers.open science, science important, important science, science quality, impact sciencestudy, matter, publication, researcher, behavior5
hermanslatman.nlHome page of Herman Slatman, Master student Computer Science, specialization in Computer Security (Kerckhoffs Institute), University of Twentecomputer science, science specialization, science universityinstitute, specialization, profile, entrepreneur, currently5
myrtheboymans.nlHome Scientific illustration is a combination of medical science, art skills and passion. As a passionate scientific illustrator, with a Master degree I offer a different view on images used for medical (educational) resources.medical science, science artscientific, illustration, combination, resource, educational5
marijuana-seeds.nlStruggling with sleep? The right Indica strains might be your ticket to dreamland. From the science behind THC and CBD's sedative effects, to identifying the most sleep-inducing...science fact, dreamland science, science thcseed, strain, feminized, flower, marijuana5
ghysels.nlGhysels has ongoing assignments available in the R&D – Industrialization environments in the field of project and program management within the sectors: Manufacturing & Production, Automotive, Research & Development, Pharma & Life…life science, science aerospace, science pharmamanufacture, vacancy, branch, industrialization, semicon5
iliascv.nlDuring my time at school, I gained a solid foundation in a variety of subjects, from mathematics and science to literature and history. I also developed critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze complex problems, as well as…computer science, science student, science hogeschool, science mbo, mathematics scienceprogramming, ability, scalable, robust, expectations5
gerthekma.nlGert Hekma (24-09-1951 † 19-04-2022) was a Dutch anthropologist and sociologist, known for his research and publications, and public statements about (homo)sexuality. He taught gay and lesbian studies at the Faculty of Social and…behavioral science, science universitypublication, archive, faculty, sociologist, behavioral5
reprex.nlAlgorithms data-as-service Digital Music Observatory ESG Eviota ImpactCity Listen Local Metadata Music MusicAIRE open-data open-science OpenMusE R Reprex Reproducible research Slovakia SurveyHarmonies Surveys Trustworthy AIdata science, science use, open science, science data, science repositoryobservatory, report, cultural, analysis, slovak5
noncommutativegeometry.nl…gravitational waves (with links to both current and future detection technology such as the Einstein Telescope), and quantum gravity. Women and members of other groups underrepresented in science are especially encouraged to apply.philosopher science, science historian, historian science, science partner, institute sciencegeometry, leave, reply, physics, mathematical5
zoeversteeg.nlClient: Amsterdam Science Park | Concept, Visual design, layout, Art direction & infographic | Photography: Stefan Pickeeamsterdam science, science park, fun science, science conceptvisual, direction, association, shape, overall5
maastrichtinstruments.nlMaastricht Instruments BV is a specialized high-tech company providing high demanding customers with innovative technical solutions in the field of life sciences ...life science, science medicalinnovative, specialize, physical, clinical, incubator5
janhupkens.nl…work as a senior policy advisor at the department of Academic Affairs at Maastricht University (UM) in the Netherlands. I am passionate about education, languages and politics. I hold a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from…social science, science universityaffairs, politics, academic, advisor, department5
networkpages.nlMathematics, ans science in general, is the work of people with dreams, feelings, opinions, and weaknesses. Their personal stories and ideas are equally important and interesting as their discoveries.science illustration, ans science, science generalmath, algorithm, decision, interest, connect5
leonvanwissen.nlI am a Data Engineer at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) for the Golden Agents project, GLOBALISE , CREATE , and the Data Science Centre . I work with historical databases and linked data.data science, science centre, hollywood science, science art, art sciencearchival, publication, cite, reconstruction, resource5
dantalion.nlA Computer Science & Electrical Engineering blog full of adventures ranging from RISC-V to restoring historical measurement equipment.computer science, science electricalrisc, min, device, introduction, electronic5
revisited-via-appia.nlART AND SCIENCE TOGETHER ON THE ROAD Artists, Archaeologists, Data Specialists and Audiovisual Experts have joined forces in this multimedia project. The famous Via Appia Antica has been re-imagined in an interactive exhibition and in an…art science, science roadroad, exhibition, famous, ancient, audiovisual5
gtanalytics.nlGreen Turtle provides digital solutions to turn your ideas and questions into reality and clear answers. Digital solutions mean we both develop apps and provide data science solutions to improve your status quo. Green Turtle has a keen…data science, science solution, science toolboxturtle, medicine, scientist, healthcare, improvement5
sustainabilityweek.nlSustainability Week is a week full of fun and educational events that inspire and encourage to embrace sustainability. This week is being organized by ROC van Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences and University of Twente.apply science, science universitysustainability, events, apply, staff, educational5
havanasyndrome.nlExperts, including the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the US intelligence community Experts Panel concluded that the (most likely) cause is 'pulsed Radio Frequency energy,' in other words a Directed Energy…neuro science, science weaponization, neurocognitive science, science video, academies scienceweapon, syndrome, microwave, attack, symptom5
siriusenschede.nlSirius is a study association for the bachelor studies Management, Society & Technology, Public Governance across Borders and Gezondheidswetenschappen and the master studies Public Administration, European Studies, and Health Sciences at…health science, science universityassociation, study, committee, society, administration5
novemberland.nlNovemberland Rare Books (Antiquariaat Novemberland) is specialized in buying and selling rare books dated prior to 1850 with emphasis on: Architecture, Art, Natural History, Travel & Voyages, Topography and Science. In addition, we…topography science, science additionarchitecture, prior, emphasis, specialize, catalogue5
liscensed.nlLiScensEd – Life Sciences Education offers several one-day interactive modules a year. These modules address several relevant processes, including: aseptic production and formulation; registration of medicinal products; packaging and…life science, science educationvisitor, medicinal, registration, voor, distribution5
hoezoshow.nlOne of the aims of the project is to train PhD candidates in outreach skills. Outreach is an important aspect of science, but formal training is often not available. As part of the project, PhD candidates complete a two-day training. The…easily science, science communication, aspect science, science formal, child sciencephd, candidate, average, answer, improv5
brainpalette.nlBrain Palette is a research, training, and consulting agency that provides (neuro) behavioural expertise and psychological insights into how the brain works, innovation, creativity and health science.palette science, science psychologicalbrain, palette, psychology, psychological, behavioural5
birdscientificwriting.nlExperienced science writer and copy editor in nutrition, food science, biotechnology and agriculture.experience science, science writer, food science, science biotechnology, science agriculturescientific, bird, write, copy, assistance5
marianblogt.nl…group of people, to save a larger group, than people with normal brain function. It goes too far to explain the science completely here, but in short, according to Greene we have methods in our brains to make decisions very quickly…field science, science phineas, far science, science completely, fact scienceemotion, moral, difficult, truth, society5
verenigingnlt.nlThe general aims of NLT are to make science and mathematics education more attractive and challenging by offering students insight into new – often interdisciplinary - developments in science and technology and to create coherence in…nlt science, science mathematics, development science, science technology, coherence sciencehero, subject, molecular, gastronomy, programme5
cyclotron.nlBV Cyclotron VU, a global health science company that produces radiopharmaceuticals and radiochemicals for medical diagnostics and researchhealth science, science companyclinical, diagnostic, isotope, imaging, manual5
chi2create.nlLooking for an transformation coach who combines Eastern wisdom with Western science? Regain your balance for an abundance life.western science, science balance, science awaretransformation, integral, abundance, eastern, western5
metaboloog.nlGenes do not determine your fate! This website is written for patients, doctors and therapists. I take you into the world of metabolic medicine based on genetics and epi-genetics. I made the choice for a website because the science of…website science, science epimetabolic, nutrition, phase, genetic, kill5
m-unlock.nl…due to the introduction of novel quantitative measurement methods and improved experimental design. Unlock offers this opportunity now to Microbial Ecology: further facilitating its development from a descriptive to a predictive science.”agency science, science research, life science, science system, chief scienceunlock, microbial, facility, potential, infrastructure5
facultyofimpact.nlWe are the Faculty of Impact of the Netherlands. Our work: turn science into impact. We do that by supporting promising researchers of Dutch research institutes with a two year fellowship. Two years to turn breakthrough research into a…work science, science impactfaculty, researcher, institute, promise, fellowship5
thermo-staat.nl…join forces with scientists from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, investigative journalists from the VPRO and experts from Waag Futurelab. Together, we investigate the consequencesapply science, science investigative, citizen science, science way, science participationhet, heat, citizen, scientist, apply5
hielkewalinga.nlAs a bioinformatician I try to understand the chaotic and unstructured nature of life with something we have much more control over: computers. With a formal education in both Biology and Computer Science I can make the bridge between…computer science, science bridge, science statistics, data science, science bioinformaticsaspire, biology, cellular, genetic, statistics5
hugojanssen.nlData Science is the extraction of knowledge and actionable insights from large volumes of structured and unstructured data.data science, science extraction, computer science, science universityblock, raw, suitable, implementation, headline5
enhancerproject.nlWe are a team of professionals with over 50 years of collective experiences in the fields of Education, System Rationalization, Information & Communications Technologies, Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, Global Health Process – Life…apply science, science auas, life science, science business, science germanyenhancer, educational, entrepreneurial, competency, deer5
wimbouwman.nlWim Bouwman presented at the EFFoST International Conference, Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Centruy - Research to Progress Society in Sitges a talk on what Neutron Scattering can do for Food Science. There was a…experimental science, science instrument, food science, science good, conference scienceneutron, angle, structure, polymer, matter5
bison-powered.nl…tools they need to support, further develop and market innovative ideas in the field of Water Technology and Life Sciences. Examples of tools are innovative collaboration programs, research facilities, financial instruments and knowledge…life science, science exampleentrepreneur, table, facility, sme, innovative5
martlubbers.nlCrooijmans, S., Lubbers, M., Koopman, P. (2022). Reducing the Power Consumption of IoT with Task-Oriented Programming. In: Swierstra, W., Wu, N. (eds) Trends in Functional Programming. TFP 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol…computer science, science vol, computing science, science footballer, software scienceprogramming, task, oriented, till, thesis5
ddp.nlDownload Disc Pump Brochure The Lee Company's new range of piezoelectric micropumps offered by DenisDePloeg is enabling innovation across sectors from medical and life sciences to environmental and industrial. The micropumps deliver…life science, science environmentalhydraulic, fluid, industrial, miniature, supplier5
bryanaaldering.nlStudent representative for medical students (Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry & Molecular Mechanisms of Disease) and student member of the board of executives of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center.medical science, science main, biomedical science, science september, science dentistryexecutive, august, biomedical, department, council5
waltersbookshop.nlIndependent international bookshop just around the corner of the University building & library With a selection of Fiction | Poetry | (Social) Sciences | Gender studies | Graphic Design | History | Nature | Postcards | Posters | Notebooks…social science, science genderbookshop, currently, library, corner, fiction5
food4smiles.nlFood4Smiles is a unique project that focuses on a healthy start for every child. It combines research, practice, and policy and is a collaboration between Amsterdam Nieuw-West, VU University Amsterdam (Department of Health Sciences), Fred…system science, health science, science fredhealthy, parent, father, broad, growth5
caribbeanresearch.nlExploratory report advises to strengthen science on the Caribbean islands with scientific network organizationreport science, science caribbean, question science, science communitycaribbean, survey, programme, researcher, scientific5
thebusinessoffun.nlaccommodations / attractions / Breda University of applied sciences / speaker / The Business of Fun / theme park / theme parks / trends / zooapply science, science speaker, science coronaattraction, tourism, founder, apply, accommodation5
studiovrijdag.nlFor Science in the City we developed an interactive identity. With some help of our … Morescience city, science technologycampaign, typography, publication, illustration, packaging5
nicas-research.nlThe NICAS Project Day is an afternoon filled with presentations and discussions on conservation, art and science. This year’s edition takes place at the TU Delft.data science, culture science, science state, art science, science yearinstitute, funding, colloquium, conservation, biography5
road2results.nl…your commercial teams to be effective and efficient. We have offices in Amsterdam and Munich where our 20+ professionals work for our customers in healthcare, pharma, medical devices, life science, bio technology, crop innovation and IT.life science, science bioroad, implementation, transformation, advanced, device5
janjetze.nlSince I started to learn Python back in 2015, I’ve been passionate for programming. This made me graduate Cum Laude for the master Data Science in July 2018. Since then I have published a scientific paper, teached Machine Learning classes…data science, science july, science different, science able, science thesisscientist, programming, python, career, july5
mcw.nlThe Hong Kong Science Museum, with interactive exhibitions designed by MCW, shares inspiring solutions to create a sustainable future together.kong science, science museumanimation, exhibition, interactive, visitor, motion5
asmstudentfestival.nlHAN University of Applied Sciences, Artez, Van Hall Larenstein and Rijn IJssel are joining forces with the Municipality of Arnhem and ASM Festival, to organize the biggest student festival in Arnhem. And you can attend for free! An…apply science, science artezhall, municipality, apply, collaboration, nog5
feelgoodhaptonomie.nlHaptonomy is the science of feelings. It’s about getting more in contact with oneself and becoming aware of what is happening around you and how this influences you. The objective is to become more aware of yourself and gain more balance…haptonomy science, science feelingfeel, therapy, aware, feeling, oneself5
jellewouters.nlAs Chairman of the Information Sciences Symposium, I oversaw a team of six people whom organised a symposium for all Information Science Students of Utrecht University. With speakers as Hans de Zwart from Bits of Freedom and Peter Joosten…information science, science bsc, science link, science symposium, science studentpresent, volunteer, responsible, task, study5
willemdekoster.nl…and Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, co-founder and director of the Erasmus Institute on Culture and Stratification , and member of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities and Young Erasmus Academy .social science, science humanity, behavioural science, science coursecultural, sociologist, sociology, phd, administration5
betastuf.nlWhat is Betastuf? The Bèta Student Federation (Bètastuf) is the overarching organization for student representation at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen. Our overarching goal […]school science, science engineering, faculty sciencefaculty, initiative, programme, fse, representation5
adng.nlFrom old pictures to interviews with professors: everything about the history of Dutch psychology, pedagogy, and educational sciences are in the archives of ADNG. This foundation aims to preserve and make accessible this heritage together…educational science, science vier, science netherlands, science archivearchive, oral, publication, psychology, educational5
rawexperts.nlR@W experts drive personal growth and foster agile leadership with science based tools & programs. We integrate the fields of health science, lifestyle, HRV heart coherence and positive psychology with proven methods. With our programs…leadership science, science tool, health science, science lifestyleresilience, coherence, resilient, raw, leader5
dlfsymposium.nlThe De Leidsche Flesch symposium is an initiative of De Leidsche Flesch, the study association for physics, astronomy, mathematics and computer science at Leiden University. The association organises a lot of activities for students…computer science, science wetenschapsdagje, time science, science leiden, field sciencemathematics, astronomy, physics, association, venue5
planeetonderzoeker.nl…study of landscape processes that shape our Earth, using knowledge from fields such as physical geography , soil science and of course geomorphology . My passion for landscapes does not stop at the physical limits of the Earth’s…soil science, science course, passionate science, science outreachand, planetary scienceplanet, geoscience, outreach, planetary, interest5
hakunamatata.nlHakuna Matata, science & media improves communication between research and society bymatata science, science medium, interactive science, science communicationresearcher, academic, interactive, society, collaboration5
futureofleisure.nlWe hope to see you Wednesday 22 March 2023 @Breda University of Applied Sciences for this full-day programme!apply science, science dayprogramme, apply, inclusion, sustainability, wednesday5
physikinstrumente.nlPositioning precisely is critical for success. Be it in industrial automation, microscopy & life sciences, semiconductor technology or photonics: Motion and positioning systems with resolutions and repeatabilities from the micro-, through…life science, science semiconductoractuator, motion, linear, manufacture, precision5
erasmusmc.nl…and Erasmus MC have succeeded in visualizing the blood flow in mouse brains in three dimensions using a relatively simple and inexpensive ultrasound device they developed themselves. The team presents their findings in Science Advances.career science, finding science, science advancepatient, facility, scientific, direction, institute5
ronaldvandermeijs.nl…with both chemical and physical communication pathways. Plant neurobiology is a newly emerging field of plant sciences. It covers signalling and communication at all levels of biological organisation, from molecules up to ecological…nature science, science amstelpark, sea science, science encounter, cambridge scienceinstallation, der, sculpture, steel, pipe5
marinkalipsius.nlWHAT IF YOU COULD ACHIEVE MORE, WHILE WORKING SMARTER INSTEAD OF HARDER? YOU CAN! LEARN HOW TO HIGH PERFORM WITH OUR NEURO-BASED, SCIENCE BACKED PROGRAMS.neuro science, science program, season scienceleadership, instead, effective, lecture, behavioral5
functionalanalytics.nlownR production platform for Python, R & Julia - DevOps automation and software best practices made easy for Data Sciencedata science, science datafunctional, automation, python, devops, flexible5
naradakush.nl…approx. 1.5 years), which is intended for students and adults who want to delve deeper into the fascinating wisdom and literature of Vedic science. For more information, see the Distance Education-page, or use the application form.vedic science, science informationvedic, kush, astrology, distance, meditation5
basreus.nlScience is timely, philosophy is timeless. What’s true now in science can be false tomorrow. That’s a fact. In philosophy there is no true or false. What’s true in situation A, can be false in situation B. Differences in culture, beliefs…chris science, science philosophy, true science, science false, state sciencecapital, collaborative, analysis, philosophy, behavior5
graphichuntersshow.nlMark-Jan is a Berlin-based data visualisation designer and developer working as a research associate at the UCLAB of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. His expertise is in information visualisation, specifically digital…biomedical science, science change, des science, science des, computer sciencevisualisation, talk, cultural, visual, graphic5
sophievanduivenboden.nlA website made by me and 3 other students from my University (Fontys University of Applied Science). The website is to help designers to find beautiful fonts without struggling to find information about the copyrights. The website is…apply science, science eindhoven, science website, science coursevisual, font, microwave, apply, css5
roberttenhoor.nlOne of Robert’s main interests is science. How do we learn about the world as much and as quick as possible?interest science, science worldefficient, internationally, scientist, interest, resume5
adamslab.nlWe can proudly announce that Adams Lab member Tavia Evans has received the Incentive Grant for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math 2021 from NWO (The Dutch Research Council).woman science, science technology, parliament science, science fundinglab, brain, grant, woman, funding5
hernste.nlcontributing to the solution of topical societal problems. This is also the essence of any critical approach within science. Knowledge is therefore also never neutral. In an open democratic society the university is thus also the…natural science, science technology, social science, science currently, medical sciencephd, geography, defence, academic, february5
cew.nl…in the future. By carrying out applied water technology research together with students and teachers at universities of applied sciences, the CEW also helps companies to speed up innovation and solve water-related issues and problems.environmental science, science student, apply science, science cew, science chemicalinternship, staff, educational, topic, wetsus5
prinsbernhardleerstoel.nl…on 16 September 1987. The Prince Bernhard Chair serves international nature conservation through: - Improving the science-practice dialogue in conservation - Publicizing new scientific insights - Organizing seminars on current themes in…conservation science, science practice, science dutchchair, prince, conservation, achievement, researcher5
kit.nl…health or embark on your Master of Public Health journey. Exciting news: In September 2024, we launch our innovative Master of Science in Public Health and Health Equity, redefining the future of public health leadership and action. […]master science, science public, science programmeinstitute, fund, equity, study, economic5
stevensmits.nlInterdisciplinary AI programme with a focus on areas such as mathematics, computer science, psychology, and neuroscience combined with a core foundation of artificial intelligence.data science, computer science, science psychology, science bankingneuroscience, artificial, intelligence, resume, memory5
siks.nl…together nearly 50 research groups from 11 Dutch universities and the CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), headed by over 50 full professors. In the period 2009-2021 over 550 SIKS PhD-students have successfully defended…arts science, science knaw, computer science, science netherlands, science professorphd, dissertation, archive, evaluation, defence4
mehmettetik.nl“I'm an enthusiastic 24-year-old 4th year Software Engineer student at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.”apply science, science amsterdam, data science, science engineeringworkspace, collaboration, vocational, internship, apply4
halix.nlOur 6,700 m 2 facility was built in 2019 and is equipped with advanced equipment for the development and GMP production of biologics. Located in the Netherlands at the Leiden Bio Science Park, we offer end-to-end services to meet your…bio science, science park, director science, science technologyprotein, manufacture, facility, biologic, clinical4
euspri2022.nlThe annual Eu – SPRI conference is the leading event in science, technology and innovation policy in Europe, with a broad attendance of scientists as well as policymakers. The 2022 conference provided a forum for scholars in the areas of…event science, science technology, theme science, science innovation, open sciencecommittee, conference, scientific, organize, paper4
leidendiscoveries.nl…Eventually, we ended up with 28 discoveries, spread across a wide range of topics. We can’t do every discovery made here, unfortunately, but we do give a wonderful insight into the contribution Leiden has made to science and the world.leiden science, science world, new science, science result, field sciencediscovery, theory, role, medicine, disease4
joristielens.nlWelcome to the website of Joris Tielens, freelance science journalist and science communicator.science communicator, freelance science, science journalist, journalist sciencejournalism, scientific, cooperation, climate, independent4
lebeach.nlYour daily dose of radiant beach glow through natural, science-backed skincare, bodycare, tanning, and suncare. Quality is paramount; we create effective results with less product, thanks to premium ingredients and clever formulations.natural science, science skincaredrop, radiant, skin, founder, pearly4
sjoerdterborg.nlAesthetics of Exclusion is a design research project by Mark Jan van Tellingen (visual researcher), Thomas Smits (Radboud University), dr. Melvin Wevers (KNAW, Royal Academy of Sciences, Digital Humanities Lab) and Sjoerd ter Borg.amsterdam science, science park, planet science, design science, science teamter, installation, vessel, lab, exclusion4
northernlight.nlNorthernLight is a multi-disciplinary creative agency. We specialize in design and development of cultural, science & digital experience platforms.cultural science, science digitaldisciplinary, cultural, die, spiral, tower4
infomad.nlPractitioner in the art and science of preparing information so that it can be used by human beings with efficiency and effectivenessart science, science informationefficiency, effectiveness, resource, processing, telecommunication4
chinaplus.nlThe Teacher Plus Program provides teachers from western countries the opportunity to gain employment in China as a teacher. The teaching positions we offer mainly focus on teaching English language, Sports, Fine Art, Dance, Theatre…teacher science, science teacher, theatre science, science chineseteacher, physical, kindergarten, cultural, vacancy4
neesjanvaneck.nlNovember 1, 2022. The paper Funding COVID-19 research: Insights from an exploratory analysis using open data infrastructures by Alexis-Michel Mugabushaka, Nees Jan van Eck, and Ludo Waltman has been published in volume 3, issue 3 of…quantitative science, science studies, centre science, science technology, development sciencepaper, july, journal, analysis, systematic4
budhagirl.nlBuDhaGirl is a lifestyle brand that combines contemplative practice validated by Science with incredibly modern, glamorous fashion.practice science, science incrediblyweather, serenity, prayer, bracelet, stack4
dutchmate.nlDo you want to receive more practical knowledge? Then the Dutch Hogeschool (University of Applied Sciences) is the right choice for you. The education degree received in this institution can be applied directly in the workplace.apply science, science rightstudy, guide, partners, expense, assistance4
ardanivalves.nlFeature-rich demos for a general purpose industry, or something as specific as manufacturing, science, machinery, or food factory.manufacture science, science machineryvalve, ball, gate, factory, industrial4
ufl-swol.nlLillianne Evertsz was a student at a Dutch university of applied sciences (hbo) when the opportunity arose to further her studies at university with her propaedeutic diploma. She enrolled in the Global Studies program but reconsidered due…apply science, science hbo, problem science, science education, impact sciencefund, study, dinner, scholarship, programme4
eioannou.nlOpen University of Cyprus (OUC) : Lecturer, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciencescomputer science, science saarland, science university, data science, science octoberentity, conference, proceedings, semantic, mining4
hanslangh.nl, NDSM area Amsterdam , Haarlemmermeer Polder , Leiden University , Markthal Rotterdam , Market Square Delft , Nemo Science Museum Amsterdam , New Church Amsterdam , Our Lord at the attic Amsterdam , Dam Square Amsterdam , Saint Nicolas…nemo science, science museumhague, church, windmill, guide, countryside4
elstudio.nlThe Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) installed a hospitality desk of residual wood in the new Sky Club and House of Legends of the Johan Cruijff ArenA. Read more »apply science, science auasclay, architecture, pavilion, river, desk4
empoweringparenting.nlFind out more about the science of parenting or how my services can help you be more empowered so you can raise your babies in the best possible way....science parentingparenting, empower, parent, breastfeeding, head4
maestroacademy.nlAgile & Scrum Applicatie- en Desktopbeheer Architectuur Azure Business Analyse Business Continuity en Crisismanagement Citrix Data, Data Science, Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence & AI Datacenter E-learnings Financieel Eindgebruikers…data science, science datawarehousingcontinuity, intelligence, azure, exchange, oracle4
spilcentrumdebennekel.nl…a look at the website. MadScience In addition to these activities from Mister Rick, we also offer lessons from Mad Science after school time. If you love science and technology and you enjoy doing all kinds of experiments, then these…mad science, science school, time science, science technology, lesson sciencepractical, archive, teacher, technique, lesson4
stanceoonk.nlVisual artist Stance Oonk (’s Hertogenbosch, 1959) began with studying the piano at the conservatory in Utrecht for a year. In 1986 she completed her studies in art at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam.apply science, science amsterdamstance, visual, study, apply, conservatory4
diagnijmegen.nlOn March 5, 2024, The Computational Pathology Group received the 2024 Ammodo Science Award for groundbreaking research Read more →life science, science health, ammodo science, science awardanalysis, diagnostic, pathology, algorithm, cardiology4
kalab.nl…Germany, Pastel on Paper. History - „An Essay on The Current Israeli Messianic Jewish Movement”, Social-Cultural Sciences, Master's Thesis 1999; „St Perguet”, Romanic Church, Benodet, Finistére, Bretagne, France; Pencil and Chalk on…cultural science, science masterpaper, prehistory, therapy, france, requirements4
liea.nlMei-Li Nieuwland Illustration. Editorial | Business & Science | Graphic Journalism | Personal Workbusiness science, science graphic, interest science, science technologygraphic, illustration, journalism, ink, visual4
silverlabs.nl…customizes closed-loop methodologies in collaboration with top-notch partners in the fields of research, data sciences, and technology. We recognize the importance of implicit data, ensuring our tailored approaches provide a deeper…behavioral science, science psychology, social science, science project, science innovativeimplicit, measurement, deliver, modeling, alternative4
morphogenics.nlMonique holds a Ph.D. in Developmental Biology and obtained Data Science and Bioinformatics certificates from the Johns Hopkins University.data science, science consulting, science bioinformatician, science bioinformaticsstructure, bioinformatics, firm, consulting, biological4
imagine-microscopy.nlIMAGINE! is a Gravitation project ("zwaartekracht" in Dutch), funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Dutch government and supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for 10 years…art science, science gallery, science image, culture science, science dutchimagine, cell, microscopy, innovative, biology4
buroreng.nlThe Schools for Science and Society are joining forces with other parties to work on the ‘big four’ societal issues: energy and climate, digitization and AI, sustainable society, and health. Buro Reng has developed imagery specifically…apply science, science company, visible science, science major, school scienceidentity, conversation, visual, study, graphic4
stefancools.nlStefan Cools (Sittard 1981) is a multidisciplinary artist and botanist. His work is on the cutting edge of art and science.multidisciplinary, edge, cut, exhibition, publication4
alrisalah.nl…as per necessity, disciplines also continued to be added. Till the middle of the second century-Hijri, arts and sciences were restricted to the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and the Arabic poetry. Thereafter, till the end of the fourth century…arabic science, science academic, art science, science quran, science translationquran, islamic, lesson, prayer, arabic4
forensicdiving-researchacademy.nlScientific Underwater Investigation builds upon the Introduction to Underwater Investigation course by providing the technology to collect data in an underwater environment according to the scientific method. The course the techniques…investigator science, science discipline, hyperbaric science, science dive, technique scienceforensic, underwater, dive, crime, investigation4
pieterspierenburg.nl…of Pieter's work on confinement (written by Falk Bretschneider and originally presented at the European Social Science History Conference in 2014) and the final book review written by Pieter himself. Pieter Spierenburg was an…social science, science historycrime, violence, ed, justice, criminal4
cr2o.nlDyadic International, based in the US, was looking for a European CRO partner that was expert in the design and execution of our first clinical virology programme. At CR2O, we found that they employ highly qualified and experienced Life…life science, science professional, science sectorclinical, trial, lifecycle, phase, candidate4
artexion.nlLogo design, corporate identity, web design, several communication media like magazines and brochures. Ordered by Science In Amsterdam, a joint science programme of the University of Amsterdam en VU University Amsterdam.science amsterdam, brochure science, joint science, science programmegraphic, identity, kenya, tax, department4
zijlstraverschoor.nlPhotographers Jasper Zijlstra and Jeroen Verschoor collaborated with Dr. Martina Huber to visualize her research, in an attempt to bridge the gap between science and the general public.gap science, science generalrice, treatment, growth, variety, attempt4
svgaos.nlWelcome to the Website of Study Association GAOS. GAOS is the Study Association for Earth Science students on the University of Amsterdam.earth science, science studentabroad, association, study, earth, committee4
mauritskorse.nlKnowledge and science is an important domain within the circular economy. Currently learning by doing (design science) is one of the main ways in which circular models, processes and products are created. It is not found to be easy to…knowledge science, science important, design science, science main, economy scienceeconomy, circular, resource, economic, waste4
jochemtolsma.nl…Department of Radboud University Nijmegen and the program director of the Research Master Social and Cultural Science of Radboud University. In his research he focuses on social divisions between groups; the interplay of segregation,cultural science, science radboud, social science, science theorysociology, consequence, cite, publication, educational4
mibiton.nlMibiton finances equipment and facilities at innovative Dutch Life Sciences companieslife science, science infrastructure, science company, science equipmenttherapeutic, facility, investment, fund, innovative4
sanderverhaegh.nlSander Verhaegh is Associate Professor at the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. His research focuses on the history of philosophy of science, psychology, and…philosophy science, science tilps, science psychology, science erkenntnisphilosophy, department, cum, fellow, publication4
professorfrancken.nlFrancken Vrij is the popular science magazine of the Technisch Fysische Vereniging ‘Professor Francken’ and is distributed to its members, sponsors and other interested parties. The magazine has a different theme every edition that in…popular science, science magazine, event science, science studentassociation, physics, study, career, apply4
voxweb.nlVox brings you English news on Radboud University, student life, science and Nijmegen.life science, science nijmegenpolitics, independent, mobility, uk, hague4
groupdecisionroom.nlAnother museum that’s great for kids is the Ontario Science Centre. The centre features hands-on learning opportunities and simulated ecosystems from around the world. The centre also has a planetarium and a collection of kinetic…section science, science botox, ontario science, science centre, collection scienceproperty, effective, leader, variety, money4
rotterdamsquare.nlRotterdam Square strengthens the ecosystem of research, education, companies and facilities in the Life Sciences & Health sector within the Rotterdam region. We bring together knowledge, opportunities and possibilities.life science, science health, square science, science cafésquare, healthcare, lsh, facility, lab4
tropiq.nlTropIQ Health Sciences provides a state-of-the-art technology platform for accelerated discovery and development of interventions to combat vector-borne infectious diseases, with a special focus on diseases in low and middle-income…health science, science state, science contactpublication, disease, career, infectious, discovery4
pixelpakhuys.nlpixel pakhuys focuses on creating strong visual concepts and content with a clear narrative spceialising in digital art, science art and motion graphics art.art science, science artvisual, illustration, animation, motion, narrative4
irishartmanfotografie.nlNature Photographer | Artificial Interventions | Flashlight | Projection | Nature as a decor | Trees as actors | Landscape as studio | Surreal Landscapes | Night | Twilight | Mental Health | Psychology | Methaphor | Reflection | Science |…reflection science, science irislandscape, photographic, artificial, intervention, tree4
luwq2021.nlLuWQ2021 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on the cutting edge of science, management and policy to minimise effects of agriculture and land use changes on the quality of groundwater and surface waters.edge science, science management, national science, science challenge, challenge scienceconference, committee, denmark, programme, agriculture4
nwolife.nlNWO Life is an annual scientific conference covering all disciplines in the Dutch Life Sciences at all scales. It is meant to connect researchers, to explore and push boundaries, to discuss new or desirable developments in the field, to…life science, science scale, science nwo, science boundaries, apply sciencenwo, programme, scientific, exhibitor, evening4
renske-elst.nlJeder Herzschlag eine Botschaft, new medical science participate no less than twice in a scientific study into the effect of different forms of therapy. This research was carried out by Dr Brigitte Bolech, President of the Internationales…medical science, science twicescientific, hypnosis, therapy, study, austria4
frasi.nl…Dupa Veiligheidstechniek BV : Safety, Laborama BV : Basic Laboratory, Wilten Instrumenten BV : Basic, Analytical, Physical, Biotechnology, Agro & Food, Petro & Chemistry and Wilten Bioteknika Instrumenten BV : Life Sciences and Biotech.life science, science biotech, bachelor science, science bsc, health sciencelaboratory, department, rejection, organ, transplantation4
svcover.nlP.S. The SNiC is a conference that is organised yearly by a new group of student volunteers. Every year from a different city. Visitors are enthusiastic Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence bachelor and master students from all…computing science, science type, computer science, science artificial, science companycover, committee, career, announcement, calendar4
amcventuresholding.nl…we also manage the spin off’s from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), through UvA Ventures Holding, and companies spun off from the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam (Hogeschool van Amsterdam – HvA) through HvA Ventures Holding .social science, science humanity, apply science, science amsterdamventure, hold, academic, funding, ixa4
rasdelft.nl…market. Setting up a joint research agenda, including a testing and learning environment, with government, and the science and business communities, will help achieve rapid market penetration by new technologies. This will also create…government science, science businessautonomous, het, hun, government, facility4
paulspauwen.nlPaul Spauwen, Intimacy, intimiteit, Light, licht, Love, liefde, tevredenheid, kalmte, vrede, contentment, peace, calmness, Boeddha, Bhuddha, No way to, Happiness is the way, Yoga, Patanjali, science of yoga, bliss, blissiousness…patanjali science, science yogasilence, awaken, witness, bliss, think4
woosting.nlRealization of departmental research-IT solutions. Involving: Deriving departmental research-IT strategy and tactical deployment thereof, as well as operational local problem-solving in answer to science related challenges of research…technology science, science human, answer science, science challengeparental, stakeholder, study, ux, publication4
codesignstudio.nlThe minor Co-Design Studio is a collaboration between Fundamentals Academy and the Research Institute Co-Design of the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Hogeschool Utrecht).apply science, science utrechtminor, fundamental, collaboration, institute, apply4
monkeyproofsolutions.nlAt MonkeyProof we bridge strategy, scientific software, data science and web (app) technology to drive your innovation. We unlock your potential in a variety of industries.datum science, science webmatlab, deployment, know, scientific, refactoring4
sinanvural.nlBaritone Sinan Vural, born in Ankara, Turkey, received an academic degree in Computer Science before he started singing. He started his vocal studies with Anne Haenen at the conservatory in Enschede, The Netherlands, which he continued…computer science, science vocalbaritone, conservatory, turkey, study, academic4
femkebeute.nlIn 2021, I also started working as an external examinator for Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences . The courses concern for instance research methodology, and environmental and health psychology, and are part of the curriculum of…apply science, science course, lighting science, bridge science, science medicaldaylight, wellbeing, psychology, environmental, benefit4
niekvanleeuwen.nlHey, I'm Niek. In July 2022, I graduated from the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. During my studies, I completed internships at X Laboratory as an Embedded Software…apply science, science bachelor, computer science, science engineeringcurrently, graduate, static, deployment, continuous4
gijsadriaansens.nlAesthetics, Ethics, Social philosophy, History of philosophy, Philosophy of Sciencetu science, science parkarchitecture, urban, urbanism, resume, architectural4
aimvanlaarhoven.nlPhD candidate. PhD degree in Medical Science obtained 30 March ‘12 for the PhD thesis entitled Itch and pain: Common and distinct psycho-physiological factors . Department of Medical Psychology, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.medical science, science march, biomedical science, science msc, life scienceitch, publication, psychology, pain, phd4
dreamingdemons.nlDreaming Demons: is a series of artworks by Leffe Goldstein. It explores the complex relationships between the universe, supernatural manifestations, science, curiosity, life and death.manifestation science, science curiosityauthenticity, certificate, demon, artwork, january4
paathshala.nlMATHEMATICS Age group: 4 years - 15 yearsMinimum duration: 1 yearCurriculum: ICSE / CBSE, MYP, Mathematics Olympiad (SOF and CREST) SCIENCE Age group: 4 years - 15 yearsMinimum duration: 1…crest science, science ageacademic, rule, olympiad, uncategorized, guidelines4
basyc.nlBaSyC PhD Céline Cleij participates in a cool Science show for kids, the ‘Hoe? Zo! Show’. This show is a science communication project for 9-11 year old children. The project teaches children basic scientific skills and fosters their…cool science, science kid, zo science, science communication, frontier sciencestaff, cell, scientific, synthetic, introduction4
generation-c.nlWe are looking for new student consultants in the fields of Data Science & Analytics, and Engineering & Sciences. Interested in working as a consultant for many great clients? Take a quick look at the vacancies!data science, science analytics, engineering science, science interestedgeneration, sustainability, career, misconception, widespread4
saxenia.nlWe are S.A. Xenia, a student association, especially for hotel- & facility students of Breda University of Applied Sciences. Every Wednesday you can find us at our home bar Borrel Bar Breda. Please visit our website for more information…apply science, science wednesdayassociation, wednesday, facility, especially, apply4
caradt.nl. The complexity of contemporary society requires such an integrative approach. Our research programme is developed in close collaboration with the educational departments of Avans University of Applied Sciences as well as external…research science, science politics, apply science, science externalcultural, society, interaction, apply, risk4
x-omics.nlThe X-omics Initiative bundles molecular technologies that will enable ground-breaking biological and medical science to map molecular mechanisms of health andmedical science, science molecularomics, recap, infrastructure, initiative, genomic4
uef.nlWe provide funding to projects that help move society forward. Because science is the foundation for progress.forward science, science foundationtax, benefit, legacy, donation, grant4
dbhc.nl…is curiosity-driven and we want to share our enthusiasm with society as much as possible. Therefore we will also develop a citizen science program and an educational project for schoolchildren. Please have a look around on our website!citizen science, science program, populair science, science article, science projecthole, telescope, million, astronomical, geology4
sandertanslab.nlDirect Observation of Chaperone-Induced Changes in a Protein Folding Pathway (Science, 2007)paper science, science ribosome, es science, science advance, time sciencelab, protein, publication, cell, organoid4
jolie-events.nlThe art of science of selecting and overseeing group of investments that meet the long-term financial objectives and risk tolerance of a client, company or an institution. Our art is networking and to bring you in contact with a…art science, science groupexplore, luxury, yacht, events, exclusive4
t-minus.nlLeading the way to suborbital space. T-Minus Engineering provides rocket launches for science and defence.launch science, science defencerocket, defence, launch, facility, founder4
borgconsulting.nlAre you just graduating in Econometrics / Data Science and want to work on forecasting challenges using Cloud Technology?data science, science forecastingautomation, consulting, pricing, potential, career4
pallasbooks.nlPallas Books specializes in Art & architecture (including archaeology), Philosophy, Photography, Science, History of Science, Economics and Books on books (book history, typography, graphic design).photography science, science history, history science, science economicexternal, acquisition, architecture, philosophy, classical4
jornadainterior.nlJornada Interior is dedicated to study consciousness based in a Holistic view where science and spirituality have their own place understanding the situations. We talk about health, society, politics technology and environment issues. We…view science, science spiritualityinterior, situation, meditation, consciousness, holistic4
juliussupport.nl…research. This includes a large variety, such as drug and device research, diagnostic and prognostic testing, biomarker research, etiological studies, bioinformatics, data science, decision support and healthcare innovation research.data science, science data, science decision, health science, science primarystudy, researcher, analysis, methodology, systematic4
desosa.nlIn this second article in a series of four, we, four Computer Science master students from Delft University of Technology, continue our pursuit to analyse the open-source project GitLab. In our previous article , we discussed the…computer science, science phd, science master, space science, science telescopearchitecture, architectural, variability, analysis, debt4
eaediting.nlPersonalised copy editing, proofreading, and supervision for scholars writing articles, students writing theses, and professionals writing copy. Editing for science and business. Run by Dr. Simon Ferdinand (Amsterdam), an award-winning…edit science, science businessedit, academic, proofreading, copy, scholar4
openjournals.nlWe are thrilled to introduce Sustainability Letters, a pioneering open-access, short, letters-type journal dedicated exclusively to advancing the discourse on sustainability within the management sciences. Our journal provides a dynamic…open science, science article, management science, science journaljournal, sustainability, publication, scholarly, paper4
allaboutai.nlThe Data Science Scan allows you to quickly assess your company’s data science needs. Answer a number of relevant questions and find out how you score in the six scan components. You will also receive useful tips and suggestions for…data science, science organization, science scan, datum science, science needhealthcare, manufacture, genomic, accelerate, suggestion4
utraco.nlChemistry (possibly from Greek word chemia meaning "cast together" or "pour together") is the science of matter at the atomic to molecular scale, dealing primary with the composition and statistical properties of such structures, as well…chemia science, science matterpossibly, atomic, molecular, property, chemistry4
pzwart.nlMaster’s programs in Fine Art and Design. The Academy is part of the multi-sectoral Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (RUAS), a dynamic knowledge institute for higher professional education with a variety of programs across all…apply science, science ruas, science pietinstitute, experimental, publish, graduation, interior4
thehyve.nlOur data and domain expertise, combined with our active involvement in global open science communities, allows us to advise on and implement customized open source solutions while our clients remain in full control of their data and…life science, science organization, open science, science communitycareer, cancer, target, biomedical, consulting4
renevanwoudenberg.nlFrom 2013-2016 I have been the director of a large research project on "Science Beyond Scientism", sponsored by the Templeton World Charity Foundation. Well over 20 persons worked in this project: post docs, PhD candidates and post grads…center science, science big, philosophy science, science christianity, project sciencephilosophy, phd, paper, talk, teach4
fryske-akademy.nlThe Fryske Akademy has a large support base of donors who are very keen to support its work. All of them are interested in the Frisian language, culture and science. The Fryske Akademy has ANBI status. This allows donors to deduct…accessible science, science education, arts science, science knaw, field sciencefrisian, output, conference, heritage, multilingualism4
sioo.nl…of organisational consultancy. The institute designs tailor-made learning pathways. At the same time, Sioo is a platform that helps the further development of the relatively young subjects of change management and organisational science.query science, science organisation, sioo science, gap science, science dailyorganisational, anymore, events, pathway, query4
politicologie.nlMark your calendars with a bold red circle because on Thursday and Friday, June 13-14, 2024 , the ‘Politicologenetmaal’ or Annual Political Science Workshops of the Low Countries will take center stage in Maastricht. This exciting event…political science, science workshops, science association, science vpw, science proudpolitical, thesis, paper, february, proposal4
netwerknde.nl…physically heard all the conversations that went on in the OT. In a long response Chris Carter this is refuted by Chris Carter, author of the book Science and the Near-Death Experience . This response is followed by a rejoinder by Woerlee.neurobehavioral science, science university, book science, science near, noetic sciencedeath, near, denture, file, cardiac4
networksmatchmaking.nlOn 20-22 January 2020 we organised a kick-off workshop, called NETWORKS Matchmaking Event , in which we brought together network scientists from the social and economic sciences with network scientists from mathematics and computer…social science, science insight, economic science, science perspective, computer scienceprogramme, january, registration, archive, venue4
bronsonclimate.nlBronson has a broad range of research & test equipment for Plant Growth, Tissue Culture, Enviromental testing, Stress testing, Seed Germination, Insect-breeding, Product testing & various applications for life sciences.bronson, climate, growth, seed, broad4
mcap.nlThe cable and module assemblies by MCAP are used in many different sectors. From industry to the military and from television and media productions to science. Think of an application and we are sure to be able to help you with it…production science, science application, science climatecable, assembly, fiber, optical, copper4
conradm.nlSyngenta is a leading science-based agtech company. We help millions of farmers around the world to grow safe and nutritious food, while taking care of the planet. By improving crop productivity and making farming more efficient, we…syngenta science, science agtech, apply science, science dentrial, improvement, purchase, stakeholder, documentation4
marnixsuilen.nlI am a PhD candidate at the Department of Software Science at Radboud University Nijmegen , working on the project Provably Correct Policies for Uncertain Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes under the supervision of dr. Nils…software science, science radboud, computer science, science seminar, science icisrobust, decision, fall, webpage, uncertain4
recimpact.nlCampus Roeterseiland offers the largest cluster of social sciences in the Netherlands. The Economics and Business, Social and Behavioural Sciences and Law faculties are situated at Roeterseiland, alongside the student cultural…behavioural science, science economic, social science, science netherlands, science lawinitiative, faculty, society, lab, ecosystem4
mariusrietdijk.nlThe problem with Scientific management 1.0 and its updates was an insufficient understanding of human behavior. Science now knows how this is conditioned by environmental stimuli. We need Scientific Management 2.0 for ultrafast…behavior science, science environmental, fascinating science, science human, buffett sciencehypnosis, cultural, behavior, analysis, executive4
satellietgroep.nl…exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local…art science, science society, social science, science public, science localclimate, coastal, onwards, cultural, artistic4
tficonsultancy.nlTopadvice in automation of production processes. More than 15 years experience, Master of Science in Industial Automation.master science, science industialautomation, industrial, broad, scale, implementation4
dmdit.nlBusiness Intelligence, BI, Data analysis, Data, Data Science, Big Data, Consultancy, Microsoft Business Intelligence, MS SQL Server, SSIS, SSAS, SSRSdata science, science bigdmd, analysis, minded, structure, visualization4
vladimir-amsterdam.nlTravel by train (for example from Schiphol or your place of residence) to Science Park Station, Amsterdamresidence science, science park, connection sciencepayment, fight, registration, heal, participant4
nl-eco.nl…is problematically high and is growing to unsustainable levels. The NL-ECO program, part of the Dutch National Science Agenda (NWA), aims to develop new concepts and associated materials for this purpose. In NL-ECO, 33 academic…national science, science agendaefficient, associate, internal, computing, exciting4
globalheritage.nlHeritage studies in the 21st century call for a new approach, a partnership between archaeology, architecture, the social sciences, the humanities, law, science, technology and design and urban and regional studies.social science, science humanity, law science, science technologyheritage, collaboration, researcher, scholar, visit4
thebasement-fitness.nl…that keep on coming back to haunt you? Unable to commit to an exercise program? Want get stronger or fitter? Science based training. Using resistance training to improve your strength, balance and bone density. Setting you up for a…fit science, science trainingbasement, lorem, personalized, balance, nutrition4
nl-health.nlMEDICA | Health~Holland Pavilion 2023 Wilkommen! Welcome! Our Health~Holland pavilion is the first point of call for anyone seeking Dutch Life Sciences & Health expertise.life science, science healthpavilion, events, networking, programme, collaboration4
kcvg.nl…to promote the quality and scientific support of insurance medicine by developing and evaluating methods, guidelines, tools and interventions. Academization in the field of insurance medicine bridges the gap between science and practice .medicine science, science practice, gap science, way scienceinsurance, medicine, collaboration, publication, staff4
spullenmannen.nlOn things going round is a knight's tour visiting the remote corners of the mind. De Spullenmannen explore the arts and sciences, skipping from maths to music, stumbling on visual art and digging into the history of ideas... more infoart science, science math, science serveral, conductor science, science fictioninstallation, visual, theatre, lecture, obituary4
eindhovenhistorylab.nl…Techniek). The Lab is locally embedded in the Technology, Innovation & Society section of the School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology. Internationally the Lab is a proactive partner in the scholarly associations…study science, science technology, history science, innovation science, science eindhovenlab, publication, sustainability, conference, joint4
cta-toolbox.nl…(from industrial partners, NGOs or regulatory agencies) or by teaming up with researchers of the ethical or social science department in your university. Additionally, more time may be required if various tools are combined , for example…activity science, science technology, social science, science department, department scienceresearcher, socio, analysis, societal, suitable4
dianeticsnederland.nl“There is something new coming up in April called Dianetics,” wrote national columnist Walter Winchell on January 31,1950. “A new science which works with the invariablilty of physical science in the field of the human mind. From all…modern science, science mental, new science, science invariablilty, physical scienceauthor, lecture, frequently, mental, past4
vanlanschotenpartners.nlIn his work, Johan's main goals are to accelerate unconventional improvement in a client's personal effectiveness and personal resilience. Johan has worked for more than thirty years in health care and (international) life sciences…life science, science government, science organisation, business science, science isbwpartners, executive, leader, connection, leadership4
mayadewit.nlMore information and call for papers > he VII International Congress on Science and Translation: “Interdisciplinary bridges and dissemination of scientific knowledge will take place online and onsite at the Università del Salento, Lecce.congress science, science translationsign, interpret, interpreter, conference, phd4
bartpenders.nlI have also been a visiting scholar at the Institute of Science and Technology Studies at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany (2008), at the Social Science Research Centre at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand (2010)…nutrition science, science scientist, institute science, science innovation, science technologyteach, lecture, publication, society, fellow4
jeroenclemens.nlI work in education for over 40 years. Graduated from at the University of Groningen. Dutch Language and Literature, Language teaching and Educational Sciences.apply science, science windesheim, science utrechtliteracy, teacher, teach, educational, secondary4
meijerlab.nl…By combining principles of synthetic and physical organic chemistry with challenges in materials and life sciences, we study the self-assembly and self-organization of molecular architectures into functional supramolecular systems.life science, science self, student science, science public, academy sciencesupramolecular, congratulations, polymer, fundamental, functional4
is3a.nlThe Information Sciences Association for Amsterdam Alumni (IS3A) is a new association for graduates of computer science, information science, and artificial intelligence studies located in Amsterdam. We are a community of both academic…information science, science association, computer science, science information, science artificialjoin, association, graduate, study, career4
citnetexplorer.nlCitNetExplorer is a software tool for visualizing and analyzing citation networks of scientific publications. The tool allows citation networks to be imported directly from the Web of Science database. Citation networks can be explored…web science, science database, science file, centre science, science technologycitation, publication, literature, scientific, pattern4
bonaparte-forensics.nlbetween Bonaparte and INTERPOL's I-Familia service underscores Bonaparte's significant contributions to global forensic science, highlighting its effectiveness in addressing some of the most challenging aspects of modern investigative work.forensic science, science effectiveness, science global, advanced science, science humanitarianvictim, investigation, identification, disaster, profile4
dcvalliance.nlDCVA In alliance focusing on earlier disease recognition and rapid translation of excellent science into health improvement.excellent science, science healthcardiovascular, implementation, vacancy, disease, infrastructure4
facidesdione.nlThe study association for the study (International) Facility Management of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences.committee, study, facility, association, apply4
vitalitybyesther.nlWe had a super inspiring masterclass about healthy eating & vitality from Esther at the Rabobank. What I really liked was how she translated science into practice. She gave a lot of tips & tricks that are easy to implement into practice.insight science, science health, rabobank science, science practicevitality, healthy, nutrition, diet, vital4
bjornpostema.nlmy work such as teaching , computer science , web pioneering and board game developement ;computer science, science webrun, talk, teach, pioneer, visit4
larsbehet.nlCurrently a fouth year student at the HAN University of Applied Sciences located in Arnhem, the Netherlands. This study is focused on managing IT and IT Security..apply science, science arnhemfourth, grade, apply, degree, certification4
milosavljevic.nlPortfolio website of Midas Milosavljevic, a student of the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam and an aspiring game developer.apply science, science amsterdamapply, vault, typescript, python, unity4
nrg-utrecht.nlNRG is the association of students studying the two year master Energy Science at Utrecht University. The focus lies on the analysis and modelling of energy systems, from the European scale all the way to individual power plants. The…energy science, science student, science master, science utrechtassociation, study, internship, vacancy, modelling4
erikhoogendam.nlPortfolio website of Erik Hoogendam, Master of Science (MSc) in Architecture, Building and Planning.master science, science mscarchitecture, complexity, shock, architectural, theory4
alexaa.nl3. Modern 2022 (neuro) science from international #1 universities, such as VU Amsterdam, Harvard, and Stanford.science expert, neuro science, science internationalswiss, hypnotherapy, hypnosis, clinical, session4
maldasbeheer.nlMaterials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest disciplines.material science, science principle, science healthcarebridge, industrial, consumer, spend, crucial4
goodman.nlCreating leading ventures and providing trusted advice on AI, platforms and data sciencetrust, venture, progress, technological, advance4
yunli.nlSlaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I picked up a random book by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., expecting a science-fiction type of story, but instead got a book about war. I never liked books or movies about war, they glorify it by telling…french science, science fiction, jr. science, data science, science projectattic, autumn, note, sketchbook, random4
has.nlHAS green academy is the university of applied sciences for agriculture, food and the living environmentapply science, science keuzegids, university science, science agriculturecollaboration, study, practical, institution, exchange4
stijnvandrunen.nl…Geeky High Tech ICT IFTTT Internet of Things Japan LED LightSaga Monkeys Nature New Zealand Old Town Panorama Panoramas Particle PCB Photography Photon Raspberry Pi RetroPie RGB Science Spain Spark Core Tips Travel Valencia Veluwe Zoophotography science, science sinsheim, rgb science, science spainzealand, leave, animal, glacier, town4
franckvandomburg.nlFranck van Domburg — UX design, student at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, programmer and UX designer. Let's Get in touch!apply science, science programmerux, programmer, apply, comics, root4
lessismore-symposium.nlAnk was the first midwife in the Netherlands who became a professor in midwifery science. She received several grants for research projects on interdisciplinary ways of working and continuity of care. Risk assessment, respectful perinatal…midwifery science, science amsterdam, midwidery science, science grant, bridge sciencewoman, fear, mother, confidence, risk4
calsnieuwegein.nlHAVO and VWO pupils with an interest in and talent for scientific subjects can participate in special programmes offered by Utrecht University and the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.science health, science technology, physics scienceprogramme, subject, specialisation, bilingual, secondary4
paulbouman.nl…can be found on the projects page . I have served as a reviewer to high impact journals, such as Transportation Science , Transportation Research: Part B , Computers and Operations Research , Omega and the European Journal on…computer science, science bachelor, computing science, science thesis, transportation scienceoperation, teach, institute, optimization, phd4
witchyreads.nlWitchy Reads is a place where you can find fantasy & science fiction book reviews, magic and witch craft.fantasy science, science fictionwitchy, witch, craft, magic, fiction4
sron.nlThe Instrument science group covers SRON’s skills and know-how with regard to instrument physics, system engineering (up to full-instrument level) and project management. It is an expertise group that provides resources for all SRON…instrument science, science groupsron, institute, astrophysics, programme, breakthrough4
wisselbanck.nlScience fiction is often a source of inspiration for the future, especially when it comes to technology. Science fiction haspayment science, science fiction, technology sciencebanking, fintech, weekly, collaboration, transformation4
msd.nlAt MSD, we're following the science to tackle some of the world's greatest health threats. Get a glimpse of how we work to improve lives.msd science, science worldglimpse, threat, connect, voor, america4
tdrozdikpopovic.nlTeodora Drozdik-Popović is a Serbian born mezzo-soprano, living in the Netherlands. Also interested in data science.soprano, biography, interested, serbia, singing4
biotopconsultancy.nlThe strength of BioTop Consultancy is our combination of clear language, a background in life sciences and an analytical perspective. That has brought us success in acquiring grants for projects in the life sciences, healthcare, agro and…science communication, write science, life science, science analytical, science healthcaregrant, write, scientific, academic, relation4
claycoffee.nlClay Coffee is a dynamic space in the heart of Amsterdam that seamlessly unites the worlds of ceramics and specialty coffee in the perfect blend of art and science.wheel, regular, clay, february, ceramic4
d4dc.nlHigher general secondary education,
science and engineering, science and health Graduatedapply science, science human, education science, science engineering, engineering sciencescientist, resume, algorithm, driver, innovative4
clhc.nlThe Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Forensic Science, is glad to invite you to a symposium on the Recent developments in Fingerprint analysis – from ridge pattern to chemical analysis. This session is a ...forensic science, science medicine, dutch science, science foundation, apply scienceforensic, interdisciplinary, scientific, phd, topic4
lnx.nlLarissa Neslo is a figurative painter, in which she is characterised by her curiosity about the connection between art and science, culture then and now, (fairytale) stories and reality, individual and society.art science, science culturevisual, artwork, painter, figurative, fairytale4
bvof.nlHighly specialised in high-tech industry, medical, science, R&D and higher educational environments.science research, medical science, science highportrait, industrial, additive, scientific, photonic4
wetsus.nlMichel Saakes appointed NHL Stenden Professor of Applied Sciences Water-Smart Hydrogenapply science, science water, wetsus science, science technologywetsus, phd, degree, excellence, prize4
nidi.nlNIDI is a research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and is affiliated with the University of Groningen.arts science, science university, social science, science economicpopulation, retirement, migration, infrastructure, demographic4
lmpv.nlAwards for group leaders ENI Renewable Energy Prize, MRS Innovation Award, NNV Physica Prize, EPS Science of light Award, Julius Springer Award, Rising Star Award, Minerva Prize, KNCV Gold Medal, NNV diversity award for AMOLF.team science, science award, national science, science agenda, eps sciencephd, thesis, photovoltaic, collaborator, diversity4
sun-analytics.nl13-year data science, data engineering and software engineering experience in multiple international companiesdata science, science data, science model, science conferencesun, aws, classification, medal, spark4
systemischcodesign.nlWe organise small interventions together with our partners, in our labs or knowledge centres. The universities of applied sciences develop larger research projects for which we require grant money. These research projects enable us to…university science, science large, apply science, science goal, future scienceesc, systemic, apply, lab, escalator4
sander-hermsen.nlI presented our OnePlanet Research Center approach to gather insights and needs from citizens to inform our research agenda at the European Citizen Science Association conference.citizen science, science approach, science associationago, paper, institute, behaviour, eat4
home2b.nlnew age, alternative science, Susan messages, goddess, ancient christianity, spirit placesalternative science, science susanendif, vml, ancient, goddess, christianity4
illya.nl…law of everything, the all-encompassing theory. Quantum information can be the last missing puzzle piece. An explanation is comprehensive. But first of all that piece of quantum science that is associated with it: the Non-locality.quantum science, science non, image science, science photo, development sciencequantum, theory, physicist, hole, particle4
dnalabs.nlNotable: The forensic DNA-lab is offered as well at the University of Amsterdam itself. Teachers can book an unique combination. They can book the forensic DNA-lab with another science lab of Bètapartners or with a tour through Science…lab science, science lab, tour science, science park, biomedical sciencelab, teacher, amgen, biotech, description4
arrahman.nl…as per necessity, disciplines also continued to be added. Till the middle of the second century-Hijri, arts and sciences were restricted to the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and the Arabic poetry. Thereafter, till the end of the fourth century…arabic science, science academic, art science, science quran, science translationarabic, quran, adult, islamic, holy4
vluchtontsnapt.nlThe Science Behind Instant Xpeak: How It Can Enhance Your Conversations and Presentationsuncategorized, conversation, xpeak, presentation, february4
pspierenburg.nlAlong the way I learned Python. I like the possibilities of use. For example automation of Excel and more recently I started with data science and machinelearning with Python.data science, science machinelearning, science pythonpython, automation, recently, possibility, reference4
giving.nlRenĂ© Bekkers received an Open Science Amsterdam Award for the project Transparency in Nonprofit and Philanthropy Research. The Open Science Amsterdam community encourages awareness of open science principles and adherence to them at UMC…open science, science amsterdam, science principlebehavior, compliance, philanthropy, actually, blood4
micropia.nlMicropia - Science museum Amsterdam | Discover one of the best museums in Amsterdam | Fun and interesting | Visit Micropia at ARTIS Amsterdam Royal Zoomicropia science, science museummicropia, slide, visit, celebration, interesting4
lugopress.nlInterview: Elena Bondarouk on the importance of the social sciences in climate researchsocial science, science climate, science technologywriter, justice, agriculture, sustainability, editor4
kristavanderwilk.nlVideo artist - The Hague, The Netherlands Touching time. Sliding lights. Enjoying science based fiction.light science, science fictioninstallation, hague, fiction, progress, screen4
xomnia.nlBoosting citizen participation with data science for the Dutch Ministry of I&W Managementdata science, science dutch, science mlexecution, guide, insurance, consulting, infrastructure4
all2change.nlAll2Change applies the art of change with a clear passion, as well as pragmatic applied ‘science’. Both are absolutely required to achieve effective and long lasting change in organizations. All2Change will professionally support you in…art science, science effective, pragmatic science, science absolutely, business scienceorganizational, effective, publication, assignment, reference4
exesart.nlSuzanne Lanfermeijer (1963) is a full time and self-taught artist. After having worked in the world of Veterinary Science for 15 years, she devoted all her time to her other great love, painting and photography. She followed several…veterinary science, science yearpainting, negative, oil, intrinsic, immediate4
luwq2022.nlLuWQ2022 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on the cutting edge of science, management and policy to minimise effects of agriculture and land use changes on the quality of groundwater and surface waters.edge science, science management, national science, science challenge, challenge scienceconference, denmark, agriculture, committee, institute4
beyondcompliance.nlBeyond Compliance works at the intersection of quality management, people and team development and behaviour science. Beyond Compliance supports companies in understanding, evaluating and creating a quality culture, through optimising the…behaviour science, science compliance, life science, science industry, master sciencecompliance, clinical, behaviour, inspection, optimisation4
hugdealeramsterdam.nlBreak the conventions of therapy. Keep illness at bay with ancient techniques and new science. Heal your mind, body or soul through a unique combo - Oil Massage, Thai Yoga Massage, and Hug Therapy.new science, science mind, fuse science, science pleasure, art sciencehug, therapy, session, oil, relaxation4
amsterdamecology.nlThe Nature of Life Seminars are organized by the Department of Ecological Science (AEW). We invite exciting international and national speakers, aiming to include both well-known established ecologists and rising young stars. The topics…science sustainability, behavioural science, science ecotoxicology, ecological science, science aewecology, phd, department, nwo, teach4
lbspvastgoed.nlThe Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) is not only the biggest knowledge cluster in the Netherlands in the field of Life Sciences & Health, it also has a high reputation internationally. The clustering of top-level teaching, research…bio science, science park, life science, science health, science companyestate, relevance, parking, profile4
deketelfactory.nlA project space for visual arts, based in Schiedam, for artists who are fascinated by science, spirituality, philosophy and culture.artist science, science spiritualityphilosophy, visual, spirituality, exhibition, publication4
metabolic.nlTackling global sustainability challenges and accelerating the transition to a circular economy, through systems thinking, data science, and innovation.data science, science innovationmetabolic, circular, economy, think, sustainability4
oomkens-consultancy.nl…and policy risks, and being responsive to opportunities as they emerge. As consultancy we are the bridge between science and real world decision-making, providing our clients with cost-effective measures that build climate resilience…bridge science, science real, earth science, science environmental, environmental scienceclimate, february, august, risk, analysis4
janathomas.nlMaster of Science in Neuropsychology . The Master included 4 courses, namely 'brain damage', 'behavioral disorders', 'arousal and attention' and 'aging'. I enjoyed every single one of them because they focused on the brain and its…master science, science neuropsychology, bachelor science, science psychologypatient, sleep, brain, disease, study3
lichaamsdonatie.nlThe website for information about body donation. For when you think about putting your body at the disposal of science after your death.disposal science, science death, available science, education science, science informationdonation, useful, death, answer, disposal3
informagus.nlWe develop theory and methods for scalable machine learning and information retrieval to analyze big data and address challenging problems in science and society.problem science, science society, computer science, science research, data scienceprofile, graph, retrieval, staff, external3
nwo-i.nlThe NWO Institutes consolidate their strengths around research questions and connect Dutch science with the international scientific community.dutch science, science international, computer science, science netherlandsnwo, institute, scientific, nikhef, independent3
woedend.nlWhen you’re a City of Science, an entire city is transformed into 365 days full of activities, lectures, workshops, excursions, exhibitions and events. With the aim to connect society with the magical world of science. Woedend! was asked…city science, science entire, world science, science woedend, festival sciencebehavior, campaign, moonshot, innovative, identity3
cmeijerink.nlAt Leiden University I work one day a week as lecturer for computer science related courses such as Software Engineering and Systems Development.computer science, science course, science economicstack, sql, resume, lecturer, nato3
duceducationalcentre.nlEnrolmentforms from foreign students for the 'Vedic Sciences' study programs are passed on to DUC Educational Centre and to our partners Hungarian Ayurveda Medical Foundation (HAMF) - Budapest and Blue Star Academy- Budapest for…social science, science faculty, vedic science, science upgrade, science studyeducational, study, distance, faculty, cultural3
torensmaresearch.nlWelcome to Torensma Research Consultancy, where we combine a deep passion for Clinical Epidemiology and Data Science with keen intuition and innovative thinking. Backed by robust academic training and a successful track record in…data science, science keen, master science, science clinical, science harvardpublication, clinical, scientific, epidemiology, healthcare3
progress-lifesciences.nlProgress celebrates 25 years of peaking and invites you to explore our rich history on our special anniversary timeline page. From humble beginnings to a leader in life sciences consulting, each milestone reflects our commitment to…life science, science consultingprogress, publication, qc, qualification, study3
fv-fmg.nlThe Fv-FMG is the faculty association of the faculty social and behavioral sciences of the University of Amsterdam.behavioral science, science universityassociation, vacancy, faculty, behavioral, behavioural3
researchsoftwaretraining.nlWe are a community of training coordinators from Dutch research initiatives delivering training in research software, programming skills, open-source code, and applied data science.open science, science festivalprogramming, collaboration, academic, landscape, resource3
ifihub.nl© 2024 Gilead Sciences Netherlands B.V. All rights reserved. Website privacy statement . Terms of usegilead science, science netherlandsclinical, invasive, literature, guidelines, congress3
onehealthentomologygroup.nl…approach. We have embraced the One Health concept, as this nicely links the medical and veterinary sciences and the role that blood-feeding arthropods play in this. We are part of the Laboratory of Entomology of Wageningen…veterinary science, science role, citizen science, science mosquitoscientist, mosquito, interaction, blood, publication3
yellowresearch.nlOur consultancy services are closely linked to the training we offer and vice versa. In general we cover all scientific fields, ranging from Social Sciences to Life Sciences to Physical Sciences and Engineering including Chemical…social science, science life, life science, science physical, physical scienceyellow, proposal, grant, appointment, past3
relindejurrius.nlCurrently I work as Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Operations Research at the Netherlands Defence Academy. Its Faculty of Military Sciences provides the scientific education for officers-to-be and does research in corresponding…military science, science scientific, computer science, science innovationmathematics, geometry, conference, theory, finite3
uandeyemedia.nl'FLOW - an ode to urban nature ' at the History, Arts & Science documentary festival in Athens. Great films, beautiful weather and nice people. And we haven't even seen the Akropolis yet!...arts science, science documentarydocumentary, athens, speak, stone, campaign3
blonksustainability.nlCarbon Footprint Sustainability Target Setting Science Based Targets Scope 1, 2, 3 emissionsavailable science, science datum, target science, science targetsustainability, environmental, cycle, chain, assessment3
ntcp.nl…executed continuously. In addition, the NTCP works closely together with universities and universities of applied sciences, which is reflected by students, graduates and postdocs which work at the NTCP. In case you want to know more aboutuniversity science, science studentsort, waste, circular, chain, possibility3
julianarts.nl…UBC Bioinformatics profile and undertake a Bioinformatics internship at the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS). Impressed by the research environment, I decided to continue my academic journey and remained in the Zhou…life science, science time, science rimlscandidate, biology, bioinformatics, molecular, interest3
joshuamoerman.nlI received my PhD at the Radboud University in Nijmegen at the Software Science department. Under supervision of Frits Vaandrager, Bas Terwijn, and Alexandra Silva I worked on nominal automata and black box testing in the context of…computer science, science open, software science, science department, science thesispaper, phd, july, thesis, teach3
quentinlee.nlTU Delft , Master Computer Science and Engineering, 2020 - present TU Delft , Bachelor Computer Science and Engineering, 2017 - 2020, cum laudecomputer science, science engineeringsurvey, node, collaborative, edit, currently3
irisschneider.nl…Collective, an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars . My scientific work is available here, and my full academic CV is here . More information can also be found on my Google Scholar and Open Science Framework pages.background science, science industry, open science, science framework, presentation sciencedecision, behavioral, scientist, k., scientific3
markhartgring.nlI am a software developer with Methylium, before that I studied Computer Science at Hogeschool Rotterdam. In my free time I tend to be exploring anything related to trains.computer science, science hogeschoolgraduation, train, present, crowd, simulation3
dutchstudies-satsea.nl…and Southeast Asian studies followed in the first half of the 20th century. The non-Sanskrit-based studies of South Asia flourish in the field of social sciences, since the 1970’s. About relevant universities and institutions, read more .social science, science relevant, anthropological science, science different, academy sciencestudy, south, asia, southeast, institution3
alexanderroessen.nlAs someone with an avid interest in most things to do with space, the stars, science fiction and conspiracy theories, I can relate to some of these theories to a certain extent. One of the theories that continues to grab my imagination is…star science, science fiction, pyramid sciencedad, camp, memory, parent, prince3
athenasangels.nlOn June 13, 2023, a Diner Pensant on social safety in Dutch science took place at Hodson House in Haarlem, organized by Athena's Angels in…safety science, science paper, dutch science, science placewoman, academic, equal, career, successful3
libertychee.nl…This project will draw from notions of civic epistemology and the sociality of knowledge production in feminist science studies. The latter attend to different sources of epistemic authority, including voices 'from below.' The project…social science, science centripetal, feminist science, science study, political scienceliberty, teach, domestic, dissertation, labour3
timvancann.nlAfter graduating with a masters degree in Artificial Intelligence and diving into Data Science for a while, I decided to pursue my passion for robust backend systems and became a full-time Data Engineer. My favorite part of my job is the…data science, science passion, master science, science dataazure, python, airflow, decade, implementation3
demul.nln.b. This web version of the article is without footnotes. If you want the version with footnotes as published in Social Science Front , please download the pdf.social science, science pdfchapter, lecture, publication, academic, cultural3
jeffv.nlI have always wanted to create educational material to teach computer science concepts to children, as I feel there is room to improve on teaching those skills in the regular educational system. Now, I have launched a beta version of “De…computer science, science min, science concepthacking, networking, session, min, function3
nwo-unravel.nlThe goal of this research project is to better understand neural networks to enable the design of highly efficient, tailor-made neural networks built on top of and interwoven with structure-preserving properties of the underlying science…property science, science problemneural, computing, structure, nwo, closure3
personalisedcareinoncology.nl…explanation and justification of AI-generated advice in CDSSs. We integrate knowledge and expertise in AI and data science, clinical modelling, user-based design, and medical technology in a consortium that brings together all relevant…engineering science, science link, datum science, science clinicalpersonalised, oncology, clinical, decision, vacancy3
neuro.nlin The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2024portrait science, science gallery, biological science, science medicalneuroscience, department, disorder, molecular, disease3
lucasvandijk.nl…Institute of MIT and Harvard, where I do most of my work. My background is in electrical engineering and computer science, and I have gained a huge interest in biology the past few years. Now I am using my knowledge on algorithms, data…computer science, science huge, science bioinformaticsbioinformatics, genome, sequence, phd, candidate3
scriptiemaster.nlSpecializations: PABO, pedagogy, educational science, sports pedagogy, youth participation, qualitative research, social education issueseducational science, science sport, social sciencethesis, tutoring, consultation, guidance, motivate3
bramvanvugt.nlDuring my time at Avans University of Applied Sciences, I specialized in Communication and Multimedia Design with a focus on user-centric principles. I honed my skills in user research, crafting tailored virtual reality experiences…apply science, science communicationproducer, animation, apply, understand, successfully3
wwestera.nl• Social science research : both qualitative and quantitative methods, in particular research into education, teaching and learning (and a lot of criticism on verification-oriented research and common sloppiness in methodologies).social science, science bayesian, science researchpublication, turn, scientific, bayesian, statistics3
fransvonderdunk.nlSocial Science Book Award of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Jerusalem, October 2015social science, science award, science booklaw, stack, dunk, der, hole3
ndures.nlDeliver spatial analytical outputs derived from satellite images in the water sector (water quality, quantity, and supply), environmental management, and climate change using geographical information system and remote sensing tools, data…environmental science, science climate, data science, science softwareanalytical, environmental, climate, remote, sense3
godfatherof.nlAfter one year at the Aerospace Lab, I started working on 1 September 1966 at the Mathematical Centre, later - when informatics had become a science of its own next to and with strong connections to mathematics - renamed to CWI (for Dutch…informatics science, science strong, national science, science foundation, brown sciencelater, cwi, networking, bit, etc3
rnul.nlMinister of Education, Culture and Science, Mr. Plasterk, opened the Music in Motion exhibition in the National Museum of Ethnology (Volkenkunde) in Leiden, the Netherlands. Rnul made two interactive installations for this exhibition; a…nemo science, science museum, art science, science leiden, culture scienceinteractive, visitor, installation, exhibition, collaboration3
mediainnovatiecampus.nl…newspapers’ publisher - other occupants are various media, marketing, communication, and cyber businesses, as well as students from NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and ROC Friesland College (secondary vocational education).apply science, science rocrenovation, interested, apply, collaboration, property3
qutechacademy.nl…you need to take part in the global quantum technology effort. Are you an ambitious student with the desire to contribute to this exciting field of science? Enrol for the QuTech Academy programme and join us in creating the quantum future!computer science, science engineering, quantum science, science quantum, field sciencequtech, quantum, scholarship, thesis, collaboration3
mdml.nl BSc. Statistic, MSc. Statistical Science and Techniques | PhD. Candidate Applied Mathematics | Extensive academic work in the field of Machine Learningdata science, science competitive, statistical science, science techniqueconsumer, commerce, decision, modular, chain3
jessetimmermans.nlNike, ING, Daikin, Zelus, IKEA, Blokker, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, EON, Essent, Yale Center for British Art, Southbank Centre, Anytime by Interamerican, National Gallery, Independer, Ymere, De Key, Stadgenoot, NEMO Science Museum…nemo science, science museumspecialise, rider, colleague, nike, micropia3
robbertkrebbers.nlI am associate professor ( universitair hoofddocent, ius promovendi ) and vice department head of the department of Software Science of Institute for Computing and Information Sciences at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands .software science, science institute, information science, science radboud, faculty sciencephd, thesis, logic, separation, postdoc3
tmo.nlTMO is a University of Applied Sciences, providing the internationally accredited title Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Fashion. TMO is the only fashion business school in the Netherlands authorized to extend this title.apply science, science university, utrecht science, science program, science collegecareer, study, vacancy, apply, specifically3
frankchristian.nlspend more time on doing data science on the test-data validating assumptions and sodatum science, science testprogress, python, certificate, autonomous, january3
ai-health.nlDepartment of Clinical, Neuro- and Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciencescomputer science, science facultyartificial, intelligence, researcher, highlight, vacancy3
countingsheep-amsterdam.nl…2-3 hours at a time. Elaine's special talents in handling and solving various types of problems, articulating the science behind the organised plan and supporting the emotional needs of both the child and parent was both professional andsleep science, science sleep, river science, science university, problem sciencesleep, package, count, sheep, parent3
joepweijers.nl2009 also marks the year I started my Master Computer Science. The Master touches upon several topics from the Bachelor, but goes much more in-depth. I completed my Master's degree with my thesis titled: "Extending Project Lombok to…computer science, science delft, science tu, science masterjenkins, ignite, trick, youth, road3
raadvoorcultuur.nlUsually, the Council provides a recommendation at the request of the Minister of the OCW (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science). Every four years, the Council presents its recommendations on the perennial, government-subsidised…culture science, science year, medium science, science member, science councilcouncil, cultural, recommendation, government, committee3
petervandersteen.nlIn order to support my knowledge, skills and experience I am constantly improving myself in various supporting disciplines : Human Computer Interaction, Cognitive Science, Heuristics, Micro Expressions and Usability Engineering.cognitive science, science heuristicder, interaction, ux, optimal, documentation3
rgoc.nlCAT: In the Cognitive Adaptation Training there is collaboration with Dawn Velligan, PhD (University of Texas, Department of Psychiatry, Health Science Center). CAT aims to reduce the negative consequences of cognitive disorders on daily…data science, science center, health sciencestudy, disorder, mental, collaboration, psychiatry3
personalisedimplants.nlThe creation and placement of an implant is a sequence of different specializations such as: materials science, biomechanics, manufacturing technologies (including 3D printing), IT and visualization technology, clinical research and…material science, science biomechanicsimplant, personalised, patient, ecosystem, manufacture3
verenigingvoorlogica.nlThe Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences is called 'Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van Exacte Wetenschappen’ in Dutch, and is commonly referred to by the abbreviation VvL. Logic originates at the…exact science, science voor, computer science, science artificial, science areavoor, logic, phd, lecture, registration3
datalane.nlThe DataLane team consists of experienced process mining consultants with backgrounds in engineering, data science, operations research & strategic management.datum science, science operation, science experiencemining, optimization, improvement, resource, lab3
qbio-symposium.nlWelcome to the website of the QBio Symposium 2023! This year the symposium will take place on November 30th at the Utrecht Science Park .utrecht science, science park, library science, complexity science, science systemfusion, brain, schedule, talk, metabolic3
social-buddy.nl…on existing studies in healthcare and tech, to provide an all-round solution for continuous independent living. This includes working closely with the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, enabling us to apply face and pose detection.apply science, science face, history science, science socialdetection, face, continuous, independent, healthcare3
bramsteenbrink.nl…undertake other sporting activities. When I come back from the gym, I love to learn about all kinds of skills and science through reading and YouTube. Tolkien is a writer I keep coming back to and I love to study his works on an academicskills science, science readingunity, resume, interest, church, certificate3
emielcaron.nlI am a lecturer, researcher, and consultant in the field of business intelligence , business analytics , and data science . I currently work as an assistant professor in Business Analytics at the Tilburg University ( my Tilburg webpage )…data science, science currently, centre science, science technologyphd, researcher, dissertation, intelligence, lecturer3
gerardvantspijker.nlthe Faculties of Protestant Theology in Yaoundé. The last few years I have been teaching at the Theological Department of de Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS) in Butare, Rwanda, for periods of several weeks each year.theology science, science religion, field science, social science, science piasstheology, religion, church, biography, publication3
sunglacier.nlWhat started as the “Art meets Science” project SunGlacier, resulted in the deliverance of the 2 first Droppler machines to the Dutch Ministry of Defense, partner of the DCHI ( Dutch Coalition for Humanitarian Innovation ). This…culture science, science museon, concept science, science fiction, art scienceglacier, builder, climate, pavilion, defense3
visualcomputing.nlI am an assistant professor of computing science at the University of Groningen. I have been working on visual perception and its applications to visual computing. My research interests includecomputing science, faculty science, science engineering, professor science, science universitygraphic, paper, transaction, visual, ieee3
catholijnjonker.nlWomen form 50% of our population, but not in science, and not overall positions in academia. We need to change the academic culture to achieve a fair representation of women and all groups in our society in science overall positions. It…computer science, science liacs, woman science, population science, science overallsociety, intelligence, phd, candidate, publication3
daanvaningen.nl:) I grew up and happily live in Amsterdam, the best city in the world. I am currently doing a master Computational Science and working 16 hours a week as a front-end developer. Any spare time that I have is devoted to personal projects…computational science, science hour, programming science, science complex, computer sciencefootball, computational, currently, summary, formula3
forensicscientist.nlI have always been interested in learning how things work. When I did my bachelor chemistry, I was amazed to understand nature and products to the molecular level. After my bachelor I chose to do the master Forensic Science. Forensic…forensic science, science forensic, science application, application science, science legalchemical, forensic, scientist, profiling, protection3
hedyhempe.nlSince 2003 I am working with willow. In my presentation for Qua Art Qua Science at De Museumfabriek in Enschede on 7th of September I will share my experiences and development in the making of willow objects. As my shapes become more…qua science, science deidentity, female, willow, eggshell, bronze3
dwangschematiek.nlin computational methods, molecular dynamics, and analysis of biological structures. My background in philosophy of science informs my interest in methodology, what we are actually talking about when we explain phenomena by means of…angry science, science reason, life science, science master, biomolecular sciencemolecular, interest, programming, extremely, reason3
msj-advies.nlI am passionate about science, modelling, and statistics. For the past 10 years, I have engaged in hands-on mathematical modelling myself, trained others, and built and led teams. During that time, I have learned that companies are most…passionate science, science modelling, datum science, science dedicated, data sciencestatistics, modelling, dedicated, mathematical, resilience3
goal17.nlWhat is the SBTi? The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) is a partnership between Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact, the Worldsbti science, science targetreport, sustainability, initiative, servicenow, inspiration3
hans-blokland.nlHans Blokland Works is an addition to Social Science Works , the social enterprise that I am privileged to direct. Before and after I founded this enterprise, I published articles and books at other places. These can be found on this…social science, science work, science easterngerman, germany, biography, publication, political3
nzvnet.nlThe Dutch Animal Science Association is an association for everyone who is concerned with issues in the field of animal-human-environment. Animal scientists have long been focusing not only on farm animals. Fish farming and companion…animal science, science association, apply science, science peopleanimal, association, dinner, inspiration, scholarship3
veldacademie.nlSince 2008, Veldacademie has been positioned as a connecting link between implementation, policy and science, cooperating extensively with several universities, particularly TU Delft, Erasmus University, and Rotterdam University of…policy science, science extensively, apply science, science veldacademieinternship, find, neighbourhood, resilience, urban3
floorvandepavert.nlSince 2016 I am owner and founder of SuperBra , a lingerie retail chain store. I combine my work for SuperBra with consultancy work in the field of quantum and nano science and high-tech startups. The consultancey work I perfom under the…organisation science, science business, nano science, science highquantum, presentation, physics, institute, affairs3
maskmachine.nlCopyright © 2022 SINGSUN ELECTRONIC SCIENCE & TECH CO.,LTD All rights reserved. Privacy Policyelectronic science, science techmask, automatic, face, surgical, manufacturer3
thijstenraa.nlFulbright, Sloan, NATO and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellowshipsregional science, science urban, arts science, science fellowshipeconomic, paper, association, treasurer, econometrics3
merijnbruijnes.nlWorking in science is awesome but sometimes, often at a party, it can be challenging to explain what it is that I do. I studied psychology and now work with, you know… “robots but social ones” as someone put it. Roughly two groups of…music science, science despite, euphemism science, science ing, new scienceuncategorized, author, tower, hospital, visit3
ayu.nlPilot study of the efficacy of Ayurveda treatment in Eimeria acervuli infected broiler chickens. Collaboration between the University of Utrecht department Veterinary Science, CAV den Ham, Poultry Farm Uit Het Broek and Europa Ayurveda…medical science, science origin, veterinary science, science cavherbal, formula, uncategorized, traditional, study3
datastem.nlI have a master’s degree in computing science, with a specialization in data science. I have published a paper in the field of medical imaging. For my master’s thesis I created (parts of) an autonomous container ship.data science, science consulting, computing science, science chemistry, science specializationartificial, intelligence, compliance, implementation, recognition3
schoolofcreativethinking.nlAre you looking for more background in the theory or science of creative thinking? Or curious about the experiences of participants in our courses? We regularly publish stories, experiences and book reviews. As well as announcements of…master science, science creativity, theory science, science creativethink, creativity, leadership, introduction, advanced3
kenlog.nlFarming will have to become more sustainable and feed more people. Dutch horticultural sciences and techniques can play a crucial role in achieving these goals. In the new world, sustainable food production will have to be increased:…horticultural science, science techniqueplanet, horticultural, farming, cooperation, know3
dujal.nlDuJAL encourages open science, allows for publication of instruments and data, and publishes on a rolling basis.open science, science publication, structure science, science educationjournal, apply, linguistic, xml, editorial3
gijsvandam.nlGijs van Dam is a researcher, consultant and business founder , with more than 20 years of experience. In 2024 he obtained his PhD in computer science at the National University of Malaysia. Gijs lives in Amsterdam.computer science, science nationalpayment, signature, git, balance, paper3
lightness-studios.nlProf. Dr. Casper Boks, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Head Dept. Product Design, Trondheim, Norwayuniversity science, science technology, faculty science, science engineering, engineering sciencelightness, structure, composite, lightweight, head3
emcsquaire.nl…consolidate expertise in clinically and biologically relevant artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)research within our institute while at the same time increasing awareness for the science and engineering behind AI and ML.data science, science big, frontier science, science machine, awareness sciencedepartment, artificial, intelligence, quantitative, society3
iea.nltheir assessment practices. The aim is to examine how these practices are related to achievement and changes in achievement in mathematics and science over time, as well as how they are related to educational equity in the Nordic countries.mathematics science, science education, science timestudy, report, teacher, germany, publication3
emilebons.nlA bachelor in computer science acquires a fundamental understanding of algorithms, programming languages, and computer systems, laying the groundwork for innovation and problem-solving in the ever-evolving world of technology.computer science, science fundamentalfrontend, fullstack, angular, yii, framework3
pleduc.nlSubjects include Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and extra focus on Mathematics (2 subjects)apply science, science bachelor, computer science, science extraprogrammer, shader, fractal, raider, tomb3
ursi-nederland.nlURSI , the International Union of Radio Science, aims to stimulate and coordinate studies, research, applications, scientific exchange and communication in the fields of radio science, on an international basis. It is a non-governmental…radio science, science study, science international, international science, science councilcommittee, scientific, collaboration, exchange, found3
curioushands.nl…He is currently professor in Arts Education at the Research Centre Arts & Society of Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, and endowed professor of Culture Participation at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He teaches, supervises…social science, science research, apply science, science groningen, art sciencecurious, educational, phd, output, distinct3
gilbertvanveldhuizen.nlThe programme combines design, engineering, technology and the social sciences. You will go beyond the mere circuitry of electronic equipment to design and improve products that are part of people’s everyday lives. You will consider their…social science, science mereindustrial, description, assignment, packaging, timeframe3
quintushegie.nlTurn business data into scaleable profit centers using advanced analytics & data science consultancy services.datum science, science consultancy, omputer sciencerole, profit, woman, income, growth3
martijnwillemsen.nl…Technology and also works as the principle investigator of the Recommender LAB at the Jheronimous Academy of Data Science in Den Bosch. He holds a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and in Technology and Society from Eindhoven…innovation science, science eindhoven, data science, science den, national sciencelab, recommender, publication, decision, interaction3
dutchacaservices.nl…efficiency in higher education,we visited key institutions such as the Council of Universities and Applied Science Universities. We also got a insiders view in the planning and control cycle as well as student registration. Dutch…apply science, science universityacademic, programme, educational, reform, educator3
martijnjsmit.nlAs a reviewer, I’m active for Regional Studies , Papers in Regional Science , Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences , TESG, Environment and Planning B , Spatial Economic Analysis , and many other journals. I am member of the editorial…regional science, science assocation, science letters, resource science, science tesgeconomic, spatial, economist, blood, connectivity3
projectdragonfly.nlThe oldest aeronautical engineering university of applied sciences in the Netherlands started in Haarlem, the hometown of Anthony Fokker. In 2004 we moved to Delft.apply science, science netherlands, science labdragonfly, electric, aircraft, aeronautical, internship3
infectionandimmunity.nlOur program is part of the Utrecht University Graduate School Life Sciences and consists of a Master and a PhD program . Expertise on immunology, infectious diseases, pediatrics, bacteriology, virology, chemistry and cell biology can be…life science, science master, science career, utrecht science, science parkimmunity, infection, phd, lecture, defense3
esciencecenter.nlWe’ve helped build software that’s changing the face of academic research. In the spirit of open science, all of our tools are free and open-source.digital science, science scholarship, open science, science toolescience, academic, pioneer, proposal, researcher3
thomashengeveld.nlI was trained as an English Translator at the ITV University of Applied Sciences for Interpreting and Translation in Utrecht.apply science, science interprettranslator, correction, edit, appointment, report3
internationallocals.nlBetter health using science. It seems that we are all trying to live better, more healthy lives and that...health science, science wellexpat, mortgage, adviser, dental, bike3
learningforthefuture.nlWe, Fleur de Veth (Student Pedagogical Science Primary Education) and Nils Müller (Education Developer Officer Faculty of Social Sciences) are organizing a short workshop on learning experiences outside the university.pedagogical science, science primary, social science, science shortlab, societal, officially, interdisciplinary, educational3
ipa2014.nlInterpretive approaches to research and analysis—methodologies and methods concerned with situated meaning(s), historical context(s), and the importance of human subjectivity—are experiencing renewed interest and revitalisation in the…social science, science broadly, study science, science humanity, internet scienceconference, analysis, venue, methodology, title3
c-profiel.nlIn the communication profile, part of the master's programme in biomedical sciences at Radboudumc , you learn about problems that may be encountered when communicating about biomedical sciences, and how such prob­lems may be resolved. You…position science, science society, biomedical science, science impact, science radboudumcprogramme, biomedical, profile, scientific, disease3
reneehoekzema.nlI was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn and a postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Copenhagen. I was a DPhil student at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford, working with Ulrikemathematical science, science copenhagen, earth science, science department, life sciencemathematics, physics, plane, mathematica, topology3
buas.nlBreda University of Applied Sciences is a specialist and international higher education and research institute, offering bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. Some 7,000 students study at our green, safe and compact campus in Breda…apply science, science specialistprogramme, study, tourism, collaboration, apply3
sjoerdrongen.nlThe ICT institute of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences focusses on personal development of her students. This can take shape in the form of specialized knowledge or personal development. Either way it's up to the student to decide…apply science, science personal, education science, science technologyresume, analyst, nxp, broad, degree3
jobsonic.nlJobsonic aims to be a quality resource for clients and candidates in the field of Data IT Professionals in the Benelux. The focus is on Engineering, Analyst, Science, Business Intelligence, Business Analysts and Digital Manager.analytics science, science business, science engineering, analyst scienceanalyst, intelligence, assignment, preference, scientist3
paulvandervelde.nlThis two-volume work has footnotes and a literature list, neither of which was very common in those days. Veth was convinced that verifiability was one of the basic traits of a work of modern science. He also accounts for the use of his…important science, science time, development science, science theological, christianity sciencecolonial, biography, society, indonesia, liberal3
wjongeneel.nlIn the last issue of the IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Prof. Sepulchre wrote an exhilarating short piece on the art of the state , or as he (also) puts it ‘‘ the definite victory of computation over modeling in science and engineering…modeling science, science engineering, la science, science en, value sciencedynamical, linear, theory, manifold, function3
kianaagriculture.nlOur formulations are developed by the know-how we gained through 30 years of research on soil science, plant nutrition and plant stress. Our products are precisely engineered to solve the major problems we are facing in agriculture today…science impact, soil science, science plantagriculture, agricultural, soil, fertilizer, consectetur3
loecktreure.nlAt Breda University of Applied Sciences, I gained skills regarding agile development and it's related software. Every game project I gained more experience with Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall as well as some experience while being a…information science, science master, apply science, science skills, science visualpresent, engine, duration, description, contribution3
essetavans.nlOur ESSET programme has several interesting collaborations with partner universities. one of these is with the Ghent university of Applied Sciences in Belgium. Together with a number of ESSET students, our colleagues Samet and Marjon went…apply science, science belgium, environmental science, science programme, science sustainabilityofficial, staff, environmental, january, exchange3
hellocentral.nlHello Central Consultancy has only two focus areas. First, we provide general support to life-sciences companies - from truly early stage to exit or M&A - and second, we have a special focus on early stage commercialization.life science, science business, science companycentral, execution, advisory, practical, truly3
nimarrabat.nlNIMAR, the Leiden University expertise centre for Moroccan Studies offers high-quality Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes for students from research universities and universities of applied sciences, under the responsibility of the Leiden…apply science, science responsibilitymorocco, institute, library, apply3
medicalbiochemistry.nl. We are a diverse and international team that is eager to explore innovative research lines, striving for excellent science and impactful discoveries. This is stimulated by strong cohesion between research groups and fruitful interactions…excellent science, science impactfulbiochemistry, innovative, disease, inflammatory, discovery3
artscienceforum.nl…to meet them. The need for a broader and deeper critical discourse that would bring forth diversified voices from science and humanities, as well as arts, committed them to the task of putting the complexities of ArtScience practice “on…voice science, science humanity, human science, science chance, art sciencebrussels, discussion, critical, scientific, cultural3
csup.nlWe hebben ruime ervaring met verschillende methodieken, zoals Data Science, Lean, Six Sigma, Data- Process Mining, Data Analyses, Forecasting, Scrum, Business Process Management (BPM) en Total Productive management (TPM).data science, science tilburg, science leancomplexity, simplicity, predictable, unpredictable, mining3
crystalhorizons.nl…Freedom G7 Global warming Intolerance Islam IT Justice LGBT Literature Macron Medicine Morality Nederlands Peru Poetry Professional Qualifications Psychology Red Pullover Religion Science Society Spain Trump UK Women's Rights Xenophobiasputore science, science fiction, religion science, science societycrystal, mother, france, mouth, society3
yusufyusuf.nlInformatica, the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing information. The discipline of computer science includes the study of…bachelor science, science informatica, computer science, science studyazure, awesome, certification, requirements, native3
kolky.nlPosted in code , personal , work | Tagged big data , data science , digital twin , gartner , holograms , iot , podcast , quantum computing , serverless | Leave a replydata science, science big, science digitalreply, file, variable, jenkins, xamarin3
analytix.nlI am an AI and machine learning enthousiast with 20+ years of experience in various fields of IT such as software development, consulting and data science. On this blog I will be writing about professional and personal projects in the…data science, science blog, science aibuilder, min, customizable, academic, resume3
wavespi.nlTo make sense of the process data, we apply various data science and process mining techniques. With these, we validate and quantify the previously identified opportunities.data science, science application, science process, science techniquewave, intelligence, technique, tangible, mining3
oapus.nlOPuS cooperates with university libraries, research funders, universities and universities of applied sciences, scientists and scientific publishers in order to prevent a further rise of academic publishing costs during the transition…university science, science scientistpublish, journal, amendment, join, apply3
ouroborosinteractive.nlWeb Technology (course in Computer Science BSc at Vrije Universiteit). TA duties include the following: facilitate a discussion section or tutorial; grade homework, programming assignments, exams, or projects; keep records; distribute and…computer science, science bsc, science broadipsum, majority, variation, slightly, alteration3
aspic.nl…program which helps to standardize purchasing data. Following the Bachelor, Kevin started with the Computer Science master in 2007 and graduated with honors in 2009. In the Master project he did to finish the study he researched…computer science, science master, science ben, master science, science studyconference, awareness, phd, collaboration, conversation3
eegget-it.nlBy now the setups are used in various courses thoughout the curriculum of three UvA life science programs: Biology, Biomedical Sciences and Psychobiologylife science, science additional, science program, biomedical science, science psychobiologysetup, practical, brain, analysis, selector3
maxmyperformance.nlScience shows us that too much stress is the very basis of diseases (mental & physical), addictions, poor performance and suffering! The opposite is also true, living a relaxed, natural life is very fulfilling and happiness will show up!resonance, healthy, addiction, background, publication3
geeven.nl…of the earth?—I always stumble upon scientists at some point. Collaborating with them isn’t always easy. Art and science are two different ball games. But in the end these projects are often as interesting for me as an artist as they…influence science, science art, art science, science different, hard sciencesand, desert, earth, artwork, acoustic3
thinkingslow.nlThe future of computational science lies in the combination of physical modelling and data-driven techniques. In my research group at CWI, the Scientific Computing group, we develop new methods and algorithms that enable the transition to…computational science, science combination, science engineeringpublication, closure, simulation, uncertainty, turbine3
palmyreoomen.nl…by two years of guest professorship at that university. Subjects treated in my philosophy courses include causality, freedom, C.P. Snow’s two cultures, Whitehead’s philosophy, science and religion, free will, and philosophy of nature.philosophy science, science religion, theology science, science department, natural sciencepublication, recording, lecture, philosophy, theology3
xs4kpn.nlAn interactive, creative and dynamic space that is unique, the Coffee Science Centre.coffee science, science centreinteractive, dynamic, blend, fi, wi3
aihub-oost.nlAre you ready to get started and looking to invest in AI and Data Science? Are you seeking financing for innovation projects in this field? The AI Hub East Netherlands can assist you in getting started.data science, science finance, science significant, professor science, science lectoreast, sme, entrepreneur, region, government3
sandervandersloot.nl…are some of my employers’ quotations, DUO (Implementation service for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) and UWV ( Employed Person’s Insurance Administration Agency) respectively. To be able to carry out my present roleaffinity science, science talented, culture science, science uwv, science moneyarchitecture, role, career, pattern, analysis3
iclacademy.nlKari is a well-known (pelvic) physiotherapist and movement scientist. She obtained her doctorate in 1990 as a doctor of science and in 1997 was appointed professor of human movement sciences. She was elected Pro-Rector of NIH (a…doctor science, science professor, movement science, science pro, academy sciencepelvic, physiotherapist, patient, physiotherapy, woman3
bartit.nlThe master in Bioinformatics allows me to see what programming paradigms are used in the computer science related to genetic analysis and other biological problems. In bioinformatics, analysis of big datasets is key, often concerning DNA…master science, science bioinformatics, computer science, science genetic, bachelor sciencebioinformatics, biotechnology, resume, genetic, device3
fossatelli.nlMy professional expertise is bringing specialty medicines to patients. I am a builder: of creativity, of connections, of science. I am strategically strong, but not afraid to make my hands dirty, always with a positive attitude. I am an…modern science, science new, connection science, science strategicallypatient, medicine, thesis, disease, synthesis3
tersteegmc.nl…I prefer the diagnosis "lucid" because my thinking was accelerated but coherent. E.g. I wrote a vision for my science area Food Microbiology in the first week of my lucid state and found 4 professors willing to expand my vision in a…bridge science, science lonely, vision science, science area, apply scienceter, introduction, song, universe, connection3
matthijsrooduijn.nlMy research has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as the American Political Science Review , the Journal of Politics , Comparative Political Studies , the British Journal of Political Science , the European Journal of Political…political science, science university, social science, science research, science reviewpolitical, statistics, socio, far, psychology3
chestnut.nlPNO offers a wide range of subsidy, innovation and compliance services and is strongly positioned in the sectors life sciences & health, energy, climate & environment. In the Netherlands, PNO is among others market leader in the area of…apply science, science utrecht, life science, science healthchestnut, advisor, acquisition, council, description3
labtechnology.nlGet ready for a groundbreaking journey through the world of laboratory innovation on Tuesday, May 28, 2024! Our laboratory trade show offers a unique opportunity to explore the latest developments in analytical chemistry, life sciences…life science, science measure, laboratory science, science future, gl sciencelab, association, trade, visit, exhibit3
human-ai.nl…and design in technology with high-class expertise in different fields, such as social, educational and computing sciences, healthcare and ethics. The programme includes internationally recognized researchers who are known in their…sensory science, science eat, computing science, science healthcaremultidisciplinary, institute, artificial, autonomy, lab3
moonshots24.nlNL MOONSHOTS '24 is an exclusive project for students, initiated by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW).culture science, science ocw, apply science, science universitymoonshot, pioneer, crazy, phase, participation3
teampi.nl…Stichting STEMec™ wants to create it’s own robotics competition that fits the Dutch education system. With this robotics competition more students and young people can learn about science and technology in a fun and challenging way.rigor science, science technology, apply science, science high, people sciencerobotic, endless, season, dwarf, competition3
tjibbedonker.nlOriginally from the Netherlands, I studied Biomedical Sciences (BSc) and Biology (MSc) at the University of Amsterdam, before doing my PhD research at the Centre for Infectious Disease Control at the National Institute for Public Health…biomedical science, science bsc, academy science, science janhospital, disease, infectious, patient, selection3
thekindcode.nl…by a co-design framework that employs an innovative mix of Design Thinking, Risk Management, Product Development, Strategy, and Systems Theory - in the technological sense; and Behavioral Sciences and Neuroscience - in the human sense.behavioral science, science neurosciencedisruptive, framework, innovative, technological, alike3
metabolicfoundation.nlSurfside Science is a citizen science effort towards replicable coastal ecosystem monitoringsurfside science, science citizen, citizen science, science effortmetabolic, resource, effort, lab, annual3
dataunicorn.nlI feel honoured to talk about how IDEXX Laboratories contribute to veterinary science and to showcase what kind of KPI's and dashboards I...datum science, science tableau, veterinary science, science kindmin, visualization, trick, growth, fluff3
educationandlearning.nlby Vivian van der Werf and Shirley de Wit In the last month, we, Vivian and Shirley, joined a double-blind reviewing process for a big computer science…cel science, science speakersmultidisciplinary, teach, reviewer, multimodal, evidence3
ryankolk.nlCompleted as an extra curricular assignment for computer science in high school.bachelor science, science minor, physics science, science nature, computer scienceoverlay, resume, present, electrical, study3
checkmark.nl…and we know what is going on within the industry. All our recruiters have a background in chemistry or the life sciences. They speak your language and are always there to advise you. Whether you’re a professional, a manager or you’re…life science, science language, science year, science joblaboratory, candidate, chemistry, lab, analyst3
beneficialmicrobes.nl1) I studied Biochemistry at the University of Groningen , and obtained my BSc in ‘Natural Sciences’. I continued at the same university to get my PhD on the production of bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria. I also did a brief PostDoc…natural science, science university, food science, science departmentbeneficial, microbe, probiotic, postdoc, conference3
curiecapital.nlCurie Capital, founded in 2018 and headquartered in Amsterdam, is a Life Sciences focused venture capital firm specialized in investing in early-stage companies. We have the experience, risk appetite and funds to invest in talented teams…life science, science venture, science expert, science companycapital, know, investment, innovative, growth3
ninaisabel.nl…of Integrated Sexuality. The method I use is called the VITA method. This method uses current neurobiological science, holistic healing, proven effective coaching techniques and combines this with age-old traditional wisdom. VITA…combination science, science traditional, neurobiological science, science holistic, modern scienceemotion, tantric, consciousness, break, package3
watercommunity.nlIt is a knowledge sharing and education platform for projects contributing to Water For Impact from the TU Delft and Partner Organisations. We want researchers to be able to showcase their research projects and the potential of science in…multidisciplinary science, science technology, potential science, science globalresearcher, initiative, publication, resilience, creation3
technologischgezelschap.nlWe are the study association for all chemical engineering studies at Delft University of Technology. These include the BSc. programme Molecular Science & Technology and the MSc. programme Chemical Engineering. Technologisch Gezelschap is…molecular science, science technologylecture, career, association, membership, chemical3
bright8.nl…strategy, engaging creative work and insightful marketing and PR campaigns to reach your audience in whatever industry they are. We work with B2B and B2C clients across lifestyle, life science, logistics and everything in-between.life science, science tech, science logisticscampaign, bright, discover, quarter, dedicated3
jacquelineheerema.nl…exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local…art science, science local, science artist, passionate science, science sierdheritage, coastal, artistic, residency, residence3
agriexperience.nlGuests of the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences visited World Horti Center, amongst others.life science, science worldfarming, visit, agriculture, greenhouse, arable3
smartneurolab.nlOur research focuses on neuropsychology of (multi) sensory perception and spatial attention, where behavioural science, cognitive neuroscience, clinical assessment and rehabilitation come together. We predominately focus on innovating…behavioural science, science clinical, science cognitive, apply science, science innovativepsychology, department, lab, publication, dissertation3
projectanalytics.nlLooking for a temporary assignment? Project Analytics is an online platform specially for interim data-driven professionals who are looking for new projects within the area of AI, Data Science & Analyticsdata science, science district, science analytics, science advancedtemporary, etc, supplier, domain, independent3
leonvanderveen.nlAround the end of High school I started to do my first official freelance jobs making websites for family and acquaintances. After high school I naturally started studying Computer Science at Radboud University in my home town Nijmegen. A…computer science, science radboud, apply science, science jobjuly, typescript, producer, quickly, apply3
smbwo.nl…These unified requirements are specified within the training for the biomedical disciplines, i.e. Epidemiology, Experimental Pathobiology, Immunology, Medical Physiology, Medical Microbiology, Parasitology, and Nutritional science.nutritional sciencebiomedical, scientific, postdoctoral, certification, investigator3
flashbacktheater.nl…as well as preciseness. Pulling motivation coming from techniques such as sporting activities psychological science, intellectual neuroscience, and also peak efficiency training, Immediate Optimal Electrical power provides a…psychological science, science intellectual, science marketingactually, hair, thread, glass, ter3
hgroefsema.nlVariability in business processes: Automatically obtaining a generic specification ( van Beest, Nick , Heerko Groefsema , Luciano Garcia-Banuelos and Marco Aiello ), In Information Systems , PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD , volume 80, 2019 .elsevier science, science bv, science ltdconference, verification, compliance, computing, variability3
stichtingicam.nlQuirine Eijkman lectures the Access to Justice (Toegang tot het Recht) programme course at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and is the vice-chairperson of the Dutch College for Human Rights. Ms Eijkman’s professional career…apply science, science vice, life science, science industrylaw, chairperson, mass, collective, profile3
marx-translations.nl…who worked as a biomedical scientist for many years. It is precisely this combination that is the strength of Marx Translations, To The Point , where knowledge, skills and experience in the fields of languages and science are combined.language science, science scientisttranslation, edit, revision, write, scientific3
princeclauschair.nlAs holder of the Prince Claus Chair, Sebastián Ureta’s goal is to open the public discussion about a critical aspect of citizen science that is seldom discussed: the massive difficulties that projects focused on developing low-cost…citizen science, science seldomchair, prince, equity, publication, holder3
cedonulli.nlCedo Nulli is the study association of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdambehavioral science, science erasmus, social science, science careercommittee, career, study, click, association3
totalmovement.nlBoth being high level athletes, we also had a luck to grow and learn in a system of education that required from us an in depth understanding of human movement from the perspective of wide range of targeting general and specific sciences…good science, science prove, specific science, science system, world sciencemovement, athlete, athletic, player, injury3
leadengineer.nl…for sectors including the semiconductor industry, and thin-film depositions for solar cells, medical equipment, science and industry. VDL ETG T&D is a dynamic and innovative organisation, where we greatly value employees who show…equipment science, science industry, science technologymechanical, vacancy, colleague, leadership, workplace3
nioz.nlOur science is conducted in four scientific departments;. Three of them are area oriented: estuaries and delta areas, coastal seas and open oceans. Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemistry conducts science in all three area types.ocean science, science conference, biogeochemistry science, science areanioz, ocean, institute, coastal, microbiology3
projectfast.nlIn the Field Lab Autonomous Sailing Technology, the Data Science lectorate of HZ University of Applied Sciences is investigating how to provide the situational awareness of autonomously...apply science, science tu, data science, science lectorate, science situationalautonomous, sail, boat, electric, yard3
lumcglobal.nlInternational Conference Alerts serves as an indispensable tool for professionals and academics seeking to stay informed about upcoming global life science conferences! See their website for more information and don’t miss out on any event.life science, science health, science sector, science conferencepartnership, funding, connectivity, phd, postdoc3
bookexchange.nlThe Book Exchange is an independent second-hand bookstore, specialized in English language books with focus on Literature and Social Sciences.popular science, science poetryexchange, bookstore, selection, title, literature3
emilejaspar.nlCurrently, I am working as a teacher at the University of Applied Sciences Avans. The main courses which I teach are data related such as data science, artificial intelligence (AI) application design and data structure. I also work as a…apply science, science avans, data science, science artificial, science projectetc, career, inside, entrepreneurship, study3
kalstein.nlDiscovering the Invaluable Value of Kalstein Veterinary Autoclaves in the World of Sciencecentrifuge science, science industryinfant, analyzer, manufacturer, autoclave, veterinary3
fysiotherapiezwaansvliet.nlAfter I moved from Leverkusen to Enschede in 2018 for my studies, I was able to complete the study as a physiotherapist at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in 2022. During the study I worked as a fitness instructor in a gym, where I…apply science, science amsterdam, science study, science enschedephysiotherapy, physiotherapist, therapy, manual, ultrasound3
ecofeed.nlBut how about the cost for product Technology? EcoFeed produces private label feed additive solutions at very competitive prices. We know where and how to source the best quality raw materials. With EcoFeed you don’t pay for the science…ecofeed science, science brand, fundamental science, science researchadditive, fatty, acid, animal, manufacturer3
henkrijneveld.nlGemmology is considered a science. Cutting gemstones is more of a craft. I got started with it, without really getting my hands dirtygemmology science, science gemstonegemstone, durability, wear, theory, craft3
progressieve-geneeskunde.nlThere have been innumerable medical publications released worldwide, concerning the importance of plant-based medicines, vitamins, dietary supplements, and the modern diet, all of which conform to the stringent requirements of modern…young science, science worldwidesugar, fat, cell, medicine, treatment3
paotm.nl“During the course, top speakers from science and practice discuss the latest challenges and solutions in the field of living and there is ample opportunity for your own input.”teacher science, science research, legislation science, science applicability, speaker scienceparticipant, study, structural, analysis, hydraulic3
casual-uva.nlMedium Magazine: "UvA Scored Best University in Communication Science – But How Does The University Treat Its Teachers?"social science, science student, communication science, science universitystrike, lecturer, demonstration, anonymous, teacher3
impulse-institute.nlJob is a full professor at the Department of Safety Science, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Technical University Delft. He is a strong advocate of just culture. The development of a so-called "just culture" can help…safety science, science faculty, social science, science research, cognitive sciencehealthcare, institute, impulse, improvement, sentinel3
agrifoodhealth.nlNumerous classic Life Sciences companies have disappeared in recent years. New sustainable Life Science on the other hand offers many challenging opportunities in a diverse area. By combining activities of different properties, a…life science, science company, science handentrepreneurship, property, invention, numerous, cross3
prakriteeayurveda.nlAyurveda is a natural and holistic ancient Indian medical science. The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain a balanced body, mind and spirit. Below are three incredibly important aspects of Ayurveda:ancient science, medical science, science aim, health science, science indiaayurvedic, consultation, therapy, treatment, worry3
venvnvs.nlThe primary aim of Nurse Practitioner education in the Netherlands was to provide quality nurses with the opportunity to develop their skills in patient care, as opposed to changing careers from patient care to management, nurse education…apply science, science graduate, master science, science degreenurse, competency, framework, government, career3
nielsmanders.nlAs part of his bachelor's degree journey, Niels took up a minor in Digital Experience Design at Fontys University of Applied Science . During this semester-long course, he delved into the overall user experience of different digital…apply science, science eindhoven, science semesterux, usability, analysis, researcher, near3
burgerstekstenredactie.nlEric Burgers MA (b. 1971) is a freelance writer, reporter and editor based in Delft, the Netherlands. His areas of expertise include water management, spatial and urban development, earth sciences, arts and literature. He has researched…earth science, science art, interest science, science write, interaction sciencewriter, editor, literature, climate, interest3
asconnect.nlASconnect is organised by Applied Sciences students of the TU Delft for Applied Sciences students. It’s a yearly event where students and companies can get to know each other.apply science, science connect, science tu, science student, science logoapply, committee, career, connect, yearly3
olivierboeren.nldevelopment and web development, both front and backend. I recently finished my bachelor's with honours in Computer Science at Utrecht University and will start my masters in Datascience and Artificial intelligence at the TU Eindhoven thiscomputer science, science utrecht, science honour, science exchangehonour, resume, processing, interest, artificial3
mdlware.nlBefore graduating, ICA students followed a unique program with three semesters of their own choice. Each semester focuses on a specific professional task within the field of Computer Science, Information Technology, Business Information…apply science, science academy, computer science, science informationinstead, unified, requirements, introduction, capable3
bk-wood.nlComprehensively combines fundamentals of wood science and applied technology An up-to-date summary of wood research and current industrial practise Written…wood science, science technologytimber, wood, bridge, forest, lecture3
anchoringinnovation.nlOur junior researchers are working on exciting individual projects to explore the concept of anchoring in all classical disciplines. Projects range from Greek statues in Rome to epic elements in science fiction film, from Cicero’s letters…element science, science fiction, technology science, science materialanchor, publication, domain, classical, antiquity3
btrcoaching.nl…is visible throughout my educational and working life: having studied Occupational Therapy (BOt), Human Movement Sciences (PhD) and Professional Coaching (CPC). I was teacher in Ergonomics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and project…science technology, professional science, movement science, science phdcareer, session, skilled, favourite, structure3
differ.nlThe nurturing ground of the DIFFER facilities: 'This is the place where science and craftsmanship come together'place science, science craftsmanshipdiffer, facility, fuel, fusion, fundamental3
kweri.nlYou have your business goals in clear view. You think AI could help. Somehow. But how? Our structured approach to data science will help you figure that out.data science, science usepipeline, username, graph, engine, structure3
neuroinformatics.nl…we will discuss how these technologies can be integrated and used for personalized health care. Business and science will meet to see if these technologies can be applied to achieve predictive value that is beyond the existing…symposium science, science digital, business science, science technologycongress, neuroimaging, brain, personalized, august3
palladion.nlUniversity of Applied Sciences Amsterdam: Lecturing Project Management, Management Organization, Marketing, MarCom (2012 - 2013)apply science, science amsterdam, science utrechtlecture, apply, initiative, reason, staff3
lindacarton.nl"Developing approaches for citizen engagement, science-policy dialogue, and connecting visions to action. To co-create, innovate, experiment, apply, and evaluate methods for sustainable futures for cities and regions."citizen science, science air, engagement science, science policyregion, climate, neutral, uw, participatory3
greenterraconsulting.nlGreen Terra Consulting is a socially concerned environmental sciences services and consulting organisation. Our mission is to provide companies and governments with practically applicable and scientifically based knowledge, information…environmental science, science consulting, science serviceconsulting, environmental, socially, government, concern3
radboudumc.nlOn October 12, the Radboudumc Investment Day took place for the third time. Scientists, entrepreneurs and investors from the life sciences & health sector came together in the Radboudumc Experience Center to exchange knowledge, network…life science, science healthgraduate, collaboration, patient, treatment, investment3
naic.nlNanjing Agricultural High-tech Zone, formerly known as the Baima Agricultural Science and Technology Park, started construction in March 2009. In November 2019, the State Council officially issued the "Approval for Establishing the…agricultural science, science technology, agriculture science, science education, science servicenanjing, agricultural, agriculture, sme, smooth3
todoto.nl…water is just as refreshing when pouring it over your head. The bottle paints the sky blue. The water flows unpredictable over her smiling face. Like Dutch science always moves towards unknown but wonderful promises for future generations.build science, science party, dutch science, science unknown, amsterdam sciencefom, contest, bottle, lab, sky3
incubatorutrecht.nlStichting Incubator Utrecht operates two business incubator buildings, the Alexander Numan Building and the Life Science Incubator (LSI), both located on Yalelaan in the Utrecht Science Park.life science, science incubator, utrecht science, science park, science clusterincubator, facility, laboratory, partners, building3
edegier.nlWorkshop at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with Livia Rickli which shows wireframing as a powerfull tool for creating mobile application concepts.apply science, science mobile, science liviareactive, microservice, kotlin, guide, programming3
nano4society.nl…under the 4 main Nano4Society themes. It is not the end product, but an important part that enables the end product to work. In the nanotechnology ecosystem, science and industry partners collaborate to find solutions to these challenges.ecosystem science, science industryquantum, nanotechnology, programme, photonic, ecosystem3
nhlstendenmerchandise.nlIn this webshop you will find the merchandise of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. You will find a wide range of products, from promotional gifts to clothing and promotional items to candy products. All items have been selected…apply science, science wideclothing, miscellaneous, candy, promotional, property3
xwang.nlHello and welcome! I am an assistant professor in Storage of Electrochemical Energy (SEE) section, Department of Radiation Science & Technology (RST), TU Delft.radiation science, science technology, competition science, science xspublication, electrochemical, storage, radiation, department3
philosophicalcontributionscharlesgoossens.nl…such a world exists. Now, reasons for accepting as trustworthy the Christian message are not primarily a matter of science or philosophy. They are matters of Christianity itself and depend on its fundamental rules. Truth of religious…distinct science, science philosophy, definitely science, matter sciencereligious, philosophical, contribution, religion, truth3
centre-for-bold-cities.nlThe Architecture Division in collaboration with the Social Sciences Division of ATINER are organizing the 14 th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies…team science, social science, science divisionbold, conference, paper, society, urban3
gavinschipper.nlNew Media Design is a specialization within the master Communication and Information Sciences. During the master I gained experience and knowledge about interactive technology, design processes, creativity and how people use new media. In…information science, science university, science people, data science, science skillsux, researcher, usability, aid, patient3
judithmartens.nlFor as long as I can remember, I have been interested in understanding individual and collective human agency at a fundamental level. This is reflected in my primary research areas: philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, and the…cognitive science, science social, science focuspublication, habit, psychology, philosophical, habitual2
dietistenpraktijktrutchka.nlI gained experience as a dietician working at the dietetics departments at the BovenIJ and OLVG hospitals. In 2014 I started as an independent dietician in Surinam. Additionally, I am a visiting teacher at the Medical Science Institute in…apply science, science amsterdam, medical science, science institutedietician, profile, nutrition, association, dietetic2
sdebruin.nlHi I am Sander, I currently am years old, living in the Netherlands (Noord-Brabant). At the moment, I am a data scientist the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) focussed on computer vision projects. I followed the Data Science in Engineering…data science, science engineering, computer science, science master, science programscientist, resume, automatic, grade, schedule2
artificialvoice.nl…tract) are among its basic concepts. Musical instruments functioned as models, objects and inspiration for the science of acoustics; and with respect to the voice, the organ seems to be a privileged metaphor. What attitude(s) towards…arts science, science knaw, inspiration science, science acousticsynthesis, artificial, technique, recording, singing2
vrijheidvanamsterdam.nlWhat an amazing story! It was about the city of Amsterdam, the seventeenth century, the development of our current times and democracy, and about science and civilization. Everybody should have a listen!democracy science, science civilizationtile, century, cycling, anniversary, bike2
pulseracing.nlEvery year a new team consisting of VU students is brought together to further develop FES. Although PULSE Racing started with a team consisting exclusively of human movement sciences students, it has now become a multidisciplinary team…movement science, science vu, science studentathlete, cycling, collaboration, injury, spinal2
daanakkerman.nl…as a result of which mankind entered the twentieth century as the century of technology with unprecedented possibilities brought about by worldwide industrialization, by powers which mankind suddenly acquired, by knowledge and science.knowledge science, science obviouslyearth, calendar, fact, session, mankind2
viveurope.nlThis high-level conference examines how high-quality, sustainable animal protein production helps Europe’s competitiveness in the global market, as well as how science-based policies and innovative technology help to lessen and enhance…market science, science policy, people science, science industryexhibitor, exhibit, exhibition, poultry, egg2
eathon.nlBefore specializing as a life sciences lawyer, Bovenberg practiced corporate, finance and business law with law firms in the US and the Netherlands.life science, science law, science lawyerlaw, attorney, scientific, publication, representative2
zorg-en-facility.nlDutch Health Week is the place where professionals and organizations from healthcare and life sciences meet annually to exchange knowledge. A wide range of partners contributes to its realization, with Zorg & facility being one of them…belief science, science illusion, life science, science annuallyfacility, healthcare, exhibitor, inspiration, visitor2
lcam.nlLCAM is a formal collaboration between three innovative microscopy centres at the Faculty of Science (FNWI) of the University of Amsterdam, the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) and the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI).faculty science, science fnwimicroscopy, advanced, academic, embed, infrastructure2
rubenvolgers.nlScience – the goal of science is to make things clearer, to show us the bigger picture, to change our perspective, to enlighten us, and I think in this function, it is much the same as art. This enlightment through perspective is a true…goal science, science thing, image science, science instancefunction, illustration, subject, visual, true2
trinityproductions.nlBethan Nodwell is a mother, a registered nurse, and advocate for evidence-based science and fundamental rights and freedoms with training in broadcasting and journalism. Bethan served as the voice of the Freedom Convoy in the winter of…evidence science, science fundamental, political science, science vutrinity, farmer, freedom, door, checkout2
tasksolutions.nlSupport with data warehousing, master data, consolidations (SAP BPC, Hyperion) , Business Intelligence tools like MS BI, SAP BW, and clickview. Get introduced with data science and AI tools like matplotlib, jupyter, python and tableaudata science, science aitask, transition, transformation, far, merger2
allp.nlIn the research project Bodycams, financed by the Police & Science programme, legal psychologist Dr. Annelies Vredeveldt and criminal law scholar Linda […]society science, science switzerland, police science, science programmelab, memory, laboratory, psychology, eyewitness2
websitepakketten.nlDo you have an awesome idea or did you just start your own company and are you looking for some help or acceleration when it comes to data analytics and data science? Don’t hesitate and contact us immediately!data science, science immediately, science immediatlylab, scientist, innovative, enthusiastic, awesome2
originscenter.nlDutch science is leading the world in interdisciplinary research into the origins and evolution of life. Collaboration pays off. The Origins Center is energizing these new, cross-disciplinary forms of collaboration. Progressive projects…question science, science event, dutch science, science worldorigin, emergence, evolution, earth, cell2
dylanmolenaar.nlBorsboom, D. & Molenaar, D . (2015). Psychometrics. In J.D. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. - 2nd ed (pp. 418-422). Amsterdam: Elsevier.consciousness science, science neuroscience, behavioral science, science edresponse, psychometric, psychology, journal, ed2
msmacrosystem.nlMS MacroSystem offers professional 3D and 4D graphics software for science and technology that allows you to analyze data quickly and accurately. Our unique set of interactive 3D measurement tools was specifically developed to meet…software science, science technology, biological science, science imagingsurface, visualization, microscope, analysis, beam2
nevernever.nlJuri Suzuki (JP) Born and raised in Fukushima, Japan. She graduated in Architecture, from Tokyo University of Science in 2005, from the Fine arts of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in 2013 and Studio for Immediate Spaces of the Sandberg…university science, science fineexhibition, residency, pain, pink, sun2
mintzbergsociety.nlIt is important to attract the right people. People who care, who are not immediately opinionated and are willing to invest time and money to educate the ignorants! The society will bring science, research and politics together, so that…mean science, science research, society sciencesociety, town, january, politics, etc2
sapio.nlBoth the Information System Sciences (Computer Science and Business Informatics) and the Organization Sciences (Business Administration, Management Science and Industrial Engineering) fall short in mastering the complex problems that…system science, science computer, computer science, science business, organization scienceintellectual, devotion, organisational, publication, enterprise2
robertacroce.nlRoberta was elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciencesfaculty sciencepublication, biophysics, society, astronomy, physics2
gerritjandebruin.nl, with a special interest to the data analysis, modelling, and software engineering. While the variety of topics I work on at TNO is quite broad within the atmospheric science domain, a recurring theme is how to make a change right here…atmospheric science, science domainpollution, analysis, ship, conference, reduction2
pietijzer.nlPiet IJzer BV has expertise, knowledge and experience that focuses on wellness, health care and life sciences.dimension, base, provide, operational, profitable2
mercatorlaunch.nlMeet Mathijs Buddingh’, our passionate project manager at the Science Park, a thriving hub nestled within Radboud University and Radboudumc’s…mclaunch science, science park, manager sciencelaunch, entrepreneur, innovative, lab, intellectual2
narrativelabs.nlWith a passion for tackling complex topics, Izzy works with clients in fields ranging from materials science to nutrition. She particularly enjoys developing foundational narratives and supporting clients with their internal…material science, science nutrition, game science, science fictionnarrative, lab, employee, leadership, writer2
flowlustrum.nlOur theme refers to the different studies that are represented in Study Association Flow: Communication and Information Sciences, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science and Society.information science, science cognitive, cognitive science, science artificial, data sciencestudy, association, checkout, society, cognitive2
mindhoven.nlWith Stadslab, Maker-movement and Mindhoven programs, MAD addresses the necessity and need to arrive at new, integrated and vision-driven solutions. Where technology is used democratically for people and society: ‘Rocket science for…rocket science, science society, technology science, science creativitysociety, mad, ecosystem, emergent, artistic2
coachieve.nlMaster of Science in Management, MSc Managementwetenschappen, Cultural Sciences, MA Cultuurwetenschappen, Advanced Studies in Management Program, SHRM specialization, Certified Strengths Coach, StrengthscopeLeader accreditedmaster science, science management, cultural science, science mastrength, leadership, assessment, employee, engagement2
hanzeuniversityfoundation.nlThe Hanze University Foundation is an independent foundation affiliated with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences that appeals to the social involvement of employees, students, alumni and companies in the region. The Foundation…apply science, science socialfundraiser, entrepreneurship, indonesia, nursing, africa2
issblog.nlof Humanitarian Studies at ISS, outgoing IHSA President) and Sk. Tawfique M Haque (Professor and Chair of Political Science and Sociology, North South University) present a statement made by participants of a roundtable held at the…university science, science research, political science, science sociologybliss, humanitarian, october, war, conference2
neabarabea.nl…Open Discussion Paranormal Perceptual processes Personality Psychoanalysis Psychology Quotes Read-A-Thon Romance Science-Fiction Social Cognition social perception Social skills Society Soul Screamers Challenge The Power of…concisely science, science reference, romance science, science fictionoctober, adult, august, everyday, july2
sias-uva.nlThe SIAS group falls under the People, Society and Technology Theme of the Informatics Institute (IvI) at the Faculty of Science , University of Amsterdam . The group is led by Prof. Sennay Ghebreab and Prof. Hinda Haned.faculty science, science university, lab science, science parksocially, artificial, society, everyday, socio2
paulbdelaat.nlFor over 2 years now I have been semi-retired from my position as Assistant Professor for the Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Society at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Semi-retired, while I…philosophy science, science technology, computing science, science conferencepublication, philosophy, teach, position, society2
marnixnaber.nlProf. George A. Alvarez (Vision Sciences Laboratory at Harvard University): expert on attention, working memory, and perceptionvision science, science lab, science laboratoryperception, phd, consciousness, laboratory, publication2
rokoho.nlThis website is mainly a personal collection of random stuff I'm interested in. Which are science and technology, creative coding and webdevelopment. Also I'm into light-art, cycling, travel, hiking and music festivals abroad.interested science, science technologyscrap, stuff, wallpaper, locator, flower2
sander-dijkstra.nlOrganising two recruitment events, Marketing Analytics and Data Science event and Master Marketing event, for fellow MSc Marketing students of the University of Groningen.data science, science event, apply science, science leeuwardenstrategist, logistics, economic, buy, grade2
devisserschool.nl…environment in which there is sufficient time for the core subjects: arithmetic, language, reading, writing, geography, history, science and technology. We also devote time to the social, motor and creative development of our students.history science, science technologyparent, bilingual, registration, practical, uniqueness2
vonnevanpolanen.nlI have a background in Human Movement Sciences and in psychophysics (the study of perception). After I finished my bachelor Human Movement Sciences at VU Amsterdam in the Netherlands, I continued to master Human Movement Sciences at the…movement science, science psychophysics, science vu, science university, haptic scienceperception, movement, force, weight, scale2
moviorola.nlDutch television programs, such as the leading children’s show Klokhuis, science programs such as Nieuwslicht and De Kennis van Nu, and nature programs such as Vroege Vogels. Informative programs that tell the story in a fascinating way…klokhuis science, science programtarget, fascinating, visual, indispensable, understandable2
4esgconsulting.nlAt 4ESG Consulting, we understand that addressing sustainability challenges requires more than just subject matter expertise and project management skills. It demands a unique blend of legal, compliance, ICT, environmental science, and…environmental science, science comprehensive, science investmentconsulting, sustainability, legislation, compliance, ambition2
nutricon.nlToday, sustainability comes into play with every change. It is therefore very important to include sustainability in new assignments or changes within your company. My experience in nutritional science contributes to this.lecture science, science conferencenutritional, sustainability, nutrition, recipe, legislation2
bigr.nl…that offers open access to imaging technologies, training and data services in biological and biomedical imaging. Euro-BioImaging consists of imaging facilities, called Nodes, that have opened their doors to all life science researchers.computer science, science medical, life science, science researcherphd, analysis, imaging, artificial, intelligence2
cargobikesinrotterdam.nl…but should we adapt the city to accommodate these newcomers? Students from the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences have carried out the project ‘Cargobikes in Rotterdam’. They conducted research on the infrastructural consequencesapply science, science project, science infrastructurebike, cargo, logistics, infrastructural, urban2
vitallispsy.nlHer approach is science based: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy combined with complementary treatment approaches such as Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Mindfulness. She offers sessions for adults and couples in…master science, science degree, approach science, science cognitivetherapy, psychology, behavioral, patient, psychologist2
6th-avenue.nlI still love science a lot, so if you have a project related to research, do contact me!real science, science stuffpurpose, preference, actually, storage, consent2
oslit.nlAbout the OSL Research Incubator At OSL, we know that traditional funding schemes do not always meet the current needs of researchers. In this regard, we have decided to create a new blue-sky science annual call that will foster and…sky science, science annual, social science, science nias, arts scienceliterary, literature, phd, programme, institute2
ismus.nlAs an association for political science students, it tries to fulfil different goals. At first, it tries to intensify the contacts between students and the teaching staff. Secondly, it provides additional courses related to politics and…political science, science student, science view, science likecareer, study, association, political, committee2
bietl.nlPaul Breslin, professor of nutritional sciences in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, and David Foster and Onica LeGendre of Hunter College, report that oleocanthal kills cancerous cells in the laboratory by rupturing…nutritional science, science school, biological science, science davidcell, cancer, silver, colloidal, ingredient2
lter-life.nl…European initiative "Destination Earth", demonstrating technological capabilities in simulation, modelling, data science, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing in the context of biodiversity and ecosystems. Thus, the…datum science, science artificial, environmental science, science broadecosystem, infrastructure, vacancy, twin, description2
tmscourses.nlThe Brain Science Tools course on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), MRI-guided neuronavigation and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) will be held on December 7 & 8, 2023 . Updates on the program, speakers and venue can…brain science, science toolsvenue, practical, stimulation, brain, background2
windsofchange2021.nlBernice is a professional adventurer, climate journalist, author, filmmaker and keynote speaker. She has numerous expeditions under her belt like skiing to the North and South Poles and climbing Everest. She is passionate about arctic…arctic science, science climate, summer science, science stationexpedition, greenland, renewable, transition, ice2
tdcc.nlThe Thematic Digital Competence Centres (TDCCs) are network based initiatives set up by NWO and the Dutch academic community to broker investments into open science projects. The three TDCCs are national and discipline based, with one…open science, science project, social science, science humanity, engineering sciencesteward, ssh, lsh, nwo, thematic2
kravens.nlStudied Engineering Physics @ The Hague University for Applied Sciences . /B. Eng./fundamental science, science centurylaw, theory, earth, universe, cycle2
ordertocash.nl…until receiving the payment, is mapped. Filling in the questions will lead to more insight in improving your liquidity. The initiative is founded by Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and the Supply Chain Finance research programme.apply science, science supplysurvey, chain, programme, supply, apply2
volve.nlData Science is successfully adding value to all the business models by using statistics and deep learning to make better decisions and improve hiring. It is also being used to crunch the previous data and predict possible situations and…data science, science successfullydecision, rule, report, programming, sheet2
machine-learning-company.nl…development and data visualization for the purpose of helping customers with Machine Learning algorithms and the application of Artificial Intelligence solutions. We have a passion for Data Science and Machine Learning in particular.data science, science machine, science specialistalgorithm, intelligence, artificial, innovative, visualization2
pcs-research.nlJ. van Dijk , G. Závodszky , A. L. Varbanescu , A. D. Pimentel , A. G. Hoekstra (2023). Building a Fine-Grained Analytical Performance Model for Complex Scientific Simulations . Lecture Notes in Computer Science .address science, science parkphd, publication, researcher, postdoctoral, edge2
palmanslab.nlWe congratulate Tessa Loman who won one of the “Young Talent Awards” of the “Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen” in the category Life Sciences for her master thesis “Rh-catalyzed cyclopropanations and NH-Insertions…life science, science master, minister science, science educationsupramolecular, congratulations, catalysis, chemistry, successfully2
vakwerkadvies.nlPetra started at Unilever in 2004 after her studies in administrative and organizational sciences. After four years she switched to consultancy at Twynstra Gudde, in the role of senior consultant and assignment leader. She has been an…organizational science, science year, science changeorganizational, leadership, perspective, intervention, role2
hyqs.nlOur funding is provided by the European Research Counsil via the ERC Starting Grant Hybrid atom-ion Quantum Systems and the Dutch Science Foundation via a Vici grant , a Startup grant , a Projectruimte grant , and the Vrije Programma…dutch science, science foundationion, quantum, atom, phd, al2
devegarevolutie.nlThe Proof Is in the Plants: How Science Shows a Plant-Based Diet Could Save Your Life (and the Planet)plant science, science plantrecipe, wishlist, compare, add, flight2
willemvanesch.nlAfter graduating at the University of Luzon to obtain her bachelor’s degree in science & commerce, Gie worked in Manila as a sales executive at several multinational companies. In 2013, Gie moved to Dubai. Part of her work was to recruit…degree science, science commerceexecutive, consulting, america, worldwide, logistics2
isgroningen.nlcity of about 200,000 inhabitants. It boasts three universities - Groningen University, Hanze University of Applied Sciences and Stenden University of Applied Sciences. As a result, the population of Groningen includes a considerable numberapply science, science stenden, science resultexam, wednesday, friday, teacher, parent2
kmin-vumc.nl…(clinical librarians). These experts give advice and cooperate with researchers from different fields of health science and medical research in searching for available measurement instruments, examining the quality of the available…health science, science medicalmeasurement, study, property, consultation, researcher2
kritischestudenten.nlA Culture of Speed: Anticipation, Acceleration and Individualization in Academic Sciencesecondary, political, common, archive, attack2
artofphysio.nlHis background in Kinesiology and movement science gives you a multi-dimensional approach that covers the body as a whole, through exercise, nutrition, breathing and sleep.background science, science execution, movement science, science multiinjury, physiotherapy, physio, therapy, pain2
veetelers.nlDe Veetelers is the study association for Animal Sciences students of Wageningen University and Research. The study association was founded in 1962. Although, the study association might seem old, this is considered the strength of the…animal science, science studentassociation, study, commissioner, committee, affairs2
doutjelettinga.nl…in the Netherlands, France, and Germany. I was a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE) (London), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (Paris), and the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin…political science, science university, science lsepresentation, researcher, advisor, topic, society2
adviesvanklingen.nlJan loves to build and to make connections. Catching speaker, teacher and trainer. Originally mechanical engineer in the oil business. Has been active – during a few decades- in universities of applied sciences (HBO), organizing links…university science, science hbo, programme science, science businessconnection, oil, mechanical, originally, teacher2
jeroenarendsen.nlYuval Noah Hariri’s “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” masterfully intertwines history, science, and philosophy to offer a speculative look at the future of humanity. Hariri’s writing style is engaging, accessible, and sprinkled…scope science, science realm, history science, science philosophyinteraction, publication, sign, gesture, interest2
franckensymposium.nl…solution. As the materials used in solar cells play a crucial role in determining their performance, materials science, combining disciplines such as physics, chemistry and engineering, assumes a crucial position in driving…material science, science discipline, science pointcell, device, photovoltaic, perovskite, physics2
maliehotel.nlMalie Hotel is perfectly situated between Utrecht Science Park and within walking distance of Utrecht city centre. Utrecht is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands and has its very own unique character. It’s a city full of charm…utrecht science, science parkauthentic, official, mansion, street, century2
i-eng.nlResearch, design, development, construction, testing, science and technology of aircrafts. The four-year Aeronautical Engineering programme focusses on designing and constructing aircraft and aircraft components.test science, science technologymechanical, innovative, certificate, machinery, resume2
kaduk.nlFrom concept to production we connect different fields of the sciences and the humanities. With access to modern and diverse professional production facilities we make choices solely based on knowledge and understanding, not shying away…aesthetic science, science meaningful, field science, science humanitysoundboard, mean, ergonomic, musician, dialogue2
sebastiaanhartman.nlIn order to develop my knowledge of Data Science, I am currently completing the MSc Applied Data Science course. I aim to graduate in July 2022.data science, science data, science currently, science coursethesis, africa, south, background, economic2
rlccs.nlCompleted secondary school in Rijswijk - The Netherlands with a focus on physical science and economics.physical science, science economic, science councilresume, continuous, devops, python, programme2
liferoots.nlHatha Yoga stems from a deep understanding of the mechanics of the body, and uses yogic postures, or yogasanas, to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. By practicing this profound science, one can change and enhance…profound science, science way, science enhanceinn, authentic, transformation, growth, lineage2
asser.nlAsser researcher receives Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Early Career Partnership Awardarts science, science earlylaw, publication, programme, terrorism, paper2
edithstein.nlThe science of the Cross can only be obtained when you personally experience the Cross thoroughly (Edith Stein)work science, science crosschurch, pilgrim, finally, visitor, october2
leadwithsalt.nlSALT is rigorously science-based. At the heart of the tool are eight leadership styles, that are systematically varied according to a validated model . A clever algorithm is used to calculate the style best suited to meet the needs of…rigorously science, science heartsalt, leadership, stakeholder, report, role2
angioni.nl…OpenSource OS/2 Outlook Partnership Password Patent PHP Portal Powershell Provider QRCode Quantum RedHat Sametime Science Security Session Setting Site Super Support TDI Tips Tools Traveler TrendMicro V11 Verse VOP Watch Watson Webspheresametime science, science securityambassador, enthusiast, apache, proxy, announcement2
digimarconnetherlands.nl…customer engagement, user acquisition, social media marketing, targeting & optimization, video marketing, data science & big data, web analytics & A/B testing, email marketing, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, search…data science, science bigconference, advertising, rate, exhibition, pass2
sagiusuitzenders.nl…working environment with challenging problems in the field of electronics, mechanics, mechatronics and computer science. You will have plenty of room for your own entrepreneurship and initiative. Do you think in improvements and…computer science, science plentyvacancy, measure, certificate, internationally, innovative2
deltaclimatecenter.nlKnowledge institutions such as Scalda, HZ University of Applied Sciences, University College Roosevelt, NIOZ Marine Research, Utrecht University, and Wageningen University & Research have established the Delta Climate Center. They are…apply science, science universityclimate, pressure, million, rise, degradation2
gespin2023.nlWhat methods in computer science can be used to characterize and synthesize the (temporal) interactions between speech and gesture, within and between agents?cognitive science, science neuroscience, movement science, science computer, computer sciencegesture, speech, conference, interaction, multimodal2
masegroningen.nlMASE is the study association for students of the masters: Nanoscience, Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (BCN), Mechanical Engineering, and Science Education and Communication (SEC), at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the…bridge science, association science, science engineering, engineering science, science educationassociation, committee, representative, mechanical, advisor2
spiraltrain.nlData Science Courses Data Science, Data Analysis and Machine Learning are disciplines that create... Read moredata science, science course, science dataprogramming, python, xml, jquery, angular2
d-itp.nlHow many dimensions are there? Is our universe flat or curved? How symmetric are the smallest particles we know? In his new popular science book 'Van getal naar heelal' (Dutch for 'From numbers to the universe') UvA ...prize science, science cocktails, popular science, science booktheoretical, physics, institute, quantum, matter2
nisi.nlThe National Institute for the Software Industry is the bridge between science and daily practice in the software industry.bridge science, science dailynisi, excellence, session, institute, graduation2
lauthom.nlWe can offer tailored workshops for introduction to Applied Data Science. You will be able to use AI tools for your job. However do note, it will take years to master Data Science. There are no short-cuts to build models that work best…data science, science iterative, science able, science shortsimply, efficiently, collaboration, pattern, expensive2
englisheditors.nlIn particular, The English Editors have extensive editorial experience in proofreading and editing in the areas of management and management science and provide expert services to:management science, science expert, science specialismedit, editor, proofreading, editorial, academic2
sanderberghs.nlGame made for a 24 hour Game Jam at Fontys University of Applied Science in 2018 with 3 other people.apply science, science people, science eindhovenproof, graduation, programming, internship, unity2
supremecollege.nl…and participates in an extensive international school network. Bonhoeffercollege possesses a unique specialism in science with its Technasium. These strengths complement each other at Supreme College Nederland. A modern and up-to-date…specialism science, science technasiumsupreme, myp, programme, middle, vacation2
pietervandenbosch.nl…emphasized thought experimentation as a cognitive procedure and practiced it with great dedication and versatility.” Moreover, it seems that medieval science relied rather on thought experiments than real-world experiments (King, 1991).medieval science, science think, world science, science studentelectric, vehicle, think, government, charge2
apverheggen.nlWith the occasion of The Ocean Race stopover in The Hague, Water Footprint Implementation & 11th Hour Racing Team organized a creative presentation of culture and science at the Museon-Omniversum. Ap Verheggen (SunGlacier) presented the…culture science, science museon, meet science, science projectsculpture, climate, greenhouse, tree, grid2
ventoux-av.nl…across in clear and concise messages, without any compromise to meaning or context. For a multitude of target audiences with the side note that science, art & culture, education and other socially involved subjects really make us tick.note science, science art, klokhuis science, science programmeaudience, documentary, subject, animation, programme2
luf.nlBequeathing to science Investing in the future: find out how to include LUF in your willfund, researcher, grant, healthy, invest2
n-o-w.nlFor (IN)FOCUS we conducted interviews with specialists from the fields of science, cognitive research and cultural analysis. In an attempt to treat the brain as subject and object at the same time, we asked the researchers to reflect on…field science, science cognitive, life science, science behavioural, behavioural sciencebrain, ecology, artistic, cell, dynamic2
danjingwu.nlFameLab aims to discover charismatic, up-and-coming scientists who inspire people to see the world from a new perspective in just three minutes ! Since its birth at the Cheltenham Science Festival in 2005, FameLab has grown into arguably…cheltenham science, science festival, world science, science communicationentrepreneur, entrepeneur, biomaterial, perspective, birth2
nucleairnederland.nlWhen it comes to nuclear and energy, most people immediately think of nuclear energy from uranium. That is certainly an important part, but nuclear science is also used in other innovative forms of energy such as nuclear fusion, thorium…internationally science, science medicine, nuclear science, science innovativenuclear, file, subject, society, electricity2
chinaways.nl…Linguistics in the language lesson, Motivation, Vocabulary enrichment, Chinese literature in the lesson. She has been a guest speaker at the Minor International Business at NHL Stenden University of Applied science since many years.apply science, science yearintroduction, cultural, expat, cross, lecture2
bebueno.nlLong ago my health journey began. While travelling through Southeast Asia, I decided to study Sports Science. Like many, I led a hectic life full of travel, partying late into the night and at the same time demanding a six-pack and two…sport science, science student, science likenutrition, busy, physical, healthy, mental2
sigridbannenberg.nlCybernetic plants sprout from a symbiosis between nature and science, a duet between plant and machine. With this project, I explored the future of cyborg botany and questioned if plants will be offered the right to consent to these…classroom science, science experiment, nature science, science duetinstallation, cargo, paper, tulip, interaction2
astronautica.nlThe current spirit of time is fortunately opening-up again to include and synthesize the arts, natural sciences, psychology and mysticism. This makes us feel the need, maybe more than ever, to protect human qualities and values.art science, science philosophy, natural science, science psychologypackage, session, astrology, min, inn2
mvanark.nl"Werktuigbouwkunde" or mechanical engineering is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.computer science, science mathematical, material science, science mechanicalpragmatic, practical, frontend, versatile, adaptable2
evodie.nlScience teaches us a great deal about how our body and mind work but there’s a difference between knowing what’s good for you and actually doing so. In our teamwork we will work on a scientific basis, using your daily life as a realistic…leader, soul, applicable, permanently, busy2
bravenewworld.nlBRAVE NEW WORLD is an annual Art & Science conference for people who want to know what the future holds in store and how this will affect their work and life.art science, science conference, philosophy science, science technologyconference, friday, thursday, society, indifferent2
bwno.nl'The Devil's Avocado' is a short feature film by Avans University of Applied Sciences and PEERFILM. This film, featuring Jan Terlouw and Ilse Warringa, among others, paints a picture of the impact of the business practices of three…apply science, science peerfilmentrepreneur, economy, researcher, institution, educator2
icos-netherlands.nl…and integrate all data. Following the progress of emission reductions and changes in the (semi)natural fluxes of greenhouse gases is essential to improve Earth System science and to evaluate and develop climate change abatement policies.system science, science climate, atmospheric scienceobservatory, climate, scale, atmosphere, greenhouse2
marysia.nlPreviously, I’ve been chair of PyData Global 2021 , spoken at various conferences , competed in competitions , taught >1000 hours of data science & python trainings, and dabbled in bit in geometric deep learning .datum science, science pythonchair, currently, staff, volunteer, cross2
bramrutten.nl2015 - 2017: Master of Science, Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technologymaster science, science industrialindustrial, row, unfinished, apply, hague2
healthbytech.nlProf. André Dekker is a professor of Clinical Data Science and board certified Medical Physicist at the Maastricht University, Maastricht UMC+ and Maastro Clinic, Maastricht, The Netherlands. His research focuses on building global FAIR…brain science, science professorship, data science, science boardconference, fee, submission, guidelines, colleague2
fairclimatefund.nlReducing your CO₂ emissions is a priority in your climate strategy. Together we set goals (Science Based Targets) for all building, transport and production related activities – scope 1, 2 and 3.goal science, science basecooking, climate, farmer, reduction, fund2
ellisvyth.nlown unique qualities. Furthermore, I am frequently asked to give workshops and lectures about nutrition, health and science communication to diverse groups, such as business clubs, general practitioners, daycare centers, schools, and…health science, science communication, matata science, science mediumnutrition, phd, scientist, healthy, partnership2
filin.nlParents of students interested in study at OpenSource Science B.V. may use our online form to initiate the application process.opensource science, science onlinesci, interested, teacher, flexible, study2
doru.nlStill sticking with science and Isaac Newton’s E = MC 2 , which should lift the 2 up.science stylingtemplate, markup, op, alignment, align2
historicidagen.nlof Maastricht. This three-day event will take place at campus of Maastricht University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Building on a tradition of setting themes that resonate with current transformations in our society, the theme forapply science, science august, social science, science traditionhistorian, historical, society, professionally, conference2
motamed.nlOverall, my research focuses on applying methods from logic, mathematics, and computer science to improve our understanding of agents, both as isolated individuals and as connected collectives.computing science, science utrecht, computer science, science understandlogic, talk, publication, modal, useful2
guarantius.nl…business leaders with an impeccable track-record of achievement in various industries like telecom, energy, life sciences, media and technology. Our multidisciplinary teams and case managers are based in world's leading financial and…life science, science medium, health science, science companycapital, investment, law, risk, debt2
dyingtomeetyou.nlIn 2020 the Dutch Forensic Medical Society (FMG) celebrated its 40th anniversary of contributing to medical forensic science and education in the Netherlands. Due to COVID-19 we will celebrate our jubilee onforensic science, science education, science pathologyforensic, medicine, physician, lecturer, accreditation2
florisdh.nlSmit, Yannick and den Hengst, Floris and Bhulai, Sandjai and Mehdad, Ehsan, “Strategic Workforce Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning”. Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (2022)reinforcement, intelligence, artificial, conference, patient2
theunvanvliet.nlEducated in Econometrics & Decision Science, passionate about programming and putting his analyses out there.decision science, science passionatedecision, econometrics, analysis, passionate, scientist2
gaviota.nl…inleveningsvermogen inostix interesse KPI learning MOOC OKR on-boarding onboarding performance respect sales science sourcing start up strategic Succession planning tech transparancy trust values vertrouwen workforce planning…sale science, science sourceexecutive, dynamic, enjoyable, effective, force2
abil-uva.nlevidence-based understanding of human behavior and decision-making. In doing so, we work closely with partners from government and industry to enable effective translation of science-based behavioral insights to address societal challenges.behavioral science, science abil, translation science, science behavioralbehavioral, lab, behavior, influence, government2
anjabakker.nl…brain for thinking I have been examined through scanning, radiation, audio and electrical measuring techniques. This neurological information combined with data taken from other sciences and art disciplines form the reservoir for my work.direction science, science scientific, data science, science artbrain, memory, direction, bronze, lightbox2
didactivate.nlI started Didactivate in January 2018, initially alongside my permanent job at Inholland University of Applied Sciences as an educational consultant for blended learning. In 2021 I fully focused on Didactivate. As independent learning…apply science, science educationaleducational, institution, teacher, employee, curious2
chalkandduster.nlWe have a very good experience with chalk and duster learning center. Kids love the science part and painting. Thx miss perry ☺️math science, science english, kid science, science paintingchalk, curiosity, vacation, learner, teacher2
alexmattermost.nlMy name is Alex Westendorp. I am a web and app developer and computer science student specialized in Media Technologies/ interaction technologies at the University of applied sciences Leiden (also knows as Hogeschool Leiden). I am years…computer science, science student, apply science, science leidenhague, programming, jquery, weather, purpose2
svstorm.nlSTORM is the study association of the departments Mathematics and Computer Science from the Faculty of Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. STORM stands for STudent ORganisation Mathematicians, but is an association which has long…computer science, science faculty, faculty science, science vrije, science mathematicsfriday, study, vacancy, association, mathematics2
sanderbiesmans.nl…near Maastricht , The Netherlands. I spent my days studying my Industrial Design master degree at the Eindhoven University of Technology. I also hold a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.apply science, science heerlenindustrial, programming, mechanical, ritual, interaction2
bartdegoeij.nlHanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, PRINCE2 Foundation Project Managementapply science, science groningen, organizational science, science certificatesweden, dutchman, january, proficiency, leadership2
ramondunker.nlI am a bug bounty hunter and senior Network & Security Engineering student at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen. You can find me using the buttons underneath, or by sending me a message !apply science, science groningeninterest, present, pgp, apply, bug2
regenerativeorthopedics.nlThe Regenerative Orthopedics group is a young, multidisciplinary, and international research team embedded within the department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University, the…clinical science, science companion, utrecht science, science parkorthopedic, regenerative, vacancy, publication, conference2
theweathermakers.nl…Nature into our human-made installation. We use Research outcomes as our guiding principle in designing holistic, science-informed and data-driven methods to understand how to regenerate ecosystems as a basis for restoring water cycles…holistic science, science data, climate science, science biosphereweather, earth, cycle, engine, stakeholder2
arphconference.nlProf. Gera Nagelhout is endowed professor ‘Health and Well-being of People with a Lower Socio-economic Position’ at Maastricht University and lector ‘Citizen Engaged Science’ at Avans University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses…engage science, science avans, apply science, science researchconference, rate, dinner, phd, bridge2
elkemiedema.nlJune 2020, I defended my PhD thesis in Architecture titled ‘Health-Promotive Building Design – Exploring perspectives on building design for health promotion in healthcare settings’. Here you can find the popular science summary.popular science, science summary, science animationhealthcare, promotion, teach, outreach, societal2
larsvanrhijn.nlHi! I'm Lars, currently a second years masters student at the Radboud University in the beautiful city of Nijmegen. I'm studying Computing Science and Cyber Security and my main interest is in the latter part. Things I like to do are…computing science, science cybercareer, degree, treasurer, computing, stuff2
makingvitalityreality.nlThe Dutch life Sciences & health sector has recently published a new Bidbook entitled 'Welcome to the Netherlands: Europe's Connected Life Sciences & Health Metropolis' .life science, science healthvitality, initiative, asia, southeast, connect2
milightdesign.nlStill sticking with science and Isaac Newton’s E = MC 2 , which should lift the 2 up.science stylingalignment, markup, align, leave, paragraph2
neweconomynow.nlNew Economy Now is a collaboration between several partners, including the GO! -NH program of the province of North Holland, the Amsterdam Donut Coalition and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. GO! -NH and the Amsterdam Donut…apply science, science amsterdam, science timeeconomy, circular, session, discussion, panel2
genevo.nlWhy should the mysticism be not rational and why should the sciences be not mystic?rational science, science mysticevolution, genealogy, rational, climate, ancestor2
lociforensics.nl…law enforcement personnel of 26 different countries! These English spoken courses are held in our institute or can be hosted. We are also distributor of Sirchie, Air Science and STK - Sperm Tracker for The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.air science, science stkforensic, semen, evidence, lab, consulting2
urbanparadoxes.nlTrienekens worked at universities in Tilburg, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Manchester and London between 1999 and 2007. From 2007 to 2011 she was professor of applied science in ‘Citizenship and Cultural Dynamics’ at the Amsterdam University of…apply science, science citizenship, science hvaurban, citizenship, diversity, cultural, participation2
mdrhappybynature.nla certificate course in the science of well-being from Yale University. In addition, I have a Master of Business Administration, an MA in International Relations and Diplomacy (cum laude) and BA in Political and Social Sciences (cum laude).course science, science yale, social science, science cumsession, run, therapy, healthy, positive2
jaapduin.nlDr. Reint Jan Renes (Lecturer in Behavioral Science, University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht)behavioral science, science university, apply science, science utrechtexpedition, psychologist, athlete, raw, mainly2
tomsassen.nlI pursued a Master in Life Science & Technology at TU Delft in the Netherlands, where I did my master thesis research on modelling yeast metabolism in the Cell System Engineering group. See:life science, science technologygithub, thesis, placeholder, february, august2
marzee.nl> University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim (HAWK) - Hang Out - for a Quiet Momentapply science, science artsjewellery, exhibition, contemporary, munich, prize2
eurolatina.nlto switch to the medical devices industry and studied MSc Biomedical Engineering (BME) at TU Delft. The reason for this switch was my intention to comply with an earlier dream of studying medicine and my interest for science and technology.interest science, science technologyinterest, perspective, telecommunication, device, government2
joshmime.nlEver since I was a kid I have been fascinated by computers. I loved building computers for myself and others, writing software and sharing these experiences. This fascination lead me to study Computer Sciences in Delft where I became the…computer science, science delftemployment, hide, responsibility, programmer, present2
fsnconsultancy.nlFood Safety & Nutrition Consultancy evaluates dossiers, builds dossiers, provides scientific advice, communicates on science and supports innovation.advice science, science innovation, health science, science genuinenutrition, scientific, assessment, risk, novel2
one-conference.nlCybersecurity matters more than ever. The ONE Conference inspires cross-border cooperation between cybersecurity professionals from business, science as well as government organizations. An exclusive yearly event, the ONE Conference is…business science, science governmentconference, programme, session, connect, government2
swi-wiskunde.nlThe Studygroup Mathematics with Industry 2022 was hosted by Twente University but had to take place as an online event. The Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2020 was held at the Tilburg University of Applied Science from January 27…apply science, science january, science topicmathematics, mathematician, industrial, academic, participant2
persuasivegaming.nlOn 10 October, at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Jeroen Jansz opened the Lesson series ‘Gaming’ for primary school children. The course was developed by Wetenschapsknooppunt Erasmus University (Public Science) in collaboration with Jansz…public science, science collaboration, social science, science perspectivepersuasive, validation, october, theory, conference2
spatial-insight.nlSpatial Insight is an independent Dutch data science consultancy that applies proprietary algorithms and software. We believe that the capital intensive management of underground pressurised infrastructure deserves accountable and optimal…data science, science consultancy, datum science, science assetspatial, asset, replacement, registration, integration2
nbte.nl- awards a prize for the best thesis in biomaterials science or tissue engineeringbiomaterial science, science tissuephd, annual, thesis, registration, submission2
hammondclub.nl1960 "the turn of the decade" is remembered for an event and an innovation that vastly broadened the audience and the market for the Hammond Organ. Dedicated to the public at Chicago’s world renowned Museum of Science and Industry was an…engineering science, science invention, museum science, science industryhammond, organ, clock, tone, electric2
lonnekekruisbergen.nlToby Kiers is one of the winners of an Ammodo Science Award. She won the award in the category Natural Sciences. Toby Kiers is interested in the interaction between plants and micro-organisms in the soil. I composed this theme for a video…ammodo science, science award, natural science, science tobyanimation, composer, edit, movie, interaction2
oliverengels.nlCompleted my Master's Degree in Game Technology from NHTV University of Applied Sciences in Breda.apply science, science bredaability, producer, stack, apply, degree2
iodp.nlDuring the first half of 2018, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and NWO-Science (ENW) will jointly organize a multidisciplinary scientific ...country science, science party, nwo science, science enwdrilling, scientific, expedition, ocean, outreach2
johanvandekoppel.nl…idea to design it with a nice regular pattern. Helene de Paoli and Aniek van der Berg showed it makes all the difference when restoring a mussel bed. Their work was published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.marsh science, science advanceecosystem, spatial, ecology, study, pattern2
mirtelilian.nlI am a designer who bridges the gap between science and art, in order to provide insight into future scenarios.gap science, science artgap, genomic, shall2
eduardpop.nlEdit (9 feb): more FOMO pictures from when the sun broke through. Science is suffering….author science, science advanceoctober, fieldwork, january, grant, autumn2
tlcenter.nlThe Inclusive Teaching & Learning Center is an online platform carried out by ECHO (Diversity Policy Expertise Centre) on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Read more >teach, august, diversity, classroom, institution2
extramuros.nlWe are Extra Muros – the Liberal Arts and Sciences Study Association at University College Tilburg. We are at the heart of the LAS community and organise all kinds of social, cultural, and academic activities. Connect with your peers and…arts science, science studynewspaper, assembly, calendar, monthly, february2
b-ictprojects.nlI'm the founder of B-ICT Projects. I did complete a full-time bachelor's degree in computer science and information technology at the Hague University.computer science, science informationazure, api, profile, resume, maintenance2
filopopers.nl…to 15 to 20 km where effects were measurable. This is also in line with Dr. Lars Ceranna, Federal Institute of Geo science and natural resources (BGR) (see point d). Because the Finnish living groups are too small, no firm conclusions cangeo science, science naturalturbine, noise, province, farm, distance2
gcchallenge.nl…approach has helped hundreds of Biotech and Medtech ventures build their business. The Venture Challenge was awarded the European Enterprise Promotion Award 2022 for its impact in improving the business environment in the Life Sciences.life science, science healthventure, uw, phd, math, biotech2
stevefranklin.nlThought Leader with 35+ years industrial and academic R&D expertise in tribology, materials science & technology, coatings & surface treatments. Wide application experience: semiconductor equipment, medical & home healthcare, personal…material science, science technology, tribology science, science engineering, science mechanicalacademic, publication, consumer, manufacture, healthcare2
rijlestoppers.nlThe Traffic Science course covers the principles and practices of traffic engineering, including traffic flow theory.traffic science, science courseinstructor, lesson, traffic, calm, intermediate2
alfredvancleef.nlIt received the German ITB Buch Award 2013 for Outstanding Travel Books and in Austria it was longlisted for the 2012 prize for the Science Book of the Year (Natural Sciences and Technology). In 2010 it was awarded as best travel story by…prize science, science book, natural science, science technologylose, island, writer, hide, newspaper2
postrocker.nlAngry Man from Mars Before and after Science Downriver Dead Men Go Good Weather for an Airstrike GWFAA I am Wolves Music submissions TĂ©leviser TsĂș Nuamars science, science downriverdunk, submission, fantastic, early, soup2
stralenpracticum.nlThe ISP is financed to a large extent by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science supplemented with incidental contributions from the University of Utrecht. In addition, the Dutch schools for secondary education pay a fee of €…institute science, science mathematics, culture science, science incidentallaboratory, ray, radiation, radioactive, session2
closecontact.nlIQVIA Technologies is a world leader in using data, technology, advanced analytics and expertise to help life sciences companies drive healthcare forward. CloseContact is certified partner for the OCE Marketing platform, an integrated…data science, life science, science company, science oceconsulting, partners, block, builder, engagement2
jangplatvoet.nlFreelance teaching of an introduction to Science of Religions and to the General History of Religionsintroduction science, science religion, lecturer sciencereligion, theology, major, african, society2
placelift.nlPlacelift was founded in 2019 by Suzan Christiaanse, with the aim to bridge the gap between spatial science and spatial design while taking feelings and different perspectives into account. This website shows both her scientific research…spatial science, science spatial, behavioural science, science essbspatial, facility, scientific, societal, stakeholder2
computd.nlJoin the AI Hackathon for students, where innovation meets opportunity! Dive into AI and Data Science, collaborate with peers, develop solutions for real-world cases, win prizes, and make an impact.data science, science machine, science collaborateexplore, artificial, intelligence, integration, incubator2
nikovermeer.nlIn truth, science is essentially a creative art form that paints dynamic portraits of the natural world, using the human intellect as its canvas and the tools of reason as its palette.korzybski science, science sanity, truth science, science essentiallythink, archive, random, particular, mean2
astrodeeltjesfysica.nlThe astroparticle physics community in the Netherlands is pursuing its scientific goals embedded in the international science community, fostering worldwide peaceful connections. With deep shock we witness the Russian military aggression…international science, science community, physical science, science nwophysics, russian, council, aggression, partnership2
arkinsight.nlCurrent President of SEARCH Foundation, Mr. McIntosh is a geology and science education and has been involved in the Noah’s Ark research since 1976. His expeditions on the mountain have included explorations of many suspected Ark sites…geology science, science education, earth science, science universitystructure, wooden, discovery, mount, release2
wetenschapsdoula.nlHi, my name is Monique. I am a biologist (MSc), science communicator, birth doula and mother.science doula, msc science, science communicatorbirth, evidence, childbirth, midwife, scientific2
utrechtstudentjournal.nlWe aim to make research more accessible to all students of medicine, biomedical sciences, and clinical health sciences at Utrecht University. Each edition features latest research of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) and…biomedical science, science clinical, health science, science utrecht, impact sciencejournal, scientist, editorial, road, scientific2
allardsymsprenger.nlDuring my Bachelor studies, I had a skiing accident that interrupted my education. I had to recover for two years, but I fulfilled my Bachelor of Science as Honours Engineering student in Amsterdam. Thereafter, I did a Premaster…bachelor science, science honouraviation, entrepreneur, internship, biomedical, honour2
caransa.nlTogether with Dam & Partners Architects, we have been working on new plans for a multifunctional building, housing offices, laboratories and a college, in the Life Science & Health sector since 2022.bio science, science park, life science, science healthresidential, housing, property, corner, municipality2
danqingliu.nl…of nature-inspired, intelligent soft machines. We are a multidisciplinary research group, with specialists in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineer, materials science, physics, chemistry and industrial design.material science, science physics, science chemistrysoft, robotic, optic, advanced, phd2
xwp-test.nlStill sticking with science and Isaac Newton’s E = MC 2 , which should lift the 2 up.science stylinguncategorized, markup, alignment, align, sticky2
arcticmirage.nlWe are developing a live performance to tell the story of the journey through the Northwest Passage with sound, film and a live musical performance by Tristan. Tristan takes you on a journey as he bridges the gap between art and science…art science, science use, science awarenessarctic, soundscape, northwest, greenland, relationship2
olindas.nlDelivering you ready-to-(h)eat, high quality meals and snacks that are backed by nutritional science and holistic traditions...nutritional science, science holisticthink, meal, nutritious, delicious, nutritional2
pleiade.nlPleiade has extensive experience with a wide range of assignments in information services, science, education and in the cultural sector for more than 90 Dutch and international clients…service science, science educationcultural, publication, extensive, assignment, provision2
phelim-hoey.nl…were traced by small lamps fastened to the workers' hands or fingers. By studying productivity through physical science their research helped establish a “motion economy”, thus giving the healthy body economic value. As a result…physical science, science researchfear, technique, exhibition, installation, sick2
nikivanstein.nlDr. Niki van Stein is a researcher, heading the XAI group, which is part of the Natural Computing Cluster of LIACS, and manager of the applied data science lab. She received her PhD in Computer Science from Leiden University in 2018…datum science, science lab, computer science, science leidenexplainable, optimization, algorithm, decision, liacs2
wildlifenl.nlperspective, we want to develop a new approach to wildlife management that combines the latest insights from social science, philosophy, ecology and technology. Together with stakeholders, we will develop new technologies, governance…social science, science philosophy, national science, science agendapublication, scientific, lab, package, calendar2
thononfolz.nlHe began his career as an environmental consultant and project manager at companies like Royal HaskoningDHV, Science Alliance and Rescan.haskoningdhv science, science alliance, history science, science medicinestrategic, viewpoint, solid, harmony, association2
scalebooster.nlIT start-ups benefit from the tailor-made advice and knowledge within a large IT cluster at the Dutch Innovation Park and the professional education at the The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS or Haagse Hogeschool - HHS) and…apply science, science thuasscale, dolor, ipsum, tellus, sit2
studyassociationlogi.nlThe study association for the study Logistics Engineering hosted at the HZ University of Applied Sciences.study, association, upcoming, apply, logistics2
middagcoach.nlOpleiding: Bachelor of Science (BS) in Facility Management en alumnus INSEAD Fontainebleau, IESE en IMD Lausanne.bachelor science, science bsexecutive, discovery, colour, chair, chairman2
stemvoormoed.nl…present, this city incorporates the charming warmth and feeling of togetherness of a small town, while offering the cutting-edge of international science and business benchmarks otherwise characteristic of a European metropolis.apply science, science um, international science, science businessmunicipality, citizen, housing, resident, transparent2
studiecentrumassen.nlLet us be your partner in navigating the world of computer science topics. From fine-tuning algorithms to developing applications, conducting rigorous testing, writing efficient code, and conducting thorough evaluations, we’re here every…computer science, science topicthesis, write, writer, academic, dissertation2
chemploy.nlProviding technological expertise in manufacturing and R&D. Dedicated to the chemical, food and life sciences industries.life science, science industry, science clientchemistry, employment, career, discover, growth2
globalhealtheducation.nlGlobal health integrates expertise and perspectives from the fields of public health, medicine, epidemiology, health economics, behavioural science, environmental sciences and anthropology, among others. It provides a new platform for…behavioural science, science environmental, environmental science, science anthropologyelective, interested, economic, worldwide, population2
goturkiye.nlThe excitement continues at full speed at TEKNOFEST, the world's largest Aerospace and Technology Festival. Leaving unforgettable memories full of science, technology and space by breaking records with 2 million 547 thousand visitors in…memory science, science technologytürkiye, turkish, visitor, waste, theatre2
museon-omniversum.nlThere is plenty to do for young and old: compelling giant-screen films , topical exhibitions , family activities, science shows and gaming.god science, science search, activity science, science showplanet, evening, fungus, visitor, hope2
roweno.nlI am an assistant professor at the NHH Norwegian School of Economics . I am also affiliated with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and teach mathematics in the Central-German Doctoral Program Economics .agricultural science, science mathematics, management science, science helleveieneconomic, k., environmental, emission, climate2
krosenbrink.nlAfter working for 16 years in operational security organizations, I now want to make my contribution to science. More →security science, science technologyresilience, extreme, organizational, january, proposal2
fisualize.nlWe offer support for people with innovative project ideas in Computer science and Life Sciencecomputer science, science life, life science, science openfunding, innovative, iterative, grant, neutral2
flowermountains.nlPreviously I have worked as a Researcher at the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI, the national research institute for mathematics and computer science) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and as a…computer science, science amsterdam, science universityresearcher, artificial, intelligence, secondary, publication2
blossity.nlHer background in social sciences enables Marije to bring science into strategic decision making. Within the team she is driving our insights on long-term consumer trends and evidence-based design strategies.social science, science marije, marije science, science strategicurban, study, leader, capital, investor2
sa-intersection.nlStudy Association InterSECtion is the study association of the study master Science Education and Communication (SEC) of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Since 2008, InterSECtion is organizing activities for the SEC…association science, science education, master scienceintersection, association, study, upcoming, possibility2
greencommerce.nlFor this topic we are looking for collaboration with The Hague University of Applied Sciences. A feasibility study is carried out into the possibilities of voice picking through an internship project. The first application will be tested…apply science, science feasibilityquarter, produce, warehouse, demand, stock2
campushhs.nlParticipating higher education institutions: The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Leiden University, Inholland University of Applied Sciences The Hague, Royal Conservatory, Royal Academy of Art, Hotel School The Hague, Institute of…apply science, science leiden, science haguecontest, hague, institution, winner, major2
physics4all.nlJanuary 2014: I moved to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, more specifically to the Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity , formerly known as the Centre for Theoretical Physicsnatural science, science specifically, eic science, science casephysics, publication, physical, successfully, thesis2
fdjadvocaten.nlParalegal - Frits studies Law and Liberal Arts and Sciences at Leiden University. He has been with FDJ sincs Juli 2022.arts science, science leidenlaw, property, procedural, administrative, landlord2
kyazma.nl…explains the computations involved at each stage, and provides exercises and problem solving tips. It will enable graduate students and researchers in the life sciences to employ methods effectively and to achieve more reliable results.life science, science method, science researchergenetic, analysis, linkage, release, note2
apemanagement.nlWe use science to provide insight into our human behaviour and to understand what is happening, at work, in the classroom or out on the streetscience knowledgebehaviour, reference, classroom, street, effectively2
mibroadcastservices.nlDavid De Bruijne Director of Business Development Download this article The radio studios used by Journalism students at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU) are fully operational with OmniPlayer over IP, using LiveWire+. This…apply science, science utrechtbroadcast, broadcaster, easily, hiring, automation2
eco-ri.nlIf you have any additions to the inventory, please contact: Amber Heijboer (Science Officer at NIOO-KNAW)heijboer science, science officerinfrastructure, facility, ecological, landscape, institute2
greenthesis.nlLeveraging my science background, I researched eco-friendly art alternatives . The result was a green art materials database out of which I draw to create beautiful and sustainable artworks.thesis, phd, quotation, cover, request2
robotminor.nlStudent: Laurens Roos Introduction In order to enable remote robotics education, the Workshop Universal at the Hague University of Applied sciences contacted us to build and design a robot that …apply science, science robot, science universityuncategorized, robotic, introduction, automatic, pick2
madelonmauricelab.nlOn the 8th and 9th of June, the Maurice lab went on a lab retreat in the beautiful surroundings of Gun located in Limburg. We stayed at an old farm where we spend two days talking about science, getting to know each other better and doing…day science, science welllab, cell, cancer, patient, disease2
theroosdata.nlSupporting clients in their journey to become more data driven through Data Warehouse Automation, Data Engineering and Data Science.data scienceautomation, warehouse, analysis, vineyard, gladly2
alignsar.nl…signatures of complex real-world targets with high diversity to serve a wide range of applications with societal relevance. The database will respect FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reproducible) and Open Science principles.open science, science principle, university science, science technologysignature, library, package, integration, temporal2
off-track.nlWhile going for my daily morning walk on that cold Sunday evening in the winter of 2016, I was listening to the music I was writing for my graduation project at my Masters Art & Science.walk, layer, surrounding, outside, entire2
futurefactorytwente.nlThe Future Factory houses five innovative student teams from the University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences.factory, innovative, boat, amazing, electric2
simonplantinga.nlI’ve received a few questions about the details of the mathematics in my Divine 9 post, and why the Divine 9 theory qualifies as pseudo-science. In this post I’ll skip the musical part of the Divine 9 tuning, and will focus on the…pseudo science, science post, science usual, science conclusionprogramming, divine, chord, hacking, mathematics2
gijsleijdekkers.nl…campus . We concepted a 3-hour interactive live-show, focused on getting kids (age 10 - 18) excited about STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). We designed an interactive creative workshop space; a kind of science centerstem science, science technology, kind science, science centerinstallation, projection, spatial, exhibition, electronic2
mvo.nlin the Netherlands that are active in the production, processing and trade of vegetable and animal oils and fats. We represent the interests of the industry in contacts with the government, politics, social organisations, science and media.organisation science, science medium, politics science, science nationaloil, fat, profit, planet, animal2
pietervanderplank.nl1966-1969: university education in the social sciences of the University of Utrecht, resulting in a doctor's degree granted on a thesis concerning European indigenous ethno-linguistic minorities, 1971.social science, science humanity, science universityempire, ethnic, central, cleansing, hungary2
pharmsupport.nlQuality and Compliance are key in your license to operate in Life Sciences. If designed and executed well, it is providing you an effective framework to control your operations. Combine this with Digital Information, an area that is…life science, science effective, science operation, science serviceassurance, juist, successful, extent, transformation2
suzannefurstnerfoundation.nlam now studying at the University of Applied Science in the Netherlands for 6 monthsapply science, science exchange, science netherlandsdonation, contest, sff, educational, abroad2
geertdriessen.nlthe educational careers of immigrant children. Until 2016, he was a senior educational researcher at ITS (Institute for Applied Social Sciences) of the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. At present, he is semi-retired and active.educational science, science thesis, social science, science radboudeducational, publication, career, pedagogy, researcher2
espbc.nl…investigators and clinicians from all over the world. The congress will be 3 days, covering the themes basic science on preterm birth, novel tests for early prediction of preterm birth, new clinical trials for prevention and…basic science, science preterm, direction science, science clinic, life sciencebirth, congress, scientific, obstetric, spontaneous2
sivanduijn.nlWhile my academic focus is on Computer Science, my curiosity extends beyond code. I had a year break from Computer Science where I attended the Hout- en Meubeleringscollege to follow my woodworking ambitions. I have an interest in topics…computer science, science curiosity, science enwoodworking, electronic, dandelion, programming, interest2
woutersteenbeek.nlSabine EM van Sleeuwen , Stijn Ruiter , Wouter Steenbeek (2021). Right place, right time? Making crime pattern theory time-specific . Crime Science .distance, crime, length, path, pattern2
gamedidactiek.nluse games more often as a communication tool. That is the reason that he uses games as the basis for all the courses he delivers at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht, where he is a physics lecturer as well as a game-didactician.apply science, science utrechtpublication, lecturer, apply, physics, fact2
hollandpartners.nl"Investing in the life sciences is investing in the future of health care and the well-being of society." - Paul Stoffelslife science, science sector, science futurepartners, grant, subsidy, transformation, society2
hermandevries.nlDigital Health is a hot topic in times of Covid19, but what competencies does a professional actually need when working with Digital Health tools? I wrote a blog about the topic for the website of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences…apply science, science phd, science literatureresearcher, lecture, topic, fluctuations, variability2
juups.nlAfter my study Communication Science at Radboud University Nijmegen, I started my career in 1998 in a Communication and Events agency called &Samhoud. After two years I switched to the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and became a…communication science, science radboud, apply science, science lecturerthink, session, lecturer, study, career2
rijkewaddenzee.nlThere has been a trilateral symposium to stress the importance of science for the management of the Wadden Sea World Heritage in the context of climate change. The report is now available on our website.importance science, science managementprogramme, rich, report, region, resilient2
vanulftlanguages.nlElizabeth is great! Always responsive, quick and she knows the right legal and life sciences wording. Have been working with Elizabeth for many years.life science, science wording, science regulatorytranslation, charge, native, accurate, lawyer2
nethics.nl…as well as the interests of society in general. The aim of the National Ethics Council for Social and Behavioural Sciences is to formulate joint principles and values for all associated university faculties and research institutes. These…behavioural science, science jointethics, scientific, council, behavioural, external2
lottemeijerphd.nlIn February 2016, she completed the follow-up master(Innovation Sciences), by presenting her thesis about different car sharing business models and their role in a sustainability transition in Australia. The research was conducted at the…innovation science, science eindhoven, follow science, science thesisphd, transition, publication, sustainability, institute2
artistsinresidence.nlSome Body is the third exhibition at the VU ART SCIENCE gallery. The exhibition and lecture series explores the boundaries and functions of the body in our digitalized world.art science, science cooperation, science galleryresidence, transition, academic, critical, sense2
debruijnpr.nlThis proactive and always happy PR trainee stayed with De Bruijn PR after an internship. Anna lives with roommates in Amsterdam. She is studying Creative Business at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. At De Bruijn PR, Anna…communication science, science roos, apply science, science detarget, boyfriend, degree, traditional, dialogue2
skosh.nl…focusing on Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It aims to support community organizations in access to the latest international science and best practices and empower their participation in knowledge production and innovation.international science, science good, datum science, science beneficialregion, donation, society, intervention, report2
amerika-isisvdbroek.nlNY Times News Today coverage of international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.technology science, science health, sport science, science weathered, pill, pack, cialis, etc2
cengizhan.nlHello there . Welcome to my website! I am Cengizhan Can, a recently graduated MSc in Computer Science & Engineering.computer science, science engineering, science scientometricshex, recently, selection, past, competency2
redressproject.nlcore question of the ‘Revitalized Democracy for Resilient Societies’ (REDRESS) project, for which partners and NWO have made a total of €2 million available in the context of the National Science Agenda for the period June 2021 – June 2026.national science, science agenda, political science, science reviewredress, democracy, democratic, representative, publication2
caromein.nl…She consequently obtained both a Master’s in teaching History and Civics and a Master’s in teaching Social Sciences (both from ICLON, Leiden University). After teaching for 4 years at secondary schools, she returned to academia in…social science, science iclon, apply science, science nwopolitical, comparison, nwo, period, secondary2
itrainer.nlIn computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study…data science, computer science, science artificialregistration, intelligence, artificial, door, exploratory2
kennisnetwerkmilieu.nl…environmental students and people who work in the environmental sector and have affinity with Wageningen. KNM was founded in 1991 during the 25th anniversary of Aktief slip, the study association for Environmental Sciences in Wageningen.environmental science, science wageningenmembership, environmental, association, upcoming, study2
lojko.nlI got my Bachelor of Science degree at the TU/e (the best Industrial Design bachelor program of the Netherlands).master science, science degree, bachelor scienceindustrial, internship, resume, present, roof2
deividas.nlWith this research we achieved wonderful results and even won the 'Research Award' for the best research of the Domain, Techniek at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam.apply science, science lithuania, science amsterdammonastery, steel, architectural, worldwide, mockup2
neshabv.nlAddress: Leiden Bio Science Park, Mendelweg32, 2333 CS, Leiden, The Netherlands.bio science, science parkprocurement, supply, architectural, july, uncategorized2
cswebsites.nlCo-founded by the AUAS and nine leading Dutch Design Agencies. The Master of Science programme in Digital Design prepares designers, developers, and producers to become the Design leaders of tomorrow through a unique combination of…master science, science programmesquarespace, valuable, growth, interaction, currently2
opnt.nlOPNT is a Dutch enterprise which has its roots in the science department of VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where it is located on campus. Since it was founded in early 2014, OPNT has been rapidly expanding, acquiring its own…science astronomy, root science, science departmentaccurate, fiber, independent, reliable, transfer2
arjenleerkes.nlI have a PhD in Sociology and Political Science from the University of Amsterdam. My research has been published in various highly-ranked journals in migration studies, sociology, criminology, law, political science, social policy studies…political science, science university, science socialmigration, sociology, publication, teach, government2
researchrelevance.nl…of young academics (forum discussion). The final presentation focuses on future directions derived from evaluation sciences (keynote). The rector magnificus of the EUR opens the conference, the rector of Leiden will make the closing…sense science, science dr, evaluation science, science keynoterelevance, evaluation, researcher, programme, committee2
soete.nlThe first of the pair, not unfamiliar in the physical sciences, seems now to become very much the “new normal” in the social sciences, and particularly in economics. The fact that changing quantitative evidence regarding behavioural and…culture science, science jet, physical science, science new, social sciencepresent, colleague, academic, wean, dear2
era-analytics.nlPrzybylski, M. et al., Affinity Proteomics and Mass Spectrometric epitope analysis: powerfull tools for identification of vaccine lead structures against Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Peptide Science 10 , 294 (2004).mass, spectrometry, imaging, al, advanced2
anandaserne.nlIn science, the word sounding means: 'to study the underwater depth of lake or ocean floors by transmitting sound pulses into water'. Data taken from soundings are used to map the seafloor, an area that is still largely unknown to human…futuristic science, science cyanobacteriaexhibition, textile, glass, whistle, screen2
emerald-foundation.nlOut of spiritual science Rudolf Steiner created the foundations for widening the scope of medical science. The fundamental principles are reflected in many lectures and in the book: “Extending Practical Medicine” (GA 27) which he wrote in…spiritual science, science deep, science rudolf, medical science, science fundamentalbackground, origin, literature, hague, painter2
lifeguard.nlThese days we combine the expertise of over 100 consultants, trainers, coaches, engaged academics and former Olympic champions on topics such as neuro- and behavioral sciences, stress and performance management, psychology and physiology…behavioral science, science stressvitality, leader, significantly, employee, wat2
alaheij.nlI studied Political Sciences and Psychology in Amsterdam. After years of employment, I started my own business in 2007. I now live in the political heart of the Netherlands together with my husband and our three young-adult children.advisor science, science innovation, political science, science psychologyconversation, host, conference, audience, commission2
aegee-eindhoven.nlHi, everyone! My name is Geri, and I am a computer science student at the TU/e. I've decided to join AEGEE-Eindhoven because of the memorable After Intro activities. Some of them included a barbecue with the other members, a multi-course…computer science, science studentaegee, association, exchange, committee, merch2
eacr2023.nl…A vibrant seminar series also welcomes speakers throughout the year. The young, but ambitious Frankfurt School’s vision embraces Science, Impact, and Excellence. The School has a Ph.D. program that contributes to the research agenda.point science, science diverse, vision science, science impactconference, venue, chair, submission, registration2
sectorplandls.nlWe bring together legal scholars, data scientists and academics from the humanities and social sciences to collaboratively explore the intersection of law, technology & society. Our joint research initiative – Digital Legal Studies – is…social science, science collaboratively, culture science, science ocwlab, law, upcoming, cross, researcher2
cloudhubs.nlMaster GxP and HIPAA challenges in the Life Sciences sector with CompQ. Streamline your compliance with state-of-the-art compliance automation and proactive threat scanning. Automate Infrastructure Qualification, Operations Qualification…life science, science sectorcompliance, automation, migration, analytic, healthcare2
eplotech.nlResearch group: Control Systems and Computer Science. Degree received in August 1993.computer science, science degree, science diplomatask, gic, maintenance, analysis, file2
poplive.nlPOPLIVE is a large-scale research project on live music that takes place from 2017 to 2022 at the Erasmus University and the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, in collaboration with the VNPF (Dutch Association of Music Venues and…apply science, science collaborationpopular, venue, publication, conference, offering2
editerlaak.nlOver the past few decades, economists have been the main drivers of causal analysis in social science. The most influential text has probably been Angrist and Pischke’s Mostly Harmless Econometrics.social science, science influentialcausal, inference, difference, statistical, regression2
ritualdesign.nlRitual Design has won a design award for designing the Early Career Award for the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy for Arts and Sciences).twist science, science artritual, present, incense, tailor, rise2
md2c.nlData Analytics, Quantitative Research, Data Science, Business Intelligence, Descriptive and Predictive Analysis.data science, science businesstemplate, graph, moderation, conditional, quantitative2
simonotjes.nl…de Helling, the scientific institute of the Dutch Greens and as a PhD-researcher at the Institute of Political Science of Leiden University. I defended my thesis in 2012. It focused on the effect of the entry of new parties into the…political science, science leiden, science philosophy, social sciencepolitical, publication, institute, parliament, relationship2
ttt-ai.nl" TTT-AI truly impacts society with the transformation of Dutch AI science into new and outstanding startups " Anita Lieverdink NLAIC's Chair workgroup Startups & Scaleupsai science, science newresearcher, venture, growth, funding, expand2
safefoods.nlSocial science research in SAFE FOODS: Consumer Research of Food Risk Management Perceptionssocial science, science researchrisk, analysis, integrate, publication, assessment2
schoolenveiligheid.nl…on school leaders, teachers, counsellors and – to a lesser extent – pupils. We concentrate on primary education, secondary education and secondary vocational education. And we are funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.culture science, science educationwellbeing, healthy, behaviour, teacher, parent2
gemmashistorytours.nlIn the 17 th century Amsterdam was the richest and most exciting place in the world. It was the center of world trade, science and the arts. How was that possible?trade science, science art, art science, science republicwoman, century, canal, th, boat2
vitablend.nlWe create value for you by creating outstanding, custom-made products, based on science and produced in state-of-the-art clean rooms – to enhance the lives of your customers.science life, product science, science stateexplore, nutrition, animal, nutritional, dietary2
birgitboogaard.nl…development, and epistemic justice(see Research ). She has an interdisciplinary PhD in Rural Sociology and Animal Science from Wageningen University. She was post-doctoral researcher at the International Livestock Research Institute, foranimal science, science wageningen, social science, science natural, natural scienceresearcher, lecturer, publication, justice, teach2
whyconsulting.nl…approach by showing the city’s vulnerability and being honest that public authorities need the business and science community for help. In times of data-driven solutions, we create new business opportunities and let our citizens…business science, science public, science communityconsulting, uw, bright, society, transformation2
larsgeluk.nlCurious and passionate about both scientific and artistic research. I seek experience in the physical sciences, computer science, design, technology and art to be able to explore their boundaries and innovate.physical science, science computer, computer science, science design, art sciencearchive, interactive, scientific, curious, artistic2
ageofwonderland.nl…and the artistic. During Age of Wonderland he investigated the Maya Cholq’ij calendar; an ancient system of science, art, philosophy and spirituality, which until today is being used to interpret the relationship between man and…system science, science artimpression, fellow, retrospect, collaboration, archive2
expertisecentrumlichaamstaalnederland.nlThe Expertise Center for Body Language in Holland is known for its science based educational programs.holland science, science educational, communication science, science newintegral, literature, educational, bodily, movement2
maurice.nlAerosol transmission has been gaining traction in communities of science, politics and media all over the world, but the Netherlands is lagging behind. This article provides an overview of these developments and warns about the…community science, science politicssouth, ventilation, flight, pattern, spread2
rasenrecht.nlEnforcement criteria for short muzzled dogs based on science ‘produced’ for politicsdog science, science politicsdog, politics, enforcement, criterion, facial2
verdus.nl…Application of Operations Research in Urban Transport’. “Operations Research” is an interdisciplinary mathematical science that focuses on the effective use of resources, and areas of application include traffic, public transport and…social science, science force, mathematical science, science effectiveurban, programme, region, nwo, researcher2
timvanerven.nlPresented my work with Wouter Koolen on automatically learning the learning rate parameter in online learning at Benelearn 2015 and for the Leiden Centre of Data Sciencetalk, mathematics, rate, statistical, slide2
gsminternational.nlWe believe Good Science does Matter. We are aiming for fruitful Win Win outcomes with joint efforts via International cooperation.good science, science fruitfulespecially, manufacture, cooperation, joint, win2
icpe.nlMeta-science focuses on the process of science itself. This includes the choices researchers make during their studies, such as how transparent and strict we are, whether we publish our plans before we start our study, and how we handle…meta science, science process, process science, science choiceemotion, psychopathology, regulation, interdisciplinary, study2
thillartssports.nlYears of leading R&D and performance testing have led to the pinnacle in head protection. Introducing the Tacks 910, a sleek new helmet developed in collaboration with the Neurotrauma Impact Science Laboratory (NISL) at the university of…impact science, science laboratorychart, inline, jacket, blade, guard2
ramsresearch.nlRadboud Annals of Medical Students (RAMS) is a journal for and made by students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Medical Biology of the Radboud University Nijmegen.medical science, science faculty, biomedical science, science octobereditorial, committee, reviewer, fourth, fifth2
daansneep.nlMy name is Daan Sneep, I am 22 years old and am currently living in Southern Holland in the Netherlands. I'm currently studying Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Leiden , to become a Full Stack Developer . So far I…computer science, science university, apply science, science leidenstack, currently, reliable, dedicated, savvy2
doit-analytics.nlanalytics artificial intelligence data engineering data science graph db machine learning visualizationdata science, science graphgraph, advanced, visualisation, intelligence, visualization2
brouwerconsulting.nlI finished my bachelor in industrial engineering and my master of science in business administration. My working career started as a consultant at Ernst & Young and there after Capgemini. I immediately specialized in logistics and later…life science, science industry, master science, science businesssupply, chain, consulting, capability, gxp2
xedum.nlWe can unlock your maximum potential using latest Data Science Technology. Stay ahead of your competitors: optimize business processes and get new insights by making use of DATA MINING and PROCESS MINING techniques.data science, science technologychain, tax, supply, capability, distribution2
studioarneboon.nl…for Digital Cultures. With this creative background Arne continued his studies at university with a Master of Science in Media Technology. The study curriculum was extended with an exchange program in Japan and courses in…master science, science mediainteractive, bronze, sculpture, interactivity, roof2
groente-onderzoek.nlIn the NEMO science museum in Amsterdam, we conducted research into picky eating among children aged between 4-15 years. We looked at how well the children could taste a bitter taste. Not everyone has the same taste buds: for some a…nemo science, science museumvegetable, publication, scientific, study, role2
hutalks.nlThe IB Honours Programme is part of the initiative of the Institute of International Business of the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences ( Hogeschool Utrecht ). The IB Honours programme is a platform for our super motivated students…apply science, science hogeschooltalk, honour, programme, apply, motivate2
hildeweerts.nl…Mykola Pechenizkiy (2023). Improving Recommender System Diversity with Variational Autoencoders. Advances in Bias and Fairness in Information Retrieval. BIAS 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1840. Springer.information science, science volpublication, fairness, responsible, artificial, explainable2
bryandijkgraaf.nlHello, I am a student at the last year of applied computer science in Rotterdam the Netherlands. In my spare time I like to waterskiing and wakeboarding.computer science, science student, science rotterdaminternship, electrical, worker, installation, spare2
grue.nlArnold, though an atheist, still seems to yearn for that faith that he has found wanting and ebbing. Those “naked shingles of the world” without faith remind me of the madman’s speech which Nietzsche’s would write some years later in The…gay science, science excerptsmile, corner, breath, theory, french2
westworld.nlAn Easy Propaedeutics Into the New Physical and Mathematical Science of the Universal Law – ebookmathematical science, science universalascension, awareness, universal, law, soul2
038games.nl…Mioduszewska, Jakub Nowicki, Benjamin Meijer and Abdellatif Danba are students from the University of Applied Science Windesheim, also from Zwolle. This multidisciplinaire group from different Universities took part in a Minor Game…apply science, science windesheim, science netherlandsinteractive, soil, healthcare, anxiety, fairytale2
trinamics.nlAll vacancies Automotive High Tech Industry IT Software Installation and Energy Logistics Sales Engineering Food / Pharma / Life Sciences Aerospace Mechanical Engineering Maritime Chemistry All Disciplineslife science, science aerospacevacancy, reference, guidance, mechanical, maritime2
yoranhensel.nlIn my practice, I work according to the science of Orthomolecular Medicine and cPNI (Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology) taking your habitus as a point of departure to treat the underlying causes of your current symptoms.practice science, science orthomolecular, info scienceholistic, complaint, pricing, coverage, laboratory2
beatevolker.nlWhether sociology can ever become a full-fledged "science" depends on whether the terms which sociologists employ to describe events can be analyzed into quantifiable observables.sociology science, science termsociety, structure, neighborhood, note, friendship2
hubtech.nlareas of expertise include (precision) mechanical design and construction including production technology, material science, FE analyses, lab and field testing, mechatronic (control) system design and modelling, electronics and embedded…material science, science femechatronic, background, cycling, broad, bicycle2
mmek.nlWe develop masterplans for museums and science centers. By translating the key message into meaningful storylines, immersive environments and engaging interactions we create memorable exhibitions for people from all walks of life.museum science, science centerhealthcare, memorable, slide, immersive, authenticity2
kunst-onderzoek.nlInnovation in the international music industry – Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Haarlem / Diemenapply science, science haarlemsymphonic, audience, ritual, orchestra, cycle2
logosgw.nlNetherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC)school science, science technologycouncil, humanity, institute, graduate, candidate2
nvti.nlThe goal of the Dutch Association for Theoretical Computer Science, NVTI (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica), is to advance theoretical computer science in the Netherlands. It was founded on March 17, 1995, as a forum…computer science, science nvti, science netherlands, science broadstatute, misc, theoretical, cwi, umbrella2
hildebras.nl…Population Studies , Demographic Research, Journal of Biosocial Science and Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. From 2011 to 2016 she led the NWO-funded VIDI-project “The Power of the Family. Family Influences on Long-Term…biosocial science, science annals, academy science, science nwo, social scienceeconomic, publication, phd, teach, summary2
bgapublications.nl2020: UFOs and the Pioneers of Oneness – The science and spirituality of UFOs and the Space Brothersoneness science, science spiritualitypublication, consciousness, geen, planet, priority2
adeptevents.nl(Dutch spoken) The world of BI and data warehousing can feel overwhelming due to their unique terminology and technologies. What do star scheme data mart, ETL, self-service BI, data science, big data, staging area and BI in the cloud…data science, science self, science bigface, adept, analysis, sharp, events2
leidencentraalkantoren.nl…even move here, we already had, in my view, a kind of ‘momentum’ going. From our former office block in the Bio Science Park, beautifully furnished to be sure but very hi-tech –we landed up here, at Leiden Central Offices, in a…bio science, science park, space science, science centrecentral, hall, entrance, train, staff2
ruudgerards.nl…the mediating role of Transformational Leadership and Social Interaction', together with Sanne van Wetten and Cecile van Sambeek has been published in Review of Managerial Science and is available Open Access for anyone to read. Linksocial science, science quarterly, managerial science, science availablejournal, paper, labour, employee, outcome2
biomolecularchemistry.nlThe department of Biomolecular Chemistry (head: Prof. Dr. Ger Pruijn) is part of the Institute for Molecules and Materials of the Faculty of Science of the Radboud University. The Biomolecular Chemistry laboratory is located in the…faculty science, science radboud, science immchemistry, biomolecular, department, imm, molecule2
analyticalsolutions.nlAnalytical solutions 2024 provides a forum for the analytical science communities in the Netherlands to present and discussthe latest developments in analytical chemistry. The event aims to bring together (PhD) students, researchers, lab…analytical science, science community, science technologyanalytical, lab, chemistry, separation, phd2
marecentre.nlMARE is an interdisciplinary social science organisation interested in the use and management of marine resources. Its objective is to provide a stimulating intellectual climate for academics and policymakers working on topics related to…social science, science organisation, science active, political science, science publicconference, maritime, publication, journal, coastal2
graphichunters.nlData sonification is the art and science of turning data into sound. With data sonification in your skillset, you can add audio to your visualisations, tell data stories with sound, or even create pieces of music driven by data. New…art science, science data, setting science, science effectivelygraphic, visualisation, visual, scientist, interactive2
jgds.nlThe behaviour of your audience is what determines succes. That's why we'll translate your business goals to behavioural goals first. And that's why I use a design framework based on behavioural science to help me make better design…behavioural science, science theory, science wellpricing, licensing, changelog, audience, attractive2
joostgrootens.nlAtlas of Creative Thinking . Because the contributions come from such different fields of expertise (from cognitive science and textile conservation to neurology and contemporary composing) it is important that each entry is designed to…natural science, science technology, cognitive science, science textilepublisher, lecture, visual, graphic, architecture2
turiphro.nlReactive Web AI Computer Vision Computer Science Computer Graphics Electronics Startups 3D Making NoSQL Visualisations Creative Coding Life Hacks Programming languages Society DevOps Deep Learning Internet of Things Data Engineering NLP…computer science, science computergraphic, writing, masse, clock, cabinet2
homkat.nlUniversity of Amsterdam, Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, Homogeneous, Supramolecular and Bio-Inspired Catalysis.molecular science, science homogeneouscatalysis, supramolecular, inspire, publication, homogeneous2
josettedijkhuizen.nlAs entrepreneur and endowed professor I connect science with practice in the field of entrepreneurship. I do this by using my knowledge, experience and network for the business and personal development of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs…professor science, science practiceentrepreneur, entrepreneurship, successful, woman, female2
luukverberne.nlAlso I have completed a Minor in Marketing and Communication at the university of applied sciences Avans. Here I found out that I really enjoyed doing this. I worked on a couple of marketing projects for companies, you can see them at my…apply science, science fontys, science avanscampaign, interaction, study, apply, italian2
proeffabriek.nlThe Dutch word Proeffabriek means ‘pilot factory’ or ‘pilot plant’. Much like a pilot plant is used in chemistry to test new production technologies on a pre-commercial scale, DPF was established in 2010 to scale up insights from the…social science, science humanity, transdisciplinary science, science riskresponsible, nanotechnology, commission, moderation, societal2
ramana.nlFor the first time in history the Netherlands now has a real Indian School of Magic: The Vazhakunnam Namboothiri Academy of Magical Sciences. This school is named after the grandfather of magic in Kerala, south India. At this school you…magical science, science schoolmagic, illusion, magician, activate, indian2
vsr-schoonmaak.nlBICSc stands for “The British Institute of Cleaning Science”. BICSc is the largest independent, professional and educational body in the cleaning industry, with more than 45,000 individual and corporate members.clean science, science bicscindependent, measure, association, opinion, contractor2
hybrid-intelligence-centre.nlThe Hybrid Intelligence Center is funded by a 10 year Zwaartekracht grant from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.faculty scienceintelligence, presentation, report, collaboration, vacancy2
isisboot.nlparticipation place attachment place making pop up programming space public space research social experiment social science social sustainability spatial strategy spontaneous city story telling temporal use time urban archive urban…social science, science sociallandscape, urban, exploration, biodiversity, wise2
ict-research.nlIPN (ICT Research Platform Nederland) unites all Dutch academic research groups that have ICT science as their core, and as such acts as a single point of contact for all matters relating to ICT innovation and its importance for our…ict science, science corescientific, researcher, extraordinary, publication, recognition2
timschipper.nlThis is how Yoga Psychology emerged as a science. It deals with the subtleties of life and explains us how to apply this universal knowledge in our busy lifes.science mind, psychology science, science subtletymeditation, session, psychology, mental, awareness2
reneglas.nlcity-making to the gameful designs of the Obama 2008 and Trump 2016 presidential campaigns, and the rise of citizen science and ecological games, this book shows how play is a key theoretical, methodological, and practical principle for…citizen science, science ecological, social science, science mediumfebruary, literacy, citizen, playful, engagement2
delftenterprises.nlWe translate technical knowledge into economic and social value, with a focus on deep tech: radical innovations that can solve major societal challenges. By commercialising science, we contribute to the mission of TU Delft: creating…science venture, challenge science, science missionenterprise, funding, investment, successful, fund2
mr-nec.nlMr. NeC offers its 20+ years experience in consultancy and program and project development and innovation management for realising your big data science ambitions in transport and logistics, crisis management, manufacturing, health and…data science, science ambitionnec, reinforcement, cognitive, novel, industrial2
robertoostenveld.nlFor the Science Festival in Gothenburg we are considering to take it one step further and integrate live video and possibly also sounds from the cod fish that are swimming in the large basin in the Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet . Recording the…open sciencereply, electrode, amplifier, leave, remote2
thijswillems.nlAvans is an University of Applied Sciences located in 4 cities in the southern part of the Netherlands. We train future-proof professionals ready to enter the workforce. Continuously develop new knowledge for education and society. In…apply science, science city, science student, business science, science healthresponsible, resume, leader, integration, workforce2
clockworkegg.nl…is embedded in a large network of specialists. Our ideas combine technology and art, storytelling and science, experience design and education. We are hands-on - testing our ideas at a workshop as early as we can, to see how…storytelling science, science experienceinteractive, egg, interactivity, physical, engage2
msvincognito.nlWe are the study association for the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) at Maastricht University. Our organization was founded on March 28, 1994. At our inception, we were quite a small organization, but in recent years the…computing science, science daccommittee, anthem, listing, study, computing2
pqc-spring-school.nl…students from outside cryptography to follow the school. The lectures should be accessible to any person with knowledge equivalent to having a bachelor in mathematics, computer science, physics, or the IT side of electrical engineering.computer science, science post, science physicsquantum, cryptography, venue, registration, fellow2
betacareerevent.nlThe BCE is a career fair especially aimed at STEM students and young professionals working in STEM. This includes bachelor students, master students, PhD-students and alumni with a background in computer science, mathematics, (bio)medical…computer science, science mathematics, mathematics science, science pharmaceuticalcareer, timetable, conversation, registration, selection2
myzio.nlIn 2009 I gratuated at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences with a Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technology - Embedded Systems (BIT). During my studies I discovered the power of the internet and that the…apply science, science bachelorresume, stack, azure, firebase, october2
bahaiwageningen.nlStrive as much as possible to become proficient in the science of agriculture, for in accordance with the divine teachings the acquisition of sciences and the perfection of arts are considered acts of worship. If a man engageth with all…proficient science, science agriculture, acquisition science, science perfection, science thoufaith, temple, divine, kingdom, teaching2
ruthvanholst.nlExpert reviewer for European grant commissions (e.g., Austrian Science Fund, Swiss National Science Foundation, Norwegian Research Council)cognitive science, science university, austrian science, science fund, national scienceinterest, grant, disorder, gambling, addiction2
nobleprog.nl…(15) Database (148) Data Analysis (207) DevOps (59) Distributed Systems (15) Desktop Publishing (DTP) (6) Data Science (23) Data Management (31) DaDesktop (2) Email (3) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (6) Enterprise Architecture…data science, science dataprogramming, statistics, classroom, certification, artificial2
trescal.nlPatrice began his career at Trescal in 2009 as a trainee in the Engineering and Maintenance business unit after graduating in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He continued as an apprentice during his professional degree year…life science, study science, science food, computer science, science apprenticefrance, brazil, spain, calibration, germany2
voicesyoungacademics.nlLast week, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) published a short editorial written by the chair of the executive board, professor Marcel Levi, titled “Science is like competitive sports”.levi science, science likeacademic, contributor, inclusion, anonymous, academia2
securesoftwaresolutions.nlSince 1997 Secure Software Solutions BV has been busy with IT projects and Mathematics and Science education. Lorna and Ernst have both formal science and educational degrees and combine work for large enterprises with educating the next…mathematics science, science education, formal science, science educationalsecure, ben, bill, mathematics, enterprise2
hypercycle.nlContext - Evolutionary system science has profited from major contribution by Von Bertalanffy, Eigen, Varela, Teilhard de Chardin, Kauffman, Laslo, Kurzweil, Heijlighen and others. I present a selection of their ideas in the context of a…system science, science majorhierarchy, particle, organism, closure, atom2
artsinhealth.nl…in Den Haag at the ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, also attended by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. In that meeting, the white paper was handed over to the director of heritage & art, and the director-general of…culture science, science meeting, director science, science educationcreativity, healthcare, launch, paper, humanity2
recognitionrewards.nlOutcomes from the Recognition & Rewards festival Annelinde Vandenbroucke, Jeanette Mostert, Sharon Unsworth & Ymke Bresser Achieving societal impact through science communication and public engagement…open science, impact science, science communicationrecognition, programme, academic, career, paper2
academicstartupcompetition.nlSo are you an academic spin-off or do you have a strong partnership with any of the Dutch research institutes? Do you have at least two founders and raised initial funding? Do you have a strong technical foundation or are you a social…dutch science, science startup, social science, science outdatedcompetition, academic, society, hero, connect2
delftdesignforvalues.nl…Environment (ABE), Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) and Electric Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS). The institute contributes to the realization of the mission of TU Delft “to make a significant…breakthrough science, science technology, computer science, science eemcsinstitute, justice, technological, annual, stakeholder2
stienos.nlThis code was part of a school assignment for the BACHELOR study System & Network Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam (HVA-SNE-Implementation). The assignment was to create a two-factor authentication system for a…apply science, science amsterdamaws, elasticsearch, template, multiple, resource2
knowvium.nlCreating insight applied science based practical sustainable employability potential innovations and solutions, for people, and organizations.apply science, science company, insight science, science practicalapply, potential, practical, employability2
singingfromtheheart.nlFor more information about the ‘magic’ of singing together in harmony, read Stacy Horn’s book ‘ Imperfect Harmony ‘, watch PBS documentary ‘The Music Instinct – Science & Song’ or read Daniel Levitin’s book ‘ This Is Your Brain on Music ‘.instinct science, science songchoir, singing, rehearsal, singer, hague2
svisa.nlAs ISA, we try to add a new dimension in the life of students. New in our context, where religion and science are separated, but more of a revival from an islamic perspective, as we remember our heros in the golden age of Islam. Through…islam science, science holistic, religion science, science revivalmuslim, islamic, institution, study, pillar2
korufinancialconsulting.nlKoru Financial Consulting is established by Alain de Wolf to provide consultancy and interim financial management services to companies, with a preference for the life science industry.life science, science industryconsulting, affairs, matter, ecosystem, disruptive2
bartnooteboom.nlI was awarded several prizes: Kapp prize (1996) Gunnar Myrdal prize (2004) and Schumpeter prize (2009). In 2000 I was elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. I published 33 books and 350 articles, on…social science, science professor, arts science, science bookphilosophy, publication, radical, uncertainty, entrepreneurship2
thamar.nlLike it wasn’t enough, next to a full-time job, I studied part-time CMD at Rotterdam University of applied sciences. My focus on User Experience Design.apply science, science content, science focusoctober, urban, august, july, january2
christianernsten.nl…four artists and academics can be listened as podcast at home or while walking in the city of The Hague. The project includes contributions by Maastricht University students of the research master Cultures of Art, Sciences and Technology.art science, science technology, social science, science meusewalk, heritage, publication, archaeology, river2
physics-tutor.nl…right place: Yes, armed with years of successful experience as a physics tutor helping teenagers and young adults in Sciences, Edouard, himself a PhD in physical-chemistry, can be an invaluable resource for the high school physics student.adult science, science edouardphysics, tuition, tutoring, grade, exam2
vdb-consulting.nlI have 15 years of experience within the Life Sciences industry. A proven record of successfully managing and supporting complex projects and programs within regulatory affairs, quality affairs, IT, drug safety, medical affairs…life science, science industry, science companyconsulting, compliance, gxp, regulatory, requirements2
kempersdesign.nl2018 - Master of Science - Design for Interaction (Technische Universiteit Delft)master science, science design, bachelor science, science industrialinteraction, vehicle, road, remote, heavy2
impactadvice.nl…and regional development. Next to her activities at IMPACT Policy Advice and IMPACT Business Solutions, Dr. Fatma Saçlı works as associate professor of logistics at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle, The Netherlands.political science, science public, apply science, science zwollelogistics, analysis, cross, cut, spatial2
leidenwatersport.nlThe current spirit of time is fortunately opening-up again to include and synthesize the arts, natural sciences, psychology and mysticism. This makes us feel the need, maybe more than ever, to protect human qualities and values.art science, science philosophy, natural science, science psychologypackage, session, astrology, min, inn2
mindlife.nl…the gap between neuroscience, psychiatry and society. After my studies in "Psychobiology" and "Brain and Cognitive Sciences" I did my PhD research in the neuroscience of psychiatric disorders, stress and reward systems in our brain ( see…cognitive science, science phd, year science, science knowledgecognitive, brain, disorder, psychology, psychiatric2
studiomakkinkbey.nl…is how we prefer to start composing an exhibition. Placing it in the broader perspective of society, technology, science, economy, time and nature. That was the exact idea of MK&G for our cooperation.” Their joint study resulted in the…collaboration science, science design, technology science, science economybey, makkink, exhibition, landscape, interior2
btc-twente.nl…of BTC-Twente will be continued. At BTC-Twente entrepeneurs can choose between 4 different buildings in Enschede , at the heart of the knowledge park (Kennispark) and the Business and Science Park, near the technical University of Twente.network science, science entrepreneurship, business science, science parkflexible, laboratory, incubator, factory, workplace2
pm.nl…more than 55 years. Our customers are in critical and demanding industries such as semiconductor , medical , life science , and analytical . The products include (anti-cage creep) precision linear guides , cross roller slides , miniaturelife science, science analyticallinear, positioning, slide, guide, precision2
raadvoordebiologie.nlThe entire Sectorplan for the Beta II sector (Earth and Environmental Sciences, Astronomy, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Computer Sciences) has...environmental science, science astronomy, pharmaceutical science, science computerbiology, council, aim, initiative, entire2
naxus.nlNaxus® was researched and developed by BioActor, a Dutch life science company that develops health ingredients for functional foods, clinical nutrition, and dietary supplements.life science, science company, real science, science consumerwheat, native, benefit, clinical, scientific2
power2peak.nlNext to being an athlete I was doing an education to get my University degree: I completed a Master degree in Exercise Science at the University of Maastricht. More recently I got my Master coach in Sports degree through our NOC.purely science, science individualized, exercise science, science universitypeak, athlete, championship, cyclist, cooperation2
doneijndhoven.nlDon holds a Master’s degree in Crisis & Security Management (focused on Cyber Security Governance) from the University of Leiden and a Bachelor in Computer Science from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. He also holds multiple…computer science, science amsterdam, apply science, science multiplematter, publication, conference, warfare, prior2
lottemeeuwissen.nl…knowledge of Kolb's “experiential learning cycle”, an innovative game is created between creative experiment and science. This ensures that my tools nurture and strengthen the “creative confidence” of individuals; the origin of…sensory science, experiment science, science toolbrain, emotional, experiential, transformation, innovative2
hans-radder.nlThe volume Building bridges: Connecting science, technology and philosophy (Essays presented to Hans Radder), edited by Henk de Regt and Chunglin Kwa (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2014; freely available here ), includes discussion of a…philosophy science, science technology, bridge sciencepublication, presentation, lecture, philosophy, matter2
arkiesclinical.nlI have worked with Bart Jan for more than 5 years at PRA Health Sciences. Bart Jan is a committed CRA who can organize activities in a highly efficient manner and has a good knowledge of most systems used in clinical trials. Bart Jan…master science, science biology, health science, science bartclinical, trial, therapeutic, footer, remote2
jellehamoen.nlData science: Predicting road safety from accident data coupled with geographical features mined from map datadata science, science roadroad, geographical, accident, shape, speech2
mychiropractorhilversum.nlA chiropractor is a specialist in the field of physical complaints. At MoveWell, our chiropractors, physiotherapists and other disciplines work together as one team, to improve your complaint. Because science and research keep evolving…science approach, complaint science, science researchchiropractic, physiotherapy, treatment, complaint, therapy2
macconsultant.nlThe Science Museum is part of the same organisation and another great all-weather option with lots of great activities. The quarterly ‘little kids days’ are fun but can get hectic – especially in contrast to mid-week afternoon visits when…museum science, science workjanuary, playground, august, october, kid2
racademy.nlData Science is transforming the industry. Data has more value than ever before.data science, science industryintroduction, participant, principle, report, necessity2
wardrauws.nlWard Rauws is Assistant Professor at the Department of Spatial Planning & Environment, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. His research interests include urban and peri-urban transformations, urban…spatial science, science universityspatial, scheme, suggestion, hike, indication2
elmahogeboom.nlA sustainable artist and entrepreneur from the Netherlands, I started out as a natural scientist with undergraduate degrees in physics and mathematics and a Master’s degree in biomedical image sciences. My understanding of nature nurtured…image science, science understand, world science, science artcolourful, ethical, dynamic, tree, piece2
amnt.nlAMnT stands unparalleled in marrying advanced materials science with sustainable construction practices. Our innovative solutions in concrete and materials technology set industry benchmarks, making us the go-to experts for reducing…material science, science construction, science sustainableadvanced, innovative, assessment, damage, environmental2
fleurbouwer.nlI had the pleasure this month to give a lecture at the science museum NEMO in Amsterdam. A room full of curious children as an audience, it does not get much better! We danced, sang, and explored the wonders of rhythm and music in the…website science, science communication, lecture science, science museumcognitive, february, july, neuroscience, august2
escf.nl…for the members of (cross-industry) to innovate are addressed. The researchers of ESCF are part of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences. Have a look at the research areas of the department and the researchers.innovation science, science look, life science, science manufacturechain, supply, circular, ecosystem, decision2
rubricsgsls.nlwriting assignments (literature review and research proposal) of Master’s students of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. The rubrics should be used for the motivation of interim or final assessment of these projects, but can also be…life science, science rubric, business science, science businessreport, presentation, proposal, literature, assessment2
studiolooploop.nlLoop Loop was nonchalantly born from a collaboration between Odin Visser and Charles Gateau . Odin is an expert in product development, lighting and industrial design, Charles brings together materials science, research and niche…technology science, science tool, material science, science researchluminaire, industrial, introduction, craft, innovative2
nextcity.nlWith the participants from businesses, real estate management, planning actors, local and federal politics, nature conservation associations, and science, the EU BooGI-BOP project wants to advance the mainstreaming of…association science, science eu, natural science, science artuncategorized, conference, august, tree, biodiversity2
barbaraveselka.nlI am a Post-Doc Researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel combining human cremations and inhumations. I did a Master in Archaeology of Indian America and a Master of Science in Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology at Leiden…archaeological science, science head, master science, science humanresearcher, remain, basically, publication, presentation2
pulse2021.nl…In order to address such educational challenges, it is becoming increasingly important to upscale learning sciences research. This can be done by setting up partnerships and networks between (early career) researchers, so that…learn science, science research, science pulse-2021researcher, early, career, programme, january2
lifebydesign.nlA Life by Design is created by Geert Vousten to share available information and knowledge as wisdom, from the mystical as well as from the science viewpoint, to inspire and support others to live their lives on their own path in their own…mystical science, science viewpointcreation, consciousness, consciously, realization, pioneer2
isaacbeeckmanstichting.nl…the Conference Isaac Beeckman in Context – Science, the Arts, and Culture in the Early Dutch Republic . It was held under the auspices of the Royal Zeeland Society of Sciences and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.context science, science art, society science, science royal, science humanityconference, republic, humanity, early, society2
henkvanhoutum.nl…Ruhr Area, Baden-Wüttemberg and the North East of England. Utrecht: University of Utrecht, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Netherlands Geographical Studies 145 (PhD thesis). Tijdschrift voor de economische en sociale geografie (TESG)…social science, science review, geographical science, science netherlandsjournal, regional, uk, progress, pp2
dmb-lab.nlThe DM&B lab serves as a research incubator where researchers of the VU Communication Science department build and consolidate stakeholder networks and, together, set the agenda for new research and social intervention programs.communication science, science student, science departmentlab, funding, society, incubator, literacy2
joostkampen.nlOrganizational development is about changing organizational dynamics. This article opens the ‘black box’ of destructive dynamics in teams in the context of a university of applied sciences. Process theorizing produces know-how knowledge…apply science, science process, science chaosorganizational, neglect, emotional, workplace, abuse2
bitcoinembassy.nlBitcoin Embassy Amsterdam Reaches out to the computer sciences faculty if the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. It goes without saying that more educational efforts regarding Bitcoin and blockchain technology are a welcome…computer science, science faculty, apply science, science educationalembassy, survey, networking, collaborative, central2
compass-project.nl…statistics (e.g., changes in segregation level, region, city or national level). The uniqueness of a complexity science approach is the ability to connect these two levels and perhaps demonstrate that seemingly innocuous changes in…complexity science, science approachcompass, modelling, computational, dynamic, summary2
thomwiggers.nlThom Wiggers is a cryptography researcher at PQShield . His PhD thesis was on the interactions of post-quantum cryptography with protocols, under the supervision of Peter Schwabe , at the Institute of Computing and Information Sciences…information science, science radboudquantum, cryptography, publication, thesis, phd2
netwerkmuziekdocentenpabo.nlWe are lecturars of music education at the Pabo University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. After completing successfully the Pabo University of Applied Sciences, the student receives a bachelor’s degree in primary education and…apply science, science netherlands, science studentsidebar, footer, association, teacher, cultural2
newanimatedreality.nlWALL·E) is a 2008 American computer-animated science fiction romance film produced by Pixar Animation Studios …computer science, science fiction, american scienceanimation, title, sequence, tumblr, pocket2
ruutvanrossen.nl…site describes former university campus De Uithof, its history from 1960 to 2018. In 2018 the campus lost its historic name and was officially renamed Utrecht Science Park . Mind you, I don't update regularly; took me 10 years last time!utrecht science, science parkobservation, architecture, publication, stuff, overview2
acepo.nlAcepo provides an analytical service and advice around cells and pollen. Further activities are research, development, or education projects in the field of plant science, especially in relation to plant cell biology, tissue culture, or…plant science, science especially, environment science, science practicalcell, pollen, analysis, analytical, biology2
collectiveworks.nlInterior design for new Art Centre + design of exhibition Notes from the Field: Commoning Practices in Art and Science.art science, science technologycollective, exhibition, collaborative, architecture, economy2
kinderhulp-afrika.nlWith the help of various equity funds, we were allowed to build a new science room for the students of the secondary school. The classes taught here are physics, chemistry, biology and agriculture.new science, science lab, science roomreport, fund, regular, donation, inheritance2
leidenpsychologyblog.nlThe desperate hunt for the latest and newest scientific findings, by journalists as well as scientists, frustrates the accumulation of knowledge. Preprints and Google Scholar only make it worse. This is my second call for slow science…psychology, clinical, contributor, institute, economic2
daphnemiedema.nlDuring my studies I have continuously been focusing on complementing my education in the field of Computer Science and Engineering with aspects from the social sciences. I have studied courses in Psychology, Sociology, Brain Physiology…computer science, science engineering, social science, science courseinteraction, interest, query, publication, upcoming2
3mproject.nl…do not know how to put it into practice. They presented this dilemma to the teachers and researchers at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. And with this in mind we have started the 3M project that runs between 2017 and 2021.apply science, science mind, science innovativefrisian, teacher, appreciation, researcher, apply2
fsa.nl…(FSA) is the largest financial study association of the Benelux. The FSA aims to connect ambitious students to leading companies across six different areas: Finance, Business, Strategy Consulting, Economics, Data Science and Accountancy.data science, science accountancy, science competitionstudy, association, labor, career, vacancy2
stevendorrestijn.nlWelcome at this website. You will find infomation about myself and my work. I am an applied sciences professor for Ethics & Technology at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. In 2012 I defended my PhD thesis, at the…work science, science professor, apply science, science netherlandsfoucault, ethics, july, january, thesis2
harwinder.nlThe Hogeschool van Amsterdam or Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is a large institute for higher professional education in the Netherlands. The HvA has 90 college programs divided and grouped into seven 'domains' (faculties)…apply science, science largeawesome, globe, effective, interest, singh2
vrlearninglab.nlOur ‘tech teachers’ teach computer science to thousands and thousands of students . And we share our experiences during our training for professionals .computer science, science thousandlab, footer, interactive, installation, teacher2
jointprogramming.nlAdvanced Training course on science-based advice for policy in agriculture and environment & Co-creation workshop in Ghentannual science, science day, course science, science adviceoctober, partnership, initiative, annual, net2
lascaux.nlFondation Lascaux presents lectures and seminars that focus on the common grounds of art and science.colour, painting, acrylic, locator, swiss2
jansnelders.nlPosted on maart 2nd, 2017 in New weapons to be used against you , Science-Wetenschap , World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »weapon science, science wetenschap, categorie sciencecia, intelligence, file, scientist, war2
firmbackbone.nl…research and education. Once it is ready, it will become available for researchers and students affiliated with Dutch member universities through the Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations ( ODISSEI ).social science, science economic, science humanityinfrastructure, programming, longitudinal, researcher, scientific2
laurensstoop.nlThe ACDC-ESM project is a cooperation between the departments of Information and Computing Science and Copernicus institute of sustainable development at Utrecht University , the Dutch transimission system operator ( TenneT TSO B.V. ) and…computing science, science copernicusclimate, phd, researcher, weather, publication2
cpb.nlLabour Taxation General welfare Corona COVID-19 Data science team Built environment International analysis Knowledge and Innovationdata science, science teamtrade, economic, analysis, publication, calendar2
sensaciones.nlThe Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Maria van der Hoeven and the Hague Alderman Pierre Heijnen (Education, Social Affairs, Employment and Integration) handout first copy of the education program FWD> to the Director of VMBO SG…culture science, science mariaparticipant, youngster, hague, institution, objective2
albertkb.nlMember of the Editorial Board of Revista Română de Biblioteconomie şi Ştiinţa Informării (Romanian Review of Library and Information Science);information science, science pretorialibrary, committee, editorial, scientist, till2
h3consultancy.nl2019 – present: Visiting Researcher, Department of Population Health Sciences , Veterinary Faculty, Utrecht University, Veterinary Epidemiologyhealth science, science veterinaryveterinary, present, association, faculty, epidemiology2
lennartdegroot.nlI consider science communication and outreach an integral and important part of being a scientist. I enjoy explaining my own research as well as more general Earth scientific topics to the public, including children. This allows me to…earth science, science facultyoutreach, laboratory, earth, publication, grant2
metropolitanfoodsecurity.nl…scholars and eminent practitioners addressing the “challenges and chances” of urbanization. 62 companies and universities of practical science react and formulate in what respect their company or institution could contribute to solutions.practical science, science respect, institution science, science businessmetropolitan, publication, response, trade, urban2
nwobiophysics.nlmicroscopy and cell biology to biomedical engineering. NWO Biophysics forms the very heart of Dutch research groups in these fields of expertise, creating a place to explore, push boundaries and celebrate interdisciplinary science together.dutch science, science meannwo, biophysics, programme, submission, committee2
hydrology-amsterdam.nlThe Amsterdam Critical Zone Hydrology Group evolved from the former Department of Hydrology and Geo-Environmental Sciences upon the restructuring of the Institute of Earth Sciences its research themes. The ACZHG became embedded in the…environmental science, science restructuring, earth science, science research, science facultyhydrology, critical, phd, resource, earth2
heart-institute.nlThe Netherlands Heart Institute fosters excellent cardiovascular research on national and international level. We conduct basic science as well as clinical research.excellent science, science well, basic science, science clinicalinstitute, fund, cardiovascular, council, scientific2
lotschool.nlLOT was officially established in June 1994 by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The LOT school series soon acquired an international reputation as a result of inviting well-known linguists to teach at the schools.arts science, science lotlinguistic, graduate, phd, conference, registration2
bregjekuis.nlI am registered with the Dutch Association of Psychologists ( NIP ), a member of the Dutch Mentoring and Coaching Council ( NOBCO ) and a member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science ( ACBS ).behavioral science, science acbspsychologist, session, face, taxis, pricing2
stichtingorganisatieleren.nlTogether with The Hague University of Applied Sciences, we collect and describe so-called 'good practices' from organizations with a learning culture and learning teams.apply science, science goodsociety, trajectory, magic, participant, fable2
rkuipers.nlWelcome to my website, version unknown... Once in a while I change the website, use another technology to host it. Why? Perhaps because I am interested in the computer technology. In 1987 I studied computer science at the Hogere…computer science, science hogere, science softwareazure, posuere, aliquet, venenatis, erat2
wicomulder.nlDr. Wico Mulder is senior scientist and consultant at TNO. He has a strong background in science and software engineering. Wico’s main research interest is on the topic of AI and its interaction with humans in our society. He combines his…background science, science software, datum science, science communitybuilding, scientific, interaction, society, interest2
empoweredconnections.nlGain awareness and insight about child development, brain science, emotional intelligence, attachment science and non-violent communication. When we are aware, we make better choices.brain science, science emotional, attachment science, science non, help scienceempower, connection, parenting, session, parent2
3develop.nl(7) photoshop (47) planet (19) reconstruction (7) recycling (6) rooftops (11) room for the river (6) rotterdam (76) science fiction (13) seasons (17) spaceflight (7) spring (7) sunset (7) terraforming (9) trees (15) urbanism (33) urban…rotterdam science, science fictionvisualisation, january, february, urban, architecture2
nworelease.nl…hydrocarbon production from CO2, and flow batteries. RELEASE includes universities, universities of applied science, companies, field labs, and governments, in an unprecedented alliance from lab-scale to full implementation…apply science, science companyrelease, scale, storage, scientific, publication2
lissdata.nlEstablished in 2007 with funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the panel has been an integral part of ODISSEI since 2019. ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) is…social science, science economic, science researchliss, panel, archive, report, breach2
architection.nlOr, to put it in terms of my encompassing overview of the elements playing a crucial role in the process of architectural representation: did modern science deprive the built environment of its intratext ( the realities inseparably…life science, science linguistic, modern science, science environmentrepresentation, architecture, architectural, basilica, building2
nsri2020.nl…research community, to gather information on a broad number of issues such as research norms and behaviors, open science practices, competitiveness and work pressure. Your contribution to this survey will help us make recommendations…accountable science, science scholarship, open science, science practicesurvey, integrity, researcher, discover, timeline2
tinemolendijk.nlMolendijk, T. 2018. Moral Injury in Relation to Public Debates: The Role of Societal Misrecognition in Moral Conflict-Colored Trauma among Soldiers. Social Science & Medicine , 211: 314-320. LINK 1 (to publication) | LINK 2 (to pre-print…social science, science link, science medicinemoral, injury, military, journal, publication2
imagesandmusic.nlMy roots lie in illustration and graphic design, but also in science fiction and airbrush painting.design science, science fictionillustration, animation, modeling, genesis, character2
irinashapiro.nlThe Art and Science in Narrative as a Common Ground for Hybrid Practices , contribution to the journal Hybrid Theories and Practices | Aalto University | Finlandart science, science narrativeshapiro, pedagogy, collaboration, artistic, experimental2
smcamsterdam.nlPartners Partners in (top)sport Partners in care Partners in innovation Partners in science Partners in businesspartners science, science partnersphysiotherapy, physio, therapist, appointment, manual2
nge.nlThe Science of Aesthetics, the Critique of Taste, and the Philosophy of Art Ambiguities and Contradictions J Colin McQuillan 144-162art science, science philosophyaesthetic, investigation, uncategorized, editor, philosophy2
versnellingsplan.nlFrom 2019 till 2022, 39 universities (of applied sciences) were working on opportunities the digital transformation offers higher education in the Netherlands. The Acceleration Plan was a cooperation between the Universities of the…apply science, science opportunity, science surfeducational, base, acceleration, resource, evidence2
amsterdamresearchclimate.nlARCA seeks to provide a baseline measure of the academic research climate, which is needed if science wishes to improve itself. This is why all active researchers from the 4 academic institutions in Amsterdam have received an invitation…good science, science misbehaviours, climate science, science active, science detrimentalclimate, academic, publication, researcher, institution2
vuurbaard.nlDuring my full-time work at Philips I have got my bachelor of science study done, on the side.bachelor science, science studyespecially, study, symptom, currently, luminis2
pintegrated.nlPintegrated courses are aimed at the realization of goals. You will learn how to apply the robust science of behavior analysis in a real-life case in an organizational context or at the individual level.robust science, science behaviorbehavior, behavioral, organizational, scientific, institute2
live-cartooning.nlThe Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE) is a partnership oflife science, science health, natural science, science environmentthursday, october, wednesday, comic, friday2
scenarius.nlthe Big Data Ethics Group debates the issues of privacy and piracy within the merits of Big Data Science. We invite all professionals in politics, business, law and science to…data science, science professionalethics, consumer, gdpr, behavior, intelligence2
sparc-innovation.nlWith the membership to SPARC, we hope that Fontys University of Applied Sciences can help us find answers to practical IT issues, so that we can make progress in such areas as performance, fan experience, etc. in realising our vision for…apply science, science answer, science relatedincubator, lab, ground, apply, region2
darkarmada.nlDark Armada, Armada, a a Star Star Trek Trek fan fan production, production, is is one one of of the the few few semi-professional semi-professional science-fiction science-fiction film film productions productions in in The The…professional science, science fiction, fiction sciencedark, episode, character, richardson, january2
knvws.nlThe KNVWS was founded on the premise that science should be accessible to everyone. Dozens of associations and observatories are currently affiliated with our national organization. We connect thousands of people in our country and…premise science, science accessible, astronomy science, science popularisationastronomy, meteorology, association, observatory, op2
mowosystems.nlEducation: Studied Astrophysics at the University of La Plata (Argentina) and Computer Science at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)computer science, science universityargentina, footer, dynamic, nav, improvement2
davincisatellite.nlAt this moment we are finalising a computer science lesson module. This computer science module lets the students investigate the orbit of the Da Vinci Satellite and the radiation the satellite receives within this orbit about Earth. To…social science, science course, computer science, science chemistry, science lessonsatellite, lesson, earth, kid, multiple2
isdatsoftwareontwikkeling.nlComputer Science variant focussing on artificial intelligence, multimedia, data processing and knowledge management. My masters thesis was a project about emotion recognition from brain activity, using several AI techniques.computer science, science variantkubernetes, aws, kotlin, typescript, fullstack2
quantondemand.nlQuant On Demand is part of Data Science District’s service offering. Created to help financial freelance market specialists and expert consultants find new temporary projects.data science, science district, science advanceddemand, domain, supplier, independent, temporary2
ellendebruin.nlEllen de Bruin writes fiction and non-fiction books. She is also a reporter at the Dutch news outlet NRC , where she covers social sciences, human behavior and human (and feline) interest topics, and does feature interviews. Because she…social science, science human, climate science, science expeditionfiction, novel, het, woman, guide2
menzonius.nlannoying people behavior Corona virus Covid-19 Covid19 covidiots CUPS DavMail dipper Fish food FreeBSD Greece HOWTO latrine lp LPD lpq lpr lprm macOS misinformation movie mRNA mRNA-vaccine msmtp Musk Mutt ouzo printing Research review…russia science, science squatrandom, election, howto, democratic, russian2
lifeextensioneurope.nlWith insights on science and health trends, plus over 500 science-backed vitamins & supplements, that is our philosophy and the principle our business is built upon.insight science, science health, plus science, science vitamin, natural sciencescientific, mineral, payment, membership, probiotic2
veerlevanthullenaar.nlWorking as a user experience designer at Soda studio I designed the new website for De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO), the public dutch broadcaster. One of the main goals to make science knowledge interesting for everyone.goal science, science knowledgeresearcher, ultimate, early, actionable, ux2
c-limes.nlEmploying citizen science to understand borders and border systems from the Roman period until todaycitizen science, science bordercultural, citizen, publication, dig, period2
nwochains.nlNWO CHAINS is the annual Dutch chemistry conference. It is the conference where chemists, from PhD students and postdocs to professors and R&D scientists, in science and industry come together.scientist science, science industry, dutch science, science meannwo, chain, programme, session, committee2
frankvantubergen.nlHis research has been supported by grants from the Dutch National Science Foundation (Veni, Vidi, Gravitation), the European Commission (Norface, Horizon2020), Utrecht University, and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.national science, science foundation, arts science, science ammodo, society sciencesociology, introduction, textbook, publication, department2
shadowmaker.nlAfter creating 50+ VFX shots for my 1997 graduation film 'Kaya - Science-Fiction Musical' for the Dutch Academy of Film, I went on to create over 500 VFX shots for film and television as a VFX one man band.kaya science, science fictionvfx, fusion, television, fiction, graduation2
marksediting.nlSpecialized in science editing and writing on complex topics, particularly in relation to environmental fields, development studies and social sciences.purpose, translation, write, edit, academic2
mrvisuals.nlGoal: showcase the dinerparty at the Nemo Science Museum | Winter 2022 | Amsterdamnemo science, science museumaan, showcase, wedding, sunset, autumn2
werkenbijerasmusmc.nlWe conduct ground-breaking research every single day. At Erasmus MC we believe in a close synergy between biomedical research, clinical research and health sciences.health science, science nihes, career science, science biomedical, science internationalphd, career, facility, academic, disease2
civictechnology.nl…e.g., in participation project or with Smart City technology. On the other hand, citizens themselves can take initiatives in engaging with the community they live in, e.g., using community platforms or with Citizen Science technology.citizen science, science technology, apply science, science knowledgecivic, citizen, report, publication, dialogue2
akox.nlI have not only published on Lorentz, Zeeman, and Einstein, but also on other topics in the history of science. Read more >history science, science yearpublication, physics, historian, physicist, interested2
melaniewebb.nl"Even though I can be a woman of many words, I have always been drawn to the invisible world, which is often indescribable. The world of dreams, to symbolism, to the world of meditation and natures breath. Trough Yoga Science and…yoga science, science astrology, science abundantastrology, study, gratitude, woman, spiritual2
single-molecule.nl…on a local scale of 1 to 100 nanometers. Our aims are to demonstrate and establish optical methods giving access to the nano-world, and to apply them to problems in physical chemistry, materials science, and biomolecular science.material science, science biomolecularmolecule, uncategorized, publication, congratulations, optic2
biomembranes.nlInstitute in 1992. Between 1994 and 2009 the IB received 3 (re)accreditations from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and ECOS, formally recognizing the IB a Graduate School. Since January 2009, the Institute of Biomembranes…faculty science, science medicine, academy science, science knaw, life scienceevening, conference, institute, publication, phd2
smartstones.nl“Letters” IN SCIENCE, NOVEMBER 2016 NEGATIVE CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS A discussion: “Trouble with negative emissions ?”letter science, science novembercarbon, removal, earth, dioxide, climate2
usedasea.nl…and to bring these people together on a common ground. Some of our units: Strategic Planning Coordinatorship, Art Sciences Center Presidency, Visual Arts Coordinatorship, Music Education Coordinatorship, Performing Arts Coordinatorship…art science, science center, design science, philological science, science artcertificate, cisco, staff, joint, strategic2
timplatenkamp.nlI have attended various institutions of higher learning, acquiring a certificate and diplomas from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Free University of Amsterdam, and the University of Amsterdam. In 2020, I graduated with…apply science, science free, political science, science politicalpolitical, interest, socialist, theory, think2
jordyvanessen.nlI am a Computer Science and Engineering student at the university of applied sciences in Rotterdam.computer science, science engineering, apply science, science rotterdampanel, multiple, square, documentation, arduino2
jessicakiefte.nlNetherlands Institute of Health Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2012 - now):health science, science rotterdam, city science, science activitylecture, nutrition, population, epidemiology, disease2
proggy.nlby Dylan Dophemont in Games | Tagged Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences soulbound Too Many Developersapply science, science soulboundbear, adventure, character, steam, capacitive2
clear-air.nlSRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), the Dutch national expertise institute for scientific space research, part of the Dutch Research Council NWO. The institute combines science, technology and engineering. Its scientific…domain science, science society, institute science, science technologyclimate, satellite, atmospheric, biodiversity, pollution2
magrathea-tlc.nlAccording to Bertrand Russell philosophy is defined as what is between science and theology. Science is the part that is known beyond suspicion, but how do we attribute meaning to the remaining unknown. He suggests to use the patterns of…philosophy science, science tag, science theology, theology science, science suspicionfirm, behavior, theory, hypothesis, phenomenon2
wolfe.nlHis interest in physics, logic, and computer science emerged from a background in arts and music, which naturally led him to the field of artificial intelligence. He relishes the marvels of machine learning and has broadened his expertise…art science, science human, computer science, science backgroundwolfe, leadership, productivity, generative, lecture2
imcweekendschool.nlIMC Weekendschool provides extracurricular education to youth in the receptive age of 10 to 14. Each weekend, volunteer professionals teach them their jobs. The three-year program comprises academic subjects (science, humanities), the…subject science, science humanity, apply science, science freewat, teacher, society, guest, weekly2
wilmarschaufeli.nl2019 – European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Distinguished Research Contribution Award “for exceptional scientific contributions to the science of Work and Organizational Psychology over the course of his career”.contribution science, science workpsychology, scientific, present, occupational, organizational2
boringmachine.nlThe company is China bearing industry association, director of Chinese Association of machine tool grinder branch units, high-tech enterprises in Henan Province, science and technology enterprises in Henan Province, Henan province science…province science, science technologybear, ball, steel, sunrise, double2
kennisnl.nl…experts or suitable cooperation partners for research development and innovation. kennisNL is the link between science and industry. It markets knowledge, technology and know-how to industry and supports the transfer to the applicant.link science, science industry, art science, science technologysuitable, file, initiative, cut, edge2
fjildlab.nlalso provide co-financing. For the time being, work is done on the basis of a pre-financing by Wageningen University, Agrarisch Collectief Waadrâne, association Noardlike Fryske Wâlden and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences.apply science, science nhlnortheast, regional, landscape, region, laboratory2
albertvandersel.nlIt's a completely different sort of science, if you want to study such subject, into a reasonable,reality science, science unstoppable, sort science, science subjectnuclear, missile, weapon, neutron, device2
datacadabra.nlWe leverage data science and artificial intelligence (AI) to empower your team and take work off your hands.datum science, science artificial, data sciencefeasibility, detection, algorithm, housing, collect2
evolucio.nlAlumni Spotlight: Nadine van der Voorde on behavioral science and her first novelbehavioral science, science novelreunion, october, association, career, cafe2
semgeerlings.nl{ '2013-2017' : 'Digital Media & Communication - University of applied Science Utrecht' },apply science, science utrechtadvertising, presence, campaign, engine, optimization2
hiview.nlOur clients include professionals ranging from the science community, decision makers, natural resources managers, and farmers. We deliver our services world-wide with a particular focus on Europe, Asia and Africa. Typical examples of…professional science, science communitycrop, sense, remote, analysis, glacier1
teamsharpies.nlThis project is made during a Minor project at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciencesstamp, phase, study, discovery, ideation1
afcea.nlAFCEA is the only professional association linking military, government, and defense and non-defense industry in the fields of communications, electronics, command and control, computer sciences, teleprocessing and intelligence system.computer science, science teleprocessingchapter, government, military, association, membership1
harmpinkster.nlHarm was Member of the Academia Europaea (1989), Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy (2004), Foreign Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (2008), Member of the Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (1988), and…academy science, science letterspublication, doctorate, study, linguistic, author1
smaakexpeditie.nlAlard Verhoef completed his Sensory Science degree in 2012 (Wageningen University & Research and Copenhagen University) and has been working in the sensory field at Essensor on a daily basis ever since. Within his role, he works for a…sensory science, science degreetaste, expedition, sensory, participant, consumer1
dorelan.nlDesign and science bring life to a unique collection of beds. Fully adaptable to any wishesdesign science, science lifepillow, mattress, discover, italian, duvet1
gecusters.nlHello there and welcome on my portfolio, my name is Gé Custers. I was born in the Netherlands in 1999. Currently I am following the Communication and Multimedia Design course at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. My area of…apply science, science areadocumentation, animation, surrounding, spare, bike1
fcvideoanalyse.nlWe are an innovative company started by André van Teeffelen. André has a broad and international background in Television and Film production. Furthermore, he lectured at various Universities of Applied Sciences.tower, innovative, creation, analysis1
pharminvestholland.nlPharmInvestHolland is a public-private collaboration to foster the R&D investment climate for biopharmaceutical companies in the Netherlands. This initiative was set up in 2017 under the banner of the national Top sector Life Sciences &…life science, science healthinnovative, invest, initiative, investment, collaboration1
wytzekoopal.nlI hold a Master of Science degree in Educational Technology (1993, University of Twente, The Netherlands) and have extensive experience with blended learning, online courses and technology enhanced learning and teaching. My experience…master science, science degreeteach, instructional, educational, extensive, degree1
njlp.nlThe Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy (NJLP) is an international peer reviewed journal, devoted to the study of legal philosophy and jurisprudence and to the foundations of legal sciences in the broad sense of the term (sociology of…legal science, science broadjournal, philosophy, law, sovereignty, notification1
sunriseproject.nlSam is the Co-Director of Sunrise Project Australia. He brings over twenty-five years experience building people powered movements for a socially just and ecologically sane world. Sam holds a multidisciplinary degree in environmental…environmental science, science classsunrise, climate, fossil, fuel, movement1
aromazorgzuster.nl…in smart application options that are easy to use in daily (care) practices. With her background in nursing and well over 25 years of expertise, her products are based on countless positive reports from the field, supported by science.aromatherapy, aromatic, complementary, nurse, smell1
annaleona.nlAlchemy is a field of knowledge based on the laws of metaphysics. It is a practical science that realizes its knowledge through hermetic principles of development.practical science, science knowledgealchemy, teacher, monthly, turtle, breathe1
anivado.nlThis course is aimed at an international audience which already has a good basic understanding of equine nutrition and feeding science, the principles of equine digestive physiology, digestion, feedstuffs, nutrient analysis and feeding…feed science, science principlenutrition, physiology, horse, apply, crib1
bravy.nlOccupation: Graduated from Wageningen University in 2016 (Master of Science in Biology), and since 2018 following a PhD at the same University.master science, science biologyweather, genealogical, tree, actual, occupation1
tomruijs.nlHi! I'm Tom Ruijs, a game programmer from the Netherlands. I have been making games in my free time and throughout college for 6+ years and have been coding for 9+ years. I have graduated from Fonty's University of Applied Sciences with…apply science, science bachelorunity, description, player, contribution, programmer1
wouterraateland.nlSymposium on the role of computer science and mathematics in the future of healthcarecomputer science, science mathematicsfullstack, oct, entrepreneur, write, teacher1
linguaphile.nlStep into a world of language exploration guided by me, an impassioned English and Dutch teacher with a bachelor degree from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Your journey here is more than just learning; it's a commitment to…apply science, science journeyielts, preparation, notification, discount, chance1
tonbaggerman.nl…Western society and it has been a manifestly successful way to understand the world around us, bringing us science, industry and the Enlightenment, leading to spectacular increases in wealth worldwide, allowing culture and societyworld science, science industryuniverse, understand, heavy, meaning, propulsion1
psychologe-amsterdam.nlHanna van der Zaken (1949) studied the social science "Andragologie"at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in adult education and psychotherapy. Over the next thirty years she became a very well experienced therapist and trainer…social science, science universitytherapist, psychologist, therapy, der, near1
bureautalent.nlBureau Talent has started a new Erasmus+ project Equity in Gifted Education (EGE) with VOHaaglanden in The Hague (the Netherlands), Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Antwerp (Belgium), Dublin City University (Ireland), and…apply science, science antwerpthink, cooperation, equity, teacher, motivation1
bvfplatform.nl…is often asked by the authorities to comment on regulatory proposals with respect to biosafety issues. In 2007 the Association advised the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in a Code of Conduct for Biosecurity.arts science, science knawassociation, biological, officer, membership, council1
microscopycourse.nlLCAM is a collaboration between three innovative microscopy centres at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC), the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam (FNWI) and the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI). Here you will find a wide…faculty science, science universitymicroscopy, advanced, imaging, functional, dynamic1
witsenscheepsbouw.nlAfter initial attempts by students of the NHL University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden on behalf of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the archaeological presentation agency Tijdlab has succeeded in making a digital…apply science, science leeuwardenshipbuilding, century, ship, maritime, optimal1
suitsbyqueens.nlHighly recommended for tailor-made suits. Queen has the suit designing process down to a perfect science. After a lengthy (but fun!) design session where we went through all kinds of fabric and buttons and styles, she was kind enough to…perfect science, science lengthyappointment, wedding, tailor, smoking, wear1
raddelft.nlThe Researchlab Automated Driving Delft is where science and practice meet. Together with the government and the business community, our partners work towards the mobility of the future.delft science, science practicevehicle, het, traffic, autonomous, government1
tomturelinckx.nlOf course, it all began with studying. I got a degree in Engineering (a Masters in Industrial Science) then did postgraduate courses in Business Management and Corporate Finance. From 2001 to 2008 I was seconded to the European Commission…industrial science, science postgraduateentrepreneurial, consulting, past, infinite, possibility1
o-chems.nlThis unique program brings together expertise from chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biophysics and materials science, combining experiment and theory, represented by a complementary team of principle investigators, PhD students and…material science, science experiment, biomolecular science, science biotechnologyequilibrium, principle, background, publication, chem1
hoef-kwartier.nlA team from Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) University of Applied Science in the Netherlands was very succesful competing in the Solar Decathlon 2020 Build Challenge.apply science, science netherlandswise, transition, lab, volunteer, youngster1
apinchofsaffron.nlWith all things baking, it’s pretty much an exact science, so when the recipe called for a baking tin of 20×11 cm and I only had one which was 30×11 cm I knew I had to get creative to make it happen.exact science, science reciperecipe, dinner, vegetarian, dish, sauce1
cfri.nl’95-’00 Master of Science in Economics, Major Monetary Economics, Tilburg Universitymaster science, science economicinvestment, responsible, invest, asset, balance1
babylabamsterdam.nl…The Stage 1 Registered Report for this review just received in principle acceptance to the special issue on Open Science and Metascience in Developmental Psychology at the journal of Infant and Child Development. We are launching the…open science, science metascienceinfant, researcher, lab, author, replication1
ilka.nlI am Ilka van de Werve, an assistant professor at the Department of Econometrics and Data Science of th e School of Business and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Furthermore, I am a fellow at The Netherlands Institute for the…data science, science thteach, econometrics, economic, enforcement, department1
joswessels.nlHis interests are not limited to mycology, botany and molecular biology but concern science in general and its relation to religion. In 2007 he published an essay (in Dutch) on this subject.science religion, biology science, science generalpublication, religion, interest, relation, botany1
providenza.nleveryone involved in the purchasing profession. We combine insights from business, the public sector, education and science and share this knowledge in our powerful association of 6,500 procurement professionals who inspire and stimulate…education science, science knowledgesecret, purchase, wine, supply, founder1
impire.nlWe are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture en Science. We also have the Blik op werk quality mark.en science, science blikintegration, career, placement, internship, municipality1
adaptatwork.nlThe project leaders are Prof. Loek Nieuwenhuis (HAN University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Lia Fluit (Radboudumc Health Academy) and Dr. Wietske Kuijer-Siebelink (HAN University of Applied Sciences).apply science, science liaadapt, calendar, adaptive, increasingly, adaptability1
quartelsolutions.nl…with ICT in all sorts of ways, as an System Engineer, Network Engineer, Application Manager and Software Developer. After graduating for my bachelor degree in science I made up my mind and decided to focus entirely on software development.degree science, science mindresume, household, sort, entirely, degree1
amsterdam-dynamics.nlThe executive board of the NWO Domain Science has appointed seven disciplinary consultation committees in 2018 to facilitate the effectivedomain science, science sevendynamic, min, computation, february, wednesday1
edusense.nlEduSense is a truly independent partner. Advice and guidance are our business. Both are grounded in a deep understanding of your company and business, and our own expertise in the IT-domain, organizational science, change management…organizational science, science changetransformative, strategic, organizational, institution, educational1
sanderkoelstra.nlI did a PhD in computer science with the Multimedia and Vision group at Queen Mary, University of London under the guidance of Dr. Ioannis Patras . I got my Master from the TU Delft , but did my MSc. project (supervised by Dr. Maja Pantic…computer science, science multimediapublication, analysis, expression, facial, processing1
highfieldmri.nlWe are a team of about 50 researchers, engaged in medical science and eager to use advanced MR technology. In close collaboration with our clinical partners, we setup and execute novel research projects, mostly with the help of external…medical science, science eager, team science, science medicalimaging, clinical, rf, facility, metabolic1
mantonature.nlI was an Assistant Librarian at the Cultural Heritage Agency (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) in Amersfoort (the Netherlands) and since 1 September 2014 Full Time Freelance Photographer. I take Pictures from Nature (Plants…culture science, science amersfoortamerica, landscape, mushroom, bird, butterfly1
ericwesterveld.nlI’m well-informed in matters concerning housing, welfare, childcare, education, government, culture and historic and present-day Rotterdam. As a biologist and Master of Science I’m an expert in environmental affairs, both local and…master science, science expertwriter, versatile, independent, housing, government1
ddreyer.nlIn 2019, I choose to challenge myself with a new bachelor, industrial engineering and management at Avans University of Applied Sciences in s-‘Hertogenbosch. Now I focus daily on resolving issues regarding supply chain management, process…apply science, science dailyindustrial, visualisation, chain, internship, entrepreneur1
phikwadraat.nlIn the spirit of Lord Kelvin, who gave a popular lecture on ship wakes in the Science and Art Museum in Edinburgh (Wednesday evening, 3rd August, 1887), I would like to describe how these patterns are formed. But before we come to the…wake science, science artwave, figure, equation, pattern, surface1
tegaru.nlPosition Statement of Doctors and other health professionals of Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital – College of Health Sciences, Mekelle University Please find the original content in PDF-file here. We, the Doctors and other health…health science, science mekellewar, january, italy, demonstration1
gorilla-logistics.nl…company at the age of 16. His passion for automation lead him into the logistics world. Jeroen studied Logistics Engineering at the University of Applied Science of Amsterdam and did Industrial Management at the University of Helsinki.apply science, science amsterdamlogistics, warehouse, count, configuration, sweden1
timderoller.nl…i finished my Application Developer study i wanted to explore the world of Front-end. Now i’m studying Communication and Multimedia Design in Amsterdam at the University of Applied Sciences. I also work at MOYU as a front-end developer.apply science, science moyugraphic, passionate, study, progressive, apply1
omb-academie.nl“Samir Rawas Sarayji has his own practice Chi Works where he offers Massage Therapy, Dao Lu, Holistic Coaching and Shamanic Therapy. He holds degrees in English and Literature (2015) and in Mathematical Sciences (2006). In March 2020 he…mathematical science, science marchtechnique, lesson, manual, entire, holistic1
vodwageningen.nlA diploma is often only valid if it has been certified. By legalizing your diploma, you obtain legal proof that your Dutch diploma has been recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. A stamp on the original diploma…culture science, science stampresidence, undocumented, permit, police, valid1
act-products.nlACT, “Atmosphere Controlling Technology”, is a Dutch, innovative company located in Leiden, the bio-science centre of The Netherlands. ACT develops products that enhance shelf life of perishable products, such as cut flowers and fruits.bio science, science centreflower, atmosphere, perishable, shelf, ethylene1
jeroenholthuis.nlstarted with an inspiring 2-day symposium on the theme energy. Here, people working in the crossover of philosophy, science and art shared their ideas and concepts. For me this is the first time I had to prepare Bitquid for such a…philosophy science, science artbit, atom, installation, exhibition, void1
verumartes.nl…Staffing, we remain fully engaged in current affairs and diligently monitor industry trends. Leveraging data science and machine learning, we remain at the forefront, offering customers expert guidance and exceptional staffing…data science, science machineexceptional, candidate, requirements, staffing, seamless1
echanetwerk.nlECHA members have completed the internationally recognised European Council for High Ability (ECHA) training. This European organisation cooperates based on science, educational practice and politics to improve the education of talented…organisation science, science educationalassociation, committee, membership, adult, educational1
alextimmerman.nlConference “Faithful copy of historical mandolins: how close can we get to the original instruments?” In a path that winds through music, history and science, the results obtained in the copy of a specimen of baroque mandolin by luthier…history science, science resultguitar, exhibition, luthier, conference, lecture1
masseur-utrecht.nl…for massage therapists, a professional training to become masseur and massage therapist. During this training, I studied various massage forms, treatment methods and basic medical knowledge in depth at university of applied sciences level.apply science, science leveltreatment, relaxation, complaint, shoulder, muscle1
arjanbreukhoven.nlArjan Breukhoven was honorable awarded in Paris at 14 th of June 2014. He received the ‘Médaille d'Argent’ (silver medal) by the ‘Société Académic d' encouragement et d' éducation Arts, Sciences et Lettres’ in Paris, on the occasion of…arts science, science etorgan, choir, australia, church, germany1
langleystation.nlWhat started as a idea between four people to place a spacestation right next to the former demilitarized zone of Cardassian space. Has grown into a hub for many endeavours. From colony life on Lyshan Prime, to one of the two garrison…garrison science, science vessellangley, chance, character, colony, writer1
bruggencampus.nlTogether with the government, market, industry and science, the campus is innovating by e.g.:industry science, science campusbridge, innovative, circular, common, contracting1
sterrenwachthalley.nlPiet Smolders, a well-known science reporter and in those days the director of Artis Planetarium in Amsterdam, and province delegate T. Brugman officially opened the observatory on October 13, 1989.smolders science, science reporterobservatory, astronomical, society, telescope, sky1
laurenskolks.nlLaurens is a PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research investigates how design enacts the articulation of public issues. Laurens examines how various design approaches…behavioural science, science erasmusteach, publish, investigation, write, official1
projectx.nlMarketing is no science. It´s entrepreneurship. When companies exist longer they often lose touch with their entrepreneurial roots and their strategies converge into a central tendency of industry orthodoxy. To recapture their…marketing science, science entrepreneurshipventure, intelligence, belief, dynamic, inspiration1
kindbeter.nl– With (possible) success in the research of Prof. Van Roon there is a very good chance that other genetic disorders are closer to a solution. The oil slick that can occur can be of great importance to both medical science and all…medical science, science childbeter, disease, genetic, syndrome, kid1
royklaassebos.nlMy academic training is in Industrial Engineering (BSc) and Quantitative Marketing (MPhil). These degrees form the bridge between engineering and social sciences which excites me most.researcher, random, fact, causal, inference1
duupshop.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherprescription, discount, uncensored, channel, inside1
successday.nlHRIT isn’t rocket science, HR is always HR. At BDR Thermea we faced a challenge with our global HRIT implementation. Not only were we looking for a technical implementation partner, but also a partner who understands the processes and the…rocket science, science hrimplementation, employee, transformation, workday, selection1
tseg.nlTSEG - The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History is the Dutch-Flemish journal of social and economic history. It is an open access, peer-reviewed, scientific journal which was granted A status/ INT 1 by the European Science…european science, science foundationxml, journal, economic, ed, submission1
judithelshout.nlCurrently I am working as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam.apply science, science amsterdamthink, society, labour, worker, lecturer1
beseder.nlAt BESEDER we believe that software development should be made simple. Our energetic team of software and data science professionals is ready to bring your concept to life.datum science, science professionalscalable, requirements, framework, proof, proposal1
livethemoment.nlAfter an International Tourism Management & Consultancy study at the NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, I have chosen to further engage in the travel, meetings, incentives, conventions and events industry. I have had the privilege…apply science, science traveldestination, cooperative, mentality, creativity, tailor1
excellentmonetairsysteem.nlRevolutions are sometimes important. We have had several revolutions of industry, science and digital technology in the last couple of decades. At current, digital tech and fintech are thought to be the biggest and most important recent…industry science, science digitalmonetary, money, freedom, inflation, economic1
theffs.nlResearcher, Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University.computer science, science liacsstudy, friendship, fraternity, publication, researcher1
thestudycorner.nlAdditionally, we offer core subjects (English, Science, and Mathematics), language lessons (French, English, Spanish, and German), and any other subject on your child's curriculum. Our older students can attend lessons that cover MYP…english science, science mathematicsstudy, corner, tutoring, lesson, hague1
baseinvestments.nlPhysicus is our platform for investsments in life science property in identified target markets across Europe. Physicus is a joint venture between investment firm TPG Real Estate and experienced asset manager Base Investments.life science, science propertybase, investment, estate, asset, independent1
conversatech.nlChatbot development, an increasingly dynamic sector within computer science, revolves around designing and programming intelligent virtual assistants. These assistants are crafted to mimic human interactions, facilitating seamless…computer science, science intelligentincreasingly, interaction, understand, sophisticated, seamless1
chatarpatar.nl…protecting and enhancing agents. The word Authentic, when unpacked from its Sanskrit form, technically means the science of life. Beyond that it's a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that teaches you how to live in harmony with…technically science, science lifeindian, spice, specialty, appearance, significance1
nwophysics.nlThe Dutch Research Council (NWO) funds top researchers, steers the course of Dutch science by means of research programmes and by managing the national knowledge infrastructure.dutch science, science meannwo, physics, programme, exhibitor, imagery1
howdiweb.nl"Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."computer science, science computerstock, historic, worldwide, exchange, plot1
lydialaningawijnen.nl…Netherlands) at the department of Sociology, where I work on the Meaningful Roles project and fulfill several teaching tasks. I am data manager of the SNARE Project of Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Interdisciplinary Social Science.researcher, publication, phd, relationship, bullying1
strategyguide.nlMy research has been published in highly ranked academic journals including Organization Science , Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science , Research Policy , and Journal of Management . My dissertation was awarded Finalist in best…organization science, science strategic, strategy science, science researchassociate, ucl, teach, strategic, resume1
pelleborst.nlI am an enthusiastic UX / UI designer who studied Communication and Multimedia Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. I’m crazy about design with a combination of progressive UI and a user-centered approach. Currently I’m…apply science, science crazyux, resume, currently, proud, progressive1
versen.nl…maintainability, and development efficiency. It is paramount that future software engineers are trained both in computer science fundamentals, and in up-to-date engineering methods to help improve the software landscape of the future."computer science, science fundamentalmanifesto, advisory, honorary, annual, conduct1
nza.nlFrom Utrecht Central Station, take city bus 28 towards ‘Science Park’. Get off at the stop ‘Rijnsweerd-Noord’ (Pythagoraslaan). Our office is on the other side of the street. Plan your trip from door-to-door at:bus science, science parkhealthcare, authority, executive, overview, summary1
anna-boudoir.nlI love: food, especially chocolate and raspberries. Reading (I promise I won’t read while we’re on a date), science, running, flowers, politics.date science, science runcompanion, dinner, easily, adventure, sweet1
jonnevanbelle.nland qualitative researcher specializing in human-technology relations, combining design, social science, and philosophy of technology. I like to explore questions about the role of our material environments in our lives and how people and…social science, science philosophyresearcher, publication, academic, interaction, philosophy1
chiropractie-amsterdam.nlDr. Daniel McCabe (Chiropractor) graduated from RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science and a Master’s degree in Clinical Chiropractic. Chiropractor Dan McCabe D.C. originally from…health science, science masterchiropractic, innate, blockade, potential, symptom1
merlynrecruitment.nlA bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in computer science or equivalent through experience;computer science, science equivalentbelgium, denmark, position, dynamic, candidate1
q-health.nlThere are in the (human) body certain energy pathways, called meridians in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where the Qi can be manipulated. You can compare ‘meridians’ to the fasciae pathways, where science is looking more and…pathway science, science deeplyacupuncture, balance, treatment, min, therapy1
broersma-ingenieurs.nlThe secondment brought him to Broersma as a student of HBO Architecture of the Hague University of Applied Sciences. He likes to race a fast track in a kart. And bollard, that is climbing vertically along a steep wall. And still make your…apply science, science fastinternship, structural, architecture, employee, military1
halinaresearch.nlHalina Research is specialized in qualitative research methods. Halina’s background is a degree in Communication Science and Marketing Communications at Radboud University Netherlands.communication science, science marketingqualitative, researcher, philosophy, behavior, consumer1
elitementorshipforum.nlModule 1 explains the proven principles for how reality (as we know it) is created and the true science behind it.mentorship, phase, transformation, sage, effective1
pathstowellbeing.nlI love science, have a curious mind and a lot of sense of humour. I follow my dreams, like to be surprised by lifepath, wellbeing, phd, improvement, teach1
aceconsulting.nlIn the ever-evolving world of financial regulations, staying ahead isn’t just an advantage; it’s an imperative. ACE is at the forefront of this shift, using AI and data science to revolutionise regulatory analysis. Amid the constant flow…datum science, science regulatoryregulatory, risk, consulting, compliance, report1
bytec.nlMachine learning, analytics, visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) have made huge progress over the last few years. Not so long ago Siri, automated movie recommendations and self-driving cars were science fiction. All these…car science, science fictionintelligence, automation, mining, employee, schedule1
lymeepidemie.nlBut these are not yet accepted in our country by politics, science and health insurers. Treatment of chronic Lyme disease is not reimbursed in the Netherlands. Patients often have no money for treatment abroad and are becoming…politics science, science healthcampaign, documentary, treatment, epidemic, disease1
oosterhuis.nlI robot is the title of the science fiction collection of novels by Isaac Asimov, published in 1958. This is more than 60 years ago, and first recently a serious discussion on robotics has reached the international architectural discourse…title science, science fiction, art science, science buildarchitecture, interactive, faculty, swarm, uncategorized1
ahoyamsterdam.nlDelirium Cafe , the best of Belgium at a boat’s reach - Ahoy Amsterdam on Mediamatic ETEN, a mix of arts, tech, food, and scienceboat, canal, attraction, electric, cafe1
caadfutures2023.nl…of building components, materials and beyond ( interconnections across scales ). Current advances in computational sciences empower such potential and allow exploiting new opportunities for the built environment. Among many, this includes…computational science, science potentialarchitectural, conference, interconnection, registration, aid1
dedoofpotgeneraal.nl— Lenneke Sprik, lecturer-researcher international security at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciencescourt, military, cover, intelligence, author1
thehumanresource.nlOur mission is to help organizations improve collaboration using insights from behavioral science. Although people have studied themselves for ages, this knowledge often doesn’t seem to reach organizations. At The Human Resource we…behavioral science, science peopleresource, collaboration, behavior, behavioral, talk1
annevandeklundert.nl“With my background as a Master of Science and an expert in Sociology, I have provided support to organisations, governments and foundations. I make it possible to look at issues in a different way and to arrive at solutions that were…master science, science expertmijn, wheelchair, writer, leadership, favorite1
adcn.nl"Creativity is not linear, it’s not your typical corporate job where you stare at a screen or sit in a room all day. In fact, I find that quite damaging." Early on in life, Fong Ong was pushed to pursue a structured career in the Maths or…math science, science innadcn, session, creativity, archive, discover1
jumpthegap.nl…and hopeful scenario at the same time. Time to clear the fog and unravel today’s storylines to build new beginnings for alternative futures. Whether in the name of branding, design, art, science, education, technology or any other name.art science, science educationgap, interaction, purpose, matter, creation1
rpajanssen.nl…Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB). I am chair and Professor Value-Based Health Care at Fontys University of Applied Sciences as well as Associate Professor Knee Reconstruction at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.apply science, science associateknee, injury, reconstruction, instability, prosthesis1
stephensnelders.nl…unproved sentiments. Both from an empirical and anti-authoritarian stance Titsingh disliked established medical science and this stimulated him to have an open ear in the tropics to its inhabitants, and to develop and implement naval…medical science, science opencentury, psychedelic, nation, smuggling, disease1
terugblik-hollandfestival.nlThis required a lot of flexibility from everyone, with some inevitable disappointments. Restrictions, cancellations and the large cuts in Education, Culture and Science subsidies implemented in 2021 meant the programme was smaller than in…culture science, science subsidyprogramme, conversation, piece, associate, introduction1
intermusictherapy.nl…If you choose for music therapy, you choose for getting professional help by a person who is trained and experienced in the field of psychology, psychopathology and anatomy as well as in the science and psychological processes of music.anatomy science, science psychologicaltherapy, practise, german, session, verbally1
appliedcreative.nlHi! My name is Niels, and I'm an artist and freelance creative coder based in Utrecht (NL) holding a master's degree in computer science (MSc). With a strong background in the corporate world of software engineering and a passion for…computer science, science mscinstallation, connect, coder, apply, improvisation1
stefaniekleimeier.nlI received grants from the German Academic Exchange Service, the Dutch Science Foundation, the Academic Consortium for the 21st Century and the European Credit Research Institute, consulted with the EU and the Center for European Policy…dutch science, science foundationpaper, publication, pandemic, objective, subjective1
aspadirect.nlAzra is the plant science graduate, the facial beauty therapist, founder of ASPA Skin Clinic in Den Haag and the creator of AZRA Botanical Simplicity skincare range. Known as much for her extensive knowledge of cosmetic ingredients as for…plant science, science graduatetreatment, skin, botanical, simplicity, facial1
waveofgratitude.nlIn today’s world, we have engineered the outside, but we forget about our inner world. Inner Engineering is designed by S adhguru , a yogi and visionary. It provides tools from the yogic science to empower you to create your life the way…yogic science, science lifegratitude, wave, youth, inn, calendar1
easymeasure.nlEasyMeasure's innovation approach is characterized by in-house development, iteratively combining science with practice, by involving launching customers at an early stage.iteratively science, science practicetailormade, profile, purification, early, tailor1
matrixconsultancy.nlGrowing mushrooms provides optimum sustainability Growing mushrooms is a unique mix of recycling, science and efficacy. This powerful combination makes…recycling science, science efficacymushroom, consumer, healthy, producer, bridge1
okma-advies.nlAt Leiden University in the Netherlands, I completed my Master's Degree in Social Sciences and as a Psychologist. I majored in Organisation Psychology.social science, science psychologistcareer, stranger, dhaka, leadership, role1
hansklis.nlComic book and fan culture: I’ve been a big fan of comic books and science fiction since I was seven years old. For various outlets I cover new superhero movies and shows, LGBT rights and inequality and the cultural importance of comic…book science, science fictionchemistry, editor, american, background, biology1
noci-organ-on-chip.nlThe Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative is an NWO Gravitation project funded by the Ministry of Education, culture and Science of the government of the Netherlands.culture science, science governmentorgan, initiative, phd, disease, cell1
swimway.nlBass Dye grew up in the American Midwest and studied environmental sciences in Iowa and then at Florida Gulf Coast University. There, he developed models to map the distribution of oyster larvae by sea currents. Bass: ‘Computing physical…environmental science, science iowafish, cycle, species, bass, coast1
wowglass.nlFor making my objects I draw inspiration from the things that interests and excites me: nature, science, travel, humanity. But my passion for glass is as much about exploring new technical skills as new ideas. In my recent artworks I use…nature science, science travelglass, metal, artwork, introductory, try1
piwikpro.nlThe Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA) uses Piwik PRO Analytics Suite on their website to support growth and achieve GDPR compliance.social science, science dataconsent, enterprise, channel, candid, employee1
igad.nlIGAD is a four-year bachelor program at the Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) in Breda, The Netherlands that teaches game development.  Our programme consists of three main variations:apply science, science buasarchitecture, uncategorized, programme, apply, variation1
beedirect.nlIntuit Inc., the global financial technology platform that makes Intuit TurboTax, Credit Karma, QuickBooks, and Mailchimp, has released a new report, ‘The Science of Loyalty’, focused on the drivers behind consumer behaviour and tangible…report science, science loyaltyloyalty, wholesaler, introduction, supplier, risk1
qusl.nl- Mohamed el Ouasghiri, Senior lecturer Supply Chain Management, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlandsapply science, science netherlandschain, supply, consulting, publication, circular1
ericbergshoeff.nlI am a Full Professor in Theoretical High-Energy Physics. Since 2009 I occupy the 'Willem de Sitter' Chair in Theoretical Physics and in 2010 I was awarded an Academy Professorship ('Akademie Professor') by the Royal Netherlands Academy…academy science, science tilltheory, quantum, mechanic, unified, publication1
danieltetteroo.nl. I have also graduated from the User System Interaction PDEng programme of the Stan Ackermans Institute (2012), and I hold an MSc degree in Human Media Interaction (2010) and a BSc in Computer Science (2007) from the University of Twente .computer science, science universitypublication, interaction, adaptable, industrial, rehabilitation1
timberlandsschoenennederland.nlThe result of the examination in writing selection is important to define who will continue to the next step (Research and Dissertation). The material for the understanding of research methodology, the specialization of science and…specialization science, science criticalparagraph, law, write, thesis, sentence1
bahamondebirke.nlI’m Assistant Professor at Tilburg University at the department of Methodology and Statistics of the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences.publication, department, behavioral, methodology, statistics1
voorneveldconsulting.nlAfter studying Administrative Information Science at the Hogeschool Utrecht, I started in 1996 as a seconded software developer for banks, insurance companies and telecom companies. At the time, we used an innovative approach in which we…information science, science hogeschoolconsulting, improvement, reference, period, innovative1
vanmontfoortcommunicatie.nl…gives an alternative for the concept of salvation history using postmodern philosophy and metaphors derived from science. Theokritoff derives from the Church Fathers a non-dualist worldview that is related to positive self-restriction…metaphor science, science theokritofftheology, earth, tree, bible, animal1
voltstrategy.nlAdvanced life science products such as medicines and implants are expensive. And they are becoming increasingly more expensive. By providing insight into savings potential and aligning physicians and non-medical professionals, we created…life science, science producthague, consulting, structure, mobility, decision1
talentittwente.nlStrength, stamina, courage and a new perspective: TalentIT Twente can offer it all. Students from Saxion University of Applied Sciences and the University of Twente are very keen to give the IT world in Twente a boost. So, how do you go…apply science, science universitylimit, region, courage, present, institution1
tomjanssengroesbeek.nlFinished my MSc in Data Science at the Radboud University in Nijmegen after which I started my first job as a Data Science Software Engineer at Itec.data science, science radboud, science softwarescientific, programmer, connect, department, teacher1
markteijgeler.nlMark has a great passion for the future of work, complexity science-driven coaching, and 21st-century skills. Since 2019, was invited to do several keynote presentations for Dutch institutions on the future of work. In these keynotes, he…complexity science, science coachingpresence, resilience, meditation, inn, peak1
gima-node.nlDecember 15th 2022 the GIS career day will take place at Utrecht University! During this day students working in the geographical science field will come in contact with companies during plenary sessions, workshops and a company fair. The…geographical science, science fieldnode, career, chair, interesting, plenary1
covid19dataportal.nlAll data types Biochemistry data Genomics & transcriptomics data Health data Imaging data Other data Protein data Public health data Serology data Social science and humanities datasocial science, science humanitypandemic, preparedness, resource, publication, guidelines1
orbitaleye.nlOrbital Eye is a member of the S[&]T group. S[&]T creates R&D solutions for Space, Science and Defense. S[&]Ters in our offices in the Netherlands and Norway are hard at work, sensing problems and developing solutions. They specialise in…space science, science defenseorbital, satellite, asset, infrastructure, remote1
museumvandegeest.nlMuseum of the Mind is a museum bursting with personal stories, surprising art and an expansive historical collection, straddling the boundaries between healthcare, art and science. A visit to the museum is an experience focused on the…art science, science visitexhibition, interactive, historical, declaration, war1
sportconsultnederland.nl…location of which is located at the DSC. In 2014 he graduated as a sports physiotherapist with the title Master of Science at the SOMT in Amersfoort. With this he offers diagnostics and treatment of sports injuries of amateur and…master science, science somtplayer, soccer, athlete, treatment, mental1
basaltfilm.nl…portraits of artists and scientists. Ammodo Foundation is convinced that artists and scientists often see things before other people. Therefore, they initiate, develop and support projects in the visual arts, performing arts and sciences.documentary, farewell, paradise, quartet, swiss1
astridessed.nlILAN PAPPÉ, an Israeli historian and professor of political science at Haifa University, is the author of a number of books, including The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947–1951 (I. B. Tauris, 1994) and A History of Modern…political science, science haifapalestine, village, palestinians, cleansing, palestinian1
12spark.nlWe are specialized in providing consultancy and development services in the field of cloud computing , data science and artificial intelligence . We also offer a range of pre-built solutions and digital accelerators, that can kick-start…data science, science artificialsession, venture, independent, specialize, pre1
lesleyvanhoek.nlAll-round software developer, researcher and artist with a strong interest in computer graphics, XR, innovative games, installation art and digital culture. My work lies at the intersection of science, art and technology. Currently…intersection science, science artresearcher, shader, installation, resume, evaluation1
ebcl-nederland.nlA LEARNING TARGET CATALOGUE which is internationally effective. This learning target catalogue was compiled in close co-operation between economy and science comprising all relevant practical business topics. The learning target catalogue…economy science, science relevantexam, entrepreneurship, competence, economic, enterprise1
thelawfactor.nlFor many years we have been assisting innovators in building and protecting their businesses. Through intensive collaboration with international entrepreneurs in the field of for example high-tech systems, life sciences, ICT, design,life science, science ictlaw, investment, innovator, ip, shareholder1
achmeainnovationfund.nlLand Life Company uses science and technology to restore large-scale degraded land through reforestation with the further objective of capturing large amounts of CO2. The business model is financed by selling the CO2 rights to companies.company science, science technologyfund, promise, positive, fintech, purpose1
databee.nl…faster, by automation and applying lean philosophy. An innovative four-layer model has developed and applied to make DataOps possible. The benefits of DataOps in comparison with traditional or regular data science trajectories include:data science, science trajectorythink, operation, dataops, leader, acquisition1
smartproduction.nlHydraulics, branch of science concerned with the practical applications of fluids, primarily liquids, in motion.branch science, science practicalprocessing, metal, steel, cut, satisfaction1
link4logic.nlA multidisciplinary background allows for better understanding the key aspects of these different worlds. Having a solid background in Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics…computer science, science biomedicallogic, generally, multidisciplinary, realm, typically1
paulineprior.nlAt the end of May, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands will organize the 8th AFR symposium at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in Amsterdam. I conducted research there on the color of the white houses…arts science, science knawprior, past, connect, exhibition, river1
airportlibrary.nlAirport Library is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Of course, Schiphol remains an essential partner. Airport Library collaborates with various (cultural) organisations in the Netherlands who donate books…culture science, science courselibrary, visual, architecture, abroad, literature1
coffeeshopstaking.nlIn January 2017, the United States National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine published a report on the therapeutic uses of marijuana. For the authors, there is substantial evidence of the effectiveness of medical cannabis in…academy science, science engineeringmarijuana, jenkins, oil, weed, february1
eenvoetgesprek.nlThe teaching of reflexology is based on the science of points, certain zones on the feet, through which the reflexologist affects the organs and systems of the body. It is difficult, for example, to massage the lungs, they are protected…reflexology science, science pointreflexology, foot, principle, visit, immunity1
sietzenorder.nlEverywhere around me I see ‘islands of sustainability’ that could speed up the transition towards more sustainable societies. By sharing my passion for science and human-environment relationships, I hope to contribute to this transition…passion science, science human, popular science, science bookisland, researcher, miniature, outreach, relationship1
solarteameindhoven.nlTU/e educates students and advances knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. The university integrates education and research to enable students and scientists to become thought leaders and to design and achieve the…knowledge science, science technologyvehicle, sun, transition, mobility, passionate1
mylifetechnologies.nl…in the Netherlands. Proficient in Good Manufacturing / Laboratory Practice, R&D, CMC, and QC, he earned a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Utrecht University and held project management fuctions in pharma businesses including DSM.pharmaceutical science, science utrechtvaccine, ceramic, publication, innovative, porous1
marksmeets.nlRight now the content is very limited, but I have plans! I’ll discuss my own flavors of great portfolios, will have a couple of things to say about MIFID and PRIIPS, or regulation in general, add a couple of games from behavioral science…behavioral science, science projectinvest, february, volatility, uncategorized, archive1
madmakeup.nlMakeup Arts & Designs is a company founded by Mathilde Wiessing in 2017 after she had studied All-round makeup art in Amsterdam. Mathilde moved to the Netherlands in 2013 after she had studied forensic science in Uppsala in Sweden. She…forensic science, science uppsalamakeup, mad, hair, theatre, sweden1
engineersofinnovation.nlAlumni association of the Engineering programme at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdamapply science, science amsterdamassociation, boat, gearbox, break, programme1
bestuurlijkactiefutrecht.nlBestuurlijk Actief Utrecht is a collaboration between Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and Utrecht University for the benefit of student organizations. On our website you will find all information that is relevant for managing your…apply science, science utrechtgrant, assessment, framework, scheme, substance1
lifeworkstudy.nlA collaboration between researchers from the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Julius Center, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands Institute for Health Services…assessment science, science netherlandsstudy, collaboration, researcher, cohort, risk1
paulsmitconsultancy.nlI am a registered behavioural analyst and - counsellor in HRM specialised in psychometrics and diagnostic testing. I have a bachelors degree in social sciences and 30 years of experience in the field.social science, science yearguidance, career, athlete, abroad, orientation1
rensbrankaert.nlLector (professor) Fontys University of applied sciences, School of allied Health professions (on Mondays and Thursdays) .apply science, science schooldementia, publication, compass, collaboration, pillow1
hyclassfysio.nlBoth English speakers have completed their studies at the Amsterdam University of Applied Science (European School of Physiotherapy), during which they also gained working experience abroad in Canada and Australia. The practice ensures…apply science, science europeantreatment, easily, accessible, physiotherapy, insurance1
utrechtchallengealliantie.nlIn cooperation with: NUOVO schools, Health Hub Utrecht coalition Mental resilience youth (Lokalis, Garage2020, KOOS Utrecht and municipality of Vijfheerenlanden), Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and…apply science, science utrechtpartnership, region, healthy, regional, innovative1
jbtilburg.nl…presentations, individual interviews and a business lunch! The Juridische Bedrijvendagen Tilburg offers all prospective jurist and administrative science students an excellent opportunity to prepare themselves optimally for their future.administrative science, science studentprogramme, commission, profession, administration, recommendation1
berkveldt.nlJuriaan van Berkel graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam and achieved his Master of Arts at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, School of Creative Transformation. He has worked as a creative strategist for various…apply science, science amsterdamaudiovisual, universe, landscape, bear, alive1
paulzonneveld.nlTherefore, the leadership and coaching programs are built from a mix of ancient insights combined with the latest scientific discoveries in organizational development, psychology, neuroscience and organizational behavioural sciences.leadership, executive, potential, philosophy, connection1
utrechtinabox.nlWith the festive month of December approaching, it is time to think about how many Utrecht Christmas packages are needed to order this year. But don't worry, it's not rocket science! It simply depends on the number of pleasant colleagues…rocket science, science simplychristmas, package, colleague, proud, extraordinary1
taxila.nlGet resources on research data and software, open science and the like. Taxila is for researchers, research supporters and those involved in training.open science, science likefunding, documentation, api, resource, researcher1
atlasnatuurlijkkapitaal.nlStudents at Avans University of Applied Sciences have been tasked with analysing the health of the Loonse and Drunense dunes by means of aerial imagery, such as drone and satellite imagery.apply science, science healthcapital, forest, sustainably, dune, pillar1
safeblood.nl…not only the so-called spike proteins are neutralized to an unknown extent only. According to the current state of science, a large number of undeclared non-organic additives in these vaccinations are only partially eliminated by the…state science, science largeblood, donation, edit, united, america1
deridderlab.nlWe are a bioinformatics lab that creates and applies innovative data science methods to advance our understanding of disease biology and molecular medicine with a focus on cancer research.data science, science methodlab, phd, der, publication, vacancy1
stefaniestevens.nlAfter graduating of Chemical Engineering and Computer Science, I realized I didn’t fit the typical employee mold. I always believed in her capability for more. I rapidly ascended the corporate hierarchy, attaining a C-level position…computer science, science typicalstrength, diversity, productivity, happiness, positivity1
iwielen.nlThe LISS panel is the core element of a project entitled Measurement and Experimentation in the Social Sciences (MESS). In 2006, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded a grant to the research institute…social science, science messpanel, mess, measurement, liss, institute1
smilingdutchman.nlHe is a certified Dutch instructor and (in)company trainer who teaches with a smile and a positive attitude. Bally has an academic and real world background in communications and educational sciences. This makes his knowledge about…educational science, science knowledgedutchman, smile, classroom, session, lesson1
yuetao.nlYue Tao is a novelist, essayist, business storyteller, and intercultural trainer. Born and raised in Shanghai, she has lived in Amsterdam since 2000. Tao studied literature and social sciences. Her work regularly appears in English and…social science, science workauthor, cultural, haar, op, een1
jaobrand.nlJao products are born of necessity and totally original. The artful synthesis of ancient pharmacopoeia and modern science.reason, soap, bag, multipurpose, tube1
storycraft.nlThere is an art and a bit of science to story crafting. When you learn to work with story structure, creating stories that work becomes a pleasure, not a chore.bit science, science storybenefit, structure, pleasure, craft, effective1
w139.nlOctavia E. Butler’s trailblazing 1993 science fiction book Parable of the Sower, from the Earthseed trilogy, begins on July 20, 2024. In light of this important date, W139 has invited artists Müge Yilmaz and Anna Hoetjes to initiate an…butler science, science fictionhost, exhibition, sonic, outside, soup1
savia.nlvan ’t Klooster, S.A. & Haasnoot, M. (2020). ‘Detecting non-linear Change’, blogpost for the Australian National University and Defence Science and Technology.defence science, science technologyuncertainty, decision, foresight, advisory, risk1
nextstepmasterday.nlDiscover a diverse array of master programmes offered by top-tier institutions nationwide, spanning various disciplines. Whether you're inclined towards biology, chemistry, or any interdisciplinary life sciences field, we've got you…life science, science fieldprogramme, registration, floorplan, academic, internship1
nheijnen.nlWelcome to my personal page. My name is Niek Heijnen. A graduated Computing Scientist at the Radboud University Nijmegen. After finishing all courses of my master Information Sciences I decided to leave the master thesis open and started…information science, science masterresume, computing, thesis, currently, scientist1
restartdcm.nl…in stuttering therapy and is a former teacher of Fluency Disorders at Zuyd Hogeschool, University of Applied Sciences, Heerlen. She is connected to the education committee of the Dutch Association for Stuttering Therapy (NVST) and…apply science, science heerlenrestart, treatment, therapist, speech, demand1
knightrider.nlMachinima’s CEO Chad Gutstein released a statement saying, “Knight Rider is an iconic franchise whose concepts of AI and autonomous vehicles were science fiction in the 1980s and are now science fact. Justin is one of the leading…vehicle science, science fiction, fiction science, science factknight, rider, wallpaper, season, episode1
luissbusinessschool.nlAt Luiss Business School, we’re committed to supporting our students’ professional and personal development at all levels – from one-year Masters of Science to Executive Education . Each of our programs has been carefully designed to…masters science, science executiveprogramme, executive, degree, leader, scholarship1
kickofffestival.nlThis was Kickoff Festival Zeeland 2023, the kickoff of your brand new study year at Scalda, University College Roosevelt or HZ University of Applied Sciences. See you next year!apply science, science yearstudy, apply, tune, frequently, answer1
downtoearth.nlDOWN TO EARTH was established in 2001 and has grown into a network community of techno-commercial interim managers and consultants with a wide experience in industry, food and life sciences.earth, growth, publication, planet, profit1
naardecampus.nlHeyendaal Accessibility Website : Radboud university medical center, Radboud University, HAN University of Applied Sciences (Arnhem) and ROC-Nijmegen.apply science, science arnhembike, near, accessibility, initiative, study1
enference.nlThe Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, a service of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, wants to improve access to knowledge a much as possible, with the aim of "unburdening". This means: supporting citizens…culture science, science accessreference, middle, keyword, species, findability1
mensachterdepatient.nlSjim Romme and Matthijs Bosveld were amazed at how little attention was paid to the impact of illness during their Health Sciences and Medicine courses. Moreover, they were surprised that different healthcare professions do not meet each…health science, science medicinepatient, healthcare, educational, illness, profession1
dhlab.nl…through digital methods for which they bring together expertise from humanities, computational linguistics, social science and semantic web. Since its inception, DHLab has worked on automatically extracting information from text archives,social science, science semantichumanity, lab, publication, automatically, semantic1
dgs2024.nl…environmental, social, and mental technics. Today, these ecologies can no longer be addressed in isolation by the sciences, humanities, and arts. Fifty years since Anti-Oedipus , this line of transversal thinking seems more pertinent thanisolation science, science humanityconference, camp, contribution, fee, programme1
nvanwees.nlDuring this study I started to become more and more interested in the technical aspect and started to love building applications for university courses, personal projects and my first customers. After my master degree in Information…information science, science fulltimestack, create, dedicated, philosophy, timeline1
jornveen.nlMy name is Jorn Veen, born in 1997. Studied at the Breda University of Applied Sciences to become a game programmer. My main focus in this education was gameplay. I like to make the mechanics of the game that others can play. I like to…apply science, science gameengine, programmer, resource, player, voxel1
biobasedtech.nlThe expertise Group Biopolymers is part of the lectorship BioBased Products. We are supported by the Center of Expertise BioBased Economy , which is a joint venture between Avans and HZ University of Applied Sciences. We work closely with…material science, science analytical, apply science, science closely, science researchpolymer, formulation, processing, technique, apply1
recoveryarea.nlLet's make a more elegant, easy to use internet, accessible for everyone. Let's move forward to an empathic, secular, sustainable future, enabled through science and technology.future science, science technologyfooter, window, secondary, advanced, optimization1
haenenconsulting.nlAfter studying biomedical sciences, I started my career in pharma where I developed a strong process improvement and project profile. I joined Accenture as a consultant after completing my MBA , where I traveled around the globe serving…biomedical science, science careerconsulting, leadership, role, improvement, executive1
refernet.nlIn the Netherlands, ECBO , part of CINOP, is the national ReferNet partner of Cedefop. The activities of ReferNet Netherlands are co-financed by Cedefop and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) .culture science, science ocwjoint, task, vocational, early, publication1
ruisdael-observatory.nl…painter Jacob van Ruisdael, famous for his cloudy skies, will be modelling the entire Dutch atmosphere with a high resolution of only 100 metres. In doing so, Dutch research is positioning itself on the front line of atmospheric science.observatory, atmosphere, facility, interaction, background1
jet-net.nlThe EU STEM Coalition a Europe-wide network of national STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) platforms. STEM platforms are organisations (usually) established by governments to increase the number of STEM graduates and…stem science, science technologynet, coalition, government, powerful, voor1
influenceralgorithms.nlInfluencer Algorithms is a project by two Dutch students with backgrounds in data science and artificial intelligence and a shared interest in social media.data science, science artificialalgorithm, interest, upcoming, peak, rapidly1
machinecapital.nlTo successfully use these powerful new techniques, you need to have a deep understanding of financial markets. At Machine Capital we have decades of experience in quantitative investing, data science and risk management between us. We…data science, science riskfund, capital, equity, investment, systematic1
b-unlimited.nlA full house witnessed the kick-off of the very first season of B-Unlimited, the new centre for literature, science and debate in The Hague! Alderman …literature science, science debateunlimited, writer, literary, literature, monthly1
beyondsports.nlBeyond Sports’ suite of products and services cover and power a multitude of B2B and B2C applications and they all have one thing in common: Analysing & visualising positional player tracking data. As sports enthusiasts and experts in…data science, science machineaudience, screen, ground, generation, completely1
rockdata.nl…how to create business value in the short and long term. We lay the foundation by understanding and providing insights on what happened and why. On top we integrate data science models to predict and influence what is going to happen.data science, science modeladvertising, publisher, task, decision, infrastructure1
dynamictesting.nlThe Dynamic Testing Lab falls under Leiden University’s Department of Psychology, part of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The lab falls under the Developmental and Educational Psychology Unit. Under the supervision of…behavioural science, science labdynamic, potential, cognitive, publication, resource1
hecticware.nlIn 2014 I obtained dual bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam. I finished a master's degree in Logic cum laude at the same university in 2016.computer science, science universitymathematics, degree, tile, algorithm, puzzle1
gekkehond.nlI am an designer, innovator, father, data-enthusiast, science adherent and a hobby photographer. I want to make the world a better place.enthusiast science, science adherentoops, maybe, find, street, ny1
martindewit.nlAmerican astrophysicist and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the scientific value of UFO’s sightings. [via reddit ]astrophysicist science, science communicatorlondon, tube, underground, note, glitch1
timath-travel.nlBachelor of Electrical Engineering at Hanoi University of Technologies & Sciences, Vietnamtechnology science, science vietnamreference, request, reputation, guide, interpreter1
anandayogaacademy.nlOur Integral Esoteric Yoga course gradually guides you from zero into the fascinating realms of self-discovery. But even as an experienced Yogi you will find a new depth of practice and knowledge, based on connections between science and…connection science, science spiritualityintegral, esoteric, character, connection, discovery1
wyndtek.nlcombining data science, software integration, and field experience, we offer faster, smarter and more accurate solutions.data science, science softwareanalysis, structural, calculation, cable, mooring1
maylicosmetics.nlare a brand that celebrates mature beauty with a range of products uniquely designed for women over 40. Our ethos is built on transforming nature’s finest elements using cutting-edge science into effective, cruelty-free skincare and makeup.edge science, science effectiverefund, title, woman, payment, secure1
misterwilson.nlTEMT is a science-based beauty products company based in Austria. MISTERWILSON developed the re-positioning, campaigns & photoshoots.temt science, science beautydirection, visual, identity, study, window1
v25.nlHello there! My name is Stephen, and I am currently a PhD student in computer science at the University of Amsterdam in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Under the supervision of Ana-Lucia…computer science, science universitynicholas, nuclear, collision, phd, reconstruction1
itconnectancy.nlFor these processes and projects we have a pool of trusted IT-advisors, IT-architects, IT-security specialists, project managers, Process- and Governance-consultants and data science-specialists.data science, science specialistcapital, employee, operation, usually, cooperation1
masereeuw.nlUniversity of Amsterdam, 1981-1988, cum laude (Latin linguistics, Computer Science and General Linguistics)computer science, science generalxml, conversion, file, xslt, dictionary1
ubuntuvision.nlBenin is the cradle of the Vodun culture. Respect, trust and care for each other are important values. In Vodun many aspects of life are intertwined: religion, spirituality, ethics, science, medicine, nature conservation, art and…ethics science, science medicineafrican, philosophy, traditional, cultural, indigenous1
dannyplass.nlAssociate professor at research group Ambient Intelligence of Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Interested in human-media interaction, more specifically: XR, data visualisation and digital nudging.apply science, science humannote, ambient, specifically, interaction, visualisation1
tourismlabrotterdam.nlMaking an immediate impact on the future of residential areas and cities all over the world together, starting in Rotterdam; that is what happens in the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Rotterdam at Inholland University of Applied Sciences…apply science, science researchlab, tourism, urban, positively, municipality1
wellwishes.nl…and well supported non-profit organization. The foundation of this association originates from the technical know-how provided by years of experience in the field of civic engineering as taught by Windesheim University of applied sciences.africa, drill, drilling, apply, profit1
aqualingua.nlI have been working as a freelance translator and text editor since 2009. Before that I studied Molecular (Life) Sciences at Wageningen University and Linguistics at Utrecht University. During my time at university I lived in the UK for a…life science, science wageningentranslation, translator, write, editor, grammar1
glassinstruments.nlWe are a well known brand with many high skilled employees and lots of expertise. We have many years of experience in making special glass products. We make glassware for labs, industry, and science as well. All the products we supply are…industry science, science productglass, laboratory, glassware, trade, skilled1
lindaluikstest.nl…evolving regulatory and geopolitical environment, in a context where academic freedom and access to open data for science become increasingly important. Addressing this challenge, as well as the export control exemptions for sharing…data science, science increasinglyresource, membership, regulation, compliance, chronicle1
wat-tedoen.nlProbably, Isaac Asimov is still the top Science Fiction writer of all times. What he wrote about the ethics of robotics — in fact about Artificial Intelligence, but that expression didn’t exist when he wrote about it — is still very much…asimov science, science fictionwat, capitalism, revolution, money, society1
jellekok.nlI received my PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Computer science in 2006 from the University of Amsterdam . As part of this research, we won the RoboCup -2003 World Championships Simulation League in Padova, Italy. For more information…computer science, science universityphd, publication, artificial, italy, championship1
cenphd.nl…their interest in this area and work towards their PhD graduation This program is part of the PhD curriculum of the Utrecht Graduate School of Life Sciences and is being carried out by the scientific staff of the UMC Utrecht Brain Center.life science, science scientificphd, neuroscience, clinical, experimental, calendar1
svenhaverbus.nl…around with the glasses I’ve created. Thanks to attending the study ‘Product Design’ at the university of applied sciences (HvA) in Amsterdam, I am able to do this. The school taught me different kinds of design skills and got me in touchuniversity science, science hvaglass, feel, useful, kitchen, bicycle1
jorismeester.nl…software. But something more creative was still missing, so I decided to go to the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences for the Communication and Multimedia Design education. Here it's all about the user and how you design digital…apply science, science communicationfar, fable, rebuild, frontend, guide1
triptherapie.nlGijs has 20 years of experience in outpatient mental health care and taught and supervised the MGZ-GGZ course at HAN (Arnhem Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences). Gijs has also developed insight into mindfulness and psychotherapy…apply science, science gijstherapy, psychedelic, psilocybin, ceremony, truffle1
exosfeer.nlAll products of exosfeer are created and approved by our psychologist Marsha Tiessen who has studied at the Amsterdam University in the direction of trainers practicum, trainers psychology, social psychology and didactical values. Her…master science, science researchinternal, competence, didactical, technique, methodology1
healthcentral.nlI've studied physiotherapy and movement sciences and learned from the best teachers in top sport, including Real Madrid. I have three kids and speak Dutch, English, German, Spanish and French and I love diversity (I am Dutch & Tunisian…movement science, science goodcentral, injury, physiotherapy, treatment, strength1
downcastcollision.nlMusically Downcast Collision sounds like dark science; heavy, killer riffing and without much subtlety. Bold songs and dark vocals that deal with themes such as: violence, plagues of the undead, the visions of Lucifer, the killing of…dark science, science heavycollision, rider, plague, dimension, guitar1
hq2d.nl…are scientists demanding high purity and high quality crystals for scientific research. A selection of publications at various top rated magazines (Nature, Science, PRL, etc.) on crystals from HQ Graphene are presented in below PDF:nature science, science prlphase, crystal, insulator, metal, semiconductor1
roidtest.nlBased on the science of colorimetrics. These color-reactive tests are capable of identifying 20+ different anabolic steroids.steroid, add, buy, testosterone, accurate1
nicowilterdink.nl…part-time position he held until 1998. From 1998 till 2001 he was vice director of the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research. In 1999, he was appointed full professor in cultural sociology at the University of Amsterdam, a positionsocial science, science researchsociology, wealth, publication, cultural, editor1
insights4.nlWorking for one of the biggest ICT companies, I am learning every day from people all over the world. From my extended team in India on data science, the business importance of algorithms and AI, from my teammembers in Bucharest on…data science, science businessgrowth, innovative, currently, extend, depth1
evelineverhulst.nlThe Verhulst-group is embedded in the Laboratory of Entomology, Plant Sciences Group, Wageningen University. Our work is in the field of evolutionary developmental biology with a focus on the evolution of sex determination and…plant science, science group, domain science, science klein-2evolution, determination, lab, differentiation, publication1
uquit.nluQuit has started as Ronen Azachi's idea for his thesis for a Master of Science degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. The project first known as "Smokey" has been changed to it's final name uQuit. The…master science, science degreepsychology, clinical, disease, smoking, artificial1
erikjanvankesteren.nlI am an assistant professor in the Human Data Science group at the Methodology and Statistics department of Utrecht University . I am the team lead of the ODISSEI Social Data Science team working on several projects in the domain of…data science, science group, science teamstatistics, publication, presentation, particle, structural1
stanhegt.nlStan Hegt is a digital security specialist and professional hacker. He has more than a decade of experience in this area and holds a Master of Science degree in Information Security Technology. Starting as a computer hacker at the age of…master science, science degreeattack, penetration, threat, engagement, decade1
ipsofactowageningen.nlTo the website of Ipso Facto. We are the study association for International Development, Development and Rural Innovation & Communication and Life Sciencesstudy, association, outside, programme, committee1
arcadiaumc.nlARCADIA is embedded within the Central Diagnostic Laboratory of the UMC Utrecht dedicated to linking life science research with routine diagnostics. Its central position within laboratory diagnostics in one of the largest academic…life science, science researchdiscovery, laboratory, diagnostic, simultaneously, edge1
the-adamski-case.nlThe most remarkable aspect of this case, which is also the most ignored, is Adamski’s teaching about the nature of consciousness and matter, which is now finding corroboration in quantum theory and systems science: consciousness underlies…system science, science consciousnessfact, teach, consciousness, extraterrestrial, reputation1
roboteamtwente.nl…different backgrounds, such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Advanced Technology and Creative Technology. If you don’t want to miss anything of our progress and if you want tocomputer science, science advancedartificial, intelligence, robotic, soccer, multidisciplinary1
hetcosmeticahuis.nlLuxurious skincare products that leave your skin radiant and silky smooth by using the advanced science of epigenetics and peptides.advanced science, science epigeneticskin, cream, facial, hair, cleansing1
yks1.nlIn collaboration with the HAN University of Applied Sciences and Clear Rivers Rotterdam we are investigating the possibilities of 100% circular materials and a 100% circular production process. The raw materials we use are waste from the…apply science, science clearfounder, want, investor, invite, wish1
statistical.nlStatistiCal is serving the nutritional, pharmaceutical as well as the medical science. Especially with respect to claim legislation the importance of appropriate and dedicated statistical analysis has become of eminent importance. This…medical science, science especiallystatistical, analysis, statistics, trial, experimental1
surveydata.nlThe LISS panel (Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social sciences) is the principal component of the MESS project. It consists of 5000 households, comprising 8000 individuals. A special Immigrant panel is available in addition to the…social science, science principalsurvey, archive, panel, liss, ago1
peercode.nlAmsterdam University of Applied Sciences proudly shares the outcomes of their recent study titled "LIFELINE: eHealth to Support Exercise after Critical Illness." Conducted by Nadine Florisson MSc, Mel Major PhD, and Marike van der Schaaf…apply science, science proudlydevice, innovative, practical, exercise, vacancy1
atca.nlPaul and Tessa with a dedicated teaching team bring to their work years of experience as performers, directors and educators in the international world of Theatre, Dance, Music, Sports, Education and Science.technique, teacher, generation, biography, break1
gerardstout.nlI am a writer – after a career as a science teacher trainer – and movie maker , and photographer . I wrote stories and novels in Drents dialect. These days I write novels and short stories in Dutch . Nearly all my books are for free (pdf)…career science, science teacherter, recreation, novel, writing, mean1
liz.nl…University to start working for the "Bureau voor Toegepaste Onderwijskunde", a Dutch name meaning "Bureau for applied educational science". Here she continued to do development work on PLATO, until 1983 when PLATO was shut down in Europe.educational science, science developmentastronomy, parent, library, period, interested1
heinrichs.nlHello, I’m Gabriel Heinrichs. I’m a philosopher of science and a designer, currently working as a researcher at Avans UAS and the University of Groningen , and as a tutor at the Master Institute of Visual Cultures .philosopher science, science designerphilosophy, output, philosopher, institute, visual1
vitaalhealthylife.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherkawaii, prescription, discount, playful, whimsical1
learngames.nlThere is a complete science behind the edupreneurial method. This was developed by Henk Roelofs. Henk has written a large number of publications that further explain the methodology.complete science, science edupreneurialentrepreneurship, logistics, simulation, russian, playful1
keurmerkprettigwonen.nlThe ‘Prettig Wonen’ quality mark is unique in the Netherlands, and was created in cooperation with the private landlord associated (united in the VVWM), educational institutions (Maastricht University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences…apply science, science janpillar, property, accommodation, landlord, housing1
gijsbijlstra.nlWelcome to my personal website! Currently, I am working as an assistant professor of Social and Cultural Psychology at the Behavioural Science Institute (Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands).behavioural science, science institutepublication, lab, face, psychologist, behavioural1
fitsurance.nlWe give insight into individual health . With our science-based approach, we make a data-driven analysis of your health. This data is translated into personal health advice , tailored to the individual. We help consumers, organisations…health science, science approachaccessible, consumer, healthcare, bacteria, blood1
psyber.nl…Complex Adaptive Systems, Framework Development, Cyberpsychology, Cognitive Cybersecurity, Memetics, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Metaverse, Web3, Digital Transformation, Outsourcing and IT Strategies,cognitive science, science artificialethics, framework, strategic, enterprise, architecture1
wimiso.nlHello, and welcome to my site! My name is Willem Sonke. I am a scientific programmer and researcher in computer science, and in my spare time I work on various hobbies and projects.computer science, science sparefont, viewer, graduate, scientific, spare1
supermagnete.nlAnother area of application for magnets are experiments in the fields of research and education. That’s why, at supermagnete, you will find various AlNiCo magnets such as horseshoe magnets and rod magnets for science and school use…magnet science, science schoolmagnetic, adhesive, ferrite, approx, metal1
dutchmushroom.nlOn February 26-29 the 26th North American Mushroom Conference and the 20th Congress International Society for Mushroom Science... Read Moremushroom, cultivation, dmp, phase, climate1
bridge-advisory.nlI love science fiction, and I read some parts of the Robot series. The stories are quite old, but still so relevant and interesting. How to deal with robots (also think AI), and what are the consequence for humans or mankind. So now I got…guitar, rule, january, lifelong, interesting1
mkbovernamemonitor.nlThis is an initiative of the research centre of the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht.apply science, science utrechttakeover, sme, transparency, acquisition, join1
platformday.nl…and how this internal representation guides behavior. Dr. Roeland Dietvorst will take us to the frontlines of the field of neuroscience, and demonstrate how brain science can help improve your product offerings and communication.brain science, science productrefund, payment, fee, tobacco, marketplace1
haasjeatletiek.nlHi there! Welcome to the website of the Nijmegen Student Athletics Club 't Haasje ('the little hare'). We have more than 150 members who are students at the Radboud University or at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. We practice the…apply science, science highlyathletic, committee, association, fee, contribution1
rbfo.nl…matters arising from some of those cases. These 'matters arising' may be of interest to the broader forensic, scientific, legal, and even general community. We present them to advance the cause of 'better science, better justice.'well science, science wellforensic, scientific, criminal, analysis, evidence1
airbridge.nlWith a formal background in Business Informatics and Computer Science certificates, Emile is still a development engineer at heart. He has been passionate about the evolving ICT landscape for his entire career. Always fascinated by the…computer science, science certificateequity, partners, investment, firm, venture1
hartwigsequencingservices.nlWe operate state-of-the-art high throughput DNA analysis and sequencing infrastructure. We have the expertise to help you perform large-scale experiments effectively with the highest quality data and fast turn-around-times to co-create…sequence, hartwig, analysis, infrastructure, throughput1
rush-rotterdam.nlRUSH will be located in a prominent location at the Brainpark in Rotterdam, right across from the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and next to the Novotel at the entrance of K.P. van der Mandelelaan. This complex temporarily…apply science, science novotel, science eventuallyrush, entrepreneur, ambitious, workspace, affordable1
tonelias.nlTon Elias (1955), former MP for liberal party VVD in The Netherlands, was born in The Hague and went on to study political science at the University of Amsterdam.political science, science universityliberal, political, hague, newspaper, quickly1
selfcarecafe.nlExplore a step-by-step science-based method to address the essential elements of living a life well-lived.step science, science methodhypnosis, session, therapy, spiritual, holistic1
luzazultrainingen.nl…course (webinars- podcasts -online learning) that introduces the latest insights of culture, brain and mind sciences to those living and working interculturally. You will gain a deeper understanding of the psychology of…mind science, science interculturallyintercultural, consulting, competence, cultural, effectiveness1
karresdevelopment.nl▼International business development and location and site selection for private companies in various industries such as: food, agro, life sciences, clean-tech, machinery, renewable energy, automotive, IT, and creative industrieslife science, science cleanadvisory, topic, cooperation, stakeholder, government1
stichtingvredeswetenschappen.nlDutch Foundation for Peace Sciences – building a network of scientists and practitionerspeace science, science networkpeace, october, building, august, february1
s500.nlOur team consists of experienced entrepreneurs, managers and consultants. Our intellectual backgrounds vary from business and social sciences to applied physics & engineering, and everything in between.social science, science applycapital, investment, minority, investor, growth1
inergy.nl…your data platform. We set up a future-proof data warehouse and visualize this data in interactive dashboards . Do you want to apply advanced data analytics such as data science and Artificial Intelligence? We do that for you as well.datum science, science artificialmanage, colleague, certificate, municipality1
growy.nlWageningen University and Research, Delft University of Technology, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and HAS University of Applied Sciences Den Bosch.apply science, science university, science denfarm, vertical, salad, herb, microgreen1
vmugnl.nlHe holds a Master of Science degree in Information Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and his career of over 25 years includes leadership roles in software, education, and research, starting in the US Marine Corps.master science, science degreevmware, vmug, tanzu, vsphere, automation1
kcpeg.nlWe bridge the gap between science and practice. In addition to conducting our own research, we work together with governments and social organizations. We share knowledge through events and training and provide advice based on scientific…gap science, science practicepsychology, economic, behaviour, wellbeing, societal1
siliconvalue.nll earned a Master in Business Administration at the Rotterdam School of Management and University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA, as well as a Master of Science in Industrial Psychology majoring in Human Factors and Change Management at…master science, science industrialsilicon, consulting, leadership, enterprise, collaboration1
wbcapital.nlAt WHALE BAY CAPITAL (“WBC”) we like to discover, invest, build and grow great companies based on bold ideas that meet at the intersection of science, strategy, business and innovation, providing the best opportunity to make a dramatic…intersection science, science strategycapital, investment, rigorous, analysis, whale1
ziedaar.nlComing Soon: A podcast about interdisciplinary science, research and behind-the-scenes insights into the most recent edition's articles.interdisciplinary science, science researchillustration, novelty, loneliness, topic, math1
ingridnieuwenhuis.nlOur participants came to the lab thinking that did would participate in a working memory study. A little lie for science, because we were not really interested in their working memory performance. We just wanted to expose them to the…lie science, science interestedsleep, memory, rule, string, grammatical1
ect.nlHutchison Ports has recently obtained the approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for our submitted groupwise greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and 2050 net-zero target. SBTi confirmed the conformity of our…approval science, science basehutchison, port, target, feeder, barge1
schuurmanschimmelvanouterenstichting.nlIs to support ‘Commendable young people of both genders, who would not be able to start or continue their studies in the field of science and art due to less favourable circumstances’field science, science artscholarship, study, founder, ambitious, fund1
duneworks.nlStrengthening transdisciplinary collaboration between science, policy and enterprises for inclusive climate and energypolicy.collaboration science, science policydune, climate, publication, citizen, ssh1
internetscriptieprijs.nlManel Slokom (CWI – Research institute for mathematics & computer science / AI, Media & Democracy Lab) will provide insights on her research on responsible recommender systemscomputer science, science aithesis, ceremony, prize, october, presentation1
limburginnovationchallenge.nlDuring this first edition, this Challenge is open to all students at Maastricht University and Zuyd Hogeschool. In addition, those studying at other universities of applied sciences are also welcome to join in the Maastricht University…apply science, science welcomeinnovative, programme, collaboration, timeline, government1
pietstam.nlMy mission is building bridges between economic science and policy making in health insurance & health care. I am straightforward and connect stakeholders based on content and shared interests. My passion is finding useful answers with…economic science, science policyanswer, observational, intelligence, entrepreneur, scientist1
immunogenetics.nlto contribute to the management of these diseases. The great impact of new technology in genetics and computational science and the possibility to obtain big data to refine the significance of variation made the original approach obsolete…computational science, science possibilitydissertation, publication, laboratory, genetic, computational1
twanzijlstra.nl“I draw my inspiration from the (populair) arts, culture, history, science and the exploration of unusual travel destinations. This has resulted in creative outings across various media. I may not really fit into a box, but the image is…history science, science explorationanimation, kingsday, lite, urban, comparative1
novumpr.nlCuriosity Cube mobile science lab plans to reach 45,000 students in 14 countries Lessons educate students on sustainability topics, such as renewable energy and recycled...mobile science, science labrelease, wire, street, leader, growth1
caconym.nlLove for Information Technology, Security and Science-Fiction. Find out more yourself!security science, science fictionhomelab, github, reason, linguistic, incorrect1
ramanagement.nlOur vision: A world where data-science and general artificial intelligence support people in their every day lives and enable humanity to keep on innovating new technologies.data science, science generaleasily, requirements, simplicity, overview, task1
digidef.nlOur clients appreciate how DigiDef explains what is going on in understandable language, even if it involves "complex computer science". DigiDef is entirely transparent about prices, costs are only made after the client's approval up front.computer science, science digidefdefence, specialise, attempt, perpetrator, evidence1
innervention.nlSince the Middle Ages primarily Newtonian science and Cartesian philosophy introduced the machine metaphor.newtonian science, science cartesiantransform, align, paradigm, innovative, integral1
cerval.nlLet science help your gut feeling for better results. Employ consumer data for a more systematic and predictive analysis of where best to invest your money.consulting, profitability, consumer, firm, behavior1
baskinsbergen.nlEvery sunday Science center NEMO organizes Children Lectures where scientists answer kids questions. They have been doing that for 10 years years now.sunday science, science centerstuff, cornerstone, weapon, war, france1
theorichel.nlWarning: the following message can upset people. It radically contradicts what they have learned to see as the final truth and they hate to be questioned. Nevertheless it is based on the latest science and above all: it is very good news…late science, science goodradiation, nuclear, atomic, bomb, cancer1
angiogenesis-analytics.nlScience is fascinating; its translation into solutions helping cancer patients is a real missioncancer, prostate, ultrasound, diagnosis, patient1
jpfsoftware.nlJPF Software is founded by specialists in the area of software development. Having studied Science of Public Administration and Computer Science at Leiden University, we gathered years of experience developing and managing both larger and…having science, science public, computer science, science leidenfleet, operate, variety, automatically, connection1
meesvanthull.nlI am a teacher at various vocational schools to teach young people the trade of graphic, media, art and audiovisual design. I went to university to study cultural science and have a first degree in teaching Art and Cultural History…cultural science, science degreevisual, hull, graphic, animation, projection1
chuniversiteit.nlNOS , a public service broadcaster in the Netherlands. I received my bachelor’s degree in information science fromfei, lung, paper, programming, train1
hightechcampuseindhoven.nlAn open innovation facility with the mission is to accelerate Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Brainport Eindhoven.data science, science artificialecosystem, conference, initiative, hero, square1
mediummagazine.nlMedium Magazine is the publication run by Communication Science students at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). As part of the Mercurius Study Association, we strive to foster a growing environment for fellow students to learn from each…communication science, science studentwrite, opinion, politics, journalistic, privilege1
rzpw.nlReflexology is the science and art that deals with the principle that there are reflexes in the feet that correspond to all glands, organs, hormones and tissue in the body. It is a natural, non-invasive way of stimulating the metabolism…reflexology science, science artreflexology, practical, session, circulation, foot1
onenorthsea.nlTNO, Bluewater Energy Services, Genap, Marin, Endures, and Avans University of Applied Sciences.hydrogen, demonstration, storage, electrification, north1
portcityfutures.nlRodrigo Lilla Manzione (São Paulo State University - School of Sciences, Technology and Education) Abstract This contribution explores the case of Ourinhos…school science, science technologyport, paper, chair, spatial, asset1
pkmarine.nlSinds 2016, PK Marine is involved with the Rotterdam University of Applied Science by proposing multi-disciplinary development projects for students with different (mostly technical) backgrounds and guides them during these projects…apply science, science multiship, maritime, autonomous, publication, central1
vnci.nl…to the transition to a CO 2 -poor industry. This requires that the industry, together with the government and science, must focus and concentrate on the climate transition in which innovation is central. As a small country, thanks togovernment science, science climatevnci, chemical, capital, central, climate1
coesconsultants.nlTechnical Assistance for Strengthening Administrative Capacity of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT)ministry science, science industrytextile, firm, clothing, assistance, garment1
platformbk.nlDo politically engaged artists suffer from a lack of imagination? Platform BK and the Royal Academy of Science organized a heated debate on art, engagement, ‘impact’, and artistic autonomy.academy science, science heatfee, reader, report, cultural, guideline1
tattva.nlTattva employs advanced analytics and data science to empower clients with tailored solutions driving clarity and direction.data science, science clientadvanced, clarity, direction, analytic, visualization1
seofeeds.nlA parallel problem is the increased cost of getting your science fiction short story read when magazines shut down submissions due to a rash of AI-spam submissions :cost science, science fictionengine, algorithm, reason, visit, profit1
levennaasthetkamp.nlBoyd van Dijk (Breda, 1987) studied political science and history at the University of Amsterdam. For a half year he was an exchange student at Sabançi University in Istanbul, Turkey. In 2010 he completed his MA at his alma mater and then…political science, science historyhet, camp, inhabitants, town, concentration1
abcenglish.nlIn addition to a BS in Health Science: Community Health Education, I hold TESOL and CELTA certifications.health science, science communityteacher, teach, lesson, conversation, intensive1
caretech.nlWe form a network of experts from academia, industry and healthcare , with extensive track records in long term care , rehabilitation , digital biomarker development , sensor technology , robotics , e-health , serious gaming , data…data science, science lifehero, ability, functional, healthcare, patient1
rvissers.nlAs a designer I enjoy creating meaningful products for clients. Starting as a digital designer, I am busy expanding my skills by creating physical products. I am a student at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences where I study the…apply science, science bachelorbusy, founder, physical, united, meaningful1
imaginingtheunimaginable.nlThe Learning Community Urban Interaction Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences calls on you to create and submit a provocatype (provocative+prototype) based on one of the speculative scenarios in this open call.apply science, science provocatypeurban, speculative, moral, ability, imagination1
asset-econometrics.nlWe are Asset | Econometrics, the study association for students in Tilburg studying Bsc Econometrics & Operations Research, Msc Quantitative Finance & Actuarial Science, Msc Econometrics & Mathematical Economics, and Msc Business…actuarial science, science mscasset, econometrics, career, committee, informal1
conflict-lab.nlWe are a part of the Unit for Social, Economic and Organizational Psychology and the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition at Leiden University. Our group is funded by the European Research Council, the Netherlands Science Foundation…netherlands science, science foundationlab, cooperation, psychology, publication, economic1
gracebiblechurch.nlTwelve lessons from Dr. Del Tackett on truth, philosophy, ethics, science, society, man, God, history, politics and work.ethics science, science societychurch, bible, grace, study, evangelism1
pharmaceuticalpolicy.nlOur professional PhDs and research staff work on various public health questions that are organised in three core themes: global health, regulatory science and governance.regulatory science, science governancepharmaceutical, phd, academic, analysis, programme1
barbarakoot.nlFor me, several years of studying and practising science, is the best fundament for a better approach of horses in their training.year science, science goodride, rider, horse, difficult, dressage1
rutgerdoting.nlHi, I’m Rutger Doting, third year Computer Science student at Leiden University.computer science, science student1
librije-zutphen.nlAfter a period of oblivion, the library was rediscovered at the end of the nineteenth century. Now it is a monument of science and history.monument science, science historyinterior, chapter, library, century, upper1
andmood.nl&mood is happy to offer private pilates classes in Amsterdam starting in February 2023. Our BASI (Body Arts and Science International) trained pilates teachers will be providing these on premium Balanced Body equipment. Each session will…arts science, science internationalmood, exercise, balance, teacher, pilate1
epanlab.nlThe EPAN labgroup is part of the Donders Institute and Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen. We study emotion regulation and decision making in healthy individuals and in a wide range of psychopathologies, including…behavioural science, science instituteresource, publication, collaboration, conference, brain1
nickys-beauty-and-nails.nlWomen, for instance, are usually hotter and extra delicate while males are typically extra assertive, research suggests. Recent science explores the puzzle of gender variations. In many parts of the world, taking men out of the equation…recent science, science puzzlegambling, enterprise, establishment, player, bride1
mierasmade.nlLike a proper nerd I am very much in to science fiction movies and as such you can find me at the local cinema quite often. And in case you are wondering, Star Wars, not Star Trek ofcourse (although I like Star Trek too).nerd science, science fictionstack, library, placeholder, angularjs, programming1
emmagoetheer.nlThe basic courses offered by the TU/e, being calculus, applied natural sciences and modeling taught me the basic skills that are needed when working with big data. Deepening courses; ‘Making Sense of Sensors’, its follow-up elective…natural science, science modelingindustrial, showcase, aesthetic, final, dementia1
acsn.nlTo promote and support teaching and research on Canada in the humanities and social sciences at Dutch institutions of higher educationsocial science, science dutchscholarship, association, canadian, cooperation, council1
maartenbuis.nlI am junior lecturer of statistics for the social sciences at the department of sociology of the University of Konstanz. My research interests are social stratification, educational attainment, statistics, and the statistical package Stata.social science, science departmentoverview, pronunciation, publication, dissertation, paper1
koningstrademarks.nlccording to the Dutch copyright law, copyright is “the exclusive right of the maker of a work of literature, science or art, or its successors in title, to make this public and to reproduce it, subject to the limitations imposed by law”…literature science, science arttrademark, registration, enforcement, trade, intellectual1
vonrijnbeek.nlMath, Science + Reality Going through life can be a challenge sometimes. Here are some daily reminders, it’s all good.math science, science realityinspiration, math, philosophy1
inekelive.nl’All we want to give you is our energy. By making music and handing it out to the world. We believe music is more than science. We lost the rules in order to create our own. From our hearts straight to yours.music science, science ruleuncategorized, january, october, listen, italian1
jelleboersma.nlDevelop skills for career of various majors including computer science & language competence.computer science, science languagegrid, sidebar, guide, wishlist, remote1
hmc.nlMBA was designed to give a maximum feeling of safety on board. It is a combination of management science, information technology and engineering, all this in one tool.management science, science informationmaritime, operation, publication, reference, compliance1
delano-design.nlCurrently I'm a game design student at Breda University of Applied Science with a degree as application and media developer.apply science, science degreeresume, present, internship, apply, degree1
reulencc.nlWhen you read ‘ about me ’, you will see how I struggled after my Arts and Cultural Sciences studies. I always thought that applying for a job starts with drawing up your curriculum vitae, drafting a motivation letter and then repeat it…cultural science, science studycareer, labour, parent, institute, study1
tifn.nlNutrition sciences have always taken a rather generic approach, investigating health effects in large groups of people. However, in order to move forward we should shift towards a more-personalised approach, stresses scientist Ellen Blaak…nutrition science, science genericnutrition, regenerative, farming, processing, shift1
twanvl.nlI am a Computer Science researcher with a strong interest in machine learning and programming language theory. In my free time I like to work on open source software , blog about functional programming , and climb mountains.computer science, science researcherpublication, occupation, mountain, researcher, programming1
felixfood.nlGet creative with personalized food 3D printing. Food 3D printing is the art and science of creating a 3-dimensional structure made of food in a paste-like medium. The final structure gets 'built' when the 3D Food printer places layer…art science, science dimensionalpaste, head, wish, creation, manual1
rikneutkens.nlI am a student at Saxion University of Applied Science where I study Industrial Design Engineering. I enjoy problem-solving and have a competitive mindset which originates from my background in judo. The design approach I strive for is…apply science, science industrialnose, path, cooking, playground, valuable1
erikkleyheeg.nlI am senior researcher at Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology, working at the boundary between fundamental and applied science. My main aim is to increase our understanding of ecosystems and birds to support their science-based…apply science, science main, bird science, science conservationpublication, bird, outreach, resource, avian1
financecom2022.nl…spans multiple disciplines, including analytical, technical, service, economic, sociological and behavioral sciences. We welcome research from any of these disciplines, as well as cross-disciplinary work. We are open to various…behavioral science, science researchbanking, paper, registration, schedule, venue1
c-thec.nlOur Postgraduate programs are conducted under academic responsibility and supervision of the relevant academy and program committee of Avans University of Applied Science.advanced, technique, hacking, secure, certification1
remcovanbladel.nl…Nissinen re-imagines Finnish society through the eyes of two messianic outsider figures, Geb and Atum, who are represented by talking animatronic puppets. It conflates ideas and tropes from archaeology, anthropology and science fiction.anthropology science, science fictionidentity, exhibition, biennale, graphic, grant1
gtc-walhalla.nlHello everyone, I’m Hidde Venema and I am you Commissioner General Affairs for the coming year! I’m just 19 years old and in my second year of bachelor Plant Sciences. This is only my second year at Walhalla but I’ve enjoyed every bit so…plant science, science secondcommissioner, affairs, association, treasurer, secretary1
transitiecoalitievoedsel.nlA group of scientists headed by Frederike Praasterink (professor Future Food Systems at HAS University of Applied Sciences) guide us in our priorities and strategy. We work using a systems perspective, from which we determine two roles…apply science, science prioritytransition, coalition, role, zijn, opinion1
helenpoon.nlI'm Helen Poon, a Dutch born Hong Konger. I have graduated with a Bachelor degree of Communication and Media Design at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. I have a broad interest and gained experience in Visual…apply science, science netherlandsillustration, norway, visual, campaign, graphic1
professordaankromhout.nlFormer Professor of Public Health Research of Wageningen University/ Academy Professor of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences / Honorary member of the Netherlands Health Council.arts science, science honorarystudy, cardiovascular, diet, disease, publication1
rabopreseedfund.nlUtrechtInc secures number 10 spot in global top 25 of the University Business Incubator (UBI) Index 2018. The Utrecht-based incubator is proud. ‘’Researchers and graduates of Utrecht University, the University of applied sciences, & UMC…apply science, science umcfund, seed, pre, loan, entrepreneur1
enma.nlMarketing is a very broad field. In essence, it is divided into three parts, science, art, and leadership. When you start in marketing it is likely that you will either join the science or art side. The science part contains delivering…part science, science art, likely science, art science, science adscale, role, advertising, lesson, failure1
flrsh.nl…residents led to an interest in one plant, which is said to be good for your physical and mental condition. After this unique experience, we saw an opportunity to investigate this plant further as part of the study Human Movement Science.flourish, want, vitality, discover, capability1
sepsis-en-daarna.nl…Carla Rus started collaborating regarding this topic. They did explorative research as well, involving 95 Long Covid patients. A pre-print (still under peer-review) has been published by Science Reports in July 2023. You can read it here .review science, science reportsepsis, patient, congress, early, session1
kevinverkade.nlCurrently I'm a graduated Software Engineering from The Hague University of Applied Sciences, but during my study I started my own company Qobalt . With this company I create websites for other businesses and for a while I also helped…apply science, science studycollaboration, multiple, heavy, stack, study1
nationaalplanhoofdzaken.nlNico van Meeteren, executive director of the Topsector Life Sciences & Health and professor Erasmus MClife science, science healthbrain, patient, disorder, initiative, healthcare1
mulierinstituut.nl…and Dr Remco Hoekman . The Mulier Institute employs 60+ staff members , mostly researchers with a background in social sciences. The institute’s offices are located in the Galgenwaard stadium of the premier league football club FC Utrecht.social science, science instituteinstitute, physical, woman, highlight, study1
janbaars.nlNational Taiwan University Library David O. Staats, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Centerhealth science, science centercritical, theory, gerontology, journal, philosophy1
aleksandraacupuncture.nlAt Aleksandra Acupuncture & Holistic Care practice in Amsterdam Oost, I provide a holistic and natural approach to healing based on the wisdom and science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) . My approach goes beyond simply managing…wisdom science, science traditionalacupuncture, holistic, philosophy, prevention, medicine1
doctoratomic.nlWelcome to the world of Doctor Atomic: thé story about the disastrous impact of the urge to create. Opera and science meet at an immersive festival. Experience the thrilling opera Doctor Atomic in July 2023 in the Werkspoorkathedraal!opera science, science immersivedoctor, atomic, july, cast, nuclear1
brain-awareness-week-euc.nlFor the second time, Brain Awareness Week will bring Brain Science closer to the whole Rotterdam community!brain science, science closebrain, euc, awareness, initiative, interesting1
musicanova.nlOur work for the Oculus Rift project of the Breda University of Applied Sciences is done! We composed 30 interactive compositions you hear and can react to while seeing a virtual reality exposition of stunning Japanese paintings.apply science, science interactivedocumentary, alive, magic, interactive, cinedans1
omariana.nlBook 4: Khayyami Philosophy: The Ontological Structures of the Robaiyat in Omar Khayyam’s Last Written Keepsake Treatise on the Science of the Universals of Existence.treatise science, science universaltranslation, editor, chapter, philosophy, cover1
wimhesselink.nlBernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligencecomputer science, science artificial, faculty science, science engineeringprof, verification, biography, scientific, publication1
planecologie.nl…also a strong focus on interdisciplinary collaboration. Issues addressed in plan ecology are in addition to landscape ecology, environmental science, planning, landscape architecture and urban design. It deals with modern issues such as:environmental science, science planningecology, landscape, environmental, urban, assessment1
healthcareworx.nlHealthcareworx offers services in marketing consultancy, project management and interim management support to organizations active in Healthcare, Medical Devices and Life Sciences.implementation, profile, ambition, impulse, resource1
nvphbv.nlThe NVPHBV is active in the fields of pattern recognition, image processing, and computer vision. We aim to unite science and industrial R&D from a variety of sectors to share insights regarding both scientific research and practical…vision science, science industrialpublication, anomaly, fall, detection, processing1
mughalm.nlAn enthusiastic fourth year Software Engineering student at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. I like to play football and you can find me often in the gym!apply science, science footballreact, create, internship, secondary, vocational1
wildway.nlUncover the science behind placebos & their synergy with nature, mind, and body.journal, adventure, upcoming, abroad, stunning1
burostedelijk.nlDuring Museumnacht, we present a selection of films by John Akomfrah, Saodat Ismailova, and Viktor Vasylenko in the Buro Stedelijk Central Space. The program explores cosmic musical forms and the (philosophical) potential of space…space science, science fictioncollaborator, manifestation, central, january, july1
behrouz.nlI'm Behrouz , residing in the captivating Netherlands . With a career spanning back to 2008 , I've immersed myself in the realm of computer science . My journey has been marked by a wealth of experience in crafting and shaping numerous…computer science, science journeyfrontend, aws, description, architecture, typescript1
koertbroekema.nl…on everything had slowly gone downhill and he knew it was his own fault. Enthusiastically absorbing the advanced science of astronomy and astrology as it was taught in the quadrivium years, he had become ever more involved, far beyond…advanced science, science astronomytrouble, proper, manor, french, noble1
alexbrandsen.nlMy research interests lie at the intersection of Archaeology and Computer Science, with a specific passion for creating useful tools for other archaeologists to further their research. In my PhD, I am using text mining techniques and…computer science, science specificpublication, mining, archaeology, archaeologist, archaeological1
vallianatos.nl…I developed to become an innovator and project leader. In recent years, my focus switched more and more to advice and research. Driven by the fact that innovations really stick, I want to deepen the connection between practice and science.healthcare, connection, patient, biography, broad1
comra-therapy.nlGet regular tips on how to get the most out of coMra, discover additional treatments and health benefits, and receive valuable and fascinating research updates from the world of science, by subscribing to our coMra Newsletter.world science, science comrapain, therapy, relief, treatment, device1
sisumindfulness.nl…it has been proven to positively change the ‘wiring’ of our brains. SISU Mindfulness combines the ancient Eastern philosophy of Ashtanga yoga and meditation with the modern Western science of cognitive behavioural therapy and neuroscience.western science, science cognitivehealthy, session, meditation, prevention, teacher1
marjovanschaik.nl…high quality strategy the museum managed to obtain structural funding from the ministry of education, culture and science as a basic infrastructure for culture (BIS) institution. Nonetheless, it suffered from several problems, with an…culture science, science basiccopy, cultural, producer, society, institution1
dereisvanbrandaan.nlIn 2018, we won the Technology award for best school which implemented technology and science to their curriculum. Parents have rated De Reis van Brandaan with an 8.4 (on a scale of 1-10) and children say they really feel comfortable and…technology science, science curriculumpositive, behavior, ability, suitable, interest1
visionyourvoice.nl…bind” has attracted interests of life scientists, journalists, theatre and documentary film makers, but social sciences have been so far neglecting this problem. This website is devoted to tackling this issue and aims to document how…social science, science faramidst, pollution, town, region, resident1
mxbv.nlMXdemy is our VOD educational contents in different fields of science supporting different languages in subtitlesfield science, science differentawesome, educational, subtitle1
wkberg.nl"Earth, also called the world and, less frequently, Terra (especially in science fiction) or Gaia, is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and…especially science, science fictionearth, neptune, planet, million, billion1
zenvanriel.nl2020 Tilburg University - BSc (Cum laude) Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligencecognitive science, science artificialgithub, azure, timeline, devops, certification1
welcome-to-nl.nlGelderland is an ideally located hub of knowledge and has a thriving ecosystems in Agrifood, Health & Life Sciences, and Energy & Environmental Technology.life science, science energyregion, continually, immigration, relocation, career1
questomatica.nlQuestomatica escape room experiences are located within 10-15 minutes walk from Amsterdam Central train station, right next to the NEMO Science center. The closest metro is Waterlooplein. If you are coming by car, the exit from the…nemo science, science centerinvasion, player, adventure, lock, puzzle1
meneldor.nl…and Pharma companies. A sector often considered as very risky and highly complex. Meneldor thoroughly studies the science behind her potential portfolio companies. If the science is sound, then all other key aspects; IP, medical need…thoroughly science, science potential, company science, science soundintroduction, council, advisory, therapeutic, pharmaceutical1
fokevandelft.nlI am a 45-year old creative mind. Busy with photographic art for decades but also busy with medical science. Since 2002 I work as a doctor and since 2011 as a credentialled medical gastroenterologist.medical science, science doctoreffective, principle, lab, amazing, template1
rexvalkering.nlI am a Senior DevOps developer with a master's degree in Computational Science and roughly 12 years of experience. I specialize in creation of administration software and process automation.computational science, science roughlypython, technique, voluntary, schedule, plugin1
blissorganics.nlAyurveda means “The Science of Life,” it is an ancient holistic science dating back 5,000 years. Offering a profound body of knowledge for understanding ourselves within the laws of nature, helping us to achieve vitality, optimal…ayurveda science, science life, holistic science, science yearorganic, bliss, oil, skin, add1
symphonywavepower.nlSymphony Wave Power is a novel technology based on more than 20 years of experience in wave and tidal technology development. The technology is a product of co-makership between science and industry headed by Teamwork Technology BV in the…makership science, science industrywave, symphony, invisible, renewable, alternative1
trc-p.nlThe Teaching Resource Centre (TRC) Pharmacology Database is a teaching website for a better understanding of drug mechanisms, primarily focussing on (bio)medical or students Biopharmaceutical Sciences. The TRC is a product of the Centre…biopharmaceutical science, science trctreatment, receptor, inhibitor, cell, protein1
chronica.nlNever listen to spirits Welcome on Chronica, your answers about science and spirits. With Chakras and working with Sigils to invoke Spirits. Tarot Cards Reading Understanding Listening. Oracle Cards or Filling Crystalls with energy. If…answer science, science spiritpsychic, ability, spirit, fable, understand1
craniosacraaltherapiedieren.nlOver the years, I wanted to further develop these skills and follow this passion. In the studies Cranio Sacral Therapy on Applied Sciences level and a basic education on Equine Lymph Drainage, I found the perfect education that connected…apply science, science leveltreatment, animal, therapy, therapist, behaviour1
kristal-helder.nlArt and Science are closely linked in my work. My works are not static, they move.art science, science closelyexhibition, kinetic, train, crane, mouth1
joephofhuis.nlDr. Joep Hofhuis works as Associate Professor at the Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB), of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. He also holds a research position at Erasmus University Rotterdam.apply science, science researchpublication, diversity, intercultural, position, strategic1
annemikibok.nl…own work by Annemiki. A notable example of her work is the portrait of former Secretary of State and Minister Tineke Netelenbos, painted under commission, which is part of the collection of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.painting, colour, layer, palette, paint1
jellebc.nl“Rocket debris crashing down on villages: it could be the script of a science fiction movie. unfortunately it is a reality for the residents of Korgon, a village in the mountainous area of Altai – a Russian autonomous republic in south…script science, science fictiontelevision, village, rocket, collaboration, publish1
primiamsterdam.nl…and Australia before coming to Amsterdam. His co-Sicilian Valerio studied pharmacy and initially found his way to the Netherlands to obtain a PhD. However, after finishing his studies, he exchanged science for the hopitality industry.study science, science hopitalityitalian, guest, reservation, cuisine, neighbourhood1
invulns.nl! My name’s Jochem, I’m a student working on my master in Computing Science. I’m interested in various Computer Science related things, such as programming languages, interpreters and compilers. I like learning new languages and creating…computing science, science interested, computer science, science thingascii, interested, positive, profile, header1
geniusarena.nl…to build efficient software products. We are focusing on the disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, blockchain and robotic process automation, among other common digital capabilities.datum science, science blockchainautomation, enterprise, devops, career, innovative1
focusonthedonor.nlIt was the start of a long journey that lead from poster presentations at the Dutch Society of Oncology Nursing and at the annual meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) in Courmayeur (1998), to the…master science, science nursingcell, marrow, thesis, related, paediatric1
acupuncturist-yang.nlEuropean Academy of Traditional Medical Science en Dutch Acupuncture Academy , Amsterdam;medical science, science enacupuncture, medicine, traditional, etc, herbal1
stefaupers.nl…Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion , European Journal of Cultural Studies , Asian Journal of Social Science , Journal of Contemporary Religion , American Behavioral Scientist and The Public Understanding of Science…social science, science journal, understand science, science latereligion, cultural, publication, modernity, religious1
caip.nl…presentations in a single track and posters. The proceedings are published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) of Springer. A selection of proceedings papers are published in an extended form in a special issue of a…computer science, science lncsconference, pattern, analysis, archive, lecture1
michele.nlAfter earning my Bachelor Communication and Multimedia Design ( CMD ) at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, I started my front-end career at Occhio Web Development. In 2016, I joined GRRR , a strategic digital agency, renowned for…apply science, science endaccessibility, usability, external, dark, january1
stefangruijters.nl…perception of scientific quality and rigor when evaluating research papers. In various other theoretical projects I’m exploring novel directions in appraising causal theories, trying to apply insights from the philosophy of science.teach, resource, statistical, publication, psychology1
ddog.nlEsther Barthel has worked in different roles and functions as an IT consultant after she finished her Master’s degree in Computer Science in 1997. She soon discovered that End User Computing combined servers, desktops, and user experience…computer science, science soongithub, devops, azure, conduct, schedule1
esaj.nlThe EUC Student Academic Journal (ESAJ) is an academic journal led by students of Erasmus University College in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The journal features to the public papers written by students of the Liberal Arts & Sciences…arts science, science programacademic, journal, euc, cargo, liberal1
veravo.nlAfter my Bachelor Industrial Design, I really wanted to focus more on the user and the psychology behind the user. I also wanted to gain more skills in research methods. Here I've learned how to apply knowledge of the psycho-social…social science, science differentpsychology, interaction, exchange, industrial, introduction1
yijing.nlI am not a sinologist, and this website is not about the science of the Chinese language, it is about its imagery.website science, science chineseoracle, hex, origin, structure1
keesstravers.nlThe Evoluon and its place in the history of Eindhoven have always interested me. That is why I built a website about it. You can find a lot of information on my site about the science museum that used to be in this unique building.site science, science museumphotographer, germany, lifetime, honour, achievement1
fontysictalent.nlICTalent Awards was the competitive showcase affiliated to the Fontys University of Applied Sciences ICT! Students from all disciplines were given the opportunity to display their best work to employees, media, Partners in Education- and…apply science, science ictsecondary, employee, fellow, competitive, partners1
uplearning.nlWe combine your input with didactics, behavioural science, creativity and technology to create learning solutions with demonstrable impact.behavioural science, science creativitycustomised, government, compliance, campaign, healthcare1
permanentbeta.nlBridging Brains Tech and Culture’ is Permanent Beta’s slogan. The initiators are convinced that the most exciting developments in our society today come about when art, technology and science meet. This is where the creative and…technology science, science creativecatalyst, lab, force, movement, bridge1
msbruning.nlBS in Computer Science from the University of Twente with a minor in education. During university I worked part-time for local software companies as well as several non-profit organisations like Twente Academy.computer science, science universityplanet, arrow, cat, mouse, minor1
conxys.nlConnecting these dots might not be rocket science. But making sure this world of connectivity runs flawlessly, both today and with whatever comes next, is not as easy as it seems.rocket science, science sureedge, crap, connectivity, proof, connection1
taneja-lab.nlRecquirement : background of molecular biology / life sciences or equivalent Masters programlife science, science equivalentlab, publication, replication, chromatin, fork1
annetdelange.nl…as Research Consultant at Berenschot in Utrecht. Furthermore, she is Visiting Professor at the faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Stavanger in Norway, and the NTNU, faculty of psychology, Trondheim, Norway and faculty of…social science, science universitylabour, employability, phd, publication, psychology1
dare-research.nl…distinguished researchers on entrepreneurship, involving more than 10 Universities and 10 Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. The chair of DARE is professor Roy Thurik of the Erasmus School of Economics and Neil Thompson…apply science, science netherlandsdare, entrepreneurship, academic, economic, enterprise1
tamarabhagoe.nlOn top of this world we created our dream we desperate want to share with you. DNA Essentials for Beautiful Nails. A mix of Nail Science & Lifestyle!nail science, science lifestylenail, fat, hair, decade, skin1
cosplay2gether.nlDaeris, also known as Eline, is currently 21 years old, studies film sciences, hosts bachelorette parties and cosplays. After following several cosplayers for some time, she decided she could give sewing a shot and in 2015 her first…film science, science bachelorettemermaid, fairy, costume, creation, authentication1
turfcareservices.nlMy name is Keith Chapman, CGCS. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree at Texas A & M University, a member of the GCSAA (Golf Course Superintendents Association of America) of which I am Certified (CGCS) and a member of the NGA (Netherlands…bachelor science, science degreemaintenance, broad, athletic, specialize, superintendent1
delfthapticslab.nlTo enable its activities, the Delft Haptics Lab has generated its own funding through collaborations with (inter)national companies such as Nissan, Boeing and Renault, as well as through highly competitive research grants from the Dutch…dutch science, science foundationlab, haptic, symbiotic, robotic, collaboration1
healthtech.nlOur research is aimed to utilizing concepts and mechanisms originating from science. We use advanced scientific techniques and technologies to explore and investigate new concepts in various areas, such as Oil & Gas, industry or…mechanism science, science advancedhealthtech, industrial, hospital, supplier, resource1
saveyourticket.nlIn consultation with, among others, the various trade associations in the cultural sector, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets…culture science, science dutchscheme, later, venue, refund, cultural1
lodewijkvanwalraven.nlothers to go beachcombing and maybe discover cysts of other species of jellyfish as finding the missing benthic stages is sort of the “holy grail” of jellyfish science. In the meantime we have found cysts on shells on other beaches as well.jellyfish science, science meantimepolyp, jellyfish, paper, species, nioz1
nlseb.nlThe Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology (NLSEB) is an academic society that aims to build a community of all researchers who have an interest in evolutionary processes, in any field of science.evolutionary, society, biology, conduct, advisor1
helmholtzschool.nlThe Helmholtz Research School provides PhD training and education in the brain and cognition domain. The training in the school and research of the Helmholtz institute are strongly driven by fundamental theory and empirical science but…empirical science, science implicationsinstitute, perception, cognitive, brain, neuropsychology1
projectebeauty.nlOur mission is simple: to transform traditional approaches to skincare with science-backed solutions. We want to empower people from all communities to find confidence and joy through better beauty routinesskincare science, science solutiondevice, mask, skin, face, therapy1
bodyscapes.nlWhat you eat makes your body. Nutritional therapy improves health from the inside of the body. Medicinal food therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care with plant…nutrition science, science promotiontherapy, treatment, muscle, buy, nutritional1
quantamap.nltechnology will have a major impact on the quantum industry, and will also have applications in different fields in science and emerging technology. We are committed to diversity and work to build an inclusive environment where everyone…field science, science technologyquantum, metrology, join, major, diagnostic1
merlevangelder.nlThis was the very first research project that I started during my Masters programme in Biomedical Sciences. It was quite an experience, because the research group was literally on the move. I started out at the University Medical Center…biomedical science, science experiencephd, immunology, cancer, chance, cologne1
hermsencs.nlWe provide international head hunt recruitment solutions and consultancy services to organizations in the Life Science, Grants, IT, Software, Engineering and Business Development Sector based on the power of Networking.life science, science grantstaffing, capital, vacancy, role, grant1
annedilven.nl…copywriter at a creative agency in Amsterdam and set up the documentary department at a foundation supporting the arts and sciences before starting off her own adventure. She currently takes on commissioned and personal passion projects.art science, science adventuremovie, campaign, producer, independent, currently1
pranicbliss.nlBesides my work, I am a great lover of philosophy and science (astro physics, quantum physics, theoretical physics) In addition, I study Western and Eastern schools of wisdom. It is a great passion to connect the energetic reality of…philosophy science, science astro, esotericism science, science truth, union sciencebliss, thabo, systemic, session, therapy1
metitree.nlMetItree is a repository, in a prototype stage, of mass spectra of small chemical compounds for life science (<2000 Da). The database will contain MSn data acquired on different platforms by different research groups. MSn data will be…life science, science dabioinformatics, metabolomics, identification, mass, analytical1
veyboard.nlUniversity of Applied Sciences Utrecht officially adopts ”Getting started with Veyboard” for its courses in interpretation for the deafapply science, science utrechtergonomic, layout, optimal, hammer, outer1
intodutch.nlAfter attaining a Science Master in the field of behavioural and neural biology I worked for several years as a scientific researcher on the effects of stress on behaviour, physiological processes and brain chemistry. Although it was a…translation, proofreading, subtitle, uk, british1
vcsvu.nlThe VCSVU (Association of Chemistry Students at the Vrije Universiteit) was founded on October 1, 1964. The association is there to make the study of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the VU as pleasant as possible. The VCSVU organizes many…pharmaceutical science, science vucommittee, study, aan, educational, association1
karsmakers.nlIn Pacific Rim, a 2013 American science-fiction monster film, when Jaeger pilot Raleigh Becket arrives at the Hong Kong Shatterdome, the hangar door number is 42.american science, science fictionthink, universe, atari, answer, episode1
iclip-terneuzen.nlOur applications can be found in life science products, automotive industry, paint, the photo-industry flame retardants, oildrilling in water treatment and energy storage.life science, science productip, waste, flame, retardant, treatment1
jeroenbechtold.nlScience and art alike, the ever-pulsating energy to want to know, understand and master, is what makes us an amazing species indeedporcelain, ceramic, glaze, piece, technique1
utrechtconventionbureau.nlevents. Talent and expertise collaborate here to develop innovative and sustainable solutions in the fields of life sciences & health, sustainability, and digital & IT. With a wide variety of business venues and options for (multi-day)…life science, science healthregion, conference, accessibility, destination, congress1
motherofspace.nlor rationalized but in neither way it will ever become an exact equation or science.estate, property, redevelopment, apartment, mother1
gerbenveenhof.nlI Started of my career with interests in computer science at a very young age. And took that to school where I choose to be an aspiring game developer. But soon found out that making games was almost the same as writing code for websites…computer science, science youngmod, odyssey, programming, proud, informational1
janpaulposma.nlMy dissertation in Computer Science was an interactive programming course, jsdares . In the original proposal, A Novel Introduction to Programming , I propose teaching the basics of programming with a real but reduced language, to make…computer science, science interactiveglass, interactive, programming, government, misinformation1
russischtaalbureau.nlEducation, Technology, Science, Tourism, Management, Commercial, Cooking, ICT, Hobby, etc.technology science, science tourismtranslation, etc, pharmaceutical, rate, quotation1
electromath.nlBoth mathematical courses are written when I was a teacher at an HTS. (technical university of applied sciences) The text is building up carefully and really explains the ácutal working of the formula's. It incorperated the critics of the…apply science, science textdifferential, math, fourier, transform, transformation1
afrikno.nlAudiometry: the art and science of measuring hearing and hearing loss needs a serious upgrade at the KCMC. You can help AfriKNO to improve the audiological knowledge and skills.art science, science heardoctor, department, hear, ear1
b-o-a-r-d.nlLectures 26-01-16 26-01-16 // // RHEINMAIN RHEINMAIN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF OF APPLIED APPLIED SCIENCES SCIENCES The The Lucky Lucky Monument, Monument, Piazza Piazza del del Duomo, Duomo, Florence Florence – if if UNESCO UNESCO had had…apply science, science luckyexhibition, prize, architecture, writing, unfinished1
teshuva-capital.nlTeshuva Capital was founded and is managed by Mr. Avriel Rabenou. He holds a Master of Science in Managerial Computer Science from Erasmus University Rotterdam (1997) and an MBA in International Management from the Vlerick Leuven Gent…master science, science managerial, computer science, science erasmuscapital, seed, hebrew, firm, belgium1
lfse.nlHello, my name is Sebastiaan la Fleur! In 2018 I graduated Master in Computer Science - Software Engineering with honors from the University of Twente. Since then, I have worked at various organizations including NS and TNO as a software…computer science, science softwareindependent, robust, stock, interest, difficult1
idii.nl…Excellence (CoREs) of the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative ( IMDI , in Dutch). In these CoREs, partners in science, industry and health care work closely together on the development of novel medical devices that improve both the…partner science, science industrydiagnostic, imaging, institute, interventional, evaluation1
clocks-ontime.nlThis research is supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, which is the applied science division of NWO, and the Technology Programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.apply science, science divisionclock, external, expression, typically, cognitive1
hansinkdelooper.nlspecialization in people and organization, and completed various courses in this field; among others organizational science and psychology. She is also a certified NLP master and obtained her bachelor degree in Psychology. In 2020 she…organizational science, science psychologyselection, secondment, secretary, psychology, degree1
theberlage.nl…excellence and wish to join the Berlage's international, one-and-a-half-year English-language Post-Master of Science degree program in architecture and urban design. The scholarship waives the full tuition fee for the degree programmaster science, science degreearchitecture, exhibition, scale, session, fri1
valiz.nl(*1991) has been working at Valiz since 2019. She studied Liberal Arts and Sciences and Arts and Culture Studies (Contemporary Art in a Global Perspective). At Valiz she is a project editor.arts science, science artscultural, fungal, publication, urban, publisher1
praktijkeindhoven.nl…acupuncturist and followed the course Chi Nei Tsang – taoistic visceral massage. In 2009 and 2010, I studied science of nutrition according to Chinese Medicine and in 2010 the course TSEA electro acupuncture. In 2011 I studied Five…massage science, science nutritionacupuncture, treatment, complaint, medicine, certified1
greatconnections.nlThe Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) Professional Training is a powerful life-transforming experience. You will learn the art and science of this deep bodywork under the direction and guidance of Satyarthi Peloquin, who has 40 years of…art science, science deepsession, release, introduction, structure, literature1
pcbtrain.nlBorn in Birmingham and educated at Solihull School, and Jesus College, Cambridge, where Philip studied Mechanical Sciences.pcb, train, electronic, fabrication, assembly1
ceskaskola.nlEster graduated in 2017 from the University of Ostrava in the field of History and Social Sciences, with a focus on teaching in secondary schools. Most recently, she has taught primary school in Czech at the Schola Bohemica in Düsseldorf…social science, science focusczech, lesson, preschool, sunday, secondary1
starterslift.nlStarterslift Investments is the pre-seed fund for startups of Tilburg University, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Breda University of Applied Sciences and for startups in the province Noord-Brabant. Loan applications and…apply science, science breda, science startupinvestment, loan, funding, seed, pre1
walnutdata.nlOur mission is to retrieve the most relevant information for any search query in any domain. We are doing this using state-of-the-art data science techniques. Smart Search has additional advantages over classical search:data science, science techniquedomain, engine, achievement, employee, request1
policyresearch.nlPolicy Research is founded in 1989 by our president and senior partner, Prof. Dr. Chris Peeters. He guides a strong, enthusiastic and successful team of consultants with backgrounds in economy, law and engineering science.organisational, strategic, implementation, career, decision1
kseniavanbeek.nlI also believe that every person is able to ask him- or herself strong questions, to form a vision of the desired future and to create the best conditions for its fulfillment. But this is not an easy task. I have mastered the art and…art science, science coachingpainting, intuitive, career, task, inspire1
mct.nlInstalling cable transits is not rocket science, but it can still be useful if someone with a lot of practical experience and the installation explains how to do this most efficiently. Don’t worry, our experts are happy to come by for a…rocket science, science usefulcable, specially, pipe, pressure, fire1
marjonbohre.nl…coach and consultant. Her experience includes profit organizations as well as public health and governmental organizations. She holds a master in Management Science, is a registered Organizational Psychologist and mindfulnesstrainer.management science, science organizationalperfection, leadership, executive, brown, courage1
daphnevanbeek.nl...is field where you use computer science techniques for biological applications. I'm currently working at Hartwig Medical Foundation , where I'm working on understanding and providing better treatment options for metastatic cancers by…computer science, science techniquestewardship, bioinformatics, currently, python, hospital1
elexer.nlWe have acquired our specialist knowledge at renowned offices, where we have worked for quite some time. We also have experience in business and science.law, attorney, lawyer, appointment, decisive1
consensusvocalis.nl…by, among others, composers Huub de Vriend and Kurt Bikkembergs and conductors Jos Vermunt, Fokko Oldenhuis and Rob Vermeulen. He also followed the application course for Choir Conducting at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.choir, singer, discography, audition, remuneration1
haarlemenglishlessons.nlI help students improve their writing. Edit their essays and dissertations. I have a Master of Science Degree in Human Communication so I’m familiar with academic writing.master science, science degreelesson, academic, discussion, weekly, teacher1
ikmaak.nl”The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organisations, and public service outside the Civil service.” ”..an Order…art science, science workdevice, august, grove, author, campaign1
mouritshuidtherapie.nl…in the best way with their skin problems. Our dermatologists are trained at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and have therefore laid a very good foundation to carry out this profession in the very best way. We can therefore…apply science, science goodtreatment, skin, hague, therapist, cosmetic1
nltranslations.nlI did Translation Studies at ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences for Translation and Interpreting) after which I took an oath in court as a sworn translator and resumed my work as a self-employed…apply science, science translationtranslation, translator, russian, ukrainian, sworn1
jannekeannema.nlMy name is Janneke Annema, born and raised in a small village in Friesland and currently a student in Groningen. I am in the fourth year of my study; Communication and Multimedia Design at Hanze University of Applied Sciences.interaction, ux, graphic, minded, overlay1
mhes.nlMartin Heslinga would like to introduce himself: “After finishing my study Economics, main subject Management Information Science, I started as a developer. Developing and doing functional analyses is a lot of fun, but what I like most is…information science, science developerrecommendation, dynamic, operation, requirements, configuration1
ruudhendrikx.nlAs an experienced Python developer in the domain of Machine Learning and Data Science, with a natural focus on cross-discipline collaboration, I am best positioned at the intersection of the technical teams anddata science, science naturalpublication, scientist, solver, motivate, highly1
hemelsteen.nlI am a photographer, artist and art & science teacher at primary schools in the Netherlands. My education as a fine art photographer was at the Royal Academy in The Hague. I shoot 90% with the Fujifilm x100v.art science, science teacherrecipe, urban, distortion, supra, square1
promoderation.nlAli graduated cum laude from the Political Science department of the University of Amsterdam. He was lecturer of Public Policy at The Hague University and taught International Relations at the University of Amsterdam for several years.political science, science departmental, moderation, reference, presenter, associate1
marteotten.nlCurrently, I work at the university of Sussex with Anil Seth at the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science thanks to a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie IEF Career Development Grant from the European Research Council. My research program explores…consciousness science, science thanksecondary, publication, psychology, cognitive, phd1
ici-thehague.nlThe Grey Space in the Middle (or, The Grey Space) is a space for fundamental creativity where art, digital culture, science, technology, and philosophy merge. It is a project and presentation space, music and performance venue and cafe.culture science, science technologyhague, initiative, independent, cultural, incubator1
cmihva.nlLast week the Centre for Economic Transformation (CET) of the University of Applied Sciences was...vacancy, visualization, transformation, economic, publication1
bureau-aetas.nlAETAS was established in 2001 by drs. Margit van der Steen (1961). She has 15 years experience in the fields of project development, management, fund-raising and in text writing related to these activities. With a background in…economic science, science accessgovernment, independent, diversity, benefit, commission1
cm-business.nlAmidst this evolutionary journey, a monumental milestone emerged – the advent of homogenized tobacco. Born from the union of modern science and innovation, homogenized tobacco stands as a testament to the ever-changing tastes of consumers…modern science, science innovationtobacco, flavor, sheet, unparalleled, leave1
ac-optomechanix.nl…to creating a complete system design or delivering a fully tested prototype or subsystem. We strive to match your own enthusiasm and drive for developing high-end solutions through a deeply rooted passion for technology and science.architecture, scientific, instrumentation, optic, precision1
obrahma.nlMy name is Olivier Brahma, I am a second-year Data Science master’s student at Radboud University, Nijmegen.data science, science master1
netherlandspointofentry.nlSince the Netherlands is a well-connected country, you’re never more than 90 minutes away from at least ten leading startup- and tech clusters. All which are specialized in particular fields including Life Science and Health, Artificial…life science, science healthentrepreneur, operational, government, ecosystem, qualify1
bmprocess.nlWe are a team of dedicated, passionate engineers that focus on technical and project related challenges in the oil, gas, chemicals, food, life sciences or any related process industries.life science, science relatedemission, mean, dedicated, introduction, channel1
svhelloworld.nlStudy association “Hello World” is the study association for all students of the HBO-ICT program of the HZ University of Applied Sciences. As a study association we organize fun activities for students. For example, we visit IT-related…apply science, science studystudy, association, secret, happiness, joy1
dasht.nl“After many years in climate science, I decided to take matters into my own hands by counteracting the damage being done to our planet by humans. I am passionate about planting trees, to draw down atmospheric carbon, but also to clean the…climate science, science mattertree, farmer, organic, bridge, movement1
personaltrainerforhealth.nlHBO Sport, Management & Entrepreneurship (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)nutrition, hormone, consultation, south, fat1
jjpdriessen.nlTo talk a bit more about my personal life, I see myself as a bit of a stereotypical nerd. I like learning about science and technology and like history as well.nerd science, science technologycss, currently, bit, certificate, progress1
bkmedia.nlBert holds an Executive MBA in Crossmedia. He currently works as (part-time) lecturer Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the School of Journalism (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences), he is also co-founder of MediaMatters and project…apply science, science coconnect, background, newspaper, founder, lecturer1
mjvd.nl…cognition and Artificial Intelligence. In my academic I work seek to combine approaches and methods from both the sciences and humanities. Outside the university, my writing and talks cover storytelling, language, evolution, AI, and…method science, science humanity, popular science, science blogger, face sciencelecturer, writer, cognition, artificial, evolution1
gsproductdesign.nlGradated at De Haagse Hogeschool / The Hague University of Applied Sciences with the bachelor Industrial Design Engineering.apply science, science bachelorindustrial, minor, robotic, internship, dental1
fromatob.nlDavid Spiro joined us for his graduation project at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences. His task was to create a re-design of an electric delivery van, as used by companies like Picnic online supermarket.apply science, science taskshelter, electric, guidelines, transparency, advertising1
leidencryogenics.nlLeiden Cryogenics has been a well-known name in cryogenics science for over 30 years. With a small team of about 20 people. We work on various standard and custom Dilution Refrigerator systems on a daily basis.cryogenic science, science yearrefrigerator, cryogenic, vibration, prof, slide1
magischspreker.nlEveryone wants to be happy. But becoming happy is also a science. A technique that you can master. Gerard teaches you how to become happier. Thanks to his smart tips, the lecture has a lasting effect. Whether you work from home or on…happy science, science techniquelecture, magical, magic, happiness, reference1
dermatologyutrecht.nlWe train medical students, dermatology residents, graduate dermatologists, and other physicians to render the highest quality of patient care and extend both the clinical and basic science boundaries of medicine.basic science, science boundariesdermatology, department, publication, patient, treatment1
pharmaportalgroningen.nl… for scientists working on a priori innovative and commercially attractive life sciences projects”life science, science projectfunding, infrastructure, researcher, multidisciplinary, discovery1
emissierechten.nlThis weekend the Synthesis Report was adopted in Interlaken, Switzerland, of 6 recent IPCC reports on science, impacts, mitigation, landuse and oceans. It is a summary agreed by governments that sums up what governments can do to prevent…report science, science impactcarbon, emission, target, removal, paris1
roleofplay.nl…at Eindhoven University of Technology and as Lector of Play & Civic Media Research at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as well as a lecturer at the Utrecht School of Art and Technology (HKU) in Interaction Design and Gaming.apply science, science lecturerrole, citizen, interaction, lecture, publication1
zirbus.nlthe production of custom fit installations, helping our customers with the best possible solutions. Different commercial branches such as laboratories, life science, pharmacies, R&D and production companies can be found among our customers.life science, science pharmacyautoclave, treatment, supplier, dryer, freeze1
phytowur.nlPublished in Science. Ecp6 has been isolated from a 2D gel and the amino acid sequence could be determined upward of the N-terminus. This Ecp6discovery, laboratory, chair, genetic, clone1
sebastiaanvermeulen.nlIn one line: I have professional experience in several data science related roles, always with a prominent engineering component, and I have degrees in mathematics and econometrics.data science, science roleresume, positive, edge, scientist, passionate1
plantlighting.nl…are highly innovative. However, valuable plant physiological knowledge remains unused. A wealth of possibilities is available for more efficient crop production, energy savings and phenotyping. Plant Lighting connects science and practice.lighting science, science practicelighting, publication, crop, horticulture, greenhouse1
vhpc.nlVan Hest Packaging Concepts (VHPC) is a consulting company for the life sciences industry.life science, science industrypackaging, device, optimization, patient, regulatory1
aquipe.nlAquipe invests specifically in information technology companies and ambitious tech entrepreneurs. Our team has successfully navigated Data Science and A.I. companies (and founders) through various growth phases establishing new platforms…data science, science companyinvestment, equity, participation, growth, footer1
uniperfume.nl…scented oil and the church uses incense to help worshippers communicate with God. TO SEDUCE OR ENCHANT Combining ancient ways with the magic of science, quintessence elixirs are created to reveal the irresistible side of every human being.magic science, science quintessenceperfume, collaboration, philosophy, breath, scent1
rembrandtfrerichs.nlDe Nieuwe Muze, evolved from Piano World and Muse, is an independent music magazine that closely follows musical life with the piano as a common thread. The New Muse seeks connections with art, culture, society and science. l’m thrilled…society science, science thrillartistic, composer, musician, orchestra, premiere1
elasticore.nlAnything else worth mentioning can be found here. From miracle wonders to exact science and from weight lifting ants to flying pink elephants. Have fun!exact science, science weightpast, probably, artificial, intelligence, animation1
verpleegkundigproces.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weathervisitor, kawaii, talk, conversation, trial1
admoveo.nlThe presented artikel about AdMoVeo is published in the book ‘ Learning by Playing. Game-based Education System Design and Development ‘, a book series of ‘Lecture Notes in Computer Science’.arduino, author, leave, programming, educational1
transitiestudies.nlThe Netherlands faces major challenges. Many domains feel the need for a transition to more sustainability. SHT places current transition processes in a long-term perspective and looks at the role of science and technology in innovations…role science, science technology, innovation science, science schoolcycling, bicycle, traffic, past, transition1
jeffreyvanhouten.nl…of meadow birds. Nowadays, only a handful of permits have been issued to wilsterflappers who use their talents for science. The NIOZ conducts scientific research on these birds, and through this trapping method, they attach transmitters…talent science, science nioztide, wildlife, silence, photographer, documentary1
kosmu.nlUtrecht has a vibrant music scene for students; it has no less than eight diverse music associations for and by students, all supported by Utrecht University (UU) and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU). This amounts to…apply science, science huassociation, confidential, vibrant, guitarist, singer1
biomalab.nlBIOMA Lab conducts research at the intersection of art, science and design for the development of biobased processes and product development. Nature is BIOMA’s greatest source of inspiration. BIOMA views nature from an artistic point of…art science, science designlab, biomaterial, artistic, inspiration, intersection1
irpdelft.nlInternational Research Projects Delft (IRP Delft) is a non-profit organization run by 20 enthusiastic and carefully selected Master of Science students from Delft University of Technology.master science, science studentsteel, supply, aerospace, stx, feasibility1
bigdada.nl…and makers with disruptive and progressive installations at the intersection of visual art, theater, design and science. The Big DaDaists respond as influencers to today's society in which digital culture, new technology and the…design science, science bigoct, candy, limit, castle, exhibition1
dickhoutman.nlAs a cultural sociologist, Dick Houtman aims to expose misleading sociological pretensions of ‘true’ meaning, portrayed as solidly grounded beyond culture and history, as moral discourse disguised as science. He considers himself neither…discourse science, science socialcultural, publication, citation, mean, faculty1
lofitleefstijlloket.nl…and Ommelander Ziekenhuis Groningen (OZG) a lifestyle front office will be implemented. This project is a collaboration with universities, universities of applied sciences, insurance companies, and community based lifestyle initiatives.apply science, science insurancepatient, initiative, medicine, hospital, disease1
3d-vcn.nlWe welcome you to our podiatry practices with an experienced and certified team of podiatrists. All our podiatrists have completed a thorough 4-year HBO course in podiatry at the renowned Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven.apply science, science eindhovenpodiatrist, foot, podiatry, optimal, appointment1
embracenederland.nlWe believe it is important that we deliver high quality with our programmess, that we connect in the ever-changing society and that our acquired knowledge is distributed internally and externally. With our Research and Science programme…research science, science programmeembrace, dementia, palliative, programme, interactive1
zekaj.nlHi, my name is Berat Zekaj, 28 years old and I live in Amsterdam. Recently I graduated from the Bachelor of Communication & Multimedia Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and now can call myself a graduated…apply science, science hvapiece, train, clothing, paper, photographer1
beeldendiespreken.nlHeleen van Tilburg has graduated in social sciences and worked for 25 years as an independent textwriter and advisor. Now she is an artist.social science, science yearjou, voor, exhibition, contemporary, artwork1
barbaravis.nl…and am the program director of the two-year master program Research in Public Administration and Organisational Science . Between 2019-2021, I served as a member and (technical) chair of the USG’s Executive Board. For more information…organisational science, science memberpolitics, teach, publication, etc, naar1
straatmanstrategischadvies.nlFounded in 2007, Consultancy Straatman Strategisch Advies focuses on the world of art, culture and science.function, fundraising, reputation, positioning, domain1
fcngroup.nlThe Federated Collaborative Networks (FCN) is a research group led by Prof. Dr. Hamideh Afsarmanesh at the Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam. The group is established in 1990, and was formerly…faculty science, science universitypublication, collaborative, teach, coordination, researcher1
lukapeternel.nlAs a roboticist, I consider myself an engineer first and foremost, since robotics is essentially an engineering discipline, not a scientific discipline. E ngineering is often looked down on (compared to science) and confused with…ngineering science, science implementation, rocket science, science rocketry, rocketry scienceteach, guide, robotic, physical, cognitive1
radsglobal.nlThe glass is used as a protection and media of transfer of light in different applications in Industry, buildings, Household, Machines, Vehicles, Electronic Displays, Ships, airplanes, PV modules, and Greenhouse. The philosophy and…philosophy science, science protectionglass, surface, greenhouse, shower, durability1
damrakinn.nlAmsterdam Royal Palace, Dam square, the New Church, Madame Tussauds, the Conference Centre 'Beurs van Berlage', Sex Museum, Nemo Science Museum, Dungeon Museum, Body Worlds, Ferry ride behind Central Station; shopping districts like…nemo science, science museuminn, reception, stay, discount, central1
ksconsulting.nlIngeborg is a communication and information expert with an MSc in Behavioural Sciences. Her understanding of communication and information needs of health professionals is based on 20 years of experience in Central America, and East and…behavioural science, science understandconsulting, africa, nation, east, united1
joophartog.nl…including Stanford, the World Bank, Peking University and Harvard. In 2001, he was appointed as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences KNAW. He retired in 2011, but still actively continues research and other academic work.academy science, science knawposition, economic, selection, labour, journal1
thewholesha-bang.nl“An irrelated and primarily nonrepetitive set of activities which combine to meet certain objectives, or in plain English; the art and science of doing something that has never been done before by predicting and developing a plan to deal…art science, science planmotion, responsibility, talk, drawing, schedule1
wibrenvanderburg.nlSince my master thesis, the central theme of my research and teaching has been the interaction between law, ethics and society. I studied law and ethics, with a strong interest in social sciences, and my research usually has an…social science, science researchpublication, law, teach, academic, philosophy1
robdehaas.nlSaamdu Chetri, Ph. D. Director Bhutan Gross Happines Index, Visiting Faculty, Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness, IIT Kharagpur, Indiaexcellence science, science happinessspeech, inspiration, participant, practical, positive1
kantisto.nlKantisto published in collaboration with Separation Science a digital learning platform that...separation science, science digitalanalytical, validation, publication, registration, der1
conventionbureau.nlAs an innovative organisation in the healthcare sector, you will find with us the inspiration and expertise you need to make your event a success. In Rijk van Nijmegen, tech companies in healthcare and medical science make our…medical science, science surroundingconvention, region, inspiration, environmental, forest1
autorijschooltol.nlAs founder of Drively, Abdi Moalim draws on more then 5 years of business management experience. He graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Political Sciencedriver, founder, section, teenage, learner1
mindyourguest.nl“Robert Bosma was a key note guest speaker at our International Week of the Amsterdam School of International Business at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences). Robert’s presentation was for our first…apply science, science robertguest, presentation, satisfy, successful, revenue1
guidopostma.nlReed Elsevier, science direct: Internationale webshops - B2B direct selling - e-commerce strategieelsevier science, science directautomation, commerce, sell, candidate, officer1
alexanderschouten.nlI live in Amsterdam, in De Baarsjes. Besides my work, I really like cooking, rock climbing (although I hardly get around doing it anymore), running, hiking, traveling, reading about (popular) science, and my family. If you are interested…popular science, science familyassociate, creativity, study, launch, publication1
ikbenpiraat.nl"You think that there would be more oversight on inks and a better understanding of the science. Turns out that there isn't."ink, timeline, researcher, andi, war1
aviationgame.nlThis year marked the fifth edition of the Aviation Game Week for the Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.apply science, science ryersonaviation, innovate, innovative, connection, pressure1
cityofthings.nlWe also have partnerships with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Creating010 knowledge center, and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.apply science, science knowledgelab, relationship, passive, positive, artifact1
kinderbruidskleiding.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherkawaii, playful, whimsical, frequently, investment1
pixelengineering.nlSoftware engineer, has a master in computer science with specializations in AI, game and media. In the last years he has given shape to our Smart Harvest project.computer science, science specializationmushroom, harvest, algorithm, pick, advanced1
lcam-fnwi.nlThe Van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM) is a collaboration between three innovative microscopy centres at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC), the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam (FNWI) and the…faculty science, science universitymicroscopy, advanced, functional, imaging1
carlamoonen.nlSince 2020 Carla started also as a Member of the Maastricht Academic Medical Centre and the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (UMC+).chair, responsible, executive, chairperson, committee1
noluxmedia.nlNolux Media is a graphic design and video production company. We are focused on telling complex and compelling stories through video, and visualizing the unimaginably beautiful world of nanotechnology, chemistry and science in general.chemistry science, science generalcompelling, depth, nanotechnology, graphic, chemistry1
kunstvancontact.nlDescribing haptonomy remains a difficult matter. That’s why experiences are extremely important and haptonomy is known as the science of touch. And you feel it all day long. Your body reacts to everything and often before you can really…haptonomy science, science touchhaptotherapy, complaint, awareness, pregnancy, injury1
papua-insects.nlThe KSP comprises many type specimens and other unique specimens, some even from species still undescribed by science. The collection is the most crucial tool scientists have to chart biodiversity, monitor populations and help designing…undescribed science, science collectionspecies, guinea, indonesia, island, butterfly1
floor.nla free math and science resource offering hundreds of online calculators and conversion toolsmath science, science resourceeconomic, animal, resource, pronunciation, lesson1
rebekkafries.nlAn editorial project in which a collection of articles functions as a protagonist. Telling a story about vulnerable topics that could potentially question the position of science as verifiable and ordered. Topics such as politics, media…position science, science verifiablevegetable, expectancy, situation, housing, exhibition1
or-else.nlThe OR ELSE research programme is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) as part of the National Science Agenda and receives co-funding from Rijkswaterstaat, Boskalis and Van Oord.national science, science agendapublication, sand, extraction, scientific, presentation1
chromodynamics.nlOur technology has the potential to advance life science research, improve cancer diagnostics, streamline development of new medicines, lead to more sustainable food production, and facilitate more efficient manufacturing.life science, science researchvisible, career, multispectral, imaging, potential1
amsterdamhermetica.nlEsotericism cuts through established boundaries of religion, science, art, and philosophy. As an academic field of study, esotericism is therefore a highly interdisciplinary enterprise.religion science, science arthhp, lecture, phd, philosophy, resource1
academieinstituut.nlThe Academy Institute is also a training institute. It accommodates students from the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht among others, provides education for physical therapists and is closely involved in scientific research in the…apply science, science utrechtphysical, therapy, therapist, institute, paramedic1
agroinnovation.nlMy work experience was gained in the USA and in the Netherlands within an international academic and entrepreneurial setting. I was exposed to applied sciences, extension, auditing, quality assurance (GSPP), biocontrol, innovation…apply science, science extensionbright, grower, vitality, circumstances, tailor1
saskiabaardman.nl…your talents and pitfalls. What you show (communication) and what you are receptive to. And what your natural strategy and authority is to make important decisions. Human Design is a system in which esotericism and science blend in.session, decision, physical, inn, pain1
deltadiagnostics.nlThere are many more types of Life Sciences research that can benefit greatly from our label-free biosensing technology.life science, science researchdiagnostic, supervisory, advisory, career, accessible1
stadstvbreda.nlSlot cars provide a great teaching tool for physical science. Get kids regrowth how purchase accelerate, decelerate, and defy gravitational forces as they fly high on a high-banked curve. How come one car faster as compared to other…physical science, science kid, car science, science fairuncategorized, gambling, player, money, january1
healthandhealing.nl…foods are compromising our digestive systems. This leaves us malnourished at a cellular level. Learn more about important discoveries in nutrition that can make a difference in your wellness, including a new field of science, glycobiology.field science, science glycobiologynutrition, resource, transformation, integrative, happiness1
stilgezet.nl…composition, the questions that patients have to deal with are interpreted. Art forms which will take shape in the coming months and years and which, in contrast to science, are able to describe the indescribable and name the unnameable.contrast science, science ablepatient, scientific, emotional, composition, radical1
profess.nlVrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Athena Institute, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2Nutrition-Gut-Brain Interactions Research Centre, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Örebro…medical science, science faculty, health science, science örebroclinical, trial, regulatory, device, uncategorized1
highradiance.nlThe energy that we put in preparing our food and the way we consume is as important as the nutritional science. We focus on cooking organic, whole grain, unprocessed, gluten-free and plant-based recipes. If once in a while you fancy some…nutritional science, science organicradiance, recipe, mother, medicine, herb1
conservatoriummaastricht.nl…appeal of the city of Maastricht is enhanced by the constant influx of students from around the globe. They are drawn to Conservatorium Maastricht, its parent organisation Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, and to Maastricht University.apply science, science maastrichtclassical, lecturer, programme, teach, department1
baxter.nlWe’re engaging with industry thought leaders to explore how science and innovation advance healthcare.leader science, science innovationpatient, healthcare, baxter, perspective, hospital1
parkerencentrumgroningen.nlThe University Museum has been a science museum since 1934 in the academic heart of the city of Groningen. The museum has a versatile collection, in which nature, culture and science merge. For example, you cab walk into the consulting…museum science, science museum, culture science, science mergeparking, affordable, walk, entire, evening1
galapagosplasticfree.nlPlastic pollution in the world’s oceans is a growing problem, especially for island archipelagos like the Galapagos Islands. These islands are unique in their science history and biodiversity, but unfortunately receive significant amounts…unique science, science historydrifter, ocean, island, description, publication1
bibliotheek-unesco.nlUNESCO is the the United Nations organization that focuses on Education, Science and Culture. The dutch UNESCO Depository Library in Utrecht holds a treasure of books, reports, maps, photos and videos dating back to 1945 when UNESCO was…education science, science culturelibrary, nation, report, treasure, united1
mettamind.nlMindfulness is a skill that everybody can learn. Just as well as you can learn how to speak a new language or how to play an instrument. It’s no rocket science. You don’t have to climb Mount Everest. It starts with paying attention to the…rocket science, science mountmeditation, session, busy, schedule, tuesday1
alfredmarseille.nlhome... about... more at: Zeezeilen | Public Thought | Tropism Art & Science Collectiveart science, science collectivethink, installation, leader, likely, movie1
woutercoomans.nlDuring my studies in Political Science, I worked as a photographer for the Faculty Magazine, and I had a side job at FOAM (Photography Museum of Amsterdam). At FOAM, I found inspiration in the works of many different photographers and had…political science, science photographervisual, documentary, photographer, authentic, portrait1
beautyunlimitedamsterdam.nlTransform your body in our salon in Amsterdam with body treatments based on the latest science for a tighter and more beautiful silhouette. Discover the power of our contour treatments and make your body look its best. Let our dedicated…late science, science tightskin, treatment, fat, facial, rejuvenation1
stt.nlThe board of STT consists of an Executive Committee and a General Board. Our General Board members are over sixty top representatives of government, industry, science and society. They contribute to the STT programming and act as an…industry science, science societystudy, society, foresight, potential, committee1
fokkema-partners.nlLocated on the Wageningen University & Research campus, Fokkema & Partners designed the Food Science Centre for Upfield, leading producer of entirely plant-based butter. Guided by their motto “We are Generation Plant”, the building stands…food science, science centrepartners, residence, architecture, sustainability, renovation1
hanzehs.nlThe Hanze Honours Society (HHS) is a community founded by and for honours students at Hanze University of Applied sciences. We bridge the gap between diverse schools within Hanze, linking you with fellow honours students across various…apply science, science gaphonour, society, kingsday, informal, formal1
19sugardelta188.nlThrough my radio equipment and skills, I engage in conversations, exchange information, participate in contests. Embracing the art and science of radio communication, I am dedicated to expanding my understanding of this intricate hobby…art science, science radiosugar, showcase, hunt, activation, vibrant1
hlnwldrs.nlBuilding (materials) Science: in particular wood and wood fiber, plastic and composite panel materials, stone-like materials (cement- and anhydrite bonded), glass and baked bricksmaterial science, science particulargdpr, currently, early, role, decade1
lcatraining.nlOur research group is part of the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM), which is an European, cross-border research institute focusing on the development of advanced biobased materials. We are part of the Faculty of…faculty science, science engineeringfundamental, phd, sustainability, assessment, outline1
blacknose.nlWe can also develop a canine unit from scratch by teaching them the skills to be deployed themselves for a relevant threat. These programmes are based on the most recent science. We go where science takes us; tomorrow won’t be like today.recent science, science tomorrowprogramme, detection, dog, government, fully1
yamboa.nlThe Human Design System is the science of differentiation. It shows each of us that we have a unique design and a specific purpose to fulfill while on earth. Endless posibilities for individual uniqueness lie within our genetic matrix…system science, science differentiationpainting, hang, lesson, joy, offering1
dingdangdongen.nlHi there! I'm Johan, a 22-year-old computer science student based in the Netherlands, currently studying at the Technical University Eindhoven. I find sheer joy in leveraging my programming skills to tackle challenges and craft practical…computer science, science studentprogramming, potential, unmatched, joy, difference1
envisionrealestate.nl…Gary has learned how to prognose future income streams and financial risks. As a part-time teacher at the University of Applied Sciences Hogeschool Leiden, he will also help you understand the complexity of the financials and the market.apply science, science hogeschoolenvision, estate, investment, property, investor1
oncodeinstitute.nlFundamental science, clinical testing and a sharp mind for market opportunities: at Oncode we bring it all together to create impact for patients.fundamental science, science clinicaloncode, institute, programme, cancer, facility1
voedselbosglanerbeek.nlAfter studying Industrial Design, Jessica worked in international development cooperation all over the world for 15 years. In 2015 she quit her job to study Environmental Sciences in Wageningen, focusing on the relationship between food…environmental science, science wageningenforest, nursery, knob, title, soil1
stedelijkmuseumschiedam.nl…herself also features, she emphasises the importance of rediscovering and redefining Black identity. AiRich puts a futuristic and otherworldly spin on Black identity, drawing on pop culture, fashion, music, science fiction and mythologymusic science, science fictionexhibition, landscape, holiday, entrance, january1
wiersmabrothers.nlthree brothers specialised in the craft of visual storytelling. Our affinity with film drives us to make compelling, creative and well-tailored videos. We combine our backgrounds in product design, computer science and event management to…computer science, science eventbrother, craft, visual, craftsmanship, quickly1
louisedoorman.nlI hold a master’s degree in Law from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, where I studied Theatre Science as well. I started my career as a corporate lawyer at the production company IDTV in Amsterdam where I got to know the ropes…theatre science, science careerrepresentative, television, law, lawyer, investor1
wintertuin.nl…Festivalhuis, in the city centre of Nijmegen. The joint housing ensures a pooling of knowledge and experience and leads to crossovers between the festivals. The Festivalhuis consists of the disciplines music, literature, film and science.writer, literary, literature, translator, write1
apirapi.nlMy professional career started in secondment as part-time developer during my studies. After receiving a Master’s degree on Computer Science with specialization on Technical Artificial Intelligence and a publication on AAMAS, I joined a…computer science, science specializationarchitecture, role, summary, domain, automation1
davevanleeuwen.nl…product, and interior design in my portfolio. With a Bachelor of Arts (Willem de Kooning Academy) and a Master of Science (TU Delft), I have strong design and technical skills. During my Bachelor of Spatial Design at the Art Academy, I…master science, science tuurban, architecture, renewable, durable, conceptual1
matthijsvermeulen.nl…of topics: national and international politics, economy and finance, theatre, literature, painting, technology and science, history, new types of automobiles, aeroplanes and submarines, sports, crime and faits divers (even fashion!). Onlytechnology science, science historysymphony, orchestra, french, critic, sonata1
wesleyvdijk.nlDeltion College in Zwolle, after that 3-year study, I continued at the university of applied sciencesit, amet, consectetur, lorem, ipsum1
corienvanrijn.nlAfter studying Commercial Economics and Communication Sciences, Corien van Rijn has held various national and international positions in the IT sector. At the intersection of Sales and Marketing she has always been able to closely follow…communication science, science coriencompetence, technological, commerce, automation, innovative1
faxion.nlI’m Ellen de Lange-Ros, PhD and engineer in Business Science and Continuous Improvement. I’ve been working at a large Dutch Telecom operator and started my own business as a market researcher in 2006 and shifted my work to business…business science, science continuousunlimited, interesting, soft, mainly, interested1
ommuurdetuin.nlDe Ommuurde Tuin is one of the host farms for the Farm Experience Internship, a 3 ECTS summer course at Wageningen University that bridges the gap between science and practice. Students can follow a 2 week internship at Ommuurde Tuin…gap science, science practiceherb, farm, solidarity, vegetable, variety1
vectorious.nl…easily and confidently, both in writing and speaking. Because of this background that spans the humanities and sciences, my design practice favours an interdisciplinary approach, combining various fields in engineering with design and…humanity science, science designsoft, robotic, interdisciplinary, haptic, fully1
socc.nlEelco Ruijter has been awarded an NWO M1 grant in the Natural Sciences Open Competition program! Congratulations!! (22-09-2023)natural science, science openorganic, synthetic, chemistry, catalysis, novel1
seamarco.nlSEAMARCO conducts applied research with marine animals to enable science-based management of marine ecosystems. The emphasis is on underwater acoustics and energetics in relation to:animal science, science managementconservation, apply, animal, institute, volunteer1
jaapboonstra.nl…Weick, Robert Quinn, Chris Argyris, Thomas Cummings, Alfons Sauquet, Alice Lam, Gary Yukl, Chris Clegg and many others. This book was awarded a prize by a Dutch association for professionals in organizational science and change management.organizational science, science changeleadership, organizational, presentation, inspiration, cultural1
air-portal.nlAIR-Portal is developed by S[&T] in Delft in cooperation with several knowledge institutes and European municipalities. S[&]T has more than 18 years of experience in remote sensing, data processing, data science, and software engineering…data science, science softwareaccurate, forecast, street, region, integrate1
ictopen.nlThe Dutch Research Council (NWO) funds top researchers, steers the course of Dutch science by means of research programmes and by managing the national knowledge infrastructure.dutch science, science meanprogramme, exhibitor, registration, overview, interactive1
communisenso.nl…interim change projects, Akro Consult, Lindblom Public Relations Public Affairs, St. Jude Medical, PostNL, Amex Amsterdam, Associates B.V., Atradius Nederland, Recourt Life Sciences, TTopstart, SKS Alles Kids, Over Morgen, Ernst &Young.life science, science ttopstartmunicipality, profit, reader, viewer, audience1
creativehubs.nlLearn about Pulsetto by reading this article about the science behind this devicearticle science, science devicesession, table, inspiration, useful, innovative1
mics.nl…institutions. The area has a strong focus on knowledge sharing and innovation, not least because of the knowledge centres within the campus, including a university of applied sciences, university programmes and research institutes.apply science, science universityecosystem, institution, mechatronic, cooperation, educational1
translationalneuroscience.nlPlasticity, the ability to be molded in various forms while maintaining a core identity, is a term that is increasingly used within various fields of science, e.g. neuroscience, plant- and cell biology, and within the humanities. However…field science, science neuroscienceneuroscience, translational, plasticity, department, panel1
pd-lth.nlThen, the brand new professional doctorate of seven Universities of Applied Sciences in the LHT domain is your new challenge.apply science, science lhthospitality, tourism, doctorate, domain, phd1
uniquewassenaar.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherkawaii, playful, whimsical, adorable, charming1
sd42.nlWelcome to the learning management system for the Associate Degree Software Development programme at Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Most parts of this site require an account, but the curriculum overview is publicly available.apply science, science partconduct, associate, degree, programme, overview1
studiedagenradar.nlAs a provider of activities for youth – whether it’s in sports, art, music, science, or entertainment – you’ve probably dealt with off-peak hours. When children are in school, it can be pretty quiet for you.music science, science entertainmentstudy, parent, glance, educational, click1
cigarbox.nlProvide your stakeholders with professional reports and clear impact results. The social ambitions of your organization are central to measuring impact. We use the latest standards in measurement methods, backed by science and clear to…method science, science cleareconomic, investor, analysis, investment, failure1
omgadvies.nl…why we think it is important to first talk to our customer for every question and to make the offer seamlessly match the need. We use the knowledge from science to help you and your organization in our advice, in a training or in coaching.knowledge science, science organizationorganizational, lie, boardgame, publication, leadership1
digireal.nlBreda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) and FONTYS University of Applied Sciences work together in the MINDLABS ecosystem.​ Other public, private and network partners have joined DIGIREAL with specific sectoral challenges, expertise…apply science, science buas, science mindlabspublication, lecture, sectoral, interactive, infrastructure1
ivannio.nl…Urbanism & Spatial Planning. I have taught at, among others, the Academy of Architecture Rotterdam and the University of Amsterdam. In 2016 I obtained my PhD at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the University of Amsterdam.behavioral science, science universityurban, architecture, naar, urbanism, spatial1
philosophers-stone.nlIt is in transition. We only know that everything will be very different within twenty years or so. The question 'what is real?' will get a new meaning: in philosophy, in theology, in psychology, in science, in entertainment, in everything.psychology science, science entertainmentphilosopher, stone, artwork, inspiration, teacher1
thebigdataacademy.nlAs Data Engineer I develop data solutions for companies. With a background in Computing Science and Algorithmic Data Analysis I can easily combine and apply software and data principles in implementing impactful data solutions.computing science, science algorithmicconsulting, implementation, specialise, easily, impactful1
beterengels.nlAreas of expertise are HRM & marketing, education & science, art & culture, charity & development cooperation, and non-complex technology, medical, legal.education science, science artbeter, translation, edit, rate, charity1
sined.nl…the sound further if the platform you are releasing on is going to lower it anyways, resulting in the same volume and worse quality. You want to balance the art of making it sound good with the science of the standard of each platform.good science, science standardaam, reference, file, manual, target1
suzannelettink.nlSo, as you see I am Suzanne. I have my bachelor (with distinction) in Science of Creative Technologies as Interaction Designer. It's simple: I make technology easier for people to interact with.distinction science, science creativeinteraction, principle, rehabilitation, physician, insurance1
abcoins.nl…obverse side you see the Combined portraits of Peter I and Alexander II right, between two branches. On the reverse side you see a five-line inscription reading, “Passions would be greater if the Wisdom of Science did not Restrain Them.”medal, united, kingdom, germany, france1
bonnemaconsulting.nlAfter successfully completing my management studies at the University of Applied Sciences, van Hall Larenstein, I started as a project leader within the consulting industry, for a large international corporate. After many projects with…apply science, science vanconsulting, implementation, analysis, adoption, operational1
egmo2020.nl(Interview by Mireia Martínez i Sellarès) Anano Basilaia is a Mathematics student from Georgia, currently doing her master’s in Mathematical Sciences at Utrecht University. Since...mathematical science, science utrechtgirl, mathematical, olympiad, programme, host1
efficientdeeplearning.nlEDL has received funding from NWO, the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research which falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Next to the support of NWO-TTW, EDL is also financially and in-kind…culture science, science supportefficient, overview, structure, mohammad1
vu-shop.nlThe VU logo is characteristic of the identity of VU Amsterdam. It depicts the griffin, a mythical creature with the good qualities of a lion, an eagle and a horse. The different animals reference the different fields of science, which is…field science, science stylisticallytextile, utensil, stationary, bag, checkout1
thenetworkcenter.nlNETWORKS is a project of University of Amsterdam, Eindhoven University of Technology, Leiden University and Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)computer science, science cwitraffic, transportation, output, phd, backbone1
3delft.nl…service. The technical building blocks we provide cover subjects like integrated design, 3D printing and material sciences. By targeting technical companies in the region of Delft, we are stimulated to be truly innovative. The fact that…material science, science technicalrapid, turnaround, request, purpose, prototyping1
gorean.nlGreetings, reader. I bring to you news of the fabled Gor series, penned by the hand of John Norman. This series of science fiction novels, first published in the glorious…series science, science fictionfebruary, reader, paramount, forth, adventure1
ricardovdheijden.nlI’m a software developer and I’m passionate about all things technology and computer science.passionate, constantly, thrust1
testingsaas.nlI have written dozens of blogposts and articles on SaaS, DevOps, software security and data science.write, devops, computing, holy, creation1
friendlyhousing.nlEindhoven has more than 200,000 residents, with almost 17,000 students enrolled at the Eindhoven University of Technology and Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Eindhoven also has its own airport. Eindhoven Airport is an excellent way…apply science, science eindhovenhousing, rental, property, estate, listing1
agileamsterdam.nlJosje brings together two worlds: Agile and Communication. She has a degree in Communication science and is a certified Agile and Lean professional. Josje has worked for over 10 years in agile environments and uses business drawing to…communication science, science agileconference, venue, reference, reason, transformation1
mcec-researchcenter.nlThe Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC) is an NWO Gravitation programme funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the government of the Netherlands.culture science, science governmentconversion, multiscale, catalytic, catalyst, chemical1
wordactieftilburg.nl…debate club, improvisation theatre, a pop choir and a music association. There is also a group of students that organizes Night University in Tilburg. This is an event with science, music, theatre, literature, workshops and night colleges.event science, science musicassociation, committee, study, council, introduction1
bebr.nl…chemistry, mathematics, astrophysics, and IT. From our offices in Groningen, Sydney, Lviv and Madrid, our Data Science and Software Development teams are able to utilize advanced scientific techniques to benefit our clients.data science, science softwarebrilliant, absolutely, modeling, predictive, career1
betabasics.nlOur experience is based on more than 30 years hands on experience and is supported by academic education in technical and business sciences.summary, profit, wil, continuously, successful1
chrisdijkshoorn.nlSince June 2019 I’m the head of the Collection IT department at the Rijksmuseum . Before that, I worked as data manager at the museum. I implemented the Accurator nichesourcing platform as part of my PhD at the User Centric Data Science…data science, science grouppublication, head, phd, requirements, valuable1
mennogijsman.nlI'm Menno Gijsman! I'm a Data-analist focussed on developing my skills. I'm currently studying at University of Applied Sciences Leiden. Feel free to get in touch or take a look at my past work below.apply science, science leidentimeline, london, crime, movie, visualization1
freebooter.nl…and considered also a freebooter. His ships were beautiful and its navy strong. They defeated all the opponents and made the Netherlands the one of the most acclaimed countries in the world, for art, military, industry, science, wealth.industry science, science wealthapartment, ship, balcony, terrace, urban1
insideblack.nlINSIDE BLACK is a dynamic concept initiated by visual artist and poet Leslie Browne , and executed with writer, photographer Joan Gannij , which investigates the depth and true meaning of black through art, culture, science and human…culture science, science humaninside, contributor, copy, photographer, visual1
olafbon.nlFreshly graduated from the University of applied sciences in Amsterdam where I studied Communication & Multimedia Design. I’m now looking to kickstart my career for real. Bringing with me a little under 2 years of experience at Fraai-werk…university science, science amsterdamarchitecture, stranger, ux, tell, cycling1
ionimage.nlBA in Fashion and Textile Design from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (previously EVTEK University of Applied Sciences), Vantaa Finland, in 2001apply science, science previously, science vantaaamazing, inspiration, christmas, fuel, bag1
indall.nlAs a visual agency for the technical sector, Indall helps companies to develop a strong market position, based on powerful brand. Indall connects engineering, science, and technology with relevant societal topics. The team of academic…engineering science, science technologyvisualization, instruction, academic, society, sustainability1
pinuts.nl2. For students Economics or Management science: Knut Sydsaeter, Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 4th editionmanagement science, science knuttutoring, statistics, mathematics, classroom, lesson1
clanmacgillavry.nlThe Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam attaches great importance to the contribution of female scientists in research and education. For this reason we are continuing the recruitment programme for talented women, named…faculty science, science universityeast, achievement, colonial, romantic, fellow1
bme2019.nl…Engineering is a rapidly developing field, with many breakthroughs at the edge between medical and technical sciences. Therefore, medical scientist as well as engineering scientists are explicitly invited to this conference to…technical science, science medicalconference, biomedical, th, january, aan1
opajeep.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherdarknet, analysis, fund, break, opinion1
sustainall.nlAttain certifications to meet new standards, such as B-Corp, EcoVadis, or Science-Based Targets. We assist you in achieving the certification and attaining the desired scoreecovadis science, science targetsustainability, guidance, accessible, resource, regulation1
hendrikkerstens.nlwhy you like this photo – the science of perception, and how we understand photographs by brian dilg ISBN 9781781573747photo science, science perceptionportrait, cover, london, contemporary, paris1
kraftvanermel.nl…in the contemporary history of these countries. Currently, I am affiliated with the Netherlands-Russia Centre at the University of Groningen . The Netherlands-Russia Centre operates at the intersection of science, culture and economy.intersection science, science culturepublication, russia, interest, subject, historian1
wei-mvo-adviesgroep.nlMeeting in person to gauge science and learn more about one another is the first step in any glucose relation. It’s crucial to meet in a public setting and to make certain you have transportation to get apartment afterwards. Bringing a…person science, science steprelationship, sugar, uncategorized, crucial, gambling1
harrisblondman.nlWebsite for the School of Economics and Political Science, a university in Londonpolitical science, science universityidentity, graphic, swiss, screen, visual1
suzannewensveen.nlA science-backed, tried and tested method, design thinking will help you solve problems ranging from what data to show in your dashboard to how to set up a method library for your design team.ux, quantum, greenhouse, think, actually1
syle.nlApr 2013: Exhibition at Synthesis Conference for Esotericism and The Sciences Moses & Aaronkerk, Amsterdamesotericism science, science mosesportrait, illustration, comic, zine, exhibition1
brainwashfestival.nlSince 2015, we have been welcoming the biggest names in philosophy, literature, theatre, science and politics from Europe and beyond. With our events, festivals, articles, podcasts and television broadcasts, we challenge you to think…theatre science, science politicscalendar, bird, early, theatre, programme1
iesashift.nlA Deep Dive into Degrowth and Sustainability Sciences We are excited to share the highlights of our recent reflection and discussion event hosted by IESA Shift. We gathered to reflect on…sustainability science, science excitedshift, industrial, ecology, association, career1
pttpnederland.nl…to find the real truth and history of this world… PTTP can truthfully say that the technological advancements the People see today and the experience in science-fiction movies was the science vision reality in the old world civillisations.experience science, science fiction, movie science, science visiondifference, currency, seal, magnetic, decentralized1
healthtechinsociety.nlVarious parties are working together on the programme: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, various Centres of Expertise, small businesses, care and welfare organisations, knowledge institutions…apply science, science saxion, science centresociety, healthtech, accessible, citizen, suitable1
roa.nlThe ROA and the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences jointly released a Factsheet with the results of the HBO Monitor 2023.apply science, science jointlyphd, scientific, capital, staff, advisory1
psb-bss.nlPartij Studenten Belangen (PSB) is currently the largest sitting party in the Faculty Council of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen. Since 2010, PSB has actively represented the interests of all students in…social science, science university, science bsscouncil, faculty, inclusion, diversity, faction1
franck-handskills.nlIn 2000, I received a bachelor degree as an occupational therapist at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Heerlen. From 2002 till 2022, I worked as an occupational therapist in neurological rehabilitation of adolescents and adults at…apply science, science heerlenrehabilitation, therapist, stroke, opinion, occupational1
johnvangeunsfonds.nlDr Katrien Keune, head of Science at the Rijksmuseum, is the new professor by special appointment at the John van Geuns chair 'Molecular Spectroscopy'.head science, science rijksmuseumchemistry, study, chair, interaction, matter1
mikevandercaaij.nlHi there, I'm Mike van der Caaij, a 22-year-old student at Avans University of Applied Sciences, pursuing my passion to become a Fullstack developer. I'm putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve my career objective.apply science, science passionder, github, react, create, profile1
globalshapers.nl…or #StepUpClimateAction. In light of the latter, the community has partnered with Climate Reality to provide Shapers with the training and tools to better understand climate science and drive environmental change in their home cities.climate science, science environmentalinitiative, past, oct, climate, positive1
dutchterahertz.nl…Inspection Services B.V.. In summmer 2021 its first user was the Sub-millimeter Wave Instrument (SWI), part of the science payload of the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft, which was successfully launched on April 14, 2023.swi science, science payloadinspection, instrumentation, destructive, frequency, radiation1
onderwijsraad.nlThe Council performs its tasks on the basis of an annual work programme determined by the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. Together with the national budget this programme is presented to the upper and lower chambers of…culture science, science nationalcouncil, parliament, report, legislation, programme1
alexkirichek.nlS hakeel A., Zander F., Gebert J., Chassagne C. and Kirichek A. (2022). Influence of anaerobic degradation of organic matter on the rheological properties of cohesive mud from different European ports, Journal of Marine Science and…marine science, science engineeringport, mud, fluid, dredging, sediment1
isie2023netherlands.nlThe conference celebrated the power of Industrial Ecology in finding science-based solutions for sustainability problems. We, scientists, need to stick together and work towards a better future in this turbulent world.ecology science, science solutionconference, registration, industrial, ecology, early1
stefan-vermeent.nlOut now in Developmental Science : We find that higher levels of household threat are associated with slower general processing speed as well as with more careful responding, but that specific executive functioning abilities are mostly…developmental science, science highability, publication, talk, developmental, cognitive1
netwerkmediawijsheid.nlThe network was established as a program in 2008 and is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Settling on a network for its organizational structure allows the tackling of important media literacy themes in an…culture science, science networkliteracy, society, competency, literate, citizen1
migrationdiversity.nl…domination. They have shared their experiences and provoked us with their thoughts. This series strives to build on the ongoing debate in social sciences, humanities and law. Please, read them, share them and comment on them.social science, science humanitymigration, diversity, difference, ongoing, domination1
value-drivers.nlManuel Hernandez, analyst, studied computer science at the University of Barranquilla in Colombia. He has been working at Value Drivers Business Valuators since 2012.computer science, science universityvaluation, driver, independent, economic, purchase1
novaware.nlIn collaboration with RaisingResults, we developed an app for the Christian University of Applied Sciences in Ede that allows for registration of attendees at open days. The system works with QR codes that can be scanned using the app.apply science, science ederun, guide, consumption, infrastructure, editor1
cultureledoelgroepenmodel.nl…everyone dealing with audience data and for organisations focusing on cultural participation. This Taskforce has partly been funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and will continue until at least the end of 2024.culture science, science endcultural, segmentation, audience, target, potential1
innoviscoop.nl…on the cob ,Related: ski and stay packages poconos , how to convert packed decimal to numeric in cobol , computer science graduation captions , browning blr 308 magazine for sale canada , eclinicalworks compatible devices , green rock…computer science, science graduationsalary, plantation, fee, schedule, funeral1
biomassazaak.nlBacked by science we are going to file lawsuits against the government and wood burning industry. Forest clearing and biomass burning destroy cultural heritage and ancient forests and damage the health and well-being of communities…biomass, climate, forest, emission, donation1
jmbconsultancy.nl…projects. He has surrounded himself with talented experts who can be available to support any activity that require a broad approach. These experts cover: Asia (China), Government affairs, Manufacturing, Medical science and Regulatory.medical science, science regulatorypresentation, publication, associate, motivation, rate1
martijncasteel.nlI'm an IT guy, I've studied Computer Science and Technical Artificial Intelligence. The latter is quite long and I have to explain it every time, so the short version is I'm building Jarvis.computer science, science technicalprogramming, interested, adventure, movie, device1
martijngosgens.nlFor the KNAW (Dutch Royal Acadamy) and NEMO Kennislink , I write blogs as one of their Faces of Science . The blogs (in Dutch) are aimed at giving a glimpse into the life and work of young scientists. My profile can be found here .face science, science blogdetection, algorithm, measure, task, interest1
mymodulife.nl© 2019 Nestle Health Science. All trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland.health science, science trademarkpatient, healthcare, trademark, switzerland, partners1
thelostbook.nlUNESCO is the the United Nations organization that focuses on Education, Science and Culture. UNESCO is mostly known for listing and protecting world Heritage sites.education science, science culturelibrary, lose, heritage, player, booking1
spottedbird.nlPeter worked as a visual artist, as lawyer at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, as consultant for animated film at the Netherlands Film Fund and as director at the Holland Animation Film Festival and the Kaboom Animation…culture science, science consultantbird, animation, visual, artistic, convince1
hydrospex.nlWe've recently published a new applications note, X-ray study of a copper-based biocidal film. This work was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Heather Yates at the School of Science, Engineering and Environment, University of Salford…school science, science engineeringanalytical, surface, analysis, jordan, spectrometer1
b3care.nlWinner of the Philips Graduation Prize for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Elfi Hofmeijer, a PhD student in …data science, science artificialimaging, artificial, cardiac, collaboration, radiology1
smulderslab.nlWhat is more, Simon’s second paper has come out in the Journal of Polymer Science .paper, october, polymer, separation, phase1
100digital.nlAlthough IT is no rocket science, many entrepreneurs do not have the time or affinity. We would love to help you.rocket science, science entrepreneurentrepreneur, bookkeeping, accounting, tax, valuable1
lysandro.nlA perfect hair color? Avoiding the fade of age and take away the grey out of your hear? In our salon we only work with the best products. For coloring we use Wella Professional. Wella has perfected the science and beauty of hair, working…wella science, science beautyhair, cut, appointment, head, treatment1
limburginnoveert.nlThe Innovative Entrepreneurship research group is situated within the University of Applied Sciences (its members include Astrid Schiepers , Mirjam Ubachs , Bart Rams , Robbert van der Vleuten , Nina Fijen , Rob Bimmel , Daniëlle Twardy…apply science, science memberentrepreneurship, innovative, ik, wil, sme1
nielsdekkereducatie.nlI have a degree as a teacher in Social Studies and Citizenship Education, which I received at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. I did a minor on teaching in a coaching role and wrote my thesis on learning goals within…apply science, science minorcitizenship, teach, educational, pedagogy, didactic1
herjanvandenheuvel.nlI’m a UX and Data & Marketing Science Consultant. I speak the language of both technical and non-technical stakeholders, and I am the bridge between them.marketing science, science consultantux, bridge, stakeholder, enthusiasm, inspiration1
ldot.nlMEMIC is the center for data and information management at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University. We facilitate researchers with data collection, information management and knowledge extraction. We…life science, science maastrichtstudy, subject, integration, scientific, logistics1
thekeyco.nlWe work mainly with people from life sciences. However, people from other areas increasingly reach out to The Key Co. for support.life science, science peoplemijn, unlock, improvement, potential, library1
figmentstories.nlFigment Stories is a collection of short stories and writing tryouts. It is a place to share my hobby writings and creativity, no strings attached. A place to dream and explore the realms of fantasy and on occasion a bit of science…bit science, science fictionjuly, seeker, shroud, imagination, sci1
gunsmedia.nl…De Ochtend, a program by Dutch public radio channel Radio 1. Prior to that I worked for several newspapers and magazines in The Netherlands. Furthermore, I was a journalism lecturer at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg.apply science, science tilburgjournalism, copy, author, geographic, newspaper1
lorentzengineering.nlThe First Tech Challenge (FTC) is a robotics competition for secondary school students. The competition is held annually and is organized by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). FTC has teams participating…recognition science, science technologychampionship, season, actively, competition, robotic1
berthofma.nlTo provide particular support to the SME’s and family businesses in finding ways to increase sales. We have noticed that an increase of sales takes a few ‘tricks’ and a staff sales-attitude. It’s not exactly rocket science.hospitality, career, tourism, profile, qualification1
eelcoharteveld.nlI am an associate professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam. I study and teach political behavior, with a focus on polarization.political science, science universitypolitical, scientist, affective, publication, teach1
jules-verne.nl…articles. For a long time, he has been considered primarily as an author for children and as the “father of science fiction”. Fortunately, the interest in other aspects of his work has continuously increased over the years.father science, science fictionsociety, translation, overview, publication, bibliography1
buildingconversation.nl…set to work on the basis of an active hope, in spite of and in reaction to the dystopian world described to us by science, politics and the media. In all our work we invite the public to be a co-creator and partner in conversation, the…world science, science politicsconversation, calendar, gather, license, reflection1
studio-stillae.nl…Technologies, Maastricht University, University of Amsterdam, Wageningen University, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Institute of Physics, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging…life science, science instituteillustration, scientific, setup, journal, biotechnology1
dutchuniconsortium.nlFounded in 2010, the Dutch Research University Consortium (DRU) consisted of 7 members from Research Universities across the Netherlands, until the addition of two collaborative partners in 2022 from Universities of Applied Science. This…apply science, science scoperesource, institution, study, collaborative, apply1
mnext.nl…a scale to have a real impact. Over the past two years, MNEXT, in collaboration with other universities of applied sciences and stakeholders, has conducted research on principles to accelerate this transition. The main results have been…university science, science stakeholdertransition, researcher, entrepreneur, teacher, major1
sausboss.nlBeing a man of science, I called bullshit on that, but the tonic’s ingredients intrigued me.man science, science bullshitsauce, ingredient, pepper, introduction, origin1
brain2web.nlOver the past 9 months, I have looked with some surprise and sometimes indignation at the 'scientific basis' that is used for the measures surrounding the SARS-COV-2 virus. Not that the Dutch science institute RIVM is not doing its job…dutch science, science institutedeadly, statistics, pandemic, severity, positive1
songchai.nlBelow an overview of my recent design projects as part of my two majors in Industrial design engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the Fontys University for applied science in Venlo.apply science, science venloindustrial, mechanical, major, infrared, mower1
lightworkcapital.nl“Yoga is, quite simply, the science of being in perfect alignment, in absolute harmony, in complete sync with existence.”simply science, science perfectcapital, investment, globally, entrepreneur, serial1
rohansinha.nlPreviously, I received bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley with honors and a distinction in general scholarship. As an undergraduate, I worked on data-driven…computer science, science universitysinha, robotic, autonomous, predictive, uncertainty1
tstutoring.nl"In one word: Great - Think Smart Tutoring more than met our expectations. The tutors were very helpful for both my boys (grade 10 and grade 12) in maths and the sciences and my daughter (grade 5) in maths. They supported them with…math science, science daughtertutoring, think, myp, hague, subject1
metropolisfilm.nlExperiences, Spatial media installations for museums, experiences, science centers.experience science, science centerpavilion, accenture, reflection, projection, television1
mcs-solar.nl- has a national-level CNAS laboratory and won the 3d prize of science and technology in Jiangsu Province for its PVB double-glass module technologyprize science, science technologypanel, tower, battery, founder, cell1
researchstories.nlAt ResearchStories, we teach scientists and researchers effective science communication that reaches a broad audience and creates a lasting impact. Our team of instructors have extensive experience working in academic settings. We can…effective science, science communicationvisual, audience, presentation, visualization, instructor1
smart-sports-exercises.nlThe research was carried out by the University of Twente together with Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Sportservice Veenendaal, InnoSportLab Sport en Beweeg! and the company LedGo – and a huge number of volleyball clubs, teams…apply science, science sportserviceexercise, volleyball, interactive, player, athlete1
rmes.nlDigital ethnography is a broad approach, covering many types of inquiry. If we begin with the premise that digital ethnography is situated at the nexus of lived experience and digital transformations, and we take qualitative social…social science, science anthropologyphd, academic, lecture, ethnography, cultural1
ju5tu5.nlYou have reached the digital garden of Justus Sturkenboom, Philosophy/ Computer Science Lecturer at the #AUAS in the #FDND Associate degree and the Denkerslab applied philosophy minor programme... and i do some sketchnoting for fun.computer science, science lecturerquery, command, instance, desire, write1
connectedcreative.nlCo-Well: Co-Creation for wellbeing is a creative research project sponsored by ACIN (Amsterdam Creative Industries). It is led by the Digital life research centre, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Co-Well is Connected Creative.apply science, science coconnect, physical, mental, october, remote1
primetimebiosciences.nlPrimetime Biosciences is an intellectual property consultancy firm servicing companies in the life sciences sector since 2012.life science, science sectorfee, property, intellectual, ip, patent1
i-sago.nlComing from a background in electronics and computer sciences, I collect and combine information. I like to do that in a smart and innovative way where at first you might not see the logic behind it, but at the endcomputer science, science informationasset, sustainability, connection, bridge, automation1
lablogica.nlWith our team we have more than over 50 years of knowledge and experience within the field of medical disposables to Healthcare, Life science and Universities.life science, science universitycustomization, laboratory, technique, trough, supplier1
genderengezondheid.nlIn 2012, the Alliance for Gender and Health was founded by WOMEN Inc (a unique network aimed at increasing the participation of women in Dutch society) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. The Alliance is a robust…education science, science culturesociety, sensitive, healthcare, woman, researcher1
hut8.nl…a clear strategy, developing talented teams, driving innovation and streamlining business processes. His focus is on transforming more traditional businesses or driving new business models by using technology, data, and data science.executive, leadership, growth, profit, role1
amsterdam-personaltraining.nlOur experienced personal trainers possess an in-depth knowledge of fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.personalized, healthy, session, nutrition, progress1
inventin.nlAt INVENTIN , we focus on translational science, bridging the gap between innovative technology and unmet need. To facilitate our customers, we provide a range of services focussed on the acceleration of development.translational science, science gapprototyping, biosafety, facility, laboratory, pivotal1
polyworx.nlPolyworx is exhibiting in the Holland High Tech pavillion, Hall 5 - Booth E80. Together with Inholland University for Applied Sciences and Twenco, we will demonstrate the application of augmented reality with model-based process…apply science, science twencoinfusion, composite, mould, resin, vacuum1
renzovds.nl…due to a lot of research and tests. I don’t design for the beauty of it but for the best possible solution. Last year I completed my bachelors in communication and multimedia design at the University of Applied Science in Amsterdam.apply science, science amsterdamdiscover, audience, everyday, target, interesting1
jiphaaglanden.nlThe Dutch student grant provided by DUO (department of the Dutch Ministry of Education & Sciences) consist of the following parts:education science, science followinsurance, appointment, taxis, housing, income1
deltaplatform.nlDelta Platform facilitates associate professors and researchers from universities of applied sciences to use practical based research together with partners from the sciences, the market, the government and society for complex…apply science, science practical, partner science, science marketlab, continuous, living, overview, connection1
raisingthebar.nlmany authors publish mathematical statistics from theoretical perspectives skipping the application of it in social sciences. Another line of authors do publish only Business Statistics with full of examples, but with no motivating…social science, science line, science stronglystatistics, econometrics, innovative, stat, fact1
spotonlichtontwerp.nlEnvironmental knowledge & focus – Utrecht University, Environmental Sciences -Social discipline – graduate – sustainability, circularity, energy saving:environmental science, science disciplinelighting, architectural, architecture, landscape, darkness1
creativelink.nlFrom our background studying industrial design engineering, working for several design companies, and international working experience we learned to combine different perspectives, research and science into radical yet argumented designs…research science, science radicaldescription, jewelry, worthy, bootstrap, template1
gertvv.nlIn my spare time I enjoy cooking, sports, computer programming, computer games or boardgames, keeping up-to-date on popular science and maths, having a beer with friends, and going out (or staying in) with my wife.popular science, science mathcochrane, collaboration, domain, analysis, systematic1
greencareerconsult.nlWe work from Wageningen, “ City of Life Sciences”, with a decisive team. We have proven multiple times over the last years, that we are able to connect professionals and organisations in an excellent way.life science, science decisivecareer, candidate, executive, reference, vacancy1
micarealestate.nlTheir focus spans sustainable offices, life sciences, retail, residential and hospitality, leveraging local expertise, knowledge, networks, and pro-active management for unlocking qualitative and quantitative value.life science, science retailestate, investment, gateway, intelligence, asset1
energyintegrated.nlWith a solid base in a university computing science background. The modern IT and project skills required are combined with specific market knowledge to work effectively in projects. Adding value by making sure integration is achieved on…computing science, science backgroundintegrate, consulting, function, difficulty, functional1
jotjabessems.nlRaised in the southern hills of the Netherlands, Jotja studied Science of Media and Culture (Theatre, Film and Television) in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Since her internship at the regional television station, she developed her skills as…jotja science, science mediatelevision, independent, documentary, producer, educational1
pierie.nlOn this website we try to explain the science behind climate change, sustainability and human involvement through the use of a simple formula, stating that the impact (I) humanity has on the planet is determined by three main factors…website science, science climatehistoric, uncategorized, pyramid, fossil, conventional1
expatdental.nlIn 2004 she obtained her Bachelor of Health degree at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. Since then I have started working as a dental hygienist. To this day I work with great pleasure and passion.apply science, science amsterdamdental, tooth, patient, treatment, dentistry1
vortech.nlWe offer machine learning engineering services for applications in science and engineering, where data comes from sensors.application science, science engineeringscientific, simulation, forecasting, modeling, twin1
marijehofland.nlGuest lecturer at several universities; Psychology Department - Social Science - Educational Science, The Centre for Child Support, the Police Academy in The Haguesocial science, science educational, educational science, science centreoptimization, assignment, engine, traffic, responsible1
wouterbulten.nlI am Wouter Bulten, currently working as the Chief Operating & Product officer at Aiosyn . I have a background in computer science and artificial intelligence. I worked as a software engineer, and have a PhD on computational pathology…computer science, science artificialdescription, automation, cooking, recipe, archive1
crearesocial.nlThis year CREARE starts with a series of workshops on value-based approach to emerging commonning practices in the cross-section between arts, science and policy making. As part of GLAMMONS, we are exploring how the Joint Research Center…art science, science policycultural, october, common, sci, collaboration1
citiesofthings.nlWe also have partnerships with Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Creating010 knowledge center, and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.apply science, science knowledgelab, manifesto, relationship, passive, positive1
regenerativefarming.nlScience based and quantified transition scenario’s from the existing agriculture system towards the 2050 outline.regenerative, farming, agriculture, uk, carbon1
pressingmatter.nlPressing Matter is a four-year international research programme about colonial heritage and its legacies, financed by the Dutch National Science Agenda (NWA) and coordinated from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Partners are the National…national science, science agendamatter, heritage, colonial, ownership, critical1
nl-openscreen.nlThis consortium establishes a national academic infrastructure called NL-OPENSCREEN open to the Dutch life science community. Through NL-OPENSCREEN we will make small-molecule libraries and screening facilities available for high…life science, science communitychemical, assay, throughput, translation, phenotypic1
marcelvanderhaas.nlAs the youngest of eight children from a farming family, I quickly developed a great interest in the psychology of people, group dynamics and the underlying communication within and between groups. Following my degree in Communication…communication science, science managerder, systemic, dialogue, reference, background1
punge.nl…students in order to know if they have implemented the material. Sapling Learning makes it easy for teachers to design (science and economics) homework and analyze the efficiency of their lessons by standardized questions and answers.teacher science, science economicsxsw, alive, lesson, playful, electronic1
chaimkleinbreteler.nlMy name is Chaim Klein Breteler, born in 1998. I am studying Industrial Product Design at the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem. Together with three friends I live in a beautiful house in Nijmegen.apply science, science arnhemindustrial, evacuation, storage, immediately, secondary1
haptotherapie-esther.nlHaptotherapy is the therapy based on the philosophy of haptonomy and can be described as a science that studies and describes the phenomena of human interaction. The essence of haptotherapy is to help the client become aware (again) of…haptonomy science, science phenomenonhaptotherapy, relationship, session, feeling, path1
taalbureau-ij.nlTaalbureau IJ is a translation and editorial agency. Specialised in translating from English and Scandinavian languages into Dutch. Topics related to culture, history, popular science, interior design, food and lifestyle to name but a…popular science, science interiortranslation, correction, specialisation, edit, scandinavian1
projectnomp.nlIn the beginning there was an idea to create science-based VR entertaiment to promote sustainability . Now we hold in our hands an VR experience that gives you a front-row seat to the impact of your unsustainable behaviour .idea science, science vrbehaviour, researcher, waste, consumption, efficacy1
wilmavanagthoven.nlAfter studying socio-cultural sciences at Utrecht University and having worked as a scientist in health care for some years, I decided to change my career and turn my attention to drawing & painting and working with glass. I use and…cultural science, science utrechtglass, painting, oil, acrylic, technique1
thehappyfacespiders.nl18 December 2019 – Performance at the Christmas party of the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, available here .life science, science availableface, leave, head, notice, later1
wateriq.nlSituated at the campus of Wageningen University, in the heart of the vibrant Foodvalley - amidst a tapestry of science and innovation - our R&D center sets the stage for further research and development of our technologies, enabling us to…tapestry science, science innovationmalt, groundwater, treatment, circular, remediation1
simonbruins.nlAfter finishing highschool he went to University College Utrecht where, besides tracks in anthropology and neuroscience, he majored in Computer Science. He continued at Utrecht University with a master in Game and Media Technology but…computer science, science utrechtlab, traffic, spain, town, near1
awaywithwords.nl…shop for a while (when they were still around) and has been working in the translation industry since 2005 in almost any position you can imagine. He has a family, two daughters, a cat, and a passion for music, games and science fiction.game science, science fictiontranslation, french, rate, audience, transparent1
artfulparticipation.nlThe Artful Participation project was a collaboration between philharmonie zuidnederland, Maastricht University, and Zuyd University of Applied Science (the research centre for Arts, Autonomy & the Public Sphere, and Conservatorium…apply science, science researchparticipation, explore, audience, exp, musician1
758sweetlake.nl…Maker at the sweet spot between simplicity and intellectual purity to answer design problems with honest solutions. I work with Fortune 500 companies and startups at the junction of art and computer science to give life to your brand.computer science, science lifefont, vehicle, ship, passenger, sweet1
arjenvanheck.nlGraduated from the International Game Architecture and Design study at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences.programmer, interest, architecture, study, apply1
basleunissen.nlOur goal as a company was to get important data to the people that work, study or live at Science Park. We combined several data streams such as the weather, traffic and public transportation information into one comprehensive dashboard…people science, science park, building sciencelab, woodland, overview, payment, tactile1
mindresearchfacility.nlThe facility collaborates with different (inter)national academic and industrial partners, and is part of various local (e.g. U-AIM , U-PORT ), national (e.g. Dutch Science Agenda ‘ProMiSe’ , MKMD , Health Holland project ‘NANO+’ , NWO…dutch science, science agendafacility, microscopy, slider, organoid, fluorescent1
jeffreykool.nlI graduated in Communication and Multimedia Design at the (HvA) Amsterdam university of applied sciences. I currently live in the Randstad, The Netherlands.apply science, science currentlycreation, ux, migration, react, symfony1
bmatechne.nlOrganizing and managing the research group smart functional materials at Saxion University of applied sciences.textile, assignment, resume, industrial, reuse1
msc-epidemiology.nlThe MSc Epidemiology is organised within the Graduate School of Life Sciences, and is part of Utrecht University and University Medical Center Utrechtlife science, science utrechtepidemiology, difference, graduate, advanced, phd1
celth.nlBreda University of Applied Sciences HZ University of Applied Sciences NHL Stenden ETFIapply science, science hz, science nhltourism, hospitality, destination, conscious, resident1
corpuscongresscentre.nlIn the middle of Leiden Bio Science Park you will find CORPUS Congress Centre: the place where everything revolves around health and the human body. This is where you organize events that make your heart beat faster!bio science, science parkcongress, hall, conference, package, property1
jacquiemariawessels.nlBecause of science and technical development, cars have developed into computer-controlled machines. As a result, the former 'personal and organized chaos' in the garages is being replaced by sterile order, as a result of which…newspaper, exhibition, surinam, memory, publication1
lab-air.nlFor a systemic change we need each other. Lab AIR connects worlds of science, art, industry, activism, design, politics, policy, care and education. Research and design collective Lab AIR invites YOU to join. To spark a movement for…world science, science artlab, sky, collective, invisible, directly1
lighthousetexts.nl…proceedings, poster presentations. The following fields are particularly within my scope: Arts and Culture; Media and Communication; Architecture and Design; Philosophy; Social Sciences; Psychology; Medicine, especially Psychiatry.social science, science psychologylighthouse, translation, academic, medicine, psychiatry1
techjournal.nlIntroduction CS50 is one of the most well known and prestigious courses on computer science. The course is offered by Harvard University faculty and based on Edx it has already more than 2.8 millions enrolled students. I was going through…computer science, science coursejournal, trading, orchestration, automation, networking1
firstreach.nlFirst Reach B.V., established in 2011, is located in the Amsterdam area and provides part-time management support to companies in the life sciences industry and both profit and non-profit organizations in the health care environment…life science, science industryreach, clinical, advise, strategic, profit1
individualsatamfi.nliNDiViDUALS is an initiative of AMFI – Amsterdam Fashion Institute and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.rental, institute, framework, dialogue, collective1
klappercom.nlWhat science tells us about drivers of engagement, sharing and liking Tuesday December 12th, 2017programme, effective, tuesday, request, background1
eurosolarnl.nlThe Adaptation Sciences research program funded a project to assess vulnerability to sea level rise and implement feasible strategies …adaptation science, science researchclimate, section, renewable, association, ocean1
autilogic.nlFBFD is an science-fiction game made by RD Games based on the true story of institutional care and wellbeing.fbfd science, science fictiondisorder, autism, mental, psychiatric, corruption1
bloedenhoning.nlIrene van der Linde (1963) has worked on the editorial board of De Groene Amsterdammer since 2012. She studied historical sciences at the University of Amsterdam and worked for years as a freelance writer and journalist for various daily…historical science, science universityhoney, blood, der, region, writer1
knpsv.nlThe Royal Dutch Pharmacy Students’ Association (in Dutch: Koninklijke Nederlandse Pharmaceutische Studenten Vereniging) represents the professional and social interests of more than 3900 pharmacy students and (bio-)pharmaceutical sciences…student science, science studentcommittee, congress, disease, association, fund1
giselinde.nlResearch Professor of Sociology, KULeuven, Belgium Research affiliations: Center for Sociological Research (CeSO), Research group in Theory, Culture and Religion Teaches in: Faculty of Social Sciences, KULeuven Cartoon character in…social science, science kuleuven, arts science, science makepublication, talk, academic, animate, woman1
talk2harry.nlMy academic journey began when I pursued a bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the University of Ioannina. My interest in the intersection of science, technology, and the environment led me to move to Amsterdam, where I dived into the field…intersection science, science technologytherapy, disorder, pricing, psychologist, anxiety1
theswimacademy.nlWe believe that personal attention and guidance will help you set clear goals that can be worked towards effectively. Experienced swim trainers work in a small group or private setting according to the most recent insights from Human…movement science, science smallswim, swimming, technique, adult, overview1
tinbergen.nlAre you more interested in Business Data Science? Then take a look at our partner research master program .data science, science summer, science lookplacement, institute, economic, graduate, tuition1
brabantfish.nlOur food is our medicine for the future. We keep getting older and although medical science is developing fast, prevention is still better than cure. Claresse¬†wants to offer a tasteful and justified alternative to meat and fish species…medical science, science fastfish, farm, processing, justify, medicine1
rootstherapy.nlTheoni Karanikolou van Hoogenhuljze is a clinical psychologist who obtained her university degree in Psychology from Pantelon University of Athens. Subsequently graduated from Leiden University in The Netherlands with the degree Master of…master science, science clinaltherapy, psychologist, session, therapeutic, therapist1
jurjenverbruggen.nlLet me introduce myself. My name is Jurjen, I am 22 years old, and I recently graduated from Fontys University of Applied Sciences with a BSc. in Software Engineering with...apply science, science bscpython, mijn, excellence, recently, apply1
laurensverspeek.nlHey, I am Laurens. A full-stack web developer with a background in Computer Science and love for Blockchain.computer science, science lovepaper, thesis, background, stack, slice1
thresher.nlAddress: Science and Technology Industrial Zone ,Shuangfeng Town ,Hunan Province,China ,417000, Loudi, Hunanaddress science, science technologycorn, rice, chaff, cutter1
sitomatic.nl…indicates that it suffers from a leaking seal or an actuator that indicates that it has stagnation when opening or closing before it actually fails, which is not science fiction but all possible using the philosophy behind Industry 4.0 .actually science, science fictionmanufacture, valve, partners, automation, actuator1
functional-metabolomics-lab.nlThe functional metabolomics lab is embedded in the Department of Microbiology of the Radboud University of the Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences (RIBES).environmental science, science ribesfunctional, lab, metabolomics, publication, enzyme1
progeo.nlAre you ready to represent your fellow students at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences? Apply now for the role of Programme Committee Member! Your Mission: “Applications for Programme Committees are now open!”spatial science, science roleuncategorized, committee, programme, interest, faculty1
sauercrowd.nlAs a dietician I believe that health starts with mindful and conscious choices. I'm fascinated with the science behind gut health and how fermented foods can support our microbiome. I will explain in the Gut-Mind journal how the gut works…choice science, science gutjournal, organic, fermentation, crowd, raw1
banyanyoga.nlYoga is a practical science, an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind and spirit.practical science, science ancientlesson, advanced, spacious, schedule, rate1
emi-twente.nlEMI Twente B.V. performs confidential contract research directly with industry in the field of membrane science and technology. We are active in almost any major relevant membrane field and we have a diverse set of expertise; including…membrane science, science technologymembrane, facility, vacancy, reference, skid1
archimediair.nlNicole van Gelder is connected to an extensive network of professionals. If required, she can involve specialists in the fields of management, leadership, organizational science and finance, as well as a wide range of legal expertise.organizational science, science financedispute, government, resolution, consultation, creativity1
itsaboutlove.nlSexological Bodywork ™ works from the latest developments in Tao's neurology, psychotherapy, body-oriented somatic sciences and energy principles.somatic science, science energyintegration, session, pelvic, bodywork, intimacy1
tuetest.nlOur multidisciplinary team currently consists of 7 bachelor and master students, from Medical Science and Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Physics. We all come from different backgrounds, with our own…medical science, science technology, computer science, science applycompetition, potential, sense, innovate, healthcare1
xentropics.nlWhile acquiring a Master in Arts & Sciences Jeroen studied the introduction of robotic surgery in clinical practice.arts science, science jeroenstrategic, intelligence, leadership, organisational, temporary1
inwardbound.nlAt InwardBound, our interdisciplinary team of psychotherapists, PhD scientists and holistic therapists believes in weaving together the threads of science and spirituality, knowing that the two ways are one. We work in the broad tradition…thread science, science spiritualitypsilocybin, psychedelic, irish, celtic, tradition1
harmanna-ai.nlThose who read or watch a lot of science fiction may be shocked by all the recent reports about AI: artificial intelligence that can play chess, that makes art, understands text, can write by itself…. Let me reassure you: for the time…lot science, science fictionprompt, generative, demand, reason, plagiarism1
xenonxl.nlNY Times News Today coverage of international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.technology science, science healthfund, channel, phong, thu, thi1
randstadchiropractie.nlDr Jaco Blaauw grew up in Namibia. He always wanted to study veterinary science but due to his love for cycling and anything sports related he decided to become a chiropractor. He qualified in 2014 and opened up three practices in the…veterinary science, science lovechiropractic, animal, pricing, horse, dog1
sebastiaanbreedveld.nlRadiotherapy is one of the main treatments for cancer, used in 50% of cancer treatments, and a multi-disciplinary field of research, mostly involving medicine, physics, mathematics, and computer science. My focus lies in improvements from…computer science, science focusradiotherapy, treatment, mathematics, presentation, cancer1
lalalie.nl2021. Nicolette composed the jingle for the podcast series of Childbirth Network, the platform of Midwifery Science Amsterdam UMC. Online soon.midwifery science, science amsterdamcomposer, lie, gear, documentary, guitar1
jk-consult.nlI had the opportunity to join and participate in the Swiss pgday ( find the program here ) in the beautiful town of Rapperswil , at the university of applied science (HSR) . Together with my friend and colleague, Postgres founding core…apply science, science hsrpostgres, oracle, postgresql, january, leave1
digitalsustainabilitycenter.nlDigitalisation is an essential aspect of sustainability and digitalisation itself must also be sustainable. On October 18 2022, professor Patricia Lago has signed the Digital Sustainability Manifesto, on behalf of the department Computer…computer science, science vusustainability, lab, drop, resource, january1
kjellnoordzij.nlWe see again that the social sciences are difficult for social reasons: the sociologist is the one who goes out in the street to interview Mr. and Mrs. Anybody, listens to her, and tries to learn from her. This is what Socrates used to…social science, science difficultsociologist, citizen, representation, political, cultural1
lamp-ion.nlThe combination and integration of different disciplines is the strength of Lamp-ion. The goal of Lamp-ion is to fill the gap between science and industry for the development of new technological concepts and products.gap science, science industryion, wave, greenhouse, grant, ecological1
kdoes.nlShe has excellent knowledge of cognition, visual design, computer science, design methods, analytics, logic and internet technology.computer science, science designux, interaction, recommendation, role, deliverables1
frederikhogenboom.nlData Science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data in various forms, both structured and unstructured, similar to data mining. Data…data science, science interdisciplinary, science concept, information science, science computertrading, extraction, profile, semantic, computational1
jeroenmens.nlSecondly, with this site I would like to show and share different aspect of my work as a lecturer at the HU (Hogeschool Utrecht) University of Applied Sciences. As a lecturer at the Institute of Built Environment being specialized in…apply science, science lecturerfavorite, didactical, excursion, graduation, jewish1
aiandsociety.nlThe symposium is organised by Leiden University’s interdisciplinary Programme SAILS, which stands for Society, AI and Life Science, and will take place on 23 June 2023 at Leiden University’s The Hague Campus, Wijnhaven Building .life science, science placesociety, conference, hague, programme, background1
hofmeester-natuur.nlCurrently, I work as a researcher at the department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental studies of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå, and I am the chairman of the Small Mustelid Foundation .agricultural science, science umeåwildlife, musician, biologist, dancer, photographer1
iinn.nlAveda: Discover the art and science of pure flower and plant essences. We believe that nature is the best beauty artist of all…. read moreart science, science puretreatment, hair, appointment, face, rate1
pridecompany.nlFounded in 2006 Pride Company is an international search boutique. With an emphasis on our clients diversity and inclusion challenges. We work, amongst others, in the IT, Hospitality, Banking, Life Sciences, FMCG and Retail Industries…life science, science fmcgpride, candidate, vacancy, uk, strategic1
vmbaggum.nlYou will find out how using VMware’s end-user computing solution enabled the science team to deliver complex applications that map the archeology of the Black Sea.solution science, science teamvmware, vsan, session, august, vcf1
p-w-consultancy.nlWith specialisted translators wit different expertise in Medical, Law, Patent, International Business, Technical, Biology,Chemical, Science, Politics, Machine Prosessing, Computer, Shipping, Off Shore, Marine, Flora Fauna, etc.chemical science, science politicstranslation, translator, quotation, background, native1
islt.nl…so many personal swimming successes. Together with companies, research universities, universities of applied sciences, trainers and athletes we are continuously making strides in optimizing swimming performances. Through our…apply science, science trainercompetitive, athlete, swimming, union, beneficial1
anthropo-gazing.nlAnthropology, as a cross-cultural comparative science, in a culture-clashing world has the future. Read more..comparative science, science culturegaze, evolutionary, anthropology, paradise, forthcoming1
gsafontys.nlWelcome to the website of GSA Fontys, the GSA at Fontys University of Applied Sciences.apply, employee, interest, diversity, proudly1
grundsatzlich-it.nl…something like “in the core” or “in principle”. The principles of Grundsätzlich IT as a company are: to act with integrity, to provide the best value for the customer and to create solutions founded in mathematics and computer science.publication, presentation, modelling, warehouse, reference1
kid-oh.nl"Going to the Kid-Oh is like going on a magical adventure! I get to paint, play with science, and make new friends. I always leave with a big smile on my face!"adventure science, science newkid, camp, inspiration, booking, birthday1
pilatesprofessionalsnetherlands.nlPPN is a legislative voice for teachers and students and extends its influence by actively building bridges between the Pilates community and the latest developments in movement science and therapy.movement science, science therapyconference, teacher, association, membership, directory1
martinrohde.nlSeptember 2021 - Paper on a technique to use ultra-sound to measure low viscous fluids is accepted for publication in Measurement Science and Technology! Authors are Sara Mastromarino, Remko Rook, Dick de Haas, Eric Verschuur, Jan-Leen…measurement science, science technologynuclear, phenomenon, molten, salt, phd1
stichtingterrabella.nlIn June 2010 an article about the way we participate with the local government in maintaining our public space appeared in the Journal of Architecture and Building Science.participation, government, resident, involvement, neighbourhood1
avop.nlTogether with you, we work on solutions which will support your organisation in achieving her goals. In doing so, we view issues from several different angles and insights; e.g. change-science, psychology and business science. We are…change science, science psychology, business science, science curiosityassessment, organisational, executive, competence, dual1
cultivators.nlThe Operational Excellence Training (OET) simulates medical cannabis cultivation and establishes best practices and operational excellence through a comprehensive and science-based practical training program. Our program is carefully put…comprehensive science, science practicallettuce, cultivation, hydroponic, leafy, reference1
rvbdesign.nlFounder Roy van Binsbergen has a solid background in architecture. After having worked for a number of years as a furniture designer and maker, he obtained his master of science degree Delft University of Technology.master science, science degreeefficient, surprising, resource, animal, meticulous1
sofi-expertise.nlSOFI-expertise is a collaboration of Dutch Universities, Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences and the Dutch Research Council and established in 2006 with the aim of sharing, developing and securing knowledge in the field of cross-border work…academy science, science dutchslide, cross, law, career, taxation1
breathehotelleiden.nlLeiden is a city where inspiration is everywhere. The city celebrated for its unique blend of science, knowledge, and rich history. Beyond that, you can also immerse yourself in delightful shopping adventures and savor the enchanting…blend science, science knowledgebreathe, official, luxury, stay, pleasant1
malmgren.nlI was born 1967 in Stockholm, Sweden. I grew up in the small village Vågdalen in north Sweden. 1989 I moved to Umeå to study Computer Science at University of Umeå. 1995 I moved to the Netherlands where I live in Almere not far from…computer science, science universityhall, staircase, song, layer, ceiling1
jedidjahjulianoomen.nlMember of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association and the Canadian SFFAmember science, science fictionnarrative, write, lecture, collaboration, improv1
systemarchitect.nl…for sectors including the semiconductor industry, and thin-film depositions for solar cells, medical equipment, science and industry. VDL ETG T&D is a dynamic and innovative organisation, where we greatly value employees who show…equipment science, science industrymechanical, colleague, leadership, vacancy, workplace1
nanotme.nlNanoTME2021 has invited leading scientists from both fields to present their latest research and have interactive discussions. The conference will be characterized by minimal cost, excellent science and ample opportunity for discussions.excellent science, science ampleconference, tme, registration, committee, scientist1
cistus.nlCistus delivers services for companies seeking advice on the use of PostgreSQL, R and in the area of design of RDBMS' and data science.related, literate, programming, postgresql, assumption1
learndutchgroningen.nlThe DLSA has close ties to the International School Groningen, Maartenscollege Groningen, Groningse Schoolvereniging (GSV) and the Graduate School of Science and Engineering (RUG-Science Park Zernike).school science, science engineering, rug science, science parkadvanced, adult, candidate, expat, parent1
mstiekema.nlStudying Computer Science at Utrecht University & working at Versatyle as a DevOps & Software Engineercomputer science, science utrechtdevops1
voogtserviceinnovation.nl…knowledge we offer governments and businesses tailor-made training, workshops or lectures. For example, we provided a guest lecture at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and a lecture at the Delft University of Technology.apply science, science lecturegovernment, entrepreneurship, voor, innovative, society1
bbbosrandgroesbeek.nlWe are Tilly and Sjef Schmiermann. After an active life as a teacher in community science (MBO) and teacher of history (HBO), we are retired and enjoy our pension since January 2017 and above all enjoy we our three children, their…community science, science mboapartment, pricing, reservation, ground, scale1
proglab.nlOne of the essential elements of our courses are the interactions with classmates and teaching assistants. When you're doing a full minor in one semester (Dutch only), you'll spend the full work week at Amsterdam Science Park, together…amsterdam science, science parklab, programming, elective, minor, semester1
c296.nlEver since I can remember I was intrigued by innovations and famous innovators, Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright brothers. As the years went by, I gravitated to pure science, completing a PhD in Chemical Physics and working…pure science, science phdstructural, benefit, motivation, technique, proposition1
blissayurveda.nlThe term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Ayurveda translates to knowledge or science of life. This ancient science from India dates back to over 5,000 years ago. It is a holistic…veda science, science knowledge, knowledge science, science life, ancient sciencebliss, diet, ayurvedic, balance, spirit1
effectuation.nlOn this website and through our program you will discover that there is a science to entrepreneurship — a common logic we have observed in expert entrepreneurs across industries, geographies, and time. We call it Effectuation, a method…program science, science entrepreneurshipentrepreneur, principle, entrepreneurial, visionary, potential1
keiweek.nl…general introduction week for all incoming higher education students, both at the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. The KEI-week is the oldest, largest and cheapest introduction week in the Netherlands.apply science, science keileader, participant, introduction, functional, limitation1
mrdh.nl…Rotterdam The Hague Airport and nearby Schiphol Airport. With top European universities, universities of applied science and many secondary and vocational educational institutions here, the metropolitan region is also home to the…apply science, science secondaryregion, metropolitan, hague, municipality, partnership1
janvanderkooi.nlVan der Kooi and his son talk in the Volkskrant about their work on colour, in arts and science, respectively.art science, science respectivelyder, portrait, landscape, painting, colour1
cleveringabijeenkomst.nlMartine de Vries is an ethicist and philosopher of science, and is Professor in the Normative Aspects of Medicine.philosopher science, science professorlecture, pharmaceutical, medicine, registration, barge1
ludwiglive.nlIn 2022 – with a Grammy in our pocket and an impressive track record as a cross-pollinator between culture, science and society – we celebrate our tenth anniversary while moving to a new place at inspires us: our new hometown Rotterdam.culture science, science societyorchestra, brain, adventurous, booking, catalogue1
pbl.nlScience-policy interfaces for transformative change? Insights from our innovative session at the Earth System Governance conferenceenvironmental, assessment, publication, topic, climate1
shroudholograms.nlHolography is the science and practice of making holograms. Typically, a hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than of an image formed by a lens, and it is used to display a fully three-dimensional image of the…holography science, science practiceshroud, turin, lenticular, conversion, exhibition1
dnacare.nlBy combining the wisdom of science and holistic therapies, we specialize in identifying the root cause of illness and imbalance in the body, and design holistic, personalized care plans that activate your natural capacity to heal. We’re…wisdom science, science holisticfunctional, medicine, analysis, appointment, consultation1
arhoekstra.nlAnton Hoekstra has a bachelor's degree in food science and a master degree in business administration.food science, science masterimprovement, continuous, resource, georgia, especially1
livingprojects.nl…brand experience. How? By using technologies in light, sound, vision, smell and digital control. Blend that with an open mind, fantasy and a bit of rocket science and “poof”… there it is - the WOW! That's what we do: we add WOW.rocket science, science pooflighting, exactly, scent, interactive, facade1
quintesense.nlBiotech and Life Sciences, both in the seed phase (start-up) and in scale-up phase (series-C financing);life science, science seedlaw, role, successfully, appointment, analysis1
utrechtayurveda.nlEmbark on a journey towards improved health and lifestyle choices for you and your family through Ayurveda. With a history rooted in prevention and cure, Ayurveda, the 'Science of Life,' offers personalized solutions.ayurveda science, science lifeayurvedic, consultation, therapy, treatment, holistic1
nap1325.nlThe Dutch National Action Plan (NAP) 1325 is a partnership between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Education, Culture and Science, Justice and Security and over 70 civil society organizations based in The Netherlands. The NAP…culture science, science justicewoman, peace, signatory, outcome, pledge1
mohammedbadran.nl…the dimensions of migration and the refugee experience. Our team has a background in anthropology and political science and therefore is experienced in applying bottom-up approaches, culturally and politically sensitive methods, and…political science, science experiencerefugee, summit, capacity, resume, anthropology1
maastrichtinternationalcentre.nlThe expertise centre is considered part of the ‘science backbone’. In addition to contract research, PhD research and its cross-border impact assessment, ITEM also addresses everyday fundamental and structural issues in which borders…centre science, science backbonecross, appointment, tax, study, resident1
boydvandijk.nl…School of Economics, King's College London, Queen Mary, and the University of Amsterdam. He studied Political Science and History in Amsterdam, Istanbul, Florence, and at Columbia University. He was shortlisted for the…political science, science historyhistorian, war, past, teach, present1
juridicatranslations.nlMy name is Erica Tegelaar. I am a lawyer and a sworn translator for the language pairs English-Dutch and Dutch-English. I successfully completed my English Translation Studies at the ITV University of Applied Sciences for Translation and…apply science, science translationtranslation, translator, lawyer, revision, proofreading1
amafitness.nl…we construct a plan that takes into account any pre-existing or potential structural and muscular imbalances, addressing weaknesses head-on, and eliminating them with the application of cutting-edge sports science program design.sport science, science programreshape, schedule, composition, north, transformation1
samanthahaitsma.nlShe’s currently working on her first feature film. Loves genres such as historical, thriller and science fiction. And describes her style as dark and surreal with a touch of comedy. She enjoys writing about strong female leads and social…thriller science, science fictionwriter, historical, nightmare, novel, movie1
samuelzwaan.nlDiverse field experience, right now getting ready for a Data Science position at eBay in NYCdata science, science positiontitle, georgia, scholarship, thesis, resume1
lauramolenaar.nlTogether with Kim Liebrand, I translated Fríða Ísberg’s science fiction-slash-philosophical novel ‘Markering’. Published: November 2022, De Geus.ísberg science, science fictionnovel, philosophical, fiction, translator, icelandic1
smartbody.nl…and certified in Pilates and the Alexander Technique . Smartbody’s teachers continually delve into the art and science of these disciplines, making them some of the best in Amsterdam. The studio’s elegant and intimate space features…art science, science disciplineteacher, schedule, highly, technique, introduction1
dhealth.nlWe are pleased to invite you to the dHealth and Data Science Center in Health (DASH) Machine Learning Lab seminar, which will focus on the theme ‘How to Market Your AI’. This event, taking place on the 31st of May from 4-7 pm at the UMCG…data science, science centerlab, entrepreneurship, device, healthy, consideration1
truestory-identity.nlAlexandra studied Visual Communication at the University of Applied Sciences in Dusseldorf, Germany. After mainly working for the fashion industry and communication advisors for Dax-30 companies, she shifted her focus towards the…apply science, science dusseldorfidentity, true, package, piece, request1
bureaulara.nlBureau Lara develops course material for several organisations for education. Also, Bureau Lara writes specialist literature in the field of Human Resource Management and the interface of Human Resource Management and management sciences.domain, literature, resource, quantitative, reproduction1
crispmaastricht.nlWelcome to the Centre for Research Innovation, Support and Policy (CRISP) of Maastricht University Medical Center (UMC+) /Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML), Maastricht University.life science, science fhmlcrisp, facility, committee, lab, glove1
mcorstjens.nlI'm an allround multimedia developer with a passion for digital media and technology, and recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in ICT & Media Design at the Fontys university of applied sciences in Eindhoven.university science, science eindhovenmonkey, modeling, tall, politically, bug1
acropolis400.nlSlot cars provide a perfect teaching tool for physical science. Get kids promote how vehicles accelerate, decelerate, and defy gravitational forces as they fly at the top of a high-banked curve. Exactly why is one car faster compared…physical science, science kid, car science, science fairuncategorized, gambling, gambler, july, window1
bitpatroon.nlLong before the internet became accessible to the public, my journey with computers began. In 1999, this journey culminated in a Master's degree in Computer Science from the esteemed University of Twente.computer science, science esteemlandscape, api, realm, cohesive, integration1
rotscheid.nlGert-Jan is retired from an applied science institute where he worked as a chemical analyst and then as a safety supervisor. Susie has also stopped working as the webmaster for the county government, and we plan to spend more time in the…apply science, science institutedance, teacher, schedule, upcoming, archive1
tenshinshodenkatorishintoryu.nl…gunbaiho (troop movement and positioning), noroshi (smoke signaling) and ninjutsu (espionage) as well as sciences observing the interplay of yin and yang including tenmon chiri fusui (astrology and topography)) and personal…espionage science, science interplaytradition, generation, japanese, publication, hague1
advantex.nlAlbert Einstein: "Science is the century-old endeavor to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thorough-going an association as possible."einstein science, science centurylaboratory, profile, think, endeavor, association1
mariskaleeflang.nlScience is more than mocing from one new discovery to another. It is often hard and sometimes boring work, getting bit by bit closer to the truth. In my case, science is also about showing that grand discoveries are sometimes based on…case science, science grandmedicine, fanatic, evaluation, evidence, discovery1
medtech.nlMedTechNL consists of companies, university medical centres, hospitals, care centres, technical universities, universities of applied sciences, TNO, health funds and various policymakers that are collaborating on a Growth Fund proposal…apply science, science tnomedtech, economic, growth, fund, healthcare1
connectinglight.nlCombining science with ancient medicine and philosophy to illuminate exactly what you need.session, connect, physical, emotional, lymphatic1
bluebrother.nl... but also with big pleasure we make non commercial projects like this scientific congers page of foundation for Movement Science or acupuncture page...movement science, science acupunctureinteractive, builder, presence, brother, visual1
noigroupshop.nlWhat can illusions teach us about pain? Is what we see, hear, and feel as simple as it appears to be? The modern science of perception has unearthed new ways to think about pain – as a multi-sensory and multi-factorial phenomenon.modern science, science perceptionpain, handbook, explain, knee, imagery1
energy-tue.nl…for energy and high-tech applications. This mission encompasses research and development of new methods and tools (science); improving applied systems (technology); exchanging knowledge with our partners in society (valorization) and…tool science, science systemfluid, dynamic, internship, graduation, phd1
svmachiavelli.nlThe Study Association of Political Science students at the University of Amsterdampolitical science, science studentcoordinator, talk, political, trust, teacher1
joshuarooijakkers.nlI am Joshua, a Game Developer from the Netherlands. I started making games in Unity in 2018 and have since released multiple games, both on the Play Store and Steam. Currently I'm studying game programming at the Breda Univeristy of…apply science, science specialityskull, sculpt, character, military, passionate1
securitystudenten.nlThe Security Management-course is part of Saxion University of Applied Sciences. During the first year there was a wish amongst the new students for additional activities above of what Saxion offers. Most of the teachers emphasize the…apply science, science yearmijn, association, motivate, reason, importance1
campushuisarts.nlWith its general practice locations in Enschede on the Campus of the UT and the Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Campus UT General Practice Practice is especially for all students and employees of the University of Twente and…apply science, science campus, science enschededoctor, registration, prescription, appointment, ut1
7roceanconcept.nlAnna graduated from Technical University of Gdansk with Master of Science degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. In 2000, her passion for sailing lead her to Yacht Studio Strawinski and Sunreef Yachts – the biggest shipyard…master science, science degreeocean, yacht, naval, architecture, structural1
climatecontact.nlCC-C is run by Leo Meyer (1948). He has a long career in the interface between climate science and policy.climate science, science policyclimate, scientific, audience, variety, accessible1
maastrichttravelclinic.nl…transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population-based prevention with…health science, science interdisciplinarytropical, medicine, collaboration, consultation, physician1
poortvlietdelft.nlI got my degree in computer science and will be happy to help out with any query you got.computer science, science happysubject, query, stable, interested, variety1
technologyparkypenburg.nlOur TPY Academy functions as a bridge between companies and talent. TPY partnered up with vocational schools, Universities of Applied Sciences and the Delft University of Technology, all located within less than 10 km away from out Campus.apply science, science delftminded, hague, acceleration, creation, incubation1
lemongrasshealth.nlThai massage or Thai handicrafts is another important science and art field. of the academic principles of Thai traditional medicine in the fight against various ailments Thai massage nowadays is Thai wisdom that has been integrated…important science, science art, medical science, science medicallemongrass, pain, blood, muscle, therapy1
jorisbaan.nlMarch 2022 - Guest lecture “Introduction to Transformers”, second year Data Science BSc students at the IT University of Copenhagen.data science, science bscphd, candidate, processing, paper, uncertainty1
bme2022.nlThe field of Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly developing field, with many breakthroughs at the edge between medical and technical sciences. Therefore, medical scientist as well as engineering scientists are explicitly invited to this…technical science, science medicalconference, january, committee, scientist, organize1
martijnzoet.nl…FinTech and HosTech. The core of his research focusses on how concepts, methods and technology impact you and your organization. Martijn is professor at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, and is supervising multiple PhD candidates.apply science, science multiplepublication, presentation, decision, artificial, intelligence1
matth-ijs.nlEverybody’s doing AI. And so am I! Last week, I got bored and decided to mess with the OpenAI-API. This resulted in a script that reads in a blog-post and then generates a square image to go with it. Not exactly rocket-science, but it was…rocket science, science funpuzzle, easter, yearly, transition, archive1
icat-utrecht.nlUtrecht Science Park (USP) is located in the center of the Netherlands and home to excellent knowledge institutes and start-ups. In addition to the presence of the UMC Utrecht and the Prinses Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, it…utrecht science, science parktherapy, regenerative, advanced, infrastructure, treatment1
maaikejetten.nlfocus on the educational side. As this is not necessarily a topic that the TU/e is focused, I am going to follow the course Instructional Design and Evaluation from the Educational Sciences master at the University of Utrecht next semester.educational science, science masterfinal, educational, identity, visual, narrative1
simplifaai.nlCybersecurity governance: a safe digital future with humanities, exact and social sciences πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Β / πŸ‡³πŸ‡±initiative, fighter, somewhat, grandma, researcher1
ada-alumni.nlThe goal of Ada is to maintain contacts between alumni from the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the TU/e. To accomplish this goal we organise one or more activities per year to keep in touch with your old study friends…computer science, science tuorigin, association, study, mathematics, additionally1
breathful.nlIsta Boszhard holds two Bachelors (Fashion Design and Cultural Sciences) and a Master of Arts. An impactful shiatsu treatment in 2012 connected her (again) with the wisdom and self-healing ability of her body. From that moment on Ista…cultural science, science mastersession, breath, breathe, limited, complaint1
grunn-ix.nlWe are currently present in the QTS GRO1 datacenter in Groningen, as well as in NIKHEF and Interxion AMS17 Science Park in Amsterdam.interxion science, science parkport, request, traffic, exchange, currently1
butff.nlOf course! You will be treated to beer from KWA brewery, who brews a special festival editon beer every year. With names such as 'Rocket Science', 'Creep' and 'Blind Date'. Also there is the Schelde brewery. Dutch IPA influenced by our…rocket science, science creepmovie, pass, trash, volunteer, underground1
connectingagriandfood.nl…manner, coordinate their activities and share information. Meanwhile, as an independent organization, we have spent 10 years working for dozens of clients in the agrifood domain from our position between science and practice.position science, science practiceconnect, chain, farming, analysis, society1
studyinthehague.nlIn student city The Hague you can learn and live. With more than 35,000 other full-time (international) students at universities and universities of applied sciences, this is a perfect place to make your future plans. The city not only…apply science, science perfecthague, study, housing, liberation, contest1
thebird.nlOctober 2020: the Utrecht University Graduate School of Life Sciences awarded Advanced Bioinformatics: data mining and integration for Life Sciences the best Master’s course of the academic year 2018-2019. The Utrecht Bioinformatics…life science, science advanced, science goodpublication, bioinformatics, progress, dragon, highlight1
birdrecruitment.nlIntroductie Do you have a BSc in life sciences and experience in cell culturing? We are looking for you! Organisatie Information available upon request. Functie - Performing cell culturing experiments- Preparation of media, visual…life science, science experiencebird, technician, request, qa, qc1
sohipstudie.nlThe research will be conducted by the department of geriatric health in the Academic Medical Center of Amsterdam, the research department Digital Life from the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam and the research group…apply science, science amsterdamstudy, fracture, elderly, rehabilitation, institution1
medievalbooks.nllong a binding needed to be scanned in order to reveal its hidden treasure – remains a practical road block between science and unveiling a medieval source that has never been tapped into systematically. The images you see in Fig. 6-8 wereblock science, science medievalmedieval, figure, library, fig, scribe1
mobidot.nlDr. Ondrej Mitas Academy for Tourism, Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlandsapply science, science netherlandsmobility, pattern, modality, behaviour, distribution1
ecosim.nlDEAR VISITORS OF THE SCIENCE ON STAGE FESTIVAL LONDON and of the WEEC CONFERENCE GOTHENBORG: the ecosim assignment SUNFISH DISASTER (presented on the conference) can be downloaded from the download page.visitor science, science stageassignment, conference, advanced, highschool, simulation1
causalpolicy.nlThis project is developed and maintained by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team.data science, science sodacausal, intervention, practical, lecture, synthetic1
oqin.nl…vast experience in solar and we are working on other renewable energy sources as well. Furthermore, we are developing solutions to use advanced techniques in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science to create more value.data science, science valueoil, executive, renewable, fairly, stakeholder1
specialistjeugd.nlLearn the 5 Simple E-Commerce Strategies that can create BIG RESULTS in your E-Commerce Business, All Proven by Science.productivity, worth, framework, anxiety, connect1
eshdavinci.nlYou can join us if you study (including PhD) at the TU/e, or any institute of applied science (HBO) in Eindhoven, and can thus obtain a student sports card at the Student Sports Centre Eindhoven .apply science, science hbomembership, regular, phd, institute, apply1
onk.nlStarting from November 2023, Yanan will be joining the Enterprise & Art team. As a project assistant at KunstRAI / Art Amsterdam – March 27 to April 1, 2024 – she will be focusing on various tasks. Yanan studied Media and Cultural…cultural science, science utrechtenterprise, exhibition, publication, catalog, paper1
newwomenshealth.nlProviding a different approach through woman-centred care, the latest science on women’s health and natural treatment modalities.late science, science womanwoman, treatment, medicine, conventional, doctor1
bangedagen.nlIn "The nature of Nature" the author invites the reader to reflect on some aspects of the fundamental variables that constitute our universe: time, mass, energy, light ... Are they what they seem to be? But most importantly, are they what…importantly science, science author, way science, science scientistwestern, society, climate, civilization, uk1
multiple-impact.nlSenior housing, healthcare, mixed-use, educational facilities, life sciences and various non-profit real estate.life science, science nonmultiple, investment, asset, advisory, firm1
bongers-ets.nlDr. ir. Marina Bongers is an environmental toxicologist. She holds a PhD degree in Biology (Earth and Life Sciences) from the VU University , Amsterdam, in the Netherlands and an MSc degree in Environmental Sciences from the Wageningen…life science, science vu, environmental science, science wageningenregulatory, environmental, chemical, earth, biology1
conance.nlSteven graduated at Erasmus University in Rotterdam as a Master of Science in Business Administration, with focus on Strategic Management. In 2014 he decided to deepen and broaden his scope by following the Executive master of Finance &…master science, science businessrole, situation, report, revenue, allocation1
healthinnovations.nl…recommendations combined with interactive elements (e.g. live webinars) aimed at translating the latest sleep science into actionable, habit-changing advice. The investment will be used to further develop the existing sleep platform.sleep science, science actionableinvestment, healthcare, million, investor, patient1
dafnevanbaarle.nlMy clients include Dutch Ministeries, large corporations, a university of applied science, outlet centers and trade mission organizers. I also cooperate on a regular basis with Intercultural Business Improvement .apply science, science outletarab, region, culturally, commercially, presentation1
velthuis-consulting.nlBachelor's Degree in Computer Science ABC Technical Institute, Jefferson, Missouricomputer science, science abcconsulting, resume, analyst, present, institute1
sjaaklaan.nlWhether you need an introduction to infrastructure technologies, a refresher course, or a study guide for a computer science class, you will find that the building blocks and concepts presented provide a solid foundation for understanding…computer science, science classinfrastructure, architecture, quantum, computing, chapter1
lanterstechnology.nlLanters Technology embodies a team with great variety of technical competences. The completeness differs from software engineering, data science, mechatronics and mechanics. Despite our different capabilities and interests, we are a very…data science, science mechatronicprovince, analysis, facilitation, device, appropriate1
intreeweek.nl…this is practical or not (travel distance, public transport, etc.). In addition, we offer a limited amount of places to sleep in the USC sports hall at the UvA Science Park. You can purchase this option when buying a ticket for Intreeweek.uva science, science parkofficial, introduction, august, promotion, fact1
heartdogs.nl…a safe and calming environment to enjoy their walks to the fullest. But what truly sets us apart is our tireless dedication to quality, where everything we offer not only comes from the heart but also from science. The best of both worlds!heart science, science gooddog, walk, sensitive, soul, behavior1
dezaakshell.nlAnoek Nuyens and Rebekka de Wit make social-engaged, documentary theatre. The conversation they initiate extends over diverse social domains and platforms: from politics to science, from fact to fiction, from theatre to newspaper and…politics science, science facttrial, theatre, documentary, piece, topic1
climatecafe.nlWhat is ClimateCafé? ClimateCafé is a field education concept involving different fields of science and practice for capacity building in climate change adaptation. ClimateCafé involves the development of a set of measurement tools that…field science, science practiceclimate, adaptation, publication, urgent, vulnerable1
altumconsulting.nlScience Meets Finance: Strategic Staffing Solutions for Syncona Investment Management Limited Read Moreconsulting, role, candidate, charity, transformation1
subliem-vu.nlS.A. Subliem is the study association for bachelor’s and master’s students Science, Business & Innovation. Read more about the programme here .student science, science businessstudy, association, committee, minor, venture1
move-metrics.nlMove-Metrics empowers sport and health applications with data science and artificial intelligence.data science, science artificialintegration, run, api, metric, wearable1
eyequestion.nlNantes, France, recently played host to the Pangborn 2023 conference, bringing together leading experts in the field of sensory and consumer science. Among the enthusiasticconsumer science, science enthusiasticconsumer, sensory, pricing, analysis, questionnaire1
museumdegriffioen.nlThe aim of the foundation is to preserve medical and pharmaceutical devices used in the history of medicine and in doing so providing a picture of the development of the medical science throughout the last centuries.medical science, science centurypharmaceutical, medicine, visit, griffin, door1
spectrapartners.nlSpectraPartners specialises in x-ray equipment and electro-optical equipment for radiometry, photometry, colorimetry and spectroscopy. Our wide product range touches aspects from everyday life to the most advanced science, from hyper…advanced science, science hyperradiation, optical, measurement, ray, spectral1
thinkpractice.nl…in smart apps, particularly those designed for the Apple ecosystem. We have an extensive background in computer science, having developed apps for various platforms. Recently, we have focused on data science and artificial intelligence.computer science, science having, datum science, science artificialpractical, powerful, especially, save, currently1
arbitrationlaw.nlLaw & More is a dynamic multidisciplinary Dutch law firm and tax advisory specializing in Dutch corporate, commercial and tax law and is based in Amsterdam and the Eindhoven Science Park – the Dutch “Silicon Valley” in The Netherlands.eindhoven science, science parkarbitration, law, dispute, agreement, rule1
adamklerkx.nlHi, I'm Adam Klerkx, an 18-year-old student at the University of Applied Sciences, studying Mechanical Engineering. I graduated from the Metis Montessori Lyceum in 2023. I'm half Dutch and half French, fluent in both Dutch and English. My…apply science, science mechanicalgithub, programming, bit, python, fusion1
gripconsultancy.nlthe board and management of large, complex organisations and has managed project teams with professionals. In addition to computer science education, Danny has followed the postgraduate IT auditing and has successfully passed the CISA exam.computer science, science educationrisk, request, operational, enterprise, intelligence1
eitgaastra.nlBetween 2005 and 2009 I wrote the book De derde wetenschapsrevolutie (in English: The third revolution of science ). The philosophy and astronomy in this book are better than the philosophy and astronomy on this website.revolution science, science philosophyinfinite, universe, paradigm, formation, planet1
lolagielen.nlI am a product and interaction designer, conceptual thinker and a science enthusiast. After I graduated at the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2015 I've been doing a combination of self initiated projects and projects for clients. One of…thinker science, science enthusiastcatalog, moon, street, happiness, kid1
dekratomshop.nlNew product Bio moringa powder Moringa leaves are packed with nutrients, this has been known for hundreds of years and has now been confirmed by science. Moringa is rich in antioxidants, fiber, protein, potassium, iron, magnesium, Vitamin…year science, science moringavein, powder, add, malay, package1
svscopus.nlScopus is the study association of Industrial Engineering & Management at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Scopus organizes all sorts of activities related to the social and academic parts of the student life. With these…apply science, science scopuscommittee, study, association, industrial, external1
brapa-consultancy.nlBrapa Consultancy and Brapa ScienSoft BV are Dutch SME’s. Both SME’s are specialised in providing consultancy on optimising production processes and to help develop new products. Using science as a tool to balance and optimise different…product science, science toolsimulation, modelling, prediction, protection, deposition1
bildtseaardappelweken.nl…be giving their vision about themes suchas: innovation, sustainability, the importance of local produce, etc. We have organised these symposia in conjunction with the Stenden University of Applied Sciences and the Friesian Young Famers.apply science, science friesianpotato, visitor, poetry, shed, crop1
genmed.nlOur mission is to provide end-users with medicines of the highest quality in the most cost effective way. This aim is completely in line with the current times and modern health science standards.health science, science standardingredient, api, healthy, certified, medicine1
s-bb.nlSBB is a professional organisation at the heart of senior secondary vocational education and training and business, trade and industry. We carry out tasks on the instructions of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, such as…culture science, science coachingplacement, vocational, labour, accredited, accreditation1
jennyhasenack.nlScientists are great at science, obviously, but there is a lot more to being a scientist.great science, science obviouslyimprovisation, scientist, soft, collaboration, present1
acscc.nlThe Amsterdam Complexity School on Climate Change (ACSCC) is a one-week event where early-career researchers and non-academic stakeholders come together to work on interdisciplinary projects around climate change using complexity science…complexity science, science backbonecomplexity, climate, researcher, academic, stakeholder1
zhinengqigongdenhaag.nlGrandmaster Doctor Pang Ming, a Chinese physician skilled in Western and Chinese medicine and various styles of Qigong and martial arts created Zhineng Qigong. He based the new style on medical knowledge, Taoist and Buddhist exercises…modern science, science ancientteacher, exercise, path, illness, cult1
fransadriaans.nlI am an Assistant Professor working in the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication and the Institute for Language Sciences at Utrecht University . My research focuses on computational models of language acquisition. In…language science, science utrecht, cognitive science, science universityinfant, speech, vowel, publication, teach1
wimvanhooff.nl"I know Wim from the preparation process of a European grant application that we went through together. Avans University of Applied Sciences was the lead partner in this and Wim supported the process by actually writing the application…apply science, science leadtourism, recreation, grant, collaboration, government1
stgm.nl…with (on!) my students, allowing me to precisely describe teaching practices, hopefully finding leads on how to do it better than before. My main focus is on describing code quality and how it may be used in computer science classrooms.computer science, science classroomprogramming, lab, courseware, slack, run1
partijvoordeliefde.nlVideo: 1. Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics have[…]modern science, science spiritualityvaccine, lord, suddenly, graphene, speech1
plantaz.nlIncreasingly we have to deal with climate change. The reduction of biodiversity is worrying. Wheather extremes such as dryer, wetter, warmer intensify annually. Science proves us that plants and trees can pose a significant solution to…annually science, science plantgreenery, climate, globe, matter, animal1
curio.nlDutch level 4 qualifications have the possibility to become referenced to the EQF 5 level. The level 4 qualifications offer access to follow up studies at the universities of applied sciences for an associate degree or a bachelor programme.apply science, science associatevocational, pre, adult, qualification, labour1
sophiemerle.nlSophie attended Utrecht University but after obtaining her degree (B.A Social Sciences) decided to take a different path. She went to Florence to study classical drawing and painting techniques under Maestro John Angel and Jered Woznicki.social science, science differentcast, classical, portrait, draw, exhibition1
surgicalroboticslab.nl…at the University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen . SRL is affiliated with the MESA+ Institute , Technical Medical (TechMed) Centre , and W J Kolff Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science .robotic, surgical, lab, srl, magnetic1
profetas.nlcrop production, consumer preferences, economics, environmental assessment, food technology, political science and chain managementpolitical science, science chainpublication, protein, consumption, transition, societal1
maritimecampus.nlVMBO (secondary vocational education), MBO (senior secondary vocational education), HBO (universities of applied sciences), WO (research universities)apply science, science womaritime, government, assumption, economically, viable1
monicaout.nl…region of Belgium). If you are interested in pursuing higher education or research in fields such as arts, sciences, engineering, or social sciences, knowing Dutch can open doors to prestigious educational institutions in these…art science, science engineering, social science, science dutchadvantage, uncategorized, consent, preference, visitor1
discoverymuseum.nlThis museum is all about earth, science, technology and design. On your journey through the past, present and future, you will think about present day issues, make links, find things you didn’t expect to find and travel on, full of new…earth science, science technologydiscovery, visit, earth, revolution, adult1
stephanievanderpas.nlI’m an associate professor at the Amsterdam UMC , in the Big Statistics section of the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science . My main research area is causal inference (more about my research here ).data science, science mainassociate, council, grant, researcher, section1
oml.nl…education and training centres, both practical training courses (Gilde Opleidingen) and universities of applied sciences (Zuyd and Fontys with courses in technology and logistics). Also located in Limburg are the internationally…apply science, science zuydoml, region, string, economic, bij1
verbeekstraat.nlLeiden is the fourth city of South Holland and has a rich history. It features about the oldest university in the Netherlands and has a cozy historic center with authentic canals and monumental buildings. Besides the Bio Science Park and…bio science, science parkapartment, rent, stay, fully, central1
annegienzanen.nlChange management is no rocket science. But as simple as it may seem, more often than not essential steps are being left out. Change management is not just about the best strategy, it’s about how to get all your team members involved in…rocket science, science simpleexecutive, difference, infectious, trustworthy, energetic1
nowshow.nl…for high-quality art education with a strong, personal approach for more than 200 years. St. Joost School of Art & Design is part of Avans Hogeschool, which has been the best university of applies sciences in the Netherlands for years.university science, science netherlandsgraduation, proudly, exceptional, graduate, degree1
uwkm.nlUitgeverij Jaap was founded in 2009 and is specialised in medical sciences. Oncology is the most prominent, but not their only focal point. Reporting on new developments within diverse medical specialities is the publisher's main activity…medical science, science oncologyemployee, presentation, extensive, easily, consumer1
alexcheung.nlHe is graduated from the Utrecht University for Applied Sciences majoring in International Marketing Management. He promotes Chinese Martial Arts along with philosophy and culture as the founder of the Wudao Kungfu school and leader of…apply science, science internationalactor, role, episode, guest1
nobeta.nlAt 18, he started his BA in Music Sciences, and graduated Summer 2021 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. After an exclusive admissions process, Noah has been awarded a scholarship to the renowned Berklee College of Music. In July 2022 he…music science, science summerslide, producer, forth, fifth, composer1
pa4tim.nl…you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge of it is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced it to the stage of science.measurement, gear, theory, calibration, antenna1
auto43.nl…Lausanne, Switzerland. Established in 1853, it is one of the leading technical universities in Europe. With its strong focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, EPFL offers a cutting-edge and…focus science, science technologyinstitution, overview, prestigious, excellence, academic1
wetropolis.nlWe intend to work out using sensors in a citizen science like approach, inspired by ” Meet je stad Amersfoort” , but this still is in a start up phase. (Wowlab, Kitt)citizen science, science likeinteractive, tangible, october, landscape, cut1
redblueclimate.nlWith our growing community of scholars and practitioners we are actively building a shared sense of the societal challenges related to climate risks. To do this, we facilitate interactions within the consortium, between science and expert…consortium science, science expertclimate, involve, archive, measure, decision1
shift.nlSHIFT has completed global, national and local digital marketing projects for a range of organizations. Our clients include the European Commission, Mexx, KPN, The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Sandwich, European Urban…culture science, science sandwichshift, campaign, traffic, hague, advertising1
agileleaders.nlWant to know more about Software Development or Computer Science in general? We offer technical trainings for non-technical people.computer science, science generalleadership, behaviour, pioneer, combination, flexible1
fennekewekker.nlThrough social scientific research, popular science writing, documentary theater and non-fiction, I want to contribute to a world in which difference is allowed to exist, mutual respect and compassion are basic conditions for knowledge…popular science, science writewriter, difficult, importantly, connection, independent1
kcmove.nl…States. During her dance career she completed different university studies on Semiotics of Movement and Movement Science in Italy and the United States. With the aim of improving the peak performance of dancers and athletes, Margherita…movement science, science italyschedule, pricing, pilate, secret, holistic1
eerp.nl…offered by means of periodicals that summarized important publications and supplied information on leading men of science and major initiatives. They were periodicals of a general scientific nature, not specialized or scholarly journals.man science, science majorperiodical, intellectual, enlightenment, early, ambition1
erinvanderveen.nlMy name is Erin, I studied Software Science at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and Umeå University in Umeå. After my studies I stayed in Nijmegen for a while before moving to Tumba (Sweden) where I now work and live. I live together…software science, science radboudthesis, interest, haskell, sweden, programming1
liquid-society.nl, Egyptian artist and producer Abdalla Daif and producer Carlos Roos We will stage art programms alternating between science, performance art, visual art, art expositions and educational activities, all reinforcing one another. Liquid…programm science, science performancesociety, liquid, artistic, experimentation, cultural1
herwinvanwelbergen.nlI have received my MSc in computer science and my PhD in Human Media Interaction from the University of Twente . I have been a postdoctoral researcher in the Social Cognitive Systems group at the Center of Excellence ‘Cognitive…computer science, science phdpublication, phd, postdoctoral, currently, interaction1
akaflieg.nlWireless networking has always felt like magic to me. Two computers talking to each other with no shared base just feels special. Thus, it was no surprise that I took several courses on wireless networking in my Computer Science Master’s…computer science, science masterpcba, iteration, device, angle, attack1
rockestate.nlSourcing and executing the right solution to a real estate requirement is both an art and a science. We combine a uniquely diverse industry network with creativity, proven methodologies and market knowledge to offer a service that our…art science, science uniquelyestate, transaction, investor, occupier, property1
shft.nlSHFT develops new activity and enables dynamic processes to get going between entrepreneurs, government and science, thereby uncovering hidden opportunities. We do not limit ourselves to one sector or one line of business; on the…government science, science hidecreation, roof, purification, chamber, commerce1
monumentengemeenten.nlThrough, the “Erfgoedwet”, the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture, and Science can declare certain objects as protected national monuments on the basis of certain predetermined criteria. These objects are of special importance in the…culture science, science certainsummary, heritage, municipality, building, historical1
didico.nlOwner of DIDICO Hans Dijk has his background in life sciences and particularly in immunodiagnostics (rapid tests based on lateral flow like the pregnancy test, like "Clearblue") and can help you to get on track in this market!life science, science particularlylateral, rapid, background, pregnancy, particularly1
studentengezondheidstest.nlStudents of the UvA and HvA are explicitly invited to take part in this research. It is also possible for students at other universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands and Flanders to receive online feedback…apply science, science netherlandsdoctor, appointment, fellow, study, smoothly1
dieeetensport.nlAnnelies van den Hoven is the owner of the practice in Nijmegen. She graduated in 2005 as a physical education teacher at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen. Because her main interest is in health, she began a second…apply science, science groningen, science dietitiandie, eet, consultation, guidance, nutrition1
apagenerator.nlAPA stands for "American Psychological Association," and it also refers to the APA style, a specific writing and citation style commonly used in academic and professional publications, especially in the social sciences. It helps in…social science, science correctlycitation, reference, accurate, easily, generate1
houseofct.nlRodeHoed – talkshows on politics, philosophy and journalism FelixMeritis – talkshows on technology, science, and art DeNieuwe Liefde – talkshows on literature and languagetechnology science, science artblast, dear, lover, unfortunately, complexity1
teameplu.nl…• identity marketing • purpose economy • retail • ecommerce & logistics • internet • webshops • robotics • data science • tech • growth hacking • technical innovation • chatbots • sales & marketing • social media • social media…datum science, science techdifference, lecturer, profile, guest, select1
ssegroep.nlWe can get you in touch with students of all studies at both University and Applied Sciences levels. We second these students per hour at honest rates, with down-to-earth communication while being fully transparent. We aim at long-lasting…apply science, science levelstudy, highly, secondment, flexible, money1
valuecompass.nl…Value Compass is used in support of strategic innovation decisions. He is a member of the marketing research group Marklinq of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, where he is also involved in a number of master programs.apply science, science groningencompass, leader, positioning, worker, consumer1
thekindness.nlWith science and the clinical medicine approach humanity were able to achieve a lot, we even have been able to eradicate some sicknesses. But, unfortunately, we see more and more people suffer from inexplicable chronic health problems…kindness, treatment, recognition, principle, wisdom1
genderstudies.nl…The truly interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach bridges the gap between humanities and the social sciences, and it showcases the academic and social context in which gender studies has evolved. Complex contemporary…social science, science academicprogramme, graduate, humanity, woman, faculty1
karinwanrooij.nl“do you know what I mean”) affect high-school students’ listening comprehension of a second language. She completed the project at the department of Educational Sciences of Leiden University (cooperation with prof. dr. Maartje Raijmakers ).educational science, science leiden, phonetic science, science cognitivepsycholinguistic, researcher, dissertation, academic, profile1
birman.nl(2018 - Now) The Hague University of Applied Science. Faculty: IT and Design Course: User Experienceapply science, science facultyux, hague, faculty, apply, conference1
commediaconsult.nl…was based in New York at the UN head quarters as a public information officer and spokesperson (French). Annelou studied both Political Science and Law at Amsterdam University. She is fluent in English (UK + US), French, German and Dutch.political science, science lawaffairs, strategic, officer, head, prior1
werkenbijfontys.nlFontys is the largest exclusive university of applied sciences in the south of the Netherlands. Our mission: to provide inspiring, challenging and outstanding higher vocational education and to conduct practical research that is truly…apply science, science southvacancy, society, south, apply, demand1
bme2023.nlThe field of Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly developing field, with many breakthroughs at the edge between medical and technical sciences. Therefore, medical scientist as well as engineering scientists are explicitly invited to this…technical science, science medicalconference, committee, registration, programme, scientist1
sterborgman.nlI see myself as a magical scientist and I have been researching rust and glass as a queer way to leak out of the structure of western science. I have been working with rust in glass as a natural pigment for my graduation in Fine Art at…western science, science rustglass, greenhouse, magical, scientist, graduation1
amsterdamlongcongres.nlThe newest findings in translational science will be showcased in the collaborative Thalys meeting, a research consortium connecting the main scientific hubs for PH research in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.translational science, science collaborativecongress, pulmonary, hypertension, thursday, committee1
cf5311.nl“The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation and the fun is in the community.”programming science, science explanationgymnastics, fundamental, pricing, programming, mobility1
organisatiezwemwedstrijden.nlHe studied Industrial Engineering and Management with major Construction Management at University of Twente and holds a PhD on civil material science from the Eindhoven University of Technology.material science, science eindhovenchampionship, swim, swimming, swimmer, early1
restitutiecommissie.nl…through newsletters, lectures, symposia and publications. The Committee was established by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Science but operates independently. It consists of seven members and a secretariat and is based in The Hague.education science, science independentlycommittee, recommendation, heir, painting, cultural1
ajdrucker.nl…(DA). Arthur’s modeling and simulation uses the methodologies and tools comprised in DA. Informed by Decision Science, these techniques allow decision-makers to better explore, improve and compare their strategic alternatives with…decision science, science techniquedecision, modeling, risk, analysis, alternative1
limitlesspt.nlIt has become my mission to show people that the science behind gaining muscle mass doesn't always have to be complicated. And that delving into the principles of gaining muscle mass is going to make a huge difference in your results.people science, science musclelimitless, muscle, mass, request, degree1
consecutivesearch.nlHe is boardmember of the following foundations: Utrecht Centre of Tourism (UBT), Utrecht Centre of Culture and History, Zambia Allocation Projects, Medical Council for Science Research and Development, and the Foundation for Diabetes…council science, science researchconsecutive, specialism, position, executive, assignment1
sprachendienst.nlmechanical engineering, consumer electronics, medical and nursing technology, hydraulic engineering, building industry, welding technology, automotive, science, marketing, communication, acoustics, guitar pedagogics, guitar technology.automotive science, science marketingtranslation, law, file, device, reliable1
impactalytics.nlWhen a cautious, science-based and largely apolitical group like the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says the world must utterly transform its energy systems in the next decade or risk ecological and social…cautious science, science largelyinvestor, true, integration, generation, seamless1
dutch-inventions.nlWe also believe in the power of cooperation. We can only succeed by a joint effort of industry, science, government and other partners.industry science, science governmentmobility, innovative, invention, bold, society1
rfeholland.nl…exhausted, and now it is a good time to prepare for the future. RFE produces biomass from algae, which is converted into biodiesel. In close co-operation with Wageningen University wich is the major European University in Life Sciences.fuel, renewable, algae, biomass, objective1
paardenrassenfotos.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherproxy, kawaii, captcha, definitive, configurable1
vectrix.nlWe work with a team of 10 experts and are located at the Amsterdam Science Park.amsterdam science, science parktax, funding, venture, growth, expansion1
bhumiyoga.nlAs a reformed (academic) perfectionist (PhD in Physiology, MSc in Exercise Science, BSc in Kinesiology, BSc in Psychology) and high performance athlete (World Champion in Rowing and Div. I athlete at OSU), recovering from eating disorder…exercise science, science bscmysore, on-1, morning, mentorship, episode1
neimed.nlNeimed is an independent socio-economic Knowledge Institute and a joint venture of the Open University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht University. Neimed is a knowledge hub focused on knowledge development and…apply science, science maastrichteconomic, socio, institute, scientific, dynamic1
wap5.nlWAP5 is a Dutch company, based in Enschede at the Business and Science Park near the University of Twente.business science, science parknear, etc, innovative, currently, stability1
nedlak.nlAt our workshop in Balk we have first-class facilities with preparation sheds and finishing booths. Whether we work at our shop or on location; our proven skills and craftsmanship are backed by the appliance of science and technology…appliance science, science technologyinterior, yacht, shipyard, length, furniture1
innosafety.nlOur mission is to protect the hand against forces by translating medical science, our knowledge on injury mechanisms and technical skills into prototypes suitable for commercially viable products. We want you hand to be safe and protected…medical science, science knowledgethumb, prevention, injury, protection, invention1
frankberntsen.nlDelmor is a 10 week long game project,made by 40 students of the HAN University of Applied Sciences. We developed an idea for a RPG game and built our own world, characters and storylines in UDK.apply science, science ideaanimation, lose, character, minor, player1
jewellerydepartment.nlAgnieszka Anna Wołodźko, PhD, is a lecturer and researcher teaching contemporary philosophy and art-science at AKI Academy of Art and Design ArtEZ since 2017. At AKI she has founded a biolab space where she runs a BIOMATTERs, an artistic…art science, science akijewellery, department, conversation, tuesday, lecture1
mediafutureweek.nlMadeline Ashby is a science fiction writer and a strategic forecast consultant. She has a Masters of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from OCAD University in Toronto, where she was part of the first graduating cohort in 2011…ashby science, science fictionpresentation, fact, final, society, interesting1
chromagen.nlA: Yes, of course, it's not science fiction, it works very well. It's easy to prove it. For more than 25 years Colour Blind people are using the glasses or lenses and can pass Ishihara Test, CAD Test or any other Colour Vision Test.course science, science fictionlenses, dyslexia, glass, deficiency, colour1
escapetheclassroom.nlHow exciting would it be to be locked up by your crazy science teacher. The only way to escape is to use your scientific knowledge and practical skills. The clock is ticking… In an escape classroom a group of students is trapped in a room…crazy science, science teacherclassroom, puzzle, teacher, clue, clock1
karinaklaassen.nlAlthough I coach intuitively, I have both feet firmly on the ground. I am not afraid to put my finger on the sore spot and enjoy using science-based techniques, such as Heart Coherence. I believe in the power and intelligence of the body…spot science, science techniqueconfidence, coherence, promotion, esteem, powerful1
interest.nlMULO-B (secondary school), HTS Technische Natuurkunde (School for Advanced Technology - Physics Department), various courses on Acoustics and Information Science, Information Science (Library School).information science, science information, science libraryinterest, secondary, library, teacher, physics1
experimentelereumatologie.nlWe offer a broad range of bachelor and master internships for students in biomedical sciences and medicine.biomedical science, science medicineexperimental, internship, vacancy, translational, constantly1
ditisnadine.nlThe first phase of behavior change starts with understanding human decision-making. I’ll help you uncover valuable insights that are not based on gut feeling but instead use the evicende of science and research to ensure our solution is…evicende science, science researchconsultation, interaction, behavioral, decision, phase1
spin2016.nlThe Colin Cherry Award is attributed every year in appreciation of a contribution to the field of Research on Speech in Noise and Cocktail Party Sciences, with the work selected for Best Poster Presentation by the participants of the…party science, science workspeech, noise, programme, january, submission1
benhekkema.nlAs from the academic year 2016–2017 I am currently teaching part of the master's course in Art Education at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg. Under my guidance, first-year students design a training programme about…apply science, science tilburgben, programme, cultural, introduction, teacher1
beautieqristieq.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weatherkawaii, playful, whimsical, charming, bow1
mounirsamuel.nlMounir Samuel studied political science, international relations & diplomacy, Middle Eastern studies and Islamic law at University of Leiden and UC San Diego.political science, science internationalclimate, author, political, politics, religion1
naomi-ellemers.nlSince 2015 Naomi Ellemers is Distinguised professor and a social and organizational psychologist at the Faculty of Social Sciences Utrecht University. Ellemers was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences…social science, science utrecht, arts science, science knaw, science prestigouspublication, behaviour, teach, diversity, ethical1
csubuntu.nl…we have members from three different Faculties of Utrecht University – The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance and the Faculty of Social Sciences – as well as exchange students from all over the world.social science, science exchangecommittee, study, association, lecture, monthly1
beweginginzicht.nlAt january 1st 2009, Prof. Dr. Bert Steenbergen started his chair group ‘Perception and Action problems’ at the Behavioural Science Institute (Learning & Plasticity) of the Radboud University Nijmegen . With the inaugural speech entitled…behavioural science, science institutevisual, physical, relation, prof, behaviour1
pieonline.nlThe HAPPY Project is the first of its kind in Bhutan, since it aims to improve qualitative research methodology (QRM) at a national level in all programmes of Social Sciences and Humanities.social science, science humanityinstitute, partnership, particularly, south, chair1
vidarsmits.nlHi! I am a 24-year-old visual designer based in Utrecht. I am currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Communication and Multimedia Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.visual, resume, apply, degree, currently1
flowbee.nlHello! I'm Maaike and this is my cat, Japie. I'm studying Communication Multimedia Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.tote, moth, interested, packaging, draw1
esdit.nl…ethics of technology, but also the field of ethics and practical philosophy as a whole, as well as the social sciences. In parallel we aim to develop new theories and methods that are necessary to understand, morally assess and…social science, science parallelethics, programme, disruptive, socially, turn1
niok.nl…major catalysis groups of seven Dutch Universities. Later, NIOK was recognised by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and it is supported by an industrial advisory board VIRAN which consists of members from Dutch and…academy science, science knawcatalysis, introduction, institute, ghent, doctorate1
monniksrob.nl…or even valid. One thing is certain: there is an explanation for our exitence and all there is, Do we know it? Is science right? Is a theory out there, still unknown to us, discribing what we're all looking for? I don't know. I only knowexitence science, science rightplanet, oxygen, universe, organism, far1
vrfordiversity.nlVR for Diversity is a research project that was conducted at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences between October 2020 and October 2022. It was funded by SIA RAAK, with the specific aim to connect the creative industries, HvA…apply science, science octoberdiversity, academic, presentation, output, interested1
marcsteen.nlI have published widely, in academic , professional , and popular media. Journals regularly invite me to peer review articles, e.g., Ethics and Information Technology , Science and Engineering Ethics , Techne , International Journal of…technology science, science engineeringethics, scientist, responsible, publication, society1
dennisdegraaff.nlHermeneus is a popular science magazine dedicated to classical antiquity that made her first appearence in 1928. It is well known among classics, classical archaeologists and (art) historians. Famous Dutch persons, such as it's founder…popular science, science magazinebackground, visual, identity, package, graphic1
frankzweers.nlIn a world that is buckling under the weight of profit making, that is overrun by the destructive sirens of techno science and the power hunger of globalisation — that new brand of slavery — beyond all that, friendship exists, love exists.techno science, science powereurovision, official, hunger, friendship, weight1
petitlegal.nl…Dance Event. He’s also a guest lecturer at music colleges like Herman Brood Academie, Breda University of Applied Science, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Codarts and the SAE Institute. On special request, Sander has provided many tailored…apply science, science hogeschoollaw, founder, attorney, specialize, firm1
symo-chem.nl…and international companies, multinationals, SME’s as well as start-up’s in the chemical, pharmaceutical and life-sciences industries. SyMO-Chem also works for and with academia, for example in research consortia, in EU-projects or in…life science, science industrychem, characterization, chemistry, molecular, synthesis1
timgoes.nl…in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. After highschool, I decided to become a software engineer, because the computer science classes at my high school woke my interest, after developing a few simple projects like the zombie game mentioned…computer science, science classplayer, automatically, reference, unity, fellow1
insittardgeleen.nlWho doesn't remember that special lecturer who taught with real passion for the subject and who knew just how to handle the students? This is the role model that Fontys University of Applied Sciences wants to train you to be.recreation, living, historic, directly, worth1
thomaskrijnen.nl…P. Kuroczyński, M. Pfarr-Harfst, S. Münster, M. Ioannides, P. Kuroczyński & M Pfarr-Harfst (Eds.), 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II (pp. 1-25). (Lecture notes in computer science, No. 10025). Berlin: Springer International.computer science, science berlinpp, proceedings, conference, scientific, building1
ienm.nlLearning doesn’t happen any more primarily within the closed world of one discipline, but in the encounter of worldviews offered by sciences, arts and daily practice.worldview science, science artresume, learner, encounter, academic, past1
rawcolor.nlChemical reactions, reactions, rotation-moulded rotation-moulded experiments, experiments, unfinished unfinished constructions, constructions, colour colour science science and and woven woven techniques techniques are are transformed…colour science, science techniqueexhibition, october, colour, publication, raw1
vonweber.nlI was the Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC , the governing body of CLARIN, the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciencestranslation, executive, practical, interest, present1
emiliedack.nlIn my spare time, I like to draw, write stories and do sports: running, Krav Maga and swimming. I studied Film and Literature at Leiden University before moving on to Communication & Multimedia Design at the Rotterdam University of…ux, sketch, interactive, think, patch1
sustainalab.nlConnecting UvA-researchers and students, companies in Matrix ONE and Science Park, and innovative businesses and governements.matrix science, science parkecosystem, sustainability, academic, fertilisation, government1
tijdschriftlover.nl"Sexual freedom is magnificent and fragile,’’ a bold statement that dr. Julia Shaw starts off with in her book ‘’Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality.’’ This sounds familiar; Embracing my bisexuality is a complex…history science, science bisexualitylover, woman, prejudice, pride, identity1
vanthielinterieur.nlWe’re focused on dynamic science that generates real world solutions for the Construction Industriesdynamic science, science realinterior, craftsman, guidance, globally, qualification1
mikestaal.nlAugust 2009 - January 2014 International Business School, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Bachelor of Business Administration Specialization: International Marketing Managementapply science, science bachelormarketer, certified, resume, movie, strategic1
casperalbers.nlI am professor in Applied Statistics and Data Visualisation. I’m part of the Psychometrics and Statistics group at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen . I am also research director of the Heymans…social science, science universitypublication, statistics, visualisation, apply, researcher1
eternalplantboijl.nlCrop breeding is the art and science of improving existing crops. Eternal Plant Boijl B.V. is committed to developing new varieties that are grown without growth regulators and have less need for crop protection products.art science, science cropeternal, variety, fall, feather, crop1
paulderaaij.nlyears, I have studied different ways to approach this challenge as part of my coursework for a Masters degree in Management Sciences. My elective course is change management, a topic that really captures my interest. Here, I’ll share not...management science, science electivemetric, architecture, thought, topic, responsibility1
rootd.nlWhile Muslims comprise a significant minority in The Netherlands, they remain relatively under-represented in sectors such as academia, finance, science and technology.finance science, science technologymuslim, membership, minority, islamic, capital1
jeanneontwerpt.nl19 Partners from 12 different countries are working together to advance occupational health science in a unique way to reduce the burden of disease. For this project, called EPHOR, I created a logo, icon-set, illustration-style and…health science, science uniquevisual, animation, illustration, graphic, village1
rclmontage.nl…body by fisher tag decoder , patti labelle salmon cake recipe , purdue university acceptance rate computer science , travis maldonado death scene , financially irresponsible partner , 2019 rav4 headlight replacement , cbp import…computer science, science travisuncategorized, obituary, death, worth, funeral1
svendeinum.nlIn 2019 I started my master graduation assignment at Damen Shipyards on developing an augmented reality pipe fitting tool. in 2020 I succesfully graduated to become a Master of Science in IDE.master science, science ideindustrial, sketch, render, graduation, assignment1
nerosa.nlMy name is Nina. I am a teacher and researcher at Utrecht University, in the Department of Information and Computing Sciences. My research concerns immersive technologies for pro-environmental behaviors. Welcome!computing science, science researchphd, publication, biography, computing, behavior1
sogo.nlWe work with you to create a strong name that captures the essence of who you are. To get there, we use the ultimate mix of strategic thinking, creativity and due diligence. It’s part art, part science.tuesday, strategic, fact, personality, tone1
navisasabeti.nlHello - I am Navisa Sabeti semester 7 ICT & Media Design student at Fontys University of Applied Sciences based in Maastricht, The Netherlands.apply science, science maastrichtreact, create, apply, semester, soft1
digitalpreservation.nlLast week I was invited to be a member of the Jury of the Blue-Cloud Hackathon. The Blue-Cloud project is one of the projects promoting the potential of Open Science, as part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). In ...open science, science european, science cloudpreservation, seed, august, february, publication1
twec.nlWine experience for the Health and Medical Sciences Team about 6 famous world wine stylesmedical science, science teamwine, taste, adventure, connoisseur, discover1
joachimarts.nl…published in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Transportation Science, European Journal of Operational Research, and IISE Transactions (formerly IIE Transactions). Prior to joining LCL,transportation science, science europeansupply, operation, chain, logistics, luxembourg1
convolo.nlThe focus is on the behaviour of people in their mutual interactions. We use insights from psychology and organisation science to better understand the behaviour of people in an organisation and thereby find leads to achieve better…organisation science, science wellassignment, organisational, pressure, innovative, uncertainty1
lindsayfrelink.nlI asked Lindsay to help design the logo for my sport science business (Exploring Attitudes and Thoughts) which was launched in September 2019. The remit that she worked with was the logo was going to be based around the meaning of my…sport science, science businessgraphic, thought, attitude, wheelchair, creativity1
marianbakermanskranenburg.nlMy ORCID ID is 0000-0001-7763-0711. My Web of Science ResearcherID is AAF-7746-2020web science, science researcheridacademic, honour, lecture, parenting, intervention1
smartworkz.nlFrom the first steps in Python to creating your first deep learning projects. With our course we take your employees into the new and exciting world of Data Science and Machine Learning.data science, science machinecareer, connection, consulting, worthy, win1
jeronimusvanpelt.nlHis working method makes no distinction between assignments and autonomous work. Although his subjects vary greatly, he often takes inspiration from science, the visual arts and conceptual themes.inspiration science, science visualadventure, portrait, hague, animal, society1
gewis.nlWelcome to the website of Study association GEWIS, the study association of the department of Mathematics & Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology.computer science, science eindhovenassociation, study, career, subscribe, committee1
bollenstreek.nlLearning about different topics in a fun way? Then visit a museum and learn everything about space, flowers, dinosaurs, peoples, science, art and much more.people science, science artflower, tulip, holiday, near, sail1
ukb.nl3. Promoting open science and education as well as supporting researchers, lecturers and students so that they can use this to its best effect. In addition, giving the outside world access to the scientific knowledge of Dutch…open science, science educationambition, library, scientific, executive, accessible1
experian.nlWith Convex, you can be sure of future-focused data science tools for modelling machine learningdata science, science tooloptimisation, report, analytical, advanced, analytic1
burobeck.nlWorking on the frontier of science, to enable affordable, available, and high quality medicine.frontier science, science affordableassurance, introduction, supplier, validation, medicine1
kleinekunstjes.nlAfter a few years of studying Social Sciences at the University of Utrecht and at the Design Academy Eindhoven Máire started "Kleine Kunstjes" in March 2012 as a one-man business in Illustration and Graphic Design.social science, science universityillustration, paper, ink, clothes, wear1
botuitgevers.nlFounded by Alexander Mouret, Brave New World is an annual conference for people who want to know what the future holds in store and how this will affect their business, policies and life. At the conference, the worlds of culture…philosophy science, science technologypublisher, conference, pleasure, innovative, labor1
pieterneldijkstra.nlIn 2001 I received my PhD in the Social Sciences from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). My dissertation focused on social comparison processes and jealousy. Since then I have scientifically studied several social…social science, science universitypsychological, publication, psychologist, surrounding, therapy1
timvanderheijden.nl…Practice & Theory” (DEMA). My PhD dissertation Hybrid Histories: Technologies of Memory and the Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies, 1895-2005 was written at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University, the Netherlands.social science, science maastrichtmovie, memory, phd, newspaper, archaeology1
diros.nlIEEE Magazine on Teaching Standardization in Engineering, Science, and Technology Studies 20 December 2017engineering science, science technologystandardization, scientific, institute, publication, lecture1
trackfinder.nlOver the years it has developed a specialisation in ' Science Positioning' , the strategic positioning and brand development of knowledge intensive brands. It's original core business is the development and implementation of Customer…specialisation science, science positioningstrategic, summary, finder, background, relationship1
siimple.nlI'm a self-taught photographer, specialized in music, portrait and low-light photography. My interests include (but are not limited to) music, arts, science and their interactions. I love to show people a view of a situation they haven't…art science, science interactionphotographer, interest, portrait, situation, interaction1
womeninacupuncture.nlIn addition, I advocate for working menopausal women with the Pro-Homeostase working group and am a member of the Education & Science Committee of my professional association.education science, science committeeacupuncture, woman, nutrition, hague, appointment1
artecs.nl…Our flexible approach and capacity to apply a wide range of scientific techniques form the basis for successful cooperation. Artecs has set itself the objective of acting as a bridge between polymer science and the plastics industry.polymer science, science plasticpolymer, analysis, processing, troubleshoot, programme1
successevents.nl15 minutes from The Hague – Johannes Vermeer – Delfts Blauw porcelain – De Nieuwe Kerk – Royal family – Prinsenhof – City hall – Science Centre TU Delft - canals – churches – Canal Houses – courtyards – bruincafés - Canal Cruiseshall science, science centreevents, destination, unforgettable, ahead, belgium1
idiomorf.nl…provides quick and clear guidance for knowledge transfer. Subjects such as technology, education, medical development and science are thus placed in a new light thanks. This leads to exelent visual information transfer with infographics.development science, science newillustration, animation, graphic, thousand, disease1
jaydewansingh.nl…UX tests and more within the domain of UX. The foundation of all this was once build at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Communication and Multimedia Design) and after that developed within different projects and environments.apply science, science communicationux, prototyping, conclusion, slick, skilled1
ianaguide.nlBeside these museums mentioned, Amsterdam has many more interesting museums that you can visit such as: Ana Frank house, Science center NEMO, Amsterdam Tulip museum, Amsterdam museum, Hermitage etc.house science, science centerguide, request, interesting, duration, painter1
karelvandenbosch.nlHe supervises PhD students on self-explaining agents and on automatic direction of training scenarios. Dr. van den Bosch holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.social science, science universityinterest, publication, report, cognitive, phd1
daviewer.nlEvery year the second years of the bachelor Applied Earth Science have a geological fieldwork in Southern France. To supervise the students after a day in the field the idea is to collect a 3D model database of the outcrops in the field…earth science, science geologicalremoval, noise, formation, charge, scale1
dignifieddying.nl…Eating and Drinking’ that discusses in detail how to make stopping eating and drinking a humane exit for very ill or very old persons. This book is based on his nationwide research that has been published in Social Science and Medicine.social science, science medicinedie, death, publication, eyewitness, past1
teamacademy.nlThe Institute Schoolvision is recognized by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sciences as a University of Applied Sciences. In close cooperation with Team Academy, it offers the accredited Bachelor of Business Administration…culture science, science university, apply science, science closeentrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, programme, requirements, administration1
theforcefactory.nlOur trainers are fierce, fun and are ready to ignite your inner-force. They deliver the perfect blend of behavior change, theater and psychology, with a hint of neuro-science. Go and have aforce, factory, vacancy, leader, transition1
ourplace.nl…Rhek, D-vice, the Mole, Terms, Escape Artists, Jaeda, Cavemen Speak, Stacs of Stamina, Marcus Graap, Speeddial 7, Lroneous, Bluebird, Smooth Cee, KtheI???, Gel Roc, Amnesia, Name Science = Sach (the Nonce/ GPAC) and Inoe Oner (GPAC) etc.amnesia science, science sachcrazy, harsh, absolutely, surface, hire1
origincoaching.nlIn the last 7 years I was engaged in conversations in the world of work. With experience in the field of HR and a commitment to personal development, in 2021 I successfully completed a post-bachelor coaching program at The University of…apply science, science yearorigin, career, fulfillment, session, introduction1
kynagon.nlIn her training, Patricia gained in-depth knowledge of the science and techniques behind Operant Conditioning. She also learned how to apply Positive Reinforcement effectively using a variety of tools and methods. Patricia is one of few…knowledge science, science techniquedog, rate, behaviour, force, certificate1
rabbitdesign.nlGive kids an adventure to remember as they build a LEGO® Technic™ toy version of NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover (42158). This building project is perfect for kids with a passion for science and technology and comes with an augmented…passion science, science technologycurrency, instruction, technic, wheel, loader1
hotelmansion.nlThe hotel is located at a stone's throw distance from Amsterdam Central station. Furthermore, most of the major tourist attractions such as Nemo Science museum, Dam Square, Red light district, Waterlooplein and Rembrandtplien are located…nemo science, science museummansion, parking, facility, official, traveler1
lesleyjacobs.nl…we already know? After all, at first glance they look similar to other novels which are categorized as fantasy, science-fiction or horror and when reading through them it doesn’t feel that much different either. So what makes YA so…fantasy science, science fictionnovel, writer, adult, parent, autistic1
rhinoconsulting.nlThis is the simplest description of what I believe I am. I think sales is an Art, Science and a Noble calling.art science, science nobleconsulting, past, resolution, uncertainty, growth1
annemarieborg.nlI am an assistant professor in the Responsible AI Group at the Information and Computing Sciences department at Utrecht University. Previously, I was a postdoc in the National Police Lab AI at Utrecht University and I did my PhD at the…computing science, science departmentpublication, gap, theoretical, researcher, artificial1
ricardoderoode.nlAfter that I went to The Hague University of Applied Science to study Mechatronics but unfortunately the maths there went to fast for me. But to still get that HBO stamp I switched to Computer Science (Technische Informatica in dutch) at…apply science, science mechatronic, computer science, science technischeprogramming, corsair, storage, stuff, unfortunately1
colinganzevoort.nlI am currently in the second and last year of the Research Master of the Graduate School of Behavioural and Social Sciences , at the University of Groningen and located in the Netherlands.social science, science universitypsychology, clinical, mental, currently, anxiety1
skylightevents.nlSkylight Events promote events which draw on a wealth of subjects from the worlds of science, the arts and religion connecting us with the eternal questions which confront Man through the ages. We welcome all those who share this search…world science, science artskylight, events, religion, subject, eternal1
taner-k.nlAt the HAN university of applied science I have done the courses, CAVI(Create Audio Visual for the Internet), CRIA (Create a Rich Internet Application), Game development, DMP (Digital Media Production). Each course has a duration of 8…apply science, science courseskillset, resume, apply, visual, dmp1
timetomoveon.nlTime-To-Move-On is a business coaching practice that focuses on helping professionals and managers with running their business and strengthening their career development. Business coaching is an art and a science. You have to know…art science, science peoplecareer, improvement, candidate, think, pre1
napkinideas.nlNAPKIN is a consulting firm consisting of 3 partners, each with a passion for engineering and science.napkin, analysis, solve, valuation, prototyping1
maakhetmogelijk.nl…it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, Lees Meermyth science, science musicsign, forth, quam, heaven, spirit1
kismanstudio.nlThe Rathenau Instituut stimulates public and political opinion forming on social aspects of science and technology. We perform research and organise debate relating to science, innovation and new technologiesaspect science, science technology, debate science, science innovationcomplexity, simplicity, illustration, font, exhibition1
rb9.nlI have a background in computer science and cybersecurity with a wide interest in a number of their subfields. Usually, I’m up to discuss programming, software architecture, embedded systems, cryptography and everything else in between!computer science, science cybersecuritydevice, bug, hacking, limited, binary1
richardwolfe.nl…expert on personal productivity and digital collaboration tools, often as public speaker. His passion for computer science and user experience drive him towards projects on the future of UX, AI and us, as in the human beings creating and…computer science, science userwolfe, productivity, simplicity, collaboration, actual1
encryptedgentlemen.nlWe are participants of the FTC (First Tech Challenge), a robotics competition in which more than 12000 teams participate from all over the world. The First Tech Challenge is organised by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science…recognition science, science technologyencrypt, official, remote, freight, ultimate1
cmd-denhaag.nlWe would like to help you find the right programme. The Hague University of Applied Sciences organizes various activities throughout the year to give you the best possible idea of the studies offered. Consider attending one of our Open…apply science, science activityhague, programme, interaction, researcher, creativity1
wjeeftingh.nlI graduated cum laude from the Game Engineering study at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede.apply science, science enschedeprogrammer, madness, banana, recognition, gesture1
hoofbosch.nlWe recently received a lecture that George Soros gave on 26 April 1994: "The Theory of Reflexivity." Soros argues that scientists can analyze and name natural phenomena. But those phenomena cannot be influenced. According to Soros, in the…social science, science particularfund, investor, investment, efficient, theory1
hetjohanborgmanfonds.nlHet Johan Borgman Fonds was founded in 1969. Our main focus is bridging the gap between science and natural healing by stimulating research and eduation in these areas.gap science, science naturalhet, conference, gdpr, internship, heritage1
ucra2019.nl…the reactor” presents a research area, in which interdisciplinary collaborations between the classical catalysis science, chemical and materials engineering, physics, electrical engineering, energy technology, biology or medicine play…catalysis science, science chemicalconference, catalysis, unconventional, october, spain1
daudivanveen.nlI am a developmental scientist by training. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science and the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations ( ERCOMER ) at Utrecht University.social science, science europeanphd, publication, dissertation, developmental, relation1
eefjerammeloo.nl…news broadcaster NOS . I received a BA in Journalism and an MA in International Affairs in Historical Perspective at the University of Utrecht . In South Africa, I studied political science, philosophy and history at Rhodes University .political science, science philosophyreport, sun, writer, newspaper, occasionally1
gestaltpraktijkamsterdam.nlMy name is Madeleine Maurick (1954). I have been trained in social work, political science, gestalt therapy and trauma therapy (Somatic Experiencing). My interest has always been divided into two: the psychological process (what…political science, science gestalttherapy, inside, central, footer, sexual1
qfas-tilburg.nlIt provides a platform for PhD students and faculty to present their latest research in all areas related to quantitative finance and actuarial science. All members of our group share interest in theoretical models and empirical…actuarial science, science membercalendar, phd, faculty, economic, econometrics1
circulairecijfers.nlThe database contains up-to-date figures from both science and practice. The energy and greenhouse gas performance is listed for different levels of technological progress: state-of-the-art, typical and older technology to reflect one of…figure science, science practicestatistics, circular, figure, survey, sustainability1
finlandvakantieland.nlHow is the landscape of Finland? The country has 35 national parks , 19 nature reserves (for conservation and science), 12 wilderness reserves (protected primeval forest areas with little population), 173 swamp reserves, 53 protected…conservation science, science wildernessholiday, finnish, lake, weather, season1
startupvisa.nl…best fitting facilitator in our region. We have several facilitators specialising in Digital, Energy, Water, Life Sciences and High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM). What are you waiting for? Request the whitepaper to find out if your…life science, science highsuccessfully, fundamental, innovative, launch, soft1
annem.nl…attractive with the right image . This passion arose during my studies BA Media & Culture and MA Film & Television Science . There I learned about the power of images and the various ways in which messages can be conveyed and stories can…television science, science powervisual, illustration, presentation, accessible, animation1
damit.nlOur team is multi-national, with backgrounds in fine art, graphic design, computer science, mass communications, marketing, business administration, publishing, retail and finance.computer science, science massconsulting, publish, graphic, distribution, promotional1
intenzhealth.nlBiohacking is a revolutionary approach to health that involves understanding the intricate systems of the body and using that knowledge to optimize performance and well-being. By harnessing the power of science, nature and technology.power science, science naturespain, mental, physical, exercise, sense1
publicmatters.nl…experience of where business, politics and society intersect. These sectors include food & retail, construction & real estate, mobility, climate & energy, public sector, financial & fiscal, education & science, technology and healthcare.education science, science technologymatter, affairs, brussels, conversation, hague1
stickyvisuals.nlSticky Visuals is a visual communication studio for the science and technology sector. Within this competing sector it is difficult to convince and communicate complex stories. Sticky Visuals helps people that need the extra support to…studio science, science technologysticky, visual, understandable, cover, presentation1
dezeo.nlMy career started as Business Intelligence Consultant (now the path to data science), working at many companies in multiple industries. Call me a risk taker, but during the economic crisis of 2008-2012, I gave up an flourishing career at…data science, science companydive, transformation, instructor, scuba, career1
dutchcloudcommunity.nl…winning International Author, MC, Keynote Speaker and Thought Leader on Digital Transformation (AI, 5G, Cloud, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Governance, IoT, Data Science) alongside Culture, Skills, DEI, Sustainability and Social Impact.data science, science alongsideenterprise, gap, sme, ethical, recipient1
ccount.nl…our clients to accelerate their growth by supporting their drive to innovate, invest and internationalize. We are specialized in companies and investors that are active in the field of sustainability, technology, life science and health.life science, science healthtax, advisory, compliance, report, forecast1
leidenarthistoryblog.nlThe mineralogical collection being transferred from Science Center Delft to Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden is not as culturally neutral as presented in the past.collection science, science centerfaculty, exhibition, humanity, department, seventeenth1
ohmdataengineering.nlI am Olof, a passionate Data Engineer with some extra love for graph databases. Currently, I am finishing my Master Data Science in Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. During my Master's I specialised in database technology.data science, science engineeringcreation, semantic, implementation, graph, currently1
ipci.nl…Erasmus MC, UCLA, and Janssen, an international team of collaborators within the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) network provided a timely reference of the background rates of AESIs in the recent study…data science, science informaticsstudy, publication, patient, observational, background1
everthessel.nlA little about me: I got my BSc in Computing Science from Utrecht University in 2019, and I have since been working as a Software Engineer for CGI Nederland .computing science, science utrechtcomputing1
lettuceknow.nlThe research program “LettuceKnow, Science-Based Improvement of Salad” aims to establish lettuce as a powerful model crop for research on plant resilience and architecture.lettuceknow science, science improvementacademic, vacancy, perspective, powerful, lettuce1
dianavanbergen.nlI teach and supervise Bachelor and Master students of Pedagogics and Education. In 2020, my seminars for the course Intercultural education were awarded by the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the University of Groningen with…behavioral science, science universitypublication, lab, prevention, department, sexual1
jennyslatman.nlWelcome to my site! My name is Jenny Slatman. I am a professor of Medical & Health Humanities in the Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg School of Humanities & Digital Sciences at Tilburg University.digital science, science tilburghumanity, teach, publication, chapter, journal1
healinginsights.nl…techniques, NLP, Hypnosis, Inner voice dialogue and shamanism for deep trauma healing and re-integration, Nick is also active sharing is wisdom in many different workshops and in lectures at the University of Applied Science in Breda.apply science, science bredaholistic, expression, dance, authentic, overview1
inekevedder.nlAssociate Editor EuroSLA Studies (European Second Language Association) Book Series (Berlin, Language Science Press).language science, science presscomplexity, linguistic, task, write, teach1
boarzepiepers.nlSlot cars provide a magnificent teaching tool for physical science. Get kids promote how individuals accelerate, decelerate, and defy gravitational forces as they fly at the top of a high-banked curve. How come one car faster compared…physical science, science kid, car science, science fairgambling, money, gambler, win, player1
momentummicroplastics.nlIn 2018, ZonMw initiated the first call for proposals in the Microplastics and Health programme, supported by the Topsector Life Sciences & Health ( Health~ Holland ). As a result, 15 multidisciplinary breakthrough projects were granted…life science, science healthbreakthrough, risk, participant, industrial, presentation1
palga.nlPalga creates impact in three areas: science, society and the professional field. We support scientists and pathologists with the knowledge they need by providing pathology data. But above all, Palga changes patients’ lives by helping…area science, science societypathology, pathologist, healthcare, researcher, significant1
infinityqd.nlWe want to help bridge the gap between science and venture and support the growing European quantum ecosystem. Our Infinity dashboard gives you access to the latest and greatest startups and investors in the quantum space, all in one…gap science, science venturequantum, investment, ecosystem, fund, investor1
bkb.nl…organize campaign training courses for political parties worldwide. This allows us to keep in step with the spirit of the times and to establish innovative correlations between politics, business life, science, sports, culture and media.life science, science sportcampaign, loud, government, political, target1
mylittlemicrobes.nl…has the ambition to provide health care professionals, (medical)students and researchers in the field of life sciences with an overview of the most recent advances in the field of infant and child microbiota and their role in health…life science, science overviewmicrobe, infant, microbiota, evening, clinical1
maesinternational.nl…locations of our partners. Tubitak Is an organization established to advise the Turkish government in the field of science and technological developments. Tubitak also develops new and advanced technologies together with participating…field science, science technologicalimpression, purpose, satisfaction, especially, ltd1
postwar.nlSusan at the center of the universe — (fiction) Set in Amsterdam. 'Time and space begin ... in the palm of your hand.' A new age wanderer moves in with an astrophysicist. Science and spirituality collide. Sexual tension swirls. And they…astrophysicist science, science spiritualityfiction, woman, hire, girl, independent1
jeroendehaan.nlAfter high school, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in game development. So I applied at Breda University of Applied Sciences to get into the International Game Architecture and Design course. I was one of the few that got in, but…apply science, science internationalnaar, python, secretly, ago, programming1
exhibits.nlDiscover and experience the world of science and technology with fascinating exhibits!world science, science technologyexhibit, amazing, electricity, mother, earth1
hyperion-consultancy.nlHyperion Pharma Consultancy executes quality related projects and identifies and solves GMP related issues for the life sciences and food industry. Customers include large companies and sme’s.life science, science foodhyperion, compliance, paper, greece, archive1
labstream.nlLabstream products are installed worldwide in Laboratories, Health centres and science labs.centre science, science labsink, laboratory, separator, waste, manual1
rebel-nature.nlRebel-Nature develops and manufactures personal care products for brands focussed on the 100% natural sector. We combine nature and science with a thought for the planet to ensure there are better products on your clients' bathroom shelf.nature science, science thinksustainability, progress, ingredient, shelf, accessible1
rebounceworld.nl…more and more and by testing management tools, the success rate improved as well. Meanwhile, the Rebounce science, with its methods, systems and management models, guarantees practicality and results in ambitious business growth…rebounce science, science methodprinciple, publicity, presentation, philosophy, constantly1
os3.nlIf you want to make a personal appointment to visit our education, and see our facilities , or to attend a lecture, you are very welcome. Please contact us via info at os3 dot nl . We are part of the Science Faculty of the University of…nl science, science faculty, amsterdam science, science parkcia, admission, report, sne, schedule1
onearchitecture.nl…as well as our many conversations, helped One navigate the question of how to bring architecture “as an old science” to engage the complexities of contemporary society. Joost was a unique and explosive thinker, who will be greatly…old science, science complexityarchitecture, resilience, climate, urban, resilient1
kenvak.nlDutch universities of applied sciences join forces in research into experiential therapies for psychological complaints.apply science, science forcetherapy, publication, disorder, personality, intellectual1
marnixkok.nlHi! My name is Marnix Kok. I am a software developer, fascinated by extremes in Computer Science. I love the simplicity and elegance of optimised code in embedded environments, and adore the complexities in distributed systems.computer science, science simplicitymod, instance, library, package, microphone1
ls-edits.nlAfter my studies at the Hogeschool Delft (later INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences), I started working at a wholesaler in professional cleaning products. I had already done some translations for acquaintances in my spare time, but…apply science, science wholesaleredit, translator, editor, translation, professionally1
hetkimo.nlthe Academic Centers for Oral Health Sciences at ACTA (Amsterdam), UMCG (Groningen) and Radboudumc (Nijmegen).health science, science actaoral, het, healthcare, guideline, summary1
cosmoprof.nlRedken Fashion. Science. Inspiration. Redken is driven by passion, spirit and the magical energy of New York. Redken (or "Redken 5 h Avenue NYC") is an American its brand that is part... »fashion science, science inspirationhair, trade, logistics, revolutionary, iron1
tongoeman.nl1973- 2006 researcher at the Meertens Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; Variational linguistics ; guest researcher after retirement.arts science, science variationallinguistic, base, morphology, geography, talk1
ambrosia-hvhl.nlWe are the international study association of Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. We are an open and welcoming community for people from all over the world.apply science, science opencommittee, association, study, timeline, sign1
lostinspage.nlLost in Space is a science fiction television series based on a reimagining of the 1965 series of the same name.space science, science fictionlose, season, cast, penny, bare1
mscnn.nlThe MSCNN is a collaboration between the departments of Neurology and Biomedical Sciences of Cells & Systems of the UMCG, and the Neurology departments of the Martini Hospital, the Ommelander Hospital and Medical Center Leeuwarden.biomedical science, science cellpatient, researcher, multiple, phd, publication1
ncru.nlResearch & Innovation are key for generating knowledge and improvements in the field of health and nutrition. The Nutrition Clinical Research Unit (NCRU), located at the Utrecht Science Park, is where we investigate how nutrition works in…utrecht science, science parknutrition, clinical, nutrient, participant, paramount1
jouwliedje.nlNY Times News Today coverage of international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.technology science, science healthinvestment, connection, relationship, trading, firm1
barberkingputten.nlInternational news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and moresport science, science weathered, pill, channel, darknet, pack1
doylestolk.nlby the traineeship. I had to move on to the next step and get closer towards achieving my goal. So, this year I started the accelerated course Java Back-end Developer at LOI University of Applied Science, and I am really enjoying it so far.apply science, science fartimeline, career, identity, profile, skill1
elisaoostwal.nlI am a PhD student in Computing Science, part of the Intelligent Systems group at the Bernouilli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen. My project combines machine learning…faculty science, science engineering, computing science, science intelligent, computer scienceelisa, publication, talk, activation, inform1
werkenbijfullwoodjoz.nlMinimum of a bachelor's degree or equivalent level or education in a relevant field such as computer science, software engineeringcomputer science, science softwarestack, role, azure, farmer, interactive1
bogumila.nlI work as IT Consultant and web developer, when possible “open source hippie”. I have a combination of technical (Advanced Computer Science) and business (ICT in Business) education gained at Leiden University (NL), which allows me to…computer science, science businessartistic, tile, glass, painting, bead1
fmfsymposium.nl…in the broadest sense possible to include diverse speakers from Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and even Computer Science. This topic intrigued us because it beautifully showcases the elegance of the universe. From the laws of physics tocomputer science, science topicsymmetry, harmony, programme, venue, committee1
dickdezeeuw.nlProf. Dr. Hans Opschoor, member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences,lecture, competition, earth, climate, region1
shared-cities-smart-citizens.nlA public stack approach to governance in the Hollandse Luchten citizen science initiativecitizen science, science initiativecitizen, common, bold, stack, urban1
kristinakiseleva.nlOntology means “the science of being”. Our ontological coaching approach takes into account the entire being(s) we coach, facilitates deep transformation and raises levels of consciousness.ontology science, science ontologicalconscious, executive, inn, wisdom, relationship1
derijacademie.nlLet's be honest it is not rocket science. But it's not a piece of cake either. Please do study the material for getting the certificate. Without the certificate, you can't do the final exam on the road. We can provide you with help and…rocket science, science piecelesson, exam, obligation, driver, instruction1
ihp-hwrp.nlThe National IHP-HWRP Committee is a science-policy platform composed of Dutch scientists, policy-makers and practitioners. Since its establishment in 1964, it connects academic, operational, and research institutes and the three…committee science, science policycommittee, initiative, topic, groundwater, publication1
eur-leiderschapinluisteren.nlVictor is an economist with extensive experience in business and psychotherapy. He is fascinated by human interaction and has spent many years studying the science of listening. He discovered that Listening takes place on seven levels. He…year science, science listenlisten, leadership, participant, session, registration1
wiqd.nlUseful : We’re all busy, so let’s take the opportunity to discuss science when we meet.quantum, woman, committee, minority, academia1
drukmetmuziek.nlMember of the board of directors of PUG (Utrecht provincial society of arts and sciences)career, society, publication, feel, fascination1
fsd.nl…and sustainable land management. The partnership facilitates the creation of working groups and national networks worldwide. Members gather regularly at international conferences, sharing state-of-the-art science and best practices.art science, science goodecosystem, partnership, valuation, vacancy, conservation1
thehopeproject.nlAs a partner of Spark Your Future (a movement that consists of DSM, Polymer Science Park, Vrije Evangelisatie Zwolle and Institute of Leadership Ethics) we participated on Social Impact Day Zwolle last November. With Spark Your Future we…polymer science, science parkhope, indispensable, cooperation, transformation, leadership1
aria-lde.nlARIA (Advancing Research Intelligence Applications) is a collaborative project of TU Delft , Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) , Erasmus MC , and Leiden University’s Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) . Like other research…centre science, science technologyintelligence, recognition, collaborative, cwt, advisory1
sanoplus.nl…labelling, production and packaging. We are also respected for our expert knowledge on regulatory affairs, science, patenting, market entry and social media marketing. Thus, by combining these capabilities we can help our clients…affairs science, science patent, product science, science effectivejanuary, dietary, nutrition, functional, registration1
bauwhaus.nlSince 2008 Attie is a member of "The Producers and Engineer Wing" of the NARAS "National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences" . The Recording Academy, which began in 1957, is famous for its Grammy Awards. Attie became a voting member.arts science, science recordproducer, gather, priest, biography, famous1
activecapitalcompany.nlPrior to joining Active Capital Company, Boudewijn has worked for ABN AMRO for 10 years gaining experience in Asset & Liability Management, Debt Capital Markets and Financial Restructuring. Boudewijn holds bachelor’s degrees in Medical…natural science, science businessinvestment, capital, responsible, degree, german1
kayn.nl, video art - have seized upon these new methods, much earlier than in the field of music. The rudiments of computer science seems to be lacking in illumination, in that it does not, as was long erroneously assumed in musicologist circles…computer science, science illuminationadd, composition, electronic, official, composer1
dutchconnectomelab.nlVazquez-Rodriguez B1, Suarez LE, Markello RD, Shafiei G, Paquola C, Hagmann P, van den Heuvel MP, Bernhardt BC, Spreng RN, Misic B | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 30-09-2019lab, brain, connectivity, functional, paper1
divinesoulyoga.nlOur beloved master, Dr. Deepak Mittal has specially curated a holistic life-altering wellness solution. At Divine Soul Yoga, the ancient science of life and its secret treasures are revealed with soul-enriching meditation retreats in the…ancient science, science lifesoul, divine, meditation, membership, concentration1
thenaturenetwork.nlMaking positive impact for nature and people is central to The Nature Network foundation. We merge science and design aimed at developing new connections between humans and nature as an enabler for good. The Nature Network foundation…foundation science, science designreport, healthy, restoration, climate, environmental1
ngn.co.nl…insect farming and insect-based products, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient food system. Connecting the science to practice . Our team's passion and expertise drive our mission to revolutionize nutrition for a better future.system science, science practicenutrition, generation, innovative, click, actively1
hearttarget.nlWe combine clinical knowledge, nature & culture and technical science to improve human well-being. With this we contribute directly to achieving 4 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as signed by many companies and…technical science, science humanleadership, inspire, potential, merger, curve1
novaparscapital.nlWalter received his Master of Science in Business Economics from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.master science, science businesscapital, loan, investment, mortgage, transaction1
novafast.nlTogether with Fontys University of Applied Sciences, we have found a number of enthousiastic students who want to participate in the project.apply science, science numbermobility, actual, apply, amazing, visit1
dutchdatabusters.nlDutchdatabusters connects Master students and Industry in the field of Data Science and Data transformation. Under the guidance of experienced project supervisors in both Academia and Industry our students can tackle the most complicated…data science, science datatransformation, affordable, mining, migration, artificial1
ikwilroeien.nlHi, my name is Marko. I come from Slovakia. I study computer science, and I am a member of Proteus-Eretes since my first year in Delft.computer science, science memberrow, competition, boat, rower, association1
gijsschumacher.nlI am an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. Click here for summaries of my research findings in these four fields:political science, science universityemotion, publication, personality, political, lab1
peterfennema.nlCum Laude Bachelor in Software Engineering and a Master of Science in Electronics.master science, science electronicsinging, swift, objective, musician, guitar1
forallmedia.nlThe Minister of Education, Culture and Science wrote in his vision paper about the future [...]culture science, science visionevaluation, broadcaster, programme, council, publication1
arievandermeijden.nlA few science news articles covering our 2013 PlosONE article on the relationships between morphology, performance and behavior.scorpion, tortoise, publication, force, spider1
arnovanderhoeven.nl…research , publications in (inter)national journals and books, education, and the organisation of conferences. I have master’s degrees in sociology and communication science, I obtained my PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2014.communication science, science phdder, urban, housing, widely, publication1
marcsijm.nlFascinating book. Topical science, the new humanity, consciousness and quantum physics. It grabbed me, because it is written as a personal story, is profound and yet also a nice read because of the practical approach and refreshing view…topical science, science newearth, instruction, participation, perspective, consciousness1
ciselab.nlThe CISELab is part of the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) . SERG is again part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS) within the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) .computer science, science eemcscomputational, intelligence, lab, publication, expensive1
sallywyatt.nlSally originally studied economics in Canada and the UK , and completed a PhD in science and technology studies in Maastricht. She has worked in the UK and the Netherlands (since 1999), and has held visiting teaching positions and…phd science, science technology, school scienceteach, academic, role, committee, originally1
joaoloupatty.nlI'm a visual storyteller with a passion for UX, animation and inclusive design. I love talking about AI, my Moluccan heritage, inclusivity, science and hiphopinclusivity science, science hiphopanimation, heritage, visual, ux, inclusivity1
imi-lab.nlThe IMI Lab was founded by the Creative Business faculty of the Inholland University of Applied Sciences. It is an urban living lab dedicated to innovation in the international music industry.apply science, science urbanlab, experimentation, think, ecosystem, publication1
tymianclay.nlI am a master in management student at Nyenrode Business University in Breukelen. In 2021, I completed my bachelor of mechanical engineering at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.clay, mechanical, apply, hague, competence1
leluxe-champagne.nlToday, champagne is synonymous with celebrations and special occasions around the world. It has achieved this status thanks to the continuous efforts and innovations of countless generations of winemakers, who have perfected the unique…art science, science champagneadd, bottle, accessorie, refinement, legacy1
kamer.nlproximity to important government institutions and international courts. Universities here often focus on political science, international law and diplomacy. Utrecht Utrecht, with its prestigious Utrecht University, is known for its…political science, science international, history science, science inspirerent, apartment, rental, property, subscription1
evelientonkens.nlBetween 2005 and 2014, she was professor of Active Citizenship at the University of Amsterdam . From 2002 to 2005, she was a Member of the Dutch Parliament for the Green Left. She holds a PhD in social sciences from Radboud University in…social science, science radboudcitizenship, scientific, publication, democracy, welfare1
lisannebraat.nlIf you have questions about my research or making science movies, do not hesitate to contact me!research science, science moviephd, postdoc, earth, publication, modeling1
parish.nl…season of spring and flowers that bloom throughout the year. During this season we see the unique combination of science and nature coming to fruition in the most spectacular display of colours in our gardens and parks. One day of war…combination science, science naturechurch, parish, catholic, hague, mass1
roybijster.nlI am dr. ir. Roy Bijster : engineer, (experimental) scientist, amateur photographer, home baker, science fiction reader, amateur musician, game master and tinkerer. This is my personal website.baker science, science fictionprofile, publication, licensing, reader, musician1
bigstatistics.nlAs part of the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science of the Amsterdam UMC, our section is involved in consultancy, research and teaching. More information about who we are, our work and how to reach us can be found in these pages.data science, science amsterdamstatistics, teach, omics, variable, clinical1
artofcode.nlI graduated in 2007 from the NHL University of Applied Sciences , specializing in Software Engineering. The graduation project was done at Khaeon Games, working on The Chronicles of Spellborn .apply science, science softwareprogrammer, programming, title, chronicle, engine1
discusstomorrow.nl…differences. We are like two ends of a ruler, exactly the same but also exactly opposite. Although we are both science freaks, as an Artificial Intelligence engineer, Tim is so much more technical than I am with the cameras and…opposite science, science freakwedding, photographer, videography, videographer, portrait1
cascar.nlOur desire is to contribute to medical science, so that treatment outcome will be improved for eachmedical science, science treatmentedge, cut, patient, artificial, explore1
rileybadenbroek.nl…religion, violence, sex, and death. None of these things made it into my economics textbook. Graeber rightfully denounces the laziness of economists unwilling to look beyond their own dogma and learn from the other social sciences.pirate, enlightenment, society, interesting, freedom1
wcwjouwweb.nlNY Times News Today coverage of international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.technology science, science healthkawaii, ed, playful, whimsical, pill1
climateinitiativenoordnederland.nlThe city of Groningen is the main urban centre of the Northern Netherlands, thanks to a variety of research institutions, such as the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, knowledge networks and a large…apply science, science knowledgeclimate, northern, initiative, ecosystem, weather1
demannenvanschuim.nlWe are extremely proud that we are working on the identity and positioning of Kesslerpark Rijswijk, the former Shell research site, on behalf of Kadans Science Partner. Kesslerpark is being redeveloped into a unique mixed-use area where…kadans science, science partnerhague, estate, municipality, spatial, unmanned1
squadra.nl…of a number of practices that focus on the exchange of knowledge and experience in specific domains like Digital Transformation, Master Data Management, Data Science & Machine Learning, Process Management, eCommerce and Matching & Search.data science, science machinetransformation, vacancy, creation, vendor, internal1
you-ai.nlfriendship, and let that be the first feature that binds us. As a band of former colleagues with a background in Strategy Consulting, Data Science and Start-up Innovation, we believe our friendly vibe contributes to more daring and…data science, science startartificial, intelligence, curious, visitor, algorithm1
researchned.nlOur research is commissioned by agencies such as the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and allied public bodies and foundations.culture science, science publicsurvey, secondary, scientific, satisfaction, vocational1
nshv.nl…have previously followed honors education at Radboud University. Our association has an interdisciplinary nature, which means that our members come from various disciplines, including psychology, economics, law, computer science, and more!association, committee, honour, vacancy, council1
insinto.nlWe help customer and service-oriented organizations gain insight by cleverly linking relevant data. We work daily at the intersection of data science, customer experience and employee experience. Using well-founded models and combining…data science, science customeremployee, satisfaction, behaviour, passenger, shift1
krose.nlI am emeritus professor at University of Amsterdam as well as Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) . My research focuses on AI, robotics, and applications in eHealth. Publications and students are listed in the respective pages…apply science, science hva, science retirementpublication, informatics, apply, retirement, robotic1
jaaproosart.nlSc ulpting extinct animal models is his passion. Jaap specializes in reconstructing prehistoric animals. His work is known for the combination of art and science. Therefore lots of drawings and research needs to be done. In addition…art science, science lotsculpture, painting, miscellaneous, animal, visitor1
marilyn-veen.nl…In 2000 en 2001 Marilyn had a booking at the Städtische Bühnen in Münster, where she performed in the musical Evita. In 2001, she passed the basic doctorate in General Cultural Science / Opera at the Open University in the Netherlands.cultural science, science operabiography, kid, interior, painting, usefull1
vlaggraduateschool.nl…to provide a coherent PhD programme for young researchers and to bring together the expertise in its multidisciplinary domain. VLAG forms a community of research within the Biobased, Biomolecular, Chemical, Food and Nutrition Sciences.phd, graduate, candidate, scientific, defense1
lizaboon.nlThe combination of science, technology, aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, marketability and manufacturing of products has had my interest ever since I was a child. After finishing high school I studied Industrial Design Engineering at…combination science, science technologyindustrial, prototyping, send, competition, graduation1
dordtspatriciershuis.nlTwo of Jacob’s brothers have given orders for the building of the famous ‘Trippenhuis’ in Amsterdam. That was then the largest residence in Amsterdam. Nowadays it is the home of the Academy of Science.century, premise, monumental, historic, harbour1
ydgroup.nlDo you want to learn Inner Science? or Science of Prayer? Then come and join me in the meditation courses, where all religions melt - Bharatinn science, science prayermeditation, awareness, additional, acupuncture, discount1
rietveldacademie.nlThe Gerrit Rietveld Academie is a small-scale, independent and internationally oriented university of applied sciences for Fine Arts and Design in Amsterdam (NL) where artistic expertise converges from a wide range of angles.apply science, science finegraduation, architectural, ceramic, graphic, jewellery1
vincentbruijn.nlAfter visiting Ken Perlin’s website at NYU , I noticed all his code snippets are written in Java. I hardly know Java… I have not had any formal education in computer science or programming: I learned programming in practice. I can read…computer science, science programmingprogramming, journal, docker, noise, visual1
leideninternationalcentre.nlAs the days grow longer and the weather turns warmer, Leiden Bio Science Park would like to invite you to join...bio science, science parkregion, appointment, study, registration, calendar1
lillysingh.nlWith a foundational education as a dietitian , behavioral therapist and (sports) massage therapist, I expanded my knowledge with trauma informed bodywork and energetic therapy. Nowadays, I combine the best of the Western science with the…western science, science easternsingh, therapy, holistic, treatment, muscle1
schuitemaker.nlIn 1982, Gert Schuitemaker¬†founded the Ortho Institute, a foundation which informs professionals and the public about nutrition and health, mainly in the Dutch language.¬†In 1993 he started the publishing company Ortho Communications &…communication science, science directormedicine, nutrition, disease, ter, orthomolecular1
barryvanniekerk.nlAs final project of Aviation Engineering Student of the University of Applied Sciences we got an assignment to set upapply science, science assignmentaviation, october, cat, july, helicopter1
noordzeemaritiem.nlDear Director of Legislation and Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Thank you for your letter of 25 June 2019 regarding the non-processing of my Wob (FOI) request MT-2018-049 and a new deadline to clarify my…culture science, science letter, science ecsoctober, war, july, germany, north1
ibis-spr.nlIBIS is very proud to inform you about our cooperation with (among others), the Amsterdam Medical Centre and the Dutch national blood bank Sanquin, that resulted in a paper published in Science. The paper details how a number of…paper science, science paperaffinity, publication, cov-2, introduction, array1
coinapplied.nlExtend automation capabilities of platform embedding AI for significance productivity and engagement. Transform vision into enterprise solution by generating valuable insights for growing and scaling businessusing our IOT, Data Science…data science, science blockchainrequest, regulatory, career, ecosystem, domain1
kevindewild.nlSo, who is Gregorius? Currently, I am a driven and committed second-year information sciences student enrolled at the University of Amsterdam. I have a passion for data analysis and finance and I’m eager to expand my knowledge regarding…information science, science studentremembrance, trough, currently, favourite, memory1
marcs.nlTinkering is often thought of a lot like doodling. Mindlessly playing around with things certainly can't help you learn, right? Research in the science of learning shows that hands-on building projects help young people conceptualize…research science, science learndescription, interest, pretty, automation, pinball1
okra.nlWe design landscapes that establish and improve a healthy, natural relationship with water. Whether they are applied on the coast, in the city or in rural areas, our solutions are nature-based, science-backed, sustainable and resilient…nature science, science sustainablelandscape, healthy, meaningful, resilient, architecture1
gerrombouts.nlCoordinator Postgraduate Programme International Teacher Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Belgiumapply science, science belgiumteacher, feel, responsibility, commitment, trust1
fdi.nlFDI is a unique valorisation platform active on the cutting edge of science and commerce. Our main objective is to stimulate innovation and employment in the innovative sector in the Netherlands. We focus on the core themes healthcare…edge science, science commercefdi, facility, vacancy, innovative, valorisation1
nova-astronomy.nlinstitutes of the universities of Amsterdam , Groningen , Leiden , and Nijmegen . Astronomy is considered to be top-science in The Netherlands. NOVA was selected as top-research school in 1998 following an open national competition, and isastronomy science, science netherlandsastronomy, instrumentation, astronomical, institute, documentation1
lawandglobalisation.nlThe project is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education as part of the multi-year Sectorplan Social Sciences research initative.social science, science researchlaw, transformative, lecture, joint, effort1
actucomp.nlActuComp is specialised in services and products on the edge of Life and Pensions, Actuarial Science and ICT. Combining these knowledge areas our consultants are well equipped to act as bridge-builders and communicators, and have a rich…actuarial science, science ictactuarial, fund, insurance, equipped, innovative1
tvdweerthof.nlJust a couple months ago I graduated college and got my degree. So now without waiting I started a bachlor in Business- IT and Management at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.leader, department, internship, improvement, responsibility1
anitahubner.nlreview on Twitter from David McDaid, Associate Professorial Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Sciencemental, illness, conference, youth, parliament1
phaedraresearch.nl…irreversible occlusion of lung vessels in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and found a drug able to reverse this ‘irreversible’ process. These promising findings were published today in Science Translational Medicine.today science, science translationalpulmonary, hypertension, irreversible, lung, arterial1
divorcelaw.nlThe law firm is based in Amsterdam and the Eindhoven Science Park – the Dutch “Silicon Valley” in The Netherlands.eindhoven science, science parkdivorce, law, agreement, lawyer, parenting1
fontysmade.nlGame Design and Technology is a specialisation track at Fontys University of Applied Science (ICT) in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. In two semesters students learn how to analyse, design and develop games.apply science, science ictdescription, fall, assignment, embed, regard1
fenixfoodfactory.nlThey have something for everyone: literature, stories, children's books, cookbooks, travel books, poetry, books about Rotterdam, Young Adult, fantasy and science fiction, thrillers, graphic novels, and a wide selection in English too…fantasy science, science fictionfactory, selection, flavor, entrepreneur, root1
digitalhealthlab.nlUniversity College Roosevelt is an international Honors college of Utrecht University. UCR-students can take various courses from the departments of Arts & Humanities, Science and Social Science. In addition, a pre-medical program is…humanity science, science social, social science, science additionlab, department, entirely, pressure, evident1
beatyourbody.nlNY Times News Today coverage of international news, politics, business, technology, science, health, arts, sports and more.technology science, science healthkawaii, relationship, adorable, playful, whimsical1
aestheticdentalcenter.nlAt Aesthetic Dental Center, we don't treat teeth, we treat people. We put the customer's health above our interests. We see dentistry as a high-tech branch of science that improves the quality of life.branch science, science qualitydental, aesthetic, tooth, smile, treatment1
cmcmaastricht.nlBen received his Master’s degree in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands in 1995. From 1995 to 1997 He worked as a scientist in both Australia and the Netherlands on skin-cancer research. In…health science, science university, science niehsacupuncture, medicine, description, philosophy, indication1
photography-tours-leiden.nlLeiden is a city with a rich cultural heritage, not only in science but also in the arts.heritage science, science artwalk, adventurous, highly, historical, tripod1
nlgenome.nl…the extensive Rainbow Project “Genome of the Netherlands” (GoNL) because it offers unique opportunities for science and for the development of new treatments and diagnostic techniques. A close-up look at the DNA of 750 Dutch…opportunity science, science developmentgenome, genetic, publication, browse, population1
leonvdw.nlI'm Leon , a Software developer from the Netherlands. I am currently studying IT at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht.apply science, science utrechtapply, currently, typescript, tailwind, react1
spohrinnovations.nlPieter has a Master of Science degree in Mathematics of the TU University of Delft, and a degree in Civil Engineering and Hydraulics at the Hogeschool of Utrecht. Pieter was an Army Officer in the Royal Netherlands Army from 1967 for two…master science, science degreebroadband, mobility, scale, government1
stc-international.nl…of STC Group, provides and transfers first class maritime and logistics knowledge to people, institutions and companies on a worldwide scale , increasing their level of education through courses, training, consultancy and applied sciences.port, south, facility, africa, indonesia1
carimmaastricht.nlThe Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM) is one of the eight research institutes of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) of Maastricht University and is embedded within the Maastricht University Medical…life science, science fhmlprogramme, report, vacancy, annual, grant1
educatieveagendalimburg.nl…Reference was made to the international PISA study (OECD), where 15-year-old students are tested on their math, science and language skills every three years. The school boards felt a need for a more structural measurement of these…math science, science languageeducational, oml, initiative, secondary, programme1
egm.nlAfter earlier primary schools, this is the first design for academic-level education. The project for the Faculty of Applied Education and Computer Science at the University of Twente includes classrooms and practice rooms, a video studio…computer science, science universityinterior, hospital, career, healthcare, building1
laravel-freelancer.nlMartial Arts principles are combined with behavioral science to help people improve themselves and increase their capability to deal with conflict.behavioral science, science peoplemean, ux, effective, principle, query1
dirkjanmeijer.nlLike many other Computer Science undergraduate students I wrote1 a program that renders images of the Mandelbrot set. Although my implementation is quite simple (a resume with most important details is listed below) it is a good working…computer science, science undergraduatearchive, hall, august, door, player1
jespervoorendt.nlIn my undergraduate program I went on exchange to Tokyo Institute of technology. A semester I was in a computer science department which focused on data analytics. It was great to deepen my IT knowledge and to explore the Japanese…computer science, science departmentcompetency, programming, think, jira, confluence1
fleurzeldenrust.nlI am honoured to join the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciencescomputational, brain, neuroscience, department, physics1
foundsound.nlAdaptive Planning in deltas and river basins is one of the science based methodes that is further developed and applied within Deltares. …basin science, science methodefound, explore, ultimate, lunar, bear1
prostitutiegoedgeregeld.nlThis website was developed on the initiative of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, in cooperation with the Ministries of Education, Culture and Science and Health, Welfare and Sport. The Sex work team of Soa Aids Nederland…culture science, science healthobligation, tax, profession, permit, taxis1
slijkhuis-ll.nlIn 2006 I changed my career from being an academic researcher and lecturer in the field of Arts and Social Sciences, to starting my own learning and development company. Back then my intention was and still is to enhance the learning…social science, science learnleadership, discover, partnership, session, calendar1
chromedia.nl…disinfection by-products are cause for concern, why HPLC 2024 is focusing on the societal impact of separation science, SFC, and nanoplastic detection. In Profession, Isabelle Kohler explains why she launched NextMinds – a mentoring…separation science, science sfcadvanced, chromatography, analytical, animation, technique1
mauritssilvis.nlHi there! My name is Maurits Silvis. As a software engineer with a background in computational science and physics, I love solving complex challenges using code.computational science, science physicscomputational, phd, mechanical, scientist, overview1
dise-lab.nlWe are interested in (re) designing such decentralized eco-systems, and the corresponding information technology . We explicitly take a Design Science perspective, meaning that we build consortia, develop multi-parties business models, e…design science, science perspectivelab, researcher, publication, society, decentralized1
swaptor.nlLuckily for me, both he and dr. ir. U. Kaymak found my work quite interesting and even a positive contribution to science and awarded my thesis with a grade of 8 out of 10.contribution science, science thesisthesis, documentation, changelog, webpage, strike1
vanrijn-lab.nlProgram leader : “Nanobiotechnology and Advanced Therapeutic Materials” within the W.J. Kolff Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Materials Sciencecell, surface, biomedical, publication, collaboration1
esvnijmegen.nl…university. Another important task is that he represents the ESV in the Collaborating Associations of Management Sciences. As treasurer, Sam Mekkes will ensure that the ESV stays out of a financial crisis this year. The tasks of activitymanagement science, science treasurereconomic, association, committee, career, vacancy1
tempcontrol.nlWe look back to a succesfull tradefair participation during the World of Technology and Science in the Jaarbeurs. This tradefair is by tradition focussed on technical novelties and there is a large...technology science, science jaarbeurstemperature, calibration, precision, reference, transmitter1
neurohistory.nl…subjects in which research resulted in a number of papers (see PubMed ). I retired from clinical practice in December 2019 and remain affiliated with the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlandslife science, science maastrichtlecture, ancient, neurology, interest, past1
22ai.nlData is the fuel that powers intelligent decision-making, and our data science and analytics services helping you harness its full potential. From data mining and statistical modeling to predictive analytics anddatum science, science analyticcreation, creativity, evolution, seamless, integration1
psychologiepraktijkoutside-in.nlI also worked as a lecturer in child psychology at HAN, University of Applied Sciences in Nijmegen.apply science, science nijmegentherapy, outside, psychology, therapist1
engineeringmechanics.nlNumerical Analysis (Prof. dr. ir. C. Vuik), Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Sciencemechanic, faculty, graduate, mechanical, grant1
pershengwarzandegan.nlExhibition of the new painting collection called "Persheng's Garden" presented during the program "Qua Art Qua Science" in the Faculty Club of the University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands)qua science, science facultyexhibition, ceramic, newspaper, sculpture, publication1
datacurators.nlto reshape medicine, agriculture, and other industries. We are committed to help our customers by providing them with a solution that includes both the most advanced science and the necessary industrial robustness and regulatory compliance.advanced science, science necessarytide, scientific, innovative, genome, academic1
sa-atlantis.nl​S.A. Atlantis is the study association of the bachelor’s programme Technology and Liberal Arts and Sciences (ATLAS) offered by University College Twente . Atlantis is the youngest study association of the University of Twente, as it was…arts science, science atlasassociation, study, advisory, honour, committee1
gripwerkt.nlFill in your email adress and stay informed of the latest news from GRIP and science.engagement, vitality, actual, mental, employability1
directtax.nl“It should also be recalled at this point that transfer pricing is not an exact science but does require the exercise of judgment on the part of both the tax administration and taxpayer.”exact science, science exercisetax, pricing, transfer, taxis, actively1
batterynl.nlIn Science RUG Podcast. Our guest today is Moniek Tromp. She’s a Professor of Materials Chemistry at the Faculty ...battery, generation, understand, phd, package1
mariannevanbochove.nlMy name is Marianne van Bochove and I am a Senior Researcher at the Centre of Expertise Governance of Urban Transitions (GUTs) at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). I also work as a Senior Researcher at EMMA - Experts in…apply science, science thuasphd, sociology, urban, society, citizen1
electroworldevenhuisenamerika.nlSlot cars provide a perfect teaching tool for physical science. Get kids to explain how vehicles accelerate, decelerate, and defy gravitational forces as they fly at the top of a high-banked curve. How come one car faster when compared…physical science, science kid, car science, science fairhair, actually, thread, glass, protection1
incr-edible.nlWe create sustainable plant-based ingredients that solve functional, nutritional, and economic industry challenges. Using science-backed solutions, we develop food ingredients that create value for a wide range of food, nutraceuticals…challenge science, science solutionedible, rice, nutrition, ingredient, waste1
amsterdamimmersivealliance.nlAmsterdam Immersive Alliance (AIA) is a collaboration between the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the Amsterdam University of the Arts. The purpose of this website is to document their courses, workshops, student projects…apply science, science amsterdamimmersive, lab, graduation, minor, simulation1
hittjohummelen.nlTraditional Chinese sciences, including acupuncture, are all based on an underlying theory, which has been handed down indirectly and in fragments. In my hopefully soon to be published book , I try to reconstruct and explain this…chinese science, science acupuncturetheory, introduction, quantum, western, eastern1
gis-studio.nlThe GIS-studio has developed courses that consist of individual self-tuition modules. These modules cover selected topics in GIS and Remote Sensing with applications in earth sciences, biology and forensic sciences.earth science, science biologyreservation, remote, institute, section, collector1
areyouthere.nlThrough art and science, If You Are Not There, Where Are You? breaks the silence that surrounds absence epilepsy in children and youngsters. Simultaneously, we aim to contribute to the wider discourse about the relationship between…art science, science silencemovie, absence, documentary, artwork, epilepsy1
girugten.nlGirugten is the Faculty Magazine of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.spatial science, science rijksuniversiteiteditorial, tomorrow, faculty, dense, growth1
notariaatohmann.nlDaniel Ohmann studied Dutch law and notarial law at Leiden University (both completed cum laude). In 2000 he studied for six months at Sciences Po in Paris. Daniel started his career in 2004 at the law firm Pels Rijcken & Droogleever…month science, science polaw, estate, notary, publication, fee1
fractiestimulus.nlStimulus is the oldest student party of the School Council of Tilburg University's School of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The board of the faculty consists of: TBAbehavioural science, science boardcouncil, faculty, collaboration, function, committee1
geokapti.nl…uses in industries such as finance, agriculture, logistics, security, disaster prevention and many others. However, transforming this raw data into decision-ready information requires expertise in mathematics, computing and science.satellite, coherence, urban, coverage, evolution1
gamespace.nl…funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). He is the co-author of Platforms and Cultural Production…social science, science humanityjournalism, institute, publication, associate, humanity1
gbdcalamari.nlThe 'Groninger Biologen Duikvereniging Calamari' is a fun and active association for all students from the University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Do you want to dive into the water, besides diving into your…apply science, science waterdive, membership, committee, gear, tactics1
threepillarsoflife.nlBack thousand of years already, the chinese have figured out that all things have their own paths and they have developed a science that can predict the future of all things in life, based on this phenomenon. This science's core consists…path science, science future, phenomenon science, science core, place sciencepillar, mental, physical, path, arrow1
zsuzsabakk.nlZB Consulting offers advice in research and statistical analysis to scientists and applied research organizations, companies using survey data or latent variable models . I also support organizations with roadmap planning for their data…data science, science needsurvey, latent, statistics, consulting, variable1
molepi.nlMolecular Epidemiology combines expertise in molecular epidemiology and computer science. This expertise is used for research, education and advice in order to contribute to the improvement of healthcare.computer science, science expertisepaper, molecular, epidemiology, epigenetic, department1
mlsonline.nlThere is no rocket science involved. We’ll store your stock safely and process the orders from your webshop, take care of proper packaging and transfer of your parcels to a reliable carrier such as Post NL, DHL or FEDEX.rocket science, science stocklogistic, logistics, fulfillment, reliable, stock1
internationalvet.nlIn a four-year pilot scheme, the ministers of Education, Culture and Science, and Economic Affairs would like to explore the possibilities for relaxing the admission policy for level 4 studies in Vocational Education and Training (VET…culture science, science economicparticipant, institution, conduct, scheme, october1
garyschwartzarthistorian.nlGary Schwartz was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1940 and educated at Jewish day schools in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. In 1956 he matriculated on an early admissions program at Washington Square College of Arts and Sciences, New York…arts science, science newstudy, historian, painting, flemish, north1
marionmasseur.nlBack in The Netherlands, she studied English, literature and library and documentation sciences. During many years she took painting lessons by various artists. The work as shop owner and designer of children’s clothing left her little…documentation science, science yearpainting, landscape, portrait, sketch, lesson1
franstilstra.nlFrans Tilstra has worked for clients such as the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Deloitte, KPMG, Heineken, The RELX Group, Utrecht University and MVO Nederland.culture science, science deloitteaudience, researcher, affairs, foreign, ministry1
parsus.nlThe parsimony principle is basic to all science and tells us to choose the simplest scientific explanation that fits the evidence: the simplest of two competing theories is to be preferred.basic science, science simpleconsulting, ambition, gap, department, period1
arnoudboot.nlArnoud Boot is professor of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets at the University of Amsterdam and fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He is research fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research…arts science, science knawpaper, biography, journal, publication, economic1
soul-alchemy.nlAlchemy was a science and a speculative philosophy practised in medieval times. Its aims were to transmute base elements into gold and to find cures for persistent ailments. Alchemists wanted to also discover a way to indefinitely prolong…alchemy science, science speculativealchemy, soul, spiritual, aim, base1
joostvhts.nlHi! I'm Joost, a 24-year old student in and from The Netherlands, studying Biomedical Sciences (currently final year Master's student). I often think things about things, and with this page I hope to force myself to phrase my thoughts…biomedical science, science currentlyaugust, boyfriend, shortly, section, instead1
bttsd.nlRomania’s computer science faculties deliver the best and brightest developers every year. All our developers have graduated one of these faculties and have a thorough theoretical background in their discipline. Communication is no…computer science, science facultyromania, philosophy, frequently, career, pragmatic1
conneccations.nl…and topics, and writing your ever-successful speech; also in English, German and French. I also create Inclusive Science Communications and I develop and design and I can manage all your content for (social) media. I do research, and…inclusive science, science communicationevents, conference, fund, united, nation1
vye.nlOur Quant Experts for projects in data science & analytics, quantitative finance and business consulting.data science, science analyticsconsulting, quantitative, far, ambition, vacancy1
kiwisinthenetherlands.nlOne of the founding members of KIN, Mark is the CEO of Innoseis, a deep science scale-up in Amsterdam.deep science, science scalezealand, australia, regular, chairperson, advisor1
thelongevityfactory.nlFactory = We create and design innovations to provide better services and products with and for your longer living customers. Our inspiration comes from our Longevity Explorers and science in the fields of gerontology, biology, technology…explorers science, science fieldfactory, longevity, chief, officer, gerontology1
skepsis.nlThe so-called Mars effect, found by French psychologist Michel Gauquelin has haunted science for forty years now, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It may have been an illusion after all.gauquelin science, science yearcult, august, abuse, religious, skeptical1
uparkhotel.nlAt U Parkhotel you will encounter corporate guests from the science and business communities. Professionals, who come to learn with, and from each other. We offer flexible workspaces that can accommodate between 2 and 250 people.guest science, science businessvenue, eat, sleep, package, explore1
nimolab.nlThe NIMO lab is part of the Department of Human Biology, NUTRIM School for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, at the Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences of Maastricht University, The Netherlands.life science, science maastrichtlab, biology, publication, obesity, metabolism1
aayu.nlWe will embark on a journey where modern science meets ancient wisdom guided by our fellows Mindfulness, Self Compassion, Yoga, and Ayurveda.modern science, science ancientwellbeing, holistic, session, discover, fellow1
delbellowebdesign.nlHi! I am Max, a webdsigner from Amsterdam and the founder of Del Bello Webdesign. Currently I am studying Information Sciences at the Utrecht University and on the side I design simple websites for basically anyone who needs a website…information science, science utrechtscss, quickly, founder, proper, currently1
hjkuijf.nlScience communication is a key aspect of my work. I have been invited to speak at well-respected international conferences, provided educational sessions for professional interest groups and students, and explained my work to the general…publication, intelligence, analysis, artificial, educator1
pepijnverburg.nlIt all starts with my identity. I'm someone who connects the dots. I like to be challenged and I'm eager to find elegant solutions for every problem by integrating skills and knowledge from the fields of industrial design, computer…computer science, science electricalidentity, embodiment, industrial, growth, interaction1
globalhealthfilmfestival.nl…that freshwater resources are at risk of becoming toxic worldwide. The Erie Situation explores the confluence of science, public sentiment, politics, and the powerful farming lobby as Ohio wrestles with how to confront the drivers of…confluence science, science publicarchive, min, interest, documentary, mouth1
anikakok.nlIn 2019 I graduated from Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven as an ICT & Media designer. During this bachelor’s program, I learned everything related to digital media. Think of concepting, strategy, programming and user…apply science, science eindhovenresearcher, minor, industrial, italy, renewal1
leefstijlcoachzoeken.nlRight at the heart of the city’s science, business and media hub on the grounds and very close to airport, the modern 5-star city Crimson Sierra Resort hotel awaits your arrival.city science, science businesspackage, accommodation, grid, table, advantage1
smk.nl…and tests sustainability requirements and standards. We do this together with an extensive network of governments, producers, industry organizations, civil society organizations, retailers, consulting firms, science, and chain parties.firm science, science chaincertificate, certification, influence, decision, structure1
birchwoodgin.nlWe combine that with science and romance, artisanal production. The flavors that nature has to offer. We went to Amsterdam and made our tinctures, started tasting and Birchwood Gin was born.ingredient, buy, pine, north, needle1
phenomix.nl…lab together with various companies from the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. It is located at the Leiden Bio Science Park and is set up with an EFRO ( Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling) subsidy . InnovationQuarter and…bio science, science parkmetabolomics, healthcare, scientist, metabolic, lab1
tenenergy.nl…nuclear reactor safety and specialised in absolute safe nuclear reactors, aluminum industry, his mechanical engineering degree from the Technical University of Delft and his academic position at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.agriculture, supply, society, planet, chain1
kitlv.nl…community across the world, as well as with (inter)national governmental organizations, NGOs, the media, and the interested general public. KITLV is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Read more.arts science, science knawresearcher, caribbean, climate, vacancy, institute1
lomi-lomi-massage-zutphen.nlI unite two worlds in me. I started my career in the world of intellect and science. My analytical thinking has shaped me. The questions I had about the core of being human brought me more to my feeling and intuition, in which things seem…intellect science, science analyticaltreatment, head, toe, completely, wonderful1
parkereninijoever.nl…while experiencing the lively atmosphere of central Amsterdam. Whether you have planned a day out to the NEMO Science Museum, the Maritime Museum or an evening out at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, our garage is the ideal start to your…nemo science, science museumparking, walk, practical, maritime, evening1
bjornweb.nlI am Björn Ruytenberg, MSc student in Computer Science and Engineering at TU/e and RU . Being a technology enthusiast, I hold a BSc in Electrical Engineering as well as Computer Science (cum laude). Currently, I am writing my MSc thesis…computer science, science engineering, science cumvulnerability, sandbox, disclosure, credentials, attack1
hollandintegritygroup.nl"Nothing matters but the facts. Without them, the science of (criminal) investigation is nothing more than a guessing game"fact science, science criminalintegrity, investigation, recovery, asset, highly1
spekhorti.nl…and love to work at the edge of theory and practice. Two years after graduating at HAS university of applied science, I started growing flowers myself. Later on I worked for several projects both in the Netherlands as well as abroad.apply science, science flowerquotation, farm, season, pioneer, entrepreneur1
mikehov.nlWell, hello there. I'm Mike Hovenier (24), from the Netherlands. In July 2022 I graduated at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam - Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) - Faculty Digital Media and Creative Industry in…apply science, science amsterdamproud, faculty, july, mouth, distance1
chielversteeg.nlThe Master New Media & Digitale Culture studies new mediatechnologies in their social, cultural and political context, using a multidisciplinary approach. Methods and perspectives from mediastudies, communications, marketing, sociology…political science, science lawcampaign, channel, sight, mean, responsible1
stadsgidsgroningen.nlGroningen is the student city of the Netherlands. Over 50,000 students from the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences give the city its youthful vibe. The Groningen nightlife is known throughout the…apply science, science cityguide, dinner, walk, fluent, passionate1
crunchcore.nlWith my extensive knowledge in sports science and training methodologies, I will create a customized athlete training program tailored specifically to your sport, position, and individual goals. We will focus on developing key athletic…sport science, science trainingguidance, diet, overall, mental, dedicated1
significanthelp.nlcompleted her Ph.D. research on ALL-IN meta-analysis at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica ( CWI ), the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof. dr. Peter Grünwald and…computer science, science netherlandssignificant, statistics, analysis, statistical, institution1
smoothrelief-acupunctuur-amsterdam.nlMirjam van Huis (1969) starts her education with a Psychology (cognitive science) and Philosophy study at the University of Amsterdam. She attended Shenzhou University of Acupuncture and the Academy for Massage and Movement. Both Academic…cognitive science, science philosophyacupuncture, smooth, treatment, relief, square1
Currently, Koen is taking up assignments at the interface of science and policy, for example, review of scientific literature, policy analyses, and scenario studies. Koen has experience in (scientific) reporting, conducting interviews…interface science, science policypublication, analysis, biodiversity, spatial, informatics1
iqmconsulting.nlIQM Consulting offers a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of Transfusion Medicine and related Health Sciences. The emphasis is on the principles of Quality as a Culture.health science, science emphasisconsulting, season, greeting, transfusion, medicine1
nlnet.nlWe support organisations and people who contribute to an open internet for all. We fund projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data. After its historical…open science, science openfunding, fund, currently, contribution1
merelvandervalk.nlVWO N&T N&G For the last three years of high school, I followed the technical courses. My study program consisted of biology, science, mathematics B, physics, English, Dutch, French, religion, IBA2 (enhanced English), physical education…biology science, science mathematicsder, study, present, physical, mathematics1
silicone-polymers.nlPolymer Systems' library of silicone materials are looking for a problem to solve. Fresh eyes focusing on an old problem trending now prevalently in the emerging disruptive science of battery technology...disruptive science, science batterysilicone, healthcare, polymer, dispense, adhesive1
awiering.nlCarl Sagan in his 1997 book "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark“: "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer…world science, science candlesurname, north, province, genealogical, politics1
jjbosbv.nlHere at the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department of TU Delft, we have been very pleased with the services of J.J. […]material science, science engineeringparticle, fixture, moon, gauge1
krizzz.nl…me it has a rather distinct Ghibli ‘esque aura surrounding it. Partially due to the awkward mixture of fantasy and science fiction found in “The Final Experiment”. Which, also, explains why “The Human Equation” is the story fit to be…fantasy science, science fictioneclipse, ago, friday, sun, obviously1
veravanderburg.nlThis project is an alternative, contemporary science-fiction novel in which an interaction process between a designer and a Machine Learning Algorithm is described in the form of a diary book. These diary passages are alternated with more…contemporary science, science fictionalgorithm, objective, recognition, incredible, cargo1
npuls.nlThe National Growth Fund programme by and for all public vocational education training schools, universities of applied sciences, and research universities in the Netherlands. Collaborating to improve the quality of education, increase…university science, science researcheducational, infrastructure, resource, base, organise1
humanup.nlThe HumanUP method is based on years of scientific research and has its foundation in bio-mechanics, statics, kinetics and physics sciences. Enriched with paramedical knowledge such as acupressure, trigger point therapy, deep tissue…physics science, science paramedicalneck, headache, pain, complaint, symptom1
deolijfgaarden.nlWe go beyond organic. The Olive Yards as a platform was established in 2020, thanks to research and foresight of Greek science and the will of Mediterranean olive producers with the aim to set a new, enhancing norm of olive oil making.greek science, science mediterraneanolive, oil, yard, circular, virgin1
hermanpeeren.nl…a a way way to to better better understand understand the the world world around around us. us. Computer Computer Science Science is is Philosophy. Philosophy. Languages Languages carry carry our our thoughts, thoughts, and and that thatcomputer science, science philosophycut, shave, resource, entity, mistake1
gears-robotics.nl…of study, including Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Law, International Business and more. We also come from many different national backgrounds, and we have all come…computer science, science lawgear, department, react, create, competition1
shaktimats.nlFrom ancient art to modern science, here are four ways to explain how The Shakti Mat works on the mind and body.modern science, science wayacupressure, relaxation, discomfort, benefit, relief1
hortivation.nlKnowledge institutes are working together with the private sector to foster a better climate of applied science in which research data is shared more freely. This helps to reinforce the leading position of the Netherlands’ greenhouse…climate science, science researchgreenhouse, position, cultivation, quickly, actively1
acanthus.nlWe carry a stock of rare & antiquarian books and prints, including subjects like travelling, natural history, science, photography, avantgarde, illustrated books, fine bindings, optical toys, popular prints & broadsides, ephemera, objects…history science, science photographycuriosity, antiquarian, appointment, cabinet, bookseller1
ghostbird.nlI am Gijsbert ter Horst, a thirty-something year old from the region of Twente in the Netherlands. I'm both a geek and a nerd and have an interest in too many things to pursue them all, mostly related to computer science with a focus on…computer science, science focusinterest, thirty, ter, geek, region1
apexdyna.nlThe Hague University of Applied Sciences focuses on the delta robot in 2 practicals in which an Apex Dynamics gearbox will be used.apply science, science deltadynamic, gearbox, rack, pinion, mechanical1
vankemenade-act.nlLast Friday I stopped working at the Master Integrated Care Design, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Part of the day was a farewell lecture , that Rolien de Jong and I gave and where she talked about the practice of innovation…apply science, science utrechtemergent, integrate, methodology, publication, citation1
fantasticfailures.nlBas has a background in international business development and multimedia publishing. He worked 7 years as a business to business publisher at Kluwer and SDU publishers. He has a master degree in social science and a bachelor degree in…social science, science bachelorfailure, fantastic, mistake, purpose, summary1
stichtingsmart.nlSmart Foundation (Stichting Smart) is an overarching foundation for various events, festivals, and conferences with the common theme of art & science.conference, common1
bsscongress.nlThe BSS Congress is a collaborative effort among students within the faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Our objective is to provide fellow students with insights into future job opportunities while organizing engaging lectures and…social science, science objectivecongress, connection, programme, host, networking1
markscheepens.nlI studied business, computer science and design and I’ve worked with all kinds of clients across many industries, like hospitality, mobility, retail and pharma.computer science, science designconsulting, ux, maturity, actionable, contributor1
eikenlust.nlProf. Sloet is professor of equine internal medicine at Utrecht University in the Department of Equine Sciences. Her main interests are equine exercise physiology, equine dermatology, forensic medicine and equine emerging diseases.equine science, science mainmedicine, disease, internal, forensic, horse1
jm-software.nlWe are a young company in Bodegraven founded by a master student Computer Science and Engineering. Learn more about JM Software.computer science, science engineeringassignment, subject1
steendam.nlOn this website you will find an extensive range of products that are to be included in furniture for laboratories, science classrooms, health care centres and industrial work areas.laboratory science, science classroomsink, worktop, laboratory, shower, ceramic1
michielkurstjens.nl…games worked under the hood, motivated me to learn how to program, and so I began my studies in the International Game Architecture & Design programme at the NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences in 2012, and I received my BSc in 2017.apply science, science bscfascination, curiosity, youthful, programme, architecture1
jeffluppes.nlComputer Science degrees are notorious for their attrition rate and a lot of people switch degrees. I've switched twice myself, going from CS to AI and then to Software Engineering. Due to the way the Dutch system is organized this almost…computer science, science degreeacademic, spark, scientist, common, bird1
leidenarchaeologyblog.nlDuring the months of July and August, students from Leiden University, Rostock University and Göttingen University research shipwrecks in the Greifswald Bay and a prehistoric site at the Tollense river in Germany.archaeological sciencearchaeology, contributor, archaeological, october, society0
dutchgenomics.nl…for academic and industrial research & development projects. With our team of expert molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, statisticians, and informaticians we offer tailor-made services & support in the field of gene-expression…life science, science universitymad, genomic, bioinformatics, department, fully0
narekatsi.nl© Stichting St. Grigor Narekatsi Amsterdamarmenian, sunday0
nouvital-cosmetics.nlSpecials… Cleansers… Tonics… Peelings / Lysings… Masks… Fleece Masks… Peel-Off…science beautymask, wishlist, cleansing, concentrate, hyaluronic0
eveliennijeboer.nlFontrodona Art Space june 7 - july 4i 2014 - 'Cleaning the machine' (Wallpainting, photo's, paintings)painting, colour, background, commission, speciality0
trimsalon-zoeken.nlTrimsalons… Friesland… Registreer… Filters… Trimsalon "Karianne" Bennekom…ad science, science admantx, and science, science münchen, marketing sciencelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip0
abcmembers.nlbrain development Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Network Neuroscience Neurodevelopmental Disorders Neuroinformaticsbehavioral science, science clinicalfaculty, position, department, affiliation, psychology0
techcandy.nlWork & Career… Rethinking Performance Management… Why we put people first…career, industrial, money, answer, average0
mytales.nlOh, my dear friend, it would be my pleasure to share with you the story of my life thus far. I was […]science fictioneveryday, fiction, fairy, romance, talk0
debesteklusmaterialen.nlEllenmatic Soundproof Soundproof Autom. Autom. Valdorpel Valdorpel - - Geluidswerend Geluidswerend -1128mmad science, science admantx, heart science, science münchen, marketing sciencelaunch, storage, device, duration, ip0
1612.nlOur added value comes into its own where advice, procurement and project management must come together for the best possible result. In doing so, we keep an eye on the border areas between project and facility process.utrecht science, science parkanswer, installation, optimization, sustainably, reliability0
corrosion.nlWind farms in the sea protected by traditional aluminum sacrificial anodes release 1.5 million kilos of aluminum into the surrounding seawater over a period of 25 years. CORROSION’S sustainable ICCP technology releases a drastically…apply scienceiccp, corrosion, sacrificial, maritime, maintenance0
truephantom.nlCompare identical sound sources, made by a machine, a "pianola". First with standard phantom and than with TruePhantom. Standard phantom compresses the sound because of a lack of linearity at higher volumes.measurement, theory, microphone, impedance, distortion0
laapsaap.nlBlog Phoenix Files Laravel Bytes Ruby Dispatch Django Beats JavaScript Journal Documentation Community Status Pricing Sign In Get Starteddatabase science, science projectjournal, pricing, documentation, framework, dispatch0
maeikepiebenga.nl…it becomes bigger and bigger until it consumes our life. This can result in feelings of depression, insecurity, chronic failure, burnout and eventually physical imbalance. Thus influencing your functioning in everyday life and the…guidance, feeling, chronic, cause, therapy0
derksenderks.nlRecruitment & Selection, Secondment & Interim, Talent Development, Executive Education, and HR Research.life science, science vacancy, science salary, science healthcarehealthcare, vacancy, executive, selection, secondment0
nielsvanvelde.nlWith Cannyon free WordPress theme you can easily combine components in a variety ways for different design projects. It's easy!apply scienceaffairs, paper, layout, executive, hunger0
essence.nl…legal in the Netherlands: that way, they can do this professionally and thoroughly, without worries. Essence is well-organized and full of dedicated, caring, experienced, and skilled people. I’m joining another Essence retreat this summer.essence, psilocybin, psychedelic, truffle, integration0
ferja.nlTransformational Presence is all about creating the best possible environment or culture that brings forth the greatest potential of an individual, team, or organization. Through the Transformational Presence approach, we at FERJA can…presence, connect, conscious, leadership, apply0
safemotherhood.nlSafeMotherHood | Working Party on International Safe Motherhood & Reproductive Healthmotherhood, reproductive, phd, contraceptive, ethiopia0
leidenhuisarts.nlCELLO, the cooperation of primary health care practitioners in Leiden and surroundings, founded in 2009, is an organisation in which general practitioners , nurses , dieticians, physiotherapists, practice nurses , translators and…patient, cooperation, surrounding, disease, lung0
voordefilm.nlVoorDeFilm is an independent film platform by Menno Kooistra that produces mashups, video essay’s, visuals and solid edit work.psycho sciencemovie, imagine, nightmare, july, january0
datastrategies.nlHome… Contact Us… Services… Our work… Privacy…data scienceintelligence0
globalchinainsights.nlDo You Know Qingdao? Green City in Eastern China with Amazing Culture, Landscape, Architecture and Beerchinese science, science fictionobservation, literature, aesthetic, editor, foreign0
kajgies.nl…2019. During the years studying at NHTV I have learned many technical skills and also how to work profesionally in a team. Here I also improved a lot on my C++ skills and worked a lot with Unreal Engine 4, Unity3D and Amazon Lumberyard.apply science, science nhtvengine, unity, unreal, particle, kid0
vendiconcepts.nlAnd you can see that in the quality of our end products. No fuss, a smart design and straight to the point. Both online and offline.behavioral sciencespecialize, superhero, graphic, behavioral, interesting0
zeehondencentrum.nlThe Sealcentre supports seals and their habitat – the UNESCO Wadden Sea World Heritage site. We will make every possible effort to prevent seals from getting into trouble. If, in spite of our efforts, a seal ends up in distress, it will…science instituteseal, hospital, repository, heritage, portion0
e2cb.nlBy 2050, the Dutch chemical industry wants to emit ninety percent less carbon dioxide than today. Electrochemistry - making molecules using electricity - can kill two birds with one stone: it not only reduces CO 2 emissions, but also…chemical, electrochemical, scale, electricity, conversion0
macmannes.nlSince the beginning of my career, I have been creating back-end applications. I still like the mix of developing front-end apps for mobile devices in Swift and Kotlin and back-end applications in Java.rocket scienceswift, kotlin, rocket, icon, excited0
ticketsplus.nlFor over 20 years, we have been connecting attractions with accommodations or businesses and create the perfect match. With our years of knowledge and experience, we create unforgettable memories for your guests, customers, or visitors.accommodation, vacancy, guest, tourism, apply0
arceon.nlARCEON – Engineering Materials for Extremes is enabling revolutionary industry advances through novel materials and structures with unique features, delivering customized and comprehensive solutions , enhancements, and innovations. ​overview, internship, extreme, career, novel0
brainanddevelopment.nlThe Leiden Brain and Development Lab, founded in 2005 by Eveline Crone, examines fundamental changes in brain function across the life span. Using longitudinal neuroimaging techniques, the lab examines developmental trajectories over time…science story, science valuebrain, scientific, publication, society, lab0
tuaca.nlI've highly recommended Tuaca for human patients and animal patients. Tuaca's techniques and results have grown ballistically! Tuaca is a wonderful person to work with.session, spiritual, soul, telephone, intuitive0
sonderware.nlis concatenation of Sonder and Software. Every software project is unique, strange, chaotic, and complex, just like any other project.apply science, science windesheimembed, resume, python, request, framework0
aaronvandenberg.nlI am Aaron van den Berg, a junior Software Engineer from the Netherlands. I have rich experience in designing, building and customizing web applications. Also I have a lot of experience in building advanced Out of the Box WordPress…apply science, science hbotypescript, sql, devops, github, chromium0
hx-agri.nlHorticultural project development in China, Agropark development, Financial support and connection to Chinese investors. Your european partner for business in China.agricultural science, science groupagriculture, horticultural, investor, connection, government0
theravinenederland.nlHome… Over TheraVine™… Waarom zijn druiven goed in cosmetica?… TheraVine™…treatment, facial, signature, specialise, dermal0
rolfingamsterdam.nlRolfing, or Structural Integration is a holistic body therapy. It helps to re-establish elasticity and lubrication to sticky and viscous fascia tissue and to develop a more upright and adaptable posture.rolfing science, science developmentsession, holistic, treatment, integration, posture0
arthureger.nlEm. Prof. dr. ir. Arthur O. Eger (1950) holds a PhD in Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology.director science, science center, association scienceindustrial, publication, department, writer, affiliation0
anoroozian.nl…under the umbrella of ICDS , a joint research initiative from the University of Amsterdam's Institute for Information Law (IVIR) and the university's School of Communication Research (ASCoR) that focuses on the way AI and…data science, science consultant, science programmingpolitical, researcher, economic, faculty, transparency0
simonevansaarloos.nlSimon(e) van Saarloos is a writer, artist and curator based between Berkeley, California and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They are the author of six books and have contributed to over more than thirty edited volumes, books, and journals.performance science, science manauthor, writer, journal, thirty, california0
speedconnect.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel placerat magna, eget scelerisque est. Ut tincidunt, sem vehicula sodales blandit, sem nisi pharetra dui, hendrerit pulvinar ante lectus eu lectus. Quisque sed enim…fact, landscape, sit, amet, dolor0
djoglobal.nlProCare XTEND 174 Cervical Collar 79-83201, 79-83922, 79-83203, 79-83205, 79-83207, 79-83208, 79-83221, 79-83232, 79-83233, 79-83235, 79-83237, 79-83238, 79-83942, 79-83224, 79-83225recovery sciencewalker, therapy, wrist, contacteer, vascular0
huiskans.nlfor example we list properties which are currently exclusive in agent's website.and science, science münchen, marketing science, science consultinglaunch, limited, advertising, llc, ltd0
microsure.nlMicrosure has the potential to create a microsurgical robot that will greatly improve the field of microsurgery. The fact that I can use my own instruments is an enormous advantage when it comes to this kind of fine surgery. MUSA-2 showed…surgeon, career, robotic, discover, surgery0
chinacircle.nl…of in-depth knowledge of China and a broad experience in journalism and intercultural management. She teaches at universities in both the Netherlands and China, on China in the 21st century, on intercultural communication and storytelling.circle, strategic, intercultural, presentation, rise0
tourismjobs.nlTourism Jobs transformed my career! The user-friendly interface and personalized job alerts made job hunting a breeze. I found my dream job in no time. Highly recommend!tourism, career, vacancy, eiusmod, sit0
gravito.nlThe gravitomagnetic field generated by a rotating sphere is usually calculated from the ideal dipole model. However, for a sphere with a homogeneous mass density, this model is not generally valid. Trying to obtain a more accurate value…nova science, science publishermagnetic, journal, charge, frequency, dipole0
kade05.nlIt's all about . . . telling the right story to be a little different a good ideatu science, science festivalmasonry, sit, nec, eleifend, qui0
mennomeeldijk.nlAbout… Contact… ’17 National Archives… ’16 Museum of English Rural Life… ’16…science museumarchive, rural, orchestra, geology, graduation0
bavariaaanbieding.nlData collected and processed: Probabilistic identifiers, Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data…ad science, science admantx, and science, science münchen, marketing sciencelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip0
sciencecafeenschede.nlCONTACT… 11 apr… Hoorcollege in 't Twents, doar is niks mis…0
jeffm.nlVestel Chain Reaction IFA 2018… Samskip… Nemo Science Museum… CREO Mark 1…nemo science, science museumgraphic, motion, reaction, chain0
paintingplants.nlSkip to content… Plants… Plants per colour… Blue… Baptisia australis…painting, paint, lesson, colour, yellow0
nicktasios.nlNICK TASIOS… Projects…data science, science gamescientific0
hanalyst.nl…courses. We regularly visit each other to help each other, exchange knowledge and reminisce. Because HANalyst is there for alumni, you decide what we do and how we do it. On this site you will find your former fellow students quickly.chemistry, association, facility, calendar, apply0
utoday.nl…UT researchers are conducting field tests with various warning systems on an e-bike, for the ‘Smart Connected Bikes’ project. A reporter cycled along as a volunteer guinea pig on behalf of U-Today, from the campus through Twekkelerveld.opinion, career, ut, advertising, phd0
filantropischestudies.nlGeven In Nederland… DONORS… Grantmaking Research… Giving Europe… Over het…faculty, leave, visit, postal, arrow0
mitchvdakker.nlRealizing concepts by designing, prototyping, and finalizing digital products through video, animation and (interactive) design.interactive, discover, animation, certificate, resume0
lumnos.nlScience Communication… Toxicology… Health… LEES MEER…science communicationtoxicology0
canna-elite.nlAll of our Delta 8 products are made with 100% natural, hemp derived THC. While there are many health benefits from hemp extracts, our primary focus on Canna Elite is to provide you with the best Delta 8 experience possible. At Canna…herbal science, science pharmaedible, butter, peanut, advanced, candy0
computerpraat.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturet adipisicing elit sed do eiuse smod tempor incididunt ut...lorem, sit, amet, dolor, elit0
sophievanderzee.nlNew job: Assistant Professor Behavioural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdamklokhuis science, science prizeoctober, der, honesty, january, publication0
pimvanlommel.nl…a permanent change. In Van Lommel’s opinion, the current views on the relationship between the brain and consciousness held by most physicians, philosophers and psychologists is too narrow for a proper understanding of the NDE…postmaterialist science, life science, science nearconsciousness, publication, lecture, biography, scientific0
abewiersma.nlAbout… Keeping me busy…busy, previously, independent, rower0
wfbekken.nlHome… Stand van zaken… Voorraad Beheer… De Brouwers van Tis…dodgy sciencebrew, ale, brewery, pale, brewdog0
ohmpraktijk.nlData collected and processed: Probabilistic identifiers, Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data…ad science, science admantx, and science, science münchen, marketing sciencelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip0
esn-groningen.nlESN Groningen is a student organisation that is part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). ESN Groningen works under the motto “Students helping students” and this is achieved by organising over 150 activities for students throughout the…esn, committee, discount, housing, apply0
hjalte.nlWriting a rule that will generate the dimensions for all bend lines in a sheet metal flat pattern drawing view is not easy. This is a rule that I wanted to write for a long time but did not manage to do till now. The problem is not…rule, dimension, bend, automatically, transaction0
edubridge.nlAfter-school learning center for Middle-year and Diploma students (IBMYP and IBDP curriculum)english science, science hinditeacher, lesson, regular, enrollment, reservation0
nomi.nlNomi Co-Packing is the co-packing partner in packaging your Fast Moving Consumer Goods. With more than 35 years of experience in packaging consumer goods, we provide tailor-made solutions to your packaging issues.pack, consumer, packaging, tailor, reference0
metzelf.nlEnvironmental toxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals have largely evaded the traditional Western medical establishmentreliable, medicine, psychiatric, association, join0
suryodayatest.nlIn this picture our president Els Henrichs is signing the co-operation agreement between Suryodaya Trust and Wild Geese. Suryodaya is providing for a gift to the school in Palamaner to buy new computers. Wild Geese will double the amount…palamaner science, science projectreply, trust, leave, secondary, boarding0
englishwritingpower.nlWest English Communications… Home… Writing coach… Technical editor…science researchamet, sit, adipiscing, nec, dolor0
your-link.nlThe search for a new employee is often long and time-consuming. Your Link arranges the entire process to carefully, efficiently and with integrity find the perfect sustainable match for you and the new employee.apply sciencevacancy, candidate, horticulture, employee, successfully0
tartletos.nlAre you enthusiastic about running, throwing of jumping? Join Tartlétos, the student athletics association of Wageningen! Whether you have doing athletics since you were little […] Read Morelife science, science runrun, competition, association, championship, athletic0
axihandel.nl…Camcorders / Video Camera's… Camera Kabels… Memory Camera's… Cleaning Doekjes +science titoy, craft, princess, gear, bright0
asset-tilburg.nlThe goal of Asset is to provide services and activities for its members to optimally support them in their student life at Tilburg University. Asset has about 900 active members who organize all these activities and services.asset, career, committee, discount, study0
werkenbijbelsimpel.nl…& Communication Partnerships, Customer Journey, Category Management, Marketing & Creation Development DevOps, Front-end, Back-end, App development. We build all our software ourselves. Commerce & Purchasing Hardware & Tech Enhancement…data science, science datapurchase, commerce, enhancement, creation, partnership0
ata-tech.nl…We manage all technical aspects and are the link between contractor, designer and end user. We advise, develop and install permanent audiovisual installations; user-friendly, reliable and future-oriented! We offer a suitable solution forinteractive science, science centre, konya science, science technologybelgium, audiovisual, lighting, installation, reliable0
koiforum.nlData collected and processed: Probabilistic identifiers, Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data…ad science, science admantx, and science, science münchen, marketing sciencelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip0
m-drawz.nlCustom and special, with love and effort. All designZ are created with special care.design science, science artbreak, collaboration, stuff, awesome, possibility0
separations.nl© Separations Analytical Instruments 2014 • sitemap • privacy & disclaimer • site by in2redbio scienceseparation, analytical, chemical, autosampler, promotion0
mklb.nlLorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type .computer sciencelorem, ipsum, dolor, sit, amet0
naturalhealthproducts.nlNeolife in The Netherlands is part of Neolife International. You can contact us for natural dietary supplements and environmentally friendly cleaning products. Neolife’s nutritional supplements can help with allergies, muscle pain…history sciencepowerful, litre, herbal, mineral, weight0
jbeck.nlAbout me… High School…computer science, science projeectal0
amolf.nlUsing the tools of physics and design principles, AMOLF researchers study complex matter, such as light at the nanoscale, living matter, designer matter and nanoscale solar cells. These insights open up opportunities to create new…amolf, matter, vacancy, nanophotonic, cell0
zirtui.nlEvery morning my girlfriend and I drink our green Zirtui drink. Just mix it with the mixer and that's it. I'm 53 but my biological age is now in the 40s. Zirtui keeps me young!science nutraceuticalregular, blend, healthy, tomorrow, skin0
parkwijck.nl…clients vary from global multinationals, public entities, midsize to smaller companies in The Netherlands . With more than two decades of recruitment experience under our belt, we know client needs and we know how to provide exactly that.life science, science healthcarecareer, candidate, vacancy, functional, request0
jellevanderbij.nlIn preparation for my sabbatical, I discovered a lack of comprehensive information about ferry routes. I wanted to book several ferry journeys in countries like New Zealand and Greece, but I struggled to find detailed route information…apply science, science utrechttimeline, investment, island, zealand, finally0
thierrylafeber.nlThierry Lafeber a Wordpress Developer, Web Developer and Web Designer who can make websites, webshops and anything website related with great SEO scores for great Google Search Results.internship, estate, programming, interested, primarily0
beunderonde.nlAs Support and Product Xperts, we help laboratories with their research and analysis.life scienceanalysis, laboratory, slide, chemical, beverage0
biodata.nl…in my research which are open for other researchers. Where possible links are included to resources used in my daily research. With this effort I hope to stimulate research on these datasets and improve the visibility of rich…open science, science openmovement, effort, resource, researcher, rich0
videoholland.nl…Cables Zacuto Canon C100, C300 & C500 Zacuto Canon C200 Accessoires Zacuto Panasonic Lumix GH5 Panasonic EVA1 Accessories Sony A7III, A7RIII, A9 Sony FS7 Accessories Sony FS5 Accessories DSLR & Mirrorless Accessories Zacuto Gripper…science image, converter scienceblackmagic, accessorie, swit, wireless, remote0
bedandbreakfasttwente.nlData collected and processed: Probabilistic identifiers, Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Browsing and interaction data…ad science, science admantx, and science, science münchen, marketing sciencelaunch, duration, storage, device, ip0
lnmb.nlOver the years, the administration of LNMB has transitioned between various universities. Initially administered by the University of Groningen from 1987 to 2001, it was then managed by the University of Maastricht from 2002 to 2006…computer science, science cwimathematics, operation, guide, announcement, conference0
stahamsterdam.nland whether you are a complete beginner or have been doing it for years, everyone is welcome. There is also the opportunity to take part in student competitions, as well as social events like monthly borrels, trips and other fun activities!turnzaal science, science parkgymnastics, association, studenten, competition, monthly0
nielsflach.nlYou have a bright idea, but not yet a clue which technology, approach and partners can bring it to life? Process management structurizes the "fuzzy" proces from a vision to a project plan. Process management is like an exciting travel…polymer, present, oxide, graphene, bulgaria0
placemakingamsterdam.nlRoeterseilandcampus… Wat is Placemaking?… Placemaking stageplekken… Info &…wat0
integri.nl…is also supported by a job coach affiliated with Integri, who spends one hour per week discussing his or her experience and development. In this way, we create an optimal deployment at and for the client. We have summarised our entiredata science, science ictsecondment, assignment, diversity, employee, vacancy0
elektrisch-ecosysteem.nl, anecdotal manner. It is an inspiring reality that calls for contemplation and dialogue about the vulnerability and natural balance of the ecosystem, in which everything appears to be interconnected and where even the quietest frequencies…electric, ecosystem, bacteria, animal, earth0
bincweb.nlBinc is how I work on the design and realization of websites. Binc is not the only enterprise doing this.science educationmusician, welfare, succesfully, realization, enterprise0
scienceworks.nlEvidence-informed Policymaking - Which hurdles do Dutch policymakers experience on the national level?scienceworks science, science society, incubator science, science parksociety, evidence, advisory, politics, hurdle0
verindi.nl. Ideally, I would like to continue to use research through design methods [1] to be able to continue combining user studies with prototyping. I prefer to make physical and tangible prototypes where I can use my material knowledge to work…identity, shape, final, study, wrist0
thomasmoerland.nlI am an Assistant Professor at the Reinforcement Learning Group , Leiden University, The Netherlands.reinforcement, publication, teach, naar, decision0
casparcommijs.nlhet, charity, campaign, fiction, der0
maastrichtuniversity.nl…Six good reasons to study in Maastricht Read more… PhD… Maastricht…data science, open scienceprogramme, phd, facility, study, staff0
vanopstalconsulting.nlValidation activities of computerised systems used to create a lot of paper to has to be stored for a long time. Recent tools can get rid of this paper trail and still meet the requirements for a validated system.life science, science industryconsulting, validation, automation, paperless, paper0
mazin.nla proven track record of managing complex functional projects in various environments. Able to manage stakeholder expectations and willing to take full responsibility for the delivering of project objectives to the highest quality, within…art science, science craftresponsibility, resume, writing, architecture, discover0
fraxco.nlThank you for your interest in my services as a freelance ERP project manager. I am specialized in guiding projects in the field of Enterprise Resource Planning of Microsoft Dynamics and I am always ready to solve your challenges. If you…bachelor science, science industrialdynamic, responsible, strategic, leadership, operation0
michaelpage.nlMichael Page is a highly recognised recruitment agency, specialised in finding professionals for permanent and interim positions. Search for a new job today!staff, banking, manufacture, healthcare, resource0
merakiretreats.nl…and so much more. The focus points towards common humanity, connection with the self and connection with others. Meraki Retreats invites you into your inner-world so that you can lead an optimized life aligned with the outer-world.science spiritrelationship, exploration, mother, psychology, positive0
michellevanvliet.nlFlamy Block high end manufacturing services are a perfect complement to today’s high quality products. The manufacture of high quality products requires a vast knowledge base of processes…dna science, science westpointblock, manufacturer, textile, founder, satisfy0
allyourbi.nlWe provide the tools, technology, and entire BI teams so you can look ahead and make winning decisions.data sciencesupply, chain, decision, ahead, entire0
woningverkooptips.nl…Data services get $250M boost | Tech giants seek Brazil’s alternative after the US blocks undersea cable: Report | Bitcoin climbs to highest since January as 2019 rally grows | Leaked images appear to show the new Smartphone’s camera and…lorem, ipsum, photographer, brown, decade0
datacompany.nlWe ensure better services and better quality at every product you might invest in and we shall help grow betterdata science, science onlinegrid, sidebar, analysis, layout, leave0
nicksmeets.nlSo, on this landingpage a litte about myself, with links to both my professional profile (LinkedIn) and a link to my hobby related website which contains mainly technical information about my hobby's; designing and restoring oldtimers and…master science, science managementmotorcycle, mainly, mechanical, interest, entrepreneurship0
nutriholland.nl…baby formula, consult your health professional for advice. If you decide to use baby formula, then the NutriHolland infant formula is a natural follow-up: modern formulated infant formula. Since NutriHolland is the closest to breastmilk…milk, formula, diaper, pregnancy, cow0
tvdvlugt.nl2024: PhD (magna cum laude) at Hamburg University, under the supervision of Jörg Brendle and Bendikt Löwe.mathematical science, science utrechtwrite, talk, teach, greeting, particular0
janpasschier.nl"My excitement is in scientific research that aims at the understanding and relieving of pain and distress using an inspiring theory." Jan Passchierpasschier science, science forpain, relief, publication, interest, position0
edoillustrator.nl…Maastricht Mestreech Art… 26 February 2023 booklover… 27 September 2022…art science, science fictionfebruary, august, january, antwerp, july0
pzimediadesign.nlGraduating students of the Piet Zwart Institute’s Lens-Based Media Master’s program , invite you to their graduation exhibition 54 BPM, held at two locations in Rotterdam and curated by V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, Garvan Corr, Aitan…graduation, base, institute, exhibition, apply0
gobar.nlGobar Consulting Group is an independent team of experts with over 25 years of expertise in information management. We work hand-in-hand with our clients and are significantly involved in the (inter)national development of Open BIM…data sciencegermany, competence, asset, consulting, transition0
tonsoons.nlAuthor of “Handboek voor de Congresontwikkelaar”, a conference development guidemaster science, science electricalconference, win, profile, presentation, happiness0
mvr-piping-design-engineering.nlASME B31 - Pressure Piping… ATEX… Calculations… Calculation centerdistance…engineering science, science processingpiping, calculation, valve, pipe, pressure0
koopstrading.nlLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.trading, sit, amet, dolor, ipsum0
walterdiele.nl…data analyse, text mining, NLP, digitale transformatie, discriminerende algoritmes, Bias, advanced analytics, data strategy, PE punten, natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, kunstmatige intelligentie, cursusdata science, science productenadvanced, artificial, intelligence, opinion, mining0
tegelimporteur.nl…look… Assen… Arkety… Marmerlook… wit marmer 60x60cm… wit marmer 90x90cm…luxury, limestone, brick, soul, port0
soestnu.nlSoest Nu… Beyoncé deelde haar natuurlijke haarverzorgingsroutine. Dit is…min, economy, chronicle, exclusive, break0
novellist.nlVoor een uitgebreidere lijst met 100 tips: zie ‘Over Novellist’.treasure, island, fault, dog, curious0
egbertadrichem.nlTRAVEL… BIG DATA…science fictioninterior, reflection, econometrics, fiction, geek0
friso.nlFollow-on milk for 10+ months. Contains DHA & Vitamin D, as required by law for all follow-on milk. Additionally, we add the nutritional fiber GOS and 2'-FL (HMO). Friso 3 can be used as a follow-on milk after Friso 2.milk, law, additionally, nutritional, fiber0
incatt.nl…Flavor & Fragrance, Bio-based industry, Pharmaceutical and bulk chemical industry. InCatT has built a proven track record for most of the common catalytic reactions ranging from hydrogenation, hydroformylation, cross-coupling chemistry tocatalyst, innovative, slider, catalysis, catalytic0
doublecheck-translations.nl…become superfluous. Practice has shown, however, that there is quite an art to translation. Translating an existing text is very different from writing a piece in your own words. A translation must always convey the exact meaning and tonetranslation, double, translator, competitive, rate0
remcohoeneveld.nl…as a full-stack developer, I've gained a deep understanding of the technical aspects of web development. I'm thrilled to be part of the iO Digital team, where I can collaborate with talented professionals to deliver exceptional…resume, shopify, commerce, nationwide, atom0
bertgeurkink.nl2010*2018 Artistic coordinator and senior lecturer at ‘the Jaargang’ / Kemna Training, a private school for acting, Amsterdampolitical science, science universitytheatre, adaption, berlin, actor, teacher0
romkevandermeulen.nlTypeScript property decorators are applied when a class is loaded, not when a new instance of the class is created. Here is a technique you can use to alter properties using decorators so that they still appear like unique, own properties…machine science, science faithtypescript, decorator, docker, property, philosophy0
oksijen.nlOKSIJEN – Art & Science & Technologyart science, science technologyuk0
drug-safety.nlOrderly, structured, accurate and methodical support in the implementation of improvements to Pharmacovigilance.pharmacovigilance science, science consultancycapa, write, detection, literature, handle0
seedsandleaves.nl…perspective applied to organisations and teams. This method and perspective are used in many counselling and training settings, but scientific evidence on this topic is scarce. I’m intrigued by it, I want to understand it and I aim…seed, leave, constellation, scientific, publication0
ozsw.nlThe Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW) and Free University Amsterdam invite PhD candidates in philosophy to register for the course Making Spaces for New Faces: Diversifying and Decolonizing the Philosophical Canon to take place…digital science, science tilburg, philosophy science, science researchphilosophy, phd, study, conference, annual0
kienbaum.nl…No one can do this the way we can. We are a unique combination of Executive Search, Assessment, NewPlacement, Board Advisory & Education, Interim Executives, and HR consulting. We scrutinize and improve skills, workflows, and…executive, officer, career, functional, diversity0
vilinstudios.nlTeaser video, inspired by the upcoming, Game of Thrones prequel, HBO tv series House of the Dragon.movie, war, channel, vfx, dragon0
steunleiden.nl…Fund for students from Ukraine… Raised €6,255 31% Reached Support the…graduation, emergency, ukraine, fund, nutrition0
vorsite.nlThe World Education Research Association (WERA) invites proposals to establish International Research Networks (IRNs).educational science, science icophd, educational, association, proposal, vacancy0